Basic Details of Cross Drainage Works

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With of

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• Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is the Apex Body of Highway Engineers in the
country. The IRC was set up in December, 1934 on the recommendations
of the Indian Road Development Committee best known as Jayakar
Committee set up by the Govt. of India with the objective
of Road Development in India.
• Indian Standard code (IS) meant for every aspect of Civil Engineering on
can think of. Indian Standards Institution (ISI) was established in year 1947
(now Bureau of Indian Standards) with the objective of harmonious
development of standardization activity in India.
• AP Detailed Standard Specifications(APDSS): Every contractor is to
execute the Govt works asper specifications of APDSS,Estimates are to be
prepared as per above specifications.
• The codes published by IRC and IS & APDSS are the manuals and just like
Bhagavthgeetha/Bible/Khuran for Civil Engineers.The specifications
useful for effective planning, designing, construction,& maintenance of
civil structures like roads ,Bridges buildings etc……
• IRC:SP:13 Design of Small bridges and Culverts
• IRC:122-2017 Precast Concrete Segmental Box Culverts
• IRC:SP:47-1998 “ Guidelines for Quality System for Road Bridges”
• IS 2911 Design and Construction of piles
• IRC -78 - 2014 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice
for Road &Bridges
• IRC-112-2011 Code of practice for Concrete bridges(Limit
• IS; 516: Methods of tests of Concrete strength
• IS:34 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement And Detailing
• IS 1786:2008 Standard Code for steel reinforcement including Amendment
issued in 2012
• IRC:5-2015 Bridge code General Features
• IRC: 6-2014 Bridge Code Loads and Stresses
• IRC:SP:18-1995 Manual for Highway bridge inspections
• IS:1343-2012 Prestressed Concrete code of Practice
• Article 1 : General Aspects, Article 2 : Site Inspection
• Article 3 : Essential Design Data
• Article 4 : Empirical and Rational Formulae for Peak Run-off
from Catchment
• Article 5 : Estimating Flood Discharge from the Conveyance
Factor and Slope of the Stream
Article 6 :Design Discharge, Article 7 :Alluvial Streams Lacey’
• Article 8 :Linear Waterway, Article 9 :Normal Scour Depth,
• Article 11 :Depth of Foundations
• Article 12 :Span and Vertical Clearance
• Article 13 :Geometric Standards,Specifications QC
• Article 14 :Structural Details of Small Bridges and Culverts
• Article 15 :Elements of the Hydraulics of Flow through Bridges
• Article 18 :Overtopping ofthe Banks
• Article 19 :Pipes and Box Culverts
• When a natural drain crosses or intercepts an
irrigation canal /road it becomes necessary to
construct some suitable structure to carry
forward the canal safely. As these works are
constructed for crossing the drainage, they are
termed as Cross drainage(CD) work
• Works which are constructed at crossing of
natural drain/stream/canal, so as to dispose off
the water with out interruption of flow are
known as Cross drainage(CD) work
Definitions in Cross Drainage(CD) Works & Bridges
• A Culvert is defined as a structure having a total length of
6.0m or less between the inner faces of Dirt walls(Backing
A) Pipe culvert: For small strams crossing roads/railway embankments
one or more pipes placed .
B) Slab Culvert: It consists RCC slab supported by CC walls on both
• A Causeway is a structure constructed across a stream
which allows the normal flow of water through its vents and
allows the Flood waters at MFL Condition above it.
Normally Causeways are designed to take 30% of flood
water through vents and balance to overflow during MFL
• A Minor Bridge is a structure having a total length of 60.0m
or less between the inner faces of Dirt walls (Backing walls)
i.e. more than 6.0m and less than 60.0M
• A Major Bridge is a structure having a total length
of more than 60.0m between the inner faces of
Dirt walls (Backing walls)
• ROB Means a Road Over Bridge constructed
across a Railway line over the Rails. This means
the road traffic passes over the Railway line.
• RUB Means a Road Under Bridge constructed
across a Railway line under the Rails. This means
the road traffic passes under the Railway line.
This is less costlier, but causes stagnation of water
in rainy season and may cause submersion during
heavy rains.
• Fly Over(Over Pass) :A flyover is a structure which
carries one road over the top of another road.
1)Manufacturer’s test certificate to be maintained.
2)Min Cushion above pipe including road crust shall be 1.00 m
(Plate No.7.01 of IRC:SP:20:2002).When it is not possible
to ovide, the pipe shall be encased in M10 concrete
with cover of minimum 100 mm .
3)Length of Head wall : As per plate No: 7.01of SP:20.
Bedding for Pipe:
i) Type A(Concrete cradle) bedding:Shall be provided where
height of fill above pipe is more than 4m.
ii) Type B (First Class) bedding :Shall be
provided where height of fill above pipe
in between 0.6 m and 4 m,bedding Material:
sand,moorum,or granular material passing 5.6 mm
sieve.Thickness Not less than 75 mm Longitudinal
Slope : 1 in 1000 in plain.

iii) For BC/Expansive soils , 400 to 600mm thick layer with

sand/boulders may be provided to improve the
bearing capacity
What Does NP Mean in NP1, NP2, NP3 and NP4 Hume Pipes
• NP refers to Non Pressure pipes. They do not have a pressure
rating and are suitable for conveying a liquid only by gravity
(ex: irrigation, culverts, water drainage etc) or
telephone/TV/electrical cable protection.
• Basic Difference between NP2, NP3 & NP 4 is due to quality of
product. Thickness is not main difference , NP 2 is used for
normal flow and condition, NP 3 & NP 4 is used for heavy
work for durability also prefer higher class
• The Concrete Pipes shall be conforming to IS: 458/2003
(Fourth Revision) with up-to-date amendment with regards to
Design /Dimensions / Tolerances /Workmanship & Finish
/Materials used for making the Pipes. The Pipes shall be
manufactured by spinning process
Nominal Diameter of Pipes in mm.
80, 100, 150. 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600,700,
800, 900, 1000,1100, 1200, 1400, 1600 & 1800.
• 1.Situated on straight reach of stream
• 2.Away from confluence of tributaries
• 3.Banks should be well defined
• 4.Approch roads also as straight as possible
• 5.Offers square crossing
• 6.Personal inspection of existing old structures
• 7.Silt factor &coefficient of rugosity can be accessed
• Trail pit sections:
• Trail pit may be 2 to 3 m below LWL
• Trail pit should be along the proposed section
• Depth of trail pit minimum 2 m for culverts 3 m for bridges
• For major bridges as per Clause 704 of IRC 78 -2000
• SPT(Standard Penetration Test) Split Spoon Test(IS 9640 -
1980) must be done for obtaining “n”value,Drop hamer of
63.5 Kg dropped over height of 75cm.steel tube 450 mm
long 38mm inner dia 50 mm outer dia
• (i) Empirical method
• 1)DickensQ:CM (3/4)2) Ryves Q
• (ii) Rational method
• (iii) Weir-Orifice method
• (iv) Slope-Area method
• (v) Unit hydrograph method
• (vi) Flood frequency method
• Basically Discharge=Area* Velocity
• The size of flood depend on
• Run-offs Intencity,Distribution in time and space and Duration,
• Nature of Catchment:Area,Shape,Slope,Permeability,Vegitable
cover,Initial state of wetness
• - 0.60 M IN OTHER HARD
• CURTAIN WALL U/S - 1 TO 1.5 M “
• D/S - 1.5 TO 2.5 M “
• SP 13 deals with Small bridges and Culverts
• IRC -5 should followed for Large bridges
• Catchment Area: For <1.25 Sq Km it should obtained from
topo sheet(GT).for larger it can obtainfrom 1cm=500m
topo maps from survey of India
• Cross Section: At least 3 C/Sections one onU/S 2nd on D/S
3rd at selection site inscales(Horizontal 1/100 Vertical
1/100) as per following table.
• Velocity: Assumed velocity through generally1.5 m/sec
• FSL(Full Supply Level):Water level corresponds to full supply
• HFL(Hieghest Flood level):Greater of Higest flood observed
or Designed discharege
• LWL(lowest Water Level):Water level in stream during dry
• OFL(Ordinary Flood Level):Level to which steam rises during
monsoon period every year
• Free Board: Difference between HFL after allowing afflux
and Top of guide bunds(TBL)
• TBL(Top of Bund Level): Top level of approches or Guide nds
• NBL/BL(Natural Bed Level): level of Existing natural bed Level
Box culverts are made up of concrete and especially,
RCC (Reinforced Concrete). The most challenging part in
constructing a box culvert is that dry surface is needed for
installing it. However, due to the strength of the concrete floor,
water direction can be changed when a large amount of water
is expected. This feature makes box culverts, one of the most
commonly found types of the culvert.
The box culvert is a rigid frame structure and very simple in construction
It is Suitable for non-perennial streams where scrub depth is not significant but the
soil is weak.
The bottom slab of the box culvert reduces pressure on the soil.
Box culverts are economical due to their rigidity and monolithic action and separate
foundations are not required.
It is used in special cases, weak foundation.
a) 1) All
drawings should be approved by competent
b) 2) Adopt directly the drawings of SP:20 if the SBC is
30T/Sqm for Single span culverts.
a) Adopt drawings of IRC: SP: 13-2004 if min SBC of soil is
16.5 t/Sqm. If not suitably modify the measurements
based on SBC.
b) 3) Raft foundations are found to be quite suitable for
small bridges and culverts where the founding strata is
soft and has SBC upto 10t/sqm ( As per Clause 13.5.13
of IRC:SP:13-2004)
c) Deck Slab Bridge:The 3 methods for analysis
1)Effective width method
2)Piegeauds Coefficient Method
3)Westergaards Method
a) River bridge/bridge over stream
b) Viaduct
c) Flyover
d) Grade separator
e) Road Over Bridge(ROB)
f) Road under bridge(RUB)
g) Foot over bridge(FOB)
h) Underpass
i) Overpass
j) Subway
• Other types of Bridge Constructions :
• Submersible bridge:
• Submersible bridge is a bridge designed to be overtopped during
• Subway:
• A subway is usually meant for pedestrian use and comprises of
structure below a road with stairs/ ramp/ escalator
• Underpass:
• Underpass is a structure allowing uninterrupted movement of
traffic beneath a reference roadway. An underpass is classified
as a Cattle Underpass (CUP), Pedestrian Underpass (PUP) or
Vehicular Underpass (VUP) depending on the principal user.
• Overpass:
• Overpass is a bridge carrying another road over a reference
• Viaduct:
• Viaduct is a bridge portion across dry ground or terrain
• Abutment :
• Abutment is a part of sub structure component which
supports the end of superstructure and retains part or the
whole of the bridge approach fills
• Approach:
• It is a part of the road which connects the road to the
abutment of the bridge.
• Approach slab:
• An approach slab is a transition slab of reinforced Concrete
• laid on immediate approaches to a bridge with one end
resting on dirt/abutment.
• Bearing:
• Bearing is a part of a bridge structure which bears directly all
the forces from the superstructure and transmits the same to
the supporting substructure.
• Effective linear Waterway:
• Effective linear waterway is the total width of waterway of bridge at
the highest flood level (HFL) minus the effective width of the
• Free board:
• Free board is the vertical distance between the highest flood level
after allowing for afflux, if any, and the formation level of the
embankment on approaches or top level of the guide bunds at that
• Grade Separator:
• Grade separator is a bridge which facilitates movement of traffic by
segregating ‘at-grade’ conflicting movements to different levels
• Interchange:
• Interchange is a system of inter connecting roads (ramps and loops)
in conjunction with one or more grade separations that provide for
uninterrupted movement of traffic between two or more roads.
• Kerb Shyness:
• Kerb shyness is an imaginary distance by which the driver would
generally keep his vehicle away from the kerb in order to avoid
brushing with the kerb
• Low Water level:
• Low Water Level is the water level generally prevailing in the
stream/ river
• during dry weather
• Ordinary Flood Level:
• Ordinary Flood Level is the level to which the stream/river
generally rises during monsoon period every year.
• Pier:
• Pier is an intermediate support of the bridge superstructure
• Right of Way:
• Right of way is the land made available and or acquired for
development of road
Safety Kerb:
A kerb having a width at least 750mm for occasional use by
pedestrians, where footpath is not provided.
• Skew Angle:
• Skew angle is the angle between the axis of support and a
line normal to the longitudinal axis of a bridge
• Super Elevation:
• Super Elevation is transverse inclination given to the cross
section of a carriageway on the horizontal curve in order to
reduce the effects of centrifugal force on a moving vehicle
• Vertical Clearance:
• For a channel, vertical clearance is the height from the
design flood level with afflux or high tide level, to the
lowest level of superstructure, at the position along the
bridge where clearance is denoted.
Clearance is the shortest distance between the boundaries at
specified positions of a bridge/ underpass/ overpass.
Crash barrier:
A barrier provided at the side of the carriageway designed to
reduce the risk of serious accidents by guiding the errant
vehicles back on the road.
Dirt wall :
Dirt wall is a vertical wall projecting from the abutment cap to
prevent spill of earth/ pavement materials and also to support
approach slab.
Type of Carriageway Footpath Median width
bridge width (min) width (min) (min)

Single lane 4.25m - -

Two-Lane 7.5m 1.5m -

7.5m+3.5m for
Multiple Lane each lane 1.5m 1.2m

Vertical clearance(min): 5m for non-urban and 5.5m for

urban roads
Horizontal clearance(min) from carriageway edge: 600mm
Field tests on cement
1.Color Test of Cement
The typical colour of the cement should be grey with a light greenish side. This colour should be
2.Presence of Lumps
Due to the moisture from the atmosphere, cement develops lumps. But it’s not good to use that
for construction. Any bag which is delivered to the site with lumps should be rejected.
3.Adulteration Test
This test is performed by feeling the cement with fingers. It should feel smooth when rubbed in
between fingers. If it feels rough, it implies that the cement is adulterated with sand.

4.Temperature Test of Cement

This test involves inserting the hand in the bag to check its temperature. It should be cool inside.
If it’s warm inside, then it indicates that the process of hydration is taking place.
5.Float Test
This test consists of throwing some handful of cement in the bucket full of water. The cement
particles should float for some time before sinking.
6.Setting Test
In this test, a thick paste is prepared by mixing cement and water and is placed on a piece of
glass plate. This is kept under water for 24hours.After this, it should set and not crack.
7.Date of Packing
Strength of cement reduces with time, so it is important to check the manufacturing date of the
cement. The general fact is that the cement should be used before 90 days from the date of
Field tests on Sand
1. Silt content
Take a glass of water and add some quantity of sand in it. Then shake it vigorously
and allow it to settle. If clay is present in sand, it will form a distinct layer at the top of

2.Presence Organic Impurities

In order to detect presence of organic impurities in sand, add sand to the solution of
sodium hydroxide or caustic soda and then stir it. If colour of solution changes to
brown, it indicates the presence of organic impurities.

3.Adulteration Test
Take a pinch of sand and taste it. If tasted salty then there exist some salt in sand.

4.Bulkage of sand
Take the sand into a container to 2/3rd height and measure its exact height (H1). Then
fill the container with water such that sand is completely immersed in water. Now
measure the height of sand in container (H2). Percentage of bulkage is (H1-H2)/H2 x
Hand lump test for Concrete
Proper water content Excess water Less Water
• Steel:
• Lapping is not allowed for the steel bars having diameters
more than 36 mm.
• Chair spacing maximum spacing is 1.00 m (or) 1 No per
• For dowels rod minimum of 12 mm diameter should be used.
• Chairs minimum of 12 mm diameter bars to be used.
• Longitudinal reinforcement not less than 0.8% and more than
6% of gross C/S.
• In steel reinforcement binding wire required is 8 kg per MT.
• Minimum bars for square column is 4 No’s and 6 No’s for
circular column.
• Main bars in the slabs shall not be less than 8 mm (HYSD) or
10 mm (Plain bars) and the distributors not less than 8 mm
and not more than 1/8 of slab thickness.
• Concrete:
• Minimum thickness of slab is 125 mm.
• Dimension tolerance for cubes + 2 mm.
• Free fall of concrete is allowed maximum to 1.50m.
• Lap slices not be used for bar larger than 36 mm.
• Water:
• PH value of the water should not be less than 6.
• Bricks:
• Compressive strength of Bricks is 3.5 N / mm2.
• Water absorption of bricks should not be more than 15
• Soil:
• In soil filling as per IS code, 3 samples should be taken
for core cutting test for every 100m2.
Quality Assurance AND Quality
Control (QA & QC)
QA and QC are closely related concepts,

 QA is the process of managing for quality. To develop

confidence, ie During Execution

 QC is used to verify the quality of the output, i.e. meeting


QC Results Depends on
• Man - (Persons Perfections) Methodolog
• Machine - (Equipment efficiency) y

• Methodology- (Type ofTest Method)

• All materials before incorporation in the work shall be
tested by the Contractor.
• The tests shall be carried out from each source identified by
the Contractor.
• Important tests like the Moisture-Density relationship,
Aggregate Impact Value, Plasticity Index, CBR and any other
tests specified by the Engineer with the Presence of AEE/
• For manufactured items, however, such as concrete pipes,
a test certificate obtained by the Manufacturer from an
approved Test House shall be accepted.
• The tests shall be carried out by the Contractor independently
or in the presence AEE/AE
• The AEE/ AE shall record the results in his own handwriting.
• The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all the tests
carried out for the work.
• The Deputy Executive Engineer/Executive Engineer during
their site visits shall have a few tests carried out in their
presence and sign the Quality Control Register
• QC wing of PR Dept will check the works at random for all
works and advise the field staff and higher officials regarding
the changes if any required in construction and quality
Fine aggregate
seive analysis to identify the zone
silt content
Coarse aggregate
seive analysis
water absorption
Flakiness & Elongation
Slump test
Cube strength test for 7 days and 28 days
Bend and Rebend test
Weight of reinforcement
• Mbook (MeasurmentBook) is
permanent recorded evidence for
noting every measurement of
structure that was constructed with
government funds.
• The payment to the work done by
contractor is made based on the
Measurements of work done by
• Mainly Length , Breadth & Depth of
structure would be noted down and
quantity of item will be arrived.
S. Description Measurments Quantity Rate/ Amount
No per
L(length) B(width) D(thickness)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 WBM Road 100. 3..00 0.075 67.5Cum 3500/ 236250

• 5 mts steel tape.
• 15 mts metallic tape.
• 30 cm depth gauge.
• Plumb bob.
• Steel scale 30cm.
• Spirit level.
• Iron try square.
• Permeability of concrete:
• penetration of various aggressive agents.
• Thermal movement:
• Ambient temperature changes and loss of heat of
hydration in portion of structure at different rate
• Creep movement:
• Gradual and slow time dependent deformation of
concrete structure under sustained loads
• Poor construction practices;
• improper construction practices are due to ignorance,
carelessness, greed or negligence.
• Improper structural design and specifications;
• Several problems can occur due to incorrect structural
design, detailing, and specifications.
• Poor maintenance;
• A structure needs to be maintained after a lapse of certain
period from its construction completion.
• Corrosion of reinforcement;
• Corrosion will produce iron oxide and hydroxide on steel bar
surface, consequently its volume increases.
• Moisture movement;
• building materials with pores in their structure in the form of
inter-molecular space expand on absorbing moisture and shrink
on drying.
• Movement due to chemical reactions;
• The concrete may crack as a result of expansive reactions
between aggregate, which contains active silica, and alkaline
derived from cement hydration.other factors, :Earth quaque etc


S.No Description Conversion

1 1 Cum(Cubic Meter) 1000 cc(Cubic Centi meter)

2 1 Cum(Cubic Meter) 35.29 cft (Cubic Feet)
3 1 Cyrd (Cubic Yard) 27 cft (Cubic Feet)
4 1 unit 100 cft (Cubic Feet)

1 10 N (Newton) 1 Kg ( Kilogram)
2 1 Kg 1000 gr(grams)
3 1 in (inch) 2.54 Cm (Centi meter)
4 1 ft 0.3048 m (Meter)

-2 Units
-200 C ft(Cubic Feet)
-5.60 Cum( Cubic Meter)
-Sizes 4.45 x 2.25 x 0.6 m
-5 Units
-500 C ft(Cubic Feet)
-14.2 Cum( Cubic Meter)
-Sizes(4.60x2.35x1.4 m)
Ordinary Medium Heavy
OPC – 53 Grade Cement
S.No Property Experimental
1. Fineness of cement 7%
2. Specific gravity 3.13
3. Standard Consistency 29%
4. Initial setting time 80 min.
5. Final setting time 230 min.
6. Compressive strength
3 days 27.4 N/mm2
7 days 37.9 N/mm2
28 days 53.7 N/mm2
De-Shuttering time of different RCC Members

1 RCC Member De-shuttering time

2 For columns, walls, vertical form works 16-24 hrs.
3 3 days (props to be
Soffit formwork to slabs
refixed after removal)
4 7 days (props to refixed
Soffit to beams props
after removal)
5 Beams spanning upto 4.5m 7 days
6 Beams spanning over 4.5m 14 days
7 Arches spanning up to 6m 14 days
8 Arches spanning over 6m 21 days
Cubes requirements

No. of Sets
Quantity of
1 1 – 5 m3 1
2 3
6 0 15 m 2
3 3
16 – 30 m 3
4 3
31 – 50 m 4
5 3 3
Above 50 m 4 + 1 set for each 50 m

• The volume
increase of fine
aggregate due to
presence of moisture
content is known as
bulking. Fine sand
bulks more as
compared to coarse
sand. Extremely fine
sand particularly the
manufactured fine
aggregate bulks as
much as about 40%.
Specific Fineness Sieve
Gravity modulus analysis
2.60 2.27 Zone – III

Specific Fineness Sieve analysis

Gravity modulus
2.69 7.0 Max. size 20mm
: The water
used for casting and curing of
beams is potable water.

:Steel used in beams

and slabs are high yield
strength deformed (HYSD)
bars, yield strength of 415
N/mm2. and for bridges near
sea shore Epoxy coated steel
will be used as shown in fig
MORTH Table 1000-3: Grades of Reinforced bars
Grade Bar type IS Elastic Modulus
designation conformin Characteristic GP
g to Strength fy MPa
Fe 240 IS: 432 part I 240 200
Mild steel
Fe 415 415 200
Fe 500 or IS:1786 500 200
Fe 500D High Strength
Fe 550 or Fe Deformed 550 200
550D Steel
Fe 600 Bars(HSD) 600 200
Note: If any grade of steel mentioned in the above table is not available
steel of next higher grade may be used
S.No Description Explanation Visual picture

1 Soil Earth

2 Gravel Type of material (usually

Red in Colour ,)

3 Aggregates HBG Metal(Hard Broken

Granite Metal)

4 Fine Sand
Bridge loadings
IRC Class AA loading IRC class A, Class B loading
Shapes of Wells Shapes of Piers
Bridge with Raft
Bridge with well foundation
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