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(Main & Advanced)
298 Motion in a Plane Board & Competitive Exarn
(1) 30° (2) 45~
(3) 60° (4) 90°
Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)
7. If the horizontal range of projectile be a and
(Motion in a Plane) th
maximum height attained by it is b , then vel e
. ct· . oc,ty
x2 of proJe ,on ,s
1. A particle moves on the curve y =- where x =t/2 . 1

x and y are measured in metre and t in second . At
t = 4 s, the velocity of particle is
(1) Hb+1~~)]' (2) [ 29(b+ 1~bH
(1) /2
m/s (2) fi mis (3) H•+ 1:~JJi (4) [2g(a+1~a)1;

8. A ship is travelling due east at 10 km/h . Another

(3) /2 m/s (4) 2✓2 mis ship heading 30° east of north is always due north
2. A particle moves along the positive part of the curve from the first ship . The speed of second ship in
km/h is
y =~
, where x = t; . What will be velocity of
(1) 20/2 (2) 20 ✓3
particle at t = 2 s ?
(1) 21 - 4]
(3) 20 (4) /2
(2) 2i + 4}

(3) 4; +2} (4) 4; - 2} (Relative Velocity)

(Projectile Motion) 9. A rectangular box is slidding on a smooth inclined

plane of inclination a as shown in figure . At t = o.
3. A body is projected with initial veloci ty the box starts to move on the inclined plane A
bolt starts to fall from point A. Find the time after
(Sf +12]) m/s from origin . Gravity acts in
which bolt strikes the bottom surface of the box
negative y direction . The horizontal range is
(Take g = 10 m/s2 )

(1) 12 m (2) 18 m

(3) 17 m (4) 7 m

4. One second after projection , a stone moves at an

angle of 45° with the horizontal. Two seconds after
projection , it moves horizontally. Its an gle of (1) J
gc~s a (2 ) J gs~n a
projection is (in degrees) (g = 10 m/s 2)

(1) 60° (2) tan- 1(4) (3) ~ (4) ~

(3) tan- 1(3) (4) tan- 1(2)
(Circular Motion)
5. The horizontal range of a projectile is R and the
maximum height attained by it is H. A strong wind 10. An object moves at constant speed along a r -rsular
now begins to blow in the direction of horizontal path in a horizontal xy plane , with the ce r te' as
motion of projectile, giving it a constant horizontal origin. When the object is at x = -2 m. its veloor, 15
acceleration equal to g. Under the same conditions
- 4 J mis . Its acceleration when it is at y = 2 m 15
of proj e ction , the new range will be
(g = acceleration due to gravity) y
(1) R+H (2) R +2H

(3) R + 3H (4) R + 4H
6. The speed of a projectile when it ,s at its greatest

height1s }¾ timesitsspeed athalfthernaximurn ( 1) - 8 f rn/s

(2) - 2} mls

height What rs its angle of projection? (3) - aJ mi s 2 (4) 2 j mis 2

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Board & Competitive Exams.
Motion in a Plane 299
11. Three vectors P, Q and R are shown in the figure . (1) The projectile 3 has greatest time of flight
Let S be any point on the vector R
- • Th e d"1stance
(2) The initial vertical velocities are same for all
between the points p and sis Th
• e general
b\R-\ (3) The projectile 3 has greatest speed of
relation among vectors P, and is o s projection

y (4) The initial horizontal velocities are same for all

,' ~
3. Two particles are projected from same point with
- =0 - P same initial speed u at angles of projection a and
~- t 1 and t2 are their respective time of flights and
Q h 1 and h2 are their respective maximum heights. If
they strike the horizontal ground at same point
X having range R , then
(1) R = 4✓h 1 h 2 (2) a + ~ = 2!.
- , ')

(1) S = ~ 1- b~ JP+ uQ
\ - - 2

(2) S = (b -1) P + bQ (3) tan a = _!!_ (4) tana=l

(3) S = (1- b) P + bQ 4. Figure shows the path of a projectile thrown near
the ::.:..orface of earth in the absence of air
(4) S = ( 1- b) P + b 2Q resistance .

Objective Type Questions
(More than one option are correct)
1. There are three smooth wires PP 1 , PP 2 and PP 3
If the air resistance is taken into consideration ,
tightly stretched on a vertically fixed ring of radius then
R. Three beads A, B and C are free to slide on
these wires. If the beads start from rest from the (1) The time taken to move from Oto Q is greater
than the time taken to move from Q to B
point P, to reach P 1 , P 2 and P 3 along the three
paths. Then (2) At Q, acceleration of projectile is greater than g
(3) H decreases

P, (4) Speed of the projectile at B is equal to the

speed of projection
5. A projectile has the same range R for two angles of
projections. If T1 and T2 be the times of flight in the
two cases, then (using 0 as the angle of projection
(1) Acceleration of beads are identical in magnitude corresponding to T1 )
(2) They reach their respective destinations in (1) r 1 r 2 cc R (2) r1 r2 oc R2
equal time
(3) Velocity of beads when they arrive to their (3) __1__ = tan 0 (4) 2i_ = 1
destinations are equal in magnitudes T2 T2
(4) The average speed of the beads are equal
6. A ball is thrown with velo ci ty Li = (3i + 4]) m/s
2. The figure shows three paths for a ball projected towards a wall , where it hits at height h 1 at time t
from ground level. Ignore the effects of air on flight. after the launch .
Which of the following statements is correct?

---- -
1 2 3
., X
Aakash Educatiom1I !lrrvices Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi- 110005 Ph .011-47623456
300 Motion in a Plane Board & Competitive Exarn

Another ball is projected from same point with (2) For x to be maximum , he has to sw im in a
velocity t.i = (31+ 5 m/s towards the wall where it d irecti on making an angle of ( ¥ - sin 1; )

hits at height h2 at time t2 after the launch . Then

with the flow
(1) t1 > t2
(3) If x = 0 , the time taken to cross the rive r is
(2) t1 = t2 d

(3) h 2 > h 1 Jv 2 - u 2

(4) No assertion can be made for h 1 and h 2 x = -du if he takes minimum

· · t'Ime to cross the
7. The equation of trajectory of a projectile thrown river
from a level ground near the surface of earth is
10. Which of the following statements is correct?
given by y = ax - bx 2 , with y axis in vertical
direction and x-axis in horizontal direction. a and b (1) The net acceleration of a particle in circular
are constants. Then motion is always towards the centre of the
(1) The range of the projectile is { (2) The velocity vector of a particle at a point is
always along the tangent to the path of the
particle at that point
(2) At x = 2ab , the velocity of projectile becomes
(3) The acceleration vector of a particle in uniform
zero circular motion averaged over one cycle is zero

(3) The maximum height attained by projectile (4) It is not possible to revolve a particle in circular
. a2 path with constant acceleration
IS 4b

(4) The angle of projection is tan- 1(a) SECTION - C

8. Two particles are projected from the same point, Linked Comprehension Type Questions
with the same speed , in the vertical plane , at This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon each
different angles with the horizontal. A frame of
paragraph, three multiple choice questions have to be
reference is fixed to one particle . The position
answered. Each question has 4 choices (1 ), (2), (3) and
vector of the other particle , as observed from this
(4) , out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
frame is r . Then
(1) The direction of r changes with time
A particle moves with decreasing speed along the circle
of radius R so that at any moment of time its tangential
(2) The magnitude of r remains constant with
time and centripetal accelerations are equal in magnitude. At
the initial moment, t = 0 , its speed is u.
(3) The direction of r remains same with time

(4) The magnitude of r increases linearly with


9. A man can swim with a velocity v relative to water.

He has to cross a river of width d flowing wfth a Choose the correct answer :
velocity u (u < v) . The distance through which he
is carried downstream by the river is x. Choose the 1. The time after which the speed of particle reduces
correct statement. to half of its initial value is

(1) For x to be m inimum , he has to swim in a (1) 2R (2) R

direction making an angle ( ¥+ sin - 1
;) with
u u

the flow R
(3 ) 2u (4 ) 3R
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office .: Aakash Towe(, a, Pusa Road , New Delhi~110005 Ph.01 1-4762345 6
Board & Competitive Exams.

2. The magnitude of tangential acceleration at Choose the correct answer :

Motion in a Plane 301

t == J3_ is 1. The time taken by the particle to reach to B is

(1) 2usin8 (2 } 2ucos 8
u2 g g
(1) R (2) 2u2
(3 ) 2usin8 ( )
2ucos 8
2 a a
4u 7u 2
(3) 9R (4 ) 36R 2. The maximum distance of the particle from the line
AB is
3. The distance travelled by the particle when its
u 2 sin 2 8 u 2 sin 2 8
speed becomes 37% of its initial value is (1) (2)
2a 2g
(1) R (2) 2R
u2 u 2 sin 2 8
(3) (4)
(3) 2rtR (4) rrR 2✓g2 + a2 2✓g2 + a 2
Comprehension-II 3. The distance AB is
A particle is thrown with speed u from A above the ground
at an angle 8 with the vertical as shown in the figure. A u 2 sin28
strong horizontal wind gives the particle a constant a
acceleration a in the +x direction. If the particle strikes
the ground at a point B directly below A. u 2 sin28
2 2
(3) ~ sine ( cos8 + ~ sin8)

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

This section contains 4 questions. Each question contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason).
Each question has 4 choices (1 ), (2), (3) and (4) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
(1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1

(2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement- 1

(3) Statement- 1 is True, Statement-2 is False

(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

1. STATEMENT-1 : A food packet is dropped from a rescue plane moving with constant velocity. Path of the food
packet will be straight line for the pilot but parabolic for the person on the ground if air resistance is negligible .

STATEMENT-2 : Food packet has initial velocity same as that of plane.
2. STATEMENT-1 : In circular motion, acceleration may be in any direction relative to the velocity.
and \
STATEMENT-2 : Dot product of velocity and acceleration in circular motion may be positive, negative or zero.

Aakash Educational Servlcee Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
300 Motion in a Pli.lne

80 ard & Competitive E1arn•,

302 Motion in a Plane .
annle () with the vertical lo protr;q
d has to hold his umbrella at an "'
3. STATEMENT-1 : A man standing on the groun · d with certain speed, but he still hw, tr,
himself from rain. It is possible that the man now starts running on e groun
hold his umbrella at angle owith the vertical to protect himself from rain.

. . n does not change, if he starts running ori 8
STATEMENT-2 : Vertical component of velocity of rain w.rJ ma
horizontal ground.

4. A body moves in a curved path as shown.


STATEMENT-1 : Its acceleration vector cannot be a, , but it may be 82 ·

STATEMENT-2 : The normal acceleration is always directed towards the centre of curvature.

Matrix-Match Type Questions

This section contains 3 questions. Each question contains statements given in two columns which have
to be matched. The statements in Column I are labelled A, B, C and D, while the statements in Column 11
are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with One OR
More statement(s) in Column II.

1. A particle is projected from level ground near the surface of earth with initial velocity u= ux l + ur J as shown in
the figure. If axand ayare the components of acceleration in horizontal and vertically downward directions then

Match the following columns.

Column I
Column II
(A) Time of flight depends on
(p) ux
(B) Maximum height depends on
(q) Uy
(C) Range depends on
(r) a,
(D) Speed at the top depends on
(s) ay

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- - ------ - -- -

soard & Competitive Exams.

2. Match the following columns.

Motion in a Plane 8fllt

Column I
Column II
(A) Projectile motion
(p) Uniform motion
(B) A block sent sliding on a smooth horizontal surface (q) Uniformly accelerated motion
(C) Uniform circular motion
(r) Motion with non-uniform acceleration
(0) Swing of pendulum
(s) Non-uniform motion

3. A river of wid th d is flowing with speed u as shown in the figure. John can swim with maximum speed v relative
to the river and can cross it in shortest time T. John starts at A. B is the point directly opposite to A on the
other bank of the river. If t be the time John takes to reach the opposite bank, match the situation in the
column I to the possibilities in column II.

Left of B +- B-+ Right of B

Column I Column II

(A) John reaches to the left of B (p) t= T

(B ) John reaches to the right of B (q) t > T

(C) John reaches the point B (r) u<v

(0) John drifts along the bank while minimizing the time (s) u>v j


Integer Answer Type Questions

This section contains 7 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer, ranging from Oto 9 . For
example, if the correct answers to question numbers X , Y and Z (say) are 6, 0 and 9 , respectively, then the correct
darkening of bubbles will look like the following :

1. The two graphs of a given projectile show that variation of vertical velocity component with time and with
horizontal displacement. What is the x-component of velocity in m/s?

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Board & Competitive Exams
304 Motion In a Plane -----..:.

2. An object projected with same speed at two different angles covers the same horizontal range R. If the two

times of flight be t 1 and t2 . Then range is ..!. gt,t1 , the value of ix. is
3. A m an walking with a speed of 3 km/h finds the rain drops falling vertically downwa rd s . When the man
increases his speed to 6 km/h he find that the rain drops are falling making an angle of wi th th e vertical.
Find the speed of the rain drops (in km/h).

4. A boy standing on the top of a tower of height 54 ft. throws a packe t with a speed of 20 ft/s directly aiming
towards his friend standing on the ground at a distance of 72 ft from the foot of the tower. The packet fails
short of the person on the ground by x x - ft. The value of x is
5. Six particles are situated at the corners of a regular hexagon. These particles start moving. wi th equal speed
of 10 mis in such a way that velocity of any one particle is directed towards the next particle. Find the rate
(in m/s) at which length of a side of the hexagon is decreasing.
6. A fishing boat is anchored g km away from the nearest point on the shore. A messanger must be sent from
the fishing boat to a camp , 15 km from the point on shore closest to boat. If the messanger can walk at a
speed of 5 km per hour and can row at 4 km/h , determine the distance of that point (in km) from the shore,
where he must land so as to reach the shore in least possible time.

x Boat


__.__ _ _ _ _ _x_ Shore

15 km

7. Airplanes A and 8 are flying with constant velocity in the same vertical plane at angles 30° and 60° with respect
to the horizontal respectively as shown in figure. The speed of A is 100J3 m/s . At time t = 0 s , an observer
in A finds 8 at a distance of 500 m . The observer sees B moving with a constant velocity perpendicular to
the line of motion of A. If at t = t0 , A just escapes being hit by B , t0 in seconds is [JEE(Advanced)2014]

_ .i f a

Multiple True-False Type Question
Identify the correct combination of true (T) and false (F) of the given three statements.
1. STATEMENT-1 : The graph between kinetic energy and vertical displacement is a straight line for a projectile
STATEMENT-2 : The graph between kinetic energy and horizontal displacement is a straight line for a projectile
STATEMENT-3 : The graph between kinetic energy and time is a parabola fo . .
r a project, 1e .
(1 ) F F F (2) T T F (3) T FT
(4) FFT
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Board & Competitive Exams. Motion in a Plane 305

Aakash Challengers Questions
1. A ball is thrown with an initial velocity u at an angle 37° above the horizontal, from a point 60 m from th e edge
of a vertical cliff 20 m high. The ball just misses the edge of the cliff. (Take g = 10 m/s •)

r - - - 6om--1111

(i) Find the initial velocity u.

(ii) Find the distance x beyond the foot of the cliff where the ball strikes the ground.
2. A vehicle starts from centre O of a circular park of radius 1 km and reaches
point A. After travelling 114th of the circumference along AB, he returns to the
centre of the park. If the total time taken is 10 minute
(i) Net displacement
(ii) Average velocity
(iii) Average speed in the round trip
(iv) Magnitude of average velocity in the interval when vehicle moves from A
to B , considering motion of the vehicle uniform.

3. What is the maximum angle to the horizontal at which a stone can be thrown and always be moving away from
the thrower?

4. A point P is located above an inclined plane. It is possible to reach the plane by sliding under gravity down a
straight frictionless wire joining to some point P' on the plane. How should P' be chosen so as to minimize the
time taken?

5. A sky diver of mass m drops out with an initial velocity v0 = 0. Find the law by which the sky diver's speed
varies before the parachute is opened if the drag is proportional to the sky diver's speed. Also solve the problem
when the sky diver's initial velocity has horizontal component v0 and vertical component zero .

6. A particle is projected at an angle 60° with speed 10/3 m/s from the point A as shown in the figure . At the

same time the wedge is made to move with speed 10/3 m/s toward right as shown in figure . Find the time
after which particle will strike the wedge .

Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Deilhi-110006 Ph.011--4ygl23456
306 :.:.M;;:o:.::ti.:::.on:.:...:,:in~a...!P...!l~a~ne::__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _B_o_a_rd_&_C_o_m.! E,

7. A shell bursts on contact with the ground and pieces from it fly in all directions with maximum velocity
5 Upto
80 ft/s . Show that a man 100 feet away is in danger for an interval of ✓2 second (g = 32 ftls ) 2

8- A balloon starts rising from the surface of earth. The ascension rate is con stant a nd is equal to vo· Due to Wind
the balloon gathers the horizontal velocity component vx = ay , where a is a positive conS tant and Y is the height
of ascent. Find

(i) The horizontal drift of the balloon x(y),

(ii) The total , tangential and normal accelerations of the balloon.

9. The flow velocity of a river increases linearly with the distance (r) from its bank and has its maximum value v
in the middle of the river. The velocity near the bank is zero . A boat which can move with speed u in still wate~
moves in the river in such a way that it is always perpend icular to the flow of current. Find

i :--+
l r!:;+
d ' Vo

• X
(i) The distance along the bank through which boat is carried away by the flow current , when the boat
crosses the river.

i (ii) The equation of trajectory for the coordinate system shown . Assume that the swimmer starts from origin

10. There are two parallel planes, each inclined to the horizontal at an angle 0. A particle is projected from a point

l mid way between the foot of the two planes so that it grazes one of the planes and strikes the other at right
angle. Find the angle of projection of the projectile.

11 . A balloon moves up vertically such that if a stone is projected with a horizontal velocity u relative to balloon. the
stone always hits the ground at a fixed point at a distance 2u horizontally away from it. Find the height of the
balloon as a function of time .

□ □ □

. ._\_ . ~ 623.156
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