ChemLab Synthesize An Ionic Compound Student Editable

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The experiment demonstrates the synthesis of ionic compounds from elemental magnesium reacting with oxygen and nitrogen. The products were tested and showed properties characteristic of ionic compounds.

There was an increase in mass and the production of a white solid (MgO) when magnesium reacted with oxygen. A yellow solid was produced when magnesium reacted with nitrogen.

The predicted ionic formulas are MgO for magnesium oxide and Mg3N2 for magnesium nitride.

Name______________________________________________ Date______________________ Class_____________________

Synthesize an Ionic Compound
Elements combine to form compounds. If energy is released as the
compound is formed, the resulting product is more stable than the
reacting elements. In this investigation, you will react elements to form
two compounds. You will test the compounds to determine several of their
properties. Ionic compounds have properties that are different from those of
other compounds. You will decide if the products you formed are ionic

Can the physical properties of a Objectives Materials
compound indicate that they have  Observe magnesium ribbon crucible tongs
ionic bonds? evidence of a chemical (25 cm) centigram balance
reaction. crucible 100-mL beaker
 Acquire and ring stand and ring distilled water
analyze information that clay triangle conductivity tester
will enable you to decide Bunsen burner
if a compound has an stirring rod
ionic bond.
 Classify the
products as ionic or not

Safety Precautions
 Always wear safety glasses and a lab apron.
 Do not look directly at the burning magnesium. The intensity of the light can
damage your eyes.
 Avoid handling heated materials until they have cooled.

1. Read the entire CHEMLAB. Identify the variable. List
any conditions that must be kept constant. b. Write the electron configuration of the magnesium
_must be an excess of ion.
oxygen_______________________________ ___
2. Write the electron configuration of the magnesium
______ Mg c. The magnesium ion has an electron configuration
1s22s22p63s2___________________________________ like that of which noble gas?
a. Based on this configuration, will magnesium lose or ____
gain electrons to become a magnesium ion?
3. Repeat question 2 for oxygen and nitrogen.
___ lose electrons
Chemistry: Matter and Change 1 ChemLab Worksheets
Name___________________________________________ Date__________________ Class____________________________

ChemLAB 7 (continued)
__ O 1s22s22p4, N 4. Use the data table in the next column.
5. In your data table, which mass values will be measured
_____ Both will gain electrons. O2– 1s22s22p6, N3–
directly? Which mass values will be calculated?
1s22s22p6 Both have the configuration of neon.
____ The mass of the magnesium and the mass of the
magnesium products are calculated. Other mass values
____________________________________________ are measured
____________________________________________ directly.______________________________________
____________________________________________ __

6. Explain what must be done to calculate each mass

value that is not measured directly.
______ The mass of magnesium ribbon is calculated by
subtracting the mass of the crucible from the mass of
the crucible and magnesium. The mass of the
magnesium products is calculated by subtracting the
mass of the crucible from the mass of the crucible and
its contents after

1. Read and complete the lab safety form.
2. Record all measurements in your data table.
3. Position the ring on the ring stand about 7 cm above
the top of the Bunsen burner. Place the clay triangle
on the ring.

Chemistry: Matter and Change 2 ChemLab Worksheets

Name___________________________________________ Date__________________ Class____________________________

ChemLAB 7 (continued)
4. Measure the mass of the clean, dry crucible. water. Return all lab equipment to its proper place.
5. Roll 25 cm of magnesium ribbon into a loose ball.
Place it in the crucible. Measure the mass of the Mass Data
magnesium and crucible together.
6. Place the crucible on the triangle, and heat it with a Material (s) Mass (g)
hot flame (flame tip should be near the crucible). Empty crucible 24.92
7. Turn off the burner as soon as the magnesium ignites Crucible and Mg ribbon 25.40
and begins to burn with a bright white light. Allow it before heating
to cool, and measure the mass of the magnesium
product and the crucible. Magnesium ribbon 0.50
8. Place the dry, solid product in the beaker. Crucible and magnesium 25.50
9. Add 10 mL of distilled water to the beaker, and stir. products after heating
Check the mixture with a conductivity tester. Magnesium products 0.10
10. Cleanup and Disposal Dispose of the product as
directed by your teacher. Wash out the crucible with

Analyze and Conclude

1. Analyze Data Calculate the mass of the ribbon and the product. Record these masses in your table.
__Ribbon: 0.50____________Products: 0.10_________________________________________________________

2. Classify the forms of energy released. What can you conclude about the stability of products?
_____ heat and light; It is more stable than the reacting elements.____________________________

Chemistry: Matter and Change 3 ChemLab Worksheets

Name___________________________________________ Date__________________ Class____________________________

ChemLAB 7 (continued)
3. Infer Does the magnesium react with the air?
______ There is an increase in mass it was white._______________________________

4. Predict the ionic formulas for the two binary products formed, and write their names.
____ MgO, magnesium oxide; Mg3N2, magnesium

5. Analyze and Conclude The product of the magnesium-oxygen reaction is white, whereas the product of the
magnesium-nitrogen reaction is yellow. Which compound makes up most of the product?
___ MgO; The product appears

6. Analyze and Conclude Did the magnesium compounds conduct a current when in solution? Do these results verify
that the compounds are ionic?
_____ yes; Yes, because ionic compounds conduct an electric current in

7. Error Analysis If the results show that the magnesium lost mass instead of gaining mass, cite
possible sources of the error.

Inquiry Extension
Design an Experiment If the magnesium compounds conduct a current in solution, can you affect
how well they conduct electricity? If they did not conduct a current, could they? Design an experiment
to find out.
____ Double the amount of magnesium ribbon to make it more reactive.

Chemistry: Matter and Change 4 ChemLab Worksheets

Chemlab 7 – Synthesize an Ionic Compound 3. There is an increase in mass from 0.29 g to
0.37 g.
Pre-Lab 4. MgO, magnesium oxide; Mg3N2, magnesium nitride
1. Variable: mass of Mg; Constant: there must be an 5. MgO; The product appears white.
excess of oxygen 6. yes; Yes, because ionic compounds conduct an
2. Mg 1s22s22p63s2 electric current in solution.
a. lose electrons 7. Possible answers include that some of the product
blew away or that the reaction was incomplete.
b. Mg2+1s22s22p6
c. neon Inquiry Extension
3. O 1s22s22p4, N 1s22s22p3 Student experimental designs will vary. However, the
a. Both will gain electrons. basic point students should investigate is that more
b. O2– 1s22s22p6, N3– 1s22s22p6 concentrated ionic solutions are more conductive than
c. Both have the configuration of neon. less concentrated ones.
5. The mass of the magnesium and the mass of the
Expected Results
magnesium products are calculated. Other mass
values are measured directly. Sample Data
6. The mass of magnesium ribbon is calculated by Mass of empty crucible: 7.56 g
subtracting the mass of the crucible from the mass of Mass of crucible + Mg ribbon before heating:
the crucible and magnesium. The mass of the 7.85 g
magnesium products is calculated by subtracting the
mass of the crucible from the mass of the crucible and Mass of Mg ribbon: 0.29 g
its contents after heating. Mass of crucible + Mg ribbon after heating: 7.93 g
Mass of Mg products: 0.37 g
Analyze and Conclude
1. Refer to Expected Results.
2. heat and light; It is more stable than the reacting

Chemistry: Matter and Change 5 Teacher Guide and Answers

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