Detailed Lesson Plan in English Iv I. Objective

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Distinguish between facts and opinion

Identify the fact from a list of a sentence


Subject Matter
A. Topic
Distinguishing between fact and opinion
B. Reference
BEC Reading 2.2.1 page 4
T.M Fun in English page 200
Text Fun in English Reading Pages 130-135
C. Materials
show-me cards, pictures of famous people, picture
D. Skills
Cooperative Learning



Teachers Activity

Pupils Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Dear Jesus,
Teach me day by day what I have to
do and say. Make me gentle, kind and
good. Make me loving as I should. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning maam.
3. Checking of Attendances
Is there anyone absent today?
The secretary of each group will report the
names of those who are absent in class.
4. Checking of Assignment
Bring out your assignments and pass
them forward.
(the pupils will pass their assignments)
5. Pronunciation Drill
Words with silent (w)
6. Review
Last meeting, we have tackled about
The Fantasy and Reality. Now, who can
differentiate fantasy from reality and give
some examples.
Fantasy is a situation or events that is
magical or make believe and could not
really happen. While, Reality is a situation
or an event that could really happen in real

7. Unlocking of Difficulties
Now class lets unlock the meaning of
the words through context clues. Write the
missing letter to complete the word inside
the box.

B. Motivation
(The teacher will show a picture of a hen
scratching the ground)
What do you think the hen is looking for?
(the pupils will answer)
Lets have a game I need three volunteers.
Help mother hen by fixing these puzzles
and see what she is looking for.
(The teacher will distribute the puzzles)

(the pupils will fix the puzzle)

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Class what did your classmate form?
Correct! Do you want to know why the hen
is looking for a ring?

Maam a ring.
Yes maam.

Its good to hear that, but before we start

our story, what are the standards to follow
when someone is telling a story in front?
Maam, zip the mouth and keep quiet.
Alright. What else?
Okay. Anymore?

Listen carefully.

Maam, listen with understanding.

Very well said! So now were going to find
out why the hen keeps scratching the
The title of the story is The Hawk and the
(The teacher will read the story)
Did you enjoy the story class?
Yes Maam.
Did you listen very well to our story?
Yes Maam.
1. Comprehension Check-up

a. Why does the hen keep scratching

the ground?

Maam because the hen is looking for a


b. What does the hawks engagement

ring mean?
The engagement ring means the hawk is
going to marry the hen.
c. Why does the hen lie to the hawk
about the ring?
d. Why does Mr. Hawk get angry with
the hen?
e. How does Mr. Hawk punish the hen?

She was frightened because she lost the


Because mother hen broke her promise.

As a punishment the hen will keep on

scratching the ground and the hawk will
snatch the chicks if the hen did not find the

e. Do you think the hen deserved the

punished? Why or why not
Yes, because she broke her promise.
D. Valuing

E. Discussion
Now class, look at this one.
Will you read the first column?
Column A
1. The hawk is a
bird related to

Column B
1. The chick of
Mrs. Hen deserved
to be punished

2. A hen is a bird
that lays egg

2. Engagement
ring always
symbolizes true
love and fidelity.

(the pupils will read)

So class which column expresses

something that has actual existent and can
be proven true?
Very good! Now which column expresses
view or belief of a person?

Maam column A.

Maam column B.
Brilliant! Based on your given answer,
which column is a fact?

Maam column A.

Which column is opinion?

(Explaining Fact)
1. Fact is something that can be
proven true.
2. Fact is something that can be
3. It has an actual existence.
4. It is something that is actually

For example:
The sun is the center of the solar
Jose Rizal is our National hero.
(Explaining Opinion)
1. Opinion expresses a view or belief
of a person.
2. Opinion cannot be proven true
3. It only tells what person thinks and
4. There are some phrases which can
be used in expressing opinion such
as I think, I feel, I believe, maybe
and others.
For example:
I think Im handsome.
I believe there is no such thing as
F. Generalization
And for you to be able to remember the
meaning of Fact and Opinion I will teach

Maam column B.

you a song.
F - A - C T (2x)
Its a fact, Its a fact
Something can be proven (2x)
It exist, Its the truth.
Come on everybody
express yourself
Share your opinions
Beliefs, judgments, views
thats my opinion.
G. Practice Exercises
1. Guided Practice
Now, let us see if you really know how to
distinguish facts from opinions. Raised
your red flag if the sentence is a fact and
blue if it is an opinion.

Animals need food in order to live.

I think tomorrow is your birthday.
Monkey belongs to the ape family.
I believed that your car is older than

We probably have fried chicken for

The Philippines is noted for

beautiful sceneries.
Swimming is enjoyable to all.
Apolinario Mabini is the brain of

Dennis Trillo is believed to be the

most handsome in the world.

I love water.

Red flag
Blue flag
Red flag
Blue flag
Blue flag
Red flag
Blue Flag

2. Group Activity

Blue flag

This time you will work as a

group. I will show you pictures of different Red flag
celebrities in Showbiz or personalities in
Blue flag
All you need to do is to choose
and then write 1 statement stating facts and
1 statement stating opinion about the
person your group has chosen. Ill give you
five minutes to do that and afterwards the
leaders of each group will report their
output to the class.
3. Individual Practice

Pupils will do their activity and

report it in front.

Using your show me board.

Identify if the sentence tells a fact
or an opinion.
1. Mercury is the closest planet to
the sun.
2. Manila is the capital of the

Pupils will answer.

Pupils will answer

IV. Evaluation
Write F if the statement is fact and O if it is opinion.

1. The sun is an example of star.

2. I believe in miracle.
3. I think Im in love with you.
4. The society defines what is right and what is wrong.
5. Barrack Obama is the new U.S President.
V. Assignment
Read Luis Yangco: The Dreamer (Fun in English IV, pages 130 to 132).
Write 5 facts and 5 opinions based on the selected reading.
Key answers in evaluation.
1. F
2. O
3. O
4. F
5. F

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