Osiris and Isis
Osiris and Isis
Osiris and Isis
This short piece is a preliminary chapter in the book The Lost Testament
Ancestors 0/ Adam: Unearthing Heliopolis/Igbo Ukwu - The Celestiol City 0/
0/ Egypt and Indio. In Book Two of the Trilogy (They Lived Be/are
found much evidence that the gods of Egypt were having eopious relationships
with the people of West Africa. In faet we diseovered that Egyptian Duat was a
African loeation deep inside the belly of Mount meroon. We found that
Thoth's war with Ra actually played out in West Africa and that the
Yoruba, Benin and Igbo mythologies were the same gods known by Egyptians.
Aceordingly Book Three of the Adam Trilogy was dedicated to d
phenomenon to see how it actually played out. We thus sought out the works of
Thoth, Egyptian god of who kept all the records
knowledge-base of Egypt. In his works - The Hermetica and The Emerald
we found ample evidenee to prove our point that Thoth was the god whom
Igbo calied Eri and the Yoruba Orunmila; that Thoth lived in Igbo land and
there a professional priesthood known among the Igbo to this very day as
(Aeholonu: "Khem and - God and Goddess of Nubia, The Testimony of
Published Online) and elsewhere as Esh (which beeame the prefix
names of priest-kings all over world) - a word derived from Igbo Eshi - the
name of the god whom the Greeks ealled Osiris and the Egyptians
found copious evidenee that Thoth visited the West African Duot before the
Dei and was, there, fore-warned about the imminent sinking of Atla
resident of the West African Duat whom the Igbo natives called Eie (as the
Egyptians cannot pronounce letter -r-, this was called Er/Re/Ra among
them (a name was later stolen bya lesser god - a Nephilim). This whom
Dogon call Amma, been shown be the leader the Sirius on
earth. It was this god who made Kush righteous and an instrument for world
civilization and awakening. Kush was no other the god-man whom the early
Indians called Rama/Yama, the same god-man whom the Egyptians called
Khem/Aser/Osiris, the Igbo Eshi and the Yoruba Obatala.
Khem/Rama/Osiris/Kush, as we revealed in They Lived Before Adam, was a god-man whose influence
was feit all over the ancient world. We wrote that as a sun-king, he was the natural owner of the solar
title wh ich was usurped from him by an Atlantean (Marduk of the Sumerians/Ra of Egypt). He
was worshipped as a great god in Egypt in the city of Memphis. These details are revealed in
Egyptians worshipped Khem as their first known god - a living representative of the Sun and the
Son of God. He was the representative of the Hidden One Atum, who dwelt in the underground Duat. He
was a priest king who the natives to see in the spark of the within. evidence
from The fmerald Tablet of Thoth the Atlantean (edited Doreal) and added evidence confirm
what we had already proved in They Lived Before Adam and The Gram through mountains of
circumstantial evidence that even before Thoth began to seek wisdom, was the
Uving of God on the Christ of the human race, and that this office was
transferred by and/or initiation to his son founder of the Kwa family of languages
and tribes. In They Lived Before Adam, we had consistently maintained that every evidence available to
us that Khem Obatala) was the owner of the title Ra, and that the title was
usurped by the Nephilim god (known in Sumer as Marduk) who was to be associated with that title to
this day. Cayce's revelation that this first king was known as Raai and that alilater kings of the period
titles sounding like Raai, proves us We believe that Ra/Marduk's of Osiris as his son,
was just what the word says, adoption, with the sole aim of usurping the title and identity of
Osiris/Khush which was vested by right on the Igbo, for Osiris was the same person referred to in The
Tab/et as I/the Son of the Dweller" whose land was called "the land of Khem" and "the land of the
Hairy Barbarians" aland we identified as Igbo land - the land of the hairy Homo
frectus, and later of the dwa rfs.
Another thread of evidence confirming Cayce's claims and ours about the identity of Khem, is his
revelation that Raai/Khem married Isai/Isis, the daughter of one of the invaders from Atlantis (Cayce on
Atlantis, p. 88). This information has been erased but we have evidence from oral
traditions and anthropological research in Igbo land confirming that the leader of the Khemites arrived
in Igbo land with a white woman described by modern interpreters of the tradition as the daughter of
the God of 'Egypt' (wh ich our own reveal to be Atlantis), a god whose wife had just
died and who had been thrown into mouming Nd; fchie Akwa Myth%gy or Fo/ktale Origins of
the Igbo by I.N.C. Nwosu; Igbo - Their Origin and Culture Area by prof. Emeritus J. A. Umeh; The
March of Igbo Civililation by Xrydz-Eyutchae, unpublished manuscript cited by JA Umeh).
The reference to a losing a wife to death and being thrown into is also found in
Lost Book of fnki (translated by Secharia 2004). We have no doubt that the two references
are to the same event, namely the death of Marduk's/Ra's earthling wife Sarpanit. The daughter of the
reigning god of Atlantis who came to Igbo land with the leader of the Khemites (Osiris), was thus Isis.
Eyutchae noted that a very ancient Anambra (Omambala) River myth claims that the Igbo theocratic
kingdom of Idu Ime (Core Idu) was founded by (/Eri, a divine man of god and his devout wife ... who bore
him six sons and a daughter". It was they who handed over the instruments of divine kingship to the
Anambra Igbo, which still survives today in Agukwu Nri (Umeh, Igbo People, p. 49). Nri traditions are
rooted araund the personality of Eri, who is described as a god-man, a divine being who made the
ultimate sacrifice to engineer seed crops and fruit trees - yam, cocoyam, palm tree and bread-fruit tree
to feed the Igbo forest dwellers (intraduction of Agriculture to the cave-dwelling Stone Age Igbo,
Onwuejeogwu, Angulu: An Igbo Civilization and Nri Hegemony, 1981) .
In The Lost Testament, we have zeraed into the yam phenomenon whereby, according to Igbo
/Nri tradition the god-man Eri had been told to sacrifice his eldest daughter and son in order to engineer
seed craps (yam and cocoyam) and fruit-trees (palm tree and breadfruit tree) for the Igbo divine First
People to have sacred food to eat. The instruction was to have them first go through the ritual initiation
of facial scarification before killing, dismembering and burying them. Fram their graves, came the
desired seed craps. We found that Osiris' Dravidian name as the god of the Dead - Yama - ties in with
his Egyptian identity as the god of the Dead and with the River Niger - which the Egyptians know as YAM
SUFF, but also as 'the Stream of Osiris (as revealed in Sitchen, The Stairway to Heaven). In ancient
Nigerian and Middle East mythologies, the personage of Osiris is identified with the palm tree, with
oracles and with wine. His Yam or crop (Agricultural) essence is preserved in the name of the Yam crop
to this day, thraugh his Dravidian connections. His reign in Igbo land is preserved in the ancient Egyptian
name of territory of the River Niger (where in fact Igbo land is located) as Yam. All these show that
Osiris/Khem/Rama ofthe Dravidians (Obatala of the Yoruba and Igbo) was indeed the first known Christ
of which we have any real information.
Most Nigerian researchers tend to confuse the theocracy of Idu with that of Nri. But our recent
findings show that Idu was not the same person as Eri, though the two entities worked hand in hand in
initiating the theocracy of Nri/Eri in Anambra part of Igbo land where in actual fact the River Niger
passes through. Idu Ime is based in Nnewi and Nnobi ancient houses of Anambra (cf. Ndi Idcie Akwa
Mythology, n. d., and Umeh, After God is Dibia, 1997), while Eri/Nri is based in Agukwu Nri. All are
located in South-Eastern Nigeria. Idu is the bloodline of Osiris through his son Horus, whose Ichi (facial
scarification) symbol is the flying falcon or eagle (plate 1; Ichi Umudioka Ukpo), while Thoth's own ichi
was called Ichi Umudioka Ori (Angulu Onwuejeogwu, 1981) and reflected the 'Pyramid' geometry (plate
2 is the aerial view of a step-pyramid). Thus in Igbo as in Egyptian records, Horus was known by the
falcon and Thoth by the pyramid. Interestingly however, we find fram Yoruba records that the pyramid
geometry in the ich; facial scarifjcation was a known emblem of Osiris/Obatala among the Yoruba (plate
3). It is shaped like the letter X and in Greek tradition it actually connotes sound Chi/Ich and means
Christ (See The Gram Code and They Lived for an elaborate treatment of the subject). The X-symbol of
the Christ which is actually Nigerian the symbol of Osiris
It sounds very probable that not only Khem/Osiris, but also Canaan married fram the lineage of
Atlantean 'goddesses', for as we have already revealed in They Lived Be/ore Adam, Greek mythology
• i(
claims that Canaan's wife was called Telephassa, which is said to mean 'Far Shining Light' an indication
that she was white. Ndi Ichie Akwa Mythology notes; and this is confirmed in another record of
Anambra oral tradition by J.A. Umeh that two white women came into Igbo land from the family of the
gods, a mother and daughter:
In Nnewi and Nnobi the ancient story was that (two gods) Eze Obi
(Divine King Obi) and his brother Ewim flew down from heaven/sky in
ugbo vessel called Ufo, ... and founded the first Obi (Divine Dynasty)
known as Nne Obi (mother of all Obi) or Obi Mbu (First Obi) at a spot
where Eke Idemmili market is later located. The shrine there is still
called Ufo, which contains a holy of holies called Obi Ugbo - vessel
residence ...They were accompanied by Idemmili, the daughter of God
and Edo the daughter of Idemmili...the grand-daughter of God. (Umeh,
J.A, AfterGod i5 Dibia, p. 10)
The name Edo (for Isis) coincides with the tribai name of the Benin and ti es in with our discovery
that Horus, Isis' son was the ancestor of the Benin . Like Horus, the hero called Idu was a warrior, who
mobilized the Bini (and probably also the Aro) into the war of the gods. He is known in Benin oral
tradition as the ancestor of the Binis.
This story agrees with the Ndi Ichie Akwa Mythology version recorded by I.N.C. Nwosu (1983t another
son of Nnewi/Nnobi clan who also claims that the leader of the migrants came in a sky ship of some sort
or aspace craft. The story of an ancestor who few into Igbo land in a space-craft has been made popula r
in Igbo studies by scholars who have consistently recorded it in Nri mythology. This would suggest that it
was not only one extra-terrestrial entity who landed in Igbo land, but several and of both genders.
Thoth's claim in The Emerald Tabletthat Atlanteans, led by himself, landed in the land of Khem (Nigeria)
brings these mythologies into the realm of actual History. All these Atlanteans landing with Thoth in Igbo
land in the Stone Age era and the time of the Deluge means one thing - that Igbo land was mos
probably the first Post-Deluge base of the gods later to be known as the gods of Egypt or that Igbo land
was mythical Egypt. I.N.C. Nwosu's version calls the mother and daughter Ugedo and Asala (with the
latter sounding like Cayce's Isai, Umeh's Isfsi and Egyptian Asta/Isis). These two women were most
probably Hathor and Isis. We say this because we have made allusion to the fact that an ancient artifact
depicting Hathor shows her bearing the horse-tail which is the indigenous symbol of royalty in Nigeria
(plate 4). Also in numerous references in The Gram Code and They Lived, we had shown consistently that
there was an undeniable and intricate web of domestic and political connections between Ham's (Khem)
family and the family of the Egyptian god Ra (and the latter's father EnkijPtah). It is also appropriate to
add at this point that the entity buried at Igbo Ukwu, in the strange grave excavated by British
archaeologist Thurstan Shaw, had all the trappings of a goddess of a great civilization of global
importance and we provided hard to deny evidence that the remains - the heavily rotted bones was
clothed in a whooping 111,000 coloured carnelian beads and a copper crescent crown - were that of Isis!
Isis is represented in Igbo Mbari communal arts as the All Mother (plate 5) .