Journal Pone 0250562
Journal Pone 0250562
Journal Pone 0250562
1 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Institute of Public Health, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical
University College, Moshi, Tanzania, 2 Department of Community Health, Institute of Public Health,
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Moshi, Tanzania, 3 Department of Community Medicine,
a1111111111 Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi, Tanzania, 4 Better Health for African Mother and Child, Moshi,
a1111111111 Tanzania, 5 Division of Women, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Norway, 6 Elizabeth Glaser
Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
a1111111111 * [email protected]
introduction of complementary food at age 0–1 month was statistically significantly associ-
ated with higher risks of wasting and underweight (ARR 2.9, 95%CI 1.3–6.3; and ARR 2.6,
95% CI 1.3–5.1 respectively). Children with low minimum meal frequency had higher risks
of stunting, wasting, and underweight (ARR 2.9, 95%CI 2.3–3.6; ARR 1.9, 95%CI 1.5–2.5
and ARR 1.9, 95%CI 1.5–2.4 respectively). Children with low minimum dietary diversity
were more likely to be stunted than is the case with their peers who received the minimum
dietary diversity (ARR 1.3, 95% CI 1.01–1.6).
There were a high proportion of children, which were fed inappropriately; Inappropriate com-
plementary feeding practices predisposed children to undernutrition. Our study supports the
introduction of complementary feeding, providing minimum dietary diversity, and minimum
feeding frequency at six months of age as important in improving the nutritional status of the
An appropriate diet is a critical component for proper growth and development of children.
Appropriate child feeding practices in the first two years of life provide a critical window of
opportunity for the promotion of optimal growth and development [1]. The aspects of Infant
and Young Child Feeding Practices, which are important in the first 2 years of life include
early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, and timely and safe introduction of
complementary feeding with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age or beyond [2]. It
has been estimated that appropriate complementary feeding practices contribute to 17 percent
reduction in the prevalence of stunting at 24 months of age and could avert 6 percent of
under-five deaths each year [3, 4]. Suboptimal breastfeeding practices and infectious diseases
are the main immediate causes of undernutrition in the first two years of life [5].
WHO recommends an infant to be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life, then
begin nutritionally adequate, safe, and appropriately-fed complementary foods from six to 24
months in order to meet the evolving needs of the growing infant [2]. However, few children
under two years of age are fed appropriately. Globally, it has been estimated that only 41per-
cent of infants are exclusively breastfed for six months, 25 percent receive the minimum die-
tary diversity (MDD) and 51 percent receive the minimum required meal frequency (MMF)
[6]. The highest burden of inappropriate complementary feeding practices are in low and mid-
dle-income countries [7]. Data from a recent Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey
showed that 59 percent of infants are exclusively breastfed for six months, 39 percent of chil-
dren aged 6–24 months are given minimum recommended meal frequency and 26 percent are
given minimum recommended diverse diet [8].
Despite the major progress in reducing the prevalence of child undernutrition, the burden
is still high in LMICs [9]. Globally, estimates show that 149 million of under-five children are
stunted and 49 million of under-five children are wasted. Low and middle-income countries
contribute to 65 percent of the stunted children and 73 percent of wasted children [10]. In
Tanzania, according to the Tanzania Demographic Health Survey stunting has been declining
from 48 percent in 2000 to 34 percent in 2015 (equal to 0.9% annual decrease), underweight
decreased from 24 to 14 percent while wasting remains at 5 percent in the same period [8].
This reveals a slow progress towards reaching global nutrition targets of reducing stunting by
40 percent in the year 2025.
Findings of the relationship between complementary feeding practices and child nutritional
status remain inconsistent [11]. Child undernutrition is still a significant public health prob-
lem and poor complementary feeding is a common practice for many mothers in East African
countries including Tanzania [12, 13]. However, the effect of inappropriate complementary
feeding practices on the child nutritional status remains unknown. Therefore, this study aims
at determining the effect of inappropriate complementary feeding practice on the nutritional
status of children. This may be an important aspect in devising strategies of influencing the
promotion of various nutrition interventions of reaching this most vulnerable population.
Data source
This study was a part of a larger cohort established in 2002. Women recruited in the parent
study were from three distinct groups. The first group was recruited from 2002 to 2004, the
second group was recruited from 2005 to 2013, and the last group was recruited from 2014 to
2017. The main objective of the parent study was to investigate HIV and Sexually Transmitted
Diseases among pregnant women in Kilimanjaro [14]. The study included pregnant women
who were in their third trimester attending the antenatal care clinic at Pasua and Majengo
health centers in Moshi municipality, Kilimanjaro region. These two clinics were selected
because they have the largest number of clients and represent women from the largest geo-
graphical areas in urban Moshi [8]. Details of the methodology are documented elsewhere and
can be obtained from the previous studies [15–20].
Baseline data were collected during recruitment using a questionnaire designed to collect
information regarding maternal socio-demographic data, obstetric history, and behavioral and
employment status. Women and their children were followed up after delivery and each
mother-child pair was seen at the health centers after 3 months until the child turns 2 years of
age and thereafter a follow-up was after every 6 months until the child turns 5 years of age.
Four trained research assistants (two in each health facility) were taking anthropometrics and
collecting child feeding practices using a child questionnaire that was adopted from WHO
indicators for assessing IYCF practices [21]. This was modified to capture common foods con-
sumed in Moshi, Tanzania at each visit. Anthropometric measurements (height and weight)
were taken using the recommended WHO procedures [22]. The recumbent length (for chil-
dren below 24 months) was taken using a local made flat wood stadiometer. Weight of
undressed children was taken using SECA 813 digital scale (SECA, GmbH &Co.KG, Hamburg,
Germany) and the length and weight of children were taken to the nearest 0.1cm and 0.1g.
Variables measurements
Dependent variables. Dependent variables were stunting [height-for-age (HAZ)], wasting
[weight-for-height (WHZ), and underweight [weight-for-age (WAZ)]. Children were
Fig 1. Flow chart for selecting mother-infant pairs to be included in the study.
classified as stunted, wasted or underweight if their Z-scores were <-2 Standard Deviation
(SD) [23].
Independent variables. Inappropriate complementary feeding practices were defined as
the introduction of complementary foods that fails to meet either of the three indicators of
time of introduction (six months of age), minimum meal frequency or minimum dietary
diversity [1]. Therefore, to assess inappropriate complementary feeding practices, three pri-
mary independent variables were used, which were the introduction of solid, semi-solid, or
soft foods, minimum dietary diversity, and minimum meal frequency. Each of these indicators
was measured separately.
Introduction of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods was measured as the age of a child in months
when soft foods/semi-solid foods/solid foods were introduced. Mothers/caregivers reported
when a child started receiving soft-foods, semi-solids, and solid foods. Introduction of solid,
semi-solid, or soft foods was further categorized as early introduction of complementary feed-
ing (grouped as 0–1 month, 2-3months, 4–5 months), and appropriate age of introduction of
complementary feeding (as 6–8 months of age) [21].
The 7 food groups were used for the calculation of WHO minimum dietary diversity indi-
cator, which are (i) grains, roots and tubers, (ii) legumes and nuts, (iii) dairy products, (iv)
flesh foods, (v) eggs, (vi) vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables, and (vii) other fruits and vegeta-
bles. The dietary diversity score ranged from 0 if none of the food groups is consumed to 7 if
all the food groups are consumed. Minimum dietary diversity was constructed from the die-
tary diversity score using the WHO recommended cut-off point with a value of “1” if the child
had consumed four or more groups of foods (minimum dietary diversity) and “0” if the child
consumed less than four food groups (low dietary diversity). MDD was estimated during 6, 9,
12, 15 and 24 months visit by asking mothers/caregivers to report the food and liquid con-
sumed during the previous day of the visit as per the WHO guidelines.
Minimum meal frequency was a self-reported question on the number of times per day a
child received complementary foods on the day before the visit. MMF was estimated at each
visit and a child was judged to have taken an adequate number of meals if he/she received at
least the minimum frequency of feeding. This means, 2 times for 6–8 months and 3 times for
9–11 months, 3 times for children aged 12–23 months for breastfed children and 4 times for
non-breastfed children. Appropriate feeding frequency was coded as 1 (minimum meal fre-
quency) and inappropriate was coded 0 (low meal frequency) [21].
Other potential predictors in this study included sex of the baby (male vs female), prematu-
rity (normal vs premature babies), and birth weight (normal and low birth weight as <2.5kg),
breastfeeding duration (continue breastfeeding in months), and mothers’ age in years (<24,
25–34, >35). Others include mothers’ education level (no education, primary, secondary and
higher education level), marital status (single, married/cohabiting and divorced/separated),
alcohol intake (yes, no), and HIV status (positive, negative). Others include religion (Christian,
Muslim), employment status (formal and informal employment), gravidity (1, 2–4, >4), parity
(0, 1–4, >4), socioeconomic status (low, medium and high socio-economic status), multiple
births (singleton and twins), and the number of visits at the clinic and enrollment year.
Statistical analysis
Data were extracted from women and infant questionnaires of the parent study using EpiInfo database and the analysis were done in StataCorp version 14.0. The overall proportion
of stunting, wasting, and underweight was calculated and further analysis was done across the
follow-up visits to see the peak of undernutrition. The proportion of children with suboptimal
complementary feeding practices across the cohort and at different age points during the fol-
low-up visit was calculated. A chi-squared test was used to determine any statistical difference
in the proportion of children with inappropriate feeding practices across the nutrition
Mother-child pairs were followed from birth with repeated measurements done at 6, 9, 12,
15, and 24-months visits (including anthropometric measurements, food groups consumed,
and feeding frequency). Some mothers had more than one pregnancy in the cohort hence
there was a possible similarity among children of the same mother than those of different
mothers. Therefore, to account for the correlation of repeated measures within a child and
clustering effect of mothers and their children, multilevel modeling using “gllamm” a Stata
command specifying cluster variable (mother-child), family (binomial), and link function
(logit) were used. Mothers were cluster level three, each child was a cluster in level two, and
repeated measures done in a child was a level one cluster.
Data were transformed into a long format. An empty model with no exposure variable was
done to determine the total variability in stunting, wasting, and underweight that can be
explained by clusters (ICC). To test the significance of each level of a cluster, the likelihood
ratio test was used by comparing a model without a cluster versus a model with a cluster level.
A nested model was considered important at the significant level of 5 percent. Univariable
multilevel logistic regression analysis was done for factors in each cluster’s level (from level
one to three) and factors that remained to be significant at a p-value of <10% were retained
for a multivariable model. Fixed and random effects were tested and the final model comprises
of a combined model with level 1, 2 and 3 factors. Therefore, multilevel logistic regression
analysis was used to estimate the adjusted relative risk (ARR) with their 95 percent confidence
interval for the effect of inappropriate complementary feeding practices and nutritional status
of the children.
Ethical consideration
Ethical approval was obtained from the Research Ethical Committee of Kilimanjaro Christian
Medical University College (CREC No. 2411). The permission to use Pasua and Majengo
cohort data was obtained from the Better Health for African Mother and Child (BHAMC)
project. Written consents were obtained from mothers and numbers were used to identify par-
ticipants instead of names to ensure confidentiality. All participants’ information was kept and
analyzed anonymously.
Baseline characteristics
About 3355 children aged 6–24 months were included in the analysis. The overall follow-up
rate was 85 percent and follow-up rates at visit months 6, 9, 12, 15, and 24 were 86, 87, 88, 88,
and 66 percent respectively. Some children were lost due to the absence of the mother at the
clinic during the follow-up visit.
Total mothers in this analysis were 2774, each mother had 1 to 6 children, and each child
had repeated observations ranging from 1 to 7 occasions/visits. The mean age of mothers at
recruitment was 25.6 (SD ± 5.01) years and their partners’ age was 31.7 (SD ± 6.3) years. Most
mothers (89.5%) were either married or cohabiting and 74.8 percent had primary level educa-
tion. The majority (81.8%) had only one pregnancy in the cohort while others had up to six
pregnancies. Regarding the children’s characteristics, 57 percent of the babies born in the
cohort were males and the mean birth weight was 3.2 (SD ± 0.49) (Table 1).
Table 1. (Continued)
who did not receive the minimum meal frequency had 93 and 89 percent higher risk of wasting
and underweight, respectively, as compared with children who received the minimum meal
frequency (ARR 1.93 95% CI 1.49–2.46, p<0.001 and ARR 1.89; 95% CI 1.52–2.35, p < 0.001)
(Table 2).
The result of this study showed that suboptimal complementary feeding practices were com-
mon in urban Moshi. Early introduction of complementary feeding before 6 months was asso-
ciated with a higher risk of stunting, wasting, and underweight. Children aged 6–24 months
with low minimum meal frequency were more likely to be stunted, wasted, and underweight.
Children with low MDD were likely to be stunted.
Our findings show that about 91 percent of the children were given complementary food
before the age of 6 months. This was higher than the national prevalence of 41 percent from
the 2015/16 Tanzania Demographic Health Survey and was slightly higher for Kilimanjaro
region of 85.4 percent [8]. The differences in the study design could be the reason for the
observed differences since the TDHS is a cross sectional study and only one data point is col-
lected, whereas this was a cohort study with minimum recall bias. Similar results have been
reported in a study carried out in Kenya which found 98 percent of infants were comple-
mented before the age of 6 months [24]. The main reason for this high proportion of inappro-
priate age of introducing complementary food could be the mothers’ perception that breast
milk is insufficient for a child’s growth as reported in a study carried out in Tanga, northern
Tanzania [25]. Therefore, health education to mothers is essential in promoting appropriate
age of introduction of complementary feeding especially during the ante and post-natal period
Fig 4. Proportion of inappropriate complementary feeding practices among children aged 6–24 months.
Fig 5. Proportion of children who adhered to the minimum meal frequency and minimum dietary diversity across follow up visits.
Fig 6. Proportion of children with undernutrition with respect to age category at which complementary feeding was introduced.
Our findings show the prevalence of, 26 percent of low MDD, which is similar to the national
level [8]. It is common in this setting for the infant to receive porridge, “mtori,” or “kitawa”
when they reach six months of age as it is perceived to be the food for infants and that infants
Table 2. Multilevel logistic regression: Effect of inappropriate complementary feeding practices on the nutrition status of the children.
Variables Stunting Wasting Underweight
CRR (95% CI) ARR(95% CI) CRR (95% CI) ARR(95% CI) CRR (95% CI) ARR(95% CI)
Age of introduction of Complementary
6–8 months 1 1 1 1 1 1
0–1 months 0.89 (0.64–1.24) 1.41 (0.77–2.16) 1.75 (1.07–2.84)� 2.86 (1.30–6.29)�� 1.68(0.97–2.93) 2.57 (1.29–5.14)��
2–3 months 1.40 (1.03–1.91)� 1.88 (1.06–3.36)� 1.29 (0.81–2.06) 1.75 (0.81–3.77) 1.64(0.81–2.36) 1.68 (0.85–3.32)
4–5 months 1.30 (0.95–1.78) 1.42 (0.78–2.59) 1.43 (0.89–2.30) 1.95 (0.89–4.28) 1.93(1.09–3.21)� 2.14 (1.08–4.29)�
Minimum Dietary Diversity
MDD 1 1 1 1 1
Low MDD 1.02 (0.89–1.16) 1.29 (1.01–1.64)� 1.05 (0.87–1.27) 1.19 (0.89–1.57) 1.17 (0.95–1.43) 1.13 (0.89–1.44)
Minimum Meal Frequency
MMF 1 1 1 1 1
Low MMF 3.15 (2.80– 2.87 (2.30– 1.37 (1.17– 1.93 (1.49– 1.38 (1.18– 1.89 (1.52–
3.54)��� 3.59)��� 1.60)��� 2.49)��� 1.63)��� 2.35)���
cannot eat other foods such as vegetables and animal products. It has been reported that poor
dietary diversity is a common practice in SSA countries and starch-based foods such as porridge
is the commonly given food [27]. A study in Nigeria, Zambia, and Ethiopia also reported a low
rate of dietary diversity [28, 29]. In Nigeria, inadequate maternal nutrition knowledge on child
feeding or economic reasons were cited as among the contributing factors [29].
In our study, MMF was observed to be about 60 percent, which was higher than the
reported 39 percent at the national level [8]. A comparable result was reported in Zambia
and Ethiopia [28]. The reason for this could be food preparation, as reported earlier that
the common food given is porridge, “mtori,” or “kitawa.” It is common to prepare these
foods mostly in the morning and put it in a flask where a mother or another family member
could feed the infant throughout the day hence receiving the required number of meals in a
Our findings indicated that early introduction of complementary feeding was significantly
associated with a higher risk of stunting, wasting, and underweight. Studies done in Zambia,
Ghana, and Nigeria reported similar findings [28–30]. Early introduction of complementary
feeding is linked with a substantially increased risk of recurrent diarrhoea and other infectious
diseases resulting in undernutrition [31, 32]. In LMICs, access to clean and safe water is a chal-
lenge leading to microbial contamination of complementary foods through unsafe preparation
and storage. On the other hand, the gastrin intestinal track of an infant below six months of
age is not fully developed to digest other foods apart from breast milk [33–36]. Therefore,
there is a need of continuing providing education on the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding
to mothers/caregivers. This can be done during antenatal care, delivery, postnatal visits, and
monthly child growth monitoring visits.
Our findings also showed that children who received low minimum meal frequency were
more likely to be stunted, wasted, and underweight than is the case with their peers. Our find-
ings were similar to the findings of other studies in most low and middle-income countries
[11, 29]. The minimum number of meals per day is required in order to attain the necessary
level of energy and nutritional requirement and prevent deficiencies that could result into
undernutrition [37]. These findings are in contrast with the findings in a study done in Ghana
which found that minimum meal frequency was not associated with stunting [30]. The appar-
ent lack of association in this study may be because there was very little variation in the study
population with respect to this indicator.
Low MDD was associated with stunting and not wasting or underweight. Our findings
were in line with the findings in other studies that used a variety of indicators aimed at captur-
ing food variety or dietary diversity in most low and middle-income countries [11, 28, 29, 38–
40]. This is because a more diversified diet is highly correlated with adequate energy and pro-
tein, micronutrients, and animal source food [41, 42]. The inadequate intake of a quality diet is
among the main contributing factors for undernutrition [43]. We also anticipate a significant
contribution of maternal nutrition to children’s diet and nutritional status. However, the par-
ent study did not capture variables that assessed the nutritional status of women and dietary
habits during pregnancy. Hence, we recommend future studies to establish the contribution of
maternal nutrition to the infant’s diet and nutritional status.
provided more reliable estimates as it accounts for the correlation of the repeated measure-
ments and the effect of clustering [44, 45].
Despite the strength of this study, some limitations had to be taken into account while
interpreting the findings. First, there was a loss to follow-up bias of about 14.3 percent. There-
fore, the information of those who were lost was not analyzed. However, this rate was low
compared to the recommended threshold level [46]. In addition, we missed some variables
such as those of assessing maternal health during pregnancy (as parent study recruited women
in their third trimester), which could have the potential effect on children’s diet and nutritional
status. Therefore, the significant contribution of maternal nutrition was not assessed.
Supporting information
S1 Appendix. Additional tables for multilevel logistic regression for the effect of inappro-
priate complementary feeding practices on the nutritional status of the children aged 6–24
S1 File. A copy of questionnaire.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Institute of Public Health specifically the Depart-
ment of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College
for making it possible to carry out this study. In addition, we would like to thank the Better
Health for African Mother and Child project for their faithful participation in seeing this work
through to publication. The authors are grateful for the assistance provided by Ms. Kabula
Jahanpour in editing this manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Rachel Masuke, Sia E. Msuya, Johnson M. Mahande, Ester J. Diarz, Ola
Jahanpour, Melina Mgongo.
Data curation: Rachel Masuke, Johnson M. Mahande, Ola Jahanpour.
Formal analysis: Rachel Masuke, Johnson M. Mahande, Ola Jahanpour.
Investigation: Rachel Masuke, Ester J. Diarz, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Melina Mgongo.
Methodology: Rachel Masuke, Johnson M. Mahande, Ester J. Diarz, Ola Jahanpour.
Project administration: Rachel Masuke, Sia E. Msuya, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Melina Mgongo.
Resources: Rachel Masuke.
Software: Rachel Masuke.
Supervision: Rachel Masuke, Sia E. Msuya, Johnson M. Mahande, Babill Stray-Pedersen,
Melina Mgongo.
Validation: Rachel Masuke, Sia E. Msuya, Johnson M. Mahande, Melina Mgongo.
Visualization: Rachel Masuke, Ola Jahanpour, Melina Mgongo.
Writing – original draft: Rachel Masuke.
Writing – review & editing: Rachel Masuke, Sia E. Msuya, Johnson M. Mahande, Ester J.
Diarz, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Ola Jahanpour, Melina Mgongo.
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