Lesson Plan in Grade 12 - Lipids

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Republic of the Philippines

Aklan State University

Banga, Aklan

Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Science Grade 12

Name: Ma. Sofia Grace M. Rubias Date: July 19, 2018

Topic: Lipids Mentor: Mr. Niño L. Estrada

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
1. defined Lipids;
2. differentiated fats from oils;
3. explained the different functions of lipids in the human body; and
4. reflect on the importance of lipids through a short paragraph .

II. Subject Matter

References: Caballes, et.al (2016). Physical Science. Lipids. Pg. 37.JFS Publishing
Materials: Visual Aids, white board pens, pre-cut Cartolina, pentel pen
Value Focus: Cooperation
NCBTS: Domain 2: The Learning Environment
Domain 4: Curriculum
Science Concept: Lipids are a family of substances that are insoluble in water but soluble in
nonpolar solvents and solvents with low polarity, such as diethyl ether. Unlike
carbohydrates, we define lipids in terms of a property and not in terms of their structure.

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Unfreezing Activity
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Recapitulation
a. Proteins
b. Primary Structure of Proteins
c. Secondary Structure of Proteins
d. Tertiary Structure of Proteins
e. Quaternary Structure of Proteins
5. Unlocking Difficulties
a. Hydrophobic- lacking affinity to water
b. Hydrophilic- having a strong affinity to water.
c. Amphipathic- a molecule displaying both hydrophilic and hydrophobic property.
d. Saturated- molecules without a double or triple bonds.
e. Unsaturated- molecules having one or more double or triple bonds.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

Before we will start our discussion let us

have an activity, this will be called “Jigsaw

Everyone please read the mechanics.

 The class will be
divided into two groups;
 each group will be
given an envelope
containing letters and a
Jigsaw puzzle.
 All you have to do is to
assemble the right
words as well as to
assemble the picture
 . Whoever posts the
words and pictures first
will be declared as the

Students answer may vary.

Students will play the game.

Any questions with the mechanics of the


Since there is none you may start. Lipids.

2. Presentation of the Lesson

In our activity a while ago, what do you

think will be our topic for today?

That’s right, we are going to discuss At the end of the lesson the students
more on lipids today. must have:

Before we continue with our discussion, 1. defined Lipids;

we have here objectives to be accomplished at 2. differentiated fats from
the end of our lesson. please read everyone oils;
3. explained the different
(Presents the objectives to the functions of lipids in the
students) human body; and
4. reflect on the
importance of lipids
through a short
paragraph .

3. Discussion of the Lesson

Let ‘s proceed. Who has an idea about

what are Lipids?
Lipids are substances that are
nonpolar in nature, they are insoluble
in water but soluble in nonpolar
Very Good! Lipids are non polar
substances such as chloroform and
methanol; they are fat-soluble but can also
be dissolved in solvents with low polarity.
Now, let us take a look again at the
pictures you posted a while ago, What can
you observe between the pictures?

(Students’ answers may vary)

Okay, It shows foods and substances

containing fats and oils. We are always using
these terms in our everyday lives. But how does
fat differs from oils anyway?
Fats are from animals which are
commonly solid in room temperature.

Oils are from plants or fish which are

Exactly! How about oils?
usually liquid at room temperature.

Very Good! another thing about fats and

oils is that they differ in their structures. Fats are
commonly made up of saturated fatty acids, while
Oils are made up of unsaturated fatty acids.
(Students answer may vary )
Since fats and oils are made up of
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. How does
saturated differs from unsaturated fatty acids?
Saturated means that there is no
presence of double or triple bonds in a
certain substance. While unsaturated
means there is one or more triple or
double bonds.
Very Good! Do you have any questions?
(Students answer may vary)
Okay, since there is none. Let us proceed. Lipids
are categorized as Triglycerides, phospholipids,
waxes and Steroids. Since lipids are defined by
its properties and not their structure, how does a
lipid being classified?
They are classified according to their
Very Good! any questions about this?

(Students answer may vary)

Okay let us continue. They are being classified by
their structure and these structures determine
how they function inside the body.
Class how important do you think lipids are
to our body?
(Students answer may vary)

Thank you.Let us find out. You see lipids

have important roles in our body; they have
different functions that we often overlook because
we are thinking that they should be eliminated in
our body. Lipids functions as a form of energy
storage, insulation, chemical messengers and
membrane components. How does lipid function
as energy storage?
Lipid functions as energy storage by
means of being energy reserves.
When the carbohydrates are
consumed, lipids are the next to be
consumed by the body in performing
different tasks.

Absolutely! Animals find it more

economical to use fats for energy instead.
Although our body do store some carbohydrates
in the form of glycogen for quick energy when we
need it, energy stored in the form of fats has
much more greater importance for us. The
burning of fats produces more than twice as much
energy (about 9 kcal/g) as the burning of equal
weight of carbohydrates (about 4 kcal/g). What
about insulation? How does an animal use fats or
lipids for insulation?
Some animals, especially those living
in environments with extreme cold
temperature, need something to keep
themselves warm, some of them have
thick furs to cover their bodies but
some uses the thick fats in their bodies
to keep them insulated.

Good! Animals like seals have thick fur when

they are young pups to cover their bodies from
the cold environment, their in. However, when
they become adults their fur disappear and they
will develop thick layers of fat in their bodies
which we call “Blubber” to keep themselves warm.

Any questions with this?

(Students answer may vary)

Okay, let us proceed. What about lipids as

chemical messengers? How are they sending
signals to the different parts of the body?

Lipids serve as chemical messengers

to send signals to the different parts of
the body if ever an action is needed by
the body to counter as certain situation
or danger.

Precisely. Who can give an example of a lipid

that functions as chemical messengers?

Steroids, Ma’am.
Correct! an example of steroids is Cholesterol.
It is the most abundant steroid in the body as well
as the most important. How does cholesterol
helps in human body?

Ma’am, it serves as a plasma

membrane component in all animal
Do you have any questions?
(Students answer may vary)

Okay let us continue. As for the last function of

lipids, How do lipids contribute to the membrane
components of the cell?

Ma’am, Phospholipids is the category

of lipids that is behind the membrane
components of the cell. Their
hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties
allow the organelles to separate
compartments containing aqueous
solutions from each other in and out of
the cell.

What do you call the molecules with both

hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties?
Amphipathic, Ma’am.

Correct! And this amphipathic property of

phospholipids contributes to the permeability of
the cell membrane. Since this permeable cell
membrane serves as a barrier How does a cell
gets the nutrients it needs to grow and survive?
the cell membrane has highly selective
channels and transporters for the
different nutrients and ions to pass
through the membrane.

Precisely! These channels are the pathways

for the different nutrients to pass, and also these
channels are the pathways for the different waste
products so that they could go out of from the cell.
Why is the cell membrane is important for the
sustainability of life?
Every cell uses such a membrane to
separate and protect its chemical
components from the outside
environment, without membranes,
there would be no cells and thus no

Absolutely! If there is no membrane that

serves as a barrier separating the chemical
components of cell from the outside environment
which are aqueous in nature. They would mix up
together and there would be no cells and no life.
Any questions with regarding our lesson for
None, Ma’am

4. Application

In a ½ crosswise, select a function of lipids and

explain their importance in the human body.

For fairness and justification of your work,

here are the criteria for scoring your molecule

(Presents the criteria to the students)

Please read all together

Criteria for scoring the


Relevance to the question-
Organization of ideas-
Total- 100%

IV. Generalization

Let us sum up our discussion for today, again

what are Lipids?

Lipids are non polar substances; they

are fat-soluble but can also be
dissolved in solvents with low polarity.
Very Good! Who can differentiate fats from
Fats are from animals which are
commonly solid in room temperature,
while Oils are derived from plants or
fish which are usually liquid at room

What are the different functions of lipids in

our body?
Lipids functions as a form of energy
storage, insulation, chemical
messengers and membrane
Why is it the lipids make a more economical
energy source than carbohydrates?
The burning of fats produces more
than twice as much energy (about 9
kcal/g) as the burning of equal weight
of carbohydrates (about 4 kcal/g).
How does lipids serve as an insulator for an
organism against the cold?
Some animals have thick layers of fats
which they call blubber, that helps
them get warm against the extreme
cold temperatures in their
What is the role of steroids in our body?

Ma’am. Lipids serve as chemical

messengers to send signals to the
different parts of the body if ever an
action is needed by the body to
counter as certain situation or danger.
How does lipids contribute to the membrane
components of the cell?

Ma’am, Phospholipids is the category

of lipids that is behind the membrane
components of the cell. Their
hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties
allow the organelles to separate
compartments containing aqueous
Are there any questions? solutions from each other in and out of
the cell.
V. Evaluation
(Students answer may vary)
To further measure what you have learned get
½ crosswise and answer this short evaluation.

1. In your own words define lipids.

2. how important are lipids for our cell

II. Using Venn-Euler Diagram, compare and

contrast fats and oils.

Criteria for scoring the evaluation

Content- 40%
Relevance to the question- 35%
Organization of ideas- 25%
Total- 100%

VI. Assignment
Answer the following questions in a ½ sheet
of paper

1. What are the other functions of lipid aside

from those cited?
2. Why are nucleic acids named as the
“molecules of heredity?

Criteria for assignment:

Content- 40%
Relevance to the question- 35%
Organization of ideas- 25%
Total- 100%

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