Pepsico Environmental Health and Safety Policy PDF
Pepsico Environmental Health and Safety Policy PDF
Pepsico Environmental Health and Safety Policy PDF
Guided by our values and consistent with our Global Code of Conduct and our Human Rights Workplace Policy, PepsiCo has
established and is committed to these Environmental, Health and Safety Principles:
1. Ownership Culture: We build a proactive culture by driving ownership of environment, health and safety at the individual,
managerial and organizational levels. We engage, consult with, and train our people and actively encourage participation in building
our proactive culture.
2. Business Integration: We include environmental, health and safety considerations in both our short and long-term business
3. Resource Allocation: We provide appropriate resources to implement our environmental, health and safety management system,
which identifies, assesses and manages risks. We share environmental, health and safety best practices across the company.
4. Regulatory Compliance: We apply appropriate environmental, health and safety management practices in order to
comply with company standards and applicable legal requirements. We conduct regular audits to assess conformance
with our standard and compliance with our legal obligations.
5. Performance Measurement: We establish meaningful metrics and monitor our performance against our environmental,
health and safety performance goals, using these metrics to guide our continual improvement.
6. Continual Improvement: We monitor emerging issues and keep abreast of regulatory changes, technological innovations and
stakeholder interests in order to implement effective and sustainable solutions to reduce waste and resource and energy
consumption, protect natural resources, and create a healthy and safe work environment.
7. Stakeholder Engagement: We engage with contractors, licensed bottlers, suppliers, customers and local communities to reduce
the environmental, health and safety impacts of our daily operations, technology and products. Working with governments,
academia, nongovernmental organizations, business associations and other interested stakeholders, we strive to develop effective
and sustainable solutions to environmental, health and safety challenges we face in our business activities.
8. Annual Review: We annually review and report on the progress of the company’s performance in implementing this policy and
update it as needed.
It is the responsibility of our senior leaders to ensure this policy is understood and effectively communicated and implemented
throughout PepsiCo worldwide. All employees are responsible for understanding the impacts of this policy on their day-to-day work
practices and are expected to practice and support the principles stated above.
Printed copies of this document are for informational purposes only; current, controlled copy is located on the PepsiCo, Inc Intranet site.