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Victor Borges, Senior Product Manager
Varun Mittal, Global Technical Trainee
Kehinde Shaba, Senior Product Manager
Tom Gilmour, Head of Product Strategy


Reference to part of this report which may lead to misinterpretation is not permissible.

No. Date Reason for Issue

0 2017-08 First issue

Date: August 2017

Branded by DNV GL - Software

© DNV GL AS. All rights reserved

This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including copying or recording, without the prior written consent of DNV GL AS.

| Risk based inspection for a thermal power plant | Synergi Plant - RBI |
Asset Performance Management (APM) is a discipline that has been growing in interest by many oil and
gas operators around the world. Successful APM requires efficient flow of data across all activities that
impact asset performance. For many years companies have functioned with departments working
completely independently, in silos. This created inefficiency in the flow of data and information. The
same data are typically added to multiple systems without the realization of its extensive potential.
Information, which is here defined as post-processed data resulting in useful knowledge, only flows
through specific departments, reducing its potential value.

Constant evolution of technology, presents an ever-changing scenario for the management and
utilization of data. This evolution can be used to address the existing data utilization challenges inherent
within APM. Amongst the recent technologies, the following have been playing a central role in the
digitalization of the oil and gas industry:

- Web-based applications: Allows simple deployment over corporate networks, lowers hardware,
maintenance and implementation costs.

- Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): connecting computing devices embedded in industrial

machinery, enabling them to send and receive data.

- Cloud-solutions: storing the overwhelming amount of data produced and running analytical
models faster, resulting in faster decision-making processes.

- Machine-learning: techniques that allow computers to learn from data and assist on the decision-
making process.

- Image recognition: techniques allowing systems to update and adapt based on present situation.

These technologies enable the introduction of advances in Asset Performance Management, which were
not previously possible. It is the combination of this with domain expertise and in-depth understanding
of asset performance that are bringing step changes in improvement within the industry. Techniques
that were once completely disconnected are now able to coexist as part of an Asset Ecosystem. Integrity
Management techniques such as Risk-Based Inspection, Reliability-Centered Maintenance and Safety-
Integrity Level can now coexist with Performance Forecasting techniques such as Reliability, Availability
and Maintainability analysis, Lifecycle Cost Analysis and Criticality analysis. More importantly, all these
techniques when combined can coevolve resulting in an evergreen Asset Performance Management.

In times where operational expenditure is under constant scrutiny, oil and gas companies are expected
to take advantage of latest technology available to improve their performance and reduce cost. This
paper describes how DNV GL’s solution for Asset Performance Management can support companies in
their journey for Operational and Maintenance Excellence, via Digital Excellence.


There is no room for mistakes in the oil and gas industry today. Investments must be placed in the right
area from the initial stages of the project to the asset’s operation.

The distribution of asset lifecycle cost over the working life of an asset is well documented in literature.
By the time the asset finishes its commissioning-phase, as much as 90% of the asset's lifecycle costs are
already pre-determined (Williams, Samset, & Sunnevåg, 2009); this is described in Figure 1. This means
that early decisions will directly influence the plant operations and maintenance and lock-up the
operational cost.


LCC Reduction Opportunity Funds Expended

Funds Committed - Low Funds Committed - High

Figure 1: Project cost

So, wrong decisions during the design-phase will impact the operability of the asset and, by extension,
the productivity for its life.

During the operational phase, the challenge is prioritizing the most critical systems, equipment items
and units considering the impact to production, safety and environment. This means knowing what to
maintain, when and how to carry out planned maintenance.

Industry reports provide evidence of these challenges. Allianz, for example, reports (Allianz, 2015) the
main causes of business interruption losses in recent years have been fire and explosions. Loss of
containment events leading to hydrocarbons leaks are the main cause of these business interruptions.
And, most of these events are related to maintenance problems or faulty equipment. So, understanding
the “what, when and how” is vital to ensure safe, reliable and optimum productivity levels.

This is when asset performance management (APM) comes to picture. Asset performance management
is defined by Gartner (Gartner, 2017) as:

“Asset performance management (APM) encompasses the capabilities of data capture, integration,
visualization and analytics tied together for the explicit purpose of improving the reliability and
availability of physical assets. APM includes the concepts of condition monitoring, predictive forecasting
and reliability-centered maintenance (RCM).”.

This paper explores the potential of Asset Performance Management (APM) in the context of data
acquisition and treatment and powerful analytical tools throughout different stages of the asset lifecycle.
The goal is to position APM as the next generation of methods used to ensure that performance is
optimum throughout the entire asset lifecycle.

The oil and gas industry has traditionally applied different asset management techniques in the different
stages of the asset lifecycle. The following section describes the application of these methodologies in
each one of these stages:

The ability to influence cost becomes limited as the project evolves throughout the design-phase. Thus,
methodologies such as Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) analysis and Performance
Forecasting are vital in the development of capital projects in the oil and gas industry. The clear majority
of national and international oil companies (NOCs and IOCs) include a Performance Forecasting study (or
RAM analysis) in their project scope requirement.

At this stage of the project, assets have no history so reliability data is based on industry-standards. This
provides a powerful mechanism to calculate the probable performance of the system considering design
assumptions and industry reliability data. One weakness of this approach is the inability to represent the
actual behavior of the asset since the data is an average of different plants across the world.

The two main key performance indicators (KPI) used in this methodology are:

- Availability and Production Efficiency: used to demonstrate the uptime and productivity of an

- Bad-actors or Criticality analysis: used to rank the top contributors to production loss

These KPIs allow analysts to easily identify areas of improvement. After identifying the most critical
systems and equipment items, improvements to the design-configuration can be made to the original
base case. The earlier in the project the decision to change something is made, the more effective it will
be from a cost perspective.

Integrity Management efforts should also start early in the project. Unfortunately, companies are
typically less inclined to invest time in integrity management techniques in the early stages of the
project. One potential area of application of these methods is the attempt to “design-out” problems
associated with internal corrosion in the process vessels and pipework. For example, identify the impact
of implementing a Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA) with the objective of reducing inspection and
replacement over the asset lifetime, which will offset these higher costs.

Performing these techniques at the design-phase has been vital for the success of projects in the oil and
gas industry.

Operations and maintenance (O&M) phase

Companies operating in the oil and gas industry have always taken advantage of risk-based methods to
maintain their assets. Risk-based methods such as Risk Based Inspection (RBI), Safety Integrity Level
(SIL) Assessment and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) can be used to rank system and
equipment criticality (i.e. the WHAT) and to develop strategies (i.e. the WHEN and HOW) for
maintenance and inspection to manage the risks. Strategies are implemented through detailed planning,
organizing (“grouping” and “job packing”) and scheduling.

Taking the risk approach has significant impact in many areas. For example, consider a planned
maintenance activity interval of 20,000 hours for a main generator. Let’s then assume that, by
implementing a condition-based approach to inspections, an opportunity to adjust this interval is
identified and the new interval is 30,000 hours. Over the course of the next 10-15 years, a typical asset

life, this will effectively remove several unnecessary planned maintenance activities from the plan (from
around 4 to 3 times). This will have a large knock-on effect on:

- Cost: In the above example, reducing one intrusive planned shutdown with the duration of one
day could represent 7,500,000 USD (1-day production downtime x 150,000 bpd x 50 USD).

- Staff morale will go up: Firefighting and emergency repairs results on high stress levels and
lowers morale. This will directly impact the reliability of the plant as repair tasks are being
carried out in a controlled environment which reduces the probability of human errors.

- Maintenance resources allocation: the extra availability added by removing the unneeded activity
will allow maintenance resources to focus on high-priority problems

In times where operational expenditures are the target for cost reduction, having a full overview of what
is planned for the asset is extremely valuable. Some of the benefits are:

- Easy to control maintenance budgets: planned work allows for cost and resourcing prediction.

- Efficient use of resources: Work schedules can be planned and optimized in advance.

- Reduced production scrap: Planned maintenance can be written into the production schedule and
performed when the equipment is dry.

Companies with mature reliability and safety programs typically make use of quantitative and more
advanced methods such as Quantitative Risk-Based Inspection or Failure Mode Effect and Criticality
Analysis. Companies that are still maturing their understanding of risk and reliability methods are
normally using qualitative methods.

DNV GL compared the implementation of qualitative and quantitative Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) on a
specific project. When implementing RBI, engineers can typically choose to perform the analysis at
various levels of detail (qualitative, semi-quantitative and fully quantitative) and for various hierarchy
level objects (system, corrosion circuit, tag, part) which is one of the application’s strengths. Typically,
companies would start from a less detailed analysis (e.g. qualitative) and from a higher-level object (e.g.
system) and optionally progress to more detailed analysis and lower level objects, if the level of risk
justifies such a detailed analysis.

An example of RBI workflow that can be achieved with the software is shown in Figure 2.

- A screening analysis can start at high level e.g. at system level (or corrosion circuit level) with
minimum data input. If the risk for the system is low, then no further analysis is required and
general visual inspection / corrective maintenance is planned.

- If the risk is medium or high, then a screening (pure qualitative) or semi-quantitative analysis
(e.g. qualitative Consequence of Failure combined with quantitative Likelihood of Failure) can be
attempted at a corrosion circuit level. At this point, some more detailed data are required and
corrosion circuits need to be defined.

- If the risk is still high a fully quantitative analysis can be conducted at tag or part level. This is a
detailed analysis which requires data for the tags or sub-tags (parts) and can produce detailed
inspection plans with optimized inspection intervals and techniques for each tag or part.

Figure 2: Example of RBI workflow in Synergi RBI

The different approaches have different benefits as listed in Figure 3:

Figure 3: Benefits of RBI

To quantify the benefit of each approach, DNV GL evaluated an existing project where RBI was
implemented for 500 equipment items and tried the two methodologies. As indicated in the figures below,
the qualitative analysis may be easier to start with, requires less data and it is easier to communicate
outside the RBI team. In this case DNV GL estimated at 310 hours to go through all the 500 items.
Approximately, the same time would be required to run a qualitative analysis for a second and third time.

Qualitative analysis
Estimated Total Hours Hours on Inspection Plan Accumullated hours
Initial Analysis Second Time Third Time
Figure 4: Time estimate for qualitative methods

The proportion of time taken to in each stage:

- Data collection: 10%

- Data Analysis: 40%

- Inspection: 50%

On the other hand, quantitative RBI initially takes longer as it requires a considerable amount of time to
collect the data. According to DNV GL’s estimate, it takes around 1 hour to gather and assess data for
each equipment item, resulting in an initial investment of 500 hours. After the initial data has been
acquired and processed, the second and third analyses take less time. This will obviously impact the
accumulated hours as well and, in the long-term, quantitative (i.e. ~900 hours) will be more effective
than qualitative (i.e. ~ 930 hours), as indicated in the following figure:

Quantitative analysis










Estimated Total Hours Hours on Inspection Plan Accumullated hours
Initial Analysis Second Time Third Time
Figure 5: Time estimate for quantitative methods

Quantitative analysis will also see a different proportion of time spent in the different steps of the
analysis. For the initial analysis, there will be a lot of time spent on gathering data but, once that step is
done, focus will be placed in what is relevant – the data and inspection analysis.

Quantitative Analysis

Initial Analysis Second Time Third Time

Figure 6: Proportion of time spent in Quantitative methods

In conclusion, the qualitative analysis will provide some useful information at a much smaller cost.
However, for an evergreen process, the quantitative approach is far more efficient. The initial data
collected can be easily re-utilized and, for the next assessment, the process of collecting data is
minimum and the focus is the data that has changed, reducing considerably the number of hours spent
on it. In the case of the qualitative analysis, the engineer must go through the entire process again to
ensure the risks of each of one of the equipment item has not changed.

Because of straightforward approach of the qualitative process, companies might want to start with that
and then evolve their analyses to include quantitative aspects as data becomes more available.


In the first decade of 2000s, the oil and gas industry experienced a boom in revenue with the oil price
climbing to US 150.00 dollars per barrel. For oil and gas operators, this meant capital accessible for new
projects and more flexible operational expenditure.

The recent decline in the oil price has forced companies to postpone investments in capital projects. A
survey carried out by Oil and Gas UK (Oil and Gas UK, 2015) shows an average increase of more than 20%
in operational expenditures for the UKCS over the past 40 years. Considering a conservative yearly
increase between 1 to 5% in operational expenditure over the next 5 years, the estimated cost to
operate will be between £10.5B – £11B, as shown in Figure 7. There are cost reduction initiatives
currently being undertaken by the industry as a result of the falling revenues – this should improve this
scenario but not completely mitigate it.

Progression of operational expenditure
12 000
11 000
10 000
£ Millions

9 000
1% increase
8 000
7 000 5% increase

6 000 Historical

5 000
4 000
Figure 7: Progression of operational expenditure

So, with operational cost escalating over the past 10 years, and expectation that this trend will continue
in years to come, national and international oil and gas companies must understand the implications of
decisions made today to future operations. This scenario forced the industry to investigate inefficiencies
and provide solutions to problems related to tight operating margins.

In this context, Asset Performance Management is growing in importance. Asset Performance

Management offers a powerful platform to increase reliability and availability of the assets. The result is
an increasing effectiveness of operational spend with a prioritized. Figure 8 shows the main elements of
Asset Performance Management which are described in more details in the following section:




Figure 8: Asset performance management

Effective information management
One of the biggest weaknesses identified by the industry is poor information management. Poor
information management is often a hidden cost, accounting for up to a fifth of operational budgets (DNV
GL, 2017).

The digital twin addresses this historical weakness. The digital twin is a digital, virtual representation of
an asset, maintained throughout the lifecycle and easily accessible at any time. Central to this new
concept is the creation of digital asset ecosystem. The digital asset ecosystem is a network of
interconnecting and interacting data, software and hardware relating to the asset and its system. One
powerful aspect of this approach is enabling a new generation of advanced predictive analytics which are
central to advancing asset performance management.

Figure 9: Digital Twin and Asset Ecosystem

Intelligent analytical solutions

Analytical solutions have been available in the market for decades now. Methods such as RAM analysis
and Risk-Based Inspection have been utilized by the oil and gas industry for over 30 years now.

Risk Based




Integrity Level

Figure 10: Intelligent Analytical Solutions shown as components of APM

The main analytical methods used in the Asset Performance Management solutions are described below:

- Risk Based Inspection: In 1994, the American Petroleum Institute (API) conducted a research
and development project to establish a Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) methodology. The innovative
RBI methodology completely changed the landscape of inspection plans from the traditional
time-based to a condition-based approach. The most recent versions of the recommended
practice are the “API RP 580: Risk-Based Inspection” (API, 2016) and “API RP 581: Risk-Based
Inspection Methodology” (API, 2016). These methods can be used to identify and manage the
risks associated with the integrity of pressure systems such as equipment and piping.
Professionals with a good understanding of RBI, when applying these techniques in the industry,
have achieved reduction in the frequency of inspections while ensuring the risk does not increase
whilst reducing operating cost.

- Reliability Centered Maintenance: gives the ability to thoroughly analyze the effect of failures
and optimize the maintenance strategy. The methodology is supported by standards such as
“ISO 14224:2016: Collection and exchange of reliability and maintenance data for equipment”
(ISO, 2016) and maintenance packages can be defined to go through a screening process before
entering the detailed Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) or Failure Mode Effect and Criticality
Analysis (FMECA), giving companies the ability to focus on what matters.

- Performance Forecasting: It is possible to make informed decisions by forecasting the

performance of assets based-on reliability, maintainability and operability factors. By predicting
the production availability, revenue, operational expenditure, unit and maintenance utilization,
companies can act before risks increase to unmanageable level. This process can be supported
by the “ISO 20815: Production assurance and reliability management” (ISO, 2008).

- Safety Integrity Level: The substantial increase in machine automation which is part of the
next industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, and the extensive connection through the Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT), will bring new challenges to the safety of industries. Safety, for one,
will now depend on the correct function of electronic components or systems. SIL is a
methodology which supports the analysis and design of safety systems. The approach is
described in several standards such as IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.

Some of these methods can be implemented using a qualitative approach. This provides a low-entry
barrier to companies that want to start their Asset Performance Management program. As companies
evolve in their process of collecting and treating data, they tend to move to a quantitative approach. The
industry has acquired a lot of knowledge over the years. This is translated in the extensive list of
standards which are used to support companies in their journey to excellence.

The main problem with the current implementation of these solutions is the decoupling amongst them.
Some of these methods share very similar input data but still there is little interaction between the
processes that generate their inputs nor are the results considered jointly in decision making. Existing
departments which are responsible for these methods typically operate in silos. This creates major
inefficiencies such as entering the exact same data twice in the software product, or the use of
inconsistent data across operational areas. Furthermore, one department cannot see the benefits of
implementing each one of these analyses and the company neglects the full picture.

Asset Performance Management can overcome this challenge via the digital asset ecosystem. This offers
an integrating and collaborative environment which ensures information is shared amongst different
departments, facilitates the breakdown of operational silos and helps make full asset lifecycle based

decisions. Breaking these data and process silos, between lifecycle phases and operational areas is a
critical step in developing effective asset performance management schemes.

Furthermore, cloud-processing will enable methods that were once computationally demanding and
expensive. For example, Performance Forecasting utilizes the Monte Carlo method to simulate thousands
of lives, measuring the performance throughout the asset’s life. Simulating millions of failure, repair and
operational events mean some models could take a significant amount of time to run. Now, with the
ability to run models across hundreds of processing cores, these simulations have been reduced from
hours to minutes.

Data analytics
Data analytics refers to the process of collecting, cleaning and post-processing data with the goal of
generating business insights. Data is extracted and categorized to identify and analyze data patterns,
providing insights to the business.

There are several examples of the application of data analytics. One key example, which will support an
Asset Performance Management solution, is condition based monitoring and the ability to calculate the
reliability trend of components, systems and assets. This involves being able to fit historical data of
equipment failure to an existing probabilistic curve, that will describe the failure pattern for prediction

Methods involving regression analysis of historical failure data have been extensively applied in the
industry. However, as it stands currently methods tend to be time-consuming mostly because of
inconsistences in the data recording and sparseness of data collection. Data Analytics assist with data
cleaning which will enable these methods to be more efficiently deployed. Machine learning opens even
more options. As data quality, frequency and volumes increase then we can be freed from the
constraints that we put on our models and let the data itself shape the analytical model.

With this information, the causes of these failures can be further analyzed and the company can take
actions to mitigate the potential increase in the failure rate.

Combination of analytical solutions with data analytics

There is a clear distinction between analytics and analytical solutions:

- Analytics (or data analytics) is a maturing methodology which relates to transforming data into

- Analytical solution is a mathematical approach to describe a problem based on specific


The analytics approach requires data to yield information. In some cases, it requires vast amounts of
data to achieve information of statistical significance. This is not necessary when taking an analytical
approach to the problem. The required input data to an analytical approach are readily available; it
includes process flow diagrams, pipeline and instrumentation diagrams and process description
documents. When combined to a set of assumptions, information can be generated and acted upon.

In a nutshell, analytical models aim to represent the physics of the problem by utilizing an analytical
equation. Data analytics for the most part is focused on using statistical approaches to explore possible
correlation between inputs and outputs. Thus, analytics require vast amounts of data and analytical
solutions do not. At the early stage of operational-phase, it is not possible to run analytics because of
the lack of data. One argument could be to make use of real-time data. However, this approach typically

involves training a model which, again, requires initial data. The development of an industrial algorithms,
which could be the starting point of analyzing data as it becomes available, is a reality but worldwide
data is still required to train the models.

So, analytical solutions can support decisions related to asset performance throughout the entire asset
lifecycle. Data analytics is a powerful method that will provide extremely useful insights as the asset
becomes mature and more data becomes available. So, they will have different impact in different stages
of the project lifecycle. Combined, the two approaches offer a unique solution to increase reliability and


Today, there is a clear disconnect between the information in the design-phase and operational-phase.
Most of the knowledge acquired in the design-phase, which are typically added to the Reliability,
Availability and Maintainability model, are not utilized during the operational-phase. Conversely, the
operational-phase is typically supported by Integrity Management methods such as Risk-Based
Inspection (RBI), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Safety Integrity Level (SIL); these
methods fail to offer the capability of forecasting the performance of an asset.

Operational Performance Forecasting allows companies to move Plant-Wide Reliability models that have
been created during the design-phase to the operational-phase. The model, which can calculate the
performance and identify trends of production critical elements, benefits from the usage of operational
data. Operational data will allow the model to simulate the real-plant operation. In the current oil and
gas market scenario, with profit-margins under pressure, companies are trying to increase efficiency,
both from a production perspective and resource utilization. By predicting the asset’s performance,
decisions can be made to improve these metrics in advance. Another clear benefit is allowing information
to flow efficiently through different stages of the project, advancing knowledge acquired during the
design-phase to the operational-phase.

Operational data in performance forecasting models

Existing Plant-Wide Reliability models, which are typically available during the design-phase, can be used
during the operational-phase. During the design-phase, models are designed using reliability data from
industry standards. With this approach, the model is unable to replicate the actual trends in the asset.
The key benefit of moving models to the operational-phase is being able to replicate the actual behavior
of the asset and predict its performance. Furthermore, this approach takes full advantage of existing
models which require simply replacing of the reliability data, from industry standard data to operational

An example of a Plant-Wide Reliability model is shown in
Figure 11:

Figure 11: Example of plant-wide reliability model

Plant-Wide Reliability models also account for all production aspects of the asset. This advances
traditional methods which focus on local-production loss events i.e. related to the equipment item.
Localized reliability aspects are important but unable to describe the performance for the entire plant.

The main KPI explored in these models is the production efficiency. This is a powerful metric used to
understand what is the productivity of the system considering unplanned and planned shutdowns in
addition to operational bottlenecks. This result can be easily benchmarked against several sensitivity
cases such as:

- Industry-standard model: benchmarking performance against industry performance, and;

- Periodic performance-tracking: benchmarking against previous periods to understand whether

the improved strategies implemented was effective. This is shown in Figure 12

Figure 12: Periodic performance-tracking

The implementation of improved strategies will also indirectly improve the reliability data, making it
more consistent. Thus, as the model evolves and more accurate reliability data becomes available, the
prediction becomes more precise with the model showing less variation as described in Figure 13. This
approach provides a powerful prediction method which can be extended beyond improving the reliability
and availability of the asset. The prediction can be used to support the creation and validation of
business plans which extends the analysis to the business planning department and annual delivery plan
(ADP) which extends the analysis to the logistics departments.

Current performance Future performance

Poor Mean Improved Mean

Poor Consistency Good Consistency
Increased profits

Production (%)
Production (%)

Figure 13: Increased consistency from the model

Past implementation challenges

One significant barrier to implementation of Performance Forecasting has been the availability of
reliability data. With the advent of data analytics, where great amounts of data can be clean and
processed, this task will become much easier. Maintenance work-orders and production loss events can
be used to determine the statistical distribution that better fits to a certain pattern of loss or event

occurrence. This automated process will also allow for the constant updating of the model to ensure it
replicates the actual behavior of the plant.

Bad actors and criticality algorithm

Another key outcome of this method is the criticality analysis or bad-actors. Criticality analysis
empowers companies to identify the highest contributors to production loss and its corresponding trend.

Benchmarking plays an important role as it allows companies to quickly identify areas of

underperformance. Figure shows the calculated criticality for year 1 in green and for year 2 in blue.
After the implementation of a new maintenance strategy to the “Metering system”, the calculated
absolute loss registered by the model goes significantly down.

Figure 14: Criticality comparison

By the end of the 2nd year, the prediction can be validated and compared to the actual performance data.

The main goal of the criticality analysis is to give priority for both critical and non-critical items.
Production critical items will have their maintenance regime re-evaluated to improve its performance.
Systems and equipment items that show low-ranking in the criticality list should be investigated to
remove any unneeded maintenance resources allocated.

Kaizen: Continuous improvements

In 1986, Masaaki Imai introduced the concept of Kaizen in his book “Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s
Competitive Success”. Kaizen is the practice of continuous improvement and is recognized worldwide as
an important pillar of an organization’s long-term competitive strategy.

Oil and gas industry’s reports suggests that increasing the availability of an asset by as little as 1%
represents savings of $5-7B1. This incremental increase in availability is only possible by identifying
areas of high-contribution to production loss and over maintained assets (i.e. those that are not very
critical but are constantly being maintained).

This is the focus companies are now taking to Asset Management – incremental gains that will allow for
savings in many fronts.

1 GE Minds & Machines

Asset Performance Management is changing the landscape of how companies are managing their assets.
It offers an integrated approach to many existing methods and builds on top of the powerful analytical

The advance of technology has been a great enabler for Asset Performance Management. The advent of
the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), connecting computing devices embedded in industrial machinery,
and cloud-solutions, used to store the overwhelming amount of data produced and running analytical
models faster, support faster decision-making processes. All of this is supported by a collaboration
environment enabled by web-based applications, asset ecosystems and digital twins.

Understanding the reliability trends of your asset is a fundamental step in the journey of Operational
Excellence. Operational Performance Forecasting empowers companies to make informed decisions about
their asset strategy by forecasting system performance.

Allianz. (2015). Global Claims Review 2015: Business Interruption In Focus. Retrieved 06 02, 2017, from
API. (2016). API RP 580: Risk-Based Inspection, Third Edition.
API. (2016). API RP 581: Risk-Based Inspection Methodology.
DNV GL. (2017). Data smart asset solutions - Digital twin. Retrieved 06 02, 2017, from
Gartner. (2017). IT Glossary: Asset Performance Management (APM). Retrieved 06 02, 2017, from
ISO. (2008). ISO 20815:2008: Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Production
assurance and reliability management. ISO.
ISO. (2016). ISO 14224:2016:Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Collection and
exchange of reliability and maintenance data for equipment.
Oil and Gas UK. (2015). Activitiy Survey 2015. Retrieved 07 27, 2017, from
Pinto, J. K., & Prescott, J. E. (1988). Variations in critical success factors over the stages in the project
life cycle. Journal of management, 1(14), 5-18.
Williams, T., Samset, K., & Sunnevåg, K. (2009). Making Essential Choices with Scant Information:
Front-end Decision Making in Major Projects (2 ed.). Springer.

Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations
to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical
assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas,
and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of
industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our
customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.

DNV GL is the world-leading provider of software for a safer, smarter and greener future in the energy,
process and maritime industries. Our solutions support a variety of business critical activities including
design and engineering, risk assessment, asset integrity and optimization, QHSE, and ship management.
Our worldwide presence facilitates a strong customer focus and efficient sharing of industry best practice
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