Cn-Question Bank

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QUESTION BANK(From old question papers)

1. (a) Discuss the ISO - OSI layered model, bringing out the functionalities of each layer
(b) Define the term "Network". Explain different types of networks
2 (a) Explain in details about various topological structures .
(b) List the differences between logical , physical and port addresses.
3 (a) Explain the various layers of TCP/lP model. Also, list the protocols used in each
(b) What is Internet? Mention some of the applications of Internet.
4 (a) What are the advantages of having layered architecture? Mention the layers of
ISO-OSI reference model?
(b) Explain, why flow control is handled at two different layers of OSI.
5 a)Explain in detail about the protocols and standards
b)Explain about various standard organizations
6 Explain the following
a) Line configuration
b) Transmission made
c) Network criteria
d) Topology
7 a)Explain the differences between OSI and TCP/IP models
b)Explain in detail about the TCP/IP protocol suite.

1 (a) What is multiplexing? Why is it necessary? Compare synchronous time division
with statistical time division multiplexing.
(b) Differentiate between virtual circuits and circuit switching?
2. (a) Define virtual circuit and datagram approaches. Also differentiate between virtual
circuit subnet and datagram subnet.
(b) How is WDM similar to FDM? How are they different?
3 (a) Define virtual circuit and datagram approaches. Also differentiate between virtual
circuit subnet and datagram subnet.
(b) How is WDM similar to FDM? How are they different?
4. (a) What is switching? Compare circuit, packet and message switching techniques.
(b) Explain the two types of TDM implementation an how do they differ from each

1. Draw a CRC encoder and decoder for CRC code with C (7, 4). Also explain how this
CRC design works, with an example
2. (a) Define the four types of redundancy checks used on data communication. Explain
with example?
(b) Briefly explain the services provided by physical layer to network layer.
3. (a) How does CRC checker know that the received data unit is undamaged? Explain
with example?
(b) List the protocols for noisy channels. Explain stop and wait protocol for noiseless
4. Briefly explain following:
(a). Checksum error detection technique.
(b). Code Division Multiple Access
5. (a) What is HDLC? For what purpose it is used? Explain its frame format..
(b) Discuss about various framing techniques? Mention their advantages and
6. (a) What are the differences between 'Go-Back-N' and 'Selective-Repeat' sliding
window protocols ? Explain using an example.
(b) Compare and contrast HDLC and PPP..
7. (a) Explain how the band width wastage is reduced in case of sliding window protocol
with selective repeat?
(b) Define point to point protocol. Explain the frame format of PPP.
8. (a) Briefly describe the configuration and transfer modes of HDLC.
(b) Explain Go -BackN protocol with the help of a suitable diagram.

1. (a) What is pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA? Mention the advantages of slotted
(b) What is CSMA? Bring out the differences between 1-persistent, non-persistent,
and p-persistent, CSMA.
2. Why are multiple accesses required in LAN technologies? Compare FDMA, TDMA
and CDMA in terms of their ability to handle groups of stations?
3. (a) Explain the working of CSMA/CD?
(b) A large population of ALOHA users manages to generate 50 requests/sec,
including both originals and retransmissions. Time is slotted in the units of 40 msec.
i. What is the chance of success on the first attempt?
ii. What is the probability of exactly k collisions and then a success?
iii. What is the expected number of transmission attempts needed??
4. (a) Compare and contrast code division multiplexing and time division multiplexing.
(b) How CSMA/CA works? Explain each term with respect to CSMA/CA in detail.
5.a)Explain about multicasting and broad casting with an example.
b)Explain about hierarchical routing with an example.
6. a) Explain about distance vector routing algorithm.
b)Explain shortest path routing algorithm with an example.
7. a)What is a routing and are the classifications of routing algorithm.
b) Explain about controlled access(polling, reservation and token passing).

1. (a) Discuss the standard Ethernet MAC sub-layer primary responsibilities.
(b) Enlighten on the frame structure of IEEE 802.11 frame structure.
2. (a) Explain basic IEEE 802.3 Ethernet MAC Data Frame.
(b) Give the architecture of IEEE 802.11 Ethernet.
3. (a) Discuss the standard Ethernet cabling and cable topologies.
(b) Briefly describe the addressing mechanism in 802.11( Wi-Fi).
4. (a) Using Differential Manchester encoding scheme, draw the time vs. amplitude
graphs for the bit stream 0101101001.
(b) Briefly describe the functions of MAC sub layer.
1.a)Explain in detail about client server communication
b)Explain about HTTP massage formats.(generic message, request and reply)
2.Explain in detail about Wireless Application Protocol.(architecture, layers)
3.Explain in detail about Uniform resource locater.
4.Explain the architecture of WWW.
5.Explain the architecture of HTTP.
6.Explain about WAP protocol stack.

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