Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Class : 5 Pintar

Date : 26 June 2018

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Space Exploration

Level: Lower Intermediate

Skills: Reading

Learning Objective: 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words by looking at words before and
3.6.1 Acquire wide range of vocabulary by giving opposite meaning

3.6.2 Acquire wide range of vocabulary by giving similar meaning

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Fill in at least 5 out of 10 words that are associated to the stimulus word.

Language Aspect: Vocabulary / Grammar (Simple past tense)

Previous Knowledge: The students have been introduced to simple past tense.

Moral Values: Diligence

Teaching Aids: Whiteboard, marker pen, textbook, semantic map

Stages Teaching & Learning Teaching Aids

Set Induction  Teacher greets the
(5 minutes) students. Whiteboard
Rationale:  Teacher introduces the Marker pen
To introduce the topic of the topic by talking about
lesson space exploration
Explanation  Teacher explains to the
(10 minutes) students about simple Whiteboard
Rationale: past tense with adequate Marker pen
To explain on the grammar number of examples.
Practice  Teacher asks students to
(10 minutes) read the reading text
Rationale: about the people who Reading text
To understand the text have landed on the moon
Production  Teacher asks students to
(30 minutes) sit in the groups of 5
To allow students to share  Teacher then draws the
their ideas to the whole class semantic map on the
 Teacher asks students to Whiteboard
discuss in groups to Semantic map
come up with words that
are associated to the
word on the board.
1. Astronaut
2. Moon
3. Planet
4. Rocket
5. Black
 Teacher asks each group
to come up with at least
5 words.
 Teacher picks students at
random and asks them to
write the words on the
 Teacher then categorises
those words into their
specific category.

Closure  Teacher then asks

(5 minutes) students to copy the
Rationale: semantic mapping into Exercise book
To summarise the lesson their exercise book.
 Teacher then
summarises the lesson.

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