Signals and System MCQ

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Signals and systems

1. _________ is defined as any physical quantity that varies with time, space or any other
independent variable

A. Signal B. system

C. signals & system D. none of the above

2. A discrete signal is said to be even or symmetric if x(-n) is equal to

A. X(n) B. 0

C. –x(n) D. –x(-n)

3. A signal is a power signal when the signal has

A. Infinite average power B. finite average power

C. Zero average power D. None Of The Above

4. Which of the following time system operates with a continuous time signal & produces a
continuous time output signal

A. Continuous time system B. Discrete time system

C. Time invariant system D. Time variant system

5. The function which relates output of a system to the input(signal) of a system is

A. Periodic function B. Non-periodic function

C. Transfer function D. None of the above

6. A signal is an energy signal when the signal has

A. Infinite energy B. Finite energy

C. zero energy D. None of the above

7. A discrete signal is said to be odd or asymmetric if x(-n) is equal to

A. X(n) B. 0

C. –x(-n) D. ∞
8. A system is said to be dynamic if the output of the system depends on the

A. Past Input B. Future Input

C. Present Input D. Present & Future Inputs

10. A system is said to be casual if the output of the system depends on the

A. Past & Present Inputs B. Present Input

C. Future Input D. Past & Future Inputs

11. Frequency and Time period are ______

A. Proportional to each other B. Inverse of each other

C. Same D. None of the above

12. Which of the following can weaken a signal

A. Attenuation B. Distortion

C. Noise D. All of the above

13. A system is defined as

A. Any combination of components or elements that has a useful function.

B. Any combination of elements that has a single input and a single output.

C. Any closed volume for which all the inputs and outputs are known.

D. Any physical quantity that varies with time, space or any other independent variable

14. Nyquist bit rate formula defines the theoretical maximum bit rate for which channel

A. Noisy B. Noiseless

C. Bandpass D. Low-pass

15. The difference between the highest and the lowest frequencies of a signal is known as

A. Frequency B. Period
C. Bandwidth D. Amplitude
16. The equation y(t) = a x(t)+b comes under which system

A. Linear for any value of b B. Linear if b > 0

C. Linear if b < 0 D. Non-linear

17. Which of the following is the one of the property of unit impulse δ(t) is

A. δ(at) = a δ(t) B. δ(at) = δ(t)

C. δ(at) = 1/a δ(t) D. δ(at) = [δ(t)]a

18. The Parseval’s theorem states that the energy in the time-domain representation of a signal is
equal to the energy in the frequency domain representation normalized by

A. 2π B. π

C. π/2 D. π/4

19. The given system is characterized by the differential equation d2 y(t)/dt2 -dy(t)/dt-2y(t)= x(t).
Then the system is:

A. Linear and stable B. Linear and unstable

C. Nonlinear and unstable D. Nonlinear and stable

What form of waveform is shown here?

A. A Binary Signal B. A Multi valued digital signal

C. An Analogue signal D. Noise Signal

21. For a band pass signal extends from 1 KHz to 2 KHz. Then the minimum sampling
frequency that needed to retain all information of the sampled signal is

A. 1 KHz. B. 2 KHz.

C. 3 KHz. D. 4 KHz.

22. A continuous-time periodic signal x(t), having a period T, is convolved with itself. Then the
resulting signal is

A. Not Periodic B. Periodic having a period 2T

C. Periodic having a period T D. Periodic having a period T/2

23. Determine the Fourier transform of unit step x(t) = u(t)

A. 1/j ω B. 1/2j ω

C. j ω D. 2j ω

24. The Fourier transform of u(t) is B(jω) & the laplace transform of u(t ) is A(s), then which of
the following equation is satisfied

A. B(jω) = A(s)|s=jω B. A(s) = 1/s but B(jω) ≠ 1/jω

C. A(s) ≠ 1/s but B(jω) = 1/jω D. A(s) ≠ 1/s but B(jω) ≠ 1/jω

25. The Inverse Fourier Transform of u(ω) is

A. (1/2) δ(t) + 1/πt B.( ½) δ(t)

C. 2 δ(t) + 1/πt D. δ(t) +sgn(t)

26. The continuous time system described by the equation y(t) = x(t2) comes under which

A. causal, linear and time varying B. causal, non-linear and time varying

C. non causal, non-linear and time-invariant D. non causal, linear and time-variant

27. Find the Nyquist Frequency for the given signal x(t) =3 cos 50πt +10 sin 300πt – cos100πt

A. 50 Hz B. 100 Hz

C. 200 Hz D. 300 Hz
28. The type of systems which are characterized by input and the output quantized at certain
levels are called as

A. analog B. discrete

C. continuous D. digital

29. The type of systems which are characterized by input and the output capable of taking any
value in a particular set of values are called as

A. analog B. discrete

C. digital D. continuous

30. An example of a discrete set of information/system is

A. the trajectory of the Sun B. data on a CD

C. universe time scale D. movement of water through a pipe

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