Compu Net2

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Total No. of Questions: 12] ..t)lt ,Ut}\. ITotal No.

of Pages :3
[3464] - 153
B.E. (E&TC)
(2003 Course) (404214)

Time: 3 Hoursj {Max. Marks:IOO

Instructions to the candidates:
. ,

1) Answer 3 questions from Section 1 and 3 questions from Section II.

2) AnswerstiJ the two sections should be written in separate books.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
'-' 5) . Use of logarithmictables,slide rule, MoWer.charts,electronicpocket calculator
and steam tables is allowed.
6) Assume suitable data, if necessary.


Ql) a) Draw and Explain ISO-OSI reference Model? Comment on Data link
control protocols. [8]
b) Compare peer to peer networks and client-server networks. [4]
c) What is 802.11 ? Explain Wireless LAN in brief. [4]
Q2) a) Explain different service primitives. Compare connection oriented service
and connectionless service. . [8]
b) Explain briefly
i) Host
ii) Subnet
iii) Broadcast network
iv) Point to Point Network. [4]

c) Draw computer network with extended star topology. Explain briefly the
advantages and disadvantages of this topology.

Q3) a) , What is the practical bit rate supported by telephone line? List the different.
unguided media a.nd explain briefly anyone ofthem. [8]
b) Draw and explain functional block diagram of modem. Classify the
different protocols used in modem and explain briefly anyone ofthem.[8]
~ - ~ .-

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Q4).~ Compare following
i) Circuit switching and Packet switching network
ii) Compare LEO Vs MEO Vs GEO. [8)
h) Draw and explain typical cable TV system. How cable video signal and.
I.nternetdata can be send over the same cable. (8f.

Q5) a) List the different framing methods and explain anyone ofthem in detail. (6)
b) Explain briefly CSMAlCD by taking four nodes as AI, A2, A3 amd A4.
Also explain bit map protocol briefly. (6)
c) Consider the use of 1000 bit frames on a 1Mbps satellite channel. What
is the maximum Links utilization for
i) Stop and wait ARQ. '-'"
ii) Continuous ARQ with Window size 7.
iii) ContinuousARQwith Window size 127. [6]

Q6) a) Explain the following

i) 1 Persistent CSMA.
ii) Non-Persistent CSMA. ~

iii) P-Persistent CSMA. [6]

b) Compare 802.4 and 802.5 technology. (6)
c) A channel has bit rate of 4 kbps and propagation delay is 20 msec. for
what range of frame size does stop and wait ARQ technique gives
throughput > 50%? [6) '-'

Q7) a) How congestion affects .network performance. Also explain the

difference between flow control and congestion control. [8]
b) Explain the Link state routing and its features. (4)
c) Compare virtual circuit and datagram networks. (4)

Q8) a) Explain the different QoS parameters. Also write about transport service
primitives. . (81

b) Explain connection establishment and connection termination with

respect to the transport layer. [4)
c) Explain token Bucket algorithm briefly.. [4)

Q9) a) Explain DES algorithm in detail. [8)

b) How electronic mail system work? What is the role of SMTP and
POP-3 server in this E-mail System? [8]

QIO)a) Write a short note on "Video on Demand". [8)

b) What is Socket? What are socket primitives? What will be the socket
address of machine having IP address = in case of
web server (http) and FTP server installed on the same machine. [8]
~ "-

Qll)a) Explain "X" Windows system in TCP/IP. [6]

b) Explain Telnet server and Telnet client communication. Can you use
Telnet for LAN as well as Internet? [6]
c) Compare TCP and UDP. [6]

Q12) a) Explain the TFTP and BOOTP in TCP/IP communication. [6]

b) Explain Traceroute utility with respect to TCP/IP. [6]
c) Explain the ARP and RARP protocols operation in LAN. [6]

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