Understanding The Law 5th - Carper, West. McKinsey PDF
Understanding The Law 5th - Carper, West. McKinsey PDF
Understanding The Law 5th - Carper, West. McKinsey PDF
the Law
Fifth Edition
Donald L. Carper
Professor of Legal Studies
and Conflict Management,
College of Business Administration,
Emeritus, California State
University, Sacramento
John A. McKinsey
Attorney at Law, Stoel Rives LLP
and Lecturer of Law,
College of Business Administration,
California State University,
Bill W. West
Professor of Law and Real Estate,
Emeritus, California State
University, Sacramento
Understanding the Law, 5th Edition
Donald L. Carper, John A. McKinsey, Bill W. West
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Chapter 2: Our Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . 47
What Is Constitutionalism? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
What Is Constitutional Law? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Chapter 1: Introduction to Law . . . . . . . . . . 1 What Is Judicial Review? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Legal/Societal Relationships over Time: What Is Separation of Powers? . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
1900s versus 2000s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
How Is the National Government
What Is the Outlook for the Legal System Organized? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
in the Twenty-First Century? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Legislative Branch (Congress) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
The English Source of U.S. Law . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Executive Branch (Presidency) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Modern Common Law and Stare Decisis . . . . . 11
Judicial Branch (Courts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Modern Sources of U.S. Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
What Is Federalism? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Lawmaking by Legislators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
What Constitutional Powers Belong
Lawmaking by the Executive Branch . . . . . . . . 16 to Citizens? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Lawmaking by Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Police Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Lawmaking by the People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What Is the Supremacy Clause? . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Types and Classifications of Law . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What About Taxes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Federal and State Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What Is the Commerce Clause? . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Civil and Criminal Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 What Is the Bill of Rights? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Private and Public Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Incorporation Doctrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
International and Domestic Law . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The First Amendment and Free Speech . . . . . . 71
Procedural and Substantive Law . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Is Commercial Speech Protected? . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Subject Matter Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Is Symbolic Speech Protected?
The Relationship Between Law Even “Hate Speech”? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
and Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Public Employees and Free Speech . . . . . . . . . . 75
What Are Ethics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Free Speech and the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Why Study Ethics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 The First Amendment and Freedom
The Nature of Ethical Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 of Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
The Object of Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Establishment Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Ethical Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Free Exercise Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Moral Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Could Guns Be Banned? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Distinguishing Between Laws and Freedom from Unreasonable Searches . . . . . . . 81
Moral Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Rights of an Accused to Due Process
Using Court Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Federal Court Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Equal Protection of the Law in Education . . . . 83
State Court Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Affirmative Action in Education . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Reading Court Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Right to Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
vi Contents
Due Process and Equal Protection What Are Professional Ethics? . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
and Medical Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Confidentiality and the Attorney-Client
Case: Thomas et al. v. Chicago Privilege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Park District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Conflicts of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Case: Bush v. Gore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Frivolous Lawsuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Chapter Questions and Problems . . . . . . . . . . 95 Dealing with an Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Is an Attorney Necessary? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Chapter 3: The Court System . . . . . . . . . . 97
How Do You Find a “Good” Attorney? . . . . . . 165
What Is a Court? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
How Do You Hire and Fire an Attorney? . . . 169
What Is a Trial Court? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Attorney Fee Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
What Is an Appellate Court? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Financing Attorney Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
What Is Jurisdiction? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Financing the Client’s Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Political Boundaries of State and
Federal Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 What Is Legal Malpractice? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Jurisdiction over Subject Matter . . . . . . . . . . 105 Unauthorized Practice of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Jurisdiction over Persons and Property . . . . . . 106 Alternative Dispute Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Jurisdiction and the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
How Are State Court Systems Organized? . . . 108 Mediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
What Are Small Claims Courts? . . . . . . . . . . 109 Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
What Is the Federal Court System? . . . . . . . . 111 Private Judging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Federal Trial Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Ombudsperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Federal Appellate Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Expert Fact-Finding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Trial Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Early Neutral Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
How Is a Civil Case Started? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Mini-Trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
How Is a Criminal Case Started? . . . . . . . . . . 116 Summary Jury Trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
What Are Pretrial Procedures? . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Collaborative Law or Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
What Is a Jury? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Partnering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
What Is an Action or Cause in Equity? . . . . . . 128 Conclusions Regarding ADR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
How Is a Trial Conducted? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Case: New Hampshire v. Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . 193
How Is a Case Ended? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Case: Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission v. Waffle House, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 194
What Happens if Either Party Appeals? . . . . . 139
Chapter Questions and Problems . . . . . . . . . 197
A Sample Almost-Unedited State
Appellate Court Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Chapter 5: Administrative Law . . . . . . . . . 200
Case: Trustees of Columbia University What Is Administrative Law? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
v. Jacobsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Agency Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Chapter Questions and Problems . . . . . . . . . 145
Substantive Law of Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Chapter 4: Attorney-Client Relationship Focus on Agency Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
and Dispute Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 What Is an Administrative Agency? . . . . . . . . 204
What Is the Adversarial System? . . . . . . . . . . 149 Executive Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Attorneys-at-Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Independent Administrative Agencies . . . . . . . 205
Who May Practice Law? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 State Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Specialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Brief History of U.S. Administrative Law . . . 207
Associations of Lawyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Creation of Administrative Agencies . . . . . . . 208
Contents vii
In the fifth edition of Understanding the Law, we continue to provide a text that can
be used in many different law courses. We still presume that the student lacks a
prior law course and that this text is their first instruction specifically related to law.
Our focus has been to make the text friendly, timely, and current. Our goal has
been to create a textbook that is interesting, and even fun, as well as scholarly. Most
drama is about conflict, and nothing is more dramatic than law, the rationale and
rules devised to address conflict.
A new feature in this edition is Law Around the World. In each chapter, we pro-
vide two or more illustrations of principles or legal background from legal systems
in other countries. Sometimes the focus is on legal traditions, and other times we
simply explain how another country or culture treats a human problem with legal
We continue to use the Legal Focus feature, which provides background, ex-
amples, cases, and problems to break up long textbook discussion of topics that be-
come dry if not considered with the human condition. Each Legal Focus is clearly
identified in the textbook. Some problems are also actually cases, and the case clas-
sification is used when there is an available appellate court citation. Many Legal
Focuses present issues that are unresolved, hopefully prompting reasoned class dis-
cussion and continued attention to the resolution of important legal issues. The use
of Chapter Objectives at the beginning of each chapter in the last edition was well
received and is continued. A detailed glossary has been a feature of this text, and
terms are also provided in the text margin when first introduced. The appendix on
how to brief a case has been retained to assist those using case summaries as a criti-
cal thinking writing exercise.
We have also updated our Web site references and provided more of these ref-
erences throughout the text. When references are to sites which are likely to be
changed during the edition, we have suggested key terms to use a search engine to
find additional information about a topic.
The discussion on ethics and ethical reasoning in Chapter 1 has been retained in
the hope that values when discussed on these important topics can be grounded in
reason. In addition, we have addressed many legal issues involving terrorism in Chap-
ters 1, 2, and 6, although to do so is challenging, as the issues are often complicated
and legally unresolved. We realize that during the life of this edition much will hap-
pen that will affect this discussion, but you will have a starting point to consider how
the law will address this critical topic.
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM
This CD-ROM includes the Word files for the Instructor’s Manual and the Test
Bank. It also includes selected exhibits from the text.
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM and the text companion Web site, http://www.
Video Library
The West Legal Studies video library includes Legal Conflicts in Business, and
Drama of the Law. For further information on video supplements, go to the Teach-
ing Resources section at http://www.thomsonedu.com/westbuslaw.
Donald L. Carper
This is the second edition of this text without the moving force behind the original
version of the book, Bill West, taking an active role. The first version of this text was
published in 1975—more than 30 years ago, yet his contributions continue to inform
and are immeasurable to this textbook. Bill was missed for many reasons; most of all
he was fun to work with, and he always challenged conventional thought. I missed
the passionate exchange of ideas. He was also the author who generally set the tone
for the preface, and they were long ones. Norbert J. Mietus, who worked on this
textbook for more than 20 years, died in 2006. His scholarship and friendship are also
Donald L. Carper continues his over 20-year adventure as an author on this
ambitious textbook. He welcomes his new co-author John McKinsey. John’s partic-
ipation and contribution should be noted by students of this textbook. His first in-
troduction to the pages of Understanding the Law was as a student. Later, he became
a student assistant and aided with research for a new edition while he was counsel-
ing new students in their study of its pages. After he had graduated from law
school, he taught using this textbook and in the last edition assisted in one of the
chapters. For Don Carper as a professor and proud writer of this textbook, the addi-
tion of his former student as a co-writer is one of the highlights of his teaching ca-
reer. Credit must also be given to Ellen Yamshon, a mediator and attorney-at-law,
for her early assistance regarding the ethics discussion in Chapter 1.
I would like to express our thanks to Steven H. Silverstein, Jan Lamar, and
Jean Buttrom at West Legal Studies in Business for their support and participation
in this project. I have worked for several years with Jan Lamar, and it is easy like
Sunday morning.
Preface xv
John McKinsey
After using this text as a student and then teaching from it as a professor, I eagerly
agreed to join as a co-author, sure that my perspective and experience would be valu-
able. Having the opportunity to work with Don Carper, my friend and respected col-
league, made the experience only better. His influence on where I have gone and
what I have accomplished goes far beyond this text. I have greatly appreciated his
guidance and advice as we completed this edition.
I, too, am appreciative of the support and participation of our publishing team
and echo the sentiments of Don above. I also wish to thank my wife, Angie, for her
patience and invaluable help as I sequestered myself and worked away on this text.
Our reviewers for this edition are again an eclectic group, providing helpful
comments and suggestions. They are:
Martha Broderick, University of Maine
Howard Cohen, University of Buffalo
Julie Walters, Oakland University
We wholeheartedly accept the appropriateness of their occasional plaudits, and just
as completely reject each and all of their thoughtless criticisms. In truth, we truly
appreciate the hard work of the reviewers who give us helpful feedback on our
scholarship and approach. We responded to the many helpful suggestions except
when they were at odds with each other.
Previous reviews for West editions of the text have been:
Fourth Edition
Judith Anshin, Sacramento City College
Scott A. Comparato, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Robert J. Gonzalez, American River College
James R. Ravelle, Moravian College
Marilyn R. Tayler, Montclair State University
Gay A. Young, Johnson County Community College
Third Edition
Norma C. Connolly, Montclair State University
John L. Frank, Chippewa Valley Technical College
Terry L. Hull, Southwest Texas State University
Linda M. Moran, Santa Rosa Junior College
Gene C. Wunder, Washburn University
Second Edition
Ralph Baker, Ball State University
Thomas H. S. Brucker, University of Washington
Jack DeSario, Mount Union College
Samuel L. Jackson, American River College
Theodore S. Olin, Utica College
James C. Ray, Meredith College
Sandra W. Thompson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Perry Zirkel, Lehigh University
xvi Preface
First Edition
Thomas M. Apke, California State University, Fullerton
Jane Bennett, Orange Coast College
Joyce Birdoff, Nassau Community College
Thomas Brucker, University of Washington
James Ford, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
John Guarino, North Essex Community College
Susan Helf, Seattle Central Community College
Deborah Howard, University of Evansville
Mike LaFrance, Kirkwood Community College
Donald Mayer, Oakland University
Richard Mills, Cypress College
H. Randall, Kent State University
Thomas Van Devort, Middle Tennessee State University
Don Wirries, Moorhead State University
Introduction to Law
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Provide a definition of law while understanding that
Let reverence for the laws be breathed by ev- the most fundamental legal concepts are susceptible
ery American mother to the lisping babe that to differing views.
prattles on her lap; let it be taught in schools, in • Appreciate and recall the connection between people,
historical events, and technological achievements and
seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in the law.
primers, spelling-books, and in almanacs; let it • Understand the origins of the English common law
be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legis- system and its connection to the U.S. legal system.
lative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. • Describe the important sources of U.S. law and
explain how they are interrelated.
And, in short, let it become the political religion
• Explain the doctrine of stare decisis and understand
of the nation; and let the old and the young, the how case law is related to other sources of law.
rich and the poor, the grave and the gay of all • Classify the law in a variety of ways including federal
and state law, criminal and civil law, private and
sexes and tongues and colors and conditions,
public law, and procedural and substantive law.
sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars. • Be able to define ethics and distinguish ethics
from law.
Abraham Lincoln Address before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield,
Illinois, January 1837. • Demonstrate familiarity with two forms of ethical
reasoning and the ability to use them to consider
an ethical problem.
• Demonstrate familiarity with the terminology of court
cases and how cases are reported.
2 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Welcome to the study of law. When you leave college and begin your careers, the
laws of our society will play an ever-increasing role in your lives. As educated mem-
bers of the community, you will apply your understanding of our legal system in
voting and in actively participating in local, state, and federal issues and affairs.
From a more practical standpoint, your education about our law and the legal sys-
tem will help guide you toward happier and more financially successful lives. We
do not assume that you are interested in becoming an attorney at law, although it is
a noble calling. Instead, most of you will select from a variety of careers and life-
styles, seeking to make your lives as meaningful as possible. Understanding the Law
is designed to help you recognize opportunities and overcome obstacles in reaching
your goals.
Each individual and family engages in business activities when they buy needed
and desired goods and services. Family members must deal with a myriad of busi-
nesses as consumers, employees, and active members of communities involved in
issues of growth and congestion. Community leaders deal with difficult problems
such as neighborhood crime, traffic, homelessness, and environmental protection.
Understanding the laws that affect you will not be easier in the future.
Already, you have learned something about the law, simply by experiencing life.
For example, you know that stealing, damaging someone else’s property, or inten-
tionally injuring another person is unlawful. You know that in an automobile colli-
sion, the careless driver is held responsible, and when both drivers are careless, they
share the blame. You know that divorce creates issues of alimony, division of family
property, and financial support for children and changes in their parental custody.
You know that employers are expected to provide safe working conditions for their
employees. You know that you must conform to rules in registering for admission
to college, in driving on public highways, and in obtaining certain medicines.
You probably could write a reasonable definition of the law. Perhaps you would
correctly conclude that laws are rules that must be obeyed to avoid the imposition
law of sanctions (legal penalties). More precisely, the dictionary declares: law is a body
A body of rules of con- of rules of conduct prescribed by controlling authority and having binding legal
duct prescribed by con- force.1 But this traditional definition of law is static, a “snapshot” emphasizing law’s
trolling authority and nature as a set of written rules.
having binding legal Consider law as being dynamic, continuously changing, always responding to
the needs of society for solutions to evolving new issues. There are many specific,
written rules, such as speed limits. But there also are conflicts between rules and
their application to changing situations. It has often been observed that legal rules
follow rather than lead. For example, consider the still evolving Internet, which is
changing traditional laws of privacy, free speech, and crime, as well as many rules
of commerce and consumerism.
It is perfectly logical for laws to change continually in response to the evolving
characteristics of and the issues within our society. That is, law changes as we
change. Each new or modified law must conform to the immutable principles of
our Constitution or ultimately be discarded. Thus, the laws of our society are both
dynamic and predicated upon immutable principles. Ours is a democracy in which
the “immutable principles” mentioned are memorialized in our Constitution. Not
all are expressed; many are implied. For example, the much-publicized right of
privacy is an unspecified constitutional principle upon which both abortion and
interracial marriage have been based. These interpretative principles or laws are
declared by the U.S. Supreme Court, as will be discussed more fully in Chapter 2.
The vast majority of changes in our laws do not violate the broad constitution-
al principles upon which our society is based. Does society change the law, or does
the law change society? This “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” variety
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 3
of question is unanswerable. Consider that in many states the law requires that mo-
torcycle riders wear helmets. Did this requirement change society? Or did society
recognize a need (through its representative officials) and require a change in the
law? The answer to both questions is “yes.” What is important is that, either way,
our legal system and laws are dynamic and respond to the legal issues that arise
within our changing society. In a nutshell, the study of law is the study of a moving
target. Some changes are quite immediate, as when legislatures respond to popular
demands. In contrast, courts are structured to accommodate change more slowly,
at a more reflective pace.
When William McKinley was elected president in 1897, a great industrial rev-
olution was well under way in this country. Railroads were spreading from the east
to the great cities in the west. Coal was fueling the furnaces used in making steel,
which in turn was used to manufacture train rails. Following the invention of the
gasoline engine, automobiles soon would be mass-produced, changing the face
of our nation forever. The Wright brothers had yet to give birth to the airplane
industry, and space exploration was science fiction. In the twenty-first century, we
are experiencing another magnificent technological revolution, which links not
seaboards but the entire world. In this modern yet still embryonic revolution, the
demands upon the legal system already are reaching new heights of complexity.
For example:
the other hand, having children between the ages of six and twelve affects the
spending of parents. This influence ranges from choosing food and restaurants
to switching from the once “cool” minivan to the preferred sport utility vehicle
and then to hybrid automobiles as gas prices rise.
• Environmental issues abound, from global warming to air and water pollution,
presenting our society with problems it alone cannot resolve.
• The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon brought to America a multitude of social concerns with legal
http:// consequences. They include security precautions that reduce privacy at air-
Often, when there is an In- ports, buildings, and sporting events and treatment and classification of sus-
ternet source available to pected terrorists and detainees from military operations related to the “war
provide additional informa- against terrorism.” Americans care deeply about these and other terrorist-
tion on a topic that is dis-
related issues. Although some time has passed since this attack, the ultimate
cussed in the text, we will
legal resolution of these and other issues continues to have significant legal
alert you to it in the mar-
gin. The Internet makes it
and social implications for America.
easier for you to have Looking back, we see that although our legal system has resolved many issues pre-
access to primary research sented by changing lifestyles, attitudes, and mores, we also see that some solutions
and materials no matter
rest on tenuous footing, as reflected by 5–4 decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court. Al-
where in the world they ex-
though resolved by law, volatile and contentious issues such as abortion, flag burning,
ist. When we fear an Inter-
net address may change or
prayer in schools, and affirmative action are not fully resolved by society, a substantial
not be timely, we give you
portion of which galvanizes to action with every new appointment to the U.S. Su-
some key terms to use to preme Court. Others await each new election to garner a few more votes in Congress
conduct your own search. If or in a state legislature to change statutes that were resolved contrary to their position
for some reason an address on an issue. In this sense, by looking back, perhaps you can better appreciate the im-
link does not work, use the portance of your participation in the future resolution of these issues.
key terms in the http A historical perspective can sharpen our understanding of the outlook for our
prompt for your own laws and legal system in the early twenty-first century. Does the outlook portend
search. major changes, such as reform of the court structure to accommodate a more com-
plex society? Have the issues our legal system has dealt with over past years strained
it to the breaking point? “What now?” the reasoned person might ask, as we reach
warp speed. Are there new issues that should be resolved by certain institutions in
society other than courts? It is said that if we ignore history we are destined to re-
peat it. Here we are not studying history, but we must take it into consideration in
http:// contemplating the role of law and our legal system in the early years of the twenty-
The U.S. State Department first century.
has a Web site that pre-
sents the U.S. position and
http://usinfo.state.gov/ 1900S VERSUS 2000S
What do we take for granted today that was missing from our society in the early
days of the twentieth century? With the advantage of hindsight, we now know the
problems that were presented to our legal system in the twentieth century as well as
their solutions. With some foresight, we hope to paint a picture for you of the kinds
of problems facing our legal system today. Comparing the legal/societal relation-
ships of a hundred years ago with today’s raises the question, “Is our legal system as
constructed today capable of adequately fulfilling the demands our society will place
upon it in the next century, or even in the next 25 years?” Consider the success of
trial by jury over the preceding century—can you safely assume that it will be fully
appropriate to our system of justice in the twenty-first century? In most chapters of
this textbook, you will find the kinds of issues that the future holds for our laws and
legal system. But first, we must look back to form our views of how society and its
legal system might interact successfully in the near future.
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 5
What was our society like at the beginning of the twentieth century? With a
flourishing economy fueled in part by the Klondike Gold Rush, William McKinley
was reelected president in 1900 on a platform that government should not con-
trol or discipline business. Riding the crest of victory over Spain in the Spanish-
American War, Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt became vice president. Unlike our
present military capability for distance warfare, Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” fought
eye to eye, although more U.S. soldiers died from contaminated meat than at the
hands of the Spanish. On the brink of an industrial revolution and its new status as a
world power, the United States was changing on the domestic front. Then, as now,
people necessarily relied upon the ability of their laws to respond to their needs—
and upon their legal system to oversee the process. Consider the following example
of the U.S. Supreme Court in action:
Minnesota law provided that “All labor on Sunday is prohib-
ited, excepting the works of necessity or charity. …” Barber
Petit was arrested, tried, and convicted of cutting hair and shaving beards
in his barbershop on Sundays. He appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme
Court on the grounds that cutting hair and shaving beards was a work of
necessity. What do you suppose was the result 100 years ago?
Petit v. Minnesota, 177 U.S. 164, 20 S.Ct. 666 (1900).
The Court recognized the Sunday law of relaxation as “essential to the physical and
moral well-being of society.” The Court relied upon several precedents (prior
court decisions) to the effect that shaving on Sunday was not a work of necessity.
Even the House of Lords in England in earlier times had concluded that shaving
customers was a worldly labor. Barber Petit lost his appeal. Most cases before the
U.S. Supreme Court were far more complex than Petit’s case, involving commerce,
taxation, admiralty, commercial transactions, water rights, and so on. The U.S.
Supreme Court was composed of nine justices, as it is today, and the structure of
lower courts remains essentially unchanged. The point remains, however, that we
live in a much more complex world.
The primary role of women in the United States in the early 1900s was house-
work and child rearing. Perhaps 20 percent of women were in the paid labor force.3
Of those women employed outside the home, the vast majority were farmhands or
domestics. Other than in the states of Utah and Colorado, women did not have the
right to vote. The Klondike Gold Rush had fueled a “Gilded Age” as the twentieth
century began, with affluence spreading throughout many American cities. Women
in the upper classes became more athletic and “outdoorsy” than before. Although
still corseted, the modern woman wore only one petticoat instead of the five previ-
ously worn. Bread was purchased in shops, freeing women from the chore of
baking. Nevertheless, women as a class were, for the most part, second class in their
protection by the law. For example, upon marriage a woman’s legal rights to prop-
erty disappeared, property ownership being vested solely in her husband.
But our law and legal system had been conceived by its founders as dynamic
and, as it turned out, up to the task of coping with the dramatic changes in the
twentieth century. The rights of women to vote and to own property independently
were created under law, as were many other rights to the extent that few gender
distinctions exist in the law today.
Consider some of the changes in our society during the twentieth century,
changes that placed extraordinary demands upon our legal system. Few people
6 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
lived in the seven territories (Alaska, Arizona, District of Columbia, Hawaii, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, and the Indian territories) in 1900, and most conveniences were
found in or near the great cities. Although on the eve of an industrial revolution and
as an emerging world power, in the early 1900s, the United States had no airplanes,
no spaceships, no satellites, no television sets let alone HDTV sets, no video cam-
eras, no computers, no Ipods, no Internet, no color or sound movies, no suburban
malls, no cellular or cordless telephones, no microwave ovens, no automatic dish-
washers, no electric stoves, no trash compactors or disposals, no air conditioning,
and no credit or debit cards. As for the implements of war, there were neither nu-
clear weapons nor submarines with intercontinental missiles to deliver them. On
the other hand, Thomas Edison had harnessed electricity, with the result that the
phonograph (but not stereo) and household lighting were widely available in cities.
Individual transportation was by foot, horse or horse-drawn buggy, public transpor-
tation (rail and electric trolleys), and bicycle. There were only 13,824 motorcars
in a country of 76 million people with a total of only 144 miles of paved roads in the
entire United States. Mass production of automobiles was soon to follow the turn
of the century, creating a love affair between the public and its cars that has left a
most significant impact upon the entire century, including its laws.
There were no fast-food restaurants. The first hamburger wasn’t served until
the twentieth century; in early 1900, a man in Connecticut ground up some beef
and served it between two pieces of toast without catsup or relish. Which came
first—aspirin or fast food? Aspirin had appeared a year earlier. It would still be
several years before vitamins were even discovered or refrigeration invented. U.S.
towns and cities supported many small coffee bean roasting shops, much as Star-
bucks and other coffee shops dot our cities today. But the coffee roasters began a
steady decline into oblivion when Hills Bros. of San Francisco first began packing
pre-roasted beans into vacuum tins. For most of the century, the tantalizing aroma
of coffee beans roasting at the Hills Bros.’ plant greeted San Francisco travelers.
Technology already was creating its rewards and victims.4
Many interesting events at the beginning of the twentieth century parallel
today’s legal issues. Just before the turn of the century, Butch Cassidy and the Sun-
dance Kid robbed a Union Pacific train in Wyoming, and Gideon International
began placing Bibles in hotel rooms; today, crime and religious freedom share
headlines and demand solutions through new laws or even constitutional amend-
ment (as for school prayer). One hundred years ago, the last of the Indian wars had
http:// been fought; today, Indian treaty rights to fish, gamble, and use natural resources
Read about school safety are in the news, with proposals for new enabling laws. A century ago, the first juve-
initiatives at nile court was established in Illinois; today, attacks on schoolmates by disturbed
http://www.schoolsafety.us/ students and juvenile gang activity prompt reactive laws. Some elementary school
and read about Operation
children must enter their school through a metal detector to make sure no gun or
Respect, one of many ef-
knife is being brought to class,5 and convictions for gang-related crimes now are
forts to reduce school being based on out-of-court (hearsay) testimony. A plethora of court decisions have
violence, at relaxed the rules to make it easier to convict “gang” members.6
The U.S. government was already a leading employer at the beginning of the
century with a quarter of a million employees, and only one-quarter of the U.S.
commercial shipping fleet was under sail power. Today, ocean pollution from
petroleum-based products released from ships through disaster or otherwise con-
tinues to plague an environmentally conscious world; new laws impose severe fi-
nancial penalties and require safety precautions, such as double hulls, “road maps”
on the seas near coastlines, and warrantless searches of vessels.
A hurricane in Galveston, Texas, killed thousands of people in 1900, becoming
at the time the worst North American disaster in history; today, natural disasters,
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 7
fires, floods, hurricanes, etc., occur annually. In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina
became the worst economic disaster in the United States causing an estimated loss
of life of more than 2,000 persons.7 Each of these disasters, natural or otherwise,
creates financial and legal burdens of major proportions including, to name but a
few, legal issues related to insurance coverage and appropriate distribution of chari-
table contributions.8
At the beginning of the twentieth century, sweeter grapefruit hybrids were de-
veloped which caused the fruit to gain public acceptance; today, genetic engineering Extensive discussion of Hur-
is modifying food products to resist pests, to gain better size and marketing dura- ricane Katrina can be found
bility, and to improve taste, while the legal implications of the genetic engineering at Wikipedia, the free Web
encyclopedia at
of food products remain to be seen. A century ago, the first drunk-driving case in-
volved a horse-drawn taxicab driver; today, states define drunk driving as a blood http://en.wikipedia.org/
alcohol level of 0.08. wiki/Hurricane_Katrina
Obviously, most of today’s necessities and conveniences were not available to
our society at the beginning of the twentieth century. But neither were there federal
laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or gender in the work-
place. Racial discrimination was alive and well at the beginning of the twentieth
century. Because poll taxes and literacy tests were preconditions to voting in many
states, black Americans were segregated and powerless under the law to do much
about it. The constitutionality of the principle of “separate but equal” facilities
based on race was well established.9 More than half of the century had elapsed
before that doctrine was overruled in 1954 when the U.S. Supreme Court declared
that segregation was inherently unequal.10 Although black Americans could not
legally be excluded from juries by the turn of the century, many states relied upon
racially selective jury selection practices. The infamous “Scottsboro Boys” case
probably marks the beginning of serious changes in the law to guarantee full partic-
ipation by blacks on juries. In that 1931 case, the convictions and death penalties of
nine young black men for the rape of two white women by an all-white jury were
overruled because of discrimination in jury selection.11
The Revolutionary War eliminated the power of the king over the colonies, but
not the power of English legal thought over the United States. So in somewhat
more detail, what is English common law?
English common law does not rest on universal moral principles rooted in natu-
ral reason. Rather, its legitimacy arises from experience and custom and from the
tacit consent of the people as evidenced from its development over a thousand years.
The purpose of primitive English law was to keep the peace, and fact-finding pro-
cesses were likely to provoke the population rather than calm it. So authorities
avoided investigation and substituted mechanical tests that were believed to obtain
the judgment of God. Among the favored tests were various ordeals an accused must
suffer, including cold water, hot water, hot iron, and the morsel.13 Imagination prob-
ably suffices to picture all but the morsel ordeal so we offer this quote from the
Domesday Book of the County of Norfolk, England, describing an ordeal by morsel.
“May this morsel which is given him in order to bring the truth
to light, stick in his throat and find no passage; may his face
turn pale and his limbs be convulsed; and an horrible alteration appear in his
whole body; if he is guilty. But if innocent of the crime laid to his charge,
may he easily swallow it, consecrated in Thy Name, to the end that all may
know.” http://
A Web site history of Felt-
well Village, U.K., provides
Before the eleventh century, England was an Anglo-Saxon society of unified and rel- a vivid description of ordeal
by morsel:
atively prosperous people living mostly in villages. The economy was agricultural
and the people were self-sufficient, growing grain, spinning wool, and even brewing http://www.feltwell.org/
beer for home consumption. Their kings headed powerful and wealthy aristocracies. feltwell2/written/trial_
Wealth was primarily tied to the landholding feudal system. Serfdom, in which peo- ordeal.htm
ple were born into vassalage and were required to work the aristocratic lords’ heredi-
tary lands, was widespread. Throughout the Saxon period, law was essentially a mat-
ter of local customs, and it changed very slowly. For the most part, long-established
customs and shared values were reflected in the law, but were not recorded. Kings
rarely issued laws binding the entire nation. Established legal systems provided mon-
etary compensation for private wrongs and criminal prosecution for public wrongs.
Generally, a person accused of a crime had either been caught in the act or had been
found guilty in a strange proceeding during which witnesses and the accused en-
gaged in “oath-swearing.” This was a complicated procedure related more to the
character of the accused than to evidence of a crime. There were no lawyers and no
jury trials. Needless to say, this system was neither sophisticated nor flawless.
In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, led 5,000 men and 2,500 cavalry across
the English Channel to defeat the Saxons in the Battle of Hastings. The Duke be-
came known as William the Conqueror. The invasion was followed by decades of
regional uprisings and resistance characterized by extensive murder, oppression,
famine, and fear, despite William’s zeal for law, order, and justice. The Normans
10 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
(Vikings who originally came from Scandinavia via northern France) were French
http:// in language,* viewpoint, and culture. Their system of law was based on the ancient
Read about William the Roman civil law, which was expressed mostly in detailed codes (systematic collec-
Conqueror at tions of rules) imposed by the ruler from above, in contrast to the Saxon practice of
http://www.britainexpress. developing rules from below, based on customs of the people.
com/History/William_the_ The Normans retained the English common law of unwritten customs, except
Conqueror.htm that church courts were introduced with authority limited mainly to spiritual mat-
ters and domestic (family) relations. England gradually underwent positive changes.
A sense of national unity ensued, leading to a national system of law derived from
both Anglo-Saxon and Norman influences. The Normans had already been influ-
enced by the French, and the linking of England with the European continent.
The conquest led to the introduction of elements of Roman civil law. Following
numerous regional battles, William became king of England and ultimately gained
the allegiance of the people. Gradually, intermarriage between the native people
and the invaders became common. As before, local justice continued to be the con-
common law: as cern of local sheriffs, and the common law (law applied uniformly throughout the
a system of law country) was characterized even then by equality before the law (the law applied
The total system of law the same to every person), respect for established rights, and impartial administra-
that originated in medie- tion of justice.
val England and was The king’s courts dealt with civil and criminal legal matters, and new church
adopted by the United courts dealt with canon law (ecclesiastical law governing internal relations of the
States at the time of the Roman Catholic Church) and all aspects of marriage and succession. Disputes
American Revolution. Ex-
between common and canon law existed in some areas, such as legitimization of
pressed originally in opi-
illegitimate children, which was not possible under canon law. Under common law,
nions and judgments of
the courts, it is judge-
legitimization was accomplished by subsequent marriage of the parents. This was
made law that reflects an important matter because it affected rights of inheritance and succession to land,
the customs and usages the foundation of wealth and power in England.
of the people. Contrasted By the twelfth century, judges, who periodically visited places in the country to
to Roman civil law, it is dispense justice, were displacing sheriffs. These “circuits” were precursors of the
found throughout the present U.S. circuit and district courts. The itinerant judges dealt with crimes such
English-speaking world. as murder, robbery, forgery, and arson. One judge, Glanvil, is credited with writing
Common law is some- Treatise on the Laws and Customs of the Kingdom of England, the first serious book on
times called unwritten the evolving common law. In 1215, King John was forced to accept the Magna
Carta (Latin: “Great Charter”), the basis of modern English constitutional liberty,
commanding free elections and reform of the courts and barring imprisonment
http:// without a trial by a jury of peers. Trial by jury had evolved into permanency by way
of the Magna Carta, and ultimately was incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.
One of four surviving cop-
ies of the Magna Carta is
The Magna Carta essentially decreed supremacy of law over personal authority of
on display at the British
the king and his aides. It was a precursor of our constitutional democracy.
Museum in London. A brief
discussion of the Magna
Carta can be found at LEGAL FOCUS–BACKGROUND
treasures/magna.html Perhaps the most famous sheriff in English history—the sheriff
of Nottingham from the tale of Robin Hood—isn’t from history
at all but from English folklore. Among the enduring themes from the tale
of Robin Hood is a sense of outrage that arises from the abuse of power
portrayed by the sheriff of Nottingham. Although the tale of the sheriff is
fiction, the position now is real and continues to this day.14
For several hundred years, the English system of courts evolved, influenced by con-
flicts and political interventions. Over time, judges required formalities to be met
before a matter could be brought to court. When these requirements were not met, A discussion of ancient
courts were simply unavailable to a party. When the king’s courts were unable or documents is provided by
unwilling to provide a just solution to a legal problem, and a citizen (initially citi- Professor Bernard J. Hib-
bitts of the University of
zens of high status) appealed to the king, the matter would be referred to the lord
Pittsburgh School of Law at
chancellor for possible intervention. The lord chancellor served as the king’s chief
administrative officer, and the position was initially staffed by high churchmen. As http://www.law.pitt.edu/
a man committed to justice and fairness, the chancellor was authorized to decide hibbitts/connect.htm
the cases without the assistance of a jury. This alternative court became known as a
court of equity. An example of an action in equity would be a dispute over the sale
action in equity
of a parcel of land in which the seller refused to transfer the title. The king’s courts, A civil trial held without a
by tradition, could do no more than award monetary damages. The chancellor jury when relief sought
(and, later, when the administration of these hearings was delegated to junior staff, by the plaintiff is equita-
courts of equity) could and would order the seller to relinquish possession. Such ble in nature, such as an
decree of specific performance to this day remains an equitable remedy and is avail- injunction, or a divorce or
able in regular courts sitting without juries. Ultimately, jurisdictional conflicts re- dissolution of a marriage.
fined the fundamental distinction between courts at law and courts in equity. This
distinction endures in the United States today and determines important questions.
However, unlike England, where courts at law and in equity were physically sepa-
rated, modern U.S. courts are empowered to render either equitable or legal relief.
Equity is explained further in Chapter 3. Lawyer Thomas P. Vincent
of Northampton, Maine,
provides a Web site “for all
Modern Common Law and Stare Decisis who enjoy legal history and
theory.” Read the Laws of
The term common law might already be confusing to you because, like many En-
the Cherokee Nation, the
glish language terms, it is used in different ways to describe different things. For Code of Hammurabi, and
example, we have been using the term to describe law common to all of England. other material that is diffi-
But we have also used the term to describe a legal system derived from English cult to find on the Internet
legal method, to describe law formulated by courts rather than legislatures, and to at
describe common law as distinguished from an action in equity. All the different
expressions of the term common law are related. The use of the term to describe a .com/
type of legal system derives from a description of the unique nature of that legal
system, the formulation of law by the courts. The distinction of law and equity (dis-
cussed in more detail in Chapter 3) derives from a historical accident within this common law: as
lawmaking system. The uniqueness of the common law, or law developed by the a type of law
courts, is what is usually meant when someone uses the term common law. In no That law which comes
other legal system do independent courts have the power to contribute to the law from the common courts
as they do in the common law system. as opposed to a legisla-
When considering U.S. court-made or case law, it is important to note the im- ture or court of equity.
portant relationship between federal and state law. Our form of government is one
of shared and often overlapping power referred to as federalism (a union of states federalism
under a central federal government). The court systems include both federal and A government consisting
state courts, which function as either trial courts or appellate courts. These trial of a union of more or less
courts accept testimony and other evidence to determine guilt or innocence or to self-governing states un-
place financial responsibility. Appellate courts, on the other hand, review trial court der an umbrella of fed-
eral government.
procedures to ensure that correct laws were applied during trial. These appellate
reviews, or written decisions, form the body of law also called the common law, or
case law.
Both federal and state appellate courts review cases based upon the constantly
evolving principles of the common law that are expressed in the written decisions
of courts. Who reads these written decisions? Members of the public often learn
about new, unfolding laws from television, the Internet, newspapers, and news
12 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
magazines (but hopefully not from tabloids). Lawyers and scholars read and study
http:// court decisions as part of their professional responsibilities. Of course, judges read
See an in-depth discussion and study prior court decisions upon which they may decide the trials or cases be-
of federalism at fore them.
http://www.usconstitution Some principles of law derived through the common law apply to both state
.net/consttop_fedr.html and federal court systems. For example, the doctrine of stare decisis (Latin: “to
stand by things that have been settled”) mandates that once a rule of law is deter-
mined to be applicable to a particular set of facts involved in a case, it will be ap-
stare decisis plied to all future cases that have similar facts. This doctrine binds courts of equal
The common law doc-
or junior rank to follow in its decisions the senior court that first applied the rule or
trine that binds an infe-
principle. Essentially, lower state courts are bound to the principles established by
rior (subordinate) court
to follow and apply deci-
higher appellate courts within the same state; lower federal courts are bound to the
sions and interpretations
principles established by higher appellate courts within their respective jurisdic-
of higher courts when tions. (The hierarchy of courts is outlined in Chapter 3.)
similar cases arise. Also This important doctrine of stare decisis leads to stability and predictability in
called the doctrine of the law. For example, if a high court establishes the principle that a promise to
precedents. marry is not enforceable in court nor are damages allowed if broken, then routine
legal research will alert all attorneys to the existence of that precedent. If a similar
precedent case arises, they will not waste time and money litigating the question; they know
A court decision on a their court will be bound by the same earlier outcome under the doctrine of stare
question of law that gives decisis. This doctrine is also commonly called the doctrine of precedents. Once a
authority or direction on common law rule or principle is applied in a case, it becomes a precedent and is
a similar question of law
binding on other courts in similar future cases. The appellate court’s decision thus
in a later case with similar
has become a part of the common law of that particular state.
facts. See also stare
Judges do not have the personal choice to disregard a binding precedent in the
common law. Judges take oaths of office and are sworn “to comply with or be faith-
ful to” the law.
J. Anthony Kline, a justice of a state appellate court, wrote a
dissenting opinion in which, as a “matter of conscience,” he re-
fused to vote consistently with a state supreme court precedent. Does such a
declaration violate the doctrine of stare decisis?15
To boldly go where no man
has gone before, at least
when writing about stare Although the action of refusing to comply with a precedent flies in the face of the
decisis and new technol- doctrine of stare decisis, it may be characterized as a “highly irregular and never to
ogy, read the law review
be lightly undertaken” exception based upon the conscience of the justice.
article “ “Star Trek” and
Stare decisis is not a straitjacket, however. If a principle has outlived its useful-
Stare Decisis: Legal Reason-
ing and Information Tech-
ness or has grown inapplicable because of changing social standards and circum-
nology” at
stances, it may be overruled by a high court. Often, a current case is not controlled
by a principle previously applied in an earlier case simply because the two cases are
http://www.albany.edu/scj/ distinguishable on their facts. An example of an unenforceable and uncompensable
jcjpc/vol8is1/chilton.html promise to marry would be distinguishable from a case where one of the prospec-
tive spouses had incurred considerable related expenses before the promise was
broken. The earlier principle, therefore, would not apply to or bind the court’s de-
cision. Though the court, obviously, would not compel the parties to marry, it
might establish a new principle in authorizing recovery of damages (an award of
monetary compensation).
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 13
The common law of today is the body of rules derived from fundamental
usages and customs of antiquity, particularly as they appeared in medieval England,
and from modern judgments of appellate courts recognizing and applying those
customs in specific cases. Since thousands of appellate cases are decided each year,
the body of common law is enormous, even though most of these cases define no
new principles. In preparing current cases, lawyers spend much time and effort
searching earlier case records for principles of the common law that might be ap-
plicable. Thanks to computer technology, the task is less physically laborious today,
but the information at the attorney’s fingertips is nonetheless overwhelming in vol-
ume, let alone complexity. Before they can draft formal opinions or business docu-
ments or perform advocacy, lawyers must perform legal research of the applicable
common, statutory, and regulatory (administrative agency) law. Lawyers, thus, are
responsible to their clients more for researching than for knowing the law. For
those of you who are interested in learning more about, or in practicing, legal re-
search, we have included a summary of basic steps and included it in Appendix D.
Originally, the common law of England was called unwritten law, because it unwritten law
evolved from judicial decisions that were based on the unwritten customs and A historically based refer-
usages of the people. Moreover, the decisions and opinions of the judges were not ence to court- or judge-
recorded or printed in books; often, judges talked with one another, exchanging made law.
their rulings through conversation. In contrast, codes and statutes (enacted by the
king or a legislative body) were usually written (printed). Today, of course, most
additions to the common law, made in appellate court decisions, are published
chronologically in books, called reporters, and made available on the Internet. reporter
Such works are referred to as case law. If case law were not reported, both attor- A set of books that con-
neys as well as the public would be unaware of decisions that had been made and of tains the written opinions
the appellate courts’ rationale for those decisions. After centuries of relying on of justices of specified ap-
books, many lawyers and others are no longer using books as the primary way of pellate courts. These vo-
lumes contain the deci-
finding information about cases. Instead, database services and Web sites provide
sional, or unwritten, law.
much of the recorded case information. The two most important legal database
Volumes in the reporters
services providing recorded appellate court cases are Westlaw and LexisNexis. and the cases they con-
The application of the doctrine of stare decisis is a challenging process. For ex- tain are arranged in chro-
ample, is a new fact situation the same as the suggested precedent, is it similar, or is nological order and ac-
it different? The adversary system allows each side a representative who argues cessible by case name or
what events occurred, what precedent should apply, and how it should apply. And subject matter index.
what about the situation where the facts are clear, the law is clear, and the result is
absurd? What precedents apply? Is the court bound to come to an unjust decision, case law
or is a decision based on settled law ever unjust? All reported judicial deci-
In the search for precedent, the following possibilities exist: sions; the law that comes
from judges’ opinions in
1. The new case is identical or virtually identical to a case previously decided by a lawsuits. Also referred to
high court in the same court system. Result: Follow old decision; situation is as court law, judge law,
often called a goose case or a case on all fours. This is seen as binding and sometimes common
precedent. law.
The terms “goose case” and “on all fours” were discussed in
this court case dissent “… [A] so-called ‘case lawyer,’ … was un-
prepared to advise his client whether he was liable in damages because his
geese had trespassed on his neighbor’s lawn. The lawyer said he had found
several cases where the owners were held liable because their horses, cows,
14 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
sheep, goats, or dogs had committed acts of trespass; but he could not find
a ‘goose case.’ The distinction which he observed was that his ‘goose case’
was not ‘on all fours.’”
Taylor v. Allen, 151 La. 82, 91 So. 635 (Louisiana, 1922).
2. The new case is somewhat different from a case previously decided by a high
court in the same court system, but the underlying policy and rationale for the
old case also applies to the new one. Result: Reason from the old case and ex-
tend the previous holding to the new facts. This is known as using precedent to
extend the rule of law to new situations.
3. The new case, although having some similarity to a case previously decided
by a high court in the same court system, is not the same and the underlying
rationale does not make sense in this case. Result: Distinguish new case from
old case and limit the rule from the old case. This is known as using cases to
limit the application of judicial doctrine.
4. The new case is identical or virtually identical to a case previously decided by a
high court in the same court system but the underlying rule no longer makes
sense. Result: Overrule previous precedent when strong reasons exist for doing
so. This is not done often but it is consistent with the doctrine of stare decisis.
5. The new case presents problems that are not covered by an existing rule from
a high court in the same court system. Result: Possibilities (a) case will be dis-
missed and facts not considered because there is not a remedy in law for every
perceived wrong; (b) case will be heard and decided based upon extensions of
doctrines of justice and fairness, and new law and rule will be developed. The
deciding court may consider precedent from other states, the federal system,
or even other countries when seeking guidance as to an appropriate rule to
resolve the controversy.
Laws enacted by Congress
or by state legislatures. Ours is a constitutional form of government. In one sense, our Constitution is the
ultimate source of our laws because it contains principles by which our nation is
ordinance governed. Here we are concerned with those institutions of government that create
A written law enacted by
the laws of our land.
a city or county (parish).
Most educated adults are familiar with the basic structure of our federal gov-
An example is a zoning
ernment, divided by our Constitution into the legislative, executive, and judicial
ordinance that governs
the use of land.
branches. Knowledge of this structure facilitates an understanding of how and
where our laws are made and of how they are classified for clarity and compre-
written law hensibility. State and local governments also are structured into these three
An old fashioned refer- branches, and they operate in a manner similar to the federal system. We explore
ence to the statutes and government and these branches in greater detail in Chapters 2 and 5. Here we
ordinances of federal, briefly consider the sources of our laws.
state, and local govern-
ments, and the published
rules of administrative
Lawmaking by Legislators
agencies. Legislators, both state and federal, enact laws called statutes.* Local legislative bod-
ies (e.g., for cities and counties) enact laws called ordinances. Collectively, these sta-
codes tutes and ordinances are called the written law, as contrasted to case law (unwritten
Compilations of statutes law). Compilations of statutes by topic are called codes. For example, a state legisla-
that are grouped to- ture may enact a statute lengthening the previous jail sentence for the crime of mak-
gether by subject matter,
e.g., a vehicle code. * Often, statutes are assigned titles, such as the Federal Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly called RICO.
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 15
ing an obscene telephone call. This statute will be compiled with, indexed to, and be-
come a part of the state’s “criminal” or “penal” code. There are numerous special-
ized codes in the states that group together statutes pertaining to particular subjects,
such as the Vehicle Code, Health and Welfare Code, Corporations Code, and Busi-
ness and Professions Code. These codes (often with slightly different titles) are gen-
erally available in any public law library, usually located in county courthouses.
Statutory law covers a staggering number of subjects, such as crimes, civil
rights, housing, health, and indeed all matters upon which the legislative branch For online access to the
has the constitutional power to legislate. But it is important to understand that fed- federal codes, go to the Le-
eral statutory law is limited to matters of federal jurisdiction. The term jurisdiction gal Information Institute of
Cornell Law School at
refers to the power or authority the federal government is given to enact statutes
under the U.S. Constitution. State statutory law is limited to matters of statewide http://www4.law.cornell
authority; a similar limitation is true for local ordinances. For example, Congress .edu/uscode/
has jurisdiction to regulate the transportation of goods in interstate commerce;
state legislatures do not. Court jurisdiction is explained fully in Chapter 3.
Some difficult conflicts over jurisdiction have occurred. The language in which
Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution enumerates the federal government’s
areas of jurisdiction is open to interpretation. Some believe that the courts have
interpreted it too expansively, letting the federal government intrude on states’
rights. Others argue that the federal reach should be extended even further, per-
haps into such matters as shelter for the homeless. (We consider constitutional
law in greater detail in Chapter 2.) When conflicts arise between federal and state
jurisdictions, the U.S. Supreme Court makes the ultimate judicial decision through
its interpretation and application of the Constitution.
Even when jurisdictions overlap—that is, when both the states and the federal
government have jurisdiction—conflicts arise. The two may pass contradictory
statutes. When that happens, the doctrine of supremacy applies, and the federal doctrine of
law prevails.* supremacy
The constitutional doc-
trine that applies when-
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM ever the United States
and a state or local gov-
ernment enact conflicting
Amtrak, and all of its predecessors, historically has dumped raw
laws on the same subject.
sewage from passenger-train bathrooms directly onto the rail-
Under this constitutional
road tracks and roadbeds. Permission for this practice dates back to early
doctrine, the federal law
federal laws designed to encourage railroad construction. In 1989, Florida
initiated a criminal nuisance charge against Amtrak, contending it dumped
sewage on fishermen while they were sitting in a boat under a railroad tres-
tle. In retaliation for the suit, Amtrak threatened to discontinue rail service
to Florida. Does the doctrine of supremacy apply?
Faced with the doctrine of supremacy, the state yielded.16 Similar jurisdictional
conflicts exist between state and local governments. For example, local govern-
ments usually exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the zoning of real estate. Zoning
laws restrict how land may be used. What if a state enacted a statute that authorized
state officials to rezone real estate, regardless of local government rules? Does that
differ from the common practice whereby state laws require suburban communities
to accept construction of prisons and of treatment centers for drug addicts? Local
* Article IV: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all treaties made,
or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every
State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”
16 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
* For example, in 1986 then-President Ronald Reagan ordered the random drug testing of certain employees working in interstate
transportation. The subject of drug testing in other workplaces, and even in competitive sporting events, continues as an impor-
tant issue.
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 17
Congress and by legislation at the state and local levels to regulate specific activities.
Administrative agencies investigate problems within their respective jurisdictions (an
executive function), make laws called rules and regulations (a legislative function),
and conduct hearings (similar to court trials) to determine if their rules have been vi-
olated and, if so, what penalties should be imposed (a judicial function). There are
many important federal administrative agencies, numerous state agencies in each
state, and a lesser number of agencies within each sizable local government.
You have probably read or heard about such prominent federal administrative
agencies as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Drug Enforcement Administra-
tion (DEA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administra-
tion (FDA), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Thousands of federal,
state, and local administrative agencies continue to make and enforce innumerable
laws each year on myriad subjects. You will learn more about lawmaking by admin-
istrative agencies in Chapter 5.
Lawmaking by Courts
Federal and state judges preside over trials to settle controversies that are brought
before them by parties to legal disputes. At the conclusion of each trial, the judge
renders judgment in favor of one or the other of the litigants. Sometimes these
judgments are based on a jury verdict. When there is no jury, the judgment is based
on the trial court judge’s evaluation of the evidence and his or her application of
the law to the facts as found. Most of these judgments are never appealed. They re-
solve specific controversies and, to that extent, usually apply existing law. Occasion-
ally, however, if the case is the first of its kind in that jurisdiction, the trial judge
may formulate and apply a new rule of common law. An appellate court may then
review such a rule. Upon the appellate court rendering a written opinion, all other
trial courts in that jurisdiction then would follow the appellate court’s decision.
Usually, when judgments are appealed to appellate courts, the essential ques-
tion on appeal is whether or not the trial court judge made a prejudicial error. Er-
ror exists when a trial court judge misapplies the law in the conduct of the trial. For
example, a trial judge may have erred by permitting the jury to consider irrelevant
evidence. Not all errors of trial courts taint the outcome of the trial: only those that
reasonably could have affected the outcome of the trial are prejudicial. Much irrel-
evant testimony is not prejudicial because it could not reasonably have affected the
jury’s verdict.
When error is claimed and an appeal is taken, the appellate court may affirm
the lower court’s decision, reverse it, send it back for a new trial (remand), or sim-
ply modify the trial court judgment in some manner. Whichever result is appropri-
ate, the appellate court writes and usually publishes* a written opinion that typically
(1) describes the nature of the controversy, (2) states what result was reached in the
lower court, (3) reveals the basis upon which the appellant is appealing, and (4) de-
clares and elaborates on its own decision, or “holding.” In its decision, the court
states the applicable rules of law as well as the rationale underlying its decision.
In making rulings, appellate courts interpret and apply relevant statutory law
together with appropriate rules of common law derived from prior cases under the
previously discussed doctrine of stare decisis. If there is no controlling statute or
principle of common law, which occasionally happens, the appellate court will
* Often an appellate court rules that its decision in a particular case on appeal is not of significance generally, and orders that it
remain “unpublished.” Such appellate court opinions are not valid precedents and are not printed in the books, called reporters,
that contain published appellate court decisions. Modern legal databases now deliver these unpublished cases. They are distin-
guished from reported cases by their headings, which say “unpublished,” and their citations. If one is not careful, one might ar-
gue that a case is precedent only to find out it was “unpublished” and cannot be used as precedent. While these decisions do
not add to the body of law, they do decide the case between the litigants.
18 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
create a new rule or extend an existing principle and apply it to the case. That new
concept becomes a part of the continually evolving common law to be followed by
other courts in future cases. Thus, new law is created.
Judges who purposefully expand on the law in their decisions are often referred
judicial activists to as judicial activists. Judges who narrowly interpret the law by relying heavily on
Judges whose judicial the doctrine of stare decisis are often referred to as strict constructionists. Either
philosophy includes treat- way, the interpretations of law set forth by judges constitute “judge-made” law, or
ing the law as a vibrant common law. Courts are reactive institutions; judges must wait for litigation to
and active source of rules. reach them before they can render a decision. Legislative bodies, on the other
When faced with new
hand, can initiate new laws on any subject at any time they choose. Nonetheless,
issues (e.g., social), such
the judicial system has been responsible for many of the great social changes that
judges are likely to see
the Constitution as a flex-
have occurred in the United States. The following quote from political scientist
ible document and stare Dennis D. Dorin is an enlightening remembrance that labels used by others are not
decisis as challengeable necessaryily subscribed to by those who are so labeled.
when they believe impor-
tant social needs must be
I have interviewed fourteen United States Supreme Court Justices, on a spectrum ranging
addressed. from “liberal” ones like Warren, Black and Douglas to “conservative” ones like Scalia and
Thomas. Not one of them, I can report, has ever told me that he or she is an “activist.” Not
strict one has ever said that he or she is willing to violate the Constitution.18
Not all the language used by appellate courts in their written opinions becomes
Judges whose reading of
the law narrowly inter-
part of the common law. Much of it is explanatory, analyzing the facts of the case
prets legal words and
and elaborating on various legal principles that may or may not directly apply. Le-
who subscribe to inter- gal issues addressed in the opinion that are not logically necessary to support the
preting the law consis- ruling in the case are called dicta (Latin: “remarks”). Being unnecessary language,
tent with the believed dicta do not become part of the common law, although they may provide clues
meaning given it by the about how that judge’s philosophy might be applied in future cases.
drafters. Sometimes it is quite clear which statutory language or principle of common
law is applicable to a case. But the issue of how it should be applied to the specific
dicta facts may be quite complex. For example, in a murder trial there may be no dis-
Any part of a court opin- agreement about the applicability of a statute declaring that an unlawful killing
ion that is unnecessary to with malice aforethought is murder. But the question of whether or not the partic-
the resolution of dispute
ular defendant, who was severely impaired by illegal drugs at the time of the crime,
before the court. Such di-
can be legally capable of harboring “malice” (a state of mind prompting one to will-
gression by a judge is not
binding on later courts.
fully kill the victim) may be open to argument. Following the trial (in which the
trial court judge will have ruled one way or the other on the applicability of the is-
sue), opposing appellate attorneys persuasively argue in favor of their contradictory
positions when presenting their appeals to the court in written briefs and with oral
arguments. Ultimately, an appellate court will decide the legal controversy and a
precedent may be set.
Through this decisional process, both federal and state appellate judges are
making new law on a daily basis. With judges throughout the country “making
law,” can we expect decisions to be consistent?
[C]ritical legal scholars—or simply “crits”— … contend that decisions conflict with one
another because they are based on different, and controversial, moral and political ideals.
Lawyers cannot give a simple answer to a question, the crits say, because the legal system,
like our society at large, cannot reconcile the contradictory instincts people feel when they
confront social problems.19
Does this mean the rule of law is flexible, depending on who is declaring it? If so,
does that give added significance to the political appointment process underlying
the selection of judges?
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 19
To assist you in understanding the way our appellate courts make and apply
the law, at lease one edited appellate case is presented at the end of every chapter.
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM lawlibrary/html/
Every time you view a Web site, its contents already have been
copied and stored in the random access memory (RAM) of your
computer. What law would you consult to determine whether this copying is
an infringement of the author’s copyright protection? 20
Richard Perkins, a firefighter, demands financial compensation
from a fertility clinic for impregnating his former wife by using
frozen embryos that previously had been fertilized with his sperm. What law
should he consult to determine if he can recover damages for child support
and emotional distress? 21
20 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Like many states, Nevada did not have a statute that criminalized the failure to re-
port a crime in progress. Thus, Cash was not guilty of any state crime. Crimes be-
tween private persons generally do not raise questions of federal law, and Cash was
not guilty of any federal crime in this case. Under common law, there generally is
no duty to protect strangers, and thus Cash was probably not liable for damages to
the victim’s parents for his conduct under the civil law of Nevada.* The law does
not always criminalize immoral acts.23
Despite the David Cash example, it is common for one act or a series of acts by
a person to result in both criminal and civil penalties.
O. J. Simpson was acquitted by jury of the crime of murdering
both his former wife Nicole and Ron Goldman, a rescuer acting
as a Good Samaritan. Thereafter, Simpson was sued in a civil court for the
wrongful death of the victims. In the civil proceeding, the jury found Simp-
son responsible for the killings and liable for monetary damages. Do all crim-
inal acts also result in civil liability for monetary damages?
* Many members of the public were outraged at what they believed to be a serious moral offense by David Cash. Protesters
marched at the University of California, Berkeley, where Cash studied nuclear engineering, and demanded his expulsion from the
public university. The University of California student senate held a hearing and voted narrowly (10–9) to condemn Cash. The
student body president vetoed the measure.
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 21
No. For example, the crime of firing a handgun into the air within city limits may
not injure any human, and there would be no victim to pursue a civil case. But most
crimes do create victims who then are able to pursue separate civil remedies, as in
the Simpson case.
The statutory law of individual states concerning crimes is collected in books
often called Penal Codes. Civil laws, in general, are collected in books often called
Civil Codes. You will learn about the very important differences between civil and
criminal laws and trials in several future chapters.
Yes. Jet skis are banned at certain lakes and waterways that have been determined
by the Park Service to be inappropriate for such use. Administrative agencies, such
as the Park Service, continually assess the need for new regulations and create ap-
propriate rules as required. These rules are examples of the public law of the land.
A U.S. EA-6B Marine jet, practicing low-level flying, hit and sev-
ered a ski gondola cable in the Italian Alps. Twenty people
were killed. The United States claimed exclusive jurisdiction of the case
22 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Certain rules and principles are acknowledged in international relations. These un-
derstood rules pertain to such matters as territorial boundaries, use of the high seas,
limitations on war, telecommunications, diplomatic and consular exchange, and the
use of air space. The difficulty is that sovereign nations, by definition, exercise ex-
clusive power or government within their boundaries and may or may not comply
with these understood rules.
The United Nations (UN) is the primary mechanism that creates international
law. It brings diplomacy, negotiation, and even propaganda to bear on world
affairs. Through agreements, even military observers and peacekeepers can be or-
ganized. In 1995, the UN established an International War Crimes Tribunal to
prosecute persons accused of war crimes in the Bosnian war. All members of the
UN comply with arrest warrants issued by the Tribunal. Many accused persons
have been arrested and prosecuted. Thus, criminal law also can be and is a matter
of international law.
Our legal system may be expected to face global problems differently than in
the past, when the disputes of nations were resolved through negotiations, the UN,
or war. During World War II, Japanese-Americans were interred because of un-
founded fears of espionage and disloyalty, presenting domestic constitutional is-
sues. In the twenty-first century, we are faced with the reality that the nature of war
has changed. New electronically guided long-range missiles, so-called “Star Wars”
weapons, are becoming increasingly threatening. Nuclear proliferation remains a
serious challenge to international security. Moreover, weaponry now available in
world markets can easily deliver genetically engineered toxins, diseases, and poi-
sons over a wide area, resulting in the possible relaxation of domestic constitutional
law, sacrificing the rights of individuals in the interest of general safety. Wars may
be less likely to involve countries than to involve unidentified groups of people
who, through acts of terrorism, fight for the political, financial, and religious issues
they support. Thus, public security measures may involve restrictions on individual
liberty by construction of fences or walls with temporary or permanent exclusion
of citizens from public places. Electronic eavesdropping, by court authorization,
already is being dramatically increased because it is an effective weapon against ter-
rorists and criminals. Airport security continues to increase—and passengers are
subject to warrantless searches. Many searches are based on stereotypes of personal
appearances and behavior. Freedom of speech notwithstanding, jokingly mention-
ing a bomb while on or near an airplane is a criminal offense. Thus, international
dangers affect both international and domestic law.
procedural law
General principles and
detailed rules that define
Procedural and Substantive Law
the methods of adminis- Procedural law consists of all the rules, or mechanisms, for processing civil and
tering substantive law. criminal cases through the federal and state judicial systems. Some cynics call it
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 23
“lawyers’ law” since its complexities and technicalities provide employment for
Procedural law, in its pretrial aspects, may dictate the dates and time limits
within which papers must be filed, the size of paper to be used by attorneys, the
size of print to be used, the fees that must be paid for the various documents upon
filing them with the court, what information must be contained in legal papers,
how witnesses and parties can be orally examined before trial, when and where the
trial will be held, what witnesses may be called, what issues may be presented to the
trial court, and so on.
In its trial aspects, procedural law dictates how the jury may be selected, where
the parties may sit in the courtroom and even if they may stand, what evidence may
be offered to the jury, what questions may be asked of witnesses, and so on.
It is noteworthy that a separate body of procedural law governs the mechanics
of processing appeals, and procedural law for civil cases differs from that for crimi-
nal cases. In short, the procedural law is as complex as it is vast, and cases that
might have been won on their merits have been lost because of bad decisions re-
garding the applicable procedural law. A frequent type of attorney malpractice
(professional negligence) involves procedural law mistakes, such as missing a criti-
cal deadline. If an attorney fails to comply with the civil procedural law, the court
may, as a penalty, dismiss the case, with the result that the attorney’s client loses. If
a prosecutor fails to comply with the criminal procedural law, the court may dis-
miss the case and set the defendant free. Some of you may already have experi-
enced this happy event when you went to court to challenge a citation for a traffic
infraction. Because the citing officer was too busy with other duties and did not ap-
pear to testify, your case was dismissed.
Procedural law is so important that it receives basic constitutional protection
in the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (made applicable to the states by
the Fourteenth Amendment, as explained in Chapter 2). The Sixth Amendment, as
interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, requires that the government provide each
citizen with procedural due process in criminal proceedings, including the right to
have the advice of an attorney even if the accused is indigent, the right to confront
accusers in a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, and the right to be heard
and to present a defense.
In 1985, Charles Ng was charged with torturing and murdering
a dozen people in a California cabin where they had been kept
as sex slaves. Ng fled to Canada, where he was arrested. But Canada refused
to return him to California because California has a death penalty. After six
years, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled that Ng must be extradited to the
United States to stand trial. Meanwhile, the police had inadvertently de-
stroyed some bullets and blood samples needed in the case. One key witness
had died. Ng continued to use the procedural laws to challenge every attor-
ney appointed for him and every judge assigned to preside over the trial.
The files in the case were reported to weigh about six tons—which hopefully
is an exaggeration. On February 24, 1999, he was found guilty of 11 murders
and sentenced to death, marking with that date commencement of the
appeals process. The exhaustion of appeals takes several more years. Was
Ng deprived of his right to a speedy trial? 26
24 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
No. Charles Ng waived his right to a speedy trial, believing, no doubt, that the pas-
sage of time was in his best interest. The public has no constitutional right to a
speedy trial of criminal defendants. This case symbolizes a low point in the history
of the procedural law.
Clearly, the challenge of providing the mechanics for the processing of myriad
cases of widely different nature has resulted in a complex body of procedural law.
State and federal procedural laws are created by statute and by the courts them-
selves in publications called rules of court.
substantive law Substantive law, in contrast to procedural law, defines duties, establishes
General principles and rights, and prohibits wrongs. Substantive law prohibits murder, requires a real es-
detailed rules that define tate agent to be licensed, and imposes speed limits and registration requirements
legal rights and duties. on automobile drivers. Earlier, it was observed that in 1998 Nevada had no law
criminalizing inaction, and therefore David Cash, Jr., was not guilty of a crime for
failing to render assistance to the young girl murdered by Jeremy Strohmeyer.
Such conduct is a crime in some states under their criminal substantive laws. The
issue of which state’s law should apply to Cash, a California resident, and the time
limits within which he must be prosecuted, are questions of the procedural law.
hammenu.htm Today, the surviving codes inscribed on rock steles can be viewed at the Louvre
Museum in Paris, France.27
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 25
Sam Kroger, seventy-five years of age and a resident of Sun
City, Arizona, uses his golf cart for trips to the store and a recre-
ation center. Most residents of this retirement community also rely on golf
carts for transportation. But cars also use the roads and accidents happen.
Should Kroger be required by law to equip his golf cart with seat belts, turn
signals, a windshield, and mirrors? 28
Under federal law, Sam Kroger is required to equip his golf cart as indicated. The
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (an administrative agency) has
adopted rules to that effect, which some compare to similar state laws requiring
motorcycle riders to wear helmets. Is it sufficient that a proposed law will, in all
likelihood, protect family members from some perceived harm? Or should the po-
tential good of a proposed law be balanced against its potential intrusiveness? But
good, bad, or indifferent, golf carts are motor vehicles and, when on public streets,
are subject to regulation like other vehicles.
Lawyers often refer to themselves in terms such as “trial lawyer,” “corporate
lawyer,” “labor lawyer,” or “lobbyist.” As noted in Chapter 4, when you need an at-
torney, you may need a specialist. Most specialists in the law have their own profes-
sional organizations, such as Trial Lawyers Associations and the National Academy
of Elder Law Attorneys. A licensed attorney may practice in any field of law, but in
many states the body regulating lawyers permits only those lawyers who have met
certain standards of education and experience to become certified and to advertise
themselves as certified specialists in the following fields: criminal law; family law;
immigration and nationality law; taxation law; workers’ compensation law; and pro-
bate, estate planning, and trust law. Other attorneys may practice law in those
areas, but they cannot hold themselves out as certified specialists.
We also hope that your study of law will aid you in decision making. Is an ac-
tion legal? What are the legal consequences of stated behaviors? What should you
do? Concern about whether a decision is morally or ethically correct should also
be an important part of decision making. Is an action ethically correct? Which
choice is the morally correct choice? We thus believe a brief discussion of ethics is
worthwhile to aid in developing your decision-making ability. As an educated per-
son you should be prepared to make, articulate, and defend the moral correctness
of your decisions. Stating that an action is legally correct is usually not enough.
Thus, it is helpful to define some terms and provide a few examples of ethical
decision-making approaches used to assist people in choosing correct or right
Part of one chapter in a book cannot teach a person to be ethical, but a conver-
sation about ethics can
• Identify the nature of ethics.
• Provide some useful theories and tools for personal ethical decision making.
• Provide a framework for solving inevitable conflict which results from differ-
ing moral standards and application abilities.
• Provide information to help one evaluate the professional integrity of advisors
and service providers (this discussion is part of Chapter 4).
Why Study Ethics?
research/iep/e/ethics.htm Moral issues feature again and again in the complex problems that we face in the
world today. In a global economy with limited resources and unlimited consumer
needs, we must grapple with issues of equitable distribution of products and ser-
vices. As e-communications become ubiquitous, we are faced with the challenge of
interacting with people far removed from our culture, experience, and accessibility.
morals The world is changing so rapidly that we measure time in nanoseconds. In the
Values concerning right new order of instantaneous exchange, it is critical to develop the ability to identify,
and wrong.
articulate, and defend the morality of decisions. It is no longer possible to solve
problems in moral isolation. Accordingly, we must develop the ability to reach ra-
moral problem tional resolutions to problems in a consistent, orderly fashion. Integrity must
solving inform the problem-solving process; consistency must define it.
Conflict-resolution pro-
There are many obstacles to making sound ethical decisions. Faulty reasoning,
cess aimed at solving
false premises, hidden values, unexamined beliefs, and double standards threaten
conflicts involving moral
the satisfactory conclusion to conflicts both complex and straightforward. Doing
dilemmas through com-
munication, education,
the right thing requires the disentanglement of a sometimes complex web of inter-
and negotiation. Broad related values and viewpoints. Recognition and a more than cursory understanding
term describes interrela- of different theoretical perspectives are essential.
tional rather than individ- Most of our discussion on ethics will focus on the nature of morals and moral
ual process. problem solving. However, one should be aware that the law requires lawyers and
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 27
judges to obey a code of conduct (code of ethics) in addition to, distinct from, and code of ethics
even sometimes at odds with generally applicable standards of conduct. In addition, A systematic statement of
effective management of one’s affairs, both personal and commercial, may require agreed-upon moral rules
the assistance of other professional advisors such as accountants, insurance agents, for a profession, business,
and financial planners. As professionals, they, too, promise to conduct themselves or group.
During that half hour, Kitty Genovese was stabbed three times. Had a call been
made to police after the first attack, perhaps she could have been saved. (Actually, a
call was made some 30 minutes after the first attack, but it was too late.) 31
Were there no good people in this Queens neighborhood in 1964? Why didn’t
anyone call the police or come to the young woman’s rescue? Is this incident a Read about the killing of
demonstration of the sinister side of that New York community’s character? Is it a Kitty Genovese at
symbol of a neighborhood’s collective apathy? One cannot help but wonder what http://www.newsday.com/
was going on in the minds of the 38 neighbors who watched the attacks. Did they community/guide/lihistory/
all conclude that no action was appropriate in this instance and that the right thing ny-history-hs818a,0,7944135.story
to do in that neighborhood was not to aid someone in distress?
Although the law often provides instructions for community behavior, no New
York law required any witness to report the crime to police. No New York law re-
quired any bystander to come to the young woman’s aid. Absent some relationship
with the woman, no one had a legal obligation to save her life. But is there a moral
obligation to help an innocent victim? Although this incident occurred many years
ago, it continues to be addressed in books, articles, and Web sites. Questions focus
on why the neighbors did not act.
For purposes of this text, the killing of Kitty Genovese provides a real-life situ-
ation for learning how to apply different standards of ethical behavior and reason
through a moral dilemma.
28 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Is it wrong to cheat on an examination? Assume that no one
will ever know you cheated and that cheating will help you get
into a good college. Further assume that you intend to devote yourself after
college to the service of others.
Duty-Based Ethics This question weighs the “end or consequences” of the action
against the “means” used to attain the end. With duty-based ethics, if you believe duty-based ethics
that you have an ethical duty not to cheat or lie, these acts can never be justified by The doctrine that actions
the consequences. This is true even if the consequences are charitable or desirable. are morally correct if they
In American culture, the dominant duty-based ethical standards come from reli- comply with existing obli-
gious sources. gations owed another or
Religious Ethics The Western religious tradition—more specifically, the Judeo-
Christian religious tradition—is rooted in the belief that certain absolute truths
have been revealed through the prophets, the Torah, the Bible, and religious insti-
tutions. The “Thou shalt not’s” of the Ten Commandments and Christ’s instruc-
tions to help and care for others (“Love thy neighbor as thyself ”) are examples.
These teachings establish for those who believe in them an absolute ethical duty. It
is not the consequences of an act but the nature of the act itself that determines
whether it is ethical.
Leah Jordan decides to rob the rich to help the poor, like the
English legend of Robin Hood. She has acted unethically de-
spite her humane motive. She has “sinned” because stealing violates the
Seventh Commandment (“Thou shalt not steal”).
The Golden Rule (“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”) also
expects compassionate treatment of others to a certain extent. This rule has been
adopted in some form by most religions.
The principle of the Golden Kant and Duty-Based Ethics A duty-based approach to ethics not expressly based on
Rule appears in most of the religion is characteristic of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). Kant
world’s religions. At the be-
identified some general guiding principles of moral behavior. He believed in the
ginning of this Web site on
fundamental worth of human beings and that each person was endowed with moral
planning a Golden Rule
Workshop, see a compila-
integrity and the capacity to reason and conduct their affairs rationally without re-
tion of interesting quotes
sort to religious precept.
from Thirteen Sacred Kantian ethical reasoning gives philosophical weight to the Golden Rule. But
Texts at the Golden Rule merely urges us to “do unto to others as we would have them do
unto us.” Kant’s approach forces us to look at the larger picture and asks everyone
to treat others as free individuals equal to everyone else. Thus, we have the duty to
workshopweb.htm treat everyone with dignity and the right to expect such treatment from others.
What would society be like if everybody acted as we did? Would it be positive or
negative? Kant’s theory forces us to look at and evaluate, from an objective point of
view, social goals as well as our personal desires and welfare when considering our
http:// The central premise in Kantian ethics is that the morality of conduct depends
Read more about Imman- on the guiding principle, not on the results or consequences of the conduct. One
uel Kant and his ethical must follow the guiding principle no matter what the circumstance. Kant called
theory at The Internet En- these no-matter-what principles categorical imperatives. They are absolute rules.
cyclopedia of Philosophy at
iep/k/kantmeta.htm LEGAL FOCUS–EXAMPLE
You are thinking about whether to cheat on an examination. If
you agree with Kant’s categorical imperative, you will decide
not to cheat because if everyone cheats, the examination is meaningless.
Similarly, you would not cut in line to purchase a ticket for a music concert
because if everyone else cut in line, the line would disappear and chaos
would result.
The strength of Kant’s duty theory lies in its relative simplicity. The Kantian
model is easily applied. Determining the absolute rule and applying it to the real-
world situation is all that is required to identify ethical conduct. Predictions about
how others will be affected by one’s actions are not necessary although conse-
quences do play an important role in defining the nature of conduct and formulat-
ing the categorical rule. Conduct is evaluated based on an unyielding rule: Either
the rule was followed or it was not. The effect of conduct is not determinative
when evaluating the moral correctness of a specific action.
Problems with Duty-Based Ethics The efficacy of duty-based ethics is also its major
shortcoming. Duty-based theory does not give clear guidance on resolving complex
ethical dilemmas. Ethical decision making may involve fulfilling not just one ethical
responsibility but several. When one ethical duty conflicts with another, you have
to decide which is the most fundamental and act accordingly. Duty-based ethics
provides no mechanism for prioritizing conflicting duties.
Duty-based ethics has other problems. There can be disagreements about
which duties exist. Different religions, while often agreeing on many things, dis-
agree fundamentally on others. Kant’s formulas are not very precise. Are there lim-
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 31
its to obligations? If so, what are those limits? Is it morally correct to kill in order
to survive? Sometimes, applying religious or Kantian ethics is difficult.
A business executive negotiating with another firm’s represen-
tatives may feel it necessary to stretch the truth or hold back
information. The reason may be to get the best deal for the executive’s em-
ployer. Is this a violation of the religious teaching that one should not lie or
of Kant’s categorical imperative?
Yes, it is probably unethical in both religious and Kantian terms. Remember, how-
ever, that the executive also owes an ethical duty to his or her employer to make
decisions that are profitable. Assume that the executive knows that, unless the deal
is made, the employer will have to lay off several long-time employees. These em-
ployees depend on the firm for food on their table. Is “stretching the truth” consis-
tent with the religious ethical duty to be compassionate toward others? Is it consis-
tent with the Kantian imperative to act only as we would have all others act?
The executive may conclude that the ethical duty to be fully honest is more
fundamental than the duty owed the business. This decision may include a personal
cost, such as the loss of a raise, which may affect the executive’s family. Alterna-
tively, the executive might decide that the ethical duty owed to the business and its
employees is the more fundamental one. The example illustrates that often ethical
decisions are not clear-cut. Decisions involve choices, not between good and bad
alternatives but between good and less good alternatives.
Apostasy in Afghanistan
It is hard to imagine a country with a more tortured history than Afghani-
stan. Although lacking natural resources generally associated with wealth,
its strategically important geographical location has made it a much invaded
and conquered country. Invasions and revolutions are usual precursors to
new legal systems. A new constitution was adopted in this ancient country in
2004 (or 1382 on the Afghanistan calendar). This young legal system and an-
cient culture were challenged in 2006 when the world community became
aware of the trial of Abdul Rahman for the crime of apostasy (formal renun-
ciation of one’s religion) because of his conversion several years earlier to
Christianity. Among the operative Afghanistan legal rules are these appar-
ently contradictory laws.
• The constitution declares Afghanistan to be an Islamic Republic with no
law “contrary to Islam.”
• Apostasy—the rejection of Islam in favor of another religion is consid-
ered contrary to Islam—and a crime punishable by death by hanging.
• The constitution also states that Afghanistan shall be bound by the
United Nations Charter, international treaties, signed international
conventions, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18,
32 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
What happened? Rahman was released based on “a lack of evidence.” He left the
country shortly after his release and is reportedly living in Italy.33
Utilitarianism “Thou shalt act so as to generate the greatest good for the greatest
utilitarianism number.” This is a paraphrase of the major premise of utilitarianism. This philo-
An ethical doctrine hold- sophical theory was first developed by Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832). In contrast to
ing that determining duty-based moral theory, utilitarianism is outcome oriented. It focuses on the con-
right conduct is based on sequences of an action. It does not focus on the nature of the action itself or on any
consequences; that the set of preestablished moral values or religious beliefs.
purpose of the behavior
should be the greatest
happiness of the greatest Right and Wrong in Utilitarianism Under a utilitarian model of ethics, an action is
number. morally correct or right when, among people it affects, it produces the greatest
amount of good for the greatest number of people. When an action affects the ma-
jority adversely, it is morally wrong. Applying the utilitarian theory thus requires
(1) a determination of the alternate actions available in a given situation, (2) a de-
termination of who will be affected by these actions, (3) an assessment, or cost-
benefit analysis, of the negative and positive effects of each alternative action on
these individuals, and (4) a choice among the alternatives that will produce the
maximum societal utility.
http:// The major strength of utilitarian ethics is its flexible application. Duty-based
For a list of resources on ethics admits no exceptions or justifications for deviation from the moral standard.
utilitarianism, see In contrast, utilitarians reject the notion that certain conduct is always right or al-
http://www.utilitarianism ways wrong. For example, utilitarians would deny that stealing is always wrong. Uti-
.com/ litarians consider the circumstances. A balancing of the harms resulting from un-
equivocal application of the moral standard is performed. Justifiable deviations are
identified. Stealing would be morally acceptable if more good than harm would re-
sult from the theft. If a single mother of four, unemployed and starving, stole a loaf
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 33
of bread from a supermarket, utilitarians would conclude that the theft was justified
because five lives would be saved from starvation as weighed against the lost reve-
nue (approximately $2.50) to the supermarket.
Another advantage of utilitarianism over absolutism is that utilitarianism may
be applied in situations where moral standards collide. Since the practical applica-
tion of the absolute duty approach offers no scheme for resolving inevitable con-
flict among moral standards, the conflict is irresolvable under that model.
In situations that require a choice among competing moral values, the ranking
of moral values is predicated on the consequences of alternative actions. The action
resulting in the greatest social benefit or the least cost to society is deemed to be
the proper course. Where the practical application of duty-based ethics would pro-
duce a moral predicament, utilitarian application produces a solution, however
Problems with Utilitarianism Utilitarianism also suffers from some problems. An accu-
rate calculation of overall welfare, happiness, or utility requires knowledge of what
the actual consequences, both negative and positive, of a given decision will be.
Rarely, if ever, can all possibilities of a decision be accurately predicted. This is es-
pecially true with decisions that affect millions of people.
It is difficult to measure good and bad. What are your values? The cost-benefit
method of measuring good and bad still requires the decision maker to assign
values to expected outcomes. It isn’t easy.
Another problem with utilitarianism is that it usually involves winners and losers.
It is sometimes impossible to satisfy everyone with a policy action based on utility.
Tim Johnson, a manufacturer, owns many manufacturing
plants. One of the plants is much older than the others. Equip-
ment at the old plant is outdated and inefficient. The costs of production at
the plant are twice that of any of Johnson’s other plants. The product price
cannot be increased because of competition. What should Johnson do about
the plant?
In a utilitarian analysis of the problem, the costs of closing the plant, including the
financial burden of laid-off employees, is weighed against the benefits of closing
the plant. Benefits include the future financial security of the firm and the employ-
ees who retain their jobs at the other plants. If Johnson decides the issue from a
utilitarianism perspective, he may close the plant. Closing the plant will yield the
greatest benefit for the largest number of people. The winners are those helped by
the decision. The losers are the workers now unemployed at the old plant.
Utilitarianism is criticized because it is an objective, calculated approach to a
problem. It reduces human beings to plus and minus signs on a cost-benefit work-
sheet. Utilitarian reasoning has also been used to “justify” human costs that many situational ethics
find unacceptable. Term used disparagingly
The strongest criticism of utilitarian theory is that an end-justifies-the-means to describe an “end-
maxim supplants the moral code. Situational ethics is a term often used disparag- justifies-the-means”
ingly to describe such reasoning. In other words, ethical principle is minimized in maxim supplanting duty
favor of net social gain. or obligation.
34 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Moral Reasoning
An important learning objective of this section is to help you develop a framework
for moral problem solving. The following discussion will help you organize your
thinking about what your personal philosophy is and how to apply it in an orderly
fashion to circumstances for which you have little or no experience.
We present a rational approach to evaluating situations, but not the answers.
We offer a method, not a conclusion. It is a compass, not a roadmap, only directions.
Moral reasoning is a process of testing whether a given action is right or wrong.
deductive logic It also determines moral responsibility or culpability. It uses deductive logic. De-
A method of logical rea- ductive logic is a method of logical reasoning from two or more propositions to a
soning from two or more conclusion. Inferences are drawn from a general premise to a specific premise. The
propositions to a conclu- argument is sound if the propositions on which the conclusion is based are true and
sion. Inferences are if the inferences are valid.
drawn from a general
Deduction may be understood as a pattern or syllogism. Syllogisms help to
premise to a specific
organize thinking so that a valid conclusion is reached. Syllogisms help to identify
premise. The conclusion is
valid if the propositions
incorrect premises and flawed thinking. Moral reasoning follows the following
on which the conclusion pattern:
is based are true.
Proposition One (general premise)
Proposition Two (specific, factual, or situational premise)
A pattern of deductive
logic that contains a ma- Conclusion (moral determination)
jor or general premise, a
minor or specific premise,
The general premise is the moral/ethical standard. The situational premise is the
and a conclusion, always
in that order. The conclu-
conduct (“what happened” or “what contemplated conduct”) being scrutinized.
sion follows from the pre- The conclusion is the product of applying the ethical standard to the conduct. It is
mises but is not a premise the evaluation as to whether conduct was proper or improper as measured against
itself. the moral standard.
Consider the Kitty Genovese case, discussed earlier, under the utilitarian model
and compare it with the Kantian model. Under the utilitarian model, failing to
come to the rescue could be morally justified.
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 35
General premise One should come to the rescue of helpless living beings un-
less doing so would cause greater harm in the community.
Factual premise Coming to the rescue of a helpless woman (Kitty Genovese)
while her vicious attacker was stabbing her could have re-
sulted in a multiple murder—greater harm. (Note: Predict-
ing a likely result—a multiple murder—of the asserted fail-
ure to act, here a failure to come to the rescue—is
necessary to reach a conclusion in utilitarian analysis.)
Moral Failing to come to the rescue of Kitty Genovese was morally
determination proper since coming to her aid could have meant more
people would have been murdered.
Under duty-based models, failing to come to the rescue of Kitty Genovese is not
morally acceptable.
General premise Moral people must always come to the rescue of a helpless
living being.
Factual premise Kitty Genovese was helpless at the hands of her vicious
Moral Since no one who witnessed the attack of Kitty Genovese, a
determination helpless living being, came to her rescue, no witness acted
Note that the different conclusions under the utilitarian and duty-based models are
the result of the variation in the general premise, not a variation in the logical pro-
cess. The pattern of reasoning remains the same; only the standard changed. To
summarize, moral reasoning is a deductive process that follows the same pattern re-
gardless of which ethical standard is applied: Determine the moral standard (gen-
eral premise). Apply the moral standard to the situation (factual premise). Decide
whether action was right or wrong.
Individuals are not born with the ability to understand and apply moral stan-
dards.35 People need to learn how to translate their personal philosophy into ac-
tion. It requires inquiry, comparison, and reflection. It takes practice.
There are pitfalls to understanding ethics in general and moral problem solv-
ing in particular. Much of the terminology of ethics is used interchangeably. For
example, the terms morals and ethics are often used synonymously. They are distin-
guishable, however. Morals are precepts or values held as beliefs. In contrast, ethics
are the realization of those beliefs as standards of conduct or as evidenced by an act
or failure to act.
Sometimes it is unclear whether one is referring to the moral standard (the
rule) or the moral conclusion (the result of applying the standard to the situation).
The two are distinct and especially so when one learns how to separate the steps of
the moral reasoning process.
For learning purposes, it is critical to watch your language. For clarity, use vo-
cabulary to distinguish conceptually distinct phases of the moral reasoning process
and label the component terms carefully. For example, the statement “That’s im-
moral” is an assertion that could mean the behavior is wrong. But, by what standard?
It may not be a final conclusion, either. The behavior may be excused or justified.
Translating Moral Philosophy into Action The process of moral problem solving
must be broken down, step by step.
36 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Step One First, you must break down the moral reasoning process. Separate facts
from the moral premise (ethical rule or standard) and the moral premise from the
moral judgment (application of the ethical rule). Be aware that moral standards are
often implicit. Distinguishing among statements is helpful in separating the stan-
dard from the facts of the situation. Some statements are matters of fact. They do
not assert a value judgment. Other statements are value laden.
Statements that reflect no value judgment are objective. They are what is so.
nonnormative These statements are referred to as positive or nonnormative statements.
statements Statements that reflect what should be or how one should act are called
Statements that reflect normative statements. They tell what someone deems socially acceptable. The
no value judgment. statement is subjective.
Practice in developing the ability to recognize one’s own values and those of
normative others begins with distinguishing between normative and nonnormative state-
statements ments. Again, it helps to watch your language and keep phases of the moral reason-
Statements that reflect ing process separate.
what should be or how
one should act. Nonnormative Statements
• This legislative session, Congress lowered taxes.
• The new state building has more offices than the older one.
Normative Statements
• Lowering taxes is bad because it will fuel inflation.
• Producing oil is more important than protecting the environment.
• It was not necessary to build a new state building.
It is not always easy to recognize the difference between normative and nonnorma-
tive statements. One clue is that normative statements are asserted in a way that
indicates both the conclusion and a justification or reason for the conclusion. The
reason could be express or implied.
If we change the statement “Lowering taxes is bad because it will fuel infla-
tion,” to simply “Lowering taxes is bad,” we are implying that if asked we can pro-
vide some justification for the statement.
Nonnormative statements are matters of fact. They don’t beg for reasons to
validate their accuracy.
Another way to tell whether a sentence is normative or nonnormative is to
ask, “Does it tell how? Why? Why not?” If the statement expressly or impliedly
answers these questions, then it’s probably normative.
Step Two Once you have isolated the moral standard, gather all relevant facts—just
the facts. What happened? When? Where? Who? Be sure you have enough facts to
determine the moral standard. It is critical to be accurate and complete, to use only
relevant facts,36 and to separate the facts from the moral standard.
Step Three Using deductive logic, apply the moral standard to the facts of the
situation. The result will be the moral determination.
This three-step process will result in a rational outcome, although it will not
resolve all ethical dilemmas. Different people have differing moral philosophies
and varying abilities to solve moral problems. However, this process will help you
resolve moral conflicts in a coherent, rational way. Now you are prepared to articu-
late, defend, and negotiate for your moral conclusion. Let the moral problem-
solving process begin.
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 37
Civil liability is concerned with the victim. The object of civil liability is to put
victims back in the position they were in before the wrongful act, or as nearly as
possible. A determination that a person is liable necessitates compensation for the
victim, usually in the form of monetary payment. In theory, the law’s focus is on
paying the victim back rather than on reproving the wrongdoer.
A moral breach may involve contempt, banishment, excommunication, or iso-
lation. It may look and feel like punishment, but it does not entail imposition of
penalty by the government.
reading cases, a student can see the legal problems of people and how the law is
used to resolve these problems.
At the conclusion of each text chapter, we present a case to provide you with a
real-life illustration of how courts interpret and apply the law. Other court deci-
sions are referred to in footnotes and endnotes throughout the text, and some of
the end-of-chapter problems are based on actual legal disputes. This section offers
a brief introduction to case citations, the legal “shorthand” used to identify court
Although the court system is discussed in detail in Chapter 3, repeating one
broad distinction we discussed earlier is important. There are two types of courts,
trial and appellate. A trial court is where two parties each present their version of
the facts of a legal dispute and receive a decision or ruling. Appellate courts exist to
review the actions of lower courts (trial or lower appellate courts) and to correct
their mistakes of law.
N.E. is the abbreviation for West’s publication of state court decisions rendered in the northeastern region
of the National Reporter System. 2d indicates that this case was included in the second series of those
MASS. is an abbreviation for Massachusetts Reports, Massachusetts’ official reports of the decisions of its highest court,
the supreme judicial court, which is comparable to other states’ supreme courts.
The numbers 398 and 496 refer to reporter’s volumes. The numbers 254 and 827 refer to the first pages in those volumes on
which this case can be found.
Cal. Rptr. is the abbreviation for West’s unofficial reports—titled California Reporter—of the decisions of
California courts.
Cal. is an abbreviation for California Reports. This is the official state publication for the decisions of the highest California
court, the state supreme court.
Federal Courts
S.Ct. is an abbreviation for the Supreme Court Reporter, part of the West Publishing Company’s National
Reporter System, L.Ed. is an abbreviation for Lawyer’s Editions U.S. Supreme Court Reports. Both of these
publications are private unofficial reports of U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
U.S. is an abbreviation for the United States Reports. This is the official federal publication for the decisions of the highest U.S.
court, the Supreme Court.
9th Cir. is an abbreviation denoting that this case was decided in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth
F. is an abbreviation for Federal Reporter, a part of the West Publishing Company’s National Reporter System. This publication
reports cases from the U.S. Court of Appeal.
S.D.N.Y. is an abbreviation indicating that the U.S. District Circuit for the Southern District of New York
decided this case.
F.Supp. is an abbreviation for Federal Supplement, a part of the West Publishing National Reporter System. This publication
reports cases from the U.S. district courts.
*The case names (for example, Roe v. Wade), have been deleted from these citations to emphasize the publications. It should be kept in mind,
however, that the name of a case is as important as the specific page numbers in the volumes in which it is found. If a citation is incorrect, the
correct citation may be found in a publication’s index of case names. The date of a case is also important, both to provide a check on error in
citations and because a recent case is likely to have more value as an authority than earlier cases.
This information makes up what is called the citation. Citing a reporter by volume citation, legal
number, name, and page number, in that order, is common to all citations. Abbreviated reference to
When more than one reporter is cited for the same case, each reference is a variety of legal authori-
called a parallel citation. For example, consider the following case: Quality Motors, ties including court cases.
Inc. v. Hays, 216 Ark. 264, 225 S.W.2d 326 (1949). The opinion in this case can be
found in volume 216 of the Arkansas Reports on page 264. The parallel citation is to
volume 225 of the South Western Reporter, second series, page 326.
40 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
In cases presented in the text, we provide the citation, the name of the court
hearing the case, and the year of the court’s decision. A few of the states—including
those with more than one appellate court, such as California, Illinois, and New
York—have more than one reporter for the state court opinions. Sample citations
are listed and explained in Exhibit 1.1.
Case Titles In the title of a case, such as Adams v. Jones, the v. or vs. stands for ver-
sus, which means “against.” If the case is at the trial court level, the plaintiff—the
person who files the suit—would be the first name mentioned, Adams. The second
name, Jones, would be the defendant—the person who is sued. If the case is an ap-
pellate court case, however, often the original plaintiff cannot be determined from
the case title. Some appellate courts retain the trial court order of names, but many
place the name of the party appealing the decision first, so the case might be called
Jones v. Adams. You must read the facts of each case carefully to identify each party.
Terminology You will frequently find the following terms and phrases in court
unanimous opinions and legal publications.
A judicial decision with Decisions and OpinionsMost appellate or reviewing court decisions are explained in
complete agreement by writing. A decision contains the opinion (the court’s reasons for its decision), the
all judges. rules of law that apply, and the judgment. Appellate courts consist of a panel of
three or more judges and there are four types of written opinions for cases decided
majority opinion by these appellate courts.
A written opinion by a
judge outlining the views
1. When the judges unanimously agree on an opinion, the opinion is written for
of the majority of the the entire court and is called a unanimous opinion.
judges of the court decid- 2. When the opinion is not unanimous, a majority opinion is written. This opin-
ing the case. ion outlines the views of the majority of the judges deciding the case.
3. Often, a judge who feels strongly about making a point that was not made in
concurring the unanimous or majority opinion will write a concurring opinion. The
opinion judge agrees (concurs) with the judgment given in the unanimous or majority
A written opinion opinion, but for different reasons.
wherein a judge agrees 4. If the opinion is not unanimous, a dissenting opinion may be written by a
(concurs) with the result judge who disagrees with the majority. The dissenting opinion is important
reached by another because it may form the basis of arguments used years later to overrule the
judge, but for different majority opinion.
reasons from those stated
by the other judge.
Judges and Justices The terms judge and justice are simply different names given to
dissenting judges in different courts. All members of the U.S. Supreme Court, for example,
opinion are called justices. “Justice” is also the formal title given to judges of appellate
A written opinion by a
courts. In New York, a justice is a judge of the trial court (which is called the su-
judge or judges who preme court), and a member of the court of appeals (the state’s highest court) is
vote(s) contrary to the called a judge. The term justice is commonly abbreviated to J., and justices to JJ.
majority opinion and A Supreme Court case might refer to Justice Kennedy as Kennedy, J.; or to
holding of the court. Chief Justice Roberts, Jr., as Roberts, C. J.
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 41
Appellants and AppelleesAn appellant is a party who appeals a case to another court. appellant or
An appellant is sometimes called a petitioner, usually when the case involves a petitioner
matter in equity. An appellee is the party against whom an appeal is made. This The party who appeals to
party is sometimes called the respondent, usually when the case involves a matter a higher court for review
in equity. of a lower court ruling.
A Note on Abbreviations In court opinions, and in other areas of this text, certain appellee or
words in firm and organization names are abbreviated. Various terms for corpora- respondent
tions, Corporation, Company, Incorporated, and Limited, for example, frequently ap- The party who, on ap-
pear in their abbreviated forms as Corp., Co., Inc., and Ltd. Legislation and statutes peal, defends the earlier
are often referred to by their initials. To prevent confusion, we will give the com- court determination.
plete name of each statute when it is first mentioned in the text. We also identify
how we will refer to it in the future. For example, the Uniform Commercial Code
is commonly referred to as the UCC.
We provide at least one case at the end of each chapter. We briefly introduce
each case but we leave the discussion of the case in the language of the court (al-
though we have edited the court opinion for reasons of space and time). Knowing
how to find and read a court opinion is an important step in legal research. A fur-
ther step involves “briefing” the case to help one understand it. Legal researchers
routinely brief cases by summarizing and reducing the opinions to their most im-
portant elements. A discussion on how to brief a case and a sample brief of the fol-
lowing case is provided in Appendix A.
42 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Eric J: v: Betty M: The Court of Appeals Dist: 4
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
1 2
76 Cal: App: 4th 715, 90 Cal: Rptr: 2d 549 ð1999Þ
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflffl{zfflfflffl}
3 4 5
Robert brought home his new girlfriend, Helen, and between Robert and Helen, and, by Thanksgiv-
her eight-year-old son, Eric, to meet his mother, ing 1989, Robert invited Helen and Eric for an
father, brothers, sister, and their assorted spouses. overnight stay at the home of his mother Dor-
The relationship between Robert and Helen contin- othy in Big Bear so she and Eric could meet
ued and Helen and Eric were guests several times in some of the rest of his family. Besides Dorothy,
various family homes. It was later discovered that Robert’s family consists of his father Edwin, his
Robert had sexually molested Eric during some of father’s wife Betty, Robert’s three brothers
these visits at Robert’s family’s homes and that Frank, Phillip and Eddie, and a sister named
6 Robert was on parole for felony child molestation. Diane.
Robert was convicted of molesting Eric and sent back to The members of Robert’s family concluded
prison. Helen filed suit against Robert’s family claiming they had that Helen was his “girlfriend.” Their relationship contin-
a duty to warn her about Robert’s criminal past and the potential ued until early 1992, when Robert moved to Las Vegas.
danger to her child, and having failed that duty they were liable Later that year, one of Helen’s friends saw a special
for monetary damages for the harm suffered by Eric. The trial on television regarding convicts on parole, which showed a
court judge granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss the case picture of a younger, beardless Robert and revealed that he
(nonsuit motion) after the completion of the evidentiary portion of was a convicted molester. She told Helen about the pro-
the trial. gram, and a few days later, Helen took Eric to a police sta-
tion. There, Helen learned that Robert had been molest-
7 Justice Sills delivered the opinion of the court: When ing Eric. In June 1993 Robert was convicted of 23 counts
Robert was released from prison on rehabilitative parole of child molestation. He had never told Helen of his crimi-
after having been convicted of felony child molestation nal history.
four years earlier, his family might have disowned him, but Helen, acting as guardian ad litem [Latin: “for pur-
they didn’t. They accepted him back. And when he found poses of the suit”] for Eric, sued various members of
a girlfriend named Helen—who had an eight-year-old boy Robert’s family. The case came to trial, during which it
named Eric—they did not tell Helen about Robert’s previ- was learned that on several occasions Eric was molested on
ous conviction, no doubt hoping against hope that he had property owned by some of Robert’s family members.
reformed himself. Each of the relatives had various degrees of knowl-
Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to any members edge of Robert’s history. Father Edwin knew the most. He
of the family or Helen herself, Robert began molesting knew about the 1978 and 1984 convictions. Robert came to
Helen’s son early on in his relationship with her. live with him and Betty for a short period after Robert’s
release from prison in 1988, and was visited by a parole of-
Facts and Litigation Background ficer shortly thereafter; she told Edwin that in her opinion
In 1978 Robert was arrested for the misdemeanor of Robert was a “pedophile.” The parole officer also told
“annoying” a minor. He pled no contest and served six Edwin that Robert had agreed to be put on a state parole
months, and was on probation for the next three years. rehabilitation program obligating him to report for psychi-
During that time he committed one probation violation for atric counseling, obtain gainful employment, not be alone
taking four high school freshman boys to dinner without with an unsupervised child, and allow for unannounced in-
supervision. Again he served some time in jail and was spections of his residence.
placed on probation. Edwin also believed that his son was, as he would later
Then in 1984 he was arrested for molesting a 10-year testify in trial “truly repentant of his unfortunate situation
old boy. He again pled no contest, this time to a felony back in 1984 that he was trying to adhere to his parole
count. He served four years in state prison, getting out in very, very vigorously.” Indeed, Robert had voluntarily
August 1988. “participated” in the television special regarding convicts
In June 1989, Robert met Helen and her eight-year- on parole against his father’s advice because, as he told his
old son Eric at Magic Mountain. A relationship developed father, “Dad, I want to do it to show we can succeed. …”
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 43
The testimony was uncontroverted that none of the In Soldano a saloon patron ran across the street to a
defendant family members ever told Helen about Robert’s restaurant to try to phone the police about a threat that
convictions. had been made in the bar. The patron requested the bar-
After the evidence had been completed the trial court tender of the restaurant (in the fairly neutral language
granted nonsuit motions made by the defendants in this which the opinion used to describe the actual facts) to “ei-
appeal; Helen then filed a timely notice of appeal from the ther call the police or allow him to use the [restaurant]
judgment in their favor. On appeal Helen now argues that phone to call the police. The [bartender] allegedly refused
the evidence was susceptible to liability based on either to call the police and allegedly refused to allow the patron
premises liability or general negligence theories. [We have to use the phone to make his own call.” The threat in the
omitted the discussion about premises liability.] saloon eventually escalated into a lethal shooting.
The appellate court reversed the judgment entered af-
ter a summary judgment motion when the son of the man
Discussion who was shot and killed in the saloon sued the restaurant
Absent a “special relationship,” one cannot be held liable across the street. The appellate court began its substantive
for mere nonfeasance, such as not protecting another from discussion by saying the “facts” of the case before it “come
a criminal attack by a third party. (See Totten v. More Oak- very nearly within section 327” of the Restatement Second
land Residential Housing, Inc. (1976) 63 Cal.App.,134 Cal. of Torts, which the court then paraphrased for the rather
Rptr. 29 [“As a basic general principle, in the absence of a noncontroversial point that if you know a third person is
special relationship or circumstance, a private person has going to render aid to another you shouldn’t “prevent” that -8
no duty to protect another from a criminal attack by a person “from doing so.” The opinion then … added the
third person.”].) The basic idea is often referred to as the idea that you shouldn’t “interfere” with another person’s
“no duty to aid rule,” which remains a fundamental and attempt to give aid as well as “prevent” it.
long-standing rule of tort law. As the Supreme Court said The problem with the court’s analysis is that it subtly
in Williams v. State of California (1983) 34 Cal.3d 18, 23, equated the concepts of prevention and interference with
192 Cal.Rptr. 233, 664 P.2d 137: “As a rule, one has no the fact that the bartender had refused to allow a saloon
8 duty to come to the aid of another. A person who has not patron from across the street use the restaurant’s phone.
created a peril is not liable in tort merely for failure to take “Interference” and refusal to allow one’s property to be
affirmative action to assist or protect another unless there commandeered, even for a good purpose, are simply two
is some relationship between them which gives rise to a different things. If the English words “prevent” and “inter-
duty to act.” fere” still mean anything, they necessarily convey the
notion of some sort of affirmative action, not just refusal to
[Helen’s] claim essentially requires this court to depart turn one’s property over to someone else.
from the rule against liability for mere nonfeasance.
Th[e] weighing process … has already been done by
That rule is foundational in California tort jurispru-
courts over the centuries in formulating the “no duty to
dence. The tort law of California does not impose
mandatory good samaritanism. aid” rule. We need only add that any result other than the
one we reach today under the facts of this case would cre-
Helen argues that Soldano v. O’Daniels (1983) 141 Cal. App. ate intolerable conflicts of interest within families.
3d 443, 190 Cal. Rptr. 310 modified the no duty to aid rule. The judgment in favor of the respondents is affirmed. -9
As one commentator has noted, Soldano stands out as the RYLAARSDAM, J., and BEDSWORTH, J., concur. -10
only case in the United States during the thirty year period
since the death of Kitty Genovese that could “be read” as Case Notes
adopting a duty to aid rule, though the commentator who
made that statement also noted that the “court’s apparent 1. The name of the case is Eric J. v. Betty M. Eric J. is the
holding [was] to the contrary.” (See Payne, Linking Tort plaintiff, although as he is a minor, his mother brought
Reform to Fairness and Moral Values (1995) 1995 Det. C.L. the case on his behalf; Betty M. was the first-named
Rev. 1207, 1237.) Soldano did not abrogate the rule against defendant. Other defendants are not named in the
liability for mere nonfeasance. Rather like Justice Scalia’s title.
observation about the famous contracts case of Hadley v. 2. The court deciding the case was the California Court
Baxendale (1854) 156 Eng.Rep. 145 it is an instance of a of Appeals District 4, an intermediate-level court in
court knowing the right rule but simply not applying it the California state court system.
correctly. The time has come to explain why the result in 3. This citation is from the state of California official re-
the case is an aberration in American tort jurisprudence. porter and indicates that this case can be found in
44 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Volume 76 California Appellate Reporter, fourth se- agreed with the result, he or she could write a dissent-
ries, on page 715. ing opinion to explain why. A judge who agreed with
4. This citation is a parallel citation to a West’s state the decision but not the reasons behind it could write
reporter and indicates this case can also be found in a concurring opinion.
Volume 90 of the California Reporter, second series,
on page 549.
5. The case was decided in 1999. For Critical Analysis
6. The authors prepare a short summary of the impor-
tant facts, decision in the law court, and issues to be 1. What do you think of Robert’s family’s conduct?
decided in the case. Should they have disclosed what they knew to Helen?
7. The name of the judge or justice writing the majority Use both Kantian and utilitarian methods of ethical
or unanimous opinion and his or her recitation of im- analysis to determine the duty to disclose, and com-
portant facts, history of this court case, and indication pare results.
of issues in the case to be decided by the court. 2. Is the rule determined by the court a substantive rule
8. The court addresses the legal questions posed by the or procedural rule? Is this a criminal law case or civil
case facts. This is the analysis portion of the case and case? Is this a state law or federal law matter?
the part that shows the use of prior court decisions 3. Several of Robert’s earlier pleas to criminal charges
and the specific reasoning leading to the court’s ulti- were “no contest.” What does that mean? Why would
mate decision. that choice of a plea be made? Use the text index,
9. The holding or decision of the court. glossary, or the Internet to find the answer. ❚❚
10. The remaining members of the panel concur, so this
is a unanimous opinion. If one of the judges had dis-
Chapter 1 >>> Introduction to Law 45
2. Contrast statutory law and case law. How are they 7. Which of the following issues would most likely be
different? What would be some strengths and weak- decided by both state and federal appellate courts?
nesses of each form of law? Texas is one of a few states a. Proper selection of jurors.
that recognize common law marriage. Does that mean b. Whether or not a witness lied during trial.
the law recognizing the marriage is statutory or case c. Whether or not a jury came to the correct
law? decision.
d. Whether or not certain evidence should have
3. Assume a fifty-first state called Columbia enacts the been produced by attorneys during trial.
following statute sections during its 2008 session: e. Whether or not the trial court judge made erro-
a. Makes it illegal for anyone under age 23 to possess neous rulings on objections to evidence.
a can of aerosol spray paint unless that person is
licensed by the state to do so. 8. There are nine U.S. Supreme Court justices today,
b. Establishes an application form and sets a filing just as there were in 1900 when our population was
fee to obtain a spray paint possessor’s license. 76 million. Today, the U.S. population is over
c. Defines the tort of spray paint trespass and indi- 300 million. Which of the following do you think
cates the circumstances under which victims can should be done to rectify this situation?
sue and recover damages from spray painting a. More justices should be appointed to share the
violators. workload.
d. Provides that owners whose properties are wrong- b. A new specialized court should be created to han-
fully spray painted can sue in small claims court dle specified kinds of cases (say criminal appeals,
for damages not to exceed $25,000. only).
e. Makes it a misdemeanor to sell or give a c. Our justices should be paid more.
spray paint can to any unlicensed person under d. Can you think of any other possible remedy?
age 23.
With regard to each of the above statute sections, 9. Mandy, a 17-year-old high school student, was spend-
characterize each as either civil or criminal law, public ing Friday night at her friend Kristie’s house. Both
or private law, and procedural or substantive. decided to go to a party at a fellow student’s home.
The parents of the host were away for the weekend.
4. Explain to a friend the following types of court opi- Marijuana and Ecstasy were said to have been used at
nions: majority, concurring, and dissent. the party. It was reported that Mandy told a group of
friends, including Kristie, that she had taken some
5. Attorneys do not have a monopoly upon the legal is- Ecstasy, although no one actually saw her take the
sues within our society because everyone, individual drug.
or corporation, has the constitutional right to repre- Kristie went home without Mandy. As the even-
sent themselves without an attorney. Is this an accu- ing wore on, Mandy complained of feeling sick.
rate generalization? She was given lots of water to drink. (Dehydration is a
common side effect of Ecstasy.) Soon Mandy vomited
6. Identify which of the following acts are crimes and
and was moved to a bedroom to rest.
which are civil wrongs (called torts).
The next morning, Kristie awoke to find that
a. Dirk, brandishing a gun, robs a convenience
Mandy had not returned to sleep at Kristie’s house.
Kristie ran back to the house where the party had
b. Dirk captures and rapes Monica in the parking lot
taken place. She arrived just in time to see Mandy
of a mall.
taken away by ambulance. She was taken to the nearby
c. Dirk shoplifts clothes from his employer’s store.
hospital and pronounced dead on arrival.37
d. Dirk seduces Monica, age 17.
46 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Who will be held responsible for allowing Mandy you were the judge given the quoted legal rules, how
to die? Kristie? The students at the party? The stu- would you rule? Explain and justify your ruling. What
dent whose house was the site of the party? Could are the ethical arguments inherent in this fact situa-
Kristie’s parents be held responsible? The host’s par- tion? How if at all would they affect the court’s rul-
ents? Is there any criminal responsibility? Civil liabil- ing? Would all Muslims agree with the Afghanistan
ity? Would your answer be different if Kristie gave rule regarding apostasy? For research, is apostasy de-
Mandy the drug? As a matter of morality, who would clared a criminal act in the Koran? (The answer is not
be held responsible under utilitarian theory? Kantian in the textbook.)
12. Why are the thousands of often complex state and
10. Refer to the provisions of the Code of Hammurabi federal appellate decisions totaling tens of thousands
provided in the text on page 24. Using modern of pages annually printed in expensive, hardcover
categories of law, characterize each provided rule. books to collect dust in libraries? Why are they made
Procedural or substantive? Public or private? Civil or available on the Internet? Who reads these long and,
criminal? Speculate about the societal purpose of each frankly, often boring recitals of the law, precedents,
rule. and legal theory? Surely, all of these volumes cannot
contain only significant and important cases. Why do
11. Consider the legal dilemma of Abdul Rahman pre- we need volumes on the law of the 1800s, or of the
sented on pages 31–32. In the United States, would a 1920s?
judge offer an opinion about the case to the press? If
Our Constitution
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Define “constitutionalism.”
The layman’s Constitutional view is that
• Distinguish between natural and positive law and
what he likes is Constitutional and that which provide examples of each.
he doesn’t like is unconstitutional. That about • Explain the concept of judicial review.
measures up the Constitutional acumen of the • Describe how power and authority are divided among
average person. the branches of the government under the doctrine of
separation of powers.
Hugo Black, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, New York Times, February 26, 1971. • Explain the organization of the national government
and identify important attributes of each branch.
• Understand and define “federalism.”
• Identify the major processes of citizen legislation.
• Define and provide examples of police power, the
supremacy clause, and the power to tax.
• Explain what the commerce clause is and describe its
• Understand the nature of the Bill of Rights and
provide some examples of restrictions on federal
government and, through the doctrine of
incorporation, state government.
• Discuss the application of the First Amendment to
expressions of free speech and religion.
• Understand the major contentions involving the “right
to bear arms.”
• Understand and be able to discuss the due process
and equal protection clauses and the right to privacy.
48 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
federal_register/electoral WHAT IS CONSTITUTIONALISM?
_college/electoral_college.html Constitutionalism means “a fundamental law, or a fundamental set of principles
and … [an] institutional arrangement, which would [actually] restrict arbitrary
power and ensure ‘limited government.’”1 Thus, “the governing power is limited by
enforceable rules of law, and concentration of power is prevented by various checks
The principles of constitu-
tional government; ad-
and balances so that the basic rights of individuals and groups are protected.”2
herence to them, includ- Constitutionalism imposes limits on the exercise of government power. Many
ing, notably, restrictions nations have constitutions, but that does not necessarily mean their citizens enjoy
and limitations on gov- the fruits of constitutionalism. For example, a constitution that permits unlimited
ernment power. political power, whether in the hands of one, few, or many, does not provide con-
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 49
stitutionalism. The Fascists’ constitutions of Italy and Germany in the 1930s are an
example. Neither included limitations on arbitrary and capricious uses of political arbitrary and
power by the rulers. Arbitrary and capricious behavior has been aptly characterized capricious
as “willful and unreasonable action taken, without consideration of or in disregard Action taken impulsively
of facts or without determining principle.”3 Even a constitution that provides lim- or in bad faith and with-
ited political power, but establishes no mechanism to restrain the ruler’s exercise out good or valid reason.
of that power, fails to provide constitutionalism. For instance, a “freedom of the
press” mandate in the Argentinean constitution did not prevent Juan Perón (presi-
dent, 1945–1955) from destroying the world’s largest Spanish-language newspaper,
La Prensa, in Buenos Aires.
People enjoy constitutionalism only to the degree that their constitution limits
power by specific provisions that effectively control the behavior of the rulers. One
such control is having the judiciary serve as an enforcing watchdog on the exercise
of powers by the executive and legislative branches, and even the lower levels of the
judicial branch of government. The separation of powers concept is discussed more
fully later in this chapter. A good example of its application occurred in 1952 when Many links to important
President Harry S. Truman ordered the secretary of commerce to seize and oper- aspects of our constitu-
ate our country’s privately owned steel mills after the United Steel Workers Union tional form of government
are available at the White
threatened to strike. Corporate managers retaliated by a “lockout” that kept the
House site at
workers off their jobs. The president believed that a shutdown would impair the
nation’s ability to conduct the Korean War. Was the seizure order within the presi- http://www.whitehouse
dent’s power? No. The Supreme Court held that “this seizure order cannot stand” .gov/
for the following reasons:
1. The president’s power, if any, to issue the order must stem either from an act
of Congress or from the Constitution itself. The U.S. Supreme Court could
find no congressional statute or constitutional provision that expressly autho-
rized the president to take possession of private property as he did in the steel
mill case.
2. Moreover, prior to this controversy, when the Taft-Hartley Act was under
consideration in 1947, Congress had refused to adopt a law authorizing the
seizure method of settling labor disputes that Truman used.
3. The order could not be sustained as an exercise of the president’s military
power as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The commander-in-chief
does not have the power to take possession of private property for the purpose
of keeping labor-management disputes from stopping production. The
nation’s lawmakers, not military authorities, should regulate labor disputes,
declared the Court.4
The separation of powers inherent in the Constitution set the limit on the presi-
dent’s authority. The power and ability of the U.S. Supreme Court to dictate to
President Truman, and have him obey, demonstrates how constitutionalism helps
to protect the people of the United States from abuses of executive power, however
well intended such abuses may be.
Another example of separation and limitation of power took place in 1974
when the Supreme Court ordered President Richard M. Nixon to release tape re-
cordings of discussions concerning a politically inspired burglary in the Watergate
apartment house in Washington, D.C. Initially, the president refused to release the
tapes, claiming as “executive privilege” the right to withhold recorded information
he deemed important to the exercise of his presidential duties. The tapes showed
that he had halted an FBI investigation, a serious obstruction of justice.
Recently, another situation showcased the Supreme Court placing limits on
the president’s authority. In 2006, the Supreme Court ruled that a detainee from
50 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Afghanistan, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, was entitled to a military court marshal unless
the president obtained direct authorization from Congress to prepare a special pro-
ceeding.5 President George W. Bush had wanted to try numerous detainees, classi-
fied as enemy combatants, using military commissions where many normal rights,
such as the right to see and confront the opposing evidence, would not necessarily
apply. Generally viewed as a setback for the Bush administration, the Supreme
Court’s decision was seen as a vindication by many who believed that the president
was operating above the law.
In 1997, Paula Jones filed a civil lawsuit for money damages
against President William J. Clinton, alleging sexual harassment
while he was governor of Arkansas. President Clinton asserted an executive
privilege as justification for his request to suspend the litigation until after
his presidency ended. Does the U.S. Constitution provide presidents with
such an “executive privilege” to delay civil litigation?
Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681, 117 S.Ct. 1636 (1997).
natural law
The higher law believed
by some ethicists to be
No. The president contended that ongoing civil litigation would impair his ability
above and beyond man’s
to lead the nation—thus, it should be suspended by executive privilege. The presi-
power to change.
dent was subpoenaed (ordered by the court) to appear and testify in that litigation,
and he ultimately agreed to do so. Again, the judicial branch acted as an enforcing
natural rights watchdog of the exercise of power by the executive branch of government.*
Inalienable rights of
every human being that
exist by virtue of natural
law, notably to life, lib-
erty, and property. Constitutional law in the United States has a variety of meanings. To the founders
of our nation, it had to do with a concept known as natural law and its corollary
concept of natural rights. From the founders’ perspective, natural law was the
positive law
higher law, in accordance with nature, applicable to all men, and unchangeable and
Law enacted by govern-
mental authority, such as
eternal.† Natural rights are rights of human beings that exist regardless of any other
legislatures, courts, and law. The founders believed they had incorporated natural law principles into the
administrative agencies, constitution in a manner consistent with the necessities of government or positive
as distinguished from law. Positive law is defined as any law enacted by the sovereign (supreme power)
natural law. and deemed necessary to regulate an ordered society.‡ The natural law doctrines
* Judge Susan Webber Wright later dismissed Paula Jones’ lawsuit against President Clinton before trial. “Reduced to its essence,
the record taken as a whole could not lead a rational trier of fact to find for the plaintiff [Jones] and the Court therefore finds
that there are no genuine issues for trial in this case.” Jones v. Clinton, 974 F.Supp. 712 (E.D. Ark. 1997).
† See Marcus Tullius Cicero, De re publica, trans. George Sabine and Stanley Smith (Indianapolis, New York, Dobbs: Merrill, 1960).
Cicero’s definition of natural law reads thus: “True law is right reason, harmonious with nature, diffused among all, constant,
eternal; a law which calls to duty by its commands and restrains from evil by its prohibitions. … It is a sacred obligation not to
attempt to legislate in contradiction to this law; nor may it be derogated from nor abrogated. Indeed, by neither the Senate nor
the people can we be released from this law; nor does it require any but ourselves to be its expositor or interpreter. Nor is it one
law at Rome and another at Athens; one now and another at a later time; but one eternal and unchangeable law binding all na-
tions through all time.” Marcus Tullius Cicero, reported in Lactantius, Divina institutiones, trans. Roberts and Donaldson (1871),
vi, 8, 370.
‡ As is often true with philosophies, there is an inherent conflict between the pure precept of positive law and natural law. As
proffered by Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), positive law is essential to protect people from their primitive state, so when a law is
enacted, people are duty-bound to obey it. Natural law presupposes a system of law grounded on its intrinsic truth rather than
on any power of compulsion, and it is held to exist irrespective of and sometimes inconsistent with man-made laws. The tension
between individual belief in and respect for natural law versus the positive laws of the state is not the subject of an abstract
debate. One justification often given for civil disobedience is that the violator is actually complying with a higher law, namely
natural law.
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 51
found in the Constitution are reflected in the following fundamental beliefs, and
they dictate the parameters within which legitimate governmental positive law
must be exercised.6 See the Internet Encyclope-
dia of Philosophy for more
1. The rights of man are inalienable and indestructible. about natural law as a legal
2. Paramount is the natural law doctrine that the most fundamental rights of all and ethical theory at
human beings are life, liberty, and property.7
3. Legitimate governments are obligated (by natural law) under their social con- research/iep/n/natlaw.htm
tracts (constitutions) to protect and guarantee these rights to every person
within their respective jurisdictions.
4. The higher law acknowledges and promotes the principle of private domain
into which governments should not intrude. Under this doctrine, the individ- http://
ual is free to do anything he chooses, unless specifically prohibited or circum- To view important constitu-
scribed by reasonable positive law. This means that one may violate ethical tional and governmental
standards, hallowed conventions, and Holy Writ, and yet not be answerable to documents or to obtain
the state unless the behavior involved has been prohibited or circumscribed references to many, visit
by reasonable positive law. By contrast, many countries in today’s turbulent http://www.lib.umich.edu/
world allow their citizens to do only that which is permitted by their man- govdocs/federal.html
made rules and decrees. All else that conflicts therewith is deemed prohibited.
5. No person is allowed to be a judge in his or her own cause.8 Thus, a justice of
the U.S. Supreme Court who has a personal interest in a controversy under
appeal before the Court will refuse to participate in the case. A long-standing
philosophical bias is not a disqualifying conflict of interest.
6. No person is above the law—not legislators, not presidents, not judges.
In Chapter 1, we used the following case to describe the difference between civil
and criminal law and concluded that neither was applicable to the situation.
Late one night, David Thomas Cash, Jr., age 19, observed his
friend Jeremy Strohmeyer, age 20, escort a very young girl into
a restroom inside the Primadonna casino near Las Vegas. Shortly there-
after, Cash followed them inside, where he peered over the top of a stall.
He saw Strohmeyer grappling with the girl, but said nothing and left. Later,
Strohmeyer rejoined Cash in the casino. After discussing the killing of the
girl, Cash and Strohmeyer continued their evening of conviviality and gam-
bling. Strohmeyer ultimately pled guilty to the rape and murder of the
victim and is serving life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
Did Cash have a natural law right to choose to assist, or to ignore, the
Yes. Recall from paragraph 4 earlier: “… one may violate ethical standards, hallowed
conventions, and Holy Writ, and yet not be answerable to the state unless the be-
havior involved has been prohibited or circumscribed by reasonable positive law.”
Under the natural law principle of private domain, Cash was free either to help the
victim or to ignore her plight. Nevada had no statute (positive law) criminalizing a
refusal to prevent a crime from occurring. Further, it is unclear whether a law re-
quiring citizens to intervene in criminal conduct would be constitutional.
Important elements of the natural law and natural rights were included in the
second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
52 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Gov-
ernments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent
of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
When we speak of constitutional law today we mean the fundamental law or the
supreme law of the land. Constitutional principles accorded special designation as
constitutional laws are (1) judicial review, (2) separation of powers, (3) federalism,
and (4) civil rights and liberties. These four special categories contain the most
publicized and exciting principles of constitutional law.
Although the exclusive judicial power of review has engendered heated contro-
versy over the years, it also has been a stabilizing force for a growing and changing
society. As national economic, social, and political conditions have changed, so, Learn more about judicial
too, have attitudes and opinions of the people. This evolution is reflected in the review at
leaders the people elect to office and in the Supreme Court justices who are ap- http://www.constitutioncenter
pointed. As a result, some long-standing Supreme Court decisions have been chan- .org/explore/BasicGoverning
ged. What once was ruled constitutional thereafter is declared unconstitutional. Principles/JudicialReview.shtml
For example, as the twentieth century began, racial segregation in schools was ac-
cepted and even endorsed by the separate but equal rule of Plessy v. Ferguson.12 In
1954, however, the “separate but equal” rule was rejected by Brown v. The Board of
Education of Topeka.13
Besides judicial review effectuating the equivalent of a change to the Constitu-
tion through interpretation, there is a way to directly change the Constitution. The
people can and do make changes through the more difficult process of formal The constitutional amend-
amendment. For example, women obtained the right to vote in 1920 by the Nine- ment process is discussed at
teenth Amendment to the Constitution, and in 1971 the Twenty-Sixth Amend- http://www.usconstitution
ment lowered the voting age in national elections to 18. .net/constam.html
In 2005, Sandra Day O’Connor announced her intent to retire
from the U.S. Supreme Court. President George W. Bush nomi-
nated Judge John Roberts, then a federal court of appeals judge for the Dis-
trict of Columbia Circuit to fill the vacancy. On September 4, 2005, before the
confirmation hearing, Chief Justice Rehnquist passed away. The president then
changed Roberts’ nomination to instead nominate him to replace Rehnquist as
chief justice. After Justice Roberts was confirmed by a vote of 78–22, President
Bush nominated Harriet Miers for the still vacant seat of Justice O’Connor.
Ms. Miers eventually withdrew her nomination before the formal confirmation
process began, and President Bush nominated U.S. Court of Appeals Judge
Samuel A. Alito, Jr., for the position. Eventually, Justice Alito was confirmed,
albeit by a much tighter vote of 58–42. Along the way, both Roberts and Alito
endured congressional hearings where repeated questions about their views
on controversial topics including abortion were asked. Many felt that they
repeatedly avoided answering those questions directly. Specifically, on the
abortion-related questions, Justice Roberts’ responses included: “I should not,
based on the precedent of prior nominees, agree or disagree with particular
decisions … I’m reluctant to do that,” “I didn’t [then] have a position,” and
“I feel the need to stay away from a discussion of particular cases.”17
It is reassuring to note that, in the final analysis, the power to decide most issues rests
http:// with the people, who may use their votes—the power of the ballot box—to elect
Résumés of Supreme Court representatives who are expected to comply with the expressed will of the people.
justices are available at However, elected representatives are not legally obliged to do so. Even if they were,
http://supct.law.cornell.edu/ public opinion is often divided and sometimes fragmented on controversial issues.
supct/justices/fullcourt.html The presidential veto procedure is prescribed by Article I, Section 7 of the
Constitution, which states, “Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Rep-
resentatives and the Senate shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the
http:// President.” Thereupon, “if he approves he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it,
with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated.” If, after recon-
Until his retirement in
sideration it is approved by two-thirds of both houses, it shall become a law. Note
1988, Wisconsin Senator
that “if any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays ex-
William Proxmire bestowed
the Golden Fleece Award
cepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like
for “wasteful, ridiculous, or
Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent
ironic use of the taxpayer’s its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.”
money.” See a list of his top Each year, Congress presents a budget to the president for signature into law.
10 Golden Fleece awards at Typically, some of the proposed expenditures in the budget are intended primarily
http://www.taxpayer.net/ as political patronage. These so-called “pork barrel” budget items are added by the
awards/goldenfleece/topten most powerful legislators in Congress, a tactic that assists them in their reelection
.htm campaigns.
Congress presented the fiscal year budget for the year 2004 to
the president for signature or veto. Included was an item for
$10 million for “parks and recreation” projects in Congresswoman Peavy’s
hometown. For years, Peavy had been a very vocal critic of the president.
Can the president approve the budget yet, in retaliation, veto the proposed
appropriation for Peavy?
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 55
No. The power to make partial vetoes (called line-item vetoes) would have the prac-
tical effect of amending enactments by Congress. The president is not authorized
by the Constitution to amend laws proposed by Congress.18
Thus, the separation of the legislative and executive powers cannot be blurred
by line-item vetoes.
Congress passed a law releasing alien Chinese students who
were studying in the United States from the requirement of
returning to China upon the expiration of their visas. (A visa is a document
that grants a citizen of a foreign country legal permission to live, work, or
study in the host country.) This was done because Congress believed that the
Chinese government would punish most of these students for supporting
the 1989 student uprising in Tiananmen Square and elsewhere in China. The
proposed law was sent to the White House for signature by the president.
President George H. W. Bush vetoed the legislation on the grounds that Congress
was interfering with foreign policy matters, a presidential responsibility. Moreover,
the students were already protected against forced repatriation by his executive
order, which directed the Immigration and Naturalization Service to extend the
Chinese student visas indefinitely. When the bill was returned to the Congress, the
56 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
House voted to override the veto, but the Senate did not; thus, the president’s veto
The only constitutional method to remove a president from office is by a con-
gressional proceeding called impeachment. Impeachment is a process potentially
leading to removal from office certain federal officers, including the president.
The process for the president is provided for in the U.S. Constitution Article II,
Section 4: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States,
shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason,
Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Impeachment requires a major-
ity vote in the House of Representatives. The impeached office holder is then sub-
ject to trial in the Senate with removal from office requiring a two-thirds majority
vote of the Senate after trial. In 1998, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to
impeach President William Jefferson Clinton for obstruction of justice and perjury
relating to his conduct following the infamous “Monica Lewinsky affair.” The U.S.
Senate, with Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding, conducted
an impeachment trial. On February 12, 1999, it voted 50–50 and 45–55 on the re-
spective charges, thereby declining to remove the president from office.
* “No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice, and no person who has held the office of president,
or acted as president for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president, shall be elected to
the office of the president more than once.” (U.S. Constitution, Twenty-Second Amendment)
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 57
mander in chief was declared to be the sole determiner of whether the hostilities
were of “… such alarming proportions as will compel him to accord to them the
character of belligerent”22 and whether he would engage the armed forces of the
United States in such hostilities. Advanced technology has changed the nature of
modern warfare, thus further justifying the presidential power to respond quickly
with military force to a military attack without congressional approval.
For an analysis of the presi-
dent’s war-making powers
LEGAL FOCUS–EXAMPLE by the U.S. Department of
Justice, go to
In fighting the “war on terror,” President George W. Bush has http://www.usdoj.gov/olc/
acted as commander in chief of the United States by having the warpowers925.htm
United States participate in, if not lead, the invasion, conquering, and occu-
pation of two nations: Afghanistan and Iraq. President Bush avoided testing
the scope of the president’s authority to “make” war by involving Congress
in both decisions. In the case of Iraq, the justification presented to Congress
was that Iraq was endangering the United States and the world by prepar-
ing and stockpiling “weapons of mass destruction.” That justification was
later was found to be inaccurate at best.
The president has the duty and power to make treaties, but they must be approved
by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.23 For example, three controversial yet vitally
important treaties entered into by our country in the twentieth century were the
Charter of the United Nations (1945); the North Atlantic Treaty Pact (1948), which
created NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), a defensive military alliance;
and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) among Canada, Mexico,
and the United States. All three of these treaties were duly voted on and approved
by the Senate. The president may also sign executive agreements, which do not re-
quire Senate ratification. For example, during the early months of World War II,
when German submarines were sinking many supply ships in an attempt to starve
England into surrender, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive agree-
ment giving the British 50 1914-type destroyers in exchange for eight naval bases.
This was entirely constitutional, despite the fact that the United States had not yet
declared war on Germany.
With the “advice and consent” of the Senate, the president appoints ambassa- Recent treaties are all avail-
dors, public ministers and consuls, Supreme Court justices, and presidential advis- able on the Internet. For
ors.24 Congress has empowered the president to choose other federal officers and the full text of the North
American Free Trade
commission heads. The Judiciary Act of 1789 gave presidents the power to nomi-
Agreement, visit
nate appellate and district court judges for the federal courts. Congress must ap-
prove these appointments, a function that is another example of shared power be- http://www-tech.mit.edu/
tween the branches of government. Bulletins/nafta.html
Some scholars contend that the power to nominate Supreme Court justices,
who serve for life, is the single most important power of the president.
In the case of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court held for the
first time that women have a constitutionally protected right to
choose whether or not to have an abortion. Following this declaration, the
states could no longer abolish abortion within their borders. Four justices
58 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
voted against the majority in Roe v. Wade. Could the replacement of one
justice cause reversal of Roe, thereby altering or even eliminating the
abortion law?
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705 (1973).
Yes. Many of the most controversial Supreme Court cases are decided by 5–4 votes.
Nonetheless, presidential candidates historically have not announced the names of
persons they would, if elected, nominate to the Supreme Court if the opportunity
should arise. Nor do presidential candidates announce the names of possible ap-
pointees to their cabinets (department heads with the highest authority in an ad-
ministration). Thus, voters make assumptions about their future based upon the
campaign statements and track records of presidential candidates.
Many resources and links
about the Supreme Court
nomination and confirma-
Judicial Branch (Courts)
tion process and its history Article III of the Constitution, the judicial article, declares, “The Judicial power of
can be found at the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts
as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”25 Compared with de-
tailed mandates given to the executive and legislative branches, Article III is sparse
nominations.cfm in providing guidance to the judiciary. Despite this lack of a closely defined role,
the federal courts have become central to the doctrine of separation of powers. The
U.S. Supreme Court has created and refined the “proper” place of the court within
the federal government, beginning with its landmark case of Marbury v. Madison
http:// mentioned earlier.
To read some famous deci- The power to determine the constitutionality of federal and state legislative
sions of the U.S. Supreme enactments, as well as judicial review of actions taken by the executive branch, has
Court, visit given the U.S. Supreme Court major responsibility for maintaining the integrity
http://supct.law.cornell.edu/ of the Constitution. The Supreme Court is commonly thought to be the branch of
supct/cases/historic.htm government least likely to be swayed by political pressures and popular whims. One
reason for this is that, like all federal judges, Supreme Court justices hold office for
life, contingent only on good behavior. It is not uncommon for Supreme Court
justices to remain active on the bench well beyond the traditional retirement age of
65. For this reason, the Court was once referred to as “the nine old men.” Cur-
rently, the Court is composed of the following justices:
Samuel A. Alito (President G. W. Bush, 2006)
Stephen G. Breyer (President Clinton, 1994)
Ruth B. Ginsburg (President Clinton, 1993)
Anthony M. Kennedy (President Reagan, 1988)
Chief Justice John G. Roberts (President G. W. Bush, 2005)
Antonin Scalia (President Reagan, 1986)
David H. Souter (President George H. W. Bush, 1990)
John Paul Stevens (President Ford, 1975)
Clarence Thomas (President George H. W. Bush, 1991)
All courts are empowered to issue orders to compel compliance with their rules and
procedures. For example, courts authorize the issuance of subpoenas (orders to ap-
pear at a certain time and place) upon proper request by officials or lawyers (for
their clients) who are engaged in litigation or investigation. Failure to comply with
such a judicial order can prompt a court to hold the witness in “contempt” of court.
The court’s penalty for contempt may range from a monetary fine to jail time.
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 59
In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court approved the legality of a sub-
poena served upon President Richard Nixon (executive branch)
to deliver to the Congress (legislative branch) certain tape-recorded conver-
sations that Nixon most certainly knew would end his term of office. He
could have refused to obey the subpoena and destroyed the tapes. If Nixon
had refused to comply with the subpoena and had destroyed the tapes,
what would have happened?
Most likely, the Congress would have impeached President Nixon for failure to
comply with a lawful subpoena approved by the U.S. Supreme Court. But it is not
clear that disregard of a subpoena issued by Congress is a legal basis for impeach-
ment. We never will know what would have happened then. But it is important to
know how the three powers of government must interact, and that the gravity of
the crisis then related to the president’s willingness to comply with an order of the
judicial branch of government.
In 1998, President Clinton was subpoenaed to testify before a
federal grand jury, not as a witness, but concerning his personal
conduct. Again, rather than create a constitutional confrontation about
the obligation of a president to respond to a subpoena, President Clinton
ultimately agreed to testify, and did. Could the president personally have
appeared at the time and place to testify, but then refused to answer
In Chapter 6, you will review the fundamental principle in our society that no per-
son is required to testify against himself in a criminal proceeding. A person may
volunteer to do so, but he or she need not. President Clinton did not assert his
privilege against self-incrimination, either because there was no criminal conduct
about which he was concerned or because he simply waived his right. He became
the first sitting president in history to testify before a federal grand jury (by closed-
circuit television). But in either case, he ultimately chose the course of former
President Nixon by complying with the dictates of the subpoena.
Federal judges can be removed from their courts only by death, voluntary re-
tirement, or impeachment by the Congress of the United States.
The Honorable Harry E. Claiborne, a federal district judge in
Nevada, was tried and convicted of cheating on his income tax
by filing a false return. He was sentenced to federal prison for two years.
Upon conviction, the judge refused to resign his office and continued to
collect his $78,700 annual salary. He made clear his intent to resume his life-
time office after the completion of this term.26 Can he be impeached?
60 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Yes. Eight months after returning to his job as a judge, Claiborne was finally removed
from the court by impeachment.27 “Only thirteen federal judges have been impeached
in the history of the United States, and of those, only seven were convicted.”28
Congress is reluctant to use the impeachment procedure to remove public offi-
cials from office because it is costly, cumbersome, and time consuming. But im-
peachment is the only way to remove federal judges from the public payroll even
when they are proven guilty of criminal conduct. Fortunately, criminal acts by fed-
eral judges are rare.29
U.S. District Court Judge James Ware told a conference of fed-
eral judges and lawyers a riveting story of how his brother had
been killed in 1963 by a racist’s bullet in Alabama on the same day of the Ku
Klux Klan’s bombing of a Baptist church in which four black girls were killed.
Later, it was discovered and widely publicized that Judge Ware’s story was
a lie. What punishment, if any, do federal judges receive for conduct that
goes to the heart of the credibility of the courts—honesty in public life?30
Before his misrepresentation, Judge Ware had been nominated for promotion to
the U.S. Court of Appeals. After publication of his falsehood, Judge Ware withdrew
his nomination. He also was publicly reprimanded by a panel of federal judges who
stated that his conduct “was prejudicial to the effective administration of the busi-
ness of the courts.” Judge Ware was not removed from office.
Under the Constitution, the Senate has the sole power to try all impeach-
ments, and no person may be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of
the members present. When political loyalty to the accused is involved, such a ma-
jority can be difficult to obtain unless the alleged offense is flagrant. Understand-
ably, therefore, the practice is seldom used.
Congress sets the salaries for all federal employees, including judges. However,
once the salaries for federal judges are set by Congress, they can never be reduced
for any reason during the tenure of judges then on the court.31 This serves to fore-
stall possible improper efforts to impose financial pressure on judges whose opin-
ions are not favored. Of course, the salaries of new appointees may be lower than
http:// those of their predecessors, but this is unlikely to happen.
For more insights about Reduction of salaries has been the least of the current problems for federal judges.
federal judge compensa- A report of the American Bar Association stated, “The Constitutional guarantees of
tion, see life tenure and an undiminished salary were designed to protect the independence
http://www.uscourts.gov/ of the Federal judiciary. In today’s environment, neither guarantee is secure. While
ttb/feb02ttb/feb02.html erosion of pay may not legally constitute a diminution in salary, it undermines the
purpose of the guarantee of an undiminished salary. Similarly, the commitment to
lifetime tenure is undermined when inadequate judicial salaries deter candidates from
seeking appointment to the bench and discourage judges from remaining on the
bench.”32 Former chief justice of the Supreme Court, William H. Rehnquist, agreed,
stating, “I consider the increase in judicial salaries to be the most pressing issue before
federalism the federal judiciary today.”
A form of government
consisting of a union
of more or less self-
governing states under
an umbrella of federal Federalism may be defined as a political arrangement in which two or more lev-
government. els of government provide a variety of services for a given group of citizens in a
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 61
specified geographic area. For example, Iowans are served by the national govern-
ment and by their state government as well as by a variety of local governance
The United States is a case study in federalism. Scholars estimate that more
than 80,000 state and local governments* exist in the United States, each striving
to meet the needs and wants of our complex, technologically driven society. This
governmental profusion operates in a climate of political pressures, involving both
competition and cooperation among various public officeholders. In effect, the U.S.
Constitution created and endorsed some of this complexity when it reserved a large
measure of sovereignty for each of the original 13 states, in accordance with
Article IV and the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
In any event, we are a people served by, but also subject to, government rules For various definitions of
that range from taxation mandated by Congress to the narrowly defined standards federalism, see
for admission of toddlers to kindergarten mandated by local school boards. http://www.answers.com/
The Constitution defines the boundaries between the national government and topic/federalism
the state governments, providing that national government has only those powers
delegated to it and such other powers that naturally flow there from. Congress shall
have the power “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying
into Execution the foregoing powers.”33 Some of these powers are exclusive as to
the national government, such as “to coin Money” and “to make Treaties.”34 But
other powers are shared, such as taxing and spending. As noted, all other powers
“are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”35
Our Constitution also limits the power of the national government; for exam-
ple, it is prohibited from denying a request for a writ of habeas corpus (Latin: “you writ of habeas
have the body”), a formal written order that an arrestee be brought before a court, corpus
usually to protect against abusive incarceration.36 without release on bail, pending [Latin: “you have the
a formal trial. body”] A formal written
Under the Constitution, some powers are also denied to the states, such as the order that an arrestee be
power to make a treaty. Finally, there are powers denied to both, such as the pas- brought before a court.
sage of bills of attainder, which are acts of the legislature punishing a named indi-
vidual(s) or member(s) of a specific group without a judicial trial; and ex post facto bill of attainder
laws (Latin: “after the fact”), which are retroactive laws that would punish alleged Act of the legislature in-
violators for acts lawful when committed, or that would increase the punishment flicting capital punish-
applicable at the time the act was committed. ment upon a named
person or member of a
specific group without
trial and conviction.
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM Forbidden by the U.S.
David Cash (mentioned earlier in this chapter) was not guilty of
any crime by declining to rescue a young girl from his friend’s
murderous acts. Assume that in response to public outcry, Nevada passed a
ex post facto laws
[Latin: “after the fact”]
statute that made failure to assist the victim of criminal behavior a felony
A statute that retroac-
(i.e., a serious crime). If the state of Nevada then arrested, prosecuted, con-
tively makes previously
victed, and sent Cash to jail, what, if anything, could he do?37
lawful conduct a crime.
Such a statute is
* All governments within states were (are) created by the state legislatures under provisions in their respective state constitutions.
The governments of cities, boroughs, and counties are most commonly recognized by citizens. Other varieties of local govern-
ments are school districts, flood-control districts, mosquito-abatement districts, and park districts. Under their charters of govern-
ment (granted by state legislatures), they have budgets, collect taxes, and perform various other government functions.
62 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Under the preceding hypothetical example, Cash could sidestep the Nevada judi-
cial system altogether and petition a federal court to protect him from this ex post
facto law. The U.S. Constitution prohibits states from subjecting people to such
laws regardless of the outcry or sentiment of most citizens. The federal court
would order Nevada to release Cash.
cons or fairly understand how they should vote. The confusion frequently is in-
creased by slick media advertising. Despite the potential abuse inherent in the ini-
tiative process, however, it has the big advantage of increasing voter interest and
In 1996, California voters approved by majority vote a bitterly
contested initiative. The effect of Proposition 209 was to pro-
hibit affirmative action in public education, employment, and other state
programs. Lawsuits were filed in federal court by minorities affected by the
change in the law on the grounds that it would deny them equal protection
under the law as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. What was the result?
Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson, 110 F. 3rd 1431 (Ca.9, 1997).
It is not unusual for local governments to quarantine crops, create firebreaks, and
delay people to respond to important or emergency situations. Persons subject to
64 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
these actions may suffer significant losses without any legal right to recover these
losses from government. Julia Miller had to comply with the order, and no reim-
bursement for her loss was required of government. “And where the public interest
is involved preferment of that interest over the property interest of the individual,
to the extent even of its destruction, is one of the distinguishing characteristics
of every exercise of the police power which affects property.” 41
The police power is thus an essential attribute of government but is subject to
the limitations of the federal and state constitutions. Under the Constitution, the
national government’s power to regulate, control, and circumscribe human con-
duct is specifically tied to one or more of its delegated powers.42
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was established
to provide for safety regulation in the manufacture of air-
craft as a “necessary and proper” extension of Congress’s power to “regu-
late Commerce … among the several States,” as prescribed in the
The Congress shall have Power … To regulate Commerce with foreign
Nations, and among the several States. … And To make all Laws which shall
be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers,
and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the
United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.43
We will examine the commerce clause of the Constitution in more detail later in
this chapter. Here, the point is that to create the FAA, Congress needed authority
in the Constitution. They relied upon the commerce clause. The FAA is an exam-
ple of an administrative agency. Chapter 5 examines administrative agencies and
administrative law in detail. The topic of what authority Congress or a state has or
does not have is a persistent one.
Thus, the Constitution and federal laws made under it, as well as decisions of the
Supreme Court of the United States, together with related supporting opinions,
supremacy are constituent parts of the “supreme law of the land.” The significance of the
supremacy doctrine is that it invalidates any conflicting state law by preemption,
meaning that federal law takes precedence over state law in areas of control ex-
The judicial doctrine that
holds that any state or
pressly delegated to the United States by the Constitution.45 The supremacy clause
federal law that is incon- does not give the federal government additional authority, it just makes what au-
sistent with the U.S. Con- thority it has the superior law. The supremacy clause, however, makes commerce
stitution is null and void. clause authority very powerful.
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 65
An Arizona statute made it unlawful to operate a train of more
than 14 passenger cars or 70 freight cars within the state. The
law was a safety measure enacted under the state’s police power. Was such
state regulation of train lengths lawful?
Southern Pacific v. Arizona, 325 U.S. 761, 65 S.Ct. 1515 (1945).
No. Trains move into and out of Arizona, from and to other states. Interstate com-
merce is subject to federal regulation under Article I, Section 8 and the Arizona
statute unduly burdened interstate transportation. If the state regulation affects
interstate commerce only slightly, or if national interests are served well by it,
then states may regulate the particular interstate commerce and preemption is
Today, there is no argument about the supremacy of the national government.
Most of the debate about proper state and federal roles has to do with “effective-
ness:” Should it be done nationally, or can it be done better locally? The availability
of necessary funds and adequate resources are also important factors. States, coun-
ties, and cities that are “strapped for cash” eagerly seek federal funding for local
projects such as public housing, mass transit construction, education, and indigent
care. Also, major natural disasters require a national response. The terrible and dev-
astating harm done by Hurricane Katrina will probably have a powerful effect on
the direction of the debate over national versus local response, though which direc-
tion it will go is not so obvious.
* Significant limitations on how the federal government could tax were removed by constitutional amendment. “Congress shall
have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several
States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”Amendment XVI (ratified on February 3, 1913).
66 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Taxes are never popular, but, it has been said, they are the price of civilization.
They are essential for the operation of government at all levels. The U.S. Constitu-
tion gives Congress “Power To lay (i.e., impose) and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts
(a generic term for taxes, usually referring to schedules of customs duties) and Ex-
cises (the term loosely applied to most taxes, including the sales tax, but excluding
the income tax and the property tax).”47
For most employees, the personal income tax is collected by their employers who
are required to withhold proper amounts from wages or salaries earned. All wage
earners are reminded of this each payday when they compare the difference be-
tween their “gross” and “net” earnings. The difference is a wide range of federal
and state income taxes. Through the process of withholding income taxes, com-
pliance and payment are comparatively simple and assured. Otherwise, at year’s
end, taxpayers may find that they do not have enough money on hand to pay their
But for persons with incomes from various investments, and for business firms,
the income tax has evolved into a monstrous maze of confusing regulations. Certi-
fied public accountants (CPAs) and tax lawyers often disagree as to the proper in-
terpretation of many clauses. Huge national CPA firms employ both accountants
and tax lawyers to offer their customers full tax services. Less wealthy individuals
obtain assistance in preparing their returns from tax preparer businesses available
in most cities in the United States. Computer programs also enable many people to
prepare their own tax returns without professional assistance, and some file them
electronically. Entire books are written on the topic of tax computation ideas, in-
terpretations, rules, and controversies. The concept of a “tax shelter” (an invest-
ment or activity with at least one purpose being to reduce tax liability) is constantly
tested in courts.
The income tax on individuals and corporations has become the most impor-
tant single source of revenue for the federal government. It is also imposed by most
states and by some local governments. Economists justify it as the most equitable,
or progressive, of taxes, especially when rates are graduated, because the levy is im-
posed in accordance with apparent ability to pay.
In contrast, the sales tax is regressive in that it imposes a disproportionately
heavy burden on persons with low incomes. For example, the sales tax on an auto-
mobile is the same regardless of the purchaser’s income. This sum may represent a
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 67
boundaries. Thus, Congress can pass laws that regulate intrastate commerce if, but
only if, interstate commerce is affected. From the 1930s until recent years, the commerce clause
commerce clause authority seemed unlimited. In 1995, however, the Supreme A part of the U.S. Consti-
Court decided a case that defined limits, albeit vague ones, on the extent to which tution that provides Con-
gress with the power to
the commerce clause could be used as justification for federal authority to regulate.
pass laws to provide for
trade with foreign coun-
LEGAL FOCUS–CASE tries and among states.
In 1990, the United States enacted the Gun-Free School Zones interstate
Act (GFSZA) which, among other things, prohibited the posses- Activity that crosses state
sion of a firearm in a local school zone. Congress relied upon the commerce boundaries.
clause for its authority to pass the law. Fred was subsequently convicted of
possessing a handgun in a school zone. He appealed his conviction in part
claiming Congress lacked authority to pass this law and it ultimately was intrastate
heard in the U.S. Supreme Court. The government, in defending the law, es- Activity that occurs en-
sentially argued that guns around schools could cause a violent crime and tirely within a state’s
that violent crime could adversely affect the national economy by either boundaries.
raising the cost of insurance or deterring interstate travel. Thus, the law
68 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
regulated interstate commerce.48 Did the Supreme Court accept the inter-
state commerce basis of federal authority to ban firearms around schools?
No. The Supreme Court noted that “… under the theories that the Government
presents in support of [the Act], it is difficult to perceive any limitation on federal
power. … Thus, if we were to accept the Government’s arguments, we are hard
pressed to posit any activity by an individual that Congress is without power to regu-
late.” The Court held that commerce clause authority had to either directly regulate
travel or movement across state borders, regulate the instruments of such interstate
movement of goods or persons, or regulate “commercial activities that substantially
affect interstate commerce.” 49 GFSZA did not regulate movement at all, and the ac-
tivity it did regulate—possession of guns near schools—did not substantially affect
commerce; thus, the law was unconstitutional and the conviction overturned.
When states seek to regulate local activities, they frequently collide with the
commerce clause. As part of their inherent sovereignty (power to govern), states
possess police powers to regulate private activities to protect or promote the public
health, safety, or general welfare of their citizens. For example, states have a clear
interest in keeping their local roads and highways safe. However, when a state reg-
ulates the use of its roads and highways, those laws will also affect interstate com-
merce. A law setting a top speed on a highway affects all drivers, including inter-
state truckers.
If the state law affects interstate commerce, the courts may be asked to balance
the state’s interests with those of the federal government. The question is, does
a state’s exercise of its police power interfere with the federal government’s right
to regulate interstate commerce? Recall that the Constitution provides that when
state and federal law conflict, federal law is supreme. The courts try to answer this
question by balancing the interests of the state with those of the federal govern-
ment. The courts will consider several factors, including the following:
• What interest is the state furthering by its law?
• Does the state law burden (make more difficult) interstate commerce?
• Is there another way the state could accomplish its purpose without burdening
interstate commerce?
Suppose Georgia passes a law requiring use of “contoured”
rear-fender mudguards on trucks and trailers operating on its
highways. All other mudguards are declared illegal. In 35 other states, in-
cluding the neighboring state of Florida, “straight” mudguards are either le-
gal or required. Evidence suggests that contoured mudguards are safer than
straight mudguards. Is the Georgia statute constitutional?
No. Truckers traveling through Georgia would have a problem. What is legal in
Georgia is illegal in other states, including Florida, and vice versa. Clearly, the
Georgia law would affect interstate commerce. Even though Georgia’s purpose in
passing the statute was to increase safety on the highways, a possible increase in
safety would not justify requiring truckers to either avoid Georgia or change their
mudguards before they pass through.
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 69
The Direct Shipping Cases
Following the repeal of the federal prohibition on the sale,
manufacture, and transport of intoxicating liquor with the enactment of the
Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution, states stepped into the void to
regulate and control the sales of liquor. Many states developed a complex
system of liquor regulation, and liquor law in the United States is now char-
acterized by a maze of differing requirements from state to state. Many
states include prohibitions on the sale and shipping of alcohol to consumers
via mail or other third-party shipping services, so-called “direct shipping.”
Gradually, many states made exceptions to the direct shipping prohibition
for in-state wineries. Other states went farther and allowed out-of-state
wineries to ship wine to their residents. New York and Michigan were two
states that prohibited out-of-state wineries from shipping wine to in-state
residents but allowed in-state wineries to do so. Residents desiring to receive
wine shipments from out-of-state wineries sued, challenging the laws, and
won. The states appealed to the Supreme Court, which heard the cases in
2005.50 The states argued that safety concerns related to liquor and the fact
that out-of-state wineries were more difficult to regulate combined to jus-
tify the ban on out-of-state winery shipping. Did the Supreme Court agree? http://
For a guide to the various
rules for shipping wine, see
No. The Supreme Court held that the state laws burdened interstate commerce un- http://www.ushistory.org/
necessarily and they invalidated the laws.51 Since then, both New York and Michi- valleyforge/served/arnold.html
gan have adopted new laws and regulations allowing direct shipping of wine from
anywhere in the country. Florida and Texas have also jettisoned their out-of-state
shipping bans on wine, and litigation was pending in at least five more states as this
book was written.52 Note that the U.S. Postal Service would be immune from any
state penalty for violating a wine shipping law under the doctrine of supremacy;
only the shipper and possibly the purchaser could be held responsible. Private ship-
ping companies such as FedEx or UPS do not enjoy such immunity.
First Amendment Guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.
Second Amendment Guarantees the right to keep and bear arms, because a state requires a well-equipped citizen army
for its own security.
Third Amendment Prohibits the lodging of soldiers in peacetime without the dweller’s consent.
Fourth Amendment Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures of persons or property.
Fifth Amendment Prohibits deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, and fair payment
when private property is taken for public use, such as in eminent domain; prohibits compulsory
self-incrimination and double jeopardy (trial for the same crime twice).
Sixth Amendment Guarantees the accused in a criminal case the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury
and with counsel; allows the accused to cross-examine witnesses against him or her and to solicit tes-
timony from witnesses in his or her favor.
Seventh Amendment Guarantees a trial by jury for the accused in a civil case involving $20 or more.
Eighth Amendment Prohibits excessive bail and fines, as well as cruel and unusual punishments.
Ninth Amendment Establishes that the people have rights in addition to those specified in the Constitution.
Tenth Amendment Establishes that those powers neither delegated to the national government nor denied to the
states are reserved for the states.
the right of all persons to liberty and extended the scope of its protection by bind-
ing all state and local governments with these words:
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or im-
due process munities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
The requirement that
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within
legal proceedings
its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
(including arrest, civil and
criminal trials, and pun- The clauses guaranteeing due process of law and equal protection of the law were
ishment) comply with the
not defined at the time of the Fourteenth Amendment, leaving the work of defini-
U.S. Constitution and
tion and specific application to the judicial branch. The due process and equal pro-
other applicable substan-
tive and procedural laws.
tection clauses have been used by the Supreme Court to restrict the constitution-
ally reserved powers of the states.
Simply stated, the Supreme Court defines due process as the equivalent of
equal protection
fundamental fairness and equal protection as the prevention of invidious discrimi-
The clause in the Four-
teenth Amendment to
nation (i.e., differentiating offensively or unfairly). Thus, states cannot violate the
the U.S. Constitution de-
due process or equal protection guaranteed to the people, regardless of what is
claring that “no state contained in their respective constitutions. But the application of those terms to
shall … deny to any per- specific examples of state action was to evolve through Supreme Court decisions
son within its jurisdiction using an interpretive process referred to as the incorporation doctrine.
the equal protection of
the laws.”
Incorporation Doctrine
incorporation In its trailblazing decision in Gitlow v. New York in 1925, the U.S. Supreme Court
announced, “[W]e may and do assume that freedom of speech and of press—First
Amendment protections—are among the fundamental personal rights and ‘liber-
The Supreme Court’s utili-
zation of the Fourteenth
ties’ protected by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment from im-
Amendment to find Bill pairment by the States.”55
of Rights limitations on With the Gitlow decision, the Supreme Court began a policy that it has main-
state and local tained ever since. As selected cases reach it, the Court has systematically imposed
governments. on the states most of the guarantees found in the Bill of Rights by interpreting the
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 71
1. The “clear and present danger” test under which speech could be regulated by
government was explained in Schenck.59 http://
2. The “bad tendency” test was exemplified in Abrams. Here the Court accorded
News, commentary, and
little importance to the guarantee of free speech, focusing almost solely on the
analyses about free speech
impact of the challenged speech on the war (World War I) effort.60
issues are available at
3. The “preferred position” test was articulated in Justice Harlan Stone’s famous
footnote in the Carolene Products case. Stone presented the view that free http://www.freedomforum
speech enjoyed a preferred position in relation to other constitutional guaran- .org/first/default.asp
tees, calling for a more precise and searching scrutiny of legislation that might
curtail “political processes.”61
4. During the Cold War of the late 1940s and 1950s, the Supreme Court upheld
free speech
“Congress shall make no
the conviction of 11 leaders of the American Communist Party by enforcing
law … abridging the free-
the Smith Act of 1940, which made it a crime to teach or advocate the over- dom of speech, or of the
throw of government by force. In doing so, the Court adopted the “probabil- press; or the right of the
ity” statement of the “clear and present danger” rule, as expressed by the people peaceably to as-
highly respected Chief Judge Learned Hand, writing for the lower court ma- semble, and to petition
jority: “In each case [courts] must ask whether the gravity of the ‘evil,’ dis- the Government for a re-
counted by its improbability, justifies such invasion of free speech as is neces- dress of grievances.”
sary to avoid the danger.”62
5. Political dissent during the late 1960s and early 1970s found the Court using
the “ad hoc balancing” test. Using the “clear and present danger” test, the
Court weighed the competing interests of free speech and law and order. Ev-
ery ordinance attempting to serve the interests of the state must be drawn with
“reasonable specificity toward the [speech] and conduct prohibited.”63
Paladin Press published a book Hit Man: A Technical Manual for
Independent Contractors, which provided instructions for
would-be contract murderers. Lawrence Horn hired James Perry, a contract
killer, to murder his ex-wife and their brain-damaged son, after which Horn
expected to inherit a $2 million trust fund intended for the boy. Perry, using
72 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
principles studied in the Paladin murder text, suffocated the boy and fatally
shot the ex-wife and an overnight nurse. A sister of the ex-wife sued Paladin
Press in a civil case for damages for aiding and abetting the murderer. Is the
publication of an instructional book for murder protected by the First
Amendment from a civil lawsuit?64
Paladin Enterprises, Inc. v. Rice, 940 F.Supp. 836 (D. Md. 1996), rev’d, 128 F.3d 233 (4th Cir. 1997), cert.
denied, 523 U.S. 1074, 118 S.Ct. 1515 (1998).
No. The Constitution does not shield from civil lawsuits such things as bomb-
making guides, assassination manuals, or similar works that exhort people to take
the law into their own hands. Nor does the Constitution prevent the publication of
libelous (untruthful) material and any subsequent civil lawsuits that may follow.
prior restraint The prior restraint of speech that is offensive for any reason is a judicial power
Restraints on a publica- that is exercised only in the most extraordinary circumstances.
tion before it is actually The Court has been careful to protect expressive activity and symbolic
published. speech,65 and has ruled that burning of the national flag of the United States, as
political speech, can be restricted neither by the states nor by the Congress.66
U.S. Beverage Co. produced Phat Boy, an inexpensive malt li-
quor that was sold in bigger bottles with a higher alcohol con-
tent than competing beers. It also sported a funky red, black, and yellow la-
bel and contained ginseng, which some consider an aphrodisiac. (“Phat” is a
‘90s version of the word “cool.”) A public interest group contended that
Phat Boy was targeted to underage African-Americans, much like cigarette
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 73
ads featuring Joe Camel allegedly targeted teenagers. Does the Constitution
protect focused commercial advertising?68
Yes, but to a lesser extent than other forms of speech. When alcohol is involved in
any commercial activity, the states have an additional interest in protecting the
public from harm. However, the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Commission
received no complaints from the public, and the product was promoted and sold
widely, not targeted in specific neighborhoods.
Stanford University, a private institution, adopted a code stat-
ing that “one student cannot with purpose vilify another with
fighting words that are ugly gutter epithets like ‘nigger’ and ‘kike.’” The
code also banned such hate-associated symbols as the swastika. Can a pri-
vate university proscribe undesirable speech?
No. Stanford students challenged the code in a state superior court (trial court)
where the judge granted a preliminary injunction declaring Stanford’s “hate
speech” ban unconstitutionally broad.70 Basing his decision on a state law, the judge
ruled that the university violated students’ freedom of expression by prohibiting
only certain “fighting words” linked to sex and race. Stanford defended their 18-
months-in-the-making speech code by contending that [California’s] Leonard
Law, which extended free speech protections to private schools, “intruded on the hate speech
Words spoken, written,
university’s right to govern itself and establish rules of proper behavior.”71
or symbolized (e.g., by
In 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously condemned a St. Paul, Minne-
placing burning crosses
sota, ordinance that outlawed any hate-motivated expression (e.g., burning crosses, on private lawns) that ex-
displaying swastikas) that “one knows or has reasonable grounds to know arouses press irrational and false
anger, alarm, or resentment in others on the basis of race, color, creed, religion or ideas that insult and de-
gender.”72 In the hate speech case in question, a 17-year-old skinhead (i.e., an anti- mean certain persons or
social or delinquent youth who wears his hair closely cropped) was arrested after classes of persons.
74 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
setting fire to a crude cross in the yard of an African-American family that had
recently settled in a predominantly white neighborhood. Justice Antonin Scalia
noted that such conduct “is reprehensible. … But St. Paul has sufficient means at
its disposal to prevent such behavior without adding the First Amendment to the
fire.”73 Note, however, that in the following year the Court unanimously upheld a
Wisconsin statute that imposes harsher penalties on a criminal who “intentionally
selects the person against whom the crime … is committed … because of the race,
religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry of that per-
son.”74 Most states now have similar “hate crime” penalty-enhancement laws.
In other cases, the Court has withheld the protective shield of the First
Amendment from “fighting words,” meaning words “which by their very utterance
inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace” and conduct that
is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite
or produce such action.”75
Reference in the Wisconsin statute to “sexual orientation” exemplifies increas-
ing concern of legislative bodies and courts with the civil rights of homosexual per-
sons, male and female. No doubt many homosexual persons have served with
honor and distinction in military uniforms. In 1993, the Clinton administration
took steps to permit them to openly disclose their sexual orientation. Opposition
from top military commanders and others resulted in adoption of a compromise
policy that is reflected in the advice, “Don’t ask; don’t tell; don’t pursue.”
Master Chief Petty Officer McVeigh sent an e-mail with return
address of “Boysrch,” which prompted a sexual orientation in-
vestigation by the U.S. Navy. America Online revealed McVeigh’s identity in
violation of a federal privacy law. The Navy began proceedings to discharge
McVeigh without benefits. Has the Navy violated the “Don’t ask; don’t tell;
don’t pursue” policy?
McVeigh v. Cohen, 983 F.Supp. 215 (D.D.C., 1998) and 996 F.Supp. 59 (D.D.C., 1998).
Yes. A federal judge ruled that the Navy’s investigation into McVeigh’s sexual ori-
entation was a violation of the policy. McVeigh retired with full benefits and re-
ceived money damages from America Online.76
It is noteworthy that the members of the military are controlled by the Uni-
form Code of Military Justice, which closely prescribes conduct within the military
services. Serious issues regarding the discharge of homosexual persons from the
service, of women in combat roles, and of immoral sexual behavior continue to
plague the military branches.*
Certain artists and their publishers have produced paintings, photographs, ma-
gazines, books, songs, videotapes, and compact discs that allegedly violate tradi-
tional and appropriate standards of morality and decency. Probably most people
are not offended because they are not within the targeted markets for most of this
bizarre art. However, programs on free television and cable television now enter
most homes. Increasing numbers of viewers, both old and young, find excessive vi-
olence and perceived obscenity intolerable and are demanding government imposi-
* The president is the “Commander in Chief of the United States. …” U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2. However, the presi-
dent is not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice that applies to the military and prohibits, among other things, immoral
sexual activity such as adultery.
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 75
The mascot of Birmingham High School in Pontiac, Michigan,
is a headdressed American Indian based on Chief Pontiac, an
Ottawa Indian who was an organizer of tribes against the invading English
during the 1700s. The city of Pontiac is named after this chief. The high
school’s team name is the “Braves.” In response to demands of American In-
dian activists, the local board of education chose to change the mascots of
four high schools, including the “Mohicans” and the “Warriors.” Removing
the “Braves” logo from the Birmingham High School gym floor and track
and purchasing new gym clothes and uniforms will cost $240,000. The acti-
vists argued that portrayal of an American Indian with a headdress is sacrile-
gious.79 Does the Constitution protect the use of insulting or sacrilegious
Yes. However, a public school may choose to avoid offensive language or symbols
for other reasons. Even if offensive speech is protected from censorship by the
Constitution, that does not mean it should be employed.
First Amendment could be interpreted to protect such speech. Under a recent Su-
preme Court decision, Garcetti v. Ceballos, however, speech in the course of official
duties is not protected by the First Amendment. Thus, a deputy district attorney
could be disciplined by his employer for stating in court that the police had made
false statements while seeking an arrest warrant.80 When public employees speak
outside of their official duties, such as a teacher sending a letter to a local news-
paper about school funding, such speech can be protected under the First
estly titillating to the completely explicit. Many people go looking for sexually ex-
plicit material but your authors know from experience that sometimes these sites
show up in search requests for material totally unrelated to sex. In 1996, Congress
adopted two acts, the Communications Decency Act (CDA) and the Child Pornog-
raphy Prevention Act (CPPA), in an attempt to regulate sexually explicit Internet
content as it related to children.83 The CDA attempted to prohibit the knowing
transmission of obscene or indecent messages to any recipient under 18 years of
age. In 1997, the Supreme Court held the CDA to be an unconstitutional infringe-
ment of free speech guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.84
The CPPA provided a federal prohibition against sexually ex-
plicit images that appear to depict minors produced without
using any real children—virtual child pornography. The statute prohibited
possessing or distributing these virtual images. Is the act constitutional, or
does it violate the First Amendment protection against free speech?
Ashcroft v. The Free Speech Coalition, 535 U.S. 234, 122 S.Ct. 1389 (2002).
The Court stated: “[A]s a general principle, the First Amendment bars the govern-
ment from dictating what we see or read or speak or hear. The freedom of speech
has its limits; it does not embrace certain categories of speech, including defamation,
incitement, obscenity, and pornography produced with real children.” Among the
arguments in favor of the statute was that to eliminate the market for pornography
produced using real children necessitated a prohibition on virtual images. The
Court’s response to that argument was, “The Government may not suppress lawful
speech as the means to suppress unlawful speech. Protected speech does not become
unprotected merely because it resembles the latter.” In holding the second of the
two 1996 congressional attempts to control Internet pornography unconstitutional,
the Court stated the provisions considered “are overbroad and unconstitutional.”
Do these two cases mean that Internet content cannot be regulated? Hardly.
But the cases do make clear that constitutional freedoms such as the First Amend-
ment make regulation of the Internet and new technologies a challenging task for
the legislatures. Still improper use of the Internet by individuals, such as by pub-
lishing libelous material (civil) or by conspiring to commit criminal offenses, can
result in civil or criminal penalties. Free speech does not equate to freedom from
personal responsibility to comply with laws enacted under proper exercise of the
police powers of the states.
“Approximately 10 percent of the Americans who use the Inter-
net access it at public libraries. And approximately 95 percent
of all public libraries in the United States provide public access to the Inter-
net.” Can Congress require public libraries to provide software filters to
guard against sexually explicit content as a condition to the receipt of
federal subsidies?
American Library Ass’n, Inc. v. United States, 201 F.Supp.2d 401 (E.D.Pa., 2002).
78 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The United States was sued by a group of libraries, library associations, library pa-
trons, and Web site publishers alleging that the Children’s Internet Protection Act
(CIPA),85 requiring filtering of sexually explicit content, forces the libraries to vio-
late their patrons’ First Amendment rights. The district court agreed with the
plaintiffs. The lower court decision was ultimately overturned, however, by the
U.S. Supreme Court which upheld CIPA.86 Though a plurality decision, the com-
mon thread in the justices’ opinions related to ease or means by which patrons or
libraries could defeat or bypass the filter.
Establishment Clause
Accordingly, the Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional various state at-
tempts to promote “religious values” in public schools under the establishment
clause. In 1962, in a controversial decision (Engel v. Vitale), the Court outlawed the
recitation of a nonsectarian prayer in the public schools of New York State. The
prayer was to be said aloud in class in the presence of a teacher at the beginning of
every school day. The prayer provided by the New York Board of Regents was:
“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy
blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country.” Speaking for the
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 79
Court, Justice Hugo L. Black pointed out that the prayer violated the establish-
ment clause of the First Amendment:
Its first and most immediate purpose [referring to the clause] rested on the belief
that a union of government and religion tends to destroy government and to de-
grade religions. … [G]overnmentally established religions and religious persecu-
tion go hand in hand. … It was in large part to get completely away from this
sort of systematic religious persecution that the Founders brought into being our
Nation, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.88
The Court said that even a one-minute period of silence for “meditation or volun-
tary prayer” is constitutionally impermissible.89
It is the 1870s in Utah, and Reynolds is a Mormon with two
wives. The then territory of Utah prosecutes him for violation
of a U.S. Territory statute stating “Every person having a husband or wife liv-
ing, who marries another … is guilty of bigamy, and shall be punished by a
fine of not more than $500, and by imprisonment for a term of not more
than five years.” Among the defenses offered by Reynolds were that the
church doctrine of the time made it “the duty of male members of said
church, circumstances permitting, to practise [sic] polygamy,”90 and the First
Amendment restricts government from passing a statute that prohibits the
free exercise of his religion. Was he correct?
Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. 145, 25 L.Ed. 244 (1878).
This U.S. Supreme Court case was one of the first to consider whether the free ex-
ercise clause provides a defense to a criminal act. The Court bluntly said no. “To
permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to
the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto him-
self. Government could exist only in name under such circumstances.”
In recent years, a number of cases have raised the question of allowing free ex-
ercise of religion in public schools as a counter to public school establishment of
religion. In other words, although the public school cannot encourage a religious
practice, must it allow it? In 1984, Congress passed the Equal Access Act,91 making
it unlawful for any public high school receiving federal assistance (funds) to prevent
student groups from using school facilities for religious activities. In addition, the
Religious Freedoms Restoration Act92 was passed in 1993 stating that “govern-
ments should not substantially burden religious exercise without compelling
80 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
When this amendment was penned, the common practice of states was to have
large standing armies. There was a strong public sentiment that a large permanent
army should not be part of the national government. Also, the amendment was de-
signed to prevent Congress from disarming and abolishing state militias.
The Supreme Court has sustained this sentiment: “The Second Amendment
guarantees no right to keep and bear a firearm that does not have some reasonable
relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia.”97
States as well as the federal government may regulate some or all privately
owned firearms if they so choose. According to the Court:
There is under our decisions no reason why stiff laws governing the purchase and
possession of pistols may not be enacted. There is no reason why pistols may not be
barred from anyone with a police record. There is no reason why a state may not
require a purchaser of a pistol to pass a psychiatric test. There is no reason why all
pistols should not be barred to everyone except the police.98
The Texas District Court agreed with Dr. Emerson and dismissed the charges. On
appeal the Texas federal appellate court reversed the trial court and held “that the
nexus between firearm possession by [Dr. Emerson] … and the threat of lawless vi-
olence, is sufficient to [suspend Dr. Emerson’s] Second Amendment right to keep
and bear arms.” The Supreme Court declined to hear the case.
The case is especially notable for two reasons. The first is that although the
criminal charges against the doctor were upheld, the court rejected the argument
that the Second Amendment protects only collective rights. Instead, the court held
that the right to bear arms “protects the right of individuals, including those not
then actually a member of any militia or engaged in active military service or train-
ing, to privately possess and bear their own firearms, such as the pistol involved
here, that are suitable as personal, individual weapons.” The second reason is sup-
port the case received at the governmental level. Governors, members of Congress,
and many other politicians issued statements or made speeches praising the deci-
sion and urging the Supreme Court to refuse to hear it. Notably, the U.S. attorney
general very openly supported the court of appeals interpretation of the amend-
ment. “[T]he Second Amendment more broadly protects the rights of individuals, exclusionary rule
The court-made rule that
including persons who are not members of any militia or engaged in active military
precludes the use in crim-
service or training, to possess and bear their own firearms, subject to reasonable re- inal court proceedings of
strictions designed to prevent possession by unfit persons or to restrict the posses- any evidence improperly
sion of types of firearms that are particularly suited to criminal misuse.”99 obtained by the
what due process means. Due process means government is expected to use fair and
reasonable methods when exercising power over individuals, which is a matter of
procedural due process. The clause has also been used to limit government exercise
of power over the content of the law, which is a matter of substantive due process.
Examples of procedural due process questions often arise in the processing of
individuals in the criminal justice system. Among the due process rights recognized
over the years is the right to be represented by a lawyer during police questioning.
The right arises after one is taken into custody or otherwise deprived of freedom in
any significant way. The representation by an attorney is necessary to protect
against compelled testimony and self-incrimination, each a basic right mandated by
the U.S. Supreme Court for compliance by federal government and all states.103
A police undercover agent was planted in a cell with prisoner
Perkins, who had been jailed for aggravated assault. Perkins
was also under investigation for murder. The undercover agent asked Per-
kins if he had ever killed anybody. In answering the question, Perkins made
statements implicating himself in the murder. Is this testimony that was
Fourteenth given voluntarily but unknowingly by Perkins to a police officer admissible
Amendment as evidence despite the way it was obtained?
In part, “All persons born
Illinois v. Perkins, 496 U.S. 292, 110 S.Ct. 2394 (1990).
or naturalized in the
United States, and subject
to the jurisdiction
thereof, are citizens of
Yes. The Supreme Court held that an undercover officer posing as an inmate has
the United States and of
no obligation to warn an incarcerated suspect of any constitutional rights before
the State wherein they asking questions, even though the response could be legally incriminating.
reside. No State shall Through a series of decisions based on Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amend-
make or enforce any law ment, the Supreme Court has imposed an obligation on the states to honor the hu-
which shall abridge the man rights identified in the Fifth and Sixth amendments. Included is the right to a
privileges or immunities speedy104 and public trial105 by an unbiased jury,106 assuredly among the most vital
of citizens of the United of rights in a free society. To further guarantee a fair trial, the Court in other cases
States; nor shall any State also incorporated the right to have compulsory process* for obtaining witnesses
deprive any person of
for the defense of the accused person107 and to the assistance of professional legal
life, liberty, or property,
counsel in all cases and at all stages108 of criminal procedures to which the defen-
without due process of
law; nor deny to any per-
dant is subjected. An exception is made as to counsel in appellate proceedings
son within its jurisdiction
(although, in fact, appellants are generally assisted by state compensated counsel).
the equal protection of
Concern about criminal activity by members of urban gangs has prompted many
local boards and councils to adopt ordinances designed to protect their residents.
The Chicago ordinance is but one example. Ordinarily, a person cannot be con-
victed of a crime by mere association and without criminal intent. In the above
case, the Illinois Supreme Court concluded that the Chicago ordinance did not
provide sufficiently specific limits on the enforcement discretion of the police to
meet constitutional standards for definiteness and clarity. In upholding the Illinois
Supreme Court, the U.S. Supreme Court stated: “We recognize the serious and
difficult problems testified to by the citizens of Chicago that led to the enactment
of this ordinance. We are mindful that the preservation of liberty depends in part
on the maintenance of social order. However, in this instance the city has enacted
an ordinance that affords too much discretion to the police and too little notice to
citizens who wish to use the public streets.”
The war on terror that has grown from the September 11, 2001, terrorist at-
tacks has raised controversy regarding the rights guaranteed under the Constitu-
tion to noncitizens, to terrorist suspects, and to “enemy combatants.”* What due
process do such persons deserve or have a right to when the U.S. government con-
ducts proceedings to determine their fate or punishment? The answer is not clear.
A recent Supreme Court decision held that certain proposed military tribunals for
enemy combatants lacked sufficient protections of the accused’s rights but did not
fully explain the rights such persons had.109 The Court did make it clear that en-
emy combatants might not be entitled to the same due process protections to
which criminal defendants are entitled.
Chapter 6 addresses this topic in part as it more fully addresses the rights of
persons accused of a crime.
* The term “enemy combatant” is harder to define in a war against a terrorist organization. The term historically referred to per-
sons who were members of the armed forces of a state with which a nation was at war. Hence, an often equivalent term is “mili-
tary combatant.” One recent congressional bill put it succinctly: “Enemy combatants in the present conflict, however, come
from many nations, wear no uniforms, and use unconventional weapons. Enemy combatants in the war on terrorism are not de-
fined by simple, readily apparent criteria, such as citizenship or military uniform. And the power to name a citizen as an ‘enemy
combatant’ is therefore extraordinarily broad.” Detention of Enemy Combatants Act (Introduced in House) 109th CONGRESS 1st
Session H.R. 1076, March 3, 2005.
84 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
origin, ethnicity, religion, marriage, and voting have been held inherently sus-
pect. Government must demonstrate that any law providing for differential
treatment serves a compelling state interest and is narrowly tailored to serve
that interest.
2. Intermediate scrutiny test. Is the right or classification similar to a protected
fundamental right? If so, the court provides for “heightened scrutiny.” The
standard has been used for gender- and legitimacy-based discrimination cases.
Government must show that the discriminating law or policy bears a “substan-
tial relationship” to an “important” government interest.
3. Minimal scrutiny or rational basis test. Does the challenged law involve nei-
ther a suspect classification nor a fundamental right? In that case, government
need show only that the law is rationally related to a legitimate state interest.
Usually, classifications based on economic and social status fall within this min-
imal scrutiny range.
The equal right to education is arguably the first key to providing an opportunity
for all students to realize their potential. The second would be employment, and the
third would be housing. The three are interdependent, forming a repeating cycle.
To give disadvantaged minorities benefits of education that others have rou-
tinely enjoyed, the U.S. Supreme Court acted in the Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka cases discussed shortly. Implementation, however, has been difficult and time
consuming. At this writing, more than 50 years later, the education problems remain
despite much progress. When they married, many children of older residents in
large cities found more desirable housing at affordable prices in new suburban sub-
divisions, readily accessible by private automobiles on new superhighways. This pat-
tern accelerated the decline of the aging city neighborhoods, which now attracted
lower-income families, often minorities. Thus, the minority literally became the ma-
jority in the inner cities of a large number of metropolitan areas. Government at-
tempts to integrate white and African-American students in elementary and second-
ary schools were resented by many whites (and also by some African-Americans),
and in large measure were effectively frustrated by the migration to the suburbs.
The nationalization of equal opportunity continues to be a major priority of
our legislatures and courts. Nowhere is this commitment by the federal govern-
ment more evident than in the field of education at all levels. In 1954, a unanimous
U.S. Supreme Court decreed that separation of the races in schools violated the
right to equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. Chief
Justice Earl Warren declared that “segregation of children in public schools solely
on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors
may be equal, deprives the children of the minority group of equal educational op-
portunities. … To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications
solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the
community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be un-
done.”110 A year later, the Court ordered all public school districts to desegregate
“with all deliberate speed.”111
In 1976, the Court extended the principles of the Brown cases to private
schools. It held that federal civil rights laws prohibited private nonsectarian schools
from refusing to admit prospective students because they were black.112
Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which is divided into subject
matter sections called titles. Title VI requires that all federal funds must be with-
drawn from any school, college, or university that is guilty of discrimination on the
“grounds of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity receiving fed-
eral financial assistance.” (Gender, disability, age, Vietnam veteran status, and dis-
ability of veterans were later added to the list.)
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 85
Grove City College, a private, coeducational liberal arts institu-
tion, declined all state or federal financial assistance in order to
preserve its autonomy. However, many of its students received Basic Educa-
tional Opportunity Grants (BEOGs) from the U.S. Department of Education.
The department required every participating institution to file a report certi-
fying that no sex discrimination existed on its campus. Grove City College re-
fused to file the report and brought suit to prevent the department from
canceling all BEOGs. What was the result?
Grove City College v. Bell, 465 U.S. 555, 104 S.Ct. 1211 (1984).
Grove City College gained a partial victory. The Supreme Court found that even
though Grove City did not directly distribute the students’ awards, the BEOGs
clearly augmented the college’s financial aid program. Therefore, Grove City must
assure the U.S. Department of Education that no discrimination exists in the col-
lege’s financial aid program. However, the receipt of the BEOGs by some of Grove
City’s students was not determined to trigger institution-wide coverage under non-
discrimination statutes. Grove City challenged the conditioning of federal assistance
on compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements, claiming it infringed on
the First Amendment rights of the college and its students. “Congress is free to at-
tach reasonable and unambiguous conditions to federal financial assistance that edu-
cational institutions are not obligated to accept.” In other words, the college can
avoid compliance requirements by not allowing students attending to accept BEOG
awards. In similar cases involving tax-exempt organizations, such as religious
schools, a failure to comply with legal orders to eliminate discrimination has resulted
in threats from the Internal Revenue Service to remove their tax-exempt status.
Bob Jones University (BJU) is a private learning institution
whose founding principles include a specific religious belief.
BJU receives no government assistance, but the IRS denied its tax-exempt
status because of the school’s policy prohibiting interracial association and
intermarriage. Can the IRS cause a private, religious university to pay income
taxes (by denial of exempt status) while other religious organizations are
Bob Jones University v. United States, 461 U.S. 574, 103 S.Ct. 2017 (1983).
Yes. Even though all races can enroll, discrimination by racial affiliation (e.g., ban
on intermarriage) is against public policy. The state has a compelling interest in
banning racial discrimination in any form. The intent of the tax law is that entitle-
ment to tax exemption depends on meeting “certain common-law standards of
charity—namely that an institution seeking tax-exempt status must serve a public
purpose and not be contrary to established public policy,” which could not be satis-
fied by less restrictive means. Loss of tax-exempt status could cause the closure of
many otherwise worthwhile organizations.
Segregation in public schools due to socioeconomic factors does not, in itself,
violate the Constitution. For example, in one case, the Court ordered removal
of a court order that required busing of students to achieve integration goals in
86 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Oklahoma City—if as much had been accomplished as was practical.113 But schools
must adopt policies that remove the effects of past discrimination. Race-neutral
policies are not enough.114 Otherwise, the courts will intervene.
The Medical School of the University of California, Davis (UCD)
set aside 16 class admissions for minority applicants. Allan
Bakke, a white male and a top undergraduate student at the University of
Minnesota and Stanford University, applied for admission to the UCD Medi-
cal School and was rejected twice. On both occasions, minority students with
lower admission test scores, lower grade-point averages, and less impressive
interviews were nonetheless admitted.
Bakke sued the university claiming he had been rejected because of his
race, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment and of Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964. The trial court and the California Supreme Court found
that UCD’s admission plan did indeed violate the constitutional requirement
of equal protection under the law. The U.S. Supreme Court accepted the
case. How should it rule?
University of California Regents v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265, 95 S.Ct. 2733 (1978).
The U.S. Supreme Court found for Bakke* and declared the UCD admissions plan
unconstitutional, thus affirming the decision of the California Supreme Court. The
* Allan Bakke was finally admitted to UCD, received his medical degree, and practiced in Minnesota. In 1996 Senator Edward Ken-
nedy declared to a Senate committee: “Dr. (Patrick) Chavis is a perfect example (of the positive results of affirmative action). He
is the supposedly less qualified African-American student who allegedly displaced Allan Bakke … and triggered the landmark
case. Today, Dr. Chavis is a successful ob-gyn in central Los Angeles, serving a disadvantaged community and making a differ-
ence in the lives of scores of poor families.” Writing in The Nation, California State Senator Tom Hayden noted that while Allan
Bakke became an anesthesiologist in Minnesota, Chavis was “providing primary care to poor women” in a mostly black commu-
nity. “Bakke’s scores were higher,” Hayden admitted, “but who made the most of his medical school education?” In 1996
Chavis’s medical license was suspended by the California Medical Board for gross negligence and incompetence in the liposuc-
tion treatment of three women—one of whom died as a result. Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, “How Affirmative Action Can Be
Fatal” (New York Times Service, 20 August 1997).
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 87
Court also held—with five votes and five different rationales—that ethnic diversity
among medical students is an appropriate goal and therefore race can be one of the
factors considered when students apply for admission.
There have been no decisions by the Court to clarify this language. U.S. Su-
preme Court Justice Byron White summarized the situation accurately when he
wrote: “Agreement upon a means for applying the Equal Protection Clause to an
affirmative action program has eluded this Court every time the issue has come be-
fore us.”116
As noted earlier in this chapter, California eliminated all affirmative action pol-
icies through the initiative process (direct vote of the people). While the U.S. Su-
preme Court has authorized race-conscious admissions policies, California has
chosen to achieve racial balance through other practices, such as improved out-
reach programs to fully qualified students. Other states have variations of processes
in admissions and employment to achieve racial equality.
The right to privacy is the right to be left alone by other persons and by govern-
ment. It is generally recognized as an essential component of personal dignity, peace
of mind, and independence. Nevertheless, a right to privacy has not always been im-
plicitly recognized and respected as a constitutionally protected right. There is no
reference to privacy, as such, in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Indeed, it was
not until 1965 that the U.S. Supreme Court recognized “the new constitutional right
of privacy,” in the words of Justice William O. Douglas. In the case of Griswold v.
Connecticut, the Court held invalid a Connecticut statute that made it a criminal
offense for married persons to use any drug or instrument to prevent conception.
The Court held that the statute violated the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth
amendments, plus the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth.117
The nation’s highest court subsequently has used the declared and implicit
right of privacy to affirm (1) the right of unmarried persons to have access to con-
traceptives, (2) the right of persons of different races to intermarry (also protected
by the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment),
(3) the right of a woman to have an abortion under certain conditions, and (4) the
right to possess obscene materials in one’s home.118
Ohio passed a law making it a crime to possess obscene materi-
als that depict minors having sex in any form or manner.
Osborne was arrested for having photographs of children having sex. Does
Osborne have a constitutional right of privacy to possess this particular
matter in his home?
Osborne v. Ohio, 495 U.S. 103, 110 S.Ct. 1691 (1990).
No. Osborne’s right of privacy allowing possession of obscene materials is not ab-
solute. The state’s interest in protecting “the victims of child pornography” is para-
mount and sufficient to ban its possession. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ac-
cused’s conviction.
The Court has held that the right of privacy does not extend to “places of pub-
lic accommodation” and therefore adults do not have a constitutional right to ac-
quire pornographic materials in bookstores or theaters.119 In 2003, the Supreme
88 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Court held, in Lawrence v. Texas, that private homosexual sexual relations are pro-
tected as a liberty right.120 In the past, cases involving sexual relations between per-
sons of the same sex had usually focused on the sexual activity itself. In Lawrence,
however, the Supreme Court focused on the relationship that the sexual activity
might be a part of, rather than the sexual act.
Do “coerced” polygraph tests administered by private employers violate the
right to privacy? Yes, at least in California. In a huge out-of-court settlement, the
Federated Groups agreed to pay $12.1 million to job applicants forced to take poly-
graph (lie detector) tests as a condition of employment.121
It should be noted that the reliability of lie detectors is sufficiently uncertain
that they are not accepted as evidence in court over a defendant’s objection. This
factor of unreliability differentiates lie detector tests from others, such as blood, ur-
ine, or breath-analyzer tests.
Certain U.S. companies desire to sell encryption (secret code)
software internationally. The software encodes e-mail and files
to protect them from prying eyes. A supercomputer would need 10,000
years to break the code of a file with 128-bit encryption. The U.S. Commerce
Department requires that such companies provide them with a key with
which to decipher the code. Does the Constitution’s right of privacy guaran-
tee citizens and companies the right to make private and secret encoded
The specific issue presented may never arise because encryption software is gener-
ally available on the international market. The right of government to ban encryp-
tion software unless a key is provided involves balancing national security interests
against those of privacy and free speech.
Congress long ago banned the manufacture, sale, advertisement, and use of de-
vices intended to secretly listen to and record telephone and oral communications.123
Yet today sophisticated electronic spy equipment is accessible in “spy shops” and
from mail-order companies. A stranger can monitor conversations inside a bedroom
from a mile away, and spouses can track the movements of each other in the family
car. Employers can listen to the conversations of every employee on the job. Al-
though laws prohibiting the sale of spying equipment are on the books, lax enforce-
ment, rapid changes in technology, and lack of public complaint have distorted (low-
ered) the public’s expectation of privacy. Government cannot make wiretaps or
otherwise perform searches without a prior search warrant, as will be discussed fur-
ther in Chapter 6. But the Constitution does not guarantee a right of privacy to its
citizens in the sense that they are protected from the intrusiveness of one another.
The Constitution restrains only government from unreasonable intrusiveness.
Among these problems, none are more difficult to resolve than the issues sur-
rounding AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). For example, should indi-
viduals be subject to a mandatory AIDS testing program, especially those who work
in certain high-risk areas or with high-risk persons? The general answer is no.
Nebraska requires state healthcare workers with the mentally
retarded to submit to blood tests for AIDS. Is such a require-
ment an unreasonable search of a person’s body?
Glover v. Eastern Neb. Community Office of Retardation, 686 F.Supp. 243, 250 (D. Neb. 1988), aff’d,
867 F.2d 461 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 932 (1989).
Yes. The Nebraska statute is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court, without com-
ment, upheld a lower court’s decision that blood tests for AIDS did violate the
Fourth Amendment. For now, the Supreme Court seems content to accept the
doctrine that AIDS testing must meet the same constitutional requirements of rea-
sonableness as other warrantless search and seizure practices.
Critics of universal blood testing charge that the Fourth Amendment “right of
the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unrea-
sonable searches and seizure” is violated by indiscriminate blood testing (i.e., taking
blood from one’s body is a “search”). However, the Supreme Court said it was not
unconstitutional to take blood from a person without permission if that person is
believed to be driving under the influence of alcohol. (In this case, the person in
question was convicted of drunk driving on the basis of the amount of alcohol in
his blood.)124
Another area of constitutional conflict is mandatory drug testing. The legal sta-
tus of drug testing in the private sector varies from state to state. While the Supreme
Court has ruled that certain government drug-testing plans are constitutional, some
authorities believe that the states will have to make their own decisions about drug
testing. As long as drug testing meets a “reasonableness” test as to safeguards, such as
providing sufficient notice and keeping the test results secret, the business commu-
nity apparently will be permitted to continue testing employees and job applicants.125
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory is a research institution jointly
operated by state and federal agencies. Several African-
American employees allege that as part of mandatory employment medical
examinations, Lawrence tested their blood and urine for intimate medical
conditions—namely, syphilis, sickle cell trait, and pregnancy and that this
was done without their knowledge or consent. Assuming the factual conten-
tions are correct, would such tests violate their right to privacy as guaran-
teed by the U.S. Constitution?
Norman-Bloodsaw v. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 135 F.3d 1260 (C.A.9, 1998).
The court stated it did. “The constitutionally protected privacy interest in avoiding
disclosure of personal matters clearly encompasses medical information and its con-
fidentiality. One can think of few subject areas more personal and more likely to
implicate privacy interests than that of one’s health or genetic make-up.”
90 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
534 U.S. 316, 122 S.Ct. 775 (2002)
The Chicago Park District operates the Chicago film be submitted to a Board of Censors before
public parks and is responsible for group use. It the film was shown anywhere in the State. The
adopted an ordinance requiring park users to get Board enjoyed authority to reject films that it
permits before any public assembly, parade, picnic, or considered obscene or that tend[ed], in the
other event involving more than 50 people, or events judgment of the Board, to debase or corrupt
using amplified sound. The applications are pro- morals or incite to crimes, characteristics de-
cessed in order of receipt, and the Park District deci- fined by the statute in broad terms. The statute
des whether to grant or deny most applications punished the exhibition of a film not submitted
within 14 days. Applications can be denied on any of to the Board for advance approval, even where
13 specified grounds. A denial requires written ex- the film would have received a license had it
planation and, when feasible, suggestions as to how to prepare a been properly submitted. It was no defense that the content
successful application. If a denial is given, one can appeal to the of the film was protected by the First Amendment.
Park Superintendent, who has seven days to respond. If the Park We recognized in Freedman that a scheme condition-
Superintendent denies the appeal, the applicant may seek judicial ing expression on a licensing body’s prior approval of con-
review in state court. tent presents peculiar dangers to constitutionally protected
Petitioners have applied to the Park District on several oc- speech. [T]he censor’s business is to censor, and a licensing
casions for permits to hold rallies advocating the legalization of body likely will overestimate the dangers of controversial
marijuana. The Park District granted some permits and denied speech when determining, without regard to the film’s ac-
others. Unsatisfied, the petitioners filed suit in U.S. District tual effect on an audience, whether speech is likely to incite
Court, alleging that the ordinance is unconstitutional. The dis- or to corrupt [the] morals. In response to these grave dan-
trict court granted summary judgment for the Park District, gers of a censorship system, we held that a film licensing
and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed. process must contain certain procedural safeguards in or-
der to avoid constituting an invalid prior restraint: (1) any
Justice Scalia delivered the opinion of the Court. restraint prior to judicial review can be imposed only for a
specified brief period during which the status quo must be
II maintained; (2) expeditious judicial review of that decision
The First Amendment’s guarantee of the freedom of must be available; and (3) the censor must bear the burden
speech, or of the press, prohibits a wide assortment of gov- of going to court to suppress the speech and must bear the
ernment restraints upon expression, but the core abuse burden of proof once in court.
against which it was directed was the scheme of licensing [T]he licensing scheme at issue here is not subject-
laws implemented by the monarch and Parliament to con- matter censorship but content-neutral time, place, and
tain the evils of the printing press in 16th- and 17th-century manner regulation of the use of a public forum. The Park
England. The Printing Act of 1662 had prescribed what District’s ordinance does not authorize a licensor to pass
could be printed, who could print, and who could sell. It judgment on the content of speech: None of the grounds
punished the publication of any book or pamphlet without for denying a permit has anything to do with what a
a license and required that all works be submitted for ap- speaker might say. The picnicker and soccer-player, no less
proval to a government official, who wielded broad author- than the political activist or parade marshal, must apply for
ity to suppress works that he found to be heretical, sedi- a permit if the 50-person limit is to be exceeded. As the
tious, schismatical, or offensive. The English licensing Court of Appeals well put it: [T]o allow unregulated access
system expired at the end of the 17th century, but the mem- to all comers could easily reduce rather than enlarge the
ory of its abuses was still vivid enough in colonial times that park’s utility as a forum for speech.
Blackstone warned against the restrictive power of such a We have never required that a content-neutral permit
licenser—an administrative official who enjoyed unconfined scheme regulating speech in a public forum adhere to the
authority to pass judgment on the content of speech. procedural requirements set forth in Freedman. [T]he [per-
In Freedman v. Maryland (1965), we confronted a state mit] required is not the kind of prepublication license
law that enacted a strikingly similar system of prior restraint deemed a denial of liberty since the time of John Milton
for motion pictures. It required that every motion picture but a ministerial, police routine for adjusting the rights of
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 91
citizens so that the opportunity for effective freedom of lier applicant for the same time and place; when the in-
speech may be preserved. Regulations of the use of a public tended use would present an unreasonable danger to the
forum that ensure the safety and convenience of the people health or safety of park users or Park District employees;
are not inconsistent with civil liberties but [are] one of the or when the applicant has violated the terms of a prior per-
means of safeguarding the good order upon which [civil mit. Moreover, the Park District must process applications
liberties] ultimately depend. Such a traditional exercise of within 28 days, and must clearly explain its reasons for any
authority does not raise the censorship concerns that denial. These grounds are reasonably specific and objec-
prompted us to impose the extraordinary procedural safe- tive, and do not leave the decision to the whim of the ad-
guards on the film licensing process in Freedman. ministrator. They provide narrowly drawn, reasonable, and
definite standards to guide the licensor’s determination.
III And they are enforceable on review first by appeal to the
Of course even content-neutral time, place, and manner General Superintendent of the Park District and then by
restrictions can be applied in such a manner as to stifle free writ of common-law certiorari * in the Illinois courts.
expression. Where the licensing official enjoys unduly For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of
broad discretion in determining whether to grant or deny the Court of Appeals.
a permit, there is a risk that he will favor or disfavor speech
based on its content. We have thus required that a time, For Critical Analysis
place, and manner regulation contain adequate standards
to guide the official’s decision and render it subject to ef- 1. What was the importance of the court’s determination
fective judicial review. Petitioners contend that the Park that the Chicago Park District’s procedures were con-
District’s ordinance fails this test. tent neutral?
We think not. As we have described, the Park District 2. Why is the court applying a federal constitution test
may deny a permit only for one or more of the reasons set to a state governmental entity?
forth in the ordinance. It may deny, for example, when the 3. Are the petitioners attempting to argue that actions by
application is incomplete or contains a material falsehood the Park District are a prior restraint? If so, did they
or misrepresentation; when the applicant has damaged succeed? Do you believe it is a prior restraint? What
Park District property on prior occasions and has not paid requirements are necessary for a prior restraint to be
for the damage; when a permit has been granted to an ear- held valid? ❚❚
531 U.S. 1046, 121 S.Ct. 525 (2000)
No matter how long you live, something new hap- the race but by a smaller margin. Gore requested
pens. The U.S. elections of 2000 brought something manual recounts in Volusia, Palm Beach, Broward,
new for all U.S. citizens, an election so close that all and Miami-Dade counties, as permitted by protest
the major television networks called the election for provisions in Florida’s election statutes.
a candidate who is not now president. In one of the On November 26, the Florida Elections
more controversial Supreme Court cases, the election Canvassing Commission certified the results of the
was effectively decided by the Court. election and declared Bush the winner of Florida’s
“On the day after the presidential election, the 25 electoral votes. The next day, Gore filed a com-
Florida Division of Elections reported that Gover- plaint in Leon County Circuit Court contesting that
nor George W. Bush had received 2,909,135 votes certification. He sought relief under Florida statutes
and that Vice President Albert Gore Jr. had received 2,907,351 that provide that “[r]eceipt of a number of illegal votes or rejec-
votes, a margin of 1,784 for Bush. Because Bush’s margin of tion of a number of legal votes sufficient to change or place in
victory was less than one-half of one percent of the votes cast, the doubt the result of the election” shall be grounds for a contest.
Florida election code required an automatic machine recount. On December 8, 2000, the supreme court of Florida or-
The results of the automatic recount showed Bush still winning dered that the circuit court of Leon County tabulate by hand
* A writ or order by which an appellate court exercises its discretionary power to decide which lower court cases it will hear. Writs of certiorari are discussed in more detail in
Chapter 3.
92 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
9,000 ballots in Miami-Dade County. The court also ordered to the manner of its exercise. Having once granted the
the inclusion in the certified vote totals of 215 votes identified in right to vote on equal terms, the State may not, by later ar-
Palm Beach County and 168 votes identified in Miami-Dade bitrary and disparate treatment, value one person’s vote
County for Gore. The Florida Supreme Court noted that Bush over that of another.
asserted that the net gain for Gore in Palm Beach County was There is no difference between the two sides of the
176 votes, and directed the circuit court to resolve that dispute on present controversy on these basic propositions. Respon-
remand. The Florida Supreme Court further required manual dents say that the very purpose of vindicating the right to
recounts in all Florida counties where so-called “undervotes” had vote justifies the recount procedures now at issue. The
not been subject to manual tabulation. The Florida court ordered question before us, however, is whether the recount proce-
all manual recounts to begin at once. Bush filed an emergency dures the Florida Supreme Court has adopted are consis-
application to the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay of the Florida tent with its obligation to avoid arbitrary and disparate
Supreme Court decision. treatment of the members of its electorate.
Much of the controversy seems to revolve around bal-
Per Curiam* lot cards designed to be perforated by a stylus but which,
The petition represents the following questions: … either through error or deliberate omission, have not been
whether the use of standardless manual recounts violates perforated with sufficient precision for a machine to count
the equal Protection and Due Process Clauses. With re- them. In some cases a piece of the card—a chad—is hang-
spect to the equal protection question, we find a violation ing, say by two corners. In other cases there is no separa-
of the Equal Protection Clause. tion at all, just an indentation.
The Florida Supreme Court has ordered that the in-
tent of the voter be discerned from such ballots. The re-
II count mechanisms implemented in response to the deci-
A sions of the Florida Supreme Court do not satisfy the
minimum requirement for non-arbitrary treatment of vo-
The closeness of this election, and the multitude of legal
ters necessary to secure the fundamental right. Florida’s
challenges which have followed in its wake, have brought
basic command for the count of legally cast votes is to con-
into sharp focus a common, if heretofore unnoticed, phe-
sider the “intent of the voter.” This is unobjectionable as
nomenon. Nationwide statistics reveal that an estimated 2%
an abstract proposition and a starting principle. The prob-
of ballots cast do not register a vote for President for what-
lem inheres in the absence of specific standards to ensure
ever reason, including deliberately choosing no candidate at
its equal application. The formulation of uniform rules to
all or some voter error, such as voting for two candidates or
determine intent based on these recurring circumstances is
insufficiently marking a ballot. In certifying election results,
practicable and, we conclude, necessary.
the votes eligible for inclusion in the certification are the
The want of those rules here has led to unequal evalua-
votes meeting the properly established legal requirements.
tion of ballots in various respects. (“Should a county canvass-
This case has shown that punch card balloting ma-
ing board count or not count a ‘dimpled chad’ where the
chines can produce an unfortunate number of ballots which
voter is able to successfully dislodge the chad in every other
are not punched in a clean, complete way by the voter. Af-
contest on that ballot? Here, the county canvassing boards
ter the current counting, it is likely legislative bodies na-
disagree.”) As seems to have been acknowledged at oral argu-
tionwide will examine ways to improve the mechanisms and
ment, the standards for accepting or rejecting contested bal-
machinery for voting.
lots might vary not only from county to county but indeed
within a single county from one recount team to another.
B The record provides some examples. A monitor in
The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to Miami-Dade County testified at trial that he observed that
vote for electors for the President of the United States un- three members of the county canvassing board applied dif-
less and until the state legislature chooses a statewide elec- ferent standards in defining a legal vote. And testimony at
tion as the means to implement its power to appoint mem- trial also revealed that at least one county changed its eval-
bers of the Electoral College. uative standards during the counting process.
The right to vote is protected in more than the initial The State Supreme Court ratified this uneven treat-
allocation of the franchise. Equal protection applies as well ment. It mandated that the recount totals from two coun-
* Per curiam: A decision delivered via an opinion issued in the name of the Court rather than specific justices. Usually, per curiam decisions are noncontroversial and unani-
mous; neither was the case here.
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 93
ties, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach, be included in the certi- Upon due consideration of the difficulties identified
fied total. The court also appeared to hold sub silentio that to this point, it is obvious that the recount cannot be con-
the recount totals from Broward County, which were not ducted in compliance with the requirements of equal pro-
completed until after the original November 14 certification tection and due process without substantial additional
by the Secretary of State, were to be considered part of the work.
new certified vote totals even though the county certifica- The Supreme Court of Florida has said that the legis-
tion was not contested by Vice President Gore. Yet each of lature intended the State’s electors to “participat[e] fully in
the counties used varying standards to determine what was the federal electoral process.” That statute requires that
a legal vote. Broward County used a more forgiving stan- any controversy or contest that is designed to lead to a
dard than Palm Beach County, and uncovered almost three conclusive selection of electors be completed by December
times as many new votes, a result markedly disproportionate 12. That date is upon us, and there is no recount procedure
to the difference in population between the counties. in place under the State Supreme Court’s order that com-
In addition, the recounts in these three counties were ports with minimal constitutional standards. Because it is
not limited to so-called undervotes but extended to all of evident that any recount seeking to meet the December 12
the ballots. The distinction has real consequences. A man- date will be unconstitutional for the reasons we have dis-
ual recount of all ballots identifies not only those ballots cussed, we reverse the judgment of the Supreme Court of
which show no vote but also those which contain more Florida ordering a recount to proceed.
than one, the so-called overvotes. Neither category will be None are more conscious of the vital limits on judicial
counted by the machine. authority than are the members of this Court, and none
That brings the analysis to yet a further equal protec- stand more in admiration of the Constitution’s design to
tion problem. The votes certified by the court included a leave the selection of the President to the people, through
partial total from one county, Miami-Dade. The Florida their legislatures, and to the political sphere. When con-
Supreme Court’s decision thus gives no assurance that the tending parties invoke the process of the courts, however,
recounts included in a final certification must be complete. it becomes our unsought responsibility to resolve the fed-
A desire for speed is not a general excuse for ignoring eral and constitutional issues the judicial system has been
equal protection guarantees. forced to confront.
In addition to these difficulties the actual process by The judgment of the Supreme Court of Florida is re-
which the votes were to be counted under the Florida Su- versed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings
preme Court’s decision raises further concerns. That order not inconsistent with this opinion.
did not specify who would recount the ballots. The county It is so ordered.
canvassing boards were forced to pull together ad hoc Separate dissents were written by Justice Breyer,
teams comprised of judges from various Circuits who had Ginsburg, Souter and Stevens.
no previous training in handling and interpreting ballots. From Justice Ginsburg’s dissent, with whom Jus-
The question before the Court is not whether local tice Stevens joins, and with whom Justice Souter and
entities, in the exercise of their expertise, may develop dif- Justice Breyer join in part: “Time (ital.) is short in part
ferent systems for implementing elections. Instead, we are because of the Court’s entry of a stay on December 9, sev-
presented with a situation where a state court with the eral hours after an able circuit judge in Leon County had
power to assure uniformity has ordered a statewide recount begun to superintend the recount process. More funda-
with minimal procedural safeguards. When a court orders mentally, the Court’s reluctance to let the recount go for-
a statewide remedy, there must be at least some assurance ward, despite its suggestion that ‘the search for intent can
that the rudimentary requirements of equal treatment and be confined by specific rules designed to ensure uniform
fundamental fairness are satisfied. treatment’ ultimately turns on its own judgment about the
Given the Court’s assessment that the recount process practical realities of implementing a recount, not the judg-
underway was probably being conducted in an unconstitu- ment of those much closer to the process.”
tional manner, the Court stayed the order directing the Justice Souter’s dissent, with whom Justices
recount so it could hear this case and render an expedited Breyer, Stevens and Ginsburg join in part: The Court
decision. The contest provision, as it was mandated by the should not have reviewed [this case] and should not have
State Supreme Court, is not well calculated to sustain the stopped Florida’s attempt to recount all undervote ballots.
confidence that all citizens must have in the outcome of elec- If this Court had allowed the State to follow the course in-
tions. The State has not shown that its procedures include dicated by the opinions of its own Supreme Court, it is en-
the necessary safeguards. The problem, for instance, of the tirely possible that there would ultimately have been no is-
estimated 110,000 overvotes has not been addressed. … sue requiring our review, and political tension could have
94 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
worked itself out in the Congress following the procedure For Critical Analysis
provided in 3 U.S.C. §15. The case being before us, how-
ever, its resolution by the majority is another erroneous 1. As Albert Gore ultimately won the U.S. popular vote
decision. (there is no real dispute as to this fact), why did
Unlike the majority, I see no warrant for this Court to George W. Bush become president?
assume that Florida could not possibly comply with this re- 2. How exactly did the Florida Supreme Court deny
quirement before the date set for the meeting of electors, equal protection to Florida voters? Is there a counter-
December 18. Although one of the dissenting justices of the argument that failure to allow a revote is a denial of
State Supreme Court estimated that disparate standards po- equal protection?
tentially affected 170,000 votes, the number at issue is sig- 3. One commentator wrote this about the opinion: “The
nificantly smaller. The 170,000 figure apparently represents complexity of the decision goes far toward explaining
all uncounted votes, both undervotes (those for which no public apathy since the issues are too abstruse to com-
Presidential choice was recorded by a machine) and over- mand the comprehension, or at least capture the at-
votes (those rejected because of votes for more than one tention, of more than a very small number of Ameri-
candidate). To recount these manually would be a tall or- cans. Even among the sliver of well-informed persons
der, but before this Court stayed the effort to do that the who actually have read and understood the decision,
courts of Florida were ready to do their best to get that job the Court’s divisions are more likely to reinforce
done. There is no justification for denying the State the op- longstanding attitudes and perceptions. Bush v. Gore
portunity to try to count all disputed ballots now. has naturally helped to confirm the belief of liberals
I respectfully dissent. that the Court’s conservatives are result-oriented.
Some liberals, however, have welcomed the Court’s
Case Terms introduction of new constitutional standards into state
certiorari electoral processes.” Do you agree with this observa-
certiorari appellate court exercises its tion? Why or why not?126 ❚❚
[Latin: “to be informed of”] A writ or order by which
discretionary power to de-
an “to becourt
appellate informed of”] its discretionary power to de-
exercises cide which lower court cases
A writ or order by which an
cide which lower court cases it will hear.
it will hear.
Chapter 2 >>> Our Constitution 95
and the ceremony took place with the Weismans in Rosa Parks, an African-American who died in 2006,
attendance. Weisman then sued to permanently bar was famous for refusing to surrender her seat on a bus
prayers at future ceremonies, including his daughter’s to a white person as required at the time. This is
high school graduation. Does including a nonsectarian partly a result of the fact that a court usually must
prayer in a public high school graduation ceremony have a true controversy before it to decide. Is it fair to
constitute the establishment of a religion by govern- force individuals to risk imprisonment and fines to
ment in violation of the First Amendment? [Lee v. vindicate their civil rights? Does this make it morally
Weisman, 505 U.S. 577, 112 S.Ct. 2649 (1992).] acceptable to break the law when you believe the law
is wrong? Consider the effect, however, if anybody
10. Many changes in human rights law in the United could require a court to review a law for constitution-
States have occurred only because somebody broke ality whenever they chose.
the law, was convicted, and then appealed their case.
The Court System
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Explain what a “court” is and distinguish between a
Sir Thomas More: The law, Roper, the law. I know trial court and an appellate court.
what’s legal and not what’s right. And I’ll stick to • Understand the concept of jurisdiction and explain
what’s legal. the various types of jurisdiction. Recognize challenges
to concepts of jurisdiction raised by new technologies.
William Roper: Then you set man’s law above
• Describe a typical state court system.
• Describe the federal court system.
Sir Thomas More: No, far below; but let me draw
• Understand how a typical civil case is processed
your attention to a fact—I’m not God. The cur- though the court system.
rents and eddies of right and wrong, which you • Understand the nature of juries and be able to
discuss jury size, jury selection, and a litigant’s
find such plain sailing, I can’t navigate. right to a jury trial.
William Roper: So … you’d give the Devil benefit • Explain and provide examples of actions or causes in
of the law! equity.
Sir Thomas More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a • Understand the various ways a trial might conclude.
great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: I’d cut down every law in England
to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was
down and the Devil turned round on you where
would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? Yes,
I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own
safety’s sake.
It is often stated and generally believed that persons residing in the United States
of America are governed by law, not by people. “A government of laws, and not of
men” are words written in 1774 by John Adams, first vice president and second
president of the United States.1 This means that decisions establishing and affect-
ing rights and duties are not based on the personal values of certain individuals but
rather are made by the courts according to existing rules while using fair and im-
partial processes. Sir Thomas More, quoted above, would no doubt approve of the
United States’ emphasis on established rules rather than individual discretion, but
like all human creations “a government of law” is not perfect. The oft-heard con-
demnation of government “red tape” is sometimes a veiled criticism of the rule of
law, and complaints about the law often concern the processes that are relied upon
to ensure fair and impartial application of law.
rule of law Indeed, providing for the application of the rule of law in a fair, impartial, and
Principle that decisions consistent manner, while remaining efficient and protecting all interests, is a diffi-
should be made by the cult task, especially in the United States, which contains such a diversity of ethnic
application of established origins and cultural backgrounds. Yet, it is that very diversity that makes the rule of
laws without the inter- law so vitally important for the resolution of disputes with “equal justice under law”
vention of individual
for all. The “war against terrorism” will test the United States’ ability to rely on the
rule of law, as individual fear and hatred can be used as the justification for sacrifice
of the rule of law and fair treatment.
http:// “We are going to have to decide what kind of people we are—whether
The Carnegie Endowment we obey the law only when we approve of it or whether we obey it no
for International Peace is matter how distasteful we may find it.”
sponsoring an initiative —Harry S. Ashmore, “On Integration of Little Rock High School,” Arkansas Gazette 4, September
called Democracy and the 1957.
Rule of Law Project. Read
about it at
The responsibility to create, recognize, and enforce our rights and duties is shared
by the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. However, the na-
http://www.ceip.org/files/ ture and manner in which laws are made and shaped differs dramatically depending
projects/drl/drl_home.ASP on its source. Probably no other country is more reliant on its judges and its courts
than the United States. One hundred and fifty years ago, French political scientist
Alexis de Tocqueville noted the unique importance of courts in the American polit-
ical system. “Restricted within its limits, the power granted to American courts to
pronounce on the constitutionality of laws is yet one of the most powerful barriers
ever erected against the tyranny of political assemblies.”2
Although the power of courts can and does restrict arbitrary abuse of power,
bias can creep into the court system. As an example, consider the following episode
in traffic court:
The traffic court judge found himself facing two attorneys, both of whom he knew
very well. Both were charged with speeding violations. “Gentlemen,” he said, “I
could not be truly objective in either of your cases, so I’m going to let you judge
each other’s case.” Both lawyers agreed. Attorney Number One climbed to the
bench. “You are charged with driving 40 in a 25 mph zone. How do you plead?”
he asked Attorney Number Two. “Guilty,” was the response. “I fine you $50,”
said Number One. Then they exchanged places. “You are charged with driving
40 in a 25 mph zone,” said Number Two. “What is your plea?” “Guilty,” said
Number One. “Then I fine you $200,” said Number Two. “Hey! That’s unfair,”
said the first. “I fined you only $50.” “Yes,” was the reply, “but there is too much
speeding going on. This is the second case we’ve had like that today.”
A preconceived belief Although the purpose of the story is to amuse, it illustrates the injustice of an in-
affecting neutrality. consistent and unfair decision made by a biased judge. Bias is a preconceived belief
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 99
about some person or fact that makes it difficult to be neutral, dispassionate, or fair
in evaluating that person’s rights and duties, guilt, or innocence. A judge is biased
when he or she has a personal interest in the outcome of a case or has reached a
conclusion about a case before hearing the evidence and legal arguments.
The U.S. system of justice strives to provide both reasonable consistency and
neutrality. This requires the elimination of judicial bias, including rejection of per-
sonal values that conflict with legal values. The independent neutral forum, where
facts are determined and rules applied for resolving legal disputes, is the court
The role of lawyers is not to be overlooked in the operation of the courts.
Courts would not be effective without the service of attorneys who shape their cli-
ents’ cases, present legal issues to courts, quickly object to improprieties offered by
opposing counsel, and so forth. We discuss lawyers more fully in the following
chapter, but here we note the dependence of our courts upon the legal profession.
This always has been true. In the frontier days of the west following the discovery
of gold in 1849, law and order of a sort were preserved by vigilantism. The goal of
vigilantes was simple enough: to establish order and stability in mining camps, cat-
tle towns, and the open range. The procedures of the vigilantes, unlike legal proce-
dures today, featured simplicity and certain, severe punishment, but they also
served private vengeance, not necessarily justice.
It was the frontier attorneys, not trained in law schools but rather by appren-
ticeships and experience, who encouraged and supported procedures to bring of-
fenders into courtrooms, where fair and less arbitrary procedures could be applied.
On the decline following the Civil War, vigilantism remains only as a reminder of
the importance of due process brought about by court procedures that guarantee
fair treatment for all. By 1900, lawyers had been educated in college and in law
schools and were relied upon then, as today, to present their clients’ disputes to the
courts. The dependency of the courts upon the bar (the legal profession) was total
then as now. Of course, there weren’t as many lawyers then—according to the
1900 census; only 4,278 persons declared themselves to be practicing attorneys.
Nor were there as many courts. In the year 2005 in just one state, New York, over
8,000 new attorneys became eligible to practice law. Today, most of our courts are
jammed with cases and more judges, federal and state, are said to be urgently
needed. And with more courts handling more and increasingly complex issues, we
can be assured of more attorneys.
Clearly, it is important and useful to know where our courts are located, how they
function, and the important role they play in our society. The media has capitalized
on the public’s interest in courts with movies and TV shows, and the publishing in-
dustry has reaped huge rewards from novels based on courtroom activities. Signifi-
cant decisions of appellate courts, especially the U.S. Supreme Court, receive wide-
spread media coverage, and many citizens worry about the future consequences of
important decisions. For example, can states enact local statutes that allow mari-
juana use for medical reasons or that allow same sex couples to marry? Can police
use thermal imaging devices to scan a home without a search warrant? Can the Su-
preme Court monitor state election practices that determine the election of the
U.S. president? Can a local public elementary school deny a religious group after-
school access to school facilities if the group’s activities otherwise fall within the
guidelines defining the school’s limited public forum? If the facilities can be offered,
100 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
must they be offered to all religions? The public’s acute interest in such decisions
http:// prompts lively debate on the Internet, in coffee shops, on talk radio, and so on. Be-
For the ultimate directory cause the actions of courts receive such expansive notoriety, it is obvious that you,
of state, federal, and inter- as educated citizens, must be familiar with the functions of courts.
national courts, see Courts are public facilities, available to private persons, business organizations,
http://www.ncsconline.org/ and government agencies, where legal disputes are heard and decided. Courts offer
CourtInfoPortal/index.html their tax-supported services practically free to users. Under the U.S. Constitution,
courts are essentially independent of the other branches of government.* This
independence protects the courts from potential interference by the executive or
court legislative branches.
(a) A government body A court is both a place and a system. It is a place where you may go to peace-
that administers justice fully resolve your legal disputes with others (“I’ll see you in court!”). The word
by applying laws to civil
court is also used to describe all the court system participants, including judges, at-
controversies and crimi-
torneys, clerks, witnesses, parties, and the public (“Court is in session”), and some-
nal offenses. (b) The
place where trials are
times only the presiding judge or justice (“If the court please, may I be heard at this
held. time?”).
Courts are also part of a system, as there are different courts for different types
of legal disputes, each with different specified procedures. Some courts determine
the facts of individual disputes (trial courts); others review decisions of lower courts
for correctness, consistency, and fairness (appellate courts). Under the common law
system, appellate judges, both in the state and federal systems, have the power to
make new law. To understand the courts, it is useful to recognize some of their dif-
ferent functions, including those of trial and appellate courts.
Marya Martinez signed up for ski instruction at Heavenly
Mountain in Idaho. Gary Graf, a certified ski instructor, fitted
Martinez with rental skis. He then taught her how to snowplow (a begin-
ning maneuver for turning, reducing speed, or stopping). Later that after-
noon, Martinez was showing her new skills to Luther Thomas, whom she
had just met during lunch. Her show was short. Martinez fell and suffered a
spiral fracture of her right leg, just above the ankle. Her bindings had failed
to release her boot from the skis when she fell. She sued Graf in a civil action
for damages, alleging that he had carelessly adjusted the bindings too
tightly. Who will win?
No one knows who will win because the facts have not yet been judicially deter-
mined. Did Graf secure the bindings too tightly? Did Martinez, or anyone else,
* The courts are not totally independent of the other two branches. For example, the executive branch of government makes judi-
cial appointments, collects taxes, and distributes funds necessary to pay judges and otherwise operate the judicial system. The
legislative branch sets salaries and benefits of judges and often confirms judicial appointments.
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 101
tamper with the bindings after Graf set them? Did the bindings fail because they
were too tight or because Martinez had allowed ice to accumulate beneath her
boot? Were the bindings manufactured in a defective manner? Was there a con-
tract that disclaimed or limited Graf’s liability? A civil trial will determine the an-
swers to these and other relevant factual and legal contentions. In the trial, Marti-
nez is the plaintiff (person seeking relief in a civil trial) because she is seeking to plaintiff
recover damages (money) from Graf, the defendant (in a civil trial, the person In trial, the person trying
whom a lawsuit is brought against). The entire process, designed to resolve (i.e., to recover money da-
decide or settle) the legal controversy, is called a lawsuit or litigation. mages or other relief
Martinez’s attempt to collect damages from Graf is an example of a civil dispute from a defendant.
(also called a civil action or civil lawsuit). Civil disputes are private controversies
between persons.* A civil dispute is sometimes defined broadly by stating what it is damages
not. It is not a matter involving criminal law. A criminal dispute (also called a Money awarded by a
criminal action or criminal case) is brought by government to determine whether an court to a plaintiff for in-
jury or economic loss
accused (also called a defendant) is guilty of an act committed against the public and
caused by the defendant.
in violation of a penal statute.
Civil matters and criminal matters are separate fields of law; in large cities, at-
torneys and judges often specialize in one or the other. The dependence of courts defendant
upon attorneys is such that it would be foolhardy for a civil case attorney to defend (a) In a civil trial, the per-
son from whom money
an accused murderer even before an impartial jury. There are similarities as well as
damages or other relief is
differences between civil and criminal matters. Both involve formal proceedings
sought by the plaintiff.
before a court. Both are conducted to resolve disputed questions of fact and law (b) In a criminal trial, the
that will, in turn, define applicable rights and duties of the parties involved. Differ- accused.
ent terminology, however, is often used. For example, a defendant found to be re-
sponsible in a civil trial is said to be liable, while in a criminal trial such a person is
lawsuit or
said to be guilty. The accused in both processes, though, is called a defendant.
In a criminal trial, a prosecutor (e.g., a public prosecutor or district attorney)
A court process at law or
from the local governing unit (county) represents the public on behalf of the state. in equity to determine
If a federal crime is involved, an attorney from the Department of Justice, a divi- the legal merits of a
sion of the federal government, represents the public. While government can be a controversy.
party in either a civil or criminal matter, only the government can prosecute a crim-
inal action, because crimes—although usually committed against private persons— civil dispute
are prosecuted as public offenses against all society. Procedures differ substantially A lawsuit commenced for
in criminal actions from those used in civil actions. The focus of this chapter is on the purpose of resolving
the civil court system, although we make some references to the criminal system. a civil conflict.
(See Chapter 6 for a more complete discussion of criminal law and criminal
procedure.) criminal dispute
Most court proceedings and court records are open to public scrutiny, thereby A trial in which the gov-
assuring us that no secret kangaroo court sessions take place. Court TV broad- ernment prosecutes a
casts trials of high interest to national, and sometimes worldwide, audiences. How- person charged with a
ever, public attendance at a trial can be restricted or barred for security reasons. crime.
Sometimes one or both parties request privacy, and the court will agree when there
is an overriding reason for the public to be excluded from hearing the details of the kangaroo court
dispute or seeing witnesses whose privacy ought to be protected. Even if the pro- A farce trial—one that
ceeding is closed to the public, a verbatim transcript of the trial is prepared so re- lacks proper procedure
viewing courts may know precisely what was said and by whom. Moreover, the and fairness and where
press follows important and interesting cases and often has an investigative posture the outcome is predeter-
when dealing with government, including courts. mined. Origin of the term
is thought to be the bi-
zarre appearance of the
animal after which it is
* The term persons for most situations in law encompasses artificial persons, such as government bodies and business entities in- named.
cluding corporations, as well as humans.
102 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The attorney general of Maryland filed a civil suit against Cott-
man Transmissions Systems, Inc., relating to allegations of
fraudulent activities. Cottman was accused of removing automobile trans-
missions for inspection and maintenance when this costly action was unnec-
essary. The attorney general distributed news releases elaborating on the
charges against Cottman. When the attorney general made additional
claims, Cottman asked the court to close the courtroom except for parties
directly involved in the proceeding. Did the court agree to do this?
Maryland v. Cottman Transmissions, Inc., 75 Md.App. 647, 542 A.2d 859 (Md., 1988).
Initially, yes. Cottman’s counsel convinced the trial court judge that the press re-
leases harmed their client’s ability to obtain a fair trial, and so the public was
barred. Before trial began, however, a higher court overruled this decision. A re-
quest for a closed proceeding is most likely to be favorably considered in domestic
and family relations matters.3
Restricting access to civil law proceedings is unusual and restricting access to
criminal law proceedings is rare. The possibility of secret trials resulting in loss of
individual liberty through a jail sentence is an abomination in our democracy.
Equally disturbing would be the secret exoneration of a favored celebrity or public
figure. Criminal proceedings may be conducted in private only in extraordinary si-
tuations that are demonstrated to, and then justified by, the trial court judge.4
An exception to the openness in most court cases is the juvenile court proceed-
ing, which is conducted privately in most states to protect youthful offenders. The
media typically cooperates with the juvenile courts by not publicizing the names of
juveniles accused of status offenses (e.g., truancy and running away) and even con-
duct considered criminal when committed by adults.
As the Industrial Revolution progressed and spread across the country, bring-
ing increasing opportunities for mischief by juveniles in cities, the states began
adopting laws protecting minors (under age 18) from the adult criminal system. Re-
consideration of the special status for minors appears to be taking place. Many be-
lieve that people reach maturity at an age younger than 18, at least for purposes of
criminal law. The states are increasingly willing to treat children aged 16, 14, and
even younger as adults by trying and sentencing them similarly to adult criminals.
The appellate court works from a verbatim record (court transcript) of what was
said and what evidence was accepted in the lower court. Appellate courts do not listen
to witnesses, accept new evidence,* make new determinations of fact, or utilize a
jury. Instead, the court receives written briefs, prepared by lawyers, that contain le- briefs
gal arguments as to how the law was correctly or incorrectly stated or applied to the Written arguments ad-
facts as presented to the trial court. This is an example of how appellate courts rely dressed to the appellate
on attorneys. The appellate court accepts as true the facts found by the trial court, court.
which considered all the testimony of all witnesses along with all other evidence and,
upon so doing, decides whether rules of substantive and procedural law were prop-
erly applied by the trial judge. However, appellate judges may also weigh, or evalu-
ate, the factual evidence as presented in the trial court and then decide whether, as a
matter of law, the facts presented were sufficient to justify the judgment.
If the appellate court justices conclude that the trial court erroneously applied or
interpreted the law, it may modify or reverse the judgment or decision, and either
enter a new judgment or remand (return) the case to the trial court for a new trial or
other proceedings in compliance with the appellate court’s instructions. In other
words, the trial court is instructed to “do it right this time.” Merely finding an error
at the trial court level is not sufficient to overturn the trial court’s judgment. If an er-
ror is minor, it is believed unlikely to have affected the case outcome. The error
found must be serious, requiring correction by the appellate court in order to avoid a
miscarriage of justice. Therefore, it can be concluded that when a reversal occurs, the
trial court judge is deemed to have made a serious error in one or more legal rulings.
In the previously discussed Cottman case, the trial court judge’s decision to ban
the press was appealed and reversed even before the trial took place. The Maryland
appellate court stated:
To close a court to public scrutiny of the proceedings is to shut off the light of the law. How
else will the citizenry learn of the happenings in the courts—their government’s third
branch—except through access to the courts by the people themselves or through reports
supplied by the media? A … corporate entity involved as a party to a civil case is entitled
to a fair trial, not a private one.5
Relative to the number of cases heard in trial court, very few cases are appealed.
The cost to appeal can be prohibitive in time, money, and peace of mind. Although
the losing party may not be pleased with the outcome of the trial, he or she none-
theless has had one’s “day in court.”
Thus, to win a corrective action by an appellate court, the appellant or peti-
tioner, the party who appeals the case to a higher court, must show that an error by
the court prejudiced the appellant’s cause. The appellee or respondent, the party
against whom the appeal is brought, will contend that no error was made, or that
any error did not affect the outcome of the trial. Clearly, the trial is the crucial, po-
tent, and final source of justice for most persons involved in litigation.
To understand the courts, we must understand jurisdiction. The power to speak jurisdiction
the law is the broad meaning of the term jurisdiction. It refers to the geographic area The power of a court to
within which a court has the right and power to operate (that is, “speak”). It also re- decide a controversy and
fers to the persons over whom and the subject matter about which a court has the to award appropriate
* Examples of evidence are testimony of witnesses, photographs, documents, handwriting samples, dented fenders, and so on. In
weighing the believability of testimony evidence, the finder of fact also considers the demeanor, eye contact, dress, and manner-
isms of a witness.
104 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
right and power to make decisions that are legally binding. Obviously, the term is
used many ways, but always in relation to the right and power of the courts to act.
Jurisdiction is about (1) political boundaries (states, federal government, territories,
foreign countries, etc.), (2) the type of dispute and dollar amount involved, and
(3) persons and property. In other words, jurisdiction is about a plaintiff choosing
the right place to sue and choosing the right court in that place, and about compli-
ance with rules of fairness governing when a person must appear in court to defend
his or her liberty or property.
While walking along a busy street in Tallahassee, Jorge Cepada,
a citizen of Florida, was struck by a crate that flew off a move-
yourself rental driven by Laura Alexander, a new resident of Oklahoma. Desir-
ing compensation for his injuries, Cepada intends to sue Alexander in the con-
venient Florida courts. May he do so? Could he instead sue in a federal court?
When Alexander allegedly injured Cepada in Florida, the Florida state courts and
the U.S. District Court had concurrent jurisdiction. An injured victim has the right
to use the courts of the state where harm occurs. A plaintiff also generally has the
right to bring suit in the courts of the state in which he or she is a resident.
A right may also exist to use a federal court when the parties to a dispute are
each citizens of different states. When such diversity of citizenship exists, a plaintiff
may file an action in federal court if the claimed damages exceed $75,000. The
party could also choose to file in a state court. The federal basis for jurisdiction in
this example is called diversity of citizenship (discussed further later in this chapter).
In diversity of citizenship cases, the federal court applies the substantive law of the
state in which it sits, such as the state’s law of negligence. Different procedural
rules apply in federal civil courts than in state courts, and attorneys may seize upon
advantages sometimes available in this regard. Note that diversity jurisdiction allows
* Federal courts include courts for the District of Columbia and the U.S. Territories, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Canal Zone, Guam,
and the Northern Mariana Islands.
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 105
persons to use the federal courts when their claims are based on state law. Claims
based on federal law may be filed in a federal court without the need for diversity
subject matter
Jurisdiction over Subject Matter jurisdiction
The power of a court to
Subject matter jurisdiction determines which types of cases a court can hear.
hear and decide cases of
Probate courts—courts that handle only wills and estate matters—are examples of
the general type to which
courts of limited jurisdiction, meaning courts authorized to hear limited types of the subject in question
cases. A court of general jurisdiction is a court that can hear and decide almost belongs.
any type of case.
The subject matter jurisdiction of a court is usually defined in the constitutional
or statutory law that creates the court. This creating law may refer to the type of
case, its seriousness as reflected by the amount of money requested by the person
Limitation on a court as
bringing the lawsuit, or the type of relief requested of the court. For example, a to the types of cases it
court may be able to hear only cases where the damages requested are $50,000 or can hear and decide.
less, or when the court is asked to compel a person to do or not do something (an
equitable remedy).
In criminal matters, the seriousness of a crime often determines which court
hears a case. For example, a murder trial is held in the trial court of general juris-
Authorization of a court
diction rather than one of limited jurisdiction. Whether the proceeding is a trial or
to hear and decide virtu-
an appeal is perhaps the most obvious subject matter limitation on jurisdiction. ally any type of case oc-
Venue The proper place for a trial that otherwise has appropriate subject matter curring within the politi-
cal boundaries of the
jurisdiction for either a civil or criminal case is called its venue (French: “to come”).
geographical area in
Venue is the local place, within the geographical boundaries of a larger political ju-
which it is located.
risdiction, where a case is most appropriately tried. Proper venue reflects a policy of
closeness—that is, a court trying a suit should be close to where the incident leading
to the suit occurred or close to where the defendant resides. venue
The local place, within
All things being equal, the following are typical of state venue rules:
the geographical bound-
• In divorce cases, proper venue is the county of the family residence. aries of a larger jurisdic-
• In automobile accident cases, proper venue is the county where the accident tion, where a case is gen-
occurred or where the defendant resides. erally most appropriately
• In breach of contract cases, proper venue is where the contract was made, or
where it was breached, or where the defendant lives.
• In criminal cases, proper venue is the county in which the crime occurred or http://
where the defendant was apprehended.
The venue rules of the state
All things are not equal, however, when a significant event occurs that makes a dif- of Ohio provide an exam-
ferent venue more likely to produce a just result. For example, excessive publicity in ple of state venue rules at
the county where a crime occurred may unreasonably prejudice an accused’s right to
a fair trial. Under such circumstances, courts will grant a motion for change of .us/Rules/civil/#rule3
venue and order that the case be tried in a more appropriate place.
motion for
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM change of venue
Request to a judge by
It is difficult to predict what will catch the attention of the counsel to transfer the
nation, but the disappearance of attractive pregnant Laci trial to a different geo-
Peterson on Christmas Eve in Modesto, California, in 2002 did just that. A graphic location within
concerned and curious nation kept track of her handsome husband, Scott the jurisdiction of the
Peterson, and the community of Modesto mobilized in the search for Laci. court.
106 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
After the bodies of Laci and her unborn child were discovered four months
later in the San Francisco Bay, Scott was charged with two counts of murder.
Scott Peterson’s attorneys requested that the trial be moved from Stanislaus
County, claiming that news coverage of the murder made a fair trial in the
local courts impossible. Prosecutors countered that as the media coverage
was national the local courts were as likely to be unbiased as anywhere in
the state. What did the trial court rule?
Citing the extraordinary media coverage locally as well as nationally, the court
agreed with the defense and granted the motion for a change of venue. “Despite
the court’s best efforts, the nature and extent of the publicity this case has received
has rendered Stanislaus County an inappropriate venue.” The defense victory was
not complete, however, as the court transferred the case to Northern California
County of San Mateo rather than Los Angeles as requested by the defense.6
There is an excellent discus- LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM
sion about jurisdiction at
Assume the address given to Cepada by Alexander shows her
http://www.law.cornell. new home is in Oklahoma, and by the time the suit is filed, she
edu/topics/jurisdiction.html lives in Oklahoma. Can Cepada still sue Alexander in Florida, or must he now
sue in Oklahoma?
Clearly, if the process server (a person in the business of serving summons upon
defendants) can find Alexander within Florida, Cepada can sue in the Florida court.
But, if Alexander had returned to Oklahoma before Cepada engaged the services of
a lawyer and began litigation, the question is whether or not the Florida court
could obtain jurisdiction over an Oklahoma citizen who never returns to Florida.
long-arm statute The answer is yes, because Florida, like all states, has a long-arm statute.
A state law authorizing a Two requirements must be met before a plaintiff can obtain jurisdiction over
court to hear cases an out-of-state defendant. First, the state must have a statute that authorizes it to
brought against nonresi- get jurisdiction under the particular circumstances. Second, the Constitution re-
dents under specified quires that the basis for jurisdiction must satisfy procedural due process. Is it fair to
require the defendant to come to the state to defend the lawsuit? “A three-pronged
test has emerged for determining whether the exercise of specific personal jurisdic-
tion over a non-resident defendant is appropriate: (1) the defendant must have suf-
ficient “minimum contacts” with the forum state, (2) the claim asserted against the
defendant must arise out of those contacts, and (3) the exercise of jurisdiction must
be reasonable.”7
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 107
Although the law is not settled as to what Internet activities are
sufficient to confer jurisdiction, this list, found in the case of
Morantz, Inc., v. Hang & Shine Ultrasonics, Inc., is helpful.
• [A] mere presence on the World Wide Web does not establish the mini-
mum contacts necessary to subject a corporation to personal jurisdiction
on a worldwide basis.
• [T]he minimum contacts analysis in cases involving the Internet is
conducted on a “sliding scale,” on which the constitutionality of the
exercise of personal jurisdiction is directly proportional to the level of
commercial interactivity on a corporation’s Web site.
• [A] Web site targeted at a particular jurisdiction is likely to give rise to
personal jurisdiction.
108 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
• Court[s] will consider the quality and quantity of contacts with the
plaintiff’s jurisdiction to which the Internet site has given rise in deter-
mining whether personal jurisdiction may be exercised.8
Most courts have followed the Zippo Manufacturing case and categorized Internet
contacts in three ways.
1. Passive Web sites: “A passive Web site that does little more than make infor-
mation available to those who are interested in it is not grounds for the exer-
cise of personal jurisdiction.”
2. Interactive Web site: “In these cases, the exercise of jurisdiction is determined
by examining the level of interactivity and commercial nature of the exchange
of information that occurs on the Web site.”
3. Commercial Web sites: “If the defendant enters into contracts with residents
of a foreign jurisdiction that involve the knowing and repeated transmission
of computer files over the Internet, personal jurisdiction is proper.”9
* Courts of limited jurisdiction, such as probate, domestic relations, municipal, or county courts, may be separate courts or may be part
of a trial court of general jurisdiction.
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 109
(3) the highest court (usually named the supreme court). Although most state
court systems provide two levels of appeal, some states have but one appellate
court.* Also, unfortunately, titles of state courts are not uniform; names of courts in
one state frequently apply to quite different courts in another state. Confusion can
be avoided by focusing on the function a court performs: trial or appellate.
The typical state will have a trial court of general jurisdiction, often called the
superior court. That court may hear money matters with unlimited dollar limits and seri-
ous criminal matters. Most states have courts with limited subject matter jurisdiction,
often called special inferior trial courts or minor judiciary courts. A small claims court, dis-
cussed shortly, is an example of an inferior trial court of limited jurisdiction. Small
claims courts hear claims involving relatively small dollar amounts. A domestic relations
court, which handles only divorce actions and child custody cases, is another example of
a court of limited jurisdiction. Local municipal courts handling, for example, misde-
meanors and civil cases of modest dollar amounts are also courts of limited jurisdiction.
An excellent site for infor-
LAW AROUND THE WORLD mation about state court
systems is
The Court System in South Korea http://www.ncsconline.org/
Courts in South Korea:
“The Courts are provided with the power to judge all legal disputes un-
less otherwise provided in the Constitution. The exceptions are found where
the Constitution vests the power to judge some constitutional issues with
the Constitutional Court and vests the power to examine the qualifications
and/or to take disciplinary measures against the lawmakers in the National
The courts shall also exercise the power to administer and supervise ex-
trajudicial matters such as registrations, family registrations, deposits, and
the duties of the marshals. There are six types of courts in Korea, which are
the Supreme Court, the High Courts, the District Courts, the Patent Court,
the Family Court, and the Administrative Court.
The District Courts, the High Courts and the Supreme Court form the ba-
sic three-tier system. Other courts exercise specialized functions with the Pat-
ent Court positioned on the same level with the High Courts and the Family
Court and the Administrative Court positioned on the same level with the
District Courts.
The District Court and Family Court may establish a Branch Court and/or
a Municipal Court and registration office if additional support is necessary to
carry out their task. The Branch Court of both the District Court and the
Family Court may be established under one roof.
There are also special courts as the martial courts. The difference be-
tween martial courts and non-martial courts is that military officers who are
not qualified as judges hear cases in martial courts, whereas in non-martial
courts only judges may adjudicate a case. However, even in military trials,
the Supreme Court has final appellate jurisdiction.”
* States with only one appellate court are Delaware, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island,
South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
110 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
handling legal matters is inefficient for small or simple cases. If you have a legal
claim for $2,000 worth of minor damage to your automobile in an accident, the
cost of hiring an attorney to help you recover that amount through court action
would no doubt exceed your hoped-for recovery.
To promote peaceful resolution of disputes where a conventional lawsuit is
small claims court prohibitively expensive, states have created a special trial court, called the small
A court with jurisdiction claims court. Jurisdiction of this court is usually limited to disputes involving small
to decide civil controver- sums of money damages. They are often referred to as the people’s court, because an
sies of a relatively minor average adult with limited formal education may obtain resolution of minor civil le-
nature. gal disputes in a speedy, informal, and user-friendly forum.
The small claims court may be a separate court, or a designated subdivision of
SEARCH ENGINE another court. Because they are the creation of each state, particulars vary widely.
The maximum amount of recoverable damages ranges from $1,500 to $25,000, de-
http:// pending on the state, the most common maximums are between $5,000–$10,000.
Look up the small claims State legislatures frequently change the dollar limits of these courts in inflationary
court monetary limits for
times to continue to provide inexpensive access to the courts for civil matters in-
your state using a search
volving modest amounts of money.
engine and key words:
The purpose of the small claims court is the same as any other trial court: to
(if necessary add the determine facts and apply the law. However, the dynamics of the small claims court
name of your state). are more relaxed, proceedings are usually faster, and procedures to use the court
are less complicated than those found in other courts. This is not to say it is un-
complicated or that the small claims court is a social gathering—only that it is less
intimidating to the average litigant.
Most small claims cases involve disputes over money, although some are con-
cerned with matters such as eviction from residential rentals. Divorce actions, crimi-
nal matters, and civil cases involving in rem jurisdiction are examples of cases not ac-
cepted in small claims court. The procedural rules differ from those of traditional
trial courts. Legal documents are kept to a minimum; often, the only formal docu-
ment required of the plaintiff is a simple pre-printed form with boxes for checking.
There are no formal rules of evidence and no juries. In the interests of economy and
simplicity, most states do not permit attorneys-at-law to represent litigants in small
claims court. Corporations are artificial, legal persons, and so when they use small
claims courts to collect debts they must be represented by employees. Most states
will not allow attorneys to appear for litigants even in such corporate situations un-
less the attorney-at-law is the sole shareholder or an officeholder of the corporation.
Each party explains the dispute, calling on witnesses for corroboration or for
additional facts. Each party also presents any supporting documents or other physi-
cal evidence. The judge may ask questions and then, without any elaborate com-
mentary or research, decide the case. Sometimes the judge will rule at the conclu-
sion of the trial, but often the judge will inform the parties of his or her decision
later by mail. In some states, parties can appeal the case, but in many situations, the
small claims court plaintiff does not have that right—use of a small claims court is
deemed a waiver of the right to a jury and to appeal. The defendant, however, gen-
trial de novo erally retains a right to a trial de novo (de novo means “new” and the term means a
A new trial that takes right to a completely new trial hearing*).
place as if the first trial
had not occurred.
* The defendant, unlike the plaintiff, did not choose the small claims court forum and usually is not deemed to have waived the
right to an appeal. In the normal appeal, the trial record is reviewed to determine if the trial judge made an error. If a party has
a right to a trial de novo, the prior court record is not considered (note that small claims courts do not keep a record of tran-
scripts), and the defendant is automatically given a new day in court. Although the new trial occurs at a higher level court, the
trial usually remains informal and is decided by a judge without a jury. See M. Barrett, The Constitutional Right to Jury Trial: A
Historical Exception for Small Monetary Claims, 39 Hastings L.J. 125 (1987). See also, Crouchman v. Superior Court, 45 Cal.3d
1167, 755 P.2d 1075, 248 Cal. Rptr. 626 (1988) and Iowa Nat. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Mitchell, 305 N.W. 2d724 (Iowa, 1981).
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 111
Small claims courts help “the little person” get his or her “day in court” with-
out the delays and costs that accompany use of traditional courts. However, be-
cause business firms often have a substantial number of small claims, they appear
most frequently as plaintiffs in small claims court actions.
Various television programs such as Judge Judy popularize small claims courts.
Technically, these proceedings are arbitrations (a private third party is selected by
the parties to hear and resolve the dispute) rather than trials, but they illustrate the
types of disputes heard and resolved in small claims courts. What they do not do is
illustrate usual judicial behavior. The cases heard are chosen for entertainment
value and the television judge’s questions and decisions are often rendered in a sar-
castic and condescending fashion.
Federal Trial Courts
If you are interested in the
The federal government has one trial court of general jurisdiction called the U.S. origins of the National Ju-
District Court. The country is divided into 94 districts. Each district consists of a diciary, read the article by
number of judges doing business in a number of different courtrooms and even in University of Chicago law
different buildings. How many judges are “sitting” (i.e., conducting the court’s professor Philip B. Kurland
business) is related to the population within each district. In populous areas, the at
districts are geographically small; in rural areas, they are large. There is at least one http://www.apsanet.org/
U.S. District Court in every state and territory in the United States. imgtest/OriginsNational
U.S. District Courts conduct trials concerning federal matters, such as federal Judiciary.pdf
crimes and enforcement of federal statutes. Most federal crimes involve crimes
against the government or crimes occurring on federal property. One crime, kid-
napping, is a federal crime even though it does not occur on federal land. This fed-
eral law was passed after the notorious kidnapping of the son of famous aviator http://
Charles Lindbergh in 1932. Federal jurisdiction for the crime of kidnapping is One of several sites dedi-
based on taking of the victim across state or country lines and the statute provides cated to information about
that the failure to release the victim within 24 hours after seizure creates “a rebutta- the kidnapping of Charles
and Anne Lindbergh’s baby
ble presumption that such person has been transported to interstate or foreign
boy, Charles, Jr., is
As discussed earlier, it is possible to sue in a federal court even though the http://www.charleslindbergh
claim is based on state law when the plaintiff and defendant are from different .com/kidnap/index.asp
states or countries. Diversity of citizenship jurisdiction exists when a plaintiff is a
citizen of one state and the defendant is a citizen of another state, or when one
party is a foreign country or a citizen of a foreign country and the other is a citizen diversity of
of the United States. The amount of claimed damages in a diversity of citizenship citizenship
A basis of jurisdiction in
case must be at least $75,000.11 In settling such controversies, the particular U.S.
federal courts requiring
District Court involved applies federal procedural law (which involves the manner in
that plaintiff and defen-
which rights and duties are to be enforced) and the substantive law (which involves
dant be involved in an
the defining of rights and duties) of the appropriate state, usually the state where actual controversy, that
the court is located. When a federal court hears a case because of diversity jurisdic- they be citizens of differ-
tion, an example of concurrent jurisdiction exists because at least one state court ent states, and that a
would also have had the power to hear the case, if the plaintiff had chosen to file minimum of $75,000 be
the case there. sought in damages.
112 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Jorge Cepada, a resident of Florida, wishes to sue Laura Alexan-
der, an Oklahoma resident, to collect damages for injuries and
losses arising from the motor vehicle accident that occurred in Florida (see
page 104). If the amount of damages requested exceeds $75,000, Cepada
can sue in a U.S. District Court sitting in either Florida or Oklahoma. Can he
alternatively file the case in a state court?
Yes, as noted earlier, he can. Because the accident occurred in Florida, the most
convenient state court would be Florida’s. Using a long-arm statute, he could get
jurisdiction over Alexander through the mail. Cepada could also file the lawsuit in
Oklahoma, Alexander’s resident state, and obtain jurisdiction there. This accident
provides an example of a legal dispute in which concurrent jurisdiction exists.
exclusive When cases can be tried only in federal courts or only in state courts, exclusive
jurisdiction jurisdiction exists. A person filing for a discharge in bankruptcy, which is a consti-
The sole power a court tutional legal right that releases one from the duty to pay one’s debts, can file the
has over the particular petition (a petition is the appropriate filing to institute a bankruptcy proceeding)
subject matter of a case. only in a federal court. States also have exclusive jurisdiction in certain subject mat-
ter areas—for example, in divorces and adoptions. The concepts of concurrent and
exclusive jurisdiction are illustrated in Exhibit 3.2.
Exclusive Federal
Cases involving federal crimes and federal civil
laws on antitrust, bankruptcy, patents,
copyrights, trademarks, admiralty, and other
specified matters
into 13 circuits, or geographical areas, each with a U.S. Court of Appeals. The
number of judges, courtroom-building locations, and geographic size of the circuits
vary greatly.* As with state appellate courts, the U.S. Courts of Appeals review
cases brought to the court’s attention by parties contending that the federal trial
judge made an error of law. The federal system also has a U.S. Court of Appeals for
the federal circuit, which has nationwide jurisdiction to hear appeals from all dis-
trict courts in patent cases, as well as certain claims against the federal government.
Also heard before this court are appeals from specialized courts (e.g., the U.S.
Claims Court and the U.S. Court of International Trade) and claims arising from
decisions of federal administrative agencies.
You can obtain information
U.S. Supreme Court The highest level of the federal court system is the U.S. Su- on all federal courts from
preme Court. Under the U.S. Constitution, there is but one such court. The court
consists of nine justices.† It has original, or trial, jurisdiction in rare instances. Most
often, it acts as the court of final appeal for federal courts of appeals and, in less fre-
quent situations, the highest state appellate courts when they have decided cases on
the basis of federal law.
Many cases compete for the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court. The selec-
tion process is accomplished by the rule of four, which means that the case is selected
to be heard if four of the nine justices so choose. When the Court selects a case for
review, it issues an order (writ of certiorari) to the court of appeals, or highest state
court, requesting the record of the case. A writ of certiorari (Latin: “to be informed writ of certiorari
of”) is an order by which the U.S. Supreme Court exercises its discretionary power A procedural document
to decide which lower court cases it will hear. To be among these cases, an impor- whereby an appellate
tant federal question must be raised, such as one involving a constitutional issue court exercises its discre-
(e.g., freedom of speech). Also any case where different lower federal courts have is- tionary power to accept
jurisdiction of a pending
sued conflicting rulings on the same issue would be one the Court would seriously
consider hearing. When the Supreme Court declines review of a case, the practical
effect is an agreement with the lower court decision, which continues binding the
parties. The Court is able to hear only a small percentage of the appeals filed annu-
ally, and formal opinions are delivered in only about 115–130 cases.12
Exhibit 3.3 depicts the federal court structure, which, in addition to the princi-
pal courts, includes the U.S. Court of International Trade, U.S. Claims Court, and
U.S. Tax Court. Each of these is a special jurisdiction court restricted to hearing
particular types of cases.
Looking back at the twentieth century, we can see that most of the dramatic
changes in our legal system occurred following World War II. The first 50 years of
the century saw the law functioning in a slower, if not more leisurely, way. The
procedures guiding cases through courts were more relaxed by far in the first half
of the century. Today, procedures are complex. Meritorious cases can be lost be-
cause of errors made in the procedures that are necessary in maneuvering a civil
case through the court process. It is sad but true that some litigants with a strong
* The Washington, D.C., circuit is the smallest circuit in geographical size and is responsible only for the nation’s capital. The larg-
est geographical circuit is the ninth (Alaska, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, the Northern
Mariana Islands, and Washington). The number of judges per circuit ranges from six sitting circuit court judges in the first circuit
(Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, and Rhode Island) to 28 authorized judges in the ninth circuit.
† The Constitution does not specify the number of Supreme Court justices, and since its inception the number has varied. However,
since 1869 the number has remained at nine. In 1937, an attempt was made by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to “pack the
court” with six additional justices who would presumably be sympathetic to his “New Deal” reform legislation. This maneuver
was vigorously opposed and rejected by Congress.
114 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
case may pay their opponents a sum of money, often called “nuisance money,” to
settle a case and avoid incurring the expenses that complexity and time always
seems to create.
may win the case by default (forfeit), and a judgment, the final decision of the
court, may be awarded to the plaintiff.
Martinez’s attorney will arrange with a process server or a local official, such process server
as a sheriff, to have a copy of the summons and complaint personally served on the A person who serves (de-
defendant, Gary Graf, to obtain in personam jurisdiction. As discussed earlier, a pro- livers) a copy of the sum-
cess server is in the business of serving legal documents on defendants or plaintiffs mons and complaint, or
and witnesses. If Graf cannot be found, or if he evades service of the process, he other legal document,
upon a party or witness
may nonetheless be served by alternative methods such as “constructive service”
at the request of the
through a notification to the defendant by mail and the publication of a summons
opposing party to civil
in a local newspaper. Serving a copy of the summons and complaint (or publication litigation.
of summons) gives Graf notice that he has been sued and gives the proper court ju-
risdiction (or power) over his person to decide the controversy. The court, of
course, must also be the appropriate forum (have jurisdiction) over the subject mat- answer
ter and type of dispute involved. A document containing a
Upon receipt of the summons and complaint, Graf would typically hire a law- defendant’s denials, ad-
yer to represent him to uphold his interests. Graf ’s lawyer would file a responsive missions or allegations of
pleading, called an answer, with the county clerk and mail a copy to the plaintiff’s fact in response to a
lawyer. The answer is a document containing a defendant’s denial and personal al- complaint.
legations of fact. In the answer, Graf may admit to any parts of the complaint that
he believes are true and deny the rest. The complaint and answer together are pleadings
called the pleadings. The complaint of the
Instead of an answer, Graf’s attorney might be able to file another type of re- plaintiff and answer of
sponsive document, asking for a dismissal of the complaint. This is called a demur- the defendant in a
rer or motion to dismiss and is used when the complaint, even if true, is legally
insufficient to justify an answer. A motion is a formal request to a court for some
action by the judge. The demurrer or motion to dismiss is often called a “so what” demurrer or
motion, as its legal effect is to say that even if all of the plaintiff’s allegations are motion to dismiss
true, no legal duty was breached by the defendant. To provide an example of a mo- A motion filed by a de-
tion to dismiss, let us consider an illustrative dispute. fendant in response to a
summons and complaint
alleging the complaint,
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM even if true, is insufficient
to state a cause of action.
resolution of the dispute by a court. Such statutes also serve to eliminate what could
http:// be an ongoing threat of suit that would otherwise interfere with the defendant’s life.
For a look a the different Once Martinez’s complaint and Graf’s answer are filed, the factual contentions
statutes of limitations in of each party are stated on the record. Plaintiffs and defendants almost always dis-
each state, look them up by agree with each other’s version of what had happened; these factual disagreements
state in the Web address
are much of what must be resolved at trial.
maintained by Michigan
Following receipt of summons and complaint, Graf might voluntarily or un-
lawyer Aaron R. Larson at
wittingly do nothing. Doing nothing is rarely a smart choice; here it would pave
http://www.expertlaw.com/ the way for Martinez to obtain an uncontested judgment, called a default judg-
library/limitations_by_ ment. As explained earlier, a judgment is a final expression by the court telling who
state/index.html wins and who loses. Unlike a judgment following a trial, a default judgment may be
issued by the judge following a trial in which the defendant is absent, and who, it is
therefore assumed, does not contest the accuracy of the plaintiff’s claims. The
http:// judge simply takes minimal evidence from the plaintiff to ensure that the claim is
For the different deadlines
not frivolous or improper in some respect. Following such an ex parte (Latin: “with
in each state for a negli- one party”) trial, which often takes only minutes of the court’s time, a judgment
gence lawsuit, consult the typically is awarded the plaintiff. So, doing nothing can be a costly mistake. Even if
following site, which con- he is going to concede fault and liability, Graf would be wise to file an answer to
tains excerpts from the the complaint and then try to negotiate a compromise limiting the damages he
book Winning Your Per- must pay or providing a reasonable payment schedule. Default judgments are sur-
sonal Injury Claim, by prisingly common occurrences, particularly in small claim actions.
Evan K. Aidman, Esq.:
discovery. Discovery includes the use of a group of methods to learn facts about grand jury
the dispute. Nonexistent early in the twentieth century, many believe that discov- An appointed body of ci-
ery has escalated into an arsenal of weapons that is often abused by attorneys. tizens formed both to in-
Should discovery be streamlined to keep pace with life and times in the twenty-first vestigate the operations
century? Many business contracts today contain arbitration agreements (discussed of government and to is-
sue indictments against
in Chapter 4) to avoid going to court if and when future disputes arise between the
persons suspected of
contracting persons. Many, perhaps most, financial businesses (e.g., banks, stock
criminal conduct.
brokerages) and HMOs (health maintenance organizations) choose this judicial by-
pass to attempt to avoid the costs, intrusiveness, and delays associated with discov-
ery procedures. indictment
An accusation of felony
Although courtroom availability is the most common reason for a delay in a
filed by a grand jury.
trial date, counsel for one or both of the parties may seek delay because more time
is needed for discovery procedures. The stated goals of discovery are to
• Educate each party as to the facts surrounding the controversy, dispute
• Promote voluntary settlement of the controversy by revealing strengths and resolution
weaknesses in the cases of each party, and Any of various methods
• Eliminate surprises that might otherwise arise during the trial, possibly leading of resolving disputes
to a miscarriage of justice. through means other
than the judicial process.
Depositions and interrogatories are the most common types of discovery. A depo-
sition is the questioning of a witness or adverse party by the opposing attorney,
long before the trial, under oath, in the presence of a court reporter and the other discovery
Group of methods used
party’s attorney. Interrogatories are a form of discovery in which written ques-
during the period be-
tions are directed to a party, who must then reply under oath with written answers.
tween commencement of
a lawsuit and the date of
trial to learn facts about
Questioning of a witness
Attorney Sharpe is seeking a money judgment against Graf to compensate Martinez or adverse party to an ac-
for her injury on the theory that Graf was negligent. Attorney Sagedevan, on behalf tion, under oath, by the
opposing attorney before
of Graf, is contending that Graf was not negligent and that even if he was, Martinez
the trial.
was equally careless as to her own safety and so she should be denied a money judg-
ment. Both attorneys will need more information in order to prepare for trial.
Depositions Sharpe wants to know the exact setting Graf used in adjusting Marti- A form of discovery con-
nez’s bindings; then she will seek expert advice as to the proper setting. Sharpe sisting of written ques-
could mail a notice of taking deposition to Graf’s attorney, requesting that Graf ap- tions directed to a party
or witness who is ex-
pear in Sharpe’s office at a stated time to be questioned under oath with a court re-
pected to reply with writ-
porter present. The court reporters will use mechanical shorthand to record all tes-
ten answers under oath.
timony. In many states, electronic shorthand equipment and recording machines
also are used. During this deposition, which Graf must attend, Sharpe could ask
118 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
him, among other things, what setting he had used on Martinez’s bindings. Of
course, Graf’s attorney will respond by taking Martinez’s deposition.
At the deposition, attorney Sagedevan asked the following
question: “Ms. Martinez, do you date frequently?” Attorney
Sharpe immediately objected, shouting that she would not allow her client
to be subjected to irrelevant questions by Sagedevan. Must Martinez answer
the question?
At the deposition, Sagedevan cannot force Martinez to answer a question if she re-
fuses. He could, however, seek a court order requiring her to answer the question if
the question is deemed appropriate by the judge. Courts have the power to compel
the parties to comply with the discovery procedures. If the order is granted and
Martinez still refuses to answer, her entire case may be dismissed or another sanc-
tion (penalty) imposed. Attorney Sagedevan will need to explain to a judge why the
question is appropriate, because its relevance to the case is not obvious.
After the deposition, the court reporter prepares a hard (paper) copy of all ques-
tions and answers. This document is made available to the witness, who makes any
necessary corrections before signing and returning it. If the witness is unavailable at
the trial, or is present but changes the version of the story given at the deposition,
impeach the transcript itself may be introduced as evidence and used to impeach (i.e., dis-
To discredit, dispute, dis- credit) the witness. In complex cases, depositions may require several days of testi-
parage, or contradict a mony under oath. The cost of taking depositions is a major expense of litigation and
witness’s testimony. one significant reason why alternatives to litigation are often sought. As undeniably
useful as discovery is, it is costly and can be subject to abuse. Litigants can request
large quantities of documents based on possible relevance, and the expense of this
production of documents is borne by the person producing them. The federal courts
and many state court systems have experimented with discovery rules in an attempt
to preserve discovery’s value while limiting its excesses. Examples include requiring
a party to provide relevant discovery without it being requested by the other party
and harsher penalties (sanctions) available to the courts for instances where abuse of
discovery rules exist. Some have suggested eliminating discovery altogether.
Written Interrogatories
After the deposition, attorney Sagedevan thought of some ad-
ditional questions that he would like to ask. He sent the following written interrog-
atories to Martinez through her attorney:
1. Please state the address of Luther Thomas.
2. Please state each date you visited a doctor and your total medical bill expenses.
3. Please state whether or not your medical bills are being paid by an insurance
company. If so, please state the company’s name and the applicable policy
If Martinez fails to answer the written interrogatories, Graf ’s attorney may
seek an order from the court compelling answers. Attorneys may serve hundreds of
written interrogatories in preparation of a complex case. They are less expensive
than depositions because no court reporter is needed, and since they are written
they tend to be more concise than the ramblings that frequently accompany oral
interrogations. Furthermore, parties responding to interrogatories must search
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 119
their files and records for information they “cannot recall.” A disadvantage is that
they allow a witness to consult with counsel and draft an answer that, while true,
discloses as little as possible and states even that as favorably as possible. The ques-
tioning attorney is not present to detect signs of uneasiness and possible evasion or
concealment, nor is he or she able to immediately pursue promising leads sug-
gested by oral responses during depositions.
Motion to Produce The motion to produce may result in an order made by a judge motion to
at the request of counsel. It compels the opposing party to provide specified evi- produce
dence that he or she currently controls or possesses, and that is believed to be rele- Request to a judge by
vant in the case. counsel to compel the op-
posing party to provide
specified evidence to the
Sagedevan’s motion will not be granted unless he can demonstrate to the court spe-
cifically what may be contained in the diary that would be relevant to the issues in
the case. That appears doubtful unless, for example, Sagedevan can offer proof that
Martinez has been deceitful and he has reason to believe that the diary would con-
firm the deceit.
At the time of trial, either attorney may ask the court for a subpoena (Latin: subpoena
“under penalty”), a written order directing a person to appear in court and testify as An order directing a per-
a witness. If it is believed that the witness has books or documents needed for a full son to appear at a certain
disclosure of the facts, the court may issue a subpoena duces tecum (Latin: “under time and place for the
penalty bring with you”), requiring that identified documents or physical evidence purpose of giving testi-
mony as a witness.
be brought to court.
Discovery in Criminal Matters In a criminal case, discovery is limited because of subpoena duces
the defendant’s privilege against self-incrimination. (A privilege is a legal right.) tecum
This legal right, in brief, provides that a defendant cannot be compelled to testify A judicial order to bring
against himself or herself in a criminal case. The privilege is derived from the Fifth specified documents or
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and it is often referred to in slang terms as physical evidence to
“taking the Fifth.” court.
The government prosecutor does not have this same right, as the prosecutors
are not on trial. The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives the accused privilege against
the right “in all criminal prosecutions … to be confronted with the witnesses against self-incrimination
him. …” Therefore, the government prosecutor must allow examination of the evi- The right of any person,
dence against the defendant, including names of witnesses against the defendant. including one accused of
However, physical evidence (such as weapons, clothing, and stolen goods) may be a crime, to remain silent
impounded (seized and held) by the district attorney, pending trial. The defendant when what might be said
does, however, have the right to inspect all such evidence before trial. The apparent could indicate criminal
advantage of one-way discovery for the criminal defendant is more than counter- guilt.
balanced by the state’s greater resources to independently investigate and discover
facts surrounding alleged criminal activity. The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
provide the general requirements regarding discovery in a federal criminal matter.
120 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Motion for Summary Judgment If there are no disputes over facts that need to be
motion for resolved, it is possible that the case can be decided without a trial. In a motion for
summary summary judgment, the moving party argues that there are no significant ques-
judgment tions of fact and that the applicable law requires that the moving party be awarded
Request to a judge by judgment. This motion might be made to the court after discovery, when a party
counsel to award judg- believes discovery has shown that there is no real dispute as to the facts. If the mo-
ment because there are tion is granted, no trial takes place. The party against whom a motion for summary
no significant questions judgment is granted (or any other adverse order that terminates the case) would
of fact in the lawsuit. have the right to appeal.
pretrial hearing The Pretrial Conference Either party or the court can request a pretrial hearing
or conference, which usually takes place after the discovery process is over. The
or conference
Hearing occurring before
conference consists of an informal discussion between the judge and the attorneys.
a trial. Its purpose is to identify the matters that are in dispute and to plan the course of
the trial. At the pretrial hearing, the judge may encourage the parties to settle with-
out a trial (an out-of-court settlement). These “settlement conferences” are some-
times attended by the parties to the litigation, as well as by their attorneys. Possible
“before trial” steps in a civil dispute are set forth in Exhibit 3.4.
What Is a Jury?
“Jury duty [is] a bog of quicksand on the path to justice.”
—Sidney Bernard, “The Waiting Game,” New York Journal-American, 30 December 1965.
jury A jury is a group of men and women selected according to preestablished proce-
A group of men and dures to ensure lack of bias, who are sworn under oath to inquire of certain matters
women sworn to declare of fact and declare the truth based on evidence presented to them. This broad defi-
the truth based on evi- nition of a jury includes many types of juries used in the United States including
dence presented to them. grand jury, petit jury, special jury, coroner’s jury, and sheriff’s jury. Our discussion
focuses on those juries selected to hear and decide specific legal disputes rather
than investigative juries, such as grand juries.
In the United States, litigating parties often request a jury trial. Whether the
request is granted will depend on whether the requesting party has a legal right to
a jury trial. Many U.S. citizens believe that they have a right to a jury trial in all le-
gal matters, but they are wrong. Litigants do, however, have a right to a jury trial in
many matters. Whether they have a right to jury trial may depend on whether the
trial is criminal or civil, raises matters “in equity” or “law,” or whether it takes place
in state or federal courts.*
People’s Bank, a Connecticut corporation, filed an action to
foreclose on a home owned by William and Nadine Podd, hus-
band and wife, alleging the Podds failed to pay their monthly mortgage
payments. The Podds requested a trial by jury. People’s Bank objected. Do
the Podds have a right to jury trial in this lawsuit?
People’s Bank v. Podd, 1993 WL 382514, 10 Conn. L. Rptr. 83 (Conn. Super.).
* Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution provides that “the Trial of all Crimes … shall be by Jury. …” The Sixth and Seventh
amendments also provide for the right to a jury trial. The Sixth Amendment, referring to criminal cases, provides that “In all crim-
inal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial. …” The Seventh Amendment states, “In Suits at
common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be persevered. …”
Exhibit 3.4: Steps in a Civil Case—Before Trial
No reponse is
received: plaintiff gets
Tort or breach of Victim consults Plaintiff’s attorney Copies of judgment by default. Discovery by
contract occurs. attorney, who prepares complaint and or plaintiff and
investigates and complaint and summons are Defendant’s attorney defendant.
may negotiate summons and delivered to files answer to Includes
with prospective files them with defendant (by complaint. depositions,
defendant or proper court. process server). or interrogatories,
his/her attorney. Defendant’s attorney and motions to
files demurrer to produce.
Denied by judge Sustained by Settlement
at hearing judge conference
Basis (proceed to trial). at hearing. with judge.*
No basis
for action
for action:
is established, or
matter is or
but dispute is
settled out of Plaintiff Plaintiff Matter Matter not
court, possibly Plaintiff revises complaint contests demurrer settled.
by alternative drops and starts over. at appellate court. Case proceeds
dispute action. to trial.
* In many states, nonbinding arbitration may be required in addition to or in lieu of the settlement conference.
122 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Any party to a civil lawsuit in the federal court system has the constitutional right
(under the Seventh Amendment) to trial by jury in cases at law “where the value in
controversy shall exceed twenty dollars.” A right to a jury trial in a civil case in state
courts is not guaranteed by the federal Constitution,13 although state constitutions
usually provide for this right. The case of People’s Bank v. Podd was filed in a Con-
necticut state court, raising issues of state civil law. The Connecticut constitution
provides for a right to a jury trial, but the Connecticut Supreme Court has held
that this right exists only in those cases where a right to jury trial existed at the time
of the state constitution’s adoption (1812). The court concluded the action brought
against the Podds was an equity action and so the state needn’t provide the Podds a
jury trial. We discuss equity actions in more detail later in the chapter.
The right to a jury trial is more certain in matters of criminal law. A trial by an
“impartial jury” is a constitutional right (under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amend-
ments) in any criminal matter, federal or state, where a serious penalty such as a jail
sentence or imprisonment of more than six months may be the punishment.14
Criminal defendants may waive their right to jury trials for various reasons (such as
plea bargain a plea bargain, where they admit guilt to a lesser offense than they were charged
A binding agreement in with, thereby sparing the state the expense of conducting costly trials with uncer-
which an accused agrees tain outcomes). A judge alone then makes the necessary findings of fact and im-
to plead guilty if the poses a sentence.
court agrees to a speci- The televised murder trial of former Hall of Fame professional football player
fied charge and punish-
and movie actor O. J. Simpson in 1996 provided worldwide exposure to the role of
ment in advance.
juries in the United States. In addition to issues of selection, sequestration, crime
scene visitation, and evidence tampering, viewers were presented with the possible
http:// issue of jury nullification. “Jury nullification” is the power of a jury to reject the law
and evidence and acquit a defendant it believes is guilty. This concept is discussed
Background on the
in more detail in a few paragraphs.
O. J. Simpson murder
In usual cases, a jury concludes and decides the questions of fact—historical
trial can be found at the
CNN Web site at
events that must be proved to win a lawsuit. A jury is the trier of fact. For example,
in a dispute about a fight between two students, Williams and Suren, there proba-
http://www.cnn.com/US/OJ/ bly will be a disagreement as to who started the altercation. A question of fact is
presented and is generally answered by the jury. If there is no jury, the trial judge
decides questions of fact and is the trier of fact. Legendary trial attorney Melvin
questions of fact Belli, never one for understatement, once said, “[A lawyer’s] performance in the
Circumstances or matters
courtroom is responsible for about 25 percent of the outcome; the remaining 75
surrounding and involved
in a case that is being
percent depends on the facts.”15
tried by a court. Questions of law are the appropriate legal rules to be applied in the trial. The
judge decides or answers the questions of law in the trial. For example, in the fight
between Williams and Suren, the judge determines the legal rules appropriate to
trier of fact
Jury or judge acting as
decide the case (e.g., the definitions of battery and self-defense would probably be
the finder of issues of among the legal rules applied). The judge also makes a ruling of law when allowing
fact. or disallowing certain evidence, ruling on motions, or instructing the jury which le-
gal principles should be applied to the facts during their deliberations. A question
questions of law of law, not fact, also arises whenever the constitutionality of a statute or executive
Principles and rules of hu-
action is an issue. As constitutionality is a question of law, not fact, the judge, not
man conduct determined the jury, decides whether a statute is constitutional.
by the judge to be appli- The amount of deference a jury must give the judge’s jury instructions differs
cable in a case being tried in civil and criminal cases. In a civil case, if the jury ignores the law, the judge has
by a court. the duty and the power to overturn the jury verdict. The judge’s power is restricted
in a criminal case, although the judge can declare a defendant not guilty even if the
jury decided to convict the defendant. However, in a criminal case, a judge cannot
overturn a jury verdict of not guilty because he or she believes the jury is wrong or
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 123
has ignored the law. This residual power of the jury in a criminal case is called jury jury nullification
nullification. Thus, for example, in a criminal case, although a jury could not find The power of a jury in a
a law unconstitutional, it could legally refuse to convict a defendant because the criminal trial to disregard
jurors think the law is unconstitutional, or unfair, or for any other reason. A judge the law and unanimously
is not free to disregard the jury’s verdict of not guilty unless the judge finds jury find the defendant inno-
cent, although there is
corruption or misconduct (e.g., one or more jurors had been bribed).
ample evidence to sup-
port a verdict of guilty.
Defendant Anthony Edwards was charged with and admitted
to committing fraud by using other people’s credit cards to
purchase gasoline. His defense was his self-proclaimed status as “The Black
Shadow of Robin Hood.” He claimed “he was motivated by the need to re-
distribute wealth in a system he perceived as racist.” At trial, he requested
that the judge issue the following jury instruction: “if collectively you decide
that despite the acts of the [defendant] which you may find the government
proved beyond a reasonable doubt, you believe that the [defendant’s] ac-
tions should not be considered to be criminal by society, you may find him
not guilty.” The instruction if granted would advise the jury of its power of
nullification. The judge refused. Was the judge correct?
United States v. Anthony Edwards, 101 F.3d 17 (E.D.N.Y., 1996).
The judge was correct to refuse the instruction, and did so stating, “While juries
have the power to ignore the law in their verdicts, courts have no obligation to tell
them they may do so. It appears that every circuit that has considered this issue
agrees.”16 In a later case, another court explained this curious position as follows:
“[I]n language originally employed by Judge Learned Hand, the power of juries to
‘nullify’ or exercise a power of lenity is just that—a power; it is by no means a
right or something that a judge should encourage or permit if it is within his au-
thority to prevent. It is true that nullification has a long history in the Anglo-Amer-
ican legal system, and that the federal courts have long noted the de facto power of
a jury to render general verdicts ‘in the teeth of both law and facts.’ However … it
is the duty of juries in criminal cases to take the law from the court and apply that
law to the facts as they find them, courts have consistently recognized that jurors
have no right to nullify.”17
Prospective Jurors The jury is a group of persons selected from a panel of ran-
domly designated citizens of the local region to decide a particular civil or criminal
case. A jury is considered the fairest instrument of justice on the theory that it tends
to neutralize individual bias from the courtroom by drawing together a number of
persons of diverse interests and backgrounds. No single person—not even a highly
educated, coldly analytical, scrupulously honest, professional scientist—is totally
objective, so it is hoped that the combination of differing perspectives will provide
the balance needed for just decisions. Judges, lawyers, witnesses, scholars—and
most important, litigants themselves—generally agree that the jury system works
well most of the time.
Usually, litigants in emotionally charged cases, both civil and criminal, prefer
the consensus of a jury of their peers (equals) to the decision of one judge. On the
other hand, many attorneys believe that in complex business litigation, for example,
a jury can be overwhelmed and thoroughly confused by a flood of technical lan-
guage. Thus, they often think that in such cases their clients will fare better by
124 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
waiving their right to a jury trial and relying on the expertise of the judge or an
It is important that the jury selection process be random. Otherwise, people
would justifiably suspect its integrity. In criminal cases especially, the jury is some-
times the sole barrier between the individual and the awesome power of the prose-
cuting government. The selection begins with preparation of a list or panel of pro-
spective jurors. Most states prepare such lists from voter registrations. Because
minorities, the poor, and young adults do not register to vote at the same rate as
the rest of the population, these groups are likely to be underrepresented on juries.
For this reason, many states use other sources of names for prospective jurors, such
as driver-registration records, telephone directories, hunting and fishing license
lists, utility customer lists, or census rolls. Some accept volunteers for jury duty.
The Jury Selection and Service Act regulates jury selection in federal cases.
This act provides that names selected from voter registration lists should be supple-
mented with names from additional lists to help ensure selection of juries that bet-
ter represent a diverse community.
Exemptions from Jury Service A few classes of people are automatically exempt,
or disqualified, from jury duty in many states. In federal courts, disqualified groups
include noncitizens; minors; residents of less than one year; persons unable to read,
write, and understand English; persons with mental or physical infirmities that
would impair their capability as jurors; and convicted felons. States have adopted
similar exemptions. In addition, persons may be temporarily excused or indefinitely
exempted when absence from a job or family would cause an unreasonable
It is illegal for an employer to penalize or discriminate against an employee for
serving as a juror by docking vacation time.18 Some employers continue to pay the
salaries or wages of jurors, less the modest fees received from the court, but this is
not compulsory. Jurors are presently paid $40 per day in the federal court19 system
and usually less in state courts. Such small sums are inadequate pay for most jurors
who are not receiving any income from their employers. Consequently, jury duty
that may last for weeks or longer may mean a significant financial sacrifice. Yet jury
service is a citizen’s duty in a democracy. Persons refusing to serve without an
acceptable excuse can be found in contempt of court, resulting in fines and/or
voir dire Voir Dire The French phrase voir dire (pronounced v’wah deer and meaning “to
Process of questioning speak the truth”) refers to the questioning of prospective jurors to find possible
prospective jurors to as- bias. Understandably, attorneys try to seat (select) jurors whom they believe to be
certain whether they sympathetic to their clients’ position. Thus, an accountant accustomed to arithme-
have any bias that would tic precision may not be welcomed as a juror by a defendant relying on an unveri-
make difficult or unlikely
fied alibi in a criminal trial, or a clerk who earns a low salary may be considered un-
their impartiality in de-
desirable by the plaintiff in a civil action where damages sought for loss of future
termining questions of
fact during a trial.
earning power exceed a million dollars.
In large cities, private companies are available to research potential juror lists
for cases when a sizable amount of money is at stake. Such research firms provide
“jury books” containing past juror voting records and other personal information.
These books are sold to attorneys to assist them in identifying favorable prospec-
tive jurors. In major trials, where the stakes are high, sociologists and psychologists
have been hired by lawyers to analyze the physical appearance, education, social
status, economic condition, personality, and general cultural background of each
prospective juror. The idea is to predict attitude and probable voting conduct in
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 125
the forthcoming trial. Such assistance in jury selection raises many questions about
the accuracy of character evaluation and the ethical propriety of this practice, espe-
cially if only one side has access to such information. Legal consulting firms pro-
vide pretrial opinion polls, profiles of “ideal jurors,” mock trials, and shadow juries.
They also coach lawyers and witnesses and prepare designs for courtroom graphics.
When such assistance is utilized, critics suggest that the jury is not composed of
one’s peers.
A Web site for a jury con-
sulting firm, Trial Behavior
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM Consulting, Inc., is found at
On behalf of Marya Martinez, attorney Sharpe demands a jury .com/
trial. On the day set for trial, Sharpe and attorney Sagedevan
meet with Judge Miller in chambers. Sharpe requests permission to person-
ally voir dire the prospective jurors. Sagedevan does not object. Will Judge
Miller grant this request?
Possibly. Historically, judges have had the power to either conduct voir dire them-
selves or to allow the attorneys to do so. Most states follow the lead of the federal
court system where voir dire is conducted by the judge, but only after considering
specific questions offered by the attorneys. Using a judge usually expedites the ques-
tioning and serves to preclude the use of inappropriate questions. Some attorneys
try to argue their case in voir dire, which is not a valid purpose of the jury selection
Judge Miller grants Sharpe’s request and orders that the two
attorneys conduct the voir dire. One of the questions Sharpe
asks each prospective juror is whether he or she has ever been a ski instruc-
tor. One person answers “yes.” Is this sufficient evidence of juror bias? If so,
what recourse does Sharpe have against it?
Prior experience or knowledge of a situation may or may not show that a person is
biased. Everyone possesses inclinations and opinions consistent with his or her cul-
ture, education, family background, experience, and so forth, but not everyone al-
lows these to prejudice his or her thinking. What matters is whether a certain expe-
rience or inclination tends to make a person unable to decide fairly a particular
case. Some types of experience are more likely than others to do this. If bias is evi-
dent or likely, the judge may excuse the prospective juror using a challenge for challenge
cause (bias or the appearance of bias is shown). In Martinez’s trial, a prospective for cause
juror who was once a ski instructor would probably not be as impartial as someone Ability to exclude a pro-
without this experience. Thus, bias is likely. The judge might properly excuse that spective trial juror if bias
prospective juror for cause. or prejudice is indicated.
There is no limit on the number of challenges for cause, which can be granted
for a showing of bias. In jury selection for a trial concerning a highly publicized
Brink’s warehouse robbery in Boston, some 1,000 prospective jurors were excused
for cause. Because of newspaper accounts over the years before the first arrest in
126 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
the case, most of those excused had definite opinions as to the guilt of the
Even if no bias is demonstrable, each attorney in either a civil or criminal ac-
tion can challenge peremptorily (without cause) and thereby excuse from service a
limited number of prospective jurors (six, for example, in civil actions, and gener-
peremptory ally more in criminal actions). The purpose of a peremptory challenge (dismissal
challenge of a juror for an undisclosed personal reason of the dismissing party) is to permit
Ability to exclude a pro- parties to eliminate some prospective jurors for any reason or for no reason. Some
spective juror for any clients simply do not like the looks of a particular prospective juror. A well-known
reason other than race ditty goes:
or gender.
I do not like thee, Dr. Fell;
The reason why I cannot tell.
But this I know and know full well,
I do not like thee, Dr. Fell.
A preschool molestation case in Los Angeles took more than
two and a half years before the jury adjourned to consider their
verdicts. By that time all six alternate jurors had replaced vacancies that oc-
curred during trial. If the jury had lost another juror before the verdicts were
rendered, a mistrial would have occurred in a trial that cost over $15 million.
After three months of deliberations, the jury reached verdicts on 65 counts
(separate criminal charges) against two defendants. One defendant was
found not guilty on all charged counts. The other defendant was found not
guilty on all but 13 counts. As to these counts, the jury was unable to reach
a verdict. As the jury finished its deliberations without losing another juror,
there was no mistrial.22
Jury Size and Vote Since the middle of the fourteenth century, juries in England
have been composed of 12 persons. Probably for that reason, laypersons as well as
scholars in the United States had long assumed that the Constitution, when refer-
ring to a jury, meant a jury of 12 persons. In federal criminal court trials, twelve
jurors are required, although criminal verdicts have been upheld with 11 jurors.23
In civil cases, the number of jurors required has been reduced to six in many dis-
trict courts. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, this reduction to six jurors in a
civil case satisfies the Seventh Amendment.24
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 127
The U.S. Supreme Court has also held that the Fourteenth Amendment does
not require that state court juries (as opposed to federal ones) be composed of 12
persons in either civil or criminal cases. As few as six members have been found
constitutional in a state court,25 although a jury of five in a criminal case has been
disallowed.26 For reasons of efficiency and economy, about one-fourth of the states
have reduced the size of juries to six or eight jurors in both civil and criminal mat-
ters. Currently, no state provides for fewer than 12 jurors in cases where the death
penalty could be imposed, although that may be constitutionally permissible.
Although the United States is indebted to England for its commitment to trial by
jury, the United Kingdom began significantly curtailing the right to juries in civil
cases in 1933. This action was a response to the growing complexity of civil law and
the time and expense consumed by the jury process. A civil jury is now the excep-
tion in the United Kingdom.29
The number of jurors required to agree on a verdict is an additional important
question in American jurisprudence. Historically, to reach a verdict in criminal cases
the jury vote had to be unanimous. Thus, in criminal actions one juror has been able
to block the prosecutor’s attempt to convict the accused. Such power is an affirma-
tion of the importance of each juror. The requirement of the unanimous jury is the
rule in federal and most state criminal prosecutions.30 A few states allow for a guilty
verdict without requiring a unanimous jury (for example, Oregon permits a convic-
tion by 10 out of 12 jurors),31 although a unanimous vote for a verdict in a state six-
person jury criminal case is required.32 In most civil cases, however, a three-fourths
majority (nine of 12 jurors) is sufficient. On the other hand, in the federal court sys-
tem, civil juries are required to render unanimous verdicts.33
After considerable deliberation, the six-person jury informed
the judge they could not reach a unanimous opinion in the
criminal assault and battery case against Kevin Nobles. The Palm Beach
County Circuit Court judge and the attorneys for Nobles and the state dis-
cussed the limited options available, including a suggestion from Nobles’
128 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
attorney that Nobles could accept a majority verdict and waive his state
right to a unanimous jury rather than begin again after a mistrial. Can a
defendant waive his right to a unanimous verdict?
Nobles v. Florida, 786 So.2d 56 (Fla., 2001).
Kevin Nobles agreed to waive his right and was rewarded for his impatience by the
jury finding him guilty by a vote of 4 –2. Obviously, he reconsidered his waiver and
on appeal argued that “the trial court erred when it accepted his request for a ma-
jority verdict because even though waivers of the right to a unanimous verdict have
been accepted for super majorities of five to one, there is no authority that ex-
pressly approves a four to two majority verdict.” The trial court upheld the convic-
tion, stating, “[T]he following requirements [were] met in Nobles’ trial: (1) the
waiver is initiated by the defendant, not the trial judge or the prosecutor; (2) the
jury has informed the court that it is unable to reach a verdict, after having had a
reasonable time to deliberate; (3) the trial judge explains to the defendant his/her
right to a unanimous jury verdict and the consequences of a waiver of that right;
and (4) the trial judge questions the defendant directly and determines that the
waiver is being made knowingly and voluntarily.”
The instructions from the judge in the Nobles’ case: “It is possi-
ble to waive one’s constitutional rights if the waiver is a know-
ing waiver. It’s my understanding that after conferring with counsel, and
without knowing how the jury is split in this case, that it’s your desire to
waive or give up your right to a unanimous verdict and to agree to a, what
we call a majority verdict, which means there are six jurors, if four of them
or more vote one way or another as to any count, that would be the verdict
in the case. Is my understanding correct?
Clearly, a reduction in jury size together with relaxed voting percentages for a ver-
dict will do much to change the role of the jury in our society. In addition, some
states have limited the types of cases in which a jury is considered appropriate. For
example, states with no-fault automobile insurance plans largely bypass the jury
process in automobile-related personal injury cases. Many states have decrimina-
lized such matters as minor traffic offenses and removed a person’s right to a jury
trial in such cases. In the federal system, there is a presumption that offenses pun-
ishable by incarceration for six months or less are petty offenses for which jury trials
are unavailable.34 In addition, there is an important area of U.S. jurisprudence in
which the Constitution does not require jury trials and legal history has not pro-
vided them, namely all matters “in equity.” Recall the Legal Focus on page 120, in
which the Podds were unsuccessful in their request for a jury trial in the foreclosure
action brought against them. Most laypersons are uninformed on the important
subject of equity, which we address next.
still applies because of the potential for deprivation of liberty. However, there is no
right to a jury trial. Many states provide for criminal prosecution of a minor as an
adult in certain situations. If the minor is tried as an adult, the case is transferred
from the court of equity to the criminal courts and all rights and jeopardy of crimi-
nal defendants apply.
There is no right to trial by jury in equity cases. The constitutional right to a
jury was limited in the Seventh Amendment of the Constitution to civil matters,
which are “suits at common law.” The distinction between common law and equity
was well known by the drafters of the Constitution. Jury trials in equity matters did
not exist in England, as the chancellor relied on his own good conscience and sense
of what was just. Since juries were available at law, a person who sought relief in eq-
uity waived the right to common law procedures, including the jury. In some states,
a judge in equity may use an advisory jury but is not obliged to apply its verdict.
A judge sitting in a matter in equity has awesome power. The judge is both the
finder of fact and law and controls the powerful remedies available only in equity.
Courts of equity not only provide different remedies but also often operate using dif-
equitable maxims ferent procedures and guidelines, including what are called equitable maxims—pro-
General rules applied by positions or statements that provide a guide to a judge’s exercise of his or her discre-
courts to cases in equity. tion. A few examples of equitable maxims are provided and explained in Exhibit 3.6.
Defiance of a judge’s order can place a person in contempt of court and sub-
contempt of ject him or her to summary arrest and imprisonment. Contempt of court is willful
court disobedience of a judicial order or obstruction of the work of the court. Some of the
Willful defiance of the most controversial cases in the history of law have involved the exercise of a judge’s
authority of a court, af- equitable power.
front to its dignity, or
willful disobedience of
its lawful orders.
Dr. J. Elizabeth Morgan was a party to a legal action involving
visitation rights concerning her minor female child, Hilary.
She maintained that the child’s father had sexually abused her daughter.
Although the husband strenuously denied this allegation, Morgan refused
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 131
Morgan was taken to the District of Columbia jail, where she spent the next 759
days for refusing to disclose the whereabouts of her child. She was finally released
after a special law requiring her immediate release was passed by Congress and
signed by then-President George H. W. Bush. As the court matter was in equity,
no jury had been involved. Morgan had been jailed for her continuing refusal to fol-
low the court’s order, even though she had committed no crime.36 During the late
1990s, Susan McDougal spent 18 months in jail for civil contempt for her refusal
to answer questions posed by Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr about President
William J. Clinton’s involvement in the Whitewater Development Corporation.37
An even more dramatic case demonstrating the awesome power of a court of
equity involved prison inmates in Texas. The U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Texas held that the conditions of confinement in the state violated the
U.S. Constitution. To implement and ensure compliance with the court order, the
entire prison system of Texas was put under the control of a Special Master of
the court.38
Returning to Martinez’s case against Graf, we can see that since it is an action
at law, either party may demand a jury trial. If neither party demands a jury, the
right is waived and the trial will proceed with the judge alone determining the truth
of all factual contentions.
preponderance of
Exhibit 3.6: Equitable Maxims evidence
Standard of determining
A maxim is a proposition or general statement. Some common maxims relating to ac-
tions in equity follow: civil liability, that the
weight of the evidence
1. Whoever seeks equity must do equity. (Anyone who wishes to be treated fairly must offered to prove a matter
treat others fairly.) is more probable than
2. When there is equal equity, the law must prevail. (The applicable law will determine not.
the outcome of a controversy in which the merits of both sides are equal.)
3. One seeking the aid of an equity court must come to the court with clean hands.
(Plaintiffs must have acted fairly and honestly.)
4. Equity will not suffer a right to exist without a remedy. (Equitable relief will be
awarded when there is a right to relief and there is not adequate remedy at law.)
5. Equity regards substance rather than form. (Equity is more concerned with fairness
and justice than with legal technicalities.)
6. Equity aids the vigilant, not those who rest on their rights. (Equity will not help
those who neglect their rights for an unreasonably long period of time.)
132 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
are true. If the jury agrees that the plaintiff more likely than not is right, the burden
is met, and they must return a verdict for the plaintiff. In a criminal case, however,
the burden of proof is much greater. The government, represented by a prosecu-
beyond a tor, has the burden of proving the guilt of the defendant beyond a reasonable
reasonable doubt doubt. This means the finder of fact must be firmly convinced of the defendant’s
The quantum evidence guilt.* The proof of guilt must preclude any other reasonable interpretation of the
that fully satisfies and facts and be inconsistent with any other rational conclusion.
entirely convinces the
jury in a criminal trial that
the defendant is guilty as LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM
While Marya Martinez was in the hospital, she told her father
that Gary Graf took her wallet after she fell. This incensed Her-
nando Martinez, Marya’s father, who demanded that Graf be prosecuted for
theft. The criminal case came to trial months before the civil case, and the jury
found Graf not guilty. Does this mean that Martinez will lose her civil case?
No. Martinez’s civil case concerns the civil issue of negligence in adjusting her ski
bindings. The criminal case dealt with subsequent independent, unrelated behav-
ior. In some situations, however, a single act can result in civil liability and also a
criminal penalty. For example, if Graf had deliberately struck Martinez in the face
without legal excuse or justification, he should be found civilly liable for damages
and criminally guilty of battery. Theoretically, though, the defendant Graf could
win the criminal case and lose the civil case. Such a result could happen because of
the different burdens of proof involved. Moreover, the trials take place at different
times with different juries and different procedural rules. The law allows both vic-
tims (society at large and Martinez in particular) their “days in court”—society (the
state) is hurt by the alleged public crime, and Martinez (a private party) is hurt civ-
illy by the alleged private tort. Because one charge is civil and one is criminal, there
double jeopardy is no double jeopardy (being tried twice for the same offense), which would be
A second criminal prose- unconstitutional as violative of the Fifth Amendment. A notorious example of this
cution against a person split possibility occurred after the not guilty verdict in the notorious O. J. Simpson
for the same single of- criminal trial. The parents of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman sued for
fense, after the person the wrongful death of their children. The jury in the civil case found O. J. Simpson
has been found innocent
liable (legally responsible) for the deaths.39
of the crime in the prior
Separate criminal trials brought by different governmental entities even upon
the same set of facts are generally not considered to be double jeopardy. For exam-
ple, after police officers were accused of beating Rodney King, they were found not
http:// guilty of state criminal charges. The federal government was later successful in
bringing federal criminal charges against two of the officers for depriving King of
A story about O. J. Simp-
his civil rights.
son’s civil trial verdict is
available at
* “The beyond a reasonable doubt standard is a requirement of due process, but the Constitution neither prohibits trial courts
http://www.cnn.com/US/ from defining reasonable doubt nor requires them to do so as a matter of course,” Hopt v. Utah, 120 U.S. 430, 99 S.Ct. 2781
(1887). Supreme Court Justice Kennedy referred to the following “beyond a reasonable doubt” jury instruction as “clear,
OJ/simpson.civil.trial/ straightforward and accurate” in his concurring opinion in Victor v. Nebraska, 511 U.S. 1, 114 S.Ct. 1239, 1253 (1994): “The
government has the burden of proving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Some of you may have served as juror in
civil cases, where you were told that it is only necessary to prove that a fact is more likely true than not true. In criminal cases,
the government’s proof must be more powerful than that. It must be beyond a reasonable doubt. Proof beyond a reasonable
doubt is proof that leaves you firmly convinced of the defendant’s guilt. There are very few things in this world that we know
with absolute certainty, and in criminal cases the law does not require proof that overcomes every possible doubt. If, based on
your consideration of the evidence, you are firmly convinced that the defendant is guilty of the crime charged, you must find him
guilty. If on the other hand, you think there is a real possibility that he is not guilty, you must give him the benefit of the doubt
and find him not guilty.”
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 133
Procedures in a criminal trial are essentially the same as those for a civil case.
However, under the U.S. Constitution (Fifth Amendment), a defendant in a crimi-
nal case cannot be compelled to testify. This is not true in a civil case, unless the
testimony would tend to incriminate and possibly subject the defendant to prosecu-
tion for some crime.
Opening Statements The plaintiff’s attorney begins the trial by making an open- opening
ing statement—a summary of what the plaintiff expects to prove in the trial. Then statement
the defendant’s attorney may, but need not, make an opening statement telling what Summaries by counsel
the defendant expects to prove in the trial. Such statements are often used to inform of plaintiff and of defen-
the jury, in broad outline, of what they can expect to hear as the trial unfolds. dant indicating what they
expect to prove in the
Evidence After the opening statements, the plaintiff’s attorney presents the plaintiff’s ensuing trial.
case-in-chief. This involves calling and questioning witnesses and introducing into
evidence documents, photographs, or other things that bear on the issues. Evidence is case-in-chief
everything that the “finder of fact” (the jury, or judge when there is no jury) is entitled The case presented by
to consider in arriving at a determination of the facts. For example, the oral testimony each party in a trial.
of witnesses presented under oath is evidence; commentary of the attorney about that
evidence is not. Attorneys are hired after the events in question have taken place and evidence
are thus not competent to testify as witnesses. Their role is to elicit evidence, com- Everything presented by
ment on it, and argue about its significance. Of course, if the attorney’s interpretation disputing parties and wit-
of the testimony of the witnesses is persuasive, the jury will be influenced by it. nesses that the “finder of
fact” is entitled to con-
Whether evidence should or should not be admitted is a question of law; there-
sider in arriving at a de-
fore, the judge rules on all objections attorneys may make as to the admission of par-
termination of the facts.
ticular evidence. Evidence is admitted if the judge believes it will be useful in resolv-
ing issues in the case. Many rules concern what evidence is and is not admissible. For
example, to be admitted, evidence must be relevant (related to the fact in dispute). relevant evidence
Irrelevant evidence (evidence not related to the fact in dispute) is not admissible. Evidence that is related
to the facts in dispute.
The objection will be sustained (the judge will not allow the question to be an-
swered). The question is compound; that is, it contains two or more questions, one
concerning sobriety, the other concerning whether, and where and how, she met
Luther Thomas. It also contains a conclusion, which is inflammatory: “drunk.” At-
torney Sagedevan will probably be instructed to rephrase or drop the question.
The question appears to be designed more to intimidate the witness than to extract
information. The ruling by the judge is a ruling on a question of law.
A better form of questioning would be as follows:
Sagedevan: Isn’t it a fact, Ms. Martinez, that immediately before you fractured
your leg you were drinking wine?
Martinez: Yes, sir.
134 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The judge could, for example, properly direct a verdict in favor of the plaintiff if,
despite the evidence presented by the defendant, no reasonable person could agree
with the defendant. Granting such a motion is unusual; even if the evidence ap-
pears to be legally conclusive for one party, the judge normally allows the jury to
provide its independent opinion.
“When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have
the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler.”
—Albert Gore Jr., vice president of the United States (1993–2001).
Summation After all the evidence has been offered, each attorney argues the case
before the jury. In other words, each attorney tells the jury what he or she believes
was proved in the trial and tries to persuade the jury to agree. The summation is summation
not evidence or even a discussion; rather, it is a speech made by the attorney de- The review of the evi-
signed to persuade the jury. In our civil case example, the plaintiff’s attorney would dence presented to the
begin, followed by the defendant’s attorney, and then the plaintiff’s attorney con- court by each lawyer in
cludes. Martinez’s attorney, Sharpe, might argue as follows: oral argument at the
close of the trial.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have heard all the evidence. It is now your
duty to determine the facts. I believe we have shown by a preponderance of the ev-
idence that the injury was caused by Mr. Graf. I remind you that Marya’s medi-
cal bills were $12,573.45. She missed one month of work, at her rate of pay of
$5,195 a month. She had to wear a cast from her waist to her toes for six months.
What is this worth in dollars? Put yourself in her shoes—excuse me, cast. Why all
this expense and all this pain and anguish? Why? Because the defendant, this
careless ski instructor, Gary Graf, fastened the bindings down on Ms. Martinez’s
foot with unprofessional disregard for her safety and well-being. The evidence is
clear: Gary Graf was not thinking about bindings. Gary Graf did not pay atten-
tion to his serious duty. Gary Graf was clearly negligent. And so it is now your
duty to lessen the harm he caused. Simple justice requires you to return a verdict
in favor of Marya.
Attorney Sagedevan might argue to the jury:
Ladies and gentlemen, it is our duty to pierce the veil of emotion with which coun-
sel is attempting to surround us. Let us look at the facts. Unfortunately, the plain-
tiff was injured. No one feels good about that, especially Gary Graf. However, the
fact that Ms. Martinez was injured is not a reason to hold Gary Graf responsible.
Skiing is a sport with risks. Marya cannot transfer responsibility for her own
safety to another person if the risk materializes. Marya decided to ski. She failed
to exercise the appropriate care that would have prevented her accident. Feeling
sorry for her is natural. We all feel sorry for her. But this does not justify a ver-
dict against Mr. Graf. The simple facts are that Ms. Martinez was not thinking
about skiing; she was more interested in impressing her date after spending a good
part of the day drinking wine. She was injured not because of any negligence of
Gary Graf. Bindings don’t work if they are icy, and had she been sober she would
have seen the ice when she put her skis back on. She was negligent. Now she is
trying to obtain a bonanza at the expense of my client, a hard-working, sincere,
very professional gentleman. Ladies and gentlemen of this jury, you know your
duty: return a verdict for Gary Graf. jury instructions
Rules of law and charges
provided by the judge to
Instructions to the Jury After the summation, the judge will instruct the jury on the jury for guidance in
the law (jury instructions) that must be applied to the facts that the jury decides reaching a verdict.
136 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
are true. Typically, each attorney will submit proposed instructions to the judge.
The judge decides what instructions to give to the jury. The instructions might in-
clude the following, but would be considerably more exhaustive:
You are instructed that statements of witnesses, sworn to tell the truth, constitute
evidence that you may consider. Comments of the attorneys are not evidence. You
are instructed that if the defendant failed to use reasonable care and secured the
bindings too tightly, he was negligent. You are further instructed that if the acci-
dent was caused by ice between the boot and ski, and not by the adjustment to the
bindings, the plaintiff was negligent.
The Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals Opinions has an Deliberation and Verdict After the instructions, the jury will retire to a private
online “Manual of Model room to deliberate, and return a verdict by vote, the jury’s decision. In state civil
Civil Jury Instructions” at cases, a three-fourths majority is a common requirement, whereas in federal civil
http://www.ce9.uscourts cases, a unanimous verdict is required.
.gov/web/sdocuments.nsf/civ If the jury returns with a verdict deemed to be wrong as a matter of law, the
judge in a civil case has the power to render a contrary judgment, sometimes called
a judgment n.o.v., which is a judgment non obstante veredicto (Latin: “notwith-
deliberate standing the verdict”). In effect, the judge is the thirteenth juror, with the power to
The review, discussion, veto the others’ decision and to substitute a different one. (Recall that in a criminal
and weighing of evidence case the judge cannot set aside a verdict of “not guilty.”)
presented at a trial by a After a verdict, the judge may grant a motion made by the losing party for a
jury. new trial. The judge will not grant a motion for a new trial unless some serious mis-
take of law (called error) has occurred. Sometimes the judge may think that the dam-
verdict ages awarded by the jury are excessive or inadequate and may therefore grant a
The expressed decision of motion for a new trial unless the plaintiff or defendant, as the case may be, agrees
the jury on questions of to a modified award. To avoid the costs and uncertainties of another trial, the par-
fact submitted to it for
ties may compromise and agree to the modified award. The steps in a jury trial are
determination, based on
identified in Exhibit 3.7.
evidence presented dur-
ing trial.
The final determination
or decision of the court
as to the rights and duties In an auto accident case, the jury became convinced that the
of the parties in a plaintiff should be compensated for harm to her left leg, which
lawsuit. was crushed and had to be surgically removed. The accident was caused by
the negligent operation of a truck by the defendant. The jury returned its
verdict in the plaintiff’s favor for $1,300,000. Is the verdict the voice of the
No. The verdict is the expressed opinion of the jury. Based on the verdict, the
court will usually issue a judgment for damages. As noted earlier, if the court con-
cludes that the jury verdict is unreasonable in the light of the evidence, it can pre-
Exhibit 3.7: Steps in a Civil Case—Jury Trial
Jury verdict
for defendant.†
Judgment, if considered
or appropriate by judge.
Jury retires to
Charge to Jury verdict
jury room to
jury by for plaintiff.†
deliberate in
judge.* Judgment, if considered
or appropriate by judge or an
Jurors fail to agree by order for a new trial.
* A judge may direct a jury to return a certain verdict when, if all testimony on one side were believed, the other party nonetheless would be entitled to win.
† In rare cases, a judge may grant a judgment non obstante veredicto (Latin:"notwithstanding the verdict"), setting aside the jury’s verdict because in the
judge’s opinion it is wrong as a matter of law.
138 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
not have sufficient assets or insurance to pay the judgment, the plaintiff will proba-
bly recover little or nothing. The U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 8) gives
Congress the exclusive right “to establish uniform laws on the subject of Bankrupt-
cies.” Under federal statutes, most debts, including most judgments, can be dis-
charged by the bankruptcy of the defendant debtor. In addition, federal bankruptcy
laws and state consumer statutes provide that certain property is exempt from debt
collection by judicial or other means. Thus, the bankrupt is not stripped of all pos-
sessions. So analysis of the possibility or impossibility of collection should be one of
the first considerations before deciding to sue, even though collection is the last
step in an ordinary civil lawsuit.
A criminal trial is procedurally very similar to a civil trial and is explored in
Chapter 6. Trial procedures in the U.S. District Courts are governed by the Fed- A site with excerpts from
eral Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure and closely resemble state procedures. Collecting a Small Claims
Court Judgment: You’re
on Your Own, by Lisa
Goldoftas and Stephen
What Happens if Either Party Appeals? Elias, Nolo Press, is found at
As previously discussed, procedures before a federal or state appellate court differ http://www.tenant.net/
greatly from trial court procedures. Appellate courts hear appeals from trial courts Court/nolo/nn247.html
and do not conduct trials. The only question on appeal, as a general proposition, is
whether or not the law was applied correctly by the judge during the trial proceed-
ings. Appellate courts do not consider new evidence or hear witnesses. An appellate
court has several options when an appeal is filed, including refusing to hear the ap-
peal. If it accepts the appeal and concludes that the law was applied correctly at the
trial court or that an error was made but that the error did not affect the verdict,
the court will affirm (uphold) the judgment. If the court determines that the law affirmed
was applied incorrectly, it can reverse, modify, and/or remand the decision. A re- The confirmation of a
versal turns the loser into the winner, a modification changes the result in a less lower court’s judgment
drastic fashion than a reversal, and a remand sends the case back to the trial court or order because the
with instructions for the trial court judge, such as granting a new trial. prior decision is deemed
to be correct and free
from prejudicial error.
Appellate court sets aside
The jury found Jack Malum guilty of cocaine possession. During
the decision of a lower
the trial, the judge instructed the jury, in part, as follows: “I in-
struct you that a crime is committed when one attends a party at which co-
caine is being used, regardless of whether or not the defendant participated
in such activity.” Will an appeal by Malum be successful? modify
Appellate court alters the
decision of a lower court.
Yes. An appellate court would conclude that the court’s instruction to the jury was remand
an erroneous statement of the law. Jack Malum did not receive a fair trial, because Appellate court sends
mere attendance at a party is not in itself a crime, yet the jury was told that it was. case back to a lower
Appellate courts consist of three or more justices. Most of their work is done in court to take some
private and consists of reading transcripts (official copies of the proceedings in the further action.
trial court) of cases on appeal. The appellate court assumes that all facts found by
the trial court are true. In order to make the court’s decision, they will study the ap-
plicable law and examine briefs filed by the attorneys for the appellant and the ap-
pellee and study the applicable law. A brief is a written legal argument addressed to
the appellate court discussing or arguing why the judgment from below should be
affirmed or reversed, modified, or perhaps remanded to the trial court for further
140 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
specified action. Before the appellate court makes its decision, the respective attor-
neys may be allowed to make oral arguments to the appellate court, within limited
allotted times. The concluding steps in a civil trial are provided in Exhibit 3.8.
Plaintiff’s judgment:
Defendant ordered to Appellate court affirms (with or
pay court costs and Defendant pays and/or without changes): Defendant must
damages and/or to performs as ordered. pay and or perform.
or or
or Defendant posts bond Appellate court remands (sends
and appeals. case back to trial court for
or or
Defendant’s judgment:
Plaintiff ordered to pay Defendant does not pay:
court costs. Plaintiff gets sheriff to levy Appellate court reverses trial
writ of execution. court and gives judgment to
Plaintiff makes
pays court
motion for a new
costs and
142 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
53 N.J. Super. 574, 148 A.2d 63 N.J., 1959
Columbia University brought suit against a student II
to recover money due on two promissory notes signed Following a successful freshman year at Dart-
by the student in payment of the balance of his tu- mouth defendant entered Columbia University
ition owed. The student filed a counterclaim for de- in the fall of 1951. He continued there until the
ceit based on alleged false representations by the uni- end of his senior year in the spring of 1954, but
versity as to what it would teach him. was not graduated because of poor scholastic
standing. Plaintiff admits the many quotations
Judge Goldman delivered the opinion of the from college catalogues and brochures, inscrip-
court: Defendant appeals from a summary tions over University buildings and addresses
judgment of the Superior Court Law Division, by University officers cited in the schedules annexed to the
dismissing his counterclaim with rejudice and denying his counterclaim. The sole question is whether these state-
counter-motion for summary judgment. … ments constitute actionable misrepresentation.
… Although the remedy of summary judgment is ad-
mittedly drastic and cautiously granted … the remedy
Columbia brought suit in the district court against defendant should not be withheld where, as here, there is no genuine
and his parents on two notes made by him and signed by issue of material fact.
them as co-makers, representing the balance of tuition he The attempt of the counterclaim, inartistically drawn
owed the University. The principal due amounted to as it is, was to state a cause of action in deceit. The neces-
$1,049.50, but plaintiff sued for only $1,000, waiving any de- sary elements of the action are: a false representation,
mand for judgment in excess of the jurisdictional limit of the knowledge or belief on the part of the person making the
court. Defendant then sought to file an answer and counter- representation that it is false, an intention that the other
claim demanding, among other things, money damages in party act thereon, reasonable reliance by such party in so
the sum of $7,016. The counterclaim was in 50 counts which doing, and resultant damage to him.
severally alleged that plaintiff had represented that it would We are in complete agreement with the trial court
teach defendant wisdom, truth, character, enlightenment, that the counterclaim fails to establish the very first ele-
understanding, justice, liberty, honesty, courage, beauty and ment, false representation, basic to any action in deceit.
similar virtues and qualities; that it would develop the whole Plaintiff stands by every quotation relied on by defendant.
man, maturity, well-roundness, objective thinking and the Only by reading into the imagined meanings he attributes
like; and that because it had failed to do so it was guilty of to them can one conclude—and the conclusion would be a
misrepresentation, to defendant’s pecuniary damage. most tenuous insubstantial one—that Columbia University
The district court clerk having refused to accept the represented it could teach wisdom, truth, justice, beauty,
pleading because of the amount demanded, defendant spirituality and all the other qualities set out in the 50
moved to transfer the action to the Superior Court. Plain- counts of the counterclaim.
tiff consented, but before an order could be entered defen- A sampling from the quotations cited by the defen-
dant’s mother paid the amount due and plaintiff thereupon dant will suffice as illustration. Defendant quotes from a
discontinued its action. After transfer to the Superior Court Columbia College brochure stating that
defendant filed a supplement to this answer and counter-
claim in which he [further demanded] Columbia to return “… Columbia College provides a liberal arts educa-
the sum paid by his mother. tion … A liberal arts course … has extremely positive
Plaintiff then moved in the Superior Court for an or- values of its own. Chief among these, perhaps, is
der dismissing the counterclaim and for the entry of sum- something which has been a principal aim of Colum-
mary judgment … (Defendant) appeared pro se through- bia College from the beginning: It develops the whole
out the entire proceedings below as he does here. man. … [Columbia’s] aim remains constant: to foster
Following oral argument the Law Division judge … in its students a desire to learn, a habit of critical judg-
concluded that the statements attributed by defendant to ment, and a deep-rooted sense of personal and social
plaintiff did not constitute a false representation. The responsibility. … [I]ts liberal arts course pursues this
judgment under appeal was then entered. aim in five ways. (1) It brings you into firsthand con-
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 143
tact with the major intellectual ideas that have helped or would teach wisdom or the several qualities which defen-
to shape human thinking and the course of human dant insists are “synonyms for or aspects of the same Qual-
events. (2) It gives you a broader acquaintance with ity.” The matter is perhaps best summed up in the support-
the rest of the world. (3) It guides you toward an un- ing affidavit of the Dean of Columbia College, where he
derstanding of people and their motivations. (4) It said that “All that any college can do through its teachers,
leads you to a comprehending knowledge of the scien- libraries, laboratories and other facilities is to endeavor to
tific world. (5) It helps you acquire facility in the art of teach the student the known facts, acquaint him with the
communication. …” nature of those matters which are unknown, and thereby
assist him in developing mentally, morally and physically.
He then cites the motto of Columbia College and Colum- Wisdom is a hoped-for end product of education, experi-
bia University: “In lumine tuo videbimus lumen” (“In light ence and ability which many seek and many fail to attain.”
we shall see Light”) and the inscription over the college Defendant’s extended argument lacks the element of
chapel: “Wisdom dwelleth in the heart of him that hath un- fraudulent representation indispensable to any action of
derstanding.” He also refers to an address of the president deceit. We note, in passing, that he has cited no legal au-
of Columbia University at its bicentennial convocation: thority whatsoever for his position. Instead, he has submit-
“There can never have been a time in the history of ted a dictionary definition of “wisdom” and quotations
the world when men had greater need of wisdom … I from such works as the Bhagavad-Gita, the Mundaka Upa-
mean an understanding of man’s relationship to his nishad, the Analects of Confucius and the Koran; excerpts
fellow men and to the universe … To this task of edu- from Euripides, Plato and Menander; and references to the
cational leadership in a troubled time and in an uncer- Bible. Interesting though these may be, they do not sup-
tain world, Columbia, like other great centers of learn- port defendant’s indictment. If his pleadings, affidavit and
ing in free societies, unhesitating dedicates itself. …” exhibits demonstrate anything, it is indeed the validity of
what Pope said in his Moral Essays:
We have thoroughly combined all the statements upon
which defendant relies in his counterclaim, as well as the “A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or
exhibits he handed up to the trial judge, including one of taste not the Pierian spring. …”
59 pages setting out his account of the circumstances lead- The papers make clear that through the years defendant’s
ing to the present action. They add up to nothing more interest has shifted from civil engineering to social work,
than a fairly complete exposition of Columbia’s objectives, then to physics, and finally to English and creative writing.
desires and hopes, together with factual statements as to In college he became increasingly critical of his professors
the nature of some of the courses included in its curricula. and his courses; in his last year he attended classes only
As plaintiff correctly observes, what defendant is seeking to when he chose and rejected the regimen of examinations
do is to assign to the quoted excerpts a construction and and term papers. When his non-attendance at classes and
interpretation peculiarly subjective to him and completely his poor work in the senior year were called to his attention
unwarranted by the plain sense and meaning of the lan- by the Columbia Dean of Students, he replied in a lengthy
guage used. … letter that “I want to learn, but I must do it my own way. I
At the heart of defendant’s counterclaim is a single realize my behavior is non-conforming, but in these times
complaint. He concedes that when there are so many forces that demand conformity I
“I have really only one charge against Columbia: that hope I will find Columbia willing to grant some freedom to
it does not teach Wisdom as it claims to do. From this a student who wants to be a literary artist.” In short, he
charge ensues an endless number of charges, of which chose to judge Columbia’s educational system by the shift-
I have selected fifty at random. I am prepared to show ing standards of his own fancy, and now seeks to place his
that each of these fifty claims in turn is false, though failure at Columbia’s door on the theory that it had deliber-
the central issue is that of Columbia’s pretense of ately misrepresented that it taught wisdom.
teaching Wisdom.”
We agree with the trial judge that wisdom is not a subject In light of our conclusion that defendant has failed to state
which can be taught and that no rational person would ac- a cause of action in deceit based on fraudulent representa-
cept such a claim made by any man or institution. We find tion, we need not deal with plaintiff’s further contentions
nothing in the record to establish that Columbia repre- that (1) even assuming an unequivocal representation by
sented, expressly or even by way of impression, that it could Columbia that it would teach wisdom, this amounted to
144 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
nothing more than a promise to do something in the future pro se, the court would adjourn the matter for two weeks
and therefore was not an actionable misrepresentation of to give him an opportunity to prepare a brief and file affi-
fact; and (2) the counterclaim is defective for failure prop- davits. The motion was finally decided on the adjourned
erly to plead the particulars of the alleged fraud. date.
As for the other reasons advanced by defendant, we
IV find nothing in the record which lends them even the
In his motion to have the trial judge disqualify himself, de- shadow of support.
fendant charged that the judge had rendered a premature
judgment after hearing only plaintiff’s side of the contro- V
versy; had needlessly added to defendant’s difficulty in pre- In view of the entirely unjustified accusations made against
senting his ‘unusual case’; wrongfully claimed to be en- the trial judge and the intemperate characterization (so ad-
tirely familiar with the matter; and was partial to Columbia mitted by defendant at the oral argument) of the proceed-
and overlooked misconduct by its attorney. To these rea- ings below, defendant’s appendix and brief will be sup-
sons he added a suspicion that the assignment judge who pressed and all copies withdrawn from the clerk’s files.
had accepted his counterclaim was transferred away from The judgment is affirmed.
the case in order to have it tried by the Law Division judge
in question. These charges were set in a frame of intem-
perate, if not scurrilous, accusations. For Critical Analysis
There was no premature judgment. What happened
was that at the first hearing on the motion for summary 1. Was there a trial in this case? Why or why not?
judgment, Columbia’s attorney proceeded to make his ar- 2. The court said the defendant appeared pro se. What
gument and the trial judge then asked defendant if he does that mean, and what effect did it have on the case?
wanted to reply. Defendant said that if there was any possi- Use the glossary and consult Chapter 4 for the answer.
bility of the motion being granted, he would want leave to 3. What legal result was the plaintiff trying to accom-
file a brief. The judge then remarked that on the basis of plish by its lawsuit? The defendant?
what counsel for plaintiff had said and the papers the court 4. Why did the plaintiff reduce its claim to $1,000?
had read, there was a strong likelihood of the motion being 5. Did either the plaintiff or defendant present evidence
granted; and because defendant was a layman appearing in the hearing discussed in the case? ❚❚
Chapter 3 >>> The Court System 145
2. While driving her car in Colorado, Callie Norset, a 6. About trial and appellate courts:
resident of Alabama, negligently struck Jake Nguyen, a. Define each.
a resident of Arizona. As a result of the accident, b. What is the purpose of each?
Nguyen suffered more than $22,000 in property dam- c. Do juries assist both? Explain.
age, $40,000 in medical expenses, and $15,000 in lost d. Do both exist in state and federal systems?
wages. Nguyen wants to know whether he can obtain e. Do witnesses testify before each? Explain.
jurisdiction over Norset in the following courts:
7. Thomas, William, and Ella McCollum were white de-
a. Federal District Court in Colorado
fendants facing criminal charges of assault and battery
b. Alabama State Trial Court
against two African-Americans. Before the trial began,
c. Colorado State Trial Court
the prosecution requested that the court prohibit
d. District of Columbia Trial Court
these defendants from exercising their peremptory
e. Federal Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth
challenges in a racially discriminatory manner. The
Circuit (includes Arizona)
prosecution claimed that the defendants’ attorneys in-
3. In regard to courts and trials: tended to eliminate African-American jurors from the
a. Name each of the courts of your state and prop- panel through the use of peremptory challenges. The
erly display them on an organization chart. defendants argued that the law prohibiting the state
b. What are the pros and cons of permitting each from the discriminatory use of peremptory challenges
side in a case to exercise one peremptory chal- was necessary to guarantee due process for a criminal
lenge of the judge assigned to the case? Would defendant, but any restriction on defense use of pe-
your arguments be different depending on remptory challenges would deny defendants the right
whether the case is criminal or civil? to a fair trial, The state argued that if it is prohibited
c. Do you believe a judge can influence a jury by from dismissing jurors on racial grounds, the defense
such seemingly innocent conduct as smiling, eye- should be similarly restrained. How did the court de-
brow raising, grimacing, and so on, during the cide? [Georgia v. McCollum, 505 U.S. 42, 112 S.Ct.
testimony of witnesses? How can any such effect 2348 (1992).]
be combated?
8. Walter Martin brought an employment discrimina-
4. Sylvester is on trial for the assault and battery of his tion suit against the New York Department of Mental
roommate, Arnold. Sylvester hit Arnold after Arnold Hygiene and Dr. Stuart Keill, a regional director of
refused to stop playing death metal music on his gui- the department. Although Dr. Keill knew of the law-
tar. Sylvester was trying to study for a test. Sylvester suit and the nature of the claim, he was not served
intends to argue self-defense, arguing a physical noise with a copy of the complaint and a summons. Could
attack. One of the prospective jurors has spiked green Martin pursue the case against Dr. Keill without such
146 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
service? [Martin v. N.Y. State Department of Mental municipal court, he should not be allowed to take ad-
Hygiene, 588 F.2d 371 (N.Y., 1978).] vantage of an error of his own making.” Did Southard
win his appeal arguing that the court lacked subject
9. Martha Anderson obtained a contested divorce from matter jurisdiction? [City of Jackson v. Southard, 869
her husband, Donald. The trial court judge entered S.W.2d 280 (Mo. 1994).]
judgment of divorce. Donald asked the trial court to
“vacate” (rescind or erase) the judgment, but the court 11. Timothy McVeigh was indicted by a federal grand
refused his request. On Donald’s appeal, the appellate jury for the planting of an explosive device in a truck
court agreed that the trial court judge was erroneous next to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Ok-
in his ruling. Does this mean that Donald and Martha lahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995. The ex-
are married again? [Anderson v. Anderson, 869 S.W.2d plosion led to the deaths of 168 men, women, and
289 (Mo. 1994).] children, and injuries to hundreds of other people. As
the explosion occurred in Oklahoma City, the Okla-
10. Joshua Southard was cited for speeding and failing to homa Western Federal District Court was the appro-
yield to an emergency vehicle. He requested a trial in priate venue. McVeigh sought a change of venue.
the Cape Girardeu County Circuit Court and was Why did he seek a change of venue? Why was the
found guilty and fined. He appealed, claiming that the trial to be held in a federal rather than state court?
circuit court lacked subject matter jurisdiction. He Did he succeed in obtaining a change of venue?
was correct: The appropriate court was the municipal [United States v. McVeigh, 918 F.Supp. 1467 (W.D.
court. However, Southard, when requesting the hear- Okl. 1996).]
ing, told the circuit court that the municipal court had
previously heard his case and rendered judgment. The 12. Can you provide an example of a kangaroo court pro-
circuit court did have the power to hold a trial de novo. ceeding? Would the use of the term kangaroo court
The prosecution argued that because Southard “stated be normative or factual? Is that important?
that judgment had been rendered against him in the
Attorney-Client Relationship
and Dispute Resolution
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Explain the adversary system.
A law firm receptionist answered the phone
• Explain how an attorney qualifies to practice law.
the morning after the firm’s senior partner had
• Discuss ethics as it relates to lawyers and judges.
died unexpectedly.“Is Mr. Smith there?” asked
• Explain how attorneys are hired and fired.
the client on the phone.“I’m very sorry, but
• Recognize the nature of legal malpractice.
Mr. Smith passed away last night,” the recep-
• Recognize, explain, and distinguish the various forms
tionist answered.“Is Mr. Smith there?” repeated of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
the client. The receptionist was perplexed. • Be able to discuss the pros and cons of mediation.
“Perhaps you didn’t understand me. I’m afraid • Be able to discuss the pros and cons of arbitration
and identify some important fairness issues related to
Mr. Smith died last night.”“Is Mr. Smith the use of arbitration.
there?” asked the client again.“Madam, do you
understand what I’m saying?” said the exasper-
ated receptionist.“Mr. Smith is dead.”“I under-
stand perfectly,” the client sighed. “I just can’t
hear it often enough.
Adapted from a statement made at a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing
of a Supreme Court Justice.
148 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
An ideal legal system meets the somewhat inconsistent goals of stability and flexibil-
ity. In previous chapters, we have discussed constitutional law and the legal doctrine
of stare decisis, both of which work toward balancing those two goals. In this
chapter, we will consider the two additional goals of an ideal legal system:
understandability and accessibility. Are the laws of the country known, comprehen-
sible, and adequate—in other words, is knowledge about U.S. law available to the
general population, and do people have access to adequate legal redress (i.e., dam-
ages or other remedy) through the legal system? After a close look at lawyers and
their role in the American legal system, we will discuss alternatives lawyers might
use, alternatives to the use of lawyers, and, indeed, alternatives to the use of formal
legal structures. Finally, we have included in Appendix D a reference to legal re-
search methods.
Lawyers have been targets of criticism in the guise of humor, and otherwise,
throughout history, but this is the classic quotation. The use of this quote as
a pejorative is ironic because within the context of the play, the words speak
well, not ill, of lawyers. In the play, the Duke of York foments revolution
through the use of Jack Cade who fancies he will be king after a peasant rev-
olution. As king, he intends to be worshipped as a god, to require all in the
kingdom to dress alike, to “be the parliament of England,” and to require all
women to surrender their virginity to him before any marriage. In the ram-
blings between Cade and one Dick the butcher, the environment for his
scheme of despotism is discussed. Dick opines that to advance Cade’s evil
goals, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Cade says, “Nay, that
I mean to do.”
All of us have long known that there are problems in some
areas of our profession which deserve and which receive criti-
cism not only from the public but from the bar itself. The bar is the severest
and most expert critic of the profession. At the same time, most citizens will
acknowledge what history shows about the courageous lawyers who have
been among the staunchest defenders of liberties. Virtually every advance in
the cause of civil rights came at the hands of lawyers—often serving without
He spoke to the jurors as if he were alone with them, the way
two people can be alone in a crowded public park. His notes
were at the counsel table … but he never paused to look at them. He told
the jury about the tragedies the Woburn families had endured, and then, the
tone of his voice growing harsher, about W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods.
When Schlichtmann was done, the crowd in the gallery remained quiet
for a long moment. Judge Skinner broke the spell by calling a brief recess.
The crowd, elbow to elbow in their seats, seemed to let out a collective
breath, and began talking among themselves as they shuffled out to the
The adversarial system is the essence of what many consider to be the most just le-
http:// gal system the world has ever known. But it also has shortcomings and critics. The
If you are curious about the merits of a legal position are not necessarily related to one’s ability to persuade
law of a particular nation, others, yet the adversarial system places a premium on advocacy skills. Arguments
satisfy that curiosity by must be articulated clearly and presented in both written and oral form to convince
using the Emory Law Li-
decision makers of the merits of a case. Therefore, parties to a legal conflict gener-
brary Electronic Reference
ally hire advocates—lawyers—who possess the required talent.
Desk at
Of course, access to the system is critically important—redress is not possible if
http://www.law.emory.edu/ access is denied. The means and methods used to seek legal redress are often com-
plicated, specialized, and daunting to the casual user. Clerical personnel of courts
do not assist parties to disputes. They dispense preliminary paperwork and receive
new filings, but do not give any advice. If they did, they could be punished for
practicing law without a license. For this reason, parties may find court clerks un-
helpful and sometimes even hostile. Parties who decide to file suit without repre-
sentation are doubly disadvantaged; they are ignorant of the filing process (how to
get a claim before the court) and they are ignorant of the rules of engagement (pro-
cedure, evidence, and advocacy).
inquisitorial The contrasting inquisitorial system, mentioned previously, exists in many other
system countries as diverse as Argentina, France, and China. Under the inquisitorial system,
A legal system used in judges need not depend on the testimony of the parties once the matter is before the
some countries that al- court. Judges can investigate the dispute, question witnesses, and independently seek
lows the judge to investi- out evidence before a trial. Although attorneys are still necessary in countries with
gate, question witnesses, such systems, their role and the role of a trial is often seen as less critical to the admin-
and seek out evidence istration of justice. In the interest of accuracy, it should be noted that in most modern
before a trial.
legal systems the distinctions between adversarial and inquisitorial methods are not as
great in practice as in theory. For example, in the adversary system judges do, within
limits, ask witnesses questions and make limited suggestions to counsel about what evi-
dence should be provided to the court. In inquisitorial systems, counsel represents par-
ties, and the scope and degree of judicial inquiry are often limited.
attorney-at-law An attorney-at-law (also called a lawyer) is a person authorized by law to represent
A person licensed to prac- clients in legal matters. Attorneys also draft documents involving legal rights and du-
tice law, and usually ties and give expert advice on legal questions. Countless businesses and public orga-
called a lawyer, attorney, nizations routinely look to lawyers for such help. More than two-thirds of the adults
counsel, or counselor. in the United States have consulted attorneys for assistance with personal legal pro-
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 151
blems. Most of these problems involve the preparation of wills, the purchase or sale
of real property, divorce or marriage dissolution, serious personal injuries caused by
other persons, consumer problems (e.g., disputes with landlords or lenders), criminal
matters, or difficulties with governmental agencies. Every person during her or his
lifetime should anticipate direct or indirect involvement with an attorney. Accord-
ingly, one should be familiar with the legal profession and learn how to select, retain
(hire), and cooperate with an attorney and evaluate their performance.
Lawyers are trained to sort through complicated descriptions of human events
to determine which facts are important. They are highly skilled at analyzing the re-
lationship of those facts to legal rules and principles. Lawyers have the special abil- If you are interested in law
ity to advocate positions through oral and written argument. They are expected to school, they are all linked
remain unemotional or rational enough to think clearly. On the other hand, “law- at the Emory Law Library
site at
yers are accused—rightfully so—of taking simple issues and making them more
complicated and of finding every possible permutation, instead of looking for the http://www.law.emory.edu/
relatively straightforward answer to the problem placed before them.”5 LAW/refdesk/education/
profession.) The practice of law is regulated in part because legal representation is fi-
duciary in nature. A fiduciary relationship is one involving a person in a position of fiduciary
trust who undertakes to act for the benefit of another. The attorney as a fiduciary relationship
must exercise the utmost good faith, honesty, and fairness toward that client. Licen- A relationship between
sure is designed to protect the public by seeking to ensure that every attorney is two persons wherein one
competent, honorable, and worthy of that trust reposed by the client. Offering legal has an obligation to per-
services without being duly licensed as an attorney is a criminal offense. An attorney form services with scrupu-
must have a separate license from each state in which he or she wishes to practice lous good faith and
law. Occasionally, an attorney will represent a client in the court of a state other than
the one where he or she has a license. The attorney can do so after receiving permis-
sion from the court of that state. The granting of the right is referred to as pro hac
vice (Latin: “for this occasion”). It is customary for a court to require that the out-of-
state attorney associate with a local attorney for the duration of the case.6
A candidate for a license to practice law must possess good moral character,
complete certain minimum educational requirements, pass an examination on the
law (called a bar examination), and take an oath to support the law and conform to Interested in becoming a
rules of professional conduct of that state. The educational requirements vary de- paralegal? See the National
pending on the state. Most states require that any person wishing to take the state Federation of Paralegal As-
sociations Web site at
bar examination must be a graduate of a law school accredited by the American Bar
Association. A law school is a professional institution offering a graduate-level de- http://www.paralegals.org/
gree program. Today, law students must possess a baccalaureate degree to gain ad-
mission to accredited law schools. Many states also require that each attorney com-
plete a minimum number of continuing legal education courses within a prescribed
152 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Sources: M. L. Cogan, “Toward a Definition of Profession,” Harvard Educational Review, 23 (1953), pp. 33–
50; and E. Greenwood, “Attributes of a Profession,” Social Work, 2 (July 1957), pp. 45–55.
time to retain the license. A person has no inherent right to be able to practice law
or to represent others in court. Only those who demonstrate moral fitness and in-
tellectual ability are granted the privilege to practice law.
Each federal court (e.g., U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Courts of Appeals, U.S. Dis-
trict Court) recognizes its own separate bar or group of attorneys permitted to prac-
tice before it. Admission is granted to attorneys licensed in the state where the federal
court sits. Federal court rules impose separate preconditions for admission to the fed-
eral bar, although no further legal education or additional examination is required.
Bonnie Cord and Jeffrey Blue, an unmarried couple, bought a
home and resided together in a rural area of Warren County,
Virginia. Bonnie, an attorney licensed to practice law in Washington, D.C.,
applied for a license in Virginia. Duncan Gibb, judge of the Circuit Court of
Warren County, denied her application because her living arrangement
“would lower the public’s opinion of the Bar as a whole.” Bonnie appealed
to a higher court. What should have been the result?
Cord v. Gibb, 314 Va. 1019, 254 S.E.2d 71 (Va.,1979).
At the time this case was heard, unmarried couples living together was uncommon
and considered by most Americans as socially unacceptable behavior. Despite the
social attitudes of the day, Bonnie won the case and her license because her con-
duct did not affect her fitness to practice law. The same result has been reached
where an applicant disclosed a sexual preference for persons of the same sex.
With a few exceptions, no one is required to use a lawyer in a legal proceeding.
in propria persona A party to a case before a trial court may appear in propria persona (Latin: “in
(in pro se) one’s own person”) or in pro se (Latin: “on one’s own behalf”), that is, without the
Term meaning the person services of a lawyer. Generally, though, it is not advisable to go to court without a
represents herself or him- lawyer. A common saying even among lawyers is “one who serves as his own lawyer
self in a legal action with- has a fool for a client!” Thus, lawyers are usually represented by another lawyer
out the appearance of an when they are sued. All of us, even lawyers, are emotionally involved in our own
attorney. cases; we need educated, experienced, and rational counsel to analyze issues dispas-
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 153
sionately and argue them persuasively before judge and jury. It is important to have
an independent advocate.
A defendant in Superior Court decided to be his own lawyer, which some say was
mistake number one. His second mistake was the first question he asked the vic-
tim: “Did you see my face clearly when I took your purse?” The sentence: Two to
ten years.7
As with a license to practice medicine, a license to practice law is a broad grant of
power. It permits an attorney to undertake a wide variety of legal tasks. Common
sense for both lawyer and client suggests that a general-practice attorney should
undertake only routine matters for a client. A complex legal problem should be re-
ferred to a specialist, who will be familiar with the intricacies, procedures, and de-
tailed rules in that particular area of law. All areas of law practice include unwritten
norms, knowledge of which allows the specialist to bring a legal problem to a faster,
more satisfactory conclusion than an attorney not well versed in the particular area.
Attorneys may choose to specialize in any one or more areas, such as divorce
or family law, probate and estates, criminal law, administrative law, real property
law, personal injury law, small business law, and consumer law. These specialties
usually correlate with the most common public needs. Other specialties include an-
titrust law, labor or employment law, tax law, bankruptcy law, intellectual property
law, international law, workers’ compensation law, water law, and elder law (a rela-
tively new legal specialty serving America’s aging baby boomers). Attorneys may
also be classified as performing either transactional or litigation (court-related) ser-
vices. For example, one attorney may perform transactional services such as writing
wills, contracts, articles of incorporation, etc., while another performs only court
cases. On the other hand, criminal lawyers are strictly litigators. A client should de-
termine whether the attorney he or she consults has a specialty.
Many states allow attorneys to identify themselves as certified specialists in a
particular area of law if they have the requisite experience and have met the educa-
tional standards set by the state bar. The availability of specialized legal services is
determined, in part, by geography. For example, antitrust, patent, immigration, and
securities specialists are found in populous urban areas, while general practitioners
are usually found in suburbs and rural communities. Family, small business, crimi-
nal, and probate law attorneys are found in all communities of any significant size.
lawyers into two groups; solicitors, who represent and advise clients, and
barristers, who are selected by solicitors to present a client’s case in adver-
sary proceedings, namely, court. Initial legal training for both is either an un-
dergraduate law degree (don’t assume the undergraduate degree has the
same requirements as a U.S. degree) or a degree in another subject followed
by a one-year course called the Graduate Diploma in Law. Solicitors then
study a one-year Legal Practice Course and begin a two-year training ap-
prenticeship with a firm of solicitors. Barristers must join one of four Inns of
Court (Lincoln’s Inn, Inner Temple, Middle Temple, and Gray’s Inn), usually
during their undergraduate education. Whichever Inn is chosen will supply
a library, an education, a place to eat, common rooms, a senior staff guide,
and practice opportunities. Dining at an Inn of Court probably means partici-
pating in mandatory educational activities. Each prospective barrister must
successfully complete a Bar Vocational Course and be called to the bar by
their Inn. They must then serve a one- or two-year pupilage (apprenticeship)
before applying for a tenancy in the court. Every step is a competitive pro-
cess with many more applicants than available slots.
Associations of Lawyers
A lawyer may choose to practice alone, combine with one or more other attorneys in
a law partnership, or (in most states) conduct business as a professional corporation.
Law partnerships and corporations currently range in size from two to more than
3,000 attorneys. The nature of the practice of law has changed dramatically in the
last 70 years. The following quotation from Erwin Griswold captures some of the
changes that occurred during his lifetime in the law.
[G]ood openings for young lawyers were not easy to find.
When I finished law school [Harvard] in 1928, I made the rounds
of the New York law offices. I did receive a number of offers, but they were
all at the fixed rate of $125 a month. Practically no member of my class at
law school had a position at the time of our graduation. It was taken for
granted that you would first take and pass the applicable state bar examina-
tion, and then knock on the doors of law offices in the city of choice and
hope that some sort of an opening could be found. There was not a great
deal of change until after the close of World War II.8
Today, it is most unlikely that a top Harvard graduate would need to go door to
door to find employment. Today’s starting salary would be most attractive.
Most attorneys who associate with others do so in a general partnership, a lim-
ited liability partnership, or a professional corporation. When professionals, in-
cluding lawyers, form organizations, they seldom gain all the advantages that exist
for other businesses. For example, there are generally no restrictions on who may
be a shareholder (part owner) in the usual corporation. But in a professional law
corporation or limited liability partnership, nonlegal professionals (e.g., legal secre-
taries, legal assistants, and investigators) are not allowed to be shareholders. In ad-
dition, although many business forms protect a shareholder from all personal liabil-
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 155
ity for the debts of the firm, such forms will not completely protect a professional
in most states. To protect the public, most states will not shield attorneys (or other
professionals) from liability for errors and omissions (malpractice).
Various statutory schemes protect clients of professional corporations. One
type will not allow owners to have limited liability. Another requires professional
corporations or limited liability partnerships to purchase insurance against profes-
sional malpractice (errors and omissions insurance). A third scheme requires all
shareholders to personally guarantee all corporate obligations for malpractice as a
condition for certification.
Lawyers in all but the smallest “boutique” firms are often assisted by legal assis-
tants or paralegals9 (persons qualified to perform a wide range of administrative and
semi-legal tasks), secretaries or personal assistants, investigators, and office managers.
Medium to large partnerships include attorneys offering a wide variety of spe-
cialized legal services. On the other hand, some law firms limit their entire practice
to a single specialty. For example, some firms specialize in the defense of automo-
bile injury cases. These firms are employed by automobile insurance companies to
represent their customers who are involved in automobile accidents.
Prestige within the legal community is often related to the size of the firm. The
larger the firm, the greater its prestige and, usually, the higher the fees it charges the
client. This phenomenon is partly the result of large, well-established firms attract-
ing top graduates from elite law schools. Members (owners, or “equity-partners”) of
these firms often earn high personal incomes, serve wealthy clients, and occupy lux-
urious offices. The solo practitioner, rightly or wrongly, is often found at the bot-
tom of the image and income ladder.10 The nature of the practice of law appears to
be changing drastically. While the evolution of legal practice from solo practitioners
to large firms has been going on for more than 60 years,* the establishment of the
megafirm with offices in different cities, states, and countries is a more recent
Certain areas of law or specialty are more prestigious than others. An example
of the strong sentiments about one type of practice is expressed in the following
newspaper quote from a judge (with obviously strong, but not necessarily accurate,
opinions) who was contemplating his return to practice.
When he goes back into practice, Winner said he will accept
any kind of case except divorce cases. “I’ll represent whores,
pimps, or newspaper reporters, but I’m not going to try divorce cases,” he
said. “There is no end to them, and no end to the calls at home. There’s also
no satisfactory solution to any of them. The cause of most divorces is that
there isn’t enough money, and if there isn’t enough money to support one
family, there sure isn’t enough money to support two.”11
Public attorneys (e.g., district attorneys, U.S. attorneys, and county counsels) rep-
resent various local, state, and federal governments. Public defenders are also pub-
lic attorneys. They are paid by local, state, and federal governments to represent in-
digents accused of a crime. Attorneys in public service are usually bound by the
* In the years immediately after World War II, approximately 65 percent of lawyers in this country practiced alone. Albert Blaus-
tein, American Lawyer (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing, 1972).
156 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
dardized fees by the state. Under the Sixth Amendment, legal assistance is a consti-
tutional right of all persons accused of crimes punishable by imprisonment, even if
they cannot afford to hire private legal counsel.
Some “store-front lawyers” or “law clinics” operating out of strip malls and
other such quarters provide routine legal services for reduced fees. This type of law
practice began in the 1970s with the relaxation of rules prohibiting advertising.
These clinics often limit representation to such areas as family law, criminal de-
fense, and probate matters. To lower costs, they take on only those matters that
lend themselves to simple procedures and use of standard legal forms. In recent
years, many of these clinics have added other legal specialties to their services.
The cost of legal services, like the cost of medical care, has skyrocketed in re-
cent years. For many, access to competent legal advice at an affordable rate has be-
come elusive. Group and prepaid legal service plans are designed to make legal legal service plans
services available at reduced cost to members of associations. Increasingly, prepaid Insurance plans designed
legal service plans are offered as part of employee benefits packages. These plans to make legal services
operate like group health insurance. Subscribers get free or reduced-fee legal ser- available to members of
vices after a deductible has been met. The plans are usually limited in scope but do unions or other organiza-
tions, such as business
provide low-cost assistance for routine legal matters (e.g., simple wills, document
review, and warranty enforcement). Criminal matters are generally excluded from
coverage. Prepaid legal service plans have been criticized for violating attorney eth-
ical rules (discussed next) respecting client confidentiality and for interfering with
attorneys’ professional judgment. public interest
Public interest law firms became popular in the late 1960s. These firms offer law firm
assistance in particular areas such as employment, minority rights, civil rights, po- A nonprofit law firm that
litical rights, family law, and environmental law. Public interest law firms are often offers assistance in areas
funded by grants from private charitable organizations. Public interest firms repre- such as employment, mi-
nority rights, civil rights,
sent opposite sides of controversial legal issues.
political rights, family
law, and environmental
As discussed in Chapter 1, ethics is about what is fair and just. It addresses the
question: What is the right thing to do in a situation? Professional ethics are writ- ethics
Written rules of conduct
ten rules of acceptable conduct that are adopted by and binding upon members of
that are adopted by and
a professional group. They are established and enforced to protect the public and
binding upon members
to preserve and improve the reputation of the profession. Recall that an oath to fol- of a professional group.
low ethical rules is what distinguishes a profession from a service or a trade. Ethics
and the law, although not identical, do go hand in hand.
legal ethics
Legal ethics is the set of rules promulgated by the governing bodies that regu-
Rules promulgated by
late lawyer and judicial conduct. Legal ethics may embody moralistic choices, but lawyer-governing bodies
not necessarily. Rules of professional conduct or rules of professional responsibility are more to proscribe standards of
precise terms, as many of the rules do not directly concern moral issues. They relate professional behavior and
to more practical aspects of legal practice such as prohibiting unauthorized practice regulate lawyer and judi-
of law. The states are responsible for regulating lawyer conduct. cial conduct.
As a practical matter, the legal profession is self-regulating. The various state
bar associations, under the auspices of the states’ supreme courts, devise and publish
the rules of ethics, determine admission eligibility and procedures, and decide who http://
receives discipline and to what extent. These rules carry the force of law when they Read about current issues
are codified by a legislature or cited by courts in opinions. A breach of these rules in legal ethics at a Web site
may lead to discipline. It may take the form of (1) disbarment, (2) suspension from devoted to this topic
practice for a stated period of time, (3) probation, or (4) reproval (formal private or http://www.legalethics.com/
public censure).
158 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The American Bar Association is the preeminent source on legal ethics. Since
http:// the early twentieth century, the American Bar Association has promulgated rules of
The latest version of the ethics for legal practitioners. The first set of rules, the Canons of Professional Ethics,
Model Rules of Professional was introduced in 1908. It was intended as a practice guide, not a basis for discipline.
Conduct can be found at A new set of rules, the Model Code of Professional Conduct, was introduced in 1969.
http://www.abanet.org/cpr/ It had two sets of rules: one aspirational and one disciplinary. In 1983, the American
mrpc/mrpc_home.html Bar Association adopted the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. The aspirational
component of the earlier codes was eliminated. The current major revision of the
ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct was adopted in February 2002.
In the nature of law practice, however, conflicting responsibilities
are encountered. Virtually all difficult ethical problems arise from
conflict between a lawyer’s responsibilities to clients, to the legal system and to
the lawyer’s own interest in remaining an ethical person while earning a satis-
factory living. The Rules of Professional Conduct often prescribe terms for re-
solving such conflicts. Within the framework of these Rules, however, many
difficult issues of professional discretion can arise. Such issues must be resolved
through the exercise of sensitive professional and moral judgment guided by
the basic principles underlying the Rules. These principles include the lawyer’s
obligation zealously to protect and pursue a client’s legitimate interests, within
the bounds of the law, while maintaining a professional, courteous and civil
attitude toward all persons involved in the legal system.14
Grace Akinsanya retained Pineda, an attorney, and paid him
$1,500, in advance, to represent her in a real estate matter. Af-
ter a few months, Akinsanya became dissatisfied with Pineda’s inaction and
fired him. Pineda refused to sign a substitution-of-attorney form and would
not return Akinsanya’s files or refund any part of the fee. Can Pineda refuse
to remove himself from the case and keep the client’s files?
Pineda v. State Bar of Calif., 49 Cal.3d 753, 781 P.2d 1 (Cal., 1989).
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 159
Attorney Tak Sharpe represented the plaintiff in an automo-
bile accident case that was nearing trial. To encourage a com-
promise, Sharpe telephoned the defendant, Sandra Broderik, instead of call-
ing Broderik’s attorney. Sharpe told Broderik that $17,500 would be a fair
settlement. Broderick responded that she would prefer to discuss the matter
with her attorney. Has Sharpe acted ethically?
No.16 The Rules of Professional Conduct do not allow opposing counsel to com-
municate directly with another attorney’s client without the other lawyer’s consent.
Sharpe should have telephoned Broderik’s lawyer. The purpose of this rule is to
prevent an opponent’s lawyer from intimidating the opposition or undermining the
advice given by that client’s counsel.
Questions of professional ethics are sometimes very complex and susceptible to
misunderstanding. The attorney’s job is to vigorously represent the client while
honoring the law. For example, a criminal attorney must attempt to persuade a
judge and jury to free a client, even if he or she personally believes that the client is
guilty of the offense. This is considered ethically correct because the lawyer’s duty
is to represent—not to judge—the client. Everyone is entitled to all available legal
advantage. Even following conviction, the attorney will argue for probation rather
than prison. A tax attorney will look vigilantly to find a loophole (an ambiguity in
the law), allowing a client to reduce or avoid tax payments. This is proper, as a mat-
ter of legal ethics, so long as no fraudulent practice is involved. Congress often
authorizes loopholes or tax shelters to encourage certain types of socially desirable
investments. For example, Congress allows interest paid on home mortgages to be
deducted from taxable income, reducing the income taxes paid by homeowners.
(Of course, the taxpayer must request the deduction.)
160 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Tammy Forsberg was injured in a motorcycle accident. Her at-
torney, John Casey, obtained a settlement, of which her portion
was $23,233. Casey paid her $5,000 and refused to pay the rest. Forsberg
hired a second lawyer, James Himmel, on a contingency fee basis to recover
the remaining balance from Casey. Himmel sued Casey and won a judgment
of $100,000 for Forsberg. Himmel did not report Casey to the state bar.
What are the ethical implications of Casey’s and Himmel’s conduct?
In re James H. Himmel, 125 Ill.2d 531, 533 N.E.2d 790 (Ill., 1989).
The Illinois state bar disbarred Casey for keeping Forsberg’s money. Apparently,
Casey had treated the money as if it were his own. He put his desire for fees above
the interests of his clients and the legal system. Himmel exacerbated the miscon-
duct by not reporting it. Under ethical rules, lawyers are required to report another
lawyer’s misconduct to the proper authority. The Illinois Supreme Court held that
Himmel, by not reporting Casey’s activities, had contributed to the misappropria-
tion of other clients’ funds. Although Himmel had practiced law without complaint
for 11 years, he was suspended from the practice of law for one year.17
The public and even some lawyers have trouble understanding the ethical rules
despite the continuing effort to update and clarify them. One influential source of
ethical guidance is a body of published ethics opinions written by ethics commit-
tees of the American Bar Association and state or local bar associations. An ethics
committee is convened to consider how the rules of professional conduct apply in a
specific circumstance. The committee debates the ethical issues and writes an opin-
ion resolving the matter. It is important to note that although influential, the opin-
ions do not carry the force of law. Ethics Hotlines, operated by state and local bar
associations, are a source of guidance for lawyers. Lawyers may make a confidential
telephone inquiry about an ethical dilemma and receive advice on how to solve the
problem. Again, such advice may be helpful, but is not binding on any court.
disclosure and open communication with their clients. Clients will share informa-
tion freely with counsel only if they believe their confidences are safe.
A criminal defense attorney learned from his client, Derrick
Vaughn, that in addition to the present crime with which Der-
rick was charged, he previously had murdered two young girls, recently re-
ported as missing. The lawyer even learned the specific location of their bod-
ies. Yet the attorney did not report this information to the authorities, to
the parents of the girls, or to anyone else. Did the attorney behave ethically?
Yes, according to generally understood legal ethics. An attorney cannot breach the
duty of confidentiality, without the client’s consent. Rule 1.6 of the ABA Model
Rules of Professional Conduct prohibits a lawyer from revealing “information re-
lating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent, the
disclosure is impliedly authorized in order to carry out the representation.…” The
attorney cannot waive the privilege. However, the client may do so. Cases involv-
ing situations such as this have brought the rule to the public’s attention, if not
understanding, over the years.18
An anonymous client (referred to as J. Doe) contacted an attor-
ney following Doe’s involvement in a fatal hit-and-run accident.
Doe instructed the attorney to offer a plea to the prosecutor in exchange for
a reduced criminal charge while Doe remained anonymous. The prosecutor
refused to bargain without revelation of Doe’s identity. The victim’s family
sued the attorney to force disclosure of the client’s name. Can the family get
Doe’s real name?
Baltes v. Doe, 57 U.S.L.W. 2268 (Fla. Cir. Ct., 1988).
No. The Florida Circuit Court held that the information was privileged, and the attor-
ney was not required to disclose the client’s name. Courts understand the natural pub-
lic resentment that arises with such rulings. Nevertheless, “if the privilege is not main-
tained in ‘hard’ cases such as this, troubled individuals with legal problems will only
dare to consult lawyers in ‘easy’ cases—where there is little to hide in any event.”19
In 1993 Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., met
with attorney James Hamilton seeking personal legal represen-
tation. Hamilton took handwritten notes at the meeting. Nine days later,
Foster committed suicide. Subsequently, a federal grand jury, at the request
of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, issued subpoenas for the notes as
part of an investigation of President Clinton and his staff. Hamilton sought to
quash the subpoena, arguing that the notes were protected by the attorney-
client privilege. Starr’s contention was that the attorney-client privilege does
162 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
not apply after the client has died, particularly if the information is relevant
to a criminal proceeding. Did Starr get the notes?
Swidler & Berlin and James Hamilton v. United States, 524 U.S 399, 118 S.Ct. 2081 (1998).
No. In reversing the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the
U.S. Supreme Court stated, “[W ]e think there are weighty reasons that counsel in
favor of posthumous application [of the attorney-client privilege]. Knowing that
communications will remain confidential even after death encourages the client to
communicate fully and frankly with counsel. Clients may be concerned about repu-
tation, civil liability, or possible harm to friends or family. Posthumous disclosure
of such communications may be as feared as disclosure during the client’s lifetime.”
The privilege has not, however, been held to cover all communications in all
situations; for example, there is no protection if the communication is made in the
presence of others, if the communication indicates an intent to commit a future
crime, or if there is a statute requiring specified communications to be disclosed.
Conflicts of Interest
A quality attorney-client relationship depends on trust. Clients develop trust in their
attorney if they believe their attorney will treat them in an honest, fair, and loyal
manner. It is virtually impossible for an attorney to competently represent clients
unless clients are completely candid. The natural inclination to avoid disclosing em-
barrassing or incriminating information cannot be overcome unless clients are con-
fident their attorney will not use confidential information without permission. If cli-
ents believe confidences will be respected, then they will communicate openly with
their attorney. A relationship of trust forms when the attorney is first engaged and
continues throughout the representation and even after the representation ends.
conflict of Conflicts of interest breach this trust. A conflict of interest occurs when one cli-
interest ent’s interests are at odds with another’s because the attorney either serves, might serve,
When a client’s interests or is tempted to serve the other. Any situation that compromises or has the potential to
are at odds with an- compromise an attorney’s loyalty to clients is a conflict of interest. The rules of profes-
other’s because the attor- sional conduct forbid conflicts of interest. These rules are intended to foster trust in in-
ney serves, might serve, dividual attorney-client relationships and to build confidence in the legal profession.20
or is tempted to serve the Obviously, a conflict arises when an attorney seeks to be named a beneficiary
in a client’s will or trust. (This is called a breach of trust or breach of fiduciary
duty.) Attorneys may not use financial information about a client to their own ad-
vantage. Conflicts of interest can arise between two or more clients or between a
new client and a current or former client. For this reason, lawyers may not repre-
sent two defendants accused of commission of the same crime. An attorney faced
with a potential conflict of interest can contact the local bar association’s Ethics
Hotline for guidance. An advisory opinion may be published if the bar believes the
issues in the case require general guidance.
Problem: The inquirer asks if it is a violation of the Rules of Pro-
fessional Conduct for a retired judge, now volunteering for a
local legal aid office, to represent a client in an ongoing child custody/par-
enting dispute when that same client appeared before him in Drug Court
while he was still on the Superior Court bench and when he signed an
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 163
agreed order in the child custody/parenting dispute which was the result of
a hearing in front of another judge when the other judge was out of town.
The Rule: A lawyer shall not represent anyone in connection with a mat-
ter in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially as a judge
or other adjudicative officer, or law clerk to such a person or as an arbitra-
tor, mediator or other third-party neutral, unless all parties to the proceed-
ing give informed consent confirmed in writing.
Analysis: The committee cannot comment on potential violations of the
Code of Judicial Conduct. Nonetheless, if the judge did not have any sub-
stantial participation while he was on the bench in the matter in which he
now wishes to represent the client, representation of that client does not
appear to be a violation of RPC 1.12. The retired judge’s involvement in drug
proceedings involving his current client may be deemed “personal and sub-
stantial” participation in a related matter but, if so, can be addressed by the
informed consent of his client. Under the facts of this case, it does not ap-
pear that the retired judge had “personal and substantial” participation in
the child custody/parenting dispute so as to require the consent, after disclo-
sure, of the other party to the child custody proceedings.
Informal Opinion 2092 issued in 2005 from the Washington State Bar Association.
Conflicts are created when attorneys change employers, either from one private
law firm to another or from government service to private practice. The magnitude
of this problem has increased with the growth in law firm size. Performing detailed
conflicts checks is now critical to escaping malpractice suits and ethical rules viola-
tions. When taking on new clients, attorneys must be vigilant in determining that
the new representation does not conflict with obligations owed to other clients
(even previous ones). To serve the best interest of clients, even the appearance of a
conflict need be avoided.
Judge Bennie Boles appointed Clayton Victor to represent Larry
Christopher, an indigent defendant charged with a crime. Vic-
tor asked to withdraw on the basis of a conflict of interest, stating his law
partner was married to the county district attorney, Karren Price. Judge
Boles held that no conflict of interest existed. Victor requested judicial re-
view on the question. Did a conflict of interest exist?
Haley v. Boles, 824 S.W.2d 796 (Tex., 1992).
The Texas appellate court held that since indigent criminal defendants are not re-
quired to pay attorney fees, they are not free to discharge appointed counsel, even
upon discovery of a conflict of interest. However, ignoring the marital relationship
between the district attorney and the defense counsel would undermine public con-
fidence in the criminal justice system. The court found this apparent conflict of in-
terest sufficient to dismiss Haley as Christopher’s counsel.
Frivolous Lawsuits
Claims without legal justification, solely intended to retaliate or punish, are regarded
as frivolous. They are costly to society. Defendants incur attorney fees and expenses.
Time is wasted and minds are preoccupied unnecessarily. Courtrooms are occupied
164 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
and the attention of judges is diverted from valid cases. Meritless lawsuits clog the
court system. Arguably, access to justice is denied when meritorious cases cannot be
tried on a timely basis. Perhaps surprising to the public, it is unethical for lawyers to
file baseless lawsuits. In fact, the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and
states’ rules prohibit attorneys from taking on any legal work of a frivolous nature.21
A lawyer may not write a demand letter or place a telephone call on behalf of a client
if there is no validity to the claim. The costs of defending a frivolous lawsuit are re-
coverable under statute, case law, and court rules.22 Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
11 permits the court to sanction attorneys and pro se litigants for filing frivolous law-
suits. A signature on any moving paper (motions, answers, etc.) is a certification to
the court that the signer believes, based on investigation, the allegations to be true. If
the courts find that the suit has no basis in law or fact, it may dismiss the case and or-
der that the defendants be paid their litigation costs, including attorney fees. Under
federal statute, defendants may even recover “excess costs and attorney fees arising
from vexious actions taken to escalate an otherwise valid case.” 23 Plaintiffs beware:
The court system may not be used to facilitate bad-faith attempts at seeking justice.
* We frequently cite Nolo Press in this textbook. Nolo Press began publishing self-help legal resources in the late 1960s, and in our
opinion has set the standard for accurate, easy-to-understand legal materials. As their publishing philosophy has been motivated
in part by social goals, the materials they provide seem reasonably priced to the authors.
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 165
2. The matter involves the risk of losing your freedom or suffering harm to your
3. The matter involves actual or possible physical or mental injury, suffered or
threatened, that can be characterized as significant.
4. The matter seems very important for any other reason (e.g., a major impact on
your life or that of a dependent, such as a child custody dispute).
5. The area of law is complex or you lack the time to carefully preserve or pursue
your rights.
In recent years, many critics have claimed that the United States has too many law-
yers. The number of lawyers in our society allegedly has a negative effect on eco-
nomic productivity and has engendered dissatisfaction among citizens. Indeed, law-
yers have the dubious distinction of inspiring an anti-fan club called HALT (Help
Abolish Legal Tyranny), set off in part by dishonorable lawyer conduct. Such criti-
cisms are difficult to evaluate because they measure productivity as a function of The home page for HALT
the number of lawyers in a country. This measure is flawed because qualifications says it is an “organization
of legal practitioners vary significantly among countries, making comparisons unre- of Americans for legal re-
form.” As this group has re-
liable. Thus, studies purporting to measure productivity as a function of the num-
servations about lawyers
ber of lawyers are at best misleading.24
(a significant understate-
Given that lawyer bashing is a socially acceptable form of class denigration, ment), it is not surprising
why do people wish to become lawyers, and why do lawyers remain in their profes- that the Web site provides
sion? The following quotation from Harvey Rubenstein, president of the Delaware good self-help information.
State Bar, offers one response:
Why, then, do so many become and remain practicing lawyers? Maybe it is because
lawyers really do take seriously their obligation to represent as best they can those
who need help. Maybe it is because, once in a while, a lawyer is asked to plead a
great cause that may affect the course of human events or make our society work
a little better. Or maybe it is because, once in a while, one lawyer may be the dif-
ference in one person’s life. And to practicing lawyers, once in a while is enough.25
* “… [M]arketplace lawyer advertising, using all the sights, color, sounds, subliminal messages and not-so-hidden persuaders of
commercial television, adversely affects not only the public’s perception of those court officers, but also of the courts and the to-
tal judicial system.” Justice Reynoldson, retired chief justice of the Iowa Supreme Court, “The Case Against Lawyer Advertising,”
ABA Journal 75 (January 1989), p. 60.
166 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
erable compromise on the part of the client. The gladiator might be victorious and
provide more of what the client wanted (or less), but may take considerably more
time and require a different emotional commitment by the client. (Fewer than
5 percent of all civil cases actually go to trial, so even gladiators typically compro-
mise; they just do it later in the process.) The problem solver may preserve a
friendly, mutually profitable relationship for the client with the other party. This is
seldom possible with a gladiator who may embarrass, anger, or even humiliate the
opposing party.
Most attorneys are listed somewhere on the Internet and in the Yellow Pages,
sometimes with large ads. Such listings do not guarantee competence, however. A
person with a legal problem should ask friends, family, and neighbors to recom-
mend an attorney. Business managers, bankers, title company officers, educators,
merchants, stockbrokers, insurance executives, real estate personnel, and, of course,
lawyers are likely to have direct communication with and know of attorneys by
their reputation. Employers and government officials are also good sources.
Meeting with the Attorney Once a prospective client gets the name of one or two
attorneys as possible selections, an office appointment should be made with each by
telephone. Many attorneys will consult with a prospective client for a modest fee or
at no charge. It is prudent to ask how long the initial appointment will last and if
there is a charge. A prospective client will have many questions about which laws
apply to his or her case. Several laws may be relevant to the case, so the attorney
will necessarily be noncommittal. This is to be expected, because no attorney is ca-
pable of explaining all the legal ramifications of a situation without careful research
and preparation; nor is any attorney capable of predicting with certainty the out-
come of any complex case.
No commitment to hire need be made at the first meeting; a simple “Thank
you, I would like to consider the matter for a couple of days” permits a graceful de-
parture. During the initial meeting, much can be learned by asking the attorney a
few questions:
• Do you frequently handle cases like mine?
• Is this your specialty? If not, how many cases of this type have you handled?
• Will you be doing all the work, or will other persons be involved?
• Will you refer my case to another attorney in the firm or handle it yourself?
• Will this case conflict with any of your other obligations, court calendars, or
• Is it best to settle this matter now, even at a loss, rather than to be embroiled in
a lengthy legal battle?
• May I have a copy of your standard retainer agreement?
• Can you give me an estimate of my likely trial costs and fees for handling this
matter to its conclusion?
• How will I be kept informed about the progress of the matter in your office?
Much can be learned about the prospective attorney by arriving for your meeting
early and observing the law office in operation. Confusion and disorganization often
suggest a lower quality of service. An office cluttered with files, papers, and books
does not engender confidence. After you leave, will your file simply be part of the
You should be aware that not all attorneys will appreciate being asked all of the
questions listed above. Some will interpret your inquiries as an indication that you
will be a “problem” or malcontent client. However, consumers of any service, in-
cluding legal services, have the right to be informed and assured of the nature of
168 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
the service they are to receive. If in the process of protecting your interests you are
reasonable and courteous, a responsible attorney should not resent your questions.
And if the two of you decide to do business together, you will be off to a good start,
with mutual respect for each other.
Attorney Referral Services Referral services are a means of indirect advertising.
Bar associations in some communities administer attorney referral services. They
are listed in telephone directories and on Web sites. The association maintains a
list or panel of attorneys in various specialties. Referrals are made alphabetically
or by type of case. No special qualifications are required to get on the list. Newer
members of the bar, in particular, may join the panel, and possibly charge reduced
rates for their services, to gain clients.
Some attorney referral services are operated by private businesses. These are
quite similar to the bar panels. The service places advertisements seeking a particu-
lar kind of client; for example, a personal injury victim. Responses to the advertise-
ment are then referred to panel members. Attorney members pay a registration fee
to participate on the panel.
Public Defenders As noted earlier, a defendant accused of a serious crime (i.e., one
for which the possible punishment is incarceration) has a constitutional right to be
represented by a competent attorney at all stages of legal proceedings. If a defendant
is indigent (unable to afford the services of a private attorney), the court will appoint
public defender an attorney, often called a public defender, to represent the accused without charge.
A lawyer provided by the Contrary to some popularly held views, attorneys in public defender roles generally
community for a person are very competent and zealous advocates. They are specialists. They handle a heavy
who is accused of a seri- caseload, develop vast experience in a short time, spend much time in court, and
ous crime (felony) and know the judges and court staff. Because they handle many criminal matters, they
cannot afford to hire
know the probable results of a plea negotiation or plea bargain. Records of numer-
ous convictions reflect not incompetence on the part of the public defender but
rather the fact that these lawyers are unable to choose their clients. Public defenders
by inclination fight for the underdog, and they usually fight well. On the negative
side, public defenders are often given too many cases to be able to devote the time
and attention to any one case that a client accused of a crime might wish.
Solicitation Most methods of solicitation, in which lawyers aggressively seek cli-
ents, are considered unethical. Public policy frowns on efforts to promote litigation,
such as “ambulance chasing.” There, an accident victim is coerced to sign a retainer
agreement at a time of great vulnerability. More sophisticated forms of solicitation,
through “cappers” or “runners” who frequent places such as hospitals and police
stations in search of potential clients, are likewise unethical. Investigators, as well as
nurses in emergency wards, have been used as cappers. They may receive an illegal
referral fee from the attorney. Such payments are frequently made in cash in an at-
tempt to prevent detection of the conspiracy and tax evasion. In most cases, direct
solicitation by an attorney is unethical and should be reported to the local or state
bar association.30 Schemes involving cappers are illegal and should be reported to
law enforcement and the appropriate bar association.
David Barrett, the managing partner of a Tallahassee, Florida,
law firm, hired Chad Cooper, an ordained minister, as a “para-
legal.” Barrett told Cooper to “do whatever you need to do to bring in some
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 169
business” and “go out and … get some clients.” To assist Cooper in finding
personal injury clients, Barrett paid Cooper to attend a hospital chaplain’s
course. In March of 1994, Molly Glass’s son was critically injured while riding
a bicycle by an automobile. At the hospital, Cooper identified himself as a
chaplain and consoled, prayed with, and gave Molly Glass the business card
of the firm. Barrett’s firm ultimately represented Glass and received a settle-
ment. Cooper was paid a salary and bonuses for this case and other similar
referrals. Was it ethical and legal to use Cooper to attract potential clients?
The Florida Bar v. Barrett, 897 So.2d 1269 (Fla., 2005).
This arrangement was neither legal nor ethical. Citing violations of several ethical
rules regarding professional behavior and solicitation of clients, the Florida Supreme
Court stated: “This type of violation brings dishonor and disgrace not only upon the
attorney who has broken the rules but upon the entire legal profession, a burden that
all attorneys must bear since it affects all of our reputations. Moreover, such violations
harm people who are already in a vulnerable condition, which is one of the very rea-
sons these types of solicitations are barred. Therefore, this Court will strictly enforce
the rules that prohibit these improper solicitations and impose severe sanctions on
those who commit violations of them. … Molly Glass, infuriated that someone would
attempt to take advantage of her while in the midst of such a tragedy, turned to some-
body she thought she could trust to help her, an attorney that was recommended to
her by a hospital chaplain, only to realize years later that her attorney also exploited
this very same vulnerability in order to obtain her business.” The court approved the
referee’s findings of fact and recommendations as to guilt and went beyond the refer-
ee’s recommendation of a more lenient suspension and chose to disbar Barrett.
a. If the fee is contingent (client and attorney share in any recovery), are costs
to be deducted from the award before or after computation of the attorney’s
share? If the matter is settled quickly (and so the attorney’s involvement is
less than was anticipated) is the fee division reduced commensurately?
b. What happens if the lawyer’s work increases greatly—for example, when a
new trial is granted or an appeal must be initiated?
c. If a flat fee is charged, how will costs be paid? What does the fee include?
What happens if there is an appeal? There should be a careful delineation of
the work to be performed.
2. Specifically, what important actions and events does the attorney predict, and
when are they most likely to happen?
3. What are the possible outcomes of the action, good and bad? Is there any point
of no return; that is, a point beyond which the client cannot practically with-
draw from the matter?
4. Will there be a need to refer all or any part of the case to another attorney? If
so, how will the fee and work be affected and divided?
5. What will be the means (telephone, e-mail, and letter) and frequency of com-
munications with the attorney or secretary? Will copies of all documents and
correspondence routinely be sent to the client?
A client generally has the right to dismiss an attorney at any time for any reason.
Difficulty may arise with respect to how much of the fee, if any, has been earned at
the time of the discharge. The rule is easy to state but difficult to apply: The attor-
ney is entitled to be paid the reasonable value of work done before discharge. In a
contingent fee case, the attorney is entitled to be paid the agreed amount or pro-
portionate share only if and when a recovery is obtained.
If the client is unable to pay all fees the attorney has earned up to the time of
discharge, a serious conflict may arise. The attorney demands payment while the
client demands return of all documents (the file) connected with the case. The at-
torney pressures the client for payment of accrued fees by refusing to release the
file. In the absence of a statute giving the attorney the right to do so (called a statu-
tory or common law retaining lien), such conduct is illegal and probably unethical.
However, many states do authorize such a lien.
A client may have difficulty hiring a new attorney for the case if one or more
attorneys have been fired or have withdrawn. An attorney considering whether to
accept such a case is usually suspicious of its merits and the client’s emotional
Shortly after beginning practice, a new attorney may be ap-
proached by a potential client who, with thick and tattered
files, spins a tale of conspiracy, malevolence, and grievous harm. Believing
he or she has found the case that will make his or her reputation, the young
lawyer begins an investigation. Within a short time, he or she finds out every
attorney in town is already very familiar with this client. Also, occasionally
a lawyer might find a client whose passion to win the case overshadows
good sense. A Missoula, Montana, divorce attorney reported a client who
“wanted to freeze a dirty disposable diaper as evidence that her ex-husband
couldn’t properly care for their infant daughter.” The client contended the
diaper he used was too small. But, being fastidious herself, she wanted the
lawyer “to store the frozen poop-sicle until the next court date.”32
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 171
Elaine Taylor’s husband Buck, a young doctor, was killed in the
crash of a commercial “commuter” airplane. Buck was not in the
airplane; he was in his medical office in San Luis Obispo, which was destroyed
by the crash. Attorney Ian Page offered to represent Taylor on a contingent
fee basis for one-third of any net recovery. Page indicated no fees would be
charged “unless and until” a recovery was made. Should Taylor hire Page?
It depends. Charging contingency fees in matters where liability is clear and some
recovery expected is not an ethical violation per se.34 The real issue is whether the
172 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
fee is reasonable and the client has been fully informed of the availability of alter-
native billing arrangements. In most calamitous events, there is no issue of “if” as to
liability. Recovery is assured because defendants in such cases are held strictly lia-
ble. Only the amount is arguable. Obtaining a settlement will require negotiations,
but one-third of, for example, a $3 million settlement is excessive for the perhaps
100 hours necessary to represent Taylor. Competent attorneys would undoubtedly
take her case for an hourly fee with payment deferred. It could be argued that con-
tingent fees in calamitous personal injury or death cases where liability is certain
(or even probable) are unethical because clients don’t fully understand the arrange-
ment or its alternatives and the fees are excessive. It is not uncommon for personal
injury attorneys to refer to such cases as “jackpots” or “retirement” cases.
Several states impose maximums on the percentage that may be charged in con-
tingency fee contracts. In New Jersey, a maximum graduated scale is used in tort
cases: An attorney “shall not contract for, charge, or collect a contingent fee in ex-
cess of the following limits: 33 13 percent on the first $500,000 recovered; 30 percent
on the next $500,000 recovered; 25 percent on the next $500,000 recovered; 20 per-
cent on the next $500,000 recovered.”35 In California, a special limitation exists for
medical malpractice cases: 40 percent of the first $50,000 recovered; 33 13 percent of
the next $50,000 recovered; 25 percent of the next $500,000 recovered; and 15 per-
cent of any amount on which the recovery exceeds $600,000.36 Similar statutory
limitations exist in matters processed by administrative agencies rather than by
courts (e.g., veterans’ benefits, Social Security claims, and workers’ compensation
The flat fee is common for certain types of routine matters such as family law,
criminal law matters, real estate title searches, trusts, and wills. Business clients re-
quest competitive bidding by two or more firms, or a flat fee for matters that in the
past were billed by the hour.37 However, the hourly fee is still the dominant form
of attorney billing and is used for all types of legal services.
Attorney fee agreements should describe how the fee will be calculated (hourly,
flat rate, etc.) and when feasible, specify the total amount of the fee. Attorneys are
free to negotiate fee arrangements with clients, so long as they are reasonable. In
some instances, attorney fees are limited by statute or by the courts. Furthermore,
when fee disputes arise, courts tend to give the benefit of any doubt to the client
because of the usual bargaining superiority of the attorney.38 In some states, the law
presumes overreaching by the attorney if representation is begun before the fee is
negotiated and the client signs a written fee agreement.39 In such instances, the at-
torney is hard pressed to justify and collect more than a minimal reasonable fee.
Although attorneys are free to charge their “going rate,” the client’s case must
not be deliberately delayed for the purpose of coercing payment of a delinquent in-
stallment,40 nor may an attorney charge an unconscionable or clearly excessive le-
class actions gal fee. The attorney is subject to discipline for making such an attempt.41
When all members of a Actual fees charged for legal services are difficult to compare because of the
group of persons who many factors used in setting fees in specific cases. Different fee rates exist in differ-
have suffered the same
ent parts of the country. Hourly fees are higher in large cities than in rural areas.
or similar injury join to-
Fees change over time and are at least somewhat related to the general economy. A
gether in a single lawsuit
against the alleged
flat fee for a simple divorce, with no significant property or child custody dispute,
wrongdoer. The group
may be $1,000; complex divorces for wealthy clients, on the other hand, may com-
must be so numerous mand fees in the tens of thousands of dollars. Contingency fees are rarely less than
that it is impracticable to 25 percent of the net recovery or more than 50 percent. Astronomical fees may be
bring all members before charged in celebrated cases involving class actions. In a class action lawsuit the
the court individually. plaintiff represents the interests of a group (persons who are similarly situated)
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 173
* Like most things, what appears simple at first blush is not quite so. In the United Kingdom, the general rule is that the loser is re-
sponsible for reasonable attorney fees (and costs) of the prevailing party. However, many low-income persons in Great Britain
are eligible for a government-funded legal aid program. Such persons are not subject to the cost-shifting rule.
174 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
John Tyson, owner of a Burger King franchise, wanted to fire
Jason Yohn. He suspected Yohn of repeatedly failing to wash
his hands after using the bathroom. A posted policy required all employees
to wash their hands after using the bathroom. Tyson hired attorney Lisa
Beck to advise him. Beck explained that the law had to be researched and
that a written opinion would be prepared. Completely convinced of Beck’s
self-proclaimed expertise, Tyson left her office. Unbeknownst to Tyson, Beck
assigned the Tyson file to a summer law student intern. The intern did all the
research and prepared an opinion as to whether Tyson could fire Jason
based upon the firm’s database of hundreds of letters to previous clients on
the subject of when employees may be fired. Beck glanced at the report and
asked her secretary to send it to Tyson under her signature with a bill show-
ing seven hours at $250 per hour for a total of $1,750. Beck’s law firm paid
its summer interns $20 per hour. Has Beck violated any ethical rules?
Tyson would have no basis to suspect that anything was out of the ordinary. Often-
times, the lawyer with whom a client meets does not perform all the legal services
for the client. As far as the billing is concerned, attorneys are free to charge what-
ever they choose for their services and do not routinely disclose the names of per-
sons to whom the work is delegated. The point is that you should enter into a legal
service agreement like any other service agreement, understanding your rights and
being vigilant in protecting your interests.
• Discovery. Sworn testimony is taken before a court reporter, usually in the of-
fice of the attorney who made the request. The session may be recorded, ei-
ther in audio or video form. Discovery is usually very expensive, involving
transcription costs as well as attorney fees.
• Expert witness fees. Court testimony from experts is often necessary, and they
are well paid for their time.
These expenses can total many thousands of dollars. Most of these expenses are in-
curred whether or not—and certainly long before—any recovery is awarded and
Under the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney is permit-
ted to “advance” litigation costs even though she or he is arguably invested in the
outcome of the client’s case. The attorney might be tempted to suggest an early
settlement not because it is in the client’s best interest, but rather to recapture costs
advanced as well as to participate in the recovery.43 In the past, American Bar Asso-
ciation rules permitted this practice only if the client was ultimately responsible for
reimbursing the attorney. The reimbursement requirement was believed to militate
against possible conflict of interest between the attorney and the client. The re-
quirement that the client remain ultimately liable for such expenses has been elimi-
nated.44 The attorney’s duty to require reimbursement raises interesting ethical
questions. Strictly speaking, payment of court costs for the client is maintenance, maintenance
which is maintaining, supporting, or promoting the litigation of another. Mainte- Assisting a party to a law-
nance is considered unethical and illegal because it encourages litigation. suit with money or other-
Assuming the fee is contingent and the lawsuit is successful, litigation costs wise, to prosecute or de-
may be shared by the plaintiff and plaintiff’s attorney. For example: fend the lawsuit.
Litigation costs may be modest in some types of cases, such as a simple divorce, while
litigation costs in antitrust cases may be hundreds of thousands or even millions of
dollars in celebrated cases involving major corporations.
Charles Hall brought a lawsuit against several defendants, al-
leging patent infringement regarding his waterbed innova-
tions. To finance the lawsuit, he syndicated interests in the possible outcome champerty
of the suits. He raised $750,000.45 May he finance his lawsuit in this fashion? An illegal agreement
with a party to a suit for
a portion of any recovery
in exchange for paying
No. The doctrine of champerty forbids one from financially participating in the the litigant’s lawsuit
lawsuit of another. Champerty is defined as “… a bargain by [another] with a plain- expenses.
176 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
tiff or defendant for a portion of the matter involved in a suit in case of successful
termination of the action, which the [other] undertakes to maintain or carry on at
his own expense.”46 Society’s concern is that investment in cases by outsiders en-
courages gambling and litigation.
Mike Kline could not decide whether to consult an attorney
about the neck injury he suffered when Dora Carson’s car side-
swiped him while he was skateboarding in a crosswalk. He had medical in-
surance, and he expected his pain would soon stop. However, after nine
months of continued distress and intermittent suffering, he consulted
attorney Jules Doeshire about a suit for damages. Doeshire assured him he
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 177
had a good case and prepared a contingency fee retainer agreement, which
Kline signed. Several months later (13 months after the accident), attorney
Doeshire contacted Kline and said that after further study he concluded that
Kline really did not have a good case after all. “But don’t worry; I won’t
charge you a cent,” Doeshire told Kline. What should Kline do?
Mike Kline should be very suspicious and request a complete explanation of why
the matter should be dropped. Kline should consult another attorney as it appears
that Doeshire committed malpractice by failing to file the complaint within the
statute of limitations. Once an attorney accepts a case, it is his or her obligation to
comply with procedural requirements. Failure to file documents within statutory
time limits is one of the most common acts of malpractice.
An attorney is not guilty of malpractice just because a case is lost. In every case
with two or more adversaries, someone must lose and someone must win. A strate-
gic decision that subsequently turns out to be disastrous is not necessarily malprac-
tice. The attorneys representing Texaco in the Pennzoil Co. v. Texaco, Inc. case were
considered to be among the most able attorneys in Texas, yet Texaco lost the case
at trial and suffered damages of $10.53 billion47 (see Chapter 11).
Attorney malpractice encompasses a wide variety of negligent acts and omis-
sions: failure to apply settled principles of law to the case, failure to protect the
right to appeal, failure to draft pleadings (court-related documents) properly and
promptly, failure to appear and defend, failure to assert all possible claims or de-
fenses, failure to act in accordance with professional ethical standards, failure to
present relevant evidence, lack of diligence in prosecuting a case once initiated, and
improperly drafting a will. An ounce of prevention in the careful selection of an at-
torney is worth a pound of cure.
Exhibit 4.2: Legal Work Requiring a Law License and Legal Work That Can Be Performed by Nonlawyers
Under Lawyer Supervision
Practice of Law Work That May Be Done by Nonlawyers When Supervised by Lawyer*
Accept a case Obtain facts from client and other sources
Provide legal analysis Perform legal research to assist lawyer with legal analysis
Give legal advice Obtain documents (e.g., police reports, medical records, photographs,
Represent a client in court employment records, deeds, plans, probate records, weather records)
Appear at administrative hearings Prepare outlines for lawyer to use in deposing witnesses
Select, explain, draft, or recommend the use of Prepare drafts of judicial documents such as pleadings or discovery
any legal document to any client Index deposition transcripts and prepare summaries of the evidence
include uncontested divorce pleadings, simple wills, eviction notices, simple bank-
ruptcy filings, and probate of small estates. Exhibit 4.2 identifies the “practice of law”
and other related legal work done by legal assistants under supervision of lawyers.
Some critics contend that routine legal services can be delivered to the con-
sumer at lower cost, with higher pay for the legal service technician, by eliminating
a superfluous middle person—the attorney. There is, however, strong opposition to
the relaxation of unauthorized-practice laws. The concern is that the dividing line
between what is and what is not the practice of law will become even more confused
and risky for consumers. Many do not know or appreciate the difference in the
educational backgrounds of legal assistants and attorneys. Others disregard the dif-
ference and hire nonattorneys because their fees are lower. These choices can and
often do compromise the consumer’s ability to succeed at law. Furthermore, it is
difficult if not impossible to predetermine what is simple and routine. Every attor-
ney has been told by a client, “I just want a simple will,” only to discover that either
the client’s circumstances or more detailed desires make that impossible.
Do-it-yourself probate kits (designed to assist the personal representative, ex-
ecutor, or administrator with necessary procedures following death) and divorce
kits are not considered to be the practice of law because the information is general-
ized and not tailored to the needs of a particular client.48 In recent years, many
self-help books and software in a variety of legal areas have been made available.
These words of Abraham Lincoln remain true. They suggest that persons who are
considering litigation should think twice and consider alternatives to litigation such
as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration whenever possible. Alternative dispute alternative
resolution (ADR) is a broad term used to describe methods of resolving disputes dispute
through means other than the traditional judicial process. Today, it is prudent to resolution (ADR)
include an ADR clause in all contracts, giving parties the option to use alternative Various methods of re-
dispute resolution. Or, when a dispute arises, one party may suggest an alternative solving disputes through
to the courts to which the other party may be only too happy to agree. When cli- means other than the
ents seek the advice of counsel in a civil matter, attorneys have an obligation to in- judicial process.
form them about the availability and appropriateness of ADR. Failure to do so may
be a violation of ethical rules or the basis for attorney malpractice.
As stated earlier, courts are available to resolve all manner of disputes, be they
complicated or simple. Our courts seek to protect the fundamental liberties of free
speech, press, assembly, and religion, and they are available to decide such trivia as
who gets to keep the dog in a dissolution of marriage. The traditional justice system
requires parties to delegate resolution authority to a judge or jury who considers
the issue of law. Typically, one side wins, and the other loses. Often, neither side is
truly satisfied.
Litigation is complicated and burdensome. It is costly in terms of time, money,
goodwill, peace of mind, and lost productivity. Small claims courts provide relief
from complicated and costly legal procedures, but only in matters involving small
sums of money. There are times when it is not feasible or desirable to seek justice
through the courts. Sometimes, the law fails to recognize rights or wrongs. (Recall
from Chapter 1 the killing of Kitty Genovese.) These are times to consider ADR.
In the latter years of the twentieth century, significant developments in ADR
occurred in response to lengthy court delays. Efficiency-conscious business man-
agers have been active in the search for effective dispute resolution methods for just
this reason. Businesses can suffer financial losses from delays.
One of the primary causes of court delay has been increased court filings cou-
pled with a shortage of judges and other court personnel. Population growth, too
much crime, too many persons wanting to sue, too many laws, and complex gov-
ernment regulations have contributed to increases in filings. Budget deficits have
made it difficult to hire more judges. The number of criminal matters brought to
court has grown faster than civil cases. Since criminal matters take priority over
civil matters, judges who otherwise would be available to hear civil cases are hear-
ing criminal cases. The increased volume of filings has greatly extended the time
necessary to resolve civil disputes, especially in major metropolitan areas. The
courts and legislatures have acted in response to the enormous economic, social,
and emotional costs that delay imposes. A myriad of statutes and court rules at the
state and federal levels expressly encourages or requires the use of alternative dis-
pute resolution. Fast-track programs designed to streamline the litigation process
and bring cases to trial quickly have been implemented in many court systems.
They have not completely relieved the problem, however.
Although delay has provided the motivation for government to encourage the
use of ADR, many believe that a common sense approach to resolving disputes sug-
gests its use as well. Not all disputes are best resolved using litigation, which raises
the important question of which methods are best for what disputes. A common
saying among ADR proponents is, “The forum should fit the fuss.”
180 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Tanda Holden not only liked rap music, she liked it loud and
late. Occupying her first house, she really appreciated freedom
from repeated parental insistence that she “turn that thing down.” Evan
and Juanita Jenkins lived next door in the house they had lived in for 40
years. After one week of 3 A.M. concerts, Evan Jenkins was unable to hide
his anger. Dressed in his robe, he stormed over to Holden’s house and
shouted, “Turn the blessed thing off!” Holden was annoyed and shouted
back, “I didn’t move to get new parents. Anyway, it’s a free country!” Then
she turned the volume even higher. How do the Jenkinses get some sleep?
The Jenkinses have a number of legal options. They can phone the police, who will
ask Holden to show more consideration for her neighbors. Holden is probably dis-
turbing the peace, and the Jenkinses could file a criminal complaint against her.
They can also seek civil redress by suing Holden and claiming nuisance—a tort. In
such an action, the Jenkinses can claim money damages for past harm and request
an injunction (equitable relief ) prohibiting the loud music as a continuing nuisance.
The practical problem with all of these remedies is that they are costly in time,
money, and tranquility. The Jenkinses could go to small claims court, where the
cost of litigation is minimal, but it still will be time consuming and a drain on their
peace of mind. Moreover, courtroom resolution ignores the fact that the parties
will still live next door to each other after legal actions conclude. The root of many
problems referred to the courts is a defective human relationship, and such a rela-
tionship may continue and worsen after judicial intervention. The adversarial na-
ture of a trial usually aggravates and exaggerates existing hard feelings. Neighbor-
ing parties thus often find new reasons to argue and land in court again.
Likewise, court resolution of business-related disputes may not be in the best
interest of the contesting parties. Examples include consumer product disputes that
affect company public relations and product reception, disputes over medical care
in health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and environmental disputes that will
affect community–government relations for years. With increasing frequency,
business and government agencies are using ADR techniques in such cases instead
of and in addition to the courts. Not only are such techniques usually easier and
cheaper to use than the courts, they are more likely to lead to improved long-term
understandings and harmony.
The most common types of ADR are:
• Negotiation
• Mediation
• Arbitration
• Med-arb
• Private judging
• Ombudsperson
• Expert fact-finding
• Early neutral evaluation
• Mini-trial
• Summary jury trial
• Collaborative law or practice
• Partnering
Exhibit 4.3 compares the three most common types of ADR with a lawsuit.
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 181
Negotiation is defined as two-way communication for the purpose of persuasion. negotiation
It is a bargaining process in which parties plan the future, structure a transaction, Communication between
or fix a problem. It is voluntary and informal. Parties communicate directly with disputing parties for the
each other or through representatives and agents. All manner of agreements and purposes of persuasion
disagreements are negotiated. It is a common, everyday occurrence. Lawyers con- and settlement or
stantly negotiate on behalf of clients. Typically, by the time a dispute is referred to
a lawyer, negotiation is thought to have failed. Negotiation that continues after a
lawsuit is filed is then considered part of litigation strategy. There, negotiations are
premised on adversarial objectives and tactics. As an ADR process, negotiation is
based on a collaborative or problem-solving viewpoint. When parties approach ne-
gotiations from a collaborative perspective, the process is more pleasant, the agree-
ment more satisfying, and the commitment to the agreement more solid.
Although we all negotiate, most people can substantially improve their negoti-
ation skills by observing a few rules. In recent years, several books (perhaps the
most significant is Fisher, Ury, and Patton’s Getting to Yes49) have stressed the im-
portance and art of negotiation. Since the point of negotiation is to persuade, care-
ful consideration of how best to present your views and seek acceptable results is
important. Thus, effective negotiation requires preparation.
Negotiation, like most skills, can be improved. Indeed, it can be continually
improved. Skilled athletes do not stop trying to improve when they reach a certain
level; in the same manner, one can always refine one’s negotiating skills. Many effec-
tive negotiation techniques can be learned, including using supportable arguments,
avoiding personalizing the dispute, giving as well as taking, and attempting to estab-
lish a relationship with the other party. The skills can be utilized in legal disputes or
everyday matters. Using even a few such techniques can improve most people’s suc-
cess rates.
182 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
mediation Mediation is a facilitative process in which contending parties negotiate their own
The use of a neutral third resolution to a problem with the assistance of a third-party neutral. The process
party to assist parties in and the resolution are confidential unless the parties agree otherwise. To encour-
voluntarily resolving their age settlement, statements made in the course of mediation are inadmissible in a
dispute(s). subsequent adjudicative proceeding. The neutral may be an individual (mediator)
or a panel of two or three members (panel). The defining feature of the mediation
process is that the parties themselves determine how to structure their interactions
http:// (procedural matters) and decide the outcome (settlement).
JAMS, a for-profit provider Mediation works best when the parties participate voluntarily and in good
of neutrals, has its own faith. (There is precedent for mandatory mediation, but most agree that the pro-
ethics standards for cess is less satisfying and compliance with settlements more elusive.) The mediator
convenes a meeting of the parties and helps them get started. When negotiations
http://www.jamsadr.com/ break down, the mediator encourages the parties to keep at it. Unlike judges, who
mediation/ethics.asp are assigned to cases at random, mediators are carefully selected by mutual agree-
ment of the parties. Mediators are chosen for their skill in facilitating conflict anal-
ysis, bargaining, and consensus building. A mediator is not necessarily trained as a
judge or even as a lawyer. In commercial cases, it is not uncommon to find archi-
tects, engineers, and general contractors serving as mediators. In family law cases,
the mediator may have training as a social worker or psychologist. The individual
must be a good listener and an effective communicator. The parties’ perception of
the individual’s integrity, fairness, and subject-matter expertise is critical. Signifi-
cantly, the mediator has no power to impose a resolution to a dispute. This feature
distinguishes mediation from trials and arbitrations. In practice, different mediators
apply varying amounts of pressure to get parties to settle.
conciliation Sometimes, mediation is confused with conciliation. Conciliation is an ADR
Use of a third party to process, similar to mediation, in which the neutral actively attempts to get accep-
lower tensions, improve tance of proposals for settlement. In both conciliation and mediation, the third
communications, and ex- party attempts to lower tensions, improve communications, and explore possible
plore possible solutions solutions to a conflict. In mediation, the neutral is less involved in finding the reso-
to a conflict.
lution to the conflict. The mediator helps the parties develop, communicate, and
bargain for solutions on their own. Theoretically, the mediator does not advocate a
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 183
position. In practice, conciliation and mediation are difficult to discern because the
terms are used interchangeably.
Some mediators meet with the parties separately in a private meeting called a
caucus. Others do not. A caucus is a safe place for parties to disclose information caucus
that they would be reluctant to reveal in a joint session. It’s an opportunity for par- A private confidential
ties to avoid confrontation and save face, and a way for the mediator to do a reality meeting between dispu-
check—all in confidence. The mediator can act as a messenger—in a sort of shuttle tants and a third-party
diplomacy—to convey one party’s concession(s) and offer to the other side. Some- neutral.
times, the parties permit the mediator to divulge secrets or proprietary informa-
tion. Standards of practice have been developed by service providers and profes-
sional organizations in an effort to ameliorate some of the differences in form and
to gain wider acceptance of the process.50
Parties generally split the cost of mediation. Mediators usually charge an
hourly rate for their services, although some charge a flat rate or per diem. Service
provider organizations, such as the American Arbitration Association (AAA), American
charge an additional administrative fee, which may be either a flat amount or Arbitration
tacked on to the mediator’s hourly rate. In major metropolitan areas, it is possible Association
to engage the services of a mediator at no or low cost through community-based (AAA)
organizations known as neighborhood dispute centers. These centers provide me- Private nonprofit organi-
diation training and services in neighbor-neighbor, landlord-tenant, and family zation organized to pro-
conflicts. Although mediation has been used in labor and insurance disputes for vide education, training,
many years, its acceptance in commercial and other types of disputes has grown and administrative assis-
significantly only since the 1980s. tance to parties who use
The most serious barrier to use of mediation is ignorance of the features and nonjudicial methods—
benefits of the process. It’s a challenge to get parties to agree to mediation when they that is, alternative dis-
pute resolution (ADR)—
have been socialized to believe that the only way to resolve a dispute, once and for
for resolving disputes.
all, is to let a judge or jury decide it. Attorneys are sometimes reluctant to mediate a
case. They believe they are at a disadvantage if they mediate and later proceed to
trial, because their trial strategies will be discovered during the mediation process.
The mediation process usually involves some compromise, and people are often
stubborn. They either do not want to compromise or believe no compromise is pos-
sible. This also stops parties from trying mediation. The dispute between Tanda
Holden and the Jenkinses is the type that is usually best solved through mediation.
A local neighborhood dispute center could be the resolution forum for a neighbor-
neighbor conflict like loud nighttime music. The mutual understanding that is re-
quired for a long-term solution is seldom achieved through a criminal or civil court
process. The record of neighborhood mediation on such cases has been excellent—
substantially more effective than court resolution.51 As observed before, the most
difficult task in mediation is getting both parties to agree to use the process.
Alternative to litigation
Arbitration whereby conflicting par-
ties select a neutral third
Arbitration is the most formal of the ADR processes. Arbitration is a process of party (or parties) to hear
dispute resolution in which one or more impartial third persons (arbitrator) ren- and decide their dispute.
ders a decision after a hearing at which both parties have an opportunity to be Arbitration can be bind-
heard. Whereas mediation is facilitative and conciliatory, arbitration is adjudicative ing or nonbinding.
and adversarial, like a court proceeding. Notably, arbitrators have the power to im-
pose a resolution; they are private judges. The arbitrator conducts a hearing and award
acts as finder of both law and fact (as both judge and jury). Attorneys usually pres- The final decision of an
ent their clients’ case: the claimant first and then the respondent. Then, the arbi- arbitrator or other non-
trator decides the case and issues a written disposition, known as an award, usually judicial officer in the res-
within 30 days. There is little direct negotiation between the parties. olution of a dispute.
184 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
arbitration in conjunction with other processes. One needs to be familiar with the
hybrid to discern whether the component arbitration process is binding. ADR
terms are used interchangeably by practitioners, in part because the processes are
so adaptable. To avoid confusion, it is important to ask if the process is binding and
to watch your language.
Two common types of arbitration are court-annexed arbitration and med-arb.
Court-annexed arbitration is a mandatory, usually nonbinding process, required court-annexed
by statute prior to trial. Awards may be appealed and a trial de novo granted. Non- arbitration
binding awards may become binding if neither side appeals. For example, the Ha- A type of nonbinding
waii court system has adopted a program of mandatory, nonbinding arbitration for arbitration required by
disputes involving less than $150,000. Med-arb combines mediation and arbitration some courts before the
in one proceeding. A neutral is appointed to mediate the dispute. If mediation fails, parties may proceed to
the neutral is authorized to resolve the dispute with a binding award. Med-arb is uti- trial.
lized when parties that prefer to bargain directly want assurance that if they reach an
impasse, a third-party neutral will decide the case. Some believe that the possibility med-arb
of proceeding to the arbitration phase of the process changes the dynamics of the An alternative dispute
mediation. Parties are thought to be less candid for fear that disclosures made dur- resolution (ADR) process
that combines mediation
ing the mediation will be used against them in the arbitration. However, statements
and arbitration.
made in the course of mediation are confidential and thus protected under law.
Greene agreed to construct a residence for homeowners Hund-
ley and Butt. The construction contract provided that “[a]ny
controversy relating to the construction of the residence or any other matter
arising out of the terms of this contract shall be settled by binding arbitra-
tion … conducted pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Associ-
ation with regard to the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules.” A con-
struction dispute arose and was submitted for arbitration. After a two-day
hearing, the arbitrator found for both parties and awarded $17,000 to the
homeowners and $20,400 to Greene. The award lacked any explanation, and
the homeowners contested the award. Must the arbitrator provide support
for his or her award?
Greene et al. v. Hundley et al., 266 Ga. 392, 468 S.E. 2D. 350 (Ga., 1996).
No. “[T]he Arbitration Code does not require that an arbitrator enter written find-
ings of fact in support of an award; nor does the Code require an arbitrator to ex-
plain the reasoning behind an award.” Of course, the terms of the parties’ agree-
ment to arbitrate or the applicable arbitration rules may require the arbitrator to
give a reason for the decision. Some arbitrators will issue a reasoned award upon
request, but they are rare.
To summarize, parties agree to arbitrate for the following reasons:
• Arbitration proceedings are private, while court actions are public. Court re-
cords are a matter of public record; arbitration awards are confidential. Some-
times parties want to handle their disputes in private.
• Arbitration is usually speedier. Rather than wait for a courtroom, the parties
can schedule an arbitration to take place within a short time. Awards are typi-
cally issued within 30 days after the close of the hearing.
• Arbitrations are usually less expensive, even though parties pay the arbitrator’s
fees. The less formal process requires less preparation, so attorney fees are
186 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
• Arbitrations are more flexible. Parties can determine the issues to be decided
and set the rules.
and refuses to pay. What do you do? The prevailing party may file a motion to
confirm the award in all state and federal courts. If the motion is granted, the pre-
vailing party may have the award entered as a final judgment. Entry as final judg-
ment permits the prevailing party to enforce the award just as if the case had been
decided by a court.
Can an arbitrator’s award be appealed? Final arbitration awards may be ap-
pealed on very limited grounds, under statute. Whereas most court decisions are
challenged because the trial judge made an error of law, appeals of arbitration
awards are rarely successful on these grounds. To successfully appeal an arbitration
award, the losing party must allege and prove that the arbitration process was un-
fair (e.g., the arbitrator committed fraud or oppression). For example, a successful
appeal could be based on the failure of an arbitrator to disclose a conflict of interest
(prior dealings with one of the parties).
In recent years, predispute arbitration agreements have been subject to special
scrutiny by the courts. Since arbitration is a creature of contract, parties to arbitra-
tion are free to devise the arbitration process in any way they see fit. Parties with
greater bargaining power draft agreements that change the dispute resolution fo-
rum from a court to arbitration and present it to the weaker party on a “take-it-or-
leave-it” basis. What appears to be a mere change in venue is a critical waiver of the
weaker party’s right to due process. Agreements like these favoring the interests of
the stronger party are called contracts of adhesion (see Chapter 8).
Marybeth Armendariz filed a lawsuit against her employer,
Foundation Health Psychcare Services, Inc. (“Foundation”),
for wrongful termination under a state civil rights statute. Foundation re-
sponded by filing a motion to compel arbitration. The employment contract
Armendariz had signed included a provision that required Armendariz to
arbitrate any employment claims. Armendariz claimed, among other things,
that the arbitration provision was not enforceable because it lacked mutual-
ity (arbitration was compulsory if she brought a complaint against Founda-
tion but not if Foundation brought a complaint against her), limited her
ability to use discovery, limited her available remedies, and did not require
a reasoned written opinion by the arbitrator. Was the arbitration clause
Armendariz v. Foundation Health Psychcare Services, Inc., 24 Cal.4th 83, 99 Cal.Rptr.2d 745 (Calif.,
Armendariz argued she would be denied a fair process if the above arbitration
clause was enforced, and the California Supreme Court agreed. The court found
fault with an adhesion contract that lacked mutuality, did not provide for important
discovery, limited the available remedies, and did not require a reasoned award.
* The arbitration clause read in part: “I agree as a condition of my employment, that in the event my employment is terminated,
and I contend that such termination was wrongful or otherwise in violation of the conditions of employment or was in violation
of any express or implied condition, term or covenant of employment, whether founded in fact or in law, including but not lim-
ited to the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, or otherwise in violation of any of my rights, I and Employer agree to submit
any such matter to binding arbitration pursuant to the provisions of title 9 of Part III of the California Code of Civil Procedure,
commencing at §1280 et seq. or any successor or replacement statutes. I and Employer further expressly agree that in any
such arbitration, my exclusive remedies for violation of the terms, conditions or covenants of employment shall be limited to a
sum equal to the wages I would have earned from the date of any discharge until the date of the arbitration award. I understand
that I shall not be entitled to any other remedy, at law or in equity, including but not limited to reinstatement and/or injunctive
188 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
“[A]n arbitration agreement imposed in an adhesive context lacks basic fairness and
mutuality if it requires one contracting party, but not the other, to arbitrate all
claims arising out of the same transaction or occurrence or series of transactions or
occurrences. The arbitration agreement in this case lacks mutuality in this sense
because it requires the arbitration of employee—but not employer—claims arising
out of a wrongful termination. The unconscionable one-sidedness of the arbitra-
tion agreement is compounded in this case by the fact that it does not permit the
full recovery of damages for employees, while placing no such restriction on the
employer.” Many of the issues raised by Armendariz are still unsettled in other
states. Not all courts have considered these issues and if they have, not all have fol-
lowed the California lead.52 Where parties have similar bargaining power and mu-
tually negotiate the terms of the contract, the waiver of due process protections is
likely to be allowed by the courts. However, the leading providers of arbitration
services (JAMS and AAA) require minimum standards of procedural fairness before
they will provide arbitrators to hear a claim.
Private Judging
private judging Private judging, also called rent-a-judge, allows parties to bypass the formal court
The use of a legally system and take their cases to a private court. The proceedings have all the formali-
trained arbitrator who ties of a public court. Private judging is permitted in many but not all states. Cases
follows formal judicial are tried before a referee who is selected and paid by the parties. Referees are often
procedures in hearing a retired judges. In some states, including California, any member of the state bar
case outside a court.
can be a referee. Jurors can be selected from the public jury rolls to participate in
such trials. State statutes authorize the referee to enter the decision in the trial
court as a final judgment, if the parties choose. If so entered, the final judgment can
be appealed to a state appellate court.
Private judging, much like arbitration, provides more flexibility and privacy than
a court trial. With private judging, parties do not need to wait for a court date—if a
referee is available, they can schedule the trial immediately. Parties are free to deter-
mine the procedural rules, but usually agree to apply the formal rules used in the
public courts, including the rules of evidence. However, unlike arbitration, parties
have the right to appeal adverse rulings to the appellate courts.
The use of private judging is widespread, yet is the most controversial of the
ADR processes. The rent-a-judge system has been disparagingly referred to as
“Cadillac justice.” Since the referees are paid entirely by the disputants, private
judging allows disputants to bypass the public trial calendar only if they can afford
to pay the judge. Parties who cannot afford it must wait their turn in the public
courts. Justice delayed is justice denied.53 Private courts are also criticized because
it is feared they may lure judges away from the public courts through early retire-
ment. Judges are paid substantially more in fees by private clients than they earn as
salaried public servants. Furthermore, hearings in private courts are not open to
the public or the press. Wealthy corporations and other parties can shield their ac-
tivities from the public eye and keep judgments confidential. Finally, some obser-
vers believe that this private justice system may delay or even relieve the legislature
and the courts from making needed legal reforms.
A proactive neutral party
who investigates and de-
termines facts and sug- An ombudsperson or ombud is a consultant or permanent employee of an orga-
gests resolutions to nization hired to resolve conflicts that arise within the organization. This concept
disputes. was developed in Scandinavia. There, an ombudsman was a public official ap-
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 189
pointed to investigate and hear citizen complaints against the government. In the
United States, ombuds are present in both public and private institutions. The
ombud investigates, proposes, and advocates solutions and often makes public his Everything you have always
or her independent findings and recommendations. The role of the ombud, like wanted to know about om-
the mediator, is to facilitate resolution through better communication among the buds can be found at
members of the group. Neither has authority to impose a settlement. Ombuds are http://www.ombuds.org/
distinguishable from mediators in that the ombud becomes actively involved in de- faq.html
termining the facts and advocating solutions. Whereas mediators are expected to
maintain neutrality throughout their service, ombuds start out neutral but are not
required to remain so. Usually, the ombud is selected by one of the disputing par-
ties and paid solely by that party. In contrast, mediator fees are generally shared by
the disputants.
Expert Fact-Finding
expert fact- Expert fact-finding is a process by which a neutral with subject-matter expertise is
finding appointed to conduct an independent investigation or take evidence on selected
A nonbinding process in factual issues in highly technical matters. The expert does not decide the case. The
which an appointed ex- sole object is to determine what happened. Like other adjudicatory processes, at-
pert investigates or hears torneys present evidence to the neutral. At the conclusion, the expert makes an
facts on selected issues. evaluation and issues findings of fact. The findings can be binding or nonbinding.
At the conclusion, he or Parties may adopt them in a subsequent conciliatory process or even admit them in
she makes findings of
arbitration or at trial. In a similar process, a special master, selected for his or her
legal expertise, will determine the factual issues in cases set for trial. Negotiated
settlements are more likely once the factual issues have been settled.
mini-trial A mini-trial is a voluntary, nonbinding process used primarily by large business or-
A private, voluntary, in- ganizations to better inform themselves on the merits of a case. A trial-like proceed-
formal form of dispute ing is conducted with high-ranking company officials who have settlement authority
resolution in which attor- acting as jurors. The sides agree on rules of procedure and exchange of information
neys for each disputant
and select a neutral advisor. Attorneys for each side present a case summary to the
make a brief presentation
jury. There is no examination of witnesses. As jurors, the officials hear both sides
of his or her best case be-
fore officials for each side
and gain insight about the dispute. Now well informed, the parties can negotiate a
who have authority to settlement with or without the assistance of the neutral advisor and avoid an actual
settle. court trial. Since preparation and presentation of a case, even in summary form, can
be expensive, mini-trials are used when large amounts of money are at stake.
summary jury
trial Summary Jury Trial
A nonbinding alternative
The summary jury trial is similar to both the mini-trial and early neutral evalua-
dispute resolution (ADR)
process in which parties
tion. The object is to facilitate settlement in lawsuits that have been filed but not
present their cases to a yet tried by providing parties with a realistic jury reaction. An abbreviated case is
private mock jury, which presented to a mock jury. The jury returns its verdict quickly. After the verdict, at-
then gives the parties an torneys for each side are permitted to query each juror about how and why they
advisory verdict. reached their decision. Parties then negotiate a settlement, each equipped with in-
sights gained from the jury. The process is nonbinding: If a settlement is not
mock jury reached, both sides have the right to a full trial.
A panel of lay citizens se- Procedurally, a summary jury trial is more relaxed than an actual trial. Since at-
lected and paid to mirror torneys for the parties put on an abbreviated case, including examination of the
the role of an actual jury. parties as witnesses, it is more formal than a mini-trial. Summary jury trials are also
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 191
with a voluntary agreement than with a court-imposed solution, which will often
rankle for years. Litigation is risky, since the outcome is uncertain. It is time con-
suming for attorneys and clients, and it is costly. Participants are also likely to suffer
stress from drawn-out litigation. In the end, most lawsuits are settled before trial,
but often after years of waiting. Litigation is necessary to vindicate rights or clarify
the law, but litigation is not required to resolve all disagreements. A trial usually
aggravates and exaggerates existing hard feelings. A decision to sue or defend a suit
192 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
through trial should be carefully thought out. In addition to the obvious costs asso-
ciated with litigation such as attorney fees, court costs, witness expenses, and dis-
covery costs, there are indirect or hidden costs that must be taken into account. Fi-
nally, the cost for the state to provide justice must not be overlooked.
Kevin Banks rejected a settlement offer of $22,500 in his breach
of contract and tort action against eight former associates. He
believed he was entitled to $500,000 in punitive damages. The case went to
trial. The “good news” was that Banks won a jury verdict of $50,000. The
“bad news” was that it took three years to resolve, during which time he
was unemployed. His single-minded concern with the case alienated friends
and relatives. The case cost him $105,000 in litigation expenses. During the
prolonged dispute, he employed seven different lawyers, one at a time—six
of them quit. Despite winning at trial, he continued to be consumed by the
case. He accused the judge, defendants, defense attorneys, and his own at-
torneys of a conspiracy against him.
Often, the nominal winner is the real loser. Banks won his case, so one could assume
he had been wronged. Had he accepted the settlement offer, he would have had a pos-
itive net recovery, rather than a negative victory with an out-of-pocket loss of at least
$55,000 (litigation recovery of $50,000 minus litigation costs of $105,000). Was his
pursuit of “justice at any price” too high a personal price to pay? Some who win at trial
feel vindicated despite a negative net recovery. Was the public harmed in any way?
For certain purposes, access to our public courts may be wholly inappropriate.
Banks sought more than justice. He sought vengeance through the public court sys-
tem in a civil matter. The civil courts are designed to shift the burden of compensat-
ing victims to the wrongdoer, not to mete out punishment. Use of our civil courts
for vengeance is a breach of public trust and a squandering of public resources.
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 193
141 N.H. 703, 692 A.2d 505 (N.H.,1997)
In the fall of 1991, the victim, an administrator or assistance.” Here, the burden of proving the
and teacher at New Hampshire Technical College in existence of an attorney-client relationship lies
Nashua, began a consensual sexual relationship with with the defendant. The defendant conceded at
the defendant, a student at the college. In July 1992, oral argument that he sought no legal advice in
the victim informed the defendant that their rela- the September 1992 phone conversations. Con-
tionship was over. In response, the defendant came to sequently, we need look only at the October
the victim’s home and, after promising that he just 1992 conversation at the college to determine
wanted to talk to her, sexually assaulted her. whether an attorney-client relationship was es-
In September 1992, the defendant telephoned tablished and, hence, whether the attorney-
Judith Parys, a lawyer and his paralegal instructor client privilege applies to that conversation.
at the college, and, crying, told her that he had had a relationship At the hearing on the motion in limine, the trial court
with the victim and “that things had gone wrong and that it was heard conflicting testimony on the question of whether the
a mess.” He told Parys that he was afraid the victim would have defendant’s conversation with Parys at the college estab-
him removed from the college. Later the same day, the defendant lished an attorney-client relationship. The defendant main-
called Parys again. He told her that “he had called [the victim] tained that Parys told him “to go look in the [code] and,
and, much to his surprise, that she had agreed to talk to him on when he returned, she advised him to “back off and give [the
the phone,… and that he didn’t have to tie her up.” victim] her space.” Additionally, he contended that Parys
In October 1992, the defendant, who was shaking and looked offered to “make some phone calls and get back to [him].”
like he had been crying, approached Parys after she finished teach- Parys’ version of the conversation was quite different,
ing a class and told her that he had looked up the definition of rape however. She contended that the defendant informed her
in the New Hampshire statutes. He said that, based on the defini- that “he had gone to the [code] in the law library, had
tion, “he was sure that he had raped [the victim] in the past.” looked up the definition of ‘rape,’ and believed that he had
The defendant was later charged with four counts of aggra- raped [the victim].” Rather than offering legal advice,
vated felonious sexual assault and one count of attempted aggra- Parys testified that because of the defendant’s “rambling,”
vated felonious sexual assault. Before trial, he filed a motion in she “didn’t have a chance to get a word in edgewise.”
limine* to bar Parys from testifying against him, asserting that The credibility of witnesses is a factual determination
his communications with her were protected by the attorney-client within the sound discretion of the trial court. “[U]nless we
privilege. The trial court denied the motion. The defendant was find that no reasonable person could have come to the
convicted on one count of aggravated felonious sexual assault. same conclusion,” we defer to the trial court’s credibility
determination. State v. Crotty, 134 N.H. 706, 711, 597
Justice Broderick delivered the opinion of the court: The A.2d 1078, 1082 (1991).
defendant, Steven Gordon, was convicted of aggravated fe- The trial court’s determination that the defendant
lonious sexual assault after a jury trial in Superior Court. In “did not … seek advice from Parys in her legal capacity” is
separate but consolidated appeals, the defendant argues adequately supported by the record. Parys testified that the
that the trial court erred in admitting into evidence alleg- defendant sought “absolutely no legal advice” and that she
edly privileged statements he made to an attorney instruc- gave none. Additionally, she testified that she informed her
tor. … We affirm. classes—some of which the defendant attended—that she
The defendant argues that the trial court erred in de- did not give legal advice and that she believed to do so
nying his motion to exclude Parys’ testimony based on the could violate the Rules of Professional Conduct.
attorney-client privilege. It is generally recognized that “[a]n Even the defendant’s own testimony does not support
attorney-client relationship is created when (1) a person his argument that he sought legal advice from Parys in her
seeks advice or assistance from an attorney, (2) the advice or capacity as an attorney. At the hearing on the motion in li-
assistance sought pertains to matters within the attorney’s mine, the defendant read into the record his testimony
professional competence, and (3) the attorney expressly or from an earlier proceeding that when he spoke to Parys, he
impliedly agrees to give or actually gives the desired advice thought he was “talking to somebody in confidence. You
* Latin: “at the threshold”; preliminary. A motion in limine may be made (usually at the outset of a trial) to exclude or limit the admissibility of evidence. Juries may not hear
or see inadmissible evidence.
194 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
tell somebody that you trust or that you’re friendly with communications made for the purpose of facilitating the
things that you wouldn’t just openly stand out there and rendition of professional legal services to the client. …”
say. …” Speaking in confidence is not enough; “where one N.H. R. Ev. 502(b). Because the defendant never estab-
consults an attorney not as a lawyer but as a friend or as lished an attorney-client relationship with Parys, however,
[an] … adviser … the consultation is not professional nor he cannot now assert the privilege as a shield against the
the statement privileged.” admission of Parys’ testimony.
Moreover, the defendant’s conduct at two earlier pro- Affirmed. All concurred.
ceedings, which the trial court considered in its ruling,
does not support the existence of the privilege he now
seeks to invoke. Prior to the defendant’s trial, Parys twice For Critical Analysis
testified—at a hearing on a domestic violence petition filed
by the victim against the defendant and at a judicial review 1. The authors of this book are attorneys. And though
board hearing at the college—about the conversations she we are writing about the law, we do not intend to give
had with the defendant in September and October 1992. specific legal advice to any students or other readers.
According to the defendant’s testimony at the hearing on Your class instructor is also likely to be an attorney. If
his motion in limine, at the domestic violence hearing Parys you ask a question in class about a legal problem, or if
indicated that she did not represent either party; the defen- you discuss a legal dilemma you are currently facing in
dant apparently did not object. At the judicial review hear- a conversation with your instructor, does the attorney-
ing, the defendant remarked about Parys: “I realize she’s client privilege arise?
an attorney, but she’s here as a witness. If she wants to play 2. Who holds the attorney-client privilege—the attorney
attorney, then she should represent somebody.” or client or both? Why?
“A client has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to 3. What additional facts might have led the court to be-
prevent any other person from disclosing confidential lieve a privilege existed? ❚❚
fered a seizure at work and soon thereafter was discharged. ADA, whenever the EEOC chooses from among the many
Baker did not initiate arbitration proceedings, nor has he charges filed each year to bring an enforcement action in a
in the seven years since his termination, but he did file a particular case, the agency may be seeking to vindicate a
timely charge of discrimination with the EEOC alleging public interest, not simply provide make-whole relief for
that his discharge violated the ADA. the employee, even when it pursues entirely victim-specific
After an investigation and an unsuccessful attempt to relief. To hold otherwise would undermine the detailed
conciliate, the EEOC filed an enforcement action against enforcement scheme created by Congress simply to give
respondent in the Federal District Court for the District of greater effect to an agreement between private parties that
South Carolina. Baker is not a party to the case. The does not even contemplate the EEOC’s statutory function.
EEOC’s complaint alleged that respondent engaged in It is true, as respondent [has] argued, that Baker’s
employment practices that violated the ADA, including its conduct may have the effect of limiting the relief that the
discharge of Baker “because of his disability,” and that its EEOC may obtain in court. If, for example, he had failed
violation was intentional, and “done with malice or with to mitigate his damages, or had accepted a monetary settle-
reckless indifference to [his] federally protected rights.” ment, any recovery by the EEOC would be limited accord-
The complaint requested the court to grant injunctive re- ingly. As we have noted, it “goes without saying that the
lief to “eradicate the effects of [respondent’s] past and pres- courts can and should preclude double recovery by an
ent unlawful employment practices,” to order specific relief individual.”
designed to make Baker whole, including backpay, rein- But no question concerning the validity of his claim or
statement, and compensatory damages, and to award puni- the character of the relief that could be appropriately
tive damages for malicious and reckless conduct. awarded in either a judicial or an arbitral forum is pre-
Congress has directed the EEOC to exercise the same sented by this record. Baker has not sought arbitration of
enforcement powers, remedies, and procedures that are set his claim, nor is there any indication that he has entered
forth in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when it is into settlement negotiations with respondent. It is an open
enforcing the ADA’s prohibitions against employment dis- question whether a settlement or arbitration judgment
crimination on the basis of disability. would affect the validity of the EEOC’s claim or the char-
The FAA directs courts to place arbitration agree- acter of relief the EEOC may seek. The only issue before
ments on equal footing with other contracts, but it “does this Court is whether the fact that Baker has signed a man-
not require parties to arbitrate when they have not agreed datory arbitration agreement limits the remedies available
to do so.” Because the FAA is “at bottom a policy guaran- to the EEOC. The text of the relevant statutes provides a
teeing the enforcement of private contractual arrange- clear answer to that question. They do not authorize the
ments,” we look first to whether the parties agreed to arbi- courts to balance the competing policies of the ADA and
trate a dispute, not to general policy goals, to determine the the FAA or to second-guess the agency’s judgment con-
scope of the agreement. While ambiguities in the language cerning which of the remedies authorized by law that it
of the agreement should be resolved in favor of arbitration, shall seek in any given case.
we do not override the clear intent of the parties, or reach a Moreover, it simply does not follow from the cases
result inconsistent with the plain text of the contract, sim- holding that the employee’s conduct may affect the
ply because the policy favoring arbitration is implicated. EEOC’s recovery that the EEOC’s claim is merely deriva-
“Arbitration under the [FAA] is a matter of consent, not co- tive. We have recognized several situations in which the
ercion.” Here there is no ambiguity. No one asserts that the EEOC does not stand in the employee’s shoes. And, in this
EEOC is a party to the contract, or that it agreed to arbi- context, the statute specifically grants the EEOC exclusive
trate its claims. It goes without saying that a contract can- authority over the choice of forum and the prayer for relief
not bind a nonparty. Accordingly, the proarbitration policy once a charge has been filed. The fact that ordinary princi-
goals of the FAA do not require the agency to relinquish its ples of res judicata,* mootness, or mitigation may apply to
statutory authority if it has not agreed to do so. EEOC claims does not contradict these decisions, nor does
[T]he statutory language is clear; the EEOC has the it render the EEOC a proxy for the employee.
authority to pursue victim-specific relief regardless of the The judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed,
forum that the employer and employee have chosen to re- and the case is remanded for further proceedings consis-
solve their disputes. Rather than attempt to split the differ- tent with this opinion.
ence, we are persuaded that, pursuant to Title VII and the It is so ordered.
* Latin: “a matter [already] adjudicated.” A party may not sue again on a matter that has been settled by judicial decision.
196 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Justice Thomas, with whom the Chief Justice and Justice eviscerates Baker’s arbitration agreement with Waffle
Scalia join, dissenting: Because Congress has not given the House and liberates Baker from the consequences of his
EEOC the authority to usurp the traditional role of courts agreement. Waffle House gains nothing and, if anything,
to determine what constitutes “appropriate” relief in a will be worse off in cases where the EEOC brings an en-
given case, it is necessary to examine whether it would be forcement action should it continue to utilize arbitration
“appropriate” to allow the EEOC to obtain victim-specific agreements in the future. This is because it will face the
relief for Baker here, notwithstanding the fact that Baker, prospect of defending itself in two different forums against
by signing an arbitration agreement, has waived his ability two different parties seeking precisely the same relief. It
to seek such relief on his own behalf in a judicial forum. could face the EEOC in court and the employee in an ar-
For two reasons, I conclude it is not “appropriate” to allow bitral forum.
the EEOC to do on behalf of Baker that which Baker is I respectfully dissent.
precluded from doing for himself.
To begin with, when the EEOC litigates to obtain re- For Critical Analysis
lief on behalf of a particular employee, the Commission
must take that individual as it finds him. Whether the 1. Waffle House requested a stay and a motion to com-
EEOC or an employee files a particular lawsuit, the em- pel arbitration. What was it asking for?
ployee is the ultimate beneficiary of victim-specific relief. 2. Do you agree with Waffle House’s argument that al-
The relevance of the employee’s circumstances therefore though the EEOC was not a party to the arbitration
does not change simply because the EEOC, rather than agreement, it is still effectively bound by it ( Justice
the employee himself, is litigating the case, and a court Thomas’ dissent)? Or do you agree with the EEOC
must consider these circumstances in fashioning an “ap- that Waffle House is free to pursue all remedies with-
propriate” remedy. out regard to whether an employee has signed an arbi-
As a result, the EEOC’s ability to obtain relief is often tration agreement ( Justice Stevens’ majority opinion)?
limited by the actions of an employee on whose behalf the Explain which position you agree with and why.
Commission may wish to bring a lawsuit. If an employee 3. When Baker was given the preemployment agree-
signs an agreement to waive or settle discrimination claims ment with the arbitration clause, do you think he un-
against an employer, for example, the EEOC may not re- derstood what he was signing? Does it matter?
cover victim-specific relief on that employee’s behalf. 4. If Baker had refused to sign the employment agree-
Not only would it be “inappropriate” for a court to al- ment, would he still have been hired? If he had simply
low the EEOC to obtain victim-specific relief on behalf of struck the clause and then signed, would he have been
Baker, to do so in this case would contravene the “liberal hired?
federal policy favoring arbitration agreements” embodied 5. Why did Waffle House require the arbitration clause
in the FAA. in its employment contracts? Why might an employee
By allowing the EEOC to pursue victim-specific relief be concerned about such a clause? Why might an em-
on behalf of Baker under these circumstances, the Court ployee be pleased with such a clause? ❚❚
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 197
Edward M. Cooperman, 83 N.Y.2d 465, 633 N.E.2d They claimed the arbitrator exceeded his authority be-
1069, 611 N.Y.S.2d 465 (N.Y., 1994).] cause the contract did not expressly provide for a rem-
edy based on warranty. They argued the arbitrator’s
8. John E. Mallard, an attorney who practiced bank- finding was a clear error of law. Is the arbitrator’s au-
ruptcy and securities law, was selected by the U.S. thority strictly limited to the terms of the contract? If
magistrate to represent indigent inmates who were su- the arbitrator is clearly wrong as to the application
ing prison officials for maltreatment. He was com- of law, will the award be overturned by the court?
pelled to represent the inmates under a federal statute [Hembree v. Broadway Realty Trust Company, Inc., 151
authorizing federal courts to “request” an attorney to Ariz. 418, 728 P.2d 288 (Ariz., 1986).]
represent any person claiming poverty status. Claim-
ing that he was not competent to handle complex trial 11. Edward Kuhnel, a correctional officer for the New
matters, Mallard filed a motion to withdraw. The York Correctional Services Department (“Depart-
magistrate denied his request, and his appeal to the ment”), flew a Nazi flag from the front porch of
district court and court of appeals was unsuccessful. his home commemorating the 55th anniversary of
Can the court compel attorney Mallard to represent Hitler’s declaration of war against the United States.
an indigent civil litigant? [Mallard v. U.S. District His actions received a great deal of media attention.
Court for Southern Dist. of Iowa, 490 U.S. 296, 109 The Department suspended Kuhnel from his job for
S.Ct. 1814 (1989).] violating two sections of the Department’s employee
manual. Kuhnel contested his suspension, and the
9. Richard Shapero, a Kentucky attorney, applied to the claim was submitted to arbitration under a collective
state Attorneys’ Advertising Commission for approval bargaining agreement. Both parties agreed that the ar-
of a letter that he proposed to send “to potential cli- bitration procedure would be final and binding. The
ents who have had a foreclosure suit filed against arbitrator concluded that Kuhnel was not guilty of the
them.” The letter advised the clients that federal charges and reinstated Kuhnel with full backpay and
law may prevent creditors from taking immediate benefits. The Department appealed. May the courts
action and that the recipients of the letters could call revisit the evidence and consider whether the arbitra-
Shapero’s office for free information on how to keep tor erred in determining the facts or applying the law?
their homes. The commission would not approve the [New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevo-
letter because Professional Conduct Rules prohibited lent Association, Inc., v. State of New York, 94 N.Y.2d
direct-mail solicitation by lawyers if the mail was 321, 726 N.E.2d 462, 704 N.Y.S.2d 910 (N.Y., 1999).]
directed to specific recipients rather than to a general
group of persons known to need the particular kind of 12. Florida lawyer Shane Stafford arranged for Roy
legal services offered. The Kentucky Supreme Court Blevins, a West Palm Beach police officer, to solicit
affirmed the commission’s finding. Shapero appealed personal injury cases for him. In an 18-month period,
to the U.S. Supreme Court, claiming that the rule Blevins referred 10 or 11 cases to Stafford, including
violated attorneys’ rights to free speech. Did Shapero three automobile accident cases he investigated as a
succeed in his claim? [Shapero v. Kentucky Bar Associa- police officer. Stafford gave 15 percent of his legal fees
tion, 486 U.S. 466, 108 S.Ct. 1916 (1988).] to Blevins, who received approximately $11,000 total.
Is such a referral arrangement legal and ethical? [The
10. The Hembrees purchased a home. The purchase con- Florida Bar v. Stafford, 542 So.2d 1321 (Fla., 1989).]
tract included the following clause: “Any controversy
or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or 13. Weaver agreed to buy a house from builder McGill
the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in the Homes for $181,900. The contract provided “that all
city of contract origin, in accordance with the rules of claims arising out of or related to the purchase agree-
the American Arbitration Association.” A claim that ment would be settled by arbitration in accordance
the home they purchased had a defective roof was ar- with the commercial arbitration rules of the American
bitrated and the arbitrator found for the Hembrees on Arbitration Association.” After moving into the home,
the theory of implied warranty. An implied warranty is Weaver was dissatisfied with the builder and claimed
a guarantee imposed by law that the seller will stand the home was worth less than the agreed-upon price.
behind the item even though the contract is silent with He petitioned for an arbitration to hear his claim of
respect to warranties. The seller and seller’s real estate defective construction. He received an award of
agent challenged the arbitrator’s award in state court. $12,755.50 for defective and incomplete construction
Chapter 4 >>> Attorney-Client Relationship and Dispute Resolution 199
from the arbitrator. McGill Homes moved to vacate and a project worker. Do you expect the court to
the arbitration award claiming that the arbitrator overturn the arbitrator’s award? [McGill Homes, Inc. v.
manifestly disregarded the law. To support its conten- Weaver, 278 Ga.App. 622, 629 S.E.2d 535 (Ga.,
tion, it attached affidavits of its construction foreman 2006).]
Administrative Law
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Define and explain the term administrative law.
The rise of administrative bodies probably Distinguish between the two different ways in which
has been the most significant legal trend of the term is used.
the last century and perhaps more values are • Explain what an administrative agency is, how an
agency gets its authority, and what the general
affected by their decisions than by those of all
purposes of administrative agencies are. Describe the
the courts. … importance of the Administrative Procedure Act and
the enabling statute relative to agency authority and
Justice Robert H. Jackson, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1941–1954.
• Explain the importance of agency procedures.
• Distinguish between an independent administrative
agency and an executive department.
• Identify leading administrative agencies and the areas
they regulate.
• Explain what a regulation is and identify the major
rule-making steps required by the Administrative
Procedure Act.
• Describe the major investigatory methods and powers
of administrative agencies.
• Identify and illustrate the 11 components of a fair
hearing as identified by Judge Henry Friendly.
• Briefly explain the degree and type of control that
each branch of the federal government has over
independent administrative agencies.
• Define the term judicial review and identify the
limitations and the conditions precedent to a court
reviewing administrative power or exercises of
that power.
• Identify and explain some methods by which the
public may scrutinize agency action.
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 201
During the Super Bowl halftime show on February 1, 2004, Jus-
tin Timberlake tore away a portion of Janet Jackson’s costume
revealing her right breast to an estimated 140 million television viewers
across the globe. The timing could not have been worse. The Federal Com-
munications Commission (FCC), an administrative agency, had been busy
levying record fines for “indecency” against television and radio companies
and wasted little time announcing it would aggressively investigate the
“wardrobe malfunction” incident. Ultimately, the FCC levied its maximum
fine of $27,500 against 20 CBS affiliate stations for a total of $550,000. CBS
filed suit against the FCC in July of 2006, challenging the legitimacy of the
fine on the grounds that the incident was not indecent. In response, the
FCC issued a statement declaring that “[CBS] … is out of touch with the
American people. Millions of parents, as well as Congress, understand what
CBS does not: Janet Jackson’s ‘wardrobe malfunction’ was indeed indecent.”
As this edition was going to press, the lawsuit was still pending.1
Do you agree with the FCC or with CBS? What gives the FCC the authority to de-
cide what is decent and indecent? The answer is “administrative law,” specifically in
this case, the federal laws creating the FCC and authorizing it to regulate what is al-
lowed to be spoken or shown on the airwaves across the United States. We will pre-
sent the structure and processes of administrative law, both in the federal government
as well as in several states. Our particular focus will be on the power wielded by agen-
cies and the constraints on this power. You should come to understand why adminis-
trative law is a topic so unique and important. Hopefully, you will be better prepared
to solve problems of governmental involvement (perhaps interference) in your life and
better able to obtain the services, rights, and benefits you seek from the government.
A final word before our discussion of administrative law: This chapter is mostly
about process, the process that agencies use when enforcing the law, presented ear- administrative
lier as procedural law. That process can deny a right or grant a privilege just as surely law
as any substantive law and is an incredibly important subject. To understand its im- The body of law con-
cerned with the power of
portance, you need only speak with someone who has just dealt with a governmental
administrative agencies.
process and felt confused and powerless to help shape the outcome. Like trying to
Administrative law con-
survive in a courtroom without understanding the complex rules for evidence and
sists of rules, regulations,
procedure, dealing with an agency without understanding how it makes decisions is orders, and adjudications.
an effort likely to result in frustration, anger, and long-lasting disappointment. Also the composite body
of substantive law cre-
WHAT IS ADMINISTRATIVE LAW? ated by the various ad-
ministrative agencies in
In short, administrative law is the law of administrative agencies, a vast portion of the performance of their
government sometimes called the “fourth branch of the government.” Administrative assigned tasks.
202 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Administrative Agency
Example: Internal Revenue Service
law involves over 1 million federal employees and countless state agency employees.
It probably affects citizens of the United States far more than judicial proceedings or
legislation do. Often, the term administrative law is used to describe two very different
subjects of law. One is the law governing agency process and procedure. The other
type is the law that agencies create and apply, the “substantive law” of agencies. In this
chapter, we focus on the process and procedure of agencies rather than on the subject
matter of the laws agencies create or of the statutes that agencies enforce. Exhibit 5.1
provides examples of procedural and substantive administrative law.
Agency Process
There is a body of law that governs how agencies can or must conduct themselves
and their processes. As you will learn, policies of fairness and constitutional princi-
ples have established significant restraints and limits on agency power, particularly
on the way in which an agency may act. Agencies, however, are often given signifi-
cant authority to independently execute laws, make decisions, and otherwise do their
business. Collectively, laws and rules governing how agencies can or must conduct
themselves can be referred to as the procedural law of agencies.
Some laws and regulations that appear procedural in nature really directly con-
http:// trol the rights, privileges, or benefits of others. Consider the following regulation
The administrative proce- of the U.S. Department of Education.
dure database can be
found at the Florida State
University College of Law LEGAL FOCUS–EXAMPLE
Web site:
Obtaining a loan. (a) Application for a Direct Subsidized Loan
http://www.law.fsu.edu/ or a Direct Unsubsidized Loan. (1) To obtain a Direct Subsidized
library/admin/ Loan or a Direct Unsubsidized Loan, a student must complete a Free Applica-
tion for Federal Student Aid and submit it in accordance with instructions in
the application. …
A strict reading of the above regulation shows that a student could be denied a loan
for merely failing to follow instructions in the application! Thus, this regulation
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 203
and those instructions in the loan application while procedural have substantive ef-
fect. In any case, this is the realm of administrative law, where rights and benefits
such as these are affected every day through the creation and application of the
laws and regulations of agencies.
Rule 10b-5—Employment of Manipulative and Deceptive
Devices. It shall be unlawful for any person. …
a. To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud,
b. To make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a ma-
terial fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light
of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, or
c. To engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or
would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person,
in connection with the purchase or sale of any security.
Rule 10b-5 is the so-called “Securities Fraud” regulation that some believe should
proscribe the type of conduct alleged to have occurred in the 2001 Enron Corpora-
tion collapse. It is a great example of a substantive regulation that has had a colorful
and rich history of enforcement. Its reach goes beyond brokers and traders and
touches, theoretically, every person who buys or sells a stock or bond.
In December of 2001, Martha Stewart sold 3,928 shares of
ImClone Systems Incorporated. The SEC later accused her of
insider trading in relation to that sale, alleging that she had been told
of a pending denial of approval of an important new drug being developed
by ImClone. Though the Department of Justice sought criminal “securities
fraud” charges against her, the court rejected the charge. Martha Stewart
was convicted of crimes related to attempting to hide the circumstances
of the sale. While serving a sentence for her crimes, the SEC brought civil
charges of “insider trading,” a form of securities fraud. Though she initially
fought the charges, Martha Stewart eventually settled with the SEC agree-
ing to pay approximately $195,000 and to not serve as an officer or em-
ployee of a public company for five years.2
204 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Dan and Linda Dixon bought a parcel of land on which to build
their dream home. Upon retirement, they met with an architect
and commissioned plans. They found a contractor to build their home. Un-
fortunately, the land they owned had been rezoned, and they were told by
the city planning commission that they had to apply for a conditional use
permit (CUP), which they did. The planning commission denied their CUP ap-
plication, stating that the Dixons’ proposed house did not reflect the values
intended for the land. The Dixons felt it would be a waste of time to appeal
the decision to the city council and engaged an attorney to file a lawsuit.
Their attorney advised them that there was really nothing they could do.
Representative State
Federal Government
United States
Protection Agency
Protection Agency
State offices of
Federal EPA
Independent Administrative Agencies .gov/nsc/
Most of the agencies referred to in this chapter are not executive departments. In-
stead they are independent administrative agencies. Independent administrative independent
agencies are governmental units with delegated powers commonly found in the
other branches of government. Applying the Separation of Powers doctrine, the Su-
preme Court of the United States has generally allowed agencies to collect the
An administrative body
powers of multiple branches of the federal government only when there is some
empowered to regulate
guarantee of independence.3 some policy area led by
Independence is established by making term appointments of the persons officials who cannot be
in charge of the agency. During the stated term, the officials or commissioners dismissed by the presi-
are removable only by a finding of misconduct or failure to do their job. As with dent of the United States
executive department heads, the appointment of independent agency leadership except for good cause.
Exhibit 5.3: The Government of the United States
This chart seeks to show only the more important
agencies of the government. THE CONSTITUTION
generally is made by the executive branch (governor or president). But the execu-
tive branch’s ability to remove agency heads at will (fire) is restricted by the statute
creating the agency generally to reasons related to misfeasance. Moreover, a deter-
mination by the executive of good cause to dismiss is subject to judicial oversight
whereas a dismissal of an executive department head is not.
President Herbert Hoover appointed William Humphrey to the
Federal Trade Commission for a seven-year term. Two years
into the term, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hoover’s successor as presi-
dent, requested that Humphrey resign, stating, “I do not feel that your mind
and my mind go along together on either the policies or the administering
of the Federal Trade Commission. …” Humphrey declined to resign, where-
upon Roosevelt wrote Humphrey, “Effective as of this date you are hereby
removed from the office of Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commis-
sion.” Humphrey refused to vacate his office, claiming the Federal Trade
Commission Act allowed removal of commissioners only for reasons of
“inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.” Roosevelt main-
tained that as president of the United States he had the inherent power
to remove members of the executive branch in whom he lacked confidence.
Was Humphrey allowed to remain a commissioner?
Humphrey’s Executor v. United States, 295 U.S. 602, 55 S.Ct. 869 (1935).
Yes. The Supreme Court agreed with Humphrey. The court ruled that the presi-
dent lacked the power to fire Humphrey, who could serve his appointed term un-
less found guilty of a failure to perform his job.
State Agencies
Each state has its own collection of agencies and its own rules governing them.
State agencies collect the powers of one or more branches of the state’s govern-
ment much as federal agencies do in the federal government. Each state has its own
constitution as well as statutes governing the rules for independence of and over-
sight of its administrative agencies. In this chapter, we will touch on two state ex-
amples of administrative law, Iowa and California.
A recent, notorious experiment in deregulation swept through
the electricity industry at the close of the 1990s. It began in
California in 1997, as the largest state economy removed the utility monop-
oly over the generation of electricity. Left unchanged was the manner in
which electricity was distributed and delivered to customers, which stayed in
the hands of large investor-owned utilities. Within a few years, the whole-
sale price for electricity soared, mysterious shortages appeared, and contro-
versial marketing, accounting, and sales practices came to light. Other states
followed suit in deregulation, but not all. Though government and business
press releases and media accounts usually referred to the events as the
“deregulation experiment,” it was, in fact, a change in the way the electric-
ity industry was regulated. As part of California’s supposed deregulation,
two new agencies were created, the California Independent System Opera-
tor and the California Consumer Power Financing Authority.
enabling statute
administrative agency
and typically also autho- An administrative agency is usually created by a statute, known as the enabling
rizes it to perform speci- statute. The enabling statute typically will name the agency and specify its pur-
fied actions. pose, powers, limits, and structure. The statute may call for a board or commission,
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 209
or it might call for a single individual to head the agency. Some agencies are re-
quired by a state constitution. Those are usually called “constitutional agencies.”
Even then, the agency may be described only briefly in the state constitution, al-
lowing the state legislature the ability to better define it and modify it over time.
When dealing with any particular agency, the first step should be to understand its
powers and limitations, as well as its structure. Studying the enabling statute and/or
constitutional authority for the agency is critical to understanding any agency.
As depicted in Exhibit 5.3, the federal government is vast and complex. As the
federal government has grown, it has relied upon administrative agencies to expand
its roles and responsibilities in governing the several states.
In response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Con-
gress and the president pressed for a new cabinet-level agency,
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to prevent future terrorist at-
tacks. DHS, established by the Homeland Security Act of 2002, is not an inde-
pendent administrative agency but, like other cabinet departments, is di-
rectly controlled by the president.
The list of administrative agencies in Exhibit 5.3 is only partial. Among other func-
tions, administrative agencies regulate products, businesses, and transactions; pro-
tect consumers, the environment, and the economy; collect taxes; allocate welfare;
explore space; collect intelligence; investigate and punish securities fraud; resolve la-
bor infractions and disputes; and deliver the mail. Most of these agencies are inde-
pendent administrative agencies that function with a head, commission, or board in
charge that can execute the laws and regulations of that agency with little concern
for political consequences. Concurrent with that independence is a risk of abusive or
derelict practices not easily controlled by the executive branch of the government.
category. Agency conduct that was defined as either “rulemaking” or “adjudication” http://biotech.law.lsu.edu/
was given basic minimum requirements to ensure a fair and accurate action. Rule- Courses/study_aids/adlaw/
making and adjudication are explored later in this chapter. Most states have en-
acted laws similar to the federal APA to govern state administrative agencies.
Procedure Act
(APA) of 1946
Delegation of Power Law that mandates pro-
When an enabling statute grants a power to an agency that is otherwise a power as- cedures for federal ad-
signed to Congress in the U.S. Constitution, there is a legitimate question as to ministrative agencies.
whether Congress and the president have made a constitutional delegation. The
U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on this issue several times, usually allowing delega-
tions. The most often cited case arose during the Great Depression as the New
Deal sought to create numerous new administrative agencies.
210 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
In the midst of the 1930s depression, Congress enacted the Na-
tional Industry Recovery Act (NIRA). The NIRA authorized the
president of the United States to approve codes of fair competition that had
been prepared and submitted to him by trade and industry associations or
had been created upon the president’s own initiative. The act provided that
violations of these codes would be punishable as crimes. The Schechter Poul-
try Corporation was held criminally liable for violation of one such code,
the “Live Poultry Code.” Schechter challenged the code by challenging the
constitutionality of Congress’s delegating to the president the power to
approve codes. How did the Supreme Court rule?
Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 295 U.S. 495, 55 S.Ct. 837 (1935).
A unanimous Supreme Court held that the delegation by Congress to the president
in the NIRA was too broad, because it allowed the president to impose any regula-
tion he chose. This “unfettered” power was “an unconstitutional delegation of leg-
islative power.” Schechter is a rare overturning of a delegation by Congress, but it
helped define how and when Congress could delegate its power without running
afoul of the U.S. Constitution.
The following are among the guidelines considered by the Court to determine
whether a delegation is valid:
• To whom is the delegation made? Is it made to an administrative agency? Is
that agency independent, or is it merely an executive department? Is the dele-
gation to state government, the president, or private industry?
• Is the delegation for a proper purpose? That is, is its purpose a legitimate exer-
cise of government power?
• Have guidelines for delegated conduct been provided in the legislation? Are
the guidelines broad or narrow in scope?
• Does the legislation provide for a fair process in creating regulations or ad-
ministering tasks?
• Is the reason for the delegation an emergency?
• What is the nature of the delegation? Does it affect personal rights such as
property rights?
As you learn about agency processes, note the many instances where the APA con-
tains requirements that specifically address many of these guidelines. This is not
accidental. The APA, in part, was designed to ensure that many of the constitu-
tional fears and dangers inherent in independent administrative agencies were re-
duced or eliminated. For instance, the APA establishes requirements for hearings
and rulemaking to help ensure fairness.
The creation of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an exam-
ple of a lawful delegation by Congress. The FTC was created by
the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914, which prohibits unfair and de-
ceptive trade practices. The act describes the procedures the agency must
follow to charge violators, provides for the judicial review of agency actions,
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 211
and grants the power to investigate and to make rules and regulations. The
FTC may force a company to stop an advertising campaign if it considers the
advertisements to be “unfair or deceptive” to consumers. The FTC may even
require a company to make announcements or advertisements to correct the
false statements made in earlier advertisements.
Iowa California’s administrative law contrasts greatly with Iowa’s. Iowa has its own
version of the APA, but it has a simpler and smaller labyrinth of administrative agen-
cies. Less duplication exists with federal agencies. Still, there is a significant adminis-
trative law system within the Iowa state government. Iowa regulates business, pro-
tects the environment, and regulates its professional trades. It also has administrative
agencies for building code development, organized labor, and employment disputes.
Business Finance
By definition, in a free economy, the government does not interfere in business at
all. But the health and function of business can greatly affect the economy and the
general welfare of the United States; left unregulated, business practices have
shown themselves to be highly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation with drastic
consequences for the economy as well. Since the Great Depression of the 1930s,
the United States has maintained a strong regulatory oversight of the financial sec-
tor, including investment, banking, securities, accounting, and trading. Three large
212 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
and important agencies in this arena are the Securities and Exchange Commission
http:// (SEC), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and the Federal
Visit the Web site of the Reserve Board.
Commodity Futures Trad- The SEC (1934)5 regulates organized securities markets and the securities
ing Commission at traded there. It also thus regulates every company that uses securities for finance
http://www.cftc.gov/cftc/ purposes. Because “security” is defined very broadly, the SEC reaches many invest-
cftchome.htm ments beyond traditional securities like stocks and bonds. The SEC controls and
regulates the dissemination of information by regulated companies and investigates
and prosecutes violations of securities laws and regulations. Traders, brokers, and
other professionals who work in securities are regulated by the SEC as well. The
CFTC (1974)6 is similar to the SEC but focuses on the commodity futures and op-
tions markets. The Federal Reserve Board (1913)7 supervises and regulates most of
the nation’s banks and helps to ensure a stable money currency, to hedge against
inflation, and to control the flow of money in the economy.
In 2001, Enron, a large energy and technology company,
collapsed under admissions of manipulating debt and hiding
losses of billions of dollars. MCI, a communications company, followed suit in
2002. HealthSouth was next in 2003. Eventually, the senior officers of Enron
and MCI were convicted of securities crimes, but the CEO of HealthSouth,
Richard Scrushy, escaped criminal liability. The political and economic fallout
from these collapses has been tremendous. A new law, the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act, was created, that requires CEOs and CFOs to certify periodic disclosure
reports filed at the SEC.8
The roaring economic growth of the 1990s was fueled in part by tremendous
http:// growth in the communications sector. From cellular phones to the Internet, from
Visit the Web site of the cable to the radio, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the agency
Federal Communications in the center of this sector. The FCC was created in 19349 to regulate the then-
Commission at stressed radio communications business. Much regulation of the communications
http://www.FCC.gov business deals with the dividing up of the limited electromagnetic spectrum in the
bands used for communication. In that sense, cellular telephone systems are the lat-
est growth industry that the FCC has managed. Without a regulating central
agency, the communication industry would be chaos at best and war at worst. The
FCC has been challenged from its beginning to keep up with technology. The
FCC regulates the companies that own, operate, or trade capacity in wire and radio
communication systems. These include common carriers such as the telephone and
telegraph services. Currently, the Internet is not directly regulated in the United
States. By virtue of regulating the telephone industry, the FCC is the closest any
governmental office comes to regulating the Internet.
A key function the FCC performs is the issuance of licenses to radio, tele-
phone, and cellular telephone systems. The FCC assigns operating frequencies,
where appropriate, and investigates and enforces regulations covering, for example,
the use of unauthorized frequencies. Earlier, in the context of Janet Jackson’s
“wardrobe malfunction,” you learned of the FCC’s efforts to regulate the content
of radio and television and establish and enforce minimum decency standards.
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 213
Employment Practices
Employment law is substantially affected by administrative law. The government reg-
ulates working conditions, pay, hiring and firing of employees, health, pension and
retirement benefit plans, and organized labor and its relationship with employers.
Many disputes involving the employer-employee relationship are resolved through
state or federal labor boards.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) was created in 193510 to super-
vise the union-employer relationship. Among other functions, the NLRB is charged
with preventing unfair labor practices.
Some state labor boards focus on labor disputes such as overtime pay. Employ-
ees are often surprised to find out they can file a complaint with the local labor board
and have their matter heard in an administrative hearing rather than file a lawsuit.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created in 196411
to investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination filed by employees. The Em-
ployee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was enacted in 1974 to regulate pen-
sion and retirement benefit plans following the prominent failure of numerous plans.
The Pension and Welfare Programs Office of the Labor Department enforces ERISA.
When Enron went bankrupt in 2001, many employees had a
high percentage of their 401(k) retirement accounts invested in
Enron stock. [The name 401(k) refers to the section of the tax code that al-
lows tax-advantaged retirement plans.] These plans are usually funded by
the employees, but employers often contribute as well. The employer may
administer the fund for the employees’ benefit. Employees can choose from
a variety of investment options, usually including mutual funds, money mar-
ket accounts, and simple interest accounts. Many employers, like Enron,
encourage employees to invest in company stock, sometimes giving incen-
tives to do so. After Enron’s bankruptcy, many employees found their retire-
ment accounts worthless or close to it.
Government protection of the environment began with agencies such as the Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency (EPA), established in 1970.12 Numerous laws protect
the environment and restrict what individuals, property owners, and businesses can Visit the Web site of the
and cannot do that might affect the health of the environment. The Endangered Environmental Protection
Species Act, the National Environmental Protection Act, the Clean Air Act, and Agency at
the Clean Water Act are just a few of the many statutes that obligate numerous http://www.epa.gov
agencies to work vigorously to protect the environment. Besides the EPA, other
agencies that work to enforce these and other environmental laws include the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the National For-
est Service. Many state agencies are delegated authority to enforce federal environ-
mental protection laws.
The EPA is the single agency at the core of environmental protection.
Exhibit 5.4 is the formal statement of the EPA’s purpose. Through the EPA and
affiliated federal and state agencies, the government strives to reduce water and air-
borne pollution, clean up contaminated land, reduce destruction of habitat, and
save species from extinction. Most of this work is accomplished by controlling
214 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Environmental Law
Environmental law is primarily managed in the United States by administra-
tive agencies. This is true in other countries. Environmental issues, however,
often know no boundaries. Air and water pollution, in particular, cross inter-
national borders constantly. The concern over global warming and its poten-
tial cause, greenhouse gases, represents the epitome of this international
issue. Greenhouse gas production proceeds into the atmosphere where it
mixes with greenhouse gases from all countries. Action taken by an environ-
mental administrative agency to attempt to control a national environmen-
tal issue may be futile if a significant cause of the issue is located outside of
its jurisdiction. International cooperation is thus necessary, but not all coun-
tries have environmental agencies like the United States.
In China, where rapid economic growth with little regulation is begin-
ning to take a toll on environmental qualities, numerous environmental
laws have been enacted. The administrative agency tasked with enforcing
many of these laws is the State Environmental Protection Administration
(SEPA). In December 2004, SEPA stopped construction at 30 large industrial
projects to require changes and reforms to reduce the environmental effects
of those projects. Stories abound, however, of rampant defiance of environ-
mental laws because of a lack of administrative resources to enforce them.13
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 215
The United States consumes more energy per capita than any other nation. It relies
primarily upon fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) and to a smaller extent on hy-
droelectric dams and nuclear, geothermal, solar, and wind power. Fuel cells, which Visit the Web site of the
use a new technology that coverts hydrogen to electricity, have yet to make a signifi- Federal Energy Regulatory
cant contribution. The United States is highly dependent on foreign sources of fos- Commission at
sil fuels such as oil from the Middle East and natural gas from Canada and Mexico. http://www.ferc.fed.us/
About one-third of the oil consumed in this country is used in the transportation
sector. This foreign dependency, combined with the core economic need for an ad-
equate, safe, and reliable supply of energy, has led to creation of agencies at both the
federal and state levels. Further complicating the situation is that nearly all energy
consumed in the United States has significant environmental impact considerations,
thus drawing federal and state environmental agencies into the energy sector.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), created in 1977,14 is re-
sponsible for regulating electricity generation and transmission, numerous federally
owned large hydroelectric facilities, and natural gas and oil production and trans-
mission. Nuclear energy is regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC), established in 1974.15 The NRC licenses and supervises all nonmilitary nu-
clear power plant, research, test, and training reactors. It is also responsible for reg-
ulating all medical, academic, and industrial uses of nuclear materials.
The Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association of Washington,
D.C., (SCTLA) went on a one-month strike for higher wages
(higher hourly rates). SCTLA members are criminal defense lawyers in private
practice. They are registered with courts, indicating their availability to
represent indigent defendants in cases assigned by the court.
After an investigation and hearing, the FTC ruled that the SCTLA boy-
cott was illegal and barred any future similar action. The SCTLA appealed.
A federal appeals court ordered the FTC to reconsider its decision and deter-
mine if the SCTLA had sufficient control of the market to make its boycott
anticompetitive. The FTC appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Should the
FTC be compelled to reconsider its ruling?
FTC v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Ass’n, 493 U.S. 411, 110 S.Ct. 768 (1990).
216 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
No. The Supreme Court said, “The social justification[s] proffered for [this] re-
straint of trade … do not make it any less unlawful.” The Court applied the tough-
est antitrust rule, the per se (Latin: “in itself”) rule. This means that the Court rec-
ognized that some business activities, such as price fixing, are so anticompetitive
that they are automatically (per se) prohibited. Thus, these activities do not require
proof that conspirators (in this case, SCTLA members) had a motive, or the power,
to control the market. The Supreme Court overturned the appeals court order and
upheld the FTC ruling that the SCTLA strike was inherently illegal. Therefore,
evidence of SCTLA power to control the market was not required.
types of law. Rules are procedural laws that describe agency processes, such as the
conduct of hearings. Regulations, on the other hand, are the laws that guide agency
decision making, that determine rights and duties. Today, the distinction between
rules and regulations has blurred significantly in many agencies, federal and state.
Agencies often create a type of regulation known as a standard. Standards are regula-
tions designed to establish norms or guidelines. Another type of regulation is an
interpretive rule, which explains how an agency interprets a rule or intends to apply
it. Interpretive rules do not have the force of law that other regulations do. They do,
however, have considerable weight in court, should someone challenge an agency
action or decision. Courts give significant deference to agency expertise. When in-
terpretive rules are published, courts seldom apply a different interpretation.
Below is a regulation passed by the EPA that prohibits ring carriers (the plastic
that holds six-packs of soda together) unless they will degrade in accordance with
specified testing standards.
No processor or person shall manufacture or import, in bulk,
ring carriers intended for use in the United States unless they
are designed and manufactured so that the ring carriers degrade to the
point of 5 percent elongation at break, when tested in accordance with
[testing standards]. …18
Rulemaking has essentially the same effect as the enactment of a law by Congress
and the president. For that reason, the process by which agencies establish regula-
tions is similar to enactment of legislation including meeting minimal constitutional
218 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The Internal Revenue Service decides to create a new regula-
tion to discourage tax evasion. The new regulation, published
in the latest edition of an IRS publication, requires any taxpayer who is
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 219
selected for an audit to pay the IRS $10,000. Failure to do so will be consid-
ered an admission of illegal tax evasion. An enraged taxpayer challenges the
regulation in the courts. Is it an enforceable regulation?
No. A court will conclude that the regulation was not properly created. The IRS
did not provide public notice and did not receive and reflect on public comments.
The IRS did not tailor the regulation to reflect legitimate public concerns or re-
spond to comments. The alleged regulation was not published in the CFR. Even if
the IRS had done all of these things, a court would likely conclude that the regula-
tion exceeded the authority and power granted to the IRS. Judicial review of
agency action is covered later in this chapter, but this is an easy case.
Negotiated Rulemaking Even with notice protections, the rulemaking process is of-
ten unsatisfactory to the agency or the interested parties. In some cases, the over-
whelming amount of written information frustrates participants. Sometimes, the for-
mulaic process of publish-comment-publish leaves interested parties feeling ignored.
Often, different interests make comments reflecting opposite viewpoints on numerous
issues. This leaves agencies in a difficult position: they cannot satisfy all parties. The
formal rulemaking process limits give-and-take dialogue that might help find com-
mon ground. The Negotiated Rulemaking Act (NRA)21 allows an alternative method
for creating regulations that is designed to increase public involvement. Under the
NRA, agencies can conduct a process of negotiated rulemaking wherein interested negotiated
A process to bring to-
Exhibit 5.6: FCC Rulemaking Process gether representatives of
a rulemaking agency and
FCC Document stakeholders to jointly
Broad announcement of a topic prepare the text of a pro-
Notice of future rulemaking posed rule in a consensus-
of Inquiry (Printed in the Federal Register)
(NOI) seeking negotiation be-
fore the agency formally
submits the rule to the
Public Comments
rulemaking process.
Public Comments
Public Comments
parties are invited to participate in the drafting of the rule. Thus, before the proposed
rule is even published, the concerns of parties are already reflected in the regulation.
The work of an administrative agency is to execute its administrative tasks. That may
involve the use of investigation, prosecution, negotiation, and any number of other
administrative chores. Administrative agencies frequently respond to information re-
garding violations of regulations. Sometimes, agencies conduct inspection programs
wherein all registered or licensed individuals, businesses, or facilities are systemati-
cally and regularly inspected. Often, agencies simply need information in order to
fulfill their administrative tasks. When agencies seek information and engage in fact-
finding activities, the term investigation is often used. Investigations often follow acci-
dents or disasters that, in theory, the agency was tasked with preventing.
In 2006, several mining accidents occurred resulting in the death
of many miners. One very high profile incident involved an explo-
sion that took place during a night shift on January 2, 2006, at the Sago coal
mine in West Virginia. Thirteen miners were trapped, and all but one died of
exposure and suffocation. Following the disaster, a federal agency responsible
for mine safety, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), initiated
an investigation into the causes of the accident. Some became openly critical
of how effectively MSHA had been in routinely investigating mine safety and
assessing fines. Some called for the immediate closure of all mines until mine
safety was established. The Sago mine reopened, partially, on March 11,
2006.22 Could MSHA have ordered all mines to shut down temporarily?
Yes, even though the losses could have been significant. Many safety-related agen-
cies are given the power to act in emergencies with less procedure than in normal
routine circumstances. The ability of an agency to suddenly and so drastically affect
the rights of a business owner with little or no process is obviously restricted to
areas involving public safety.
When parties fail to cooperate with an agency, or when an agency believes it is
subpoena necessary, subpoenas can be used. A subpoena is an order to produce a witness or
An enforceable order for a thing. Using a subpoena, the administrative agency can compel testimony or pro-
a witness to appear at a duction of documents, papers, records, and physical objects. Failure to comply with
particular time and place a subpoena can lead to a contempt citation punishable by fine or imprisonment.
to testify and/or produce
documents in the control Search and Seizure by Administrative Agencies Administrative agencies, like po-
of the witness. lice authorities, have the power to search and seize property. Searches can be part of
an investigation for an enforcement proceeding. Some inspections are used in place
of formal processes, as when a person being inspected is shown a problem and al-
lowed to fix it. Nevertheless, the search and seize power is useful, but it clashes
with a person’s right to privacy, due process, and freedom from self-incrimination
under the U.S. Constitution. Because of that, the Supreme Court has ruled that
administrative agencies must comply with the search and seizure provisions of the
Fourth Amendment.23
The requirements for agencies are less stringent than those for criminal war-
rants, and warrants are not always required. Some agencies are not required by
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 221
Craig and Marilyn Lessor of Union Grove, Wisconsin, were
licensed dealers of long-eared, short-tailed lagomorphs—
i.e., rabbits. Their rabbitry was subject to regulation and inspection under
federal law by government agents. They were found to have unlawfully re-
fused to allow inspections of their rabbitry on five occasions and were fined
by the department secretary. The Lessors sought judicial review of the sanc-
tion, claiming that by inspecting and attempting to inspect their rabbitry
without a warrant, their right to be free from unreasonable searches
guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment was violated. Was a warrantless
inspection of their rabbit farm lawful?
Lessor v. Epsy, 34 F.3d 1301 (7th Cir., 1994).
The inspections were held to be lawful. Although the U.S. Supreme Court has yet
to articulate clear guidelines for warrantless searches, generally these three guide-
lines apply:
1. Administrative searches of heavily regulated industries are less likely to require
a warrant.25 Industries such as nuclear power or mining fall in this category.
2. A warrantless search might be reasonable, or not even considered a search but
merely an inspection.26 In that case, it is lawful. When searches are narrowly
tailored to minimize the invasion of privacy or not connected to enforcement-
specific efforts, they are likely to be allowed.
3. A reasonable expectation of privacy increases the need for a warrant.27 This
last guideline is the most difficult. The privacy of one’s home requires the
highest protection from warrantless searches, but what if a regulated business
is run from one’s home? Most farmers would be among those classified as hav-
ing a home office.
It should be clear that these general guidelines fall far short of covering all the pos-
sible situations involving warrantless searches. For that reason, warrantless searches
often create the risk for the agency that an enforcement action may be overturned.
The best way to avoid the issue is to get permission to search, something the Les-
sors refused to grant in the preceding example.
After concluding an investigation, the agency may start an administrative action.
These actions may be brought against individuals or organizations. Enforcements are
used to gain compliance with the law. Sometimes, enforcement does not follow an
investigation. Sometimes, private citizens and organizations are allowed under statute
to initiate complaints precipitating the enforcement action. Usually, the agency has
discretion to decline a complaint or dismiss it. In any case, the enforcement is
brought by the agency itself.
In enforcement actions, the agency acts as prosecutor, judge, and jury. To
protect persons subject to administrative investigations, there are procedural
222 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
safeguards against possible abuse of power by the agency. When procedural safe-
guards are found inadequate, Congress may hold hearings and pass new laws con-
straining administrative powers. For example, in 1998, the Senate held hearings on
IRS collection practices. These hearings led to new controls on IRS administrative
discretion. The following excerpt is from the reported testimony of Maureen
O’Dwyer, an IRS employee:
“When first approached to give testimony before you, I was re-
luctant to do so, as I considered it to be a betrayal of my fellow
employees. The IRS is an easy smear and it has been reviled both justly and
unjustly in the press. From the inside looking out, it is easy to distinguish be-
tween which accusations are true, and which are not. No one has risen to
the defense of the service against the unjust accusations. I did not wish to
add more fuel to the already raging fire, or to further demoralize my fellow
employees by disclosing any other inequitable practices of the service. But
our system of taxation is dependent on the taxpayer’s belief that the tax
laws they follow will apply to everyone and in the belief that they will be ad-
ministered impartially.
The aging returns of small taxpayers are written up unagreed and pen-
alties are assessed.* The taxpayer will receive a statutory notice; that is, it
must respond within ninety days. If the taxpayer does not respond within
this time frame, it will automatically lose its appeals rights and the right to
petition tax court. Understanding these procedures is difficult for the un-
knowledgeable, small taxpayer. Without representation, the small taxpayer
is vulnerable. The results can be costly.”28
Enforcement can take one of several paths. The problem might be resolved
through negotiation between the accused and the agency. It might go to a hearing
before an administrative law judge (ALJ). Finally, the full commission might review
the ALJ’s decision or act as the decision maker itself. Every agency has its own pro-
cedures, and enforcement processes vary significantly from agency to agency. The
APA is silent on this topic, addressing only the adjudication aspect of enforcement.
As a result, when an individual faces enforcement proceedings, the first step is to
seek assistance from a lawyer or consult the agency’s regulations, or both. In any
case, the individual should become knowledgeable about the agency’s procedures.
Exhibit 5.7 shows a map of a generic agency enforcement process. Many admin-
istrative law practitioners advise that someone subject to administrative action attempt
to negotiate an agreement in a cooperative manner early on in the process. As agen-
cies have huge workloads, cooperative individuals can often obtain a reasonable nego-
tiated settlement. If that fails, most agency enforcement processes will lead to adjudi-
cation, i.e., a hearing. Sometimes, alternative dispute resolution programs are offered.
* In general IRS-speak, an “aging return” is one filed a few years before the current date and an “unagreed” return is one that the
IRS contends understated the taxes owed.
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 223
Complaint brought to
individual or business
Mediation or
Administrative law
judge makes decision
Appeal to
Adjudication administrative
Most agencies provide a hearing as an alternative to a court action when a person law judge
is threatened with the loss of denial or some license, right, entitlement, or privi- A government employee
lege. The agencies not only create rules consistent with their task but also enforce appointed to hear and
their rules through trial-like proceedings before an administrative law judge decide matters in admin-
(ALJ). An ALJ is a government employee, usually an attorney, appointed to hear istrative agency hearings.
224 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
administrative cases.* Sometimes, the appointed heads of the agency hear the cases
instead of, or on appeal from an earlier decision by, the ALJ. At the state level, sim-
ilar quasi-judges are often called hearing officers as well as ALJs.
The APA specifies minimum requirements for these hearings but does not
mandate any particular procedure. Statutes and agency regulations usually specify
hearings for proceedings involving rights, privileges, entitlements, or licenses.
Constitutional due process requirements can often apply, requiring, at a minimum,
notice and opportunity to be heard. A hearing helps ensure that those requirements
have been met. Citizens, too, may request adjudication; for example, to appeal an
agency’s denial of their claim for government benefits (such as social security).
Kelly was a New York City resident receiving welfare benefits
under the federal program Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC). The New York City Social Service agency, which was respon-
sible for administering the program, terminated her benefits. The agency
told Kelly that she could request an informal review meeting and a formal
hearing. She sued, claiming she had a right to a hearing before her AFDC
benefits were terminated. Did Kelly have a right to a hearing before the
AFDC benefits were terminated?
Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254, 90 S.Ct. 1011 (1970).
Yes. The U.S. Supreme Court held that where benefits are a matter of statutory enti-
tlement, the importance to the recipient must be weighed against the state’s interest
in efficient, speedy processes. As welfare benefits provide, food, clothing, and shelter,
Kelly had a right to a hearing before termination. Under the Fourteenth Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution, the state may not “deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of the law. …” Here, the Court held that a termination
of benefits without a prior termination hearing denied Kelly due process.
Since the Kelly case, agencies have been much more sensitive to when a hearing
might be required. Accordingly, agencies often offer to hold a preliminary hearing
when the agency’s contemplated action would deny a person some right, license, or
Many agencies use the ALJ-led hearing as a first step in the adjudication pro-
cess. It is followed by a review by the head of the agency or by the full commission
or board of the agency. Other agencies treat the ALJ decision as the final decision,
but allow for an appeal to the head of the agency or to the full board or commission.
Another variance is to assign a few members of the board or commission to work as
a committee in reaching a decision. In those cases, the ALJ conducts the hearing
and advises the committee members, but the ultimate decision is made by the com-
mittee. State agencies use a similar variety of approaches to adjudication.
A final order may compel payment of monetary damages or can provide a
cease-and-desist cease-and-desist order to prohibit a certain activity. In the case of benefits such as
A command from an welfare or unemployment, the order might reverse an agency staff’s decision to
administrative agency deny the benefit.
that the subject party re-
frain from specified
* Some ALJs are employees of the very agency prosecuting the case. When such is the case, safeguards are in place to separate
the ALJ from the investigative and prosecutorial staff. Private communication between the ALJ and anyone who is a party to an
agency proceeding while the matter is pending is forbidden.
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 225
In separate incidents over a period of several months, three
employees died in a steel mill owned by USX Corp.: one from
burns, one from crushing, and one from suffocation. The Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an administrative arm of the
U.S. Department of Labor, was asked to investigate. After a finding of safety
violations, OSHA recommended fines of $7.3 million. Does OSHA have the
power to assess and collect fines without USX having an opportunity to con-
test OSHA’s findings?31
No. Although the agency did have the power to impose a fine, it could not deny
USX the opportunity to have a fact-finding hearing before an ALJ. At the eventual
hearing, USX pleaded guilty to the violations and promised to correct the problem
and follow OSHA’s recommendations. The negotiated fee resulted in a much-
reduced fine. Critics of such negotiated settlements are answered by OSHA’s decla-
ration that it does not necessarily want violators punished; rather, it wants the safety
problems corrected. OSHA’s job is to make the workplace safer, not to raise money.
Fair Hearings and Due Process Administrative hearings are conducted much like
trials. Lawyers may represent parties, and evidence is presented using witness testi-
mony, documents, and authentication. Cross-examination is usually allowed. There
are significant differences, however, between a trial and an administrative hearing.
Administrative hearings do not have juries. Likewise, evidence and procedural rules
can be somewhat different and often slightly less formal. For instance, hearsay is
often admitted.
The APA requirements for a fair hearing are simple. The APA requires that fair hearing
each side have the opportunity to submit and have evidence considered. The APA An oral proceeding
also requires that the ALJ be neutral and unbiased.32 Most agency regulations go far- before an administrative
ther than that, mostly to ensure a fair fact-finding process. These fairness protections agency to hear and
are primarily driven by due process considerations under the U.S. Constitution. decide some factual ques-
tion related to agency
Judge Henry Friendly, in an influential article still as timely and accurate now
as when he wrote it in 1975, described 11 attributes that make up a fair hearing.33
Not all of these attributes are constitutionally required, but many of them are what
an American citizen expects as fair treatment, not only from government but also
from any large organization. With some editorial license, Judge Friendly’s list is re-
produced with a brief discussion of how each attribute affects an administrative
hearing and contrasts with court processes:
1. An unbiased tribunal. In a court proceeding, a tribunal is a neutral court with
a judge or a jury deciding a case. In the usual administrative hearing, an agency
employee who was not a party to the original decision is considered sufficiently
unbiased to decide the case. Generally, the hearing officer or ALJ is required
to be neutral, but he or she can work for and be paid by the agency.
2. Notice of the proposed action and the grounds for the action. In a judicial
process, a complaint and summons are used to notify the party sued of the
nature of the adverse claim. In an administrative action, some additional state-
ment is expected about what government action is proposed, along with the
legal reasons for the action.
3. An opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should
not be taken. Fundamental to all fair processes is opportunity to tell, and
226 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
justify with evidence, your view of the facts to the person making the
4. The right to call witnesses. In a court trial, you have the right to subpoena
witnesses. This means you can force a witness to attend your trial. While a
party to an administrative hearing can call witnesses, they may not always be
compelled to attend.
5. The right to know the evidence against you. A person subject to a govern-
mental action should be aware of all evidence used by the ALJ to make the deci-
sion. A hearing officer or an ALJ should not receive evidence or opinions with-
out sharing that information with the affected party. Nevertheless, there are
some administrative hearing situations where parties are not allowed to know all
evidence against them. For example, a hearing to discipline a prisoner is an ad-
ministrative hearing, but if testimony used to discipline the prisoner were pro-
vided to the prisoner, the adverse party, usually another prisoner, could face
reprisals. For that reason, often the prisoner subject to discipline is not given
complete information regarding the source and nature of the evidence.
6. A decision based on evidence presented at the hearing. If the decision is
based on information presented at the hearing, then one has the opportunity
to rebut it. If the ALJ makes a decision on facts learned outside the hearing,
the claimant is denied a fair opportunity to contest the information. This right
is almost always required.
7. The right to counsel. Most administrative hearings will allow counsel but
will not pay for it. Also, unlike in court proceedings, counsel is not required to
have legal training.
8. Making of a record. A written record needs to be available to allow a party a
fair ability to contest a hearing. Administrative requirements regarding the
type of record vary, whereas court records are consistently transcribed from
tapes or created in shorthand contemporaneously.
9. Statement of reasons for the decision. If reasons for the decision are given,
faulty reasoning can be challenged and appealed. A statement of reasons, even
though brief, is usually expected as part of the administrative hearing process.
10. Public attendance. Open attendance in court trials is permitted on the gen-
eral belief that the activities of government officials should be open to the pub-
lic to protect individuals from possible abuse of government power. In admin-
istrative hearings, open attendance may be allowed, but often it is not.
11. Judicial review. As court decisions, results of administrative hearings can be
appealed. Experience has shown that courts seldom overturn administrative
rulings or actions. Usually, the best chance for appeal is within the agency.
When appeals are taken outside the agency, courts involved are more likely
to grant relief if the agency violated due process in some way. Courts seldom
challenge agency interpretation and application of the facts, because the
agency is presumed to have expertise in the application of the facts presented.
Nevertheless, judicial review is an important component of administrative law.
Political Control
The separation of powers in the U.S. government drives a certain degree of inde-
pendence in agencies, but Congress and the president still have ability to control
agencies politically. One way is by amending the statute that gives an agency its
power. Another avenue of control, if slower and less direct, is through the appoint-
ment process for new board or commission members. Perhaps the president’s and
Congress’s most crucial power over independent administrative agencies is the
budget process. Funding levels from year to year affect an agency’s activity just as
well as direct supervision can.
of policy and staff manuals that affect the public and are not already published in
the Federal Register. Agencies are also required to state how much unpublished in-
formation may be obtained and to designate a contact person in their office to han-
dle such requests. The person requesting the information need not disclose why it
is wanted. Certain records, such as information related to security risks or ongoing
http:// criminal investigations, are not retrievable. The news media and business firms
make the most frequent requests under the FOIA. A refusal by a government agency
For the text of the Govern-
ment in the Sunshine Act,
to provide requested information could be challenged in court.
see Government in the Sunshine Act The Government in the Sunshine Act 35 pro-
http://www.usdoj.gov/foia/ hibits secret agency meetings. It is an open-meeting law. Not only must most
gisastat.pdf meetings be open for public observation, but advance notice must also be given of
the meetings, along with the expected topics of discussion. Administrative hearings
are not covered by the Sunshine Act, so they are usually conducted in private.
Government in
the Sunshine Act Regulatory Flexibility Act Whenever a new regulation will have a “significant im-
A federal law requiring pact upon a substantial number of businesses,” the Regulatory Flexibility Act 36
that most meetings of requires that the agency conduct a “flexibility analysis.” This means that the agency
federal agencies be open must estimate and disclose the costs of the rule on small businesses. It must also
for public observation consider any less burdensome alternatives. The act requires notice to small busi-
and that advance notice nesses about the proposed regulations.
be given of agency meet-
ings, listing the expected
topics of discussion.
Judicial Review of Agency Action
The courts, with their ultimate power to declare the law, provide a direct avenue for
Regulatory the judicial review of agency action. The ability of the judicial branch of govern-
Flexibility Act ment to hear complaints regarding agency actions, to review agency conduct, and to
Federal law requiring correct violations and wrongs is a critical part of the balancing of agency power with
federal agencies to con- restraint. Judicial review is not an unlimited control from illegal agency processes
sider the effects of their or decisions, however, because various constraints on judicial review can limit its
regulatory actions on effectiveness.
small businesses and
other small entities and Scope of Judicial Review The APA allows judicial review of most agency actions.37
to minimize any undue That means a court may prevent or undo any unauthorized action by an agency.
disproportionate burden. Likewise, courts may compel agency action that has been unlawfully withheld.
However, in reviewing administrative actions, courts are reluctant to review ques-
judicial review tions of fact. This deference is based partly on the judicial attitude that those who
The power of the courts hear and see the evidence firsthand are best able to evaluate it. Also, the agency is
to review administrative considered an expert on the topic that it hears, and as such, usually is more knowl-
agency action. edgeable about the topic contested than a reviewing judge would be. Finally, courts
generally believe that wholesale review of agency actions would destroy the value
de novo review of the more efficient agency process and worsen the problem of already crowded
A complete reevaluation court calendars.
of an issue, finding, or A de novo review (new proceeding) will, however, be granted if (1) a review is
case as if the original de- required by statute, (2) the agency’s fact-finding proceeding was inadequate, or
cision had never been (3) new facts not heard in the original proceeding are to be raised.
Standing to Sue The challenging party must have standing to sue. Standing re-
standing to sue quires that a challenger have a direct stake in the outcome of the judicial proceeding.
A person’s right or capac-
The best way to show this is to demonstrate that the agency’s action had a substan-
ity to bring a lawsuit tial effect on the challenger. An injury to an economic interest, or even in some cases
because he or she has a to an emotional, environmental, or aesthetic interest, is sufficient to show standing
legally protected interest to sue. One reason for the requirement of standing to sue is to discourage petty law-
at stake in the litigation. suits. The courts will require that a plaintiff show an actual injury by, or because of,
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 229
an agency action. Protest lawsuits or lawsuits from taxpayers who are simply angry
about some governmental action are dismissed because of lack of standing to sue.
LEGAL FOCUS–CASE For more information
about standing to sue, see
The court said that Mainstream Loudoun had standing to sue. Because the group’s
complaint contradicted the library trustees’ claim, stating that several members had
in fact attempted to access blocked sites, they had standing. For an association to
have standing to sue on behalf of its members, “(1) its own members would have
standing to sue in their own right; (2) the interests the organization seeks to protect
are germane to the organization’s purpose; and (3) neither the claim nor the relief
sought requires the participation of the individual members in the lawsuit.” All
three criteria were found to exist.
No. In a decision that surprised many administrative law scholars, the Supreme Court
held that, under the APA, a plaintiff need not exhaust available administrative reme-
dies unless a statute or specific agency rule requires it, and in this case, none did. Said
the Court, “It is perhaps surprising that it has taken over forty-five years since the
passage of the APA for this court to definitively address this question. But where the
APA applies, an appeal to ‘superior agency authority’ is a prerequisite to judicial re-
view only when expressly required by statute or when an agency rule requires appeal
before review and the administrative action is made inoperative pending that review.”
Knowledge of the requirement is still important because the law often requires
that administrative options be exhausted before seeking judicial relief at both the
federal and state levels.
Defenses to Agency Action The following are the usual defenses the party might
raise when seeking judicial review of an agency decision. The party’s goal, of course,
would be to overrule the agency determination:
• The agency exceeded the authority conferred on it by its enabling legislation.
• The agency improperly interpreted laws applicable to the agency action under
• The agency violated a constitutional provision.
• The agency acted in violation of the procedural requirements.
• The agency acted in a manner that was arbitrary or capricious, or constituted
an abuse of discretion.
• The conclusion drawn by the agency was not supported by substantial
These criteria offer a solid base for judicial review. Other grounds for review are
unlikely to suffice.
Environmentalists persuaded a court to require the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) to reconsider its decision to grant
an operating license to the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation.
The court held that the NRC was not adequately considering the dangers
of nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear waste management. The NRC ap-
pealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, claiming that the lower court had no
power to interfere in the administrative process. Could the lower court le-
gally interfere?
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. NDRC, 435 U.S. 519, 98 S.Ct. 1197 (1978).
No. The courts do not have power to prescribe procedures that regulatory agencies
must follow; at most, they may analyze whether the agency followed its own proce-
dures and gathered sufficient evidence to support its actions. This decision reflects
the Supreme Court’s expectation of deferential treatment toward administrative
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 231
If your university is a public institution, the due process rules applicable to administrative agencies and discussed in the
chapter apply to it. If you are accused of cheating or otherwise run afoul of university administrators—or, dare we say it,
professors—you can expect certain minimum protection from expulsion or other treatment detrimental to your continued
beneficial enrollment. The following case discusses due process protections available in such a hearing. Consider the case in
reference to the discussion of Judge Friendly’s article. If your university is a private school, you will probably find that it has
provided rules very similar to those available at public institutions. After all, due process protections are minimum require-
ments; universities whether they be public or private are free to provide more expansive protections, and they often do.
academic dishonesty. The justices recommended that ap- through the procedures used, and the probable value, if
pellants be suspended from school, with the opportunity to any, of additional or substitute procedural safeguards; and
apply for admission again in one year. Appellants were no- finally, the [g]overnment’s interest, including the function
tified of the board’s decision and recommendation. involved and the fiscal and administrative burdens that the
Appellants … appealed to the dean on June 13, 1985. additional or substitute procedural requirement would en-
Pursuant to the code, the dean referred the case to the tail. The due process clause is not a “shield … from sus-
school’s faculty Committee on Admissions and Standards pensions properly imposed,” nor does it ensure that the ac-
for its review and recommendation. On June 19, 1985, the ademic disciplinary process is a “totally accurate, unerring
committee held a day-long meeting to consider the appeal. process;” it merely guards against the risk of unfair suspen-
The committee reviewed a copy of the materials presented sion “if that may lie done without prohibitive cost or inter-
to the board at its June 12 hearing and listened to an audio ference with the educational process.”
recording of the June 12 hearing. Appellants presented Nash and Perry argue that [Auburn] engaged in proce-
oral and written statements in their defense and answered dures, which deprived them of constitutionally protectible
questions from the committee. After deliberating, the com- rights in their continued enrollment as veterinary students.
mittee voted unanimously to recommend that the dean up- They argue that inadequate notice failed to provide them
hold the board’s findings and recommendation. The dean the opportunity for a meaningful response to the charge of
accepted the committee’s recommendation and upheld the academic dishonesty. Specifically, they claim that the inter-
action of the board. Appellants later appealed to the presi- val of time between the notice and the hearing was too
dent of Auburn University, who reviewed the written file short, and the notice did not apprise them of the substance
in the case and concurred in their suspension. of the evidence against them. They argue also that the
Under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United hearing was inadequate to protect their interests from erro-
States Constitution, no state may “deprive any person of neous deprivation in that they were denied the opportunity
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.…” It to cross-examine witnesses. Further, they argue that the tri-
is alleged and not disputed that Auburn University is a bunal was unfairly prejudiced by the existence and the par-
creature of the state of Alabama. Further, it is assumed by ticipation of a justice with knowledge of the charge. Appel-
the parties and by the district court that appellants have lants argue also that they were denied a meaningful appeal
property and liberty interests in their continued enroll- and that the cumulative effect of these individual abridg-
ment at Auburn University and that their interests enjoy ments of their rights denied them due process of law.
the protections of due process.
The Procedural Due Process Claims:
1. The Notice
“The Fundamental requirement of due process is the
opportunity to be heard at a meaningful time and in a a. Timing:
meaningful manner.” Goss v. Lopez. What process is due is There are no hard and fast rules by which to measure
measured by a flexible standard that depends on the practi- meaningful notice. “An elementary and fundamental re-
cal requirements of the circumstances. That flexible stan- quirement of due process … is notice reasonably calcu-
dard was translated by the Goss court to mean that high lated, under all the circumstances, to apprise interested
school students facing the deprivation of a property right parties of the pendency of the action and afford them an
by suspension from school must, at a minimum, “be given opportunity to present their objections.”
some kind of notice and afforded some kind of hearing.” Appellants urge … that a coercive atmosphere per-
[W]e broadly defined the notice and hearing required in vaded the June 10 hearing, providing appellants and their
cases of student expulsion from college: “[A]n opportunity counsel no choice but to agree to the board’s proposed
to hear both sides in considerable detail is best suited timing of the restated notice and the rescheduled hearing.
to protect the rights of all involved. This is not to imply However, in the record of the June 10 hearing we find no
that a full-dress judicial hearing, with the right to cross- evidence of coercion to give us concern that appellants’
examine witnesses, is required.” waiver might not have been knowingly given. In sum, ap-
The adequacy of the notice and the nature of the pellants were given four days by the June 6 notice and an
hearing vary according to an “appropriate accommodation additional one day by the June 11 notice, for a total of
of the competing interests involved.” [T]hree factors are about six days from the June 6 notice to prepare their de-
important when considering the constitutional adequacy of fense at the June 12 hearing. Despite the severity of the
the procedures afforded in a given situation: First, the pri- charge of academic dishonesty and the severe sanction it
vate interest that will be affected by the official action; sec- carries, the time allowed appellants was reasonable. It en-
ond, the risk of an erroneous deprivation of such interest abled them to retain counsel who successfully argued in
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 233
their behalf at the June 10 hearing for a more specific no- peting interests involved.” Appellants rely on Goldberg
tice of the charge as well as for a delayed hearing. Further, v. Kelly (1970) to challenge the constitutional adequacy
appellants had sufficient time to appear at the June 12 of their hearing on the ground they were not allowed to
hearing with witnesses in their behalf, bringing documen- cross-examine the accusing witnesses. Goldberg taught us
tation to support their defense. that “[i]n almost every setting where important decisions
turn on questions of fact, due process requires an opportu-
b. Content: nity to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses.”
Appellants argue that the notice in this case was deficient However, we have not expanded the Goldberg procedural
because it did not advise them of the nature of the testi- requirements for quasi-judicial termination of welfare ben-
mony to be presented against them or of the facts underly- efits in student disciplinary hearings. Where basic fairness
ing the charge of academic dishonesty. Appellants urge is preserved, we have not required the cross-examination
that the analysis by [anatomy professor Donald] Buxton of of witnesses and a full adversary proceeding. Due process
their May 16 examination answers was persuasive, complex requires that appellants have the right to respond, but their
testimony and came as a surprise. They argue that they rights in the academic disciplinary process are not coexten-
were entitled to a summary of the testimony expected from sive with the rights of litigants in a civil trial or with those
Buxton and the other accusing witnesses at the June 12 of defendants in a criminal trial.
hearing, because only such notice would have provided Although appellants were not allowed to ask questions
safeguards against their surprise at the testimony and directly of the adverse witnesses at the June 12 hearing, it
would have ensured them a fair opportunity to respond. is clear that they heard all of the testimony against them.
Had they known of Buxton’s analysis before he testified, Appellants were told they could pose questions of the ac-
appellants suggest they would have presented expert, statis- cusing witnesses by directing their questions to the presid-
tical testimony to rebut the inference that they cheated on ing board chancellor, who would then direct appellants’
the May 16 neuroanatomy exam. questions to the witnesses.
There is no constitutional requirement that, to pro- We do not suggest that the opportunity to question
vide them an opportunity to respond, appellants must have witnesses would not have been valuable in this case. Al-
received any more in the way of notice than a statement of though an important notion in our concept of justice is the
the charge against them. Although the June 6 notice in cross-examination of witnesses, there was no denial of ap-
their case was rudimentary, the June 11 notice specified pellants’ constitutional rights to due process by their in-
that appellants were accused of academic dishonesty on the ability to question the adverse witnesses in the usual, ad-
May 16 neuroanatomy exam and it included a list of accus- versarial manner. …
ing witnesses. On that notice, appellants obtained the assis-
3. Fairness of the Tribunal
tance of counsel and brought to the June 12 hearing stu-
dents and a faculty witness who testified as to their own An impartial decision-maker is an essential guarantee of due
interpretations of appellants’ conduct throughout the process. “[B]asic fairness and integrity of the fact-finding
school year and at the May 16 exam. Appellants were pres- process are the guiding stars.” Appellants argue that the
ent at the entire June 12 hearing to hear the evidence board was unfairly prejudiced at the June 12 hearing by the
against them, made a cogent defense, and undertook to failure of a student justice to recuse himself. Appellants ar-
discredit the adverse testimony, including Professor Bux- gue that the active presence of one student justice unfairly
ton’s analysis of their exam answers. prejudiced the June 12 hearing and the deliberations of the
Despite the serious charge against appellants, who board in this case, because that justice had prior knowledge
were hard-working students on the threshold of their ca- of the charge of academic misconduct against appellants.
reers, and the severity of the sanction imposed on them, we They argue that a fair hearing and an unbiased decision
find that appellants were afforded constitutionally adequate were not possible in their case because the justice had not
notice and were adequately prepared by the notice to de- recused himself.
fend the charge against them. There is no evidence in the record, however, which
suggests bias on the part of the student justice in question,
such that he should disqualify himself from performing his
2. The Hearing
duties on the board. He was familiar with appellants’ con-
a. Right to cross-examination. duct and with the general comments made about them by
“The fundamental requisite of due process of law is the op- their classmates. In his contact with some potential student
portunity to be heard.” However, the nature of the hearing witnesses prior to the June 12 hearing, he explained the
“will depend on appropriate accommodation of the com- method of bringing information about violations of the
234 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
code before the board chancellor. We agree with the dis- verse decision to a committee of faculty members and then
trict court that just “any prior knowledge of the incident” to officials of the school and the university. The judgment
does not disqualify a decision-maker; neither this student of the district court is affirmed.
justice’s knowledge of the suspicions about appellants nor
his contact with potential witnesses appear to have ren- For Critical Analysis
dered him a biased decision-maker or to have denied ap-
Considering this case and the text discussion, answer the
pellants a tribunal free of bias.
following questions about the hypothetical Mid-State
4. The Appeal University:
The policies of Mid-State University provide that stu-
[A]ppellants argue that their case was given only “perfunc-
dents who disrupt class activities are subject to expulsion.
tory, fleeting review” by the dean of the school and the
Before expulsion can occur, however, the student is entitled
president of the university, both accepting the recommen-
to a conference with the dean of students. Jim Landry is a
dations of the board and the committee, in violation of
student who has been accused of obstructing the adminis-
appellants’ constitutional right to a meaningful appeal. We
tration of the school by engaging in a sit-in demonstration.
do not agree. The possibility that an erroneous decision
He asserts that he is entitled to more procedural protection
may have been made by the board was diminished by the
than afforded by the conference with the dean of students.
extensive review by the faculty committee. To impose two
additional layers of de novo review, as appellants seem to 1. Mid-State says that Landry enrolled at the university
request, would not have changed the nature of their oppor- and therefore has waived any further protections than
tunity to respond to the charge against them. those granted him in the rules and regulations. Is this
position well taken?
The Combination of Violations 2. Landry asserts that he is entitled to have his lawyer
The Student Code of Professional Ethics at Auburn Uni- present during any procedures designed to expel him.
versity School of Veterinary Medicine provides rudimen- Is this position reasonable?
tary protections for students facing suspension on a charge 3. Landry states that he has the right to cross-examine
of academic dishonesty. As we have explained, where ap- the witnesses against him. Is he correct?
pellants have challenged the adequacy of the notice and 4. Landry maintains that the dean of students is biased
hearing provided them, Auburn’s procedures met the con- against him because of statements the dean has made
stitutional minimum, but no more. They were given notice to the effect that Landry is a menace and should be
of the specific violation with which they were charged and removed from the university. Is Landry’s objection
were allowed an opportunity to respond at a hearing be- allowable?
fore an impartial tribunal, held within a reasonable time 5. Would it make any difference to Landry if the univer-
following the notice. Appellants were allowed to speak in sity in question were a private rather than a public
their own behalf, to bring witnesses to support their de- university? Restrict your answer to the right to a hear-
fense, to confront their accusers, and to appeal their ad- ing and the general nature of such a hearing. ❚❚
Chapter 5 >>> Administrative Law 235
9. As a general rule, administrative searches of businesses 10. Save The Dolphins is a nonprofit corporation whose
require a search warrant. The Department of Alcohol, primary purpose is to stop the incidental killing of
Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) officials inspected Col- dolphins in tuna fishing. The National Marine Fisher-
onnade Catering without either a warrant or permis- ies Service (NMFS) made a film on an experimental
sion. The inspection was based on information pro- tuna-fishing cruise. Save The Dolphins requested a
vided by an ATF agent who, while a guest at a party copy of the film under the Freedom of Information
held at the establishment, noted possible violations of Act. The NMFS declined to release the film because
federal law (not paying tax on alcoholic beverages). at the time the film was made the government had as-
The catering service owner claimed that the officers sured tuna boat captain Medina that “the film would
conducted the search in violation of his Fourth not be shown to anyone but those involved in the re-
Amendment rights as they searched without a warrant search, since the scenes therein would depict fishing
or his permission. The ATF claimed that the catering trade secrets and commercial information used by
service store is part of a “pervasively regulated indus- Medina’s crew.” Will NMFS be required to make the
try” and as such there is a substantial government in- film available to Save The Dolphins? [Save The Dol-
terest in warrantless searches. Can the department phins v. U.S. Department of Commerce, 404 F.Supp. 407
conduct the warrantless search? [Colonnade Catering (N.D.Ca., 1975).]
Corp. v. U.S., 387 U.S. 72, 90 S.Ct. 774 (1970).]
Crimes: Public Wrongs
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
“ ”
• Be able to define the term crime and describe the
If there were no bad people there would be no usual elements of a criminal act.
good lawyers. • Define and explain corpus delicti.
• Explain the various crimes against the person and
Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, 1841.
against property.
• Recognize various valid defenses to crimes.
• Discuss the Fourth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution and identify situations where a
warrantless search might be permitted.
• Describe common procedures used in a criminal trial.
• Discuss the rights of the criminal accused, including
Miranda warnings and the Fifth Amendment.
• Explain the various punishments available for crimes
and when a punishment might be considered cruel or
238 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
No area of law provokes more intense public reaction than criminal law. And the
media capitalizes on the public’s interest in crime, which borders on morbid fasci-
nation. Publicized cases frequently focus on issues that are controversial, perplex-
ing, and provocative. Unfortunately, as a result, important but controversial issues
are frequently obscured by emotions.
Criminal behavior patterns have been constantly evolving and changing since the
http:// United States was founded. New ways to commit old crimes have emerged, and new
You may obtain current crimes have been statutorily defined to better enable the government to stop or con-
statistics on crime from the trol undesired behavior. One hundred years ago, criminal behavior reflected the times:
Federal Bureau of Investi- train and bank robbery, mugging, prostitution, embezzlement, and fraud. Tammany
gation at
Hall, a New York political machine noted for graft and corruption, marked the be-
http://www.fbi.gov ginnings of organized crime. Every city contract and political nomination was con-
or the Justice Department trolled; no bridge or sewer could be repaired or brick laid without the purchased per-
at mission of Tammany Hall. Crime is different today. The character of criminal
behavior has been modernized, reflecting the crushing growth of high-density popu-
lations within our cities, technology, the automobile, the popularization of drug use,
and, according to some, television, movies, and the availability of idle time. Carjack-
ing, homicide and serial killers, child victim crimes including molestation, kidnapping
and rape, drug crimes, terrorist bombings, electronic crimes such as identity theft,
and white-collar crimes like securities fraud are the lexicon of today’s era. The explo-
sion of media coverage and the ability of a single criminal event to gain the country’s
attention has a significant effect on the public’s perception of the state of criminal ac-
tivity and the enforcement of laws. The sheer magnitude and cost of the prison sys-
tems in the United States is straining the ability of government to keep the criminal
system functioning smoothly. With over 2.2 million prison inmates, the United States
is believed to have one of the highest ratios of prisoners to citizens on the Earth.1
An indirect societal consequence of this is the privatization of prisons. States
http:// receive competing bids from private corporations to build and manage jails or pris-
For information about the ons. The winning bidder builds and thereafter manages a prison in exchange for a
privatization of prisons, daily fee for each inmate confined. Local businesses profit substantially from
visit nearby prisons. New jobs, increased retail sales, and new housing demand are some
http://government.cce. of the benefits. As private businesses, these jails can pay low wages to their labor
cornell.edu/doc/html/ force (inmates), perhaps less than $1 per hour, to produce such products as com-
PrisonsPrivatization.htm puter circuit boards. Opponents to the privatization of prisons argue that inmates
are not treated with the minimal standards required by law and produce products
in competition with union labor and private businesses. Critics compare the condi-
tions faced by today’s incarcerated labor force to the working conditions at the be-
ginning of the twentieth century existing for children in the nation’s coal mines
and for women in the textile industry. Charges are made that prisoners are mis-
treated to extend their sentences to the maximum permitted by law. There also
have been instances of sexual and physical abuse of inmates. Proponents counter
that most states require private prisons to be accredited by the neutral American
Correctional Association insuring minimal standards of quality. Despite concerns,
private prisons appear to be an expanding business for the new century.2
Punishment is the direct consequence for apprehended criminals, but there
also are indirect consequences of criminal law. For example, marijuana and its
cousin, hemp, are illegal contraband in the United States. Thus, hemp cannot le-
gally be grown in this country. But like soybeans, hemp can be used to produce an
oil that in turn can be used in a wide variety of beneficial products, including cook-
ing oil, cosmetics, and plastics. Hemp fiber can be used to make paper, cloth, and
even structural panels stronger than plywood. Hemp seed can be ground for flour
and even livestock feed. When grown in rotation with other crops, such as cotton,
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 239
hemp increases their yields and reduces the need for pesticides. In short, hemp is a
potentially beneficial and valuable crop that is grown successfully in other coun-
tries, such as Canada, France, Germany, and England. One professor concludes For a variety of arguments
that hemp, together with wheat, rice, straw, and kenaf, could fill the growing global surrounding the hemp con-
shortage of fiber.3 On the other hand, hemp contains a small amount of the same troversy, check
chemical found in marijuana. Existence of the chemical may not be significant, but http://www.courttv.com/
hemp looks like marijuana and would make law enforcement more difficult. Thus, news/scm/
some officials contend that efforts to legalize hemp are really an attempt to legalize and
marijuana.4 The controversy surrounding legalization of hemp is both an example
of how crime and its enforcement affect our society and an example of how the
complexities of our legal system are increasing.
Society also seems increasingly willing to treat minors as adults relative to the
punishments for criminal behavior. In most states, the move toward harsher treat-
ment of juveniles is politically popular. But there is concern that juveniles in adult
prisons “may be sexually and physically abused, permanently labeled as criminals,
and denied access to rehabilitative services.” 5
The following questions illustrate many of the criminal law issues attracting in-
tense public scrutiny:
• Is society morally responsible for criminal conduct through disregard of its less
• Is the public victimized by repeat offenders who are punished too leniently?
• Is blue-collar, back-street crime condemned while white-collar, “Wall Street”
crime is implicitly condoned? Does the theft of a wallet lead to imprisonment
and the theft of millions lead to fines?
• Are there different standards of justice for the rich and poor?
• Is capital punishment barbaric, justified, or both?
• Should so-called victimless crimes (e.g., prostitution and gambling) be
• Why can insanity excuse even the most heinous criminal conduct?
• Is the root cause of violent crime the creation of unwanted children in the
homes of dysfunctional families? Or are the root causes moral and spiritual,
or physiological and genetic, rather than social and economic?
• Are “abuse excuses” by perpetrators trivializing serious crime and producing
too-light sentences?
• Are too many nonviolent offenders being sentenced to prison?
• Is an average of 13 years on death row between original sentence and final ap-
peal too long?
• Is criminal law being applied unfairly, producing a prison population dispro-
portionately composed of young African-American males?
• Is lawlessness encouraged by the apathy of too many citizens who, more or less
unwittingly, buy stolen goods, fail to report suspicious activities in their neigh-
borhoods, and refuse to “become involved” as informants or as witnesses in
criminal trials?
• Can we afford to offer the fairness protections provided by the Constitution in
our quest to protect ourselves from terrorist threats? Can we afford not to?
How can we distinguish an accused terrorist from someone accused of another
form of criminal activity?
• How do we bring to justice those who commit criminal acts over the Internet,
sometimes from another country?
These are tough questions, and easy answers are not forthcoming. People like you
will be required to answer these questions either by choice or default.
240 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
This chapter will familiarize you with the pervasiveness and complexity of
some of these dilemmas through a survey of selected concepts of criminal law.
There are no perfect solutions or antidotes for antisocial criminal behavior, but-
after studying the chapter you should better understand the dynamics involved and
sharpen your thinking about what might be the best ways of dealing with the prob-
lem. Crime and punishment—or what happens when prevention fails—are the sub-
jects addressed here.
A crime is a wrong against society, as defined by statute, and punishable by society.
Certain human behavior is deemed to be so offensive and objectionable that it
threatens the safety or common good of society. Such objectionable and antisocial
conduct is therefore prohibited by statute. A crime has occurred when a prohibi-
tory statute has been violated.
Two elements must exist simultaneously before a person can be convicted of a
crime: (1) a specified state of mind or intent on the part of the person and (2) the
performance of a prohibited act.* Even where both elements exist, there may be
defenses to the criminal conduct. Criminals face a wide range of possible penalties,
including monetary fines and forfeitures, incarceration, and even death, if arrested
and convicted, though they sometimes are given the choice of performing some act
beneficial to society, such as community service.
It is important to note the dual consequences of most wrongful behavior. That
is, most crimes are also civil wrongs: A person who burglarizes a home is commit-
ting the crime of burglary, and also a civil wrong called trespass, and probably the
civil wrong called conversion (theft) of another’s property. In such a situation, the
victim has the right to seek money compensation in the civil law whether or not so-
ciety, through criminal law, punishes the wrongdoer. This principle was vividly
dramatized in the mid-1990s by the globally publicized case involving a retired
Hall of Fame professional football player and actor, O. J. Simpson.
In a criminal proceeding, Simpson was found not guilty of the
double murder of his former wife Nicole Brown and her friend
Ronald Goldman. However, in a subsequent civil proceeding, Simpson was
found liable, or legally responsible, for those wrongful deaths and was or-
dered to pay $35 million in monetary damages to the families of the victims.
Thus, the criminal law and the civil law acted independently of each other
concerning a single wrong. There was no issue of “double jeopardy” in this
case because double jeopardy is a safeguard that applies only to successive
criminal trials for the same offense.
Under the U.S. Constitution, criminal statutes must describe the forbidden conduct
clearly and precisely, so that all persons may know, after reasonable investigation or
reflection, what is prohibited. For example, a law prohibiting “loitering,” but with-
out specifically defining the prohibited conduct, is unconstitutionally vague. The
underlying principle of justice is that no one shall be held criminally liable for con-
duct that could not reasonably be recognized as forbidden. In general, we are enti-
* Some criminal statutes are mandatory—for example, those that command: “You must file a tax return and pay your income
taxes without evasion” or “You must serve your country if drafted in time of war.” Even these can be expressed as prohibitions
of antisocial conduct.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 241
tled to a “fair warning” of the existence of a criminal law so we can avoid the behav-
ior it proscribes. The fair warning precondition requires the following:
• The statute must be clear and specific. Defendants cannot be convicted of
violating a “vague” statute.
• Statutes will be “strictly” construed (interpreted) by courts to limit their scope
as specifically as possible. Defendants cannot be convicted of behavior that is
generalized in the prohibitory statute.
• Courts cannot adopt a novel or creative interpretation of a statute to sweep cer-
tain behavior into its literal terms. Defendants cannot be convicted of behavior
that would not be generally understood to fall within the scope of the statute.
Tennessee Judge David Lanier was convicted of violating the
constitutional rights of five women by sexually assaulting them.
The federal statute the judge allegedly violated provided that it is a crime to
“deprive a person of rights protected by the Constitution.” Under the fed-
eral statute, if the deprivation of protected rights includes bodily injury, the
prison sentence is enhanced to 10 years. The jury found that two oral rapes
by Judge Lanier caused the victims “bodily injury,” and he received a 20-year
sentence as a result of that finding. But Judge Lanier appealed, contending
that he was ignorant that the words in the statute covered sexual assault.
What was the result on appeal?
U.S. v. Lanier, 520 U.S. 259, 117 S.Ct. 1219 (1997).
Judge Lanier won on appeal because he could not “reasonably anticipate” that his
sexual assaults would violate the statute. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the
“unlawfulness must be apparent.” In other words, Judge Lanier may have known
that his behavior was improper, but he did not know that his sexual assaults
deprived the victims of their constitutional rights. At first blush, this may appear to
violate the principle that “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” However, the Court
ruled only that “ignorance of a nonspecific and vague law is an excuse.”
This requirement of clarity and specificity protects citizens from being prose-
cuted by zealous moralists but it also often creates an opportunity for exploitation
by those who exploit statutory gaps created by new challenges such as technological
advance, new science, and geographical boundaries.
Jim Robinson, assistant attorney general for the criminal divi-
sion at the U.S. Department of Justice, identified three chal-
lenges to modern law enforcement in the area of cybercrime.
• Technical challenges that hinder law enforcement’s ability to find and
prosecute criminals operating online.
• Legal challenges resulting because laws and legal tools needed to inves-
tigate cybercrime are lagging behind technological, structural, and so-
cial changes.
• Operational challenges in creating a network of well-trained, well-
equipped investigators and prosecutors who work together with
unprecedented speed even across national borders.6
242 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Most crimes are state crimes because they violate state statutes. In terms of volume,
most federal crimes involve drug offenses. Congress has the power to pass statutes
criminalizing drug transactions because such transactions involve interstate com-
merce. Federal crimes are prosecuted in a federal court and, if conviction follows,
result in confinement in a federal prison. The case involving Judge Lanier is a pros-
ecution of a federal crime.
The difficulties inherent in clearly specifying in a statute what conduct is pro-
hibited is dramatized by so-called “loitering” statutes. The definition of loitering
has frustrated legislators who wish to prohibit undesirable conduct associated with
homelessness activities such as aggressive begging, urinating in public, and sleeping
on sidewalks and gang activities such as hanging out, dealing drugs, and provoking
other gangs. How can such conduct be defined and then prohibited when our free-
dom of association, i.e., to “hang out,” is protected by the Constitution? Can police
logically separate harmless loitering from activity that leads to drug dealing, drive-
by shootings, and other violence that the ordinance is intended to prevent?
No. The Illinois Supreme Court held the ordinance unconstitutional and the U.S.
Supreme Court affirmed. “The ordinance does not provide sufficiently specific
limits on the enforcement discretion of the police to meet constitutional standards
for definiteness and clarity.” “It is difficult to imagine how any citizen of the city of
Chicago standing in a public place with a group of people would know if he or she
had an ‘apparent purpose.’ If she were talking to another person, would she have an
apparent purpose? If she were frequently checking her watch and looking expec-
criminal intent tantly down the street, would she have an apparent purpose?”
The requisite guilty state Every criminal statute prohibits certain behavior. Most crimes require an act.
of mind [Latin mens rea,
That is, a person must do something (a guilty act) to commit a crime. Mere thoughts
“guilty mind”] to hold
are not crimes. The guilty act requirement is based on the idea that a person should
a person responsible for
a particular crime.
be punished only for actual harm done to society. Thinking about killing someone
or stealing a car may be wrong, but the thoughts do no harm. The harm happens
when thoughts are translated into action. In a few situations, not doing something
infraction (an omission) is a crime. This can happen when the law commands a person to do
Any minor crime (e.g.,
something and the person chooses not to do it. Examples include failure to file a tax
parking violation) that is
not punishable by incar-
return or report a serious automobile accident.
ceration, but only by fine. A wrongful mental state, criminal intent, is also a usual requirement for crim-
Accordingly, trial by jury inal responsibility. The limited exceptions include certain types of regulatory of-
is not required or fenses, often called infractions (e.g., failing to keep a restaurant kitchen adequately
permitted. clean), and criminally negligent conduct (e.g., bicycling or driving a vehicle while
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 243
knowledge of particular circumstances is required (e.g., rape and assault are usually
general intent crimes). general intent
In criminal law, the intent
to do the prohibited act
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM without the necessity of
proving intent to cause
the precise harm.
Derick Dagger thought about murdering his wife, Glynda, so he
could inherit her money. Over a period of time, he developed
and refined an elaborate scheme to commit the murder. He even wrote
a step-by-step plan that he kept in his filing cabinet. Is he guilty of any
No. Criminal intent in the absence of any supportive overt act (i.e., an open, out-
ward, manifested act) is not a crime. This is true even if one confesses to such in-
tent. The written plan could be hypothetical and is an insufficient overt act upon
which to base a conviction. The desire to inherit money was Dagger’s motive, but
a motive is not a crime. Intent is different from motive, which is a need, desire, or motive
purpose that impels a person to act. A prosecutor need not prove the existence of A reason for committing,
an evil motive; a good motive never justifies a criminal act. Thus, a “mercy killing” or failing to perform, an
is a crime regardless of its underlying noble motive. act. Motive is not synony-
mous with criminal in-
tent. Intent is essential
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM for proof of crime; mo-
tive is not.
In furtherance of his plan, Dagger asked his lifelong friend,
Patrick O’Leary, to assist him in murdering his wife. O’Leary de-
clined to assist, but loaned his revolver to Derick for use in accomplishing the
murder. Have any crimes occurred?
solicitation Yes. Dagger has committed the crime of solicitation. Criminal solicitation is to
The crime of encouraging strongly urge, entice, lure, or proposition another to engage in the commission of a
another person to com- crime. O’Leary is guilty of criminal facilitation because he knowingly and substan-
mit a crime. tially increased the probability that the crime would be committed; that is, he made it
easier for Dagger to effect his plan. Unlike a gun dealer in a normal retail sale,
criminal O’Leary knew of Dagger’s intended crime and voluntarily assisted in its commission.
facilitation Suppose Patrick O’Leary had responded that he would be “happy to assist in the
The crime of assisting an- plan.” Has another crime occurred? No. An agreement to commit a crime, standing
other person in the com- alone, is not a crime. There is a constitutional limitation in criminalizing mere
mission of a crime. thought when there is no conduct in furtherance of the conspiracy. There must be
some manifestation of the conspiratorial intent by what is called an overt act. But sup-
pose that O’Leary then demonstrated how to load and fire his gun, and Dagger and
O’Leary agreed to divide the inheritance. Has another crime occurred? Yes. Under
conspiracy these circumstances, Dagger and O’Leary would be guilty of the crime of conspir-
An agreement by two or acy. An agreement to commit a crime becomes a criminal conspiracy once a substan-
more persons to commit tial act of preparation is performed by one or more of the conspirators in furtherance
a crime coupled with an of their plan. Teaching how to load and use the gun is such an overt act.
overt act by one party to-
ward commission of the
agreed crime.
Early that evening, while Glynda Dagger was preparing supper,
Derick aimed the loaded gun at her through the kitchen win-
dow, but she kept moving, providing a poor target. He did not fire. Have
any more crimes occurred?
attempt Yes. Derick Dagger committed the crime of attempt to commit murder because
Intention of the accused he committed an act of perpetration—that is, he took a substantial step toward the
to commit a crime and a commission of the crime. Because conspirators share each other’s guilt, O’Leary is
substantial step toward also guilty of attempted murder.
its commission. If Dagger and O’Leary actually did all of the assumed acts, they would not
necessarily be chargeable with, nor punishable for, each separate act. Some crimes
are said to be included within, and merge into, the ultimate crime. For example, the
crime of solicitation would merge into, and become a part of, the ultimate crime of
attempted murder, for which both O’Leary and Dagger would be guilty.
Federal Crimes
As previously noted, a crime is conduct that is proscribed by a statute enacted by
the legislative branch of government. If the conduct violates a state statute, it is a
state crime punishable by the state. If the conduct violates a federal statute, it is a
federal crime punishable by the U.S. government. Examples of federal crimes are
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 245
such classifications, a person who actually commits the crime, such as robbing a li-
quor store, is a principal in the first degree. Another person not as directly in- accessory
volved, the driver of the getaway car, for example, is classified as a principal of the A person who, though
second degree. A person who participated in the planning but who was not person- not present at the scene
of a crime, aided and
ally present at the scene of the crime is an accessory before the fact. One who as-
abetted the principal in
sists the principals in evading capture is called an accessory after the fact.
its commission.
A recent trend in many states, as in the federal system and in California and Il-
linois, is to classify all participants in a crime—the planner, the actual perpetrator,
and the aider or abettor—as principals. A “lookout” is aiding and abetting in a accessory before
crime and would be considered a principal.9 Anyone who knowingly hides a fugi- the fact
tive, under this modern view, is called an accessory. Person who encourages
or assists a perpetrator of
a crime but is not present
Margaret Lesher, widow and heiress of a $100 million estate,
married professional buffalo rider T. C. Thorstenson following a
whirlwind courtship. Thorstenson concealed from Lesher his previous mar-
riage and allegations of domestic violence. Six months after their wedding,
Lesher and Thorstenson were camping one evening by a desolate lake,
sleeping in separate bags. In the morning, Lesher was missing. Thorstenson
looked “everywhere” to no avail and then called the police. Lesher was
found dead, floating in the lake near the campsite. An autopsy revealed
only that Lesher had drowned. Thorstenson claimed his inheritance under
Lesher’s recently drafted will. Can Thorstenson be prosecuted for murder?
No. The law requires that no person be tried for any crime unless the prosecutor
has established a corpus delicti. In the T. C. Thorstenson case, there was no clear evi-
dence that a crime had occurred; the corpus delicti could not, therefore, be estab-
lished. The drowning could have been accidental.10 However, if the corpse had a
head injury apparently inflicted by a weapon, Thorstenson could have been investi-
gated and, if corroborating evidence were presented, he could have been charged
homicide with and tried for homicide (an unlawful taking of a human life).
The killing of a human
being by another human
Goldie Millar’s $340,000 ranch home was discovered burned to
the ground. Her body was never found. Her grandson, Michael
Pyle, lived in the vicinity and was shown to have believed that he was the
sole beneficiary of her will. The sole evidence of wrongdoing was a tele-
phone call by Pyle to his wife reporting the fire and death of his grand-
mother two hours before these events actually took place. Can Pyle be con-
victed of homicide even though no trace of Millar’s body was ever found?
State v. Pyle, 216 Kan. 423, 532 P.2d 1309 (Kansas, 1975).
Yes, because neither the body of the missing person nor evidence of the means
used to cause death is essential to establish the corpus delicti or to sustain a murder
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 247
conviction. Pyle’s premature display of knowledge of the fire, the fire itself, and his
grandmother’s absence were critical factors supporting the first-degree murder
conviction. Whenever a victim’s body is missing, the corpus delicti must be estab-
lished by other evidence that a crime occurred (for example, the testimony of an
eyewitness). In any crime, the corpus delicti must be established before a criminal
prosecution can take place against anyone.
As noted, the “body of the crime” must be proven before the defendant can be
prosecuted. But what if the only evidence of the “body of the crime” comes from a
confession by the accused?
Dennis Creutz admitted that he “might have touched” a three-
year-old girl in the vaginal area but “never thought he was
doing anything wrong.” The only other evidence of the crime were state-
ments from the three-year-old girl to the effect that she had been inappro-
priately touched with the hands and mouth of the defendant. Can the case
proceed to trial?
Creutz v. People, 49 Cal.App.4th 822, 56 Cal.Rptr. 2d 870 (1996).
No. In most types of criminal cases, prosecution cannot occur unless the corpus
delicti is established by evidence other than a confession by the accused. This pre-
vents convictions of, among others, “crackpots” who would readily confess to any-
thing to obtain attention and even food and shelter in a prison.
However, in crimes against minors who are too young and therefore incapable
of testifying in court, confessions of the accused can be used to establish the corpus
delicti. In other words, the out-of-court corroboration by a witness who is too
young to testify is sufficient to justify use of a confession for a corpus delicti. In the
preceding example, however, the mere incriminating statements of Creutz do not
constitute a confession. A confession is a complete acknowledgment of guilt and
must encompass all the elements of the crime. The mere admission that he “might” felony
have touched the girl is not a confession and therefore cannot be used to establish A serious crime (such as
a corpus delicti. murder) that is punish-
able by death or impris-
onment for more than
one year.
States generally classify crimes on the basis of blameworthiness as either felonies or capital crime
misdemeanors. The determinant is usually the gravity of the criminal act, which in A crime for which the
death penalty may be
turn determines the severity of the penalty imposed. Generally, a felony is a crime
imposed in states where
that is punishable by death or by imprisonment in a state prison for a year or lon-
authorized and at the
ger. Sometimes, felonies are divided into capital crimes (punishable by death or federal level.
imprisonment) and noncapital crimes (punishable by imprisonment only). Stat-
utes may declare that a certain crime, such as robbery, is a felony. If the statute is
silent as to the gravity of the crime, but incarceration in a state prison is the pre-
noncapital crime
A homicide for which the
scribed punishment, the crime is a felony. Some statutes prescribe punishment as
death penalty may not
imprisonment in either a state prison or a county jail. These “wobblers” are public be imposed even if such
offenses that may be either a felony or a misdemeanor depending upon the actual penalty is authorized for
punishment ordered by the judge. other crimes by the state
Some states have refined their system of crime classification. For example, in which the crime is
in Illinois, murder is one separate category of felony. The penalty can be death or committed.
248 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
incarceration up to one’s natural life. Various classes of less culpable crimes are as
thought is to act intending to kill or to act in such a way that death or serious harm
to another is virtually certain to occur (extreme disregard for human life). Both a
paid killer and the person who did the hiring are examples of such a state of mind.
State laws classify murder into at least two categories—typically, murder of the
first degree (or capital murder) and murder of the second degree (noncapital first-degree
murder). Murder in the first degree may be punishable by death or by imprison- murder
ment for life with or without the possibility of parole. Murder in the second degree Premeditated murder
may be punishable by imprisonment for less than life. perpetrated with malice
Generally, any murder perpetrated by means of poison or torture, by ambush, aforethought.
during the commission of a dangerous felony (e.g., during rape or robbery), or by
any other kind of willful, deliberate, or premeditated killing is murder of the high- second-degree
est degree. All other kinds of murder, as when some provocation exists, are deemed murder
murder of a lesser degree. Premeditation is an important factor in determining the A measurement in law of
highest degree of murder and does not necessarily require any certain period of the degree of culpability
time to occur. A cold, calculated decision to kill may be arrived at in a short period of the perpetrator of a
of time. On the other hand, a sudden rash impulse, even though it includes intent murder of less than first
to kill, is not sufficient deliberation and premeditation to render an unlawful killing degree.
Ernest Martinez was at a party when he learned his live-in girl-
friend had gone home with another man. Martinez ran to his
apartment, climbed in the bathroom window, and chased the two out the
front door into the streets. Martinez managed to hit the man on the head sev-
eral times with a shower curtain rod, and then cornered his girlfriend, nude, in
the rear alley. He beat her savagely until a neighbor asked what was going on.
Martinez replied that he had “caught her in the act.” He then dragged her
back into his apartment, turned up the stereo, and beat her to death. Martinez
was very jealous and often had warned his girlfriend about infidelity. Martinez
contends he is guilty only of voluntary manslaughter because of the passion
and rage he felt under the circumstances. How should the jury decide?
People v. Martinez, 193 Cal.App.3d 364, 238 Cal.Rptr. 265 (1987).
Martinez was found guilty of murder in the first degree on two separate theories:
(1) there was evidence of premeditation and (2) his acts were murder by torture.
The intervention of the neighbor coupled with the act of turning up the stereo de-
prived the defendant of that intensity of passion that alone could have sufficed to
reduce murder to voluntary manslaughter. There had been a “cooling-off period,”
supporting the finding of malice.
There are three general situations in which a defendant can be convicted of
murder without personally having done the killing. The major shortcoming of
these rules is that a less blameless defendant may receive the same severe punish-
ment as a hardened killer.
250 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Vicarious Murder Rule Assume that A, B, and C all have conspired to kill the vic-
vicarious murder tim, but only A pulls the trigger. According to the vicarious murder rule, B and
rule C are vicariously guilty of murder in the first degree. They are aiders and abettors
A rule holding that an and, as such, considered principals. Massachusetts has adopted a “joint venture”
aider and abettor of a theory of criminality in which individuals present at the scene of a crime, who
murder may also be know that a codefendant intends to commit the crime, and who by agreement are
guilty of the crime even willing and available to help that codefendant if necessary, are equally guilty.14
though another person
was the actual killer. Felony-Murder Rule Assume that A, B, and C have agreed to commit an inherently
dangerous felony (such as armed robbery) but do not intend to kill anyone. None-
felony-murder theless, during the robbery, A shoots the victim dead. According to the felony-
rule murder rule, B and C are also guilty of murder in the first degree even though they
A rule in some states
never intended that anyone be killed. Not all states have the felony-murder rule,
mandating that all partic- and states treat it differently in terms of severity. Generally, even an aider and abet-
ipants in a dangerous tor (who, therefore, is also a principal) acting as “lookout” in the getaway car may be
felony are guilty of mur- guilty of the crimes committed by the others.15
der in the first degree if a
killing occurs during its
Provocative-Act Rule Assume that A, B, and C, although committing some dan-
gerous crime, do not intend to kill anyone, and none of them pulls the trigger. In-
stead, A waves his gun, provoking some third party to fire a fatal bullet that kills
C. A and B are guilty of murder in the first degree according to the provocative-
act rule. This situation typically occurs with criminals fleeing the crime scene
rule while being pursued by police. One defendant commits some act, such as firing a
The rule that all partici-
gun, which provokes the police to kill one of the criminals. The surviving perpetra-
pants in a dangerous fel-
ony are guilty of murder
tors are guilty of murder.16 The provocative-act rule has been rejected in some
in the first degree if a
states, including Pennsylvania, Colorado, New York, and New Mexico.17
lawful killing occurs in re- The preceding rules involving vicarious responsibility are intended to deter
sponse to some threaten- criminal activity in which there is a high likelihood of an unintentional (i.e., care-
ing act by one of the less or negligent) or accidental death.
Fernando, a juvenile, and four other members of the “Avenue
Gang” left their hideaway and drove into a rival gang’s neigh-
borhood intending to shoot “Cypress Park” members. On the first drive-by,
shots were exchanged among shooters in Fernando’s car, a rival gang mem-
ber’s car, and a nearby house. On a second drive-by, Caesar Salas, who was
riding in the front passenger seat next to Fernando, was fatally hit. Of what
crime is Fernando guilty?
People v. Aurelio R., 167 Cal.App.3d 52, 212 Cal.Rptr. 868 (1985).
Fernando was found guilty of murder in the first degree under the provocative-act
rule. In states rejecting the rule, Fernando would be guilty of some felony other
than murder.
Lawrence Hernandez entered Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe’s coin shop in
the afternoon, brandished a gun, and robbed them of coins and
currency. Hernandez did not touch either of the Wolfes, but Mr. Wolfe died
of a heart attack during the robbery. Of what crimes is Hernandez guilty?
People v. Hernandez, 169 Cal.App.3d 282, 215 Cal.Rptr. 166 (1985).
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 251
Hernandez is, of course, guilty of armed robbery. In some states, he also is guilty of
murder in the first degree under the felony-murder rule, which, as noted, is de-
signed to deter negligent or accidental deaths as well as intentional homicides. If an
accomplice had been waiting in the car, acting as a lookout, he would be a principal
and thus guilty with Hernandez of first-degree murder.
Robert Rosenkrantz, age 18, was a “closet” homosexual, pri-
marily because he feared reprisal from his father and the rest of
his family. His brother, Joey, discovered the truth and, along with his friend
Steven Redman, revealed it to the family. Rosenkrantz, under great mental manslaughter
strain, purchased an Uzi semiautomatic carbine, tracked down Redman, and The unlawful killing of
killed him with a fusillade of bullets. Psychiatrists agreed that Rosenkrantz another person without
was suffering from acute emotional disturbance. Rosenkrantz appealed a malice aforethought.
second-degree murder conviction, arguing he was guilty only of voluntary Usually classified as vol-
manslaughter because there was no evidence of malice. What should be the untary or involuntary, de-
result? pending on the degree of
People v. Rosenkrantz, 198 Cal.App.3d 1187, 244 Cal.Rptr. 403 (1988). culpability involved.
The second-degree murder conviction was affirmed on appeal. Malice may be im- manslaughter
plied when, as here, the jury determines that insufficient provocation existed. The wrongful and inten-
tional killing of another
The Personhood Requirement Malice is not the only statutory requirement of person during the heat of
murder. The unlawful killing must be of a “human being.” What constitutes a hu- passion, or under the in-
man being or “person” is among the more controversial issues in law. fluence of alcohol or
drugs, or while engaged
For purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a fetus
in some reckless and dan-
is not yet a person. Therefore, the respective states are free to define, as a matter of
gerous activity.
state law, when life begins, for the purpose of defining the crime of murder. The
vast majority of states do not consider a fetus to be a person in a criminal law con-
text; that is, there can be no murder of a fetus. A few states have amended their tra- involuntary
ditional murder statutes to include a fetus as a human being.18 manslaughter
The U.S. Supreme Court has declared abortion legal throughout the country The unintentional killing
of another person be-
and has also ruled that the states can regulate abortion in the interest of protecting
cause of gross negli-
the “potentiality” of life.19 Any distinction between a “human being” and a “poten-
gence, or as a result of
tiality of life” does not render unconstitutional the respective states’ definitions of dangerous and unlawful
murder. The issue of abortion is discussed in Chapter 9. conduct.
Manslaughter vehicular
There are two general categories of manslaughter, both involving an unlawful manslaughter
The wrongful killing of
killing of a person under some variety of emotional circumstances. Voluntary
another person by a per-
manslaughter is the most blameworthy because it is an intentional killing of a per-
petrator driving a vehicle
son. Involuntary manslaughter is an accidental killing. There is one further cate- in a reckless and danger-
gory in many states, vehicular manslaughter, specifically relating to deaths caused ous manner (e.g., in some
by the reckless driving of motor vehicles. cases while under the in-
Voluntary manslaughter is an intentional killing—though without malice—in fluence of alcohol or
the heat of passion, as a result of severe provocation. As discussed earlier in the other drugs).
252 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Rosenkrantz case, there must be a considerable heat of passion at the time of the
killing from some substantial provocation. Otherwise, the homicide is murder.
Robert Rosenkrantz was simply not in the heat of passion at the time of the killing.
For example, he purchased the Uzi many days before the killing, allowing plenty of
time to “cool off.”
Robert Watson, while intoxicated, ran a red light at high speed
and narrowly missed hitting another car by skidding to a stop.
He took off, again at high speed, and collided with a Toyota at another in-
tersection, skidding 292 feet before coming to a stop. The driver of the
Toyota and his six-year-old daughter were killed. Watson’s blood-alcohol
was 0.23 percent. Watson was charged with murder but contended he could
be tried only for manslaughter because there was no proof of malice. Was
Watson correct?
People v. Watson, 30 Cal.3d 290, 637 P.2d 279, 179 Cal.Rptr. 43 (1981).
No. Malice may be implied from any conduct that has a high probability of result-
ing in a death and when it is done in wanton disregard for human life. Watson was
speeding through city streets while intoxicated, an act presenting a great risk of
death. He narrowly avoided one accident, only to cause another. These factors sup-
port a finding of implied malice. The jury verdict, guilty of murder in the second
degree, was affirmed.
http:// Michael Costin was refereeing his son’s summer hockey game
when an argument ensued with Thomas Junta, a parent of one
For full coverage of the of the other players. Junta was unhappy with the on-ice roughhousing, and
“sideline rage” case, see the two had words. After the match, the two men fought, and Costin suf-
the Court TV Web site at fered an injury leading to his death two days later. Junta at 275 pounds out-
weighed Costin by 100 pounds. Prosecutors presented evidence that Junta
http://www.courttv.com/ hit Costin many times and twice slammed his head against the floor. Was the
trials/junta/010702-PM_CTV charge murder or manslaughter?
In the highly publicized Boston “sideline rage” case, Junta was charged with and
rape later convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to six to 10 years in prison. Prosecu-
An unlawful act of sexual tors charged manslaughter rather than murder because there was no indication that
intercourse, against the Junta intended to kill Costin.
will of the victim.
utes prohibiting sexual intercourse between adults and minors is to protect children.
Presumably, children cannot, because of their minority, give informed consent. informed consent
Actual and complete
knowledge by a person
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM of risks involved in a
Yes. LeTourneau was sentenced to seven years in prison, but the sentence was sus-
pended after six months and probation granted. Promptly following her release
from jail in early 1998, LeTourneau violated probation by again having sex with
her underage victim. Her probation violated, LeTourneau went back to jail to fin-
ish serving her seven-year sentence, although she was pregnant. Her daughter
Georgia was born in October 1998—the same month a book co-authored by
LeTourneau and her underage victim was published in Europe. This stranger than
fiction story continued after LeTourneau’s release from prison when she married
her now adult victim in 2005.20 This bizarre case exemplifies how seriously the law
recognizes the distinction between apparent and informed consent.
The crime of rape received much public attention from the 1970s through the
1990s. Generally, attention was focused on the involvement of the victim in the ad-
ministration of justice; that is, how the victim is treated immediately after the crime
and to what extent the victim must endure humiliating trial tactics, often dealing
with prior sexual experience(s). An isolated example exemplifying attitudes that
sometimes surround rape prosecutions occurred when a grand jury in Austin, Texas,
declined to indict (i.e., charge with crime) an accused knife-wielding rapist because
the female victim had asked that he use a condom as some protection against AIDS
and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).21 Speculation was that the grand
jury believed that the woman had consented by asking the rapist to use a condom.
Many states have enacted rape shield statutes protecting victims from court- rape shield
room questioning about prior sexual experience(s) with persons other than the statute
defendant. A statute that protects
victims from courtroom
questioning about prior
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM sexual experiences with
persons other than the
Ignacio Perea kidnapped an 11-year-old boy in Dade County,
Florida, took him to a deserted warehouse, and raped him.
Perea had a clinic receipt in his pocket indicating that he had tested HIV pos-
itive for the deadly AIDS virus. Of what crimes is Perea guilty?
A jury found Perea guilty of kidnapping (a felony discussed later in this chapter),
rape, and attempted murder. This is the first time a jury had considered the AIDS
virus to be a deadly weapon.22 Other states have created new, specific crimes for
those who engage in sexual contact while knowingly infected with the AIDS virus.
254 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
date rape During trial for forcible date rape, there was evidence that the
Nonconsensual sexual in- victim, M., initially consented to sexual intercourse with defen-
tercourse by a friend or dant David Vela, but changed her mind during the act. She told him to
acquaintance. “stop.” Vela nonetheless forcibly continued against her will. Is Vela guilty
of any crime?
People v. Vela, 172 Cal.App.3d 237, 218 Cal.Rptr. 161 (1985).
Vela is not guilty of forcible rape because M. consented when penetration first oc-
curred. The essence of the crime of rape is the offense felt by the victim at being
violated. If she retracts her consent during intercourse, but the male continues, she
may certainly feel violated, but of less magnitude than from nonconsensual inter-
course. The male who persists once consent is withdrawn, however, may be guilty
of another crime, such as assault and battery.23
Autumn Jackson demanded $40 million from Bill Cosby to keep
secret his alleged parenthood and then signed a $24 million
payoff agreement that was negotiated in an FBI sting. Although Jackson’s
mother had had a sexual liaison with Cosby approximately nine months be-
fore Jackson’s birth, Cosby’s paternity is denied and unproven. Is it extortion
to demand money to keep quiet a fact you believe to be true?
Yes. What Jackson believed is not relevant (nor is Cosby’s alleged parentage) to her
wrongful demand for hush money in exchange for withholding a civil paternity
claim. Note that the FBI was involved because the threat was forwarded across state
lines, thereby invoking federal jurisdiction. Jackson was sentenced to 26 months in
prison.24 Notice that this example involved an attempt to extort money out of fear
of publicity, not out of fear of physical harm to anyone.
Richard Alday telephoned the father of a seven-year-old boy to
say that he had kidnapped his son. Alday demanded $15,000,
threatening that the child would be “hurt bad” unless the money was paid.
Before the payment of any ransom, it was discovered that the boy had not
been kidnapped but had become lost when he wandered away from the
family summer cabin. Alday was arrested. During prosecution for extortion,
his attorney argued that no crime had been committed because no kidnap-
ping had occurred. Did a crime occur?
extortion People v. Alday, 10 Cal. 3d 392, 315 P.2d 1169, 110 Cal.Rptr. 617 (1973).
Obtaining something of
value from a person by
force, intimidation, or un- Yes. Extortion is the crime of obtaining money by the wrongful use of force or
due or illegal power. fear. Alday committed extortion when he tried to obtain money by threatening in-
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 255
jury to the son. This example of threatening physical injury is unlike the Cosby ex-
ample of threatening publicity. Although there was no actual kidnapping in this
case, it would have been a separate crime if it had occurred.
Extortion is recognized as an inherently vicious crime. Some states confine the
meaning of extortion to the unlawful taking by an official under color of his office
(e.g., “pay me now or I’ll have you arrested”), while blackmail refers to an unlawful blackmail
taking of money by a private person under some threat.25 The threat may be to ac- Obtaining something of
cuse the victim of a crime, or to expose some deformity, previous crime, or impor- value from a person by
tant secret of the victim. And, of course, as in the Alday case, any threat to injure a force, intimidation, or
person is also extortion. It is no defense to extortion that the “facts” upon which undue or illegal power.
the threats were based are later revealed to be untrue. It is the threat to reveal
them, if the wrongdoer is not paid, that is a criminal act.
Kidnapping involves the use of force (or threat of force) in taking a person from kidnapping
one place to another against his or her will. Aggravated kidnapping occurs when an The crime of unlawful
additional crime is involved, such as kidnapping to commit robbery, or to collect a seizure and transport of
ransom or reward, or to commit extortion. A typical sentence for aggravated kid- a victim against his or her
napping, without serious injury, is life imprisonment with the possibility of parole. will.
Any homicide occurring during a kidnapping will trigger the felony-murder rule in
many states, enhancing the crime to murder in the first degree. Kidnapping is both
a state and federal crime.
LEGAL FOCUS–BACKGROUND For fascinating coverage of
the crime of the twentieth
The kidnapping of the infant child of Charles and Anne Lind- century, see the Crime
bergh was considered at the time to be the crime of the twenti- Library at
eth century. Colonel Lindbergh was the first person to fly solo nonstop
across the Atlantic, and he was a world hero to a degree that is difficult to http://www.crimelibrary
comprehend in the twenty-first century. In 1932, his 20-month-old son was .com/lindbergh/lindmain
taken out of a second story bedroom; a ransom demand was made and .htm
eventually paid. Later, the infant was found dead in a decomposing state in
a field only four miles from the Lindbergh home. An illegal German immi-
grant named Bruno Richard Hauptmann was later arrested, tried, convicted, robbery
and executed for the crime. A by-product of the case was the federalization The crime of stealing
of kidnapping when Congress passed the “Little Lindbergh Law” making property from another
kidnapping a federal crime if the victim is taken across state lines or if the person in his or her
mail service is used for ransom demands. immediate presence
through the use of force
or fear.
Recall that even an accidental killing that occurs during the commission of a
dangerous felony, such as armed robbery, elevates the homicide to murder of the
first degree under the felony-murder rule in many states, and that all participants,
even the getaway driver, are equally guilty.
mayhem The crime of mayhem occurs when someone gives another a serious permanent
The crime of unlawfully wound or dismembers, disfigures, or maims another person (e.g., cuts the tongue,
depriving the victim of severs a finger, puts out an eye, slits the nose, etc.). The historical definition of the
some member of his or crime is interesting: in essence, someone depriving another of a body part that left
her body; disfiguring, dis- the person less able to fight. Thus, significantly injuring another’s hand, arm, or
abling, or rendering the
eye was mayhem, whereas scarring the face was not. The fighting distinction is no
member useless or other-
longer part of the definition.
wise permanently disfig-
uring the body.
Lorena Bobbitt sliced off the penis of her sleeping husband,
John Wayne Bobbitt, then fled from their home and ultimately
tossed his member from her car into the street. Found by a passerby, Mr.
Bobbitt’s member was surgically reattached. Is the crime reduced to battery
because the dismemberment was not permanent?
No. Once the crime of mayhem occurs, the success of a subsequent surgical or other
repair does not reduce the crime. The permanency and nature of dismemberment
may affect the penalty imposed by the sentencing judge, however.
Bernie Lopez threw a beer bottle into a car, hitting Raul
Morales and rendering him legally blind in the left eye. Lopez
did not intend to damage Morales seriously, let alone render him partially
blind. Is he guilty of battery or mayhem?
People v. Lopez, 176 Cal.App.3d 545, 222 Cal.Rptr. 101 (1986).
Lopez is guilty of mayhem. Specific intent to maim is not an element of the crime.
All that is necessary is a general wrongful intent, such as Lopez had when he threw
the beer bottle.26
Otherwise, there is no present ability to cause physical injury. On the other hand,
one who fires at a service station attendant who is protected by bulletproof glass is
guilty of assault. The shooter has the ability to strike out, and by shooting does in
fact strike, even though the bullets cannot reach the intended victim.27 Waving an
unloaded gun toward another person may be a lesser crime than assault, such as
brandishing a firearm.
Hate Crimes
Violence directed at victims because of their race, religion, political affiliation, or
other personal beliefs (e.g., supporting abortion rights) is loosely referred to as
hate crime. A hate crime may be a separately defined crime, but it usually provides For statistics and a list of
for a sentence enhancement if the elements are proven. Some states have included federal and state hate
within their penalty enhancement laws those crimes that are based on hatred of the crime laws see the Anti-
Defamation League’s Web
victim’s sexual orientation. International terrorism or any antigovernment crime
site at
directed at randomly selected victims also might be classified within this category.
hate crime
Any crime for which
Pretending they were gay, Aaron McKinney and Russell Hen-
the motivation was
derson lured 21-year-old University of Wyoming student Mat-
persecution of a victim
thew Shepard from a local bar. After robbing Shepard, they tied him to a
because of race, religion,
fence post and beat him. He died of head injuries five days later. Would this
sexual orientation, or
homicide qualify as a hate crime?
political beliefs.
Terrorism http://
Terrorist activities overlap other criminal definitions and create special challenges For the complete Attorney
to U.S. law enforcement. For example, a terrorist may commit murder but instead General Terrorism Guide-
of one victim there may be a hundred or a thousand. The motivation may be politi- lines, see
cal gain or revenge instead of jealousy or a desire to steal. Terrorism may be http://www.usdoj.gov/olp/
against citizens or interests of the United States in a foreign country or be by generalcrimes2.pdf
foreign nationals or U.S. citizens in the United States itself. Long-standing
258 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
jurisdiction distinctions between state and federal authorities and the various
federal authorities themselves (the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Treasury
Department, and the Central Intelligence Agency) are challenged by terrorist ac-
tivities. Distinctions between criminal investigation and national defense become
very important and perplexing. The following acts listed in the Attorney General’s
Guidelines on General Crimes, Racketeering Enterprise and Terrorism Enterprise
Investigations assist in identifying the activities the FBI will investigate as terrorist
in nature:
1) Threats or advocacy of violence or other covered criminal acts: Statements are
made in relation to or in furtherance of an enterprise’s political or social objec-
tives that threaten or advocate the use of force or violence, or statements are
made in furtherance of an enterprise that otherwise threaten or advocate crim-
inal conduct:
(i) engaging in attacks involving or threatening massive loss of life or
injury, mass destruction, or endangerment of the national security;
(ii) killing or injuring federal personnel, destroying federal facilities, or
defying lawful federal authority;
(iii) killing, injuring or intimidating individuals because of their status
as United States nationals or persons, or because of their national or-
igin, race, color, religion, or sex; or
(iv) depriving individuals of any rights secured by the Constitution or
laws of the United States.
Following the 9/11 terrorism attacks, the federal government passed the USA
Patriot Act, which was designed to increase the ability of the federal government to
combat terrorism.28 If nothing else, the USA Patriot Act shows the lengths to which
politicians will go to get an acronym they favor. The full title of the law is the Unit-
ing and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Inter-
cept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. The act was renewed and amended in
2006. The USA Patriot Act contains the following provisions:
• Gave law enforcement and intelligence officers greater authority to gather
and share evidence particularly with respect to wire and electronic
• Amended federal money laundering laws, particularly those involving overseas
financial activities.
• Created new federal crimes and increased punishment for existing crimes. The
definition of “domestic terrorism” was expanded. Domestic terrorism now in-
cludes criminal acts “dangerous to human life” intended to intimidate or co-
erce a civilian population, influence government policy through intimidation
or “affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination,
or kidnapping.”
• Increased the federal government’s ability to prevent terrorists from entering
the country and to detain or deport foreign terrorist suspects.29
An unwelcome or intru- Stalking
sive long-term pattern of
threat or harassment di-
Stalking involves repeatedly being around or even secretly watching a person,
rected repeatedly toward making uninvited written or verbal communications, or making implied threats.
a specific individual that It often involves telephone harassment or waiting for someone to appear. Victims
triggers fear or concern typically are women between 19 and 39 years old, and they are stalked repeatedly,
in that person. some for years. Stalkers often are former husbands, boyfriends, or roommates.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 259
A late twentieth century crime, whose notoriety was assured by the film Fatal At-
traction, stalking is prohibited in all 50 states. Court restraining orders are available
to potential victims before any physical harm is inflicted. Although known to be
widespread (about one in every 12 women reports having been stalked), most stalk-
ing is not reported by the victims.30
Jonathan Norman was arrested for attempting to enter film-
maker Steven Spielberg’s home while carrying a “rape kit” con-
taining handcuffs and duct tape among other paraphernalia. Norman’s for-
mer lover, Charles Markovich, testified that it was Norman’s secret intention
to bind and rape Spielberg in the presence of his wife. In defense, Norman’s
public defender contended that it is not a crime to have “weird thoughts”
about someone famous, that Norman never entered Spielberg’s property,
and that when told to leave, he did. Is Norman guilty of stalking?
The intentional and mali-
31 cious burning of a build-
Yes. Although conduct may fall short of an attempted crime, it nonetheless may
ing or other property for
constitute stalking under state statutes. This is not the usual stalking example in
unlawful purposes.
that the victim was a male in this case.
entering premises, struc-
tures, or vehicles with in-
Arson tent to commit larceny
Arson is the wrongful burning of real or personal property, either intentionally or (theft) or any other
recklessly—simple negligence is not enough. It is the classic crime against prop- felony.
erty. Punishment for arson typically varies with the type of property burned. For
example, arson of an inhabited structure is more serious than arson of a vacant stor- home invasion
age building. It is not arson to burn one’s own property unless there is some fraud- burglary
ulent purpose (e.g., obtaining casualty insurance proceeds) or damage to the prop- The intentional breaking
erty of others. In the summer of 2002, massive wildfires in Arizona and Colorado and entering into a per-
led to the arrests of forestry firefighters for the crime of arson.32 son’s occupied residence
using violent means to
take property of the
Burglary occupant.
Burglary is the unlawful entry into premises and structures with the intent to com-
mit larceny (theft) or any other felony. Common law definitions of crimes against theft
property vary among the states, and many specialized property crimes exist. For ex- The taking of property
ample, one specialized crime that triggers enhanced sentences is home invasion without the owner’s con-
burglary, in which gang members burst into the victim’s home and quickly over- sent. Depending on the
power all occupants. Unfortunately, a variety of other crimes usually ensue, such as nature or value of the
murder, rape, or robbery. In some states, burglary includes breaking into a vehicle property stolen, it is ei-
for the purpose of committing larceny or theft—crimes we will examine next. ther petty theft (misde-
meanor) or grand theft
Theft is the modern catchall term that embraces the unlawful taking of another’s larceny
personal property with the intent to permanently deprive the person thereof. It in- The crime of stealing
cludes the common law crime of larceny, which is the wrongful taking of another’s property from another.
260 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
property without the use of force or fear. The wrongful taking of property through
the use of force and fear is the crime of robbery (see discussion on page 255).
embezzlement Embezzlement is a common law form of larceny in which an employee steals
The crime of stealing money from his or her employer. In embezzlement, access to the money is lawful,
property that, before the as by a bookkeeper or government officer, but is wrongfully and secretly diverted
theft, was lawfully in the to the personal use of the embezzler. Larceny by trick is the common law crime of
possession of the thief. wrongfully obtaining property through some dishonest scam or fraudulent scheme.
In all of these definitions, the modern term is simply theft, and its definition in-
larceny by trick cludes the conduct previously called larceny under common law.
Theft accomplished by Theft also can be defined by degree. The purpose in classifying criminal acts is
deceit or subterfuge to make the penalty fit the crime. Grand theft is a felony involving the taking of
wherein the victim turns
something of substantial value, as defined by statute (e.g., $400 or more in some
over property, especially
states), or the taking of a certain kind of property, such as motor vehicles, firearms,
money, to the
or farm animals. Theft of personal property worth less than the statutory definition
of substantial value, such as $400, is a misdemeanor and is called petty theft. Thus,
for example, shoplifting may be either a felony or a misdemeanor depending upon
grand theft the value of the stolen merchandise. Not surprisingly, grand theft results in a
Theft of personal prop-
harsher penalty than petty theft.
erty of substantial value,
as declared by statute.
Receiving Stolen Property
petty theft Knowingly receiving stolen property is a crime. To be responsible for the of-
Theft of a thing of little fense, the accused must have known, or should have known, the property was sto-
value, as specified by len. Proof of knowledge may be inferred from the circumstances, such as adequacy
of the price paid, the character of the vendor, the time and place of delivery, and so
on. Ownership of the stolen property does not change; an innocent purchaser of
receiving stolen stolen property must return it to the real owner and may seek reimbursement only
property from the person (generally the thief ) who sold it to him or her.
The crime of knowingly
receiving property of
Sam Vreeland purchased a car radio and CD player from Jaspar
Malloy at the Greater Tuna Flea Market. The price was attrac-
tive, but not unusually low. Vreeland installed the unit and proudly showed
it off to some of his friends at school. Donna Janeway noticed how similar
the unit looked to one that had been stolen from her mother’s car. She
wrote down the serial number and took it home for comparison with her
mother’s warranty registration documents. The numbers were the same. Is
Vreeland guilty of a crime? Who gets to keep the radio and CD player?
Vreeland is innocent of any wrongdoing. He did not know, and had no reason to
suspect, that the radio had been stolen. Janeway’s mother still owns the radio and is
entitled to its return. Vreeland theoretically could sue Malloy for return of his
money. More likely than not, Malloy will be gone. He may or may not be guilty of
a crime, depending on how he obtained the radio.
Misuse of a credit card, issuing a check knowing there are insufficient funds at
the bank, and malicious mischief (vandalism) are examples of other crimes against
property. “Keying” a car (scratching its painted surfaces with a key) is an example
of malicious mischief that is remarkably costly to repair. Spray-painting graffiti is
another example of costly vandalism that has provoked widespread concern and
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 261
public outrage.* When crimes such as these involve small amounts of money or
damage, they are misdemeanors. When victims suffer significant financial loss as a
result of the crime, courts usually impose a penalty and order the convicted defen-
dant to make full restitution.
Identity Theft
Marsha Jones used Mari Franket’s name, Social Security num-
ber, and driver’s license number to purchase a red Mustang
convertible on credit. Unfortunately, while Franket continued to defend her-
self from the collection agency that is attempting to collect the Mustang’s
selling price, Jones continues to possess and drive the flashy car. Is it a crime
to steal another person’s identity?
Yes. Identity theft is a growing problem. The U.S. Department of Justice pro-
vided the following statistics as of 2004 for identity theft:33
For an overview of account
• Households headed by persons aged 18–24 and those in the highest income protection advice linked
bracket ($75,000 or more) were the most likely to experience identity theft. to the laws that provide
• Three in 10 households experiencing any type of identity theft discovered it by protection from identity
missing money or noticing unfamiliar charges on an account; almost 1 in 4 theft, see
were contacted by a credit bureau. http://www.fdic.gov/
• About two-thirds of households experiencing identity theft reported some type consumers/consumer/
of a monetary loss as a result of theft. idtheftstudy/legislative.html
In 1998, nine states had identity theft statutes; today, almost all states have specific
identity theft laws. In states where stealing identification is not a specific crime,
identity theft
other statutes may apply if the stolen identification is used to defraud a merchant. If
The wrongful or false use
the offense involves interstate commerce, it also is a federal crime punishable by up of another person’s iden-
to 15 years in prison. The federal Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act of 2004 tification or the commis-
enhanced penalties for crimes committed using identification of another person.34 sion of a crime using the
identification of another.
All states have adopted either the Uniform Controlled Substances Act or the Uni- See the following Web site
form Narcotic Drug Act. These laws classify drugs in schedules depending upon for statistics and references
their harmfulness. For example, Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse to your state’s laws regard-
and no generally accepted medical use. They include heroin, LSD, marijuana, mes- ing identity theft:
caline, peyote, PCP, and cocaine base, as well as crack. A few states have passed so- http://www.consumer.gov/
called medical marijuana laws. These statutes exempt patients who use marijuana idtheft/
under a physician’s supervision from state criminal penalties. There is an organized
effort to use these laws to legalize a restricted availability of marijuana on the
grounds that it is a better painkiller for certain patients, such as cancer and AIDS
sufferers. This effort was dealt a significant setback when the U.S. Supreme Court
* Spray-painting graffiti in public places is a very serious crime in Singapore. In early 1994, the conviction of Ohioan Michael Fay
for the offense of malicious mischief was front-page news and a matter of national television coverage. The 18-year-old Fay was
sentenced to four months in prison and six lashes (later reduced to four) across his buttocks with a 4-foot long, 1/2-inch thick
rattan cane. San Francisco Chronicle, 2 May 1994.
262 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
ruled that the federal government could enforce federal laws against marijuana pos-
http:// session despite state laws that allowed its limited use.35 The U.S. Supreme Court
Order or download a 2002 has also ruled that there is no medical necessity exception to the federal Controlled
study of the drug laws of Substances Act’s prohibitions on manufacturing and distributing marijuana.36
all 50 states at Schedule II drugs, such as opium, codeine, morphine, and amphetamines, have
http://www.andrews.edu/ some accepted medical use. Further down the scale, Schedule V drugs such as Bu-
BHSC/impacteen-illicit prenorphine and Lomotil have a low potential for abuse but may lead to some psy-
drugteam/chartbook.htm chological or physical dependence.
Penalties are related to the activity (such as selling or manufacturing versus
using), the class of drug involved in the crime, its quantity, previous offenses, and
sale to children or around schools and range from misdemeanors to felonies. “In
the case of marijuana, an offense for trying to sell ten grams could be met with a
maximum imprisonment term of less than one year in North Carolina but a term
of life in Montana and Oklahoma. Similarly, a sale offense for the standard retail
amounts of cocaine, ecstasy or methamphetamine could be met with a one-year im-
prisonment term in North Carolina but a lifetime sentence in Montana.” 37
Much controversy surrounds the implications of imposing long prison sen-
tences for drug offenses involving the less-expensive yet very potent crack cocaine.
Because poor, inner-city youths are more likely to be involved with crack than
more affluent adults, the overwhelming majority of those imprisoned for its use are
young African-American males. Are there disparate penalties for users of inexpen-
sive drugs compared to users of expensive narcotics? Perhaps.
Actor Robert Downey, Jr., was arrested in 1996 when police
stopped his speeding pickup truck and found cocaine, crack,
heroin, and a pistol. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years pro-
bation. In 1998, Downey’s probation was revoked for use of drugs and alco-
hol in violation of the court’s previous order. He then was sentenced to six
months in jail. However, he received four all-day furloughs from jail to com-
plete the movie In Dreams. Deputy sheriffs had been asking for and receiving
autographs from Downey, posing for pictures with him, and even letting the
actor buy them lunch at the movie studio. Downey also was permitted to visit
a plastic surgeon after a jailhouse fight. Are these “celebrity perks” legal?
No. Judges do have discretion to tailor sentences and to modify state incarceration
procedures. It is not clear whether a “furlough” to participate in a movie is a proper
exercise of that discretion. The judge in the Downey case was directed by a higher
court to stop further “furloughs” pending review, but Downey’s sentence ended be-
fore a more definitive ruling could be made.38 You might consider whether an
inner-city African-American youth, or any noncelebrity, would have received similar
perks from the judge.
Some conduct that endangers the public health or safety is a misdemeanor.
Marcy Allen walked through a metal detector in a public build-
ing. The bell sounded, and her purse was searched. Marcy was
carrying a key ring that was designed also as a can opener, windshield
scraper, and hair lifter. It was in the shape of a cat head with two holes for
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 263
eyes and sharp triangles for ears. By placing one’s fingers through the
“eyes,” the key ring doubled as a sort of brass knuckles with sharp points
(the ears of the cat). Allen was charged with carrying an illegal weapon.
What was the result?
States prohibit the buying or possession of certain kinds of implements that can be
primarily used as weapons. So-called brass knuckles and switchblade knives are ex-
amples. But what of a key ring that happens to be shaped like a cat’s head and,
therefore, has pointy ears? The jury sided with the state and convicted Allen of a
misdemeanor. She was placed on six months’ probation.39 With modern tensions,
it is unlikely that juries will be sympathetic to careless defendants.
Other examples of misdemeanors are (1) “rubbernecking” at the scene of an
emergency when it impedes official personnel; (2) discarding a refrigerator with its
door intact; (3) exhibiting the deformities of another person in exchange for money;
(4) killing a farm animal while hunting; (5) operating machinery too close to high-
voltage wires; (6) attaching a burning candle to a balloon and releasing it; (7) donat-
ing blood or body organs while knowingly suffering from AIDS; (8) violating laws
regulating food, liquor, drugs, and cosmetics; (9) violating fish and game laws; (10) al-
lowing animals with known vicious propensities to be loose; (11) adulterating candy
with laxatives or other chemicals; (12) cutting public shrubs; (13) selling alcoholic
beverages after hours; and (14) firing a pistol up into the sky within city limits. In
some states, one or more of these crimes may be felonies depending on the circum-
stances involved.
Responding to a telephone complaint that a burglary was tak-
ing place, police burst into a home discovering, instead of a
burglar, the residents John Lawrence and Tyrone Garner engaging in sod-
omy. They were arrested, booked, and jailed overnight for violation of the
Texas misdemeanor sodomy law. Lawrence and Garner pleaded “no con-
test,” were fined $125 each, and then filed an appeal on the grounds that
the law was unconstitutional.
The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6–3 decision, declared the Texas law prohibiting
sexual acts between same-sex couples unconstitutional. The Court held that the
right to privacy, as a liberty right under the due process clause, protects an adult’s
right to engage in private, consensual homosexual activity.40
Other examples of behavior that is criminal in some, or all, states include incest
(intercourse between specified classes of related persons), lewd conduct with chil-
dren, adultery (intercourse between a cohabiting married and an unmarried person),
264 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
obscenity and indecency, prostitution and pimping (arranging for the prostitution
of another), seduction, abortion (except pursuant to law or as allowed by the Thera-
peutic Abortion Act), childstealing by a parent, child neglect, failure to support a
dependent, and gambling (except as specifically authorized by statute).
Sex perversion is a catchall crime that includes sodomy between consenting
adults as well as lewd or lascivious acts with a child. In some states, conviction of
sex perversion or any other crime involving lascivious activity (such as rape, pimp-
ing, or prostitution) has for many years resulted in a continuing duty, after release
from jail, to register with the local police as a sex offender. Such registration is in-
tended to provide law enforcement with a list of “usual suspects” to be checked
when sex crimes occur, but it has been difficult to enforce, is often ignored by law
enforcement agencies, and has not proved to be an effective deterrent.
Megan’s Law Critics of Megan’s Law focus upon the fairness of subjecting persons who have
A state law that protects served their time and paid their debt to society to a lifetime of harassment. Disclo-
children and families by sure may prevent the former offender from retaining employment or enjoying the
allowing or requiring law life available to others living in the suburbs without public shame.
enforcement to publicize There are also fears of vigilantism, and some question the potential results
information about the
when sex offenders are repeatedly “pushed” from one neighborhood to another,
identity and location of
perhaps until finally locating in the inner cities in high-density apartments and
convicted sex offenders.
public housing. With the increased anonymity found in densely populated cities,
the risk to poor children may be increased as more-affluent children in the suburbs
http:// become more protected. Regardless, the public strongly favors implementation of
Megan’s Law,41 and courts have upheld its application, ruling that it does not con-
To see the impact of
stitute additional punishment.
Megan’s Law, see
Jonathan Hawes, age 29, planned to live with his mother in the
small town of Dilley, about 25 miles from Portland, Oregon,
upon his release from prison where he had served five years for sexually
abusing two 10-year-old girls. Upon notification under Megan’s Law, com-
munity members had a meeting with Hawes’s mother. Tempers flared; there
was talk of guard dogs, burning down the home, even killing Hawes. One
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 265
resident shouted in the face of Hawes’s mother, “When can I kill him?” The
home where Hawes planned to live sits isolated from children in the middle
of 27 acres of pasture. Ultimately, members of the community offered to
purchase the home to get rid of Hawes, and then to sell the home later to
a more acceptable person. Is Hawes legally obligated to sell and move?
No. But as his mother said, “If everyone in the community hates you, wants to sue
you, wants to do you bodily harm, do you really have options?” An agreement of
sale was reached, and Hawes moved on.42
John V., age 16, screamed obscenities at his neighbor, Nancy
W., who was driving past his house. A complaint was made, and
John was charged with violating a statute that prohibits “offensive words in
a public place which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent
reaction.” Nancy had first become angry and then furious. She was incoher-
ent, enraged, and humiliated, although she admitted she had “flipped off”
John on prior occasions. John was convicted and placed on probation. He
contends the law is unconstitutionally overbroad and vague and has ap-
pealed. What should be the result?
People v. John V., 167 Cal.App.3d 761, 213 Cal.Rptr. 503 (1985).
John lost. The right of free speech is not absolute. Not protected is speech that is
lewd or obscene, profane, libelous, or insulting—“fighting” words. For fighting words
to be a crime, they must be uttered, as here, in a provocative manner, so there is a
clear and present danger that an immediate breach of the peace will erupt. Such
words are not protected because they are of such slight social value as a step to truth
that any benefit is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.43
Obviously, these distinctions are difficult to make, especially on a consistent basis, if
only because the circumstances vary so widely.
and Enron as well as the conviction of Martha Stewart have certainly raised the vis-
ibility of accounting and securities-related crime.
At age 16, Barry Minkow began a carpet-cleaning business in
the family garage. Minkow became a youthful symbol of free
enterprise by his early twenties as his company, ZZZZ Best, skyrocketed onto
Wall Street and into homes across the United States through television ad-
vertising. On the way to this pinnacle of success, he swindled banks and in-
vestors out of $26 million with a pyramid of lies about company earnings
and financial success. He essentially “cooked the books” of ZZZZ Best to ob-
tain bank and investor monies. A jury convicted him of 57 counts of fraud,
carrying a maximum of 403 years in prison and $50 million in fines. Eleven
other defendants were convicted with Minkow. Can Minkow’s victims re-
cover their losses?
The victims did initiate costly and long-lasting civil actions to recover their losses,
but Minkow’s financial resources made collection unlikely. The judge ordered full
restitution of $26 million.44 Victims probably can deduct their losses on their tax re-
turns and thereby reduce the income taxes they otherwise would be obligated to pay.
Thus, indirectly, all other taxpayers share the loss because they have to pay more to
offset the ultimate effect of those deductions. Barry Minkow did not serve 403 years
in jail—he was sentenced to 25 years and served seven. While in prison, Minkow be-
came a “born-again” Christian and earned a master’s degree in Christian ministries.
In 1997, he became senior pastor of the Community Bible Church in San Diego.
Giant corporations, as well as high-profile individuals, are more often charged
with violating laws and regulations than smaller businesses and less well-known in-
dividuals are. In February 1994, General Electric and the De Beers Centenary of
Switzerland were indicted for conspiracy to fix prices of industrial diamonds in
world markets. These companies are the largest world users of industrial diamonds,
which are used in tools, not jewelry. The De Beers group does business in just
about every country in the world except the United States. In December 1994, a
federal judge in Columbus, Ohio, dismissed the case, ruling there was insufficient
evidence to warrant submission to a jury. The charges, although unproven, exem-
plify the government’s enthusiasm in pursuing white-collar crime. The investiga-
tion took two and a half years of intense efforts.45
White-collar crime can occur in securities markets where stock markets can be
used by insiders (owners and managers of businesses) to raise huge sums of money
from investors seeking profits.
In 1988, a corporation, Bre-X, was formed by David Walsh. It
was not successful until 1993, when it announced the discovery
of a huge gold mine in Indonesia. The price of Bre-X stock began immedi-
ately to rise, attaining a level of $100 per share by 1996—yet no gold had
been produced. Bre-X then announced that there were 40 million ounces of
gold in its claim. The stock promptly soared to $281 per share. Later in 1996,
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 267
Walsh and his wife Jeannette, the company secretary, began selling their
stock, taking in some $20 million. In March 1997, a Bre-X geologist fell to his
death from a helicopter in Indonesia—a death that was labeled a suicide.
The stock crashed and became valueless by year’s end. Independent tests re-
vealed that there was no marketable gold in the mines. Mutual funds were
the big losers in this white-collar fiasco.46 What criminal laws were broken?
with considerable success against violators of securities laws. For example, Michael
Milken was convicted under RICO of charges of scheming to manipulate stock
prices, of trading on inside information, and of defrauding customers. His employer,
the investment banking firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, facing a RICO indictment,
pleaded guilty to lesser charges and was fined $650 million. To qualify for a RICO
prosecution, the accused must have been involved in a “pattern of racketeering
activity.” Abortion protesters who block access to abortion clinics can be sued by
abortion-rights advocates for engaging in such a “pattern of racketeering activity.” 50
The decision does not prohibit peaceful protests outside abortion clinics, nor stop
protesters who trespass on clinic property without threatening clinic employees.
Financial advisers who misrepresent money matters to their professional athlete
clients also have been held to be engaging in a “pattern of racketeering activity.” 51
Federal courts have expanded the applicability of RICO to just about any col-
lective wrongful activity, whether for economic gain or not. RICO’s deterrent ef-
fect can be real. For example, actual damages can be trebled in civil cases. In crimi-
nal cases, assets of an accused can be temporarily seized before a trial begins.
Miscellaneous Crimes
Legislatures have seen fit to proscribe a myriad of activities by written laws. These
http:// miscellaneous crimes include (1) abusing animals, (2) conducting cockfights, (3) al-
If you need a break from tering telegrams, (4) “beating” vending machines or pay telephones, (5) removing
serious study, look for stu- articles from a corpse, (6) loitering around public schools, (7) offering a “dead or
pid crimes on the Internet. alive” reward, (8) tattooing a minor, (9) harassing another by telephone, (10) carry-
Some listings are for ques-
ing a switchblade knife, (11) committing perjury (i.e., lying while sworn to tell the
tionable laws and others
truth) or suborning perjury (i.e., getting someone else to commit perjury), (12) kill-
for simply stupid behavior.
ing protected species of birds, (13) bribing (i.e., paying money to a public official in
http://www.courttv.com/ return for some special consideration), and (14) defacing public property.
news/scm/ The foregoing examples are all state crimes. When criminal conduct involves
and interstate commerce or violates a U.S. statute, a federal crime has occurred. For ex-
http://www.copzilla.com/ ample, killing certain species of birds or animals that are protected by federal laws
humor/real.html are federal crimes. Perjury in a federal court is another example of a federal crime.
In recent years, prosecutions of public figures for lying in grand jury proceedings
(a felony) have gotten much publicity. Essentially, the crime alleged in the impeach-
ment of President Clinton was lying to a grand jury.
The foregoing list shows the diversity in criminal laws deemed necessary to
maintain peace and order in our politically organized, civilized society. Thousands of
miscellaneous crimes are on the books, including many outdated ones that are never
enforced. Regardless of the statutory blizzard of crimes on the books, ignorance of
the law is never a defense. If it were, no doubt most persons accused of a crime would
plead such ignorance. Generally, the rules are reasonable and conform to standards
of good conduct. The human conscience, or one’s innate sense of what is sometimes
called “natural law,” normally provides a workable guide to what is, in the eyes of
society, right and lawful and what is seriously wrong, hence punishable as a crime.
The legal right to use
whatever force appears WHAT ARE SOME DEFENSES TO CRIMES?
to be reasonably neces-
sary to protect oneself
(or specified others) from
great and imminent Violent conduct, which would otherwise be criminal behavior, is justified when
bodily injury by an used in defense of oneself or of certain other persons. All states recognize some
assailant. form of the privilege of self-defense.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 269
Cinnamon Clark and her boyfriend, Harry Holland, were listen-
ing to CDs in her apartment. A noisy party was underway next
door. Suddenly, there was a banging on Clark’s unlocked door, and it was
flung open. There stood Butch Meen, butcher knife in one hand and beer
bottle in the other. Holland’s first thought was to run out the back door, but
Clark grabbed her pistol from the table drawer, aimed it at Meen’s heart,
and stared him right in the eyes. When Meen lunged toward her, Clark, fear-
ful of imminent and serious personal harm, killed him with a single well-
aimed shot. Was the killing lawful?
Yes. The privilege of self-defense arises when one is confronted with a threat that
causes a genuine and reasonable fear of imminent danger of great bodily injury.
“Deadly resistance” is justified when the imminent peril is great. Since Meen held
a butcher knife and bottle, Clark’s fear of great and imminent harm, including pos-
sible death, was reasonable and her defense was reasonable. If Meen had retreated,
stepping backward, the killing would not have been justified, and Clark would have
been guilty of homicide, probably manslaughter. If Meen had lunged toward Hol-
land alone, the killing would still be justified because she was entitled to defend
Holland as well as herself.
Generally, the right to self-defense extends to members of one’s immediate
family or household and to others whom one is under a legal or socially recognized
duty to protect. The fact that the acts occurred in Clark’s apartment increases the
scope of the privilege of self-defense. Defense of habitation is rooted in the ancient
principle that one’s home is one’s castle. It does not mean that a killing is justified
merely because it takes place in the home of the accused; however, when at home,
one is not obliged to retreat. On the other hand, when one is outside one’s house
(or apartment), one might be expected to retreat if possible to do so without added
risk of harm. Thus, there is a general duty to retreat rather than to kill in self-
defense. Even in the home, the killing must be in defense of life or to prevent prob-
able grievous bodily injury, such as rape.
John Booth was released from prison and promptly, the same
day, got drunk and decided to burglarize a house. Michael La-
nier, a college student, and his fiancée were upstairs when they heard glass
shattering downstairs. Lanier grabbed a bat, went downstairs, and hit
Booth, who was entering through the window. Immediately upon being
struck by the bat, Booth began running away. Lanier chased him and contin-
ued to beat him into submission with the bat. Booth suffered a brain hemor-
rhage and fractured skull; his legs had been battered as well. Lanier was ar-
rested for assault with a deadly weapon. Will the argument of self-defense
work for Lanier?
The prosecutor dropped all charges against Lanier, citing (1) the outpouring of public
support for Lanier, (2) the uncertainty of whether a jury from that community would
270 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
convict, and (3) the fact that Lanier believed Booth to be a significant threat of death
or serious physical injury.52 As a general proposition, lethal force cannot be used to
chase down an intruder who no longer poses any threat of imminent harm. But pros-
ecutors often, as in the Lanier case, make the decision as to whether self-defense un-
der all of the circumstances was justified. If Lanier had been a former convict who
had served time for assault and battery on a police officer while resisting arrest for
drunken driving, would the district attorney have prosecuted him for assault? If so,
would that tend to suggest a dual standard of justice through selective prosecution?
Deadly force may not be used in defense against nondeadly force, such as slap-
ping. Nor may it be used in defense of property when life is not threatened. Thus,
one may not set a deadly spring gun to fire if a door or window is broken into when
one is not at home. If an intruder is hurt or killed, the person who set the gun is
guilty of either murder or manslaughter and is also liable in a civil action for injury
or wrongful death. Whether the crime was murder or manslaughter would be de-
termined by the presence or absence of malice in the mind of the defendant who
set the spring gun.
The right of self-defense is never a “license to kill.” If less than deadly force is
all that is reasonably required under the particular circumstances, then a killing in
self-defense becomes unlawful and punishable as a crime. Once the danger is over,
there is no justification for further retaliation.
duress Duress may negate the intent required to commit a crime. Duress is the forced
Any threat of, or actual, participation in what otherwise would be a crime. It implies that a person’s free will
physical harm that de- was overpowered, that he or she was coerced. “It is a defense that, when a defen-
prives a person of the dant engages in conduct which would otherwise constitute a crime, he is compelled
freedom of will to choose to do so by threat of imminent death or serious bodily injury to himself or another
and decide.
person or because he was compelled to do so by force.” 53
Fred Salmond was visiting his wife in prison. During a routine
frisk, the guards discovered marijuana in his jacket. In a criminal
prosecution for drug possession, he claimed the defense of duress. His story
was that two burly men told him to bring the drugs into the prison when he
visited his wife or she would be severely beaten. His wife had told him previ-
ously that the inmates for whom the drugs were intended were harassing
her in the prison. If Salmond can convince the trier of fact that his story is
true, duress should be a defense to the criminal charge.
This example also illustrates the problem that frequently confronts juries in ascer-
taining the truth when presented with bizarre facts. Note, however, that killing an-
other person is never excused or justified because it was committed under duress.
The historical difficulty with the defense of insanity results from the lack of a
satisfactory definition of the term, coupled with clear and reliable criteria to enable
juries to evaluate the mental condition and conduct of the accused. The defense of
“not guilty by reason of insanity” has been eliminated by statute in Montana,
Idaho, and Utah, and the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review those laws.54
In California, an insanity defense is available if the jury, in a separate trial for insanity defense
that purpose, determines that the defendant, by a preponderance of the evidence, A defense to a crime
was incapable (1) of knowing or understanding the nature and quality of the act based on some mental
or (2) of distinguishing right from wrong at the time the act was committed. In disease or defect.
New York, a defendant is not criminally responsible if he or she lacked substantial
capacity to know or appreciate (1) the nature and consequences of his or her act or
(2) that such conduct was wrong.
Juries are accustomed to determining facts (e.g., did the gun belong to the de-
fendant or not?). But when it comes to determining the sanity of the defendant, the
jury must determine the correctness of an opinion. Insanity is an opinion expressed
by psychiatrists until the jury says it is a fact. It is extremely difficult to determine
that a certain state of mind is a fact, and its importance is questionable if the basic
goal of society is to incarcerate defendants until they no longer are a threat to soci-
ety. Some argue that all perpetrators of heinous crimes are insane.
Defendant Jeffrey Dahmer was convicted of serial killing, of
drilling holes in his living victims’ heads and then pouring in
chemicals to “zombify” them, of having sex with the corpses’ viscera, and
of keeping some body parts in his refrigerator, occasionally eating them.
Should Dahmer have been punished as a criminal or treated as a desperately
sick human being?
“Crazy” is different from legally insane. The Wisconsin jury trying the Dahmer
case concluded that Dahmer was not insane.55 But if Dahmer was not insane when
he committed such grotesque and inhuman acts, one might ask, who is insane? As a
matter of official policy, Wisconsin follows the Model Penal Code definition of
mental responsibility: “A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the
time of such conduct as a result of mental disease or defect he lacked substantial ca-
pacity either to appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct or to conform his con-
duct to the requirements of law.” Thus, Dahmer was judged able to appreciate the
wrongfulness of what he did and able to refrain from doing it. The fact that he
wanted to commit such “crazy” acts does not constitute legal insanity. Jeffrey
Dahmer subsequently was murdered in prison. diminished
Insanity is to be distinguished from diminished capacity, which involves a dif- capacity
ferent mental state. Some crimes are defined to require a specific intent on the part Reduced ability to exer-
of the defendant. For example, capital murder requires the specific intent to kill. If by cise one’s freedom of will
reason of delusion, narcotics, or alcohol, for example, the defendant’s mental capac- or to choose between
ity is diminished to the extent that there can be no specific intent to kill, there can be right and wrong.
no capital murder. The crime may be reduced to manslaughter because of the defen-
dant’s diminished capacity.56 This defense has been eliminated by constitutional temporary
amendment in some states. In some states, the defense of temporary insanity is pos- insanity
sible, whereby the accused is innocent of the crime because of insanity, and yet, be- A passing or temporal
ing sane after the act, need not be confined in a mental hospital. mental disease or defect.
272 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
It is possible that an accused, sane at the time of the alleged crime, subse-
quently becomes insane. Insanity at the time of trial is not a defense to a crime
committed during a prior time of sanity. However, a trial cannot proceed until the
defendant is sane because a “fair” trial as guaranteed by our Constitution contem-
plates a rational defendant who can understand the charges against him or her and
assist in a proper defense. Nor can a prison sentence be served by, nor an execution
be administered to, an insane convict. In general terms, insanity suspends judicial
proceedings as long as it continues. However, the defendant may be committed to
a state institution for the insane until sanity is regained, at which time the criminal
proceedings may resume.
Terrence Shulman was caught shoplifting a bottle of cham-
http:// pagne from a supermarket. The champagne was to be a conso-
For unofficial statistics on lation gift to his girlfriend with whom he had just broken up because of his
who shoplifts and why, see “addictive compulsive” shoplifting problem. Is kleptomania, or an “impulse
the data compiled by a na- control” disorder, or “addictive compulsive” behavior a defense to the crime
tional security firm at of shoplifting?
No. There are understood to be about 23 million shoplifters in the United States,
who steal about $25 million of merchandise each day. Few are believed to steal out of
absolute financial need. Perhaps one-third steal for resale or to finance drug habits.
But the vast majority of shoplifters (usually teenagers) steal as a response to personal
or social pressures or in response to a compulsive impulse, such as kleptomania. The
excitement created by getting away with the theft is said by many to be the one true
reward of shoplifting. Because of the addictive and compulsive aspects of the crime of
shoplifting, help from educational and counseling organizations, such as Shoplifters
Alternative, is probably more effective than courts in reducing this crime.57
Criminal conduct is voluntary conduct. The defense of duress, discussed previ-
http:// ously, is one example where participation in criminal conduct is not voluntary. Are
In 2002, the trial and con- criminal acts while asleep another example?
viction of actress Winona
Ryder for shoplifting was
big news. See the Court TV
Web site for stories about
her arrest, trial, and convic-
tion at Early one morning, Kenneth Parks drove 14 miles to attack
his wife’s parents while they were asleep. He killed his mother-
http://www.courttv.com/ in-law with a butcher knife, severely injured his father-in-law, and then
trials/ryder/ turned himself in to police. Parks had a sleep disorder and contended that,
although perfectly sane, he simply had been sleepwalking while committing
the homicide and attack. Is this defense sound?
Yes, at least in Canada. The Parks case occurred in Ottawa, where a judge ruled that
the acts were involuntary. His acquittal was upheld on appeal.58 As difficult as it
might be to persuade a jury, an involuntary stupor or trance, caused by some inno-
cent involvement such as sleeping, would presumably negate the required voluntari-
ness. In 1999, a Phoenix jury refused the sleepwalking defense and found Scott
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 273
Falater guilty of first-degree murder of his wife. Apparently stabbing her 44 times
and then dragging her to their pool and holding her head under water did not fit
the jury’s idea of a sleep disorder.59 Note that a stupor or trance caused by drugs is
neither involuntary nor innocent if the use of the drugs is by personal choice.
What Is Entrapment?
A defendant cannot be convicted of committing a crime if the government, acting
through its law enforcement personnel, induced the criminal act. The defense of
entrapment is an affirmative defense that must be proven by the defendant by a entrapment
preponderance of the evidence, as in civil litigation; it does not have to be proven A defense to criminal
beyond a reasonable doubt. However, this defense is very narrow, limited in scope, charges if the crime was
and usually unsuccessful. It applies only when the conduct of the law enforcement induced by police encour-
agent was likely to induce a normally law-abiding person to commit the offense agement, but not if po-
lice merely provided an
when such a person would not otherwise be disposed to do so. That is, the question
opportunity for the ac-
is not whether the particular defendant was induced to commit the crime, but
cused to commit the crim-
whether any reasonable, law-abiding person would have been so induced.60 There inal act.
is no entrapment when undercover agents are merely negotiating the price of, and
buying, illegal drugs from the defendant.61
Joe Shapiro, operating on Whidbey Island, Washington, negoti-
ated with Richard Russell and others for the purchase of home-
made methamphetamine, or “speed.” Russell needed the very scarce, but
legal, chemical phenyl-2-propanone to prepare the drug, and this was sup-
plied by Shapiro. A month after the batch was prepared and delivered,
Russell was advised that Shapiro was an employee of the Federal Bureau of
Narcotics. Arrest and trial followed in due course. Had Russell been constitu-
tionally entrapped?
United States v. Russell, 411 U.S. 423, 93 S.Ct. 1637 (1973).
No. Entrapment occurs only if the government agent implants the criminal design
or idea in the mind of the defendant. The U.S. Supreme Court held that Russell
had a predisposition to commit the crime and that the mere affording of opportu-
nity by Shapiro was not entrapment.
Even if the defendant is predisposed to criminal activity, the government may
not engage in “outrageous” investigatory conduct, or evidence collected will be
suppressed and the defendant set free.
Ralph “Sonny” Barger, the recognized leader of the Hell’s An-
gels, was convicted of conspiracy to violate federal explosives
laws based upon the testimony of Anthony Tait, an FBI informant who par-
ticipated in a “sting” operation (investigative activity in which a suspected
criminal organization is infiltrated by a government witness). The govern-
ment investigation followed the murder of a Hell’s Angel by members of the
Outlaws Motorcycle Club. Barger contended that the government was guilty
of outrageous investigative conduct: by hiring Tait on a contingent-fee basis;
274 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
by having Tait travel from city to city throughout the country, spending
$150,000 of government expense money recruiting Hell’s Angels to retaliate
against the Outlaws by blowing up their clubhouse in Chicago; and by incit-
ing Barger, personally, to retaliate. Should the conviction be reversed?
United States v. Barger, 931 F.2d 359 (1991).
No. The federal court acknowledged that the due process clause of the Fifth
Amendment requires fundamental fairness, and that some police conduct may be
so egregious as to violate that command. But in this case, the government merely
responded to the real threat of gang retaliation, which could have caused great per-
sonal harm and property damage between two rival gangs with a history of vio-
lence. Barger also contended that he had been entrapped, arguing that he had no
predisposition to engage in criminal activity. His predisposition was, the court
held, refuted by his personal involvement in the retaliatory scheme both before and
after Anthony Tait’s proposed plan of action was revealed.
The last years of the twentieth century witnessed a gradual but pervasive trend to
elevate the rights of crime victims, even if that requires lessening the rights of the
* For example, in 1983, Mary Jane Dudley Maxwell Pugh Hall (Smith) was charged with, and convicted of, the shooting murder of
her husband, Donald Pugh, back in 1970. Hall (Smith) v. Commonwealth, 8 Va.App. 526, 383 S.E.2d 18 (Virginia, 1989). Perhaps
the record for justice delayed is the case of Mississippi v. Sam Bowers, the 73-year-old former Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard who
was first accused in 1966 of ordering, but not participating in, the firebombing murder of activist Vernon Dahmer. Bowers was
tried four consecutive times; in each trial, an all-white jury deadlocked. Thirty-two years after the murder of Dahmer, however,
the prosecution, with the help of a surprise “confidential informant” as witness, obtained a guilty verdict. New York Times, 29
May 1998; Announcement of Anti-Defamation League, 21 August 1998. A last example is the conviction in 1994 of Bryon De La
Beckwith for the murder of civil rights leader Medgar Evers 30 years after his assassination.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 275
For too long, the victims of crime have been the forgotten persons of our criminal
justice system. Rarely do we give victims the help they need or the attention
they deserve. Yet the protection of our citizens—to guard them from becoming
victims—is the primary purpose of our penal laws. Thus each new victim person-
ally represents an instance in which our system has failed to prevent crime. Lack
of concern for victims compounds that failure.62
In response to the growing concern for victims’ rights, Congress enacted the Omni-
bus Victim and Protection Act of 1982, providing, among other things, for victim-
impact statements at sentencing, protection from intimidation, restitution from of- For a directory of sites
fenders (e.g., return of stolen property), and a general tightening of bail procedures. about victims’ rights, see
The states have not remained on the sidelines. Since 1985, most states have http://dir.yahoo.com/
passed either legislation or constitutional amendments supportive of victims’ rights Society_and_Culture/
in the criminal system. Most states now require that notice be provided to all vic-
tims, or to members of deceased victims’ families, prior to sentencing proceedings.
During these proceedings, victims or their families may express verbally (or in writ-
ing or by videotape, if they prefer) their views about the crime, about the convicted
felon, and the need for restitution. Such victim-impact statements are often pro-
vided for the judge’s use in sentencing. They typically contain information about
the victim’s economic loss, physical and psychological injuries, and how the crime
caused changes in the victim’s employment.
Lawrence Singleton had been convicted by a Florida jury of mur-
dering a hitchhiker he had picked up and taken to his home.
Singleton claimed that the victim, Roxanne Hayes, attacked him with a knife
and that he was trying to grab the weapon when the blade plunged seven
times into her body. In the penalty phase of the trial, when the jury must rec-
ommend either life imprisonment or death, the assistant state attorney
reached back 20 years, to 1978, to call a previous victim of Singleton’s as a
witness in support of the death penalty. Do former victims have the right
to testify in current proceedings to help persuade the jury to render the
death penalty?
Yes. Mary Vincent traveled from California to Florida to testify and told the jury,
“I was raped, and I had my hands cut off ” in 1978 when she was only 15 years old.
Singleton used a hatchet and left Vincent to die in a ditch invisible to the road.
Somehow, without hands, Vincent crawled up to the road, obtained help, and sur-
vived. Because Vincent survived, Singleton was hunted down and convicted. Paroled http://
from a California prison after serving just 10 years, Singleton moved to Florida be- You may compare victims’
cause many California towns resisted his residency. The Florida jury, after listening rights laws in Alaska and
to Mary Vincent, recommended the death penalty. Singleton died in December 2001 Kentucky by visiting
Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee, both African-American, were
sentenced to death by an all-white jury for the murder of two
white gas station attendants. After more than 30 years in jail, nine of which
were on death row, Pitts, 54, and Lee, 62, were found to be innocent. A
white man, Curtis “Boo” Adams, was the guilty person.64 As victims, can Pitts
and Lee sue for compensation?
Persons who are wrongfully convicted of a crime often do not recover compensa-
tion. As long as prosecutors acted reasonably and witnesses were truthful, there is
no wrongdoer to sue. Florida, however, is an example of a state that does pay com-
pensation in such situations. Pitts and Lee each received $500,000 as compensation
for their 30 years in jail.
Some victims of crime are witnesses to its commission.
Gloria Lyons and Denise Jones witnessed a homicide by Charles
Lafayette, a member of the “Bloods” gang. The slaying oc-
curred during an argument over a $5 rock of cocaine. Lyons and Jones were
reluctant to tell what they saw, for fear of “wearing snitch jackets,” which
they consider to be targets on their backs. What can the prosecutor do to
safeguard these witnesses from retaliation?
* During 1977, New York was terrorized by multiple random shootings of young women and their companions committed by a
killer dubbed the “Son of Sam” by the press. The killer, David Berkowitz, sold book rights to his story. This prompted the state to
enact the first “Son of Sam” escrow law. New York Exec. Law, Sec. 632-a(l), McKinney 1982.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 277
Some states have witness relocation laws that provide some financial help for relo-
cating endangered witnesses to new neighborhoods. Unfortunately, many such wit-
nesses become lonely for and return to their old neighborhoods. The problem of
witness protection in gang member prosecutions is an unresolved problem. In the
preceding case, Lyons and Jones did testify; Lafayette is in prison serving 25 years
to life. Lyons was executed in an alley within three days of testifying; Jones re-
turned to her former neighborhood and was promptly murdered on the street. No
arrests were made. The tally: One murderer in jail and two witnesses dead with
their murderer(s) still on the street.65
Police officers approach a house with a search warrant. Upon
approaching the house, the police officers announce “police”
and after approximately three to five seconds break the door down. They
don’t knock or wait very long for anyone to come to the door. The police en-
ter, find illegal drugs and drug-making paraphernalia, and arrest the resi-
dents of the house. The residents move to exclude all evidence found in the
house at their criminal trials claiming that a failure to “knock and an-
nounce” rendered the search illegal. What will the result be?
The evidence will probably be admitted under a recent decision of the U.S. Su-
preme Court, Hudson v. Michigan. In Hudson, the court held that a failure to knock
would not prevent use of evidence obtained, if the search was otherwise proper and
legitimate. The Court noted that the exclusionary rule generates substantial social
costs which sometimes include “setting the guilty free and the dangerous at large.”
The Court rejected “indiscriminate application” of the rule and held it to be appli-
cable only “where its remedial objectives are thought most efficaciously served,”
that is, “where its deterrence benefits outweigh its ‘substantial’ social costs.” 67 It re-
mains to be seen if Hudson is the first round in a broad reduction in the scope of
Fourth Amendment-based exclusionary rule.
278 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
for a routine traffic offense. The only restriction on the “plain view” doctrine
is that the officer must have a right to be in that place when the observation
was made.
Sobriety checkpoints set up by law enforcement to detect drunk drivers do not violate
the Fourth Amendment despite the absence of any individualized suspicion that a
particular driver is under the influence. (DUIs refer to driving under the influence
of alcohol or drugs.) Neither the magnitude of the drunk-driving problem nor the
state’s interest in eradicating it can be disputed. The intrusion on the privacy of
motorists stopped briefly at sobriety checkpoints is slight.69 In the state of Georgia,
police make prior public announcements and then identify with large signs the sites
of forthcoming sobriety checkpoints. Contraband in plain view during a sobriety
checkpoint stop clearly will be admissible as evidence against the accused.
Officer Studnicka observed a van sitting on the shoulder of a
state highway in the early evening. Thinking the van’s driver
might be having mechanical trouble, Studnicka made a U-turn, turned on his
flashing red lights, and came to a stop at the rear of the van. When asking
driver Steven Hanson for his driver’s license, Officer Studnicka observed an
open can of Michelob beer near the dashboard. He then asked Hanson to
get out, smelled alcohol, administered an “Alcohol Sensor” test, and ar-
rested him for DUI. The van was impounded, and 8.7 grams of marijuana
were found. Hanson moved the court for an order suppressing all evidence
on the grounds that an illegal seizure had occurred, in violation of his Fourth
Amendment rights. What was the result?
State v. Hanson, 501 N.W.2d 677 (Minn. App., 1993).
This was an improper seizure because the flashing red lights were a clear direction
to Hanson, sitting in the van, not to drive away. In effect, Hanson was detained by
the flashing lights. Officer Studnicka admitted that he had no suspicion of criminal
activity when he turned on the red lights. Therefore, Studnicka had improperly re-
strained Hanson. All evidence was ordered suppressed, and the charges against
Hanson were dropped. If Studnicka had not turned on the flashing red lights, the
subsequent visual search would have been proper.
• Stop and frisk based on reasonable suspicion. If an officer has a reasonable
suspicion of criminal activity, or if a dangerous misdemeanor is occurring, the
object of that suspicion may be detained, questioned, and “frisked” or “patted
down” for a weapon.
• Hot pursuit. A fleeing suspect may be pursued into a private building without
a search (or arrest) warrant.
• Emergency. Under emergency conditions, it may not be possible to obtain a
search warrant before acting. An example would be a break-in to rescue the
victim of a crime, seen through the window, who is in need of immediate assis-
tance. Other evidence of a crime in progress (such as wet blood or sounds of
agony) also justifies immediate action by police.
• Open field. An officer may search an open field suspected to contain contra-
band as long as there is no reasonable expectation of privacy therein. Police
may trespass in a neighbor’s backyard and stand on their tiptoes to visually
search a defendant’s backyard. The defendant’s reasonable expectation of
280 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Jenny Stracner, a police investigator, examined the trash in a
bag that Billy Greenwood and Dyanne Van Houten placed on
the sidewalk near their home and discovered evidence of narcotics use. She
used this evidence to obtain a search warrant of the house where quantities
of narcotics were found. Was the warrantless search of the garbage
California v. Greenwood & Van Houten, 486 U.S. 35, 108 S.Ct. 1625 (1988).
Yes. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy of trash placed outside for col-
lection. Therefore, the search does not violate the Fourth Amendment.
• Customs and immigration. Customs and immigration officers do not need a
search warrant in certain situations. For example, searches near the border, or
places of entry to the United States, are exempt from the general requirements
of probable cause. That is, those officers can detain and search persons if they
have a “mere suspicion.” Body (“skin”) searches must be based upon “real, or
reasonable, suspicion,” and even a body cavity search (i.e., an intrusion beyond
the body’s surface) requires only a “clear indication,” which is much less than
probable cause.73 Conforming to a drug carrier’s profile, behaving nervously,
and wearing bulky clothing are typical bases for a strip search.
• Mail to and from prisons. Although domestic first-class mail cannot be
searched without probable cause, an exception is made for U.S. mail to and
from prisons, all of which is subject to search. Some states prohibit the search
of prison mail that is addressed to judges or lawyers from prison inmates.
• Searches by private citizens. The Fourth Amendment is a restraint upon
government, not upon individuals. Accordingly, evidence obtained from a
search by a private citizen is admissible in court.
• Administrative inspections. Certain pervasively regulated businesses (e.g.,
food establishments) are subject to warrantless inspections by administrative
personnel as part of public necessity and licensing rules, and evidence discov-
ered during such a search is accordingly admissible, even if unrelated to the
• Banks. Banks and financial institutions supply information to government agen-
cies pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act without the necessity of a search warrant.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 281
Accusatory Pleading An accusation of a crimi-
A person suspected of committing a state or federal crime becomes an accused nal offense.
following the issuance of an accusatory pleading. The most common types of accu-
satory pleadings are complaint, information (or affidavit), and indictment. Al- indictment
though the federal and state systems use documents with similar names, their pro- An accusation of felony
cedures are somewhat different. filed by a grand jury.
Exhibit 6.1: Typical Steps in a Criminal Prosecution
Suspect found
Preliminary Trial is held, Defendant
hearing with or sentenced by
is held. without jury. judge.
report is made.
Sentence is
No probable Suspect executed.
cause; found not Defendant punished by
suspect is guilty and fine and/or imprisonment.
released. released.
or Sentence is
suspended. Defendant is
Defendant appeals. released
Pending appeal, having served
defendant is freed on bail sentence or
or is jailed. qualified for
Defendant is parole.
released on
Defendant is probation.
found not Appellate court Appellate court
guilty remands affirms with or
(sends case without
on appeal and
back to trial changes.
released. court for Sentence is
correction). executed.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 283
State Crimes In some felony cases, the district attorney will prepare a complaint and
file it with a judicial officer (usually called a magistrate), who is authorized to issue ar-
rest warrants. If there is probable cause for the charges made against the accused, an Professor Susan Brenner of
arrest warrant will be issued. Following the arrest, a preliminary hearing will be con- the University of Dayton
ducted by a judge or magistrate to determine if any information should be issued bind- School of Law provides in-
formation on both state
ing the defendant for subsequent trial in the designated trial court. During this period
and federal grand juries at
of time, the defendant may be free on bail, which is discussed later in this chapter.
In other felony cases, the district attorney will request that the local grand jury http://www.udayton.edu/
convene. This is a group of selected not random citizens like those sitting in jury ~grandjur
trials. Following a secret session, the grand jury may issue an indictment charging
the suspect with commission of a crime. The indictment is issued only if the grand
jury is persuaded that there is probable cause that the defendant committed a
crime. Although the grand jury hears evidence before issuing an indictment, the
process has been widely criticized as being a mere “rubber stamp” procedure be-
cause the evidence in defense, if any, may be deemphasized or even withheld by the
prosecutor. A commonly heard quote whose source if not meaning is in doubt is,
“A good prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.” Sometimes,
the suspect is not even aware that the grand jury proceeding is taking place. After
an indictment is issued, a warrant for the arrest of the accused will follow. Trial will
follow apprehension and arraignment of the defendant.
Sometimes, a grand jury will identify (but decline to indict) a person as a co-
conspirator with the defendant. Such an unindicted co-conspirator is neither ar-
rested nor prosecuted, usually because of a lack of sufficient evidence to convict.
The decision to proceed against a suspect with the process of complaint/
preliminary hearing/information/trial, or more directly with indictment/trial, is left
to the discretion of the prosecuting attorney. Frequently, if the suspect is a promi-
nent person or political figure, the elected district attorney may prefer the indict-
ment procedure, thereby delegating the decision to prosecute to a body of private
citizens. In either process of accusation, it is important to recognize that there must
be some kind of hearing to evaluate the prosecutor’s case before the defendant is
held for trial. This prevents an overzealous prosecutor from arbitrarily subjecting
an accused to a criminal trial.
Regardless of the name of the accusatory documents utilized in a given state,
they all provide the defendant with a clear understanding of the offenses charged so
he or she may prepare a defense.
Misdemeanor suspects are accused by documents usually called complaints
rather than indictments by a grand jury.
proceedings against a specific person. The federal grand jury listens to testimony
and considers evidence presented by the U.S. attorney before making its decision.
Many defendants waive their right to an indictment and choose to proceed by in-
formation for reasons of expediency.
Defendants accused of federal crimes are tried in the U.S. District Court be-
fore a federal judge (and jury, if a jury has been demanded and if the offense is seri-
ous enough to justify a jury). Incarceration for a federal offense is in a federal,
rather than a state, penitentiary.
After formal accusation by indictment or complaint, a warrant for the arrest of the
arrest accused is issued. To arrest is to take into custody for the purpose of bringing the
To take a person into cus- person before a court. It is made by physical restraint or by the defendant’s volun-
tody in order to charge tary submission to custody.
him or her with commis- Arrest may also occur in certain specified situations, before any accusatory
sion of a crime. pleading has been issued. This procedure differs slightly among the states. Gener-
ally, law officers may make a warrantless arrest (1) for a felony or a breach of the
peace (perhaps a misdemeanor, such as simple assault) committed in their presence,
(2) upon the accusation by a private person accusing another of a felony, or (3) upon
probable cause or official information that the person arrested has committed a
felony at some earlier time.
A private person cannot obtain a warrant for the arrest of another. However,
all states have retained the common law rules, or have enacted some variation
thereof, whereby a private citizen may make a warrantless arrest, known as a “citi-
zen’s arrest.” Generally, such an arrest may be made for a felony committed in the
person’s presence or for a misdemeanor that constitutes a breach of the peace then
in progress. Whenever possible, arrests should be left to trained law enforcement
officers. A citizen attempting an arrest faces the problem of restraining the arrestee,
the possibility of violence, and the hazard of mistake, which could lead to a civil suit
and damages for the tort of false imprisonment (arrest).
An officer or citizen making an arrest may search the arrestee if reasonably
necessary to prevent destruction of evidence or to detect and confiscate any
weapon or article useful to the arrestee in making an escape. The search must be
reasonable. Indeed, an officer is privileged to stop and frisk, by pat-down, any per-
son being lawfully questioned as a criminal suspect. The pat-down is reasonable if
it is reasonably necessary for the officer’s own protection. Such a suspect, however,
should not be locked in jail for questioning or investigation unless there is an ade-
quate basis (as previously described) to make a valid arrest. There is no adequate
basis for an arrest for simple failure to identify oneself or to explain one’s presence
satisfactorily. The circumstances determine whether there is adequate basis for ar-
rest. For example, refusal to explain one’s presence at 3:00 A.M. in a warehouse dis-
detention trict where recent burglaries have taken place would justify detention pending in-
The brief stopping of a vestigation, and possibly subsequent arrest. A detention is a temporary restraint of
suspicious person by a po- one’s liberty to permit the police to determine if there is sufficient evidence to
lice officer for the limited make an arrest. For example, a person may be detained long enough to perform a
purpose of determining if computer check on vehicle registration papers, to obtain a drug-sniffing dog, or to
a crime has been or is be-
obtain a possible eyewitness.
ing committed in the
An officer making an arrest may use the force reasonably necessary to accom-
proximity of the
plish the restraint. The modern view is to discourage the use of deadly force in
making an arrest. A private citizen may not use deadly force in making an arrest ex-
cept in the case of a violent felony (e.g., murder, arson, rape, or robbery). It is the
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 285
legal duty of everyone, innocent or guilty, to submit to a lawful arrest, and im-
proper resistance is a separate crime.
Arrests are not always necessary in situations involving misdemeanors, petty
offenses, and infractions. One alternative to arrest is the ordinary traffic ticket,
which is similar to the summons used in civil proceedings. The traffic violator is not
a criminal and usually will appear in court after making a written promise to do so
on the citation (the traffic ticket). In a growing number of misdemeanors, including
shoplifting and some narcotics violations, the summons is being used instead of ar-
rest to facilitate and streamline the procedures for handling large numbers of cases.
After an arrest, the accused may be booked, which involves searching, fingerprint- booked
ing, photographing, testing for alcohol or drugs, and reasonably related activities. The administrative prac-
With respect to crimes involving the operation of motor vehicles while under the tice that occurs when
influence of alcohol or drugs, states have statutes establishing prohibited levels of an arrested person is
blood-alcohol concentration (BAC). brought to a police sta-
tion following arrest but
The practice of strip-searching arrestees for the purpose of confiscating any
before incarceration in
weapon, contraband (i.e., any property that is unlawful to produce or possess), or
other evidence is often controversial. Under federal court rulings, an arrestee can
be required to strip and be searched only if an officer has a reasonable suspicion he
or she is concealing drugs or contraband that cannot be discovered in a pat-
down.75 Some states prohibit strip-searching in nonviolent misdemeanor cases.
The accused has certain rights after arrest, including the right to be promptly
taken before a judge or magistrate, the right to be allowed bail (except in certain
cases), the right to remain silent, and, in serious criminal cases, the right to have an
attorney present (a telephone call, without charge, must be permitted for this pur-
pose). The right of an accused to be promptly taken before a judge or magistrate
limits the possibility of unreasonable police interrogation (“the third degree”) and
affords an opportunity for the accused to have bail set (if it has not already been set
and stated in the arrest warrant), to have constitutional rights explained, and to
have an attorney appointed if he or she cannot afford private legal services.
An accused who is arrested is physically taken to jail. But the state has no right to
punish the arrestee. Every person accused of a crime is presumed innocent under
the Fifth Amendment until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and to a Read everything you might
moral certainty, and therefore is entitled to release on bail with only limited excep- want to know about bail
tions. The purpose of bail is merely to help assure the defendant’s presence for from 1–800–attorney at
trial. Bail refers to the security given the court by the accused to assure later ap- http://www.1-800-attorney
pearance for trial, in exchange for immediate release from custody. The amount of .com/li/legal_topics.cfm
bail must be specified in the arrest warrant or, if arrest is without warrant, the mag-
istrate will set bail after the arrest and booking. The court may deny bail where
there is a great likelihood the defendant will flee, as when a capital offense has been bail
charged and the evidence of guilt is overwhelming.76 But bail cannot be denied or Security posted with the
set unreasonably high simply because a judge considers a defendant to be danger- court to assure that the
accused, if released be-
ous. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Council declared unconstitutional a stat-
fore trial, will voluntarily
ute that permitted a judge to deny bail simply because the judge believed the defen-
return for further crimi-
dant to be dangerous. The court held that standards, such as found in the Federal nal proceedings.
Bail Reform Act of 1984, must be applied.77
Bail will be denied a person accused of certain extremely serious federal
crimes if the government demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence, after an
286 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
adversary hearing,* that no release conditions will reasonably assure the safety of
the community. Bail for defendants accused of less serious federal offenses may be
denied when, for example, there is a high degree of risk that the defendant will flee
if released pending trial. When bail is denied, federal detainees are housed sepa-
rately from convicted defendants, and other procedural safeguards apply.78 In all
cases, the policy is to be liberal in setting bail before any conviction takes place.
Freedom while appealing a conviction is easily distinguishable from the situation
before trial because there is no longer a presumption of innocence.
bail bond A bail bond is a document signed by both the accused and a bail bondsman
A document signed by binding them to pay to the state a specified sum if the accused fails to appear in
both the accused and a court as directed. Bail bondsmen charge substantial fees in exchange for making
bail bondsman, binding such a promise, typically 10 percent of the sum specified as bail (e.g., $1,000 fee
the bail bondsman to pay when the bail is $10,000). They rarely lose money because they secure their risk
a specified sum of money
with collateral (such as stocks, bonds, mortgages, jewelry, or other valuables) and
to the state if the accused
later go to great lengths to recover from the clients who “jump bail” (i.e., fail to ap-
fails to appear in court as
pear in court as promised).
Under the Eighth Amendment, a judge or magistrate may not demand “exces-
sive bail,” but any amount may be too much for a poor person. Accordingly, at the
federal level and in a number of progressive states, reforms have been enacted to
recognizance permit release of the poor on their own recognizance, whereby the accused per-
A written promise by the son simply promises in writing to appear for the trial. The court can attach other
accused that if released conditions to the prisoner’s release, such as a promise not to contact the victim of
without posting bail, he the crime. Failure to fulfill conditions of release may lead to rearrest and may in-
or she will return volun- volve an obligation to pay a specified sum of money to the court.
tarily for further criminal
After being formally charged with a crime by the filing of an accusatory pleading
arraigned (complaint, information, or indictment), the accused must be arraigned, meaning
To be formally charged called into court, informed of the charge, and given an opportunity to make a re-
with a crime in a court of sponse or plea. A public defender will be appointed to defend an accused who is un-
law and to make a plea. able to afford private counsel. In general, the defendant’s plea may be either guilty,
not guilty, nolo contendere (Latin: “I will not contest it”), or not guilty by reason of in-
sanity. A plea of nolo contendere in criminal law is comparable to a plea of guilty. The
only real distinction justifying its use is that a guilty plea can be used against the de-
fendant as an admission against interest in subsequent civil litigation, whereas a plea
of nolo contendere generally cannot. A guilty plea standing alone presumes that the de-
fendant was sane at the time the crime was committed. Hence, the question of insan-
ity must be raised by special plea, namely “not guilty by reason of insanity.” In felony
cases, a preliminary hearing (unless waived by the defendant) and trial will follow the
defendant’s plea. There is no preliminary hearing in misdemeanor cases. If the plea
is guilty, in either a felony or misdemeanor case, sentencing will then follow.
Plea Bargain
Often, following arraignment, the district attorney or county prosecutor will decide
plea bargain that it is in the best interests of justice to offer a plea bargain to a defendant. Typi-
A binding agreement in cally, the defendant agrees to plead guilty to some crime of lesser severity than the
which an accused agrees crime specified at the arraignment. In return, a judge agrees to a specified punish-
to plead guilty (or nolo ment and accepts the guilty plea on that basis. Once a judge has accepted a guilty
contendere) if the court
agrees to a specified pun- * The adversary hearing is a mini-trial, the purpose of which is to determine the potential danger to the community if the accused
ishment in advance. defendant is released on bail pending trial. The accused may have counsel, cross-examine witnesses, offer evidence, and so
forth. There is no jury in these proceedings.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 287
plea, the judge cannot refuse to carry through the bargain that induced the plea.79
The government’s rationale for plea bargaining is that the interests of justice are
better served when the time, expense, and uncertainty of a trial can be avoided. For
example, it may be uncertain whether a conviction for murder in the second degree
or voluntary manslaughter can be obtained. It may be preferable to accept a guilty
plea to the lesser charge than to incur the expense and difficulty of trial. There is
an unending stream of cases to be disposed of, and plea bargaining can be of bene-
fit to the defendants—who are in jeopardy of a more severe sentence—as well as to
the people represented by the prosecutor’s office.
Preliminary Hearing
A preliminary hearing is an evidentiary proceeding after a felony accusation, done preliminary
before a magistrate or judge, to determine whether there is probable cause that the hearing
specified felony has been committed by the accused. The district attorney will call An examination in open
witnesses and present evidence in support of the charges. The accused need not, court by a judge to deter-
and usually does not, present any evidence because he or she is presumed innocent. mine whether sufficient
However, most defendants’ attorneys take advantage of the opportunity and cross- evidence exists to hold
examine prosecution witnesses at length in order to learn as much as possible about the accused for trial.
the case. In some states, a preliminary hearing is not conducted after an indictment,
on the theory that there already has been an evidentiary hearing. This rule is sub-
ject to constitutional question because the grand jury is a one-sided proceeding
with no judge or magistrate present.
After the preliminary hearing, assuming the prosecution has presented enough
evidence to justify a trial, the matter will be set for jury or nonjury trial, to deter-
mine the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Preliminary hearings are not con-
ducted in misdemeanor cases.
they are “procedural safeguards” imposed by the courts to preserve the integrity of
the judicial system. Therefore, if the arresting officer fails to inform the arrestee of
these rights, the court subsequently may reject as evidence anything said by the de-
fendant that is of an incriminating nature, such as a confession. Rejection of such
evidence by the court may result in dismissal of the case if there is no other evi-
dence sufficient to convict.
Miranda warnings are required prior to custodial (while in custody) interro-
gation, but not before general investigatory questioning (e.g., Where do you live?
What are you doing here? How did you get here?). The warnings relate to all of-
fenses, regardless of their gravity (e.g., for driving under the influence of alcohol or
drugs). Police can detain persons, during an investigation, for a reasonable time for
some reasonable purpose, without making any arrest. This “right to detain” can be
based upon a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity involving the detainee. The
Miranda warnings need not be given until an arrest is contemplated. In petty mis-
demeanor cases or infractions (e.g., traffic violations), no arrest is contemplated, so
Miranda warnings are inapplicable.
The accused is entitled to due process in all procedures following arrest. Bail,
as previously discussed, is designed to prevent the punishment of one who is pre-
sumed innocent pending trial. There is a right to a speedy trial unless the defen-
dant waives time and permits a later trial date. States typically provide that the de-
fendant is entitled to commencement of trial within approximately 60 days of
arraignment. But most defendants “waive time” to better prepare their defenses, or
even simply to stall as long as possible. There is a right to be arraigned—that is, in-
formed of the specific charges pending.
During trial, the defendant is entitled to an impartial jury and judge and is pre-
sumed innocent until found guilty. The state, representing the people, always has
the burden of proof to convict “beyond a reasonable doubt.” The defendant is enti-
tled to be present in court in ordinary clothing* and is entitled to confront and
cross-examine adverse witnesses, including informants who are witnesses to the
crime charged.81 A defendant has a right to conduct his or her own defense but
must be able and willing to abide by rules of procedure and courtroom protocol.
The Fifth Amendment provides that “no person shall … be compelled in any crim-
privilege against inal case to be a witness against himself. …” This right is known as the privilege
self-incrimination against self-incrimination. Accordingly, a defendant need not take the witness
The right of any person, stand and testify in the proceeding. The prosecution must prove its case beyond a
including one accused of reasonable doubt without the use of the defendant’s testimony.
a crime, to remain silent
when what might be said
could indicate guilt.
Michael Vega was charged with vehicular manslaughter. An-
toinette Marie Joseph was the sole witness able to incriminate
him. Just before his jury trial was scheduled to begin, Vega married Joseph,
setting the stage for his wife not to testify against him. On motion of the de-
fense attorney, Judge Carolyn Sweeney dismissed all charges, but noted that
the timing of the marriage was a “terrible violation of ordinary moral de-
cency.” Was the judge correct to dismiss the case?
* A defendant cannot be compelled to be tried in jail attire because it may insinuate that the defendant has been arrested not only
on the charge being tried but also on other charges for which he or she is being incarcerated. The presumption of innocence re-
quires the civilian garb of innocence.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 289
* Global television coverage of the O. J. Simpson murder trial prompted its label as the “Trial of the Century.” Even before televi-
sion was permitted in courtrooms, pretrial publicity was a significant problem. For example, Giovanni Vigliotto, dubbed the “Sici-
lian Seducer” for his conviction of marrying and defrauding between 82 and 105 women, received national publicity (talk shows,
made-for-TV movies, and even the Guinness Book of World Records) prior to his 1983 conviction in Arizona and sentence to 34
years in prison without possibility of parole. Defense attorneys contended it was the worst case of pretrial publicity ever, a com-
edy of errors, but Vigliotto lost his appeal and died while in prison. Vigliotto v. Terry, 873 F.2d 1201 (9th Cir., 1989).
290 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Bloodsworth, his innocence confirmed, was promptly released from prison.86 Like
fingerprint comparison, DNA matching is admissible in evidence, although unlike
fingerprint analysis, it is not always absolutely conclusive. However, the overwhelm-
ing statistical probability of unique identification will be taken as conclusive in the
minds of reasonable people. In a pioneering case, the court ruled that any evidence
that was generally accepted in the applicable scientific community was admissible
(acceptable) in court.87 Thus, DNA evidence has become widely acceptable.
Terrorism Issues
Some issues demand coverage because of their importance and timeliness and yet
the complexity and uncertainty of the issues are difficult to cover in an introductory
law text. Such are the legal issues raised by the war on terrorism. But a few issues
can be raised briefly.
http:// Law Enforcement, Military Defense, and Due Process Responding to southern
state complaints about military presence during the Reconstruction Era, Congress
An overview of the Posse passed the Posse Comitatus Act.88 The act separates civilian and military authority
Comitatus Act can be found and generally forbids military enforcement of civilian laws. In recent years, legisla-
at Rand, a policy “think tion has allowed some military involvement in border drug interdiction.89
In 2001, President Bush issued a Military Order directing the Department of
http://www.rand.org/ Defense to establish military commissions to decide the guilt of noncitizens sus-
publications/MR/MR1251/ pected of involvement in terrorist activities. These commissions have raised addi-
MR1251.AppD.pdf tional legal and political questions about the long-term separation of military from
law enforcement functions. “A military tribunal is a special court run by the mili-
tary, not the civilian judiciary, and convened to adjudicate extraordinary cases, usu-
http:// ally involving foreigners and usually during wartime.” 90 In 2006, however, the Su-
preme Court struck down the tribunals, finding a lack of military necessity.91
The Council on Foreign Re-
While the Court made it clear that military combatants might not be entitled to the
lations explains the differ-
ences between military tri-
same due process protections to which criminal defendants are entitled, the Court
bunals, court martials, and nevertheless noted that the tribunals did not guarantee sufficient due process. The
civil trials at Court noted that the president could choose to conduct trials pursuant to the Uni-
form Code of Military Justice.92
answers.com/responses/ Immigration Law Some persons suspected of terrorist activities are in the United
tribunals.html States illegally in violation of U.S. immigration law. The Illegal Immigration Reform
and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 created substantial penalties for aliens
who overstay their visas or enter the country illegally. In addition, violation of immi-
gration status allows for detention of violators outside of normal criminal process.
fetal alcohol and drug syndrome, a lack of religious involvement, extreme poverty,
being raised in a single-parent family, the battered woman syndrome, and more.
Imprisonment and fines are two basic forms of punishment. Either or both may
be ordered, depending on the statute and what a judge (and, in some cases, a jury) de-
cides. Misdemeanants are confined in county jail, and felons are incarcerated in state
prisons. Offenders guilty of federal crimes are incarcerated in federal penitentiaries.
Prison sentences are classified as either determinate or indeterminate. A deter-
minate sentence is the confinement for a fixed or minimum period that is specified
by statute. An indeterminate sentence provides for a range of years of imprison-
ment (e.g., one to five years) rather than a specific period. The indeterminate sen-
tencing system gives judges broad discretion in setting the type and extent of pun-
ishment imposed. This results in great disparities in time actually served as well as
in sentences imposed because parole boards (officials with authority to set release
dates) made actual release decisions tailored to the supposed amenability of each
prisoner to rehabilitation.
The highly controversial death penalty is unique among all sentences in its
irrevocability and rejection of rehabilitation as a possible outcome. It is discussed in
greater detail later in this chapter.
* Unfortunately, being raped, stabbed, or beaten has apparently become part of the penalty paid by many prisoners. With the risk
of contracting AIDS, prison rape can be a death sentence. San Francisco Chronicle, 14 June 1994.
292 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
As punishment, four crab poachers in Florida agreed to parade
around town for four Saturdays wearing signs that said, “It is a
felony punishable by five years in prison and/or a $5,000 fine to molest crab
pots. I know because I molested one.” Is this a constitutional punishment?
Yes. This unique punishment was agreed to by the defendants, who preferred it to
a more traditional punishment. However, there may be a limit as to how far judges
can go with their creative sentencing. Judges have assigned very unusual conditions
that many find offensive, for example, that prostitutes permanently move out of the
county or that the names of “johns” (men who have been convicted of soliciting
prostitution) be printed in the local newspaper.
Commonly, a county jail sentence imposed by the court may be shortened for
good conduct—for example, ten days off for each month of such behavior. Addi-
tional time off may be granted for satisfactory completion of work assignments and
for blood donations made to a blood bank.
Richard Rowold fired his shotgun at a dog, missed, and acciden-
tally shot his neighbor who was in her backyard. Rowold was
convicted of criminal recklessness for injuring his neighbor and was sen-
tenced to three years in prison. However, the sentence was enhanced to
eight years because he was a “habitual offender” guilty of two previous fel-
onies; i.e., the federal crimes of mail fraud in 1980 and fraudulent use of an
access device (cable TV decoder) in 1986.95
Statutory penalties for crimes can and do vary widely among the states. Capital
crimes (punishable by death) may be punished by life imprisonment with or with-
out the possibility of parole, or death. Capital punishment, called the death penalty
by many, is discussed later in this chapter under the heading “When Is Punishment
Cruel and Unusual?” because of the controversy surrounding that issue. Under
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 293
Andre Wilks, age 19, was arrested for breaking a car window
and stealing a cellular telephone. He had a juvenile record of
two purse-snatching convictions, crimes committed during one spree when
he was 16. The district attorney offered him a plea bargain of seven years in
prison; if convicted by jury, he faced a three-strikes enhancement of 25 years
to life in prison, even though it would be based on his juvenile record. Wilks,
against the advice of his lawyer, his mother, his uncle, the prosecutor, and
even the judge, refused to accept the offer and chose trial by jury. During
trial, he perjured himself by denying everything. To his surprise and chagrin,
the 12-year-old accomplice in the car burglary testified against him. Wilks
was convicted by the jury. Must the sentencing judge send Wilks to prison
for 25 years to life for stealing the cell phone?
The judge could “expunge” one of the prior juvenile convictions and thereby avoid
the “three strikes and you’re out” law. But, because Wilks showed no remorse be-
fore conviction, and because he perjured himself, he was sentenced to 25 years to Shortly after Polly’s abduc-
life in prison, where he will remain until long into the twenty-first century.96 Many tion, the Polly Klaas Foun-
states adopted “three strikes and you’re out” laws in the 1990s, following the public dation was created to aid
in the search for missing
fury over the kidnap and murder of Polly Klaas, a 12-year-old from Petaluma, Cal-
ifornia. Polly was kidnapped from her bedroom and murdered in 1993 by a man
with a long criminal record. http://www.pollyklaas.org/
The publicized sentences imposed upon convicted defendants often are differ-
ent from the time actually served in prison. Many contend that criminals are not
serving enough time and that there is too much of a gap between sentences set by
judges and the amount of time actually served. Early releases can occur for a variety
of reasons, such as early parole (discussed later in this chapter), credits for time
served for “good time” (prison time without disciplinary action), and even court-
ordered release to relieve prison overcrowding. In reaction to public concern, more
294 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
than half the states (and the District of Columbia) now require violent offenders to
serve at least 85 percent of their prison sentences.
Ronnie Hawkins was convicted of petty theft, but it was his
“third strike” and hence considered a felony. During his jury
trial, although instructed by the judge to be quiet, Hawkins blurted out that
he was HIV positive and was facing 25 years to life for petty theft—an ap-
parent appeal to sympathy. He was considered disruptive. After his convic-
tion, and during a sentencing hearing, Hawkins kept talking and interrupt-
ing the judge. Outraged, Judge Joan Comparet-Cassani ordered the bailiff
to use a remote control device that caused 50,000 volts of electricity to surge
into Hawkins. The jolt struck just above Hawkins’s left kidney and continued
for eight seconds, during which he “grimaced and sat stiff as a board.” Can
defendants be physically punished while in the courtroom even though they
have not been held in contempt, are not behaving violently, or are other-
wise not threatening to harm anyone?
Judges are in control of their courtrooms and can and do take precautionary steps
to protect themselves and others from violence. Electronic security belts are not
uncommon to restrain violent defendants. The Hawkins case was unusual because
his disruption took the form of talking too much.97 Restraining or subduing a de-
fendant in court is not considered “punishment” in the same way that “punish-
ment” follows conviction. Rather, it is physical restraint or action that serves a non-
punishment purpose; in this case, order in the court. Nonetheless, upon petition by
Hawkins, a U.S. District Court judge issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting
the use of stun belts in Los Angeles courts, stating: “a pain infliction device that has
the potential to compromise an individual’s ability to participate in his or her own
defense does not belong in a court of law.” 98
Many contend that enhancing prison sentences under three-strikes laws for
nonviolent crimes is unfair and accomplishes little more than filling up the nation’s
prisons. Others rebut by pointing to the recent downturn in crime rates, which
they suggest is the direct result of harsher sentencing policies.
Does punishment end upon release from prison? Recall the discussion earlier
concerning disclosure of the identity and residential address of convicted sex offend-
ers under state statutes known as Megan’s Law (discussed earlier in the chapter).
Does the public’s fear that sex offenders are habitual also apply to other felons?
Glenn Barker, age 40, served his sentence for murder, was re-
leased from prison, and obtained a job coaching youth basket-
ball at the YMCA. But he was fired when police revealed his criminal record.
He moved to another town, and according to his lawyer, “he’s been em-
ployed, he’s never had a parking ticket, and he’s never been in trouble or
charged. He doesn’t smoke, drink, or dance the hoochie-coochie.” The police
then used Megan’s Law as a basis to visit almost 1,000 homes distributing
flyers of Barker’s address and record. When does a criminal’s sentence end? 99
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 295
This is the first instance when Megan’s Law has been selectively applied by police
to an ex-con who was not a sex offender. Questions arise as to just which ex-cons
police will choose to repeatedly expose. What are ex-cons supposed to do if they The entire manual—and it
are excluded from employment and from neighborhoods? If one ex-con is exposed, is a big one—of the U.S.
should law enforcement be required to disclose all former convicts who committed Sentencing Commission’s
guidelines can be down-
similar crimes? Can police use Megan’s Law as an excuse to harass selected ex-
loaded at
For federal crimes, sentencing guidelines, in the form of a table, were prepared http://www.ussc.gov/
by the U.S. Sentencing Commission pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of guidelin.htm
1984.100 Rehabilitation was a primary goal of indeterminate sentencing until the
Sentencing Reform Act rejected imprisonment as a means of rehabilitation. The act
stated that punishment should serve the goals of retribution (punishment), educa-
tion (preparation for legitimate employment), deterrence (discouragement of repeti-
tion through fear), and incapacitation (prevention of repetition through confine-
ment). The law abolished parole (suspension of part of a jail sentence) and made all
sentences determinate, with sentence reduction allowed only for credits earned by
good behavior while in custody. The U.S. Sentencing Commission, an administra-
tive agency within the judicial branch of government, established binding sentenc-
ing guidelines. The vertical axis is divided into 43 units, each corresponding to a
level of offense seriousness. The horizontal axis is divided into six units, each corre-
sponding to a level of criminal history. Judges were supposed to base their sentence
on where the unit representing the defendant’s present crime intersects with that rep-
resenting his or her past record. Opponents to this mechanical procedure referred
to it as “sentencing by numbers” and decried the lack of judgment it allowed. This
opposition, especially by some federal judges, was vocal and abundant.101
Much of the objection to sentencing by numbers was highlighted in a Depart-
ment of Justice study. One in five federal prisoners are “low-level” drug offenders—
people with minimal or no prior criminal histories whose offenses involved neither
violence nor sophisticated criminal activity. Their average sentence of seven years is
reduced by good behavior to five years and nine months actually served. These pris-
oners are the least likely to commit new crimes following release.102 In 2005, the
Supreme Court in United States v. Booker addressed some legal concerns about the
Sentencing Reform Act. In the Booker plurality decision, the court found that man-
datory federal sentencing guidelines required that a judge make factual determina-
tions after the jury had established guilt. This process violated the defendant’s Sixth
Amendment right that he have a jury determine essential facts related to his punish-
ment and thus violated a defendant’s constitutional right to a jury trial. Currently,
the federal sentencing guidelines are no longer mandatory but merely “advisory.” 103
In spite of Booker, the sentencing guidelines remain important because federal
judges still commonly follow them. Under the federal sentencing guidelines, all
those convicted of a felony serve some time in prison, including white-collar crimi-
nal defendants.
In addition to fines and imprisonment, some professional persons convicted of
crimes involving moral turpitude (intentionally evil) may suffer additional penal-
ties, such as loss of professional license or employment. Teachers may lose their
positions if convicted of criminal sexual misconduct on the basis of unfitness to
teach or for lack of moral principles. Likewise, a license to practice law may be sus-
pended or revoked for conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, such as in-
come tax evasion. In Chapter 4, you already learned about lawyer discipline. Loss
of professional license or position is not a substitute for a fine or imprisonment. It
is an additional penalty that a professional person may suffer as the result of com-
mitting a crime.
296 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
* Parole boards have been abolished in Arizona, California, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi,
Ohio, Oregon, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington. As noted earlier, the U.S. Sentencing Commission has
eliminated parole in certain federal offenses. There is no statistical evidence that abolishing parole boards has lowered crime
rates in any state—but keeping serious criminals in prison longer undoubtedly prevents some crimes. Fox Butterfield, “Parole
Board Cuts Aren’t a Cure,” New York Times, 10 January 1999.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 297
However, revocation of probation may occur only after a hearing has been con-
ducted to establish the fact of the violation. If probation is successfully completed,
the defendant’s conviction is legally erased.
A defendant has the right to refuse probation and accept the sentence, but that
seldom happens.
In addition, there are three kinds of executive clemency, meaning a formal executive
act of mercy: reprieve (delay in execution of judgment), commutation (reduction clemency
of punishment), and pardon (release from punishment with restoration of all rights A formal act of kindness,
and privileges—e.g., voting rights). Governors of states possess the power of clem- mercy, and leniency by a
ency over state criminals; the president of the United States possesses the power governor or by the presi-
over persons guilty of federal crimes. dent in commuting a
criminal penalty or
granting a pardon.
In December 1990, Taro, a five-year-old, 110-pound Akita dog,
injured Brie Halfond, a 10-year-old girl. Taro was ordered “for-
feited” and killed under the New Jersey vicious-dog law. Lonnie and Sandy
Lehrer, Taro’s owners, began legal proceedings ultimately costing some
$30,000 in fees while the state incurred twice that amount in costs plus
$18,000 to house and feed Taro. Taro’s fate ultimately involved the courts,
the state legislature, and gubernatorial candidates and gained an interna-
tional following. The legal issue was whether or not Brie had provoked Taro
into the attack. The case finally reached the New Jersey Supreme Court,
which let stand a lower court’s order to put Taro to death. Can the governor
grant executive clemency to Taro?
The Court upheld Rummel’s sentence by a 5–4 split decision. The Court noted that
although the crimes did not involve much money, the crime of obtaining $120.75 by
false pretenses standing alone is a felony in 35 states. Further, his crime of passing a
forged check of $28.36 would be theoretically punishable by some amount of im-
prisonment in 49 states. Thus, the Texas recidivist statute was allowed to apply.
The sentence of life imprisonment without possibility of parole for a defendant
convicted of possessing a large amount of drugs (650 grams of cocaine) is not cruel
and unusual punishment, according to the U.S. Supreme Court speaking in an-
other 5–4 split decision.106
Roger Davis was convicted by a Virginia jury of possessing nine
ounces of marijuana, with a street value of $200, for distribu-
tion. He was sentenced to prison for 40 years and fined $20,000. He ap-
pealed on the basis that the sentence was so disproportionate to the crime
that it constituted cruel and unusual punishment. What was the result?
Hutto v. Davis, 454 U.S. 370, 102 S.Ct. 703 (1982).
The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6–3 decision, repeated its earlier declaration that
federal courts should be reluctant to review legislatively mandated terms of impris-
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 299
Justice Byron White, writing for the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court, held that
McKinney was entitled to a trial on the issue of whether or not he was being ex-
posed to unreasonably high levels of ETS that posed an unreasonable risk of seri-
ous damage to his future health. Justice Clarence Thomas, with Justice Antonin
Scalia joining, dissented, stating, “I would draw the line at actual, serious injuries
and reject the claim that exposure to the risk of injury can violate the Eighth
Critics of capital punishment (death by execution) insist that it is not a deter- capital
rent to crime, that it is “cruel and unusual,” and that it “degrades and dehuman- punishment
izes” all who participate in its administration. They claim that it discriminates Death penalty for a
against the poor and minorities, citing statistics showing that most persons sen- crime.
tenced to die, in recent years, have been poor, male, and members of minority
groups. This latter argument was especially persuasive in the decision by the U.S.
Supreme Court limiting capital punishment. It held that a state may not leave the
decision whether to impose capital punishment, upon a particular defendant, to the
unguided discretion of a jury.107
If a state wants to authorize the death penalty, it has a constitutional responsi-
bility to tailor it and apply its law in a manner that avoids any arbitrary and capri-
cious infliction of the death penalty. The implicit assumption is that prosecutors, For information about
juries, and judges, if left to their own discretion, would discriminate against defen- women on death row, see
dants on the basis of race. In other words, if a statutory procedure specifies the fac- Victor L. Streib, “Death
Penalty for Female Offen-
tors to be weighed and the procedures to be followed in deciding when to impose
ders, Jan 1, 1973 to Pres-
capital punishment, or specifies a mandatory death penalty for specified crimes,
ent,” Ohio Northern Uni-
then capital punishment is constitutional.108 versity, available at
To sentence to death when the crime is “outrageously or wantonly vile, horri-
ble and inhumane” is too vague because virtually all homicides fit this descrip- http://www.law.onu.edu/
tion.109 Also inadequate are the words “especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel.” 110 faculty/streib/femdeath.pdf
However, when “cruel” is defined to mean the defendant intentionally inflicted ex-
treme pain or torture upon the victim, above and beyond the pain necessarily ac-
companying the victim’s death, there is sufficient clarity of standard to justify im-
position of the death penalty.111
300 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Illinois authorizes the death penalty when a defendant, 18 years or older, mur-
ders a peace officer or fireman on duty, a prison guard, or multiple victims; or if he
or she commits murder during the hijacking of an airplane or public vehicle, or
pursuant to a contract for hire, or to prevent testimony in any criminal case.112
Yes. The U.S. Supreme Court was persuaded by the fact that 18 states had recently
passed laws eliminating the death sentence for mentally retarded defendants. “We
are not persuaded that the execution of mentally retarded criminals will measurably
advance the deterrent or the retributive purpose of the death penalty. Construing
and applying the Eighth Amendment in the light of our ‘evolving standards of de-
cency,’ we therefore conclude that such punishment is excessive and that the Con-
stitution ‘places a substantive restriction on the State’s power to take the life’ of a
mentally retarded offender.”
After convicting Russell Coleman of rape and capital murder,
the jury was required to recommend death or life imprison-
ment without possibility of parole. The judge instructed the jury that the
governor could commute (reduce) a sentence of life without possibility of
parole, whereupon the jury recommended death. In truth, the governor
does not have that sole authority and must first obtain the written consent
of four state supreme court justices before reducing such a sentence. Was
Russell Coleman denied a fair sentencing because of the incorrect
Calderon v. Coleman, 525 U.S. 141, 119 S.Ct. 500 (1998).
No. Arguably the jury opted for the death penalty out of fear that Coleman might
someday be released from prison by the governor. However, the U.S. Supreme
Court held that even if the instruction was erroneous, there was no showing that it
had a “substantial and injurious” effect on the jury. Under this 5–4 split decision, it
is increasingly difficult for federal courts to reverse state death penalties.
Convicts may linger on death row for a dozen or more years pending the final
outcome of appeals that determine the propriety of the procedures and laws ap-
plied in the original trial. Can living under the threat of a future death by execution
for years itself constitute the prohibited cruel and unusual punishment? In one dis-
senting opinion, Justice Breyer suggested that a delay of 23 years between sentenc-
ing and execution may be cruel and unusual punishment.113
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 301
The death penalty is unique among all forms of criminal punishment in (1) its
rejection of rehabilitation as a fundamental purpose of our criminal justice system,
(2) its total irrevocability, and (3) its conflict with our society’s commitment to hu-
mane treatment of fellow human beings. Some who support it, however, ask
whether there are reasonable alternatives for those few cases where death is ad-
judged a proper penalty. Is life imprisonment without possibility of parole, and per-
haps without possibility of pardon, actually less cruel than death?
Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun voted for capital pun-
ishment throughout his legal career until 1994, when he reversed course in a case
involving a man shot to death in a tavern. Blackmun, at this point, rejected capital
punishment as inherently unconstitutional. Justice Scalia, writing separately, noted
that Blackmun did not select for his argument against capital punishment any of
several more brutal murders pending before the Court as examples—such as the
case of an 11-year-old girl raped by four men who then killed her by stuffing her
panties down her throat.114 “How enviable a quiet death by lethal injection com-
pared with that!” Sincerely held, yet divisive, conflicts of opinion engendered by
capital punishment clearly are here to stay.
534 U.S. 112, 122 S.Ct. 587 (2001)
Mark Knights was convicted of a drug offense. search of his apartment. The district court granted a
Rather than prison, he was given summary proba- motion to suppress on the grounds that because the
tion. The probation order included the following search was for “investigatory” rather than “proba-
condition: that Knights would “[s]ubmit his … per- tionary” purposes the deputy needed a warrant. The
son, property, place of residence, vehicle, personal ef- Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed.
fects, to search at anytime, with or without a search
warrant, warrant of arrest or reasonable cause by Chief Justice Rehnquist delivered the opinion
any probation officer or law enforcement officer.” of the Court: In this case, we decide whether a
Knights signed the probation order, which stated search pursuant to this probation condition,
immediately above his signature that “I HAVE and supported by reasonable suspicion, satisfied
ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROBATION The Court of Appeals [held] that the search condition
AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY SAME.” in Knights’s probation order “must be seen as limited to
Three days later, a Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) power probation searches, and must stop short of investigation
transformer and an adjacent Pacific Bell telecommunications searches.”
vault near the Napa County Airport were set on fire, causing an The Supreme Court of California has rejected this
estimated $1.5 million in damage. Brass padlocks had been re- distinction and upheld searches pursuant to the California
moved and a gasoline accelerant had been used to ignite the fire. probation condition “whether the purpose of the search is
This incident was one of more than 30 acts of vandalism against to monitor the probationer or to serve some other law en-
PG&E facilities in Napa County. Suspicion for these acts had forcement purpose.” We granted certiorari to assess the
long focused on Knights and his friend Steven Simoneau. The constitutionality of searches made pursuant to this com-
incidents began after PG&E had filed a theft-of-services com- mon California probation condition.
plaint against Knights and discontinued his electrical service for Certainly nothing in the condition of probation sug-
failure to pay his bill. A week before the arson, a sheriff’s deputy gests that it was confined to searches bearing upon proba-
had stopped Knights and Simoneau near a PG&E gas line and tionary status and nothing more. The search condition pro-
observed pipes and gasoline in Simoneau’s pickup truck. vides that Knights will submit to a search “by any probation
After the arson, Sheriff’s Deputy Hancock drove by Knights’s officer or law enforcement officer” and does not mention
residence, where he saw Simoneau’s truck parked in front. He set anything about purpose. The question then is whether the
up surveillance of Knights’s apartment; at about 3:10 A.M., he ob- Fourth Amendment limits searches pursuant to this proba-
served Simoneau leaving the apartment carrying three cylindrical tion condition to those with a “probationary” purpose.
items. Simoneau walked a short distance to the Napa River, and Knights argues that this limitation follows from our
Hancock heard three splashes. Simoneau’s truck was left in the decision in Griffin v. Wisconsin (1987). In Griffin, we up-
driveway, and Detective Hancock observed a number of suspicious held a search of a probationer conducted pursuant to a
objects in the truck including a Molotov cocktail, explosive materi- Wisconsin regulation permitting “any probation officer to
als, a gasoline can, and two brass padlocks that fit the description of search a probationer’s home without a warrant as long as
those removed from the PG&E transformer vault. Detective his supervisor approves and as long as there are ‘reasonable
Hancock thereupon decided to conduct a search of Knights’s apart- grounds’ to believe the presence of contraband.” The Wis-
ment. Aware of the search condition in Knights’s probation order, consin regulation that authorized the search was not an ex-
Detective Hancock believed that a warrant was not necessary. The press condition of Griffin’s probation; in fact, the regula-
search revealed a detonation cord, ammunition, liquid chemicals, tion was not even promulgated at the time of Griffin’s
instruction manuals on chemistry and electrical circuitry, bolt cut- sentence. The regulation applied to all Wisconsin proba-
ters, telephone pole-climbing spurs, drug paraphernalia, and a tioners, with no need for a judge to make an individualized
brass padlock stamped “PG&E.” determination that the probationer’s conviction justified
Knights was arrested, and a federal grand jury indicted the need for warrantless searches. We held that a State’s
him for conspiracy to commit arson, possession of an unregistered operation of its probation system presented a “special
destructive device, and being a felon in possession of ammunition. need” for the “exercise of supervision to assure that
Knights moved to suppress the evidence obtained during the [probation] restrictions are in fact observed.” That special
304 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
need for supervision justified the Wisconsin regulation The recidivism rate of probationers is significantly higher
and the search pursuant to the regulation was thus than the general crime rate. And probationers have even
reasonable. more of an incentive to conceal their criminal activities and
In Knights’s view, apparently shared by the Court of quickly dispose of incriminating evidence than the ordi-
Appeals, a warrantless search of a probationer satisfies the nary criminal because probationers are aware that they
Fourth Amendment only if it is just like the search at issue may be subject to supervision and face revocation of proba-
in Griffin—a “special needs” search conducted by a proba- tion, and possible incarceration, in proceedings in which
tion officer monitoring whether the probationer is com- the trial rights of a jury and proof beyond a reasonable
plying with probation restrictions. This dubious logic— doubt, among other things, do not apply.
that an opinion upholding the constitutionality of a partic- The State has a dual concern with a probationer. On
ular search implicitly holds unconstitutional any search the one hand is the hope that he will successfully complete
that is not like it—runs contrary to Griffin’s express state- probation and be integrated back into the community. On
ment that its “special needs” holding made it “unnecessary the other is the concern, quite justified, that he will be
to consider whether” warrantless searches of probationers more likely to engage in criminal conduct than an ordinary
were otherwise reasonable within the meaning of the member of the community. The view of the Court of Ap-
Fourth Amendment. peals in this case would require the State to shut its eyes to
The touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is reason- the latter concern and concentrate only on the former. But
ableness, and the reasonableness of a search is determined we hold that the Fourth Amendment does not put the
“by assessing, on the one hand, the degree to which it in- State to such a choice. Its interest in apprehending viola-
trudes upon an individual’s privacy and, on the other, the tors of the criminal law, thereby protecting potential vic-
degree to which it is needed for the promotion of legiti- tims of criminal enterprise, may therefore justifiably focus
mate governmental interests” Wyoming v. Houghton (1999). on probationers in a way that it does not on the ordinary
Knights’s status as a probationer subject to a search condi- citizen.
tion informs both sides of that balance. “Probation, like in- We hold that the balance of these considerations re-
carceration, is ‘a form of criminal sanction imposed by a quires no more than reasonable suspicion to conduct a
court upon an offender after verdict, finding, or plea of search of this probationer’s house. The degree of individu-
guilty.’” Probation is “one point … on a continuum of pos- alized suspicion required of a search is a determination of
sible punishments ranging from solitary confinement in a when there is a sufficiently high probability that criminal
maximum-security facility to a few hours of mandatory conduct is occurring to make the intrusion on the individ-
community service.” Inherent in the very nature of proba- ual’s privacy interest reasonable. Although the Fourth
tion is that probationers “do not enjoy ‘the absolute liberty Amendment ordinarily requires the degree of probability
to which every citizen is entitled.’” Just as other punish- embodied in the term “probable cause,” a lesser degree sat-
ments for criminal convictions curtail an offender’s free- isfies the Constitution when the balance of governmental
doms, a court granting probation may impose reasonable and private interests makes such a standard reasonable.
conditions that deprive the offender of some freedoms en- Those interests warrant a lesser than probable-cause stan-
joyed by law-abiding citizens. dard here. When an officer has reasonable suspicion that a
The judge who sentenced Knights to probation deter- probationer subject to a search condition is engaged in
mined that it was necessary to condition the probation on criminal activity, there is enough likelihood that criminal
Knights’s acceptance of the search provision. It was rea- conduct is occurring that an intrusion on the probationer’s
sonable to conclude that the search condition would fur- significantly diminished privacy interests is reasonable.
ther the two primary goals of probation—rehabilitation The same circumstances that lead us to conclude that
and protecting society from future criminal violations. The reasonable suspicion is constitutionally sufficient also ren-
probation order clearly expressed the search condition and der a warrant requirement unnecessary.
Knights was unambiguously informed of it. The probation We hold that the warrantless search of Knights, sup-
condition thus significantly diminished Knights’s reason- ported by reasonable suspicion and authorized by a condi-
able expectation of privacy. tion of probation, was reasonable within the meaning of
In assessing the governmental interest side of the bal- the Fourth Amendment. The judgment of the Court of
ance, it must be remembered that “the very assumption of Appeals is reversed, and the cause is remanded for further
the institution of probation” is that the probationer “is proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion.
more likely than the ordinary citizen to violate the law.” It is so ordered.
Chapter 6 >>> Crimes: Public Wrongs 305
For Critical Analysis 3. Is there any limitation on the ability to conduct a war-
rantless search of a probationer?
1. On what basis did Knights argue that a warrant was 4. Knights agreed to the terms of his probation. Con-
required for this search? Did the Court agree with his sider the nature of this agreement: Does Knights have
contention? any realistic option rather than to agree?
2. Considering these facts, do you believe Deputy 5. Should the same probation principles apply to paroled
Hancock could have gotten a warrant? Why burden convicts as well? ❚❚
law enforcement with the delay of getting a warrant?
What purpose is served?
136 Ill.2d 66, 136 Ill.Dec. 167, 544 N.E.2d 942 (1989)
This case was consolidated on appeal with a similar us, the provocation claimed was, as a matter-of-
case ( People v. Flores, 119 Ill.Dec. 214, 168 Ill. law, insufficient to constitute the serious provo-
App.3d) because the issues on appeal are comparable. cation necessary to reduce the homicide from
In each case, the defendant admittedly shot and killed murder to manslaughter.
his wife and was convicted of murder. Both contend
that the evidence was sufficient to justify giving the
juries permission (by appropriate instruction from For Critical Analysis
the judge) to consider manslaughter as an alternative
choice to murder. 1. Note that during trial, the judge instructed
the jury to find the defendants either guilty
Justice Stamos delivered the opinion of the of murder, or not guilty. The jurors were not given
Court: The issue common to both appeals is whether the the alternative of finding the defendants guilty of
provocation on the part of the victim was legally adequate manslaughter. Why did the trial judge refuse to give
to reduce the homicide from murder to voluntary man- the jury that option?
slaughter. … 2. There are precedents in Illinois under which hus-
In each (case) defendant suspected his wife of marital bands have been found guilty of manslaughter, but
infidelity. Just prior to the killing, the defendant and the not murder, for killing their wives after a confronta-
victim had an argument, during which the victim admitted tion about adultery. By reference to the court’s opin-
committing adultery and either disparaged the defendant’s ion, can you distinguish those precedents from the
sexual abilities (People v. Chevalier) or flaunted the fact that Chevalier case?
she slept with her lover in the marital bed (People v. Flores). 3. Is the practical effect of the Chevalier case that hus-
The victims were shot during these arguments. bands who promptly kill unfaithful wives receive sub-
In Illinois, adultery with a spouse as provocation gen- stantially more lenient sentences than those who wait
erally has been limited to those instances where the parties a few days? Do you think the same rationale ought to
are discovered in the act of adultery or immediately before apply to wives who murder their husbands following
or after such an act, and the killing follows such discovery. physical spousal abuse? Can you distinguish between
For these reasons, we hold that in each of the cases before the two kinds of situations? ❚❚
306 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
prosecutors should proceed against defendants who 9. Are you in favor of Megan’s Law, which authorizes po-
have been acquitted in state proceedings? Should fed- lice to inform residents that a former sex offender is
eral prosecutors proceed against everyone suspected living in their midst? Should maps showing the specific
of committing a federal crime even though they previ- location of residences be handed out at public expense?
ously were acquitted by jury in a state trial? In form- Should photographs be distributed for ease in identify-
ing your rationale, consider that every time a state po- ing such persons, for example, in the local supermar-
lice officer violates the constitutional rights of any ket? To what other kinds of former felons should the
accused, by false arrest, for example, a federal offense practice be extended, if any? What constitutional issues
also has occurred (violation of constitutional rights). can you identify relative to these practices?
7. Earlier in this chapter you read that officers in a police 10. On most Saturdays, Steve Mean played handball at a
vehicle cannot turn on its emergency lights if they stop nearby park. He usually inline-skated via sidewalks and
to assist a motorist parked at roadside. In the case ex- then across a pedestrian overpass above the nearby
ample you read, Officer Studnicka turned on his flash- freeway. Noticing a hole in the cagelike fencing along
ing red lights when stopping to give possible assistance the overpass, Mean decided to drop a handball onto
to Steven Hanson, who was parked in his van on the the freeway below to “see what would happen.” Kris-
shoulder of the road. A beer was seen “in plain sight” tina Rey was driving to the mall when the ball struck
of Studnicka, who then arrested Hanson for driving and broke the windshield on her new Volkswagen.
under the influence. A subsequent search of the van Startled, she jerked the wheel, sending her car directly
revealed marijuana. Recall that the penalty ordered by into oncoming traffic. Rey was killed instantly when an
the court for the illegal detention by Studnicka was 18-wheeler smashed into her Volkswagen head on. Of
suppression of the marijuana and alcohol evidence. what kind of homicide is Steve Mean guilty?
Thus, Hanson was set free. Do you think Hanson was
allowed to take his marijuana with him from court? Do 11. It is 3 A.M. and the Brigham City police officers get a
you think the ruling of the judge would have been the call about a loud party. Arriving at the house, they hear
same if, instead of marijuana, the police found the dead shouting inside. As they enter the yard, they see
body of Hanson’s wife in the van with a knife sticking through a screen door and window a fight involving
from her chest? Explain your answer. several persons. One officer opened the screen door
and declared he was a police officer. He was ignored,
8. Generally speaking, statutes—and the prosecutors, and he then entered the room eventually arresting sev-
juries, and judges that enforce them—treat crimes eral parties for contributing to the delinquency of a mi-
against the person more harshly than crimes against nor, a misdemeanor. At trial, the defendants moved to
property. The rationale is that human life is much suppress all evidence claiming the warrantless entry vi-
more important than property of any description. Is olated their Fourth Amendment right to a search war-
there validity to the proposition that by downplaying rant. The state court agreed with the defendant. How
crimes against property, society implicitly invites do you think the U.S. Supreme Court ruled when it
more serious crimes against persons? Present argu- heard the appeal from the state of Utah? [Brigham City
ments both pro and con regarding this proposition. v. Stuart, 126 S.Ct. 1943, 164 L.Ed.2d 650 (2006).]
• Define a tort.
That great principle of the common law
• Explain what an intentional tort is and define and
which declares that it is your duty so to use and identify examples of major types of intentional torts.
exercise your own rights as not to cause injury • Explain negligence and provide examples of negligent
to other people. conduct.
• Discuss and provide examples of the elements of a
Sir Charles James Watkins Williams, English jurist. negligence action.
• Discuss defenses to negligence including assumption
of the risk.
• Differentiate between comparative and contributory
• Explain strict liability.
• List and explain the various types of damages.
• Identify difficulties that make the collection of
damages problematic.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 309
The twentieth century began in a gilded age of prosperity for the United States. A
price was paid for the booming economy, however—an ever-increasing disparity
between rich and poor, racism and sexism, and substandard housing and working
conditions. The civil law system faced the challenge of resolving many new and
conflicting demands. The common law of England was in general effect through-
out the United States, including all of the common law torts that, together with
newly created torts, form the basis of this chapter. Our civil law tort system, today
referred to by some as the “litigation explosion,” was minute in scope and relatively
simple just 100 years ago. Horse-drawn-buggy crashes did not rouse personal in-
jury litigation as we know it today.
Today, the “good life” and a “long boom” of continuing prosperity continue.
Only the nature of the economic revolution has changed. The industrial revolution,
fueled in part by the great Klondike gold rush of the 1890s, has evolved into today’s
scientific revolution in communications, electronics, and biotechnology. Through
two world wars, a Korean “police action,” and the Vietnam War, the Gulf Wars,
and the war in Afghanistan, our nation remains a global economic and military
power. But both the role of civil tort law and the legal system that shapes our daily
lives have changed greatly over the past hundred years. The modern law of torts
(Latin: “to twist”) concerns compensating victims for wrongful or unacceptable
conduct and sometimes for public policy reasons. As we shall see in this chapter,
tort law “tomorrow” faces—and must resolve—some very unique problems.
Today, everyone is familiar with the highly publicized awards of money to vic-
tims of a wide variety of acts that society, through its legal system, deems to be
wrong or simply unacceptable. These plaintiffs (victims who bring civil actions) re-
cover damages (money) from defendants (those held responsible) in amounts typi-
cally set by juries. Most of these monies paid to victims come from insurance com-
panies, who expect to take in enough money from premiums to pay all claims and
then, of course, to retain a profit.
Thus, the civil law of torts shapes our society by shifting the risk of injury from
victims to others who can better afford the costs (the “deep pockets”). Certain busi-
nesses (and sometimes persons) also are punished financially for actions deemed es-
pecially wrongful. These are punitive damage cases that discourage future wrongful
conduct and, as well, enrich those victims whose lawyers can successfully pursue
those kinds of claims. Thus, tort law is the vehicle through which both claims for
compensation by victims and demands for punitive damages are administered.
Most injuries, and hence torts, arise from the role of individuals as consumers,
as commuters, and as employees. Thus, buying and using products, commuting to
and from work, and being safe and humanely treated during employment are three
major responsibilities of the civil tort law. We are consumers of products that may
be defective, that may injure buyers and bystanders, that we may never even see
(breast implants), or that may disappear (food products). Other products, such as
legal, medical, and personal services, or even investments, may not be as tangible as
an automobile or a coffeemaker but can still cause considerable injury and/or finan-
cial loss. We buy and equip homes with a myriad of products and store recreational
“toys” in our garages. In using and enjoying the products we acquire, we can and
do injure one another, as in automobile and boating accidents.
We are also employees in businesses, where we make and distribute our goods
and may violate one another’s rights, such as the right to be treated equally and
fairly regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical condition.
In other words, tort law affects our everyday conduct, making “the good life” a pos-
sible dream. It has grown and served our society along with the consumer revolu-
tion of the twentieth century.
310 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
But the tort system is imperfect. Manufacturers, retailers, insurers, and even
doctors, being frequent defendants, contend that Americans are excessively liti-
gious, file frivolous claims, and persuade juries to award excessive damages based
on sympathy and emotions rather than on hard evidence. One notorious example
of this contention that has risen to urban legend status took place in the mid-1990s
and involved a woman who sued McDonald’s for injuries suffered when hot coffee
spilled on her lap.
Stella Liebeck, age 79, having just purchased a cup of coffee
from a McDonald’s drive-through window, tried to remove its
lid to add cream. The coffee spilled, burning Liebeck. She sued and recov-
ered damages of $200,000 plus punitive damages of $2.7 million. What can
we learn from this example of the tort law in action?
We can learn that the media, responding to considerable public interest, focuses
upon the sensational aspects of tort cases, even at the expense of “the rest of the
story.” In the preceding 10 years before this incident, McDonald’s had some 700
claims for burns. McDonald’s knew that its coffee at 180–190 degrees was capable of
causing third-degree burns, as it did on Liebeck. And McDonald’s knew that most
competitors sold coffee at the household range of 135–140 degrees. Stella Liebeck
suffered third-degree burns on her buttocks, inner thighs, and genitals and required
skin grafts and eight days’ hospitalization. The $2.7 million punitive damage claim
equaled about two days of McDonald’s coffee sales. Before the trial, McDonald’s re-
jected an offer to settle the claim for $20,000. After the large verdict, the trial judge
reduced the verdict to $160,000 general and $480,000 punitive damages. Additional
important facts surround the matter, which may or may not change a person’s mind
about the fairness of the jury verdict. The lesson is that we, as educated persons,
should not leap to conclusions based on media versions of tort law in action.
As noted earlier, tort laws are less than perfect. The McDonald’s example is use-
http:// ful again. Most civil lawsuits settle after the case is initiated (and thus, after it has
This Web site discusses the been reported in the media). That is, the people involved decide to resolve their dis-
McDonald’s coffee case and pute privately. No judge or trial is involved. Almost everyone agrees that private set-
other notorious tort cases tlement is the preferable alternative. However, private settlements are not made
reported in the news.
public usually as a condition of the settlement, and thus the public remains forever
http://www.centerjd.org/ ignorant of how the important cases are resolved. The McDonald’s “coffee” case set-
free/mythbusters-free/MB tled out of court rather than continue appeals, and whether McDonald’s eventually
_mcdonalds.htm paid more or less to Stella Liebeck than the sums noted above is unknown to the
public. It is reasonable to assume it was less.
Many aspects of the tort system create outcomes that may be less than perfect.
A lay jury may decide extraordinarily complex litigation. Groups of strangers scat-
tered across the country can and do join together in “classes” of victims to right a
thousand, or a million, wrongs in a single trial. The refrain “everyone is suing ev-
eryone, and most are getting big money” is common. According to this argument,
the massive, mushrooming litigation explosion is said to be making attorneys rich
(they generally receive one-third of recoveries) at the expense of business.
What is the reason for the growth of tort law since World War II? First, courts
have been expanding the scope of tort liability, for example, by determining that
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 311
manufacturers and sellers of defective products could be sued for injuries without
proof of negligence or fault. We discuss “product liability” later in this chapter.
New statutes passed by Congress and state legislatures that are intended to relieve
suffering and injustice are another reason for the growth of tort law. For example,
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has been interpreted to create tort liability for a wide
range of violations of civil rights. These civil rights cases occur when the wrongdoer
is a government employee, such as a police officer. As a counter to this trend, many
states in recent years have passed statutes limiting damages and expanding defenses.
In response to a noise complaint, about 100 deputy sheriffs re-
sponded to a bridal shower of a Samoan-American family. A
melee followed during which deputies hit partygoers with flashlights and
clubs. These “torts” by police violated the civil rights of the victims. A jury re-
turned a verdict for 36 plaintiffs of $16 million that, through interest while
on appeal, grew to the $25 million actually paid by the County of Los
Further expansion of tort law occurred with enactment of the federal Americans
with Disabilities Act. The ADA has produced lawsuits for violations of its terms.
Many laws essentially benefit one group in society at the expense of another group,
the latter group being better able to afford the solution. For example, businesses can
afford to provide special accommodations to disabled customers who otherwise
could not enjoy the same pleasures nor fulfill the same obligations of modern society
without such accommodation. Thus, the tort law can and does shape social policy—
indeed, some say it micromanages our lives.
In this chapter, you will become acquainted with many of the rules governing the
relationship between victims and the defendants who are found at fault or are held li-
able regardless of fault. Even your understanding of the word “fault” must be slightly
revised. The “fault” upon which most of our tort system functions puts blame upon
persons who fail to live up to standards that most of us regularly fail to achieve.
Private lawsuits in tort law range in importance from the trivial to the pro-
found. Most are overlooked or are settled through negotiation. But whatever the
seriousness of the disputes, they may be resolved by legal action in accordance with tort
the law of torts. A private wrong commit-
ted by one person (the
tortfeasor) that injures
person and/or property
A tort is a private wrong (other than a breach of contract) committed by one that and for which society al-
injures a person and/or property, for which the law allows a legal remedy (usually lows the legal remedy of
money damages). monetary damages.
The wrongdoer is called a tortfeasor. Sometimes, two or more persons, called
joint tortfeasors, are liable for the particular injury to one or more victims, but any tortfeasor
one of the joint tortfeasors may be required to pay all damages suffered by the vic- A wrongdoer who com-
tim(s). For example, assume an automobile accident happened because a curve on a mits a private injury to
state highway was not appropriately banked and because Steve Jones was driving another person by
with unsafe tires—he failed to make the turn. Both Jones and the state are joint tort- breaching a duty recog-
feasors and fully responsible, but any award of money damages to an injured victim nized by law.
312 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
could be collected entirely from either. If Steve Jones were indigent, the victim most
likely would recover all of the damages from the state with its “deep pockets.”
Torts are generally classified into three groupings: intentional, negligent, and
strict liability (including product liability).
intentional tort An intentional tort occurs when a person purposely commits some act that in-
Occurs when the tortfea- jures the victim. As you might expect, most crimes are also torts because criminal
sor deliberately performs acts are almost always intentional and cause injury to a victim. Thus, the state may
a wrongful act that in- prosecute the wrongdoer in a criminal action for the public wrong to society, while
jures an innocent victim. the victim may sue in a civil action for the private wrong. Earlier, you read about
this dual role in the example of O. J. Simpson, who was found not guilty of murder
but civilly responsible for damages for committing the tort of battery resulting in
wrongful death.
But there are significant differences between crimes and torts. In crime, the in-
tent is evil. In torts, the intent may or may not be evil—all that is required is that
the act is intended and that it causes injury. For example, a practical joke may be in-
tended with no underlying evil motive, but if injury to a victim results, an inten-
tional tort has occurred.
Yolanda Geersan excitedly fires a pistol into the air as part of a
Fourth of July celebration. Later, she learns that the bullet on
its inevitable descent killed a child. An intentional tort has occurred because
the handgun was fired intentionally, even though Geersan lacked evil
Failure to act as a
reasonable, careful per-
son would act under the
On the other hand, O. J. Simpson was found by the jury to have acted with evil in-
same or similar circum- tent when he committed the intentional tort of battery upon his victims. Thus, as
stances, thereby caus- noted, the intent behind the wrongful act necessary for tort liability may or may
ing injury that was not be evil. Understandably, many intentional torts are not crimes because many
foreseeable. people do not act with a guilty mind (i.e., with intent to commit a crime against the
person or property of another).
strict liability A second kind of tort is negligence. Negligence means carelessness. By failing
A tort theory available in to act as a reasonable, careful person would act under the same or similar circum-
special situations deter- stances, the person inadvertently causes an injury that was foreseeable (one that a
mined by public policy reasonable person could and should anticipate as being a possible consequence).
where a person is held re- The third basic type of tort, strict liability (including product liability), arises
sponsible for harm occur- when the victim need not prove that the defendant acted negligently or was guilty
ring to another without of an intentional tort. Indeed, strict liability is often referred to as “liability without
proof of fault (e.g., inher-
fault.” Thus, in some circumstances, the law establishes a social policy by which the
ently dangerous activi-
risk of loss is shifted from specified victims to others in society, such as businesses,
ties, wild animals, explo-
sives, sale of defective
who can better afford the losses. All the victim must prove is that an injury oc-
products). curred, that damages were suffered, and that the injury was caused by a product or
act to which strict liability attaches, such as an airplane crash or a defective con-
sumer product.
product liability
Law holding manufac-
turers and sellers of TORTS BY INTENTIONAL CONDUCT
goods liable to buyers,
users, and perhaps by- People are sometimes motivated by greed, anger, revenge, lust, a perverted sense of
standers for harm caused humor, a distorted sense of justice, a craving for costly drugs, or a desperate quest
by defective goods. for a quick “solution” to poverty or unemployment. So motivated, a person pur-
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 313
posely engages in antisocial conduct when they know or should know it may harm
others. Deliberate conduct that is regarded by law as wrong and that causes injury
to the person or property of another is an intentional tort. It clearly differs from
negligence, which is careless, wrongful conduct. Because most persons do not de-
liberately commit acts that have a high probability of injury to others, intentional
torts are encountered much less frequently than torts based on carelessness. Eight
of the most significant types of intentional torts are described next.
Assault is an intentional threat or attempt that places the victim in fear or appre- assault
hension of an immediate harmful or offensive touching. It is one of several inten- The tort of creating ap-
tional torts protecting against invasion of a personal interest, in this case physical prehension in the mind
and psychological well-being. of the victim that he
or she is about to be
touched in a harmful or
an offensive way. There is
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM no requirement that the
actor have the present
Lonnie Shaqate was arguing loudly with “Spike” Lea over a ability to inflict actual
debt. Finally, Lea said, “Listen, **** I’ve paid you off. Get lost!” harm.
He turned and began walking toward his pickup. Without uttering a word,
Shaqate grabbed a baseball bat from the ground and swung violently at
Lea’s head, but missed. Oblivious of the act, Lea got into his pickup and
drove away. Was Shaqate guilty of the tort of assault?
No. Because Lea was not aware of the deadly attempt, he suffered no fear of imme-
diate injury. Putting another person in apprehension or fear of immediate injury is
the wrongful act in assault. (Note that Shaqate could be found guilty of the crime of
assault, and possibly of attempted murder, neither of which requires proof of the
victim’s mental apprehension, as explained in Chapter 6.)
A battery is the harmful or offensive touching of another person without justifica- battery
tion, consent, or excuse. A successful right hook to the jaw of someone you don’t Any harmful or offensive
like, as well as a slap in the face, are classic examples of a battery. A left hook that touching of another hu-
misses because the victim saw it coming and dodged in time is an assault. An assault man being without ex-
usually occurs before, but is not an essential element of, a battery. Criminal sexual cuse or consent. Usually
(but not necessarily) bat-
attacks, including rape, are also civil law assaults and batteries.
tery involves violent
infliction of injury.
In Angola, Indiana, defendant Muir pleaded guilty to two fel-
ony counts of sexual battery, for which he was sentenced to six
years in prison and fined $5,000. After the prison sentence was suspended,
the victim brought a civil action for the intentional tort of battery and was
awarded $17.5 million in damages.2 Is the large judgment likely to be
314 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
As part of a medical experiment, employees of the University of
Chicago (in cooperation with drug manufacturer Eli Lilly & Co.)
caused the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) to be administered at its Lying-In
Hospital to some pregnant patients without their knowledge. The drug was
designed to prevent miscarriages. Subsequently, more than 1,000 of the
women alleged that their female children had suffered an increased propen-
sity for cancer as a side effect of the drug. Were the women victims of ac-
tionable batteries?
Mink v. University of Chicago and Eli Lilly & Co., 460 F.Supp. 713 (M.D. Illinois, 1978).
Yes. Batteries occurred because the women did not consent to the experiment. In
medical practice, before administering experimental drugs, performing a surgical
informed consent operation, or providing other treatment, doctors must obtain the informed con-
Actual and complete sent of their patients. The patient must be told what risks are involved and what al-
knowledge by a person ternatives are available. The consent need not be in writing and may be implied by
of risks involved in a conduct. However, doctors and hospitals are increasingly concerned about lawsuits
situation. and usually do insist on written consent for any surgery. In cases of true emer-
gency, when consent cannot be obtained, it is not required.
In the Eli Lilly & Co. case, the hospital’s action was a tort, even though certainly
the hospital personnel intended no harm (quite the contrary). But the act of adminis-
tering the drug was intentional. Note that even if the drug had no harmful effects—
indeed, even if it had beneficial effects—there would have been batteries. Such
touching without prior permission would be offensive because, in the words of the
Restatement of the Law of Torts,* “it offends a reasonable sense of personal dignity.”
Ravi Laor was using the lavatory during a trans-Atlantic flight
on Air France when a smoke alarm malfunctioned. Flight atten-
dants, believing someone in the lavatory was smoking, burst in, grabbed
Laor, and pulled him out onto the floor with his trousers around his ankles,
exposing him to other passengers. Laor neither smokes nor drinks and opted
for a nonsmoking flight. He filed suit and publicly contended that the flight
purser declared that “Americans are always screaming about their rights.”3
If a jury believed that Laor really was sneaking a smoke in the lavatory,
would his action for battery fail?
* The Restatement of the Law (of Torts, Contracts, etc.) is a series of authoritative volumes written by legal scholars of the Ameri-
can Law Institute. In clear language, they state the principal rules of existing law in the designated area, with numerous practical
examples of their application. The Restatements identify trends in the law and present suggestions for desirable changes. Judges
often cite the Restatements in their opinions.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 315
International laws apply to international flights, and issues may arise in Laor’s law-
suit about which state’s laws should be applied by the federal court. But this inter-
esting event is an example of when otherwise lawful conduct may become battery.
Assuming that flight attendants can lawfully break into a bathroom under certain
circumstances during a flight (such as when smelling smoke), can they also pull a
passenger off the commode and unceremoniously down onto the floor? Without
some justifiable necessity for such conduct, a battery would occur. A good motive is
no defense to an intentional tort.
One is required to tolerate the close proximity of other persons in crowded
public places. Thus, for example, bodily contact with strangers—which may be un-
pleasant and offensive to some sensitive individuals—is quite legal when necessary
or inadvertent, as in buses and trains during rush hours, even though similar touch-
ing might be actionable battery at other times of the day.
Although Avila’s entry into the car trunk was voluntary, Baxter’s closing the trunk
and leaving her there restrained her movement without her privilege or consent.
Avila’s claim for false imprisonment should be successful; the more interesting
question is what the extent of her damages will be.4
Because of the prevalence of self-service in stores where merchandise is openly
displayed, the crime of shoplifting reportedly costs merchants (and ultimately con-
sumers) billions of dollars annually. The exact figure is unknown largely because
some inventory shortages are also caused by employee theft. Attempts to reduce privilege
Legal right of a store-
these losses through closer surveillance and the employment of plainclothes private
keeper to detain sus-
security personnel have brought about many arrests—and, along with them,
pected shoplifters for a
charges of false imprisonment. Legislatures and police, however, are generally reasonable time in a rea-
sympathetic to the plight of the storeowners. To help protect affected business sonable way when there
firms, legislatures in many states have enacted laws that establish the shopkeeper’s is probable cause to be-
privilege. These statutes permit a retail merchant or authorized employee to de- lieve a theft has taken
tain a person if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has place.
316 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
shoplifted and if reasonable means of detection are used. To reduce the number of
lawsuits and charges of abuse of privilege, prudent store security people use mini-
mum restraint and promptly summon official police to conduct the search and
make an arrest, if justified. As a further precaution, security people usually wait un-
til the suspect has left the store and therefore cannot claim, “I’m still shopping,”
when detained.
Lucia Resendez was at Wal-Mart shopping during a lunch break
when she started eating from a bag of peanuts. The source and
ownership of those peanuts were the crux of a lawsuit between her and
Wal-Mart. Security guard Raul Salinas saw Resendez eat the peanuts from a
Wal-Mart bag that she then discarded. He watched her pay for some items
but not the peanuts and she then left the store. Salinas followed Resendez
and asked her to return to the store and explain her actions. Resendez com-
plied and told him she had bought the peanuts the day before at another
Wal-Mart store. Within 15 minutes, a police officer arrived to arrest her.
A jury found her guilty of misdemeanor theft, but the conviction was over-
turned for procedural reasons. She sued Wal-Mart for false imprisonment.
What was the result?
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Resendez, 962 S.W.2d 539 (Texas, 1998).
The court looked at three factors to determine whether the shopkeeper’s privilege
1. Was the detention based on a reasonable belief that the accused had stolen
store merchandise?
2. Was the detention for a reasonable period of time?
3. Was the detention conducted in a reasonable manner?
The court answered Yes to all three questions. Resendez was seen eating from a
bag of peanuts marked with a Wal-Mart price sticker; because she did not pay for
the peanuts before she left the store, probable cause existed to believe that the pea-
nuts were stolen property. The court concluded that if a jury found probable cause
to commence criminal proceedings, then reasonable cause in a civil proceeding ex-
isted as a matter of law. The court also concluded that Wal-Mart’s 15-minute de-
tention was not an unreasonable time and that the manner of detention was reason-
able under the circumstances.
False imprisonment is also often a crime. The crime of rape constitutes two in-
tentional torts, battery and false imprisonment. The locking of a child in a closet
for an extended period may become the crime of parental abuse and the intentional
tort of false imprisonment.
outrageous that it causes severe emotional distress, even though there is no physical
touching of the plaintiff (as in a battery) or apprehension of an immediate harmful
or offensive touching (as in assault). Because of the absence of physical harm, or its
immediate threat, such claims have formerly been rejected. Claims of mental dis-
tress that are not evidenced by some tangible injury are easy to make, yet difficult
to disprove. Nevertheless, most courts now hold that in a proper case such injury is
real and compensable.
Mark Goldfarb, a student at Tennessee State University, was at-
tending Professor Baker’s class when an unidentified assailant
surreptitiously entered the room and threw a pie that hit Baker. The pro-
fessor immediately, but erroneously, accused Goldfarb of the offense. The
next day, Professor Baker barred Goldfarb from the classroom and had him
ejected from the building, still believing he was the culprit. Goldfarb claimed
he suffered emotional distress, especially because he was an ex-prisoner at-
tempting personal rehabilitation; the accusation of lawlessness was particu-
larly offensive to him. Mark sued the professor for the tort of outrageous
conduct. Will he prevail?
Goldfarb v. Baker, 547 S.W.2d 567 (Tennessee, 1977).
No. The conduct was not actionable because the professor acted under provoca-
tion, and his conduct, although wrong, was the product of the sudden, unjustified,
and humiliating attack. This type of reflexive encounter is simply one of life’s fric-
tions and irritations for which there is no legal remedy.
Brendan McVeasy, angry because his college girlfriend, Sara
Phong, broke up with him, posted a nude photograph of
Phong on the Internet and notified several friends. Word of the posting
spread and before the photograph was removed, it was viewed by many
on campus and elsewhere and downloaded by numerous viewers causing
Phong humiliation and distress. Can Phong recover damages from McVeasy?
A jury would certainly agree that McVeasy’s conduct was intentional and outra-
geous. McVeasy may be without funds to pay any court award which could very well
be huge. However, judgments often last from 10 to 20 years, and sometimes more.
Thus, if Phong obtained a judgment, she would be a creditor of McVeasy and Fair Debt
could, among other remedies, take part of his earnings through a procedure known
as garnishment.
Practices Act
The tort of outrageous conduct sometimes arises when creditors, often with
A federal law that out-
the assistance of collection agencies, pursue debtors in an especially aggressive laws certain unreasonably
manner. The problem became so acute that in 1977 Congress enacted the Fair harsh collection practices
Debt Collection Practices Act,5 which prohibits abusive tactics such as threats of previously used by profes-
violence or use of obscene language, harassing telephone calls, and publication of sional debt collectors.
318 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
“shame” lists. In communicating with third parties to learn the location of a debtor,
the creditor may not even state that the person owes a debt. Abused debtors may
seek damages of up to $1,000 plus court costs and reasonable attorney fees. The act
does not apply to creditors who do their own collecting, but under certain circum-
stances they may instead be subject to claims for outrageous conduct.
Torts committed by police often are characterized as violations of the victim’s
civil rights—but are common law torts nonetheless.
Elbert Poppell opened a “swingers’ club” near San Diego.
Guests donated $50 to attend weekend parties where they en-
gaged in sex on mattresses throughout the house. Some guests were mar-
ried couples, others were not, and still others were complete strangers.
Poppell previously was denied a business license for his purple “love bus”
that was outfitted with beds and a hot tub. But Poppell broke no California
laws because no money was exchanged between sex partners. His business
was something like renting out one motel room to a large group of “mem-
bers.” But the police opposed the sex club and often parked outside with
lights flashing, ticketing guests for infractions such as broken taillights and
illegal parking. Finally, Poppell sued the City of San Diego in federal court
claiming outrageous harassment. What should the result be?
cation to at least one other, a third party. If one person lies about another to his or
her face in private, or sends him or her a defamatory letter that only the victim
reads, there is no civil defamation. If the letter is shared with an administrative as-
sistant, there has been publication.
Anna Thompson writes Andrew Chin a private letter accusing
him of embezzling funds. Edgar Peters calls Marilu Gordon
dishonest and incompetent when no one else is around. All statements
are false. Do these false communications result in civil liability for
No. The letter is not libel, and the conversation is not slander. Neither Thompson
nor Peters communicated their messages to a third party. If either Chin or Gordon
later publishes the false statements, they voluntarily damage their own reputations
and therefore cannot recover. If a third party, by chance, overhears defamatory
statements, the courts usually hold that this is a publication. Anyone who republishes
or repeats defamatory statements is liable even if that person reveals the source of
the statements. Most broadcast outlets delay the transmission of live programs, such
as talk shows, for several seconds to avoid this kind of liability.
Special state laws protect specified businesses involving perishable crops from
defamatory publications about the crop. The theory is that irreparable damage is
done when the crop perishes, which may be long before a trial can be obtained.
On her television program, Oprah Winfrey warned her audi-
ence that “mad cow” disease could spread to people and, ac-
cording to her guest, “make AIDS look like the common cold.” Winfrey
added that she was “stopped cold from eating another burger.” Within
days of the show, cattle prices had plummeted to 10-year lows in what was
dubbed the “Oprah crash.” “After the show, the price of finished cattle
dropped as low as the mid-50s; the volume of sales also went down. The cat-
tlemen assert that the depression continued for approximately 11 weeks.”
Cattle ranchers sued in federal court for violation of the Texas “veggie” laws
that protect perishable products from false statements. Was this defamation
of product? Are cattle a perishable product?
Perishable crops are extraordinarily vulnerable because their useful life as food is
very short. Strawberries are an example of such a crop. However, the federal judge
ruled that beef is not a perishable commodity, and that there was no liability for
merely negligent misstatements. Thus, the cattle ranchers were required to prove,
under ordinary business defamation rules, that Winfrey’s guests and or her remarks
were deliberate or at least reckless. The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the trial
court dismissal of the case stating, “When Ms. Winfrey speaks, America listens.
320 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
But her statement is neither actionable nor claimed to be so.” 7 In short, the cattle
ranchers could not show that Oprah acted deliberately or recklessly.
Slander A false spoken or transitory gesture about the victim is slander. To succeed
in proving slander, the plaintiff must prove actual monetary loss, technically called
special damages (discussed later in this chapter). However, certain types of slander are
so obviously harmful to reputation that special damages are presumed to exist and
slander per se need not be proved. Such cases of slander per se, defamatory as a matter of law, ex-
Slander in itself; words ist whenever the defendant falsely publishes that the plaintiff (1) has committed a
not requiring proof of crime punishable by imprisonment; (2) has an existing venereal disease; (3) is unfit
special damages. for his or her lawful business, trade, profession, or office (public or private); or (4) is
guilty of sexual misconduct.8
Not every false statement about another person is actionable, even though it
may contain vituperative, derogatory, or disparaging terms.
In the presence of other persons, Marjorie Taylor, a high school
teacher, told Monty Standby, her principal, that he was “plain
stupid … not qualified … a disgrace to the profession” and “just like Lee
Harvey Oswald … and Jack Ruby.”* Principal Standby sued. Who won?
Stanley v. Taylor, 4 Ill.App.3d, 98, 278 N.E.2d 824 (Illinois, 1972).
Principal Standby won a jury verdict of $75,775 at the trial level. But judgment was
reversed on appeal because Taylor’s language was held to be not sufficiently de-
famatory, as a matter of law, to be slanderous. Perhaps the judge found the com-
parison to Oswald and Ruby, made in anger, to be so preposterous that it made the
outburst laughable and not likely to damage the reputation of the principal.
http:// Tawana Brawley, age 15, claimed through her advisers, one of
whom was the Rev. Al Sharpton, that she had been raped by a
The Court TV Web site pro- gang of white men that included state prosecutor Steven Pagones. The pub-
vides background and cov- licity surrounding this accusation was considerable. A grand jury later found
erage on the Brawley accu- Brawley’s story to be false. Pagones sued Brawley and her advisers for slan-
sations and the defamation der. A jury awarded Pagones $345,000 damages against the advisers.9
suit filed afterwards at
newsmakers/tawana/ Libel A false communication, written or printed, is libel. As such, it historically has
been considered a more durable form of defamation than slander, with a stronger,
longer-lasting impact. Accordingly, the cause of action may be successful even
without proof of actual, out-of-pocket special damages, such as lost wages.
* Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin of President John F. Kennedy. Jack Ruby murdered Oswald shortly after his arrest while he
was being transferred between jails.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 321
In 1990, the Supreme Court imposed a new restraint on the press. It held that
statements of opinion, as well as statements of fact, can be libelous. In the words of
the Court, saying “In my opinion Jones is a liar” is the same thing as saying “Jones
is a liar.” 13 However, newspapers and other media may—without liability—publish
reports containing defamatory statements that were absolutely privileged when
made during legislative or judicial proceedings.
It is difficult, but not impossible, for a celebrity to win a defa-
mation lawsuit. Comedian Carol Burnett won a landmark libel
lawsuit against the tabloid National Enquirer Inc. The National Enquirer is
known for its vigorous defense of defamation lawsuits. The National En-
quirer falsely implied that Burnett had been intoxicated and gotten into a
loud argument with a well-known politician in a Washington, D.C., restau-
rant. Ms. Burnett had among other things been a national spokesperson on
alcohol abuse. The National Enquirer defended, in part, that it was a news-
paper and enjoyed special protection by state statute. The court rejected
its claimed status as a newspaper: “the National Enquirer should not be
deemed a newspaper for the purposes of the instant litigation.” Normal
“lead time” for its subject matter is one to three weeks. Its owner claimed
it did not generate stories “day to day as a daily newspaper does.” In the
summer of 2006, one of the former stars of the popular television show
“Friends” won a defamation lawsuit against charity fundraiser Aaron
Tonken. Tonken falsely claimed David Schwimmer had demanded two Rolex
watches to attend his own charity event. Schwimmer won a $400,000
judgment, and Tonken admitted his allegation was false.14
Invasion of Privacy
Most states recognize the right of privacy by means of common law case decisions,
by statutes, and by state constitutions. The Restatement of Torts recognizes four
broad categories of invasion of privacy that may justify the award of damages: invasion of
1. Unreasonable intrusion on the seclusion of another privacy
Violation of the right of
2. Appropriation of the other’s name or likeness
every person who has
3. Unreasonable publicity given to the other’s private life done no wrong to be left
4. Publicity that unreasonably places the other in a false light before the public15 alone. Rights related to
In one famous case, consumer advocate Ralph Nader’s privacy was violated by property interests in
one’s own person.
General Motors Corporation after he had criticized their automobiles. GMC em-
ployees threatened Nader, tapped his telephone, and attempted to entice him with
women—all in a futile effort to silence him.16 In another notable case, former To-
night Show host Johnny Carson blocked the use of the phrase “Here’s Johnny” (his
nightly introduction signature) by a corporation engaged in renting and selling
portable toilets.17 But generally, public personages, such as sports and entertain-
ment stars, cannot claim a right of privacy in their public image, performance, or
duties. Such figures usually need, want, and solicit publicity to advance their ca-
reers—thus, in effect, waiving some rights of privacy. Some advocates suggest that
celebrities ought to be protected by statute from such apparent invasions of privacy
as having their photographs taken in secluded but public places through high-
powered telescopic lenses, or having any obnoxious behavior in crowded public
places such as restaurants or sports events be reported on.
324 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
All states, as well as the federal government, have enacted laws that supplement
http:// the tort of invasion of privacy. These include legislation concerning the wrongful
The Reporters Committee opening of mail, electronic eavesdropping and telephone wiretapping, and disclo-
for Freedom of the Press sure of income taxes paid and welfare payments received. The 1997–1998 record-
provides “A Practical Guide ings by Linda Tripp of private conversations she had with Monica Lewinsky in the
to Taping Phone Calls and
scandal leading ultimately to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton raised the
In-Person Conversations in
consciousness of the nation to the issues of telephonic privacy. In general, federal
the 50 States and D.C.” at
wiretap laws and the laws of a majority of states allow a person to tape a telephone
http://www.rcfp.org/ call in which they are a party. However, in Ms. Tripp’s case, she recorded the call
taping/ in Maryland, one of 12 states that require both parties to approve the taping of the
call. A prosecution of Ms. Tripp for surreptitious recordings in violation of Mary-
land law was dropped before trial.
The tort law of privacy is not limited to celebrities. Everyone is entitled to pro-
tection from unreasonable invasions of privacy.
Sylvia Nistle noticed but thought nothing of small scratches in
the bathroom mirror of her apartment. Unbeknownst to her,
construction workers, who were engaged in repairing the neighboring
apartment, made the scratches to serve as peepholes. Nistle suffered humili-
ation and severe distress after learning that strangers routinely had been vi-
olating her privacy. Can she sue the landlord for the intentional tort of inva-
sion of privacy?
Based on New Summit Associates Limited Partnership v. Nistle, 73 Md.App. 351, 533 A.2d 1350 (Md., 1987).
No. The next-door construction workers were not agents or employees of the land-
lord, who personally did not scratch the peepholes or use them. Nistle could sue the
individual construction workers for the intentional tort of invasion of privacy, but
they probably were without substantial wealth. She might also be able to sue the em-
ployer of the workers, but determining the success of such a case would require
more knowledge about the employer’s actions in hiring and supervising the workers.
Alexis Marks finds a valuable digital camera in a leather case
under a bench at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. A business
card inside has the name, address, and phone number of Daniel Daze, with
the words “Reward for Return.” Marks recalls the ditty “Finders Keepers,
Losers Weepers” from her childhood and decides to keep the camera. Has
she committed a crime or a tort?
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 325
Both. Marks has committed the crime of larceny. She also is liable in damages to
Daniel Daze for commission of the tort of conversion. Unfortunately for Daze, the
crime and tort will probably go undetected and unpunished. Marks, the finder, is
known in law as a constructive bailee of the goods. A bailee is a person to whom
goods are entrusted for use, storage, or other purposes. The bailee has temporary
possession, coupled with a duty to return or dispose of the goods in accordance
with the trust. A restaurant with coat checking, a parking garage, and a laundry are
examples of bailees. As a bailee, Marks should make a reasonable effort to find the
owner, usually with the assistance of the local police. If no one claims the item
within a reasonable time, the finder may keep the property. (See further discussion
of personal property in Chapter 10.)
A brief, temporary, and unauthorized interference with the personal-property
rights of another is termed a trespass to chattel. The owner is entitled to damages trespass to chattel
for the limited loss of possession and any actual harm to the property. But the A brief, temporary,
wrongdoer is not compelled to pay the full market value. An example is the deliber- unauthorized interfer-
ate “keying” (scratching with a key) of a parked automobile (which is a tort and also ence with the personal-
the crime of malicious mischief). Repainting is costly and time consuming, but such property rights of
tortfeasors are usually juvenile “hit-and-run” types who are not likely to be caught.
Fraud is a tort most frequently committed in the sale of goods or services. It is also fraud
called deceit and sometimes misrepresentation. For fraud, the following elements A knowingly false repre-
must be present: sentation of a material
fact, made through
1. A false representation (i.e., a lie); words or conduct, with
2. of a factual matter (not personal opinion, unless the opinion is that of an expert intent to deceive a victim,
on the subject); who is induced to con-
3. that is material (i.e., important enough to affect the decision of the intended tract in reliance on the
victim); lie, and who is thereby
4. known by the wrongdoer to be false, or made with reckless indifference as to injured.
its truth;
5. made with intent to induce action by the victim, who is unaware of its falsity; misrepresentation
6. and acting reasonably, the victim does justifiably rely on the lie in his or her A false statement made
decision; and intentionally, knowing it
7. is injured as a result. is not true. A negligent
misrepresentation is a
In a simple, often-repeated type of case, a seller of a used car may misrepresent the false statement made
mileage, the times and frequency of servicing and of overhaul, the number and identity carelessly.
of previous owners, or the number and nature of accidents, if any, in which the vehicle
has been involved. A knowledgeable car buff might not be misled, but many amateurs
would buy in trusting reliance and, if victimized, could therefore sue for damages.
In a gross example of misrepresentation of mileage, Chrysler
Corporation was fined $7.6 million by a federal district court
judge for selling 30 previously damaged vehicles as new cars and for odome-
ter violations. Chrysler had previously entered a plea of no contest to the
criminal charges. The fine supplemented an earlier settlement of more than
$16 million in a civil suit. Records showed that between 1949 and 1986,
Chrysler personnel had disconnected the odometers on about 60,000 new
326 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
cars that were driven for periods of one day to five weeks by Chrysler execu-
tives before being placed on sale as brand new. In the 30 specially noted
cases, the cars had been damaged while being driven by the executives and
repaired before sale as new.19
Fraud may also occur under a wide variety of unusual circumstances, as the follow-
ing cases indicate.
Peter Roberts, an 18-year-old sales clerk at Sears, invented a
quick-release socket wrench in his spare time. He applied for
and received a patent in 1965. Thereafter, Sears negotiated to buy Roberts’s
patent rights. He was told that (1) the invention was “not new,” (2) the pro-
duction cost would be 40 to 50 cents per wrench (Sears knew it would be
only 20 cents), and (3) it would sell only to the extent promoted and, hence,
was worth only $10,000. Roberts agreed to accept a 2 cents royalty up to
a maximum of $10,000. Within days, Sears was manufacturing 44,000 of
Roberts’s wrenches per week. A half-million wrenches were sold in nine
months. By 1975, more than 19 million wrenches had been sold for a net
profit of more than $44 million, according to court records. Was Sears guilty
of the tort of fraud?
Roberts v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 673 F.2d 976 (7th Cir., 1978).
Yes. A jury awarded Roberts $1 million in damages. The U.S. Court of Appeals af-
firmed and also authorized Roberts to rescind (set aside) his contract and sue Sears
for breach of his patent. In 1982, a federal jury awarded Roberts $5 million, and the
judge increased this to $8.2 million on the grounds that the infringement was will-
ful. In 1983, this decision was overturned by the court of appeals, which ordered a
new trial. In September 1989, twenty-five years after receiving his patent, Roberts
and his attorney finally confronted Sears again in court. This time on the fifth day
of the trial the litigants reached a settlement, the terms of which were not disclosed.
Dining at Yesterday’s Restaurant in Mobile, Patrick Lamey or-
dered the “De La Mer” omelet. Afterwards, Lamey suffered
nausea, vomiting, high fever, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. He was admit-
ted to the hospital, where his condition was diagnosed as acute gastro-
enteritis. He was released in a few days. Lamey had no evidence that Yester-
day’s had been negligent or that the food was contaminated. But the menu
stated that the “De La Mer” omelet contained crabmeat and trout when in
fact it contained only codfish. Can Lamey simplify the proof needed by suing
for misrepresentation?
Lamey v. Yesterday’s Inc., 492 So.2d 988 (Louisiana, 1986).
Yes. Lamey easily could and did prove that the menu was a false misrepresentation
of a material fact that he relied upon and was damaged as a result. He recovered
$27,500 in damages.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 327
Tort law protects even the naive, the trusting, and the ignorant.
Soldier Steven Malandris, a truck driver in Korea, met and mar-
ried Jung Ja, who was illiterate. Returning to the United States,
their marriage was dominated by a quest for financial security. Malandris
worked as a baggage handler for United Airlines in Colorado; Jung Ja man-
aged their money. They lived meagerly and saved $60,000, which they in-
vested in United’s stock. Malandris met John Barron, an account executive
for securities firm Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. (a major securi-
ties firm), who suggested he forge his wife’s name to get access to the family
money held as stock and to invest it in commodity options. Barron told
Malandris that there would be an “assured gain” and “no possibility” of
any loss. However, soon $30,000 was gone. Jung Ja sustained permanent
emotional injury, which allegedly “destroyed her ability to function as a
human being.” She was despondent about life and lived only in anticipation
of life after death. May Jung Ja recover damages for fraud?
Malandris v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., 447 F.Supp. 543 (Colorado, 1977).
The children of Margaret Lesher, believing that her recent
husband, buffalo rider T. C. Thorstenson, had murdered their
mother to obtain part of her $100 million estate, sued him for fraud. They
contended that Thorstenson had intentionally concealed one of his two
previous marriages, the one in which he had been accused of spousal abuse.
Lesher never would have married Thorstenson, her children contended, if
she had known the truth. For their part, Thorstenson’s attorneys argued that
Lesher told their client a lie, that she was only 55 years old. Are lies told
between spouses the proper basis for a lawsuit for fraud?
Lies concerning the affection one does or does not feel about the other, made just
before marriage or without regard to marriage, are not ordinarily grounds for a
lawsuit. Thus, if one person relies upon the statement “I love you” and therefore
takes some action that ultimately turns out to be regrettable, there is no basis for
court action. However, lies of material fact may form the basis of an action for mis-
representation or fraud, even if the consequent action was to become married. In
the Thorstenson case above, the outcome is not public because the case settled out of
Not all misrepresentations are torts. A person commits no tort when he or she
innocently does not know the information is false, but mistakenly tells you that a
dog being sold to you is two years old when in fact it is five. Generally, if you are
328 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Bad Faith
Persons pay premiums to insurance companies, who promise in exchange to pay
money when some uncertain future calamity, such as an automobile accident,
death, fire, or disability, occurs. If the insured person fails to make timely payment
of premiums, the insurance coverage may be cancelled. And if the insurance com-
pany fails to make a promised payment when some calamity occurs, the insured
may sue for breach of the insurance contract. In the next chapter (about contracts),
you will learn that punitive damages are not available for ordinary breach of con-
tract. But some courts have imposed a duty of “good faith and fair dealing” upon
insurance companies, the violation of which may subject them to punitive damages.
bad faith Violation of this duty is said to be the intentional tort of bad faith.
The deliberate failure to The tort of bad faith in actions against insurance companies generally involves
fulfill some duty or con- either of two scenarios.
tractual obligation owed In the first scenario, Joe Levendowski pays premiums for automobile insurance
to another (e.g., a pur- with maximum liability coverage of, say, $100,000. Suppose Levendowski is involved
poseful failure by an in-
in a car crash that seriously injures a victim, Diego Berka, in another car. Berka as
surance company to pay
the victim sues Levendowski for $150,000 but, learning of the insurance amount,
a lawful claim).
agrees to settle out of court for the $100,000. However, Levendowski’s insurance
company rejects the offer, choosing instead to go to trial on a “roll of the dice” to
see if a jury might return a verdict of less than $100,000. Instead, the jury verdict is
$150,000. The insurance company pays the $100,000 policy maximum, thinking,
“Well, at least we had a chance of saving some money.” But Levendowski now must
pay the $50,000 personally. Levendowski’s loss is caused in part by his insurance
company, which violated its duty of good faith and fair dealing because it could have
and should have paid its policy maximum to protect Levendowski. Courts in most
states would permit Levendowski to sue his insurance company for bad faith and to
recover the $50,000 above coverage limits plus punitive damages.
In the second scenario, the carrier delays payment of a legitimate claim. The
reason may be to earn interest on delayed payments, a desire to gamble on a less
costly award by a jury, or an attempt to induce a needy claimant to settle for less
because he or she can’t afford to wait or litigate. Unreasonable delay in payment of
a claim violates the duty of good faith and fair dealing and renders the insurance
company liable for general and punitive damages.23 Some states provide for the re-
covery of bad faith claims by statute and provide a cap of recovery of such claims.
The pertinent part of such a Georgia statute is provided here.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 329
In the event of a loss that is covered by a policy of insurance and
the refusal of the insurer to pay the same within 60 days after a
demand has been made by the holder of the policy and a finding has been
made that such refusal was in bad faith, the insurer shall be liable to pay
such holder, in addition to the loss, not more than 50 percent of the liability
of the insurer for the loss or $5,000, whichever is greater, and all reasonable
attorney’s fees for the prosecution of the action against the insurer.24
In theory, courts could impose a duty of good faith and fair dealing on any contract
and permit a tort recovery of damages whenever a contract is breached under egre-
gious circumstances. So far, courts are reluctant to extend tort recovery. When ca- An organization called
lamities occur, insurance companies have a tremendous negotiating power over Fight Bad Faith Insurance
their dependent customers, justifying the creation of a duty of good faith and fair Companies (FBIC) provides
a listing of fame and shame
dealing. Most other contractual relationships are not characterized by such unequal
for payment of claims by
bargaining power and dependency. In some states, insurance companies have suc-
insurance companies.
cessfully lobbied the legislature or used the initiative process to limit the ability of
the courts to award damages for bad faith claims.25 http://www.
The Elements of Negligence
Everyone has a duty (i.e., a mandatory obligation) imposed by law to behave with duty
due care as a reasonable, prudent (i.e., cautious and careful) person would behave The obligation enforce-
under the same or similar circumstances. If one fails to be legally careful and thus able in court to recognize
injures another’s person or property, the victim may sue and recover damages from and respect the person,
the wrongdoer for negligence. property, and rights of
others. Legal duty is the
Whether a particular act constitutes negligence depends on whether the ele-
reciprocal of legal right.
ments of negligence exist. For that purpose, we can ask these questions:
• Did the defendant owe a duty of care to the injured victim?
• Did the defendant breach that duty through unreasonable conduct?
• Did the plaintiff suffer an injury as a result of the defendant’s breach of the
duty of care?
• Did the defendant’s breach of duty cause the victim’s injury?
• Is there any social policy under which the defendant’s liability ought to be cut
off? For example, was the injury so remote from the defendant’s act that it
would be unforeseeable by a reasonable person?
blameworthiness of the defendant. Also relevant are the public policy of preventing
future harm; the financial burden on the defendant and the community in imposing
the liability; and the availability, cost, and prevalence of insurance for the risk in-
volved.26 These above considerations have evolved under common law. Special
rules, discussed later, have been added by state statutes.
The standard of care required is usually called ordinary care: What would a
reasonable person have done under the same or similar circumstances? The law
does not demand perfection. But any judgmental errors must be understandable
and excusable under the circumstances. Thus, for example, a “perfect” person driv-
ing on a busy highway and caught in a sudden and unusually heavy cloudburst, or a
dense dust storm, would carefully drive off the highway and onto the shoulder, and
wait there for the passing storm to subside. However, practically, a reasonable per-
son—seeing other vehicles still moving in both directions—might assume that it
was safe to drive on because the storm was only momentary and would shortly end.
But the storm continues. Within seconds, our driver becomes one link in a chain
reaction of rear-end crashes. Was the driver negligent? A jury would probably say,
“No; it was an accident.”
An accident is a sudden, unexpected, unintended happening that causes injury
or death and/or loss of property. It may occur under circumstances where nobody is
at fault, as in an earthquake or natural landslide. However, in most “accidents,” one
(or more) of the parties involved is at fault because of what someone did or failed to
do. Automobile “accidents” are common examples of events that are usually caused
by negligence. One example of an excusable accident is when a driver unavoidably
loses control of the vehicle because of the sudden attack and painful sting of a bee.
One expert on torts, Edward J. Kionka, explains that the “reasonable person …
is not the average or typical person, but an idealized image of such a person—a
composite of the community’s judgment as to how the typical community member
ought to behave in each of the infinite variety of circumstances and activities in
which there is a potential or actual risk of harm to the actor or others.” 27 Commu-
nity members sit on the juries that determine how the defendant ought to have be-
haved; some suspect that jurors themselves might behave less carefully than the
standards they impose on others.
English legal humorist A. P. Herbert (1890–1971) wrote a series
of misleading cases for the English Magazine Punch. In his fic-
tional case of Fardell v. Potts, he wrote this tongue in cheek account of the
fictional reasonable person. “Devoid, in short, of any human weakness, with
not one single saving vice, sans prejudice, procrastination, ill-nature, avarice,
and absence of mind, as careful for his own safety as he is for that of others,
this excellent but odious character stands like a monument in our Courts of
Justice, vainly appealing to his fellow-citizens to order their lives after his
own example.”
Injo Kalen left a burning cigarette teetering on the edge of his
girlfriend Amy Porubsky’s ashtray, which was sitting on the arm
of the couch in her apartment. While Kalen and Porubsky were dining in the
other room, the cigarette became unbalanced as it burned and fell onto the
cushions, which slowly began to burn. By the time the fire was noticed and
extinguished, the couch and Porubsky’s cashmere sweater were destroyed,
and there were large burns in the carpet and smoke damage in the apart-
ment. What are the legal consequences of this event?
Kalen owed a duty of reasonable care to Porubsky and her landlord. That duty was
breached when Kalen failed to behave as a reasonable person by leaving the burn-
ing cigarette on the edge of the ashtray. Fire from a burning cigarette is a foresee-
able consequence, and the damages were the proximate result of that negligence.
Therefore, Kalen is liable to both Porubsky and her landlord. Porubsky can agree
to accept a specified sum from Kalen for the value of her sweater (called damages).
Porubsky’s landlord, who owns the apartment and furniture, also could settle with
Kalen. But if the parties cannot settle the problem, Porubsky and/or her landlord
could begin civil tort proceedings against Kalen to recover damages. If Porubsky
had renter’s insurance, her insurance company also would compensate her for the
sweater unless its value was less than the deductible portion of coverage. Most
landlords carry fire insurance and would receive compensation from their casualty
insurance company for damage to the building and couch as well. As a practical
matter, both Porubsky and her landlord would probably accept payments by their
insurance companies and take no further action.*
* In theory, either Porubsky’s or the landlord’s insurance company would have the right to sue Kalen for reimbursement of any
claims paid. This right of an insurance company to seek reimbursement from a wrongdoer for a claim paid to their customer is
called subrogation (substitution of creditors). As a practical matter, insurance companies usually do not seek subrogation, be-
cause the wrongdoer lacks financial resources.
332 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
have occurred without the defendant’s act, then there is actual causation. Such
causation can usually be determined by the descriptive but-for test. “But for”
the wrongful act, the injury would not have happened.
proximate cause 2. Was the act the proximate cause of the injury? As a matter of social policy,
An action that, in natural how far should a defendant’s liability extend or reach? The act not only was an
and continuous sequence, important factor, it actually caused all the remote damages. But injuries can be
unbroken by an interven- so remote that, as a matter of public policy considerations of fairness, liability
ing force or cause, pro- of the wrongdoer is simply cut off.
duces the injury, and
without which the effect What if two independent forces combine to cause the injury? For example, suppose A
or result would not have builds an unreasonably large and roaring campfire near C’s mountain cabin. B leaves
occurred. Furthermore, an open container of gas on the ground at an adjoining campsite. Sparks from A’s
the result is not entirely blazing campfire ignite B’s gas can, causing a large enough fire to engulf and destroy
outside the range of ex- C’s cabin. Even if neither careless act alone could have produced that result, both A
pectation or probability.
and B are liable under the substantial-factor test, since both contributed substantially to
the destruction of the cabin and were the actual cause of the harm. The same is true if
either careless act alone would have been sufficient to destroy the cabin.
To be “proximate,” the cause need not necessarily be close or near to the re-
sulting injury, in time or in space. But it must appear to be just and fair, and indeed
feasible, to hold the defendant liable for the injury that did result.
Theoretically—tongue in cheek—we might trace all events of human history in
an unbroken chain back to Adam and Eve. The injury to the plaintiff must be rea-
sonably related to the cause (the negligent act of the defendant). If it is not reason-
ably related, it is considered too remote. The proximate cause is the true cause
“which, in a natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening
cause, produces injury, and without which the result would not have occurred.” 28
An attempt to thoroughly define proximate cause is probably futile, but examples
can help with understanding.
Brent Starr was testing the power of his new sports car on a
clear two-lane highway in good weather. When he reached
90 mph, he lost control and the car crashed through a fence and into a high-
voltage electricity pole. This caused a short circuit and power failure
throughout the city of Barclay, 100 miles away. Among the many persons
affected were the staff and doctors in General Hospital. Just as the power
went out, surgeon Ramona Ramirez was making a critical incision near pa-
tient Albert Johnson’s heart during open-heart surgery. As a result of the
darkness and loss of power to essential equipment, she had to stop abruptly.
The machines supplying vital oxygen and pumping blood went silent. Within
minutes, Albert Johnson was dead. Is Brent Starr liable for Johnson’s death?
No. Starr’s wrongful conduct was the actual cause of Johnson’s death. Under the
actual cause test mentioned previously, it can be said that “but for” Starr’s folly,
Johnson would not have died when he did. But Starr’s act was not the proximate,
legal cause because it was too indirect and remote from the death, which was not
reasonably foreseeable by Starr.
Note that Starr would be liable for the damage to the fence and to the high-
voltage electricity pole. It is also possible that General Hospital could be found
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 333
guilty of negligence, and therefore liable, for failing to have a standby emergency
electric power source available. (This is indeed standard practice in well-run hospi-
tals, because power failures are not uncommon. But that is another case.)
Brent Starr’s car, after ramming the pole, caromed into the
brush nearby, striking and killing Tom Sneed, who was hunting
quail. Starr did not know that Sneed was hunting there. Is Starr liable for
Sneed’s death?
Yes. Here Starr’s wrongful conduct was the actual and also the proximate or legal
cause of the death. The negligent act was direct and close; there was no intervening
cause. With his eyes glued to the road, Starr did not even see Sneed. Under the cir-
cumstances, however, the threat of injury or death from the speeding car to any
person who happened to be in any of many potentially fatal locations on or along
the highway was reasonably foreseeable in the law. What people really do and do
not foresee is not decisive; what is foreseeable is a matter of law.
Thus, causation, both actual and proximate, must be proved to hold a defendant
liable for negligence. There is proximate causation if there is “the ability to see or
know in advance … that harm or injury is a likely result of acts or omissions.” 29 If,
and only if, a reasonably prudent person, under similar circumstances, could and
would have foreseen the likelihood of injury from the defendant’s conduct to any
person in the situation of the victim, does the defendant have the duty to exercise
reasonable care to refrain from such conduct. This point is discussed in practically
every law school in the nation by reference to the following famous case.
Standing at one end of a railroad station platform, a woman
waits for her train to arrive. Suddenly, there is a loud explosion
at the distant other end of the platform. Vibrations resulting from the ex-
plosion cause some scales to fall on the woman, injuring her. Evidently, a
railroad guard inside one car of a slowly moving train had reached out to
grab a man who was running to get aboard. Another railroad guard—who
was standing on the platform—gave the man a helping push from behind.
The man happened to be carrying an unlabeled parcel, containing fireworks.
When the parcel fell onto the railroad tracks, it exploded, whereupon Helen
Palsgraf, the woman at the other end of the platform, suffered injuries. She
sued the railroad for damages. The jury found the guards to be negligent to-
ward Palsgraf, and the trial court awarded her damages against the railroad,
as the responsible employer. The railroad company appealed. Should the ap-
pellate court affirm the judgment?
Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R. Co., 248 N.Y. 339, 162 N.E. 99 (New York, 1928).
No. Palsgraf’s complaint was dismissed. The injuries she suffered were not reason-
ably foreseeable—and were certainly not intentionally inflicted—by the railroad
guards. Therefore, there was no duty to her that was breached by the guards or by
their employer. To prove negligence and to collect damages, Palsgraf would have
334 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
had to show that the actions of the railroad guards “had possibilities of danger so
many and apparent as to entitle” her to be protected against those very actions.
This she could not prove.
SEARCH ENGINE Without foreseeability, there is no duty to act or refrain from action. Without
http:// duty, there can be no negligence. Without negligence, there can be no fault. With-
out fault, there can be no liability, regardless of the extent of the injury. William
The case is a classic so find
Prosser and Page Keeton, leading authorities on torts, unequivocally state, “The
the opinion and the discus-
question of foreseeability is not an element of causation and does not arise until the
sions about it that have
frustrated law students
issue of causation has been determined.” 30 Another legal scholar, Leon Green,
since it was decided in
properly points out that “Causation is a neutral issue, blind to right and wrong …
1928. Use key words: but in absence of causal relation plaintiff has no case, and all other inquiries be-
Palsgraf—Long—Island— come moot.” 31 After all, the linkage of cause and effect in any series of events may
Railroad. be coldly analyzed and objectively determined. Thereafter, one may inquire into
whether any involved person (e.g., the defendant) subjectively could have and should
have foreseen any of the described events or injurious effects.
Returning to Brent Starr’s predicament in the earlier example, he could and
should have foreseen that a person, such as Tom Sneed, might be in the bushes
near the highway, perhaps hiking, hunting, resting, or bird-watching. But he could
not reasonably have foreseen the tragic sequence of events in the hospital, nor
could he have foreseen countless other resulting events at great distances from the
scene of the crash, in areas served with electricity by the power line.
In summary, to prevail in a negligence action, the plaintiff must present a pre-
ponderance of evidence proving
1. existence of a legal duty to the plaintiff, and
2. breach of that duty by the defendant’s action or failure to act, with
3. resulting legal causation, actual and proximate, of an alleged injury, which
4. justifies the award of damages in court.
Remember that the weight of required evidence in civil negligence cases is not as de-
manding as in criminal cases, where the trier of facts must be convinced of their
truth beyond a reasonable doubt. The weight of the plaintiff’s evidence must be such
that what is alleged is more believable, more convincing, more probable than not.
Deborah Gaines arrived at the Preterm Health Services clinic to
obtain her scheduled abortion. While sitting in the waiting
room, John Salvi III opened fire and killed two receptionists. Gaines was left
unharmed, but “emotionally messed up” and could never return to any
clinic for an abortion. Gaines later gave birth to Vivian, who is learning dis-
abled and hyperactive. Gaines has sued Preterm and the owner of the build-
ing for negligence that wrongfully caused the birth of Vivian. Gaines seeks
damages with which to properly raise Vivian. Was the claimed negligence
(failure to provide safe premises) the proximate cause of the birth of
Vivian? 32
No. There was sufficient time following the Salvi shooting for Gaines to obtain an
abortion at a different clinic. But, according to her lawsuit, she was unable to return
because of emotional reasons. Unsafe premises may cause the foreseeable result of
injury to the customer. But it is quite different to argue that unsafe premises may
foreseeably result in the birth of a loving child.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 335
Chicago police were pursuing a car over a traffic violation. The
speeding car crashed, killing Jamil Khouri, severely injuring his
son Omar, and slightly injuring his daughter Ahlam. The Khouri estate and
family sued the City of Chicago as employer of the police who, it was
claimed, negligently pursued the traffic violator whose car was in the fatal
crash. Is the act of pursuing a fleeing criminal the proximate cause of injury
to an innocent bystander?
The City of Chicago settled the case, paying a total of more than $5.1 million to
the Khouri family.33 After that case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the sheriff
was not responsible for the death of a passenger on a fleeing motorcycle who was
killed when it crashed. The Court established a new rule that police essentially are
not negligent nor is their conduct the proximate cause of resulting injuries during
pursuits of suspects unless the actions of the police are so egregious that they
“shock our conscience.” 34 The U.S. Supreme Court had jurisdiction in this case
because the plaintiff alleged the federal civil rights of the deceased were violated.
Mukesh Rai, a devout Hindu, after ordering a bean burrito
from Taco Bell, discovered to his dismay that he was eating
beef, in violation of a fundamental religious principle. Rai contends that
Taco Bell was negligent and must pay for psychiatry costs, for a trip to Eng-
land for a purification ceremony with Hindu masters, for a trip to India for
the ultimate purification of bathing in the waters of the Ganges River, and
for emotional distress, pain, and suffering.35 Assuming that Taco Bell was
negligent, were the damages claimed foreseeable?
On the one hand, there was a breach of contract when Rai did not receive the
product he ordered. But damages from breach of contract are restricted to foresee-
able and quantifiable monetary damages. The measure of damages in torts, as will
be discussed later in this chapter, is more generous in that nonquantifiable losses,
such as pain and suffering, are compensable. Still they also must be foreseeable. In
today’s multicultural society, is it unreasonable to require national retail organiza-
tions to be aware and protective of the differing religious and other beliefs, cus-
toms, and activities of customers?
Darrell Parsons was riding his horse Poco along a bridle path
when a garbage collection truck in a nearby restaurant parking
lot picked up and emptied its trash-filled bin. The clanging noise spooked
Poco, who began spinning, bucking, and finally bolting. Parsons was injured
when he landed on the ground. Parsons sued the Crown Disposal Company
for his injuries. What was the result?
Parsons v. Crown Disposal Company, 15 Cal. 4th 456, 936 P. 2d 70, 63 Cal.Rptr. 2d 291 (California, 1997).
336 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The case was thrown out of court summarily and never reached the jury. Appeals
continued until the case reached the California Supreme Court some six years after
the incident. The defense attorney asked rhetorically, “Why should we be liable if
a horse operates like a horse and a trash truck operates like a trash truck?” If you
believe the answer to this case was easy, you may be surprised to learn that two dis-
senting justices on the five-member court believed that the victim was entitled to
a trial.
Tired from an afternoon of drinking beer with friends while
watching the Buffalo Bills on TV, Will Brown was driving home.
While passing down a street where homes were scattered among small
warehouses, he didn’t notice a fairly large, dilapidated cardboard carton
near the gutter in the road ahead. Weaving slightly, Brown’s car hit the
cardboard box. To his dismay and horror, he saw in his rear view mirror that
the carton had concealed a child. Kathy Wellington, age three, had been
walking on the curb, holding the carton over her head. She had evidently
stumbled into the street, and the carton covered her completely. Her death
was mercifully sudden. Kathy’s parents now seek to hold Brown liable. Will
they prevail?
No. Although Brown’s clearly negligent conduct was the actual cause of Kathy’s
death, he is not liable. While it is foreseeable that a pedestrian might be in the vi-
cinity, it is not foreseeable that a tiny person would be inside an old cardboard car-
ton in the street.
Danny Pawar foolishly keeps a can of gasoline in the trunk of
his car, thereby creating risk of a foreseeable injury from explo-
sion or fire. Now lightning strikes the car, exploding the car’s built-in gas
tank as well as the portable can. Nearby pedestrians are injured. Is Pawar lia-
ble to the victims?
No. The lightning, an unforeseeable natural phenomenon at that time and place,
intervened, and the actual cause of the injuries from the explosion was the lightning.
Sometimes, intervention of a human actor expands the scope of a negligent
wrongdoer’s liability. Consider the following hypothetical situation.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 337
Isaac York and Thor Waller are among a group of teenagers
who walk to the end of a pier along the Atlantic coast in Flor-
ida. Waller objects when York engages in horseplay, but York persists, and
with a quick push accidentally sends Waller into the deep water. Waller
can’t swim. He flounders, but is rescued by Connie Himaet and is revived by
prompt resuscitation. Himaet was also injured when a high wave tossed her
against the piling of the pier. Is York liable for the injury to Waller? To
York is liable for injuries to Waller for negligently pushing him off the pier. He
also is liable to Himaet under the doctrine that “danger invites rescue.” Thus, the
intervention of “Good Samaritan” Himaet expanded York’s liability.
Whereas the law does not ordinarily require that a person, “the Good Samari-
tan,” intervene (no legal duty), what happens if they choose to do so? At common
law, if one decides to act, then they are expected to be careful under the circum-
stances; failing that, they are liable for their own negligence. This can happen, as it
did when the U.S. Coast Guard temporarily abandoned a search for a fisherman who
subsequently died on a life raft five days after his boat had sunk. The death resulted
because the USCG had negligently fouled up its own rescue-message transmission.36
To deal with the moral dilemma of being legally immune if you do nothing but
liable if you provide aid but fall short of providing the quality of assistance ex-
pected, most states have enacted some type of so-called Good Samaritan laws. Good Samaritan
These statutes shield doctors and others from liability they may incur to an injured laws
person when they stop along the way and render emergency aid. Obviously, if all Statutes that protect
goes well, no protection is needed for the volunteer, but if the provided assistance volunteers from liability
aggravates the person’s injuries, then the Good Samaritan statute provides immu- for ordinary negligence
nity from liability. These statutes vary from state to state as to who is covered and while aiding persons in
in the protection provided. Some state statutes protect any emergency volunteer, need.
and other state statutes protect only named emergency providers such as doctors,
nurses, police, and firefighters; furthermore, some statutes distinguish between free
assistance and paid providers. Volunteers are still expected to use reasonable care
under the circumstances, but they cannot be found liable if they fail to do so.
Utah Statutes 78-11-22 (1) Good Samaritan Act
A person who renders emergency care at or near the scene of,
or during an emergency, gratuitously and in good faith, is not liable for any
civil damages or penalties as a result of any act or omission by the person
rendering the emergency care, unless the person is grossly negligent or
caused the emergency. As used in this section, “emergency” means an un-
expected occurrence involving injury, threat of injury, or illness to a person
or the public, including motor vehicle accidents, disasters, actual or threat-
ened discharges, removal, or disposal of hazardous materials, and other acci-
dents or events of a similar nature. “Emergency care” includes actual assis-
tance or advice offered to avoid, mitigate, or attempt to mitigate the effects
of an emergency.
338 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
These immunity statutes generally do allow recovery by the injured person if the
Good Samaritan is grossly negligent in the assistance provided. A wrongdoer is
gross negligence guilty of gross negligence “when he inflicts injury intentionally or is so utterly in-
The failure of even slight different to the rights of others that he acts as if such rights did not exist.” 37 Good
or scant care. Samaritan statutes are just one form of statutory immunity; there are many others.
The state of Maryland purportedly has 24 separate statutory immunities in the
SEARCH ENGINE Maryland Civil Code protecting individuals for their negligent acts.38 Included
within other immunity protections are state officers and employees acting within
http:// the scope of their employment. These other immunity protections also do not pro-
You can find out more tect against grossly negligent acts.
about Good Samaritan sta-
tutes by searching the In-
ternet. Add the name of Violation of a Statute as Proof of Negligence
your state to see if you can Legislation or administrative regulation—at the federal, state, and local levels—often
find its rule. Use key words: describes standards of conduct designed to prevent injuries. Violation of such statutes
Good—Samaritan—Act— or rules may be both proof of duty and breach thereof. In most states, when a court
Your state.
determines that the particular statute applies to the facts of a case, its violation is prima
facie (Latin: “on first appearance”) negligence. An example would be harm flowing
from exceeding the well-posted speed limit on a winding mountain road. Unless the
defendant produces evidence that excuses the violation, negligence is conclusive. A
possible excuse would be a sudden emergency, such as unexpected brake failure caused
negligence per se by another’s defective repair. The application of this rule is called negligence per se.
The unexcused violation
of a statute or ordinance
which is automatically
deemed to be negligent
conduct without argu-
Shaun and Alex O’Guin were killed when a section of pit wall
ment or proof as to the
collapsed while they were playing at the Bingham County land-
particular surrounding
fill. The children had left a summer lunch program at Ridgecrest Elementary
School and entered the closed unattended landfill through an unlocked
gate after crossing a privately owned empty field. Applicable state rules re-
quired that access to a landfill be limited to those times when an attendant
is on duty and “the site shall be fenced or otherwise blocked to access when
an attendant is not on duty.” The children’s parents sued in negligence
claiming that violation of the state rule established that the county was neg-
ligent per se. The county countered that the O’Guin children were trespas-
sers and the claim should be barred.
O’Guin v. Bingham County, 122 P.3d 308 (Idaho, 2005).
The court answered the first three of the following four questions in the affirma-
tive. “In order to replace a common law duty of care with a duty of care from a stat-
ute or regulation, the following elements must be met: (1) the statute or regulation
must clearly define the required standard of conduct; (2) the statute or regulation
must have been intended to prevent the type of harm the defendant’s act or omis-
sion caused; (3) the plaintiff must be a member of the class of persons the statute or
regulation was designed to protect; and (4) the violation must have been the proxi-
mate cause of the injury.” As to the fourth element, the court held there is at least a
disputed issue of fact remaining and remanded the case back to the trial court.
Violation of a duty of due
Professional Malpractice
care by a professional Few areas of legal conflict have caused as much heated debate as malpractice. Mal-
person. practice is negligence committed by a professional person. It is the failure to use
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 339
that degree of care, learning, and skill ordinarily possessed and applied by the aver-
age prudent member of the profession in the same locality. Thus, a general practi-
tioner of law or medicine in a small town is not expected to have the skills or facili-
ties of a group of specialists in a large city.
Physicians and surgeons have been the prime targets of plaintiffs, but dentists,
lawyers, accountants, architects, and engineers have comparable professional duties
to those they serve and are increasingly being sued. Lawsuits have also been
brought against other similar public-service types, such as pharmacists, chiroprac-
tors, insurance and real estate agents, and investment advisers. Some contend that
many doctors routinely order costly laboratory tests and X-rays, even when they
are not essential for proper patient care, as “security blankets” to help protect
themselves against possible lawsuits.
Harvard University researchers examined some 31,000 medical records in a
four-year-long study of malpractice (conducted in 51 hospitals in the state of New
York), with results disclosed in 1990. They found 1,133 “adverse events” ranging The U.S. Department of Jus-
from patients falling down to patients being infected during surgery. Twenty-five tice provides an abstract of
percent of the adverse events could be traced to negligence, yet only one lawsuit “Medical Malpractice Trials
and Verdicts in Large Coun-
was filed for every 9.6 cases of detected negligence. If these figures are extrapolated
ties, 2001” at
to the entire total of 2.7 million patients who were hospitalized in New York state
during 1984, about 100,000 patients were injured by improper medical treatment, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/
and as many as 7,000 died.39 In 2006, a leading health care reporting agency re- bjs/abstract/mmtvlc01.htm
ported that “medical errors are a leading cause of injury and death in the United
States.” “Approximately 1.24 million total patient safety incidents occurred in al-
most 40 million hospitalizations in the Medicare population. These incidents were
associated with $9.3 billion of excess cost during 2002 through 2004.” 40
Thus, it could be that medical malpractice suits are less frequent than they
should be, not the other way around. Or another means of assuring patient safety
must be found.
Premises Liability
The common law duty of care that is owed to all persons generally is modified rela-
tive to the owners or occupiers of property. Owners and occupiers of real property
(land and buildings) owe special care to certain classes of potential victims. We re-
view the duties owed by landowners to those who trespass, by homeowners to trespass
guests, and by businesses to their customers. Wrongful interference
with the real or personal
Trespassers on Land Adult trespassers to real property are by definition uninvited, property of another.
generally unexpected, and unwanted. To them, minimal duty is owed—the owner
(or occupier) must not set traps or spring guns to thwart or hurt trespassers or bur-
glars, nor otherwise intentionally harm them. A landowner need not warn trespas-
sers of dangerous natural conditions, but if trespassers are known to be on the
premises, the landowner has a duty to warn of unforeseeable man-made risks (e.g.,
an attack guard dog).
It was the first day of the summer holiday. Jimmy Parker and
Tom Rouble, both 10 years old, rode their bicycles into the
country. They spotted an unattended tractor near the road, on the farm of
Jensen Dairy, Inc. Tom said, “Let’s see if we can start it!” Within minutes,
340 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
they were over the fence and fiddling with the controls of the machine. The
engine started and in a sudden forward lurch, Jimmy was thrown off and
broke his arm. Is Jensen Dairy liable?
Young children are an exception to the rules regarding trespassers. When children
attractive- trespass because of natural curiosity about an attractive nuisance and are injured, the
nuisance doctrine owner is liable. The tractor could be considered such an attraction. A common attrac-
The doctrine under which tive nuisance is a swimming pool. Many cities now have ordinances that specify the
minors who trespass may type of fencing that must safeguard pools from trespassing children. Attractive nui-
collect damages if at- sances that are highly dangerous to children have included the second floor of a house
tracted on to the defen- under construction, from which a seven-year-old girl fell; an abandoned, burned-out
dant’s premises where semitrailer, with melted remnants of red-taillights, that fell on an eight-year-old boy;
they are injured by a
and an open sewer drain where a 19-month-old child was found drowned.41 The ear-
man-made instrumental-
lier case example illustrating negligence per se on page 338 involved two minor chil-
ity that has special appeal
to children (such as a rail-
dren and an unfenced unguarded county landfill. The children were trespassers, but
road turntable or an un- the landfill was a tempting playground for some children.
fenced swimming pool). In deciding whether the attractive-nuisance doctrine applies, courts consider
(1) whether the defendant knew, or should have known, of the likelihood of tres-
passing children, and of the unreasonable risk of death or serious injury to them
from an artificial (i.e., man-made) condition; (2) whether the children, because of
their youth, do not realize the risk involved; and (3) whether the benefit of main-
taining the condition, coupled with the burden or cost of eliminating the hazard, is
slight compared to the risk to the children.
Pacific Bell installed two public telephone booths on the side-
walk within 20 feet of the parking attendant’s booth for the
adjacent parking lot. The telephone booths attracted young drug dealers
who loitered nearby often harassing passers-by. Pacific Bell refused to relo-
cate the booths after Alfonso Martinez, parking attendant, complained.
After Alfonso was robbed and shot in the hand and back, he sued Pacific Bell
on the theory that the telephone booths were an attractive nuisance. Does
Pacific Bell, under any theory, have a duty to protect a nearby parking
attendant from harm by third parties?
Martinez v. Pacific Bell, 225 Cal. App. 3d 1557, 275 Cal.Rptr. 878 (1990).
Even if telephone booths were an attractive nuisance, Pacific Bell would not be lia-
ble for the wrongful acts of those who were attracted to the area. These criminals
were not children, and they did not injure themselves. As to the parking attendant,
Pacific Bell had no special duty to someone working on the adjoining property.
Guests of Property Owners—Licensees Those on property with implied or express
licensee permission of the owner are a licensee. Social guests are obvious licensees but so
A person who enters an- are U.S. Postal Service employees, public utility employees (e.g., meter readers),
other’s land with permis- and building and health inspectors. Generally, the occupier of land owes the li-
sion (implied or express) censee a duty of reasonable care, but has no duty to inspect premises for dangerous
of the owner or posses- conditions that are not obvious. However, once dangers are known, they must be
sor, for the visitor’s
repaired or the licensee must be warned.
Police officers and firefighters are generally considered licensees under a spe-
cial rule called the fireman’s rule. Probably the vast majority of fires are caused by
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 341
negligence; once started, they also threaten the property of neighbors. Thus, public
policy generally bars suits by firefighters for injuries suffered in performing their
work in an emergency situation. The owner is, however, duty-bound to warn the
firefighters of any known hidden hazards, if there is an opportunity to do so. Fail-
ing this duty, the owner is liable for injuries to the firefighter. Also the possessor of
land is liable “to a public officer or employee who enters the land in the perfor-
mance of his public duty, and suffers harm because of a condition of a part of the
land held open to the public” 42 in the same fashion as if that person is an invitee
(see the following discussion).
Many homeowners erroneously believe they will be held liable for any injury
that occurs on their property. But homeowners have no duty to warn of a condition
of which they are unaware. If a social guest stumbles on concrete stairs leading to
the front door, there is no liability. On the other hand, if a social guest slips on a
throw rug that carelessly was placed on a newly waxed hardwood floor, there may
be liability for failure to warn of the rather obvious danger.
Customers in Business Premises—Invitees Shoppers and customers in retail stores
and patrons of restaurants, hotels, theaters, and amusement parks are called prop-
erty invitees. They are there for business purposes, and the owner or occupier of invitee
the premises is seeking to earn a profit from their presence. To them, the owner One who enters another’s
owes a high duty of care for their safety. He or she must routinely inspect for dan- land with the permission
gerous conditions and either correct them or clearly warn the invitees. (implied or express) of
If a homeowner invites guests to a “lingerie party” hoping to make sales, the the owner or occupier,
for a matter of business
guests likewise have become business invitees to whom a high duty of care is owed.
benefiting the owner or
Viola Velour was walking in the aisle of a supermarket, wearing
her new high-heeled pumps for the first time. Suddenly, her
left ankle twisted, and she tumbled to the floor. As she fell, she grasped at
an empty shopping cart nearby, and it came down on her head. The impact
broke her dentures and caused a painful, unsightly gash in her face. She
sued the owner of the supermarket for damages. Is there liability?
No. Velour was an invitee, but the market is still not an insurer of her safety. The
accident resulted from her inability to use high-heeled shoes safely. To recover dam-
ages, she would have to prove that (1) the premises were in a dangerously defective
condition; (2) this condition was the result of the store owner’s conduct, or that it
existed long enough for the owner to be alerted and to correct it; and (3) the usual
rules of causation were satisfied.
Sometimes, produce in markets ends up on the floors, causing slippery spots.
Customers who fall and are injured may bring “slip and fall” suits, which are fairly
common. The question always arises as to the frequency with which the market in- See an interesting article
spects the floors for such spots and cleans them. A market is not reasonably re- by Warren Richey in The
quired to inspect the floors every five minutes, and thus a “slip and fall” can occur Christian Science Monitor,
“Banana-Peel Lawsuits:
under circumstances when the market simply is not negligent.
Beyond Slapstick” at
The Injury Requirement and Damages 2000/0216/p2s1.html
There is no negligence if there is no injury. To recover damages (receive compensa-
tion), a person must suffer a loss, harm, wrong, or invasion of a protected interest.
342 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Essentially, the purpose of tort law is to compensate people for legally recognized
injuries that result from unreasonable behavior. If no harm or injury results from a
given action, there is no tort. Thus, the drunk driver of a speeding vehicle may be
careless, but until injury occurs there is no tort. This distinguishes a tort from a
crime, which seldom requires an injury.
Patricia Burns, who had advanced multiple sclerosis, claims that
her doctor, Thomas Hanson, negligently failed to detect her
pregnancy in time for her to obtain an abortion. She thus gave birth to
Molly, whom she loves very much. But Burns requires substantial funds (she
asks for $1.6 million) to assist her with hiring in-house child care and other
workers to help her raise the healthy Molly.43 Is having a healthy child a
“wrongful birth” for which damages should be allowed?
In this case, the jury returned a verdict for the doctor. However, the trial judge re-
fused to permit Burns to testify to the jury that she would have had an abortion if
she had known promptly of her pregnancy. The difficulty is, of course, in defining
a new life as a measure of damages suffered by the parent. On the other hand, if a
doctor commits negligence that proves to be disruptive and costly to the victim,
shouldn’t there be compensation? And if so, by what standard should the amount
of damages be measured?
breach of duty is called the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur (Latin: “the thing speaks res ipsa loquitur
for itself ”). A doctrine under which
The res ipsa loquitur doctrine applies when both of the following conditions negligence is inferred
exist: when the instrumentality
causing the injury was
1. The event is one that ordinarily does not occur without someone being under control of the de-
negligent. fendant and an injury
2. The agency or instrumentality creating the injury is under the exclusive con- occurred that normally
trol of the defendant. would not occur in the
absence of negligence by
the defendant. This doc-
trine is frequently relied
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM on by victims of medical
Mike Hubell is walking on the sidewalk alongside a building
with a penthouse apartment on the tenth floor. The penthouse
has an open terrace with a railing three feet high and six inches deep, deco-
rated by a line of potted plants on the railing. Hubell is knocked unconscious
when he is hit on the head by a potted plant. It is later proven that the pot
that hit him is similar to others on the penthouse railing, where one pot is
missing. Hubell is unable to prove how the pot happened to fall on him. Is
this a res ipsa loquitur case?
This is a classic situation for application of the doctrine that “the thing speaks for
itself.” The pot evidently came from that penthouse terrace, which was under the
exclusive control of the occupants of the apartment. It would not ordinarily have
fallen unless someone was either careless or, possibly, intended to be funny.
The doctrine has been applied by patients after undergoing surgery. If the pa-
tient suffers an injury that ordinarily does not occur without negligence (as when a
sponge is not removed from the surgical area), the doctrine can be used to shift the
burden to the defense to show they were not negligent. Thus, as the burden of
proof shifts, the surgeon, surgical nurses, staff, and others will have to sort out the
events among themselves.
Seventy-eight-year-old Margaret Frostick was admitted to Porter
Memorial Hospital for a right carotid endarterectomy. (Ouch!)
Anesthesia was given to permit the patient to be in a sedated state but still be
responsive. Supplemental oxygen was given to her through a mask. During
surgery, the oxygen mask caught on fire and Frostick’s face and chest were
burned as a result. Not surprisingly, she sued the medical providers. Is she en-
titled to an instruction of res ipsa loquitur against the medical providers?
Gold v. Ishak, 720 N.E.2d 1175 (Indiana, 1999).
The court of appeals held that the plaintiff had presented evidence that the oxygen
mask was “under the exclusive control of the Medical Providers and that the fire
was such that the ordinary course of things would not happen if those who used
these devices exercised proper care. The conditions surrounding the surgery have
met the underlying elements of the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, and therefore, the
inference of negligence is applicable.”
344 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Comparative and Contributory Negligence Most states have adopted the rule of
comparative comparative negligence, under which a victim who is negligent may nevertheless
negligence recover damages from a defendant who is more negligent. Damages allowed are
Negligence of the plain- simply reduced in proportion to the amount of negligence attributable to the plain-
tiff that does not bar tiff. In other words, liability for damages is allocated to the parties in proportion to
recovery of damages the fault each contributed to causing the injury, as determined by the jury (or judge
but may reduce the when there is no jury).
amount of recovery
T. Ray Vitesse was driving home in his heavy-duty pickup truck
at dusk on a residential street, about an hour after sunset. He
had several beers that afternoon. He later claimed he was not drunk, al-
though he had forgotten to turn on his headlights. It was raining heavily at
the time, and he felt mellow and refreshed as the raindrops splashed on his
face through an open window. “Just cruising along” at only 10 mph over the
posted speed limit (of 25 mph), his reverie suddenly ended as he crashed into
the left side of Art Aritroso’s sedan. Aritroso was backing out of his drive-
way, but had failed to look both ways and hadn’t turned his lights on until
he was in the street. Vitesse suffered no injuries and his truck required no re-
pairs, but Aritroso’s sedan was extensively damaged and he was badly in-
jured. Aritroso sued and the jury decided that his negligence constituted 25
percent of the total. Aritroso’s damages total $200,000. How much is he en-
titled to under the comparative-negligence rule?
The total damages recognized are reduced by the amount of the plaintiff’s negli-
gence, as long as it is not as great as the defendant’s. Under this process, Aritroso
would get $150,000 (100 percent—25 percent – 75 percent). He would have received
$102,000 if his negligence had been 49 percent (100 percent—49 percent – 51 per-
cent), but nothing if it had been 50 percent or higher. (This is the case in Wisconsin,
negligence one of the first states to adopt comparative negligence.) In a number of states, how-
The negligence of a
ever, under the “pure” comparative-negligence rule, negligence by the plaintiff never
plaintiff that helped to
bars recovery. Damages are reduced in proportion to the amount of the plaintiff’s
cause a tort. In states ac-
cepting the doctrine, a
negligence. In those states, even if his negligence had been 99 percent, Aritroso
contributory negligence would nevertheless have received $1,000 (100 percent – 99 percent = 1 percent).
plaintiff is usually barred Previously, the rule of contributory negligence generally determined whether
from claiming damages if damages could be awarded at all for negligence. If two persons were involved in an
injured. accident and both were negligent, neither could recover any damages. Contributory
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 345
negligence was held to be a complete bar to a negligence lawsuit. This was the rule
even if one party “contributed” almost all of the negligence. Determination of con-
tributory negligence is a question for the trier of fact. Not infrequently, a jury will
temper strict application of the rule with compassion and common sense and simply
overlook minimal amounts of negligence by an otherwise deserving plaintiff. More-
over, the contributory negligence of a plaintiff is no defense for a defendant found
guilty of willful and wanton misconduct (acting with reckless disregard for the plain-
tiff’s safety, as by drunk driving).
This harsh rule of contributory negligence originated in England and was
commonly applied in the United States during the 1800s, when railroads were first
introduced. “Establishment-oriented” courts were interested in helping the new in-
dustry, and they applied the doctrine as a matter of law to collisions at grade cross-
ings. The doctrine survived into the twentieth century and frequently blocked re-
covery of damages in automobile accident cases (where it is not unusual to find
at least some negligence on the part of both drivers).* More recently, most states
have abandoned the doctrine of contributory negligence in favor of comparative
Is the failure to use an automobile seat belt or shoulder harness (or airbag that
inflates upon impact) evidence of contributory negligence? This issue is somewhat
confusing. Belts generally reduce the severity of injury, but in some cases can cause
internal injury. However, there is no documented proof that any person has died in
a fiery accident because he or she could not unbuckle the seat belt. Indeed, the
crash victim, if belted, is more likely to be conscious and better able to escape. If in
the driver’s seat, he or she is more likely to minimize further damage by maintain-
ing better control of the car. Most states have mandated by statute the installation
of seat belts, but not all require their use. Moreover, there is really no logical con-
nection between a collision and the failure to use a seat belt. Consequently, many
jurisdictions, including those of such populous states as New York and Texas, have
ruled that failure to use a seat belt does not constitute sufficient negligence to bar
the plaintiff’s lawsuit.46 In a growing number of states, such failure is negligence
that may reduce damages if expert testimony proves how much less the injuries
would have been had the belt been used.47 A further discussion of negligence per-
taining to automobile accidents is included in Chapter 10.
Assumption of Risk A person who voluntarily puts himself or herself in a risky sit-
uation, who knows the risk involved, and who is then injured is not allowed to re-
cover damages. This is the defense of assumption of risk. A plaintiff who knows assumption of
and appreciates a given risk may assume it, thereby absolving the defendant of lia- risk
bility if injury results. In sports, especially, the hazards may be serious for both When a plaintiff with
spectators and participants, and both may assume the risks of customary hazards of knowledge of the facts of
such games as baseball, basketball, football, and hockey. a dangerous condition
In contact sports, participants assume the risk of injuries that are common and voluntarily exposes him-
expected, even when an opponent is violating a rule of the game (e.g., when a self or herself to the par-
ticular risk of injury.
jockey carelessly changes lanes during a horse race—a violation of a “foul riding”
rule). But this does not give the contestants a carte blanche (French: “blank check”)
waiver of all violations of the rules. Conduct that is substantially outside the ordi-
nary play of the game, especially if it is intentional, may give rise to tort liability.
* A few states apply the doctrine of “last clear chance” to deny recovery if, despite the negligence of the defendant, the injured
victim had the last clear chance to avoid the injury but failed to do so. Thus, a driver who foresaw an approaching car straddling
the white line, and who reasonably could pull over to the right, but who continued ahead with a resultant crash, would have had
the last clear chance to avoid the injury and thus could not recover damages.
346 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
To prove that a potential plaintiff had knowledge of the risk undertaken, many
activity providers will require express assumption of the risk by having each partici-
pant sign a document that explains the hazards of a particular activity. (The clause
may also serve as a contract waiver of that person’s legal rights; we will discuss such
waivers in Chapter 8.) Whether the document effectively waives legal rights or not,
it can clearly establish knowledge of the risk and establish the doctrine of assump-
tion of risk. Absent an express waiver, the defense also exists if the defendant can
show a plaintiff assumes the dangers that are inherent in and necessary to the par-
ticular sport or activity.
Moser and Ratinoff were participants in an organized, long-
distance bicycle ride on public highways involving hundreds of
cyclists. Event organizers required that participants sign a waiver and release
form. Moser complied. The document stated that Moser expressly assumed
the risk of injuries including those caused by other participants. During the
ride, Ratinoff swerved into Moser, causing a crash and injuries to Moser.
When Moser sued Ratinoff for negligence, Ratinoff moved for summary
judgment arguing that a collision between bicycle riders was an inherent
risk in the ride, and therefore no duty was owed Moser because of assump-
tion of risk.
Moser v. Ratinoff, 105 Cal.App.4th 1211, 130 Cal.Rptr.2d 198, 2003 WL 203255 (Cal., 2003).
The court agreed with the defendant Ratinoff that by “knowingly participating in a
sporting event in which what occurred is an evident risk, Moser is not entitled to a
recovery. In its analysis, the court considered cases where assumption of risk had
been found to exist including snow skiing, collegiate baseball, off-roading, skate-
boarding, golf, lifeguard training, tubing behind a motorboat, wrestling, gymnas-
tics stunt during cheerleading, little league baseball, cattle roundup, sport fishing,
ice skating, football practice drill, judo, rock climbing, river rafting, snow skiing,
and sailing. In considering for the first time a long-distance bicycle ride, the court
stated, “activity is done for enjoyment or thrill, requires physical exertion as well as
elements of skill, and involves a challenge containing a potential risk of injury.”
SEARCH ENGINE Many states classify assumption of risk as either primary or secondary. The doc-
http:// trine of primary assumption of risk was discussed earlier. Its effect is to eliminate the
duty a defendant owes the plaintiff because the plaintiff knowingly and voluntarily
Scuba diving is so much fun
assumed the risk of the activity in which both parties were engaged. Secondary as-
that it seems it should be
sumption of risk is a failure to exercise reasonable care for one’s own safety. Second-
illegal. Although legal, it is
also dangerous. It is not
ary assumption of risk is not a complete defense but instead is merged into the defi-
hard to find assumption of
nition of comparative negligence.48
risk language on people
who provide scuba diving
instruction, classes, or STRICT LIABILITY TORTS
adventures on the Inter- As a matter of public policy, certain businesses are required by law to compensate per-
net. Use key words:
sons who are injured by their products, services, or activities. In these situations, the
victimized plaintiff need not prove intent or negligence—the defendant is liable even if
not at fault. This is true, for example, in the comparatively rare cases where the defen-
dant keeps a wild animal, with dangerous propensities, that injures someone. Circus
and carnival elephants, lions, and tigers may have been trained or tamed, but they
remain wild. In contrast, some wild animals—such as deer, oxen, and monkeys—are
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 347
excluded if they have been domesticated to live peaceably in the service of humans.
Nevertheless, the owner of domestic animals, including dogs, is strictly liable for inju-
ries inflicted by the animal if the owner knows of their dangerous propensities. Thus,
a guard dog known to be vicious is not entitled to a first “free bite.”
Of course, the owner of an ordinary dog or cat, one not believed to be abnor-
mally dangerous, would be liable if he or she directed the animal to harm another
or negligently failed to prevent the harm. Animal behavior is often unpredictable The Centers for Disease
and uncontrollable, and it is difficult to prove prior knowledge of viciousness. Control and Prevention
Therefore, some 30 states have enacted statutes that impose strict liability on own- tells us that every 40
seconds someone in the
ers of dogs that injure others, or specify that negligence need not be proved (e.g., as
United States seeks medical
in roving dog cases and when leash laws are violated).
attention for a dog bite-
Certain activities are deemed to be so hazardous as to justify imposition of related injury.
strict liability on the person so engaged. Examples of such ultrahazardous activities
are fumigating buildings with poisonous gases and blasting with explosives in popu- http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/
lated areas. Operating a nuclear reactor is another example of an ultrahazardous ac- fact_book/14_Dog_Bite_
tivity. To date, there has been no Chernobyl-type disaster with loss of life in the
United States. Nevertheless, Congress has responded to the potential threat with
the Price-Anderson Act of 1957, which placed a liability limit on the nuclear power
industry of $710 million in damages, with any additional claims to be paid by the http://
federal government. The limit was raised in 2005 to $10 billion and over the years One of several sources pro-
coverage has been extended to include university research reactors, nuclear weap- viding information with a
ons plants, and nuclear waste repositories. The determination of absolute liability is point of view about the
a question of law for the courts rather than one for the jury. The legal question is Price-Anderson Act is the
decided in most states using the Restatement of Torts balancing test. Nuclear Information and
Resource Service at
LEGAL FOCUS–BACKGROUND factsheets/priceanderson
In determining whether an activity is abnormally dangerous,
the following factors are to be considered:
(a) existence of a high degree of risk of some harm to the person, land or
chattels of others;
(b) likelihood that the harm that results from it will be great;
(c) inability to eliminate the risk by the exercise of reasonable care;
(d) extent to which the activity is not a matter of common usage;
(e) inappropriateness of the activity to the place where it is carried on; and
(f) extent to which its value to the community is outweighed by its danger-
ous attributes.
Restatement of (Second) Torts—Torts § 520 Abnormally Dangerous Activities.
Workers’ Compensation
Another important category of strict liability is imposed on employers when a
worker is injured or killed on the job. In all states, workers’ compensation insurance
laws now cover most employees, although farm or agriculture workers and domestic workers’
servants in homes are still often excluded. Under workers’ compensation, workers compensation
receive (1) all medical treatment necessary to cure or provide relief from effects of Medical treatment, reha-
employment-caused injuries or illness, (2) temporary or permanent disability pay- bilitation benefits, and
ments, (3) vocational rehabilitation and retraining benefits when unable to return to disability payments for
the former job, and (4) legal assistance without charge. The benefit payments are workers injured on the
not lavish, but they are reasonably certain, and the injured worker is not required job.
348 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
(nor, indeed, permitted) to sue in court to obtain prescribed benefits. Claims are,
however, subject to review and approval in special administrative hearings.
Requirements for a successful workers’ compensation claim are simple (at least
in theory). (1) The claimant must be an employee; (2) the injury must be a work-
related one; and (3) the employee must file a timely claim.
If someone other than the employer is responsible for the workplace injury,
the worker may be able to sue and recover damages without limit in a conventional
negligence action. A typical example would be when the injury is caused by defec-
tively designed or built equipment that was used on the job. The injured worker
cannot sue his or her own employer, but can sue the third-party equipment manu-
facturer. Also, coworkers may be liable for injuries caused by intentional attacks or
by willful or wanton negligence. Limited circumstances under which workers’
compensation benefits would be denied are when the injury was the result of vol-
untary intoxication on the job or was intentionally self-inflicted, or when the in-
jured worker was the aggressor in a fight.
Generally, workers’ compensation is the exclusive remedy available against the
employer in covered businesses. This is a major practical improvement over the old
common law rules, which permitted the worker to sue his or her employer—a
costly and seldom prudent thing to do. For starters, the worker (if still alive) could
be fired. Thereafter, in court, the employer could avoid liability by proving that ei-
ther (1) the worker knew the hazards involved and assumed the risk (perhaps in ex-
change for a higher wage); or (2) the worker was guilty of contributory negligence;
or (3) a coworker’s negligence caused the accident.
It was a glorious spring day as Willie Jon Fisher climbed to his
workstation 125 feet above the bay. As a steelworker, he was
paid premium wages for assuming the risk of his hazardous job on the new
Silver Gate Bridge. In a burst of youthful exuberance, he removed his hard
hat, waved to his pal Don Jones 20 feet above, and danced a quick jig on the
beam where he stood. Jones shouted, “Simmer down and get to work!” But
Willie fell, hitting a cross beam before the safety net caught his unconscious
body. His injuries were permanent, and he never returned to the job. Does
his carelessness preclude his recovery of benefits?
No. Any covered employee injured on the job is entitled to benefits under the
http:// state’s workers’ compensation law.
Want to find out about Employers complain that health care and workers’ compensation premiums
workers’ compensation in are too high, and workers complain that benefit payments are too low. Fortunately
your state? Use this index for employers, insurance premiums are a deductible business expense, and they can
of workers’ compensation
pass the cost along to their customers. On the receiving end, no federal income tax
agencies for all 50 states.
is assessed on workers’ compensation insurance benefits (although Social Security
http://www.comp.state.nc disability payments may be subject to income tax).
Defective Products That Cause Injury
Every year, millions of consumers are injured and thousands are killed by familiar
products used in daily life. Usually, nothing is wrong with the product, but the user
has been careless or has failed to follow instructions for proper use and maintenance.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 349
Examples include trucks and automobiles; power boats; skis, bats, hardballs, and
other sports equipment; guns and firecrackers; knives; and patent and prescription
medicines. The most innocent-appearing and useful product, however, may in fact be
lethal. For example, a child’s pajamas may be made of highly flammable chemical fab-
ric; a sleek sedan may have a steering mechanism prone to failure; and a wonder drug
that prevents miscarriages may cause cancer in any female child born to the patient.
Under common law rules, a person injured by a defective product may recover
damages by proving that the product was negligently made. The negligence may be
in the design, a lack of safety features, faulty materials or manufacture, or a failure
to explain proper use and maintenance. Proving negligence in such cases is usually
extremely difficult and costly and often nearly impossible. The suspect product
may be made with thousands of interrelated component parts; these may have been
assembled many years before, in a factory located thousands of miles away, possibly
in a foreign land.
An injured plaintiff might also allege a breach of a contractual warranty (see
Chapter 8). However, there might be no warranties, or they may have expired,
or recovery may be barred by failure to give proper prompt notice of the breach.
Moreover, limited warranties often provide for no more than repair or replacement
of the product if defective, or at best for a refund of the purchase price.
In 1962, the California Supreme Court provided a new legal so-
lution to the deficiencies of negligence and warranty theories
by defining the new tort of strict liability for the manufacturer when a de-
fective product is sold that injures a user. In this case, the product involved
was an ingenious multipurpose power tool that could be used as a saw, a
drill, and a wood lathe. It was purchased by the plaintiff’s wife. Later, the
plaintiff bought the attachments necessary to use the tool as a lathe to trim
a large piece of wood. He had worked on a piece of wood several times
without difficulty when it suddenly flew out of the machine and hit his fore-
head, causing a serious injury. Experts testified that an inadequate set of
screws had been used by the manufacturer to hold parts of the machine to-
gether, and the machine’s normal vibration caused the screws to be loos-
ened, which brought about the accident. The court held, “A manufacturer is
strictly liable in tort when an article he places on the market, knowing that it
is to be used without inspection for defects, proves to have a defect that
causes injury to a human being.” 49
The Restatement of Torts expanded the strict product liability doctrine to include inju-
ries to any user or consumer or to his property, but qualified it by providing that the
seller must be “one engaged in the business of selling or otherwise distributing
products who sells or distributes a defective product is subject to liability for harm to
persons or property caused by the defect.” 50 Many jurisdictions, including such pop-
ulous states as Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Texas, have adopted the doctrine of strict
liability for defective products. Contributory negligence of the plaintiff does not de-
feat a case. However, some states, using comparative negligence, allow a reduction in
damages. Also, in some jurisdictions, if the product was produced in accordance with
the then-existing state of the art, the injury-causing design is not considered a defect.
The rule of strict liability for defective products shifts the burden of resulting
injuries from the user to the manufacturer. Intermediaries such as wholesalers and
350 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
retailers are also held responsible as they are better equipped to pursue the manu-
facturer. The manufacturer may purchase added insurance, which becomes a rou-
tine cost of production. But, in any case, producers of products can pass along
added costs to all customers in the form of slightly higher prices. Manufacturers are
encouraged, moreover, to be more careful in product design, pre-sale testing, in-
spection, quality control in production, post-sale follow-up of performance, and
prompt recall and repair when defects are disclosed. In recent years, many automo-
bile models have been recalled for appropriate modifications to forestall costly
strict liability litigation.
The following is a selection of products for which liability has been imposed.
• Accutane (an anti-acne drug linked to birth defects)
• All-terrain vehicles
• Bendectin and other teratogens (chemicals linked to birth defects)
• Chymopapain (a drug used to treat herniated disks)
• Zyprexa (a drug used to treat schizophrenia)
• Dalkon shield (contraceptive device associated with inflammatory disease and
spontaneous abortion in users; removed from the market in 1974)
• Aspirin (lack of warning labels relating a child’s use of aspirin to Reyes
• DES (a drug used to prevent miscarriages but discontinued because of in-
creased risk of cancer in women who had fetal exposure)
• Halcion (a drug used to induce sleep)
• IUDs (a contraceptive device)
• Silicone gel breast implants
• Tobacco products
• Vehicle transmissions and gas tank placement
• Vehicle tires
Dow Corning Corporation helped develop and sold tens of
thousands of silicone gel breast-implant devices. Thousands of
women sued in a class action contending that their breast implants were de-
fective, leaking silicone into their bodies and impairing their immune sys-
tems. Dow Corning, disputing the injuries, filed for bankruptcy due to the
crush of claims. Later, under federal bankruptcy court rules, Dow Corning
settled the cases, agreeing to pay $3.2 billion to those women who claimed
to be injured by its product.51
class action
When all members of a Class actions are procedural devices whereby groups of injured persons who are
group of persons who similarly situated can obtain redress in a single lawsuit, rather than filing hundreds
have suffered the same or even thousands of separate cases. The silicone gel breast-implant case is an ex-
or similar injury join to-
cellent example of how large groups of victims are handled by the civil law tort sys-
gether in a single lawsuit
tem. Shortly after the Dow Corning settlement, a court-appointed panel of neutral
against the alleged
wrongdoer. The group
scientists concluded after two years of study of more than 2,000 cases that there
must be so numerous was no credible evidence that breast implants cause disease.52 Silicone gel implants
that it is impracticable to were introduced in the 1960s, and more than a million women had the procedure
bring all members before until it was banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1992. In 2006,
the court individually. the FDA reversed its ban and approved the marketing of silicone gel-filled breast
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 351
implants made by two companies for breast reconstruction in women of all ages
and breast augmentation in women ages 22 and older. The news release stated the
“the products have been determined to be safe and effective.” 53 An interesting page on a
The largest and most notorious cases of strict liability in the early years of the report of the United King-
twenty-first century involve tobacco products. Smoking presents many dilemmas to dom Independent Review
Group on silicone breast
society. There is no longer a debate that smoking is addictive (as are many other
implants can be read at
substances) and that it carries a high probability of contributing to lung diseases,
especially cancer. Individuals generally cannot successfully sue cigarette companies http://www.silicone-review
effectively because of the difficulties in engaging enough experts to prove causa- .gov.uk/
tion. While it is one thing to show statistically that smoking contributes to lung
cancer in the population, it is quite another thing to show that smoking (and not
something else) caused an individual’s lung cancer. Meanwhile, taxpayer-funded
(via Medicaid) hospitals incur substantial costs in treating persons afflicted with dis-
eases that likely were caused or exacerbated by cigarette smoking. Given these
premises, almost all states joined together in filing litigation against the nation’s
four largest cigarette manufacturers.
The tobacco industry settled lawsuits filed by most states by
agreeing to pay about $206 billion as reimbursement for the
Medicaid payments that had been incurred caring for patients of smoking-
related diseases, and for future such costs through 2025. The states will re-
ceive portions of the $206 billion each year.54 Tobacco manufacturing compa-
nies agreed to pay the states a portion of their proceeds from cigarette sales.
The states represented that they will use the money to pay some hospital and
other expenses of those who are afflicted with tobacco-related diseases and
who are unable to care for themselves. For example, California is slated to
receive $23.9 billion each year, although estimated health costs of smoking-
related diseases there are $42.5 billion each year. Furthermore, there is no
requirement that the money actually be spent on smoking-related deaths.
Thus, the settlement, spread out over more than 25 years, is a social policy
akin to a “user tax” whereby cigarette users provide the funds with which to
care for the illnesses created by cigarettes. Other provisions in the settlement
restrict the kinds of advertising that will be permissible (no cartoon ads).
Marie Schwartz’s husband brought a wrongful death action
against Philip Morris after Schwartz died of lung cancer. She
had smoked Merit cigarettes for 23 years, having chosen the brand as a
“low-tar alternative” that she hoped would help her quit. Her husband
352 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
argued that Merits had kept her from giving up cigarettes entirely and were
the cause of her lung cancer. He also argued that Philip Morris had engaged
in deceitful practices to suggest the low-tar cigarettes were a safer and
healthier alternative in order to keep smokers as customers. Philip Morris
claimed that Schwartz knew smoking was dangerous and that when she still
chose to smoke she assumed the health risks. What was the result?
In this 2002 Oregon case, the jury found for the plaintiff and awarded $168,000 for
http:// compensatory damages and punitive damages of $150 million: $115 million for
Updated information on fraud, $10 million for strict liability, and $25 million for negligence.56 As expected,
tobacco litigation is avail- the case was appealed by Philip Morris. The Oregon appellate court in a 5–4 deci-
able at sion upheld the compensatory damage award but vacated the punitive damages
http://www.tobacco.neu.edu/ award. Holding the trial court judge had failed to give a vital instruction to the jury,
litigation/cases/index.htm the issue of punitive damages was remanded back to the trial court.57 Both parties
have appealed to the Oregon Supreme Court.
Cigarettes are distributed in a huge global market. The world’s largest study of
smoking deaths reveals that China makes up 20 percent of the world’s population
but smokes 30 percent of the world’s cigarettes. Two-thirds of Chinese men under
age 25 smoke.58 “Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is
currently responsible for the death of one in ten adults worldwide (about 5 million
deaths each year). If current smoking patterns continue, it will cause some 10 mil-
lion deaths each year by 2020. Half the people that smoke today—that is about 650
million people—will eventually be killed by tobacco.” 59
Lawsuits focused on the tobacco industry are not the only high publicity area
of strict liability in tort. Everyone knows that guns can cause injury. According to
the National Rifle Association, some 30,242 persons died of gun-related injuries in
2001. Under what circumstances might a gun manufacturer be held responsible for
a defective gun?
Michael Soe, age 14, took his father’s Beretta 92 Compact L
handgun from a camera bag and replaced its loaded ammuni-
tion magazine with an empty one. Unbeknownst to Michael, a cartridge re-
mained in the gun’s chamber. Michael then, while playing with the gun,
shot his best friend Kenzo Dix in the heart, killing him instantly. Kenzo’s
parents sued Beretta Corp. for $7.5 million on the theory that the red dot
http:// on the gun’s barrel that is raised one millimeter when a cartridge is in
For the pro side of gun liti- the chamber was too subtle and inadequate a warning. Beretta blamed
gation, see Michael’s father for keeping the gun readily available and loaded. Beretta
argued that a defense verdict would mean “personal responsibility is still
http://www.abanet.org/ a healthy concept in this society.” Was the gun defective? 60
http:// This was the first jury trial involving the question of whether or not a handgun is
For the con side of gun liti- defective in its design or warnings. In the Kenzo Dix case, the jury returned a ver-
gation, see dict for Beretta. Many other similar suits are pending in the United States with sev-
eral having been decided against the plaintiffs. In 2005, the gun manufacturer
Smith & Wesson agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by the parents of Royce Ryan
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 353
alleging a handgun was defective because it did not provide childproof protections.
Royce was shot with a gun thought to be unloaded by one of his friends and left
with permanent disabilities and extensive brain damage.61
In the late twentieth century, several major cities, including Chicago, New
York, New Orleans, Miami, Boston, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, filed lawsuits
against gun manufacturers to recoup the cost of urban gun violence. The conten- See federal and state laws
tion was that guns are inherently defective products, unreasonably dangerous to the regulating firearms at the
public health, much like cigarettes. In October of 2005, President George W. Bush Violence Policy Center at
signed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. This act exempts firearm http://www.vpc.org/
manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers from civil liability for injuries newsindx.htm
and deaths caused by their products. It allows lawsuits alleging defective fire arms
but prohibits lawsuits based on public nuisance.62 Many, but not all, of these public
lawsuits have been dismissed because of this 2005 statute.
Statutes of Repose A statute of repose is a special statute of limitations that applies statute of repose
to specified defective products. Statutes of limitation (discussed fully later in this chap- A type of statute of lim-
ter) set time limits within which lawsuits must be commenced. Because knowledge itations that specifies an
that a product is defective may not arise for many years, there is a public policy to ex- absolute time from the
tend the time for victims to begin their lawsuits to recover for their injuries. However, date of sale during which
the cause of action must
it would be unfair to businesses to allow an unlimited number of years to pass before
be brought to collect da-
claims are asserted. Statutes of repose are a compromise of the interests of consumers
mages for defects in the
on the one hand and of manufacturers and sellers on the other. A statute of repose product.
cuts off liability for a defective product for a specified number of years following its
manufacture or sale, regardless of when the victim’s injury occurs or is discovered.
Statutes of limitation, on the other hand, do not begin to run until an injury has been
discovered, or should have been discovered by a victim using reasonable care. There
is no general federal statute of repose. State statutes vary, but all cut off the time al-
lowed for specified lawsuits pertaining to, for the most part, consumer products.
In addition to consumer products, statutes of repose may apply to medical and
legal malpractice, to workers who are injured in the workplace, and even to renters
who are injured by a defective product that is installed in their apartment. In mal-
practice cases, when they are applicable, statutes of repose typically cut off liability
of the physician regardless of when the defect or harm is discovered by the victim.
Thus, the “clock starts running” for possible liability for malpractice from the date
the injury was inflicted. For example, one state’s statute of repose cuts off medical
malpractice lawsuits if they have not been commenced within five years of the phy-
sician’s negligence, regardless of when the harm was discovered.63 The clock starts
running for construction or architectural design defect cases from the date of com-
pletion of the project, regardless of when the victim is injured.
Tom Urquhart worked for the Acme Excavating Company
performing maintenance duties on heavy equipment. In Sep-
tember 2002, a steel roller on a hydraulic conveyor that was transporting
rock broke free, causing a large rock to severely break Urquhart’s right leg.
The conveyor was manufactured in 1972 by Zeland Equipment Co. and sold
to Acme in 1985. Urquhart was covered by workers’ compensation insurance
and received medical and other financial assistance. His attorney advised
him to sue Zeland under a defective product “strict liability” theory. Can
Urquhart recover damages from Zeland?
354 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The statute of limitations is usually one year from the date of the injury, so Urquhart
had until September 2003 to commence litigation. But 30 years have elapsed since
the conveyor was built by Zeland Equipment Co. and 17 years since it was sold to
Acme. If there were a 25-year statute of repose, Urquhart’s case would be barred.64
Most statutes of repose are applied to lawsuits brought upon the theory of a
defective consumer product. For example, Oregon cuts off a manufacturer’s liabil-
ity for a defective product after eight years with only limited exception.65 Victims
generally have been unsuccessful in claiming that statutes of repose deny them
equal protection of the law if their claim is barred at any time within the useful life
of the product.66
Compensatory Damages
compensatory Compensatory damages are also called actual damages because they consist of
damages money awarded to the plaintiff for real (i.e., actual) loss or injury.
Amount awarded by a If two or more tortfeasors are responsible for a given injury, each is fully liable
court to make good or re- to pay the entire amount of any judgment, but of course the plaintiff is entitled to
place the actual loss suf- only one full recovery. In most states, a tortfeasor who pays all or more than his or
fered by a plaintiff. her share of the damages is entitled to contribution or partial reimbursement from
the other wrongdoers. Compensatory damages may consist of two types of com-
pensatory damages, special (or economic) and general.
special damages Special or Economic Damages Special damages are often called economic damages
Amount awarded by a or out-of-pocket costs because they can be specified and precisely measured in terms
court to pay for monetary of money. Common examples are the cost of a hospital stay, income lost because of
out-of-pocket losses re- absence from work, and the cost of repairing a car that was rear-ended. In awarding
sulting from the specific special damages for anticipated future losses, a jury may award the present value of
or special circumstances
such future sums, using an appropriate discount interest rate. The plaintiff gets a
of the plaintiff (e.g., for
sum of money that, if invested at the selected interest (discount) rate, will grow
medical expenses, loss of
wages, and destruction of
over the years to precisely the amount that had been determined to be the total fu-
property). ture monetary loss. Since World War II, inflation has caused a continuing decline
in the purchasing power of the dollar. This fact of life may also be taken into con-
sideration in calculating future expenses resulting from the injury. Special damages
are the actual result of the particular loss or injury; they flow from it naturally and
proximately because of the unique combination of circumstances in any given case.
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 355
General or Noneconomic Damages General damages, the second kind of com- general damages
pensatory damages, are also the actual and proximate result of the particular loss or Amount awarded by a
injury. General damages compensate victims for other than out-of-pocket mone- court to pay the plaintiff
tary losses suffered. Prime examples include compensation for pain and suffering for nonmonetary losses
and compensation for mental distress caused by physical injuries. (e.g., pain and suffering)
that resulted from an in-
jury, without reference to
any special circumstances
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM of the plaintiff.
Municipalities often raise capital to build public improvements
by issuing (selling) bonds to investors. These bonds create debts
for the municipality; investors are the creditors. Monthly interest is paid to
the investors as their bonds are repaid. Banks, acting as trustees, offer the
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 357
If a jury had believed that Bank of America, with its sophisticated computer systems
and accounting staff, could not have made such an obvious and huge error, and
therefore the bank was deliberately stealing money, it may have awarded punitive
damages in an astronomical amount. The threat of punitive damages often influ-
ences the decision to settle.73 Generally, punitive damages may not be awarded in
the absence of compensatory damages.
Judges or juries determine the proper amount of punitive damages by consider-
ing the nature and gravity of the offense as well as the defendant’s ability to pay and
the amount of compensatory damages awarded. Damage awards that are grossly
inflated as a result of prejudice against large corporations, or passion, are typically
substantially reduced or even rejected on appeal.
In a widely publicized case in 1989, a Los Angeles jury awarded
the male lover of actor Rock Hudson $14.5 million in compensa-
tory damages and $7.25 million in punitive damages, in an action against
the estate of the deceased star. The jury found that Hudson, who died of
AIDS, was guilty of conspiring with his personal secretary to keep the fatal
affliction secret so that the plaintiff would continue his sexual relationship
with the movie star. Is an award of damages justified?
Yes. However, the trial judge reduced the compensatory damages to $5 million and
the punitive damages to $500,000, saying he would order a new trial on damages if
the plaintiff refused to accept the reductions.74
In 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5 to 4 opinion decided the case of
Philip Morris v. Williams. The court majority opinion held that a $79.5 million
punitive damage award amounted to a taking of property from the defendant
Philip Morris without due process of law. “In our view, the Constitution’s Due
Process Clause forbids a State to use a punitive damages award to punish a defen-
dant for injury that it inflicts upon nonparties or those whom they directly repre-
sent, i.e., injury that it inflicts upon those who are, essentially, strangers to the
litigation.” The case was remanded to Oregon Supreme Court to order a new trial
or change the award.75
358 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Nominal Damages
nominal damages A victim who has suffered no actual loss or injury may recover nominal damages
Insignificant amount (usually $1). The awarding of nominal damages recognizes a technical injury when
(such as $1) awarded by a there is no actual loss by the plaintiff. An example might be a “Peeping Tom” whose
court when the defen- gaze caused no monetary loss to the plaintiff. Ordinarily if there is not harm there is
dant has violated the no tort, but if the conduct is particularly wrongful the victim’s recovery of nominal
rights of the plaintiff but
damages will support an added award of punitive damages.
no monetary loss has
been suffered or can be
Statutes of Limitation
Statutes of limitation “wipe the slate clean” for a wrongdoer after specified periods
of time have elapsed without the filing of a lawsuit by the victim. These statutes
specify the period of time during which the victim must formally initiate an action
for legal relief, or, in the case of a crime, during which the government must prose-
cute the accused. (Chapter 6 more fully discusses statutes of limitations for crimes.)
It is strategically counterproductive and ethically questionable to keep a poten-
tial civil lawsuit or criminal indictment hovering over a wrongdoer indefinitely. It
discourages personal reform and tends to limit the individual’s peace of mind as
well as his or her social and economic productivity.
Statutes of limitation are designed to prescribe reasonable periods of time dur-
ing which civil claims for damages may be filed. Normally, persons become aware of
the breach or injury within the specified time and are expected to sue for damages
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 359
within that time. With the passage of time, evidence is lost, memories fade, wit-
nesses move away or die, and it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, for a court
to determine “the whole truth.”
In most jurisdictions, an action to recover damages for a tort injury must be
commenced within one year from the date of commission of the negligent tort.
The period is generally the same for intentional torts, except for fraud. The de- You can get a free look at
frauded victim may not even be aware of the injury until much later, and so the hospital ratings on various
time limit is usually three years from time of discovery of the fraud. Generally, in health and safety issues.
Information about physi-
medical and legal malpractice actions the statutory time does not begin to run until
cians is available as well
the plaintiff becomes aware of the injury suffered. Statutes of limitation are tolled
but that will cost you.
and “the clock stops” while the defendant is out of the jurisdiction and during a
plaintiff’s minority. Recall the earlier discussion of statutes of repose: Even though http://www.healthgrades
repose statutes are usually for a longer period of time, they begin to run as soon as .com/
the negligence occurs and thus they will often terminate a right to sue earlier than
a shorter statute of limitations will.
In certain types of cases, the doctrine of strict liability effectively supersedes
traditional statutes of limitation, allowing a suit for damages many years after the
allegedly defective product was sold. This is permitted even if the product, when
sold, had been manufactured conscientiously and was of acceptable quality as mea-
sured by the state of the art at the time. Because lawsuits are now being filed under
principles of strict liability well beyond the statutory periods of limitation, substan-
tial damages awarded to plaintiffs have been affecting the price and availability of
domestic products. There is a considerable political movement favoring “tort re-
form” that focuses upon elimination of stale cases, punitive damage limitations, and
other issues.
It is noteworthy that the statutory time limit for breach of contract (see Chapter 8)
is typically two years for oral contracts and four years for written contracts and credit
accounts. With crimes (see Chapter 6), the statutory periods of limitation reflect the
gravity of the offenses. For felonies, three years from the date of commission is typical;
for misdemeanors, one year. For murder, there is no time limit.
Judgment-Proof Defendants
Another barrier to collection of damages is that, even if found liable, the defendant
may be judgment-proof, i.e., without sufficient liability insurance (if any) or other judgment-proof
resources to pay. However, under state laws, a judgment survives for years, perhaps Financial condition of a
10 on average, and may be renewed or extended for a like period. Meanwhile, the person who lacks the as-
judgment continues to grow from the effect of accruing interest, typically at 10 per- sets to pay any judgment
cent. Earnings made and other assets acquired by the debtor (e.g., through gifts or rendered against him
or her.
by inheritance) during the life of the judgment may be levied on by the unsatisfied
judgment creditor. A levy is a process whereby a court official confiscates assets of a
judgment debtor to satisfy the judgment. The creditor must first locate the debtor
and identify the property to be confiscated—an easier task now that computer-
assisted asset-search services are readily available. Nonetheless, socially irresponsible
debtors often “skip,” sometimes leaving the city, state, or country and providing no
forwarding address. The difficulty the FBI has in tracking down most wanted crim-
inals suggests the cost and practical impossibility of locating and collecting money
from a determined skip. Winning a money judgment in court, unfortunately, is not
an assurance the winner will collect.
360 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
14 Cal.4th 1071, 60 Cal.Rptr.2d 263 (Calif., 1997).
Robert Gadams sought assistance from his placement Associate Justice Chin delivered the opinion
office at Fresno Pacific College, where he had re- of the court: … [N]o California case has yet
ceived his teaching credentiasl. Former employers held that one who intentionally or negligently
were asked to provide references. provides false information to another owes a
One former employer, Mendota School Dis- duty of care to a third person who did not receive
trict, provided a letter of recommendation prepared the information and who has no special relation-
by an official, Gilbert Rosette. Rosette’s recommen- ship with the provider. …
dation to Fresno Pacific College’s placement office Although the chain of causation leading
noted Gadams’s “genuine concern” for students and from defendants’ statements and omissions to
his “outstanding rapport” with everyone, and con- Gadams’s alleged assault on plaintiff is somewhat
cluded “I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Mr. Gadams for any attenuated, we think the assault was reasonably foreseeable
position.” Rosette allegedly knew, but did not mention, Gadams’s … [D]efendants could foresee that Livingston’s officers
history of improper contacts with female students. The contacts would read and rely on defendants’ letters in deciding to
included hugging some female junior high school students, giving hire Gadams. Likewise, defendants could foresee that, had
them back massages, making “sexual remarks” to them, and be- they not unqualifiedly recommended Gadams, Livingston
ing involved in “sexual situations” with them. would not have hired him. And finally, defendants could
Another former employer, Tranquility High School Dis- foresee that Gadams, after being hired by Livingston, might
trict, provided a letter of recommendation prepared by an official molest or injure a Livingston student such as [Randi W.]. …
there, Richard Cole. Cole’s recommendation to Fresno Pacific As for public policy, the law certainly recognizes a pol-
College’s placement office was positive, but he did not mention icy of preventing future harm of the kind alleged here. One of
information he allegedly possessed about Gadams while he was society’s highest priorities is to protect children from sexual
employed at Golden Plains Unified School District. Specifically, or physical abuse. [citations] Defendants urge that competing
Cole knew that Gadams had been the subject of various parents’ social or economic policies may disfavor the imposition of liabil-
complaints, including charges that he “led a panty raid, made ity for misrepresentation or nondisclosure in employment
sexual overtures to students, sexual remarks to students. …” references. They observe that a rule imposing liability in
Nonetheless, Cole recommended Gadams for “almost any admin- these situations could greatly inhibit the preparation and
istrative position that he wishes to pursue.” distribution of reference letters, to the general detriment of
Yet another former employer, Muroc Unified School District, employers and employees alike. We have recently stated
provided a letter of recommendation prepared by an official there, that “when deciding whether to expand a tort duty of care,
David Malcolm. Malcolm’s recommendation to Fresno Pacific courts must consider the potential social and economic con-
College’s placement office was positive. Malcolm described Gadams sequences.” [citations] Defendants argue that a rule impos-
as an “upbeat, enthusiastic administrator who relates well to the ing tort liability on writers of recommendation letters could
students” and recommended him for “an assistant principalship … have one very predictable consequence: employers would
without reservation.” Malcolm allegedly knew that during seldom write such letters, even in praise of exceptionally
Gadams’s employment, disciplinary actions were taken against him qualified employees. In defendants’ view, … an employer
for “sexual touching” of female students that caused him to resign. would be better advised … merely to confirm the former
Robert Gadams then was hired by Livingston Union School employee’s position, salary, and dates of employment.
District as vice principal. Randi W., age 13, a student at Living- In response, plaintiff asserts it is unlikely that employ-
ston Middle School, was in Gadams’s office when he offensively ers will decline to write reference letters for fear of tort lia-
“touched, molested, and engaged in sexual touching” of her. bility, at least in situations involving no foreseeable risks of
Randi W. brought suit against the school districts that re- physical injury to someone.
commended Gadams for employment on the theory, among others, … [W]e hold … that that the writer of a letter of rec-
that they were negligent for failing to disclose negative background ommendation owes to third persons a duty not to misrepre-
information in their letters of recommendation to the placement sent the facts in describing the qualifications and character
office that provided them to her school’s district. of a former employee, if making these misrepresentations
The trial court dismissed the negligence aspect of Randi’s would present a substantial, foreseeable risk of physical in-
action on the basis that the recommending school districts did not jury to the third persons.
owe any duty to protect Randi because their recommendations Note: The case was returned to the Superior Court for
were made only to a placement office. trial by jury. The decision of the justices was split 4–3 on
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 361
other issues in the case, but all agreed upon the portion Robert Gadams’s employment? Or, to escape liability,
quoted above in which new tort law was created. must they reveal whatever sordid details they possess to
future employers? What if the information the former
For Critical Analysis employers passed on was only rumor and unsubstanti-
ated reports—could Gadams sue them for libel?
1. Suppose an employer knew that an ex-employee had 3. If the former employers reported the unsubstantiated
an arrest record of assault and battery that grew from a information they possessed to all future prospective
bar fight. Must the employer reveal that information employers of Gadams, whether schools or any other
every time a prospective employer asks for references? businesses, would anybody employ him? Is it fair to
Or must only sexual offenses be reported? Would the warn only prospective employers who ask for refer-
complete withholding of such information violate the ences, and not others who accept prospective employ-
duty “not to misrepresent the facts”? Isn’t failure to re- ees at their word? If your answer is “no,” would you
veal some fact as damaging as actually misrepresenting recommend publishing the names of such persons in
it? some database available to all future employers? ❚❚
2. Would the former employers in the Randi W. case have
escaped liability if they had reported only the dates of
897 So.2d 893, 2005 WL 545142 (La., 2005)
Heather Reider was struck in her right eye by an
errant foul ball as she approached the main entrance … [T]he issue to be resolved by a review-
ticket booth along the third base line of McNeese ing court is not whether the trier of fact was
State University’s baseball field. The impact caused right or wrong, but whether the factfinder’s
a complete fracture and implosion of the zygomatic conclusion was a reasonable one.
structure of her right eye, laceration of the inner After a thorough review of the voluminous
part of her right eyelid, and permanent macular record, we find that there was sufficient proof
blindness resulting in permanent 10/200 vision in for reasonable persons to resolve the liability
her right eye. Ms. Reider sued McNeese for her per- question in favor of the Plaintiff and in accor-
sonal injury. The district court entered judgment dance with the substantive law.
upon jury verdict in favor of Reider. The university The standard of care owed by McNeese to
appealed, raising the following issues: (1) whether the jury cor- patrons of its baseball park is found in La.R.S. 9:2800. Un-
rectly found an unreasonably dangerous condition existed at its der this statute, to carry her burden, Plaintiff must show:
baseball park; (2) whether the jury correctly found McNeese had (1) the baseball field was in the care, custody and control of
prior knowledge of said unreasonably dangerous defect; … and the Defendant; (2) the baseball park had a vice or defect
(5) whether the jury abused its discretion and incorrectly which created an unreasonable risk of harm; (3) Plaintiff’s
awarded general and special damages to plaintiff. injury was caused by the defect; and (4) the Defendant
had actual or constructive knowledge of the dangerous
Circuit Judge McKay:
The matter proceeded to trial by jury…, with the jury There is no dispute that the baseball field was in the
awarding damages as follows: care, custody and control of the Defendant; however, De-
fendant argues that an unreasonable condition did not exist
Past and present pain, suffering, $ 75,000
at the McNeese State University baseball park, and if one
physical and mental anguish
did, they had no prior knowledge of said unreasonably
Future pain, suffering, physical 25,000 dangerous defect. McNeese argues that the Plaintiff was an
and mental anguish experienced softball player herself and, therefore, was suf-
Loss of enjoyment of life 200,000 ficiently aware of the dangers involved in attending such a
sporting event. McNeese further argues that in twelve
Permanent disability 100,000
years since the construction of the baseball park, an acci-
Medical expenses, past and future 85,000 dent of this nature has never occurred, thus, even if a dan-
Total $485,000 gerous condition existed, they had no prior knowledge of
the defect.
362 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Plaintiff contends that regardless of the dangers as- areas of the ball park. But, there are certain areas of a ball
sumed by attending this sporting event, she had not yet en- park where protection is required. Obviously, the area be-
tered the field and had not yet assumed any risk associated hind home plate must be protected from anticipated foul
therein. Plaintiff further contends that in order to enter balls. The area where people gather to purchase food and
the baseball park she had to purchase the ticket by walking drink or go to the restroom should be protected. Another
to the ticket booth through a dangerous area known by the such area would be the main entrance ticket booth where
Defendant to be susceptible to foul balls down the third people must go to purchase a ticket to enter the ball park
base line. to see the game. There is an unreasonable risk of harm,
Plaintiff testified she could not see the field of play. At and an unreasonably dangerous condition, when patrons
the time she was struck, Plaintiff was not yet inside the have to purchase their ticket at the main entrance ticket
baseball park, but was approaching the main entrance pre- booth of the ball park along the third base line where one
paring to present her student identification card to the knows or should know, and can reasonably anticipate, nu-
ticket booth operator. merous and errant foul balls. This is an area, like the con-
The Director of Facilities and Planning Operations cession area, restroom area, and the area behind home
for McNeese State University, Mr. Richard Rhoden, testi- plate, where there should be a reasonable expectation of
fied that he was in charge of the design and construction of protection. In the case at bar, Plaintiff, an innocent
the McNeese baseball field during the relevant time pe- McNeese baseball fan outside the baseball park and in line
riod. Mr. Rhoden, a defense witness, admitted in his testi- to buy a ticket at the main entrance ticket booth, was un-
mony on direct examination that he knew the entranceway reasonably unprotected and struck by an errant foul ball
to the baseball field was likely to be struck by errant foul down the third base line thereby sustaining a serious and
balls. Mr. Rhoden admitted that the ticket booth was pur- permanent eye injury.
posely designed with extra wide eaves in order to protect We are satisfied that the record contains a sufficient
its windows from being hit by foul balls. When Mr. Rho- factual basis to support the jury’s finding that the McNeese
den was asked by Plaintiff’s counsel on cross examination if baseball park presented an unreasonably dangerous condi-
his design of the ticket booth with extra wide eaves meant tion to patrons and that McNeese had notice of the exis-
he recognized the possibility that foul balls would be hit in tence of said defect. There was no manifest error and the
the immediate area of the ticket booth, Mr. Rhoden stated, jury was not clearly wrong.
“[w]e knew that there’s a possibility of foul balls, yes, sir.” Finally, McNeese argues the record does not support
Thus, Defendant cannot successfully argue it did not have the jury’s award of $85,000.00 for Plaintiff’s past and fu-
notice of the defect when it specifically constructed extra ture medical expenses, and $400,000.00 for her general da-
wide eaves on the ticket booth to protect against errant mages. We disagree.
foul balls. Defendant chose to protect the building but not In appellate review of general damage awards, the
the patrons. court must accord much discretion to the trial court judge
Defendant’s liability expert, Mr. Gene Moody, testi- or jury. The role of an appellate court in reviewing awards
fied that a wooden, decorative fence constructed along the of general damages is not to decide what it considers to be
third base line in September of 1996, only seven months an appropriate award, but rather to review the exercise of
prior to this accident, completely obscured the view of the discretion by the trial court. Only if the reviewing court
playing field from patron’s entering at the main entrance. determines that the trial court has abused its “much discre-
McNeese built the wooden decorative fence at a cost of tion” may it refer to prior awards in similar cases and then
$19,400.00. Plaintiff’s liability expert, Dr. Leonard Lu- only to determine the highest or lowest point of an award
cienko, testified that a protective fence from ten feet to fif- within that discretion.
teen feet high along the entrance walkway would cost be- Because discretion vested in the trial court is “great,”
tween $4,500.00 to $13,500.00. When asked by Plaintiff’s and even vast, an appellate court should rarely disturb an
counsel if he agreed that the construction of a protective award of general damages. Reasonable persons frequently
fence as proposed by Dr. Lucienko would provide protec- disagree about the measure of general damages in a partic-
tion to patrons entering the park, Mr. Moody admitted, ular case. It is only when the award is, in either direction, be-
“[y]es … if they stayed under the overhang of the fence up yond that which a reasonable trier of fact could assess for
close to it, then that would be a protection from fly balls— the effects of the particular injury to the particular plaintiff
foul balls.” The burden of prevention is slight and the under the particular circumstances that the appellate court
gravity of the harm is great.There will be foul balls as long should increase or reduce the award. (Citations omitted.)
as there are baseball games. Ball park owners cannot be Dr. Samuel Stahl testified that the Plaintiff suffered a
held legally responsible for every foul ball in common “very painful” injury from a “zygomatic complex fracture
Chapter 7 >>> Torts: Private Wrongs 363
that involved the connection of the facial bones to the For the foregoing reasons, the jury verdict is affirmed
skull” and “fairly extensive wide fractures of her nasal in its entirety. Costs of this appeal are assessed against the
bones.” Dr. James Patrinely testified that the Plaintiff suf- Defendant, the State of Louisiana through its Board of
fered “a high degree of pain” from multiple fractures of Trustees for State Colleges and Universities through
her facial bones, a rupture of the eye itself, and a torn eye- McNeese State University. AFFIRMED.
lid. Dr. Patrinely also testified there is a likelihood that the
Plaintiff will develop complications in the future, such as, For Critical Analysis
serious sinus infection, sagging of the eye socket, and post-
traumatic fibrosis around the reconstructed tear duct. 1. What tort theory did the plaintiff use to establish lia-
Finally, Dr. Patrinely also testified that should Plaintiff bility? What doctrine was applied to establish the duty
develop a serious sinus infection, surgery may be required owed by the university?
to remove the implant placed in the orbit of her eye socket. 2. What defense is being argued by the university? What
If such a surgery is required, such a procedure would cost facts can the university use to support this defense?
from $7,000.00 to $15,000.00. What facts are used by the plaintiff to counter the de-
Dr. Michael Lambert testified as to the risk of injury fense’s claim? Who was successful?
to the Plaintiff’s left eye. Dr. Lambert testified that the 3. The court provides a breakdown of the damages
Plaintiff runs a greater risk of injury to her left eye, and awarded by the jury in this case. Classify each damage
that she may develop recession glaucoma. Should she award as either general or special damages. Explain
develop recession glaucoma, the estimated cost of an oper- how you made your characterizations. How would a
ation is approximately $10,000.00. We find no manifest er- plaintiff attempt to prove each type? Did the appellate
ror and the jury was not clearly wrong in its general and court agree with the damage amounts? Is that the crit-
special damage award to Plaintiff. ical question posed to the court about damages? ❚❚
364 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
8. Johnson entered the defendant’s store carrying her asked them to walk through the sensor alarm one at a
small child in an infant seat. When she tried to leave time. The only one who triggered the sensor alarm a
the store, she was stopped in a public place by a secu- second time was Birdsong. After a second search,
rity officer who said that another employee had re- Birdsong was asked to pass through the alarm a third
ported seeing her steal the infant seat. To show own- time. Again the alarm was activated. Birdsong claims
ership, Johnson pointed to cat hair, food crumbs, and that the Wal-Mart employee then told her to sit down
stains on the seat. After a 20-minute delay, the secu- and stay at an area near the front door entrance where
rity officer apologized to the defendant and permitted a shopping cart was placed to block her from leaving.
her to leave. The trial court dismissed her action for A supervisor then determined that Birdsong’s purse
false imprisonment, and Johnson appealed. Did the was tripping the alarm, whereupon Birdsong volun-
defendant have probable cause to detain Johnson, and teered to let them search the purse. The Wal-Mart
was the 20-minute detention of Johnson reasonable in employees declined, saying they were not allowed to
these circumstances? [ Johnson v. K-Mart Enterprises, do so. Birdsong claims she was detained another 15
Inc., 98 Wis.2d 533, 297 N.W.2d 74 (Wisconsin, minutes until the store manager arrived and told her
1980).] she was free to go. Birdsong claims that she was de-
tained a total of 45 minutes and that she was humili-
9. Peter Wallis, a real estate broker, contends that before ated by her placement at the front of the store.
having sex, his girlfriend Kellie Clarke represented Wal-Mart claims her detention lasted no more than
that she would use birth control pills. But Clarke pur- 30 minutes and was reasonably conducted. Would
posefully got pregnant, according to Wallis. He is su- the shopkeeper’s privilege protect Wal-Mart from
ing Clarke for fraud and for conversion (civil theft) for Birdsong’s false imprisonment and intentional
wrongfully acquiring and misusing his sperm. Clarke infliction of emotional distress lawsuit? [Birdsong v.
contends that she was using birth control pills and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 74 S.W.3d 754 (Ky. App.,
that his sperm given during sexual intercourse was not 2001).]
stolen or misused and should be considered a “gift” in
the law. Clarke refused to obtain an abortion, moved 12. Identify the tort that corresponds to each of the fol-
out of their apartment, and gave birth to their daugh- lowing crimes:
ter, Taylor. Has Clarke converted Wallis’s sperm? As- a. Date rape
suming that Wallis is correct in his contentions, what b. Robbery
legal damages has he sustained? c. Murder
d. Manslaughter by vehicle
10. The Carters traveled to a concert at the Birmingham e. Physical child abuse by a parent
Civic Center and checked into the Birmingham Civic f. Burglary
Center Travelodge. That afternoon, they purchased g. Shoplifting a dress
fast food and went back to their room to eat, relax, h. Crawling over a backyard fence and peeping
and enjoy a romantic interlude away from home. The through a bedroom window
wall on one side of the room was covered by a mirror. i. Posting a naked picture of a former lover on the
Concerned about noises (not theirs) while they were Internet
enjoying the room, the Carters investigated and dis- j. Practicing medicine without a license
covered a large hole in the wall behind the mirror. It
would be possible for someone to look into their 13. Mary Lou Miller underwent successful surgery to re-
room from the adjoining room. Without specific move kidney stones and repair a malformed right
proof that anyone observed the Carters, could they kidney. A Penrose drain (a piece of soft tubing to drain
recover for invasion of privacy? [Carter v. Innisfree Ho- off fluid) was placed to facilitate postoperative healing.
tel, Inc., 661 So.2d 1174 (Ala.,1995).] A few days later the drain was purportedly removed.
During the post-surgery follow-up, Miller reported
11. Wanda Birdsong went shopping at the Hopkinsville, pain in her right flank and abdomen. A diagnostic im-
Kentucky, Wal-Mart. She bought some items and be- aging report showed there was “radiopaque material in
gan to exit the store along with several other custo- the soft tissues adjacent to the … right kidney.” Part of
mers. A theft control device set off a sensor alarm. A the Penrose drain remained. Is this an appropriate case
Wal-Mart employee asked all the customers to re- for the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur. [Miller v. Jacoby,
enter the store and, after inspecting their bags, she 145 Wash.2d 65, 33 P.3d 68 (Wash., 2001).]
366 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
14. Tort claims survive the death of the tortfeasor, and the plaintiff recover punitive damages against the es-
the damages are payable from the wrongdoer’s estate. tate? Consider the rationale for punitive damages
Assume a wrongdoer commits a tort that meets the re- when answering the question. What if the lawsuit was
quirements for punitive damages, but before a lawsuit completed but uncollected and the tortfeasor dies?
is brought or concluded, the wrongdoer dies. Could Would that make any difference?
Contracts: Enforceable
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Define a contract and distinguish a contract from a
The modern mystics of muscle who offer you tort, a crime, and a non-legally binding moral
the fraudulent alternative of “human rights” obligation.
versus “property rights,” as if one could exist • Appreciate the importance of legally binding
obligations in the U.S. and world economy.
without the other, are making a last, grotesque
• Understand the importance of the Uniform
attempt to revive the doctrine of soul versus Commercial Code in business transactions and
body. Only a ghost can exist without material especially Article 2 (sales), in commercial transactions.
• Identify and discuss the various elements necessary to
property; only a slave can work with no right to
form a contract, including competent parties, offer
the product of his effort. and acceptance, genuine assent, consideration,
legality, and proper form.
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957. • Discuss contract rights of parties in privity and third
• Identify important issues involving performance
of contract obligations, including satisfactory
performance, substantial performance, breach,
and discharge.
• Identify contract remedies including compensatory
damages and equitable remedies.
• Identify selected consumer protection statutes and the
social ills from which they are intended to protect
• Identify express and implied warranties, including
warranties of title, encumbrance, infringement,
merchantability, and fitness for particular purpose.
Appreciate the power and limitations of attempted
exclusion of warranties.
368 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The law of contracts reflects our social values (commitment), interests (consumer-
ism), and expectations (keeping promises) every day. How do people in our society
make promises or commitments that are legally binding? What excuse justifies break-
ing a legal commitment? Are there promises that are contrary to public policy and,
therefore, void or invalid? If a promise violates the interests of society at large, will
courts enforce it? If a child or an incompetent person makes a promise, will it be en-
forced? Answering these and other related questions is what contract law is about.
Through contracts, parties can create a greater degree of certainty as to the
possible occurrence of future acts. The parties can create rights and duties upon
which each might rely. Parties to contracts can also agree upon what are acceptable
standards of conduct and how each party might be expected to behave relative to
situations that may or may not occur.
Joseph Yonan needs 3,000 pumpkins for his inner-city pumpkin
patch by late September to celebrate the Halloween season. He
is acquainted with Paula Felps, a local farmer, who is interested in selling the
pumpkins. How can Yonan increase the probability of getting the pumpkins
he needs when he needs them at a price he can afford?
A contract entered into with Felps in July for a September delivery of those pump-
kins will increase the likelihood that Yonan will have the pumpkins when and
where he needs them and at a price he can afford. Felps, on the other hand, no lon-
ger need worry about selling her “ripe” pumpkins. If Felps fails to make delivery,
Yonan will have rights against her to make good losses because of her failure to per-
form. The parties can arrange by the contract who is responsible for delivery, the
expected grade and condition of the pumpkins upon arrival, whether the sale is for
credit or cash, and on and on.
Contract law allows parties to make enforceable promises. If you think about
it, you will realize that many promises people make do not create legal obligations.
Sometimes, the promises create moral rather than legal obligations. A moral obli-
gation defines what you should do. Failure to perform a moral obligation only,
such as an agreement to give a friend a ride, does not usually create a legal liability.
Sometimes promises create both a moral and a legal obligation (as when a friend
promises to pay you for gas expenses to drive her to a neighboring city).
Rosalie Chu invited an acquaintance, Jonathan Kaplan, to a
fund-raising dinner dance for a U.S. senator at an extravagant
restaurant in the city. Kaplan accepted the offer and, eager to please Chu,
spent $750 lavishly preparing for the evening. He got a haircut and pur-
chased a new jacket, new shoes, and flowers. On the evening of the dance,
Kaplan arrived at Chu’s house and found out that she had gone out of town
for the weekend. Kaplan is considering suing Chu for breach of contract to
recover his expenses. Does he have a lawsuit?
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 369
Agreements to go on dates are not contracts; they are social arrangements. Although
Chu may have breached a moral obligation, she is not required to pay Kaplan’s
expenses even though she did not keep the date.
One short, snappy definition of a contract is “an agreement that can be en- contract
forced in a court.” The definition is accurate and easy to remember but not espe- A legally enforceable
cially helpful. The authoritative Restatement of Contracts expands the definition of a agreement to do or not
contract to say it is “a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law to do a specified thing.
gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a
duty.” 1 Contracts are the intelligent response to the human need to get things done
with the cooperation of other human beings. They reflect the fact that in our tech-
nologically advanced civilization, marked by specialization and division of labor,
with individuals highly dependent on each other, “No man is an island, entire of it-
self.” 2 The U.S. Constitution expressly provides that “no State shall … pass any …
Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts.”*
Ordinarily, a contract is made when two (and sometimes more than two)
parties exchange binding promises. In a promise, each party declares that she or he
will (or will not) take a specified action in the future.
If the contractual promise is not performed, the contract has been breached,
and the party who failed to keep the promise must compensate the party to whom
the promise was made. The nonperforming party is usually required to pay money
damages for failure to perform. In some situations, money damages cannot make
the victim of the failure to perform “whole,” and so a court of equity may require
actual performance of the promised act. In either case, the law seeks to give the
party the benefit of the promise that was made. Understandably, punitive damages
are not awarded; there is no crime and no tort, and generally no moral stigma at-
taches to the breach of contract. When a contractual promise is breached, in the
vast majority of cases the parties agree to some acceptable alternative without liti-
gation and the payment of damages.
Most people keep promises because of a sense of duty. Furthermore, keeping
their promises is usually in the self-interest of both parties. Often, the promisor promisor
(the person making the promise) and the promisee (the person to whom the The person who makes a
promise is made) are not aware of the rules of contract law. They may rely on the contractual promise.
good faith—the honesty and fairness—of the other persons who are involved. In
business situations, however, parties should follow the rules of contract law care- promisee
fully to avoid potential misunderstandings and disputes. The person to whom a
contractual promise has
been made.
Contracts are generally entered into privately, between private parties creating
essentially private law. Government agencies—local and federal—are not directly
involved unless the government is itself a party to the contract. Of course, this hap-
pens often in our time of big government. Collectively, government is the nation’s
biggest employer, always under contract. It is the biggest buyer of goods and ser-
vices, all under contract. It is also true that government statutes and court decisions
prescribe the rules for creation, performance, and enforcement of contracts.
* U.S. Constitution, Art. I, §10. In the famous Dartmouth College case, the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John
Marshall, held that a charter of incorporation granted by King George III to Dartmouth College in 1769, which gave its trustees
the right to govern the college forever, was indeed a contract. As such, it could not be rescinded, as was attempted by the New
Hampshire state legislature, which had voted to transfer control of the college to a new board of overseers. Dartmouth College
v. Woodward, 4 Wheaton 518 (1819).
370 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
* The UCC, as amended, replaced seven other “uniform” acts and a variety of other legislative acts governing commercial activi-
ties. Currently, the following articles constitute the bulk of the official text: (1) General Provisions; (2) Sales; (2.A) Leases;
(3) Commercial Paper; (4) Bank Deposits and Collections; (4.A) Funds Transfer; (5) Letters of Credit; (6) Bulk Transfers-Bulk Sales;
(7) Warehouse Receipts, Bills of Lading, and Other Documents of Title; (8) Investment Securities; (9) Secured Transactions.
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 371
Method of Expression
Any person reading this textbook has probably been a party to countless contracts. implied in fact
The agreements may have been express, when made in words spoken or written, contract
or they may have been implied in fact, when manifested in conduct or body lan- Contractual agreement
guage (e.g., an arm waved at a vendor in a stadium during a football game followed manifested by conduct or
by the toss of money and a return toss of a bag of roasted peanuts). Contracts sel- body language (e.g., pur-
dom are simply express or implied but combine express and implied terms. chase of items from ven-
Sometimes, the law will imply and enforce an obligation even when there is no dors in noisy stadiums
during sporting events).
true agreement either express or implied between the parties. Such an obligation is
* Among the other countries that have adopted this convention are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Sweden,
and Switzerland.
372 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Method of Expression
Express Parties Bound
Implied Bilateral
Formal Unilateral
Legal Effect
Valid Extent of Performance
Void Executed
Voidable Executory
quasi-contract called a quasi-contract. The law creates a quasi-contract when, under the circum-
Not a true contract, but stances, there would be unjust enrichment of one person unless he or she was re-
an obligation imposed on quired to pay value for a benefit received from someone else. The law provides that
one party to prevent un- recovery in court is the reasonable value of the benefit received. Thus, a person
just enrichment of an- may be required to perform as though a contract exists, even though no promise
other. Also called “im-
was made and no intent to be bound was manifested. A fairly common example of
plied in law contract.”
how a quasi-contract may come into being follows.
A surgeon stops her car at the scene of an automobile collision.
She gives needed emergency aid to an unconscious victim at
the accident. There was no agreement, yet the doctor has a legitimate claim
in quasi-contract for the reasonable value of her services. In contrast, a
passer-by with some knowledge of first aid performing similar services is not
entitled to any payment. Such an act would be that of a helpful volunteer,
not of a professional who is customarily paid for such services.
Generally, the parties to an express contract or an implied in fact contract can use any
language they please. In some cases, however, statutes prescribe the terms and exact
language. Examples are negotiable instruments such as bank checks and promissory
formal contract notes. These special types of contracts are called formal contracts; other types of
Agreement that must use contracts are called simple contracts, whether they are oral or written.
prescribed language or
be in prescribed form.
simple contract The author of this chapter starts a teaching day with an early
All oral and written
morning trip to his favorite coffee and bakery shop. I like my
contracts that are not
large latte but even more I enjoy the industriousness and the smiles from
classified as formal
Ten and Tuk, two emigrant shop owners from Thailand. The purchase of the
latte is seldom accompanied by any commercial conversation. A greeting of
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 373
Parties Bound
In most contracts, both parties exchange legally binding promises. Such an agree- bilateral contract
ment is a bilateral contract; that is, a promise made in exchange for another Agreement in which both
promise. For example, Dawn Summers agrees to try to find Angie Gagliano’s dog parties exchange binding
during a 24-hour period in exchange for Gagliano’s promise to pay $50. If Sum-
mers looks for the dog as promised, she is entitled to collect the $50 whether or not
she succeeds in her search. Note that at the time the contract is created neither unilateral
party has performed the promise they made to the other. In contrast, an offer for contract
a unilateral contract is actually a potential agreement. One party makes a promise A contract in which the
or offer to induce some completed act by another party. For example, Brandon promisor seeks perfor-
Tore promises to pay $50 to anyone who will find and return his dog, dead or alive. mance of a requested act.
Upon performance of
No one is legally obliged to join in the search, nor is Tore obliged to pay unless the
the act, the contract is
requested act is done and the dog is returned.
formed and the promisor
is obligated to fulfill his
LEGAL FOCUS–EXAMPLE or her promise.
In May 1927, Charles A. (“Lucky”) Lindbergh became the first valid contract
person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean solo and nonstop from An agreement that com-
New York to Paris, using a single-engine monoplane, The Spirit of St. Louis. plies with all requisites
Lindbergh was responding to a unilateral contract offer made by a St. Louis of the law for
businessman to pay $25,000 to the first person(s) to perform the feat. After enforceability.
Lindbergh was aloft and on his way to Paris, (a substantial effort to perform)
the offer could not be revoked or cancelled. Once the offeree has clearly
started to perform, the law requires that the offeree have a reasonable time
void agreement
Without legal force or
to complete the act, even though the offeree is not legally obliged to finish.
binding effect.
voidable contract
Legal Effect An agreement that may
be legally enforced or
If a contract complies with all essential elements (described in the next section), it is
may be rejected by a
a valid contract. Sometimes, the attempt to create a contract may be totally inef-
party. For example, a con-
fective, and so there is no contract; in such a case, there is a void agreement. An tract between a minor
example is an agreement to commit a crime or a tort. Sometimes, an essential ele- and an adult is voidable
ment of a valid contract is missing, and a party to the contract has the power to or valid at the option of
perform or withdraw without liability. Such contract is said to be voidable. For ex- the minor.
ample, a minor (under age 18) may generally invalidate or avoid a contract even if
freely and intentionally made. A parent or guardian may also take such action on unenforceable
the minor’s behalf. contract
Finally, some contracts are valid yet unenforceable. A proper contract claim A valid contract that for
for money or performance may have become stale and unenforceable because en- some reason cannot be
forcement was not sought before the time provided under the statute of limitations enforced, e.g., because of
had passed. For example, a creditor may have a right to be paid the balance due on the running out of a stat-
a retail store credit account. The typical statute of limitations requires that such ute of limitations.
374 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
creditors sue within four years of the due date, otherwise collection is barred. An-
other example is a contract that is required to be in writing (Statute of Frauds) be-
fore one or more of the parties can successfully sue to enforce the contract. The
contract is valid but unenforceable. Often, an unenforceable contract can become
enforceable because of some later event (e.g., as to statute of limitations, a new
promise to perform, and as to Statute of Frauds, a later written promise).
Extent of Performance
executed contract If a contract has been fully performed by both parties, it is an executed contract.
A contract that has been Sometimes, parties to a contract say that they have “executed the agreement” when
fully performed by both they have simply signed the written contract. But the parties must perform the prom-
parties. ises contained in their contract before it is truly an executed contract.
If something remains to be done by either or both parties, it is an executory
executory contract. Often, sales contracts for goods, such as automobiles, are coupled with
contract warranties as to performance for specified periods of time or extent of use (e.g.,
A valid contract in which warranty for three years or 30,000 miles, whichever comes first). Although the ba-
something remains to be sic contract may be executed, obligations created by the warranty remain for the
done by either or both specified time. Also, as noted in Chapter 7, if the user is injured by some defect in
parties. the product, the manufacturer may be strictly liable in tort for damages whether or
not the warranty period has expired.
Competent Parties
competent The first essential requirement for validity is competent parties, meaning that the
parties parties who contract must have legal capacity to do so. The law generally expects
Parties who are legally that human beings will act as rational beings with freedom of will or of choice
qualified (i.e., have the among alternative courses of action. Thus, the apparent agreement of a party may
capacity) to make a be negated by (1) infancy or minority (under age 18 in most states), (2) incapacitat-
binding contractual ing mental condition that prevents the person from knowing the nature and conse-
agreement. quences of a contract, or (3) incapacitating intoxication (from alcohol or drugs).
Although most persons have full capacity (i.e., legal qualification or power) to
contract, a large number do not. The law denies them the rights that flow from
contracting, primarily to protect them from the burdensome duties of performance
in foolish or improvident agreements. The restrictive denial also serves to protect
them from possible exploitation by unscrupulous persons who might take unfair
advantage of their ignorance, naiveté, or incapacity.3 In all three basic types of in-
capacity, the contract made is usually voidable, but only at the option of the incom-
petent person (or parent or guardian in control). The agreement is sometimes but
necessaries seldom absolutely void. It is occasionally valid. Exhibit 8.2 illustrates the parallel
Goods and services ordi- status of minors, the mentally incompetent, and intoxicated persons.
narily required by and ap-
propriate to an incompe-
Exception for Necessaries An agreement to purchase goods or services that are
tent person’s station in necessaries is enforceable as a quasi-contract. In such a case, no valid contract ex-
life, yet not available ists, but a contractual remedy of reasonable compensatory damages is allowed to
and/or not provided by prevent unjust enrichment of the person who received the necessaries. Only the
parent or guardian. fair price would have to be paid, which might be different from the bargained-for
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 375
* Living separate from consenting parents and managing own financial affairs.
† In most states this will be a quasi-contract rather than a “valid” contract.
price. Necessaries include such things as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care at
the level at which the person is accustomed. They must be truly needed, yet not be
available from or provided by the parent or guardian of the incompetent.
Many business firms aggressively promote sales of cars, audiovisual and elec-
tronic equipment, and other items to minors, especially teenagers. They do this
knowing that most of the purchases will not be returned even when the legal right
to do so exists. To many teenagers, nothing is more precious than the freedom and
independence provided by their very own car. Such persons are not likely to return
cars, or indeed any other deeply coveted products, and demand refunds. Moreover,
such items are usually acquired with parental knowledge and often with parental fi-
nancial assistance. For big-ticket items, prudent retailers often require parental ac-
knowledgement or approval and financial responsibility (e.g., by requiring the par-
ent to cosign a promissory note or security agreement).
Mutual Agreement
The second essential of a valid contract is self-evident: The parties must come to a
mutual agreement. One party must make an offer and the other must accept. The
parties must agree to the same thing. This is sometimes referred to as a “meeting of
376 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
the minds.” This subjective concept, however, is not strictly true. The law requires ex-
ternal or objective manifestation, in words or actions, of willingness to deal. Intent is
objective theory decided by the objective theory of contracts. A party’s intent to enter into a con-
of contracts tract is judged by outward objective facts; persons are bound by what they express, ei-
A theory that the words ther by their words or by their conduct. Internal, subjective thoughts remain secret.
and conduct of an offeror Before, during, and after an agreement of any complexity is entered, the parties sel-
mean whatever a reason- dom disclose the full content of their mental thinking about the terms of the contract.
able person in the offer-
ee’s position would think
they mean, as opposed to
The Offer Three elements are necessary for an offer to be effective:
what the offeror may 1. The offer must manifest an intention to be legally bound.
have actually meant. 2. The terms of the offer must be reasonably definite and certain so a court can
fashion a remedy.
3. The offer must be communicated to the offeree.
Adam Steinberg and three other students ride to college each
day in Judy Naylor’s new-to-her automobile. Her car is worth
$10,000. One cold morning just after everyone got into her car, it would not
start. Naylor yelled in anger, “I’ll sell this car to anyone for $20!” Steinberg
immediately dropped $20 in her lap. Does Steinberg, the offeree, have a
contract with Naylor and a right to the car? Did Naylor, the offeror, intend
to create a contract?
offer For a valid offer, the person making the offer must manifest intent to be bound, to
A promise by one person make a business agreement, a contract. The offer must be serious, not in obvious
(the offeror) to do or to jest or in panicky fear. Naylor’s expression is obviously made in anger, excitement,
give consideration (some- or jest, and it does not meet the objective-intent test. Since the offer is not effec-
thing of value) in ex- tive, Steinberg’s attempt to accept does not create an agreement. Likewise, an invi-
change for sought-for
tation to a social engagement or date is not a legal offer. If accepted, either party
consideration through ac-
may cancel it without legal liability.
ceptance by another per-
son (the offeree).
Most advertisements by custom are not legal offers to sell; instead, they are
considered to be invitations to the world to come in and make offers to buy, to ne-
gotiate. Thus, under contract law an advertiser generally cannot be compelled to sell
goods on the terms stated in an ad. Of course, if the ad is deliberately false or mis-
leading, the advertiser may be liable for a tort or criminal act or may be in violation
of some other duty as an advertiser. Catalogs, price lists, circulars, and other pricing
vehicles used by companies are treated in the same fashion as advertisements.
You put an ad in the classified section of the local newspaper
offering to sell your favorite guitar for $75. Seven people call
and “accept” your “offer.” If the ad is truly an offer, you would be bound by
seven contracts to sell your guitar. But since initial advertisements are treated
as invitations to make offers rather than as offers, you would have seven
offers from which to choose. You could accept one without assuming any
liability for the six you reject.
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 377
The offer must be reasonably definite and certain. In case of a dispute, a court must
be able to determine what the parties agreed to do.
Among the terms the court expects to find in a valid offer are
• Parties—who and how many
• Subject matter—what and how many
• Time of performance—when, delivery terms, warranties
• Price—how much and when to be paid
Many common contracts are considered sufficiently definite and certain even
though important terms are left unsettled. An example is a contract where one is
hired to work and the duration of the employment is not stated; such a contract is
considered employment at will. Also, contracts for the professional services of a
doctor, dentist, lawyer, or accountant are often made without clear knowledge of
the full scope of the time and effort that will be needed, and so no fixed fee is given.
In these situations, when the price is finally set, it must be reasonable in light of all
the circumstances. When such uncertainty is troubling or unacceptable, one can in-
sist on a specific figure or an hourly rate, stated in advance.
Finally, the offer must be communicated to the person to whom it is made, the
offeree. Only the offeree or an authorized agent of the offeree may accept. In daily
life, the parties to contracts usually identify themselves more precisely than as
offeror–offeree. They may be known as university–student, seller–buyer, doctor–
patient, employer–employee, lawyer–client, landlord–tenant, bailor–bailee, and so
The Acceptance To create a contract, the offeree must accept the offer by making
a positive response to the offeror. General rules of contract law require that accep- acceptance
tance be a mirror-image response to the offer. It must be a timely, responsive, and Affirmative response to
unequivocal affirmation of a desire to enter into the contract on the terms of the the terms of an offer,
offer. It also must be communicated to the offeror or to the offeror’s authorized creating a contract.
Under the Uniform Commercial Code, the rules of acceptance for contracts
involving the sale of goods are more flexible as to what constitutes an acceptance.
For all types of transactions, the courts look for a timely response showing that the
offeree wishes to be contractually bound.
Under the UCC, an offer to make a contract for the sale of goods is “construed
as inviting acceptance in any manner and by any medium reasonable in the circum-
stances.” 4 Generally, unless otherwise specified, the offeree may accept by the same
or faster means than were used by the offeror. When an offer is made by U.S.
Postal Service mail, the offeror impliedly authorizes the offeree to respond by mail,
unless otherwise specified.5 The acceptance is effective, and a contract arises, when
the acceptance is properly posted (i.e., placed in the custody of the U.S. Postal Ser-
vice with the correct address and proper postage), even if the letter of acceptance is
lost in transit. The rule is often called the deposit acceptance rule or mailbox rule.*
Similarly, if private overnight express delivery services are used, the acceptance is
effective when the offeree gives the document to the delivery service.
* Restatement (Second) of Contracts, §30, provides that an offer invites acceptance “by any medium reasonable in the circum-
stances,’’ unless the offer is specific about the means of acceptance. Under §65, a medium is reasonable if it is one used by the
offeror or if it is one customary in similar transactions, unless the offeree knows of circumstances that would argue against the
reasonableness of a particular method (the need for speed because of rapid price changes, for example).
378 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Today, many communications of offers and acceptances are
made by telephone, fax machines, e-mail, or overnight express
delivery services. The mailbox rule anticipates and applies to methods of de-
layed communication such as mail or telegraphs. Use of telephones, faxes,
and e-mails don’t quite fit the legal construct of the mailbox rule, and there
is very little judicial guidance as to how they will be treated. Obviously,
when actual communication of the acceptance has occurred while the offer
is timely, a contract exists. Faxes and e-mails can be sent and not seen for
some time and indeed they can be misdirected or not received for a variety
of reasons. Do you think the mailbox rule should apply to e-mails and faxes?
How Long Does an Offer Last? An offer, once made, does not last forever. It is ended
by the lapse of time, if specified (e.g., “Let me know before Friday the 27th”). If no time
is stated, then it ends after a reasonable time—an elastic concept that varies with the
circumstances (e.g., a farmer’s offer to sell fresh strawberries may be good for a few
hours; an offer made in June to sell loads of firewood may be good for several months).
An offer is also ended by the destruction of the subject matter. For example,
Annabel Leeds offers to sell her pickup truck to Salix Waukem. Before Waukem
accepts the offer, the truck is damaged beyond practicable repair. Death or mental
incompetence of either party also precludes acceptance and ends the offer.
On Saturday, Fred Arthur mailed Kim Trang an offer to sell his
car for $1,000. On Monday, Arthur changed his mind and, not
having heard from Trang, sent her a letter revoking his offer. On Wednes-
day, before she had received Arthur’s letter of revocation, Trang mailed a
letter of acceptance to Arthur. Trang demands that Arthur sell his car as
promised, but Arthur claims that no contract exists because the offer was re-
voked prior to Trang’s acceptance. Is Arthur correct?
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 379
No. As previously noted, when an offer is made by mail, a contract exists when the
acceptance is properly posted. In sharp contrast, although the offeror may notify
the offeree at any time that the offer is revoked, such revocation is generally effec- revocation
tive only upon receipt by the offeree. If this were not so, the offeree could never be The taking back of an
sure that an offer received in the mail was still open to acceptance. Trang’s accep- offer.
tance was sent by an authorized and reasonable means (the same means used by
Arthur) before she received or was aware of the attempted revocation of the offer.
Because of the deposit-acceptance rule, the acceptance was good when sent.
If a week was originally specified “to let you think it over,” the offeror can nev-
ertheless generally revoke the offer, without liability, before acceptance. Remem-
ber that promises are enforceable only when a contract is formed, so a promise to
keep an offer open can usually be broken without recourse. To avoid such possibil-
ity, the offeree may pay the offeror to keep the offer open for an agreed length of
time by entering into an option contract. An enforceable option is a separate option contract
related contract. The option contract gives the offeree a fixed time to accept the An agreement concern-
offer. During this period, the offeror does not have the legal right to revoke. The ing the right to buy or
offeree pays the offeror something of value to create the option contract. An option sell something to another
contract is often used in the negotiation of real estate sales. at a certain price within a
certain time.
As to contracts involving the sale of goods, a merchant may make a binding
firm offer to keep the offer open for a stated time up to three months. It is not es-
sential that the offeree pay for such a right, but the agreement must be in writing
and signed by the merchant.7 As the rule specifically applies to merchants, it does
not apply to causal sellers of goods.
Subsequent incompetence, or even death, does not terminate an offer made in
an option contract (unless the offeror’s personal performance is essential). In such
cases, generally a personal representative fulfills the contract, as by delivering goods Option contracts are the
or paying the price. subject matter of major
Now the offeree–option holder knows that he or she has the agreed-on option trading bodies such as the
Chicago Board of Trade at
time to reflect, look at alternatives, or arrange financing. If the offeree–option holder
decides to accept the original offer, any money paid for the option might be applied http://www.cbot.com/
to the purchase price, if the parties had so agreed. If he or she rejects the offer, the
offeror simply keeps that money as compensation for keeping the offer open.
The parties may haggle over the terms of the contract. In doing so, an unequiv-
ocal rejection of the offer by the offeree would end it. The rejection may take effect
immediately, if made during oral negotiations; if mailed, unlike an acceptance, it is
effective only when received. Similarly, a counteroffer terminates an offer.* Non-
committal words such as, “Your price sounds too rich for my diet, but let me sleep
on that offer,” would have no effect. Understandably, death or insanity of either
party, or destruction of the subject matter, ends the offer.
Reciprocal Consideration
When a man keeps hollering, “It’s the principle of the thing,” he’s talking
about the money.
—Frank Hubbard, American humorist, 1868–1930
* It is interesting to note that between merchants, an acceptance may be valid and binding on both parties “even though it states
terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon. …” However, this provision of the UCC, §2–207, is subject to
a number of conditions that effectively maintain the offeror’s control and ability to require that acceptance comply with his or
her terms if there is to be a contract, assuming the offeror is paying attention to the acceptance and the degree to which it dif-
fers from the offer. …
380 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
consideration Consideration, in this context, is simply the value given in exchange for a
The price or inducement promise or an act. The parties “bargain for,” that is, freely negotiate an exchange of
(for example, reciprocal promises and/or acts whereby each party ultimately enjoys some legal benefit and
promises) to enter a each suffers some legal detriment. Each party gives; each party receives. What is
contract. given and received must have legal value; generally, it need not be equal or ade-
quate by any other person’s standards of valuation. Thus, a promise of a gift is not
legally enforceable because the donor is promised nothing of legal value in return.
To say “Gee, thanks!” or “I love you!” is not bargained for consideration.
In a bilateral contract, each party is both promisor and promisee. Consider-
ation may be (1) a return promise (e.g., to pay money or to give some service or
property), (2) an act other than a promise (as in unilateral contracts), (3) a forbear-
ance (where one party refrains from doing what he or she has a legal right to do),
or (4) the creation, modification, or destruction of a legal relationship (where, e.g.,
the parties agree to become associated as business partners).
Jerry Revcik says to Max Harris, “If you paint the garage green,
I will pay you $100.” Harris paints the garage green. Can Harris
legally require Revcik to pay the $100? Is consideration present?
The answer to both questions is yes. The act of painting the garage is the consider-
ation requested and in this case given in return for Revcik’s promise to pay.
Suppose instead that Revcik says to Harris, “In consideration of
your not being as wealthy as my other friends, I will pay you
$500 next Tuesday.” Can Harris legally require Revcik to pay him the $500?
Does consideration exist?
burglar) or when some past consideration is involved (e.g., when A rescues B from
drowning and subsequently B promises to pay A $5,000).
Under some special circumstances, consideration is not required as a matter of
public policy. An illustration is a pledge or charitable subscription to a church or
nonprofit hospital or school. The pledge states that it is for the purpose of erecting
a library building, and it is made, in part, to induce others to contribute. Such a
promise is legally binding in most states, even if the donor gets no valuable consid-
eration in return. However, the charity must act in reliance on the pledge, for ex-
ample, by contracting for construction of the new facility. Likewise, no consider-
ation need be given by a creditor for a new promise by a debtor to pay a debt that
has been barred by the statute of limitations.
Debra Muller borrows $500 from Tyrone Carter. She gives
Carter a promissory note in which she promises to pay Carter
the $500 with yearly interest of 7 percent one year from the date. A year
passes, and no payment is made. Four more years (the statutory period of
limitations for written contracts) pass, and still no payment is made. Carter
has thereby lost the legal right to compel payment through court action. A
year later, Muller has pangs of conscience and sends Carter a letter apologiz-
ing and promising to pay the note in full. Is this promise enforceable?
Yes, this promise revives the debt, even though Carter gave no new consideration.
But if Muller verbally agreed to pay the debt, it would not be revived. An oral
promise lacks the evidentiary value of the written note. A partial payment, identi-
fied as such by the debtor, would also revive the debt. Carter now has four more
genuine assent
years in which to seek payment by court action.
When consent of both
parties to be bound by a
Genuine Assent contract is freely given
and is not negated by
The fourth essential of a valid contract is that the agreement be made with the
fraud, duress, undue in-
genuine assent, or real consent, of both parties. Assent is negated when either fluence, and/or certain
party acts under duress or because of undue influence. Assent, although given, is mistakes.
also fatally flawed if it resulted from fraud or certain types of mistakes.
Duress Duress happens when one party is prevented from exercising judgment and
Any threat of, or actual,
free will by some wrongful act or threat of the other party. It could result from threat physical harm that de-
of imprisonment (e.g., “I’ll keep you locked up until you sign this contract!”) or of prives a person of the
physical injury to the other party or to a close relative or friend (e.g., “Sign here or freedom of will to choose
I’ll bash you so hard you’ll never ever sign anything again!”). In addition, blackmail and decide.
to induce consent to a contract is duress. The victim of the duress can generally
choose to carry out the contract or to avoid the entire transaction, although duress
involving a serious threat of violence leads to no contract at all, a void agreement. A http://
threat of criminal prosecution would be duress; not so the comparatively common See a different definition
threat of civil suit to collect a debt. Why the difference? The first is a form of extor- of duress in Rupp’s Insur-
tion or menace; the second is the voicing of a legal right to sue for money owed. ance Glossary at
Economic need is generally not a basis for a finding of duress, even when one http://www.nils.com/rupps/
party charges a very high price for an item the other party needs. If the party duress.htm
charging the price also creates the need, however, economic duress may be found.
382 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
The Internal Revenue Service assessed a large tax and penalty
against Sam Thompson. Thompson retained Earl Eyman to rep-
resent him to reduce the tax and penalty. The last day before the deadline
for filing a reply with the IRS, Eyman refused to represent Thompson. He
said he would reconsider if Thompson signed an agreement to pay a much
higher fee than previously agreed. Is the agreement enforceable?
No. Although Eyman threatened only to withdraw his services, something he could
legitimately do if done in proper time, he delayed his withdrawal until the last day.
It would have been practically impossible at that late date for Thompson to get ad-
equate representation elsewhere. Because Thompson was forced into signing the
contract or losing his right to challenge the IRS assessment, the contract is voidable
by him.
undue influence Undue Influence Although more subtle than duress, undue influence has the
Wrongful persuasion, of- same effect: depriving a party of their freedom of will in choosing a course of ac-
ten by a fiduciary or tion. Wrongful persuasion and persistent pressure accomplish it. Typically, the
other trusted individual, wrongdoer asserts his or her position or authority or exploits the victim’s misplaced
which deprives the victim confidence in the wrongdoer’s apparent good faith and wisdom and, for example,
of freedom of will in
obtains property from the victim at a price well below fair market value.
making a contract.
When Mabel Taylor reached her eightieth birthday, she was
no longer able to drive her car. Her nephew, Johnny Ray, con-
vinced Taylor that she should sell him the car for $50. Ray told Taylor that if
she did not agree, then he would no longer visit her. The actual value of the
car was $7,000. This agreement is not enforceable because Ray is taking ad-
vantage of his special relationship with Taylor.
Peter Pride, proprietor of “Cars You’re Proud to Own,” sold a
used car to Lilly Lee, a first-car buyer. Pride, who knew other-
wise, said the car had one previous owner (actually, there had been two);
had never been in an accident (actually, a rear fender, the trunk, and a bum-
per had been replaced after a collision); and had the original paint (the car
had been repainted). The odometer showed 52,000 miles, and Pride said the
engine had been overhauled (in fact, the odometer had been turned back
from 66,000 miles, and the engine had been given only a tune-up). Pride also
claimed the car had new tires (they looked new to Lee but were actually re-
treads). Pride claimed the car was worth $15,000 but since he was trying to
reduce his inventory, he’d let Lee “steal it” for only $9,500. Relying on
Pride’s sales pitch, Lee bought the car for the asking price. She soon learned
that in its actual condition, it was worth no more than $5,500. Is Peter Pride
guilty of fraud? If so, what can Lee do?
features to mislead the trusting and naïve among us. Use of the Internet and mobile
phones are among those business ventures of which consumers need be wary.
A $3.50 “rebate” check was sent to millions of small businesses
and consumers. The check came with an attached form that
looked like an invoice and used terms like “reference number,” and “dis-
count taken,” making it look like there was a previous business relationship.
Upon cashing the check, the consumers were unknowingly agreeing to al-
low the defendants to become their Internet service provider, and the de-
fendants placed monthly charges of $19.95 to $29.95 on the consumers’ tele-
phone bills. They also made it very difficult to cancel future monthly charges
and receive refunds. A judge found “… that, as a matter of law, check/
invoice combinations that do not clearly and conspicuously disclose the
effects of cashing the check and/or clearly state the check is an offer for the
sale of Internet services on the face of the document constitute material
representations that are likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably
under the circumstances.” 9
http:// Mutual Mistake When both parties have an erroneous idea or understanding
about some fact that is an important element of the contract, there is a mutual or
A good site for information bilateral mistake that generally renders their agreement void, or voidable, by ei-
about fraud on the Internet ther party. When both parties are mistaken about a material (i.e., important) fact,
and telemarketing is at the either party may rescind (i.e., cancel or annul the contract without liability). If the
National Fraud Informa-
error were not obvious, the same court would not excuse the mistaken party.
tion Center of the National
Consumers League at
No, according to this landmark English case. Acting in good faith, the parties re-
ferred to different ships, sailing at significantly different times. The mutual mistake
of fact rendered the agreement voidable. Note that different opinions as to value
(e.g., of a parcel of land, a jewel, or a share of stock) or expectations of future value
unilateral mistake do not affect the validity of the contract. Likewise, a unilateral mistake (by one
A situation in which one party) about value, expectations, or the applicability of a statute, such as a zoning
of the parties to a con- law, generally does not affect the contract. However, suppose one party is mistaken
tract labors under some or errs in submitting a bid on a construction job. The other party recognizes the
error about an important obvious error but says nothing and quickly signs the contract. A court of equity
fact in the agreement.
would permit the mistaken party to withdraw without liability.
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 385
Jane Collins contracts to purchase one of two antique washing
machines owned by Mike Heimer. Collins thinks she has pur-
chased a white one, a premier model. Heimer thinks she has purchased the
beige one, his less valuable washing machine. Does a contract exist?
No. Collins and Heimer have made a genuine mutual mistake of fact. Collins be-
lieves the contract subject matter is the white washing machine, while Heimer be-
lieves it is the beige one. Nothing is more material than the subject matter of the
contract. Since both parties are mistaken about the subject matter, no contract exists.
Suppose instead that Collins contracts to buy the white washing
machine, believing it to be worth $1,000 when it really is worth
only $250. Can Collins escape the contract because of her mistake?
No. Collins’s mistake is one of value or quality, not fact. A mistake of this nature
does not normally affect the enforceability of the contract.
Jaime Zavala takes out a life insurance policy on an acquain-
tance, Pete Botello. Zavala names himself as the beneficiary
(the person to be paid) under the policy. Is this a legal contract or a gam-
bling agreement?
The life insurance policy contract appears legal; however, Zavala is simply gambling
on how long Botello will live. To prevent this type of contract, only someone with an
insurable interest insurable interest is allowed to recover on an insurance contract. An insurable inter-
A sufficient interest in est exists when a person has a real economic risk related to the property or person
property to where its loss insured. If your watch is stolen or damaged, for example, you suffer a real loss. If
or destruction would someone else’s watch is stolen or broken, you may feel bad, but you suffer no direct
cause an economic loss to economic loss. Thus, you have an insurable interest in your watch, but not in the
the owner or possessor.
other person’s. Zavala cannot collect on an insurance policy on Botello’s life (or
home or auto) because he does not have an insurable interest in Botello or his prop-
erty. If Zavala were a part owner in Botello’s automobile, however, he could legally
collect on an insurance policy on the auto because he has a property interest.
If an insurance company is aware that a person applying for insurance lacks an
insurable interest, the company should refuse to sell the policy. An insurer that sells a
policy unaware that the holder lacks an insurable interest will claim lack of insurable
interest as a defense to a claim for payment upon learning the truth. An innocent
claimant will get a return of the premiums paid but not a payment on the policy.
One way scam artists get around the insurable interest rule is to
convince a person to purchase the life insurance policy them-
selves but name the evil doer as the beneficiary. Or easier yet get a policy-
holder to change beneficiaries. No contract problem and unless someone
raises the question no obvious criminal behavior. In May 2006, two women,
one 75 and the other 73, were arrested in Los Angeles and charged with
mail fraud for allegedly participating in such a scheme involving homeless
men. As a civil legal matter, the insurance companies would raise fraud as a
defense to payment on the policy to these named beneficiaries. The police
also suspect these “arsenic and old lace defendants” of murder as well as
mail fraud but at the time of this writing there was no murder charge.10
Licensing Many professions and trades require a license to practice (engage in busi-
ness). Traditionally, the legitimate objective of such licensing laws has been to pro-
tect the public against unqualified practitioners. Critics complain that the real
objective is to limit entry in order to reduce competition in service and price. Never-
theless, contracts made by unlicensed persons are generally unenforceable; they
cannot collect for services rendered. However, when the true objective of the
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 387
licensing is to raise government revenues, failure to obtain a license does not render
the contracts of the parties unenforceable or void. This would be true of a license
required of all profit-making business firms in a city.
Paris was a real estate broker licensed in the state of Georgia.
Paris contacted Cooper, a Florida resident who was interested
in purchasing some Gulf County, Florida, acreage. Paris visited the property
in Florida, helped prepare Cooper’s written offer of purchase, worked with
Cooper’s attorney on the sales contract, and attended the closing of the sale
in Panama City, Florida. As a result of this sale, Paris received a $315,070
commission. Can Cooper recover the commission on the basis that the con-
tract is unenforceable because Paris was not licensed to conduct real estate
transactions in Florida?
Cooper v. Paris, 413 So.2d 772 (Fla. App., 1st Dist., 1982).
Yes. An agent must have a real estate license to represent a client in a real estate
transaction and expect to collect a fee. Such licenses are granted by each state to
protect the citizens of that state. A license in Georgia does not authorize the agent Arizona has a typical stat-
to practice in Florida. The agent could not collect the commission, and if the com- ute requiring a contractor
mission had been paid, the client could sue for its return. (builder) to be licensed to
enforce a contract.
Blue Laws In some states, strong support continues for traditional observance of the http://www.azleg.state
Sabbath as a day of rest and worship as mandated by the Mosaic Code.11 Accord- .az.us/ars/32/01153.htm
ingly, blue laws restrict the right to make or perform various contracts on Sundays.
Blue laws originally referred to strict rules in colonial New England that outlawed
such practices as working, dancing, and drinking intoxicating liquors on Sundays. blue laws
Statutes that regulate or
The term now refers to statutes that regulate commercial activities and amusements
prohibit commercial ac-
on Sundays. In contrast, “blue sky laws” regulate the sale of stocks and bonds and
tivities and amusements
are designed to prevent fraudulent sale of securities worth no more than patches of on Sundays.
blue sky. When blue laws have been challenged as a violation of the First Amend-
ment respecting establishment of religion, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to
interfere. Such observance is justified for needed rest and relaxation, the Court’s
reasoning goes; any day of the week could be designated for the purpose. States re-
taining blue laws generally only restrict certain types of contracts, the most likely
restriction being purchase of alcohol.
Usury Most states regulate the maximum rates of interest that may be charged for
certain loans of money. Usury is the practice of charging excessively high rates on
loans. Today, most states maintain some control over how much interest may be
charged, but, for example, they allow rates as high as 40 percent a year or more on
loans of no more than a few hundred dollars made by pawnbrokers and small loan
companies. The extra interest charge is justified by the higher unit cost of processing
such loans and by a higher risk of defaults by borrowers. The availability of such
loans also helps to keep the borrowers out of the clutches of loan sharks, who may
charge interest rates of 100 percent a year or more. Civil sanctions for usury vary
among the states. In some states, the usurer is barred from collecting either princi-
pal or interest; in others, only the principal is payable; and additional variations
388 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
exist. But observers suggest that many violations are unreported, often because of
ignorance or fear of violent retaliation.
The purchase of goods on credit, subject to a carrying charge (some states call
interest it interest) on the unpaid balance, has not been considered usury because there is
The price, usually ex- not a direct loan of money. However, as this practice has become very widespread,
pressed as an annualized legal limits are now often imposed on the percentage rate that may be imposed.
rate (percentage), for use The typical carrying charge (or “interest rate”) approaches and sometimes exceeds
of a sum of money (prin- 20 percent a year. This is a heavy levy, in light of the fact that the ordinary saver
cipal) obtained from a
seldom earns as much as 3–5 percent in a bank savings account. Note that the fed-
eral Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968 (often referred to as the Truth in
Lending Act) requires a full disclosure of the terms of contracts for sales on credit
or for loans.12 But it does not set any ceiling at the federal level on the rate of inter-
est that may be charged, nor does it limit the price that may be charged for the
goods or services sold.
Usury is much more than a legal question. It is a concept contained in most
major world religions with prohibitions against the behavior. Religious text
and behavior in the major religions of Hindu, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and
Christianity all provide examples of strong religious belief regarding the im-
morality of usury and concerns about interest. In societies where these reli-
gions dominate, religious belief inevitably find its way into the law. As Islam
is not only the official religion but the law in several countries, the conflict
between charging interest in financing capital development is one of the
tensions between such countries and Western banking. In Islam, the charg-
ing of interest, or riba, is illegal and immoral. Much tension is based on inter-
pretation of the Holy Quran and whether its injunctions against riba are ab-
solute prohibitions against interest or prohibitions against excessive profit.
As participation in usury is considered a serious sin, the interpretation of
what is meant by riba concerns not only the behavior of governments but
Moslem believers living in non-Moslem countries.
subornation of
Violations of Public Policy Some agreements are obviously contrary to public pol-
icy and therefore illegal and void. The list includes attempts to obstruct justice in
perjury court by bribing jurors, paying a witness to lie under oath (this is the crime of sub-
Crime of persuading an-
ornation of perjury), or paying a witness more than the modest legal fee pre-
other person to commit
scribed by statute. (Note that counsel may engage experts for both the plaintiff and
the defendant, to study and render their opinions about facts of the case. They are
often called on to testify during the trial. Such expert witnesses may legitimately
lobbying receive fees for their services far in excess of payments made to other witnesses.)
Efforts by individuals
Also included in attempts to obstruct justice is paying bribes to influence legisla-
and representatives of
special-interest groups to
tors, administrators, and judges. Banned also, by the federal Foreign Corrupt
persuade legislators (and
Practices Act, are bribes to obtain contracts with foreign governments.13
sometimes administra- Lobbying, properly practiced, can be beneficial to the democratic process of
tors) to enact, amend, or legislation. Lobbyists outnumber legislators in Congress and in most state houses.
rescind specified laws. They are usually employed under contracts with special-interest groups to persuade
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 389
* Goodwill is the valuable intangible asset of a business that is developed over a prolonged period of time through successful con-
tractual relations with satisfied customers and suppliers. Thus, an established business with goodwill normally enjoys higher
profits than a new business of the same size but lacking such goodwill.
390 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Thomas Rector and four other employees of Paramount Ter-
mite Control Company agreed not to compete with their em-
ployer if they quit. The agreement stated they would refrain for two years
after leaving Paramount employment from soliciting “business from any cus-
tomer of Paramount where the purpose thereof is to provide the services of
pest control with which customer the employee established contact while in
the employ of Paramount at any time during the two years next preceding
the termination of the Employment Agreement.” The restriction covered
the geographic areas the employees serviced as Paramount employees.
Later, the employees resigned from Paramount and began working for a
Paramount competitor that solicited business in the counties prohibited by
the noncompetition agreement. Paramount sought to enforce the promise.
Did Paramount succeed?
Paramount Termite Control Co. v. Rector, 238 Va. 171, 380 S.E.2d 922 (Virginia, 1989).
Yes. The supreme court of Virginia declared the restriction on competition was rea-
sonable in time (two-year period) and in the geographic area covered. The court ap-
plied three criteria: (1) From the standpoint of the employer, was the restraint
greater than necessary to protect a legitimate business interest of the employer?
(2) From the standpoint of the employee, was the restraint reasonable—not unduly
harsh and oppressive in limiting the employee’s ability to earn a living? (3) Was the
restraint reasonable as sound public policy? The court concluded that the restraint
was no greater than reasonably necessary to protect Paramount’s legitimate business
interest. The five employees “had frequent contacts with Paramount’s customers”
and “were familiar with Paramount’s methods of estimating the cost of its work, its
specifications for doing the work, and its techniques of pest control.” The court also
found the geographic restriction reasonable, as it applied only to those counties in
which the employees had previously worked and not in all counties within the state.
Finally, because there was sufficient competition in the area, the court held the re-
strictions did not unreasonably restrain trade or violate public policy.
In a few states, such as California, noncompete agreements in employment con-
http:// tracts are not enforceable.* But in such states an out-of-state corporate employer
Read a short article about may provide that the contract is to apply the law of the corporate home state where
employee noncompete such clauses are enforceable rather than the state where the contract is illegal. Al-
agreements at though the enforceability of such a tactic is doubtful, the employer will often go to
http://www.graduating great lengths to protect their interests.
What Is the Effect of Illegality? An illegal agreement is void, and courts will nor-
mally not aid either party to the transaction in any way. Exceptions are made and
damages in tort or other relief may be awarded (1) when the violated law is intended
to protect one of the parties (this is true, for example, when one party is the victim
of usury), (2) when the parties are not equally blameworthy (e.g., when one party is
the victim of fraud in illegal securities dealing, or when one party acts under duress
or undue influence), and (3) when one of the parties repents and withdraws before
the time set for performance (as in illegal bets over the outcome of a football game).
* California Business & Professions Code §16600 declares that every contract by which anyone is restrained from engaging in their
lawful trade, business, or profession is to that extent void. It is permissible to restrict use of trade secrets and an employer’s con-
fidential information.
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 391
What Is the Statute of Frauds and Perjuries? By statute, certain specialized con-
tracts must contain prescribed language. This is true of fire and homeowners’ in-
Statute of Frauds
surance policies. It is also true of contracts for loans and for sales of goods on credit A state statute requiring
under the Truth in Lending Act. But the most important legislation governing certain types of contracts
form in contracts was originated in 1677 in the English Statute of Frauds and to be evidenced by writ-
Perjuries.14 In essence, this statute provided that certain designated important ing and to be signed by
contracts, to be enforceable in court, must (1) be in writing and (2) be signed by the the party to be charged,
party against whom enforcement is sought, or by his or her agent. Note that no or by her or his autho-
problem as to form arises if the party seeking to enforce the contract has not signed. rized agent.
Such party could simply and promptly sign the document if the other party points
out the lack of a signature.
The English statute is the original model for many versions adopted in most http://
American states, all designed to prevent parties from subsequently fraudulently See the interesting article
misrepresenting the actual terms of their agreements. by Lloyd Rain about the ori-
Writing important agreements encourages more careful draftsmanship and thus gin and persistence in
reduces potential misunderstandings and costly litigation. The requirement of a sig- America of the Statute of
Frauds at
nature permits free and open negotiation and exchange of unsigned tentative drafts
of the contract without fear of unintended or premature commitment. Including a
sentence requiring the losing party, in case of litigation, to pay all court costs and _Link/Commentaries/Nov2002
reasonable attorney fees of the winner can discourage breaches of contracts and _LR_Commentary.htm
spiteful lawsuits. Better still, the written contract can provide for arbitration or some
other specified alternative method of dispute resolution (see Chapter 4). Although
the Statute of Frauds should encourage careful draftsmanship, any writing satisfies Anything that may be
the requirement if it sufficiently expresses the agreement. Of course, the party owned.
against whom enforcement is sought must sign it. The writing could consist of a
memorandum or letter(s), for example.
real property
The following rules are better understood if certain technical words are first
Land and things perma-
defined. The word property has a double meaning. It usually means the thing that nently attached to it. In-
is owned; in a strict legal sense, however, property means the rights of the owner to cludes air space above,
possess, use, and dispose of that thing. Property is broadly classified as real or per- surface water, and sub-
sonal. Real property is the land and things “permanently attached” to the land, surface waters, gases, and
such as buildings. It includes rights to airspace above the land, to water on the minerals.
392 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
personal property surface, and to the materials below the surface (e.g., oil, gas, and minerals). Per-
All property that is not sonal property includes all movable property other than land. Both real and per-
real property, i.e., prop- sonal property appear in tangible and intangible forms. Tangible property has
erty other than land and physical existence—it can be touched or seen. In contrast, intangible property has
things permanently at- conceptual existence; an example is your reputation. Examples of tangible real prop-
tached to it.
erty are the ground or land and buildings erected on the land. An example of intan-
gible real property is an easement. An easement is the right to use another person’s
tangible property real property within prescribed limits and without removing anything from the
Property that has physical property. An example would be an easement to go across another’s land to get to
existence and can be
the shore of a lake or river. Examples of tangible personal property include this book,
touched. An automobile
your watch, and a Big Mac at McDonald’s. Examples of intangible personal property
is tangible personal prop-
erty; a house is tangible
are the copyright on this book, the design patent on your watch, and the goodwill
real property.
enjoyed by owners of McDonald’s fast-food restaurants. Under the UCC, a sale
“consists in the passing of title from the seller to the buyer for a price.” 15 The per-
son who has title owns the property. Personal property is discussed further in
Chapter 10 and real property in Chapters 11 and 12.
Property recognized by
law even though it has no
What Contracts Must Comply with the Statute of Frauds? The Statute of Frauds
physical existence. applies to the following kinds of contracts:
• A contract for the sale of land (real property) or an interest therein. Some states also
require a lease for more than one year to be in writing. Thus, a month-to-
month lease, or a lease of as long as one year, is valid even if oral. Under what
is called the equal-dignities rule, the real estate broker’s employment agreement
(sometimes called a listing) to search for a purchaser of real property must also
be in writing and properly signed.
• A contract for the sale of tangible goods for the price of $500 or more. Under the
UCC, goods “means all things … which are movable … other than the money
in which the price is to be paid, investment securities … and things in action”
(which are rights to recover personal property or money by means of a trial or
other judicial proceeding) “also … the unborn young of animals and growing
crops and other identified things attached to realty.” 16
Certain important exceptions are made to this rule by the UCC. An oral contract for
goods priced at $500 or more is nevertheless enforceable “if the goods are to be spe-
cially manufactured for the buyer and are not suitable for sale to others in the ordinary
course of the seller’s business.” An example would be a unique and elaborate cabinet
made with costly imported woods to hold a variety of audiovisual equipment, complete
with a wet bar and built-in refrigerator. Before notice of repudiation of the contract is
received, the seller must have “made either a substantial beginning of their manufac-
ture, or commitments for their procurement.” Furthermore, the buyer is bound “with
respect to goods for which payment has been made and accepted or which have been
received and accepted.” Finally, the buyer is bound who “admits in his [her] pleading,
testimony, or otherwise in court that a contract for sale was made.” 17 The contract in
such case would be enforceable, but only for the quantity of goods admitted.
The UCC provides a special rule for merchants. Assume that be-
tween merchants a writing in confirmation of the sales con-
tract and sufficient against the sender (who has signed) is received within a
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 393
reasonable time, and the recipient has reason to know its contents. This will
satisfy the requirement of a signed writing against the recipient (even though
he or she has not signed), unless the recipient gives written notice of objection
to its contents to the sender within 10 days after it has been received.18
• A contract that is not to be performed, and cannot possibly be performed within one
year from the date of the agreement. In calculating the time, the law ignores frac-
tions of days, including any fraction of the date of the agreement. Thus, an
oral contract for one year, to begin tomorrow, is enforceable. If it is to begin
two or more days hence, it must be in writing and signed.
Samer Jamal is set to graduate from college. An employer orally
contracts with Jamal to employ him for two years at $2,000 per
month. Is this contract required to be in writing?
Yes. Because the terms of the contract exceed one year, this contract must be proved
by written evidence to be enforceable. The oral agreement is insufficient proof of
the existence of the contract. The one-year period begins to run the day after the
contract is made, even if performance is not expected to begin until later.
• A secondary, or underlying, contract under which one person promises to pay or
answer for the debt or duty of another, if such person fails to perform, or one
in which an executor or administrator of an estate promises to pay a debt of
the estate with his or her own money.
• A promise made in consideration of marriage (e.g., “If you marry me, I will sup-
port your parents until they die”). Note that a contract to marry, and the ac-
tual contract of marriage, may be and usually are expressed orally: “Will you
marry me?” “Yes.” “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
• For the sale of kinds of personal property not otherwise covered (in an amount or
value beyond $5,000).19
• This provision does not apply to contracts for the sale of goods, securities, or
security agreements, all of which are covered separately.20
Sufficiency of the Writing The Statute of Frauds does not require a complete
written contract signed by both parties. The statute can also be satisfied with a far
less extensive writing—a memorandum. The memorandum can consist of any con-
firmation, invoice, sales slip, check, or telegram. Such items, singly or in combina-
tion, may be writings sufficient to satisfy the Statute of Frauds. Requirements of
the statute for the memorandum are as follows:
• It must be signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought.
• It must contain at least the essential terms of the contract.
It is not required that both parties sign the memorandum. The essential signature
is the signature of the person against whom enforcement is sought (person being
394 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Shelly Moon agreed to lease Eric Almendral’s house for three
years for $600 a month rent. Moon found an old standard-form
lease, filled out the terms, signed it, and gave it to Almendral saying, “Please
sign this lease, Eric.” Almendral responded that he had changed his mind
and now would like $750 a month rent. Can Moon enforce Almendral’s oral
promise to lease the property for three years at $600 a month? Does the
lease she signed satisfy the Statute of Frauds?
Moon cannot enforce Almendral’s promise as a lease for a three-year term must be
in writing to be enforceable. Although Moon prepared the lease, Almendral did not
sign it, and he is the party against whom enforcement is sought. In other words, for
a party to enforce a contract, the writing must be signed by the other party. Thus,
it is possible for a contract to be enforceable by one party, but not by the other.
The signature can be placed anywhere on the writing. It need not be at the
end. And a signature can be initials or even a mark rather than a full name. The law
does not require a witness, although without a witness it is hard to prove who cre-
ated a mark and whether the mark was intended as a signature. Moon could have
made a deposit by check (noting purpose of the payment on the check) and then
Almendral’s signature as an endorsement would undoubtedly have satisfied the
Statute of Frauds.
Can an e-mail contain a signature and satisfy the Statute of
Frauds? Think about how one would sign an e-mail? In a Cali-
fornia case heard in federal court between inventor Stewart Lamle and Mat-
tel, Inc., Mattel argued that an e-mail did not satisfy the statute of frauds
and particularly the requirement that the writing be signed by the party
against enforcement is sought. The court concluded that an e-mail sent by
a Mattel employee was sufficient, “California law … provide[s] that typed
names appearing on the end of telegrams are sufficient to be writings under
the Statute of Frauds. California law also provides that a typewritten name is
sufficient to be a signature. We can see no meaningful difference between a
typewritten signature on a telegram and an email. Therefore, we conclude
that under California law the June 26 email satisfies the Statute of Frauds …
and that the email includes all the material terms of that agreement.”
Lamle v. Mattel, Inc., 394 F.3d 1355 (C.A.Fed. 2005).
Transactions Act
A uniform state act pro- The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) has been adopted by 46
viding a legal framework
states since its completion in 1999. The UETA was designed to support the use of
for electronic transactions
electronic commerce. The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
giving electronic signa-
tures and records the
State Laws stated “the primary objective of this act is to establish the legal equiva-
same validity and lence of electronic records and signatures with paper writings and manually-signed
enforceability as manual signatures, removing barriers to electronic commerce.” Perhaps the most impor-
signatures and paper- tant section of the law is “Section 7” which provides that an electronic record or
based transactions. signature can be sufficient to provide for enforceability of the contract.
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 395
contract. Thus, you cannot transfer your fire insurance policy to someone who
buys your house, nor your automobile insurance to someone who buys your car.
Indeed, such contracts specifically prohibit assignment to another party.
Parties can also transfer duties. Duties are not assigned—they are delegated.
delegation Normally, a delegation of duties does not release the party making the delegation
Transfer of some or all (the delegator) from any obligations. If the party to whom the duty has been dele-
contractual duties to gated (the delegatee) fails to perform, the delegator—who is the original obligor—
another person. must perform. No special form is required to delegate duties. In special situations,
as where they involve uniquely personal services, the duties may not be delegated.
Thus, without consent of the patient, a surgeon may not transfer an accepted duty
of performing an operation.
Valid transfers of contractual rights and duties occur with regularity. A com-
mon example that often involves multiple transfers is a contract for the construc-
tion of a private residence.
On June 1, 2005, Able Construction Co., a general contractor,
agrees to build and sell a particular house to Susie Baker on land
it owns, for a contract price of $350,000. Promised delivery date is on or be-
fore November 1, that year. Daniel Able and a small crew of his employees
prepare the site and lay the foundation. In separate contracts, on and after
June 8, 2005, Able delegates all other construction work to independent con-
tractors who are trade specialists in their fields (carpentry, plumbing, electri-
cal work, painting, and so forth) for various prices. Able remains liable to
Baker for the completed job as promised. On July 1, 2005, Baker learns that
she is to be promoted and transferred by her employer to another city. There-
fore, she sells the house to a friend, Jessica Newcomer, on August 10, 2005.
She does this by assigning her rights and delegating her duties in the project
to Newcomer. These contracts are graphically portrayed in Exhibit 8.3.
Note that Able might have assigned the right to part of or the entire $350,000 price
to a bank for a construction loan. Also, both Baker and Newcomer could have ne-
gotiated separate loan contracts, with the house as security, to finance the purchase
(see Chapter 12). Note, too, that Baker might have asked Newcomer to pay more
performance or less than $350,000, but the parties agreed to the transfer at the original price.
That which each party
to a contract promises
to do.
substantial The usual way of discharging contracts is by performance. The reciprocal rights
performance and duties of the parties are legally terminated when the parties have done what
When a party to a con-
they have promised to do. Sometimes, the performance is not precisely as prom-
tract honestly performs
ised, but the minor deviation may be a good-faith oversight or failure. In the
most essentials of the
house-construction example, assume the paint used was the proper quality and
contract, but there is
some minor omission or
color but the wrong brand, or the garage door may have been a half-foot wider
deviation which can be than specified. The buyer must still “perform” by paying for such substantial per-
corrected, or compen- formance by the general contractor, but may deduct an appropriate amount be-
sated for in a reduction cause of any deficiency in the builder’s performance. The buyer need not pay extra
of the price. for any improvements “volunteered” by the builder. Often, businesspersons as well
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 397
Exhibit 8.3: Example of Contract with Subsequent Delegation of Duties and Assignment of Rights
June 1, 2005
Able agrees to construct Baker agrees to pay price
house on lot. of $350,000
Malcolm Defft, a dentist, never refused to treat a patient, re-
gardless of his or her ability to pay promptly for the service.
When the charges for dental care of Earl Gartner, an unemployed gardener,
and his wife Hildy reached $600, they offered to redo Defft’s lawn and trim
all the trees and bushes on his lot in full payment or satisfaction of the debt.
Defft agreed. This was an executory accord. When the work was completed,
the debt was discharged by accord and satisfaction.
A three-party agreement In the hypothetical house construction, buyer Baker’s contractual obligation might
in which a creditor ac- have been discharged if Able, the general contractor, had agreed with Baker and
cepts a new party who
Newcomer to a novation (i.e., substitution of a new contract, debt, or obligation
agrees to assume the
for an existing one between the same or different parties). Typically, a new contract
debt and to release the
prior debtor.
is created with the same terms as the original one, but the novation substitutes a
new party and discharges one of the original parties by agreement of all three par-
ties.23 This would allow Newcomer to be substituted for Baker in the contract. The
bank that lent the construction money to Baker undoubtedly required her to sign a
alteration promissory note agreeing to pay. Had the bank deliberately marked the note “Can-
Any deliberate, unilateral
celled” or destroyed it—a very unlikely possibility—the debt would have been dis-
(by one of the parties),
charged by cancellation. Similarly, any deliberate important change in a promissory
important change that is
made in a written con-
note or other written contract by a party to the contract is a material alteration,
tract, without legal and discharges the contractual obligation of the other party.
excuse. When there is a material (important) breach, or failure or refusal to perform a
contract, the victim may cancel the contract with no liability and sue for damages.
breach The right to sue, if utilized successfully, may be superseded by a judgment of the
Failure without legal ex- court. This, too, serves to discharge the contract, but by operation of law. Other
cuse to perform a prom- means of discharging a contract by operation of law include (1) subsequent illegal-
ise made in a legally bind- ity—as when the Eighteenth Amendment prohibited “manufacture, sale, or trans-
ing agreement. portation of intoxicating liquors;” (2) bankruptcy (the debts are not extinguished,
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 399
but they cannot be enforced unless reaffirmed by the debtor with approval by the
court); (3) running of the statute of limitations (again, the debts are not extin-
guished, but they cannot be enforced unless reaffirmed by the debtor); (4) literal
impossibility (as where a contract requires personal service and the individual dies);
and (5) commercial impracticability, where “performance as agreed has been made
impracticable by the occurrence of a contingency the non-occurrence of which was
a basic assumption on which the contract was made.” 24 Outbreak of war, surprise
discovery of solid granite throughout much of the anticipated site of an under-
ground garage, and a major earthquake are examples of circumstances in which
performance might be excused because it has become commercially impracticable.
Circumstances can be such that both parties “want out.” In such a case, a vol-
untary rescission is mutually agreed on. Anything already received is returned, and rescission
the previous situation is restored. The unmaking of a con-
tract by the mutual
agreement of the parties.
When Metropolitan College contracted for its new classroom
building (price $6 million), the general contractor promised to
have it ready for occupancy two years thereafter, when the fall semester
would begin on August 28. A liquidated damage clause called for the pay-
ment of $600 per school day (Monday through Saturday) of delay in comple-
tion beyond the promised date of August 28. Losses incurred would include
rental costs for temporary portable buildings and the monetary value of
burdens imposed on students, faculty, and staff from overcrowding and re-
quired reassignments. Therefore, this clause would be enforceable.
In some cases where money damages are inadequate, courts provide an equitable,
nonmonetary remedy. For example, since every parcel of land is unique, a buyer of
land can compel delivery of possession by the owner who promised to sell. So, too,
with unique works of art. For example, in 1989, an unidentified Japanese bidder at
an auction agreed to pay $45.9 million for Pierrot’s Wedding, a masterpiece from
Pablo Picasso’s famed “blue period.” 25 Under U.S. law, a seller who refuses to de-
liver such a painting could be compelled to do so by a buyer who obtains a specific
performance decree from a court of equity. Of course, if the painting has already been
sold to another person who, unaware of the prior contract, bought in good faith
and received good title, the victimized buyer would have to be satisfied with a
money judgment. When appropriate, courts of equity may also issue injunctions
(sometimes called restraining orders), which may prohibit a defendant from doing a
specified act or command the defendant to do some positive act.
The talented and temperamental opera star Matilda Nocallara
contracted—a full year in advance—to perform at a gala con-
cert in New York City. The event was promoted by Joy Jordane. A month be-
fore the scheduled date, Nocallara told Jordane that she was “indisposed”
and planned instead to make “a less strenuous television appearance” that
week in Los Angeles. What did Jordane do?
son who likes to listen to bands with names like ‘Nerve Damage,’ at a vol-
ume capable of disintegrating limestone, will continue to function per-
fectly for many years, even if you hit them with an ax.”
—Dave Barry, humorist
Everyone is a consumer for some of their contracts. The most common consumer
contracts are sales (purchase) agreements. Purchases are often made on credit, in-
volving separate contracts to permit payment over extended periods of time. Sellers
(i.e., manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers) are generally more knowledgeable
about their products and services than are most consumers. Moreover, sellers are
more likely to have the assistance of attorneys in drafting contracts.
When one party has vastly superior bargaining power over another, they often
draft their contracts without consultation with the other party. Such a contract is called
an adhesion contract, defined as a contract drafted by a dominant party and then adhesion contract
presented to the weaker party—the adhering party—on a “take it or leave it” basis. If A contract drafted by a
the powerful party used their bargaining advantage to include unfair and/or surprising dominant party and then
terms in the contract, a court has the power to consider such terms or the entire con- presented to the other
tract unconscionable and refuse to enforce it as against public policy. Unconscionable party—the adhering
party—on a “take it or
clauses, those that “shock the conscience” of a court, are more likely to be found in ad-
leave it” basis.
hesion contracts than contracts where the parties truly bargained over terms.
A welfare recipient with a fourth-grade education agrees to
purchase a refrigerator under a two-year installment contract
with a high but legal interest rate. The total price of the refrigerator is
$2,500. The same type of refrigerator usually sells for $400 on the market. Is
it possible that this contract is unconscionable?
caveat emptor
Some courts have held this type of contract to be unconscionable, even though [Latin for “let the buyer
courts generally do not inquire into the adequacy of the consideration. To tell the beware”] A phrase mean-
consumer, “Caveat emptor—let the buyer beware,” is no help when the buyer lacks ing that before purchase
the knowledge needed to evaluate the goods (be they simple clothing or complex a buyer should investi-
gate and then rely on his
electronic gear).
or her own judgment re-
Over the years (dating back at least to 1906, when the federal Pure Food and
garding obvious or read-
Drug Act was enacted), government at all levels has been involved in protecting
ily discoverable shortcom-
consumers against unfair practices of a comparatively small group of unethical busi- ings of the goods or
nesspersons and firms that are always present somewhere in the marketplace. In the services.
1960s and 1970s, several important federal consumer protection bills were added.
Although abuses continue, three broad categories of legislation (before-sale laws,
caveat venditor
during-sale laws, and after-sale laws) have given meaningful “teeth”—such as fines [Latin for “let the seller
and prison terms—to the admonition, “Caveat venditor—let the seller beware.” beware”] A phrase mean-
ing that a seller should
Before-Sale Laws exercise appropriate care
to assure that goods sold
Before-sale laws regulate the design, composition, and production of products for (or services rendered) are
sale. They embrace such elements as quality, safety, purity, description, and pack- of fair value and suitable
aging. For example, before-sale laws require emission devices to be installed in for human use, or be sub-
automobiles to reduce air pollution and tamper-proof packaging for over-the- jected to possible legal
counter drugs. sanctions.
402 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Since 1972, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has been
http:// charged with overseeing the safety of all consumer products other than autos,
The U.S. Consumer Product trucks, airplanes, boats, food, drugs, and cosmetics (which are the concern of other
Safety Commission Web federal agencies).
site is at
John D’Angelo, owner and president of Utility Free Inc., a
Colorado-based distributor of alternative energy products, was
sentenced to nearly two years in jail for violating two laws enforced by CPSC.
D’Angelo pled guilty to 15 counts of improperly shipping hazardous sub-
stances, including a highly corrosive, clear electrolyte solution. In December
1993, 15-year-old Justin Pulliam mistook the solution for water because
D’Angelo had shipped it in a reused plastic one-gallon milk container that
lacked appropriate warnings. The teenager drank it and died two weeks
later from internal injuries.26
Probably the most important task of the CPSC is recall or corrective action orders
on products produced and/or sold in the United States.
June 2006 Recall Announced by the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC)
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC), Nexgrill Industries Inc., of City of Industry, California, is voluntarily re-
calling about 16,000 Nexgrill gas grills. The gas grill has a hose that connects
the propane tank to the burner manifold. If this hose runs up too close to
the firebox, the heat can cause the hose to detach from the burner mani-
fold, causing a gas leak and a fire hazard.
The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 is a legislative landmark in the area of con-
sumer before-sale health protection. It marked the beginning of federal regulation
of food and drugs in the United States. What caused the congressional action was
the public outrage generated by a novel. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, published in
1905, was an exposé of the Chicago meatpacking industry. The story was so revolt-
ing that no one who read it could remain unaffected. President Theodore Roose-
velt demanded an immediate investigation of the Chicago meatpacking houses,
supposedly after reading the following paragraph:
There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausages; there
would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and
that was mouldy and white—it would be dosed with borax and glycerine, and
dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption. There
would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where
the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs. … It
was too dark in these storage places to see well, but a man could run his hand over
these piles of meat and sweep off handfuls of the dried dung of rats. These rats
were nuisances, and the packers would put poisoned bread out for them; they
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 403
would die, and then rats, bread and meat would go into the hoppers together. This
is no fairy story and no joke; … there were things that went into the sausage in
comparison with which a poisoned rat was a tidbit.27
President Roosevelt ordered an investigation, and the labor commissioner con-
firmed Sinclair’s observations. Both the long-stalled Pure Food and Drug Act and
the Meat Inspection Act were passed immediately.
Under the authority of the federal Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of
1990, the Food and Drug Administration now requires that nutritional information
(per serving) be provided on labels on canned and packaged foods. Examine the la-
bel on a can of your favorite soup, for example, and note the detailed listing of
quantities therein of calcium, various types of fat, cholesterol, sodium, vitamins,
and minerals. For many consumers, such information can literally be a lifesaver.
During-Sale Laws
During-sale laws regulate truth in advertising, extension of credit, and contract terms
and language. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), created under the Federal
Trade Commission Act of 1914, was originally primarily concerned with enforce- The Federal Trade Commis-
ment of the federal antitrust laws (i.e., the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 and the sion provides a very helpful
Clayton Act of 1914). The FTC sought to prevent among business corporations un- Web site at
fair methods of competition that could lead to monopolies. More recently, the FTC http://www.ftc.gov/
has also been active as the principal federal agency regulating advertising.
On September 21, 1998, Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr., in U.S.
District Court, Florida, granted the FTC’s request for a stipu-
lated final order and permanent injunction against the National Scholarship
Foundation (NSF) to forbid advertising of student scholarship services. The
FTC complaint stated that the NSF sent hundreds of thousands of postcards
to potential college students and their families to solicit the NSF’s scholar-
ship search services. When a consumer called the listed 800 number, a com-
pany representative told the caller that the NSF could guarantee $1,000
worth of free grants and scholarships for a student if the caller paid a fee. In
addition, the $189 fee would be refunded to anyone who did not receive
$1,000 or more in scholarship money through the NSF within one year. The
FTC charged that in fact the NSF did not fulfill its promise to find sources for
its customers that led them to $1,000 minimum scholarship(s) and that the
service provided was generally worthless. In addition, according to the FTC,
the NSF rarely honored its refund guarantee.28
Consumer Credit
Protection Act of
The most important section of the Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968 is 1968
Federal law requiring full
known as the Truth in Lending Act, which requires a full disclosure of the compara-
disclosure to borrowers
tive costs of buying goods for cash or on credit. On credit sales and loans of money,
or consumers of the cost
the creditor must disclose, in writing and in advance of signing, the total dollar of credit as an annual
finance charge and the effective annual percentage rate (APR) of the interest or percentage rate (APR)
finance charge. Sellers may not mislead gullible customers, for example, by quoting and in total dollars. This
a credit cost of “only 1.5 percent a month.” They must disclose that the equivalent act is also known as the
interest cost per year is 18 percent. The act also provides for a three-day “cooling- Truth in Lending Act.
404 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
off” period when a consumer agrees to borrow on the security of a second mort-
gage on a home. Under the law, the borrower may rescind and get back any money
delivered to the creditor as long as he or she does it within the three days. The act
places no limit on the rate or amount of interest or carrying charge, although some
consumer advocates think it should.
The cooling-off rule of the Truth in Lending Act does not apply to first mort-
gages (or first deeds) on homes, because such credit has not generally been the ba-
sis for exploitation of unsophisticated homeowners in need of funds and because
the interest rates have been reasonable. The three-day cooling-off period is a nar-
row exception that allows a party to escape a contract acceptance. Unfortunately,
Credit Card many consumers who have heard of the “three-day rule” think it applies to all con-
Liability Act of sumer contracts. It does not.
1970 Traditionally, garnishment (attachment of the salary or wages of a defaulting
Federal law that regu- debtor) has been a principal remedy for unpaid creditors. To use this remedy, the
lates issuance and en- creditor gets a court order (called a writ of execution) directing the debtor’s em-
forcement of credit cards. ployer to pay a certain portion of the employee’s wages directly to the creditor un-
til the judgment is paid in full. Sometimes, employers fired workers who got into
such financial trouble. Under the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act, the
http:// amount garnished is subject to significant limitations. The act further provides that
Although it seems to be com- an employer may not discharge an employee simply because wages have been gar-
mon knowledge that people nished for any one indebtedness.
have a right to a free annual The Credit Card Liability Act of 1970 amended the Truth in Lending Act
credit report, the law actu-
to control certain practices of credit card companies. A consumer must apply for a
ally requires that each of the
credit card; it may not be thrust on the consumer without such request and con-
three nationwide consumer
sent. Moreover, the cardholder’s liability for unauthorized use of the card by a thief
reporting companies—
Equifax, Experian, and Trans-
or dishonest finder is limited to a maximum of $50 per card. And even this limited
Union—provide at your re- liability can be imposed only if all of the following apply:
quest a free copy of your
• The cardholder requested and received the credit card, or signed or used it, or autho-
credit report once every
rized another person to do so.
12 months. Thus, you can get
• The card issuer provided a self-addressed, pre-stamped notification to be mailed by the
three reports once a year or
a free report every four
cardholder in the event of loss or theft of the card.
months. Several news reports • The card issuer gave adequate notice of the $50 liability.
have suggested that acces- • The card issuer provided positive means of identification ( for example, signature or
sing credit information is dif- photo of the cardholder on the card).
ficult, but it took the author • The unauthorized use took place before the cardholder notified the issuer that such use
about five minutes to get a might take place.
credit report through this
Web site. The Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 as amended (FCRA) regulates the condi-
tions under which disclosure of personal information may be made to third parties
https://www. by consumer reporting agencies. For example, the consumer must give consent
annualcreditreport before a credit report can be released to an employer or potential employer. And
before an adverse employment action can be taken based on such a report, the con-
sumer must receive a copy of the report. Although the act does not restrict the
Fair Credit amount or type of information that can be collected, it does give consumers the
Reporting Act of right to check their credit files for accuracy. The opportunity is provided to correct
or explain inaccurate information, and the credit agency is under a duty to remove
inaccurate or incomplete information. The national bureaus are required by law to
A federal law that en-
ables consumers to check
have a joint reinvestigation system so (in theory) a consumer trying to correct an
and correct credit infor- incorrect credit report does not have to deal with all national providers. A recent
mation about themselves amendment to the FCRA requires each of the nationwide consumer reporting
in the files of credit- companies—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—to provide a free copy of an in-
reporting companies. dividual’s credit report once every 12 months. The report can be obtained only at
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 405
one online source identified in the HTTP in the margin. Violations of the FCRA Equal Credit
are enforced by the FTC. Opportunity Act
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 forbids discrimination in exten- of 1974
sion of credit because of sex, marital status, race, color, religion, national origin, or Federal law that forbids
advanced age; because the applicants get all or part of their income from a public discrimination in the ex-
assistance welfare program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised a tension of credit because
right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. of sex, marital status,
race, or other specified
Debit Cards versus Credit Cards In the past few years, the use of debit and ATM qualities of the applicant.
cards has increased significantly. A debit card deducts the amount of a purchase
directly from your checking account. Its use is not dependent on any coding. An
ATM card is used in an automated teller machine (thus the ATM acronym) which
may access a credit or a debit account to complete banking inquiries and fund The three major credit re-
transfers between accounts. Its use requires a code (Personal Identification Num- porting agencies where you
can find out your credit his-
ber, or PIN). Technically, an ATM card is a subtype of a debit card. Although the
tory for a fee are Equifax at
use of these cards is pervasive, consumers appear to lack a good understanding of
their legal significance. http://www.equifax.com/
Although they often look like credit cards, these cards are very different. Debit Experian at
cards draw against an account the user has with a financial institution or a prior
payment of money the user has made to the card issuer. They do not involve an ex-
tension of credit. Instead of “pay later,” they represent “pay now.” and TransUnion at
Few of the consumer protections available when credit card disputes arise ap- http://www.transunion
ply to debit card use. The transactions are essentially cash transactions. If the debit .com/index.jsp
card is stolen, federal law limits the holder’s maximum liability to $50 if the card
loss is reported within two days of discovery. After two days, liability increases to
$500; if the card loss is not reported within 60 days, the liability can be unlimited. debit card
In addition, because the money is taken directly from an account, checks can A card that allows custo-
bounce with all attendant costs perhaps even before the consumer knows there is a mers access to their own
funds immediately,
problem. With a credit card, a bill is received; if charges are unauthorized, the con-
through various elec-
sumer still has the money while working on the problem. With a debit card, you
tronic means.
are working with your bank to get your money back.
Because debit card use provides a greater profit to banks than ATM use, many
banks have sent debit cards to their customers in exchange for ATM-only cards. http://
Although disclosures accompany these transactions, most consumers don’t appreci-
Read all about debit cards
ate the distinction between an ATM card and a debit card that also acts as an ATM
at the National Consumers
card. Many debit card providers provide more favorable terms to their customers
League Web site at
than the law requires. Because debit cards carry significant additional risk over
ATM cards or credit cards, be careful and shop around. http://www.nclnet.org/
After-Sale Laws
Fair Credit
After-sale laws regulate credit billings, methods of debt collection, and warranties.
The Fair Credit Billing Act of 1974 is a response to problems that result when
Billing Act of
clerks with computers electronically provide invoices that may be erroneous. Con- 1974
A federal law that per-
sumers who believe (1) an accounting error has been made by the issuer of a credit
mits users of credit cards
card; (2) goods or services have not been delivered or accepted; (3) credit exten-
to challenge correctness
sions have not been made or have been made incorrectly; or (4) payments or credits of credit charges, without
have been recorded incorrectly may notify the creditor in writing within 60 days penalty.
after the issuer mailed them the first bill with the error. The creditor (or issuer of
the card) must investigate and respond promptly, normally within 30 days of re-
ceipt. Within 90 days, the creditor must either eliminate the error or explain why it
believes the bill was correct.
406 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
After notification, the creditor is temporarily barred from pressing for pay-
http:// ment or reporting to a credit bureau, although statements may continue to be sent.
Find out what to do if you Consumers are legally obligated to pay any part of the bill not in dispute. If the
lose your ATM or debit creditor admits an error, it cannot impose finance charges on the disputed amount.
card at The creditor must submit a correct written notice of what is owed, and consumers
http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/ must be given the usual time to pay before any finance charges or late-payment
conline/pubs/credit/ charges may be assessed. If it turns out that there was no error, consumers must
atmcard.htm pay finance charges on the disputed amount and make up any payments missed.
The debtor who is not satisfied with the creditor’s explanation is allowed a mini-
mum of 10 days after receiving the explanation in which to protest. Thereafter,
whether or not such protest was made, the creditor may sue or use other collection
procedures. If there was a second protest, however, the creditor who notified credit
bureaus and other creditors must mention the dispute and inform the debtor of the
identity of the addressees. These protections make the use of a credit card a wise
choice on many purchases especially with remote vendors.
Failure to comply with the stated rules makes the finance charges and first $30
of the disputed amount uncollectible, even if later events prove there was no credi-
tor error.
Fair Debt The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1977 outlaws a variety of unrea-
Collection sonably harsh tactics used in the past by overly aggressive debt collectors. Banned
Practices Act of are late night and early morning telephone calls, the use of obscene and abusive
1977 language, threats to notify employers, false representation as police or official gov-
A federal law that out- ernment agents, harassment with repeated phone calls, and similar unsavory behav-
laws certain unreasonably ior. Nothing in the law prevents creditors from using legitimate methods and con-
harsh collection practices ventional legal remedies to collect overdue debts.
previously used by profes-
sional debt collectors.
warranty A warranty is an assurance, promise, or guarantee by one party that a particular
Assurance given by the statement of fact is true and may be relied upon by the other party in a commercial
seller of goods concern- transaction. Some warranties are implied by law and exist even if nothing is said
ing the title to, or the about them; other warranties are expressed and may be oral, but are usually stated
quality or performance in the written contract. An express warranty can exist even if a seller did not in-
of, the product sold.
tend to make one.
Although warranties can arise in a variety of commercial situations, coverage in
express warranty this chapter focuses on the assurances given in the sale or lease of goods under the
A warranty given by a UCC. The UCC does not require that the seller “use formal words such as ‘war-
seller to a buyer orally or
rantor guarantee’ or that he has a specific intention to make a warranty.” It is nec-
in writing.
essary only that a reasonable buyer would believe that a particular representation
was part of the bargain. An implied warranty is one that the law implies from the
implied warranty nature or circumstances of the transaction.
A warranty implied by ac- Although warranties can arise in any sales or lease transaction, it is important to
tions or law whether or
distinguish between merchants and casual sellers. A merchant is a professional seller
not it is specifically men-
who deals in goods of the kind, or otherwise by occupation holds himself or herself
tioned in a contract.
out as having knowledge or skill peculiar to the practice or goods involved in the
transaction.29 Casual sellers are ordinary laypersons disposing of things they own.
merchant Either a merchant or a casual seller may explicitly make the following express
A businessperson who
regularly deals in goods
of the kind involved in a • Warranty of conformity to description, sample, or model. All goods sup-
sales or lease contract. plied must conform to the sample or model shown at the time of the sale, or to
the specifications provided.
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 407
When Peggy Butler visited Mac’s Sport Shack, she told the sales-
person that she was planning a backpack trip into the Great
Smoky Mountains. Butler insisted on being outfitted with “Pathfinder”
brand moccasin boots and a “Kozy” brand sleeping bag. After several days
in the wilderness using this gear, she realized that neither product fit her
needs. Her ankles were swollen, and she caught pneumonia. Is Mac’s Sport
Shack liable on a breach of warranty of fitness for a particular purpose?
No. A warranty is not given when the buyer insists on a particular brand, as here.
Possibly Butler could hold the manufacturers liable if they had made express war-
ranties as to the goods and these warranties were breached.
Merchant sellers alone make the following two additional implied warranties:
• Warranty against infringement. The goods sold are delivered free of any
rightful claim of a third party under patent, copyright, or other legal protection.
• Warranty of merchantability. This is an extremely important warranty,
promising that the goods are fit for the ordinary purposes for which such
goods are used. Thus, a rocking chair (or stereo or toaster or umbrella) should
function as such and last a reasonable length of time (which might be many
years) under ordinary use.
Goods that fail the warranty of merchantability include light-
bulbs that explode when switched on, pajamas that burst into
flames at slight contact with a stove burner, high-heeled shoes that break
off under normal use, and shotgun shells that explode prematurely.
Contracts for sale or lease of used or secondhand goods involve only such obliga-
tion as is appropriate to such goods. This obligation includes the customary im-
plied warranty of merchantability, but the price, age, and condition of the goods at
408 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
the time of the sale are considered in determining the scope of the warranty. Obvi-
ously, such a warranty may be of little value to the buyer, especially if the goods are
worn out or in poor condition.
You need a gallon of paint to match the color of your bedroom
walls, a light shade somewhere between coral and peach. You
take a wall chip sample to your local hardware store and request a gallon of
paint of that color. Instead, you are given a gallon of bright blue paint. The
salesperson has not breached any warranty of implied merchantability—
the bright blue paint may be of high quality and suitable for interior walls. The
clerk has, however, breached an implied warranty of fitness for a particular
While trying to persuade Marjorie Ayers to buy an expensive
personal computer system, Leon Cannon said that all parts
were guaranteed and would be replaced without any charge if found
defective within five years. The written purchase contract that Ayers later
signed spoke of only a one-year warranty against defects in materials and
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 409
workmanship. Moreover, it said that the customer would have to pay for
half of the usual labor charge. Which warranty terms actually apply to the
The one-year warranty terms apply—unless the buyer can prove the lie, or that she
was the victim of mistake or fraud, or that the written contract was incomplete.
This is the result of the parol evidence rule, which presumes that the contracting parol evidence
parties have included all previous desired oral or written understandings in their fi- rule
nal, integrated written agreement.32 Thus, it is not enough for a consumer to get The rule that when con-
all-important contracts in writing; one should also make sure that the writing in- tracting parties have put
cludes all desired terms and any oral assurances and that they are stated correctly their complete agree-
and completely, including a clear statement of any warranty protection. The parol ment into writing, no
evidence rule is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10. prior or contemporane-
ous oral or written terms
The federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975, designed to help pro-
may be unilaterally
tect ultimate consumers of personal, family, or household goods costing $10 or
added later to change
more, has added the concepts of full and limited warranties.33 Under the act, no one the written contract, ab-
is required to give a written warranty, but the seller who elects to do so must label sent proof of fraud, mis-
it as either full or limited. If it is a full warranty, the seller agrees to fix the product take, or illegality.
within a reasonable time and without charge if it proves to be defective. If it cannot
be fixed or if a reasonable number of attempts to fix it prove unsuccessful, the Magnuson-Moss
buyer has the choice of a full cash refund or a free replacement. (Some states have
Warranty Act of
added lemon laws, which clarify and strengthen this rule.) No time limit may be
placed on implied warranties in a full warranty. But if an otherwise full warranty
Federal law that protects
has a time limit, it may be described, for example, as a “full five-year warranty.” ultimate consumers of
The seller must label any warranty that does not provide full protection a limited personal, family, and
warranty. A warranty would be limited if, for example, the buyer had to pay any fee household goods by de-
or transportation charge in order to utilize it. Implied warranties (e.g., of title or of fining effects of full and
merchantability) may not be disclaimed if any written warranty is given, but they limited warranties.
may be defined and limited.
Typical language in an express warranty given by a representative manufac-
turer of consumer goods states that the product is warranted “against any defects http://
due to faulty materials or workmanship for a one-year period after the original date A Businessperson’s Guide to
of consumer purchase.” In fairness to manufacturers, it should be noted that a war- Federal Warranty Law can
ranty extended beyond the stated short period can be very costly to service. Buyers be found at
who neglect their possessions and fail to follow recommended maintenance sched- http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/
ules take unfair advantage of warranties. Yet, all buyers pay for the added protec- conline/pubs/buspubs/
tion that most do not need, because the added cost is distributed over the price in warranty.htm
all sales. A better alternative for some may be the purchase of “extended warranty
protection” for an additional period of time for an additional charge.
The Federal Trade Commission has independently imposed further regulations
in cases where the consumer good costs more than $15 (the law is over 30 years old).
The seller is required to disclose the name of the warrantors, the nature and limita-
tions (if any) of the warranty, and the fact that the buyer has legal rights to specified
procedures for the enforcement of the warranty.
410 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
124 N.Y. 538, 27 N.E. 256 (New York, 1891)
At a family celebration, in the presence of witnesses, building but myself. All this I done to live
William E. Story, Sr., promised to pay his nephew as cheap as I could to save something. I
William E. Story, 2d, $5,000 if he would refrain don’t want you to take up with this kind
from drinking, using tobacco, swearing, and playing of fare. I was here in the cholera season of
’49 and ’52, and the deaths averaged 80
cards or billiards (all legal activities for the nephew
to 125. …
at that time) until he turned 21. The nephew as-
sented and fully performed the conditions of the “Mr. Fisk, the gentleman I was
promise. When he turned 21, not quite six years working for, told me, if I left them, after
later, he wrote a letter to his uncle, explaining that it got healthy he probably would not want
he had performed his part of their agreement and me. I stayed. All the money I have saved I
was thereby entitled to the $5,000. The uncle wrote a letter in know just how I got it. It did not come to me in any
response, reaffirming his promise. Unfortunately for the nephew, mysterious way, and the reason I speak of this is that
his uncle died some 12 years later without having paid him any money got in this way stops longer with a fellow that
money. The nephew assigned his claim to Hamer (the plaintiff gets it with hard knocks than it does when he finds it.
in this case), but Sidway, the executor of the uncle’s estate and Willie, you are twenty-one, and you have many a
the defendant in this action, rejected the claim. The executor’s timing to learn yet. This money you have earned
refusal was based on his belief that there was no consideration much easier than I did, besides acquiring good habits
for the uncle’s promise to pay because the uncle received no bene- at the same time, and you are quite welcome to the
fit from the nephew’s performance. The following opinion of money. Hope you will make good use of it. I was ten
the New York Court of Appeals is a landmark statement on long years getting this together after I was your age.
the rules of consideration, made in an interesting factual con- Now, hoping this will be satisfactory, I stop. One thing
text. Keep in mind that $5,000 in 1891 is equivalent to over more. Twenty-one years ago I bought you 15 sheep.
$105,000 today. These sheep were put out to double every four years.
I kept track of them the first eight years. I have not
J. Parker wrote the following: The uncle received the let- heard much about them since. Your father and grand-
ter, and a few days later he wrote and mailed to his nephew father promised me that they would look after them till
the following letter: you were of age. Have they done so? I hope they have.
By this time you have between five and six hundred
“Dear Nephew: Your letter of the 31st ult. came to sheep, worth a nice little income this spring. Willie,
hand all right, saying that you had lived up to the I have said much more than I expected to. Hope you can
promise made to me several years ago. I have no doubt
make out what I have written. Today is the seventeenth
but you have, for which you shall have five thousand
day that I have not been out of my room, and have had
dollars, as I promised you. I had the money in the
bank the day you was twenty-one years old that I in- the doctor as many days. Am a little better today.
tend for you, and you shall have the money certain. Think I will get out next week. You need not mention
Now, Willie, I do not intend to interfere with this [this] to father, as he always worries about small
money in any way till I think you are capable of tak- matters.
ing care of it, and the sooner that time comes the bet- Truly yours, W. E. STORY. P.S. You can con-
ter it will please me. I would hate very much to have
sider this money on interest.”
you start out in some adventure that you thought all
right and lose this money in one year. The first five The nephew received the letter, and thereafter consented
thousand dollars that I got together cost me a heap of that the money should remain with his uncle in accordance
hard work. You would hardly believe me when I tell
with the terms and conditions of the letter. The uncle died
you that to obtain this I shoved a jack-plane many a
on the 29th day of January, 1887, without having paid over
day, butchered three or four years, then came to this
city, and, after three months’ per severance, I obtained to his nephew any portion of the said $5,000 and interest….
a situation in a grocery store. I opened this store early, The question which provoked the most discussion by
closed late, slept in the fourth story of the building in a counsel on this appeal, and which lies at the foundation of
room 30 by 40 feet, and not a human being in the plaintiff’s asserted right of recovery, is whether by virtue of
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 411
a contract, defendant’s testator, William E. Story, became not so much that one party is profiting as that the other
indebted to his nephew, William E. Story, 2d, on his abandons some legal right in the present, or limits his legal
twenty-first birthday in the sum of $5,000. The defendant freedom of action in the future, as an inducement for the
contends that the contract was without consideration to promise of the first.” Now, applying this rule to the facts
support it, and therefore invalid. He asserts that the prom- before us, the promisee used tobacco, occasionally drank
isee, by refraining from the use of liquor and tobacco, was liquor, and he had a legal right to do so. That right he
not harmed, but benefited; that that which he did was best abandoned for a period of years upon the strength of the
for him to do, independently of his uncle’s promise—and promise of the testator that for such forbearance he would
insists that it follows that, unless the promisor was give him $5,000.
benefited, the contract was without consideration—a con- We need not speculate on the effort which may have
tention which, if well founded, would seem to leave open been required to give up the use of those stimulants. It is
for controversy in many cases whether that which the sufficient that he restricted his lawful freedom of action
promisee did or omitted to do was in fact of such benefit to within certain prescribed limits upon the faith of his uncle’s
him as to leave no consideration to support the enforce- agreement, and now, having fully performed the conditions
ment of the promisor’s agreement. Such a rule could not imposed, it is of no moment whether such performance ac-
be tolerated, and is without foundation in the law. The ex- tually proved a benefit to the promisor, and the court will
chequer chamber in 1875 defined “consideration” as fol- not inquire into it; but, were it a proper subject of inquiry,
lows: “A valuable consideration, in the sense of the law, we see nothing in this record that would permit a determi-
may consist either in some right, interest, profit, or benefit nation that the uncle was not benefited in a legal sense. …
accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, The order appealed from should be reversed, and the
loss, or responsibility given, suffered, or undertaken by the judgment of the special term affirmed, with costs payable
other.” Courts “will not ask whether the thing which forms out of the estate. All concur. [Hamer, the nephew’s as-
the consideration does in fact benefit the promisee or a signee, was found entitled to the $5,000 plus interest.]
third party, or is of any substantial value to any one. It is
enough that something is promised, done, forborne, or For Critical Analysis
suffered by the party to whom the promise is made as con-
sideration for the promise made to him.” Anson, Cont, 63. 1. If “drinking, using tobacco, swearing, and playing
“In general a waiver of any legal right at the request of an- cards or billiards” were illegal for minors in New York
other party is a sufficient consideration for a promise.” at the time of William Story, Sr.’s offer, would con-
Pars. Cont. “Any damage, or suspension, or forbearance of sideration have been present?
a right will be sufficient to sustain a promise.” 2 Kent, 2. Why do you suppose the nephew didn’t demand pay-
Comm. (12th Ed.) ment from his uncle at the time he received his uncle’s
Pollock, in his work on Contracts (page 166), after cit- letter?
ing the definition given by the exchequer chamber, already 3. Could Sidway (the executor) argue that the Statute of
quoted, says: “The second branch of this judicial descrip- Frauds applies in this case? How would Hamer counter
tion is really the most important one. ‘Consideration’ means that claim? ❚❚
196 Va. 493, 84 S.E.2d 516 (Virginia, 1954)
This is a suit to compel specific performance of a land cific performance. This is another landmark contract
purchase contract claimed by defendant sellers to case. In it, the court discusses the contract rules gov-
have been entered into as a joke. The circuit court erning the manifestation of intent to contract and
entered a decree dismissing the suit, and purchasers the contractual capacity of parties negotiating a con-
appealed. The supreme court of appeals held evidence tract while sipping distilled spirits.
showed that the contract represented a serious busi-
ness transaction and good-faith sale and purchase of J. Buchanan delivered the opinion of the court:
the farm, that no unusual circumstances existed in This suit was instituted by W. O. Lucy and
its making, and that purchasers were entitled to spe- J. C. Lucy, complainants, against A. H. Zehmer
412 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
and Ida S. Zehmer, his wife, defendants, to have specific fused, saying, “You don’t need to give me any money, you
performance of a contract by which it was alleged the got the agreement there signed by both of us.”
Zehmers had sold to W. O. Lucy a tract of land owned by The discussion leading to the signing of the agree-
A. H. Zehmer in Dinwiddie county containing 471.6 acres, ment, said Lucy, lasted thirty or forty minutes, during
more or less, known as the Ferguson farm, for $50,000. which Zehmer seemed to doubt that Lucy could raise
J. C. Lucy, the other complainant, is a brother of $50,000. Lucy suggested the provision for having the title
W. O. Lucy, to whom W. O. Lucy transferred a half inter- examined and Zehmer made the suggestion that he would
est in his alleged purchase. sell it “complete, everything there,” and stated that all he
The instrument sought to be enforced was written by had on the farm was three heifers.
A. H. Zehmer on December 20, 1952, in these words: “We Lucy took a partly filled bottle of whiskey into the
hereby agree to sell to W. O. Lucy the Ferguson Farm restaurant with him for the purpose of giving Zehmer a
complete for $50,000, title satisfactory to buyer,” and signed drink if he wanted it. Zehmer did, and he and Lucy had
by the defendants, A. H. Zehmer and Ida S. Zehmer. one or two drinks together. Lucy said that while he felt the
The answer of A. H. Zehmer admitted that at the drinks he took he was not intoxicated, and from the way
time mentioned W. O. Lucy offered him $50,000 cash for Zehmer handled the transaction he did not think he was
the farm, but that he, Zehmer, considered that the offer either.
was made in jest; that so thinking, and both he and Lucy December 20 was on Saturday. Next day Lucy tele-
having had several drinks, he wrote out “the memoran- phoned to J. C. Lucy and arranged with the latter to take a
dum” quoted above and induced his wife to sign it; that he half interest in the purchase and pay half of the consider-
did not deliver the memorandum to Lucy, but that Lucy ation. On Monday he engaged an attorney to examine the
picked it up, read it, put it in his pocket, attempted to offer title. The attorney reported favorably on December 31,
Zehmer $5 to bind the bargain, which Zehmer refused to and on January 2 Lucy wrote Zehmer stating that the title
accept, and realizing for the first time that Lucy was seri- was satisfactory, that he was ready to pay the purchase
ous, Zehmer assured him that he had no intention of sell- price in cash and asking when Zehmer would be ready to
ing the farm and that the whole matter was a joke. Lucy close the deal. Zehmer replied by letter, mailed on January
left the premises insisting that he had purchased the farm. 13, asserting that he had never agreed or intended to sell.
W. O. Lucy, a lumberman and farmer, thus testified in Mr. and Mrs. Zehmer were called by the complainants as
substance: He had known Zehmer for fifteen or twenty adverse witnesses. Zehmer testified in substance as follows:
years and had been familiar with the Ferguson farm for ten He bought this farm more than ten years ago for $11,000.
years. Seven or eight years ago he had offered Zehmer He had had twenty-five offers, more or less, to buy it, in-
$20,000 for the farm, which Zehmer had accepted, but the cluding several from Lucy, who had never offered any spe-
agreement was verbal and Zehmer backed out. On the cific sum of money. He had given them all the same an-
night of December 20, 1952, around eight o’clock, he took swer, that he was not interested in selling it. On this
an employee to McKenney, where Zehmer lived and oper- Saturday night before Christmas it looked like everybody
ated a restaurant, filling station and motor court. While and his brother came by there to have a drink. He took a
there he decided to see Zehmer and again try to buy the good many drinks during the afternoon and had a pint of
Ferguson farm. He entered the restaurant and talked to his own. When he entered the restaurant around eight-
Mrs. Zehmer until Zehmer came in. He asked Zehmer if he thirty Lucy was there and he could see that he was “pretty
had sold the Ferguson farm. Zehmer replied that he had high.” He said to Lucy. “Boy, you got some good liquor,
not. Lucy said, “I bet you wouldn’t take $50,000 for that drinking, ain’t you?” Lucy then offered him a drink. “I was
place.” Zehmer replied, “Yes, I would too; you wouldn’t give already high as a Georgia pine, and didn’t have any more
fifty.” Lucy said he would and told Zehmer to write up an better sense than to pour another great big slug out and
agreement to that effect. Zehmer took a restaurant check gulp it down, and he took one too.”
and wrote on the back of it, “I do hereby agree to sell to After they had talked a while Lucy asked whether he
W. O. Lucy the Ferguson Farm for $50,000 complete.” still had the Ferguson farm. He replied that he had not
Lucy told him he had better change it to “We” because sold it and Lucy said, “I bet you wouldn’t take $50,000 for
Mrs. Zehmer would have to sign it too. Zehmer then tore it.” Zehmer asked him if he would give $50,000 and Lucy
up what he had written, wrote the agreement quoted above said yes. Zehmer replied, “You haven’t got $50,000 in
and asked Mrs. Zehmer, who was at the other end of the cash.” Lucy said he did and Zehmer replied that he did not
counter ten or twelve feet away, to sign it. Mrs. Zehmer said believe it. They argued “pro and con for a long time,”
she would for $50,000 and signed it. Zehmer brought it back mainly about “whether he had $50,000 in cash that he
and gave it to Lucy, who offered him $5 which Zehmer re- could put up right then and buy that farm.”
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 413
Finally, said Zehmer, Lucy told him if he didn’t be- then that “I don’t think I wrote but one out.” Mrs. Zehmer
lieve he had $50,000, “you sign that piece of paper here said that what he wrote was “I hereby agree,” but that the
and say you will take $50,000 for the farm.” He, Zehmer, “I” was changed to “We” after that night. The agreement
“just grabbed the back off of a guest check there” and that was written and signed is in the record and indicates
wrote on the back of it. At that point in his testimony no such change. Neither are the mistakes in spelling that
Zehmer asked to see what he had written to “see if I recog- Zehmer sought to point out readily apparent.
nize my own handwriting.” He examined the paper and ex- The appearance of the contract, the fact that it was un-
claimed, “Great balls of fire. I got ‘Firgerson’ for Ferguson. der discussion for forty minutes or more before it was
I have got satisfactory spelled wrong. I don’t recognize that signed; Lucy’s objection to the first draft because it was writ-
writing if I would see it, wouldn’t know it was mine.” ten in the singular, and he wanted Mrs. Zehmer to sign it
After Zehmer had, as he described it, “scribbled this also; the rewriting to meet that objection and the signing by
thing off,” Lucy said, “Get your wife to sign it.” Zehmer Mrs. Zehmer; the discussion of what was to be included in
walked over to where she was and she at first refused to the sale, the provision for the examination of the title, the
sign but did so after he told her that he “was just needling completeness of the instrument that was executed, the tak-
him [Lucy], and didn’t mean a thing in the world, that ing possession of it by Lucy with no request or suggestion
I was not selling the farm.” Zehmer then “took it back over by either of the defendants that he give it back, are facts
there … and I was still looking at the dern thing. I had the which furnish persuasive evidence that the execution of the
drink right there by my hand, and I reached over to get a contract was a serious business transaction rather than a
drink, and he said, ‘Let me see it.’ He reached and picked it casual, jesting matter as defendants now contend.
up, and when I looked back again he had it in his pocket If it be assumed, contrary to what we think the evi-
and he dropped a five dollar bill over there, and he said, dence shows, that Zehmer was jesting about selling his
‘Here is five dollars payment on it. …’ I said, ‘Hell no, that farm to Lucy and that the transaction was intended by him
is beer and liquor talking. I am not going to sell you the to be a joke, nevertheless the evidence shows that Lucy did
farm. I have told you that too many times before.’” not so understand it but considered it to be a serious busi-
The defendants insist that the evidence was ample to ness transaction and the contract to be binding on the
support their contention that the writing sought to be en- Zehmers as well as on himself. The very next day he ar-
forced was prepared as a bluff or dare to force Lucy to ad- ranged with his brother to put up half the money and take
mit that he did not have $50,000; that the whole matter a half interest in the land. The day after that he employed
was a joke; that the writing was not delivered to Lucy and an attorney to examine the title. The next night, Tuesday,
no binding contract was ever made between the parties. he was back at Zehmer’s place and there Zehmer told him
It is an unusual, if not bizarre, defense. When made to for the first time, Lucy said, that he wasn’t going to sell
the writing admittedly prepared by one of the defendants and he told Zehmer, “You know you sold that place fair
and signed by both, clear evidence is required to sustain it. and square.” After receiving the report from his attorney
In his testimony Zehmer claimed that he “was high as that the title was good he wrote to Zehmer that he was
a Georgia pine,” and that the transaction “was just a bunch ready to close the deal.
of two doggoned drunks bluffing to see who could talk the Not only did Lucy actually believe, but the evidence
biggest and say the most.” That claim is inconsistent with shows he was warranted in believing, that the contract re-
his attempt to testify in great detail as to what was said and presented a serious business transaction and a good faith
what was done. It is contradicted by other evidence as to sale and purchase of the farm.
the condition of both parties, and rendered of no weight by In the field of contracts, as generally elsewhere, “We
the testimony of his wife that when Lucy left the restaurant must look to the outward expression of a person as mani-
she suggested that Zehmer drive him home. The record is festing his intention rather than to his secret and unex-
convincing that Zehmer was not intoxicated to the extent pressed intention. The law imputes to a person an inten-
of being unable to comprehend the nature and conse- tion corresponding to the reasonable meaning of his words
quences of the instrument he executed, and hence that in- and acts. …”
strument is not to be invalidated on that ground. … It was At no time prior to the execution of the contract had
in fact conceded by defendants’ counsel in oral argument Zehmer indicated to Lucy by word or act that he was not in
that under the evidence Zehmer was not too drunk to earnest about selling the land. They had argued about it and
make a valid contract. discussed its terms, as Zehmer admitted, for a long time.
The evidence is convincing also that Zehmer wrote Lucy testified that if there was any jesting it was about pay-
two agreements, the first one beginning “I hereby agree to ing $50,000 that night. The contract and the evidence show
sell.” Zehmer first said he could not remember about that, that he was not expected to pay the money that night.
414 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
Zehmer said that after the writing was signed he laid it been set forth in detail above. They disclose some drinking
down on the counter in front of Lucy. Lucy said Zehmer by the two parties but not to an extent that they were un-
handed it to him. In any event there had been what ap- able to understand fully what they were doing. There was
peared to be a good faith offer and a good faith acceptance, no fraud, no misrepresentation, no sharp practice and no
followed by the execution and apparent delivery of a written dealing between unequal parties. The farm had been
contract. Both said that Lucy put the writing in his pocket bought for $11,000 and was assessed for taxation at $6,300.
and then offered Zehmer $5 to seal the bargain. Not until The purchase price was $50,000. Zehmer admitted that it
then, even under the defendants’ evidence, was anything was a good price. There is in fact present in this case none
said or done to indicate that the matter was a joke. Both of of the grounds usually urged against specific performance.
the Zehmers testified that when Zehmer asked his wife to Specific performance, it is true, is not a matter of ab-
sign he whispered that it was a joke so Lucy wouldn’t hear solute or arbitrary right, but is addressed to the reasonable
and that it was not intended that he should hear. and sound discretion of the court. … But it is likewise true
The mental assent of the parties is not requisite for that the discretion which may be exercised is not an arbi-
the formation of a contract. If the words or other acts of trary or capricious one, but one which is controlled by the
one of the parties have but one reasonable meaning, his established doctrines and settled principles of equity; and,
undisclosed intention is immaterial except when an unrea- generally, where a contract is in its nature and circum-
sonable meaning which he attaches to his manifestations is stances unobjectionable, it is as much a matter of course
known to the other party. … for courts of equity to decree a specific performance of it as
The law, therefore, judges of an agreement between it is for a court of law to give damages for a breach of it. …
two persons exclusively from those expressions of their in- The complainants are entitled to have specific perfor-
tentions which are communicated between them. … mance of the contracts sued on. The decree appealed from
An agreement or mutual assent is of course essential is therefore reversed and the cause is remanded for the en-
to a valid contract but the law imputes to a person an in- try of a proper decree requiring the defendants to perform
tention corresponding to the reasonable meaning of his the contract in accordance with the prayer of the bill. Re-
words and acts. If his words and acts, judged by a reason- versed and remanded.
able standard, manifest an intention to agree, it is immate-
rial what may be the real but unexpressed state of his For Critical Analysis
mind. …
So a person cannot set up that he was merely jesting 1. Why does the court require objective intention to
when his conduct and words would warrant a reasonable contract? The contrasting term to objective is subjective,
person in believing that he intended a real agreement. … meaning “peculiar to a particular individual.” Why
Whether the writing signed by the defendants and isn’t subjective intent preferable; after all, if you want
now sought to be enforced by the complainants was the re- to know what someone means, can’t you ask them?
sult of a serious offer by Lucy and a serious acceptance by 2. Can you identify three separate contentions Zehmer
the defendants, or was a serious offer by Lucy and an ac- makes to defend against Lucy’s action? Why were they
ceptance in secret jest by the defendants, in either event it unsuccessful? Do you agree with the court’s ruling?
constituted a binding contract of sale between the parties. 3. Lucy testified that there had been an oral agreement
Defendants contend further, however, that even to buy the farm for $20,000 “seven or eight years
though a contract was made, equity should decline to en- ago.” Why do you suppose Lucy had not sued to en-
force it under the circumstances. These circumstances have force that agreement? ❚❚
Chapter 8 >>> Contracts: Enforceable Agreements 415
3. Identify three contracts you have experienced or ob- 8. Plaintiff, a minor, alleged that his grandfather Schultz
served. Select one that is expressed in writing, one ex- had made an oral contract with the plaintiff through
pressed orally, and one implied in fact from conduct. his mother. In this alleged contract, Schultz agreed to
Classify each as to parties bound, legal effect, and ex- give the plaintiff certain real estate if the plaintiff’s
tent of performance. mother would name the plaintiff after him. The plain-
tiff’s parents accepted the proposal, since they had in
4. Clearly distinguish between a valid contract, a void- fact already named their son after Schultz. However,
able contract, and a void agreement. Provide an exam- Schultz never arranged for the title of the property to
ple of each type of agreement and demonstrate how pass to the plaintiff. He did deliver possession of the
the court would treat each of your situations if they real estate to the plaintiff’s parents. The plaintiff re-
were litigated. quested that the court determine that he is the abso-
lute owner of the real estate. Was the alleged contract
5. When is an acceptance to an offer sent by mail effec-
between Schultz and the plaintiff’s mother supported
tive to form a contract if the acceptance was returned
by consideration and therefore enforceable? [Lanifer
by mail?
v. Lanifer, 227 Iowa 258, 288 N.W. 104 (Iowa, 1939).]
a. When it arrives at the offeror(s)?
b. When you decide you intend to accept? 9. When Tom Trousseau loaned Bob Barrow $100, he
c. When the acceptance is given to the secretary to asked for an IOU. Barrow took a business card from
mail? his wallet and scribbled these words on its back:
d. When your check clears the bank? “IOU, old pal Tom, one hundred bucks,” signed and
e. When your letter of acceptance is mailed? dated it, and gave it to Trousseau. Is the card an en-
f. What are the legal consequences, if any, if a forceable written contract?
timely sent, properly addressed, and stamped let-
ter is lost by the postal service? 10. Defendant Robert Martin gave his American Express
credit card to E. L. McBride, a business associate, for
6. Anne Marcie and Bob Bruce entered into a binding use in a joint business venture. McBride returned the
bilateral contract. The terms of the contract included card to Martin and then disappeared. Martin claimed
that Marcie was to build a hang glider for Bruce, and he had orally authorized McBride to charge up to
that Bruce was to pay Marcie $18,000 upon its com- $500 on the card. But McBride had actually charged
pletion. After formation of the contract, Bruce de- approximately $5,300 to Martin’s card. Martin also
cided he did not want the hang glider; because the testified that he had previously sent a letter to plaintiff
contract was advantageous, however, he assigned all of American Express asking them not to allow total
his rights thereunder and delegated his duty of pay- charges on his account to exceed $1,000. Is Martin
ment to his friend Marc Shadoe. Shadoe paid Bruce liable for $50 or $5,300? [Martin v. American Express,
$1,400 for the transferred right and immediately in- Inc., 361 So.2d 597 (Alabama, 1978).]
formed Marcie of the assignment. After Shadoe took
416 Unit 1 >>> The Legal System and Basic Principles of Law
11. This quote appeared in a law review article: “Parties censor is drawing an inference from the licensee’s be-
to modern form contracts sometimes interact with havior just as doubtful as the inference a hopeful
one another in the same way a parent of an autistic parent draws from an autistic child’s apparently know-
child interacts with that child. When a licensor offers ing response to the parent’s statement.” [ James J.
a software license with the assertion that it will infer White, 45 Wayne L. Rev. 1693 (2000).] How do
acceptance of all the license terms if the licensee re- modern methods of commercial communication re-
moves the power cord from its plastic wrapper, the li- late to the old rules of offer and acceptance?
Family Law
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Discuss what legal topics fit within family law.
Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest;
• Describe the typical legal requirements of marriage.
divorce, the inquest.
• Discuss civil unions and domestic partnerships.
Helen Rolland, Reflections of a Bachelor Girl, 1903. • Describe the legal rights and obligations of marriage.
• Describe the common attributes of marital and
community property.
• Discuss tort immunities of family members.
• Discuss the legal duties of parents and issues
establishing maternity and paternity.
• Identify legal issues surrounding adoption.
• Discuss major issues regarding juvenile justice and
protection of minors.
• Distinguish an annulment from a divorce and identify
the grounds for each.
• Discuss issues surrounding alimony, property
distribution, and child custody.
• Discuss marital property contracts and their likely
418 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Unquestionably some aspects of family law will affect your life. The legal implica-
tions of living as a family can and do involve a wide variety of laws. Many examples
can be used to demonstrate the complexities existing between families and laws, be-
ginning with the very definition of marriage.
Some clergy in the Methodist church perform “holy union” cere-
monies for same-sex couples. Other pastors with a more conser-
vative or fundamental view of the Bible vehemently object to this practice and
threaten to withdraw from the church. Do these ceremonies create
marriages? 1
Legal marriage must be created in conformity with state laws, all of which require
marital licenses and most of which require that members be of the opposite sex.
However, same-sex “unions” create families that are, in many states and in many ways,
protected by law. For example, in those states, sexual orientation is not a valid basis
for a landlord to refuse to rent living space. The key legal component, however, re-
mains what rights, privileges, and responsibilities a state grants a union or a marriage.
Marriage is a legal relationship. Where recognized, a “union” is also a legal relation-
ship, different from marriage, but providing similar benefits and responsibilities.
In this chapter, you will learn about laws designed to protect family values as
well as the potential involvement of family law in your daily lives. In general, family
law has very little to do with happy families. Rather, family law is about protecting
the family unit, especially children. Family law begins with rules expressed in state
statutes designed by legislatures to protect the family institution. The rules defining
marriage, the mechanics of divorce, and the basis for division of family assets upon
divorce are all set forth in state statutes. Wide variations exist in family law from state
to state because legislative viewpoints reflect substantially different cultural and soci-
etal values. Understandably, these viewpoints often clash on the very sensitive and
important principles applicable to the family. Religious beliefs, for example, probably
conflict more frequently with family law than with any other categories of law.
Family law is designed to protect family values. But differences of opinion as to
those values can be significant. The debate over the definition of marriage and
whether same-sex couples can marry is one such example. Family law faces what
promises to be the most controversial issue ever—the genetic alteration of humans,
which offers prospective parents the choice of specific characteristics in their off-
spring (so-called designer babies). Already, thorny issues of custody and the use of
frozen and fertilized embryos following death or divorce have arisen in this blend
of moral and legal issues.
As in other areas of law, when disputes arise between family members, we rely
upon lawyers for assistance in presenting our family issues to judges and courts for
resolution. These “divorce” lawyers present family law issues to judges (without ju-
ries, as family law is “in equity”) for resolution. These judges, who typically special-
ize in domestic matters, rely heavily upon the recommendations of social service ex-
perts for such sensitive issues as child custody following the breakup of a marriage.
Lawyers often joke among themselves about their availability for our legal
problems “from the cradle to the grave.” In this book, the distressing legal issues
related to “the grave” are appropriately covered in our final chapter (pun intended).
In this chapter, you will discover that our need for family law begins long before
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 419
“the cradle.” Our law increasingly is focusing upon protection of the fetus during
pregnancy. The primary issue in society involving the unborn fetus has been the
right of females to choose abortion. By the turn of the twentieth century, virtually
every state had a law prohibiting or restricting abortion. It is noteworthy that
women also did not have the right to vote. It was not until 1973 that the choice to
abort a nonviable fetus became guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.* But the
issue of protection of the fetus is changing. Abortion no longer is the single issue.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, many children were called upon to
work long hours for little pay and with little regard for their workplace safety or
health. Today, we find that children are protected from abusive employment, but
too many remain in need of protection from abuse by their parents, from other
adults, and even from themselves. Child abuse is a violation of both criminal and
family law, and is found in both chapters in this textbook. The scope of protective
laws and issues cover a vast range of problems, from censorship of the Internet to
the exclusionary zoning of “adult” bookstores; from sex, gore, and alcohol on TV
to metal detectors in grade schools. This area of family law is rich with controversy,
with prospects for new legal solutions undoubtedly eluding us well into the twenty-
first century.
Most rules of family law are found in civil law. But some are also found in
criminal law because certain conduct involving family members is so reprehensible
that society, through legislation, expresses its disapproval by imposing criminal For access to various state
penalties. Child abuse and spouse-beating are examples of such conduct. Both family law statutes, uni-
criminal and civil statutes exist to protect and enhance marriage and the family. Ex- form laws, and other
information, visit
amples of criminal laws designed to protect the family include those proscribing
adultery, bigamy, seduction accomplished by false promise of marriage, and incest http://fatty.law.cornell.edu/
(i.e., sexual intercourse between individuals who are so closely related to each other topics/divorce.html
that marriage is forbidden by law). Examples of civil laws relating to the family de-
clare that, upon termination of the marriage, courts may distribute the family prop-
erty equitably (in accordance with applicable state law) and define and order the
continuing support rights and duties of family members.
Hardly any area of law is more relevant to each of us than family law. Even if it
does not touch one’s life directly, its societal effects are felt by all.
A promise to “love, honor and cherish as long as we both shall live” is in
fact easily and frequently revocable today. It is lamentable that many de-
cide to live together without benefit of such vows and many who take
them soon forget them. However, we are concerned here with legal, not
moral obligations.
—Associate Justice Haden, California Court of Appeal, speaking for the court in the case of In re
Marriage of Wilson, 201 Cal.App.3d 913, 247 Cal.Rptr. 522 (1988).
* A fetus is viable when it theoretically could survive independent of its mother. In 1973, the law described viability as beginning
after the first trimester (three moths). Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705 (1973).
420 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
involving more than one state are raised. For example, the Child Abuse Prevention
and Treatment Act of 1984 encourages states to adopt remedial statutes; the Omni-
bus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 provides for interception of income tax re-
funds payable to parents who are delinquent in their support obligations; the Par-
ental Kidnapping Act of 1984 provides special penalties for “child-snatching”
parents; and more recently the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act of 1992
streamlines the forced collection of support and establishes a commission to further
study the problem. Also, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that former spouses
who reside in different states may sue each other in federal court for damages (but
not for divorce, alimony, or child custody).2 Federal courts will accept jurisdiction
in some family law matters that extend across state lines.3 In the following case, a
federal court applied the Illinois law regarding a breach of promise to marry.
Sharon Wildey, an attorney, sued her fiancé Richard Springs, III,
for damages for ending their seven-week engagement, which had
followed a whirlwind romance. She sued in federal court on the basis of diver-
sity of citizenship. Sharon claimed she suffered depression and lost income by
giving up her main client. Richard told Sharon that she could keep the $19,000
engagement ring and offered her $10,000 cash to help her “get through these
times.” She was thrice divorced and had four children; Richard was once di-
vorced and had fathered three children. At the close of trial, Sharon’s attorney
asked the jury for damages of $365,000. What result do you predict?
Wildey v. Springs, 840 F.Supp. 1259 (N.D. Ill., 1994).
The federal court jury awarded Sharon $93,000 for pain and suffering, $60,000 for
lost income, and $25,000 for counseling. This case was exceptional because few
states permit legal actions seeking damages for breach of promise to marry on the
general grounds that “pillow talk” cases ought not be resolved in court.
No one doubts the sincerity of the intentions to protect families that underlie
new federal laws. But many such national laws fail to live up to their expectations
when adopted. For example, federal law bars the sale of cigarettes to persons under
18 years of age, yet minors are still able to purchase them in many circumstances.
With such regulation, the federal government also taxes cigarettes, as do many
states. Are taxes on cigarettes likely to reduce their consumption by minors or more
likely simply to raise funds? Alcohol has similarly been regulated and taxed, yet there
is a perceived need for further federal laws to reduce driving under the influence and
to protect the fetuses of minors from the alcohol syndrome.
[W]hilst marriage is often termed by text writers and in decisions of courts a civil
contract … it is something more than a mere contract. The consent of the parties
is of course essential to its existence, but when the contract to marry is executed by
the marriage, a relation between the parties is created which they cannot change.
Marriage remains largely a matter of status, although that status is today more
ambiguous than in the past.
— From Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190, 8 S.Ct. 723 (1888).
Legal union as husband Marriage is a status, the legal union of husband and wife, entered into by means of
and wife. a contract that is enforceable by courts. The legal relationship of marriage is based
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 421
on state rather than federal law. When the status is created, the law grants enforce-
able rights to the parties and also imposes various mutual duties or obligations.
Such official governance of the relationship is justified because marriage is recog-
nized as essential for healthy, viable families and therefore the foundation of a
healthy, viable society.
Alexis McVey and Martin Neiderhasen were exchanging wed-
ding vows when Neiderhasen collapsed. He died of cardiac ar-
rest in the ambulance. During their courtship, neither prepared a last will.
Does McVey have any legal rights to inherit from Neiderhasen?
McVey has no rights of inheritance unless their vows were completed and their
marriage proclaimed. The law treats McVey and Neiderhasen just as it does any
other unmarried persons. Neiderhasen’s parents would inherit from him. If the
marriage existed for only a moment, McVey would have significant rights to his
property in all states. This seemingly absurd hypothetical is based on an actual dis-
pute between an alleged spouse and her bridegroom’s parents.
Statutes regulate the lawful creation of marriage. In most states, a license be-
tween adults is prescribed for marriage. Parental consent is required for a minor
(person under 18 years of age) to obtain a marriage license, but in special situations A summary of the marriage
(e.g., pregnancy out of wedlock), some state courts are authorized to approve the law across the states can be
marriage of underage persons. In Maryland, only parental consent is required for found at
With her parents’ blessings, Tina Akers and her boyfriend,
Wayne Compton, went to the courthouse, obtained a license,
and were married. Compton is 29 years old while Tina, eight months preg-
nant, is 13. Is this a new legal family or an example of parental child abuse or
predatory and even pedophiliac sexual abuse and statutory rape? 4
In Maryland, Tina and Wayne Compton and their newly born son, Austin, are a
legal family. In other states, Wayne would have been charged with a crime, and the
marriage would not have been valid. Tina’s father had married his wife Nancy
when she was 16. They had eight children before their divorce. Although the mar-
riage of very young teenagers was commonplace at the turn of the century, that
practice gradually ended and largely disappeared following World War II.*
All states prohibit marriage between members of the immediate family
(ascendants-descendants, i.e., parent and child) and siblings (brother and sister) on
moral and genetic grounds. Most also prohibit uncle-niece or aunt-nephew mar-
riages, and some extend the prohibition to first cousins. A few continue to proscribe
matrimony for certain relationships of affinity (e.g., stepfather-stepdaughter).
Statutes typically require that a person entering marriage be of sound mind—not
be insane, an idiot, an imbecile, or a lunatic—although doctors have difficulty
* For example, country music star Loretta Lynn married at 13 and was a grandmother by 29.
422 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
diagnosing mental illness, and there is confusion as to what such terms mean in law.
Most states used to require a health examination showing freedom from certain vene-
real diseases as a precondition for issuance of a marriage license, but that requirement
has been eliminated in the vast majority of states. Solemnization is generally required
by either a civil ( justice of the peace or judge) or religious (minister, priest, rabbi, or
the like) authority.
Pauline Bradshaw, while planning her marriage to George Hall,
became curious about whether she will be legally required to
take and use George’s surname. Is a wife legally required to take her hus-
band’s surname?
No. Wives customarily have taken the surname of their husbands in the United
States. But this custom is not required by law. Many women choose to use both fam-
ily surnames in combination. Thus, Pauline could choose to be known as “Pauline
Bradshaw-Hall.” Pauline could choose to retain her name as Pauline Hall; George
could change his name from George Hall to George Bradshaw.
* Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and the District of Columbia all allow com-
mon law marriages today. Some other states still recognize those that existed prior to the elimination of new common law marriages.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 423
The law clearly requires considerable evidence in support of any determination that
a common law marriage exists. But once the common law marriage is created, it is
treated by the laws the same as all other conventional marriages. The vast majority
of states do not permit cohabiting as a legal method of establishing a (common law)
marriage. In other words, most states do not provide for common law marriage.
However, Article IV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution provides: “Full faith
and credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Pro-
ceedings of every other State.” Accordingly, states that do not themselves permit
common law marriages must recognize as valid a common law marriage that was
legally created elsewhere.
Triola ultimately lost her case. But the celebrated trial between Michelle Triola
and Lee Marvin highlighted a trend, in segments of our society, toward living to-
gether without the formality of a traditional marriage. The historical attitude of the
courts had been to give no protection to either party of a so-called meretricious
(based on pretense) relationship. Thus, upon separation, neither “pseudo-spouse”
could obtain a share of the other party’s earnings or accumulated wealth, or receive
payments of alimony for continued support. Any contract that purported to create
property or support rights in another in exchange for participation in a meretri-
cious relationship was declared void as against public policy.
Departing from tradition, the California Supreme Court held that adults who
live together and engage in sexual relations are, nonetheless, competent to contract
to pool (i.e., combine) earnings, or to keep earnings and other property separate.
The court stated that such an agreement might be express, implied (inferred from
conduct), or based upon “some other tacit understanding.” However, the contract
could not be based on the exchange of sexual favors. The California Supreme Court
remanded the case to the trial court to determine if such an agreement existed be-
tween Triola and Marvin. The trial court rejected Triola’s contention that a contract
existed, but awarded her $104,000 for rehabilitative compensation, called “palimony”
by the media. That award subsequently was reversed on a second appeal because
there was no evidence of a contract, and Michelle ultimately received nothing.7
A rash of similar lawsuits followed in California, setting a trend for courts in
other states to grant relief to “discarded” companions when existence of a contract
could be proved. But most state legislatures have been reluctant to enact protective
laws for cohabiting persons, usually citing public policy as a reason for discouraging
424 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
* For instance, California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont recognize, to some
degree, some domestic rights through partnerships.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 425
Nina Baehr and Genora Dancel applied for but were denied a
marriage license in Hawaii. In court, they argued that they had
a fundamental right to marry that was protected by the same constitutional
right of privacy that legitimized abortion. Are Nina and Genora correct?
No. However, the Hawaii Supreme Court did rule that by restricting marriage to
opposite-sex couples only, a sex-based discrimination occurred that violated the
Hawaii Constitution unless the state could demonstrate a “compelling interest” to do
so.11 More than a dozen states immediately enacted definitions of marriage excluding
same-sex couples as “against public policy.” The fear was that if same-sex marriages
became legal in Hawaii, then under the full faith and credit clause of the U.S. Consti-
tution, all other states would be required to recognize such marriages, just as they
must recognize common law marriages. Congress also acted promptly by adoption of
the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, which sought to relieve states of any obligation
to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. In 1998, the people of Hawaii
voted to change their state’s constitution to ban same-sex marriages.12
Had Nina and Genora waited and traveled to Massachusetts a few years later
they might have had more success. In 2003, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa-
chusetts ruled that under Massachusetts law, denying gay couples the right to A summary of the Massa-
marry was “incompatible with the constitutional principles of respect for individual chusetts law and case his-
autonomy and equality under law.” 13 The court stayed its opinion for 180 days to tory on same-sex marriage
can be found at
allow time for the legislature to change the law of the state. The legislature did not
act and in 2004, Massachusetts began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. http://www.glad.org/rights/
Another provision in Massachusetts law forbids granting of marriage licenses to massachusetts.shtml
couples from other states, where the marriage would be illegal in the applicant’s
state of residency. Thus, Massachusetts’ same-sex residents are able to marry. In
2005–2006, a Massachusetts constitutional amendment was created by public refer-
endum. In July of 2006, the state legislature, which must approve the amendment
in two consecutive sessions to put the matter before voters, delayed debate on the
amendment until after the November 2006 elections. Thus, as this book went to
press, gay marriage in Massachusetts faced an uncertain future.
In 2000, the state of Vermont created a new legal entity called a “civil union”
for members of the same gender. Vermont law requires parties to a civil union to
(1) be over 18, (2) not be a party to another civil union or a marriage, and (3) be of The Vermont Guide to Civil
the same sex and therefore excluded from the marriage laws of Vermont. The Ver- Unions is online at
mont law bestows the rights and duties of marriage to civil unions. A “‘civil union’ http://www.sec.state.vt.us/
means that two eligible persons have established a relationship pursuant to this otherprg/civilunions/
chapter, and may receive the benefits and protections and be subject to the respon- civilunions.html
sibilities of spouses.” 14 Connecticut passed its own version of a civil union law in
2005. California now recognizes “domestic partnerships,” and Hawaii, has, since
1997, recognized some domestic rights under a “reciprocal beneficiaries” law. The
November 2006 elections, however, brought a setback to this trend. A civil union
initiative was defeated in Colorado, and seven more states passed “defense of mar-
riage” type laws defining marriage as being between a man and a woman.15
The legal issues and social questions being raised by same-gender unions are
significant and complicated. The quest for recognition of marital rights raises is-
sues of adoption, child and partner support, health insurance, and property rights
to name but a few. Among the victims of terrorist crimes of September 11, 2001,
426 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
were gay partners; those who lost their partner have requested that they be treated
as spouses. Because same-gender relationships violate many people’s personal and
religious beliefs, resolution of these issues is likely to be very contentious.
A civil union created in Vermont can be between citizens of other states and
indeed other countries. What happens when these couples go back to where they
live? Will the states or countries recognize the civil union legal status? Does the
full faith and credit clause of the Constitution require sister states to recognize the
Vermont civil union? Will the residency requirement in Massachusetts survive
constitutional questions?
Glen Rosengarten filed an action in Connecticut to dissolve a
civil union created in Vermont with Peter Downes. At the time,
Connecticut law did not provide for civil unions, and the lawsuit was filed
claiming jurisdiction as a family law matter. Will the Connecticut court rec-
ognize the Vermont civil union and accept jurisdiction to dissolve it?
Rosengarten v. Downes, 802 A.2d 170 (Conn. App., 2002).
The Connecticut court dismissed the lawsuit holding that it was not a family rela-
tions matter under Connecticut law and that the court had no subject matter juris-
diction to dissolve a civil union. The court addressed the constitutional question of
full faith and credit and added: “[W]here statute or policy of the forum State
[where the lawsuit is brought] is set up as a defense to a suit brought under the stat-
ute of another State … the conflict is to be resolved, not by giving automatic effect
to the full faith and credit clause and thus compelling courts of each State to subor-
dinate its own statutes to those of others but by appraising the governmental interest
of each jurisdiction and deciding accordingly.” 16
As the twenty-first century has unfolded, same-sex unions and marriages and
the domestic benefits available to same-sex couples have become a complex patch-
work of differing laws amid strongly differing viewpoints. Opposing interest groups
are fighting battles across the country, in state legislatures, Congress, public refer-
endums, and courts that address the fundamental question of what marriage-like
rights same-sex couples have, should have, or will have.
Many countries have recently amended their laws to allow civil unions. France,
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzer-
land, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia all
recognize civil unions of some type. Canadian and Australian states, provinces, or
territories have also enacted civil union laws that same-sex couples can utilize.
Robert Hamilton became disabled and could not work. His wife,
Sally, a trained legal secretary, had been serving as housewife
and homemaker. Sally declared that she would not seek gainful employ-
ment to support her husband and would henceforth terminate the mar-
riage. Is Sally required to go to work to support Robert if the marriage re-
mains intact? What if the marriage is terminated?
Yes, Sally will be required to apply her earning skills in support of her husband
whether or not the marriage remains intact. Also, in this hypothetical case, she could
be required to use property owned in her name for his support. However, Sally would
not necessarily be indentured for life; courts will terminate lifetime support in many
circumstances. At some point, the balance of equities would weigh in favor of public
support of the disabled Robert, and Sally would be released from that obligation.
The specific criteria often used by courts in setting the amount of required
support following termination of the marriage, and the length of time support must
be paid, are reviewed later in this chapter.
Property Rights
The legal rights of spouses to their marital property (assets of the family, as defined
by statute) vary depending upon the applicable state law.
For a chart of state marital
Marital Property States Under original common law theory, title to all property property law, see
owned by a woman was automatically vested in her husband upon marriage. Dur-
ing marriage, the wife owned no property. Marriage created one entity: the hus- family/familylaw/table5.html
band. A creditor who successfully sued the wife received a judgment against the
husband, and thereby reached all of the family’s nonexempt assets.
428 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Today, most states have adopted a form of marital property law that distin-
separate property guishes between separate and marital property. Separate property is property ac-
Property owned by a quired before marriage or during marriage by gift or inheritance.17 The husband
marital partner separate and wife are “partners” in all other property acquired during marriage, and that
from the spouse, either property is called marital property. Property earned (i.e., wages) by one spouse
brought into a marriage during marriage is marital property even if held in one spouse’s name in a separate
at the outset or acquired
account. As you read below about community property states and compare them to
during marriage by gift
marital property states, the two types of property ownership will sound very much
or inheritance.
alike. For our purposes, the most important distinction occurs upon divorce. In a
marital property state, courts are expected to divide the property equitably, but not
marital property necessarily equally. In a community property state, the family property is consid-
Property acquired during
ered equally owned and thus is awarded 50 percent to each spouse. More informa-
marriage in a marital
property state.
tion about marital property division upon divorce is explained later in this chapter.
Community Property States* All property acquired by the husband or wife during
community marriage, other than by gift or inheritance, is community property. Unless agreed
property otherwise, the respective earnings of husband and wife during marriage are owned
All property acquired (in equally when received. Upon dissolution, accumulated earnings, as with all other
a community property community properties, are divided equally between spouses because the ownership
state) by the husband or of community property is equal. Whereas most U.S. law is based on English law,
the wife during marriage the civil law systems of Spain and France are the origin of community property law
other than by gift or in- in the United States.
heritance, and other than
As stated earlier, separate property is property either brought into the marriage or
as profits or income from
acquired during marriage by gift or inheritance. Separate property retains its separate
separate property.
character as long as independent records are kept. For example, cash kept in a separate
savings account will retain its separate property classification. Commingling of sep-
commingling arate property and community property occurs when the two are so combined that
The mixing together of
they cannot reasonably be traced back to their original status. In such cases, the sep-
community property and
separate property to the
arate property has been transmuted into community property and has lost its former
extent that the properties
status. An example is cash brought into the marriage and subsequently combined in
cannot be traced back to the family checking account with monthly community earnings. The status of property
their original status. Com- as separate or community can also be altered by an agreement between the spouses.
mingled property be-
comes totally community
How romantic can you get? Not only did she consent to marry,
but C. V. brought to the marriage her two mules. As the mar-
riage and affection grew, so did the mules. But a third party, Stringfellow,
came between the two—not romantically but economically. Stringfellow suc-
cessfully sued C. V.’s husband, but when he found the husband’s coffers bare,
he sought to satisfy the judgment by levying upon C. V.’s mules. Stringfellow
claimed the increase in value from $35 to $75 was due to the husband’s care
and thus was community property. The Texas Supreme Court sided with
C. V., declaring that the animals were the same ones owned by her at her
marriage. “She does not hold her separate property by so precarious a tenure
as to depend upon the fluctuations of weight or the prices in the market.” 18
* Community property states are Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin,
and the territory of Puerto Rico. In 1998, Alaska adopted the Alaska Community Property Act, which allows couples to agree to
be subject to community property rules. See Jonathan G. Blattmacher et al., “Tax Planning with Consensual Community Prop-
erty: Alaska’s New Community Property Law,” Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal 33 (1999), p. 615.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 429
Marriage property issues can arise in many ways, and state marital law is not as uni-
form as in other law areas. Issues of property can be raised by creditors, gifts to
others, death, and divorce, and treatment of the property is influenced by how the
question arises. In this brief discussion, community property and marital property
sound very much alike. Like much in the law, the devil is in the details, and much
detail is sorted out in the dissolution of a marriage, where the differences in treat-
ment of the two types of marriage property are considerable.
James A. Szesny appealed from an order of the divorce court
that found him solely responsible for over $82,000 in marital
debt. The court found that during the marriage he went out at night with-
out his wife and child; that he belonged to a health club; that he opened
charge accounts without his wife’s knowledge or permission; that he spent
money on clothing for himself and at fine restaurants; that he gave money
to his mother; that he borrowed money but did not use it to reduce the mar-
ital debt; and that he “in effect kited his account in consumer debts.” The
trial court also found that Taryn Szesny spent minimal amounts on clothing,
ate in fast-food restaurants, and in one year was responsible for less than
one-twelfth of their total expenses. In upholding the trial court’s determina-
tion, the court stated, “Dissipation can occur prior to dissolution. The key is
whether one spouse uses marital property for his or her own benefit for a
purpose unrelated to the marriage.” 20
Community Property Because both spouses own an undivided one-half interest in the
community property, neither spouse can defeat the other’s ownership rights by giv-
ing it away without consent.
In Bellevue, Washington, George Thompson was enamored
with his secretary, Vickie Ehlers, and gave her a Jaguar XJS pur-
chased with earnings from his accounting business. When his wife, Betty,
learned of the gift, she insisted that the car be taken from Ehlers. Can this be
done legally?
Yes. Whenever either spouse gives away community property without the other’s
consent, the injured spouse can ask the court to set aside the transfer of property
430 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
and order the property returned to the community. However, if the automobile
was “given” to the secretary in exchange for services legitimately rendered, then
the “gift” would be in the nature of a bonus, or wage, and would not be set aside.
Realistically, in the preceding hypothetical example, the marriage probably would
have deteriorated to the extent that Betty Thompson would petition for a dissolu-
tion (divorce) rather than continue the marriage while pursuing a lawsuit to return
an improper gift from the community. In any divorce decree, the court, in dividing
the community property equally, would give Betty “credit” for her one-half value
of the XJS.
http:// Creditors of the Family Marital Property The extent to which creditors of one
spouse can reach the family’s marital property varies from state to state. Under the
See Wisconsin’s adopted Uniform Marital Property Act (UMPA), which has been adopted only in Wiscon-
UMPA at sin but which has influenced other marital property states, all marital property can
http://folio.legis.state.wi.us/ be reached by the creditors of either spouse. Courts in Maine have ruled in the ab-
cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID= sence of statute that all marital property can be reached by creditors of either
93677&hitsperheading=on& spouse during the marriage.21 This rule reflects the trend. But courts in many
infobase=stats.nfo&jump=ch states continue to rule that creditors of one spouse can reach only marital property
.%20766&softpage=Document that is held in that spouse’s name. These states hold that property rights generally
are based upon who holds title to the property, and creditors can reach only prop-
erty held in the title of the debtor. However, even in these states, property owners
cannot change the title to property simply to avoid the claims of creditors. Such
transfers can be set aside as fraudulent.
Community Property Unpaid creditors who obtain a judgment against either the hus-
band or wife can reach all nonexempt community property to satisfy their claims.
Property declared “exempt” by statute cannot be taken from anyone by any credi-
tor (sufficient monies to obtain the necessaries of life are an example of exempt
property). Accordingly, if a husband wrongfully punches a letter carrier, for exam-
ple, severely injuring that person’s eyesight, the victim can receive payment of the
court judgment from the accumulated earnings of the defendant’s wife, or from any
other nonexempt community property. Of course, the husband’s separate property
would be liable for his torts committed during marriage and his personal debts in-
curred before his marriage; his wife’s separate property would not. Reciprocally,
the wife’s separate property would be liable for her torts or other debts before mar-
riage; her husband’s separate property would not. However, either spouse’s marital
earnings may be diverted from the marriage and taken to satisfy premarital debts.
To this extent, one does “marry” the preexisting debts of the spouse.
One spouse is not responsible for the crimes or torts of the other, and separate
property is immune from fines or civil judgments against the other. Indirectly, of
course, the innocent spouse is hurt if a fine is paid from community property or if,
as a result of confinement, community property is not earned. Marriage does not
spousal immunity shield one’s separate property from his or her own creditors.
A doctrine of the com-
mon law that tort actions
between spouses are pro- Civil Lawsuits Between Family Members
hibited because of a pub-
lic policy to protect the
One traditional concept embodied in the common law has been that marriage
harmony of the marital
melded a man and woman into a single legal entity. It logically followed that one
relationship from adver- spouse could not sue the other spouse, other than to dissolve the entity (as through
sarial and disruptive legal divorce). This common law rule, called spousal immunity, prohibits actions be-
proceedings. tween spouses for torts, such as negligence and assault and battery. A justification
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 431
for this immunity is to protect domestic tranquility. This doctrine does not prevent
a victimized spouse from obtaining a divorce on grounds of adultery or extreme
mental cruelty, but it does insulate many types of wrongful and abusive conduct by
a family member. Consequently, the doctrine of spousal immunity currently is
yielding to modern concepts and modifications by the courts (and legislatures) to
permit lawsuits between spouses in various situations and provide more equitable
property distributions upon divorce.
Wives have successfully sued husbands for both compensatory and punitive
damages for wife-beating (recovery, $360,000); for intentional infliction of mental
distress where a husband tried to hire a hit man (i.e., professional killer) to kill his
wife (settled for a six-figure sum); for fraudulently undervaluing and selling marital
property worth $800,000 for a price of $45,000 (recovery, $240,000); and for emo-
tional distress when a husband had temper tantrums, doled out stingy amounts of
cash, made his wife wear cheap clothes, and belittled her in front of their daughter
(recovery, $362,000, forcing husband into bankruptcy).22
Shortly after her whirlwind courtship and wedding to Samuel
B. McNeill, III, Jo McNeill falsely told her husband that she was
an attorney, had a master’s degree in accounting, was suffering from cancer,
and had an outstanding premarital judgment against her that could affect
their assets. In reliance on these false statements, Samuel deeded title of
his separate property, an exclusive waterfront home in Huntington Beach,
California, into their joint names. Later, Jo falsely told Sam that she had only
90 days to live, encouraged him to put “their” assets into trust, and then
gave him documents to sign that, in reality, transferred all of his assets to
her. Soon thereafter, the marriage deteriorated, and Sam moved into a
small rental cottage in Los Angeles near his work. Upon discovery of the
truth, Sam sued his wife for fraud and also sought recovery of his property.
What was the result?
In re Marriage of McNeill, 160 Cal.App. 3d 548, 206 Cal.Rptr. 641 (California, 1984).
The trial court ruled in favor of Sam. Misstatements of affection or feelings gener-
ally are not actionable, but none of the false statements made by Jo concerned her
feelings about Sam. On appeal, the judgment was upheld. Children also may sue
their parents in many states. For example, a daughter was permitted to sue her father
for assault and rape;23 a child sued her mother for negligently failing to buckle the
child’s seatbelt;24 and a child injured in utero successfully sued her mother for negli-
gence in jaywalking.25 But in the state of Florida, courts are split on applying the
doctrine of parental immunity to prevent a child’s civil lawsuit for sexual abuse with
one district rejecting such suits and several others allowing them.26 Maryland con-
tinues to apply parent-child tort immunity doctrine to actions based on negligence.27
These actions between spouses, as well as lawsuits between children and their par-
ents, are called domestic torts. domestic torts
Some argue that permitting lawsuits for injuries from domestic torts simply Various tortuous acts
places another weapon in the hands of embittered and vengeful spouses. It drags soap where the perpetrator
operas into public courtrooms, implicitly forces the government (through its courts and victim are family
and legislatures) to prescribe what constitutes “normal” or “acceptable” interpersonal members.
conduct, and exacerbates the litigation explosion. Others respond that spousal
432 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
immunity should not be a shield against penalties for abusive conduct that would be
compensable if the parties were strangers. The question of what conduct ought to
be compensable is not easy to answer. In the following example, actions are based
upon the intentional infliction of mental distress by one family member on another.
A family court judge found that Mr. Hakkila’s behavior in de-
meaning his wife, screaming at her, locking her out of the
house, and refusing to have sex with her was “… beyond the bounds of de-
cency … atrocious … utterly intolerable” and constituted compensable neg-
ligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Should Mr. Hakkila be
ordered to pay damages to his wife?
Hakkila v. Hakkila, 112 N.M. 172, 812 P.2d 1320 (New Mexico, 1991) (cert. den. June 4, 1991).
The case against Mr. Hakkila was thrown out on appeal. In New Mexico, family
members can sue one another but only if the wrongful conduct is sufficiently out-
rageous: “… the threshold of outrageousness should be set high enough … that the
social good from recognizing the tort will not be outweighed by unseemly and in-
vasive litigation.” That the husband insulted his wife in front of her friends by call-
ing her an obscenity, mistreated her physically, locked her out of the house after
she ripped the buttons off his shirt, called her “stupid” and “insane,” and blamed
their poor sexual relationship on her was held insufficiently outrageous to justify li-
ability. Why must intentional conduct between spouses be outrageous to justify
civil liability? Presumably, the law should not require a degree of civility between
spouses that is beyond their capacity. People need to vent to some extent. About
half of the states where the question has arisen have honored emotional-distress
cases between spouses.28 The other half of the states require extraordinarily outra-
geous behavior or the lawsuit is rejected.29
There is also new attention to lawsuits by children against abusive parents,
even when many years have elapsed since the alleged wrongful conduct. Many
states hold that actions by children are not barred by the statute of limitations be-
cause it does not begin to “run” until adult survivors of child abuse overcome their
memory blocks and discover (usually in psychiatric or psychological therapy) the
acts that took place when they were young children. Even grossly negligent con-
duct by mothers during pregnancy (e.g., drug, alcohol, or nicotine abuse or rejec-
tion of prenatal care) may also give rise to civil judgments for damages in favor of
the injured children.
Sexual abuse and severe physical abuse of a child are serious crimes discussed
later in this chapter. Child abuse also is a domestic tort that, like other civil cases,
may be proven by a “preponderance of the evidence.” This burden of proof is
much easier to meet than the proof “beyond a reasonable doubt” that is required
for conviction in criminal cases. Perhaps the most perplexing dilemma clouding
this particular domestic tort is how to identify and reject unjustified claims for
damages sought many years following commission of the alleged acts. Such claims
are based upon “recovered memory” that is recovered, perhaps after many years,
during psychiatric therapy. The reliability of such recollections, the possibility that
they were suggested rather than recollected, as well as the possibility of false claims,
are among the most difficult issues in such cases.
Claims of child abuse, made during contested custody proceedings (as distin-
guished from claims made during civil litigation), are discussed later in this chapter.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 433
Not all abuse within families is by parents, nor are all civil lawsuits between
family members designed to obtain money.
Merle Haggard, at the time age 60, famous for singing “Okie
from Muskogee” and “Workin’ Man Blues,” received a “contin-
uous barrage of threats against his safety” from his then 39-year-old son,
Marty. Marty believed that Merle “owed him and his mother a lot of
money.” What civil remedy is available to protect the senior Haggard?
Haggard obtained a restraining order from court barring Marty from harassing or
even coming near him. Violation of such an injunction would be a contempt of
court, for which jail is the usual sanction.30
The Supreme Court in Stenberg v. Carhart (2000) began its
opinion noting the impossibility of its task. Whereas most insti-
tutions of government can pass on deciding controversial issues, courts are
not free to do so. “We again consider the right to an abortion. We under-
stand the controversial nature of the problem. Millions of Americans believe
that life begins at conception and consequently that an abortion is akin to
causing the death of an innocent child; they recoil at the thought of a law
that would permit it. Other millions fear that a law that forbids abortion
would condemn many American women to lives that lack dignity, depriving
them of equal liberty and leading those with least resources to undergo ille-
gal abortions with the attendant risks of death and suffering. Taking ac-
count of these virtually irreconcilable points of view, aware that constitu-
tional law must govern a society whose different members sincerely hold
directly opposing views, and considering the matter in light of the Constitu-
tion’s guarantees of fundamental individual liberty, this Court, in the course
of a generation, has determined and then redetermined that the Constitu-
tion offers basic protection to the woman’s right to choose.” 35
The mechanical trimester analysis of Roe has shifted to the moment of viability,
which because of medical advances may occur earlier, at perhaps 23 to 24 weeks, or
even earlier. Whenever it occurs, the attainment of viability is an important fact, al-
though in Stenberg the U.S. Supreme Court held unconstitutional a Nebraska law
making criminal the performance of dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion. The
Supreme Court held that restrictions on methods of abortion must be specific and
must not ban the most commonly used and safest methods. In addition, any statute
banning abortion must contain an exception for the woman’s health.
All of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions authorizing abortion have been 5–4
http:// votes. Since the most recent Stenberg decision, the late Chief Justice Rhenquist and
Information on both sides Justice O’Conner, both of whom voted in the block affirming a woman’s right to
of the abortion debate is an abortion under some circumstances, have left the court. Thus, the Supreme
available at Court today could reverse course with the next abortion case presented before it.
and Paternity
http://www.prolifeinfo.org/ A legitimate child enjoys rights and sometimes duties* of support, possesses rights
of inheritance, and typically carries the father’s surname. Such a child is the issue of
his or her natural, married parents. Historically, an illegitimate child was a child
born of an unmarried mother or born of an adulterous, incestuous, or bigamous re-
http:// lationship. Statutes today are inclusive and tend to resolve any doubt in favor of le-
For basic information about gitimacy through application of a legal presumption of legitimacy.
parenting, adoption, and The Uniform Parentage Act, last revised in 2000, has been adopted in some
family law in general, visit form by about one-third of the states and has influenced law in many others. The
the informative Web site of
Uniform Parentage Act provides that a child born during a marriage or within 300
NOLO Press at
days after termination of the marriage is the child of the birth mother and her hus-
http://www.nolo.com/ band. A man is also presumed to be the father of a child if: before the child’s birth,
he and the mother marry; or after the birth of the child, he and the child’s mother
marry and he voluntarily asserts his paternity of the child; or he agreed to be and is
named as the child’s father on the child’s birth certificate; or he promised in a re-
* As previously noted, in some states, adult children are required to support their indigent parents who are receiving public assis-
tance. There is no common law duty of a child to support a parent.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 435
cord to support the child as his own. The presumption of paternity may be rebut- paternity
ted only by adjudication. Establishing the father of
The presumption of legitimacy is difficult to overcome and usually will depend a child. Often determined
on the husband’s showing of impotency or on a blood-typing analysis, which all but by a lawsuit to prove that
conclusively proves that the husband could not be the child’s father. With modern a named person is the
father of a child.
blood-typing techniques and analyses, experts can establish statistical probabilities
as to whether or not a suspect could be the natural father. Such tests also can show
a high probability that a specific man is the father. Every state has statutes provid-
ing for the admissibility of specified genetic tests in paternity cases.36 Blood tests
are not absolutely conclusive. In one case, the defendant contended that he had
never even met the mother of the child he was accused of fathering even though SEARCH ENGINE
blood tests revealed he had a 99.99 percent probability of paternity. The court be- http://
lieved the persuasive man.37 DNA testing is even more conclusive and has gener-
Try searching the Internet
ally become accepted.
for “DNA Paternity Test
Kit.” Numerous Web sites
now offer DNA tests for
Yes. Both legitimate and illegitimate children (once paternity is established) inherit
in California unless specifically disinherited in the will. Not mentioning is not dis-
inheriting. Thus, the four South Pacific children each received $90 million.38
The basic handicaps of an illegitimate child are financial. Until paternity is es-
tablished by a court, the child does not inherit as an heir and has no right to pater-
nal support.
There is a trend to equalize the rights of illegitimate (whose paternity is estab-
lished) and legitimate children. (Adopted children are treated under the law the same
as natural children.) This trend reflects the facts that increasing numbers of children
are born out of wedlock and that such children are innocent of any wrongdoing.
Thus, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that states may not discriminate against ille-
gitimate children and that states must require that natural fathers support both their
legitimate and illegitimate children.39 Nor may a state create a right of action in favor
of legitimate children for the wrongful death of a parent and exclude illegitimate
children from the benefit of such a right.40 And illegitimate children may not be ex-
cluded from sharing equally with other children in the recovery of workers’ compen-
sation benefits for the death of their parent.41 The Supreme Court declined to recog-
nize an illegitimate child’s right to claim inheritance.42 The question of inheritance
rights of illegitimate children is left to the states. Some states (such as California,
Arizona, and North Dakota) have adopted statutes that permit illegitimate children
to inherit from their fathers, regardless of whether the father has acknowledged the
child. In the absence of such a statute, the illegitimate child will inherit only from
his or her mother.43 Custody of a child conceived out of wedlock remains with the
mother as long as she is a suitable person. Otherwise, custody may be awarded to an-
other suitable person, including the natural father.
436 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Legal rights for nonmarital offspring have little meaning unless the natural fa-
ther becomes identified. Statutory presumptions create paternity in many cases, but
the mother or child may need to bring a civil paternity action to establish the
child’s natural parentage. Usually, the mother testifies to the requisite act of inter-
course. Proof that an unmarried mother had sexual intercourse with other men
during the period of possible conception is admissible; however, testimony con-
cerning the mother’s sexual activities before or after the time of possible concep-
tion cannot be considered by the jury.
If the mother prevails and paternity is established, the court’s judgment will in-
clude an order of periodic support and reimbursement of her medical costs, ex-
penses of pregnancy, and attorney fees. Once paternity is established, all states au-
thorize their courts to order the payment of support because of state interest
(welfare authorities may have the burden of support if the natural father is not held
responsible). A few states also confer inheritance rights upon a child legitimated by
a paternity proceeding. Even though a child has inheritance rights, any child may
be intentionally disinherited by the will of his or her parent. (See Chapter 14 for a
more complete discussion of inheritance and disinheritance.)
Surrogate-Mother Contracts
To obtain a biologically related child, a husband and wife may desire to impregnate
http:// a contracting surrogate mother, who agrees to carry the fetus until birth and then
For reference materials relinquish her parental rights to the biological father. The natural father’s wife then
about surrogacy arrange- adopts the child. One type of surrogacy arrangement is gestational surrogacy, where
ments and sample contract the surrogate mother is not genetically related to the child. A fertilized egg is trans-
forms, visit
ferred into the surrogate mother’s uterus to gestate until birth. The fertilized egg
http://www.opts.com/ may or may not be genetically related to both the husband and wife who may have
and used the sperm or egg of a donor. Another type of surrogacy agreement involves ar-
tificially inseminating the egg or embryo of the surrogate mother with sperm, such
that the surrogate mother is also the biological mother of the child she carries.
surrogate mother
A female who is artifi- In 1985, William Stern and Mary Beth Whitehead entered into a
cially inseminated, carries surrogacy contract. It stated that Stern’s wife, Elizabeth, was in-
the fetus to term, and fertile, that they wanted a child, and that Whitehead was willing to serve as
who then relinquishes the mother with Stern as the father. The contract provided that Whitehead
her parental rights to the would become pregnant (through artificial insemination, using Stern’s sperm),
biological father. Surro- carry the child to term, bear it, deliver it to the Sterns, and thereafter do what-
gacy services are per- ever was necessary to terminate her maternal rights so that Mrs. Stern could
formed pursuant to a thereafter adopt the child. Stern agreed to pay $10,000 to Whitehead.
contract in return for On March 27, 1986, Baby M was born; on March 30 she was delivered to
money. the Sterns. Later that day, Whitehead underwent an emotional crisis; she
was deeply disturbed, disconsolate, and stricken with unbearable sadness.
She had to have her child. Fearing that she might commit suicide, the Sterns
returned Baby M in exchange for Whitehead’s promise to return the child in
one week. The struggle over custody then began in the courts, and Melissa
(Baby M) was returned to the Sterns pending final outcome of the litigation.
Whitehead was permitted limited visitation.
The trial court ruled in favor of the Sterns. Whitehead appealed. What
was the result?
In re Baby M, 217 N.J. Super. 313, 525 A.2d 1128, reversed at 109 N.J. 396, 537 A.2d 1227 (1988).
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 437
The supreme court of New Jersey held that the surrogacy contract conflicted with
the state’s adoption laws, especially in calling for the payment of money and by
providing for the irrevocable agreement of the natural mother to terminate her pa-
rental rights to facilitate the adoption. Also, the contract’s basic premise, that the
natural parents can decide in advance of birth which one is to have custody of the
child, conflicts with the law that the child’s best interests shall determine custody.
Therefore, the court reasoned, the contract was void and unenforceable. The court
then decided that custody with the Sterns was in the best interests of Melissa re-
gardless of the invalidity of the contract. Whitehead lost custody but was awarded
visitation rights.
After In re Baby M, legislatures in a number of states barred or severely limited
the enforceability of surrogate contracts.44 But time and science march on, and as-
sisted reproduction and gestational agreements became commonplace in the 1990s,
and the Uniform Parentage Act of 2002 provides for gestational agreements.45 “A
prospective gestational mother, her husband if she is married, a donor or the do-
nors, and the intended parents may enter into a written agreement providing that:
(1) the prospective gestational mother agrees to pregnancy by means of assisted re-
production; (2) the prospective gestational mother, her husband if she is married,
and the donors relinquish all rights and duties as the parents of a child conceived
through assisted reproduction; and (3) the intended parents become the parents of
the child.” 46 As of 2006, at least 13 states allow surrogacy contracts either through
case law or through actual adoption of surrogacy friendly statutes.47 As noted ear-
lier, several states have taken the opposite tack and prohibit surrogacy agreements.
The New York statute is representative: “Surrogate parenting contracts are hereby
declared contrary to the public policy of this state, and are void and unenforce-
able.” Law in the area of human reproduction is clearly still seeking consensus.
Crispina and Mark Calvert entered into a contract with Anna
Johnson, who agreed to have their embryo (created by the
sperm and egg of the Calverts) implanted into her uterus and to bear the
child. The Calverts agreed to pay Anna $10,000 and to purchase a life insur-
ance policy on Anna’s life for this service. Several months into the preg-
nancy, Anna claimed that she had “bonded” with the fetus and filed suit to
be declared the legal mother. What was the result?
Johnson v. Calvert, 5 Cal. 4th 84, 851 P.2d 776, 19 Cal.Rptr. 2d 494 (California, 1993).
The California Supreme Court held that the law recognizes both genetic consan-
guinity (of the same blood) and giving birth as two means of establishing a mother
and child relationship. In this case, the two means did not coincide in one woman.
Anna Johnson’s attorney argued that the birth mother had the better case because
the donor of the fertilized egg had never been pregnant and had never given birth.
But the court decided that the one who intended to bring about the birth of a child
that she intended to raise as her own (Crispina Calvert in this case) is the natural
In vitro fertilization (IVF) takes place in a petri dish (a glass dish with an over-
lapping cover for the culture of microorganisms), following which the fertilized egg
is placed into the mother’s uterus. It also is possible to freeze the fertilized embryo
and implant it in the distant future.
438 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Maureen Kass, 39, could not have children naturally because
while in her mother’s womb, she was exposed to the drug DES.
Maureen and her husband, Steven, caused five of her eggs to be artificially
fertilized by his sperm, and then frozen. They signed a contract stating that,
upon divorce, the eggs would be donated to research and ultimately de-
stroyed. But following their divorce, Maureen changed her mind; Steven ob-
jected, saying he did not want to have a child by his former wife. Maureen
contended that the law should protect her maternal rights to her fertilized
egg. Who wins?
Kass v. Kass, 91 N.Y.2d 554, 686 N.E.2d 174 (N.Y., 1998).
The New York Court of Appeals upheld the contract. The issue would not be so
clear if there had been no contract to uphold. A male has no legal right to object to
an abortion of the embryo; should he have a right to object to its gestation and
birth before it has been implanted into a womb?
Cryopreservation of sperm makes artificial insemination possible without hav-
ing to match ovulation cycles with sperm donations. The storage of large numbers
of sperm samples permits infertile couples to select donor characteristics to assure
a closer match to the sterile husband’s own makeup. Selection can be based on
race, height, body type, eye color, intelligence, religious background, and even na-
tional origin.48 Because fertilized embryos can be frozen, for perhaps 100 years,
women do not need to be subjected to surgery each time they need to get an egg—
a dozen or more can be retrieved at one time.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, an estimated 9,000 embryos were
stockpiled in the country’s freezers. The number is much larger now. Some of
these fertilized eggs are forgotten or abandoned. Legal issues arise when storage
bills are not paid. What if one or more of the donors dies? Can abandoned em-
bryos be foreclosed upon and be given or sold in the open market? One set of “test
tube orphans” (fertilized embryos) are residing in a deep freeze in Australia; its do-
nors died in a plane crash leaving a multimillion-dollar estate to their children, if
they are ever born.49
Today a thriving surrogacy industry exists in this country, and thousands of
IVF children have been born. Typically, these surrogacy arrangements involve fer-
tilization of the woman’s own egg with a male client’s sperm. However, many ar-
rangements, like the Crispina and Mark Calvert case, involve a couple’s renting of a
womb for nine months to produce their baby.
Legal issues presented in such cases concern validity of the underlying con-
tracts, forfeiture of parental rights by surrogate mothers, assurance of adoption by
wives of the natural fathers, the best interests of the children, inheritance rights fol-
lowing the intestate death of either of the biological parents, and commercializa-
tion of the whole process.
In addition to the legal issues, surrogacy raises many fundamental social, medi-
cal, and moral questions: Is surrogacy an acceptable positive solution to the prob-
lem of female infertility? Or is it an unnatural arrangement, and in effect a “forced
baby sale” exploitive of poor women, even if they are paid for their cooperation?
Should similar questions be asked about the use of fertility drugs, which have re-
sulted in multiple births, even the birth of octuplets (eight siblings)? Later in this
chapter, we will consider whether or not the legal problems created by the use of
human surrogates can be sidestepped by the use of artificial wombs.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 439
Same-sex couples or gay persons are allowed to adopt a child in most states but in
one state, Florida, a statute specifically bans gays from adoption: “No person eligible
to adopt under this statute may adopt if that person is a homosexual.” 51 A challenge
to the statute was filed in 1999 arguing that it violates the constitutional rights of
children who need homes and gay people who want to adopt by denying each the http://
equal protection of the law when the denial is based solely on sexual preference. In Many resources are avail-
upholding the state statute, the Federal Southern District of Florida stated, “In areas able concerning the topic
of social … policy, a statutory classification that neither proceeds along suspect lines of adoption. See
nor infringes fundamental constitutional rights must be upheld against equal protec- http://www.adoptex.org,
tion challenge if there is any reasonably conceivable state of facts that could provide
a rational basis for the classification.” The Eleventh Circuit upheld the decision by http://www.adopting.com,
the lower federal court, and the Supreme Court declined to hear the case.52 and
When adoption occurs, the law applies the same parenting rules that apply to http://www.adoption.org
all natural parents.
440 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
For statistics on child abuse,
Gregory Kingsley, age 12, was living happily with his foster par-
http://www.kidsdata.org ents, George and Lizabeth Russ, who had eight children of their
own. George Russ had noticed Gregory while visiting the Lake County Boys
Ranch and soon applied to be his foster parent. (A foster family usually pro-
vides a temporary haven for a child until the child can be reunited with his
or her family.) Before long, the Russes applied to formally adopt Gregory,
but his natural mother, Rachel, objected. Gregory then contacted and hired
his own attorney, Jerri Blair, to “sue his parents for divorce” so he could be
legally adopted by the Russes. What was the outcome?
The state circuit court in Orlando, Florida, allowed Gregory Kingsley to “divorce”
his natural parents, freeing him for adoption by George and Lizabeth.56 However,
this case does not contradict the broad rights of parents to raise their children as
they see fit. The reality of the Gregory Kingsley case is that his parents, for various
reasons, were not raising him at all.
Private companies working alone and in cooperation with the Genome Project are
racing to use the information in an amazing variety of applications. Among the cur-
rent and potential uses of genome research are in the fields of molecular medicine,
microbial genomics, risk assessment, bioarchaeology, anthropology, evolution and
human migration, DNA forensics (identification), agriculture, livestock breeding,
and bioprocessing.
Private biotech corporations are interested in the potential profits from new
medicines and vaccines that can be produced once the genetic code of disease is
identified. For example, the full genetic sequence of chlamydia, the most common
bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States and a leading cause of
infertility, has been identified and published. Experimental vaccines for the disease
are now being developed and tested.59 Driven by the rush to create and to monop-
olize the profits flowing from new discoveries, private business will provide new
medicines and vaccines promising longer and healthier lives for families. Agricul-
tural products that are improved (e.g., made disease-resistant) through genetic en-
gineering also hold the promise for huge profits and indirectly affect families
through healthier children. Already, thousands of genetically altered food products
have entered the world markets. But here we are concerned with the laws and is-
sues that are more directly surrounding the family. This rapidly developing science
will begin affecting the family and family law in the early years of this century.
and children will be developed unless new family laws intervene. Should new fam-
ily laws be adopted to restrict the dimensions of such human-animal combinations,
or would this be futile in a global research environment?
Indeed, many states enacted laws mandating sterilization under specified circum-
stances of family members who were criminals or “idiots.” Today, “[g]enetic engi-
neering is a technology designed to enhance the genetic inheritance of living things
by manipulating their genetic code.” 65 Like it or not, you are on the threshold of a
new eugenics society. In germ-line therapy, genetic changes are made in the sperm,
the egg, or in embryonic cells after fertilization and are carried on to future genera-
tions. Whatever is excised by genetic surgery is gone forever from the heredity of
that future family. Genetic therapy that prevents the inheritance of some negative
characteristic by future generations will likely be the first to be developed.
In 2010, Jean Luc Gelé and his bride Kristie Moore consider and
then decide not to obtain a genetic review of their in vitro em-
bryo before it is implanted. They choose to let “nature run its course.” Their
son Injo is subsequently born with a lifelong defect that easily could have
been deleted from the fertilized egg by simple gene surgery. Are Gelé and
Moore civilly liable to Injo for negligently failing to obtain genetic screening?
In considering your answer to this hypothetical, do not assume the family members
are angry with each other. Sometimes, family suits are designed to obtain payment
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 443
Involvement of the state in family affairs is a modern trend. The purpose is protec-
tion of those family members who are least able to protect themselves. Out-of-
wedlock births have contributed to a growing number of single-parent families, of-
ten requiring tax-supported public assistance. The state steps in when special needs
arise, for example, to protect family members from serious harm caused by drug
addiction or venereal disease, or in complications from difficult pregnancies. Fi-
nally, the state now engages in “co-parenting” through official acceptance of teen-
agers’ decisions with regard to abortion and contraception.
Still another area of government protection of minors involves parental mis-
conduct. Historically, parental immunity was considered necessary to preserve
family harmony. For example, children could not sue their parents for personal in-
juries caused by parental negligence. In modern times, though, insurance covers
damages caused by the negligent driving of the parent—at no apparent risk to fam-
ily harmony. Thus, as indicated earlier in this chapter, parents are liable to their
children for serious misconduct, parental immunity being a rapidly fading concept.
As a general common law rule, parents are not liable for torts of their children
causing injury to third persons. However, nearly half of the states have statutes cre-
ating parental liability up to certain specified limited amounts, often up to $20,000
or thereabouts, for their children’s torts. Thus, in California, for example, parents
can be responsible for up to $25,000 for windows broken, cars keyed, or graffiti
done by their minor children.74 Some states require a showing of willful conduct by
the minor before their parents are responsible, up to a statutory maximum amount
of money. Many states also create parental liability for malicious mischief when
their children damage school or other public property.
Antoinette Walker is a police officer in Oakland, California,
with responsibility to recruit new officers. She left her loaded
handgun on her bedroom dresser where it was found by her 10-year-old
son, who shot and wounded his 12-year-old brother. No adult was at home.
What family law issues have arisen?
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 445
Keith Jackson was elected school board president in San Fran-
cisco, overseeing 64,000 students and a $530 million budget. He
receives $500 per month for his services. He had previously been hired by the
district attorney to “track down deadbeat dads,” but that job, for some un-
known reason, lasted only three days. Keith is divorced and has two sons,
ages six and twelve, for whom the court has ordered $643 monthly child
support. Keith is in arrearage of more than $5,000 and is falling further be-
hind each month. Should a father run for an elected office that pays less
than a court order for support, or should he obtain employment that pays
enough for child support?
* California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, and Washington.
446 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
A court could order Jackson to search for a job that pays adequately for child sup-
http:// port and jail him if he refused. Public service as an elected official is important, but
For a look at both sides of perhaps it is not as indispensable as being a supportive father.76 The issue of child
the “deadbeat dads” story, support is covered more fully later in this chapter.
compare Most parents choose to provide for their children, “the natural objects of their
http://www.wantedposters bounty,” by will. However, a parent may intentionally disinherit his or her child (or
.com children) completely, even if the child is a dependent minor of tender years. This
with rule of absolute testamentary freedom originated in common law. Nevertheless,
state statutes commonly provide that the child gets a share of the parental estate
http://www.ancpr.org/ unless it is absolutely clear that disinheritance was planned. In other words, disin-
heritance of a child cannot occur through oversight by a parent. If a disinherited
child is mentioned in the will (for example, when a child is left a nominal amount),
it is clear that the disinheritance was intentional and it will be upheld.
If being ridiculous was illegal in the United States, a lot of names would be
challenged. The children of celebrities come to mind. One notorious naming ex-
ample is that of James Hogg, governor of Texas from 1891 to 1895. He named his
daughter Ima Hogg.
minor Emancipated Minors
A minor legally allowed
to handle his or her own The term emancipation means setting free. Therefore, an emancipated minor is
financial affairs. “set free” from his or her parents. This means that the parents no longer have re-
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 447
sponsibility for or control over their emancipated child. Thus, parents also are set
free, so to speak. Following emancipation, parents no longer have a legal duty to
support or care for that child. Emancipated minors take on all of the rights and re-
sponsibilities of adults except for certain ones, such as being able to legally pur-
chase alcoholic beverages. Nor is such a minor necessarily deprived of the benefits
of juvenile court, discussed in the following section.
A number of states recognize the status of emancipation based on lawful mar-
riage of the minor, service in the military, or simply for becoming self-supporting.
Some states provide a judicial procedure for declaration of the emancipated status.
In the fall of 1998, seventeen-year-old Dominique Moceanu, a
member of the 1996 gold medal U.S. Olympic gymnastics team,
filed suit in Texas requesting, among other things, future independence
from her parents, saying they squandered her fortune and oppressed her for
years. “I want whatever I have earned to be under my control so I know how
my earnings are being used, and I want to be able to train and compete in
the sport I love for the right reason—because I love it—not because my fa-
ther tells me I have to make more money.” Has Moceanu stated sufficient
grounds to become emancipated?
Yes. Before trial, Moceanu and her parents settled the lawsuit and her parents
agreed to the emancipation. The settlement was approved by court.77
Unfortunately, children sometimes are forced to live without adequate, or any, pa-
rental supervision; consequently, many become delinquent or even incorrigible.
Legislatures have created juvenile court systems to protect minor children as well
as the public in such situations. Unknown at the turn of the twentieth century, ju-
venile law and courts have burgeoned, especially following World War II. Today,
there is much sentiment that juvenile laws and courts are too lenient and that more
minors who engage in vicious crimes ought to be treated as adults.
Children are not under the jurisdiction of juvenile courts simply because they
are minors (under age 18); rather, juvenile courts become involved only when nec-
essary. For example, minor children who need proper parental care or who are des-
titute (with no home and without the necessaries of life) are within the jurisdiction
of the juvenile court system. They can be declared “dependents” of the court,
which then is free to make a wide variety of possible orders for their care, supervi-
sion, custody, and support. A dependent child may be taken from the custody of
his or her parents and, for example, be placed in a foster home (as in the Gregory
Kingsley case, discussed on page 440) or the home of a relative, or be subject to any
other arrangement deemed by the court to be in the child’s best interest.
448 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Also subject to the jurisdiction of juvenile courts are minor children who com-
mit acts that would be crimes if done by adults. Because juveniles may be confined
against their will, they are entitled to many constitutional protections. For exam-
ple, a minor in juvenile court has the right to representation by an attorney (with-
out charge, if the minor is indigent) and cannot be compelled to be a witness
against himself or herself. The burden of proof is the same as in criminal cases—
generally, that is, “beyond a reasonable doubt.” However, no right to trial by jury
exists in juvenile court, nor is there a right to bail (although prehearing release is
Ordinarily, juvenile court hearings are not open to the public. If the accused
person is found to have committed the charged offense, the court will declare the
minor a ward of the court. Juvenile courts can make various orders, such as proba-
tion, fines, or commitments to juvenile homes, ranches, camps, or special jails for
youthful offenders.
Parents can and do take control of unruly, out-of-control children who are tru-
ants from school and otherwise incorrigible by hiring “professional escorts”
(moonlighting police and probation officers) to take their children to “behavior
modification” camps in other locations, sometimes as far away as Jamaica. These
children can be taken against their will because parents have the right and responsi-
bility to determine what is best for their children.
Under specified conditions (usually the passage of a specified number of years),
juvenile courts will officially seal all records pertaining to a minor’s case. The mi-
nor then officially has no criminal record and will not be handicapped in the future
when seeking employment.
Not all juvenile offenders are processed by juvenile courts. The nature of some
youthful offenders, and the severity of their alleged misconduct (such as homicide,
armed robbery, or rape), may lead the juvenile court to reject jurisdiction, thereby
compelling the minor to stand trial as an adult and face harsher criminal proce-
dures and possible penalties.
be used in court.* This procedure assists many children who are unable to recall,
report, or evaluate events accurately. Critics, however, point out that some experts,
with the best of intentions, may come to faulty conclusions based on interpreta-
tions of the manner in which children manipulate dolls. Additional protective pro-
cedures include closed-circuit testimony from a private room, videotaping of such
out-of-court testimony, and allowing admission of hearsay evidence that otherwise
would be excluded from the trial. But some of these protective laws may clash with
the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The Sixth Amendment grants an accused the right to confront all witnesses.
Thus, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied the use of a screen in court to shield a
child from visual contact while testifying.80 But one exception to the right to eye-
to-eye confrontation between the accused and the child while testifying in court
has been approved by the U.S. Supreme Court. A 5–4 majority of justices held that
the Sixth Amendment does not invariably require face-to-face confrontation be-
tween a defendant and an adverse witness. It concluded that public policy, includ-
ing the interest in protecting child witnesses from trauma, can justify an exception
to the normal “preference” for face-to-face confrontation. The Court upheld a
Maryland statutory scheme permitting a child to testify from outside the court-
room via closed-circuit television.81
Note that protection of the child from confrontation with the accused is a dif-
ferent problem than closing the trial to the public and press. Court proceedings al-
most always are open to the public; however, under appropriate circumstances, a
judge can close the courtroom to protect a child from serious emotional injury.
Recall from Chapter 6 that proof of guilt in criminal cases must be “beyond a
reasonable doubt.” Moral certainty has been removed. Such a high standard of
proof is not easily met with testimony that is incomplete, inconsistent, or even con-
tradictory. The age and maturity of a child can make prosecution especially diffi-
cult in sexual abuse cases. The best example of the difficulties in determining the
guilt or innocence of the accused is the notorious McMartin case (one of the lon-
gest and most costly criminal trials in U.S. history), in which one defendant was
found not guilty of molesting numerous children while responsible for their care in
a preschool.82 The jury in the three-year trial deadlocked on certain charges
against the other defendant, and a retrial limited to those charges again resulted in
a hung jury. Clearly, emotions were very high, perhaps bordering on hysteria, in
the local community, and the consequences were very serious with regard to every-
one involved in such difficult, complex, and bewildering litigation.
In civil law divorce and child custody proceedings, more relaxed procedures
and reduced standards of proof are applicable. For example, there is no right to
trial by jury in divorce or custody matters.† Civil remedies also are quite different
than criminal penalties for sexual abuse of a child. Whereas jail is the probable re-
sult of a criminal conviction for child abuse, a court order that all child visitation be
supervised is one possible result of a civil proceeding. Monetary damages are an-
other possible result of a civil remedy, as previously discussed.
* Admission into the record of such hearsay evidence is proper only when the “totality of circumstances” surrounding the testi-
mony renders the witness particularly worthy of belief. Out-of-court hearsay was ruled not admissible where the doctor con-
ducted an interview without a videotape, asked leading questions, and had a preconceived idea of what the child should be dis-
closing. Idaho v. Wright, 497 U.S. 805, 110 S.Ct. 3139 (1990).
† Only Texas permits trial by jury in divorce cases.
450 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Vulnerable children with self-image problems get real pleasure
and support from a song written in 1998 by songwriters Steven
Seskin and Alan Shamblin. The song “Don’t Laugh at Me” was recorded by
several singers including Brad Paisley and Peter, Paul, and Mary. After hear-
ing the song, Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary was so moved that he es-
tablished the Don’t Laugh at Me Project. Children suffering from self-image
problems, which often include victims of sexual abuse, children with dis-
abilities, and children subject to bullying, have benefited from the song
and project activities. See http://www.dontlaugh.org/ and http://www.
steveseskin.com/laugh.html for further information.
Government fliers distributed at her high school warned Shirley
Pinker that drinking alcohol during pregnancy was likely to
cause serious health defects to babies. Several years later, she began drink-
ing whiskey heavily during pregnancy. Has Pinker committed a crime?
If Pinker were a resident of South Dakota, she could be made to attend a hearing
(without a jury) and then be ordered by a judge to a detox center for days or to a
treatment center for months. Fetal alcohol syndrome can leave its victims mentally
and physically disabled for their entire lives, and the law in South Dakota has inter-
vened to protect these unborn family members. Fetal alcohol syndrome affected
about 0.5 to 2 children per 1,000 births in the United States during the 1980s and
1990s.83 It is about 20 times more prevalent in South Dakota (and some other
states) and among certain ethnic groups.84
The most pervasive abusive behavior by pregnant women consists of drug and
alcohol use. Perhaps 11 percent of fetuses in the United States are exposed to ille-
gal drugs.85 This complex issue involves weighing the interest of society in healthy
fetal life versus the mother’s right to freedom of movement during part or all of her
pregnancy. In Chapter 6, we mentioned the conflicting efforts of states to criminal-
ize such behavior. The difficulties of such a family law are described in the Johnson
case found at the end of this chapter.
Here the issue arises in the context of civil proceedings to confine abusive
mothers in treatment centers, hospitals, or even the homes of relatives. Proposed
laws are pending in a dozen or more states that would legalize the involuntary com-
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 451
mitment to some kind of treatment facility for most or all of the gestational period
of drug or alcohol abusers. But what about pregnant women who make other
choices that adversely affect their fetuses, such as poor food and medicine choices,
poor or no prenatal care, and even smoking? Is a civil proceeding to incarcerate a
person a veiled device to avoid the constitutional rights enjoyed by those accused of
crime? Some states proposing incarceration of future mothers put the matter under
jurisdiction of the juvenile court, where many rules are different and where trial by
jury is not available. However, most constitutional rights are not suspended simply
because the juvenile court has jurisdiction. How can society prevent the birth of
“cocaine babies”? Can the unborn fetus be confined in a place where it is safe from
abuse by its mother, such as a health institution, a foster home, or even the home of
a responsible friend?
Darlene Brown was pregnant with a viable fetus and critically
needed a blood transfusion, which she refused on religious
grounds. Brown’s refusal threatened the life of her unborn baby. Can the
court order Brown to submit to a blood transfusion to save her viable fetus?
In re fetus Brown v. Darlene Brown, 228 Ill. Dec. 525, 294 Ill. App. 3d 159, 689 N.E.2d 397 (Illinois,
No. At the turn of the twentieth century, fetuses were protected by the laws mak-
ing abortion illegal. In the twenty-first century, the right of women to an abortion
has been established. How that right will be reconciled with the rights of fetuses
to be born free of harm from drug use or other abusive conduct by their mothers
is evolving. In addition, thirty-three of the states proscribing child abuse provide
exceptions on religious grounds for behavior or conditions that would otherwise
be abuse. The Georgia statute is one example: “No child who in good faith is be-
ing treated solely by spiritual means by prayer in accordance with the tenets and
practices of a recognized church or religious denomination by a duly accredited http://
practitioner thereof shall, for that reason alone, be considered to be an ‘abused’
You have to love the
child.” 86
Internet. This site provides
links to divorce law of all
Dissolution (Divorce) main/law.htm
As there is a need for marriage, so is there a need for divorce (also called dissolution
of marriage). Divorce ends the marriage, but it does not necessarily terminate spou-
sal responsibilities that arose from the marriage, such as the duties of child support
Termination of a mar-
and alimony. Divorce requires court proceedings, in which a judgment (or decree) riage relationship by
in dissolution is rendered. Legislatures have traditionally permitted divorce for an court judgment. Divorce
“innocent” spouse from a “guilty” spouse; this “fault” basis of divorce, in some is called dissolution in
form or other, is still in effect in some states. However, all states also provide for some states.
some variety of no-fault divorce.87
In response to widespread disenchantment with fault systems of divorce, many no-fault divorce
states adopted some variety of no-fault divorce exclusively. The prevailing no-fault A divorce granted by a
system requires proof of two elements: a breakdown of the marriage and the objec- court without either
tive fact of physical separation of the spouses for some specified period of time, party having to prove
such as six months. This separation period offers the added benefit of preventing fault in the other party.
452 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
overly hasty divorces. Some states also retain the fault basis of divorce in order to
provide immediate relief in severe cases or to allow judges to award unequal distri-
butions of marital property. (Distributions of property and rights to spousal sup-
port upon divorce are covered separately later in this chapter.) A breakdown is es-
tablished by testimony that the marriage is irretrievably broken because of the
attitude of one or both spouses or because of a long physical separation without a
resumption of cohabitation. Following appropriate evidence of a breakdown, di-
vorce is then available.
A primary advantage of no-fault divorce is that spouses are not required to “air
their dirty laundry” in a courtroom, detailing each other’s alleged misdeeds. Fur-
thermore, private detectives are unnecessary to track spouses thought to be un-
faithful. In fault systems, on the other hand, the stakes can be much higher because
the more innocent spouse can benefit through uneven distribution of marital prop-
erty and perhaps through award of a larger amount of support.
Under no-fault systems, an “innocent” spouse cannot prevent a divorce from
occurring. People cannot be locked into marriage. But people facing divorce can
use the law in retaliation.
The divorce proceedings by Donna Carroll, of Janesville, Wis-
consin, prompted her husband to file criminal charges of adul-
tery. This did little to save the marriage, but did cause Donna to perform
40 hours of community service. Facing a criminal trial, up to two years in jail,
and as much as a $10,000 fine, Donna entered a plea bargain. Can the threat
of criminal adultery charges be used by spouses to obtain larger divorce
Yes. Adultery is still a crime in many states, including New York, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, and Michigan. In Maryland, adultery is a misdemeanor punishable by
a $10 fine. Enforcement of adultery statutes seldom occurs until a spouse brings
charges during no-fault divorce proceedings.88 However, there is a fine line be-
tween using legal proceedings as a club and the crime of extortion. (You may recall
from Chapter 6 that the coercion of money under threat of harm is a felony called
extortion.) Adultery can be committed only with a member of the opposite sex so a
gay affair would not be adultery.
Some states permit civil remedies for alienation of affection. A third party can
be sued by one spouse for “alienating” the affections of the other spouse—usually
through sexual intercourse. While the “alienated” spouse may also be guilty of the
crime of adultery, the third-party interloper may be civilly liable in damages. This
kind of “heart balm” lawsuit may be more of a vindication than a realistic legal
Dorothy Hutelmyer sued secretary Lynne Cox for wrecking her
marriage by sleeping with her husband Joseph. Dorothy was
awarded a jury verdict of $1 million as damages, even though Lynne
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 453
Recall our discussion of the modern trend to permit suits for damages in domestic
torts. Critics of this development argue that they are “putting the fault back into
no-fault divorces.” Indeed, the family “dirty laundry” (e.g., wife-beating) can be
aired in court as the basis for tort litigation, even if it is shielded from the court by
no-fault divorce laws. Of course, this criticism applies only to a limited number of
divorce cases where the alleged spousal misconduct is egregious enough to justify
the filing of a separate domestic-tort lawsuit.
Although no-fault divorce is generally available throughout the states, new
schemes to strengthen the marital vows have been proposed. The current “quickie
divorce” system, according to proponents of these plans, promotes irresponsibility
because spouses can “walk away” from their marriages very easily. Nearly one in
two marriages can be expected to end in divorce. Children of broken homes are
more likely to do poorly in school, suffer relationship problems, have babies out of
wedlock, and get in trouble with the law. Not all sociologists agree with these con-
clusions, but there is a national movement afoot to make divorce more difficult. A
two-tier system under which no-fault divorce would not be available if minor chil-
dren were involved has failed to become law in any state—but is pending in some
state legislatures. States are also considering longer pre-divorce waiting periods.
Another scheme called the covenant marriage has been adopted in Arizona, Ar- covenant
kansas, and Louisiana. Louisiana’s covenant marriage requires couples to engage in marriage
premarital counseling and a mandatory two-year waiting period before divorce. Op- A type of marriage where
ponents refer to this as cheapening the institution of marriage by offering the choice couples agree to certain
of a “lite” or full-blown version. In Arizona, parties that select covenant marriage sta- marital promises and lim-
tus agree to premarital counseling and a significant limitation on grounds for any di- itations on their ability to
vorce. Among the grounds available is “divorce by persuasion,” under which both terminate the marriage.
States allowing covenant
parties need agree to the divorce. If one spouse disagreed, the other would have to
marriage provide it as
purchase a ticket out through financial incentives or failing that, revert back to a
“fault” basis for divorce.
The Arizona covenant marriage requires among other things
the following declaration of spouses wishing such a marriage.
“We solemnly declare that marriage is a covenant between a man and a
woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for as long as they
both live. We have chosen each other carefully and have received premarital
counseling on the nature, purposes, and responsibilities of marriage. We un-
derstand that a covenant marriage is for life. If we experience marital diffi-
culties, we commit ourselves to take all reasonable efforts to preserve our
marriage, including marital counseling.” 90
that must be distributed, or if child custody or visitation rights are contested. Many
persons with limited assets and no children obtain uncontested divorces by filling
out appropriate forms without the assistance of any attorney. But there are many
divorce attorneys in the world today, responding to a felt need. Unfortunately, this
area of law is rife with opportunities for unethical behavior by attorneys. The very
nature of divorce renders the clients extraordinarily vulnerable, emotionally as well
as financially. The topic of legal ethics has been discussed in Chapter 4, but it is ap-
propriate to note here that at least one state—New York—has by court rule
adopted special ethical standards for divorce lawyers. One rule prohibits charging
“up-front” nonrefundable fees. Such fees, collected before representation is under-
taken, necessarily tend to dissuade the client from discharging the lawyer even if he
or she is doing a poor job. Another clause prohibits so-called “couch fees,” i.e., sex-
ual favors from the client during representation. Yet another important clause re-
quires written, instead of verbal, fee agreements. Contingent fees in divorce cases
have long been prohibited, but are permitted in domestic tort cases. The expenses
and problems of a contested divorce are captured well by Arlington, Virginia, fam-
ily law attorney John Crouch, who on his Web site answers the question “How
much does a divorce cost, for ordinary people?”
This following is a quote from attorney John Crouch answering
the question “How much does a divorce cost, for ordinary
Not counting what it does to the standard of living, and having to pay
support, and the expenses of visitation, you can get [a divorce] for under
$10,000 per spouse in lawyer fees if you’re lucky and if both the spouses
and their lawyers are reasonable and fair. But you really can’t predict that.
In fact, it is considered unethical for a divorce lawyer to even give a client
an estimate, because it’s so out of control. Either side can pull all kinds of
stuff in court that just makes both the lawyers waste time until one client
runs out of money. I just finished one case where they settled, but then
the husband had to spend $70,000 just to enforce the settlement
A custody fight is more like $20,000 a piece. And the thing with custody
cases is that no matter how reasonable one side is, how much you give up in
order to stay out of court, the other side can always demand more until you
have to choose between fighting and never seeing your kids. Also, after the
settlement or the court decision, either of you can come back to court the
next year to try the case all over again. And you may be fighting about visi-
tation arrangements until the children are grown.91
Annulment is a declaration by a court that a purported marriage does not exist and
never existed because of some defect present at the time of the marriage ceremony.
Examples of such serious defects that could exist at the inception of the apparent
marriage are incest, bigamy, mental incapacity, physical incapacity to consummate
the marriage, insanity, and consent to marry resulting from fraud, dare, or
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 455
On January 5, 2004, pop star Britney Spears impulsively married
a young man from her hometown, Jason Allan Alexander, at
5:30 A.M. on a Saturday morning after spending most of the night with him
at a club in Las Vegas. As the story spread to entertainment and tabloid
news outlets around the globe, it was quickly announced that she would
seek an annulment. Ms. Spears’ petition for annulment stated that she
“lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable
of agreeing to the marriage.” Can the court grant her request?
Yes. Less than 55 hours after the marriage, the family court granted an annulment.
The former husband to Ms. Spears said on the television show Access Hollywood,
“It was just crazy, man,” “We were just looking at each other and said, ‘Let’s do
something wild, crazy. Let’s go get married, just for the hell of it’.” 92
When a defective marriage exists, only an innocent victim has the option to
annul and must do so promptly upon discovery of the defect. False statements (e.g.,
that one is pregnant or that one will attempt to have a child) justify an annulment;
less significant false statements (e.g., that one is rich or that one is a virgin) do not.
Even though a marriage is annulled, in the eyes of the law a child conceived
prior to the annulment is deemed to be a legitimate child of the marriage that le-
gally never existed.
On the second day of Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Carl Seither,
21, met Maria Escovedo, 17, at a Dixieland jazz concert. Within
a week, they were madly in love and decided to marry and begin a family of
six children. They promptly applied for a marriage license and discovered
that Louisiana enforced a three-day waiting period between the license and
marriage dates. Impetuous, they drove to Texas and got married, although
Escovedo had to lie about her age on their license. Within weeks, as their
passions were cooling, Seither revealed that he “hated” children and that
the divorce from his former wife was not yet final. What would Escovedo’s
attorney advise her?
Escovedo’s lawyer would observe that Seither’s lie about children was material and
sufficient basis to annul the marriage. Further, a declaration that the marriage was
void also was possible because Seither’s divorce was not final. Although without
significance in most states, Seither was guilty of bigamy. Escovedo also committed
a crime when she lied about her age, but the court would not refuse to grant an an-
nulment for that reason. Most likely, Escovedo would not be prosecuted for that
misdemeanor. Seither also committed the intentional tort of fraud and could be
sued civilly by Escovedo. If she could persuade a jury that she suffered substantial
mental distress, such as humiliation and loss of sexual naiveté because of Seither’s
wanton and malicious lies, Escovedo may recover substantial compensatory and
punitive damages.
456 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Thomas Wilson had been married about four years when his
wife, Elma, was injured in a fall. Her injuries resulted in a per-
manent neurological deficit. She lacked “social judgment, common sense,
and social intelligence.” Two years later, the Wilsons agreed to divorce.
Elma received $500 per month for two years, plus medical insurance for the
same time. After those two years, Elma asked the court to extend alimony,
anticipating further brain surgery and continued unemployment. The court
extended alimony for one year, following which Elma asked for another ex-
tension, claiming no improvement in her condition or employment poten-
tial. What should the court order?
In re the Marriage of Wilson, 201 Cal.App. 3d 913, 247 Cal.Rptr. 522 (1988).
The trial court terminated the alimony, noting the shortness of the marriage and
weighing society’s obligation to assist Mrs. Wilson against Mr. Wilson’s continuing
obligation. In affirming the judgment, the appellate court observed that Mrs. Wilson
was not a “displaced homemaker” but a “middle-aged bartender” with adult children.
It further said, “While no one will dispute Elma’s tragic disability, the clear trend is
for trial courts to consider the totality of circumstances (in terminating support). …”
In the 1970s, the push for equality between the sexes resulted in a shift of state
laws from permanent to rehabilitative alimony. But regardless of notions of equality,
the reality often is that some women, especially those in their forties and fifties,
could not go back to school and become doctors or lawyers and compete with their
former husbands’ earning capacity. As a result, such displaced homemakers often
suffer a severe drop in their standard of living following divorce. Many such women
lack marketable job skills or even knowledge about the changing workplace. More-
over, they often face illegal gender and age discrimination. For these reasons, courts
in Ohio, Maryland, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida have begun to
require permanent, rather than limited-time, alimony awards. Contrary opinions
are offered that alimony should not be a “perpetual pension.” Some believe that
permanent alimony ought to be awarded to older women in marriages of long dura-
tion, but not to younger women who are capable of becoming self-supporting.
When circumstances change, alimony may be modified (even terminated) by
petition to the court, which retains continuing jurisdiction until alimony is finally
terminated. As previously noted, all relevant factors are considered by the court
when hearing a petition to modify. Often, the changing factors relate to changes in
the relative financial conditions of the former spouses. For example, a former hus-
band can be reluctant to support his ex-wife while she is living with another man.
Generally, cohabitation with another person in itself is not a sufficient basis for ter-
minating alimony.95 However, some states do provide for modification or termina-
tion of alimony under such circumstances.96 These laws are equally operative if a
former wife is paying support to her ex-husband.
Dentist Hall agreed to a divorce settlement in which his wife re-
ceived the home, furnishings, and vehicle totaling more than
$100,000 in value, plus annual alimony of $15,000. Three years later, he peti-
tioned the court to terminate alimony due to changed circumstances. Robert
458 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Jones, who was sharing Hall’s former home with his former wife, contrib-
uted nothing toward rent or maintenance and engaged in sexual inter-
course with her. The trial court terminated the alimony on the grounds that
Hall should not be compelled to “support his divorced wife and her par-
amour in idleness and fornication.” What was the result on appeal?
Hall v. Hall, 25 Ill. App. 3d 524, 323 N.E.2d 541 (Illinois, 1975).
The judgment was reversed. Alimony may not be utilized as a club to regulate the
ex-wife’s sex life. On the other hand, the court did remand the case to the trial
court for a reduction in alimony.97
Fourteen states allow payment of spousal support in a lump sum.98 In these
states, the spouse may pay the total support obligation at the time of the divorce.
Although the payment burden could be steep, completed payment usually extin-
guishes any future support obligation or risk of modification of the support order.
New Mexico’s statute is representative: “a single sum to be paid in one or more in-
stallments that specifies definite amounts, not subject to any contingencies, includ-
ing the death of the receiving spouse.” 99
The obligation of permanent alimony ends with the death of either spouse.
Remarriage of the spouse receiving alimony also automatically terminates the duty
to pay.
James sued Sandra for a divorce, alleging incompatibility.
Sandra counterclaimed, alleging incompatibility and adultery.
She sought alimony, a division of the marital assets, and attorney fees. A
judgment of divorce was entered, alimony was granted, and property was
divided. The husband moved to set aside the property division arguing that
the trial court had abused its discretion in awarding the wife over $2 million
in marital assets. The wife moved to set aside the trial court’s property divi-
sion because she received an unequal share of an estate valued at over
$5 million. Should the judgment be set aside because it is unequal?
Long v. Long, 824 So. 2d 778 (Ala., 2001).
unique position of observing the witnesses to assess their demeanor and credibility.
(2) Matters of alimony and property division are within the trial court’s discretion,
and its rulings are not to be disturbed except for abuse of discretion. (3) Awards of al-
imony and property division are interrelated, and the entire judgment must be con-
sidered in determining whether the trial court abused its discretion. (4) A division of
marital property in a divorce case does not have to be equal, only equitable, and a de-
termination of what is equitable rests within the sound discretion of the trial court.
The doctrine of equitable distribution awards a marital interest in all assets that
were acquired with a material economic contribution by both spouses regardless of
which spouse holds legal title. Savings or acquisitions from salaries or interest in-
come and investment proceeds are obvious examples of marital property. One im-
portant property interest typically considered to be marital property is pensions
earned during the marriage, with an important caveat: The U.S. Supreme Court
held that military pensions cannot be awarded to divorcing spouses; otherwise, im-
portant “military personnel objectives” would be threatened. For one example of
such objectives, retirement (pension) payments are similar to a retainer, because re-
tired military personnel may be required to return to duty at any time.100 As a result
of this decision, Congress enacted the Federal Uniformed Services Former Spouses’
Protection Act (FUSFSPA)101 which gave states the choice of whether or not to
treat military pensions as marital property, with up to 50 percent of the pension go-
ing to the nonmilitary spouse if the marriage has lasted 10 years or more. Most
states do consider military pensions as marital property. However, some married vet-
erans are entitled to either pension or disability payments, and since the former are
taxable income and the latter are not, these veterans often elect disability pay. To
the chagrin of some, disability pay cannot be considered marital property.
The O’Briens’ married life began in 1971. The action for divorce
came during the holiday season of 1980, two months after the
husband received his medical license. The New York trial court found that
the wife contributed 76 percent of the family income while the husband did
postgraduate work and attended medical school in Guadalajara, Mexico,
and in New York. At the time of the divorce, the couple had few assets—or
did they? Is the prospective value of the husband’s career marital property?
O’Brien v. O’Brien, 66 N.Y.2d 576, 498 N.Y.S.2d 743, 489 N.E.2d 713 (New York, 1985).
It is also not clear whether one spouse should be awarded a property interest in the
professional license or degree of the other. How should an advanced degree, such
as a master’s in business administration (MBA), or a professional license, such as a
license to practice medicine, be treated upon divorce? Can they be assigned a dollar
value and equitably distributed or divided? Suppose one spouse sacrifices his educa-
tion to put his wife through medical school. Upon a divorce immediately following
the wife’s graduation, should the husband be awarded half of the dollar value of the
degree or license? If so, how should it be valued? In the preceding New York case,
it was held that a husband’s medical license was marital property under the state’s
equitable distribution law. Following that decision, New York’s highest court held
that an academic degree obtained during marriage is also marital property subject
to equitable distribution.102 In the states that equitably distribute marital property,
division of property is based upon such factors as length of the marriage, the par-
ties’ abilities to support themselves, and the property and income that was obtained
460 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
during the marriage. Thus, a spouse has claim to an expected future stream of earn-
ings resulting from an investment, or perhaps from an advanced degree.
In North Carolina, professional degrees and licenses are separate property, but
their value is taken into consideration in dividing marital property.103 In Kentucky, a
professional degree or license is considered in determining the standard of living to
be maintained in setting alimony.104 But it also has been widely held that college de-
grees and professional licenses are property rights that are not capable of being
owned by a community (in marriage) and are not subject to distribution upon di-
vorce.105 In Utah, the goodwill of a solo practice dentist is not marital property,106
nor is the goodwill of a CPA (certified public accountant) in Texas.107 However, in
most states, “professional” goodwill, which may be defined loosely as enhanced earn-
ing power based upon special talents, reputation, business referral base, or unique-
ness of services offered, is marital property that can be and is divided upon divorce.
In some states, restitutional alimony instead of property division may be
awarded to reimburse one spouse for contributions made to the other in earning a
professional degree.108
In many states, the nonmonetary contributions of a homemaker are considered
to be the equivalent of the wage earner’s monetary contributions. The starting
point in making an equitable distribution is a presumption that equality is equity:
an equal division is the most just.
For 32 years, Lorna Jorgenson Wendt ran the household and
raised the Wendts’ two daughters. Her husband Gary, age 55,
chairman of GE Capital Services, testified that Lorna had no interest in busi-
ness or his problems. Connecticut is an “equitable distribution” state, and
the divorce judge must decide the worth of a stay-at-home wife. Lorna said,
“I worked hard and I was very loyal.” Gary said, “I worked hard. She didn’t.”
The Wendt estate was valued as high as $100 million. What should the judge
award to Lorna?
Wendt v. Wendt, 1998 WL 161165 (Conn., 1998).109
Sam Burgess’s premarital house appreciated in value during
his marriage with Sally. On the advice of her attorney, Sally
Burgess agreed to quitclaim deed all her right, title, and interest, if any, in
the house to Sam for a payment of $10. Did Sally lose her marital interest in
the house?
Burgess v. Burgess, 710 P.2d 417 (Alaska, 1985).
No. The court ruled that all increase in value of a premarital house is a marital as-
set if the nonowner spouse takes an active role in its upkeep and management. The
court will not uphold an unconscionable agreement.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 461
When Junior L. and Mary Sue Davis divorced, they owned seven
cryogenically preserved preembryos. Ms. Davis desired to carry
the preembryos to term; Mr. Davis objected and did not want to become a
father against his will. The trial court ruled that the preembryos were hu-
man beings and awarded custody to Ms. Davis. During lengthy appeals,
Ms. Davis remarried and changed her mind, desiring to donate the preem-
bryos to another couple. Who should receive the preembryos, and why?
Davis v. Davis, 842 S.W.2d 588 (Tennessee, 1992).
In a case of first impression, the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled against Ms. Davis,
saying that preembryos do not enjoy protection as “persons” under federal law.
“[There are] two rights of equal significance—the right to procreate and the right to
avoid procreation. The equivalence of and inherent tension between these two in-
terests are nowhere more evident than in the context of in vitro fertilization. None
of the concerns about a woman’s bodily integrity that have previously precluded
men from controlling abortion decisions is applicable here. If the state’s interests do
not become sufficiently compelling in the abortion context until the end of the first
trimester, after very significant developmental stages have passed, there is no state
interest in these preembryos. Ordinarily, the party wishing to avoid procreation
should prevail, assuming that the other party has a reasonable possibility of achiev-
ing parenthood by means other than use of the preembryos in question. If no rea-
sonable alternatives exist, then the argument in favor of using the preembryos to
achieve pregnancy should be considered. However, if the party seeking control of
the preembryos intends merely to donate them to another couple, the objecting
party obviously has the greater interest and should prevail.” 110
The trend is to minimize relative fault of the spouses as a factor in property di-
vision.111 However, many states consider economic fault (e.g., dissipation of marital
assets pending divorce) in making an equitable division.112 The criteria used in
most states in making an equitable distribution of marital property between the
spouses are comparable to the factors (previously listed) that are relied upon in set-
ting alimony awards. Food stamps, other government assistance, and child support
payments are not considered income to the recipient parent and therefore are not
included as factors in dividing marital property.113
As stated earlier, community property is all property acquired by the husband and
the wife during marriage other than by gift or inheritance. Community property
must be distributed equally because each spouse is the “owner” of an undivided
one-half interest. This is the most important distinguishing characteristic between
community property and equitable distribution states.
Upon divorce, the court allocates the net value of each one-half interest to
each spouse. If the community property cannot be physically distributed equally, it
may be sold and the cash proceeds divided, or a promissory note may be made from
one spouse to the other to equalize the values received from an unequal physical
distribution. (A physical distribution of assets is called a distribution in kind.) As dis-
cussed earlier, professional licenses or degrees may be marital property (in both eq-
uitable distribution and community property states) and are good examples of
property that cannot be distributed in kind.115
In some community property states (e.g., Washington and Texas), the court
may divide the marital property in any manner it deems “just and equitable,” not
necessarily equally.116 An unequal distribution of community property may act as a
substitute for alimony.
All property either brought into the marriage or acquired by gift or inheritance
is separate property, as mentioned earlier. Separate property is not typically subject
to distribution by the court upon divorce and neither are its passive earnings (such
as interest) if they are maintained separately with proper records. In a few states,
however, all marital property is subject to distribution by the divorce court.
Child Custody
The legal standard for court award of child custody and visitation rights is the “best
interests of the child.” Often, parents are sensitive to their child’s needs, and so they
agree on custody and visitation. In such instances, courts normally comply with the
parents’ joint request. However, when both parents demand custody or argue about
visitation rights, the court must attempt to determine the best interests of the child
and make appropriate orders.
The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act specifies several factors including the
following for determining custody arrangements in the best interests of the child:
(1) the wishes of the parents and the child; (2) the child’s adjustment to his or her
home, school, and community; and (3) the mental and physical health of all indivi-
duals involved. Although courts consider the wishes of the child, they weigh their im-
portance by the child’s age and maturity. It is not appropriate to ask a child in open
court which parent he or she chooses to live with because it is not reckoned to be in
the child’s best interest to have custody turn on the transitory desires of a child.117
Children may be the parties most affected by divorce; they are undoubtedly
the least able to protect their own rights, especially since the court receives most of
its information about finances and emotional trauma from the parents. For this rea-
son, one theory holds that children ought to be independently represented by their
own attorney. Advocates of this theory applaud the case of Gregory Kingsley, pre-
viously discussed, who successfully “divorced” his parents by using his own attor-
ney. A contrary theory holds that the illusion of power created by one’s own attor-
ney might be inimical to children’s emotional well-being. Courts have the power
to appoint a special guardian ad litem (Latin: “for the purpose of the suit”) to pro-
tect the interests of the child. In Alaska and Wisconsin, courts have directed such
guardians to vigorously advocate for the children in custody disputes.118
The granting of meaningful visitation opportunities may be expected to tem-
per the impact of a change in custody unless visitation is used by a vindictive spouse
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 463
as a weapon to prolong the agonies of divorce for all concerned. In such situations,
the court may prohibit visitation or strictly limit its terms.
When divorced parents reside in different communities, split custody—where
one parent has custody during summer, the other during the school year—may be
an effective alternative.
Joint custody, in which the parents share responsibility for the child, became joint custody
the most widespread choice of courts in the 1980s. Many state legislatures ex- Responsibility shared by
pressed a preference for joint custody in their statutory guidelines under the theory both parents, following a
that, ideally, children need two actively involved parents in their lives. divorce, annulment, or
separation, to guide and
support their child(ren).
Matthew Anderson and Margie Stavros have court-ordered joint
custody of their only child, Roger. Living within the same city,
both parents share all important issues, such as those created by religion,
school, and sports activities. Roger lives with Mom Monday–Thursday and
with Dad Friday–Saturday. Sundays are alternated. Anderson earns more
than Stavros and pays monthly child support. This arrangement is working
smoothly, and both parents remain flexible. What happens when Stavros
wants to move away to live with her new boyfriend and to take Roger
with her?
This hypothetical example shows both the benefits and the possible disadvantages
of joint custody. When parents cooperate and circumstances permit, joint custody
is very effective in providing the parental guidance needed by children. When par-
ents are emotionally antagonistic, judges sometimes are asked to establish the spe-
cific custody changes on each vacation or holiday and to otherwise resolve normal
parenting issues. The hiring of lawyers to formally dispute child custody issues fur-
ther depletes the family funds available for the children. When one parent moves
far away, the children necessarily lose the stability of a two-parent family. The
emotional costs to the children and parents, as well as the financial costs, can be ru-
inous. Judges cannot be expected to solve all parenting issues by court orders. The
toll upon children from marriages gone wrong cannot be measured or cured by the
application of family law. Simply stated, children are not best served when joint
custody is awarded to parents who continue their bitterness and disagreements af-
ter the divorce. In keeping with this experience, many states now have neither a
preference nor a presumption for joint custody awards.119 The key to effective
joint custody is joint cooperation between the parents.
Virtually everyone agrees that a mutually acceptable custody and visitation ar-
rangement is the best method of minimizing the traumatic experience of divorce
upon children. One method of achieving agreement is through mediation. Recall
that mediation uses a professional and neutral third party who attempts to assist in
the reconciliation of opposing views. Often, mediation is the only way divorcing
parents can reach agreements. Studies indicate that children of mediated divorces
appear to adjust better and their parents appear to retain less hostility.120 Indeed,
many states have adopted mediation proceedings that are required whenever child
custody is disputed.121 One concern about mandated mediation programs is that
husband and wife may not have equal bargaining power, and one may give away
some of his or her rights in reaching an agreement. This inequality may be espe-
cially significant where full disclosure of financial matters is not enforced as rigor-
ously as it is in court proceedings, where formal discovery procedures are available.
464 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
All rational attempts to base custody fairly in the best interests of the child are
made difficult, if not impossible, when false charges of child abuse are made by one
parent, and/or the child, against the other parent (usually the father). The false
charging of child abuse is referred to as the Parental Alienation Syndrome (or
PAS). In PAS, the “mother and children become so intent upon driving away the
father that they launch a campaign of disparagement that can include falsely accus-
ing him of sexually abusing his offspring.” 122 Of course, false charges can be made
by a husband against a wife as well.
Child Support
In addition to custody orders, the court granting a divorce must make orders pro-
viding for the future support of the minor children. Statutory guidelines for setting
the appropriate amount of child support presently exist in most states as a result of
adoption by Congress of the Family Support Act.123 State statutes typically con-
sider the following factors:
• Child’s necessities
• Parent’s standard of living and circumstances
• Financial status of the parents
• Earning capacity of each parent
• Future educational plans of the child
• Child’s age
• Earning ability and fiscal resources of the child
• Duty of each parent to support other people
• Value of care given by the custodial parent
States also frequently take into consideration the need for and cost of day care.
Most of the criteria listed relate to finances—but the legal obligation of support
cannot exceed the financial capacity of the parent to pay it. One criterion listed
credits the custodial parent with the monetary value of the care he or she gives.
Would the value of that care be greater if the custodial parent—if a woman—were
a “homemaker” mom or a “career” mom? What is the monetary value of daily love
and affection? These examples of questions, and others that may occur to you, help
explain the variable degree of subjectivity underlying support awards.
Original support orders can be modified by petition to the court when circum-
stances change. A frequent argument is that remarriage constitutes a significant
change in circumstance. Allocation of the earnings of an ex-spouse between a for-
mer family and a second-marriage family can be a very sensitive issue. Tradition-
ally, the common law position has been that children should not be made to suffer
from the existence of a new family in their father’s (or mother’s) life. The modern
view is contrary: Remarriage or a change in career may constitute a changed cir-
cumstance sufficient to justify a reduction in child support payments. Sometimes, a
new career will offer lower wages (necessitating a reduction in child support) in ex-
change for higher potential earnings in the future.
Collection of child support payments is far more difficult than ordering them.
When the parent who is delinquent in making child support payments (the obligor)
resides in the same state as the child, the custodial parent has several options: Legal
procedures (often called the levy of a writ of execution) are provided for taking the
delinquent parent’s assets, including bank accounts and real property. However,
certain portions of the debtor’s assets are exempt from execution and cannot be
taken. Legal procedures necessary to obtain relief by writ of execution can become
so complex as to be ineffective, especially when the debtor does not have substan-
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 465
prudently seek to establish and fix, before their nuptials, property division and/or
support payments in the event that the marriage ends in divorce. Especially when
either spouse has a disproportionately large estate of separate property, the pre-
marital agreement can help to resolve future potential misunderstandings without
costly litigation.
In response to this need, all states recognize premarital agreements. Approxi-
mately half of the states have adopted some version of the 1983 Uniform Premari-
tal Agreement Act. Theoretically, premarital agreements can deal with (1) property
and support rights during and after marriage, (2) the personal rights and obliga-
tions of the spouses during marriage, or (3) the education, care, and rearing of chil-
dren. But the most common subjects of marital agreements are property divisions
and support rights upon death or divorce. Furthermore, any contractual provision
regarding the treatment of minor children is subject to modification by the court.
In most states, upon death of a spouse, the surviving spouse has an elective
right to choose between inheriting under the decedent’s will or rejecting the inher-
itance and taking instead a portion of the decedent’s estate as provided for by stat-
ute. Premarital agreements may alter this option. On the other hand, this “elective”
choice is not available in community property states because the surviving spouse is
protected through ownership of one-half of the community property. But this
community property ownership interest can also be altered by premarital agree-
ment. Even states that do not permit contracts that alter the incidents of divorce do
permit contracts that alter property distributions upon death of one spouse. (Inher-
itance is fully discussed in Chapter 14.)
Upon divorce, premarital agreements can alter court determinations concern-
ing both property division and continuing support (alimony or maintenance).
However, prenuptial agreements are void, as a matter of law, to the extent that they
adversely affect the rights of minor children. Agreements affecting custody, care, or
education of minor children can be valid but are subject to approval by the court.
The court will void agreements if they adversely affect the children’s best interests.
Although about one-half of the states authorize premarital agreements that alter
the legal incidents of divorce, some will not enforce agreements affecting support
(alimony, maintenance, or child support).
Arlene Van Zandt, a talented and promising young actress, had received
her first multimillion-dollar contract to perform the lead in a major movie
production. She also was contemplating marriage to Bud Waleska, her off-
again, on-again childhood sweetheart, who was a professional boxer with a
low earning potential. Van Zandt decided to confer with an attorney con-
cerning preparation of a premarital agreement. What might such a contract
If Van Zandt and Waleska lived in a community property state and did not have a
premarital agreement, Waleska would become the “owner” of one-half of Van
Zandt’s earnings after the marriage and would be entitled to his one-half of all
community property acquired with her earnings upon any future divorce. This re-
sult could not be altered by the divorce court. A contract, on the other hand, could
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 467
provide that all of Van Zandt’s earnings would remain her separate property, and
that upon divorce Waleska would be entitled to a cash payment of, say, $100,000.
In an “equitable distribution” state, the court would allocate Van Zandt’s earnings
based on the factors discussed earlier in this chapter. But Van Zandt and Waleska
also could agree in equitable distribution states that $100,000 would be distributed
to Waleska upon any future divorce—and that would resolve the issue. In some
states, Van Zandt and Waleska could agree that, upon any divorce, Van Zandt
would pay alimony to Waleska in some specified amount for some specified time.
Courts, however, would not enforce such a promise that attempted to set support
payments unless it was fair under all the circumstances. An agreement would not be
necessary relative to distribution of assets upon Van Zandt’s unexpected death.
That matter should be covered by her last will, a topic we consider in our final
She met him in Montreal in the summer of 1987. The meeting
led to telephone calls and a fall visit and a later move to his
Phoenix home before marriage in February 1988. The day before the Las Ve-
gas marriage, both signed a premarital agreement stating in part that “all
the earnings and accumulations resulting from the other’s personal services,
skill, efforts and work, together with all property acquired with funds and
income derived therefrom, shall be the separate property of that spouse.”
In the property settlement portion of a dissolution action against baseball
mega-star Barry Bonds, Susann (Sun) Bonds sought to have the agreement
set aside arguing it was unfair, she did not understand it when she signed it,
and she was not represented by counsel. Was her argument a home run?
In re Marriage of Bonds, 24 Cal.4th 1, 5 P.3d 815, 99 Cal.Rptr. 2d 252 (California, 2000).
Like most baseball pitchers, a unanimous California Supreme Court gave Mr. Bonds
a free pass in its interpretation of the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. The court
held that “although persons, once they are married, are in a fiduciary relationship to
one another,” the same confidential relationship does not exist before marriage. As
to the fairness of the agreement, the court concluded that substantial evidence ex-
isted that Sun Bonds voluntarily signed the agreement and that she had ample op-
portunity to get independent legal advice, and that it was her duty to protect her in-
terests, not her fiancé’s. Prenuptial agreements can be updated during the marriage
to reflect the desires of the spouses as their circumstances change from time to time,
but during the marriage, a fiduciary responsibility exists that raises fairness issues
that would not have existed before the marriage.
As distinguished from prenuptial agreements, contracts made during marriage
are called simply marital contracts, or separation agreements if they are entered while
contemplating a forthcoming divorce. Marital contracts are intended to resolve the
same sorts of future problems as premarital agreements and receive comparable en-
forcement by the courts.
Courts will not enforce marital contracts of any kind that they conclude are
unconscionable (unjust, unfair, or excessive). Preceding marriage, there often is un-
equal bargaining power between the prospective spouses, and the opportunity for
overreaching (taking unfair advantage) may be available. Contracts signed immedi-
ately before the marriage ceremony may be voided by the court, but like the Bonds
case they may also be enforced. A contract prepared by the attorney of only one
468 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
party should at least be reviewed and approved by counsel of the other party before
signing. Legal representation minimizes the possibility of unfair overreaching and
a possible subsequent declaration of invalidity by a court. This procedure also in-
creases the likelihood that all assets will be disclosed and taken into consideration
before the contract is signed. Because there is a public policy against divorce, courts
will not enforce premarital agreements that are unconscionable or that promote di-
vorce. A premarital agreement drafted so as to absolve a breadwinner from all obli-
gations after divorce would, no doubt, be declared unconscionable and therefore
unenforceable. But note that in recent years at least a few cases have upheld pre-
marital contracts that have waived a spouse’s right to spousal support if a divorce
occurs.125 As a general rule, courts are more likely to enforce premarital agree-
ments that affect property rights than those that affect support rights.
Separation Agreements
As noted previously, a marital contract made during marriage, but when a divorce
or dissolution is contemplated or is occurring, is called a separation agreement.
These agreements are enforceable if each spouse fully discloses to the other all fi-
nancial information and if its provisions are not unconscionable. Public policy fa-
vors private settlement of disputes, and courts will usually approve separation
agreements as a part of the divorce proceedings. Parties to separation agreements
should obtain legal counsel before signing because ramifications of such contracts
are not readily apparent to, or understood by, a lay person. For example, will pay-
ments from one spouse be taxable income to the other? Will agreed-upon support
payments be subject to future modification by the court in case of changed circum-
stances (e.g., an unanticipated disability)? What would be the effect of a bankruptcy
on the contractual obligations? Will the support provisions be enforceable by con-
tempt powers of the court? What effect will a subsequent marriage of either spouse
have upon the earlier separation agreement? The answers to these questions, as
well as many others, may differ based on the needs and desires of the separating
spouses and the law of the particular state. Accordingly, couples usually require the
services of a qualified attorney to achieve results that are fair to both parties.
Cohabitation Agreements
Unmarried persons who live together as husband and wife may desire to protect
their respective financial interests by entering into a cohabitation agreement. The
first obstacle facing such a couple is the long-standing refusal of courts to enforce
any contract purporting to exchange property for sexual favors.126
Mary Mullen orally agreed to “quit her job and be available to
travel” in exchange for a man’s promise to “take care of her for
the rest of her life.” Is the agreement enforceable?
Mullen v. Suchko, 279 Pa. Super. 499, 421 A.2d 310 (Pennsylvania, 1980).
Yes. The contract services do not necessarily include sexual favors. In a few states,
such as New York, an agreement for a lifetime of support requires a writing. In still
other states, the contract could be interpreted as including sexual favors and there-
fore violates public policy.
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 469
Michele, age 20, orally promised to “account to” Charles, age
80, “all of her waking moments; to be at his beck and call as he
should desire,” for which services he would pay her $1,000 a month for the
rest of her life. Is this contract enforceable?
Rubenstein v. Kleven, 261 F.2d 921 (1st Cir., 1958).
This contract would not be enforceable in most states because it implies compensa-
tion in exchange for sexual favors, in violation of public policy. Public policy will
not condone a contract that impliedly calls for the exchange of sexual favors.
The preceding examples demonstrate the difficulties in establishing consistent
laws for the enforcement of cohabitation agreements. Cohabitation agreements
that do not contemplate the exchange of property for sexual favors are enforceable
in most states, whether express (written or oral) or implied. You may recall the case
involving Michelle Triola and Lee Marvin from earlier in this chapter (page 423).
There, the court was willing to enforce even an oral agreement concerning finan-
cial support. But Triola was unable to produce any evidence of such an agreement.
To increase the probability of enforcement of such an agreement, the parties
would be well advised to obtain legal counsel for each person, fully disclose their
respective financial resources, provide for a reasonable distribution of their proper-
ties upon any future parting of their ways, and express it all in writing.
470 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
602 So. 2d 1288 (1992)
Jennifer Johnson gave birth to a boy whose urine piecemeal, however, by prosecuting users who
contained benzoylecgonine, a breakdown product of deliver their babies close in time to use of drugs
cocaine. Fifteen months later, Jennifer gave birth to and ignoring those who simply use drugs during
a girl who also tested positive for a cocaine deriva- their pregnancy. Florida could possibly have
tive in her urine. Florida has a statute that states: elected to make in utero transfers criminal. But it
“… it is unlawful for any person 18 years of age or chose to deal with this problem in other ways.
older to deliver any controlled substance to a person One way is to allow evidence of drug use by
under the age of 18 years. … Any person who vio- women as a ground for removal of the child to
lates this provision … is guilty of a felony in the first the custody of protective services, as was done in
degree.” Johnson was convicted on two counts of de- this case. …
livering a controlled substance to her children. The theory of the At Johnson’s trial, Dr. Tompkins testified that a
prosecution was that Jennifer Johnson “delivered” cocaine to her mother’s blood passes nutrients, oxygen and chemicals to
two children via blood flowing through the childrens’ umbilical an unborn child by a diffusion exchange at the capillary
cords in the 60- to 90-second period after they were expelled level from the womb to the placenta. The umbilical cord
from her birth canal but before their umbilical cords were sev- then circulates the baby’s blood (including the exchange
ered. Johnson could not be prosecuted for giving birth to a drug- from its mother) between the placenta and the child. Me-
dependent child because that is not a crime in Florida. Nor does tabolized cocaine derivatives in the mother’s blood thus
Florida have a criminal statute prohibiting in utero transfers of diffuse from the womb to the placenta, and then reach the
controlled substances. Johnson’s convictions were appealed to the baby through its umbilical cord. Although the blood flow is
Florida Supreme Court. somewhat restricted during the birthing process, a measur-
able amount of blood is transferred from the placenta to
Opinion of the Court: Justice Harding delivered the opin- the baby through the umbilical cord during delivery and
ion of the Court. … There can be no doubt that drug abuse after birth. … Dr. Stephen Kandall, a neonatologist, testi-
is one of the most serious problems confronting our society fied for the defense … that it is theoretically possible that
today. … Of particular concern is the alarming rise in the cocaine or other substances can pass between a mother and
number of babies born with cocaine in their systems as a re- her baby during the thirty-to-sixty second period after the
sult of cocaine use by pregnant women. Some experts esti- child is born and before the umbilical cord is cut, but that
mate that as many as eleven percent of pregnant women the amount would be tiny.
have used an illegal drug during pregnancy, and of those … [I]n my view, the primary question in this case is
women, seventy-five percent have used cocaine. Report whether [the statute] was intended by the Legislature to
of the American Medical Association Board of Trustees, apply to the birthing process. Before Johnson can be pros-
Legal Interventions During Pregnancy, 264 Journal of the ecuted under this statute, it must be clear that the Legisla-
American Medical Association 2663 (Nov. 28, 1990). Others ture intended for it to apply to the delivery of cocaine deri-
estimate that 375,000 newborns per year are born to women vatives to a newborn during a sixty-to-ninety second
who are users of illicit drugs. American Public Health Asso- interval, before severance of the umbilical cord. I can find
ciation 1990 Policy Statement. It is well-established that the no case where “delivery” of a drug was based on an invol-
effects of cocaine use by a pregnant woman on her fetus and untary act such as diffusion and blood flow. … My review
later on her newborn can be severe. On average, cocaine- … leads me to conclude in this case that the Legislature ex-
exposed babies have lower birth weights, shorter body pressly chose to treat the problem as a public health prob-
lengths at birth, and smaller head circumferences than nor- lem and that it considered but rejected imposing criminal
mal infants. 264 Journal of the American Medical Association sanctions. …
2666 (Nov. 28, 1990). Cocaine use may also result in sud- … The California Medical Association has noted:
den infant death syndrome, neural-behavioral deficiencies While unhealthy behavior cannot be condoned, to bring
as well as other medical problems and long-term develop- criminal charges against a pregnant woman for activities
mental abnormalities. American Public Health Association which may be harmful to her fetus is inappropriate. Such
1990 Policy Statement. The basic problem of damaging the prosecution is counterproductive to the public interest as it
fetus by drug use during pregnancy should not be addressed may discourage a woman from seeking prenatal care or
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 471
dissuade her from providing accurate information to health body as she pleases both before and during her
care providers out of fear of self-incrimination. pregnancy?
The conviction of Jennifer Johnson was reversed. 2. If a theory of criminality in a proposed law is to be
Not all state courts agree with the Florida Supreme Court. based on a child abuse statute, how would you define
In 1992, Cornelia Whitner was sentenced to eight years in jail the term “criminal abuse”? For example, would you
after her baby was born with traces of cocaine in its system. The include smoking, abusive smoking, or prolonged ex-
South Carolina courts relied on a statute prohibiting child “en- posure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy? Of
dangerment.” Other states rely upon drug laws, charging that accepting employment that meant standing at an as-
women were delivering drugs through the umbilical cords, as in sembly line for eight hours each work day? Of ne-
the Johnson case. The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that glecting to obtain prenatal care? Of getting drunk?
a viable fetus is a person under the meaning of the child abuse 3. If a theory of criminality in a proposed statute is to be
law—thus a child had been endangered. See also the cases cited based on a statute prohibiting the supplying of illegal
in endnote 49 supra. [ New York Times, 31 October 1997.] drugs, how would you describe the extent of drug use
that constitutes the crime? Would you include the oc-
For Critical Analysis casional use of marijuana? Of cocaine? Of a misused
prescription drug? Or would you reserve the determi-
1. What are the pros and cons of the position that a nation until the newborn baby’s blood could be
woman has either or both a natural law right or a right tested? If so, would that be gambling with the health
of privacy under the U.S. Constitution to control her of the child? ❚❚
all, retain the capacity to take the children’s interests into For Critical Analysis
account—compels this dissent. …
Most significantly, Virginia M. agrees that, after long 1. The court considered visitation as a “limited form of
cohabitation with Alison D. and before ADM’s conception, (parental) custody” to which Alison was not entitled
it was “explicitly planned that the child would be theirs to under the statute. Under this theory, does a mother
raise together.” It is also uncontested that the two shared give a limited form of parental custody each day to a
“financial and emotional preparations” for the birth, and day care provider? Or is visitation something less than
that for several years Alison D. actually filled the role of an intrusion into parental custody? Can you make an
co-parent to ADM, both tangibly and intangibly. In all, argument that visitation is only a change in physical,
a parent-child relationship—encouraged or at least con- but not necessarily parental, custody?
doned by Virginia M.—apparently existed between ADM 2. Which view, the majority or dissenting, is more pro-
and Alison D. during the first six years of the child’s life. gressive given what you have learned about the future
While acknowledging that relationship, the (majority) impact of surrogacy and genetic engineering upon the
nonetheless proclaims powerlessness to consider the child’s family? Does the majority, in effect, treat any person
best interest at all, because the word “parent” in the statute who is not a biological parent of a child as a “third per-
imposes an absolute barrier to Alison D.’s petition for visi- son”? Can you formulate an argument in support of
tation. … I cannot agree that such a result is mandated by the dissent that considerations other than the biological
Section 70, or any other law. … relationship may serve the best interests of a child? ❚❚
Chapter 9 >>> Family Law 473
8. Suppose that John and Mary Powers arrange to have ference would it make if divorce occurs before the
their fertilized egg, or preembryo, frozen for future medical license is obtained?
use. Suppose John is killed in an airplane crash.
Should Mary have the legal right to bring the preem- 10. Should divorcing spouses be permitted to bring tort
bryo to birth? To hire a surrogate mother for that actions against each other for precisely the same con-
purpose? To have genetic surgery performed upon it duct that would entitle strangers to sue each other?
to change its future behavioral characteristics? To do- Can you think of any conduct between spouses that
nate it to gene research? To donate it to another cou- arguably should not justify a domestic tort? Should
ple? What should be the rights of the genetic donors the same rules of liability between spouses be inter-
to custody of a preembryo? preted to include liability between parents and their
9. If one spouse puts the other spouse through medical
school by working and by delaying his or her own for- 11. Pat Price, Sean’s spouse, charges several purchases
mal education, and if divorce occurs soon after the that remain unpaid. Creditors seek payment from
doctor completes residency, how might a court’s judg- Sean’s separate property. Is Sean liable? Does it make
ment take these factors into consideration? What dif- any difference if the charges are for necessities?
Owning and Operating
Motor Vehicles
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Explain the nature of a contract to buy an
Everything in life is somewhere else, and automobile.
you get there in a car. • Discuss the warranties arising in a sale or lease of a
motor vehicle and how such warranties are
E. B. White, One Man’s Meat, 1944. disclaimed.
• Explain what a lemon law is and how it might affect
a vehicle contract.
• Define product liability and different theories used to
bring a product liability claim.
• Explain the nature and importance of automobile
• Explain the application of negligence to motor vehicle
incidents and accidents.
• Define DUI and identify some of its legal
• Define a bailment and describe various bailment
• Define a common carrier.
• Describe a financial responsibility law.
• Identify the basic types of automobile insurance
• State the legal requirements of an enforceable gift.
• Distinguish between the legal requirements of
ownership by possession, production, gift, and
• Distinguish between lost, abandoned, and mislaid
476 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
How people transport themselves and their products from one location to another
is a major concern in all societies. Public policy issues arising from transportation
questions compete with other major issues in the twenty-first century. Where shall
we live relative to where we work? How are goods best distributed in a worldwide
market? What are the costs of different transportation systems? Will fuel be avail-
able at a cost we can afford? What type of fuel? How much environmental harm
is caused by pollution, and how can it be minimized? Are large and efficient mass
transportation systems economically feasible?
Automobiles are the most valuable item of personal property owned by most
Americans. No other widely owned, mass-produced, and distributed products are
more costly than automobiles, trucks, and mobile motorized variations. No other
item of personal property is as subsidized through public expenditures such as
highways and fuels and through tolerance for air and surface pollution.
Many of the issues that existed when automobiles were first introduced are re-
curring today—with competition being stirred between producers of automobiles
powered by electricity and others by alternative fuels (then, by gasoline, coal, or
oil-fired steam; now by ethanol, natural gas, or one-half electricity and one-half
gasoline). Although gasoline-powered vehicles were rare at first, they were driven
through horse-clogged streets in the major cities. A new independence and free-
dom was promised. “Trains kept their own schedules and never took you quite
where you wanted to go, and horses got hungry, cold and tired. The auto was
nothing but a dumb machine, but that was part of the joy.”1 One of the earliest
proposed settlements from a crash was proposed by financier William K. Vander-
bilt, who was “taking his father for a spin down the main street in New York,
[when] he almost killed them both” in a collision with a “fishwagon.” Vanderbilt
promptly offered to compromise the case: “I’ll settle for everything, my good fel-
low.” What Vanderbilt meant was that he would pay for disposal of one horse and
purchase of another.2 Even in 1900, with perhaps 8,000 handmade cars in the entire
nation, there were fatal accidents with pedestrians, prompting public outcries for
“mancatchers” on the front of cars. The New York Times was calling for driver edu-
cation, while the age of motor vehicle crashes and litigation was begun.
Competition between gasoline and other fuels for vehicles is intensifying. Sev-
eral global manufacturers are offering selections of electric vehicles, part gasoline and
part electric cars, ethanol, and natural gas alternatives. We expect that the gasoline-
powered automobile with its considerable impact on the environment will fade away
in this century as we return, in a sense, to where we were with electric carriages si-
lently meandering around our largest cities.
Substantial impact upon the vehicle laws may be brought about by changing
from gasoline to other fuels. For example, cars can have useful life expectancies of
20 or more years. Can government enact laws that keep older cars, sometimes
called gross polluters, off the highways? Or must these owners be compensated for
their losses as the changeover to electricity or other fuel becomes mandated?
Few human-made objects have had as extensive and intensive an impact on the
law as the automobile. The registration of vehicles, collection of tens of millions of
dollars in fees, and licensing of drivers are monumental recurring tasks mandated
by state statutes. Comprehensive vehicle codes govern rules of the road. Adminis-
trative agencies regulate vehicle manufacturers with particular emphasis on safety
and fuel consumption. Other administrative agencies evaluate the environmental
impact of new building construction to anticipate the effect on traffic flow and vol-
ume. Executive and legislative branches of the government, especially at the federal
level, continue to struggle with the problem of maintaining a fuel supply for a na-
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 477
The trunk of the car seemed too small to Bill Clark as he viewed
the car he was thinking about buying. The salesperson, Frank,
assured him there was adequate room in the trunk for luggage for a family
of four. Frank also said: “If there isn’t enough room, bring the car back and
we will install a luggage rack.” Bill signed a standard form automobile pur-
chase contract that did not include any reference to the luggage rack. A few
months later, Bill, unable to load four suitcases in the trunk, returned to the
dealership expecting a new luggage rack free of additional charge. Does Bill
have an enforceable right to a luggage rack?
Bill’s claim would be thwarted by the parol evidence rule.* This rule holds that
when people have signed a contract as their final and complete expression of inten-
tion (integrated contracts), then neither party may introduce in court any evidence
of prior or contemporaneous oral or written material that adds to or modifies that
written contract. The rule does not apply to less formal contracts—those not por-
tending to be the final and complete expression of the agreement. However, stan-
dard form automobile purchase contracts do purport to be final and complete
agreements. The lesson is clear and crucial: If important promises are made to you
(e.g., warranties, credit terms, additional equipment), be sure they are included as
part of the written contract.
In motor vehicle sales transactions, there are standard sales customs and tech-
niques, and some states regulate contracts written by commercial sellers. A com-
plete discussion of the mini-culture of “list price,” “5 percent over invoice,” and
“clearance sales” are beyond the scope of this text. However, buyers are well ad-
vised to consult reliable sources for help in selecting the appropriate vehicle (espe-
cially if previously owned) and for information on negotiating the best deal.†
The Statute of Frauds and parol evidence rule also apply to purchases from
http:// private owners. If there are warranties, any other promises, or an extension of
Research purchase options credit, a written contract should be prepared containing these terms and the signa-
at Consumer Reports, Popu- tures of both the seller and the buyer to satisfy these requirements.
lar Mechanics, and Motor
Trend, respectively, at
Praneel X. Singh expressed his interest in a new model SRV.
Steve Walters, the number one salesperson at Autoworld,
claimed, “This is the best new vehicle to be introduced in 40 years.” Is Wal-
ters’s statement an express warranty?
Walters’s opinion that the vehicle is “the best new vehicle to be introduced in 40 years”
is not a warranty; it is puffing, the word used to describe normal sellers’ exaggera- puffing
tions about goods for sale. Similarly, statements such as, “It’s worth a fortune” or Seller’s talk; claims about
“Anywhere else you’d pay more for it,” do not usually create warranties. Whether the the quality of goods, usu-
buyer’s reliance on the seller’s statement is reasonable is often the controlling factor. ally exaggerated; not
For example, a salesperson’s statement that a car “will never break down” and “will considered fraud.
last a lifetime” is so improbable that no reasonable buyer should rely on it. The how
and where of the statement are also important in determining the reasonableness
of the buyer’s reliance. For example, it is generally more reasonable for a buyer to
rely on a statement made in a written advertisement than on a salesperson’s oral
Also recall from Chapter 8 that implied warranties are warranties that arise in a
sales transaction unless specifically disclaimed. The most important implied war-
ranties in automobile sales transactions are usually the warranty of title, the war-
ranty against encumbrances, and the warranty of merchantability. The implied implied warranty
warranty of title promises to the buyer that the seller possesses good title to the of title
motor vehicle and can rightfully transfer title to the buyer. The implied warranty An implied warranty to a
against encumbrances promises the buyer that the title to the vehicle is free of se- buyer that the seller has
cured debt (no creditor has a right to the vehicle for failure to pay off a loan). The and is transferring good
implied warranty of merchantability refers to quality and is a promise that a vehicle title.
is of usual and customary quality and as such is fit for its ordinary and intended use.
Implied warranties of merchantability are made only by merchants. Of course, an implied warranty
auto dealer is a merchant. Given the value of a motor vehicle and its intended use, against
the implied warranty of merchantability is very extensive, unless limited by the encumbrances
seller. As you will see and should note, implied warranties of quality are almost al- An implied warranty in
ways limited in some fashion by the seller. the sale of goods that
goods are delivered free
from any security interest
or other lien of which the
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM buyer has no knowledge.
* Some states have statutes that further restrict the ability of a seller to disclaim or limit implied warranties in consumer transac-
tions. These state laws are upheld as long as they add to those rights provided by Magnuson-Moss.
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 481
dresses of the warrantor and must identify the product warranted, the procedures
for enforcement of the warranty, and any limitations on warranty remedies.
A full warranty may not cover every problem arising from use of a consumer
product, but it must give the buyer rights to free repair or replacement of any de-
fective part. If the product cannot be repaired within a reasonable time, the con- A discussion of automobile
sumer can choose a refund or a replacement without charge. The warranty does service contracts is at
not cover damage that is caused by the consumer. A written consumer warranty http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/
that does not meet all the requirements of a full warranty is a limited warranty. The conline/pubs/autos/
seller must state clearly that only a limited warranty is given. The Federal Trade autoserv.htm
Commission (FTC) has the power to enforce many provisions of Magnuson-Moss
and may sue businesses that fail to honor their written warranties.
Used cars purchased from dealers also carry implied warranties of merchant- SEARCH ENGINE
ability because the dealers are still merchants even though the goods are used. Used
cars purchased from private parties do not carry any warranty of quality unless the
Nolo Press can provide
nonmerchant seller makes one (get these assurances in writing). Remember that
answers to many of your
the implied warranty of merchantability is disclaimed by the words “as is.” This is
warranty questions. Go to
true even under Magnuson-Moss as long as no express warranty of quality is given.
the homepage and enter
“warranty” in the site
What Are Lemon Laws? search engine:
Maggie O’Malley was very excited when she bought her new
convertible Aardvark Seven from Autoworld. She drove it off
the lot and headed toward Slim’s Health Club to show it to her friends. Two
blocks from the dealership, the engine died. The car needed to be towed
back to Autoworld. A very angry O’Malley was not mollified when the sales
representative said, “We’ll be happy to repair or replace that cracked engine
block.” O’Malley snapped back, “I expect to get a new and different Aard-
vark Seven. I am a consumer who won’t be satisfied with a lemon.” Will
O’Malley get a new car, or must she allow the repair or replacement of the
engine block?
The legal question is, did the dealership perform its contractual obligations when it
delivered the vehicle? If the delivery is legally sufficient, Autoworld need only honor
the warranty—either repair or replace the defective part. If, however, the delivery is
insufficient under key UCC provisions, Autoworld must replace the defective car
with a new one.
O’Malley had a right to inspect her purchase before accepting it. What is con-
sidered an appropriate inspection depends on the circumstances and the nature of
the goods. In this situation, although O’Malley received and took possession of the
vehicle, a normal inspection would not have shown that the engine had a cracked
block. Since she discovered that the vehicle was nonconforming almost immedi-
ately after she took possession, she can return it and make a reasonable argument
that she never really accepted it. O’Malley really did indeed get a lemon4 (sour
deal), and she has a legal right to a full refund or a new vehicle under the UCC.5
Additional rights under the UCC may also be claimed to assist a buyer when
there is a major contract breach by the seller. Perhaps even if O’Malley accepted
the vehicle after a careful inspection, she could revoke her acceptance and enjoy the
same rights (of replacement or full refund) as if she had rejected it initially. It is
482 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
necessary that she revoke within a reasonable time after she discovers (or should
have discovered) a sufficient reason for revocation, and before there is any substan-
tial change in the condition of the goods (not caused by the defect).6
Most problems with new cars are not as dramatic or immediate as the prob-
lemon laws lems suffered by O’Malley. All states have passed so-called lemon laws to provide
Statutes designed to as- protection for angry consumers who are dissatisfied with extensive warranty work
sist the buyer of seriously and instead demand a new car or their money back. A lemon law provides that if a
defective goods to obtain car is determined to be a lemon, the dealer must refund to the customer the pur-
a replacement or full chase price of the car, plus sales tax, registration, and license fees, minus a reason-
able allowance for use.7 The problem, of course, is to define a “lemon” with suffi-
cient precision and to enforce consumers’ rights in a fair and prompt manner.
A lemon is often defined as a major problem not permanently fixed after a rea-
http:// sonable number of attempts (i.e., four or more), or if a car is out of service for re-
Access the various state pairs for a certain number of days within a certain period (i.e., 30 calendar days
lemon laws from the Na- during a 12-month period). The covered period in different states ranges from the
tional Lemon Law Center. written warranty period, or 12 months to two years; sometimes coverage is based
Make sure you click on ac-
on miles driven (for example, 18,000 miles). Many lemon laws allow for the use of
cessing the law, not a re-
ADR methods, such as nonbinding arbitration, to assist in the resolution of the dis-
view of your case, as this
site appears to be funded
pute (see Chapter 4).
by its lawyer referrals.
Wisconsin does but most states do not. The Wisconsin statute specifically allows a
court to award twice the customer damages plus attorney fees. The court opinion
recites the transactional dilemma well: “We realize that car manufacturers do not
deliberately set out to manufacture a lemon. Quite the opposite. In fact, it is in their
own best interest not to do so. However, an unfortunate fact of life, seemingly as in-
evitable as night following day, is that occasionally a ‘lemon’ will slip through the
line. And when that happens, another unfortunate fact of modern-day life is that the
cost to the unlucky consumer who purchases that ‘lemon’ is far more than the cost
http:// of the car: interrupted, delayed, or even cancelled schedules; the time and the trou-
ble, as well as the anxiety and stress that accompany those changes; the apprehen-
The Better Business Bureau
administers a program to
sions that result every time the consumer gets back into that automobile wondering
help automobile manufac- ‘what next?’ Dependability is a prime objective of every new car buyer. When that is
turers and individual cus- taken away, the loss is far greater than the cost of the car. It is this fact that the legis-
tomers resolve disputes lature recognized when they enacted the lemon law. Its principal motivation is not
concerning alleged manu- to punish the manufacturer who, after all, would far prefer that no ‘lemons’ escape
facturing defects at their line. Rather, it seeks to provide an incentive to that manufacturer to promptly
http://lemonlaw.bbb.org/ return those unfortunate consumers back to where they thought they were when
they first purchased that new automobile.”
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 483
Potente leased a new Peugeot through Peugeot Motors of
America, Inc (PMA). A few months later, after experiencing pro-
blems with the vehicle, he sought relief under Ohio’s “lemon law.” PMA
moved for summary judgment on the lemon law claim, arguing that
Potente, as lessee, had no standing to bring an action under Ohio’s lemon
law. What was the result?
Potente v. Peugeot, 62 Ohio Misc.2d 335, 598 N.E .2d 9907 (Ohio, 1991).
The court held that any consumer entitled to enforce contract warranties against
the manufacturer had the right to enforce the state lemon laws. “A lease agreement
which extends the manufacturer’s warranty and the ability to enforce the warranty
to the lessee falls within the protective ambit of Ohio’s Lemon Law.” Most state
lemon laws do extend to automobile leases, but not all.
Defect Summary:
Consequence Summary:
Corrective Summary:
agency said defects in Firestone tires on Ford motor vehicles were linked to at least
46 deaths in that country.12
Federal recalls of all types,
Product Liability including vehicle recalls,
can be found at
Thus, under this theory, in any action against a manufacturer or seller, the plain-
tiff need not show how the product became defective. The plaintiff must, however,
show that at the time of the injury, the condition of the product was essentially the
same as it was when it left the hands of the defendant manufacturer or seller. All courts
extend the strict liability of manufacturers and other sellers to injured bystanders.
The motor of a car exploded, producing a cloud of steam. The
steam caused a series of multiple collisions, since it prevented
other drivers from seeing well. Is the automobile manufacturer liable for in-
juries caused by the explosion of the car’s motor?
Yes, since the car motor was determined to be defective and the cause of the harm
to the innocent third parties. Strict liability has also been expanded to include sup-
pliers of parts and lessors of movable goods. Liability for personal injuries caused
by defective goods extends also to those who lease such goods. Most courts hold
that a leasing agreement creates an implied warranty that the leased goods will be fit
for the duration of the lease. Under this view, if a Rent-a-Car Company leases an
improperly maintained automobile, a passenger who is injured in an accident can
sue the Rent-a-Car Company. (Liability here is based on the contract theory of
warranty, not tort, because the lease is an ongoing contract.)
Frequently, a product injures a person because he or she did not use it care-
fully. Misconduct or misuse by a claimant can be a defense to reduce the claimant’s
recovery or to deny it altogether.
and backpacks (nor for guns, although that has been proposed by gun-control ad-
Licensing and Registration Procedures Generally, a state will issue two certificates
to the owners of motor vehicles: a certificate of ownership, or title, showing who
owns the vehicle; and a certificate of registration, permitting operation of the vehi-
cle on the highways of the state. License plates, or annual renewal tags, are also is-
sued in conjunction with the certificate of registration.
With a few exceptions, such as U.S. government vehicles, a motor vehicle is li-
censed in the state where it is usually driven. When you move to another state,
your vehicle registration generally remains valid for a limited period of time (30 to
90 days) before a local vehicle registration and license is required. At the time of
yearly license registration, states commonly provide for emissions control device
inspections and sometimes vehicle safety inspections. Some states require that the
primary driver of the vehicle offer proof of financial responsibility (e.g., through
ownership of an automobile liability insurance policy) before vehicle license plates
are renewed.
Special laws also govern the vehicle and driver when traveling in foreign countries;
information about these laws should be obtained from the country where you intend to
travel and reviewed with a knowledgeable travel agent before departure.
Many counties and cities require the registration and periodic licensing of bi-
cycles. The money generated from bicycle licensure is commonly used to maintain
records that facilitate the recovery and return of stolen bikes.
Kitty Horrigan was carefully riding her new imported British
motorcycle along a city street when Dick Guarno negligently
lost control of his automobile and crashed into her. Guarno now claims
Horrigan was also guilty of negligence because she failed to register her mo-
torcycle as required by law. Is it considered negligence to drive an unlicensed
motor vehicle on a public road?
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 489
No. Horrigan’s failure to register her motorcycle had nothing to do with Guarno’s
negligence and will not prevent her from recovering damages for her injuries.15
Horrigan is guilty of the infraction of driving an unregistered vehicle on a public
street. Failure to sign title over to a new owner when delivering possession of a mo-
tor vehicle may leave the original owner liable to strangers who are injured by the
motor vehicle in a later accident. Some states provide that the registered owner is
liable (usually limited to some specified amount) for damage caused by the negli-
gence of any authorized user of the vehicle.
Usually, a certificate of ownership of a newly purchased vehicle lists two owners:
a registered owner and a legal owner. Most automobiles are purchased on credit, registered owner
and the lender retains a security interest in the vehicle. The purchaser-borrower is The buyer of a car on
the registered owner (also called the equitable owner), with an ownership interest credit, who, as the equi-
in the vehicle to the extent that the loan has been paid. Persons who refer to their table owner, gets posses-
equity in a vehicle mean the difference between the automobile’s market value and sion and use of the vehi-
cle while making
the amount still owed to the lender. The lender (or creditor), having advanced the
purchase money or sold the car on credit, retains a security interest in the vehicle and
remains the legal (technical) owner until the loan is paid in full. A legal owner is gen-
erally not responsible for the manner in which the equitable owner uses or misuses legal owner
An owner who has legal
the vehicle. The legal owner is primarily concerned with timely monthly payments.
title, for example, as se-
The lender’s singular interest is in protecting the value of the collateral, increasing
curity for repayment of a
the probability that the loan will be repaid in full. For protection in the event that the loan or payment of the
car is damaged or stolen, the lender (legal owner) requires the equitable owner to purchase price of real
carry adequate collision and comprehensive automobile insurance. The former cov- property or personal
ers damages to the vehicle caused by collision; the latter covers theft of the vehicle or property, such as an
damages caused by vandals. Careful and socially responsible owners also carry liabil- automobile.
ity insurance to protect themselves from liability for possible injuries to others.
Because a registered owner has potential tort liability, it is very important to equitable owner
change registration simultaneously with the transfer of the vehicle. Requirements An owner who has pos-
for a valid transfer of registration vary from state to state. It is common to require session and use of the
both a signed transfer of a certificate of ownership (“pink slip”) and a notification property although some-
to the department of motor vehicles requesting a change in the registered owner of one else may retain the
the vehicle. The seller should file the notice of change of ownership, transferring legal title.
potential liability to the buyer along with the ownership.
Each automobile has a unique 17-character Vehicle Identification Number
(VIN) found on vehicle dashboards and title documents. VIN numbers have en- http://
abled the creation of a new and useful national business. Carfax has created a na- Check out the services and
tional registry of historic information about most automobiles in the United States prices available at the
and Canada. Carfax claims a database of “two billion unique records compiled from Carfax Web site at
hundreds of separate data sources including motor vehicle departments in the http://www.carfax.com/
United States and Canada, vehicle inspection stations, auto auctions, fleet manage-
ment and rental agencies, automobile manufacturers and fire and police depart-
ments.” Use of the VIN information database can disclose the following critical in-
formation about a vehicle:
• Totaled in an accident/Salvaged
• Flood damage
• Odometer rollbacks
• Lemon histories
• Junked titles
• State emissions inspection results
• Lien activity
• Vehicle use (taxi, rental, lease, etc.)
490 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Max Fisher borrowed money from Acme Finance Company to
purchase a car. Fisher gave Acme a security interest in the car to
protect Acme from the possibility that Fisher would fail to pay his debt. Af-
ter Fisher stopped making payments on the car, Acme sent Ben Travis to
seize it. Travis sneaked onto Fisher’s property in the dead of night and made
his way up the driveway where the car was parked. Travis jimmied a window
of the car, hot-wired it, and drove it off. Is this a lawful repossession?
Often, after proper disposition of the collateral, the secured party has not collected
all that is owed by the debtor. Unless otherwise agreed, the debtor may be sued for
any deficiency.
The debtor may be able to exercise the right of redemption of the collateral.
The right of redemption is the right to have the collateral returned to the debtor.
Redemption obviously must occur before the secured party disposes of the collat- The Minnesota attorney
eral. The debtor can exercise the right of redemption by paying the underlying general’s office provides
debt. All expenses related to the enforcement of the security interest by the secured the “Car Handbook,” which
provides advice about auto-
party must also be paid.
mobile repossession on
page 10:
No and yes. Unless there is some cause-effect relationship between the lack of the
driver’s license and the accident, the lack of license is immaterial. Callahan’s rights
in a civil action for damages resulting from the accident are not affected by her lack
of a driver’s license. However, she would be guilty of the offense of driving without
a license, and for this she could be fined and/or jailed.
Driving is a privilege, not a constitutionally protected right,16 and is regulated
by state or local government as an exercise of government police power.* Prospec-
tive drivers must demonstrate an ability to drive in traffic and must understand the
rules of the road. A license to drive may be suspended or revoked for violating the
rules of the road, or even for an inability to demonstrate financial responsibility af-
ter an accident. Demerit points are assigned for each infraction, and a person’s
license can be suspended or revoked if too many points have been accumulated in a
specific time period. Point systems vary from state to state. Exhibit 10.3 shows an ex-
ample of the South Dakota Driver’s License Point System. Many states have much
more complicated charts.
Auto insurance companies check government records for information about the
driving records of people who apply for insurance or have policies with the company.
The insurance companies routinely charge higher premiums or cancel coverage after
one or more “moving” violations (an infraction based upon the car’s motion). The
individual must then purchase a minimum coverage policy at a premium price under
* Some states use driver’s license statutes as a means of regulating behavior not directly related to driving a vehicle. For example,
Wisconsin allows any municipal court to suspend a driver’s license for nonpayment of any fines. In Kentucky, students who quit
high school or have an academic deficiency lose their right to drive unless this would cause a family hardship. S. Garfield, “What
License for DMV,” Sacramento Bee, 27 March 1994.
492 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Any operator who accumulates fifteen (15) points in any twelve (12) consecu-
tive months, or 22 points in any 24 consecutive months is subject to Driver
License suspension.
Periods of Suspension
First Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Days Maximum
Second Suspension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Months Maximum
Subsequent Suspension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Year Maximum
Source: http://state.sd.us/dcr/dl/sddriver.html
what is called an assigned-risk program. Most states have an assigned-risk program un-
der which insurance companies are required to sell insurance to high-risk drivers on
a rotating basis. They are allowed to charge higher premiums to cover their risk.
Computer tracking has assisted some states in collecting payments for unpaid
parking tickets. The department of government that renews vehicle registrations is
kept informed by computer and simply withholds new license plates or tags until all
fines are paid.
Generally, any competent adult may qualify for a driver’s license upon passing
a written test, a driving test, and a vision test. A minor of proper age (typically 16)
may also qualify, but often must, in addition to the requirements for an adult, com-
plete a driver education and/or driver training course. Several states have recently
changed their laws on initial youth licensing to provide for a graduated licensing
procedure consistent with driving schemes in New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.
The significant requirement of the model law is a mandatory learner permit for at
least six months, followed by at least six months in an intermediate licensing phase
restricting night driving.
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 493
Some states require that parents sign and verify a minor’s application and con-
sent to be responsible for harm caused by their child while driving on a highway.
Fortunately for most parents, this liability is usually limited. The amount of liabil-
ity is often tied to the state’s financial responsibility laws (e.g., $15,000 for injury or
death, payable to any one person, and $30,000 payable to any number of persons,
plus $5,000 for property damage as the result of any one accident for which their
minor child is found to be legally responsible).17 The requirement that an owner
purchase insurance may be mandated by statute; if not, prudence and concern for
others who may be injured by a child’s negligence would dictate that a parent pur-
chase at least the minimum coverage.
Parental liability for a child’s damages caused with motor vehicles deviates
from the general rule that parents are not vicariously responsible for their child’s
torts. Of course, parents are liable if the wrongful conduct of the child was commit- For the insurance industry’s
ted at the parent’s command, or in the course of the parent’s business. In recent views about youth driver
years, some states have extended the motor vehicle exception to include limited lia- laws, see “Graduated Li-
censing: A Blueprint for
bility of parents for the willful misconduct of minor children.18 Even in states
North America” by the In-
where statutes create this parental liability, the minor wrongdoer is likewise liable.
surance Institute for High-
Realistically, however, the minor usually lacks the financial resources to pay the in- way Safety and Traffic In-
jured victim. Moreover, in cases of negligence, the minor could escape a heavy jury Research Foundation
judgment by bankruptcy, unless drunken driving caused the accident. at
What Standard of Care Does the Law Prescribe for Drivers?
The standard of care necessary when operating a motor vehicle is one example of
the rules of negligence discussed in Chapter 7. The duty to act as a reasonable per-
son requires that you, whether on or off the highway, refrain from carelessly injur-
ing others. The question always is, were you as careful as a hypothetical reasonable
person would have been under all circumstances surrounding the event? This broad
duty may be violated willfully or negligently. Comparatively few people injure
others willfully, with deliberate intent to harm. Such conduct could be criminal and
could result in a civil action for punitive damages as well as compensatory damages.
In one case, the court said:
Here there is testimony from which the jury could find that defendant saw plain-
tiff 196 feet away in the paved portion of the roadway, and neither slowed nor
sounded his horn. There is also the testimony that defendant’s car swerved toward
plaintiff immediately before the impact. Thus the evidence could support a jury
finding that defendant was guilty of willful or wanton misconduct.19
From time to time, most of us are careless. We fail to exercise reasonable care. We
do not behave as an ordinary, prudent man, woman, or child of comparable age
should behave under the same or similar circumstances. If someone is injured as a
result of our negligence, we are generally liable for monetary damages. In the pre-
ceding case, there is some evidence of the intentional tort of battery.
Sometimes, of course, we may injure someone while we are acting without
negligence or willful intent to harm. Then there is no liability. Such an injury could
happen in a pure accident, a casualty that is sudden, unexpected, unforeseeable, and
unplanned—perhaps the result of an unknown cause or the unpredictable result of
a known cause. There is no liability, for example, when an injury results from a nat-
ural calamity (a violent storm) or from the victim’s own carelessness (when a per-
son, walking along while reading a paper, steps off a curb into a stream of traffic
and is suddenly injured or even killed).
494 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Robby Drexhage was driving on a freeway with his girlfriend,
Karen DeWitt, at his side, bragging to her about his car and
about himself as a “hot driver.” Suddenly, without notice to her or signal to
other drivers, he accelerated within seconds to 95 mph. Visible ahead, mov-
ing at different speeds in three lanes, were about a dozen other vehicles.
Drexhage rapidly passed them all, weaving skillfully from outside to inside
lanes and back again. There were no highway patrol officers in sight, he
was not arrested, and he did not cause an accident. Has he breached any
legal duty?
Yes. He breached his general duty to drive as an ordinary prudent person exercising
reasonable care for the safety of the lives and property of others. He did not respect
the rights of his date and all others on the highway. He breached specific duties
to drive within the speed limits, to refrain from weaving in and out of traffic lanes,
and to signal before changing lanes. Most criminal breaches of duty while driving
go unpunished; fortunately, most such breaches do not cause injury to others.
Drexhage committed no torts because there were no injured victims.*
Not in most states. We visited the issue of strangers failing to help Kitty Genovese in
Chapter 1 and David Cash failing to help a young girl in deadly peril in Chapters 1
and 2. Generally, the law does not require one to be a good neighbor. The victims
were strangers to whom Shikel legally owed no duty. The same result would apply in
most states if Shikel were a medical doctor. Shikel’s retreat is likely an ethical viola-
tion, but not a legal one. However, if Shikel had in any way caused or contributed to
the accident (as by drifting across the center line and forcing the oncoming driver
into defensive maneuvers that resulted in the crash), he would be obligated to stop
and would be criminally and civilly responsible for failure to do so.
In any event, if he does stop—and one hopes that he would—and renders first
aid, under common law he has the duty to provide help with reasonable care under
emergency situations. Conceivably, if one stops and renders aid, injured persons
could sue the person providing assistance if that person failed to exercise reason-
able care and thus aggravated the injuries. Such lawsuits are rare and recovery rarer
* Although not stated in the example, the conduct of Drexhage’s high-speed maneuvering probably caused serious apprehension
of serious physical injury in the minds of other drivers and of DeWitt as well. These victims could sue Drexhage for the inten-
tional tort of assault and, although there were no physical injuries, could recover damages for mental distress and possibly puni-
tive damages as well.
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 495
still but they create the anomaly that ethical behavior creates a legal peril that un-
ethical behavior does not.
As discussed in Chapter 7, most states have specially enacted Good Samaritan Good Samaritan
statutes to shield volunteers from actions for ordinary negligence. North Carolina statute
has a typical statute, stating that no person shall be liable for damages for injuries or Statute that protects vol-
death claimed to result from the rendering of first aid or emergency healthcare treat- unteers from liability for
ment when the circumstances require prompt decisions and actions, and when the ordinary negligence
necessity is “… so reasonably apparent that any delay … would seriously worsen the while aiding persons in
physical condition or endanger the life …” of the patient.20 As stated in Chapter 7, need.
immunity is not available when the act is gross negligence, wanton conduct, or in-
tentional wrongdoing. Nor does the statute relieve persons of liability for damages
“… while rendering healthcare services in the normal and ordinary course of a busi-
ness or profession.”21
negligence per se
Probably. Negligence per se means that proof of the act establishes the duty. Vio- (a) The unexcused viola-
lation of a statute raises a prima facie (Latin: “at first sight”) presumption or infer- tion of a statute or ordi-
ence of negligence. A presumption is an important procedural rule affecting how nance that is automati-
certain facts can be proved. A presumption allows a court to infer a new fact by the cally deemed to be
proof of another.22 If the plaintiff proves that the statute was violated and caused the negligent conduct with-
out argument or proof as
accident, and the defendant introduces no contrary evidence, then the defendant is
to the particular sur-
negligent. Violation of the statute must bear some relationship to the accident and
rounding circumstances.
be the cause in fact and proximate cause of the accident. For instance, violation of a (b) Certain conduct that is
statute requiring the driver to be licensed would not bear any relationship to Kevin’s deemed negligent be-
accident and would not be its cause. However, violation of a statute established to cause of its obvious
protect against driving the wrong way down a road and injuring others driving on breach of duty.
the proper side of the road would be negligence per se. That very type of harm
occurred, and it appears Kevin is liable. presumption
Although difficult to do, a presumption of negligence can be rebutted by proof A rule of law permitting
of excuse or justification. It is possible that Kevin diverted his car because of condi- one to assume a fact is
tions beyond his control (such as an object in the road, an unforeseeable failure of true until such time as
his steering mechanism, a sudden heart attack, or an illegal action by another car there is a greater weight
squeezing by on his right side). of evidence which dis-
proves or outweighs the
assumed fact.
Are Owners Liable for Negligence of Other Drivers?
Clearly, an owner-driver is liable for injuries to others caused by his or her own vicarious liability
negligent driving. Under the principle of vicarious liability (liability for acts of an- The responsibility of one
other), the owner may also be liable for harm caused when someone else is the person for the wrongful
driver, if one of the following conditions applies: acts of another.
496 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
• The driver is the employee or agent of the owner, and is acting within the
scope of his or her employment. See the discussion of the doctrine of
respondeat superior in Chapter 13.
• The owner is negligent in lending or giving the car to someone who is not
qualified to drive or is known by the owner to be an unsafe driver. The owner
is also negligent if he or she lends or gives an automobile to another in a con-
dition (e.g., with faulty brakes) that makes it unsafe to drive.
• In a number of states, owners are responsible whenever a member of their im-
mediate family or household drives and a third party is injured because of the
family purpose negligence of the driver. This is called the family purpose doctrine.
doctrine • In several states, parents or guardians who sign a minor’s application for a dri-
A law in some states that ver’s license become liable for damage caused by the minor’s negligent opera-
holds the owner of a mo- tion of the vehicle. As discussed earlier, there are usually dollar limits to the
tor vehicle vicariously re- amount of this liability.
sponsible whenever a • Many different variations and combinations of state statutes impose liability
member of his or her im- when an owner permits another to use the vehicle (called permissive use). In
mediate family or house-
several states, owners are liable when a person they allow to use the vehicle
hold drives and a third
negligently injures a third party. In a few states (i.e., Maine, Pennsylvania, and
party is injured because
of the negligence of the
Utah), owners are liable for permissive use when they have furnished a car to a
driver. minor who negligently injures a third party. As noted earlier, there often are
limits on the extent of liability under these statutes.
If the driver is an employee of the owner and is acting within the scope of employ-
ment, the owner-employer is liable without limit under the doctrine of respondeat
superior. A driver, even though an employee, is always liable (without limit) for his
or her own torts.
Walter Johnson was driving down Main Street on his way to
deliver a package for Racehorse Delivery Service. Unfortu-
nately, Johnson was distracted for a second and ran into the rear of Marisa
Steinbacher’s new Saturn automobile. Luckily, Steinbacher was not hurt, but
the car was damaged and repairs cost $6,000. Who is legally responsible for
the harm to Steinbacher’s car?
Johnson is, of course, liable for his own negligence. Walter Johnson was also an em-
ployee of Racehorse, and he injured another while driving the automobile on company
business. As Johnson was within the scope of his employment, Racehorse Delivery
Service is also liable under the doctrine of respondeat superior. Steinbacher can sue both
or either Johnson and Racehorse, but she can collect her actual damages only once.
Karl Mellon parked his car in the street and ran into the post
office to mail a parcel. In his haste, he forgot to remove the ig-
nition key. When he returned, the car was gone. The police later reported
that his stolen car had been in a collision with a motorcycle, injuring its rider,
Joanna Denton. Denton later sued Mellon. Is he liable?
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 497
No.23 Although leaving the key in an unattended car is negligent and, in some states, a
violation of a statute, the owner has no duty to protect the public from unexpected and
illegal activities of thieves. The theft and negligent use of stolen property is an inter-
vening and supervening act. A contrary argument can be advanced that Mellon’s care-
lessness created a danger and a result that was predictable. However, most states have
rejected such an extension of liability to a careless automobile owner theft victim.
Luella Wilson, a 91-year-old Vermont grandmother, enjoyed
her own home, friends, and family and had more than
$500,000 in the bank. She lent her grandnephew, Willard Stuart, money to
buy a car. After a night of drug and alcohol use, he was involved in a serious
accident. A passenger in his car, Mark Vince, was paralyzed from the waist
down and lost a leg. Stuart had no driver’s license, no assets, and no auto-
mobile insurance. The victim sued Wilson, alleging that she knew Stuart did
not have a license and used drugs and that she was therefore negligent in
lending him the money to buy the car. Luella did not appear at the trial be-
cause she was ill. What was the verdict?
Vince v. Wilson, 151 Vt. 425, 561 A.2d 103 (Vermont, 1989).
The jury held for the plaintiff against Luella Wilson in the amount of $950,000. This
case of negligent lending attracted considerable attention and was appealed. The Ver-
mont Supreme Court did not reverse the trial court verdict, but did order a new trial
to determine whether the automobile dealership and the salesperson who sold Stuart
the car should share Wilson’s liability. At the new trial, the parties reached an out-of-
court settlement, with the plaintiff dismissing his claim against Wilson.24 The out-of-
court settlement relieved Wilson of her liability, but it did not change the rule of law
in this case, which found liability for a person other than a driver in a case of negli-
gent entrustment (loan of the car or in this case the means to get the car).
A common extension of liability to persons who neither own nor were driving
the car involved in an accident occurs under a dramshop statute, a state law making dramshop statute
it a crime for a tavern proprietor or employee to serve intoxicants to an obviously A state law making it a
drunk patron or someone under the legal drinking age. Injured victims of accidents crime for a tavern propri-
caused by these patrons have successfully sued the bars and restaurants when they etor or employee to serve
can prove that a dramshop statute was violated.25 A few cases have found liability intoxicants to an obvi-
ously inebriated
against social hosts of parties where intoxicating beverages or drugs were served and
shortly afterward the guests were involved in automobile accidents.26 Wisdom and
prudence dictate: If you drink, don’t drive. Arranging for a designated driver, one
who does not drink alcoholic beverages or take any mood-altering substances, avoids
the problem. Furthermore, as a host or hostess, do not have “open bars” or serve
drinks of alcoholic beverages to the point of intoxication of your guests.
feel well, break speed limits, drive through red lights, talk on cell phones,
scold others, and drive drunk. The driving trait that got worldwide publicity
was that one-quarter of the drivers have engaged in sex while driving. They
also regularly exceed speed limits, and over 60 percent of Russian drivers do
not check the condition of their tires. To think I was irritated last week just
because the driver next to me was working on her scrapbook.27
Nationwide in 2004, alcohol was present in 24 percent of the drivers involved in fatal
crashes (Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) .01–.07, 4%; BAC .08 or greater,
20%).”31 In addition, DUI has been identified as the crime most often committed by
otherwise law-abiding persons. “The vast majority of Americans occasionally drive
after drinking. Alcoholics who have access to a car habitually drive after drinking.”32
“About 1.4 million arrests are made annually for driving under the influence of alco-
hol or narcotics (1 in every 135 licensed drivers in the United States).”33
Several organizations try to protect the rights of people who are victims of
such criminal activity. These organizations include MADD (Mothers Against
Drunk Driving) and SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving). They have had a “Mothers Against Drunk
significant effect on public attitudes and on the enactment of laws concerning driv- Driving (MADD) is more
ing under the influence. In the past decade, all 50 states have joined in making 21 than just a bunch of angry
moms. We’re real people,
the minimum age for purchasing alcohol legally. The penalties for DUI have in-
moms, dads, young people,
creased with longer jail sentences, driver’s license revocations, and bigger fines.
and other individuals just
trying to make a differ-
ence. We are determined
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM to stop drunk driving and
to support victims of this vi-
Several friends were at Lawrence Harberson’s apartment cele- olent crime.”
brating the end of the school year. Beer was flowing freely.
Harberson, a 260-pound star tackle on the college football team, had just http://www.madd.org/home/
finished his first 12-ounce beer when he opened a second. Waving the beer
can, he jumped into his car and rammed the pedal to the metal, burning tire
rubber as he sped off to collect his girlfriend Marcie Jasper at the nearby air-
port. While en route, he was stopped by a highway patrol officer for exceed-
ing the posted speed limit by 20 mph or more. Is he also guilty of driving un-
der the influence of alcohol?
SEARCH ENGINE breath, or urine tests or some combination of tests. Also, all states have now adopted
http:// what is referred as a zero tolerance for a minor. These laws make it illegal for drivers
under the age of 21 to operate a motor vehicle with either any blood-alcohol level or
The National Clearinghouse
a 0.02% or more level; the presence of alcohol or a refusal to test leads to an auto-
for Alcohol and Drug Infor-
matic suspension of the minor’s driver’s license.
mation provides an alcohol
impairment chart; it can
be found using key words:
chart. We found the chart at
Any driver under the age of 21 who tests positive for the pres-
http://forbin.qc.edu/Health ence of alcohol or refuses testing upon a police officer’s proper
_Services/bac.htm request is subject to summary suspension of his or her driving privileges.
“[T]he Illinois Vehicle Code provides that drivers under the age of 21 who
are arrested, as evidenced by a Uniform Traffic Ticket for any violation of
the Illinois Vehicle Code or similar provision of a local ordinance, shall be
deemed to have given consent to chemical tests of blood, breath, or urine
for the purpose of determining the alcohol content of the person’s blood,
provided the police officer has probable cause to believe that the driver has
consumed any amount of an alcoholic beverage. The officer requesting the
test must warn the driver that refusal to submit to the test, or submission to
the test resulting in an alcohol concentration more than 0.00, may result in
the suspension of driving privileges. The length of the suspension ranges
from three months to two years, depending on whether the driver is a first
offender, and whether the driver refuses the test or submits to a test that
discloses an alcohol concentration more than 0.00.”
Arvia v. Madigan, 209 Ill.2d 520, 283 Ill.Dec. 895 (Ill., 2004) citing 625 ILCS 5/11-501.8(a) and (d).
Criminal penalties for driving under the influence can be severe. In a representa-
tive state, a jail sentence of from two days to six months is imposed if one is con-
victed two or more times for drunk driving within five years; a judge who fails to
send the defendant to jail must write a formal opinion justifying such leniency. It is
also common that a first conviction leads to an automatic driver’s license suspen-
sion of 90 to 120 days. A fine of from $500 to $2,500 or more is also assessed. Un-
der certain circumstances, the vehicle may be impounded or even forfeited. In ad-
dition, the defendant’s automobile insurance premiums will rise.
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA),
insurance penalties for a DUI in the state of Utah include:
1.At least one year without a driver’s license for those under 21
2.90 days without a license for those 21 and older
3.Up to $12,000 in fees and fines (depending on judicial district)
4.48 hours in jail
5.10 years on driving record
6.Up to $1,500 annual auto insurance increase
7.$2,500 for ignition interlock for 3 years. Interlock prevents drivers
from starting the vehicle if there is alcohol on their breath
8. Screening, assessment, educational program or alcohol treatment program
9. Two hours in handcuffs
10. Lots of time at the DMV
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 501
A single DUI can lead to cancellation of insurance and an inability to rent an auto-
mobile when out of town or on vacation for up to three years after conviction. It is
clear that the cost of DUI starts at about $6,000–$10,000 the first year (not includ- We have discussed the judi-
ing court costs and attorneys’ fees) and continues for several years while your new cial and administrative ex-
insurance company surcharges coverage premiums. Deaths resulting from a DUI penses and penalties in DUI
cases. You can examine
can subject the wrongdoer to various degrees of homicide charges—usually vehicu-
some of the nonjudicial
lar homicide, but convictions have included second-degree murder. Penalties for
costs of a DUI at
multiple DUIs usually become substantially more severe.
It should be noted that the legal tolerance of drinking while boating has less- http://alcoholism.about
ened in many states in recent years. In 1998, Georgia’s new tougher boating law .com/library/weekly/
provides for a loss of boating privileges, up to a $1,000 fine, and one year of jail aa082797.htm
upon conviction of the first offense.
Unfortunately, bad decision making by people who drink is not
confined to automobile drivers. Two pilots, Thomas Cloyd and http://
Christopher Hughes, just wanted to carry their coffee through the security State law facts regarding
checkpoint, but security personnel had other plans. While discussing their dif- DUI/DWI penalties can be
ferences, security smelled alcohol on their breath. The pilots continued to the found by entering your zip
America West plane, but air traffic controllers ordered the aircraft back to the code at
gate before it could take off on a scheduled flight to Phoenix. They were ar-
rested after tests showed Cloyd’s blood-alcohol level was 0.091 and Hughes’s
was 0.084. Both pilots had their licenses revoked by the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration and were fired by America West. They are awaiting trial for op-
erating an aircraft while intoxicated and driving under the influence.34
must show personal injury as a result of a defect in the design or manufacture of the
article while it was being used properly. There can be no recovery, however, if the
driver was aware that such defect made the article unsafe for its intended use.
When Alberta Ayers stopped for a cup of coffee at the Summit
Cafe, she mentioned a “short pedal” on the hydraulic brakes of
her heavy-duty truck. She had to “pump” the brake pedal to get a braking
response. Nevertheless, after her coffee break, she proceeded down the
mountain road until the brakes did not hold and the rig went out of control,
ultimately careening over the side of the road and landing 200 feet below.
Was the manufacturer or seller of the truck or of the brakes liable?
No. Even if the brakes were defective in design or manufacture, Ayers knew of the
condition and was negligent by returning to the highway, especially in the moun-
tains without a checkup, adjustment, or repair.
Both federal and state governments assist owners by prescribing a variety of safety
standards for motor vehicles.36 Not only are manufacturers required to manufacture
motor vehicles meeting minimum safety standards, but also in recent years many states
(through court opinions and legislative statutes) have increased the responsibilities of
drivers for their own safety.37 The most common personal safety equipment is the
mandatory use of safety seat belts. With respect to motorcycles, about 20 states require
helmets for all riders and another protective headgear must be worn while driving.
In the late spring of 2006, wearing motorcycle helmets was in
the national news. Helmetless Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback
Ben Rothlesberger was in an accident when his team “Suzuki motorcycle” lost
to “car.” He was injury free after his February Super Bowl victory but not from
this encounter where it took seven hours of surgery to repair his jaw, nose, and
teeth. Wearing helmets is optional in Pennsylvania, but Rothlesberger was still
fined as he lacked a motorcycle license. Law requiring that helmets be worn
is a source of contention between state governments and many motorcycle
riders. Some riders argue that the use of a helmet should be a personal deci-
sion; many even view helmet use as a freedom issue. States counter that al-
though helmets do not prevent accidents they reduce the severity of the harm.
Government taxes often pay some of the health care costs of brain-damaged
indigent motorcycle drivers. After leaving the hospital, Rothlesberger said he
will wear a helmet if he rides a motorcycle again.38
example, if you loan your bicycle to a friend, a bailment is created. Because there is
no payment (or other type of consideration), it is not a contract. Most bailments bailee
are, however, based on contract (e.g., the delivery of your sleeping bag or dress to One who rightfully re-
the cleaners for dry cleaning). ceives temporary posses-
sion of personal property
from another, the bailor,
Elements of a Bailment For a transfer of property to be a bailment, the following in a bailment.
three conditions must be met:
1. Personal property. Bailments involve only personal property. A bailment of
your luggage is created when it is taken to an airline. The airline passenger is
not subject to a bailment. Real property cannot be bailed; thus, renting a house The driving record require-
is not a bailment. ments at the world’s largest
automobile rental company
2. Delivery of possession. The property must be transferred to the bailee.
can be accessed at
There are two requirements for effective delivery: (1) the bailee must be given
both exclusive possession and control over the property and (2) the bailee must http://www.hertz.is/main/
knowingly accept the personal property. view.jsp?branch=6384
Millie Banks took Billie Saven out to dinner at an expensive res-
taurant. Upon arrival at the restaurant, Banks turned over her
car to the parking attendant, who parked the car. Did a bailment of Banks’s
car occur?
Yes, valet parking is usually a bailment. Self-parking is not. The difference is who
controls the car keys. If Banks parked the car herself, locked it, and kept the keys, it
is considered a lease of space. The owner of the parking lot is a lessor, and Banks is
a lessee of the space. Self-service parking lots are generally not considered bailments
because the parking lot owners do not take control or possession of the automobile.
Even if a bailment exists, the bailee often will limit or disclaim liability by posting
signs and including disclaimer language on the claim ticket.
3. Bailment agreement. A bailment agreement can be express or implied. A writ-
ten agreement is usually not required for a bailment. It is, however, a good idea
to have one when valuable property is involved. Remember that not all bail-
ment agreements are contracts. If you loan your next door neighbor your
hedge trimmer, it is an agreement and a bailment, but it is not a contract unless
the neighbor pays for the use.
A bailment agreement expressly or impliedly expects the return of the property
to the bailor. An agreement might provide for the return of the property to a
third person, or for disposal by the bailee. The bailee is expected to also return the
504 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
identical goods given by the bailor. In certain types of bailments, only equivalent
property must be returned, for example a bailment of fungible, uniformly identical,
Holman stores his grain (fungible goods) at Joe’s Warehouse.
At the end of the storage period, the warehouse does not have
to return the exact same grain. The warehouse bailee must, however, return
grain of the same type, grade, and quantity.
Laws relating to rental car bailments vary significantly among the states, but two
rules are uniform. The first uniform rule is that the rental car company has a duty to
provide a vehicle that is safe to use and in good driving condition. A bailee has rights
both in contract and tort if harmed because of a breach of this duty. Second, the
bailor has a right to expect the car to be returned in the same condition in which it
was rented, minus ordinary wear and tear. The bailee is responsible for harm to the
car even if it was not the bailee’s fault. Rental companies suggest special collision in-
surance (called collision damage waivers) to cover this risk. As this insurance is very
costly (rental companies make a sizeable profit with this add-on fee), many states
have restricted rental car company practices promoting such special coverage.39 If
you have collision insurance on your own automobile, your policy typically will cover
this risk (minus the deductible) on any rental car (however, check your specific policy
to determine your specific coverage). Credit card companies often provide collision
waiver coverage as an important fringe benefit for their customers. Of course, for the
benefit to apply, the customer must use the credit card when renting the vehicle.
Joua Landini landed at Metropolitan Airport and walked over
to the Maxi Car Rental agency to pick up his reserved auto. Af-
ter he provided his license and credit card to the rental company, the agent
refused to rent him an automobile. She told Landini that the two speeding
violations found when she did a computer search of his driving disqualified
him from renting from Maxi. Landini insists that Maxi rent him a car, argu-
ing that the search was an invasion of his privacy.
The rental company has a legitimate interest in public information, which lets it
determine the level of risk it takes when renting to a particular customer. If the
renter has certain types of recent traffic violations or a certain violation “point
level,” the rental company may refuse to rent or may charge a higher rental amount.
This has become a common business practice of rental car companies, and neither
common carrier court case nor legislation has yet successfully curbed this practice.
A carrier that transports
for payment all persons
who apply for passage,
Are There Special Laws for Common Carriers?
assuming space is avail- A common carrier of passengers agrees to transport, in exchange for money, any-
able and there is no legal body applying for passage, assuming there is available space and no legal justifica-
excuse for refusal. tion for refusal.40 Bus lines, taxicabs, railroads, airlines, and subway systems are all
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 505
classified as common carriers. Common carriers are required to be licensed and are
regulated by federal, and sometimes state, agencies. Regulations usually cover
routes, safety measures, operating methods, rates, passenger contracts and treat-
ment, and luggage handling. At the heart of the relationship are two legal concepts:
(1) specific obligations or duties are owed to passengers created by a contract of
transport and (2) general duties are also owed as a matter of public policy. These
general duties are independent of private contract and arise from the carrier’s position
as a public utility.41 These common carrier legal duties are very important for passen-
ger safety and baggage care.
Mark Oglesby and Mark Finken, both seventh graders, were
riding on a Milwaukee County bus. A group of about 20 youths
stormed the bus, some entering through its windows. The hoodlums de-
manded money of Finken; when he refused, they beat him. Oglesby and
Finken eventually were able to flee the scene. During the entire course of
events, the bus driver, although watching in her rear-view mirror, made no
attempt to intervene. Did the bus driver breach a duty owed Oglesby and
Kasanof v. Embry-Riddle Co., 157 Fla. 677, 26 So. 2d 889 (Florida, 1946).
Yes. Common carriers are responsible for the safety of their passengers. Because
common carriers are open to everyone, the public reasonably expects to be safe. Al-
though the carriers are not insurers of the passengers’ safety, their duty is described
as either high, or the highest, duty of care. This duty includes inspection of equip-
ment, safe means of access and departure, use of protective restraints such as seat
belts in airlines and possibly even in buses,42 and protection from fellow passen-
gers.43 In the preceding case, the court stated, “It was reasonable to infer … that
the assault would not have occurred had the driver ordered the youths off the bus
for their rowdiness, warned them, or notified them she was summoning the
police.” 44
A common carrier is also responsible for the safe transport and return of a pas-
senger’s baggage, as covered by that passenger’s ticket or fare. If there is no extraor-
dinary excuse (such as confiscation of the baggage by police), the carrier is responsi-
ble for loss or damage to the baggage, without proof of fault. Statutes regulating
baggage transport typically provide that although liability may not be eliminated, it
may be limited by contract to certain defined amounts. Such partial disclaimers are
allowed as long as the passenger is given the right to have the monetary limit raised
after paying an additional fee. As baggage transport contracts generally include a http://
disclaimer, it behooves the passenger to protect valuable goods through a suitable A discussion of airline pas-
declaration of higher value and payment of an additional fee. senger rights can be
A recurring complaint about airline travel is the “bumping” of passengers (leav- found at
ing them behind) with confirmed reservations. Airlines do not guarantee their sche- http://airconsumer.ost.dot
dules and, following deregulation of the industry in the 1980s, many consumer .gov/publications/flyrights.htm
protections for passengers have been left to carrier discretion. Department of Trans- and a discussion of what
portation regulations do require airline companies to ask passengers for volunteers to rights passengers ought to
stay behind for compensation. The regulations specify minimum compensation un- have can be found at
der “denied boarding” requirements, that vary with the length of the delay you http://flyana.com/index
endure. Typically, the airlines seek volunteers at about the same compensation level. .html
It is reported that one newer airline, JetBlue, distinguishes itself by not overbooking
506 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
flights at all, and only seeking to bump volunteers when a family emergency arises
and the airline seeks to help get a person on one of its flights.45 A passenger’s rights,
of course, also differ depending on whether the flight is domestic or international.
Yes. Although proof of insurance is important and notifying their insurance com-
panies is wise, they must also notify the state about the accident. Tennessee, like
financial most states, has a financial responsibility law. Such laws require that within a set
responsibility law period each driver involved in an automobile accident, regardless of fault, must
A statute requiring that provide proof of financial responsibility and also report to the state any accident
after an automobile acci- that causes more than a modest amount of property damage (such as $1,000) or in
dent of specified severity, which someone is injured (no matter how slightly) or killed. The financial respon-
any driver not covered by sibility requirement is usually met by purchase of a minimum amount of automo-
insurance must post spec- bile insurance. Drivers who do not have automobile insurance usually must either
ified cash or equivalent
pay a cash deposit or post a bond. The cash deposit or bond (a form of guarantee)
is proof of financial responsibility.
Failure to report a serious accident (e.g., $1,000 damage, injury, or death) can
lead to suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. If you do not have insur-
ance and cannot establish financial responsibility, your driver’s license will be sus-
pended in most states until proof is presented. The minimum financial responsibil-
ity requirements vary among the states. A common required amount is $25,000 for
injury to or death of any one person in any one accident, $50,000 for injury to or
death of more than one person, and $10,000 for property damage. Many states
have compulsory insurance laws in addition to financial responsibility laws. All
states have at least one or the other.46 Insurance salespersons and brokers should
know your state’s minimum coverage requirements.
Financial responsibility requirements, as the name suggests, are designed to
provide some assurance that persons who use the highways and negligently injure
others will pay resulting claims. Damages awarded by a court may far exceed the
statutory responsibility limits. Furthermore, since financial responsibility need not
be demonstrated until after an accident has occurred, there is no guarantee that any
particular driver is complying with the law. Indeed, socially irresponsible persons
who violate the rights of others are the least likely to buy the needed insurance.
Even states that require motor vehicle insurance are left with many liability issues
unresolved. The minimum coverage required is typically low, unregistered (and
uninsured) automobiles are still driven, and unlicensed (and uninsured) drivers still
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 507
Negligently backing his car and house trailer from a parking
spot across a mountain road, Malcolm Maclede caused a major
accident in which three persons were seriously injured and two $27,000
automobiles were totally wrecked. Medical expenses alone exceeded
$70,000 within a year, and one victim had to be confined to a bed, presum-
ably for the rest of her life. All three victims were adults with families, and
none could work for a year or longer. Maclede had the minimum insurance
coverage required by the financial responsibility law. Is Maclede guilty of a
crime? Will he lose all his assets in civil litigation? Can he escape punishment
through bankruptcy?
Maclede is not guilty of a crime because he was not criminally negligent. If he had
been intoxicated, and had any of the victims died, he would have faced manslaugh-
ter and possibly even murder charges (see Chapter 6 for examples). He will, no
doubt, lose all of his assets not otherwise subject to preexisting creditors’ claims,
unless he is very wealthy. He can escape his civil liability through bankruptcy, but
all his nonexempt assets could be seized. Exempt assets are assets that every exempt assets
debtor is permitted to keep, such as an inexpensive automobile, personal clothes Property that a debtor
and effects, tools of his or her trade, a television, and a residential homestead. The can protect against sei-
moral is that all drivers should carry adequate public liability coverage for bodily zure resulting from exe-
injury to others as a matter of prudent self-interest as well as of social justice and cution of judgment by a
judgment creditor or a
concern for other human beings.
trustee in a bankruptcy
Owners of a car absolutely, unequivocally, and without reservation need to protect
themselves against losses that may arise from, for example, a collision, vandalism, or
theft, and especially against the overwhelming losses that could arise from injury to Read about the Iowa Motor
oneself or others as a result of an auto accident. The typical family automobile insur- Vehicle Financial Responsi-
ance policy covers the named insured (and spouse, if any) and residents of the same bility Law at
household (including children, even when they are temporarily away from home, as http://www.dot.state.ia.us/
when attending a distant school). The policy also covers other persons when they are mvd/ods/financial.htm
using the vehicle with the permission of the named insured. Persons in the house-
hold other than the named insured cannot give permission to others to use the family
car with continuing coverage by the policy. When an insured person drives another
owner’s car with permission, the driver’s policy provides additional supplementary
coverage if the owner’s policy is insufficient to cover a valid claim or judgment.
No. In order for Turner’s medical-payments insurance to apply, he must have given
the driver, Labordee, permission to use his vehicle. Labordee did not have Turner’s
permission; he had stolen Turner’s car. Labordee’s own medical-payments coverage
is inapplicable, as is the rest of his automobile insurance policy, because, as a thief, he
was using a vehicle without a reasonable belief of permission. However, if Labordee
also carried ordinary health insurance, his medical expenses would be covered.
Like other forms of automobile insurance, a certain limit of coverage will iden-
tify the responsibility of the insurance company. The limit applies to each covered
person in the accident.
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 509
Uninsured-Motorist Insurance This type of insurance pays for injuries and/or prop-
erty damages to the insured, family members, and guests in a covered vehicle resulting
from accidents involving hit-and-run drivers and uninsured or underinsured drivers.
Pedro Perez was at the wheel of his car, patiently waiting for a uninsured-
green light, when he was rear-ended with a horrendous crash. motorist
He was wearing a shoulder harness, but his neck and back were snapped in insurance
a violent whiplash. Although conscious, he was dazed and could not identify Automobile insurance
the hit-and-run driver or car that backed off, made a U-turn, and then sped that protects against the
away. What type of automobile insurance protects Perez in this situation? risk of loss from bodily in-
jury and property dam-
age suffered by an in-
sured driver because of
Perez can recover his medical expenses and his property damages up to the agreed the negligence of either
limits under uninsured-motorist insurance. For a relatively modest premium, an uninsured, an underin-
sured, or a hit-and-run
this policy typically pays between $15,000 and $25,000 for bodily injury suffered by
the insured as a result of being struck by a hit-and-run driver who escapes without
being identified, or by an identified but uninsured or judgment-proof driver who is
at fault. Some states require uninsured-motorist insurance to be included in all deductible
PL/PD policies. A provision in an insur-
ance policy whereby the
Physical-Damage Coverage Two types of insurance are available to pay for damages insured bears modest
losses up to a prescribed
to your own automobile in excess of any agreed deductible. Most physical-damage
sum (e.g., $50, $100, or a
coverage is divided into two parts: collision and comprehensive. Collision insurance
little more) in exchange
pays for damage to the insured’s motor vehicle caused by a collision, no matter who for reduced premiums.
is at fault. If the other party was at fault, your automobile insurance company will
have a right of subrogation. Subrogation is the right to succeed to or substitute for
the rights of another. In insurance law, if the insurance company pays a claimant, it
has the right to reimbursement from the wrongdoer. insurance
Automobile insurance
Comprehensive insurance (also called other-than-collision loss) protects against
that protects against the
any losses to the insured’s vehicle except those caused by collision. Thus, comprehen- risk of loss from damages
sive applies if the vehicle is stolen, vandalized, or otherwise damaged (as by fire, to one’s own automobile
earthquake, flood, or sandstorm). The policy does not pay for loss caused by theft of in a collision regardless of
personal effects (e.g., clothing, cameras, or luggage) left in the vehicle or for the theft who is at fault.
of radio or stereo equipment, although these may be covered by special endorsement
or addition to the policy. subrogation
The substitution of a
company has a right to be told which members of the family drive in order to prop-
http:// erly estimate its risk and charge the appropriate insurance premium (price paid for
A glossary of insurance the policy). With respect to an owned automobile identified in a policy, the follow-
terms can be found at ing persons are normally insured:
http://www.iii.org/media/ • The named insured and spouse, if residing in the same household.
glossary/, • Declared residents of the same household. (This applies even if the person is
and information about temporarily away from the residence; for example, if Karen goes to school in
automobile insurance can another state.)
be accessed at the Better
• Other persons who use the automobile with the permission of the named in-
Business Bureau at
sured. This coverage is provided to nonresident drivers who infrequently drive
http://www.bbb.org/alerts/ the insured vehicle.
article.asp?ID=431 • Other persons who might be liable because of negligence of the insured. This
could be the employer of the insured, if Sally or Ben McFarland got into an
accident while on company business.
Under most policies, if you sell your car and buy another, your automobile cover-
age continues for at least 30 days, or at most until the next policy anniversary date.
Thus, you are fully protected in case you are in an accident during the short transi-
tion period. However, the company should be notified promptly so it can make the
necessary changes to your policy, including an adjustment in the premium.
While on vacation in Glacier National Park, Nelson Salbeck bor-
rowed a four-wheel-drive vehicle from some friends and took
off on a cross-country trip. Does his automobile insurance policy cover him
while he drives the borrowed vehicle?
Yes. Salbeck and relatives who reside in his household are all covered when they
drive nonowned passenger automobiles with the permission of the vehicle’s owner.
nonowned A nonowned automobile is defined as an automobile or trailer not owned by, or
automobile furnished for, the regular use of the named insured. Insurance carried by the owner
An automobile or trailer of the vehicle provides the basic coverage. Salbeck’s insurer would pay only
not owned by, or fur- amounts in excess of the owner’s policy limits.
nished for, the regular use
of the named insured.
When Nelson Salbeck came home, he learned that his adult
son, Jack, who still lived with his parents, had bought a new car
with a manual gearshift and had insured it in his own name. Salbeck asked
if he might try it out; Jack said yes, and Nelson took off. He had an accident
in which the car was damaged, and both a pedestrian and Nelson were in-
jured, all because of his negligence in shifting gears. Did Nelson’s insurance
cover him?
Nelson’s insurance would be secondary or excess. The son’s car does not fit the
definition of nonowned since a resident relative, the son, owns it. However, since
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 511
Salbeck drove with his son’s permission, the son’s policy will cover the accident.
Unfortunately, this might be much less coverage than he considers adequate; he is
vulnerable to a sizable claim for damages by the pedestrian. An exception to this
rule exists if Salbeck borrows his son’s car while his own is being serviced or re-
paired. The son’s car would then be considered a temporary substitute automobile,
and both policies would cover the loss.
Aaron Dittmar bought a stand-alone trailer for camping trips
and mounted a light trail motorcycle to the rear of the trailer.
Are these vehicles covered by Dittmar’s automobile insurance policy?
The trailer is covered, without an added premium, for PL and PD only if it is de-
signed for use with a private passenger automobile and is not used for business or
commercial purposes. Motorcycles, dune buggies, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), mo-
peds, motor homes, and other similar vehicles are generally excluded from coverage
unless specially added to the policy. Of course, individual policies may be written
directly for a motorcycle or other vehicle.
A policy effective within the United States generally does not cover the insured
in other countries unless specially endorsed in exchange for an extra premium.
Most U.S. policies apply to travel while in Canada, but U.S. drivers need to carry
proof of insurance coverage while driving there. Most U.S. insurance is not sufficient
in Mexico. Before driving in Mexico, a driver should purchase a policy covering Mex-
ican travel. Such policies are sold in both countries. It is extremely important that you
review your automobile liability and property-damage coverage with your insurance
agent before you leave to travel by car in foreign countries. Otherwise, you could be
burdened with a noncovered judgment and might even be jailed pending trial be-
cause of lack of local insurance to cover possible damages.
for pain and suffering, which is often the largest portion of jury verdicts. If there is
a dispute as to the proper amount of damages to be paid, an administrator decides
after a hearing. Each party collects from his or her own company for medical or fu-
neral expenses and lost wages (usually for a limited time), both for themselves and
for other occupants of the cars.
No-fault insurance replaces the typical method of establishing responsibility
http:// for wrongs related to automobile accidents. It replaces the tort fault system and
A fact sheet from the Insur- thus it is a system itself. The closest existing parallel is workers’ compensation in-
ance Information Institute surance, which replaced the fault system for most work-related injuries. All states
on no-fault auto insurance that have adopted no-fault systems have implemented modified versions of the
is located at
pure concept. For instance, in a modified plan, if an accidental death, permanent
http://www.iii.org/media/ injury, or disfigurement results, or if medical expenses exceed a specified minimum
hottopics/insurance/nofault/ (such as $2,500 or $5,000, or 90 days of disability or a specific type of injury such as
the loss of a limb), it is called the “threshold for suit.” When the “threshold” is met,
the general prohibition against suits is waived. If it is then proved that the other
party’s negligence caused the accident, a larger sum may be recovered, including all
special damages (for medical expenses, loss of wages, or destruction of property)
and payment of general damages for pain, suffering, and disfigurement.
Massachusetts pioneered no-fault in 1971, and several states followed with a
variety of no-fault plans. Some states have adopted plans and then abandoned or
modified them.* Other states have considered the idea but rejected it. At the fed-
eral level, repeated unsuccessful efforts have been made to enact a comprehensive
national plan, excluding only those states that have acceptable equivalent plans.
Individuals who are not satisfied with recovery schedules under no-fault can, of
course, buy additional health or medical-payments, accident, and disability insurance
coverage for themselves. Most no-fault plans exclude property damage, so drivers
should continue to buy such protection, both comprehensive and collision.
* States with some type of no-fault plan as of 2006 include Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New
Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Utah, and the territory of Puerto Rico. Compulsory first-party, optional liabil-
ity insurance; some restrictions on lawsuits: Florida and (compulsory property damage liability) Puerto Rico. States that have re-
pealed their no-fault laws: Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.47
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 513
will be on the police report, you will not receive this report for several days.
Persons protecting your interests (e.g., your insurance company or your attor-
ney) will want to begin their investigation of the accident immediately.
5. Even before the police arrive, write down (or have someone else write down)
the vehicle license numbers, names, addresses, and phone numbers of all wit-
nesses (they might leave the scene after a few minutes). Get the same informa-
tion from the driver and occupants of the other vehicle. Also ask the other
driver for the name of his or her insurance company.
6. Do not admit responsibility for the accident. Any such admission of fault
would be later held against you in court. Right after an accident is not the time
to make dramatic conclusions, especially since they may be wrong.
7. Notify your insurance company if the other party is injured or has suffered
property damage, and/or if you intend to submit a claim for personal injuries
and/or damages to your car.
8. As soon after the accident as possible, write down the full details of what hap-
pened immediately before, at the time of, and immediately after the accident.
A map or sketch of the scene may help. Note the weather and road conditions,
visibility (sun, moon, lights), time, speed estimates, and skid marks. If you can,
get pictures of the cars and any skid marks.
9. If the accident was serious, have your family contact an attorney as soon as
possible. If you do not have an attorney, find one. (Methods of attorney selec-
tion are discussed in Chapter 4.) The attorney may have a professional photog-
rapher take pictures of the scene, including skid marks, aided by your notes of
the event.
10. Notify the appropriate government agency, using its preprinted forms, to com-
ply with the state’s financial responsibility law.
11. If an insurance claims adjuster for the other driver contacts you or your family,
refer them to your attorney. Be careful not to admit fault to the adjuster, who
openly or with concealed equipment may be recording any conversation. Do
not make any settlement until you know the extent of your damages. You can-
not know that information until after you have been released by your doctor
and have received legal advice. If you are an innocent victim of another driver’s
negligence, you may be entitled to damages sufficient to cover (a) medical and
hospital expenses, present and future; (b) damage to property (car, clothing);
(c) loss of wages, actual and prospective; and (d) payment for pain, suffering,
and disfigurement. When damages are high, you are well advised to hire an at-
torney. Even after the attorney’s fee, you will probably receive a sum larger
than any direct offer from an insurance claims adjuster.
12. You will probably want to have your damaged car repaired. The insurance
company may require two or more written estimates from reliable repair
shops. The insurance company will pay you on the basis of the lower estimate.
If it seems that a defect in your vehicle caused the accident, consult your attor-
ney before you repair the car. The attorney may arrange to have an expert ex-
amine the suspect parts to preserve them as evidence.
abandoned, or mislaid. Purchase is the most likely method for a motor vehicle
although other methods are possible. We will discuss these other methods of
personal property ownership even though they occur more commonly with other
types of personal property than motor vehicles.
The person who finds abandoned property generally becomes the owner of it. A
person who finds lost property may become the owner of that property if the true
owner does not come forward. The first person to take possession of a wild animal
normally owns it.
Production—the fruits of one’s labor—is another means of acquiring ownership of
personal property. For example, writers, inventors, and manufacturers all produce
personal property and get title to what they have produced.
Katrina Brown’s favorite aunt, Valerie Karnes, tells her when
she graduates from college she is going to give her a new Ford
Mustang convertible. What are Brown’s rights if any to the new car upon
her graduation?
In the movie Field of Dreams, a mysterious voice said to an Iowa farmer, “If you
build it, he will come.” The reference was to a baseball field and the “he” was the
ghost of former baseball great, Shoeless Joe Jackson. Brown is in the same position
as that Iowa farmer. If the farmer built the field and Joe didn’t come, there would
be nothing he could do about it. To say it another way, “Katrina will own it, if
Valerie gives it.” Aunt Valerie has made a gratuitous promise, but the Mustang does
gift not become Brown’s until and unless Karnes delivers it to her. The aunt’s choice
A voluntary transfer of
of words could be critical to Katrina’s rights. In Chapter 8, we explained what
property ownership by constitutes a unilateral offer to form a contract. Had the aunt promised Katrina the
one under no duty to car if she graduates from college and her actions suggested she is bargaining
transfer the ownership. for Katrina to continue her education, the aunt might have made a unilateral offer
and Katrina might have a right to receive the car upon completion of the required
donor task. This was exemplified by the case at the end of Chapter 8 (Hamer v. Sidway),
A person who makes a where an uncle promised his nephew money if he abstained from certain vices until
gift in life or by will. he was 21. The promise in that situation was enforceable by the nephew.
A gift is a voluntary transfer of property ownership. The very essence of a gift
donee is giving someone something without expecting anything in return. A promise to
The person to whom a make a gift is not enforceable. The gift must be actually delivered to be an effective
gift is made in life or by transfer of ownership. The person giving the gift is called a donor. The person re-
will. ceiving a gift is called a donee.
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 515
Linda Ector wishes to make a gift to Patricia Nguyen of some
old rare coins stored in a safety deposit box at Lone Star Savings
and Loan. Ector is the donor. The intended beneficiary of Ector’s generosity,
Nguyen, is the donee. How can Ector effectively transfer ownership of the
rare coins to Nguyen?
There are three requirements to an effective gift: donative intent, delivery, and
1. Donative intent. There must be evidence of the donor’s intent to give the donee
the gift. Donative intent is determined from the language of the donor and donative intent
the surrounding circumstances. Ector can tell Nguyen that she wishes to give Present intent to make
her the coins. Writing down her intention provides even better proof. a gift.
2. Delivery. Delivery is giving up complete control and dominion (ownership rights)
over the subject matter of the gift. Delivery is obvious in most gift situations.
In the rare coin example, delivery could take place in several ways. Ector could
go get the coins and deliver them to Nguyen. Ector may, however, be reluctant
to take the coins out of the bank. When a physical object cannot be delivered,
a symbolic, or constructive, delivery is sufficient.
Constructive delivery is a term describing acts that the law holds to be the constructive
equivalent of a real delivery. In our rare coin example, the delivery of the key to the delivery
safety deposit box to Nguyen would be a constructive delivery of the contents of Acts that are the equiva-
the box. The delivery of intangible property—such as stocks, bonds, insurance pol- lent of actual delivery
icies, contracts, and so on—is always accomplished by symbolic, or constructive, such as delivering the key
delivery. to the safety deposit box
with the present intent to
3. Acceptance. The final requirement of a valid gift is acceptance by the donee. give the person the con-
This rarely presents any problems since most donees readily accept their gifts. tents of that box.
The courts generally assume acceptance unless shown otherwise.
Will or Inheritance
Ownership of personal property may be transferred by will or by inheritance under
state statutes. (See Chapter 14.) These transfers are called bequests (personal prop-
erty), devises (real property), or inheritances (any or all property rights transferred at
Accession means “adding on” to something. It happens when someone adds value accession
to a piece of personal property by either labor or materials. The installation of a ste- “Adding on” to the value
reo system in an automobile adds value to the automobile and becomes part of it. of personal property by
If accession occurs without the permission of the owner, the ownership rights either labor or materials.
in the improved property usually depend on the good faith of the improver. If the
improver is a wrongdoer, most courts will not allow him or her to be reimbursed
for the value added. For example, if a car thief put new tires on a stolen car, he or
she would not be paid for the value of the new tires.
516 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Roberto Juarez is walking in a large country field. He discovers
a huge stone shaped somewhat like a horse lying near a fence.
Juarez works on the stone for 27 weeks. He eventually transforms it into a
replica of the Lone Ranger’s horse, Silver. Juarez’s artist friends are very im-
pressed and convince him to move the stone horse to a gallery. The gallery
appraises the art at $50,000. The owner of the field where Juarez found the
stone now claims title to it. Who gets the statue of Silver? Who is that
masked man, anyway?
Juarez should get title to the stone statue because the changes he made greatly in-
creased its value and the accession was performed in good faith. Juarez is, however,
responsible for paying the owner of the field the reasonable value of the unaltered
stone. If the increase in value is not significant, the original owner would keep title
to the property. Many courts require the original owner to compensate an honest
mistaken improver for the value he or she has added to the property.
confusion Confusion is the mixing of one person’s personal property with another’s, result-
Mixing of one person’s ing in the goods becoming indistinguishable. This frequently occurs when the
personal property with goods are fungible. “Fungible” means that each individual item is identical to ev-
another’s, resulting in the ery other item; this is the case with grain and oil. For example, if two farmers put
goods becoming their number 2-grade winter wheat into the same silo, confusion occurs.
If the confusion of goods was done to deceive or take advantage of another, the
innocent party gets title to the whole. If the confusion occurs as a result of agree-
fungible ment, an honest mistake, or the act of some third party, the owners share owner-
Each item of personal ship as tenants in common.
property is identical to
every other item.
Mislaid, Lost, and Abandoned Property
If you find someone’s property, it is important to learn whether the owner mislaid,
lost, or simply abandoned the property because it affects who has what rights to the
property. We define and discuss each below.
Mislaid Property
While at the movie theater, Dawn Waller went to the conces-
sion stand to purchase some popcorn and a cola. She acciden-
tally left her gloves on the concession stand. The next day, she realized they
were gone. What are Waller’s rights to a return of her gloves?
mislaid property
Property that has been Property that has been voluntarily placed somewhere by the owner and then for-
voluntarily placed some- gotten is mislaid property. Her gloves are mislaid property. Assuming the theater
where by the owner and employees found the gloves, Waller has a right to the return of the gloves. The
then forgotten. theater owner has the duty to care for the goods in a reasonable way. The finder
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 517
does not get title to mislaid property; instead, he or she becomes an involuntary
bailee. The law presumes the true owner will return for the property.
Lost Property Property that is involuntarily left and forgotten is lost property. lost property
The finder of the property can claim title to the property against everyone but the Property that is involun-
true owner. If the true owner demands that the lost property be returned, the tarily left and forgotten
finder must return it. The finder, however, has better title than anyone else. by the owner.
If the finder knows who the true owner is, the property should be returned to
him or her. Failure to return such property is the tort of conversion (see Chapter 7).
Many states require the finder to make a diligent search to locate the true owner of
lost property.
Many states have estray statutes to encourage and aid the return of lost prop- estray statutes
erty. A common estray statute requires finders to report their discovery, where- Laws requiring finders of
upon the county clerk will advertise that property is found to try to find the owner. lost personal property to
After a specified time, if the true owner does not claim the property, the finder report their discovery to
becomes the new owner. authorities.
Abandoned Property Property discarded by the true owner, who has no intention
of reclaiming the property, is abandoned property. Generally, the person who abandoned
finds the abandoned property and takes possession of it has title. This title is good property
against everyone, including the original owner. If the finder is trespassing and finds Property discarded by the
abandoned property, title belongs to the owner of the land. true owner, who has no
intention of reclaiming it.
On October 7, 2001, at PacBell Park in San Francisco, Barry
Bonds hit his 73rd home run. In anticipation of this record-
breaking blast, Alex Popov and Patrick Hayashi bought tickets for the arcade
section of the ballpark and brought their ball gloves. “Barry Bonds came to
bat in the first inning. With nobody on base and a full count, Bonds swung
at a slow knuckleball. He connected. The ball sailed over the right-field fence
and into the arcade.” Now the facts are disputed. Popov attempted to catch
the ball and either did or didn’t but he was pummeled by the crowd. The
ball came loose and ended up in the sole possession of Hayashi, a nonag-
gressor. There was video of the event and lots of witnesses but how Popov
lost the ball was not clear from the evidence. Who has the property right to
the ball? Major League Baseball? The San Francisco Giants? Barry Bonds?
Alex Popov? Patrick Hayashi? Your humble baseball loving author?48
Mr. Popov filed suit against Hayashi claiming Hayashi wrongfully took possession
of the ball (conversion) from Popov. “Prior to the time the ball was hit, it was
possessed and owned by Major League Baseball. At the time it was hit it became Life is stranger than fiction
intentionally abandoned property. The first person who came in possession of the more times than not. Read
ball became its new owner.” The judge proffered that the case hinged on the more about the saga of
Barry Bonds’s record-
definition and facts regarding possession. “Mr. Hayashi’s claim is compromised by
setting 73rd home run
Mr. Popov’s pre-possessory interest. Mr. Popov cannot demonstrate full control.
baseball at
Their legal claims are of equal quality and they are equally entitled to the ball.”
Rather than split the ball (rendering it valueless), the judge ordered it sold with the http://www.courttv.com/
“proceeds divided equally between the parties.” The ball ultimately sold for trials/baseball/index.html
$450,000, netting less than half of the ball’s estimated $1 million value even before
the serious allegations of steroid use by Bonds. The attorney’s bill for Mr. Popov
was $473,530.32, over twice his $225,000 share.
518 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
301 S.C. 443, 392 S.E.2d 474 (South Carolina, 1990)
After attending a football game, Willis DeBruhl, a A review of the evidence and its reasonable
minor, drove to a convenience store and bought some inferences in the light most favorable to Jamison
beer. It is illegal in South Carolina for a minor to and the Ruffs follows.
purchase alcohol. He apparently returned to the car
On September 5, 1986, Mark Uggiano talked
and shared the beer with his buddy. Sometime later,
to DeBruhl, a nineteen-year-old, at a high school
DeBruhl was involved in a head-on collision with
football game and arranged to meet him after
another vehicle, killing himself and the driver of the
the game at The Pantry. Thirty or forty minutes
other vehicle and injuring passengers in that vehicle.
after leaving the game, Uggiano met DeBruhl and
An action was brought on behalf of the deceased
Richard Derodo in Dusty Bend at The Pantry, a
driver and passengers against the convenience store.
convenience store. DeBruhl, who was not intoxicated at the
The trial court granted a directed verdict for the defendant on
time, bought a case of beer from The Pantry.*
the grounds that the plaintiffs failed to prove that “any beer pur-
chased at The Pantry was ever consumed prior to this accident *We infer from the following that DeBruhl was not in-
[and] that any beer purchased from The Pantry was [a] proxi- toxicated:
mate cause of the accident in question.” The plaintiffs appealed.
Q. (By Mr. Hardaway): Did you see Willis Dean
GOOLSBY, Judge: These personal injury actions against The DeBruhl on September the 5th, 1986?
Pantry, Inc. arise out of an alleged unlawful sale of beer. The A. (By Mr. Uggiano): Yes, sir.
actions were consolidated for trial. The trial court directed a Q. When did you first see him?
verdict in The Pantry’s favor. The question on appeal con- A. I saw him at the football game at Camden High.
cerns only the sufficiency of the evidence as to proximate Q. Did he appear to be drunk?
cause. We reverse and remand. A. No, sir, he didn’t.
The three complaints, among other things, allege that Q. When you saw Willis Dean DeBruhl at The Pantry
The Pantry sold beer to Willis Dean DeBruhl, a minor, when he came there that night, describe what he
that DeBruhl’s consumption of the beer resulted in a head- looked like then.
on collision that injured Jamison and Kyle Ruff and fatally A. Nothing out of the ordinary, same way.
injured Opal Ruff, and that the sale of the beer by The Q. Was he drunk?
Pantry was a proximate cause of the collision and of the in- A. Not that I could tell.
juries the collision brought about.
And from the following:
At trial, the trial judge granted The Pantry’s motion
for a directed verdict, finding simply that “as a matter of Q. (By Mr. Pulliam): … In your opinion, as an eyewit-
law there [is] insufficient evidence to submit the case to the ness, was he drunk or intoxicated when he went into
jury.” The grounds for The Pantry’s motion were that [The] Pantry?
Jamison and the Ruffs failed to prove that “any beer pur- A. (By Mr. Uggiano): As far as I know, no.
chased at The Pantry was ever consumed prior to this acci-
The beer, which The Pantry was licensed to sell, was put
dent [and] that any beer purchased from The Pantry was
into a paper bag and DeBruhl carried it to his car. DeBruhl
[a] proximate cause of the accident in question.”
got into the car and handed the beer to Uggiano who sat
In determining the question of whether the trial judge
on the back seat. The beer DeBruhl purchased was the
properly granted The Pantry’s motion for a directed ver-
only beer in the car.**
dict, we are required, as was the trial judge, to view the evi-
dence and all reasonable inferences that can be drawn **We infer from the following that the beer bought by
therefrom in the light most favorable to Jamison and the DeBruhl from The Pantry was the only beer in the car:
Ruffs and if there is even a “scintilla of evidence” tending
Q. (By Mr. Hardaway): Was there any particular reason
to prove the allegations of the complaints, the motion
for ya’ll to meet at this particular Pantry?
should have been denied. Because a direction of a verdict is
A. (By Mr. Uggiano): To buy beer so that we could head
not favored, a case must be clear, certain, or indisputable to
out to sorority night.
warrant a trial judge’s granting of a motion seeking a di-
Q. How much beer did he buy?
rected verdict.
Chapter 10 >>> Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles 519
* Section 61-9-40 of the South Carolina Code of Laws (1976) (Rev.1990) provides in part as follows:
(A) It is unlawful for any person to sell beer … to a person under twenty years of age and effective September 14, 1986, under twenty-one years of age. Any person making
such unlawful sale must be, upon conviction, fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than
sixty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. …
Section 61-9-410 provides in part as follows:
No holder of a permit authorizing the sale of beer … or any servant, agent, or employee of the permittee shall knowingly do any of the following acts upon the licensed
premises covered by the holder’s permit:
(1) sell beer or wine to a person under twenty years of age and effective September 14, 1986, under twenty-one years of age; …
A violation of … the foregoing provision[ ] is a ground for the revocation or suspension of the holder’s permit.
520 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
relaxed Hamada was uninjured. Shelia’s mother 11. Leases defined as consumer leases often are limited
brought a wrongful death action against Craig to a $25,000 maximum in order for the special pro-
Hamada, Tran Ong, and the Old Eagle Tavern. Discuss. tections to occur. Are dollar limitations for such
qualification good public policy? Is that amount
10. You intend to drive your automobile into a foreign sufficient?
country for a four-month vacation. What legal issues
regarding the car’s use should you consider prior to 12. Does your state have a point system for driver license
your trip? suspension or revocation? Check the Web to see.
• Compare the advantages and disadvantages of renting
Angry landlords respond with stories of your dwelling.
‘scumbag’ tenants. • Identify the legal terms used in real estate leases.
• Identify the legal rights and duties of landlords and
Headline in April 9, 2002, edition of The Dominio, a New Zealand newspaper.
• Describe the legal requirements and types of real
estate leases.
• Discuss major issues in leases such as deposit or
security use and return, eviction, habitability, and
quiet enjoyment.
• Discuss legal theories for landlord liability for injuries
of the tenant on the premises.
• Distinguish and explain subletting and assignment of
apartment leases.
• Use the guidelines for tenants to make good choices
and create a positive landlord/tenant relationship.
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 523
Many of you are renting an apartment or sharing a rented home during your years
at college. Most of you will probably rent housing for some time after college while
saving for a down payment to buy a home. What are your rights as a renter, and
what duties do you owe the owner (called the landlord)? Prospective residents
should ask many questions before signing a lease and committing to a rental unit.
Can the landlord raise the rent? What if your landlord does not fix a leaking roof?
If your belongings are stolen from your apartment, are you legally entitled to re-
ceive compensation from the landlord? Must your landlord provide safe living ac-
commodations? Can your landlord secretly enter your apartment in your absence?
Are you entitled to know what crimes have occurred in the rental complex or apart-
ment before you sign a lease? What happens if you leave your apartment before the
expiration of your lease?
Jamie O’Quinn moved into an apartment near the university
she was attending. O’Quinn did not know, did not ask, and was
not informed that the prior resident in her unit had been evicted for failure
to pay rent following his arrest on charges of forcible rape. She also did not
know that the apartment door lock had not been changed. Does the law re-
quire landlords to provide new door locks when apartments are rented to
new tenants?
No. But if O’Quinn had asked, the landlord would have been placed in the precari-
ous position of either lying or telling the truth and re-keying the apartment. Most
likely, the landlord would tell the truth, and O’Quinn would discover useful infor-
mation. If the landlord opted to lie, and if O’Quinn became the victim of a crime
following an entry into her apartment, the landlord would then be liable for sub-
stantial compensatory and punitive damages. The important laws pertaining to rent-
ers and landlords are outlined in this chapter.
Like others around the world, millions of Americans live in dwellings they do
not own. Called tenants, these people rent their living quarters, mostly in cities tenant
and suburban areas. A party to a lease who
Around 100 years ago, young people were migrating from rural America, from pays rent to the landlord
their farm homes with nearby churches and stores. For tens of thousands of farm- in exchange for the pos-
ers who grew most of what they ate and traded for the rest—horseshoes, nails, session and use of real
property (e.g., a person
sugar, salt—the call of the cities was compelling. Electrification was years away for
who rents an apartment).
most farms, while city lights symbolized a new promise. Furthermore, increasing
crop production drove prices down, while railroad freight rates rose, forcing many
to migrate to cities such as New York, Kansas City, and Chicago. These rural mi-
grants were joining the droves of European immigrants—500,000 in 1900 alone.
The big cities offered crowded rooming houses, apartments, high-density tene-
ments, “flophouses,” cellars, and hotels, and even lesser accommodations to their
immigrants and residents in slums. Individual sleeping spaces might be rented in an
apartment, with four men sleeping “broadside” on a sofa, their legs extending out
onto chairs. Of course, there were luxurious apartment suites in the exclusive neigh-
borhoods, but rural migrants could not even dream of living in such splendor. “To
the people of soil, the cities, with their saloons, gambling halls, and masses of foreign
people speaking strange tongues, seemed the source of much that was wrong with
contemporary America, and these godless places were … luring away innocent
524 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
country children with promises of easier money and a more stimulating way of life.”1
Unwelcome, rural migrants were “having difficulty dealing with their new image as
backward rubes, hayseeds, or country bumpkins, butt of the jokes of smooth-talking,
unscrupulous city folk who mocked them as allegedly bereft of intelligence, sophisti-
cation, or any sense of fun.”2 And they were forced to live in the most dreadful con-
ditions imaginable. For example, around 1900, more than 2.5 million head of live-
stock would be butchered in Kansas City—with nothing wasted. “But the grime, the
noise, and the stench from the stockyards intruded into every corner of the town,”
penetrating tenements everywhere. Even in the midst of such filth could be found
“‘squatters shacks’ surrounded by refuse and smoky, evil-smelling fires.”3
New York was the first city to appoint a Tenement Commission to solve the
problems of poor living conditions for renters. Many cities today have commissions
responsible for administering laws, such as rent controls, that are designed to pro-
tect renters. The plight of the poor who rent was, and some believe still is, unfortu-
nate. But as you will learn, renters today are protected by legal rights that were un-
known at the beginning of the twentieth century. Rent gouging at the turn of the
century set the tone for future conflicts between landlords and their tenants. That
issue continues today but is expressed as a landlord’s right to a fair return on the in-
vestment. Regardless of how the issue is expressed, a solution that is satisfactory to
both sides continues to elude society.
Why do people rent their living accommodations? Lack of funds to buy is usu-
ally the primary reason, although personal preference influences many. In some de-
sirable areas, home prices have escalated to the extent that fully employed families
cannot afford to live close to downtown employment centers. These families must
therefore either choose to rent in unglamorous, high-density apartment buildings or
commute to suburban areas where home prices are lower. As a result, many choose
to buy and commute rather than to rent and walk or take public transportation.
Traditionally, it has been understood that the financial benefits of renting are
poor. The rent that tenants pay edges upward, reflecting continuing inflation (or,
more precisely, the rising costs of new construction and increasing expenses of op-
eration and maintenance). As the demand for apartments increases, new construc-
tion must occur or vacancies become impossible to find; rents respond accordingly
by increasing further.
SEARCH ENGINE The cost of home ownership also is high, largely because of population in-
http:// creases and demographic shifts that occur as more people become parents and new
buyers in the housing marketplace. Many young people in metropolitan areas who
Find one of the numerous
desire to own their homes cannot qualify as purchasers because of the prices and
“Rent versus Buy” calcula-
high down payments required. These reluctant renters contribute to overall low
tors on the Internet by using
key words: rent—buy.
vacancy rates, and thus to the economic pressure for higher rents. One result of de-
mand for home ownership in urban locations has been the conversion of apartment
units into condominiums, thereby further reducing the number of apartments
available for rent. See Exhibit 11.1 for a chart comparing advantages and disadvan-
tages of renting versus buying.
When housing shortages intensify, causing rents to escalate, a clamor for gov-
ernment remedial action is heard. Some local governments, especially in crowded
metropolitan areas and university towns, respond with rent controls; others restrict
condominium conversions. Government-subsidized apartment building programs
for poor families are demanded in populous areas. In response, some frightened
communities curtail the rental housing supply by enacting growth-limitation laws,
out of fear that any new growth will disturb existing lifestyles and may reduce
property values in the city’s core or vicinity. Subsidizing high-density housing also
requires expanding public services (e.g., police and fire protection and community
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 525
Advantages Disadvantages
Little or no responsibility
No tax benefits
for maintenance
No control over rent
Possibility of eviction
Source: Adapted from a comparison chart provided by Ginnie Mae (http://www.ginniemae.gov), a wholly
owned corporation within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
services), which are financed, at least in part, by higher taxes. So the desire to avoid
higher taxes fuels the resistance to uncontrolled growth, even though new develop-
ment contributes to the revenues of local governments in many ways (e.g., property
tax and sales tax revenues).
As we shall explain more fully in the following chapter about home ownership,
the traditional economic benefits of home ownership may be in sharp decline in re-
sponse to new characteristics of employment in the new millennium. Renters tradi-
tionally lament that each month they are “throwing their money away” while home
owners are “buying equity.” Renters may take some solace in our observation that
the efficacy of this classic theory is in doubt.
The overall inventory of available housing and the laws that guarantee at least
minimum health and safety standards to renters have improved indescribably since
the early 1900s. Suburban apartment buildings are characterized by many ameni-
ties, such as recreational and laundry facilities. However, a great deal of substan-
dard housing still exists, usually within our great cities, much of which is rented to
the elderly and the poor.
From the foregoing discussion, it should be clear that laws affecting housing
necessarily reflect some kind of social policy. Almost everyone agrees that the
housing industry, both rental and homeowner, must be regulated by law.
Unfortunately, the relationship between tenants and owners of rental proper-
ties, legally called landlords, often is characterized by misunderstanding, contro- landlord
versy, and even ill will. Many of the legal problems experienced by these parties The owner of residential
may be anticipated simply from the nature of the relationship. Landlords desire to property who leases it to
control rent and maintenance standards and to choose selectively from among ten- a tenant, or renter, in ex-
ant applicants who, in turn, rely on civil rights and consumer laws for protection change for rent.
against discrimination. Tenants also benefit from the forces of competition when
vacancy factors are high and landlords accordingly are anxious to rent.
526 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Moving day came, but Cheryl Daniel never received the key to
her newly rented apartment in south Sacramento’s Franklin
Villa. The landlord, she said, “told me to go in through the window.” So
Daniel crawled through a side window, into a place filled with piles of trash,
wires jutting from electrical sockets, and mold in the refrigerator. Upstairs,
the electricity didn’t work at all. “I had no choice,” said Daniel, age 32, who
had paid $1,000 for the apartment two months earlier from her wages as a
temporary worker. Daniel had been staying in a Stockton motel with her
two teenage daughters. “I’d run out of money and I had no place to go,”
she said, “so I came into this filthy, nasty apartment.”4
The law governing the landlord-tenant relationship evolved from concepts, now
archaic, that related to an agrarian, feudal society in England. Those concepts are
largely irrelevant to the relationship as it is, or as reformers think it should be, in
lease our urbanized, egalitarian democracy. For example, in the law, a lease of a dwelling
A contract, usually writ- historically was considered primarily a conveyance of a property interest, not a tra-
ten, by which the rela- ditional contract with reciprocal rights and duties. Accordingly, the landlord owed
tionship of landlord and no continuing duty of maintenance because the tenant had the right of exclusive
tenant is created and a possession of the “leasehold” or “property.” Thus, repairs had to be made by the
property interest is
tenant if they were to be made at all. The rule of caveat emptor (Latin: “let the buyer
beware”) clearly applied to tenants.
In modern times, though, legislatures and courts increasingly approach the
landlord-tenant relationship in a more enlightened manner. For example, most states
now consider a lease to be primarily a contract with reciprocal rights and duties.
Therefore, a landlord now may be required by law to repair and maintain the rented
premises. In most states, legislatures have adopted comprehensive statutory schemes
that have replaced or modified the historic common law rules. The following laws
now in effect in many states exemplify significant departures from the common law:
• The landlord must maintain the premises in habitable (reasonably livable) con-
ditions, unless the tenant agrees otherwise. The tenant’s agreement cannot be
• If the landlord fails to maintain the premises, the tenant, under specified con-
ditions, may do so—spending (typically) up to one month’s rent, which then
may be deducted from the next installment of rent due.
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 527
• The landlord cannot evict a tenant in retaliation for exercising any tenant
right; if the attempt is made, the landlord may be held liable for punitive dam-
ages up to a specified cap (of perhaps $1,000).
• Landlords must refund security deposits promptly (often within two weeks of security deposit
vacancy). The deposits may be retained by the landlord only to repair or clean A lump sum of cash paid
the premises, and then only by following procedures typically set forth by stat- by a tenant to his or her
ute. Statutory damages may be imposed for a failure to comply with these laws. new landlord as security
Nonrefundable security deposits are not legal in modern law. that the tenant will pay
rent as agreed and will
• Charges by the landlord for cleaning or damage repair, if withheld from secu-
not damage the rented
rity deposits, must be itemized and explained. The landlord typically has the
burden of proving, in court, the reasonableness of each levy contested by the
former tenant.
• Landlords owe their tenants and perhaps their guests a continuing duty of
safety under certain circumstances.
Richard Cory, in Unit 5 of Shady Tree Apartments, had plugged
a portable space heater, television, and hot plate for coffee
into a long extension cord that was designed for low amperage use, such as
a radio. It was plugged into the bedroom socket. Hours after Cory fell asleep
with all three appliances turned on, the electric socket overheated and
started a fire. Extensive damage occurred before the fire was extinguished,
partly because the nearby fire extinguisher in the hallway was not operative.
What liabilities have arisen?
Tenants, as well as landlords, are obligated by law to use reasonable care. In this
example, Cory’s negligence was primarily responsible for the fire damage. He is
lucky that other tenants were not injured or even killed. The landlord, however,
must share liability to the extent the damages are attributable to negligently main-
taining the fire extinguisher.
Unfortunately, rental property reform has evolved slowly, which has led to
various disruptive developments: organizations of militant tenant groups, legisla-
tively imposed rent controls, and increasing reluctance of investors and lenders to
become involved in the purchase or operation of rental properties in certain geo-
graphical areas, thus aggravating the shortage of needed housing (especially for
low- and moderate-income tenants). Another trend has been the willingness of pub-
lic interest attorneys to misuse procedural laws to further exacerbate the landlord-
tenant relationship. Even with reform, the amounts of money in dispute are rela-
tively small, and many tenants simply move away without claiming or enforcing
their rights.*
Many apartments are constructed especially for low-income renters. These
apartments are subsidized under programs authorized by the U.S. Housing Act.
Administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
these programs seek to improve landlord-tenant relations in many ways, e.g., by
eliminating onerous clauses from its leases and rental agreements. For example, dis-
traint clauses (which authorize the landlord to seize the tenant’s property for unpaid
* The 1990 movie Pacific Heights, widely available for rent, captures the essence of combative relationships between renters and
landlords in an emotionally charged and entertaining fashion.
528 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
rent) and exculpatory clauses (which immunize the landlord from responsibility for
all injuries or losses caused by negligence), discussed later, have been eliminated
from standard HUD leases. Even so, tenants of public housing projects still must
rely on state law to protect other basic legal rights as renters.
Clearly, there are opposing public policy issues, e.g., housing for everyone in
our nation and respect for property rights of owners of rental properties. Legisla-
tures and enlightened courts will no doubt continue the movement toward unifor-
mity in landlord-tenant laws of the various states. Meanwhile, prospective tenants
need to bargain carefully and effectively with landlords to minimize the risk of pos-
sible future costly conflict. It is important to understand that state laws protect you
primarily after you become a tenant. It is the responsibility of prospective tenants
to fend for themselves in negotiating rental terms and in obtaining the often spe-
cific and detailed protections that are provided by state statutes. Without any
doubt, an “ounce of prevention” in making rental commitments is worth a “pound
of cure” for both landlords and their renters.
The landlord and tenant are involved in a business relationship. One must accept
this fact in order to understand landlord-tenant law. The landlord’s primary con-
cern is that total rent received be sufficient to cover all cash outlays, including peri-
odic major expenditures to replace carpets and appliances, to repair roofs, and to re-
paint building interiors and exteriors. As cash outlays rise with inflation, pressure
grows to raise rents sufficiently to cover these outlays. The renters of modern proj-
ects often enjoy rising incomes and are able to pay higher rents, with the result that
the owners’ project continues to appreciate in value. (Note this declaration pertains
primarily to multifamily projects renting to more affluent segments of society.)
Millions of other dwelling units are rented by low-income persons who cannot
afford any increases in their rent, which already represents a formidable portion of
their total income. Some multifamily dwellings languish in disrepair and gradually
become uninhabitable. Mainstream thinking is that laws designed to force land-
lords to spend money for adequate maintenance and repair would actually hurt
low-income tenants, who could not afford to pay necessary resulting increases in
rent. They would be forced to move, possibly onto the streets, joining the ranks of
the homeless. This conundrum prompted the production of huge housing projects
for low-income renters under government subsidies.
Typically, the owner, especially of a large apartment complex, hires an on-site
manager to handle the day-to-day business of the apartment, collecting rent, pay-
ing bills, maintaining the building, or employing others to perform some, or all, of
these tasks. The on-site manager, or resident manager, is the person with whom the
residents must deal, at least initially, in solving whatever problems arise. Unfortu-
nately, some resident managers try to do as little work as possible in exchange for
the customary rent-free apartment and small salary. Thus, tenant complaints may
fall upon “deaf ears” where the owner-landlord is a passive investor, secure in ano-
nymity and absence from the premises.
Owners of larger complexes frequently hire property management firms that
specialize in managing apartments. These organizations supervise the resident
manager, the collection of rents and payment of bills, and maintenance and repairs.
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 529
They often charge a percentage of the gross rent collected for their services, which
tend to be more systematic and efficient than those found in owner-supervised
The manager, whether an individual or a professional organization, is the own-
er’s agent, and agency law governs the relationship (see Chapter 13). It extends to all
activities connected with the conduct of the rental business, including the receipt of
notices and complaints. It therefore is a wise policy for tenants to make complaints
in writing to the resident manager, retaining a copy for themselves as well.
The nature of the rental business obviously places the landlord and tenant in
conflicting financial positions. On the one hand, as owner of the property, the land-
lord is in the superior position, having both business experience and the availability
of professional help from attorneys and accountants. On the other hand, govern-
ment regulation, modernization of applicable state laws, and enlightenment of the
renting public have done much to equalize the strength of the parties. But to bargain
effectively over the terms of a lease, a tenant should understand what terms are ne-
gotiable and what potential problems can be solved in advance. Unfortunately, the
bargaining power is often so lopsided in favor of the landlord that the tenant has lit-
tle choice but to “sign on the dotted line” or “keep on looking.” This is so because
most consumer protection laws become operative only after one becomes a tenant—
the negotiating process is left to the prospect and landlord. Often, the landlord pre-
sents a form lease full of disclaimers and frequently printed in difficult-to-understand
legalese: a classic adhesion contract (discussed in Chapter 8). Many state laws protect
tenants from unfair provisions within the leases they sign, on the basis of public pol-
icy. State laws are found in statutes and in the common law decisions of courts.
Kristin Benet moved into the Berkshire Arms apartment com-
plex during registration week at the University of Washington.
Vacancies at rental rates that Benet could afford were scarce, and she was
especially pleased to be able to walk to school because she did not own a
car. Harry Hammer, the owner and manager, began “hitting” on Benet the
day she moved in. At first, Hammer made remarks about her “fine body”
and what a “sensational lover” he was, and how “she could have the time of
her life with him.” Week after week, the harassment continued, becoming
more graphic in its innuendos and more threatening to Benet. Fearing the
need to abandon her coveted apartment, Benet visited the campus legal ad-
viser, Sherlock, and asked what she could do, if anything. Sherlock advised
her that apartments were not businesses and tenants are not employees,
therefore the sexual harassment laws did not apply to protect her. Until she
was “assaulted” or “battered” by Hammer, there was nothing she could do.
Was Sherlock right?
Sexual harassment against persons in their homes may be more oppressive than at
their workplaces, but it is far less protected under law. Being forced to abandon a
desirable apartment or home is a considerable loss. But what statutory laws protect
Benet from Hammer’s obnoxious behavior? Federal laws apply to larger employers
whose business affects interstate commerce. State employment laws protect employ-
ees of local (intrastate) businesses, and many extend specified protections to tenants.
Under the common law, if the harassment became very obnoxious and offensive,
530 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Benet could bring an action for the tort of intentional infliction of mental distress
and seek punitive damages as well as compensation for her anguish.
Sidney Chaudhry owns the Laguna Apartments, an exclusive
oceanfront complex. Appealing to upper-class retirees,
Chaudhry charges high rents and restricts the behavior of his tenants with
clauses in the lease agreements and in exhaustive written “rules.” These
rules are intended to assure privacy, to maintain the quiet and peaceful coex-
istence of the tenants, and to preserve the aesthetics of the structures. One
of the restrictions prohibits the installation of any kind of antenna or satel-
lite dish on the balconies or in the patios of apartments. Chaudhry also is the
principal shareholder of the local cable TV corporation that services his apart-
ments. Stanley Craig installed a satellite dish in his Laguna Apartments patio
to assist him in his work. Chaudhry, after repeatedly demanding removal of
the dish, instigated eviction proceedings. Can Chaudhry evict Craig?
No. Despite Craig’s agreement not to install any antennae, his behavior is pro-
tected by rules of the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC, a federal
administrative agency, bans the blanket prohibition of viewers to use competing
technologies. Reasonable rules of how such a satellite dish may be used would be
appropriate. Under the doctrine of supremacy, the rules of the FCC supersede all
contrary state laws or private contracts, such as Chaudhry’s lease.5
A party to a lease who re- LAW AROUND THE WORLD
ceives rent from a tenant
in exchange for the pos- New Zealand Deals with Landlord-Tenant Issues
session and use of real
property by the tenant. In 2006, New Zealand began an effort to significantly amend its laws govern-
The lessor is more com- ing landlords and tenants. The general goal is to create a less turbulent mar-
monly called the ket where tenants and landlords can create productive relationships to span
landlord. decades rather than focus on short-term arrangements. Proposals include new
impediments to tenant eviction (e.g., an initial six-month notice to quit the
premises) and restrictions on landlords exiting the rental business by restrict-
lessee ing their rights to sell rental property. These changes are attributed to increas-
A party to a lease who
ing numbers of complaints and disputes between tenants and landlords.6
pays rent to the landlord
in exchange for the pos-
session and use of real
property, such as a per-
son who rents an apart- WHAT KINDS OF LEASES ARE AVAILABLE?
ment. The lessee is more
commonly called the A lease transfers possession of a dwelling or apartment unit from the owner (called
tenant. lessor or landlord) to the renter (called lessee) in exchange for rent. With a lease,
the landlord transfers to the tenant the exclusive right to use and possess a desig-
rent nated space (apartment unit) for a period of time in exchange for a promise to pay
The tenant’s payment to rent periodically. A lease usually is, and always ought to be, in written form. Leases
the landlord for the ten- for more than one year (or three years, in some states) must be in writing and
ant’s use of the landlord’s signed by the obligated party to be enforceable under state statutes of frauds. Ide-
real property. ally, both parties should sign. However, no law is violated if a landlord and tenant
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 531
* Technically, a lease for a fixed period of time is called an estate for years, even when it terminates in less than one year. Thus, a
six-month lease creates an estate for years, also called a tenancy for years.
532 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
The main disadvantage to tenants is the inability to move during the lease term
without ensuring that the landlord will continue to collect the agreed-upon rent.
Likewise, a main advantage to the lessor is that rental income is uninterrupted for
the term of the lease; there will be no need to advertise the premises or to prepare
them for another resident. This is a significant advantage, since new tenants rarely
can be found to replace departing tenants precisely when vacancies occur. Conse-
quently, even brief periods of vacancy, during which apartments are readied and re-
placement tenants are sought, contribute to a vacancy factor. When tenant turnover
is high, vacancy factors are larger and the financial return to the owner is less.
A disadvantage to the owner is that the rent is locked for the duration of the
lease and cannot be increased to reflect increases in operating expenses. However,
some landlords include an adjustable rent feature in their leases that limits annual
increases to some percentage, say 4 percent, as an alternative to an absolutely fixed
amount of rent. Or, in very long-term leases, the rent may fluctuate with a standard
cost-of-living index. This protects landlords from a decline in their net cash flow
caused by increasing operating expenses. And tenants thus know they will, or may,
face an increase in rent each year, but at least it is limited in amount.
Periodic Tenancy
periodic tenancy A periodic tenancy is commonly called a month-to-month tenancy because most
Tenancy for a period of- landlords prefer to do business on a monthly basis rather than, for example, a
ten determined by fre- weekly basis. The defining attribute of a periodic tenancy is that the agreement
quency of rent payments; states a measuring period. For example, “Landlord agrees to lease a unit in River-
automatically renewed city Acres to tenant on a month-to-month basis.” A month-to-month tenancy con-
unless proper notice is
tinues indefinitely for successive monthly periods until properly terminated, again
in writing, by the lessor or the lessee.
At common law, to terminate a periodic tenancy, the landlord or tenant must
give one period’s notice to the other party. If the tenancy is month to month, one
month’s notice must be given. If the tenancy is week to week, one week’s notice must
be given. State law often provides the notice that is required to end a periodic ten-
ancy, and it might require a minimum notice period no matter what the expressed
term in the lease. In 2002, California statutory law was changed to require a minimum
notice of 60 days in many rental situations before a landlord can terminate a tenancy
without cause. The law requires an owner of a residential dwelling to give at least
60 days’ notice to a tenant of intent to terminate the lease or 30 days’ notice if the ten-
ant has resided in the dwelling for less than one year. The law only applies to a few
specified California cities including Los Angeles. The bill had popular political sup-
port after a Japanese investor gave 30 days’ notice to around 1,000 northern California
tenants, most of whom were in single-family dwellings. A public uproar ensued.7
The main advantage of a month-to-month tenancy to the resident is the free-
dom to vacate without further liability for rent by giving a relatively short notice.
The main advantage to the landlord is the freedom to increase the rent or to evict
a “problem” tenant by giving the same short notice. The tenant who is faced with
an unacceptable rent increase may simply choose to move elsewhere.
Tenancy at Will
If a landlord rents an apartment to a tenant “for as long as both agree,” the tenant
tenancy at will receives a tenancy at will. At common law, either party can terminate the tenancy
Tenancy for as long as without notice. This type of estate may come about when a tenant keeps possession
both parties agree; no after the termination of a tenancy for years with the landlord’s consent. Before the
notice of termination is tenancy is converted into a periodic tenancy (by the periodic payment of rent), it is
required. a tenancy at will. The death of either party terminates a tenancy at will.
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 533
Tenancy at Sufferance
If a tenant remains in possession after another form of tenancy ends without the
owner’s permission, a tenancy at sufferance is created. A tenancy at sufferance is not tenancy at
a true tenancy, as it is created by a tenant wrongfully retaining possession of property. sufferance
The tenant is, however, in a different position from a trespasser, someone with no Continued possession of
right to be on the property. A trespasser can be summarily arrested; a tenant at suffer- land by a tenant without
ance must be evicted. The eviction process, discussed later, provides protection for the legal right.
person accused of wrongfully possessing the property that is unavailable for the
and frequency of parties, and so on. Some landlords are strict in such matters and
others are lax. Renters generally are informed about restrictions when their ten-
ancy begins, although the enforcement policy often is not spelled out. Neverthe-
less, the remedy available to the landlord for violation of such rules is the same as
for nonpayment of rent: eviction, plus monetary damages when appropriate.
The power of the landlord to exclude prospective tenants is not without limita-
tion. Although illegal for many years, racial discrimination in housing still exists.
This phenomenon is attributable to weak enforcement as well as to apparent re-
gional preferences for segregated lifestyles by persons of different races. The Fair
Housing Amendments Act of 19889 allows the award of generous damages (no limit
is specified), as well as necessary reasonable attorney fees, coupled with an overall
expanded role of the federal government for proven, illegal discrimination. Persons
now protected from exclusionary discrimination are children, the physically dis-
abled, and the mentally impaired. AIDS sufferers also are protected. Qualified senior
citizen complexes may, however, discriminate on the basis of age. Traditional pro-
tection from discrimination in housing is continued in the categories of sex (gender),
race, color, religion, ancestry, and national origin. Other areas of historical discrimi-
nation that are ignored by the act are lack of wealth (minimum income restrictions),
marital status (unmarried couples), family size (separate bedrooms for each child),
and sexual preference (homosexual relationships). However, state civil rights or hu-
man rights laws now protect some of these categories.* California, for example, has
long protected against discrimination on the basis of sex (gender), sexual orientation,
race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, blindness or other physical disability,
and children.10
Certain terms in leases or rental agreements generally are declared to be against
public policy and unenforceable by landlords. Nonrefundable security deposit
clauses† and exculpatory clauses—explained later in this chapter—are examples.
Timothy Whalen, attorney-at-law and former state legislator,
owns the Shannon Rose Apartments in Billings, Montana. John
Taylor, a 48-year-old janitor, was renting an apartment from Whalen. When
Taylor was late for the payment of rent, Whalen changed Taylor’s locks, re-
fused to accept the late rent when Taylor returned, and gave him a small
part of his deposit. Taylor moved to the Esquire Motor Inn that night.
Whalen personally moved into Taylor’s apartment and then sued him for
damages and attorney fees. Taylor countered, asking for damages and pos-
session, but was confronted with a clause in the rental agreement that said:
Acceptance of a refund of deposit shall constitute a full release of landlord
from any claims of tenants whatsoever. Is Taylor’s claim for damages for
wrongful eviction waived?
Whalen v. Taylor, 925 P.2d 462 (Montana, 1996).
No. Such a waiver is against public policy. Under the Montana statutes, Taylor was
entitled to three months’ rent because attorney Whalen used the clause knowing it
* The New York Court of Appeals, noting that the term “family member” was not specifically defined in the applicable statute,
held that it included a gay life-partner under the New York rent-control laws. The court did not create a constitutional right to
same-sex marriage generally. Braschi v. Stahl Assoc. Co., 74 N.Y.2d 201, 544 N.Y.S.2d 784, 543 N.E.2d (New York, 1989).
† Even where it is against public policy to have a nonrefundable cleaning deposit, it may be possible to have a nonrefundable
cleaning fee. See, e.g., Washington Statutes, Landlord and Tenant, 59.18.130.
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 535
was illegal. Furthermore, Whalen was evicted from the apartment, and possession
was awarded to Taylor. How this interesting example ultimately worked out is not
public information. Presumably, Taylor moved back in. Under these circum-
stances, Whalen would, no doubt, be tempted to serve Taylor with a 30-day notice
to vacate—a normal eviction procedure. However, attorney Whalen might then
face an action by Taylor for retaliatory eviction, a variety of wrongful eviction that
is discussed later.
Unfortunately, a tenant may unwittingly sign rental papers that include an un-
enforceable provision and submit to its consequences not realizing that the lease
provision is not enforceable. For example, an unsophisticated or illiterate tenant
who agrees in a written contract that the security deposit is nonrefundable might
fail to request the deposit. The unscrupulous landlord who obtained the illegal
waiver is not likely to volunteer a refund that the tenant doesn’t request.
Prospective tenants always should read and obtain explanations for the lease
and rules forms with which they are presented. For example, many states require
the landlord to pay interest on the amount of security deposit that is refunded at
the end of the lease term. However, a trusting tenant who does not understand this
benefit may simply not receive it. Thus, a tenant should ask at the beginning about
the landlord’s policy in this regard and a record should be made of the answer.
peaceable No. The self-help remedy of peaceable eviction is also prohibited in all states. Al-
eviction though the landlord is entitled to possession of the property ultimately, statutory
An improper eviction remedies compel the landlord to follow court procedures. In this case, Williams
technique by which a could sue her landlord for wrongful eviction and, in many states, could recover puni-
landlord surreptitiously tive damages even though she was behind in her rent. Note that Williams’s situa-
enters the absent ten- tion is different from those situations where tenants abandon their rental unit and
ant’s apartment, removes leave their personal property behind.
the tenant’s belongings,
and changes locks to the
unit. It is peaceable in the
sense that no eye-to-eye, LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM
person-to-person con-
frontation takes place, as Salvatore Smith rented a small apartment in Butte, Montana.
in a forcible eviction. He lost his job and was looking for work and missed his Decem-
ber 1 rent payment. Landlord Gene Dudley repeatedly demanded the over-
due rent, threatening eviction. Smith, finding no work, traveled to Chicago
to visit his niece and to look for work over the Christmas holiday. When the
rent was due again on January 1, a bitter cold front had hit the area, drop-
ping temperatures to 20 degrees below zero. Dudley, angry about the late
rent, turned off the heat to Smith’s apartment and left a note on the table
that said: “no rent—no heat.” Smith, returning on January 5, abandoned
the freezing apartment within days and took up residence in a downtown
homeless shelter. Can Dudley sue Smith for the unpaid rent?
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 537
Yes. However, the apartment was not habitable from the date the heat was cut off.
Thus, no rent would accrue for that period. Also, to Dudley’s chagrin, Smith, like
Williams in the previous example, could sue for wrongful eviction. Landlords can-
not indirectly evict a tenant by cutting off services, such as water, heat, electricity,
and so forth. Unless a tenant voluntarily complies with a request or demand to va-
cate the premises, court remedies must be obtained. As a practical matter, Dudley
would probably not pursue litigation against the insolvent Smith.
All states provide for statutory remedies that enable a landlord to resolve the
problem of a defaulting tenant who remains in possession. These proceedings gen-
erally are summary proceedings, and different terms for the process are used in differ-
ent states. Other common titles are unlawful detainer, dispossessory warrant pro- unlawful detainer
ceedings, and forcible entry proceedings. A statutory remedy for a
Uniformly, the purpose of summary proceedings is to secure possession of the landlord to evict a renter
premises quickly, pending any subsequent and time-consuming litigation concern- who has defaulted in the
ing collection of unpaid rent, forfeiture of deposits, or monetary damages. Because payment of rent or who
has broken the terms of
summary proceedings for eviction are so important, involving a person’s shelter,
the lease in some other
most states:
manner. It is not a full-
• Require a notice to precede the litigation, giving the tenant a grace period to blown trial on all issues
cure the default. before a jury.
• Make trial by jury available to decide disputed factual contentions, although
this option imposes expenses upon the tenant and landlord and practically re- grace period
quires hiring attorneys. A period of time during
• Permit the tenant who acted in good faith to continue occupancy by paying all which a tardy payment
overdue rent and court costs even after loss of the case. on a debt, a home-
purchase mortgage, or
• Give the proceedings priority of hearing time on court calendars, which are
rent will be accepted
frequently crowded.
without penalty. The
Eviction, when decreed by the court, is effected by the marshal, sheriff, or other grace period is the time
designated officer who physically removes the tenants (if necessary) and places between the due date of
their personal belongings, if abandoned, in a municipal warehouse or other desig- a payment and the delin-
quent date, following
nated place. Personal property may be redeemed by the tenant upon payment of
which a penalty may be
storage fees. Some states give landlords a lien (a formal, legal claim) on all of the ten-
ant’s property abandoned in the apartment. The practical effect is to guarantee the
landlord that the value of the property ultimately will be applied to unpaid rent as
well as to storage costs. However, the landlord must instigate court proceedings to
cause the property to be sold.
Although the disposition of abandoned personal property may sound unrea-
sonably harsh at first blush, the tenant has the opportunity and responsibility to
make other arrangements. Only under exceptional circumstances are valuable
goods left behind by an evicted tenant. Warehouses that store belongings must be
paid for their services and usually enjoy a statutory possessory lien to help assure possessory lien
payment of storage fees through sale of the goods, if necessary. Either way, the A lien that empowers a
handling of such a tenant’s property is unpleasant for all persons who are involved. creditor to retain posses-
The typical defense to a summary proceeding for eviction is exemplified by the sion of the collateral until
tenant who testifies: “Yes, I admit I did not pay the rent. But that was because the the debt is paid or until
it is sold to the highest
toilet does not work,” or “There’s a big leak in the roof.” This response may or
bidder in accordance
may not be a proper defense to the eviction proceedings, depending on who has
with law.
the duty to repair and maintain under the contractual terms of the lease, or under
applicable statutes. Unfortunately, most tenants are not adequately informed as to
the laws of their state and do not know whether they can successfully resist eviction
on the grounds that the premises are not habitable. The tenant facing summary
eviction is in a difficult position. It is possible to simply appear in court at the
538 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
designated time and testify as to the conditions that render the premises uninhabit-
able. But many lease forms provide for the recovery of attorney fees in addition to
rent and court costs. In some metropolitan areas, public interest attorneys are avail-
able through nearby law schools or legal aid services, but they are restricted to low-
income tenants. Hiring a private attorney is an expensive proposition, although
specialists can be identified from advertisements and may be reasonably priced due
to the volume of these routine cases they handle. Unfortunately, many tenants with
proper defenses of nonhabitability probably give up the fight and simply move on.
On the other hand, landlords can be made to suffer from “tenants from hell”
who do not pay their rent on time or at all. Many public interest lawyers are experts
in resisting evictions, both properly and improperly. It is unethical for an attorney
to use legal procedures to stall an eviction that is legally justified; court-ordered
sanctions (monetary fines) can be imposed to punish such unethical behavior. But
as a practical matter, it is almost impossible to determine whether an attorney is
employing judicial tactics for ethical or unethical reasons.
Eviction in France
The morality of eviction and the accompanying question of the rights of ten-
ants are international issues. Eviction pits the rights of the landowner against
the rights of the tenant. Some characterize this relationship as one of prop-
erty rights versus human rights. Landlord-tenant law is included in many in-
ternational human rights treatises (scholarly books). Some countries are more
protective of tenants’ rights than the United States. In France, it can take
three or more years to evict a tenant as the tenant has multiple opportunities
to require the process to start anew by paying back rent and meeting other
obligations and thereafter neglecting payment. In France, immigration issues
have created new eviction controversies involving human rights. Riots in Paris
in 2005 occurred in neighborhoods occupied by immigrants and were partly
triggered by anger over the forced eviction of immigrant “squatters” from
abandoned or condemned buildings. The current legal debate in France in-
cludes whether immigrants, legal and illegal, deserve the same tenant rights
that citizens have. Paris in 2005 and 2006 has been marked by marches, pro-
tests, strikes, and riots all related to immigrant rights.11
Security Deposits
In June 2002, the following appeared in The Buffalo News:
Nick Sidoti’s nose itched at the rancid smell. A stench of urine,
smoke, mold and spoiled food hung in the air as cut-up winter blankets fil-
tered the cold spring sunlight through the windows. The Riverside neighbor-
hood apartment was littered with garbage bags, uneaten food, glasses filled
with furry mold, empty beer bottles and an open box of macaroni and cheese.
In the bedroom, a pristine Holy Bible sat beside a table of burnt marijuana
stems. Sidoti, the landlord, took a good look around. “I hate to say this,” he
said, “but this is not bad.”12
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 539
landlord for renting to the tenant, (3) liquidated or agreed-upon damages that may http://housing.mt.gov/
later be owed to the landlord, or (4) security for the tenant’s performance. Let’s Includes/S8/03lltact.pdf
look at each of these interpretations.
“Security deposit” means value given, in money or its equiva-
lent, to secure the payment of rent by the tenant under a lease-
hold agreement or to secure payment for damage to and cleaning of the
leasehold premises. If a leasehold agreement or an agreement incident
thereto requires the tenant or prospective tenant to provide or maintain in
effect any deposit to the landlord for part or all of the term of the leasehold
agreement, the deposit shall be presumed to be a security deposit. A fee or
charge for cleaning and damages, no matter how designated, is presumed
to be a security deposit. [Montana Statutes 70-25-101 (4)]
First, the deposit may be designated as an advance payment of rent (called prepaid
rent), usually for the first and last month of the occupancy. It serves to give the
landlord security because the tenant has something to lose if the premises are aban-
doned. In such an event, the rental unit is paid for while the landlord locates an-
other tenant. But advance rent is rent; it cannot be retained by the landlord as com-
pensation for damage or cleaning.
Another use of the security deposit is as a “bonus” or “key money” paid to a land-
lord when desirable rental quarters are hard to find. It is owned by the landlord and is
not refundable under any circumstances. Currently, this use is generally prohibited.
A third use is as liquidated damages, an amount of money the parties agree liquidated
will compensate the landlord for any property damages that may occur in the future, damages
whether or not the actual amount for repairing the damage turns out to be more or Amount of damages that
less. Liquidated damage clauses are seldom found in leases because state laws limit contracting parties have
previously agreed would
their use, for example, to situations where actual damages would be very difficult to
be fair payment in case of
breach. This amount will
On the other hand, a security deposit is commonly used as a security fund held be unacceptable by a
by the landlord to be applied against any actual losses incurred by the landlord court if it is so large as to
from any default by the tenant. Any portion of the security deposit in excess of ac- constitute a penalty.
tual damages must be refunded to the tenant; if actual damages exceed the amount
of deposit, the tenant remains liable for their payment.
The prospective tenant should insist that a clearly understandable provision in http://
the lease explains the ultimate disposition of the security deposit. Although a true Read advice from Pine Tree
security deposit (as distinguished from prepaid rent) is the tenant’s money until Legal Assistance in Maine
properly applied to damages, the landlord is not, in most jurisdictions, obligated to on how a tenant can get a
pay any interest on it to the tenant. deposit back at
Disputes often arise in connection with the return of security deposits because http://www.ptla.org/
of disagreement as to the condition of the premises at the beginning and end of the securitydeposit.htm
term. Also, there can be differences in opinion as to what constitutes ordinary wear
540 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Harry Okamoto, Sally Broome, Kristina Duval, and Jocelyn
Powers rented a home in the neighborhood of the university
they were attending. The home was owned by an elderly widow who had
moved to an apartment in a nearby city to be closer to her children follow-
ing the death of her husband. The rent was mailed to her each month. After
Okamoto and his roommates moved out at the end of their two-year lease,
they wrote and asked for return of their $1,000 security deposit. A rental
management company reported to the widow that paths were worn in the
carpets, the paint around all light switches and door handles was scratched
and stained, grease spatters on the walls around the kitchen stove and sink
were permanent, there were permanent water stains on the drapes caused
by outside sprinklers that had been showering the open windows, the toilet
was “running” constantly and two faucets were dripping, the linoleum in
the kitchen and bathrooms was curling at the edges and needed replace-
ment, there was a hole in a window screen, and there was water damage to
the subfloor around the shower in each bathroom. Can the widow use the
security deposit to repair the items?
Probably not. All of the items would ordinarily and gradually occur in any house
ordinary wear occupied by four college students. These kinds of deterioration are called ordinary
and tear wear and tear in the law. Over time, interior paint will fade, discolor, and even
Deterioration in a resi- crack; carpets will wear down, especially in high-traffic areas; curtains will sag, lose
dential rental property their shape, and discolor from the sun’s rays and from oxidation; sediment in water
that is attributable to the will accumulate around rubber washers and cause faucets to leak; caulking around
passage of time (e.g., fad- showers and tubs will discolor, crack, and ultimately leak; wood surfaces around
ing of draperies) and not door handles and cupboard pulls will mar from fingers and fingernails, and so
to abuse by the tenant.
forth. Sprinkler damage is not the tenant’s responsibility, nor is the window screen
damage unless caused by one of the tenants. Tenants are not legally responsible for
correcting these types of damage.
Examples of damage beyond ordinary wear and tear, which usually are indeed
the tenant’s responsibility, include cigarette burns on furniture, permanent stains
on carpets, chipped porcelain in sinks, burns on rugs and floors from fireplace em-
bers, broken windows or damaged light fixtures, scratched and gouged walls, ani-
mal urine on carpeting or flooring, and graffiti on walls and ceiling.
Dirt is not damage, nor is it ordinary wear and tear and so it is considered dif-
ferently for purposes of security deposits. However, at the end of a rental tenancy,
the tenant is legally obligated to leave the premises just as clean as when the ten-
ancy began. If the tenant breaches this legal obligation, the landlord may use the
security, i.e., cleaning, deposit to make the premises just as clean as when the ten-
ancy began. The landlord cannot rightfully retain security deposits to make the
premises cleaner than when the tenant took possession, even if the deposit is la-
beled a “cleaning deposit” in the paperwork. Sometimes, the distinction between
cleanliness and damage is fuzzy, as when an oven has been used but left without
cleaning over a long period of time, or when toilet bowl stains become permanent
from lack of periodic cleaning. If the security deposit is inadequate to return the
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 541
premises to as clean a condition as when the tenancy began, the tenant remains lia-
ble for any additional money that may be required.
Generally, the landlord and tenant are free to contract as they please. How-
ever, because of their unequal bargaining power, courts will not enforce certain
terms that frequently appear in landlord-tenant agreements because they are
“against public policy.” For example, a security deposit that is agreed to be nonre-
fundable nonetheless must be refunded to the extent it is not applied to some
proper purpose, such as the repair of damage to the apartment.
Becker won. The California Supreme Court held that landlords were strictly liable
(without fault) for damages caused by products in the apartments they rented.
Courts in other states balked and refused to apply this new interpretation of law.
Later, the California courts abandoned the rule, ruling that a tenant cannot reason-
ably expect that the landlord will have eliminated defects of which the landlord was
unaware and which would not have been disclosed by a reasonable inspection.
Thus, the implied warranty of habitability does not support an action for strict lia-
bility. In the Becker case, even if the landlord had inspected the apartment, the un-
tempered type of glass would not have been apparent. The landlord therefore was
not negligent, and Becker would lose if the case arose today.14 Still, a landlord must
exercise due care in the management of the rental property to avoid foreseeable in-
jury to tenants and others.
The implied warranty of habitability gives a tenant a reasonable expectation
that the landlord has inspected the rental dwelling and corrected any defects dis-
closed by that inspection that would render the dwelling uninhabitable. The tenant
further can expect that the landlord will maintain the property in a habitable condi-
tion by repairing promptly any conditions of which the landlord has actual or
542 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
constructive notice that arise during the tenancy. Some states, however, reject the
implied warranty of habitability.
Robert Flain, visiting a friend who rented a home in Casper,
Wyoming, fell down the rickety stairs leading to the basement
and was seriously injured. There were no handrails on the dimly lit stairs. Flain
sues the landlord for bodily injury from negligence. Can Flain win his case?
Ortega v. Flain, 902 P.2d 199 (Wyoming, 1995).
Not in Wyoming, which follows the old common law rule under which a landlord
owes no duty of care to tenants or their guests. Wyoming is a “Let the Tenant Be-
ware” state, unlike the vast majority of states that have established an implied war-
ranty of habitability. Under the modern rule, a jury would have decided whether
the condition of the staircase violated an implied warranty of habitability. Even in
Wyoming, the landlord owes a duty of reasonable care in maintaining the premises
over which control is retained, such as hallways and parking lots.
Under the more modern view, the landlord is responsible for necessary main-
tenance and repairs arising during the lease term (e.g., stopped-up toilet, broken air
conditioner, burned-out water heater, leaky faucet). However, the parties are free
to include a provision in their lease specifying that the tenant will make specified or
all repairs. Unfortunately, in part due to their unequal bargaining power, the lessee-
tenant frequently agrees to make all repairs, thereby effectively canceling any implied
warranty of habitability. Unless so specified, the landlord has an ongoing duty to
make repairs. Repairs made necessary because of the negligence of the tenant are, of
course, the responsibility of the tenant.
Generally, the warranty of habitability applies to major physical defects in the prop-
erty that affect the tenant’s quality of life (e.g., a serious leak in the roof). The landlord
has a reasonable time to repair such major defects. A defect that is merely unattractive
or annoying, such as a crack in a wall, probably will not violate the warranty. Unless the
crack is a structural defect or affects the residence’s heating capabilities, it generally is
not serious enough to make the property uninhabitable. In deciding whether a defect
violates the landlord’s warranty, courts may consider the following:
• Did the tenant cause the defect, or is the tenant otherwise responsible for it?
• How long has the defect existed?
• What is the age of the building? A newer building is expected to have fewer
• What is the defect’s impact—present and potential—on the tenant’s health,
safety, and activities, such as sleeping and eating?
• Is the defect in violation of housing, building, or sanitation codes?
The landlord is responsible for maintaining common areas, such as halls, stairways,
and elevators. This duty requires repair of defects of which the landlord has actual
knowledge and of those the landlord should know about.
Tenants have duties also. Lease agreements contain clauses requiring tenants
to comply with the law and incorporate rules that purport to regulate conduct. The
state has an obligation to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the public,
and thus has an interest in tenant life. State statutes15 may require tenants to keep
premises as clean and sanitary as conditions of premises permit (slum property less
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 543
sanitary than a suburban garden apartment); to dispose of all rubbish and trash; to
pay for any fumigation necessary for removal of any infestation caused by the tenant
(e.g., cockroaches, fleas, lice); to properly use all plumbing, heating, and appliances;
to not intentionally trash the premises (doing so may be a crime); and to not engage
in or permit drug-related activities in the premises. As a practical matter, police are
not aware of any tenant violations until some commotion occurs, or until a landlord
calls them to press criminal charges.* The police power also extends to home-
owners, but in a slightly different way. For example, municipal ordinances ordinarily
require trash to be disposed of, limit the kinds of animals owned (public health haz-
ard), limit noise levels, and prohibit certain activities (practicing with firearms). But
the renters in apartments may be more closely regulated because of the high density
and, hence, close proximity of families, the semipublic nature of the premises that
can themselves invite mischief, as well as the property interest of landlords.
As already noted, courts and state legislatures consistently have been abandoning
the old common law rules and have been imposing certain duties upon landlords to
maintain and repair their premises reasonably, unless otherwise agreed. In this way,
the common law is continually expanding, meeting new and changing circumstances.
Brenda Castro and Julie Madison, MBA students, were room-
mates at Shady Tree Apartments, which were managed by
Marta Johnson. Billy Baba, who lived next door, hosted loud and boisterous
“Monday night football” parties; on Friday nights, he threw wild and noisy
“TGIF” parties. As many as 20 to 30 people routinely attended these par-
ties, and they often lasted until long after midnight. After repeated com-
plaints to Johnson that they couldn’t sleep or study, Castro and Madison sud-
denly moved out. Seven months remained on their lease and their rent was
$1,200 per month. Can Johnson sue Castro and Madison for the unpaid rent?
Not if Castro and Madison provide documented strong evidence of the offensiveness constructive
of Baba’s parties. The law treats certain serious and wrongful conduct, or neglect by eviction
a landlord, as a constructive eviction, which is equivalent to an actual wrongful, Indirect eviction of a ten-
physical eviction. Violation of the covenant of quiet enjoyment is one example of ant by means of the land-
wrongful conduct or neglect. Madison and Castro could sue their landlord Johnson lord’s failure to correct an
for tort damages (including, e.g., mental distress and suffering) and moving costs on intolerable interference
the theory of a wrongful eviction. Some courts would award them damages for any or defects in the prem-
ises, which effectively
increase in rent they were required to pay for a similar apartment. In some states,
drives the tenant out.
* Recall from Chapter 6 that the attempt to obtain a monetary advantage by threatening prosecution of a crime is a variety of the
felony called extortion. There is a world of difference between calling the police and threatening to call the police unless mone-
tary restitution is made.
544 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
they could ask for punitive damages, although the failure to provide peace and quiet
doesn’t appear to be particularly egregious conduct. Note that Castro and Madison
would have no basis to sue Baba for damages. Baba was committing no tort even if
he was breaking the published rules of the apartment by hosting noisy parties. In
many cities, he was probably violating noise ordinances which typically restrict the
noise level allowed after a certain time at night (e.g., 10 PM). Frequently, such a vio-
lation constitutes the misdemeanor of “disturbing the peace.” However, violation of
that noise ordinance still does not create a private cause of action for his neighbors.
Less egregious conduct by a landlord also may be considered a constructive
eviction, i.e., a violation of the covenant of quiet enjoyment. For example, in cases
where a clogged sewer pipe caused foul odors, where there was lack of heat, and
where the landlord permitted occupants of other parts of the buildings to carry on
lewd activities, courts have found a violation of the implied covenant of quiet en-
joyment. These examples do not mean that occasional noise is prohibited. But
when persistent offensive and disturbing conduct reaches the level of a constructive
eviction, the tenant becomes free to abandon the premises without further respon-
sibility for rent and may sue the landlord for wrongful eviction. In most states, the
tenant must vacate the premises before suing for a constructive eviction.16
In addition to this private duty upon landlords to maintain rental premises,
most cities and towns have housing ordinances designed to protect the health,
safety, and welfare of renters and the public and to prevent the deterioration of
dwellings to substandard or slum conditions. These ordinances may impose alleged
hardships upon landlords, but they are constitutional exercises of the police power.
Typically, for example, these ordinances require that flush toilets, lavatory sinks,
bathtubs and showers, kitchen stoves and refrigerators, heating systems, and similar
essentials be maintained by the landlord in good operating order.
Failure to comply with housing codes or ordinances may subject a landlord to
government sanctions. But the landlord’s obligation is to the municipality and not
to the tenant, who, accordingly, cannot bring an action to enforce such codes and
ordinances. The tenant is entitled to complain to the appropriate local official and
wait for administrative enforcement of the housing code.
retaliatory A retaliatory eviction (an eviction for revenge) occurs when a landlord evicts
eviction a tenant because the tenant insisted upon enforcement of some right, such as by
An eviction carried out by complaining to a local official of a building code violation. Most states, by statute,
a landlord primarily for specifically prohibit retaliatory evictions and provide remedies for occasions when
revenge, or retaliation, they occur. Aggrieved tenants, however, must prove by a preponderance of the evi-
against a particular ten- dence that the eviction was motivated by revenge and not for valid reasons.
ant who has in some way The obvious defense for an aggressive “landlord’s attorney” to assert in a case
angered the landlord.
for retaliatory eviction is that the tenant broke the lease or violated the rules and
deserved eviction. This explains why some apartments have very strict rules that
are enforced only when necessary to get rid of an undesirable tenant.
Many housing codes impose reciprocal duties of cleanliness and housekeeping
upon the tenant, but enforcement is rare, as the landlord usually is reluctant to reg-
ister a complaint that will invite inspection of the premises by an official.
If the landlord fails to maintain the premises, what remedy is available to the
tenant? Under such circumstances, and depending on the terms of the lease and the
state statutes involved, one of the following situations exists:
• The landlord is breaching an implied warranty of habitability or an implied
covenant of quiet enjoyment (whether the duty was created by court decision
or by statute).
• The landlord is violating a term in the rental agreement or lease.
• The tenant has the duty to repair and there is no remedy against the landlord.
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 545
If the landlord persists in violating a duty to maintain or repair, the tenant is free to
declare the lease terminated and abandon the premises. This breach of duty will be
a good defense for the tenant in any action the landlord might later pursue seeking
unpaid rent.
More likely, however, the tenant desires to remain in possession as originally
agreed and simply wants the landlord to fulfill the duty of maintaining, and if nec-
essary repairing, the premises. Most states require the tenant to pay the rent and
then sue for redress. Damages recoverable for breach of the covenant of quiet en-
joyment or the implied warranty of habitability are measured by the difference be-
tween the rental value of the premises actually received and the rental value if the
premises had been as “covenanted” or as “warranted.” Thus, the costly testimony
of expert witnesses as to their opinion of these values may be necessary. Such a suit
brought in small claims court may also instigate a retaliatory eviction by the land-
lord and, thereby, escalate the legal proceedings beyond the willingness of the ten-
ant to proceed. Unfortunately, there often is a practical side to legal remedies that
oftentimes look better on paper than they turn out to be when applied in real life.
In most states, legislators have created new remedies for tenants. Some statutes
permit the tenant to make necessary repairs and deduct their cost from the rent.
The amount of the deduction from rent due usually is limited to a maximum of one
month’s rent. This remedy of “repair and deduct” is subject to various procedures
and limitations. Some states have permitted abatement, temporary suspension of abatement
the duty of rent payment, as long as the premises remain uninhabitable. The suspension of the
A tenant facing eviction because of a failure to pay rent may admit the charge, duty of rent payment
but may claim legal justification because of the landlord’s failure to maintain the while the premises are
premises. Where an implied warranty of habitability or an expanded covenant of uninhabitable.
quiet enjoyment exists, the tenant’s contention is “relevant” and may constitute a
valid defense to the summary proceedings for eviction. Every prospective renter
should inquire as to which party will have the duty to maintain and repair. Where
feasible, the tenant should negotiate to impose that burden upon the landlord, and
have it stated in the terms of the lease; otherwise, the tenant should give long and
careful thought to the potential financial burdens of making periodic repairs before
blithely assuming that responsibility.
As noted earlier, some real estate scholars believe that forcing landlords to
repair and maintain will hurt low-income tenants who are unable to afford in-
creases in rent levels. However, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment (HUD) now is extensively involved in financing and maintaining low-rent
take all reasonably necessary management steps to protect tenants from unreason-
able risks of criminal activity.
Marisela Gomez, age 12, was waiting for an elevator in the
lobby of the 150-unit apartment building in New York City
where she lived. She saw a man enter through the back door of the lobby,
which was always ajar because it did not fit in its frame correctly. The man
entered the elevator with Gomez and several other people, but he did not
push a button to select a floor. When Gomez exited the elevator, the man
followed, forced her to the building’s roof, and then raped her. Gomez sued
the landlord for negligently failing to maintain the back door. The trial court
dismissed her case on the basis that there was no evidence that the assailant
was an intruder. The assailant could have been another tenant, and thus the
broken door would not be the proximate cause of the crime. The fact that
no one recognized the assailant is not sufficient proof that he was an in-
truder—in a large apartment building, nobody would recognize every ten-
ant or tenant’s guest. Gomez appealed. What was the result on appeal?
Gomez v. New York City Housing Authority, 92 N.Y.2d 544, 706 N.E.2d 1163 (New York, 1998).
Gomez won on appeal. The court was persuaded that the man was an intruder be-
cause he made no attempt to conceal his identity although he knew there were
other tenants about who might recognize a neighbor. The fact that the assailant did
not push an elevator button also caused the court to view him as an intruder (al-
though a tenant rapist who was following Gomez would also not know which but-
ton to push until she got off the elevator). The court held that a jury could find the
landlord liable to Gomez for the negligent failure to maintain a properly locked
rear door. The entrance of a criminal through an unlocked door is reasonably fore-
seeable, at least in high-crime areas. If doors to the lobby of the building were
never locked, and if that fact was made known to prospective tenants, there would
be no liability for the crimes of third parties (unless locked doors were required by
statute). But, by providing locked doors, the landlord was obligated to keep them
operating in good repair.
Norma Burgos lived in a mid-rise apartment building with
25 units. One evening, she opened her door into the common
area hallway, only to be accosted by two unmasked men who, after pushing
her back into her apartment, beat and robbed her. She sued her landlord for
negligence in failing to maintain functioning locks on any of the three en-
trances—the front door, back door, or roof door. The landlord defended on
the basis that there was no proof that the assailants were “intruders” and
thus no evidence that the unlocked doors were the proximate cause of
Burgos’s injuries. Who wins?
Burgos v. Aqueduct Realty Corp., 92 N.Y.2d 544, 706 N.E.2d 1163 (New York, 1998).
Burgos wins. Because the assailants were unmasked, the court reasoned, they prob-
ably were not residents of the building. Burgos does not need to prove absolutely
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 547
that the assailants were strangers who gained access through the unlocked doors—
only that it is more likely than not. Thus, the liability of a landlord in New York
City under these circumstances depends on whether or not an assailant is wearing a
mask. The premise is that tenants (for whom there would be no liability) would
wear masks to avoid recognition, while strangers who entered through an unlocked
door would not bother.
As noted above, landlords are not guarantors of the safety of tenants from
criminal acts by third persons. But when criminal acts are foreseeable, a landlord
can be held liable for failing to take steps to prevent a crime, such as by failing to
install sufficient exterior lighting. Whether or not criminal acts were foreseeable is
influenced by the existence of similar criminal acts on or near the premises.
Norm Bates owns Bates Garden Apartments, which are man-
aged by Bryan Walker. There are four buildings, a swimming
pool, laundry room, and extensive landscaping. On the day that Amiee Mor-
ris asked for and received a rental application for Unit #15, the following cir-
cumstances existed:
• A pardoned sex offender and stalker lived in Unit #13.
• Over the preceding two years, no fewer than six master keys had be-
come misplaced, stolen, or kept by former gardeners or maintenance
• There were few night lights above the parking area, and they were out
of order.
• The chlorine level in the pool had not been checked for three months,
and the sides were slimy to the touch.
• Bates had received an annual notification that the drinking water serv-
ing the area violated federal guidelines.
• There was lead in the hot water piping and in the paint used in most
apartment units.
• The four apartment buildings, built by Bates’s father some 25 years ear-
lier, had asbestos insulation.
• The complex was located in an earthquake and flood zone, and renter’s
insurance therefore was more costly than otherwise.
• There were no safety locks on the sliding glass doors that led from bed-
rooms to patios.
• Last year, there had been a murder in Unit #15 involving a teenage
gang member.
• Homicide police had visited the previous month inquiring about the
tenant who lived in Unit #17. They assured Bates that the tenant was
not a suspect yet.
• The manager, Walker, once had been convicted of voluntary man-
slaughter but had fully served his three-year sentence. Bates was un-
aware of this fact and also had no knowledge of the history of the
gardener who carried a master key and hung out in the apartment
workshop all day.
• The locks on Unit #15 had not been rekeyed during the residency of the
preceding three tenants, the most recent of whom had been evicted for
verbally harassing other tenants.
Which of the preceding circumstances does the law require landlords to
reveal to prospective tenants?
548 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
This example is not as bizarre as it may first appear to be. The laws safeguarding
prospective buyers of homes are more protective than the laws safeguarding pro-
spective renters. As you will learn in Chapter 12, although the laws of the states are
not uniform, taken together they require disclosure to the buyer of most of the
preceding circumstances. These same states do not require such advance disclo-
sures to renters.
Although Morris may not have been told of these strange circumstances before
she rented, she is owed reasonable care by her landlord. To put it differently,
suppose that Morris rented Unit #15 and subsequently was gravely injured as the
proximate result of action related to any of the listed circumstances. Could she
sue and recover damages from Bates for negligently failing to inform her? The
general answer is yes, even though she was not informed of the circumstances
at the outset. Let’s consider some laws that apply differently to renters than to
• Home sellers must often inform buyers of convicted sex offenders who are
neighbors, or minimally how the buyers can learn the residence of nearby
offenders. State legislators someday may apply Megan’s Law (discussed in
Chapter 6 to renters. In many states, finding out about nearby sex offenders
is as easy as accessing the Internet.
• Home sellers in many states must inform buyers of earthquake and flood
zones, of water quality, of the presence of lead or asbestos, and even whether
or not water heaters are strapped to walls. Although ignored now, can it be too
far in the new millennium before courts will protect prospective tenants with
comparable zealousness?
• In Minnesota, owners of apartments are required by law to screen prospective
managers and cannot hire persons who have been convicted of, for example,
stalking, rape, or murder.18 Can we expect other states to follow suit? Of
course, homeowners do not have managers, but many are subject to home-
owner associations. Should they be screened?
• As already noted, deadbolt locks often are required by law on apartments, as
are smoke alarms, and locks on windows and doors to outside entrances to
common areas. Homeowners must also install smoke alarms but are free to
provide whatever other security devices they choose.
• Home sellers in some states must inform buyers of any unnatural deaths that
have occurred in the home (other than by AIDS), such as by murder or sui-
cide. Renters often need not be informed even though they are just as likely to
be affected psychologically as buyers.
In considering whether or not the law ought to protect renters to the same degree
http:// as it protects buyers, ask yourself whether you, as a renter, feel entitled to be in-
Visit this Web site to find formed of the items listed in the Bates Garden Apartments example. Under law,
links to the Megan’s Law of the landlord makes an implied (unwritten) representation that the premises are fit
every state: for use as a dwelling. Are the Bates Garden Apartments fit? There is a pertinent
http://www.rentlaw.com/ distinction between the nature of disclosures to buyers on the one hand and to rent-
Meganslaw.htm ers on the other. Buyers are concerned about matters that affect the value of the
home they are about to purchase, while renters are not. Renters are more con-
cerned with disclosures that pertain to their safety and enjoyment of the premises.
Perhaps that distinction will influence the evolving laws concerning what informa-
tion landlords must provide to prospective renters.
There are unique risks of harm, especially to females, from living in apart-
ments that typically do not have “neighborhood crime watch” programs, that are
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 549
located in high-density locations that often provide housing for the more transient
and less affluent members of society, and that may be more likely to house con-
victed sex offenders than residential neighborhoods.
Rosa Hidalgo, a very meticulous person, lived alone in a one-
bedroom apartment near her university, where she was a soph-
omore. The apartment manager, Ben Willard, 23, had several times been the
subject of sex-related accusations, including peeping, stalking, and flashing,
while he was a juvenile. Willard had been suspected, accused, investigated,
and warned but never convicted. One afternoon, Hidalgo returned home
from school and soon developed a sense of uneasiness—it was as if some-
thing in her apartment was not precisely the way it had been left. The next
day, Hidalgo left concealed threads and buttons balancing on dresser
drawers—when she returned, her greatest fears were realized—the buttons
and threads had fallen. Someone had been in her dresser. What legal rem-
edy does the terrified Hidalgo have?
* You may recall that attorneys can obtain information by using written interrogatories and depositions. But those devices are
available only after civil litigation has been commenced. Attorneys ethically cannot use a lawsuit as a device to search for evi-
dence to justify the filing of the case. If that were done for Hidalgo, and if Willard were innocent, and if the keys had been prop-
erly maintained, the attorney personally might be held accountable by a lawsuit for malicious prosecution—a serious inten-
tional tort.
550 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Hei Ainy Lai owned a vicious dog, a Doberman, which she be-
lieved was necessary for her protection while she was in her
apartment and outside while jogging. She paid additional rent each month
for the privilege of keeping the dog. While the dog was exercising on the
apartment lawn, it attacked and severely injured Albert East, a guest who
was visiting his girlfriend who also lived in the complex. East sued the land-
lord for his injuries, primarily because Lai carried no personal liability insur-
ance. What will the result be?
East probably will win if the landlord knew, or should have known, the dangerous
propensity of the dog.* As soon as an animal’s dangerous propensity is known, a
prudent landlord should request the tenant to immediately remove the animal from
the premises. If the tenant fails to comply, his or her lease should be terminated by
the landlord to avoid injury to others as well as personal liability. While eviction
proceedings are underway, the landlord should seek the assistance of local officials
and, if reasonably necessary under the circumstances, warn other tenants and others
likely to be endangered, such as postal employees. The landlord would be wise to in-
clude a provision in the lease agreement that if pets exhibit any dangerous tendencies,
they must be removed within a few days or the tenant shall be evicted. Some landlords
refuse to rent to tenants with animals. The landlord is not responsible for injuries
caused by tenants’ pets that previously have exhibited no dangerous propensities, or
are not inherently dangerous.
Lewis Crowell’s father rented an apartment from the Dallas Hous-
ing Authority. The apartment contained a defective gas heater
that leaked carbon monoxide gas. The lease contained an exculpatory clause
stating the landlord would not be liable for any negligence. The father died of
carbon monoxide poisoning, and the son sued the landlord. Is the clause en-
forceable? In other words, is the landlord relieved from legal responsibility?
Crowell v. Housing Authority, 495 S.W.2d 887 (Texas, 1973).
* Lai is, of course, liable for the damages caused by her dog. If the landlord were held responsible and paid the claim, he or she
could seek indemnification from Lai. But the problem is a practical one—with no liability insurance, the tenant is judgment-
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 551
permission to assign has a practical escape route from the lease if it becomes neces-
sary (e.g., when a change of employment occurs). A typical compromise is for the
lessor to permit an assignment or sublease “subject to approval.” If such a term is
provided in the lease, the approval must not be unreasonably withheld by the les-
sor. Solid reasons to withhold approval of a prospective substitute tenant would be
a poor credit record or a history of evictions from prior rental units. Following a
proper assignment, the former tenant may be released from liability for future rent,
although this is not necessarily so. For example, a tenant may choose to sublease to
a new, substitute tenant but at a slightly reduced rent. The landlord, presented with
a request to approve this arrangement, would no doubt ask the original tenant to
remain responsible on the original lease and to personally make up any discounted
rent. The landlord is legally bound to be reasonable in approving proposed sub-
leases but is not required to accept discounted rent or any other material alteration
in the original lease.
Jill Newton, Maria Medina, and Crissy Bell, juniors at Light-
house University, signed a lease on a three-bedroom condomin-
ium at the beginning of the school year. They agreed to share the $1,200 per
month rent plus all utilities equally. Consider each of the following
1. Bell needed to drop out of school for a quarter, but intended to return
for the following quarter.
2. Bell flunked out of school and needed to return to her hometown.
3. Bell developed personality conflicts with her roommates and wanted
out of the lease so she could move into campus housing. What are Bell’s
options under each of the three scenarios?
Under the first alternative, Bell could sublease to a substitute tenant who would agree
to pay Bell’s share of the rent and utilities. The landlord could refuse to permit the
sublease, but only for good reason, such as if the proposed sublessee had a history of
damaging apartments and fighting with landlords about repairs. Bell would remain
responsible for her share of the rent and could continue making payments person-
ally while collecting from her sublessee. Or Bell could permit her sublessee to make
payments directly to her roommates. If Bell’s subtenant agreed to pay only $350
rent each month, Bell would be responsible to make up the $50 per month defi-
ciency. This arrangement would at least minimize her loss. Bell would return at the
end of the sublease and resume her living arrangement with her roommates.
Under the second alternative, Bell could assign her lease to a substitute tenant
who could agree to pay Bell’s share of the rent and utilities until the end of the
552 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
lease. Bell would have no right to return and resume living in the premises follow-
ing assignment of the entire unexpired term of her lease. The landlord could, but
need not, release Bell from the lease completely. Otherwise, the same conse-
quences follow that pertain to the first alternative.
Under the third alternative, Bell has the power to simply move out and aban-
don her lease. However, she cannot “abandon” or avoid her legal obligations to pay
rent. If Newton and Medina paid the entire $1,200 each month, they would have
the right to sue Bell to recover rent (and utilities) they paid on her behalf. The
landlord could evict Newton and Medina if they paid only $800 rent each month.
Each individual tenant is fully responsible for the entire rent; if all the rent is not
collected, the remedy of eviction is available to the landlord.
Under all three alternatives, Newton and Medina would have a very significant
interest in the course of action Bell selected. They would have to live with any sub-
stitute tenant and would undoubtedly be concerned about Bell’s willingness to con-
tinue her obligations to pay the rent. Proposed roommates are well advised to con-
sider the impact of possible future changes in their circumstances. Subleasing, in
particular, should be recognized as placing the “tenant” into the role of “landlord”
with obligations, restrictions, etc. That is one reason why subletting should be ap-
proached very cautiously and why many landlords forbid it.
• Ask about security and prior criminal activity in the building and vicinity.
Everyone expects to be safe and secure in his or her “castle.” Unfortunately,
some areas are more vulnerable than others to burglaries or even felonious as-
saults and rapes. The inquiry may prompt the installation of deadbolt locks,
window security pins, exterior lighting, or other apparatus designed to reduce
the chance of such occurrences, if they have not been previously installed. Al-
though it is true that landlords could lie about this unfavorable information,
they are unlikely to do so. If proven, such a lie would subject the landlord to
the risk of substantial punitive damages that may not be covered by liability
insurance. Landlords are reluctant to accept such serious risks.
• Ask about master keys and authorized entry. Many leases and rental agree-
ments do not mention the circumstances under which the landlord may enter
the rented premises in the absence of the tenant. Entry should be authorized
for an emergency (e.g., a broken water pipe), but otherwise prior notice should
be given to the tenant and an appointment made at a mutually convenient
time, and for agreed-upon purposes. This discussion should lead to the ques-
tion of who has a master key and when the locks were last changed. It is not a
major task to adjust a lock to reject prior keys. The landlord’s manager or
agent customarily will have a master key for emergencies. But there is no good
reason why the gardener’s master key that fits the maintenance shop must also
fit your entry door.
• Ask who has the duty to make needed repairs within the dwelling. The
landlord should regularly have assumed, or should now agree to assume, the
responsibility for making all repairs required as a result of normal wear and
tear. The tenant should be required to make only those repairs necessitated by
the tenant’s negligence (e.g., carelessly allowing a spoon to lodge in a garbage
disposal) or willfulness (e.g., throwing a beer bottle through a window).
• Prepare a thorough inventory of the rented premises and their contents
(see Exhibit 11.2). Before moving into the rented apartment or dwelling,
554 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
inspect the premises for both cleanliness and damage. List your findings room
by room. Be accurate and do not exaggerate, a tactic that most likely would
serve little purpose other than to anger the landlord. As soon as the inventory
is prepared, deliver a signed copy to the landlord (or agent) and obtain a
signed copy in return. Keep your copy with your valuable papers for future
reference. If the landlord challenges the accuracy of the information, suggest a
confirming joint inspection. Sometimes, color snapshots are useful, especially
if the premises are furnished.
• If extraordinary unanticipated expenses compel a tardy payment of
rent, advise the landlord in advance. Often, late charges will be waived in
exchange for such prompt and courteous notice; indeed, the desired mutual
respect in your landlord and tenant relationship may even be strengthened.
A partial payment of rent on time is recommended.
• Upon departure at term’s end, compare the premises to the inventory
and ask for a joint inspection with the landlord. The best times for discuss-
ing the condition of the premises (for cleanliness and for damage) are the day
of arrival and the day of departure. Comparison of the premises to the previ-
ously prepared inventory helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. Usu-
ally, an agreement can be made on the spot as to the ultimate disposition of
the security deposit.
The foregoing suggestions have been arranged in checklist form for quick review
(see Exhibit 11.3).
In the event these suggestions do not prevent a serious misunderstanding with
the landlord, the best recourse is alternative dispute resolution (ADR), if available.
If not, take the matter to the appropriate court, usually a small claims court. In
many states, no attorney is necessary to do this, and whatever assistance is required
may be obtained from a designated clerk or administrative official. All documents
should be available for the court, including your personal notes taken at the time
the lease was negotiated and the inventory prepared upon taking occupancy. This
procedure is relatively inexpensive and will usually result in a satisfactory solution
for the well-prepared tenant who has a valid claim. The successful tenant, depend-
ing on the state, may recover attorney fees (if they were actually paid) and double
or triple the amount of deposits wrongfully retained by the landlord. In some
states, landlords successfully avoid small claims suits by concealing their identity
and address, which makes the service of process practically impossible. Only the
resident manager is known to the tenant. But a persistent tenant can obtain needed
information from the local tax assessor’s office or from the record of fictitious busi-
ness names maintained by the clerk of each county, which lists the true names of
owners. In other states, the apartment manager is the agent for accepting process
(service of small claims court papers), and that solves the problem. You should ask
for this information when initially renting the apartment.
The specific laws governing renters and landlords vary from state to state in
considerable detail. We have included a representative sample of them to broaden
your understanding and sharpen your analytical skills. However, we believe the in-
formation contained in Exhibit 11.3 is so valuable to you that we recommend you
reproduce it for use in the future when renting accommodations.*
* West Legal Studies in Business authorizes each purchaser of Understanding the Law to make one reproduction of the material
contained in Exhibit 11.3 for personal use.
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 555
• What is the disposition of all deposits at the end of the lease? Is a full refund possible?
• Is interest paid on deposits? Are deposits held in a separate account?
• Will your landlord or manager inspect the premises with you on the day of your departure at the end of the lease?
Condition of premises
• What is the condition of each room: ceiling, walls, drapes, carpet, and all doors?
• What date was the unit last painted, the drapes cleaned, and the carpets professionally shampooed? Who pays for these items if they
are necessary at the end of the lease?
• What is the operating condition of each appliance? (Check them out.)
• How does your landlord define “ordinary wear and tear”? Who is expected to pay for it at the end of the lease?
• How clean does the landlord expect the unit to be at the end of the lease? (Tell him or her that you will prepare a room-by-room check-
list for both of you.)
• Are all light bulbs new? Who must replace them? Are any exterior lights wired into the tenant’s system, with the cost of electricity
added to the tenant’s electrical bill?
• What are policies regarding alterations, hanging framed paintings, pictures, bookcases, decals, adhesive shelf paper, etc.?
• Under what circumstances will the landlord enter your apartment in your absence?
• Who has master keys? When were the locks last changed? Are there deadbolt locks in the entry doors?
• What security measures are in effect? Is there a roving security patrol?
• Are fire extinguishers provided in or near your prospective unit?
• How soon do police and firefighters respond to a call in that area?
• What lighting exists in and around the unit at night? Are the parking areas well lit at night? (You should visit the prospective unit in the
middle of the night to see for yourself.)
• What security problems have there been in the past? Assaults, burglaries, or thefts from cars?
• What is the policy about confidentiality of your rental application?
• Who are the neighboring tenants? Have there been any prior noise, safety, or other problems with them, or with traffic on fronting or
nearby streets during rush hours?
• Are there safety pins or other devices for securing sliding glass doors?
• Are all windows equipped with screens? Are they in good condition?
556 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
In case of disputes
• Will any disputes be handled by ADR or by court action?
• Will tenant’s attorney’s fees be paid by the landlord if the tenant wins in a court proceeding? And vice versa?
California Supreme Court, 30 Cal. 3d 721, 180 Cal.Rptr. 496 (California, 1982)
A landlord refused to rent an apartment to any than others to be involved in a disturbance. …
family with a minor child. The landlord contended [T]he exclusion of individuals … on the basis of
that middle-aged persons, having worked long and class or group affiliation basically conflicts with
hard, having raised their own children, and having the individual nature of the right afforded by
paid both their taxes and their dues to society, de- the (civil rights statute) of access to such enter-
serve to spend their remaining years in a relatively prises.
quiet, peaceful, and tranquil environment of their … [T]he exclusionary practice at issue in
own choice. This right is lost in the presence of chil- this case is clearly distinguishable from the age-
dren, who are rowdier, noisier, more mischievous, limited admission policies of retirement com-
and more boisterous than adults. munities or housing complexes reserved for
The trial court agreed, holding that the exclusionary rental older citizens. Such facilities are designed for the elderly
policy was reasonable and not arbitrary, and therefore not barred by and in many instances have particular appurtenances and
a state statute that prohibited arbitrary discrimination in business exceptional arrangements for their specified purposes.
establishments. On appeal, a majority of the California Supreme Judgment reversed.
Court reversed the trial court and held the exclusion improper.
For Critical Analysis
Justice Tobriner: … [T]he basic rights guaranteed by (the
California civil rights statute) would be drastically under- 1. In the foregoing case, there was no issue concerning
mined if, as the landlord contends, a business enterprise due process or equal protection under the U.S. Con-
could exclude from its premises or services entire classes of stitution because there is no “state action” in the
the public simply because the owner of the enterprise had apartment rental business. The rule of the Marina
some reason to believe that the class, taken as a whole, Point case has been extended to apply to nonprofit
might present greater problems than other groups. Under homeowners’ associations that attempt to restrict con-
such an approach, for example, members of entire occupa- dominium occupancy to adults. On the one hand, ex-
tions or avocations, e.g., sailors or motorcyclists, might find clusion of children as a class is not permitted. On the
themselves excluded as a class from some places of public other hand, however, housing accommodations exclu-
accommodation simply because that, as a statistical matter, sively for the elderly are permitted. What is the
members of their occupation or avocation were more likely difference? ❚❚
condition and that an injured tenant may recover for per- risk to tenants. Dr. Johanning, a physician board-certified
sonal injuries sustained as a result of landlord’s negligent in environmental and occupational medicine, gathered
failure to do so. We also find no abuse of discretion in the similar data at Haverford Place. He also took blood sam-
trial court’s contested evidentiary rulings or in its decision ples from plaintiffs. Based on his analysis of this data,
denying remittitur. Accordingly, we affirm. Johanning opined that the high concentration of toxic
mold at Haverford Place significantly and permanently
Factual and Procedural Background increased the severity of Stroot’s asthma. He also opined
Stroot, whose health problems were more severe, was a that Stroot’s cognitive deficits, diagnosed by Dr. Gordon,
33 year old graduate student when she and a friend moved were caused by exposure to excessive and atypical molds.
into a third floor apartment at Haverford Place in August Johanning testified that Watson developed an allergy to
1992. Stroot immediately noticed mold around the win- Penicillium and permanent upper respiratory problems as
dows and in the bathroom. Although she attempted to re- a result of her exposure to the same molds.
move the mold by washing the affected areas with bleach, Dr. Gordon, a neuropsychologist who has studied cog-
the mold kept returning. There also were leaks in Stroot’s nitive defects associated with exposure to atypical molds,
bedroom ceiling and in the kitchen sink and bathroom. evaluated Stroot and concluded that she suffers from signifi-
Stroot complained to the management and was told cant cognitive impairment in the areas of attention, concen-
that the problem was caused by the upstairs tenants taking tration, memory and executive functions. Gordon opined
“sloppy” showers. Although the landlord made some effort that these problems are permanent and were proximately
to fix the upstairs shower, nothing was done to Stroot’s caused by Stroot’s exposure to atypical molds. Dr. Rose, a
apartment and the bathroom ceiling kept getting worse. physician who is board-certified in pulmonary, occupational
On the evening of May 16, 1994, Stroot’s bathroom and environmental medicine, examined Stroot and opined
ceiling collapsed and water from the ceiling flooded her that Stroot developed osteopenia as a result of her increased
bathroom floor. The drywall debris and the exposed ceil- steroid usage while at Haverford Place. Dr. Rose also opined
ing area were covered with black, green, orange and white that Stroot’s steroid usage increased her risk of developing
mold. According to Stroot, the room was filled with a tuberculosis.
strong, nauseating odor. When she called maintenance, Michael Lynn, an architect and partner in a real estate
she was told that they could not do anything until the next due diligence firm, performed a limited property condition
morning. Stroot closed the bathroom door and slept in her assessment at Haverford Place. He noted standing water,
apartment that night. By the next morning, she could not roof joists covered with fungus, water-damaged dry wall
breathe. Stroot called her doctor, who told her to get an covered with mold, and other evidence of excessive mois-
ambulance and go the hospital. When she was released ture. He opined that the deferred maintenance on the
later that day, Stroot decided that she could not continue buildings was excessive and that landlord’s failure to main-
to live at Haverford Place. tain the buildings was the proximate cause of the unhealthy
Stroot has suffered from allergies and asthma since and unsanitary conditions he observed.
childhood. As a result, she has required hospitalization and
strong medications, such as prednisone, periodically. But the Discussion
frequency and severity of her medical problems increased Landlord argues that its conduct does not give rise to any
significantly after she moved to Haverford Place. During of the three causes of action that plaintiffs were allowed to
the 21 months that she lived at Haverford Place, Stroot was present to the jury. [Also], Landlord complains that the
forced to go to the emergency room seven times for asthma jury verdict was so excessive as to shock the conscience and
attacks. In addition, she spent a total of nine days as an inpa- should have been reduced on its motion for remittitur.
tient and received intravenous steroids twelve times. Each will be considered in turn.
[Discussion of tenant Watson’s problems with mold
are omitted.] Tort Liability of Landlord
Plaintiffs offered the opinions of several experts to Plaintiffs pursued three theories of tort liability: (i) ordi-
support their claims. Dr. Yang, a mycologist and microbi- nary or common law negligence based on Landlord’s al-
ologist, inspected Haverford Place, took bulk samples and leged failure to maintain safe and sanitary conditions in the
air samples, and interviewed residents. He opined that apartments; (ii) negligence per se based on alleged viola-
there was excessive and atypical mold growth in the apart- tions of the New Castle County Code; and (iii) negligence
ment buildings; that it was caused by long term leaks; and per se based on alleged violations of the Landlord Tenant
that the widespread mold contamination posed a health Code. The jury verdict form required a separate finding
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 559
for each of the asserted forms of negligence, and the jury The trial court carefully considered these arguments:
found for the plaintiffs on all three. Landlord argues that it The presumption in Delaware is that a jury verdict
has no duty that would support a claim for common law is “correct and just.” A Motion for Remittitur … may be
negligence, and that the statutes at issue do not give rise to granted … only with great reluctance. This Court has the
a claim of negligence per se. authority to grant a new trial if it finds that the verdict is
Landlord bases its common law negligence argument based upon “passion, partiality, prejudice, mistake or misap-
on the fact that, before the Landlord Tenant Code was prehension on the part of the jury.” It has also been held
enacted in 1972, landlords had no duty to maintain their that a verdict will not be set aside unless it is “so grossly ex-
buildings in a safe and sanitary condition. Although the cessive as to shock the Court’s conscience and sense of jus-
Landlord Tenant Code imposes such a duty, Landlord says tice; and unless the injustice of allowing the verdict is clear.”
that the statute cannot be used to support a claim of com-
mon law negligence. Plaintiffs’ only recourse, according to ******
Landlord, is the Landlord Tenant Code, which purport- The jury obviously accepted Dr. Johanning’s and
edly abolishes all tort liability unless a plaintiff can estab- Dr. Rose’s medical testimony in this case that despite other
lish negligence per se. triggers which could cause her to have an asthma attack,
Landlord offers no authority for this position, which Stroot’s asthma was nevertheless significantly exacerbated
seems to be based on a misconception as to the meaning of or worsened by her exposure to microbial contamination at
the phrase “common law negligence.” To state a claim for the apartment complex, and that her need for medication
negligence one must allege that defendant owed plaintiff a increased significantly after she moved to Haverford Place.
duty of care; defendant breached that duty; and defendant’s The Court is satisfied that Stroot showed to a reasonable
breach was the proximate cause of plaintiff ’s injury. The degree of medical probability that her asthma symptoms
duty owed may be one recognized at common law or one decreased, but did not return to her pre-exposure baseline,
imposed by statute. In either case, the elements of the neg- after she left the apartment complex.
ligence claim are the same. The phrase “common law”
negligence is sometimes used, as it was in this case, to dif- ******
ferentiate between ordinary negligence and negligence per The Court also finds that the medical and scientific
se. It does not prevent a plaintiff from relying on a statute evidence presented at trial established … that [Stroot’s] os-
as the source of defendant’s duty. teopenia is causally related to her increased steroid use not
In sum, we find no error in the trial court’s decision only while living at Haverford Place, but also after she
allowing plaintiffs to pursue an ordinary, or common law, moved out. The evidence … also showed that Stroot’s
negligence claim. Moreover, since the jury found in favor increased need for steroids to suppress the asthma has in-
of plaintiffs on this claim, we need not address Landlord’s creased her risk for developing active tuberculosis.
arguments with respect to negligence per se. Assuming, Further, the jury may have also chosen to accept
without deciding, that it was error to allow the jury to con- Dr. Wayne Gordon’s testimony … that … Stroot’s cogni-
sider the two negligence per se claims, they were duplica- tive deficits in three areas—attention, concentration, and
tive of the ordinary negligence claim and the error, if any, executive functioning, were proximately caused by her
was harmless. long-term exposure to microbial contamination at Haver-
ford Place.
For Critical Analysis 3. What self-help remedies would the tenants have had
in most states?
1. The landlord in this case would have violated what 4. Why do you suppose the tenants didn’t simply move?
duty owed the tenant? 5. What is the treatment of mold and other similar con-
2. The court opinion does not disclose the reasons for ditions such as lead paint in your state?
the reduction of damages based on plaintiff ’s contrib- 6. Can a landlord legally reject as a tenant anyone who
utory negligence. What do you suspect was the basis takes prednisone, who has been asthmatic since child-
for the jury’s reduction of damages? hood, like Stroot? ❚❚
Chapter 11 >>> Renters and Landlords 561
been covered by snow during Calef’s entire occu- condition. West sought summary judgment based on
pancy he was unaware of the hazard. Suffering injuries an exculpatory clause signed by Calef. Does the excul-
including fractured humerus and ribs, Calef claims the patory clause bar the claim by the tenant? [Calef v.
landlord had a duty to warn him about the dangerous West, 652 N.W.2d 496 (Mich. App., 2002).]
Home Ownership
After reading and studying this chapter,
you should be able to:
• Compare advantages and disadvantages of home
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may ownership.
roam, be it ever so humble, there’s no place like • Distinguish between the various types of agreements
home. with real estate agents and brokers.
• Understand the important considerations to keep in
John Howard Payne. mind when buying or selling a house.
• Understand the major legal considerations in a home
sale contract.
• Identify and distinguish among the various methods
of financing available for home sale contracts.
• Explain the legal ramifications of foreclosure and
transfer of real estate security mortgages.
• Identify the important aspects of the escrow process,
including title insurance.
• Distinguish between the various methods of joint title
• Identify the types of real property deeds.
• Explain how real property is taxed.
• Identify important attributes of fire insurance.
• Identify important attributes of CC&Rs and other
neighbor-to-neighbor legal issues.
564 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
A few years after college, almost all of you will be pursuing the American dream of
owning your own home. How do you locate, finance, and purchase a home? How
large will your monthly payments be? Can your monthly payments increase? What
happens if you miss a payment? Do you need the services of a real estate broker or
sales agent when buying or selling? Should you transfer credit card debt to a new
home-equity loan? Can two unrelated persons qualify for home financing?
Joe and Stephanie DiMarco and their two young children pur-
chased a lovely home in the suburbs for $325,000. They were
unaware that a neighbor, Joshua Cox, previously had been convicted for a vi-
olent sexual assault upon a minor, had served five years in prison as a result,
and had been released only two months before the DiMarco family arrived.
Was the seller obligated to tell the DiMarcos about the neighbor?
The twentieth-century principle of “let the buyer beware” has been changing to “let
the seller beware,” at least in regard to home purchases. The new trend is that sell-
ers must reveal all relevant known information that might bear upon the decision to
purchase a home. The current address of felons who have been convicted of speci-
fied violent sexual assaults is public information—but must sellers tell prospective
buyers? The answer is uncertain, but with the trend as a guide, the most probable
answer is that the DiMarcos should have been told by the seller. We consider the
practices, economics, and laws affecting the American dream in this chapter.
Most people want to own their own home. This dream has become a reality
http:// for a majority of the U.S. population but remains beyond the reach of others. In
For population, housing, most areas of the country, home prices have gone up sharply during the early years
and a wealth of similar sta- of the twenty-first century to levels too high for many would-be buyers. But per-
tistical information, begin manent federal and state programs designed to bring home ownership within the
at the U.S. Census Bureau
financial means of moderate- and low-income families promise to extend their suc-
home page at
cess well into the new millennium. Of course, many renters could afford to pur-
http://www.census.gov/ chase homes but choose to rent for personal reasons, such as freedom from the re-
sponsibilities of home ownership.
Two traditional kinds of benefits to home ownership are amenity and economic.
We begin by examining these characteristics separately. Exhibit 12.1 provides a com-
parison of advantages and disadvantages of home ownership.
Features that increase the Amenities are conveniences that flow from living in a single-family residence, or
attractiveness or value of home. The kinds of available amenities changed dramatically in the last hundred
real estate. years. In 1900, the homes of average Americans did not contain indoor plumbing;
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 565
Advantages Disadvantages
Responsible for
Property builds equity
Source: Adapted from a comparison chart provided by Ginnie Mae (http://www.ginniemae.gov), a wholly
owned corporation within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
cooking was done on oil- or wood-fueled stoves; and there was no electricity in the
rural and farm areas. There were no refrigerators, no microwave ovens, no washing
machines, no hot showers, no garages for cars and storage. There was no wall-to-
wall carpeting, fiberglass insulation, or water-based paint. Of course, the affluent in
their mansions were the first to receive the amenities of electricity, indoor plumb-
ing, water closet toilets, and central heat. Upscale Victorian homes and mansions
were well equipped and beautiful—ordinary homes were merely functional. But for
average Americans, home ownership offered far more amenities, space, and pri-
vacy, not to mention a greater sense of satisfaction, than was enjoyed by dwellers of
rented apartments and rooms.
Today, most American homes feature extensive creature comforts such as
swimming pools and entertainment centers—amenities far beyond the imagina-
tions of your grandparents in their day, but with which you are quite familiar.
Homeowners today enjoy the option of selecting a neighborhood with compatible
people, away from congestion, street noise, and commotion. Home buyers may
make their choice based on the quality of schools or a host of other intangibles that
contribute to an improved lifestyle. Home ownership usually provides a safer envi-
ronment for children and adults alike.
Yet, renters enjoy far more amenities than before as well, with common-use
swimming pools, tennis courts, workout facilities, laundry rooms, and game rooms
with televisions and computers. Modern apartments are more spacious, better lit,
and fully equipped with modern appliances and creature comforts such as central
heating and air conditioning. Renters argue that they have an additional amenity—
the absence of mowing, trimming, weeding, cleaning rain gutters, waiting and pay-
ing for roof and plumbing repairs, and painting. These renters by choice are proof
that one person’s delight is another person’s agony.
566 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Single-family homes in New York generally come in two price ranges: ex-
pensive and unbelievably expensive.
—Michael deCourcy Hinds in an article for The New York Times
Economic aspects of home ownership partly offset the benefits from amenities. Some-
times, furnishing a house may involve credit purchases at high consumer interest rates.
Acquiring a home in a suburban area usually boosts the costs of commuting, includ-
ing higher automobile insurance rates. For example, a no-car or one-car family
renting an apartment in the inner city may need two cars if they move to a home in
the suburbs.
In addition to large outlays of money when the home is acquired and furnished,
the monthly expenses may prove burdensome. Homeowner’s insurance, utility bills,
property taxes, and repair and maintenance expenses must be paid in addition to
principal and interest on the mortgage loan. Most of these expenses are included in
the rent of the apartment dweller, but in a reduced amount because of the econo-
mies of scale of multiple units.
Along with the considerable monthly expenses of home ownership, compelling
evidence suggests that the traditional economic advantages of home ownership may
be diminishing. If correct, this is a dynamic new aspect in home ownership. Tradi-
tional economic benefits of home ownership consist of (1) increasing value, called
appreciation, (2) equity buildup as mortgage debt is paid off, and (3) tax benefits from
deducting interest and property tax expenses. Appreciation and equity buildup are
depicted in Exhibit 12.2.
Sale Price
r's Mark
= Selle
rket “Hot”
“Soft” = Buyer's Ma Appreciation
Purchase Price
Down Payment Equity
Reduction of Principal
Original Mortgage
Unpaid Balance of Loan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: The calculation of “How much equity do I have in my home?” can be deceptive. Often owners truly believe
a home is worth more than it actually commands in the marketplace. Furthermore, selling costs can be substantial—
perhaps 6 percent of the sales price for the sales commission alone, plus the cost of preparing the property for sale,
(repairs, painting, deferred maintenance, storage of extra “stuff”), administrative costs of sale, and perhaps major
repairs demanded by the buyer (e.g., of a leaky roof). Also note that if the appraiser (professional estimater of value)
used by your buyer's lender returns a “low” estimate of value, your sales price may have to be further reduced.
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 567
Although the effect will be discussed in more detail later, notice that equity build-
up from the systematic repayment of the mortgage debt occurs with significance only
after about six to eight years. Furthermore, appreciation usually begins in earnest after
five or so years, in part because transaction costs (sales commissions) consume about
6 percent of the home’s value when it is purchased. Because of the slow start of both
equity buildup and appreciation, the economic benefits of home ownership become
attractive only after five or more years elapse from the date of purchase.
In the twenty-first century, changes in traditional employment are occurring.
For example, unlike your grandparents and parents, who may have held only one or
two different jobs during their working years, it is likely that you will change jobs
several times, perhaps frequently. The workforce is becoming globalized, shifting
and moving to meet necessary economies and the needs of opening markets. At the
same time, we have become a service/technology/communications economy with
frequent employee turnover and “outsourcing” (hiring contractors for specific tasks
instead of employees). Furthermore, the two-income family is now well established,
and one spouse’s job change can force the other to change jobs as well.
For a major portion of the twentieth century, America was a melting pot of la-
bor with jobs of all descriptions available for the new European immigrants who
were flooding our borders every year. In some industries, children would follow in
the footsteps of their fathers at the plant and begin their own lifetime jobs. Today,
Americans change jobs frequently. A major consequence of frequent job changes is
that the traditional economic benefits of home ownership—equity buildup and ap-
preciation—are never realized.
Anne and Joe Fledsoe bought their first family home six years
ago. It has steadily appreciated in value, and they have suc-
cumbed twice to mailed offers to refinance, each time pulling out their accu-
mulated equity. Last year, they took out a second mortgage to pay off a
credit card and vehicle loan debt. Last month, Joe’s employer told him that
he had to relocate to another region of the country if he wishes to keep his
job. This month, the interest rate on their variable interest loan increased
the third time. Their first and second mortgage payments are consuming
a significant portion of their after-tax income. A realtor has just told the
Fledsoes that they probably cannot sell their home for the combined balances
of their first and second mortgages. The Fledsoes now have two children and
have accumulated new credit card debt. What options do the Fledsoes have?
The Fledsoes are typical of families who are dismayed to discover that their home eq-
uity has dissipated after buying and selling, refinancing, or taking out second mort-
gages. Often, these activities were based upon inflated home values at a peak market,
which was followed by a market retraction. Sometimes, equity loss is simply incurred
costs (i.e., home improvements or repairs) that have not yet been paid back. The
Fledsoes could sell for a loss or at a break-even price and move with Anne seeking a
new job in their new area. They could choose to have the family stay behind in their
home but have Joe live in temporary quarters at his new location. Joe could decide
not to move and look for a new job in their current area and avoid having to sell. In
any case, the Fledsoes’ potential job relocation has been greatly complicated by their
home ownership, and they will have some difficult decisions ahead.
568 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Service to Sellers
An owner desiring to sell usually hires a real estate brokerage company by negotiat-
ing with a sales agent. The owner understands that all future dealings will be directly listing agent
An employment contract
with the sales agent—not with the broker. The employment of the agent, who is
between the owner of
called the listing agent,* is accomplished by using a form of employment contract real property and a li-
that usually is presented to the homeowner by the agent. The employment contract, censed agent authorizing
or listing, serves to hire the real estate broker (acting through the sales agent) to the latter to hunt for a
hunt for a suitable buyer. buyer of the property on
The effect of the standard employment contract, or listing, subject to many re- specified terms.
gional variables, is that the prospective seller and the real estate agent exchange pro-
mises as follows: Seller promises to pay a commission of a negotiable percentage
(often 6 percent) of the actual sales price if an acceptable offer to purchase is made http://
by a qualified buyer (regardless of who finds the buyer) within a prescribed time pe- For multiple listings on the
riod (often three to six months). The real estate broker promises to use “diligence” net, see Homeseekers for
in hunting for a buyer. It is difficult, if not impossible, to prove in court that an in- national listings at
competent agent failed to “use due diligence” in hunting for a buyer. That is why http://www.homeseekers
few sellers who become disenchanted with their listing agents sue them in court. .com/indexhs.htm
Samuel and Kimberly Yamshon signed a standard exclusive list- For an example of a
ing with Acme Real Estate for the sale of their home on speci- regional service, see
fied terms. Shortly thereafter, at a social gathering, they met a couple—the GreatHomes.org at
Auburns—who were interested in buying a house similar to the Yamshons’.
The Auburns came by and decided to make an offer to purchase the home for
an amount that was satisfactory to the Yamshons. Samuel telephoned their
agent to cancel the listing because they had found their own buyer. Their
sales agent, Jasdeep Saltsman, responded: “Fine, you may mail me a check for
the 6 percent commission you owe.” Do the Yamshons owe a commission exclusive listing
even though their sales agent did no work and did not find the buyer? Employment contract in
which the owner of real
property agrees to pay a
licensed agent a certain
Yes. The commission is owed because the variety of employment contract known as commission regardless of
who finds the buyer to
an exclusive listing requires payment of a commission regardless of who finds the
whom the property is
buyer. Sometimes owners find their own buyers, sometimes buyers simply appear
sold. Also called an exclu-
on their own accord, sometimes other sales agents find buyers, and, of course, sive right to sell.
sometimes the hired agent finds a buyer. In each of these situations, the commission
is owed to the exclusive listing agent. The Yamshons would not owe any commis-
sion if they had asked for and signed a different kind of employment contract—an
exclusive-agency. Exclusive-agency listings, under which owners who find their listing
Employment contract be-
own buyers do not pay commissions, are widely available to sellers who are smart
tween an owner of real
enough to ask for them. Such a listing is preferable from the seller’s standpoint be- property and a licensed
cause, through luck or accident, a buyer may be found or appear without any agent. agent in which the owner
As noted, listing agents promise to use diligence in hunting for a suitable may find a buyer and sell
buyer. This is accomplished by submitting data about the new seller’s home to a the property without lia-
bility for payment of
* The term “listing” is a word of art the original source of which has eluded your authors. Colloquial information suggests that it commission, but must pay
originally referred to a “list” of homes that were available for sale in an area—the composite list being called “multiple listing.” the listing agent if that
As a verb, “listing” meant adding a new seller’s home to the list. An agent who persuades a new seller to engage his or her ser-
agent or any other li-
vices uses a “listing agreement” and then is referred to as the “listing agent” or simply the “lister.” The price the new seller
hopes to obtain is called the “listing price.” All of these usages appear to be accurate except when used to describe the listing censed agent finds the
agreement, which, as indicated in the text, is actually a variety of employment contract—a more daunting phrase. buyer.
570 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
multiple listing regional database called the multiple listing service. All real estate brokers sub-
service scribe to this service and thereby gain access to specific data (address, square foot-
An organization of real age, number of baths and bedrooms, all amenities, etc.) about all homes in the re-
estate brokers who ex- gion that are on the market. Thus, the subscribing broker has available for the
change information firm’s sales agents all of the information necessary to present to prospective buyers.
about listings of property Putting a home into multiple listing alone probably satisfies the promise by the list-
they have obtained. ing agent to use due diligence. As a result, some listing agents never perform addi-
tional services to find a suitable buyer—a practice that always angers sellers who
wait expectantly for “action” on their listings.
Although the terms of the agreement between the seller and the listing broker-
age firm are completely negotiable, as a practical matter, most sellers routinely ac-
cept the deal as proposed by the listing agent. Curiously, real estate agents custom-
arily do not promise to spend any specified amount of money on advertising, but
prudent sellers can negotiate for that useful provision.
At the time a new seller hires a sales agent, a listing price will be agreed upon
and stated in the listing form. Some agents earn the initial goodwill of prospective
sellers by suggesting a very high listing price, creating the impression that the
home is worth more than might be the case. When the broker finds a purchaser
who is willing to buy at a price lower than the listing price and the owner accepts
the offer, the owner cannot refuse to pay the commission on the grounds that the
broker failed to find a buyer at the listed price. Acceptance of the lower price effec-
tively amends the listing (or employment contract) to provide for a commission
based on the actual sales price. Indeed, the only reason to include a listing price in
the listing agreement is to provide a measure of damages the agent might obtain
if the seller should fire the agent and withdraw the residence from the market dur-
ing the listing period. Absent a listing price, the discharged agent would be entitled
to damages equal to the reasonable value of the services rendered to the date of ter-
mination. With a listing price, the discharged agent is entitled to damages equal to
a stated percentage, often 5 percent, of the listing price. Thus, sellers would be bet-
ter off with no listing price in the listing agreement.
Recall that the listing agreement is a fully negotiable employment contract.
Before hiring a real estate broker to sell your home, you are well advised to negoti-
ate for some, if not all, of the following provisions:
• The right to pay no commission if you find your own buyer. Often, a potential
buyer may transfer to your workplace or surface through recommendations of
your friends and acquaintances.
• A short listing period, perhaps as little as 30 days, with the understanding it
will be extended in 30-day increments if the agent is satisfactorily “pushing”
the property. Remember, once your agent is hired, you have no legal right to
end the listing early. How can you be sure your agent will provide good
• A reduced commission, perhaps 5 or even 4 percent, if the property is readily
saleable and market conditions are good. Always calculate what percentage of
your equity a 6 (or other) percent commission of the sales price represents.
You will be surprised and probably shocked. Use this information in negotiat-
ing for a reduced commission percentage rate.
• Restrictions on when sales agents and their prospects will be permitted to en-
ter the house, especially if you are still residing there. You can require the
presence of your agent on each occasion your house is shown to others.
(The sign in front of your house can read “shown by appointment.”) Or you
can accept a lock box arrangement whereby any agent can enter at any time.
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 571
• How much effort the agent who signs the listing personally will expend. Will
your agent accompany potential buyers or simply send them by? Or will your
agent rely on other agents to sell the property, while spending his or her time
obtaining new listings? Will your agent “qualify” each and every prospect to
make sure they are financially able to buy your home, rather than simply curi-
ous “lookers”?
• Whether an immediate termite inspection is advisable. If major repairs need to
be made, shouldn’t you know that before signing a contract obligating you to
sell? If not, why not? Similar concerns exist about the condition of the roof or
about major structural problems.
• What current terms of financing are available for a buyer of your home.
Should you offer an assumption of the existing loan and carryback of some of
the unpaid balance? If financing is not available for the potential buyers of
your home, should you consider a lease option and make a quick deal? What
will you owe your agent if you make a lease option during the listing period? If
you handle a lease option arrangement, is it excluded from the listing?
• Whether an open house is necessary. (Many agents conduct open houses pri-
marily to obtain listings from other persons in the neighborhood who may be
considering selling. This technique is especially attractive to a modestly suc-
cessful agent who happens to land one upscale listing. It may produce other
upscale listings and generate considerable profits.) Most prospects do not
spend hours slowly driving around the city hoping to see “open house” signs
on desirable homes. Rather, they seek counsel from sales agents who know
what’s available and who can show the house to the prospect.
• Precisely what the broker intends to do, step by step, in diligently hunting for a
buyer. Will your agent exchange referrals with other brokers nationwide? Are
new employment centers opening that may provide clues about potential
buyers moving into your area? Will a handsome flyer or prospectus about your
house be prepared and widely distributed to all other agents in the community?
A candid discussion of these topics with the prospective agent will illuminate many
areas of concern and forestall potential misunderstandings.
Finally, do not sign a listing agreement before obtaining the names and current
addresses/telephone numbers of two or more former sellers. Ask the references if
they were satisfied with the negotiating process; if they felt pressured to drop their
price; if they thought the agent was working hard for them all the time; if they were
surprised by closing costs and repairs they had to make; and if they would hire the
agent again. In addition to obtaining references from former employers, you might
consider asking prospective agents for their résumés, indicating their education and
work experiences. After all, you routinely are asked as much when applying for em-
ployment positions.
The greatest benefit from hiring an agent to assist in the sale of your home is
the experience of the agent (1) in directing you how to prepare your home for sale,
(2) in knowing and explaining the market data in general and how they specifically
affect the price of your home, and (3) in aggressively urging all other agents in the
community to show your home to their prospects and providing them with a pro-
fessional brochure of its features.
There are risks in hiring a listing agent. Your property may be placed in multi-
ple listings and be quietly forgotten, with your agent doing nothing more than hop-
ing that some other agent somewhere will stumble upon it (out of the thousands
that are multiple-listed). If your agent knows what your absolute lowest possible ac-
ceptable price is, that will often be the top offer you will receive. If your agent
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 573
knows that your job has changed and you are desperate to sell, that information may
find its way to prospective buyers who then will “bottom fish” (offer below-market
prices). If no prospects appear as the weeks and months drift by, you cannot fire
your listing agent for inactivity. If your listing agent is not competent and experi-
enced, you may face problems with disclosing or withholding material information,
with obtaining a reasonable termite clearance, and with demands by prospective
buyers for repairs, fix-ups, and other costly changes. Care in employing a listing
agent should be no less than the obvious care required in employing any profes-
sional person who will be charged with important responsibilities on your behalf.
Service to Buyers
Real estate sales agents are authorized by law to solicit for new listings from pro-
spective sellers. This often is referred to as the listing function. These agents often
send flyers to homeowners asking if they will be selling soon and recommending
themselves as agents. Sales agents also are authorized to take prospective buyers to
and show homes that are on the market but that were listed by other agents, even
from competing brokerage companies. This often is referred to as the selling func-
tion. By tradition, the commission paid by the seller is split evenly between the
brokers in charge of the listing and selling functions.
It is important to distinguish between these two functions and to understand
how the seller’s commission is distributed. An example may clarify this distinction.
Sam Seller employed Larry Lister of Cold Realty to hunt for a
buyer for his home on Shady Tree Lane and promised to pay a
6 percent commission if a ready, willing, and able purchaser was found who
agreed to pay a $300,000 purchase price. Sallie Saleslady noticed Seller’s home
in the electronic multiple listing service while she was sitting at her desk at
Tigar Realty Co. Saleslady thought this might be the right home for Betty
Buyer, with whom she had been working, and arranged to show Seller’s home
to her. Buyer loved the home and asked Saleslady to prepare an offer to pur-
chase and handle all the necessary details. As a result, Buyer bought Seller’s
home, and a commission of $18,000 was payable. Who gets the money?
In the listing agreement, Seller promised to pay the brokerage firm, Cold Realty, the
$18,000 commission. But since the buyer was found by Tigar Realty Co., it received
half, $9,000, directly from Cold Realty. Cold Realty splits commissions 50–50 with
its agents and paid Lister his share of $4,500. Tigar Realty, however, had agreed to a
60–40 split with its leading producers, and so paid $5,400 to Saleslady for her efforts
in finding the buyer and kept $3,600 for itself. Thus, it is said that finding a listing is
worth half of the commission while finding a buyer is worth the other half. Saleslady
was representing Buyer against the best interests of Seller who nevertheless ends up
paying her fee. Hence, it is said that the buyer ordinarily pays no commission.*
* Although the buyer pays no cash to any agent in the transaction, the buyer is paying the sales price. If the sales price was “in-
flated” by $18,000 in this example, the economic “loss” of the commission would fall upon Betty the buyer. For those of you
who enjoy financial analysis, note that most of the purchase price is financed over many years—thus, Betty’s economic “loss” is
spread over the same period of time. The word loss is in quotation marks because it is descriptive—there is no loss when a valu-
able service is received for a fair price paid.
574 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
With the understanding of how both listing and selling agents are paid, we can
consider what services are provided.
The listing agent provides specific information about the homes for sale to the
http:// multiple listing service; causes a For Sale sign to be displayed on the property; pre-
For a sample of a dual pares a flyer or brochure for distribution to other agents who farm (specialize in)
agency consent agreement, the area; and organizes an agent’s tour of the home featuring refreshments and a
see the Connecticut Associ- semi-party atmosphere. The home then is officially on the market. Interested per-
ation of Realtors’ site at
sons may respond to the sign in the front yard and telephone the listing agent. The
http://www.ct.gov/dcp/ listing agent then becomes a selling agent, like Sallie Saleslady, and shows the
lib/dcp/pdf/realestate house. If that buyer makes a purchase, it is called a double-ender because the listing
_licensing_forms/agency.pdf agent and the selling agent are one and the same person, who collects “both ends”
of the commission, or $9,000 in our preceding example. The agent in a double-
ender is a dual agent representing both the seller and the buyer. This fact must be
disclosed to the parties because there is a serious conflict of interest and the temp-
tation is great for the agent to, for example, recommend a speciously low purchase
price to the seller. On the other hand, an interested buyer might telephone any
brokerage company in town, and one of their salespersons will show the house, just
as Sallie showed the house that had been listed by Larry.
In either of the preceding situations, the agent representing the buyer (called
http:// the buyer’s agent) will prepare a written offer to purchase. The buyer’s agent will
For information about negotiate with the seller’s (listing) agent by exchanging counteroffers. Once a real
home inspection services, estate purchase agreement is signed by seller and buyer, the agents will play a less
begin with the National As- active role. The agents will assist in arranging for a home inspection, a termite in-
sociation of Certified Home
spection, and any other service providers who may be needed. Sellers and buyers
Inspectors (NACHI) home
typically rely on their agents for a wide variety of suggestions and information but
page at
should also read all documents and give the transaction the personal attention that
http://www.nachi.org/ its importance deserves.
Real estate brokerage companies, seizing an opportunity presented by the Inter-
net, are offering concierge services to buyers and homeowners for no charge. Also
called “home provider” services or “home-link,” the concierge service provides home-
owners with references to all kinds of service providers, for repairs, cleaning, garden-
ing, child care/house sitting, or perhaps legal, accounting, or any other service—all at
discount prices. Home products also may be obtained through these services. Service
providers pay real estate brokerage companies a fee, anywhere from $500 to $15,000
every three months, to place an advertising banner on the company’s Web site. Thus,
homeowners have a single source to find a provider for any service or product that is
desired. Real estate companies expect to attract new listings, produce advertising in-
come, and obtain referral fees from providers. Consumer advocates express concern
that the quality of services and products referred to homeowners may be lacking.2
agreement and
A contract by which a
seller agrees to sell, and
An offer to purchase real property, such as a home, should be made in writing.
the buyer agrees to buy,
Otherwise, under the Statute of Frauds, it is unenforceable should either party dis-
a specified parcel of real pute its terms or even deny its existence. The offer must state essential terms, such
property at a specified as a description of the property, the purchase price, and payment terms. The offer
price and upon specified is usually made on a form document called a purchase agreement and deposit
terms. receipt, or simply deposit receipt.* The deposit receipt is a standard form with many
* The term “deposit receipt” is a misnomer because, once signed by the parties, it is a binding contract between seller and buyer.
A purchase contract also serves the dual role of acting as a receipt for any refundable “good faith deposit” that may accompany
it, hence the derivation of the euphemistic phrase “deposit receipt.”
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 575
blanks to be completed by the buyer with the assistance of the real estate agent.
The deposit receipt cannot be drafted by the real estate agent because that would
constitute the illegal practice of law. But filling in blanks in a form contract is
The process of negotiating back and forth on behalf of the seller and buyer,
thereby avoiding the intransigence that typically is created by eye-to-eye dealings,
is the single most valuable service provided by agents. Some contend that prepara-
tion of the written purchase agreement is the primary service rendered for sellers
and buyers, but attorneys could easily be hired to perform that service for consider-
ably less than a real estate commission—and may even recommend that the con-
tract be bypassed. The role of attorneys in sales transactions is discussed later in
this chapter.
purchase. There is no legal requirement that a buyer include a deposit with the of-
fer, but it is a customary sign of serious intent and ability to buy, and a seller would
most likely refuse to accept an offer without one. Often, the earnest money deposit
will approximate 1 percent of the purchase price. But, there is one fly in the oint-
ment for the seller who attempts to retain the earnest money deposit after a buyer
Sam Seller signed a contract to sell his home to Betty Buyer. A
$1,500 earnest money deposit had accompanied the deposit re-
ceipt and was on deposit at the Acme Escrow and Title Company. Then
Buyer found a home she liked better and bought it. Seller never saw her
again. A few days later Seller telephoned Acme and asked them to send the
now-forfeited $1,500 deposit to him. To his dismay, Acme declined and re-
ferred him to the listing agent, Wade Larry. Seller immediately called Larry
asking about the money. What do you suppose Larry said?
In all likelihood, Larry said, “Like it says in the listing, I get one-half of the for-
feited deposit money for my troubles in finding the buyer.” Seller learned, by ref-
erence to the listing contract, that Larry was indeed entitled to one-half of the
* An offer confers upon the seller a power to create a binding contract, simply by acceptance (signing the offer). Usually, the seller
will make a responsive counteroffer, and after reciprocal negotiations a final contract will emerge.
576 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
money for finding the “deadbeat” buyer. If Seller had bothered to read the listing
form before signing it, he could have deleted that provision.
Audra Acquirer made a written, signed offer to purchase Tom
Holden’s home. Holden signed and returned the offer, thereby
creating a binding contract. Subsequently, pending “close of escrow” (the
usual moment when ownership passes to the buyer), Holden refused to com-
plete the transaction. Acquirer believed that Holden did this because he
found out that his house was worth a lot more money than his selling price.
Acquirer contacted her attorney. What advice will she receive?
Acquirer’s attorney will advise her that she has two legal remedies. In the first, she can
proceed “in equity” and request the court to order Holden to comply with the agree-
ment. This remedy is called specific performance and is available when dollar damages
would be inadequate. Money damages would be inadequate here because every parcel
of land is considered by the courts as unique (no two parcels can be in the same place)
and cannot be substituted for in the marketplace, as can, for example, an automobile.
If Acquirer won such a lawsuit, the court would order Holden to convey ownership as
promised. Acquirer, of course, would have to pay the price, as promised.
In the alternative remedy, Acquirer can sue “at law” and request the court to
assess damages against Holden in an amount equal to her out-of-pocket expenses
plus the benefit of her bargain, if any. (This “benefit of the bargain” could be the
difference between the low purchase price of the home and its higher fair market
value.) Acquirer’s choice of remedy—to sue for the property or the money—would
depend primarily on how unique the property was to her and what amount of mon-
etary damages she could expect to recover.
In addition, and as a separate matter, if Holden had listed the property with a
real estate brokerage firm, he would be obligated to pay the firm a commission,
even though the sale was never completed. This is so because the broker had found
in Acquirer a “ready, willing, and able buyer” who had signed a written offer to buy
on terms originally specified by the seller. Listing agreements typically contain lan-
guage protecting real estate agents from nonpayment by sellers who change their
minds and withdraw their properties from the market either before or after signing
sales contracts. If sellers want an “out” in their listing agreements, they must nego-
tiate for them before they are signed.
C. J. Thomas and his wife Joan were home when their real es-
tate sales agent brought a prospective buyer, Art Shab, for a
viewing. During introductions, Shab asked whether the neighbors ever
made unusually loud noises or otherwise caused problems and whether the
house was insulated. Thomas answered that the neighbors “were quiet” and
“yes, the building was well insulated.” In truth, as Thomas knew, the neigh-
bors were extremely boisterous, often screaming profanities at each other in
the early hours of the morning, and their children were known to break
neighborhood windows with BB guns, empty garbage cans over neighbors’
fences, and race their motorcycles up and down the street. Likewise, as
Thomas also knew, the house was not insulated. Shab purchased the home
and shortly thereafter learned the truth about the neighbors and the insula-
tion. He contacted his attorney seeking to revoke the purchase, claiming
fraud. Will Shab succeed?
Shab will succeed with the fraud claim if the seller (1) made a representation (2) of
a material fact, (3) knowing the statement to be false, (4) which asserted fact was
reasonably relied upon by the buyer, and (5) induced the buyer to consummate the
purchase. Under the common law, the falsehood concerning the quiet neighbors is
irrelevant because it is only a personal opinion. What is admirable to some is
anathema to others. However, the presence or absence of insulation is a fact. If the
absence of insulation would be obvious (patent) to an ordinary layman, Shab would
again be out of luck—a buyer cannot close his or her eyes to the obvious and then
complain after the sale. But the presence or absence of insulation is usually not
readily ascertainable. Therefore, Shab may pursue either of two common law rem-
edies. He may seek to recover the cost to cure the defect (by installing insulation)
as compensatory damages, and he could also seek, and might receive, an additional
sum as exemplary or punitive damages, where available, because of the intentional
deception or fraud by Thomas. Alternatively, Shab may rescind the purchase, give
up possession of the house to Thomas, and receive reimbursement for his down
payment and other monies expended in the purchase.
Note that the remedies available to Shab are based on the common law tort of
fraud (also called deceit). Some states have modern disclosure statutes, discussed
shortly, that change the common law under which Thomas would be responsible
for both misrepresentations.
Following are examples of statements of personal opinion, often exaggerated.
A seller may make them to a prospective buyer without fear of liability for damages
or of a demand for rescission:
• This house is really worth much more than I’m asking.
• This is the finest home in the area.
• This is the best-constructed home you will ever live in.
• Will taxes go up in this neighborhood? Never!
• The value of this house will increase at least 5 percent per year.
Statements such as the following may justify a rescission or action for damages, if
they are false:
• A new roof was installed on this house two years ago.
• During the rainy season, all excess surface water drains off almost immediately.
578 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
If the seller is negligent or dishonest in making any disclosure that later comes
to the buyer’s attention, a suit for money damages is authorized by statute. The
sale, however, cannot be rescinded (undone).3
Brent and Lorri Lanfield, having lived frugally for several years
while accumulating sufficient money for a down payment, pur-
chased their first home from the Maxwell family. A month after escrow
closed, while Lorri was mowing the lawn, a next-door neighbor dropped by,
introduced himself, and asked, “Did you know that the Maxwells’ grandson
committed suicide in the upstairs bedroom of your new house?” The Lanfields
were shocked by this discovery, and in the ensuing weeks became increasingly
ill at ease because of it. They consulted Monica Smith, attorney-at-law, for
advice. Should the law provide the Lanfields with a remedy against the
Justin and Michelle Goodbright, with two daughters ages eight
and ten, were especially attracted to the excellent schools that
were located near the Waterford subdivision. After searching for months,
they finally found and purchased a custom home at 2204 Almond Court for
$345,000. Unbeknownst to them, Rodney Weasel, a former convict who was
twice convicted of sexual offenses involving minor children, was living
nearby at 2214 Almond Court. Was the seller, or the seller’s agent, required
to inform the Goodbrights of this, to them shocking, bit of information?
Under Megan’s Law, as discussed earlier in Chapter 6, police routinely notify resi-
dents in neighborhoods of the residency of sexual predators. Notification is passive
580 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Few buyers have the cash to pay the entire purchase price of a home. Even if they
do, they may prefer to make a relatively low down payment and borrow the balance
of the purchase price, because they can then invest the rest of their savings else-
where. The assumption is that with climbing wages or salaries, it is progressively
easier to pay off the fixed amount of the loan as time goes by.
Buyers desiring to borrow money to purchase a home will be required to sign,
and to be legally bound by, two very important documents: the promissory note and
the mortgage.
promissory note
A written promise to pay
to a named person or to
The Promissory Note
the bearer of the note a A promissory note evidences the loan (see Exhibit 12.3). It is signed by the bor-
certain sum of money in rower, called the maker, and delivered to the lender, called the payee, when the
the future. sale is completed. As evidence of the debt, the note contains important information
pertaining to the loan. The note is not a contract; rather, it is evidence of the exis-
maker tence of a debt. The most important information it contains is:
The creator of a promis- • The names of the maker and the payee
sory note.
• The amount of the debt
• The interest rate
payee • The amount of the monthly payments (of principal and interest)
Person in whose favor a • The due date of payments
check, draft, or promis-
• The delinquency date of payments after which a penalty is charged
sory note is drawn.
• The penalty for delinquent payments
• The obligation of the debtor to pay creditor’s collection and attorney fees, if
http:// applicable
For current mortgage infor-
mation, visit The Mortgage
http://www.interest.com/ The lender will not trust the borrower as the sole source for repayment of the loan.
Too much money is involved. The lender will require the home to be put up as
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 581
Process by which secured
real property is confis-
the unpaid creditor and
sold to the highest
/s/ Maker
*The phrase “or more” gives the borrower the option to make additional payments of principal. mortgage (or real
Technically, if the phrase is not included in the note, the loan is said to be “locked in,” meaning that the mortgage)
borrower cannot make larger or additional monthly payments to retire the debt earlier. However, most The contract in which the
states have declared that “locked in” home-purchase loans are against public policy, and unenforceable;
buyer of real property
therefore, lenders customarily add a provision, such as found at the bottom of this exemplar note,
specifically authorizing additional principal payments in specified amounts. typically gives a lender a
lien or claim against the
real property which
serves as collateral for a
collateral, or security. If the borrower defaults (fails to make the proper monthly loan of money, often bor-
payments in repayment of the loan), the lender may take the home, sell it, and ap- rowed to pay part of the
ply the proceeds of the sale to pay off the balance of the loan. This procedure is purchase price.
called foreclosure. The document that establishes the home as collateral is called a
mortgage. The borrower or debtor is called the mortgagor; the lender or creditor mortgagor
is called the mortgagee.* Most home loans are paid on time, although the national The borrower of funds se-
rate of foreclosures fluctuates considerably from year to year. cured by a mortgage.
When the home mortgage loan is completely paid off by the homeowner, the
lender will return the mortgage to the borrower, who then may “burn the mortgage” mortgagee
or, perhaps, frame it. In the case of a deed of trust, the full repayment will be evi- The lender of funds se-
denced by a deed of reconveyance, or simply “recon” as it is called in the trade. cured by a mortgage.
deed of trust
What If a Home Owner Defaults on Monthly Loan Payments? A deed used by a bor-
rower (called trustor) to
Upon default by the owner, the lender may simply do nothing for a while, giving
transfer the legal title to
the homeowner extra time to pay, or may start foreclosure proceedings. Both deeds
real property to a disin-
of trust and mortgages contain many formal promises of the homeowner, such as to terested stakeholder (the
trustee) to hold as secu-
* Not all states use the mortgage, or real mortgage as it is sometimes called. Other states use a “deed of trust” to accomplish the
rity or collateral for the
same result. The debtor is called the trustor and the lender the beneficiary. Even in these states, the deed of trust is often re-
ferred to as a mortgage. There are technical differences between mortgages and deeds of trust that need not concern home benefit of the lender (the
buyers and sellers. Both documents allow lenders to foreclose upon a home as indicated earlier. beneficiary).
582 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
nonjudicial pay property taxes as they come due, to keep casualty insurance in force, to main-
foreclosure tain the property, and to comply with all applicable laws. The mortgage lenders re-
The involuntary sale,
quire these promises because they may have to foreclose on the property in the fu-
without court proceed- ture and want it to be in good condition at that time.
ings, of an owner’s real A breach of any of these promises or of the promise to make monthly pay-
property to raise money ments is called a default, for which the lender’s basic remedy is foreclosure. Lenders
to satisfy the unpaid bal- do not like foreclosure any more than borrowers do. As a practical matter, long be-
ance of the loan that is in fore foreclosure will be commenced by an unpaid lender, many attempts will be
default. made to help solve the debtor’s financial problem. See Exhibit 12.4 for advice on
avoiding foreclosure.
right of If the remedy of foreclosure becomes necessary, most lenders will choose fore-
reinstatement closure by private sale, which is called nonjudicial foreclosure, under which no
The right of a defaulting court proceedings are necessary. Mortgages (and deeds of trust) contain a provi-
debtor to reinstate the sion, called the power-of-sale clause, that authorizes a private foreclosure sale without
loan by payment of all court supervision. The date and place where the foreclosure sale will occur must be
money due for prior advertised in a local newspaper, and a notice will be posted in the county court-
months including late house. Before the sale, the homeowner may reinstate the loan by paying all delin-
charges, even though the
quent monthly payments as well as late-payment charges and any costs and fees to
note and mortgage de-
date. This valuable right of reinstatement exists even though the borrower may
clare that the entire un-
paid balance is immedi-
have agreed within the terms of the promissory note that upon default the entire
ately due in full upon any
unpaid balance becomes immediately due and payable. Such a provision is called an
default. acceleration clause (because the loan due date is accelerated to the present), but
its impact is overridden by the right of reinstatement.
acceleration If the defaulting homeowner does not reinstate (or, alternatively, completely
pay off ) the loan, a foreclosure sale will occur after about four months from the
date the borrower’s default was formally recorded. At the sale, the trustee accepts
A provision in a loan
agreement that allows
the highest cash bid and conveys title to the successful buyer by deed. If no bidders
the lender to declare the offer cash in at least the amount of the unpaid balance of the mortgage loan, the
entire unpaid balance due lender will bid its debt, that is, cancel its loan in exchange for ownership of the
and payable immediately property. Thus, the lender either obtains payment of its loan in full from some cash
if a given event occurs. bidder, or cancels its loan and acquires ownership of the house.
Houses owned by institutional lenders that have been acquired through fore-
foreclosure sale closure are called real estate owned (REOs) and make attractive purchase oppor-
Sale of a debtor’s real tunities for home buyers. Often, institutional owners of REOs will provide buyers
property to raise cash with attractive financing to complete the purchase, as well as keep the price at an
with which to reduce or attractive level. These REO owners are not in the business of owning homes and
retire the unpaid debt. A thus will work with interested home buyers who may “take them off our hands.”
foreclosure sale may be Sometimes, homes are sold, before foreclosure occurs, for less than the unpaid
of two varieties, by a balance of their original mortgages in what are called short sales. A short sale is
court official following
any sale during foreclosure where the asking price is less than the unpaid amount of
judicial foreclosure or by
the mortgage on the home. Short sales were frequent in the early 1990s when
a trustee following non-
judicial foreclosure.
home prices fell, leaving many people saddled with homes worth less than the short sale
mortgages they owed. Many simply “walked away,” leaving the banks with the The sale of property (such
choice of proceeding through foreclosure and then selling the homes as REOs, or as a home) for less than
simply accepting short sales during foreclosure to cut their losses. the unpaid balance of a
Homeowners who are not making their monthly mortgage payments receive loan in which the prop-
erty serves as security.
advance notice of the date and place of their foreclosure sale and are entitled to re-
main in possession of the home until the sale takes place and a new owner of the
property takes possession.
Proceeds of foreclosure sales go to the creditor to satisfy the homeowner’s
debt. Any excess (unlikely) belongs to the homeowner whose home was sold. But if
there was any significant potential excess (i.e., equity) at the time of the foreclosure
sale, it is likely the homeowner would sell the property and pay off the loan rather
Judgment against a
than suffer foreclosure.
debtor for the unpaid
The creditor may be entitled to a deficiency judgment, a court judgment balance still due after re-
against the debtor for the difference between the unpaid mortgage balance and the possession and resale of
fair market value of the property. This represents the amount of money lost by the goods that were sold on
creditor as a result of the foreclosure. But such a judgment can be obtained only credit, or after judicial
through a court-ordered and supervised foreclosure called judicial foreclosure, foreclosure of a real es-
and most lenders prefer nonjudicial foreclosures by private sale because they are tate mortgage.
quicker, are less expensive, and don’t require the services of an attorney. Further-
more, following judicial foreclosure, the debtor has one year within which to re- judicial
claim the property—called the one-year right of redemption—by fully reimburs- foreclosure
ing the person who made the winning bid at the judicial-foreclosure sale. So the The forced sale, following
only advantage to a judicial foreclosure is the possibility of a deficiency judgment, a court proceeding, of an
which could be uncollectible anyway (because the debtor lacks funds or assets). owner’s real property to
Sometimes, borrowers facing foreclosure offer a deed to the property to the raise money to satisfy the
lender to avoid the bad-credit implications of foreclosure. Such a deed is called a creditor’s claim for the un-
deed in lieu of foreclosure. Although these are more common in commercial property paid balance of the loan
that is in default.
finances, they can offer advantages and disadvantages to other borrowers and lend-
ers. From the homeowner’s perspective, a deed in lieu of foreclosure can avoid the
impact of a foreclosure upon his or her credit history. On the other hand, unless right of
otherwise agreed, possession must be given immediately to the lender instead of redemption
several months later, following foreclosure sale. A deed in lieu of foreclosure also Right of a debtor to re-
cancels any possibility of a deficiency judgment by the lender. From the lender’s cover, within one year,
the property sold at a ju-
perspective, one advantage is that the delay and possible deterioration of the prop-
dicial foreclosure sale.
erty while foreclosure is pending are avoided. If no deficiency judgment is possible
or desirable, the deed in lieu of foreclosure should be satisfactory. However, the
lender acquiring title by a deed in lieu of foreclosure takes the property subject mechanic’s lien
to any junior liens, such as a mechanic’s lien, an unpaid home-equity loan, or a A legal claim of a contrac-
tor or material supplier
carryback mortgage, that are on the property. Mechanic’s liens protect claims of
who helped or supplied
persons who improve property by giving them claims on the owner’s property.
materials to construct,
Such liens would be wiped out if title were obtained by foreclosure sale. The improve, or repair a
decision to use a deed in lieu of foreclosure should be supported by professional building.
Depending on the state involved, homestead laws may protect homeowners’
rights or interests in their homes from unsecured creditors, that is creditors other
A declaration of a debt-
than the mortgage providers. State homestead laws vary in many details, includ- or’s exemption in a speci-
ing the scope of protection they afford homeowners. For instance, in California, fied amount of the equity
a creditor can force a sale of a debtor’s home, but a portion of any sales proceeds of the homeowner’s resi-
that exceed the mortgages goes to the debtor to buy a new home.4 In Florida, on dence from levy and exe-
the other hand, creditors cannot force the sale of a home for the lifetime of cution by a creditor.
584 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
the debtor. Perhaps this is why O. J. Simpson moved from California to Florida
mortgage broker and purchased an expensive home before the conclusion of the civil trial that as-
A person licensed to en-
sessed damages of $35 million against him for the wrongful deaths of Nicole
gage in the business of Simpson and Ronald Goldman.5 The purpose of all homestead laws is to protect
bringing together bor- a family’s ability to obtain a place of residence free from the threat of existing
rowers and lenders of creditors.
mortgage funds. Mort-
gage brokers typically are
paid a commission based Types of Financing
upon the volume of loans Three general sources of financing are available for home buyers: new financing,
they originate. assumption of existing financing, and seller’s financing. We discuss these alterna-
tives in order.
mortgage banker
A business that makes real New Loans Several different types of new, or original, loans are available to per-
estate loans with its own sons who desire to purchase a home. Most loans are made by savings and loan asso-
capital, as well as with in-
ciations, banks, mortgage brokers, and mortgage bankers. Mortgage brokers pre-
stitutional funds, and then
pare loan packages (applications and other documents) for borrowers, which they
sells the loans in the sec-
ondary mortgage market.
send to other lenders who actually advance the funds and make the loan. These
brokers often work with a pool of many lenders and try to find the most attractive
loan terms for borrowers. Mortgage bankers, on the other hand, make loans that
they may later resell for cash, which is used again as working capital.
A conditional offer to
Usually, applicants pay loan application fees, and sometimes appraisal charges,
lend a given amount at a
stated interest rate.
even if they fail to qualify for, or abandon, the loan commitment. A loan commit-
ment is a lender’s written agreement to make a loan to the borrower upon specified
terms and conditions. Lenders, however, do not ordinarily make loan commit-
ments until the buyer has signed a purchase agreement. Then the prospective
An educated guess about
how much a person can
lender can have the home appraised and make other lending evaluations.
borrow based on infor- It is increasingly popular for prospective buyers to be either preapproved
mation that person has or prequalified for financing. For preapproval, lenders will require a credit check
provided. and often written verification of employment. Prequalification is an estimate of the
borrowing power of the prospective buyer based upon hypothetical information.
Fannie Mae Neither of these is a legal commitment by the lender to make a loan. Only a writ-
Nickname for the Federal ten loan commitment is binding. However, preapproval and prequalifying are use-
National Mortgage Asso- ful because they tend to assure sellers that the buyer is financially able to purchase
ciation, a corporation cre- the home that is for sale.
ated by the National Loan terms are often said to be negotiable, but in reality lenders advertise the
Housing Act to establish terms of loans they are willing to make and rarely depart from such limitations.
a secondary mortgage Nevertheless, those astute borrowers who take the time to comparison-shop for
market by purchasing ex- available financing will often save a considerable sum of money. Many mortgage
isting home-purchase
brokers and even lenders advertise online the up-to-the-hour terms of available
loans and offer assistance in making applications. Lenders compete aggressively to
make loans to home purchasers, who are well advised to shop and to fully discuss
Freddie Mac the opportunities with their sales agent.
Nickname for the Federal
Once loans are made (or “originated”) in the primary market—that is, the mar-
Home Loan Mortgage
ket composed of savings and loan associations, banks, and others that issue new
Corporation, a corpora-
loans—they are often, but not always, sold to buyers in the secondary mortgage
tion that participates in
the secondary mortgage
market, which is a market of agencies and buyers who are competing to purchase
market by buying and new loans. Selling home loans gives lenders the cash with which to make addi-
selling conventional, FHA, tional new loans to buyers in the primary mortgage market. The major buyers
and VA (Veteran’s Ad- in the secondary mortgage market are government-enacted agencies known
ministration) mortgages. widely by their nicknames, Fannie Mae (FNMA), Freddie Mac (FHLMC), and
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 585
Ginnie Mae (GNMA).* Since these buyers purchase home mortgages, they can Ginnie Mae
specify the terms of the loans that they will purchase, by interest rate, length for re- Nickname for the Govern-
payment, loan-to-value ratio, qualifications of borrower, etc. Nonconforming loans ment National Mortgage
will not be purchased. Institutions then will make only those kinds of loans they Association, a federal cor-
can sell in the secondary market. These guidelines by mortgage buyers are regu- poration that purchases
mortgages in the second-
larly reviewed and updated to keep pace with changing market conditions and
ary mortgage market.
emerging social policies.
Buying loans is one way these three agencies—FNMA, FHLMC, and GNMA—
fulfill their responsibility to stabilize the mortgage-money market. For example, when http://
money is “tight” (difficult to borrow and with rising interest rates), these agencies
See how Fannie Mae,
purchase loans from lenders, thereby making more cash available to them for new
Freddie Mac, and Ginnie
loans. When money is “loose” (easy to borrow and with declining interest rates),
Mae help low- and
these agencies will sell loans at attractive prices, thereby taking money out of effective moderate-income families
circulation. Such transactions help prevent wide fluctuations in interest rates that achieve home ownership:
would endanger the health of the economy.
Well-informed real estate agents check the fluctuations in the mortgage mar- http://www.fanniemae.com/
kets every day, and especially keep abreast of trends, all to help home buyers and http://www.freddiemac.com/
sellers make smart decisions. http://www.ginniemae.gov/
Conventional Loans A conventional loan is one in which the terms are not directly
influenced by government regulations or subsidies. The bank that is not going to conventional loan
sell its mortgages can make the loan on any terms it desires. Such a lender is called A home-purchase mort-
a portfolio lender because the loan is retained in the lender’s own portfolio of out- gage the repayment of
standing loans. Lenders usually require a larger down payment for these loans than which is not guaranteed
for loans to be sold. by an agency of the fed-
Most conventional loans are, however, sold in the secondary market, in which eral government.
case the buyer must qualify for the guidelines of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. These
guidelines declare that if the down payment is less than 20 percent, the buyer must portfolio lender
purchase private mortgage insurance (PMI) to guarantee the loan purchaser A lender of home-
against loss in case of default by the homeowner/borrower. The premium for PMI is purchase funds that does
collected monthly along with principal and interest payments. Thus, PMI achieves not expect to sell its
the same security for the ultimate holder of the home buyer’s mortgage loan as does mortgages in the second-
government insurance, as explained shortly. In effect, mortgage buyers invest in ary mortgage market. Be-
cause such lenders keep
risk-free mortgages—they are paid either by the homeowner or by an insurance
their loans within their
own portfolio of loans,
Redlining (see page 586) is a prohibited practice by a few lenders designed to they can be more flexible
avoid making loans to minority persons. The word is derived from a practice of (liberal) in terms of the
drawing red circles on maps around minority neighborhoods, especially any areas in loans they offer prospec-
which repayment histories have been poor. Excuses are used to justify avoiding tive home buyers.
making loans in those redlined areas.
private mortgage
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loan
In a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
loan (see page 586), repayment is insured by the U.S. government, and so the lender
insurance (PMI)
Insurance to protect a
(or current mortgage holder) is not likely to lose its money. In a sense, the U.S. gov-
lender in the event that a
ernment “cosigns” the borrower’s loan. Since the loan is insured, lenders are able to borrower defaults in the
accept transactions where the down payment is as little as 3 percent of the purchase repayment of a mortgage
* Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and Government National Mortgage Associa-
tion, respectively. These quasi-governmental agencies buy and sell mortgages to influence interest rates and to provide for the
availability of funds for new mortgage lending. For example, if Fannie Mae announced that it would purchase mortgage loans
made to recent college graduates for 100 percent of the purchase price of homes they bought, with interest at 6 percent, banks
would immediately make such loans. Thus, public policy is influenced by the secondary mortgage market.
586 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
redlining price. The FHA establishes limits, or ceilings, on the loan amount that it will insure.
An illegal lending prac- The ceilings vary, depending on whether the home is in a low-cost housing area or an
tice identifying minority expensive area and are changed periodically.
or low-income neighbor- Prospective home buyers may request an FHA loan application from any au-
hoods where repayment thorized FHA lender, such as most savings and loan associations, banks, and mort-
histories have been poor
gage brokers. All real estate sales agents keep informed as to the FHA loan ceilings.
and then denying or re-
stricting loans to persons
in that area.
Veteran’s Administration LoanIn a Veteran’s Administration (VA) loan, repayment
to the lender is guaranteed by the U.S. government because the borrower is a qual-
ified veteran. No down payment is required for these loans unless the price paid for
Federal Housing
the home exceeds its “reasonable value” as determined by the VA appraisal (a pro-
Administration fessional estimate of value). In such cases, the excess must be paid in cash by the
(FHA) loan veteran. The VA does not have loan ceilings, but lenders adhere to guidelines set
A loan in which the
by Ginnie Mae and Fannie Mae.
lender is insured by the
Federal Housing Adminis-
tration, with the bor-
Selecting the Best New Financing The principal sources of all of these loans are savings
rower paying the mort-
and loan associations, commercial banks, and mortgage brokers who represent in-
gage insurance premium. surance companies, pension funds, and a variety of other organizations. The terms
of available loans, such as their interest rates, change from time to time, and differ
somewhat between lenders. A prudent buyer will shop for a lender willing to offer
http:// the most advantageous package of terms. Real estate sales agents are familiar with
For general information aggressive (very competitive) lenders in the area and ought to be consulted, as well
about discrimination in as one or more mortgage brokers. As indicated earlier, many lenders are online
housing or lending, visit with up-to-date financing packages. Generally, borrowers seek the highest loan
the home page of the U.S. ratio (lowest down payment), longest loan repayment period, lowest interest rate,
Department of Housing and lowest loan charges.
and Urban Development Veterans may qualify for a VA loan or, in many states, for state assistance. In
(HUD) at California, a direct loan is obtainable from a state agency. Although the interest rate
http://www.hud.gov/ for such loans fluctuates with the cost of money to the state, it is generally far below
the conventional loan market rate. Oregon and Wisconsin offer their veterans a
benefit in the form of a loan repayment guarantee, but not a direct loan. Veterans
almost always will receive better deals under VA programs than from other lenders.
http:// Some of the factors a borrower should consider in determining which loan is
Look up the FHA loan limits best are the repayment term (longer is usually better), interest rate (the lower the
in your county/state at better), qualification requirements (the more relaxed the better), and amount of the
http://entp.hud.gov/idapp/ loan (the larger the better). We have suggested what is “better” only as a general
html/hicostlook.cfm guide; obviously, what is better for you will depend on your particular situation.
Loans where the interest rate remains the same during the life of the loan are
called fixed-rate mortgages. Types of loans where the interest rate may (will) fluc-
Veteran’s tuate are called variable-interest-rate mortgages (VIRMs), also called adjustable-
Administration rate mortgages (ARMs). Borrowers should examine carefully what caps, or limits, are
(VA) loan placed on periodic fluctuations. Caps may restrict how high the interest rate can ul-
A home-purchase mort- timately go, how much it can increase at any one adjustment, and how often adjust-
gage loan made to any ments can be made. Careful borrowers understand the parameters of any ARM
eligible veteran by the they are considering. All real estate sales agents should be able to explain the pros
federal Veteran’s Admin- and cons of an ARM.
istration. The VA was es-
tablished in 1944 by the
Repayment Term The longer the time span during which the loan must be repaid,
Serviceman’s Readjust-
the lower the monthly payment. For example, the monthly payment to amortize
ment Act to assist veter-
ans in becoming
(pay off ) an 8 percent loan of $100,000 over 15 years is $955.70. (We are using the
$100,000 figure because it is easy to follow the math, not because one can purchase
a house at that price). In addition to principal and interest of $955.70, the borrower
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 587
also must pay property taxes and casualty insurance (both discussed later). Lenders loan ratio
often require those payments on a monthly basis, which are then held in “impound The ratio of a prospective
accounts” until remitted to the appropriate insurance company and tax collector. loan amount to the ap-
Principal, interest, taxes, and insurance are often referred to by the acronym PITI. praised value of a home.
If PMI (private mortgage insurance), discussed earlier, is required by the lender, its Also called the loan-to-
value ratio.
premium is also tacked onto the monthly payment.
The same $100,000 loan repaid over a 30-year period at 8 percent interest re-
quires a monthly payment of $733.80, which is $221.90 a month less than the fixed-rate
15-year loan. These “savings” in monthly payments are offset by the increased amount mortgage
of total interest that must be paid because of the longer-term loan. For example, A traditional home-
the purchaser of a $115,000 home who borrows $100,000 of the purchase price purchase mortgage in
which the interest rate
at 8 percent will pay $172,026 ($955.70 × 12 × 15) over 15 years, whereas the
and the monthly payment
total cost would be $264,168 ($733.80 × 12 × 30) if the term of the $100,000
do not fluctuate during
loan were 30 years. This $92,142 difference is interest paid because of the longer the life of the loan.
term. The example given is intended only to demonstrate the change in monthly
loan payments when the term of the loan is extended from 15 to 30 years.
There are distinct advantages in taking a loan with a longer term, particularly
for the younger family: rate mortgage
• The longer repayment term gives young buyers extra cash in early years while A home-purchase mort-
their family increases in size and cost of support. gage and promissory
• The young buyer’s income is probably rising, so postponed payments will be note in which the interest
easier to make in the future. rate may fluctuate, up or
• Any inflation provides “cheaper” dollars in greater numbers, which helps pay down, in sync with a pub-
off the loan later. lished index. Also called
• Buyers might otherwise need to rely on costlier installment credit (18 percent adjustable-rate
or more a year) to buy goods wanted now and services needed now if extra
cash goes into larger payments on the home.
• The tax deduction for interest paid on the mortgage remains available over the amortize
longer term. But note, it is more profitable to pay no interest than to obtain a Repayment of a note se-
cured by mortgage
tax deduction for interest that is paid.
through agreed-upon
A long-term loan can, of course, be paid off much earlier if the borrower chooses to monthly payments of
make extra principal payments each month. Most loans permit an additional payment principal and interest
of principal each month without penalty. After five years of payments, there typically over the life of the loan.
is no limit on the size of extra principal payments that may be made. The longer-
term loan gives the borrower the choice, whereas a shorter-term loan requires the PITI
larger payment each month regardless of changing financial circumstances. An acronym for principal,
There are limits on the available term, typically 30 years for FHA and VA interest, taxes, and insur-
loans. Conventional lenders who sell their loans in the secondary mortgage market ance, which represent the
also are limited to 30-year terms; however, loans allowing up to 40 years for repay- four basic repetitive ex-
penses of buying real
ment are possible with portfolio lenders.
property with borrowed
http:// Longer still, 100-year mortgages are being offered and occasionally used.
In the United States, 40-year mortgages are being used in some high-cost
Mortgage calculators are areas. A debate on the merits of such long-term mortgages is underway. Al-
abundant on the Internet. though long-term mortgages help buyers buy homes they could not other-
See one at wise afford, they also mean that the buyer will accumulate equity very, very
slowly. In Japan, the idea of a 100-year mortgage is apparently palatable,
http://www.mortgage-calc because family tradition and culture tolerate the idea of offspring assuming
.com/ the responsibility for the mortgage.
interest Interest Rate The price of borrowing money is interest. The higher the interest
The price, usually ex- rate, the higher the monthly payment (which includes both principal and interest).
pressed as an annualized For example, a real estate loan of $100,000 over 30 years at 8 percent interest re-
rate (percentage), for use quires a monthly payment of $733.80. If the interest is reduced to 7 percent, the
of a sum of money (prin- monthly payment decreases to $665.31, a savings of $68.49 each month. Thus, the
cipal) obtained from a
total payments under the 8 percent loan would be $264,168 ($733.80 × 12 × 30) and
only $239,512 ($665.31 × 12 × 30) for the 7 percent loan, a savings of $24,656.
Although interest payments on home loans are tax-deductible, interest payments
(or carrying charges) on consumer loans or credit purchases for cars, furniture, and
home-equity loan so forth, are not—unless financed with a home-equity loan, a consumer loan se-
A loan for any purpose cured by the equity in a home. This explains the popularity of home-equity loans.
(e.g., to pay off credit Increased pressures for realistic financing, with monthly payments within the
card balances that carry average budget, as well as for stability within the mortgage markets, have resulted
higher interest rates, or in new variations of loans. As noted, an ARM provides for periodic increases or de-
to pay for college tuition,
creases in the interest rate depending on prevailing interest levels. Because lenders
a new car, a vacation, or
of ARMs are protected against being locked into a low rate if prevailing rates in-
home improvements)
that is collateralized by a
crease, they are willing to begin the loan at an interest rate lower than is available
mortgage on the bor- for fixed-rate mortgages. These “teaser” rates may last for only a year or two before
rower’s home. automatically “triggering” up to the market rate. If market interest rates decrease,
the borrower is protected against being locked into a higher rate. In recent years
with historically low fixed-rate mortgages, the difference between ARMs and fixed-
rate mortgages has been minimal.
Borrowers of fixed-rate mortgages found themselves locked into an unfavorable
position in the last years of the twentieth century as interest rates plummeted. As a
result, in recent years, there has been a blizzard of refinancing in which these bor-
rowers obtained much lower interest rate loans. A refinancing occurs when a home-
owner replaces the existing mortgage with a new mortgage at a lower interest rate,
and sometimes for a greater amount of money that produces cash for other pur-
chases or needs or even for investment. In refinancing, many of these smart bor-
rowers switched to fixed-rate loans, capitalizing on very attractive interest rates that
cannot rise regardless of prevailing rates. Interest rates fluctuate upward and then
downward over time, making the question “Should I apply for a fixed-rate or a
variable-rate mortgage?” impossible to answer with scientific precision. Everyone de-
sires a VIRM when interest rates are falling and a fixed-rate mortgage when interest
rates are rising. At the writing of this edition, fixed-rate mortgages are still available
at less than 6 percent. No one should accept a VIRM when fixed rates are this low.
amortization To avoid the possibility that the monthly payment may become unbearably
A monthly increase in the
high, the loan contract can call for maintenance of the same monthly payment even
unpaid principal balance
of a mortgage loan re-
when the interest rate automatically increases in step with the relevant index, simply
sulting when the bor- by extending the term of the loan. Other VIRMs may maintain the same monthly
rower does not make the payment, even though the variable interest rate has increased, by adding the monthly
required monthly interest difference owed but unpaid to the unpaid balance of the loan. This is called negative
payments in full. amortization because the unpaid principal balance of the loan is actually getting
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 589
larger each month. If you don’t pay what you owe this year, you end up owing more
next year. Consequently, the owner’s equity is decreasing each month, unless the
amount of negative amortization is exceeded by gains in appreciation.
Another variation is the graduated-payment mortgage, where early payments graduated-
are kept artificially low (through reduced interest rates), then increased later to artifi- payment
cially high levels (above-market interest rates). This arrangement is geared to young mortgage
persons who are beginning their careers. Much of the interest is deferred to later A home-purchase mort-
years when income has risen and interest can be repaid without undue hardship. gage and promissory
Yet another variation is the rollover mortgage, where an existing mortgage note that features artifi-
loan is replaced entirely, every three to five years, as agreed, with a new loan at cially low monthly pay-
then-current interest rates. The borrower usually is not charged loan fees or pro- ments for the initial few
cessing costs for the new loan. Lenders can be and are very creative in tailoring years as an inducement
for borrowers whose in-
new loans to the perceived needs and desires of new home buyers. Pressure on the
comes and creditworthi-
housing supply, and financing availability, will no doubt prompt new government
ness are expected to im-
subsidy programs and private-sector financing ingenuity. Whatever happens, the prove in the future.
purchase of living accommodations will continue to be the most significant finan-
cial undertaking and legal contract transaction entered into by most adults.
A one-time charge made
Points and Annualized Percentage Rate Interest rates should not be confused with loan by a lender when a home
charges, called points, which are one-time charges made by a lender at the time the loan is originated. One
home loan is made (originated). These charges are computed much like any per- point is 1 percent of
centage commission. They have ranged from about 0.5 percent to 3 percent. Thus, the loan.
two points on a $100,000 loan would mean a charge of $2,000. Points are said to be
a payment designed to bring the effective, or true, profit of the loan in line with pre- loan origination
vailing interest rates. They also serve to generate cash for the lender to pay a loan fee
broker’s commission. Often, the seller pays the points to the lender in order to A lump-sum fee paid by a
avoid losing the sale, because on FHA and VA loans the buyer-borrower cannot be mortgage borrower to
charged more than one point, which is considered a loan origination fee. This lim- the lender, who in turn
itation reduces buyers’ closing costs (which are discussed in detail later), but sellers pays all or a portion of it
who can do so may boost their sales price to make up the difference, thus indirectly to the mortgage broker
passing this added cost to their buyers. who introduced the bor-
rower to the lender.
To show borrowers more clearly what their borrowing costs are, points are com-
putationally treated as additional annualized interest. An 8 percent loan (with no
points charged) may have an 8.75 percent annualized percentage rate (APR) if annualized
points are charged. When shopping for loans, prospective borrowers should compare percentage rate
the APRs of loans and not their stated interest rates. All lenders must, by law, provide (APR)
to prospective borrowers the APRs of each of their available financing packages. The rate of interest a bor-
rower is paying to a mort-
Amount of Loan The greater the amount of money that can be borrowed to purchase gage lender when points
and lender’s fees are con-
a home, the lower the required down payment. Lenders will loan up to a specified
sidered as interest rather
percentage of the appraised value of the home—that is, the value assigned by a
than mere expenses of
professional appraiser chosen by the lender. Conventional lenders might lend up to the transaction.
90 percent of the appraised value and require the borrower to guarantee its repay-
ment through the purchase of private mortgage insurance (PMI). Thus, to purchase
appraised value
a home appraised at and selling for $250,000, a loan of $225,000 can be made, re-
Opinion of a real estate
quiring a $25,000 down payment.* Other portfolio lenders may require a larger expert “professional ap-
down payment. FHA loan limits are adjusted from time to time by government reg- praiser” of the fair mar-
ulation, but always are more liberal than conventional loan limits. For example, the ket value of property,
FHA typically permits (will insure) loans with as little as a 5 percent down payment. usually stated in a formal
Current FHA and market data may be obtained from any real estate sales agent or writing.
* The actual cash requirements of the buyer will be somewhat higher than $25,000 because of closing costs, which are explained
590 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
lending institution. Online mortgage services, mentioned earlier, also publish the
terms of available financing.
Laura Shields wanted to sell her home for $400,000. She still
owed $352,000 against it, as represented by a promissory note
payable to the bank. The note was secured by a deed of trust on the home.
Mark Hendricks offered to buy the house by paying Shields $48,000 for her
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 591
equity and by assuming her loan for the balance of the purchase price.
Shields contacted her attorney, Colleen Strong, to find out what would hap-
pen if she accepted Hendricks’s offer and if, at some future time, Hendricks
failed to make his newly assumed monthly payment. What would attorney
Strong advise her?
Shield’s attorney would advise her that when Hendricks assumed the bank loan, he
would become a debtor of the bank. The bank could either accept him as the sole
debtor, and release Shields from the loan, or keep both as debtors. In either case, if
the bank is not paid each month on time, the trustee (or mortgagee) can cause the
house to be sold at public auction with the proceeds going to the bank in satisfaction
of the debt. This may not bother Shields since she already would have received
$48,000 for her equity; however, her credit rating could be affected adversely if the anti-deficiency
bank foreclosed in the future since her name would remain on the defaulted note. In laws
addition, if the loan were federally insured, such as an FHA loan, and the sales price State laws protecting a
at foreclosure was less than the unpaid balance due on the loan, Shields could be homeowner from pay-
ment of any deficiency
made to pay the bank any deficiency (unpaid balance) on the loan remaining after a
(or unpaid balance) if a
foreclosure sale. For this reason, most sellers whose mortgage is being assumed by a
mortgage foreclosure
buyer request a release of liability from the lender at the time of the sale. A release sale fails to produce suffi-
will be given by the lender only if the assuming purchaser has a satisfactory credit cient money to satisfy the
record, or if the loan balance is small compared to the value of the security (the underlying debt in full.
house). Generally speaking, it is easier for a prospective buyer to qualify for assump-
tion of an existing loan than to qualify for a new loan. construction loan
Some states have anti-deficiency laws that apply to conventional purchase- A short-term real estate
money loans, which are any loan the proceeds of which are used by the borrower to loan, secured by mort-
purchase a home. As their name implies, anti-deficiency laws prohibit the collec- gage, intended to finance
tion of any deficiency by the creditor following foreclosure sale. A deficiency would building costs.
arise if the proceeds of the foreclosure sale were less than the amount then owed on
the defaulted loan, plus certain costs. These debtor laws date back to the Great De- refinance loan
pression of the 1930s, when many people lost their homes and substantial equities A loan, secured by mort-
through foreclosures but ended up still owing money to their lenders. If a home is gage, the proceeds of
fully paid for, and then a mortgage is given for a loan, this statutory protection gen- which are used primarily
erally is not available. No doubt legislators believe such borrowers are not vulnera- to pay off, or retire, an
ble seekers of shelter, but sophisticated borrowers for profit. existing mortgage loan.
For the same reason, construction loans for the purpose of building a house Refinancing occurs when
generally are not protected, nor are refinance loans that are taken out to replace interest rates drop, en-
couraging homeowners
an existing loan. Another type of unprotected loan is the currently popular home-
to pay off existing high-
equity loan, whereby a homeowner borrows for miscellaneous purposes, such as
interest-rate loans with
traveling, paying tuition, or buying expensive consumer goods. As noted earlier, in- new lower-interest-rate
terest within limits on home-equity loans is tax-deductible whereas interest on con- loans.
sumer debt is not, which helps explain their popularity. Note, though, that income
tax laws change frequently; professional advice always should be obtained before
making financial decisions based upon supposed tax consequences. As stated, these
home-equity loans are subject to deficiency judgments if a foreclosure sale should
A clause found in most
fail to generate enough cash to pay them off in full.
promissory notes secured
Most mortgages cannot be assumed without the consent of the mortgagee by home-purchase mort-
(beneficiary) because they contain due-on-sale clauses that trigger payment of the gages that accelerates
entire unpaid balance upon any sale of the home. However, assumption is permitted the due date of the loan
by lenders if the buyer (who is assuming the existing mortgage) agrees to pay an to the date the home
assumption fee, and often an increased interest rate if the loan has a fixed rate. is sold.
592 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Financing the purchase of a home by assuming its existing mortgage is one alterna-
tive that sometimes is attractive, and sales agents often promote the possibility of a
loan assumption as an additional selling point for their listings that have assumable
mortgages. But at other times, loan assumption is less appropriate than new
Seller’s Financing Sometimes, prospective buyers do not have sufficient funds for
a substantial down payment, or are unable to qualify for a new loan under then-
carryback existing underwriting (borrower qualification) requirements. As an alternative to “hard”
mortgage money loans from institutional lenders in which cash is borrowed for the purchase
financing price, a “soft” money (paper) loan from the seller may be appropriate. Soft money here
A credit sale of real prop- refers to simply paying the purchase price by giving the seller a promissory note for the
erty where the seller amount owed. The seller takes on the role of a creditor, receives a note secured by deed
takes a promissory note of trust, and conveys title to the buyer. This kind of transaction gave rise to the saga-
and security in the prop- cious wives’ tale “Buy with paper—sell for cash.”
erty (mortgage) from the
Carryback Mortgage Financing Sellers of homes that are free and clear of any loans may
themselves finance, or “carry,” their buyers, which is called carryback mortgage
creative financing financing. In this situation, the buyer usually makes a small down payment and signs
Any financing for the a promissory note in favor of the seller. The seller, like a bank, will not be content
purchase of a home in
with the mere promise of the buyer to pay the unpaid balance but will want the home
which the seller accepts a
as collateral. The seller will then require the buyer to execute a carryback mortgage
note secured by mort-
gage for all or part of the
(or deed of trust).
purchase price. If the buyer fails to make payments when due, the trustee (or mortgagee) will
sell the property in a foreclosure auction and apply the cash proceeds to satisfying
the defaulted debt. This would be a purchase-money mortgage (or deed of trust),
second mortgage
A mortgage on real es-
and the seller could not obtain a deficiency judgment against the buyer-debtor if the
tate already subject to an
proceeds of sale were inadequate to pay off the loan. The seller would simply absorb
earlier mortgage; the any such loss.
holder of the second
mortgage has rights sub- Creative Financing Sometimes, a seller will finance a portion of the sales price (say,
ordinate to those of the 30 percent), accept cash (say, 10 percent), and transfer the existing mortgage loan
holder of the first (say, 60 percent) to the purchaser who assumes the existing mortgage. This is an
mortgage. example of a combination carryback mortgage and assumption transaction, often
called creative financing. The carryback mortgage accepted by the seller as part of
installment-land creative financing is a second mortgage (entitled to any proceeds at foreclosure
contract sale only if the institutional first mortgage is paid in full). Second mortgages can be
A method of selling real risky for the lender, who, in this instance, is the seller. One reason why buyers may
property in which the suggest creative financing is because they are unable to qualify for new financing.
seller retains title during Sellers should consider whether they want to accept credit risks that well-managed
the years that the buyer financial institutions will not accept. When creative financing is agreed to and an
in possession is making
existing mortgage is assumed, institutional lenders normally will charge an assump-
monthly payments.
tion fee and increase the existing interest rate in the assumed loan. Their risk is less
than the seller’s because of their lower LTV ratio and first priority to foreclosure
contract for deed proceeds. Generally, assumption fees and interest rate hikes are not attractive to
An installment sales con-
most buyers; on the other hand, it is easier to qualify to assume an existing loan
tract whereby the buyer,
than it is to qualify for a new loan. Creative financing is most popular when it is of-
although in possession of
the premises, promises to
fered by sellers as a sales inducement in a sluggish real estate market.
make monthly payments
for years before title is Contract for Deed or Installment-Land Contract
As an alternative method of financing,
conveyed from the seller the buyer and seller may enter into an installment-land contract, also called a
by deed. contract for deed. Under this arrangement, the seller will not immediately convey
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 593
title to the buyer, who simply moves in and begins making monthly payments.
Rather, title is retained by the seller until the buyer has made monthly payments
for many years. This method is used when a buyer cannot qualify for a loan and has
no money for a down payment. In these circumstances, the buyer simply makes
monthly payments to the seller for, say 20 years, at which time the seller conveys
title to the buyer in exchange for payment of the balance of the purchase price.
From the buyer’s standpoint, this generally is not a good way to buy a home,
but when no other financing is available, it does solve the immediate problem. This
type of transaction may be tempting to a budget-conscious buyer because closing
costs can be eliminated, no legal assistance is necessary, the cost of title insurance
(discussed later) may be avoided, and appraisal fees and lender’s upfront fees
(points) are avoided. Even the down payment may be small. However, some of
these are false savings—the seller may inflate the price of the house as compensa-
tion for the other munificent terms offered to the buyer.
Mona Morales entered into contract for the deed to a 10-acre
parcel of land with the New Horizon Land Company. Her con-
tract required her to make monthly payments for 30 years. The contract
terms gave her the right to physically occupy the premises and make im-
provements. She was also obligated to pay all taxes and utility payments re-
lated to the property. Lastly, at the end of the 30 years, she would receive
the deed conveying the title to the land. Thereafter, Mona installed a mo-
bile home on the property, fenced it, and lived there peacefully for 15 years
while operating a small farm. Then, during a tough economic period, she no
longer was able to make the required monthly payments. New Horizon Land
Company threatens to evict her from the land. Can they do so?
As a buyer under a contract for deed, Mona can theoretically be evicted, as would a
defaulting tenant, and would have no asset to show for the payments made to date.
Because Mona did not receive title, there is no apparent need for the company to
foreclose and regain title. Simple eviction theoretically is a potent remedy for the un-
paid seller. However, if payments have been made regularly for a long time under an
installment-land contract, a court of equity, in the vast majority of states, will require
the seller to recognize that the buyer has acquired some reasonable amount of equity
in the property. This remedy, however, requires a lawsuit by the buyer, who could be
out of possession of the residence pending the litigation. Following litigation, there
would be a foreclosure sale; any balance received in excess of the unpaid balance on
the contract would go to the defaulting buyer.* Here, Mona’s improvement to the
land, the addition of the mobile home, and the farm-related improvements would
give her other equitable grounds to seek compensation.
As a practical matter, buyers under land contracts who have been in possession
for only a short period probably will not profit from a lawsuit to establish equity in
the property, because most payments during early years go primarily to interest
and do not reduce the principal amount of the loan very much.
* Skendzel v. Marshall, 261 Ind. 226, 301 N.E.2d 641 (Indiana, 1973). A leading case on protecting buyers under installment-land
594 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Rossi Wareham owned a cabin that was situated on five acres in
the mountains. His listing agent, Larry Bingham, advised him to
sell under a land contract for a small down payment of $1,000, thereby elim-
inating appraisal fees, title insurance premium, points, and most other clos-
ing costs so the property would attract a wider number of possible buyers. A
buyer made an offer to pay $150,000 (which was a good price) with a $3,000
down payment, interest at 8 percent, and principal and interest payable at
$1,100 per month for 10 years, at which time the unpaid balance would be
paid in full. Following Bingham’s advice, Wareham accepted the offer while
unaware that the buyer, Hammer Studkin, was a leader of the Hell’s Angels.
Studkin and his buddies moved in and never made a monthly payment.
Seven months later, and the day before Wareham’s lawsuit for eviction was
due to be heard in court, Studkin leased the premises to Irwin Goodheart for
one year, for $10,000 rent, all paid in advance. Goodheart moved in, Ham-
mer and his buddies moved out, and the judge ruled that eviction was not a
proper remedy because Studkin was an “owner” and not a mere “tenant.”
Wareham consulted his new attorney, Colleen Strong. What advice would
Strong give Wareham?
This hypothetical situation illustrates many of the problems that can be encountered
when using an installment-land contract. Studkin was buying the property and had
the right to lease it to a third person, such as Goodheart. His transaction netted him
seven months of occupancy and a net cash profit of $7,000 ($10,000 prepaid rent
less $3,000 down payment). The original down payment was much too small, as
Wareham discovered; his out-of-pocket losses were not nearly covered. It is doubt-
ful that Wareham can evict Goodheart if he leased the premises in good faith. At-
torney Strong probably would advise a lawsuit be filed against the real estate agent,
Bingham, for negligence in recommending acceptance of the deal. However, it is
doubtful that Strong would take the case on a contingency. She also would be un-
likely to sue Studkin, who, if he could be found and served with the lawsuit papers,
quiet title action would probably be judgment-proof. Strong might recommend a quiet title action
Action “against the (declaration as to who owns real property) to achieve clear title in Wareham’s name,
world” initiated by a per- and possibly to force a negotiated settlement with Goodheart. But she would, no
son who claims owner- doubt, ask for a substantial retainer fee before commencing such a lawsuit.
ship of a particular parcel What should Wareham have done? If he used the land-contract method, he
of real property.
should have received a larger down payment, prohibited leasing of the premises,
and posted the premises with a form declaring the “owner’s nonresponsibility” for
any third-party claims, as for repairs or for possession by a subtenant. Better yet, he
should have sold the premises in a more orthodox fashion. For example, if the prem-
ises had been leased with an option to buy, as discussed next, Wareham could have
simply evicted any occupant in the ordinary manner of all evictions.
Generally speaking, both parties to a land contract should proceed very care-
fully and receive professional advice.
Lease with Option to Buy A buyer who has inadequate funds for a down payment
and who may have difficulty qualifying for a new loan may sometimes be able to
purchase a home by leasing it with an option to buy. This gives the renter an abso-
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 595
lute right to purchase the property at a future date at a fixed price upon established
terms. The renter who would like to buy now hopes to be better able financially to
complete the purchase a few years in the future. A typical lease would be for five
years. A portion of each month’s lease payment would be “credited” to and ear-
marked as down payment on the purchase price. This gradual buildup of equity
helps reduce or even eliminates the need for a down payment when the option is
exercised. Any appreciation in the value of the residence above the agreed-upon
option price would further benefit the buyer. Meanwhile, lease payments are made,
equity is growing, and opportunity exists for the buyer to enjoy his or her future
home while saving for a down payment. The seller, on the other hand, receives the
advantage of delaying income taxes by delaying the sale to some future year, and
receives tax deductions permitted for rental property (depreciation, interest, taxes,
maintenance if applicable, insurance, supplies, and so forth) while waiting. Because
a future sale already is in the works, a real estate commission may be avoided. What
is more, tenants with an option to buy probably will be excellent residents, making
improvements and caring for the property as if it were their own.
Leases with options to buy can be a panacea for buyers and sellers alike. Lease-
option forms are readily available from stationery stores and sellers of legal forms.
But like most transactions involving a considerable sum of money, precautions should
be taken by both parties. For example, if the seller should go into bankruptcy or fore-
closure during the term of the lease, and consequently be unable to deliver title in the
future, the tenant-buyer could lose his or her rent credit. Professional legal assistance
is advisable before entering a lease-option purchase contract.
To complete the purchase of a house, many things need to be done at the same
time. At the moment title passes, the buyer wants to be certain that title insurance
and fire insurance (discussed later) are in effect; the seller wants to receive the
amount of the sales price; the lender wants the promissory note and mortgage or
deed of trust; the real estate broker wants the earned commission, and so forth. Be-
cause it would be impractical for all these persons to meet and hand some docu-
ments out with the left hand while simultaneously taking other documents in with
the right, the practice of hiring a third-party intermediary (called the escrow agent, escrow agent
or simply escrow) developed. A person paid to perform
Title companies, escrow departments of banks, escrow companies, and some- all the administrative
times real estate brokers and attorneys may act as escrow agents. The escrow agent tasks necessary to close a
collects the required monies and documents from all the interested persons as nec- real estate escrow.
essary, and then, at the close of escrow, disburses and distributes them to the ap-
propriate persons. Close of escrow is execution of the contract; title is conveyed to escrow
the buyer, cash is delivered to the seller, and so forth. An arrangement common
Each party interested in a real estate transaction signs escrow instructions that in real estate transactions
whereby the buyer and
are prepared from standard forms by escrow agents, or by attorneys for the parties.
seller (and/or the bor-
The escrow instructions command the escrow agent as to what each person will put
rower and lender) desig-
into escrow and what is expected out of it upon its close. For example, in simplified nate a neutral third party
form, the seller may instruct the escrow officer as follows: “I hand you a duly exe- as an agent to carry out
cuted grant deed that you are authorized and instructed to record and deliver to the instructions for gathering
buyer upon the receipt on my behalf of $175,000, the sales price.” The escrow and distributing docu-
agent who complies with all of the instructions will not be liable for any losses suf- ments and funds as
fered by any of the parties. necessary.
596 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
On or about December 4, 1998, Darryl S. Anderson agreed to
sell and Kathy Falcon and Adam Ferrecchia agreed to buy real
estate for $99,000. The sale agreement called for a closing date of January
22, 1999, with “time being of the essence.” The agreement also contained a
mortgage contingency clause wherein the buyers agreed to make diligent
efforts to obtain FHA financing for up to $96,000. It was also agreed that if
the buyers failed after diligent efforts to obtain financing they were entitled
to a return of the $5,000 deposit. They were, however, required to notify
the seller in writing by January 4, 1999, of failure to get financing. Further-
more, under the contract, if the buyers failed to comply with the contract,
they would forfeit the $5,000 deposit as liquidated damages. The buyers did
not get financing and also failed to notify the seller by the agreed date.
Both the seller and buyer are demanding the $5,000 from the escrow agent.
What is the escrow agent to do?
Kotseas v. Anderson, 13 Mass. L. Rptr. 232, 2001 WL 881471 (Mass. Super., 2001).
The escrow instructions must dovetail or the escrow cannot close. For example, if
a mistake is made such that the instructions direct the escrow agent to accept
$175,000 for the seller but for the buyer to pay only $172,000, there is a conflict
and the escrow cannot close. Sometimes, errors are made and instructions of the
buyer and seller conflict as to how some of the money should be disbursed by the
escrow officer. Or situations arise such as the above where the parties make con-
flicting demands on the escrow agent. Facing conflicting demands or instructions
interpleader that do not dovetail, the escrow officer may file a court action called an inter-
A legal proceeding to re- pleader, deposit the contested funds with the clerk of the court, and withdraw
solve conflicting claims completely, leaving the buyer and seller with the problem of settling their dispute
(e.g., to funds in an es- in court. The rationale is that the escrow officer is a mere stakeholder who is obli-
crow account). gated to follow instructions as received and when instructions conflict, the stake-
holder should be allowed to withdraw. In the preceding Massachusetts case, the es-
crow agent filed an interpleader action, and the court awarded the remainder of
deposit after costs of escrow to the seller.
The escrow officer is a disinterested stakeholder owing allegiance to neither
seller nor buyer. Therefore, you should not rely upon escrow agents for advice
about the merits or consequences of any real estate transaction. In fact, escrow
agents are reluctant to say anything to anybody that might be construed as advice.
This “mere stakeholder” concept is so clearly defined in the law that even if an es-
crow officer knows that the buyer is about to be defrauded in a transaction pending
in escrow, nothing can be said and no warning can be given. The theory underlying
such law is that if escrow officers were permitted to offer advice or suggestions, it
would lead to claims of negligent advice (malpractice), bias, and deal-wrecking by
disappointed consumers. As a practical matter, sellers and buyers do sign many im-
portant papers (standard forms) in the presence of the escrow agent, who generally
explains their meanings. These papers include written escrow instructions, deeds,
and even promissory notes and mortgages provided by the buyer’s lender. Do
buyers and sellers rely upon escrow agents? Most do.
In some states, such as New York, attorneys commonly perform all services
necessary to close escrow, that is, they serve as escrow officers. More commonly,
banks, professional escrow companies, or title companies provide escrow services.
Escrows charge fees for their services—it is up to the parties to negotiate how they
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 597
will be allocated between buyer and seller. Usually, the parties agree to allocate es-
crow costs “in accordance with the customs and practices” of the county.
Closing Costs
Buyers and sellers negotiate how to share a variety of costs that are necessary to close
escrow when homes are sold. This array of expenses commonly is called closing closing costs
costs. Charges for various ser-
vices that arise in connec-
tion with the purchase
Yes. The seller will likely have prepaid real property taxes and fire insurance pre-
miums, some amount of which will have to be reimbursed by the buyer. Thus, if
the seller has prepaid say $1,000 for the period that extends six months after the
close of escrow, the buyer must reimburse that sum. The buyer is responsible for
property taxes following the sale.
The same sort of allocation results with prepaid casualty (fire) insurance. Fur-
thermore, the buyer will probably pay the cost of a boundary survey if needed, ter-
mite inspection, loan fees (points), and perhaps title, notary, and recording fees. All
of these costs and more make up what are commonly called closing costs. Some
participants call them garbage fees.
It is customarily the responsibility of the seller to pay any transfer taxes (taxes
imposed upon the transfer of ownership of real property, based upon its sales price)
and to pay for any corrective repairs determined to be necessary because of damage
by termites or dry rot (wood damage from water penetration). Almost all details of
the purchase of a home are appropriate matters for inclusion in the contract be-
tween seller and buyer and are freely negotiable. Real estate sales agents should be
capable of estimating closing costs for their clients.
the buyer has promised to repay; and the broker has received the agreed-upon
commission. Most of the promises have been executed or performed. Sometimes,
in complicated transactions, the parties will be present with their attorneys at a fi-
nal meeting called the closing. Many of the documents will be reviewed for the last
time and then signed. Although the transaction is completed at close of escrow, the
buyer, as borrower, must of course continue to make future payments on the loan
as required by the note.
Although it is possible to agree that the seller will retain possession for a period
subsequent to close of escrow, or that the buyer will move into the home before
close of escrow, these terms are invitations to trouble. The best practice is to have
a final walk-through just prior to close of escrow and to have possession change im-
mediately thereafter. The purpose of a walk-through is to ensure that the condition
of the property is the same as it was when the agreement to purchase was made.
In brief, the sale is a fait accompli (French: “fact or deed accomplished,” pre-
sumably irrevocably) when escrow closes. However, some rights and responsibili-
ties linger beyond close of escrow. For example, buyers and sellers continue to have
the right to sue each other for fraud or deceit up until the statute of limitations ex-
tinguishes their claims. But generally speaking, most buyers and sellers consider
the transaction completed when escrow closes.
What Is a Deed?
deed A deed is the document that transfers or conveys title (ownership) of real property
Any document used to from one person to another. A valid deed must contain the following:
transfer any ownership
interest in real property. • The names of the seller (grantor) and the buyer (grantee)
Many types of deeds are • Words evidencing an intent to transfer title (e.g., I hereby “grant” or
used in a variety of prop- “convey” to)
erty transfers. • A legally sufficient description of the real property deeded
• The grantor’s (and usually the spouse’s) signature(s)
Finally, to be valid, a deed must be delivered from the grantor to the grantee. Most
deeds are recorded in the official records of the county in which the property is lo-
cated and must be recorded if title insurance is to be purchased. But unrecorded
deeds are legally valid.
Different types of deeds provide different degrees of protection for the buyer
warranty deed against potential problems affecting title. A warranty deed provides the greatest
A type of deed with sev- protection. In most states, a warranty deed requires special language. A warranty
eral warranties implied deed includes a promise to protect the buyer against all claims of ownership of the
by law to protect the property by another. By its use, the grantor impliedly makes certain covenants or
buyer. promises:
• The grantor has full ownership of the exact interest being conveyed.
grant deed • The property is free of liens or claims of third persons except as disclosed in
A document that conveys the deed.
the ownership of real • The title will not be challenged by third persons.
property, and impliedly • The grantor will execute any further documents that may be required to per-
warrants that the grantor fect the grantee’s title.
has not previously con-
veyed the property to an-
In states where title insurance policies provide considerable assurance that there
other and that the prop- will be no surprises found in the official records, the simple grant deed is com-
erty is free from monly used. By use of the word “grant,” the grantor (seller) impliedly warrants that
undisclosed (1) he or she has not previously conveyed the property to someone else and (2) the
encumbrances. estate (ownership) conveyed is free from prior encumbrances by the grantor, unless
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 599
disclosed. A quitclaim deed offers the least protection against defects in the title. quitclaim deed
Basically, it conveys to the grantee whatever interest the grantor had. If the grantor A deed to real property
has no interest, then the grantee receives no interest. A quitclaim deed seems in which the transferor
strange to most people. After all, what value is a deed where the person transferring conveys whatever owner-
it to you is not promising they own anything? Actually, quitclaim deeds are used ship interest he or she
may possess, which may
often in situations where ownership rights are uncertain. The transfer of such a
be none.
deed can help clarify ownership interests. The quitclaim deed is appropriate when
land is transferred by gift or to clear some possible “cloud on title”—some obsta-
cle to clear title, such as an old abandoned leasehold that might otherwise be the cloud on title
Any dormant or actively
basis for a later lawsuit.
pursued claim to the pos-
Married persons can change the form of ownership of property held as com-
session of or title to real
munity property to tenancy-in-common or joint tenancy, or vice versa, by deed. property that is unre-
Under some circumstances, courts have held that even though held in joint ten- solved or contested.
ancy, the husband and wife actually intended to and did hold the property as com-
munity property. The result of such a ruling is a tax advantage, in that surviving
owners of community property pay considerably less income tax on any future sale http://
than do surviving joint tenants. See a copy of a quitclaim
deed at
abstract of title
Don would like a warranty or grant deed from Lee which will include promises to A chronological history of
protect Don from all claims of ownership from others. However, he would like recorded documents that
more than a promise to protect as to Patricia’s interest; he would like a quitclaim affect the title to a parcel
deed. Patricia should be willing to convey this deed; after all, it only transfers what of real property.
she has and does not guarantee she owns anything. Quitclaim deeds are very useful
to transfer an interest in cases such as this, when a person may have an interest, but standard title
no formal records document its existence. insurance
Customary title insurance
coverage that does not
WHAT IS TITLE INSURANCE? include the special cover-
age included within the
In some states, such as New York, attorneys perform title searches and render legal
more expensive American
opinions regarding the quality of title to property. These opinions are called ab-
Land Title Association
stracts of title. In most states, however, title insurance companies guarantee prop- policy, which includes
erty purchasers that they have accurately searched the public records. Standard physical inspection of the
title insurance is a policy of insurance whereby the owner of a home may ensure premises as well as a re-
that there are no surprises lurking in the official records that pertain to his or her view of the official re-
newly acquired property. The insurance covers a narrow range of losses, up to a cords in a title search.
600 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
specified face amount of the policy. Title insurance is unlike any other variety of in-
surance, such as life insurance, where the event of loss is unpredictable. Title insur-
ance does not insure against unpredictable losses. Rather, it insures against losses
that may occur from the failure to reveal to the owner any recorded documents—
which should have been found absent negligence by the title insurance company.
At the time the title insurance policy is issued, the owner is given a list of re-
corded documents pertaining to the property, which might include earlier deeds,
mortgages, and liens. As briefly noted earlier, recorded documents have been phys-
ically date-time stamped and copies have been filed in the public records, indexed
alphabetically by the surnames of the parties to the document. You can visit the re-
corder of your county and examine any recorded document. The process of re-
cording permanently establishes the sequence in which the documents pertaining
to a particular parcel of real property were recorded (date-time stamped). In gen-
eral, claims that are first in time are first in right, so such formal recording in the
official records obviously is important.
The accuracy of the list of recorded documents is guaranteed by the policy of
title insurance. Losses arising from something in the public records that was some-
how not found by the title insurance company (and therefore not placed on the list)
are made good by the title insurance company. Losses therefore are unlikely. Vi-
sions of a senior attorney wearing a green visor while hunched over a desk under a
dim light, diligently searching through piles of documents hunting for some defect
in the title to real property, are dated to the beginning of the twentieth century.
Technology, especially microfiche and the computer, have revolutionized the pro-
cess of title searching. Title companies have been indexing all recorded documents
in huge databases, making their existence accessible in every branch office.
In addition to the accuracy of a list of recorded documents, standard coverage ti-
tle insurance covers a few losses that may arise from matters not readily ascertainable
from the official records, such as forgery of a deed in the chain of title, lack of capac-
ity of parties who are grantors (perhaps through mental incompetency), or lack of
delivery of a deed to a former owner. Losses from forgery are unlikely because docu-
notarized ments must be notarized (signed in the presence of an official who is called a notary
Signed in the presence of public) before being recorded. Losses from lack of capacity of previous owners also
a person licensed by the are unlikely because court judgments declaring a person incompetent (lacking in ca-
state to perform identifi- pacity) are available in official records. Nor is lack of delivery of deed a likely defect
cation services as a notary since the law presumes delivery whenever a document, such as a deed, is recorded.
Percy Fairchild bought a one-acre homesite in the country, on
which he planned to build a home and enjoy a “gentleman’s
farm” with an extensive garden and a variety of animals. In connection with
the purchase, he acquired a standard policy of title insurance. Thereafter, he
began leveling the land for a foundation for his home and outbuildings.
He promptly was served with a lawsuit in which a neighbor to the rear,
Georgette Simpson, was the plaintiff. Simpson alleged that she owned an
easement (right to use) across the middle of Fairchild’s lot because she had
used it for 15 years for access to the county road. She requested the court to
enjoin the construction to protect her easement. Fairchild asked his lawyer
to cross-complain against the title insurance company for the apparent
defect in his title. Will he win?
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 601
Fairchild will probably lose his case with Simpson and will certainly lose his cross-
complaint against the title company. Among defects in title that are not covered by
standard title insurance are unrecorded easements. An easement is a right a person easement
has to make limited use of another person’s property. An easement, for example, The right to use the real
can be the right to walk across another’s property or run a telephone line across it. property of another for a
An unrecorded easement is a legal right to use the land of another that is not limited purpose (e.g., ac-
recorded in the official records. Some easements are prepared by deeds and are re- cess to a beach or public
corded in the official records. But many easements do not appear in the public
records. They are created by adjacent landowners who repeatedly use neighboring
land for access over many years. Such an easement is called a prescriptive easement.
Such an easement can arise when one person uses another person’s land for a time
equal to the applicable statute of limitations. If the owner of the land did not object
to the use of the land during this period, the person using the land has an easement
by prescription. These prescriptive easements are not evidenced by any docu- prescriptive
ments and therefore do not appear in the public records. In Simpson’s case, the easement
court would not bar Fairchild from any use of his land but could order him to make An easement, usually of
suitable some portion of his land for continued periodic access by Simpson. It is access, over the land of
important to note that if a defect is disclosed by the title insurer in its policy, any another person, created
losses from that defect are not covered by insurance. That is, the risk of loss is that by a continuous, open
the insurer (title company) will negligently overlook a recorded document and thus (visible) use without the
consent of the landowner
fail to inform the insured (home owner) of its existence.
for a long period of time,
Other exclusions from coverage in standard title insurance policies are bound-
usually five years or more
ary discrepancies and errors about how many acres or square feet are contained in most states.
within the parcel.
Many lenders require extended coverage insurance (also called an American
Land Title Association insurance policy) against loss from any defect, including
such unrecorded matters as the presence of tenants or adverse possessors who may coverage
Coverage for title defects
assert a future claim of ownership in the property. An adverse possessor is anyone
as described within the
who physically occupies and pays taxes on someone else’s property for a number of American Land Title In-
years, such as five, under some color or claim of ownership. Such interlopers can be surance form.
awarded ownership rights by judicial proceeding even though they never paid a
cent for the property. Extended insurance (ALTA) costs more than standard cover-
American Land
age because the title insurance company must make an on-site physical inspection
in addition to the customary search of the official records. Presumably, such an on-
Title Association
site inspection would reveal to the title insurer that someone is adversely possessing insurance policy
A standardized form of
the property or encroaching its boundaries, causing that fact to be noted as an ex-
extended title insurance
ception to coverage and thereby placing the risk of loss upon the buyer. As a practi-
coverage that is more
cal matter in the buying and selling of homes, adverse possession would be extraor- comprehensive than the
dinarily unlikely and on-site inspections are not made. customary policy.
Unfortunately for home buyers, the premium charged for title insurance is a
function of the sales price of the insured property, not a function of the insurer’s
adverse possessor
risk. That is, the premium is calculated as a scaled percentage of the purchase price The creation of owner-
of the home each time it sells, whether or not there is any increased risk of loss to ship of real property
the title insurance company. Therefore, the buyer of a new subdivision home faces through its possession for
a purchase price that already includes the accumulated costs of premiums for title a prescribed number of
insurance that were paid by the developer and again by the builder. The buyer years without the consent
must pay again for title insurance that already has been twice paid for, all on the of its owner.
same lot and all, perhaps, in the same year.* Should the buyer resell the home im-
mediately, the next buyer would face another title insurance premium based on the
* Todd Juchau, “Is ‘Title Insurance’ Insurance?” Thesis for Master’s in Business Administration, California State University, Sacra-
mento, l994.
602 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
new purchase price. This layering of premiums without commensurate risks of loss
has prompted title insurers to offer discounts on homes that are repeatedly sold
within a short time.
Title insurance premiums are a major part of closing costs in the sale of every
home. Buyers and sellers are free to negotiate as to who will pay the title insurance
premium and are well advised to do so. Any thoughts of avoiding the purchase of
title insurance should be set aside because mortgage lenders require it as a condi-
tion to making their loans.
Dave and Kathy McDaniel were in the market for a home
priced around $285,000. While deciding whether to buy a pre-
owned or newly built home, they contacted their attorney, Colleen Strong,
for advice about available financing. What would attorney Strong’s advice
likely be?
Their attorney would probably advise the McDaniels that financing is primarily an
economic, not a legal, question. The most knowledgeable persons concerning the
availability of home loans and their terms are found in real estate sales and loan
brokerage firms. Additional useful information is obtainable from local banks,
savings and loan institutions, and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). At-
torney Strong might properly suggest, however, that she review all significant
documents before they are signed. Sales agents loathe the involvement of attor-
neys, who never seem to be available at critical times when the parties are ready to
sign a document and who raise many questions, some of which may create buyers’
or sellers’ remorse. Agents often refer to attorneys as “deal killers.” Nonetheless,
Strong might review any purchase agreement.
The advice of attorneys always is essential in complex arrangements in which one
party is in a position to take advantage of the other. The hiring of a building contrac-
tor to build a custom home is one important example that was emphasized earlier.
Because most questions that arise in buying homes are simple and repetitive,
real estate agents develop considerable expertise and are usually qualified to assist
buyers in the preparation of purchase agreements without the need for legal assis-
tance. However, agents are primarily in the business of selling and are not qualified
or authorized to render legal opinions to prospective buyers or sellers. A prudent
buyer who asks questions and receives fuzzy, nonresponsive, or incomplete answers
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 603
would be well advised to obtain legal assistance before signing any contracts. Fees
for contract review are likely to be modest because attorneys can perform such rou-
tine services in a short time—if that is their specialization.
One decision that more often than not should be carefully made, perhaps re-
quiring the services of an attorney, concerns choice in legal form of title, which we
consider next.
If only one person owns property, it is owned in severalty. If persons share owner- severalty
ship rights in property, they are said to be concurrent owners or tenants. There are Separate or individual
four principal types of concurrent ownership: tenancy in common, joint tenancy, ten- ownership of property by
ancy by the entireties, and community property. one person or ownership
Each form of co-ownership has different characteristics and serves different pur- as separate property by a
married person.
poses. A tenancy in common is the form of co-ownership most appropriate for unre-
lated owners. Tenants can own unequal shares and get their interests at different times.
The shares of ownership can be transferred easily. If any tenant dies, that tenant’s in- tenants in
terest passes to his or her heirs. Any tenant can transfer their interest to a third person. common
Another common form of joint ownership, called joint tenancy, provides for a A form of co-ownership
very different result upon a joint owner’s death. Joint tenancy is co-ownership with the of property by two or
more persons. Upon the
right of survivorship. If any joint tenant dies, the deceased joint tenant’s interest passes
death of any co-owner,
to the surviving joint tenant(s). The deceased tenant’s interest expires at death and can-
his or her percentage in-
not pass to his or her heirs. A joint tenant does, however, have the right to transfer his terest passes by intestate
or her ownership before death. The transfer will terminate the joint tenancy. succession or by last will.
A joint tenancy requires a written document and cannot be created casually
or accidentally. Because of its survivorship feature many states require the words
joint tenancy
“with right of survivorship” to be included in the instrument creating the interest.
A method of co-ownership
About half the states permit a variation of joint tenancy between husband and of property by two or
wife called tenancy by the entirety. Some states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisi- more persons. Upon the
ana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington) have community property and death of any co-owner, his
a few have marital property, both a variation of co-ownership by married couples. or her percentage interest
When two or more persons decide to purchase a residence, a decision must be goes to the surviving joint
made as to the legal form of joint ownership to be used. tenant(s) regardless of the
decedent’s last will. This
right of survivorship is the
Jinna Roberts and Kathy Jennings, unrelated, owned Sky High
Ranch as joint tenants. Upon learning that their respective in-
terests would go to the survivor of them regardless of their respective wills,
they decided to change their ownership form. May they do so?
Yes. Roberts and Jennings can simply convey the property to themselves as tenants in
common. Then, both may will their respective equal shares to anyone they choose.
For example, if Roberts should die without leaving a will, her undivided one-half in-
terest would go to her closest surviving heirs. Such surviving heirs would, under law,
become tenants in common with Jennings.
trial, or whatever. The county assessor appraises each property at its market value market value
(called full cash value) and declares a uniform fraction of that amount to be its as- The price property would
sessed value. Some states assess at full cash value. These values are approximations bring if offered for sale in
of fair market values because assessors cannot possibly keep all properties within a a fair market (not at auc-
jurisdiction currently appraised on a year-to-year basis. tion or in a forced sale)
by a willing and fully in-
Whether a full cash value or fractional assessment (some arbitrary portion, or
formed (but not com-
fraction, of full cash value) is used has no effect on the amount of property tax paid
pelled) seller, after ample
by the homeowner. These “assessed” values are listed on the assessment roll. time to find a willing and
The applicable combined budget is then divided by the total assessed value of fully informed (but not
all taxable property in the county to arrive at the property tax rate—the percentage compelled) buyer.
that must be applied to the assessed value of each parcel of taxable property in the
county to determine how much its share of the entire budget should be. assessed value
In this way, property owners are taxed in proportion to the value of the prop- The value assigned to real
erty they own. A property worth 30 percent more than another property will be lia- property by a local offi-
ble for 30 percent more in taxes, if both are within the same municipal taxing dis- cial called an assessor for
tricts. Also, a home worth $275,000 will be liable for exactly the same amount of the purpose of levying a
tax as a service station worth $275,000, if both are within the same district. property tax.
Owners who believe their taxes are unfairly high in comparison with similar
properties may informally request a reappraisal by the tax assessor, or formally ap-
peal to the specified appeals body (such as the local Board of Equalization). If
unsuccessful there, they can appeal to a court, but courts generally do not overrule
administrative agencies, especially on matters of taxation.
Of course, any individual’s property may be reappraised and if its assessed
value goes up, its specific tax bill will rise. Conversely, a person whose property
goes down in assessed value in relationship to other properties will pay a lower tax.
Increases or decreases in assessed values or tax rates have nothing to do with in-
creased total taxes, which can occur only when government expenditures increase.
In other words, if all assessed values rise, but budgeted expenses remain constant,
total taxes collected will remain constant. Rising and falling property taxes are a
function of rising and falling combined county budgets.
Typically, all assessed values in a county are increased annually by some per-
centage to reflect estimated general inflationary pressures. A constant tax rate thus
will produce an increase in the budget, producing, in turn, higher taxes for every-
one’s property. Some states, California for instance, have adopted property tax lim-
itations that apply to older but not recently sold properties. Therefore, a home that
recently sold for $250,000 may be chargeable with more property tax than a home
or service station also worth $250,000 but which has been owned a number of
years. In effect, new homeowners subsidize owners who have owned their homes
for some years. This result of higher taxes for newer homes of comparable values is
another example of how the traditional economic benefits of home ownership are
eroding in the early twenty-first century.
Property taxes typically are paid twice a year, in December and April, although
they accrue daily. Some lenders require their borrowers to pay taxes monthly, along
with their payments of principal and interest. These lenders then forward the col-
lected property taxes to the local tax collector twice a year. The funds collected
monthly are held in an impound account by the lender until disbursed to the tax
impound account
An account held by a
collector. A small amount of interest is paid to the borrower by some lenders for
mortgage lender in which
these prepayments of taxes. The reason lenders prefer impounds is that it gives them to accumulate sufficient
an assurance that the homeowner has set aside enough money to pay the taxes when funds to pay all annual
due. When negotiating for a home mortgage, borrowers can ask that they pay all property taxes and prop-
property taxes and insurance bills directly, avoiding the impounding process. This erty and liability insur-
gives the homeowner use of the cash until the periodic tax and insurance bills arrive. ance premiums.
606 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Homeowners’ Policy
homeowners’ A homeowners’ policy provides protection against several risks under a single pol-
policy icy. This allows the policyholder to avoid the cost of buying each protection sepa-
Insurance that typically rately. There are two basic types of coverage in a homeowners’ policy.
covers losses of the
homeowner’s property
1. Property coverage includes garage, house, and other private buildings on the
from specified casualties, policyholder’s lot. This coverage also protects the personal possessions and
such as fire and water property of the policyholder at home, in travel, or at work. A claim can pay ad-
damage, as well as the ditional living expenses for living away from home because of a fire or some
possible liability of the other covered peril (dangers). Some perils are commonly excluded from cover-
owner for specified dam- age unless specifically requested and an additional premium paid. Among the
ages he or she may cause types of perils which are sometimes excluded are war, earthquake, flood, and
to another person nuclear hazard.
through negligent behav- 2. Liability coverage protects for personal liability if someone is injured on the
ior (other than with a
insured’s property. This coverage also protects the insured who damages
motor vehicle or boat).
someone else’s property or injures someone else. Two major exclusions from
coverage are harm caused to others while in an automobile and liability for
professional malpractice.
An insured can also pay a slightly higher premium to insure specific and expensive
personal articles or protection for certain events. Adding items to a policy is done
with what is called a floater.
It should also be remembered that the value of coverage is as important as the
scope of coverage. If an insured has a extensive policy, but low liability limits, they
will have considerable risk. For example, if you are covered for most types of liabil-
ity but only in the amount of $25,000, you would still have limited coverage.
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 607
Coinsurance Clauses
Both fire and homeowners’ insurance usually have a coinsurance clause as standard
language in the insurance contract. A coinsurance clause requires that the owner
insure his or her property up to a specified percentage—usually 80 percent—of its
value. If the owner insures for less than the required percentage, the owner is only
paid a proportionate share of his or her loss. It is important for homeowners to
keep track of the current replacement value of their home to be sure they have suf-
ficient insurance.
Hurricane Katrina’s devastation in the Mississippi and Louisiana
region in 2005 has made many more people aware of the lim-
itations on homeowners’ policies. Homeowners often think of their home-
owners’ policy as general insurance; many homeowners have never read
their policies let alone contemplated the various risks. In the wake of Hurri-
cane Katrina, however, numerous stories have been written documenting
the difference between “flooding” and “wind damage.” Flood insurance
was not covered by the vast majority of homeowners, so only wind damage
qualified for compensation. As this edition was being written, some of the
first cases testing claims that insurance companies have failed to pay justi-
fied claims are reaching resolution, which are unsatisfactory to many of the
insured. Many victims have expressed anger and frustration that they paid
for insurance, in some cases for many years, only to receive little or no pay-
ment following the hurricane.
* Nolo Press publishes books on self-help legal topics, including neighbor law. For information, visit its Web site at http://www
608 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
local ordinances address possible public health problems, such as garbage, debris,
and weeds or other rubbish that encourages the breeding of rats and insects or is
conducive to fires. Offended neighbors can obtain assistance from city officials,
who will compel repairs of unsightly messes or impose fines upon persons respon-
sible. Local ordinances also prohibit unreasonably loud noises, sometimes applying
to such activities as late-night basketball, blaring outdoor stereos, and even scream-
ing and fighting neighbors. Police can be called upon to enforce such ordinances.
What is reasonable sound is sometimes determined by measurement of decibels
and their relationship to the time of day (“quiet times” may be included within the
ordinance) and the type of applicable zoning. Some states have criminal statutes
prohibiting noise that is so loud that it “disturbs the peace.”
The traffic, crime, and fear engendered by continuous drug dealing in a house
also may be prohibited by ordinances that provide neighbors with small claims
court remedies against landlords and owners of such nuisances. Courts have im-
posed damages upon landlords of such crack houses and this ultimately leads to
evictions to forestall future penalties.
Local ordinances also impose restrictions on irresponsible animal owners. Un-
der common law, the owner of an animal, such as a dog, is absolutely liable for da-
mages caused when it bites someone. Ordinances often make illegal continuous
dog barking and howling and require leashes when dogs (and sometimes cats)* are
off their owner’s property. Offended neighbors can seek assistance from city offi-
cials to enforce “pooper scooper” ordinances if they are in effect, or can sue for
trespass if they aren’t. The number of dogs and cats per household also is often
regulated. In at least one instance, the number of geese that can be kept (often as
substitutes for watch dogs) also is regulated.†
Local zoning ordinances also regulate how property may be used. Zoning laws
typically prohibit running a business at a residence if it attracts customers and cre-
ates traffic. Persons who perform “outsource” work at home do not violate residen-
tial ordinances unless repeated customer and car traffic is thereby generated. Even
running garage sales every weekend is probably illegal in most residentially zoned
communities. Ordinances also regulate the use and storage of motor vehicles. For
example, recreational vehicles (RVs) sometimes must be shielded by fencing or
vegetation. Cars cannot be stored in driveways in a state of disassembly and disre-
pair for indefinite times, under many ordinances. And most communities prohibit
the continuous parking of cars on public streets.
may be lighted, and so on. Colors of fences as well as their style, height, material, and
location are usually regulated, both by local ordinance and by applicable CC&Rs.
When a dispute arises, the CC&Rs include a mechanism, or procedure, by
which complaints can be brought to the attention of the homeowners’ association
Earlier in this chapter, a general comparison of the amenities between owning
and renting a home was presented. Homeowners’ associations and the rules they
enforce are considered by many to equal, or at least to resemble, the restrictive
rules found in apartments. In other words, the owned home is less like a “castle”
and more like a rented apartment.
Phyllis Hammond was living in Taromina, a 92-unit oceanfront
cooperative in Florida, when its HOA ended its ban on cats.
Hammond scurried out and bought a 10-pound cat named Sam for $100.
Weeks later, the coop board of directors reinstated its prior ban on cats as
pets and ordered Hammond to get Sam out of her one-bedroom apartment.
Legal battles ensued, and before long, Hammond, who was living on a mod-
est pension and Social Security, had spent $8,063, mostly in attorney fees;
the coop board had spent $11,000. The governing rules provided that in le-
gal skirmishes, the prevailing party was entitled to reimbursement of attor-
ney fees from the losing side. In disgust, Hammond offered to get rid of
Sam, sell her apartment, and end the dispute if each side would pay its own
attorney fees. The board refused “on principle” according to its lawyer.*
How can Hammond end the dispute?
Hammond cannot end the dispute. All too often, attorney fees become the tail that
wags the dog (or cat, in this situation) in litigation. HOA rules typically provide
that the prevailing party is entitled to recover attorney fees, which may greatly ex-
ceed the amount in controversy, as the Hammond case demonstrates. Because of the
frequency and ferocity of litigation between owners and HOAs, some states require
that such disputes be submitted to nonbinding arbitration before litigation can be
pursued. The theory is that the nonbinding arbitration decision will give the parties
third-party input that may lead to some compromise.
both homeowners whether they like the idea or not. If a wrongdoer (whether or not
a neighbor) kills a landowner’s tree, the victim may recover compensatory damages
(cost of replacement or diminution in value of the land, plus out-of-pocket costs) and
punitive damages if applicable. Many states have adopted statutes prescribing dam-
ages for crimes against trees, doubling or trebling compensatory damages, and some-
times permitting the recovery of attorney fees.* In some states, wrongful tree killing is
a crime, a misdemeanor punishable by fine and/or imprisonment.†
In common law, there is a right of self-help. Under the doctrine of self-help, a
person has the right to personally secure or enforce some legal right so long as no
violent confrontation is involved. But, in a modern application of the rule, neigh-
bors can simply cut off any encroaching limbs or roots of trees. This conduct may
offend the tree’s owner, but it is permitted in all states under common law. How-
ever, the trimming is generally at the neighbor’s expense and cannot result in kill-
ing the tree—if it does die, the neighbor can be sued for damages for loss of the
tree. This is noteworthy because some trees can add a substantial amount to the
value of a home. In most states, the neighbor has no other remedy than to trim
the tree back to the boundary, unless real damage has been caused (for example, by
partially falling onto the roof).‡ When substantial injury has occurred, or is threat-
nuisance ened, the encroaching tree qualifies as a nuisance. Any unreasonable interference
Any unreasonable and with the use and enjoyment of real property is called a nuisance; it may be enjoined
continuous interference by court (through its issuance of an injunction) and/or damages may be awarded.
with the use and enjoy- Tree owners clearly must keep their trees from becoming a nuisance, i.e., from en-
ment of real property. croaching on and damaging their neighbors’ property.
The owner of a fruit tree owns its fruit, even if the fruit is growing on a limb
that is overhanging the boundary fence. This rule makes it clear that the public
cannot legally pull off a road to pick fruit from orchard trees that overhang onto
the public right of way. If the owner of a fruit tree desired to enter upon the neigh-
bor’s property to retrieve fruit, the issue of trespass would arise. It is unclear
whether the law would uphold an owner’s fundamental right to exclude persons
from the property, or would create a limited right in the owner of a fruit tree to
trespass on another’s property to retrieve fruit.
Janice Turner was angry that her neighbor’s Strawberry Blush
cling peach tree was overhanging the fence. She said nothing
to her neighbor, Baylor Scott, during the following months. In August the
tree was laden with beautiful ripe fruit, much of which was clinging to the
limbs overhanging Turner’s property. Turner then smugly trimmed the limbs
back to the fence line and, after the limbs were severed, picked the peaches,
canning some and simply enjoying the others. Scott learned of the timely
trimming and sued in small claims court for the value of the peaches Turner
had taken. What arguments support each side, and what decision should the
judge make?
* See, e.g., California Civil Code, §3346; Maine Revised Statutes Ann., Title 14, §7552; Alabama Code, §35-14-1.
† Michigan Comp. Laws Ann., §750.382, California Penal Code, §384(a).
‡ California, Louisiana, and Washington permit suits against owners of encroaching trees even if no serious damage has occurred,
on the theory that such trees are a private nuisance.
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 611
Turner would argue that she exercised her common law right of self-help by trim-
ming the encroaching limbs back to the property line. Scott might counter that her
real intention was to steal his fruit. He could argue that the limbs and fruit re-
mained his property even after they were trimmed, and that Turner is guilty of the
tort of conversion. (Conversion was explained in Chapter 7.) The law on this point
is nonexistent; the judge would simply have to make a decision without the benefit
of the doctrine of stare decisis. What decision would you make as judge?
Homeowners enjoy sunlight, free-flowing breezes, and sometimes good views.
However, in common law, there is no right to light, air, or view, which may be im-
paired from growing trees (or even buildings) on neighboring property. This harsh According to its Web site,
rule has been modified by local ordinances in some areas near the ocean or with “Community Associations
other scenic-view potential. These ordinances do not prohibit growing trees that Institute (CAI) is the only
national organization dedi-
may someday obstruct a neighbor’s view. The court is authorized to balance the
cated to fostering vibrant,
owner’s rights with the desirability of a view for the neighbor, whether or not trim-
responsive, competent
ming to the extent of providing a filtered view, or even topping or windowing (cut- community associations.”
ting out a window to provide a partial view) would be a satisfactory solution. CC&Rs
also may regulate the protection of views from growing trees. http://www.caionline.org/
Disputes in connection with fences, as noted above, may be resolved by resort
to local officials, who will enforce ordinances regulating fences, or by resort to
HOA officials, who will enforce applicable CC&Rs. Sometimes, however, a prop-
erty owner will erect a spite fence, creating a dispute that will require going to
court for relief. Any fence that is built to annoy or vex a neighbor, and that has no
reasonable value to its owner, is called a spite fence. Many states have statutes de- spite fence
fining spite fences as nuisances and authorizing lawsuits for their removal and re- A fence erected primarily
covery of damages.* to vex, annoy, or “spite”
Proof that a fence is intended to annoy or vex may be easier to produce than it a neighbor.
seems. Often, a spite fence is deliberately made to look like a monstrosity, to fur-
ther annoy the neighbor. The existence of ongoing hostility between the neighbors
is evidence of a malicious intent. If a fence does not contribute materially to needed
privacy, or does not effectively fence anything inside, or does not effectively stop
intruders, strong evidence exists that it is a spite fence. Made-up reasons, such as
“needed to support my climbing roses,” are not likely to be persuasive. Courts can
order the removal of spite fences and award compensatory damages and even puni-
tive damages in outrageous cases.
Neighbor disputes can make life less enjoyable. Prospective home buyers are
well advised to extend their inquiries beyond the four corners of the lots they are
considering for purchase. Much about the neighborhood can be learned from ask-
ing nearby residents pertinent questions. Letter carriers also are available for ques-
tions and often are experts in any ongoing neighborhood disputes. The location of
trees, condition of fences, establishment of boundary lines through survey, as well
as a late-night visit on Friday or Saturday can all contribute to making a well-
informed purchase.
Sometimes, families rent homes in subdivisions in which most homes are
owned. This situation can exacerbate problems on occasion when renters are less
concerned than owners with long-term neighbor relations. Some think that renters
are less likely to maintain proper outside appearances of the home they rent, as by
storing old vehicles or making repairs in front or by not picking up loose papers,
etc. Owners of homes that are rented also are often accused of ignoring exterior
* See, e.g., California Civil Code, §841.4; Maine Revised Statutes, Title 17, §280l; Massachusetts Gen. Laws Ann., §49.21; Mich.
Comp. Laws Ann., §561.02; New Hampshire Rev. Stat. Ann., §476.1; Rhode Island Gen. Laws, §34-10-20, and Wisconsin Stat.
Ann., §844.10.
612 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
63 Ohio Misc. 2d 245, 623 N.E.2d 731 (Ohio, 1993)
Buyer filed her complaint alleging that the defen- The closing on the property took place on
dant’s seller and real estate agent and broker knew February 21, 1992. At this time, the perpetrator
of the unsafe character of the residence and neigh- of the crimes was still at large. While moving
borhood, failed to disclose, and concealed these mate- into the home, a neighbor informed plaintiff
rial facts, which would have influenced her decision that the daughter of the last occupant had been
to buy the property. Plaintiff sought damages from raped in October, and that another brutal rape
all defendants for mental stress and anguish, for the had occurred shortly before Christmas, in 1991.
decreased value of the property, for fraud and negli- Two more rapes occurred in June and August
gence, and for equitable relief. 1992 at a nearby home. Plaintiff’s house was
The defendants filed for summary judgment, burglarized on April 8, 1992, and threatening
arguing that the doctrine of caveat emptor is a complete defense phone calls were received by plaintiff in July 1992. Police
in a suit seeking recovery for the “stigma” attached to or the reports submitted by plaintiff confirm that all of these
“psychological impairment” of a piece of property. Defendants crimes did in fact take place.
also claimed that a cause of action for property defects that are Plaintiff, after being informed of the rapes in her
neither a physical or legal impairment does not exist in Ohio. home and the surrounding neighborhood, confronted de-
The trial court held that: (1) latent nature of alleged stig- fendant Campbell (owner of Realty World) who acknowl-
matizing defect in property which resulted from rape in residence edged that he, defendant Patton, and defendant Hoff were
rendered defense of caveat emptor inapplicable; (2) material is- all aware of the rapes, including the rape at the subject
sue of fact as to whether purchaser in fact inquired regarding property.
safety of premises precluded summary judgment; and (3) real es-
tate agents had no affirmative duty to speak up and disclose II
knowledge of crimes simply because they were in room at time The rule that a seller is generally under no duty to disclose
inquiry regarding safety of residence was made. material facts about the subject matter of a sale unless a
Ordered accordingly. specific exception exists originates from the doctrine of ca-
MICHAEL J. SAGE, Judge veat emptor. At least since 1956, the principle of caveat emp-
tor has been consistently applied in Ohio to sales of real es-
I tate relative to conditions discoverable by the buyer, or
This case arises from the sale of a residence located at open to observation upon an investigation of the property.
6027 Arcade Drive, Fairfield, Ohio. On or about October [In 1979], however, the Supreme Court of Ohio held
30, 1991, a renter’s daughter was raped at knifepoint in the that latent defects do give rise to a duty on the part of the
residence owned by defendant Bradford. On or about De- seller, and constitute an exception to the application of ca-
cember 20, 1991, another rape occurred in a neighboring veat emptor. When latent defects are coupled with misre-
home. That same day, defendant Bradford listed the house presentations or concealment, the doctrine of caveat emptor
for sale with defendant Realty World. does not preclude recovery for fraud. Fraudulent conceal-
Plaintiff Kitty Van Camp submitted a written offer to ment exists where a vendor fails to disclose sources of peril
purchase the home on February 4, 1992. Before closing of which he is aware, if such a source is not discoverable by
and during a walk-through inspection of the premises with the vendee. Thus, the Supreme Court of Ohio held that
defendant Bradford and defendant Patton (listing agent) the plaintiffs could sue for termites discovered after the
and defendant Hoff (co-operating agent) present, plaintiff real estate agent made the representation that the house
noticed bars on the basement windows. In response to was a “good solid home,” especially since the seller was
plaintiff’s inquiry regarding the purpose and necessity of personally aware of the problem prior to the sale. The na-
the bars on the windows, defendant Bradford stated that a ture of the defect and the ability of the parties to determine
break-in had occurred sixteen years earlier, but that there through a reasonable inspection that a defect exists are key
was currently no problem with the residence. Plaintiff stated to determining whether or not the defect is latent.
that she would like to remove the bars for cosmetic pur- In contrast to the national trend, Ohio has recently
poses, but Bradford advised her not to do so, as it was in upheld the doctrine of caveat emptor with regard to real es-
plaintiff’s best interests to leave the bars in place. tate sales. Conditions traditionally limiting the application
614 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
of the doctrine, however, were also vigorously upheld in or concealment on the part of defendant Bradford regard-
the court’s opinion: the property defect must be open to ing the relative safety of the home, the latent nature of the
observation or discoverable upon a reasonable inspection, defect at issue here renders the defense of caveat emptor
the purchaser must have an unimpeded opportunity to ex- inapplicable.
amine the property, and the vendor may not engage in
fraud. The court held that, unlike a latent defect, the struc- III
tural defect of the basement wall at issue was “highly visi-
The case sub judice raises the question whether Ohio should
ble,” and the corrective I-beams supporting the wall were
recognize a cause of action for residential property tainted
open to observation by the plaintiffs.
by stigmatizing events that have occurred on and near the
With the recent enactment of R.C. 5302.30, the Ohio
premises. The only reported case involving a psychological
legislature has taken a bold step toward ameliorating the
property defect was heard in California and involved a house
harsh application of caveat emptor in even patent defect real
that had been the site of multiple murders ten years prior to
estate transactions. For sales conducted on or after July 1,
its sale to the plaintiff. The Third District held that the
1993, the statute requires a seller of residential property to
plaintiff buyer did have a cause of action capable of surviving
provide each prospective buyer, or his/her agent, with a
the seller’s motion to dismiss. The determinative issue in
prescribed disclosure form regarding various aspects of the
that case was whether the failure to disclose the murders was
property. Even though the official disclosure form has not
yet been formally established, preliminary drafts indicate
The California court “saw no principled basis for mak-
that its purpose is to disclose material matters regarding
ing the duty to disclose turn upon the character of the infor-
not only the physical condition of the property, but also ti-
mation,” and held that the failure to disclose the murders
tle, survey and other matters. If the seller fails to provide
was a material fact that could conceivably depress the value
the disclosure form, the statute grants the buyer the pow-
of the property.
erful remedy of rescission. With this initiative, the Ohio
legislature has seriously undermined the doctrine of caveat
emptor as previously applied. IV
Virtually all of the case law regarding the buyer’s du- Clearly defining the cause of action for stigmatized prop-
ties under caveat emptor focuses on physical property de- erty is necessary in order to protect the stability of con-
fects. Thus, the case at bar is unique in that it presents tracts and prevent limitless recovery for insubstantial
issues regarding duty and liability for a so-called psycho- harms and irrational fears: misrepresentation, concealment
logical defect in the property, namely, that the property or nondisclosure of a material fact by a seller of residential
was rendered unsafe for habitation by the plaintiff due to property in response to an affirmative inquiry is evidence
the serious crimes that had occurred in and near the of a breach of duty on the part of the seller. After inquiry,
residence. if the buyer justifiably relied on the misrepresentation or
The stigma associated with the residence at 6027 Ar- nondisclosure, or was induced or misled into effecting the
cade Drive is analogous to the latent property defects that sale to his/her detriment and damage, the buyer has met
have become an exception to the strict application of caveat the burden of proof required to withstand a summary judg-
emptor. Due to the intangible nature of the defect at issue ment motion.
here, a prospective buyer would have been unable to deter- When a seller receives an affirmative inquiry regard-
mine from a walk-through of the house in 1992 that it was ing the condition of a piece of property, the buyer is enti-
the site of a serious, unsolved violent crime. Clearly, any tled to a truthful answer. One who responds to an inquiry
psychological stigma that may be attached to a residence is is guilty of fraud if he gives equivocal, evasive or mislead-
even more undiscoverable than the existence of termites in ing answers calculated to convey a false impression, even
a home, or a defect in the title to the property, both of though the answer may be literally true. Responding hon-
which have been deemed latent defects despite the fact that estly to an affirmative inquiry regarding the condition of a
they could have been discovered through a professional in- residence is a lighter burden than the voluntary disclosure
spection or title search. of a defect mandated by caveat emptor, particularly when
Defendants’ argument that the defect at issue here knowledge of a stigmatizing defect is within the ready per-
was readily discoverable lacks merit. Checking police re- sonal or actual knowledge of the seller at the time of the
cords in order to ascertain the relative safety of a neighbor- inquiry.
hood or a particular residence would not be an action un- A seller who is under a duty to disclose facts and fails
dertaken by even the most prudent of purchasers. When to do so will be held liable for damages directly and proxi-
viewed in conjunction with a potential misrepresentation mately resulting from his silence. A person injured by fraud
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 615
is entitled to such damages as will fairly compensate him for evidence that a rape occurred in the residence at 6027 Ar-
the wrong suffered. As an additional safeguard, objective cade Drive, and that several other crimes occurred in close
tangible harm must be demonstrated to still the concern proximity to the property. Further, the court must accept
that permitting cases of this nature to go forward will open plaintiff’s allegation that all of the defendants involved
the floodgates to rescission on subjective and idiosyncratic knew that these crimes had occurred, yet failed to disclose
grounds. this knowledge to the plaintiff.
Reasonable minds could construe the plaintiff ’s ques-
V tion regarding the bars on the basement windows as an af-
firmative inquiry directed at ascertaining the safety of the
The defendants in this case have argued that the prevailing
premises, and defendant Bradford’s statements regarding
trend across the nation regarding property disclosure is evi-
the reason for the bars to be a misrepresentation or a non-
denced by the nondisclosure statutes that have been enacted
disclosure of their current purpose. Upon the plaintiff ’s in-
in twenty states and the District of Columbia. Defendants
quiry, defendant Bradford was simply required to tell the
also contend that these statutes imply that a cause of action
truth. A more difficult case would arise had there been no
for tainted property in Ohio is necessarily barred.
evidence to indicate that the plaintiff had solicited infor-
These statutes generally state that sellers of real estate
mation regarding the safety of the residence.
are not liable for failing to disclose stigmatizing events,
Numerous questions of material fact remain regarding
such as the fact that a homicide, suicide, felony or death by
the conversation that took place between plaintiff and de-
AIDS occurred in the residence. Ohio has not adopted a
fendant Bradford, and these questions preclude a granting
nondisclosure statute of this nature.
of summary judgment. [D]efendant Bradford’s motion for
It is the opinion of this court that the nondisclosure
summary judgment is hereby DENIED.
statutes as enacted in other states still require a good faith
By contrast, however, the court finds as a matter of
response to an inquiry regarding a potential psychological
law that the inquiry of plaintiff was directed solely to the
impairment: these statutes were enacted solely to insulate
homeowner, defendant Bradford: she alone responded to
sellers from liability for any failure to voluntarily and auto-
plaintiff’s question regarding the safety of the residence.
matically disclose information regarding potential stigmas
The real estate defendants had no duty to affirmatively
associated with property. As aptly stated by Representative
speak up and disclose their knowledge of the crimes simply
Prague during the public hearings discussing Connecticut’s
because they were in the room at the time the inquiry was
newly adopted nondisclosure statute, “It seems to me that
made. Had the real estate agents similarly misrepresented
anybody selling a house would have to answer truthfully
or failed to disclose a material fact upon an inquiry di-
when a buyer asks a question. I mean, why should we tell
rected to them, summary judgment in their favor would
you what the realtor should say or shouldn’t say, or should
not be warranted. Even construing the facts in the light
reveal and shouldn’t reveal. He should reveal anything that
most favorable to the plaintiff, however, the court must
is asked of him.”
nevertheless find that this factually distinguishable situa-
tion simply did not transpire in this case. Thus, since rea-
VI sonable minds could come to but one conclusion regarding
A cause of action for stigmatized property, as previously the evidence, and that conclusion is adverse to the plaintiff,
defined and limited, is warranted in the case at bar. At this the summary judgment motions of defendants Realty
point, it is necessary to analyze the elements of the cause of World, Campbell, Patton, and defendants West Shell and
action for stigmatized property in the context of the defen- Hoff are hereby GRANTED.
dants’ summary judgment motions. So ordered.
A motion for summary judgment shall be granted
when there is no genuine issue of any material fact and the
moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. It For Critical Analysis
must be awarded with caution, resolving doubts and con-
struing evidence against the moving party, and granted 1. Distinguish latent from patent defects. Which type is
only when it appears from the evidentiary material that discussed in the case? Explain.
reasonable minds can reach only an adverse conclusion as 2. Was the response by the seller to the buyer about the
to the party opposing the motion. reason for the bars on basement windows made before
Construing the evidence in the light most favorable to the contract to buy the house was entered into or was
the plaintiff, the court finds that the plaintiff has met her it made afterward? Should that make a difference?
initial burden of proof. The court must accept plaintiff ’s Did it?
616 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
3. Whose real estate agents were being sued? The sell- 5. Would you analyze this case differently if you were
er’s or buyer’s? Does it make any difference? applying ethical rules rather than legal rules?
4. How did the court resolve the issue of whether caveat 6. When was the Ohio disclosure statute enacted relative
emptor applied? to this case? Is that important? Why? ❚❚
Chapter 12 >>> Home Ownership 617
• Discuss and define the types of employment
I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the classifications: principal/agent, employer/employee,
harder I work the more I have of it. and employer/independent contractor.
• Explain and provide examples of the doctrine of
Thomas Jefferson, 1743–1826. respondeat superior.
• Identify the groups protected under the Civil Rights
Act of 1964. Distinguish between disparate impact and
disparate treatment theories of discrimination.
• Understand the nature of sexual harassment and the
difference between quid pro quo and hostile
environment sexual harassment.
• List necessary steps to a Title VII claim.
• Identify employer defenses to Title VII claims.
• Define a disability and suggest the limits of
reasonable accommodation for the ADA.
• Understand the development of different legal
theories regarding wrongful termination.
• Identify basic rights and duties of employees.
• Understand the employment at will doctrine and its
limiting exceptions.
• Identify some major legal issues of employee welfare
in wages, retirement, family leave, privacy, and
• Identify and discuss the major federal statutes
affecting the labor/management relationship.
• Define “collective bargaining” and understand its
ramifications. Understand the difference between a
union and a nonunion workplace.
• Discuss the importance and limitations of arbitration
clauses in employment contracts.
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 619
In 2006, the United States population reached 300 million with an estimated civil-
ian labor workforce of 152 million. In George Washington’s time, approximately
90 percent of all Americans could be classified as farmers. Today, less than 3 per- See the latest labor statis-
cent of those workers work in farming, forestry, or fishing. Thus, our agricultural tics at
revolution has enabled us to produce enough food to feed the nation through the http://www.bls.gov
labor of around 1 percent of the population. The industrial and agricultural revolu-
tions of the last hundred or so years shifted most people into urban areas, where
manufacturing and various service activities expanded. In more recent times, mech-
anization, automation, robotization, and siliconization have reduced the need for
factory workers and miners.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, workers had to adjust to new types
of machines, ones they did not understand. Instead of the steam engine, which me-
chanically inclined workers could observe and figure out, the internal combustion
engine befuddled many. A greater challenge to understanding was electrical ma-
chines, which operated quite differently from the earliest machines; how and why
these contraptions worked was beyond the understanding of most laborers. Most of
us have long since reconciled everyday dependence on a world we don’t quite un-
derstand. Pictures are transmitted to satellites and received in homes through cable
or satellite receivers with hundreds of viewing options available. We can log on to
the Internet via our celluar phones and find out how to safely thaw the frozen tur-
key in time to save Thanksgiving dinner. We can record movies for our own use
and make phone calls from almost anywhere in the world, including Mt. Everest.1
In 1899, only the wildest ranting of a mad scientist or science fiction writer could
have predicted the cooperative construction of a space station by several countries.
Yet, just when we have become somewhat comfortable with machines we don’t un-
derstand, the pace of change again appears to be accelerating. Silicon-based technol-
ogy and biomedical research are making groundbreaking advances almost weekly.
The details make little sense to most people. However, just as workers in the early
1900s did, workers in the 2000s face a future with rapid change and exciting new
that the jobs with the highest predicted growth rates are those that involve profes- http://www.bls.gov/oco/
sional services or technical skills in health care or services. College degrees were
rare a hundred years ago, but now they are necessary for most of the best employ-
ment opportunities.
The pace of change in science and technology has increased in recent decades,
stimulated by discoveries and inventions best exemplified by the computer. Among
the most evident effects of this accelerated pace of change in employer–employee
relations has been corporate downsizing: cutbacks in the number of middle-level
managers and lower-level line workers. This has been made possible by machines
and technology that improve efficiency in all steps, from accounting through pro-
duction, warehousing, and marketing. Concurrently, the internationalization of
much business has greatly expanded world trade and intensified competition. Esti-
mates find that more than 30 million persons in 2004 do some work at home as
620 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
part of their primary job; instead of agriculture, repair work, or production, how-
ever, most of these workers were in white-collar occupations. We enter the work-
force armed with knowledge from the recent past that many common jobs may
soon disappear and new job titles may require tasks and functions that today are
• How much must be paid for labor? At both the federal and state levels, min-
imum wage laws have been in effect since the Great Depression. They are
coupled with regulations of the maximum hours of work that employers may Visit the ‘Lectric Law
demand without the payment of “time-and-a-half ” for overtime.6 Library’s “Lawcopedia”
• Do workers have the legal right to unionize? Federal and state laws guaran- on employment and labor
law at
tee most workers the right to organize into unions of their own choice and re-
quire employers to bargain collectively with the representatives of such unions http://www.lectlaw.com/
over wages, hours, and a broad spectrum of conditions of employment.7 temp.html
The law’s concern with the employment process is pervasive. It precedes hiring, ap-
plies during employment, continues through dismissal, and extends into retirement.
Our public education system provides lifelong learning opportunities that facilitate
useful employment. Without proper knowledge and skills, one is likely to be under-
employed or unemployed throughout one’s life. Legal involvement continues when
jobs are lost because of an economic recession, and public funds pay unemployment
compensation.8 Some workers wrongfully dismissed from employment may sue for
damages under developing tort law.
See the ‘Lectric Law
Library’s discussion of
The world of work has been a prime concern of lawmakers over the centuries. Rules def/a026.htm
enforceable in court enable businesses to fulfill their needs of providing goods and
services to many customers. They also govern the employer–employee relationship,
of which there are three basic types: principal–agent, employer–ordinary employee, agency
and contracting employer–independent contractor. Relationship in which, by
mutual consent, an em-
ployee (the agent) is au-
Principal–Agent Relationship thorized to represent and
Agency is described in technical language by the authoritative Restatement of Agency bind an employer (the
as “the fiduciary relation, which results from the manifestation of consent by one principal) in business
person to another that the other shall act on his behalf and subject to his control, dealings with third
and consent by the other, so to act.” 9 In less arcane terms, this means that the prin-
cipal is a special type of employer who hires an agent to act for the principal in ne-
gotiating and transacting business with customers. The agent receives and accepts agent
authority from the principal to carry out the principal’s business as directed. Not A person employed by a
principal to deal with
all agents are employees and not all employees are agents.
third parties and to make
Agents may be authorized to make contracts with customers on behalf of their
contracts binding the
principals. When made, the contracts are treated as legally binding between the
principal to the third par-
customer and the employer, although negotiated by the agent. If every business cus- ties. An agent is a fidu-
tomer had to deal directly with the owner, business as we know it could not exist. ciary of the principal.
Agency law enables a business owner (as principal) to employ any number of persons
(as agents) to enter into contracts with third parties for the sale or purchase of goods
and/or services on behalf of the principal. Because an agent can legally bind his or The person who empow-
her employer (the principal) to contracts that are made, the law declares the agent to ers an agent to enter con-
be a fiduciary and imposes a high obligation of trustworthiness upon the agent. tract(s) on her or his
A fiduciary relationship exists when the law requires one person to treat an- behalf.
other with the most scrupulous good faith and honesty (e.g., an attorney toward a
client, a trustee toward a beneficiary in a trust, and a partner toward another part- fiduciary
ner in a partnership). Obviously, a key to the expansion and success of business Someone who has an ob-
is to find and retain competent, honest, and industrious agents. The following hy- ligation to act with scru-
pothetical example illustrates how an agent may perform legal acts that bind the pulous good faith and
principal. honesty toward another.
622 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Bruce Henning is hired as the booking agent for a rock group,
the Understanding Slugs. He negotiates and signs a contract
for the group to appear in one evening performance at the Wisconsin State
Fair in Milwaukee. Two months before the show date, Henning informs the
Milwaukee producer that the group cannot appear as scheduled because
“they’ll be tied up in a two-week appearance in Vegas—a big break we just
can’t walk away from.” Are the Understanding Slugs liable to the Milwaukee
producer for damages for breach of the earlier contract?
Yes, the group is liable. They are legally bound by the acts of their agent just as the
Milwaukee producer is liable under the contract to the group. Following are high-
lights of the agency relationship:
• Agency is a relationship between two persons: the principal, or employer who
wants to get something done, and the agent, or employee who is authorized by
the principal to do the specified job as a representative of the principal.
• The relationship is always consensual. Both principal and agent must expressly
or impliedly consent to the relationship. For example, as a favor, Feria agrees
to act as Lou Hockley’s agent to buy two tickets to the big game. Hockley re-
imburses Feria for the price paid, but gives her no more than a “thank you” for
the service. (Had Feria bought the tickets without Hockley’s consent, Hockley
would have no obligation to pay.) The relationship is also usually—although
not always—contractual, meaning that generally both parties give and receive
consideration (see Chapter 8). For example, under an employment contract,
Craig Marks serves as Molly Moore’s agent (sales representative) in the
Chicago territory. Marks enters into contracts on Moore’s behalf and binds
her to perform. She pays him a salary and/or commission for his services.
• The agent represents and acts on behalf of the principal in dealings with third
parties. The resulting contract is legally binding on the principal, provided the
agent acted within the scope of his or her authority as given by the principal.
Usually, the agent is not bound to the third party to perform the contract.
• However, an agent who acts beyond the scope of his or her authority is per-
sonally liable to the third party. If in doubt as to the nature and scope of the
agent’s authority, the third party should check directly with the principal, ask-
ing (1) Is he/she your agent? and (2) What is your agent’s authority (e.g., to
sell, to buy) and on what terms? The law presumes a duty of behalf of a third
party to verify that an agent has the authority that he or she claims.
Several hospital workers were excited to find that former
Major League Baseball pitcher Mickey Lolich was checking into
St. Joseph’s Medical Center. When the health care workers checked the iden-
tity of their patient, they found out it was not Lolich but someone named
Leroy Fulton. Is Mickey Lolich liable for the health bills incurred by Leroy
Fulton in his name?
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 623
If an agent exceeds his or her authority, the principal is ordinarily not liable. It is
then also true that if a person attempts to pass himself or herself off as someone
else, that person is liable but the “real” person, in this case Lolich, is not. Appar-
ently, Leroy was also bumming beers and giving autographs. Don’t assume that
someone is who he or she claims to be without carefully checking. Leroy was ar-
rested on suspicion of forgery and theft.10
• The agent, in effect, walks in the shoes of the principal, even when out of the
principal’s presence. The principal has the continuing right to control the
agent, but while alone, the agent may make a foolish contract and the principal
must honor it as long as the agent’s acts were authorized. Note that even if the
agent violates explicit orders, the principal would be liable to affected innocent
third parties (e.g., the agent sells goods below a minimum price set by the
principal, or grants credit in violation of stated company policy). The principal
is likewise responsible for most torts the agent committed while within the
scope of authorized behavior under a doctrine called respondeat superior (dis-
cussed shortly).
• An official notice (e.g., legal summons and complaint) given to a duly autho-
rized agent is legally deemed to be a notice to the principal. Also, the agent is
duty bound to perform as promised and to use reasonable care (which could be
appropriate skilled care, as when the agent is a lawyer or real estate broker).
• Agency is a fiduciary relationship in which the agent must act in scrupulous
good faith and honesty toward the principal, always placing the interests of the
principal first. He or she must be loyal, never serving two adverse parties (e.g.,
the buyer and the seller in a transaction) at the same time, unless both are fully
informed and give consent. Of course, an agent may be employed by a group of
associated principals. Also, an attorney-at-law may be employed by two or more
persons to prepare a partnership agreement as long as all clients give their in-
formed consent, and the attorney treats them with impartiality and balanced
fairness. Any agent must account to the principal for all receipts and disburse-
ments and must never keep a secret profit. The burden of the fiduciary obliga-
tion is upon the agent and operates to safeguard the principal. The principal,
although not a fiduciary, is still expected to deal fairly. For example, a company
(the principal) must account to the agent for all receipts and commissions owed.
Employer–Ordinary Employee
An ordinary employee is a person hired to perform services for another, the employer, employee
and the employee’s physical conduct is controlled by, or is subject to control by, the A person who agrees by
employer. As mentioned, the employment relationship is a contractual relationship. contract to perform work
Employees who transact business with third parties have a dual status; they are both as directed and con-
ordinary employees and agents. trolled by an employer in
exchange for compensa-
tion (usually consisting of
wages or salary and
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM fringe benefits).
Feldman, Peters, Travis, and Hudspeth are all employees. All are also agents. The
classifications are not mutually exclusive, and many employees are agents and vice
versa. The key to an employer–employee relationship is the extent of the employer’s
right to control the employee’s acts. Ordinary employees often lack independent
business discretion. The salespeople in the dress shop are told how to handle and dis-
play merchandise and how to record sales. When they actually sell the dresses, how-
ever, they act as agents as well as ordinary employees because they have been given
the authority by Hunt to sell goods to customers. These sales are contracts between
the customers and Hunt. Hudspeth, the accountant, has no authority to sell dresses
but undoubtedly represents her employer in other ways. An employee is not an agent
if she lacks authority to contract for or represent the employer to others. Obviously,
most employees are also agents in some respect.
The employer is liable to third parties for injuries caused by the negligence of
employees while they are acting within the scope of their employment under a
respondeat common law doctrine called respondeat superior. This legal doctrine imposes vi-
superior carious—that is, indirect—liability on an employer for the wrongful acts of an
(Latin: “let the master an- agent or employee that occur while the agent or employee is on the job. Vicarious
swer”) A legal doctrine liability occurs even though the employer has not been careless. Because liability
holding employers liable exists even without the fault of the employer, the doctrine is similar to the theory of
for injuries caused third strict liability in tort.
persons by their employ- The discussion in this text refers to employer and employee, but the terms
ees who were negligent
principal and agent and even master and servant are also often used when discussing
while acting within the
respondeat superior. If the appropriate control over the actor by the employer exists
course and scope of their
and the act is in the scope of employment, then liability exists, despite any inconsis-
tency in the use of terms.
The doctrine of respondeat superior is justified by three supporting theories.
The first concerns the issue of control. An employer has the right to control the
acts of the agent or employee and is thus responsible for injuries arising out of such
service. The second theory is economic in nature. Since the employer profits from
the employee’s or agent’s service, he or she should also suffer the losses. The third
reason is practical and is referred to as the deep-pocket theory. The employer is more
likely to be able to pay for the losses than the employee and/or agent. In other
words, the employer usually has more money; this is where the saying “the em-
ployer has the deep pockets” comes from.
It is important to note that there are limitations on the employer’s or princi-
pal’s vicarious liability. An employer is responsible only for the wrongful conduct
of an employee/agent occurring in the scope of the employment. Generally, the act
must be of a kind the worker was employed to do. It must also have occurred
within authorized time and space limits and must have been activated, at least in
part, by a purpose to serve the employer.
Several questions are used to determine if the employee’s act occurred within
the scope of employment. The answers assist a court or jury in determining
http:// whether the employee was on the job for purposes of the doctrine of respondeat
The National Labor Rela- superior.
tions Board’s Web site in-
cludes a great gateway list
• Did the employer authorize the act? If the answer is yes, then the act is
for information on just probably within the scope of employment.
about every type of • What were the time, place, and purpose of the act? If it occurred on the
employment-related issue: worksite, then the employee was probably on the job. An employee commut-
ing to or from work is generally not acting within the scope of employment.
helpdesk.html • Was the act one commonly performed by employees for the employer? If
yes, the employee was acting within the scope of employment.
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 625
• To what extent was the employer’s interest advanced by the act? If the act
would ordinarily benefit the employer, then the employee was acting within
the scope of employment.
• To what extent were the private interests of the employee involved? If
the act was primarily to benefit the employee, then perhaps the employee was
not on the job. For example, an employee takes a break during the day and
goes downtown to shoot a game of pool. An accident occurs while driving to
the pool hall. The employee is probably not within the scope of employment.
• Did the employer furnish the means or instrumentality (for example, a
truck or a machine) by which the injury was inflicted? If the employee is
using the employer’s truck, he or she is more likely to be considered within the
scope of employment.
• Did the employer expect that the employee would do the act? Had the
employee done the act before? If the answer is yes to both questions, the em-
ployee is more likely to be within the scope of employment.
• Did the act involve the commission of a serious crime? If the act is a seri-
ous intentional wrong, the employee is not usually considered to be within the
scope of employment, unless the employer requested or might reasonably ex-
pect that the employee would perform that wrongful act.
Walter Johnson was driving down Main Street on his way to de-
liver a package for Racehorse Delivery Service. Unfortunately,
Johnson was distracted for a second and ran into the rear of Felicia Fresno’s
new Lexus automobile. Luckily, Fresno was not hurt, but the car suffered
$10,000 in damages. Who is legally responsible for the harm to Fresno’s car?
Johnson is, of course, liable for his own negligence. Because Johnson was an em-
ployee of Racehorse and because he injured another while driving the automobile on
company business, Johnson was within the scope of his employment, making Race-
horse Delivery also liable. Although Fresno can sue both Johnson and Racehorse,
she will collect her actual damages only once; she will not receive twice that amount.
Many state and federal employment laws apply to employer–employee rela-
tionships. These laws cover such issues as Social Security, withholding of income
taxes, workers’ compensation benefits, unemployment compensation, workplace
safety laws, employment discrimination, unionization, and the like. These laws do
not apply to employer–independent contractor relationships, discussed next.
In 1989, the General Accounting Office estimated that the U.S.
government was losing between $1.6 billion and $8 billion an-
nually because some employers failed to withhold taxes from paychecks of
ordinary employees who were improperly classified as independent contrac-
tors. Construction companies were major offenders. Legally, when the em-
ployer controls the location, the hours, and the quality of work, the indivi-
duals are in fact ordinary employees, and the employer must withhold and
transmit their income and Social Security taxes.11
In the early months of President Clinton’s first term, another employee tax problem
surfaced when it was determined that certain prospective presidential appointees had
failed to pay Social Security taxes for their domestic help, presumably because of ig- Questions about hiring
norance of the complex applicable law. Further investigation disclosed that the prac- household workers are
tice was widespread. It was estimated that three-quarters of all household employers answered by HomeWork
Solutions, Inc., at:
had failed to pay applicable Social Security and Medicare taxes. The law passed in
1950 required such payments for domestic workers who earned more than $50 in a http://www.4nannytaxes
three-month period, or more than $200 in a year. In 1994, Congress approved a new .com/faq.htm
“nanny tax” law that permits affected employers to pay their household employees’
Social Security taxes as part of their own annual 1040 income tax returns, rather than
file separate quarterly reports as in the past. The tax is payable on any domestic help-
er’s wages that currently exceed $1,300 a year, which is substantially more than the
former threshold of $50 per quarter.12
gathering and interpreting of economic data; the advising of the president and
Congress via the Council of Economic Advisers; and the strategic use of the fiscal
weapons of federal taxing and spending, as well as the federal monetary weapons of
controlling the supply of money and credit through actions of the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors.
The United States has never achieved 100 percent employment. The reasons
are numerous. Federal Reserve measures are limited in their accuracy and effective-
ness. Some jobs are seasonal, as in farming and professional sports. Also, every
year, thousands of high school and college graduates attempt to enter into, and
must be absorbed by, the full-time job market. Additionally, the supply and de-
mand for products and services are in a constant state of flux in our competitive
business world, and countless variables affect the nation’s economy. A theory, which
has gained support in recent years, is that there is, in fact, a natural and unavoidable
rate of unemployment.13
Laura Lanier was pleased and honored when she was dis-
charged from the U.S. Army, but now she needed a job in the
private sector and could not find one. She heard that her state had enacted
a “right-to-work” law, and so she went to a state employment office, de-
scribed her skills as a truck driver, and demanded a job. “It’s my legal right,”
she said. Must she be employed?
No. Right-to-work laws, which have been enacted in many states, in no way guaran-
tee every able and willing person a job. The term was coined to gain voter support
for legislation outlawing union shops (discussed later in this chapter). Many believe
that such laws are actually designed to weaken unions rather than to protect jobs or
an authentic right to work. In states with right-to-work laws, a worker is not obli-
gated to join or to pay dues to a union in order to get or keep a job. Note, however,
that even in states without such laws, most workers do not belong to unions. In the
preceding situation, Lanier, as a veteran, may legally be given preferential treat-
ment in competition with nonveterans for federal civil service jobs. (Many states
and local governments allow some such bonus.) Thus, five points may be added to
a veteran’s score on qualifying tests for federal jobs, and 10 points may be added if
the applicant has a service-connected disability and was disabled while in uniform.
citizen, had extremely dark skin, and was a practicing Muslim. Fuguady had
10 years of experience and excellent references. “It’s not that I’m preju-
diced,” Coleman said, “but your presence would be disruptive and no one
would be happy—least of all you.” Is Coleman within his legal rights in re-
fusing to hire Fuguady?
No. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) makes it unlawful for an employer Civil Rights Act
“to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate of 1964
against any individual, with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges Federal law (specifically
of employment because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national ori- Title VII) that makes it un-
gin.” 14 A group of people defined by one or more of these criteria (race, color, gen- lawful for employers of
der, national origin, or religion) is referred to as a protected class. Coleman is using 15 or more persons, en-
color, national origin, gender, and/or religion as a reason to not hire Fuguady—a gaged in interstate com-
merce, to discriminate
clear case of illegal discrimination.
with respect to employ-
Title VII covers all employers and labor unions affecting interstate commerce
ment against any individ-
with 15 or more workers and all employment agencies. It also applies to all state ual because of such per-
and local governments. A special section of the law forbids discrimination in most son’s race, color, religion,
federal government employment. Many states have passed legislation prohibiting sex, or national origin.
discrimination among employers with fewer than 15 employees. Discrimination is
prohibited whether intentional or unintentional. To deal with the variety of com- protected class
plaints of discriminatory treatment, the following typology has evolved. A classification of persons
defined by one or more
Types of Discrimination of these criteria: race,
color, gender, national
• Disparate treatment is intentional discrimination, and it may be proved by
origin, age, or religion.
either direct or circumstantial evidence. “The employer simply treats some
people less favorably than others because of their race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin. Proof of discriminatory motive is critical, although it can in disparate
some cases be inferred from the mere fact of differences of treatment.” 15 treatment
Less favorable treatment
• Disparate impact discrimination occurs when an employer uses a rule or
on the basis of race,
practice that although appearing neutral adversely affects or excludes a pro-
color, religion, gender,
tected group. “If the inquiry in a disparate treatment case focuses upon the age, or national origin.
existence of discriminatory intent, the inquiry in a disparate impact case is
generally directed toward the business justification for the disputed employ-
ment test or practice.” 16
disparate impact
An ostensibly neutral em-
Under Title VII, as amended, discrimination in employment practices is permitted ployment criterion that
only if in conformance with a bona fide (1) pre-act seniority system, (2) merit system, has an adverse discrimi-
(3) system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production, or (4) system natory impact upon a
that is based on the results of a professionally developed ability test (or criteria) not protected group.
designed or intended to discriminate on any of the barred bases, provided that the
test is job-related, meaning that persons who do well on the test do well on the job,
and vice versa.
To win a case, a plaintiff generally needs to satisfy three steps: Fill in the hiring statistics to
find statistical information
1. The plaintiff must prove a prima facie (on its face) case of discrimination. about hiring practices for
2. The burden then shifts to the defendant to show some legitimate, nondiscrimi- purposes of disparate im-
natory reason for the employee’s treatment or that its impact is a business ne- pact analysis at
cessity for the test or practice. http://www.hr-software
3. If a legitimate reason is shown, the plaintiff can counter that the reasons of- .net/EmploymentStatistics/
fered by the defendant were not the true reasons for the employer actions, but DisparateImpact.htm
were a pretext for discrimination.17
630 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Hazel Mortensen believed the promotion given Jack Hall should
be hers. Her company has no high-ranking female executives,
and she thinks the reason is a systematic preference for males in executive
positions. If she were right, this would be a violation of law. Mortensen was
thinking about filing a lawsuit against her employer, but her employment
contract contained an arbitration clause. Assuming the arbitration clause is
fair and enforceable, can the EEOC bring an action against the company on
Hazel’s behalf, or is arbitration her sole way to enforce the law?
The EEOC can still bring the action in its own name and recover damages on be-
half of someone subject to illegal discrimination in violation of the Civil Rights
Act.20 “[T]he EEOC is authorized to bring suit in its own name and … the EEOC
http:// has the prerogative, as a federal enforcement agency, to decide what relief is appro-
Garland’s Digest on Em- priately sought in a particular action brought by the EEOC. The Supreme Court
ployment Discrimination rejected the argument that the EEOC is a mere proxy for the individuals for whom
Law can be found at it seeks relief in its actions, ruling that the EEOC is the ‘master of its own case’ and
http://www.garlands-digest can decide to bring a claim for monetary damages in court, even though the indi-
.com vidual for whom the EEOC seeks relief would be required to pursue his or her own
claim in arbitration.” 21
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 631
Julie Deffenbaugh, a white manager of the jewelry department
at Wal-Mart in Arlington, Texas, began dating Truce Williams,
a black sales associate in another department. The store manager saw
them together after work, obviously as a couple. The store manager told
Deffenbaugh that she “would never move up with the company being asso-
ciated with a black man and that Wal-Mart frowned upon fraternization
with[in] the company.” Deffenbaugh responded that her personal business
was not the company’s concern, “because it did not affect [her] job perfor-
mance.” Later, her supervisor fired her, purportedly for shopping while
on company time. Prior to the discovery of the interracial relationship,
Deffenbaugh’s employment record was spotless. Deffenbaugh sued Wal-
Mart, claiming that she was discharged because she was dating a black male.
Wal-Mart claimed that Deffenbaugh was not a member of a protected class
because she was white and could not sue on the basis of Title VII. What was
the result?
Deffenbaugh-Williams v. Wal-Mart, Inc., 156 F.3d 58 (5th Cir., 1998).
National-Origin Discrimination
It is unlawful under Title VII to discriminate against any employee or applicant on
the basis of national origin. National origin includes birthplace, ancestry, culture,
and linguistic characteristics common to a specific ethnic group. The Immigration
Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)27 also prohibits discrimination based on
citizenship. The IRCA covers employers of four or more employees and proscribes
discrimination against any person (other than an unauthorized alien) in hiring, dis-
charge, or recruiting or referring for a fee because of national origin or citizenship
status. While the IRCA prohibits discrimination on the basis of citizenship, it also
requires verification of legal status of all workers. Employers are required to check
workers’ documents to confirm the identity and work eligibility of all persons
hired. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) requires employers
to (1) hire only those persons authorized to work in the United States, (2) ask all
new employees to show documents that establish both identity and work authoriza-
tion, and (3) complete the INS Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 for
every new employee—U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike.
Kwame Maafo, a Ghanaian-born black man, was employed in
the laundry at Rivercity Resort Hotel. He made several unsuc-
cessful attempts to transfer to the accounting department. Maafo had com-
pleted high school in Ghana and studied business at several universities in the
United Kingdom. After emigrating to the United States, he also took classes
at two community colleges and completed 30 units at State University in pur-
suit of a bachelor’s degree in finance. Rivercity told Maafo that his accent
was a barrier to all positions in the accounting department. Maafo filed a dis-
crimination claim. Is an accent sufficient reason to deny Maafo the transfer?
In order to succeed with a defense based on accent and English usage, Rivercity
must show that Maafo’s accent or manner of speaking would have a detrimental ef-
fect on job performance (that clear enunciation was a requisite job requirement and
Maafo did not meet that requirement). A legitimate nondiscriminatory reason to
not hire the applicant must be shown. In the case upon which this hypothetical
is based, the court found that the plaintiff “speaks fluent, understandable English.
His speech was clear and understandable during a whole day on the witness stand
during which he underwent probing cross-examination.” The hotel lost the case.28
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 633
Religious Discrimination
Title VII prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of an employee’s reli-
gious beliefs. Prohibited discrimination may be overt and blatant or a more subtle
failure to reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs. The plaintiff must
establish four elements of a prima facie case of discrimination: “(1) he is a member of
or practices a particular religion; (2) he is qualified to perform the job at issue; (3) he
has suffered some adverse employment action; and (4) someone outside the protected
class of which he is a member was treated differently.” 29 Plaintiff must show that he
possessed a bona fide religious belief that was not reasonably accommodated.
Officer Angelo Rodriguez, a patrol officer in the Chicago Police
Department (CPD), was among those assigned to guard an abor-
tion clinic during various demonstrations. A lifelong Roman Catholic, Officer
Rodriguez believed clinic activities to be wrongful, and he requested that he
not be assigned to guard the clinic. Rodriguez was offered a transfer to a dis-
trict without an abortion clinic, but he refused. Thereupon, CPD refused to
exempt Rodriguez from the duty, claiming department policy prohibited an
officer from refusing any assignment. Must the employer agree not to assign
Officer Rodriguez to such duty as an accommodation to his religion?
Rodriguez v. Chicago, 156 F.3d 771 (7th Cir., 1998).
The court held for the Chicago Police Department. “Because the CPD provided
Officer Rodriguez with the option of transferring to a district without an abortion
clinic and such a transfer would have eliminated the conflict between his job re-
sponsibilities and his religious beliefs, we conclude that the City has satisfied its
duty of reasonable accommodation under Title VII.”
The Blessed Mary Catholic Hospital hired Kobe Jackson to work
as a lab technician. Some time after Jackson was hired, he be-
came a born-again Christian. He then began to supplement the blood and
urine tests he administered to patients with attempts to convert them to his
view of Protestant Christianity. Hospital administrators asked him to stop,
but he kept on spreading his message. He was fired. Can he claim protection
under the Civil Rights Act for religious discrimination?
634 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Gender Discrimination
The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 (EEOA), amending the Civil
http:// Rights Act of 1964, dramatically changed employment law relating to women. Be-
The Institute for Women’s fore 1972, state law often prohibited the employment of women in certain jobs os-
Policy Research (IWPR) is an tensibly for their own protection. For example, many state statutes barred women
independent, nonprofit, from working at night, working as a bartender, or working more than a certain
scientific research organiza-
number of hours per day or week. The EEOA struck down most of these limiting
tion that focuses on public
laws. Employers are forbidden to classify jobs as male or female, and they cannot
policy issues of importance
to women, including em-
have separate male and female seniority lists.
ployment, poverty and wel-
fare, family, and health:
Yes. The federal district court in San Francisco found the weight standards to be dis-
criminatory against the female employees, while reserving the issue of damages for
later determination. Pan American began an appeal, but dropped it in 1989. Without
admitting bias, it agreed to pay the attendants $2.35 million. It also adopted a more
flexible weight policy with a new “large frame” category for women. Under the new
bona fide policy, a 5′7″ woman of medium frame should weigh 139 pounds; for a 5′7″ woman
occupational with a large frame, the acceptable weight could be as much as 150 pounds. More-
qualifications over, the attendant could add up to three pounds upon reaching the age of 35, and
(BFOQ) again at ages 45 and 55.32
Selection criteria that
A defense to a sex discrimination case is the existence of a bona fide occupa-
serve a legitimate busi- tional qualification (BFOQ). A BFOQ is a job requirement that, although dis-
ness interest, which is jus- criminatory, is essential to the job in question. The BFOQ defense is available for
tified although it has a gender, age, religion, and national origin discrimination but never for discrimina-
disparate impact. tion based on race or color.
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 635
Four male corrections officers at the Women’s Community Cor-
rectional Center (WCCC) on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, filed a
Title VII sexual discrimination claim after the WCCC assigned only female
correction officers to six of 41 available watch posts. The WCCC claimed that
gender was a BFOQ because the protested watch sites were shower and toi-
let areas and the purpose of the restriction was to protect female inmates
and to prevent allegations of sexual misconduct. Is gender a BFOQ in this
Robino v. Iranon, 145 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir., 1998).
The court said yes. “Each designated female-only post is residential and requires
the ACO [Adult Corrections Officer] on duty to observe the inmates in the showers
and toilet areas for the prison’s own security or provides unsupervised access to the
inmates. The state’s legitimate penology interests outweigh whatever interests the
male ACOs may have in standing the watches of their choice. Viewing the evidence
in the light most favorable to the plaintiffs, the defendants have met their burden
of demonstrating that their policy is reasonably necessary to the operation of the
WCCC. The defendants have established these six female-only posts are a rea-
sonable response to the concerns about inmate privacy and allegations of abuse by
male ACOs.”
The following case illustrates how the well-intended protection of one group
can hurt another.
Johnson Controls, Inc., of Milwaukee, produces batteries. The
manufacturing process exposes workers to levels of airborne
lead considered harmful to a fetus and may cause birth defects. In 1982,
Johnson instituted a program banning women from all jobs in the division
where the airborne lead level was 25 micrograms per cubic meter or higher,
unless they presented a doctor’s certificate of sterility. It also barred women
from jobs where the lead level was below 25 micrograms if the jobs could
lead to promotion to more dangerous areas. Female employees working in
the lead division were transferred to other divisions without loss of pay or
seniority. The United Auto Workers union claimed that this was illegal sex
discrimination and filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportu-
nity Commission on behalf of seven involuntarily transferred women. A fed-
eral civil rights suit followed, and the district judge awarded summary judg-
ment to Johnson Controls without trial, although a 1982 amendment to
Title VII (the Pregnancy Discrimination Act) declared that “women affected
by pregnancy or childbirth … shall be treated the same for all employment
related purposes … as other persons not so affected but similar in their abil-
ity or inability to work.” The UAW appealed. What was the outcome?
United Autoworkers v. Johnson Controls, Inc., 499 U.S. 187, 111 S.Ct. 1196 (1991).
The U.S. Supreme Court reversed the trial court, stating, “The PDA’s (Pregnancy
Discrimination Act) amendment to Title VII contains a BFOQ standard of its own:
636 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
unless pregnant employees differ from others in their ability or inability to work,
they must be treated the same as other employees. … Title VII and the PDA simply
do not allow a woman’s dismissal because of her failure to submit to sterilization.”
sexual Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of illegal gen-
harassment der discrimination that has garnered much publicity in recent years. Sexual harass-
A form of illegal gender ment, a type of Title VII violation, occurs when job opportunities, promotions, and
discrimination wherein the like are given on the basis of sexual favors. Harassment also occurs when an
(1) job opportunities, pro- employee is subjected to a work environment where the employee must put up
motions, and the like are with sexual comments, jokes, or physical contact that is sexually offensive.
given on the basis of sex- The EEOC has defined two types of sexual harassment in its guidelines:
ual favors or (2) the em-
ployee is subjected to a 1. Quid pro quo. “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and
work environment where other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute ‘quid pro quo’
the employee must put sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explic-
up with sexual comments, itly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, or (2) sub-
jokes, or physical contact mission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for
that is sexually offensive.
employment decisions affecting such individual.” This form of harassment
usually involves a supervisor/subordinate relationship because it requires the
quid pro quo authority to grant an employee help in return for the unwelcome advance or
(Latin: “something for punishment for the lack of cooperation.
something”) Expression
2. Hostile environment. Conduct in a hostile environment “has the purpose or
used in sexual harassment
effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or
situations when sexual fa-
vors or demands are a
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.” The
term or condition of an
EEOC considers several factors to determine whether a hostile environment
individual’s employment, exists for either gender: “(1) whether the conduct was verbal or physical or
or the basis for employ- both; (2) how frequently it was repeated; (3) whether the conduct was hostile
ment decisions affecting or patently offensive; (4) whether the alleged harasser was a coworker or
such individual. supervisor; (5) whether others joined in perpetrating the harassment; and
(6) whether the harassment was directed at more than one individual. No one
hostile factor controls. An assessment is made based upon the totality of the
environment circumstances.” 33
Conduct by others in the
workplace that has the
purpose or effect of un- LEGAL FOCUS–CASE
reasonably interfering
with an individual’s work Rena Weeks began work as Martin Greenstein’s secretary on
performance or creating July 23, 1991. Greenstein was a partner at Baker & McKenzie,
an intimidating, hostile, the world’s largest law firm. “On August 8, the Thursday of her third week
or offensive working at the firm, Weeks had lunch with several persons, including Greenstein, at
environment. a local restaurant. As they left the restaurant, Greenstein gave her some
M & M candies, which she put into the breast pocket of her blouse. As they
walked to Greenstein’s car, Greenstein pulled Weeks back, put his arm over
her shoulder, put his hand in her breast pocket and dropped more candies
into the pocket. He then put his knee in her lower back, pulled her shoulders
back, and said, ‘Let’s see which breast is bigger.’” Is this behavior actionable
sexual harassment for Greenstein and his employer, Baker & McKenzie?
Weeks v. Baker & McKenzie, 63 Cal.App. 4th 1128, 74 Cal.Rptr. 2d 510 (California, 1998).
A San Francisco jury said yes, awarding Weeks $50,000 in compensatory damages.
They said yes to this jury instruction: “Has plaintiff Rena Weeks proved by clear
and convincing evidence that defendant Baker & McKenzie (a) had advance knowl-
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 637
edge of the unfitness of defendant Martin R. Greenstein and with a conscious dis-
regard of the rights or safety of others continued to employ him, or (b) ratified the
conduct of Mr. Greenstein which is found to be oppression or malice?” The jury
awarded Weeks $7.1 million in total punitive damages. The trial court judge re-
duced the punitive damages award to $3.5 million, an amount later upheld on ap-
peal. In upholding the punitive damages award against Baker & McKenzie, the
court stated, “In all events, there is substantial evidence that at the time Weeks was
hired, Baker & McKenzie and its relevant managing agents were well aware that
Greenstein was likely to create a hostile work environment for women, and that
Baker & McKenzie consistently failed to take measures reasonably designed to pro-
tect women from Greenstein’s abuse. The failure to place reports of Greenstein’s
misconduct in his own personnel file so as to warn future supervisors of that con-
duct in and of itself demonstrates a conscious disregard for the rights and safety of
other employees. No formal action was taken by the firm to prevent Greenstein
from creating a hostile work environment.” 34
Treating people in a nondiscriminatory fashion is clearly a laudable goal, but
difficulty among people of good will can still arise. An employee wrongfully accused
of discriminatory treatment may be discharged without a full and accurate investiga-
tion in order to protect the employer from sexual harassment claims.35 Except in
limited circumstances, the wrongfully accused employee has no legal recourse. Em-
ployees protected by a just cause provision of a labor contract are among those with
some protection. In union contracts, issues of employee discipline including dis-
charge usually provide for a grievance mechanism, which culminates in a neutral ar-
bitration. In the usual labor contract, an arbitrator decides if the employee was a
harasser and if discipline is consistent with fair treatment under the contract.
The risk and complexity of civil rights lawsuits lead defendants to settle cases
out of court. In 1992, State Farm Insurance settled a class action sex-discrimination
lawsuit for $157 million to be paid to 814 women plaintiffs. The federal district
court had previously ruled that State Farm had engaged in discriminatory practices.
The court approved an agreement between State Farm and aggrieved employees
whereby the company agreed that for the next 10 years at least 50 percent of all
sales agents hired would be women, to help remedy past violations. This affirma-
tive action remedy was based on evidence of discriminatory practices that had oc-
curred between 1970 and 1974, a period during which State Farm had hired
586 agents in California, but only one was a woman. Many women had applied for
positions, but had been rejected. One of the witnesses who worked as an insurance
agent’s assistant testified that when she applied for a sales agent job, she was told
that a college degree was a prerequisite. Yet, at that time, State Farm was hiring
male sales agents who did not have college degrees. Later, she was told that State
Farm would not hire women as agents. At the time this settlement was the largest
in the history of civil rights litigation for any type of discrimination. Divided by the
number of plaintiffs, however, the average award shrank to $19,287.
Joseph Oncale worked as a roustabout for Sundowner Offshore
Services on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. On several oc-
casions, he was forcibly subjected to sex-related, humiliating actions against
him by three of his eight-man crew in front of the others. Two of the em-
ployees, Danny Pippen and John Lyons, also “physically assaulted Oncale in a
sexual manner, and Lyons threatened him with rape.” Oncale complained to
638 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
a supervisor, but no help was forthcoming. Oncale quit and then filed a com-
plaint against Sundowner alleging that he was discriminated against in his
employment because of his sex, forcing him to resign. Is same-sex sexual
harassment a form of discrimination protected by Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act?
Joseph Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Incorporated, et al., 523 U.S. 75, 118 S.Ct. 998 (1998).
Yes. Title VII’s prohibition of discrimination “because of … sex” protects men as well
as women36 but the Oncale case raised a different issue because the alleged harass-
ment was same-gender, in this case male on male. The court found that distinction
unimportant. “We see no justification in the statutory language or our precedents
for a categorical rule excluding same-sex harassment claims from the coverage of
Title VII. As some courts have observed, male-on-male sexual harassment in the
workplace was assuredly not the principal evil Congress was concerned with when it
enacted Title VII. But statutory prohibitions often go beyond the principal evil to
cover reasonably comparable evils, and it is ultimately the provisions of our laws rather
than the principal concerns of our legislators by which we are governed. Title VII
prohibits ‘discriminat[ion] … because of … sex’ in the ‘terms’ or ‘conditions’ of em-
No. The federal Equal Pay Act of 1963 specifically prohibits wage discrimination
on the basis of gender for equal work in jobs that require equal skill, effort, and re-
sponsibility and that are performed under similar working conditions. However,
the law permits inequality in pay on the basis of (1) seniority, (2) merit, (3) quality
or quantity of production, or (4) any factor other than gender (e.g., a shift differen-
comparable tial, a higher rate maintained for an employee reassigned to a lower-rate job be-
worth cause of “exigencies of the employer’s needs,” different level of responsibility, a
The theory that the same
training program, or higher sales commissions because of higher profits on goods
wage or salary should be
sold). The employer must, however, act in good faith without unlawful discrimina-
paid for jobs that have
tion in assignment and evaluation of work. Thus, in the Lanier case, there was no
equal societal and eco-
nomic value based on
violation if the pay differentials were based on seniority.
such factors as required For a variety of reasons, certain jobs tend to be held mostly by women—and
preparation, skill, effort, most of these jobs pay less than most jobs held by men. When different pay scales
responsibility, and work- are based on differences in work performed, there is no unlawful discrimination
ing conditions. under present laws. However, under the theory of comparable worth, jobs that
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 639
have equal social and economic value should be paid equally. Thus, it is said, the
services of a registered nurse who helps to keep you alive are worth at least as much
as those of a licensed electrician who helps to provide light and power in your hos- For a longer explanation of
pital room. The problem is that it is extremely difficult to measure with precision comparable worth, see
and fairness all the elements and variables that should determine the dollar value of http://www.payequityresearch
different jobs at different times in different places. Presumably, the economic .com/worth.htm
forces of supply and demand should automatically decide the question. Realistically,
this function of the free market is distorted by such factors as traditional attitudes,
long-established seniority rights, union pressures, government licensing regulations,
and willingness or ability to make a commitment to long-term, full-time, career-type
The Canadian province of Ontario passed a statute in 1987 designed to intro-
duce comparable-worth standards to both government units and private companies
with at least 10 employees. It requires employers to define job classes by grouping
positions with similar qualifications and duties that are recruited and paid in similar
ways. Jobs are ranked in terms of skill, effort, responsibility, and working condi-
tions. For each female-dominated class (60 percent or more), the employer must
seek a comparably rated male class. If the women are paid less, they must get a
raise. Although comparable worth has been advanced for several years as mandated
under the equal pay statute, the doctrine has not been accepted in U.S. courts.
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research has created a composite index
considering several women’s issues including employment and earnings, political
participation, and economic autonomy. It then ranked the various states on the cri-
teria. The five best locations in 2006 were the District of Columbia, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Vermont. The five worst locations were Arkansas,
Louisiana, West Virginia, Mississippi, and Kentucky.37
Age Discrimination
Harry Rockwell lost his job with the Majestic Admiral Products
Corporation when he was 45 years old. A friend told him about
a similar job that had just become available in the Crescent Moon Company
because of the death of the incumbent. When Rockwell applied, the person-
nel manager said, “You are eminently qualified for the assignment, except
that you’re too old. We’re looking for a bright young college graduate with
maybe five years of experience. We want him or her to grow with the com-
pany.” Does Rockwell have any legal recourse?
Discrimination in
Yes. Three years after the Civil Rights Act became law, Congress passed the Age
Employment Act
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), which prohibits “arbitrary
age discrimination in employment” of persons 40 years of age and older. It makes it
of 1967
Federal law that added
unlawful for an employer in interstate commerce to fail or refuse to hire or to dis-
“advanced age” (over
charge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against persons with respect to age 40) to attributes
compensation, term, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of age. This listed in the Civil Rights
law also applies to employment agencies and unions. It permits discrimination when Act of 1964 that may not
age is a bona fide occupational qualification, and it recognizes the right of compa- be used negatively in em-
nies to discipline or even discharge a person for good cause. ployment decisions.
640 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
A 54-year-old plant manager who earned $15.75 an hour was
temporarily laid off when the company plant was closed for the
winter. When spring came, a 43-year-old worker who earned $8.05 per hour
replaced the manager. The older manager, who had worked for the com-
pany for 27 years, was not given a chance to accept a lower wage rate. Was
the action of the company permissible under the ADEA?
Metz v. Transit Mix, Inc., 828 F.2d 1202 (7th Cir., 1987).
No. The court, which referred to the firm’s dismissal of the manager as “industrial
capital punishment,” held that the manager’s termination in these circumstances vi-
olated the ADEA.
The ADEA applies to “a person (including a corporation) engaged in an indus-
try affecting commerce who has twenty or more employees for each working day in
each of twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar
year.” 38 If the older manager had refused the pay reduction, the result would have
been different.
An “‘employee’ means an individual employed by any employer except that the
term ‘employee’ shall not include any person elected to public office in any State or
political subdivision of any State by the qualified voters thereof, or any person cho-
sen by such officer to be on such officer’s personal staff, or an appointee on the
policymaking level or an immediate adviser with respect to the exercise of the con-
stitutional or legal powers of the office.” 39 The law also provides for mandatory re-
tirement of certain executives over the age of 65 under certain conditions.40
In Missouri, four judges were appointed to preside over state
courts under the Missouri Non-Partisan Court Plan. They had
been retained in office through elections, but became subject to mandatory
retirement at the age of 70 under a provision of the Missouri State Constitu-
tion. Must they retire?
Gregory v. Ashcroft, 501 U.S. 492, 111 S.Ct. 2395 (1991).
Yes. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the judges qualified as appointees on the
policymaking level because performance of their duties required “discretion con-
cerning issues of public importance.” Moreover, the Court said that if the Congress
had wanted the ADEA to apply to state judges, it could have plainly said so.
The ADEA is joined by the Workers Benefit Protection Act,41 making it ille-
gal for a business to use a worker’s past-40 age as the basis for discriminatory treat-
ment in awarding employee benefits.
Almost all states have enacted their own laws barring employment discrimina-
tion on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, and advanced age. Most
states call for equal pay for equal work and also follow the federal model of protect-
ing the employment rights of handicapped persons. Also, the developing tort law of
wrongful dismissal (discussed later in the chapter) sometimes protects permanent
employees against arbitrary discharge without good cause.
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 641
Among seven finalists seeking promotion to road dispatcher,
Diane Joyce had a lower score than Paul Johnson on qualifying
tests and interviews. However, as not one of the 238 job positions of the per-
tinent job classification was held by a woman, the employer (Transportation
Agency of Santa Clara County, California) voluntarily adopted an affirmative
action program and promoted Joyce to the position. Johnson claimed this vi-
olated his rights under Title VII, and the trial court agreed. The court of ap-
peals reversed, and Johnson appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. How did it
Johnson v. Transportation Agency, Santa Clara County, California, 480 U.S. 616, 107 S.Ct. 1442 (1987).
The judgment of the court of appeals was affirmed. The Court opined that the em-
ployer had acted reasonably in considering Joyce’s gender because of “‘a manifest
imbalance’ that reflected under representation of women in ‘traditionally segre-
gated job categories.’” She was one of seven applicants, all classified as “quali-
fied and eligible,” and the agency director was authorized to promote any one of
the seven. Johnson remains an employee who may seek other promotions in the
Amendments to Title VII in 1991 highlight the legal ambiguity of affirmative
action: “Nothing in the amendments made by this Act shall be construed to require
or encourage an employer to adopt hiring or promotion quotas on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex or national origin: Provided, however, that nothing in the
amendments made by this Act shall be construed to affect court-ordered remedies,
affirmative action, or conciliation agreements that are otherwise in accordance with
the law.” 43 In 1996, California voters passed a constitutional amendment by initia-
tive, Proposition 209. The key provision of the initiative is “The state shall not dis-
criminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the
basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public em-
ployment, public education, or public contracting.” Court challenges to the initia-
tive have been unsuccessful.44 The effect of the initiative has been the curtailment
of affirmative action programs like the one found in the preceding case.
In 2003, the Supreme Court decided a college admissions affirmative action
case, Grutter v. Bollinger, and allowed a college admissions program that focused on
diversity with race and ethnic background being only one of many factors consid-
ered.45 The case brought to an end the lingering issue left from another college ad-
mission affirmative action case, Regents of University of California v. Bakke, where a
badly divided court produced a plurality decision that struck down a program that
provided “hard quotas” for minority admissions.46 Besides being a plurality deci-
Americans with
sion, the Bakke decision left “soft” programs where balanced factors are used to
Disabilities Act of pursue values such as diversity legally uncertain. Grutter has eliminated that uncer-
1990 (ADA) tainty for affirmative action in the college admissions context. It still remains uncer-
Federal law that bars
tain what types of affirmative action programs will be allowed in the employment
discrimination in the em-
ployment of capable
handicapped persons by
both private and public
employers, and that
Americans with Disabilities Act
requires reasonable ac- The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) was hailed as a declaration
commodations for their of independence for some 43 million disabled Americans at the time of its enact-
special needs. ment. The ADA applies to both the public and private sectors and went well be-
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 643
yond prior existing protective legislation at the state and federal levels. The ADA
applies to practices in employment, public and private accommodations, transpor-
tation, and telecommunications facilities. Business firms and other establishments
must improve access for the disabled if “readily achievable” without “undue hard-
ship.” This hardship could involve the nature and cost of the accommodation in
comparison to the overall size of the firm and its financial resources.
Employers with 15 or more employees are legally forbidden to discriminate
in employment of disabled people who are capable of performing the essential
functions of the job and are expected to make reasonable accommodations if nec-
essary to allow them to do so. The ADA does not require employment of any-
one who is unqualified for the job, nor does it require preferential treatment for the
Rock Island County Metro Link has a federally required reduced
fare program that makes transportation services available at a
reduced rate for persons with disabilities. The application form for this pro-
gram states, “Applicants do not qualify if their sole disability is … AIDS. …”
Howard Hamlyn has AIDS, which has caused him to have significant difficulty
walking more than one block and boarding or alighting from a standard
bus. Is Rock Island’s exclusion of AIDS from the reduced fare program illegal
under the ADA?
Hamlyn v. Rock Island County Metro Mass Transit Dist., 986 F.Supp. 1126 (C.D. Ill., 1997).
Yes. AIDS is considered a disability under the ADA. In the court’s opinion, it is un-
disputed that the AIDS infection renders Hamlyn physically “unable … to utilize
mass transportation facilities and services as effectively as persons who are not so
affected.” This exclusion is discriminatory under the ADA. “An individual with epi-
lepsy, paralysis, a substantial hearing or visual impairment, mental retardation, or a
learning disability would be covered, but an individual with a minor, nonchronic
condition of short duration, such as a sprain, infection, or broken limb, generally
would not be covered.” 47
644 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Ella Williams was an assembly line worker for a Toyota manu-
facturing plant in Kentucky. She developed carpal tunnel
syndrome in both wrists and tendonitis in her neck, shoulders, and arms as a
result of the use of certain tools in performing her job. At first, Toyota ac-
commodated her condition as she was given two of the simpler jobs at the
plant. Later on, Toyota asked her to perform some additional tasks, which
she was unable to do because of her carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.
She requested that, as an accommodation, her job be modified to include
only the tasks she was previously performing. Toyota denied this request. As
a result, Williams was ultimately forced to resign. She sued Toyota, claiming
violation of the ADA. At trial, Williams conceded she could still brush her
teeth, wash her face, bathe, tend her flower garden, fix breakfast, do laun-
dry, and pick up around the house. Was Toyota required to make the re-
quested employment accommodation?
Toyota Motor Mfg., Kentucky, Inc. v. Williams, 534 U.S. 184, 122 S.Ct. 681 (2002).
No. The Supreme Court stated that the ADA requires plaintiffs to show a substan-
http:// tial impairment limiting major life activities occurring at home as well as work. The
Despite the court ruling in critical question should be “whether the claimant is unable to perform the variety
Toyota v. Williams, repeti- of tasks central to most people’s daily lives.” Major life activities include those that
tive strain injury is a real an average person can perform with little or no difficulty such as walking, breath-
problem in the modern
ing, seeing, hearing, talking, learning, reading, taking care of oneself, lifting, sit-
workplace. Read about it at
ting, standing, and working.
Reasonable Accommodation A qualified employee or applicant with a disability is
one who with reasonable accommodation can perform the essential functions of
the job in question. Reasonable accommodation may include, but is not limited to:
• Making existing facilities used by employees readily accessible to and usable
by persons with disabilities
• Restructuring jobs, modifying work schedules or loads, or reassigning to a
vacant position
• Acquiring or modifying equipment or devices; adjusting modifying examina-
tions, training materials, or policies; and providing qualified readers or
Reasonable accommodation may be necessary to apply for a job, to perform job func-
tions, or to enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment that are enjoyed by peo-
ple without disabilities.
An employer does not have to provide a reasonable accommodation that would
undue hardship cause an undue hardship to the employer. The EEOC provides the following fac-
An action or accommoda- tors to determine undue hardship:
tion that is excessively
costly, extensive, substan- • The nature and cost of the accommodation needed
tial, or disruptive, or • The overall financial resources of the facility making the reasonable accom-
would fundamentally al- modation, the number of persons employed at this facility, and the effect on
ter the nature or opera- expenses and resources of the facility
tion of the business. • The overall financial resources, size, number of employees, and type and
location of facilities of the employer (if the facility involved in the reasonable
accommodation is part of a larger entity)
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 645
• The type of operation of the employer, including the structure and functions
of the workforce, the geographic separateness, and the administrative or fiscal
relationship of the facility involved in making the accommodation to the
• The impact of the accommodation on the operation of the facility
“An employer is not required to lower production standards to make an accommo-
dation. An employer generally is not obligated to provide personal use items such
as eyeglasses or hearing aids.” 48 For a discussion of reason-
able accommodation, see
Mario Echazabal worked for independent contractors at an oil
refinery owned by Chevron U.S.A. Inc. He applied for a job di-
rectly with Chevron but an employment medical examination showed he
had suffered a hepatitis C illness, which had damaged his liver. Chevron’s
medical staff was concerned that further exposure to toxins at Chevron’s re-
finery would make his condition worse. Echazabal did not get the job at
Chevron, and to make matters worse Chevron asked the independent con-
tractors to reassign him. They instead let him go. Echazabal sued under the
646 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Oil Company 1, Mario 0. The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that the
ADA permits the EEOC’s regulation allowing Chevron to refuse to hire someone
for a task that endangers the worker’s health.
“If Typhoid Mary had come under the ADA, would a meat packer have been de-
fenseless if Mary had sued after being turned away?” 50
Yes. Scraping and painting are customary duties of deckhands. This was reasonably
implied, if not explicitly expressed, in their employment agreement. The agreement
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 647
Civil Rights Act as 1972 Prohibits employment discrimination based
Amended (Title VII) 1982 on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Age Discrimination
1967 Protects individuals who are 40 years of
in Employment Act
1990 age or older from employment discrimination
as Amended (ADEA)
Source: Adapted from American Bar Association, Section of Law Practice Management
(Chicago: ABA, 1993).
could have been expressed in words (spoken or written) or implied from conduct of
the parties, or from customs of people in that occupation. Also, being too tired dur-
ing working hours is no excuse for refusal to do a job. An employee is duty bound
to obey reasonable orders and to comply with reasonable rules. Failure to follow a
lawful order is insubordination, which is ground for discharge or other discipline.
However, one cannot be required to do anything that is illegal, immoral, or contrary
to public policy, nor can one be compelled to do work not covered by the employ-
ment contract. A worker may refuse to perform work that appears to be unreasonably
Two workers were instructed to clean a wire mesh screen sus-
pended about 20 feet above the shop floor. The cleaning pro-
cess required that the workers step above the screen to remove objects that
had dropped onto the screen from overhead conveyor belts. Ten days be-
fore, a coworker had fallen to his death while doing similar work. The day
before the same two workers brought alleged unsafe conditions to the at-
tention of the company. After the workers refused the work instructions,
written reprimands were placed in their employment files, and their pay was
docked. The workers claimed they had the right to refuse work under these
conditions without workplace penalty.
Whirlpool Corporation v. Marshall, Secretary of Labor, 445 U.S. 1, 100 S.Ct. 883 (1980).
The U.S. Labor Department and later the Supreme Court agreed with the work-
ers’ position, claiming authority to limit the employers discretion under OSHA
648 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
(the Occupational Safety and Health Act), which seeks to guarantee a hazard-free
working environment for employees.
Duty of Care
Every employee is duty bound to use reasonable skill in performing assigned work, to
perform it conscientiously (i.e., to do an honest day’s work for an honest day’s wages),
and to do nothing contrary to the interests of the employer. For example, one may
not sabotage equipment, steal supplies, or sell company secrets to competitors.
Ed Block was a stationary engineer in charge of a battery of
boilers at the Metropole Chemical Works. Safety valves would
prevent a major explosion, but the equipment could be seriously damaged
even if the fail-safe devices worked perfectly. All controls had to be closely
monitored and regulated. One day Block’s wife left him after a prolonged
argument over their son, who had been arrested on a narcotics possession
charge. Perhaps understandably, but not excusably, Block had consumed a
large bottle of bourbon before he went to work on the swing shift. Within
an hour, he was sound asleep at the control panel. The boilers soon over-
heated and shut down automatically. Repairs would cost at least $5,000, to
say nothing of the cost of disrupted production and spoiled goods in pro-
cess, worth perhaps another $50,000. Is Block liable for the loss?
Yes. Theoretically, an employee may be charged with the cost of the employer’s
products he or she spoils or the value of equipment damaged either intentionally or
through negligence. Practically, most employers seldom go beyond dismissing the
errant employee. They absorb such spoilage costs as part of the price of doing busi-
ness and pass them along to consumers in higher prices for finished products. In-
surance sometimes helps cover the costs.
Duty of Loyalty
Loyalty is a fundamental duty in an employment relationship. The employee has
the duty to act to benefit the employer. He or she may not act for his or her per-
sonal interests or for those of a third party at the detriment of the employer, and
doing so is a conflict of interest.
The duty of loyalty also means that any information or knowledge learned
through the employment relationship is confidential. It is a breach of loyalty to dis-
close such information during the relationship and even after it ends. An example of
confidential information would be a list of customers that belongs to the employer.
An employee hired to sell something cannot also be the buyer unless the em-
ployer specifically agrees to it. If an employee is selling an employer’s product, he
or she must report to the employer the true and accurate price obtained for the
goods. If an employee’s job is to buy goods or services for the employer, he or she
cannot falsely report what was paid or pay an excess amount and then receive a
return of some of the excess payment from the seller. In short, the employee’s loy-
alty must be absolute. The actions must not result in any secret profit for the
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 649
Aztec Petroleum Corporation arranged to have Merle Douglas
buy oil and gas leases on the company’s behalf. In return for
his services, Douglas was paid $5,000 plus a royalty interest in the leases
purchased. Douglas purchased several leases for Aztec. He told Aztec that
he paid more for the leases than he actually did. Through various tricks,
Douglas kept much of the money Aztec gave him to pay for the leases.
Douglas used the money for personal purchases, including two new cars and
a boat. When Aztec refused to grant Douglas the promised royalty interest
in the leases, Douglas sued. Because Douglas had breached his fiduciary duty
(specifically the duty of loyalty) to Aztec, Aztec was not required to pay him
any royalty.52
Sean Yashima was the star reporter for a leading Jacksonville,
Florida, television station. Although pleased with his work he
wanted desperately to accept an offer from a Seattle television station to
anchor the weekend news. Yashima is an on-the-rise newsreader and this
was an opportunity to move from the fifty-third largest television market to
the twelfth. Sean is in the eighteenth month of a three-year contract with
the Jacksonville station. Can Yashima accept the new offer?
650 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Many states have laws that forbid an employer from firing an
employee for certain specified public policy reasons. Examples
include situations where an employee is called for jury service, subpoenaed
as a witness at a court or legislative proceeding, or called to serve in the
National Guard.
Civil service statutes also protect over half of the 15 million public workers—county,
state, and federal. Civil service statutes require just cause before an employee is fired.
Your professor may have tenure, which is a form of just cause protection.
An employer’s handbook or personnel bulletin may state that,
as a matter of standard practice, workers will be dismissed only
for good cause. If the employee is aware of this policy and works for the
company relying on it, an implied contract may exist. The handbook or bul-
letin supplies the terms.
Oral statements, job evaluations, and other acts may also lead to an implied con-
tract. This theory is most likely to be successful in cases involving long-term em-
ployees where the work relationship has existed for 10, 15, and even 20 years. It is
also true that in recent years employers have been careful in drafting the handbook
making clear perhaps in several places that the employment relationship is at will.
Implying a contract when express terms say it does not exist is not likely.
652 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Tort Theory In a few unusual cases, employers who fired an employee have been
found to have committed a tort. If the firing is done in an abusive manner, an em-
ployer’s acts might be found to be either the tort of intentional infliction of emo-
tional distress or defamation.
A restaurant had suffered a theft of supplies. The manager
gathered the employees together at a special meeting. At the
meeting, he announced that he would start firing waitresses alphabetically
until the thief was identified. The first waitress, Debra Agis, was fired. She
sued the restaurant claiming she suffered emotional distress as a result of
her firing. Do these facts support a tort claim?
Agis v. Howard Johnson Co., 371 Mass. 140, 355 N.E.2d 315 (1976).
Yes. The highest court of Massachusetts said the manager’s acts were actionable as
the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Discharge is legal if it is for good or just cause (e.g., insubordination or intoxi-
cation of the worker on the job, lack of business, or bankruptcy for the employer).
Despite all these legal theories, an employee who has been wrongfully dis-
charged often faces difficult obstacles to meaningful relief. One commentator
stated, “The average employee who has been wrongfully terminated has as much
chance of getting a jury trial as sprouting wings and flying to the moon.” 53 While
this is an exaggeration, it is certainly true that significant barriers exist to successful
plaintiff resolution of such cases.
Darleen Gorski was employed as a sales engineer by the Apo-
gee Corporation at a salary of $3,500 a month plus a commis-
sion of 5 percent of all net sales made in excess of a minimum specified at
the beginning of each year. The company supplied her with a car and
agreed to pay all expenses of its operation and maintenance. (Apogee had
so many agents on the road that it set aside the equivalent of premiums on
automobile insurance and was thus self-insured.) At the end of the first
month, Gorski submitted an itemized bill of $409 for gas and oil and $1,175
to cover the cost of replacing wheels and tires and a tape deck that had
been stolen. Were the items claimed by Gorski collectible as part of her
No. Although Gorski was entitled to both sums, technically the $409 was reimburse-
ment for expenses properly incurred, and the $1,175 was indemnification for a loss
suffered. Neither is compensation for services rendered; neither is includible in tax-
able income.
Working Conditions
Every employee is entitled to reasonably safe working conditions. The federal
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) broadly requires the em- Occupational
ployer in interstate commerce to furnish employment and a place of employment Safety and Health
that are free from recognized hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or seri- Act of 1970
ous physical harm. The enforcement arm of the act is the Occupational Safety and (OSHA)
Health Administration (OSHA). According to OSHA, since its 1970 charter, the A federal law to assure
workplace death rate has been cut in half; still, about 17 Americans die every day safe and healthful work-
on the job.54 ing conditions by autho-
The law extends to such diverse items as equipment, protective clothing, vapor rizing enforcement of
and noise levels, and in-plant health facilities. The law requires that companies log health and safety
injuries and correct unsafe conditions as well as notify employees of their rights to standards.
654 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
bring notice of unsafe conditions to the attention of OSHA. It provides for inspec-
tions, investigations, issuance of citations, judicial review, and penalties for viola-
tions. All states have a variety of similar local regulations governing production in
intrastate commerce.
Carlos Gutierrez preferred to be a low-profile employee. How-
ever, in a previous job, he had been a safety inspector, and his
new employer, Rivercity Cleaners, appeared to be in clear violation of sev-
eral OSHA safety standards. After his supervisor refused to act, he notified
the appropriate state OSHA. They inspected Rivercity and found violations
related to protective equipment, portable fire extinguishers, electrical com-
ponents and equipment, and walking-working surfaces. Rivercity fired
Gutierrez for disloyalty. Does Gutierrez have any remedy?
Yes, he does. OSHA prohibits retaliation against workers who exercise their right
http:// to report unsafe working conditions. Workers must contact an OSHA office almost
The most often cited OSHA immediately after learning of the alleged discriminatory action in order to protect
violations by size of busi- their rights. OSHA will investigate the complaint and upon finding merit will order
ness can be found at reinstatement or other remedies. The Department of Labor reached settlements
http://www.osha.gov/ with various employers involving 41 workers in New York and New Jersey who re-
oshstats/std1.html ported workplace hazards and were discharged or otherwise penalized as a result.
“Under the terms of settlement agreements reached between employers and the
U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
the forty-one workers received a total of $211,231 in back wages. Other remedies
included reinstatement, restoration of vacations and 401K benefits, informal negoti-
ated settlements between the complainants and their employers, and the requirement
that employers display posters on the rights of employees.” 55
Fringe Benefits
An employee has no constitutional right to fringe benefits, but legislation, competi-
tion, and union pressure have made them an integral part of most employment
contracts. Such benefits are provided in addition to the regular wage or salary. So-
cial Security, no doubt the most important fringe benefit, is mandated by the Social
Security Act of 1935. Financed by taxes paid by both employers and employees, the
massive Social Security program provides benefits to more than 40 million persons,
a growing number that includes retirees (who generally start receiving pensions at
the age of 65), dependent survivors of insured persons, and qualified disabled work-
ers and disabled dependents. It also encompasses the Medicare program of health
benefits for qualified retirees, their dependents, qualified disabled persons under
65, and qualified workers and their dependents of any age that need dialysis treat-
ment or a kidney transplant.
Since the Social Security Act was enacted in 1935, people are living longer and
are having fewer children, with the result that more and more people are receiving
benefits while fewer and fewer are contributing. Further, Congress has repeatedly
increased benefits, extending them to additional groups and requiring increased
payments to compensate for increases in the cost of living. As a result, to keep the
program economically viable well beyond the year 2008, changes have been made
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 655
and more will surely be made—in Social Security taxes levied, in benefits paid, and
in income taxes on benefits received by wealthier recipients.
Many private and public employers supplement Social Security retirement
benefits with their own pension, stock-purchase, and profit-sharing plans. Some
provide a simplified employee pension (SEP) plan, whereby they contribute to the
employee’s individual retirement account (IRA). Paid vacations and holidays and
paid or subsidized medical and dental insurance are very valuable fringe benefits
for most employed persons. Some employers also offer a variety of less significant
benefits. These include life insurance; legal aid plans; sick leave; prenatal, child, and
elder care; maternity and paternity leave; adoption assistance; social, recreational,
physical fitness, and continuing education programs; and employer-assisted hous-
ing. The dollar value of fringe benefits often equals as much as 20 to 30 percent of
the monetary wages paid. The appeal of fringe benefits is enhanced by the fact that
most are tax-free to the employees and tax-deductible as business expenses to the
Retirement Benefits
In every state, society intervenes when a worker is hurt on the job by providing for
compensation under applicable workers’ compensation laws (see Chapter 7). The
worker who is permanently disabled, on or off the job, may qualify for Social Security
disability payments, as may the worker’s dependents. Upon reaching retirement age,
the worker qualifies for Social Security benefit payments, and dependent survivors of
a deceased worker may qualify for survivors’ benefits under Social Security.56 If a pri-
vate employer has voluntarily provided a private pension to supplement Social Secu-
rity retirement payments, the worker is again protected by the federal Employee Employee
Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA),57 which regulates defined benefit Retirement
plans. A defined benefit plan is one where the amount of the employee’s retirement Income Security
income is a promised fixed dollar amount or an amount determined in advance by a Act (ERISA)
benefit formula. Under ERISA, the Pensions Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) Federal legislation regu-
was created “to guarantee payment of basic pension benefits earned by nearly 44 mil- lating private pension
lion American workers and retirees participating in more than 33,330 private-sector plans that supplement
defined benefit pension plans.”* Reserves come from insurance premiums paid by the Social Security.
participating private employers.
defined benefit
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM Plans that provide for the
payment of determinable
Durango Apparel, Inc., a corporation with manufacturing retirement income
plants in Tennessee and Kentucky, had a pension plan covering benefits.
more than 7,000 workers. The company filed for bankruptcy in March of
2001. The pension plan had assets of about $15 million and projected bene-
fit liabilities totaling around $40 million. Will the workers’ claims for pension
benefits be lost in the bankruptcy proceeding?
No. The PBGC took over the underfunded pension plan in March of 2002 to pro-
tect the workers’ benefits. Although individuals were subject to a maximum pension
benefit under federal law, PBGC projected that most workers and their dependents
would receive full benefits.58
Individual Pension Plans Because many private employers do not provide pension
plans to supplement Social Security, the federal Internal Revenue Code allows
qualified workers to individually set aside a certain percentage of earned income,
Individual tax-free until retirement, in conventional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Retirement and Roth IRAs. IRAs are accounts that individual workers select and fund with pre-
Accounts (IRAs) tax dollars. The employee gets a present tax break on the invested amount and a con-
Federally authorized pri- tinuing income tax break on income earned over the years in the IRA account.
vate pension plans in However, income taxes are paid on the account principal and earnings when with-
which qualified employ- drawn after retirement. Thus, the regular IRA is a tax deferred account.
ees contribute a certain A Roth IRA is very different, first because the income used to fund the account
percentage of their in- is after-tax income. Like the regular IRA, earnings on the account are not subject
come, tax-free, to their to income tax before retirement. The second big difference is the after retirement
retirement accounts until
treatment. Whereas income in a regular IRA’s account is subject to income tax
when withdrawn, a Roth IRA is free from any income tax obligation upon retire-
ment. With a Roth IRA, the income is tax exempt.
Roth IRA Which is best? Variables such as tax rates (current and future), eligibility re-
A form of individual re-
quirements, account fees, and so on, make the answer dependent on the individual
tirement account autho-
employee’s situation.
rized by federal law that
allows a taxpayer to con-
tribute after-tax dollars
to the account so that LEGAL FOCUS–BACKGROUND
earnings are not taxed
when withdrawn. Finley Cory invests $250 a month in a Roth IRA starting at the
age of 20. He waits until age 65 to make withdrawals, and the
investment earns a 6 percent return compounded monthly. What will his
http:// tax-free investment be worth?
Technical and planning in-
formation on Roth IRAs for
practitioners and consu-
The power of compounding is astounding. After 45 years, Cory’s $250 a month in-
mers can be found at
vestment ($135,000 total invested) in a tax-free Roth IRA would be worth $688,998.
http://www.rothira.com/ In all likelihood, as his income increases, Cory would invest additional funds in the
account and the amount available at age 65 would be much greater. And if he waited
until age 70 to retire, he will be almost a millionaire ($946,797) on this $3,000 a year
investment alone.
401(k) plans Some employers contribute to their employees’ retirement through 401(k)
Retirement savings ac- plans. With these plans, companies may deposit cash or stock bonuses to a trust ac-
count taking its name count for their employees’ benefit. Also, the employee may fund these plans solely
from the Internal Reve- or partly through salary reduction. These deposited amounts are not taxed and like
nue Code of 1978. The IRAs accrue income without tax consequences until distribution at retirement. Em-
plan is funded by em-
ployees often have investment choices for the funds in these accounts; a popular
ployee contributions and
choice has been stock in the company in which they work.
(often) matching contri-
butions from the em-
ployer. Contributions are
taken from pretax salary, LEGAL FOCUS–BACKGROUND
and the funds grow tax-
free until withdrawn. The 2001 collapse of Enron Corporation, an energy provider
company, has caused many employees to rethink investment in
company stock and Congress to consider limitations on how much employer
stock should be in a 401(k) account. Sixty percent of Enron’s 401(k) plan was
invested in Enron shares, which fell to 26 cents from a peak of $90 in the
previous year.59
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 657
Yes. The court of appeals reversed the trial court and remanded the case back to
the trial court for further proceedings. The FMLA provides that a “serious health
condition” occurs, under the regulations, when the family member suffers an “ill-
ness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition” that requires “in-patient
care” or “continuing treatment” by a health care provider. “FMLA’s purpose is to
help working men and women balance the conflicting demands of work and per-
sonal life. The law requires courts to consider the seriousness of the afflicted indi-
vidual’s condition because the law was designed to prevent individuals like Juanita
Caldwell from having to choose between their livelihood and treatment for their
658 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
own or their family members’ serious health conditions. Upon examining the seri-
ousness of Kejuan’s ear infection, which required surgery to prevent deafness, we
hold that there is at least a question of fact as to whether Kejuan’s condition was
‘serious’ under the regulations.” The standard for one’s own serious health condi-
tion is higher than that for a family member’s serious health condition. Specifically,
you may take leave to care for a family member who merely has a serious health
condition. Your own health condition must be such that you are unable to perform
the functions of your position.
ACME Company provides in its employee handbook that the
Family and Medical Leave Act applies to the company’s employ-
ees. An employee seeking leave is denied, and the company claims as a de-
fense that it employs fewer than 50 employees. Is this a good defense?
Privacy Rights
New technology can alter old habits and customs within a short time. For example,
the introduction of computers and the Internet into our lives has aided business but
at the expense of legal and ethical tradeoffs. Many find the tradeoffs disturbing,
particularly in relation to privacy rights.
Computers make it possible to accumulate, store, and retrieve vast amounts of
information. Virtually all institutions with which we deal—insurance companies,
mail-order houses, banks, and credit card companies—gather information about us.
They store that information in their computer files. Government agencies such as
the U.S. Census Bureau, the Social Security Administration, and the Internal Reve-
nue Service also collect and store data.
These businesses and agencies collect information on income, expenses, mari-
tal status, and other personal history and habits. Frequently, this personal informa-
tion finds its way to present or potential employers. Seldom—if ever—do most
persons give permission for, or even know about, the use of this information.
In recent years, the right to privacy has become a significant employment issue.
As in many other areas of social life, the law attempts to balance competing inter-
ests to arrive at fair policies. Employers are interested in minimizing employee
theft, loss of trade secrets, and misuse of company property while maximizing pro-
ductivity; employees are interested in being treated with respect and dignity. Em-
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 659
Employee Retirement
Protects workers who have worked for
Income Security Act 1974 substantial periods under pension plans
ployers today must be careful not to violate their employees’ rights to privacy and
personal security. Areas of concern include drug testing, lie-detector tests, and elec-
tronic monitoring. Employees must realize that they have limited privacy rights at
the workplace. Personal e-mail, items kept in their desks, phone conversations, and
the like may be subject to company monitoring and retrieval.
Drug Testing in the Workplace Drug and alcohol abuse has been estimated to cost
industry between $50 and $100 billion in absenteeism, impaired performance, and
accidents each year. Naturally, employers are concerned about a decline in job per-
formance and other harm resulting from drug abuse. Some employers therefore
test employees to uncover drug use. But the tests are not always reliable. Even when
tests are accurate, a question exists as to whether they violate employees’ right to
If the employer is a government agency, testing is subject to the requirements
of the U.S. Constitution. Employees have a Fourth Amendment right to be “secure
in their persons … against unreasonable searches and seizures.” So the administra-
tion of drug tests is constitutional only if there is a reasonable basis for suspecting
the employee’s use of drugs—or if drug use in a particular government job could
threaten public safety.
The Department of Transportation required employees work-
ing on oil and gas pipelines to submit to random drug testing.
All employees were subject to the rule whether they were suspected of drug
use or not. Does the Department of Transportation’s drug-testing rule vio-
late employees’ constitutional rights?
Electrical Workers Local 1245 v. Skinner, 913 F.2d 1454 (9th Cir., 1990).
No. The government’s interest in promoting public safety was held to outweigh
employees’ privacy interests. Government also requires such testing for safety-
sensitive occupations such as air and rail travel.
Constitutional limitations do not usually restrict private employers. However,
some state constitutions and statutes do restrict and regulate private drug testing.
Some collective-bargaining agreements regulate drug testing, specifying when and
how it is or is not permitted. It is often required for participants in important com-
petitive sporting events, such as track and field meets and certain Olympic events.
660 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Donna Moran’s employer maintained a drug-free workplace,
requiring all employees to be subject to a random drug-testing
program. Moran, a mechanical engineer and 15-year employee, was asked
to report immediately for a urinalysis drug test. She refused and told her
supervisor she had no intention of being tested and did not believe in the
program. After additional unsuccessful attempts to get Moran to comply,
the company fired her. Moran sought unemployment insurance and was de-
nied because she lost her job due to “willful misconduct.” Moran claims that
the drug-testing policy is a humiliating invasion of her privacy and was
adopted without the consent of the employees. Did the company have the
right to require Moran to take the drug test, and can unemployment bene-
fits be denied her?
Yes and yes. Moran’s reasons for declining the test are unknown, but the cost is clear.
In the case upon which this scenario is based, the company’s drug-testing program
was upheld and the denial of unemployment compensation was deemed proper.
“The avoidance of injury, as well as concern for vicarious liability that can accrue to
the employer, are legitimate interests of the employer that must be accorded substan-
tial weight. Appellant’s objection that [the employer] adopted the testing program
without having obtained the employees’ consent is groundless. The creation of rules
and requirements that govern the workplace is the prerogative of the employer. …
We conclude that the testing program of [the employer] was narrowly tailored to
meet the employer’s needs and that it did not unduly intrude on appellant’s privacy
interests. Hence, it was reasonable. Appellant’s failure to cooperate with the program
was without good cause. Willful misconduct was properly found, and the denial of
unemployment benefits was, therefore, proper.” 61
Lie-Detector Tests At one time, many employers required job applicants and em-
ployees to take lie-detector tests (also called polygraphs) to determine if the individ-
ual was honestly answering questions asked by the employer. Many employees
considered these tests to be an invasion of their right to privacy and their privilege
against self-incrimination. Other critics believe lie-detector tests create a dangerous
fantasy that the truth can be ascertained, because most experts seriously doubt the
tests’ accuracy.
In 1988, Congress passed the Employee Polygraph Protection Act, which se-
http:// verely restricted the use of polygraphs. This act prohibits certain employers from
Find the Employee Poly- (1) requiring, suggesting, requesting, or causing employees or job applicants to take
graph Protection Act by lie-detector tests; (2) using, accepting, referring to, or asking about the results of
searching the U.S. Code at lie-detector tests taken by employees or applicants; and (3) taking or threatening
the U.S. House of Represen-
negative employment-related action against employees or applicants based on re-
tatives Office of the Law
sults of lie-detector tests or because they refused to take the tests.
Revision Counsel site at
Some employers are exempted from these prohibitions, notably federal, state,
http://uscode.house.gov/ and local government employers, certain security service firms, and companies
search/criteria.shtml manufacturing and distributing controlled substances. Other employers may use
polygraph tests when investigating losses attributable to theft, including suspected
embezzlement and theft of trade secrets. In all cases where lie-detector tests are
still permitted, however, stringent procedural requirements are imposed on em-
ployers. Employees may always refuse to submit to polygraph testing, but this may
make them vulnerable to dismissal for good cause.
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 661
Monitoring Job Performance Another workplace privacy issue involves the moni-
toring of employees’ performance by employers. Today, some employers electroni-
cally monitor employees’ use of computer terminals or company telephones. Some
employers use video cameras to evaluate employees’ performance.
Current federal law recognizes the right of employers to listen in on telephone
conversations to monitor employees’ performance, but state laws vary. An employer
may often avoid state laws by simply informing employees subject to monitoring
that the company may be listening. In areas such as this, there is very little case law,
and an employer may wish to consider carefully whether the need to monitor em-
ployees’ performance outweighs the employees’ right to privacy, as well as the possi-
ble negative effect on general employee morale and productivity. If the company’s
monitoring is formally challenged, a court will balance the purposes of the search
against its effect on the employees’ privacy. The existence of other available meth-
ods for accomplishing the employer’s goals will be considered as alternatives.
Fred Meyer’s employer had assured all employees that their
e-mail communications would not be accessed and used by the
employer against its employees for disciplinary reasons. Meyer sent several
work-related e-mails to his supervisor. The messages also included threats
to “kill the backstabbing bastards” and referred to a planned holiday party
as the “Jim Jones Kool-Aid affair.” Meyer was fired. He sued, claiming his
termination violated “public policy which precludes an employer from termi-
nating an employee in violation of the employee’s right to privacy as em-
bodied in Pennsylvania common law.” Was Meyer’s lawsuit successful?
No. In the case on which this hypothetical is based, the court found for the em-
ployer, stating, “We do not find a reasonable expectation of privacy in e-mail com-
munications voluntarily made by an employee to his supervisor over the company
e-mail system notwithstanding any assurances that such communications would not
be intercepted by management. Once plaintiff communicated the alleged unprofes-
sional comments to a second person (his supervisor) over an e-mail system, which
was apparently utilized by the entire company, any reasonable expectation of pri-
vacy was lost. Significantly, the defendant did not require plaintiff, as in the case of
a urinalysis or personal property search, to disclose any personal information about
himself. Rather, plaintiff voluntarily communicated the alleged unprofessional
comments over the company e-mail system. We find no privacy interests in such
communications.” 62
union the supreme court of Massachusetts rejected the idea that a combination of workers
Association of workers was criminal simply because of their concerted action. The proper test, the court
formed to bargain collec- said, was the purpose of the combination; if intended “to induce all those engaged
tively with employers in the same occupation to become members,” it was lawful. “Such an association
over wages, hours, and might be used to afford each other assistance in time of poverty, sickness, or dis-
conditions of
tress; or to raise their intellectual, moral, and social condition, or to make improve-
ment in their art; or for other proper purposes.” 64
Nevertheless, unions continued to be harassed by court action instituted by
picketing employers who resisted any erosion of their decision-making power. For example,
Patrolling by strikers or the federal Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was enacted to protect trade and com-
sympathizers, generally
merce against unlawful restraints and monopolies of business firms, but was also
at the entrances to a busi-
applied by courts to unions. Injunctions were often used to restrain concerted labor
ness plant, during a labor
activity such as picketing (patrolling outside a business location to encourage
workers to join the union, to gain recognition from the employer, or to gain sym-
pathy and support from third parties during a strike). But the pendulum eventually
did swing in the opposite direction to favor labor and union organization. For ex-
Act of 1932 ample, in 1940, the Supreme Court recognized peaceful picketing as a form of free
Federal law that restricts
speech protected by the First Amendment. In 1988, the Court upheld a local law
the issuance of injunc-
tions in labor disputes,
that banned picketing in front of any particular or private home, but marching
outlaws yellow dog con-
through a residential neighborhood or in front of an entire block of homes is not
tracts, and exempts prohibited.65
unions from legal attack
as monopolies.
Statutes Governing Labor–Management Relations
yellow dog During the Great Depression (1929–1939), many new socioeconomic laws were
contracts enacted as part of the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In the labor
An employment contract field, two important laws survived challenges to their constitutionality: the Anti-
in which a worker agrees
Injunction Act and the National Labor Relations Act.
not to join a union.
The Anti-Injunction Act of 1932 (popularly known as the Norris-La Guardia
Act, after its prime movers) restricts the issuance of injunctions by the federal courts
Wagner Act against unions peacefully striking in labor disputes.66 Together with the Clayton Act
A federal law that recog- of 1914, it effectively exempts unions from prosecution as monopolistic trusts or con-
nizes the right of workers
spiracies in restraint of trade. The Norris-La Guardia Act also outlawed yellow dog
to organize into unions
contracts, under which an employee—as a condition of employment—agrees never
of their own choice, and
the duty of employers to
to join a union. (See Exhibit 13.3.)
bargain collectively with The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act) recognizes the
the unions over wages, right of private-sector employees to form, join, or assist unions and to bargain col-
hours, and conditions of lectively with employers through representatives of their own choosing.67 Collec-
employment. It provides tive bargaining is the right given to a union to bargain with the employer over the
a list of unfair labor prac- terms of employment, including wages, hours, job security, and benefits covering
tices by management. all members of the worker group. Once a union is recognized as the bargaining
agent of a group of workers, the union has the exclusive authority to bargain for all
collective members of the group. Accordingly, an employee is no longer free to bargain indi-
bargaining vidually with the company. The recognized union not only has the right to bargain
The process of negotia- on behalf of all members of the group, but it also has a duty. It cannot refuse to
tion by representative(s) represent a worker in the group even if he or she is not a member of the union.
of the employees’ union The pejorative term used by union members for such nonmembers is freeloader.
and representative(s) of The Wagner Act listed and outlawed five unfair labor practices of employers:
an employer for an em-
ployment contract that • Interference, restraint, or coercion with the organization or practice of union
provides terms and condi- activities
tions of employment. • Wrongful domination of unions
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 663
unfair labor
• Encouragement or discouragement of unions by discriminating against union practices
members Certain practices of em-
• Refusal to bargain with the union ployers and unions that
• Discrimination against any employee seeking protection under the act are prohibited by federal
or state law.
closed shop
Yes. They can file a complaint with the nearest office of the National Labor Rela- A place of employment
tions Board. For intrastate businesses, in some states they could apply to a compa- where workers must join
rable state board. In either case, the board could order their reinstatement with a union before they can
back pay. be hired. Made illegal by
the Taft-Hartley Act.
The Pendulum Swings the Other Way Some critics claimed that in applying the
Wagner Act, the National Labor Relations Board favored the revitalized unions un- secondary
fairly. And so the pendulum eventually swung back with law that restrained unions boycotts
Occurs when striking
(but did not deprive them of their basic rights). The Labor-Management Rela-
workers picket or use
tions Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)68 amended the Wagner Act and added a list
other pressure against a
of unfair labor practices of unions, including, most notably, coercion of employees neutral third party who
in their right to join or to refuse to join a union. It outlawed the closed shop, supplies or buys from the
which mandated that one must belong to the union before getting a job, and it struck employer.
banned secondary boycotts, in which pressure is brought by striking workers
against neutral third parties who supply or buy from the affected employer. For ex- open shop
ample, workers on strike at a furniture factory may not legally picket the indepen- A company or depart-
dent retail stores that sell the furniture. ment where union
In an open shop, a union may be recognized as the sole bargaining agent for membership is not a re-
all employees in the particular group or bargaining unit, but no workers are re- quirement to get or keep
quired to join the union. a job.
664 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Although a union had been selected by a majority of the work-
ers in his department, Virgil Redman refused to join. There was
no union-shop agreement, and he insisted on making his own “deal with
the boss.” “After all,” he said, “I’ve been doing it that way for more than
30 years. We’re both satisfied. I don’t intend to stop now.” May Redman
make his own contract with his employer governing his compensation and
other terms of employment?
Legal Injunctions The Taft-Hartley Act reintroduced the injunction against strikes,
but made it available only at the request of the National Labor Relations Board or of
the president of the United States in cases of disputes that endanger the national
health and welfare. After an 80-day cooling-off period in such cases, during which
time the issues are investigated and reported on by a public board, the strike may re-
sume—to be ended possibly by government seizure and operation under an act of
Congress. This extreme option is very seldom utilized. Courts may also issue injunc-
tions against illegal strikes or lockouts and illegal activity in connection with either,
such as mass picketing or violence in a strike or lockout.
Loren Hilton was a rugged individualist, and as a matter of
principle, he opposed joining any mutual help organization. He
was also a highly skilled toolmaker. Some time after Advanced Avionics Cor-
poration hired him, the company signed an agreement with the toolmakers’
union that called for a union shop. Must Hilton now join the union if he
wants to keep his job?
union shop
A place of employment Yes. In a union shop, an employee must join the union within 30 days after being
where newly hired work-
hired. It is legal under the Taft-Hartley Act, although, as noted before, some states
ers must join the union
have enacted right-to-work laws that outlaw this limited approach to union security
within 30 days of being
and stability. Employers who accept the union shop reason that if they have to deal
with a union, it may as well include all workers in the bargaining unit. There is
likely to be less internal discord, and the union leaders, feeling more secure, are less
agency shop
likely to make outrageous demands or promises to justify their existence. Also,
A company or depart-
ment in which all employ-
since the union provides benefits, the members understandably believe all workers
ees in the bargaining unit
should share the costs; thus, those who do not join the union are regarded contemp-
must pay union dues (or tuously as freeloaders.
some comparable fee) A variation of the union shop is the agency shop, in which all employees in the
irrespective of whether bargaining unit (nonmembers as well as members) support the union by paying a rep-
they are union members. resentative fee (usually a little less than union dues) as a condition of employment.
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 665
Nonmembers must accept the union as their agent to conduct negotiations with the
employer and to conclude employment contracts on behalf of all the employees
within the bargaining unit. Many public-employee labor unions have agency-shop
agreements that apply to nonmembers. The union cannot use any of such agency-
shop dues for activities not directly related to collective bargaining.
The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (Landrum- Labor-
Griffin Act) is sometimes called the bill of rights of union members, because it guar- Management
antees their right to participate in union affairs, protects their freedom to speak up in Reporting and
union meetings, and requires that they be kept informed about the union’s financial Disclosure Act of
condition.69 1959 (Landrum-
Griffin Act)
LEGAL FOCUS–PROBLEM Federal law that man-
dates open, democratic
internal government of
Raul Keroupian had joined the union at his plant shortly before
the day of the meeting at which officers were to be selected.
When nominations were made from the floor, someone moved to elect the
entire incumbent slate by acclamation. Keroupian swallowed nervously,
then stood up and said, “I don’t think we can do that; it would be illegal.”
There were hoots and catcalls from the back of the room. Was he correct?
Yes. Among other things, the Landrum-Griffin Act prescribes that every local labor
organization must elect its officers at least once every three years by secret ballot
among the members in good standing.
Exhibit 13.4 lists the major federal statutes pertaining to labor-management
Provides for the regulation of internal union
Reporting and Disclosure
1959 affairs, including the regulation and control of
Act (Landrum-
union funds.
Griffin Act)
Source: Adapted from American Bar Association, Section of Law Practice Management
(Chicago: ABA,1993).
666 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Do Most Workers Engage in Strikes? Only about 15 percent of the private work-
force belong to unions and unions normally call strikes, so that means that most
strike workers do not engage in strikes. A strike is a concerted refusal by employees to
A concerted refusal by perform the services for which they were hired. Strikers do not quit permanently;
employees to perform they consider themselves employees and plan to return to their old jobs when the
the services for which strike ends. By then, they hope, their employer will have acceded to all or some of
they were hired, gener- their demands. The strike is the ultimate weapon of unions, just as the ultimate
ally in order to gain rec-
weapon of employers is the lockout—a shutdown of operations in response to union
ognition of a union, or
activity or demands. Neither tactic is used casually or frequently, although the strike
improvements in wages,
hours, or conditions of
is much more common.
employment. The number of major work stoppages in recent years has been historically very
low, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. There
were 24 major work stoppages during 2005, idling 102,200 workers.70 The peak per-
A shutdown of opera-
centage of work stoppage was in 1959.
tions by an employer in
response to union de- What Kinds of Strikes Are There?
mands or to achieve
other changes in an em-
ployment contract.
Pat McGillicuddy was unhappy with the wages, hours, work
schedule, plant rules, heating and lighting of the workroom,
fringe benefits (there were none), and supervision at his place of employ-
ment. One day, after weeks of grumbling and complaining to his coworkers,
he got up from his workbench, put on his coat and hat, and shouted so that
all in the large room could hear, “I strike!” Then he walked out the door and
started to picket in front of the building. Was he on strike?
Because there was no union ordering the strike nor combined action by a group of
economic strike workers, McGillicuddy was not on strike. It is an individual’s protest, and his em-
A strike in which workers ployer can take the action to mean that he has quit and can be replaced.
seek a change in wages, When there is a union and it orders all members to walk out in an economic
hours, and/or conditions strike (over wages, hours, or conditions of employment), the employer may legally
of employment. hire strikebreakers as permanent replacements. After the strike is over, however,
if the jobs again become available (which is unlikely), the employer must rehire the
strikebreakers strikers, provided they have not taken substantially equivalent permanent jobs else-
Persons hired to take the where (which by the time the job becomes available is usually the case). On the
place of workers who are other hand, when the strike is an unfair labor practice strike prompted by one or
out on strike. If it is an more unfair labor practices of the employer, the striking workers retain full rights
economic strike, the to their jobs and must be restored to them when the strike ends. Moreover, the of-
strikebreakers may be
fending employer must pay back wages to the strikers.
retained as permanent
unfair labor
practice strike The Snug Fit Shoe Corporation had a three-year contract with
A strike in which the its production workers under a collective-bargaining agree-
workers are protesting an ment. The union vote approving the contract had been very close, and initial
unfair labor practice of dissatisfaction had gradually turned into outspoken protest. After 16 months,
their employer. the workers defied their leaders and announced through a spokesperson:
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 667
“We’re on strike. To prevent strikebreakers from taking our jobs, we’re go-
ing to stay right here in the plant.” A sit-down strike had begun. Friends and
relatives brought the strikers’ sleeping bags and food for a long stay. Was
the strike legal?
No. Sit-down strikes, in which workers retain possession of the employer’s prop- sit-down strike
erty, are illegal.71 Moreover, this was a wildcat strike, one that is in violation of the Illegal strike in which
contract and of the union’s own rules. As such, it constituted an unfair labor practice strikers remain in their
on the part of the workers, and the employer could hire permanent replacements for places of employment
the strikers, who could be evicted by the police and be subject to punishment. but refuse to work.
wildcat strike
union members that
Collective-bargaining agreements often provide for arbitration of disputes arising takes place without the
during the term of the labor agreement. For example, a common provision in a labor approval of the union
contract restricts management discretion in employee discipline and termination. leaders.
The provision establishes that no discharge or discipline can occur except upon a
showing of “just cause” (a limitation upon the common law “at will” doctrine) and in
a specified fashion. If the subject union member is displeased with the discipline, he
or she can grieve under agreed processes, which ultimately lead to a hearing by a
neutral arbitrator.
The manager of safety and security at a convalescence hospital
became aware that “S,” a PBX operator with some receptionist
responsibilities, was wearing nose jewelry, namely a small silver hoop in her
left nostril. The manager informed “S” not to wear this at work other than
on breaks and lunch periods. An accommodation was later reached allowing
“S” to wear a Band-Aid over the small hoop while working. “S” believed
that the Band-Aid over her nose hoop violated provisions of the collective-
bargaining agreement, and she filed a grievance. The case went to arbitra-
tion. How did the arbitrator rule?
103 Lab. Arb. (BNA) 988 (1994).
Most disputes involving discipline over unusual hairstyles, body piercing, and cloth-
ing choices are resolved in the employer’s favor. The employer’s right to set dress
standards is allowable management discretion unless it is a subterfuge for prohib- The American Arbitration
ited discrimination. In this case, the arbitrator noted that the company had dress Association has an excellent
guidelines prohibiting extremes in jewelry. The arbitrator gave great “deference to Web site for information
about employer/employee
management’s interpretation and application of its dress and grooming standards.
arbitration labor and other-
[The company] did not violate the Agreement when it prohibited the Grievant
wise at
from wearing a ring or hoop through her nose while on duty as a PBX Operator.
Therefore, the grievance shall be denied.” http://www.adr.org/
Whereas arbitration in union–labor contracts is common, is it common in
nonunion employment situations? Until recently, the answer was no.
668 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Interstate/Johnson Lane Corporation (Interstate) hired Robert
Gilmer as a manager of financial services in May 1981. Gilmer
was required by his employer to register as a securities representative with
the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). His registration application provided
for arbitration of any controversy arising out of a registered representative’s
employment or termination of employment. Interstate terminated Gilmer’s
employment at age 62. Thereafter, he filed a charge with the EEOC and
brought suit in the district court, alleging that he had been discharged in
violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA).
Interstate moved to compel arbitration. Was Gilmer forced to arbitrate his
ADEA claim?
Robert D. Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corporation, 500 U.S. 20, 111 S.Ct. 1647 (1991).
He was. Gilmer argued that U.S. Supreme Court precedent provided that employ-
ees were free to file civil rights suits without regard to agreements to arbitrate such
claims and that Congress intended to protect ADEA claimants from a waiver of the
judicial forum. The Court held otherwise, stating that earlier cases were restricted
to collective-bargaining employment contracts. “An important concern therefore
was the tension between collective representation and individual statutory rights, a
concern not applicable to the present case. Finally, those cases were not decided
under the FAA [Federal Arbitration Act], which reflects a ‘liberal federal policy fa-
voring arbitration agreements.’ Therefore, those cases provide no basis for refusing
to enforce Gilmer’s agreement to arbitrate his ADEA claim.” The U.S. Supreme
Court required Gilmer to submit all his claims (including ADEA) to compulsory
binding arbitration.
After the Gilmer case, courts began to uphold agreements to arbitrate non-
union employment disputes.72 Substantial concern about arbitration of employ-
ment disputes was raised by the National Employment Lawyers Association, which
argued that such agreements lacked true consent by the employee and often limited
employee rights. A special task force composed of individuals representing man-
agement, labor, employment, civil rights organizations, private administrative agen-
cies, government, and the American Arbitration Association drafted “The Due
Process Protocol for Mediation and Arbitration of Statutory Disputes Arising Out
of the Employment Relationship.” The Due Process Protocol “recognizes the di-
lemma inherent in the timing of an agreement to mediate and/or arbitrate statutory
disputes” but does not take a position on whether an employer can require a pre-
dispute, binding arbitration program as a condition of employment.73
The Gilmer case technically did not deal with an employment contract, al-
though it appears no one except perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court believed that.
Gilmer’s arbitration agreement was in a securities exchange registration form, not
an employment contract. Because of this, the Court did not address at that time the
specific language of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), which states it does not ap-
ply to contracts of employment of “seamen, railroad employees, or any other class
of workers engaged in foreign or interstate commerce.” Ten years later, the Court
held that the FAA does apply to all employment agreements, except those covering
employees engaged in transportation. Companies can now ask their employees to
waive their right to go to court and rely exclusively on arbitration to resolve work-
place bias claims.74 As discussed on page 630, the arbitration clause does not pre-
clude the EEOC from pursuing a claim on behalf of an employee.75
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 669
Greg Hendrickson was delighted to begin work for LA Bill-
boards, Inc. Like most employees, he paid little attention to his
six-page employment contract. Three years later, he was fired after he com-
plained to his boss about business practices he said violated local ordinances.
When Hendrickson contemplated filing a lawsuit for wrongful termination,
he read his contract more carefully. The employment contract not only re-
quired he arbitrate any dispute, but it also forbade recovery of punitive dam-
ages and discovery. In addition, it ordered the payment of a nonrefund-
able $500 filing fee, that the matter be heard on the other coast at the
company home office, that any back pay recovery be capped at $2,000, and
that the employee share the costs of the arbitrator and the arbitration hear-
ing room. Lastly, the arbitrator was to be selected from a list provided by
LA Billboards. Oops.
Signing an arbitration clause may be nothing more than changing forums, which,
although important, does not necessarily affect fundamental rights. On the other
hand, giving up remedies and rights in the process could also be part of the con-
tract. What restrictions might be enforceable is still in contention in U.S. courts,
but it is clear that LA Billboards went too far. In the 2002 case Circuit City Stores,
Inc. v. Adams,* the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Federal Arbitra-
tion Act, although allowing for the enforcement of employment arbitration clauses,
does not allow enforcement of an unconscionable agreement. The contract in the
Circuit City case was replete with “objectionable provisions pervading the entire
contract.” The court instructed employers that to be enforceable, a contract must:
• Provide for neutral arbitrators
• Provide for more than minimal discovery
• Require a written award
• Provide for all of the types of relief that would otherwise be available in court,
• Not require employees to pay either unreasonable costs or any arbitrators’ fees
or expenses as a condition of access to the arbitration forum.76
* Circuit City Stores, Inc. v. Adams, 279 F.3d 889 (Ca. 9th, 2002) cert. denied, 122 S.Ct. 2329 (2002).
670 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
490 U.S. 228, 109 S.Ct. 1775 (1989)
Ann B. Hopkins worked for five years as a minor woman;” a third advised her to take “a course at
manager in the Washington, D.C., office of Price charm school.” Several partners criticized her
Waterhouse, a major accounting firm, when she use of profanity; in response, one partner sug-
was proposed as a candidate for partnership. Of the gested that those partners objected to her swear-
662 partners in the firm at that time, seven were ing only “because it’s a lady using foul language.”
women. Of the 32 partners who submitted com- Another supporter explained that Hopkins “ha[d]
ments, thirteen supported her bid, three recom- matured from a tough-talking somewhat mascu-
mended it be placed on hold, and eight recommended line hard-nosed [manager] to an authoritative,
that she be denied partnership (the remaining eight formidable, but much more appealing lady [part-
said they had no informed opinion about her). The ner] candidate.” But it was the man who, as Judge
firm’s Admission Committee and its Policy Board placed her Gesell found, bore responsibility for explaining to Hopkins
candidacy on hold. Hopkins brought a sex-discrimination charge the reasons for the Policy Board’s decision to place her candi-
against the firm under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of dacy on hold who delivered the coup de grace: in order to im-
1964. The district court ruled in her favor, and the circuit court prove her chances for partnership, Thomas Beyer advised,
of appeals affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded the Hopkins should “walk more femininely, talk more femi-
case to the district court. The case came to the U.S. Supreme ninely, dress more femininely, wear make-up, have her hair
Court on certiorari. In a 6–3 vote, the Supreme Court approved styled, and wear jewelry. …”
the findings of the district court but remanded the case for deter- The Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s
mination under the proper standard of evidence (i.e., by a pre- ultimate conclusion, but departed from its analysis in one
ponderance of the evidence). particular: it held that even if a plaintiff proves that dis-
On remand, the district court again held Price Waterhouse crimination played a role in an employment decision, the
liable and ordered the firm to accept her as a partner, retroactive defendant will not be found liable if it proves, by clear and
to 1982, and to pay her $371,000 in back salary and interest. convincing evidence, that it would have made the same de-
When Price Waterhouse again appealed, the District of Columbia cision in the absence of discrimination. … Under this ap-
Circuit Court of Appeals again affirmed. proach, an employer is not deemed to have violated Title
VII if it proves that it would have made the same decision
Justice Brennan wrote the opinion: The partners in in the absence of an impermissible motive, whereas under
Hopkins’ office praised her character as well as her accom- the district court’s approach the employer’s proof in that re-
plishments, describing her in their joint statement as “an spect only avoids equitable relief. We decide today that
outstanding professional” who had a “deft touch,” a “strong the Court of Appeals had the better approach, but that
character, independence and integrity. …” Evaluations such both courts erred in requiring the employer to make its
as these led [trial] Judge Gesell to conclude that Hopkins proof by clear and convincing evidence. …
“had no difficulty dealing with clients and her clients ap- We have, in short, been here before. Each time, we
pear to have been very pleased with her work” and that have concluded that the plaintiff who shows that an imper-
she “was generally viewed as a highly competent project missible motive played a motivating part in an adverse em-
leader who worked long hours, pushed vigorously to meet ployment decision has thereby placed upon the defendant
deadlines and demanded much from the multidisciplinary the burden to show that it would have made the same deci-
staffs with which she worked. …” On too many occasions, sion in the absence of the unlawful motive. Our decision
however, Hopkins’ aggressiveness apparently spilled over today treads this well-worn path. …
into abrasiveness. … Both “[s]upporters and opponents of In saying that gender played a motivating part in an em-
her candidacy,” stressed Judge Gesell, “indicated that she ployment decision, we mean that, if we asked the employer at
was sometimes overly aggressive, unduly harsh, difficult to the moment of the decision what its reasons were and if we
work with and impatient with staff.” received a truthful response, one of those reasons would be
There were clear signs, though, that some of the part- that the applicant or employee was a woman. In the specific
ners reacted negatively to Hopkins’ personality because context of sex stereotyping, an employer who acts on the ba-
she was a woman. One partner described her as “macho;” sis of a belief that a woman cannot be aggressive, or that she
another suggested that she “overcompensated for being a must not be, has acted on the basis of gender. …
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 671
The very premise of a mixed-motives case is that a le- ogy to know that, if an employee’s flawed “interpersonal
gitimate reason was present, and indeed, in this case, Price skills” can be corrected by a soft-hued suit or a new shade
Waterhouse already has made this showing by convincing of lipstick, perhaps it is the employee’s sex and not her in-
Judge Gesell that Hopkins’ interpersonal problems were a terpersonal skills that has drawn the criticism. …
legitimate concern. The employer instead must show that We hold that when a plaintiff in a Title VII case
its legitimate reason, standing alone, would have induced it proves that her gender played a motivating part in an em-
to make the same decision. … ployment decision, the defendant may avoid a finding of li-
The courts below held that an employer who has al- ability only by proving by a preponderance of the evidence
lowed a discriminatory impulse to play a motivating part in that it would have made the same decision even if it had
an employment decision must prove by clear and convinc- not taken the plaintiff’s gender into account. Because the
ing evidence that it would have made the same decision in courts below erred by deciding that the defendant must
the absence of discrimination. We are persuaded that the make this proof by clear and convincing evidence, we re-
better rule is that the employer must make this showing by verse the Court of Appeals’ judgment against Price Water-
a preponderance of the evidence. … house on liability and remand the case to that court for
Although Price Waterhouse does not concretely tell further proceedings. It is so ordered.
us how its proof was preponderant even if it was not clear
and convincing, this general claim is implicit in its request For Critical Analysis
for the less stringent standard. Since the lower courts re-
quired Price Waterhouse to make its proof by clear and 1. Is this case about sexual harassment or gender discrim-
convincing evidence, they did not determine whether Price ination? What is the difference?
Waterhouse had proved by a preponderance of the evidence
2. Does this case suggest to you that if your reason for a
that it would have placed Hopkins’ candidacy on hold even
particular decision is nondiscriminatory that liability
if it had not permitted sex-linked evaluations to play a part
could still occur if your explanation suggested discrim-
in the decision-making process. Thus, we shall remand this
ination is involved?
case so that that determination can be made. …
In finding that some of the partners’ comments re- 3. Preponderance of the evidence and clear and convinc-
flected sex stereotyping, the district court relied in part on ing evidence are both discussed as burdens of proof.
Dr. Fiske’s expert testimony. … Which standard does the court ultimately require and
Indeed, we are tempted to say that Dr. Fiske’s expert for what and why? Does this decision favor the em-
testimony was merely icing on Hopkins’ cake. It takes no ployer or the employee?
special training to discern sex stereotyping in a description
4. Do we know the ultimate result of this controversy
of an aggressive female employee as requiring “a course at
from this opinion? Explain. ❚❚
charm school.” Nor, turning to Thomas Beyer’s memora-
ble advice to Hopkins, does it require expertise in psychol-
and retention of certain personnel. A bench trial was had The definition of “the course and scope of employ-
and plaintiff was awarded $15,000.00. Defendant appeals. ment” is variable. [The court has] adopted the following
We affirm. test of whether conduct was within the course of employ-
Plaintiff, Raymond Gonzales (Gonzales), sued the City ment: “… an act is within the ‘course of employment’ if
of Albuquerque (City), Fundamentals, Inc. (Fundamen- (1) it be something fairly and naturally incident to the busi-
tals), Southwest Security and Protection Agency (South- ness, and if (2) it be done while the servant was engaged
west) and five security guard employees of Southwest. The upon the master’s business and be done, although mistak-
suit arose out of an episode where Gonzales received inju- enly or ill advisedly, with a view to further the master’s in-
ries while attending a wrestling match sponsored by Funda- terests, or from some impulse of emotion which naturally
mentals. The match was held in the civic auditorium owned grew out of or was incident to the attempt to perform the
by the city, which it rented to Fundamentals. Southwest master’s business, and did not arise wholly from some ex-
was hired by Fundamentals to provide security services for ternal, independent, and personal motive on the part of the
the event. servant to do the act upon his own account.”
Gonzales sustained a broken jaw and lost four teeth in In addition to the test delineated above, the instant
an incident involving five of Southwest’s security men. He case requires additional considerations because of the na-
claims he was handcuffed by the security men, taken to a ture of Southwest’s and the security guards’ work. The Re-
small room in the auditorium and beaten. The incident oc- statement of Agency addresses the use of force as follows:
curred as Gonzales and a friend were leaving the audito- A master is subject to liability for the intended tortious
rium and a woman accosted him for having thrown beer harm by a servant to the person or things of another by an
during the matches. Security guards intervened and told act done in connection with the servant’s employment, al-
Gonzales and his friend to leave. Once outside the audito- though the act was unauthorized, if the act was not unex-
rium the woman again accosted Gonzales’s friend, setting pectable in view of the duties of the servant. Restatement
off a substantial disturbance. When the security guards ar- (Second) of Agency §249 (1958). Comment c to §245 adds
rived Gonzales was a bystander. Nevertheless, the guards the following: c. Nature of employment. Whether or not
threw Gonzales to the ground, handcuffed him and took an employment involves or is likely to lead to the use of
him to a small room where he was beaten. Throughout the force against the person of another is a question to be
incident Gonzales apparently was calm and did not pro- decided upon the facts of the individual case. To create lia-
voke the guards. bility for a battery by a servant upon a third person, the
Default judgment was entered against Southwest em- employment must be one which is likely to bring the ser-
ployees Mike and Alex Sedillo and David Chavez. At trial vant into conflict with others. The making of contracts, or
the City, Fundamentals and Southwest employee Ysidro the compromise, settlement, or collection of accounts,
Victor Vigil were found to be free of fault. Judgment in fa- does not ordinarily have this tendency. On the other hand,
vor of Gonzales was entered against Southwest and its em- the employment of servants to guard or to recapture prop-
ployee Denny Sanchez. Southwest appeals. erty, to take possession of land, or to deal with chattels,
On appeal Southwest contends (1) that it should not which are in the possession of another, is likely to lead to
be held responsible for the intentional torts of its employ- altercations, and the master may become liable, in spite of
ees; and (2) that substantial evidence does not support the instructions that no force shall be exerted against the per-
trial court finding it negligent. son of the possessor.
In this case Southwest provided the security personnel
with uniforms, handcuffs, guns, night sticks and the author-
Point 1: An Employer’s Liability for the Intentional Torts ity to keep peace. Evidence at trial showed that Gonzales’s
of Its Employees. injuries were inflicted, at least in part, by a guard’s use of a
An employer is liable for the intentional torts of its em- nightstick. Moreover, Gonzales was handcuffed during the
ployees if the torts are committed in the course and scope beating. We therefore have a situation where not only did
of employment. Whether an employee’s conduct is within Southwest’s employees beat a person, but the beating was
the course and scope of employment is a question of fact. facilitated by instrumentalities provided by Southwest.
In the case at bar, the question is whether the security According to the foregoing facts and authority, we
guards’ imprisonment and battering of Gonzales was within conclude that the trial court properly determined that the
the course and scope of their employment. In resolution of guards’ conduct was naturally incident to Southwest’s busi-
this question we note that local decisions exist regarding an ness. The trial court also properly determined that the
employee’s intentional torts; however, none address the ac- guards’ conduct substantially arose out of an attempt to
tivity of private security personnel. perform Southwest’s business. Finally, from our review of
Chapter 13 >>> Employee and Employer Rights and Duties 673
the record, we hold that substantial evidence supports the 15. Southwest Security failed to adequately instruct its
trial court’s finding that Southwest was liable for its em- employees in the proper method of restraining and
ployees’ intentional torts. arresting individuals.
16. There was at least one other prior beating of an indi-
Point 2. Whether Substantial Evidence Supports Finding vidual by employees of Southwest Security and in
Southwest Negligent. particular Mike Z. Sedillo which occurred [sic] at a
Southwest contends the trial court’s finding of negligence is wrestling match and Southwest Security was or
not supported by substantial evidence. [In the New Mexico should have been aware of such incident(s) and failed
Supreme Court decision in F & T Co. v. Woods (1979)], the to take appropriate action to avoid further incident(s)
court held that defendant could not be liable for negligently of this nature.
hiring or retaining an employee because there was no show- 17. The negligence of Southwest Security as specified
ing that defendant’s omissions proximately caused plaintiff’s above proximately caused the damages which resulted
injuries. The principle [sic] reason proximate causation was to Raymond J. Gonzales.
lacking was because defendant’s employee was acting out- The findings quoted above are supported by evidence in
side the scope of employment, without defendant’s author- the record. Testimony at trial revealed that Southwest’s
ity and without instrumentalities provided by defendant, guards previously had mistreated people, that supervisors
when plaintiff was harmed. In the case at bar, however, we or owners of Southwest knew or should have known of
have held that the guards were acting within the scope of such treatment, and that Southwest knew violence was per-
their employment, and were using instrumentalities pro- vasive at similar events held in the auditorium. From these
vided by Southwest, when Gonzales’s injuries occurred. We facts we conclude that substantial evidence supports the
therefore begin with a vast factual disparity between F & T trial court’s findings that Southwest was negligent and that
Co. v. Woods and the case at bar. its negligence caused Gonzales’s injuries.
The specific error alleged by Southwest is that the The judgment of the trial court is affirmed. Appellate
guards’ intentional torts were neither foreseeable nor the costs are to be paid by Southwest.
cause of Gonzales’s harm. While the terms “foreseeability”
and “proximate causation” evade precise definition, the For Critical Analysis
meaning of these terms is well known in the law. The exis-
tence of causation is ordinarily a question of fact. In the case at 1. Employers are not usually liable for an employee’s in-
bar the court concluded that Southwest negligently equipped, tentional torts. What about this situation persuaded
trained, supervised and retained the guards, and that South- the court to hold the employer liable?
west’s negligence was the cause of Gonzales’s harm. These
conclusions were based on the following findings: 2. Did the court hold Southwest liable under the doctrine
of respondeat superior and also hold it negligent? If these
12. Southwest Security did not adequately investigate the are different theories, explain the difference.
background and the character of the individual Defen-
dants herein prior to hiring them as security guards. 3. Could Southwest sue the security guards for any pay-
13. Southwest Security did not adequately supervise their ments it is required to make to Gonzales? Explain your
security guards in general and in particular on the answer.
evening of August 19, 1979. 4. What precautions can a company such as Southwest
14. Southwest Security failed to adequately train the secu- Security and Protection Agency employ to avoid or
rity guards in the use of weapons such as clubs and reduce liability in the future? ❚❚
handcuffs which were provided to Mike Z. Sedillo,
Alex Sedillo, Denny Sanchez and David Chavez.
674 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
wife’s jealousy has really gotten out of hand. She was because he refused to work overtime the first time
thinks I got you pregnant and she said either I let you he was asked. Can a probationary employee success-
go or forget the marriage. Sorry, but you have to go.” fully sue for wrongful termination? What are his
Bibby and the dentist were innocent of any wrongdo- chances?
ing. Does Bibby have a gender discrimination case?
10. April Barber, an agent employed by Prototype, Inc.,
7. After a strike was legally called, Phil Thornbush was driving her own car and rushing to an important
joined coworkers on “picket duty” at their place of luncheon meeting scheduled with a prospective cus-
work, an intrastate business. There was no violence, tomer. She saw the amber light in the signal ahead,
and only two picketers at a given time marched in but to stop and wait would delay her at least four min-
front of the plant, day and night. Thornbush and his utes, and she was already late. So she pushed the ac-
partner were arrested and convicted under a state stat- celerator down, even though the light had changed to
ute that made loitering and picketing a misdemeanor. red, and raced ahead at 50 mph through the intersec-
They appealed, claiming the state violated their fed- tion—almost. Before she got across, her car collided
eral constitutional right to free speech. Should the with Fred Lamare’s truck, which had legally entered
convictions be reversed? on the far right side. Lamare was injured, and the
truck was demolished.
8. Several types of discrimination fall within the prohibi- a. Is Barber’s employer, the principal Prototype,
tions of various civil rights acts. Which of the types of liable?
discrimination do you think occasions the most com- b. Would the employer be liable if Barber were an
plaints by alleged victims? ordinary employee?
a. race c. Would the employer be liable if Barber were an
b. gender independent contractor?
c. national origin d. Would your answer be different in parts (a), (b),
d. age and (c) if April were violating not only the speed
e. disability limit but also Prototype’s explicit orders not to go
f. religion faster than 35 mph in town?
e. Is Barber personally liable to Lamare?
9. Two days after starting a new job, Dourly Popper was
f. Is Barber personally liable to Prototype?
fired. He claims it was because he reported for jury
service on the third day of work. His supervisor said it
• Define estate planning and describe the major
In youth my wings were strong and tireless, concerns one should attend to in planning an estate.
But I did not know the mountains. In age I knew • Identify the major taxes and expenses that
the mountains, But my weary wings could not accompany transfers of property by gift or death.
• Identify the requisites of and the different types of
follow my vision—Genius is wisdom and
valid wills. Understand the reasons why a person
youth. creates a will.
• Describe challenges that can be made to a will.
“Headstone of Alexander Throckmorton,” Spoon River Anthology, Edgar Lee
Masters, 1864–1950. • Understand probate and describe its positive and
negative aspects.
• Explain how property is distributed if a person dies
without a valid will.
• Describe advance directives, living wills, directives to
physicians, and durable powers of attorney for health
• Discuss the legal concepts of suicide and euthanasia
and understand the moral debate over end-of-life
• Identify the legal requisites of different types of
trusts, including living trusts.
• Describe the use of conservatorship and guardianship.
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 677
Unfortunately, not all of the significant events in our lives are pleasant. Death will
come to family members and others we love, including ourselves. But life goes on,
and the law provides means of assuring survivors that important financial matters
of the deceased are properly handled. Are you prepared to share in these responsi-
bilities? Who should have a will? How do you create a will? Do you need the ser-
vices of an attorney to prepare a will? Should property be left equally, share and
share alike, to heirs? When is a trust helpful in preparing for the financial aftermath
of death? Is an attorney needed when a family member dies? Under what circum-
stances can a will be contested? How are family assets taxed when death occurs?
What is a living will? A living trust? Can you leave instructions to prevent hookup
to life support systems if you suffer a stroke or are in an automobile accident and
become too incapacitated to make such a decision? These issues and others are the
subjects of this chapter.
Mary Trimble, age 87 and bedridden, had been suffering from
a painful, debilitating illness for two years. Medical opinion was
that she would never improve. She asked her physician to help her commit
suicide by lethal injection. She also asked her husband to take whatever
means he could to end her life as mercifully as possible. Can Trimble’s physi-
cian or husband legally give her the relief she seeks?
No. Almost every state prohibits assisted suicide, and the U.S. Supreme Court has
ruled that there is no constitutional right to die.1 This situation is quite different
from those in which the patient previously has signed a written directive that he or
she desires that life support equipment be avoided, or even removed once hooked
up. Many believe that laws should be expanded to include the choice of physician-
assisted suicide.
In this chapter, we present the challenging laws of estate planning and probate
matters. To most of us, the subject of death is unpleasant, so we avoid discussing it.
We are, of course, willing to acknowledge that death happens. But it happens “to
others, not to me! At least not yet!”
The inevitability of one’s death should be calmly recognized as a reason for ap-
propriate planning, starting at least by midlife. By law, upon death, title to assets of
the decedent (a more technical and less personal way of saying that a person has decedent
recently died) must go to someone, generally through the procedures of a probate A deceased person.
court. It is true that “You can’t take it with you!” But with prudent planning, and
using such legal instruments as a will and perhaps a trust, you can arrange to have
your property distributed consistent with your wishes. Moreover, your foresight
can guarantee that your heirs (those who are legally entitled to your estate if you heirs
leave no will), as well as other intended beneficiaries or “objects of your bounty,” Persons designated by
will receive more, and that the government death-tax collectors will receive less. law to receive the estate
The topic is important. of a decedent who leaves
A hundred years ago, only the rich needed to do estate planning (wills and no will.
trusts), but today its importance has increased for the rich and middle class alike. In
the early years of the twenty-first century, taxes are a significant potential burden
on the passing of wealth to heirs, and many Americans have estates substantial
enough to desire protection from high federal tax rates. In Congress, elimination of
678 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
estate taxes has become a recurring theme, and recent legislation provides for a
yearly reduction and elimination of some of these estate taxes by 2010 and a reinsti-
tuting of the taxes in 2011 unless Congress continues the elimination. The issue of
whether estate taxes are good taxes that should remain a permanent source of gov-
ernment revenue is a political issue, not a legal one, and the ultimate resolution is
anybody’s guess. The complexity of the political fallout is, however, a legal and
financial issue.
In 1913, the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established the
modern income tax. Until “… 1916, the United States did not make regular use of
death and gift taxes. The federal government turned to them only in time of ex-
traordinary revenue demands, such as wartime, although individual states used
them extensively.”2 Many of the legal methods used in estate planning discussed in
this chapter existed in the late nineteenth century, but many did not. There were
no living wills, medical directives, A and B trusts for tax planning, or “Avoid Pro-
bate” seminars and self-help books. And to advocate legally assisted suicide would
itself have been suicidal. Property that might be transferred in the year 2009 will
include such items as a computer, automobile, airplane, Microsoft common stock,
high-definition television set, DVD collection, iPod, vacation-share condominium,
and cryo-freeze container complete with instructions. These gifts will not be found
if you search the probate records of early 1900 wills. Instead, you will find horses,
wagons, guns, family Bibles, books, tools, and (if lucky) the family farm. An attor-
ney at the beginning of the last century needed to ask clients the names of all of
their children born of any marriage or born outside of marriage (the last part asked
with great delicacy). An attorney today must now ask clients about frozen eggs and
sperm when trying to establish potential heirs and estate claims. What will the at-
torneys of the year 2110 need to ask?
estate planning
The process of arranging Estate planning is an ongoing analysis of what a person owns or expects to own (as-
a person’s property and sets), and what he or she owes to others (liabilities). It involves short-range tactics and
estate, taking into ac- long-range strategies to maximize benefits for the individual and the estate (and de-
count the laws of wills, pendents) while still alive, and for the heirs and other beneficiaries who will own the
taxes, insurance, prop- estate after the individual’s death. As personal income and expenses change, and as
erty, and trusts so as to
needs and wants also change over the years, the estate plans must change as well, or
gain maximum benefit of
they can cause more harm than good. For example, estate plans typically must be ad-
all laws while carrying
out the person’s wishes
justed following a divorce, the birth of a child, the receipt of a substantial inheritance,
for use of the property or changes in the number and circumstances of intended beneficiaries. An estate plan
during his or her lifetime may involve continuing education, investing, saving for major purchases, borrowing
and disposition of the for such things as a residence, and providing for retirement.
property upon his or her Estate plans usually include the following four major objectives:
• To provide for the financial needs of the planner while alive. If married,
the financial needs of the spouse and other dependents are also an important
death tax concern.
Taxes imposed on the es-
• To reflect the desires of the planner. That is, the plan should provide ap-
tate of the decedent
propriately for beneficiaries who are thought to be deserving, and possibly
(that is, an estate tax on
the privilege of giving)
charities, while excluding potential beneficiaries who are deemed undeserving
and on the gifts received or not in need.
by the donee(s) (that is, • To minimize or legitimately avoid taxes. Taxes include (a) income taxes
an inheritance tax on the payable both during life and after the planner’s death, and (b) estate and inher-
privilege of receiving). itance taxes (death taxes) payable after the planner’s death.
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 679
• To minimize or avoid the delays, costs, and publicity of probate. Probate probate
is the process of proving the validity of a will in court, coupled with the ability The process of proving
to monitor the administration of the decedent’s estate. the validity of a will in
court, coupled with the
Even for persons of modest wealth and income, the importance and value of proper related matter of admin-
estate planning cannot be overstated. All aspects of such planning have legal conse- istering the decedent’s
quences, but our focus is on the transfer of property to others before or after death, estate.
and on trusts and wills as they relate to probate.
AVOID? links to estate planning
topics on the Internet can
At least until 2010, the federal government imposes a death tax or estate tax on the be found at
total net assets of a person at death. Thus, it is a levy on the giving of property to
others after death. A declining number of states also levy death taxes.3 A few state rppt/public/
governments impose these death taxes as a transfer tax on the estate on the property
transferred at death. More states impose an inheritance tax upon the receiving of
property from the estate of a decedent. The individual who inherits the property estate tax
pays state inheritance tax. Inheritance and estate taxes together are called death A tax imposed by the fed-
taxes, as mentioned earlier. eral government and
Most modest estates are distributed free of federal tax. Large estates are heavily some states on the privi-
taxed, although appropriate estate planning can reduce and even eliminate this bur- lege of giving property to
den. The tax rate after deduction of an estate tax exemption is 45 percent before another person after
elimination in 2010. (See Exhibit 14.1 for estate tax exemptions by year.) Techni- death of the donor.
cally, the law requires that Congress revisit the topic because, although the tax is to
be eliminated in 2010, without a new law it will reinstate with a higher tax in 2011. inheritance tax
Wealthy persons avoid taxes (both income and estate) by making exempt gifts, by A tax imposed by most
utilizing trusts, and by making thoughtful wills. Wills and trusts are also used to di- states on the privilege of
receiving property from a
rect property to preferred persons, called beneficiaries. The most common type of
tax-reduction trusts are marital trusts and generation-skipping trusts; both are de-
scribed later in this chapter.
Tax laws clearly affect behavior. The government often encourages certain estate tax
conduct through enactment of particular tax laws (e.g., property tax and mortgage exemption
interest deductions encourage home ownership). Tax laws also stimulate the crea- A sum of money that can
tive energies of tax advisors, who seek ways to reduce tax burdens for their clients. be transferred without
tax implications. Once
Not all such tax-avoidance behaviors are desired by those who draft tax laws. The
that amount is exceeded,
result is that every few years tax laws are amended to encourage some social poli-
taxes are imposed on any
cies and to discourage others. It is an oft-repeated ritual of Congress. additional transferred
An example of a loophole (a legal method to avoid taxes that
was not planned by legislators) was the transfer of property to
children through an irrevocable but temporary trust called a Clifford Trust.
The transfer was irrevocable for at least 10 years, during which time the in-
come belonged to the child and was the child’s taxable income (at a much
lower rate). After 10 years, the property would return to the donor. The Tax
Reform Act of 1986 closed this loophole by taxing income from a Clifford
Trust to a child under 14 at the same rate as the donor would be taxed.
will, state statutes control the distribution of property. Generally, statutes prefer
descendants to ascendants. In other words, children or grandchildren, instead of
parents or grandparents, will inherit from the deceased. If there are any lineals
(grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, etc.), then collaterals (aunts, un-
cles, siblings, or cousins) will not inherit. If a person dies without any heirs whatso-
ever, not even distant cousins, the decedent’s assets escheat (transfer) to the state—
usually the state of the decedent’s permanent residence—to benefit the public in
A person who dies leaving a will is called a testator. The court responsible for testator
administering any legal problems surrounding a will is usually called a probate court (a) Person who makes a
and sometimes a surrogate or chancery court. A gift of real estate by will is a devise, valid will. (b) Person who
and a gift of personal property by will is a bequest or legacy. When someone dies, dies leaving a valid will.
a personal representative settles affairs of the estate. An executor is a personal rep-
resentative named in a will. An administrator is the personal representative ap- devise
pointed by the court for someone who dies without a will. An administrator may A gift of real property by
also be appointed if a person fails to name an executor in a will, or names an execu- will.
tor who lacks the capacity to serve, or writes a will that the court refuses to admit to
probate (because, for example, it was not properly witnessed). A will that is “admit- bequest or legacy
ted to probate” has been accepted by the court as the valid last will of the decedent. A gift of personal prop-
A will is a conditional document. Although valid when properly created, it has erty by will.
no immediate legal effect. It becomes operative at the testator’s death. Hence, the
will “speaks upon the author’s death.” Therefore, if the testator destroys it, or executor
writes a more recent will, the older will is automatically nullified. This conditional A person named by a tes-
feature makes a will a unique document, adding importance to proving its validity tator to dispose of her or
(a process called authentication) after the death of the testator. his estate after death as
directed in the will and in
compliance with law.
All baseball fans have heard of shoeless Joe Jackson, a player A person appointed by a
of extraordinary skill. He is probably best remembered for his court to supervise disposi-
alleged involvement in the Black Sox scandal of 1919 and subsequent ban- tion of the estate of a de-
ishment from baseball. His will named his wife, Katie, as his beneficiary and cedent who dies without
executor. Her will named charities as residual beneficiaries; after her death, leaving a valid will.
the charities sought declaration from the court that his signed and probated
will (thus, a rare and valuable collectible) be considered property of her es-
tate. The probate court denied the request, and the charities appealed. The http://
circuit court agreed with the probate court judge and concluded that origi-
nal wills, which are required by state law to be filed with the probate court, The text of Joe Jackson’s
constitute public records. “[T]he probate code neither intends nor provides will can be found at
that the deliverer of a will, even if a devisee under it, gain ownership in http://www.courttv.com/
the actual document.” The court instead recognized that the court itself is archive/legaldocs/newsmakers/
the place of “permanent retention of original documents from decedent wills/jackson.html
American Heart Association v. County of Greenville, 331 S.C. 498, 489 S.E.2d 921 (S.C., 1997).
To be valid, wills normally must strictly follow state statutory requirements regard-
ing both the right and the process of making a will. A will can serve other purposes
besides the distribution of property; it can recommend appointment of a guardian
for minor children or incapacitated adults, and it can nominate a personal represen-
tative to settle the legal affairs of the deceased. Indeed, a well-drafted will provides
many important advantages:
682 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
formal will What Is a Formal or Witnessed Will? The formal will is usually drafted by a law-
A typewritten or yer and is generally prepared on a computer, word processor, or typewriter. It must
computer-printed will be signed at the end (subscribed) by the testator. The subscription must be made in
executed in compliance the presence of witnesses, or in their presence the testator must acknowledge that
with law and signed or the will was previously made by him or her or under his or her direction. Most
acknowledged by the tes-
states require the following to create a valid formal will.
tator in the presence of
witnesses who also sign 1. The testator must have testamentary capacity. The testator must be of
the document. legal age and sound mind at the time the will is made. The legal age for execut-
ing a will varies, but in most states 18 is the minimum age. Thus, a will of a
21-year-old decedent, written when she was 16, is invalid.
The concept of “being of sound mind” refers to the testator’s ability to formulate
and understand his or her plan to distribute property, coupled with intent that the
will put into effect the distribution plan. Although the testator must be competent
when executing the will, illiteracy or physical or mental infirmity caused by old age
(such as senility) does not necessarily prevent the making of a valid will. Where
there is physical or mental infirmity, it is advisable to have a medical doctor as one
witness who can testify that the condition did not affect the soundness of the testa-
tor’s mind at the execution of the will.
Michael Taylor signed a new will three days before he died of
AIDS. The new will left most of his $3.5 million estate to a chari-
table trust for the decorative arts. The next largest gift was to his compan-
ion, who was to receive property worth about $400,000. His 87-year-old
mother challenged the will. What is the result?
A San Francisco superior court jury held that Taylor, in a weakened condition in
the final days of his illness, was subjected to undue influence by his companion. He
lacked the freedom of will necessary to express his true intent, and the will was de-
clared void.6
2. The will must be in writing. The writing itself can be informal as long as it
complies with statutory requirements. A will can be handwritten in crayon or
ink. It can be written on a sheet or scrap of paper, on a paper bag, or on a piece
of cloth. A will also can refer to a memorandum that, although not a will, con-
tains information necessary to carry out the will.
Fran O’Hehir’s will directed that a sum of money be divided
among a group of charities named in a memorandum that she
gave to Bob Meehum the same day she signed her will. Will the charities
benefit from O’Hehir’s bequest?
The list of charities is legally included or “incorporated by reference” into the will,
but only if it was sufficiently described when the will was signed. This practice is
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 685
not desirable and should be avoided because of the opportunities it presents for
error or even fraud.
3. The will must be signed by the testator. It is a fundamental requirement in
almost all jurisdictions that the testator’s signature appear at the end of the
will. Each state dictates what satisfies the legal rule as a legally sufficient signa-
ture. Initials, an “X” or other mark, and words like “Mom” have all been held
valid when shown that the testator intended them to be a signature.
4. A formal will must be witnessed. A will must be witnessed by at least two
witnesses (three in Vermont) or it is invalid. The number of witnesses, their
qualifications, and how a will should be witnessed are set out in state statutes. attestation
Most states require that a witness be disinterested—that is, not a beneficiary The act of witnessing the
under the will. There are no age requirements for witnesses, but they must be signing of a document
mentally competent. and thereafter signing, as
evidence that you have
The purpose of statutes that require witnesses is to verify that the testator actually witnessed it.
executed (signed) the will and had the required intent and capacity at that time. A
witness does not have to read the contents of the will. Typically, the testator and published
witnesses must all sign in the sight or the presence of one another. The act of wit- A legal rule of wills in
nessing the signing of a will and thereafter signing the will to that effect is called some states requiring a
attestation. declaration by the maker
of the will to the wit-
5. Sometimes a will must be published. A will is published by an oral declara- nesses that the document
tion by the maker to the witnesses that the document they are about to sign is they are about to sign is
his or her “last will and testament.” indeed his or her will.
Will formalities are strictly enforced by probate courts and provide added assur-
ance of validity. After all, the testator is dead when the will “speaks” and not able to statutory will
challenge fraudulent claims. If witnesses are also dead at that time and cannot sup- A form will authorized by
ply appropriate affidavits (sworn statements in writing), their handwriting on the state law with blanks to
will may be authenticated by other means. This complication is usually avoided be completed by the
through the use of witnesses who are younger than the testator.
One variation of a formal will is a statutory will, a standardized form of will
authorized by the state, with blanks to be completed by the testator. Statutory wills
were devised to provide for the simple and usual circumstances of persons who may
otherwise die intestate. States authorizing such wills commonly provide that no See the actual wills of fa-
changes to the preprinted form are permitted.* mous people on this Court
Wills can be complicated or simple. The will in Exhibit 14.2 is the actual com- TV Web site at
plete will of the former chief justice of the United States Warren E. Burger, now http://www.courttv.com/
deceased. Because of the size of his estate and the lack of planning and appropriate archive/legaldocs/
assignment of executor powers, his heirs undoubtedly lost substantial amounts of newsmakers/wills/
money to taxes and administrative costs. The irony of his lack of careful planning is
real and instructive.
holographic will
An unwitnessed will.
What Is a Holographic Will? An exception to the formal witnessed will exists in many States that allow such a
states. A holographic will is a type of self-prepared will written, signed, and dated will usually require it to
with a complete date, all entirely in the handwriting of the testator. About half the be written in longhand
states7 recognize this type of will, although the exact requirements often vary slightly. by the testator, signed,
and dated.
* The National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws approved a Uniform Statutory Will Act providing a simple will
statute that could be adopted by interested states. Six states adopted some part of the statutory will act including California
(Probate Code §6200 et seq.), Massachusetts (Mass. Gen. L. ch. 191B, §1 et seq.), Michigan (Comp. Laws Ann. §700.123c),
Maine (Rev. Stat. Ann. Tit. 18-A, §2-514), New Mexico (N.M. Stat. Ann. §45-2A-1), and Wisconsin (Stat. §853.50 et seq.). No
state has adopted the Uniform Statutory Will Act since the mid-1980s, and it appears the National Conference is no longer
actively promoting this uniform act.
686 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
I hereby make and declare the following to be my last will and testament.
3. I designate and appoint as executors of this will, Wade A. Burger and J. Michael Luttig.
IN WITNESS WEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand to this my Last Will and Testament this 9th day
of June, 1994.
/s/Warren E. Burger
We hereby certify that in our presence on the date written above WARREN E. BURGER signed the
foregoing instrument and declared it to be his Last Will and Testament and that at this request in his
presence and in the presence of each other we have signed our names below as witnesses.
If the will is appropriately witnessed and other formalities are observed, the document
is considered a formal will even though handwritten by the testator.
Dave Decker, married to Dora May Decker and father of one
child (female) named Dora June Decker, decided to make a
holographic will. He carefully wrote on a blank sheet of paper, “I give all
I own to Dora.” He signed and dated the paper. As an afterthought, he took
the document to his office and asked his friend, Arthur Bamish, to sign and
date his paper as a witness. Is the document a valid will?
No, the will is not valid in this particular case. In many states, a person may prepare
a valid holographic will without witnesses, in one’s own handwriting, signed and
dated by the testator. Even if Decker’s state is one of these, his will is nevertheless
invalid. Why? Decker’s wife and daughter were both named Dora. When he dies, the
probate court cannot be sure to whom he intended to leave his property. Conse-
quently, his will is void because of the uncertainty as to the identity of the beneficiary.
Such ambiguity invalidates a will.*
Dave Decker also failed to meet an additional requirement of some states: that he
declare to the witnesses that it is a will and specifically ask them to serve as witnesses.
Decker did not tell his witness, Bamish, that the document was his will, nor did he
sign, or acknowledge his signature, in Bamish’s presence. (Recall that witnesses must
sign in the presence of the testator. Some states also require that witnesses sign in the
presence of each other.)
* Once a will is invalidated, state laws substitute a statutory will for the testator, more formally called statutes of succession. Un-
der a state statutory will or law of succession, either the wife will inherit all the property, or both the wife and daughter will
share in Decker’s estate in a specified proportion depending on the nature of the state’s property law and the statutory will.
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 687
In most states that permit holographic wills, the requirements must be followed
precisely. A major criticism of holographic wills is the absence of witnesses. Probate
courts are concerned, among other things, with the possibility of forgery and undue
influence. As holographic wills are usually not witnessed, there is little protection
against forgery or undue influence. Probate judges have ruled many attempted ho-
lographic wills invalid because they were partially typed (thus not entirely in the
handwriting of the testator) or not dated.
A few states, including Colorado and California, have liberalized the require-
ments for a holographic will, allowing typed or printed provisions “… if the signa-
ture and the material provisions are in the handwriting of the testator.”9 Even
where holographic wills are legally acceptable, the wisdom of preparing one is ques-
tionable. Many people fail to express their intentions clearly. They also may fail to
take advantage of readily available techniques to minimize estate taxes and other
costs (such as appropriate executor powers and waiver of bond). A person who in-
sists on proceeding without professional legal assistance would be well-advised to
study one of the self-help books containing standard forms and provisions.
Shortly after Christine McCarthy and Stephen Kapcar married in
1972, Kapcar named McCarthy as beneficiary of an Aetna Life
Insurance Co. group life insurance policy. Within a year of the marriage,
688 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
The admonition that people should seek legal counsel to prepare wills is not made
simply to make lawyers money. Any competent attorney would have asked ques-
tions about Kapcar’s assets, including life insurance policies, and Kapcar would
have been directed to change the beneficiary according to his wishes. The predict-
able result in this case was that the self-prepared will was insufficient to change the
beneficiary in the life insurance policy, and the divorced wife got the proceeds in-
stead of the faithful father. “To hold that a change in beneficiary may be made by
testamentary disposition alone would open up a serious question as to payment of
life insurance policies. It is in the public interest that an insurance company may
pay a loss to the beneficiary designated in the policy as promptly after the death of
the insured as may reasonably be done. If there is uncertainty as to the beneficiary
upon the death of the insured, in all cases where the right to change the beneficiary
had been reserved there would always be a question as to whom the proceeds of the
insurance should be paid. If paid to the beneficiary, a will might later be probated
designating a different disposition of the fund, and it would be a risk that few com-
panies would be willing to take. …”11
Jason Fuller claimed that although he was found guilty of first-
degree murder, technically he did not kill his grandmother
because his girlfriend did. Can a beneficiary speed up a gift in a will by accel-
erating the testator’s death, or as Sam Spade would say it, “Can you do the
person in and still inherit”?
Estate of Walker v. Russell Eastern Star Home of Colorado, Inc., 847 P.2d 162 (Colorado, 1992).
Because a will is a document subject to change at the whim of the testator, it has
been the subject of much intrigue in fiction, and in life (or death). A potential heir
can be written out of a will any time the testator wishes. States have passed laws to
protect individuals from impatient and evil beneficiaries. For example, anyone con-
victed of a crime that caused the death of a testator cannot receive benefits under
the will. Fuller’s claim was based on the misplaced hope that the court would nar-
rowly construe a so-called “slayer statute.”12 “We conclude that the term ‘kills’ as
used in [the statute] refers to a person who causes the death of another by bringing
about that effect.”
Probate court is the place of proving the validity of a will. It is also where wills
are challenged or contested. The usual grounds for challenging a will are:
• The testator lacked capacity.
• The testator was subject to undue influence.
• The will was not properly executed.
• Someone defrauded the testator into executing this particular will.
690 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
J. Seward Johnson died in 1983 from prostate cancer, leaving
his entire estate to his wife of 12 years, Barbara Piasecka
Johnson. Mrs. Johnson had worked as a chambermaid and cook at the
Johnson mansion before their marriage. Mr. Johnson’s six children by a prior
marriage contested the will, claiming that their father had been the victim
of undue influence by his wife and had been “terrorized” into signing the
will just before his death. The estate valuation exceeded $500 million. Did
the children succeed in their will contest?
After a four-month legal battle in New York’s surrogate court, the parties reached
an out-of-court settlement. Mrs. Johnson received $350 million, and the remainder
was divided between the children and a charitable oceanographic research founda-
tion that had been founded by the testator in 1971.13
Will-signing ceremonies are sometimes video recorded to show that the ritual
prescribed by law was correctly followed. Such records also provide evidence as to
the demeanor (behavior and possibly competence) of the testator and have been
used effectively to defend challenges to the validity of wills.
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 691
Freddie Allen dies intestate and is survived by his wife, Della,
and his children, Duane and Tara. Allen’s property passes ac-
cording to intestacy laws. After Allen’s outstanding debts are paid, his
widow will ordinarily receive one-third to one-half interest in the property;
Duane and Tara will receive equal shares of the remainder.
State distribution laws specify the order in which heirs of an intestate have claims
against the estate. When there is no surviving spouse or child, then the grandchildren,
brothers and sisters, and, in some states, parents of the decedent follow in that se-
quence to receive the entire estate.
Because state laws differ so widely, few generalizations can be made about the
laws of descent and distribution. It is necessary to refer to the exact terms of the ap-
plicable statutes to answer questions about intestate distribution in any given state.
Exhibit 14.3 shows a typical pattern of intestate distribution of property (in this
case, in Indiana).
What Is Probate?
Probate is a court proceeding where wills are proved to be valid or invalid and
where estates of decedents are administered and ultimately properly distributed.
Probate serves several useful purposes. It provides an opportunity for unsecured
creditors of the decedent to submit claims for payment from the estate. If they fail http://
to submit a claim, they risk having their debts canceled, with no future claims Read about probate in
against the beneficiaries of the estate. Secured debts (i.e., a note secured by a testa- Texas at the Web site of
tor’s real property) remain secured; thus, any beneficiary who receives the property the Texas law firm of
receives it subject to the security interest held by the creditor. Dainne Reis at
Death taxes if owed are also normally paid as part of the probate process. If the http://www
court finds a valid will, the net assets (after all debts and liabilities of the decedent .willsandprobate.com/
are paid) are distributed to named beneficiaries. If there is no valid will, the probate
692 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
No relatives¶
*Limitations exist for a childless spouse when children by the dependent’s prior marriage survive.
Descendants of a deceased take the deceased person’s share.
Assumes both parents are living and there are two or more siblings. Each parent takes as a sibling but receives at least one-fourth interest. For example, one parent and one
sibling each would receive one-half share. If there are one parent and six siblings, the parent would get one-fourth and the six siblings would divide the remaining three-
fourths share.
All property to aunts and uncles. If an aunt or uncle is deceased but leaves a surviving child, the child or children receives the aunt or uncle’s share.
All property goes (escheats) to the state.
Source: Indiana code §29-1-2-1.
court will accomplish similar tasks by complying with the state’s law of intestate
succession. Probate laws vary from state to state, although some states have adopted
the Uniform Probate Code. Note that applicable death taxes are payable whether
or not there is a probate proceeding.
In some states, statutory maximum fees are higher than California; in other states,
they are lower. The amount of the lawyer’s fee is negotiable, and an executor may
reach an agreement in which the attorney agrees to accept a fee less than the statu-
tory amount. However, the statutory fee is typically the amount paid. Costs of ap-
praisal, tax returns, and property management are extra. If unusual or extraordinary
services are provided, such as defense against a claim that the will is invalid, a court
will usually allow a higher fee. If a state does not provide a statutory fee, the usual
practice is for the attorney to bill by the hour.
Many states have laws that allow distribution of assets without probate pro-
ceedings. Less formal methods of transferring title are used for estates with small
property values. In some states, for example, merely filling out standard forms can
transfer savings and checking accounts, title to cars, and certain other property.
And summary proceedings are often available when there is only one heir, notably
a spouse. All states but Texas and Louisiana provide for a Transfer on Death
(TOD) of securities free of probate under the Uniform Transfer-On-Death Secu-
rity Registration Act. The securities need to be held in an account that provides for
this type of transfer, and the specific details must be carefully planned. Many other
states authorize Pay on Death (PODs), which allow bank accounts, government
bonds, individual retirement accounts, and cars to name a beneficiary on their cer-
tificate of title, allowing the property to bypass probate. With TODs or PODs, the
beneficiary has no rights as long as the donor is alive. The donor is free to sell or
give away the property, or name someone else as the beneficiary. TODs and PODs
are similar as they both involve property in which proof of ownership exists in
some sort of certificate of title; the primary difference is that the TOD involves se-
curities and a POD other types of personal property.
Two sections of the Alaska TOD statute are:
AS §13.33.307 Ownership On Death of Owner: On death of a sole owner
or the last to die of all multiple owners, ownership of securities registered in
694 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
family settlement A majority of states provide for family settlement agreements—private agree-
agreement ments among the beneficiaries. Once a will is admitted to probate, the family mem-
A law of probate in some bers can agree to settle among themselves the distribution of the decedent’s assets.
states allowing family However, a court order is still needed to protect the estate from possible future
members to agree to set- claims of creditors and to clear title to estate assets.
tle among themselves the The use of summary procedures in estate administration saves time and money.
distribution of a dece- The expenses of a personal representative’s commission, attorneys’ fees, and ap-
dent’s assets.
praisers’ fees can thus be eliminated or at least minimized.
Some persons with larger estates (not eligible for summary procedures) none-
theless try to avoid probate and its related costs. With proper estate planning, the
size of the probate estate may be substantially reduced. The following are types of
property transfers that bypass probate:
• Undivided interests in property owned by the decedent in joint tenancy (or
tenancy by the entireties) goes to the survivor(s) without probate under the
right of survivorship (see Chapter 12).
• In community property states, only one-half of the community property will
go through probate, since the surviving spouse already owns the other half.
• Life insurance proceeds are paid directly to beneficiaries, unless the estate is
named as the beneficiary (e.g., to provide cash for payment of death taxes, thus
avoiding forced liquidation of other assets, such as equity in a business).
• Certain U.S. government bonds are paid directly to the person listed on the
front of the bond as POD (“paid on death”).
• Property previously transferred to an inter vivos trust (discussed later in the
chapter) is not probated.
Not all of these methods are suitable for every estate, but they are alternatives to
probate administration.
ciary in his uncle’s will and was to receive 500 shares of Berkshire Hathaway
Inc. class A common stock. The bad news (or so he regarded it): He was
named executor of his uncle’s will. Should he accept the appointment?
Baseball Hall of Famer Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox died
in July 2002. Immediately after his death, all tributes to his skills
were replaced by a story about his body being stored in a chamber of liquid
nitrogen (cryonics).* Apparently, Williams had been frozen at the request of
his son, John Henry, and his daughter Claudia. His other daughter, Bobby-Jo,
was reportedly appalled, claiming that his will and professed wishes called
for cremation. Probate is where the final decision will be made, but the ex-
ecutor of his will makes the initial call. Once a body is cremated, cryonics no
longer matters even to the most optimistic futurist. One article quoted
friend Bob Breitbard as saying, “Ted was an American icon. It’s terrible, this
talk. You don’t put an icon on ice.”16
The duties of an executor are important and generally include the following. Note
that many of these services are provided by the lawyer employed by the executor to
assist with administration of the estate.
1. Comply with decedent’s special instructions for funeral and burial
2. Locate witnesses to the will
3. Notify heirs (i.e., persons who would get the estate if there were no will) and
beneficiaries named in the will, preferably meeting with them, if convenient
* “Cryonics is basically the science of turning us humans into popsicles upon our death with the hope of reviving us in the future
and restoring us to our former, healthy selves again. Just after death, ‘patients’ who elect to take a shot at immortality are
stored in a chamber of liquid nitrogen to prevent further physical decay.” Adam Thierer, “Could Ted Williams Hit .400 Again in
the Future?” TechCentralStation, 12 July 2002. The remains of Ted William remain in cryonic preservation at the Alcor Life Exten-
sion Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona. The decision was ultimately not made by the probate court as the daughter who objected
to the deposition of the corpse withdrew her objection before the probate court hearing. Richard Sandomir, “BASEBALL; Wil-
liams Children Agree to Keep Their Father Frozen,” New York Times, 21 December 2002.
696 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
form codes that are not adopted in a majority of states often influence state law in
nonadopting states.
living will
A document, usually au-
that directs any attending
The population of the United States is aging primarily thanks to some remarkable physician to comply with
advances in medical practice and pharmacology as well as diet. Increases in the the wishes of the drafter
number of aged persons influences social, political, and economic policy and re- regarding the use of life-
lated law. There has been a growing acceptance of a document called a living will, support systems in the
treatment of a terminal
which allows an individual to instruct his or her family, and medical personnel,
about the medical procedures to follow—or more particularly, to abstain from—
under specified circumstances.
advance medical
directives (AMD)
LEGAL FOCUS–CASE Instructions prepared
in advance of a life-
Twenty-five-year-old Nancy Cruzan lapsed into a permanent threatening condition as
coma after an automobile accident. Five years after the acci- to what care should be
dent, Nancy’s parents sought a court order to remove a feeding tube from given or not given in the
Cruzan, who had been existing in a vegetative state since the accident. With- event of incapacitation.
out medical assistance, Cruzan would die. Were her parents able to get the
order from the court? incapacity
Cruzan by Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, 497 U.S. 261, 110 S.Ct. 2841 (1990). Lack of legal capacity to
make important decisions.
After several years of court battles, a Missouri circuit court in 1987 granted Nancy directive to
Cruzan’s parents’ wishes and the feeding tubes were removed. Twelve days after physicians
the court order, Cruzan died. Among the reasons for the long court battle was the A signed document com-
absence of any written evidence as to what Cruzan’s desires might be. A living will municating the signer’s
would have provided the written evidence that her parents lacked. wishes regarding the use
All states now have passed statutes providing for advance medical directives of life-support systems in
the treatment of a termi-
(AMD), instructions to others about the care they wish, or do not wish, to receive
nal illness.
if they become terminally ill or incapacitated. Incapacity is the lack of legal capac-
ity to make important decisions. It can result from a serious illness, an accident
causing a coma, or even old age if coupled with Alzheimer’s disease. The most SEARCH ENGINE
common AMD is the living will. http://
The term living will is misleading because a living will has nothing to do with
Search for state-specific ad-
the transfer of property after death. A less confusing term used in many states is di-
vance directives using the
rective to physicians, which in most states has an identical meaning. A related di- key words: specific—
rective is the durable power of attorney for healthcare, discussed later. Whatever states—advance—directives.
the name, it is a document directed to physicians to consider the ill or injured per-
son’s wishes regarding the use of life-support systems. All states provide for living
wills, but the requirements vary. (A living will should not be confused with a living http://
trust, which is discussed later in the chapter.) A reference to state-specific
Some living will statutes require that the living will be created after a patient advance directives can be
has learned of a terminal illness but not before. This type of living will obviously found at Caring Connec-
would not have assisted Cruzan’s parents, because her condition occurred without tions at
notice or time to plan. Also, Cruzan was not just permanently ill; she was brain
dead in a permanent coma. i4a/pages/Index.cfm?
Living wills must be witnessed by two or more disinterested (meaning free pageid=3425
from any selfish motive or interest) persons and prepared using a specific format or
698 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
form. If a form is legally invalid in execution, it may still be used in court to show
the desires of the ill person if he or she is unable to testify.
durable power of A durable power of attorney for healthcare is a more flexible document
attorney for than the living will. It authorizes another person to make healthcare decisions for a
healthcare person who is incapacitated. It is one type of power of attorney. A power of attor-
A document authorizing ney is a common legal document allowing the creator, a principal, to empower an-
another person to make other (agent) to act on his or her behalf, usually in regard to financial and property
healthcare (and some- decisions. These documents can authorize another to perform any act that the
times other) decisions for principal could otherwise do. They also can be limited in scope to authorize speci-
a person even after fied and limited acts, such as selling specific shares of stock. Note that the person
he/she has become nominated is known as the attorney-in-fact, and he or she need not be and usually is
not an attorney-at-law. (The term attorney literally means “representative.”) An or-
dinary power of attorney ends with the incapacity or death of the person giving the
power of attorney power; it automatically terminates at that point. The powers granted by a durable
A document authorizing power of attorney, however, do not end with the incapacitation of its creator.
another person to act as
A durable power of attorney can be created in some states to authorize financial
one’s agent. A general
decisions, as well as healthcare decisions, but here we are discussing the durable
power of attorney
authorizes the agent
power of attorney for healthcare, a phrase describing a document that limits the attorney-
(called the attorney-in-
in-fact to healthcare decisions. Such durable powers of attorney are often created to
fact) to do all acts not be “springing” documents, written so as to provide power to the designated represen-
prohibited by law for an- tative only upon the occurrence of a healthcare crisis. In other words, the power is
other (called the given to the attorney-in-fact only upon the occurrence of certain specified events or
principal). conditions.
In any form, a durable power of attorney gives the attorney-in-fact, usually a
close relative or friend, the power to make healthcare decisions for a person who
becomes incapacitated through serious illness, accident, or any other means. The
decisions authorized include life-and-death decisions such as whether to order the
withdrawal of life-support systems for the incapacitated party. The durable power
is not necessarily restricted to life-and-death health decisions, however. For exam-
ple, if a person who is incapacitated needs elective surgery, the durable power of at-
torney may allow the designated person to approve of the surgery.
A durable power of attorney for healthcare typically requires the signature of
at least one disinterested witness and must contain exact, approved statutory lan-
guage. Often, the signature of the creator of the power must be attested and certi-
fied by a notary public.*
As with a living will, a durable power of attorney can be revoked by the princi-
pal creator at any time before incapacity. Note that the durable power of attorney
differs from the living will in two important ways: (1) it can be created at any
time—one need not be terminally ill—and (2) it delegates very extensive and criti-
cal decision-making powers to another person. Therefore, that person should be
selected carefully. While these documents are well-advised and useful, they should
be created with great care and thoughtful consideration.
* As law in this area varies from state to state, specific state statutes must be consulted before creating either a living will or dura-
ble power of attorney. Considerable thought need also be given to the selection of the attorney-in-fact. He or she should be
someone you trust implicitly and who knows and is willing to abide by your wishes in trying times. In both the living will and ei-
ther type of durable power of attorney, the instructions can be as detailed for the attorney-in-fact as one might wish, including
exactly what to do in a variety of circumstances.
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 699
Mabel Bradshaw was elderly and concerned about being able
to handle her affairs in the future. She wished to grant a power
of attorney to her daughter Ann, who could then manage her property and
make decisions about her medical care if she, Bradshaw, became incapaci-
tated. Would you advise Bradshaw to create a power of attorney or a dura-
ble power of attorney?
A petition to remove the life-support system for George Vogel
was accompanied by this affidavit of Dr. Jonathan Sumner:
“George Vogel suffered a major stroke that has left him in a vegetative
state. He can move, but has no awareness; he further has no intellectual
function. He is being kept alive solely by the use of a gastric tube through his
nose in which material, in the consistency of eggnog, is fed into his body.
George Vogel is not aware of his surroundings, nor is there any possibility
that he will ever be in any other state other than the vegetative state that
he presently suffers.” Testimony was also offered by his sister-in-law that
Vogel, prior to his recent illness, had said “he did not wish to be kept alive
by having tubes inserted into his body and that he would not wish to be
kept alive solely by artificial means.” A nonphysician guardian appointed by
the court opposed the petition, stating that Vogel was neither brain dead
(“his brain stem is operative”) nor terminally ill. Vogel had not prepared any
advance directive and he was not otherwise terminally ill. What was the
order of the court?
Vogel v. Forman, 134 Misc.2d 395, 512 N.Y.S.2d 622 (New York, 1986).
The court denied the petition, stating, “A distinction must be drawn between those
who are unable to care for themselves due to infirmities of illness, age or other SEARCH ENGINE
physical disabilities and those who are brain-dead or terminally ill, without hope of
recovery and are being kept alive solely by use of artificial means made available by
the techniques of modern medicine and technology. [I]t is a function of humanity To read about a more
recent controversy concern-
to care for those who are unable to care for themselves by reason of illness, age or
ing personal, legal, and
infirmities.” Clearly, the legal response to Vogel’s condition would have been dif-
political battles over the
ferent had he prepared an appropriate advance directive.
right to die versus right to
In 1991, the federal Patient Self-Determination Act became a law. It requires live, read about the hus-
that, before being admitted to certain healthcare facilities participating in Medicare band and parents and the
or Medicaid (including hospitals), patients must be informed of the right to execute wife and daughter Terri
advance directives and have an opportunity to inform the healthcare facility of their Schiavo. Use key words:
wishes regarding heroic measures to sustain life.17 Terri—Schiavo.
700 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
States are establishing, and liberalizing, their statutes involving living wills and
durable powers of attorney to allow persons greater flexibility.* Issues involving
death are understandably difficult and sensitive, creating disagreements among
those with different values. Requirements for the creation and use of the document
will undoubtedly continue to vary until a greater consensus emerges as to the proper
way to deal with issues of natural death.
suicide The issue of whether suicide (the taking of one’s own life) is morally correct is one
The intentional killing of of many issues upon which Americans lack consensus. Most religions and certain
oneself. legal rules generally label it a wrongful act. Currently, no state in the United States
explicitly condones suicide; and only one state, Oregon, provides for legalized as-
Death with sisted suicide. Oregon voters narrowly passed the Oregon Death with Dignity Act
Dignity Act in 1994.18 The act has been challenged by various groups since its passage.
A state statute that al-
lows competent, termi-
nally ill adult patients to
obtain a physician’s pre-
scription for drugs to end
their life.
* Together, living will statutes and durable powers of attorney are often part of a “Natural Death Act” or “Rights of Terminally Ill”
statute. Some states provide that family members or close friends can make medical decisions for incompetent patients who
have not provided advance directives. Also, approximately 20 states provide for nonhospital do-not-resuscitate orders. The typi-
cal DNR order is written on an official form provided by the state department of health. Upon presentation to a paramedic, emer-
gency room technician, or any other health professional, all resuscitation efforts must be stopped.
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 701
In 2001, former U.S. Attorney General (AG) John Ashcroft
issued a federal order prohibiting the use of controlled sub-
stances under the Oregon Death with Dignity Act. Controlled substances
were used by doctors to assist patients in hastening their death, so the order
made the behavior illegal and seriously undermined the Oregon Death with
Dignity Act. The AG order was challenged, and in 2006, the U.S. Supreme
Court decided the AG had exceeded his authority. The majority opinion by
Justice Kennedy held “If the Attorney General’s argument were correct, his
power to deregister necessarily would include the greater power to criminal-
ize even the actions of registered physicians, whenever they engage in con-
duct he deems illegitimate. This power to criminalize unlike his power over
registration, which must be exercised only after considering five express stat-
utory factors would be unrestrained. It would be anomalous for Congress
to have so painstakingly described the Attorney General’s limited authority
to deregister a single physician or schedule a single drug, but to have given
him, just by implication, authority to declare an entire class of activity out-
side the course of professional practice, and therefore a criminal violation of
the CSA. This … authority claimed by the Attorney General is both beyond
his expertise and incongruous with the statutory purposes and design.”
Gonzales v. Oregon, 546 U.S. 243, 126 S.Ct. 904 (2006).
At the time of this writing, the issue is far from resolved politically. No other state
has passed a Death with Dignity Act although such a law came close to passing in SEARCH ENGINE
Hawaii in 2002. http://
Euthanasia, also called mercy killing, is the affirmative act of bringing about
Read the Oregon Death
the immediate death of another, allegedly in a painless way; it is generally adminis-
with Dignity Act using
tered by one who thinks that the dying person wishes to die because of a terminal
the key words: Oregon—
or extremely painful disease. The advance directives discussed earlier provide that Death—Dignity—Act.
only extraordinary and heroic measures to resuscitate can be refused or continued.
Euthanasia involves an aggressive act of putting the patient to death perhaps with-
out his or her prior authorization, an act most likely to be treated as some form of http://
criminal homicide. The Oregon Death with Dignity statute is effectively a law le-
Visit the Web site of the
galizing euthanasia for the first time in the United States. A few other countries National Death with
such as the Netherlands provide for legal euthanasia. Dignity Center at
LEGAL FOCUS–CASE .deathwithdignity.org/
Washington law provides that “[a] person is guilty of promot-
ing a suicide attempt when he knowingly causes or aids an- euthanasia
other person to attempt suicide.” Such promotion is a felony punishable by The act of allowing one
up to five years’ imprisonment and up to a $10,000 fine. Four Washington to die by withholding
physicians who treat terminally ill patients, along with three gravely ill plain- extraordinary medical
tiffs (since deceased), sued the Washington state attorney general, claiming measures, or putting to
that Washington law has kept the physicians from assisting these patients in death by painless means
ending their lives. This legal barrier violated “a liberty interest protected by a person suffering from
the Fourteenth Amendment which extends to a personal choice by a men- an incurable disease or
tally competent, terminally ill adult to commit physician assisted suicide.” condition of an extremely
Was the claim successful? painful nature.
Washington et al. v. Glucksberg et al., 521 U.S. 702, 117 S.Ct. 2258 (1997).
702 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the plaintiffs’ arguments. The Court acknowl-
Natural Death edged the blurring of the issue given that Washington had in 1979 passed a Natural
Act Death Act allowing the “withholding or withdrawal of life sustaining treatment” at
A statute that allows a a patient’s direction and providing that such an act “shall not, for any purpose, con-
person with a terminal stitute a suicide.” In rejecting the physicians’ arguments, the Court recognized that
condition to request a “for over 700 years, the Anglo American common law tradition has punished or
physician to remove life otherwise disapproved of both suicide and assisting suicide.” “The history of the
support. law’s treatment of assisted suicide in this country has been and continues to be one
of the rejection of nearly all efforts to permit it.” “[We] conclude that the asserted
‘right’ to assistance in committing suicide is not a fundamental liberty interest pro-
tected by the Due Process Clause. Throughout the Nation, Americans are engaged
in an earnest and profound debate about the morality, legality, and practicality of
physician-assisted suicide. Our holding permits this debate to continue, as it should
in a democratic society.”19
One solution is the creation of a trust. This is done by transferring legal title to trust
property from the owner (called a settlor or sometimes called the trustor or donor) A legal relationship in
to another (called a trustee) to hold for the benefit of, and someday distribute to, which one party (called
the specified beneficiary. A trust becomes a separate legal entity, governed by its trustor, settlor, or donor)
trustee. Thus, the trustee is anyone who holds property for the benefit of another, transfers legal title in
property to a second
called the trust beneficiary. In the preceding situation, Marisa and Brandon would be
party (trustee) for the
the settlors, and Kathy and Tom would be the beneficiaries. The person or business
benefit of a third party
firm selected by Marisa and Brandon to manage the trust would be the trustee. (beneficiary or donee).
They could select themselves as co-trustees and name others as successor trustees
upon their deaths.
How property is to be distributed is determined by the settlor and stated in the
A person who establishes
trust document. The trustee receives possession and legal title to the property for a trust. A settlor is also
the duration of the trust, until it is distributed to the beneficiaries. Pending distri- called a trustor.
bution, the beneficiary owns the equitable title to the property, which is a beneficial
interest but without the right to possess or transfer the property. A trust can be cre-
ated for any legal purpose consistent with public policy. Its essential elements are as
A person who holds
follows: property in a trust for the
1. The settlor must be competent to create a trust. benefit of another, the
2. The settlor must intend to create a trust. beneficiary.
Legal Trustee
Title (First Bank of
(Kathy and
Equitable Tom)
A trustee is duty bound to manage the assets of the trust properly. The trustee
is accountable to the beneficiaries and must invest the property carefully. As a fidu-
ciary, the trustee may not personally profit from the trust, other than by the pay-
ment provided for services rendered. Payment for duties performed as a trustee is
obviously not considered a conflict of interest. Also, if the trustee is a beneficiary of
the trust, receiving benefits from the trust consistent with the trust terms does not
violate the duty of the trustee. Trustee duties are specified in state statutes, but they
are often modified or further explained by the trust document.
* These provisions create a type of spendthrift trust that is discussed on page 711.
706 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Don and Pat Lee have a gross estate of $900,000 and a net es-
tate (after payment of debts) of $800,000. They wish to avoid
probate expenses for whichever of them is the surviving spouse. Ultimately,
they wish to minimize shrinkage of estate assets for their only child, Kelly.
They decide to create a living trust. Will it accomplish their goals?
Yes. They create a living trust, transferring all or most of their property into the
trust. For example, if they own real property, their ownership interest is conveyed
by deed to the trust. Thereafter, the trust is legal owner of the real property. Other
property, stocks, bonds, and pension contracts are also transferred to them as trus-
tees of the trust.
The Lees name themselves co-trustees with the surviving spouse also named as
the successor trustee, anticipating the inevitability of death. (They might name ad-
ditional successor trustees as well.) They also name the beneficiary (or beneficia-
ries) who will receive distributions from the trust after the death of the settlors. At
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 707
the death of the first spouse, the property remains in the trust and the trust be-
comes irrevocable as to the decedent’s property. At the death of the second spouse,
the property is distributed to the named beneficiary (or beneficiaries) in compli-
ance with the terms of the trust.
Thus, the costs directly attributable to probate are not incurred. Deciding the
cost savings, however, can be tricky and misleading. In California, for example, fees
for an executor and an attorney to probate an estate with a gross value of $450,000
would be $24,000. (See the earlier discussion about probate fees.) However, the fee
savings are probably overstated. It is common and usual when the executor is the
heir for executor fees to be waived, and if all or most of the property is community,
and the spouse is the heir, he or she may elect an alternate procedure to probate,
which eliminates most of the fees. When the property is probated at the time of
Pat’s death (assuming that her gross estate now totals $900,000), the probate fees
would be $42,000. (An assumption is made that Pat has lived within her income
and the estate is larger because Pat received Don’s property.) It should be noted
that the executor might waive his or her executor fee, so again the probate costs are
probably overstated. If the property has been placed in the living trust, there are no
probate fees at either death. Alternatively, there are only minimal fees to transfer
the property to the surviving beneficiary (or beneficiaries). The total probate fee
savings, in California, thus could be as much as $66,000 ($24,000 + $42,000). Al-
though this example assumes a marital living trust, a living trust would also reduce
probate fees for the estate of a single person.
There are costs involved when creating the trust, when transferring title to the
property into the trust, when managing the trust, and when making its final distri-
butions. Attorney and certified public accountant (CPA) fees may be incurred at
every stage. In addition, probate fees are a deductible expense on the decedent’s fi-
nal income tax filing, and so the amount of savings by using the trust is somewhat
overstated. Other reductions in probate fees can be made through waiving execu-
tor’s fees (common occurrence) and negotiating attorney fees below the statutory
maximum. What the living trust does require is advance planning about fees that
may be triggered upon death.
As a special caution, living trusts are marketed in ways that can lead to abuse.
For example, the living trust is often sold in hotel seminars as a magic, painless way
to save money for one’s heirs. Sellers often overcharge for a form trust, failing to
spend sufficient time with the client determining whether a living trust makes sense
for that individual’s estate plan, to appropriately transfer property into the trust, to
provide for monitoring of the trust, and to arrange for how the settlors will have
their future questions about the trust answered. While a living trust may be a good
idea for some, it is not automatically a good idea for everyone. Unless you are a so-
phisticated investor and estate planner, you should obtain competent professional
advice about your particular situation.
Misinformation and misunderstanding about estate taxes and
the length or complexity of probate provide the perfect cover
for scam artists who have created an industry out of older people’s fears
that their estates could be eaten up by costs or that the distribution of their
assets could be delayed for years. Some unscrupulous businesses are adver-
tising seminars on living trusts or sending postcards inviting consumers to
call for in-home appointments to learn whether a living trust is right for
708 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
them. In these cases, it’s not uncommon for the salesperson to exaggerate
the benefits or the appropriateness of the living trust and claim—falsely—
that locally licensed lawyers will prepare the documents.
Other businesses are advertising living trust “kits:” consumers send
money for these do-it-yourself products, but receive nothing in return. Still
other businesses are using estate planning services to gain access to consu-
mers’ financial information and to sell them other financial products, such as
insurance annuities.
What’s a consumer to do? It’s true that for some people a living trust
http:// can be a useful and practical tool. But for others, it can be a waste of money
Read about living trust and time.
scams at the National
Excerpt from “Living Trust Offers: How to Make Sure They’re Trustworthy,” The Federal Trade Commission.22
Consumer Law Center
Web site at
.org/initiatives/seniors The simple living trust discussed here makes the most sense for unconditional gifts
_initiative/avoid_scam.shtml to family members. The trustee is expected to be the settlor. (In a marital living
trust, both spouses are joint trustees, with the surviving spouse being the successor
trustee.) The trustee’s duties are expected to be simple; the most important and
complex of these is the distribution of the property. But the trust must be kept cur-
rent, with title to property kept in the name of the trust. That can be an annoying
burden to some persons. Valuations that are a normal part of probate and are cer-
tain to occur are often forgotten in private trust administration. Failure to appraise
trust property and to obtain stepped-up valuations for assets can lead to significantly
higher income taxes for heirs when inherited assets are ultimately sold.
The following situations are among those that suggest extreme caution in the
creation of a living trust and necessitate the advice of an attorney.
• A minor child is among the beneficiaries. Special attention must be taken
for the care of the minor child, and property should remain subject to the trust
at least until the minor reaches majority.
• Long-term care of the settlors is contemplated (e.g., a senior center or
nursing home). This situation contemplates planning for the best and most ap-
propriate use of your assets to allow for maximum healthcare while preserving
property for your heirs.
• Long-term care of a beneficiary is contemplated (e.g., a developmentally
disabled child or a spouse who is mentally incapacitated). This situation con-
templates a more complex trust and significant long-term responsibilities.
• Conditional gifts to beneficiaries are contemplated (e.g., in the Lee case,
property to Kelly if she graduates from college). Conditional gifts create in-
creased responsibilities for the trustee. If the trustee has discretionary powers,
conflict between the beneficiary and the trustee is possible.
• The value of the estate is significant, and estate taxes are to be paid (e.g.,
a significant amount might be $2,500,000). Note that the estate tax exemption
continues to increase through the year 2009. Depending on whether the estate
is liquid (i.e., cash, stocks, and bonds) or not (i.e., real property, most partner-
ship interests, or a sole proprietorship business), determining and accumulat-
ing the money to pay the death taxes may complicate the duties of the trustee.
• You have or expect to have a substantial number of unsecured debts. One
of the advantages of probate is the provision for an orderly method of paying
debtors of the decedent—a living trust does not extinguish the debts of the
settlor. Creditors expect to be paid, and without probate, the process may be
awkward. Secured property (e.g., real property with a mortgage or an automobile
with a secured interest) will be transferred subject to its indebtedness. Unsecured
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 709
creditors have a claim against all property of the decedent. If the amount of debt
is small, there will be little difficulty; if debts are significant, then careful plans
should be made to pay them. Creditor claims complicate the trustee’s duties and
can cloud the title to property for intended beneficiaries for some time.
• You are in business and your personal trust assets are used from time to
time as security for business loans. Private lenders will inspect your trust The California Advocates
documents and may well require changes to be made to the trust terms. If you for Nursing Home Reform
later require additional financing, a second lender may also desire changes to (CANHR) Web site is not di-
rectly related to our text
the trust documents, which require approval of the first lender if it is willing.
discussion, but this impor-
In any case, it gets complicated and the settlor loses control of the terms of the
tant Web site for people
trust. This caution applies also to nonbusiness situations where you intend that with loved ones in nursing
trust property act as security for a loan. home care can be found at
None of these situations makes a living trust inappropriate. Indeed, the same or http://www.canhr.org/
similar problems arise when there is no trust. However, if they or other complica-
tions are likely, then how the estate planner wishes these complications to be ad-
dressed should be considered in deciding whether a trust is appropriate and, if so, SEARCH ENGINE
how it should be drafted.
A new area of practice is
Testamentary Trusts elder law, well represented
A trust created in a will is called a testamentary trust. Although it is created when at the Elder Law Section of
the will is made, the trust does not take effect until the settlor’s death. If the will the New York State Bar
setting up a testamentary trust is invalid, then the trust will also be invalid. The Association by using the
key words: elder—law—
property that was supposed to be in the trust will then pass according to intestacy
laws, not according to the terms of the trust. Since the property is part of the dece-
dent’s estate, a testamentary trust does not avoid estate taxes or probate fees, nor
provide the privacy of inter vivos trusts.
Marital Life Estate Trusts Trust created by a valid
Don and Pat may wish to reduce federal death taxes on their estate. The living trust will.
discussed earlier does not accomplish that goal. A marital life estate trust, also
called an A and B trust, can, however, significantly reduce death taxes to the ultimate marital life estate
benefit of the beneficiaries if it is created before the first spouse dies. In this trust, trust
once the first spouse dies, the surviving spouse receives a life interest in the property Reciprocal trust executed
and someone else (the designated beneficiary) has a remainder interest (the interest by a husband and wife
remaining after the life interest). An owner of a life interest can use the property for with the other spouse as
life, but cannot transfer it away by contract or will. At the death of the owner of the a life beneficiary. These
life interest, the owner of the remainder interest (usually a child or children) auto- trusts are also called A
and B trusts.
matically becomes the sole owner of the property. This trust, whether created inter vi-
vos or by will, does restrict the freedom of the surviving spouse to use the property as
he or she might wish. The person(s) owning the remainder interest is (are) therefore remainder
protected from diversion and unjustified dispersion of the trust property. interest
The effect of the trust is to reduce the size of the estate transferred upon the Any interest that is left
death of the second spouse. The net tax savings can be considerable. The larger the after another interest in
the property ends.
estate is, the larger the potential savings. There are, of course, additional costs of
creating and maintaining the trust and a loss of deductions on the decedent’s final
tax return. Actual predicted savings for an individual should be determined in con-
sultation with tax and estate planning advisors. The general admonition is to seek
competent legal and tax advice for any kind of trust, which has significant, and
sometimes undesirable, consequences to the settlors. Fortunately, such trusts are
usually revocable by either settlor before either dies. Thus, the trust can be revoked
or amended if circumstances or wishes change before either one of them dies.
710 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
She can create an inter vivos or testamentary trust, specifying that he shall receive
the income during his lifetime and that the trustee may use the principal, if neces-
sary, for his welfare. When he dies, the property will not appear in his estate, where
it would boost his estate tax. Instead, it will be distributed as prescribed in Amesbury’s
trust, perhaps to go to their children, or even held for their grandchildren. The effect
is the same as in the marital life estate trust, even if only one spouse creates the trust,
as long as the settlor spouse is the first to die.
The trust instrument could name charities or other beneficiaries selected by
H. Pauline Amesbury herself, or designated by Mr. Amesbury if he is given a power power of
of appointment—a designation in a will or trust giving him the power to decide appointment
who gets the money or property or to designate how the money or property will Authority given to a per-
be used. This useful estate-planning tool allows the trust to postpone deciding son (the donee) under a
which child or children or other beneficiaries receive what gifts. In these ways, a trust or will to designate
trust can frustrate would-be fortune hunters who prey on wealthy and unsophisti- or appoint the person(s)
cated beneficiaries. who shall receive speci-
fied assets after a speci-
Sometimes, trusts make sense when the beneficiary is ill, mentally retarded, or
fied event such as death
very old. Settlors may even create a trust naming themselves as the beneficiaries and
of the donee.
a bank or trust company as the trustees, to spare themselves the burden of managing
their estate. One may also create a trust and name it as beneficiary of insurance poli-
cies on one’s life. This arrangement is often preferable to allowing the insurance discretionary
proceeds to go as a lump sum to a beneficiary unequipped to handle such a sum. sprinkling and
A discretionary sprinkling and accumulation trust may be appropriate accumulation
when flexibility is vital to meet the changing needs of family-member beneficiaries.
The trustee is authorized to decide who among the designated beneficiaries is to A trust where the trustee
receive periodic payments of income, or principal, or both. Beneficiaries who need is authorized to decide
more can be given more; those who need less get less. To help the trustee distrib- who among the desig-
ute the trust funds, the trust specifies guidelines, which might include maintaining nated beneficiaries is to
a stated standard of living or comfort and general welfare for beneficiaries and al- receive periodic pay-
lowing special payment for educational or medical fees. Income not paid is accu- ments of income or prin-
mulated and ultimately distributed as part of the principal. cipal, and when.
A trust designed for the benefit of a segment of the public or of the public in
general is a charitable trust. It differs from a private trust in that the identities of charitable trust
the beneficiaries are uncertain. Usually, to be deemed a charitable trust, a trust A trust designed for the
must be created for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes. benefit of a segment of
A trust created to provide for the maintenance of a beneficiary by preventing the public or of the public
his or her improvidence with the bestowed funds is a spendthrift trust. Essen- in general.
tially, the beneficiary receives or is permitted to draw only a certain portion of the
total amount of which he or she is the beneficial owner. Most states permit spend- spendthrift trust
thrift trust provisions that prohibit creditors from taking possession of the assets of A trust created to provide
the trust before they are distributed to the beneficiaries. for the maintenance of
A special type of trust created when one person deposits money in a bank in his an improvident benefi-
ciary by limiting his or her
or her own name as a trustee for another is a Totten trust. This trust is tentative in
control of the corpus (the
that it is revocable at will until the depositor dies or completes the gift in his or her
principal of the trust) and
lifetime by some unequivocal act or declaration (for example, delivery of the funds to by barring access by
the intended beneficiary). If the depositor should die before the beneficiary dies and creditors.
if the depositor has not revoked the trust expressly or impliedly, a presumption arises
that an absolute trust has been created for the benefit of the beneficiary. At the death
Totten trust
of the depositor, the beneficiary obtains property rights to the balance on hand.
A trust for bank depos-
itors whereby they de-
the settlor’s own name as
Joint tenancy (or the similar tenancy by the entireties between spouses in some a trustee for another
states) is a form of ownership for two or more persons to hold real and personal person.
712 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
property (see Chapter 12). One of the most important aspects of joint tenancy is its
survivorship feature.
Al Brumley and Beth Alvarez own a house in joint tenancy. If
Alvarez dies, Brumley automatically becomes the sole owner of
the house immediately and without probate. Full title passes to Brumley
even if Alvarez left a will that attempted to give her interest in the house to
her mother, Sue Smith. Surviving joint tenants automatically receive the in-
terests of a deceased joint-tenancy owner. As Brumley’s interest is perfected
at the moment of Alvarez’s death, there is no interest left to convey by will.
Not unless there is more to the story. Peter White appears to be capable of han-
dling his own affairs, including his personal needs and financial resources. However,
if he were physically or mentally unable to handle his affairs (including the sail-
boat!), his son could petition the court to declare a conservatorship. A responsible conservatorship
person would be named the conservator, to manage the assets and personal affairs of A legal relationship cre-
the conservatee. The conservator will make periodic reports to the court showing the ated by a court to allow a
business and personal transactions that have occurred. Although the conservatee is person, the conservator,
without authority to handle his or her own affairs, he or she ordinarily can still to manage the assets and
personal affairs of an-
make, or modify, a last will. A conservatorship cannot and will not be declared sim-
other, the conservatee,
ply to stop an eccentric person from overspending and thereby dissipating his or her
who is not competent to
estate. manage his or her affairs.
An alternative procedure, called a guardianship, is available for those who, for
any reasons, are unable to care for themselves or their estates. Usually, a guardian-
ship is created to provide for a minor whose parents are dead, but an adult who is
A court-established ar-
infirm may be judicially declared incompetent and placed in a guardianship. The rangement whereby an
person subject to a guardianship is called a ward. The person in charge of the adult guardian is ap-
ward’s personal and financial affairs is called the guardian. pointed to take care of
Under a typical guardianship statute, in order to declare one a ward, proof the person and/or the
must show that the person is substantially unable to provide for his or her own per- estate of a minor.
sonal needs (food, clothing, shelter, medical care)—in other words, to manage his
or her finances. Isolated incidents of negligence or improvidence will not suffice as
evidence of substantial inability. The alleged incompetent has the right to appear at
the court hearing and to oppose the petition with the aid of counsel. A proposed
conservatee has similar rights, and either party may call for a jury trial if provided
by state law. If the petition is granted, the court monitors the activities of the per-
son in charge, requiring periodic reports. Both guardianships and conservatorships
are usually costly to the estate of the protected party.
2. Consider life insurance if appropriate for the needs of beneficiaries. (Be sure http://www.finance.cch
you understand the difference between term and ordinary life policies.) Select .com/text/c50s15d170.asp
a suitable settlement option for each policy.
3. Consider creation of trusts (inter vivos, or testamentary, or both). Consider
using a living trust to avoid probate and death taxes.
4. You (and your spouse, if married) should prepare a will specifying the recipi-
ents of all your possessions. Prepare a will even if you use a trust to avoid pro-
bate. Let your heirs celebrate if there is insufficient property to require probate
because you effectively and economically transferred your estate by other
5. Write a letter of or record your final instructions. Leave a version of
Exhibit 14.5 explaining where important records and assets are located.
714 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Insurance agent
Stock broker
Medical doctor
Date prepared
People to whom copies have been given
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 715
6. Consider donating your body organs at death and prepare appropriate docu-
ments. Make your intentions known to others (e.g., on a card in your wallet, as
such information should be immediately accessible).
7. Consider execution of a living will and/or a durable power of attorney to per-
mit implementation of your wishes if you become terminally ill or
8. Consider the transfer of certain assets into joint tenancy so that they will pass
to the surviving joint tenant, avoiding probate. If married and living in a com-
munity property state, consider holding your jointly owned property as com-
munity property.
9. Make tax-free inter vivos gifts to reduce the size of your estate and thus reduce
the level of income taxes and death taxes that will have to be paid upon your
death. A salutary side effect is to help the donees when they need the money
most and not years later when unpredictable destiny forces a distribution by
10. Review pension plans to determine how much retirement income you can ex-
pect from these sources, including Social Security.
11. Consider investments in annuities to supplement a fixed income expected from
pensions. Annuities can be created from the lump-sum proceeds of cash sur-
render values of life insurance policies.
12. Keep in mind the possible assistance obtainable from workers’ compensation
insurance and Social Security in case of accidental injury or death on the job,
and from unemployment insurance, in case of forced idleness.
13. If one of your major assets is a stock in a closely held corporation, prepare and
execute a buy-sell agreement coupled with qualified plans for deferred com-
pensation through profit-sharing or company pension plans.
14. If one of your major assets is an interest in a partnership, prepare and execute a
suitable buy-sell agreement and arrange for life insurance or some other means
of providing cash to fund the purchase.
15. If one of your major assets is a sole proprietorship, provide a funded plan that
will provide for the continuation of the company or a liquidation under favor-
able circumstances.
16. Review and update your plan anytime there is a change in your personal status,
or at least every few years. An outdated plan may be worse than no plan.
716 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
Court of Appeal, 51 Cal.App. 4th 564, 59 Cal.Rptr. 2d 272 (California, 1996)
Dorothy Southworth requested information from On the card, the decedent circled printed
the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) about its option (c) which states: “I am not taking action
lifetime pet care program. NSAL sent Dorothy the now, but my intention is [in the blank space
information, included a request that Dorothy return provided she wrote] My entire estate is to be
an enclosed pet care registration card, and told left to North Shore Animal League.”
Dorothy to contact her attorney about including a The donor card also included a printed
bequest to NSAL in her estate. Dorothy did not re- statement which reads, “The total amount that
turn the registration card to NSAL; however, after the animal shelter will someday receive is [she
additional correspondence she did return a donor wrote in the blank space] $500,000.” The card
card to NSAL. In a blank space following the then stated, “I would like the money used for:
printed words, “I am not taking action now, but my intention
is,” Dorothy wrote, “my entire estate is to be left to North Shore “Food and shelter for the animals
Adoption Fund to advertise for new owners
Animal League” and she signed and dated the donor card. On
Spaying and Neutering Program
January 14, 1994, Dorothy Southworth died without a will.
Unrestricted use[.]”
NSAL asked that the donor card be admitted to probate as a ho-
lographic will, and the trial court ruled in its favor, stating that Decedent placed an “x” next to the food and spaying op-
the card “substantially complies with all the Probate Code re- tions listed. She signed and dated the donor card.
quirements for a holographic will.” The intestate heirs, suppres- On May 10, 1989, NSAL sent a thank you letter to
sing their natural love for animals, appealed. decedent for “letting us know that you will remember the
GILBERT, Associate Justice North Shore Animal League in your will.” The letter re-
quested that decedent “have your attorney send us a copy
Decedent never married and had no children. On March
of your will[.]”
4, 1986, in response to decedent’s request for information,
The Neptune Society [where she had arranged for her
NSAL sent a letter to her describing its lifetime pet care
cremation] asked for additional information to complete
program and explaining how to register for it. NSAL asked
the death certificate, pursuant to amendments to the Pro-
that she return its enclosed pet care registration card, con-
bate Code. Decedent returned Neptune’s supplemental
tact her attorney to include her bequest to NSAL in her
form and stated that there are “[n]o living relatives” and to
estate and send a copy of the bequest to NSAL. NSAL in-
“[p]lease notify North Shore Animal League.” She included
formed her that “[e]ven if you don’t currently have a will,
NSAL’s address, telephone numbers and the name of the
we’ll accept your Registration on good faith and maintain
executive director of NSAL. She signed the supplemental
an Active file on your pet while you’re arranging the Be-
form and dated it October 20, 1989.
quest.” Decedent never returned the registration card to
On September 2, 1992, NSAL sent a letter to decedent
acknowledging that in March 1989 she wrote NSAL to
NSAL sent a donor card to the decedent. It stated:
state that she intended to take action leading to its be-
“Your newest gift to the North Shore Animal League will
coming one of the beneficiaries of her estate. NSAL re-
help get more homeless dogs and cats out of cages and into
quested a meeting with decedent, thanking her for her “kind
new homes.” The donor card thanked her “for your interest
thoughts and generous support.” She never responded to
in making a bequest to the League.” It explained that she
this request.
could change her life insurance policy or provide for animals
Jeanette Southworth, Jack Southworth, Michael Hulse
in her will by calling her attorney. It sought gifts and lega-
and Arthur Hulse assigned part of their alleged interests in
cies and asked her to complete and return the donor card.
the estate to [Francis V.] See. Jeanette and Jack are the sur-
On April 19, 1989, she returned the donor card to
viving half-siblings of decedent. Michael and Arthur Hulse
NSAL. [There had been other occasional contact in the inter-
are the children of another half-sister of decedent who pre-
vening 3 years.] The card provided three options: a. naming
deceased her.
NSAL as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, b. changing
The See contestants argued that the donor card should
one’s will to leave securities or cash to NSAL, or c. not taking
be denied admission into probate as a holographic will be-
immediate action, but stating her intentions.
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 717
cause not all of its material provisions are in the handwrit- The trial court denied probate because the testatrix
ing of the decedent and there is no showing of testamentary incorporated some of the printed language, even though it
intent at the time she signed the card. NSAL argued that concerned perfunctory procedural matters in the form will.
the donor card reflected decedent’s testamentary intent and Our Supreme Court reversed because “none of the incorpo-
satisfied the statutory requirements for a holographic will. rated material is either material to the substance of the will
The trial court concluded that decedent’s handwritten or essential to its validity as a testamentary disposition. …”
statement on the donor card that “[m]y entire estate is to (Estate of Black, 181 Cal.Rptr. 222.)
be left to North Shore Animal League” substantially com- The Black court explained that “[t]he policy of the law
plies with all the Probate Code requirements for a holo- is toward a construction favoring validity, in determining
graphic will. The court viewed the preprinted parts of the whether a will has been executed in conformity with statu-
donor card and the $500,000 sum written in to be immate- tory requirements.” Moreover, we affirmed ([in the] Estate
rial. The court interpreted the preprinted words stating of Baker) “the tendency of both the courts and the Legisla-
that “I am not taking action now, but my intention is …” ture … toward greater liberality in accepting a writing as
to mean that she did not want to immediately transfer her an holographic will. …” “Substantial compliance with the
funds to NSAL, but intended to bequeath them upon her statute, and not absolute precision is all that is required. …”
death. The trial court admitted the donor card to probate Courts are to use common sense in evaluating whether a
as the last will of the decedent. Jeanette and Jack South- document constitutes a holographic will.
worth, and Francis V. See, appeal from the judgment. The Black court recognized that “[i]f testators are to
be encouraged by a statute like ours to draw their own
Discussion wills, the courts should not adopt, upon purely technical
The facts are stipulated. “Where, as here, there is no con- reasoning, a construction which would result in invalidat-
flict in the evidence, the validity of the holographic instru- ing such wills in half the cases.” That sensible admonition
ment must be determined entirely by reference to the ap- is no less appropriate today. The law recognizes that such
plicable statutes and principles of law.” Interpretation of wills are generally made by people without legal training.
statutes is a question of law and our fundamental task is to The primary purpose of the statutory holographic will pro-
ascertain the intent of the Legislature. visions is to prevent fraud. Because counterfeiting another’s
Former Civil Code section 1277 stated that “[a] [h]olo- handwriting “is exceedingly difficult,” these statutes require
graphic will is one that is entirely written, dated and signed the material provisions of holographic wills to be in the tes-
by the hand of the testator himself. It is subject to no other tator’s handwriting.
form, … and need not be witnessed.” (Emphasis added.) Whether a document should be admitted to probate
Section 1277 was strictly construed. as a holographic will depends on proof of its authorship
In 1931, the Legislature reenacted former Civil Code and authenticity, and whether the words establish that it
section 1277 as section 53 of the Probate Code and added a was intended to be the author’s last will and testament at
third sentence “… No address, date or other matter written, the time she wrote it.
printed or stamped upon the document, which is not incor- Our high court explained that four questions are per-
porated in the provisions which are in the handwriting of tinent in evaluating whether a document should be invali-
the decedent, shall be considered as any part of the will.” dated as a holographic will due to printed language in the
In Estate of Black, the decedent wrote out her will on document: “Was the particular provision relevant to the
three identical, commercially-printed one-page will forms. substance of the will? Was it essential to the will’s valid-
In the blanks provided, she wrote her signature and place ity? Did the testator intend to incorporate the provision?
of domicile, and on the third page she inserted the name Would invalidation of the holograph defeat the testator’s
and gender of her executor, the date of the instrument and intent?”
the city and state where she executed it. She either struck Accordingly, in 1983, the year after our Supreme
out or ignored other printed language regarding residuary Court decided Black, our Legislature replaced Probate Code
gifts, the appointment of an executor, attesting witnesses section 53 with Probate Code section 6111. Section 6111
and a testimonium clause. provides, in pertinent part, that “(a) A will … is valid as a
“Using virtually all of the remaining space on each of holographic will, whether or not witnessed, if the signature
the three pages, testatrix expressed in her own handwriting and the material provisions are in the handwriting of the tes-
a detailed testamentary disposition of her estate, including tator.” In 1990, the Legislature added subdivision (c) which
specific devises and legacies to individuals and a charitable provides that “Any statement of testamentary intent con-
institution and a bequest of her residuary estate.” tained in a holographic will may be set forth either in the
718 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
testator’s own handwriting or as part of a commercially made before and after a holographic will is made and the
printed form will.” surrounding circumstances, evidence of present testamen-
There is no question that the handwriting on the doc- tary intent provided by the instrument at issue is para-
ument at issue is that of Dorothy Southworth, and that she mount.
signed and dated it. Unlike Black, however, the document Here, Southworth incorporated printed language stat-
is not a commercially-printed will form. It is a donor card ing that she was not taking any action when she executed
for a charity. It was not drafted to serve as a will. The card it. It does not establish her testamentary intent at the time
provides the option of informing NSAL that the donor she executed it. It only states her intention to make a will
has or intends to instruct one’s attorney to change his or in the future.
her will. The judgment is reversed. The parties are to bear
Furthermore, the printed language Southworth incor- their own costs.
porated from the donor card does not evince her present
testamentary intent. Instead of striking the material printed For Critical Analysis
words which state “I am not taking action now, but my in-
tention is,” she chose to incorporate those words with her 1. What were the appellate court’s reasons in holding
handwritten statement, “My entire estate is to be left to there was no valid holographic will? Do you agree
North Shore Animal League.” The material printed lan- with the court? Explain.
guage together with her handwriting evince a future intent; 2. What could NSAL have done, if anything, to increase
not present testamentary intent. its chances of inheriting from Ms. Southworth?
Although other extrinsic evidence, such as her letter 3. Identify the heirs who are claiming Ms. Southworth’s
to NSAL of September 4, 1987, and the supplemental estate and their relation to Ms. Southworth. Why had
Neptune form she signed on October 20, 1989, shows that Ms. Southworth told the Neptune Society she had no
Southworth desired to leave her estate to NSAL, neither “living relatives”?
the donor card at issue nor the handwriting on it substan- 4. Are the rules for holographic wills too technical? Ex-
tially complies with probate code requirements for holo- plain your answer. ❚❚
graphic wills. Although courts may consider statements
Although the United States Constitution does not ex- the act, “‘[t]erminal condition’ means the final stage of an
pressly provide a right to privacy, the United States Supreme incurable or irreversible medical condition which, in the
Court has recognized a right to privacy in the penumbra of opinion of the attending physician, will result in death.”
the Bill of Rights, specifically in the protection of the First, Dr. Robert Ruxin serves as Mrs. McConnell’s attending
Third, Fourth and Fifth amendments. “[T]he Court has rec- physician and he testified that he deemed her to be in a
ognized that a right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of terminal condition. While there was testimony to the con-
certain areas or zones of privacy, does exist under the Con- trary on this issue, the act places the responsibility for
stitution.” Justice Brandeis has referred to this right as “the reaching the conclusion with the attending physician, con-
right to be let alone—the most comprehensive of rights and templating a decision to discontinue treatment reached af-
the right most valued by civilized men.” Although the court ter consultation between the attending physician and the
has recently construed this right to privacy narrowly; it has family or next of kin, unimpeded by courts, other medical
held that personal rights that are “implicit in the concept of experts or ethicists.
ordered liberty”; or “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history Ruxin reached his conclusion after numerous exami-
and tradition” are included in this guarantee of personal pri- nations of Mrs. McConnell. He deemed her to be in an in-
vacy. The court has found that contraception, procreation, curable, irreversible, persistent vegetative state, a condition
marriage, and education implicate privacy rights. that ultimately will lead to her death. The trial court found
The right to refuse medical treatment has been specif- Ruxin’s testimony credible and we have discovered nothing
ically recognized as a subject of constitutional protection. in the trial transcripts to warrant disturbing this finding.
“This court has also long held that ‘[e]very human being of The Statute requires that the attending physician ob-
adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what tain the informed consent of the patient’s next of kin prior
shall be done with his own body. …’” Court after court has to removing a life support system. The fact that the rest of
recognized the existence of a right, in principle and in the McConnell family (husband John, daughters Kathleen
properly guarded circumstances, to the removal of medical and Amy, and son James), all over the age of majority, have
treatments that artificially prolong life. brought this action indicates that they consent to the re-
Many of the cases upholding a right of self-determination moval of the gastrostomy tube. Furthermore, the testi-
for terminally ill individuals have urged legislatures to en- mony of all four demonstrates positively that they reached
act guidelines for appropriate private decision-making in their decision out of love and concern for their mother and
these heart-rending dilemmas. When the legislature has at- wife and respect for her wishes. There is not a hint in the
tempted to respond to this urgent request for statutory as- trial court testimony of any ulterior motive on the part of
sistance, we have an obligation to pursue the applicability any of the plaintiffs.
of statutory criteria before resorting to an exploration of Finally, pursuant to the act, the attending physician
residual common law rights, if any such rights indeed re- must consider “the patient’s wishes as expressed by the pa-
main. We must therefore decide whether a reasonable tient directly, through his next of kin or legal guardian. …”
construction of our act ever permits the removal of a gas- The trial court found clear and convincing evidence that
trostomy tube. Mrs. McConnell had expressed “forcefully and without
Careful examination of our act discloses that the legis- wavering” that artificial means should not be employed to
lature approached the appropriate treatment for very sick prolong her life. We conclude that the trial court did not
patients by establishing three guiding principles. First, if a err in this finding.
patient, in the eyes of his or her attending physician, is not That Mrs. McConnell desired that her family not
in a terminal condition, “beneficial medical treatment and prolong her life should she ever suffer an injury that left
nutrition and hydration must be provided.” Second, if a her in a vegetative state could not have been clearer. She
patient, to the contrary, is deemed by his or her physician worked as a registered nurse in an emergency room, and
to be in a terminal condition, life sustaining technology therefore often saw the tragedy that befell those who suf-
may be removed, in the exercise of the physician’s best fered severe head injuries. The court heard testimony from
medical judgment, when that judgment has received the a co-worker, Marie Kornhaas, that Mrs. McConnell did
informed consent of the patient’s next of kin or guardian not believe in the use of respirators, feeding tubes or other
and when it coincides with the expressed wishes of the pa- life-sustaining systems, and that if she were ever placed on
tient. Third, even the removal of life sustaining technology such a system, she hoped that Kornhaas would do what she
must be done in a manner consistent with providing “com- could to stop it.
fort care and pain alleviation” for the patient. Under the The trial court heard testimony from all of Mrs. Mc-
act, the patient’s attending physician must deem “the pa- Connell’s immediate family that she was extremely con-
tient to be in a terminal condition.” For the purposes of cerned about head injuries, warning her children often
720 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
about the dangers of motorcycles and small cars. Her hus- agent,” set in motion with the intent of causing her own
band described her as having “a phobia about head injury.” death. In exercising her right of self-determination, Mrs. Mc-
She had also been adamant that her own mother, when Connell merely seeks to be free of extraordinary mechanical
dying of cancer, not be placed on any life support system. devices and to allow nature to take its course. Thus, death
Finally, each member of her immediate family testified ab- will be by natural causes underlying the disease, not by self-
solutely, without hesitation, that Mrs. McConnell did not inflicted injury.
believe in life support systems, including gastrostomy There is no error.
tubes, for herself, that she would want the tube removed In this opinion CALLAHAN, GLASS and COVELLO,
from her and that they sought to carry out her wishes. We J.J., concur.
therefore conclude that the record sustains those findings
of fact by the trial court that are required by the act to be For Critical Analysis
shown as a condition for the withdrawal of life support
systems. 1. Why did the state attorney general oppose the family’s
wishes? Was it appropriate that he do so?
III 2. What does this sentence mean? “The trial court held
In his brief, the Attorney General raises the specter of sui- that the plaintiffs were entitled to relief without re-
cide, claiming that the state has a compelling interest in gard to the act, which the court construed to be
preventing it and that to allow Mrs. McConnell to carry nonexclusive.”
out her wish to discontinue food and nutrition would be to 3. Do you agree with the doctor’s diagnosis that Mrs. Mc-
allow her to commit suicide. We are not persuaded that a Connell was in a “terminal condition”? Remember this
suicide would occur in this case. diagnosis was made before removal of the gastrostomy
It is well-established that the state may not base a tube—after removal it is clear she would be. How
criminal prosecution on the exercise of a constitutional would Mrs. McConnell’s situation be any more termi-
right. Because we hold that the legislature in enacting the nal than that of anyone else, including you?
Removal of Life Support Systems Act sought to establish a 4. Assume a person makes a conscious decision to stop
workable mechanism by which individuals may implement taking nutrition and hydration (eating and drinking).
their common law and constitutional rights, it follows that Is that suicide? Is it illegal? At some point, the person
by exercising these rights, the individual cannot become would become unconscious before death; would it be
criminally liable. wrongful to provide hydration and nutrition by a feed-
Furthermore, we agree with the majority of jurisdic- ing tube against the person’s wishes? If it were ad-
tions that have addressed this issue in holding that the re- ministered, could the person demand removal upon
moval of a gastrostomy tube is not the “death producing regaining consciousness? ❚❚
Chapter 14 >>> Wills, Trusts, and Probate 721
3. Mary Dorsett was convinced that making a will was 9. First Virginia Bank of Tidewater was the trustee of a
tantamount to writing one’s own death warrant. Even testamentary marital trust. In the course of the bank’s
after she married and had given birth to the twins, service as trustee, it invested $40,000 in real estate in-
she did nothing to ensure the economical transfer of vestment trusts (REIT). The investment became
her estate to her family after her death. She was a worthless. The beneficiaries of the trust brought suit,
hard-working dentist and had acquired an estate of complaining that the bank had violated the Virginia
$1,500,000 by age 30. Then she suddenly died of a statutory “prudent man rule,” which guided trustees
heart attack. Under the state’s law of intestacy, her in careful investment of trust assets. The bank de-
husband received one-third of her separate property fended, alleging the settlor had granted the bank
and the twins, age 5, shared the balance equally. What broad discretion, obviating the “prudent man rule.”
expenses and burdens might she have avoided for her Language in the will authorized real estate invest-
widower? ments and to hold or sell investments “… without lia-
bility on the part of any fiduciary for depreciation in
4. Richard Kalfus murdered his wife, Domenica. He the value. …” Can a settlor supersede a statutory stan-
pled guilty and was sentenced to prison. Her husband dard for a trustee? Did the testator settlor do so in
and two infant children survived Domenica. She left this case? [Hoffman v. First Virginia Bank of Tidewater,
no will. Under New Jersey’s law of intestate succes- 220 Va. 834, 263 S.E. 402 (Va., 1980).]
sion, a husband is entitled to a one-third share of per-
sonal property if children also survive the deceased 10. J. T. Payne executed a valid will on June 29, 1934. On
parent. The statute made no reference to the effect of April 24, 1956, a will with singed edges was offered to
wrongful acts by an heir. Is Richard entitled to his in- the probate court. Three of his children challenged
testate share of Domenica’s estate? [Estate of Kalfus v. the will, contending the deceased had revoked it.
Kalfus, 81 N.J. Super. 435, 195 A.2d 903 (N.J., 1963).] A witness at the trial testified that in July of 1934,
J. T. Payne said, “I am going to get rid of this damn
5. Harry Gordon died at the age of 83. The sole benefi- will right now,” and he threw it on live coals in the
ciary in his will was a charitable organization. The at- fireplace. Payne’s wife rescued the document and,
torney who drafted Gordon’s will was the regional with it still smoking on one end, put it into her apron.
vice president of the organization and his practice was No language of the will offered in probate was oblit-
located in the same building as the charity. All wit- erated or obscured. Can this be considered a valid
nesses to the will were officers of the corporation, as will? [Payne v. Payne, 3213 Ga. 613, 100 S.E.2d 450
were the executors. The original will was kept in the (Ga., 1957).]
722 Unit 2 >>> Application of Law to the Individual
11. Sung Fong had two strong obsessions during a long, 12. Answer each of the following questions. Check your
eventful life: to become a millionaire and to “go it answer with answers provided by experts by conduct-
alone.” He never married and now, at age 90, has a ing an Internet search of estate planning Web sites.
net worth of more than $10 million, almost all in a. Why should I prepare a will?
stocks and bonds. He has no enemies, explaining with b. What happens if I die without a will?
a chuckle that he’s outlived them all. He has no true c. Does a will cover all my property?
friends and no known relatives. With his health fail- d. How do I change my will after it has been signed?
ing rapidly, he’s added a third goal: to pay no death e. What is probate? How can I avoid it?
tax to the government. “Not one cent,” he repeats. f. What does it mean when a will is contested?
Can you tell him how to accomplish this last strange g. What does it mean to be an executor?
Case Brief
Case briefing is a long-used method of studying law. Its purpose is to have students
identify the rules of law found in court cases and analyze how courts apply these
rules of law to the facts of a case in an objective and rational manner. Case briefing
hones analytic skills and heightens understanding of the role of courts in defining,
interpreting, and applying law. This appendix explains one way to brief cases. There
is no single standard for case briefing, but the structure below is common and will
serve you well, both in studying the law now and in using the law in the future. It is
worthwhile mastering. After explaining how a brief is constructed, a sample brief of
the case Eric J. v. Betty M., which appeared at the end of Chapter 1, is provided.
1. Establishes a useful means of bringing the facts of a case back to memory in a
short time, for whatever purpose, including classroom discussion.
2. Allows you to extract from a judicial decision its future value as precedent. In
other words, it helps you find the principles of law that the case sets forth.
3. Allows for easier and smoother review of an area of law. Each brief takes a
complex and long document (the case) and reduces it to its key facts, holding,
and rationale (the brief ). A collection of briefs can provide a comprehensive
summary of an area of law.
A brief is primarily a self-teaching tool; as such, you should structure them to meet
your own needs. Many formats have been proposed by various writers. Use the one
that makes the most sense to you. For an introductory law class, the purpose of a
brief is more limited than for either a law student or a lawyer. Also, a brief should
be brief! A long brief eliminates the most important role of a brief: the boiling
down of a complex case to its essence.
Several basic components of a brief are present in almost all brief styles. If your
brief style includes the following elements, you should do well:
• Facts
• Issue or issues
• Holding, including the rule of law
• Rationale
State the facts of the case in your own words. Indicate which facts are operative and
which bear on the issues to be decided. Do not just repeat the judge’s words. Be
brief. Often a sign of how well you understand the case is your ability to identify
724 Appendix A >>> Case Brief
the relative importance of facts. Some cases may have many extraneous facts that
do not need to be in your brief. Most certainly, some facts will be more important
than others. Your task is to frame the problem by describing the facts that count.
Issue spotting is the skill of recognizing in the facts a pattern that implies a certain
type of issue. For instance, facts that describe two people both claiming ownership
rights over a chair should spotlight an issue of ownership of personal property. In
reading cases, often the parties and the court do this work for you. Ask yourself
what legal questions are posed by the appealing party. The appealing party is alleg-
ing that an error of law was made. What is that error? What question is the court
answering? Sometimes, a court will see the issue differently than the parties and
present a different twist on the issue. State the issue cleanly and crisply. Avoid stat-
ing it in technical or procedural terms. Some believe that beginning your issue
statement with “Whether” will allow you to focus your statement.
Example: Whether Smith established legal ownership of the chair by physically
possessing it for seven years.
What is the ruling by the court? Who won? Answering these questions forces you
to identify the outcome of the case. You must understand the procedural setting
enough to know what happens as a result of the decision. For instance, if the court
rules “in favor of the appellants,” what does this mean? More importantly, you need
to find the holding on the issue itself. How did the court decide the issue? What
rule of law is provided by the case? Using the chair ownership example from above,
a holding that resolves the issue might be:
Example: The court found that Smith had not established ownership of the chair
by virtue of possessing the chair for seven years.
Notice how the above statement ignores who owns the chair. A newspaper head-
line would be more focused on the personal story: “Smith Loses Chair to Green.” In
briefing a case, however, you are not a reporter; you are a student of the law. For that
reason, you must stick to the issue and its resolution as the primary focus.
The length of each part of the case brief need not be evenly distributed. In fact, the
rationale section is usually the longest section. In the rationale section, you explain
why the court ruled the way that it did. This means that you need to describe the
court’s reasoning, sometimes even quoting the court’s choice of words. You also
must explain which facts the court depended upon and which ones it discounted or
ignored. You should also note what prior decisions it looked at and whether it
chose to follow them, overrule them, or differentiate them. The court might also
interpret or cite particular statutes or other laws in reaching its decision. Finally,
notice whether the court relies upon public policy to reach its decision. Thus, the
potential components to a court’s rationale include:
• Facts: which ones were dispositive and which ones not
• Prior cases that were followed, differentiated, or overruled
• Statutory law and how it was interpreted
• Public policy principles
Appendix A >>> Case Brief 725
Your task is to organize these components and explain how the court used them to
reach its decision. You are trying to find the rule of law that may flow from this
case. The rule of law is the “why” of the decision, not the “what.” This is very im-
portant, as unless you can determine the why of a case, it is very difficult to use the
case to predict the outcome of similar disputes when they arise.
Returning to the chair ownership issue above, the holding does not tell us the
“why” and, as such, it is not really that useful. The rationale of the court, however,
might describe how the court relied upon a long history that ownership is not auto-
matically determined by mere possession, but instead depends on how possession
and control was lost by a previous owner.
Note that almost all cases are appellate cases. Think about which appellate court
they are from: state or federal? Is it a final court of appeal or an intermediate court?
Consider when the case was decided—recently, or many years ago? Has the passage
of time eroded the soundness of the decision? Finally, but also important, what do
you think of the decision? Is it logical, just, fair, or otherwise? How does it fit with
a textbook chapter or topic? Briefing cases can teach you about courts, moral view-
points, and the seam between ethical values and the law.
Robert brought home his new girlfriend, Helen, and her eight-year-old son, Eric,
to meet his mother, father, brothers, and sister and their spouses. The relationship
between Robert and Helen continued and Helen and Eric were guests several times
in different family homes. No family member told Helen that Robert had a crimi-
nal history of felony child molestation. It was later discovered that Robert sexually
molested Eric during some of these visits at the family homes all the while Robert
was on parole for child molestation. Robert was convicted of molesting Eric and
sent back to prison. Helen filed suit against Robert’s family claiming they had a
duty to warn her about Robert’s criminal past and the potential danger to her child,
and failing that duty they were liable for money damages for the harm suffered by
Eric. The trial court dismissed the case on a nonsuit motion.
Whether the trial court properly dismissed the negligence claim based on the prem-
ise that family members of a convicted child molester have no affirmative duty to dis-
close that information to the molester’s girlfriend who has an eight-year-old boy.
726 Appendix A >>> Case Brief
The appellate court affirmed the trial court, holding that the family members had
no affirmative duty to disclose the information.
The appellate court placed great weight upon the “no duty to aid” rule, developed
“over the centuries” in courts. The court noted that a special relationship is re-
quired to create a duty to warn, give aid, or otherwise help another. Ultimately, the
court found that no such special relationship existed and found no other reason
to suggest that the family members had a duty to warn the girlfriend. The court
cited several cases, including a California Supreme Court case, Williams v. State of
California, that establish the “no duty to aid” rule. In short, a person who has not
created the danger or risk is not liable simply for failing to take an affirmative ac-
tion unless there is “some relationship” that creates a “duty to act.” The court re-
jected a case that seemed to rule the other way, Soldano v. O’Daniels, by explaining
that the facts in that case clearly showed that the defendant had actually prevented
someone else from rendering aid. The court also noted that any decision to find a
duty to aid in this case would interfere with family relationships by creating “intol-
erable conflicts of interest.” Impliedly, interfering with family relationships would
go against public policy.
Declaration of
In Congress, July 4, 1776
The Unamimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one people to dis-
solve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws
of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the con-
sent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destruc-
tive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to insti-
tute new Government, laying its Foundation on such principles, and organizing its
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established
should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable,
than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object,
evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is
their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their fu-
ture security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is
now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Govern-
ment. The history of the present King of Great-Britain is a history of repeated inju-
ries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute
Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid World.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the
public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing im-
portance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained;
and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of
people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the
Legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only.
* The spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as provided by the U.S. government Archives is used.
728 Appendix B >>> Declaration of Independence
Constitution of
the United States
of America*
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, estab-
lish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote
the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Pos-
terity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Section 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of
the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Section 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen
every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each
State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous
Branch of the State Legislature.
No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of
twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who
shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.
Representatives and direct (Taxes)1 shall be apportioned among the several
States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective
Numbers (which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Per-
sons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians
not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons).2 The actual Enumeration shall be made
within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and
within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law
direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thou-
sand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumer-
ation shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three,
Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut
five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland
six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.
When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive
Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
* The spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of the original have been retained here. Parentheses indicate passages that have
been altered by amendments to the Constitution.
Appendix C >>> Constitution of the United States of America 731
The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers;
and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Section 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators
from each State (chosen by the Legislature thereof ),3 for six Years; and each Sena-
tor shall have one Vote.
Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election,
they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Sena-
tors of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the
second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Ex-
piration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year (and
if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legisla-
ture of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until
the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies).4
No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty
Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when
elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but
shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.
The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore,
in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of Presi-
dent of the United States.
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting
for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the
United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be con-
victed without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal
from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or
Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable
and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Section 4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and
Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the
Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the
Places of chusing Senators.
(The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting
shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a dif-
ferent Day.)5
Section 5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifica-
tions of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do
Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be autho-
rized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under
such Penalties as each House may provide.
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members
for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time
publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy;
and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at
the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.
Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of
the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in
which the two Houses shall be sitting.
732 Appendix C >>> Constitution of the United States of America
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and
Offences against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules con-
cerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall
be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, sup-
press Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for govern-
ing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserv-
ing to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of
training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District
(not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the
Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States,
and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Leg-
islature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Maga-
zines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;—And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execu-
tion the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the
Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Section 9. The Migration or Importation of Such Persons as any of the States now
existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior
to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be im-
posed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless
when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
(No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the
Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.)7
No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.
No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to
the Ports of one State over those of another; nor shall Vessels bound to, or from,
one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appro-
priations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and
Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States; And no Person
holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the
Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever,
from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
Section 10. No state shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant
Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing
but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder,
ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title
of Nobility.
No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties
on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its
inspection Laws; and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State
734 Appendix C >>> Constitution of the United States of America
on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States;
and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage,
keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Com-
pact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually
invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
Section 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States
of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together
with the Vice President, chosen for the Same Term, be elected, as follows:
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct,
a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives
to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representa-
tive, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall
be appointed an Elector.
(The Electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by Ballot for two
Persons of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with them-
selves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of
Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat
of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate.
The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Rep-
resentatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Per-
son having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be
a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than
one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of
Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if
no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House
shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes
shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quo-
rum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the
States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case,
after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greater Number of Votes of
the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who
have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.)8
The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day
on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the
United States.
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at
the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of Pres-
ident; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained
to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the
United States.
(In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resig-
nation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same
shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the
Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice
President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall
act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.)9
The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation,
which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he
Appendix C >>> Constitution of the United States of America 735
shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other
Emolument from the United States, or any of them.
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following
Oath or Affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute
the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, pre-
serve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Section 2. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of
the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual
Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal
Officer in each of the Executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties
of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons
for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to
make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall
nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint
Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court,
and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein
otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law; but the Congress
may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper,
in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during
the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of
their next Session.
Section 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the
State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he
shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene
both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with
Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he
shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall
take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers
of the United States.
Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States,
shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason,
Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Section 1. The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme
Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain
and establish.
The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices
during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a
Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.
Section 2. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising
under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or
which shall be made, under their Authority;—to all Cases affecting Ambassadors,
other public Ministers and Consuls;—to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Juris-
diction;—to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;—to Con-
troversies between two or more States; (—between a State and Citizens of another
736 Appendix C >>> Constitution of the United States of America
Section 1. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Re-
cords, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by gen-
eral Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall
be proved, and the Effect thereof.
Section 2. The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immu-
nities of Citizens in the several States.
A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who
shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the exec-
utive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to
the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.
(No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof,
escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be
discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the
Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.)11
Section 3. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new
State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any
State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the
Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and
Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United
States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any
Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.
Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Repub-
lican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion, and on
Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be
convened) against domestic Violence.
Appendix C >>> Constitution of the United States of America 737
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall
propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legisla-
tures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing
Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as
Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the
several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other
Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amend-
ment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight
shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the
first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal
Suffrage in the Senate.
All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this
Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as
under the Confederation.
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in
Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Au-
thority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges
in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of
any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the
several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United
States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support
this Constitution: but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to
any Office or public Trust under the United States.
The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Es-
tablishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.
done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Sev-
enteenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the
Twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our Names,
William Few
Abr. Baldwin
Amendment I12
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a re-
dress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of
the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent
of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants
shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and partic-
ularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless
on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land
or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public
danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeop-
Appendix C >>> Constitution of the United States of America 739
ardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of
law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public
trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been
committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the wit-
nesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor,
and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Amendment VII
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars,
the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by jury, shall be other-
wise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of
the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and un-
usual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to
deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited
by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the
persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted
for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot,
the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the
representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall
consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of
all the states shall be necessary to a choice. (And if the House of Representatives
shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them,
before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as
President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the Presi-
dent.)13 The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be
the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors
appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on
the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall
consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole
number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to
the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United
tution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against
the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a
vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law,
including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in sup-
pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United
States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of
insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or
emancipation of any slave, but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held il-
legal and void.
Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation,
the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an
amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided
in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to
the States by the Congress.16
the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the
States by the Congress.
Section 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration
that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he trans-
mits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be
discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal offi-
cers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law
provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of
the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable
to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immedi-
ately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration
that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless
the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive
department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within
four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge
the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, as-
sembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress,
within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress
is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, de-
termines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge
the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the
same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties
of his office.
Legal Research
Understanding the Law, Fifth Edition, presents legal rules that help to solve a variety
of problems that people commonly confront in their personal and business rela-
tions. When a legal problem or question arises, the law or laws applying to that
particular situation in that particular jurisdiction must be determined. In our discus-
sion of general rules of law, a rule presented may or may not apply in your particu-
lar state. Sometimes, the rules of different states on a given matter may differ even
fundamentally. If differences do exist, the decisive rule is the one that applies in the
particular state involved.
Both lawyers and students of law conduct legal research to find the legal rule(s)
that apply to specific problems, as well as those that form the body of a larger area
of law. Legal research over the years has been conducted as library research, but to-
day most research is conducted using computers to access proprietary databases or
Internet Web sites.
Legal research is the search for authority to determine what the applicable law
is, or to support your legal arguments; it is the search for primary law. Primary law
consists of established rules from constitutions, statutes, administrative agency reg-
ulations and rules, treaties, and judicial decisions. Primary law is law stated without
interpretation by commentators. It is law issued directly from an authoritative
source, such as Congress or an appellate court. In important legal matters, one cites
existing primary law in support of contentions made; if primary law of the appro-
priate jurisdiction is not available, one may present primary law from other juris-
dictions or discussions of applicable law from secondary sources.
Law from other than primary sources is gathered from secondary materials,
which include encyclopedias and other books that present some writer’s opinion of
what the law is or should be. This textbook is a secondary source. Secondary mate-
rials also assist a researcher in finding primary law and in understanding broad
areas of the law.
Here we discuss how to begin legal research, where to find law amongst elec-
tronic and hard copy sources, primary law, and some types of secondary sources of
There are many ways to begin legal research. Among the benefits of a formal legal
education is knowledge about how and where to look for answers to legal ques-
tions. For example, a person may want to know if the cost of repairing a flood-
damaged home is a deductible expense for income tax purposes. This is a legal
question. The inquirer is interested in applicable federal statutes and regulations
and in administrative interpretations and court enforcement of those laws. Once
the answer is obtained for federal income taxes, a similar inquiry may be necessary
if state income taxes are also payable. State law may or may not treat the expense in
the same way.
746 Appendix D >>> Legal Research
While there are several good methods to begin a search for the answer to a le-
gal problem, using an index of descriptive words or conducting an Internet search
are both good ways to start. Most legal materials, with the exception of court cases,
are indexed or organized by topics. Identifying appropriate topics can quickly take
the researcher to a discussion of the law that is of interest. The key to this approach
is to identify as many topics or key terms as possible. Note that legal materials are
generally indexed or organized according to the historical descriptions of legal is-
sues, which are not always obvious. For example, a problem involving a child under
the age of 18 might lead you to think logically of such terms as “child,” “minor,” or
“youth.” However, the term legal description of a minor historically was infant, and
that is often how the information you now seek is indexed or referenced. The more
index topics or key terms you identify at the beginning of your search, the more
likely you are to find the information you seek. Identifying the key words, phrases,
and issues can be aided by following this time-tested method developed by the
West Publishing Company.
When analyzing your fact situation for the purpose of searching for cases or
statutes in point (i.e., that apply), it is helpful to ask yourself, “What words describe
the parties concerned; the places or things involved; the basis of the action or issue;
the possible defense or defenses; and the relief sought?”
Parties: Persons of a particular class, occupation, or relation; e.g., children,
collectors, heirs, or any person who is either directly or indirectly necessary to
a proper determination of the action.
Places and Things: Objects that necessarily must exist before any cause of
action or dispute can arise; objects perceptible through the senses; e.g., auto-
mobiles, sidewalks, derricks, or garages are words describing the places or
things that must exist before a cause of action alleging negligent use or defec-
tive condition can arise regarding them.
Basis of Action or Issue: Some wrong suffered by reason of another’s neglect
of duty; e.g., loss (of goods); some affirmative wrong—boycott, ejection, assault;
some legal obligation ignored—stop, look, and listen; or the violation of some
statutory or constitutional provision—eight-hour law, the Civil Rights Act, or
restriction of free speech.
Defense: Some reason in law or fact why the plaintiff should not recover; e.g.,
failure of consideration, act of God, assumption of risk, infancy.
Relief Sought: Legal remedy sought; e.g., restraining order, restitution, dam-
ages, annulment.
system or a state legislature can contain errors and are not the official source of the
law. Thus, to be certain that you have accurately answered a legal question, you
may want or need to verify the critical law, regulation, ordinance, or case in its offi-
cial print version.
Nevertheless, by using the Internet and a computer on your desk, you can have
access to nearly every federal and state statute and regulation, most case law, and
many local ordinances. If you have access to an electronic legal database such as
Westlaw or LexisNexis, you have practically the entire legal universe at your fin-
Computers have made possible the streamlining of the legal research techniques
used by businesses, lawyers, and members of the judiciary. Today, a number of
databases—collections of information useful to anyone doing legal research—can
be accessed through several high–speed data delivery systems. The two most com-
mon systems are Westlaw and LexisNexis. Westlaw is a computer–assisted legal re-
search service of West Publishing Company. LexisNexis is a similar service of Reed
Elsevier, Inc. Each system has database access software that makes it possible for
the researcher to interact with the delivery system. These providers also allow for
Internet access through code entry sites.
A computer user must satisfy three conditions to gain access to vast banks of
legal research materials. First, the user must have appropriate computer hardware,
such as an IBM compatible computer or an Apple computer. Second, the user’s
computer must have an Internet connection to send and transmit data. Third, the
user needs a license or agreement with a data provider for access to the databank.
In Westlaw, user interaction can be initiated from a computer terminal or a per-
sonal computer by accessing the Westlaw Internet site http://www.westlaw.com.
748 Appendix D >>> Legal Research
You will need a password, or you can access the site on a pay-for-use basis. Once
you have accessed the database, the Westlaw user sends a query, or message, to the
database site. A user can ask about a specific case, statute, or administrative regula-
tion. Cases can be retrieved by either case citation or by case name. A person can
check to see if cases have been cited as precedent in later cases or whether a case has
been overruled. The user can search material by topic using descriptive or key
words. The query is then processed and documents are identified that satisfy the
search request. The information is transmitted back to the user. The documents
displayed can be saved as a file or printed.
1. Users need not duplicate large libraries available on the database systems.
2. Data systems allow researchers to speed up the research effort.
3. The database may identify source material that manual research might
4. Updating and checking for accuracy is tedious and boring. This effort can be
automated, which saves time.
5. Data services provide the means to identify time spent on each project, allow-
ing for ease in billing to a particular client.
6. Staying at your desk with computer and proper software minimizes time spent
in traffic and parking problems.
Much of the research for this textbook was completed using both Westlaw and
LexisNexis and a home computer. These systems are still expensive for most pri-
vate users, although they have become more reasonable in recent years. Also, many
university libraries provide access privileges for currently enrolled students to one
or more of these databases.
In short, Westlaw, LexisNexis, and similar computerized data search systems
allow access to virtually all cases, statutes, and federal regulations. Access is almost
immediate and requires a minimum of physical effort. Often, the latest cases can be
found through a database before they are available at a local law school or law of-
fice library.
Most hard copy legal publications are now available on CD-ROM. An amazing
amount of information can be coded on this easy-to-retrieve format. Index searches
using correct combinations of terms can be conducted in nanoseconds to retrieve
on-point (relevant) information. Unlike database services, CD-ROMs (like hard-
Appendix D >>> Legal Research 749
back publications) do require updating for changes in law occurring after the publi-
cation of the CD. Frequently updating CD disks, manually updating using database
services, or checking hard copy sources can overcome some problems inherent in
the use of this format. CD-ROM materials can be purchased or leased. In either
option, most users pay a flat fee for the materials and a usage fee similar to the one
charged when accessing either LexisNexis or Westlaw.
Primary law consists of court opinions, constitutions, statutes, and administrative
Cases are often provided on Web sites maintained by the court system as well.
Often, the court Web site will not contain older cases. Many courts still do not
publish or post cases electronically, although the number of courts not doing this
decreases every year. Other Web sites on the Internet also provide searchable data-
bases of cases. Thus, you will be able to find most cases online.
A few states—including those with intermediate appellate courts, such as Cali-
fornia, Illinois, and New York—have more than one reporter for opinions given by
their courts.
Case Titles
In the title of a case, such as Ardmeyer v. Rau, the v. or vs. stands for versus, which
means “against.” In the trial court, Ardmeyer was the plaintiff—the person who filed
the suit. Rau was the defendant. If the case is appealed, however, the appellate court
will sometimes place the name of the party appealing the decision first, so that the
case may be called Rau v. Ardmeyer. Since some appellate courts retain the trial court
order of names, it is often impossible to distinguish the plaintiff from the defendant
by the title of a reported appellate court decision. The student must carefully read the
facts of each case in order to identify the legal status of each party. Otherwise, the
discussion by the appellate court is difficult to understand.
The following terms and phrases are frequently encountered in court opinions and
legal publications. Because it is important to understand what these terms and
phrases mean, we define and discuss them here.
decision), the rules of law that apply, and the judgment (outcome). There are four
possible types of written opinions for any particular case decided by an appellate
court. When all justices agree on an opinion, it is written for the entire court and is
called a unanimous opinion. When there is not a unanimous opinion, a majority
opinion is written, outlining the views of the majority of the justices deciding the
case. Often, a justice who feels strongly about making or emphasizing a point that
was not made or emphasized in the unanimous or majority opinion will write a
concurring opinion. That means that the judge or justice agrees (concurs) with
the judgment given in the unanimous or majority opinion, but for different reasons.
In other than unanimous opinions, a judge or justice who does not agree (i.e., dis-
sents) with the majority reasoning or holding often writes a dissenting opinion.
The dissenting opinion is important because it may form the basis of the arguments
used years later in overruling the precedent of the majority opinion.
Judges and Justices The terms judge and justice are usually synonymous and repre-
sent two designations given to judges in various courts. All members of the U.S.
Supreme Court, for example, are referred to as justices. And justice is the formal ti-
tle usually given to judges of appellate courts, although this is not always so. Thus,
in New York, a justice is a trial judge of the trial court (which is called the supreme
court), whereas a member of the Court of Appeals (the state’s highest court) is
called a judge. The term justice is commonly abbreviated to J., and justices to JJ.
A Supreme Court case might refer to Justice Kennedy as Kennedy, J.; or to Chief
Justice Roberts as Roberts, C. J.
Appellants and Appellees The appellant is the party who appeals a case to an-
other court or jurisdiction from the court or jurisdiction in which the case was orig-
inally brought. Sometimes, an appellant who appeals from a judgment is referred to
as the petitioner. The appellee is the party against whom the appeal is taken.
Sometimes, an appellee is referred to as the respondent.
information is often available within hours of the issuance of a new case through a
computer search. Fortunately, most leading cases are not overruled.
Constitutional Law
The federal government and the states have separate constitutions that define the
general organization, powers, and limits of governments. The U.S. Constitution is
the supreme law of the land. A law in violation of the Constitution, no matter what
its source, will be declared unconstitutional and will not be enforced. Similarly, un-
less it conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, every state constitution is supreme
within the borders of that state. The U.S. Constitution defines the powers and lim-
itations of the federal government. All powers not granted to the federal govern-
ment are retained by the states or by the people.
Constitutions are published and available for research in the same publications
that provide the text of federal and state codes (systematic collections of law, rules,
or regulations).
Statutory Law
Statutes enacted by the U.S. Congress and the various state legislative bodies are
another source of law, generally called statutory law. Statutory law also includes
the ordinances passed by cities and counties. Today, legislative bodies and regula-
tory agencies exercise an ever-increasing role in lawmaking. Much of the work of
modern courts is interpreting what the rulemakers meant when a statute was en-
acted and applying it to a particular set of facts. When Congress passes laws, and
the president signs them, they are collected in a publication titled United States
Statutes at Large. When state legislatures pass laws, and state governors sign them,
they are collected in similar state publications. These publications arrange laws
chronologically by date of enactment. Most frequently, however, laws are cited in
their codified form—that is, the form in which they appear in the federal and state
In these codes, laws are compiled by subject. For example, the United States
Code ( U.S.C.) arranges all existing federal laws of a public and permanent nature by
50 subjects. Each of the subjects into which U.S.C. arranges the laws has a title and
a title number. For example, laws relating to commerce and trade are collected in
Title 15, which is titled “Commerce and Trade.” ( Titles may be divided into chap-
ters and subchapters. Within Title 15, for instance, Chapter 1 includes laws con-
cerning monopolies.) Within each subdivision, statutes are assigned numbers,
which are referred to as section numbers. A U.S.C. citation includes titles and sec-
tion numbers. Thus, a reference to “15 U.S.C. Section 1” means that the statute
can be found in Section 1 of Title 15. (“Section” may also be designated by the
symbol §.)
Sometimes, a citation includes the abbreviation et seq.—(e.g., 15 U.S.C. Sec-
tion 1 et seq.) Et seq. (Latin: et sequens) means “and the following.” This is a refer-
ence to sections that concern the same subject as the numbered section and follow
it in sequence.
State codes follow the U.S.C. pattern of law arranged by subject. They may be
called Codes, Revisions, Compilations, Consolidations, General Statutes, or Statutes,
depending on the preference of the specific state. In some codes, subjects are desig-
nated by number. In others, they are designated by name. For example, “13 Penn-
sylvania Consolidated Statutes Section 1101” means the statute can be found in
Section 1101 of Title 13 of the Pennsylvania code. “California Commercial Code
Appendix D >>> Legal Research 753
Section 1101” means the statute can be found in Section 1101 under the commercial
heading of the California code. Abbreviations may be used. For example, “13 Pennsyl-
vania Consolidated Statutes Section 1101” may be abbreviated “13 Pa. C.S. §1101,”
and “California Commercial Code Section 1101” may be abbreviated “Cal. Com.
Code §1101.”
Commercial publications of these laws and regulations are available and are of-
ten more helpful than the official publications. For example, West Publishing
Company publishes the United States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.). U.S.C.A. contains
the complete text of laws included in U.S.C., as well as notes of short summaries of
court decisions that interpret and apply specific sections of the statutes, plus the
text of presidential proclamations and executive orders. U.S.C.A. also includes re-
search aids, such as cross-references to related statutes, historical notes, and library
references. A citation to U.S.C.A. is similar to a citation to U.S.C. (e.g., 15 U.S.C.A.
Section 1).
Most federal and state statutes are now provided online by government Web
sites. Most cities and counties have also placed their laws online. When looking up
a statute online, it is useful to verify when the online source was last updated.
Commercial publishers provide comparable publications for state statutes. For
example, in California, two private compilations of California statutory law exists,
West’s Annotated Codes and Deering’s Codes Annotated. Each provides helpful fea-
tures similar to those found in U.S.C.A.
Administrative Law
Rules and regulations adopted by federal administrative agencies are compiled in the
Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.). Like U.S.C., C.F.R. is divided into 50 titles. Rules
within each title are assigned section numbers. A full citation to C.F.R. includes title
754 Appendix D >>> Legal Research
and section numbers. For example, a reference to “17 C.F.R. Section 230.504” means
the rule can be found in Section 230.504 of Title 17. For many bodies of federal law,
regulations that interpret, implement, and expand a statute are as important as the
statute itself, if not more. Thus, when researching a statute, make sure you find the
regulations applicable to the statute as well. The entire C.F.R. is available online at
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html. Many federal agencies also provide their
applicable regulations at the agency’s Web site.
State administrative offices generally also have their regulations listed in a state
administrative code. State agencies play a similar role in implementing state laws as
federal agencies do for federal laws. Most state regulations are available online at
state Web sites. Additionally, many state agencies provide regulations applicable to
the agency at their Web sites.
Print dictionaries provide definitions of terms and pronunciation guides. The lead-
ing authoritative legal dictionaries are Ballentine’s Law Dictionary and Black’s Law
Dictionary. West Publishing Company also publishes an elaborate dictionary called
Words and Phrases. The definitions are taken from actual court opinions and feature
pocket-parts to keep the publication current.
Legal Encyclopedias
Encyclopedias report the whole of the law without commentary or analysis. Some
encyclopedias are national in scope (American Jurisprudence and Corpus Juris Secun-
dum); others are statewide (California Jurisprudence). These books are very useful
starting points when you want a general overview of almost any important legal
topic. They also often provide useful citations to important cases and statutes.
When using an encyclopedia, be sure to check applicable pocket-parts or supple-
mental books.
Topical Publications
Publishers offer topical publication in areas of legal practice where great detail and
current status may be critical. Taxation, employment law, and securities regulation
Appendix D >>> Legal Research 755
exemplify areas where topical publications are available. The publications are often
loose-leaf, to facilitate insertion of current supplements. Again, when using topical
publications, check for pocket-parts or supplemental books.
Digests are elaborate indexes to court decisions. They provide a short synopsis of
parts of the court opinions (usually the headnotes) and are arranged and indexed by
topic and subtopic. Digests exist for federal court opinions (Federal Digest and Su-
preme Court Digest), for all state opinions (American Digest System), and for some
populous states. Check the pocket-parts.
Annotated Reports
Annotated reports are publications of selected cases accompanied by a thorough
discussion, summary, and synthesis of other reported cases on the same or similar
topic. They provide a very valuable source for finding citations of similar cases. An-
notated reports are updated but by different means depending on the policy of the
publisher. Consult the source on how to find updated information.
Annotated Codes
Annotated codes are private publications that generally contain the entire applicable
federal or state code and constitution, along with summary capsule annotations to
cases that have construed or interpreted the statutes. Also included are references to
legislative history and cross-references to related statutes. Check for pocket-parts.
Law Journals
Law journals are periodicals that contain scholarly articles on the law written by
professors, judges, practitioners, and sometimes law students. Leading law schools
usually publish them, although professional associations such as the American Bar
Association also sponsor such learned journals.
756 Appendix D >>> Legal Research
Self-Help Books
A growing number of books are published by commercial publishers and profes-
sional organizations advising laypersons how to perform legal tasks. The quality of
these books varies widely, but Nolo Press in Berkeley, California, has earned a rep-
utation for providing high-quality self-help books at reasonable prices. Great care
should be exercised in using self-help books. Pay particular attention to their publi-
cation dates.
Practice Books
Some books are published to assist lawyers in procedural requirements for perform-
ing certain legal tasks. They are often provided by continuing education organiza-
tions and give very specific directions on how to perform certain legal tasks in areas
such as criminal procedure, family law, and wills and trusts. The books are usually
too complicated for use by laypersons.
Web Sites
Many Web sites are available that contain legal evaluation, research, and advice.
Some are provided by lawyers and law firms. Others are provided by organizations
and individuals interested in a particular area of the law. Even government Web
sites sometimes provide unofficial summaries of the law. All of these sources can be
useful, but reliance on their accuracy involves risk. Many online sources can con-
tain outdated information. Others can be wrong. It is a good idea to verify the ac-
curacy and currency of any important or critical legal summary or advice that you
find on the Internet from a secondary source.
1. Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th ed. (St. Paul, MN: West Group, 1990). 23. In 1999, Nevada passed a statute making it a misdemeanor to fail to
report a violent or sexual crime committed against a child 12 or younger,
2. Gerald Celente, director of Trends Research Institute in Rhinebeck,
Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated §202.882. In 2000, California added
New York, quoted in Dale Russakofff, “The ‘Millennium Generation’
a similar law, Cal Pen Code §152.3. Thus, California and Nevada
Is Making Its Mark,” Washington Post, 4 October 1998.
joined Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Ohio, Rhode Island,
3. Alice Kessler-Harris, Women Have Always Worked: A Historical Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin in requiring some level of
Perspective (New York: Feminist Press, 1981). reporting to authorities. Vermont, Wisconsin, and Minnesota have
4. Much of the trivia about the turn of the twentieth century is from laws that go farther and require some duty to assist.
David Traxel, 1898, The Birth of the American Century (New York: Alfred 24. San Francisco Chronicle wire reports, 17 September 1998.
A. Knopf, 1998).
25. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/jan-june99/trial_3-4.html.
5. Ashley H. Grant, “Overkill? Indianapolis Schools Screen Elementary
26. Associated Press, Santa Ana, 15 September 1998.
School Pupils for Guns,” Associated Press, 5 May 1998.
27. The International History Project, 2004, http://history-world.org/
6. Linda Deutsch, “New Legal Rules in Gang Cases Raise Civil Liberties
babylonia.htm; Ancient History Sourcebook: Code of Hammurabi,
Concern,” Associated Press, 17 August 1998.
c. 1780 BCE; and http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/hamcode.
7. The best source presenting information about loss of life was a blog by html.
Robert Lindsay citing various credible sources. The most significant loss
28. Based on an article by Tim Malloy, Associated Press, 15 March 1998.
of life was in Louisiana with approximately 1,600 deaths and Mississippi
with 238 deaths and over $100 billion in damages. http://robertlindsay. 29. Richard Wydick and Rex R. Perschbacher, California Legal Ethics,
blogspot.com/and http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov/offices/page. 2nd ed. (West Publishing Company, College & School Division, 1997),
asp?ID=192&Detail=5248 citing the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
(Houghton Mifflin, 1978); Webster’s Third New International Dictionary
8. Whatever the final property damage from Katrina, it is estimated that
(Merriam-Webster, 1986); and The Random House Dictionary of the
only $34.4 billion of that amount was insured. http://realtytimes.com/
English Language (Random House, 1968).
30. Ibid.
9. Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, 16 S.Ct. 1138 (1896).
31. See generally A. M. Rosenthal, Thirty-Eight Witnesses: The Kitty
10. Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483, 74 S.Ct. 686 (1954).
Genovese Case (New York City: McGraw-Hill, 1964); Hughes v. State,
11. Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45, 53 S.Ct. 55 (1932). 719 S.W. 2d 560, 565 (Tex. Ct. App., 1986) (Teague, J., concurring).
12. Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705 (1973). 32. Michael Josephson, “What Is Ethics Anyway?” in Making Ethical
13. Roscoe Pound, “Studying Law,” in Arthur Vanderbilt, ed., Decisions (Josephson Institute of Ethics, 1996; rev. June 2001 online at
Introduction to American Law (New York: New York University Press, http://www.josephsoninstitute.org/MED/MED-whatisethics.htm).
1955), p. 396. 33. Ontario Consultants on religious tolerance, http://www.
14. Interview with the Sheriff John Hartshorne at “Robin Hood: Bold religioustolerance.org/isl_apos1.htm; Amin Tarzi, “Afghanistan:
Outlaw of Barnsdale and Sherwood,” http://boldoutlaw.com/robint/ Apostasy Case Reveals Constitutional Contradictions,” Wednesday,
hartshorne.html March 22, 2006, http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2006/03/
ad051c73-2777-4497-9f13-1293c2293380.html; and Daniel Cooney,
15. “Justice Kline Defends His Dissent,” California Lawyer, September
“Afghan Convert Spared,” New York Post, March 27, 2006, http://www.
1998, p. 25.
16. This incident prompted Congress to force Amtrak to modernize.
34. J. M. McClosky, “A Non-Utilitarian Approach to Punishment,” in
Some Amtrak trains then converted human waste into a liquid that
Michael D. Boyles, ed., Contemporary Utilitarianism (Anchor Doubleday,
was sprayed onto the railroad tracks as a fine mist when the trains
1968), pp. 244–249.
exceeded 35 miles per hour. Associated Press, Washington,
23 November 1991. 35. Jean Piaget, The Moral Judgment of the Child, trans., Marjorie Grabain
(The Free Press, 1965).
17. Some state courts have the power to render advisory opinions to
the legislature. Federal courts are required to only consider matters 36. Manuel G. Velasquez, Business Ethics, 3d ed. (Prentice-Hall, 1992),
involving a case and controversy by the U.S. Constitution, p. 34.
Article III, §2. 37. This hypothetical is based on an event reported by Ralph Montano,
18. Dennis D. Dorin, review of Judicial Activism-Bulwark of Liberty or “Student Death Probed in Sutter,” Sacramento Bee, 30 April 2002, p. B1.
Precarious Security? rev. ed. by Christopher Wolfe, The Law and Politics
Book Review 8 no. 4 (April 1998), pp. 165–167; http://www.unt.edu/ Chapter 2
1. Giovanni Sartori, “Constitutionalism: A Preliminary Discussion,” The
19. J. Frug, “Why Courts Are Always Making Law,” Fortune, American Political Science Review, December 1962.
25 September 1989, p. 245.
2. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (Chicago: Encyclopedia
20. A hypothetical situation based on the U.S. Copyright Law of 1976. Britannica, Inc., 1981).
21. Based on an event reported by Brian Macquarrie, Boston Globe, 3. Elwood Investors Co. v. Behme, 79 Misc.2d 910, 361 N.Y.S.2d 488 (New
18 September 1998. York, 1974).
758 Endnotes
4. Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 72 S.Ct. 863 39. James MacGregor Burns, J. W. Peltason, and Thomas E. Cronin,
(1952). Government by the People (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989),
5. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 U.S. 184, 126 S.Ct. 2749 (2006). p. 606.
6. E. Corwin, The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional 40. The Federalist, No. 51.
Law (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967). 41. Miller v. Schoene, 276 U.S. 272, 48 S.Ct. 246 (1928).
7. John Locke, Two Treatises of Government (London: Cambridge 42. The Federalist, No. 51.
University Press, 1967). 43. U.S. Constitution, Art. I, §8.
8. The Federalist, No. 51. 44. U.S. Constitution, Art. VI.
9. Thomas Paine, Political Writings, (1837), pp. 45–46. 45. Martin v. Hunters Lessee, 1 Wheaton 304 (1816) and Cohens v.
10. The Federalist, No. 78. Virginia, 6 Wheaton 264 (1821).
11. Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137 (1803). 46. McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheaton 316 (1819). See also U.S.
12. Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, 16 S.Ct. 1138 (1896). Constitution, Art. III, §1.
13. Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483, 74 S.Ct. 686 47. U.S. Constitution, Art. I, §8.
(1954). 48. United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 115 S.Ct. 1624 (1995).
14. See U.S. Constitution, Art. I, Art. II, and Art. III. 49. Ibid.
15. The Federalist, No. 51. 50. Granholm v. Heald; Sweedenburg v. Kelly, 544 U.S. 460, 125 S.Ct.
16. United States v. Eichman and United States v. Haggerty, 496 U.S. 310, 1885 (2005).
110 S.Ct. 2404 (1990). 51. Ibid.
17. Senate Judiciary Committee, Committee Hearing, September 12 to 52. The Coalition for Free Trade maintains a Web site with current
15, 2005; 2005 WL 2214702 (F.D.C.H.). wine shipping status by state. See http://www.coalitionforfreetrade.org/
18. A hypothetical situation based on Clinton v. City of New York, 524 litigation/index.html.
U.S. 417, 118 S.Ct. 2091 (1998). 53. Barron v. Baltimore, 7 Pet. 243, 32 U.S. 243 (1833).
19. U.S. Constitution, Art. I, §8. 54. U.S. Constitution, Thirteenth Amendment, 1865.
20. U.S. Constitution, Twentieth Amendment, 1933; Twenty-Second 55. Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652, 49 S.Ct. 625 (1925).
Amendment, 1951; Twenty-Fifth Amendment, 1967. 56. Palko v. Conn., 302 U.S. 319, 58 S.Ct. 149 (1937).
21. U.S. Constitution, Art. II, §2. 57. Milk Wagon Drivers Union v. Meadowmoor Dairies, 312 U.S. 287,
22. Prize cases, 67 U.S. 635 (1863). 60 S.Ct. 259 (1941).
23. U.S. Constitution, Art. II, §2. 58. Near v. Minnesota, 283 U.S. 697, 51 S.Ct. 625 (1931) and Bridges v.
24. Ibid. California, 314 U.S. 252, 62 S.Ct. 190 (1941). See also DeJonge v. Oregon,
299 U.S. 353, 57 S.Ct. 255 (1937) and Cox v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 536,
25. U.S. Constitution, Art. III, §1. 85 S.Ct. 466 (1965).
26. “Impeachment of U.S. District Judge,” Facts on File Yearbook 59. Schenk v. United States, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S.Ct. 247 (1919).
Publication for 1986 (New York: Facts on File Inc., 1987).
60. Abrams v. United States, 250 U.S. 616, 40 S.Ct. 17 (1919).
27. Impeachment of Judge Harry E. Claiborne, House of
Representatives Report 99–688. 61. United States v. Carolene Products, 304 U.S. 141, 58 S.Ct. 778 (1938).
28. http://www.courtzero.org/impeach.html. 62. Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494, 71 S.Ct. 857 (1951).
29. J. Specter, “Impeachment: Another Look,” The National Law Journal, 63. Coates v. Cincinnati, 402 U.S. 611, 91 S.Ct. 1686 (1971).
12 January 1989, p. 1. 64. “Judge Decries How-to Book for Murderers,” Los Angeles Times
30. Harriet Chiang, “Public Reprimand for Federal Judge,” San Francisco (Richmond, VA), 8 May 1997. “Publisher Can Be Sued for Killings,”
Chronicle, 19 August 1998. Chronicle News Service, 11 November 1997.
31. U.S. Constitution, Art. III, §1 and United States v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 65. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeir, 484 U.S. 260, 108 S.Ct. 562
101 S.Ct. 471 (1980). (1988) and Frisby v. Shultz, 487 U.S. 474, 108 S.Ct. 2495 (1988).
32. The American Bar Association, “Independence of the Judiciary: 66. United States v. Haggerty and United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310,
Judicial Compensation,” updated April 15, 2002. http://www.abanet.org/ 110 S.Ct. 2404 (1990).
poladv/priorities/judcom.html. 67. Metromedia Inc. v. City of San Diego, 453 U.S. 490, 101 S.Ct. 2882
33. U.S. Constitution, Art. I, §8. (1981).
34. U.S. Constitution, Art. II, §2. 68. Based on a report by Wendy Hower, Raleigh News & Observer,
15 March 1998.
35. U.S. Constitution, Tenth Amendment, 1791.
69. Tinker v. Des Moines School District, 393 U.S. 503, 89 S.Ct. 733
36. U.S. Constitution, Art. I, §9. (1969).
37. As discussed in Chapter 1, Nevada passed a statute making it a 70. Bill Workman, “Ban on Hate Speech Struck Down,” San Francisco
misdemeanor to fail to report a violent or sexual crime committed against Chronicle, 1 March 1995, Final Ed.
a child age 12 or younger, Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated §202.882.
The statute does not require that the bystander assist the minor. 71. Ibid.
38. Fred Krinsky and Gerald Rigby, Theory and Practice of American 72. R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377, 112 S.Ct. 2538 (1969).
Democracy (Belmont, CA: Dickenson Publishing Co., 1967), p. 105. 73. Ibid.
Endnotes 759
74. Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 476, 113 S.Ct. 2194 (1993). 111. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 349 U.S. 294, 75 S.Ct. 753
75. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 62 S.Ct. 766 (1942). (1955).
76. New York Times, 13 June 1998. 112. Runyon v. McCrary, 427 U.S. 160, 96 S.Ct. 2586 (1976).
77. Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15, 93 S.Ct. 2607 (1973). 113. Board of Education of Oklahoma City v. Dowell, 498 U.S. 237,
111 S.Ct. 630 (1991).
78. Barnes v. Glen Theater, Inc., 501 U.S. 560, 111 S.Ct. 2456 (1991).
114. United States v. Fordice, 505 U.S. 717, 112 S.Ct. 2727(1992).
79. Associated Press, 20 September 1997.
115. Steelworkers v. Weber, 443 U.S. 193, 99 S.Ct. 2721 (1979) and
80. Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 756, 126 S.Ct. 1951 (2006). Sheet Metal Workers v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 478
81. Pickering v. Board of Ed.Township High School Dist. 205, Will Cty. U.S. 501, 106 S.Ct. 3063 (1986).
391 U.S. 563, 88 S.Ct. 1731 (1968). 116. Wygant v. Jackson Board of Education, 476 U.S. 267, 106 S.Ct. 1842
82. http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm. (1986).
83. 47 U.S.C.A. §223 and 18 U.S.C. §2251 et seq., respectively. 117. Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 85 S.Ct. 1678 (1965).
84. Reno v. A.C.L.U., 521 U.S. 844, 117 S.Ct. 2329 (1997). 118. Eisenstady v. Baird, 405 U.S. 438, 92 S.Ct. 1029 (1972); Loving v.
85. 20 U.S.C. §9134(f) and 47 U.S.C. §254(h)(6). Virginia, 388 U.S. 87, S.Ct. 1817 (1967); Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113,
93 S.Ct. 705 (1973); Doc v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 179, 93 S.Ct. 739 (1973);
86. United States v. American Library Association, 539 U.S.194, 123 S.Ct. and Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U.S. 557, 87 S.Ct. 1243 (1969).
2297, 156 L.Ed.2d 221 (2003).
119. Paris Adult Theater I v. Slayton, 413 U.S. 49, 93 S.Ct. 2628 (1973).
87. Everson v. Board of Education of the Town of Ewing, 330 U.S. 1,
67 S.Ct. 504 (1947). 120. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 55, 123 S.Ct. 2472 (2003).
88. Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421, 82 S.Ct. 1261 (1962). 121. The Wall Street Journal, 23 June 1989.
89. Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 105 S.Ct. 2479 (1985). 122. Carolyn Said, “Software Firm Skirts U.S. Law on Encryption,” San
Francisco Chronicle, 20 March 1998.
90. Church doctrine regarding polygamy was changed in 1890. See
D. Michael Quinn, “LDS Church Authority and New Plural Mar- 123. Title 18, U.S. Code.
riages, 1890–1904,” http://www.lds-mormon.com/quinn_polygamy. 124. Schmerber v. California, 384 U.S. 757, 86 S.Ct. 1826 (1966).
shtml. 125. “Drug Testing Becomes a Corporate Mine Field,” The Wall Street
91. 20 U.S.C. §4071-4074. Journal, 21 December 1989.
92. 42U.S.C.A. §2000bb et seq. 126. William G. Ross, “Bush v. Gore Has Not Wounded the U.S.
93. 42 U.S.C.A. §2000bb (a) (3). Supreme Court,” May 2, 2002, Jurist Discussion Forum, http://jurist.law.
94. Board of Education of the Westside Community Schools v. Mergens, 496
U.S. 226, 110 S.Ct. 2356 (1990).
95. Joan Lowy, Scripps Howard News Service, 1 March 1998. See also
the case of Good News Club, et al., v. Milford Central School, 533 U.S. 98, Chapter 3
121 S.Ct. 2093 (2001). 1. “Novanglus Papers,” Boston Gazette, 1774, No. 7. “Novanglus” was a
96. Cheema v. Thompson, 67 F.3d 883 (C.A.9 1995). pseudonym used by John Adams, signer of the Declaration of
Independence and, later, second president of the United States.
97. Lewis v. United States, 445 U.S. 55, 100 S.Ct. 915 (1980).
2. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, ed. J. P. Mayer and Max
98. Adams v. Williams, 407 U.S. 143, 92 S.Ct. 1921 (1972).
Lerner (New York: Harper and Row, 1966), p. 93.
99. Quoting from the government’s brief, Linda Greenhouse, “U.S., in
3. Barron v. Florida Freedom Newspapers, Inc., 531 So. 2d 113, 13 FLW
a Shift, Tells Justices Citizens Have a Right to Guns,” The New York
497 (Fla., 1988) and Katz v. Katz, 356 Pa. Super. 461, 514 A.2d 1374
Times, 8 May 2002, Late Edition - Final, Sec. A; p. 1.
(Pa., 1988), app den 515 Pa. 581, 527 A.2d 542 (Pa., 1988).
100. Wolf v. Colorado, 338 U.S. 25, 69 S.Ct. 1359 (1949).
4. Richmond Newspapers v. Virginia, 448 U.S. 555, 100 S.Ct. 2814 (1980).
101. Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643, 81 S.Ct. 1684 (1961).
5. Maryland v. Cottman Transmissions, Inc., 75 Md. App. 647, 542 A.2d
102. See, e.g., Hudson v. Michigan, 547 U.S. 896, 126 S.Ct. 2159 (2006). 859 (Md., 1988).
103. Malloy v. Hogan, 378 U.S. 1, 84 S.Ct. 1489 (1964), and Miranda v. 6. See extensive coverage of the Peterson tragedy at http://www.courttv.
Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602 (1966). Miranda is discussed in com/trials/peterson/.
Chapter 6.
7. Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc., 952 F.Supp. 1119
104. Klopher v. North Carolina, 386 U.S. 213, 87 S.Ct. 988 (1967). (W.D. Pa., 1997) quoting International Shoe v. Washington, 326 U.S. 310,
105. In re Oliver, 333 U.S. 257, 69 S.Ct. 499 (1948). 66 S.Ct. 154 (1945).
106. Parker v. Gladden, 385 U.S. 363, 87 S.Ct. 468 (1966) and Duncan v. 8. Morantz, Inc., v. Hang & Shine Ultrasonics, Inc., 79 F.Supp.2d 537
Louisiana, 391 U.S. 145, 88 S.Ct. 1444 (1968). (E.D. Penn. 1999).
107. Washington v. Texas, 388 U.S. 14, 87 S.Ct. 1920 (1967). 9. Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc., 952 F.Supp. 1119
108. Argersinger v. Hamblin, 407 U.S. 25, 92 S.Ct. 2006 (1972) and (W.D. Pa., 1997).
Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, 83 S.Ct. 792 (1963). 10. 18 U.S.C. §1201.
109. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 U.S. 184, 126 S.Ct. 2749 (2006). 11. 28 U.S.C. §§1331 & 1332.
110. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483, 74 S.Ct. 686 12. “The Supreme Court,” Supreme Court Historical Society, 1992,
(1954). p. 11.
760 Endnotes
13. Minneapolis and St. Louis R.R. Co. v. Bombolis, 241 U.S. 211, 36 S.Ct. 36. West’s Summary of American Law, annual update (St. Paul, MN: West
595 (1916). Publishing, 1990), p. 63.
14. Duncan v. Louisiana, 391 U.S. 145, 88 S.Ct. 1444 (1968) and Baldwin 37. David Rouella, “Is Criminal Contempt Overkill?” National Law
v. New York, 399 U.S. 66, 90 S.Ct. 1886 (1970). Journal, 11 May 1998, p. A6.
15. US News & World Report, 20 September 1982. Found in Simpson’s 38. Ruiz v. Estelle, 679 F.2d 1115 (C.A.Tex.,1982), 688 F.2d 266
Contemporary Quotations, compiled by James B. Simpson, 1988. (C.A.Tex., 1982).
16. United States v. Anthony Edwards, 101 F.3d at 19 (E.D.N.Y., 1996). 39. This verdict was rendered in a different venue (Santa Monica) than
17. U.S. v. Thomas, 116 F.3d 606 (2d Cir. N.Y., 1997). the criminal trial (downtown Los Angeles) and by a different and
predominately Caucasian jury. A news report on the jury verdict can
18. Federal statute protects jurors from being discharged, intimidated, be found in USA Today, 5 February 1997.
or coerced by their permanent employer based on federal jury service.
28 U.S.C. §1875.
19. After 30 days of service, federal jurors get a raise to $50. Chapter 4
20. Commonwealth of Mass. v. Geagan, 339 Mass. 487, 159 N.E.2d 870 1. Ethics 2000 Commission Final Report, Executive Summary, American
(Mass., 1959). Bar Association, June 2001.
21. A number of Supreme Court decisions in the 1990s changed the 2. Richard Posner, Overcoming Law (Cambridge: Harvard University
nature of the peremptory challenge process. It is now impermissible to Press, 1997). Judge Posner reaches back to the guilds of medieval Europe
dismiss a juror on the basis of race in both criminal and civil cases by as a platform for an economic evaluation of the legal profession today,
either party. See Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79, 106 S.Ct. 1712 (1986); which he concludes reflects an industrialization of service. The
Powers v. Ohio, 499 U.S. 400, 111 S.Ct. 1364 (1991); Edmonston v. “transformation of the profession is the proximate consequence of
Leesville Concrete Co., 500 U.S. 614, 111 S.Ct. 2077 (1991); Georgia v. a surge in demand for legal services” (p. 64).
McCollum, 505 U.S. 42, 112 S.Ct. 2348 (1992); Holland v. Illinois, 493 3. Warren Burger, then chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, in a
U.S. 474, 110 S.Ct. 803 (1990); Hernandez v. New York, 500 U.S. 352, speech to the American Law Institute, May 1978, as reported in ABA
111 S.Ct. 1859 (1991). In 1994, the limitation on the use of peremptory Journal 64 (1978), p. 847.
challenges was extended to make exclusions based on gender also
4. Jonathan Harr, A Civil Action (New York: First Vintage Books
impermissible. See J.E.B. v. Alabama, 511 U.S. 127, 114 S.Ct. 1419
Edition, 1996), p. 295.
5. Ken Meyers, National Law Journal, 17 June 1991, p. 13.
22. After a second three-month trial, the second jury also deadlocked as
to the guilt or innocence of the last remaining defendant, Raymond 6. In a 1998 California Supreme Court case, a New York lawyer was
Buckey. The Los Angeles county district attorney decided to not retry denied recovery of fees for representation of a client in a California
the case. American Bar Association Journal (April 1990), p. 28. arbitration because there was no associated California counsel. Birbrower
v. Superior Court of Santa Clara County, 17 Cal. 4th 119, 949 P.2d 1
23. U.S. v. Araujo, 62 F.3d 930 (7th Cir. 1995).
(Cal., 1998). However, an Illinois court in a very similar case came to
24. Colgrove v. Battin, 413 U.S. 149, 93 S.Ct. 2448 (1973). the opposite result. Colmar, Ltd. v. Fremantlemedia North America,
25. Williams v. Florida, 399 U.S. 78, 90 S.Ct. 1893 (1970), a noncapital Inc., 344 Ill.App.3d 977, 280 Ill.Dec. 72, Ill.App. (Ill., 2003). In
criminal case, and Colgrove v. Battin, id. a civil case. recent years, attorneys, particularly those who work in-house for
large companies, have questioned the propriety of state-by-state
26. Ballew v. Georgia, 435 U.S. 223, 98 S.Ct. 1029 (1978).
licensing of attorneys, arguing that it is in effect an illegal barrier
27. Excerpt reprinted with permission from the “THE JURY to interstate commerce.
SYSTEM,” Law Focused Education, Inc. Web site! State Bar of Texas
7. Sacramento Bee, 9 February 1977.
Law Related Education Department at http://www.texaslre.org/
jurygame_intro.html. 8. Erwin Griswold, The National Law Journal, 30 December 1991,
p. 17. Adapted from the book Ould Field, New Corne: The Personal
28. JURIST Legal News and Research hosted by the University of
Memoirs of a Twentieth-Century Lawyer (St. Paul, MN: West Publishing,
Pittsburgh School of law, Dr. Aristides N. Hatzis JURIST Greece
Correspondent at http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/world/greece.htm.
9. American Bar Association definition: Persons, qualified through
29. Woolf and Williams, Juries, Justice for a Generation (Plenary Sessions
education, training, or work experience, who are employed or retained
American Bar Association, The Senate of the Inns of Court and the Bar,
by a lawyer, law office, governmental agency, or other entity in a
The Law Society of England and Wales, 1985), p. 9.
capacity or function which involves the performance, under the ultimate
30. Apodaca v. Oregon, 406 U.S. 404, 92 S.Ct. 1628 (1972). direction and supervision of an attorney, of specifically delegated
31. Apodaca v. Oregon. Also see Johnson v. Louisiana, 406 U.S. 356, 92 substantive legal work, which work for the most part, requires sufficient
S.Ct. 1620 (1972). The Oregon plan allows 10 to 12 verdicts (i.e., 10 out knowledge of legal concepts that, absent such assistant, the attorney
of 12 votes) in all cases except capital ones (those cases calling for the would perform the task.
death penalty), which require unanimity. 10. Jerome Carlin, Lawyer’s Ethics (New York: Russell Sage Foundation,
32. Burch v. Louisiana, 441 U.S. 130, 99 S.Ct. 1623 (1979). 1966).
33. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure §48 states, “The court shall seat a 11. A copy of the published quotation is available (contact authors),
jury of not fewer than six and not more than twelve members. Unless the although the source cannot be identified.
parties otherwise stipulate, (1) the verdict shall be unanimous and (2) no 12. http://www.lsc.gov/.
verdict shall be taken from a jury reduced in size to fewer than six
13. Kristina Horton Flaherty, “Bar Cites 21 for Pro Bono Work,”
California State Bar Journal, November 2002.
34. Blanton v. North Las Vegas, 489 U.S. 538, 109 S.Ct. 1289 (1989).
14. Excerpt from the preamble of the Model Rules of Professional
35. 10 Del. C. §341 and Del. Const. Art. IV, §7 and §10. Conduct, American Bar Association, adopted February 2002.
Endnotes 761
15. Maryland State Bar Assoc. v. Agnew, 271 Md. 543, 318 A.2d 811 41. Bushman v. State Bar, 111 Cal.3d 558, 522 P.2d 312, 13 Cal.Rptr. 904
(Md., 1974). (1974) and Florida Bar v. Winn, 208 So.2d 809 (Fla., 1968).
16. ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct (2002) Rule 4.2: 42. Calif., Bus. & Prof. Code §6200 (c).
Communication With Person Represented By Counsel. 43. ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 1.8 (e) 1, 2.
17. The supreme court of Rhode Island found a similar failure to dis- 44. ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 1.8 (e), Model Code
close to be appropriate conduct. The court noted that because of an Comparison.
instruction by the attorney’s client not to disclose an embezzlement by
a former attorney, the attorney was prohibited from disclosure under 45. The Wall Street Journal, 22 November 1989.
the attorney-client privilege. In re Ethics Advisory Panel Opinion No. 46. American Jurisprudence 2d §3.
92-1, 627 A.2d 317 (1993). 47. J. Shannon, Texaco and the $10 Billion Jury (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
18. For both views, see Harry Subin, “The Criminal Lawyer’s ‘Different Prentice-Hall, 1988).
Mission’: Reflections on the ‘Right’ to Present a False Case,” and John 48. In re Thompson, 574 S.W.2d 365 (Mo., 1978).
Mitchell, “Reasonable Doubts Are Where You Find Them: A Response
to Professor Subin’s Position on the Criminal Lawyer’s ‘Different 49. Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton, Getting to Yes:
Mission,’” Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, 1 (1987), p. 128. Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (New York: Penguin Books,
19. Geoffrey Hazard and William Hodes, The Law of Lawyering
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989), §90.2. 50. For example, “Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators,”
approved by the American Arbitration Association, the Litigation
20. ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 1.7. Section and the Dispute Resolution Section of the American Bar
21. ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 1.6. Association, and the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution
22. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11; 28 U.S.C.A. 1927 (1988); (now part of the merged Association for Conflict Resolution). A copy
Chambers v. NASCO Inc., 501 U.S. 32, 111 S.Ct. 2123 (1991). can be found at the AAA Web site, http://www.adr.org/index2.1.jsp.
23. Ibid. 51. See “Talk, Don’t Sue,” Changing Times, August 1986, pp. 49–52, an
article that reports a settlement rate for mediation centers as high as 85
24. Ray August, “The Mythical Kingdom of Lawyers,” ABA Journal 78 to 90 percent. Also see “Neighborhood Courts,” California Lawyer (June
(September 1992), p. 72. An interesting rebuttal to lawyers as political 1982), p. 45, and “The Use of Mediation in the Resolution of Small
fodder can be found in Charles Epp, “Let’s Not Kill All the Lawyers,” Claims, Landlord/Tenant and Neighborhood Disputes,” St. Louis Bar
The Wall Street Journal, 9 July 1992. Journal (1986), p. 34. But also see “Mediating Neighborhood Conflict:
25. Harvey Rubenstein, “On Being a Private Practitioner,” ABA Journal Conceptual and Strategic Considerations,” Negotiation Journal 3 (1987),
78 (December 1992), p. 78. p. 3. The authors point out that such centers often hear cases referred by
26. Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350, 97 S.Ct. 2691 (1977). the police or the courts. These agencies impose pressure to resolve the
matter, but they need to monitor recurring problems to achieve success.
27. Shapero v. Kentucky Bar Association, 486 U.S. 466, 108 S.Ct. 1916
(1988). 52. For example, see In re First Merit Bank, N.A. 52 S.W.3d 749
(Tex., 2001).
28. Peel v. Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of Illinois,
496 U.S. 917, 110 S.Ct. 2281 (1990). 53. William Ewart Gladstone, (1809–1898), British Statesman.
29. ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 7.1. 54. All quotes are from the National Service of Gacaca Courts—
Government of Rawanda. Sources also include Amnesty International
30. Although individual attorneys in all states are currently restricted http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engafr470072002, Center for
from solicitation, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the American Communication Programs, http://www.jhuccp.org/africa/rwanda/gacaca.
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and similar organizations of attorneys shtml, Penal Reform International, http://www.penalreform.org/english/
may solicit directly [In re Primus, 436 U.S. 412, 98 S.Ct. 1893 (1978)]; theme_gacaca.htm, and Ellen Yamshon and Daniel Yamshon, “Comics
that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Media in Conflict Resolution Programs: Are They Effective in Promot-
(NAACP) may solicit parents of school children in desegregation cases ing and Sustaining Peace?” Negotiation Journal 7, pp. 421–451.
[NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415, 83 S.Ct. 328 (1963)]; and that a union
may solicit its members to funnel their injury claims to a particular 55. Warren E. Burger, “Our Vicious Legal Spiral,” Judges’ Journal 16
attorney [United Mine Workers v. Illinois, 389 U.S. 217, 88 S.Ct. 353 (1977), pp. 22, 49.
31. ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 1.5 (c). Chapter 5
32. Margaret Tero, “Run Away! Run Away Fast!,” ABA Journal
(September 2003), p. 34. 1. “CBS Suit Challenges FCC Fine Over Janet Jackson Incident,” The
Wall Street Journal, July 29–30, 2006, p. A8.
33. ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 1.5 Comment (4).
2. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,196983,00.html.
34. American Bar Association Formal Opinion 94–389: American Bar
Association Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility. 3. See, e.g., INS v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919, 103 S.Ct. 2764 (1983).
37. Darlene Ricker, “The Vanishing Hourly Fee,” ABA Journal (March 6. 7 U.S.C. §§2 et seq.
1984), p. 90. 7. 12 U.S.C. §§ 221 et seq.
38. Baron v. Mare, 47 Cal.App.3d 304, 120 Cal.Rptr. 675 (Calif.,1975). 8. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, PL 107–204, 116 Stat 745.
39. 13 ALR3d 701 (1967). 9. 15 U.S.C. §§ 21 et seq.
40. State of Kansas v. Mayes, 216 Kan. 38, 531 P.2d 102 (Kan., 1975). 10. 29 U.S.C. §§ 151 et seq.
762 Endnotes
11. 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000 et seq. 10. C. Goodyear, San Francisco Chronicle, 20 October 1998.
12. 40 C.F.R §1. 11. Illinois Code of Corrections, §1005-8-1.
13. http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/eng/zt/Features/t214565.htm. 12. 17 Cal.Jur.III §71.
14. 42 U.S.C. §§7134. 13. Illinois Code of Corrections, §1005-5-3.2.
15. 42 U.S.C. §§2011 et seq. 14. Commonwealth v. Noble, 417 Mass. 341, 629 N.E.2d 1328 (Mass.,
16. 15 U.S.C. §§41 et seq. 1994).
17. 5 U.S.C. §551(4). 15. State v. Tesack, 181 W.Va. 422, 383 S.E.2d 54 (West Virginia, 1989).
18. 40 C.F.R. §238.30. 16. People v. Caldwell, 36 C.3d 210, 681 P.2d 274, 203 Cal.Rptr. 433
(1984); People v. Aurelio R., 167 Cal.App.3d 52, 212 Cal.Rptr. 868 (1985).
19. 5 U.S.C. §553(b).
17. See, for example, Commonwealth ex.rel. Smith v. Myers, 438 Pa. 218,
20. 5 U.S.C. §553(c). 261 A.2d 550 (Pennsylvania, 1970); Alvarez v. Dist. Ct. for Denver, 186
21. 5 U.S.C. §§561–574. Colo. 37, 525 P.2d 1131 (Colorado, 1974); People v. Wood, 8 N.Y.2d 48,
22. Report to West Virginia Governor, http://www.wju.edu/ 167 N.E.2d 736 (New York, 1960); State v. Harrison, 90 N.M. 437, 564
SagoMineDisasterReport-July2006.pdf. P.2d 1321 (New Mexico, 1977).
23. See Camara v. Municipal Court, 387 U.S. 523, 87 S.Ct. 1727 (1967), 18. See, for example, California Penal Code, §187. In People v. Davis,
and Marshall v. Barlow’s Inc., 436 U.S. 307, 98 S.Ct. 1816 (1978). 30 Cal.Rptr. 2d 50, 872 P.2d 591 (1994), the California Supreme Court
held that the fetus need only have progressed beyond the embryonic
24. Donovan v. Dewey, 452 U.S. 594, 101 S.Ct. 2354 (1981). stage of seven to eight weeks for the murder statute to apply.
25. See, e.g., Donovan v. Dewey, 452 U.S. 594, 101 S.Ct. 2354 (1981). 19. Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705 (1973); Webster v.
26. See, e.g., Wyman v. James, 400 U.S. 309, 91 S.Ct. 381(1971). Reproductive Health Services, 492 U.S. 490, 109 S.Ct. 3040 (1989).
27. See, e.g., Marshall v. Barlow’s Inc., 436 U.S. 307, 98 S.Ct. 1816 (1978). 20. Associated Press, 15 November 1997; http://www.crimelibrary.com/
28. CNN Live Event Special 09:39 AM ET April 30, 1998; Transcript # criminal_mind/psychology/marykay_letourneau/1.html.
98043001V54. Content and programming copyright 1998 Cable News 21. National Law Journal, 26 October 1992, p. 3.
Network. Transcribed under license by Federal Document Clearing 22. San Francisco Chronicle, 2 March 1994, p. A7.
House, Inc.
23. State v. Way, 297 N.C. 293, 254 S.E.2d 760 (North Carolina, 1979).
29. 5 U.S.C. §§571-84.
24. Chronicle News Service, New York, 13 December 1997.
30. 5 U.S.C. §573.
25. See 31 Am.Jur.2d, Extortion, Blackmail, and Threats, §1.
31. “When Fines Collapse,” The National Law Journal, December 4,
1989. 26. California Penal Code §§203 and 204.
32. 5 U.S.C. §556. 27. People v. Valdez, 175 Cal.App.3d 103, 220 Cal.Rptr. 538 (1985).
33. Henry Friendly, Some Kind of Hearing, University of Pennsylvania Law 28. United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools
Review 123 (1975), p. 1289. Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, USA Patriot
Act, 115 Stat. 272 (2001), generally codified in Title 18, United States
34. 5 U.S.C. §552. Code.
35. 5 U.S.C. §552B. 29. Congressional Research Service: Terrorism: Section by Section
36. 5 U.S.C. §561 et seq. Analysis of the USA PATRIOT Act, Charles Doyle, Updated December
37. 5 U.S.C. §557. 10, 2001.
30. Associated Press, Washington, October 1997.
31. Associated Press, Santa Monica, 5 March 1998.
Chapter 6 32. Patrick O’Driscoll, “Man Charged with Setting Arizona Wildfire,”
1. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics as of June 30, USA Today, 1 July, 2002.
2005; see http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/prisons.htm. 33. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics as of 2004;
2. For a history of private management of prisons, and the differing legal see http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/it04.htm.
immunities that are applicable to public versus private guards, see 34. 18 U.S.C. §641.
Richardson v. McKnight, 521 U.S. 399, 117 S.Ct. 2100 (1997).
35. Gonzalez v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 125 S.Ct. 2195 (2005).
3. Mel Byrd, Director of Applied Research, North Carolina State
University. 36. United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers’ Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483,
121 S.Ct. 1711 (2001).
4. White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, as reported by
Jeff Barnard, Associated Press, 27 July 1998. 37. Illicit Drug Policies: Selected Laws from the 50 States (2002), p. 22.
A publication of The ImpacTeen Illicit Drug Team, which is a
5. William Glaberson, New York Times, 24 May 1998. collaborative research group with investigators from Andrews University,
6. Jim Robinson, “Internet as the Scene of Crime,” speech delivered RAND, and The MayaTech Corporation as well as other research
before the International Computer Crime Conference in Oslo, Norway, institutions. http://www.andrews.edu/BHSC/impacteen-illicitdrugteam/
29–31, 2000. http://www.cybercrime.gov/roboslo.htm. main.php.
7. San Francisco Chronicle, 23 June 1990. 38. Associated Press, Los Angeles, 6 March 1998.
8. U.S. v. Koon, 833 F.Supp. 769 (1993). 39. Associated Press, 16 April 1998.
9. People v. Jones, 86 Ill.App.3d 278, 407 N.E.2d 1121 (Illinois, 1980). 40. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 55, 123 S.Ct. 2472 (2003).
Endnotes 763
41. According to a New York State Attorney General’s survey in 76. New York Criminal Procedure Law, §510.30 et. seq.
March 1998, of those responding 92 percent favored Megan’s 77. National Law Journal, 19 April 1993, p. 6, discussing the case of Alme
Law. However, fewer (79 percent) favored putting the information v. Commonwealth, 414 Mass. 667, 611 N.E.2d 2941 (1993).
on the Internet, a tactic that has been done in over half of the
states. 78. The Bail Reform Act of 1984, 18 U.S.C. 3142(d). But see also United
States v. Salerno, 481 U.S. 739, 107 S.Ct. 2095 (1987) for standards.
42. Hans Greimel, “Neighbors Keep Molester Away by Buying
His Home,” Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, 79. United States v. Blackwell, 694 F.2d 1325 (1982).
13 August 1998. 80. Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602 (1966).
43. Chaplinski v. State of New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 62 S.Ct. 766 81. Bradford v. State, 184 G.A.App. 459, 361 S.E.2d 838 (Georgia, 1987).
(1942). 82. Associated Press, Springfield Mass., 30 January 1999.
44. San Francisco Chronicle, 28 March 1989. 83. Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 83 S.Ct. 1194 (1963).
45. The Wall Street Journal, 18 February 1994. 84. North Carolina v. Pearce, 395 U.S. 711, 89 S.Ct. 2072 (1969).
46. New York Times, 6 May 1997. 85. U.S. Constitution’s Article 1 Section 9, states in part, “No Bill of
47. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107–204, 116 Stat. 745 Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed,” and Section 10 says:
(2002). “…pass any ex post facto Law. …”
48. National Law Journal, 13 September 1993, p. 8. 86. San Francisco Chronicle, 29 June 1993.
49. “Porn Figure Sturman Dies in Prison at 73,” Las Vegas Review- 87. Frye v. United States, 293 F.2d 1013 (D.C., 1923).
Journal, 29 October 1997. 88. “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly
50. National Organization for Women, Inc., v. Scheidler, 510 U.S. 249, authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part
114 S.Ct. 798 (1994). of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute
51. Terrell v. Childers, 836 F.Supp. 468 (N.D. Illinois, 1993). the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two
years, or both.” 18 U.S.C. 1385.
52. San Francisco Chronicle, 15 May 1997.
89. See Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1982, Pub. L. No.
53. Maine Statutes, Chapter 5, Section 103(A). 97–86, §905, 95 Stat. 1099, 1114–16 (1981).
54. San Francisco Chronicle, 29 March 1994. 90. Definition from the Council on Foreign Relations, http://www.
55. National Law Journal, 9 March 1992, p. 13. terrorismanswers.com/responses/tribunals.html.
56. People v. Segal, 54 N.Y.2d 58, 429 N.E.2d 107 (New York, 1981). 91. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 126 S.Ct. 2749, 165 L.Ed.2d 723 (2006).
57. Judith Schoolman, New York, reported in San Francisco Chronicle, 92. 18 U.S.C. 801, et al.
16 March 1998. 93. Illinois Code of Corrections, §1005-5-3.2.
58. Reuters, Ottawa, 8 August 1992. 94. Illinois Code of Corrections, §1005-8-1.
59. http://www.courttv.com/trials/falater/062599_jurors_ctv.html. 95. State of Indiana v. Rowold, 629 N.E.2d 1285 (Indiana, 1994).
60. People v. Barraza, 23 Cal.3d 675, 591 P.2d 947, 153 Cal.Rptr. 459 96. Los Angeles Daily News, 10 July 1998.
97. Los Angeles Times, 10 July 1998.
61. People v. Slatton, 173 Cal.App.3d 487, 219 Cal.Rptr. 70 (1985); People
v. Kelley, 158 Cal.App.3d 1085, 205 Cal.Rptr. 283 (1984). 98. Associated Press, 28 January 1999.
62. Proclamation signed by then-President Ronald Reagan when 99. Associated Press, Jackson, New Jersey, 26 November 1998.
declaring the first annual Crime Victims’ Week, April 1981. 100. 18 U.S.C. §§3551–3626 and 28 U.S.C. §§991–998.
63. Simon & Schuster, Inc. v. Members of New York State Crime Victims Bd., 101. National Law Journal, 27 July 1992, p. 17.
502 U.S. 105, 112 S.Ct. 501 (1991). 102. National Law Journal, 21 February 1994, p. 38.
64. Associated Press, 14 July 1998. 103. 543 U.S. 220, 125 S.Ct. 738.
65. Associated Press, Los Angeles, 25 August 1998. 104. Associated Press, Boston, 27 August 1998.
66. United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897, 104 S.Ct. 3405 (1984); 105. Jerry Gray, New York Times, 29 January 1994.
United States v. Peltier, 422 U.S. 531, 95 S.Ct. 2313 (1975).
106. Harmelin v. Michigan, 501 U.S. 957, 111 S.Ct. 2680 (1991).
67. Hudson v. Michigan, 126 S.Ct. 2159, 165 L.Ed.2d 56 (2006).
107. Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238, 92 S.Ct. 1133 (1980).
68. Mapp v. Ohio, 367 US 643, 82 S.Ct. 23 (1961).
108. Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153, 96 S.Ct. 2909 (1976).
69. Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444, 110 S.Ct. 2481
(1990). 109. Godfrey v. Georgia, 446 U.S. 420, 100 S.Ct. 1759 (1980).
70. National Law Journal, 7 February 1994, p. 42. 110. Maynard v. Cartwright, 486 U.S. 356, 108 S.Ct. 1853 (1988).
71. National Law Journal, 7 February 1994, p. 6. 111. State v. Breton, 212 Conn. 258, 562 A.2d 1060
(Connecticut, 1989).
72. U.S. v. Penny-Feeney, 773 F.Supp. 220 (D.Hawaii, 1991).
112. Illinois Criminal Code, §9-1.
73. United States v. Rodriquez, 592 F.2d 553 (1979); United States v.
Ramsey, 431 U.S. 606, 97 S.Ct. 1972 (1977); United States v. Olcott, 568 113. Elledge v. Florida, 525 U.S. 944, 119 S.Ct. 366 (1998).
F.2d 1173 (1978). 114. Callins v. Collins, 510 U.S. 1141, 114 S.Ct. 1127 (1994).
74. USA Patriot Act §215.
75. Wilson v. Jones, 251 F.3d 1340 [C.A.11 (Ala.), 2001].
764 Endnotes
23. Ledingham v. Blue Cross Plan for Hospital Care, 29 Ill. App. 3d 339, 45. Dave Reynolds, “French Parliament Makes ‘Wrongful Birth’
330 N.E.2d 540 (Illinois, 1975); Grand Sheet Metal Products Co. v. Lawsuits a Thing of the Past,” Inclusion Daily Express, 19 February 2002.
Protection Mutual Insurance Co., 34 Conn.Supp. 46, 375 A.2d 428 See also “World Briefing Europe: France: ‘Right Not to Be Born’
(Connecticut, 1977); McEvoy v. Group Health Cooperative of Eau Claire, Overturned,” The New York Times, February 20, 2002.
570 N.W.2d 397 (Wisconsin, 1997). 46. See, e.g., Abrams v. Woods, 316 N.Y.S.2d 750, 64 Misc.2d 1093
24. Ga. Code Ann., §33–4-6. (New York, 1970); Mercer v. Band, 484 S.W.2d 117 (Texas, 1972).
25. The California Bad Faith Bobblehead: In 1979, the California 47. See, e.g., Franklin v. Gibson, 138 Cal.App.3d 340, 188 Cal.Rptr. 23
Supreme Court held that a provision of the California Insurance Code (California, 1982); Yocco v. Barris, 16 Ill.3d 113, 305 N.E.2d 584 (Illinois,
impliedly authorized a direct action against insurers by victims of unfair 1973); and Ridley v. Safety Kleen Corp., 693 So.2d 934 (Fla., 1996).
claims-settlement practices, including third-party claimants. Royal Globe 48. Vine v. Bear Valley Ski Company, 2004 WL 2108142 (Cal., 2004).
Ins. Co. v. Sup. Ct. (Keoppel), 23 Cal.3d 880 (Calif., 1979). Nine years 49. Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc., 59 Cal.2d 57, 377 P.2d 897,
later, the California Supreme Court reversed itself with regard to third- 27 Cal.Rptr. 697 (California, 1962).
party bad-faith claims. Moradi-Shalal v. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Cos., 46 Cal.
3d 287 (1988). In 1999, the California legislature effectively reversed the 50. Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability §1.
supreme court by passing a statute called the Fair Insurance 51. Associated Press, 10 November 1998.
Responsibility Act of 2000 (FAIR). FAIR restored a person’s right to sue 52. Los Angeles Times, 2 December 1998.
another person’s insurer for the insurer’s unfair claims-settlement
practices. The next year, two initiatives (30 and 31) sponsored by 53. FDA News P06-189, November 17, 2006.
Endnotes 765
54. Chronicle News Service, Los Angeles, 11 November 1998 and 21 6. Calle & Associates, Attorneys at law Etre Rios, Argentina based on
November 1998. Arts. 1144, 1146, 1147, 1149, 1150, and 1155; http://www.tomascalle
55. Kenneth Howe, San Francisco Chronicle, 27 November 1998. .com.ar/english/.
56. Marie Schwartz v. Philip Morris Companies Inc., No. 0002–01376, 7. UCC §2–205.
Ore. Cir., Multnomah Co. 8. Pride has also violated a federal criminal statute, 49 U.S.C.A. §32701
57. Estate of Schwarz v. Phillip Morris Inc., 206 Or.App. 20, 135 P.3d 409 et seq., and undoubtedly state criminal statutes as well (e.g., West’s Ann.
(Oregon, 2006). Cal. Vehicle Code §11713) that regulate the sale of vehicles.
58. Study of 1.25 million Chinese conducted jointly by Oxford and 9. “Bogus ‘Rebate’ Offers Violate Federal Law,” Federal Trade
Cornell universities and the Chinese Academies of Preventative Commission news release, 5 August 2002.
Medicine, Emma Ross, Associated Press, 20 November 1998. 10. Numerous sources covered the arrests including Michael J.
59. Quote from the World Health Organization at http://www.who.int/ Tittinger, “Golay Denies Fraud Scheme,” Santa Monica Daily Press,
tobacco/en/. June 6, 2006.
60. Henry K. Lee, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 November 1998. 11. The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, and the other precepts
spoken by God to Israel, delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Bible:
61. Ryan v. Koehler International, Inc., No. 2072, Court of Common Pleas, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5.
12. Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968, 15 U.S.C. §1601 et seq.
62. Public Law 109–92.
13. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, 2 U.S.C. §241 et seq.
63. Hanflik v. Ratchford, 848 F.Supp. 1539 (N.D. Ga., 1989); Craven v.
Lowndes County Hospital Authority, 263 Ga. 656, 437 S.E.2d 308 14. Statute of Frauds and Perjuries, 29 Car. II, c. 3.
(Georgia, 1993). 15. UCC, §2–106(1).
64. This example is based on the case of Dinh v. Rust International 16. UCC, §2–105(1).
Corporation, 974 F.2d 500 (4th Cir., 1992). 17. UCC, §2–201(3).
65. ORS 30.905 §1. 18. UCC, §2–201(2).
66. Olsen v. Freeman, 117 Idaho 706, 791 P.2d 1285 (Idaho, 1990). 19. UCC, §1–206(1).
67. Jim Doyle, San Francisco Chronicle, 27 June 1997. 20. UCC, §§2–201, 8–319, 9–203.
68. Loeblich v. Garnie, 113 So.2d 95 at 103 (Louisiana, 1959). 21. Restatements of Contracts 2d, §302(l)(b).
69. Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Co., 119 Cal.App.3d 757, 174 Cal.Rptr. 348 22. Restatements of Contracts 2d, §302(1)(a).
(California, 1981); Penner v. Falk, 153 Cal.App.3d 858, 200 Cal.Rptr. 661
(California, 1964); Taylor v. Superior Court, 24 Cal.3d 890, 598 P.2d 854, 23. Restatements of Contracts 2d, §§423, 430.
157 Cal.Rptr. 693 (California, 1979). 24. UCC §2–615.
70. For example, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, New York, 25. San Francisco Chronicle, 1 December 1989.
Oregon, and Utah take a portion of punitive damages awards. 26. Press Release from the Consumer Product Safety Commission news
71. Gordon v. Florida, 585 So.2d 1033 (Florida, 1991); Decision Approved release, January 1998.
by Gordon v. State, 608 So.2d 800 (Florida, 1992); and Certiorari Denied by 27. Upton Sinclair, The Jungle (New York: Penguin Edition, 1985),
Gordon v. Florida, 507 U.S. 1005, 113 S.Ct. 1647 (1993). p. 163.
72. General Resources v. Deadman, 932 S.W.2d 485 (Texas, 1996). 28. Copies of the complaint and stipulated final order, as well as
73. Sam Zuckerman, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 November 1998. There consumer education material associated with “Project $cholar$cam,”
are both state and federal “whistleblower” statutes. See, e.g., 31 U.S.C.A. are available from the FTC’s Web site at http://www.ftc.gov and
§5328. also from the FTC’s Consumer Response Center, Room 130,
74. San Francisco Chronicle, 8 April 1989 and 22 April 1989. 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580;
202-FTC-HELP (202–382–4357); TDD for the hearing impaired
75. 127 S.Ct. 1057, 549 U.S. ___ (2007). 202–326–2502.
76. Based on information found at http://www.tate.org.uk/britain/ 29. UCC §2–104(1).
exhibitions/turnerwhistlermonet/wvr.htm and http://blogs.princeton.
edu/wri152-3/rpower/archives/001951.htm. 30. UCC §2–719(3) and §2–302.
31. UCC §2–318.
32. Restatement of Contracts 2d, §213.
Chapter 8 33. Magnuson-Moss Consumer Product Warranty and Guaranty Act,
1. Restatement of the Law of Contracts, 2nd ed., §1. 15 U.S.C. §2301 et seq.
2. John Donne, “Devotions upon Emergent Occasions,” Number 17,
Chapter 9
3. In a few instances, the restriction is a form of punishment (as where
1. Don Lattin, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 May 1998.
prisoners are barred from most contract activity) or national defense
(as where enemies in times of war are barred from contracting with 2. Ankenbrandt v. Richards, 504 U.S. 112 S.Ct. 2206 (1992).
American citizens). 3. Dunn v. Cometa, 238 F.3d. 38 (1st Circuit, 2001); Rubin v. Smith,
4. Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) §2–206(1)(a). See also Restatement 817 F.Supp. 987 (D. N. H., 1993); Lannan v. Maul, 979 F.2d 627
of Contracts, 2n Restatement of Contracts, §3b d §30. (8th Circuit, 1992).
5. Adams v. Lindsell, 106 Eng. Rep. 250 (K.B., 1818). 4. Amy Argetsinger, Washington Post, 15 October 1998.
766 Endnotes
5. See, e.g., Texas Family Code Annotated, §1.91. 33. Ohio v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health, 493 U.S. 802, 110
6. Jennings v. Hurt, 160 App.Div.2d 576, 554 N.Y.S.2d 220 (New York, S.Ct. 39 (1990); Hodgson v. Minnesota, 497 U.S. 417, 1110 S.Ct. 2926
1990). (1990).
7. Marvin v. Marvin, 122 Cal.App. 3d 871, 176 Cal.Rptr. 555 (California, 34. Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 112 S.Ct. 2791 (1992).
1981). 35. Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914 120 S.Ct. 2597 (2000).
8. Levar v. Elkins, 604 P.2d 602 (Alaska, 1980); Carroll v. Lee, 148 Ariz. 36. Kaye and Kanwischer, “Admissibility of Genetic Testing in Paternity
101, 712 P.2d 923 (Arizona, 1986); Boland v. Catalano, 202 Conn. 333, Litigation: A Survey of State Statutes,” Family Law Quarterly 22 (1988),
521 A.2d 142 (Connecticut, 1987); Donovan V. Scuderi, 51 Md. App. 217, p. 109. For representative cases dealing with rebuttal of the presumption
443 A.2d 121 (Maryland, 1981); Eaton v. Johnson, 235 Kan. 323, 681 P.2d of legitimacy, see Scheland v. Chilldres, 852 S.W.2d 791 (Arkansas, 1993);
606 (Kansas, 1984); Hierholzer v. Sardy, 128 Mich. App. 259, 340 N. In re M.C., 844 P.2d 1313 (Colorado App., 1992); Miller v. Kirschner, 225
W.2d 91 (Michigan, 1983); Hay v. Hay, 100 Nev. 196, 678 P.2d 672 Conn. 185, 621 A.2d 1326 (Connecticut, 1993); In re Cooper, 608 N.E.2d
(Nevada, 1984); Morone v. Morone, 50 N.Y. 2d 481, 418 N.E.2d 1154 1386 (Indiana, 1993); Jensen v. Runft, 252 Kan. 76, 843 P.2d 191 (Kansas,
(New York, 1980); Watts v. Watts, 137 Wis.2d 506, 405 N.W.2d 303 1992); Johnson v. Van Blaricom, 480 N.W.2d 138 (Minn. Ct. App., 1992);
(Wisconsin, 1987). In re Tamara B., 585 N.Y.S.2d 757 (New York, 1992).
9. Hewitt v. Hewitt, 77 Ill.2d 49, 394 N.E.2d 1204 (Illinois, 1979). 37. State v. Hogan, 613 So.2d 681 (Louisiana, 1993).
10. http://www.hrc.org/worknet/dp/index.asp. 38. Lance Williams, San Francisco Examiner, 11 January 1998.
11. Baehr v. Miike, 80 Hawaii 341 (1996). 39. Gomez v. Perez, 409 U.S. 535, 93 S.Ct. 872 (1990).
12. Elaine Hersher, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 November 1998. 40. Levy v. Louisiana, 391 U.S. 69, 88 S.Ct. 1509 (1968).
13. Goodridge, et al. v. Department of Public Health, et al., 440 Mass. 309, 41. Weber v. Aetna Casualty, 406 U.S. 164, 92 S.Ct. 1400 (1972).
798 NE2d 941 (Mass., 2003). 42. Labine v. Vincent, 401 U.S. 532, 91 S.Ct. 1017 (1971).
14. 15 V.S.A. Chapter 23 Sec. 1201 (2). 43. See, e.g., Arizona Revised Statutes Title 14, Section 2114.
15. http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/11/82006a.asp. 44. The states that bar or severely limit the enforceability of surrogate
16. Rosengarten v. Downes, 802 A.2d 170 (Conn.App., 2002). contracts include Arizona, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, New
17. See, e.g., New York Domestic Relations Law Section 236 (B)(1)(d). York, and Utah. See Idaho Law Review 29 (1992–93), p. 383.
Note that gifts received during marriage from a spouse are considered 45. The Uniform Parentage Act of 2002 is a modification of a new
marital property. version completed in 2000. Variations of the 2000 and 2002 versions
18. Stringfellow v. Sorrels, 18 S.W. 689 (Texas, 1891). have been adopted in several states, including Delaware, Texas,
Washington, North Dakota, Utah, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.
19. See, e.g., Brandal v. Shangin, 36 P.3d 1188 (Alaska, 2001).
46. Section 801 Uniform Parentage Act (2002).
20. Szesny v. Szesny, 197 Ill.App.3d 966, 557 N.E.2d 222 (Ill., 1990).
47. H. Joseph Gitlin, “Illinois Becomes Surrogacy Friendly,” published
21. Checkoway, “Marital Property and Creditor’s Rights,” Maine Bar at http://www.aaml.org.
Journal 4 (1989), p. 254.
48. Gina Kolata, “Clinics Selling Embryos Made for Adoption,” The
22. The Wall Street Journal, 2 February 1994. New York Times, 23 November 1997.
23. Barnes v. Barnes, 603 N.E.2d 1337 (Indiana, 1992). 49. Lisa M. Krieger, “Life on Ice: Frozen Embryos Proliferate,”
24. Dellapenta v. Dellapenta, 838 P.2d 1153 (Wyoming, 1992). San Francisco Examiner, 9 May 1997.
25. Bonte v. Bonte, 136 N.H.286, 616 A.2d 464 (New Hampshire, 1992). 50. http://archives.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/08/01/china.
26. Compare Richard v. Richard, 599 So.2d 135 (Florida, 1992) (rejecting surrogate/index.html.
child’s lawsuit) with Herzfeld v. Herzfeld, 781 So.2d 1070 (Florida, 2001) 51. Florida Statute §63.042(3).
(allowing child to sue for sexual abuse). 52. Lofton v. Kearney, 93 F. Supp. 2d. 1343 (S.D. Fla., 2000); 157 F. Supp.
27. Renko v. McLean, 697 A.2d 468 (Maryland, 1997). See also Bushey v. 2d 1372 (S.D. Fla., 2001), aff’d., 358 F.3d 804 (11th Cir., 2004), reh’g en
Northern Assur. Co. of America, 766 A.2d 598 (Maryland, 2001). banc denied, 377 F.3d 1275 (11th Cir., 2005), cert. denied, 125 S.Ct. 869
28. Simmons v. Simmons, 773 P.2d 602 (Colorado, 1988); Van Meter v. (2005).
Van Meter, 328 N.W. 2d 497 (Iowa, 1983); Vance v. Vance, 41 Md. 53. Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, 92 S.Ct. 1526 (1972); Santosky v.
App. 130, 396 A.2d 296 (Maryland, 1979); Davis v. Bostick, 282 Or. 667, Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 102 S.Ct. 1388 (1982).
580 P.2d 544 (Oregon, 1978); Noble v. Noble, 761 P.2d 1369 54. See, e.g., California Penal Code, §272; Williams v. Garcetti, 5
(Utah, 1988); Stuart v. Stuart, 143 Wis.2d 347, 421 N.W.2d 505 Cal.4th 363, 853 P.2d 507, 20 Cal.Rptr.2d 341 (California, 1993);
(Wisconsin, 1988). New York Penal Law, §260.10(2); People v. Scully, 134 Misc.2d 906,
29. Harris v. McDavid, 553 So.2d 567 (Alabama, 1989); Richard P. v. 513 N.Y.S.2d 625 (New York, 1987); Kentucky Revised Statutes Ann.
Superior Court, 202 Cal.App.3d 1089, 249 Cal.Rptr. 246 (California, §530.060(1).
1988); Whittington v. Whittington, 766 S.W.2d 73 (Kentucky, 1989); 55. Restatement of the Law of Torts, 2d edition (American Law Institute
Wiener v. Wiener, 84 A.D.2d 814, 444 N.Y.S.2d 130 (New York, 1981); Publishers: St. Paul, MN, 1934), §316.
Pickering v. Pickering, 434 N.W.2d 758 (South Dakota, 1989).
56. The Wall Street Journal, 28 September 1992.
30. South Coast Today, 26 January 1998, http://www.s-t.com/daily/01-98/
01-26-98/zzzwnppl.htm. 57. In the following paragraphs, there are a sprinkling of quotations, all
of which, unless otherwise indicated, are from Jeremy Rifkin, The Biotech
31. Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705 (1973). Century (New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1998).
32. Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, 492 U.S. 490, 109 S.Ct. 3040 58. For a discussion of the Human Genome project, see Elizabeth Pennisi,
(1989). “The Human Genome,” Science, February 16, 2001, pp. 1177–1180.
Endnotes 767
59. “Researchers Hope for Chlamydia Vaccine,” Sunday Morning Herald, 92. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2004-01/06/content_296180.
February 2, 2006. htm.
60. “Cloned Pigs May Offer Humans Transplant Organs,” Washington, 93. Hanson v. Hanson, 404 N.W.2d 460 (North Dakota, 1987); Renfro v.
D.C.: Associated Press, 22 August 2002. Renfro, 848 P.2d 830 (Alaska, 1993).
61. Nicholas Wade, “Biotech Firm Touts Potential of Cow-Human 94. Orr v. Orr, 440 U.S. 268, 99 S.Ct. 1102 (1979).
Hybrid Cells,” The New York Times, 13 November 1998. 95. Bliss v. Bliss, 66 N.Y.2d 344, 497 N.Y.S.2d 344, 488 N.E.2d 90 (New
62. Rick Weiss, Washington Post, 19 May 1998. York, 1985).
63. William Wright, Born That Way: Genes, Behavior, Personality 96. Alabama, California, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, New
(New York: Knopf, 1998). York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Utah permit modification in
64. Theodore Roosevelt to Charles B. Davenport, January 1913, such cases. See The Family Law Quarterly 23 (1990), p. 546.
Charles B. Davenport Papers, Department of Genetics, Cold Spring 97. In 1983, Illinois adopted Section 510(b) of its Marriage and Dis-
Harbor, NY. solution Act, which terminates alimony if the former spouse cohabits
65. Jeremy Rifkin, The Biotech Century, 128. with another person.
66. Brian Macquarrie, Boston Globe, 5 September 1998. 98. Alaska (Statutes §25-25.24.160(3)), Florida (Statutes Annotated §61-
08), Kansas (Statutes Annotated §60-1610(b)(2)), Louisiana (Civil Code,
67. James O. Hill, director of the Colorado Clinical Nutrition Research article 160), Maine (Revised Statutes Annotated §19-721), Michigan
Unit at the University of Colorado, quoted by Associated Press, 15 June (Compiled Laws Annotated §552.23), Nevada (Revised Statutes
1998. Annotated §125.150), New Mexico (Statutes Annotated §40-4-7), North
68. Michael Grunwald, “Embryo Mix-Up Is Double Trouble,” Carolina (General Statutes §50-16.1), Ohio (Revised Code §3105.18),
Washington Post, 31 March 1999. Oregon (Revised Statutes §107-105), South Carolina (Code of Laws
69. The New York Times, 18 January 1998. §20-3-130), Virginia (Code §20-107.1), West Virginia (Code §48-2-15),
and Wyoming (Statutes Annotated §20-2-114). List compiled by Nolo
70. The House passed H.R. 2505 (265–162).The bill would have Press.
criminalized both therapeutic and reproductive cloning.
99. New Mexico Statutes, Chapter 40, Sec. 4-7.
71. Human Fertilization and Embryology Act of 1990.
100. McCarty v. McCarty, 453 U.S. 210, 101 S.Ct. 2728 (New York,
72. “Doctor Challenges UK Cloning Ban,” CNN.com, 5 November 2001. 1981).
73. The distinctions and much of this paragraph’s language are taken 101. 10 U.S.C. 1409.
from http://www.religioustolerance.org/cloning.htm.
102. McGowan v. McGowan, 142 A.D.2d 355, 535 N.Y.S.2d 990 (New
74. California Civil Code §§1714.1 & 3; Education Code §48904; York, 1988).
Government Code §§38772 & 53069.5, and Penal Code §490.5.
103. Dorton v. Dorton, 77 N.C.App. 667, 336 S.E.2d 415 (North
75. San Francisco Chronicle, 18 June 1998. Carolina, 1986).
76. San Francisco Chronicle, 12 May 1997. 104. Lovett v. Lovett, 688 S.W.2d 329 (Kentucky, 1985).
77. National Law Journal, 2 November 1998 and 9 November 1998. 105. See, e.g., In re Marriage of Aufmuth, 89 Cal.App.3d 446, 152 Cal.
78. The National Law Journal, 6 September 1993, 1A. Rptr. 668 (1979); In re Marriage of Washburn, 101 Wash.2d 168, 677
79. Andrea J. Sedlak, Ph.D., and Diane D. Broadhurst, M.L., “Executive P.2d 152 (Washington, 1984); Lowery v. Lowery, 262 Ga. 20, 413 S.E.2d
Summary of The Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and 73 (Georgia, 1992).
Neglect,” by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 106. Sorensen v. Sorensen, 839 P.2d 774 (Utah, 1992).
Administration for Children and Families; Administration on Children, 107. Guzman v. Guzman, 827 S.W.2d 445 (Texas, 1992).
Youth and Families; National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect
(1996). 108. In re Francis, 442 N.W.2d 59 (Iowa, 1989); Wilson v. Wilson, 434
N.W.2d 742 (S. Dakota, 1989).
80. Coy v. Iowa, 487 U.S. 1012, 108 S.Ct. 2798 (1988).
109. The case continued in the courts. See, e.g., Wendt v. Wendt,
81. Maryland v. Craig, 497 U.S. 836, 110 S.Ct. 3157 (1990). 757 A.2d 1225 (Conn.App., 2000) and Wendt v. Wendt, 2001 WL
82. San Francisco Chronicle, January 20, 1990, Time, August 6, 1990, 1570933 (Conn.Super., 2001).
p. 28. 110. In Chapter 1, it was noted that some opinions are ordered “not
83. The variance in numbers comes from a variance in studies. Philip A. published” and therefore cannot be used as legal precedent. This case
May, Ph.D. and J. Phillip Gossage, Ph.D, “Estimating the Prevalence of was so ordered. Nonetheless, the case binds the parties and their
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and preembryos. Also reported in The National Law Journal, 15 June 1992,
Alcoholism (2002). p. A3.
84. Gregg Aamot, Associated Press, 24 May 1998. 111. Aster v. Gross, 7 Va.App. 1, 371 S.E.2d 833 (Virginia, 1988); but see
85. Judy Pasternak, Los Angeles Times, 4 May 1998. Pommerenke v. Pommerenke, 7 Va.App. 241, 372 S.E.2d 630 (Virginia,
1988), where the court approved giving less than 10 percent of the assets
86. Ga. Code Ann. Sec. 19-7-5(b)(3) (Supp. 1998). to an adulterous wife.
87. Family Law Quarterly 20 (1987), p. 444. 112. See, e.g., Smith v. Smith, 331 S.E.2d 682 (North Carolina, 1985).
88. Time, 1 October 1990. 113. Bradley v. Bradley, 336 S.E.2d 658 (North Carolina, 1985).
89. Time, 18 August 1997. 114. Charles H. Whitebread, “The Uniform Probate Code’s Nod to the
90. Title 25, Arizona Revised Statutes, Chapter 7 (1998). Partnership Theory of Marriage: The 1990 Elective Share Revisions,”
91. http://patriot.net/~crouch/artj/tvshow.html. 11 Probate Law Journal 125 (1992), p. 134.
768 Endnotes
115. In re marriage of Sullivan, 37 Cal.3d 762, 691 P.2d 1020 (California, Uniform Commercial Code Article 2a - Leases National Conference of
1984). Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, July 26–August 2, 2002.
116. Texas Family Code Annotated, §3.63. 11. Statement of Michael P. Jackson, Deputy Secretary of
117. Newberry v. Newberry, 745 S.W.2d 796 (Missouri, 1988). Transportation before the Subcommittees on Telecommunications,
Trade and Consumer Protection and Oversight and Investigation of the
118. Veazey v. Veazey, 560 P.2d 382 (Alaska, 1977); DeMontigny v. Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives,
DeMontigny, 70 Wis. 2d 131, 233 N.W.2d 463 (Wisconsin, 1975). 19 June 2001.
119. Family Law Quarterly 27 (Winter 1994), p. 503. 12. “88 Deaths Linked to Recalled Tires: Venezuelan Agency Wants
120. Paquin, “Protecting the Interests of Children in Divorce Criminal Charges,” USA Today, 1 September 2001. The difference in the
Proceedings,” The Journal of Family Law 26 (1987–1988), p. 303. numbers are deaths attributed to the tires in other countries.
121. California Civil Code, §4607. 13. The Wall Street Journal, 29 April 1994. In one of these cases, the trial
122. The National Law Journal, 16 August 1993, p. 1. court awarded the plaintiffs $105 million after a young man died in a
fiery crash. The verdict was later overturned on appeal. General Motors
123. 42 U.S.C. Section 666 (1988). Corp. v. Moseley, 447 S.E. 2d 302 (Georgia, 1994). The case was settled
124. Public Law No. 102-521, 106 Stat. 3403, 18 U.S.C. 228 (1992). (along with three others) in 1995 for an undisclosed sum. National Law
125. Greenwald v. Greenwald, 154 Wis. 2d 767, 454 N.W.2d 34 Journal, 25 September 1945, A6.
(Wisconsin, 1990); Pendleton v. Fireman, 24 Cal.4th 39, 5 P.3d 839, 14. European Union Council Directive 85/374/EEC of 25 July 1985.
99 Cal.Rptr.2d 278, (Cal., 2000). 15. Based on the case of Shimoda v. Bundy, 142 P. 109 (California, 1914).
126. There are exceptions, however, where states have rejected the 16. Lee v. State, 187 Kan. 566, 358 P.2d 765 (Kansas, 1961).
illegal-consideration (sexual favors) doctrine. See, e.g., Latham v. Latham,
547 P.2d 144 (Oregon, 1976) and Cook v. Cook, 142 Ariz. 573, 691 P.2d 17. For example, see Calif. Vehicle Code §17709, for 15/30/5 liability
664 (Arizona, 1984). amounts.
18. See, for example, Calif. Civil Code §1714.1.
19. Lovett v. Hitchcock, 192 Cal.App. 2d 806, 14 Cal.Rptr. 117 (California,
Chapter 10 1961).
1. Judy Crichton, America 1900: The Turning Point (New York: Henry
20. North Carolina General Statute §90–21.14.
Holt & Company, 1998), p. 262.
21. Ibid.
2. Ibid.
22. A presumption can be a rebuttable (and most are), thus allowing the
3. 15 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.
opposing party to offer contrary proof that the inference in a particular
4. A “lemon” has been defined as “something or someone that proves to case should be believed. A presumption can also be conclusive, meaning
be unsatisfactory or undesirable: DUD, FAILURE …” John v. John the inference is to be treated as a fact as a matter of law.
Deere Co., 306 N.W.2d 231 (South Dakota, 1981).
23. See Ney v. Yellow Cab Co., 2 Ill.2d 74, 117 N.E.2d 74 (Illinois, 1954)
5. UCC §§2-601, 2-602, and 2-607. and Hergenrether v. East, 61 Cal.2d 440, 393 P.2d 164, 39 Cal.Rptr. 4
6. UCC §2-608(1)(b) and (2). (California, 1964).
7. For examples of lemon laws, see Arizona Rev. Stat. Ann. §§44-1261 to 24. Sacramento Bee, 21 February 1990.
1265; California Civil Code §1793.2; Colorado Rev. Stat. §§42-12-101 25. Wanna v. Miller, 136 N.W.2d 563 (North Dakota, 1965).
to 107; Florida Stat. Ann. §681.10-108; Illinois Rev. Stat. Ch. 121 1/2,
26. Coulter v. Superior Court, 21 Cal.3d 144, 577 P.2d 669, 145 Cal.Rptr.
§1201-08, Indiana Code §24-5-13-1 to 24; Kansas Stat. Ann. §50-645;
534 (California, 1978). This case, along with California’s dramshop
Michigan Comp. Laws Ann. §257.1401; Minnesota Stat. Ann.
liability, was later abrogated by statute. See California Business and
§325F.665; Ohio Rev. Code Ann. §§1345.71 to .77; Washington Revised
Professional Code §25602 and Civil Code §1714(C).
Code §§19.118.010-070; N.Y. General Business Law §198-a; and
Wisconsin Stat. Ann. §218.015. 27. http://www.mosnews.com/news/2006/09/05/sexdriving.shtml.
8. A short but useful discussion of automobile leasing versus buying 28. Some representative states with some form of guest statute are
exists in the April 2001 issue of Consumer Reports, pp. 21–22. A com- Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Ohio, and Texas.
parison of leasing versus purchasing is often included in the April 29. Idaho Code Title 49-§2415.
Annual Auto issue.
30. Tisko v. Harrison, 500 S.W.2d 565 (Texas, 1973).
9. UCC §2A-103 (e).
31. “Traffic Safety Facts 2004,” National Highway Traffic Safety
10. The original version of UCC Article 2A-103(e) provided for a Administration.
maximum amount but in August 2002 the National Conference of
32. D. Foley, Stop DWI: Successful Community Responses to Drunk Driving
Commissioners on Uniform Laws deleted the reference to a maximum.
(Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986).
See “Legislative Note: Present Article 2A has a bracketed provision
allowing States to insert a dollar cap on leases designated as consumer 33. “Traffic Safety Facts 2004,” National Highway Traffic Safety
leases, amended Article 2 defines ‘consumer contract’ and does not Administration.
include a dollar cap in the definition. Some States have not included a 34. “The Almost Drunken Skies,” ABCnews.com, July 1, 2002.
dollar cap in present Article 2A and States which have adopted a dollar
35. Rath v. Bankston, 101 Cal.App. 274 281 P. 1081 (California, 1929).
cap have stated varying amounts. If a State wishes to include a dollar cap,
the cap should be inserted here. Any cap probably should be set high 36. National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, Title 15
enough to bring within the definition most automobile leasing §1381 et seq.
transactions for personal, family, or household use.” Amendment to 37. “The Seat Belt Defense,” American Jurisprudence Trials 35, p. 349.
Endnotes 769
38. This Legal Focus is based on several articles, but the best source for Superior Court, 10 Cal.4th 1185, 899 P.2d 905, 43 Cal.Rptr.2d 836
stories about Ben Rothlesberger and his accident is The Pittsburgh (California, 1995).
Tribune-Review at http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/ 14. In a similar case 10 years after Becker, strict liability was disapproved.
sports/steelers/s_457788.html. See Peterson v. Superior Court, 10 Cal.4th 1185, 899 P.2d 905, 43 Cal.
39. California Business and Professional Code §22325. Rptr.2d 836 (California, 1995).
40. Rathbun v. Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation, 299 Ill. 562, 132 15. See, e.g., Washington Statutes, Landlord and Tenant, §59.18.130.
N.E. 754 (Illinois, 1921). 16. See, e.g., Yee v. Weiss, 877 P.2d 510, 110 Nev. 657 (Nevada, 1994)
41. McNeill v. Durham C. R. Co., 135 N.C. 682, 47 S.E. 765 (North and Barton v. MTB Enterprises, Inc., 889 P.2d 476 (Utah App., 1995).
Carolina, 1904). 17. California Civil Code, §1941.3.
42. A California jury held a bus company negligent for failure to equip 18. The Kari Koskinen Manager Background Check Act, Minnesota
buses with safety belts. Greyhound Lines v. Superior Court, 3 Cal.App. 3d Statutes §299C.66, was adopted in response to the murder of Kari
356, 83 Cal.Rptr. 343 (California, 1970). Koskinen by her apartment manager, who, unbeknownst to her, was a
43. Lopez v. Southern California Rapid Transit Dist., 40 Cal.3d 780, convicted felon.
710 P.2d 907, 221 Cal.Rptr. 840 (California, 1985). 19. Minnesota Statutes, §504.183.
44. Finken by Gutknecht v. Milwaukee County, 120 Wis.2d 69, 353
N.W.2d 827 (Wisconsin, 1984).
45. “Unlike Other Airlines, JetBlue Won’t Do the Bump,” USA Today,
October 23, 2003. Chapter 12
1. http://www.uli.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home&
46. http://www.iii.org/individuals/auto/a/canidrive/.
47. Pennsylvania repealed its no-fault law and instituted a modified no-
2. Kenneth R. Harney, “Homeowners Concierge Service Is Latest
fault plan that allows the insured to opt for either no-fault or fault
Thing,” San Francisco Examiner, 31 January 1999.
automobile insurance. 75 Pa.C.S.A. §§1701 et seq.
3. California Civil Code, §1102 et seq.
48. All quotes and this problem are from the “Statement of Decision,” by
Judge Kevin McCarthy, San Francisco Superior Court, December 18, 4. California Code of Civil Procedure, §704.730.
2002. The Solomon-like decision is much more complicated and well 5. Florida Constitution Article X, Section 4.
reasoned than the excerpt. http://fl1.findlaw.com/news.findlaw.com/
Chapter 13
Chapter 11 1. Jon Krakauer, Into Thin Air (New York: Villard, 1997).
1. Traxel, The Birth of the American Century 1898 (New York: Alfred A.
2. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 29 U.S.C. §201 et seq. (AKA
Knopf, 1998), p. 21.
Wages and Hours Act). Similar legislation in many states governs
2. Ibid. intrastate commerce.
3. Judy Crichton, America 1900 (New York: Henry Holt Co. 1998), 3. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (notably Title VII) as amended, 42 U.S.C.
p. 22. §2000e et seq. There is similar legislation in most states governing
4. Andy Furillo, “From Dreams to Decay,” Sacramento Bee, intrastate commerce.
15 September 2002. 4. McGowan v. Maryland, 366 U.S. 420, 81 S.Ct. 1101 (1961) and
5. The first publicized application of the FCC rule occurred in 1988. Braunffeld v. Brown, 366 U.S. 599, 81 S.Ct. 1144 (1961).
Associated Press, Washington, 21 November 1998. 5. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 U.S.C. §651 et seq.
6. Anne Gibson, “Rental Law Aims for Closer Bond,” The New Zealand 6. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 29 U.S.C. §201 et seq.
Herald, July 30, 2006.
7. National Labor Relations Act of 1935, 29 U.S.C. §151 et seq.
7. California Senate Bill 1403 (2002); see James Sterngold, “30-Day (Wagner Act); and National Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947,
Notice for a Mass Eviction,” The New York Times, February 21, 2002. 29 U.S.C. §141 et seq. (Taft-Hartley Act).
8. Charles Burress, San Francisco Chronicle, 2 January 1999. See 8. Social Security Act of 1935, 42 U.S.C. §301 et seq.
California Civil Code §1954.52 (C).
9. Restatement of the Law of Agency 2d, §1.
9. Public Law No. 100-430, 102 Statutes 1619 (1988) amending
10. Sacramento Bee, 18 September 1998.
42 U.S.C. §3601-3619.
11. P. L. Posner, Associate Director, General Accounting Office, quoted
10. Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Civil Code, §51 et seq.
in Insight, 12 June 1989, p. 24.
11. Steven J. Schnably, The Rights International Companion to Prop-
12. See IRS Publication 926, “Household Employer’s Tax Guide.”
erty Law: An International Human Rights and Comparative Law
Supplement (1999); Angela Doland, “Eviction Is Symbol of France’s 13. See, e.g., Edmund Phelps, Structural Slumps: The Modern Equilibrium
Eviction Woes,” Associated Press, Deseret News, September 2, 2006. Theory of Unemployment, Interest, and Assets (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1994).
12. Sandra Tan, “Landlords Blame Tenants, Demand More
Accountability,” The Buffalo News, 4 June 2002. 14. Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §703(a)(l).
13. Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA). 12 Strict 15. International Brotherhood of Teamsters v. United States, 431 U.S. 324,
liability established by Becker v. IRM Corp., 38 Cal.3d 454, 698 P.2d 116, 97 S.Ct. 1843 (1977).
213 Cal.Rpt. 213 (California, 1985) and disapproved by Peterson v. 16. United States v. Meyers, 906 F.Supp. 1494 (Wyoming, 1995).
770 Endnotes
17. Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 450 U.S. 248, 101 47. Employment Opportunity Commission, “The ADA: Questions and
S.Ct. 1089 (1981), and McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792, Answers,” http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/adaqa1.html.
93 S.Ct. 1817 (1973). 48. http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/qanda.html.
18. 42 U.S.C.A. §2000e-5(k). In the case of Parton v. GTE North, Inc., 49. 42 U.S.C. §12114(a), (b), and (c); Salley v. Circuit City Stores, Inc.,
971 F2d 150 (8th Cir., 1992), an award of attorneys’ fees under 160 F.3d 977 (3rd Cir., 1998).
Title VII was upheld, even though the plaintiff was awarded only
$1 in nominal damages for her claim of hostile environment sexual 50. Chevron USA, Inc. v. Echazabal, 536 U.S. 73, 122 S.Ct. 2045 (2002).
harassment. 51. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, http://www.eeoc.gov.
19. Christianburg Garment v. EEOC, 434 U.S. 412 (1978). 52. Douglas v. Aztec Petroleum Corp., 695 S.W.2d 312 (Texas, 1985).
20. EEOC v. Waffle House, Inc., 534 U.S. 279, 122 S.Ct. 754 (2002). 53. Lewis Maitby, Director of the American Civil Liberties Union
21. “EEOC Comments on Supreme Court Ruling in Waffle House National Task Force on Civil Liberties in the Work Place, National Law
Case,” EEOC press release, 15 January 2002. Journal, 14 October 1991, p. 1.
22. “Portrait of a Company Behaving Badly,” Time, 16 March 1998. 54. Occupational Safety and Health Association, “OSHA Vital Facts
23. Greg Winter, “Coca-Cola Settles Racial Bias Case,” New York Times
on the Web, November 17, 2000. 55. OSHA Region 2 News Release: NY 225, 8 December 1998.
24. Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424, 91 S.Ct. 849 (1971). 56. Social Security Act of 1935.
25. Wards Cove Packing Company, Inc. v. Atonio, 490 U.S. 642, 109 S.Ct. 57. Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.
2115 (1989). §1001 et seq.
26. Watkins v. Scott Paper Co., 530 F.2d 1159, (11th Cir., 1976) cert. 58. Durango pension plan may also be found on the Trusteed Plans Info
denied, 429 U.S. 861, 97 S.C. 163 (1976). section of the PBGC Web site, http://www.pbgc.gov.
27. 29 U.S.C. §1802. 59. James T. Madore, “Enron Employees See 401(k)s Wiped Out,”
Newsday, November 30, 2001 p. A75; Paul Katzeff, “401(k) Reform
28. Odima v. Westin Tucson Hotel, 53 F.3d 1484 (9th Cir., 1995). Compromise Is Likely Next Step: Senate Action Leading D.C. Bills
29. Mann v. Frank, 7 F.3d 1365, 1370 (8th Cir., 1993). Similar on Diversification, Differ on Lockdown-Period Rules,” Investor’s
30. Ansonia Bd. of Educ. v. Philbrook, 479 U.S. 60, 67, 107 S.Ct. 367 Business Daily, 15 May 2002; David Nicklaus, “Many 401(k)s Took the
(1986). Gas When Enron Stock Hit Bottom,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1
December 2001, Saturday Five Star Lift Edition.
31. Silo v. CHW Medical Foundation, 27 Col. 4th 1097, 119 Cal.Rptr.2d
698 (California, 2002). Note, however, that this case deals with a 60. Douglas v. E.G. Baldwin & Associates, 150 F.3d 604 (6th Cir., 1998).
comparable state law rather than the Civil Rights Act. 61. Rebel v. Unemployment Compensation Board of Review, 555 Pa. 114,
32. Independent Union of Flight Attendants v. Pan American World Airways, 723 A.2d 156 (Penn., 1988).
Inc., Case #84-4600, Federal District Court, San Francisco, November 62. Smyth v. The Pillsbury Co., 914 F.Supp. 97 (E.D. Pennsylvania, 1996).
27, 1989. 63. Commonwealth v. Pullis (Philadelphia Cordwainers Case).
33. EEOC Guidelines for Sexual Harassment. Philadelphia Mayor’s Court, 3 Commons and Gilmore (1806).
34. Weeks v. Baker & McKenzie, 63 Cal.App.4th 1128, 74 Cal.Rptr.2d 510 64. Commonwealth v. Hunt, 45 Mass. (4 Met.) 111, 38 Am. Dec. 316
(California, 1998). For additional information, see National Law Journal, (1842).
12 September 1999, p. A4 (col. 1); National Law Journal, 14 November 65. Thornhill v. Alabama, 310 U.S. 88, 60 S.Ct. 736 (1940) and Frisby v.
1994, p. A4 (col. 1); National Law Journal, 18 May 1998, p. A5 (col.1); Schultz, 487 U.S. 474, 108 S.Ct. 2495 (1988).
and National Law Journal, 14 September 1998, p. A4 (col. 2).
66. Anti-Injunction Act of 1932, 29 U.S.C. §101 et seq.
35. Cotran v. Rollins Hudig Hall Int’l Inc., 17 Cal.4th 93, 948 P.2d 412
(California, 1998). 67. National Labor Relations Act of 1935, 29 U.S.C. §151 et seq.
36. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. v. EEOC, 462 U.S. 669, 68. National Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, 29 U.S.C.
103 S.Ct. 262 (1983). §§141-197.
37. Institute for Women’s Policy Research, “The Best and Worst State 69. Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, 29
Economies for Women,” 2006 Edition, http://www.iwpr.org/. U.S.C. §401 et seq.
38. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, an Amendment of 70. Labor statistics can be found online at http://stats.bls.gov/data/home.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 29 U.S.C. §630(b). htm.
39. 29 U.S.C. §630(f ). 71. NLRB v. Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation, 306 U.S. 240, 59 S.Ct. 490
40. 29 U.S.C. §631(c).
72. Examples of cases denying arbitration include Prudential Ins. Co. of
41. 29 U.S.C. §623. America v. Lai, 42 F.3d 1299 (9th Cir., 1994); and Renteria v. Prudential
42. United Steelworkers of America v. Weber, 444 U.S. 889, 99 S.Ct. 2721 Ins. Co. of America, 113 F.3d 1104 (9th Cir., 1997). Examples of cases
(1979). upholding arbitration include Cole v. Burns Int’l. Security Serv., 105 F.3d
43. Civil Rights Act of 1991 Sec. 13. 1465, (D.C. Cir., 1997); Brookwood v. Bank of America 45 Cal.App.4th
1667, 53 Cal.Rptr.2d 515 (California, 1996); and Piper Funds v. Piper
44. The Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson, 122 F.3d 692 (9th Cir., Cap. Mgmt., 71 F.3d 298 (8th Cir., 1995).
1997) cert. denied, 522 U.S. 963, 118 S.Ct. 397 (1997).
73. Statement by the American Arbitration Association, http://www.adr
45. Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 306 (2003). .org/.
46. Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978). 74. Circuit City Stores v. Adams, 532 U.S. 105, 121 S.Ct. 1302 (2001).
Endnotes 771
75. EEOC v. Waffle House, Inc., 534 U.S 279, 122 S.Ct. 754 (2002). 20. From the Netherlands government Web site at http://www.minbuza.
76. Cole v. Burns Int’l Security Services, 105 F.3d 1465, 1482 (D.C. Cir., nl/default.asp?CMS_ITEM=MBZ461025.
1997). 21. Judy Crichton, America 1900: The Turning Point (New York: Henry
Holt and Company, 1998), p. 64.
22. http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/services/livtrust.htm.
Chapter 14 23. Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. §§2631 and 2601 et seq.
1. Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702, 117 S.Ct. 2258 (1997).
2. John R. Luckey, “A History of Federal Estate, Gift, and Generation-
Skipping Taxes,” Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, Appendix C
updated April 9, 2003. http://www.opencrs.com/rpts/95-444_20030409. 1. Modified by the Sixteenth Amendment.
2. Modified by the Fourteenth Amendment.
3. Inheritance tax: Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland,
Nebraska, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. Estate tax: 3. Repealed by the Seventeenth Amendment.
Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, 4. Modified by the Seventeenth Amendment.
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, 5. Changed by the Twentieth Amendment.
Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin—and the District of
Columbia. 6. Modified by the Twenty-Seventh Amendment.
4. Internal Revenue Code, §26 U.S.C. 2001. 7. Modified by the Sixteenth Amendment.
5. Nuncupative wills are recognized in Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, 8. Changed by the Twelfth Amendment.
Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North 9. Changed by the Twenty-Fifth Amendment.
Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Washington. 10. Modified by the Eleventh Amendment.
6. San Francisco Chronicle, 17 March 1989. 11. Affected by the Thirteenth Amendment.
7. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, 12. The first ten amendments were passed by Congress on September 15,
Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, 1789, and were ratified on December 15, 1791. Collectively, they are
North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, referred to as the Bill of Rights.
Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
13. Changed by the Twentieth Amendment.
8. http://www.usask.ca/pubrel/publications/ocn/paper/Feb28/
Miscellany/famous.html and http://www.usask.ca/uofs/report/ 14. Changed by the Twenty-Sixth Amendment.
9697rept.pdf. 15. Ibid.
9. Colorado Statutes §§15-11-503 and Calif. Probate Code §6111. 16. Modified by the Twenty-Seventh Amendment.
10. Dear Abby, San Francisco Chronicle, 19 June 1989.
11. Stone v. Stephens, 155 Ohio St. 595, 99 N.E.2d 766 (Ohio, 1951).
12. Colorado law provides an example of a slayer statute, C.R.S.§ 15-11-
803 (2) “An individual who feloniously kills the decedent forfeits all
benefits with respect to the decedent's estate, including an intestate
share, an elective-share, an omitted spouse’s or child’s share, the
decedent’s homestead exemption …, exempt property, and a family
allowance. If the decedent died intestate, the decedent’s intestate estate
passes as if the killer disclaimed his or her intestate share.”
13. The Guide to American Law, Supplement 1991 (St. Paul, Minn.: West
Publishing, 1991), p. 405.
14. “Probate Texas Style,” National Law Journal, 22 May 1989.
15. Calif. Probate Code §10800.
16. Dave Kindred, “Ted Williams Saga: A Cryonic Shame,” Sporting
News.Com, 22 July 2002, and similar articles.
17. PL 101-508, 42 U.S.C. §1395cc(a)(1).
18. Ore. Rev. Stat. §§127.800 et seq. http://detroitsuburbs.miningco.
com/library/weekly/aa020298.htm. See Lee v. Oregon, 107 F.3d 1382 (9th
Cir., 1997), for a discussion of early litigation to stop operative use of the
19. Besides Washington et al. v. Glucksberg et al., see also Vacco, Attorney
General of New York et al. v. Quill et al., 521 U.S. 793 S.Ct. 2293, 117
S.Ct. 2293 (1997). The code cited is Wash. Rev. Code §70.122.070(1).
A acceptance
Affirmative response to the terms of an offer, creating a contract.
A and B trust See also “offer.”
A husband-and-wife trust wherein after the first spouse dies, the sur-
viving spouse receives a life interest in the trust property, and some- accession
one else (the designated beneficiary) has a remainder interest. An A “Adding on” to the value of personal property by either labor or
and B trust is also called a marital life estate trust. materials.
Glossary 773
value is a designated fraction (e.g., one-fourth) of the appraised or full dispense funds from checking and savings accounts, make credit card
cash value. advances, and receive payments.
blight burglary
An extremely adverse condition affecting the value of real property The crime of unlawfully entering premises, structures, and vehicles
such as disrepair or garbage in the yard. with intent to commit larceny (theft) or any other felony.
Glossary 777
defendant deregulation
(a) In a civil trial, the person from whom money damages or other re- A process of eliminating, reducing, or restructuring the regulation of
lief is sought by the plaintiff. (b) In a criminal trial, the accused. an industry.
defense detention
Some reason in law or fact why the plaintiff should not recover in a The brief stopping of a suspicious person by a police officer for the
civil action (e.g., failure of consideration, act of God, assumption of limited purpose of determining if a crime has been or is being com-
risk) or why the defendant is not guilty as charged in a criminal mitted in the proximity of the detainee.
deficiency judgment A gift of real property by will.
Judgment against a debtor for the unpaid balance still due after re-
possession and resale of goods that were sold on credit, or after judi- dicta
cial foreclosure of a real estate mortgage. [Latin for “remark(s)”] Any part of a court opinion that is unneces-
sary to the resolution of dispute before the court. Such digression by
de jure a judge is not binding on later courts.
[Latin for “by law” or “lawfully”] Of right; done in compliance with
law; legitimate; lawful, whether or not such is true in actual fact (e.g., diminished capacity
the term de jure segregation is often used to refer to officially sanc- Reduced ability to exercise one’s freedom of will or to choose be-
tioned racial discrimination). See also “de facto.” tween right and wrong. Possibly delusion induced by drugs, dimin-
ished capacity may negate the presence of specific criminal intent
delegation required for first-degree murder.
Transfer of some or all contractual duties to another person.
directive to physicians
deliberate A signed document communicating the signer’s wishes regarding the
The jury’s review, discussion, and weighing of evidence presented at use of life-support systems in the treatment of a terminal illness.
a trial.
disability insurance
democracy A form of insurance that provides replacement income for a person
[Greek for “rule by the people”] System of government in which who is unable to work because of a disability (illness or injury).
power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly, or indi-
rectly as through a system of representation involving free elections. disbarment
Revocation of an attorney’s license to practice law. A disbarred
demurrer attorney may seek reinstatement at a future date.
A motion filed by a defendant in response to a summons and com-
plaint alleging the complaint, even if true, are insufficient to state a discharge of contract
cause of action. Completion of contractual obligation(s).
784 Glossary
duress enact
Any threat of, or actual, physical harm that deprives a person of the To establish a law by proper vote of members of the legislative
freedom of will to choose and decide. branch of government and (normally) with executive approval (i.e.,
by signature of the president or responsible governor).
duty-based ethics
The doctrine that actions are morally correct if they comply with encroachment
existing obligations owed another or ourselves. Construction (e.g., building or fence) or vegetation (e.g., tree limb
or ground cover) that physically intrudes upon or overlaps the real
duty, legal
property of another. An encroachment can be a nuisance, enjoinable
The obligation enforceable in court to recognize and respect the by court judgment.
person, property, and rights of others. Legal duty is the reciprocal of
legal right. endorsements, policy
Clauses that supplement standard policies of insurance. May be
E printed forms added to policies.
featherbedding (e.g., the driver of a getaway car in a bank robbery where one of the
robbers was killed by a guard).
Causing or attempting to cause an employer to pay for services by
employees that are not actually performed or are not to be per- fidelity bond
formed, such as requiring unneeded extra workers (e.g., brakemen on
A bond insuring against losses caused by a fraudulent performance
modern trains).
of duties by a personal representative (for example, an executor or
federal guardian).
Refers to the U.S. government and its activities. The United States is fiduciary
a federation of 50 sovereign states.
Someone who has an obligation to act with scrupulous good faith
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and honesty toward another.
A federal agency in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban fiduciary relationship
Development (HUD). The FHA insures (guarantees) the repayment
A relationship between two persons wherein one has an obligation
of home-purchase mortgages and provides housing subsidies, thus
to perform services with scrupulous good faith and honesty (e.g., an
making financing available to home buyers, and to owners and devel-
attorney toward a client, a trustee toward a beneficiary in a trust, and
opers of housing projects.
a partner toward another partner in a partnership have a fiduciary
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan relationship).
A loan in which the lender is insured by the Federal Housing Admin- field sobriety test
istration, with the borrower paying the mortgage insurance premium.
A simple test used to determine the reactions of a motor vehicle
federalism driver who is suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or
another drug. The test is administered at the scene of the arrest.
A government consisting of a union of more or less self-governing
states under an umbrella of federal government. Fifth Amendment
federal law “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infa-
mous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury,
Includes the U.S. Constitution, statutes enacted by Congress, inter-
except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia,
national treaties, presidential orders, rules promulgated by federal
when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any
agencies, and decisions of federal courts.
person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy
Federal Register of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a
The official publication of the federal government for promulgating witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property,
all agency rules and regulations. without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for
public use, without just compensation.”
Federal Reporter
financial responsibility law
Volumes containing decisions and opinions of U.S. courts of appeals.
A statute requiring that after an automobile accident of specified
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) severity, any driver not covered by insurance must post specified
The federal agency charged with assuring the collectibility of deposits cash or equivalent bond (e.g., $35,000 in California) or lose his or
and savings accounts (up to $100,000 per covered account) in savings her driver’s license and vehicle registration until released from the
and loan associations (S&Ls). The failure of hundreds of these asso- potential liability for damages.
ciations led Congress to create and fund the Resolution Trust Corpo-
financing package
ration in 1990, an agency responsible for liquidating and selling off
insolvent S&Ls. A presentation of prearranged loan terms that are available for quali-
fied (in terms of creditworthiness) borrowers who desire to purchase
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) a home.
A federal agency charged with regulating business to prevent unfair
firm offer
competition and to protect consumers against false advertising and
other unfair trade practices. A written offer signed by a merchant that remains open for a speci-
fied time, up to three months. It is binding even though the offeree
fee (or fee simple) does not pay for the right (i.e., the option to buy the goods at the
Complete ownership of real property. A fee simple is distinguished, stated price).
for example, from a life estate, which is ownership limited in its
First Amendment
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
felon or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom
Person convicted of a felony. of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
felony grievances.”
A serious crime (such as murder) that is punishable by death or im-
prisonment for more than one year. first degree
A measurement in law of the degree of culpability (blameworthi-
felony-murder rule ness) of the perpetrator of a crime. A perpetrator of first-degree
A rule mandating that all participants in a dangerous felony are guilty murder, for example, is guilty of the highest culpability known in
of murder in the first degree if a killing occurs during its commission the law.
Glossary 789
first degree murder and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce
any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens
Premeditated murder perpetrated with malice aforethought; e.g., by an
of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life,
explosive device or poison, or while lying in wait, or during commis-
liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any
sion of a specified dangerous felony such as robbery, rape, or arson.
person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
fixed rate mortgage
A traditional home-purchase mortgage in which the interest rate and
the monthly payment do not fluctuate during the life of the loan. (a) The right obtained by a person or group through contract with a
manufacturer or distributor to sell a branded item in a given location.
fixer-upper (b) The right granted by government to conduct certain activities
A house that needs extensive work and repair, usually of a cosmetic (such as the sale of gas or electricity throughout a county) as monop-
nature, before it can be sold at a higher price. When major structural olies. (c) The right to vote for candidates for public office.
repairs are necessary, the substantial costs may not be covered or
recouped through the rise in its fair market value.
A knowingly false representation of a material fact, made through
for cause words or conduct, with intent to deceive a victim, who is induced to
See “challenge (of juror).” contract in reliance on the lie, and who is thereby injured. Fraud is
also called deceit.
forcible eviction
An illegal eviction technique by which a landlord confronts a tenant, Freddie Mac (FHLMC)
forcibly removes all personal items, and changes locks on the unit. The nickname for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, a
corporation that participates in the secondary mortgage market by
foreclosure buying and selling conventional, FHA, and VA ( Veterans Adminis-
Process by which secured real property is confiscated at the direction tration) mortgages.
of the unpaid creditor and sold to the highest bidder. Cash proceeds
go to retire or reduce the unpaid debt. There are two kinds of fore- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
closure. Judicial foreclosure is accomplished through court proceed- A federal law requiring the federal government to disclose most pub-
ings much as other litigation. Nonjudicial foreclosure, the more lic records to any person on request.
commonly occurring, is accomplished without resort to courts or
lawyers. It takes place through a private sale conducted by a trustee freedom of religion
under the direction of the unpaid creditor. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …”
foreclosure sale
Sale of a debtor’s real property to raise cash with which to reduce or free speech
retire the unpaid debt. A foreclosure sale may be of two varieties, by (a) The right to express any opinion in public without censorship or
a court official following judicial foreclosure or by a trustee following restraint by the government. (b) “Congress shall make no law …
nonjudicial foreclosure. abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
foreseeability redress of grievances.”
The ability of a reasonably prudent person to anticipate in advance
that injury to person and/or property is likely to result from a speci- full cash value
fied act or failure to act. Foreseeability is an essential element of the The appraised value of real property determined for the purpose of
tort of negligence. calculating the annual property tax.
reference to any special circumstances of the plaintiff. General graduated payment mortgage
damages are a type of compensatory damages.
A home-purchase mortgage and promissory note that features
general intent artificially low monthly payments for the initial few years as an
inducement for borrowers whose incomes and creditworthiness are
In criminal law, the intent to do the prohibited act without necessity
expected to improve in the future.
of proving intent to cause the precise harm.
goodwill, business
Intangible asset of a business that is developed through supplier con- H
fidence and customer satisfaction with sales and service, stimulating
future sales and profits.
habeas corpus
[Latin for “you have the body”] A legal writ or court order to release
Government in the Sunshine Act a prisoner from alleged unlawful confinement so that he or she can
A federal law requiring that most meetings of federal agencies be appear before a court for proper remedial action. The petitioner
open for public observation and that advance notice be given of seeks release.
agency meetings, listing the expected topics of discussion.
habitability, implied warranty of
grace period See “implied warranty of habitability.”
A period of time during which a tardy payment on a debt, a home-
purchase mortgage, or rent will be accepted without penalty. The hate crime
grace period is the time between the due date of a payment and the Any crime the motivation for which was persecution of a victim be-
delinquent date, following which a penalty may be assessed. cause of race, religion, sexual orientation, or political beliefs. Hate
Glossary 791
crimes usually result in enhancement of the penalty otherwise im- hostile environment
posed. In some instances, hate crimes are treated as separate offenses
Conduct by others in the workplace that has the purpose or effect of
with specified penalties.
unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or
hate speech creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Words spoken, written, or symbolized (e.g., by placing burning hung jury
crosses on private lawns) that express irrational and false ideas that
A jury that cannot reach a verdict because of inability or unwilling-
insult and demean certain persons or classes of persons. Such speech,
ness of a sufficient number of jurors to agree on disputed facts.
often illegal, may encourage violent attacks on innocent people.
hearsay evidence
Evidence not based on personal observation or knowledge of the
witness, but consisting of repetition of what someone else has said. identity theft
Hearsay is generally not admissible to prove a fact, but exceptions exist. The wrongful or false use of another person’s identification or the
commission of a crime using the identification of another.
Persons designated by law to receive the estate of a decedent who immaterial evidence
leaves no will (i.e., dies intestate). Evidence that is not important or essential to the proof of facts in
dispute. Counsel may successfully object to its introduction by the
holographic will
An unwitnessed will. States that allow such a will usually require it to
be written in longhand by the testator, signed, and dated. immunity from prosecution
The granting by a court of freedom from liability for a specified
home equity loan
crime. A person who has been granted this immunity possesses no
A loan for any purpose (e.g., to pay off credit card balances that carry privilege against self-incrimination and may be compelled to testify
higher interest rates, or to pay for college tuition, a new car, a vaca- about the event in question.
tion, or home improvements) that is collateralized by a mortgage on
the borrower’s home. Although the mortgage securing a home equity impeach
loan typically incurs higher interest than a home-purchase mortgage, (a) To discredit, dispute, disparage, or contradict a witness’s testi-
its interest is deductible from federal and state income taxes, which mony. (b) Proceeding against a political figure for a crime or
helps explain its popularity. misfeasance before the proper political forum.
home inspection services implied covenant of quiet enjoyment
Professional businesses that inspect residential properties to discover (a) An implied obligation of a landlord to maintain reasonably com-
any defects that might influence the decision of a prospective buyer fortable living conditions for the tenant in the rented premises,
either to buy or to offer a lower price. They can also alert prospective without disturbance by hostile claimants. (b) An implied promise by
sellers to needed repairs. the seller of real property that he or she will defend against claims or
lawsuits by others who may challenge the buyer’s title to the
home invasion burglary
The intentional breaking and entering into a person’s occupied resi-
dence using violent means to take property of the occupant. implied in fact contract
Contractual agreement manifested by conduct or body language
homeowners’ association ( HOA)
(e.g., purchase of items from vendors in noisy stadiums during sport-
Association of people who own homes, condominiums, or cooperatives ing events).
in a given area, formed for the purpose of improving or maintaining
the quality of that area. HOAs are often formed by the developers/ implied in law contract
builders of planned unit developments to manage and maintain the Not a true contract, but an obligation imposed on one party to pre-
property in which all owners have a common, undivided interest. Such vent unjust enrichment of another. Also called quasi-contract.
associations commonly supervise the property deed CC&Rs.
implied powers
homeowner’s policy The authority of Congress to make such laws as are “necessary and
Insurance that typically covers losses of the homeowner’s property proper” for effective performance of duties under its powers that are
from specified casualties, such as fire and water damage, as well as the expressly granted.
possible liability of the owner for specified damages he or she may
cause to another person through negligent behavior (other than with implied warranty
a motor vehicle or boat). A casualty-loss homeowner’s policy (e.g., A warranty implied by actions or law whether or not it is specifically
coverage of fire losses) does not necessarily include liability protec- mentioned in a contract. See also “warranty.”
tion for the homeowner, however.
implied warranty against encumbrances
homestead An implied warranty in the sale of goods that goods are delivered
A declaration of a debtor’s exemption in a specified amount of the free from any security interest or other lien of which the buyer has
equity of the homeowner’s residence from levy and execution by a no knowledge.
implied warranty against infringement
homicide An implied warranty by a merchant-seller that goods are free of any
The killing of a human being by another human being. rightful claim, such as a patent.
792 Glossary
incapacity infraction
Lack of legal capacity to make important decisions. Minority is an Any minor crime (e.g., parking violation) that is not punishable by
example of incapacity to make contracts. incarceration, but only by fine. Accordingly, trial by jury is not
incest required or permitted.
Sexual intercourse between relatives who are lineals (grandparents,
inheritance tax
parents, children, etc.) or collaterals (brothers/sisters, aunts/uncles,
etc.) of those degrees of closeness in which marriage is prohibited by A tax imposed by most states on the privilege of receiving property
state law. from a decedent.
joint and several liability
A group of men and women selected according to preestablished pro-
Responsibility both together and individually. Joint and several cedures to ensure lack of bias, who are sworn under oath to inquire of
liability applies in contracts (as when two or more persons sign a certain matters of fact and declare the truth based on evidence pre-
promissory note as makers) and in torts (as when two or more sented to them. A jury is also referred to as a trier of fact.
wrongdoers cause the injury together). Of course, the plaintiff is
entitled to only one full recovery of his or her total damages. jury instructions
Rules of law and charges provided by the judge to the jury for guid-
joint custody
ance in reaching a verdict. The instructions include essential facts
Responsibility shared by both parents, following a divorce, annul-
that must be proved by the prevailing party; they also state the law
ment, or separation, to guide and support their child(ren).
applicable to the cause of action.
joint tenants
jury nullification
A method of co-ownership of property by two or more persons. Upon
The power of a jury in a criminal trial to disregard the law and unani-
the death of any co-owner, his or her percentage interest goes to the
mously find the defendant innocent, although there is ample evidence
surviving joint tenant(s) regardless of the decedent’s last will. This
to support a verdict of guilty. Although a judge can set aside a guilty
right of survivorship is the basic incident of joint-tenancy ownership.
verdict in a criminal case, the judge cannot reverse a finding of inno-
joint tortfeasors cent. A judge can order a mistrial upon a showing of jury misconduct,
but refusing to find an accused guilty is not juror misconduct. “The jury
Two or more persons who together commit a tort.
has the power to bring in a verdict in the teeth of both law and facts.”
jury, trial
The official who presides over a trial court. See also “court.”
A group, usually consisting of 12 adults, but sometimes a smaller
judgment number, who are selected and sworn to review evidence in civil and
The final determination or decision of the court as to the rights and criminal trials, and to return a verdict consistent with their view of
duties of the parties in a lawsuit. the evidence. Also petit [French for “small”] jury.
kidnapping leasehold
The crime of unlawful seizure and movement of a victim from one The legal interest a tenant has in residential property leased from
place to another against his or her will. the landlord. A leasehold is usually created by a written contract
called a lease.
L legacy
Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act) A disposition of personal property by will. Also called a bequest.
A federal law that lists unfair labor practices of unions. It outlaws legal assistants
the closed shop and the secondary boycott. See “National Labor
Persons qualified through education, training, and/or work experi-
Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act).”
ence to be employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, government
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 agency, or other entity in a capacity or function that involves the
performance, under the ultimate direction and supervision of an
(Landrum-Griffin Act)
attorney, of specifically delegated substantive legal work. This work,
Federal law that mandates open, democratic internal government of
for the most part, requires sufficient knowledge of legal concepts
that, absent such assistants, the attorney would perform the task.
Labor Relations Act Legal assistants are also called paralegals.
See “National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act).”
legal ethics
laches, doctrine of Rules promulgated by lawyer-governing bodies to proscribe stan-
A doctrine that bars stale (old) lawsuits in civil cases in courts of dards of professional behavior and regulate lawyer and judicial
equity. The doctrine of laches may be applied by the court to bar conduct.
a claim when the petitioner has unreasonably delayed his or her
pursuit of the claim, and this delay has prejudiced or harmed the legal malpractice
case of the respondent. The doctrine of laches may bar a claim that Violation of a duty of due care by a professional person which causes
is otherwise timely under the statute of limitations. harm to a client.
lemon lineals
Something, usually a product such as an automobile, that proves to be Relatives who are in a direct line of descent, as parents, children, and
unsatisfactory because of serious defects that remain after repeated grandchildren. See also “collaterals.”
attempts to correct them.
line item veto
lemon laws Selective veto, by the executive, of a specific proposed expenditure as
State statutes designed to assist the buyer of seriously defective goods it appears on a separate line in a fiscal budget, without vetoing the
to obtain a replacement or full refund. entire budget or legislative bill.
misrepresentation mortgagor
A false statement made intentionally, knowing it is not true. A negli- The borrower of funds secured by a mortgage. In states where deeds
gent misrepresentation is a false statement made carelessly. See also of trust are used instead of mortgages, the borrower (debtor) is called
“deceit” and “fraud.” the trustor.
N negotiation
Communication between disputing parties for the purposes of per-
National Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 suasion and settlement without litigation. Negotiation is bargaining.
(Taft-Hartley Act) neighborhood dispute centers
A federal law that lists unfair labor practices of unions. It outlaws the Private or public organizations that provide trained mediators to
closed shop and the secondary boycott. assist parties in resolving consumer and neighbor disputes.
800 Glossary
offer P
A promise by one person (the offeror) to do or to give consideration
(something of value) in exchange for sought-for consideration paralegal
through acceptance by another person (the offeree). See also A person qualified to perform a wide range of legal tasks under the
“acceptance.” guidance of an attorney. See also “legal assistants.”
offeree pardon
Release of a convicted criminal from all punishment for his or her
In contracts, the party to whom an offer is made by the offeror.
crime through an act of the governor of the state or president of the
United States.
In contracts, the party who makes an offer. parole
Release from a prison on specified conditions involving good behav-
ombudsperson ior. If these conditions are violated, the prisoner is returned to prison
A proactive neutral party who investigates and determines facts and to complete the original sentence.
suggests resolutions to disputes.
parol evidence rule
opening statements The rule that when contracting parties have put their complete
Summaries by counsel of plaintiff and of defendant indicating what agreement into writing, no prior or contemporaneous oral or written
they expect to prove in the ensuing trial. terms may be unilaterally added later to change the written contract,
absent proof of fraud, mistake, or illegality.
open listing parties
Employment contract in which the owner of real property agrees to
Persons of a particular class, occupation, or relation (e.g., children,
pay a commission only to the real estate agent who produces a ready,
creditors, heirs), or any persons who are either directly or indirectly
willing, and able buyer. Thus, an owner may sign several open list-
necessary to a proper determination of the legal action before a
ings, each with a different agent, and pay only one commission. The
owner may also sell the property without the aid of any agents and
pay no commission. partnering
A team-building process designed to improve contract performance
open shop and reduce or eliminate contract litigation through common under-
A company or department where union membership is not required standing of goals and improved communication. The process is used
to get or keep a job. in large, complicated, and expensive contracts with its roots in the
construction industry.
option contract
An agreement concerning the right to buy or sell something to an-
other at a certain price within a certain time. An association of two or more persons to carry on, as co-owners, a
business for a profit. Also known as a general partnership.
order of examination
A judicially authorized inquiry as to the assets of a judgment debtor.
Establishing the father of a child. Often determined by a lawsuit to
prove that a named person is the father of a child.
A written law enacted by a city or county. An example is a zoning paternity action
ordinance that governs the use of land. A lawsuit to determine whether or not the defendant is the natural
father of a child.
ordinary care
The standard of care that would have been exercised by an payee
ordinary, reasonably prudent person under the same or similar Person in whose favor a check, draft, or promissory note is drawn.
peaceful eviction
ordinary wear and tear An improper eviction technique by which a landlord surreptitiously
enters the absent tenant’s apartment, removes the tenant’s belong-
Deterioration in a residential rental property that is attributable to
ings, and changes locks to the unit. It is peaceable in the sense that no
the passage of time (e.g., fading of draperies) and not to abuse by the
eye-to-eye, person-to-person confrontation takes place, as in a
forcible eviction.
outrageous conduct
Intentional conduct that does not involve assault or battery yet in-
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
flicts extreme emotional trauma on the victim. Created under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act to
assure financial soundness of specified private pension plans.
A person who has legal and/or equitable title to property, with related peremptory challenge
rights and duties, or benefits and burdens. See also “equitable owner” Ability to exclude a prospective juror for any reason other than race
and “legal owner.” or gender. See “challenge (of juror).”
802 Glossary
principal ). A special power of attorney authorizes the attorney-in-fact child, or the issue of a deceased child, shares in the estate as though
to do a limited and specified class of acts for the principal. the testator had died intestate.
presumption privilege
A rule of law permitting one to assume a fact is true until such time as A legal right to do or refrain from doing something enjoyed by only
there is a greater weight of evidence that disproves or outweighs the some persons or classes (e.g., immunity of judges from liability for
assumed fact. defamation for statements made during judicial proceedings).
probation prosecutor
Release of a convicted criminal before sentence begins on condition An attorney employed by the government to pursue legal proceed-
of good behavior and under supervision of a probation officer. If this ings against persons accused of crime. The prosecutor represents the
condition is violated, incarceration begins. state, or the people, in criminal trials.
REO restitution
See “real estate owned (REO).” Return of what has been received or stolen, as when a contract is re-
scinded or when a thief repays stolen money or returns other stolen
replevin property.
Legal action to recover possession of goods (personal property)
wrongfully taken or retained by a defendant. retainer fee
(a) A sum of money paid to an attorney for a promise to remain
available to the client for consultation when needed and requested.
A set of books that contain the written opinions of justices of specified (b) Fees paid in advance that are held in a trust account to be drawn
appellate courts. These volumes contain the decisional or unwritten law. down (taken) by the attorney as work progresses.
Volumes in the reporters and the cases they contain are arranged in
chronological order and accessible by case name or subject matter index. retaliatory eviction
An eviction carried out by a landlord primarily for revenge, or
retaliation, against a particular tenant who has in some way angered
Postponement, or stay of execution (i.e., of enforcement) of the the landlord.
judgment, after conviction for a crime.
Appellate court sets aside the decision of a lower court.
A system of government with the supreme power in the people, who
exercise it by representatives chosen through the votes of qualified reverse discrimination
voters (i.e., qualified by age, citizenship, and registration).
Label given to the results of affirmative action programs by oppo-
nents who claim that such programs discriminate against male and
request for admission of facts white workers.
A request submitted to counsel by the opposing attorney before trial
for the acknowledgment of facts that are not in dispute and yet are reversionary interest
relevant and material. This is a type of discovery procedure. (a) Something of value (such as the right to borrow against the policy)
that a life insurance policyholder may retain when giving the policy
rescission to another person. (b) The future interest in real property retained by
(a) An equitable remedy that annuls a contract and returns the parties the grantor of a life estate.
to the relationship they had before the contract was made. (b) The
unmaking of a contract by the mutual agreement of the parties. revocable inter vivos trust
A trust that may be terminated or revoked by the trustor who
residual powers created it.
Any powers not expressly delegated to the United States by the U.S.
Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states, and hence reserved to revocation
the states, or to the people. The taking back of an offer.
spendthrift trust there is no statute of limitations for murder. See also “statute of
A trust created to provide for the maintenance of an improvident
beneficiary by limiting his or her control of the corpus (the principal
statute of repose
of the trust) and by barring access by creditors. Only a small portion
is given to the beneficiary at any one time, and major expenses may A type of statute of limitations that specifies an absolute time from
be paid directly by the trustee. the date of sale during which a cause of action must be brought to
collect damages for defects in the product.
spite fence
A fence erected primarily to vex, annoy, or “spite” a neighbor. Such
fences usually block the targeted neighbor’s view or access, or are Laws enacted by Congress or by state legislatures.
constructed so shabbily as to detract from the value of the neighbor’s statutory rape
Sexual intercourse between a male, usually 18 or older, and a
consenting female, usually 17 or younger. State statutes vary the
spousal immunity
penalties depending on the age of the victim. Also called unlawful
A doctrine of the common law that tort actions between spouses are intercourse.
prohibited because of a public policy to protect the harmony of the
marital relationship from adversarial and disruptive legal statutory will
proceedings. A form will authorized by state law with blanks to be completed by
the testator.
An unwelcome or intrusive long-term pattern of threat or harassment strict constructionists
directed repeatedly toward a specific individual which triggers fear or (a) Judges whose reading of the law narrowly interprets legal words
concern in that person. and who subscribe to interpreting the law consistent with the be-
lieved meaning given it by the drafters. (b) A judge or court that is
standard of care reluctant to create new rules by departing from clear precedent,
The legal duty to behave as a hypothetical reasonably prudent person leaving the creation of new laws primarily to the legislative branch
would behave under the same or similar circumstances. of government.
subpoena syllogism
An order directing a person to appear at a certain time and place for A pattern of deductive logic that contains a major or general premise,
the purpose of giving testimony as a witness. a minor or specific premise, and a conclusion, always in that order.
The conclusion follows from the premises but is not a premise itself.
subpoena duces tecum
[Latin for “under penalty bring with you”] A judicial order to bring symbolic speech
specified documents or physical evidence to court. Communication of ideas by conduct and/or use of material objects,
subrogation without the use of words. The expression may be deemed a form of
speech protected by the First Amendment (e.g., use of black arm
The substitution of a third party for the creditor in a claim against a
bands to protest the war in Iraq).
debtor. For example, an insurance company may pay the claim of its
insured against the defendant, and then sue the defendant in the
name of the insured for damages resulting from an auto accident. T
subsequent illegality
tangible property
When terms of a contract, legal at inception, become illegal before
performance. Property that has physical existence and can be touched. An automo-
bile is tangible personal property; a house is tangible real property.
substantial performance
When a party to a contract honestly performs most essentials of the tax evasion
contract, but there is some minor omission or deviation that can be The intentional and illegal violation of federal and state tax laws. In
corrected, or compensated for in a reduction of the price. contrast, tax avoidance is legitimate and an ongoing concern of
accountants and tax lawyers under pressure from their clients.
substantive law
General principles and detailed rules that define legal rights and temporary insanity
duties. Substantive law is contrasted to procedural law.
A passing or temporal mental disease or defect.
The right to vote in political elections. tenancy at sufferance
A tenant remaining in possession of real property without permission
suicide of the landlord after the expiration of a lawful term.
The intentional killing of oneself.
tenancy at will
summary jury trial A lawful possession of a tenancy without a definite duration. Tenancy
A nonbinding alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process in which at will can be terminated by either the landlord or the tenant at any
parties present their cases to a private mock jury, which then gives time. (Statutes may require a short advance notice by landlords.)
the parties an advisory verdict.
tenancy by the entirety
A form of co-ownership of property between husband and wife in
The review of the evidence presented to the court by each lawyer in some states. As with joint-tenancy ownership, the spouses have a
oral argument at the close of the trial, before the jury retires and right of survivorship. See also “joint tenants.”
before the judge renders a decision.
tenancy for years
A leasehold interest that expires at a specified time. It need not
A document issued by a clerk of the court at the request of the actually be for years in duration.
plaintiff when a complaint is filed. After service on the defendant,
judgment will be taken if the complaint is not answered within the
statutory time (e.g., 15 or 30 days). A summons is prepared by the
A party to a lease who pays rent to the landlord in exchange for the
plaintiff’s attorney. See also “complaint.”
possession and use of real property (e.g., a person who rents an
supremacy doctrine apartment).
The judicial doctrine that holds that any state or federal law that is
tenants in common
inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution is null and void.
A form of co-ownership of property by two or more persons. Upon
surrogate mother the death of any co-owner, his or her percentage interest passes by
A female who is artificially inseminated, carries the fetus to term, and intestate succession or by last will. Unlike joint tenancy, there is no
then relinquishes her parental rights to the biological father. Surrogacy right of survivorship by co-owners.
services are performed pursuant to a contract in return for money.
testamentary trust
survivor statutes Trust created by a valid will.
Law allowing a lawsuit even after the death of the victim, perhaps
permitting recovery for damages to the victim. testate
The legal status of a person who dies leaving a valid will.
Agreement by the judge with an argument by an attorney. For exam- testator
ple, if an attorney objects to the introduction of certain evidence and (a) Person who makes a valid will. (b) Person who dies leaving a
the judge agrees to the objection, the judge sustains the objection. valid will.
812 Glossary
ravishing. (b) Any minor crime (e.g., parking violation) that is not Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN)
punishable by incarceration, but only by fine. Accordingly, trial by
jury is not required or permitted.
of 1989
A federal law that requires business managers to give employees
void agreement 60 days’ advance notice of a plant closing or mass layoff.
Without legal force of binding effect.
workers’ compensation
voidable contract Medical treatment, rehabilitation benefits, and disability payments
An agreement that may be legally enforced or may be rejected by a for workers injured on the job. It is paid for by employer-financed
party. For example, a contract between a minor and an adult is void- insurance.
able or valid at the option of the minor.
work furlough
voir dire A rehabilitative program for prisoners under which they may partici-
Process of questioning prospective jurors to ascertain whether they pate in part-time gainful employment even while they are serving
have any bias that would make difficult or unlikely their impartiality time in a prison or jail.
in determining questions of fact during a trial.
writ of certiorari
voluntary manslaughter A procedural document whereby an appellate court exercises its
The wrongful and intentional killing of another person during the discretionary power to accept jurisdiction of a pending case.
heat of passion, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while
engaged in some reckless and dangerous activity.
writ of execution
Order of the court directing the sheriff to confiscate property of the
defendant. The property is then sold to satisfy the award of dollar
W damages given to the plaintiff at a trial.
wildcat strike
An unlawful strike of union members that takes place without the
approval of the union leaders.
Legal expression (usually in writing, signed and witnessed) of a per-
son’s directions as to how property owned is to be disposed of after
death. A will is also called the last will and testament.
Equal Employment Opportunity Exclusionary rule, defined, 81, 277 Federal and state statutes, 650
Commission (EEOC), 208, 213, 630, Exclusive jurisdiction, defined, 112 Federal appellate courts, 112
635, 646 Exclusive listing, defined, 569 Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), 668, 669
role of, 630 Exclusive-agency listings, defined, 569 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 64
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Exculpatory clauses, 528 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 258
Waffle House, Inc., 186, 194–196 defined, 550 Federal Communications Commission
Equal Pay Act of 1963, 638 Executed contract, defined, 374 (FCC), 201, 208, 212, 218, 530
Equal pay for equal work, 638 Execution, rulemaking process, 219
Equal protection, of contract, 385 Federal court
defined, 70 writ of, 138 decisions, 38
due process and, 88 Executive court system, defined, 111–113
of the law in education, 83–85 agreement, 57 political boundaries, 104
Equitable maxims, 131 branch, U.S. government, 56 Federal crimes, 244, 283
defined, 130 clemency, defined, 297 Federal Defenders of San Diego, Inc., et al. v.
Equitable owner, defined, 489 departments, defined, 205 U.S. Sentencing Commission, 235
Equity, Executor, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
action in, 11 defined, 681 (FERC), 215
court of, 11 duties of, 694 Federal Housing Administration (FHA),
defined, 590 Executory contract, defined, 374 loan, defined, 586
Eric J. v. Betty M. The Court of Appeals Exemplary damages, 355 Federal Register, 218, 228
Dist. 4, 42 Exempt assets, 507 Federal Reporter, 38, 750
ERISA. See Employee Retirement Income Exemptions, 680 Federal Reserve Board, 212
Security Act Exhaustion of remedies, defined, 229 Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal
Escrow, Expert fact-finding, defined, 190 Procedure, 139
defined, 595 Expert witness, defined, 134 Federal Supplement, 38, 750
legal significance of close of, 597 Express contract, defined, 371 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 208,
Escrow agent, defined, 595 Express warranty, defined, 406 210, 215, 403, 409, 481, 708
Establishment clause, 78 Extended coverage, defined, 601 Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914,
Estate of Dorothy Southworth v. North Shore Extortion, defined, 254 210, 403
Animal League, 716–718 Federal trial courts, 111
Estate of Kalfus v. Kalfus, 721 Federal Uniformed Services Former
Estate of Walker v. Russell Eastern Star Home Spouse’s Protection Act (FUSFSPA),
of Colorado, Inc., 689 F 459
Estate planning, FAA. See Federal Arbitration Act; Federal Federalism, defined, 11, 60
defined, 678 Aviation Administration FedEx, 69
elements of, 713 Fact, Fee, retainer, 171
tax burdens, 679 questions of, 122 Felony,
Estate tax, trier of, 122 defined, 247
defined, 679 Fact-finding, expert, 190 examples of, 248
exemption, defined, 679 Fair Credit Billing Act of 1974, defined, 405 punishment for, 292
Estray statutes, 517 Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970, 404 Felony-murder rule, defined, 250
Ethical inquiry, nature of, 28 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1977, FHA. See Federal Housing Administration
Ethical standards, 28 defined, 406 Fidelity bond, defined, 682
Ethics, Fair hearing, defined, 225 Fiduciary, defined, 621
and law, relationship, 25 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), Fiduciary relationship, defined, 151
code of, 27 652 Field sobriety test, defined, 499
defined, 26 False arrest, defined, 315 Fifth Amendment, 69, 82, 119, 133, 285
duty-based, 29, 30 False imprisonment, defined, 315 defined, 81
Kant, 30 Family, creditors of the, 430 Finance, business, 211
legal, 157 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Financial responsibility law, defined, 506
object of, 28 (FMLA), defined, 657 Financing, types of for home buyers, 584
professional, 157 Family law, Fire insurance, defined, 606
religious, 29 government involvement, 419 Firestone, 484, 485
situational, 33 modification by contract, 465 First Amendment, 70, 78, 662
Eugenics, 442 Family members, civil lawsuits between, 430 defined, 71
Euthanasia, defined, 701 Family planning, legal issues, 440 First-degree murder, defined, 249
Ever-present contract, 370 Family purpose doctrine, defined, 496 Fixed-rate mortgage, defined, 587
Eviction and damages, 535 Family settlement agreement, defined, 694 FLSA. See Fair Labor Standards Act
Evidence, 103 Family Support Act, 464 of 1938
defined, 133 Fannie Mae (FNMA), defined, 584 Florida Bar v. Stafford, 198
irrelevant, 133 Fardell v. Potts, 330 FMLA. See Family and Medical Leave Act
preponderance of, 131 FCC. See Federal Communications of 1993
Ex parte trial, defined, 116 Commission FNMA. See Fannie Mae
Ex post facto laws, 61 Federal administrative law, 205 FOIA. See Freedom of Information Act
Examination, order of, 138 Federal and state law, 19 Forcible eviction, defined, 536
820 Index
Ford Motor Co., 484, 485 Good Samaritan law, defined, 337, 495 Home transactions, role of attorney, 602
Foreclosure, Goods, defined, 370 Home-equity loan, defined, 588
avoiding, 582 Goodwill, 389 Homeland Security Act of 2002, 209
defined, 581 Government in the Sunshine Act, Homeowner’s policy, defined, 606
Foreclosure sale, defined, 582 defined, 228 Homestead, defined, 583
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 388 Grace period, defined, 537 Homicide, defined, 246
Form prescribed by law, 391 Graduated-payment mortgage, defined, 589 Hoover, Herbert, 207
Formal contract, defined, 372 Grand jury, defined, 116 Hopt v. Utah, 132
Formal will, defined, 684 Grand theft, defined, 260 Hostile environment, defined, 636
401(k) plans, defined, 656 Grant deed, defined, 598 HUD. See Department of Housing and
Fourteenth Amendment, 23, 69, 70, 83, 84, Greene et al. v. Hundley et al., 185 Urban Development
87, 122, 127, 224, 251 Gregory Kingsley case, 447 Hudson v. Michigan, 277
defined, 82 Gregory v. Ashcroft, 640 Human Genome Project, 440
Fourth Amendment, 81, 220, 277, 279, 659 Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial Humphrey’s Executor v. United
Fraud, defined, 325, 382 District v. Edward M. Cooperman, 197 States, 207
Freddie Mac (FHLMC), defined, 584 Griswold v. Connecticut, 87 Hutto v. Davis, 298
Free exercise clause, 78, 79 Gross negligence, defined, 338
Free speech, Grove City v. Bell, 85
and public employees, 75 Grutter v. Bolinger, 642 I
and the Internet, 76 Guardian, 713 Idaho v. Wright, 449
defined, 71 Guardianship, defined, 713 Identity theft, defined, 261
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Guest statutes, defined, 498 Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act of
defined, 227 Guidelines on General Crimes, 258 2004, 261
Freedom of religion, defined, 78 Guilty act, 242 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Fringe benefits, 654 Gun control, 80 Responsibility Act of 1996, 290
Frivolous lawsuits, 163 Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA), 67 Illegality, effect of, 390
FTC. See Federal Trade Commission Illinois v. Perkins, 82
FTC v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Ass’n., ImClone Systems, 203
215 H Immigration and Naturalization Service, 55
Full warranty, 409, 481 Hamlyn v. Rock Island County Metro Mass Immigration law, 290
Fungible, defined, 516 Transit Dist., 643 Immigration Reform and Control Act of
Furman v. Georgia, 245 Habeas corpus, 61 1986 (IRCA), 632
defined, 299 Impeachment, 56
Hakkila v. Hakkila, 432 defined, 118
Haley v. Boles, 163 Imperative, categorical, 30
G Hall (Smith) v. Commonwealth, 274 Implied consent, 107
Gambling, legality of, 385 Hall v. Hall, 458 Implied contract theory, 651
Garcetti v. Ceballos, 76 Hamer v. Sidway, 410–411, 514 Implied in fact contract, defined, 371
Garnishment, 17, 404 Hammond case, 608 Implied warranty, 487
defined, 138 Harm Standard, 448 against encumbrances, defined, 479
Gay marriage, 425 Hate crime, defined, 257 defined, 406
Gender discrimination, 634 Hate speech, defined, 73 of habitability, defined, 541
General damages, defined, 355 HealthSouth, 212 of title, defined, 479
General Electric, 266 Hearing, Impound account, defined, 605
General intent, defined, 243 fair, 225 In personam jurisdiction, defined, 106
General jurisdiction, defined, 105 pretrial, 120 In propria persona (in pro se), defined, 152
General Motors Corp., 323, 485 Heirs, defined, 677 In re Application of Carr-Williams, 197
Generation-skipping trust, defined, 710 Helling v. McKinney, 299 In re Baby M, 436
Genetic engineering and family planning, Hembree v. Broadway Realty Trust Company, In re fetus Brown v. Darlene Brown, 451
legal issues, 440 Inc., 198 In re James H. Himmel, 160
Genuine assent, defined, 381 Herman v. Kogan, 721 In re Marriage of Bonds, 467
Georgia v. McCollum, 145 Hoffman v. First Virginia Bank of Tidewater, In re Marriage of McNeill, 431
Gift(s), 721 In re the Marriage of Wilson, 457
defined, 514 Holographic will, defined, 685 In rem jurisdiction, defined, 107
taxes on lifetime, 680 Home invasion burglary, defined, 259 In the Matter of Alison D. v. Virginia M.,
Ginnie Mae (GNMA), defined, 585 Home owner, default on monthly 471–472
Gitlow v. New York, 70 payment, 581 Incapacity, defined, 697
Glover v. Eastern Neb. Community Office of Home ownership, Incorporation doctrine, defined, 70
Retardation, 89 advantages and disadvantages, 565 Independent administrative agencies,
Gold v. Ishak, 343 characteristics of, 564–568 defined, 205
Goldberg v. Kelly, 224 taxes, 604 Independent contractor, defined, 625
Goldfarb v. Baker, 317 Home purchase, Indictment, defined, 116, 281
Gomez v. New York City Housing Authority, effect of accepted offer, 575 Individual pension plans, 656
546 financing of, 580 Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs),
Gonzales v. Oregon, 701 offer to purchase, 574 defined, 656
Index 821
Informal Opion 2092, 163 Johnson v. Calvert, 437 Kelynack v. Yamaha Motor Corporation, 520
Information, defined, 116, 281 Johnson v. K- Mart Enterprises, Inc., 365 Kennedy, John F., 320
Informed consent, defined, 253, 314 Johnson v. State of Florida, 470–471 Kenzo Dix case, 352
Infraction, defined, 242 Johnson v. Transportation Agency, 642 Kevorkian, Dr. Jack, 700
Inheritance tax, defined, 679 Joint custody, defined, 463 Kidnapping, defined, 255
Initiative, defined, 19 Joint tenancy, Klos v. Molenda, 617
Initiative process, defined, 62 and avoiding probate, 711 Kotseas v. Anderson, 596
Injunction, defined, 129 defined, 603
Injury requirement and damages, 341 Jones v. Clinton, 50
Inquisitorial system, defined, 150 Joseph Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services,
Insanity, temporary, 271 Inc., et al., 638 L
Insanity defense, defined, 271 Judge, 40 Labor law statutes (Federal), 665
Installment-land contract, defined, 592 Judging, private, 188 Labor practices, unfair, 662
Insurable interest, defined, 386 Judgment, Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947
Insurance company, duty to insured, 511 default, 116 (Taft-Hartley Act), defined, 663
Intangible property, defined, 392 defined, 136 Labor-Management Reporting and
Intentional infliction of mental distress, satisfaction of, 138 Disclosure Act of 1959 (Landrum-
defined, 316 summary, 120 Griffin Act), defined, 665
Intentional tort, defined, 312 Judgment creditor, defined, 138 Lamey v. Yesterday’s Inc., 326
Inter vivos trust, defined, 705 Judgment debtor, defined, 138 Lamle v. Mattel, Inc., 394
Interest, Judgment non obstante veredicto, defined, 136 Land, trespass on, 339
defined, 388, 588 Judgment-proof, defined, 359 Landlord(s),
insurable, 386 Judicial activist, defined, 18 and renters, conflicting perspectives, 528
Interference with an economically Judicial branch, U.S. government, 58 defined, 525
advantageous relationship, defined, Judicial foreclosure, defined, 583 legal remedies for, 535–541
650 Judicial review, negligence of, and bodily harm, 545
Internal Revenue Service, 658 defined, 52, 228 remedies for, damages and eviction, 535
International law, defined, 21 scope of, 228 Landlord-tenant relationship, law and public
International origins of minimum wage, 653 Judiciary Act of 1789, 57 policy, 533
Internet, free speech and, 76 Jurisdiction, 15 Landrum-Griffin Act, defined, 665
Interpleader, defined, 596 and the Internet, 107 Lanifer v. Lanifer, 415
Interpretive rule, 217 concurrent, 104, 111 Larceny, defined, 259
Interrogatories, defined, 103 Larceny by trick, defined, 260
defined, 117 exclusive, 112 Law,
written, 118 general, 105 administrative, 21, 201, 205
Interstate, defined, 67 in personam, 106 and ethics, relationship, 25
Interstate Commerce Commission, 207 in rem, 107 as profession, 152
Intervening cause, defined, 336 limited, 105 case, 13
Intestacy laws, defined, 691 over persons and property, 106 civil, 20
Intestate, over subject matter, 105 common, 10, 11
defined, 680 Jurors, prospective, 123 criminal, 20
distribution of property, 692 Jury, defined, 2
Intrastate, defined, 67 defined, 120 English source of, 8
Invasion of privacy, defined, 323 mock, 190 environmental, 214
Investigation, 220 Jury alternates, 126 federal and state, 19
Invitee, defined, 341 Jury instructions, defined, 135 financial responsibility, 506
Involuntary manslaughter, defined, 251 Jury nullification, defined, 123 immigration, 290
Iowa Nat. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Mitchell, 110 Jury room, 127 international, 21
IRA. See Individual Retirement Accounts Jury service, exemptions from, 124 modern common, 11
Iraq, 24 Jury size and vote, 126 modern sources of, 14
IRCA. See Immigration Reform and Jury trial, summary, 190 natural, 50
Control Act of 1986 Just cause, defined, 650 positive, 37, 50
Irrelevant evidence, defined, 133 Justice, 40 practice of, 151
Irrevocable inter vivos trust, defined, 705 juvenile court protection, 447 prenatal, 433
Irrevocable trust, defined, 705 private, 21
procedural, 22, 111, 202
public, 21
K questions of, 122
J Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Co., 641 specialization in, 153
Jamison v. The Pantry, Inc., 518–519 Kangaroo court, defined, 101 substantive, 24, 111, 203
Jendralski v. Black, 561 Kant, Immanuel, 30 types and classifications, 19
Job performance, monitoring, 661 Kant ethics, 30 unauthorized practice of, 177
John L. Hughes v. Chrysler Motors Corp., 482 Kasanof v. Embry-Riddle Co., 505 unwritten, 13
Johnson case, 450 Kass v. Kass, 438 written, 14
Johnson Controls, Inc., 635 Kelly case, 224 Law enforcement, 290
822 Index
Law firms, public interest, 157 Liability insurance, defined, 508 Marital property,
Law practice, collaborative, 191 Libel, defined, 318, 320 defined, 428
Lawmaking by Licensee, defined, 340 gifts of, 429
courts, 17 Lie-detector tests, 660 Marital property states, 427
legislators, 14 Lifetime gifts, taxes on, 680 Market value, defined, 605
the people, 19 Limitations, statute of, 115 Marriage,
Lawrence v. Texas, 88 Limited jurisdiction, defined, 105 common law, 422
Laws, Limited warranty, 409, 481 covenant, 453
after-sale, 405 Lindbergh case, 255 defined, 420
against discrimination, 628 Lindbergh, Charles, 373 legal consequences of, 427
and moral values, compared, 37 Line-item veto, 55 obligation of support, 427
before-sales, 401 Liquidated damages, defined, 399, 539, property rights, 427
during-sale, 403 575 termination of, 451
ex post facto, 61 Listing agent, 574 Marriage termination,
governing parenthood, 433 defined, 569 property division, 458, 461
Lawsuit, Litigation, defined, 101 spouse’s rights and duties, 456
defined, 101 Living trust, defined, 706 Martin v. American Express, 415
frivolous, 163 Living will, defined, 697 Martin v. N.Y. State Department of Mental
Lawyer(s), 150 Loan, Hygiene, 146
associations of, 154 assumption of existing, 590 Martinez v. Pacific Bell, 340
Lawyers’ Edition of the Supreme Court new, for home buyers, 584 Marvin v. Marvin, 423
Reports, 38 Loan origination fee, defined, 589 Maryland v. Cottman Transmissions, Inc., 102
Le Tourneau case, 253 Loan ratio, defined, 587 Material alteration, defined, 398
Lease, Loan underwriting, defined, 590 Maternal abuse during pregnancy, 450
defined, 526 Lobbying, defined, 388 Matter in equity and matter at law
legal requirements for, 531 Lockout, defined, 666 compared, 130
types of, 530 Logic, deductive, 34 Maxim, equitable, 130
with option to buy, 594 Long v. Long, 458 Mayhem, defined, 256
Lee v. Weisman, 96 Long-arm statute, defined, 106 Maynard v. Hill, 420
Legacy, defined, 681 Lost property, defined, 517 McCarthy v. Aetna Life Insurance Co., 688
Legal assistant, defined, 151 Loudoun v. Trustees of the Loudoun County McConnell v. Beverly Enterprises-Connecticut,
Legal ethics, defined, 157 Library, 229 Inc., 718–720
Legal injunctions against strikes, 664 Lucy v. Zehmer, 411–414 McCulloch v. Maryland, 65
Legal issues in arbitration, 186 McDonald’s, 310, 321, 392
Legal malpractice, defined, 176 McGill Homes, Inc. v. Weaver, 199
Legal owner, defined, 489 MCI, 212
Legal research, 745–756 M McKinley, William, 3, 4
CD-ROMs for, 748 Magna Carta, 10 McMartin case, 449
computer-assisted, Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975, McVeigh v. Cohen, 74
databases, 747 409, 480 Mechanic’s lien, defined, 583
in the electronic age, 746 Mailbox rule, 377 Med-arb, defined, 185
Internet and Web sites, 747 Maintenance, defined, 175 Mediation, defined, 182
primary law for, 749–754 Maintenance (alimony), defined, 456 Medical testing, due process and, 88
secondary materials/sources for, Majority opinion, 751 Medical-payments insurance, defined, 508
754–756 defined, 40 Megan’s Law, 294–295, 579
Shepard’s Citations/Citators, 751 Maker, defined, 580 defined, 264
suggested books on, 756 Malandris v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Menendez case, 138
Legal separation, defined, 456 Smith, Inc., 327 Mental capacity, lack of, as defense for
Legal service plan, defined, 157 Malice aforethought, 20 crime, 270
Legal Services Corporation (LSC), defined, defined, 248 Mental distress, intentional infliction of, 316
156 Malice requirement, 251 Merchant, defined, 406
Legal system, future, 7 Mallard v. U.S. District Court for Southern Metromedia Inc. v. City of San Diego, 72
Legal terminology, 40 Dist. Of Iowa, 198 Metz v. Transit Mix, Inc., 640
Legal work requiring a law license, 178 Malpractice, Military defense, 290
Legal/societal relationships, 4 defined, 338 Miller v. California, 75
Legislators, lawmaking by, 14 legal, 176 Miller v. Jacoby, 365
Lemon law, 409 Manslaughter, defined, 251 Miller v. Schoene, 63
defined, 481–482 Manson, Charles, 245 Mine Safety and Health Administration
Lessee, defined, 530 Mapp v. Ohio, 81 (MSHA), 220
Lessor, defined, 530 Marbury v. Madison, 52, 58 Minimum wage, 652
Lessor v. Epsy, 221 Marina Point, Ltd. v. Wolfson, 557 international origins, 653
Letter of last instructions, defined, 683 Marital contract, 467 Mini-trial, defined, 190
Liability, Marital deduction, defined, 682 Mink v. University of Chicago and Eli Lilly &
premises, 339 Marital life estate trust, defined, Co., 314
product, 312 709 Minors, state protection of, 444
strict, 312
Index 823
Miranda warnings, defined, 287 National Conference of Commissioners on Norman-Bloodsaw v. Lawrence Berkeley
Miscellaneous crimes, 268 Uniform State Laws, 394 Laboratory, 89
Misdemeanor, defined, 248 National Environmental Protection Act, 213 Normative statements, defined, 36
Mislaid property, defined, 516 National Forest Service, 213 Norris-La Guardia Act, 662
Misrepresentation, defined, 325 National government, organization of, North American Free Trade Agreement
Mississippi v. Sam Bowers, 274 55–60 (NAFTA), 57
Mock jury, defined, 190 National Highway Traffic Safety North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Model Code of Professional Conduct, 158 Administration (NHTSA), 25, 484 (NATO), 22, 57
Modify, defined, 139 National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA), North Atlantic Treaty Pact, 57
Monica Lewinsky affair, 56 210 Notarized, defined, 600
Moral philosophy, translating to action, 35 National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Novation, defined, 398
Moral problem solving, defined, 26 208, 213, 663, 664 NRA. See Negotiated Rulemaking Act
Moral reasoning, 34 National Reporter System, 38, 39, 749 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 215
defined, 28 National Rifle Association, 352 Nuisance, defined, 610
Moral turpitude, 158 National Security Council, 205
Moral values and laws, compared, 37 National-origin discrimination, 632
Morals, 35 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
defined, 26 Organization), 22 O
Morantz, Inc. v. Hang & Shine, 107 Natural Death Act, defined, 702 O’Brien v. O’Brien, 459
Mortgage, defined, 581 Natural law, defined, 50 O’Guin v. Bingham County, 338
Mortgage banker, defined, 584 Natural rights, defined, 50 O’Neal Ford, Inc., v. Earley, 520
Mortgage broker, defined, 584 Necessaries, Objective theory of contracts, defined, 376
Mortgagee, defined, 581 defined, 374 Obligor, 395
Mortgagor, defined, 581 exception for, 374 Occupational Safety and Health Act of
Moser v. Ratinoff, 346 Negative amortization, defined, 588 1970, defined, 653
Motion, defined, 115 Negligence, Occupational Safety and Health
for a directed verdict, defined, 134 comparative, 344 Administration (OSHA), 208, 225,
for change of venue, defined, 105 contributory, 344 620, 647, 654
for summary judgment, defined, 120 criminal, 243 Offense, regulatory, 243
to dismiss, defined, 115 defenses to, 344 Offer,
to produce, defined, 119 defined, 312 and time restriction, 378
Motive, defined, 243 elements of, 329 defined, 376
Motor vehicle, gross, 338 revocation of, 379
driving a, 491 Negligence per se, defined, 338, 495 Offeree, defined, 371
licensing and registration procedures, Negligent behavior, torts by, 329 Offeror, defined, 371
488 Negotiated rulemaking, defined, 219 Office of the Attorney General, 207
owning a, 477 Negotiated Rulemaking Act (NRA), 219 Ombud, defined, 188
purchase contract, 477 Negotiation, defined, 181 Ombudsperson, defined, 188
registration of, 487 Neighbor disputes, help from local officials, Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
advantages of, 488 607 1981, 420
repossession of, 490 Neighbor law, defined, 607 Omnibus Victim and Protection Act of
requirement for good repair, 501 New Hampshire v. Gordon, 193–194 1982, 275
special laws for rented, 502 New Haverford Partnership v. Stroot, 557–560 Open contract, defined, 379
warranty for, 478 New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, 328 Open shop, defined, 663
MSHA. See Mine Safety and Health New Summit Associates Limited Partnership v. Opening statement, defined, 133
Administration Nistle, 324 Opinion(s),
Mullen v. Suchko, 468 New York State Correctional Officers and Police concurring, 40
Multiple listing service, defined, 570 Benevolent Association, Inc. v. State of dissenting, 40
Murder, New York, 198 majority, 40
defined, 248 Newspapers, special status, 322 types of, 751
first-degree, 249 NIMBY, 16 unanimous, 40
second-degree, 249 Nineteenth Amendment, 53 Order of examination, defined, 138
Murder rule, vicarious, 250 NIRA. See National Industry Recovery Act Ordinance, defined, 14
Mutual agreement, 375 Nixon, Richard M., 49, 59 Ordinary wear and tear, defined, 540
Mutual mistake, defined, 384 NLRB. See National Labor Relations Board Ortega v. Flain, 542
No contendere, 158 Osborne v. Ohio, 87
Nobles v. Florida, 128 OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health
No-fault Administration
N divorce, defined, 451
Nader, Ralph, 323 insurance, defined, 511
NAFTA. See North American Free Trade Nominal damages, defined, 358
Agreement Noncapital crime, defined, 247 P
Nash v. Auburn University, 231–234 Nonjudicial foreclosure, defined, 582 Paine, Thomas, 52
National Association of Realtors (NAR), Nonnormative statements, defined, 36 Paladin Enterprises, Inc. v. Rice, 72
578 Nonowned automobile, defined, 510 Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R. Co., 333
824 Index
Pan American World Airways, Inc., 634 Points, defined, 589 Process server, defined, 115
Parallel citation, 39 Police power, defined, 63 Product liability,
Paramount Termite Control Co. v. Rector, Political boundaries of state and federal based on negligence, 486
390 courts, 104 based on strict liability, 486
Pardon, defined, 297 Political control, agency, 227 based on warranty, 486
Parental Alienation Syndrome, 464 Portfolio lender, defined, 585 defined, 312, 485
Parental Kidnapping Act of 1984, 420 Positive law, defined, 37, 50 Production, 514
Parental rights and liabilities, 440 Posse Comitatus Act, 290 Professional ethics, defined, 157
Parenthood, law governing, 433 Possession, 514 Professional malpractice, 338
Parenting by same-sex couples, 439 Possessory lien, defined, 537 Promisee, defined, 369
Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Potente v. Peugeot, 484 Promises, in daily life, 369
Seattle School Dist., No. 1, 95 Power, delegation of, 209 Promisor, defined, 369
Parks case, 272 Power of Promissory note,
Parol evidence rule, defined, 409 appointment, defined, 711 defined, 580
Parole, defined, 296 attorney, defined, 698 example of, 581
Parsons v. Crown Disposal Company, 335 sale clause, 582 Proof, burden of, 131
Partnering, defined, 191 Powers, separation of, 53 Property,
Paternity, 434 Preapproved, defined, 584 crimes against, 259
defined, 434 Precedent, defined, 12 defined, 391, 477
Patient Self-Determination Act, 699 Pregnancy, maternal abuse during, 450 division of, marriage termination,
Paula Jones case, 50 Preliminary hearing, defined, 287 458, 461
Payee, defined, 580 Premarital agreements, 465 mislaid, lost, or abandoned,
Payne v. Payne, 721 defined, 465 516–517
Peaceable eviction, defined, 536 Premises liability, 339 Property owners, guests of, 340
Pennzoil Co. v. Texaco, Inc., 177 Prenatal laws, 433 Property rights, marriage, 427
Pension plans, individual, 656 Prenuptial agreement, defined, 465 Protected class, defined, 629
Pensions Benefit Guaranty Corporation Prepaid rent, 539 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms
(PBGC), 655 Preponderance of evidence, defined, 131 Act, 353
People v. John V., 265 Prequalified, defined, 584 Provocative-act rule, defined, 250
People v. Alday, 254 Prescriptive easements, defined, 601 Proximate cause, defined, 332
People v. Aurelio R., 250 President, power of the, 56 Public
People v. Garcia, 520 Presumption, defined, 495 accountability, agency, 227
People v. Hernandez, 250 Pretermitted heir, defined, 689 decency and morals, crimes against,
People v. Martinez, 249 Pretrial hearing or conference, defined, 263
People v. Rosenkrantz, 251 120 defender, defined, 168
People v. Vela, 254 Pretrial procedures, 116 employees and free speech, 75
People v. Watson, 252 Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 670–671 health, safety and welfare, crimes
People, lawmaking by the, 19 Price-Anderson Act of 1957, 347 against, 261
People’s Bank v. Podd, 120 Prima facie, defined, 134 interest law firms, defined, 157
People’s court, 110 Primary rights, 71 law, defined, 21
Peremptory challenge, defined, 126 Principal, defined, 245, 621 policy, violations of, 388
Performance, Principal-agent relationship, 621 Published, defined, 685
defined, 396 Prior restraint, defined, 72 Puffing, defined, 479
specific, 129 Privacy rights, 87, 658 Punishment,
Periodic tenancy, defined, 532 Private domain, 51 capital, 299
Perjuries, statute of frauds and, 391 Private judging, defined, 188 cruel and unusual, 298
Perjury, subornation of, 388 Private law, defined, 21 of convicted persons, 290
Personal property, Private mortgage insurance (PMI), Punitive statutes, defined, 355
defined, 392, 477 defined, 585 Purchase agreement and deposit receipt,
method of acquiring ownership, 513 Privilege, defined, 321 defined, 574
Personhood requirement, 251 Privilege against self-incrimination, defined, Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, 402
Petit v. Minnesota, 5 119, 288
Petitioner, 751 Privity of contract, defined, 395
defined, 41 Pro bono publico, defined, 156
Petty theft, defined, 260 Probable cause, defined, 278 Q
Philip Morris, 351 Probate, Qualified or conditional privilege, defined,
Philip Morris v. Williams, 357 avoiding, 692 321
Picketing, defined, 662 avoiding with joint tenancy, 711 Quality Motors, Inc. v. Hays, 39
Pineda v. State Bar of Calif., 158 defined, 679, 692 Quasi-contract, defined, 372
PITI (principle, interest, taxes, and matters concerning, 692 Questions of
insurance), defined, 587 Probate court, 681 fact, defined, 122
Plaintiff, defined, 101 Probation, defined, 296 law, defined, 122
Plea bargain, defined, 122, 286 Problem solving, moral, 26 Quid pro quo, defined, 636
Pleadings, defined, 115 Procedural law, 111 Quiet title action, defined, 594
Plessy v. Ferguson, 53 defined, 22, 202 Quitclaim deed, defined, 599
Index 825
State administrative law, 205 Sustained, defined, 115 Treatise on the Laws and Customs of the
State court(s), Swidler & Berlin and James Hamilton v. Kingdom of England, 10
decisions, 38 United States, 162 Trespass, defined, 339
organization of, 108 Syllogism, defined, 34 Trespass to chattel, defined, 325
political boundaries, 104 Symbolic speech, 73 Trial, ex parte, 116
State crimes, 283 Trial court, defined, 100
State Farm Insurance, 637 Trial de novo, 110, 185
State law, 19 Trial proceedings, 113
State v. Hanson, 279 T Trier of fact, defined, 122
State v. Pyle, 246 T. C. Thorstenson case, 246 Truman, Harry S., 49
Statement(s), Taft-Hartley Act, 49, 664 Trust,
opening, 133 defined, 663 cost of, 704
nonnormative, 36 Tangible property, defined, 392 defined, 703
normative, 36 Tax evasion, defined, 267 matters concerning, 702
Statute of frauds, Taxation of generation-skipping trust, types of, 705
defined, 391 710 Trust arrangement, 704
sufficiency of the contact writing, 393 Taxes, 65 example, 714
Statute of limitations, 358 Taylor v. Allen, 14 Trustee,
defined, 115, 274 Temporary insanity, defined, 271 defined, 703
for crime, 274 Tenancy duties of, 704
Statute of repose, defined, 353 at sufferance, defined, 533 who may be, 704
Statutes, at will, defined, 532 Trustees of Columbia University v. Jacobsen,
defined, 14 by the entirety, 603 140, 142–144
enabling, 208 for years, defined, 531 Truth in Lending Act, 388, 391
federal and state, 650 in common, defined, 603 Twenty-first amendment, 69
violations of, 385 Tenant, Twenty-sixth Amendment, 53
Statutory law, 752 defined, 523
Statutory rape, defined, 252 legal remedies for, 541–552
Statutory will, defined, 685 Tenth Amendment, 61, 63
Stenberg v. Carhart, 434 Terrorism, U
Stewart, Martha, 203 defined, 257 UCC. See Uniform Commercial Code
Strict constructionist, defined, 18 issues, 290 Ulmer G. Wilson v. The City of New Orleans,
Strict liability, defined, 312 Testamentary trust, defined, 709 235
Strict liability torts, 346 Testate, defined, 680 Unanimous opinion, 751
Strict product liability, requirements of, 486 Testator, defined, 40
Strike, defined, 681 Unconscionable, defined, 408
defined, 666 victim of undue influence, 690 Undue hardship, defined, 644
types of, 666 Texaco, 631 Undue influence, defined, 382, 690
Strikebreakers, defined, 666 The Florida Bar v. Barrett, 169 Unenforceable, defined, 373
Subject matter Theft, 260 Unfair labor practices,
classification, 25 defined, 259 defined, 662
jurisdiction, defined, 105 Third National Incidence Study of Child strike, defined, 666
Sublease, defined, 551 Abuse and Neglect, 448 Unified credit, 680
Subornation of perjury, defined, 388 Third-party beneficiary, defined, 395 Unified estate and gift tax, defined, 680
Subpoena, defined, 119, 220 Thirteenth Amendment, 69 Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction
Subpoena duces tecum, defined, 119 Thomas et al. v. Chicago Park District, 90–91 and Enforcement Act (UCCJEF),
Subrogation, defined, 509 Thorstenson case, 327 465
Substantial performance, defined, 396 Title insurance, defined, 599 Uniform Code of Military Justice, 290
Substantive law, 111, 203 Title to home, how it may be held, 603 Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), 377,
defined, 24 Tort(s), 392, 477, 481
Suicide, by intentional conduct, 312 defined, 370
as legal right, 700 by negligent behavior, 329 Uniform Controlled Substance Act, 261
defined, 700 classification of, 311 Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
Summary judgment, motion for, 120 defined, 311 (UETA), defined, 394
Summary jury trial, defined, 190 intentional, 312 Uniform Interstate Family Support Act of
Summation, defined, 135 strict liability, 346 1992, 420
Summons, defined, 114 Tort theory for firing employee, 652 Uniform Marital Property Act (UMPA),
Support, obligation of (in marriage), 427 Tortfeasor, defined, 311 430
Supremacy, doctrine of, 15 Totten trust, defined, 711 Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act, 462
Supremacy clause, defined, 64 Toyota Motor Mfg., Kentucky, Inc. v. Williams, Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, 261
Supreme Court Reporter, 38, 750 644 Uniform Parentage Act of 2002, 434, 437
Surrogate, 681 Traffic citation, and civil liability for Uniform Premarital Agreement Act, 466
Surrogate mother, defined, 436 accident, 495 Uniform Probate Code (UPC), defined,
Surrogate-mother contracts, 436 Transcript, 139 696
Survivor statutes, defined, 355 Treasury Department, 258 Uniform Statutory Will Act, 685
Index 827