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Hazrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandandar

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Biography of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalander

The mausoleum of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalendar

Translated by

Hafeez Anwar
Email hafeezanwar@yahoo.com

Published by

© Hafeez Anwar

First Published 1441/2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.


i. Preface.………, ....................................................................... 4
1. Biography of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar ......................... 8
2. The journey of Sheikh Fakheruddin to Iraq ......................... 11
3. The early education .............................................................. 14
4. The pledge and devotion ...................................................... 23
5. The titles… ............................................................................ 25
6. The event of Sultan Balbon of Delhi Kingdom ................... 29
7. The Qalandaria way of life .................................................... 32
8. Throne of the caliphate… ...................................................... 45
9. The kings of time and Shah Bu Ali Qalandar… ................... 52
10. The contemporary personalities… ...................................... 63
11. The Destruction of Kaliyar ................................................... 85
12. Passing on and funeral…................................................... 89
13. Biography of Hadrat Sheikh Jalauddin Kabir Auliya .......... 91
14. Shams of Auliya Hadrat Khaja Shamsuddin Turk… .......... 96
15. The contemporary personalities of Bu Ali Qaladar ......... 102
16. The teaching and preaching mission work of Islam ......... 105
17. Solitude and abstinence ....................................................... 110
18. The revenue details of the shrine of Bu Ali Qalandar ........ 136


This is a very old book which is well known by the title of biography
of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar in the Urdu language and translated
by me from Urdu into the English language for the first time. In this
book it is being presented the biography of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar
and the Urdu version of the book which was published in the year 1933
by Ata Mohammed Ata and Habibullah Mazhar. So it was published 85
years ago.
Mr. T.W.Arnold in the book ‘The Preaching of the Islam’ and he
has mentioned as follows.
“Rather later in the same century, a native of Persian Irāq, by name
Abū Alī Qalandar, came into India and took up his residence at Panipat,
where he died at the ripe age of 100, in A.D. 1324. The Muslim Rajputs
of this city, numbering about 300 males, are descended from a certain
Amir Singh who was converted by this saint. His tomb is still held in
honour and is visited by many pilgrims.”
Khaja Bu Ali Shah was a most popular holy person of his time. He
has spent 119 years of his life under the shed of the sky and traveled
many places and met a large number of the holy persons and he has to
get favour from them and also done a favour to a large number of the
people. He has seen rules of many kings by his eyes.
The manuscript of the Urdu book is checked and stamped by the
Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh. And I have uploaded the Urdu
manuscript on archive.org.
This translation of the most ancient and celebrated Urdu Sufi book
about Sufi’ism will, I hope, be found useful not only by the number of
students familiar with the subject at first hand but also by many readers
who are interested Sufi old books.

From the above facts and details, if the readers will start reading this
book’s first page and will not stop its reading till they will reach its last
page as in this book some interesting events and as well as other great
miracles and endeavors of holy saint are added and this holy saint to
have passed away from the world some 8,00 years ago.
Even though this is small book, but due to its importance it is so great
due to coverage of so many interesting events and positive information
in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and information of the holy
saint and who have passed away from the world upon doing his great
endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work
of Islam in the foreign land so this book is small one but it will
present the ocean of knowledge and information for the guidance of
people towards the right path of Islam. This is a old book in which there
are advises and instructions, especially available for Taleb (student)
and it refers to a person who is committed to a Murshid (spiritual
master) in a Tariqa (spiritual way) of Sufism and it is also known as a
Salik (Arabic: ‫) ِل‬, a Mureed is an initiate into the mystic philosophy
of Sufism and all these details and sayings of the great Sufi Saint and
Sufi master Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar are added in this book. And
also in this book, there are some great achievements which are not yet
known to the general, persons and other persons are published in a very
interesting style so for this reason, the readers will find great interest and
attention in this matter.

This book is edited and formatted as per the great Islamic books
which are very famous in the Western world among the English
knowing persons. The aim of this book is to present in the Western

world where there are great search and demand of the books of Sufism
and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their entire lives for
the preaching and propagation of Islamic religion in all corners of the
world as per tradition and practice of Allah’s last prophet.
To write about this great saint Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar is not
only it is difficult and but it is very hard task as he was not only a great
pious personality of his time in the Indian sub-continent but he was also
a great personality who is well known for many of his great
achievements and miracles so in brief he was Qutub (highest cadre in
spiritual pivot at axis) of his time and who did many great endeavours
for the preaching and propagation of Islam in the above areas with hopes
of its expansion to other adjoining and distant territories and there was
no such personality during his time.
It is my great honour and pleasure to translate this book from Urdu to
English, so I request the readers to read this book because in it there are
many revelations of the secrets which are added in this book for which I
shall be highly obliged to all of its readers in this matter.
In the prefaces of the books of Islamic literature, the authors used to
mentions some books which they recommends for those ambitious to
attain a full understanding of the pronouncements of the Sufi masters but
in this book also there are many revelations of the secrets which are
available for the students of the Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism.

The poetry of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar


The poetry is having the secrets of the Lord who is merciful.

Also, these are like an exegesis of the book of the holy Quran
There will be found in itself the shining of the sayings of Hadith
It is a strange treasure of the secrets and great meanings in it
In it, there will find mines which are full of hidden secrets
It is light to the eyes of persons who were successful in the way
It is the constitution of perfect persons who left the world
And also holy persons who followed right in the path of God
So who were facing much censure and oppression in life?
Hafeez is an old servant and the devotee of Bu Ali Qalandar
He hopes his book of Bu Ali will have become world renowned
May Allah increase his status and position in both worlds
So that his devotees will be getting his kind favours and love
So Hafeez makes sure the biography book be famous in the world
Like moon book will shine among stars in the big sky of the Lord.
Bu Ali is Sultan of the Panipat, but his rule is all over the world
As he is a fragrance of Ali who is beloved of the kind Prophet
Until the day of judgment Bu Ali’s all miracles will continue
Bu Ali’s status and position are like a shining sun in the world

Hafeez Anwar
Email hafeezanwar@yahoo.com

1. The biography of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar


Name and patronymic name

In writing our book of a biography of Hadrat Bu Ali (fragrance of
Ali) Qalandar we have studied these books and in the following books,
his complete life details are available.
1. Akbar Akhyar
2. Tadhkira al- Ghousia
3. Tadhiral Auliya Hind
4. Sair al-Aqtab
5. Sharfal Munaqib
We have evaluated all books of biographies of Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar. But we have considered the high opinion of the author of the
book ‘Sharaf Manuaqib’ which was written by Khaja Hameeduddin
Arif of Panipat and accepted his opinion as it very reliable in all other
books which were mentioned as above. Because he is among the sons of
Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar’s brother and his name is Hadrat Nizamuddin
Iraqi. And also he was the custodian of the mausoleum of Hadrat Bu Ali
Qalandar. So, for this reason, the events and conditions which he has
mentioned in his above book are deemed as reliable and authentic.
Khaja Bu Ali Shah was the most popular holy person of his time. He
has spent 119 years of his life under the shade of the sky and traveled
many places and met a large number of the holy persons and he has to
get favour from them and also do a favour to a large number of the
people. He has seen rules of many kings by his eyes. So why there will
no be attraction and charm in his poetry. Yes, there is much attraction
and magnetism are available there in his poetry.
Hadrat Baba Qalandar belongs to the categories of such sacred
persons and in whose dignity there are revelations in the tradition of the
Prophet of Allah in which it is said that “Holy persons are not dead but
they migrate.”

Name and genealogy

His holy name is Sharfauddin and his title is Bu Ali (fragrance of
Hadrat Ali Murtuza) and which was given by Hadrat Ali Bin Ali Taleb
(R.A.) and its explanation is available in the chapter of Zikar Bait and
also there are some other his titles are there and its details which will be
also added in Zikar Bait chapter in this book. He has relation and
devotion to the family of Qalanderia and so for this reason he was
famous as Bu Ali Qalandar. His full name is Sharafuddin Bu Ali
Qalandar. In his poetry, he has used his pen names as follows.
1. Sharaf
2.Bu Ali
So for this reason which is his pen name so it may not be confirmed
in reliance.
His genealogy link will be connected by some generation with Hadrat
Jafar Al-Noman and whose title is world famous as Imam Abi Hanifa
Kofi Thabit Bin Noman.
Genealogy record
Sheikh Sharafuddin Bu Ali Qalandar bin Moulana Salar Fakharuddin
Ibrahim well known as Iraqi Quds Sara Bin Moulana Salar Zubair Bin
Moulana Salar Hasan Bin Salar Aziz Bin Salar Abu Bakar Haji Bin
Moulana Sheikh Mohammed alias Moulana Faris who was disciple and
caliph of Hussain Bin Mansour Hallaj Bin Moulana Abdul Rahman Bin
Moulana Mohammed Bin King of Hanafi school of the thought of the
Muslims Hadrat Imam Abu Hanifa Kofi.
Before mentioning his birth details it seems proper that we should
mention details of his father Hadrat Sheikh Fakheruddin Iraqi in brief. In
the book Nafqat Nafas it is mentioned by Moulana Jami and also the

author of Bustan Ghousia who has mentioned that in reality, Sheikh

Fakheruddin Iraqi belonged to the area of Hamdan. In his younger age,
he has memorized Holy Quran at the age of 17 years and he was
obtained knowledge and he was engaged in the work of teaching and
education. His Diwan (collected odes of the single poet) is well known
and his book Lama is also very famous and which is actually his
comprehensive book of the secrets and points of mystic knowledge.
One day he was giving lessons to the students and at that time a
group of Qalanders (dauntless persons/wandering ascetics) came to
Hamadan and in that group, there was one smart boy was there. And so
there was prevailed upon him the overpowering condition of the love.
And his nature was such suitable so by seeing any kind of beautiful thing
then he will remember the creative power of Allah. On such situation,
he will remember the creator from the thing and from the mankind, he
will also remember the creator. And in the worldly thing, he would like
to see the colour of reality. So he has fallen in love with the beauty and
grace of that boy very much. Until the group of free people was there
and that boy was there in Hamadan he was with that boy and he was
done his hospitality very much. After some days when that group was
left from Hamadan then he was passed some days in uneasiness and
worry. When he was unable to control his condition of uneasiness and
worry then he has left his native place and then he was followed the
group of dauntless persons. He was met with them at some place. When
bad character Qalander persons have seen him at some place then they
said to him “ You are a leader and rich and respectable person of Iraq.
We are Qalandar people who have removed hairs from the mouth and
we have also removed our four eyebrows and we are in travel in our
freestyle of life. So, for this reason, our company will be not suitable for
you. If you want to travel with us on the journey it is then you should
have to adopt our shape and our look as well as our appearance with

you. So to remove your four eyebrows from your face. As on the heart
of Khaja Sahib, there was established powerful love of the boy so he
was cleared off four eyebrows from his face and he has worn the dress
of the Qalandar persons and he was added in the group of Qalandar
persons. Slowly this caravan was reached to Multan and this group went
into service of Hadrat Bahauddin Zakaria Multani.Khaja Bahauddin by
his revelation of innermost he was able to know that Fakheruddin has
become a lover of that boy. So he was desired and he has converted the
love of the boy toward the love of the reality. When the caravan was
begun leaving Multan Khaja Bahauddin was able to know in this matter.
And he was taking care whether Iraqi may leave Multan along with the
caravan. So for a time, he waited in this matter. During this time there
was dusty storm came over there with darkness the bad Qalandar group
was scattered here and there. Hadrat Fakheruddin in that time of trouble
and worry came back at the door of the shrine building which was there
as a sign of guidance of Hadrat Zikeria Multani. He was sent his servant
and has called him inside the building. He has embraced him and
touched also his chest with his chest. Upon touching his chest then at
that time love of the boy which was there in the chest was left and in its
place love of Allah was entered into the heart of Fakeruddin. Baba
Zikera was allotted him one separate room for a stay with him in the
shrine. And he has started his training of innermost in the shrine
After some days his daughter who was famous in her chastity like
Hadrat Rabia of Basra and who was married with Fakheruddin. He was
lived for a period of 25 years in the company of Bahauddin and he was
able to get favour from him there. As he was a great poet of his time and
in his poetry, there was so much grief and sadness was available. So for
this reason usually Baba Bahauddin used to listen to his poetry and at
that time there will be prevailed upon him the condition of ecstasy. The

author of book Nafqat has mentioned that there was born one son from
the daughter of Baba Bahauddin and his name was given as Kabiruddin
and it is mentioned but we have studied many other books but we could
not find the above information of birth of his son who was given name
as Kabiruddin to him.

2. The journey of Sheikh Fakheruddin to Iraq and his 2nd marriage

and son
During this period the daughter of Baba Bahauddin died and author
of book Bostan Ghousia has mentioned that Baba Bahauddin

1. The book Buston Ghousia which is a biography of Hadrat Bahuddin

Zakaria Multani.
2. Moulana Jami has written in his book Nafqat that when the time of
leaving of Hadrat Bahuddin Zakaria Multani was near than at that time
he was given his saintly dress of caliphate to Fakheruddin. So the people
had seen this status and dignity of Fakheruddin with envy and also there
were some such conditions which prevailed and due to this reason, there
was arose in him the love of the country. He has left Multan for his
journey towards Iraq.

want to marry his second daughter to him. And for this matter he was
taken advice from his son Saderuddin and who told him that “One-day
Faktheruddin was upholding his shirt for the air so for this reason if in
the person if there will be such sensual pleasure then such person will
not become eligible for marrying. Upon hearing this Baba Sahib was

kept away from his decision in this matter. And for this reason,
Fakheruddin has returned back to his country Iraq from Multan. During
his journey when he was reached to Hamdan. Then at that time there
was lived Syed Namatallah Hamdani and who was married to his sister
Hafiza Jamala with him. And who was Quran-Conner and her grave is
there in Panipat near the eastern side of the tomb of King Ibrahim Lodi
and in the north side of the royal fort at distance of 200 yards. Her
mausoleum is well known and famous as Hafiza Jamal and Maiji in
Sheikh Fakheruddin Iraqi came back to Panipat from Hamdan
along with his holy wife and from her holy body Bu Ali Qalandar’s
brother Sheikh Nizamuddin Iraqi and Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar was born
in Panipat which is in district Karnal and other details in this matter is
added in this book in the next pages.
Blessed birth
When Nizamuddin Iraqi has attained the age of majority then at that
time he went to India for business and trading purpose from the country
Iraq. He was married with a daughter of Moulana Karimuddin Rumi.
And he was a businessman and dealing in the selling of the pearls. He
was entered in Panipat village. He said about Panipat that “Its grounds
and open places are beautiful and very much attractive”. So he was liked
the atmosphere of the place of Panipat to great extent. So he has liked
very much the place of Panipat and he was settled down in this place.
When it was felt hard to bear distance from his son Nizamuddin then
Fakheruddin came to Panipat along with his wife to meet his son there
and he has stayed there. And it is desired by Allah that the saintliness of
India and due to good fortune and blessing of the foot of lover of Allah
Hadrat Bu Ali, India has to become the place of excellence.

So, for this reason, Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar was born in India in the
605 Hegira year. And as per the statement of the author of book Nafqat
Fakeruddin Iraqi was died in Damascus on the 8th Ziqad in 688 Hegira.
And he got a place of burial at the back side of the mausoleum of Ibn
Arabi and which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and
wishes of the persons who visit his grave.
And his son Nizamuddin Iraqi who was died on 10th Jamad Al-
Thani in the year 700 Hegira in the Panipat village and his grave is
available there.
When Qalandar Sahib was born then for a period of three days he
was in the weeping condition continuously and he did not drink milk and
did not open his eyes. When three days were over then Sheikh
Fakheruddin Iraqi went out of his house and where he has seen one
beggar wearing leather dress in the condition of ecstasy and he has
shaken his hands and said “Oh Sheikh congratulation for the birth of
your son” and he said to him that he wants to see his son. The Sheikh of
time has taken him to the inside of the house by holding his hand. When
that Fakir of excellence was seen him and he was found that light of
Allah was there on the face of the newly born kid. And he was kissed on
his face. And he was read verse ‘Fa Innma Tawwalu Fatam Wajihilliah’
in his ear and so, for this reason, the boy stopped weeping. And the boy
has started drinking milk. It shows that he was a holy saint by his birth.
There was available in his nature for giving respect and honour of the
Quran and this book was sent down by Allah with the command and
prohibitions. He has become silent upon hearing a verse of the Holy
Quran. In some tradition, It was mentioned that the beggar was Shah
Jamal Qalandar who used to wear the leather dress and who taught him
the great name of Almighty Allah so in this matter Allah knows better.
The darwesh said to him that “Oh Sheikh this your son is a lover of the

Allah.” It is not good to disclose the secret of the lovers and upon saying
this he has vanished away from there. It is possible that about secret it is
a sign towards that the newly born boy is a saint by birth. This title was
first of all said by Shah Jamal Qalandar and who has become famous
and world renown.
As per tradition, it is revealed that Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar and Qutub
Jamaluddin Hansavi, Sultan Fararghanavi and Sufi Kethali were all his
maternal cousin brothers. But about Qutub Jamaluddin Hansavi as per
his genealogy record, it is known that Qutub Jamaluddin Hansavi was
his maternal cousin as well as he was brother in law of him. Because
Fakher Salar had two daughters and one has died without children and
another daughter was married to Qutub Jamaluddin of Hansi. And from
her genealogy record of Qutub Jamaluddin Hansvai was continued.
Regarding the death of Fakheruddin Iraqi
In this matter, we have done a lot of research work and it was
confirmed that from Panipat he went towards his native place in Iraq for
the aim of tourism purpose and it was required by Allah that Sheikh
should be bury in his native place. So It happened like that and he was
died and buried there and his final resting place is available near the
mausoleum of Ibn Arabi.

3. His early Education

His early education was started in Delhi. Even after research, the
names of teachers could not be known but as per one reliable tradition, it

was known that he was memorized holy Quran by Sirajauddin Makki

and also he was studied by him Islamic law and knowledge of traditions
of the Holy Prophet. And Moulana Sirjauddin’s grave is there at the
back side of drum house of shrine building of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar
in Panipat. He was also studied Islamic law and knowledge of traditions
of the Holy Prophet by him. His memory was very sharp in his
childhood period that when he will look at any subject so then he will
memorize it like an as an impression on the stone. He was Quran-Conner
so he was perfect in the language of Arabic. So, for this reason, his
poetry work which he was written in Arabic poetry with such perfection
and excellence that with a command and which shows his skill in this
knowledge at the higher level. Other than poetry and also in the Persian
prose he has written the following.
1. Quranic verses
2. The traditions of the Holy Prophet
3.Sayings of the Sufi masters
The Quranic verses, the traditions of the holy prophet and saying of
the Sufi master were described by him very well and in an interesting
way. From Quranic verses, he was described such points which prove
that he has mastery in the exegesis of the Quran. His nature was that so
there is his interest towards this side. He was a high-level easy writer
and great writer of the exegesis also. So his nature was such that which
was suitable and where he was seen there and he was found hard and
difficult and problems for which he was given that such explanations
like the movement of the waters. Also, he was a great learned person.
Also scholar of the traditions of the Holy Prophet and accomplished
person. As his father who belongs to the Persian and Arabian country
and her mother belongs to Arabic origin of a descendant of the family of
the Prophet. His elder brother was also born in the country of Iraq. So
the mother tongue of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar has become Persian.

As at that time Panipat was the center of knowledge and arts. So he

has also obtained knowledge from different teachers there. As his father
has written many books and was a perfect poet. Also, he was old and
pious personality as well as he was accepted person of Allah and also he
was a great and perfect man of his time.
Upon study of the books Lamat and Dewan Iraqi which is showing
proof that he has perfection in the knowledge of Sufism. He has got the
reality of love and passion for poetry in his inheritance.
So as per his father, he has shown his passion for the innermost in the
Persian Ghazal (odes). Even after our hard research, it was not known in
this knowledge who was his teacher in the poetry. And with whom he
was set to get this knowledge. It is probably thinking that he was taken
advice from his father in this matter. Because he was a perfect poet of
his time and he was well known around the world for his knowledge of
poetry. Like his father also in his poetry, there was the depth of feeling
and there were points of knowledge of Allah and as well as knowledge
was found in it. Also, his native place was India so the current language
which was at that time was Hindi was become his mother tongue. In
which he was also got perfection and knowledge. On many occasions, he
said many Dohas (in the Hindi language is a form of the self-contained
rhyming couplet in poetry composed in Mātrika meter) in the Hindi
Teaching and preaching
He was spent most of his life in the teaching and preaching
He has resided in the old city of Delhi. And for a long period of time,
he was busy in the work of teaching and preaching of the Islamic

Great learned persons of the time, scholars of Islamic law and

scholars of the tradition of the Holy Prophet used to get benefit in the
knowledge from him. He was a headmaster in Yak Minar School in
Delhi. The learned persons of the time were very fond of him and like
him very much. When he has arrived in Panipat from Delhi then at that
time learned persons of Panipat have requested him to stay some more
period of time so that they can able to learn some of the magazines about
the points of the Touhid (Unity of God) and this event was confirmed
by Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar in his following writing in the Persian

It was the ruling period of Sultan Alauddin Khilji. And his some part
of the holy life was also attached with the court of this Sultan of Delhi.
About his knowledge and perfection which was known during that
period and he has become City Mufti (Muslim jurist).During the rule of
the Islamic Kingdom, the post of Muslim Jurist has approved by the
court of the King of Delhi. Which is thought the very important and
most powerful post in the kingdom. On this post, those persons were
appointed who are perfect in the following knowledge.
1. Islamic law
2. The traditions of the Holy Prophet
3.Accidence and syntax
4.Rules of the logic

The author of book Sharaf Manaqib has given statement that Hadrat
Qalandar Sahib was engaged in the teaching and preaching work for a
period of 40 years in Delhi also in propagation of knowledge of Islam
and he was engaged for work of the issuing of the legal opinions in one
place in old Delhi which was available near the place of the Khaja
Bakhtiar Kaki area.
From the above details, it is proved that in the world of knowledge how
subtle was his personality. So there is his book Hukumnama is there and
from seeing its style of writing of wanton and then it is known that it
was completed by his servant. In this matter, Shah Muhadih Dehalavi in
his book Akbar Akhyar same such above remarks is recorded by him.
He has written many books by him during his life period. In them, his
Dewan Farsi is well known and famous. It is a great treasure of secrets,
points of the knowledge of God. Its importance and value are well
known by reading its exegesis.
2. Masnavi Bu Ali Qalandar
This is a well known printed book. It is a complete and
comprehensive book in which there are find the following.
3.Teaching and preaching
In this book, there is instruction mostly for the action of deeds. In the
book, there will find many quotations from Jalaluddin Rumi’s Masnavi.
On them there was further touch by completing a couplet by adding
hynistick to another are there. So in this way, the subject matter was
improved very much and its importance has become double. In the
beginning, of the preface of the book about the human soul and body,

there is available easy style in the poetry in details. In which it was

indicated that your native place is not the world of flowers but you
belongs to the world of angels.

3. Rubai (quatrain)

It is also a small collection of Rubiat (quatrains) and from meaning

and explanation point of view, it is a like closing of the ocean water into
the small water bottle of drinking.
All the above three books have been published and available in the
library books.
4. Risala Sar Ishaq

This is a magazine of 100 pages and which is not printed. But due to its
meaning and explanation, this book’s value is equal to some other great
books which are famous and well known. In this book, Qalandar Sahib
from beginning to end has explained all of the stages of indigence and
love. The explanation and description are short and it is complete and
comprehensive but it is described in very effective words in the smaller
chapters and every subject matter was explained well and in the best
possible away. There are more than 100 chapters in this book. For an
explanation of any subject matter, there was quotation available from the
following reference which is as follows.
1. Quranic verses
2. The traditions of the Holy Prophet
3.Sayings of the Sufi persons
4.The poetry of the ancient persons
All of the above references which have been recorded in such
beautiful style that which have increased the value and importance of the

subject matter. His great status of experience in the knowledge is that he

used to create a thousand points from one word. And which is like the
style of learned persons. And from reading it will be known detail and
information as follows.
That he has authority and experience in solving the difficult and hard
problems of Sufism.
1.Difficult belief
2.complicated problems
3.Unsolveable and difficulties
For the above problems, he has his much interest and eagerness and
his style was rhyming. Even in his prose, there will be an understanding
of the poetry style. From beginning to end the subject matters is found in
the continuation and which seems very interesting and there will be
available in the good style of explanation and its extension was done and
it was written in the best style of writing. In short book is very much
interesting that once a reader starts reading this book’s first page he will
not stop reading it till he reaches its last page, as some interesting events,
as well as great miracles and endeavours, are mentioned in this book of
holy saints who have passed away from the world some 800 years ago.
Even though this is a small book, but its importance is so great due
to coverage of many interesting events and positive information in it for
the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam, so it is like an
ocean of knowledge and information of holy saints who have passed
away from the world after doing great endeavours and many hard tasks
for the preaching and propagation of Islam in foreign lands.
We have referred many points of this book from Bu Ali's exegesis
book. We have decorated this book by quoting that book’s proof of
evidence and so which was also given in it.

5. Risala Suluk
From the name, it is known that in this book there is mentioned the
details of the status of the position of Sufi persons. In this book,
Qalandar Sahib has explained as follows.
1. Stages of Sufism
2. Phases of mysticism (Darwishi)
In the above subject, he has explained in the style of wisely and in
style of researching and finding and he was given meaning and
explanation in exposition and in a simple way. He was explained in the
book about his pledge of the soul. He has explained the condition of
spiritual favour from Hadrat Ali Ibn Ali Taleb. In this book also he has
the style of his writing wise and loving and in short, this book is unique.
6. Resala Ishqia
It is a small collection book. In this book like book Sar Ishaq in it
mentioned the height of love and its greatness which is described in the
best possible beautiful style.
7. Israr Ashiqin
This is a small magazine and if it would have published then it will act
as a guide to the people who will pass from stages of the mysticism.
Also, it will be as the constitution of action for the way of Allah. So it
will be liked very much by the students of truth and they take regard as
the most prized object as it is suitable for it.This is a small book in
which there are advises and instructions, especially available for Taleb
(student) and it refers to a person who is committed to a Murshid
(spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual way) of Sufism and it is also
known as a Salik (Arabic: ‫)سا ِلك‬, a Mureed is an initiate into the mystic

philosophy of Sufism and all these details are available in this small
magazine. This book will show students the real ways of demand.
8. Maktubat Sharaf Farsi
In this book, Sheikh of the world who has addressed his nephew and
disciple Moulana Shah Etkhtiaruddin Qalandar and letters will be
starting in the name of Allah and in the name of his nephew Moulana
Shah Etkhtiaruddin. It is a big volume and not published. As per its kind,
it is the matchless book in the Persian literature. It has much benefited in
it due to writings in it. So, for this reason, big volumes of Sufi books
cannot be compared with this book due to the following reasons.
1. It is the river of indigence
It is the treasure of the following four subjects.
2.Shariat (Islamic law)
3.Tariat (mystic way)
4.Haqiqat (truth)
5.Knowledge of God
6. It is a wise exegesis of the Quran
8. Teaching and preaching
9. Especially available for Taleb (student) and it refers to a person who
is committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual way)
of Sufism and it is a constitution for the people of mysticism for action
and it is the matchless book for them. In short, every letter is a colorful
statement, most interesting. So as per his writing, it is a rare and unique
and very interesting bouquet of the flowers. In which there is available
spring of the flowers of all seasons. And from those flowers and in every
petal there will find the smell of the reality. Actually, this book is taken
from the book of Sharah (exegesis) of Dewan Bu Ali Qalandar and
author of the book has mentioned many points from the above great

book and describing many points of the book. So he has written that
Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar’s style is unique so for this reason due to his
likeness of the book he wants to kiss the fingers of the author of the
book in Persian Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar.
The leader of learned persons Shah Hameeduddin Arif in the book
Sharaf al-Manaqib has written that the Sheikh of the world not only he
has written these books but he also has written some rare books and for
which reading and understanding them then wisdom may not work in
this matter. Especially the people of the time could not able to
understand these book unless there will be no shadow of the lovebird
phoenix on any of such persons.
Not only these books but there are many other books are there
which are not published. It regrets that the time has kept those books in
the windows without caring such valuable and books of full knowledge
and wisdom. So, for this reason, mankind is away from the benefits of
those important and great books.
Knowledge of Arabic
In his educational details, we have written that he was Quran-Conner
and Islamic jurist, the scholar of traditions (Muhadith) and writer of
Quranic exegesis. And he has perfect knowledge of grammar. In the
explanation of points as well as in the secrets of the Holy Quran he got
special perfection. In the mosque of Quwwatal Islam in Delhi he was
engaged there in his mission of teaching and preaching for a long period
of time. So, for this reason, he was not able to write Arabic poetry. But
he has special knowledge for writing Arabic poetry. And in this
knowledge, he has specialty and perfection with him. In his poetry book,
there are find some places in Arabic poetry but comparing to Persian
poetry, Arabic poetry is found very less. But at many places, he was

used Arabic poetry with Persian poetry with such excellence that there
will be an increase of the meaning of the subjects at such places.
But it was seen that he has much interest in Persian poetry than
comparing to Arabic poetry. So it can be said that if he will try then he
can compile Dewan (collected odes of the single poet) of his Arabic
poetry. But in his other books with the excellence of having a wide field
of knowledge so he was used very much Arabic poetry work. Which
shows that in this knowledge he has perfected. Also, he has much
interest in the Arabic language. With his much interest and fondness, he
used to study Arabic books and from this, it is known that many learned
and scholars persons of that time used to visit him to get knowledge of
Arabic from him. Many learned persons have got knowledge from him
in Arabic knowledge.
In the Hindi language, he was perfect and was master. As he was born
in India so it is compulsory for him to become the Hindi language as a
mother tongue for him. It is ruled that except the language which is in
daily usage but comparing to it any another language in which there be
its importance of that language is there as that language in which
suitable poetry can be said and which will have more importance than
mother tongue for this reason. Even though Qalandar Shah’s mother
tongue was Hindi but he has perfection in the daily usage of Hindi in the
talking but he has also had perfection in the Hindi literature as well. He
was written many Dohas (is a very old ‘verse-format’ of Indian poetry. It
is an independent verse, a couplet, the meaning of which is complete in
itself.) and which were very popular among the general and as well as in
special person in the Hindi language speaking persons. So we would not
like to proceed further in this book by leaving Dohas in the Hindi

language. So for this purpose, we are mentioning some of his Dohas

written by herewith for the pleasure of the readers.
To open the veil so that to enable me to see your most lovely body
When I look the world and find your presence and so for this I cry
Hadrat Amir Khusro also has the perfection of excellence in the Hindi
language and who has written many poetry books by mixing of the
Persian and Hindi language together. He was written the following items
in the large number.
1.Dohas (is a very old ‘verse-format’ of Indian poetry
3. Poetry is known as Dosuqan
4. The pledge and devotion

The details of his pledge and devotion were written in the book as
such that “One day he was engaged in the preaching work in the mosque
of Quwat Islam in Delhi. And at that time one beggar came there. And
he was saying in the loud voice that “ Work for which Sharafuddin was
born and which he has forgotten that work. Till such he will be engaged
in the work of the controversy?.” And upon saying this that beggar was
left from there. But there was a flame of fire of passion of love of Allah
which arose in his heart. The beggar’s short work was acted as flogging
for his fondness of the ocean. At that time he has become a disciple of
Hadrat Sheikh Shahabuddin Ashiq Khuda. And who was the caliph of
Sheikh Imamuddin Abdal. And he was the caliph of Hadrat Baderuddin
Ghaznavi. And who has got an award of a certificate of the caliphate
from Hadrat Bakhtiar Kaki. But this connection seems against thinking.
Because Hadrat Shahabuddin Ashiq Khuda was admired by Hadrat Bu

Ali Shah Qalandar for his endeavour, mystical exercises, and usage of
the innermost. And as per saying of Hadrat Bakhtiar Kaki at that time he
used to be present in the meetings of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. And
he will be benefited from there in his meetings and leave from there. We
have discussed in this matter in the details of caliphate award to him.
There is one more weak tradition is there in this matter that Hadrat Bu
Ali Shah Qalandar was a disciple of Hadrat Khaja Nizamuddin Auliya of
Delhi. But this tradition also is not acceptable.
Moulana Abdul Haq has written in this matter in his book Akbar
Akhyar that “ There is no mention of about these holy persons in this
matter. So it is like that Bu Ali Shah Qalandar has not pledged on the
hand of Khaja Nizamuddin. And he was got the favour of sincerity from
him and he was also getting the benefit of such favor from other persons.
In some other traditions, it is mentioned that Hadrat Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar was a disciple of Hadrat Sheikh Bakhtiar Kaki Oushi Dehlavi
and who was the caliph of Hadrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti. And for this
tradition many of the narrators who are agreed in this matter. If it is
accepted then his spiritual genealogy record will be as follows.
Sheikh Sharafuddin Bu Ali Shah Qalandar Pani Pati
Bhaja Bakhtiar Kaki Oushi Dehlavi
Khaja Moinuddin Hasan Sanjari Ajmari
Khaja Usman Haruni
Hadrat Shah Sharif Zindani alias Karimuddin Manam
Khaja Maodud Chisti
Hadrat Shah Abu Yousuf
Hadrat Shah Abu Mohammed Chisti
Hadrat Sheikh Ahmed Abdal Chisti
Hadrat Sheikh Abu Ishaue Shami
Hadrat Mamshad al-Denuri

Khaja Aminuddin Abu Habirat al-Basri

Hadrat Sadeeduddin Hazifa al-Marshi
Sheikh Ibrahim bin Abu Adham Balaqhi
Hadrat Shah Fazail bin Ayaz
Khaja Abdul Wahed bin Zaid
Sheikh Hasan of Basra
Hadat Ali ben Abu Taleb (R.A.)
Prophet Hadrat Mohammed bin Abdullah.
Hadrat Khaja Farid Ganj Shaker who was written Malfuzat
(speeches) and condition of his spiritual master Khaja Qutubuddin
Bakhtiar Kaki Oushi Delhavi. And from which it was known that Hadrat
Bu Ali Shah Qalandar was used to attend the meetings of Hadrat
Bakhtiar Kaki. At the place where Baba has mentioned the names of the
persons who used to attend the meeting and on that list, he has
mentioned that brother Bu Ali Qalandar used to be present in the
It is thinking of some persons that when Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar
who was available spiritual pledge then what he has required to keep a
spiritual link with others except his link of Owasia. So, for this reason,
he was not a disciple of any person except him. But this thinking is not
absolutely against his pledge of the manifest. Because Owasia and
spiritual favour also which will be available even after a pledge of the
There are advise and instructions, especially available for Taleb
(student) and it refers to a person who is committed to a Murshid
(spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual way) of Sufism and it is also
known as a Salik (Arabic: ‫)سا ِلك‬, a Mureed is an initiate into the mystic
philosophy of Sufism and all these details and sayings so he should
pledge on the hand of his spiritual master and which is custom of Allah
and practice of the Holy Prophet and which is must and necessary. So it

is dominant thinking that he has surely have spiritual links with Khaja
Bakhtiar Kaki. The author of the book Eqtabar al-Anwar has written
that about Sufi persons that “ Shah Sharfuddin Bu Ali Shah Qalandar
was trained by Hadrat Bakhtiar Kaki in the spiritual matters.”
In the reply of Bait Ba Quboor (pledge on the grave) Hadrat Syed
Mohammed Gesu Daraz caliph of Hadrat Nasiruddin Chiragh Dehlavi
has mentioned regarding Bait Masnuna (as practiced by the Holy
Prophet) that as per method of this pledge which is required on the hand
of the spiritual master but pledge on the graves and this matter is not
remaining so great as the learned person have not preferred such pledge
of the graves for this reason. And for this reason when his elder son of
Khaja Fariduddin Ganj Shaker came over to Delhi and he has pledged
on the grave of his spiritual master so when he was able to know in this
matter then Baba Farid Ganj Shaker has said that “ Even though he is his
spiritual master but this pledge is not proper. Because pledge is that
which is made on the hand of the master during his life period.” From
this, it should be known that for pledge it is required that Sheikh should
be in the living condition and which is a must and necessary thing in this
matter. In this connection, Hadrat Syed Mohammed Gesu Daraz has said
that “To those who refer their pledges with Prophet Khizer are also
useless in the meaning. Because in it also there will not find the
condition of life and existence of the spiritual master in the
We have not concerned to say that he was not benefitted by spiritual
powers but we would say that he must have benefitted from spiritual
benefits. All narrators are have agreed in this matter that he was
benefitted directly by the favour of Hadrat Ali Bin Ali Taleb (R.A.).
Even Hadrat Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki himself said that when Hadrat Bu Ali
came to visit him for becoming his disciple with me then he said to him

that “Your dealing is with Hadrat Ali Bin Taleb (R.A.).So I will accept
your pledge and then after that, I will hand over you to Hadrat Ali Bin
Taleb (R.A.).” So he was accepted his pledge on his hand. Even
Qalandar Sahib himself said in this matter which is as follows in his
magazine Resala Suluk.

That he was obtained below knowledge from Hadrat Ali Bin Taleb
(R.A.). “ Knowledge of reality, knowledge of God, and knowledge of
altercation and also he was able to know details of the reality of God.”
The author of the book Sharaf Manaqab who was also agreed that he
has got the favour of Owasia as well as and he said that he has got
knowledge from the holy soul of Hadrat Ali Bin Taleb (R.A.).” He was
also got benefits from the knowledge of beginners and who came after

In the light of above facts and information then it will not be thought
that before or after getting of knowledge of God and spiritual favours
from the soul of Hadrat Ali Bin Taleb (R.A.). That Sheikh Sharafuddin
Bu Ali Qalandar as per the mystic rule did not pledge at the hand of the
sheikh in manifestation. Because Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar who was like a
great river of reality and knowledge of Allah. So why he will go against
the prevailing system. So it can be said that he was a pledge on the hand
of Sheikh of time. And events in this matter lead toward Sheikh of
Islam Hadrat Bakhtiar Kaki Oushi. And with this, it indicates the
following sheikhs of time which are as follows.
1.Sheikh Shabuddin Ashiq Khuda. 2.Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya.

5.The titles
1. Bu Ali

Sultan Ghayasuddin Balbon Mohammed Dehlavi does not have

male children and every time there will be born to him female children
and his wives will have become the target of torture of his anger and
So by chance one of his palace queen has given birth to one
daughter. So due to fear of killing by the king that the queen has put the
baby in the earthen pot and she has sent away to the jungle. By chance,
one washer-man who was collecting dung cakes there in the jungle area
and he has found earthen pot there and he has taken away it to the house
and find in it one most beautiful baby girl in the earthen pot. He said to
her wife that “Allah due to the holy source was given them one
daughter.” The washer-woman did nourishment of that girl like a real
mother and in this way, that girl in her age of 11 years has become well

known in the area as a most pretty girl. After some years King
Ghayasuddin came to the jungle area for hunting campaign and he was
found washer-man and that pretty girl collecting dung cakes there in the
jungle area. He was given his heart to a girl due to her prettiness. And in
the condition of uneasiness, he was called washer-man and he was asked
with him “Whose girl is this.”? The washer-man told him that “The girl
is his daughter”. The Sultan desire to marry that girl but at first the
washer-man refused in this matter but upon seeing the uneasiness of the
Sultan he was accepted his offer to marry him. Sultan married the girl
and has taken her in a harem in Delhi. In this matter except for Allah,
nobody knows the secret that the girl was the same one which was put in
the earthen pot and thrown in the jungle by the royal queen of Sultan
Ghyasddin Balbon of Delhi.
In short in the night in the palace when Sultan went towards the girl
then due to the power of Allah there was discharged from the blood
started from the body of the chaste girl. Such event began happening in
the palace at any time when the Sultan used to proceed towards the girl.
And at last the Sultan has disclosed the secret to the doctors and
astrologers and he has asked with them what is the reason in this
matter.? The doctors have treated the girl and astrologers have cast a
horoscope and checked it. But at the last, there were no benefits at all
and all of them left the palace with much regret in this matter. When
Sultan was disappointed in this matter he went into service of Hadrat Bu
Ali Qalandar and he has requested with him to solve this problem. Then
Shah Bu Ali Qalandar told him Ghyauddin that “He will reply after two
days .” So Sultan left there with much happiness and in the good mode.
During this period Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar has approached the
court of the Prophet in a spiritual manner directly to solve the problem
of Sultan Ghyasuddin and what he has seen that the last Prophet was
sitting on a throne and Hadrat Ali Ben Taleb was sitting at the right side

of the throne on the downside. Qalandar Sahib was present the problem
of the Sultan in the presence of the Prophet. The Prophet paid his
attention to Hadrat Ali Ben Taleb and told him “ Oh Ali see toward
Sharafuddin that there is his time of the success and guide him and
reveal his invisible secret to him.” Hadrat Ali Ben Ali Taleb as per the
order of the Prophet and he has revealed upon him the invisible secret in
this matter. And also he has given him instructions for teaching and
preaching. And he touched his slavia on his mouth and he was informed
his patronymic name to him. And from that time, he has become well
known and famous in the world with the name of Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar. So in his one of his ode in the concluding couplet of the poem
Bu Ali Shah Qalandar has mentioned this event as follows.
Bu Ali la maim Moula Ali
Bu Ali bashed Ali Moulai ma
Sultan Ghiasuddin was very much in the condition of uneasiness and
on the third day upon waking up he went into service of Hadrat Bu Ali
Shah Qalandar. And he was asked reply to his question. Baba Qalandar
Ali told him that “The bride is your daughter and you can certify this
event from your such and queen in the palace.” The Sultan came back to
his palace and he was investigated in the matter in the harem and it was
correct as per the prediction of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar.
In some books of discourses, it is mentioned that Hadrat Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar got hidden secret with the help of Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki Oushi.
During the period when he engaged in the teaching preaching work in
the mosque of Quwwat Islam in Delhi. Upon happening of the event of
Sultan Balaban, Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar has requested Khaja
Bakhtiar Kaki for acceptance of his pledge so he told him that “Your
dealings are with Hadrat Ali Bin Taleb (R.A.) so come on I will accept
your pledge and hand over you to him.” So he was accepted his pledge

and has handed over him to Hadrat Ali. And Hadrat Murtuza has
embraced him and said to him you are Bu Ali and from that day he has
become famous and well known in the world with the title of Bu Ali.
It is said that a person is lucky one who will meet Hadrat Khizer
(name of a prophet immortalized by the fountain of life) then on his
doors of the knowledge will be opened. For example, on Hafiz Shirazi,
he has got excellence in getting the favour of Hadrat Ali. In the spiritual
world, the position and status of Hadrat Ali Murtuza are very great and
higher. The Prophet of Allah has said in his favour that “ I am the city of
knowledge and Ali is its door.” In spite of this, his position and status
can be known that all chains of Sufies are related to Hadrat Ali Murtuza
except the chain of Naqshbandia. So whoever will have excellence of
acquittance of Hadrat Ali Murtuza then for that person there will be
available intercession of the last Prophet of Allah for this reason and
also if he will guide him then in that case for this reason for his fame
and excellence will be spread in the world for his knowledge of truth
and knowledge of literature. And so which is not against thinking in this
matter. So from this, it is proved that Shah Bu Ali Qalandar who got
excellence and perfection in every kind of the knowledge which was
possible for him and due to favour and consideration of Hadrat Ali
Murtuza. Also, Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar said in this matter that “
He has got knowledge of Allah, knowledge of reality, as well as the
grace of knowledge of controversies from Hadrat Ali Murtuza.”
The pledge of Owasia
Such pledge which is called the pledge of Owasia which is
connected with the chain of Hadrat Owaise of Qarni and who belongs to
the group of the successors to the Holy Prophet’s companions and it is
started from him. As per the writing of Farid al-din Attar in his book
‘Tadiratal Auliya’ in which he has mentioned that “Owaise of Qarni has

not seen the prophet but the prophet did his internal training and this is
6.The event of Sultan Balbon of Delhi Kingdom
We continue the above event from herewith and which was left over
for the mentioning of above footnotes in this book.
As per the saying of the Bu Ali Shah and which was proved true so
Sultan Balbon was done much regret and sorry in the court of Lord of
the merciful. Sultan came in service of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar and
requested with him for the pray of birth of the male child. Hadrat Bu Ali
Qalandar Sahib was prayed in the court of Allah for sons of the Sultan of
Delhi Balbon and he has given him glad tidings of four sons. And ask
him to send the first elder boy in his service. Sultan accepted this and
left the place of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. As per promise of the
Sultan of Delhi and who has was given his elder son Prince Mubarak
Khan in the service of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. And the prince has
become his dearest disciple and as well as the stick of the old age life of
Shah Bu Ali. His other name was Mubaraz Khan and he was well known
and famous with the name of Dulha Miya.
2. Ashiq Elahi

In the previous pages, it is written that he got this tile of Ashiq Elahi
during his childhood days and which was given to him by Hadrat Shah
Jamal Qalandar Charm Posh. So, for this reason, he has become famous
and well known for this title from that period.
3. Qattal

As his last period of time of his life which was full of 1.absorption .2
engrossment. 3.fascination and at that time his condition of majestic was
well known and famous.

One day he was engaged in the jungle of Bhagoti in the remembrance

of Allah. At that time suddenly one marriage procession was passed
from there while making loud and cry and there was the loud sound of
drums and musical instruments and which disturbed his remembrance
and worship of Allah in that jungle area. So, for this reason, there was
passion in his power of majestic and at once all marriage party has
vanished away from that jungle area. On the other side at the house of
the bride people were waiting for the marriage party. When there was
too much delay in this matter then so for this reason people in the house
of the bride were worried and upset and they have sent one person to the
house of the bridegroom to inquire into the matter for reason of the
delay. Then they able to get information from the house of the
bridegroom that marriage party already left the village a long time ago.
Upon hearing this there was created much suspense and curiosity in this
matter. In this matter, three days were passed away in search and finding
of the marriage party. At last the people were going to see one Fakir for
seeking his help. He told them that “In the jungle of Bhagoti there is one
beloved Fakir of Allah and his name is Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar is
there who is engaged in the worship of Allah. So take help from him
there.” So all persons went in the service of Bu Ali Shah Qalandar and
requested his help by folding their hands to solve their problem in this
matter. At that time he was playing there with river water. He was seen
by a large number of people there and asked: “What is matter.?” The
people told him about the event of the missing of the marriage party and
requested his help in this matter. He said to them “To accept the offering
of three maund food in the name of Allah. So if Allah wills the problem
will be solved.” The people have accepted then suddenly the marriage
party was seen there. All people have completed offering and they left
from there in happiness and in the condition of joy for this reason. As
per the statement of reliable persons who say that after happening of the

event of the marriage party then his name has become famous and well
known as Sharafuddin Qattal.
4. Bakshi Hind (pardoner)

This title Bakshi of Hind was given to Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar by

the Prophet like the title Sultan Hind which was given to Hadrat
Moinuddin Chisti of Ajmer. Allah was given the Kingdom of India to
Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti. And Qalandar Sahib is the deputy of the
Hadrat Ali Murtuza in India. But Qalandar Sahib was made Bakshi in
India and its meanings are as pardoner.
Syed al-Arifin Hadrat Yad Allah of Deccan who used to call him
with titles of ‘Imam of al-Badla’ and ‘Bakshi Auliya.’
5. Qalandaria Nemat

He has obtained this grace of dauntless person from Syed Najauddin

Ghouth Dahar Ghaznavi Qalandar and who was the son of Hadrat
Nizamuddin Ghaznavi and who was the caliph of Hadrat Khizer Rumi
and his date of birth is 637 Heigra and his date of death is 837 Heigra.
Syed Najamauddin Ghouth Dahar Ghaznavi Qalandari after obtaining
of the knowledge of manifest he was entered into service of Hadrat
Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi. Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya adviced him to
go to Turkistan where he will find Hadrat Khizer Rumi and your grace
of the knowledge of innermost is available with him. So has reached to
Rome when he was seen passing of one group of Qalandar persons there.
He has remembered description which was informed to him by Hadrat
Nizamuddin Auliya and he has believed that the head of that group of
persons is Hadrat Khizar Rumi Qalandar. He was reached near him and
has kissed his foot there. Hadrat Khizar Rumi Qalandar by himself he
was able to know in this matter by the revelation of innermost and he
was asked well being of Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi and he was

awarded him spiritual graces and he was also given him permission of
caliphate to him. After this, he was busy in the traveling and tourism for
a long period of time. He was visited in China and England. For a period
of 50 years, he was in the city of Mecca. He used to break his fasting
with leaves of Bair (a kind of berry). He was in the service of drinking
water to Hajj pilgrims persons in the house of Hadrat Khadija for a
period of about 40 years. He has performed 42 Hajjs in Mecca and also
he was performed many Hajj Akbar (seasonal pilgrimage to Mecca with
ritual falling on Friday.) He was done such endeavours that he was sat
on one stone for a period of three years. From his chest, there will be
heard the sound of “Ho (God)”. He was lived for a period of 200 years
and he was died on the Wednesday on 20th Zil Hajj in the year 837
Hegira while striking his hand on the side and by saying Haq, Haq and
he was left this mortal world. His grave is in there in the State of Malva
in the Talcha Nahra Ghati near the palace of Sultan Mohammed Ghouri
and his grave is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and
wishes of the general and special persons who visit his grave. Qalandar
Sahib was got this grace of Qalanderia from him.

7.The Qalandaria way of life

Before we mention about Qalandaria way of life of Sufi persons of
the Qalandars chain so it seems necessary for us to mention the meaning
and technical term of research of the word Qalandar who are busy in
obedience, worship, absorption. So by mentioning the poetry and
sayings of this chain of Sufi persons and we will also show that the Sufi
persons of Qalandaria chain what have been said about this noble and
holy chain of the Qalanderia. And from where it was started.? And in
India how gradually this chain came into existence and what are sources
in this matter and progress of preaching and propagation of this chain. In

this kind, it is very difficult and not possible for us to write something in
this matter. But whatever we have got information and the details which
are available in our memories so we are presenting such details of
information for the sake of the readers in their presence for kind perusal
and attention in this matter.
It should be known that this family is linked with Sheikh Abdul Aziz
Makki and the person who has link and devotion with this family is
called Qalandar (dauntless person). The above-said person belongs a
group of the person of Safa platform in the Grand Mosque in Madina
who was linked with the Prophet. First of all the Prophet was called him
with the title of Qalandar. And this event is mentioned in the following
poetry of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar in the Persian language.

Hadrat Abdul Aziz Makki was most elder person and he was an
intoxicated and Majzoub ( one lost in divine meditation) Fakir person. In
the biography books, it was written about his absorption and
engrossment that one day he was traveling in the company of the
Prophet and on the way during journey condition of engrossment has
prevailed upon him. And the condition of innermost which kept him
away from both worlds. So in such condition of ecstasy and rapture, he
was lived in one room in the condition of unconsciousness for a period
of 30 years. There was no change in his condition of engrossment. When
Hadrat Ali Murtuza at the time of the battle of Saffain or Jamal
organized an army and when there was the beat of the drums and due to
such movement of army and feet of the trooper’s horses there was huge
sound and for this reason, his unconsciousness was over. And he was

asked where is the Prophet?. and where his army.? And one person who
was present said to him that “The Prophet already left this world and
after his period of his three caliphs was over and now it is the rule of the
fourth caliph Hadrat Ali Murtuza. When the Muslim army came near
there then the people in the condition of surprise and astonishment was
asked with Hadrat Ali Murtuza who is that person?.” He told them that
“He is flag-carrier and he is among people of Safa platform of the Grand
Mosque in Madina Sheikh Abdul Aziz Qalandar Makki and he is a Fakir
as well as Majzoub. During this time Abdul Aziz came out of his room
and he was present in service of the caliph of time and pledge on his
hand. And he has become hand and side of the Islamic army. Moulana
Abdul Quader Jounpuri in his poetry magazine has mentioned these
details which are as follows in the language of the Persian poetry.

In the magazine of Ghousia, it is mentioned that on 12th Zil Hajj

Sheikh Abdul Aziz Qalandar Makki in the place of Pakpatam district
Multan in Panjab which is out of the city where he has vanished away in
the cold cellar. At the above place on every year, his annual death
anniversary will be held there. Hadrat Baba Farid Ganj Shaker’s
mausoleum is situated inside of the city of Pakaptam.
As Hadrat Makki Qalandar has got the favour of the pledge and
religious instruction from and spiritual benefits from the Prophet and he
was also got favour and benefits from Hadrat Ali Murtuza. In this way,
Qalandaria family were divided into two sects as follows.
1.Qalandaria Makkia
2.Qalandaraia Al-wiya
Hadrat Abdul Aziz Makki’s famous and well-known caliph is
Hadrat Syed Khizar Rumi. And he was Qalandar and he was mystic and
Fakir. And he has died in the year 750 Heigra. And his appointed caliph
was Syed Najamuddin Ghouse Dahar Qalandar Ghaznavi.In India, there
was preaching and propagation of Qalandaria chain by efforts and
endeavours. So in this way, Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar got this grace of
excellence from him.
Meaning of Qalandar as per the dictionary
Now we are writing our research details of the meaning of the word
Qalandar as per the dictionary and its technical term and from this, it
knows about the reality of Qalandar chain. And so to know this chain of
the Qalandaria and how it is similar to other chains of the Sufism. The
reasons why the people think this chain as different. But every chain’s
thinking and its ending is Touwid Rabbani i.e., the unity of God and is
the devotion of oneness. In every family for the worship of Allah, there
are rules, attitudes are available, recitals, meditation and, as well as

special methods, are there. But the aim of all of them is the same.
Qalandar is with Kaf in Arabic alphabet so it is called Kalandar and it's
meaning is unruly and these people want to live in generally in the
condition of unruly and in the bad situation. So that people by looking
their condition of appearance should be not like them and be away from
them and do not disturb them in their following engagements.
1.Recitals provocation
In the book Jawhar Huruf it is mentioned as Qalandar is, in reality,
is Galandar. The author of Jawahar Gaibi has mentioned that “Qalandar
is such person one who will perform necessary worship of Allah and the
remaining time one should spend in the remembrance and endeavors of
Allah. Against it, the group of Malamati of Qlandaria people who used
to engage in supererogatory and Sunnah (in the practice of the Holy
Prophet) prayers in addition to obligatory duties. But they want to keep
himself hidden from the people of the world. So for this purpose, they
used to adopt such shape and condition of them. So that nobody did
disturb them about their link and worship of Allah. The opinion of the
author of the book Burhan is that Qalandars “Who will engage in the
worships such as equal of the oceans.”
In the magazine of Ghousia, it is mentioned that the word Qalandar
is the name of Allah in the Suryani language. Khaja Obiad Ullah Ahrar
Naqshbandi mentioned that Qalandar used to meditation in the worship
of Allah that they will be away from their life and family. This is the
main aim of Qalandar chain. Qalandar Sahib got this excellence in the
perfection level.
Hadrat Syed Jehangir Samnani describes the praise of Qalandar that
the pious people of the chain of Qalandaria away from connection and

relation are separated from them. Upon getting the abstract of manifest
and innermost they will not ignore the following.
1.Annals of Islamic law
2.Realities of the mystic way
They will become perfect and comprehensive model of the names of
Allah and they have become divers of the ocean of omnipresence of
God. They will always find drown in the river of the unity of God. Shah
Nemat Allah in his magazine Qalandaria supported this subject. In
short, the people of this chain are always found in the river of belief.
Whatever they see and hear from this source only.
Upon seeing all these sayings where there is no distinction that any
Sufi who belong to any chain when he reaches the height of status then
he will remain as Qalandar like Hadrat Shams Tabrez, Hadrat Jalaluddin
Rumi, Fakheruddin Iraqi,Khaja Hafiz Shirazi, Masood Bak Chisti,
Hadrat Maqdoum Alauddin Saber Kalyari, Syed Shamsuddin Turk
Panipati. Syed Mohammed Gesu Daraz of Gulberga caliph of Hadrat
Nasiruddin Chiraq Dehlavi.All these persons have achieved the higher
status of Qalandar chain.
Religion and rules
The religion and rules, as well as mystic way of life, will be free and
in a bold way. In reality these people as per saying of the Prophet and it
is translation and interpretation is that “ Oh Allah show us realities of the
things as such they are.” They want to know the realities of everything.
They leave words and they want to know to mean about them. And they
leave manifest of rules and attitude and knowledge of customary and
they want the following.
1.The purification of the innermost and goodness of the hearts. And they
find with them perfect and complete the knowledge of research. Then

they will not ignore the worship of innermost and Islamic law of the
manifest. But they also fulfill obligatory prayer and but they will not
perform supererogatory and desirable prayers. So students of this chain
always find in the lullaby of the soulful in the bosom of the reality. The
status of engrossment is also high and due to their comprehensiveness,
they will not leave the Islamic law in a manifest way. Among them,
there is such person are there who as per the saying of the Prophet to
take help and under it and for their necessities they keep their condition
hidden in different ways. So these persons who used to follow such rules
that nobody did disturb their reclination toward Allah. So for this reason
for their bad conditions and movement of manifest so persons who are
the lover of this world will be automatically keep away and will hate
them. Because such Darwesh persons due to their rare condition of the
intoxication will be in the condition of like life and death always. They
will reach near the place of belief. So for this reason on them, there will
be no restrictions on rules of the manifestation. The mystic way of such
persons will be as per the verse of the Quran in which it is said that to
worship Allah in such a way that you will get status of the belief. So
about Majja Shah Qalandar, it is mentioned that he used to live always
in the condition of absorption and intoxication. But upon his heart the
practice of the Islamic rules of the manifest was such become heavy that
upon becoming conscious he will be used to complete his lapsed
Regarding thinking about Qalandar Sahib about the condition of
intoxication is that in which these people used to think that they are
helpless persons. But he was the strict follower of the Islamic law and
the practice of the piousness of the manifest of Islamic law was very
heavy upon his heart.

Sheikh Hussain Gangohi has said that he was asked with Sheikh
Fakheruddin Jounpuri “Whether that Sheikh Hussain did not perform
prayer.?”.He said that “Brother he did not say this that Sheikh Hussain
did not perform the prayers. In it there is secret is that Allah has given
him the spiritual status of the soul to the Sufies of the chain. And has
given them such power at a particular time so they can present
themselves in the same conditions at the different places. So it is
possible that at one place they will be shown not fulfilling their duties
but at some place, they would be been performed their duties there. Or
they will be seen in the condition of absorption and ecstasy. And in such
condition of intoxication and devotion, they have not performed their
duties for this reason. But these people due to their comprehension and
who follow the Islamic law so for this reason upon becoming conscious
they will perform their obligatory prayers. Like the rules of action of
Hadrat Majja Qalandar. So for this reason on such persons, there will be
no blame for leaving of the prayers.
The difference between the group of Qalandaria and Malamatiya is
that Malamati group persons and who used to perform the following
kinds of obligatory, Sunnah and desirable prayers. But Qalandaria group
persons never perform other above prayers other than the obligatory
Cutting off the four eyebrows
In this chapter, we want to explain to the readers that in the group of
Qalandars there is the available general custom of the cutting of the four
eyebrows and what is their basis of it.? And who was the person who has
started this custom in the group of the Qalandars.? In reality, the reason
in this matter is that Hazrat Abdul Aziz Makki who has become very old
and due to his old age and weakness all his hairs of the body were fallen
down automatically. Hadrat Mir Jamaluddin who has the much devotion

of him due to the chain of the Qalandaria. He was fallen in the deep love
of his spiritual master and this devotion was increased as such that he
could not depend on the likeness of innermost but so thought with
burnishing of the innermost there should be required likeness of the
manifest of the spiritual master. So for this reason he has cleared four
eyebrows of the eyes so he has become same and similar with his
spiritual master in innermost and in a manifest way as well as his shape
was also becoming same like of his teacher.
The Islamic religion was given the order for following and forever
and ever. It is the only source by which one can get admittance at the
court of Allah. There are many kinds of it. And which is obligatory for
all Muslim persons. And for not following them then the man will be
away from the real graces which will be available for the exchange of
this. So following of the Prophet, companions of the Prophet and holy
persons, as well as Sufi persons, come under this kind. In the book Fazal
Qitab Parsa Bukhari has written about following of the holy persons of
Quaderia and much has written by him in this support in details in the
above Persian book and its text quoted in the book which was not
translated by author of this Urdu book so which was afterwards not
translated into English language.
Regarding cutting off the four eyebrows in this matter it is stated that
Qalandar Sahib did not cut his four eyebrows as he knows that it belongs
tradition of the family so he was always not followed the customs which
was prevailed in this group.
Regarding following he was writing in his writings, his opinion is in
the fitness of religious frenzy in this matter which proved that he was a
lover of the following system of the Prophet and as well as to adopt the

way of the companions and ancient people and holy persons on their
steps he used to think the goal of his life.
For going to the destination of the love following things are needed.
1. Absorption and intoxication
2. Ecstasy and unconsciousness
Without the above things, it is not possible to pass over the difficult
places of love and which is not success to cover the journey from them
in this matter. In the poetry of the mystic persons, there will be mention
of the details and description of the cup and wine which refer to the
ecstasy and which help the traveler of the journey like Prophet Khizer
who will guide the travelers on the way. Without the above Salik
(student) will not reach the final place. So Hafiz Shirazi who was afraid
of the way of the journey and accepted the above things in this matter.
The Salikin (students) of chain of Qalandaria are such great in their
status of absorption and intoxication and their condition of ecstasy will
be such that due to their intoxication and they are found in the passion of
lullaby of the truth and rapture of reality’s soulful desires in which they
will be engaged always in such condition. Some Salik’s position of
engrossment which will be found at a great higher level. As of Hadrat
Abdul Aziz Makki ’s, his each and every period of the engrossment will
be for a period of 40 years.
In the books of biographies, it is mentioned that to Zikeria Multani
and Baba Farid Shaker Ganj it was advised by the Prophet that in your
doubts in mysticism you go and meet Abdul Aziz Makki and get solved
by him. So these people came to Pakpatam and cleared the cold cellar
then cold cellar was opened and he came out from it and as per the order
of the Prophet, he has solved the doubts. Then he was said he will come
out again by Allah’s will during the period of Prophet Mahadi so cold
cellar should be closed so that he should be engaged in the worship of

Allah. So it was done like that. That cold cellar is available in Pakpatam
and in which there is one whole by which wind is passed through it
As per books of the biographies, it was known that Hadrat Qalandar
Sahib was also peerless in the passion of absorption. He was also found
for many years in the absorption and in the condition of surprise. He has
done hard tasks on the earth as well as he was stood in the waters for a
period of many years and he was done worship there. As per one
tradition, he did not touch water and food for a period of forty years. In
short, he was also was not away from the grace of innermost of his
chain. Qalandar Sahib in his poetry he has was mentioned in many
places the following terms which are as follows.
1. Unconsciousness
2. Absorption and intoxication
By giving many comparisons he was explained the scenes of his
engrossment. We are writing some details on this matter which is as
Qalandar Sahib’s condition of absorption and engrossment and which
was such that and also ecstasy which was prevailed upon him to such
level that his mustache was grown and crossed the limits of Islamic law.
But there was no dare-ness with any person to ask him in this matter. So
some respectable people of Salaria Taji nation have approached Qazi
Ziauddin Sunumi alias Ali Mufti and who was the leader of the learned
persons of Islamic law and also he was Muslim Jurist of Panipat. They
said to him that this ecstatic darwesh is out of Islamic law. That Mufti
who was not aware of the path of truth and condition of the innermost.
And who was prepared statement of the case in this matter and its
translation and interpretation is mentioned as follows.

Translation of statement of the case

“ Sharafuddin is accomplished and learned person. He was engaged
in Delhi for a period of 40 years in the teaching and education, in the
endeavours of knowledge. Now he came over to Panipat. And he has
closed the door of the knowledge of the manifestation. He was disgusted
with from the company of the learned and master persons. He was living
in the loneliness. He is away from rules of the Islamic law so for this
reason he is eligible for the punishment in this matter.”
When this the statement of the case was completed then the local
judge was taken signatures of the witness by the respectable and chief
person of the tribes and it was closed in the envelope and sent to Khaja
Ansari for the stamp of the witness as who was head of the learned
person of Heart city. And he was residing in Thatta. Khaja Sahib has
opened the envelope and read the statement of the case as he was aware
of knowing of the reality and he was interested in the secrets of an
intimate knowledge of God. When he was read the subject of the
statement of the case and he was torn off it. The bearer of the letter was
explained dare-ness of Khaja Ansari to Qazi (judge) then he has become
angry and he was called Khaja Sahib in the court. Khaja Sahib who well
knew about the reality matters and he has come into court with
preparation there. Qazi Sahib was asked him “Why did you have torn the
letter.?” He told that “This Darwesh is in the condition of intoxication
and surprise as per the verse of the Holy Quran “La Taqar Ra Bu
Salawat Wa Antum Sukari.” So is he is helpless from the order of
Islamic law and order. You people cannot see his look of favour. So
giving trouble to such a holy person which is not proper in any religion
and nation. Oh, jurist if you do not have the belief about his perfection
of innermost and excellence of spiritual then take action and cut his
grown mustache.” Mufti had seven sons and who were given scissors in

their hands and were sent one after another to cut his grown mustache of
Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar but all were died on the spot due to his look of
anger. Then Qazi was stood with scissors in his hand and he went near
Qalandar Sahib at that time who was absorbed in the elegance of the
beloved. But due to the respect of Islamic law, he has put down his
head. Then after that Qazi cut his mustache and after that from the root
of every hair blood falling was started. So the lover of Allah while
kissing his cut hairs he said that “Thank God these hairs were caught on
the way of Islam of Prophet Mohammed. ”As his each and every hair
was busy in the remembrance of Allah. So he has become angry and he
said “Oh Ziauddin your grave will be the grazing place of the donkeys.
The donkeys which were lost will be found on your grave.” In reply to
this curse, Ziauddin has told that “On your grave, there will be the crowd
of intoxicated persons there.” We have gone to Panipat to investigated in
this matter with many elder persons there. It was known that still, the
effect of the curse of Qalandar Sahib is there that lost donkeys are found
on the grave of Ziauddin. And there will find always the huge crowd of
the people in the mausoleum of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar and which we
have seen by us there by our own eyes.
In the last Qazi due to becoming disgusted and he asked Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar pray there then Shah Bu Ali told him that “Ziauddin he is
helpless from the prayer and for me prayed was forgiven by Allah. As
most of his time is passed in the engrossment. The jurist told him that
“Even for the Prophet’s prayer is not forgiven. So then how you will be
exempted from the prayer.” And for which he told him that “There will
be anger befall you. My heart is not in my control so for the prayer is
not required for the intoxicated and the persons who are in the
condition of surprise.”

Mufti was begun insisting on the Islamic law and he said in the
Islamic law there is no evade and which is not legal. And for this
insisting there was prevailed the condition of passion on Bu Ali Shah
Qazi Sahib was begun insisting for the prayer so for this he has tied
body of the Shah Ali Qalandar tightly. As that body was like of the
angels which have kept attribute and due to the softness of the
personality which was changed due to the light of Allah. So the body
was not tightened and the waist belt was not able to tighten his body and
which left without used in the hands of the Qazi. And Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar has remained as it is as free. When he comes back from the
veil of majestic to elegance then he said to Qazi to let us perform the
The Mufti was standing in the prayer as the leader and he began
reciting the Quran, Bu Ali Shah Qalandar was stood in the prayer was
gone in the engrossment. When Mufti has performed the prayer and but
Bu Ali Shah Qalandar was remaining in the bowing condition. Qazi
asked him “Oh Darwesh why you are standing.?” Then he has raised his
head and said that “ Ziauddin eyes in the valley of deaths uproar so this
prayer is not suitable for Sharafuddin.” Upon this Khaja Ansari said to
him “What you told in this matter oh Qalandar Sahib this matter.”
Qalandar Sahib then told that “Prayer is not legal unless there is no
attention of the heart available.”
From this story, it is proved that Qalandar Sahib’s passion for
innermost was reached to such higher level that he will come back very
less in the condition of consciousness. So by dividing his life into parts,
it is known that his last life was engaged in the following.
1.Absorption and engagement 2.Engrossment.

Probably these events belong to such period and for writing on these
matters we do not have hesitation that these people are fully aware of the
following Islamic law. Most often they will be used to perform lapsed
prayer upon coming back in the condition of consciousness and it was
the method of the must for them. The second thing from the court of
Allah they will get the light body for them. And with that condition, they
can present themselves in many different places.
So for them, it is possible for them that they will be looked as not
performing the prayer at some place and at the same time at another
place they will use to perform the prayer. About this, we have already
clarified in this subject in the previous pages and in its part of the related
matter. From the above event, it is proved that in spite of his
helplessness when he was come back in the condition of consciousness
then without arguments he was cut his mustache and he was joined in
the prayer under the leadership of Qazi Ziauddin. And due to his
helplessness, he was engaged in the observation of elegance in the
prayer. And he could not able to complete his prayer.
For the above facts, we can not hesitate to say that he has must love
and respect for the law of the Prophet. Why did not have such love and
respect that without following the Prophet nobody could get position and
status in the court of Allah.
In the above text, there are available indications that for the heart of
the holy persons there will be found the attention of heart always. So the
people should not think that for them there will not the available
attention of the heart. When they will leave prayer when there will be no
attention to the heart and then there will be no attention to the prayer
than in such prayer how there will be available attention.? That thing
from which there will be disturbed in the attention of heart so that thing

should be left out and so one should try to have the attention of the heart
in the prayer time.
As per tradition in the book Tadhkirtal Ghousia that the condition of
absorption and engrossment of Hadrat Syed Mashooq was such great
and due to his condition of engrossment he could not able to perform
five congregational prayers. So learned person of the time was passed
legal opinion for him for leaving the prayer so for this he is eligible for
the punishment in this matter. At the time of accountability, Sheikh
Ahmed told that “ He is helpless in this matter if you force him then he
can pray. But in the prayer, he will not recite the verse Fatah.” The
learned persons told him that “ In the prayer reciting verse Fatah is a
must. And without it, prayer cannot be completed for this reason.” So he
said “ He will recite all the verse except “Eyaka Nabudu Wayaka
Nastin.” The learned persons told him that “Without reciting this verse
Fatah prayer will not be completed.” When the learned persons began
ablution for him and many water skins were used for him but upon
pouring such huge quantity of water upon him but when water which has
fallen on his hand and it began drying immediately. So, for this reason,
the learned persons were upset and angry and they caught him and dived
into the water so for this reason water was boiled with such force that
like on stove cauldron will boil. When ablution was performed then
Sheikh Ahmed was joined in the prayer. When the leader in the prayer
was recited “ Eyaka Nabudu Wayaka Nastin” then at that time his body
was broken and from all pours of the body blood discharge was started
and his dress was a with the blood. So Sheikh has discontinued his
prayer and he said that “ He is like a woman who is in the condition of
mensuration. For the woman in the course of menstruation, the prayer is
not allowed.” Upon seeing his condition the learned persons were able to
know that really Sheikh Ahmed is helpless in this matter so he could not

perform the prayer. He has died in the year 727 Hegira and his grave is
available in Mullan.
8.Throne of the caliphate
As per the method of the Prophet, he began his endeavour very much
as such upon getting Prophethood who has increased his tasks very
much and so in the same way Bu Ali Shah Qalandar was beginning his
endeavours very much in this matter by the following method of Prophet
for the following.
1.Following the Prophet
2.Knowing God
3.Demand of God
4. Requirement of God
5. Intimate knowledge of Allah
He has done many physical exercises, burnishes of the soul and to
defeat the soul and for which he has done too many endeavours and hard
tasks in this matter. Upon reading some of his details then gall-bladder
of the man will become like water it means there will be a great effect on
the mind for his hard tasks. That how such a complete person who has
got such great and lofty position in the world of an intimate knowledge
of God.
The meanings of the endeavours by the dictionary is grief and
endeavours and make an effort. That man should make an effort against
the disobedience of the soul. And overcome his soul and get status of the
realization of Allah. The Prophet has said two kinds of endeavours as
1. Jahad (Jahad (Jihad) comes from “Jahd,” which means, struggle to
achieve something. It is said in the writings of Prophet Muhammad that

the greatest struggle (Jihad) is the struggle of the human within.) Akbar
Jihad means big struggle and Jahad Asghar mean small struggle.
For the existence of Islam to fight with infidels and polytheist is
called Jahad Asghar and to fight with the ones of baser self is called
Jihad Akbar. And its position is more than Jahad Asghar. Qalandar
Sahib who done such endeavours which are well known and famous all
over the world. He went to the jungle to forget the knowledge of
manifest and customs. He was engrossed day and night in the
remembrance of Allah. As per traditions, it was known that he was stood
in the water and done worship and overcome the soul till such that the
water animals have eaten away the flesh of his shin. But there has not
come to any difference in his condition of ecstasy. For a period of 40
years, he did not show any interest in the water and food. There was
such his status of holiness that whoever will pass from and if he will
look that person by the look of elegance then, in that case, the person
will become a complete holy person. But his look of majesty was such
fast that if he will by such look then such thing will be burnt down at the
same time. His method was to overcome the soul. One cold night he has
required for taking bath so he was taken bath for 70 times. And also he
was passed many nights like that in such a way. So there will be
available severe cold and also cold water and due to such things his body
was shattered and he was heard one invisible call in which it was said to
him that “ Oh Sharafuddin now you are helpless. And so from the court
of Allah and Prophet, the prayer is forgiven for you.” In short, he was
done great endeavours. Always the boys used to beat him by stones but
he used to say that the angels used to respect him very much and blow
the horn for him. But these children who are without knowledge and
ignorant who used to throw stones upon him. He was resident of the 5th
sky. And he used to live always in the condition of observation.

1. With Ghouse Ali Shah Panipati somebody has asked: “How Hadrat
Bu Ali has stood in the water for a period of 12 years.”He said that “ The
brilliance which was prevailed upon him. If it will be fallen upon me
then I should have stood in the water for a period of 12,000 years. Oh,
the unwise person whether the observation of the true personality would
allow anybody to leave from such place,”
2. In the events of Hadrat Bayazid Bustami, it is written that he was
also required to have the bath in one severe cold night. Every time he
has taken bath by breaking the ice. There is his statement that he used
to become unconscious due to severe coldness and used to sleep by
doing his rag dress wet. So that there may not carelessness again.”
The author of the book Sharaf Manaqab has written that when
Prophet was passing through the height of heaven in the night of
accession and where he has seen one red elephant in the condition of
ecstasy and who was dancing there. He was asked by angel Gabriel
“What is secret of Allah in this matter.” Angel Gabriel told him that
“This elephant who is in the condition of ecstasy is Sharafuddin Bu Ali
Qalandar. And who is the lover of Allah. And he is one from the group
of lovers of Allah from your nation.” The prophet becomes happy and
thanked in the court of Allah that in his nation such persons are there
due to the kindness of Allah. From this story, it is shown the greatness of
Bu Ali Shah Qalandar as well as it is also proved that he was found in
such conditions from beginning to engrossment and ecstasy. He will be
engaged in the remembrance of Allah and then at that time from the root
of every hair there will be the discharge of sweat and the drops which
will be fallen and from it, and there will be the painting of God will be
formed on the earth. Due to too much engrossment, there will find the

map of the two world always before his eyes. He was also got such a
cup of drink which was given to Hadrat Junaid and Hadrat Ba Yazid.
The usage of the power of the innermost was such that even wild
animals used to come into his presence and request to sacrifice them. As
he was learned a person who acts upon his knowledge so who think
heartbreaking as a great sin so he will not accept their requests and reply
them softly. In the book Nikhat Ghalib in which Mirza Ghalib while
correction of the poetry one of his student has written to him that “Due
to old age Allah has forgiven Bu Ali Shah Qalandar his obligatory
prayers and Sunnah prayers which was forgiven by the Prophet. So, in
the same way, the friends should also forgive him for the correction of
their poetry works.”
We are mention herewith that once Sheikh Shahabuddin Ashiq
Khuda and some other holy persons were present in the service of Qutub
of holy persons Hadrat Bakhtiar Kaki and there was the discussion about
the worship of Allah and obedience was in progress. Hadrat Qutub Sahib
said “The worship of Allah should be done like the worship of Shah Bu
Ali Qalandar who used to do such worship. Oh, brothers during the
period of youth Sharafuddin did such and such worship and such and
such endeavours. Which I have not seen doing such worship and
endeavours by any person.” When Sheikh Shuhabuddin was heard such
praise of Bu Ali Shah Qalandar by Qutub Sahib then there was a desire
which was created in his heart to visit him. At last one day, he went into
the presence of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar and at that time he was engaged in
the work of teaching and preaching there. When he was free from the
above work they both of them were engaged in secret-talks. After that
Sheikh came back to his house. It was his routine matter that for every 2
or 3 days he will go into service of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar then there will
be the discussion of secret-matters and issues of manners but one day

after finishing of matters of the knowledge Shah Bu Ali Qalandar was

ready for going to the jungle for worship work. At that time Sheikh was
reached there so Shah Bu Ali Qalandar while shaking his hand he told
him that “ He has much fondness of the worship of Allah and which is
not been done without loneliness and in sitting in silence so for this
purpose now he is going to the jungle of Vazirabad. Sheikh has asked
him to accompany him in the jungle. So Shah Bu Ali Qalandar Shah said
his that “You have opted for it.” For saying this Shah Bu Ali Qalandar
left from there but Sheikh Sahib was left over there after some time.
When one part of the night was passed away then Sheikh Sahib also
went to the jungle of Vaizirabad. It was the halftime of the night and
when he was reached at the mystical exercises place and what he has
seen there that there was one tower of light like a fire which was
standing pillar from earth to the sky. From every side of the pillar, there
was the coming voice of the name of Almighty Allah. Upon seeing the
strange scene of the worship of the Shah Bu Ali Qalandar, Sheikh Sahib
was surprised in this matter. He went near to him and what he has seen
that Shah Bu Ali Qalandar was standing in upside down condition. And
his head was there on the support on the point of the spindle. And his
feet were towards the sky and in such condition, he was in such
engrossed and drowned in the worship of Allah there as such that there
was no care of himself. And there was falling down blood from the root
of the hairs. When Sheikh has seen those drops of the blood when he
was found that it was the same light and which was like coruscant stick
making light from earth to the sky. As per routine when Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar has finished his worship then he has come back in his original
shape. He asked Sheikh to come over near to him and he was engaged
with him in the discussion for a long period of the time. After the end of
the discussion, Shah Bu Ali Qalandar went to his residence and Sheikh
Sahib was left for Delhi.

Still, now careless persons who say that Shah Bu Ali Qalandar was
the pledge at the hand of Sheikh Shahabuddin Ashiq Khuda. So they
should show us that in the presence of such and such above events then
their thinking has not belonged real thing. As a matter of fact, Sheikh
Sahib was the lover of his supernatural acts which belonged to Shah Bu
Ali Qalandar. And he was such fondness and eagerness to see his kind of
worship so for looking his supernatural acts in public and private places
and so for this, he used to come to Vazirabad from Delhi by walking.
And so he will be benefitted by his spiritual benefits which belong to
Shah Bu Ali Qalandar and then he used to go back to Delhi from
Vaizrabad. This is the name of one village at the bank of river Jamuna.
Where there is one building is there which is a well-known building as
Bengali Quarters connected with New Delhi. Where there is one
mosque is there in which there is the available place of his Chilla
(mark). We also accept that Sheikh Sahib was a holy person of his time.
From him, there were many continuous usages were happened by him.
But from him, the pledge of the Shah Bu Ali Qalandar is not possible
and it is impossible. But obtaining of favour and give benefits of favour
is another thing and for which we will not be refused in this matter.
Because there is method among holy persons for the distribution of
graces of innermost and this is was regarded as the good thing.
Mystical exercise and benefits
During his life period he has done such a number of endeavors and
due to this reason his name and fame which is available in the world and
shining more than the sun and moon. The world’s big and perfect holy
persons who used to think his devotion as a matter to be proud. Which is
the result of his mystical exercises. So Allah was made him indifferent
to goods of the world and Allah made him such ambitious person that in
his look there was no value of goods of the world at all any value with

him even though the ruler of times used to think to kiss his hands and
carrying of the foot wears as a matter of grace for themselves for both
of the worlds. But he has such deep love of the beloved that he did not
have looked at anything of the world. The aim in the life which he has
determined for which he has not kept away from it. The great result
which he has obtained probably due to his mystical exercises and self-
denial. And which is net one which is the look of the beloved. And
which is greater than graces of heaven. One of the benefits of mystical
exercises and self-denial is that he has got such position and status
among holy persons like the moon in the stars.
Somebody has asked with Hadrat Ghouse Ali Qalandar about the
condition of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar and Hadrat Maqdoum Saber
Kalayar. He said that “ Hadrat Maqdoum Saber he was in the traveler of
the world and Shah Bu Ali Qalandar was traveled in the soul. But both
of them were used to be drowned in the river of astonishment.”
The perfect Arif (learned) person of time Hadrat Jami has his
opinion of ecstasy about Qalandaria chain. That there are two groups of
the people which are as follows.
1. Mashaiq of Sufia
Who was able to attain the position of status due to the obedience of
the Prophet. As per way of following of the Prophet who were appointed
to redress the needs and requirements of mankind. This is the group of
perfect persons who will always find drowned in the sea of the unity of
God. Who from problems from destruction has been reached to the bank
of the river of life. So that they can guide mankind.
2.The Second group

This group upon becoming perfect and who will be in the condition
of the destruction in the sea of completeness as such there will be not
found their sign. Upon getting complete saintliness there were be given
duty for the completion of the work of the others. These people belong
to the following categories.
1.Salikan (mystic)
2.Tombs of lesson
3.Natives of the river of surprise
And Shah Bu Ali Qalandar belongs to the above second group. And
this group has also three categories.
1. Lower
2. Average
3. Higher
Shah Bu Ali Qalandar who belongs to the above higher category. In
the following, Shah Bu Ali Shah Qalandar was ahead from all of the
holy persons of his time.
1. Endeavours
Due to more of the status of height, he was got direct excellence of
relations which was available to him with Hadrat Ali Murtuza and which
was available to a few lucky persons. So for such kind of mystical
exercises and endeavours of strange which are made him possible for
such results.

9. The kings of time and Shah Bu Ali Qalandar

There was much independence in the nature of Shah Bu Ali

Qalandar. And which should be such distinction of every person as
everybody wants to live as independent as well as free and also want to
spend his life in an independent style. Before great rebellious and
worldly people, he used to call before them call of truth in clear worlds
without any fear. For the relations of the world which are called as
worrying and from them, he used to keep relation cut off for this reason.
But actually, he was not away from the world. And against it, he was the
most popular holy person of his time. And he was the complete and best
model of humanity. He was light of the meetings of the Sufi persons.
And decoration of the meeting of manners. All holy persons are agreed
for his respect and honour. They all consider him as a great guide of the
time. In his biography details in the previous pages of this book, we have
mentioned that his life’s first period was attached to the royal court.
When he was appointed on the post of the Muslim Jurist (Mufti) at that
time. He was engaged at that time in the work of teaching and preaching
work. But his status and position were not like the poet of the royal
court. But he used to attend the royal court as his position of the learned
person. In the circles of the learned persons, he was used to thinking as
the lamp of such group of the persons. His period was such holy time
that when the sun of knowledge and excellence was shining greatly and
from its there was spread of knowledge in the world. Great holy persons
and Sufi poets were lived during the time of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. But
nature has made him free from goods of the world. And have made him
by nature of the content. So the famous poet of his time Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar did not expect any reward from the royal court. He did submit
encomium ode in the praise of the king and did not expect any reward

from anybody. Only one or two encomium odes he has written in the
praise of Sultan Alauddin Khilji in which he has praised his
administration and government organization. These encomium odes
were not written by him for any reward and money from the royal court.
Because with Sultan Alauddin his terms and conditions were sincerely
and brotherly.
He has obtained his livelihood as per commands of Allah and as per
Sunnah (practice) of the Prophet and instructions of the spiritual masters.
He was in service and as well as he was headmaster of the school. And
also he was worked as the jurist of the royal court. Like a complete
person, he has spent life. The content proof of his is that he has seen the
rule of many kings but he did not make the edge of his shirt impure with
the disgrace of the question with the kings. As a matter of fact, the
method of his predecessors was with encomium odes in the praise of the
kings and they used to earn the livelihood. Gift and presents were
received by him from the royal court. But in his heart, there was no
value of all these things. And he used to give these things to poor and
needy persons. The neck which was created by Allah which was not
bowed down before any door in the world. In this topic, we will show
you what will be the value of the kings in his look. And what was his
behavior and treatment with them.
Sultan Ghyiauddin Balban
He was Sultan of slave dynasty. During the rule of Sultan
Nasiruddin, he has become the minister in the court. Upon the death of
Sultan Nasiruddin, Ghyiauddin Balban has become Sultan of Delhi in
the year 1266 Hegira. He was the brave, strong and the most powerful
Sultan of the Delhi Kingdom and in his biography, we have already
mentioned that he did not use to have male children. Due to the helpless
condition, he has referred this matter to Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. And he

has requested with him for the prayer of male children. Allah has given
him four male children due to the prayer of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. So
his elder son Mubaraz Khan was a most beloved disciple of Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar. He has much love and devotion and due to such condition, he
was usually found in the presence of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. During his
whole life, he was the claimant of the slave of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar.
Due to the effect of the prayer of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar, all Rajputs
around surrounding areas of Delhi were afraid of his rule and majesty.
The drum of his horror and majesty was beating till areas of Central
Asia. He was much natural fondness of learned persons and poets. There
were used to be held a poets meetings and gathering in the royal court.
In which he has much interest and fondness.The king of poets Amir
Khusro who was a royal court poet of Sultan Alauddin. He was sent one
quatrain in the presence of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar and asked his reply in
this matter.

Shah Bu Ali Qalandar has written the reply of the above quatrain and
sent to Amir Khusro which is as follows.

Not only this but for many times it was happened by chance that
Sultan Ghiauddin was become his admirer upon checking spiritual
usages and revelation of the innermost of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar.Hazrat

Bu Ali Qalandar used to like him very much and he thinks of him as
confident. So for this purpose, he was written two encomiums in the
praise of Sultan Ghiasuddin Khilji in which Shah Bu Ali Qalandar has
mentioned his administration and system of government.

It is said that once Sultan Ghiasuddin Balban has come into the
presence of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar and so Shah Sahib asked him “Sultan
how many days you will reside here.’? And he told him that “ Your
honour he will live here for four days.” Shah Sahib said, “No you will
live for four years.” And by saying this he was smiled. So Sultan by the
wisdom of knowledge was able to know that now his life is not more
than four years. When Sultan came back to his capital in Delhi after
living for four days in the company of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar then at that
time he has opened the royal treasures for poor and needy persons and
he was involved in the activities of generous and bountiful. And as per
his divine inspiration, he has left this mortal world after four years. And
from this, it was proved that Shah Bu Ali Qalandar’s holy look will be
always there at the invisible writings of the tablet in the sky. So, for this
reason, he was given information of the death of Sultan Ghiasuddin
Balbon by hints and its result was that Sultan was engaged in the good
deeds with mankind. And due to deeds of generous and bountiful, he
was made poor persons as rich and wealthy persons. And he has been
able to record good deeds in his record. This also was happened due to
Shah Bu Ali’s favours of spiritual and innermost.
Sultan Alauddin Khilji

Upon the death of his real paternal uncle Sultan Ghiasuddin,

Alauddin was crowned on the throne of Delhi Kingdom in the year 1295
Hegira. In his younger age, he was very cruel and very much stubborn
nature and he was used to drinking too much wine. In those days Shah
Bu Ali Qalandar was on his throne of the caliphate. And immediately
there were great changes came into his life. The historians have agreed
that those changes were due to usages of the innermost and spiritual
revelation of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. So one night one holy person has
told him in the dream which is as follows.

And the translation and interpretation is as follows and it was recorded

in the Persian in the Urdu book and which is now presented by translated
into English .“ Oh, Alauddin Khilji good deeds should be done to
mankind. To be keep away from all prohibited things. And also give the
order for these things to others by issuing strict orders. As well as there
should be a severe punishment to bad deeds.”
That holy person was Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. Due to scolding and
warning, Sultan Alauddin’s life was completely has been changed. He
was re-organized the rules and regulation of the Kingdom. He was given
the order for the closure of the wine shops and he has given the order for
severe punishment for the wine drinkers. He has discontinued the habit
of wine drinking and he was broken wine drinking glasses and utensils.
Shah Bu Ali Qalandar was very bold for the voice of the truth. So by
his good advice, he made Sultan Alauddin a member of the group of
Sufi persons. So for this reason with Shah Bu Ali Qalandar Sultan
Alauddin's faith and devotion was increased very much so he used to

send usually royal gifts and presents in the service of Shah Bu Ali
One time he wants to send some gifts in the presence of Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar. But due to Shah Bu Ali Qalandar ’s status and majesty as well
as horror and dignity condition was such that nobody dares to go before
him and talk with him in this matter. Even Sultan Alauddin being king
he was used to be kept away from his status and majesty and usage of
innermost. At last, it was decided to send Amir Khusro who was the
special employee of the Sultan in the service of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar.
So as per the order of Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya, Amir Khusro went
towards Panipat along with royal gifts and covered journey continuously
for three days and he has reached to Panipat. And he was visited his
house there. The servants have informed Shah Bu Ali Qalandar about
the arrival of Amir Khusro to him so he was asked servants to allow him
to come inside of the house. He was said Salam to him and he has
informed him that “Oh lover of Allah he was submit here along with
gifts of Sultan of Delhi Kingdom so to accept the same.” Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar’s content was such increased that so he was upset with goods
of the world and he said to him that “ Khusro a period of 40 years passed
away and from that time I do not know myself and also about the world
and worldly matters. What is the use of these things for me.? Recite
some of your poetry.” And at that time Amir Khusro recited the
following ode.

Shah Bu Ali Qalandar was very happy upon hearing Khusro’s ode
and he prayed for him and said that “ Khusro will live happily and he
will leave happy”. And then he was recited his following ode.

So Amir was begun weeping then Qalandar Sahib has asked “Khusro
why you are weeping?.” Amir told him that “ Because he did not
understand it.” Upon this Shah Bu Ali Qalandar become happy and he
has accepted offer which was sent by the Sultan of Delhi. And he has
distributed the presents among needy and poor persons. He was given
instruction to his nephew Pir Zinda to take Amir in the shrine and keep
him as a guest there for three days and do not leave any room of
compliant for his feast and hospitality. In short, after three days he was
bid God bye to Amir and through him he was sent one letter in the name
of Sultan Alauddin as follows.
“Alauddin ruler of the Delhi he should again to know what to do well
treatment with mankind. To provide easy circumstances of the public
and which is the duty of the ruler of the kingdom.”
In the book Tadhkiratal Ghousia it is mentioned that when Amir has
recited his ode (ghazal) then Khaja Bu Ali Shah extended his hand and
said to him take it as I want to give something to you. But at the same
time, two invisible hands were appeared there and were taken such
favour from there. It has happened that two-three times so he said to him
that it is not in your fate. When Amir was present in the service of Khaja
Nizamuddin Auliya then he told him that “Shah Bu Ali Qalandar want to
make you same as him. But you were not patient in this matter. So we
have taken such favour from you and which will be given back to you
upon your death.”
When this letter of advice was reached in the presence of Sultan
Alauddin then false flatterers said to him that as they want to break the
Sultan’s admiration and devotion with Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. So they

said to him writing such letter of bold style which is not suitable in the
favour of the king. But Sultan who was become the admirer of the
usages of innermost of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar said to them that “There
are millions of thanks of Allah that Shah Bu Ali Qalandar told him as
ruler of Delhi as such before he told as Police Chief of India. From this,
it is known that what was his position and status with the kings of India.
Shah Sahib remembers to the cruel king like Sultan Alauddin with such
carelessness. The Sultan’s devotion to him increased as such that he
used to think him as a person for the fulfillment of his desire and wishes.
It was as such that even in the affairs of the kingdom he used to ask for
his prayers and aid-seeking in this matter. And from the court of sky-
high of the Hadrat Bu Ali Shah, he used to get favour of the success
It was the faith of Sultan Alauddin that due to looking of Shah Sahib
stubborn nature of the animal will leave his stubbornness. So once one
Arabic horse of Iraqi origin which was very mischievous and which not
coming under the control of any of the trooper. So he was sent that horse
in the service of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah for his correction work there with
him. The servant was taken the horse to the house of Baba Sahib and he
explained the case of the mischievous horse to him so he told him that to
remove his chain and take the rope of his cot and tight him with his cot.
The servant was done as per the instruction of Baba Sahib. He was
addressed to the horse as follows.
“Oh, the horse I am right with my God so you should also right with
me. And leave this mischief.” Upon hearing this effective words the
horse has become obedient and faithful. Shah Sahib has sent the horse to
Delhi after three days in the presence of Alauddin. When Alauddin was
seen prominent changes than before so his devotion with Shah Sahib
was increased. There are such many events are available but to the

length of the book, such events were ignored by us for this purpose.
Sultan Alauddin has died in the year 1316 Hegira
Mubarak Khan.
He was the beloved disciple of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar and he was
the son of Sultan Balbon. He was born due to the prayer of Shah Sahib.
In the biography, we have mentioned details in the previous pages of this
book. His father was worried very much about no birth of the male
children. What was there the effect of the prayer of the Baba Sahib in
this matter.? Because there were much love and affection of Baba Sahib
with him so even for a minute leaving him will be caused to him as a
difficult matter for him in this matter. He has become the lover of the
beauty and grace as such that without him he did not like to eat his food.
This love was pure and in which there were no desires of human needs.
But for sightseeing of Allah, Mubarak Khan was like a source of the
mirror. Due to his beauty and elegance which was given by Allah so, for
this reason, Shah Sahib used to remember by looking him the grace of
Allah in this matter. The persons for the fulfillment of desire and wishes
then for that matter they will approach Mubarak Khan then he will refer
the matter with Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. Also, Mubarak Khan got such
spiritual favours that after his death many great holy persons of their
times were got training by his soul and were able to get favour. He was a
mystic person and who acted as per his an intimate knowledge of God.
One day Mubarak Khan went for hunting and amusement purpose
into the jungle. One soldier of Tajik nation who was his secret lover of
Mubarak Khan but he was by thinking as he was the son of the Sultan
Balbon and disciple of Shah Sahib he was not declared his love in this
matter. So that soldier by chance caught him there. And he was taken
him to his house. Shah Bu Ali Qalandar was able to know by revelation

in this matter so he went to the house of the solder and he sat before the
house and he began reciting the poetry in the condition of uneasiness.

The historians have written that night has become such lengthy that
people were upset by sleeping. So that bad nature soldier has become in
the helpless condition. In the course of time, people were able to know
that due to the separation of his beloved Mubarak Khan, Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar was standing at the door.
In short, the soldier has to turn into the condition and he was sent
Prince Mubarak Khan in the presence of Shah Sahib. And at the same
time rays of the sun were given light to the world. When Shah Sahib has
seen his son and he has been converted into the condition of ecstasy and
chorister started the following ode.

As the voice which was perfect and also poetry was very effective so
for this reason he has drowned in the condition of surprise and thinking.
And the condition of ecstasy which brought the new scene there. So for
the reason of the condition of reality and its separation and which was
taken to him in the bosom of the beloved in the reality because he was
also found engaged in the passion of the truth. As we have already
written previously in the book that Mubarak Khan acted only as a source
of the mirror.In which Shah Sahib upon seeing the grace of the lover he
will be drowned always in the of the passion of the truth and he used to
be engaged in it. Which proved that the love was pure. Usually, upon the
people of truth such conditions which will be prevailed. And such events
will be used to happen usually. When Shah Sahib was recovered from

the above condition then he was given his horse to the chorister and by
holding the hand of Mubarak Khan, Shah Sahib came back to his house.
Death of Mubarak Khan
On 10th Jamad al-Thani in the year 715 Hegira at the time of
morning Maqdoum Jalaluddin Kabir Auliya Panipati who came in the
presence of Sheikh Bu Ali Qalandar and as per his habit he kissed his
foot and by folding his hands has requested him to accept his pledge. In
reply to the phrase Sheikh Bu Ali Qalandar (wandering ascetic) told him
that “Your husband (master) is coming there. And we will give you in
dowry.” But Shah Sahib smiled and said to him to go your master. And
he is staying in the place of Imam Sahib. So go there with much
decoration. Hadrat Sheikh Jalal as per instruction of Shah Bu Ali he
went there in the very fine dress in the fast running horse and he went
there to the place of Imam Sahib. In the place of Imam Sahib at that day
Khaja Shamsuddin Panipati Turk came over there after getting
saintliness of Panipat.By that time Khaja Jalal came over there on the
horse. Khaja Sahib upon seeing horse rider smiled and he said to him
“Oh horse rider show me also pace of your horse.”Upon hearing this
Sheikh Jalal come down and has stopped the horse and who was become
anger and he was fallen down on the earth. Hadrat Khaja touched him
with his chest and was given his graces of saintliness to him.
The news of the event of Khaja Sahib’s presence in the city of
Panipat was spread so the large crowd of the people came into his
presence for kissing of his foot in the short period of time. When there
was a prayer call was given for Asr prayer. So Khaja Sahib was given
the order to Sheikh Jalal to lead the prayer. As per order Sheikh Jalal
was lead the Asar prayer. When he has completed prayer and said Salam
at the end of prayer then all persons who were at the right side of him

have become of pious persons of the time and all persons who were
present at the left side have become the persons of the revelation.
The news of this event was spread in the city and after Maghrib
prayer, Mubarak Khan went into the presence of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar
as per his habit. Shah Sahib has called him on the eating table but in the
condition of sorrow, he came over near to eating the table. So Shah
Sahib asked him the reason of sadness. Then he said sorrowly that “He
belongs to him but he was the same as before. See that Sheikh Jalal who
was pledge today and today he has done many works of saintliness and
revelation. Upon hearing this there was one condition prevailed upon
him. Shah Sahib was taken one bone from the plate of the food and
touched with his mouth and was given to him and he was told to the
prince to go and put into the big well so for this till judgment day one
who will drink its water will become Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual
pivot) of the time. Mubarak Khan went to the well by holding the bone
in happily and joyful mode and when he has reached near the well then
he thought if he will eat the bone alone so then he will perhaps become
more powerful. So when he has put the bone into his mouth then at the
same time he has died as the bone was the message of death for him.
When there was too much delay for not reaching back of Mubarak
Khan so Shah Sahib has sent Moulana Sirajuddin Rukui to inquire into
the condition. When Moulana was reached near the well and he was
found the different situation was there. So he came back from there
immediately and he has explained to him all the details in this matter.
Upon hearing this Shah Sahib became in the condition of ecstasy. And in
such passion, he began reciting “Enna Elahe Rajiun.” And came to the
well. And he has carried the dead body of his beloved on his shoulder
and brought to his residence. He himself was given the funeral bath and

he has completed all funeral rites by him. He has also prayed the funeral
prayer and he has buried Mubarak Khan in the grave by him.
When the news of the death of Mubarak Khan by was sent his royal
employee of Panipat in the presence of sultan Alauddin then upon
knowing the news at the same time he was started to Panipat from Delhi.
He was requested with Shah Sahib permission to build tomb over the
grave of Mubarak Khan and which was accepted by Shah Sahib. He
also said to him to build one more umbrella type building for him at the
foot side of his beloved. So that he can live at the foot side of his
beloved. But those builders should be Quran-Conners.
Sultan Alauddin as per saying of Shah Sahib was given the order of
the construction of two mausoleums in Panipat. He was instructed to
Prince Khizer to stay in the Panipat until completion of two mausoleums
there. The prince was constructed in a short period to time two tombs
then Shah Sahib was inspected both of them and he has asked Prince
Khizer why he did not follow his instruction for the construction of two
tombs in the same style and why he has changed the angle then at that
time the prince said to him by folding his hands that “ At the north side
there was land which belongs to orphan which he could not able to buy
from him.” From this reply, Shah Sahib was happy very much in this
matter. And he has liked his construction very much. Shah Sahib’s tomb
is that which was constructed by Sultan Alauddin. And before the tomb,
there was added one hall, etc. by Riziqallah Khan and its details and
description were mentioned in chapter Roudah. But during the year 1100
Heigra, the tomb of Mubarak Khan was reconstructed by Moulana
Ansari of Panipat.
Sultan Kamaluddin Feroz Shah Tughlaq

The second Sultan who was a cousin of Tughlaq family and who was
throwned upon the death of Mohammed Bin Tughlaq. He was also got
grace from Shah Bu Ali Qalandar.
One day in his prime youth period he went into service of Shah Bu
Ali Qalandar to kiss his foot. He was asked him “What is your name?”
and he said “His name is Kalamuddin. And his title is Feroze Shah”. He
said “ Your age will be with perfection and your wealth will be also
with perfection. And grace will be also with perfection.”
It is said that in the childhood period Sultan Tuglaq, Sultan
Mahmood Tughlaq, Sultan Feroze in the child age came into his service.
At that time Shah Sahib asked his servant whatever present in-house
bring for eating of the princes. The servant brought one dish of food
before them and they were engaged in eating of the food then Shah
Sahib told that “ Subhan Allah (God be praised), what is the holy time is
that this time three sultans are eating in one dish and with help of the
power of Allah three kings ruled the Tuglaq Kingdom.”
It is obvious that Shah Sahib has got longer life and he has watched
the rule of many kings during his life. In this subject, we have the
discussion such kings who have relations and attachment with Shah
Sahib. Also other kings like Nasiruddin, Jalauddin Khilji, Ghiasuddin
Tughlaq who were ruled the kingdom during the life period of Shah
Sahib. But in those days there were new revolution and changes which
were happened. So for this matter, it is not said with reliance that how
was treatment and behavior of Khaja Shah Sahib with those kings in this
matter. In the book of biographies, we could not get such information
about them. So we have finished this subject at this point.

10. The contemporary personalities

1. Hadrat Khaja Nizamuddin Aulia

He belongs to the lineage of Hadrat Fatima bint Mohammed Rasul
Allah so in this way he was original Syed (from his lineage.) His father
Moulana Syed Ahmed who belongs to Syed persons of Bukhara and he
was a family member who was most respectable in Bukhara. During the
rule of Sultan Altamash, his family was migrated from Bukhara and
which was settled down in Badayun. He was born there in the year 636
Hegira. His mother’s name was Zuleqa and who was the worshiper,
ascetic and she was Quran-Conner.
In the age of 16 years, he has complete knowledge of religion and
philosophy. His mother was gathered learned persons of time and she
made turban from yarn and which she was prepared by her hand. The
turban was wear on his head by the learned persons of his time. After
that, he came to Delhi in the company of his mother and sister from
Badayun. Upon reaching Delhi he was obtained certificate from Hadrat
Shams al-Mulk who was the teacher of Sultan al-Tamash of Delhi. He
has become the disciple of Hadrat Baba Farid Ganj Shaker and he has
obtained knowledge of Sufism from him. He was become successor and
caliph of Hadrat Baba Shaker Ganj and came over to Delhi and he was
died in the on the18th Rabil Thani on Wednesday in the year 725
He has sincerely treatment with Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. At the time
when Sultan Alauddin has sent presents by Amir Qusro in the service of
Bu Ali Shah Qalandar then at that time, he was advised him that
“Whatever Qalandar Sahib will say to him then he should be accepted
by him and do not object in this matter.” And which shows that on the

heart of the Hadrat Nizamuddin Bu Ali's holiness and spiritual progress

which was heavy. So he was told him that there is no need of objections
there. Shah Bu Ali's relations with Shah Nizamuddin were pleasant and
brotherly. He was also fond of his dignity of loveliness.
In the book of biographies, it is mentioned that one time Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar and Amir Khusro in the way of innermost were present in the
court of the Prophet. After completion of the meditation, he has come
back in the life of the manifestation and he has seen one person who was
present thereby folding his hands. So Qalandar Sahib was asked him
“Who are you.? And why he did stand here.?” That person told him that
“He is from Bukhara and he came over here in search of the perfect
master. And which was not available so far. So he came from Delhi in
your kind presence. Qalandar Sahib told him “ Brother why did you left
Delhi and why did you come here from Delhi. And why did you not
went in the presence of Sultan of learned person Hadrat Nizamuddin
Auliya. Where your aim will be found there.” Upon this, that person told
him that “ When this person reached to Delhi in search of perfect master
Hadrat Bahauddin then in Delhi he was heard by the mankind of Allah
that Sheikh Nizamuddin and Bu Ali Qalandar are universally liked.
Upon hearing this I was going to the shrine of Baba Nizamuddin
immediately and have seen that all students, as well as disciples, were
drowned in the world of surprise. So there was no news of persons
coming and going to that place. And from there I went to that place
which is a special place of Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya. What I have seen
that there is no roof of the room and there was falling of light from earth
to the sky. One young man is sitting there in the well-decorated dress.
And before him, one bride in the red dress is sitting there in the style of
coquetry and gallantry on her two foot there. When I have seen such a
scene than in the condition of fear left the shrine building. And began
thinking that perhaps this is building of any ruler and it was good that

nobody did not see him there. Otherwise what punishment I will get
there for my such an act of the bad manner. And from disappointment
from there, I came in your presence.”
Upon hearing this story Qalandar was coming in the condition of
ecstasy so he was asked the details of the event many times with the
person who came into his service from Bukhara region. And when he
will come back from the condition of ecstasy then he will kiss the eyes
of that person and he will say to him that you are the lucky person and
you have seen such good event by your eyes. And which will not be seen
by any other persons. He asked him to sit down so that I will kiss your
foot. Then he called all his students and disciples and to told them to see
him well that “This person has seen the dignity of the loveliness of the
Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya and came here.” Then he said to that person
brother “What did you want from me and I do not have such 1/10
portion with me. So go in his service.” He has sent him in the service of
Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya along with Amir Khusro. The above event is
proof that Shah Bu Ali was the lover of the dignity of the loveliness of
the Shah Nizamuddin.And against his spiritual revelation Baba Qalandar
think his wandering and asceticism as lower than him. Even though it is
a kind of his humility in it, but it is clear proof of his good devotion of
Baba Qalandar Sahib.
In the books of biographies, it is mentioned that once Amir Khusro
went in the presence of Bu Ali Qalandar to meet him. He said to him “
Khusro I will use to find all holy person in the holy meeting place of the
Prophet but he could not find Nizamuddin in that meeting there. And
what is the reason in this matter?.” Amir Khusro was silent there at that
time and he came back to Delhi. Then he was told this event to his
spiritual master. Hadrat Nizamuddin told Khusro to go and tell“ Bu Ali
that when you visit the meeting place of the Prophet then go and see one

room which is available there are at the backside of the Prophet. So he

can see fakir in that room.” Hadrat Amir upon hearing such thing came
into service of Bu Ali Qalandar and he was told him all details. Qalandar
Sahib told Khusro that, “Today we both will visit together with the
meeting place of the Prophet and will see him there Nizamuddin.”When
they have reached the meeting place of the Prophet they have seen that
all holy persons were standing there. Amir Khusro was also standing
there. But Bu Ali Shah went towards that room. And he wanted to see
Nizamuddin there but due to the respect of manners of the Prophet he
could not move his step there. And he made slogan and he said.

When the Prophet was seen Bu Ali in the condition of uneasiness then
he was asked him “ Sharafuddin what do you want?.” He said that “ His
condition is known to you in his honour”. And he said to him “Do you
want to have sight of Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya.” Bu Ali said, “Yes, oh
Prophet of Allah.” He said “ See him he is sitting in sedan chair of the
loveliness. Bu Ali after kissing the earth run towards the room and what
he was seen there that Hadrat Nizamuddin was sitting in the white dress
on the prayer mat with the extreme status of loveliness and beautiful in
the pretty dress. Bu Ali Sahib has seen his status and he has become his
admirer. There are available many of such events in the books of
biographies but due to the length of the book, we have been ignored
such details of the events in this book.
Amir Khusro
He belongs to Turk nation and he was born in Patyali in the district
Eita and his father's name was Amir Saifuddin Mahmood. When Amir
was nine years old then at that time his father has died. His nature was

suitable for poetry since the beginning of his younger age. At the death
of his father, he has written one elegy in the grief of his father’s death
and one couplet is as follows.

When his father found his interest towards Sufi persons then his
father took him to the house of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. Upon
reaching at the door of Hadrat Khaja Nizamuddin he told his father “
Where he is taking to him.?” His father told him that “ In the service of
Khaja Nizamuddin to make him his slave.” Upon hearing this Amir said
artlessly that “Selection of Peer is his action and which is not belongs to
him.” His father left him inside of the door of the shrine building of
Khaja Nizamuddin and he went away from there. Hadrat Amir sat at the
door and he was written one quatrain in which he was mentioned this
thought that if the Peer is with pure heart then he will reply in this

As there will be way from one heart to another. So Khaja

Nizamuddin was able to know by revelation the thought of Hadrat Amir
as per the above quatrain. He was called his servant and said to him that
“There is sitting one Turk boy at the door so you go and recite following
quatrain (rubai) to him.

When the servant read the quatrain then Amir was coming inside of
the shrine and he has become his disciple. The terms of Peer and disciple
which were such improved that Khaja Nizamuddin was given Amir title
of Turk it means Mashooq (beloved).
The devotion of Amir with Khaja Nizamuddin was much improved
that he used to spend the whole day in the court of the Delhi Sultan and
he used to spend in the night in the foot of the emperor of the religion of
Islam Khaja Nizamuddin. He left this world on 17th Shawwal in the year
725 Heigra.
For many times he got excellence of meeting with Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar. And every time he has got spiritual favour from him and he
came back from there. He was the friend of the knowledge as well as
the poet of the time. He had got the award of likeness from Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar upon reciting his poetry to him. When Shah Qalandar used to
hear his poetry then there will be prevailed condition of ecstasy upon
him. And it was the condition of Amir was that when he will hear the
poetry of Shah Qalandar then he used to wept bitterly.
Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi
Shah Qalandar Sahib was done too much tour and travels. In this
way, he was met with Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi and Hadrat Shams
Tabrez. And he has got favour from them. Moulana used to remember
him as Sharafuddin Hindi Saudagar. Moulana Nomani who has written
as per the reference from the book Riyadal Arifeen in the book of

Biography of Moulana Rum that “ Shah Bu Ali Qalandar of Panipat to

whom all Indian persons known him. He was lived for a long time in the
company of Moulana Rum and he was benefitted from him.” There is
the statement of the Bu Ali Qalandar as follows. “ In Rome, he was got
favour from Moulana Jalaluddin and Hadrat Shams Tabrez and after
this, he has come back to Panipat and he was settled down here.”
2. Hazrat Khwaja Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari
Hazrat Khwaja Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari,
popularly known as Hazrat Sabir Kaliyari (‘Patient Saint of Kaliyar’) or
Hazrat Alauddin Sabir, was a prominent South Asian Sufi saint, nephew
and Khalifa (successor) of Hazrat Fariduddin Ganjshakar and the first in
the Sabiriya branch of the Chishti Order.
Hazrat Alauddin Sabir can be ranked as the third Spiritual Successor
of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti by virtue of priority of his
initiation and Khilafat over Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya in the Chishtia
Order conferred through Hazrat Fariduddin Ganjshakar. After the
demise of Hazrat Alauddin, many distinguished Khalifas of his ‘Sabiria
Silsila’ also furthered the noble cause of the Order all over India and in
many foreign countries.
Family and lineage
Hazrat Alauddin Ali Ahmed Sabir was the great-grandson of the
illustrious Hazrat Syedna Ghaus-ul-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani of
Baghdad, one of the greatest saints of Islam who was the founder of the
well known Qadri silsila.
Hazrat Alauddin's mother, Bibi Hajra, more commonly known as
Jameela Khatoon, was from a noble family; she was the sister of the
great saint Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar and it was from a

basharat (prophetic vision) from the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that she was married
to Hazrat Shah Abdul Rahim (grandson of Hazrat Ghaus-ul- Azam) in
571 Hegira in Khotwal (Multan, West Pakistan). Hazrat Shah Abdul
Rahim was himself a pious man who was well versed in Uloom- e-
Roohani (spiritual knowledge) and Iloom-e-Shariah (knowledge of
Islamic jurisprudence). After her marriage, she lived with her husband in
Herat and who had traveled there from Baghdad and was living under
the patronage of Hazrat Abul Qasim Gurgani — a great saint of his time.
Hazrat Alauddin's paternal genealogy is as follows:
Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir, son of
Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Rahim, son of
Hazrat Syed Saifuddin Abdul Wahab, son of
Hazrat Syedna Ghaus-ul-Azam Abdul Qadir Jilani (of Baghdad),
son of
Syed Abu Saleh, son of
Syed Abdulla Al-Jilia, son of
Syed Yahya Zahid, son of
Syed Mohammed, son of
Syed Daud, son of
Syed Moosa, son of
Syed Abdulla Sani, son of
Syed Moosa Al-Jaun, son of
Syed Abdullah Mahaz, son of

Syed Hasan Musanna, son of

Hazrat Imam Hasan, son of
Hazrat Amirul-Momineen Asadullah Ali Ibne Talib, son-in-law of

Holy Prophet Mohammed ‫ﷺ‬.

It is related that when Hazrat Ali Ahmed Sabir was still in his
mother's womb, the Holy Prophet Mohammed ‫ ﷺ‬commanded his mother
in a vision to name her child "Ahmed". Likewise, after some time,
Hazrat Ali Murtaza also appeared in a vision and asked her to call the
child by the name of "Ali". Therefore, with due regard to both of these
commands, the name of Ali Ahmed was given to the child on its birth
the name of "Alauddin" was suggested by another saint after the birth of
the child.
Hazrat Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir was born on the night of Thursday,
19th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 592 AH in Herat. During his birth, when the
nurse touched the body of the child, she felt a serious burning sensation.
His mother warned the nurse not to touch her baby without wudhu
(ablution). The nurse immediately performed wudhu and the burning
sensation she felt disappeared.
After the nurse took the child in her lap to bathe him, as he opened his
eyes and looked towards the roof of the house, the roof collapsed and a
red light was seen descending upon the child through the open roof
whilst a pleasant scent covered the city of Herat.
Prophecies of his Birth

The prophecies about the births of both Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir
Jilani and Hazrat Alauddin Ali Ahmed Sabir are attributed to the
following great personalities of Islam, all of whom are reported to have
recorded them clearly in their respected publications:
1. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique in "Shihaab-ul-Ma'Arifat".
2. Hazrat Umar Farooq in "Mujaahid-ul-Wahdat."
3. Hazrat Usman Ghani in "Kulliyat-ul-Hyat."
4. Hazrat Ali Murtaza in "Qavi-ul-Qudrat."
The full details of these prophecies are very elaborate and extensive.
They are attributed to a special Darbar (Court) of the Blessed Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
held in the 'spiritual world' which is described by Hazrat Imam Jafar
Sadiq in his book, Kashf-ul-Ghayoob.
It is related in this book that on the night of 11th Rajab (Friday),
Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq was sending salutations to the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
i.e. he was reciting Durood Sharif. Suddenly Imam Jafar heard a voice
that told him that the time had come to witness the world of the unseen.
Whilst in this spiritual state, Imam Jafar relates:
“ I entered a garden which was illuminated with light and angels were
engrossed in the zikr (remembrance) of the Supreme Creator Allah Most
High. The Arwah (spirits) of the blessed ones of Allah was also present.
Later, I met Hazrat Anas Bin Malik who told me that the beloved
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was waiting for me. As I went with Hazrat Anas
Bin Malik I saw in a tent made of pearls in which there was a majestic
throne in which the beloved Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was seated. In his
presence, I saw Sahabis (companions of the beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the
Ahle Bait (members of the household of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The beloved
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to me, "In a few days you will be in our midst, but before
that, what you have experienced here must be recorded"

At this point, I was near the beloved Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and

during this time two Ruhs (spirits) came towards the throne, one Ruh
was diamond coloured and the other was ruby coloured. The Beloved
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬placed the first Ruh on his right and the other on
the left after which he said, referring to his two grandsons, Hazrat Imam
Hasan and Hazrat Imam Husain , "At the time of your martyrdom,
Hazrat Jibra'il (as) gave me the good news that from your families, there
will be born two Ruhs which will possess the beauty and power
bestowed to them by Allah Most High. Those two are here in front of
me. The Ruh on my right will appear first in this world bearing the name
Abdul Qadir Mohiyuddin (ra) and Islam will gain strength and power by
his arrival. The Ruh on my left lap will arrive later and will bear the
name Ali Ahmad Sabir (ra) and will have the status of Wilayat
(sainthood)". ”
After saying this the beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬descended from the throne
and during that time Hazrat Imam Jaffar awoke from his sleep.
This is further authenticated, in their respective publications, by all
the great saints of Islam who lived before the birth of Hazrat Ghausul-
Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani who in turn, also predicted the birth of
Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Sabir in his own publication "Karbat-ul-
Hazrat Ghausul-Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani reports that a few days
after his marriage, Hazrat Fatima Zahra (ra) appeared in his dream and
“ In place of Hassan and Hussain, Allah has blessed me with you and
Ali Ahmad Sabir who will emerge from the house of Abdul Wahab
Abdul Rahim. ”
Early life and childhood

Hazrat Ali Ahmed Alauddin displayed great devotion from an

extremely young age. For the first 6 months and 40 days of his life, he
did not take his mother's milk. After the first year of his life, he took his
mother's milk only on alternate days, thus observing the fast every other
day. When he was 3 years old, he gave up his mother's milk altogether
and used to eat a small piece of barley bread occasionally. When he
began to speak, the first words he uttered were "La Moujuda Illillah"
(there is nothing present but God). At the age of 5, he lost his father and
observed complete silence for one year. At the age of 7, he started to fast
on a daily basis and used to eat dried breadcrumbs only on the 4th or
5th. He also began to observe Tahajjud (late night prayer) and kept
himself fully occupied in the devotion of God. He never slept on a
charpoy (woven bed) even at this young age, and if his mother insisted
that he should not perform such hard mujahedas (strivings) at his tender
age, he used to reply that he couldn't help it and wanted to burn himself
in the devotion of God.
When Hazrat Shah Abdul Rahim, Hazrat Alauddin's father, was ill on
his deathbed, the people requested Hazrat Ali Ahmed to pray for the
recovery of his father to which he replied:
“ I see the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬ready to receive my father in the heavens and
I hear the jubilant noise of the angels who are coming here with khil'at
(dressing apparel) to take him away. It is of no use to pray now. ”
As he finished these words, the soul of his father departed and a
pleasant fragrance encompassed the whole house.
After the death of Hazrat Abdul Rahim, Hazrat Alauddin and his
mother faced particularly hard times, yet she never sought anybody's
help. During this period, Hazrat Alauddin only used to consume water

and a few crumbs if any food was available. One day, Hazrat Ali Ahmed
felt acute hunger and asked his mother to give him something to eat.
She, of course, had nothing in the house to cook. After the Zohar prayer
(1-2 p.m.), Hazrat Ali Ahmed began to insist for food and, for his
satisfaction, she put a degchi (cooking pot) which contained water on the
oven, pretending that something was being cooked. Up until the time of
Maghrib (6-7 p.m.) whenever Hazrat Ali Ahmed enquired as to whether
the food was ready, his mother would reply that it was not. After the
Maghrib prayer, Hazrat Ali Ahmed insisted to eat the food whether it
was ready or not and he opened the lid of the 'degchi'. As soon as he saw
the contents, he exclaimed: "But the rice is ready." His mother was
amazed and even more so when the scent of the cooked rice that she
smelt was like nothing she had ever smelt in her life.
When Hazrat Ali Ahmed finished with his meal, his mother sent for
Hazrat Abul Qasim Gurgani and told him the whole story. She then
consulted him about a basharat she had about putting Hazrat Ali Ahmed
under the care of her brother, Hazrat Baba Farid Ganjshakar for his
religious education since he was now entering his teenage years. Hazrat
Gurgani, after consulting other leading dervishes of Herat, agreed and
took Hazrat Ali Ahmed and his mother to Hansi where Baba Farid lived.
Meeting with Alimullah Abdal
On their way to Hansi, they met Hazrat Alimullah Abdal who would
play a major role throughout the life Hazrat Ali Ahmed Sabir.
An Abdal is a class of Awliya who executes a variety of duties
imposed on them by God Most High. They possess miraculous abilities
and have long life spans. Hazrat Allimullah Abdal, who met the party on
their way from Herat, had been in the service of Ghaus-ul-Azam Hazrat

Abdul Qadir Jilani and his son, Hazrat Saifuddin Abdul Wahab,
grandfather of Hazrat Alauddin, during their lifetimes.
Hazrat Abul Qasim Gurgani questioned Hazrat Alimullah Abdal
why he did serve Hazrat Shah Abdul Rahim, as he had served his father
and grandfather to which Hazrat Alimullah replied:
“ I have served this family but on this occasion, I was divinely
commanded to stay 'unobserved' whilst watching Hazrat Ali Ahmed
grow. Now I have again been divinely commanded to serve him
throughout his life, and hence I have reported myself for duty. ”
Alimullah Abdal then accompanied the group to Hansi and remained
thereafter in the service of Hazrat Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir.
Hazrat Ali Ahmed Sabir, his mother, Hazrat Mohammed Abul Qasim
Gurgani and Hazrat Alimullah Abdal arrived in Hansi, on the 24th of
Shabaan, 601 AH and were received with open arms by Hazrat Baba
Fariduddin Ganjshakar. The great saint, at the very first glance,
perceived the "divine light" emanating from the forehead of Hazrat Ali
Ahmed and thanked his sister for bringing "such a rare jewel" to him for
spiritual training. The happiness of Hazrat Baba Farid was such that it
sent him into a state of ecstasy. When he recovered, he told his sister
that his education would last 3 years and that he was destined for a great
Initiation as a Mureed
According to Sirr-ul-Abudiyat, Hazrat Ali Ahmed's progress in
Islamic studies and spiritual training was remarkable, finishing his
literary course in 3 years as Hazrat Baba Farid had predicted, which was
half the time that an average student would have taken to finish the

Hazrat Ali Ahmed Alauddin was then initiated as a mureed by Hazrat

Baba Farid in front of a well-attended gathering of leading Sheikhs.
After his initiation, Hazrat Ali Ahmed's mother took leave to go back to
Herat and said to Hazrat Baba Farid:
“ Dear brother, please see to it that my Ali Ahmed does not starve for
he is very fond of fasting. If I am still living, I shall return after 12 years
to celebrate his marriage." ”
Hazrat Baba Farid smiled as he knew the future held for Hazrat Ali
Ahmed better than anybody else. He then called Hazrat Ali Ahmed in
the presence of his mother and ordered him to take charge of his Langar-
khana (free public kitchen) and distribution of langar (food) to the poor
— an order which pleased his sister. The next day she left for Herat in
the company of Hazrat Gurgani as Hazrat Alimullah Abdal remained in
the service of Hazrat Ali Ahmed.
After the daily Ishraq and Maghrib prayers, Hazrat Ali Ahmed used to
distribute the langar to the poor and then retire to his hujra (cell) for his
devotional mujahedas. Interestingly, the people who he served reported
that they never saw him eating anything from the kitchen himself.
According to certain inexplicable principles and special Sufi practices,
an Arif (Sufi) when he is intensely absorbed in spiritual devotion
receives Noori (Divine Light) through a special dua-e-soori (prayer).
This wisdom cannot be taught; it is neither recorded on paper nor can it
be imparted orally. In essence, it is a Divine gift that is bestowed upon
those special individuals at the will of God Almighty.
Hazrat Alauddin Ali Ahmed Sabir had thus been bestowed with this
Divine Light by the will of God through his persistent devotion and hard
mujahedas (strivings) and he could, therefore, sustain himself without
any food or water. These mujahedas were thus sustained by divine

sustenance, rather than material sustenance, which only very advanced

Arifs could attain. This process indicates that a true devotee who
undertakes such mujahedas develops his spiritual capabilities to such an
extent that he is constantly immersed in this Divine Light - a stage where
the physical body no longer requires the material needs of the physical
body. The Arif's body therefore becomes a particle of the vast Divine
Light or energy which sustains the physical world.
According to Sirr-ul-Abudiyat, Hazrat Baba Farid says:
“ One day when I returned home from a tour, I was informed that my
son Naimuddin, aged three, was playfully peeping through the hole of
Hazrat Ali Ahmed's hujra (cell) and consequently the child vomited
blood and died instantly. A few weeks later, my other small son Farid
Baksh, had accidentally urinated in front of Hazrat Ali Ahmed's hujra
and he was immediately stung by a scorpion after which he died." ”
After these two tragic deaths, Hazrat Baba Farid warned his servants
and mureeds:
“ Hazrat Ali Ahmed is a naked sword; whoever goes near him will be
destroyed. Take care whenever he comes out of his hujra, nobody should
go before him.”
Eleven days after the last tragedy, Hazrat Baba Farid's third son,
Azizuddin, distributed the langar without the permission of Hazrat Ali
Ahmed in spite of repeated warnings and protests of the servants.
Azizuddin then informed his mother, Bibi Najib-un-Nisa, of what he had
done to her obvious horror and dismay. When Hazrat Ali Ahmed came
out to distribute the langar, he was informed that Saheb Azizuddin had
already distributed it. Hazrat Ali Ahmed exclaimed: "But how is it that

he (Azizuddin) is still alive ?" The moment he uttered these words,

Saheb Zada Azizuddin, who was talking to his mother at the time, died
instantaneously and despair swept over the Khanqah during this tragedy.
When this was reported to Hazrat Baba Farid, he said: "The fault was of
Azizuddin. Why did he interfere with the work of Ali Ahmed.”
When Hazrat Alimullah Abdal conveyed the news of the tragic
deaths to Hazrat Ahmed Ali's mother, she was shocked and at once left
for Hansi to offer condolences to her brother. When she arrived and
offered her apologies for her son's behavior, the great saint said:
"Whatever has happened was destined to happen and whatever is yet to
come must come to pass."
Title of ‘Sabir’
But when Baba Farid's sister saw her son Hazrat Ali Ahmed, she was
shocked to find him extremely emaciated — a condition which
compelled her to complain to Hazrat Baba Farid: "Brother, I had
requested of you not to starve Ali Ahmed. But it seems you starved my
child for 7 years." Baba Farid replied, "But it was in your own presence
that I had ordered Ali Ahmed to distribute the langar and left him in
charge of my Langarkhana" (Kitchen).
He then called Hazrat Ali Ahmed in the presence of his mother, and
asked him: "Son, you were put in charge of the kitchen, then why did
you not eat anything ?" Hazrat Ali Ahmed earned his unique title of
Sabir (patient) from Hazrat Baba Farid when he gave a most beautiful
reply to the saint's question. He said: "Although I was deputed to
distribute the langar, I was not authorized to eat any of it. How could
have I dared to breach your orders?" Hazrat Baba Farid could not resist
his overwhelming joy and love at this reply. He at once got up and
affectionately embraced Hazrat Ali Ahmed "Sabir". Hazrat Baba Farid

then said: "A dutiful disciple must do what you have done." Addressing
his sister, he said:
“ Dear sister, Ali Ahmed is not born to eat; he is born to feed others.
You know full well how patient he was during his infancy and
childhood, and you also know what has been prophesied about his
illuminating career. ”
It was after this incident that Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed enjoyed the
popular title of Sabir - patience personified.
According to "Sirr-ul-Abudiyat", Hazrat Baba Farid is reported to have
“ After some months, my sister suggested to me that I should allow my
daughter, Khadija Begum (Bibi Sharifa), to marry Ali Ahmed Sabir.
Despite my warnings that Ali Ahmed was not fit for such worldly affairs
and had no time to perform his conjugal duties, she refused to believe
me. She complained that I was refusing her proposal because she was a
poor widow and her son was an orphan." In any case, I was obliged to
respect her wishes and I agreed and gave her full liberty to act in this
matter as she liked. ”
After the Maghrib prayer on the 21st of Shawwal, 613 Hegira, the
Nikah of Hazrat Ali Ahmed Sabir was solemnized and his mother
lighted a lamp and directed the bride to his hujra, while she stood at the
door of the hujra. Hazrat Sabir, however, remained busy in his usual
deep devotion while the poor bride stood there till the time of Tahajjud,
at which point he noticed her and asked: "Who are you?" She replied: "I
am your wife." Hazrat Sabir retorted:

“ But how is it possible to accommodate the love of two in one heart? I

have already entertained the love of one. There is no room for any
another's love in my heart." ”
The moment he finished these words, a furious flame arose from the
floor of the hujra and reduced the bride to ashes. Hazrat Ali Ahmed's
mother, who was standing outside the hujra, dashed in but it was too
late. In a fit of anger, she struck her son and exclaimed: "What shall I
answer to your uncle about this tragedy?". Hazrat Ali Ahmed replied
"What tragedy?" as if nothing had happened. His mother said: "Don't
you see, you have burned your wife to ashes?" to which he replied: "It is
not my fault. The divine power that rules me must have done this."
Death of his Mother
This tragic event affected the mental and physical health of Hazrat Ali
Ahmed Sabir's mother greatly and she tragically died after suffering
from an illness on the 2nd Muharram 614 Hegira. However, Hazrat Ali
Ahmed was so devoted to God that he did not even attend the funeral
ceremony of his mother and when he was asked to join the funeral, he
said: “To me, my mother is not dearer than the service of distributing the
langar to the poor people of God and my devotion to Him.” He then
retired to his hujra for a long time and the cook, Abul Qasim, took the
responsibility of distributing the langar during this period.
Appointment as Khalifa
On the 17th of Moharrum, 623 Hegira Hazrat Baba Farid went into
Hazrat Ali Ahmed Sabir's hujra and found him in deep muraqba
(meditation). He opened his eyes only after the saint had loudly recited
'Kalima Tayyaba' seven times into his right ear. Baba Farid then brought
him out of the hujra and seated him in a pre-arranged jalsa (gathering) in
order to confer upon him the Khilafat of the Chishtia Order publicly. He

placed his own cap and Khirqa (cloak) upon Hazrat Sabir as a mark of
confirmation of this honour.
According to "Sirr-ul-Abudiyat", Hazrat Ali Ahmed Sabir bore a seal
with read Haaza Wali Allah (He is a friend of Allah) on his back,
underneath his right shoulder.
It is related that this seal came about after a vision that Hazrat Baba
Farid had on 24th Ramadan 650 Hegir. During this vision, Hazrat Baba
Farid's spiritual guide Hazarat Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki had
come to him and asked him to bring Hazrat Ali Ahmed with them after
which they ascended through the heavens and were in the presence of
the beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
Hazrat Baba Farid was instructed to call Hazrat Ali Ahmed closer to
the throne of the beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬at which point the beloved Prophet
‫ ﷺ‬put his blessed hands on his back and said Haaza Wali Allah (He is a
friend of Allah)." When Hazrat Baba Farid returned to the state of
normality, he was astonished to see that the hujra immersed with
spiritual light and the Auliya (friends of God) and Rijal-ul-Ghaib (Men
of the unseen) had their hands on the back of Hazrat Sabir, whilst loudly
chanting Haaza Wali Allah.
This seal was witnessed and kissed out of respect, by all those who
were present in the jalsa (meeting) wherein he received the Khilafat
from Hazrat Baba Farid who said: "I then myself kissed the seal and
conferred upon Ali Ahmed the Khilafat of the Chishti Order."
Spiritual Chain
His Silsila (spiritual chain) is traced back to the Beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬as
Hazrat Makdhoom Alauddin Ali Ahmad Sabir, Khalifa of

Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar, Khalifa of

Hazrat Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, Khalifa of
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, Khalifa of
Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni, Khalifa of
Hazrat Haji Shareef Zandani, Khalifa of
Hazrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Maudood Chishti, Khalifa of
Hazrat Nasiruddin Abu Yusuf Bin Saamaan, Khalifa of
Hazrat Abu Mohammed Chishti, Khalifa of
Hazrat Abu Ahmad Abdal Chishti, Khalifa of
Hazrat Abu Ishaq Shami, Khalifa of
Hazrat Mumshad Dinawari, Khalifa of
Hazrat Abu Hubairah Basri, Khalifa of
Hazrat Huzaifah Al-Marashi, Khalifa of
Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adham, Khalifa of
Hazrat Al-Fozail ibn Iyaz, Khalifa of
Hazrat Abdul Wahid Bin Zaid, Khalifa of
Hazrat Hasan al-Basri, Khalifa of
Sayyadina Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib, Khalifa of
Sayyidina Muhammad ibn Abdillah ‫ﷺ‬
Appointment to Kaliyar

In 650 Hegira Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Sabir was appointed by

Hazrat Baba Farid as the spiritual leader of Kaliyar where religious
values were deteriorating. Hazrat Sabir, accompanied by Hazrat
Alimullah Abadal, left for Kaliyar on 15 Zil Hajj, 650 Heigra. After a
journey of 16 days, they reached Kaliyar and resided in the house of a
lady called Gulzadi. The next day he delivered a religious lecture
proclaiming himself as the religious preceptor of Kaliyar before a public
meeting in the Jama Masjid.
Musammat Gulzadi, her son Bahauddin and a neighbour called Jamal
Roghangar had become devotees of Hazrat Ali Ahmed. Both Bahauddin
and Jamal were present during this meeting with Hazrat Ali Ahmed and
had supported what he had proclaimed, but nobody paid any heed and
the people dispersed.
The following day, Hazrat Ali Ahmed again addressed a meeting in
the Jama Masjid of Kaliyar and invited the people to recognize him as
their Imam. However, the people said: "Our Pir is the Quran and our
Imam is Qazi Tabrak Kufi (a descendant of Yazid, the perpetrator of the
crime of Kerbala) and we do not want change." Hazrat Ali Ahmed
replied that he was authorized to give them this advice by a divine
decree through Sultan-ul-Aulia Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar.
Nevertheless, the people dispersed and reported the matter to Qazi
Tabrak and Qayamuddin Zamwan, the president of Kaliyar, who was
from the family of Abu Sufyaan and Harris (two enemies of the Holy
Prophet ‫)ﷺ‬. Qazi Tabrak was Zamwan's political adviser as well as his
religious preceptor.
On Friday 19 Zil Hujj, 650 AH, Zamwan, Qazi Tabrak and the
people of Kaliyar came to the mosque for Friday prayers where Hazrat
Ali Ahmed was present. Here Zamwan challenged Hazrat Ali Ahmed
and asked: "If you are our Qutab, tell me what happened to my goat

which I lost 3 months ago. If you do so, we shall acknowledge you as

our Qutab."
Hazrat Ali Ahmed immediately understood that he wanted to test his
spiritual prowess. He complied with his request by raising his gaze
towards the sky and declared that those who have eaten the flesh of the
goat must come forward. Subsequently, 27 people presented themselves
to Hazrat Ali Ahmed. When they were asked about the goat, they
affirmed that they had nothing to do with its disappearance. Hazrat Ali
Ahmed then turned to Zamwan and asked him to call out to his goat by
its name. Amazingly, the goat responded to the call from the stomachs
of the people. It said: "These people killed me at midnight near the
Sadrak well and threw my hide and bones to the bottom of the well after
roasting and eating my flesh."
Having witnessed this feat, Zamwan recognized the claim of Hazrat
Ali Ahmed as the Imam of Kaliyar. When Qazi Tabrak saw that the
chief was overwhelmed by this miraculous demonstration, he said to
Zamwan, "Be careful this is the work of a magician." The weak-minded
Zamwan quickly changed his opinion and told Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir
that he was only a magician upon which the saint remarked:
“ Thank God that today this Faqeer has been able to fulfill the Sunnah
of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. I am being called a magician in the same manner
that the polytheists of Makkah had called the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬when he
preached the oneness of Allah to them. ”
Fatwa from Hazrat Baba Farid
Saying this, he left the mosque and went to the house where he was
residing where he wrote a report describing the recent events and the
condition of Kaliyar. On 20 Zil Hajj 650 Hegira, Hazrat Alimullah
Abdal delivered the report to Hazrat Baba Farid, who prepared a fatwa

(with the approval of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in a spiritual communion). On

completion, he ordered Hazrat Alimullah to deliver the fatwa to Qazi
Tabrak at Kaliyar.
On receiving the fatwa, Qazi Tabrak tore it up. This torn fatwa and a
dismissive letter written by Qazi Tabrak was delivered to Hazrat Ali
Ahmed. Upon seeing the state of the fatwa that his Murshid had written,
he became angry and told the Qazi's servant to tell him: "Since you have
torn up my Pir's fatwa', I have torn up your name from Loh-e-Mahfooz."
When Hazrat Alimullah Abdal related what had happened to Hazrat
Baba Farid and presented him with the torn fatwa, Hazrat Baba Farid
entered his hujra from where he emerged after 13 days and sent the
following letter to Zamwan on 7 Moharrum, 651 Hegira:
“ The same Divinity Power who has appointed you as the president of
Kaliyar has also appointed Ali Ahmed Sabir as Imam of Kaliyar. It is
imperative that you accept him as your Imam and obey him. Ali Ahmed
Sabir has removed your names from the Loh-e-Mahfooz and if you
refuse to accept him as your Imam, you will incur the wrath of God
Almighty. However, if you accept his Imamat, it would please both God
and His Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Dismiss the misapprehensions and misrepresentations
created by Qazi Tabrak. Sabir is a true devotee of God and possesses the
spiritual capabilities to be your Imam.
The Qazi of your city should also treat Ali Ahmed Sabir with due
regard and respect. If he disobeys, he will disobey God and the Holy
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the punishment for such disobedience is terrible. The Qazi
must repent for this wrongdoing.
Sabir's father is Hazrat Abdul Rahim, his grandfather is Hazrat Abdul
Wahab Saifuddin and his great grandfather is Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam
Abdul Qadir Mohiuddin Jilani. It is a pity that despite the presence of

the descendants of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, you prefer the Imamat of others.
You must offer toba (repentance) and fear God. Respect of the Prophet's
‫ ﷺ‬descendants is essential. I reiterate that if you still choose to reject
Sabir, you will be divinely destroyed and you will repent for this sin up
to the Day of Judgment. God Most High says:
O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in
authority from among you. [Quran 4:59]
The responsibility lies upon you to obey. ”
Hazrat Baba Farid sealed the letter and handed it over to Hazrat
Alimullah Abdal to be delivered to Qayamuddin Zamwan. When the
messenger reached Zamwan, he was sitting in the company of Qazi
Tabrak amongst others. Zamwan asked Hazrat Alimullah Abdal what
the time was when he left Ajodhan. Hazrat Alimullah said that he had
offered his Zohar prayer (l to 2 p.m.) with Hazrat Baba Farid in Ajodhan
and he offered his Asar prayer (4 p.m.) with Hazrat Ali Ahmed Sabir in
Kaliyar. All those present were astonished and asked him how he
managed to travel such a long distance in such a short space of time.
Hazrat Alimullah said; "These abilities have been bestowed upon me by
the grace of God and the blessings of Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed
Sabir. If you obey him, you may also reach such a level."
When Zamwan heard this and read the letter, he was very impressed
but Qazi Tabrak, on seeing that matters were taking a serious turn
against his vested interests and that his own Imamat and popularity were
at stake, he once more protested vehemently before Zamwan and
convinced Zamwan that it was nonsense.
He tore up Hazrat Baba Farid's letter and returned into Hazrat
Alimullah Abdal along with his own reply. Hazrat Alimullah brought
Zamwan's letter to Hazrat Ali Ahmed who was once more upset at the

condition of the letter that his Pir had written. He forwarded it to Hazrat
Baba Farid, together with his own letter in which he wrote:
“ My heart aches at the sight of the torn pieces of your letter. Here, I
cannot get even a seat in the mosque to offer my Friday prayers. Owing
to my shabby condition, the people hate me. Their eyes are open but
their minds are blind. They oppose me and my toleration is naturally
dissipating. Please relieve me from this agonizing situation. Whatever
instructions you convey to me, I will definitely be prepared to carry
them out. ”

11. The Destruction of Kaliyar

After receiving the letter from his beloved, Hazrat Baba Farid
replied, "In your hands lies the dominion of power over the city so do as
you please. By the grace of Allah, nobody will challenge you. Kaliyar is
your goat, you can either drink its milk or eat its flesh".
After Hazrat Ali Ahmed read his Pir's letter, he recited some Quranic
verses and then looked towards both the heavens and the earth and a
tremor soon shook the city. A second stronger tremor was then
experienced by the people of Kaliyar who were panicking this point.
When a third tremor was felt, Zamwan felt that these unusual tremors
may have been due to the anger of Hazrat Ali Ahmed and urgently sent
for Qazi Tabrak. Zamwan was prepared to meet Hazrat Ali Ahmed in
order to apologize but he was once again stopped by Tabrak.

On Friday 10 Moharrum 651 Hegira, Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed

Sabir, along with Hazrat Alimullah Abdaal and Bahauddin, reached the
Jama Masjid where he occupied the prayer carpet of the Imam. When
Qazi Tabrak arrived and asked Hazrat Ali Ahmed to vacate the prayer
carpet, Hazrat Ali Ahmed said: "Accept me today as your Imam
otherwise there will be wholesale destruction in Kaliyar for which you
and your followers will repent for until the Day of Judgment."
Qazi Tabrak one again refused to listen. Hazrat Ali Ahmed then
vacated the prayer carpet and entered the open courtyard of the mosque
with Alimullah and Bahauddin. As the prayer started and the people
went into ruku (bowing position during prayer) Hazrat Makhdoom Ali
Ahmed commanded the building to also go into ruku at which point the
whole mosque collapsed. There was a wave of panic among those who
were outside the mosque.
Musammat Gulzadi ran to the scene and made anxious inquiries
about her son, Bahauddin, who had come to the mosque for prayer.
Hazrat Ali Ahmed told her that he got caught under the slabs of the
stairs and ordered Hazrat Alimullah Abdal to pull him out to his safety.
As she and her sons were his hosts and devotees, Hazrat Ali Ahmed
asked her to leave the city within 24 hours and get to a safe place beyond
24 miles of Kaliyar because a greater tragedy was to descend upon the
Later, Hazrat Ali Ahmed left his residence and stopped underneath a
Gular (wild fig) tree (which stands as a witness to this historic event up
to this day at the Dargah of the saint in Kaliyar). At this point he was in
an overwhelming state of jazba'intense emotion) and, holding a branch
of this tree by his left hand and pointing the forefinger of his right hand
towards the sky, he stood there in a state of sukr (intoxication). In this
state, he cast a furious glance over the land and a vast inferno engulfed

the city of Kaliyar and everything within a radius of 24 miles. The only
places that survived the blaze were:
1. The is where Hazrat Ali Ahmed stood
2. The graves of the martyrs
3. The house of Musammaat Gulzadi
The inferno lasted for four days leaving a wake of destruction in its
path. Among the Chishti saints of India, no other saint has demonstrated
such a mighty jalal (wrath).

The arrival of Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk Panipati

Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Turk Panipati, son of Hazrat Khwaja
Yasui, was the only mureed and Khalifa of Hazrat Alauddin Sabir.
According to "Firdaus-ul-Wajoob," Hazrat Shamsuddin was divinely
ordained to be the sole mureed and Khalifa of Hazrat Alauddin Sabir
due to his distinguished lineage, being a descendant of the Holy Prophet.
He hailed from Turkistan and arrived in Ajodhan with 21 other dervishes
on 12 Zil-Hujj, 658 Hegira , 7 years after the tragedy of Kaliyar. He had
come with the intention of joining the Chishtia Order under Hazrat Baba
Fariduddin Ganjshakar, who instead told him to go to Hazrat Alauddin.
Accordingly, Hazrat Shamsuddin Turk and his party left for Kaliyar
immediately and reached the outer limit of the desolate area that had
been ravaged by the inferno, where they were met by an Abdal called
Hazrat Jamaluddin Abdal. Hazrat Jamaluddin looked after the party until
Hazrat Alimullah arrived and took them safely to Hazrat Ali Ahmed,
who was engrossed in overwhelming contemplation (sukr), holding a
branch of the Gular tree with his left hand and pointing his right

forefinger towards the sky, with his eyes also firmly fixed on the
For 22 days and nights, Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir remained in this
state of sukr and Hazrat Alimullah Abdal did not even dare to inform
him about his guests. During this period, the 21 dervishes who had
accompanied Hazrat Shamsuddin from Turkistan lost their patience and
returned to Ajodhan. Hazrat Shamsuddin, however, remained as he was
determined to speak to Hazrat Ali Ahmed. Finally, on the 23rd day, he
regained his senses and asked Hazrat Shamsuddin if he had been sent by
Hazrat Baba Farid to which Hazrat Shamsuddin replied in the
affirmative. The great saint then exclaimed: "The sun of God is in the
sky and this faqeer's son is on the earth" - a declaration that gave Hazrat
Shamsuddin the title of "Shams-ul-Arz" - the sun of the earth.
Hazrat Ali Ahmed initiated Hazrat Shamsuddin as a mureed and
ordered him to remain for 3 days then go to Hazrat Baba Farid for his
spiritual training and to look after the great saint up until his death. He
told Hazrat Shamsuddin to return upon his death and at this point, Hazrat
Ali Ahmed again lost himself in the state of sukr. Hazrat Shamsuddin
did not have another opportunity to speak to him in the remaining 3
days. He then left for Ajodhan with Hazrat Alimullah Abdal as
When Hazrat Shamsuddin reported himself to Hazrat Baba Farid, he was
asked why he returned to which Hazrat Shamsuddin replied that he was
ordered to. Hazrat Baba Farid then said: "You must collect firewood
from the jungle, sell it and live on its earnings. You must perform riyazat
during the day and busy yourself in the devotion of God during the
nights." Hazrat Shamsuddin did as he was instructed for 4 years. Often
he did not get any firewood to sell and went hungry, but he persevered

until Hazrat Baba Farid breathed his last on the night of 5 Moharrum,
661 AH.
After the death of Hazrat Baba Farid, Hazrat Shamsuddin left Ajodhan
and reported his presence to Hazrat Ali Ahmed at Kaliyar on 12
Moharrum, 661 AH and found the saint standing under the same old
Gular tree and in the same state of deep meditation in which he had left
him 4 years ago. When Hazrat Ali Ahmed came to his senses, he sent for
his green amama (turban) and khirqa (cloak) from his tabarrukaat
(sacred relics) and adorned Hazrat Shamsuddin with them, thus
conferring khilafat (successorship) upon him.
About his life in the service of Hazrat Ali Ahmed at Kaliyar, Hazrat
Shamsuddin says:
“ Hazrat Makhdoom Sabir stood in the same position all the time - his
left hand holding a branch of the Gular tree and his right forefinger
pointing towards the sky. Upon the Azaan, he used to say: "Shamsuddin,
Shariat is something strange; it brings the salik from huzuri to durbar
(i.e. from the presence of God into the presence of His creation). After
this, he would ask me to lead the prayer and in the very first
sajda(prostration) he would go into a state of prolonged
unconsciousness. This happened during each of the five daily prayers.
Sometimes he used to ask me if there was anything to eat and I used to
offer him some Gularfruits which he would only put to his lips and then
throw away. I used to pick them up and preserve them as holy tabarruk
(scared relics). ”
Prophecy of his own Death

On 19 Moharrum, 684 AH, Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Sabir

ordered Hazrat Shamsuddin to go into a six-year mujaheda called Habs-
e-Kabeer in a grave, which he did and which gave him vast experiences
of the spiritual world. On completing this peculiar mujaheda, Hazrat
Makhdoom Sabir ordered Hazrat Shamsuddin to go to Amber and help
Sultan Alauddin Khilji to conquer a fort. He then told Hazrat
Shamsuddin that the fort is to be conquered on 13 Rabi-ul-Awwal 690
AH and that will also be the day he is to depart the world.
Hazrat Shamsuddin could not resist his tears on hearing the prophecy
and enquired about funeral arrangements. Hazrat Ali Ahmed instructed
Hazrat Shamsuddin to perform all the rites and that everything else is to
be arranged by the Rijal-ul-Ghaib (men of the unseen) and the Awliya
(friends of God). Hazrat Shamsuddin was strictly ordered not to touch
the body nor to open his eyes during the ghusl (bath) as this would be
taken care of through divine grace.
Accordingly, Hazrat Shamsuddin left on 14 Safar 690 AH, reaching
Amber on the 19th where he stayed within a tent with Sheikh Suleman,
warning him not to disclose the reason for his arrival. On the morning of
13 Rabi-ul-Awwal, when Hazrat Shamsuddin met with Sultan Alauddin
Khilji, Hazrat Shamsuddin recited a prayer and pointed towards the fort.
The fort immediately and miraculously collapsed allowing the Sultan's
army to enter the fort and gain victory.
12. Passing on and funeral

After the fall of the fort, Hazrat Shamsuddin made way for Kalyar.
On the way, he met an emotional Hazrat Alimullah Abdaal who
informed him of the passing away of Hazrat Ali Ahmed exactly as he
had prophesied. Hazrat Alimullah informed Hazrat Shamsuddin that he

had now been instructed to serve him and together they made haste to
On arrival at Kalyar, Hazrat Shamsuddin saw that Jamaluddin Abdal and
his 99 jinns were protecting the body of Hazrat Ali Ahmed and a red
light immersed the area. He then carried out the orders that were given
to him by his Pir-o-Murshid. As the time for janazah (funeral service)
neared, he felt dejected as he was the only person present at the funeral
of his Pir-o-Murshid and a great saint.
As he spread his mussalla for Salat al-Janazah (funeral prayer), he saw a
veiled horseman armed with a lance rapidly advancing towards him. As
he reached Hazrat Shamusuddin, he exclaimed: "Shamsuddin, don't offer
the Namaz", and upon dismounting his horse, he occupied the mussalla
and conducted the prayer himself. When Hazrat Shamsuddin turned his
face for Salaam (the last action of prayer), he was astounded to see a
multitude of Aghyas, Awliya, Rijal-ul-Ghaib and Abdaals present.
After the prayer, the body of Hazraat Ali Ahmed was lowered and
Hazrat Shamsuddin asked the veiled horseman: "May I have the pleasure
of asking your name since you have conducted the funeral of my great
Pir-o-Murshid?" The man pulled off his veil and said:
“ Shamsuddin, the funeral service of this Faqeer has been conducted
by the Faqeer himself. ”
When Hazrat Shamsuddin saw his face and identified that it was none
else than Hazrat Makhdoom Alauddin Ali Ahmed Sabir himself, he fell
unconscious and fell down on the ground.
The curse of Hazrat Ali Ahmed remained in the city of Kaliyar and
nobody dared to venture beyond the outer limit of the desolate area that

had incurred the wrath of Hazrat Ali Ahmed, until the time of Hazrat
Qutb-e-Alam Abdul Quddus Gangohi, the sixth Khalifa of the Sabiri
On 4 Rabi-us-Sani 907 AH, more than 200 years after the demise of
Hazrat Ali Ahmed, Hazrat Abdul Quddus Gangohi, spurned by his
determination to build a mausoleum made way for Kaliyar with a party
of 150 people including khalifas, sheiks and mureeds.
When this huge assembly reached Kaliyar, Hazrat Abdul Quddus went
into a state of muraqaba (meditation) and entered into spiritual
communion with the saint. He pleaded with the saint to end his jalal
(wrath) on the area so that he may build his mausoleum for the people to
benefit. Hazrat Ali Ahmed granted his wish and agreed to bless those
that visit the site.
Hazrat Abdul Quddus and his group reached the tomb for the first time
in more than two centuries and they found that it was still being
protected by Hazrat Jamaluddin Abdal and his party of 99 jinns. Hazrat
Abdul Quddus and his group began to construct a mausoleum from
kutcha (sandy) materials around the tomb for the first time after the
saint's demise. Having finished, they offered Salat-ul-Shukr (prayer of
gratitude) and departed from Kaliyar. Hazrat Abdul Quddus used to
return to Kaliyar on the 5th of each month to perform fateha.
On 16 Rajab 928 AH, 21 years after Hazrat Abdul Quddus first entered
Kaliyar, Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi of Delhi provided finances to build a
pucca (concrete) mausoleum over the tomb of Hazrat Makhdoom Ali
Ahmed. With this money, Hazrat Abdul Quddus ordered Jamaluddin
Abdaal to purchase the necessary material and to accompany him to
Kalyar to assist him in constructing a new mausoleum over the tomb.

They reached Kaliyar on 5 Jamadi-ul-Awwal 928 AH and started work

on the 15th. Jamaluddin Abdaal and his 99 jinns also assisted with the
construction and the new mausoleum were ready in 3 months and 7
days, after which the party returned to Gangoh.
A 15 day Urs celebration is held each year at the mausoleum in the
month of Rabi-ul-Awwal and the dargah and for the past 456 years,
people from all walks of life have flocked to the site to seek the
blessings of Hazrat Makhdoom Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari.
(Source :Internet search)
13. Biography of Hadrat Sheikh Jalauddin Kabir Auliya

As per his lineage, he was Usmani. And he was disciple and caliph
of Hadrat Shamsuddin of Panipat. His real name was Khaja Mahmood.
He was the saint by his birth. He used to go to the jungle area and used
to be in the condition of engrossment of the truth. The condition of his
engrossment was such that he did not have news of the other things. At
the time of prayer, his disciples used to give him caution in this matter.
It was his practice that he used to go Makkah for Friday congregation
prayer there. His ancestor Hadrat Sheikh Dawood Khaja who has
devotion with Hadrat Naseeruddin Chiragh Dehlavi. And who was
among caliphs of Hadrat Khaja Nizamuddin Auliya. Hadrat Maqdoum
Jalaluddin’s ancestor in the incident of Halaku Khan who has migrated
from Balq to India during the rule of Sultan Alauddin. He was born in
Panipat. And Shah Bu Ali Qalandar has nourished him on his lap.
Qalandar Sahib used to think him as his confident and as dear one. In the
book ‘Zadal-Abrar’ it was written that “Qalandar Bu Ali Shah think him
as his friend.

“ Sheikh Jalal also was an admirer of his spiritual revelations. Many

times he has requested Shah Bu Ali Qalandar to initiate him as a
disciple. But Shah Bu Ali Qalandar used to say him your husband
(Peer) is coming and we will give you in dowry. So one day Shamsuddin
Turk Panipanti came over there. And Maqdoum Jalaluddin has become
the disciple of Shamsuddin Turk Panipanti.
The good news of Shah Qalandar was proved right. Qalandar Sahib
liked very much his company and when Shamsuddin was allotted
saintliness of Panipat then he has told that“ Thanks to Allah that my
native place which was without the protector. Brother Shamsuddin was
appointed Jalauddin as guardian of the place and there was much need of
him at this place”
When this news was reached to Shamsuddin then he has sent one cup
of water in the presence of Shah Bu Ali through his servant. Shah Bu Ali
Qalandar has put one flower in the glass of water as the benediction and
he has sent back that cup of the water glass in the service Shamsuddin.
There were sincere relations of Shah Qalandar with Jalauddin and in
this matter, there are many details are available but due to a length of the
book, we have shortened details and be content for the above
information in this matters. Hadrat Maqdoum was died at the age of 170
years on 5th Zeqad or 13th Rabbil Awwal in the year 765 Heigra at the
place of Panipat. And there is available his mausoleum in Panipat and
which was constructed by Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi. At the two sides of his
tomb, his two sons were buried there. And their names are as follows.
1.Khaja Shibli Shabaz
2.Khaja Mohammed Ibrahim

Regarding biography details of Hadrat Khaja Shamsuddin, some

more details of information from other source are added as follows.
His holy name is Mohammed and his title is Sheikh Jalauddin Kabir
Auliya. He belongs among sons as per genealogy records of Hadrat
Usman bin Affan.
Genealogy record
Sheikh Jalauddin Kabir Auliya
Khaja Mahmud Panipati Garzoni
Khaja Yaqub
Khaja Eisa
Khaja Ismail
Khaja Mohammed
Khaja Abubaker
Khaja Ali
Khaja Usman
Khaja Abdalla
Khaja Abdul Rahman Thani
Khaja Abdul Aziz
Khaja Khalid
Hadrat Umar
Hadrat Usman bin Affan (R.A).
He was a holy person by his birth. He was done too much mystical
exercise and endeavours that evil genius was separated from his body
due to hunger and thirstiness. He has got such special power to train
disciples that in his one look for the sitters in the angle of the physical
universe then he will show that person world lying beyond space and
time and magnificence and make him the lover of the colorless world.
He became orphan in the childhood and his uncle was taking him
into custody. During the childhood period, there will be over the power

of the love of Allah upon him such that he will visit jungle areas and he
was used to busying in the remembrance of Allah there. Hazrat Bo Ali
Qalandar had such love with him that without seeing him there will be
no peace and harmony for him. Hazrat Qalandar Sahib used to see him
on a daily basis. If any day if he will not see him then he will begin the
search for him and he went to the place where he will be available.
It is an event of one day that Qalandar Sahib was sitting on the wall
and at that time he was passed from there on the horse. When the look of
Qalandar Sahib was fallen upon him then suddenly he said with his
tongue that “Oh how the horse is good and how good its rider.” Due to
this reason, his condition has become very worse there. He has become
unconscious and he was fallen down from the horse back to the earth.
When he becomes unconscious then he tore off his shirt and he went
towards the jungle area. He was on the journey for a period of 40 years
and he has performed two Hajj pilgrimages. During his journey period,
he was met many learned and pious persons and he was got unlimited
favours and kind graces from them in his holy company.
During his return journey, he came back to Hansi along with some
Qalandars (dauntless persons). At that time Qutub of time Sheikh
Jamaluddin was living there. And who has got the invisible revelation
that to meet with him soon and request with him for prayer so that his
broken chain may be restored. The Qutub of time was sent his servant to
him and ask him to convey his Salam and bring along with his
companions in his service. The servant was given his message to him.
Qalanders went into the service of Qutub of time and they asked Kabir
Auliya to sit near their luggage and goods to watching there. Qutub of
time was waiting for him. In the revelation, he has seen him but he was
not present among the persons who came there to see him. Hadrat
Qutub of time has asked with Qalandars “If any person left there and

who did not come to visit him”.Qalandars told him that “Yes there is one
young pious and honest man is there who is left and who is watching our
goods. Qutub of time has sent his servant and he was called him there.
When he came there then he was welcome him and he was asked him to
sit on the place of chairman and he was done much hospitality of him
and then he was told him about the event of breaking of his chain. He
also said to him that Baba Farid was already informed him that his chain
will be restored due to the prayer of Sheikh Jalal of Panipat from the
chain of Hadrat Shah Maqdum. So for this, you kindly pray in this
matter and for this purpose. So Kabir Auliya has prayed and due to the
blessing of his prayer, Qutub of time’s chain was restored through his
son Sheikh Nooruddin.
Hadrat Kabir Auliya’s condition and passion of love and engrossment
which was such that he did not want to go to his native place. So, for
this reason, Qutub of time due to his hard try and endeavour he was able
to separate him from the company of Qalandar persons. And he has kept
him as his guest in his house. And he has told him that “You are the
lover of Allah and for him wandering here and there which is not the
suitable and proper thing. You should go back to your native place. At
that place, a man of perfection going to come there and due to his
service your desire and wishes of your heart will be fulfilled.” In short as
per the explanation of Qutub of time Kabir Auliya went back to his
native Panipat and he began to live there. After some days he was
requested with Qalandar Sahib to guide him on the way of mystical way
of life. Qalandar Sahib said to him that “The person with his help your
work will be completed and he will be reaching within these days.” So
after two days, Khaja Shamsuddin Turk has arrived in Panipat. He was
become the disciple and began mystical exercises and endeavours. When
he was reached on the status of perfection then at that time Khaja Sahib
was given him caliphate and advice him for recitation about the great

names of Allah and instead of his son he was appointed him as caretaker
of the shrine building. Allah was given him such power and strength that
in the twinkling of an eye he will be used to reach far and far place and
also he used to come back from there. So it is famous and it is said about
him that he usually perform Friday prayer in the Grand Mosque of
He was a great worshipper and ascetic and he was much interested
to wander jungle areas and he usually will go to the jungle areas and
there he used to engage in the worship of Allah. He was also much
interested in hunting expedition and in which he was used to engaging
even for ten days and also he will be engaged in hunting for a month.
The condition of his generosity was such that daily on his tablecloth
1,000 persons used to get food. If there will be found less than the above
number of the persons then he sends his servant to lanes and bazaars and
brings persons from such places and in this way shortage of numbers of
persons will be completed. Even such generosity there will be no
shortage of anything with him. In spite of this, he and the family persons
of his house used to pass from hunger usually. The condition of poverty
was such that in his house there will be not found one day’s ration. He
used to attend Sama meetings and conduct annual death anniversaries of
the learned persons. All learned and holy persons have liked him very
much. By attending in his service they used to get spiritual wealth and
huge graces in his company.
In the last days of his life, there was increased his engrossment very
much and so he used to live always in the condition of engrossment.
When at the prayer time the servant call three times ‘Ya Haq’ in his ear
then he will come back in the condition of consciousness. He will do
fresh ablution and perform prayer and again he will go back in the
condition of engrossment.

He has five sons and two daughters. There are a large number of his
disciples and caliphs. Among his caliphs, there are three caliphs who are
very holy persons who are among famous and well known as well as
perfect persons and details are mentioned as follows.
1.Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Haq Rudalavi
2.Sheikh Nizam Sunai
3.Hadrat Maqdum Sheikh Baharam Beirdalvi

14.Shams of Auliya Hadrat Khaja Shamsuddin Turk Panipati

Hadrat Khaja Shamsuddin Turk Panipati and who was belonged to

well known Sadat (descendant of the holy prophet) genealogy. He was
the disciple as well as caliph of Hadrat Shah Maqdoum and from him,
the chain of the Siberia was started. He was perfection in the knowledge
of manifest and innermost. Baba Farid was said about him in Persian and
its translation and interpretation are mentioned as follows.
“Our Shams is like the sun of the holy persons .”
The search for the perfect spiritual master.
For a long period of time, Khaja Sahib was busy for obtaining of
knowledge in the Turkistan area and after completion of the knowledge
of the manifest, there was overpowering of the love of Allah which
prevailed upon him and due to this condition he could not have patience
and power of endurance with him. Then in that condition, he was left his
house in search of a perfect spiritual master. And by wandering here and
there he was reached to Mawar Al-Nahar region but his desire was not
fulfilled there. So he came over to India. In those days Baba Farid was
the spiritual ruler of North India. And he was famous and well known all

over the country even in the houses of the people. He was reached to
Pakpatam and he was there for a long time. Hadrat Baba Sahib has given
him caliphate. But he did not make him the disciple. He said you will get
grace and perfection from another person.”
In the service of Hadrat Shah Maqdoum
In the previous pages, it was mentioned that Hadrat Baba Maqdoum
was stood for a period of 12 years by holding the branch of the wild fig
tree in the condition of engrossment. Baba Farid Sahib was sent him to
Kalyar try to sit down Baba Maqdoum on the earth there. He was
fulfilled right of his service. Hadrat Shah Maqdoum was given
excellence of the knowledge of devotion to him. For a period of 20
years, he was in service of excellence of his master. In spite of the
service of his spiritual master, he was also engaged in mystical exercises
and endeavours.
Hadrat Shah Maqdoum has paid his kind attention to his condition.
He said to him “You are my son. I have prayed with Allah for the
continuation of my chain through you. And it will be available until the
day of judgment.”
Employment in the royal army
As per instruction of his spiritual master he was employed in the
royal army of Sultan Alauddin Khilji. The fort of Chittur was conquered
due to his prayer. Hadrat Khaja Maqdoum told him “ When there will be
the miracle which will appear by you and that day will be our day of
demise.” Then at that time, Khaja Sahib was left his royal army job and
he has distributed all his belongs to poor persons and he came back to
Kalyar. And he was in service of his spiritual master. When the time of
the death of Hadrat Shah Maqdoum came near than at that time he has
given him the saintly dress of the chain to him. And he has instructed

him to the recitation of the name of the personality of God. When he will
leave the world then you should not stay in Kalyar for more than 3 days
and should go to Panipat as saintliness of that place was given to you so
go there and stay at that place. To guide the people who are misguided.
Khaja Sahib said to him that “In Panipat, Sharafuddin Bo Qalandar is
available there. Hadrat Maqdoum told him “ There is no matter of
problem and thinking in this matter. As his period of saintliness is over
and upon your arrival to Panipat then he will be shifted to some other
The departure of Khaja Sahib to Panipat
After the demise of his spiritual master, Khaja Sahib left for Panipat
from Kalyar. And he was followed by the advice of his spiritual master
and he was spread light in the area from the light of his saintliness. And
he has spread guidance in the area of Panipat.
The milk cup in the service of Bo Ali Qalandar Sahib
In one tradition it is mentioned that when Khaja Sahib was reached to
Panipat then at that time Hadrat Bo Ali Qalandar was sitting near the
grave of one martyr which is located at the outside of the Panipat City.
Khaja Sahib was given a full milk cup to his servant and he was asked
him to give it to his brother Bo Ali Qalandar and convey his Salam to
him. Khaja Bo Ali Qalandar was smiled and put one flower in the milk
cup and said to the servant to take this milk cup to my brother
Shamsuddin and said Salam to him.
When the servant was brought the milk in the service of Khaja Sahib
then the people asked him what is secret of the milk cup.? Khaja sahib
said that “ The milk cup which he has sent in the presence of my brother
Bo Ali Qalander and its meaning was that saintliness and perfection of
this area were given to him. Brother Sharafuddin has put a flower in the

milk cup and its meaning is that he is not concerned about your
saintliness. Like a flower in the milk and my position will be the same as
the flower in your saintliness.”
Stay in Panipat and his contact with mankind
He has stayed in the central place of the city and he has become
center of the contact of the mankind. Many thousand people were
entered into his chain of devotion. And they have followed the right path
of Allah.
The link of the love of Khaja Sahib with Bo Ali Qalandar
After the stay of Khaja Sahib in Panipat and during the period,
Hadrat Bo Ali Qalander was lived there and there was contact between
them and there was the meeting of them which used to take place in
Panipat. One day Khaja Sahib has sent his servant in presence of Bo Ali
Qalander. Then at that time, he was sitting in the shape of the lion. The
servant came back from there and told him that “ He is sitting in the
shape of the lion there.” Khaja Sahib told his servant to go and see him
and if you will found him in the shape of the lion then tell him my Salam
and said to him that “Place of the lion is in the jungle.” The servant told
him like that and Bo Ali Qalandar left that place and he has sat in the
place away from the city in the shape of the lion.
Khaja Sahib was given his caliphate to Sheikh Jalauddin Kabir
In the last age, he declared him as his successor and he was given
saintly dress (Khirqa) and the caliphate to Sheik Jalaluddin Kabir
Auliya. On the 19 Shaban in the year 715 Hegira, he has died on the
Wednesday during the rule of Sultan Alauddin Skindar Second. In the
city of Panipat, his grave is much visited by large people in general as

well as special persons there. And which is famous even today for the
fulfillment of desire and wishes of the persons who visit his grave.
5.Malik Ali Ansari
This holy person belongs to the leader of the Heart’s learned
persons. He has much devotion to Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. When Qazi
Ziauddin has prepared the statement of the case upon the kidnapping of
the Tajik leaders against Bu Ali Shah Qalandar and he has sent the
statement of the case in his presence for his signature of certification of
the case then he was torn off it. It was his only showing his good
He used to say proudly that his Peer is Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. And he
has obtained a large number of favours from him. Also, Qalandar Sahib
has much affection and love for him. And many times he has eaten food
with him on the table. In short Malak Ali Ansari was the contemporary
person of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. As per saying of Shah Bu Ali Qalandar
he was settled down in Panipat. One time Shah Bu Ali Qalandar has to
dig the earth and put one grain of barley in it and he has said to him that
“We have put the root of your children up to the nether region. And if
Allah wills the generation will be continued until the day of the
During those days Sultan Ghiasuddin Balbon of Delhi was desired to
meet him and he has asked for his permission to visit Panipat but Bu Ali
Shah has prohibited him in this matter. He has sent his message that“ If
he wants to meet him then to come to Sonipat where he is going to visit
the mausoleum of Hadrat Syed Nasiruddin there. So as per his
instruction, Sultan Ghiasuddin Balbon went to Sonipat and met Hadrat
Bu Ali there. Upon visiting him Sultan requested Hadrat Bu Ali to give
him any work so that can fulfill that work. But due to content Bu Ali

Sahib told him that “ He did not have any work. When Sultan by folding
his hand began much insist on this matter then he told him “ If you have
much desire in this matter then send one message to Panipat to bring
Malak Ali Ansari from there. And whatever you want to do his service
as per your wish and pleasure.” Sultan Balbon has acted as per the
instruction of Hadrat Bu Ali and he has called him from Panipat and he
was given many 1000 Bighas (In Punjab and Haryana, four Bigha is
equal to one acre) of land to him. From the time of Shah Qalandar till
now the tribe of Ansari is living in Panipat as respectable people there.
The generation of Malik is being continued now and in his lineage,
many persons of the perfect knowledge were well known as mystic
persons were born and the details are as follows.
1.Sheikh Aman.
2.Khaja Abdul Hai.
3. Sheikh Hussain Murid.
4. Syed Abdul Razzaq Jhanjhaniv.
5.Moulana Khaja Altaf Hussain Hali.

We could not able to get the details of the death of Malak Ali Ansari.

6. Sirajuddin Rukai

He was the regular visitor of the court of Hadrat Bu Ali. Hadrat Bu

Ali Qalandar used to tell him the secret of his heart and stages of
mysticism’s hidden secret to him by thinking of him as his confidant.
Both of them have a love of Fakiri with themselves. One time about his
pledge he was told him “Oh Sirajuddin he got such favour from Hadrat
Ali Murtuza like the sunlight with which the wall will shine.”

Once one person asked with Sirajuddin about the pledge of Hadrat
Bu Ali then he has said that “He has pledged with Hadrat Ali Murtuza.”
That person told him that “It is less known to the persons in this matter”.
Moulana told him that “ Brother the matter of the devotion of
manifestation will become well known but it is the devotion of
innermost. So why its information will be available to the general
persons but the persons of innermost they know well this.”
7. Hadrat Lal Shaazhb Qalandar

This holy person also belonged to the period of Hadrat Bu Ali

Qalandar. He was the saint of Sewhan area. Upon hearing details of
revelation, miracles and public favour events of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar
once he has visited Bu Ali Qalandar in the Buda Khed village and Bu
Ali Qalandar has favoured him in a mystic way. And he was kept him in
his company for many days. Baba Shabaz Qalandar has become his
devotee. And after some time upon getting spiritual favours from Bu Ali
Qalandar he went back to his area of the saintliness of Sewhan. As such
there was increased much of devotion so he was visited many times Bu
Ali Qalandar and he got excellence of visit and favour from him. And he
has died in Sewhan and his mausoleum is there.
His mausoleum is in Sewhan which is famous even today in the
Indian sub-continent for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the
persons who visit his mausoleum.
Hadrat Shabaz Qalandar came on the back of the tiger to see Bu Ali
Qalandar Sahib. And at that time Bu Ali Sahib was sitting on the wall.
So he was given instruction to the wall to move forward to well-come
him. The wall was moved five or eleven steps. That wall was there until
the year 1911 and after that, it was saved in the shape of the upper part
of the grave and there was tomb on the wall from the beginning.

8. Sheikh Ahmed Yahiah Sahwardi Muniri

He was a perfect and complete pious person of the chain of Firdousia.

And he was the holy person of the time. The City of Bihar was his place
of birth. There were no children born to him. So for this worry and
problem, he went to the house of Qalandar Sahib for the sake of his
prayer. Qalandar Sahib said to him “ Brother there are no children in
your fate. But you touch your back with my back and there is one boy of
mine which I will give you.” Sheikh was touched his back and then the
light was transferred from Bu Ali Qalandar to Sheikh then Bu Ali
Qalandar upon entrusting favour asked the Sheikh to proceed toward his
native place. And he has given him instruction that “ Brother Ahmed on
the way at the place of Agra there is one beautiful lady is waiting for
you and if she did much provoke then do not marry that woman.” He
was also asked him “ For the boy which will be born to be given the
name as per his name and go to your place directly and transfer the
light to your wife.” The Sheikh did as per the advice of Sheikh Bu Ali.
As per fate, one boy was born and Sheikh was named as Sharafuddin.
And he is well known as Sharafuddin Bihari. In Bihar, his grave is there
and on the 4th Shawwal, his death anniversary is held.
Due to the above event, there was increased much devotion to Sheikh
Bu Ali upon his heart. Sheikh Ahmed left this world on Thursday on 6th
Shawwal in the year 782 Heigra in the city of Munir. And he is taking
final resting there.

15. The contemporary personalities of Sheikh Bu Ali Qalandar


1. Hadrat Baba Sahib. 2. Khaja Shams Panipati.3. Hadrat Maqdoum

Saber.4.Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori.5. Khaja Nasiruddin Chiragh
Dehlavi. 6. Syed Mohammed Banda Nawaz Gesu Daraz. 7. Syed
Sharafuddin Amrohi.8. Shah Kamal Kaithli. 9. Shah Alam Gahanavi.
10.Moulan Rumi. 11.Khaja Hafiz Shirazi. 12.Moulana Wajihuddin Patli.
13.Zaheeruddin Bukhari. 14.Saderuddin Qunavi. 15. Fakheruddin Naqli.
16.Shariatuddin Turki. 17.Moinuddin Doulatabadi. 18. Najamuddin
Samarqandi. 19.Qutubuddin Makki.20.Moulana Ahmed Bukhari.

For the lovers of truth and for the inclination of them towards Allah
and for their endeavours on the way of the truth and for such work even
big hurdles could not disturb them. So to write about for such
engagements it is a difficult and hard task. Because whatever work they
will be found in which they will be engaged in such work also then they
will be inclined towards Allah. And there will be no change in the
attention of their hearts. But there will be no escape from the necessity
of human nature. So we are writing some about the engagement of
Hadrat Bu Ali Sahib in this matter.
Hadrat Bu Ali Sahib belongs to such holy persons that in their favour
such award as Talamiz al-Rahman was available as per the holy book of
Quran. The biography writers have divided his life into four parts.
First part obtaining the education
He has got knowledge from well known and famous teachers of the
time. He was much interested in the Arabic language. And he has
memorized the Holy Quran. He was obtained other current knowledge.
And during such a period it was his engagement.

The 2nd part he was spent for the giving education as well as
teaching and preaching work as per the record of the books of his
biographies. He was engaged in the work of preaching in Mosque of
Quwwat al-Islam in Delhi. As he was Quran-conner so he was perfect in
the explaining of secrets and points of the Quran. During that period he
was the jurist of city and ‘Huknama’ which was written by him in that
period and which is the book of collection of his legal opinions.
In the books written by him, it is shown that he used to refer always
poetry and prose books of Sufi holy persons who have passed away from
the world. In the book ‘Maktubat Sharif’ he was copied a large number
of the poetry work and sayings of the Sufi holy person who have passed
away from the world. In the book ‘Sir Eishiq’ there is the explanation of
the Quranic verses in the spiritual meanings. Also in it, he has explained
the height of the love and as well as greatness in the most high level of
the explanation. He used to study much of the book ‘Ruhal-Arwah’ and
from this book, there is the available reference in his book ‘Sir Eishiq’.
He was much interested in the sayings of the Hadrat Bu Ali Farmadi
Naqshbandi. He used to study very much the books of ‘Diwan Iraqi’ and
For the explanation of secrets and points which was easy for him. In
the book ‘Maktubat’ he was written the explanation of some of his
poetry works and also he has written the explanation of the poetry of
poets who left the world and who were well known in the knowledge
and perfection of the style and excellence. From which it is known that
he was a person of the high level of knowledge and who acted as per the
knowledge as well he was a famous jurist and expert person of exegesis
and a great author of this time. During this period the remaining books
which were written by Sheikh Bu Ali Qalandar. He was studied very
much ‘Musnavi Masnavi’ book of Moulana Rumi and he has written his

‘Masnavi’ book and in which there are find many poetry works of
Moulana Rum which are well known as ‘Masnavi Manavi’.
Third period
During this period he was busy in the teaching and preaching as
well as in advise and instructions especially available for Taleb
(student) and it refers to a person who is committed to a Murshid
(spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual way) of Sufism and it is also
known as a Salik (Arabic: ‫)سا ِلك‬, a Mureed is an initiate into the mystic
philosophy of Sufism. Also during this period in which he was engaged
in tourism and traveling.
During this period many great spiritual masters have obtained
favours from him. And during this period he was engaged much in
mystical exercises and did many endeavours in this matter. And he has
overpowered his soul during this time. In the jungles of Bhaguti where
he was studied scenes of the nature and knowledge of Allah.
The above place is a desert and which is two miles away from
Panipat village on the eastern side. During this childhood, Sheikh Bu Ali
Qalandar used to go the above desert area and play with the Tigers. And
at that time the children of the same age also used to be with him in the
jungle areas. Especially on Fridays, he used to visit the above place. At
last time of his age, he has resided there in that jungle area. Still, his
sitting place is available there and its signs are found there and this place
is well known and famous as Peer Bhaguti.
Fourth part
In this period its found silence and engagement, as well as absorption
and engrossment which was prevailed. This is such a period in which he
has no news of himself and also there is no sign of sensation and as well

as there was no symbol of all and there is no existence of pantheism. It is

the place of God. In that part of the life if he will look of majesty then
that person will become a person of perfection. So such look of majesty
which have turned many hundred stones into philosopher's stone and
many irons were turned into pure gold. If he has looked anything with
the look of wrath then that thing will be destroyed instantly. During this
period his look was at the tablet in the sky in the reading its invisible
writings. And whatever he was told by his tongue which was happened
instantly. In short, these are engagements and endeavour of the holy
personality and which proved that piousness of Qalandari sect which
belongs to a model of the life of one pious person and as well as good
person’s complete and perfect life.

16.The teaching and preaching mission work of the Islam

This is the fact that the important teaching and preaching mission
work of the Islam which was done to the great extent in India and its
events which are having value in the history as golden words. So they
are having like the order of the letters of the kings. In this method of
spread and propagation of Islam, there is a greater of rule the of Bani
Fatima group. Now we have to see who are Bani Fatima group? And its
explanation is that their children will be of the two kinds. First is
descendent which is born my father and mother as per the rules and
regulation of the world. The other is spiritual and intellectual when there
will be accepting somebody as leader and guide on the way of mystical
way life. And he should think as an eternal felicity for the following that
leader or guide in this matter. Such children are known as spiritual or

intellectual children. So Hadrat Ali Murtuza’s descendants are available

in all over the world. Also, there are available very much his spiritual
children from all over the world. So for this, the achievements of the
spiritual children are also known as achievements of Bani Fatima.
The leader of the truth, the great preacher of Islamic religion, Hadrat
Bu Ali Shah Panipati is well known among preachers of Islam. As he
got favour from the Prophet and Hadrat Ali Murtuza directly. His
spiritual training was done by Hadrat Ali Murtuza. So his name among
the spiritual children of Hadrat Ali Murtuza having a very important
position. So in the achievements of Islamic propagation and among all
the preachers his position and status is very great. He has done
preaching and propagation of mission work of Islam on a large-scale
basis and a large number of Hindu persons have been accepted Islam on
his hands due to his hard endeavours and tasks. One by one individual
person as well as Rajput tribe of Panipat who have accepted Islam due to
the invitation of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah and this is such an event which is
having no such example.
Mr. T.W.Arnold in the book ‘The Preaching of the Islam’ and he has
mentioned as follows.
“Rather later in the same century, a native of Persian Irāq, by name
Abū Alī Qalandar, came into India and took up his residence at Panipat,
where he died at the ripe age of 100, in A.D. 1324. The Muslim Rajputs
of this city, numbering about 300 males, are descended from a certain
Amir Singh who was converted by this saint. His tomb is still held in
honour and is visited by many pilgrims.” Another such event’s details
were about his chain’s preaching and propagation and in which it has
written in this connection that in the last period of the 13th century one
pious personality Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar who was a resident of Iraq and
who were settled down in Panipat. And he has attained his age about 100

years and he has died in the year 1324 Heigra in Panipat. Among 300
Muslim Rajput are there and they belong to children of Amar Singh.
And who have become Muslims on the hands of Hadrat Bu Ali
Qalandar. These people pay much respect and honour to the mausoleum
of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar and they used to visit the final resting place.
We have come to know the story of acceptance of Islam by Raja
Amar Singh by the reliable source. And which should be thinking
Arnold’s marginal note of his writing. Amar Singh’s forefather was
coming rulers of the Panipat since olden time. The villages of Panipat
were under their control. At that time on the throne of Delhi Sultan of
Khilji family was ruling there. As that was the time of exaltation and
evolution of the Muslim rule in India. So he was attacked on Panipat and
Rajputs was killed in the battle. The only mother of Amar Singh who
was pregnant was safe and for saving her life and chastity with the help
of pot maker by hiding in gone secretly and she was reached to his father
and who King of Javalpur in the district Saharanpur. So Raja Amar
Singh was born there.
It is said that Amar Singh was very brave and oppressive since his
childhood time. When he was young and one day he was wrestling with
his maternal brothers. Upon seeing his oppression they have taunted him
that“ Since a long time he is lying on our door but he is gazing at them.
And it is not known who is his father.” Amar Singh did not like this
taunt and he went soon to see his mother by holding the sword in his
hand. And he was asked his father’s name and his native place. In the
reply, his mother told him that “Your father was king of Panipat and
who was killed in the battle against the Muslims in the Panipat battle
along with his all army. I only came here by saving my life. Your birth
was taken place in the house your maternal grandfather to whom you
think your father is your maternal uncle and my brother.”

As there was passion in the blood of Rajupt in Amar Singh so he

said to his mother that now water and food of Javalapur is illegal for
him. I will go to my original native place and fight and take revenge
against Muslims or will be killed in this matter. In this passion he was
riding on the fast running horse with the grand look of braveness he has
proceeded towards Panipat and he was reached at the bank of the river
Jamuna. And he was seen there one darwesh person who was busy in the
worship. That darwesh was Bu Ali Qalandar. Upon looking elegance of
Amar Singh, Shah Bu Ali said to him “Son there is coming the smell of
Islamic religion from your side. With determination, you have left your
place which is even though it is in vain and for you accepting of Islam
is a matter of pride and respect.” Amar Singh told him that “He did not
have taken advice from his mother. If there will be your permission then
he will go and ask with her.” He has given him permission to go. He
comes back from there in the presence of his mother and he was asked
with his mother about in this matter. The narrator said that when he was
taking the advice of his mother then at that time Bu Ali Sahib was
present there. He told his mother that “You give him permission to
accept the religion of Islam.” Then she told that “There is no objection
in this matter from her side but she has only one son. So from where
there will come proposal of his marriage.” He said to her that “Do not be
afraid in this matter as his relatives will also accept the religion of Islam
and come into the circle of the new religion.”
At last, his mother has given him permission but at the same time,
Shah Bu Ali has vanished away from there. When Amar Singh was
reached at the bank of Yamuna river then he was found Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar who was hanging around there and he was called near him and
he was given the wealth of Islam to him and given his name as
Amarallah Khan. And on potsherd he was written the letter of
recommendation to Sultan Alauddin Khilji and asked him to present this

in the court of Sultan and who will return back areas which he has got in
the battle of Panipat to him. Amarallah Khan reached the capital city
Delhi and present in the court and he has presented potsherd of Shah Bu
Ali to him. The Sultan was happy to return back the conquered areas of
Panipat to Amarallah Khan and he has come back to Panipat and he sat
on the throne of Panipat asking there.
Due to favour of Shah Bu Ali, all family members of maternal uncle
of Amarallah Khan were accepted, Islam. And he was married among
them. Shahab Khan, Shahbaz Khan, Daulat Khan, were his sons and still
there children are available in Panipat city. With those Rajputs, their
relations are being continued there. The Rajputs of Panipat are still
having much devotion with Shah Bu Ali Qalandar. They used to bring
offerings and presents to the mausoleum which is favour of light and
which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of
the persons who visit his grave from there.
There was his circle of teaching and preaching and which was very
wide. The perfect people of the time were benefitted by him. Shah Bu
Ali Sahib who himself was written in his book ‘Hukumnama’ that due to
continuous insisting of great persons of time and great learned persons
he has accepted the post of the jurist of Delhi. As the biography of Bu
Ali Shah Qalandar was not compiled in the precise shape so for this
reason, it not known details of all numbers of the caliphs of Hadrat Bu
Ali Qalandar. But whatever the details which are known in this matter
are as follows.
1. Mubarak Khan

He was great caliph and who most popular caliph of his time. His
favour is being found until now. In the shrine building of Bu Ali Shah

those who will present there and will be benefitted through the
intercession of the prince. And its continuation will be continued till the
day judgment.
2. Maqdoum Sheikh Jalauddin Kibria Panipati

Even though he was the disciple of Shamsuddin Panipati. But he was

completed all stages of the mysticism by the help of Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar. Bu Ali Shah nourished him on his lap in the childhood
period. When he will sleep then Bu Ali Shah used to sing the lullaby.
3. Moulana Sirajuddin Rukai

He was also disciple and caliph of Bu Ali Shah Qalandar.

4.Moulana Sirajuddin Makki
He was the teacher of Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. But he has got spiritual
favours from Bu Ali Shah Qalandar.
5. Moulana Shah Ekhtiaruddin Qalandar

He was the brother of Bu Ali Qalandar. Bu Ali Shah has much love
and affection for him. As per saying of Bu Ali Shah, he has become the
person of saintliness and he was going to Qanouj. Till now his children
were available in Qanouj and in its suburbs. His mausoleum is available
in Qannouj.
6. Sheikh Ali Qalandar Peer Zinda

He has got a certificate of caliph from Bu Ali Shah Qalandar and

Hadrat Ektiaruddin. As his pledge and caliphate belonged to Hadrat
Nizamuddin Auliya so, for this reason, people think his pledge as a
pledge by Bu Ali Shah Qalandar to Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya.
However, Bu Ali Shah has devotion to Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya. But

the fact in this matter is that his brother Sheikh Ahmed Qalandar who
has the pledge at the hands of Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya
7. Maqdoum Raji Ramshid Rajgiri

He was also his caliphate.

His method and pathway of life
Regarding the life of Bu Ali Shah Qalandar, there is no issue of
disputes about Shia and Sunni differences. Because he is proud of being
the lineage of King of Hanifia sect of Muslims. So there is no need to
write about his method and pathway of life. But we have thought that as
per general condition it is necessary to inform such details to the readers
of the book. That how wide of his method and pathway of life of Bu Ali
Shah Qalandar was. The people will not involve in such disputes
internally as their religion will be Quran as well and Allah and his
Prophet. But we do not have hesitated to write that Bu Ali Shah was the
most popular holy person of his time. He got favour from all holy
persons of his time. But he used to hate especially persons like preachers
and Muslim priests because they created disputes in the religion. They
made religion as war field. They were misguided people and they
mentioned signs about the wine of the Jews in the books of their
Dewans. (collected odes of the single poet)
He was much interested in the Sama (ecstasy) meetings which are a
grace of Chistiya mystic way. In the condition of the poverty, he will
remember his lost happy social life and light of heaven and scenes of
that place by the touch of the flute and remember them and get pleasure
in this matter. Those who will refuse Sama and for them, he will say “
Their ears are dumb and in their head are empty from being passionately
in love and otherwise also camel who is no wisdom will dance on the
ring of the bell. This engagement and fondness were such developed

with him that even after his death for the solution of the dispute over his
dead body and there was kept the condition in the matter that flute
should be played there and if there will be the movement then the
decision will be right as per advise of Moulana Sirajuddin Makki. So it
has happened like this.
He has deep heartily in love with Bait" means "house". "Ahl" means
people. The Ahl-al-Bait are the descendants of Prophet Muhammad. As
per his belief, he was tolerant Sunni Muslim.

17. Solitude and abstinence

In the preface of this book, we have mentioned with regret that
about this matter that ignorant and people have made false and baseless
stories and unreal narratives and tradition about all holy persons. That
with him there will be available crowds of the boys and in which there
were the majority of the boys of the Ahl-al-Bait who are the descendants
of Prophet Muhammad. With him, there will be such a method of his
respect and honour of the Ahl-al-Bait persons that until they will not
have vanished from his look so he will be standing there. When the boys
of the Ahl-al-Bait will be around him in a circle and when they will say
Ali, Ali then he will be happy in this matter and whatever will be
available with him which he will be given by him to them. In short with
small boys he has much love and affection. Due to the favour of
connection that still there will be the crowd of the boys at his holy
mausoleum. This we have seen by our own eyes. Hadrat Syed Ghousi
Shah used to say that “These boys are the maker of holy persons.”
One person wrote a pack of lies that in his one book and he will
mention the events in style of pomp and show and bring such events into
public and which cannot be accepted by wisdom. But for this nobody

could not able to refuse in this matter. So Qalandar Sahib also was not
safe from such blame in such stories. And for him also such narrations
are available to all links of his generation. And its reason is that the Sufi
poets have used in their poetry wine and sweetheart which was used as
such to the great extent that gradually the people have taken the meaning
of comparison and metaphorical language and demand of wine of reality
and they have taken results of desires of the soul. But as per studying
metaphorical term of Sufism, it is known that what is the meaning of the
wine and beloved in this matter.? What is the base of using these words
by them. If we look at the depth of vision and search then we can find
their rejection of desires of the soul and which is popular in the people.
First, we will present the personality of Hadrat Bu Ali before the readers
of the book. Then we will mention one or two wrong traditions about
him. And its decision we left on the right-minded readers that whether
with such wrong traditions and for then what will be the effect on
holiness and sanctity and abstinence.
We have written events of Hadrat Bu Ali that he was the brightness
of eyes and son of Sheikh Fakheruddin Iraqi. And who was a leader in
the category of Sufi persons and who was the author of many books.
Also, his mother who was the sister of Syed Nematallah Hamdani
Kirmani and she was a Quran-conner and she was a complete model of
the following qualities.
2 Abstinence.
3. Fear of God
In the chapter of his birth, it was mentioned that upon his birth Shah
Jamaluddin Charmposh who has recited the Quranic verse in his ear. As
per saying of the other persons he was recited the great name of Allah in

his ear. He has memorized the Quran with the help of Sirajuddin Makki.
And also he got such great grace for the completion of the other current
knowledge of time and that which he has got spiritual favour from
Hadrat Ali Murtuza. And its explanation he was mentioned by his pen in
his magazine ‘Resala’
He was most expert in explanation of the points in the Holy Quran.
He has also had knowledge of perfection for Islamic jurisprudence and
traditions of the Holy Prophet. For our this claim the period of his jurist
post in Delhi will certify in this matter or other persons can also certify
in this matter who have read his book of ‘Hukumnama’ and other books.
In the description of his books, it is mentioned perfect knowledge in
brief in this matter. And from which it is known for his high greatness
level of Hadrat Bu Ali. He was a great learned person who has followed
the Islamic law as well as Islamic jurisprudence. He was followed by
the Islamic religion completely. And he was strictly acted upon it. He
used to think for the following the Prophet as welfare and prosperity of
the two worlds as well as Felicity for this the word and the hereafter and
which he was mentioned in encomium ode in his Dewan as follows.

And its meaning and interpretation are mentioned as follows.

Oh Sharaf if you want to the get success in the both words
So be always at the slavery at the door of the Holy Prophet

He was also mentioned in his letter about the relationship between

Islamic law and the mystic way in meaningful words with the help of
examples. With this his statement which will show his wide look and
skill in this matter. Which he has in the current knowledge and

especially in the knowledge in Sufism. And if any doubtful event in the

condition of his intoxication which is not objectionable for this reason.
For the Sufi persons, even small particles of the universe are the
offices of the knowledge of Allah. And from mankind, there will be his
look which will befall on Allah. If he will look light of Allah in the
shape of the human being then what will be objectional matter.? There is
saying of the Hadith ‘Alinsan Marital Rahaman’. Its meaning and
interpretation are that the man is the mirror of Allah.
So for these events, we have to know that all stories connected with
him are the only endeavour of the people who ignore and otherwise
there is no reality and originality in this matter.
The personality which have status and position of the leader in the
world of the highest form of mystical experience and who has the
greatness and importance which is there in the category of the Sufi
persons and for such personality all such endeavour are very regretful
matter. We hope that by this short explanation of the personality of
Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar so the readers of the book have come to
know his great status and position in this matter. Now we are mentioning
those traditions which are well known to the people.

Shah Mubarak Khan

He was the son of the Sultan Ghiasuddin Balban of Delhi
Kingdom. He was born due to the prayer of Shah Bu Ali. He was the
most beautiful and handsome person. There was the claim of the love
with Sheikh Bu Ali with him. So he was written my lines of poetry in his
poetry book while addressing him. It was difficult for Sheikh Bu Ali to
be away from his beloved. So he will not be allowed him to be away

from his look. The biography books present his love stories in different
colors. But the reality in this matter is that Mubarak Khan was the most
handsome and beautiful person of his time. Firstly from the beginning
time, there was established in his relation of the love and which was for
the sake of Allah and which was like a fakir person as well as of the love
of darwesh persons. To remove such link it was impossible for the
power of the materials. Secondly, Shah Bu Ali wants to see his awaited
reality in the dress of the world. In reality, he got this grace from his
father in the inheritance. On his father who Sheikh of his time also found
such condition and which was transferred by Khaja Bahauddin of
Multan to some other side.
Also, there was the claim of love with Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya
with his disciple Hadrat Amir Khusro. And who has given him title Turk
to Amir Khusro.
Also, Sheikh Bu Ali’s look was fallen from creation to creator so for
such pure and unselfish love which was given the title of Mahboob
(beloved). This Mubarak Khan was the holy person of his time. And
after his demise, holy persons have got favour from his soul. And this
Mubarak Khan was his beloved disciple also. And who will present
people’s wishes and desires in the court of Hadrat Bu Ali Sahib and get
approval from there. For this Mubarak Khan, Hadrat Bu Ali said that
“When visitors will come to my mausoleum then they should visit the
first mausoleum of my beloved then afterward come to visit his
mausoleum.” So this is the house’s good relation to the reality of love.
For which people have presented it with the color of reality.
Now we discuss subjects from another side. Before discuss we want
to tell that those who are not know terms of Sufism so they should know
that in the poetry of Sufi poets the term, cheek and lips, mouth and
waist, ogle and coquetry, features, cup-bearer and wine, lamp and sweet-

heart and necessaries which have become compulsory in the praise of

the Prophet and these terms of praising words are being used in the
poetry. Because for the lover who wants to show his real passions there
is no other way except the source of the odes. But with these words, the
meanings are not which the people think in their mind generally. In the
explanation of the poetry of Hadrat Bu Ali, we have written the suitable
meaning of these words. If for those events if it will be referred in other
meaning then, in that case, there will be no effect on the holy respect of
Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. As per the tradition of the Prophet ‘Al-
Majaz Qantara Feilhaqiqat’ so as per this saying of the Prophet that
“Worldly love is also one of the phases of the human being’s life.”
In the last, we mention that if there will be given importance to this
tradition then also there will be no bad effect on his holiness, abstinence,
virtue, his pure innermost of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. And his edge
of the shirt is free from in a confused state of intolerable as well as be
Personal events
Writers of biographies of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar who
mentioned his life events in such horrible style that upon studying those
events of his life it is known that he was resident of such Panipat palace
wherein there was no reach of the persons. Such events which were
ignored bravely by them which were suitable for such sincere and
darwesh person who was without hypocrisy.
Due to the present conditions if anybody will have the intention to
write the biography of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar then he will have to
face such conditions of disappointment in this matter. So, for this reason,
that person will throw his pen and leave his job of biography writing.
But due to our continuous endeavours in this matter, we can say that if

our book is not complete and not perfect but it can be said that it is the
foundation in this matter. So coming generation on this sketch will make
big buildings.
This is the factual event that Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar did not
marry. When Moulana Iraqi with intention of the marriage of Bu Ali
Shah asked with him so he has told him that “Father why he did want a
marriage of him.” His father told him that “ My son because there will
be a lit lamp from another lamp. And I want to say that so there will be a
continuation of the generation.” Bu Ali said to him that “ He will put by
the will of Allah such wick in the lamp so that the lamp will not be lit
till the day of judgment and lamp will not be extinguished.” So, for this
reason of his prayer, there are no children of him of his generation but
there are large numbers of his children of intellectual and spiritual.
Among children of his younger brother Nizamuddin, Shah Iraqi are as
follows and these persons and those belongs to his cousin brothers well
known as Pirzada family and who are respectable and well known.
1.Moulana Ekaqtiar Qalandar
2.Shah Ahmed Zinda Peer
For this reason upon his death, the service and post of the custodian
of the shrine were transferred to the sons of Hadrat Nizamuddin Shah
Iraqi. And among them, Shah Ahmed Zinda Peer was the first custodian
of the shrine. After him, the post of custodian was transferred among
their generation. So present custodian of the shrine of Panipat is
Moulana Abdul Rasheed who belongs to sons of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah
Qalandar’s brother. From his letters, it is known that he has special love
and affection with his brothers. And all were members of his group of
command and his circles who used to be there as regular in the
attendance in his meetings. All these persons were in the place of Hadrat

Bu Ali Shah Qalandar’s children. Among all of them, Shah Eqtiaruddin

was his special disciple and devotee. All of his letters were addressed by
him in his name only. From which it is known that his manners of
Darwishi and which were very higher. The people of his family were
benefitted by his favour and blessings.
Some period of his age was spent in the work of royal court during
the rule of Sultan Alauddin Khilji. We did not say that he was in demand
of the world. Or the lover of the world. There is no hesitation with us
that he did not ignore the world. For the life of the monk and for which
Islam is prohibited so for this reason he was much hated such of the
lifestyle. He was not only the teacher, instructor or preacher. But he was
a great rank of the philosopher, author as well as he was light of the
lamp of the literary meetings. He was always acted as a great host to his
guests in his residence. So when Amir Khusro who arrived with gifts of
the Sultan and at that time there was well known his name and fame of
majesty in the four corners of the world. But he was instructed by his
nephew Sheikh Ahmed Zinda Peer to keep Amir Khusro as the guest in
the residence for three days and do not leave any complaint in his quick
shrewdness. At the time of meeting with Hadrat Bu Ali Shah, Amir
Khusro told him that “ Your honour my mind desire to put my head on
your feet and touch my eyes on them.” But Hadrat Bu Ali told, “
Brother do not come near to him because there is fire available there
which will kill you.” Other than this Sultan Tughlaq, Sultan Mahmood,
and Sultan Feroz during their period of younger age, he was given glad
tidings of the kingdom upon serving food by him in one eating dish.
When Sultan Ghiasuddin was requested with him for service when he
was arranged for him for the grant of the monthly salary and property. In
short, there are available in the history of many such events. So on the
basis of such events, it can be said that with him available felicity of this

world and as well as it was available for him the felicity of his share in
the other world. He was well known to fulfill the rights of Allah and the
rights of the servitude. Despite this, all these matters there was content
in his nature which was such to level that all kings of his time were
added in his circle and on the signal of his eyes they were ready to
sacrifice body soul and wealth which they thought for their felicity of
both worlds. But he did not ask anything from of the kings. And that his
big neck which was made by Allah which was not bent at the door of
any ruler for any of his desire and wish. From asking the question he
was not made impure his tongue. In the real meaning, he was following
the method of ignoring the graces at the door of the rulers as he was rich
at his door of the darweshi. His poetry was not a gained with effort but it
was inherent and it was not the source of his livelihood. As such the
persons who were passed before him from the world who used to apply
very mean methods. He was showing his back to the wealth of the
world. He did not write poetry in the praise and eulogy of any king in
any of his books. He did not write encomiums for the reward from kings.
Only in or two encomiums he was mentioned about administration and
organization of the Sultan Ghiasuddin. His livelihood did not depend
on the writing of encomiums of the rich persons and kings. There were
huge amounts of conquest from the kings which will be received by him
but upon this also he was having such content of his nature that if his
heart like it then he has kept such amounts and otherwise he will reject
such huge amounts. From these facts, it will be proved that in his
personality there two dignities in his majesty and elegance and its stage
and level was higher. And so he was away from chafing soul relations of
the world. For the relations of another world, he made the aim of him till
his life in this world. And he was away from the life of the monk and
congratulations for those people who lived in the world but they have

kept their edges from chafing soul relations of the world. Oh, Allah
guides us to the straight path along with all other persons. (Amin).
The death
He has died on 9th Ramadan, 724 Heigira after Maghrib prayer in
Bodha Kheda village in district Karnal and for the three days nobody did
not know about his death. On the third day, some visitors went there to
see him and they found he was sleeping there so the pilgrims went
immediately to Karnal and have informed the details there that Hadrat
Bu Ali Shah Qalandar has left this mortal world to his final destination
in the other world. All devotees upon hearing this news came there
immediately in the village Bodha Kheda. And they have seen that
Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar was resting on the big platform under the
tree. The people of Karnal have brought his dead body to Karnal and
there was such a large crowd that many thousand persons could not able
to share of carrying his corpse on their shoulders.
At that time his teacher Hadrat Sirajuddin Makki and other persons
were present in Panipat. During this time what Moulana Sirajuddin has
seen that Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar was saying to him that “Wake
up I am leaving the world so bring him Panipat and bury him here.”
Moulana has informed this to his nephew Sheikh Ahmed Zinda Peer and
other persons of the community of Ansar group. And all of them were
going to Karnal. What they have seen that people of Karnal have given
the funeral bath and they want to bury him in the Karnal.
His nephew Shiekh Ahmed told them and other elder persons were
insisting to take the holy corpse of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar to
Panipat but the people of Karnal have made the objection that Hadrat Bu
Ali Shah Qalandar will take final rest in Karnal. Because Karnal is his
place of saintliness. Moulana Sirajuddin said to him that “As per the

wish of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar they came here from Panipat. So
you should not refuse in this matter. Sheikh Ahmed is real successors of
Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. And he has authority so whatever he can
do for which oh people of Karnal you did not disagree in this matter.”
When Moulana was seen that there was no agreement in this matter
so he said to both parties that “We will take the decision from the holy
corpse and whatever there will be instruction then we will proceed in
this matter to fulfill the order.” Both parties have agreed in this matter
and in this confusion, the day was passed away. The decision was kept
for the next day. All persons have gathered around the holy corpse and
began reciting the blessing on the Prophet and verse Iqlas from the Holy
Quran. At last, there was daybreak and Moulana Sirajuddin asked to sing
Malkaus music which was one of the major models of national music
connected with late winter and which was his favourite music. During
the time of playing if there will be movement in the dead body of Hadrat
Bu Ali then the people of Panipat will take his dead body to Panipat
otherwise if there will be no movement in the dead body then in that
case the persons of Karnal will take his dead body to Karnal. Also, there
was the condition that first that the persons of Karnal will take the dead
body and if it will be lifted and it will so happen then they can take and
bury the dead body in Karnal. If it will be not such happens then the
persons of Panipat will lift the dead body and if it has happened then
they can take the dead body to Panipat and bury him there. So when
singing man began singing and around the dead body there was the large
crowd of the people of holy persons as well as general and special
persons. Immediately his hand came out from the shroud and there was
movement in his dead body. Moulana Makki as per Islamic rules has
asked singing man to stop singing. When the singers were stopped then
Moulana Makki told at that time that “One miracle of Baba Bu Ali has
appeared there. Now as per the condition of the final decision now the

persons of Karnal to lift the dead body.” They want to lift it but Subhan
Allah (God be praised) but the dead body was not moved from its place.
After that, there was the turn of the persons of Panipat to lift the holy
dead body. Then Sheikh Zinda Peer, Moulana Sirajuddin, and Malik
Ansari by saying Bismillah lifted the dead body of Hadrat Bu Ali and
have put into the box and they proceded on the way of Panipat on 13
Ramadan, 724 Heigra and they have buried the sun of saintliness in his
final resting place in Panipat.
During the life period Qalandar Sahib who has asked to build
umbrella type mausoleum by Sultan Alauddin and in that ready
mausoleum he is taking final resting. On his head side, his beloved
Hadrat Prince Mubarak Shah’s mausoleum is situated there.
It is famous and world renown that Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar was died
in Buda Kheda village and from there people of Karnal village has
brought his dead body to Karnal village and after the decision of
Moulana Sirajuddin in the favour of the Panipat persons Hadrat Bu Ali
Qalandar’s dead body was brought and buried in Panipat. There is the
mausoleum of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar as the following three places.
1.Buda Kheda village
So there is the difference between his places of burial. The devotion
is taking everybody to his place. But this is wrong thinking in this
matter. Because a big group of the great learned and perfect persons of
time are agreed that Hadrat Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar was buried in
Panipat. The details of the learned persons are as follows.
1. Hadrat Syed Mohammed Gesu Daraz of Gulberga

2. Syed Mohammed Yad Allah Dakhni

3.Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhadith of Delhi
4.Sheikh Amanallah Panipati
5. Mir Maud Dulari
6. Sheikh Abdul Razzak Jhanjhanavi
7.Sheikh Abdul Quddus Gangohi
8.Sheikh Dojan Juanidi
9. Sheikh Musa Zubari
10. Sheikh Mohammed Sharif Azimabadi
11.Sheikh Abdul Rasul Amabalavi
12.Sheikh Nizam Balqhi
13.Sheikh Mohammed Usman Panipati
14.Sheikh Ahmed Zahedi
15.Sheikh Momen Mast
All the above persons have mutually agreed that Hadrat Bu Ali
Qalandar’s mausoleum is in Panipat and from there, like the sun of his
favour is being continued shining.
Upon our research, it was known that still, Baba Bu Ali’s grave is
also available in Boda Kheda village and Kernel. Where there are
coming custodians of the shrine by the lineage of the generations there
in two above mentioned places. But the fact in this matter is that due to
the grace of the holy foot of m Hadrat Bu Ali there were established
marks in his memory at the above two places. And which are still found
at the above two places. But his real mausoleum is there in Panipat
which is even today is there for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of
the persons who visit his grave.
For the reason of his many graves, there is one reason in it is that he
got such contemplation at one with Hadrat Ali Murtuza and which is
required the disciple with his master and which called as ‘Fana Fe
Sheikh’. In the group of the Sufi persons, it is known that there are many

mausoleums of Hadrat Ali Murtuza. So in this relation, there are

available mausoleums of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar. In addition to above
mausoleums, there is one more mausoleum which is available in Jodhpur
and in which one Sadhu (A Sadhu, also spelled Saddhu, is a religious
ascetic, mendicant or any holy person in Hinduism) who do sweeping
and lighting work on the grave which is located inside of the mountain.
One of the lovers of Bu Ali Sahib who described his date of birth and
death and his age in one line of poetry as follows.

From word Khuda, there will be available 605 numbers which are his
date of birth and in Abu Ali ’s are available numbers 119 which is his
age and from Shah Wahdat there are available 724 numbers and which is
his date of death.
Mausoleum Building
The mausoleum building is all made of marble stones. And the floor
was laid by marble stone which was fixed by Nawab Nasir Ahmed 4th
up to 139
Ansari of Panipat and who was the trustee of Haddadi village and who
had done this work by revenue of Haddadi village in 1902. The golden
Kalas (spire pinnacle) of the mausoleum which was presented by Sait
Ibrahim Haji Arab who was resident of Bombay in 1923. By the huge
expenditure, the golden work in the entrance hall which was has done by
devotion and endeavours of Sait Ibrahim Haji Arab. The flooring work
in Galal Badh was completed in 1916 with revenue of Hadati and Pavti
villages under the supervision of Peerji Baqa Allah. On the tablet there is
shed of wooden is there and in which there is the design of flowers and

buds on it. And around it, electric bulbs are there. There is no shed over
the grave of Hadrat Mubarak Khan.
The wooden frame is there which is available around the grave of
Hadrat Bu Ali Sahib in color and in the network. In the beginning, the
railing of gold and silver was there. When King Nadir Shah Durrani
came to India and he said that “ Bu Ali is not Qalandar but his rich
person.” Then he has put his sword on the railing and his soldiers have
looted the railing which was made up of gold and silver. There is
thinking of the people in this matter is that Qalandar Sahib did not like
disrespect of King Nadir Shah and due to this reason despite his
complete victory he could not stay in India. And except this reason of
innermost, there was no other cause was not there in this matter.
On the mausoleum of Mubarak Khan, there was railing of mix
metallic and King Nadir Shah also looted it. And he was the hit tablet
with his sword and its mark of the strike is still found there.
In the walls of the Chokundi in the word of Sindhi language which
mean four-dimensional shape or four corner building, there are available
small windows in them and on it the lovers of Sheikh Bu Ali Qalandar
sit near tablet on the two feet and recite verse Fateha on the holy soul of
Hadrat Bu Ali. By the look of benediction and blessing, the pilgrims kiss
the tablet and touch it with the eyes. Due to such respect and honour the
pilgrims will enable insight for them. The applicant’s edges of the shirts
will be filled with jewels of the aims. The people are allowed to go area
of the Chokundi . Especially it should think that it is the place of the
trustees of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah.
There is one door on the north side of the mausoleum in the wall.
From passing from it then we can be reached Shah Bu Ali’s beloved
Prince Mubarak Khan’s mausoleum and which is at the head side of the

grave of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah but there is some change in the direction.
There is also the same conditions which are prevailed and upon entering
inside there will find the map of the dignity of loveliness in the eyes.
The outer door of the mausoleum of Hadrat Bu Ali there was written the
following poetry of Hafiz Shirazi.

At the foot side of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah in one wooden frame, it is

found encomium which was written with devotion by Pandit Amaranth
Ashafta Panipati and that frame is attached with a parapet of the

mausoleum and it is as follows.

In inside of the mausoleum on the western wall Baqa Allah’s

encomium has written in which by his good devotion he has proved that

the pilgrim who will come to visit the grave of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah and
if he will recite verse Fateha and blessing of the Prophet then Allah will
fulfill desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave. So he has
said this in Persian poetry which is as follows.

During the year 1071 Hegira corresponding to 1661A.D. Emperor

Noordddin Jehangir’s minister Muqrab Khan alias Riziqallah has
extended the building of the mausoleum. One hall in which all flooring
of marbles works was done. All walls were made of stones and on which
there was done white color and upon which on the upper side of the
walls Quranic verses and stanzas were inscribed. And on the 8 pillars of
stones of costly pure marbles were fixed in the hall. And such marble
stone pillars are not found in any mausoleums in all over India. Due to
these pillars, Shah Bu Ali Sahib’s mausoleum was regarded as only one
of its kind and incomparable. In fact, these pillars are models of their
own type. Upon watching the building it is known that Nawab Riziq
Allah who has spent many millions Rupees money in the extension of
the mausoleum hall building of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar due to his
devotion. At the outside of the hall, there is one big courtyard of marble
is available. And this is also included in the compound area of the
mausoleum building and which was constructed by Nawab Riziq Allah.
In the western side of the courtyard, there is one door available and from
passing from it there is found the grave of Maqrab Khan and also in that
place, some members of his family who were passed away from the

world were buried there. For entrance into the mausoleum, there are 3 or
4 doors are available there in the opposite of the wall and where
footwears are not allowed there and small boys who take care of the
footwear of the pilgrims and they will get some small amount for this
service charge from visitors upon their return from there. But there is no
restriction for removing of the footwear in the big courtyard of the
shrine building. But as per our thinking that in the all-area there is
required for respect and honour. From the following poetry, the date of
construction of the building of Riziq Allah Khan is known which was
written in the hall in golden and black writing.

in the four walls of the hall in the border of the verse from Al-Rehman
from the Holy Quran and which was made there also the poetry of Zahur
is written and which is shown as follows.

The courtyard of the shrine building is very wide and it was made
by strong bricks. At the western side, one mosque was constructed by
Maqrab Khan in the red marbles and where five congregational prayers
are performed regularly and also in which there is the provision of
teaching and preaching is there. And after the mosque, there is available
water reservoir for ablution.
For the pilgrims and visitors, there are constructed small rooms and
which are the property of the shrine custodian. In the middle of the
courtyard, there is available one well for the purpose of using water for
ablution and this well which was constructed in the recent time.
In the compound of the shrine in the eastern side on the platform,
there is railing of iron with the network is there and inside of it, there is
the available grave of Khaja Altaf Hussain Hali who was well known
Urdu poet. From the eastern side of the grave of Khaja Sahib, there is
the available grave of the chief engineer of the shrine buildings.

There are available two entrances of the shrine building and one is
towards the north side and another is at the southern side at the bazaar. If
there will be an entrance from the direction of the north side then there
will find one grand mosque on the way. It is said that this mosque was
constructed by beloved of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar, Mubarak Khan.
On the door at the eastern side, there will find Majzoub (one lost in
divine condition) and Fakirs persons in the condition of absorption and
engrossment. Many persons with intention of Chilla (retire 40 days into
mystic seclusion) and who come here from far away areas and complete
their endeavors as well as recitals there in that pure compound. And they
will return back to their places after getting favour from there. At the
outside of the compound of the shrine building in the opposite of shrine,
there is available Naqqar Khana of Qalandar Sahib (the place where
drums are beaten to announce time). Which was constructed by
Shamsdoulah Nawab Lutfallah Khan in 1135 Hegira.
In short Qalandar Sahib’s shrine building which is famous even
today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit
his grave. So it is the resort of all and there is advice of Hadrat Bu Ali
Shah Qalandar is that the person who visits his grave then he should first
visit his beloved’s grave and recite verse Fateha there. Then he should
come to his grave afterward. So as per this, there is the practice which is
found in the shrine building.
We have drawn the map of the shrine building in the broken words
so, for this reason for the people who have visited this shrine or who
reside in the nearby area and so for them, they will not find interest in
this subject. But those persons who did not visit the shrine building then
they by sitting in the house with help of this map they can think about
the shrine building of Hadrat Baba Qalandar in their mind and so, for
this reason, they will have pleasure and happiness in this matter.

The Urs (death anniversary)

The basis of the ceremony of Urs is taken from the Quran. There is
one chapter number 19 in the name of Mariam in the holy Quran and its
verse 15 is about prophet Yahya (peace be upon) and its translation is as
follows. “15. So Peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies,
and the day that he will be raised up to life (again) ”
In light of the above verse, there is an importance of following three
days.1.Birth.2.Death.3.Day of judgment. The Allah’s last prophet has
arranged a charity (Sadqa) upon the death of his uncle Syedna Hamza on
the following days. 1.3rd day.2.7th day.3.40th day.4.6th month.5.One
year. Allah’s last prophet used to visit the graves of martyrs of Uhud
mountain in Madina city every year and there he used to recite Fatiha
(Al-Fatiha the Opening verse of the Holy Quran) and pray for them. As
per above-mentioned verse and as per the above tradition of Allah’s last
prophet it is proved that the following days are very important. So the
ceremony of Urs (death anniversary ) is also important for the above
reason only. 1.Death. 2.Day of judgment.
On the day when the holy person will die and on the same date every
year on his grave for conveying reward of virtuous deeds so there will be
held one meeting. Its name is given as Urs in the expression. On this
occasion especially from the chain of the connection of the persons of
the grave and in general common people who will present on the grave
with devotion there. The aim in this matter is to get spiritual favour from
the person of the grave. As a matter of fact, to get spiritual favours from
the souls of the holy persons is not out of thinking. A devotee will get
benefit from such spiritual favours. And which is available from the
graves of the holy persons. So, for this reason, this custom is found
among the Sufi persons.

As per this custom which is prevailed in the shrine building so every

year Urs ceremony is being held from 9th Ramadan to 13th Ramadan
and which is performed on the large and grand scale and in which
following persons used to participate in it.
1.Mashiq persons
2.Learned persons
And there will be also held Sama (ecstasy) meeting. Also, there will
be the arrangement of teaching and preaching sessions and as well as
such customs will be performed in the best possible way. The readers
and Quran-conners will finish the recitation of the whole of the Quran
there. There will be cooking of the food for the Niyaz Sharif (to make
offers in the name of Bu Ali Shah Qalandar). And by opening the doors
of munificent and generosity and there will be sent reward to the soul of
Hadrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. In short, all these arrangements are done
under the supervision of present custodian Moulana Peer Mohammed
Abdul Rasheed of Panipat and who is from the generation of his brother
Hadrat Shah Nizamuddin Iraqi. And who is on the post of trustee of the
The Urs ceremony of Hadrat Bu Ali Shah will be commenced from
4th Ramadan to till 14th Ramadan. In Bodh Khed village on 11th
Ramadan, Fateha ceremony is held there. And in the month of Sawan on
every Thursday Urs ceremony is held. And first is called Yogia and in
which Fakir persons participate in it. And other is called Bhogia in
which special and general persons will all participate in this ceremony.
The third is known as Kumhar is a caste or community in India and
Pakistan. Kumhar literally means potter in Indian languages. Kamaru in
which Kumhar who will participate in it from far away places. The
fourth is called Chamru in which cobblers who will come from far away

places and gather there to seek blessings and arrange Niyaz Sharif (to
make the offering in the name of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar Sahib).
As the pilgrims began coming from first of Ramadan so the ordinary
type of public food began serving to the visitors from the shrine trustee.
On 9th Ramadan special type of public food will be distributed to the
pilgrims. Famous Quran-conners and reciters of the Holy Quran began
reciting Holy Quran in the three mosques in the shrine building. In the
7th Ramadan evening, the Holy book of Quran ’s whole recitation will
be finished. At the time of finish of the whole recitation of the Holy
Quran, there will be distributed benediction from revenue of Hartadi
village. And in 9th Ramadan evening, at the time of the beginning of the
night Holy book of Quran recitation will be finished in the mosque of
red stone. At that time one earthen water pot will be filled there with
water. The sweets and water which will be distributed. This sweets and
earthen water pot will be sent by the trustee. This expenditure probably
will be arranged from revenue of Pavti village.
After finish of the recitation of the whole of the Holy Quran in Glal
Bada there will be held Sama (ecstasy) meeting in a decent way and as
well as in a respectful way and honour in which all in general, as well as
special persons, are allowed to participate in it and the melodious and
sweet-voiced choristers will come there from far away places.
In the outside courtyard, different kinds of stalls for selling of the
different goods will be installed as per permission of the trustee of the
shrine. Even though the installation of the stalls is not looking suitable
for the courtyard. So it is required by us that whatever we will see by our
eyes here in the shrine building which should be discussed by us its good
as well bad things in the free and independent way and give our opinion
in this matter. In this respect, we have requested in the service of the

trustee and who have said to us that he will rectify the mistake in this
matter. We hope that he will act as per his promise.
Also in this matter which is hurting to us that in the big courtyard
pilgrims are moving with footwears there. This act which will cause the
limit of hurting the persons who are devotees and who gather there to
seek blessings of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar. As per our opinion, all this
area is required for respect and honour. Where even by walking on the
foot on such holy place which is also is a matter of the disrespect. And
so where to walk with footwears not seem to be not well in this matter.
In reality, this is such place as per saying of Hafiz Shirazi.

As per our thinking in the 10th and 11th night as per custom after
Eisha and Tarawih prayer (special night prayers in the month of
Ramadan), the Sama (ecstasy) meeting will be held. It will be finished
one hour before Sahar (pre-dawn meals during fasting month). In the
12th night also Sama meeting will be held as per practice and this night
is known as Suhag. In this night there will be washing of the shrine of
Hadrat Mubarak Khan and Hadrat Bu Ali with scented water of the
umbrella tree flowers by the hands of the trustee and washing water will
be collected and it will be distributed among visitors as benediction and
After one o’ clock in the night, some important persons from the
meeting will be visiting inside the mausoleum building with the
permission of the trustee. First of all the trustee who will go inside and
he will be sat on the black low stone seat and which was fixed in the
olden time for this purpose and then he will do ablution there in the

company of Mahmood Hasan B.A.LL.B., then he will enter inside of the

wooden railing and after that he will call one of the servants of the
shrine inside and he will stand at foot side and trustee will be stood at
the head side and his two sons will be stood at his both sides.
Generally, there will be available two covers of the grave. First of all,
the trustee will kiss them. Then all pilgrims along with trustee began
repeated invocation of God’s name in the loud voice. Then trustee will
put covers of the grave on his head then afterward it will be kept on the
head of the sons of the trustee.
After this second cover which is called in Choli Wata Posh in term
and which is put as per the same method as it is mentioned as above.
After washing of the shrine, there will be the began repeated invocation
of God’s name in loud voice and all persons will enter into the shrine of
Hadrat Mubarak Khan and there will be performed all these necessary
On 14th Ramadan on 10 ‘o clock big washing of the shrine which
will be taken place there. In which there will be such only difference is
that at that time with water in Kevda (umbrella tree ) leaf with 20 or 25
tolas (one tola =12.5 gram) of the scent will be pouring down on the two
holy graves. After this, the servants of the shrine along with water
carriers will wash the floor of the above two shrines. It is custom from
olden days that from the time of the beginning of the washing to till its
end all contributions, offerings, presents, cash and other kinds which are
given to the water carriers and it is their right and which they receive by
them. In addition to it trustee also put an amount Rupees 1.25 from the
treasury of the shrine to the donation box of the water-carriers as it
belongs to their right since the time of their inheritance.

At the time of two times, washings of the shrine building the

singing right are having with only shrine choristers who are sons of
Ibrahim and Zakaria chorister and it is the right of their inheritance.
During the time of Urs, the shrine trustee will give to the party of
choristers of the shrine two kilograms of flour and four Rupees on a
daily basis. Also at the time of the crop cutting the trustee will give them
some grains.
It will be noted that from the lineage of Ibrahim and Zikeria
choristers only two sons are available and their names are Rasheed and
Dhone who were sons of Bakhi Qawwal. But they have left their work
of inheritance due to some of their helplessness. So at the time of
washing of the shrine building for singing to whom they will give
permission then that party of chorister can sing in the shrines.
In the night of 13th Ramadan as per custom there will be held the
meeting of Sama. And next day after Asar prayer there will be held the
ceremony of finishing of recitation of the whole Quran in the shrine
building. And the pilgrims began leaving and special and devotees of
Hadrat Bu Ali will not leave from there with their intention to
participate in the Urs ceremony of Hadrat Ali Murtuza.On the 21st
Ramadan, there will be the ceremony of recitation of the whole of the
Quran for Hadrat Ali Murtuza is held in the Masjid Sang after Asar
prayer. And five kinds of sweets will be distributed among the visitors.
And during the night there will be the illumination of lights in the shrine
On 10th Muharram from shrine trustee, there will be arranged free
wayside stall for drinking water and there will be also held a meeting of
the mourning as per practice since olden days.

On 12th Rabbil Awwal in the morning time after the recitation of the
whole of the Holy Quran in the small compound area of the shrine
building the meeting is held to celebrate the Holy Prophet’s nativity in
which sweet will be distributed among the participants of the meeting on
very large and grand scale.
On 13th Rabbil Awwal in the morning time after recitation of the
whole of the Holy Quran in the compound area of the shrine building
the meeting is held for Esal Sawab (for the conveying reward of
virtuous deed in the name of the Holy Prophet) in which snacks will be
distributed among the participants of the meeting.
On 10th Rabil Thani there will be held the ceremony of the recitation
of the whole of the Holy Quran in the favor of Hadrat Mubarak Khan
without being held off the Sama meeting. On this occasion, many sweets
or halwa (batter pudding) will be there. Also, there will be extraordinary
illumination which will be done on the two mausoleums. On the day of
Basant, there will be held the ceremony of the recitation of the whole of
the Holy Quran in favour of the holy mother of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar
on her grave after Asar prayer. In which there will also be held Sama
(ecstasy) meeting. And after the recitation of the whole of the Holy
Quran, there will be distributed sugar candies. After this, in next day
after Sama meeting, there will be held the ceremony of recitation of the
whole of the Holy Quran in the shrine building and snacks will be
For the convenience of the visitors and for the persons who are
attached with the chain of Qadaria and for them we have gathered all
information and details and which we are recorded such all details in this
book upon our hard research and endeavours. The expenditures for all
above ceremonies and meetings will be arranged by the trustee of the
shrine from revenue of Pavati village.

The Niazy Sharif (to make an offering in the name of Syed Shah Bu Ali
Syed Shah Bu Ali Qalandar who was said that “If there will be any
difficulty or problem which will be faced by any person so then there is
required an offering in the name of Allah and offering in his name.” So
make the preparation of food as follows.
To prepare bread of one maund. And prepare curry of one maund
curd in the one maund mutton. And if it is distributed then there will be
the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the person.
Distribution of the food of the offering
Before it was the system that those who prepare food for the offering
and they will not give the share to attendants of the shrine. One day
Sheikh Azeemuddin Niyawali who was in meditation before the grave of
Qalandar Sahib inside of the mausoleum. And outside of the mausoleum
attendants were discussing food of the offering and afterward, they came
inside of the shrine and they said, “Oh lover of Qalandar Sahib those
who prepare food for the offering will not give us our share in it.”
Sheikh Mohammed Sharif who was said in the shrine in their favour of
the shrine attendants that “ Whatever will be your order which will be
fulfilled in this matter.” There was the indication that “ Oh Mohammed
Sharif tell needy persons that they should be distributed the food of the
offering in three parts as follows.
1. Attendants

2. Fakir and poor and learned persons.

It is the option for the persons to follow it and distribute as per any
method. But if it will be distributed as per the above method then his

offering will be accepted. So until now, this practice is found in the

The post of trustee
We have written personal details of Hadat Bu Ali Qalandar that he
was not married. So after his death, the post of trustee was transferred
into sons of his brother Hadrat Nizamuddin Iraqi and in this chapter, we
want to mention that after the death of Hadrat Bu Ali who was become
his successors by their lineage and who was given the post of trustee of
the shrine.
There were four sons of Hadrat Nizamuddin Iraqi and details are as
1.Moulana Ektiaruddin
2.Moulana Shamsuddin
3.Moulana Shah Ahmed Zinda Peer
4.Moulana Shah Mohammed Usman
Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar who was given his caliphate and the post of
teaching and preaching to his nephew Moulana Ektiaruddin during his
life period and when upon him condition of absorption and engrossment
has prevailed when he was given his post of trustee and teaching and
preaching of the shrine to his younger brother Moulana Shah Ahmed
Zinda Peer. So after the death of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar, Moulana Shah
Ahmed Zinda Peer has become the trustee of the shrine building.
After his death, the successors' details are as follows.
1.Moulana Sirajuddin
2.Moulana Alimuddin
3.Shah Badruddin
4.Shah Waheeduddin

5.Shah Riziqallah alias Shah Abdul Salam

6.Shah Mohammed alias Shah Budha
7. Shah Hamiddun Arif alias Hameed Qalandar and in praise of Bu Ali
Qalandar who was written in one brief manuscript which was known as
‘Sharah Manaqib’ in Persian.
After Shah Hameeduddin Qalandar, the following persons have
become shrine trustees.
8. Moulana Shah Nizamuddin
9.Moulana Shah Mohammed Burhan
10. Moulana Shah Mohammed Usman
11.Moulana Shah Ghulam Mohammed
12.Sheikh Mohammed Sharafuddin
13.Moulana Sheikh Ahmed
14.Sheikh Mohammed Panah
15.Sheikh Imam Bakhash
And details of the sons of Sheikh Imam Bakhash is as follows.
1.Sheikh Ali Bakash.
2 Sheikh Mohammed Bakash.
3 Sheikh Bu Ali Bakash.
Among the above, Sheikh Ali Bakash has become the trustee. And
after him, his son Shah Tafazul Hussain has become his successor and
who has the only daughter and who was died without children. So for
this reason post of trustee was transferred to Sheikh Mohammed who
was his brother of Sheikh Ali. Because Sheikh Tajamal Hussain and
Sheikh Khaja Abdul Raheem (who was the father of present trustee of
the shrine) who was died when Tafazal Hussain was living. So after the
death of Tafzal Hussain Moulana, Moulana Abdul Rasheed has become
his successor and so the present trustee of the shrine of Hadrat Bu Ali
Qalandar is Moulana Abdul Rasheed.

He was married to two women. The first wife is the daughter of

Khaja Mohammed Sadiq and who son of Khaja Karamat Ali. And from
her one son, Sheikh Ghulam Mohammed Hameeduddin Arif was born.
The second wife is the daughter of Maulavi Mohammed Ishaque son of
Maulavi Mohammed Waheeduddin alias Maulavi Mohammed Ameer
Gopamvi. And from her, Sheikh Ghulam Mohammed Nizamuddin and
two daughters were born.
It was written above that Sheikh Imam Baksh has three sons and third
son Sheikh Bu Ali Baksh has no male children and he has two daughters
with him and the first daughter was married to Sheikh Tafzal Hussain.
And the second daughter was married to Tajmal Hussain. It is possible
that due to the above writing the readers of this book may not understand
clearly about their mutual relations in between them.
So, for this reason, we are writing herewith genealogy record of
Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar which is beginning from Sheikh Imam Baksh
and till the present time successor and trustee of the shrine of Hadrat Bu
Ali Qalandar Sahib.
Genealogy record
Sheikh Imam Baksh trustee who has three sons and the details are as
1. Sheikh Ali Baksh trustee and his son’s name is Shah Tafzal Hussin
trustee but he has no children and also her daughter has no children also.
2. Sheikh Mohammed Baksh has three sons and the details are as
A. Sheikh Mohammed Baksh
B. Sheikh Tajmal Hussain.
C. Sheikh Abdul Raheem and after him Sheikh Abdul Rasheed has
become the trustee and he has two sons and the details are as follows.

A. Sheikh Ghulam Mohammed Hameeduddin Arif

B. Sheikh Ghulam Mohammed Nizamuddin

3. Sheikh Bu Ali Baksh has no children and he has two daughters and
their marriage details are as follows.
A. The first daughter was married to Shah Tafzal Hussain
B. The second daughter was married to Shah Tajmal Hussain

18.The revenue details of the shrine of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar

The village Ajah and Birsham both are coming in the record of the
endowment of the shrine building of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar in Panipat.
The revenue and returns of these two villages are used to be spent for the
expenditure of the shrine but these two villages were taken back by the
British government due to the mistake of one Maulavi person who made
the speech in the shrine building against the British government. When
there was given proof of no involvement of the trustee and attendants of
the shrine in such above event but there was judgment that the above
village will not be given to the shrine and instead of it there was sanction
of Rupees 1011 annually to meeting expenses of the shrine of Bu Ali
Qalandar and such grant is still available to the shrine.
In the village Panipat 60 Bigha (1 Acre = 4 Bigha 16 Biswa (4840
Sq.Yds) land is coming in the record as the endowment of the shrine
since olden time and which was obtained during the period of Sheikh
Mohammed Burhanuddin and its custodian is the trustee of the shrine. In
addition to the above properties, there are many shops as well as cells
are added in the endowment of the shrine. The income from the above

properties is being used in the shrine. In short, all income from the above
properties is being spent under the supervision of the trustee at the
proper places.
Pavti village
Shams Doula Nawab Lutafallah Sadiq Sahib Ansari grandson Khaja
Malak Ansari and who was governor of Bihar during the rule of King
Bahadur Shah First and who has issued orders for the endowment for the
following shrines in Panipat.
1.Shrine of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar
2.Sheikh Jalaluddin Kabir Auliya
3.Khaja Shams Turk Panipat
From the revenue of the above the trusts an amount of Rupees 900
and which began spending as follows.
1.On the shrine of Sheikh Bu Ali 600
2.On the Shrine of Sheik Shamsuddin Turk 150
3.On the Shrine Sheikh Maqdoum Jaala 150

Total Rupees 900

From the sons of Nawab Sadiq Nawab Nasir Khan is the trustee of
village Hartadi as per his advice and who arranged the following
expenses under his supervision and details are mentioned as follows.
On 12th Ramadan one time public food will be distributed from his
side and also the workers in the drum house who will get salaries from

him. And filling with water of reservoirs of three mosques and

maintenance and cleaning of wells of three mosques, buckets and ropes
and for all these expenses he is responsible as per deed of the
When Nawab Sahib was want to make the endowment of Hadtadi
village to meet the above expenses of the shrine and he has submitted
the petition in the royal court of the king to write off revenue of the
village. So King Mohamed Moazam Bahadur Shah First who was
accepted his requested and issued the royal order of exemption of
payment of the tax of the village Hadtadi.
There was one Hakim (a physician using traditional remedies in India
and Muslim countries.) and who was in the condition of poverty. And
due to the usage of spiritual of Hadrat Bu Ali, he was included in the
royal board of doctors. And due to his sound policy which was made
possible for Maqrab to become minister of Emperor Jehangir.
In 1071 Nawab Saheb during his period of ministry, he has extended
shrine building of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar. And during this period his
brother Sheikh Haji was taken royal order from Jehangir Jehangir for the
trusteeship of the shrine of Hadrat Bu Ali. After the death of above
Nawab Sahib and Sheikh Haji, Sheikh Mahmood son of Sheikh Haji
during trusteeship of Hadrat Sheikh Burhanuddin he has filled his
petition as per documents of his father for the trusteeship of the shrine.
So, for this reason, the working the trustee and attendants all were
removed from the shrine by force due to the order of the king. That was
period of King Shah Jahan and Sheikh Burhanuddin who was submitted
his petition in the royal court for the injustice done to him and for
reinstation of the trusteeship of the shrine of Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar.

The village Hadtadi is in the custodianship of this family. Because

Nawab Sahib was written in the documents of the endowment that the
village property which will remain with his family. At present Nawab
Nasir Sahib is the custodian of this village who belongs to the family of
Nawab Sahib and he is most suitable successors of his family lineage.
In 1910 he was arranged repairs work of rooms of the shrine
buildings with huge money from revenue of Hadtadi village. Also, he
was done repair work of the drum house. Nowadays he was doing
repairs work of the tomb of Nawab Sadiq who was his ancestor and it is
well known as the school of Hali. Instead of other expenditure, he is
much interested in the construction works. We are also agreed with
Nawab Sahib’s opinion in this matter as construction works are very
important than other expenditures.
As there will be too much rush of the pilgrims at the time of annual
death anniversary known as Urs and there are no arrangements of stay in
other places except in the rooms. So being the devotee of the Sheikh of
time Hadrat Bu Ali Qalandar we request him earnestly in this matter in
the service of Nawab Sahib that he should construct some additional
rooms for the stay of the pilgrims in the open land which is at the back
side of the shrine building. So that there will be comfort available to the
pilgrims as per the requirement of the seasons. And with this there,
available memory of the Nawab Sahib in the shrine building after him
and as this is included in as propitiatory work. For this project, Nawab
Sahib will be rewarded until the day of judgment. So in this matter,
Nawab Sahib should pay attention to this construction project and enable
the public to thank him.
Trusteeship of the shrine

Nawab Muqrab Khan belongs to the lineage of Hadrat Usman Bin

Afan. He was the grandson of Sheikh Hasan. And he was the son of
Hakim Bina Sahib Kiranavi. And he was the minister of Emperor of
Since the long period of time nephews of Hadrat, Bu Ali is coming as
custodian of the shrine by their lineage. But the group of servants of the
shrine belongs to respectable people of the city. And among all of them,
some of them are from the following lineages.
1. Usmani
2. Ansari
3. Sadat (descendant of the prophet).

The End.

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