Urban Development Authorities and Their Duties PDF

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• The Government may, in the interests of planned
development in any area, inconsulation with the
Commission and the Chief Town Planner, by notification
in the Gazette, constitute with effect from such date
and for such areas as may be specified in the
notification, a Development Authority to exercise the
powers and to perform the functions under section 56
of this Act.
• The Development Authority shall be a body corporate having
perpetual succession and a common seal with power to acquire,
hold and dispose of property.
• The chairman of the development authority is selected by the
government for a period of 5 years with certain terms and
conditions in the service.

• The Development Authority shall consist of:

(a) the General Council; and
(b) the Executive Committee.
• General council consists:
(a)development authority chairman
(b) not less than two persons nominated by the Government from
among the members of the Local Self Government Institutions.
(c) the members of the State Legislative Assembly representing any
area within the jurisdiction of the Development Authority.
(d) The Secretary of the Municipal Corporation, if any, the Town
Planner of the Town and Country Planning Department of the district and
PWD executive engineer of the area.
(e) not more than eight other persons nominated by the Government
in such manner as may be prescribed;
(f) the Member Secretary of the Development Authority, nominated by
the Government who shall be an officer not below the rank of a Senior
Town Planner of the Department of Town and Country Planning.
• The Government shall prescribe the strength of the General
Council which shall not be less than fifteen or more than thirty
(excluding the Chairman).
• The members nominated above shall hold office during the
pleasure of the Government and their terms and conditions of
service and shall not exceed more than 3 years.
• The members from the self governing instituitions and
legislative assembly cannot continue in development authority
after they are not the members of the respective bodies
• Executive committee consists:
(a)development authority chairman
(b) not less than two persons nominated by the Government from
among the members of the Local Self Government Institutions.
(c) not more than four persons, depending upon the strength of the
General Council, nominated by the Government from among the
members of the General Council.
(d) The Secretary of the Municipal Corporation, if any, the Town
Planner of the Town and Country Planning Department of the district
and PWD executive engineer of the area.
(e) the Member Secretary of the Development Authority, ex-officio.
• The member of executive committee shall not be less than 5 and
more than 10.
(i) preparation and implementation of land re-adjustment or land pooling or land banking
schemes for the purpose of implementation of projects in the Development Authority area,
in tune with the provisions of this Act;
(ii) promoting planned development as envisaged in the Plans for the development
authority area, through tools like Transfer of Development Rights, accommodation
reservation etc.
(iii) set-up special function agencies, if required, and guide, direct and assist them on
matters pertaining to their respective functions.
(iv) co-ordination of implementation of Plans under this Act in the Development Authority
(v) perform such other functions as are supplemental, incidental or consequential to items
(i) to (iii) above or as may be directed by the Government, the District Planning Committee
or the Metropolitan Planning Committee, as the case may be, from time to time.
• Delhi became the focus of government activity in 1911 when
the British shifted the capital from Kolkata (Calcutta) to Delhi.
• Renowned town planners Edwin Lutyens and Herbert
Baker planned the city of New Delhi in the year 1912. 

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