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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that teachers need to be licensed, have certain competencies and standards, and have responsibilities to students as well as participate in continuing professional development. Teachers play an important social role in communities.

According to the document, for a teacher to go back to teaching after not practicing for 5 years, they need to enroll in a refresher course of at least 12 units.

The document discusses that teachers have the right to self-evaluation and determining teaching standards. Their responsibilities include upholding ethical values and adapting to changes in their work environment. They are also expected to participate actively in their communities.

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LET Review (PRC- Board Exam Reviewer for Teachers)

Anthony Dumpit Peñano LET Review (PRC- Board Exam Reviewer for Teachers)
23 hrs ·

The Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions for Education
1. To whom does the word teacher refer?
I. Full time teachers
II. Part time teachers
III. Guidance counselors
IV. Librarians
V. Division Superintendent
a. I, II, and III
b. I and III
d. III and IV
2. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the past five years. Can he go back to teaching immediately?
a. Yes, if nobody can take his place
b. No, unless she has enrolled in refresher course of 12 units
c. No
d. Yes
3. Is membership to the accredited professional organization for teachers mandatory for all LET passers?
a. No
b. Yes, when the teacher is already teaching
c. Yes
d. Only for LET passers who are not repeaters
4. Which is true of the periodic merit exam for teacher provided for in RA 7836?
I. Consist of oral exam
II. Consist of written exam
III. May serve as additional basis for merit promotion in addition to performance rating
IV. Taken with fee of P 1000 per examinee
a. I only
b. I and IV
d. II only
5. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to teach boxing in a special school?
a. No, he is not a teacher education graduate
b. No, he has not passed the LET
c. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS
d. Yes, he has excelled and gained international recognition
6. Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from the student and parents?
a. Not at all
b. No, especially if done in exchange for requested concessions
c. Yes, if deserved
d. Yes, in-season and out-of-season gifts
7. An Education graduate without a license is accepted to teach in a private school? Is this in violation of RA 7836?
a. No provided he has taught for at least 3 years
b. Yes. No one may teach without a license
c. No
d. Yes
8. For relevance to business and industry, what did the First Biennial National Education on Education (2008) impose
for updating the Licensure Examination for teachers?
a. Moral or ethical values
b. Technical and scientific competencies
c. Upgraded laboratory facilities
d. Vocational skills
9. What does the Teacher Education Development Program signify as a prerequisite for employment of teachers in
basic education schools?
a. National Standard Competencies among teachers
b. Licensure Examination for Teachers
c. Induction of new teachers
d. Job interviews for teacher applicants
10. Among active participation of school officials and teachers in the community, which of the following is not
appropriate due to prevailing religious sentiments?
a. Literacy assistance for out of school children/youths
b. Household campaign for healthful practice
c. Promoting contraceptives for planned parenthood
d. Introducing cooperative thrift practices
11. Which of the following is not John Dewey’s contribution to the sociological foundation of education?
a. Facilitating learning along social conditions of the learner
b. As a social process, education begins at birth
c. True education is transmission of knowledge
d. The school is a continuation of home
12. Of the following, which is most fundamental to building up a strong school culture of excellence?
a. High standards of performance
b. Student-centered curriculum
c. Mission and core values
d. Student handbook of conduct
13. Among rights of the schools, which is not provided by the law?
a. Right for basic education to determine subjects of the study
b. Right to enforce administrative systems
c. Right to provide proper governance
d. Right for institutions of higher learning to determine academic grounds for admission
14. What kind of grassroots model best advances Education for All as served children of slum city dwellers?
a. Mobile education on Kariton
b. Leaf flyers for out-of-school children
c. Radio education modules
d. Educational television
15. After the implementation of NCBTS, results of LET still reveal low performance among examinees. What can
teacher education institutions do to upgrade their graduates’ LET performance?
a. Review curriculum vis-à-vis TOS
b. Intensify Field Study Courses
c. Hire expensive review trainers
d. Implement selective admission in TEIs
16. What is the cultural trait of conflicting values that aims to please people in different venues and situations rather
than abide by principles?
a. Crab mentality
b. Split personality
c. Kanya-kanya system
d. Bahala na mentality
17. Among qualities which employers look for in the 21st century workplace, which is the most challenging and
a. Aptitude for teamwork
b. Skills and social behavior
c. Readiness to take risks
d. Specific competencies for work
18. In educating the whole person as demanded by the “Learning to be” pillar of the 21st century education, where
does the concept of meaning, purpose and engagement belong?
a. Mind and body
b. Aesthetic sense
c. Spiritual values
d. Personal responsibility
19. Which program directly embodies both the pre-service and in-service programs?
a. BESRA – Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
b. TEDPA – Technical Education Development Program
c. K-12
d. BEC – Basic Education Curriculum
20. How can the efforts of four agencies (DepEd, CHED, PRC, CSC) be best achieved for the training and
development of teachers?
a. Synchronization
b. cost-reduction
c. streamlining
d. sharing of resources
21. What is the core of the Teacher Education Development Program?
a. high order thinking skills or HOTS
b. student-centered learning
c. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
d. Technology integration in instruction
22. What is known as a self-appraisal for professional growth that is acceptable and useful for recognizing
weakness and strengths for a new beginning teacher?
a. master teacher’s evaluation
b. student’s evaluation
c. principal’s evaluation
d. self-evaluation
23. Among reforms for enhancing teacher professionalism, which has been implemented by law in order to
determine whether prospective teachers have acquired professional competencies prior to granting them a permit
to teach?
a. accrediting a national organization for teachers
b. setting up centered for excellence in teacher education centers
c. licensure examination
d. creation of a professional board for teachers
24. From global competence as defined by international educators, which is the most appropriate characteristic of
globally competent individual?
a. familiarity with new culture
b. open-mindedness to new culture
c. adaptability to new work environment
d. foreign-language policy
25. For a school, which of the following is most significant in repairing shorelines with depleted coral reefs?
a. outreach by depositing rubber tires as artificial coral reefs
b. implement reporting system against dynamite fishermen
c. legislative lobby to disallow tourism in endangered shorelines
d. outreach by educating the villagers on protection of coral reefs
26. In a tertiary school, the President organized a Fun Run for students, faculty and personnel to enjoy camaraderie,
physical exertion under the sun, sense of engagement and achievement. What does the activity promote?
a. spiritual vigor
b. cultural consciousness
c. national integrity
d. moral integrity
27. In the Education Act of 1901 which established a free public education in the Philippines, what language was
imposed under the one-language policy?
a. Spanish
b. English
c. Tagalog
d. Filipino
28. Of the following, which is the most functional intervention in order to achieve a basic right of every Filipino Child
under the Constitution and Magna Carta for Disabled Persons?
a. Philosophy of education
b. policy for curricular reform
c. home study program
d. structural organization
29. Of the following interventions, which is directly aimed at responding to the transitional gap between academic
achievement and employment?
a. identification of centers of excellence
b. deregulation of tuition fees
c. school networking with business and industry
d. voluntary accreditation of schools
30. In the formal education system during Hispanic times in the Philippines, what was not implement but which we
enjoyed during the American period?
a. vocational education
b. private education
c. religious education
d. public education
31. If Dr. Jose Rizal lives in the 21st century, what character expression and commitment would have shown our
a. inventor of techniques
b. citizen and producer
c. member of family and community
d. creative dreamer
32. In the learning to do pillar of new education, what is the enabling factor that can make the learner fully contribute
to a peaceful and just society?
a. knowledge
b. skills
c. insights
d. values
33. Before being able to fully learn to live and work together under the pillar of the 21st century education, what
must the learner attain for himself?
a. find peace within oneself
b. attain an altruistic mind
c. love his fellowmen
d. become self-actualized
34. The Transparency International’s perception that the Philippines suffers a cultural malaise of corruption, what
component of our character needs to be further developed along the Learning To Be Pillar of education in the 21st
a. Familial-social component
b. Physical-economic component
c. Intellectual-emotional component
d. Ethical-spiritual component
35. This powerful European country supplied arms to Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a terrorist war in the
Middle East. What was the principle of moral discernment applicable in this case?
a. Principle of double effect
b. Principle of lesser evil
c. Principle of material cooperation
d. Principle of moral cooperation
36. Which of the following best defines a morally mature person?
a. Cultural values clarification
b. Unhampered exercise of one’s right
c. Transmittal of one’s moral viewpoint
d. Knowledge and practice of universal moral values
37. Educated in a religious school, Sansa goes to confession every day to be free of any kind of sin. How do you
characterize Dona’s moral attitude?
a. Callous
b. Pharisaical
c. Scrupulous
d. Strict
38. How would you characterize the moral attitude of Hispanic friars who taught religion but were unfaithful to their
vow of property by amassing the land properties of natives?
a. Scrupulous
b. Strict
c. Lax
d. Pharisaical
39. How would you characterize the moral attitude of prisoners with criminal minds, who have no sensitivity to the
welfare of other people?
a. Pharisaical
b. Strict
c. Lax
d. Callous
40. What was the degree of moral certitude when U.S. statement decided to drop the atomic bombing on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki to prevent mass deaths by a land invasion of Japan?
a. Doubtful
b. Certain
c. Perplexed
d. Probable
41. Teacher Slash is of the thinking that from the very start students must be made to realize study is indeed hard
work. To which philosophy does Teacher Susan adhere?
a. Essentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
42. If your students appear to be more interested in a topic outside your planned lesson for the day, you set aside
your lesson plan for that day and grasp the opportunity to discuss the topic of particular interest to your students.
Strike the iron while it is hot! Which philosophy governs for your action?
a. rationalism
b. empiricism
c. existentialism
d. progressivism
43. Students must be taught self-responsibility is the desire of the _________ teacher.
a. Existentialist
b. Utilitarianist
c. Pragmatic
d. Constructivist
44. Who asserts that teaching is not just depending knowledge into the empty minds of the learners? It is helping
students create knowledge and meaning of their experiences?
a. Constructivist
b. Essentialist
c. Existentialist
d. Pragmatist
In a faculty meeting, the principal told his teachers: We need to improve our school performance in the National
Achievement Test. What should we do? The teachers gave varied answers as follows:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 85%
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance
3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching
45. On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?
a. Behaviorism
b. Progressivism
c. Existentialism
d. Essentialism
46. Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist?
a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 4
c. 1 and 2
d. 3 and 4
47. If you lean toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response do you agree?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3
How a teacher relates to his/her pupils depends on his/her concepts about him/her. In a faculty recollection, the
teachers were asked to share their thoughts of the learner, their primary customer. What follows are the gists of
what were shared:
Teacher A – The learner is a product of his environment. Sometime he has no choice. He is determined by his
Teacher B – The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.
Teacher C – The learner is a social being who learns well though an active interplay with others
Teacher D – The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers
48. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A?
a. Behaviorist’s
b. Existentialist’s
c. Progressivist’s
d. Rationalist’s
49. If you agree with Teacher C, you are more of a/an
a. Progressivist
b. Perrenialist
c. Essentialist
d. Rationalist
50. Whose response denies man’s freewill?
a. Teacher A’s
b. Teacher C’s
c. Teacher B’s
d. Teacher D’s


2. B.No, unless she has enrolled in refresher course of 12 units
3.a. No
5.d. Yes, he has excelled and gained international recognition
6.b. No, especially if done in exchange for requested concessions
7.a. No provided he has taught for at least 3 years
8.b. Technical and scientific competencies
9.a. National Standard Competencies among teachers
10.c. Promoting contraceptives for planned parenthood
11.c.True education is transmission of knowledge
12.c.Mission and core values
13.a. Right for basic education to determine subjects of the study 14.a. Mobile education on Kariton
15.a. Review curriculum vis-à-vis TOS
16.c. Kanya-kanya system
17.a. Aptitude for teamwork
18.d. Personal responsibility
19.b. TEDPA – Technical Education Development Program
20.a. Synchronization
21.c. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
22.d. self-evaluation
23.c. licensure examination
24.c. adaptability to new work environment
25.d. outreach by educating the villagers on protection of coral reefs 26.a. spiritual vigor
27.b. English
28.b. policy for curricular reform
29.c. school networking with business and industry
30.a. vocational education
31.d. creative dreamer
32.d. values
33.a. find peace within oneself
34.d. Ethical-spiritual component
35.d. Principle of moral cooperation
36.d. Knowledge and practice of universal moral values
37.d. Strict
38.d. Pharisaical
39.d. Callous
40.b. Certain
41.b. Perennialism
42.c. existentialism
43.a. Existentialist
44.a. Constructivist
45.a. Behaviorism
46.a. 1 and 3
47.a. 4
48.a. Behaviorist’s
49.a. Progressivist
50.a. Teacher A’s

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