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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code: 2130504 Date: 02/06/2017
Subject Name: Process Calculation
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Atomic Weights: C= 12, H=1, O= 16, S= 32, Na= 23, K= 39, Cl= 35.5, N= 14

Q.1 Short Questions 14
1 The value of gas constant ‘R’ is ________ m3 atm/kmol K
2 At NTP, 1 atm = _____ mH2O
3 Define: Normality and Molarity.
4 A sample of water contains 2000 ppm solids. Express the concentration of
solids in the sample in weight percent.
5 Draw and explain with block diagram, distillation operation for a binary
6 Define “Tie” and “Inert” material with example.
7 If cooling tower water available at 298 K is used at a rate of 1500 kg/h for
heat duty of 119647.78 kJ/h, calculate the outlet temperature of water
assuming specific heat of water to be 4.187 kJ/kg K.
8 Calculate the quantity of ethylene required for the production of 100 kg
ethylene oxide.
C2H4 + ½ O2 C2H4O
9 What is the composition of 100 kg 20 % oleum ?
10 In the production of sulphur trioxide, 100 kmol of SO2 and 200 kmol of O2 are
fed to a reactor. The product stream is found to contain 80 kmol of SO3. Find
the percentage conversion of SO2.
11 Define: Latent heat of vaporization and latent heat of sublimation
12 State Hess’s Law of constant heat summation
13 Convert: Wavelength 9000Ao to nm
14 Iron metal weighing 500 lb occupies a volume of 29.25 L. Calculate the
density of Fe in kg/dm3.
Q.2 (a) Explain Ideal gas law, Dalton’s law and Raoult’s law. 03
(b) A sample of caustic flakes contains 74.6% Na2O by weight. Determine the 04
purity of flakes.
(c) Carbon dioxide is dissolved to the extent of 38 litres per litre of solution 07
containing 27.5 wt. % A [mol. wt.= 79]. The volume of gas is measured at
101.325 kPa at 288 K. Calculate the weight % and mole % CO2 in the
solution. Density of the solution is 1.04 kg/L.
(c) An aqueous solution of K2CO3 is prepared by dissolving 43 kg of K2CO3 in 07
100 kg of water at 293 K. Calculate the normality, molarity and molatity of
the solution. Density of the solution is 1.3 kg/l.
Q.3 (a) In a textile mill, a double effect evaporator system concentrates weak liquor 03

containing 4% (by mass) caustic soda to produce lye containing 25% solids
(by mass). Calculate the evaporation of water per 100 kg feed in the
(b) Explain recycle, bypass and purge streams with suitable diagram. 04
(c) Pure sulphur is burnt in a sulphur burner using dry air. Oxygen is used 20% 07
excess above that required for the complete combustion of sulphur to SO3.
The burner efficiency is such that only 30% of the sulphur burns to SO3 and
the remainder burns to SO2. Calculate: (a) the analysis of the resulting mixture
in mole% and (b) the weight of the gas produced per kg of sulphur burnt.
Q.3 (a) Define: (a) Yield (b) Conversion (c) Limiting and excess reactant 03
(b) 100 kg mixture of 27.8% of acetone (A) and 72.2% of chloroform (B) by mass 04
is to be batch-extracted with a mixed solvent at 25° C. The mixed solvent of
an unknown composition is known to contain water (S1) and acetic acid (S2).
The mixture of the original mixture and the mixed solvent is shaken well,
allowed to attain equilibrium, and separated into two layers. The compositions
of the two layers are given below. Find the quantities of the two layers.
Composition, mass%
Layer A B S1 S2
Upper Layer 7.5 3.5 57.4 31.6
Lower Layer 20.3 67.3 2.8 9.6
(c) It is required to make 1000 kg of mixed acid containing 60% H2SO4, 32% 07
HNO3 and 8% water by blending (i) the spent acid containing 11.3% HNO3,
44.4% H2SO4 and 44.3% H2O, (ii) aqueous 90% HNO3, and (iii) aqueous 98%
H2SO4. All percentages are by mass. Calculate the quantities of each of the
three acids required for blending.
Q.4 (a) Explain: (i) Watson equation and (ii) Riedel Equation. 03
(b) Define the following terms with reference to air-water humidification 04
(1) Dry-bulb temperature
(2) Absolute humidity
(3) Humid heat
(4) Dew point
(c) Formaldehyde is produced by dehydrogenation of methanol. 07
The per pass conversion is 67%. The product leaving the reactor is fed to a
separation unit battery where formaldehyde is separated from methanol and
hydrogen. The separated methanol is recycled to the reactor. If the production
rate of formaldehyde is 1000 kg/h, calculate: (a) the combined feed ratio and
(b) the flow rate of methanol required to the process (as fresh feed). As shown
in the figure, the following operation is taking place in the dehydrogenation


Methanol (F) M
Separati Formaldeh
Reacto yde

Methanol Units

Q.4 (a) Define and explain the following terms: 03
(1) Heat of formation
(2) Heat of combustion
(3) Heat of reaction
(b) Differentiate between: (i) Sensible Heat and latent heat (ii) Endothermic and 04
exothermic reactions.
(c) Calculate the consumption of 96% NaCl and 93% H2SO4 to produce 500 kg of 07
HCl if the conversion is 92%. The reaction that takes place is as follows:
2 NaCl + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 2
Q.5 (a) HCl
In a double effect evaporator plant, the second effect is maintained under 03
vacuum of 475 Torr. Find the absolute pressure in kPa, bar and psi.
(b) Crude oil is found to contain 87.1% carbon, 12.5% hydrogen and 0.4% 04
sulphur (by mass). Its GCV at 25oC is measured to be 45071 kJ/kg oil.
Calculate its NCV at 25oC. Latent heat of water vapor at 25oC = 2442.5 kJ/kg

(c) A mixture of aniline and water containing 11.8% by weight of aniline is 07

cooled from 100 oC to 40 oC with the help of cooling water. Find the amount
of heat removed by cooling 100 kg of aniline mixture. The specific Cp= a +
bT + cT2 (kcal/kg oC)
Where constants a, b, c are:
For aniline: a= 1.407, b= 2.467 X 10-3, c= -6.08 X 10-6
For water: a= 0.6741, b= 2.8 X 10-3, c= 8.3 X 10-6

Q.5 (a) A stream of carbon dioxide flowing at a rate of 100 kmol/min is heated from 03
298 K to 383 K. Calculate the heat that must be transferred using Cop.
Cop= a + bT + cT2 + dT3 , kJ/(kmol. K)

Gas a b X 103 c X 106 d X 109

Liquid 21.3655 64.2841 -41.0506 9.7999

(b) Discuss proximate and ultimate analysis of coal. 04

(c) The orsat analysis of the flue gases by mole is as given below: CO2- 11.4%, 07
O2- 4.2% and N2- 84.4%. Assuming that complete combustion takes place.
Calculate (i) the % excess air (2) find the C:H ratio in the fuel.


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