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International Journal of Psychology

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To cite this article: (2012) Health, International Journal of Psychology, 47:sup1, 424-458, DOI:

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Published online: 24 Jul 2012.

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424 Health

Studies indicate that online contact with peers (i.e., relationship between intention and actual condom
Research Area: Health online forum/support group participation) is bene- use.
ficial for the psychological and physical wellbeing
Session Type: Papers of breast cancer patients (e.g., Lieberman et al.,
2003). However, to date no study dealt with the Sense of coherence and quality of life of
Type D personality and quality of life in pa- effects of important differences between patients in elderly persons living with diabetes mellitus
tients with irritable bowel syndrome this relationship. This cross-sectional study is fo- Ottilia Brown Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Uni-
Reza Bagherian Isfahan University of Medical Sci- cused on participants’ coping strategies. Studies versity, South Africa; Melody Knight; Diane Elkonin
ence, Islamic Republic of Iran; Hamid Afshar; Pey- indicate that the way patients deal with their illness In South Africa, non communicable diseases such
man Adibi affects wellbeing (e.g., Kim, et al., 2010). 184 as diabetes mellitus (DM) are responsible for 84%
The aim of this study was to determine the associ- breast cancer patients filled out a questionnaire of deaths in elderly people over the age of 60. The
ation between type D personality and HRQoL in assessing online contact with peers, coping styles World Health Organisation Quality of Life Group
patients with IBS. In a cross-sectional study, 194 (Mini-MAC, Watson et al., 1994), and wellbeing (1995) defined health as a state of complete phys-
consecutive patients with IBS referred to two refer- (depression, Irwin, Artin & Oxman, 1999; breast ical, mental, and social well-being. As a result, there
ral gastro-intestinal clinics affiliated with Isfahan cancer related concerns, Spencer et al., 1999; emo- has been a movement towards a salutogenic orien-
University of Medical Sciences were selected re- tional wellbeing, FACIT-B, Brady et al., 1997). tation with its emphasis on health promotion and
garding inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Results showed that passive coping styles were stress management for well-being. The primary
patients completed type D personality (DS-14), IBS negatively related to psychological wellbeing, and aims of this study were to explore and describe the
quality of life and the IB severity scoring (IBS-SSS) active coping styles were positively related to well- sense of coherence (SOC) and quality of life (QoL)
scales. The patients were divided into two groups being. In addition, forum participation moderated of elderly people living with DM, and to generate
with and without type D personality using DS-14. the relationship between patients’ coping style and information on the relationship between SOC and
The data was analysed using ANCOVA and multi- wellbeing. Patients who actively dealt with their QoL of these people (n = 72). An exploratory-
ple regression. The findings indicated that 40.7% of emotions and thoughts, seemed to benefit from descriptive and correlational research design was
the patients had type D personalities. The results of participation. Online writing may reinforce the ef- used. A Biographical Questionnaire, Sense of Co-
ANCOVA with controlling for the influence of fectiveness of their active coping-style. In contrast, herence Inventory (SOC-29) and WHOQOL-100
severity of IBS and treatment duration showed a patients using passive coping styles may be harmed were administered to 72 elderly individuals aged
significant difference between the two groups in by participation, active participation was negatively 60 years and above living with diabetes mellitus.
health related quality of life (F = 11.89, p < related to their wellbeing compared to passive Results from the study indicated that the average
0.01). Multiple regression analysis indicated nega- patients who were less active on an online forum. person in the current sample has a fairly strong SOC
tive affectivity (x =-0.283, p < 0.01), severity of For patients who cannot cope with their emotions and perceives themselves as having a good QoL.
symptoms (x = 0.279, p = 0.000) and duration of and thoughts, negative stories may be overwhelm- The correlational analysis revealed a significant
treatment (x =-0.189, p < 0.05) as the significant ing or confronting. A second data wave is needed to positive relationship between these two measures
predictors for HRQoL in patients with IBS. Type D confirm causality. At the moment we are collecting for the current sample. These findings support the
personality may be an important determinant of this data. Results will be integrated in the presen- need to focus on elderly diabetics’ resources and
individual differences in HRQoL among IBS tation. capacities as well as their perceptions of efficacy,
patients. Negative affectivity as one of type D esteem and autonomy in the management of their
dimensions may have an adverse effect on HRQoL DM.
in patient with IBS. Therefore, additional attention An investigation of condom use intention in a
is needed in IBS patients with type D. sample of men who have sex with men
Jaco Brink Stellenbosch University, South Africa Advantages to men attending perinatal clas-
The aim of this study is to determine the extent to ses: Clinical outcomes, the fathering role and
A qualitative exploration of the experiences which the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) is parental relationships
of adolescents during pregnancy applicable in explaining condom use intention Paul Campbell Paul Campbell Psychology, Australia;
Wilna Basson Medunsa, South Africa among a sample of student men who have sex with Dulcie Ryalls
Many adolescent girls in South Africa fall pregnant men (MSM). A sample of 50 sexually active stu- This presentation outlines the clinical and social
whilst they are neither economically nor emotionally dent MSM were recruited through convenience benefits both for early intervention and ongoing
ready to deal with parental responsibilities. The aim of sampling to take part in an online (baseline and treatment for parents in the perinatal time, after
this study was to explore and describe the experiences follow-up) survey, three months apart. Only attitude participation in 5 workshops. The workshops were
of pregnant adolescents by focusing on their thoughts and perceived group norms could significantly pre- targeted at new parents, totaling 60 participants, in
and feelings about their pregnancies and future pro- dict intention to use condoms. Attitudes regarding the second and third trimester, at several health
spects. The study followed a qualitative research condom use were found to have an inverse relation- facilities throughout North-West Tasmania. The
approach, utilising a phenomenological design. Nine ship with intention to use condoms. The results workshops focused on Perinatal Depression (early
adolescents in their second and third trimester of from the hierarchical multiple regression analyses identification, treatment, and resources, as well as
pregnancy participated. Data was analysed using the- revealed that the linear combination of the TPB depression in men); support, along with attachment,
matic analysis. Results noted that many of the experi- variables could significantly account for 68% of the fathering and the male role. They also focused on
ences narrated described fear of parental reaction to variance in intention to use condoms when the early identification of perinatal depression; support
the pregnancy, unpreparedness for the challenges of predictors were considered together. The present of the partner through treatment; the importance of
motherhood, strained family relationships after disclo- study questions the applicability of the TPB in roles; and the long-term impact of being a father on
sure of the pregnancy, uncertainty about the future, understanding and predicting intention to use con- the family dynamics; relationships; feeding and
and feelings of anger, regret and anxiety. It was doms among a sample of student MSM attending a parenting. The workshop participants undertook a
concluded that counselling and debriefing should be South African higher education institution (HEI). pre- and post-workshop assessment directed at
accessible at hospitals and clinics to provide pregnant The findings advocate for additional research to be knowledge- and skill-acquisition. Data focused on
adolescents with the support they need. undertaken on the applicability of the TPB in referral numbers was provided to the Tasmania
informing sexual health interventions that aim to Medicare Local clinical team for perinatal issues
reduce HIV transmission risk among student MSM (pre- and post-natal). Results show an increase in
Forum participation moderates the relation at South African HEI. A need to further investigate knowledge due to the programme, attitude changes
between coping-styles and wellbeing in can- the following was identified: (1) The inversely sig- to fathering, changes in the fathers’ roles, parenting,
cer patients nificant relationship between attitudes and intention and relationships, and finally, a significant increase
Anika Batenburg VU University Amsterdam, Neth- to use condoms, (2) the predictive utility of the in presentation for Post-natal Depression interven-
erlands; Enny Das perceived behavioural control construct, and (3) the tion at a clinical service in the North-West of Tas-
Health 425

mania. Six months pre- and post-workshop results (Schwarzer, 2008; Sniehotta et al., 2009). This tween age, education, income, years of survival and
show an increase from 6 (pre) to 36 (post) presenta- communication presents preliminary data on an QoL and coping effectiveness. The sample con-
tions for counselling for perinatal issues. As such, experimental project supported by the Portuguese sisted of 30 female survivors of cancer (breast &
perinatal workshop patients have a better shorter- government (ref#PTDC/SAU-SAP/110799/2009) reproductive organs) from Mumbai and Goa with a
term prognosis. Future treatment benefits as well as that aims to increase physical activity in citizens mean age=51.4 years (SD=9.376) and a post-diag-
limitations to the programme are explored. over 65 years old, patients at a health care centre nosis period from 5-30 years. Four tools were
located in Lisbon, Portugal. This is an innovative employed- an interview schedule which examined
longitudinal programme that combines IMPs with the QoL and coping strategies and rating scales
Depression and quality of life for patients coping plans, and the use of a pedometer (used as which assessed the QoL, types of coping strategies
attending diabetes specialist clinics in Barba- both behavioural measure and motivational strate- and coping effectiveness . QoL score was high (M =
dos gy). After being referred by their general practition- 420, SD = 51.44, theoretical range =120-540) over-
Michael Campbell University of the West Indies– er, patients are allocated to one of three groups: all, and in all the domains- physical, psychological,
Cave Hil, Barbados; Michael Krimholtz; JaDon pedometer alone, pedometer and IMPs, and pedom- social and spiritual. Coping strategies used to a
Knight; Carlisle Goddard; Anders Nielsen; Susanne eter, IMPs and coping plans. The patient’s progress large extent were acceptance (Mean=7.17, SD=
Petersen is assessed five times over 24 weeks. The main 1.44), active coping (Mean=6.90, SD=1.58), reli-
Anderson, Freedland, Clouse, & Lustman (2001) results are presented and discussed, with the aim gion (Mean= 6.90, SD=1.61)and positive reframing
demonstrated that the presence of diabetes doubles being to define which is the most cost-effective (Mean= 6.63, SD=1.81). Praying and distracting
the odds of developing co-morbid depression. De- intervention method that can be used in primary self were the most helpful, while getting angry and
pression increases the overall health burden (Lud- care settings in order to increase physical activity crying, the least helpful coping strategies. Coping
man et al., 2004) and likelihood of comorbidities, levels in older citizens. effectiveness score was very high (M= 89.93,
particularly cardiovascular risk factors (Katon et al., SD=9.25; theoretical range=25-100). A positive
2004) in persons with diabetes. Few Caribbean moderately high relationship was found between
publications address the relationship of depression Health literacy in Portuguese senior citizens QoL and monthly family income (Spearman’s
and diabetes. The present study recruited 132 parti- Claudia Carvalho ISPA-Instituto Universitario, Por- rank=0.633, p=0.000) and coping effectiveness and
cipants (96 % Afro-Caribbean; 61 % female) at- tugal; Vera Morais; Osvaldo Santos; Jorge Encan- education (Spearman’s rank=0.673, p=0.000). The
tending specialist diabetes clinics in Barbados, a tado study highlights the resilience of patients who are
Caribbean nation of 280,000. Participants complet- Health Literacy is the degree to which individuals cancer survivors.
ed the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, have the capacity to obtain, process and understand
Steer, & Brown, 1996) the Diabetes Quality of Life health information to make appropriate health deci-
Brief Clinical Inventory (DQOL-B; Burroughs et sions. Individuals with limited health literacy have Male survivors of cancer- quality of life, cop-
al., 2004), and the Veterans SF-36 Health Status less knowledge about their health problems, more ing strategies and coping effectiveness
Questionnaire (VSF-36; Kazis, 2000). Internal con- hospitalisations, higher health costs and poorer Nadisha Coelho IIT Bombay, India; Shobhana Sub-
sistency for each instrument was excellent (α > .84 health status than those with adequate literacy. ramanian; Nirmala Almeida
for all). Clinical data including blood pressure, lipid Awareness of patient’s literacy is a matter of im- A dearth of Indian research prompted the study
status, and glycosylated hemoglobin, weight, and portance on doctor-patient level because it may be which addressed the (QoL), coping strategies and
lifestyle factors were recorded. 25% of patients had the cae that it can be used to alert physicians to coping effectiveness of male cancer survivors and
BDI-II scores at or above 14, the recommended focus on their communication with patients with ascertained the relationship between age, education,
cutoff score for mild depressive symptoms; only limited literacy. On a health promotion level it is income, years of survival and QoL and coping
3.3 % scored above 29, the cutoff for severe de- important to tailor health information in a format effectiveness. The sample consisted of 24 male
pression. Depressive symptoms were associated that people can understand. However there are lim- survivors of cancer (head and neck, gastro-intestinal
with lower quality of life (DQOL: r = -.73, p < ited studies on health literacy in Portugal, and none and bone) with a mean age=46.7 years (SD=9.613)
.01) (VSF-36: r = -.77, p < .01), increased diastolic conducted with senior citizens. The Newest Vital and post-diagnosis period from 5 to 24 years. Four
BP (r = .37. p =.01), and increased cholesterol Sign (NVS) is a 6-item test based on the ability to tools were employed - an interview schedule which
levels (r = .41, p < .01). Quality of life measures read and apply information from a nutritional label, examined the QoL and coping strategies and 3
did not correlate with any clinical measure. This which takes approximately 5 minutes to administer. rating scales (QoL, types of coping strategies and
study suggests that clinical implications of depres- English and Spanish versions are available both coping effectiveness). Mean QoL score of the sur-
sive symptoms in Barbadian patients with diabetes with good psychometric properties, demonstrating vivors was high, overall (M=405.96, SD=41.719,
are similar to those reported previously. that NVS is a high sensitivity measure for detecting theoretical range=120-540) and in all domains -
people with limited literacy. This communication physical, psychological social and spiritual. Coping
presents preliminary data of the NVS’s Portuguese strategies used to a large extent were acceptance
Increasing physical activity in older adults: version in senior citizens. We examined health lit- (M=7.38, SD=1.279), active coping (M=7.04,
Walking by prescription in primary care set- eracy in a group of patients aged above 65 years SD=1.367), religion (M=6.92, SD=1.213) and pos-
old, from a health care center in the Lisbon area, itive reframing (M =6.75, SD=1.871). Coping ef-
Portugal. Clinical data and measures of functional fectiveness score was very high (M=91.0,
Claudia Carvalho ISPA-Instituto Universitario, Por-
well-being and health status were also collected. SD=7.489, theoretical range=25-100). A significant
Results are discussed in relation to the psychomet- positive weak relationship was found between QoL
Promoting physical activity in older adults is a cost-
ric properties of NVS for this population and its and education (r =0.427, p=0.019), QoL and
effective and sustainable public health intervention
association with the other assessed health status monthly family income (r=0.481, p=0.009), coping
that results in individual, social and economic ben-
indicators. effectiveness and monthly family income (r=0.405,
efits because it reduces and postpones age-related
disability (WHO, 2009). Nevertheless it seems to be p =0.025) and coping effectiveness and number of
hard to stay engaged in physical activity. Improving years of survival (r=0.410, p=0.024). This study
Quality of life (QoL) coping strategies and attests to the resilience of male cancer survivors.
adherence to health-related behaviours has been the
goal of a number of proposals, among them, the coping effectiveness of female adult survi-
implementation intentions model (Gollwitzer, vors of cancer
1993,1999). There is extensive literature on the Nadisha Coelho IIT Bombay, India; Shobhana Sub- The development of an inventory to assess
effectiveness of implementation intentions (IMPs) ramanian; Nirmala Almeida structural barriers to adherence to antiretro-
in health-related behaviours, however results for Today, with medical advancements, patients are viral therapy
sustained behaviours over time (such as physical surviving cancer. Paucity of Indian research Bronwyne Coetzee Stellenbosch University, South
exercise) are mixed, which has been attributed to prompted the study which examined the QoL, cop- Africa; Deon De Bruin; Ashraf Kagee
IMP’s lack of flexibility (Gollwitzer et al. 2004; ing strategies and coping effectiveness of female Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is critical
2005) as well as the need for additional strategies cancer survivors and explored the relationship be- for viral load suppression and the maintenance of
426 Health

optimal health among persons living with HIV. riential meaning of spirituality as lived experience cer at least 6 months before interview and 18 had
Despite a growing body of literature on the struc- in daily life. Three young women receiving treat- received chemotherapy. They were recruited by a
tural barriers to adherence to ART, there has been ment for anorexia/bulimia, provided narrative range of methods and asked to tell their story, with
little research aimed at measuring the salience of accounts of developing, living with, and recovering an emphasis on fertility issues, from first discovery
these barriers among persons receiving ART. The from the illness. Semi-structured interviews, audio- of symptoms to the present day. Transcripts were
aim of the study was to develop and identify the taped and transcribed, were subjected to interpreta- analysed using the thematic method developed by
underlying factor structure of two scales measuring tive phenomenological analysis. The study empha- Braun and Clarke. In many cases, women were
adherence. The two scales measured adherence to sises that for those challenged by anorexia/bulimia given inadequate information on the impact of
clinic attendance and adherence to pill-taking re- the struggle is not primarily about food. The illness treatments on their fertility. The focus was on treat-
spectively. In Phase 1 of the study we collected manifested itself as vulnerability in the human con- ing the cancer and few were given the opportunity
qualitative data from health care workers and dition, a wounded or empty self, harbouring a dis- to undergo assisted reproductive techniques before-
patients to identify the salient barriers to optimal enabling spirituality. Properties characteristic of ob- hand or to choose less toxic treatments. Many
adherence. In Phase 2, we constructed an item pool sessive, ritualistic behaviour, bordering on women were distressed and worried about their
for inclusion in the two scales with the purpose of addiction, maintained illness symptoms. The pro- future fertility. Single women had additional con-
constructing. We recruited a sample of 300 ART cess of healing emphasized the subjective or spiri- cerns about their ability to attract a partner. Few
users from a peri-urban hospital and a non-govern- tual, to better understand the ill person’s situated- women indicated that they had received emotional
ment organization in the Western Cape. Exploratory ness in such illness or addiction. This highlights the support from health professionals or counseling.
factor analysis (EFA) and second-order factor anal- importance of a holistic approach in treating an- More holistic care should include emotional support
ysis indicated good alpha reliability (0.89 and 0.87 orexia/bulimia: it is the individual, rather than the and more detailed information on fertility. Support
for the two scales respectively). Second-order factor illness itself, that should be the subject of scientific groups specifically for young women are vital to
analysis revealed that the items on each of the study. reduce the pervading sense of isolation associated
scales were dominated by a single underlying fac- with being a young woman with this disease.
tor. It is anticipated that the scales may be useful to
health care workers in identifying patients experi- Quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia:
encing barriers to ART adherence and develop psy- Groupal treatment Coping with inflammatory bowel disease
chosocial interventions to assist them in negotiating Maria Isabel Comeche UNED, Spain; Mafe Rodri- and the role of social networking sites
and overcoming these barriers. guez; Jose Ortega Neil Coulson University of Nottingham, United King-
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic syndrome charac- dom
terised by generalised pain that is a source of great This study aimed to explore the experiences of
Sexual and reproductive health services for suffering for most patients. The impact that this those patients who had joined IBD-related Face-
female street and hotel based sex workers complex and disabling syndrome has on many book groups. There were three main research ques-
operating from Johannesburg City Deep aspects of daily life increases and aggravates the tions: 1] Reasons for accessing an IBD-related
Jenny Coetzee WITS, South Africa; Brett Bowman negative effect on quality of life (QoL), a fact Facebook group, 2] advantages and disadvantages
Sex work is a crime in South Africa. With the frequently reported by the literature. Cognitive-Be- of seeking support online, and 3] how participation
prevalence and deleterious social and economic havior Therapy (CBT) constitutes one of the most has helped patients. An online survey link was
effects of HIV, sex work has often been understood successful treatments for FM. This study (long posted to a range of IBD-related Facebook groups
in relation to the transmission of the epidemic. term, randomised clinical trial) tries to analyse the which included both quantitative measures and
Inadvertently, this positioning of sex work stigma- short and long term efficacy of CBT group therapy open-ended questions. A total of 87 patients partic-
tises the sex worker who is often cast outside the on QoL in a sample of FM patients. 44 FM patients ipated in the study (73 female) aged 17 to 53 years
rights-based discourses that characterise South Afri- (100% women) were randomly assigned to one of (Mean =32.7). Based on their ratings of 15 possible
ca’s post apartheid democracy. In addressing this, two conditions: (1) Standard control group, or (2) reasons to access an IBD-related Facebook group,
this study assessed the barriers and facilitators to CBT group therapy. The outcome variable was the the most popular were: ’To find others in a similar
accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), mea- situation’ (87.7%), ’To learn new information about
services as well as the gaps in the current service sured at pre, postreatment, and follow up at 3, 6 my condition’ (70.4%), and ’To share experiences’
offerings of SRH in Johannesburg, South Africa. and 12 months. After therapy, the total score (gen- (67.9%). Qualitative thematic analysis of the open-
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 eral impact) and some items of the FIQ (anxiety, ended responses revealed a number of advantages
female sex workers. The study shows that various physical function, fatigue and morning tiredness) of support via SNS: 1) convenience, 2) connecting
structural and individual level barriers prevent ac- improved significantly. During the follow-up phys- with similar others, 3) up to date medical informa-
cess to SRH. Together these present formidable ical function remained significantly better and the tion, and 4) advice, support and understanding.
challenges to sex workers’ understanding them- other items of FIQ returned to pretreatment values These were considered helpful in coping with IBD
selves within a human rights discourse. This is of or worsened. This result suggests that CBT group and for some, their online activities appeared to
particular importance to rethinking legislation crim- therapy is effective in improving clinical manifesta- contribute to a more positive adaptation to IBD and
inalising sex work, as well as healthcare initiatives tions in FM patients but not for long periods of symptom management. The present results suggest
geared both towards sex workers and women in time. This result points out the need to continue there may potentially be clinical benefits attached to
general. monitoring of these patient’s processes in order to the use of SNS, however there is an urgent need to
remember the content of the CBT program and undertake more methodologically robust research
maintain the improvements. which considers how and why participation in so-
Engaging the body-self relationship in heal- cial networking sites for IBD may be beneficial.
ing anorexia/bulimia: A qualitative study
Joan Elizabeth Collett University of South Africa, Fertility and partnership issues in young
South Africa childless women with breast cancer Putting the social back into bio-psychosocial
Treatment strategies for anorexia/bulimia often seek Roslyn Corney University of Greenwich, United King- models of pain
bodily repair and overlook the critical dimension of dom; Jane Swinglehurst Kenneth Craig University of British Columbia, Cana-
the embodiment of the condition in the life of the With many women delaying the birth of their first da
patient. By placing emphasis on the renewal of the child, a proportion of young women diagnosed with Severe, uncontrolled acute pain, pain related to
relationship between body and self, the study aimed breast cancer will be childless. Fertility can be terminal illness, and chronic pain are serious global
at achieving healing by examining the condition impaired by treatment and women may have to wait public health challenges. These have destructive
from the patient’s perspective. The study employed for a number of years before pregnancy is advised. psychological, physiological, social and economic
phenomenology as the overarching epistemological In this qualitative study, 20 young childless women consequences. Most inadequately controlled pain
framework, using a qualitative research design and and 5 partners were interviewed. The women had can be characterized as needless, as a broad range
social constructionist approach to explore the expe- all received a diagnosis of first episode breast can- of empirically-supported interventions are avail-
Health 427

able, but not delivered. The widely endorsed biop- A comparison of dysfunctional beliefs, per- Toolkit developed by the WICHE Mental Health
sychosocial model of pain provides a conceptual sonality traits and history of serious illness Programme.
basis for delivering pain control, but there has been between teachers with and without health
narrow emphasis upon biomedical parameters, to
the neglect of fundamental psychological processes, Using humour to manage stressful situations
Iran Davoudi Shahid Chamran University, Islamic
and a focus upon intrapersonal features neglects the Lucia Dimeo University of the Virgin Islands, Virgin
Republic of Iran; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honar-
social transactions so important to understanding Islands, United States of America
mand; Farideh Nargesi
human pain. The social contexts of people’s lives, Daily struggles and unexpected situations can esca-
The aim of the present study was the comparison of
past and present, are powerful determinants of pain, late stress to dangerous levels adversely affecting an
dysfunctional beliefs, personality traits, and history of
as they are responsible for exposure, perception, individual’s emotional, cognitive, and physical
serious illness between teachers with and without
expression, and access to care. Conversely, they functioning. Humour has been found to de-escalate
health anxiety in Andimeshk, Iran. The sample con-
represent challenges to successful pain assessment stress and provide a safe respite from overwhelming
sisted of 60 participants with health anxiety and 59
(failure to recognize, inadequate assessment and the events. Its mind/body benefits can literally lighten
participants without health anxiety. The variables
serious problem of pain underestimation) and to the mood, the spirit, and the body, allowing for
were evaluated in two groups by the Health Anxiety
failures in pain management (ignoring, inappropri- better coping strategies, as well as increased energy,
Inventory (HAI), Cognitions About Body and Health
ate and unsuccessful treatment). Shifting attention motivation, and camaraderie. A review of the liter-
(CABAH), NEO­-FFI and researcher developed In-
to social determinants of pain has the potential to ature provides support for the therapeutic use of
ventory of history of serious illness. The MANOVA
reduce needless pain by generating access to novel humour to manage stress. This presentation exam-
showed there is difference (p<0.001, F=20/564) be-
prevention and pain management strategies capital- ines the impact of stress on physical and psycho-
tween groups. Differences between two groups were
izing upon both biomedical and psychosocial fea- logical well-being, and how humour can serve as a
significant, in CABAH and beliefs relevant to cata-
tures. The social communication model of pain protective factor in mediating stress. It explores
strophising interpretation of bodily complaints, auto-
provides a fine-grained focus upon the dynamic published research on humour and stress, and dis-
nomic sensations, bodily weakness, intolerance of
interaction between people in pain and those able cusses the use of humour to enhance overall mind/
bodily complaints, and health habits, also neuroti-
to provide care. Ancient origins of sensitivity to the body wellness and resiliency during stressful situa-
cism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
pain experience of others can be observed in reac- tions integrating a mindfulness framework.
and history of serious illness. The scores of Catastro-
tions that are self-oriented (concern about personal
phizsng Interpretation of Bodily Complaints, Auto-
safety) and other-oriented, as reflected in the capac-
nomic Sensations, Bodily Weakness, Intolerance of
ity for altruistic action and the complex institutions Health climate predicts affective commit-
Bodily Complaints, Health Habits, Neuroticism and
constructed to foster human health. The social com- ment in the context of workplace health
History of serious illness scales of participants with
munication model contributes to our understanding promotion
health anxiety were significantly higher, whereas
of: (a) prevention of pain through social control, (b) Anna Ernsting Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany;
their scores of Extraversion, Agreeableness and Con-
widespread myths that represent barriers to success- Ralf Schwarzer; Aimee Ferreira; Sonia Lippke; Mi-
scientiousness scales were lower. The two groups
ful pain control, (c) how people learn to experience chael Schneider
were not different on openness scales.
and express pain, (d) the role of familial and cul- Health climate reflects a specific aspect of organisa-
tural backgrounds, (e) ubiquitous challenges to the tional climate referring to employees’ shared per-
credibility of people presenting with pain, (f) how Suicide prevention in rural primary care ception of organisational health-related priorities
others appraise the pain of others, whether automat- Tamara Dehay WICHE Mental Health Program, and practices. Inspired by the job demands-
ically with empathy or through controlled reflec- United States of America; Mimi McFaul resources model, we examined whether health cli-
tion, and (g) decisions to deliver care (or, too often, In the United States, suicide rates in rural counties mate may operate as a beneficial job resource,
ignoring of the person’s plight, or indeed acting are higher across demographic groups than in urban supporting employees’ affective commitment to an
malevolently). Consideration of social antecedents areas. This pattern holds true for many other organisation. Associations with long-established
and contextual determinants of prognostically poor countries as well. Due to cultural and workforce workplace health promotion programmes and the
psychological features of pain (e.g., hypervigilance, factors in rural areas, Primary Care Providers (PCPs) two concepts were explored. A sample of 851
catastrophizing, fear avoidance) contributes to nov- are frequently the sole providers for many patients longer term employees of a German company par-
el interventions. Understanding the process where- with mental health concerns. Research has shown ticipated at two measurement points in time, five
by people perceive pain in others is central to that, in the U.S., approximately 66% of individuals months apart. RM-ANOVA, cross-lagged panel cor-
advancing pain control. Dual neuroregulatory pro- who complete suicide have visited their primary relations and mediation analyses were conducted to
cesses can be recognized in both automatic (e.g., care physician within one month of their death. investigate the longitudinal relationship between
facial grimaces, crying) and controlled (e.g., self- Primary care providers in rural areas are thus health climate and affective commitment, and the
reporting, medication use) pain expression. These uniquely positioned to conduct focussed suicide associations with workplace health promotion pro-
dual processes also are evident in observer prevention practices. The Western Interstate Com- grammes, controlling for age and gender. Prelimi-
responses. Social neuroscience approaches to em- mission for Higher Education (WICHE) Mental nary RM-ANOVA revealed health climate and af-
pathy for pain in others have focused upon auto- Health Programme, in collaboration with the Sui- fective commitment as rather stable and general
matic reactions to reflexive pain expression, but cide Prevention Resource Centre (SPRC), has de- reactions to the organisation (p>.05). Cross-lagged
controlled expression (self-reporting in particular) veloped a Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Rural Pri- panel analysis showed that both concepts were
is more commonly used to assess pain, thereby mary Care to assist rural PCPs in effectively cross-sectionally and longitudinally correlated
requiring a socio-behavioral analysis of pain com- identifying and intervening with suicidal patients. (p.05). Those who perceived their company as car-
munication. People with communication limitations The purpose of the Toolkit is to bring the best ing about their well-being, showed higher levels of
(infants and young children, people with cognitive practices in suicide prevention to rural primary care affective commitment five months later. The results
impairment, including the elderly with dementias) and to offer physicians, patients, and rural commu- support the idea that health climate operates as a
are amongst those particularly vulnerable to being nities the tools and support they need. This presen- beneficial job resource, supporting employees’ af-
misunderstood or neglected, given the challenges tation will include an educational overview of sui- fective commitment. Organisations should create
most people confront in obtaining adequate pain cide prevention in Primary Care, including and cultivate a healthy work environment.
control. The right to pain control is recognized as epidemiology, prevalence, warning signs, risk and
a human right. The intrinsic dignity of all persons protective factors, suicide assessment, and crisis
demands the right of access to pain management intervention. The Suicide Prevention Toolkit will Psychological well-being and mental distress
without discrimination. Governments and health be introduced and data from its pilot testing in the in a city in Ecuador
care institutions are obliged to establish laws, pol- U.S. will be presented. It is expected that partici- Jose Luis Gonzalez-Castro University of Burgos,
icies, and systems that will promote and not inhibit pants will learn about effective assessment, identifi- Spain; Carrera Darwin
the access of people in pain to fully adequate pain cation, and intervention for suicidality through the Mental distress is a pervasive feature in most
management. innovative and comprehensive suicide prevention modern societies. It affects not only the individual
428 Health

but the whole social fabric of a community, and Psychosomatics today: A review of contem- turn predicted better metabolic control and mental
constitutes a factor which may disrupt social rela- porary theory and practice health. The study has significance because both
tionships. Many psychological, social and political Karen Gubb University of the Witwatersrand, South diabetes self-efficacy and propensity toward risky
factors may influence the appearance of this dis- Africa behaviour are potential targets for educational and
tress. In this study we will focus on the impact of Recently there has been a dramatic increase in the counselling interventions.
demographical variables (age, sex, income), life number of psychoanalytic publications on psycho-
expectations, health indexes (times hospitalized, somatic illness. This paper is a critical conceptual
medical treatments, Body Mass Index), and psy- review of the topic of psychosomatic illness using Mental health status of Chinese: A progress
chological well-being (Ryff, 1989). The sample the material contained in a number of these recent report
consisted of 401 participants from Ambato, a mid- publications as a basis, but also drawing on other Buxin Han Institute of Psychology, CAS, China
dle sized city in Ecuador. The dependent variable, work by the key authors. The paper proposes that The mental health status of the Chinese was outlined
mental distress, was measured using the GHQ-12 currently there appear to be two schools of thought by reviewing related studies over the last 30 years.
(Goldberg, 1978). Analyses conducted include around the origin, development and treatment of The review indicated the following: (1) There were
crosstabs, t-tests, correlations and logistic regres- psychosomatic symptoms. The first of these is the two definitions of ’mental health’, with one based on
sion using GHQ-12 cut off points to include case- well established “Paris School of Psychosomatics”. mentally-ill patients and another one based on nor-
ness and non caseness. Results show that there are The second approach does not formally exist, but mal people in China. (2) The classic measures, such
important gender differences (more distress in since there are a number of authors who approach as SCL-90, SDS, SAS, were often inappropriately
women), and that maintaining stable social rela- the theorization and treatment of psychosomatic used as index of mental health, with implicit mis-
tionships, being independent and self-regulating symptoms in a similar way, it is proposed that what matching of negative emotion with mental health. (3)
one’s behaviour leads to less mental distress. is called in this paper the “Attachment approach”, is The samples in most of the related studies were either
Results will be discussed on the basis of how an important and interesting way of understanding too small, or focussed only on urban inhabitants. (4)
social and educational interventions should take such symptoms. The paper will compare and con- A recent nationwide investigation, with over 15 000
into account gender differences, and how fostering trast the two approaches with respect to their un- individuals involved, indicated that 15-18% had ex-
social relationships may decrease the possibility of derlying theories, treatment approaches and concep- cellent mental health, 65-70% had good mental sta-
suffering from mental problems which will have tualization of the mind-body problem, with tus, 11-15% had some signs of negative mental
positive consequences not only for the individual particular attention paid to how this is related to health, and 2-3% participants showed poor mental
but for society at large. mentalization. The understanding of how problems status. (5) The mental health status of some specific
in mentalization may be linked to psychosomatic samples, such as children in the countryside left
illness, it is argued, can be conceptualized as the behind because their parents were working in urban
Experiences of palliative caregiving in a com- ‘speechless mind’ from the perspective of the Paris areas, the aged population, survivors of natural dis-
munity setting School and as the ‘speaking body’ by the Attach- asters, governmental officers, and religious believ-
Tanya Graham University of the Witwatersrand, ment Approach. The paper concludes by engaging ers, were also investigated and reviewed. Both pos-
South Africa; Sarah Uren University of the Witwa- with these two conceptualizations and suggests that itive and negative indexes of mental health status
tersrand, South Africa in order for an individual to achieve both psycho- were significantly higher than normal control for
Despite the importance of community-based palli- logical and physical health, the work of sensation some populations. For example, SCL-90 scores of
ative care in South Africa, there is little research on must be located primarily in the logic and function school students increased during the past 30 years. It
the experiences of formal caregivers in low-income of the body, while the work of making sense of was concluded that the mental health status of the
settings, and the contextual and emotional chal- these sensations and interpreting them must be Chinese - a key component of a harmonious society –
lenges they encounter in providing caregiving ser- located in the mind. was a result of the recent economic development in
vices. This study investigated the subjective experi- China. However, more culturally-sensitive measures
ences of palliative caregiving among 11 formal need to be developed based on a clearer definition of
caregivers within a community setting in Gauteng. Predictors of self care and mental health mental health.
In depth interviews were conducted with partici- outcomes among youths with type 1 diabe-
pants that explored the perceived role of the care- tes in Victoria, Australia
giver; the emotional experience of caregiving; per- Naomi Hackworth Parenting Research Centre, Aus- Cognitive dysfunction and burnout syn-
sonal and social factors influencing the caregiving tralia; Zvezdana Bucalo; Susan Moore; Victoria drome among nurses: The effects of long
experience; motivation for caregiving; support Hamilton; Elisabeth Northam; Fergus Cameron term rotating shift work
mechanisms and the perceived effectiveness of cop- Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is aserious chronic illness, Hajar Hasani Ardakani Islamic Azad University, Is-
ing strategies employed. The data were considered which requires a strict daily regimen of medication lamic Republic of Iran; Ghasem Naziry Islamic Azad
from an interpretive phenomenological perspective and monitoring to avoid short and long term health University, Islamic Republic of Iran
and content analysed into themes that converged complications. Adolescents with T1D face consid- The present study was carried out to assess the
around the contextual influences on caregiving erable physical and psychological demands at a impact of long term shift rotation, especially night
experiences. The data was considered from an in- time when they are also negotiating major develop- shifts, on cognitive dysfunction, and on the emer-
terpretative phenomenological perspective. The mental changes and the transition to independent gence of burnout syndrom in nurses. In a cross-
themes provided insight into how caregivers con- self-management. Research suggests that this sectional study, a convenience sample of Iranian
struct their role as a formal caregiver, in comparison places them at heightened risk of mental health nurses working at Shiraz hospitals (n=100) were
to the informal caregiver, and in relation to the problems. While the link between self care (adher- evaluated using the Stroop Test, Wecksler memory
community they serve, and highlighted their per- ence) behaviours and metabolic control in T1D is test and Maslach Burnout inventory. Cognitive
ceptions of the importance of knowledge within well-documented, the specific predictors of self care functions (reaction time and memory performance)
caregiving. The themes also provided an under- and the link between diabetes management and in rotating shift work nurses, especially those who
standing of the coping mechanisms and the contex- mental health outcomes are less well understood. were assessed in the morning after night shifts, were
tual factors that interrelate with a caregiver’s ability This paper reports findings of a questionnaire study significantly lower than those who worked in fixed
to manage the difficulties within caregiving and conducted with rural and urban-dwelling youths and daily shifts. In addition, the burnout inventory
their emotional reactions. These findings illustrated with T1D (aged 13 – 25) in Victoria, Australia score was positivly related to years and hours of
that community-based caregiving, although subject which aimed to explore the psychosocial predictors work, and there was a difference between daily and
to significantly more stressors, also has significant of self-care, negative affect, and metabolic control. night shift nurses. The findings indicate that night
positive aspects that could be fostered to operate as While no rural/urban differences were detected on shifts have an effect on the quality of work of
protective mechanisms. The findings also suggest any outcomes, structural equation modelling nurses and their well-being. These results empha-
that contextual factors are an integral and neglected revealed that high diabetes self-efficacy, lower en- sise the need to design proper nursing manager
component of understanding the experience of care- gagement in risky behaviour and more conservative interventions that help nurses to improve nursing
giving. risk attitudes predicted better self-care, which in care quality.
Health 429

An exploratory study into the experiences of sity staffs’ physical level and subjective satisfac- comprise the Physical Components Summary
caregivers of children with cerebral palsy tion. The procedure was divided into three part: (1) (PCS) and Mental Component Summary (MCS)
Rayhanah Hassim University of the Witwatersrand, Using questionnaires to get the 99 university staffs’ of end ESRD patients. It was a cross sectional study
South Africa life and work subjective satisfaction, (2) getting which utilized Short Form-36 (SF-36), and Revised
The birth of a child can fundamentally change the their physical level in their medical check-up index Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) conducted
dynamics in many families, more so if the child has with their permission;, after 2 years, (3) adopting to 183 Haemodialysis (HD) and 93 Continuous
a disability. This also has particular influences on the same method to get 68 subjects’ results. By the Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) patients.
the caregiver. This qualitative study explored the hierarchical regression method to analysis data, the PCS and MCS had significant differences on the
experiences of ten primary caregivers with regard to results indicated: (1) The challenge stressor was type of dialysis. There were significant correlations
parenting a biological child diagnosed with cerebral positively related to the work satisfaction, however, between almost all components of illness percep-
palsy using semi-structured interviews. The data the hindrance stressor was negatively related to the tion with HRQoL. Significant predictors of PCS on
followed a thematic framework which highlighted subjective satisfaction (life and the work), (2) there HD patients were time line, consequences, cyclical
aspects such as the emotions involved in being a were no significant relationship between the chal- and identity, whereas on CAPD they were time line,
caregiver, the challenges faced, support structures, lenge stressor-hindrance stressor and negative emo- illness coherence, emotional, cyclical and identity.
as well as the impact that caring for a child with CP tion (depression and anxiety), also no significantly Significant predictors of MCS on HD patients in-
has on the caregivers’ health, well being and rela- relation between the same-time physical level, (3) cluded time line, cyclical and identity. However
tionships. This was then analysed in an interpretive the change of challenge stressor was significantly only time line was a significant predictor of MCS
phenomenological manner. From the results, it was related to the change of blood pressure and BMI on CAPD patients. These findings should be con-
evident that caregivers experienced both negative between two years, (4) gender and position had an sidered when developing intervention programs to
and positive aspects associated with parenting a influence on the relationship between the challenge improve HRQoL of ESRD patients.
child with CP. These experiences are discussed in stressor and physical level.
relation to findings from other studies. The need for
intervention programmes for this group of people Influence of gender and self-esteem on psy-
will be highlighted. Deploying knowledge in healthcare process chological wellbeing among diabetes outpa-
modelling tients in Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Biqing Huang Tsinghua University, China; Peng Zhu Femi Ilevbare Obafemi Awolowo University,Ife, Ni-
Enhancing self-management of depression In the age of rapidly developing economies and geria; Nifemi Adamolekun; Oluwatosin Ilevbare
risk through the integration of mindfulness aging societies, customized healthcare is becoming The study examined the influence of gender and self
practice and personal music usage a common trend. Preventive, tailored and long-term esteem on the psychological well being in diabetes
Christine Hsieh MIT, United States of America care has never been more necessary than it is now, outpatients in Ile-ife, Osun State, Nigeria. A de-
Relapse rates for clinical depression can be as high as thus various healthcare knowledge is critical for scriptive research was adopted for the study. A total
50% two years post-treatment. Mindfulness and mu- constructing an efficient and rapid-responding care number of 100 diabetes outpatients from Obafemi
sic therapies have been deployed in various clinical process. We analyze and categorize care knowledge Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex,
settings, yet neither examines the possibilities of as four types: medical knowledge; organizational or Ile-Ife were drawn as participants through purpo-
teaching personal music usage in a psychologically regional specific knowledge; health promotion and sive sampling. A questionnaire method was used
powerful way that incorporates the personality and illness prevention (HPIP) knowledge; and custom- for the collection of data. Three hypotheses were
lifestyle of the individual. Individual and social er-specific knowledge. These four kinds of knowl- generated and were subsequently tested using the
factors have increasingly been seen to play a substan- edge can be used and deployed during the care appropriate statistical tests. Hypotheses formulated
tial role in the success of long term health care, process modelling, following six sequential steps. were tested at the 0.05 level of significance. The
especially when patient self management is crucial. Texted and unstructured medical knowledge is results indicated that there were no significant gen-
There exists few scientifically supported, self-prac- structured to Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs); der differences on psychological well being among
ticed therapies that take this into account. The pur- CPGs become Care Guidelines (CGs) by adding diabetes outpatients (t=-1.440, p> 0.05). There were
pose of this study was to combine music usage with HPIP knowledge according to target population no significant and joint predictions of personal
mindfulness to test whether this bolsters the adher- needs; CGs are translated into Computer-Interpret- characteristics such as age, educational attainment,
ence and efficacy of a music protocol designed to able Care Guidelines (CICGs) by using the Petri marital status and religion on the psychological well
improve well being in healthy subjects. We imple- Nets model; CICGs are tailored by adding organi- being of diabetes outpatients. However there was a
mented a six week, six session study with daily 30- zational or regional specific knowledge for health- significant influence of self-esteem on psycholog-
minute home practices, using three kinds of audio, in care localizations and then form Organization-Spe- ical wellbeing among the diabetes out- patients (t=-
randomised two week blocks, for 24 subjects. Ru- cial Careflows (OSCs); OSCs become Customer- 2.449, p> 0.05). Based on the outcome of the results
mination decreased significantly from pre- to post- Centered Care Plans (CCCPs) by adding customer obtained, conclusions were drawn and the applied
study, and average in-session mood increased signif- specific knowledge; the Actual Careflows (ACs) are implications for this study are discussed.
icantly across all subjects. Practice reactions and deviated from the CCCP plans since the running
minutes completed, revealed a favourable response; instance of the CCCPs might be frequently modi-
nearly all indicated that the practice was worth doing fied. We developed a health careflow system, in Influencing factor on self-esteem of obese
each day they completed it. The decrease in rumi- which knowledge is managed and deployed by adolescents: Perception of obesity rather
nation is key because it is a symptom and predictor means of structure, translation, extraction, refine- than obesity itself
for depressive episodes. From this evidence it is ment, and improvement on texts, guidelines, treat- Can Jiao Shenzhen University, China; Minqiang
promising to explore interventions of this type further, ments, and so forth. Zhang; Jieting Zhang Shenzhen University, China;
as it has shown a favourable outcome and, moreover, Guobin Liao
is a first step towards better psychologically informed Obesity for adolescents has become a global health
self-practices for therapeutic use. Perception of illness as a predictor of health- issue. The most obvious manifestation of the
related quality of life in patients with end changes about obesity is in appearance, and wheth-
stage renal disease er the changes affect their self-esteem is worthy of
The influence of challenge stressor-hin- Norhayati Ibrahim University Kebangsaan Malay- study. 362 adolescents, including 50% obese and
drance stressor on university staffs’ physical sia, Malaysia; Asmawati Desa; Norella Chiew- 50% non-obese, are surveyed by Rosenberg Self-
reaction and subjective satisfaction Thong Esteem Scale, then the data are analyzed by Mplus.
Ping Hu Psychology Department, China; Zhang End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is raising global The result includes: (1) Confirmatory Factor Anal-
Qiang pandemics and is known to cause psychological ysis(CFA) showed that the self-esteem scale for
This study aimed to investigate the influence of dysfunction. However, it is not well studied. This obese young people includes seven items, the scale
challenge stressor-Hindrance stressor on the univer- study examined the influence of illness perception reliability is .734; (2) Multiple Indicators and Mul-
of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) which tiple Causes(MIMIC) model that self-esteem as a
430 Health

latent variable, perception of obesity and obesity 16 years) together with one or both of their par- Bodies (OBR). We administered self-report sur-
itself as covariates demonstrates that the model ents. Data was collected through semi-structured veys to young females living in University resi-
accurately fits the data(chi square=47.291,p=.006; interviews and self-report measures. Participants’ dences. Only 91 of the 299 participants who an-
RMSEA=.048;CFI=.933;TLI=.909;SRMR=0.041 ), narratives revealed that their perceptions of the swered the questions regarding SRB indicated that
and obesity itself has no significant statistical effect illness, communication patterns, psychosocial en- they had had sex. Chi-squared analyses indicated a
on self-esteem (gamma11=.034,p=.647), while per- gagement, educational needs and their experience significant relationship between family SE and ISR
ception of obesity has a significant positive effect of grief were grounded in culture, collectivism and (p<.05) and all other domains of SE and ISR
on self-esteem (gamma21=.197,p=.003). spirituality. These findings provide a rationale for (p<.01). Similarly all domains of SE and OBR were
a biopsychosocial model of health which is non significantly associated (p<.01). None of the
prescriptive, culturally sensitive and equally acces- domains of SE were associated with SRB, while
Learning styles in patient’s activation of sible to all strata of society. ISR and OBR were both associated with SRB
health and mental health care among Lati- (p<.05). Interventions aimed at reducing SRB in
nos. Does gender matter? young women have to take cognisance of the effect
Aida Jimenez Carlos Albizu University, Puerto Rico; Physical and mental ailments in terms of that their inauthenticity in relationships and objec-
Dharma Cortes Ayurveda tified relationships with their bodies have on sexual
The purpose of this study was to explore if women Shyam Lata Juyal Gurukul Kangri University, India; risk behaviour as simply focusing on self-esteem
and men learn and become activated to ask ques- Shiwangi Sharma may not lead to significant outcomes for these
tions about their mental health care providers and to Modern medicine is recognising that we must interventions.
make decisions about their mental health care using consider the nature of the individual in health and
similar processes of learning styles or way of know- disease. It is not enough to give the same treat-
ing. This study is part of the DECIDE Project, a ment to everyone suffering from the same disease. Health performance of individuals within the
study that evaluates an intervention that teaches In the last few years interest in alternative therapy, Campbell paradigm
patients a set of skills intended to facilitate active especially Ayurveda has very much increased, not Florian Kaiser Otto-von-Guericke University, Ger-
participation in their care. Sixty Latino males and only in India but also all over the world. Limita- many; Katarzyna Byrka
females, age- and site-matched, were recruited for tions of effective treatment in chronic and psycho- In this paper, we developed a new measure that
the present study. The answers to two open-ended somatic disorders and the undue side effects of links individual health attitude with the likelihood
were analysed by three independent blind coders modern medicines are the major reasons that have of engaging in a wide variety of health-related
who coded them as connected or separated way of caused this changing attitude. Modern medicine behaviors. Within what Kaiser, Byrka, and Hartig
knowing. Results suggest that women and men treats the ’symptoms’ or causes revealed by inves- (2010) call the Campbell paradigm, we equated
express confidence to ask questions and to make tigations, where as the Ayurvedic Medicine treats health attitude with what a person does to retain
decisions through different processes. When gain- the patient as a whole with a psychosomatic or promote his or her health. A sample of 391 adults
ing confidence to ask questions both females and approach. Therefore, ’Ayurveda’, the science that provided us with survey data of different sets of
males relied more on connected manners, but has been neglected for many years, is going to health behaviors, health- and health-behavior-rele-
females relied more on separate ways such as for- regain its old glory of ancient times. Many scien- vant variables, and three personality measures. We
mulating questions before the appointments, and tists and researchers all over the world have found that self-reports of 50 behaviors and of
learning ways to make questions. Men placed more started to take interest in understanding this sci- expressions of appreciation for 20 of these beha-
emphasis on female traits of relatedness with their ence. International organizations such as the WHO viors - from various domains, such as sustenance,
provider in order to feel confident to ask questions. and UNESCO have increased their faith in alter- hygiene, and physical exercise - form a transitively
Women used a connected manner as part of their native therapies like Ayurveda. Ayurveda believes ordered class of activities. Our findings have theo-
activation process in making decisions, while men that life is a continuous and constant union of retical implications as they challenge the conven-
engaged in equal styles. Findings from this study Body, Senses, Mind and Soul. According to Ayur- tional view of health attitude as a psychological
point to the importance of including providers in the veda physical and mental health are interdepen- cause behind individual behavior.
training of the DECIDE program in order to further dent. Ayurvedic theory of health is based on
facilitate and promote patients’ activation in their tridosha - vata, pitta and kapha and the balance
health and mental health care. of tridosha creates health. Through this paper I Selected psychological and social influences
tried to throw light on the principles of Ayurveda, on health in different European and African
that a combination of physical, mental and emo- countries
Childhood cancer narratives: Transactional tional characteristics determine an individual’s Vladimir Kebza National Institute of Public Health,
patterns of coping constitution. Czech Republic; Miloslav Kodl; Vera Kernova; Iva
Vinitha Jithoo University of Witwatersrand, South Solcova
Africa The basic data concerning social influences on
The psychological and social factors relating to Adolescent femininity ideology and self-es- health in Czech districts (2002, 2005, 2007) are
childhood cancer have been documented in a num- teem as predictors of sexual risk behaviour in compared with available data from 18 European
ber of studies conducted mainly in Europe and late adolescence countries. Czech national statistical data on sick
America and based predominantly on research in Zuhayr Kafaar Stellenbosch University, South Africa; leave, unemployment, income, the Gini coefficient,
Western cultural contexts. A paucity of informa- Sherine Van Wyk; Raghshanda Mohammed and their psychological reflection in respective dis-
tion exists with regard to developing societies such Young South African women are excessively at risk tricts of the Czech Republic are compared with the
as those in Africa, generally, and South Africa in for HIV infection. Extensive research has been above mentioned European and African data. In-
particular. Much research into childhood cancer conducted on the sexual risk behaviour (SRB) of come, unemployment and sick leave varies in dif-
has been conducted primarily within the discourse South African adolescents in response to the HIV ferent districts of the Czech Republic: The poorer
of psychopathology. Within this paradigm children pandemic and the subsequent need to understand Czech districts report a higher morbidity and higher
tend to be characterised as victims of psycholog- SRB in order to design focussed interventions. The unemployment rate. This Czech finding differs from
ically and physically malign processes, while their current study aimed to determine which of six other European as well as African countries’ find-
parents’ adaptation to the illness is characterised as domains of self-esteem (SE) or two domains of ings. European countries with lower level of Gini
‘maladjustment’. This study sought to understand adolescent femininity ideology best predicted SRB. coefficient (Sweden, Norway, Austria) show a low-
the psychological implications of the diagnosis We used Du Bois’ self-esteem scale which measures er average level of unemployment, and a higher
and treatment trajectory of childhood cancer in SE in six domains (global, peer, body, family, average level of income, which is different from
lower socioeconomic families and to illuminate school and sports) and Tolman and Porche’s Ado- some African countries. Some indicators of health
the processes which mediated successful adapta- lescent Femininity Ideology Scale which measures (e.g. the number of sick leave cases) are affected by
tion to childhood cancer. The study group com- female Inauthenticity of Self in Relationships (ISR) government interventions. The detailed similarities
prised of 50 children (between the ages of 5 and and level of Objectified Relationships with their and differences in psychosocial influences on health
Health 431

within the European and African countries are dem- Another approach was to adjust their alcohol con- and Carver life orientation test. Perceived control-
onstrated. sumption times to avoid drinking concurrent with lability was measured using the 6-item Multidi-
ART, while a third approach was to consciously mensional Health locus of control scale. Purpose in
skip a dose if drinking. In general, the HCPs felt life was measured through an adapted version of
Social support and the mediating roles of they lacked sufficient training delineating the rela- Crumbaugh purpose in life test. Affective state was
depression and alcohol use on ART adher- tionship between alcohol use and ART. Precise measured through 20 PANAS like adjective check-
ence in ART recipients in Gauteng, South training for HCPs regarding ART, adherence and list and Rosenberg’s scale was applied for self
Africa alcohol use is urgently needed; this in turn will esteem. Social resources were tapped through a self
Connie Kekwaletswe Medical Research Council, minimise HCPs’ likelihood of imparting any inac- constructed social support scale. Psychological
South Africa; Hermann Swart; Neo Morojele curate advice regarding alcohol’s impact on ART’s Wellness was measured through a 24 item self
The objective of this study was to replicate and effectiveness. developed scale. Analyses showed that health
expand the model reported by Cha et al. (2008), beliefs, psychological and social resources showed
on the cross-sectional relationship between Social concurrent associations with Psychological Well-
Support, Depression, Self-efficacy Beliefs, and Rural and urban differences in beliefs about ness. In addition belief in God, Fate and Karma,
anti-retroviral therapy (ART) Adherence, via the breast cancer and help-seeking intentions for perceived controllability, affective state, purpose in
addition of Alcohol Use. Using purposive sam- the disease among women in india life and social support were associated with PSYW
pling, we recruited 304 male and female ART Neena Kohli University of Allahabad, India at eight weeks treatment and five month follow-up.
recipients from two ART clinics in Tshwane, Breast cancer is the most common malignancy There was a significant improvement in Psycholog-
South Africa; one in a city and the other in a among women in India. Health beliefs are important ical Wellness over time.
township. The predictor variables were Social in help-seeking for potential symptoms of disease,
Support, Depression, Alcohol Use, and Self-effi- which may be particularly important among women
cacy Beliefs. The outcome variable Adherence to who do not have access to breast screening pro- Illness perceptions and treatment beliefs of
ART was assessed using four measures. Data grammes. The purpose of this study was to examine heart attack patients and their role in adher-
were analysed using Structural Equation Modeling Indian women’s beliefs about breast cancer and ence to treatment
(SEM). Social Support not only predicted lower help-seeking for the disease and how these beliefs Neena Kohli University of Allahabad, India
Depression and lower Alcohol Use, but was also related to their intentions to seek help for a symp- The aim of the study was to examine patients’
indirectly associated with greater Adherence via tom of breast cancer. Furthermore, the study aimed beliefs about heart attacks, their beliefs regarding
the mediation effects of Depression and Alcohol to examine if there were differences in the beliefs of treatment and to assess whether relationships
Use. Furthermore, Depression significantly medi- urban- and rural-based women. 685 women com- existed between these factors and adherence to
ated the relationship between Social Support and pleted a questionnaire framed around illness percep- treatment. The sample consisted of 80 heart attack
Self-efficacy Beliefs. Finally, Self-efficacy Beliefs tions and the theory of planned behaviour. The patients with a mean age of 46.6 years. All the
significantly mediated the relationship between questionnaire examined their beliefs about breast patients were undergoing treatment at a local hos-
Depression and Adherence and between Alcohol cancer and beliefs about help-seeking. One in four pital in Allahabad, Northern India. Patient beliefs
Use and Adherence. This study’s findings suggest women reported that they would delay seeking help were assessed through the Illness Perceptions Ques-
a complex, and often indirect, positive relation- for at least one month following the discovery of a tionnaire (IPQ) and the Beliefs about Medicines
ship between social support and ART adherence, symptom of breast cancer. Rural respondents held Questionnaire. Adherence to treatment was mea-
and so constitutes a significant replication and more negative beliefs about breast cancer, had sured through Adherence scale. Illness Perception
expansion of the results reported by Cha et al. poorer awareness of symptoms, and were more Questionnaire assesses five components of illness
(2008). Social support-based interventions could likely to report an intention to delay seeking help. representation: illness identity, cause, timeline, con-
prove useful in ART adherence enhancement Rural women were also more likely to report less sequences and illness control-cure beliefs. Items
interventions, by way of decreasing the untoward positive attitudes towards help-seeking and a belief were scored on an 11-point scale ranging from
effects of alcohol use and depression on ART that they would be discouraged from seeking help. ’never’ to ’all the time’. The beliefs about medicine
adherence, while also promoting greater self-effi- Both of these factors emerged as significant predic- questionnaire assesses beliefs about treatment ne-
cacy beliefs. tors of intention to seek help and raised the issue cessity (4 items) and beliefs about the possible
that it may not be individual attitudes but also harmful effects of treatment (5 items). Items were
socio-cultural influences towards seeking help for scored on 5-point scale ranging from ’strongly dis-
The link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer symptoms that may need to be tar- agree’ to ’strongly agree’. Adherence to treatment
art adherence: Perceptions of ART recipients geted in any intervention aimed at improving early (5 items) measured the extent to which patients
and health care providers in Gauteng, South detection and help-seeking for breast cancer symp- complied with treatment. Items were scored on a
Africa toms. 5-point scale ranging from ’never’ to ’always’.
Connie Kekwaletswe Medical Research Council, Regression analysis indicated that perceptions of
South Africa; Neo Morojele illness identity, consequences, and treatment neces-
This study was conducted to evaluate the perspec- Psychological wellness of cancer patients: sity explained a significant amount of variance in
tive of ART recipients and health care providers The role of psychosocial resources adherence to treatment. The results suggest that
(HCPs) on the link between alcohol consumption Neena Kohli University of Allahabad, India assessing illness perceptions, especially beliefs re-
and adherence to ART. We also assessed how HCPs The present study analysed whether availability of garding identity, illness consequences and necessity
advised their patients about drinking while on ART psychological and social resources, prior to com- of treatment, may play a valuable role in identifying
and the nature of their formal and in-service training mencement of radiotherapy is associated with (a) which individuals are least likely to adhere to treat-
on alcohol use and ART. We employed qualitative concurrent psychological wellness (PSYW) (b) ment.
methods: 11 single-gender focus group discussions PSYW at eight weeks of treatment (c) PSYW at a
(FGDs) with male and female ART recipients and 5-month follow-up and (d) change in PSYW over
17 in-depth interviews (IDIs) with HCPs across six time. Longitudinal data was collected from 130 The role of maternal self-efficacy on the ef-
ART sites. Thematic analysis was conducted. The cervical cancer patients. The questionnaire tapped fectiveness of nutrition education for Indo-
dominant advice imparted by HCPs was that taking information pertaining to demographics (age, edu- nesian children
alcohol concurrent with ART lessens the effective- cation, marital status, family income, place of res- Risatianti Kolopaking Islamic University of Indone-
ness of the ART and worsens some ART’s side idence, number of children), five psychological sia, Indonesia; Umi Fahmida; Agus Firmansyah;
effects. Despite this advice, some patients drank resources (optimism, perceived controllability, pur- Jahja Umar
alcohol while on ART but did not inform their pose in life, affective state, self-esteem) social The general objective of the study is to identify the
HCPs; they even took their ART dose with alcohol resources (emotional and instrumental support) and effectiveness of the nutrition education program for
rather than water, if at a drinking venue, and psychological wellness. Optimism was assessed children by assessing the effect of maternal self-
reported still achieving optimal ART outcomes. through the positively worded items of the Scheier efficacy in the home food environment on chil-
432 Health

dren’s dietary intake. Participants were pairs of 3rd Previous studies about personality correlates of reviews the significant psychological theories and
and 4th grade children and their mothers (n=137) cancer patients led to inconclusive results since practices and their contribution to public health and
from mid-low income families in an urban area of demographic and medical factors were not con- suggests recommendations for addressing these
East Jakarta, Indonesia. Nutrition education was trolled and the examined variables were not challenges.
developed using social-cognitive learning techni- grounded in a coherent theory. This study was done
ques which encouraged children and mothers’ curi- in the framework of the Cognitive Orientation (CO)
osity for food through experiential learning. Stu- theory of health behaviour and wellness which Exploring black South African women’s bar-
dents received 24 in-class lessons for 12 weeks. enables identifying relevant factors in cancer riers and facilitators to cervical screening
Mothers assisted their children with in-home activ- patients. The goal was to examine whether a coher- adherence
ities. Process and outcome evaluation was studied ent set of personality tendencies grounded in the Despina Learmonth University of Cape Town, South
in three assessment periods: Pretest, posttest, fol- CO theory can be identified in breast cancer Africa; Chantelle Chantelle De Abreu
low-up (12 weeks after posttest). The mothers were patients. The participants were 185 breast cancer Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer
assessed for maternal self-efficacy in the home food patients in different disease stages, 31 to 75 years of among South African women. Black South African
environment. The children were assessed for self- age, with disease duration from 3 months to 15 women particularly have the highest cervical cancer
motivation on food choice and dietary intake. A years, and 180 healthy controls matched in demo- risk and mortality rate. This type of cancer is easily
multiple group structural equation model was used graphic characteristics. They were administered a treated if detected early. Unfortunately, the majority
for statistical analysis. Maternal self-efficacy and questionnaire of background information, and the of South African women do not adhere to recom-
children dietary intake were significantly improved CO questionnaire of breast cancer (with high reli- mended regular cervical screening. The purpose of
at posttest and follow up. The study also showed ability and validity) assessing personality disposi- this research was to explore the perceptions, experi-
that maternal self-efficacy had a direct effect on tions identified in pretests as relevant for breast ences and knowledge relating to cervical cancer and
children’s self-motivation. Subsequently self-moti- cancer. Results showed that the patients and con- preventative screening amongst Black women re-
vation had a direct effect on improving children’s trols differed significantly in most personality dis- siding in two Western Cape urban informal settle-
dietary intake. Results provide evidence of a signif- positions. None of the differentiating psychological ments. There is a need to determine the barriers and
icant effect between maternal self-efficacy and chil- variables was related to demographic and medical facilitators specific to black women living in under-
dren’s dietary intake. Maternal self-efficacy is an characteristics. Discriminant analyses showed that served regions of South Africa. This knowledge is
important consideration for the nutrition educator to the main psychological tendencies of the patients vital for community health staff to be able increase
enhance mothers’ ability to provide affordable and included concern with controlling oneself and screening adherence. The Health Belief Model
healthy food for their children, especially in mid- others, dependence on evaluations of others, emo- (HBM) provided a theoretical framework for this
low income families. tional blocking, perfectionism, and conflicts with study. Four focus groups (n=21), with women be-
regard to self-identity and giving to others. The tween the ages of 21 and 53 years, were conducted
findings support the conclusion that there exists a using questions derived from the HBM. Thematic
Changing attitudes concerning healthcare comprehensive and relevant set of psychological analysis was used to analyse the data. The analysis
Catherine Kozlowicz University of Phoenix, United correlates of breast cancer patients that has not been revealed lack of knowledge pertaining to screening
States of America identified previously and could serve as basis for as a key barrier to treatment. Other structural bar-
When working with refugees from other countries, psychological interventions. riers identified were: time, age at which free screen-
and sponsoring organisation work on acclimating ing is available, and health education. Psychosocial
these students from refugee countries such as Laos barriers that emerged included fear of the screening
and Burma to their new society, there is often diffi- Impact of socio-economic status on health procedure and fear of stigmatisation around attend-
culty with the healthcare system. While sponsors may Mrinmoyi Kulkarni IIT Bombay, India ing screening. Finally, the presence of physical
help these refugees to learn English and fill out the The aim of this empirical study was to investigate symptoms, the perception that screening provides
appropriate applications, they are still not independent the role of socio-economic status, neighborhoods, symptom relief, the presence of HIV, and the desire
when it comes to healthcare institutions. The goal of psychological characteristics and health behaviors to know one’s physical health status were identified
these sponsors is to have these refugees make healthy on actual health outcomes and perceived health for as facilitators of cervical screening adherence.
decisions, and to be independent when going to the an urban Indian sample. In part one of the study a
doctor. While knowing English is helpful, there are cross-sectional design was used with a lower in-
more concerns relative to the health care system, for come community sample of 491 adults in two The hermeneutic schemes of modulating hu-
example, mis-understanding the attitude of the Amer- neighborhoods. Neighborhood and perceived stress man psychoneuroimmunology (PNI): Multi-
ican healthcare system. In American society and with played a role in distinguishing between risk of
ple factor analysis model (MFAM)
competitive healthcare systems (people are allowed to chronic conditions as well as perceived health.
Sang-Bok Lee Kangnam University, Republic of Kor-
choose their healthcare institution), patients are Positive emotional style was associated with de-
ea; Jonathan Lee
expected to ask the right questions, know how to creased perception of poor health. Results support
The objective of the study is to conceptualize the
interpret health-related literature, and make effective the importance of combining contextual as well as
Multiple Factor Analysis Model (MFAM) by using
decisions. Of the more than 1500 Burmese and individual level characteristics in understanding
a meta-cognitive method as the authors review
Hmong refugees living in Wisconsin, WI, USA, sev- health outcomes. In a follow up study, middle and
psycho-neuroimmunology (PNI) literature. The
eral have lived in the United States for more than 5 upper middle income people were interviewed. The
authors used key words, PNI and stress, PNI and
years, and speak proficient English, but are not able to results are being analyzed to determine the effect of
immunity, immune system and coping, in Psy-
make health-related decisions. This case study survey socio-economic status on health outcomes and per-
cINFO, PubMed and science journals and read
assesses attitudes; there is a cultural incongruity be- ceived health.
360 selected journal articles. The authors catego-
tween attitudes and the decisions refugees are making
rized multiple factors affecting the modulation of
in the healthcare system. One measure, for instance, is
PNI. The authors identified seven major factors: 1)
assessing their independent and interdependent cul- Psychology and public health in India
behavioral modulation factor, 2) cognitive factor, 3)
ture orientation. After analysing the results, a curric- Anant Kumar Xavier Institute of Social Serv, India
emotional factor, 4) bio-neuro-genetic factor, 5)
ulum was designed to help these refugees understand Psychology as a discipline has substantive contri-
nutritional factor, 6) environmental, ecological, and
how an independent orientation can be helpful in bution to make in understanding human behaviour
adaptive factor, and 7) spiritual and transcendental
making effective health-related decisions. and its application to health. Nevertheless, we have
modulation factor. Using the “scientific analogy”
neglected to integrate this knowledge into public
method (Gentner, 1982, 1983, 2002), we appreciat-
health practice and policy in India. The challenges
ed the differences-in-similarities among the multi-
Personality correlates of breast cancer pa- for public health are to recognise and incorporate
ple modulation factors, and aimed to implement the
tients the knowledge, theories and models of psychology
MFAM that differentiates specialized fields or
Shulamith Kreitler Tel-Aviv University, Israel; Mi- into the prevention of disease, injury and the pro-
domains as well as dynamically interacts heuristi-
chal Kreitler motion of positive health and well-being. The paper
cally among the multiple factors. In conclusion, we
Health 433

proposed Multiple Factor Analysis Model as a fea- bariatric surgery for this group. The complexity in unemployment, are assessed using study-specific
sible hermeneutic scheme of modulating human terms of true psychopathological comorbid factors developed items. Individual characteristics and
psycho-neuroimmunology. (e.g. borderline-, bipolar- and dissociative traits) resources are measured using the Career Adapt-
often associated with Complex Trauma, will be Abilities Scale (Savickas & Porfeli, in presss), NEO
delineated. Based on the researcher’s observations Five-Factor Inventory-Revised (Costa & McCrae,
Common sense illness cognition: Science and and experiences with more than 800 bariatric 1992), and Belief in a Just World scale (Dalbert,
practice patients the results of this qualitative study suggests 1999). Wellbeing is assessed using the General
Howard Leventhal Rutgers University, United States possible generalisations in terms of common Health Questionnaire 12 items (Goldberg & Wil-
of America themes and workable treatment regimens for baria- liams, 1988) and Satisfaction With Life Scale
The Common-Sense Model (CSM) presents a con- tric patients. These observations will be discussed (Diener, 1985). Specifically, a series of hierarchical
ceptual framework of the cognitive, affective and and proposed for further quantitative research. multiple regression analyses will be conducted to
behavioural mechanisms underlying how indivi- assess the moderator effects of personality, adapt-
duals manage chronic illnesses in everyday life. abilities and just world beliefs in the relation be-
CSM describes the implicit, largely automatic and The effect of immune activation on depres- tween professional situations and wellbeing. Addi-
the explicit, executive and largely conscious, delib- sive-like behaviour induced by forced swim tional analyses will target specific unemployment
erative controls that generate the representations stress factors (e.g. length of unemployment and perceived
that guide actions to prevent and control illness. Wenjuan Lin Institute of Psychology, China; Yuqin discrimination during the job search process) and
In CSM, representations are generated by matching Pan; John Sproule their unique impact on wellbeing. Demographic
the specific features of deviations from the proto- To understand the role of immune activation in- variables will be controlled.
type of the "healthy" self (the normal, asymptom- duced by cytokines in behavioral depression, the
atic and functioning self) with illness prototypes. present study was to investigate the effect of single
The model describes why representations created administrations of lipoposaccharide, cytokine in- Cigarette smoking among lesbian, gay, and
by automatic and executive processes often prove ducer, on depressive-like behavior induced by bisexual youth in the Philippines: Findings
inconsistent with the underlying biology and pre- forced swim stress in rats. 42 rats were divided into from a national sample
scribed treatment protocols for many chronic con- four groups: LPS + swim (LS), LPS + control (LC), Eric Manalastas University of the Philippines, Phi-
ditions: The inconsistency arises as automatic pro- saline + swim (AS), saline + control (AC). Rats lippines
cesses drive stimulus (symptom and dysfunction) were injected intraperitoneally with LPS 50ug/kg Global research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans-
management, whereas executive management is and saline respectively on the first experiment day. gender (LGBT) health has shown that sexual mi-
based on the abstract properties of illness represen- After 2h of injection, rats in two swim groups were norities have significantly higher smoking preva-
tations. Evidence supporting the CSM analysis of conducted forced swim stress for 14 days. On the lence than heterosexuals, using population-based
the processes underlying the construction of illness 2nd day, the 14th day of the stress, and one week surveys (Tang et al., 2004; Gruskin and Gordon,
and treatment representations suggests new direc- and two weeks after stress, depressive-like beha- 2006; Gruskin et al., 2007) and meta-analysis (Ryan
tions for enhancing "self-management" and "team viors in rats were observed in saccharin preference et al., 2001; Marshal et al., 2008; Lee, Griffin, &
management" of chronic conditions. One such di- tests, open field tests and elevated-plus maze. The Melvin, 2009). This paper explores the prevalence
rection involves examining how expert managers results showed that saccharin preference, locomotor of tobacco use among Filipino lesbian, gay, and
discover strategies and construct automatic, habitu- activities in open field, and closed arm entries in bisexual young adults using data from the national
al behavioural sequences for initiating and adhering elevated-plus maze in the LS group were significant Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Survey
to treatment protocols. A second involves identify- lower than that in the AS group on the 2nd day of (YAFS3). Young lesbian and bisexual Filipina
ing the language and communication media for the stress. On the 14th day of stress, both LS and women had higher rates of experimentation with
developing representations of illness and action AS group rats had lower saccharin preference and tobacco, higher prevalence of current smoking, and
plans for implementing treatment that are shared locomotion than AC group rats. The depressive-like more cigarettes smoked per day, compared to het-
and guide the behaviour of patients and practi- behaviors in rats of the LS group lasted for up to erosexual Filipina women. And while sexual ori-
tioners. two weeks after stress while the depressive-like entation did not appear to be associated with dis-
behaviors in rats of AS group only lasted for one parities in smoking among men across three
week after stress. The results demonstrate that LPS- measures of tobacco use, Filipino gay and bisexual
Bariatric psychology: A psychopathological induced immune activation strengthens depressive- youth had the highest cigarette smoking prevalence
minefield of causal factors associated with like behaviors induced by stress. of all. The value of a gender x sexual orientation
morbid obesity analysis of health risk behaviours such as cigarette
Hermann Liebenberg Private Practice, South Africa smoking, as well as possible implications for tobac-
Based on a qualitative research study (3 females Professional situation and well-being of co use intervention in the Philippine context, will be
and 2 males aged 25 - 45 with a BMI > 40), the adults living in Switzerland: Moderating im- discussed.
interrelationship between prolonged traumatic pact of adapt-abilities
exposures (e.g. sexual, physical and/or emotional Christian Maggiori University of Lausanne, Switzer-
abuse) as a possible primary causal factor related to land; Claire Johnston A multidimensional theory of health
the development of a Disorder of Extreme Stress Currently, the uncertain labour market has the po- David Marks Journal of Health Psychology, United
not otherwise specified (DSMIV TR), or collective- tential to negatively affect professional and personal Kingdom
ly referred to as "Complex Trauma" in relation to development, and thus requires an increased capac- No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a
the development of morbid obesity, will be intro- ity for adaptability. This research aims to explore piece of the continent (John Donne). This paper
duced. The interrelationship between morbid obe- the relationship between professional situations and provides a definition and theory of health in the
sity, prolonged traumatic exposures and bariatric wellbeing by considering the direct and moderating context of society and culture. A multidimensional
surgery (gastric bypass surgery) as a "forced beha- effects of individual characteristics, focusing on definition conceptualises the ’continent’ of health as
vioural intervention" to patients suffering from mor- adapt-abilities (Savickas, 2005). This study is part a state of well-being with physical, mental, psycho-
bid obesity, will be explained. All patients in this of an eight-year longitudinal project on professional social, educational, economic, cultural and spiritual
small group had a history of childhood trauma, realities and trajectories, hosted by the Swiss Na- aspects, not simply the absence of illness. Each
consequently displaying symptoms of "Complex tional Center of Competence in Research LIVES. person has a unique makeup of age, sex and hered-
Trauma". These aspects, in relation to the benefits The sample (n=2400) representative of the Swiss itary factors. Each person’s health is a multidimen-
of specific psychological assessments and interven- population, consists of Swiss and non-Swiss, sional state of balance across the seven domains. A
tions prior to and after bariatric surgery, will be employed and unemployed adults. Data collection principle of compensation enables any one element
discussed. These combined remedial interventions is currently occurring as part of the 1st wave of the that is relatively strong to compensate for lack in
(psychotherapy and bariatric surgery) to "cure" obe- larger project. Characteristics of the professional another element. Thus balance between the differ-
sity seem beneficial and sustainable aspects after situation, including job stain and factors related to ent dimensions is as important as strength in any
434 Health

particular set of these. The macro-social issues clarification is one of the reasons there is no the semi-structured interview at the first and last ses-
affecting individual well-being are enormously effective intervention method to reduce embarrass- sion, for the experimental group, and corresponding
powerful. The world population is increasing to ment. To clarify the causes and effects of embar- dates for the control group. The interviews showed
nine billion in 2050. The amount of drinkable water rassment on the participation in breast cancer difficulties in the first phase: prejudices, difficulties
per person will fall by 33%. Half of the global screening, we investigated 731 females (ages 30 with clothing, low self-control, damaged self-es-
population lacks access to treatment of common to 59, mean age = 44.83) via websites. Results of teem. In the second phase, significant changes in
diseases and essential drugs. Health gradients are structural equation modelling revealed that embar- habits and behaviours of patients were observed in
a universal feature of both rich and poor countries. rassment had inhibited the intention of attending a the GE, such as developing more satisfactory cop-
Using a variety of perspectives and approaches, breast cancer screening by reducing self-efficacy. ing strategies (with priority focus on the problem
psychology needs to contribute much more towards We also learned that the embarrassment was strong- and seeking social support), reduction and mainte-
health improvements in the context of the sociopo- ly related to apprehension of the medical staff’s nance of anxiety (n = 6), changes in eating behav-
litical struggles of yesterday, today and tomorrow. evaluation. These results indicate that, to promote iour and weight loss. CG patients, in general,
participation in breast cancer screening, we should reported no changes during the period, describing
focus on an intervention method that lowers appre- the same problems, increase or maintenance (n = 7)
Behavioural model of the triggers of head- hension related to the evaluation at the time of of anxiety and reduction of overall scores of coping
ache/migraine: The need for a radical recon- screening. strategies. The intervention was favourable in terms
ceptualisation of changing habits, adherence to nutritional orienta-
Paul Martin Griffith University, Australia tions, reducing anxiety and develop coping strate-
We have argued in three recent publications that the Social support as a mediator of postnatal gies to adverse situations. The lack of monitoring
standard clinical advice that headache management depression among African women can increase the likelihood of harm to patients who
should involve avoidance of triggers is open to Khonzanani Mbatha University of South Africa, experience obesity, such as increased anxiety and
criticism as it has minimal empirical support and South Africa reduced favourable coping strategies. Thus, under-
problems with it implementation. In addition, the Pregnancy is one of the most magical moments any standing this context is essential for care services
literature on anxiety, stress and chronic pain would woman can experience, but it may also be a trau- for obese patients, in Brazil, offering counselling to
suggest that avoidance is generally a maladaptive matic. For some women it is the beginning of a all patients, not just those who are awaiting surgery.
strategy. We have proposed the ‘Trigger Avoidance period of stress and depression, especially when
Model of Headaches’, which suggests that fear of social support is limited. This study aimed to ex-
the experience of headaches drives susceptible indi- plore the role that support from family, partners, Motivational correlates of physical activity in
viduals to try to avoid headache triggers, and this friends and professionals such as nurses, play in Czech and American older adults: Between-
natural tendency is encouraged by clinicians and mediating the psychological effects produced by the group differences
advice on the internet. Attempts to avoid triggers transition to motherhood among African women. Jiri Mudrak Charles University in Prague, Czech
will result either in no exposure, or short exposure, The study was rooted in an interpretive paradigm Republic; Steriani Elavsky; Pavel Slepicka
to the triggers. This may lead to the capacity of the and a phenomenological research design was used. Older adults are the fastest growing segment of the
trigger to precipitate headaches being maintained or The sample was seven African women who population all over the western world. However, the
increased, through a process of sensitisation, failed attended a post-natal clinic and who were aged from majority of research as well as recommended prac-
habituation/adaptation, or lack of opportunity for 18 to 25 years. Purposive sampling was used as I tices and discourses related to healthy aging have
learning to cope with the trigger. Hence, whilst was interested in obtaining information-rich cases. come primarily from the United States. Other cul-
attempts to avoid triggers may lead to fewer head- Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the tures have been considerably less researched. In the
aches in the short-term, it may result in more head- mother tongue of the participants. Thematic content present study we examine possible cultural differ-
aches in the long-term. We have argued that analysis was used to extract recurrent themes across ences related to participation in physical activity in
counseling avoidance should be replaced with a participants. The study found that social support a sample of 426 Czech (n=254) and American
philosophy of ‘learning to cope with triggers’. The from significant others played a mediating role in (n=172) older adults. An identical battery of ques-
stress literature demonstrates that no one coping post natal depression. Women who are neglected by tionnaires was administered to both samples in
strategy can be selected as the best way of coping partners and parents, find it difficult to cope with order to measure their self-reported participation
with stress for all situations and across time, but stress that comes with being pregnant, especially in physical activity and its motivational correlates.
approach strategies generally are more adaptive when they are first time mothers. Partners in partic- The results suggest significant differences between
than avoidance strategies. This presentation will ular, play a significant role in protecting women the Czech and American sample. In most measures,
critically review literature relevant to our trigger from experiencing negative emotions during and the Czech respondents stated significantly higher
avoidance model and approach to managing trig- after pregnancy. The participants all reported that participation in physical activity than the American
gers, including a series of studies undertaken in our they had never experienced postnatal depression, respondents. Interestingly, respondents in the Amer-
research program. but when asked about feelings experienced after ican sample indicated a significantly higher level of
giving birth, especially when their parents and part- motivation and cognitive strategies (e.g. life-style
ners deserted them, they reported symptoms that and barriers self-efficacy, goal-setting, self-monitor-
Cause and effect of embarrassment related were congruent with postnatal depression. ing, relapse prevention) as well as perceived social
to breast cancer screening in Japan support related to physical activity. Also, between-
Higuchi Masataka Hiroshima University, Japan; group differences have been found in prevalent
Yoshino Teruya; Masataka Higuchi; Nanako Naka- Behavioural changes, anxiety and coping in types of physical activity. The American respon-
mura; Hitomi Kuranaga obese patients with and without psycholog- dents mostly mentioned participation in leisure or
Breast cancer is the one of most frequent cancers ical intervention sporting activities, whereas the majority of the
among women, and the number of women diag- Marinna Mensorio Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil; Czech respondents indicated work or lifestyle relat-
nosed with it is increasing in Japan. Breast cancer is Aderson Costa Jr. ed activities as the main source of physical activity.
a disease in which early detection and early treat- To compare behavioural changes in obese patients These results suggest that Czech older adults may
ment are very effective, and although periodical with and without psychological intervention, eigh- participate in more habitual forms of physical ac-
medical checking is very important for early detec- teen patients, eight of the Experimental Group tivity, perceiving it more as a means to certain
tion, the rate of breast cancer screening is quite low (EG), participating in a Psychological Preparation outcomes rather than as an outcome by itself.
in Japan. One of the major factors that negatively Programme for Bariatric Surgery, and 10 of the
affects participation in breast cancer screening is Control Group (CG) were researched. The control
embarrassment. Although many studies have shown group was obese patients without psychological Implicit theories of health predict compli-
that participation in the screening is strongly inhib- intervention. The instruments used were: Beck ance in chronically-ill children
ited by embarrassment, the causes of the embarrass- Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Scale Modes of Coping Claudia Mueller Stanford University, United States
ment have not yet been clarified. This lack of (EMEP), socio-demographic questionnaire and of America; Carol Dweck; Robert Wright
Health 435

Children’s beliefs have been shown to influence Estela Vilhena; Denisa Mendonca; Antonio Martins worked as expected (they attained ’commonsense-
their behaviours in a variety of settings. Dweck and da Silva; Helena Cardoso model coherence’). The results suggest that: (1)
associates have demonstrated that when people be- Chronic diseases (CD) are diseases of long duration researchers and providers can better predict patient
lieve a particular trait is fixed (’entity theory’) rather and slow progression. The most important task for adherence by asking patients about their habits than
than subject to improvement (’incremental theory’), people with CD is adjustment to life. The objective by asking directly how adherent they are; and (2) it is
they respond negatively to situations in which that of this research is to identify personality predictors important for patients to experience that their health-
trait is challenged. We have shown that healthy of good adjustment to life in people with stable CD. beliefs are true, for long-term adherence.
adolescents have theories about wellness that pre- Participants are 513 individuals aged over 18 years,
dict their responses to illness in peers. In this study, a diagnosed CD (cancer, type 1, 2 diabetes, epilep-
we examine how the health beliefs of chronically-ill sy, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, morbid Outcome expectancies and experiences me-
adolescents predict their adherence behaviors and obesity), for more than three years, 71% females, diate between depression and exercise
their coping with disease. 116 adolescents with mean age 43.02 years. The study is prospective maintenance after rehabilitation
Type 1 diabetes were given a questionnaire over a period of nine months. Initial variables are Sarah Pomp Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
designed to define their theories of health (Health demographic and disease variables, more personal- In 2020 depression will reach second place on the
Belief Scale). They were then asked about their ity measured with a short version of the of the list of global burden diseases. Depression is related
attitudes toward illness as well as about their med- Revised NEO Personality Inventory with five to poor physical exercise, reduced adherence to
ical compliance. Clear differences were noted in dimensions (Neuroticism, extraversion, openness, exercise recommendations after rehabilitation and
adherence behaviours: entity theorists were signifi- conscientiousness, agreeableness): Nine months lat- lower benefits of exercise interventions. However,
cantly less likely to comply with medical regimens er the outcome variables measured with four indi- depressive individuals benefit on the physical and
than incremental theorists. Health theories were also cators of adjustment, three SF-36 components of psychological level from exercising. Most studies
able to predict medical outcomes. We have been quality of life (Keller et al. 1998), namely, general report negative associations between depression
able to demonstrate that children’s notions of health well-being, physical health, mental health, more and exercise but less evidence exists on processes
predict their attitudes and behaviours during periods subjective well-being. Multivariate analysis of co- that explain this relationship. Depression is nega-
of health and of illness. We believe these findings to variance, the five dimensions of personality as in- tively associated with positive outcome expectan-
have major relevance for the management of chron- dependent variables, and the four outcome variables cies and positive experiences concerning exercise.
ic disease in adolescents. Future investigations will as dependent, controlling for demographic and dis- Moreover, our expectancies affect the perception
target feedback messages that might improve cop- ease variables, shows that neuroticism is a predictor and evaluation of the experiences we have. This
ing with disease. of negative outcomes for all the four outcome vari- study examines the relationship between depressive
ables (p<0.001), extraversion is a predictor of pos- symptoms and exercise by unveiling mediation
itive outcomes for all the four outcome variables mechanisms of expectancies and experiences. 187
Issues relevant to the mental health of chil- (p<0.001), and openness is a predictor of general rehabilitation patients completed an online ques-
dren and adolescents in the Family Health well-being (p<0.006). We can conclude that person- tionnaire during their rehabilitation and six weeks
Strategy ality is a good predictor for adjustment to life in later. At T1 depressive symptoms and expectancies,
Camila Muylaert Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil; people with CD. and at T2 experiences and exercise behavior, were
Alberto Olavo Reis; Livia Rego; Tatiane Oliveira; assessed. A multiple step mediation analysis was
Moacyr Neto; Isabella Bastos conducted. The effect from depressive symptoms
In Brazil, the Family Health Strategy (ESF) profes- Using habit theory and commonsense self- through expectancies and experiences on behavior
sionals have to cope with different kinds of pro- regulation theory to improve medication ad- was significant (p<.01), as well as the effect through
blems, including those relating to mental health. herence assessment experience only (p<.05). Thus, depressive symp-
Teenage and childhood mental health issues were L. Alison Phillips Rutgers University, United States of toms lead to less exercise through a sequential path
presented to work teams from the ESF. We applied America; Howard Leventhal; Elaine Leventhal Rut- from low levels of positive expectancies to few
a questionnaire to 729 professionals from 122 ESF gers University, United States of America positive experiences as well as through positive
work teams in five cities of São Paulo State (Bauru, Patient non-adherence to medication is pervasive and experiences alone. Exercise interventions for de-
Praia Grande, Diadema, Campinas and São Paulo contributes to poor health and high healthcare costs. pressed individuals should address positive expec-
city), regarding the main issues relating to children Improved adherence measures, based on health-psy- tancies and thereby foster positive experiences.
and adolescents’ mental health, as well as about chological theory, could improve our understanding Moreover, exercise programs should be arranged
who typically expresses them. The random sample of the factors involved in non-adherence and the in a way that depressed individuals have positive
was cross sectional, in two sequential parts, and was efficacy of interventions to ameliorate it. The most experiences with exercise and acknowledge those
calculated with a sampling error of 3% and confi- commonly used health-behavior theories to predict accordingly. Understanding such processes enables
dence interval of 95%. The main issues presented to adherence do not include repeated, or long-term be- the tailoring of interventions to depressive indivi-
ESF professionals were "school problems" and "be- havioral factors, and existing patient-reported mea- duals and thus the appropriate supporting of them.
haviour problems at home or school." Family was sures of adherence have problems associated with
indicated as the group that expresses those pro- them that risk their validity. The objective of the
blems most frequently, followed by schools, com- current study is to: (1) propose a theoretical frame- Exploring general practitioners’ manage-
munities, the children and adolescents themselves, work of long-term health-habit development that uti- ment of patients with depression within the
and the Child Protection Council. Results point to lizes commonsense self-regulation theory; and (2) private health care sector in Johannesburg,
family and school difficulties in dealing with chil- compare the effectiveness of a patient-adherence South Africa
dren and adolescent diversity, school difficulties in measure designed from the framework to that of the Milica Repensek University of Witwatersrand,
working in a networked health system, as well as a current ‘best-practice’ patient-reported measures. The South Africa
trend to blame children and adolescents individual- medication routines/habits, experiences, beliefs, and The majority of persons within South Africa (of
ly for their suffering. This is further reinforced by self-reports of adherence of 74 hypertension patients whom 16% have claimed to have suffer from com-
some health professionals. This study highlights the were assessed in person; patients then used an elec- mon mental disorders such as depression) that use
need to share responsibilities for mental health tronic-monitoring pill bottle for one month. Com- medical treatment do so through primary care (Patel
problems and accommodate the needs of children pared to existing measures, patients’ medication hab- et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2007). However, studies
and adolescents themselves. it-strength better predicted the percentage of days on have shown that GPs often overlook, ignore, misdi-
which patients took their medication on time and agnose and even offer inappropriate treatment for
equally predicted the percentage of prescribed doses mental illness (c.f. Lotrakul & Saipanish, 2009;
Personality predictors of adjustment to good they took. Other hypotheses were supported: patients Qwabe, 2009). Since South Africa is comprised of
life in people with stable chronic diseases had more favorable treatment-related beliefs and a multitude of diverse peoples from varying culture
Jose Pais-Ribeiro Porto University, Portugal; Rute were more certain of their medication effectiveness backgrounds, cultural diversity needs to be consid-
Meneses; Isabel Silva; Luisa Pedro; Ana Martins; if they received feedback that their medication ered within every interaction, especially when gener-
436 Health

al practitioners (GPs) consult with individuals with each has been found to explain approximately 25- more than 20 years since its implementation, and the
depression. This study, thus, aims to explore GPs’ 40% of the variance in health behaviour change. system is still fragile in terms of integrality and
management of depression by exploring diagnosis, However, the predictions of each model are very hierarchy services from different complexities of
treatment and referral patterns of GPs within the different. The present study aimed to investigate health care. As part of Mental Health, considering
South African context. Semi-structured interviews whether predictors from each of these models could the specific practice of psychology, we see the pre-
were conducted with a convenience sample of six be combined and explain a greater proportion of the dominance of individual, clinical and a performance
GPs in the Johannesburg area. Thematic analysis was variance in intentions to change behaviour than any that ignores social issues and guidelines of the large
used to analyse the data. From the themes it was single model alone. 81 participants were exposed to area of knowledge called public/collective health.
evident that discrepancies exist in the GPs’ identifi- health messages targeting obesity. They then com- This generates a decontextualized practice of psy-
cation and diagnosis of depression which ultimately pleted measures of perceived message quality, fear, chology in relation to the requirements of SUS for
impacts on treatment and treatment choices. GPs also anxiety, perceived susceptibility, severity, self-effica- multidisciplinary actions, preventive and community
highlighted the need for further training in the areas cy, response efficacy, subjective norms, attitudes health promoters. Considering this context, this report
of psychology, traditional healing and psycho-social about behaviour change and intentions. Blocked step- aims to provide trainees the inclusion of psychology
interventions. The scarcity of resources as well as wise multiple linear regression revealed that per- students at the Federal University of Recôncavo of
issues of access were also identified as problems for ceived message quality, self-efficacy, attitudes and Bahia/Brazil in the context of primary health in Santo
effective health care in South Africa. These results anxiety contributed to a model explaining 53.4% of Antonio de Jesus/Bahia. At the beginning of the
are discussed in relation to local and international the variance in intentions. Results suggest that inte- practice, there was a gradual rapprochement with the
literature in the field. grating models may increase the explanatory power health team and the entire community. Gradually it
of dominant models of health behaviour change. became a practice outlining the activities: Education-
al activities in the waiting room, home visits, psy-
Factors associated with smoking among ado- chological listening and group activities with the staff
lescents (aged 12-15 years) in Medellin, Co- Aortic arch surgery using the technique of of the unit. The actions are not limited to the physical
lombia selective antegrade perfusion at 25 degrees space of the health unit, being developed in various
Alexandra Restrepo Universtiy of Antoquia, Colombia centigrade community settings. The activities show a practice of
To identify factors associated with smoking among Bellkiss Romano Heart Institute USP, Brazil; Leilane health education that makes the psychologist go be-
adolescents (aged 12-15 years) in Medellin, Colom- Antoniazzi; Mara Meirelles; Thabata Fonseca; yond the traditional clinical work, focusing on pre-
bia, across-sectional study in adolescents aged 12-15 Elaine Hojaij ventive, and creating other concepts about health and
years was performed. The sample was 1998 adoles- Cardiac surgery may have neurological complica- disease among the population served.
cents. A multi-stage, stratified probabilistic sampling tions such as bleeding or brain damage, even with
approach and a path analysis was used. The indica- the protective effect of hypothermia. In cardiac
tors of collective efficacy (social control and social surgery, there are questions about mortality and The support nucleus of family health and the
cohesion) were found to be positively correlated with quality of life of patients after surgery, also of brain insertion of psychology in Brazil
adolescents having good relationships with their par- protection during surgery in order to avoid such Willian Santos UFRB, Brazil; Belinda Mandelbaum
ents. Cigarette consumption in female and male ado- compromises. Besides biological and biochemical The Family Health Strategy is the main gateway to
lescents demonstrated the considerable importance of factors involved in heart surgery, other studies have the public health system in Brazil. To understand
the family as a protective factor, especially the role of gained prominence in correlating behaviour, mood the integration of psychology in this context of
the mother within the family. Antisocial behavior (β and disease, especially with a focus on anxiety and primary health care, we investigated the activities
= 0.088) and stressors at the family and individual depression. The objective of this study was to ex- of selected psychologists who work in the support
levels (β = 0.017) have indirect and potentiating amine the progression of depression and anxiety, as nucleus for family health. This nucleus, created by
effects on having ever smoked. Having friends that well as neurocognitive functions, within one year of the Brazilian government in 2008, was conceived as
exhibit risk behaviours is positively associated with aortic surgery. This is an experimental, double-blind a space composed of various health professionals
smoking among adolescents (β = 0.127). Having ever study: The experimental group underwent surgery (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, nutritionist,
been a victim of violence increases the likelihood of using the technique of selective antegrade perfusion psychologist, etc.) in order to broaden the scope of
consuming tobacco. A direct and positive relation- at 25° C; the control group underwent traditional health interventions in primary care. These profes-
ship was observed between having ever consumed surgery. Fifteen patients participated (one year after sionals should support the actions of family health
tobacco and having committed aggressive acts (β = surgery, until October 2011) and were evaluated at teams (doctors, nurses, dentists and community
0.140). Likewise, having ever consumed tobacco was three times: Before surgery, at six months and health workers) with their specific professional
directly and positively related to having ever abused twelve months after surgery. The Wechsler Intelli- skills. The survey was developed in cities in the
alcohol (β = 0.21). gence Scale for Adults III, Beck Depression Inven- interior of Bahia / Brazil, where we conducted
tory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used. The semi-structured interviews and focus groups with
minimum level of anxiety remained prevalent dur- psychologists and professionals of health teams. We
Improving the predictive and explanatory ing the study period in both groups. Regarding also experienced the everyday activities of a family
power of health promotion theory: The case depression, there was a minimum level of preva- health unit. In analyzing the discourses and prac-
for theoretical integration lence in the three study phases: Pre-operatively, at tices investigated, we found confusion among the
Jay Richards University of Newcastle, Australia; six months and one year in both groups. With psychologists about their roles and responsibilities
Martin Johnson; Andrew Rutherford; Ursula regard to neurocognitive functions, the control in primary public health, difficulties with co-ordi-
Wright group presented mean IQ’s (performance, verbal nation with the health teams and difficulties on the
Obesity and weight related illnesses create a signifi- and total) that were higher than those in the exper- best techniques and approaches used. Moreover, it
cant burden on health. Weight related illnesses can be imental group at three times during the study. There was found that psychologists prioritize individual
prevented through changes in health behaviour. In seems to be no significant difference between the and clinic activities and have great difficulty
Australia health promotion campaigns have targeted results achieved by both groups. However, these extending the reach of their practices to a type of
obesity and attempted to motivate Australians to findings are the preliminary results of the study. psychology that must, to overcome social exclu-
adopt behaviours which are consistent with weight sion, expand its number of consultations and focus
loss. Despite these efforts, the rates of overweight on the development of the entire population served.
and obesity in Australia continue to rise. One reason New possibilities for integration of psychol-
for this may be that current models are too restrictive, ogy in primary care health in Brazil
and as such do not explain an adequate proportion of Willian Santos UFRB, Brazil; Aline Rios; Daiany Efficacy of stress management training for
the variance in health behaviour change. Three cur- Jesus hypertension: A randomised controlled trial
rent models (Extended Parallel Process Model, Stage The Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde Jesus Sanz Complutense University, Spain; Maria
Model and the Theory of Planned Behaviour) have - SUS) is an important milestone as a space for Paz Garcia Vera; Ines Magan; Regina Espinosa;
been utilised to explain health behaviour change, and practice and training for Psychology in Brazil. It is Maria Fortun
Health 437

Psychological treatments for hypertension have at Emotional and behavioural problems in ado- measurement (5 times), group membership and
best received mixed support from empirical studies lescents with mental retardation in Iran covariates were tested through linear mixed model-
and expert panels. A controlled trial was conducted Maryam Sharyati Azad University of Birjand, Islam- ing, repeated measures. Covariates were children’s
to examine the effects of stress management training ic Republic of Iran sex and age, socio economic status (SES) and pa-
(SMT) on blood pressure (BP) and psychological The aim of the study was to determine whether rental depression, as measured with the Beck De-
measures. Thirty seven patients with essential hy- psychiatric and behavioral disorders occur more pression Inventory. The three groups did not differ
pertension were randomly assigned to a treatment frequently in adolescents with mentally retardation significantly concerning the amount of salivary cor-
based on relaxation and problem-solving training (n compared to those without mental retardation. 36 tisol, even after controlling for the covariates. The
= 19) or to a waiting list condition (n = 18). At adolescents with mental retardation were pairwise target groups had a lower SES than adolescents
pretreatment and post-treatment stages, 6 clinic, 24 matched for age and gender to 36 adolescents with- with two healthy parents. In addition, chronically
self-measured and 65 24-h ambulatory BP readings out mental retardation. Teachers were interviewed ill parents were more depressed than single and
were taken and questionnaires assessing anxiety in structured psychiatric interviews and question- healthy parents. Male sex and older age of the child,
(BAI and HADS-A), depression (short BDI-II], trait naires measured psychiatric and behavioural pro- and lower parental depression were associated with
anger (STAXI-2), and stress (SRLE). Time and blems. Results indicated that aggressive behaviors, increased cortisol values throughout the day. Re-
group interaction effects were examined using 2x2 fears and phobias and stereotypes were significantly search on cortisol in children should control for
repeated measure ANOVAs. Results indicated that more common in adolescents with mental retarda- children’s sex and age, and parental depression.
clinic systolic, clinic diastolic and diurnal ambulato- tion. Adolescents with mental retardation are prone Adolescents with single and/or chronically ill par-
ry systolic BP were decreased in the treatment group to psychiatric conditions and behavioral problems. ents displayed a healthy pattern of diurnal salivary
as compared to the control group (respectively, time- cortisol.
group interaction effects were significant with p =
.045 and quasi-significant with p = .078 and .070). Internet-delivered psychological interven-
The mean scores for anxiety measures (BAI and tion for insomnia Parental depression and adolescent func-
HADS-A) were also significantly decreased in the Pei-Chun Shih Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, tioning in families with a chronically ill par-
treatment group as compared to the control group Spain; Carlos Marchena; Alejandra Montoro; Ana ent and single parent families
(significant time-group interactions with p = .002 Calero Dominik Sebastian Sieh University of Amsterdam,
and .001, respectively). No similar significant effects Primary insomnia is a highly prevalent health prob- Netherlands; Anne Marie Meijer; Anne Visser-Me-
were observed for the remaining BP and psycholog- lem that entails reduced performance during day- ily
ical measures. The results only partially support the time and negative effects on health and quality of Adopting a family type perspective, we examined
efficacy of STM for reducing BP, but support its life. It is usually treated, if ever, through medica- relations between parental depression and adoles-
efficacy for reducing anxiety, and suggest that STM tion, while psychological help is rarely sought due cent functioning (problem behaviour, stress, grade
could be useful for patients with hypertension who to the inaccessibility to treatment and specialists. point average, school problems and school-related
report a great deal of anxiety. Information and Communication Technology may self-esteem). Participants were 389 adolescents and
be one of the means to overcome these limitations their parents from families including a parent with a
and different studies have shown the feasibility of chronic medical condition, single parent families
Online intervention engagement predicts web-based therapy. For this reason, we developed and intact families with healthy parents (compari-
smoking cessation an internet-delivered psychological group interven- son group). Multilevel analyses revealed that ado-
Ralf Schwarzer Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany; tion for insomnia that includes the main cognitive- lescents with chronically ill and single parents dis-
Lars Satow behavioural treatment components of face-to-face played more internalising problems and worse
While previous studies have focused on individual therapy: Stimulus control, sleep restriction, sleep school grades than controls. Adolescents of single
differences of smokers as predictors of quitting hygiene, cognitive techniques, relaxation training parents comparatively reported more stress and
("Who they are"), the present study focusses on and relapse prevention. Moreover, one of the most school problems and lower self-esteem related to
self-regulatory actions ("What they really do"). The relevant characteristics of this programme is that it school. Independently of family type, parental de-
purpose is to predict smoking abstinence in internet utilises two additional tools, apart from instruction- pression was related to child-reports of stress. Being
users who may become involved in numerous so- al learning, that help modifying the subjects’ sleep a girl and being older significantly contributed to
cial activities within the virtual community. From behaviour. First, it includes instrumental learning, adolescents’ internalising behaviour and stress. In
March 2009 to July 2011, users of a non-commer- as a trained psychologist participates actively along addition, older adolescents reported more externa-
cial web-based smoking cessation coach in Ger- the therapy. Secondly, the psychologist moderates lising problems and worse school grades. Having a
many made data available for a post-hoc evaluation the forum with the aim of drawing attention to those chronically ill parent in an intact family may have
study (N=13,174), including self-reported absti- participants that behave in a desirable manner, so less impact on adolescent functioning than having a
nence rates for particular time periods (1 day, 2 that they serve as models for the rest of the group. single parent.
days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks,
10 weeks) as well as automatically recorded online
activities such as (a) posting a bulletin board entry The diurnal salivary cortisol pattern of ado- E-health game on overweight and its effects
after the first smoke-free day, (b) offering a dona- lescents from families with single, ill and on adolescent girls’ psychosocial responses:
tion, and (c) posting messages throughout their CityGirlZ
healthy parents
course. Such activities reflect intervention engage- Marloes Spekman VU University Amsterdam, Neth-
Dominik Sebastian Sieh University of Amsterdam,
ment that may lead to behavioural maintenance. erlands; Eveline Vedder; Elly Konijn; Heleen Riper;
Netherlands; Frans Oort; Anne Visser-Meily; Anne
Surviva analyses for 70 days of self-reported non- Jolanda Veldhuis; Johan Hoorn
Marie Meijer
smoking documented higher successrates for those In the battle against the world’s overweight epidem-
Adolescents of single and/or chronically ill parents
who made use of one or more of the virtual com- ic, we developed and tested the e-health game
(target groups) reportedly have elevated psycholog-
munity activities. Moreover, the effect of making an CityGirlZ to promote a healthy lifestyle among
ical stress. However, their salivary cortisol pattern
initial bulletin board entry on 10-week abstinence adolescent girls. e-Health interventions have be-
as part of the physiological stress system has not
was mediated by offering a donation and posting come increasingly popular, due to their potential
been compared to controls. The aim of this study is
messages throughout the course (R2=.125). The to reach large audiences with relatively low costs.
to examine differential outcomes in the diurnal
indirect effect via donation was .10 (95%CI .06- However, to be effective participants should return
cortisol pattern of the target groups. In total, 100
.14), and the indirect effect via message posting was regularly, whereas many such interventions suffer
adolescents of three groups with either single,
.31 (95%CI.25-.38). As intervention engagement is from high drop-out rates. The present study tests
chronically ill or two healthy parents were com-
a proximal predictor of success, and as internet use whether an e-health intervention designed as a se-
pared on cortisol. Three salivary cortisol samples
to change behaviour becomes more prevalent, the rious game stimulates adolescent participants to
were taken after awakening, one sample at noon
present study offers some ideas for further research repeated use. Developmental theorizing on adoles-
and one sample at 20:00, during a non-school day.
into web-based smoking cessation. cents’ use of entertainment media guided the design
Group differences and interaction effects between
438 Health

of the experimental conditions within the game. antecedents include the age, gender, family size, and it seems multivariate problems are associated
Four variations of the game emerged from a 2 socioeconomic status, awareness, and relationships with it. The aim of this study was to identify
(coach size: ‘thin’ vs. ‘slightly heavy’) x 2 (presen- of carers, and diseases of parents. Data were col- correlation between personal characteristics and
tation form: ‘game’ vs. ‘game about health’) be- lected from 250 young carers from a hospital in scale of Edinburgh postnatal depression. In this
tween-subjects design. An attractive shopping area Cuttack and from the slums, shops, garages, and cross-sectional study, 597 volunteer postnatal wom-
served as the virtual environment in which the hotels in Cuttack and Bhubaneswar in the state of en, who had been visited in 6 primary health clinics
avatar LiZa acted as a personal coach. Participants Odisha (India). Young carers were interviewed to west of Tehran during the fourth month after deliv-
earned points by making healthy in-game food gather personal information and information about ery, were involved. (Year 2009-2010) The question-
choices and received incremental rewards each day their caregiving responsibilities. Their parents were naire had two main parts: personal characteristics
they returned to play the game. Points could be interviewed about the socioeconomic status of the and self-reporting scale of Edinburgh postnatal de-
spent in-game, among others, on fashion, groceries, family. Carers were providing informal care to their pression (EPDS). The average age was 27.01±
sports, and cinema tickets. Questions were built in parents suffering from chronic, mental, and sub- 4.94. There were significant correlations between
and all user data were logged. Currently, we are stance abuse illnesses. Results suggest that the con- scores of EPDS and planned pregnancy, the history
testing how presentation form and the coach’s body structs of the scale have acceptable reliability and of Intra Uterine Fetal Death, women’s occupation
size interact, expecting that the thinner LiZa in the validity. Confirmatory factor analysis of the scores and that of their spouses, family economic status,
‘game’ condition induces highest levels of partici- on 20 items of the instrument confirms the four women’s educational status and that of their part-
pation. As an exploration, we examine whether the conceptual dimensions including intimate, domes- ners, and smoking habits. Regarding to the cutoff
girls’ in-game behavior stretches into real-life, how tic, administrative, and emotional care. The more point of EPDS, there were significant correlations
they respond to and perceive the virtual coach, and intense the caring activity, the more the time spent between two characteristics of unplanned pregnan-
how they spend their game rewards. Results will be in that activity. More caregiving is associated with cy and unwanted pregnancy by spouse. Since there
presented and discussed at the ICP. lesser age of carers, girl children, children from were significant associations between postpartum
smaller families, low socioeconomic status of fam- depression and spouse, unplanned and unwanted
ilies, more awareness of carers, adverse relation- pregnancy, it is better to have more guiding and
Coping-strategies of migraine patients influ- ships with and chronic illness of parents. Improving counselling for the high risk group during pregnan-
ence their quality of life the socioeconomic status can decrease the extent of cy and postpartum time. We suggest screening all
Natalya Starikova Perm State Medical Academy, young caregiving because it is the most important women during postpartum period by EPDS.
Russian Federation predictor of young caregiving.
The characteristics of pain syndromes and quality
of life (QoL) of patients may strongly depend on Effect of Ginkgo Biloba on menopausal sex-
psychological factors including pain coping strate- Menopausal women’s sleep quality related ual function in menopausal women: A ran-
gies (CS). 65 migraine patients aged 18-56 were factors in west of Tehran domised placebo controlled trial, Tehran,
investigated. Migraine-specific QoL questionnaire Simin Taavoni Tehran University of Medical 2011
QVM, generic Gotheborg QoL Inventory (GQI), Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran; Neda Ekbatani; Simin Taavoni Tehran University of Medical
Spielberger’s and Beck’s Inventories, MIDAS were Hamid Haghani Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran; Leila Amiri; Nae-
used. CS of patients were studied by the means of Sleep disturbances, which effect on quality of life is meh Seidfatemie; Hamid Haghani
the Vanderbielt Questionnaire. Statistical analysis of common and clinically important during meno- Sexual dysfunction is prevalent among menopausal
data was performed using non-parametric possibil- pause and old age. To identify related factors of women and affects their quality of life. There are
ities of STATISTICA 6,0. Migraine patients showed sleep disturbance in menopausal women, in this various methods for prevention and treatment of
poor QoL (Me=57,00, 95% CI 54,79-58,52 points cross sectional study, 200 volunteer healthy 50-60 this dysfunction, which have been divided into
vs Me=67,00, 95%CI 62,60-69,70 in controls; menopause women, who had been visited in health pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic methods.
p=0,0006). All indexes of QVM Questionnaire cor- clinics of Tehran University of Medical Science in To assess the effect of Ginkgo Biloba Extract
related with Goetheborg Questionnaire index (p = the West of Tehran were interviewed (Year 2010- (GBE) on sexual function in menopausal women,
0,011 – 0,00001). The scores of migraine-specific 2011). The tools had two main parts: 1) Personal a triple blind randomised placebo controlled trial
QVM questionnaire correlate with some clinical characteristics, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index was run with 80 healthy volunteers (50-60 year old
features of the disease, concentrated in MIDAS (PSQI) Average age of the women was 53.6± 3.6, menopausal women), who had been admitted in
score, but the most prominent correlations revealed Couples’ age 57.99± 6.6 Number of Children 4.7± three health care centres of Tehran University of
were those with emotional disturbances and CS of 2.03, menopause age was 47.8± 4.0. Regarding to Medical Sciences (TUMS), during the summer and
patients. For example, Global index of QVM did the PSQI frequency of sleep disturbance there was a autumn of 2010. The instrument of this study had
not depend on patients’ age, length of the disease, 70 percent and average of PSQI was 7.84± 4.4. two parts: The first part was personal characteris-
pain intensity, frequency and duration of attacks, There were significant correlations between Occu- tics, and the second part was Sabbatsberg Sexual
but correlated with MIDAS score (p=0,017), non- pational Status, Educational Status, Husband Occu- Rating Scale (SSRS), which was used for subjec-
adaptive CS (p=0,00009), anxiety (p=0,0007) and pational Status, and Economic status and sleep tive evaluation of sexual function before and after
depression (p=0,002). Functional index of QVM disturbance. (P=0.002) There were no correlations intervention. The participants received GBE 120-
depended on anxiety and depression levels and on between sleep disturbance and samples’ age, part- 240 mg, or placebo, daily for 30 days. Sexual
non-adaptive CS preference (p=0,002). Psycholog- ners’ age, number of children, family size, and function was significantly improved in the GBE
ical index correlated with the levels of anxiety and habits of drinking tea / coffee / cola and samples’ than in the placebo group and included sexual
depression, MIDAS score and passive CS. Social sexual satisfaction. For improving menopausal desire (P<0.05), sexual pleasure (P< 0.01), orgasm
index of QVM depended on the attacks’ duration, women sleep disturbance, related personal factors (P< 0.05), importance of sex (P< 0.01) during last
anxiety, depression and non-adaptive CS score. must be considered, and by using suitable guiding, month and importance of sex in comparison to
Passive CS, anxiety and depression of patients consultation and intervention, improve their sleep previous years (P< 0.007). The mean score of total
strongly influence and diminish QoL in migraine quality. sexual function in the GBE group showed signif-
patients. icant difference to that of the placebo group (P<
0.05). Findings of this study support the positive
Related factors of postpartum depression in effect of Ginkgo Biloba on menopausal women’s
Assessment and antecedents of young care- clients who had been visited in clinics of west sexual function.
giving in families of Tehran
Damodar Suar Indian Institute of Technology, India; Simin Taavoni Tehran University of Medical
Rojalini Sahoo Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran; Hamid Haghani; Factors affecting alcohol drinking behaviour
This study develops an instrument to assess care- Parvin Zarea of Australia youth
giving of young carers and examines the antece- Postpartum depression is the most common mood Sombat Tayraukham Mahasarakham University,
dents of caregiving to parents in families. The disorder of the postpartum period in women’s lives Thailand; Frances Martin
Health 439

This study aims to develop the structural drinking maintain discipline in the classroom are strongly orphans. Recommendations include the develop-
behaviour in youth. 331 undergraduate students linked to phoniatric treatments. The multiple logis- ment of a health promoting school perspective, life
enrolled in the University of Tasmania were tic regression also reflects that the most important skills education, internal school orphan care pro-
obtained by a stratified random sampling technique. risk factors in these types of problems are the grammes, regular talk shows for orphans and other
An opinion regarding youth drinking behaviour psycho-educational methods employed in reinstat- vulnerable children, the empowerment of learners
questionnaire was employed. Data were analysed ing order within the classroom. on social relationships, parent and community par-
by descriptive statistics and path analysis. The find- ticipation, the involvement of the community and
ings revealed that model was consistent with em- non-governmental organizations, regular internal
pirical data and validation of good fit, =707, df Cancer screening: A teachable moment for workshops for the staff in the school, and school
=654, p>.074, RMSEA=0.016, GFI=0.901, lifestyle change or a health certificate effect? collaboration with social workers to empower the
AGFI=0.882 and R-Square=0.710. Drinking be- Carlijn Van Der Aalst Erasmus MC, Netherlands caregivers.
haviour, attitudes toward alcohol consumption, anx- Worldwide, the burden of cancer is still increasing,
iety, personality, family care, and law were direct which is in a high degree due to an increased
effects in statistical significance. adaptation of (cancer related) risk-behaviour. Sev- Exploring stakeholders’ perceptions of
eral cancer screening programmes are effective in health promotion in schools in Qwa Qwa
reducing cancer mortality, but until now evidence South Africa
Quality of life, coping strategies, coping ef- about the impact of these programmes on future Charles Viljoen North West University, Sri Lanka;
fectiveness of women with polycystic ovar- lifestyle is scarce. Lung cancer screening is argued Annah Motale; Thomas Chele
ian syndrome to be a teachable moment for smoking cessation, Schools have been identified as a key setting for
Christina Tellis College of Home Science, Nirmala, but it might also provide a health certificate effect. development and health promotion. As such, the
India; Nirmala Almeida The impact of lung cancer screening was investi- settings approach towards health promotion in
Globally, the prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Syn- gated amongst smokers of the Dutch-Belgian ran- schools is effective on a number of levels: It
drome (PCOS) is 20-33% and is slowly rising. domised controlled lung cancer screening (NEL- encourages multi-stakeholder ownership, allows for
PCOS carries with it a range of mental health SON) trial. Two random samples were selected of connections between people, enables interactions
issues. The objective of the current study was to 50-75 years old male smokers at high risk for between the various stakeholders and creates op-
evaluate the QoL of Indian women with PCOS, developing lung cancer randomised to the screen portunities to tackle the different health issues at
their coping strategies and coping effectiveness. (n=641) or control arm (n=643) of the NELSON hand. Health promotion entails enabling the key
The sample consisted of 24 women (18-30 years, trial. Smoking behavioural change was investigated stakeholders (i.e., teachers, students and parents)
9 married, 15 unmarried) with PCOS. Evaluation at randomisation (T0), 2 years (T1, study 1) and 4 to increase over and to improve their health. Instru-
was accomplished with the help of an interview years of follow-up (T2, study 2). At T1, prolonged mental is this endeavour is to understand what the
schedule and three rating scales. Two-thirds of the abstinence was reported in 14.5% of the screen arm various stakeholders’ perceptions are relating to
participants fell in the high/very high QoL category, smokers and 19.1% of the control arm smokers. health promotion. In many school communities the
while one-third, in the moderate QoL category After 4 years, these rates were 24.3% (screen arm) parents are not fully aware of the schools’ practices
(Mean QoL=616.375, SD=82.883, theoretical and 29.3% (control arm). Multivariate analysis and policies relative to nutrition, physical activity,
range=182-819). A high Qol score was obtained showed that lower baseline nicotine dependency smoking etc. Some teachers on the other hand, may
on the social, financial and spiritual domains, while and randomisation to the control arm increased the view health as a medicalised and physical aspect
the physical and psychological domains yielded an likelihood of being abstinent from smoking at fol- only without acknowleding other aspects (spiritual,
average score. Many reported experiencing physical low-up. In conclusion, male smokers who received emotional, psychological, etc.) of health. Not all
symptoms, dietary restrictions and an unattractive CT screening for lung cancer were less likely to students are aware of the health risks involved in
appearance, but positive changes in their lifestyle refrain from smoking, possibly due to false feelings the choices they make. The symposium will draw
and relations with family members. Coping strate- of reassurance caused by screening. Research is attention to the possible disconnect between stake-
gies used to a large extent were acceptance urgently needed to explore and solve this problem. holders’ perceptions of what health promotion
(M=6.58, SD=1.34), active coping (M=6.33, entails, and what is really happening in schools.
SD=1.16) and positive reframing (M=6.12, Stated differently, because stakeholders’ percep-
SD=1.70). Seeking support from loved ones was "God also forgot about me": The health pro- tions about health promotion in schools can strong-
the most helpful coping strategy and crying, the moting needs of AIDS orphans in Botswana ly influence the dynamics of a particular school,
least helpful. Coping effectiveness was high Charles Viljoen North West University, Sri Lanka; understanding these perceptions can be instrumen-
(Mean=85.33, SD=9.98, theoretical range=25- Constance Keerate tal for the successful functioning of a school. The
100). Participants could contain uncomfortable feel- Orphanhood in Botswana is causing grave concern proposed symposium draws on research that was
ings, generate hope, and maintain self-esteem. This as a result of the growing number of orphans that conducted in schools QwaQwa South Africa.
study contributes to the body of knowledge in an require care and support. The central research ques-
under-researched area in India. tion that guided this research study was: What are
the health-promoting needs of orphans in schools in Socio-cultural influences on adolescent
Botswana? A phenomenological research design smoking in China: The mediating role of
Perceptions, attitudes and behaviours as de- was used for the study. This research design seemed smoking-related cognitions
terminants of vocal pathologies in teachers appropriate to explore and understand the health- Yan Wang Syracuse University, United States of
Silvia Ubillos University of Burgos, Spain; Ibanez promoting needs of orphans in schools in Bots- America; Ambika Krishnakumar
Jaime; Centeno Javier wana. The researchers used interviews, focus Using online survey data from 658 Chinese adoles-
The aim of the study is to know how certain atti- groups and field observations to obtain the empir- cents aged 14 to 17 years from Jiande, Zhejiang-
tudes, and behaviours, of teachers may risk them ical data. The main categories and sub-categories of province in mainland China, this study examined
suffering vocal pathologies. 675 Spanish teachers the health promoting needs of orphans that the roles of socio-cultural influences, including
(from primary school to university), with a mean emerged, were these: The need for psychological smoking-related cultural values, parent smoking,
age of 46.96 years (sd=9.43) took part in the re- and emotional support (loss of love and care, feel- extended family members smoking, exposure to
search. A cross-sectional descriptive and analytic ings of pain, sadness and hopelessness, self blame, media smoking, exposure to environmental smok-
design was developed. A self-report (Jackson- hatred), the need for physical support (improper ing, and health-related values, in shaping adolescent
Menaldi, 2002) regarding different factors associat- shelter, physical abuse and being overworked), the smoking behaviours in China. This study also ex-
ed with vocal pathologies was answered by the need for educational support (lack of study material, amined the mediating role of smoking-related cog-
participants. Results show that 16.4% of the sample lack of transport and packed meal) and the need for nitions, including attitude, subjective norm, and
had suffered some type of phoniatric problem. Bi- spiritual and mental connectedness (sense of be- perceived behavioural control, in the link between
variate analyses show that noise perception gener- longing, quest for wholeness). Schools play an socio-cultural influences and adolescent smoking
ated by students and the coping mechanisms used to insignificant role in providing for the needs of behaviours. Results from Structural Equation Mod-
440 Health

eling indicated that smoking-related cultural values well as the work stress and overall health (r= -.438, individual’s health-related quality of life. The SF-
and extended family members smoking had signif- p<.01). No remarkable sexual difference was re- 36 scores were compared to norms in Chinese
icant direct effects on adolescent smoking beha- spectively in the family stress, working stress, phys- women in the general population. Results: Among
viours. Smoking-related cultural values, parent ical health, mental health, social health and overall the eight SF-36 dimensions, PF (physical function-
smoking, and health-related values also had signif- health. Married employees’ family stress was ing), RP (role-physical), BP (bodily pain), GH
icant indirect effects on adolescent smoking beha- higher than unmarried employees’, but they were (general health), VT (vitality) and SF (social func-
viours through the mediation of smoking-related actually healthier than unmarried employees. The tioning) scores showed age-related reduction in the
cognitions. The findings highlight the importance synergy of work stress and family stress accounted Changsha left behind women population(p<.01).
of cultural values and familial influences in shaping for 26% of the variance in overall health of em- The quality of life was relatively better in the
adolescent smoking behaviours in Chinese society ployee, but that work stress affected the employee younger age groups. Every SF-36 dimension score
and suggest that modifying smoking-related cogni- health (ΔR2=17.9%) was greater than that family of the left behind women population was lower than
tions may be an effective way to prevent adolescent stress affected the employee health (ΔR2= 15.5%). that of Chinese women in the general population.
smoking. There were differential work stresses which affected Conclusion: In the left behind women population,
the health of employees in the different organisa- the quality of life was reduced with increasing age.
tions and the different management levels. The Left behind women suffered worse HRQL than
Peers and siblings effect on alcohol and ci- present study confirmed that work stress and family general women.
garrette use among secondary school male stress together were more helpful to predict employ-
students ee health, and organization role stress was the most
Christine Wasanga Kenyatta University, Kenya; important predictor variable to the health of Virtual self-choice enhance resistance to-
Samson Oteyo employees. wards illusory stress
Peer effects on adolescents’ alcohol and cigarette Kun Yu Peking University, China; Lei Wang Peking
use (ACU) have been documented. However, few University, China; Yu Kun Peking University, China
studies have made a relative contribution to an The unifying psychology application: A psy- The current research aimed to examine how resis-
understanding of selection and socialisation to ad- chological study on the causation of the ma- tance towards stress are affected by mere imagined
olescent ACU. Adolescents may either select lignant tumor choice (virtual choice) about the work or task. In
friends who also use alcohol and cigarettes, or they Zhong Weidong The Unifying Psychology Work- Study 1 we held a real choice task on computer to
use these drugs because of pressure to conform to shop, China identify that participants could bear more stress in
friends’ behaviours. The study used siblings as a Depression is caused by the implied content of the task they choose than in task selected by computer.
comparison group to peers to establish the extent to incidents in which a person was injured (including Fifty graduate and undergraduate students were
which the adolescent ACU was either due to sim- physical pain and emotional hurt). This implied randomly assigned to self-choice condition or com-
ilarity of behaviour or pressure to conform to content has the characteristics of being linear, puter-choice condition. Results showed that partici-
friends’ behaviours. The ex post facto research straight, non-logical, not brought about by man’s pants in self-choice condition could persist longer
design was used. Multistage cluster, Probability conscious awareness. In the event of injury, phys- in the arithmetic task than computer-choice condi-
Proportionate to Size (PPS) and simple random ical pain becomes one of the elements in hinted tion, even though tasks in two conditions were
sampling methods were used to select the partici- content. Differing hinted content can lead to differ- actually all the same. In experiment 2 we introduce
pating schools and respondents. A sample of 327 ent symptoms. For example, if you give a person virtual choiceship, that the choice was unreal but
respondents were selected. The results indicated the hints ’go east’ and ’go west’ at once, he will be just being informed, Three types of job choices
that there was a significant association between disoriented and produce symptoms of anxiety. At were offered to 137 employees, who were then told
students’ ACU with that of older siblings (alcohol: the conscious level, we think that physical pain to imagine they are engaging one of them. Results
c2 =32.069 df=1 p<.05; cigarettes: c2 =31.783 df=1 means death, so we instinctively avoid physical revealed that subjects in self-choice condition
p<.05). The students who perceived that they expe- pain. But in various hints, there is the hint that reported higher level of willingness to bear stress
rienced pressure to conform to the peers’ ACU were ’physical pain means survival’. The existence of than other two conditions. With another sample of
3.130 and 1.755 times more likely to use cigarettes these implications is the reason for the brain initi- 107 employees, we held experiment 3 and replicat-
and alcohol respectively. On the other hand, those ating pain in the body. This affects people’s beha- ed findings of experiment 2 without information
who selected friends who used cigarettes and alco- viours. For one thing, it causes people to have the about alternatives job choices presented. These
hol were 2.542 and 1.132 times more likely to use tendency of autosadism in external behaviours. For findings demonstrate that virtual self-choice exist-
cigarettes and alcohol respectively. Those who per- another, it has the tendency to prompt the internal ing only in mind could enhance people’s resistance
ceived that their older siblings used cigarettes and body to grow a useless organisation - the tumor. towards illusory stress on an imagery task or a job,
alcohol were 3.064 and 2.18 times more likely to The tumor’s existence is in order to create the pain even though people never do it and even never
use cigarettes and alcohol respectively. It was because ’physical pain means survival’. This papers know about it. Theoretical and practical implica-
recommended that school ACU intervention pro- aims to give a preliminary discussion and study on tions of these findings are discussed.
grams should target both those students who select the formation and elimination (therapies) of this
alcohol and cigarette users as friends and those kind of hint.
identified as most susceptible to peers’ influence. Relationship between social capital and
mental health of the university students
Evaluation of health related quality of life in Ali Zadeh Mohammadi Shahid Beheshti University,
An empirical study on relationship between left behind women in China and compared Islamic Republic of Iran; Mahmood Heidari; Zohreh
stress and health of employees with norm Ahmedabad; Ghiasar Maleky
Xiangqian Wei School of Psychology, China; Hongyu Shuqiao Yao Medical Psychological Institute, China In the present study the relationship between social
Ma Objective: "Left behind women" refers to those capital and the mental health of male and female
Previous research has shown that stress affected women whose husbands have migrated in search students was studied. The 1742 students (920 girls
health. The present study focused on exploring the of work in the city (more than half a year) and who and 820 boys) from 10 government universities
relations between different stresses and physical have left them behind in their rural homes. At completed the Symptom Check List (SCL-25) ques-
health, mental health, social health, and overall present, there are almost 70,000,000 left behind tionnaire SCL-25 and Social Capital Questionnaire.
health, and how different stresses predict the health women in China. The aim of this study was to The results showed that the average support re-
of employees in the different organizations and the evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) ceived from the network was higher in girls than
different management levels. Data were collected in Chinese left behind women. Method: A total of boys and the average network size was reported to
from 440 subjects of two provinces, Shandong 2077 rural left behind women were randomly sam- have more effect in boys than girls. Except having
province and Hubei province in China. The results pled using a stratified multiple-stage random sam- paranoid thoughts in other subscales, girls found a
showed a negative relation between the employees’ pling method in Changsha. The 36-item Short Form significantly higher mean than boys. Regression
family stress and overall health (r= -.368, p<.01), as Health Survey (SF-36) was used to assess each analysis showed that for girls communion with
Health 441

network members received more emotional support physical complaints (Pearson’s correlation coeffi- The United Nations World Food Conference in
and for boys size of network had a significant cients range between -0.18 and -0.26), SCL-9 sum 1974 stated that every man, woman, and child has
positive relationship with mental health. Results score (r = -0.26) and duration of unemployment (r = the right to be free from hunger and malnutrition in
also indicated that although this was a protective -0.25) seven years later. Even after controlling for order to develop fully and maintain their physical
factor for social capital and mental health is the the baseline levels of these variables, self-efficacy and mental well-being. Likewise the Right and
social capital of girls more than boys, girls showed in 2002 explained incremental variance of the de- Welfare of the African Child, article 14, emphasises
more reduction in mental health. The relationship pendent variables in 2009. Furthermore, differences that every child shall have the right to enjoy the best
between social capital and health psychotherapy is between men and women emerged. Self-efficacy state of physical, mental and spiritual health; strat-
influenced by gender. Promotion of mental health was a stronger predictor for heart-related and gas- egy includes assurance of provision of adequate
will lead to an improvement in social capital among trointestinal complaints in men, whereas it was nutrition. However, food and agricultural organisa-
boys more than girls. more strongly related to psychological complaints tion (FAO,2010) reported that there were 925 mil-
and duration of unemployment in women. Higher lion undernourished people in the world. By Octo-
self-efficacy promotes better health and shorter ber 2010, the number exceeded one billion (FAO,
The role of empathy, emotional competen- times of unemployment during the life course. 2010). Nigeria is among the 20 countries in the
cies, and affective states in coping with com- Thus, self-efficacy is an important protective factor world that together account for more than 80% of
passion fatigue among health professionals that contributes to fewer physical and psychological the world undernourished people with serious hun-
Moshe Zeidner University of Haifa, Israel symptoms and should be considered in health pro- ger state (with an index between 10.0 and 19.9) on
Those who care for or treat traumatised individuals motion programmes. the Global Hunger Index (GHI). This research is
may themselves be subject, over time, to secondary aimed at finding ways of encouraging the consump-
traumatisation or “compassion fatigue” (Figley, tion of locally produced food stuffs that are high in
1995). This paper examines individual differences Session Type: Posters nutritional value. Structured and non-structured
in emotional competencies, affective states, and questionnaires are developed based on location (ru-
coping strategies in relation to indicators of com- Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural inter- ral/urban), education and gender (male/female) in
passion fatigue among health professionals. Partici- vention on Iranian women with breast cancer dependent variables, the level of production and
pants were 182 health professionals (89 physicians, Ali G. Afrooz Pci Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran; consumption. Data is analysed by cross tabulation,
93 mental health workers), who completed the fol- Sogand Ghasemzadeh; Ali Afrooz using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Co-
lowing measures: emotion regulation (MSCEIT Cognitive behavioural intervention has been used efficient Statistical Measure, from which appropri-
branch 4, Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey, 2002), self- since the 1950s for treating various psychological ate recommendations are drawn for policy and im-
reported EI (SSRI, Schutte et al., 1998), empathy problems including anger, sadness, stress and anx- mediate use by other researchers and health work-
(JSPEE- version for health professionals, Hojat et iety. It is known that psychological aspects aggra- ers.
al., 2001), coping strategies (CISS-SSC, Endler & vate some physical illness such as cancer. Consid-
Parker, 1990), affective states (DSSQ, Matthews et ering the role of distress and negative mood in
al., 2002), and compassion fatigue (PQL, Stamm, aggravating breast cancer, the current study was The effectiveness of teaching neuro-linguis-
2003). A path analysis showed that both emotion designed to investigate the effectiveness of a cog- tic programming (NLP) to enhance intimacy
regulation and self-reported EI were positively and nitive behavioural intervention on psychological Hamid Arab University of Isfahan, Islamic Republic
significantly related to empathy. Empathy, in turn, syndromes breast cancer in women. According to of Iran; Mohammad Bagher Kajbaf; Mohammad
worked through negative emotions to impact upon previous studies, a combination of medical and Naghavi
compassion fatigue. Also, EI had a direct effect on cognitive-behavioural therapy is more effective The goal of the present study was to examine the
problem-focused coping and an indirect effect on than either modality alone. This combination can effectiveness of teaching neuro-linguistic program-
compassion fatigue, working through empathy and be highly effective in improving the quality of life ming (NLP) on the level of intimacy between mar-
negative emotions. Problem-focused coping was for people who are suffering from breast cancer. ried couples who attended Isfahan’s advisory insti-
negatively related to negative affect and compas- The current research was based on a semi-experi- tution. The research sample included 30 married
sion fatigue. By contrast, emotion-focused coping mental method. 54 sufferers of breast cancer were couples seeking advice from the advisory institu-
was positively related to both negative emotions randomly assigned to experimental and control tion, selected based on the available method and
and compassion fatigue. Both empathy and EI group (n=27). Experimental group was attended in randomly selected, in an experimental and a control
appear to be double-edged swords for clinicians a 10-session group cognitive behavioural interven- group. The experimental group received eight ses-
treating traumatised victims. tion (2.5 hours each session). The cognitive beha- sions of NLP teaching and the control group re-
vioural intervention covers topics such as self ceived no treatment. The implemented instrument
awareness, stress and anger management, relaxa- in the study was a survey on married couple’s
The effect of self-efficacy on physical and tion, problem solving and cognitive restructuring. intimacy that was of high validity and reliability.
psychological complaints and duration of un- At the end of intervention, two groups answered the The data were analysed through the use of SPSS
same questionnaires. Using multivariate analysis of software and co-variance analysis method. The
employment 7 years later: A longitudinal
covariance, two groups were compared on post- results indicated that teaching NLP increased the
perspective tests, while pretests were assigned as covariate. The intimacy and its dimensions i.e. emotional, support-
Markus Zenger University Hospital Leipzig, Ger- programme was successful, resulting in significant ive, social, communicative and spiritual, and also
many differences in general mental health, stress, anxiety, the overall intimacy (p<.5).
The purpose of the study was to examine the rela- depression and emotion oriented copings. The cur-
tionship of self-efficacy and physical as well as rent study indicated that cognitive-behavioural
psychological complaints to the duration of unem- based intervention is a useful programme for reduc- Diabetes and hypertension: Assessing the
ployment during the life course, covering a time ing stress, raising the quality of life, enhancing
span of seven years. This prospective study was effects of physical illnesses on the quality of
adaptive copings of patients suffering from breast life of elderly people
launched in 1987 with a representative sample of cancer. These results are congruent with cognitive
1407 pupils aged 14 years in East Germany. After Dina Cardoso ISPA, Portugal; Isabel Leal; Sofia von
behavioural model of psychological problems. Humboldt ISPA, Portugal
the German reunification a sample 578 participants
had given informed consent for the continuation of Aging with quality has become increasingly relevant
the study in conducting annual surveys. In 2002 and in a context in which life expectancy has increased.
Adequate diet: Relationship between food This research aims at 1) analysing the variation of
in 2009 a total of 348 participants filled in several
production and consumption among families QoL in older adults with hypertension and diabetes,
questionnaires including the General Self-efficacy
Scale, the Gießen complaint list (GBB), the Symp- in Nigeria and 2) examining the variation of physical function-
tom-Checklist-9 (SCL-9) and questions about the Maimuna Aliyu Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Niger- ing, role limitations, social functioning, physical pain,
experienced unemployment. Initial level of self-ef- ia; Yuwanna Mivanyi Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, mental health and vitality of older adults with diabe-
ficacy is significantly associated with different Nigeria tes and with hypertension. 120 older adults or more
442 Health

than 73 years of age, constituted the convenience functioning - the Mini-Mental State Examination sessment training can be of benefit to children with
sample of this study. The instruments utilised were (MMSE) and demographics were included. Find- T1D and their caregivers by determining existing
the Assessment Questionnaire for Health Gains (SF- ings indicated that Taoist older adults showed a disease knowledge levels and rectifying deficits.
6D), the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) higher QoL score for social functioning (MSF = Although many caregivers have adequate T1D
and demographics. Findings indicated lower QoL 6.0) while Protestant participants indicated a a knowledge, a subset requires re-education and
scores for elderly people with diabetes (MQoL= higher QoL score for role limitations (MRL= 5.8). would benefit from intervention. Caregivers of
4,7) and hypertension (MQoL= 4,3) when compared This study contributed to enlightening the relevance school-aged children should maintain primary re-
with elderly without these diseases (MQoL= 5.2). of religion to older adults’ QoL. Recommendations sponsibility for the T1D regimen, as children lack
Findings also indicated variation in the impact of for future research and behavioral approaches on necessary knowledge for good T1D management.
physical illness in the dimensions of QoL. Thus, older adults’ QoL and clinical practice are also
subjects with diabetes indicated lower scores for presented.
social functioning (MPF = 4.5) and mental health Coping patterns and mental health in nursing
(MVIT = 2.8). Subjects with hypertension indicated and physiotherapy: A comparative study of
lower scores for physical functioning (MPF = 4,2) Religion and quality of life: A study with an supervisors and employees
and also mental health (MVIT = 3,06) but, generi- international sample of elderly Heike Ehrhardt University of Education, Germany;
cally, participants with hypertension showed lower Catarina Costa ISPA, Portugal; Victor Claudio; Ai- Bernhard Borgetto; Karin Schleider
scores when compared with participants with diabe- mee Ferreira; Sofia von Humboldt ISPA, Portugal Due to a dearth of physicians in Germany, an
tes. This study highlighted that hypertension and Previous literature indicates that religion helps within increase of medical responsibilities for nurses and
diabetes affect dimensions of older adults’ QoL, social support and adaptation to aging, namely in physiotherapists is discussed. To be able to describe
although in different ways, and that hypertension has matters like sense of limit and death. This study aims the effects of this development, the aim of this study
a higher impact on this population group. It is thus at examining the role of religion in old age and at was to investigate current coping styles and the
relevant to take into account these results for clinical analysing the impact of different religions in the general state of mental health of nurses and phy-
practice and behavioural strategies for older popula- quality of life (QoL) of elderly people. The sample siotherapists in supervisor positions and on staff
tions. comprised 118 participants over 74 years old, from level. A cross-sectional study was performed with
eight different nationalities, including Portuguese, members of the German nurse association (DBfK)
German, English and Romanian, with no psychiatric and the German physiotherapy association (ZVK).
The relationship between Chinese private disorders. For the purposes of this study, the Assess- The survey included scales of coping patterns
college students’ personality, coping style ment of Gains in Health Scale (SF-6D), one measure (AVEM-44, Schaarschmidt, Fischer, 2008) and
and mental health of cognitive functioning, the Mini-Mental State Ex- mental health (COPSOQ, Nübling et al. 2005). A
Lizhong Chi Beijing Sport University, China; amination (MMSE) and demographics, were includ- total of 140 participants completed the question-
This paper tried to explore the correlation between ed. Results indicated the highest QoL scores in naire: nSuA=60 supervisors with, nSuB=33 super-
the personality, coping style and mental health Taoist older adults (MTao = 5.3), Protestant partici- visors without personnel responsibility and nE=47
among private college students. 143 private univer- pants (MPro= 4.9) and other religious older adults employees. Analysis of the sample showed higher
sity students were selected to complete the SCL-90, (MOth= 4.9) when compared to the population with- values of job satisfaction (p<.01) as well as cogni-
EPQ, and SCSQ. The results showed that: (1) No out a religious belief system (MWRel = 4.1). In tive stress (p=.05) compared to normative sample.
sigficant gender difference existed, while only-child terms of nationality and QoL, German older adults Regarding subgroups SuB show significant higher
students significantly differed from students with indicated a higher QoL score ( = 5.3) whilst Roma- strain at work and more psychosocial stress than
siblings in terms of hostility (only-child students nian older adults indicated the lowest mean value (= SuA. In addition 46% of SuB act with pattern “take-
scored higher than other students). (2) Negative 3.9). There was no correlation between nationality it-easy” which is an indication of poor motivation
coping correlated significantly with all demensions and QoL. This study makes a valuable contribution and protection against inadequate professional chal-
of the SCL—90. (3) Psychoticism significantly cor- for the incorporation of religion as a relevant inter- lenge (fSuA=18%, fSuB=26%). The pattern resig-
related with hostility; extrovision significantly cor- venient in QoL in old age, emphasising its contribu- nation and depression appeared in 21% of SuB and
related with obsessive-compulsion, interpersonal tion to healthy aging and behavioural strategies. 19% of employees, but only in 5% of SuA. The
sensitivity, depression, paranoid ideation, psychoti- results indicate an already-existing strain, especially
cism, anxiety and photic anxiety; neuroticism sig- on supervisors without personnel responsibility, and
nificantly correlated with all dimensions of SCL— Assessment of type 1 diabetes knowledge: employees. Extra medical responsibilities could be
90. (4) Negative coping, extroversion and neuroti- What do children and parents know? a chance to improve their professional challenge
cism could significantly predict the total score of Kimberly Driscoll Florida State University, United and their motivation. In addition, it is mandatory
SCL-90. (4) Negative coping, extroversion and States of America; Larry Deeb; Elizabeth Gill; Su- to develop target group oriented interventions to
neuroticism could significantly predict the total zanne Johnson strengthen motivation and prevent resignation.
score of the SCL-90. The purpose of this study was to evaluate type 1
diabetes (T1D) knowledge in children with T1D
and their caregivers. 108 caregivers (M age=38.06 The influence of stressful life events on sub-
Analysing the association of religion and years, SD=8.19; 83% female) and 76 children (M jective well-being: A test of multiple mediat-
quality of life in old age age= 9.92 years, SD=1.25; range = 7.05-11.96; ing effects
Catarina Costa ISPA, Portugal; Sofia von Humboldt 53% female) completed the Test of Diabetes Cuiying Fan Central China Normal University, China;
ISPA, Portugal; Victor Claudio Knowledge (TDK). Scores ranged from 0-100% Hua Wei
Although aging process research is commonly as- with higher scores reflecting better knowledge. The present study tested the multiple mediating
sociated with loss of function and quality of life, Caregivers demonstrated better T1D knowledge effects of self-concealment and social support in
most seniors use different strategies to potentiate than children (ps<0.001), but there was great vari- the relationship between stressful life events and
their integration in society and psychological well- ability in scores. Caregivers’ scores were (Mean, subjective well-being (SWB), probing the mecha-
being. This study aims at assessing the association SD, range): TDK Total Problems: 91.78%, 10.14, nism of effects of stressful life events on SWB. A
of religion to quality of life (QoL) and at analyzing 39-100, TDK General Knowledge: 91.16%, 10.92, total of 537 undergraduate students took part in this
the effects of religion on the six dimensions of 45-100, TDK Problem-Solving: 93.21%, 11.17, 25- study. The results confirmed our hypothesis that
quality of life: (i) physical functioning; (ii) role 100, TDK Insulin: 83.00%, 15.82, 33-100. Chil- stressful life events were positively associated with
limitations; (iii) social functioning; (iv) pain; (v) dren’s scores were TDK Total Problems: 65.89%, self-concealment, social support and SWB. Self-
mental health and (vi) vitality. The sample com- 22.2, 0-100, TDK General Knowledge: 65.03, concealment negatively correlated social support
prised 118 people over 74 years, from eight differ- 17.68, 10-100, TDK Problem-Solving: 78.34%, and SWB and there was a positive relationship
ent nationalities, with no psychiatric disorders. For 19.68, 25-100, TDK Insulin: 51.61%, 24.25, =0- between social support and SWB. In addition,
the purposes of this study, the Assessment of Gains 100. Children’s T1D knowledge increased with age stressful life events not only exerted a direct impact
in Health Scale (SF-6D), one measure of cognitive (rs=0.39-0.65, ps<0.05-0.001). Psychologists’ as- on SWB, but could also influence the SWB indi-
Health 443

rectly through self-concealment and social support, The epidemic of childhood obesity has often been not. We tested the effects of a brief health-psychol-
indicating that the relationship between stressful life related to the increasing sedentary lifestyle of chil- ogy intervention to bridge the intention-behaviour
events and SWB was partially mediated by self- dren, as well as hypercaloric diets. Among the rea- gap and increase the likelihood for the uptake of a
concealment and social support. The findings pro- sons commonly pointed out for sedentarism, those healthy life style (physical activity, diet and well-
vide an impetus for improvement of life quality of most cited are the abuse of electronic entertainment being). Patients with CHD and cardiac risk factors
college students. Their SWB can be enhanced by devices, and excessive television viewing, which do were assigned to an intervention or control group. A
relieving pressure, reducing the tendency to self- not encourage children to participate in physical ac- brief activating health-psychological intervention
concealment and gaining social support. tivity. The aim of this pilot study is to analyse was build into an educational group setting. Base-
whether children use, or at least have at their disposal, line assessment included perceived self-efficacy,
those entertainment devices or not. 51 Primary intentional status, physical activity, diet and well-
The relationship between religious beliefs school students took part in the study (Mean age: being and was completed during inpatient hospital
and mental health in female students 10,54; SD: 0,61): 62,9% girls and 37,1 boys. Parti- stay; follow-up data was collected at two and six
Javad Ghanbari Technical University of Zanjan, Is- cipants completed a developed ad-hoc lifestyle ques- months. 669 patients participated (physical activi-
lamic Republic of Iran; Akbar Mahdiloo Technical tionnaire; weight, height and tricipital skinfold mea- ty=210; diet=245, well-being=214, age= 64.2±9.4;
University of Zanjan, Islamic Republic of Iran sures were also obtained. Results show 34,3% of the 64% male). No baseline differences for baseline
This study examined the relationship between reli- sample spent at least two hours doing sedentary variables were found. No between group differ-
gious beliefs and mental health in female students. activities such as watching television or playing video ences for the intention to uptake a healthy life style
In this correlation research, 260 female students of games (17,1% spent over four hours). Besides, 92% were found at baseline. Results at two months
the Technical University of Zanjan were chosen as a of the subjects had the television set on while having indicate patients in the IG had more control over
sample using stratified sampling method. The com- their meals. Participants had the following electronic their planned behaviour (3±0.7 vs. 2.6±0.8,
pleted the Religious Beliefs questionnaire and entertainment devices: music players (68,6%), com- p<0.05). Patients in the IG report to be 59.5 (±21)
Symptom Checklist -90 -Revised (SCL-90-R) ques- puters (60%), television sets (57%), video games minutes more physical active per week than the
tionnaire. Data were analysed using Pearson corre- (37,1%) and mobile phones (7%) in their rooms. control group (p=0.05). Overall the short-term indi-
lation coefficient in SPSS version 16. Findings We conclude that children seem to spend too many cators showed that the brief intervention increased
showed that there was a positive relationship be- hours a day in sedentary activities, and have easy the behaviour control.
tween religious beliefs and mental health. Accord- access to electronic devices which encourage them
ing to the findings, religious belief is an important take part in this kind of activity. If these results are
factor and has a considerable role in mental health. confirmed using a larger sample size, we could verify Impact of social support, social skills and
Religious beliefs are strongly associated with higher the link between the current childhood lifestyle in coping strategies on female teacher’s health
levels of mental health. developed countries, and obesity. Rubina Kausar University of the Punjab, Pakistan;
Yasmin Dr
The present research explored the impact of per-
Impact factors on creativity and its relation- Burnout Syndrome in practitioners deliver- ceived social support, social skills and coping strate-
ship with mental health ing services/ assistance in the area of family gies on the general health of female college and
Javad Ghanbari Technical University of Zanjan, Is- violence Women University teachers. Lazarus and Folkman’s
lamic Republic of Iran; Akbar Mahdiloo Technical Gloria Gurrola Universidad Autonoma del Estado, (1984) Cognitive Model of Coping with stress was
University of Zanjan, Islamic Republic of Iran Mexico; Eloisa Ramirez; Patricia Balcazar; Alejan- used as the theoretical basis for this research project.
This descriptive correlational study identified factors dra Moysen; Julieta Garay Non-probability purposive sampling strategy was
affecting the creativity and its relationship with men- The present study aims at identifying and describ- used. The sample comprised of 212 female college
tal health. 587 people were selected as a statistical ing burnout symptoms in professionals delivering and university teachers. It is hypothesised that per-
sample using multi-stage cluster and stratified sam- services, and/or assistance to persons who have ceived social support, social skills and coping strate-
pling methods. They filled Abedi Creativity Ques- experienced family violence. The sample consists gies would have a positive impact on the general
tionnaire, General Health Questionnaire and personal of 32 professionals (four medical doctors, ten psy- health of female college and Women University tea-
information questionnaire. Results of correlation chologists, ten social workers, and eight lawyers) chers. Perceived Social Support Fri /Fa Scales (PSS,
analysis, T-test and ANOVA showed that: there was who work at the Integral Family Development Sys- Fr/Fa) by Procidano and Heller (1983); Social Skills
a significant relationship between creativity and men- tem in the city of Toluca, México. Focus groups and Inventory (SSI) by Riggio (1986); Coping Orienta-
tal health, gender, parenting styles, the occupational in-depth interviews were used as part of the study’s tion to Problem Experienced (COPE) by Carver,
status of parents, and education level of parents. methodology. The results indicate important physi- Scheier and Weintraub (1989) and General Health
Also, the creativity was different between students cal ailments and effects in the motivation for deliv- Questionnaire 30 (GHQ 30) by Goldberg (1978)
who passed the life skills lesson with those who not ering help, and emotional areas, for professionals. were individually administered to all the participants
passed. There was a relationship between creativity Positive sequelae (such as the learning of healthier in order to assess their perceived social support,
and mental health of students, so that mental health interaction schemes at the family level and avoid- social skills, coping strategies and general health. The
increases or decreases with increasing and decreasing ance of violent behavioural patterns) were also results suggested that perceived social support, social
the rate of creativity. Also, Students who passed life observed. It is concluded that professionals deliver- skills and coping strategies had a significantly posi-
skills lesson had higher scores in creativity. The level ing services/assistance in the area of family vio- tive impact on the general health of female college
of creativity in girls was significantly higher than lence are in need of psychological support and and university teachers. The findings of this research
boys. Students whose parents with the permissive, social networks that can act as a protective factor have implications for promoting our understanding of
authoritative and neglectful parenting style, were against the wearing down experienced in profes- the impact of social support, social skills and coping
more creative than who their parents had authoritar- sional practice. strategies on the general health of female college and
ian style. Students of parents with high occupational Women University teachers. Furthermore, growth-
status were more creative, but there was no relation- enhancing faculty development programmes could
ship between creativity and their mother’s jobs. Stu- Bridging the intention-behaviour gap: Life- be introduced for promoting healthy coping strate-
dents whose parents had higher-education levels were style modification intervention at the cardi- gies, social skills and social support among female
more creative than others. ology ward college and Women University teachers in order to
Stefan Hoefer Innsbruck Medical University, Aus- enhance their general health in the Pakistani society.
tria; Marion Platter; Cornelia Hoelzl; Markus Hofer;
Childhood obesity and life style choices: A Alexandra Huber; Daniela Renn
descriptive pilot study Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a life-style relat- Occupational stress and depression: An issue
Maria Jose Gonzalez Calderon Udima University, ed disease. Modifiable risk factors have been iden- of balance?
Spain; Jose Ignacio Baile; Victoria Del Barrio; Maria tified. The knowledge about modifiable risk factors Stefan Koch Roseneck Center of Behavioral Medi-
Jose Gonzalez is increasing, the uptake of a healthy life-style is cine, Germany
444 Health

The model of Effort-Reward-Imbalance (ERI, mindfulness. Aspects included: number of sittings were deviations: the indifference and religious con-
Siegrist 1996) suggests that an imbalance between per week (sit/wk); time spent per meditation sitting straints factors were merged, and two items of the
occupational engagement and experienced reward (time/med); how long the participant has engaged in dispositional risk factors were misplaced. Further
increases the risk for physical and mental disorders. formal meditation (how long) and style of medita- analysis showed that gender, domicile and age did
The aim of this study was to investigate a hetero- tion (style). “Sit/wk”, “how long” and “style” were not impact the scores on the MAAQ subscales (ps >
geneous clinical sample for differential relations predictive of mindfulness, with “how long” being .05). However, relative to abstaining students, those
between ERI (and its reward components: Job se- the strongest predictor. Meditation styles mindful- who reported drinking were less likely to endorse
curity, esteem, and salary/promotion) and depres- ness, Vipassana, Zen and Shambhala were associ- higher scores on the fear of negative consequences
sion. Occupational self-appreciation was predicted ated with highest mindfulness. (t = -3.704, df =52.615, p = .001, d = .847),
to be of health-protective value. The study was religious constraints (t = -2.580, df = 53.686, p =
based on a cross-sectional sample of 120 patients .002, d =.605) and indifference (t = -4.689, df =
(60% salary workers, 40% civil servants) in inpa- Psychological correlates of risky cannabis 303, p = .001; d =.767) subscales of the MAAQ.
tient psychotherapy, predominantly suffering from use: Alexithymia, frontal lobe dysfunction Overall, the results support the use of the measure
affective disorders (76%, ICD-10 F3). Incremental and impulsivity in research and in the design of alcohol abstention
variances of ERI-components and Occupational- Michael Lyvers Bond University, Australia; Fred programmes in South Africa.
Self-Appreciation-Scale (OSAS, Lehr 2010) were Thorberg; Reuben Jamieson
analysed by stepwise linear regression models (cri- A community sample of young adult cannabis users
terion: depression/CES-D). ERI (total model) sig- was recruited. Of the 138 participants, 71.7% were Spiritual intelligence, happiness, and mental
nificantly predicted the extent of depressive symp- defined by their Cannabis Use Disorder Identifica- health
toms (CES-D, R-Square=11%). An imbalance tion Test (CUDIT) scores as low risk cannabis Akbar Mahdiloo Zanjan Teacher Training Center,
between effort and job security (EJI) was the stron- users, whereas 28.3% were risky cannabis users. Islamic Republic of Iran; Behrouz Cheraghi; Mosta-
gest predictor (b=0.23). An imbalance of effort and The CUDIT risk group was significantly associated fa Valipour; Behnaz Roudbari Saghaei; Habib Ha-
esteem (EEI) correlated significantly (r=.26). OSAS with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) de- sani
had a protective effect and significantly explained fined alexithymia group, p = .004. CUDIT scores The following research examined the relationship
further variance of depression (Delta R-Square = were significantly positively correlated with all between Spiritual Intelligence, Happiness and Men-
+2.3%). Effort-Reward-Imbalance, especially an three TAS-20 alexithymia subscale scores, Barratt tal Health. The methodology used is descriptive and
imbalance of effort and job security was significant- Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) impulsivity, and all correlational with the statistical society of all the
ly related to depression. Interestingly, objective job three frontal lobe dysfunction subscales of the female students at Zanjan’s Teacher Training Cen-
characteristics (such as employment status, years of Frontal Systems Behavior Scale (FrSBe). A two- ters, including 120 randomly selected samples.
work experience) had no impact. Instead, a per- way (CUDIT risk group X gender) between-sub- They completed the Oxford Happiness Inventory,
ceived threat to job-security and occupational self- jects multivariate analysis of covariance (MAN- Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire and General
esteem, and deficits of occupational self-apprecia- COVA) was performed on scores obtained from the Health Questionnaire. The data gained in Indepen-
tion, proved to be decisive for the impact of occu- TAS-20 subscales, FrSBe subscales, and BIS-11; dent T Statistical Tests, Pearson Correlation Coef-
pational stress on depression. Initiated early using age as the covariate. The multivariate effect ficient and The Multivariate Regression Analysis
enough, occupational interventions could counter- of the CUDIT group was significant, p < .0001. was then analysed by SPSS software. Findings of
act the mutual amplification of ERI and depression. Univariate effects of the CUDIT group were signif- the research showed that there was a significant
Further investigations will focus on longitudinal icant for all measures. Heavy cannabis use is known difference in Spiritual Intelligence between single
replications and clinical implementations of the to be associated with residual effects including and married people (p<0/05), however, there was
ERI-concept in job-related group-interventions. deficits in frontal lobe functioning that may persist no difference between Happiness and Mental
for up to five weeks of abstinence; thus, it is tempt- Health. Also, comparing the means in employed
ing to regard these correlates of risky cannabis use people and unemployed ones showed a significant
Measuring mindfulness in mediators and ex- as reflecting residual effects. However, traits such as difference in Spiritual Intelligence (p<0/01), Hap-
amining how aspects of mediation practice alexithymia, poor impulse control and executive piness (p<0/01) and Mental Health (p<0/05) in the
affect mindfulness dysfunction have all been linked to the predisposi- aforesaid groups. By calculation of the Pearson
Kate Leinberger Texas AM University, South Africa tion to abuse drugs and alcohol. Both directions of Correlation Coefficient, the results showed a posi-
Mindfulness is an element of consciousness histor- causation may apply, for example, those with inher- tive significant correlation between Spiritual Intel-
ically associated with well-being. Mindfulness ently lower emotion regulation and executive self- ligence, Happiness and Mental Health. In addition,
interventions intend to reduce cognitive vulnerabil- control abilities may be more likely to abuse sub- The Multivariate Regression Analysis showed that
ity to emotional distress. However, dissent remains stances, and substance abuse itself may further Spiritual Intelligence and Happiness had the ability
among researchers on how to operationally define impair executive functioning and self-regulation. to predict Mental Health (p<0/001) , and with 99%
the construct. Measuring mindfulness in a valid and a certainty that Happiness was the best variable to
reliable manner is an essential part of scientific predict the Mental Health variations in people.
enquiry and facilitates the effort to define the con- Motives for abstaining from alcohol ques-
struct. This study examines three self-report instru- tionnaire: Suitability for university students
ments, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in Limpopo, South Africa Efficacy of life skills training on adjustment of
(FFMQ), the Toronto Mindfulness Scale (TMS) and Milkodin Madonsela University of Limpopo, South students
the Experiences Questionnaire (EQ). Samples in- Africa; Solomon Mashegoane University of Limpo- Akbar Mahdiloo Zanjan Teacher Training Center,
cluded non-meditators (Texas A&M University stu- po, South Africa Islamic Republic of Iran; Habib Hasani; Javaad
dents; n =141) and meditators (non-clinical popu- Alcohol-related beliefs for limiting the use of alco- Ghanbari Zanjan Teacher Training Center, Islamic
lation from Bay Area, California; n =157) with a hol have hardly been explored among university Republic of Iran
wide range of meditation experience. Multiple cor- students in Limpopo, South Africa. Stritzke and The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy
relations examined the measures at full-scale and Butt (2001) developed the Motives for Abstaining of short-term life skills training on adjustment of
sub-scale levels, all yielding significant and positive from Alcohol Questionnaire (MAAQ) to account students. The study method was quasi-experimen-
relations. Regression analyses established that med- for cognitive aspects of limiting alcohol use. The tal research method. The type of design was before-
itation does increase mindfulness. FFMQ Observe, properties of this potentially useful measure were after-test design of the control group. The statistical
FFMQ NonReact and TMS Decenter increased explored in an on-going study of university students society of the study comprised high school students
most; while FFMQ Describe and FFMQ Aware in Limpopo, South Africa. Analysis limited to in Zanjan. 60 individuals were randomly selected
increased least. All facets were predicted by medi- abstaining students found that a four factor model and were divided into an experimental (n=30; 15
tation style except for FFMQ Observe, FFMQ De- fitted the data well, and accounted for 50.686% of male and 15 female) and a control group (n=30; 15
scribe and TMS Curiosity. Lastly, the study exam- the variance explained. Stritzke and Butt’s (2001) male and 15 female). The experimental group re-
ined how aspects of meditation practice affect factors were largely reproduced, although there ceived a 6-session course in life skills while the
Health 445

control group continued their normal courses. These planning psychosocial interventions tailored to the spread of the disease can be reduced through aware-
two groups were tested by Youth Adjustment In- needs of this population, facilitating adherence to ness messages aimed at adolescents. Sub-Saharan
ventory before and after the training. The data were more effective coping strategies. Psychological in- Africa still has the world’s highest number of HIV
analysed using T-Test and ANOVA by SPSS. tervention also proved relevant in order to assist the cases, and most importantly, the statistics for the
Results showed a significant increase in adjustment anxiety control process, maximising the search for epidemic are increasing for the target group, be-
means of the experimental group, compared with social support for a population that, in general, cause they are more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS trans-
control group. There were also significant differ- experience social isolation. The need for continued mission than any other age group, due to such lack
ences between experimental group scores in the counselling of patients eligible for bariatric surgery, of sources of support, exploration and the practice
pre-test and post-test positions. There was no sig- in search of greater self-control and coping strate- of unsafe sex. As they experiment with their sexu-
nificant gender-based difference between the sub- gies that facilitate the pre and post-surgery, is high- ality, they contract Sexually Transmitted Infections,
jects. Statistical analysis showed that most changes lighted. Greater care by health teams towards psy- and young girls become pregnant which has ad-
related to educational adjustment, then emotional chosocial aspects of obese population is suggested. verse effects on their academic and social lives or
adjustment, and finally social adjustment. This development. This paper discusses strategies and
study showed that life skills’ training is a good recommendations that can be utilized in coping
method to increase adjustment among the students. Eligible patients for bariatric surgery: Modi- with HIV/AIDS among adolescents.
fying behaviours after preoperative psycho-
logical intervention
Experiences of teenage mothers with differ- Marinna Mensorio Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil; Building social support for institutionalised
ently-abled children Aderson Costa Jr. youth in Romania: An exploratory social ex-
Tshilidzi Mashamba University of Venda, South To evaluate behavioural changes in obese patients, perimentation project
Africa; Leslie Manganye eligible for bariatric surgery, after psychological Adela Militaru Babes-Bolyai University, Romania;
Teenage pregnancy has become one of the serious intervention, eight patients participated in a Thera- Adriana Baban; Diana Taut; Lavinia Damian
problems in our society. There are a number of peutic Group, measured at twelve sequential weekly Previous research on youth growing up in child
factors contributing to teenage pregnancy. One of sessions, by semi-structured interview and Beck protection institutions, reported several negative out-
these factors includes misinformation on sexual Anxiety Inventory (BAI). They answered in two comes for these young people, such as substance
health matters. Teen pregnancy may result in preg- phases: at first and last session of the group; daily abuse, delinquency, and other risk behaviours. In
nancy complications such as high risk of child food intake record, and clinical monitoring. In the contrast, relevant literature accounts for successful
mortality and morbidity, including mental retarda- first phase, patients showed negative coping in examples of attempts to build supportive relation-
tion among other disorders. Teen pregnancy also relation to obese condition, adopting maladaptative ships between institutionalised youth and adult men-
causes other social problems such as poverty, eco- strategies; demonstrated high levels of anxiety and tors. In this framework, the objective of our study
nomic costs, mother and baby’s well-being. The reported difficulties in maintaining weight loss was to explore the transition process towards an
present study aims at investigating the experiences behaviours. In the second phase, patients showed independent life in a group of institutionalised young-
of teen mothers with differently-abled children. lower levels of anxiety in relation to treatment and sters who were assigned an adult mentor. We con-
Face to face semi-structured interviews will be food control, but not on waiting for the surgery; ducted 18 qualitative interviews, in order to gain a
conducted with five mothers who reside in Thula- have developed more effective coping strategies to deeper insight on the perception of social support
mela Municipality of the Vhembe District in Lim- deal with challenges of treatment and difficulties of received by institutionalised youth. We analysed the
popo Province. The focus of the study will be on the condition still obese, self-control skills, and benefits of maintaining a supportive, year-long men-
the following: demographic background; challenges greater adherence to nutritional orientation. Techni- toring relationship, and other changes in youth’s
facing them; and their coping strategies. Issues ques of self-observation and weight loss were ob- perception of received support, as expressed by
relating to physical, financial and emotional support served. Data suggests that obese patients assisted in youngsters who had a mentor, contrasting with the
from the fathers of those children will also be the programme, developed more effective coping experiences of their peers who had no such mentor.
explored. Data will be analysed using thematic strategies to deal with treatment and condition while Our findings suggest that some interviewees man-
content analysis. waiting for surgery, reducing anxiety and adhering aged to establish a protective emotional bond with
to healthy behaviours. It has shown the need for their mentor, which led to improvement in their
systematic action by psychologists, demonstrating perceived social support. However, other youth who
Coping, anxiety and habit changing in obese the relevance for a multidisciplinary and preventa- were interviewed seemed not to have benefitted from
patients before and after a psychological tive approach to bariatric surgery. However, the their mentor’s presence. Possible reasons that were
programme wait for surgery, which does not happen immedi- brought forward are the short period of time assigned,
Marinna Mensorio Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil; ately after the end of Therapeutic Group, may have the fact that participants could not choose their men-
Aderson Costa Jr. hampered a more significant reduction of anxiety, tor, or the lack of motivation at the level of young-
The objective of the study was to investigate demonstrating the importance of public health in sters. By gaining a better understanding of conditions
changes in coping strategies and anxiety levels, Brazil to work more effectively. Longitudinal stud- that encourage the development of positive relation-
adopted by obese patients eligible for bariatric sur- ies are suggested to assess the effectiveness after ships of institutionalised youth, research may help
gery, during psychological preparation for the sur- surgery. inform relevant policies aimed at fostering resilient
gery. Over three months, a group of eight obese outcomes in this target group.
patients (BMI≥35), eligible for bariatric surgery,
participants in the Monitoring Psychological Prepa- HIV/AIDS preventative strategies among
ratory Program for Bariatric Surgery, were ana- school going adolescent learners The effect of attributional style training on
lysed. Twelve weekly sessions were held in groups, Sikhumbuzo Mfusi Walter Sisulu University, South improving general health in a group of re-
with discussion of specific and previously estab- Africa; Neziwe Mbebe tired high school teachers in Isfahan
lished topics, and emerging interventions to indi- Many studies have examined the effectiveness of Shekoufeh Nikneshan Payame Noor University, Is-
vidual demands. Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the preventative strategies of HIV/AIDS among lamic Republic of Iran
Ways of Coping Scale Problem (EMEP) were ap- school-going adolescents, using primary and sec- The purpose of this study was to determine the
plied in the first and last session of the Program. ondary literature as a source of information. Re- effectiveness of attributional style training on the
There was prevalence of coping strategies focused search on the effectiveness of preventative strate- general health of retired high school teachers in
on problems and religious practice in the first phase, gies of HIV/AIDS reveals that, while scientists Isfahan. In this research, the quasi experimental
and, after intervention, predominance of coping continue to search for a cure, government and design was used. The statistical population com-
strategies focused on problems and seeking social communities try to find the most effective ways to prised retired high school teachers in Isfahan in
support, as well as decrease (four patients) and educate, and increase awareness, in an attempt to 1384 s.c.(2005-6). Initially, the General Health
maintenance (two patients) in levels of anxiety, at prevent or curb the spread of HIV infection. At the Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was administered to one
the end of the clinical group. Data obtained enabled moment, there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, but the hundred and fifty retired high school teachers. Thir-
446 Health

ty subjects who had less than generally good health participated in a study on physical activity. At Filipa Pimenta ISPA - Instituto Universitario, Portu-
were selected and randomly assigned to two exper- baseline, positive exercise experience was mea- gal; Joao Maroco; Rita Macedo; Isabel Leal; Raquel
imental (N=15) and control (N=15) groups. Subse- sured as a predictor of physical activity. Two weeks Oliveira
quently, the structured attributional style group later, self-efficacy and action control were assessed Psychological distress has been identified as higher
training was instructed in eight weekly one-hour as mediator and moderator, respectively. After an- among underweight, overweight and obese women,
sessions, after which the General Health Question- other two weeks, physical activity was measured as compared with their counterparts with normal body
naire was again administered as the post-test. The an outcome. A moderated mediation was specified mass index (BMI), independently of lifestyle fac-
results of analysis of covariance indicated that the with baseline physical activity and sex as covari- tors (Zhaoet al., 2009). This study explores the
attributional style training increased the general ates. Findings revealed that self-efficacy mediated differences between women with three diverse cat-
health of the training group as compared to the between positive exercise experience and physical egories of BMI (namely normal/healthy weight,
control group. Also, the attributional style training activity (β = .15, p < .05) and that this mediation overweight and obesity), regarding several psycho-
reduced depression, social dysfunction, anxiety and was moderated by the level of action control (x = logical variables: Stress, depression, anxiety and
insomnia, and somatic symptoms. According to the .12, p < .05). Within the subgroup of participants body shape concerns. This cross-sectional study
findings of this study, attributional style training with very low levels of action control, positive encompasses a community sample of 986 women
increased the general health of retired high school experience did not translate into physical activity aged between 42 and 60 years, using the Body
teachers. via self-efficacy.�Findings imply that postinten- Shape Questionnaire (Cooper et al., 1987) and the
tional interventions targeting physical activity Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (Pais-
should not only focus on increasing participants’ Ribeiro et al., 2004). Comparative statistics were
Influence of a passion for academic activities perceptions of positive exercise experience and self- applied. Several significant differences were found
on health efficacy beliefs but also on supporting individuals in terms of anxiety, specifically, between normal
Takuma Nishimura University of Tsukuba, Japan; in developing action control skills to successfully weight and both overweight (MD=-.102; p=.005)
Shigeo Sakurai regulate their exercise behaviour. and obese women (MD=-.135;p=.010). Depression
In recent years, Self-determination theory varied only between participants with normal
approached a conceptualising passion. Two types weight and overweight (MD=-.102; p=.026). There
of passions were proposed: harmonious passion and Service quality measures for substance were no significant differences between the BMI
obsessive passion. Harmonious passion refers to a abuse treatment centres - assessing current groups regarding the stress levels. Body shape con-
motivational tendency to freely engage in activities. practices and improvements cerns varied between all groups, particularly be-
Obsessive passion refers to a motivational tendency Zainonisa Petersen Medical Research Council, tween healthy weight and both overweight (MD=-
to coercively engage in it. Many studies that have South Africa; John Bartlett; Randy Koch; Bronwyn .477;p<.001) and obese women (MD=-.834;
investigated passions have focused on the favourite Myers; Rehana Kader; Ron Manderscheid p<.001) and also between overweight and obese
activities, such as sports and music among others. Background: Introducing service quality measures participants (MD=-.357; p<.001). Middle-aged
These studies have supported the significant role (SQM) in treatment services allows programme women with higher BMI present higher levels of
that passion plays in people’s lives. In addition to managers and policy makers to identify opportuni- anxiety, depression and concerns with their body
these, passion is also important for obligatory and ties for improved service. This SQM project is shape when compared with their counterparts with a
necessary activities, such as academic activities of aimed at developing a set of reliable and valid healthy weight. This should be accounted for when
junior high school students. However, such pas- measures for service quality in South African treat- focusing on this age group in clinical and research
sions have not been the subject of research. There- ment centres. The outcome of this initiative is to settings.
fore, we examined the influence of passion for improve treatment programme implementation by
academic activities on a person’s health. Japanese gaining an understanding of the barriers and short-
students of the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade (N comings regarding access to treatment and the im- A predictive model of body mass index cat-
= 1439; 754 boys and 685 girls) participated in a plementation strategies required to improve ser- egories in middle-aged women
survey with regard to passion for academic activi- vices. Methods: This qualitative sub-study was Filipa Pimenta ISPA - Instituto Universitario, Portu-
ties, and health, such as depression, self-esteem, designed to explore the current practices with gal; Ines de Matos; Joao Maroco; Raquel Oliveira;
academic competence, burnout tendency and intrin- regards to client data collection and the means of Isabel Leal
sic motivation. A multiple regression analysis was collecting data. Three focus group discussions were The aim of this study was to build a causal model to
conducted to investigate the effect of passion on conducted with representatives from 11 treatment explore the predictors of body mass index (BMI) in
health. Results indicated that harmonious passion centres. In total 18 participants, including counsel- normal weight, overweight and obese women, and
had a positive effect on self-esteem, academic com- lors and clerical staff, contributed to the discussion. to examine the influence of socio-demographic,
petence and intrinsic motivation as well as a nega- A variety of types of treatment centres were includ- lifestyle, health status, menopause, stress, anxiety,
tive effect on depression and burnout tendency. ed, and included government and private, in and depression, life events and body shape concerns.
Conversely, obsessive passion had a positive effect out-patient treatment centres. All interviews were This cross-sectional study encompasses a commu-
on depression and burnout tendency as well as a recorded with the permission of respondents. Inter- nity sample of 986 women (aged 42-60 years).
negative effect on self-esteem. We found that har- views were transcribed and analysed using content Validated instruments to assess depression, anxiety,
monious passion results in better health, whereas analysis. Results: Respondents from various treat- stress, body shape concerns and life events were
obsessive passion is detrimental to wellness. ment centres shared and discussed the data collec- used. Structural equation modelling was applied to
tion tools they are currently using, and means to build a causal model. Education was a significant
improve and standardise this. All the respondents predictor of BMI for normal weight (β=-.083;
The interplay of experience, self-efficacy and suggested that data collection procedures need to p=.023), overweight (β=-.085;p=.023) and obese
action control in physical activity promotion improve, that standardised data collection tools are (β=-.086;p=.023) women. Depression also pre-
Linda Parschau Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany necessary for service improvement and that a more dicted BMI for normal weight (β=-.230;p<.001),
Many individuals fail to engage in regular physical modern, electronic approach to data collection overweight (x=-.236;p<.001) and obese (x=-.237;
activity. Previous research suggests that positive needs to be adopted. Conclusion: Although parti- p<.001) participants. Stress predicted body weight
experience, self-efficacy and action control are ben- cipants felt they are collecting valid data, the over- only in normal weight subjects (x=.289;p<.001).
eficial for the maintenance of being physically ac- riding opinion was that data collection procedures Finally, for normal weight (x=.247;p<.001), over-
tive. In line with Social-Cognitive Theory, the pres- need to be standardised across treatment centres, as weight (x=.254;p<.001) and obese (x=.254;p<.001)
ent study investigated whether the effects of a means of improving service delivery. participants, body shape concerns predicted BMI.
positive exercise experience (i.e. mastery experi- Depression was a significant and negative predictor
ence) on subsequent physical activity were mediat- of BMI (women with higher levels of depressive
ed by self-efficacy. Furthermore, it was tested Stress, anxiety, depression and body shape symptoms evidenced a lower BMI), stress only
whether this mediation is moderated by the indivi- concerns: Differences between middle-aged predicted BMI in normal weight participants (wom-
duals’ level of action control. N = 193 adolescents women from different BMI categories en with higher scores in stress presented a higher
Health 447

BMI). Body shape concerns and education were mit to multidisciplinary assessment, in order to Objectives: To establish internal reliability and
both predictors for all categories of BMI, demon- evaluate both his clinical and psychosocial profile. some initial indicators regarding construct validity
strating that women with higher education and less 13 patients who were in line for the Heart Trans- of the NVS among adolescents. The study followed
frequent concerns with body shape presented a plant Program participated in this study. The objec- a cross-sectional survey design. NVS was applied
lower BMI. A predictive model of body mass index tive was to identify, in the long-term, what person- in a self-administered format, at school setting, to
(BMI) categories in middle-aged women is pre- ality traits and behaviours benefit transplant patients 13- to 17-year-old Portuguese students. The collect-
sented. by improving survival, treatment adherence and ed sample represents the adolescents’ census from a
quality of life. This is a longitudinal study, where private Portuguese school (8th to 12th school-
such patients will be followed for the next ten years. years). Students’ Portuguese and Mathematics
Aortic arch surgery using the technique of The Comrey Personality Scale (CPS), was used as a scores were recorded.Results: In total, 398 students
selective antegrade perfusion at 25 degrees multidimensional measure of value and explains the (204 girls and 194 boys) participated in the study
centigrade: Impact on anxiety, depression major personality traits. There were predominant (age: mean=14.7; standard deviation=1.7 years).
and cognition features in our results including: Defensiveness, Students belonged to 16 different classes. Overall,
Bellkiss Romano Heart Institute USP, Brazil; Maria defiance, lack of compulsion, lack of energy, emo- 127 students were at 8th, 104 at 9th, 50 at 10th, 76
Meirelles; Leilane Antoniazzi; Thabata Fonseca; tional instability, extroversion, femininity and self- at 11th, and 41 at 12th grade. Cronbach’s Alpha
Elaine Hojaij centeredness. On the basis of these results, we (internal reliability) was 0.62. Significant positive
Cardiac surgery may have neurological complica- discuss intervention strategies that contribute to correlations (p-valuesless than .001) were found
tions such as bleeding or brain damage, even with successful transplantation. Results were presented between NVS total score and school-grades
the protective effect of hypothermia. In cardiac both quantitatively and qualitatively. (r=.355), Portuguese scores (r=.279), and mathe-
surgery, there are questions about mortality and matics scores (r=.340). Internal reliability of the
quality of life of patients after surgery, also on brain Portuguese version was found to be somewhat low-
protection during surgery in order to avoid such The relation between cognitive emotion reg- er than the ones found for English and Spanish
compromises. Currently, besides biological and bio- ulation and stress in the context of nurse- versions. Nevertheless, it remains an acceptable
chemical factors involved in heart surgery, studies patient interaction reliability score when considering a 6-item scale.
have gained prominence in correlating behaviour, Sakakibara Ryota University of Tokyo, Japan NVS is also sensitive to inter-individuals education-
mood and disease, especially with a focus on anx- The relation between cognitive emotion regulation al differences, thus suggesting a good construct
iety and depression. This study examined the pro- and stress in the context of nurse-patient interaction validity.
gression of depressive and anxiety symptoms, as was examined. Based on the results of the semi-
well as neurocognitive functions, within one year structured interview, a questionnaire measuring the
after aortic surgery. This is an experimental, double- nurses’ cognitive emotion regulation strategies was Religious beliefs through the eyes of older
blind study: The experimental group underwent developed. Then, the questionnaire was assessed adults: Assessing the impact on sense of
surgery using the technique of selective antegrade among 265 nurses to examine the relation between coherence in old age
perfusion at 25° C, the control group went through cognitive emotion regulation strategies and stress in Susana Santos ISPA, Portugal
traditional surgery. Fifteen patients participated the context of nurse-patient interaction. A confir- A strong sense of coherence (SOC) in older adults
(one year after surgery, until October 2011) and matory factor analysis showed that the six factors confers on them a higher propensity to opt for
were evaluated at three times: Before surgery, at model was more suitable than other models. The six healthy lifestyles and to better mobilize the
six months and twelve months after surgery. The factors were named, respectively, “attribution to resources available. Moreover, religious beliefs of
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults III, Beck doctor and hospital,” ”cause unfolding with self- older adults have been associated with a better
Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory involvement,” “distancing,” “making meaning,” adjustment to everyday life in old age. This inves-
were administered. The minimum level of anxiety “positive reappraisal” and “attribution to patient.” tigation aims to: (a) analyze the degree of compre-
remained prevalent during the study period in both Before the analysis, the sample was divided into hensibility, management and significance, as main
groups. Regarding depression, there was a mini- two groups on the basis of the score of “job in- dimensions of SOC, in religious and non religious
mum level of prevalence in the three study phases: volvement” because of the theoretical assumption older adults and (b) compare the SOC in these two
Pre-operatively, at six months and one year in both that these relations would be different depending on groups. The research focused on a sample of 123
groups. With regard to neurocognitive functions, the degree of the individual’s job involvement. elderly aged above 74 years (M = 82.4, SD = 5.6).
the control group presented mean IQ’s (perfor- Using hierarchical multiple regression analysis, the Participants were divided in two groups, with and
mance, verbal and total) that were higher than those relation between each strategy and stress were ex- without a self-reported belief system, and were
in the experimental group at the three assessment amined in both groups. In the high job involve- assessed with the following instruments: Sense of
times during the study. There seems to be no sig- ment” group, “making meaning” and “positive re- Coherence Scale (SOCS), which assessed the
nificant difference between the results achieved by appraisal” were related to a decrease in stress, but dimensions: comprehensibility, management and
both groups. However, these findinga are prelimi- “attribution to patient” was related to an increase in significance and the Mini-Mental State Examination
nary results of the study. stress. In the “low job involvement” group, “attri- (MMSE). Sociodemographic data were also
bution to doctor and hospital” and “attribution to assessed. Participants with no religious beliefs
patient” were related to an increase in stress. The scored higher in the subscale ’Comprehensibility’
Personality traits of patients in line for heart effects of each strategy were then discussed. (MCom = 4.7), whilst the religious participants
transplant programs scored equally high in ’Management’ (MMan =
Bellkiss Romano Heart Institute USP, Brazil; Denise 4.6) and in ’Significance’ (MSig = 4.6), followed
Silva; Daniela Odriozola; Patrick Ronick; Elaine Newest vital sign: Assessing health literacy by the score in the subscale ’Comprehensibility’
Hojaij among Portuguese adolescents (MCom =4.5). The lowest score was obtained in
Personality can be understood as a set of expres- Osvaldo Santos University of Evora, Portugal; Ana the subscale ’Significance’ (MSig = 4.4) on the
sions of behaviours and traits that characterise the Oliveira; Ana Azevedo; Dagmara Paiva; Claudia non-religious group. This study exposes the impact
individual in a unique way. It is both subjective, Carvalho; Nuno Lunet; Isabel do Carmo of religious beliefs on the SOC’s dimensions, par-
relatively consistent, but also dynamic, and could Knowledge about health, together with skills to use ticularly on significance and management dimen-
be modified. It is known that personality profiles such knowledge, are determinants of health beha- sions, and therefore its relevance for behavioral
and behavioural patterns are reflected in attitudes vioural self-regulation. In Portugal, there is no na- strategies in the context of healthy aging.
towards life, on several occasions, including illness. tion-wide validated instrument for assessing health
Heart transplantation is an increasingly used thera- literacy. The Newest Vital Sign (NVS) assesses
py in cases of severe heart failure, where there is no health-literacy-related reading and numeracy skills, Stress and teaching: A contribution to the
possibility of conventional medical/surgical treat- with low administration and scoring burden. Ver- inquiry on the coping strategies of teachers
ment with a life expectancy of less than one year. sion in English and Spanish shown to have good Riccardo Sartori Verona University, Italy; Cristina
To reach heart transplantation, a patient must sub- psychometric properties (for USA population). Rappagliosi
448 Health

The paper presents the results of a study carried out With due observance to the significance of heart- Cultural notion of depression in Nepal
with 254 primary and secondary school teachers related diseases, which is the first and prime factor Usha Kiran Subba Tribhuwan University, Kathman-
from North, Central and South Italy. In the last of death toll in the world and Coronary Heart du, Nepal
decade, school in Italy has been involved in a series Disease (CHD) is the most common heart disease, The exploratory study of depression in Nepal is
of radical changes and, consequently, teachers have the present study has been carried out with the aim designed to examine the common perceptions of
been obliged to drastically modify their methods of comparing personality profile of healthy women depression, its major causes, cultural attribution of
and conceptions of work. This has caused them to and men with Patients Suffering from CHD. The depression, and stigma attached to being depressed
continually adapt and ri-adapt and thus to become present study is of a comparative – causal type. For and health-seeking behaviour. This study focused
more vulnerable to stress. Nevertheless, some of this reason, a number of 120 health men and wom- on samples of 48 key informants from different
them seem to be more capable of facing problematic en, suffering from CHD have been selected ran- geographical regions (mountain, hill, valley and
events. This study aims at analysing which coping domly. Personality test entitled "MMPI" (Minne- plain). Focused group discussion was used to gen-
strategies teachers adopt when they find themselves sota Multiphase Personality Inventory) was used erate qualitative information. After content analysis
dealing with difficult situations or stressful events. as research tool. Comparison method of difference of major opinions and attitudes elicited in the
For this purpose a questionnaire was used. It was of averages was used for analysis of data. The FGDS, ten notable themes were identified. They
composed of 12 items for personal data, 28 items results of the study show that from among scales manifested local explanation and expression of de-
from the Brief Cope (Coping Orientation to Pro- of MMPI test in the total scales there is a meaning- pressive episodes, its causes and their own way of
blems Experienced by Carver, Scheier,& Weintrab, ful difference among healthy individuals and those health-seeking practices in the community. The
1989), 21 items from the Italian version by Caprara who are suffering from CHD. This difference in results have implications for the delivery of cultur-
(2001) of the Bandura’s Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale pychasthenia (Pt) scale of patients suffering from ally sensitive mental health services in different
(1977) and 12 items from the Motivation Question- CHD is more than on other scales. The rate of geographical regions in Nepal. Awareness of cul-
naire by Galati, Fassio andViarengo (2006). Results which is less in Psychopathic Deviate (pd) scale. turally appropriate terminology for depression is a
show that the coping strategies adopted by Italian Although the relation of A personality type has useful way of bridging the gap between lay and
teachers are influenced by gender (males and been approved with the outbreak of CHD disease biomedical models of illness and may help improve
females use the same strategies with different fre- from among mental and psychic factors, findings of levels of recognition and treatment compliance.
quencies), age and service (young and old use the present study show that: 1. There is a meaning-
different strategies) and the perception of self-effi- ful difference between personality profile inserted
cacy. Self-efficacy also affects teachers’ motivation in MMPI test among healthy individuals and Postmenopausal psychological symptoms:
to work. patients suffering from CHD disease. 2. Other men- Effect of massage and aromatherapy mas-
tal and psychic factors can play a constructive role sage, a randomised clinical trial study
in outbreak of CHD disease. Simin Taavoni Tehran University of Medical S, Is-
Why are health problems of employees lamic Republic of Iran; Naemeh Seidfatemie; Ha-
caused by problems in the organisation? mid Haghani; Fatemeh Darsareh
Matthias Schmidt TU Dresden, Germany Features of self-concept and coping behav- During menopause, women often experience psy-
Some occupational sectors show particular risks for iour in women with ovarian cancer chological symptoms, which may impair their over-
mental health. Employees in the nursing field are Natalia Sirota MSUMD, Russian Federation; Alek- all quality of life and could be prevented by com-
assumed to be at risk. A lot of Germans who work sandra Yaltonskaya MSUMD, Russian Federation; plementary therapy. To determine the effect of
in the health care system need help. The assumption Vladimir Yaltonsky MSUMD, Russian Federation massage and aromatherapy massage on post-meno-
that the risk to develop "burnout" is an individual The high prevalence of ovarian cancer in women pausal psychological symptoms, in this randomised
problem has already been refuted. There are organi- (1.4% according to WHO), with significant psycho- clinical trial, 90 healthy volunteer menopausal
sational problems related to working conditions. Nu- logical impairment as a reaction to severe chronic women, who attended the main referral gynecology
merous recent studies have explored work stress illness, underlines the importance of psychological hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
among health care personnel in many countries. The research among this group of patients. The objec- were involved in two intervention and control
workload increases and the problems in health con- tives were to study the self-concept and coping groups (Year 2011). In aromatherapy massage they
dition of nursing staff are increasingly important. It is strategies of women with ovarian cancer. The sam- received 30-min aromatherapy massage sessions
argued that integrating these various organisational ple comprised 90 patients diagnosed with ovarian with aroma oil, twice a week for four weeks. The
qualities into a comprehensive model of organisa- cancer at Stage II (Mean age 56 years, SD + 7, 4). massage group, received the same treatment with
tional environments will further research on burnout. All patients had recently received surgical treatment plain oil, and control group received no interven-
The primary themes in burnout research fit into six and at the moment of the research they were un- tion. The tools have two main parts; 1) personal
areas of worklife: Workload, control, reward, com- dergoing chemotherapy. For measuring self-concept characteristics, and 2) psychological symptoms
munity, fairness, and values. In this study, with over and coping strategies, the set of instruments adapted scale, as obtained through psychological sub-scale
500 employees from the care area, the German trans- and validated for the Russian population were used: of Menopause Rating Scale, which was measured
lation of the questionnaire "areas of worklife" AWS The Twenty Statements Test, Kuhn-McPartland, before intervention and at the end of interventions.
will be validated statistically. In addition, other pre- modification by Rumanytseva; Test "Self-attitude", There were significant differences between partici-
dictors for the development of burnout was found. A Stolin et al.; Leary’s Interpersonal Behaviour Test; pants’ pre-application and post-application psycho-
logistic regression was performed to identify factors Life style Index, Plutchik et al., modification Roma- logical score in two intervention’s groups
that show a statistically significant relation with work nova; Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations, (p<0.001), whereas the score in the control group
health. The logistic regression identified the variables Parker et al. Results show that women with ovarian did not differ significantly. Also there was a higher
in which the constantly health risk were different cancer have specific problems in their self-concept, significant effect in aromatherapy massage
from the ones who stay healthy. The results of this coping with illness and other stressful behaviour. (p<0.001). Results demonstrated that both aroma-
study provide concrete recommendations for healthy Among this group of patients we determined the therapy massage and massage therapy were effec-
work design. Managers can already make specific low differentiation of actual and ideal "self," and a tive in reducing psychological symptoms during
changes in work organisation, realted to the health high frequency use of emotional-oriented coping, menopause, but the effect of aromatherapy massage
of employees. escape and distraction with predominance of exter- was higher than massage therapy.
nality in all domains of locus-control. The most
commonly used forms of psychological protections
Comparing personality profile of health in- were "regression," "denial" and "projection." The Burnout amongst mental health-care provi-
dividuals with patients suffering from coro- results showed the deep level of psychological im- ders working at a mental health care facility
nary heart disease pairment among women with ovarian cancer. The Nicola Themistocleous University of South Africa,
Mohammadreza Seirafi Islamic Azad University, determination of specific problems in self-concept South Africa
Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran and coping behaviour will allow developing target- Burnout is a phenomenon common to many profes-
oriented psychotherapeutic programmes. sionals working within the mental health sector, and
Health 449

can potentially have a significant impact on services plements in the improvement of mental health, older adults aged between 72-99 years (M=80.1;
provided. This study is aimed at investigating the brain function, and psychological wellness. Inter- SD = 5.8). Data were subjected to content analysis.
prevalence of burnout amongst mental health-care ventions on this level were traditionally seen as part Representation of the associations and latent con-
providers at a mental health-care facility. It will of the biological therapies, and received less atten- structs were analysed by a Multiple Correspon-
further aim to identify possible contributing factors tion from psychologists. However, with the dence Analysis (MCA). The most prevalent re-
to burnout. The study falls within the post-positivist advancements in knowledge also came greater ac- sponse of the interviewed participants for AtA
paradigm, and will be approached from a quantita- knowledgement of the importance of the bio-psy- was ‘Accomplishment, personal fulfillment, and
tive research perspective. The sample group will be cho-social model in optimising human (mental) future projects’ (24.1%). ‘With apprehension’
selected purposively and will consist of 50-60 men- health, and a renewed consideration of the role of (33.3%) was identified as the most frequent SA
tal health-care service providers, currently working psychologists. This poster discuss some of the eth- response. Findings showed a model for each na-
within a selected mental health care facility. Self ical issues involved in the debate around the extent tionality. AtA and SA for Portuguese elderly were
report questionnaires will be administered to all that psychologists should incorporate nutritional explained by a three-factor model: ‘conciliated’,
participants, and descriptive statistics will be used advice as part of comprehensive psychological ser- ‘young-at-heart’ and ‘involved’. A three-dimen-
to analyse data. In addition, a discussion on ethics, vice. This is done with specific focus on the South sional model formed by ‘satisfied’, ‘attentive’ and
relating to the impact burnout may have on the African context, and includes reference to the scope ‘concerned’ was indicated as a best-fit solution for
quality and level of services provided, will be in- of practice of local psychologists, the absence of Romanian elderly. AtA and SA are strongly
cluded in the presentation. training regarding metabolic processes in profes- explained by increased likelihood of specific con-
sional programs at universities, the wider societal structs in its definition. AtA was differently related
socio-economic situation, and limits to psycholog- to SA in older adults in both samples.
Integrating psychologists into hospital set- ical involvement in metabolic processes. Some gen-
tings: Which needs, which challenges? eral guidelines are put forward, framed as condi-
Manuela Tomai "Sapienza" Università di Roma, tions for psychological involvement, before the Neuropsychological and physiological corre-
Italy; Francesca Esposito "Sapienza" Università di poster concludes with a few examples of specific lates of covert racial discrimination
Roma, Italy; Benedetta Brancadoro; Pedro Costa potential contributions of psychology in either Monique Wilson Fordham University, United States
"Sapienza" Università di Roma, Italy counselling patients directly, or supporting the nu- of America; Rachel Annunziato
Despite the international claim of a biopsychosocial tritional interventions of other disciplines. The purpose of the present study is to examine the
paradigm and the increase of psychological inter- hypothesised role of covert racial discrimination as
ventions in hospitals, evidence suggests that psy- a source of stress for African Americans (AA) as
chological factors continue to be neglected in med- Exploring the relationship between meaning well as the hypothesised cognitive and physiologi-
ical practice and that integrated mind-body and health cal correlates of this stress process. The participants
interventions are used with few patients. In Italy, Hanlie Van Wyk UNISA, South Africa will be 40 AA between the ages of 18 and 30.
there is a current lack of legislation that makes it Research in Logotherapy substantiates the influence Demographic information including gender, age,
mandatory for hospitals to integrate psychologists, of meaning on psychological health and Psycho- race/ethnicity, and relevant medical and psychiatric
and to regulate their roles and functions. In the few neuroimmunology (PNI) corroborates the effects of history will be attained. Additionally, participants
italian hospitals where there are psychologists, their psychological health on physical health. This re- will be asked to provide both parents’ occupations
professional role is unclear and underestimated. To search explores the relationship between meaning and/or their current occupation in order to deter-
address this challenge, this contribution presents a and physical health hypothesising that purpose mine socio-economic status. Participants’ heart
research aimed at comprehending italian hospital affects physical health. The study employed sec- rates, blood pressure, attention, and memory will
physicians’ knowledge, representations and ondary data (N =1405) using a self-report question- be assessed pre and post exposure to the experi-
demands of psychological intervention in hospital naire to test the hypothesis. Exploratory factor anal- mental paradigm. Within subject comparisons will
settings. Being the first study of this kind in Italy ysis, ANOVAs and stepwise regression were used be made between pre and post measures in the
and with so little international literature, a semi- to explore three models. Results EFA revealed four experimental group. Additionally, between subject,
structured pilot interview was created and adminis- factors, purpose, fear, vitality and aggression. Sig- comparison will be made between the experimental
tered to a sample of twenty hospital physicians nificant correlations were found between purpose, and control groups. Results are not available for
differing in gender, age, professional specialization, vitality and work application. Despite the signifi- discussion at this time.
hospital and region. From the data obtained through cant relationship between purpose and vitality, the
content analysis, a questionnaire was developed and lack of Chi-square is significant, suggesting that
administered to a wider sample of hospital physi- additional variables should be introduced into the The influence of glycosylated hemoglobin A1
cians. Among the results what granted greater re- model. Quantitative results revealed that people on neurocognitive functions in type 1 diabet-
flection, was the high prevalence of the representa- reporting high levels of purpose together with low ic patients
tion of a psychological intervention focused only on levels of fear and aggression, can be characterised Rafal Wojciak Poznan University of Medical
the single patient to contain the emotional distress by high vitality and an absence of medical condi- Sciences, Poland; Aimee Ferreira
related to the disease event and, at the same time, tions. Future research should focus on evaluating Several studies have shown that psychological
the inability to consider the psychological compe- meaning centred interventions on immunity and functions in type 1 diabetic patients can depend
tence as useful in fostering organisational function- vitality. on hypoglycemia and serum concentrations of gly-
ing of hospital services. Finally this contribution cosylated hemoglobin A1 (HbA1C). The aim of this
aims to contribute to the scientific debate about the study was to examine the neuro-cognitive function
most effective models to improve the future inte- Adjustment to aging and subjective age of a cohort of children and youths with type 1
gration of health psychologists into health care among Romanian and Portuguese older diabetes in comparison to the serum concentrations
organizations. adults: A comparative multiple correspon- of HbA1C. The study was carried out the 88 type 1
dence analysis for latent constructs diabetic patients aged 6-17 years. Subjects were
Sofia Von Humboldt ISPA, Portugal; Isabel Leal separated into 4 groups according to duration of
Nutrition for good psychological health: The purpose of this study was to analyse the man- diabetes (0, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, above 6 years; n =
What should South African psychologists’ ifestations of adjustment to aging (AtA) and sub- 19, 20, 25, 24 subjects respectively). HbA1C serum
involvement be? jective age (SA), identified by older adults and to concentrations were measured during standard pro-
Charles Van Wijk South Africa investigate the latent constructs that can work as cedures. Neuro-cognitive functions were assessed
This poster puts forward some issues for debate on major manifestations in AtA and SA. in an older by analysing all sub-scales of Wechsler Intelligence
the role of nutrition in the psychological treatment Portuguese and Romanian population. Measures Scale for Children. Significant differences in serum
or management of patients. There is a rapidly were completed, using a variety of culturally ap- HbA1C concentrations between sub-groups of dia-
emerging body of evidence supporting the positive propriate methods, including demographics and betic children were found. In the first group of
benefits of good nutrition and also nutritional sup- interviews. Complete data were available for 64 patients (after the first recognition of diabetes) the
450 Health

highest mean serum level of HbA1C was observed. reported having the ability to understand, read, of emotions – perhaps the fundamental negative
The lowest serum concentration of HbA1C was in speak, and write in English very well. We used the emotion – challenges us to explain what pain means
the second group, and in the third and fourth groups Quality of Life-Breast Cancer Patient Version, to for the person experiencing it in him/herself and for
HbA1C were increased. These results were associ- assess quality of life. Based on scoring of 0 (worst those close by who are aware of the person-in-
ated with general intelligence in the children, as outcome) to 10 (best outcome), the overall QOL pain’s experience. To what extent is pain a ’false
well as with some sub-scales of the test (verbal score was 4.75. Comparison of the four domains alarm’ and to what extent is it always a warning?
intelligence, non-verbal, organising images, words, indicates greatest needs in the area of physical well- Not only the person feeling pain acts on its mean-
and stacking blocks). The lowest values of neuro- being followed by social well-being, psychological ing, but so do those around him or her. Different
cognitive functions were found in children with the well-being, and spiritual well-being. English profi- social contexts determine expression and suppres-
longest history of diabetes. ciency, health literacy, and length of residence in the sion of pain, and the recognition of pain in others.
US were significantly associated with QOL scores. Some of the predictions from the evolutionary mod-
The findings of this study may contribute to the el can be tested empirically, others provide alterna-
Disease as threat for health and life in adult planning and implementation of care that can en- tive explanations for clinical phenomena associated
cystic fibrosis patients hance the quality of life significantly for cancer with undertreatment, or for observations in lab and
Vladimir Yaltonsky MSUMD, Russian Federation; survivors with limited English proficiency. wild animals. Why are all pain patients unique?
Natalia Sirota MSUMD, Russian Federation; Alek- This presentation suggests that pain is intrinsically
sandra Yaltonskaya MSUMD, Russian Federation psychological, and the result of a complex construc-
The objective of the study was to evaluate illness Session Type: Invited Addresses tion of bodily awareness. Pain is not a primitive
perception among adult patients with cystic fibrosis. sensory message of tissue injury that is ’interpreted’
For measuring cognitive parameters of illness per- Global health and the role of psychology at the threshold of consciousness, but, like all per-
ception, the Russian version of the Brief Illness Omowale Amuleru-Marshall St. George's Universi- ception, a multifaceted emergent property of brain
Perception Questionnaire was used. Two groups ty, Grenada activity. Since each individual constructs his or her
of patients were identified. The first group perceives Ever since the Declaration at Alma Ata in 1978, the pain from a complex and highly individual reality, a
cystic fibrosis as a significant threat (N=38) and the vision of “Health for All”, with Primary Health constructivist view may explain why pain patients
other as a moderate threat (N=28). Patients from Care (PHC), positioned as its requisite health care are all unique. Interventions directed at nociceptive
both groups were receiving in-patient treatment at model, has been a hauntingly elusive ideal. Soci- pathways can also intervene in the construction of
the time of the study. The severity of cystic fibrosis, eties, small and large, developing and developed, the pain experience itself. Clinical applications of
subject age, and gender were comparable in all have made unsuccessful attempts to reform their this possibility are outlined. Pain is the result of a
patients. Patients who perceive the illness as a health systems according to the values, principles dynamic system that codes, transports and process-
significant threat, reported a higher level in symp- and elements of PHC. Within the region of the es signals of potential tissue damage. We present an
tom identification and a lower level of personal and Americas, the Declaration of Montevideo reaf- integrative, cognitive-motivational model of pain in
treatment control over the illness. They were very firmed, in 2005, the commitment to PHC reforms which two modes of attentional selection are dis-
concerned by their illness, perceived consequences in Latin America and the Caribbean. This presen- tinguished: (1) Bottom-up selection corresponds to
of the illness as severe, and reported a low under- tation will elucidate the principles and elements of an unintentional stimulus-driven capture. Important
standing of cystic fibrosis. Their emotional response PHC and attempt to build a persuasive case that features for bottom-up selection are novelty, inten-
was higher than the other group. Hereditary back- health system reforms based on this model - hence sity, unpredictability, and the threat value of pain.
ground was named as the main cause of the illness. “Health for All” - are unattainable without the Top-down selection is a goal-directed process that
Patients with an illness perception as a moderate significant involvement of psychological science. prioritises information relevant for current actions,
threat, had a lower level of symptom identification Since, conventionally, the discipline of psychology and inhibits the sensitivity of irrelevant stimuli.
and were less concerned overall. They reported a has limited its purview to the psychobehavioral After providing experimental and clinical evidence
higher level in personal control over the treatment phenomenology of individuals, indeed, largely to for this model, we discuss the implications for the
and a good understanding of the illness. These the aberrant or pathological behaviours of indivi- use of attentional strategies to control pain. The
patients saw the consequences of cystic fibrosis as duals, an argument will be advanced for an integra- subjective nature of pain renders its perception in
moderately serious. Their emotional response to the tive and comprehensive application of psychology others a challenge for clinicians and informal care-
illness was low. All indicated differences between to public health. The field of public health forces givers responsible for its assessment and relief.
the groups were statistically significant (p<0,05). psychology to have collective and systemic targets Adequate perception of others’ pain relies on dif-
Illness perception depends upon how threatening for research, analysis and intervention. Moreover, it ferent behavioural and neurophysiological mechan-
they assess cystic fibrosis for health and life. The requires psychological intervention to promote isms. This talk will discuss recent evidence showing
patient’s perception of illness perception does not health and prevent, rather than merely repair, ill- how the perception of pain in other individuals is
always match objective parameters. ness. The thrust of this presentation is that contribu- related to patterns of brain response similar to those
tions from social, community, organisational, found when people are in pain. The extent of this
counselling and health psychology, are required in "shared representation" of pain depends on several
Quality of life among Vietnamese- and Chi- order for the global vision of “Health for All” to be individual, relational and contextual factors. Cur-
nese-American breast cancer survivors incrementally concretised. rent work is being conducted to determine whether
Jenny Yi University of Houston, United States of this representation, which can integrate different
America; Krystal Luong dimensions of pain, is related to the prosocial stance
This study is to examine the relationship between Psychological science foundations of clinical caregivers adopt towards patients, and whether
acculturation, health literacy, and quality of life pain management changes in this representation are associated with
(QOL) among Asian American women with breast Kenneth Craig University of British Columbia, Cana- changes in pain care. Kenneth D. Craig also pre-
cancer. Study inclusion criteria were as follow: (1) da; Geert Crombez; Amanda Williams; Philip Jack- sents on Perceiving pain in others: A dual proces-
18 years or older, (2) provided informed consent, son; Simon Rysewyk sing model.
and (3) diagnosed with breast cancer at least six Pain of clinical severity remains a distressingly
months and less than five years prior to study entry. commonplace human problem, whether one consid-
Bilingual researchers conducted individual, face-to- ers acute pain arising from disease or injury, chronic Increasing psychology’s role in health re-
face, semi-structured interviews in Cantonese, Man- pain related to terminal illness or chronic non-ma- search and health care
darin, English, or Vietnamese with 72 Chinese and lignant pain. Too often, contemporary pain manage- Suzanne Bennett Johnson Florida State University,
26 Vietnamese women with breast cancer. A ma- ment and our research-based understanding of pain United States of America
jority (75%) of the participants did not participate in have proven inadequate. Basic psychological sci- Although psychology has traditionally focused on
breast cancer support groups. The mean age was ence offers important insights and potential for mental health, the role of human behaviour in a
57.4 years old. Mean years of residency in the US improved understanding and clinical interventions. larger health context has become increasingly ap-
were 21.8. Of the whole sample, 33% (n=32) An evolutionary model of pain as one of the family parent. Over half of the world’s population is living
Health 451

in urban environments. Urbanisation is a natural Health and well-being in human populations are Session Type: Invited Symposia
component of economic development and can offer constructed and appropriated in the context of cul-
improved health through increased access to sani- tural-historical activities important to the identity of Symposium title: Alcohol use disorders and
tation, clean water, education, and health care. segments of the cultural enactors, or participants.
behaviour change: Research advances
However, economic development and urbanisation The cultural historical activities are often realised in
is also associated with the development of chronic implicit encoded messages that have controlling from behavioural neuroscience to public
illness: Obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular effects of members’ beliefs about appropriate mes- health
disease and diabetes. For example, 50% of US sages and practices to restore, promote and sustain Convenor: J. Bruce Overmier
mortality can be traced to behaviour (e.g., smoking, health. In the context of collectives such as organi-
poor diet). Over two-thirds of US adults are over- sations, the controlling beliefs constitute an episte- Discussion leader
weight. Obesity is rapidly increasing world-wide. mic environment that primes participants to receive Arvin Bhana Human Sciences Research Council,
Human behaviour is critical to the management of certain messages rather than alternative or compet- South Africa
chronic illness but also to its prevention. Psychol- ing ones. The paper presents three studies in which The discussion involves implications for societies
ogists must play a larger role in addressing the applied cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) coping with drug abuse.
health of all people, and not limit their efforts to and concept mapping, study prospective health and
mental health alone. To do so, a variety of chal- well-being in faith-based and secular organisations
lenges, both within psychology and external to in African settings. CHAT considers organisations Symposium title: Cross-cultural evidence-
psychology, must be addressed. These include: Tra- and their constituents (members) as active learners based health/psychotherapy research
ditional training models and health care delivery in a socio-cultural process, foregrounded by histor-
among North America, United Kingdom,
systems that separate psychologists and mental ical learning experiences. Concept mapping is a
health care from the larger health care training and mixed method deductive-inductive approach to China, Korea and Japan
delivery system, a biology bias within many health constructing social reality from the viewpoint of Convenor: Akira Tsuda
care systems that values and pays for biological, but cultural participants. Findings suggest that cultural-
not behavioral, interventions, insufficient resources ly embedded practices provided social capital for The outcome of trans-theoretical model
and attention given to disease prevention, and the health and well-being to church members. Howev- (TTM)-based stress management and its as-
failure of other scientists and health providers to er, the same practices had the paradoxical effect to sociation with well-being
understand the value of psychology to interdisci- minimise decision-making by church women and Yoshiyuki Tanaka Kyoto Tachibana University, Ja-
plinary health research as well as health care. child members, which potentially compromised pan
their health and well-being. Church and secular In this presentation: how to provide Trans-theoret-
school settings promoted messages and practices ical model (TTM)-based stress management for
There could be cathedrals of the spirit as well for health and well-being that prioritized values Japanese university students, the effects of the
as stone: An overview of Australian aborigi- congruent with their unique knowledge ideologies. programme, and the role of subjective well-being
nal and Torres Strait Islander people and Implicit knowledge values held by church and sec- in the programme will be explained. Over 600
psychology ular organizations had consequences for the pro- students participated in a programme that was pro-
Patricia Dudgeon University of Western Australia, spective health and well-being of the membership. vided through the Internet and a workbook. On first
Australia accessing the webpage, they assessed their stress
This presentation will provide an overview of Ab- and coping level, and four basic components of
original and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Health behaviour change: Theoretical con- TTM: stage of change, decisional balance, self-
struggle to have indigenous concepts of social and structs, dynamic mechanisms, and clinical efficacy, and process of change. Based on the as-
emotional wellbeing recognized and needs met by interventions sessment, they read each page in the workbook and
non-indigenous mental health systems and service Ralf Schwarzer Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany practiced by themselves. The book is constructed in
providers. This examines the impacts of Australia’s Health-compromising behaviours such as physical such a way that the participant needs to readjust
colonial history on indigenous individuals, families inactivity and poor dietary habits are difficult to pages fit to his/her stage. The participants moved to
and communities. Aboriginal peoples’ resilience change. Most social-cognitive theories assume that the later stage, when their stress level was de-
and struggle to claim equality and cultural recogni- an individual’s intention to change is the best direct creased. Within the participants who had not man-
tion will be highlighted. The history of the disci- predictor of actual change. But people often do not aged their stress before the intervention, most of
pline and practice of psychology with Australian behave in accordance with their intentions. This them moved to the later stage independently of their
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in discrepancy between intention and behaviour is due subjective well-being. The stage shift within the
relation to mental health will be included.Psychol- to several reasons. For example, unforeseen barriers subjects who had been engaged in stress manage-
ogy’s key points of engagement with Aboriginal could emerge, or people might give in to tempta- ment was related to their subjective well-being.
and Torres Strait Islander people will be examined. tions. Therefore, intention needs to be supplemen- They continued to practice managing their stress,
Whilst acknowledging that psychology has been ted by other, more proximal factors that might if they had felt enough subjective well-being. TTM-
part of the colonizing process through cultural and compromise or facilitate the translation of inten- based stress management is effective to preserve
institutionalized racism, there is reason for opti- tions into action. Some of these post-intentional and improve mental health, even if it is not intended
mism and the potential for empowerment and in- factors have been identified, such as perceived for the individual to manage his/her own stress.
clusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-efficacy and strategic planning. They help to Moreover, the results showed that practitioners and
peoples in the discipline.This brief overview con- bridge the intention-behaviour gap. The Health Ac- researchers should study their subjects’ subjective
cludes with some important milestones in psychol- tion Process Approach (HAPA) suggests a distinc- well-being, in order to plan a preventive health
ogy and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men- tion between (a) preintentional motivation process- practice, especially when his/her mental health is
tal health, pointing to positive ways that es that lead to a behavioural intention, and (b) not problematic.
psychologists can work together to bring about postintentional volition processes that lead to the
improved social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing actual health behaviour. In this presentation, studies
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Austra- are reported that examine the role of volitional Cross-cultural evidence-based health/psy-
lians. mediators, in particular perceived self-efficacy, in chotherapy research among North Ameri-
the initiation and adherence to health behaviours (e. can, British, Chinese, Korean and Japanese
g., physical exercise, breast self-examination, seat researchers
Church and secular epistemic environment belt use, dietary behaviours, condom use, sunscreen Akira Tsuda Kurume University, Japan; Yoshiyuki
effects on health and well-being in African use, dental flossing). The general aim is to examine Tanaka; Satoko Kimpara; Jorge Wong
settings the effects of self-efficacy on health behaviour The biopsychosocial approach is a model which
Elias Mpofu University of Sydney-Cumberland, Aus- change based on various behaviours, time spans, identifies multiple levels of psychological and en-
tralia and study participants, from different countries. vironmental influences on the biological causes and
452 Health

expression of perceived and actual physical pain, interpersonal relationships, resolve problems, make vary depending on the subjects’ personality differ-
psychological distress, and contributors to medical decisions, and change unhealthy behaviours, from ences. Finally, pharmacological compliance will be
illnesses. In practicality, the biopsychosocial ap- the perspective of health psychology. In this pre- evaluated before and after treatment, to highlight
proach is a means to an end in the understanding sentation, the theoretical frameworks and the types differences.
of how the client’s subjective experience contri- of health counselling practiced by juvenile guidance
butes to the clinical diagnosis, observed health counsellors in Japan will be discussed. Also, to
consequences, and allows the clinician to develop optimise support in the network, characteristics of Functional psychology: A pilot study in sub-
multifaceted treatment interventions. Currently, a support interventions and some theories and con- jects affected by chronic lumbar pain
series of cross-cultural studies for stress-related cepts relevant to the design and evaluation of the Valentina Cincotto Associazione Centro di Psicolog,
psychological and social factors have been con- supportive interventions will be discussed. Health Italy; Roberta Rosin; Irene Leo; Francesco Ceccher-
ducted at our laboratory in Japan and collaborative counselling for juveniles involves assisting them to elli
institutes. Emerging data from these cross-cultural achieve their maximum state of well-being and to The aim of this research was to investigate the
studies have indicated that psychological and social prevent juvenile delinquency. In terms of preven- correlation between tonic-postural system, MMPI-
factors can be used to predict various health mar- tion of juvenile delinquency, counselling for prima- 3 s profiles and the individual’s basic functioning,
kers commonly affecting the physical conditions ry prevention tries to teach clients information and in twenty subjects assessed for chronic lumbar
reported by patients. In some cases these health skills, and to reduce their risk of developing pro- pain. The subjects were examinated by functional
markers can be culturally unique and encapsulated blems. Counselling for secondary prevention tries diagnostic psychological interview, diagnostic med-
within the societies in which the patient resides. to prevent the progression of the problem through ical examination (anesthetic visit), and tonic-pos-
Thus, research finding may be assist in the devel- early detection and prompt intervention. Counsel- tural visit. The subjects filled out the MMPI-3 , V.A.
opment of effective clinical interventions of highly ling for tertiary prevention focuses on helping cli- S and McGill Pain Questionnaire. This study used
prescribed cultural and clinical relevance. ents understand their situation, and to cope with multivariate analysis of results (SPSS). Correlation
restoring functioning. In each level, the skills of indicated that Depression, Social Introversion, and
Micro-counselling and REBT are effective. Hypochondria spikes were significantly related to
Symposium title: Health psychology across more severe pain and were associated with higher
cultures: Asian perspectives difficulty of movement. Our results suggest that
Culture-specific social skills for sojourners in pain rehabilitation programs provide directed inter-
Convenor: Kyoko Noguchi
cross-cultural interpersonal relations vention on emotions, tonic-postural system and
Tomoko Tanaka Okayama University, Japan individual’s basic functioning. Functional Psychol-
Status of health psychology in Malaysia
Health in transition is an important subject in the ogy represents one of the possible integrated meth-
Kumaraswamy Narasappa University Malaysia Sa-
current society. Further interpersonal relations are ods of cure.
bah, Malaysia
critical for sojourners because they could be both
Counselling is an increasingly important direct ser-
difficult and supportive with regard to cross-cultural
vice provided by health psychologists in Japan. The
adjustment. Social skills deficiency in the new so- Psychology in rehabilitative cardiology to
basis of health counselling is helping client main-
cial-cultural context disturbs interpersonal relations, tune life style up
tain behaviours that promote health and prevent
and skillful individuals have an advantage in that Silvana Piazzi Hsa, Italy; Aimee Ferreira
illness. In a process of counselling, clients need to
they get into comfortable situations. Usually, Psychological support in a rehabilitative cardiology
learn how to achieve personal growth, improve
sojourners usually are not familiar with new cultural ward contributes to the cardiopathic patient’s well-
interpersonal relationships, resolve problems, make
skills at the beginning. Psycho-educational inter- being and to that of his/her family. Moreover it
decisions and change unhealthy behaviours, from
vention of cross-cultural social skills learning could strengthens motivation to adopt the necessary
the perspective of health psychology. In this pre-
be one of the ways for providing health support in changes in lifestyle. Clinical practice confirms the
sentation, the theoretical frameworks and the types
socio-cultural contexts. I will introduce the basic benefits of combining different forms of psycholog-
of health counseling practiced by juvenile guidance
concept, the design of the learning session and its ical support. The psychological interview facilitates
counsellors in Japan will be discussed. Also, to
effects on international students in Japan. the process of clarification with regard to personal
optimise support in the network, characteristics of
support interventions and some theories and con- objectives, evolution of the new phase of personal
cepts relevant to the design and evaluation of the life and self perception as cardiopathic patient; it
supportive interventions will be discussed. Health Symposium title: Health psychology activates personal resources in order to better cope
counselling for juveniles involves assisting them to Convenor: Vito Tummino with emotional stress. Group work on relevant
achieve their maximum state of well-being and to issues offers an opportunity for dialogue and con-
prevent juvenile delinquency. In terms of preven- Contemporary and combined use of hypno- frontation on psychic dynamics, convictions and
tion of juvenile delinquency, counselling for prima- cultural models which can hinder or facilitate the
sis and relaxation techniques in pain therapy.
ry prevention tries to teach clients information and assumption of healthy lifestyles. Combined psycho-
A pilot study logical support activates in cardiopathic patients
skills and to reduce their risk of developing the Andrea Carta Hsa, Italy; Chiara Pizzagalli; Cesare
problems. Counselling for secondary prevention compliance with better behaviours, a new pace in
Basilico personal lifestyle in line with the requests of the
tries to prevent the progression of the problem This study is aimed at evaluating the efficacy of
through early detection and prompt intervention. heart pathology.
treatment combining relaxation techniques and hyp-
Counselling for tertiary prevention focuses on help- nosis therapy in a sample of patients with chronic
ing clients understand their situation and cope with pain, compared to that of treatment based on relax-
restoring functioning. In each level, the skills of ation practices in the absence of psychological sup- Symposium title: Healthy participation in
Micro-counseling and REBT are effective. port. Evaluation will be made before and after the context: Attributes, performances and sys-
sessions of treatment, which will be different for tems
each of the three sub-samples: one group will un- Convenor: Jon Sanford
Health counseling for promoting behavior dergo combined treatment, another will only be
change treated with relaxation techniques, the third one will Classification system for rehabilitation inter-
Kyoko Noguchi Bunka Gakuen University, Japan be a control group and will not undergo any type of ventions for health and wellbeing across the
Counselling is an increasingly important direct ser- psychological treatment. Evaluations will give a life span
vice provided by health psychologists in Japan. The subjective and objective measure of the pain suf- Francoise Joseph Illawarra Health, Australia; Elias
basis of health counselling is helping clients main- fered, and the level of the quality of life as reported Mpofu; Richard Madden
tain behaviours that promote health and prevent by the patient. Moreover, the study will include Objective. Health interventions for meaningful par-
illness. In the process of counselling, clients need measurements of the personality traits of the sub- ticipation are addressed at many levels or rehabilita-
to learn how to achieve personal growth, improve jects, to verify if the efficacy of the treatment may tion and health care: individual patient, the treatment
Health 453

team, and institution providing care. This presentation This study investigated influences on preferred clinical picture and environmental factors that may
proposes procedures for classifying health interven- community participation options with regard to buffer, exacerbate, or otherwise affect that picture.
tions for optimal participation by combining variable chronic illness and disability. The WHO Interna- The use of authentic assessment methods within an
and case orientated analysis of target treatments in a tional Classification of Functioning, Disability and ICF model allows mental health care practitioners
subacute hospital treatment setting. Methods. For the Health (ICF), considers participation important to to describe the whole health experience, including
prospective optimal participation classification system health and wellbeing. The study involved the par- environmental factors, and to compare the experi-
for rehabilitation interventions, we applied reflective ticipation of 68 individuals with disabilities who ences of patients with different conditions. Their
case analysis approach to trial its utility in rehabilita- sought services from Centres for Living (CILs) in use also allows us to compare the experiences of a
tion medicine setting. Case studies were drawn from Central Pennsylvania (67% female). 60% of the given patient over the course of his or her treatment.
patients who were admitted to a subacute hospital participants displayed neuromuscular conditions,
ward for rehabilitation and requiring at least three while 25% had cardiovascular conditions and 15%
rehabilitation interventions. Data were examined for had other health conditions. Data were collected Symposium overview
convergence among systems to mark optimization of through means of participants’ responses to an Jon Sanford Georgia Institute of Technology, United
interventions applying target, action and means qual- open-ended statement probe to nominate influences States of America
ities. Results and Conclusion. The prospective classi- on their choice of community living solutions. Data Participation is a key indicator of health and well-
fication of rehabilitation interventions system yielded were analysed using concept mapping - a mixed being across human populations (World Health Or-
high specificity in the target, action and means for method approach to construct informant-oriented ganization, 2001). Understanding influences on par-
interventions beyond possible using conventional clusters of choices for community living. Results ticipation requires a careful consideration of its
approaches. Combined use of target, action and showed that persons with more severe disabilities drivers, the qualities of the types of data that define
means led to the optimal selection of rehabilitation prioritised service and community access issues as participation, procedures to construct or classify
interventions likely to result in a persons functional being relatively more important to their participa- participation, and the ways participation is enacted
participation in his or her everyday setting. A classi- tion than did those with less severe disabilities. in human populations. The symposium proposes to
fication system for rehabilitation interventions is pos- Involvement with others in the social network was address aspects of participation applying constructs
sible from use of carefully selected case studies in the perceived to be important for community participa- from the World Health Organization’s International
context of rehabilitation medicine. tion. Participation in leisure activities was regarded Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
to yield health-related benefits. Disability-friendly (ICF). The specific objectives of the symposium
policies added to the perceived access to preferred are to: characterize qualities of data for authentic
Indicators of health living with HIV and AIDS community living options. It was concluded that participation by persons in their choice activities;
in Zimbabwean community setting preferred community participation solutions with propose a model for environmental influences on
Tecla Mlambo University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe; chronic illness and disability emphasise social in- participation; operationalize key constructs for re-
Lovemore Gwanzura; Simbarashe Rusakaniko clusion qualities and that severity of disability influ- habilitation interventions for optimal participation;
Objectives: AIDS has become a chronic disease due, ences the salience of infrastructural access issues to and apply ICF participation concepts to living with
in part, to the increased availability of anti-retroviral community participation. chronic illness or disability.
(ARV) treatments in Zimbabwe, Knowing the extent
to which people living with AIDS can meaningfully
engage in normative activities of daily living is im- Relationship between the ICF and authentic An ICF-based model for assessing environ-
portant to their health and wellbeing. The study assessment mental barriers and facilitators to activity
sought to determine the activity limitations and par- Thomas Oakland University of Florida, United and participation
ticipation restrictions (disabilities) experienced by States of America Jon Sanford Georgia Institute of Technology, United
adults living with HIV and AIDS who are on ARVs This presentation is intended to examine the rela- States of America
and the factors associated with health and wellbeing. tionship between the WHO’s International Classifi- Many methods may be used to assess environmental
Methods: A cross sectional analytical study was done cation of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) contributions to performance. However, few ade-
with 59 consenting HIV positive adults on antiretro- and authentic assessment. The presentation will quately address the key person, press, and perfor-
viral drugs attending an opportunistic infection clinic. discuss the ICF model that views disability as mul- mance factors essential to developing effective envi-
Mean age was 41 years (+/-9.3), 56% were female, tidimensional (at body, activity and participation/ ronmental interventions for health and wellbeing.
54% were married and 30.5% were widowed. Mean social levels) created by the interaction of health Such information is essential to eliminating environ-
period on ARVs was 19.5 months, mean CD4 count conditions together with personal and environmen- mental barriers and identifying environmental inter-
was 223 (+/- 153). An ICF-based questionnaire was tal qualities. Assessment models consistent with the ventions as effective rehabilitation strategies across
administered on consecutive patients receiving treat- ICF may lead to a better understanding of whether a the lifespan. To ensure valid, reliable and inclusive
ments for a typical community clinic. The analyses person has acquired desired activities (e.g. tasks a assessment of the environment, this presentation pro-
sought to isolate factors to explain success with in- person is able to perform) and desired participation poses a comprehensive model that builds and
strumental activities of daily living with AIDS. (e.g. tasks a person does perform and that become expands on the relationship between capacity and
Results and Conclusion: About 36% and 61% either integrated into ones life). Activities and participa- contextual factors as they define barriers and facil-
stopped or reduced their usual activities due to the tion include the assessment of qualities in nine itators and impact activity and participation. The
illness respectively. Most affected aspects of instru- domains: learning and applying knowledge; general model l will present draws on the ICF, current liter-
mental activities of daily living engaged in were: tasks and demands; communication, mobility, self- ature on environmental assessment, and ecological
lifting and carrying objects, shopping, housework, care, domestic life, interpersonal interactions and models of person-environment interaction. The ana-
remunerative employment and economic self-suffi- relationships; major life areas; and community, so- lytical approach is to resolve seeming differences in
ciency. The quality of activity participation was cial, and civic life. Authentic assessment methods the interactions among key person x environment
influenced mostly by physical health, mental and highlight the importance of eight features: accept- constructs to create a prospective model that incor-
emotional health, and use of assistive devices. Phys- ability, authenticity, collaboration, evidence, multi- porates and accounts for activity and participation in
ical wellbeing from use of antiretroviral drugs enabled factors, sensitivity, universality, and utility. These preferred environments. The proposed model pro-
participation and promoted socio-emotional well- methods are consistent with those associated with vides a framework for gathering assessment informa-
being. The effects of ARVs have multiplier benefits the implementation of the ICF. The combined use of tion by accounting for the interactive effects of body
to the health and wellbeing of those living with AIDS. the ICF model and authentic assessment methods function/structure and the full range of environmental
offers a framework for assessing and thus describ- demands (i.e., press), including individual factors (e.
ing human functioning dimensions that complement g. preferences and values), environmental factors
Community participation solutions with re- and extend purely diagnostic information. Informa- include physical factors (e.g., attributes of space and
gard to chronic illness or disability tion about one’s diagnosis or diagnoses coupled products), social factors (e.g., values), and organiza-
Elias Mpofu University of Sydney-Cumberland, Aus- with information about functioning offer a multi- tional factors (e.g., policies). External factors (e.g.,
tralia dimensional description of an individual’s current legal restrictions, availability of interventions) outside
454 Health

the control of the individual and task factors (e.g., Critical perspectives on the MDGs particular dimensions and programmes of interven-
requirements of the activity, including lifting, pulling, Brendon Barnes University of the Witwatersrand, tion are proposed with timelines for the achieve-
and bending) are addressed with use of this multi- South Africa ment of quantifiable indicators. The research
faceted model. This symposium brings together five papers that programme is thus articulated in the tasks of docu-
critically engage with the assumptions of the UN mentation and measurement and offers little by way
millennium development goals (MDGs) and other of understanding or explaining what makes change
Symposium title: Mental health, neuro- global development frameworks through the lens of so difficult. If a research agenda aims to contribute
critical psychology. Building on a special edition of to social change, it must entail theorising the rela-
psychiatric assessment and integrated
the Journal of Health Management published in tions between structure and agency in terms of
health services dimensions such as gender, national identity and
2009, the authors offer a range of critiques of the
Convenor: Michela Colombu MDGs that are often overlooked in the mainstream. childhood / youth. We suggest that narrative meth-
These include papers that highlight how critical odologies may offer a productive alternative trajec-
Medical humanities and multiculturality psychologists have sought to recover the margin- tory for exploring the connections between social
Eleonora Capovilla IOV istituto Oncologico Veneto, alised voices of those affected by development and psychological realities and thinking about what
Italy; Aimee Ferreira (Kumar) as well as to deconstruct and re-develop makes change possible or impossible.
Illness and death are conditions that put to a test all our notions of development and change in the first
physical, psychological, functional, social and spiritual instance (Bradbury & Clark). Papers also highlight
being. In the process of oncological pathology and the the politics of doing development through, for ex- Global development and transnational col-
approach to death, the interplay of emotions, affec- ample, gender mainstreaming (Palmary & Nunez) laboration: What can psychology help re-
tions, psychic states, life philosophies, spirituality, very and alternative economic development models such deem?
little represented in medical or socio-sanitary works, public-private partnerships and social entrepreneur- Manasi Kumar University of Nairobi, Kenya
develops in a peculiar way. To know what the onco- ship (Moodley as well as Barnes & Milovanovic). This paper reflects on the politics of global devel-
logical pathology is like in the different cultures means Throughout the symposium, presenters deconstruct opment programmes, such as MDGs, which seek to
modifying and extending our opportunity to commu- taken-for-granted concepts such as community, par- eulogise a partisan needs-based discourse of socio-
nicate and develop an efficient therapeutic relationship ticipation, justice and citizenship and, in so doing, economic development. Developing Burman’s
with the patient. This work presents a general outline offer the space to discuss the possibilities and lim- (2010, presented at ISTP Nanjing) suggestion that
of international psycho-oncological literature about the itations of critical psychology within the realm of critical psychologists have to deliberate on the na-
relationship and communication with patients from development. ture of transnational coordination around such de-
foreign countries in the light of the different cultures.
velopment projects so that an engagement with
Medical Humanities can also offer an important con-
development issues and public policies enables re-
tribution to the treatment of oncological pathology in Food, water and the politics of need: A Cri- covery of marginalised voices and standpoints. In
multicultural contexts. Medical Humanities are a
tique of alternative economic development this process the paper highlights how psychologists
group of disciplines which analyse the way human
approaches in the context of MDGs have sought to unequivocally intervene and address
sciences (literature, poetry, philosophy, ethics, history
Brendon Barnes University of the Witwatersrand, the larger ramifications of initiatives such as MDGs
and religion), social sciences (anthropology, psychol-
South Africa; Minja Milovanovic (Kumar and Burman, 2009). The paper also dis-
ogy and sociology) and the arts (literature, music,
The millennium development goals are premised on cusses the exigencies of critical transnational and
theatre, cinema and visual arts) can influence educa-
particular assumptions of (under)development with multidisciplinary research partnerships and how
tion and medical practices. They integrate the scien-
very little interrogation of what development is or psychology can challenge the biases of policy plan-
tific knowledge of the body with the knowledge of the
patient’s life experience, within his own history and how it should be achieved in the first instance. ners and decision makers by deconstructing the
Drawing on examples from the author’s work in development discourse.
personal culture, keeping in mind that health is not
only physical welfare but also a psychological and the fields of water access and food insecurity in
social state. In this area we will refer to our MBSR South Africa and India, this presentation focuses on
three popular alternative economic development Critical reflection of handwashing behaviour
(Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) experience,
addressed to oncological patients, aiming to improve approaches (to pure capitalism or socialism) pub- change interventions in context of develop-
the patient’s capacity to cope with his suffering and to lic-private partnerships, corporate social initiatives ment
better meet his spiritual needs and social entrepreneurship, each of which lay Janice Moodley Wits, South Africa
claim to a particular kind of development that Intense advocacy for handwashing with soap initi-
attempts to balance, to varying degrees, capital and ated by multinational organisations and initiatives,
the social. Underlying each of these development through the formation of the Public Private Partner-
Symposium title: The state of psychology in approaches, however, are problematic discourses of ship for Handwashing with Soap (PPPHWS), have
Zimbabwe need, agency, participation and citizenship that ulti- catapulted the promotion of handwashing behaviour
Convenor: Gwatirera Javangwe mately serve to place the source of and solution to change interventions in developing countries.
the problem at the level of the community. Such Aligned with goal 4 of the Millennium Develop-
Health psychology in Zimbabwe discourses not only reinforce psychologist accounts ment aimed at reducing infant mortality by two-
Tunashe Muromo University of Zimbabwe, Zim- of the problem but, importantly, leave the structural thirds, the PPPHWS enlisted the consumer market-
babwe determinants of poor water access and food insecu- ing expertise of the three largest soap manufacturers
Whilst clinical psychology has played an important rity in the Global South relatively untouched. The - Unilever, Procter and Gamble, and Colgate Pal-
role in Zimbabwe, the present paper demonstrates paper concludes with a discussion of the possibili- molive. Despite being situated within the globalisa-
how health psychology has been influential in solv- ties and limitations of critical psychology in its tion, economic development, and neoliberal dis-
ing some of the health problems bedeviling Zim- various guises within the context of (under)devel- courses that have very d istinct political
babwe. The paper also concludes by focusing on the opment in the Global South. implications the PPPHWS has been presented as
future of this filed in Zimbabwe and on how a apolitical, with handwashing to prevent infectious
collaborative approach can lead to fruition. diseases advocated as a universally applicable, tak-
Changing goals: Reformulating a research en for granted, truth. The appeal of private-public
agenda for social change partnerships to save lives appears to be sincere,
Session Type: Symposia Jill Bradbury WITS, South Africa; Jude Clark socially uncontestable and morally justified. How-
This paper engages the framework provided by the ever, inherent political conflict resides at the nexus
Symposium title: Critical perspectives on millennium development goals to think about the of profit-driven interests of the private sector and
the MDGs possibilities and constraints for change. The goals the welfare-driven interests of the target communi-
Convenor: Brendon Barnes are identified on the basis of research that describes ties. While the internet and academic literature are
the current context of global inequalities along replete with articles punting the advantages for
Health 455

global handwashing alliances between public and approaches. Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism indentified how participants understood and acted
private sectors, there remains a dearth of literature shed light on the holistic health and happiness (using SMBG) following exposure to on a com-
that critically examines the variety of discourses concepts. Noguchi: Health Counselling for Promot- mon-sense based behavioural education program.
prevalent in the global handwashing movement and ing Behaviour Change. The theoretical frameworks One session focused on how to evaluate the effects
the possible political implications thereof. The aim and the types of health counselling practised in of a food eaten at that session, with SMBG taken
of this paper is therefore to investigate and reveal Japan will be discussed. Kumaraswamy: Status of before and 1.5 hours post-eating; another session
the underlying discourses manifest in handwashing Health Psychology in Malaysia. The need of more examined walking. An average (2 to 3 month
behaviour change interventions in developing clinical/health psychologists in taking care of the levels) glucose levels were evaluated at baseline
countries and the political implications thereof patients, and the hurdles the clinical/health psychol- and 2 months post. Qualitative data illustrate how
while contributing to the expansion and contextua- ogists encountering will be highlighted. Osada: patients achieved insight in SMBG. An "expert"
lisation of the existing body of Critical Health Health Promotion for Older Adults in Japan. The approach asked patients in excellent control and
Psychology (CHP) literature to developing relationship of functional health and quality of life, patients and those whose medication had been re-
countries. as well as the care and prevention of dementia will duced, to state how they would advise a patient
be observed and discussed. Tanaka: Culture-specific having difficulty with blood glucose control (spec-
social skills for sojourners in cross-cultural inter- ified in scenarios). Patients were asked and/or
Reflecting on gender mainstreaming as a personal relations. Psycho-educational intervention responded spontaneously as to how they overcame
strategy for accomplishing the MDGs of cross-cultural social skills learning could be one such obstacles. We report on the strategies and
Ingrid Palmary University of the Witwatersrand, of the ways for health support in socio-cultural tactics extracted from their responses to illustrate
South Africa; Lorena Nunez contexts. The basic concept, the design of the learn- how patients achieve control in their home environ-
This paper is a reflection on the practice and theory ing session and the effect in participants of interna- ments.
of gender mainstreaming in the context of the Mil- tional students in Japan will be introduced.
lennium Development Goals (MDGs). In this paper,
we ask whether gender mainstreaming represents a A randomised controlled trial of a self-regu-
strategy that will further the accomplishment of the Symposium title: Innovative interventions lation program for lifestyle maintenance in
MDGs, what the central difficulties are in achieving in health psychology post-cardiac rehabilitation patients
mainstreaming and, indeed, whether and for whom Stan Maes Leiden University, Netherlands
Convenor: Stan Maes
it might be desirable at all. In doing so, we are As lifestyle adherence and risk factor management
drawing on the author’s experiences of drafting following completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR)
Motivational interviewing and self-regula-
gender mainstreaming guidelines which, while not have been shown to be problematic, we developed a
to be confused with gender mainstreaming as a tion to increase physical activity in patients
brief self-regulation lifestyle program for post-CR
practice, have become one of the central mechan- with rheumatoid arthritis patients. Design Randomised-controlled trial. Fol-
isms by which gender equality is thought to occur Veronique De Gucht United States of America lowing completion of CR 210 patients were rando-
in development practice. The paper outlines the Physical activity benefits patients with rheumatoid mised to receive either a lifestyle maintenance pro-
tensions and sticking points in this process of de- arthritis (RA). This study examined the effects of a gram (n=112) or standard care (n=98). The program
veloping the gender mainstreaming guidelines. theory based psychological intervention to increase was based on self-regulation principles and con-
These sticking points - where issues could not be PA among patients with RA. 78 sedentary patients sisted of a motivational interview, group sessions
resolved or faced particular resistance - are empha- with RA were randomised to receive a 1-hour pa- and home assignments. Risk factors and health
sised because, as we will argue, they reflect diffi- tient education session, a motivational interviewing behaviours were assessed at baseline (end of CR)
culties and preoccupations of the feminist move- and 2 self regulation sessions (MI+SR group), or 6 and 15 months thereafter. ANCOVAs showed a
ment more generally and highlight the ways in the patient education session alone (control group). significant effect of the lifestyle program after 6
which feminist ideas have at times been popularised Patients filled-in questionnaires assessing PA, au- months on blood pressure, waist circumference and
and re-worked in what, we will argue, are profound- tonomous motivation (AM), self-efficacy (SE), self- physical activity (pedometer assessment). At 15-
ly anti-feminist ways. Although we would hope regulation skills, and pain at baseline, and after month follow-up these changes were sustained for
these tensions in feminist thinking are potentially 8 and 32 weeks. Results: At 8 weeks, the MI+SR physical activity, but not for any of the risk factors.
productive, we would argue that in the context of group had significant improvements in days per This trial indicates that a relatively brief interven-
donor driven research and practice in the African week with at least 30 minutes of PA, AM and SE tion based on self-regulation theory is capable of
context, they are unlikely to be. As such, this is a compared to the control group, and greater self- instigating beneficial changes in lifestyle and risk
paper reflecting on the power of discourse: Dis- regulation skills. These between-group differences factors after CR.
courses on equality, justice and gender that are used in improvements remained significant at 32 weeks.
and negotiated by different interest groups in dif- Conclusions: The MI+SR intervention outper-
ferent ways and with very different consequences. formed the control group in terms of sustained Innovative interventions in health psycholo-
increases in PA, and these effects are likely medi-
ated by improvements in AM, SE, and self-regula-
Stan Maes Leiden University, Netherlands
tion skills. This study demonstrates that a minimally
Symposium title: Health psychology across In this symposium several innovative interventions,
intensive, low-cost MI+SR intervention leads to
cultures: Asian perspectives based on self-regulation theory, are presented and
sustained PA at 32 weeks; however, due to pain
Convenor: Kyoko Noguchi discussed. Elaine Leventhal will present a study that
increases within the MI+SR group, future interven-
gained insight into how diabetic patients achieve
tions might pay more attention to pacing and suit-
Health psychology across cultures: Asian per- control over the monitoring process after exposure
ability when increasing PA.
to a self-regulation based behavioural education
intervention. Marta Marques will report on the
Kyoko Noguchi Bunka Gakuen University, Japan;
effects of a self-regulation programme for patients
Hisao Osada; Tomoko Tanaka; Kumaraswamy Nar- Managing behaviour towards diabetes
suffering from ideopathic chronic fatigue. Vero-
asappa; Kyo-Heon Kim Elaine Leventhal Robert Wood Johnson, Medical,
nique De Gucht will report on a self-regulation
In this symposium, a diverse set of research and United States of America; Elaine Leventhal
programme to increase physical activity, delivered
practice efforts designed to prevent disease and Longitudinal studies and RCTs suggests that Self
by physiotherapists and nurses to sedentary rheu-
promote health will be introduced, and widely ac- Monitoring Blood Glucose (SMBG) can improve
matoid arthritis patients. Finally, Stan Maes will
cepted views or techniques will be discussed from control of blood glucose. However, a few large
report on the effects of a self-regulation programme
Asian culture-specific perspectives. Kim: Wisdom trials show no benefit of SMBG monitoring. To
for post-cardiac rehabilitation patients on risk fac-
of the East: Health as Process and Integration Per- gain insight into how patients achieve control, we
tors and life-styles. The discussion will try to iden-
spectives on health from the Eastern thoughts were conducted sessions with 8 to 10 diabetics in each of
tify overarching guidelines for future interventions.
discussed in terms of self-regulation system 3 groups (four 2 hour sessions per group) and
456 Health

A self-regulation based program to promote Brazilian youth concepts of mental health In this article, we argue that greater income will be
physical activity in those suffering from from a culture perspective associated with stronger subjective well-being, and
chronic fatigue Camila Aquino-Morais Universidade de Brasilia, this relationship will be moderated by the social
Marta Marques 1-Leiden Universit/2-UIPES-ISPA, Brazil dominance orientation (SDO). We tested this hy-
Portugal; Marta Marques This study intends to present quantitative data of the pothesis with a sample of Chinese residents by
Chronic Fatigue (CF) is characterised by the pres- research "Mental health conceptions and service per- means of a set of questionnaires assessing the
ence of severe medically unexplained fatigue, affect- ceptions on the perspective of the young generation degree of people’s SWB, income and SDO. Results
ing patients’ functionality. Physical activity can con- and their families" carried out with a sample of 1163 indicated that there was no significant relationship
tribute to the reduction of fatigue. Based on the self- young Brazilians, with an average age of 15.84 years, between income and subjective well-being. How-
regulation (SR) principles of behaviour change, we from different regions of the country, being 53.2% ever, social dominance orientation moderated this
developed the "4-STEPS to reduce your fatigue" female and 46.8% male; 42.8% white, 42.3% brown relationship: When social dominance orientation is
program. This was a randomised controlled trial and 12% black; and 697 caregivers of both sex. The high, people’s income and subjective well-being
(RCT), carried out in Portugal. CFS patients were survey was conducted with participants from differ- showed a negative relationship, whereas, when
randomly allocated to standard care or the 4-STEPS ent social and economic levels that use different social dominance orientation is low, the relation-
program. The intervention consists of a motivational models of health assistance. The conception of the ship of these two variables is positive. The results
interview and brief telephone counselling sessions, youth mental health was associated with three main suggest that income is not necessarily beneficial to
in which a physical activity goal is formulated. factors: personal well-being, relational well-being people’s subjective well-being. Instead, the impact
Patients are assessed at baseline (T1), and three and the lack of disease. In order to understand the of income hinges upon people’s degree of social
(T2) and 12 months (T3) after. Primary outcomes results related to the cultural aspects, the data was dominance orientation. Implications for the under-
are fatigue severity and persistence of CFS. Results considered from a medical anthropological point of standing of income and subjective well-being are
and Conclusion: 89 CF patients have been enrolled view, using the notion of the macrosystem, derived discussed.
in the study (M= 47.39; 97.8% women). No signif- from the perspective of Bronfenbrenner. Social-eco-
icant differences between both groups were found at nomical factors, gender, level of education, finance,
baseline. At T1, only 14.6% of the CF patients religion and access to health services are investigated Symposium title: Psychologists’ evolving
engaged in regular physical activity. Moreover, as a way to understand the influence of cultural roles in diverse health care systems
higher physical activity levels significantly predicted aspects on individuals’ quality of life. Convenor: Ellen Garrison
lower fatigue severity (p<.001) and better physical
functioning (p<.05). The results of the RCT (T2) will Role of psychologists with National Health
be presented in the symposium. Portuguese speaking families living in a mul-
Service in the United Kingdom
ticultural context in Europe: The case of Swit- Carole Allan British Psychological Society, United
zerland Kingdom
Positive and negative health-related conse- Marta Goncalves Lisbon University Institute, Portugal Since its launch in 1948, the National Health Ser-
quences of technology (over)use in children International findings confirm that young immi- vice (NHS) has grown to become the world’s
and adolescents grants often find themselves in a situation of great- largest publicly funded health service providing
Francois Theron University of Free State, South er vulnerability in terms of mental health problems. free, universal healthcare for 62 million UK citi-
Africa; Henriette van den Berg University of Free Simultaneously, access to health care seems gener- zens. It is funded centrally by national taxation and
State, South Africa ally more difficult for immigrant families (Alegria, currently consumes 8% of GDP. Due to the world-
This presentation aims to determine the benefits and Canino and Pescosolido, 2009). The main objec- wide economic downturn, the NHS faces the tight-
disadvantages of ICT use among adolescents. Chil- tive of this study was therefore to explore possible est financial settlement in its history, and recent
dren and adolescents across different cultures, con- barriers to access professional assistance in mental legislation has focused on the introduction of com-
tinents and socio-economic backgrounds spend in- health from the perspective of immigrant families. petitive tendering for key services. Clinicians in-
creasingly more time engaging with technology and The methodology included both a qualitative study cluding psychologists are opposed to many of
media. Recent studies on the effects of technology in which semi-structured interviews (n = 170 peo- these proposals and view them as a threat to the
and media (over)use on children and adolescents’ ple from 62 families) and focus groups with health provision of integrated care for vulnerable groups
health and well-being have highlighted both the ben- and education professionals (n = 31) were con- such as older adults, those with long term chronic
eficial as well as detrimental nature of the interplay ducted as well as a quantitative survey (n = 887 diseases and those with mental health problems.
between man and digital-machine. A cross-sectional youths, 417 mothers and 310 fathers). Selected The British Psychological Society has been at the
design was used. The sample consisted of 1210 results of the project will be presented, looking at forefront of supporting psychological research, im-
adolescents from the Free State Province, South differences and similarities between youth, care- proving access to evidence based psychological
Africa. Data was gathered using questionnaires asses- givers and professionals perspectives. The results therapies, developing the work of practitioners and
sing the effects of ICT use on the well-being of indicate the involvement of the patient’s perspec- engaging with government about workforce plan-
participants. A regression analysis was performed to tive as one of the most valuable sources of infor- ning and the broad healthcare agenda. Psycholo-
determine the relationship between the frequency and mation for improving access to mental health care. gists who work in practice are mainly employed
nature of ICT use and well-being of participants. Overall, the results suggest several trends for in- within the NHS, with the largest group being
Results highlighted that the positive effects is asso- tervention projects in order to improve access to clinical psychologists. The model of service deliv-
ciated with accessible health-information and the mental health care. ery has been increasingly as part of multidisciplin-
fostering of social connectedness, whilst negative ary teams located within community or hospital
consequences relate to effects on increased emotional based services delivering to a wide range of client
dysregulation and risk-taking behaviour, decreased Symposium title: Predictors of subjective groups. An overview of how the proposed health
physical activity levels, sleep problems and academic well-being: From age and income to per- service changes will affect psychological care and
difficulties. Empirical-based recommendations to in- psychologists will be presented as well as the
crease the health benefits of technology and media opportunities that have arisen from the focus on
use (and thus reduce harmfull practices) for develop- Convenor: Jiajin Tong
evidence based practice.
ing children and adolescents are discussed.
Promoting subjective well-being through in-
come: Moderating role of social dominance Health care reform and psychological prac-
orientation tice in the United States
Symposium title: Portuguese-speaking ad-
Mengying Li Peking University, China Ellen Garrison American Psychological Association,
olescent mental health in Europe and Is higher income effective in eliciting greater sub- United States of America
South America jective well-being (SWB)? Theory and research Recent and ongoing efforts by the U.S. govern-
Convenor: Marta Goncalves point to different ways on this controversial issue. ment to reform the nation’s health care system
Health 457

have significant implications for the practice of Roles of psychologists in health care reform Today in most families, religion and family life are
psychology. The goals of health care reform are in Australia deeply integrated. Researches relating to the family
to extend coverage to 32 million uninsured Amer- Lyn Littlefield APS, Australia processes have shown that spiritual and religious
icans, while increasing overall quality of care and Australia is currently undergoing significant reform of beliefs/behaviours have important roles in the fam-
reducing costs. The new health care reform law its health system. The Federal Government is re- ily health performances. Nevertheless, mental
preserves the current system of employer-based organising the primary health care system into regions health researchese specially those interested in
private insurance and government-run plans but to be managed by Primary Health Care Organisations. family psychology are seeking to understand and
will require nearly every American to obtain These are being established as companies with gov- explain how religion and spirituality can affect
health insurance or pay a penalty. The American ernance structures including the spectrum of primary family performances. The aim of this study was
Psychological Association has been actively en- health care providers. Allied health professionals, to provide an approach regarding the spiritual-
gaged in health care reform initiatives in the fol- including psychologists, will have a far greater role religious family therapy and its cultural implica-
lowing key areas: Prevention and wellness, inte- in Government funded health services, particularly in tions in Iran. Explaining the influence of family
grated care, access to mental and behavioural multi-disciplinary care, than in the previous medically performances within Iranian cultural context, the
health services at parity with medical services, dominated model. Workforce demands also signal study focused on the foundational components of
workforce development, elimination of health dis- increased scopes of practice. Psychologists have al- current concepts for role theory, social and support
parities, and support for psychological research. ready been included in the Governments’ national network, tension and stress and coping perspective
With health care reform, psychologists will in- Medicare insurance scheme and Australians can now and their implications. By virtue of the widely
creasingly focus on the needs of the whole patient, receive rebates for a limited number of psychological used techniques in spirituality-religion and family
including the physical, mental, and behavioural services to treat people with mental disorders on therapy, we addressed a number of major princi-
health aspects of chronic conditions. More psy- referral from medical practitioners. The Australian ples of the approach in Iranian families within
chologists will be providing brief interventions as Psychological Society has played a crucial role in their specific cultural dimensions. The study ex-
part of integrated, interdisciplinary teams in pri- many of these developments which have resulted in plored "Forgiveness"and "Positivism" therapy
mary care settings. Given recent demographic significant changes to psychological practice in Aus- techniques in view of their cultural and marginal
shifts in the U.S. population, psychologists will tralia. An overview of the health system reforms meanings. Interesting findings are reported in the
also be serving growing numbers of older adults focusing on the impact on psychologists and out- study that clarifies how culture can impede or
and racial/ethnic minorities. These major changes, comes for the community will be presented. facilitate the process of psychological counselling
along with advancements in technology and evi- and psychological diagnosis. We looked at both
dence-based care, will call for new models of grand theories within Western paradigm and their
psychological practice and professional training. Psychological care in Mexico: From psycholo- psychological prescription and compared their in-
gist training to users of psychological services ducing techniques with Iranian local cultures espe-
Andromeda Valencia National University of Mexico, cially the contexts that unfold within family rela-
Psychologists’ evolving roles in diverse Mexico tions. Our study indicated that culture can serve as
health care systems In recent years, there has been an increasing demand a significant barrier between the therapists and the
Ellen Garrison American Psychological Association, for psychological services in Mexico. This develop- clients and can hamper the process of effective
United States of America; Carole Allen; Andromeda ment is a remarkable result of the use of evidence- dialogical interaction to the effect that both the
Valencia; Lyn Littlefield based psychological interventions. This study’s aim is therapists and the client lose their focus on the
Psychologists’ roles, services, and work settings are to present a brief description of the psychologist’s role problem management.
evolving with changes in health care systems in Mexico, as well as an analysis of the main pro-
worldwide. Psychologists are contributing to health blems that lead people to seek services in a psycho-
care reform by helping to increase access to care, logical service centre. First to be described will be the Symposium title: Psychooncology
improve the quality of care, and reduce costs. They characteristics of the psychological care model used in
Convenor: Florence Didier
work in health care systems that differ markedly on the Psychological Services Centre of Dr Guillermo
such dimensions as sources of funding, degree of Davila of the School of Psychology of the National
Communication skills training programme
integration between and among mental, beha- University of Mexico (UNAM), located in Mexico
City. It is important to highlight the dual role that the
for physicians in reducing patients’ distress
vioural, and physical health, and prevention versus
Anita Caruso Hsa, Italy
treatment orientation. Also, psychologists are faced centre plays. It is both a place for psychologist train-
To assess the impact on the patients anxiety levels
with significant challenges and opportunities, such ing and the most important public centre that attends
of a training course for oncologists on how to
as changing demographics, technological advances, psychological problems in Mexico. The sample con-
communicate bad news in oncology - to assess the
and an increasing emphasis on evidence-based sisted of 1000 people (men and women) who were
patient’s perception about communication skills
practice. This symposium brings together leading treated during the second semester of 2011 at the
used by the physicians during the communication
psychologists who represent psychological associa- centre. Participants responded to a brief interview, a
of bad news. The anxiety levels of two groups of
tions in countries with diverse health care systems – medical history questionnaire and the Beck Invento-
patients (assessed with the ’Psychological Distress
the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, and the ries (depression and anxiety). The results showed the
Inventory’ PDI, and the ’State Trait Anxiety Inven-
United States - some of which are currently under- main reasons for consultation and its relation to the
tory’ STAI), were compared before and after a
going reform. They will each provide a brief over- current economic and social situation of our country.
medical visit during which bad news was commu-
view of their health care system and any changes in Data also described the skills that are necessary for a
nicated. The first group of patients (Experimental
funding of psychological services. They will then psychologist to acquire in formal training. This infor-
Group-EG) received the communication from a
respond to several key questions regarding the roles mation allows us to better understand the current
physician, who had previously followed a commu-
of psychologists, including: Is there a shift under- situation in Mexico regarding the increasing needs
nication skills training course. The second group
way in the settings in which psychologists generally for psychological care and also to identify the com-
(Control Group-CG) of patients received the com-
work? Is the balance among services provided petencies and skills to be developed in a psychologist.
munication from a non trained physician. The
changing? Are psychologists working more collab-
patient’s perception about the physician’s commu-
oratively with other health care professionals that
nication skills, was assessed after the medical visit
may extend from off-site consultation to co-located, Symposium title: Psychology in Iran
by the Perception of the Interview Questionnaire
integrated team-based care? The panelists will con- Convenor: Sayyedmohsen Fatemi and the Perceived Physicians Communication Style
clude with reflections on their perceptions of
Scale. The study was conducted on 38 physicians:
growth areas for psychology within their respective Spiritual-religion family therapy and their 19 EG/19 CG and 348 patients of which 168 EG
countries and any associated workforce develop- cultural implications and 180 CG. The decrease in anxiety before and
ment needs. Dr. Norman Anderson, CEO of the Khodayarifard Mohammad University of Tehran, after the medical visit, is significantly higher in the
American Psychological Association, will serve as Islamic Republic of Iran; Yasamin Abedini; Gholam EG patients. (p=.019). Among the bad news "the
moderator. Ali Afrooz; Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi ineffectiveness of treatment" is the cause related for
458 Health

which there has been a significant increase in anx- time, or date of relapse will be recorded as well as a negative approach to life and a negative or poor
iety in patients (p = .004). It seems that physicians socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of quality of social intreractions, have major proba-
who followed the training course were better per- patients, age, marital status, social/professional bility to develop organic disorder. This is further
ceived by the patients for their relational and com- state, level of education, number of children, type evidence of the close connection exixting between
munication abilities. of cancer, treatments (surgery, oncological treat- mind and body. The aim of the study was to
ments, menopausal state, affected lymph nodes, underline the relationship between psychological
tumour size, histological type, and hormonal recep- defence mechanisms and patient’s health. We
Do stressful life events predict disease pro- tors status, markers). During the follow-up period, adopted the Lifestyle Defence Mechanisms Inven-
gression in breast cancer patients? time-dependent variables including psycho-social tory, which includes two scales: Rationality/Emo-
Florence Didier European Institute of Oncology, stressors, psychological distress, coping and physi- tional Defence and Need of Harmony, and was
Italy cal symptoms will be recorded for each month of developed by Spielberger (1988) and Spielberger
This is a prospective longitudinal study. Breast follow up. and Reheiser (2000). The target group was made
cancer patients, aged between 20 to 65, will be up of 314 patients of Italian nationality (from 25 to
assessed in a clinical interview for psychological 65 years of age, men and women). Starting from
distress and coping using the Millon Clinical Mul- A longitudinal study with LSDM on the risk of June 2000 they were submitted to the LSDM
tiaxial Inventory-III and the Mini Mental Adjust- cancer Inventory. The Inventory was also administered
ment to Cancer. Adverse life events and any sub- Vito Tummino Sant'Anna Hospital, Italy; Isabella to a control group of 900 Italian healthy men and
jective difficulties, emotional stress occurring Cardini; Cesare Basilico women in the same age range. According to the
during life, before and after cancer diagnosis, will It is often said that people who develop cancer research hypothesis, cancer patients seem to be
be recorded using the Paykel Scale and the Parental have difficulty in expressing negative emotions. more accustomed to the use of defence mechan-
Bonding Instrument. Follow-up will be terminated Research performed by the Clinical Psychology isms (above all denial and repression) which in-
5 years after breast cancer diagnosis and assessment Service of DSM, Sant Anna Hospital, shows that, hibit conscious experiences and the expression of
will be performed twice a year. Disease-free interval according to international studies, people who have negative emotions.

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