Nisargopachar Kendra - 2016-17
Nisargopachar Kendra - 2016-17
Nisargopachar Kendra - 2016-17
Earth Space
Water Air
Welcome to the Ashram
Progress at the Ashram 1-8
Case Studies 9-60
Shri. Hrishikesh A. Mafatlal, Chairman
Dr. Narayan G. Hegde, Managing Trustee
Shri. Girish G. Sohani, Trustee
Shri. Dnynoba T. Kanchan, Trustee
Shri. Shivraj B. Karvande, Secretary
Welcome to the Ashram
We are happy to present the Progress Report of the Nisargopachar Ashram for 2016-17.
The Ashram continues to serve the community through naturopathy treatment,
promotion of yoga and meditation, and awareness about community health, healthy
lifestyle and positive thinking to ensure good health. Our efforts to upgrade the
infrastructure and the surroundings continue to receive appreciation from our inmates.
We continue to introduce new treatments based on scientific research and create
greater awareness on emerging diseases related to modern lifestyle and growing stress.
We also encourage stress prone people to stay at the Ashram, to service their body and
mind, much before they turn sick. Modern lifestyle needs such a break from
monotonous and stressful routine.
The treatments at the Ashram are aimed to detoxify the body to facilitate normal
functioning of all the organs. This helps most our patients to return home with improved
health and greater satisfaction. Some of the ailments are cured without any medicine
while people suffering from certain diseases will have to continue their prescribed
medicines, often in reduced doses, as a result of detoxification and stress relief. Those
who do not spend adequate period at the Ashram, may start feeling better, without full
recovery. During this year, 33% indoor patients experienced complete recovery from
their illness without any medicine, 23% got well while taking prescribed medicines, 6%
patients had reduced their medicines and 25% patients experienced significant
improvement in their health conditions. 11% patients had a very short stay at the
Ashram to be able to experience the impact and 2% patients did not observe benefits.
Naturopathy is a path for adoption of healthy lifestyle and not a treatment to get
temporary relief.
Many people ask in a lighter vein, about the utility of naturopathy, as many patients
who regain their health at the Ashram are not able to maintain the discipline and end up
coming again. However, those who have benefitted, say that they go back with
knowledge and confidence to live happily again with backup of the Ashram.
We are happy that the Ashram is attracting patients from rural areas and also from
weaker sections of the society, who get equal attention with other patients, ensuring
equality and social justice, a concern expressed by our Founder, Mahatma Gandhi. With
the support of our guests and well-wishers, we hope to serve the community better.
Dr. Narayan G. Hegde
Managing Trustee
There has been steady rise in the occupancy of indoor patients during the last 10 years,
except a 3% drop during the current year (Fig. 1). This was due to restriction in admission
during the summer to avoid water shortage. To improve the water supply, additional
water storage facility has been created and a water treatment plant has been installed to
improve the quality.
<10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 >60
Age Group
Seminars / Workshops
= Talk by Dr. Milind Watwe in April 2016 on “Doves, Diplomats and Diabetes-Darwinian
interpretation of Type 2 Diabetes and related disorders”.
= Dr. Abhishek Devikar and Dr. Ameya Devikar attended workshop on importance of
ECG in clinical practice in Pune in August 2016.
= Ms. Bhagwati Mukhedkar attended a workshop on “Mantra Yoga” in Pune on July
23-24, 2016.
We express our gratitude to those who supported us through generous donations,
technical and morale support from time to time. List of donors who have donated over
Rs. 10,000 during the year is presented in Table 5.
Table 5. List of Donors
Names of Donors Amount (Rs.)
1. Ms. Kamala Giridharilal Valecha 2,00,000.00
2. Dr. Arjun Kumar A. Rathi, Ahmedabad 2,00,000.00
3. Mr. Hiran Sanghvi 2,00,000.00
4. Dr. B. L. Patil, Urulikanchan 51,000.00
5. Mr. Ramesh Agarwal 50,000.00
6 I Annual Report 2016-17 Nature Cure Ashram
Names of Donors Amount (Rs.)
6. Mr. Sampat Kariwal 30,000.00
7. M/s. Maheshwari Agencies (through Mr. Kalia) 21,000.00
8. Mr. Vijay Kumar Gupta, Chandigarh 11,000.00
Management Team
The activities of the Ashram are managed by the Management Team, under the
directions of the Trustees. The List of Senior Officers is presented in Table 6.
Table 6. Ashram Management Team
Inaugura on of Water
So ener Plant donated by
Shri. Hrishikesh Mafatlal,
Water Reservoir
at Ashram
Naturopathy Treatments:
Sr. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Enema Daily : Days 9-16
Alternate days : Days 3-7
Weekly twice : Day 7 onwards -
2. Mud Pack-Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Hip Bath Daily 8 minutes
4. Cold Abdomen pack Daily 20 minutes
5. Neutral immersion
bath with Epsom salt Daily 15 minutes
6. Rice gruel and
turmeric applica on Alternate days
Follow Up Advice: The pa ent was advised to follow the specified diet, Yoga,
Pranayamas, and simple home based treatments for next 3 months for further
improvement. She came for follow up visit every month, which showed excellent
improvement and she is now free of her problem.
Reported by Dr. Ameya Devikar
Naturopathy Treatments:
Sr. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Enema Daily – 1-2, 5, 9-13, 16, 20-21. -
2. Massage Daily 45 minutes
Mud Pack-Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Neutral immersion
bath with Epsom salt Alternate Days 8 minutes
4. Steam bath Alternate Days 8 minutes
5. Acupuncture Daily for 10 Days 30 minutes
6. Short Wave Diathermy Daily for 10 Days 10 minutes
7. Interferen al Therapy Daily for 10 Days 10 minutes
Results Achieved:
Regular follow ups during the course of stay. A er undergoing the treatments for 8 days
there was reduc on in pain. A er fas ng, the s ffness also reduced considerably.
Towards the end of stay, 90% relief was observed. The subjec ve and objec ve findings
were taken into considera on to analyse the amount of improvement.
Follow up Advice: Pa ent was advised to follow the exercises and diet as prescribed. He
was asked to come back for follow up advice every 2 months.
Reported by Dr. Abhishek Devikar
Naturopathy treatments:
Therapy Dura on Frequency
Enema Daily Alternate day
Full body Massage therapy daily
with Coconut oil 45 min Daily
Yoga Therapy:
Asana Pranayama Suddhi kriya Medita on
Pawanmuktasana Omkar Kapalbha medita on 45min
weekly twice.
U anpadasana Anulom Vilom
Bhujangasana Bhramari
Setubandhasana Deep breathing
Results Achieved: With the help of all above treatments and diet therapy, pa ent got
50% of relief in symptoms of ngling and numbness. He was able to walk about 500
metres at a stretch. He also got relief from discomfort of the bu ocks.
Follow Up Advice:
= Advised to follow given diet at home, which included more fruits in daily diet.
= Regular exercises given by Physiotherapist.
= Walking for 20 min daily (if in pain, advised not to walk).
= Prac ce yoga regularly, as advised by Yoga Instructor.
Reported by Dr. Kushan Shah
Diet Chart:
Time Diet Quan ty Dura on
7 am Kadha with milk 100 ml + 100 ml Daily
8 am Carrot juice 200 ml Daily
9 am Sprouts 100 gm Daily
11 am Jowar ro 1 + vegetable + soup +
chutney + Bu er milk - Daily
3 pm Lemon water 200 ml Daily
4 pm Pineapple juice 200 ml Daily
6 pm Jowar ro 1 + vegetable + soup + chutney Daily
9 pm Papaya / Apple 100 gm Daily
Follow Up Advice:
At the end of 15 days, her condi on improved up to 75%. She was able to talk clearly
without belching difficulty as it had reduced up to 70-80 per day and sleep had also
improved. Follow up given was to prac ce Pranayam daily and Kriyas once a week.
Reported by Dr. Samruddhi Vyas
Naturopathy Treatments:
S. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Enema Daily Days 18-22
Alternate days Other days
2. Mud Pack-Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Hip Bath Daily 8 minutes
4. Full mud bath Alternate days 20 minutes
5. Neutral immersion
bath with Epsom salt Daily 15 minutes
6. Rice gruel and
turmeric applica on Alternate days
Results Achieved:
Regular follow up was done during the course of stay. At the end of Day 12, there was
considerable reduc on in itching and the flaking had also reduced. At the end of juice
fas ng, the skin had become much clearer and normal.
Follow up Advice: Pa ent was advised to follow a diet devoid of spicy and oily food and
cut down on maida (refined flour) products. He was asked to include 3 servings of fruits
and 2 servings of salad every day apart from his main meal. He was also advised to take
Epsom salt bath daily and rice gruel and turmeric applica on twice a week.
Reported by Dr. Ameya Devikar
Diet Chart:
Time Diet Quan ty Dura on
6 am Water 100 ml Daily
7 am Kadha + Milk 100 ml +100 ml daily
8 am Bo le gourd juice 100 ml daily
9 am Amla+ turmeric Juice / Neem juice 20 ml Alternate day
10 am Raw Sprouts 100 gm daily
12 Jowar ro 1+ Boiled vegetable 100 gm
Noon + Chutney + Thin Dal 100 ml Days 1-5
Nachni ro 1 + Boiled veg. + Chutney Days 6-12
Rice + Dal 100 gm+ 100 gm Days 13-15
3 pm Kadha + Milk + Apple 100 ml + 100 ml Daily
6:30 1 Ro + Boiled Vegetable 200 ml
pm + Chutney + Rice 50 gm Daily
9 pm Milk 100 ml Daily
During his en re stay, he was on the above construc ve diet therapy. The pa ent was
advised to drink only 800 ml water in a day.
Naturopathy Treatments:
Therapy Dura on Frequency
Enema Alternate day
Full body Massage therapy 45 min Daily
Spinal bath Twice a week
Steam Bath 5 min Every alternate day
Nature Cure Ashram Annual Report 2016-17 I 21
Therapy Dura on Frequency
Mud pack on Abdomen 30 min Daily
Hip Bath at neutral temperature 20 min Alternate day
Kidney pack 30 min Alternate day
Yoga Therapy:
Asana Pranayama Medita on
Pawanmuktasana Om kar Cyclic medita on 45 min twice a week.
Bhujangasana Anulom Vilom
Ka chakrasana Bhramari
Results Achieved:
Laboratory Reports:
Parameters Normal value Pa ent value on Pa ent value on
admission discharge
Serum Urea 15-40 mg / dl 75 62
Serum Crea nine 0.6 – 1.5 mg / dl 3.2 1.8
Serum total protein 6-8 gm / dl 10 7
Electrolyte 136-145/ 3.8-5.0 / 140/5.5/105 138/4.5/100
Sodium/Potassium/chloride 99-111 m Eq/L
Uric acid 3.4-7 ml/dL 6.8 4.5
Follow Up Advice
= Consume small and frequent meals at regular intervals.
= Follow meal mings. Avoid skipping any meal especially breakfast.
= Use less salt and fewer salty foods. This would help to control blood pressure.
= Use herbs and spices such as jeera (cummin) powder, coriander powder, curry
leaves, mint, fresh coriander, celery and ginger to enhance flavour in place of salt.
= Avoid salt subs tutes such as black salt and rock salt as they may contain potassium.
= Include whole grain cereals (wheat, rice), millets (ragi, jawar), corn and pulses in
daily diet.
= Consume low potassium fruits such as apple, pineapple, pear, papaya, and guava.
= Avoid fruit juices, coconut water and carbonated beverages.
Reported by Dr. Kushan Shah
22 I Annual Report 2016-17 Nature Cure Ashram
Case 8. Management of Obstruc ve Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Obstruc ve Sleep Apnea Syndrome is a poten ally serious sleep disorder. It causes
breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep. This type of apnea occurs when the
throat muscles intermi ently relax and block airway during sleep. The most common
cause is usually obesity.
History: Mr. JK, 62, has been suffering from Obstruc ve Sleep Apnea Syndrome for last
14 years which became very severe since he gained 15 kg of weight in last 2 years,
reaching a massive 121 kg. While sleeping, pressure was exerted on the wind pipe due to
his big tummy, making it difficult for him to breath during sleep. He was using a C-pap
machine at night in order to get sleep. He was suggested to undergo 21 day treatment at
the Ashram.
Treatment: The root cause of the problem was heavy weight and par ally weak lungs.
The treatments mainly focussed on weight loss by giving a low calorie diet, exercises,
massage therapy to mobilise fat and other treatments to improve the metabolism.
Strategies to keep him ac ve and mobile were incorporated which helped him receive
good results.
Diet Chart:
Time Diet Quan ty Days
7 am Kadha +Milk + Jaggery 100 ml
8 am Bo le gourd juice 200 ml
9 am Boiled moong 200 ml
10.30 am 1. Normal Diet:
Vegetable soup100 ml, Boiled vegetables- 1-3, and 18-21
100 gm, Jowar Bhakri -1, Bu ermilk 200 ml
2. Raw Salads: 200 gm Days 4-6, 15-18
3. Fruit Diet: Papaya/Pomegranate / Sapota / Days 7-11
Musk melon
3 pm Kadha+Milk +Jaggery 200 ml
4 pm Bo legourd Juice 200 ml
5.30 pm 1. Normal Diet:
Vegetable soup -100 ml, Boiled vegetables- 1-3, and 18-21
100 gm, Jowar Bhakri -1 Days 4-6, 7-11,
2. Fruit Diet: 15-18
Papaya/Muskmelon / Guava / Apple / Pear
Nature Cure Ashram Annual Report 2016-17 I 23
Yogic Prac ces:
Sr. No. Prac ces Details Dura on
1 Asanas Sukshma vyayamas,
Suryanamaskaras and other asanas 45 minutes daily
2 Pranayamas Bhastrika, Kapalabha ,
Suryabhedana, sec onal breathing 20 minutes daily
3 Medita on Awareness on breathing 10 minutes daily
Naturopathy Treatments:
Sr. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Neutral Enema Days 1,4,8,12,16,20 -
2. Mud Pack-Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Steam bath Daily 10 minutes
4. Cold Hip bath Alternate Days 10 minutes
5. Neutral Immersion bath Alternate Days 10 minutes
6. Massage Full body 60 minutes
7. Acupuncture Daily for 10 Days 30 minutes
Results Achieved:
Following this diet, yoga and various treatments, he lost 12 kg weight in 21 days. His
breathing discomfort reduced in the first week itself and he could walk comfortably for
2.5 km at a stretch on his own towards the end of his stay. It was a dream come true.
Follow up Advice: Pa ent was advised to follow yoga, a healthy diet, avoid junk food,
non-vegetarian, oily and fried food. He was also advised to con nue brisk walking for 45
minutes daily. He was recommended to come for follow up visits every month for 6
months, followed by re-admission for 21 days to achieve the target weight.
Reported by Dr. Abhishek Devikar
Naturopathy treatments
= Mud pack applica on on abdomen - 20 minutes daily
= Full body massage - 45 minutes daily
= Enema - alternate days
= Steam bath - 10 minutes on alternate days
= Spinal bath - 20 minutes on alternate days
= GH pack - 20 minutes on alternate days
= Kidney pack - 20 minutes on alternate days
Diet Chart:
= 5:30 am - Methi water
= 7:00 am - Kadha with milk 50 ml
= 9:00 am - Bo le gourd juice 200 ml
= 12 noon - Normal diet (Nachni Bhakri, vegetable, chutney, soup, bu ermilk) for
10 days; Later, raw diet with bu ermilk for next 10 days.
= 3:00 pm - Kadha with milk 50 ml
= 4:00 pm - Bo le gourd juice 200 ml
= 6:00 pm - Normal diet (Nachni Bhakri, vegetable, chutney, soup)
= 8:00 pm - Milk
= 8:30 pm - Papaya / Apple- 100 gm
Nature Cure Ashram Annual Report 2016-17 I 25
Medicines Dosage
On admission FBS PPBS On discharge FBS PPBS
Insugen 30-0-24 234 343 18-0-8 160 192
As the pa ent had her Blood Sugar levels fluctua ng every day before her admission,
resul ng in severe hyper and hypoglycemia with tapering insulin doses every day, daily
record was maintained to monitor her BSL.
Medica on taken:
On Admission On Discharge
Insugen 30/70 30 – 0 – 24 18- 0 - 8
Telma 40 1- 0 – 0 medicine stopped
Cardivas 6.25 0–1–1 0–1–1
Coralan 5 mg 0–1–1 0–1–1
Prax 10 mg 0–0–1 0–0–1
Pivasta 2 mg 0–0–1 0–0–1
Istamet 1–0–1 0–½-0
Geminor M2 (SR) 1–0–½ 0–1-0
Along with proposed diet, pa ent fasted on honey water, Tulsi Kadha and Coconut Water
for 7 days.
Results Achieved:
At the end of 21 days, pa ent experienced complete relief from cough, conges on,
wheezing and cons pa on. His condi on improved up to 90% and his medicines were
stopped completely.
Follow up Advice:
He was given a follow up chart along with breathing exercises, walking up to 2 km,
pranayams and diet including fibrous fruits, vegetable soups. He was asked to avoid
spices, non-vegetarian food, caffeine and dairy products. He was also advised to wear a
mask in crowded areas while travelling and maintain personal hygiene and sanita on.
Reported by Dr. Vandita Bagul
Diet Chart:
Time Diet Quan ty Days
7 am Kadha + Jaggery 150 ml
8 am Carrot juice 200 ml
30 I Annual Report 2016-17 Nature Cure Ashram
Time Diet Quan ty Days
9 am Pomegranate juice 200 ml
10.30 am Normal Diet:
Vegetable soup 100 ml, Boiled vegetables Days 1-7,
100 gm, Jowar bhakri -1 26-30
Fruit Diet: Pomegranate / Days 8-25
Musk melon/Apple/ Figs
3 pm Carrot Juice 200 ml
4 pm Musk melon /pomegranate 200 gm
5.30 pm Vegetable soup 100 ml, Days 1-7,
Boiled vegetables 100 gm, 26-30
Fruit Diet: Pomegranate /Apple/ Figs Days 8-25
Naturopathy Treatments:
Sr. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Enema Alternate days: Days 3 - 7 -
2. Mud Pack - Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Mustard Pack on Knees Alternate days
4. Cold Abdomen Pack Daily 20 minutes
5. Neutral immersion bath
with Epsom salt Daily 15 minutes
6. Epsom Salt pack on knees Alternate days 20 minutes
Results Achieved:
Combina on of above treatments showed excellent results in terms of pain, s ffness
and discomfort.
Naturopathy Treatments:
Sr. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Neutral Enema Daily – 1-3,5,8, 9,11,13, -
2. Mud Pack -Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Cold Abdomen pack Alternate Days 20 minutes
4. Cold Hip bath Daily 10 minutes
5. Ice massage on the
abdomen Alternate Days 10 minutes
6. Massage Except on Abdomen 45 minutes
7. Neurotherapy Giving Specific pressure on 30 minutes
specified points on the body for 5 days
using the feet
Result Achieved: She was very comfortable with the treatment and diet.
Drug Tapering Chart:
Medica on Day 1 Day 13
Cyplox 500 1-0-0 ½-0-0
Thyronorm 1-0-0 ½-0-0
At the end of 13 days, her condi on improved up to 70%. She was able to walk properly,
her pain reduced, weight decreased and there was par al healing of varicose ulcer of
Reported by Dr. Samruddhi Vyas
Naturopathy treatments:
Therapy Dura on Frequency
Enema Alternate day
Full body massage 45 min daily Daily
Mud bath on abdomen 30 min Daily
Steam bath 3 min Weekly twice
Immersion bath at Neutral temperature 20 min Alternate day
Spinal bath 10 min Daily
Results Achieved:
A er 10 days of treatment, her appe te had improved and stress had reduced. She
learnt to cope up with stress and to remain healthy. She was followed up for 3 months.
Her menstrual cycle had also become regular.
Follow Up Advice:
= Small meals should be planned to avoid re-feeding syndrome and maximise
= Gas forming and fa y foods should be limited.
= Regular walk for 1 hour every day to improve metabolism.
= Regular exercise, yoga and medita on.
= Consump on of high protein, moderate carbohydrate and low fat diet.
Reported by Dr. Kushan Shah
Diet Chart:
The following diet therapy was advised:
Normal diet Jowar bhakri 1 + vegetable + chutney + soup First 2 days
Raw diet Salads of carrot, cucumber, beet,
green vegetables + sprouts Next 8 days
Juice fas ng Juices of carrot, watermelon, coconut water,
Tulsi Kadha Next 3 days
Water fas ng Coconut water and lemon with honey Next 6 days
Normal diet Jowar bhakri 1 + vegetable + chutney + soup Next 3 days
Results Achieved:
Combina on of the above Naturopathy treatments showed excellent result in allevia ng
the symptoms associated with addic on. At the end of 24 days, he lost 10 kg and was rid
of tobacco addic on.
Follow up advice:
He was given Diet chart, exercises and yoga to maintain weight. He was also advised to
avoid junk, non-vegetarian, oily and spicy food, bakery products and sweets. Daily walk
up to 3 -5 km and fas ng once a week on raw salads and juices were also suggested.
Reported by Dr. Vandita Bagul
38 I Annual Report 2016-17 Nature Cure Ashram
Case 17. Management of Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR)
Total Knee Replacement Surgery is a surgical procedure to replace the weight-bearing
surfaces of the knee joint to relieve pain and disability. It is most commonly performed
for severe osteo-arthri c condi ons of knee joint.
Mrs. S, 60, had severe osteo-arthri s of both knee joints. She underwent bilateral knee
replacement surgery. A er taking adequate rest, she came to the Ashram for
physiotherapy as an outdoor pa ent for a month.
Aim of the treatment was:
- To reduce post opera ve pain
- To reduce post-opera ve joint s ffness and improve range of mo on
- To reduce swelling
- To make her walk independently
The following Physiotherapy treatments were given:
Treatments Dura on Physiological Effect
Infra red radia on 15 minutes daily To relieve pain and swelling
Isometric quadriceps exercise 20 repe ons To improve strength
Knee joint mobilisa on 10 repe ons To improve range of mo on
Ac ve knee exercises 15 repe ons To maintain achieved range
Gait training Daily Walk independently
Cycling Daily 15 minutes To maintain normal range and
improve strength
A er following the above diet for a month, her pain and swelling went off. She was able
to bend her knees completely and walk normally without any external support.
Follow Up Advice: She was asked to con nue the exercises at home for two more
Reported by Dr. Gauri Shah
Naturopathy Treatments:
Sr. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Enema Alternate days: Days 3-7 -
2. Mud Pack-Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Cold hip bath Daily 20 minutes
4. Cold Abdomen pack Alternate days 20 minutes
5. Hot and cold compress
on abdomen Alternate days 12 minutes
Naturopathy treatments:
Therapy Dura on Frequency
Enema daily Daily 1-5
Alternate days 6-10
Full body Massage therapy 45 minutes Daily
Full Mud bath 30 minutes Weekly once
Rice flour and turmeric paste
applica on on body 30 minutes Alternate days
Full body Neem water immersion bath 20 minutes Daily
Abdomen Lapet 30 minutes Daily
Hip bath 20 minutes Alternate days
Physiotherapy 1 hour
(IFT / Ultra Sound/Wax therapy) per session Days 1-5
Yoga Therapy:
Asana Pranayam Sudhi Kriya Medita on Walk
Pawanmuktasana Omkar Kapalbha Medita on 45 min. 15 min slow
twice a week. walking advised
in the morning
and evening.
U anpadasana Anulom Vilom Kunjal kriya
Results Achieved:
Pa ent got relief a er 10 days of treatment. Her rashes, itching and pain in the joints had
reduced. She felt fresh and energe c.
Medica ons:
Name of medicine On admission On discharge
T. Omnacor l 5mg 0-0-1 S.O.S
T.Dolo 650mg 0-0-1 0-0-0
T.Avil 0-1-0 S.O.S
T.Pan 40 1-0-0 0-0-0
T. Allegra -180 0-1-1 S.O.S
Follow Up Advice:
= Try to avoid spicy and oily food.
= Avoid wheat; it can be subs tuted with other cereals, millets, rice.
= Have black raisins, 20 pieces daily in the morning.
= Always take thin dal in place of thick dal; Avoid Tur and Urad dal.
= Always carry a list of allergy medicines.
= Walk 30 minutes daily.
= Take warm water bath for pain relief.
Reported by Dr. Kushan Shah
Naturopathy Treatments:
Sr. No. Treatments Frequency Dura on
1. Neutral Enema Alternate Days: 1,3,5,7, 9,11,13 -
2. Mud Pack-Abdomen Daily 20 minutes
3. Hot foot bath Daily 20 minutes
4. Cold Hip bath Alternate Days 10 minutes
5. Neutral Spinal Bath Alternate Days 10 minutes
6. Massage Except on legs 10 minutes
7. Acupuncture Daily for 10 Days 30 minutes
Results Achieved:
On Day 2, there was a migraine a ack which could be a ributed to change in lifestyle and
withdrawal from tea, oily and spicy food. Later, by following the treatments, there was
no migraine a ack and the celluli s showed reduc on in swelling and pain a er 6 days.
Towards the end of stay, the celluli s of foot had reduced by 95%, and no migraine was
Follow up Advice: Pa ent was advised to follow yoga, a healthy diet and avoid the
dietary triggers of migraine. She was also advised to take oil applica on with hot
fomenta on and do regular dressing of the wounds.
Reported by Dr. Abhishek Devikar
Laboratory Reports:-
Status At the me of Admission At the me of Discharge
Fas ng Blood Sugar 237 170
PP Blood Sugar 317 198
Medicines At Admission On discharge
Insulin Lantus Injec on 100 IU/ml
Humalog Injec on 100 IU/ml
Jalra M 50 500 mg
Win BP –Trio 20 1
Results Achieved:
During the stay, insulin tapered down and weight reduced by 4 kg..
Follow up:
She was given a follow up chart for home with diet and yoga schedule. She was advised to
avoid sweets, refined flour products and non-veg food.
Reported by Dr. Vandita Bagul
Diet Chart
7:00 am : Tulsi Kadha with milk - 200 ml daily
8:00 am : Carrot juice - 200 ml daily
9:00 am : Pomegranate Juice - 200 ml
10:30 am : Normal diet -
Jowar bhakri 1 + vegetable + soup + chutney + bu er milk for days 1 - 3.
Raw diet with bu ermilk for next 3 days (Days 4-6)
Fruit diet - Pomegranate, watermelon and muskmelon
with soup for next 3 days
50 I Annual Report 2016-17 Nature Cure Ashram
12:00 pm : Tender coconut water or Neera, daily.
3:00 pm : Tulsi Kadha with milk – 200 ml
5.30 pm : Soup, vegetable, chutney for the first 3 days followed with fruit diet for
remaining days.
Results Achieved:
Pa ent was not under any psychiatric medica on during her stay at the Ashram. Though
ini ally the pa ent found it difficult to handle things, as days passed, with regular
counselling, treatment and diet, the pa ent was very coopera ve in all her ac vi es. She
did not experience any kind of mood swings. The tendency for anger and violence had
reduced by 80%, sleep pa ern was normal, OCD had reduced by 60% and she was very
comfortable in adjus ng with her fellow mates. The pa ent had created good rapport
with all her fellow mates, official and non-official staff at the Ashram.
Follow Up Advice:
The pa ent was advised to follow the given instruc ons regarding Yoga, Pranayam,
Exercise and Diet at home and advised to come back a er 6 months.
Reported by Dr. Lavanya Upadhyay
Diet Chart:
Time Diet Dura on
7 am Kadha 100 ml with milk 100 ml Daily
8 am Carrot Juice 200 ml Daily
9 am Amla and turmeric juice 50 ml Daily
11 am Wheat ro 1+ vegetable 100 gm + Soup 100 ml + Chutney 10 gm Daily
4pm Coconut water 1 Daily
6 pm Jowar ro -1+ vegetable- 100gm + soup- 100ml + chutney- 10 gm Daily
8 pm Papaya 100 gm Daily
9 pm Cow's milk 200 ml Daily
Results Achieved :
At the end of the treatment, her condi on had improved up to 90%. She was able to close
her eyes completely and speak normally. She had regained her confidence.
Follow Up Advice: At the me of discharge, she was advised to follow a par cular
exercise programme for one more month for complete recovery.
Reported by Dr. Gauri Shah
Diet Chart:
Time Diet Days
7 am Tulsi Kadha 100 ml Daily
8 am Carrot juice 200 ml Days 1-3 & 7
Bo le gourd juice 200 ml Days 4-5
9 am Orange juice 200ml Days 1-3 & 7
Pineapple juice 200 ml Days 4-5
10:30 am Normal diet: Jowar bhakri 1+ bu ermilk +
vegetable+ chutney Days 1-3 & 7
Raw diet + bu ermilk Days 3-6
Juice diet Days 4-5
1:30 pm Nira 200 ml Daily
3 pm Dudhi juice 200 ml Daily
5:30 pm Normal diet :Vegetable soup + 1 jowar ro +
vegetable + chutney Days 1-2; 6-7
Fruits Days 3
Juice diet Days 4-5
Days Weight Pulse Blood pressure
Day 1 78 78 160/110
Day 4 75 130/82
Day 6 75 74 122/80
Day 7 74 72 120/80
Results Achieved:
At the end of 30 days, pa ent had very good results. Joint s ffness and swelling reduced
by 96%. There were no problem of joint movements and pa ent was able to flex and
extend the fingers freely without discomfort and pain. The RF Factor which was 1000
before admission, was 86 at the end of 30 days. Pa ent did not experience any sign of
anxiety or panic a acks during her stay.
Follow up Advice:
The pa ent was given a diet chart which included an oxidant rich food to eat at home
with regular joint exercises to improve the mobility of the joints. She was advised to go
for water fas ng once in 6 months.
Reported by Dr. Lavanya Upadhyay
Case 32. Management of Scia ca, Back Pain and Obesity by Neurotherapy
PRN, 54 years, was suffering from Scia ca and Back pain for two years. She suffered from
severe stress and took pain killers and allopathic medicines, which gave temporary relief,
but the severe pain con nued. She was unable to stand even for ten minutes, without
pain. She took admission to the Ashram on August 21, 2017.
Nature Cure Ashram Annual Report 2016-17 I 59
Treatment Details: She was treated by Dr. Lavanya and Neurotherapy treatment was
given by Mr. Sonawane for 10 days.
Results Achieved:
Before the treatment, the pa ent could not walk even a short distance. She had to wait
and sit for a while. She could not even sleep properly because of the severe back pain.
The treatment for the first three days helped in relaxa on of back muscles and waist
muscles, making the pa ent comfortable and confidence. She got relief from pain.
Hence, she decided to extend her treatment period for 10 days. A er the treatment, her
condi on changed significantly.
Follow up Advice
Take simple exercises, walking, asanas and pranayama, everyday in the morning. Follow
daily rou ne as prescribed and take meals on me. Rest is the best remedy.
Reported by Mr. Sa sh Sonawane