Deepthi Performance Appraisal

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With reference to

A project report
submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for
The degree of
Anaparthi Deepthi
Under the Esteemed guidance of

Mrs. Alice Karuna

Assistant professor

Department of Management Studies,

Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree and PG Courses, (Autonomous)
Affiliated to Andhra University
Visakhapatnam – 530045.

I, N.Nandini, student of BBA, GVP College for Degree and PG Courses

(Autonomous), Rushikonda, affiliated to Andhra University hereby declare that the Project
work entitled “A STUDY ON PERFFORMACE APPRAISAL SYSTEM” has been carried
out at HOTEL DASPALLA, visakhapatanam. It is a bonafide work undertaken by me in
partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of BBA. All suggestions and recommendation
are provided as per my own observation and findings.

Place: Visakhapatnam

Date: 11 / 06 /2018

(Anaparthi Deepthi)

This is to certify that the project entitled “ A Study on Performance appraisal system”
with reference to “Hotel Daspalla” is a bonafied work done by Anaparthi Deepthi (Regd
no: 2017-1809209) under my guidance and supervision .

This Project is an authenticated work of mine has been carried out at HOTEL
DASPALLA, visakhapatanam. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people
who extend their immense help to complete my project.

I express my sincere thanks to the Prof.S.Rajini, Principal, Gayatri Vidya Parishad

College for Degree and PG Courses (A), Visakhapatnam, for his encouragement
throughout the academic period.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Prof. S. Rajani, Director, School of

Management Studies, GayatriVidyaParishad College for Degree and PG Courses(A),
Visakhapatnam for giving me this opportunity.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. G. SyamalaRao, Head of the

Department for giving me this opportunity.

I express my gratitude to my faculty guide Mrs.Alice Karuna, Assistant Professor,

Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree and PG Courses(A), Visakhapatnam.

I express my sincere and heartfelt thanks to Mr. G. Apparao, HR manager, hotel

daspalla for giving me this opportunity and allows me to do my project work in Crossword
Bookstores CONTENT
 Introduction

 Need for the study

 Objectives of the study

 Methodology of the study

 Limitations of the study


Human Resource Management is concerned with the "people" in management.

HRM is this term increasingly used to refer to the philosophy, policies. Procedures and

practices relating to the management of people within organizations. Since every

organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills,

motivating them to higher levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to

maintain their commitment to the organization are essential in achieving .

Organizational able to acquire, develop, stimulate and keep outstanding workers will

be both effective efficient. Organizations that art ineffective or inefficient risk the

hazards of stagnating or going out of business. Human resource thus, creates

organizations and makes them survive and prosper .in human resources are neglected

or mismanaged; the organization is unlikely to do well.

HRM is an approach to the management of people, based on four fundamental


1. Human resources are the most important asset of in organization and

their effective management is the key to its success.

2. Human resources are the most important asset of in organization and their
effective management is the key to its success


Performance appraisal is an attempt to assess an employee’s performance. The

assessment may be taken into account in determining wage or salary increases. Claims

are made that some a schemes are objective but most at there are based an subjective

opinion. Some Schemes involve the employee in making an assessment. Employee

knows they are being evaluated and they are told criteria that will be used in the

course at the appraisal. Nothing is kept secret. The appraiser and the appraise should

carry out this task jointly in a cordial atmosphere stressing on the plus points and

finding out ways and means of over coming drawbacks if any of the appraise.


Appraisal has three purposes:

1.To help improve performance by identifying strengths and weakness and by

getting things done which will develop the former and overcome the later.

2.To identify those with potential for greater responsibility , now or in the

future and to provide guidance on what should be done to ensure that this

potential is realized.

3.To assist in deciding on pay increases which fairly equate the level of reward

with the level of performance?

Performance appraisal is, or should be, a continuous process, but it is necessary

from time to time to carry out a stock – taking exercise which reviews performance

and progress over a period of time, so that a more comprehensive story can be built up

to form the basis for considered action.

The starting point is the performance review. Which poses three questions:

1. What has actually been achieved during the period against what was expected

to be achieved?

2. What are the factors that influenced the level of achievement? These could

relate to the personal efforts or abilities of the individual concerned or to

external factors beyond his direct control.


There are a No. of reasons for performance appraisal of employees such as

counseling, promotion, training ,or a combination of them. Therefore it is necessary to

understand clearly the objectives of performance appraisal. While doing performance

appraisal, the appraiser should address the question in respect of the five ws, viz, who,

what, why, when, where, as also the how of performance appraisal.


1. To study the importance of human resource 0management.

2. To study the profile of the organisation.

3. To study performance appraisal system in DASPALLA HOTEL

4. To study the performance appraisal system

5. To suggest measures for improving performance appraisal system.


Performance appraisal or merit rating is the mechanism to assess the contribution of

all human resources working at each level of the organsation during a specific period

of time in an organization. Hotel Daspalla is a 3 Star hotel located in the heart of the

business district. In this background an attempt has made to the company through the

statement of "PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL" to keep my all efforts to. This study is

conformed to the Executive’s performance appraisal systems in DASPALLA HOTEL

in Visakhapatnam. It contributes to the employee growth and development through

self and management development programs. It provides information for taking

decisions relating to layoffs, retrenchment, etc. To create and maintain satisfactory

level of performance. To guide for job changes with the organization with the help of

continuous ranking. Performance appraisal plans are designed to meet the needs of the

organisation and the individual. It is increasingly viewed was central to good human

resource management. Performance appraisal could be under - taken either for

evaluating the performance of employees or for developing them. The evaluative

purpose has a historical dimension and is concerned primarily with looking back at

how employees have actually performed over given time period, compared with

required standards of performance. The development purpose is concerned with the

identification of employee's training and development needs


It describes the method of achieving objectives, through collection of data. The

collection of data is divided or classified in two types: They are:

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data

Primary data:

Are those, which are collected for first time and are thus original in character.

The primary data may be collected by direct personal investigation indirect oral

investigation, by local reports by schedules and questionnaires.

Secondary data:

Are those which have been already collected and analyzed by some one else,

and as such the problems associated with the original collection of data do not arise

here secondary data may be either published or unpublished.

 A survey was conducted in the company

 Then a questionnaire is prepared to known the effectiveness of performance

appraisal system.

 The collected data is analyzed.

 Finally basing on the findings suggestions are made.


1. As the managers of the organization are busy with their work schedule it was

difficult to collect detailed data.

2. Time was the major constraint as the mentioned the period was not enough to

collect the data.

3. Survey was done only with the sample size of 100 as the employees of the

company work in shifts and as they are busy with the schedule


Hotel industry has been playing an important role in the economic development

of various countries. Almost all the developed countries and a majority of developing

emerged as service economies. USA was the first economy to become a service

economy. The basics intermediate demand for the development of the service sector

are growth in intermediate demand from various manufacturing organizations which

are in the process of unbundling and direct demand from customers. Service sector has

been given important place in the Indian planning since the sixth five-year plan. The

service sector contribution to the GDP of India rose from 28.6% to 45.19%in 1998-99.

However the statistics do not reveal the true picture as the hidden service sector and

services in the unorganized sector are not added to the total. There is a tremendous

potential for the growth of service in the country. The major services in the country are

Transport and Communication. Trade , Hotels and Restaurant, community, social and

personal services and Finance and real estate services.

Service industry has shown a tremendous growth in India. In recent years

according to government estimates services industry is growing to overtake the

agriculture in Indian economy. Apart from providing most jobs and benefits it is a

major source for earning foreign exchange in India. Services sector accounts for

maximum employment and major contribution to GNP of every economy in the

World. Out of these contributions of service sector Health services provide the

maximum employment. The travel and tourism industry is the largest industry besides
automobiles and food accounting for more than 10% of the world gross national

product. The service industry is constantly changing and developing to meet the needs

of the customer in the market. The food services industry is entering the21st century

in a state of Flux. Increased competition, labor shortages, more discerning and

demanding customers, rapid changes in technology, food safety concerns, and shifting

revenue streams are the Factor operators of every ilk will need to wrestle within the

coming years, the food service segment that might experience strong growth according

to the consensus.

Among industry seers are the upscale casual segment. These avenues may be

more expensive than their traditional casual dining counterparts, but they struck gold

with an increasing sophisticated customer who along with values wants more quality

fresher ingredients and flavors. In addition diners pressed for their time, tired after

work and hungry for bit of nurturing are looking for a more upscale atmosphere and

better service even in casual dining.

Fresh ingredients, higher quality foods, and fuller flavors more variety in

spices, increased use of vegetables and healthier eating made a fairly predictable list of

food trends. But the consumer tastes and preference changes with startling rapidity

and what's hot today may not be tomorrow. Trends can be pinned down and the

patterns and preferences will matter into the new century can be discerned. However

the eating out habit is hard to break and frequency of dining outside will continue on

an upward trend.

Initially the term motel was meant for local motorists and foreign tourists

traveling by road. Basically Motels serve the needs and requirements of these travelers

and meeting the demand for transit accommodation. We can also call motel over night

stay. Some of the important services offered by motels are parking, garage facilities,

accommodation, and restaurant facilities. Motels are found equipped with filling

stations, accessories, service of elevator to the automobile entrance restaurant etc.,

Motel are found located outside the city. Preferably by the side of high ways and

important road junctions. The accommodation available in the Motel is more in the

category of a 'chalet facility'. This has a dinning hall with fixed menu. In USA the

hotel accommodation is ranked at par with hotel accommodation.


Residential Hotel:

The residential hotel work as an apartment house. Often we call them apartment

hotels. The hotels charges rent on monthly, half- yearly or yearly basis. The hotels are

generally found located in big cities and towns where no meals are served to the

customers. Initially, the residential hotels were developed in USA. The services

offered in the residential hotels are comparable to an average well managed home.
Commercial Hotel:

The commercial hotels are meant for the people who visit a place a trade and

commerce or business purposes and therefore these hotels are found located at the

commercial or industrial center. These hotels focus their attention on individual

travelers and are generally run by the owners.

Resort Hotel:

The resort hotels are meant for the holiday's makes, tourists and for those who

need a change in the atmosphere mainly on healthy ground. These hotels are found

located near the sea, mountain, and other areas having an attractive landscape and

healthy climatic condition. The tourist visit hotels mainly for relax. The entertainment

ad recreation facilities like swimming pool, tennis courts, boating, golf-court, self-

riding, and other indoor sports n addition to restaurant and cafeteria, conference room,

lounge, shopping arcade, entertainment etc., become significant in the resort hotels.

International Hotel:

The international hotels are modern luxurious hotels, classified on the basis of

international guidelines. These hotels are placed in various star categories, e.g., Five-

star-deluxe, Five-star, Three-star, Two-star, One-star. The international hotels are

mostly owned by the public companies where hoard of director s is constituted for its

control. The overall management in found in the hands of senior executives.

Floating Hotel:

The floating hotels are located on the water surface. The places are sea, river,

and lakes. These hotels provide all the facilities and services mad available in a good

hotel. In the leading tourist generating countries of the world we find the practice of

using old luxury ships as floating hotels.


The real boom in the hotels came in the 20th century. The new hotel area was

first dominated by the Oberoi Group, Taj, ITC - Welcome Group, ITDC and other

large luxurious groups of hotels. Asian hotels are the other groups which have made a

mark for them. Many groups are entering the hotel business. Apart from these chains

which are mainly privately owned (with exception of ITDC which is a government of

India undertaking), the State tourism corporation to have come into the hotel business

in order to cater to the growing tourists and the business traffic.

Through the large chains have made their debut, the hotel keeping in India still

has a strong individualistic style since three fourths of the hotels all over the country

are in the hands of small operators. Changing market perceptions have forced even the

major groups to diversify into smaller budget hotels a competition has thus increased

in the industry.

With the growth of tourism in India, the hotels in the holiday and availability of

modern technological gadgets and the future holds promise for a further mushrooming

of modern hotels.
The Popular Groups of Hotels in India are listed below:

 Oberoi Group

 Taj Group

 ITC's Welcome Group

 ITDC's Ashok Group

 Mahindra Group

 Apeejay Group

 Amrita Group

 Leela Kempenski Holiday Inns

 Centaur Hotels

 Asian Hotels

New Hotels Entering India:

 Hilton International

 Radisson International

 Best Western

 Accor Asia Pacific

 Southern Pacific Hotels

 Holiday Inns

 Leela Venture
 Grand Hyatt

 Sterling Holiday Resorts

 Park Group


World's largest hotel chain comprises 4100 hotels across countries is being

represented in India access worldwide as the exclusive general sales agent. The hotel

chain with a strong back up in the US and the growing awareness in Europe is slowly

gaining ground in the Middle East and Australia. With 16 hotels in India alone, the

chain is all set to establish them as a prominent chain in league with the Holiday Inn

and on the lines. The best advantage Best Western has is their being a budget Hotel

chain is the demand of the hour.

The western hotels in an exclusive tie-up have launched a special promotion

with Amadeus to promote and sell Best Western Hotels world wide. The incentives to

the people handling the systems range from a pen to a free holiday abroad. The

promotion comes at a very critical time when the season from India is dying out and

the travel agents are less engulfed with queries and have more time to think and plan.

A humble beginning was made in 1946, when Guertin founded Best Western

Hotels an hotelier with 23 years of experience in the business. The chain began as an

informal link between properties with each hotel recommending other lodging

establishments to travelers. This "referral system" consists of phone calls from one

front desk operator to another. In 1948 five million copies of the BMW guide were
published. Today it is with world's best rated online reservation system and a host of

toll free lines at free numerous locations world wide.


The hotel was started in 1889 by a whiz kid impresario called Richard D' Oyiy

Cartr. At the age of 29 he had found his pot of gold by commissioning Gilbert and

Sullivan to write Trail by Jury which was followed by other smash hits.

At the age of 39 the dreams of building the world's most perfect hotel and

backed by the glitziest nouveae riche angels. Lord Chamberlin and occasionally they

he opened the Savoy, the flashiest and the most reputed hotel in the world. But still,

respected society was not impressed. What was needed was a star, a big one. Roping

in Cesar Ritz, a young Hotelier with an enormous following to turn the show and chief

Augusto Escopffer, D'Oyl carte made hotel the hottest ticket in town.

According to the largest figures, hotels and other tourism related industries

directly employed over 5.3 million people in the country. It is estimated that at least

another 13 million people were indirectly employed by the tourism sector.


Within the next three decades those seeking out of this world vacation thrills

will be able to check into space hotel. The Japanese firm Shimuzu Corporation has

created a dedicated space research department to work out this project.

The space hotel scheduled to open in 2020 will be built around a central 240
meters cylinder. It will have 64 rooms arranged in the form of a doughnut, 40 meters

in diameter. It will orbit the earth at height of 450 kms and rotate on its axis at a rate of

three times a minute to create artificial gravity close to the earth.

The Windsor in Melbourne an Oberoi hotel has been awarded by the Australian

Hotel Association for "Top Hotel Accommodation" and "Best Restaurant" the

selection criteria of which were standards of service and food, staff training and the

provision of special feature in the building.


The Barot groups Revival Hotel in Baroda has won the prestigious federation

of Hotel & Restaurant Association India's Environmental Friendly of the year award,

in the second position. The property a boutique hotel has been among the first in the

hospitality industry to accord great significance to the concern for ecology. The award

will be presented to revival at the FHRAI convention held in Mumbai. The hotel's

Kamles Brot says "It is the first time that a professional body like the FHRAI, besides

the tourism department, Government of India is giving an award on Environment; We

humbly and gracefully accept it".


The state government is planning to build a world-class Convention Center on a

500-acre expense between Chennai and Mammallapuram

According to the policy note demands for grant presented in the assembly by the

tourism room Five Star Hotel, mini conference hall, a shopping arcade an ethnic
village and a Handicrafts Emporium, children's park, Textile museum, Swimming

pool, Bar, Theater, modern communication links, car parking area, an exhibition

mansion, and art gallery etc.


In the heart of the capitals business, government and tourist centers across the

street from the Jantar Mantra a hop skip away from Cannaught place just down the

road from the Parliament the Park Hotel has opened business.

The property has all the amenities of a deluxe hotel 24 hours a coffee shop,

especially restaurants and bars, landscaped gardens and swimming pool. It also has an

Exclusive conference and banquet facilities and fully equipped business center. It is

third link in the part chain after Calcutta and Visakhapatnam.


Le Meriden Hotels and resorts recently opened its 101 st property world wide at

pune. Designed by architect Hafeez contractor in the royal Indian style the Le Meriden

is pune's only five star deluxe hotels and has 177 rooms with facilities that include

interactive television. The hotels convention center sprawls over 6000 square feet and

can accommodate up to 1200 delegates.


Enter Quality Inn India's Newest Hotel Group. It is the result of the joint

venture between A.K. Dave & Associates and Quality International the world's largest
hotel chain. The tie up is because this is the first time moderately priced hotels will be

franchised by an international chain. The commitment of the foreign collaborates

include equity stake in the venture, a strong reputation on the board and will spend a

good pat of their fees on promotion activities with in India itself. Quality Inns India

begins with two operating hotels at Mysore and Ooty and other projects are under way

a Hyderabad, Banglore, Ahmedabad and Delhi.


Welcome Group's Grand Bay, a 100-rooms property is open for business in

Visakhapatnam. The hotel offers deluxe and executive clubrooms with tariffs ranging

from Rs.1800 to 4200 and deluxe suites. It is being marketed as a tourist-cum-business



The Tourism department has awarded Hotel Daspalla as the best hotel for the

services it has provided to the tourists. It has gained second position in Andhra

Pradesh. Hotel Daspalla has recently been added to Quality Inn chain of hotels in



Green Park, Visakhapatnam has been awarded for its excellence in customer

services. Following a number of stringent parameters and checks done on customer

services Hotel Green park- Visakhapatnam came up with flying colors. HSBC leading
multinational bank has recognized the hotel for its excellence in customer's services. T

Mission and vision

Our mission:

To constantly endeavor to make daspalla hotel facilities and servies as the most
sought after destinations in india with a high commitment to quality, affordable pricing
satisfaction of its ever loyal patrons , through continuous adaptation of technological
advancements by its engaged employees team

Our vision:

To emerge as a market leader in hospitality business in india by providing one-stop

hospitality solution through preferrd brands of boutique business hotels and F&B
outlets offering the finest of stay and wining dining experiences


Daspalla Hotel Visakhapatnam:

Hotel Daspalla is a 3 Star hotel located in the heart of the business district. The

hotel has 126 well furnished rooms and Suites. It has a choice of restaurants and a

wide variety of banquet halls. The hotel is located 12 kms from the Airport.
Organisation structure

This group of hotels has been in the hospitality industry for many years and

Daspalla, their flagship hotel, with all the latest facilities for business as well as

pleasure, will make one's stay a memorable one. This hotel caters totally to all the

needs of the guests and ensures his / her total satisfaction. Some of the facilities

available are:

 Business Centre

 Central air-conditioned

 24-hr room service

 Currency exchange

 Direct dialing Local / S.T.D,

 Fax

 Safe Deposit Lockers

 Internet

 In-house laundry

 Multi-cuisine Restaurant with attached Bar

 Two Vegetarian Restaurants

 Speciality Andhra Non-Vegetarian Restaurant

 Shopping arcade

 Sweet Shop

 Florist

 Airport pick-up

 Travel desk

 Doctor on call

 Extensive 2 tier Parking Space for 2 & 4 wheelers

 Convenience Store

 Exclusive accommodation for drivers



The very popular 150 cover vegetarian restaurant DHARANI, serves north and

south Indian breakfast, snacks and thalis.

DHARANI is open from 6.30 a.m. until 11.00 p.m


This exclusive 60 cover restaurant specializes in north and south Indian

vegetarian thalis. Open for lunch & dinner

Traditional 110 cover multi cuisine restaurant. Serves South Indian Non-veg

buffet. Open for lunch & dinner.

 DIMPLE - Bar & Restaurant:

160 cover Multi cuisine restaurant with a well-stocked bar. Serves Indian,

Moghlai, Continental and Chinese cuisine. Lunch Buffet every day. Open for Lunch &


HONEY DEW - The sweet shop:

A wide variety of excellent sweets and savories including traditional Andhra

and popular Indian preparations are available. Bulk orders are accepted for Weddings,

Marriage Receptions, Marriage Saari, Festivals and Religious Functions. Special Gift

Packs and Customized Corporate Gift Hampers are also available for New Year,

Diwali etc.

Banquets Facilities:


It is provided wit latest state-of-the-art facilities to cater to your company's

needs. The Business Centre has a board room style conference hall with sitting

capacity of 10-12 persons ideal for conducting interviews, board Meeting, Press Meet

etc., and Internet, Photocopying, Laser Printer, Telephone & Fax Facilities.


An exclusive Party suite - ideal for very private and special gatherings.
Samskruti comes attached with a spacious, open to the sky, private balcony.

A well-equipped boardroom which can accommodate up to 45 persons. It is

tastefully designed to suit the demands of the corporate world.


Aesthetically designed and pleasing to the eye, Maitri, is a hall best suited for

hosting small or private parties up to 60 persons.

It is ideal for hosting functions from 40 to 60 persons.


Conference hall with a partition. Can accommodate 100 each or 200 persons

without the partition Suitable for exhibitions and sales.


Niedika is a multi-purpose function hall with a soothing decor. 75-100 guests

can be accommodated here.


This is a spacious banquet hall with an excellent ambience. It can accommodate

300-500 guests comfortably and is specially designed for weddings / wedding

receptions, conferences and large gatherings.


A spacious banquet hall with a good view of the city. This can comfortably seat

400-500 guests and is most ideal for get-togethers and official parties.


A large rooftop terrace garden that is suitable for open-air gatherings. It can

accommodate 400 to 500 persons.

Note: There is the option of combining Darshini and Sandarshini - this is

suitable for marriages or gatherings where a large number of guests are

expected - 800 or more.

 SP AND ANA (Open Air):

The open-air marriage hall (kalyanamandapam) can be tastefully decorated as

per the host's choice. It can accommodate up to a 800 guests comfortably and has

become an all-time favourite with Vizagites since its inception.


Fully Equipped Multi Gym with Runner, Abdomen Cruncher, Weight, Weight

Lifting Accessories, Fully air-condiotioned city view health club.


A classic elegance greets you from the lobby right up to the luxurious rooms

and suites. This is the most centrally located hotel in the city. All the rooms are well

furnished and comfortable and have been designed keeping the safety of the guest in

mind, without compromising on the aesthetic appeal.

125 well - appointed Rooms, which include 38 Standard Rooms, 07 Standard

Deluxe Rooms, 43 Superior Rooms, 04 Superior Deluxe, 19 e-Club Deluxe Rooms, 09

Suites & 01 Presidential Suite

Exclusive Facilities for e-Club:

(Beside may other facilities which are common for all rooms)

Broadband Internet Connectivity, Electronic Door Locking System, Electronic

Safe-Locker, Bath cubicles, Remote Control Electrical Switches, Healthcare products

in Bathroom, Mini-bar, Fruit Hamper, Tea/ Coffee Maker are exclusively available in

only e-Club rooms.

Tariff (5/6/2007 To 14/11/2007)

Category Sgl. Rs. Dbl Rs. Sgl USD Dbl usd Lux Tax Others
(%) (%)

Suite Room (Include – 2500 – – 5% –


Presidential Suite – 3000 – – 5% –

(include Breakfast)

Standard Room 1350 1650 – – 5% –

(Include Breakfast)

Superior Room 1500 1800 – – 5% –

(include Breakfast)

E-Club (Include 1800 2100 – – 5% –


E-Club Deluxe – 2300 – – 5% –

(include Breakfast)

Standard Deluxe – 1850 – – 5% –

(Include Breakfast)

Superior Deluxe – 2000 – – 5% –

(Include Breakfast)


 Business Centre
 Centrally air-conditioned

 24-hr room service

 Currency exchange

 Direct dialing Local / S.T.D / Voice-mail

 Fax

 Safe Deposit Lockers

 Internet

 Laundry

 Multi-cuisine Restaurant with attached Bar

 Coffee Shop

 Airport pickup

 Travel desk

 Doctor on call

 Fitness Centre

 Convenience Store


 Any Time:

An exclusive "Coffee Shop" 84 cover that serves South & North Indian

executive thalis, veg and non-veg, Chinese, Continental and Indian fare.

Open from 6.00 a.m. to 3.00 a.m.

 Royal Palate:

Multi-cuisine restaurant bar with 74 cover - serves buffet breakfast and an

extensive choice from Indian, Tandoor, Chinese and Continental cuisines for lunch &


Banquets Facilities:

 Lazarus:

Named after “Lazarus Bungalow” where the Executive hotel stands today, this

1200 sqft. Hall can accommodate up to 150 guests. A well-equipped place with all

modern amenities. It is suitable for meetings, birthday parties, wedding receptions etc.

 Sree:

Sree is a tastefully designed 600 sft. mini conference hall with all facilities. Can

accommodate 50 guests. Ideal for board meetings / workshops / seminars and small



The accommodation is aesthetically designed and tastefully decorated with 3

elegant suites, 3 well-furnished economy suites, and 40 well-furnished ro


Performance appraisal is an attempt to assess an employee’s performance. The assessment

may be taken into account in determining wage or salary increases. Claims are made that

some a schemes are objective but most at there are based an subjective opinion. Some

Schemes involve the employee in making an assessment. Employee knows they are

being evaluated and they are told criteria that will be used in the course at the appraisal.

Nothing is kept secret. The appraiser and the appraise should carry out this task jointly

in a cordial atmosphere stressing on the plus points and finding out ways and means of

over coming drawbacks if any of the appraise.


According to Wendell Fresh, performance appraisal is, "the formal, systematic

assessment of how well employees are performing their jobs in relation to established

standards, and the communication of the assessment to employees.

According to Flippo, "Performance appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an

impartial rating of an employee's excellence in matters pertaining to his present job

and his potential for better job".

According to Dale Yoder, "Performance appraisal includes all formal

procedures used to evaluate personalities and contributions and potentials of group

members in a working organisaiton. It is a continuous process to secure information

necessary for working organization. I9t is a continuous on employees".

According to Cummings and Schwab, "The objectives of performance appraisal

schemes can be categorized as either evaluate or development. The evaluative purpose

have a historical dimension and are concerned primarily with looking back at how

employees have actually performed over given time period, compared with required

standards of performance. The developmental, future -oriented performance appraisal

is concerned, for example, with the identification of employees' training and

development needs and the setting of new targets."

According to Heyel, "It is the process of evaluating the performance and

qualifications of the employees in terms of the requirements of the job for which he is

employed for purposes of administration including placement, selection for

promotions, providing financial rewards and other actions which require differential

treatment among the members of a group as distinguished from actions affecting all

members equally.

According to C.D. Fisher, L.F. Schoenfeldt and J.B. Shaw, "Performance

appraisal is the process by which an employee's contribution to the organization

during a specified period of time is assessed".

From the above definitions we can conclude that performance appraisal is a

method of evaluating the behavious of employees in the work spot, normally including

both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance. It is a systematic and

objective way of evaluating both work-related behavious and potential of employees.

It is a process that involves determining and communicating to an employees.

Performance appraisal emphasizes individual development. Now it is used for

evaluating the performance of all the human resources working at all levels of the
organisation. It evaluates the performance of technical, professional, and managerial



1. Performance appraisal plans are designed to meet the needs of the organisation

and the individual.

2. Performance appraisal could be under - taken either for evaluating the

performance of employees or for developing them.

3. . The development purpose is concerned with the identification of employee's

training and development needs.

Performance appraisal methods:

1. Management by objective:It is a process in which a manager identifies the desired

objectives to be achieved and gives each individual a major areas of responsibility

in terms of results expected from him/her and use these measures as guide to

access the contribution of each individual employee.

2. Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS): This method has been developed

recently and is claimed to be one of the effective methods among all the appraisal

methods listed. It is a combination of traditional essay evolution and rating scale. It

is more expensive than other methods and guarantees precise results.

3. Critical incident method: In this method the employer or manager evaluates the

employee on the basis of “certain events” known as critical incidents where the

employee did something really great or something not so great things.

4. 360 Degree feedback: This is somewhat time consuming method since there are

multiple raters involved in evaluating the performance. But its worthy a try. In this

method the feedback of the employee is collected by the people who interact with

him in the organization including the supervisors, peers, subordinates and also

from customers. The feedback is usually taken by a questionnaire designed for this

purpose. The method is very useful for the startups. Take a look at this detailed

info graphic on 360 degree.

5. Forced choice method: In this method evaluator rates on employee based on the

group of statements. These statements are combination of both negative and

positive statements, You need to identify the most descriptive statements of an

employee to evaluate him.


Performance appraisal is a significant element of the information and control

system in an organization. Performance appraisal is used in order to:

1. Performance appraisal provides valuable information for personnel decisions

such as pay increases, promotions, demotions, transfers and terminations. The

information provided forms the basis for suitable personnel policies.

2. It provides feedback information about the level of achievement and

behaviors of subordinate, rectifying performance deficiencies and to set new

standards of work, if necessary. It also identifies individuals with high potential

who can be groomed for higher positions.

3. It serves as a means of telling a subordinate how he is doing and suggesting

necessary changes in his knowledge, behaviour and attitudes. It thus provides

information, which helps to counsel the subordinate. It also serves to stimulate

and guide employee's development.

4. It is useful in analyzing training and development needs. These needs can be

assessed because performance appraisal reveals people who require further

training to remove their weaknesses. By identifying the weaknesses of an

employee, it serves as a guide for formulating a suitable training and

development programme to improve his quality of performance in his present


5. Performance appraisal serves as a means for evaluating the effectiveness of

devices used for the selection and classification of employees. It therefore helps

to judge the effectiveness of recruitment, selection, placement and orientation

systems of the organization.

6. Performance appraisal facilitates human resource planning and career planning,

permanent performance appraisal records of employees help management in

human resource planning without relying upon personal knowledge of


7. Performance appraisal promotes a positive work environment, which

contributes to productivity. When achievements are recognized and rewarded

on the basis of objective performance measures, there is improvement in work

environment. Performance appraisal therefore, provides the rational foundation

for incentives, bonus etc. The estimates of the relative contributions of

employees help to determine the rewards and privileges rationally.

8. The existence of a regular appraisal system tends to make the supervisors and

executives more observant of their subordinates because, they know that they

will be expected periodically to fill out rating forms and would be called upon..

Performance Appraisal is planned, developed and implemented through a series of










The Institute will establish and maintain a formalize system of appraisal and

documentation of classified employee job performance including recognition of and

response to individual developmental needs. This process is designated as the

Performance Appraisal System.

The objectives of the System are to Provide employees with a sense of their

work accomplishments relative to expectations and predefined performance indicators.

Support employee development through discussion of assigned opportunities and


Emphasize the Institute's commitment to continuous improvement and learning.

Encourage an appropriate relationship between pay levels and work performance.

Avoid surprises; keep lines of communication open.

Provide the option to document performance in a narrative format relative to

specific accomplishments during the review period.


Performance Communication Responsibilities:

The Compensation unit of the Office of Human Resources (OHR) will be

responsible for: Coordinating the design and modification of the system, including

procedures, instructions and form design, consistent with overall program parameters

and subject to the approval of management.

Establishing the schedule for the process and notifying supervisors and

Managers of same.

Performing periodic quality control checks of completed evaluations including

compilation and reporting of rating distribution, to ensure that the process is being

properly applied.

In concert with OHR-Employee Relations, providing counsel and guidance to

management regarding performance communication administration and related

employee performance issues and, ensuring that the system is being administered in

accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Process involves assessing the employee's work performance during the review

period relative to specific indicators and an overall rating. The following rating

categories are employed:

 Highly Successful

 Fully Successful

 Making Progress

 Unsatisfactory

 Definitions associated with the above rating categories are applied based on

the following performance indicators:

 Supervisory Employee Performance Indicators/Definitions

Planning, Organizing & Controlling:

 How effectively does the employee perform advance preparation for and carry

out assignments?

 Highly Successful - Demonstrates the ability to anticipate what might otherwise

be overlooked in the planning process. Sets up innovative monitoring and

control systems to ensure comprehensive approach. Is well versed in the details

of assignment execution while maintaining an accurate overview of "the big

picture." Ensures that all facets of the assignment are completed as planned,

often ahead of schedule.

 Fully Successful - Identifies resources required to complete assignment.

Prepares either formally or informally, an effective work plan. Monitors

progress and follow up to make sure assignment is accomplished as scheduled.

 Makes efficient use of resources available.

 Making Progress - Is learning to effectively apply planning and organizational

skills in management settings. In most cases assignments are well planned and

accomplished in a fully acceptable manner.

 Unsatisfactory - Plans often do not include all pertinent elements. Does not

always monitor plan execution effectively resulting in back-tracking and


 Spends an inordinate amount of time responding to unanticipated events.

Job Knowledge:

 How well does the employee demonstrate sufficient understanding of the

technical, managerial and organizational aspect of the job?

 Highly Successful - Is regarded as a subject matter expert from a technical

perspective. Both organizational and functional knowledge extend well beyond

the employee's immediate organization. Advice is often sought by peers and

superiors. Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the principles of


 Fully Successful - Demonstrates a firm grasp of all elements of know-how as

they relate to the job. Serves as a reliable resource for others regarding

technical processes and how they relate to the organizational structure he or she


 Is well versed in how to get things done through other people.

 Making Progress - Is fully competent in most areas of job knowledge.

Sufficient progress is being made In those areas where improvement is


 Unsatisfactory - Gaps in technical and organizational knowledge are evident.

Often fails to recognize problems that are obvious to others. Lacks basic

managerial skills.

 How well does the employee present ideas, concepts and plans for courses of

action? Does the employee communicate in a clear and concise manner? Does

the employee listen well and ask appropriate questions?

 Highly Successful - Translates highly complex technical or organizational

issues into easily understood terms. Can effectively communicate on multiple

levels so that each audience receives understanding of the issue at hand. Asks

and answers questions in a comfortable and highly informed manner.

 Fully Successful - Presents ideas, concepts, new policies, etc. in group and one

to one settings in a clear, concise manner. Keeps supervisor informed of

pertinent issues. Uses proper grammar in both speaking and writing. Listens

and provides meaningful feedback effectively.

 Making Progress - Is learning to better communicate thoughts and ideas to

others, both orally and in writing. The same is applicable to listening skills.

What may have been communications problem areas or potential problem areas

are in the process of being eliminated.

 Unsatisfactory - Tends to rush through presentations and general oral and

written communications. This often results in skipping pertinent information

and less than thorough understanding by audience. May be inclined to hold on

to information that should be shared with others.

Achievement Orientation:

 How well is the employee attuned to the importance of accomplishing goals

and objectives?

 Highly Successful - Pushes the limits of his or her job toward the achievement

of goals. Makes sound judgments about when and where to take risks in order

to obtain results. Impacts and influences others in promoting his or her point of

view. Reacts immediately and effectively to changes in plans and priorities.

Shows exceptional ability when required to manage through a crisis situation.

 Fully Successful - Always has a comprehensive picture of the end results

desired. Is goal orientated and effectively prioritizes the channeling of available

resources. Keeps supervisor informed of progress and results on a regular basis.

Effectively follows up to ensure objectives are met.

 Making Progress - Is learning to appreciate the significance of goal setting and

achievement. Is beginning to show understanding of scope of strategic

initiatives and the relationship to shorter term goals.

 Unsatisfactory - May tend to lose sight of desired end results by becoming too

immersed in project or process detail. Often loses track of and therefore is

unable to communicate progress or lack thereof. Tends to lose sight of the "big

People Development:

 How effectively does the employee recognize the need for, plan and achieve

professional development of subordinate employees?

 Highly Successful - Has acquired the reputation of a "people developer" as

reflected by the competence and versatility of staff. Results of development

efforts are clearly observable and measurable. Usually more than one staff

member is capable of filling in during supervisor's absence. Devises and applies

unique and challenging means for employees to learn new skills and to

demonstrate acquired ones. Advice on development issues is sought by peers.

 Fully Successful - Can identify specific strengths and needs of each

subordinate. Manages workload so that subordinates are given the opportunity

to improve in required areas. Constructs and continually updates a

comprehensive development plans for each subordinate. Understands the

concept of and applies constructive discipline where warranted.

 Making Progress - Is coming to learn the importance of people development in

supervision. Efforts are becoming more concentrated on seeking out

developmental opportunities for subordinate personnel.

 Performance in this area may be characterized as transitioning from individual

achiever to management of the activities and actions of others.

 Unsatisfactory - Subordinate development plans are inadequately constructed

and are normally seen as an afterthought, characterized only by superficial

efforts on the part of the supervisor. Subordinate staff may complain of the

lack of opportunity to expand their purview as it relates to their job.

Problem Solving & Decision Making:

How effectively does the employee confront and resolve problems and take


 Highly Successful - Displays creativity in seeking solutions to problems and in

making decisions. Is able to integrate new ideas with current approaches.

 Effectively identifies potential problems before they arise and acts on problems

in the early stages. Once solved, problems do not arise again and solutions do

not create new problems. Makes good decisions with limited information while

working within schedule.

 Fully Successful - Approaches problem solving in a systematic manner.

Identifies all resources available for help and involves peers and subordinates

as necessary. Assures proper documentation and follows up to ensure problem

does not reoccur. Decisions are well thought out and made in a timely and

logical manner.

 Making Progress - Is transitioning in the area of problem solving and decision-

making. Has come to understand the need for a more comprehensive approach

to reaching solutions and recommending outcomes or taking action.

 Unsatisfactory - At times, decisions are hastily made without fully considering

the possible consequences. Problem solving efforts are erratic and often not

totally effective. Tends to work alone on problems, not soliciting the input of

peers or subordinates. The same or similar problems seem to reoccur on a

regular basis.

Supervisory Employee Performance Indicators/Definitions:

Work Habits:

 How well does the employee organize and execute assignments? To what

degree is ongoing supervision/monitoring required to ensure that work is

properly completed? How well does the employee demonstrate self-discipline

and reliability relative to work to be performed?

 Highly Successful - Always performs assigned tasks as directed. Often

completes tasks ahead of schedule and provides assistance to others.

Understands and demonstrates the ability to effectively prioritize assignments

to make the most efficient use of time and resources.

 Fully Successful - Consistently accepts responsibility for assigned work and

performs tasks as directed. Ensures that results are complete and meet

expectations prior to beginning a new assignment.

 Making Progress - Becoming more familiar with work environment and

available resources. While not fully adept at all aspects of work routines and

processes, is progressing at an acceptable or better rate.

 Unsatisfactory - Work performed is often not acceptable and must be redone by

employee and/or others. Employee is generally perceived as unreliable and

requires almost constant supervisory monitoring of work in progress and

checking of results.

Job Knowledge:

 How well does the employee demonstrate sufficient skill and knowledge to

perform all parts of the job effectively, efficiently and safely?

 Highly Successful - Possesses job knowledge that is well beyond normally

acceptable as demonstrated by thorough understanding of how to perform

regular work assignments as well as how those assignments relate to other

areas. Serves as resource to others regarding work processes and procedures.

Continuously strives to further improve job knowledge.

 Fully Successful - Demonstrates thorough understanding of all procedures and

processes required to effectively perform all assignments. Very rarely needs

help regarding how to execute a given assignment. When new procedures or

processes are introduced, learns quickly and begins efficient application.

 Making Progress - Has mastered the application of most procedures and

processes required for fully successful job performance. In those areas where

additional knowledge and expertise are required, satisfactory or better progress

is being demonstrated toward their attainment.

 Unsatisfactory - Shows a basic lack of understanding of how to perform routine

assignments, even after repeated orientation. Frequently requires assistance

from supervisor or others in order to complete task due to lack of knowledge of

applicable procedures.


 How well does the employee present ideas, concepts and courses of action?

Does the employee listen well and ask appropriate questions?

 Highly Successful—Demonstrates oral and/or written communications skills

that result in very clear and concise messages and feedback. Very rarely is it

necessary to ask employee to explain unclear or ambiguous communications.

 Exhibits the ability to explain or describe in a manner that is easily understood

by most recipients.

 Fully Successful - Communicates with others effectively, speaking and/or in

writing. Possesses and uses vocabulary required to successfully express

thoughts, ideas and explanations. Presents comprehensive feedback. Keeps

supervisor and co-workers informed.

 Making Progress - In most cases presents thoughts and ideas in a clear, concise

manner. Only occasionally is additional feedback required to ensure

understanding of message.

 Unsatisfactory - Often fails to make thoughts, ideas and explanations clear to

others, speaking and/or in writing. Feedback is typified by the need to reword

or elaborate in order to obtain required level of understanding.


 How consistently does the employee report for work on schedule and prepared?

 Highly Successful - Consistently observes regular work schedule and makes

self- available to work both scheduled and unscheduled overtime. These actions

are typified by volunteering to remain at work in emergencies or promptly

responding to recalls received at home. Readily accepts scheduled overtime


 Volunteers to work overtime in areas outside normal work area when

opportunities present themselves.

 Fully Successful - Consistently adheres to assigned work schedule by arriving,

beginning work, stopping work and departing as scheduled. During the work

period, arrives at meetings, work sites, etc. on time or slightly before the

scheduled time. Makes appropriate notification when delays to arriving to work

on time is unavoidable. Is consistently regarded as a reliable employee.

 Making Progress - On occasion may arrive late for the scheduled start of the

work day or for meetings or assignments. Is showing genuine efforts to correct

this condition by making such occurrences less frequent.

 Unsatisfactory - Demonstrates a pattern of disregard for assigned work

schedule by arriving late and/or leaving early. Is often late for appointments

during the work day and may attempt to extend rest and meal periods beyond

scheduled times.


 How well does the employee work effectively with others and display an

appropriate balance between individual and group efforts

 Highly Successful - Offers ideas for improvement that contribute to group work

effort that are well received and normally result in process improvements and

productivity. Consistently volunteers to help others within work group as work

schedule permits. Contributes positively to resolution of conflict or problems


 Fully Successful - Contributes meaningfully to work group efforts by offering

new ideas for improvement, sharing knowledge and otherwise demonstrating a

cooperative manner in dealing with supervisors and coworkers. Does his or her

part toward group efforts.

 Making Progress - Is making a conscious effort to become a team player. On a

more frequent basis, is sharing job knowledge and ideas in an effort to improve

overall group performance.

 Unsatisfactory - Shows little or no interest in group efforts. Rarely

demonstrates active participation in group interaction. Not perceived as a team



 To what degree do the employee's work efforts result in desired outcomes to

include quality, quantity and timeliness?

 Highly Successful - Assignments are always completed as scheduled and at the

desired level of output. Often they are completed ahead of schedule and at a

level of quality and/or quantity well beyond expectations. Ideas and suggestions

to improve productivity are offered and frequently generate positive results.

 Fully Successful — Assignments are consistently completed on or at times

ahead of schedule and at the desired level of output both in terms of quality and

quantity. If conditions impacting productivity are outside the control of the

employee, he or she notifies the supervisor in a timely manner.

 Making Progress — Assignments are usually completed on time and as


 Only occasionally is delivery not on time or at the desired level of quality and

quantity. Sufficient progress toward eliminating these situations is being made.

 Unsatisfactory - Assignments are often not completed as scheduled and/or the

desired level of work output are not met. Work must often be redone by the

employee or others, resulting in delays.

Customer Service:

 How effectively does the employee interact with customers in serving their

needs? For purposes of this exercise, "customer" is defined as anyone (either

internal or external to the Georgia Tech Community) requiring information or

service related to the employee's job duties, knowledge and experiences.

 Highly Successful - Goes out of his or her way to ensure customer satisfaction.

Processes both routine and non-routine customer requests and concerns in ways

that result in a high degree of customer satisfaction. Goes beyond basic inquiry

to learn of and respond to relevant issues that may not necessarily be apparent


 Fully Successful - Responds in a timely, courteous and informed manner to

customer inquiries and concerns. When an immediate response is not possible,

provides necessary follow-up and keeps customer informed.

 Making Progress - Attempts to meet customer demands in a fully acceptable

manner. Occasionally may not fully deliver desired level of satisfaction due to

lack of experience or job knowledge. Progress is being made to overcome this


 Unsatisfactory - Often appears indifferent to customer concerns. Provides

minimal response to customers. While not necessarily discourteous, displays

only the basics in the way of consideration for customer needs.

Overall Performance (Supervisory and Non-Supervisory Appraisals):

In considering the ratings of the individual performance indicators and the

employee's accomplishments relative to job expectations over the entire review period,

how well is he or she performing?

Please note that the overall rating should be supported by at least three (3)

individual indicators ratings at the same level.

Highly Successful - The employee clearly goes beyond job requirements on a

consistent basis. This is reflected by the general impression of accomplishment well

beyond expectations. These conditions exists on a continual rather than occasional

basis and are evident externally as well as internal to the organization.

Fully Successful - Job performance can be summarized as consistently

completing job assignments as expected in terms of quality and schedule. The

employee's performance can be described as solid, fully competent in all aspects of job

content and expectations.

Making Progress the employee is moving at a reasonable pace toward overall

success in job performance. While improvement is needed in some areas, progress is

being made and the employee is expected to become fully successful in the near


Unsatisfactory - The employee's performance indicates the need for significant

improvement in overall job performance. Regardless of the reason, the employee has
demonstrated a lack of desired achievement during the review period. Need for

development or other corrective actions are noticeably obvious.

Performance Appraisal Process:

In order to effectively administer the performance appraisal process, it is

imperative that employees understand their job expectations and the way in which

those expectations relate to the performance indicators outlined above. This can be

accomplished through direct, ongoing communication between supervisor and


Performance expectations should be communicated at the beginning of the

review period and reinforced periodically during that period. Additionally, it is

encouraged that the supervisor review the performance indicators used in the appraisal

process and they ways in which they relate to job expectations. In this way, the

employee will have an ongoing perception of the level of performance he or she is

delivering and the basis upon which that performance will be rated. This will avoid the

"surprise" factor often associated with a performance appraisal process.

There are no standard time intervals established as to when or how frequently

the ongoing communication relative to expectations should occur. This can be

influenced by several factors including the level and type of job, the nature of the

work performed, etc. However, it is encouraged that discussions regarding

performance expectations occur as a minimum at the beginning of the review period

and at least one other time during the review period. The performance evaluation
interview (see below) often presents an ideal time to discuss future expectations as

well as past performance.

Performance Appraisal System Record:

To provide for consistency in documentation of employee performance, two

forms have been developed: Classified Performance Appraisal Record for

Supervisory/Managerial Employees and Classified Performance Appraisal Record for

Non-Supervisory Employees. These forms are available for downloading from the

OHR homepage.

Appraisal Record Forms:

The Supervisory/Managerial form is intended for use in appraising employees

who are accountable for direct supervision of other employees. The Non-Supervisory

form is intended for use in appraising employees who have no accountability for the

direct supervision of others. This includes both individual contributor exempt and non-

exempt jobholders. Both forms are organized into the following sections:

Heading - Space to record identifying data (employee name, job title, review

period, etc.).

Performance Indicators with Rating Categories and Definitions — Outlined

above. Comments on Ratings - Space for entering rater observations or clarifications

on any aspect of the appraisal. Also, for any indicators rated as "Highly Successful" or

"Unsatisfactory," an explanation as to the specific cause of that rating should be

entered in this area.

Development Plans - Space for entering developmental needs the employee

may have and the ways in which those needs will be met.

Employee Comments - Space in which the employee may enter any comments

regarding his or her reaction to the appraisal or any other comments relative to the


Signatures - Acknowledgement/Approvals.

Form Completion:

Both appraisal forms have been designed to be user-friendly without sacrificing

either quality or comprehensiveness of the evaluation process.

The reviewer should first complete the identifying information required in the

heading (name, job title, unit, dates, etc.).

Next, review each performance indicator and corresponding performance level

definitions. It should be emphasized that the definitions are intended to convey, in

broad terms, a "snapshot" description of conditions which typically exist at a

performance level. They are not meant to be all inclusive of conditions which must

exist in order to legitimately rate an employee's performance at a given level.

The definitions for each performance indicator should then be reviewed and a

rating assigned (Highly Successful, Fully Successful, Making Progress or

Unsatisfactory) by checking the appropriate block.

In assigning a performance rating to a given indicator, care should be taken to

ensure that it reflects overall performance demonstrated during the entire review

period and not just immediately prior to the appraisal.

After all individual ratings have been assigned, they should be reviewed and an

overall rating assigned utilizing the definitions provided as a guide. Note that the

overall rating should be supported by at least three (3) individual indicator ratings at

the same level.

The Comments on Ratings section has been provided for noting clarifications

or explanations regarding any aspects of the appraisal. This section is intended to

provide an opportunity for the rater to support the individual and overall ratings with

narrative comments related to actual performance during the review period.

Explanations should include references to actual incidences that support a given

rating. Additional pages may be added to the form if needed. Entries in this section

are required in cases where overall performance was rated as either Highly Successful

or Unsatisfactory.

Next, consider the employee's developmental needs and ways in which those

needs can be met. A professional development plan consists of identifying an activity

or activities that will improve performance in an existing area or areas of

responsibility and/or prepare the employee for assuming new responsibilities.

Plans can also contain activities designed to enhance existing strengths.

Developmental plans may center around attendance at internal or external training

sessions or seminars which are directly related to fulfilling a development need.

However, meeting developmental needs through on-the-job experiences or self

study are, in many cases, also effective. A summary description of the developmental

activities should be entered in the space provided on the form.

Narrative Option:

 With the concurrence of a rater's supervisor, a documented narrative account of

performance may be substituted for full completion of either the

Supervisory/Managerial or Non-Supervisory Performance Appraisal Record.

 Should this option be employed, it should be accompanied by a partially

completed Appraisal Record form. The partially completed form should include

entries for all heading information and signatures as well as an entry for the

Overall Rating (Highly Successful, Fully Successful, Making Progress or

Unsatisfactory). Additionally, the Employee Comments section may be utilized.

 The Comments on Ratings and Developmental Plans sections of the form

should reference the narrative account by including the note, "See Attached."

 While there is no specific format prescribed for the narrative portion, it is

strongly encouraged that it include specific references to the employee's

accomplishments during the review period relative to job requirements and

expectations. It should also include a description of developmental plans for the

employee during the upcoming period.

Communicating Results of Appraisal:

 Employees are to be informed, through face-to-face communication as well as

documentation, of how their performance has been rated. Additionally they

should be informed of perceived developmental needs and plans for ways to

meet those needs.

 The performance discussion should be scheduled approximately one week in

advance. The purpose of the meeting should be explained to the employee to

allow him or her time to prepare.

 Prior to the discussion the supervisor should have:

 Completed and signed the Appraisal Record form.

 Reviewed the results with his or her immediate supervisor and obtained


 Developed a discussion outline to follow during the interview.

 Reserved a location where the discussion can be conducted in private without

 The performance evaluation discussion should be structured as a two-way

means of communication between the supervisor and employee. The supervisor

should not attempt to dominate the discussion. Rather, the employee should be

encouraged at the beginning to feel free to comment on any of the topics that

will be discussed.

 During the discussion, each performance indicator should be covered. This

normally begins with a review of the indicator and the rating that was assigned.

 Wherever possible, actual occurrences that influenced the rating should be


 The employee should be encouraged throughout the discussion to participate

and cite occurrences also.

 At the conclusion of the discussion, the employee should sign the form in the

space provided. This verifies only that the employee and supervisor have

participated in a formal review of performance and development needs. It

should not be construed as either agreement with or objection to the results of

the appraisal.

 The employee should be provided with a copy of the completed and signed

performance Appraisal Record form at the end of the interview. The supervisor

should also keep a copy of the completed form for his or her records. The

original should be returned to OHR-Compensation (see below).

Performance Appraisal Schedule:

 During the latter part of the third quarter of the fiscal year (late February/early

March), deans, vice presidents, directors, chairs, and department heads will,

through their Human Resources Representatives receive from OHR-

Compensation listings of all classified employees under their direct and indirect

supervision who have completed at least six months of service. For these

employees, a performance appraisal should be conducted and recorded on the

appropriate form (supervisory or non-supervisory).

 Appropriate signatures should be obtained and the completed forms and listing

returned to OHR-Compensation no later than the beginning of the fourth

quarter (early April).


Performance appraised is a process of evaluating performance and

qualifications. It involves the comparison of performance measures of different

individuals holding similar areas of work responsibilities and relate to the

determination of worth of the measures for achieving organizational goals.

It is an essential in inescapable managerial activity. Appraisal is necessary all

important decisions relating to the people such as placement and promotion,

remuneration and reward training and development as well as long term management

planning organizational development.

In India organizations, it is probably one of the oldest busting must important

of managerial activities and management club, to develop the performance. The

Daspalla groups have focusing on qualification starve orient employees minimum

starve is know and study the entire Hotel Management.

Effective Performance Appraisal in organizations continues to be compelling

but an unrelated goal. It is used for appraising both managerial and non-managerial


The same appraisal system in practiced at Daspalla for both managerial and

non-managerial staff. The Daspalla approach of performance appraisal is rating

method the manager, appraisal committee and the subordinates or an individual of any

department during this rating, the subordinates or individuals strength and weakness
are discussed and shared the individual is given an opportunity to defend or improve

of any defects, in his / her performance. The total rating and based only the

performance which is called bars (Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale Method). During

this rating method combines elements of the rating scale and critical incident method.

The critical incident source as Anchor statements on a scale and rating form usually

contains 6 to specifically defined performance dimension.

How to construct Bars:

Developing Bars follows a general format which combines techniques

employed in the critical decided method and waited cheek list rating scales emphasis

is pinpointed on pooling the thinking of the people who will use the scales as both

evaluators and evaluates. Then the appraiser was supposed to help and weakness and

prepare plans for development the ratings were expected to be shown to the appraise.

In India comparing with confidential report the open system of performance

appraisal got succeed since the reasons behind the success are:

Role clarity can be improved by requiring the appraiser and appraise to sit

together periodically and identified importance authorities and performance


Communications between the appraiser and appraise can be increased by

housing the appraise analyze his performance at the end of the appraisal period in

The above appraisal system, which is scheduled once in a year, is not sufficient

for in-depth appraisal. Hence it may be recommended for twice a year. Since

performance appraisal has potential for developing human resources, potential that can

be increased by linking them together to meet the needs of both employees and

motivate employees but also communicate the organizations 'value' the employees.

Innovations and us of capabilities are rewarded in order to encourage the acquisition

and application at positive attitude and skills. Reward people, basing on their

contribution, the qualities of their ideas and their ability to think beyond surface.
The Rewards may be Monitory or Non-Monitory

Monitory Rewards Non Monitory Rewards

 Compensation at part with the  Awards : Traplies, Citations

industry's best
 To Vacation trip complementary
 Skill - based reward system gifts

 Skill — based reward system  Club memberships : Salary break

up according to employee’s choice
 Merit pay reward according to
individual performance  Free passes for show and concerts

 Stock option  Flexible work hours

 Performance bonus

“Most of the incentives use their effectiveness with repeated use, but timely

specific praise never goes of style?”

What ever may be mechanism of assessing, performance and the employee

should know that this performance that have been judged assessed deserving reward.

The employee should know clearly the nature of reward being given to him. The

employee as well as his co-employees in the organizations should precise the reward

as a form of recognition.

Daspalla has skilled - based reward system, performance based bonus and good

compensation at par with the industries best few monitory rewards. Awards tokens

picnic once in a year some of the non-monitory rewards.




1. When performance appraisal is made in the Organisation?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

2 4
Satisfied 8 16
Dissatisfied 27 54
Highly dissatisfied 13 26
Total 50 100

From the above table and graph it is found that 20% of the respondents felt that

the statement "The Performance Appraisal System of the organization" is highly

satisfied. 54% of the respondents felt that the statement was dissatisfied, and

26% of the respondents felt that the statement was highly dissatisfied.

It is concluded that the majority 80% of the respondents felt the statement i.e.

The Performance appraised system of the organization is highly dissatisfied.

2 What is the objective of performance apparaisal?

Options No. Respondents Percentage

Skills 10 20
Qualification 5 10
Seniority 11 22
All the above 24 48
Total 50 100




No. Respondents



Skills Qualification Seniority All the above Total

From the above table and graph it is found that 48% of the respondents felt that

the statement "The Performance should be based on the option all the above", 22% of

the respondents felt that seniority 20% of the respondents felt that skills, 10% of the

respondents felt that qualification.

It is concluded that the majority 48% of the respondents felt that the statement

i.e. "The Performance should be based o the option all the above.
3. According to the opinion of the employees the Performance Appraisal in Hotel


Options No Of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 26 52
Satisfied 4 8
Dissatisfied 8 16
Highly dissatisfied 12 24
ssTotal 50 100

From the above table and graph it is found that 60% of the respondents felt that

the statement "The employee's Performance lead to the job satisfaction" is highly

satisfied and 40% of the respondents felt that the statement was highly dissatisfied .

It is concluded that the majority 60% of the respondents felt that the statement

i.e. "The employee's Performance if he has job satisfaction is highly satisfied.

4.The immediate course of action in case the performance appraisal of an

employee is not up-to-the-mark ?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Once in month 28 56
Once in 3 months 11 22
Once in 6 months 6 12
Once in year 5 10
Total 50 100




No. of Respondents



Once in month Once in 3 Once in 6 Once in year Total
months months

From the above table and graph it is found that out of 50 respondents 50% of

the respondents felt that the statements "Performance evolution should be done in

every month" 22% of the respondents felt that one in 6 months 10% of the respondents

felt that one in year.

It is concluded that the majority 56% of the respondents felt that the statements

i.e. "Performance evolution" should be done once in month.

5. Employee is to be made confident that their performance would adequately

rewarded by the orgaanisation ?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 10 20
Satisfied 26 52
Dissatisfied 10 20
Highly dissatisfied 4 8
Total 50 100

From the above table and graph it is found that 20% of respondents of the felt

that the statements "The employee's Performance after the training is highly satisfied"

52% of the respondents felt that the statements was satisfied. 20% of the respondents

felt that the statements was dissatisfied, 8% of the respondents felt that the statements

was highly dissatisfied

It is concluded that the majority 72% of the respondents felt that the statement
was true.


1. When performance appraisal is made in the Organisation?

a) 15 days b) 1 month

c) 3 months d) 6 months

7 .The appraisal system has scope for helping each employee to discover his

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

8. The appraisal system provides on opportunity for self-review reflection?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

9. Do you feel rewards/awards promote and motivate employee performance?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

10. How do you feel about present performance evolution system?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

11. Does your organization provide any additional training to the low
performance employees? If yes up to what extent it is successful?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

12. How do you feel about the present performance reward system?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

14. In your view who should give information of the employee performance?

a) Personal observation b) statistical reports

c) oral reports d) all the above

15. Do you think performance appraisal increases the relation between subordinate
and superior?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

16. In your opinion how is the employee's performance after the training?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

17. In your opinion the promotion policy is based on?

a) Seniority b) Performance
c) Seniority and Performance d) No opinion

18. Does the present performance appraisal system changes the employee's attitude
towards work?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) No opinion

19. Reporting officers help fair appraises to plan fair performance on the beginning of
the year?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied

20. Any Suggestions Please ……………………………………..


 Making questionnaire on performance appraisal.

 Helped the Employees in guiding the procedure and benefits of performance


 Made the employees realize the importance of job performance appraisal and

motivated them to improve their work skills.

 Helped HR executives in completing there daily work.

 Helped HR Dept. by giving suggestions to improve job performance appraisal


 I briefly learnt about different acts in HR.

 I learnt about documenting files in systematic way.

 I learnt how to appraise the employee

 I learnt about administration.



CHAPTER-1 Deals with HRM introduction and limitation where it’s a good idea to

have good HRM team so that all employees know who to turn because the people

skills are value in hiring and training for company.

CHAPTER-2 Deals with Industrial profile where Hotel industry has been playing an

important role in the economic development of various countries. Almost all the

developed countries and a majority of developing emerged as service economies.

CHAPTER-3 Deals with company profile performnace of organization where it

provides the complete detail about the HRM and the process of the Performance


CHAPTER-4 Deals with it involves the comparison of performance measures of

different individuals holding similar areas of work responsibilities. people such as

placement and promotion, remuneration and reward, training and development as well

as long term management planning organizational development.

CHAPTER-5 Deals with data analysis and interpretation where it show organization

current status i.e where it stands in the market.

CHAPTER-6 Deals with summary ,findings ,suggestions, conclusion and biblography


 In my study, I found that for any organization a strong system is important.

 If the system is strong, the flow of work, line of control, implementation &

practice of policies &procedures would become the intrinsic part of employees

work culture.

 Hence a strong and stringent organizational system can equally be HOTEL

DASPALLA witnessed at which is making it a business unit with a strong built

up team, committed and dedicated people working towards achieving

organization goals.

 Proper awareness should be created

 Employees should be guided positively in improving their performance.

 Management must concentrate on the salary satisfaction level of the employee

and should take necessary steps.


There should be a perfect knowledge of performance appraisal in every sector,

if the employees know the clear idea about it, then every employee in the Hotel may


The management should take necessary steps in guiding the employees to

improve their job performance, thus increase their effectiveness.



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Reports of hotel Daspalla.

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