Fiitjee Aits Jee Main 2019 PT I

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FIITJEE JEE (Main)-2019


Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 360

 Pl ea s e r ea d t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s c a r ef u l l y. Yo u a r e a l l o t t ed 5 m i n ut es
s p ec i f i c a ll y f o r t h i s p u r p o s e.


Yo u a r e n o t a ll o wed t o l ea v e t h e E xa m i n at i o n Ha ll b ef o r e t h e en d o f
t h e t es t .

A. General Instructions
1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
2. This question paper contains Three Parts.
3. Part-I is Physics, Part-II is Chemistry and Part-III is Mathematics.
4. Each part has only one section: Section-A.
5. Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be
provided for rough work.
6. Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
devices, in any form, are not allowed.

B. Filling of OMR Sheet

1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers
on OMR sheet.
2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with black pen for each character of your
Enrolment No. and write your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places.
3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers.

C. Marking Scheme For All Three Parts.

1. Section-A (01 – 30, 31 – 60, 61 – 90) contains 90 multiple choice questions which have only one
correct answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and –1 mark for wrong

Name of the Candidate

Enrolment No.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 2

Useful Data

Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2

Planck constant h = 6.6 1034 J-s

Charge of electron e = 1.6  1019 C

Mass of electron me = 9.1  1031 kg

Permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85  1012 C2/N-m2

Density of water water = 103 kg/m3

Atmospheric pressure Pa = 105 N/m2

Gas constant R = 8.314 J K1 mol1


Gas Constant R = 8.314 J K1 mol1

= 0.0821 Lit atm K1 mol1
= 1.987  2 Cal K1 mol1
Avogadro's Number Na = 6.023  1023
Planck’s constant h = 6.625  1034 Js
= 6.625  10–27 ergs
1 Faraday = 96500 coulomb
1 calorie = 4.2 joule
1 amu = 1.66  10–27 kg
1 eV = 1.6  10–19 J

Atomic No: H=1, He = 2, Li=3, Be=4, B=5, C=6, N=7, O=8,

N=9, Na=11, Mg=12, Si=14, Al=13, P=15, S=16,
Cl=17, Ar=18, K =19, Ca=20, Cr=24, Mn=25,
Fe=26, Co=27, Ni=28, Cu = 29, Zn=30, As=33,
Br=35, Ag=47, Sn=50, I=53, Xe=54, Ba=56,
Pb=82, U=92.
Atomic masses: H=1, He=4, Li=7, Be=9, B=11, C=12, N=14, O=16,
F=19, Na=23, Mg=24, Al = 27, Si=28, P=31, S=32,
Cl=35.5, K=39, Ca=40, Cr=52, Mn=55, Fe=56, Co=59,
Ni=58.7, Cu=63.5, Zn=65.4, As=75, Br=80, Ag=108,
Sn=118.7, I=127, Xe=131, Ba=137, Pb=207, U=238.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

3 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

Physics PART – I

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 30 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. A man is moving on a circular path of radius R on horizontal ground with constant angular velocity
. Rain is falling with constant velocity 4 ms–1 making an angle 45° with vertical, in the plane
containing north-south direction. The magnitude of average velocity of rain with respect to man in
one full rotation is
(A) 4 ms–1 (B) 42  2R2  2R
(C) 42  2R2  2R (D) (4 + R)

2. Mass per unit area of the disc in first quadrant is , in the Y

second quadrant is 4, in the third quadrant is 5 and in the
fourth quadrant is 8. The coordinates of centre of mass of this
system are:
4 
 16R   2R 
(A)  0,  (B)  0,  X
 27   3  O
 16R   4R  5 8
(C)  0,  (D)  0, 
 65   3 

3. A particle of mass 1 kg, moving with velocity u  ˆi  ˆj in gravity free space strikes a smooth plane

and final velocity of particle after collision becomes v  bjˆ . Which of the following vectors
CANNOT represent a vector perpendicular to plane (b, m and n are real numbers other than

(A) m ˆi  nkˆ  (B) ˆi  mjˆ  
(C)  mˆi  ˆj  (D) î

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 4

4. Moment of inertia of a rectangular plate about one of its side

AB is I0. What is the value of moment of inertia about same
side if rectangular sheet is folded as shown in figure. a
(A) 0 (B) 2I0 B C
mb 2 I b
(C) I0  (D) 0
4 4


5. A particle is projected with speed 50 ms–1 at an angle 37°

with the horizontal and it touches an inclined plane of
inclination 30° as shown in figure. Height of the point from
the ground where particle touches the incline is
(g = 10 m/s–2) h
(A) m (B) 55 m 30° 37°
(C) 40 m (D) 18 m

6. Graph of square of velocity v 2 versus displacement x for v2(m2/s2)

the particle moving in straight line is shown in figure.
Magnitude of acceleration of particle when displacement 10
of particle is 5m is
(A) 0.5 ms–2
(B) 0
(C) 2 ms–2
(D) 5 ms–2
10 x

7. Two cars 1 and 2 of mass m 1 and m2 (m1 > m2) are moving in a straight line towards each other
on a smooth horizontal road. They collide and both come to rest. If E1 and E2 are energies of 1
and 2 respectively, V1 and V2 be the speeds of 1 and 2 respectively before collision then choose
correct option
(A) E1 < E2, V2 < V1 (B) E1 < E2, V1 < V2
(C) E2 < E1, V2 < V1 (D) E2 < E1, V1 < V2

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5 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

8. Moment of inertia of an n sided regular polygon frame made up of n uniform rods each of length a
and mass m, about axis perpendicular to plane of polygon and passing through one of its end is I.
The change in moment of inertia of frame about the same axis, if length of each side is increased
by small amount a (a << a) without changing mass is:
 Ia  4Ia
(A)   (B)
 a  a
3Ia 2Ia
(C) (D)
a a

9. If three bodies are in equilibrium as shown in figure then RB

ratio of normal reaction on A from wall to normal reaction
on C from the wall is independent of:
(mB is mass of cone, RA is radius of sphere A, RB is
radius of cone and ground is smooth.)
(A) mB (B) RA B
(C) RB (D) All A C

10. A pendulum of mass m is connected to a

the ceiling of a car which in turns moving

with constant acceleration a on
horizontal ground. Pendulum is at rest
with respect to car. There are two A B
observers, A sitting in car and B is on m
ground at rest. Based on above
information choose correct option.

(where T is tension force on mass by
the string).
  
(A) Net force on mass as seen by A is mg  T  ma
  
(B) Net force on mass as seen by B is mg  T  ma
 
(C) Net force on mass as seen by B is mg  T
 
(D) Net force on mass as seen by A is mg  T

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 6

11. An engine is attached to a wagon through a shock absorber of length 1.5 m. The system with a
total mass of 50,000 kg is moving with a speed of 36 km h–1 when the brakes are applied to bring
it to rest. In the process of the system being brought to rest, the spring of the shock absorber gets
compressed by 1.0 m. If 90% of energy of the wagon is lost due to friction, the spring constant of
spring is
(A) 5  104 N / m (B) 5  103 N / m
(C) 2.5  106 N / m (D) 2.5  10 4 N / m

12. A particle of mass m is projected with initial velocity u making an angle  with horizontal. Angular
momentum of particle when radius of curvature of the trajectory is maximum, about point of
projection is (where T is time of flight). Consider only the part of projectile for which the final point
is at the same horizontal level as point of projection.
uT 2
(A) mg (B) mguT 2
2mu3 sin2  cos  mu2 cos2  sin 
(C) (D)
g g

13. A rod of mass 5 kg is suspended with the help of two

strings as shown in figure and remains in equilibrium.
Linear mass density of rod is given by  = xn where x is 60°
distance from left end of the rod. The value of n is
(A) 3 (B) 2
(C) 5 (D) 4

14. Two uniform disks, X and Y, have masses mx < my, F F

equal radii, and equal initial non-zero kinetic energies.
Each disk rotates in counter-clockwise sense in the
plane of the page about a fixed frictionless axis
through its center. As shown in the figure, a force F is
applied along tangent to each disk at its right edge for
the same amount of time. After the forces are applied,
let L represent the magnitude of the angular
momentum about the centre of a disk and K represent
the kinetic energy of a disk. Disk X Disk Y

Which one of the following choices correctly compares these quantities for disk X and disk Y?
(A) LX > LY ; KX < KY (B) LX > LY ; KX > KY
(C) LX = LY ; KX =KY (D) LX < LY ; KX > KY

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7 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

15. Consider three systems, each with three masses, m 1, m2, m3 (m1 > m2 > m3) with centre of mass

at point A, as shown in the figure-1, figure-2 and figure-3 respectively. The same force F is
applied on the each system separately to just one of the three masses as shown. Which of the
following statements is true.

 F
F 

m1 m3 m3
m1 A System-2
m2 m1
A System-3
m2 System-1
m2 A

Figure-1 Figure-2 Figure-3

(A) The magnitude of acceleration of centre of mass of the system is largest in figure-1.
(B) The magnitude of acceleration of centre of mass of the system is largest in figure-2.
(C) The magnitude of acceleration of centre of mass of the system is largest in figure-3.
(D) In all cases, the centre of mass of system has same acceleration.

gcot 
16. The smooth wedge is accelerated at to the right. A
cubical box of side a is moving on it. Inside the box a u
particle is projected with speed u relative to the box at an a 45° gcot 
angle of 45° as shown. Find the time after which the particle 2

will hit the box. [Assuming a is large, so that particle does
not collide with top]
u 2 2u
(A) (B)
2gsin  gcos 
u u
(C) (D)
gsin  2gcos 

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 8

17. The system is released from rest in the position shown. Find 1m 1m
the velocity with which the block (negligible in dimension) will
hit the wall. The pulley is fixed.
[Use 5  2.24 and g = 10 m/s2]
(A) 4m/s (B) 3.2m/s
(C) 2.3m/s (D) 1.6m/s

18. A bird can fly in still air at 15 km/hr. Wind is blowing at 5 km/hr due east. What is the time it takes
to reach a point 5 km due North east of its starting point.
 34  2   34  2 
(A) t    hrs. (B) t    hrs.
 16 16
   
 17  2   17  2 
(C) t    hrs. (D) t    hrs.
 16  16
   

19. A particle moves in a circular track of radius R (in meter) with

uniform  = 2 rad/s as shown. The velocity and acceleration of Source
its shadow P on a horizontal wall when  = 60 is
(A) v = 8R, a = 32 3 R 60
(B) v = 8R, a = 0 P
(C) v = 2R, a = 3 3 R
(D) v = 2R, a = 0
v, a

20. A frog of mass m sits at one end of a plank of mass 3m. The length of the plank is  meter and it
is kept on a frictionless surface. The frog wants to jump to the opposite end of the board in one
jump. Find the minimum speed of the frog with respect to ground that enables it to perform the
3 3
(A) g (B) g
2 4
(C) g (D) g

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

9 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

21. A particle is moving with velocity vi  2iˆ  3ˆj  4kˆ m/s collides elastically with a wall whose outward

normal is along the direction of p  3iˆ  6ˆj  2kˆ . Find the unit vector along the direction of final
velocity of the particle just after collision.
 9 4 ˆi  2 3 7 ˆj  6 8 kˆ 3iˆ  6ˆj  2kˆ
(A) (B)
49 29 7
94iˆ  68ˆj  237kˆ 3iˆ  6ˆj  2kˆ
(C) (D)
49 29 7

22. A disc of radius 50 cm is projected from the ground with its plane vertical, such that the velocities
of the topmost point (A) and lowest point (B) are :

v A  20iˆ  10ˆj m / s

v  10iˆ  10ˆj m / s

at the instant of projection. Here, ˆi and ˆj are unit vectors in the plane of the disc, along the
horizontal and vertically upward directions respectively. The range of the disc is :
(A) 10 m (B) 20 m
(C) 30 m (D) 40 m

23. When a football is kicked in air, the force by the F(N)

foot of football player changes with time as
shown in the figure. 120
Assuming that the force is always directed
vertically up and mass of ball is 400 gm,
determine the maximum height (lifting) of ball 60
(Neglect the air resistance and g = 10 m/s2)

0 0.05 0.10
(A) 9.8 m (B) 19.6 m
(C) 15 m (D) 8 m

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 10

24. A cone rolls without slipping on the horizontal surface so that its apex remains fixed and the axis
of cone is horizontal. The radius of base of cone is r and the semi-vertex angle is . The centre of
base of cone is C and it moves with constant speed v 0. Find the speed of point A and point B
relative to surface. (ACB = 90°). Point A and B lies on circumference of the base of cone.

O  B
 X


B r
C Front View

(A) 2v 0, v0 2  tan2  (B) v0, v0 2  tan2 

(C) 2v 0, v0 1  tan2  (D) v0, v0 1  tan2 

25. Two identical particles (say particle-1 and particle-2) each of mass m starts moving from rest from
origin along x-axis under the action of time dependent forces F1 = F0sint and F2 = F0cost
(where F0 and  are positive constants) respectively. Choose the correct option.
2 F
(A) The magnitude of average velocity of particle-1 in the time interval t = 0 to t  is 0
 m
2 F
(B) The magnitude of average velocity of particle-2 in the time interval t = 0 to t  is 0
 m
(C) The magnitude of average velocity of particle-1 in the time interval t = 0 to t  is zero

(D) The magnitude of average velocity of particle-2 in the time interval t = 0 to t  is non-


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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

11 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

26. Suppose you drop paper clips vertically

down into an open cart, moving along a Paper clips
straight horizontal road with no friction.
Before any paper clips, fell into the cart, the
cart is moving with speed v i and has mass
mi. After all papers clips have fallen into the
cart, the cart has mass m F and speed v F.
The initial horizontal momentum of cart v
without any paper clips, has magnitude pi
and the initial kinetic energy of the cart
without any paper clips is ki. Component of
momentum of the cart with paper clips has
momentum pF and final kinetic energy of the
cart with paper clips is kf. Which of the
following statements is true?
(A) pf < pi, kf < ki (B) pf = pi, kf > ki
(C) pf = pi, kf < ki (D) pf > pi, kf > ki

27. The potential energy U(x) for a particle, is U(x)

shown by solid curve and total mechanical
energy E is shown by dotted line in the
given figure. If the particle is at x = a, which
of the following statements is true about the
subsequent motion of the particle? E
(A) The kinetic energy k(x) is maximum
somewhere in the region a < x < b.
(B) The kinetic energy k(x) is maximum
somewhere in the region b < x < c.
(C) The kinetic energy k(x) is maximum O a b c d x

somewhere in the region c < x < d.

(D) The kinetic energy is constant for all
b < x < c.

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 12

28. Rod-1 of mass M = 3 kg and length L= 2m

respectively, is kept on a smooth horizontal A  g
surface as shown in the figure. Rod-2 (AB) of
mass m = 3kg and length   1m is hinged Rod-2
at point A and just touches the Rod-2 as
shown in the figure. F B =450 Rod-1

Find the minimum magnitude of force F, required to move the rod-1.

(A) 20N (B) 15N
(C) 10 N (D) 5N

29. When a particle of mass m is suspended from 

a massless spring of natural length  , the
length of the spring becomes 2  . When the
same mass moves in conical pendulum as
shown in figure, the length of the spring L
becomes L. The radius of the circle of conical K 2
pendulum is :

(A) L L    (B) L L  2 
L L
(C) L L    (D) L2  2 2

30. A small body of mass m is placed to the top of a fixed m

hemisphere, and is tied by means of a rope to another body of
mass M, which hangs vertically. The system is released, the
small body of mass m slides along the hemisphere without
friction. At which mass ratio m/M will the small body of mass m R 45°
leave the surface of the hemisphere exactly at the angle of 45°
  
with vertical  2  1.4 and  2.3 
 2 
(A) 8 (B) 7.5
(C) 6.5 (D) 6

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

13 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

Chemistry PART – I

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 30 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

31. Which of the following molecule having perfect tetrahedral shape, according to VSEPR theory:
(A) SO2F2 (B) SO 24
(C) SO3 (D) SF4

32. In which of the following process energy is required:

(A) S  S- (B) Na  Na-
(C) N  N (D) P  P-

33. The lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of O2 molecule according to MOT is a
(A)  -bonding molecular orbital (B) *  antibonding molecular orbital
(C)   bonding molecular orbital (D) * - antibonding molecular orbital

34. Which of the following pair of elements will have least electronegativity difference?
(A) Cs, I (B) Li, I
(C) Na, Cl (D) Cs, F

35. For given reaction, at constant temperature


S 8  g  
 4S 2  g
at equilibrium, vapour density of mixture is found to be 96. The percentage decomposition of S8
will be.
(A) 88.89% (B) 11.11%
(C) 44.44% (D) 34.32%

36. Interstitial hydride is formed by

(A) K (B) Si
(C) Hf (D) Co

37. Which of the following is incorrect

(A) PH3 < AsH3 < NH3 < SbH3 (Boiling point)
(B) HCl < HBr < HI < H2O (Melting point)
(C) PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 < NH3 (heat of vaporization)
(D) H2Te < H2Se < H2S < H2O (Boiling point)

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 14

38. Which of the following statement is incorrect about sodium peroxide?

(A) It decomposes on heating
(B) It is paramagnetic in nature
(C) It can be used in air purification in confined space
(D) It can be used as oxidizing agent

39. Which of the following statement is wrong?

(A) Boron oxides are exclusively acidic
(B) Indium and Thalium oxides are exclusively basic
(C) Boron oxides are exclusively basic
(D) Aluminium and gallium oxides are amphoteric

40. Choose the correct statement about Borazine (B3N3H6).

(I) Borazine is iso-electronic with benzene
(II) Chemical properties of borazine and benzene are quite different
(III) Borazine readily undergo addition reaction with polar molecule like HCl
(IV) Borazine is less reactive than benzene.
(A) I & II only (B) I, II, III & IV
(C) I, II & IV (D) I, II & III

41. In the following reaction

Na2 SO3  Na2 CrO 4  Na2 SO 4  Cr  OH 3
What will be the equivalent weight of oxidizing agent among reactants (Mol. Mass of oxidizing
agent = M)
(A) M/2 (B) M/3
(C) M (D) M/6

42. The equilibrium constant for the reaction

 

 2CO 2  g  8H2  g and CO  g   H2O  g  
2CH4  g   4H2 O  g   CO2  g   H2  g are K1
and K2 respectively. The equilibrium constant for the reaction

CH4  g   H2 O  g 
 CO  g   3H2  g will be
K1 K1
(A) (B)
K2 K2
K  K1  2K 2
(C)  1  (D)
 K2  2

43. Which of the following set of quantum numbers is not possible for 3d orbital?
(A) n = 3,   2 , m = + 2, s = +1/2
(B) n = 3,   2 , m = 0, s = -1/2
(C) n = 3,   1, m = +1, s = -1/2
(D) n = 3,   2 , m = -2, s = +1/2

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15 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

44. Pauling suggested an equation to predict the acidic strength of oxy acid
pKa  9 – 7n at 25oC
Where ‘n’ is the number of non-hydrogenated oxygen atom per molecule. According to Pauling
equation which of the following is incorrect?
(A) pK a  H3PO 4   2 (B) pK a  HClO4   12
(C) pK a  HOCl  9 (D) pK a  H2 SO3   5
45. If x = total number of neutron and y = total number of proton in O molecule. The value of
x – y will be?
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3

46. For the reaction,

MnO 4  M2  MO3  Mn2 
Number of moles of MnO 4 required for complete oxidization of 2 mole of M2+ ion will be
(A) 2 mole (B) 1.2 mole
(C) 2.4 mole (D) 2.1 mole

47. The pH of resulting solution, made by mixing of 400 mL, 0.05 M sodium acetate and 100 ml, 0.20

M HCl will be pK a CH3 COOH  4.75, log25  1.4 
(A) 1.68 (B) 10.93
(C) 3.08 (D) 12.33

48. An object having mass 50 g is moving with velocity 200 ms-1. If the percentage error in velocity
measurement is 0.2%, the uncertainty in its position will be?
(h = 6.4 × 10-34 Js. and  = 3.2)
(A) 1.25 × 10-36 (B) 2.5 × 10-36
(C) 2.5 × 10 (D) 1.25 × 10-33

49. The rate constant of a reaction A  Product is 4.606 × 10-5 s-1. What will be the fraction of ‘A’
decomposed after 4 hr. (Antilog10 (0.288) = 1.94)
(A) 0.52 (B) 0.48
(C) 0.24 (D) 0.26

50. A closed vessel containing NH4SH solid is in equilibrium according to following equaiton

NH4 SH  s  
 NH3  g  H2 S  g 
H2S(g) is added, such that its new partial pressure is equal to 3/2 times of original total pressure.
The ratio of partial pressure of NH3(g) now to its original value is
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 1 : 3
(C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 16

51. Calculate the pH of resulting mixture prepared by dissolving 2.12 g of Na2CO3 in 100 ml of an

aqueous solution and 20 ml of 0.5 M HCl. pK a HCO3  10.25   
(A) 10.55 (B) 3.75
(C) 10.25 (D) 3.45

52. A saturated solution of CaSO4 is prepared at 25oC. When 200 ml of this solution is allowed to
complete evaporation of water, 0.34 g of residue was obtained. The Ksp of CaSO4 at 25oC will be
(A) 1.56 × 10-4 (B) 1.25 × 10-4
(C) 1.56 × 10 (D) 1.25 × 10-2

53. The time gap between 1/3rd to 2/3rd completion of a first order reaction is 100 min. What is the
time required for completion of 75% of the same reaction.
(A) 50 min (B) 100 min
(C) 400 min (D) 200 min

54. The spin only magnetic moment of Crx+ and Mny+ are identical and equal to 3.87 BM. The value of
x – y will be?
(A) +1 (B) +2
(C) - 1 (D) - 2

55. A gas phase chemical reaction

2A  g  
 2B  g   4C  g in a closed vessel. The concentration of ‘A’ is decreased by 4 × 10-2
mol L-1 in 40 seconds. What will be the rate of appearance of ‘C’
(A) 4 × 10-2 mol L-1 s-1 (B) 8 × 10-2 mol L-1 s-1
-3 -1 -1
(C) 8 × 10 mol L s (D) 2 × 10-3 mol L-1 s-1

56. For a gas phase reaction:


A  g  2B  g 
 C  g   D  g
The backward reaction is favoured
(i) By introducing inert gas at constant volume
(ii) By introducing inert gas at constant pressure
(iii) By adding ‘A(g)’ at constant volume
(iv) By adding ‘D(g)’ at constant volume
The correct statements is/are
(A) (i), (ii) & (iv) (B) (ii) & (iv)
(C) (i) & (iii) (D) (iv) only

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17 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

57. Molecule with non-zero dipole moments is/are

(i) PCl5 (ii) PCl3F2

(iii) (iv) PF3Cl2

(A) (ii) & (iii) (B) (i) & (iii)
(C) (ii), (iii) & (iv) (D) (iii) & (iv)

58. What will be the binding energy per nucleon of 12 H atom, which has actual mass of 2.0064 amu
mass of neutron = 1.0086 and the mass of 11H atom is 1.0078 amu.
Given 1 amu  931.5 Mev.
(A) 18.63 Mev (B) 0.9315 Mev
(C) 9.315 Mev (D) 93.15 Mev

59. Choose the correct statement

(A) Graphite has greater electrical resistivity than diamond.
(B) Density of graphite is greater than diamond.
(C) Standard molar entropy of diamond is greater than graphite.
(D) Graphite is thermodynamically more stable than diamond at room temperature.

60. Which of the following has least O bond angle (X = halogens).

(A) COF2 (B) COCl2
(C) SOF2 (D) SOBr2

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 18

Mathematics PART – III

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 30 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

61. Let A = {f |f: R  R} and ‘B’ be a relation defined on set A such that
 f  x 
B   f, g | lim  R; f, g  A  , then relation B is
x  2019 g  x 
 
(A) reflexive, symmetric and transitive
(B) reflexive, transitive but not symmetric
(C) reflexive, symmetric but not transitive
(D) reflexive but neither symmetric nor transitive

62. If the enclosed figure formed by the lines |x| = 3 and |y| = 3 is revolved about y-axis, then the
volume of the solid so formed is equal to
(A) 9 (B) 36
(C) 54 (D) 81

63. The negation of compound statement (p  q)  (r  q) is equivalent to

(A) [(p  q)  (q  r)]  [~(p  q  r)] (B) (p  q  r)  [(p  q)  (q  r)]
(C) ~(p  q  r)  [(p  q)  (q  r)] (D) none of these

64. If f: R  R be a function satisfying f(x + y2) + 1 + 2x = f(x) + f(y2) + 2x f(y)  x, y  R, then which
of the following statements is true?
(A) ‘f’ is odd function (B) ‘f’ is even function
(C) ‘f’ is neither even nor odd (D) ‘f’ is both odd and even

x18  1 P  x  
65. If  1
dx can be expressed as   c where P(x) is polynomial in ‘x’ of
x 54
 3x 42  2x 36  6

lowest possible degree, then number of distinct real solution(s) of P(x) = 0 is

(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 4

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19 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

66. If f(x) be a differentiable function which satisfies the functional equation

f(x + y) = f(x)ey + f(y)ex + 2xyexey  x, y  R and f(0) = 0, then the number of solution(s) of the
equation f(x) = 0 is
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) none of these

67. If f(x) be a differentiable function such that f  x  exists  x  R, n  N; and
f() = f() = 0, f() f() < 0, then which of the following statements can be true
(A) points (, f()), (, f()) are local maxima (B) points (, f()), (, f()) are local minima
(C) (, f()), (, f()) are points of inflection (D) none of these

68. Given graph of y = f(x), for a function y

(1, 6)
f: (0, 12)  R, then determine which of the (5, 4)
following statements is false (9, 2)
(A) number of points where f(x) has local
maxima are 3 3 7 11 12
(B) number of points where f(x) has local x
0 12 4 56 8 9 10
minima are 3
(C) number of points of inflection of f(x) are 6 (11, –1)
(D) none of these (7, –3)
(3, –5)

69. Given that f(x) = tan x – x1000, x  0 has positive roots x1, x2, x3, x4, ..... such that x i < xj if i < j  i, j
 N, then area of region enclosed by f(x) with x-axis between lines x = 0 and x = /2, is
x1001 x1001
(A) ln sec x1  1 (B) 1  ln sec x1
1001 1001
2 2x1001 sec x1 x1001 x1001 sec x1
(C)  1  2ln (D) 2
 1  ln
1001 1001 sec x 2 1001 1001 sec x 2

70. A triangle is formed by lines 2x + y – 4 = 0, 2y – x – 8 = 0 and x-axis. A circle is drawn with the
side of the triangle along x-axis as diameter. The area of the region lying inside the circle but
outside the triangle is
(A) 25 – 20 (B) 5 – 4
(C) 25   10 2 (D) 5  2 2

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 20

an 1
71. If the nth term of the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ..... be given by an and lim m,
n  an
then value of [2m] is (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function)
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3

 x  x
If f  x   max mx,  , g  x   min mx,  ; (m  0) and h  x   (fofofo.....f
  
72.  o gogog.....og) x ,
 m  m 
2018 times 2018 times
then which of the following is INCORRECT?
(A) h(1) = 1 (B) h(0) = 0
(C) h(3) = 3 (D) none of these

73. Solution f(x, y) = 0 of the differential equation (6x 6y – 2y4)dx = (2xy3 + 3x7)dy; (x, y  0) which
satisfies the condition f(1, 1) = 0 is
x6 x6
(A) 2  ln  exy   0 (B) 3  ln  exy   0
y y
x6 x6
 2ln  
exy  0 (D)
 2ln  
exy  0

74. If f(x) = sin x and g  x   f(f(f.....(f (x)))) , then value of g(0) + g(0) + g(0) equals
 
2018 times

(A) 0 (B) –2017

(C) –2018 (D) 1 – (2018)2

75. If f(a – x) = f(a + x)  a  R, then which of the following statements must be correct?
(A) f(x) is an odd function (B) f(x) = 1 for some x  R

(C)  f  x  dx  0 ,  ,   R (D) Fundamental period of f(x) doesn’t exist

76. If x cos  + y sin  = p is tangent to the curve y   x , then range of  is

  1 
(A)   2n,  2n  1   (B)   n,  n  2   
nN nN

 n 
(C)   ,  n  1  (D) (–, )
nN  2 2

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21 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

77. Area of the triangle formed by tangent and normal to a curve f(x, y) = 0 at any point P on the
curve, along with x-axis equals square of ordinate of P, then f(x, y) represents
(A) circle (B) parabola
(C) hyperbola (D) pair of lines

78. Let y = f(x) = (x + a)2 + (x + b)2 + c(x + d) + e where a, b, c, d, e are arbitrary constants. Let order
and degree of differential equation formed from y = f(x), be m, n respectively, then m + n equals
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 6 (D) 7

xy 2
79. Solution of the differential equation dx  1 cos  y  1  y  is
   
2  x  x2 
c y y
(A) ln 2
x y 2
 sin    0
 
(B) ln c x 2  y 2  cos    0
y c y
 
(C) ln c x2  y 2  sin    0
(D) ln 2
x y 2
 cos    0

 m   /2  2/  n  
sin x n 1/n
80. Let f  x  
, then value of  lim
m  n 1  /6

    f  x     n f 1  x    dx  is (where [.] denotes the
 
   3/    
greatest integer function)
(A) 8 (B) –8
(C) 9 (D) –9

81. Let f(x) be a periodic differentiable function, g  x    f  x  dx ; h  x    f  x  dx , where a, b are
constants. Consider the statements
(i) g(x) may be a periodic function (ii) h(x) may be a periodic function
(iii) g(x) may not be a periodic function (iv) h(x) may not be a periodic function
Then number of statements(s) which is/are true is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

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AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19 22

 a sin2x  x x 1  x2  x 9
82. If lim    , a  R, then sum of all possible values of ‘a’ is
x 0 
 ln  2x  1  4
(A) –1 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3

x2  x 2
83. Let e  4x 3

 4x2  5x  1 dx  e x x
P  x   c where P(x) is polynomial in x, then P(1) is equal
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) none of these

84. If f(x) be a differentiable function such that lim f  x  exists and is equal to a finite number '  ' ,
x 
then which of the following will always be true
(A) lim
x   f  t  dt  0 (B) lim f   x   0
x 

(C) lim x f   x   0 (D) none of these

x 

 x  r
r 1
85. The limit lim 2019
x 
 x  r
r 1
(A) does not exist (B) exists and equal to 0
(C) exists and is non-zero finite number (D) none of these

86. The number of points where the function,

f(x) = cos|2018 – x| + sin|2020 – x| + (x – )|x2 – 3x + 22| is non-differentiable is/are
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3

 1 1
87. If Rolle’s theorem can be applied to f(x) = xlnx, x > 0 in interval  ,  where a, b  I+, then b
a b
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) infinite possible values exist

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23 AITS-PT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/19

tan1 x
88. The value of the integral  x 2  1  2x dx is
 
(A) (B)
2 4

(C) (D) none of these

89. If f: R  R be a differentiable function, then which of the following cannot be graph of f(x)?

(A) x (B) x


(C) x (D) none of these


90. In a class of 100 students, 60 like Mathematics, 72 like Physics, 68 like Chemistry and no student
likes all three subjects. Then number of students who don’t like Mathematics and Chemistry is
(A) 0 (B) 4
(C) 8 (D) cannot be solved with given information

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