closed phase vocal fold pressure that technique cannot serve all styles. If leading authority on nonclassical and child
belting requires, raspy or breathy a singer learns classical vocal tech- vocal pedagogy, he practices what he
phonation, resonance "twang," and nique, it will serve classical-like preaches at his private studio in Gin-
the assorted screams, shrieks, yells, singing. It will not, I repeat, will not naminson, New jersey. He serves on the
moans, and growls that have come serve the contemporary commercial adjunct voice faculties of New jerseij s
to define a good portion of contem- singer. Paton's 26 Italian Songs and Burlington and Camden County Colleges,
porary commercial music. Arias is not a necessary purchase for and is afrequent faculty member of the
As teachers, we know there are most nonclassical singers. Neither is
Voice Foundation's Annual Symposium:
potential dangers singers face regard- training in the use of vibrato from the
Care of the Professional Voice. From
less of their singing style. For exam- onset of tone, full and formal vowels,
1996 to 1999, he was a contributing cdi-
ple, we may see the singer who exceeds and an uninterrupted legato line. Let's
her vocal capacity and overloads her torfor VocalEase magazine. A member of
make sure we are teaching vocal tech-
instrument to the point of hoarseness nique that benefits the style of the the American Academy of Teachers of
or worse; the young singer who tries singer rather than trying to turn a Singing, he has led master classes and work-
to copy an older singer's sound but perceived brutto canto into a bel canto. shops throughout the United States, as well
does not possess the vocal or emotional as in Canada and Australia.
equipment to do it; the singer whose
Robert Edwin. baritone, has stony Bach can- In addition to writing "71w Bach to Rock
manager or agent tries to steer her in
tabs in cathedrals and rock songs in Connection" column since 1985, Robert
a direction that is not vocally or artis-
Greenwich Village coffeehouses. He has per- Edwin has served NATS as president of the
tically healthy for that particular artist;
formed in New York City's Carnegie Hall New Jersey Chapter, and as a presenter/
or the singer who ignores the need for
and Town Hall, toured throughout the USA clinician at national conventions, sum-
qualified vocal advice and counsel.
and abroad, recorded for Avant Garde and mer workshops, regional, and chapter events.
Whether perceived as beautiful or
Fortress Records, and published as an ASCAP His latest NATS responsibilities include
ugly, every style of singing should
lyricist and composer.
have in place a systematic Vocal tech- national srcretarij/treasurrr, and associ-
nique that supports that style's His diverse performing career is paralleled ate editor oftheJournal of Singing.
mechanical and artistic demands. One by an equally diverse teaching career. A c-mail: