Respiration in Plants: Fact/Definition Type Questions

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Respiration in Plants

(c) Kreb’s cycle

(d) alcoholic fermentation
1. Respiration is a/an 9. Conversion of phosphenol pyruvic acid to pyruvic acid
(a) anabolic + exergonic (b) catabolic + exergonic and ADP to ATP are examples of
(c) catabolic + endergonic (d) anabolic + endergonic (a) photophosphorylation.
2. ATP is (b) oxidative phosphorylation.
(a) an energy currency (c) photoelectric phosphorylation.
(b) a nucleotide (d) substrate level phosphorylation.
(c) formed in both respiration and photosynthesis 10. When oxygen is not available to a muscle cell, NADH
formed during glycolysis does not pass electrons to the
(d) all of the above
ETS. Instead, it passes hydrogen atoms to
3. Cellular respiration includes the various pathways by
(a) acetyl CoA (b) pyruvic acid
which carbohydrates and other metabolites are broken
(c) fructose (d) ADP
down with the consecutive buildup of 11. Which one of the following process releases a carbon
(a) ATP (b) protein dioxide molecule?
(c) vitamins (d) none of these (a) Glycolysis
4. During the process of respiration, which of the followings (b) Lactic acid fermentation
are released as products? (c) Alcohol fermentation
(a) CO2, H2O and O2 (b) CO2, O2 and energy (d) Hydrolysis of glycogen
(c) CO, H2O and energy (d) CO2, H2O and energy 12. In the fermentation of one glucose molecule, there is a net
5. Glycolysis occurs in the ________ and gain of ______________ molecules of ATP.
produces________, which in the presence of O2 enters (a) one (b) two
the____________. (c) six (d) eight
(a) cytosol; pyruvate; mitochondrion 13. In an anaerobic condition, yeast cells breakdown glucose
(b) cytosol; glucose; mitochondrion into
(c) mitochondrion; pyruvate; chloroplast (a) CO2 + H2O (b) C2H5OH and CO2
(d) chloroplast; glucose; cytosol (c) CO2 + lactic acid (d) CO2 + pyruvic acid
6. The enzymes, involved in the chemical reactions of 14. The formation of acetyl coenzyme A from pyruvic acid
glycolysis are located produces (in addition to acetyl coenzyme A) one molecule
(a) in the fluid matrix of cytoplasm. of A , one molecule of B , and one molecule
(b) in the mitochondrial matrix. (ion) of C , Identify A, B and C respectively.
(c) in the nuclear sap. A B C
(d) on the cristae of a mitochondria. (a) H
7. In which of the following reaction of glycolysis, a molecule CO 2 +
(b) H NADH
of water is removed from the substrate ? +
(a) Frucoste-6-phosphate ® Fructose 1, 6-phosphate (c) NADH O2 H
(b) 3-phosphate glyceraldehyde ® (d) CO 2 NADH H

1, 3-biphosphoglyceric acid
15. Which of the following are not used in the conversion by
(c) PEP ® Pyruvic acid pyruvate to acetyl CoA?
(d) 2-phosphoglycerate ® PEP (i) Oxidative dehydrogenation
8. Decarboxylation is not involved in (ii) Oxidative dehydration
(a) electron transport system (iii) Oxidative phosphorylation
(b) glycolysis (iv) Oxidative decarboxylation
122 Biology
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (i) and (ii) 27. A major site for synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi is
(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iii) (a) F1 headpiece in mitochondria.
16. Which one of the following reactions is an example of (b) F0.
oxidative decarboxylation? (c) F1 – F0.
(a) Conversion of succinate to fumarate. (d) mitochondria.
(b) Conversion of fumarate to malate. 28. The F1 headpiece is a
(c) Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA. (a) peripheral membrane protein complex.
(d) Conversion of citrate to isocitrate.
(b) integral membrane protein complex.
17. Which one of the following is essential for the respiration
as well as photosynthesis ? (c) transmembrane protein.
(a) Ubiquinone (b) Cytochrome (d) carrier protein.
(c) RuBisCO (d) Plastocyanin 29. How many ATP molecules can be produced through
18. In which one of the following do the two names refer to oxidative phosphorylation of 2NADH2 and 3 FADH2?
tricarboxylic acid cycle? (a) 15 (b) 24
(a) a-ketoglutaric acid and Krebs cycle (c) 6 (d) 12
(b) Malic acid cycle and Kornberg cycle 30. The main purpose of electron transport chain is to
(c) Citric acid cycle and Krebs cycle (a) cycle NADH + H+ back to NAD+
(d) Oxaloacetic acid and Kornberg cycle (b) use the intermediates from TCA cycle
19. Citrate synthase, an enzyme of TCA cycle is located in (c) breakdown pyruvate
(a) cytosol in prokaryotes. (d) all of the above
(b) mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes. 31. Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis in the chloroplasts
(c) both (a) and (b) and mitochondria is based on the
(d) none of the above (a) membrane potential.
20. In citric acid cycle, energy bond (GTP) is produced as a
(b) accumulation of Na ions.
result of conversion of
(c) accumulation of K ions.
(a) citric acid to a-keto glutaric acid.
(b) succinic acid to malic acid. (d) proton gradient.
(c) succinyl - CoA to succinic acid. 32. The correct sequence of electron acceptor in ATP
(d) succinic acid to succinyl - CoA. synthesis is
21. Out of 38 ATP molecules produced per glucose, 32 ATP (a) cyt a a b c (b) cyt b c a a3
molecules are formed from NADH/FADH2 in (c) cyt b c a3 a (d) cyt c b a a3
(a) respiratory chain 33. Which of the following is amphibolic in nature?
(b) Krebs cycle (a) Glycolysis
(c) oxidative decarboxylation (b) Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate
(d) EMP (c) TCA cycle
22. Acceptor of acetyl Co-A in Kreb’s cycle is (d) Oxidative phosphorylation
(a) malic acid (b) fumaric acid 34. Refer the given equation and answer the question.
(c) a-keto glutaric acid (d) oxaloacetic acid
23. Total number of ATP consumed during Kreb’s cycle is 2(C 51H 98 O 6 ) + 145O 2 ¾¾
® 102CO 2 + 98H 2 O + Energy
(a) 0 (b) 1 The R.Q of above reaction is
(c) 2 (d) 3 (a) 1 (b) 0.7
24. Electron Transport System (ETS) is present in (c) 1.45 (d) 1.62
(a) inner mitochondrial membrane. 35. If R. Q. is less than 1.0 in a respiratory metabolism, it
(b) mitochondrial matrix. means that
(c) chlorophyll. (a) carbohydrates are used as respiratory substrate.
(d) chloroplast. (b) organic acids are used as respiratory substrate.
25. In the electron transport system, the final acceptor of (c) the oxidation of the respiratory substrate consumed
proton is more oxygen than the amount of CO2 released.
(a) cytochrome b (d) the oxidation of the respiratory substrate consumed
(b) cytochrome a3 less oxygen than the amount of CO2 released.
(c) oxygen 36. The overall goal of glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and the
(d) ubiquinone (substance A) electron transport system is the formation of
26. Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain which donates (a) ATP in one large oxidation reaction
electrons to oxygen is (b) sugars
(a) cyt. b (b) cyt. c (c) nucleic acids
(c) cyt. (d) cyt. a3 (d) ATP in small stepwise units
Respiration in Plants 123

(a) O2 must always be available for respiration.

(b) O2 combines with carbon to form CO2.
37. Which of the following statement regarding the process (c) O2 combines with hydrogen to form H2O.
of glycolysis is correct? (d) Air is inhaled and exhaled only from stomata.
(a) Glucose undergoes complete oxidation to form two 44. Which of the following statement(s) concerning ATP
molecules of pyruvic acid. synthesis is/are correct?
(b) Glucose undergoes partial oxidation to form one (a) ATP can be synthesized through substrate level
molecule of pyruvic acid. phosphorylation, photophosphorylation an d
(c) Glucose undergoes complete oxidation to form one oxidative phosphorylation.
molecule of pyruvic acid. (b) The proton-motive force is the establishment of
(d) Glucose undergoes partial oxidation to form two proton gradients and electrochemical potentials
molecules of pyruvic acid. across the inner membrane.
38. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the Kreb’s
(c) Proton-motive force is essential for back flow of H+
from outer chamber of matrix of mitochondria through
(a) It is also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle.
proton channel (F0) of F0 – F1 particle to produce
(b) It occurs in mitochondria.
(c) It starts with six carbon compound.
(d) All of the above
(d) It does not involve any decarboxylation step.
39. Select the incorrect statement about NADH during cellular 45. Which of the following statement is/are the correct events
respiration. in aerobic respiration?
(a) It is synthesized in glycolysis. (i) The complete oxidation of pyruvate by the stepwise
(b) It is transferred into the mitochondria. removal of all the hydrogen atoms, leaving three
(c) It undergoes oxidative phosphorylation. molecules of O2.
(d) It is reduced to NAD+. (ii). The complete oxidation of pyruvate by the stepwise
40. Which of the following statement is correct in relation to removal of all the hydrogen atoms, leaving three
the ETS? molecules of CO2.
(a) It is present in the mitochondrial matrix. (iii) The passing on of the electrons removed as part of
(b) Oxidation of one molecule of NADH gives rise to 2 the hydrogen atoms to molecular O 2 with
molecules of ATP, while that of one molecule of simultaneous synthesis of ATP.
FADH2 produces 3 molecules of ATP. (iv) The passing on of the electrons removed as part of
(c) Oxygen acts as the final hydrogen acceptor. the hydrogen atoms to molecular O 2 with
(d) In respiration, light energy is utilized for the simultaneous synthesis of ADP.
production of proton gradient. (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv)
41. Which of the following statement about cellular energy- (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)
harvesting pathway is incorrect? 46. Which of the following statements (i to v) regarding
(a) Pyruvate oxidation can only occur under aerobic glycolysis are correct.
conditions. (i) It is ten enzymatic reactions that convert a six-carbon
(b) Autotrophs can produce their own food but must molecule to a three carbon pyruvate and result in a
obtain energy from it by glycolysis & cellular net gain of 2 ATP molecules.
respiration. (ii) Glucose undergoes partial oxidation to form one
(c) Fermentation usually occurs under aerobic molecule of pyruvic acid.
conditions. (iii) Glucose is phosphorylated to give rise to glucose - 6
(d) All of the above - phosphate by the activity of the enzyme
42. Which of the following statement regarding pyruvate phosphofructokinase.
during aerobic respiration is incorrect? (iv) The scheme of glycolysis was given by Gustav
(a) It is formed by the glycolytic catabolism of Embden, Otto Morrison, and J. Parnas and is often
carbohydrates in the mitochondrial matrix. referred to as the EMP pathway.
(b) It enters mitochondrial matrix & undergoes oxidative
(v) ATP is utilized at two steps: first in the conversion
of glucose into glucose 6-phosphate & second in
(c) The conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA is
the conversion of fructose - 6- phosphate to fructose
catalysed by pyruvic dehydrogenase.
1 ,
(d) Two molecules of NADH are produced from the
metabolism of two molecules of pyruvic acid.
(a) (i), (iv) and (v) (b) (iii) and (v)
43. Which of the following is a more accurate statement about
respiration ? (c) (iv) and (v) (d) (ii) and (iv)
124 Biology


A. Complex I I. Cytochrome bc 1 complex
In the following questions, a statement of Assertion is followed
by a statement of Reason. B. Complex II II. NADH dehydrogenase
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is C. Complex III III. ATP synthetase
the correct explanation of the Assertion.
D. Complex IV IV. FADH2 dehydrogenase
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is
E. Complex V V. Cytochrome c oxidase
not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false. (a) A – III; B – V; C – I; D – IV; E – II
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false. (b) A – II; B – V; C – I; D – IV; E – III
47. Assertion : Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm. (c) A – II; B – IV; C – I; D – V; E – III
Reason : Enzymes for glycolysis are found in cytoplasm. (d) A – IV; B – I; C – II; D – V; E – III
It is common in aerobic/anaerobic respiration. 54. Match the number of carbon atoms given in column - I
48. Assertion : The atmospheric concentration of CO2 at with that of the compounds given in column - II and select
which photosynthesis just compensates for respiration the correct option.
is referred to as CO2 compensation point. Column - I Column - II
Reason : The CO2 compensation point is reached when A. 4C compound I. Acetyl CoA
the amount of CO2 uptake is less than that generated B. 2C compound II. Pyruvate
through respiration because the level of CO 2 in the C. 5C compound III. Citric acid
atmosphere is more than that required for achieving CO2 D. 3C compound IV. a- ketoglutaric acid
compensation point.
V. Malic acid
49. Assertion : Stomata are absent in submerged (a) A – II; B – V; C – III; D – I
(b) A – V; B – I; C – IV; D – II
Reason : Respiration occurs by means of air chambers in (c) A – III; B – I; C – IV; D – II
submerged plants. (d) A – V; B – III; C – I; D – II
50. Assertion : Glycolysis is the first step of respiration in 55. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
which glucose completely breaks into CO2 and H2O. (a) Protein ® Degarded by proteases
Reason : In this process, there is net gain of twenty four (b) Fats ® Fatty acid + PGAL
molecules of ATP. (c) Kreb’s cycle ® Carboxylation
51. Assertion : The inner membrane of mitochondria contains (c) Respiratory pathway ® Amphibolic
systems involving electron transport.
Reason : The mitochondrial matrix contains enzymes of DIAGRAM TYPE QUESTIONS
Kreb's cycle. 56. The given figure shows the few steps of the pathway are
indicated by P, Q, R and S major pathway of anaerobic
52. Match the column-I with column-II and choose the correct
combination from the options given below.
Column-I Column-II
A. Inner mitochondrial membrane I. Krebs cycle
B. Pyruvic acid is converted into II. ETC
CO2 and ethanol.
C. Cytoplasm III. Fermentation
D. Mitochondrial matrix IV. Glycolysis
(a) A – IV; B – III; C – II; D – I
(b) A – I; B – II; C – IV; D – III
(c) A – II; B – I; C – III; D – IV
(d) A – II; B – III; C – IV; D – I
+ CO2
53. In the given columns, column-I contain complexes and
column-II contain their alternative names. Select the correct
match from the option given below.
Respiration in Plants 125

Identify P, Q, R and S. X Y Z
(a) +
Ethanol Lactic acid PEP (b) FADH2 NADH2 GTP
(b) Ethanol + Lactic acid ATP (c) NADH2 FADH2 GTP
(c) Lactic acid Ethanol Glucose ADP (d) CO2 NADH2 ADP
(d) NAD Lactic acid Ethanol DHAP 59. In the given figure of electron transport chain - identify
P, Q, R, S and T.
57. Refer the figure of citric acid cycle and choose the correct Inner membrane
of mitochondria
combination of labelling (P, Q, R, S and T) the number of Q
carbon compounds in the substrate molecules, involved R
in the given figure.
FeS Fes

T UQ 2e T
Cy b 2e

T UQ 2e T
Oxaloacetic (P) (Q) 2e
Cy c – 1/2O2
2e 2H
Cy c Cy a – a1 H2O

(a) P - Matrix, Q - Outer membrane, R - RMNH2, S -

(R) NADH2, T - 2H
(b) P - Inter membrane space, Q - Matrix, R - NADH + H+,
S - NAD+, T - 2H+
(S) (c) P - Outer membrane, Q - Cristae, R - NAD, S - NADH
+ H+, T - H
(d) P - Cristae, Q - Outer chamber, R - NADH + H+, S -
(a) (P) 4C, (Q) 6C, (R) 5C, (S) 4C, (T) 4C NAD, T - 2H+
(b) (P) 6C, (Q) 5C, (R) 4C, (S) 3C, (T) 2C 60. The given figure represents the interelationship among
(c) (P) 2C, (Q) 5C, (R) 6C, (S) 4C, (T) 4C metabolic pathways showing the respiration mediated
breakdown of different organic molecules to CO2 and H2O.
(d) (P) 4C, (Q) 6C, (R) 4C, (S) 4C, (T) 5C
Now identify A to D.
58. Refer the figure and identify X, Y and Z
A Carbohydrates C
ac Fatty Monosaccharides
eti + Glycerol E.g. Glucose Amino acids
c acids
4C Glucose-6-phosphate

Fructose 1, 6 bis-phosphate

B 3-phosphate

Pyruvic acid


H2 O CO2
126 Biology
(a) It causes the breakdown of citric acid.
(b) It combines with glucose to produce carbon dioxide.
(c) It combines with carbon from organic molecules to
produce carbon dioxide.
(d) It combines with hydrogen from organic molecules
to produce water.
67. During glycolysis, glucose split into
(a) two pyruvic acid molecules.
(b) two coenzyme A molecules.
(c) two lactic acid molecules.
(d) one lactic acid plus one ethanol molecule.
68. Which one is correct sequence in glycolysis?
(a) G 6-P ® PEP ® 3-PGAL ® 3-PGA
(b) G 6-P ® 3-PGAL ® 3-PGA ® PEP
(c) G 6-P ® PEP ® 3-PGA ® 3-PGAL
(d) G 6-P ® 3-PGA ® 3-PGAL ® PEP
69. Which of the following is correct sequence in Kreb’s
(a) Isocitric acid ® Oxalosuccinic acid ® a-ketoglutaric
P Q R S (b) Oxalosuccinic acid ® Isocitric acid ® a-ketoglutaric
(a) 1,3 di PGA 3 PGA Fr.1,6 d i P Fr. 6 P
(c) a-ketoglutaric acid ® Isocitric acid ® Oxalosuccinic
(b ) 3 PGA 1,3 di PGA Fr. 1,6 d i P Fr.6 P acid
(c) Fr. 1,6 d i P Fr. 6 P 3 PGA 1,3 d i PGA (d) Isocitric acid ® a-ketoglutaric acid ® Oxalosuccinic
(d ) Fr.6 P Fr. 1,6 d i P 3 PGA 1,3 d i PGA acid
70. In glycolysis, there is one step where NADH + H+ is
formed fr om NAD + , this is when 3-
CRITICAL THINKING TYPE QUESTIONS phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL) is converted to 1, 3-
62. Respiration substrates are bisphosphyglycerate (BPGA). This reaction shows
(i) the compounds that are oxidized to utilise energy. (a) oxidative dehydrogenation
(ii) the compounds that are reduced to utilise energy. (b) oxidative phosphorylation
(iii) the compounds that are oxidized to release energy. (c) oxidative dehydration
(iv) the compounds that are reduce to release energy. (d) oxidation reduction
(a) (i) only (b) both (i) and (ii) 71. If hexokinase, an enzyme that catalyzes the first step
(c) (iii) only (d) Both (iii) and (iv) reaction in glycolysis is blocked then what will be its
63. Respiration is the breakdown of impact on glycolytic pathway ?
(a) C-C bonds (b) C-H bonds (a) Glycolysis will speed up.
(c) H-H bonds (d) C-N bonds (b) Glycolysis will slow down.
64. Energy accumulate in ATP in (c) Glycolysis will stop.
(a) disulphide bond (d) Glycolysis will occurs normally.
(b) hydrogen bonds 72. How many ATP molecules could maximally be generated
(c) high energy phosphate bond from one molecule of glucose, if the complete oxidation of
(d) ester bond one mole of glucose to CO2 and H2O yields 686 kcal and
65. Life without air would be the useful chemical energy available in the high energy
(a) reductional. phosphate bond of one mole of ATP is 12 kcal ?
(b) free from oxidative damage. (a) Thirty (b) Fifty seven
(c) impossible. (c) One (d) Two
(d) anaerobic. 73. How many molecules of ATP are produced during
66. What is the function of molecular oxygen in cellular glycolysis?
respiration? (a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8
Respiration in Plants 127
74. The reasons for the involvement of different enzyme in 82. Single turn of citric acid cycle yields
each step of glycolysis is that (a) 2FADH2, 2NADH2, 2GTP
(a) each step occurs in a different compartment of a cell. (b) 1FADH2, 2NADH2, 1GTP
(b) each step occurs in a different cells. (c) 1FADH2, 4NADH2, 1GTP
(c) each step involves a different chemical reaction. (d) 1FADH2, 1NADH2, 2GTP
(d) each step involves a different change in potential 83. Which one of the following is complex V of the ETS of
energy. inner mitochondrial membrane?
75. For bacteria to continue growing rapidly when they are (a) NADH dehydrogenase
shifted from an environment containing O2 to an anaerobic (b) ATP synthetase
environment, they must
(c) Succinate dehydrogenase
(a) produce more ATP per mole of glucose during (d) Ubiquinone
84. O2 is used by
(b) produce ATP during oxidation of glucose.
(a) citric acid cycle
(c) increase the rate of glycolysis.
(b) electron transport chain
(d) increase the rate of TCA cycle.
(c) substrate level phosphorylation
76. In alcoholic fermentation, NAD+ is produced during the
(d) ATP synthase
(a) reduction of acetyldehyde to ethanol.
85. In mitochondria, protons accumulate in the
(b) oxidation of glucose.
(a) outer membrane (b) inner membrane
(c) oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl coA.
(c) inter membrane space (d) matrix
(d) hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.
86. The chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis of oxidative
77. Fermentation takes place
phosphorylation proposes that adenosine triphosphate
(a) under anaerobic conditions in many prokaryotes and (ATP) is formed because
unicellular eukaryotes.
(a) high energy bonds are formed in mitochondrial
(b) under aerobic conditions in many prokaryotes and
unicellular eukaryotes.
(b) ADP is pumped out of the matrix into the
(c) under anaerobic conditions in all prokaryotes and
unicellular eukaryotes. intermembrane space.
(d) under aerobic conditions in all prokaryotes and (c) a proton gradient forms across the inner membrane.
unicellular eukaryotes. (d) there is a change in the permeability of the inner
78. In the conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl coenzyme A, mitochondrial membrane toward adenosine
NAD+ is diphosphate (ADP).
(a) oxidized 87. Reduced form of ubiquinone is
(b) reduced (a) ubiquinine (b) ubiquinol
(c) broken into one-carbon units (c) ubiquitine (d) all of the above
(d) isomerized 88. Cytochrome oxidase contain
79. Initial step of TCA cycle to yield citric acid starts with the (a) Fe (b) Mg
condensation of (c) Zn (d) Cu
(a) acetyl group with OAA & H2O & catalyzed by the 89. Acetyl CoA is formed by the breakdown of
enzyme citrate synthase. (a) fats (b) fatty acid
(b) acetyl group with pyruvate & H2O & catalysed by (c) glycerol (d) PGAL
the enzyme citrates synthase. 90. In some succulent plants like Opuntia the R. Q. is zero
(c) acetyl group with OAA & H2O & is independent of because
the enzyme. (a) CO2 is released without any absorption of O2.
(d) none of the above. (b) O2 is absorbed but CO2 is not released.
80. End products of Krebs cycle from one molecule of glucose (c) there is often compensation point in these plants
is due to thick phylloclades.
(a) 2ATP, 2NADH, 2FADH2, CO2 and H2O (d) none of the above
(b) 2ATP, 8NADH, 2FADH2, CO2 and H2O 91. In alcoholic fermentation
(c) 8ATP, 4NADH, FADH2, CO2 and H2O (a) oxygen is the electron acceptor.
(d) ATP, 4NADH, FADH2, CO2 and H2O (b) triose phosphate is the electron donor while
81. In Kreb’s cycle, the conversion of succinyl CoA to acetaldehyde is the electron acceptor.
succinic acid requires (c) triose phosphate is the electron donor while pyruvic
(a) Acetyl CoA + GDP + iP (b) CoA + GTP + iP acid is the electron acceptor.
(c) Acetyl CoA+ GTP + iP (d) GDP + iP (d) there is no electron donor.
128 Biology
92. Which one of the following is not included in glycolysis 97. Conversion of phosphoglyceraldehyde to 1, 1-biphosp-
? hoglyceric acid is a
(a) Substrate level phosphorylation occur. (a) primary reaction only
(b) The end products are CO2 and H2O. (b) redox reaction only
(c) ATP is formed. (c) primary and redox reaction
(d) ATP is used. (d) substrate level phosphorylation reaction
93. Inside an active mitochondrion, most electrons follow 98. In respiration, largest amount of energy is produced in
which pathway ? (a) anaerobic respiration
(a) Glycolysis ® NADH ® Oxidative phosphorylation (b) Krebs’ cycle
® ATP ® O2
(c) glycolysis
(b) Krebs’ cycle ® FADH2 ® ETS ® ATP
(d) none of the above
(c) ETS ® Krebs’ cycle ® ATP ® O2
99. In which one of the following reactions, substrate level
(d) Krebs’ cycle ® NADH + H+ ® Electron transport phosphorylation does not occur?
chain ® O2 (a) 1, 3-biphosphoglyceric acid ® 3, phosphoglyceric
94. The expressions given below shows the summary acid
equations I, II and III. (b) Glucose-6-phosphate ® Fructose 6 phosphate
(c) Succinyl CoA ® Succinic acid
(I) (d) Phosphoenol pyruvic acid ® pyruvic acid
100. Which of the following processes make direct use of
(II) C6H12O6 + NAD+ + 2ADP + 2Pi
® 2C3H4O3 + 2ATP + 2NADH + 2H+
(a) Glycolysis
(III) Pyruvic acid + 4NAD+ + FAD+ + 2H2O + ADP + Pi
(b) Fermentation
® 3CO2 + 4NADH + 4H+ + ATP + FADH2
(c) Electron transport
Categorise the summary equations under respective
(d) Krebs citric acid cycle
101. Lactic acid is formed by the process of
I II III (a) fermentation (b) HMP pathway
(a) Krebs’ cycle Glycolysis Fermentation (c) glycolysis (d) none of these
(b) Glycolysis Krebs’ cycle Fermentation 102. Oxidative phosphorylation refers to
(c) Fermentation Krebs’ cycle Glycolysis (a) anaerobic production of ATP.
(d) Fermentation Glycolysis Krebs’ cycle (b) the citric acid cycle production of ATP.
95. Fermentation is represented by the equation (c) production of ATP by chemiosmosis.
(a) C6H12O6 + 6O2 ® 6CO2 + 6H2O + 673 k cal (d) alcoholic fermentation.
(b) C6H12O6 ® 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 18 k cal 103. Cytochrome oxidase is a/an
(a) exoenzyme (b) endoenzyme
(c) 6CO2 + 12H2O ¾¾¾¾¾® C6H12O6 + 6H2O + (c) proenzyme (d) coenzyme
(d) 6CO2 + 6H2O ® C6H12O6 + 6O2
96. The common phase between aerobic and anaerobic
respiration is called
(a) tricarboxylic acid cycle
(b) Oxidative phosphorylation
(c) Embden, Meyerhof, Parnas cycle (Glycolysis)
(d) Fermentation
Hints & Solutions
Lactate dehydrogenase
Pyruvic acid FMN, Zn2+ Lactic acid
Chapter 14 : Respiration in Plants
11. (c) Alcoholic fermentation is a process in which
1. (b) Respiration is an enzyme controlled process of molecules such as glucose etc are converted into
biological oxidation of food materials in a living cell, cellular energy and thereby produce ethanol and
using molecular oxygen (O2), producing CO2 and carbon dioxide as metabolic waste products.
H2O and releasing energy in a small steps and storing 12. (b) In the fermentation of one glucose molecule, there is
it in biologically useful forms (generally ATP). Hence, net gain of two molecules of ATP.
respiration is a catabolic, exothermic and oxidative 13. (b) Yeast cell perform alcoholic fermentation under
process. anaerobic conditions where incomplete oxidation of
The reaction for respiration is: glucose is achieved by sets of reaction in which
pyruvic acid is converted to CO2 and ethanol
C6H12O6 + 6O2 ® 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
(C2H5OH). The enzymes, pyruvic acid decarboxylase
2. (d) ATP is a nucleotide found in the mitochondria of all and alcohol dehydrogenase catalyse these reactions.
plant and animal cells. It is the major source of 14. (d) In the presence of an enzyme complex, pyruvate
energy for cellular reactions and is commonly known dehydrogenase complex, sulphur containing CoA
as the energy currency of the cell. This energy is and NAD + , pyruvate undergoes oxidative
released during its conversion to ADP. decarboxylation or both oxidation (removal of
3. (a) hydrogen) and decarboxylation (removal of CO2). It
4. (d) Respiration is a metabolic process in which energy produces a 2-carbon active acetate group or acetyl
is produced with the intake of oxygen and the release CoA, NADH + H+ and CO2.
of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex Pyruvate dehydrogenase
Pyruvate + NAD+ + CoA Acetyl CoA
organic substances along with water. (3 – C) Complex (2 – C)

5. (a) Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm and does not + NADH + H+ + CO2­
use oxygen. Thus, it is an anaerobic pathway. In this 15. (a) 16. (c)
process, glucose is partially oxidized/converted into
17. (b) Cytochrome is a compound which consists of haem
two molecules of pyruvate/ pyruvic acid. In aerobic
bonded to a protein and function as electron transfer
respiration pyruvate enters mitochondrion through
agents in many metabolic pathways, especially
a specific transport protein. It undergoes oxidative cellular respiration.
decarboxylation and dehydrogenation to produce
18. (c) Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), also called
CO2 and NADH.
Krebs’ cycle and citric acid cycle, is the process by
6. (a) Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol, where the glucose which living cells break down organic molecules in
molecule is converted into two molecules of the 3C the presence of oxygen to produce the energy they
compound, pyruvate. The enzymes are located in need to grow and divide. In all organisms except
the fluid matrix of cytoplasm. bacteria the TCA cycle is carried out in the matrix of
7. (d) During glycolysis, dehydration occurs in the intracellular structures of mitochondria.
presence of enzyme enolase and cofactor Mg2+. 19. (c) Enzymes of citric acid cycle are located in the cytosol
2-phosphoglycerate loses a molecule of water and in prokaryotes and mitochondrial matrix in
is changed into phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP). eukaryotes.
8. (b) Decarboxylation is the removal or loss of a carboxyl 20. (c) During the conversion of succinyl CoA to succinic
group from an organic compound, usually resulting acid a molecule of GTP is synthesized. This is a
in the formation of carbon dioxide. It does not involve substrate level phosphorylation. In the presence of
in glycolysis. enzyme succinyl CoA synthase, succinyl CoA is
9. (d) hydrolysized to CoA and succinate are formed. The
10. (b) In human muscle cell lactic acid fermentation occurs energy liberated during the process is used in
where pyruvic acid produced in glycolysis is reduced synthesis of ATP in plants, and GTP in animals.
by NADH2 to form lactic acid without producing 21. (a)
carbon dioxide. In fermentation process less energy 22. (d) Oxaloacetic acid is the acceptor of acetyl coA in
is released.
Krebs’ cycle.
23. (a) Krebs’ cycle does not consume any ATP molecules.
It generates 2ATP/2GTP molecules thr ough
substrate level phosphorylation.
24. (a) Electron transport chain is a series of coenzymes electronegative compound to the more
and cytochromes that takes part in the passage of electropositive O2. On the basis of redox potential
electrons from a chemical to its ultimate acceptor. It cytochrome acceptor order is cyt b c a a3.
takes place on the cristae of mitochondria found on 33. (c) Krebs cycle (also called as tricarboxylic acid cycle,
the inner surface of the membrane of mitochondria. TCA) is amphibolic or having both catabolic and
25. (c) In the electron transport system, the final acceptor anabolic rates, for e.g. acetyl CoA entering the cycle
of proton is oxygen. Oxygen functions as the terminal is completely broken down to form CO2 and hydrogen
acceptor of electrons and is reduced to water along showing catabolic role. In anabolic role, acetyl CoA
with the hydrogen atoms in mitochondrial matrix. It is related to synthesis and breakdown of fatty acids,
drives whole process by removing hydrogen from steroids, carotenoids, terpenes and aromatic
system. compounds.
26. (d) Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain is cyt a3. 34. (b) The ratio of the volume of CO2 liberated to the
cyt a3 posseses two copper centres. It helps in volume of oxygen absorbed per molecule during
transfer of electrons to oxygen. respiration is called Respiratory Quotient (RQ). The
27. (a) F1 head piece is a peripheral membrane protein value of RQ indicates the types of respiratory
complex of mitochondria which is the major site of substrate.
synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi.
Volume of CO2 evolved
28. (a) The F head piece is a peripheral membrane protein RQ =
1 Volume of O 2 consumed
complex of mitochondria.
29. (d) Oxidation of molecule of NADH gives rise to 3 102
RQ = = 0.7
molecules of ATP, while that of one molecule of 145
FADH2 produces 2 molecules of ATP.
35. (c) The ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide evolved to
Therefore 2 NADH2 = 6 ATP molecules that of oxygen consumed by an organism, tissue, or
3 FADH2 = 6 ATP molecules cell in a given time is called respiratory quotients.
Total = 12 ATP molecules 36. (d)
37. (d) Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm, is a common phase
30. (a) The electron transport chain is a process in which
of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. It is a partial
the NADH and FADH2 produced during glycolysis,
breakdown of glucose molecule into two molecules
b-oxidation, and other catabolic processes are
of pyruvic acid.
oxidized with a release of energy in the form of ATP.
The main purpose of electron transport chain is to 38. (d) Krebs’ cycle is the process by which living cells
cycle NADH + H+ back to NAD+. break down organic molecules in the presence of
31. (d) The enzyme responsible for oxidative oxygen to produce the energy they need to grow
phosphorylation is ATP synthase. ATP synthase is and divide. It cycle involves decarboxylation steps.
located in the F1 component of F0 – F1 or elementary 39. (d) Cellular respiration is the mechanism of breakdown
particles. ATP synthase becomes active in ATP of food materials within the cell to release energy
formation only where there is a proton gradient and the trapping of this energy for synthesis of ATP.
having higher concentration of H+ or protons on the In cellular respiration, NADH is oxidised to NAD+.
F0 side as compared to F1 side. Increased proton 40. (c) ETS (Electron transport system or chain) is a series
concentration is produced in the outer chamber of of coenzymes and coenzymes that takes part in the
outer surface of inner mitochondrial membrane by passage of electrons from a chemical to its ultimate
pushing of protons with the help of energy liberated acceptor. ETS is present in the inner mitochondrial
by passage of electrons from one carrier to another. membrane, oxidation of one molecule of NADH gives
32. (b) The correct sequence of electron acceptor in ATP rise to 3 molecules of ATP, while that of one molecule
synthesis is cyt b c a a3. These are arranged in order of FADH2 produces 2 molecules of ATP. In
of their increasing redox potential and electron flow respiration, energy of oxidation - reduction is utilized
through the chain in step wise manner from the more for the production of proton gradient.
41. (c) Fermentation represents anaerobic mode of 51. (b) Electron transport system is a series of co-enzymes
respiration. In fermentation the incomplete oxidation and cytochromes that takes part in the passage of
of glucose is achieved by sets of reactions where electrons from a chemical to its ultimate receptor.
The mitochondrial matrix contains all the soluble
pyruvic acid is converted to CO2 and ethanol.
enzymes of the citric acid or Kreb's cycle and those
42. (a) Pyruvate, is formed by the glycolytic catabolism of involved in the oxidation of fatty acids.
carbohydrates in the cytosol, after that it enters 52. (d) Electron transport takes place on the cristae of
mitochondrial matrix and undergoes oxidative mitochondria found on the inner surface of the
decarboxylation by a complex set of reactions membrane of mitochondria. Conversion of pyruvic
catalyzed by pyruvic dehydrogenase. acid into CO2 and ethanol is called fermentation.
43. (c) 44. (d) Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm, is a common phase
45. (c) The complete oxidation of pyruvate by the stepwise of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. It is a partial
removal of all the hydrogen atoms, leaving three breakdown of glucose molecule into two molecules
molecules of CO2. The passing on of the electrons of pyruvic acid. Krebs’ cycle is the process by which
removed as part of the hydrogen atoms to molecular living cells break down organic molecules in the
O2 with simultaneous synthesis of ATP. presence of oxygen to produce the energy they need
to grow and divide. It takes place in the mitochondrial
46. (a) Glucose undergoes partial oxidation to form two
molecules of pyruvic acid, Glucose is phosphorylated
to give rise to glucose-6-phosphate by the activity 53. (c) 54. (b)
of the enzyme hexokinase. The scheme of glycolysis 55. (c) Krebs’ cycle involves decarboxylation.
was given by Gustav Embden, Otto Meyerhof, and 56. (a) P, Q, R and S in the given major pathway of anaerobic
J. Parnas, and is often referred to as the EMP pathway. respiration are respectively NAD+, ethanol, lactic
47. (a) Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm as all necessary acid and PEP respectively.
enzymes are found in it. This process is common in 57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (b) 61. (d)
aerobic/anaerobic respiration. In this process, one
62. (c) Respiratory substrate is a organic substance that
glucose molecule is converted into two moles of can be broken down in respiration to release energy.
pyruvic acid. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are examples of
48. (c) Compensation point is that value or point in the light respiratory substrates. The most common among
intensity and atmospheric CO2 concentration when them is carbohydrates, especially glucose. Different
the rate of photosynthesis is just equivalent to the substrates have different energy values.
rate of respiration in the photosynthetic organ. So
that there is no net gaseous exchange. 63. (a) Respiration is the breakdown of C—C bonds. In
49. (b) The stomata are absent since gaseous exchange respiration, the breaking of the C—C bond of complex
takes place through diffusion in submerged plants. organic molecules through oxidation provides carbon
50. (d) Glycolysis is the process of breakdown of glucose or skeleton for the synthesis of a large number of other
similar hexose sugar into two molecules of pyruvic essential plant products, such as polysaccharide,
acid through a series of enzyme mediated reactions, proteins, fats, nuclei acids, pigments, cytochromes
releasing energy (ATP) and reducing power etc.
(NADH2). It is the first step of respiration, which 64. (c) ATP is the major source of energy for cellular
occurs inside the cytoplasm and is independent of reactions and is commonly known as the energy
O2. In glycolysis, two molecules of ATP are consumed currency of the cell. This energy is released during
during double phosphorylation of glucose to form
its conversion to ADP. Energy accumulates in ATP
fructose 1, 6 diphosphate. Four molecules of ATP are
in high energy phosphate bonds.
produced in the conversion of 1, 3-
diphosphoglycerate to 3-phospho-glycerate and 65. (d) In anaerobic respiration, oxygen is not used in the
phosphenol pyruvate to pyruvate whereas, two breakdown of respiratory substrate.
molecules of NADH2 are formed during oxidation of 66. (d) The oxygen obtained from cellular respiration
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to combines with the hydrogen obtained from the
1,3-diphosphoglycerate. Since, each NADH is
oxidation of organic molecules to form water.
equivalent to 3 ATP, so net gain in glycolysis is 8 ATP.
67. (a) Glycolysis is a partial breakdown of glucose molecule 86. (d) Chemiosmotic theory postulated by the British
into two molecules of pyruvic acid. It occurs in biochemist, Peter Mitchell (1920-22) to explain the
cytoplasm and a common phase of aerobic and formation of ATP in the mitochondrial electron
anaerobic respiration. transport chain. As electrons are transferred along
68. (b) Glucose – 6-phosphate ® 3- the electron carrier system in the inner mitochondrial
phosphoglyceraldehyde ® membrane, hydrogen ions (protons) are actively
3-phosphoglyceric acid ® phosphoenol pyruvate transported into the space between the inner and
® pyruvic acid. outer mitochondrial membranes, which thus contains
a higher concentration of protons than the matrix.
69. (a) 70. (a)
This creates an electrochemical gradient across the
71. (c) If hexokinase is blocked then glucose will not convert inner membrane, through which protons move back
into glucose-6-phosphate which result in the blockage into the matrix.
of whole glycolytic pathway.
87. (b) 88. (a) 89. (b)
72. (b) 12 kcal of energy present in one molecule of ATP &
90. (b) In succulent plants like Opuntia there is an
on oxidation of one mole of glucose into CO2 and
incomplete oxidation of the carbohydrates resulting
H2O energy released is 686 kcal. So no. of ATP which
in the formation of organic acids. CO2 is not released.
can store this energy would be = 57.1 = 57 ATPs.
2C6H12O6 + 3O2 ® 3C4H6O5 +3H2O+386kcal.
73. (a) Glycolysis is a partial breakdown of glucose molecule
into two molecules of pyruvic acid. Number of ATP CO2 0
R.Q. = = =0
formed during glycolysis is 4 ( 2 ATP for each PGA). O2 3
Net gain of ATP during glycolysis is 2 (4 – 2= 2). 91. (b)
74. (c) 75. (c) 92. (b) In glycolysis, the end product is pyruvic acid.
76. (a) Alcoholic fermentation is a process in which 93. (d)
molecules such as glucose etc are converted into
94. (d) Fermentat1ion is the process in which a substance
cellular energy and thereby produce ethanol and
breaks down into a simpler substance.
carbon dioxide as metabolic waste products. During
Microorganisms like yeast and bacteria usually play
alcoholic fermentation, NAD+ is produced when
a role in the fermentation process, creating beer, wine,
acetaldehyde is reduced to ethanol.
bread, yogurt and other foods. Glycolysis occurs in
77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (a) 80. (b) 81. (d) cytoplasm, is a common phase of aerobic and
82. (c) anaerobic respiration. It is a partial breakdown of
83. (b) ATP synthetase is a complex V of the electron glucose molecule into two molecules of pyruvic acid.
transport chain. When the electrons are shunted Krebs’ cycle is the process by which living cells
over the carriers via complex I to IV in the ETC, the break down organic molecules in the presence of
are coupled to ATP synthetase for the formation of oxygen to produce the energy they need to grow
ATP from ADP and Pi. and divide.
84. (d) 85. (c) 95. (b) 96. (c) 97. (d)
98. (b) In Krebs’ cycle, number of ATP molecules are
produced in large amount i.e. 24. Therefore it
generates large amount of energy.
99. (b) 100. (c) 101. (a) 102. (b) 103. (b)

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