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Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

Prepared by: Joy – Anne S. Omoso

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
1. Identify words that describe people, places and things
2. Use adjectives in constructing sentences.
3. Tell why is it important to be brave and to help others.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Adjectives
References: Learners Material in English IV, pages 225 – 229
Teacher’s Guide in English IV, pages 218-219
Materials: Visual aids, pictures, objects
Teaching Strategy: Inductive Method
Values Integration: Being brave and Helpfulness

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

I. Preparation

A. Prayer

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.

Let us pray first. Chuck please lead the prayer. (Chuck leads the prayer)

Before you will take your seats, kindly pick up the

trashes under your chairs and arrange your chairs. (pupils pick up the trashes and arranging chairs)

B. Energizer

(the teacher will let her pupils do an action song) (the pupils are now doing an action song)

C. Checking of Attendance

Go back to your proper seats class because I will be

checking your attendance by lines. (pupils go back to their proper places)

Who are absent in line 1? none

How about in line 2? none
Line 3? none
Line 4? none

Very good! Everyone is present today.

D. Spelling Words

Before starting our lesson class, let us have first a short

spelling quiz. Everyone, please get 1 whole sheet of
paper. (everyone, quickly get one 1 whole)
(the teacher is now reading the spelling words)

1. Leaves (the pupils are now answering)

2. Pain
3. Weather
4. Contrast
5. Pictures
6. Information
7. Alphabet
8. Ingredients
9. Directions
10. Please

Okay, finished or unfinished, exchange your papers with

your seatmates, 1, 2. (the pupils are checking the papers in just 1 minute)
After checking, return it to the owners. (the pupils are returning the papers to the owners.

Are you done? Yes, ma’am!

Okay, pass your paper to your right, 1, 2,3. Pass it
forward, 1, 2, 3. (the pupils are passing the papers)

Alright! Are you ready now for our discussion, class?

E. Review

Before anything else, let us have first a short review on

what has been discussed last meeting.

Who can give me an idea of what was our discussion all (the students are raising their hands)
Yes Clifford? Last meeting teacher, we discussed about nouns.

Alright! Very good! Who can give the meaning of a

noun? Yes, Rau’uf? A noun teacher is a name of person, place, and things.
(the pupils are raising their hands)
Very good? Who can give me an example of a noun?

Yes, Mariel? John, teacher!

Very good, Mariel!

Another example? Yes, Elysa? House, teacher!

Very good, Elysa!

Any questions about noun? So far, none teacher!

Alright, I think you are ready now for our new topic!

F. Unlocking of Difficulties

I have here an electro board, I want you to find the

meaning of the words in Column A through the
synonyms that are found in Column B. All you have to
do is to connect the word from Column A to B which
you think is the answer using this alligator clip and if
your answers are correct, the bulb at the center will light
on, and if your answers are wrong then you cannot see
any lights on the bulb. Am I clear class? Yes, ma’am!

Column A Column B
1. Wrecked a. brave
2. Fearless b. impressed
3. Bold c. destroyed (the pupil is now answering)
4. awed d. nose
5. snout e. courageous

Okay, I want Iseah to answer #1.

Alright, very good! How about #2? Yes, Chuck? (Chuck is now answering)
Very good! How about #3? Yes. Clark? (Clark is now answering)
Very good! How about #4? Yes, Mikaela? (Mikaela is now answering)
Very god! How about #5? Yes, Manfred? (Manfred is now answering)

Alright, very good! Let’s give 5 claps to them. (the pupils are clapping their hands)

G. Motivation
The teacher will ask questions first to the pupils:
1. Do you have a pet dog? Yes, ma’am!
2. What is your dog’s name? (the pupils are raising their hands and raise their
3. What characteristics of your dog do you like (the pupils are raising their hands and raise their
best? answers)
4. How do you take care of your dog? (the pupils are raising their hands and raise their
Alright. Today, I will group you into 3 groups. Each
group will be given 1 envelope with jumbled pictures.
All you have to do is to form the jumbled pictures into a
whole one and describe what you have formed. Am I
understood? Yes, ma’am!
I will just give you 1 minute to do the activity and your
1 minute starts now! (the pupils are now performing the task)

(the teacher will ask questions about the pictures)

1. Group 1, what picture did you formed? The picture we formed is a dog
Very good!
2. How about the 2nd group, what picture did you The picture that we formed is a man riding in a
formed? motorcycle.
Very good!
3. How about the group 3, what did you formed? The picture that we formed is two little girls.
Very good! Give yourself a round of applause! (the pupils are clapping)

II. Presentation

1. Introduction

At this point class, I will be reading a short poem. And

I want you to guess the title of our poem. Yes, ma’am!

I have here a black box. What do you think is inside of

this box? (the pupils are raising their hands and raise their
Alright. Inside the black box are words that you need to
arrange in order for you to know the title of the poem.
Are you all excited? Yes, ma’am!

Okay who wants to try? Yes, Zurri? Zurri is now trying to arrange those jumbled words.
Is Zurri correct class? Yes, ma’am!

Alright! The title of our poem is “Kabang, a True Hero”. (the pupils are raising their hands and answering)
Are you familiar with the dog named ”Kabang”?
Who do you think is Kabang? (the pupils are raising their hands and answering)

2. Pre – Reading
 Giving of the Comprehension Quetions
Okay class, I have here some questions to be answered
after I will be reading the poem. So, don’t forget to take
down notes of the important ideas:

1. What is the poem all about?

2. Who is the main character of the story?
3. What happened to Kabang?
4. Why did Kabang helped the girls?
5. If you are Kabang, will you also help the girls
who are in danger? Why?
6. As a pupil, is it important to help others? To be
brave? Why?

3. During Reading

Alright, I will be reading now the poem, I want you to

listen very carefully and don’t forget to take down notes
because we will be answering the questions afterwards.
Am I understood? Yes, ma’am!
(the teacher will be reading the poem using a puppet)
Hello kids! Good Morning..! Hi! Good morning, too!
By the way, I am Fin, I am one of the friend of Kabang?
Do you know who Kabang is? No, Fin!

Alright. I have here a poem about him. I want you to

listen very carefully. Am I clear? Yes, Fin!

“Kabang, a True Hero”

Lilibeth A. Magtang

By the roadside, Kabang lay

Counting men, one… two… three…
Counting wheels, oh, too many
Catching sight of you and me.

“aw, aw” she barked to two little girls

Passing her by, both smiled sweetly
When out of nowhere came screeching
A speeding vehicle was approaching.

Fearless Kabang flew just as fast

Bumped the motorcycle in just a snap
Caught in the spokes, she lost her snout (the pupils are listening and taking down notes of the
And wrecked face that’s what she got. important details)

Badly hurt, Kabang hid for days

Leaving us awed, daunted, and impressed
A hero she is, standing in our midst
A true hero, so valiant, bold and brave.

(the teacher is already finished reading the poem)

IV. Discussion

1. Post – Reading
 Answering the Comprehension

1. What was the poem all about? Yes Kyla?

Alright, very good! The poem was all about “ Kabang, a True Hero”
2. Who is the main character of the poem? Yes, Jay
Sean? The main character of the story/poem is “Kabang”,
Very good, Jay Sean! teacher.
3. What happened to Kabang? Yes, Sam?
Very good, Sam! Kabang destroyed her face.
4. Why did Kabang helped the girls? Yes Louie?
Alright! Very good! Kabang helped the girls because their life is in danger.
5. If you are Kabang, will you also helped the girls
who are in danger? Why? Yes, Zurri?
Very good, Zurri! (Zurri is answering…)
6. As a pupil, is it important to help others? To be
brave? Why? Yes, Era? (Era is answering..)

Okay, let us look at the poem, what have you noticed?

Yes, Trisha? There is underlined words ma’am.
Okay, very good Trisha! Can you someone read the
sentences with the underlined words? (someone is reading the sentences)

1. Kabang is a true hero.

2. She barked to two little girls. (the whole class are now reading the sentences with
3. Fearless Kabang flew just as fast. the underlined words)
4. A true hero, so valiant, and brave.

Look at sentence # 1, what kind of a hero is Kabang?

Yes, Neithan? Kabang is a true hero teacher.
Very good! Thank you Neithan?
(the teacher is pasting the descriptive word)

How about the 2nd sentence, how many girls were saved
in the accident? Yes, Trisha? There were two girls saved.
Very good! Thank you, Trisha!
What kind of girls were they? Yes, Mariel? They were little, ma’am.
Very good! Thank you Mariel!

How about the 3rd sentence, what kind of dog is

Kabang? Yes, Clifford? Kabang is fearless, ma’am!
Very good! Thank you, Clifford!

In the 4th sentence, what characteristics does a true hero

have? A true hero must be valiant, bold, and brave.

Now class, look at the underlined words in the

sentences, what do you think are the functions of those
words in the sentences? Yes, Manjoe? Those words are descriptive words, ma’am!
Alright! What kind of words do they describe? Yes,
Mikaela? They describe a person, animal, ma’am!

Very good, Mikaela! Now, what do you call those

words that describe a person, animal, even things and
places? The words that describe a person, a place and a thing is
called an adjective, teacher.
Very good, Mikaela!

Now class, what do you mean by an adjective? Any

idea? Yes, Rau’uf? Adjective ma’am are words that describes a noun!

Alright! Very good! Who can give me an example of an (the pupils were raising their hands)
adjective? Any idea? Yes, Valerie? -beautiful, teacher!
Alright, another? Yes, Sarah? -intelligent, teacher!
Alright, another? Yes, Samantha? - small, teacher!

 Activity 1:

Okay, I have here pictures, all you have to do is to pick (the pupils were raising their hands, and gives answers
the descriptive word that best describes each pictures. )
You can choose your answers at the wall. Am I
understood? Yes, ma’am!
1. (cold, hot, smooth, happy, fast)

(hot, fast, colourful, slow, angry)

3. (thick, thin, long, sharp, hot)

4. (funny, good, angry, bad, hot)

Okay, I need volunteer to answer #1. Yes, Valerie? (Valerie is answering….)

How about #2? Yes, Jasper? (Jasper is answering..)
In #3? Yes, Rafeuelle? (Rafeuelle is answering…)
In #4? Yes, Brent? (Brent is answering…)

Alright! Very good class let us have another example.

 Activity 2:

Look around the classroom, I will describe some things,

all you have to do is to guess what thing it is and the
first 1 who can top first their arm chair will be the one to
answer and will be given credits if their answers are Yes, teacher!
correct. Am I clear?

1. It is hard, color green and a rectangular shape.

Answer: black/ chalk board
2. The color is white, it is 2 or 3 inches long, we
always use this one in writing at board.
Answer: chalk
3. It is hard, rectangular shape, and the color is (the pupils are tapping on their armchairs)
Answer: table
4. We always carry this one every day when we are
going to school, this is where we put our
important things needed in school.
Answer: bag

Did you understand class? Yes, ma’am!

Are you sure? Yes, ma’am!
Very good class! None, teacher!

H. Generalization
Okay, at his point, I want you to sing “Bahay Kubo”. I
have here a paper cabbage, inside of these cabbage are
some questions for you to be answered. While singing
the song, you will pass this cabbage to your seatmates
and when I say stop, the one who is holding this
cabbage will peel off a leaf of the cabbage and give
what is being ask. Am I clear, class? Yes, ma’am!

(questions inside the cabbage)

1. What is an adjective again class?

2. Give me another example of an adjective.
3. If you are Kabang, will you also help the girls
who are in danger? Why?
4. What characteristics should a true hero have?
5. As a pupil, is it important to help others? To be
brave? Why?

Any questions about our discussion? Are you sure?

Alright! So let us now have an activity.

II. Application

Group the class in to three groups. Each of the group

should do the following tasks. You should all work in a
team for you to accomplish the given tasks before the
allotted time. Am I clear class?

Group 1- “The Observers”

 They will be given an object and they
will create at least 5 sentences about the
object using adjectives.
Group 2 – “The Writers”
 They will be given picture, all they have
to do is to write or create at least 5
sentences about the picture using (The students are now performing the activity within 5
adjectives. minutes).
Group 3 – “ The Poets”
 They will be given an example of a short
poem, all they have to do is to read the
poem and get at least 5 adjectives being
used in the poem and used it in a

V. Evaluation

Direction: Encircle the adjective words in the sentences.

1. He carried a heavy stone yesterday.

2. She likes to eat sweet fruits.
3. Do not eat if your hands are dirty.
4. The monster is very strong.
5. He gave her colourful pillows.
6. The spider has long legs.
7. She baked a round cake.
8. Her son is very lazy.
9. The selfish boy does not have friends.
10. There are tiny buttons on the dress.

VI. Assignment

List down 10 examples of adjectives and use it in a sentence. Put it in a one whole sheet of paper.

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