To Bing Paket A 2

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Try Out Bahasa Inggris Paket A

Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts
to this section with special directions for each part.

Questions 1 to 3.

Directions: For each item, there is a picture on your test paper and four short statements about it on the tape. They are
spoken TWICE and are NOT written on your test paper, so you must listen carefully. you must choose one statement A,
B, C or D that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.


Look at the following picture.

Sample answer:

Now, listen to the following statesments.
A. One of the men is wearing eyeglasses
B. All of them are wearing black suits
C. One of the woman is wearing pants
D. One of the men is wearing a tie
Choice (A) - “One of the men is wearing eyeglasses” - best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you should
choose answer (B) on your answer sheet.
Now Let’s begin with question number one.
a. A c. C
b. B d. D

a. A c. C
b. B d. D
a. A c. C
b. B d. D



In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English followed by four responses, also spoken in
English. The questions and responses spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in test paper, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best answer to each question.

Now Listen to a sample below

You will hear:

Woman : Excuse me, Could you tell me where the bank is?

Man : A. You can take bus number 57

B. Yes, I want to save my money in the Bank

C. It’s over there, across from the post office

D. Pick me uo at the nearest bank from your office

Sample answer:

Choice (B) “ It’s over there, across from the post office” is the best answer to the question “Excuse me, Could you
tell me where the bank is?”. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!

a. A c. C
b. B d. D
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
a. A c. C
b. B d. D
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
a. A c. C
b. B d. D
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
a. A c. C
b. B d. D


Questions 8 to 11.


In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will the conversations TWICE. The
conversations will not be printed in test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In
your test paper, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers.
You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear: Woman : I ordered a pair of shoes last week. They should hve arrived by now

Man : May be there is a problem with the shipment. Have you checked with the company?

Woman : Not yet. I’ll phone them this afternoon.

You will read: What will the woman probably do?

A. Get the shoes herself

B. Call the company

C. Cancel the order

D. Check the store

Sample answer:

Choice (B) “Call the company” is the best answer to the question “What will the woman probably do?”. Therefore,
you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the man suggest to the man?

a. To give the best service to the customers c. To choose a travel agency carefully
b. To go travelling with Pratama Tour d. To say that ZAHARA Travel Agency is
the worst
9. What does the man suggest the woman do?
a. Make a farewell party c. Invite some colleagues
b. Bring a goodbye gift d. Have lunch at the office
10. When will the speakers finally meet tomorrow?
a. At the Bank c. At the shoe store
b. At the Restaurant d. At the woman’s house
11. What does the woman say about the man’s article?
a. It’s a very kind c. It’s in today’s newswapaper
b. She always reads it d. The topic is well developed

Part IV - Short Monologs

Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not be
printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. On your test paper,
you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have
to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Next Questions refer to the following Procedure.

12. What does the procedure talk about?

a. How to spend the coming holiday c. How to keep the memory of a holiday
b. How to choose the digital camera d. How to use a digital camera
13. What should we do to check the result of the photo?
a. Press the power botton c. Hold the photo button
b. Press the playback button d. Press the photo button

Next Questions refer to the following announcement.

14. To whom should the students submit the registration form?

a. Their parents c. Mr. Tommy
b. Mrs. Indriani d. Mrs. Samantha
15. What is the announcemet about?
a. A school excursion to Lembang c. The Students’ registration form
b. The itenerary and the program d. The payment for the excursion

Part V - Reading Section

Tom and his brother, Jaka went shopping to Mega Mall, a couple days ago. Jaka looked for a
new gadget since his old one was broken. Tom wanted to buy a camera. They drove a car from
Arga Makmur at 11.00 am and arrived there at 1.00 pm.
On the way, they met an old friend, Dino at gasoline station near a restaurant where they took
rest for a cup of coffee. They used to play together when they were at Junior High. They had
same hobby. Even only few minutes they enjoy chatting so much. And they planned to meet
again in Bengkulu after Doni finishing all his job during in Bengkulu.

In Mega Mall Tom and Jaka went to electronic shop. Tom bought a new gadged but Jaka didn’t
find a camera that he wanted. After searching it in some electronic shops he finally found it in
a shop on the corner. When they were about to go home they got call from his sister. Both
of them were almost forgot to buy a pair of shoes for their father’s birthday gift until their sister
reminded them by phone. Their sister asked them to go back home early because she needed
help for their father’s birthday party in the evening.

At home, surprisingly Dino was there and will stay a night, They were all happy.

16. What’s the purpose of the text?

a. To entertain the reader c. To describe a friend
b. To retell past event d. To shop in the mall
17. When did Jaka meet Dino?
a. A week ago c. A month ago
b. Several days ago d. Last week

18. Which the following statement is true?

a. Dino came to Jaka’s house c. Dino bought gadget
b. Doni is Jaka’s classmate d. Tom’s has no sister

Next Questions refer to the following narrative text

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo Iwo.
The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well as a
creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough
food for a thousand men.

Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new
harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his
hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn
to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity.
They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and
temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.

One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the
village gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected
before into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo
was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it
overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mount of earth dug from the well by Kbo
Iwo is known as Mount Batur.

19. According to the story, what is the main idea of paragraph 4 ?

a. The limestone made the water inside c. The formed of Lake and Mount Batur
the hole boiling
b. The water in the well rose higher and d. The place where Kbo Iwo was alive
20. Why did Kbo Iwo feel angry to the Balinese people?
a. Because Balinese people took his food c. Because Balinese people didn’t give
so his barns was empty him food
b. Because Balinese people were in d. Because Balinese people turned to rage
21. What can we learn from the story?
a. There's always a bigger enemy in this life c. Always grab an opportunity before you
b. Your friend can be your enemy d. If you want to achieve something, try hard
and work hard

Next Questions refer to the following text

1.Remove the shredder from its cartoon and unwind the cord to its full length.
2.Place its waste bin on a firm and stable surface in up right position.
3.Take the main unit by holding each side and put it on top of its waste bin.
4.Make sure the function switch is in the ‘OFF’ position.
5.Connect the plug to the 220 – 240 VA.
6.To use auto remote turn the function switch to ‘AUTO’.
7.Put the paper into the input slot, the micro-switch in the input slot will then indicate
the machine to start shredding the paper.
8.Once all the paper has been shredded it will stop automatically.

22. What is the purpose of the text?

a. How to make sure the function of c. How to describe about the components
Shredder machine of Shredder machine
b. How to tell the use of shredder d. How to use the Shredder machine
23. What should we do before connecting the plug?
a. Put it onto the waste bin. c. Make sure the function switch is off.
b. Unwind the cord to its full length. d. Remove the shredder from its cartoon

24. “Remove the shredder from its cartoon and unwind the cord …” (step 1)
The underlined word has the similar meaning with ....

a. unwrap c. lead
b. strain d. unfasten

Next Questions refer to the following information

UN: Indonesia records 117th human case of bird flu
Geneva (AP): Indonesia has recorded another human case of the H5N1 strain of
bird flu, raising its world-leading total to 117 cases, according to the World Health
The agency said on Friday night that the Indonesian Health Ministry had reported
that a 16-years-old girl from West Java Province has been hospitalized since January
4th, with symptoms of the disease. It said the strain had been confirmed as H5N1.
Of the total number of human cases in Indonesia, 94 have been fatal. WHO says
that globally 349 people have been infected with H5N1 since the 2003 outbreak of the
disease. Of those, 216 people have died.
After Indonesia, the country with the next highest number of cases is Vietnam with
101 people, followed by Egypt with 43 people, according to the U.N. health agency.
(adapted from The Jakarta Post)

25. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. Egypt ranked second as the highest c. The article is taken from the UN report
number of bird flu cases issued on January 15th
b. Indonesia’s 117th human case of bird d. Since 2003, it has been reported that
flu was found in West Java all 117 Indonesians died of bird flu
26. In the WHO release, the country ranked second in the number of bird flu cases found is ....

a. Egypt c. Indonesia
b. Vietnam d. America

27. The word ‘fatal’ in the second paragraph has the closest meaning to ....
a. Harmless c. Tedious
b. Poisonous d. Deadly

Next Questions refer to the following Announcement

28. Where would this announcement be posted?

a. At the railway station c. In a fitting room

b. In a changing room d. In a restroom

29. What do members need to open their lockers?

a. A series of numbers c. A security lock

b. A membership card d. Coins

30. Why do you think this notice was posted?

a. The Bugar changed its management. c. The Bugar has suffered thefts recently
b. The Bugar has bought new lockers d. The Bugar has just moved to a new

Next Questions refer to the following text.

Sweden is a very large country in Northern Europe. Every year tourists come from all
over the world to visit Sweden’s cities to see the interesting sights and enjoy the

A tourist planning a trip to Sweden can choose various activities to do. People who
enjoy city life can visit Stockholm, Sweden’s capital. Stockholm is a beautiful city of
islands. In Stockholm, tourists can visit its many beautiful old castles and churches.
They can shop, enjoy the art, or see a movie or a play.

Tourists who enjoy outdoor lifestyle can find plenty to see and do in Sweden. Forests
cover 50 percent of the land and are home to many wild animals, such as bears, elks,
foxes, and reindeers. There are 96.000 lakes in Sweden. In north, there is a long range
of tall mountains. Adventurous travellers may want to explore the beautiful wilderness
that Sweden has to offer.
There are several different kinds of lodging in Sweden. Travellers can stay at
luxurious hotels with many guest rooms, or they can choose to stay at small country
inns, where they may be served home-cooked breakfast. Those who want to save
money and enjoy nature can stay at campsites and sleep outdoors under the trees in a
sleeping bag.

31. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

a. Travellers can choose the several kinds c. They can choose to stay at small
of lodging in Sweden country inns
b. Tourists can sleep outdoors in sleeping d. Travellers can stay at luxurious hotel
32. What does the writer think about Sweden?
a. It is a perfect place to enjoy nature. c. All hotel will provide guest with
home-cooked breakfast.
b. Wild animals inhabit the long range of d. We could not sleep under the trees in a
mountain. sleeping bag in Sweden

33. “Adventurous travellers will want to explore ...” (paragraph 3).

The underlined word means ….
a. dangerous c. hazardous
b. audacious d. courageous

Read the text and answer the questions.

Harry : This room is so hot? Did you turned off the air conditioner?
Widia : No, it’s on. I think it might be broken.
Harry : I don’t think so. I remember that we bought the same brand and type;
and mine is working well. Maybe your air conditioner needs to be cleaned.
Widia : I think you’re right. It was more than six months ago since the last time
I got it cleaned.
Harry : You’d better do that soon before it’s getting worse.
Widia : Thanks for your suggestion. I will do that this weekend.

34. What are they talking about?

a. the weather c. the electrician

b. the air conditioner d. the air conditioner brand

Next questions refer to the following text

Neymar da Silva Santos Junior born 5 February 1992, commonly known as Neymar, is
a Brazilian footballer who plays for La Liga club FC Barcelona and the Brazilian
national team, as forward or winger.
At the age of 19, Neymar Jr won the 2011 South American Footballer of the Year
award, after coming third in 2010. He followed this up by winning it again in 2012. In
2012 Neymar received nominations for the FIFA Ballon d’or, where he came 10th, and
the FIFA Puskas Award, which he won. He is known for his acceleration, speed,
dribbling, finishing and ability with both feet. His playing style has earned him critical
acclaim, with fans, media and former players drawing comparison to former Brazil
player Pele, who has called Neymar “an excellent player”.

Neymar joined Santos 2003 and after through the ranks, he was promoted to their first
team squaD. He made his debut for Santos in 2009 and was voted the Best Young
Player of the 2009 Campeonato PaulistA. Further honours followed, with Neymar
being voted best player as Santos won the 2010 Campeonato Paulista, and also being
top score in the 2010 Copa de Brasil with 11 goals. He finished the 2010 season with
42 goals in 60 games as his club achieved the DoublE. Neymar was again voted best
player of the year in 2011 as his retained the state title and Santos also winning the
2011 Copa Libertadores in which Neymar scored 6 goals in 13 appearances. He also
playeda key role in securing a continental Double for his team, Santos’ first since 1963.
He received the Bronze Ball in the 2011 FIFA Club World Cup, with Santos making it
to the final, where they were defeated 4-0 by Barcelona.

35. What happened to Neymar in 2011?

a. He moved to FC Barcelona c. He made his first debut

b. He received the FIFA Puskas Award d. He scored 6 goals in 13 appearances

36. The main idea of paragraph 3 is…

a. Neymar played for Santos c. Neymar received awards
b. Neymar played the best d. Neymar scored many goals

37. “…who has called Neymar an excellent player” (paragraph 2). The word ‘excellent’ is closest in meaning
to …

a. Confident c. Magnificent
b. Fantastic d. Generous

Ulina: Hi, are you free this Sunday?
Erna : Yeach, What’s up?
Ulina: I have to go to Curup, but I don’t want to go alone.
We can enjoy eating popular noodle and enjoy fresh air.
Erna : It sound great, . . .

a. I’ll accompany you if you fetch me c. I’d love to go to Kepahyang.

b. I’ll not join you if you go alone d. I’d go if you treated me noodle

Erma : You look so pale Tom, . . .
Ita : I’m ok, don’t worry too much, I just need rest for some minutes
Erma : OK then, I just worry about you?

a. You had better come to School! c. You should see a doctor, I guess
b. Why don’t you take rest! d. Are you sure? Everything is
Caca: I think this bag is much prettier than the one on the self, what’s your
Dian : . . . This design is more interesting and the colour is brighter.
Caca : Ok, then, I’ll take this one. Thanks.
a. I don’t think so c. I do agree with you.
b. I dislike it, sorry d. I’m not sure about it.

Boby : “What do you plan for next holiday?”
Dony : “ We will go to Paris. My daughter really wants to do some selfies in front of... Eiffel tower.
a. an c. the
b. a d. that
Rudi :” Why are you so late today?”
Laras : “Sorry,Rud. My car ... .”
Rudi : “So you came here on foot.”
Laras : “Yes, I did.”

a. Is repairing c. will be repairing

b. Has just repaired d. is being repaired
Dinda :” What a beautiful voice. She is talented singer”.
Hendri : “She ... since she was a child.”
a. Is singing c. had been singing
b. Has been singing d. have been singing

44. Donna : Why didn’t you come to English class yesterday?

Sonny : . . . .
a. I was late c. I am late
b. I did late d. I do late

Next Questions refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Fairburn,

Responding to your advertisement in last Tuesday’s Guardian newspaper for a trainee
accounts manager, please find enclosed my CV. I am interested in the job advertised
because your company is well known as a world leader in creating innovative products.

As a recent graduate, I am well aware that I have much to learn and it is exactly this
kind of challenging environment that I am seeking. You will also see from my CV that
I am a person who result oriented. The achievements that I mostly proud about are
raising over £15,000 for a local charity and finishing the London Marathon.

Regarding other requirements, I believe I am a suitable candidate for the position

- I hold a degree in Economic
- I am flexible about working hours
- I have good organisational skills

I am also available for interview at any time convenient to you. Please don’t hesitate to
contact me at any time by phone or in writing if you have further questions.

Yours sincerely,

Philip Morrissey

45. What is the reason Philip Morrissey wrote this letter?

a. To inform about a job vacancy to Mr. c. To promote and raising fund for the
Fairburn London Marathon
b. To put on an advertisement in d. To apply for a position as a trainee
Guardian newspaper accounts manager
46. What will Mr. Fairburn do after reading the letter?
a. Giving Philip a job that he wants c. Training Philip as new an account
b. Asking Philip to join the marathon d. Giving Philip an interview

47. I am flexible about working hours”

From this sentence, we know that Philip Morrissey ….

a. is willing to work overtime c. enjoy working very much

b. has a very flexible type of body d. has a certain working hours

Next Questions refer to the following invitation letter

Randall & Associates
101 Beech Street,
[email protected]
November 25 th , 2018
Sara Aurizone
Americanan street, No. 75
West Sumatra

Dear Sara Aurizone,

As a result of your application for the position of Customer Service, I would like to invite you
to attend an interview on November 29 th, at 9 AM at our office in Jakarta.

You will have an interview with the branch manager, Edie Amstrong. The interview will last
about 30 minutes. Please bring three references as well as a copy of your Identity Card to the
interview. If the date or time of the interview is inconvenient, please contact me by email
([email protected]) in order to arrange another appointment.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,

Thomas Gunn

Administrative Director

48. Why does the sender of the letter invite the recepient?
a. To apply for the company c. To have an interview with Branch
b. To have a meeting with Thomas Gunn d. To reply the letter she sent
49. From the text we can infer that ....
a. Mr. Thomas is waiting for Sara c. They will have an interview
Aurizone’s respons
b. Mr. Thomas Gunn will interview her d. Sara Aurizone will invite the branch

Ahmad : How is your day going?

Ridho : Just being fine, but I got an accident yesterday.
Ahmad : What kind of accident?
Ridho : I was going down the stairs in school, but then I slipped there.
Ahmad : I am sorry to hear that, but how exactly you got that accident?
Ridho : Actually, I didn't see a peel of banana at the stair..........

50. What is the best expression for cause and effect above?
a. because I fell c. due to slippery floor
b. So I slipped and fell d. because of the banana

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