2nd Quarter Exam MIL

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(2nd Quarter Examination)


GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read the direction carefully.

Direction: Select the most appropriate answer to the questions by reading it carefully.

1. It is the way in which the meaning of a media text is conveyed to the audience.
a. Information Language
b. Media Language
c. Aural language

2. Sound can help create a scene and construct the environment, atmosphere and
mood. Examples are Television and Film.
a. Visual Language
b. Media Language
c. Aural Language

3. This is the print-based media, also in text such as captions for photographs.
a. Written Language
b. Media Language
c. Aural Language

4. This media is used as television, radio and film and the language is delivered its
context used are important factors.
a. Non-verbal Language
b. Verbal Language
c. Visual Language

6. This is in terms of body language, gestures and actions.

a. Verbal Language
b. Non-verbal Language
c. Visual Language

7. Are the systems of signs, which create meaning to communicate ideas and
impressions for an audience, producers and other stakeholders.
a. Codes
b. Conventions
c. Decodes

8. Are the generally accepted ways of doing something.

a. Conventions
b. Decodes
c. Codes

9. The literal and obvious meaning – description of what is physically seen or heard.
a. Connotation
b. Denotation
c. Communication

10. It is the potential or suggested meaning which is the symbol/stands for

Christianity and mathematics.
a. Communication
b. Denotation
c. Connotation

11. _____________are impacting, if not deciding, everyday choices in the media.

a. Legal Considerations
b. Legal Issues
c. Social Issues

12. It is a big issue that media industry is facing nowadays.

a. Social Issue
b. Copyright
c. Legal Issue

13. An advisory in the TV and film industry give advice on wellness and security.
a. Health
b. Health and Safety
c. Security and Wellness

14. Copyright applies to work that is recorded in some way. Rights exist in items
such as literary, artistic, musical and dramatic work.
a. Health and Safety
b. Legal Considerations
c. Copyright and Trademarks

15. ________________is an act where people should be treated as an equal

regardless of their age, disability, sex, religion or ethnic origin.
a. Equal Opportunities
b. Equality
c. Equilibrium

16. It is a non-disclosure agreement, a legal contract at least two parties that outlines
confidential materials, knowledge or information.
a. Equal Opportunities
b. Harm and Offense
c. Exclusivity and confidentiality

17. Representation refers to the construction in any medium of aspects of reality

such as people, places, objects, events, cultural identities and other abstract
a. Representation and Ethics
b. Accuracy
c. Health and Safety
18. All information output, as appropriate to its subject and nature, must be well
sourced, based on sound evidence.
a. Accuracy
b. Representation and Ethics
c. Harm and Offense

19. It is the media information in which must apply generally accepted standards
and to provide adequate protection.
a. Accuracy
b. Representation and Ethics
c. Harm and Offense

20. It is the use of _____________ in which has exploded in the last several years.
a. Network
b. Social Media
c. Media

21. It embodies economic theoretical and practical economic questions specific to

media of all types.
a. Education
b. Economy
c. Social

22. It is a mass media that are educational medium for the mass education.
a. Economy
b. Social
c. Education

23. Social media in general include all the means of mass communication that are
used by the public.
a. Education
b. Social
c. Mass

24. Social media have rapidly increased in importance as a forum for political
activism in its different forms.
a. Politics
b. Social
c. Economy

25. Customer Scam is a ____________of media and information.

a. Risk
b. Threat
c. Power

26. Anything you do can be __________by other people.

a. Touch
b. Hurt
c. Seen
27. Keep the __________to yourself.
a. Negativity
b. Secret
c. Positivity

28. Do not post __________, religious, political and graphic materials.

a. Scandal
b. Harassment
c. Sexual

29. Never _____________with anyone on social networking sites.

a. Use
b. Fight
c. Trust

30. It is more complex way such as hacking other’s account, accessing someone’s
email. This issue is what you call?
a. Misuse of Media and Information
b. Overuse of Media and Information
c. Abuse of Media and information

31. It is a free distance-learning program that can be taken through the internet.
b. Online Site
c. Online Network

32. This wearable technology is an android-powered pair glasses designed to make

the user’s field of vision its own screen.
a. Eyeglasses
b. Google Glass

33. A virtual reality and a headset with a built-in screen displayed.

a. Google Glass
b. Headset
c. Oculus Rift

34. a footwear that gives direction to those who wear it.

a. Wristband
b. Lechal GPS Shoes
c. Lechal Shoes

35. This wearable technology is a gesture-based that lets you switch, scroll, click, tap
or swipe in any smart devices.
a. UP
b. Cicret Bracelet
c. Fin Ring

36. A smart wristband designed as a fitness tracker.

a. UP
b. Fin Ring
c. Cicret Bracelet

37. A smart wristband and waterproof that makes the user’s arm its own screen.
a. Fin Ring
b. Google Glass
c. Cicret Bracelet

38. Also known as Additive Manufacturing.

a. 3D Printing
b. 3D Animation
c. 3D Film

39. This technology has a three-dimensional image form by light beams.

a. 3D Printing
b. 3D Animation
c. Hologram

40. A stereoscopic and a movie having a effect.

a. 3D Printing
b. 3D Film
c. Hologram

41. It is the process of creating a series of drawings or sketches having the three-
dimensional aspects to provide an illusion of movement.
a. 3D Printing
b. 3D Animation
c. Hologram

42. A Latin word “ubique” which means EVERYWHERE.

a. Ubiquitous
b. Ubique
c. Ubiquity

43. Refers to the persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and
production of media and information.
a. People Media
b. People Technology
c. People Access

44. It means it is a business for person who works in the mass media.
a. People of Media
b. People in Media
c. People as Media

45. According to King Fish Media ______________ means turning your customers
into brand advocates by starting conversations and bringing like-minded people
a. People of Media
b. People in Media
c. People as Media

46. __________ is the esteemed back bone of information.

a. Media
b. Digital
c. Text

47. It is a technology answers establishment focused on giving elite in set

groundbreaking answers to small business technology misgivings.
a. Media
b. Digital
c. Text Media

48. A text in which the picture shows a considerable appearance to the audiences’
a. Visual
b. Digital
c. Text Media

49. It is for book, magazine or broadsheet, the typeface you prefer will be used to
firm lengthy copy.
a. Demographic
b. Legibility
c. Copy Length

50. It is a huge or large font family is required to see all your typographical need.
a. Copy Length
b. Font Family Size
c. Legibility

A. Types of Media in Visual Information and Media. 1-6
B. Types of Design and Elements. 1-14
C. Positive Effects of Media on Society and Individuals. 1-4
D. Negative Effects of Media on Society and Individuals. 1-4
E. Types of Audio. 1-2

Prepared by:

Noted by:
Principal IV

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