Biography of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori

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Biography of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori

Mausoleum of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori

Translated by
Hafeez Anwar
Email: [email protected]

Published by

© Hafeez Anwar

First Published 1441/2020

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written
permission from the publisher.

i. Author’s introduction…………………….………....…..…..o6
1. Biography of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gawaliori…….….40
2. The birth…………………….……………………..….….…40
3. Life
4.Fondness and interest…………….…………………...……..43
5.Pledge and mystical exercise………………………………..46
6.Stay in Gujrat………………………………………….….…56
7.Relations with rulers of India…………………………….…78
8.Journey to Gujrat…………………………………………....89
9.Journey to Akberabad………………………………….……90
10.The death………………………………….………………102
11.Tomb of Shah Mohammed
12.The details of sons and daughters of Shah
13.The details of the books written by Shah
14.The great disciples of Shah Mohammed

The verse Fateha (The opening)

It is difficult Your praise and it is hidden Your virtues in all

You are visible there in all and You are there in everything
For every particle, you are created from the beginning to end
You are Sustainer of all not in this world and another world
You are Lord of the worlds and you are forgiver of the worlds
You are kind to all and Your kind favor is there for all persons
Those who are pious then You are merciful to such persons
Your special favour and kindness is there for all of them
You are the owner everyone settles deeds on judgment day
In your hands is a penalty and a prize and you are the owner
All our worship is for Your sake, oh Lord of the two worlds
All slaves belong to you from the origin, if he is big or small
For all our needs you are must and Your personality is kind
You give all one who calls you as You are a kind helper to all
Guide us such right path now, on which path who went away
With Your graces and all passed away on such path indeed
But there will be no such way never, which is ignored by You
So who lost and misguided on such way due to your anger
This is the prayer of your slave and the request of your lowest
Accept the prayer of Hafeez as you are owner of two worlds
Translated by
Hafeez Anwar
Email: [email protected],
Hyderabad, India.

Author’s introduction

My Guinness World Record

Claim ID: 287230
Membership Number: 252956

Dear Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hafeez,

Thank you for sending us the details of your recent record
proposal for 'The world record of translation of two episodes 
We are afraid to say that we are unable to accept this as a
Guinness World Record.
 The details of two episodes
 Owaise of Qarni.
 Tipu Sultan.
     Unfortunately, we do already have a record for this category
and what you have achieved does not better this. The current
world record is:
A six-page document entitled Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, produced by the United Nations in 1948 was translated
into 321 languages and dialects from Abkhaz to Zulu.
We realize that this will be disappointing to you. However, we
have considered your application carefully in the context of the
specific subject area and that of records as a whole and this is
our decision. Guinness World Records have absolute discretion
as to which Guinness World Record applications are accepted
and our decision is final. Guinness World Records may at its

discretion and for whatever reason identify some records as

either no longer monitored by Guinness World Records or no
longer viable.
  As your record application has not been accepted, Guinness
World Records is in no way associated with the activity relating
to your record proposal and we in no way endorse this activity.
If you choose to proceed with this activity then this is will be of
your own volition and at your own risk.
Once again thank you for your interest in Guinness World

Yours sincerely,

Ralph Hannah
Records Management Team

An appreciation of the work of the author by Iftekhari


This note shows as an appreciation of Iftekhari Silsila for the

work of the translation of the below book by the author and 
adding of this book ‘Muslim saints and Mystics‘ (Tadhkirtal
Aliyah by Farid al-din Attar) which is very 
famous in the Western world among the English knowing
persons and on their website.

The link is as follows, which showing the author’s name in

the book as Mohammed Abdul Hafeez R.A., on their website. Its
link is as follows
  This is the Official site of Iftekhari Silsila. ... Mohammed
Abdul Hafeez R.A; Sirat Faqr-ul-Arifeen Maulana Hakeem
Sayyed Sikandar Shah R.A; Swaneh-e-Maulana Room Shaikh
Shibli Nomani R.A; Sufi

About Hafeez Anwar

 He is a well-known author, some of his books are a fascination
for readers like in the Hadrat Khaja Shamsuddin Turk & Hadrat
Bu Ali Qalandar book, this is one of the most wanted HAFEEZ
ANWAR author readers around the world.
 Dear All
 Please find the link as follows

Author’s Introduction

The publication note in the Second Episode by Mr. David

Rosenbaum of the New York Times

Kindly note this episode is very popular on the internet and no

other article of the same title is not meeting the reader’s
requirement  and giving full details. So for the   reason in many
countries, this article is very popular and added on many web
sites for the public reading as well for the reference and research
purpose. The detail on U.S.A. website on which the second
episode is available as follows.
Owaise of Qarni

113k - adobe pdf - view as html

On him, which were explained by the prophet. Then Owaise of
Qarni . . . Translated from Urdu to English by Mohammed A.
Hafeez, B.Com. Hyderabad, India. , reference book . . .


Tadhkiratal-Auliya’ by Farid-AL-Din Attar


Farid Al-din Attar is considered one of the preeminent mystical

poets of the Persian literary tradition. The duration of his life is
uncertain, though he can be placed in the 12th and 13th centuries
C.E. born in Nishapur in what is today Iran. Attar apparently
was a pharmacist but little information about his personal life
is  known. During his lifetime he is believed to have written
approximately 9 books, including such famous works as The
Manteq Al-Tayr (The Conference of the Birds)   and The Ilahi-
Nama (The book of God) Tadhkiratal-Auliya (Muslim Saints
and Mystics) is considered world famous classical book of
Persian literature which printed and re-Printed in many

            An abridgment, translated by A.J. Arberry, of Attar's

only known prose work Tadhkirat Al-Auliya (The Memorial of
the Saints) which he worked on throughout much of his life and

which was available publicly before his death. Arberry's

translation is an abridgment. The entry on Owaise of Qarani
translated by me which was omitted in Arberry's text is added to
the above web site. In Tadhkiratal-Auliya Sheikh Farid-Al-Din
Attar wrote many chapters and in those chapters, there is full
information and details of the titles are available. His style of
writing is most interesting and for this reason, the readers will
remember the chapters from the above great book for a longer
Due to many great chapters, this book is very famous in   the
world and its translations are available in many languages of the
world. Mr. David Rosenbaum’s email message about the
publication of the episode ‘Owaise of Qarani’  on the
website of the U.S.A.
On Jun 8, 2005, at 9:24 AM,
David Rosenbaum <[email protected]>   wrote:

Attention: Mr. Hafeez,

    I have received the RTF file.
Thank you.
Will post it during the next update of the site.
David Rosenbaum
Thanks to Mr. David E. Rosenbaum of the New York Times

     The second chapter Owaise Al-Qarani was published on the

following web site by Mr.David E. Rosenbaum as he was the
editor of the web site below. Mr. David E. Rosenbaum's
publication note about the entry on Owasie of Qarni. Muslim
Saints and Mystics is an abridgment, translated by A.J. Arberry,
of Attar's only known prose work: Tadhkirat al-Auliya (The
Memorial of the Saints), which he worked on throughout much
of his life and which was available publicly before his death. In
what is considered the most compelling entry in this book, Attar
relates the story of the  execution of Hallaj, the mystic who had
uttered the words "I am the Truth" in a state of ecstatic
          Arberry's translation is an abridgment; the entry on
Owaise al-Qarani translated by 
    Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com., Hyderabad, India
omitted in Arberry's text is included in the following link: Owais
  2. Owais of Qarni (PDF) 
  will create 70,000 angels same as Owaise of Qarni
  (Clone) and when ... Owais of Qarni told him to stay there and
he went away and ... - 113k -
 View as html - More from this site –Save.

New York Times reporter Mr. David E. Rosenbaum was

beaten,robbed and dispatched to his death

On Friday night of Jan. 6, 2006 in Northwest Washington, when

New York Times reporter Mr. David E. Rosenbaum was beaten,

robbed and dispatched to his death. But in history of the book

TadhkiratAl-Auliya (Muslim Saints & Mystics) the name of   
    Mr. David E. Rosenbaum will be remembered always as he
had published the above article with the special note with the
following details. 1. Some details about the life of Farid Al-din
Attar. 2. The details of the works by Farid Al-din Attar . 3. He
also introduced the translator ( Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
B.Com. ) and his work of translation of the second main chapter
Owaise of Qarni from the above book. The above second
episode is from Tadhkirat Al-Auliya (Muslim Saints &
Mystics ) by Farid Al-din Attar.
Some of my works

Some of my English translation works include the following


1. Tadhkirtal Auliya (Muslim Saints & Mystics) - A.S.

Noordeen Malaysia.
2.Muslim Saints of Hyderabad
3.Gulzar Auliya
8. Hasth Bahist
9.200 kid books
10.The 100 names of Madina city
11. The Muslim Saints of of Bider
12. The Muslim Saints of of Bijapur
14.Tadhkirtal Auliya (Muslim Saints & Mystics)
15.Biography of Hadrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani
16. Khair Majalis 

17. Biography of Hazrat Khaja Usman Haruni

18. Biography of Hazrat Baba Tajuddin Nagpur
19. Anis Arwa by Hazrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti
20. Biography of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)
21. Biography of Hazrat Mashooq Rabbani Warangal
22. Biography of Hazrat Shah Shah Afzal Biabani
23. Biography of Hazrat Syed Shah Sawar Biabani
24. Muslim Saints of Warangal
25.Muslim Saints of Chennai
26. Muslim Saints of Aurangabad
27.Hasth Bahist (8 famous Chistiya Sufi order books)
28.Bbiography of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani
29.Shah Bu Ali Qalandar
30.Shah Baz Qalandar
31.Hazrat Bahauddin Zikeria Multani
32.Biography of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gawaliori

An Ad for my book
Muslim Saints and Mystics’
Episodes from the Tadhkirat
al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar

It is already released and its selling price is RM 35.00 per copy

and which can be had directly from Malaysia from the below

Published by
P.O.BOX 42-Gombak,
53800 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-40236003
Fax 03-40213675
E-mail:[email protected]

An Ad for my other book

Muslim Saints and Mystics’
Episodes from the Tadhkirat
Al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar
(Supplementary version)

This book is already released by Amazon books U.S.A.

during the year 2014 and its selling price is USD 5.00 per copy
and which can be had directly the from the below address.
In this book three lengthy episodes of Farid al-Din Attar’s 

  book ‘Muslim Saints and Mystics’ are added and in which

world-famous episode about Sheikh Abul Hasan Qarqani is
available and it is informed of the general public and other
learned persons of knowledge of saints and mysticism that the
biographical details of Sheikh Abul Hasan Qarqani are not
found except in this episode of this book. The address is given
as follows from which this book can be had directly.

My three poems

Please find my three poems which are as follows and these are
well known and famous since my college days and which were
already published in the A.U. College Magazine of Hyderabad
and now I have added these poems in this book.

1.The Taj Mahal

In the darkness of night
 I visited the tomb of white
 Full beautiful in the glorious moonlight
 Shah Jahan’s love and Mumtaz’s beauty
 Making fun of today’s love and poverty
 No-one leaves without feelings of beauty
 After seeing the Taj Mahal’s majesty
 The Taj was reminding me of the duty of love
 And showing the king’s power of love
 Even today in the darkness of strife

 The Taj is preaching a lesson of love and life.

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com.
2. In Thy memory

Her death day came with the fragrance of the memories
 Which shaken the depth of our the saddest memories
 Even the seasonal changes and otherworldly affairs
 Could not diminish away her saddest loving memories
 Due to the saddest grief, our souls are broken
 We are worldly losers and our hearts are broken
 Oh: her saddest old memories you must not die
 Guide us to cover the deliverances of the world
 Oh: the heavenly Lord takes Thou care of this soul
 Who never faced any worldly peace and pleasure.
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com.

3.The Dim flame

When the flame of her life was going to dim
 No one of us not there to say goodbye
 It is how painful for our whole lives
 That we cannot see her at death time
 Death is sure for every human beings
 But how her strange death was true?
 Her loving relatives were far from her
 And they cannot reach for the last visit
 We should believe in the heavenly Lord
 Who made our vast and great human land
 Sure, she has gained a position in the grave
 So, We should not worry Allah is known

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com.
The author wept very much at the Kazipet graveyard
  The author upon his return from his service of the foreign
country visited Kazipet after a gap of many years the grave of
his grandfather and grandmother at Kazipet recently in the
month of May 2014.
  When he visited the grave of his grandfather, which is under
a big Neem tree and its shed is spread over large areas of the
graveyard and my grandmother’s grave is situated beside the

grave of my grandfather. Both graves are well maintained so

they are available in good condition.
As both graves are under the big old Neem tree so there is
too much shade, as well as so much cold and peaceful
atmosphere and comfort, is available there. So an atmosphere of
peace and comfort is   available there too much due to the
coolness of the branches of Neem tree which is prevailing in the
graveyard. For this reason, an atmosphere of coolness and peace
condition is there   and due to this reason, there will be thinking
arise in the mind of the author that both of them living in a
peaceful condition.
       However, the author wept too much there because his
grandfather who was administrator of the shrine of Kazipet for
many years and his grandmother who lived in Kazipet village
for many years and she did many endeavors there and she
helped many needy women and children there so now both of
them are buried in the graveyard of Kazipet shrine and nobody
is not there in the village to visit them from their lineage but
many unknown visitors are visiting their graves there and the
author have personally seen many flowers on the graves which
were placed by those unknown persons.
The connection of the author’s family members with Kazipet

 When my granddad Sheikh Dadan reached Kazipet on his

transfer from another place and he was attracted by the teachings
of Sufi Center at Kazipet during the period of Hazrat Syed Shah
Sarwar Biabani Radi Allahu Anhu the successor and son of great
Sufi master Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal Biabani Radi Allahu Anhu.
When my granddad became his disciple and he left immediately
the following things.

 1 .He left his superior job in the police department. 2. He left

his native place of Medak. 3. He left his big house in Medak.
 Due to the kindness and favour of Hazrat Syed Shah
Ghulam Biabani Radi Allahu Anhu my granddad had got the job
of estate administrator of Dargah Sharif and a plot of land of
1000 yards from the center of Kazipet village. On this plot, my
granddad had constructed a big house (Gulshan Manzil) on 500
yards and one big garden on 500 yards. 

Bio, links of the author

My name is Mohammed Abdul Hafeez and I have graduated in
commerce from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. I am a
Translator of Islamic books and interested in Sufi books and
have translated 58 chapters from the famous Sufi book
‘Tadkiratal Awliya’ by Farid El din Attar in the year 2009 from
Urdu to English and some chapters of the book were published
on the below web site and due to kind grace and help of Allah
there is good response from its readers in large numbers on so
many web sites. 
  The book ‘Muslims Saints and Mystics’ was already
published by A. S. Noordeen Malaysia and in this book
available 55 episodes in the year 2013 and another book
Muslims Saints and Mystics also published by Kindle, Amazon
U. S. A., and in this book lengthy three episodes are available in
the year 2014.
 I am a retired secretary and worked in a Gulf country in

Arabia for many years and have one son and his name is
Mohammed Abdul Wasi Rabbani, who was studying in St.
Dominic's school Salimnagar colony Hyderabad and at K.B.N.
Engineering college Gulberga and he is an IT Engineer and
working abroad. We are having four little grandchildren and
their names are as follows and among them, Shehzan is very
smart boy and my wife’s name is Ather Fatima and my daughter
in law’s name is Juhi Yasmeen and she was educated in St.
Dominic's school Salimnagar colony Hyderabad, Vani Girls
College and Madina Girls college as an extra-ordinary and
brilliant student of these educational institutions.1. Mohammed
Sulaiman 2. Mohammed Osman 3. Mohammed Shehzan 4.
Sahrish Fatima
  I enjoy doing the translation of Sufi works and my translated
first episode is available with the following publication note of
Mr. David Rosenbaum of the New York Times which is
available on the above mentioned famous U.S.A. website.
    At Kazipet Jagir my dad, Mohammed Afzal and my brother
Mohammed Abdus Samad and Me Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
and my sister Meher Unisa were born there. In Qazipet my
father married to Akthar Begum, daughter of Mr. Abdul Majeed
  Bidar district who was working at that time in the education
department as an education officer. After many years of service
at Qazipet Dargah Sharif (shrine) with great fame and good
name, my granddad passed away and upon his death, our big
house was deserted as all members of our family migrated to
Hyderabad and some other places, but my grand mom stayed in
the big lonely house with her maidservant as she never thinks to
leave the place of his great Sufi master. Upon living many years
there she had been shifted to Hyderabad when she became ill

due to the fracture of her foot, but due to her great love for the
great Sufi Center at Kazipet upon her death, we had taken her
dead body to Kazipet from Hyderabad and she was buried at the
backside of the tomb of her Murshid (spiritual master) Syed
Shah Sarwar Biabani. (R. A.) 
      During 1986 I had tried my best to re-settle my family
members from Hyderabad to Kazipet Jagir but I was not
successful in this matter as my son's (Mohammed Abdul Wasi
Rabbani) application for admission in St. Gabriel school Fatima
Nagar was not accepted there due to late submission. We are
staying in Hyderabad with our family members, but we never
miss any chance to visit the holy shrine of Hazrat Syed Shah
Afzal Biabani R. A. And Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani R.A.
At Kazipet Jagir on regular basis.
An event of the theft during the service of a period of my
grandfather at Kazipet shrine
     During the period of Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biyabani, this
event was happening. At that time there was a grant of Rupees
fifty towards the salaries of the staff of Noban Khana (the place
from where time is announced by the beat of the drum) in which
there were some staff members used to work there and it was
headed by the supervisor. By the government of H.E.H.The
Nizam of Hyderabad, there was every month the royal grant
which was used to reach the custodian of the Qazipet shrine
through the supervisor from the government treasury. From
there it will reach the administrator of the estate and who will be
used to distribute the amount of salaries to all concerned staff.
     As per reference by Tufazal Hussain advocate that one month
the supervisor of Nobat Khana who was obtained the amount of

Rupees fifty towards the salaries from the Royal treasury office
and he was fled to Hyderabad. But in the shrine building, the
staff members were waiting for him to receive their salaries
from him and but at last, they were able to know that the
supervisor was fled from Qazipet and he was reached to
       At that time the custodian of the shrine of Kazipet was in
Hyderabad. So the estate administrator Sheikh Dadan, who was
grandfather of the translator of this book was informed the
details of this case to Tufazal Hussain advocate and this event
was mentioned by Syed Khaja Sadat Hussain Biyabani in his
Urdu book ‘Lemat Biyabani’ (This book was already translated
by me with the title of Biography of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam
Afzal Biabani and has been posted by in the paperback and
electronic book formats on and he was mentioned
the details of this event on the pages 110-111 of his book and he
was requested to take action against the supervisor of the police
department. In his reply, Tufazal Hussain advocate wrote him
that as the custodian of the shrine is present in Hyderabad and if
we start action against him, so due to kindness if the culprit will
be forgiven by him then it will be not proper in this matter to
initiate the case against him. So it is better to take the approval
of the action from the custodian of the shrine first so that it is
proper to take further action in this matter. 
     It was learned by me that the estate administrator Sheikh
Dadan was sent the letters by post to Hyderabad for the kind
perusal of the shrine custodian there. 
 The estate administrator Sheikh Dadan who is the grandfather
of this translator and whose memory this event was specially
translated from the following book for the information of the
readers of the International Internet Libraries in the U.S.A.

especially for the readers of these two websites as

follows. and 
     Upon this, it has happened that supervisor of Nobat Khana
after spending of the amount was reached to see the custodian
and he told him all details in this matter and he requested him to
forgive his mistake and he made loud and cry in this matter and
he requested him to allow him to join back in his post.
 It was learned later that the custodian of the shrine was kept
the supervisor at his residence in Hyderabad for a period of three
days. During that period the letters of the Estate Administrator
and the advocate was reaching for him. Upon this, he was given
the travel expenses from Hyderabad to Kazipet to the supervisor
of the Nobat Khana and was sent him from Hyderabad to
Kazipet and he was given the instruction to the estate
administrator which is as follows.
 “ That the supervisor was presented in his service and he
ashamed of his bad deed so he was forgiven his mistake in this
matter. So you also forgive him and allow him to join on his
duty. Otherwise, he is a poor person having small children with
him so they will become economically poor and will be
destroyed in this matter. Arrange the salary of Nobat Khana staff
members from another fund.”
 So after some days, the supervisor was coming back to
Qazipet from Hyderabad and he was allowed to join in his post
as per order the custodian of the shrine of Kazipet and the staff
members of the Nobat Khana was paid their salaries from the
other fund by the administrator of the estate.
(Reference : From my translated English edition of the
biography of Hazrat Ghulam Afzal Biabani from the below
Urdu book)

Reference: from the Urdu book ‘Lemat Biyabani’
By Syed Khaja Sadat Hussain Biyabani

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid)


In the last, I request the readers of this article to pray for our
grandmother and grandfather for which the author will be
obliged to them for their kind help and cooperation in this
I am also obliged to the unknown visitors of the graves of my
grandfather and grandmother at the graveyard of Kazipet shrine
for their kind visits and placing of the flowers on the graves and
for which I could not forget this favour and attention so I will
pray for them in this matter to extend my heartfelt thanks in this

Oh dear travelers of the Kazipet shrine

Do not ignore request of the Hafeez Anwar


I request to put some flowers and pray on the grave of my

grandparents in the Kazipet shrine.

Location: At the third tomb and in its backside in the eastern

direction facing well and public kitchen in the first big neem tree
in the graveyard under it there are two graves and one is old
white permanent grave at the right side while standing and
seeing the 3rd tomb and its left side one grave is an incomplete
condition by showing the boundary stones of the area and the
first grave belongs to my grandfather and another grave belongs
to grandmother.

My thanks

I will pray for unknown visitors to the graves of my lineage

So that they can live longer and follow the right Islamic path
Hafeez is obliged much in this matter for your kind gesture
Which is kind help to my grandparents for prayers and flowers

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.

Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid)


Dear Mr. Hafeez Sahib

Wa Alaykum Assalaam,

Jazakallah for your sincere time and efforts it is an impressive

contribution Indeed, it is a nice English Translation and will
help us to share with English speaking people. There are certain
places need to be updated in your translation. May Allah SWT
bless you with the spiritual support of Hadrat Syed Jalaluddin
Jamalul Bahar Mashooq Rabbani.
I believe we should enhance the compilation done by
Hazrath Syed Aulia Quadri RA around some 55 years ago--
there are other historical books (should be available in A.P.
Archaeology and State Central Library and other libraries. I
know some books such as Mishkat un Nubuwwah by Hazarath
Syed Ghulam Ali Shah R.A., Mahboob-Zil-Menon - Tadkiray
Aulia Deccan page 248 and Tawariqul Auliya second part page
Insha Allah, Ali pasha will gather the information on Hadrat
Mashooq Allah R.A from the above-mentioned books and from
other sources and we will print a revised edition soon.
Once again, thank you and our heartfelt appreciation for your
translation work.


Kind Regards,

Syed Jalal Quadri

5873 E Beverly Circle
Hanover Park IL 60133
Cell# 847-436-8535

In the loving memory of my mother

 Mother you lived long and left us on 3rd November 2016

 And showed us life by drawing a good road map of life
 You  protected us since childhood till the present time
 So we cannot ignore you during our entire period of life
 Your life   was not at all dull in the wasteful ways
  It was an example of the struggle for a happy life
 Your determination was so great to fight the life
 By such you have good benefits you have gained
 You   acted in the world, but also active in the religion
 Your presence   was a grace due to the kindness of God
After your demise, was a loss and damage in the house
 Her name   Akhter, she was a star of the luck in her life
 Her life journey was   ended in 6 days in the hospital 
 Left on us an impression which cannot be removed 
 Oh God, you have been given a position in the   world 
Kindly bestow   the mercy on her final resting place

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Email: [email protected]
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Al-din Attar


 Dear ALL
Good day 
 Please find the link.

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

Email [email protected]
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Biography of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori

Mausoleum of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori

Translated by
Hafeez Anwar
Email [email protected]



   In this book translation of biographical details of the Urdu
book, Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori is added by me
upon its translation into the English edition and this book is a
well known and famous book which is written by Professor and
Dr. Mohammed Masood Ahmed and who wrote this book in the
Urdu language and which was translated into the English
language by me.
  These details have been translated by me into the English
language from the above old book of the Urdu language and in
which there are available some great achievements, as well as
the commands and teaching of the students of the mystic way by
this Muslim saints in the area of the Gwalior and which are not
yet known to the general and special persons, are added in this
book and which are available in a very interesting style so for
this reason, the readers will find great interest and attention in
this matter. And for the above Urdu’s book is given title is given
as Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori  and I have given
the title for my translated book’s English edition as “ Biography
of Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori” 
  Due to the above facts and details, if the readers will start
reading its first page of the book and will not stop reading till
they will reach this book’s last page as some interesting events
and as well as other great miracles and endeavours of the

Muslim Saint of Gwalior is added in this book and these holy

saints who were passed away from the world many centuries and
years ago.
   Even though this is a small book, but due to its importance, it
is so great due to the coverage of many interesting events and
positive information so it is like an ocean of knowledge and
information about the biography of Hazrat Shah Mohammed
Ghouse Gawaliori.
     Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gawaliori who was passed
away from the world upon doing his great endeavours and many
hard tasks for the teaching and propagation of the Islamic
religion and the work of Islam and which they have done in the
area of Gwalior so this book is a great book and it will present
the ocean of knowledge for the guidance of people towards the
right path of the Islam.
  To write about this great saint and the great spiritual master is
not only it is difficult and but it is a very hard task. In the
Biography of  Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gawaliori in
which there were not only added the biography of the great
pious personality of his time in the area of Gwalior and who was
also great and famous spiritual master so, in brief, he was a great
holy person of Allah in his time in the Gwalior region.
  For a long time, they were engaged in religious discourses,
sermons, and spiritual training of the people and they did also
many great endeavours for the preaching and propagation work
of Islam in Gwalior region and around this region and also there
was no such personality during his time in the world.
  As this book of the biography of the holy saint is very short in
length so for this reason, the translator’s biography is added as
per the requirement of the length of pages of the book.

In the praise of Shah Mohammed Ghosue Gwaliori

Oh, Shah, you are Sultan of Gwalior but known in the world
As your rule and power is there in the east and the west side
You are Sultan of Gwalior but found many rulers in your court
Especially King Himayun and Akbar who was obedient to you
Your book is full of miracles and important great events
Which proves your level of the ranking and best saintliness
Oh, Sultan, Hafeez is your servant and he is in court in favour
With a kind request for approval of his English book about you
Oh Shah does not return Hafeez empty from your kind door
As you are well known in the Gwalior for your kind benefits
Your knowledge and worship which is well known much
And which are described well in your great biography books
Oh, Sultan of Gwalior not only help Hafeez for his books but
Kindly help him for the success well in all his deeds and acts
Oh, Sultan, I hope that English book will shine in the world
As there are recorded many wonderful stories in the book
Oh Allah bestows your kind mercy on the Shah of Gwalior
So that may success in his mission and in his biography book
Oh, Shah, Hafeez leaves from your high court so allow him
He can come again in your court on the success of the book

By Hafeez Anwar
Email: [email protected]

Biography Shah Mohammed  Ghosue Gwaliori

               Mausoleum of  Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori


Genealogy: Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghawth Gwaliori died in
the year 970 Hegira/1562 and his genealogical record connected
with Farid Aldin Attar, who was died in the year 628
Hegira/1230 and who has mentioned his genealogical record in
the preface of the book Jawahar Khamsa (Five Jewels,929
Hegira/1522) as follows. “ That Yousuf Al-Bader Sarkis, who
has made an indecent mistake in this matter and who wrote by
missing three intermediaries as follows.”
   “Mohammed Bin Qatiruddin Bin Ba Yazid Ibn Farid Aldin
Attar” And also Thomas William Beale, who has also mentioned
that his genealogical record which is connected with Farid Aldin
Attar in the 7th generation. But he has also made the same
mistake in this matter. He also made a mistake by the mention of
the name of his grandfather as Moinuddin Qattal and that name
belongs to his great grandfather in this matter. And another
second mistake he was made that he was mentioned in his
father's name as Qiyamuddin instead of Qatiruddin. But as per
thesis writer of Diarat Maraf Islamia that “Shah Mohammed
Ghouse's great grandfather’s name is Moinuddin Qattal and who
first came to India and he has died in Jaunpur.” Mufti Ghulam
Sarwar Lahori who wrote that “ His ancestor who belonged to
Syed (Sayyid (UK: /ˈsaɪɪd,
ˈseɪjɪd/, US: /ˈsɑːjɪd/; Arabic: ‫س^^^^^يد‬ [ˈsæjjɪd], Persian: [sejˈjed];
meaning "Mister"; Arabic plural: ‫س^^^^^^^^^^^ادة‬ sādah;
feminine: ‫س^^يدة‬ sayyidah) is an honorific title denoting people
accepted as descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and
his cousin and son-in-law Ali (Ali ibn Abi Talib) through his
grandsons, Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali, son of

Muhammad's daughter Fatimah and Ali.) person of the

Neshapur. And after that, he was migrated to India from
Neshapur and were settled down in India. The author
of Manaqab Ghousia (941 Hegira /1534) and who wrote that
“His ancestor and grandfather Moinuddin Qattal who was buried
in Jaunpur. And his father Qatiruddin who was buried in Kheda.
And this place is in the Ghazipura area. And he was also settled
down in Kheda.
Birth: Shah Mohammed Ghouse in his book Aurad
Ghousia (949 Hegira) and who has mentioned his date of birth
as 7th Rajab on the Friday at the time of early afternoon prayer
in the year 907 Hegira. But as per thesis writer of the thesis of
the Diarat Maraf Islamia that “He was born in the year 906
Heigra and as per reference of Shah Mohammed Ghouse who
wrote as per his own statement he was born in the year 906
Hegira/1500. And it is not known what was his source in this
matter?. But in the book Aurad Ghousia, Shah Mohammed
Ghouse himself mentioned in this book which was written by
him in the year 949 Hegira/1542 as written as follows.
“Tawalad Ein Fakir Haftam Mah Rajab Roz Juma Waqat Namaz
Peshin Sana Saba Tisma Mith Budh.” (Persian)
Life details: In the book Aurad Ghousia, Shah Mohammed
Ghouse who has mentioned the beginning of his life details from
the age of 7 to 43 years in the brief style. Here there is copied
the statement of the author and who was taken fixation of the
years on the basis of the date of the birth in the year 907 Hegira.
And its copy is as follows.

  “ This Darwesh who has put his foot on the way of Sufism at
the age of 7 years. And he was obtained Marafat (mystic
knowledge) when he was at the age of 9 years. And when he
was becoming 15 years old when he was becoming guiding the
people. At the age of 22 years experiencing the mystical journey
and at the age of 25 years, he was making students of the mystic
way in the same colour which he has with him. And at the age of
33 years, there was much rush and a gathering of the special and
general people. And he was becoming a leader and guide. At the
age of 40 years, then found  there  some differences with him
with the rulers. So, for this reason, he has migrated to the
country of Gujrat. And he has written the book Aurad
Ghousia in the Fort Janpanir. At the time of the writing of the
book Aurad Ghousia he was becoming 43 years old. This Fakir
was born on the 7th Rajab in the year 907 Hegira on Friday
before the early afternoon prayer and the above book’s writing,
which was completed in the month of Jamad Awwal in the year
949 Hegira.”
    As per his above statement, he has started his spiritual life
when he was at the age of the 7th year in the year 914
Hegira/1508. But the author of Manqab
Ghousia (941Hegira/1534) Shah Fazal Allah Shatteri who wrote
as follows.
  “ When his age was becoming 12 years old then in search of
Allah while wandering here and there he was reached in Jaunpur
and he has stayed in the house of Qazi Sadder Jehan. And during
his stay, he was engaged in the obtaining of the knowledge. And
he was well known up to the knowledge of the Kafiya (Nahw,
Grammar) Arabic, and then he was thinking it as enough for him

so he began the search for the knowledge of the innermost for

  Regarding the start of his spiritual life the statement of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse which should be considered as authentic.
Also, as per the statement of Mohammed Ghousi, it is also
known that his age was 7 years old at that time.
  As per the statement of Fazal Allah Shatteri, it is known that
Shah Mohammed Ghouse's knowledge of Arabic, which was up
to the Kafiya (Nahw, Grammar) Arabic only, but upon seeing of
the many of his books which are in proof that he was power on
the religious branches of the knowledge. Among his caliphs
Wajihuddin Alwai Gujrati who was died in the year 997
Hegira/1588 and was a glorious and  a great scholar person of
knowledge and from this it can be known that his level of the
knowledge and spiritualism in this matter.
Fondness and interest: As per the saying of the author of the
book Manaqab Ghousia that Shah Mohammed Ghouse who
used to visit the grave of his grandfather Syed Moinuddin Qattal
on a regular and daily basis. And one time he has stayed in the
graveyard in the passion of the fondness and interest. And that
morning time he has got glad tiding in this matter. He was told
there that “ Baba Mohammed go and become the menial servant
of the Siddiqui and do his service so that there will be the
manifestation of all kinds and varieties of the awards that there
are gathered.Upon hearing this glad tiding he went to Gur from
Janupur in the service of Hazrat Abu Fatah Hidayat Allah
Sarmast who was died in the year 946 Hegria/1539. And he was
benefitted in his company very much in this matter. After
getting benefitted here, then he went to Kanuder. From this

place, while wandering here and there, then he has reached to

another city and there was a mountain near that city and on that
mountain, there was used to live  there one holy person. Upon
hearing his condition, there was found with his fondness so he
went to see him on the mountain. Then that he called him and
asked him to sit near him. And he said to him that “ Welcome,
come in a decent way and come at a good time and I was
waiting for you in this matter. Because Allah has given me the
status of Gwoth and now my age is completed in the world.
There was given the order to me that at such and such time there
will come to see me such and such face and such and qualities
person with you then at that time you give him the status of the
Gwoth to that person and come to another world. Thanks to
Allah that you have come here.”
   After meeting with him, he comes down from the mountain.
When he  reached on the mountain the next day and he has seen
that holy person after the prayer who went into the prostration
and then he died at that time.
  This statement was taken from book Manaqab Ghousia written
by Fazal Allah Shattari who was a contemporary person and
who has lived during the time of Hazrat Shah Mohammed
  This type of an event which was also written by Mohammed
Ghousi in his book Gulzar Abrar (1022 Hegira/1613), that
Shaikh Phool died in the year 940 Hegira/1538 and who was the
elder brother of Hazrat Mohammed Ghouse which is said of 
him that “Shaikh Fazal Bengali and my brother Shaikh
Mohammed as well as this Fakir Phool, we three people who
came in the mountain range of the Chinar for engagement of the

mystical exercise purpose there. The persons of that place told

them that “They are listening for 200 years that in that place in
one cave one holy person is living there and who is engaged in
the worship of Allah.There is no power with the people of this
place  go inside of the cave and bring the news about that holy
person, whether he is living there or not.?.” Upon hearing this
we three people were entered into that cave for searching that
holy person there in the cave. When we have covered the
distance of the two destinations then we have seen there one
holy person and who was engaged in the meditation.He was
putting his forehead on the light on the prayer mat.That holy
person who was able to know about the arrival of us before our
reaching in the cave. Then he stood with much kindness and he
was welcomed with much politeness and good manners. He
addressed each and every person with a separate title. And he
told me Jehangir (world conqueror) and Ghouse (one who
redresses another’s grievance)   to my brother and  to Fazal
Allah as a holy person of Allah  in his speech, he has mentioned
the details of the secrets and reality and he was informed such
details to the persons who were visiting him. He was given real
information about reality in this matter. Then he went soon to
the loneliness from there. After some time we have asked his
permission to leave from there, but there was not receiving a
response from him in this matter. But we did not receive any
reply from his side as he was already leaving  from this world
and met his creator. The goods of the journey of another world
which were already found there in the cave. We have used such
things which were available there and buried him in that place of
the cave. Upon burial of that Darwesh, Shah Mohammed
Ghouse who came back again Gur. Then he went again in the
service of Shah Abul Fatah Hidayat Allah Sarmast and he

requested him to make him his disciple then he has told him that
“Your place of the devotion is there at the hands of Haji Hameed
Uddin Husur now go to Saharanpur.”
Pledge and mystical exercise: Upon this order, Shah
Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori came to Saharanpur. And who
went into the service of Haji Hameed Uddin Husur (died 930
Hegira/1523) to kiss his foot and got benediction on this matter
  As per the saying of Fazal Allah Shatteri that when Shah
Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori went into  the service of Haji
Hameed Uddin Husur then first he was asked to him the reason
and purpose in this matter. Then he was given him one letter and
ask him to bring a reply in this matter from Hazrat Shah Abul
Fatah Hidayat Allah Sarmast and it is not known what secret he
has written in that letter in this matter. At last when Shah
Mohammed Ghouse when coming back to Saharanpur from Gur
again. Then Haji Hameed Uddin Husur who has seen him for
some time and then he was said to his servant Ahmed “ Shaikh,
Ahmed whether do you know this boy.” Then he himself said
that “This is such a boy who is assured of the last prophet of
  The details of this event were written by Shah Fazal Allah
Shatteri that “Haji Hameed Uddin Husur who has visited
Madina to visit of the mausoleum of the last prophet Allah there.
And he was acting as custodian in Madina for a period of 30
years. Then he has received an indication from the last prophet
of Allah to go to India. Then on his return journey, he has
reached in Jerusalem, and then there came a thought into his
mind that most of the life period of the 16 years, which was

spent away from him, but there was not born any son or
anybody did not become his disciple for me and who will be
memorable for me in the future. His eyes were closed and he
was engaged in the remembrance of Allah. And in that condition
what he has seen that “The last prophet and Hazrat Abu Baker
Siddiq who have come there and both of them were holding one
paper in their hands and in which there was one picture of the
Sufi person in that paper sheet. The last prophet of Allah who
has put that picture before Haji Hameed Uddin Husur and told
him that “Do not worry in this matter these two Sufi persons
who were brought from the court of Allah to as a gift. And from
them, your chain will be continued till the day of the judgment.”
    When Haji Hameed Uddin Husur reached in India and arrived
in Saharanpur and he stayed under one tree for a period of some
years there as such that he did not leave his foot from there. Till
such that Shah Mohammed Ghouse who came there and he has
shown him about the interpretation of his true dream. So he Haji
Hameed Uddin Husur has made his disciple in the chain of
Shattaria along with his elder brother Shaikh Phool (died 940
Hegira/1038) and the other picture which was shown to him was
belonged of Shaikh Phool. Due to endeavours of these
personalities, there was much progress and development of the
Sufi chain of the Shattaria.
   Then Haji Hameed Uddin Husur has given teaching and
religious instruction to these brothers and he was taken with him
Shaikh Phool along with him and went to the Bihar and he was
left Shah Mohammed Ghouse in the mountain range of Chinnar
for mystical exercise there. And  after some days he has sent
back Shaikh Phool to Shah Mohammed Ghouse for obtaining

favour from him. Shah Mohammed Ghouse was engaged in the

worship and mystical exercise for a period of 13 years and some
months. After that when Haji Hameed Uddin Husur come back
there and he was found, his disciple upon gaining his wishes.
Shah Mohammed Ghouse wrote during that period his book
Jawahar Khamsa (929 Hegira/1532) and he has submitted that
book in the presence of his spiritual master. And he was much
happier to see that book and he said that “ The jewels of the
secret and acts which were in my usage and power which I have
already handed over to you before. And I have not kept with me
except my name. Now even the name for the sake of the book
which is the teacher of the acts. And which sacrificing upon
   So as per saying of Shah Fazal Allah Shattari for this reason
name of Haji Hameed Uddin Husur was becoming as Shaikh
Zahur Haq Waldin and name of Shah Ghouse was becoming
alias Mohammed Ghouse. So Hermann Ethe who wrote the
name of the Hameeduddin Husur as Shaikh Zahuruddin Haji
   Shah Mohammed Ghouse who wrote in the preface of the
book Jawar Khamsa that he seeks and large in spatial extent
extensive is due to his presence in the service of his spiritual
master as well as his worship and mystical exercise in the
Chinnar range of the mountains, Shaikh’s consideration and
favorable regard as follows.
  “ In the beginning condition when there was with my passion
of the love and which in the level perfection, so then as per the
َ ‫َ ۚ والَّ ِذ‬ “Wal
order of the Quran ‫ين َجاهَ^^ ُدوا فِينَ^^ا لَنَهْ^^ ِديَنَّهُ ْم ُس^^بُلَنَا‬ َ Lazina
Jahadu Fina Lanidnahum” Translation: “And those who strive

for — We will surely guide them to Our ways.” I have followed

the instruction and done much hard work and endeavours in this
matter. But could not get to the extremity of courage. Till such
that as per my demand what I have seen the first event and
which I was able to know that to reach in the court of the Sultan
of unitarian and possession of the Muslims and the hero of the
everlastings Shaikh Zahur Haji so to get my aim and purpose in
this matter. So which has made me active for the sake of the
intention in this matter. Till such, I have entered the excellence
of the shadow of the emporium of the spiritual master and after
the meeting, he said that “Where is Khaja Ahmed.”? When
Khaja Ahmed came there, then he told him that “The promised
for my son which was made by Allah to me and this is that son
for me.” And that person for whom there is divine help in this
matter and at that time his age was very old and which is well
known in this matter. After some period of time, I went into his
service. He was given from jewels from the innermost river and
from like “Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge
except as He willeth.” Given his pearls of excellence of the
manifest and from the orchard of caravan Sarai, he was given
excellence to this fakir. And after I went to the range of
mountains of the Chinnar and was there for a period of 13 years
and many months in the loneliness. Whatever which said by the
Shaikh acted upon it. I have recorded the events of the previous
time in the writing during that period. After some Hazrat spread
his high shadow like the Huma bird also Homa, is a
mythical bird of Iranian legends and fables, and continuing as a
common motif in Sufi and Diwan poetry upon this fakir. Then I
told all the details to him in this matter. So, for this reason, he
was much happier in this matter and was praying for me. He was
given him his special dress for me. And since I have got the glad

tidings in this matter. This book is named Jawhar Khamsa (Five

Jewels) which I have given into his hands. And these five jewels
mean this book which has gotten effected by his look of
chemical outcome in this matter. He has said “You have done
good work on this matter and provided guidance of plentiful and
this book will be an argument to the holy persons for always.
And there will be no such holy persons of Allah who did not
know these secrets in this matter. And at that time this Darwesh
was 22 years old.” 
     In short Hameeduddin Husur after the pledge and who was
enabled me to pass all stages and he was rewarded the saintly
dress of the caliphate.
  Many authors of the biographies and historians who have
mentioned about his pledge details of Shah Mohammed Ghouse
in the books. The author of the book Mirat Skindari who wrote
that “ In India Shaikh Abdulla Shuttari (890 Hegira/1458) and
who have propagated for the Shuttari Sufi order. And
genealogical link which is connected with Hazrat Shihabuddin
Umar Suherwardi. And who migrated to India in the 9th century
from Iran. And his final resting place in Mandu. As per the
saying of Mohammed Ghousi that “ All saintly guides of
Shattaria and who got a share from a place of drinking from the
service of the Shaikh Abdulla Shattari.” After some years and
months death of the Shaikh Abdulla Shattari the saintly dress of
caliphate which reached Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
 Abdul Hai Husni has written a description of the way of life of
the Shattaria  Sufi order as follows.

 “The chain of the Shattaria which was begun by Abdulla

Shattari Khorasani and who belongs to the Sufi personalities of
the 8th century. And he was migrated to India from Khorasan. A
large number of people who were benefitted by him. This
personality has two chains with him. And the first chain begins
with  the author of the book Jawahar Khamsa Shaikh
Mohammad Gwaliari and who was pledged on the hands of
Shaikh Hameed. And who pledged on the hands of Shaikh
Hidayat Allah Bin Mohammed Bin Ala Muniry. And who was
pledged on the hands of his father Shaikh Qazan and who was
pledged on the hands of Shaikh Abdullah.
  The author of the book Majma Auliya who was mentioned
about Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse and there was made one
mistake by him in this matter and as he was missed to mention
one of his intermediary links. And he has written that “Shaikh
Mohammed Ghouse along with his eight brothers who was a
pledge on the hands of Shaikh Haji Hameed and who
was pledged on the hands of Shaikh Qazan and who was
pledged on the hands of Shaikh Abdalla Shattari.
  In many books of the biographies, it is written that Shaikh
Mohammed Ghouse who has pledged on the hands of Shaikh
Haji Hameed along with his brother Shaikh Phool and as per the
statement of the author of book Majmai Auliya that except
Shaikh Phool his other seven brothers who were also his
disciples. The writer of this book has one old manuscript with
him on which the year of the writing of the manuscript is not
mentioned in it. In which there is find the details of the brothers
of Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse in it.

1.Shaikh Ruknauddin Rukan Alam and his grave is situated near

Shikwabad in the Sari Shaikh.
2. Hazrat Shah Phool Jehania Shaheed and his grave is situated
in near Hidun on the Bayana mountain. King Himayun who has
much affection with him. So, for this reason, Mufti Ghulam
Sarwar, who has written that “His grave is situated on the Bayan
mountain. King Himayun who has much affection with him.
  Mufti Ghulam Sarwar, who has written that” There was one
brother of Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse and his name was Shaikh
Phool. King Himayun has much devoted to him. So, for this
reason, he has appointed him on the higher grade post. Due to
such a link of him with King Himayun, Mirza Hindal who has
killed him.
   King Himayun’s special servant Johar Aftabchi who has
mentioned the details of his killing plan as follows. “ Noor Al-
Din Mirza, who told Mirza Hindal that you kill Shaikh Phool so
that from it should be known that you are showing anger in this
matter with him. So in such a condition, we will obey him and
read his name in the sermon. Mirza Hindal told Noor Al-Din
Mirza “To kill Shaik Phool by himself for any reason or cause.
Then after that, there was blamed on Shaikh Phool that he was
supplied arms and weapons to Sher Khan and he has written
letters to him in this matter. So with this reason, he was killed
and started reading of the sermon in the name of Mirza Hindal. “
    Noor El-Din Jehangir in his autobiography Tuzk Jehangiri
(1037/1627) and the other two authors Colonel Wolseley and
Theodore De Bary etc., have written that King Himayun who
has many devoted with Shiekh Phool till such that he was a

pledge on his hands. T.W. Beale and Mohammed Ghousi also

written that King Himayun who has many devoted to Shaikh
Phool and even also he used to take his advice in the affairs of
the country. There were present in the court of Shaikh Phool,
beggar as well as king. The author of the book Akhbar Akhyar
Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhadis Dehlavi who has written that “ King
Himayun who was his devotee.”
3. Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse’s third brother Abul Khair
Sarmast and his holy mausoleum is in Zahoorabad.
4. Fourth brother Abul Fatah and his grave is situated in
5. Fifth brother Shah Qutubuddin Mohammed Ahmed and his
mausoleum is on the eastern side of Gwalior in the Balara
6. The sixth brother is Hazrat Syed Shah and as per author of the
manuscript of the book it is not available at the place because he
was an Abdal (Abdāl is a term used in Islamic metaphysics and
Islamic mysticism, both Sunni and Shiite, ... The Abdal
function as the keepers of equilibrium in the world and preserve
it between the times when prophets are present.) of his time. So
gods know better in this matter.
7. The seventh brother is Qazi Qazan.
  Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse in addition to the chain of the
Shuttaria who was also authorized in other Sufi chains.
As per writing of the Mufti Ghulam Sarwar that “ Who has
followed 14 chains and was done much tour and travel and he

was visited long distances, places and he got the benefit of the
innermost from saintly guides of each and every family. And he
was also obtained saintly dress from them in this matter.
  Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has written in his book Aurad
Ghousia about his benefit of the chains which is as follows.
“Chistiya, Firdousia, Suherwardia, Quaderia, Tafuria, Khalutia,
Rabbania and Madaria.”
  Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehlawi who has written about
Shah Mohammed Ghouse in the book Akhbar Akhyar that “
Shaikh Mohammaed, who is well known with his title Ghouse
and who has pledged on the hands, Shaikh Haji Hameed, along
with his 8 brothers. And when he went to see him for the first
time of the pledge, then at that time Haji Hameed who was
standing and embraced him. And he said, “  Shaikh Mohammed
Ghouse comes on.” Then the people have asked him “What is
the meaning of saying Ghouse.”He said there is no fear for
father used to give his son's name as Shah Alam (The king of the
  The author of the Hadiq Israr who has written this event as
  When the first time Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse went to see
Shaikh Haji Hameed then he was told that “Syed Mohammed
Ghouse came here.” Then the audience who asked him that still,
he did not reach the status of Ghouse so how he is becoming
Ghouse.?” So he told this good prediction “And if Allah wills he
will be  coming Ghouth of the Ghouth persons. The father can
give the name of his son as Shah Alam (The king of the world)

and there is a  no problem in this matter. And also this is not a
matter of surprise.”
     The person who was benefitted by  the company of the Shah
Mohammed Ghouse, Syed Fazal Ali Shah Quaderi Chisti who
wrote that  “During the beginning of the rule of King Akbar in
Gwalior at that time there were passed away from the world-
famous and well known saintly guides there. And there were
many of the disciples and as well as devotees of them in the city
of Gwalior. And among them,  the Shaikh of Shaikhs
Mohammed Ghouse is added and who  is Ghouse of time and as
well as   a  holy person of the time.”
 The author of the book Hadiq Asrar has remembered him as
   “ He was a river of the mercy who was flown and Syed
Moulana Mohammed Ghouse Gwaliori who was a well known
and great holy person of his time and he was among the progeny
of the prophet of Allah. And he was Qutub (Qutb. Axis, pivot, or
pole). At Sufi thought, a human manifestation of divine
consciousness, only one of which exists in any age, and around
whom the spiritual life) of his time. May Allah increase his
sanctity and shower light on his mausoleum.”
   T.W.Beale, who has written that “ He was included a Sufi
person of India. It is said that at the foot side of the range of
mountains of the Chinnar in the jungle, he has done endeavor for
the exercise of leaving of the soul there. His food  was except
the fruits of the jungle and petals and there was nothing.
  The above author who has mentioned period of his worship in
the mountain range of the Chinnar as 12 years, but Shah

Mohammed Ghouse who has himself has mentioned as 13 years

and some months in his book Jawahar Khamsa (Five Jewels).
The thesis writer of the encyclopedia of Islam has written as
    He was the disciple of Shaikh Zahooruddin Haji and he was
connected with the Sufi chain of Shattaria. He and his 8 brothers
who were disciples of Shaikh Haji Hameed.”
  The thesis writer first who has mentioned that Mohammed
Ghouse who was the disciple of Shaikh Zahooruddin Haji then
he was written Mohammed Ghouse and his 8 brothers who were
pledged on the hands of Shaikh Haji Hameed. So for the reason,
at first sight, the reader who will read this then he will be able to
know that Shaikh Zahooruddin Haji Husur and Shaikh Haji
Hameed who both are two personalities in this matter. But as a
matter of fact, it is not correct in this matter. As Haji Hameed
Husur who was began calling at a later time as Zahuruddin
Husur in this matter.
   The thesis writer who has made the second mistake that he has
written Huzur with Haji Hameed instead of Husur, as a matter of
fact, Husur is part of his name and its meaning is that without
children. As Shaikh Haji Hameed does not have children with
him. This Urdu word Husur by mistake of copyist which has
become as Huzur. And so, for this reason, Ethe who has also
written Huzur instead of Husur in this matter.
Stay in Gwalior: Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse Gwalior who has
asked with his spiritual master Hameed Uddin Husur (930
Hegira/1523) who has with him about his permanent stay, then
he told him that “ All world is your so live where ever you want

as per your desire and wish. In which you were given the option
in this matter.”
  Syed Fazal Ali Shah, who has written in the book Kuliyat
Gwalior “ At that time Hazrat Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse who
was among great and awesome of his time. And who has
complete usage upon the hearts in the fort area. And he was
from Ghazipur (Patna) which was his native and place of
residence. As per the saying of his spiritual master Baba Husur
Shah Zahur Al-Haq, he was migrated to Gwalior from his native
    But as per reading the book Jawar Khamsa (Five Jewels 929
Hegira) and it will be known that during his stay period in the
mountain range of the Chinnar of mystical exercise there was an
indication for him to stay in the Fort Gwalior. So Shah
Mohammed, who has written that “ This darwesh in the range of
mountains of Chinnar and who was engaged in the above
methods for 13 years 7 months and after that from the invisible
source there came the clear call in which it was said to come out
from the mountain range and go Fort Gwalior. So he acted as
per this order.”
    For staying in the Fort of Gwalior above are mentioned some
of the reasons for the innermost. In this matter, there were also
some of the reasons for the manifest way and on which there are
put to light by Qazi Merajuddin Dhoolpuri and he has written as
 “ For staying in the Fort of Gwalior of praiseworthy
Hazrat Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse that in those day families of
Syed (Sayyid (UK: /ˈsaɪɪd,

ˈseɪjɪd/, US: /ˈsɑːjɪd/; Arabic: ‫س^^^^^يد‬ [ˈsæjjɪd], Persian: [sejˈjed];
meaning "Mister"; Arabic plural: ‫س^^^^^^^^^^ادة‬ sādah;
feminine: ‫س^^يدة‬ sayyidah) is an honorific title denoting people
accepted as descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and
his cousin and son-in-law Ali (Ali ibn Abi Talib) through his
grandsons, Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali, sons of prophet
Muhammad's daughter Fatimah and Ali.) and noble persons who
used to reside inside of the Fort of Gwalior at that time. Outside
of the Fort of Gwalior where is the city of the Gwalior is there
where is no inhabitation of Muslim population. There was
occupied Fort of Gwalior recent time. When there was
increasing of the power of the Muslim rule, then Muslim learned
and spiritual and pious persons who were coming from outside
and began staying there. This was such time when Shaikh
Mohammed Ghouse did not receive any grant of the estate for
him and from his side there was no arrangement of the
  In this way, Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse who came to Gwalior
and he has started rectitude and advice work and the author
of Manaqab Ghousia who has written that “ In short, when
Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse  he has left from the shrine of the
pious person of the world of the Hazrat Haji Hameed Husur and
he was reached to Fort Gwalior and when he has stayed there
then it was heard the shout of darweshi and call of the greatness
of saintliness of inheritance and which was spread in the world.
Then for this reason world and learned men and general persons
and kings and his ruling people who were becoming his faithful
and submissive. But his condition which was such that in his
meeting of the higher grade nobody is not allowed to take the
name of the world.

     He has stayed some period of time in Fort Gwalior and then
he was suffering with  the illness of the Kiara disease. And he
was suffering from this disease for a period of six months is in
this matter. And he was recovered from this disease than
by source of Qazi Rukanuddin and Qazi Khuda Baksh he was
sent his letter into the presence of his spiritual master Haji
Hameeduddin Husur and this is strange coincidence that at that
time these two persons who took his letter and at the same time
at the other side his spiritual master Haji Hameeduddin Husur
who said to Shaikh Skandar that “ Today I was informed that to
come from the world of inferior to the next word and to go on
the journey to the word of the permanence from the world of
destruction. I have replied that “ I will come there after four
days. Because the persons of Bandagi Miya Ghouse are on the
way of the journey. When they will come here, then I will
reward turban to the person of status, then I will come to another
world from this mortal world.”
   So for this reason when Qazi Rukanuddin and Qazi Khuda
Baksh when both of them have present in service of Hazrat Haji
Hameedudin Husur so he was much happier in this matter. And
at the same time, he was demanded turban and dress of the
saintliness from his persons and he was given these things to
both of them with his hands. And he was asked to write one
order from his side in the name of Shah Mohammed Ghouse
(970 Hegira/1563) and he was signed letter by him and he was
given to Qazi Rukanuddin.The author of the book Manaqab
Ghousia who was written text of the order as follows.
  “ The righteous person in the world and another world
Bandagi,  the Shaikh of Shaikhs Miya Mohammed Ghouse,

belongs property of Allah and Muslims, and I was reading about

Zahur Shams Ansari Maqdumi and it would like to inform you
that all conditions which here are well. Say always, thanks to
Allah. It would inform and let you know that since 20 Ramadan
there was a pain in the thigh of this darwesh person. Whatever
there were sayings, conditions as well affairs which belongs to
his manifest and innermost which he has given to my son and
made him my successor. The  even order of the mould given to
you as you are Shaikh of saintly guides. So, for this reason, I
have prepared a box in this matter in the presence of the
audience and as well in  the presence of your persons to keep us
as a thing of custody and the power of the mould also which was
given to my son Miya Mohammed Ghouse. And the place who
think suitable then he will take there. The other thing by making
my son as my successor and then I have handed over all my
disciples and caliphs to him in this matter. To whom my son
accepts, then he will be among the acceptable person and the
other person my son will not accept who will be among the
rejected person. The turban and saintly dress which was given to
your persons in my presence. Believe that whatever I have
undergone such hardship and grief which is great and much and
but I have the trust of Allah in his court and which is all for the
sake of the son. This fakir desires his resting place under the
tree. And which will be possible upon my traveling. And which
will be revealed to you as per the writing of the Shaikh
  Upon death Haji Hameeduddin Husur the letter written by
Shaikh Skindar which was received by Shah Mohammed
Ghouse in which there were written the events which were seen
by him. And upon reading it is known that whatever which is
said Haji Hameeduddin Husur about  the details of his death

which were proved correct word by word in this matter. In the

above letter Shaikh Skindar who has mentioned the following
details at the end of the letter that “On 21 night of Zil Hajj when
at that time one part of the night which was still remaining and
he said suddenly that “ Friends wake up as it is the time of the
mercy. There is an order to this darwesh again that today is the
fourth day all prophets and holy persons are waiting for me to
meet me there so come on immediately and at that time he went
outside on Choudol (is a kind of palki or sedan) and in his
presence, he was made ready his grave, and after that, he was
asked to take Choudol under the shadow of the tree and whoever
will come there say his condition to him then he will say I have
surrendered to you  to my son Miya Mohammed Ghouse till
such that there was shining of the light of the dawn then he was
wearing the coverlet and slept there while endeavours in the
remembrance of Allah and  then from this mortal world he
migrated to another world.”
     Another submission in this matter is that to this sweeper of
the shrine building who has been appointed as a sweeper of the
shrine and he was also rewarded saintly dress of the caliphate
and it will be proved to confirm in this matter if you will accept
me in this matter.”
   In short upon the death of Haji Hameeduddin Husur, Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who sat on the carpet of the caliphate. And
he has stayed in Gwalior and he was started work of his favour
in near and far areas of Gwalior.
   During the time of Shah Mohammed Gwaliori, there was used
to reside one another holy person of Allah there. And who is
remembered by the name of Khaja Khanoon.Some authors of

the biographies who has written his name as Khaja Khanu.

There was a relation of the innermost in between Shah
Mohammed Ghouse and Khaja Khanoon. Herewith we are
writing the details of their relationship as follows. 


Tomb of Khaja Khanoon in Gwalior

                         Tomb of Khaja Khanoon in Gwalior

Khaja Khanoon and Shah Mohammed Ghouse:  During the

time of Shah Mohammed Ghouse, Khaja Khanoon (940 Hegira /
1533) who used to live in Gwalior and who was born in 853
Hegira and he was a resident of Nagore and from there he was
migrated to Gwalior. And he was pledged on the hands of Khaja
Hussain Nagori. And he has obtained holy dress of the caliphate
from Shaikh Ismail and who was the son of the Shaikh Hussain

Sarmast and who used to live in Chanderi. And he was a Sufi

personality of his time. And as well as who was incomparable
during his time.
    This is thinking of the present-day custodian of the shrine of
Khaja Khanoon that when Khaja Khanoon who has arrived in
Gwalior then at that time Shah Mohammed Ghouse who was
engaged in the endeavours of the rectitude and advice to the
people and that person who has mentioned one strange and
wonderful story and which is required correction in this matter.
In his compiled book Faizan Velayat who has written that”
When Khaja Khanoon was reached in Gwalior then at that time
every newly arrival traveler person in Gwalior who used to stay
there with Shah Mohammed Ghouse for a period of three days.
But Khaja Khanoon who did not reach on the eating carpet of
Shah Mohammed Ghouse. Shah Mohammed Ghouse who sent
his servant to call him. Then Khaja Khanoon who was sitting on
the stone after his bath there.
  Upon asking by the servant, he told him that “This is not
proper for the condition of this fakir person for coming and
going here and there. So think this as an excuse from him in this
matter.” And due to ignorance of the Khaja Khanoon, Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who feels upset with this matter. And he
was given an order of his servants from Jinns to bring Khaja
Khanoon who is sitting on the stone so bring him with his stone
here. There came four Jinns to comply with his  an order, but
they could not lift the stone and Khaja Khanoon and they have
become helpless in this matter. Then Khaja Khanoon told Jinns
that “Why they disturbing this fakir”. The Jinns told him by
obediently that “We are being, faithful and whatever order is

given we are following. Now, whatever order will be given by

you, then they obey it.” Khaja Khanoon was smiling and given
the order to them to bring Mohammed Ghouse with his throne
here on which he is sitting there.” Jinns went away and brought
Shah Mohammed Ghouse within seconds there with his throne
before Khaja Khanoon. So, for this reason, Shah Mohammed
Ghouse who was surprised in this matter. After Salam, he said to
him that “ Oh venerable Shaikh, he did not know absolutely that
you are shah of saintliness. Otherwise, he has not done this act.”
Khaja Khanoon smiled and he said that “There is no problem
and the start of the meeting of the friends which with
pleasantry.” On the throne of Shah Mohammed Ghouse there
available many things of charm and incense. And also there was
available one notebook. And which lift by Khaja Khanoon then
he  asked him “What is this Mohammed Ghouse?.”
      By mistake of the tongue of Shah Mohammed Ghouse, it
was spoken by chance that “Hazrat it is nothing.” So Hazrat
Khaja Khanoon put off the notebook there and he said: “ Yes, it
is nothing.” After some time Shah Mohamed Ghouse for any of
his need he had opened the notebook and he found all pages
were white so for this reason he was worried about this matter.”
And he was seen toward Khaja Khanoon with a look of his kind
help. Then Khaja Sahib told him that “ In which there is nothing
and now everything is there with you,” Three times when this
phrase which was spoken by his tongue in favour then Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who was becoming perfect.” And he was
thrown incense and all other things. Due to overpowering the
passion of leaving then he engrossed in the look of the sight of
majestic and in oneness. He was getting into the condition of
rapture and obtained the higher status of knowledge of God.

Shah Mohamed Ghouse at the time of the leaving from there he

was requested to be present occasionally in his service. But
Khaja Khanoon told him that “There is one work which is
required upon its time. And its performance is required by you.
And then at that time, there will be our meeting.”
  In the above story, whatever there is found and its truth which
is known by its style of description in this matter. Even in the
light of saying of the author of Faizan Velayat, this event has
proven not correct. Who has written that Khaja Khanoon who
came to Gwalior approximately in the year 900 Hegira and Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who came to Gwalior after his mystical
exercise in Chinnar. The book Jawar Khamsa was written by
Shah Mohammed Ghouse during the days of his mystical
exercises in Chinnar and which is written in the year 929 Hegira.
And since it is known that Shah Mohammed Ghouse who came
to Gwalior after 29 years of Khaja Khanoon ’s arrival in
Gwalior. The foundation of the above story is based upon this
ground that Khaja Khanoon who came to Gwalior after Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. So when there is no basis of the story, then
it can be known well about its correctness and wrong in this
matter. It should be noted that Shah Mohammed Ghouse who
was born in the year 907 Hegira year. It means when Khaja
Khanoon who was arriving in Gwalior then at that time as per
the saying of the Ghulam Mohiddin, Shah Mohammed Ghouse
who did not yet born.
  From one writing of the author of the book Fazian Velayat, it is
known that Khaja Khanoon and Shah Mohammed Ghouse did
not meet together during their whole life period. And who has
written as follows’

“ On the date of first Jamad Awwal in the year 940 Hegira, he

told his elder son Khaja Ahmed Bandagi that “ Now I am
leaving all of you. After my death, my funeral rites and
ceremonies will be done by Shah Mohammed Ghouse. I have
promised to him that our meeting time is depending upon it.”
    From the last line of the text, it is very clear that during the
life period, both of the above holy persons did not meet with
each other. So, for this reason, the above story which is
mentioned is false and not in accordance with the fact or reality.
  It is known that Khaja Khanoon ’s elder son Khaja Bandagi
Ahmed (1015 Hegira/1616) who have mentioned the above
event and from which the author of the book Fazian Velayat,
who was due to exaggeration who made the event very lengthy
and the real event which is to the most extent as recognized as
  “One day he was engaged in the work of the cleanliness and
there was some relief for him and by that time suddenly two
persons who came from Shah Mohammed Ghouse and said
Salam to him. Hazrat was given a reply of the Salam of them
and he was asking  for  them from where they have come and
why did they come there.?” Are you local or travelers.? Then
they told him that “ They are servants of Shah Mohammed
Ghouse.” Shaikh has sent us with his message. After his Salam,
they said that “He is in the fondness of your look.?.” And there
is the fondness of the meeting together with us which is in the
position of the perfection level in this matter. If you come to our
house than it is  your house. Otherwise, give me permission, so
that I can come to your house in your service and get the
excellence of your look. So that there will be enjoyed upon the

meeting of both of us there.” Hazrat who has knowledge of first

and last and he was smiled upon hearing of the conversation of
the two persons of the Shah Mohammed. And he  replied that
“Excuse Fakir Khanoon for these things. Because this fakir is
not  appointed for going any place in this matter. Also, he is
excused from standing for the respect of any person. It is the
demand for friendship and affection which should be excused
this fakir from these two difficulties. Our meeting is fixed at one
time. So waiting for that time. If Allah wills and there is
possible, then it will be done surely.”
 The extract from the book Faizan Velayat was presented before
and it seems that it is first and last text is taken from the above
extract only. The remaining all other details are the product of
the mind of the author. So it has no value in this matter.
Khaja Khanoon’s elder son Khaja Ahmed whatever he has
written and which is correct in the light of the statement of the
Shaikh Mohamed Abdul Haq Mohadith Dehlavi. As per the
statement of Syed Fazal Ali, it is known that both of them could
not meet during the whole lifetime. And who has written that
“Khaja Khanoon who was a contemporary person of Shaikh
Mohammed Ghouse and who lived during the same period of
the time, but God knows that why there was not meeting among
both of them. And what was its reason? But this matter which
was known in the research that at the time of death of the Khaja
Khanoon who has advised his son Shaikh Mohiuddin that “Until
the coming of Hazrat Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse funeral rites
and ceremonies should not be done.”When he has died, then
Shaikh Mohammed  was informed in this matter and he was in
such worry so, then at that time Shaikh Mohiuddin came there

by weeping. And Shaikh Mohammed told him that “Well done

you have come and have fulfilled the last advice of your father
and it is a matter of the praised for you.”  After this Mohammed
Ghouse was proceeded and was reached near the funeral and
said, Salam. And from the funeral of Khaja Khanoon there was
heard on  the call due to the veil of the Islamic law and in which
it was said “Being at someone’s service ” Shaikh Mohammed,
who sat there and as per his sayings the sons of the Hazrat Khaja
Khanoon who have performed funeral rites and ceremonies.
  Ghulam Mohiuddin Sahib who written that “Shah Mohammed
Ghouse along with the sons of Khaja Khanoon who have
participated in the funeral bath and who have performed funeral
rites and ceremonies and lead the funeral prayer of Khaja
Khanoon and in the year 940 Hegira on the second Jamadil
Awwal at the time of mid-morning time they were free from the
burial work.
   Mohammed Ismail Ramzi who has written one book and its
name is  Aina Velayat and which was published in the year 1962
by Alwai Press Bhopal and on the title page, it was written that
in this book there are life details in brief which was ascertained
by research work. But upon seeing the book it is known that
there are two aims of this book and the first is biographical
details of Khaja Khanoon and second is to refute the full extent
about the status of Ghouse of the Hazrat Shah Mohammed
Ghouse. It is not known why the learned compiler of the thesis
work who has selected this discussion as suitable in this matter.
  In this book are only 16 pages are there. And in six and a half
pages the biographical details of Khaja Khanoon have been
finished. And after that then there is a discussion about the status

and position of the pious persons of Allah. Then by adding the

brief biographical details of Shah Mohammed Ghouse then the
compiler of the book who has written as follows.
“ In the light of these proofs, this matter will become clear and
distinct that the name of Hazrat Mohammed the Ghouse’s name
was Shaikh Mohammed. And his spiritual master at the time of
the pledge has added Ghouse in his name and after that, he was
becoming well known and famous. In reality, Ghouse is part of
his name and but he was not Ghouse as per the status.”   At the
end of the book, it was written that Shah Mohammed Ghouse
who was 53 years lesser in the age of Khaja Kanoon.
  For this reason, there is no question of comparison and
competition among these two holy persons of Allah.
  The book about the biography of Khaja Khanoon which is
being written and which will be finished soon and for this reason
there will be created doubt in this matter that whether there is
the intention of the compiler that to reduce the status of the Shah
Mohammed Ghouse.? And to take away the greatness of the
status of Ghouse and Qutub from the hearts of the people. As
per the thinking of the compiler of this book that one person of
the family of Ghousia, Syed Khatiruddin Shuttari who has
complied with one book and its title is as follows. 
‘Sandan Ghousiat Ba Tarwid Aina Velayat’ and which was
published during the current year 1963 and which was published
by Saidi Press Quran Mahal Karachi. And in this book, there is
found confirmation of the status of Ghouse of Shah Mohammed.
And the rejection of the statement of Ramzi Saheb on this
matter. But the difference between two holy families about their

ancestors is not a good sign in this matter. As per compiler’s

thinking if any writer of biographies, writers of life details, or
historians, if they have increased the status of the holy persons,
then this is a matter of happiness, but by research not to engage
in the work to endeavors to degrade in this matter. 
  The link to the difference was started in the Daily News Paper
Karachi by publishing one article Faiz Khanun and which was
written by the unknown name of Ain Ain Khanuni and
published on 31 October in the year 1960. So for this reason on
the 4th November 1960 Syed Qatir Uddin, who has corroborated
the statement of the above writer briefly in the newspaper
Anjam. And after that in the newspapers, there were published
refutations on this matter.
    For example newspaper, Enkashaf daily Jhansi dated 28/21
October 1961 in which Syed Ali Hasan custodian of  the shrine
building of Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has written on the
article by the title of “Min Eindi Allah Ghouse” and with the
same title the writer who wrote in the newspaper Ihsas Agra on 
the 5th November issue 1961. Then afterward one article of
Qazi Merajuddin Depalpuri was published in the daily Nau
Rouz Karachi in some issues of December 1961 continuously. In
short, it was done such because there was done harm to the
status of the holy person of Allah.
   In this matter, the writer of this book has done research on this
matter and its aim is not to harm any person. But to explain
reality in this matter. For the compiler of this book who wrote
that “As Shah Mohammed Ghouse is respectable for him and
also such respect is deserved by Hazrat Khaja Khanoon in this

As all are people of Allah and they deserve a higher level of

respect. Regarding the status of Ghouse of Shah Mohammed
only such books of the biographies were referred by him, and as
those persons (authors) who were directly benefitted by Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. As for extracts and arguments of such
books of biographies and its sources are best and reliable and so
extracts are taken from them.
1.Manaqab Ghousia: This book is compiled by Fazal Allah
Shattari and who benefitted for a long period of time in the
company of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse. And who has started
the book as follows.
“This old and weak person returning to Allah, the servant of the
shrine of Shah Mohammed Ghouse known as Fazal Allah
Mutaqib Bin Qittab Zaini Ibn Syed Bada Ibn Sayed Qutubuddin
Ibn Syed Ouhud Ibn Syed Ahmed Ahl Allah from the lineage of
perfect Shaikh Syed Ahmed Kabir.”
    In the book Manaqb Ghouse in which details have recorded
the condition and qualities of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse by
the 941 years. It means this book which was compiled 29 years
before the death of Shah Mohammed Ghouse. 
   This book  consists of five qualities. In which in first quality it
was described the position of Ghouse and the compiler while
mentioning in this matter its reason and cause and he has written
that “ Those who do not have to understand of the shrine but
they are discussing the status of Ghowth. So they leave it and do
not involve in the useless question and answering.”

   On the mountain, there was the meeting of the Shah Ghouse
with that holy person and about him which was written above in
this matter. And Fazal Allah Shattari who was written the words
as follows. “ 
“ Welcome, come in a decent way and come at a good time and
I was waiting for you in this matter. Because Allah has given me
the status of Gwoth and now my age is completed in the world.
There was given the order to me that at such and such time there
will come to see me such and such face and such and such
quality person with you then at that time you give him the status
of the Ghwoth to that person and come to another world. Thanks
to Allah that you have come here.”
     Shah Fazal Allah Shattari while writing the reason for public
exposure of the status of Gwoth of Shah Mohammed Ghouse. 
He has mentioned this event that “ There used to be available
guards in the room of Shah Mohammed Ghouse and who keep
with their swords and diggers. One day Shah Mohammed
Ghouse’s disciple Shaikh Ahmed Dana, who has thrown sword
and digger in the river Ganga in the condition of ecstasy. When
the guard who has complained in this matter to Shah
Mohammed Ghouse he said to him that “ You have done some
much haste and put so much grief on this weak person.” For this
Shaikh Ahmed Dana, who has replied to him that “If there will
be given order, then he will bring all things.” Then he said, “
Yes, bring now and come back in haste.”Then all persons of
have seen that Shaikh Ahmed Dana who was fallen in the river
from citadel by saying “Ya (oh) Ghowth” and by saying at that
time to return all things of our Hazrat which are entrusted with
you and he was drowned in the river. And after some time he

was coming out  of the river by saying Ya Ghowth and all things
were with him. Shaikh Ahmed Dana, who was making the
slogans of the “Ya Ghowth” continuously there. And his voice
was echoing in the jungles and mountains. But he was not silent
and quiet and from this his status of his Ghowth, which was
manifested and which like crystal clear.
    Shah Fazal Allah Shatteri who has mentioned one more event
which was happened during the time of the mystical exercise
and endeavours in the fort of Chinnar and one day in one matter
that he was seen Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A.) and Hazrat Ali Ibn
Taleb (R.A.) and they have told him that “The status of Ghowth
which is given to you.” Upon hearing this saying of these holy
persons he was told them that for the sake of yours there should
be an available sight of the look of favour and effect of the holy
prophet and if the prophet said this then this would be
wonderful.” Then both these holy persons who caught the hand
of this fakir and present me in the court of the prophet and they
have told him all details so he told me that “You are Ghowth of
time.” This event was told by Shah Mohammed Ghowth to Shah
Fazal Allah Shattari and this is evident in the book Siaya Wa
Sabaq. Shah Fazal Allah Shattari who wrote Shah Mohammed
Ghouse as Ghouse of Islam and Muslims, Ghouse of Muslims
and Ghouse of Alam (world) in his book Manaqabat Ghousia in
many places. Regarding the problem of the alias of Shaikh
Mohammed Ghouse which will be clarified by the statement of
Shah Fazal Allah Shattari as who wrote the details in this matter
when Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse who met with Hazrat Hameed
Uddin Husur after the mystical exercise and endeavours in the
Fort of Chinnar and which is as follows. “ After rewarding
caliphate of manifest and innermost as well as granting grace

and then he told him “ Miya Mohammed Ghouse whatever I

have obtained at my age of 160 years while going to 100 and
more places and wandering here and there which was obtained
and gathered in all these things. And all those things I will
reward you in this matter. Upon saying this he was removing his
stainless dress from his body and wear for him. All given
rewards and prizes which were with me for which there is my
congratulation to you. But there was remain my name and which
I also grant you in this matter.” And from that day the name of
Peer Jehan (Hazrat Hameed Husur)’s name was becoming as
Shaikh Zahur Al Haq Wadin and Ghouse Alam’s name was
becoming as Hameed Uddin as alias Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse
which was well known and famous in all over the world.”
  As per the statement of the Shah Fazal Allah Shattari, it is
known that Shah Mohammed Ghouse was on the status of the
Ghowth without any doubt in this matter. Upon adopting the
name of his spiritual master the name of Shah Mohammed
Ghouse which becoming as an alias. And who has written in
another place that “ One who has come under his shadow of the
favour then there is no plaintiff for him in anything and claimant
was in his help.”
Kalyat Gwaliori: This book, which is compiled by Shah Fazal
Allah Shattari  and in this book there are events recorded till the
time of King Akbar. In this biographical book, there are details
of the holy persons of the Gwalior. The compiler of this book
who have feelings of ardent love and special devotion with Shah
Mohammed Ghouse and who himself wrote that “This fakir who
has obtained his desire and wishes of this world and other needs
from the family of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse. And due to his

life, he was able to have obtained satisfaction, contentment, and

upon affairs of the reality of Allah where there is required
depends upon fate.”
  Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has appointed him as Abdal
(Abdāl is a term used in Islamic metaphysics and Islamic
mysticism, both Sunni and Shiite, to refer to a particularly
important group of God's saints.) in the place of Skindara and
for this event the compiler has written as follows.”One day Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who was engaged in the meditation and
after meditation told that an Abdal in Skindara died and except
you, there is no other person who is eligible for this post. So he
is sending the saintly dress and title to you in this matter.”
 Syed Fazal Ali Shah, who has mentioned the holy persons of
the Gwalior as follows.
  “ Since the beginning time of the rule of King Akbar, there
were living in Gwalior city great saintly guides. And Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who is also among saintly guides of that
period. He was a holy person and Ghouse of his time in Gwalior.
Since the rule of the King Akbar the disciples of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who were living in this city. The two Kings
Himayun and  King Akbar, who has many devoted with Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. And in their royal orders, they used to
mention him as Peeran Peer (Saintly guide) and Ghouse Taslin
  From this statement, it is known that Shah Mohammed Ghouse
who was Ghowth of his time. And the rulers of India used to call
him as Ghowth of Taqlain (reliable).In the presence of these
proofs, there is no reason in this matter that there should be

insistent about him as the non-existence of the Ghowth. If there

will be accepted as the title of Ghowth from a spiritual master
then also there will be no refusal of his authority of the Ghowth.
But it will be certified in this matter because the title is rewarded
from the spiritual master because nobody knows better the
perfection of the disciple than his spiritual. So as it is known by
the writing of the book Akhbar Akhyar that “Haji Hameeduddin
Husur who called Ghowth on the first day. There is  a meaning
of calling of Ghowth by the spiritual master in this matter. He
looks at him when Shah Mohammed Ghouse who was seven
years old. And his look was at his progress of the future. Even
though there was surprised by the audience of the meeting, but
he was given them reasonable reply that “Father who will give
the name to his son Shah Alam (king of the world) even though
he will not be king of the world at that time.” It means by the
appearance he looks like a boy but the time will come when he
will sit on the carpet of the Ghowth.” So whatever spiritual
master told which was proved correct by the time. The
statements of Shah Fazal Allah and Syed Fazal Ali which were
mentioned above from which there will be further certified in
this matter.
  Syed Fazal Ali, who has mentioned one more event and he has
written that “When Shah Mohammed Ghouse reached in Gujrat
from Gwalior then in the condition of ecstasy he has said by the
holy tongue that there was happened to his accession. Upon this
learned persons of the Gujrat who have become angry and upset
in this matter. And they have declared this as eligible for the
killing in this matter and approximately 270 learned persons and
saintly guides who were gathered at his house. And their leader
was Wajhi Uddin Alwai. When the look of  Shah Mohammed

Ghouse  was felt at Wajhi Uddin Alwai then he has said that “
Why he did came there.” Shaikh Wajhi Uddin told that “ No
doubt you are last Ghowth in the world and whoever will doubt
in this matter, then he will become an infidel. We asked Allah to
protect us from someone or something. We all come here to
pledge on your hands. 
Relations with rulers of India: The courts of the fakir persons
which remained as an asylum for the rulers always. So, for this
reason, the court of Shah Mohammed Ghouse in which there
was a connection of the rulers with this matter. Author of the
book Manaqab Ghousia  (949 Hegira) Shah Fazal Allah who
wrote that “Hazrat Shah Mohammed Ghouse’s firmness of the
innermost and relief of the heart, which is famous and well
known in the world and usage of the two worlds which he had in
his hands. If he wants, then he can sit the bigger on the throne
and  then if he wants  he will become the king beggar. So in this
matter the stories of the Sultan Ibrahim Afghan, King Baber, and
King Humayun, which appeared during his time and which are
famous and well known. In this way he has taken back the grace
of innermost from Sultan Sufi and which was given to Shaikh
Mubarak Majzub Ami in the world of spiritualism and which is
as crystal clear.
  When the landlords of the surrounding areas of the Gwalior
when began trouble with Tatar Khan who was the ruler of the
Gwalior then he has requested King Baber for the military help
in this matter. So, for this reason, he has sent military help to
him. When Shah Mohammed Ghouse was there in the Gwalior
Fort at that time.

   Farishta who was mentioned this event and which was copied

by Mohammed Hussain Azad in his book Darbar Akbari.
Farishta wrote that “ The general and special people of India
who has heartily devotion and faith with Shaikh (Mohammed
Ghouse). There will be happening such time that when the rulers
for their works of the world then they return to him. In Gujrat,
Bangala, and in Delhi the well known and famous learned
persons who were holding his wide edge of the shirt. At that
time King Baber, who has reached in Agra and he was ruling the
country from there. At that time Tatar Khan the ruler of Gwalior
who feels danger from some of the chiefs of the surrounding
areas. He has sent his petition to King Baber and accepted his
obedience. King Baber has sent military by Khaja Rahim Dad
and Shaikh Ghouran to occupy the Fort of the Gwalior. When
they reach Gwalior by the military then Tatar Khan has changed
his mind. Shaikh Mohammed, who used to live in the fort in
those days.When he has seen the arrival of the military of
fortunate King Baber so he has told him tactic from inside of the
fort and as per it, they have sent a message to Tatar Khan that “
We have come here to save you from your enemies as per your
calling here. And now we are in great enrage condition in the
ground. So give us such permission that we can come inside of
the fort with some of our servants and the military force which
will be lived in the night on the ground. Tatar Khan was given
permission in this matter. The above chiefs who have brought
their many soldiers in the night time in the fort. At the fort gate
the disciples of the Shaikh Mohammed, who were guarding the
gate there. As they have received the order of their spiritual
master in this matter. In short, Tatar Khan when was able to
know in this matter that the large number of the army of King
Baber was already reached there in the fort. And from the hands

of the Tatar Khan, everything was left so for this reason, in the
helpless condition he has handed over the fort, and he himself
present in the court  of the King Baber.
 The reason for the downfall of the Tatar Khan was that he did
not follow the advice and instructions of Shah Mohammed. And
followed revolt and uprising. And King Baber’s formal act of
approving and victory over the Fort of Gwalior which was the
result of the favour of Shah Mohammed.
     In the magazine Alamgiri, this event is included. And its brief
abridgment which is added in an appendix in the last of the
translation of the book Manaqab Ghousia and from its
statement, it is known that King Baber who requested
permission to visit Shah Mohammed. So, for this reason, King
Baber, who reached fort Gwalior and kissed the foot of the Shah
     King Baber, who ruled India with much name and fame, but
behind his success there was much help of Shah Ghouse
 There is no doubt that King Baber has especial, devotion with
Shah Mohammed. 
    As per the writing of Syed Fazal Ali Shah which is added in
this book in the Persian text which could not be translated into
English to avoid the mistake of the translation from Persian into
the English language.
     But this matter is required for searching whether King Baber
he was present on the situation and he has visited Shah
Mohammed in the Fort Gwalior and he has obtained the blessing
from him. Upon reading the autobiography of Tuzk Baberi, it

was known that King Baber was found in the Fort of Agra at
that time. And King Baber, who himself has mentioned this
event in his book of autobiography in this matter. But he did not
mention that he himself was present there. In the conquest of the
Fort of Gwalior in the year 933 Hegira he has written that Tatar
Khan Sarang Khani who was the ruler of the Gwalior Fort but he
was not obedient. When Rana Sarangi has snatched away
Kandar and in surrounding Rajas of Gwalior Dar Mangat and
Khan Jehani who with the intention to snatch away Gwalior Fort
then becomes troubled and problems in the surrounding area
there. So in such helpless condition Tatar Khan, who was agreed
to hand over the Fort of Gwalior in this matter. So, for this
reason, Raheem Dad was given the army of Kohira and Lahore
along with Mastiji Shaqtar and his brothers sent to the Gwalior
Fort. Also sent Shaikh Ghoran so that after making Rahim Dad
as ruler of the Gwalior to come back from there. When the army
who reached near Gwalior then the intention of the Tatar Khan
changed and he  called them inside of the fort.
   During this time Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse who is a great
holy person and as well as darwesh person in the Fort Gwalior
and who has a large number of disciples and devotees. And who
has sent a message to Rahim Dad in the city that you should
enter into the city by any means. Because the intention of that
person (Tatar Khan was changed) and he want trouble in this
matter. Upon hearing this message Rahim Dad who sent a
message to Tatar Khan that there is the danger of the Hindus and
it is good that he should be allowed along with few persons
inside of the fort and the remaining army which will be there
outside of the fort. Tatar Khan was agreed in this matter upon so
much insisting. At the time when Rahim Dad was entered into

the fort along with a few persons and at that time he was told
that there will be the guard of his army there at the fort gate and
during the night time and Rahim Dad has called all his army into
the fort. In the morning time, Tatar Khan was much surprised in
this matter. And in the helpless and destitute condition, he has
surrendered the Fort of Gwalior and he himself came to see me
in Agra.”
    There is a big hand of Shah Mohammed Ghouse in the
conquest of the Fort of the Gwalior and on one situation King
Baber, who was angry with Rahim Dad, but on the
recommendation of Shah Mohammed Ghouse who was forgiven
his mistake and allowed him to continue ruler in the Fort of
  King Baber, who has visited Gwalior in the year 935 Hegira
and it may possible that he has visited Shah Mohammed Ghouse
there. Not only King Baber but even King Himayun who has
many devoted with Shah Mohammed Ghouse. At the beginning
of the above extract in such style King Baber mentioned Shah
Mohammed Ghouse since it is known the impression of him in
this matter. 
   So in this matter T.W. Arnold, who wrote that “In the Sufi
order of Shuttaria there were passed away many great holy
personalities. For example Shah Mohammed Ghouse and among
his disciples and devotees King Himayun who is also included.
When the above Shaikh who was died in the year 1562 Hegira
then at that time King Akbar, who has constructed a grand tomb
in his honour in the Fort Gwalior. 

   Shah Wajihuddin Gujrati (died in the year 1589 Hegira) and

who was Shaikh of time and was included among his disciples.
He was learned person of the time and who has written many of
his books and his tomb is situated in Ahmedabad and among
such category of one more holy person is Shah Peer (died in the
year 1632 Hegira) and whose tomb which was constructed by
emperor Jehangir’s wife Queen Noor Jehan.
    King Himayn (1964 Hegira/1556 ) who has many devoted
with Shah Mohammed Ghouse and Mulla Abdul Qader
Badayuni who has written that  “King Himayun who has a
higher level of devotion and sincerity with these two brothers
(Shaikh Phool and Shaikh Ghouse) so which is not such found
with others. The method of invitation, by the way of the names
which he has learned by those dear persons. Mufti Ghulam
Sarwar wrote that” King Nasiruddin Himyaun who has added
himself among his devotees.”
  Peter Hardy where who has discussed Sufi chains where he has
mentioned that “King Himayun who was a disciple of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse “ and he was mentioned that “ From Iran,
there came new Sufi chains like Shattari and Shaikh Mohammed
Ghouse who was related with this chain and who was the
spiritual master of King Himayun.” Dr. Tara Chand and the
thesis writer of Daira Maraf Islamia who has written this and
this is recognized fact that there was the devotion of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse to King Himayun and the proof which can
found in this matter that when in the year 947 Hegira there was
overpowering of the Afghans of Surs then King Himayun who
has surrendered the Delhi province than at that time Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who was left from Gwalior and went to

Gujrat. And where he has received one letter from King

Himayun as follows.
“ Upon Salam and kissing of your hand, it is stated that due to
favour of Allah and due to your and other holy person’s prayers
and attention which made me possible to pass away easily from
the difficulties. It is a great event of the time for me to keep
away from your nearness and proximity. And for which there is
a shock to my heart in this matter. At each breath and at each
step I was thinking about you that what those gigantic people
have done treatment with you in this matter. When I was able to
know that you have migrated to Gujrat then there was the relief
of grief to some extent and for this reason, I was free from
imprisoning this grief in this matter. In this way, there will be
relief from the grief of the distance of the manifestation.”
 God be pleased. How I will be thankful to this guide in reality
and due to his pleasing religious instruction of hearty that even
though body which is facing many thousands of problems, but
there was no decrease of the fault and error of the oneness and
tranquility of the heart. “
    Upon receiving the above royal letter Shah Mohammed
Ghouse who has sent his reply as follows.
“ Your letter which has become a glad tiding for my life. It is
known that the health and well-being condition of the people of
the circle of wealth. Whatever you have written which is as per
the reality in this matter. And in which there is no formality in it.
As it is said that“Whatever which is told from the heart and
which will have the effect in this matter.”

   May Allah help you so that you may not worry about the grief
and worries of the events of the time. In the mystic way,
whatever which will come before Salik (mystic initiate) which
will be good for him.”
  As Allah wants to take his slave of felicity toward the status of
perfection. So, for this reason, Allah is nourished, him with his
two kinds of names of the love inspired and majestic. And the
time of the love-inspired period is, already has been passed
away. And now the time of the majestic period is coming in this
“Fain mal yesral yesrea ennama yesral yesrea”
    Soon the period of love inspired is coming. As per Arabic
grammar “Yaser” in-between two “Yasar”. As the surface of
surrounding of the outside circle according to its distance which
will be less from the circle of the circumference so, for this
reason, your desire, and wishes which will be fulfilled in this
matter by the will of Allah soon.
   As the saying which is coming from the tongue of the favour
of interpretation so after the death of Sher Khan his son Jalal
Khan, who was becoming his successor with the title of Islam
Shah. And he also was killed in a short period of time in the
same year.
     King Nasiruddin Himayun who has sent a letter to Shah
Mohammed Ghouse and has asked him what is there order for
this lowest person.? And he has written him that “ From the
shrine of the Sultan of mercy you are congratulated for the
kingdom.” When this higher-order reached King Himayun then

he has gone into prostration and he has begun the journey

toward India. And in a short period of time, he has conquered
India so for this reason Shah Mohammed is becoming happier in
this matter. 
    Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni wrote that “Jalaluddin Akbar,
who was become a devotee of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse at
his younger age. Mutamad Khan was also written about this
event in his book Iqbal Nama. Syed Fazal Ali, who has written
in Kalyat Gawalior that “ When Jalaluddin Akbar, who gives
grace to the kingdom and caliphate and he has taken advice from
courtiers that he wants to become a disciple of Shah Mohammed
Ghouse. So for this reason he has sent a petition in his service
and has called Shah Mohammed Ghouse to Agra and Akbar was
pledged on his holy hand in this matter. He died in the year 970
Hegira in the Mughal Kingdom capital Agra. Then the king told
that “There was final advice of Shah Mohammed to be buried in
Ghouse Pura.” So for this reason funeral which was brought
from Agra to Gwalior.
   Mutamad Khan, who has mentioned about Akbar’s devotion
and pledge in his book Iqbal Nama. In Gwalior King Akbar has
constructed a grand tomb of Shah Mohammed Ghouse. And in
this matter, the full description is mentioned in the later pages of
this book. About Shaikh Mohammed’s faith and devotion as
well as the respect and admiration of the tomb and such
condition is as follows.
 “When Syed Qasim Ali and Ali Quli Khan when were given the
post of the garrison commander and police chief of the Fort of
Gwalior then at that time there was given royal order to them
that “ To visit on the Thursday with Qazi (judge) of the city the

mausoleum of the light of the Sultan of spiritual masters, the

argument of the research persons, Ghwoth (one who redresses
another’s grievances) of Islam, and Muslims, Haji Hameeduddin
Mohammed Ghouse Taqlain (reliable) with devotion to be
present and engage in meditation during the whole night. To
pray for the establishment of the royal kingdom. And to prepare
sweet Halwa (batter pudding) and distribute it in the early
morning, then after this engage in your works. This service is
given to you and to the Qazi of the City of Gwalior in this
matter. There will be a check upon this service given to you. If
there will find any negligence or fault in the service of the tomb
of the Ghouse of the holy persons ,then there will be severe
punishment in this matter by removing from this service and this
service which will be given to others. In this order, while
thinking also it as an emphasis to do full endeavours in this
matter and do service in the tomb as well of the work of the
custodian of the tomb by heart and soul which is a benediction
for both worlds. For this service, Qazi of the city was rewarded
dress of elegant and some villages were allotted to him for his
livelihood in this matter by King Akber and there was granted
some properties for the mausoleum of the light. 
    So Syed Fazal Ali Shah, who has written that “King Akbar
has many devoted, with Qutub of Qutab persons so for this
reason he has granted properties to all sons of Shah Mohammed
Ghouse separately and for the expenditure of the tomb,  King
Akbar has granted properties in Tahsil of Deta of the rupees of 3
lakhs five thousand value separately in this matter. At the bank
of the river half city which was established by Shah Mohammed
Ghouse  known as Ghouse Pura. For gift and oblations 15
estates as well as for the wife alias Badi of the Shah Mohammed

Ghouse there was granted the estate by royal order and still that
property is found. 
  The author of the book Masar Amra  wrote that “ There was
available to him one crore pension which was granted by the
King Akbar in this matter.”
   In short like his father, King Himayun and his grandfather
King Baber, King Akbar, who has his special link and relation
with Shah Mohammed Ghouse. So when Shah Mohammed
Ghouse when who has arrived in Akbarabad and due to ill-
treatment and paying no regard by Bairam Khan and Shaikh
Kadai so, for this reason, he was disgusted in this matter and
was returned back to Gwalior. So for this reason King Akbar
was annoyed in this matter. There will be known the special
effect and link of King Akbar with him so for this reason after
the martyrdom of Bairam Khan then Shah Mohammed Ghouse
who has come to Akbarabad and who died there and buried in
  In short contemporary kings and rulers who were have much
devotion and love with Shah Mohammed Ghouse. Abu Fazal in
his book Aina Akbari which he has mentioned that “Shaikh
Mohammed Ghouse was among great saintly guides of his
  King Noor Eldin Jehangir who has recognized his rank of the
higher level and in the details of 12th day of the festival of the
Nowruz there was a description about his visit of the tomb of the
Shah Wajihuddin Alwai Gujrati (997 Hegira/1588) and in this
matter, he has also written details about Shaikh Shah
Mohammed Ghouse Gujrati. He has written that“ Shaikh Wajih

Uddin who was a great level caliphate of the Shah Mohammed

and for him, there was the pride of his spiritual master. Shaikh
Wajih Uddin’s devotion and faith with Shah Mohammed
Ghouse from it is known his higher-level status and position of
the Shaikh Mohammed.”
  Thomas William Beale who has written that “ Shaikh whose
prayers are accepted by God. Whatever prediction which he
made which will be used to happen. And for this reason, he was
well known and famous in this matter. Ambitious kings who
used to present in his court and pay respect and say Salam to
Journey to Gujrat: In the year 947 Hegira when there was
overcome by the superior force of Afghan Sur family  and when
Sher Shah Suri who was becoming ruler then he began causing
trouble to Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse. So in the helpless
condition, he was migrated to Gujrat. Mulla Abdul Qader
Badayun (1004 Hegira/1595) who has mentioned the above
details in his book. Moulana Rahman Ali in his book Tadhkira
Auliya Hind who copied the same text in this matter.Shaikh
Mohammed Ghouse in his book Jahar Khamsa (Five Jewels,
956 Hegira) who himself has indicated in this matter as follows. 
That “ As per divine decree for some years he was migrated to
the Gujrat.”
    Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has come to Gwalior around
929 Hegira and in the year 947 Hegira he was migrated to Gujrat
from Gwalior. King Nasiruddin Himayun (964 Hegira/1556)
who has mentioned details of this migration in his letter to
Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse. And that text of Persian letter

which is added in the Urdu edition without its translation into

Urdu language so for this reason which could not be able to add
in the English version. 
 From the above statements, it was known that Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who has migrated to Gujrat directly from
Gwalior. But from the statement of one contemporary author
Fazal Ali Shah some more details in this matter which were
known. Other contemporary authors and even Shah Mohammed
Ghouse who himself did not mention those details in this matter.
In short, as we are the contemporary author so it is good to add
his statement and which will be a benefit in this matter.
  Syed Fazal Shah, who has written in his book Kuliyat
Gwaliori that “ King Himyaun after his defeat went by the way
of the Khandar to Iran and Khorasan. Then Sher Shah was
becoming the ruler. Before the arrival of Sher Khan in Gwalior
then Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has reached to Bandher
Khand and there the landlords of that place who obeyed him.
One day he said this place that “ Bandera as such and no light
and there is no representative here.” When Sher Shah was heard
this saying he was becoming angry in this matter. So in this
matter, he sent an army of 12,000 soldiers under the command
of his nephew Barket Jung and who has given him the order to
kill and to bring the cutter head of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse
and to arrest his family members and bring in his presence. Sher
Shah himself was reached to Gwalior. When that great group of
the army which was attacked upon the residence of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse and when reached near the ladies'
residential area then his mother told Shah Mohammed

Ghouse  that “When your position of the Ghouse and saintliness

which will be useful”.
  Then at that time there came condition of the majesty which
prevailed upon Shah Mohammed Ghouse. And he said “ Mariq
Tukjuai Takard Khudnumai.” (Mars where you are and come be
manifest).  Upon saying this there was appeared one sword from
the direction of the east and it went up to the western side by
shining. And after this, he has told with the army of the Sher
Khan that “What is their work which is required by the kings
from the pious persons except to take from them their prayers, in
this matter. And go and do not be a quarrel with the fakir
person.” But they have come to that place ready for killing.
When he has seen such color at that time upon them then he was
becoming angry very much. And he saiterd “Aqtal Mariq (Mars
kill )” and upon saying this there were found 12,000 heads
which were cut from the bodies of the soldiers. After this, he
was, left from there and was reached into Gujrat.
   During his stay in the period of Gujrat Sher Khan has sent a
letter to Sultan Mahmood in which he was asked to send the
cutter head of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse otherwise your
kingdom will be destroyed and cause the destruction. And then
Sher Shah has gone towards Kalinger side.
  When this news is known to Shah Mohammed Ghouse then
was becoming very sad. And for some time he went into
     And suddenly he was thrown spouted jug which was full of
the water on the ground due to his condition of the majestic.
And he has said that “Jabra kushtam amroz gast taman kustham

farad gasht ta khuda kasth.” Then persons in the audience have

asked him Hazrat what is the story on this matter.? Then he told
that “Sher suqta shud bar qila kalinger.surang barood.” (Sher
Shah burnt down in the Kalinger Fort in the subterranean
passage due to the gunpowder.) So it has happened like that.  

Mufti Intazm Allah Shuhabi who also mentioned some part of

this statement in his book of biography Shah Mohammed
Ghouse. From other books of biographies, it is known that there
was the anger of Sher Shah upon Shah Mohammed because he
was related to King Himayun except this some persons of
enmity who have presented his book Meragnama in the
presence of Sher Shah and they have told him that “In that book
there are many things which are added and which are against 
the Islamic law.” Upon this, he was becoming very angry in this
matter for this reason. So he is after for him for causing trouble
and harm to him. So for this reason Shah Mohammed went to
Gujrat in the helpless condition. Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Lahori
who also has written such details in this matter.

“ He has written one book in the time of his success and he has
written the book and he was given its title as Merajnama in
which he has mentioned the success condition and his places.
When King Himayun has dethroned from the kingdom than he
was going to Iran from India for this reason. Then a person of ill
will who has presented his book of Marajnama in the presence
of Sher Shah. And they told him that “In this book Shaikh was
mentioned many other matters which are against the Islamic
law.” So for this reason who began after causing his harm and
trouble to him in this matter. So in such helpless condition

Shaikh Mohammed, who, went to Gujrat from Gwalior for this

   Shah Mohammed when have reached in Gujrat then learned
persons of the Gujrat who have made problems and difficulties
and filed a statement of a case about his book Merajnama and
they have become ready to kill in this matter. Mufti Ghulam
Sarwar, who has mentioned the details in this matter and who
wrote that “The learned persons who started enmity with Shah
Mohammed and they have filed a statement of a case against
him and wanted to kill for this matter. In that situation,
Wajihuddin Gujarati was the leader of learned persons, pious
and saintly guides of the Gujrat. And he has a devotion to
Shaikh Mohammed. When there was held a meeting of the
learned persons and they told that “If there will come discussion
about Maraj (accession) then Shaikh should say that this event
which was happening to him in the condition of the dream and
not in the condition of wake up and consciously. In short. When
the meeting of the learned persons was held then Shaikh told
that “This event which was happening to him in the condition of
the un-conscious. And at that time he did not know the condition
of the manifest.” So for this the plan of the learned persons of
Gujrat  and for this reason who were kept away from doing harm
to Shaikh Mohammed.
  Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni who has written this event in
another way. And who was a contemporary person of the Shaikh
so whose statement is more considered as an authentic. And who
wrote that “ During the rule of Sultan Mahmood then Shaikh
Mohammed, who reached in Gujrat from India. Then Shaikh Ali
Mutaqi who was a great saintly guide and as well as who was a

learned person of his time and who was given a legal opinion to
kill Shaikh Mohammed and Sultan was an approved issue of this
order subject to the approval of the opinion of Miya Wajihuddin.
So he went to see Shaikh Mohammed in this matter and he was
becoming such devotee of him that he was torn off the legal
opinion. Upon hearing this Shaikh Mutaqi went to see in his
house and he told him that “Why you are ready to accept
innovation in this matter. And why you are putting breach in the
Islamic law.” He told him that “ We are people of saying and
Shaikh belongs to the person of the condition. And our mind did
not understand his perfection. On the manifest of Islamic law,
there is no objection upon him. And due to his effect all officials
of the Gujrat who were becoming his devotees. And Shaikh who
was becoming free from this problem.”
  Moulana Rahman Ali and Fakir Mohammed Jelmi who have
copied this statement. Shaikh Wajhuddin who was much
affected by Shaikh Mohammed that he was getting the
excellence of the pledge on his hands. And its details will be
mentioned in the chapter of the caliphs of Shaikh Mohammed in
this book in the later pages. And Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni
who has written that “ Shaikh Wajihuddin Alwai who was not
an ordinary type of learned person and he was among a great
learned person of his time. I say as head of the learned persons,
then there will be no matter of exaggeration. Skindar Bin
Mohammed in his book Mirat Skindari where he has mentioned
about the contemporary learned persons of the Sultan
Mahmood  and when he has mentioned Shah Mohammed and
after him, he has written about Shaikh Wajihuddin with the
following titles, the flag of the learned persons,  an excellent
scholar, a person of the having profound knowledge, perfect in

the religious branches of the knowledge and as well as

intellectual part of knowledge, expert of the acute of  the creed
and  the law of faith, one who reveals the secrets of the
existence, spectator of the of light of the omnipresence of God
(as a mystical experience) known as Bandagi Miya Wajihuddin
  Syed Fazal Ali Shattari who has mentioned different reasons
and causes of the anger of the learned persons of the Gujrat. And
who has written this event in some details. Even though in his
writing, there is found the color of the devotion. As he was the
contemporary person of Shaikh Mohammed as well as who was
getting  benefitted by him so, for this reason, there is no cause to
ignore his statement in this matter. So for this reason at many
places in this book references have been quoted from his
book Kulyat Gwaliori.
  Syed Fazal Ali Shah while writing regarding the reason for the
opposition of the learned persons of the Gujrat and he wrote that
“One day he has said Qadmi Ala Rakas Kull Auliya Allah.”
(“This foot of mine is upon the neck of all holy saints of Allah.
”) All persons have heard this and were becoming silent. And
one time in the condition of intoxication it was heard that he was
saying Mara Meraj Shud, Meraj Shud. When the learned persons
who were heard this then they said in one tongue that this matter
is against Islamic law and Shaikh is liable for killing for this
reason.” So, for this reason, all learned persons who were
gathered and went to the house of the Shaikh Mohammed.
Shaikh Wajihuddin leading the group of the learned persons.
When Shaikh Mohammed was heard this great riot then he has
written it before.“ Learned persons of the Islamic law who were

unaware of the reality and are in veiled condition. It should

know that why there is a riot. And if it is there for this fakir so
why there is a delay in this matter and to kill me like Mansour.
So to fulfill your desire and wish in this matter. And for the
status of Mansour, we also like this and which is acceptable to
   When the writing of the Shaikh Mohammed reached the
learned persons, then they began shaking due to fear in this
matter. However, 270 learned persons have come to the house of
Shaikh Mohammed under the leadership the Shaikh Wajiduddin
for the aim to punish him in this matter. When Shaikh
Mohammed has seen them, then he has told Shaikh Wajihuddin
to sit on the prayer carpet of the fakir. He also said to sit others.
Then he held the hand of the Shaikh Wajihuddin and asked him,
“ Tell truly why all persons who came here.? And do your work
soon.” Shaikh Wajihuddin who told him by folding his hands
that “ There is no doubt that you are final Growth and we seek 
refuge in God. One whoever will doubt in this matter, then he
will be becoming an infidel person. I then come here and
brought  all these persons to pledge on your hands.”
  Then Ghouse Auliya thought for some time and he said that
“Fakir is deserved to be killed. And for Peri (saintly) work and
leadership and for guidance he is not suitable for it.”
 But at last, he made his disciple Shaikh Wajihuddin and he got
immediately three positions with him as follows.
 1.Fana fi Shaikh. This is the first level of Fana where the
seeker annihilates in the being of his Murshid. This is only
possible through Ishq-e-Murshid.(Ishq-e = love)

2.Fana fi Rasool. This is the second level of Fana where the

seeker annihilates in the being of Rasool. This is only possible
through Ishq-e-Rasool.
3.Fana Fillah.This is the third and final stage of Fana where the
seeker annihilates in the essence of Allah attained only
through Ishq-e-Haqeeqi.
   In the text of Dairat Maraf of Islamia in which about his
journey from Gujrat of Shaikh Mohammed and event of the
Shaikh Wajidhuddin Alwai which is described in brief. So, for
this reason, it is required necessary corrections in this matter.
The writer of the thesis wrote that “ In the mountain range of
Chinnar after more than 13 years of mystical exercise and
endeavours Shah Mohammed Ghouse who came to Gujrat and
where he was able to know  the well known and famous learned
person as well as Sufi Shaikh Wajihuddin Gujrati. ” 
   Shah Mohammed after doing mystical exercise and
endeavours in the mountain range of Chinnar and who came to
Gwalior in approximately in the year 929 Hegira but due to
indecent treatment of the Sher Shah and in disgust condition
then he went to Gujrat in the year 947 Hegira. Where the event
of infidelity which was becoming the cause of the pledge and
caliphate of the Shaikh Wajihuddin Alwai. And this event is a
very important event in the life of Shah Mohammed and Shaikh
Wajihuddin Alwai. But the learned thesis writer who followed
his description with the much-abridged way in this matter.
  By some other sources, it was known that Shah Mohammed
Ghouse came to Gwalior from Delhi, and from there he went to
Akbarabad. Moulana Sher Bangali who was written that“When

Ghouse Auliya has arrived in Delhi for the visit of graves of the
holy person in Delhi then I got the excellence of pledge on his
hands. And was present in his service. When there was a journey
required of him in Gujrat then I was accompanied by him there.
Some short sighted persons and some small look persons of
saintly dress of Ahmedabad who was searching for the reason
for his enmity in this matter. They began saying for
unknowingly and un-intelligent matters about him. As per the
appendix of Manaqab Ghousia, Shah Mohammed, who was in
Gujrat for approximately 18 years (947 Hegira/965-966) and in
different places and in them some important places are Janpanir,
Bharoach, and Ahmedabad. He was constructed one mosque and
one shrine building in the year 963 Hegira. As his stay of 18
years in Gujrat which have increased his circle of influence
which has made to a wider extent. Among the kings of Gujrat
Mahmood Thani, who was his devotee. Hazrat Shah Wajihuddin
who was a great learned and scholar and great person who was
included among his circle of devotion.The learned and great
persons of Gujrat, the Deccan, and Malwa who have to obtain
the Sufi order from him. And in Gujrat and Deccan this Sufi
order which becoming much progress and developed there.
Journey to Akbarabad: After living in Gujrat for a period of
18-19 years, then Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has arrived in
Akbarbad (966 Hegira/1558). Mulla Abdul Qader (1004
Hegira/1595) who has written that “Shakih Shah Mohammed
Ghouse in the year 966 Hegira came to Akbarbad along with his
disciples and devotees with much the state or quality of being
magnificent. King Akbar, who has treated him much with
devotion.Shaikh Kadai due to his narrow minds, hypocrisy, and
jealousy which is inevitable with religious leaders of India. So

they did not like coming of Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse and

placing his shop at the place of their shop. Khan Khanan has not
treated with the Shaikh Mohammed which was required, but he
has not done so in this matter. As Shaikh Kudai has much
influence over him. But he has arranged many meetings in
which he has presented Shaikh’s magazine of Meraj (accession)
and he said that in the book Shaikh has mentioned the
condition and the details of his Meraj (accession) and written in
it that.” In the wake-up condition, he was meeting and
conversing with Allah, and in this way, he did precedence upon
the last prophet of Allah. And this type of silly talk is against
wisdom as well narration, which is blameworthy and curses in
this matter. And which were said in the meetings and attributed
to the Shaikh Mohammed in this matter. In which Shaikh
Mohammed was involved and made the target of the curse. So,
for this reason, Shaikh Mohammed was becoming sad in mind
and was returned back to Gwalior and where he was continued
work of rectitude and advice and property of worth of one crore
which was given to him and for which he was content in this
  Abdul Qader Badayuni who has visited Shaikh Mohammed
and who has mentioned the details which were seen by his
“ In the year 966 Hegira this fakir who was seen Shaikh
Mohammed in the bazaar of Akberabad from the long distance.
And he was going from there on the horseback. There was a
rush of the people so, for this reason, it was difficult for the
people to pass from there. With humility and meekness, he was
giving replies of the Salam of the people of the right and left

side of the road. Even for one second, there were no peace and
calm. There was such condition of the humility that his bend
waist, which is touching with the saddle. In the above year, he
arrived in Agra from Gujrat.
 The book Tariq Farista which has mentioned about Shah
Mohammed and which also described his arrival in Agra and
from his return to Gwalior in the state of trouble in mind.Farista
wrote that “The rude behavior and coldness from which there
was great shock reach  to Emperor Akbar and for this reason, he
was becoming much dissatisfied with Bairam Khan.” So Farista
wrote as follows.”In the year 966 Hegira in the month of Rajab,
Shaikh Mohammed, brother of Sheikh Phool and who has right
of service for the Mughal family and at the time of the
overpower of the Afghans who went to Gujrat. At this time who
came to Agra along with his sons, the disciples, and devotees in
the royal court and when he did not find the attention of the
Bairam Khan toward him then he was returned back to his old
residence in Gwalior. So, for this reason, Emperor Akbar, who
was annoyed again with Bairam Khan Turkman in this matter.
And Akabar’s this dis-satisfaction which brought result in this
matter. And so for this reason Bairam Khan who dis-honoured
from the court and at last he was killed.
 The thesis writer of Dairat Maraf Islamiya who wrote the
following details about Shah Mohammed Ghouse some
information which is not clear and some details which added by
him which are wrong. And among them one is as follows.
“During this year 966 Hegira/1558 When he (Shaikh
Mohammed) went to Agra then there he was met cold behaviour
with Akbar.”

 As per the statements of the Mulla Abdul Qader Badayun and
Farista from which it is clear that in Agra due to the rude
behaviour of Shaikh Kudai and Bairam Khan and due to this
reason Shaikh Mohammed who has returned back to Gwalior.
There was much feeling of sadness to Emperor Akbar for his
return back from Agra to Gwalior in this matter. So, for this
reason, Akbar was annoyed with Bairam Khan in this matter. If
King Akbar will be unhappy with Shah Mohammed then he will
stop the pension amount which will be paid to him by royal
treasury and it will be seized the property which will be given by
the kingdom to him. In this matter, we have recorded statements
of Syed Fazal Ali Shah, Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni, and
author of the book Maser Umra and author of Zhaqira
Qawanin as above in this matter. From which it is known that 
the property of the lakhs of rupees and pension of the lakhs and
King Akbar’s devotion which did not limit up to the life of Shah
Mohammed, but it was continued even after the death of the
Shah Mohammed and King Akbar was constructed grand tomb
over his grave and its full details will be added in the next pages
of this book.
    Smith wrote that “ The tomb of Shah Mohammed is included
among the best memorable construction of the time. Even
though it is not well known.”
  Shah Mohammed Ghouse when he was returned back to
Gwalior from Agra then at that time he has constructed one
shrine building and he was engaged in the work of  accepting of
the pledge and  the advice of the people there.” 
    As per the statement of Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni, it is
known that Shah Mohammed after his return to Gwalior from

Agra then he did not visit again Agra. But he has written details
of his death. As per one more statement of Mulla Abdul Qader
Badayuni, it is known that he came to Agra, and till his death
Shah Mohammed who was living in Agra. In the year 966
Hegira/1558 when he arrived in Agra for the first time, then
Bairam Khan, who, was living there at that time. But he was
martyred in the year 967 Hegria/1559. From this year 967
Hegira/1559-970 and Hegira/1562 in between of this Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who was arriving in Akbarabad for the
second time there. Because King Akbar, who much impressed
by him, but he has pledged as well as he has a devotion to him.
Death: Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gwalior who was born on 7th
Rajab in the year 970 Hegira in Zahoorabad (Ghaizpura) and he
was died on the 14th Ramadan in Akbarabad and was buried in
  Thomas William Beale wrote his date of death 962
Hegira/1562 but he was writing his date of death as 14th
Muharram instead of 14th Ramadan.In the dictionary (Qamos
Mushair) of Nizam Badayuni which have recorded the same
details which are as follows.
“14th September in the year 1562 corresponding to 14th
Muharram in the year 970 Hegira.” Hermann Ethe who wrote as
“Probable 970 Hegira/1562-63 he has died.”
   It is not known that with the date of death by writing probably
it was made it suspicious. As all other contemporary people who
were agreed that he died in the year 970 Hegira/1562. In the

book, Manaqb Ghousia (949 Hegira) in which in its appendix

stanza of the death year is there and there adds these details in it.
The Date of the birth: The date of birth is 7th Rajab 907 Hegira
and the date of the death is 14th Ramadan 970 Hegira. As per
this, his age will be 63 years, 2 months, and seven days. For
fixation of the date of birth, there was made an indecent mistake
by Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni however, he has seen Shah
Mohammed in the year 966 Hegira/1558 in his own eyes in
Akberabad. As Shah Mohammed’s waist was in the condition
of  the bend and body was in very weak condition. And he has
thought his age as 80 years old and so he was writing his age 80
years in this matter.
   Dar Shikow who also copied the statement of Badayuni in his
book Saifnia Auliya that Shaikh Mohammed, who was found his
age 80 years.”  
    Mufti Ghulam Sarwar, who has believed in Badayuni and he
has also written his age as 80 years. But Dar Shikow and Mufti
Ghulam Sarwar both wrote his death on 10th Ramadan. Dr.
Abdul Haq, who also followed Badayuni and he was written the
age of Shah Mohammed as 80 years. Shaikh Akram, who wrote
the same in this matter. In short, one mistake of one
contemporary person’s thinking so for this reason, the full chain
was involved in the misunderstanding in this matter. If there will
not be  the writings of the Shah Mohammed then it was difficult
to know the correct age in this matter.
   There is another problem is there about his place of death. And
also the people have made mistakes in this matter.

  The thesis writer of the Dair Marafat wrote that “At last he was
brought to Gwalior and he died in the year 970 Hegira/1562. 
   But in this matter the statement of Abdul Qader Badayuni will
be considered as right as Shah Mohammed, who died in his life
period as stated above. Abdul Qader Badayuni has written that
“Shah Mohammed has died in Akbarabad and holy corpse
which was taken to Gwalior and he was buried there.”

Tomb of Shah Mohammed Ghouse in Gwalior


Tomb of Shah Mohammed Ghouse: On the holy grave from

the side of King Akbar grand tomb was constructed under the
supervision of Shah Mohammed’ son Hazrat Shaikh Abdulla
(1021 Hegira/1612) and Mohammed Ghousi who wrote “In that
period  King Akbar was considered that the of tomb Shah
Mohammed Ghouse which should be constructed from funds of
the kingdom.”

    Late Maulavi Zakallah wrote that”For the help of means of

livelihood and expenditure of the mausoleum there were allot
properties of five lakhs Rupees.”
  In the compound of the shrine of Shah Mohammed, there is the
mausoleum of the famous and well-known musician of King
Akbar’s court, Tansen. And his death anniversary is held
officially every year by the government of India.
 The building of the mausoleum of Shah Mohammed Ghouse
which is among well known superior and famous memorable
   V.A. Smith, who has written a detailed review in this matter.
Here we are copying his statement and from which it can be
known well about the mausoleum’s pomp and show.
    Smith wrote that “ Among that period’s superior memorable
building of Shah Mohammed’s tomb in Gwalior and even
though this building is not very well known compared to other
buildings. This building was constructed during the time when
the tomb of the King Himayun constructed in Delhi. But its
design is unique. It is improbable that some person may think it
is as pure, memorable Indian building.”
  This building is in  a square design. And from every side there
is length of the 100 feet. And every corner there is  a hexagonal
tower constructed at an angle. The chamber of the tomb area is
only  43 square feet. And its four sides are constructed
verandahs.  And which are safe and secure by extraordinary

    Shah Mohammed Ghouse’s tomb built some time after his

death in 1563 Hegira during  the King Akbar’s rule  and which
is one of the finest specimens of early Mughal architecture. One
can easily notice an influence of Indian architecture from Gujrat
and Rajasthan which eventually evolved into Indian Muslim
   The main building is square in plan topped with a large central
dome, which was originally covered in blue glazed tiles.
Although nothing of these brilliant ceramic remains anymore.
    The next notable and stunning feature of the structure is the
intricately carved perforated stone screens. These beautiful and
detailed geometric patterns from the exterior layer of a
continuous verandah surrounding the central chamber of the
       The outside portion which was covered with Irani type
shining titles before and the tomb is in the style of the Afghan
and which is at a higher level and in surrounding at some
distance is at slanting style. Some kiosks are in Muslim design
and some others are in square stones. The walls are in the old
design are vertically on the perpendicular (a straight line at right
angles to another line) and which are similar to the Hindu
   This purification is a mixture of Hindu, Muslim design of the
construction which was due to the effect of the local available
conditions. In this matter, it may not be said that for the religious
and cultural aspect of the Islamic and Hindu there were tried
endeavours of the look and to bring harmony to bring together.
And it is not proper to say that in this construction there was the

effect of the opinion of King Akbar because when the shrine

building was constructed then Emperor Akbar who was a
passionate Muslim person at that time. 
   It seems that Smith thought is not right in this matter that in
the construction of the tomb of Shah Mohammed Ghouse the
mixture of the design of Indian and Muslim architecture is due
to local condition only. And another thing in this matter is that
there is are no effect of Akbar’s opinion. As in the beginning
period,  King Akbar was a Muslim person of passion. There is
no doubt that King Akbar, who was a Muslim person of passion
as well as a very active person. But he has relation much with
Hindus persons very much. So in the year 970 Hegira/1562
when he was visited Ajmare then in his return journey he was
married with the daughter of Bahari Mal in Jaipur.
  Also, there is another reality in this matter is that the tomb was
constructed by the desire of King Akbar under the supervision of
Shah Mohammed’s son Shaikh Abdulla.
   Shah Ghouse's magnificent tomb in Gwalior is a well-known
tourist attraction, regarded as an excellent example of Mughal
Architecture, dating from c.1565, is the most famous Sufi
monument in Gwalior, renowned for its beautiful perforated
stone screen (jalis), which forms around the verandah
surrounding the tomb's central chamber. Each Jali is designed in
a uniquely beautiful pattern. The tomb is a square stone building
with a large central dome, which was originally covered with
blue tiles, and hexagonal corner towers crowned by chhatris

    Due to some unforeseen reasons, the Maqbara (tomb) was

closed from 1947 to 1965. Sayyed Sufi Mohammed Shah
Husaini Qadri Shattari Hashmi (Father of present Sajjadanashin
- Sufi Saeed Ali Shah) got spiritual orders from Mohammed
Ghouse to reopen the Maqbara. In 1965, he along with some of
his beloved Khalifa (caliph) Sufi Hidayatullah Shah and some
followers traveled to Gwalior and with the help of Shah Saheb
(Khadim) reopened, cleaned the Maqbara and started the
tradition of annual Urs (14th Ramazan). On this occasion, a
white cotton cloth (called Lattha in local languages) on which
sandalwood paste is applied by all the followers, also known as
"Gillaf" is offered. This tradition went on for the last many years
by then Sufi Hidayatullah Shah and now his Khalifa (caliph)
Sufi Saeed Ali Shah.
  In 1972, a damaged marble grill of Taveez (upper part of the
grave) was renovated by Sufi Hidaytullah Shah along with his
Khalifa (caliph) 's (Sufi Saeed Ali Shah and Sufi Shafi Ali
Shah). The stones  and the skilled labours were called in from
Agra and Jaipur. This work went on for 6 months with the
approval of ASI officer Mr. Dixit.
  Even the toleration and width of the heart of the person of the
tomb is as such that he used to stand to give respect, even Hindu
persons when they used to visit him in his presence. And Abdul
Qader who has written as follows.
      “ When he will see anybody then even for the infidel person
then he will give respect to them and he used to be standing at
that time. So for this reason some Sufi persons who used to
censure him in this matter. And they have rejected saintliness by
Shah Mohammed for this reason in this matter. And the

knowledge of invisible is with Allah. It is not known what his

intention there in this matter?.” Syed Ali Hamdani in his
magazine Fatuyata who has recorded the saying of the Shaikh
Fazal Ayaz about the position of victories and while its exegesis,
he has written that “Shaikh Mohammed, who was able to
know the position of ‘Fatut’ (generosity) so for this reason in the
matters of respect as well as munificence and  for this reason he
did not make a difference. So once Raja Todar Mal who went
into the presence of Shaikh Jalal Thanseri but he did not stand
for his respect and he told him that “It is not legal to stand for
the respect of the infidel person.” When he went into the court
of Shah Mohammed then he was standing for his respect. So, for
this reason, he was asked about not standing of the Shaikh Jalal
Thanesari and standing off him in this matter. This event is
recorded by Syed Ali Irdastani in the book Majma Auliya and he
wrote as follows.
   It is apparent that Raja Todarmal did not know the position of
fatut (generosity) and words of humility and meekness is enough
for him for his satisfaction of mind in this matter. But it is the
reality that Shah Mohammed, who was a personality of very
   The condition of humility and meekness of Shah Mohammed
was such that during his whole life he did not use the word me
for himself and instead of it he used always show as a fakir for
himself. If he will give grains to anybody then also he did not
use Urdu word mian (me) and he used to say that the alphabets
of mim and noun of this word should also be given to that
person as a gift.

    From the above facts, we come to the conclusion in this

matter that in the construction of the tomb of the Shah
Mohammed with the influence and condition of the local place
and there is the place of Akbar’s opinion fully in this matter. As
Shah Mohammed, who was a tolerated person during his whole
life. And in the same way, his tomb is a mirror of the toleration.
This is not only due to lucky chance, but this mix which was
done by an intentional.
   L.S.W. Haig, who was writing about the tomb of Shah
Mohammed and his opinion is similar to Smith. He wrote which
is as follows.
“ During that period at some distance in the Hindu atmosphere
of Gwalior the tomb of the Shah Mohammed was constructed.
This building due to its extraordinary design is having some
interest in it. This was constructed on the grave of the Muslim
Sufi personality who had much fame and name in the beginning
rule period of the Mughal Kingdom. In this building there a
mixture of the Lodhi architecture and this specialty which is
found in the buildings of western India. There is no doubt this
mixture is the art of the local builders and before them, there is a
consideration of the likeness of the Muslim rulers comparing to 
a less mixture of the Malwa architecture with them in this
matter. Because still this united mixture could not be started by
this time. As per the toleration policy of King Akbar this
mixture which was started later. In this building, there are found
some superior qualities. Especially its lattice walls. But the
corner hexagon towers which were connected with their angles
and from this the total building’s height which was much

affected. And for this reason, it will be seen not consistent in this

12.The details of sons and daughters of Shah Mohammed

Shah Mohammed Ghouse Gawaliori, who was married to the
four women and from these marriages, has nine sons and five
daughters and the details are as follows.
I. From the first wife, there were born to him three sons and two
1. Qutub Alam Shah Abdulla alias Budha Shah and his
mausoleum is situated therein Gwalior on the left side of the
mausoleum of his father Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
2. Mir Shahid, his grave is situated in the mausoleum of his
father Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
3. Mir Hadi Sharif, his grave is situated in the courtyard of the
mausoleum of his father Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
4.Bibi Zaheda 
5.Bibi Maleha.
II. From the second wife, there were born to him two sons and
two daughters as follows.

1. Mir Ali, his grave is situated in the courtyard of his father
Shah Mohammed Ghouse in Gwalior.
2. Mir Wali his grave is situated in the courtyard of his father
Shah Mohammed Ghouse in Gwalior.
3.Bibi Karima 
4.Bibi Rahima
III. From the third wife, there were born to him one son and one
1. Shah Noor Eldin alias Zia Allah Abid and his holy
mausoleum is situated in Akbarabad in Mital Mahal in Hazrat
2. Bibi Hafiza
VI. From the fourth wife, there were born to him three sons.

1.Syed Ismail and his mausoleum is situated in Gujrat.

2.Syed Muzafar
3.Syed Awais.
  Moulana Ghousi in the book Gulzar Abrar (1022 Hegira) and
Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni (1004 Hegira /1595) in his
book Muntaqab Tariq in which he has specially discussed his
three or four sons only. So here we are also discussing 3 or 4
sons in this book. The compiler of the book Manaqab
Ghousia who has discussed four sons as follows.
    That's his high-level favour which has reached as such and
was reaching to the places of India and Sindh. And in all cities,
his sons and learned as well, saintly guides who were available
there. And due to their blessing, the gap in this matter was filled.

Especially in  the Kingdom of Gujrat, Deccan, Khandesh, and

Malwa a large number of people who were benefitted in this
matter. And there is one shortlist is as follows.
 Hazrat Shaikh Abdulla alias Shaikh Budha successor of the
Shah Mohammed Gwalior, Hazrat Shaikh Noor Eldin Zia,
Hazrat Shah Awaise, Hazrat Shah Ismail, who are the  sons of
the Shah Mohammed Gwaliori.
1.Shaikh Abdulla: His patronymic name Abu Wajih and the
title is the Qutub Al-Aqtab (Qutub (In Sufism, a Qutb is the
perfect human being, al-Insān al-Kāmil (The Universal Man),
who leads the saintly hierarchy. The Qutb is the Sufi spiritual
leader that has a divine connection with God and passes
knowledge on, which makes him central to, or the axis
of, Sufism, but he is unknown to the world.) of Qutub persons).
He was born in Shah Jehanabad (Delhi) on Friday on the first
Rabi Awwal in the year 938 Hegira and his mother belongs to
the lineage of the sons of Hazrat Baba Farid Uddin Ganj Shaker.
He has obtained a formal education by Shaikh Wajih Uddin
Alwai (997 Hegira /1588) and Moulana Mubarak Danishmand
Gawaliari and he has become the teacher of the time and he used
to teach in all kinds of the knowledge.
   When there was the demise of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse in
the year 970 Hegira then he has become his successor and
caliphate. During  that period when King Akbar decided to
construct the tomb of Shah Mohammed than the responsibility
of the construction of the tomb building which was given to
Shaikh Abdalla.
  Syed Fazal Ali Shah where he has mentioned the sons of Shah
Mohammed in such details he has mentioned that Shah Abdalla
was constructed tomb of Shah Mohammed.

  King Akbar did not want that Shah Abdulla to adopt loneliness.
As per the saying of the Moulana Ghousi, King Akbar has
requested him as follows.
  “ Oh, son of the spiritual master for some days to tie the sword
at his waist in a manifest way and available among the holy
persons of the kingdom.So that there will be help in a manifest
way due to your endeavours of the innermost. Perhaps there may
your endeavours be equal to the result of the innermost
nourishment of Shah Mohammed. In all places and in all
conditions due to his presence with me which will cause my
peace of mind as well as success and an event that accomplished
its intended purpose. Syed Fazal Ali Shah also wrote that King
Akbar has much devotion as well as love with Shah Abdallah. 
  As per this request of King Akbar Shah Abdallah, who has
remained as a soldier in the shape and in the meaning he was a
darwesh person. When King Abkar was sent him to Mirza Shah
Rukh in Badakhshan for diplomatic mission work. Then Mirza
Shah Rukh, who came at the first destination by walk to
welcome him there. And he  kept him at his palace with much
respect and honour. And he has treated him as a royal guest.
One strange event: Syed Fazal Ali Shah, who has mentioned
one strange event. As it was seen of him so, for this reason, there
is no rational motive for a belief to think about its doubt and its
correctness in this matter.He has written that “The Prince
Jehangir who used to becoming ill three times in one month in
his younger age. And Abu Fazal who used to watch this event
with much doubt and he has said to King Akbar that “Even
though Shah Abdulla, who is your spiritual master, but he is
throwing arrows on the prince and for some of them we will
become the shield and will be stopping them but as per the
requirement of the human nature when we will become careless

in this matter then the arrows will touch him. Upon hearing this
King Akbar was becoming silent and he did not say anything in
this matter. This news was reached to Shah Abdalla. He has said
that “He will clarify about doubt to King Akbar at a later time.”
  After some time there came the recitation of the Bismillah
ceremony, the king has sent his message to Shah Abdalla as
“ To forgive the mistake of this person and come to this place
and perform the recitation ceremony of Bismillah of the Prince
Jehangir by your miraculous tongue and which will be the cause
of well being. The king has sent this letter to him and also he
was sending palanquin, elephants and horses, and 500 soldiers.
When Shah Abdallah has reached Agra from Gwalior then
ceremony has arranged. The king and courtiers who have kissed
his foot. The king who was lying down himself on his foot due
to his humility, then he has raised his head from his foot and has
told him that “ Jalal Uddin Mohammed Akbar you are a disciple
of my father we fakir used to cause favour. I am is the son of the
shaikh and his caliphate. Regarding the charge of the enmity of
the Prince Jehangir by us and sending arrows upon him. This
does not work on this fakir but his work is to stop such arrows.”
The compiler of the book not translated important Persian text
into the Urdu language so the English translator of this book
translated this important Persian text directly into English. At
that time the author of these pages Fazal Ali Shah who was
present. King Akbar upon hearing the above was becoming
silent and did not say anything in this matter.  
   Then Shaikh was becoming very angry and he has said that
“As per the promise of the late Shaikh we have not done
arrowing work in this matter. If we will involve in the sending
arrow work, then who has power with him to stop them.If this

fakir wants to send his arrows from the bow of the heart, then
who will save his life in this matter?.”
   He has said the above and who was taken a deep sigh of
passion. After this, there was came and loud and cry from the
royal palace building. The emasculate persons came from there
by running from the harem side and have informed that the
prince was died upon becoming unconscious. When this
condition was known to all then all persons in the palace were
surprised in this matter. And there was created a condition of the
loud and cry. So, for this reason, King Akbar and his courtiers
who caught his foot and requested him to forget the mistake in
this matter. Then Hazrat told of  this darwesh Fazal Ali Shah to
bring some big things there. The fakir said to the king who was
given instruction to bring two elephants before Shah Saheb.
Then Shah Sahib after some time has put his look of anger upon
two elephants. So for this reason elephants were died by trouble
and pain immediately. After the death of the elephants then there
came emasculate persons by running and have informed that the
prince was standing and was becoming healthier. After this
recitation ceremony of the Bismillah was performed in the
palace of King Akbar. After the ceremony King, Akbar was
kissing the foot of the Shah Saheb. And he was presented his
gold, silver, and property in the service of the Shah Saheb. He 
stayed some days in Agra and then he was coming back to
  When Jeghanir was throned in the year 1014 Heigra then he
was excused from him from the court work due to old age and
he has adopted loneliness. And from the year 1014 to 1021
Hegira he has engaged in the work of the rectitude and advice
for mankind. And he died on the 18th Muharram in the year
1021 Hegira.

2.Shaikh Noor Aldin Zia: He strictly followed Islamic law as

well as he was Salik (mystic initiate) of the mystic way. He was
among great Sufi persons of his time and as well as a person
who has achieved the distinction of the honorable learned
person. He came to Agra in the year 970 Hegira after the demise
of his father Shah Mohammed Ghouse. And where has
constructed shrine building. And he was in speculation for a
period of 25 years. And for a complete period of ten years, he
has obtained knowledge of Hadith (tradition of the Holy
Prophet) from Shaikh Mohammed Taher Naharwalia. And he
has obtained all knowledge from Shaikh Wajih Gujrati and he
has become the teacher of the time. During the period when he
was engaged in the correction work of the Hadith in Naharwalia
and at that time Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse who was granted
him saintly dress and permission and has sent to him by Shaikh
Noor Mohammed to Naharwalia   
During the time of the stay of King Akbar in Lahore then at
that time this accident which was happened in which he was
injured by the horn of the deer during the year 994 Hegira -1007
Hegira and the injury which was a very serious type. So all the
people who went to visiting (of the sick) King Akbar but he was
unable to visit him at that time. King Akbar has called him in
this matter so he has arrived in Lahore from Akbarabad  As per
the say of the Moulana Ghousi that “ Emperor Akbar has taken
prediction of his arrival  as a healthy recovery and as well as his
well being in this matter.” After some days the emperor told
him that “The wife of Prince Daniel is pregnant and there is his
wish that there should be the delivery of her at your place of the
residence. But he wanted to avoid it but at last, he has accepted
it due to his helpless condition. But due to this event, he was
worried about this matter. But after one week of this event, he

was involved in the disease of death. And he died on third

Ramadan in the year 1004 Hegira.
There was not  known  any reason for the worry of the Shaikh
Zia Allah in this matter except that as Jehangir’s mother who
Hindu women and Shah Sahib did not want that one Hindu
woman should stay in his house. And he thinks about his insult
in this matter and it was the demand of his faith in this matter.
Syed Fazal Ali Shah, who has mentioned this event in another
way and which will be added in this book in the later pages.
Moulana Mohammed Ghousi who was blessed by the visit of
Shaikh Zia Allah in Akbarabad. And who has written that “This
writer who has come to Agra from his native place in the year
982 Hegira  and at that time this writer who was getting benefit
underemployment of his cousin brother Shaikh Ali Shams. And
who was blessed him to visit his place of residence and to visit
in his service. During his stay of five months at that place, he
was benefitted by his favour there.”
Mohammed Hussain Azad who has written that “ There were
links of the friendship of Shaikh Abul Fazal with Shaikh Zia
Allah and there are his letters many letters in his name in the
book Insha and in Akbernama  and he has written that Shaikh
Zia Allah son of Shah Mohammed Ghouse who said goodbye to
the world in the year 1005 Hegira. He has gathered some
wisdom with himself and he was aware of the attractive style of
the Sufi persons. He was a person of knowing about sagacity.”
In the Ruqat Abul Fazal in part second a letter is found which
was written by Abul Fazal to him and who has written one letter
to him from Lahore in the year 996 Hegira.
 In the Urdu edition of the book the page number 126 is
missing, but the translator, however, manages to continue his
translation into English edition in this matter.

   Mulla Abdul Qader (1004 Hegira) has met with him two
times. In the book Muntab Tariq, there is a description of the
two meetings. And he has written that “ Shah Sahib who is the
successor of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse and his style of
description of the matters of the Sufism and which is found rare
among such styles in the other Sufi persons. In his meetings
always there will be a discussion of the knowledge of God and
reality. And the topic of his discussion will be about issues of
the unity of God and oneness.”
Then he  wrote that “When there was heard about his
excellence and then I was heard that he was sitting  on the carpet
of the indigent and showing the path of righteousness. But on
some issues, he was more excellent than his father. And he was
Hafiz Quran (Quran-Conner). When he began the Quran’s
explanation and clarification, then he will not take the help of
any book of the exegesis in this matter.
He has written about his first meeting with him that “ In the
year 970 Hegira he went to Agra to meet him there without the
help of any knowing person and by making him as  an
intercessor and help of the source in this matter and without
formality and simplicity for which he was accustomed since a
long period of time said Salam to him and shook hands with
him. But he did not like my informality and the people at the
meeting have asked me where I am coming there?. So I have
said that from Saihun. Then he was asked whether you have
studied something.? Then I  said that a long time ago, he was
obtained knowledge in each and every art. After this questioning
and answering there was prevailed unconscious condition on one
person so that person began moving his hands and legs in the
meeting place. In this way, there was an aim to harass me and
take out me from the meeting place. But Abdul Qader did not

move from there. When this trick was not becoming successful.
Then there was started a discussion about the knowledge. But in
this matter also there was not any progress so, for this reason,
there was asked about the details of Badayuni then the matter
was closed on this matter. After this interesting meeting, then
Badayuni mentioned details of the second meeting which are as
“The second meeting which took place when I was in the
employment of the King Akbar’s court when Shaikh was present
in the Ebadat Khana (place of worship) and on this place he was
called and he was alone there in surprised and worry condition.
It was Friday the king was arrived there along with two persons.
He was told Mirza Ghiyasuddin, Ali Akhwand, Mirza Akhwand,
Mirza Ali and Asif Khan to involve the Shaikh in the discussion
and ask with him the meaning of Sufism and check his level of
the knowledge in this matter. Asif has started the discussion and
he has asked “How it is called Allah for whole and as Allah is
higher than whole and the part.” The shaikh who has come there
in  the royal court after worse condition and he was speaking in
the low voice which could not be understood by anybody. But I
could not keep quiet at that time and told that “Moulana Jami,
who said in one quatrain about of application of Allah about the
whole. But in one quatrain he has mentioned also about the part
in this matter.
But the meaning of the whole and part it is nothing except that
whole and part and all other things is Allah. And except Allah,
there is nothing in existence in reality. And its reality could not
be described in the writing. Because its prediction which will be
expressed in whole and part also. Then to be proved whole and
part, I have explained some issues in which I have perfection
which I have told with the agreement of the Shaikh. Due to my

speech, King Akbar and Shaikh Zia both were much happier in
this matter.”
Then Mulla Abdul Qader who has mentioned one interesting
event during the time of the shrine custodian period Shaikh Zia
Allah. And he has written that “In Gwalior, there was one
relative of Shah Mohammed Ghouse who well known and
famous for his truthfulness and purity. And who was becoming a
lover of prostitute women in Agra. When this news was known
to King Akbar then he was given instruction to his courtier
Maqbil Khan to imprison that women singer in his custody.
But in spite of this that true lover who was taken away the
women from the imprisoned. The king has called both of them
in the court through Zia Allah and wants to arrange to marry
both of them. But  Shaikh Zia Allah in this matter was not
agreed. But the lover could not bear disapproval of the shaikh
and he was taken out his dagger and killed himself.
Badayuni who has written that “For his funeral rites and
ceremonies there were happened differences among the learned
persons. But Zia Allah told that “As per the saying of the last
prophet the lover is a martyr of the love so he should be buried
as the dignity of the martyr in this matter.” In short the martyr of
the love who was buried with so much dignity and honour.
3.Shaikh Awaise: He was also the son of the Shah Mohammed
Gawaliori and during his youth period he was acquired Arabic
knowledge. He was a God-fearing and holy person. He was a
spiritualist of five jewels. He did not like fame and name and for
this reason he used to like to live in loneliness. He used to live in
the shrine building in Ahmedabad which was constructed by his
father Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
 The mother of Shaikh Awaise who was connected with Amir
Shah Mir Sherazi in her lineage and genealogical record. And

who was among Syed (descendant of the holy prophet) persons.

During the rule of Sultan Mahmood, he was living in
Ahmedabad. Amir Shah Mir, Saderuddin Mohammed Sherazi,
and Jalaluddin Dowani and who were acted as chairman in the
past period. 
The author of the book Gulzar Abrar Moulana Ghousi (1003
Hegira) went to visit the tomb of Wajiduddin Gujrati from
Khandesh to Ahmedabad. And where he was met there with
Shaikh Awaise. Shaikh Ghousi who told Shaikh Awaise about
his intention to write his book Gulzar Abrar and asked his
prayer in this matter. And Shaikh told him that “ This plan
which will be fulfilled in the best  shape, but there will be a
delay in this matter.”
So for a period of ten years there not came the time to write this
book. At last as per Abul Khair Mubarak Khzier who was
insisting him to continue to write the book. Moulana Ghousi
who met Shaikh Awaise in Ujjain.Shaikh Abul Khair ruler of
Badakshan who was staying in Ujjain while going into the
service of Mir Shah Rukh. And during that period Moulana
Ghousi came to Ujjain to participate in the annual death (Urs)
anniversary (of the saint) of Moulana Kamal Mohammed
Due to incitement and encouragement of Abul Khair, the
manuscript of the Gulazar Abrar was made ready. But there was
came difficulties of its correction and edit work. At last, in the
month of Rajab in the year 1042 Heigra the final manuscript was
ready. As per the saying of the Shaikh Awaise the final
manuscript which was ready in a period of 18 years (1004-1022
4.Shaikh Ismail: He was also the son of the Shah Mohammed
Gawaliori and he has also had contact with Mulla Abdul Qader

Badayuni and who has mentioned in the details of the Zia Allah
about him as follows.
“ In those days Shaikh’s stepbrother Shaikh Ismail, who used to
reside near my house in locality of Khaj Jehan in Fatehpur. And
we know each other well and have contacts in between us very
  The compiler of Manaqab Ghousia who has mentioned that
“When Emperor Jehangir,  when he came to visit Ahmedabad in
Gujrat then at that time who has granted him the robe of honour
and given him also property to third son Shah Awaise of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse and till his stay he  kept with him.”
  In short, the rulers of India who have not only done favour to
Shah Mohammed, but they have done favour and kindness to his
sons and the compiler of the Manaqab Ghousia who wrote that “
After   the demise of Shah Mohammed Ghouse, Emperor Akbar
and Emperor Jehangir who have done good treatment as well as
the behavior of the humility. They did not decrease their respect
and honour in this matter. But they have increased their favour
and kindness toward them. His son Noor Uddin Zia who used to
be accompanied by the king during his journey period.”

13. The details of the books written by Shah Mohammed


  Mulla Abdul Qadar Badayuni who wrote that “Shah

Mohammed Ghouse wrote the following books that are famous
and well known is as follows.”
1.Jawahar Khamsa ( five jewels)
2.Award Ghousia
3.Baharal Hyatt.

   The author of the book Gulzar Abrar (1022 Hegira/1613) who

was mentioned the details of the books which wrote by Shah
Mohammed Ghouse is as follows.
1.Jawahar Khamsa ( Five Jewels)
2.Auward Ghousia
5.Baharal Hyatt
6.Kalid Makhzan
1. Jawahar Khamsa (Five Jewels), in the above books this
book is very famous and well known and in its preface the
author who has whatever wrote for it is meant that its year of the
writing of the books is 528 Hegira/1521) and when the author
went to Gujarat (956 Hegira/1549) then there he has done the
work of the addition and correct in this book.
The author of the Urdu edition who has acquired photocopies
of first four beginning pages of the manuscript of the Jawahar
Khamsa from India office library in London and the manuscript
of Fort William College and its catalog number 2124 and
manuscript of the Bijapur and its catalog number is 3641 and
here we are presenting in this book detail of the first 3 pages of
the manuscript of Bijapur. And from it, we can able to know the
following details.
1.Author of the book Jawahar Khamsa
2.Author’s spiritual master.
3.The important details of the compilation of the book and
training of the author.

In the Urdu edition on pages 10 and 11, some of the details

from the preface of Jawar Khamsa which is added. And from
some portion of the preface which is also deleted here as the
author who was added in the Urdu edition and such details of the
above in the Persian version which is not added in the English
In the Persian edition the following details are added at the
end of the manuscript.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. On
the 18th Safar month in 1173, Hegira year and the copyist of the
book who is the lowest and fakir person who has arranged the
book and his name is Mohammed Wasil Baig Qadri.
The book Jawahar Khamsa is first written in the Persian
language. But the thesis writer of the Islamic encyclopedia,
Abdul Muqtader who, while mentioning about Shah
Mohammed, he has mentioned the following information as
“ He was author several Sufi works the most popular is
Djawahir-i-Khamsa in Arabic, which he compiled in the year
956 Hegira/1549 and which he subsequently rendered into
Persian with additional improvement.”
Regarding Jawahar Khamsa’s Persian manuscript (1173
Hegira/1759) Ethe while its introduction, he has written the
same and which is as follows.
 “The Persian version of the large dogmatical work on Sufism in
Arabic by Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse.”

    In the life details of the Shah Mohammed Ghouse, Storey

who has mentioned the following details as follows.
“Author of the Arabic Sufi work Al-Jawahir Al-Khamsa.” And
Storey in support of his statement and who has been given the
reference to Brochelmann who has written about Al-Jawahir Al-
Khamsa from Arabic origin. In India's office library in London,
Loh, who has written Al-Jawahir Al-Khamsa as an Arabic origin
in the catalog book. But upon studying the manuscripts of the al-
Jawahir Al-Khamsa it is known that it was written originally in
the Persian language at the time of its writing in the year 928
Hegira/1561 and also its time of the correction and addition in
the year 956 Hegira/1549. From the contemporary writers of the
biography books its witness can be found on this matter.”
Regarding the manuscript of Al-Jawahir Al-Khamsa in the
Persian language: In the Islamia college library in Peshawar
there is available one copy of the manuscript of Al-Jawahir Al-
Khamsa in the Persian language as per catalog number 1062.
And which belongs approximately to the period of the 11th
century. And which is written in Arabic script. And its scanning
size of the book is 3 x 2 and there are the total pages are 289 and
which is written by Abu Marif Inayat Allah and who has written
in the writing of  the  usual Urdu script and in this book, there
are finding marginal notes in the many pages. And there are find
the following details at the end of the manuscript.
“This book Jawahar Khamsa (Five Jewels) end herewith and
which is written by spiritual master Shah Mohammed Ghouse,
manifest of research scholars, the model of the realization, Kaba
of the lovers, Ghouse (one who redresses another's grievances)

of Islam and Muslims are known as Shaikh Mohammed and

with title Ghouse.”  
  If Jawahir Khamsa will be included in the catalog, then there
will be available its description. In India's office, library,
London there is an Arabic manuscript of the Jawahir Khamsa in
which the translator has mentioned details of the introduction of
about Shah Mohammed Ghouse as follows.
“He is a spiritual master of Shaikh Wajihuddin and whose I am a
   As per the saying of the Loth these words are by the copyist
and not belongs to the translator. And this is not correct in this
matter. In the Berlin library there is one Arabic manuscript
of Jawahir Khamsa available there and in which also there are
find the same writing in it. So it is manifest in this matter is that
this writing is not by the copyist, but it is possible that it is
written by the translator.
Shaikh Wajih Gujarati's (998 Hegira/1589) student Rasheed
Mohammed Ghouse Shatari who has written one book in the
name of Gulzar Abrar (1022 Hegira/1613) in which he has
added the details of the spiritual masters. The above compiler of
the book where he has mentioned the details of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse in which he has added a few lines about
book Jawahir Khamsa as per sample in his book. And which are
taken from the last part of the fifth Khamsa (jewel). These are in
the Persian language. The compiler of the book did not mention
in this matter that Jawahir Khamsa which is first written in the
Arabic language then afterward it was translated into the Persian
language. From this book's style of description of the hymn and
as well as of writing which shows clearly that it is not a
translation but it is original writing.

In the Islamia college library in Peshawar, there is available a
handwritten manuscript of Jawaher Khamsa  in Persian 
edition in which there are added the following quatrain at the
end of the book in it, there is the translation of one couplet of the
Persian is translated into English as follows.
Oh Allah keeps my name for the sake holy persons
And also for the reason of the holy phrase of la Ilha
Haji Khalifa has also has mentioned a description of
the Jawahir Khamsa. But he did not mention about it
Persianization in this matter. It seems that there was the same
manuscript of the Persian language before him and which he
was translated later into the Arabic language. 
Jawahir Khamsa: From the above details it is clarified
that Jawahir Khamsa is written in the first in the Persian
language. Now the left question is who has transferred this
Persian book into the Arabic language.For this we will approach
the person with knowledge of the linguistics Nawab Siddiq
Hussain Khan. And we are writing here the details of Syed
Sibqat Allah Albaroji (1015 Hegira/1616) who was a student of
the Wajih Uddin Gujrati (998 Hegira/1589). He has obtained
current knowledge from Wajih Uddin Gujrati and after that he
was busy in the work of teaching and instruction and pledge and
advice. Then he went for a visit to Makkah and Madina. Also,
he has visited other places and then comes back to Bharoach.
And in the year 999 Hegira he was coming to Malwa. In the
country of the Deccan, he stayed with  the Sultan Ahmednagar
Buhran Shah and he has visited Makkah and Madina cities two
times. And during his journey when he has arrived in Bijapur

then Sultan Ibrahim, who has done his service much and
provided the goods of the journey to him. So in this way, he
went on his journey and was reached to Madina. And he has
settled down near Mount Uhud then the above-said person who
has translated book Jawahir Khamsa from Persian into the
Arabic language there. And his student Shaikh Shanwi who has
written marginal notes in the book. Shaikh Aquila Makki who
has praised his work in his book Lisan Zaban. And he died in
the year 1015 Hegira in Madina and his grave is available there.
  Ghulam Azad Bilgrami who has also written that Syed Sibqat
Allah (1015 Hegira/1616) who has translated Jawahir Khamsa
into the Arabic language.
  In the light above realities and proof now it can be said that the
learned thesis writer Abdul Muqtader’s statement is not right
that Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse who was first written his
book Jawahir Khamsa in the Arabic language and later he was
translated his book into the Persian language. Either statement of
the orientalists that Shaikh Mohammed Ghouse who has written
first Jawahir Khamsa in Arabic and afterward he has translated
the book into Persian language and which is not right in this
The reality in this matter is that Shah Mohammed Ghouse
(928 Hegira/1561) who has written Jawahir Khamsa in Persian.
In Gujrat upon request of his friends in the year 956
Hegira/1549 he has made a correction and addition work in the
old manuscript of the book. Then later Sibqat Allah Albroji in
the year 1015 Hegira/1601 who has translated the Persian
manuscript into the Arabic language.

  The compiler of the Urdu edition of the book who has written
one thesis about Jawahir Khamsa in which with proofs and by
factual evidence that helps to establish the truth in this matter
that Jawahir Khamsa which is Persian in the original and not in
Arabic in the original. Then later Sibqat Allah Albroji in the
year 1015 Hegira/1601 who has translated the Persian
manuscript in the Arabic language. This thesis in the name of
Jawahir Khamsa which was published in the magazine Burhan
Delhi in the year 1962 and was appreciated very much in this
matter with the help of Allah.
  Late Doctor Mohammed Shaikh who was the chairman of the
Editorial Board of the Encyclopedia of Islam Lahore when I
have informed him about my research in this matter then he has
written his letter as follows.
“Regarding your research work about Jawahir Khamsa which
seems to be correct, even though I do not have before me Arabic
and Persian manuscripts of the books. But those references
which you have quoted which take us to the result and that result
seems to be right in this matter.” 
  The Anjuman Islam Urdu Research Institute Bombay’s
director, professor Najib Ashraf Nadvi when he has studied the
contents of the thesis, then he has written to me his reply which
is as follows.
 “ First your kind letter received by me then afterward reached to
me your thesis. which is full of profound knowledge and for this
special kind favour please accept my thanks. I am happy that I
was benefitted first for your thesis in this matter. I also have
handwritten manuscript Jawahir Khamsa and other magazines
which were written in the year 1085 Hegira. The manuscript
which I have and which seem to belong to an Amir (rich person)

of Emperor Aurangzeb and in it, there is the stamp at the

beginning and the end of the manuscript. At last, it was written
as follows.
Well-wisher of the king
Fakir Khaja Fazal Allah Hussaini.
 The compiler of the Urdu edition of the book has written to
C.A.Storey and who is the compiler of the History of Persian
Literature. And who has sent back his reply which is as follows?
“ Very many thanks for the information that you Al-Jawahir
Khamasa have kindly sent me about.”
I always glad to receive corrections of that kind, though I am
not always very prompt in acknowledging them. I think it will
be enough for my purpose if I will make a note of the references
in the hope that I may be able to include them in one of my
future list of additions and corrections. ”
Regarding some handwritten Persian manuscripts of
Jawahir Khamasa: There are available many handwritten
Persian manuscripts of Jawahir Khamasa in India, Pakistan, and
in other countries and from its international publication and its
fame and name as well as it is known the status and position of
the author on this matter. Here I am mentioning details of the
handwritten manuscripts as per my knowledge and information
on this matter. It is regret that I do not have sufficient
information about those manuscripts. But whatever I have got
such information I have added in my book. If Allah's wills the
shortage of these details will be covered in the next edition by
further endeavours in this matter.
I. The manuscript in the Anjuman Islam Urdu Research
Institute Bombay and this was written in the year 1085 Hegira
year. The manuscript which seems to belong to an amir (rich

person) of Emperor Aurangzeb and in it, there is the stamp at the

beginning and at the end of the manuscript.
At last, it was written as follows.
Well-wisher of the king
Fakir Khaja Fazal Allah Hussaini.
 The information on this manuscript was given to me by the
director of the Anjuman Islam Urdu Research Institute Bombay,
Professor Najib Ashraf Nadvi.
II. The manuscript of Darul Musanifeen Azamgarh. Late
Abdul Hasan Nadvi in his thesis paper named as “Hindustan
Min Hindustani” in which he has mentioned details about one
old manuscript of Jawahar Khamsa which was written in the
year 1097 Hegira and this manuscript is preserved in the library
of the Darul Musanifeen in Azamgarh as per Naqaqosh
Sulaimani printed in Karachi.
III. The Islamia College Peshawar manuscript of Al-Jawahir
Al-Khamsa in the Persian language and one copy of the
manuscript of Al-Jawahir Al-Khamsa is available there in the
college library as per catalog number 1062. And which belongs
to approximately the period of the 11th century. And which is
written in an Arabic style. And its scanning size of the book size
is 3 x 2 and the total pages are 289 and which was written by
Abu Marif Inayat Allah and who has written in the writing of
usual Urdu and in this book there are finding marginal notes on
the many pages. And there are find the following details at the
end of the manuscript. This manuscript is written in as usual
Urdu style of writing and which was read by the compiler of the
Urdu edition of the book.
IV. The manuscript of the Sindh University Hyderabad. This
manuscript was damaged by the ants and it was damaged from
beginning to end. In this volume there is another handwritten

manuscript is also there and its name is given as Kashaf Al-Israr

and which was written by Fakir Mohammed Bin Shaikh Abdul
Latif on the date of the 26 Jamadil Thani in the year 1120
Hegira. Jawahar Khamsa was also written by this same ink and
by the same pen. So there is probably that this manuscript also
belongs to the above year.
V. The manuscript of the Fort William college London and
its catalog number is 1825 and it is transferred to India office,
library London and its catalog number is 1875 and its
arrangement number is 2124. And it was written by Mohammed
Wasil Baig Qaderi on the 8th Safar in the year 1173 and in it
there are 17 lines on each page and in it there are pages 373. In
the past this manuscript was owned by the Tipu Sultan as it is
known by the stamp on the title page.
VI. The manuscript of Johnson London and which is obtained
from Hyderabad Deccan and which is added in the John Son
manuscript. And its catalog number is 1871 and its arrangement
number is 1437 and in it there are 135 pages in it. This
manuscript is available in the India office library London.
VII. The manuscript of Bijapur (London) is available in the
India office, library and its catalog number is 3067 and the
arrangement number is 3641.
 The information about the above manuscripts 5-6-7 was taken
from catalogs and Professor Mad Ali Qaderi who has provided
detailed information and photos in this matter.
 VIII. The manuscript of Khuda Bakhsh library Patna, in
this library there is available one handwritten manuscript of
Jahawar Khamsa and its catalog number is 1344 and this
information was given to me by Safi Ahmed curator. 
IX. The manuscript of Kalyani State Library Deccan, there is
one copy of handwritten which is available there in Pakistan.

This information was given to me by Choudhary Abdul Aziz,

Secretary Central Board of Revenue Government of Pakistan.
X. The manuscript of Berlin Germany. Dr. Zubaida Ahmed,
who has mentioned that the Arabic translation of Jawahar
Khamsa Persian version and which is done by Shaikh Sibqat
Allah Albraoji it in her book.
  In the India office, library there are found some handwritten
copies which are in defective condition and shape and their
catalog number is 3068 and 3069.
The Sufi persons of the Shuttaria who are following
manuscripts of the Jawahar Khamsa as with their rule. Shah
Mohammed’s spiritual master Shaikh Haji Hameeduddin Husur
(930 Hegira/1523) and who, upon reading it said on the first day
as follows.
“To become the correct holy person, but not to disclose the
So Shah Wajihuddin has given permission to his caliph
Shaikh Ahmed Shanawi and he was given permission to his
Shaikh Ahmed Tashasi have given to act upon Jawahar Khamsa.
And who has given permission to Shaikh Ibrahim. And who has
given permission to his son Shaikh Abu Taher and who has
given permission of Jawaher Khamsa to his disciple Shaikh
Wali Allah. Shaikh Wali Allah who has mentioned Shah
Mohammed Ghouse Gawaliori in his book Intaba fi salasal
2. Aurad Ghousia: This book also written by Shah Mohammed
Ghouse. Mufi Ghulam Sarwar and Moulana Ghousi who have
mentioned the details in this matter. As per the statement of the
author this book which was completed by him in the month of

Jammed Awwal in the year 949 Hegira. In the preface of this

book Shah, Mohammed Ghouse advises the readers to refer
Jawahar Khamsa (Five Jewels) and with author there is one copy
of this book in the Persian version and which was published by
Sibqat Ilahi Press Raichur in the year 1313 Hegira.
At the beginning of the book Shah Mohammed Ghouse gave
some advice to the Salik (mystic initiate) that advice of the
perfect, holy person and his experiences and observation of the
pure life which are like jewels. And from which it will know the
greatness of the magnitude of his character and for the general
public he has mentioned some 22 advice and which are added in
the Urdu version in the Persian language so for this reason
which is not included in the English version due to no
translation in the Urdu language.
In the above advice its nutshell, is that “The Salik should
thank Allah in reward and penalty. And to be kept away from
the amalgamation of the people and obtain such knowledge that
with which there will be the correction of the religion of the
Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamat (As per Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’at, they
are the real Muslims and true followers of Prophet Mohammad
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and to make your habits and
behavior as per the Sunnah (Sunnah (‫سنة‬, plural ‫ سنن‬sunan) is an
Arabic word that means "habit" or "usual practice". Sunni
Muslims are also referred to as Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jamā'ah
("people of the tradition and the community (of Muhammad)
and to be kept away from sitting in the company of the asexual
and ignorant people. And should not have the interest to the
people of the ruling, but as per requirement can see them. To do
endeavor to attribute of monotheism and go from tawhid afali
(deeds of monotheism) to tawhid safati (attribute of

monotheism) and from tawhid safati (attribute of monotheism)

to tawhid zati (monotheism of personality). The people who
used to get tawhid (unity of God) from the imagination of the
mind and from the books. So they involved in disbelief and
religious hypocrisy and for this reason they insult Islamic law in
this matter. So for this reason they will involve in ignorance and
darkness. And do not have a relation with the world. And to be
kept away from all involvements and to disclose all revelation
before the spiritual master only. In the personality of Allah
should not involve in the work of thinking and wisdom. And
make manners as the constitution of life. To be kept away from
backbiting, blame, boast, absurd, pastime, In short, to avoid all
things  which are not  permissible. To extend thanks to persons
of benefactor. To give respect to elder-ness and elder persons.
To become a watch person of the soul. To not give place in the
heart to those who are not loved ones. And to wake up from the
carelessness. And did not like disobedience of the last holy
prophet. To leave the works of the world to Allah. See one,
known one, said one, and search one and to see anybody with
him and think from his side. However, one may be such a
sinner, but he should not be disappointed with pardoning and
overlooking from Allah. To act upon the advice of the spiritual
master. If he is no more than studying the letters of Shaikh
Sharaf Uddin Yahiah Munir. To be kept away from revelation
and miracles. So it may happen that to becoming a person of the
miracles. The Salik (mystic initiate) should be regretful before
Shah Mohammed Ghouse has divided book Aurad Ghousia
into nine parts and the details are as follows.
1.Darud (blessing ) and Aurad (daily round of prayer formula)
2.Ablution and Nawafil (supererogatory prayers)

3. Speech about fasting and Arbain (confinement)

5.Zikar (invoking God’s name) in Jahri (loud voice) and Zikar
Khafi (low invocation of God’s name)
6.Meditation and its method
7.Thinking and verification
8.Be degraded and the manifestation of names of Allah
9. Correct caliphate work and devotion, regulation of saintly
hood, and identification of peer, issues of pledge and mystic
way, correction of the Sufi orders of manifest and innermost.
And the speech of accession.
III. Merajnama : This book of Shaikh Ghouse caused great
diversity opinion. As per mufti Ghulam Sarwar Lahori due to
this Sher shah was disgusted with Shah Mohammed Ghouse and
want to hurt him so he was migrated from the native place and
went to Gujrat for this reason.
   When he went to Gujrat then as per the saying of the Mulla
Abdul Qadir Badayuni there Shaik Ali Mutaqi who was issued a
legal opinion of infidelity upon Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
When this opinion was reached to Shaikh Wajihuddin then he
has torn it into many pieces.
 Then afterward, when he has reached to Akbarabad from
Gujrat due to this book of Merajnama, Bairam Khan, and Shaikh
Kudai they have misbehaved with him in this matter. So for this
reason he was returned back to Gwalior in the helpless
In short, due to the book Merajnama, Shah Mohammed
Ghouse who has faced many problems and difficulties. As
nobody has with him such thinking and penetrating of Shah

Wajihuddin so that he can understand the secrets and knowledge

of the book. It is presumed that this book was compiled during
the ruling period of King Humayun. As in the year 957 Hegira
there was overpower of the Sher Shah Suri.
 Dr. Iqbal, who was much interested to read this book so he has
written one letter to Shaikh Saleh as follows.
“To inquire with Khaja Nizamuddin whether it is available this
magazine of Shah Mohammed Ghouse in which he has
mentioned details of the travel of the sky and planets. For a long
time, I am searching that book and which could not be available
to him so far. Still today, nobody did has published it.
VI.Bahar Hyatt: This is the translation of the book Amarkand
in Sanskrit into Persian by Shah Mohammed Ghouse. As per the
saying of Shaikh Akram “In this book endeavor and efforts of
Yugi (Hindu ascetic) and Sanyasi (Sanyasi - a Hindu religious
mendicant ) people which he has transferred into Persian. At the
beginning of the book, Jawahar Khamsa its books some or more
features will find there. And from this it is known that the
alliance of the Shattaria method which it had with the Hindu
Yoga system.
Moulana Mohammed Ghouse who wrote by giving the
introduction of this as follows “ 
It is the translation of the book Jarida Dastur Amal Taifa Yogi
and Sanyasi “ In which there are found following details.
1.Acts of innermost
2.Acts of thinking
3.Mention of the regard and soul
In addition to the above, there is a description of the other
kinds of mystical exercises and with the help of them there will

be the available success of the army of the soul upon the army of
the body. These two groups of Yugi (Hindu ascetic) and Sanyasi
(Sanyasi - a Hindu religious mendicant) and which belong to
Hindus persons who involve in mystical exercise, they belong to
lonely persons, and who follow monastic way of life and which
are prominent. And they by the blessing of these endeavours and
recitals they will enable escalation of the status of the
supernatural habits and will reach for information of the
conscience of the riddle of the applicant. He has translated all
meanings of the from Sanskrit text which is a book of the Hindu
people to the Persian language. And from meanings of this book
by separating wearing of the sacred cross-thread by  the Hindus
round body and he has given it the meaning of tawhid (unity of
God) and put beads of Islam in its neck and also giving it the
reality of Islamic faith and also by the real power of Islam taken
out from imprisoning of the conformity and connect to the
recitals and endeavours of Sufi persons who have done research
in this matter. From this statement of Moulana Ghousi there will
be refuting the above statement of Shaikh Mohammed Akram in
this matter.   
5 & 6 Zamair and Basair: In these magazines Shah Mohammed
Ghouse who has mentioned the following details.
1.Subject's knowledge of Sufism.
2.Fundamental issues
3.The reality of this knowledge 
4.Details of the information
VII. Kalid Maqzan: Regarding the origin of the next world this
is a very strange magazine in which there are details of the
realities of the things of  the celestial and inferior and unity of
God of Sufi persons and their way of life and mentioned
research of the rules of the revelation and about the men of

destruction and existence and for them available eye witness and
knowledge of the existing things and its identification. And
which are shown by revelation and inspection.
 Moulana Mohammed Ghousi who has written that Shah
Mohammed's caliph Shaikh Badiuddin Jilani Samarqand who
has written the best marginal notes in these books and written
Moulana Mohammed Ghousi who has written that in
Ahmedabad, Gujrat this book was getting from by Mir Abed
Awwal and who was a person with knowledge of God and
learned person. When he was studying this magazine with each
and every page, then he was able to know the essence and its
meaning and he was enjoying this matter very much in this
  Moulana Mohammed Ghousi in Gulzar Abrar extracted and
copied the statement from the book Kanzal-Wahida about the
revelation of the unity of God and real faith which are adapted
from the commentary of Shaik Badiuddin. 
Gulzar Abrar: Some authors of biographies who have
mentioned this book written by Shah Mohammed Ghouse. So in
this matter, Nizami Badayuni who has written in his
book Qamos Mashair that “ He has written books Gulzar
Abrar and Jawahir Khamsa. And in this first book there is the
available book of biographies of holy persons.T.W. Beale who
has written that “ He has written many books.In that Gulzar
Abrar and Jawahar Khamsa are books written by him. In the
later book in which there are available biographies of Sufi
saintly guides of India. And in this book life, details, and place
of burial are some other details are found in it.

 In reality Gulzar Abrar is a book written by Moulana Ghousi.

In the life details of Shaikh Awaise are there are added
incidental details about Gulzar Abrar. Shah Mohammed Ghouse
died in the year 970 Hegira and the year of the compilation and
completion of the book Gulzar Abrar is 1022 Hegira and the
period of compilation is from 1004 to 1022 Hegira. So for this
reason, in manifest this book is not a compilation of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. Mohammed Ghousi has written one stanza
in Persian on the completion of the year of the compilation of
the book from which the year of 1022 Hegira can be obtained. 
As per the mode of reckoning numbers by letters of the
alphabet following is the value attached to each letter according
to this system of reckoning. 1034-12=1022.

14. The great disciples of Shah Mohammed Ghouse

The disciples and caliphates: To check the greatness of pious
person then see that great person’s great personality and bracing
nature, biography who have warm many hearts with love and
given lighting of the love. To give life to the heart is the special
miracle of the holy persons of Allah. When we see Shah
Mohammed Ghouse with this look, then we will find that there
is kindled a lamp and moths are coming to the lamp from all
sides in a large number people are coming there. How great is
that attractive?. And how great is such kind of magnetism in this

  Mulla Abdul Qadir Badayuni (died in the year 1004 Hegira)

who wrote Shaikh Wajidhuddin Gujarati (died in the year 997
Hegira) devotion with and absorption included him his
perfection of the spiritual works.
Shah Fazal Allah Shuttari wrote that during the period of the
mystical exercise and endeavor in the mountain range of Chinar
then he started the work of advice and pledging by Shah
Mohammed Ghouse.
  And during this period of mystical exercise many caliphates,
disciples, students, and servants were benefitted by his grace and
getting the advantage in this matter. For example, the list is
mentioned as follows.
1Shaikh Jamal Mahbub Allah 2.Khaja Moinuddin Kharbati
3.Shaikh Nasir Qattal 4.Shaik Noor Tabqati 5.Shaik Namatallah
Sufi 6.Shaikh Qazi Shuttari 7.Shaikh Ahmed Dana 8.Shaikh
Ahmed Siay 9.Khaja Alam Haji 10.Shaikh Jalal abd Qaher
11.Shaikh Farid Quqta 12, Shaikh Mubarak Majzub 13.Mhaikh
Ma Ashiq 14. Shaikh Ata Allah Kanj Nashin 15. Shaikh Dawud
Muhid 16.Shaikh Hasan Dawat including the above persons
there are other persons who are there in a large number so, for
this reason, there is extremity and accountability in this matter.
When Shah Mohammed Ghouse sat on the throne of
rectitude and advice then there were a large number of the
people who were benefitted in this matter.
Shah Fazal Allah Shuttari who stated that “ Also, many
caliphates and attenders who are becoming persons of grace and
susceptible of the wealth in this matter. And they were getting
benefitted from this place. So Shaikh Saifuddin Saif Allah,
Shaik Arzani alias Shaikh Yad Allah, Shaikh Jiya Ahl Allah,

Shaikh Abul Khair Kharasani, Syed Fatuh Mavara Nahri, Shaikh

Nazir Fayaz, Syed Tajuddin, Ghouse Narnoli, Syed Mubarak
Sufi, Syed Ahmed Ashiq, Shaikh Sad Allah and due to their m
most of the mankind of the who have reached from the world of
the manifest to the world of the meaning and given benefits.
Among them, there was no such person who has put his step on
the way and who lived all-time with the Haq.
 With the compiler of this book who has one old manuscript of
the 11th-century name as Takmila Eman and in it found there is
a complete list of the disciples and caliphs of Shah Mohammed
Ghouse. And since it is known how great the circle of the
devotion and pledge. And in the list of the above books
following names are available.
1.Shaikh Jamal Kohi 2.Shaikh Nasir Qattal 3.Shaikh Qaza Thani
Shuttari 4. Shaikh Ahmed Ghazipuri 5.Shaikh Ata Allah Taqi
6.Shaikh Zia Allah Merati 7. Shaikh Nasar Lucknawi 8.Shaikh
Abdulla Ashqi 9.Shaikh Mujaduddin Ashiq Allah 10.Shaikh
Abdul Karim Mashadi 11.Shaikh Abdall Baghdadi 12.Shalih
Jalaluddin Mohid 13. Shaikh Abdul Qader Thani 14.Shaikh
Mohammed Yousuf Chirya Koti 15. Syed Sultan Bhairachi
16.Syed Nasir Uddin Bhatti. 17. Shaikh Abdul Karim Bhakri
18.Khaja Abdul Shaid Samarqandi 19.Shaikh Abdul Fatah
Qutub 20. Shaikh Ghulam Ibrahim 21.Shaikh Bahuddin
Jaunpuri 22.Shaikh Abdall Qandahri 23.Shaikh Jamal Hansavi
24.Shaikh Mohamed Ashiq Dahlavi 25.Shaikh Bahuddin Zikeria
26. Shaikh Abdul Salam 27.Shaikh Baderuddin Sek Abdul
Razzaq 28.Shaikh Mohammed Jalal Thanesari 29.Syed
Mohammed 30.Shaikh Mohammed Fazil 31.Shaikh Hasan
Makki 32.Shaikh Abu Baker abdalla 33.Syed Umar Abdalla
Shaikh Mohammed Ishaque 34.Shaikh Hussain Nagori
35.Shaikh Abdul Malik 36.Mulla Ahmed Bijapuri 37.Shaikh

Suhabuddin 38.Syed Abdul Jalil Gujarati 39.Shaikh Akbar

Shami 40.Shaikh Ahmed Shuhabuddin 41.Shaikh Saderuddin
Zakir 42.Syed Mohammed sons of Hazrat Gesu Daraz. 43.
Maqdum Ahmed Gawaz 44.Shaikh Abdul Rasul 45.Shaikh
Abdul Rahman 46.Qazi Saderuddin Lahori 47.Syed Mansour
48.Shaikh Azizuddin son of Shaikh Shuhabuddin Suherwardi
49.Shaikh Mujeebuddin Barhna son of Khaja Bahuddin
Naqshanbad. 50.Shaikh Sirajuddin son of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul
Qader Jilani 51.Shaikh Nijiuddin Arabi 52.Shaikh Abdalla Arab
53.Shaikh Abu Saeed Arab 54.Shaikh Rahmatalla Arab
55.Shaikh Masood Arab 56. Shaikh Mahmood Azam Arab
57.Shaikh Inam Allah Arab 58.Shaikh Mohammed Fazil Arab
59.Shaikh Mohammed Fazail Arab 60.Shaikh Mohammed Daud
arab 61.Shaikh Mohammed Ismail Arab 62.Hafiz Mohammed
Sharif Arab 63.Shaikh Maruf Haji Ibrahim Muhadit 64 Shaikh
Abul Hasan Lahori 65.Syed Abdul Qader 66.Khaja Abdul
Shahid son of Khaja Abdalla Ahrar 67.Shaikh Kamal Saheb
Jamal 68.Syed Ahmed 69.Syed Hasan Danishmad Qanoji
70.Khaja Hasan Turkamani 71.Mian Tanseen 72.Shaikh Abdalla
Bahka 73.Shaikh Alauddin Arshi 74.Majzub Syed Mohammed
Muaqim Biabani 75.Majzub Syed Munar76.Majzub Muqatab
Mast Alast Shah Gohar 77.Majzub Shah Mir Ali 78.Majzub
Shah Faraq 79.Majzub Shah Dahut 80.Majzub Shah Farhat
81.Majzub Shah Qamar 82.Majzub Shah Meran 83.Majzub Shah
Latif 84. Majzub Shaikh Abdul Majeed 85.Shaikh Allah Dad
86.Shaikh Abdul Gafoor Jangli 87.Shaikh Mohammed Qasim
Shaikh Mohammed Daim 88.Shaikh Mohammed Ashraf Sharqi
89.Shaikh Nooralhaq Wadin 90.Syed Mohammed Zauqi
91.Syed Mohammed Multani 92.Syed Jamiluddin Ashani
93.Shaikh Saeeduddin Kalbi 94.Shaikh Usman Akbarabadi
95.Shaikh Mohammed Akbar 96.Shaikh Mohammed Asghar

97.Shaikh Muhiballah 98.Shaikh Mohiuddin 99.Azizuddin

100.Syed Dost Ali 101.Khaja Lutuf Allah 102.Khaja Fahim
Allah 103.Syed Mohammed Amin 104.Syed Baqa Allah
105.Mavlavi Mohammed Sadiq 106.Shaikh Sad Allah
Bardawani 107. Shaikh Mohammed Azam 108.Syed
Mohammed Salar 109.Shaikh Munir Uddin Mohid Khas
110.Khaja Shams Haq Tariq Dunia 111.Shaikh Abdul Wadud
112.Shaikh Abdul Wahed 113.Shaikh Mohammed Hasim
Abbasi 114.Shaikh Mohammed Mukaram Siddiqui115.Shaikh
Mohammed Farooq Faroqi 116.Shaikh Moinuddin 117.Shaikh
Inam Allah 118. Syed Haidari 119.Shaikh Manam Qandhari
Syed Mohammed Shahed Ghousi 121.Shaikh Mohammed
Zahed 122.Shaikh Abul Gheyas 123.Shaikh Hafeez Allah
124.Shaikh Murad Allah 125.Saiq Fatah Allah 126.Mir Shah Ali
127.Syed Karam Ali 128.Syed Mohammed Haider 129.Khawaja
Mohammed Khalil 130.Khaja Ahsan Allah 131.Syed
Mohammed Rosahn 132.Hafiz Mohammed Mah 133.Khaja
Mohammed Hafiz 134.Khaja Fakheruddin Kapli 135.Syed
Mohammed 136.Syed Mohammed Shah 137.Syed Yar
Mohammed 138.Syed Ahmed 139.Syed Mohammed Murni
140.Shaikh Khaja Alam 141.Shaikh Qutub Alam 142.Shaikh
Maqdum Alam 143.Shaikh Wa’se 144.Shaikh Shuker Allah
145.Khaja Mohammed Saeed Kashmiri 146.Shaikh Abdul
Ghani 147.Shaikh Allah Yar 148.Shaikh Wajihuddin Nagpuri
149.Shaikh Mangal 150.Shaikh Masih Allah 151.Shaikh Fakir
Mohammed 152.Shaikh Mohammed Murid 153. Shaikh Qudrat
Maqsudabadi 154.Shaikh Mohammed Shafi 155.Shaikh Allah
Baksh 156.Syed Mustafa 157. Syed Murtuza 158.Syed Ashraf
Ali 159. Syed Imdad Hussain 160.Syed Hasan Baksh
Surti161.Shaikh Aman Allah 162. Shaikh Peer Mohammed 163.

Shaikh Farhad 164.Mir Kallan 165.Mir Ameer Bijapuri 166.Mir

Miran Barangi 167.Shaikh Mohammed Himmat 168.Shaikh
Shinga 169.Shaikh Dan Allah 170. Syed Babar Ali Multani
171.Syed Shaikha 172.Shaikh Mohammed Juanid Hyder
173.Mir Mohammed Badasha 174.Shah Muzafar ali 175.Shah
Gazanfar Ali 176.Syed Mohammed Baqer Ali Maghrabi
177.Syed Mohammed Taher Sardar Auliya 178.Syed
Mohammed Taher Muthar 179.Shaikh Shouda 180.Syed Shah
Baz Parwaz 181.Syed Niaz Hyder Hyder 182.Syed Aftab
183.Syed Mahtab 184. Shaikh Mohammed Gulbargi. 185.Syed
Mohammed Subhan Gulbergi 186.Syed Zahuruddin 187.Shaikh
Zahur Allah 188. Khaja Mohammed Hamed 189.Khaja
Mohammed Hameed 190.Shaikh Abul Khair 191.Shaikh Nazar
Mohammed 192.Shaikh Ain Allah 193.Shaikh Hattu 194.Shaikh
Badu 195.Shaikh Bandu 196. Shaikh Ghoran 197. Syed
Mohammed Mahdi 198. Syed Mast Ali 199.Shaikh Lashkar
Mohammed Arif Billah Burhanpuri 200.Shaikh Wajihuddin
Hussaini Al-Hasni Gujarati 201.Shaikh Abdalla Ganj Baksh
Gudmukh Tesari 202.Syed Mohammed Ata alias Haji Hazeri
Murabadi 203. Syed Mohammed Kazim alias Syed Bihar
Narvari 204.Shaikh Sirajuddin Abdalla Sufi 205.Shaikh
Abdallah Ganj Baksh alias Shaikh Allah Baksh Gudmukh Tesari
206. Shamsuddin Zinda Dil 207.Shaikh Jiya Shadi Khan
208.Shaikh Mubarak Ashiq Danishmand Gawaliori 209.Shaikh
Dost Mahammed Sarhandi.
The compiler of the appendix of the Manaqab Ghousia who
has prepared a large list of the disciples and caliphs of Shah

Syed Imamuddin who has also discussed some famous

caliphs. And he has written that “ Due to his arrival in the
Deccan and Gujarat many of the great learned persons who were
benefitted in this matter. So for this reason till now Khandesh
and Deccan there are full of favour of the benefits. There are
many of his caliphs are available. So Shaikh Lashkar Mohamed
Arif Billah Burhanpuri, Shaikh Wajihuddin Gujarati, Shaikh
Saderuddin Zakir, Shaikh Wali Mohammed, Shaikh Dawud
Allah Shuttari, Shaikh Miya Ibrahim Sarhindi, Mian Tansen,
Syed Kale Shattari, Shan Manjhan, Shaikh Maku, etc. In short
the caliphs and disciples who were spread in India, Pakistan,
Arabia, and Persian countries. And for the writing of the
biography, details of them, there is required another volume of
the book. We are mentioning here short details of some caliphs
in this book.
1.Shaikh  Wajihuddin Gujrati: Shaikh Wajihuddin. Gujarati’s
biographical details were written by the contemporary
personalities of his time like Abdul Baqi Nahwand, Moulana
Mohammed Ghousi, and Mulla Abdul Qader Badayuni.
Moulana Mohammed Ghousi who has written that “ He was
the son of Nasar Allah. He was born and died in Ahmedabad in
Gujarat. He was Qutub (Qutb, Qutub, Kutb, Kutub,
or Kotb (Arabic: ‫)قطب‬, which means 'axis', 'pivot', or
'pole'. Qutb can refer to celestial movements and used as an
astronomical term or a spiritual symbol. In Sufism, a Qutb is the
perfect human being, al-Insān al-Kāmil (The Universal Man) of
the two worlds, he was the center of  the realities of the two
worlds. He was the owner of the knowledge by acquirement and
knowledge obtained in the presence of the teacher . He was a
great person to gain with efforts and master in the knowledge

of a purist in religion. And he was the knower of the secrets of

books and impressed by its things also he was the knower of the
secrets of the tablet. He left his shape of the knowledge and in
the year 902 Hegira and was given magnificence to the native
place which had a body of elemental due to his birth. After his
birth from the age of five till the age of 33 years, he was busy in
acquiring many kinds of current and strange knowledge. Till
such that he was acquired more than 60 knowledges. When the
Arab country of Hijaz which becoming much populated and
when there was his journey to the real place of oneness from this
world to another world then at that date was 29th Safar in the
year 997 Hegira. Till such time he was engaged in the teaching
of all those knowledge to the students. There was the bestowing
of Allah which was there for his schedule of time. During his
life period of 62 years due to his favour of benefits, many skill
persons while becoming his students were able to get a robe of
honour of the teacher. And courageous Sufi persons due to his
advice of impressions who were able to get the saintly dress of
the caliphate.
  Abdul Baqi Nahwand who was also benefitted by the company
of Shaikh Wajihuddin and who was compiling his book Maser
Raheemi during the life period of his spiritual master Shaikh
  Mulla Abdul Qadir Badayuni was present in his time and who
has written upon his death about  the details of the condition of
the Shaikh Wajiuddin which is as follows.
“ He belonged to Alawi genealogy. But he was not given fame
to his genealogy as he was an always traveler. He was a great
worshiper and a pious person of his time. He has followed strict
Islamic Shariah law during his lifetime. His being in the habit of

loneliness. He was always busy with the teaching of the

knowledge of religion. He has power and control over all
intellectual and traditional knowledge. So for this reason from
the books of Saraf Hawai to Qanoon, Shifa, Sharah Muftah,
Azdi, and for the above such books, there is left any book which
he has not written commentary or marginal notes on the book.
The large number of mankind who were benefitted by the utility
of his knowledge.”
   And he has added further as follows. “ There was a link of
devotion by some other person, but he has obtained training and
direction or instruction to do something by Shah Mohammed
Gawaliori. In a mystical way, he had followed him. With him,
he has completed Saluki (mystic initiate). Sufi way of life he has
much fondness with and relation with him.”  
 As per reference to the biography of Moulana Alam Gul
Bihari Moulana Ghousi who has written this event which was
happening in the year 983 Hegira as follows.
“ In the cases in which there will find the secrets of Allah and
revelation, depend and for such cases, there was the desire in my
heart to search them at that time when I was engaged in teaching
in it with the will of Allah in each and every fate and thing
there are found 100 points and miracles in it and which brought
Shah Mohammed to Gujarat from Gwalior.This condition
caused me to of kissing his foot of Shah Mohammed Ghouse. In
a very short period of time due to his chemical nourishment, my
Islam of copper, which began shining like pure gold in this
matter and by coming out of the customary belief was enabled
me to enter and walking into the heaven of the reality of the

faith. After getting saintliness dress of the caliphate, he was

blessed in this matter. And was obtained which was there.
  Malavi Abdul Haq, who has written by reference of Maqsud
Murad (Malfufzat of Hashim Syed Alawai) that Hashim Syed
Alwai who was the nephew of Shaikh Wajiduddin and wrote
that Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has done the training of
Shaikh Wajidhuddin. And taught him knowledge of reality. He
was obtained 120 knowledges by his age of 22 years. But Shaikh
Wajihuddin who himself said that “If he could not meet Shah
Mohammed then he would have not become Muslim.” Then he
said that “The knowledge of God, which could not be available
in the whole life period, which he was getting by one night
time.” And from this event, there will be known the greatness of
Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
  Moulana Ghulam Ali Bilgirami who wrote that when the
author of Jawahar Khamsa, Shah Mohammed Ghouse who has
reached in Gujarat from Gwalior then at that time Shaikh
Wajihuddin who was lost in his magnificence and under his
shadow he has reached to the height of the mystic way. The
students were benefitted by his higher level of benefit and so, for
this reason, he has given the blessing of his light in the direction
east and west. Moulana Ghulam Ali Bilgirami who also
mentioned in the book Masar Alkaram also mentioned Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. Moulana Abdul Hai of Lucknow who has
mentioned in his compiled book Siqafat Islamia Fil Hind and
Yad Ayyam and he has written that “ Allama Wajihuddin Bin
Nasar Allah he was among a saintly and learned person of the
Gujarat. From their favour the people of India never relieved of
responsibility in this matter. He was a student of Allama
Emaduddin Tarmi. Approximately from his age of 20 years he
has started teaching and for a period of 68 years he was busy

teaching books of traditional) and intellectual knowledge in

Gujarat. And from the writing of commentaries of the book of
Sharah Jami till Tafsir Bazavi he has written in 30 books
marginal notes and commentaries. During his life period from
Ahmedabad to Lahore, his students were spread and busy in the
service of the knowledge. He has got a higher position of the
  In short Shaikh, Wajihuddin was among a learned and Sufi
person of his time. With devotion and love with Shah
Mohammed Ghouse by such learned person surely it shows
saintly and a higher position. So for this reason King Jehangir
who has written that “ Shaikh Wajihuddin who was the great
leveller caliph of Shah Mohammed Ghouse for which there will
be proud of the spiritual master himself.” T.W.Beale and who
has written that “ He was Murshid or a master of Shaikh Wajih
Uddin Alwai of Gujrat.” In the book Aine Akbari by Abul Fazal
who has mentioned him.”
   Hamed Fazal Allah is well known as Jamali during the ruling
period of the King Humayun and who has written one biography
book of holy persons named as Sair Arifin and that person who
has finished his book on the details of funeral rites and
ceremonies of his spiritual master Shah Sama Uddin Dehlavi
(died in the year 911 Hegira) and in that book he has mentioned
about Shaikh Sajihuddin. And he has written that “Hazrat
Shaikh Wajih Uddin, who was Qutub of his time and his tomb,
which is found in Gujarat.” And he has further written that “
Hazrat Shaikh Wajihuddin who was the disciple of Hazrat Baba
    Some authors of biographies who thought him Shaikh
Wajihuddin who was caliph of Shah Mohammed Gwalior. As a
matter of fact, he was passed away from the world a long time

ago. Because the author of the book Sair Arifin has written that
when Shakih Wajihuddin met him, then he was 123 years old at
that time.Shaikh Sama Uddin as per the saying of the author of
Sair Arifin he has died in the year 911 Hegira.As per the saying
of Ghulam Ali azad Bilgrami, Shaikh Wajihuddin caliph of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who was born in the year 911 Hegira in
Janpir.It is manifest that he was not that Shaikh Wajihuddin who
was met by Shaikh Sama Uddin.
His books: Shaikh Wajihuddin who has such a holy person and
author and who has written a large number of the books. He has
also written of marginal notes and commentaries for a large
number of the books.Dr. Zubaida has written some of his books
as follows.
A.Marginal notes for the following books.
1.Tafsir Baizavi 2.Ala Sharah Waqaya 3.Ala Talvi 4.Ala Usul
Albazvadi 5.Ala Sharah Alazdi Ala Muktasar La Bin Hajab
6.Ala Tajwid 7.Ala Sharah Aqaid Liltafzani 8.Ala Hashia
Qadima 9. Ala Sharah Alchagmani 10. Ala Sharah Jami 11.Ala
Matul 12.Ala Mutasar Mani.
B. Commentaries of the following books.
1.Naqbata Al-Fiker 2.Irshad Nahu 
C. Other books are written are as follows.
1.Haqit Mohammedia
Mohammed Ghousi who has written about marginal notes
and commentaries which were written by Shaikh Wajihuddin on
the following books.
A.Marginal notes written in the following books.
1. Fawid Ziaya 2.Shahrah Tajrid 3.Qutbi 4.Sharah Kalimat Ain

B.Commentaries written in the following books.

1.Irshad Qazi 2.Abiyat Minhl Wamani 3.Shamsia 4.Jam
Jahnuma 5.Kalid Maqzan by Shah Mohammed Ghouse 
Death: Moulana Mohammed Ghouse who has written that
Shaikh Wajiduddin who was died on 29th Safar in the year 997
Hegira in Ahmedabad Gujarat. Mulla Abdul Qader who wrote
that Shaikh Wajihuddin died in the year 998 Hegira.Ghulam Ali
Azam Bilgrami who wrote 29th Safar in the year 998 Hegira.
And this year also was written by late Abdul Haq and Hakim
Shams Allah Qaderi. But the later mentioned the date as 19th
Safar. Mulla Abdul Qader from word Wajihuddin as per
chorogram has taken out the year of the death and Moulana from
Jantal Firdous but from these chronograms, year death could not
be ascertained. Probably there was made a  mistake by the
translator in this matter. As the Islamic year, which commences
from Muharam month. Shaikh Wajihuddin died in the month of
Safar so for this reason there is a possibility in this matter that
Moulana Ghousi did not take care of this change. So for this
reason it is probable that he had died in the year 998 Hegira. 
2. Shaikh Mohammed Lashkar Arif: He was also included
among the most glorious caliphs of Shah Mohammed Ghosue.
He was the son of the Malak Rajan Ibn Malak Peeran Ibn Malak
Ibn Qureshi. In the suburbs of Gujarat in village Malasa he was
born at the beginning of the tenth century. His mother died after
13 days and father who died after six months. He was nourished
by his grandfather and in the beginning period, he was attached
to the edge of the shirt of Qazi Mahmood Birpuri. 
    At the age of 16 years, he was left out in search of the real
guide. As there was a  true demand with him so for this reason
he reached in  the search of Bahar Marif and Qutub of Jahania

Zakir Nahar Walia. And that Shaikh has done his spiritual
training for a period of 2 years. 
    In the year 951 Hegira, he went into the presence of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse in Ahmedabad Gujrat. And attached to the
edge of his shirt there. When Shaikh was leaving for Gawaloir
then he has the intention to accompany his spiritual master in his
travel, but the Shaikh told him that “ Arif, we are leaving you in
our place for in this province in the guidance work of the
students of knowledge of God. As per instruction of the spiritual
master, he was there in Ahmedabad for a period of 30 years due
to the divine help of Allah. At last, in the year 982 Hegira, he
left toward Khandesh (Burhanpur). He was engaged in the work
of rectitude and advice. And he died on second Shawwal in the
year 993 Hegira year. And with his name, his date of death is
calculated as per the chronogram method. 
  The daughter of Lashkar Mohammed Arif who was the
learned person of her time and who used to teach. Abdul Rahim
Khane Khanan and his son Darab Khan, who had requested
Glorius caliph of the Shaikh Eisa Jand Allah of Lashkar Arif
Mohammed that they want to  get taught by her daughter. He
has accepted the request. So upon the convenience of the chariot
of the Khan Khanan who have reached to Rastipur in this matter.
His daughter who was famous for teaching books of Lamat,
Nuzhat Arwa, and such other types of higher grade books of the
Sufism in which she was famous and well known for the style of
the decent and impressive method of the teaching. The teaching
which was continued and these persons who were benefitted by
her daily lessons for a long period of time. Upon returning time
Messiah Al-Auliya Shaikh Eisa who has come back to shrine
building on the chariot of Darab Khan.

3.Shaikh Eisa Jandal: Messiah Al-Auliya Shaikh Eisa Jind

Allah Ibn Shaikh Qasim (died in the year 1031 Hegira) who was
the most glorious caliph of Shaikh Lashkar Arif Mohammed and
the native place of his ancestor is Patari village in Sindh. Due to
invasion of King Himayun in Sindh, there was prevailed
hindrance and disorder than his father Shaikh Qasim and his
uncle Shaikh Muhadith during the year 950 Hegira who left his
native place and migrated to Ahmedabad as per saying of the
Ejaz Al-Haq as follows “Shaikh Qasim and his elder brother
Shaikh Taher Mohammed Muhadith who have migrated to
Ahmedabad and in that period he was pledged on the hands of
Shah Mohammed Ghouse in 14 Sufi orders and with his family
upon obtaining permission from the spiritual master he went to
Barar. Shaikh Eisa Jind Allah who was born in Elchapur in
Barar on the 5th Zil Hajj in the year 962 Hegira. Upon  the fall
of the Kingdom of Barar, Shaikh Taher Mohammed Mohadith
along with Shaikh Eisa came to Burhanpur. The ruler of
Khandesh who has given him a palace, cash, and grains.The
migrants of Sindh who were settled down near his place. This
habitation is still known and available as Sindhipura.
  Shaikh Eisa Janad Allah, Shaikh Yusuf Bangali, and Shaikh
Taher Mohadith after completion of the knowledge of
intellectual and traditional and as per  upon the advice of his
uncle went on the way in the search of God. Probably he arrived
in Gwalior in the year 982 Heigra and he was present in the
tomb of Shah Mohammed Ghouse and benefitted by the
pleasure of spiritualism. And from Gwalior, he came to
Akbarabad and from there he went to Burhanpur to joining in
the teaching circle of the Hakim Mohammed Usman Bokani.
But the fire of fondness could not be extinguished in the
teaching circle. And in those days look of the Shaikh Lakshar

Mohammed Arif fall upon him in the bazaar and who told
Shaikh Eisa that “You belong to us and why did you not come to
us.” Upon this saying Shaikh Eisa present in service and in two
of his sittings in his company he has acquired purification of the
soul. And he was becoming Messiah of the hearts. Mohammed
Qasim Fairsta due to his devotion he has written that “There are
two Jesuses in the race of the Prophet Adam, who was becoming
famous and well known and one is Prophet Jesus and another is
Ibn Qasmi.” He was much interested in education. So he was
studying  the Quran by Mulla Ismail. And from Shaikh Taher
Mohahith he was completed Islamic law and Hadith (Tradition
of the Holy Prophet.). From Shaikh Mubarak Sindhi he has
obtained the certificate of excellence in the rules of Islamic law
and knowledge of the conversation. From Shaikh Bokani he is
getting perfection in the knowledge of intellectual and traditions.
From Shaikh Ibrahim Qaderi he was learned phonetic and
recitation of the Holy Quran. And Shaikh Laskhar Mohammed
Arif was getting perfection in the inspired knowledge. He
always used to ignore discussions about miracles. And he has
said about his spiritual master Shaikh Lashkar Mohammed
Arif.” When there will be a discussion of miracles of pious
persons at the meetings he used did not like  by him. Somebody
has asked to him that “You did not believe in the excellence of
the holy persons of Allah in the miracles. He said that “Why he
did refuse the miracle of the holy persons of Allah. The people
think only miracles of holy persons of Allah as their perfection
and which is not the right thing and which I did not like this
because the miracle is which is the lowest thing against their
nearness and excellence so giving importance to lowest thing
against their higher-level status which is one way to degrade
their status of the holy persons in this matter.” Shaikh Eisa who

was a learned person of the time. So for this reason learned

persons who were benefitted by his teaching. His excellence will
be known by the proficiency of his knowledge of his books
written by him.
1.Rouzal Hussaini 989 Hegira 2. Eini Mani 997 Hegira 3.Anwar
Israr (Excegis of Holy Quran) 4.Risala Hawas Panjgani 5.Ishara
Garabia Kitab Isan Kamil (marginal notes) 6.Qasida Burda
Persian (commentary) 7.Risala Qiblatal Mazahib Urba 8.Sharah
Ziaya (marginal notes) 9.Fatah Mohammed Dar Uloom Ma
Yatalaq Ba Tafsir 10.Tamim Sharah Mait Amil 11. Risala Aqud
12.Tarjuma Israr Lohi.12. Risala Wahdat Wajud 14.Risala Dar
Bayan Taninat Wa Haqiwat Mohammadia.
 Shaikh Eisa Jandal died in the year 1031 Hegira and his
detailed biographical information is found in the book Gulzar on
page number 508-537.
4.Sher Ali Bangali: He was also among caliphs of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. He obtained knowledge of  the intellectual
and come into possession of traditional knowledge. His
genealogical link connected with Noor Al-Huda Abu Karamat.
And who was among great caliphs of Jalaluddin
Mujarrid.  Shaikh Sher Ali Bangali and who have pledged and
devotion with Shah Mohammed Ghouse and in the book Sharah
Nuzhat Al-Awah who himself wrote that when he was becoming
adult then there was the effect of the fondness of the true faith
and knowledge of God so for it I have incitement of the pain so
for this reason of interest and fondness I have left my house.
And say in this matter with the acquaintance of the pain about
my pain, but could not find its cure.

   At last, one night in the village Awadh in such thinking there
was prevailed unconsciousness in such condition upon me, I
have seen Shah Mohammed in the Platonic world of ideas and
that observation which have given the fondness to me. Now
there was prevailed huge wishes upon me and which desired me
to go into his service. During this time I was able to know that
Shah Mohammed Ghouse is coming to visit the graves of the
holy person in Delhi. Upon hearing this without delay went
toward Delhi. When I have reached Kelo Khedi village, then I 
found that personality in the wake-up condition which I have
already seen in the dream condition. When there were completed
stages of the pledge, then I have found such personality which I
was searching on this matter and found which was not getting.
Then afterward while spending some years in his service and
have obtained many benefits.
  Shaikh Ali Sher Bengal who was died after some period after
the year 970 Hegira.   
5. Shaikh Saderuddin Zakir: Moulana Ghousi who has written
in his details that “ He was the son of Shaikh Shams and he was
born in Ahmedabad and his final resting place  found in Baroda.
His ancestors used to get their livelihood by the occupation of
the business. At the age of 25 years with divine help, he has
followed habits of giving up  and  solitude. In the year 952
Hegira, he went into  the service of Shah Mohammed Ghouse
and he was pledged on his hands. When his spiritual master
went to Gwalior from Ahmedabad then he was accompanied by
him there. When he was acted upon the Five Jewels in the
perfect style. Afterward, he obtained caliphate and permission in
all famous Sufi orders, then he was going to his native place

upon getting leave from his spiritual master. He died in the year
989 Hegira.
6.Shaikh Shamsuddin Shirazi: His  title and poetic name was
Zindadil. He was from Shiraz. He was among the genealogical
link with the rulers of Iran. When the ruling period came at the
hands of Bani Amam then they have not treated well with him.
In the helpless condition upon the advice of his mother, he was
migrated from his country of birth, Iran. His mother had given
two pieces of advice to him.
1. To hold with the hand of pledge  and edge the shirt of the
person who will be Ghouse and Qutub of the time.
2. Till your life period do not try to return back.
  So for this reason he was wearing the dress of Qalandar
(dauntless person) person and he went to Iraq and Arab
countries. In each and every city he was searching for a perfect
spiritual master. And from where he has arrived Deo Island and
where he has met one disciple of Shah Mohammed Ghouse and
in his company there was prevailed upon his condition of
abstraction and during this period he was able to know that Shah
Mohammed Ghouse who was arriving in Ahmedabad from
Gwalior. So he came to Ahmedabad and he was a pledge on his
hands.Upon education and its completion, he was given
permission for the guidance of the people of Deccan province.
During the life period of his Shaikh, he did not dare to accept a
pledge from the people. But after death, he accepted the pledge
of the young man and pious and whose name was Shaikh Abdul

   Moulana Ghousi who has written that “ He used to visit the

tomb of his Shaikh once in a year and then give a gap of one
year then he will visit next year Gwalior. During the way, he
will stay in his locality in Mandu. In the knowledge of
mathamatics (carrying figures being shattered and occult science
of numbers and letters and he was the disciple of Shaikh
  From the year 986 Hegira, he was stopped visiting Gwalior and
he died in the year 990 Hegira and after him his Sufi order
which was extend in scope or range or area over by Shaikh
Abdul Gafur.
7.Shaikh Wadud Allah Shattari: He was son Maruf Siddiqui.
And his name was Lad Allah. He has spent his life always in
darweshi and Fakir style. The genealogical link of his ancestors
which will reach by Abdul Rahman Manan and who was the
grandson of Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq R.A.
   Shaikh Wadud Allah who was a pledge on the hands of Shah
Mohammed in the Sufi order of Shuttaria. For more or less 12
years he was in the service of his spiritual master and he has
learned endeavours and recitals of the way of life of Shattari
Sufi order and he has obtained the certificate for its invitation
and acted upon the instruction.
  When Shah Mohammed left Gwalior then he was also left from
there and he  lived for some years in  an Asta village in
loneliness. In the year 947 Hegira he has left  the residence from
there and from Malwa he has arrived in Khandesh and he was
settled down in Jamud village.
  Shaikh Eisa Janad Allah who had met him and he has written
that “ Once for some occasion along with my spiritual master
went in the ground of the Gamud by chance when I have a
meeting with Shaikh Wadud Allah there. We have seen one

pious person of light and from his forehead, there was coming
out of the lights of saintliness and miracles before the sight of
the persons to watch this.
  He was died in the year 993 Hegira and buried in Jamud in
8.Shah Manjahn: Abdallah Ibn Qazi Khair Eldin’s son and who
was pious and having noble parents. His ancestor who was
Khulasatal Ulma Qazi Tajuddin Nahvi and maternal grandfather
were Samauddin Dehlavi and who was on a higher grade post
about giving legal opinions and he was well known by the title
of Khatlaq Khan.
    Shaikh Manjahan’s spiritual master is Al-Taj Urfa Shaikh
Tajuddin and when he has come to India then he was attached to
the edge of the shirt of Shah Mohammed Ghouse. And he was
obtained saintly dress of the caliphate and permission in the Sufi
order of Shutaria. Shaikh Tajuddin has instructed and
recommended Shaikh Manjahan to remain in the service of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. So for this reason Shaikh Manjahan has
learned Jawar Khasma (five jewels) and acted upon these jewels.
Shah Mohammed Ghouse due to his kindness who has given
him that saintly dress which has worn during his period of
mystical exercise in the Chinar mountain range. Regarding this
saintly dress Moulana Ghousi who has written that “In the year
1014 Hegira with the help of his son Shaikh Usman he has seen
that saintly dress.”
   Shaikh Manjhan who was a class fellow of Shaikh Ahmedi
and who used to give lessons of scholarly knowledge of
alternate and used to take care about the limit of the Islamic
Sharia law. And he has spent all his life in teaching and
instruction, study and as well as meditation. In that year when
Sher Khan Suri has conquered the fort of Rai Sain and renamed

it as fort Islamabad. During that year he left from his native

place Lucknow and he came to this fort. And during a long
period of time, he was Shaikh of the Islam and in charge of the
shrine works in the fort area. When this fort was conquered by
the Hindu army then he was going to Sarangapur (Malwa) and
he  settled down there and he has constructed his house there.
And around Malwa, there was no such great learned person like
Shaikh Manjhan. And Moulana Ghousi who has written that “
Due to the blessing of his respectable foot Sarnagpur was
becoming a Shiraz City of the country of Iran as the house of
knowledge. For a large number of the people of perfection, the
soil of the wise Sarangpur is becoming causing to settle down of
them there.
  Shaikh Manjhan who was adopted loneliness in his last age in
Asta. And this village is at the distance of the two destinations
from Sarangpur. And at this place, he died in the month of Rabil
Awwal 1001 Hegira year. Moulana Ghousi who has met with
Shah Manjhan and he was written about him in his book Gulzar
Abrar as follows “When in the year 986 Hegira the owner of the
country (King Akbar) when he has come toward Malwa then all
saintly guides of Malwa province who were gathered in the
royal army for one special reason in this matter. In that group
this writer who has to enable into go to his service and met with
him there. He was blessed by seeing him and was benefitted of
favour of the kissing of his hands.
9.Shaikh Abdul Hai Jewa: He was a caliph of Shah
Mohammed Ghouse. And he has spent the life of the resigned to
the will of God. He never left the edge of surrender to another’s
particularly God’s will from his hands. His humility was such
that as per the saying of Shaikh Dawud Shuttari once Shah
Mohammed Ghouse has sent to him some quantity food grains

but he has refused to take it. And it sent him the second time, but
he was again refused. And it  sent him the third time, but he has
refused it so he has received a message of warning as follows
from Shah Mohammed Ghouse.
“ Your name will be removed from the register of the caliphs.”
   But Shaikh Joe who has given reply as he has the resigned to
the will of God that due to his spiritual master and that due to
guidance of spiritual master fear of rejection and impression of
the acceptance from the mind of the darwesh which was washed
away and this message of warning’s impression is also on the
water.” When this message has reached to Shah Mohammed
Ghouse then he came to his residence and embraced him. And
do tell  him that “The order of firmness and constancy  which is
completed by your name and signature. Now the knowledge of
upon miracles utilized in the fight in a mystic way and fix the
flag in it. The crown should be put upon the head of the actions
as you went straight as per orders and so the Fakir’s the
kingdom of the whole world for which should think granted for
yourself in this matter.” 
In the Gwalior in the court of Shaikh Jeo which will be full of
the people's heavy rush and gathering. And due to this reason his
heart will be worrying so he from his native place went to Delhi
and where there was also found heavy rush and so for this
reason he went to Panipat in the helpless condition. And there
also he was found heavy rush and gathering of the people. At
last, at the bank of river Yamuna, where he was adopted
loneliness in one village Baduli and probability in that place, he
has died there.
  In short Shah Mohammed Ghouse’s caliphs and the disciple
who were spread in all directions. So for this reason Shah
Mohammed Ghouse’s son Shaikh Abdullah (1021 Hegira/1612)

sat on the carpet of his father in Gwalior. Shaikh Mubarak and

Shaikh Badi Zaman Samarqandi who were with him in Gwalior
and who wrote marginal notes and comments on the Shah
Mohammed Ghouse’s books Kalid Maqzan and Kanzal Wahida.
With Akberabad Shah Mohammed Ghouse’s another son Shaikh
Noor Eldin Zia (1006 Hegira/1592 ) who sat on the carpet of his
father and Shaikh Abdalla Sufi who was there also. In
Burhanpur (Khandesh) Shaikh Akmaluddin Burhan and Shaikh
Lashkar Mohammed Arif (993 Hegira/1585) and Sirajuddin
Binani who were propagating about their Sufi order. In Baroda
Shaikh Saderuddin Shams Mohammed Zakir (989 Hegira/1581)
and Shaikh Habib Shattari who were benefiting the people. In
Ahmedabad Shah, Mohammed Ghoue’s two sons Shaikh
Awaise and Shaikh Ismail were the cause of the grace there.
Among his great caliphs Shaikh Wajihuddin Alwai and Ali Sher
Bangali who were giving benefits to mankind. In Sambhal,
Shaikh Mohammed Ashiq and in Ajmare Abdul Fath Nagori, in
Sarhind Shaikh Mohammed Jamali, in Kalpi Shaikh Jalal Wasil,
in Baduli Shaikh Mohammed Jeo Abdul Hai, in Bijapur Shaikh
Shamsuddin Shirazi, in Ujjain (Malwa) Shaikh Ahmed
Mutwakil and Shaikh Salem, in Sarangpur Shaikh Manjhan, in
short in surrounding areas and in all places all his caliphs who
were spread there and there was the propagation of the Sufi
order of Shuttaria with at. Shaikh Wajihuddin’s (998
Hegira/1589) caliph Shaikh Sibqat Allah (1606 Hegira/1015)
and who was settled down in Madina and who spread this Sufi
order in the country of Hejaz.
The End.

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