Assessment of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices Among The Mothers in A Slum Area of Kolkata A Cross Sectional Study

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Int J Biol Med Res.

2014; 5(1): 3855-3861

Int J Biol Med Res
Volume 3, Issue 1, Jan 2012

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Original Article
Assessment of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices among the Mothers in a
Slum Area of Kolkata: A Cross Sectional Study
Aparajita Dasgupta*, SouravNaiya, Soumalya Ray, ArnabGhosal, Ram Pravakar, Parthasarathin Ram
Dept. of Preventive & Social Medicine, All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health, 110, Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkata-700073, India


Keywords: Background-Infant and young child feeding is a cornerstone of care for childhood
IYCF development. It was estimated that optimal IYCF practices could reduce childhood morbidity
Infant and young child feeding
and mortality dramatically in most cost-effective and efficacious way. Proper assessment of
IYCF practices among the mothers is the need of the hour to identify the gaps in their
Breast feeding performance and to find out the influencing factors for these gaps.Materials and Methods -A
Complementary feeding cross-sectional study was conducted among 86 mother-child pair attending a MCH clinic of an
urban health center catering health care service to the largest slum of Kolkata, the Chetla
slum.Result-68.6% of the children hadlate initiation of breast feeding and31.4%
hadprelacteal feeding.Exclusive breastfeeding among children less than 6 months was 66.7%
and adequate minimum dietary diversity among children 6–23 months was 46%.Literacy
status of mother was significantly associated with exclusive breastfeeding, Continued
breastfeeding at 1 year of age and Minimum meal frequency (MMF). (p<0.05)Conclusion-
Assessment of IYCF practices revealed very unsatisfactory status and appropriate,
widespread and high quality health education at domiciliary,outdoor,individual and mass level
should be initiated and implemented for optimum health of the infant and the child.

c Copyright 2010 BioMedSciDirect Publications IJBMR -ISSN: 0976:6685. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Appropriate Infant and young child feeding in early age of life adequate, safe, age-appropriate complementary feeding
are widely identified as an important factor forthe ideal child starting at six months.2,10 These two interventions alone were
growth and development. Every year 10.9 million of under-five estimated to prevent almost one-fifth of under-five mortality in
children died worldwide among which 2.4 million were from India developing countries.10,11 The beneficial effects of breastfeeding
alone. Poor feeding and repeated infections resulted in 30% of depend on the initiation of breastfeeding, its duration, and the age
stunted under-five children world-wide.2 Malnutrition alone is of complementary feeding.7 It is estimated that sub-optimal
responsible for 67% of child death in India.3 In all settings breast-feeding, especially non-exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6
breastfeeding had positive effects on the health of infants and months of life, results in 1.4 million deaths and 10% of the disease
mothers .4 Optimal infant and young child feeding practices rank burden in children younger than 5 years.5,11 Risk of death from
among the most effective interventions to improve child health.5 diarrhea and pneumonia is 7 and 5 times more in non-breastfed
Almost one-fifth of overall under-five mortality can be averted if child than exclusively breastfed one at aged 0–5 months.8 At the
90% of infants are covered with a package of intervention to same age, nonexclusive rather than exclusive breastfeeding results
protect, promote, and support the optimal Infant and young child in more than 2-fold increased risks of dying from diarrhea or
feeding (IYCF) practices.6 Exclusive breastfeeding up to six months pneumonia.9 The Third National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3)
of age and breastfeeding up to 12 months established as top most of India reported that overall 21.5% of children aged under three
preventative child survival interventions for their effectiveness in years were breastfed within one hour of birth, 48.3% of the
preventing under-five mortality followed by nutritionally- children aged zero to five months were exclusively breastfed, and
53.8% of the children aged six to nine months received solid or
semi-solid food and breast milk.12 These figures justify the high
* Corresponding Author : Aparajita Dasgupta
: Professor& HOD, Dept. of Preventive & Social Medicine, under five mortality in this country.
All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health, 110-Chittaranjan Avenue,
Kolkata-700073, India
E-mail:- [email protected]
c Copyright 2010 BioMedSciDirect Publications. All rights reserved.
Aparajita Dasgupta Int J Biol Med Res. 2014; 5(1): 3855-3861


Therefore studies to find out the status of IYCF and its predictors Operational definitions:
will go a long way in chalking out relevant, appropriate and feasible Early initiation of breastfeeding: Proportion of children born
policies and programmes for improvement of IYCF in the in the last 24 months who were put to the breast within one hour of
community and thus the growth,development and above all the birth.
survival of children. With this backdrop a study was conducted
among mothers of under-two childrento find out the status and Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months: Proportion of
some covariates of Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in a slum infants 0–5 months of age who are fed exclusively with breast milk.
area of Kolkata.
Continued breastfeeding at 1 year:Proportion of children
MATERIAL AND METHODS 12–23 months of age who are fed breast milk.
This cross sectional, outpatient facility based study was
Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods: Proportion of
conducted in MCH clinic of an urban health center (UHC) situated at
infants 6–8 months of age who receive solid, semi-solid or soft foods
19 B, Chetla Hat Road, Kolkata. This center is in Chetla which is the
urban field practice area of All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Minimum dietary diversity (MDD) indicator: Proportion of
Health, Kolkata providing Comprehensive health care service along children 6–23 months of age who receive foods from 4 or more food
with excellent opportunity for field training, research and learning groups from a total of 7 food groups, namely, dairy products,
in all aspects of community health care in a true setting.13 UHC legumes and nuts, flesh foods, eggs, vitamin A rich fruits and
,Chetla was established on 30th December, 1955 and presently vegetables, cereals and tubers, and other fruits and vegetables.14
caters health care services to around 1.1 lac population in three This indicator reveals whether the child is receiving a complete and
wards of Kolkata Corporation spread over around 3.6 square balanced diet or not.
kilometer.13 Majority of the population in this area belongs to low
socio-economic group. The comprehensive and diversified Minimum meal frequency (MMF) indicator: Proportion of
healthcare service that this centre provides is both at domiciliary breastfed and nonbreastfed children aged 6–23 months who
and outdoor level.13 receive solid, semi-solid, or soft foods (but also including milk feeds
for nonbreastfed children) the minimum number of times or more.8
Required sample size was determined with theNFHS-3 data, For breastfed children the minimum number of times varies with
regarding early initiation of breast feeding (27.7%) among children age (two times if 6–8 months and three times if 9–23 months). For
less than 24 months of age in slum area of Kolkata. Considering 10% nonbreastfed children, the minimum number of times does not vary
relative error, 5% alpha error the estimated sample size was 77 by age (four times for all children aged 6–23 months).14
which were further increased to 85 allowing 10% of non-
responsiveness. Mother –child dyads with children less than 24 Minimum acceptable diet (MAD) indicator: Pproportion of
months were included in the study. Mothers who were unwilling to children aged 6–23 months who receive at least the MDD as well as
participate or carrying very sick and/or irritable child were at least the MMF according to the definitions mentioned above.14
excluded from the study.92 mothers were approached and 6 of
them were not willing to participate or withdrew in the middle of Ethics committee approval
the interview. Altogether 86 mothers responded to all the questions
of the schedule. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethics
Committee of All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health,
Time required to complete the schedule was estimated from the Kolkata. Informed verbal consent was sought from the participant
pretesting which was approximately half an hour for each pair and in local language after explaining the total procedure and purpose
about six mothers were planned to interview each day in two of the study.
outpatient sessions from 9:30 am to 11:30 am and 2 pm to 3:30 pm.
All the mothers were interviewed after obtaining informed verbal Analysis of data
consent and assurance of confidentiality. A predesigned, pretested
Data analysis was done by standard statistical methods using
structured schedule in the local language Bengali was used for data
Microsoft excel and SPSS V.16. Chi-square test of significance was
collection and measurement in the study.The survey schedule was
done for testing the association.
constructed in order to find out the socio-demographic, economic
status of the mothers, incidents related to pregnancy, practices RESULTS
regarding infant and young child feeding. The questions regarding A total of 86 mother child pair was considered for the analysis. A
feeding practices was adopted from WHO standard questionnaire majority of them belonged to Hindu religion (79.1%) and general
for IYCF practices and the indicators were considered as per their caste (60.5%).All the participants were housewives and the main
guidelines.14 All the responses regarding feeding habits were earning member of the family were their husbands with mean per
recorded by 24 hours recall method except for initiation of capita income of Rs.1059.25±618.8. Majority of the husbands were
breastfeeding, colostrum feeding and prelactealfeeding which employed as skilled (45.3%) and unskilled (30.2%) labour. 18.6%
were elicited by historic recall. Socio-economic status was
calculated as per Prasad scale 2013.15
Aparajita Dasgupta Int J Biol Med Res. 2014; 5(1): 3855-3861


of the mothers and 4.5% of their husbands were found to be All the children of 6-8 months of age and two children of 4-5
illiterate. Mean age of the mothers during the interview was months of age had started complementary feeding. Initiation of
22.73±2.87 years. Among the mothers, 55.8% had their marriage at complementary feeding found in 10% and 27.6% of children
less than 18 years of age with mean age of marriage 17.5±1.9 between 4-5 months and 12-24 months of age respectively. Bottle
years.52.3% mothers had conceived for the first time at less than 20 feeding apparently was quite common and was found to be more
years of age. Almost all of them (98.8%) had two or less number of than 50% in the age group of 9-11 months of age. Formula feeding
children during the interview and 17.4% of the mothers had history was found quite frequent during complementary feeding among the
of complications during the previous child birth. Mean age of the children.Only 6.9% of 12-23 months old children had fruit juice in
children was 10.04±7.6 months. 41.9% children were less than 6 complementary feeding and no one had micronutrient
months of age, 23.3% were between 6 to 11 months of age and the supplementation.
rest(34.9%) were 12 months to 24 months of age. 41.9 % of the all
children were males. Among the 86 children, 25(29.1%) were born Table 1: Some IYCF Status (indicators) among the study
low birth weight (birth weight less than 2.5 kg) and 3.5% population.
hadundergone home delivery.

Among the total 86 children aged less than two years, only IYCF Status n %
31.4% had started breastfeeding within 1 hour after birth, 29.1%
E a rly i n i t i a t i o n o f Within 1 hour 27 31.4
did not get colostrum and 31.4% had prelacteal feeding mainly in breastfeeding among After 1 hour 59 68.6
the form of water and honey.Only two-third (66.7%) children of children less than Total 86 100.0
under 6months of age were found to be exclusively breast
fed.Among the children of 6-23 months (31/50), 62% were found to 2 4 m o n t h s No 59 68.6
be exclusively breast fed according to their mothers from historic (n=86)Prelacteal Yes 27 31.4
recall. All the children from 6-11 months and 43.3% children from feeding among children Total 86 100.0
6-23 months continued breastfeeding till the date of data collection. less than 24 months
Minimum dietary diversity (MDD), Minimum meal frequency
(MMF) and Minimum acceptable diet (MAD) were found to Colostrum given to the No 25 29.1
adequate in 46% (23/50), 78 %( 39/50) and 46 %( 23/50) children children less than 24 yes 61 70.9
among 6-23 months of age. months (n=86) Total 86 100.0

Initiation of breast feeding after 1 hour of birth was more Exclusive breastfeeding No 12 33.3
(statistically significant) among children delivered by caesarean among children less Yes 24 66.7
section and those whose fathers were illiterate. No significant than 6 months (n=36) Total 36 100.0
association was found with variables regarding socio-economic,
C o n t i n u e d No 17 56.7
demographic characteristics and incidentsrelated to pregnancy.
breastfeeding among Yes 13 43.3
Among the children 2.3% were found to have been fed with
children 12–23 months Total 30 100.0
expressed milk and 12.8% of the children were given wet (n=30)
nursing.Prelacteal feeding and deprivation of colostrum following
birth were statistically associated with delivery by Caesarean Minimum dietary Inadequate 27 54.0
sectionp<0.05).Caste was associated with exclusive breastfeeding diversity among Adequate 23 46.0
and continued breastfeeding at 1 year of age. Gender of the child children 6–23 months Total 50 100.0
was found to be significantly associated with Minimum dietary (n=50)
diversity (MDD) and Minimum acceptable diet (MAD). Literacy
Minimum meal Inadequate 11 22.0
status of mother was significantly associated with exclusive
frequency among Adequate 39 78.0
breastfeeding, Continued breastfeeding at 1 year of age and children 6–23 months Total 50 100.0
Minimum meal frequency (MMF). All other variables did not show (n=50)
any statistical significance at level of 0.05.
Minimum acceptable Inadequate 27 54.0
Only 5.6%(2/36) of children of less than 6 months of age and diet among children Adequate 23 46.0
32%(16/50) of 6-23 months of age, had started complementary 6–23 months (n=50) Total 50 100.0
feeding before reaching 6 months of age . 32%(16/50) children of 6-
23 months of age had late initiation of complementary feeding i.e.
from 7 months of age or more. Only 36%(18/50) children of 6-23
months had started complementary feeding correctly at the age of 6
Aparajita Dasgupta Int J Biol Med Res. 2014; 5(1): 3855-3861

Table 2: IYCF indicators according to socio-economic, demographic characteristics and incidents related to pregnancy
Aparajita Dasgupta Int J Biol Med Res. 2014; 5(1):3855-3861

(a. Early initiation of breastfeeding among children less than 24 of life29, prelacteal feeding is still prevalent across the nation due to
months, b. Prelacteal feeding among children less than 24 months, c. cultural prejudice and false belief even after health promotion. All
Colostrum given to the children less than 24 months, d. Exclusive efforts must be made both at institution and domiciliary level to do
breastfeeding among children less than 6 months, e. Continued away with this unhealthy practice.
breastfeeding among children 12–23 months, f. Adequate Minimum
dietary diversity among children 6–23 months, g. Adequate Colostrum given to the children less than 24 months:
Minimum meal frequency among children 6–23 months, h. Colostrum is rich in vitamins, minerals, and immunoglobulins
Adequate Minimum acceptable diet among children 6–23 months) that protect the child from infections and should not be
discarded.30Colostrum was given to 70.9% of the babies in the
Table 3: Complementary feeding practices according to
present study was comparable to another study in rural West
different age groups.
Bengal (76.3%)21. A study in Karnataka22 also found 19% of
mothers had discarded colostrum. It was due to the negative
influence of the other family members21, 31and primary care
providers31and therefore the latter should also be roped in along
with the mothers for health education regarding correct IYCF.

Our study found positive association of caesarean section with

prelacteal feeding and discarding colostrum which may be due to
the lack of help (for feeding her child for the first time) that should
be meted out to a mother by her caregivers. A study in rural
Northern Ethiopia indicates that themother's knowledge and false
belief were the main causes for discarding colostrum and prelacteal
feeding.32Prelacteal feeding was found to be associated with
mothers' literacy status, socioeconomic status and type of family
All figures are in percentage and are calculated in respect to the total but not with mode of delivery.33Gender of the child, mothers
number of the children in that age group. education, socioeconomic status, type of family and place of
Type of food given during complementary feeding and Feeding delivery was found to be statistically associated with prelacteal
instruments were not mutually exclusive. feeding whereas type of family and birth order were significantly
associated with colostrum feed practices of mothers in another
study in a slum of Gujarat.34 In another study prelacteal feeding
Early initiation of breastfeeding among children less than 24 was also found to be statistically associated with maternal
months within 1 hour of birth: In this study it was 31.6% which was education and antenatal breast feeding counseling.35
more than NFHS-3 23.4%(national level) and 27.7%(Kolkata
Slum)16,17and a study in rural West Bengal13.6%19 but almost Exclusive breastfeeding among children less than 6 months:
same as in Urban Health Center in East Delhi 37.1%18 slum in 66.7% of less than 6 months old children were found to be
Bankura town39.6% 20 and clinic based study in Hooghly district exclusively breast fed and this figure was better than that reported
34.2%21.A study in rural Karnataka however found 81%22 of the by NFHS-3 data, both at national level (46.4%)16 and at state level
mothers initiated breastfeeding within 1 hours.As per WHO (WestBengal58.6%)17 and also from other studies like in
recommendation 2 early initiation of breast feeding is important for Delhi(57%)18, rural Bankura district(57.1%)19, slum of
development of children and it is evident from others study that Bankura(52.1%)20, rural Hooghly district (58.7%)21 and rural
failing to do it significantly increase childhood mortality.28 A study Karnataka(40%)22. This may reflect the good service delivery by
in Ghana showed early initiation of breast feeding could prevent the field staff of this 60 years old Urban Health Centre under
22% of neonatal mortality.27 Though the results of this study is AIIHPH.
comparable with other studies and national level data, still the
percentage is low enough to do reevaluation of the situation and put In a previous study25quite like the present study, exclusive
more emphasis on breast feeding initiation. In case of caesarean breast feeding was found to be more in literate mothers and no
section early initiation within 1 hour was nil and it is a situation association was found between mode of delivery and exclusive
required for urgent attention.Mothers education, socioeconomic breast feeding.Fathers' education, religion, mode of delivery was
status, birth order and place of delivery was found to be statistically found to be significantly associated with exclusive breast feeding in
associated with early initiation of breastfeeding in another study in another study26.Others studiesshow that non-exclusive
slum of Gujarat35quite unlike the present study. breastfeeding practices was significantly more among illiterate
Prelacteal feeding among children less than 24 months: In the mothers, who belonged to food secured households, who had little
present study prelacteal feed was found to be given to 31.4% . access to health facilities and who had little knowledge about IYCF
Comparing with other data regarding prelacteal feeding, NFHS-3 practices.36 In a study in Gujarat it was observed thatexclusive
d a t a a t t h e n a t i o n a l l eve l ( 5 7 . 2 % ) 1 6 , S l u m a re a o f breast feeding was statistically associated with maternal education
Kolkata(40%)17,West Bengal (47.8%%)17, and a study at Delhi( beyond 7th standard and antenatal breast feeding counseling.35
38%)18, Hooghly, rural West Bengal(42.1%)21found higher
proportion whereas studies in Bankura slum of West Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods:
Bengal(27.1%)20 for children of 0-5 month, had less than the
present study.Although it was already established that anything Complementary feeding was found to be started 21.2% both at
other than breast milk is unnecessary and harmful in first 6 months less than 6 months and at 6 months and 17.6% at more than 6
months of age. In another study it was found to be 30.32%,34.69%
Aparajita Dasgupta Int J Biol Med Res. 2014; 5(1): 3855-3861

and 29.78% at age less than 6 months, at 6 months and more than 6 In another study overall IYCF practices were found to be
months.37 In West Bengal(NFHS-3)17 23.3%, 47.1%, 85.8% significantly associated with age of mothers, family type and per
children had started complementary feeding in 4-5 months, 6-8 capita income not with literacy status, occupation and parity of the
months and 9-11 months of age group. mothers.21

In present study all 4-5 months children who started Conclusion

complementary feeding getting formulas which were 33.3% and
Results show that success was achieved only with exclusive
50% in later ages(6-8 months and 9-11 months). According to
breastfeeding neglecting the other domains of healthy IYCF like the
NFHS-3(India)16 formula feeding was found 6.2%, 10%, 11.9%
various aspects of complementary feeding and use of bottle feeding.
respectively in the age groups of 4-5 months, 6-8 months and 9-11
It may be concluded that IYCF practices among mothers of less than
months of breast feeding children.Prevalence of giving other milk in
2 years old children werefar from satisfactory and proper action
that respective age groups the percentage were 27.1%, 35.7% and
should be taken at all levels to improve the situation by propagation
42.1% which is more than the present study.
of the right message to the antenatal and postnatal mothers and to
their families. Health education on child bearing and child rearing
In West Bengal17 percentage of children using bottle in 4-5
must be given from time to time, in easy language and by the field
months, 6-8 months and 9-11 months of age group were 31.5%,
health staff who are very much acceptable by the general
15.5%, 19.7% ,which is not comparable to the present study (10%,
people.Thehealth staff on the other hand should be properly
16.7%, 50%). A Delhi based study found prevalence of bottle
educated and their knowledge updated so that they may impart
feeding was 26.5% among all the children.18Bottle feeding was also
the correct knowledge to the mothers.This will play a long way in
found to be statistically associated with maternal education beyond
improving the health of all children at large turning India into a
7th standard.35
healthy nation.
Continued breastfeeding among children 12–23 months: List of Abbreviations
Breastfeeding continued at one year of age in children of 12 to 23
months of age was found to be 43.3%(13/30).This was less than AIIH&PH - All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health
that observed in other studies of Delhi(72.1%)18, of rural West EBF - Exclusive breastfeeding
B e n ga l ( 7 1 . 7 % ) 1 9 a n d b e t te r t h a n a s t u dy d o n e a t IYCF- infant and young child feeding
Allahabad(38.7%)24. A study21 in rural area of Hooghly district at MAD- Minimum acceptable diet
West Bengal found 100% continuation of breastfeeding among 12- MDD- Minimum dietary diversity
15 months of children.20 Continued breastfeeding practices was MMF- Minimum meal frequency
significantly more in schedule caste and literate mothers.Proper NFHS- National family health survey
education may be needed to address this poor performance. UHC - Urban Health Centre, Chetla
WHO - World Health Organization
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Indian Medical Gazette. 2011; 145(9): 337-4 c Copyright 2010 BioMedSciDirect Publications IJBMR -ISSN: 0976:6685.
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