New Public Administration
New Public Administration
New Public Administration
Table of Contents
Emergence of New Public Administration
Landmark movements and major initiatives in New Public Administration
A new trend in the study of Public Administration was clearly visible in the twentieth
century, particularly after the end of World War II. This was due to the increasing attention
given to the study of administrative behaviour not only of important persons exercising
administrative power, but of the ordinary people. This new movement was started by a
group of political scientists, mostly in the USA, who strongly expressed their dissatisfaction
with the traditional approaches to public administration. The underlying principle of this
updated approach in Public administration is its central focus on administrative behaviour.
The study of administrative behaviour is concerned with the acts, attitudes, preferences and
expectations of man in administrative contexts. According to this study, the unit of analysis
is the individual person in a given administrative situation.
Mohit Bhattacharya, New Horizons of Public Administration, Jawahar Publishers & Distributors, 2000, pp 18-19
according to the cannons, conventions and assumptions of modem empirical science. Its
purpose is to promote scientific out-look.
The study of new public administration can be traced back to the history of Minnowbrook
Conference. It was held in the year 1968. It was also studied under the stewardship of
Dwight Waldo. 2 The aim of the conference was to streamline the study of public
administration and wanted to bring intellectuals in public administration to review and
debate on the state and future outcome of administrative behaviour. It was realized that
there was a period of political crisis in the USA.The 1960s was a watershed movement in
USA for studying the crisis of administrative state. Waldo said that the public
administration was not functioning well to fulfill the basic requirements of the study. He
said that there was unethical standards and misconceptions created among the public. The
situation demanded to remake the structure of public functioning. The growing political
dishonesty was linked with administrative misconduct.
The commentary on moral values and study of public administration have normally cited on
various reasons for immoral activities and proposed diverse shape of preparation to fight
them. Corruption has been expected as the most noticeable form of unprincipled behaviour
and the so-called of the political and permanent executive, quite unaware of the fact that
this mounting threat has marked itself far and wide in almost every vocation, the non-
governmental bodies are also not to protect from it. It is too early to comment that the
process of liberalization would alter the scenario for the better, because as we make bigger
globally and unlock doors to the transnational corporations and other types of overseas
capital, the virus of venality might just get even more opportunities to feed on.
In this changing perspective, when we are talking of ethics we cannot help but talk of the
difficulties of corruption, favouritism, breaking of rules and role of watchfulness commission.
Though the indispensability of these factors to this topic cannot be unnoticed, we would just
superficially speak to these issues and try to deal with the difficulty in a diverse standpoint.
The function of public administration has turn out to be multifaceted.
guiding principle that could offer the administrators, especially the bureaucrats, some
assistance in recognizing a difficulty, choose an option and put into practice the best course
of choice. Our service demeanor regulations lay pressure on punishment and sentence for
dissimilar deviation and departures from the underscore strategy but ignore the pertinence
of the factors that lead to such circumstances. It is necessary that administrators are well-
known with the course of moral decision-making: they should know how to grip a difficulty
state of affairs, the role of facts and values in resolving them and recognize the ways of
shielding themselves from irrelevant pressures, identifying substitute and extrapolative
consequences. "What we supposed to not be done" needs to be replaced by "what ought to
be done" in different work condition. Though no moral set of laws can give answer for every
decisional predicament, it could give a broad outline of what would be the best promising
way of dealing
with them through examples based on past achievements and recognized conventions.
Thus, there is need for evolution of new public administration in dealing with the
ambiguities that arise because of outdated rules and opposing guidelines.
The types of immoral actions, commonly documented, are inducement, splice, backing, use
of official possessions, documents for private gains, etc. The service conduct rules of
administrators forbid them form indulging in these activities through their various sections
and clauses.
The discipline of Public Administration was also stunned and powered by the period of social
disorder and crisis ridden period of the 60s.The study of Public administration has come to
be augmented by the appearance of what has to be treated as the period of New Public
Administration. The watershed movement of New Public Administration was held differently
to make it more effective and democratic.
The following can be enlisted as the key features of New Public Administration as described
by George Frederickson,
• Social Equity
• Rationality
• Social Change and Administrative Responsiveness
• Improved Management-Worker Relations
1. The study of Honey report was made on the issues of Higher Education for public
service,1967,in USA 3
2. The study of Philadelphia Conference on the concept of Theory and Practice of Public
Administartion,1967 which was in USA
3. The study of Minnow brook Conference was held in the year 1968, in USA
4. The titled Toward a New Public Administration: The Minnow brook Perspective , was
published which was edited by Frank Marini,1971
5. Another outstanding publication of Public Administration in a time of Turbulence
which was edited by Dwight Waldo which was published in the year 1971. 5
The evaluative study which was made by the Syracuse University where John C.Honey
(1966) took an initiative to make public administration as a separate discipline in the
Universities of US. The Honey Report which was marked as a historic movement
submitted in the year 1967 .The report located difficulties of four essential troubles which
is meet head-on the discipline, which needed immediate stroke.
Rumki Basu, Introduction to Public Administration, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 1990, p-19
The American Academy of Political and Social Science developed new appraisal of
the discipline of public administration which was very much spearheaded in the
conference of Philadelphia. It was in the year 1967.There were different opinions expressed
with special reference to The Theory and Practice of Public Administration: Scope,
Objectives and Methods. Varied opinions withdrawn to make public administration in
protecting public interest and on the other hand made it with governmental administration.
The Minnowbrook Conference was particularly held to study many social problems but there
was no healthy sign of public administration to fulfill the basic objectives to solve them. This
development was marked by article which was written by Dwight Waldo titled ‘ Public
Administration in a Time of Revolutions ‘. 7It was published in the review of Public
Administration in 1968. On the other hand the subject matter of public administration was
subject to generation gap. This conference was marked as youth conference on public
administration. This conference was an academic get-together which expanded the horizon
of new public administration.
The writing on new public administration lays emphasis on four major subject matter.
• Study of Relevance,
• Basic Values,
• Basic Equity,
• Basic Change
Study of Relevance
The study of Public administration has conventionally been paying attention in competence
and wealth. The new public administration movement pointed out that the discipline had
little to say about fashionable evils and subject and was therefore becoming inappropriate
Management-oriented public administration studies was found insufficient, and the demand
was to deal clearly with the political surroundings and inference of managerial action.
Basic Values
Values are important theme in studying new paradigm of public administration. It is
considered as a normative concern in justifying administrative studies. It stands for discard
of value neutral position which was taken by the behavioral school. Value neutrality in public
administration is very much misleading and was subject to be familiar and witnessed the
cause of the disadvantaged sections of the society. Values should be served through
administrative action. The new perspective of Public administration should be less generic.
It should be more prescriptive and client oriented public administration. Broadly speaking,
new public administration contains the topics dealing with both empirical facts and value
preferences. Questions of facts are concerned with what is and. those dealing with value
preferences are concerned with what should be. The contents of new Public Administration
fall in either of those two broad categories. Recently, dissatisfaction with the contents of the
subject and its long indulgence in value judgments has led to interesting controversies
L. D. White, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, Macmillan Co., New York, 1955, pp 10-15.
about the scope of public administration and the proper methods for its study. Especially in
the United States of America, efforts are made to develop a kind of empirically oriented and
value-free scientific politics, seeks to be at par with the natural sciences. There are some
difficulties in the development of a scientific politics. However, if such efforts become
successful, it will reduce the area of value judgment in public administration. Hence, at a
distant future the scope of Public administration may have to be redefined in the light of the
achievements of the neo-administrative scientists. As New Public administration is a
dynamic and not a static subject, its scope is ever expanding.
Basic Equity
Social equity is also the theme of public administration. The distributive justice and effects
of governmental functions should be treated as public administrations major objectives. It
should be reduction of economic and social discrimination and promotion of life
opportunities for all social groups.
Basic Change
Change is also an important theme in new public administration. It should work for social
change. It is being treated as the basic theme in public administration. The participants of
Minnowbrook conference expanded the ideas of change and gave certain remedies and
precautions about the bureaucratic tendencies of big organizations. The change about the
movement was very much successful in bringing some integrity in public administration. It
has direct relevance to the fulfillment of third world countries. The new movement stands
for basic ground realities of societal problems. A change in new public administration or in
government may be made on an experimental basis. New ideas and institutions can be
introduced for the sake of experiment. Panchayati Raj in India, for example, had been
introduced on experimental basis. Sometimes different administrative reforms are also
introduced on experimental basis. It follows the constructive thinking in the field of
development administration. There is a change in the development perspectives of
administration. The main motive of the change was to streamline the third world along with
the rude form of capitalism. The new administration is fit to suit the requirements of basic
social and economic problems of the society. It searches new ways and means to reach in a
particular destination. It can influence public policy and in the present day it has also
followed the basic objectives of administration in the lines of NITI Ayog. Through its
perspective, it can increase the quality of life standards. It will be more normative and will
be proved less neutral.
It is said that governments are always making experiments on the community. Through the
process of experiment, government may adopt new policies and methods. It is true that
social conditions cannot be artificially created and experiments as in the physical sciences
are not possible in public administration. However, even with handicaps, experiments in
public administration can be conducted.. In the present circumstances administrative
scientists have realized that a single approach is not adequate but multiple approaches to
the study of current problems are welcome.
The scope of New Public Administration implies its jurisdiction of subject matter. It is a very
wide and comprehensive subject. It is a major branch of political science. It deals with the
nature of different political institutions including government, explains their merits and
demerits, their structure and working and arrives at different conclusions by making a
comparative study. The study of public administration and local government may be
included in this area. However, the study of public administration has emerged as an
independent subject in recent times. It is going to acquire more significance in the 21st
century. It means the current forces at work in government and decision making. It covers
a wide range and includes the study of rational decision making etc. A scientific study to the
working of these helps to explain the administrative behaviour. The study in this field is
often done in collaboration with other social sciences like sociology, anthropology and
psychology. New conditions and experiences make man wiser, and in the light of the new
knowledge, it wants to improve upon the State and governmental machinery. Human nature
is not static, but dynamic. To understand the functioning of administration, it is necessary
for new public administration to work outward from the nucleus of the study of government
and take into consideration social, psychological and economic factors. Many changes have
been taken place. The principles of governance have also been changed in the current
perspectives of new public administration. The State today is not what it was one thousand
years ago. These changes need to be studied in new situations of Public administration.
In recent times New Public Administration is going to assume the status of a separate
academic discipline in modern States. New Public Administration deals with those operations
having for their purposes the fulfillment of public policy. It deals with the executive branch
of the Government both at national, State and local levels. Its horizons are ever expanding
in recent times. It examines various kinds of Governments and administration in modern
society. Thus social sciences are in a greater or lesser degree related to Public
administration. No social science can be studied in isolation. New Public Administration is
no exception to it. The prime responsibility of new public administration is to focus the role
of the government and try to locate how they can easily afford these services to citizens.
Mosher, F. C.. (1992). Public Administration Old and New: A Letter from Frederick C.
Mosher. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART, 2(2), 199–202.
Retrieved from
ed on 7 April 2016
After the emergence of New Public Administration, the effective governance are being set
with new perspectives of administration. It has discarded the old methods of executing and
implementing policies. There is a pressure on slim down the government in the lines of
new public administration perspective. The reform on new public administration calls for
openness and integrity, accountability in governance. The need of the hour of new public
administration is to empower the NGOs and the other private stakeholders to develop
partnership with the government. The objective is to supplement the transformation of
socio-economic development for administrative development of the state. It can bring
enhancement of public spirit in terms one’s responsiveness. The new public administration
will make organization more citizen-friendly. Apart from, there is an extra ordinary anxiety
on effectuating accountability of the system of governance towards citizens and a
commitment to the study rudimentary philosophy of the Constitution. The New Public
Administration is being considered as a global movement and global mobility is being
reflected and promoted by the demands of globalization. 8 It will not promote the inequalities
in administrative development. The few sections of the community should get benefit and
form a part of goal set of new public administration.
Ramesh K Arora , Public Administration in India Tradition, Trends and Transformation, Paragon International
Publishers,2006, pp56-58
At the outset, the study of new public administration brings complete transformation in the
field of developmental administration or administrative state. It stands for open debate and
discussion in executing and implementing decisions. It makes the governance more
democratic and citizen-friendly approach towards certain goals.
R. K. Arora, Public Administration in India Tradition, Trends and Transformation, Paragon International
Publishers,2006, pp 120-121
modern age, an individual cannot lead an isolated life. Each country has to maintain
relations with other countries of the world. Those who specialise in the various fields of
political science conduct researches to discover hitherto unknown principles underlying
political phenomena and make a rich contribution to the realm of knowledge. In the ultimate
philosophy, if human life is to enrich knowledge, then political science makes a major
contribution to the store-house of knowledge. Its study helps us a lot in understanding
international relations. It explains the governmental systems of the other countries. In the
nuclear age the significance of the study of political science has increased. In order to save
the mankind from nuclear catastrophe a strong world opinion is necessary. The study of
Political Science can help in this direction.
science, is ever if vigilant, and it will not permit the government to rule arbitrarily. An
electorate having high degree of political consciousness is an asset to the nation. While such
an electorate strongly criticizes the government for its mistakes, it checks the rise of
dictatorship. In times of national emergency or foreign invasion, an enlightened electorate
alone will be capable of saving the nation from disaster.
R K Arora, Public Administration in India Tradition, Trends and Transformation, Paragon International
Publishers,2006, pp-137-138
the legislature, executive and judiciary of different countries, etc. are studied in Political
science. The principles of liberty, equality and fraternity are also made clear by the study of
political science. Hence the
study of Political Science has its immense practical utility. A modern man will be imperfect
without the knowledge of public administration. He encounters politics in every sphere of
life. He is also involved in some form at some time in some kind of political system. There is
growing importance of new public administration day by day.
Further readings
Willbern, Y.. (1973). Is the New Public Administration Still with Us? [Review of Toward a
New Public Administration: The Minnowbrook Perspective; Public Administration in a Time of
Turbulence; Organizational Frontiers and Human Values; The Administrative Revolution:
Notes on the Passing of Organization Man]. Public Administration Review, 33(4), 373–378.
the administrative set-up.The relation between Citizen and administration should become
more flexible and rational and friendly towards national development. The new public
administration is very much multidisciplinary in approach.
It has been revolving round the complex problem of adjustment of man with society and
reconciliation of liberty with authority or freedom with power. In recent times, new public
administration has shown due response to the problems, challenges and conflicts posed by
socio-economic developments all over the world as well as by more subtle intellectual
development apparently unrelated to the discipline of Political Science as traditionally
defined. It has spurred the controversy like the "traditionalist" and "modernist" approaches
to political theory and some critics have gone to the extent of pointing out that modern
political theory is at "crossroads", some others lament over its "decline" or 'demise' and
some others suggest its 'resurgence' or 'revival' .
The new administration has concentrated in recent years, on the relation of 'values to the
milieu in which the)' appear, rather than on the desk of trying to create new concepts of
values commensurate with their needs. This has resulted in diverting modern political
theorists from their traditional task of re-formulating in each age the content of values and
building up a systematic theory about administrative behaviour and the operation of
administrative institutions in their time, a task very well attempted by the economists and
sociologists their respective fields.
After the emergence of New Public Administration, Riggs and Wiedner used the word the
Development Administration. It was first introduced by Donald C.Stone.It is a 60s concept.
It stood for new nations. It was started to give moral support to the aid agencies in their
functioning. Another contribution was visible from Comparative Administrative Group. 12 It
R K Arora, Public Administration in India Tradition, Trends and Transformation, Paragon International
Publishers,2006,pp 106-108
developed new techniques and new administrative capabilities for coping with the
administrative difficulties. In the lines of these approaches, the professionalization of
administrative development was realized. The basic management techniques were
developed and new instrumentation can be used by the effective administrator for
successful implementation of schemes of development programs. The concept of strong
bureaucracy was criticized. The idea of decentralization reconceptualised by this theory of
dynamics of development in the 70s.It created institutional framework of different avenues
to build up proper administrative space. It has empowered people to initiate policies and
implement t for its final goal. It is good example of the people and gives the opportunities to
the alert citizens and they will have a basic understanding of what the government does.
Now the State, market and Civil Society groups in the lines of new public administration are
coming forward to prove their credentials in administration. The effectiveness of the role of
the government is being spelt out. People’s participation has been the hall mark of new
public administration. Right to information has been passed in the year 2005 in order to
streamline the process of rationale of administration. A lot of discrepancies have been
diagnosed. In this context the new public management has been introduced. Another
formidable attempt that is public entrepreneurship has been set up and it has transformed
a bureaucratic government to entrepreneurial government. Multiple model of governance
has also been in the same platform to strengthen the settings of administration. This
transformation has now become piecemeal and segmented into different stakeholders.
Market model of governance has been spearheading in the current scenario. It is a 80s
concept. The current priorities on new administrative management on behalf of market
model of governance needs to be evaluated in an effective manner.
Critical Analysis
Some critics are of opinion that the old traditions of Public Administration is passing through
a crisis today. This crisis, in the ultimate analysis, is related to the crisis of the "modern
man. It is a fact that politics is concerned with human life. It should meet challenges and
responses of the present society. It should try to solve the dilemma which confronts modern
man and society. Instead of dealing with 'ought', it should take consideration of 'is'. Total
dichotomy between 'ought' and 'is' is a difficult proposition.
FEASIBILITY OF APPLICATION. Public Administration Quarterly, 7(3), 346–376. Retrieved
The study of New Public administration is directly linked with evaluating government
policies. It is also positively affect the developmental programmes and policies. The
inheritance of secrecy, impartiality and obligation to the inflexibility of administrative system
and the party in power are gradually being transferred to the conditions. The study of new
public administration is now starting to hub more on strategic, new innovative techniques of
analytical and effectual citizen- administration interface. At present, the study of new public
administration has to dexterously foresee needs of the policy, alternatives and decide on the
tools of execution and checking. Diverse organizational sub-cultures are
developing; policy makers are testing with a range of ways of doing a meticulous job.
Minno Brook -Minno Brook refers to the sense of a protest against the working of the
government. It focused on relevance and change.
Dichotomy-The word is derived from Greek language. It means dividing into two
Administrative behavior-It refers to the activities of the administration.
Pragmatism- It is a truth seeking vocabulary. It stands for the sorting out of the
Watershed- It refers to some major landmarks in administration
Favouritism-It refers to the preferential treatment with discrimination. It refers to
more support to one over another.
Hierarchy- It refers to the position and status of an employee in an organization from
top to bottom and bottom to top.
Divergence- It refers to different interests and varied opinions in administration
Normative-It refers to philosophical approach in administration
Bureaucracy-It is a process of government .The decisions are being taken by the
recognized state officials.
a. Political Problems
b. Social Problems
c. Environmental Problems
d. None of these
Ans –(b)
2. The development of New Public Administration was marked by article which was written
by whom Dwight Waldo titled ‘ Public Administration in a Time of Revolutions?
a. Negro &Negro
b. Pffiner
c. Weber
d. Dwight Waldo
Ans- (d)
3. The writing on new public administration lays emphasis on four major subject matter.
Which one among the following is correct?
a. Relevance,
b. Values,
c. Equity and change
d. All of these
Ans- (d)
4. Public Administration in a Time of Revolutions was published in which year?
a. 1978
b. 1976
c. 1968
d. 1970
Ans –( c )
List 1 List 2
1.Honey Report (A) 1967,USA
2. Philadelphia Conference (B) 1967, USA
3. Minnow brook Conference (C) 1968
4. Public Administration (D) 1971
in a time of Turbulence
Select the correct code:
1 2 3 4
(A) a b c d
(B) c a d b
(C) a b d c
(D) d a b c
Ans- (A)
Answer Key
1 b,
2 d,
5. a
Arthur S. Link, The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, vol. 7 (1890- 92),Princeton University Press,
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Ferrel Heady, Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective, Prentice-Hall, 1966, p, 24.
Frank J. Goodnow, Policy and Administration: Macmillan, New York,1900.
Fritz J. Roethlisberger and William J. Dickson, Management and the Worker: An Account of a
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Ibid., p. 311. quoted in Flix A. Nigro, Lloyd d. Nigro, pp.4-5, Modern Public Administration,
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J. Nef and O.P. Dwivedi, "Development Theory and Administration: A Fence Around an
Empty Log?" Indian Journal of Public Administration, January- March, 1981.
John J. Corson and Joseph P. Harris, Public Administration in Modern Society, Mc-Graw-Hill,
1963, p. 12.
John J. Kirlin, "The Big Question in a Democracy," Public Administration Review, September-
October, 1996.
Kuldeep Mathur, "Development Administration in India: Old Lessons and New Concerns,"
Journal of Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 2, No.4, 1985.
Major works on the critical perspective are included in Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhardt
(eds.) The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, Urizen Books, 1978.
Marini ·op. cit., p. 32.
Minnowbrook-II has been covered in some details in Public Administration Review, March -
April 1989: Mary Ellen Guy, "Minnowbrook -I: Conclusion", PAR, March - April 1989.
Mohit Bhattacharya, Development Administration. New Delhi: Jawahar Publishers and
Distributors, 1997, P: 3.
Nicholas Henry, Public Administration and Public Affairs, Prentice- Hall, 1975, pp. 43-4.
Peter Self, Administrative Theories and Politics, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London, 1972 p.
Peter Self, Administrative Theories and Politics, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1984, p.20.
Philippe Keraudren and Hans van Mierlo, "Theories of Public Management Reform and their
Practical Implications," in Tony Verheijen and David Coombes, (eds.), Innovations in Public
Management Perspectives from East and West Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elger, 1998.
Phillip J. Cooper et al, op. cit., p.374.
R. H. Dahl, "The Science of Public Administration: Three Problems", Public Administration
Review; 7 (1947).
Robert E. Cleary, "Dialogue, Negotiation, and the Advancement of Democracy: Reflections
on Minnowbrook -II", PAR,-March- April 1989. See, in this connection, Vincent Ostrom, The
Intellectual Crisis in American Public Administration, University of Alabama Press, 1974, pp.
S.N. Eisentadt, "Bureaucrats and Political Development," in Joseph La Palombara, (ed.),
Bureaucrats and Political Development. Princeton N.J.:
Simon, "A Comment on 'The Science of Public Administration", Public Administration Review,
7 (Winter 1947), p. 202.
Simon, ibid.,p. xiv.
Simon, op. cit., p. 44.
Stephen K. Bailey, "Ethics and the Public Service", in Public Administration, Concepts and
Cases by Richard J. Stillman II (ed.),
The two volumes are: Frank Marini (ed.), Toward a New Public Administration, Chandler,
1971 j Dwight Waldo (ed.) .Public Administration in a time of Turbulence, Chandler, 1971.
(The second volume is 'strictly not a new public administration document.) Frederickson,
"Toward a New Public Administration" in Marini (ed.), op. cit.
Woodrow Wilson, "The Study of Administration", in Dwight Waldo (ed.) Ideas and Issues in
Public Administration, McGraw-Hill, 1953.