Carbohydrate Structural Elucidation
Carbohydrate Structural Elucidation
Carbohydrate Structural Elucidation
• Linkage patterns: linkage positions between the glycosidic linkages and branches
• Determines the branching pattern and the linkage between the sugar units.
Periodic acid oxidation - L. Malaprade 1928
• Periodic acid - is the highest oxoacid of iodine & iodine exists in oxidation state +7.
• Periodic acid will cleave the carbon-carbon bonds of vicinal diols / compounds containing two
or more OH or O groups attached to adjacent carbon atoms.
• By the formation of cyclic intermediate.
• Give rise to the formation of two carbonyl groups (aldehydes, ketones or acids).
Periodic acid does not cleave compounds in which the hydroxyl groups are separated by a -CH 2
group nor those in which a hydroxyl group is adjacent to an ether or acetal
• As the reaction is quantitative, valuable information can be deduced by estimating the moles
of HIO4 used and by identifying the product formed.
• OH group attached to the anomeric carbon atom should be methylated (methanol +HCl).
• Monosaccharide is treated with methanol and HCl to obtain the methyl glycoside.
• Glycosides with protected anomeric centers - do not undergo mutarotation, and they do not
react with most reagents under neutral or basic conditions.
• Chemical reactions can be carried out at other sites in the glycoside to determine the ring size
and configuration of the monosaccharides.
• Periodate oxidation can be used to estimate the degree of polymerization
• A quantitative determination of periodate consumed and the formic acid formed, combined with
the information on the sugar units surviving the oxidation reaction, will provide clues to the
nature of the glycosidic linkage and other structural features of the polysaccharides.
• Sugar units with different linkage patterns will vary significantly in the way they react with
Methylation (Etherification).
• The alcoholic OH groups of monosaccharides and disaccharides are converted to ether groups upon treatment with
methylating agents.
• This reaction has been extensively used to find out which OH groups in a sugar are free and available for reaction.
• Thus, α-methyl glucoside is methylated at carbon 2, 3, 4 and 6 but not at carbon 5 which is involved in hemiacetal
• The cyclic forms of monosaccharides (hemiacetals) react with alcohols in acid solution to form
• Glucose reacts with methyl alcohol in the presence of HCl to form methyl glucoside.
Acetylation (Esterification) - The glycosidic and alcoholic OH groups of monosaccharides and
disaccharides react with acetylating agents to form acetate derivatives called esters.
• The ability of sugars to form esters indicates the presence of alcohol groups in their molecule.
Determination of the Extent of Branching in Polysaccharides (Ex: Amylopectin)
• All the glycosidic bonds in the treated sample are then hydrolyzed in aqueous acid, and the
amount of 2, 3-di-methylglucose so formed is determined.
Structural elucidation of carbohydrate by GC MS
• GAS chromatography, coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
• Compositional analysis using GC-MS requires the polymer to be hydrolysed into its constituent
sugars which can then be analysed.
• A fundamental requirement for the separation and analysis of carbohydrates by GC is that they
must be thermally stable and volatile.
2. Methanolysis will hydrolyse the sugar leaving a free hydroxyl group on the sugar which can
then be silylated. (an acidic solution of methanol with the sample being heated at 80°C for
3. Silylation - Thermally stable and highly volatile derivatives can be easily obtained by the
• An acidic solution of methanol with the sample being heated at 80°C for 16–20 hours - a
method known as methanolysis.
• Anomers have to be identified based on the difference in retention time on the GC column.
• Analysis of Glycans; Polysaccharide Functional Properties: J.P. Kamerling, G.J. Gerwig,
in Comprehensive Glycoscience, 2007
• The combination of periodate oxidation, reduction, and mild acid hydrolysis is known as the
Smith Degradation.
• Periodate oxidation
• Reduction – sodium borohydride (NaBH4)
to reduce the aldehyde group to give the
corresponding alcohols.
• The end product (acetal) is sensitive to acid.
• Mild acid hydrolysis - 3-O-α-D-
glucopyranosyl - D-glycerol.
• Determination of linkage pattern