Site Safety Plan Implementation 2024 MArch 2024
Site Safety Plan Implementation 2024 MArch 2024
Site Safety Plan Implementation 2024 MArch 2024
Intervention S.M.A.R.T. Action plan for this site Responsibility Target Date % Progress
Safety Objective
1. Senior and Line Management, and Supervisors take accountability for the safety and health of people under their leadership
a) Safe working practices are implemented and enforced by the most senior manager on WSWP and HIRA'S has been done with individual employees total 95% of supervisors Nov-24 50
site and assisted by his line managers and supervisors (including foremen). employees and still ongoing
b) Safety Committee Meetings are being held monthly and are chaired by the most 1. Meetings to be held at least every month to keep track of all safety issues and safety Nov-24 20
senior manager on site. A meeting schedule is drawn up in January and distributed to matters that arise , (i.e. target to be 12 meetings for the year and currently sitting
on 2 out of 12 commitee
all attendees. Attendance is compulsory and apologies for non attendance has to be 2.Chairman remains A Dawjee as previos year and also consist of a 1,2
directed to the chairman for his/ her approval. A proper agenda is in place before mangement, production , maintenance, Hr and 2 safety representives.
each meeting and action items are addressed and actioned promptly. 3.Register to be kept of all attending the meeting in order to have input aaround
the entire factory .
4. All oustanding isssues as well as new matters that arise to be adress and
completion date to be noted
c) Visible Felt Leadership is applied in our operation with implementation details in place VFL audits are done on a monthly basis by all managers. Other items supervisors monthly 30
and adhered to noticed during the course of the month are noted on the BBS booklet
d) The discipline around reportable incidents ( Major incidents, LTI's and RWC's ) are All major incidents and accidents are loaded onto Flowcentric. An internal ASAP after 50
strictly adhered to i.e. Report of Incident within 24 hrs, Management Investigation investigation to be done according to Mpact Safety Standards. incident
done and Root Cause Identified within 14 days and a Close Out Report issued within 3
months. Also note 5 (b)
e) In the event where the manager, supervisor, IP, or person causing the incident was This will be done throuugh promp incident investigation and have all the facts After
negligent or is in contravention of Mpact's safety rules and standards, appropriate before disciplanry action is to be done.
incident is
disciplinary action was taken. reported
f) SHEQ professionals and assistants (where applicable ) enjoys the full support of their If response from SHEQ professional is negative, was this taken up with the specific Ongoing 50
MM, GM or PM and Line management. individual/s? SHEQ officer to rate their level of support from management and
g) Performance agreements include challenging safety targets. Safety is included on the PDA's of SHEQ Professionals. Leading indicators Managemen Dec-24 100
are used to measure safety targets. Included in Performance (Management t
Reviews) as well as Mancom Meetings.
h) We actively demonstrate care for the wellbeing of our people. Safety Days with Sam include a Session on personal health and well being. SHEQ Oct-24 50
Medicals done monthly are taken into consideration. HIV/Aids Campaigns
will be done in October 2024 with Sr.
Operational Safety Plan Implementation 2024
Intervention S.M.A.R.T. Action plan for this site Responsibility Target Date % Progress
Safety Objective
i) All managers and supervisors have completed the "Safety Culture Leadership" course How will you drive the completion of the course
and "SHE Management and Leadership" course on the Mpact e-Learning Academy.
2. People working on our premises know that safety is a top priority and behave accordingly
a) Mpact Culture surveys are done every second year (years with even numbers) by at Surveys to be done during the 3rd quarter of 2024. SHE Reps and Foreman to SHEQ Dec-24 0
least 80% of employees and permanent contractors. circulate and assist with completion i.e. create awareness. Employees with
Intranet access to complete online. Copies to be printed for employees who do
not have access to computer and be filled in so that it be ca[tured on later stage
b) The outcome of a safety culture survey is discussed at a Safety Committee meeting Agenda item on SHE Com Meetings. Discussed and plan of action to be created to SHEQ Dec-24 75
and required action to improve culture are planned. improve culture (Starting with 2022 surveys)
c) Safety culture enhancement programs such as "Safety Days with Sam" and Safety Safety Days with Sam are done yearly (with two shifts) to include more Dec-24 50
Culture Cartoon Series are being adhered to and communicated to all employees.. All employees and contractors are included.
d) The CEO Safety, Health & Environmental Philosophy is communicated throughout our Communicated in induction. Displayed on Noticeboards in strategic places SHEQ May-24 100
d) Everyone on site has been through a safety induction Annual Inductions are done within the first week after shutdown return. SHEQ Feb-24 100
Permanent Contractors are inducted February/March and Visitors and Adhoc
contractors inducted on arrival
e) Safety briefs are issued periodically Issued of the month supervisors Dec-24 25
f) Toolbox talks are conducted regularly Toolbox Talks (Safety Culture Talks are distributed monthly) Communicated by supervisors Dec-24 30
supervisors on weekly basis and discussions with inputs from She representives.
where incidents occur in the plant or office block safety topic will also be base in
those occurences. registers be brought to sfety depart on all safety taks, She briefs
3. We have standards for how things are done and apply them diligently adapting them where necessary
a) HIRAs and SWPs for routine tasks are developed, reviewed and updated HIRA's are reviewed annually. SWP are reviewed on yearly basis with SHEQ Dec-24 100
b) HIRAs for non-routine tasks are developed before the tasks are undertaken A HIRA is conducted and documented for non-routine tasks. Permit to SHEQ Ongoing 40
work for hazardous work also has a Risk Assessment section to identify
hazards. Construction Risk Assessments
c) Everyone on the site must complete a "Fire and Safety Rules to Live By" course. How do you drive completion of the course and what do you do to encourage SHEQ Ongoing 100
(Where possible using the Mpact e-Learning Academy course.) People comply with compliance.INDUCTIONS
these Rules.
e) Our aim for incidents related to guarding, open nip points, energy isolation and Guarding to be checked during the annual HIRA review - guarding to be SHEQ Ongoing 65
housekeeping is zero and action plans to achieve this are in place discussed in toolbox talks, nippoint survey, Training, Housekeeping
measured with VFL Audits
f) There is specific focus on the prevention of hand related injuries and action plans to Hand safety one off our most significant awareness issues. This is a SHEQ Ongoing 45
achieve this are in place monthly talk with all other safety talks duing the yearly discussion. (toolbox
talks) Gaurding to be installed where necessary
Operational Safety Plan Implementation 2024
Intervention S.M.A.R.T. Action plan for this site Responsibility Target Date % Progress
Safety Objective
g) Safe stacking is a priority and all stacking is done under the supervision of a stacking Foreman and supervisors are appointed stacking supervisors. Stacking checked SHEQ Ongoing 40
supervisor appointed in writing with VFL's
h) Findings of non-compliance registered during Mongoose and Scarab audits, and Risk SHEQ Department remains responsible to be the driving force for finding closeouts SHEQ Dec-24 50
Control Grading audits and Underwriting surveys are being logged and addressed. and monitoring
4. We apply the same safety standards to contractors as to employees and to this end we have an effective Contractor Management Standard
a) A program is implemented to ensure that all Contractors and Service Providers Contractors are managed according to Mpact Safety Handbook, all SHEQ Jul-24 50
working on our sites understand and adhere to our standards and approach to safety. contractors must supply Mpact with an acceptable safety file and induction
before work can continue.
5. We continuously improve our behaviour and work conditions to reduce accidents and safety related incidents
a) Behaviour based safety is implemented and barrier identification and removal are Leading Indicators, PJO's done monthly weekly BBS barrier removal SHEQ Ongoing 50
monitored and reported. tracking monitoring, weekly VFL's, contractors included with PJO's
b) Our focus in incident investigations is to identify what we can learn from them and Incident investigation is done by all relevant as well as non- relevant SHEQ Ongoing 40
how we can apply that learning to reducing further incidents as well as sharing the parties to get different inputs to make site as safe as possible for every
learnign with other sites. Root cause identification is a key element of this. This employee as well as visitors
applies to all incidents from Close calls to fatalities. The outcome of investigations
related to Major Incidents, LTIs and RWCs are being communicated throughout our
operation using the "Reportable" option in Flowcentric.
b) Legal assignments are in place as per the Mpact Safety Appointment Manual and all Legal appointments are done according to Mpact requirements and standards, SHEQ Ongoing 30
Section 16(2), Section 8(2)(i) and GMR2.1 assignees have been through Safety Legal annual review
Liability Training in the past three years. All assignees have completed the "SHE
Management and Leadership" course on the Mpact e-Learning Academy.
c) All legal non-compliance issues relating to safety are addressed with urgency Mongoose and Scarab Audit Findings are address due to negative score SHEQ Dec-24 30
previous year specially on Scarab area
Intervention S.M.A.R.T. Action plan for this site Responsibility Target Date % Progress
Safety Objective
b) Where management interventions or operational cost are required short term Also stemming from Marsh audits, these are management or operating cost items Dec-24 0
compliance plans are in place. that need to be addressed in the short term
c) Firefighting teams are trained on every shift. As many other employees and Basic Fire Fighting techniques are explained and demonstrated during the annual Dec-24 50
contractors as practicable are given basic training on use of fire hoses and induction. Level 1 trained fire fighters are on each shift. Yearly refresher training is
d) All employees and contractors involved with Hot Works and Fire Watch have Dec-24 0
completed the "Hot Works" course on the e-Learning Academy
8. We have emergency response procedures that work and we test them periodically
a) Internal and external Risk Compliance audits are carried out annually Internal audits must be carried out annually using the Marsh Risk Compliance GS Dec-24 25
Grading checklist. Cross audits with other plants.
b) We adhere to the Mpact Risk Control Standards and take action where non- Findings are identified, prioritized and closed out according to urgentcy. Most SHEQ Dec-24 85
compliances are identified. findings to be addressed with current builidng renovations
c) First Aiders are trained and available on every shift. All first aiders trained and adequately identified for each area per shift. SHEQ Ongoing 100
Names and foto's are displyed on noice for identification
d) Emergency drills for fire, evacuation and rescue are conducted twice every year. Emergency Drills are conducted annually according to a set schedule SHEQ Dec-24 50
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