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ỌDÚN ÌYÁÀMI ÀJẸẸ ÒŞÒRÒNGÁ - Festival of the Mother Witches - Teaching About ÌYÁ ODÙ

- The Great Sorceress

This teaching was given by the Fon spirit, Tata G, a spiritual emissary of Baba Oduduwa.
With what Odù Ifá you can give ẸBỌ/Sacrifice to Ìyá Odù without having its Icon / Ọta
present? Using the Odù Ifá ÒSÁ MÉJÌ. ÌYÁ ODÙ IS NOT A ÒRÌŞÀ, What is ODÙ? ODÙ is an
IRÚNMỌỌLE. ODÙ is an IRÚNMỌỌLE that rules what? ODÙ is the IRÚNMỌỌLE of the
connection between Heaven and Earth, of ARA ỌỌRUN and AYÉ. Where does Ìyá Odù's
energy come from? Comes from the guts of people, their internal organs (intestines, liver,
heart, kidneys, etc). Ifá says that you all have a Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ inside of you, it is not the
same as you having the faculties of a Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ, but Ifá says in Odù Ifá of ÒSÁ MÉJÌ, that
all people carry an Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ inside of them. Why? Because it represents the most
extreme feelings of Hate, Grudge, Anger, Fear, Jealousy, of the things that they can eat
you from within. What does ODÙ feed on? Odù feeds from the most hidden, deepest
emotions you have. Remember that on this planet people usually wear masks or
costumes. Ifá says: Feed your Égúngún Masquerade, alluding to what? To the spirits of
your Ancestors. Why do they call it that? Because all people occupy that, the use of
masks. What are the feelings that are you rarely demonstrate? The darkest feelings. All
people will always try to give the best face, like a mask. And what eats you from within
are the darkest things, that which people rarely show. In this case, it is there that the
Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ that we all have inside us comes and feeds on us. That is what feeds and
strengthens her. There are people who feed her so much that there is no longer a
comeback, they can no longer return. There are people who know, who understand and
stoped feeding that part. Then you have to be careful because the force of the Ìyáàmi Àj ẹẸ
rules in the human being for the simple fact that everyone has a Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ inside.
Awo Ifalenu's comment: Ah, that's why in the story of when the Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ came from
heaven to Earth within the guts of Orunmila. And Orunmila was able to take them out of
himself by doing the ẸBỌ ritual that Ifá advise him, and the one who can't take them out
of themselves, they will eat him from within his guts through their own Anger, Rage,
Hatred, Fear etc.
Tata G: They feed on your inner Emotions.
Why should we be fine with them and give offerings to the Ìyáàmi Àj ẹẸ? To give us health,
love, children, abundance, etc. And most importantly, we offer to the Ìyáàmi Àjé so that
we can take out from within us the Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ that lives within ourselves, that’s why we
place the offering of red palm oil (epo), salt (íyo), honey (oyin), liver and the intestines of
animals, so they can smell it and come out. This is done so we can get rid of all the
things that do not serve us, or that is garbage or that can generate destruction of the
social membrane. Do you understand why it is important that you understand that?
Sister Clemen: To not destroy myself from within with my negative emotions.
Tata G: What is one of the reasons that Ifá gives us through the Odù Ifá of ÒSÁ MÉJÌ that
advise us to give offerings to the Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ? What is the nature of the Odù/sign of ÒSÁ?
The Sudden Radical changes in Your life situations.
The Yoruba Lukumi say that ÒSÁ MÉJÌ represents the inner part of the planet, the center
of the Earth, the volcanoes, the viscera. Also, ÒSÁ MÉJÌ represents Air, Wind, Tornadoes.
The reason that represents the internal side is precisely for that reason, it is where the
essence, the entrails, the food of the good and the bad is found. In fact, you have a
popular saying; “It is a person of Good or Bad guts.”
Everything has a meaning, what does not teach you anything is not good, throw it away.
What you can learn from is good, follow it and listen to it.
My mission is to teach you the moral side that you as initiates, as religious people must
understand. What does Ifá tell us through the teachings about the Ìyáàmi Àj ẹẸ? How
people should be, how they should behave and what you should get out from within Your
guts / from Your inner side.
Ifalenu's comment: That is why we must give offerings to the Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ, first, so that the
Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ we carry Deep within can leave us by smelling the offering given to them, this
is done with the main ingredients from the animal intestines, liver (other inner organs),
Epo / red palm oil, salt, and honey.
Why did Orunmila have the power that his Ifá verses say he had? Because he managed to
take out the Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ that he had inside himself.
With who is Orunmila married to? With Ìyá Odù, the head of the Ìyáàmi Àj ẹẸ Òşòròngá.
Orunmila is “married” to the “darkest” you can have within. Orunmila is married to the
darkest thing that came out of his being. With the use of the term "DARK" I do not mean
either good or bad, I mean an aspect of life itself.
Why ODÙ cannot be seen by other women? Who are the ones who don't forget
something? The Women, do something to a woman and she will not forget it, it will be
years, and they will not forget it, and at any moment she will be reminding you about it.
Example: "Remember that you did this and this to me".
Now, imagine if women were present in front of the darkest they could have, represented
by the icon of Odù, the Igbá Odù, and Igbá Iwa Odù. They shut down / they close
themselves, closing is metaphorical. They shut down (they will close themselves)
because they get lost because they are doing negative things. They lose sight, because
they don't see what they do.
Who is Orunmila married to? With Ìyá Odù, the head of the Ìyáàmi Àj ẹẸ. Orunmila is
married to the darkest you can have. Orunmila is married to the darkest thing that came
out of his being. With the use of the term "DARK" I do not mean either good or bad, I
mean an aspect of life itself.
Why ODÙ cannot be seen by women? Who are the ones who don't forget something?
Women, do something to a woman and she won't forget it, years will pass, and they won't
forget it, and at
any time she will be reminding him. Example: "Remember that you did this to me"
Now, imagine if women were present in front of the Darkest they could have. They close
themselves, closing is metaphorical. They close themselves because they get lost
because they are doing negative things. They lose sight, because they don't see what
they do.
Formerly in various cultures, and it is not a sexist issue, it has nothing to do with sexists,
many writings talk about women. We have the case of the Bible, in one part in the bible it
says of who incites ADAN to Sin, who was his wife?, EVA. In the Qur'an there is a part
that is misunderstood, many take it literally, says that Woman can be beaten and veiled
by man. But that does not refer to a literal form. That refers to the Persuasion of Women
being very strong over men. Not with this does it mean that the man is free of guilt, what
I mean is that the Power that Women have in being Neutral makes them not to distinguish
from Good and Evil. A woman may consider that she is doing to her husband, her partner
or her children, and not to be the case, because they don't distinguish that part.
Where is the neutrality of women? The Receptive Part of women is in her Matrix. In
Theory, if we were to talk about Physics, the Negative would be the man, in which the
Positive part would be deposited. In the women where is the Neutral part is located? You
have not heard the saying: "Women fall in love with their hearts and men with their eyes."
Where is the neutrality of women? Where does not begin to distinguish. You as women are
easy for you to lose control and not distinguish whether it is Good or Bad. Metaphorically,
where is it? All the guts (heart, lung, liver, intestines). One of the reasons why women fail
to distinguish this is that they do not measure consequences.
The Theme is about seeing the Nature of the Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ, and with this, you understand
what its nature should be. The saying goes that there is no worse enemy than a scorned
woman, why do you think they say that? In the case of the man what happens? In men,
they are either forget about it, or they go around killing themselves.
In theory, the first being that a man falls in love with is his mother. Who gets along with
his mother in law? If you know, that, in the case of men, they fell in love with his wife
because his wife is very similar to his mother.
As far as Ifá and Orunmila is concerned about the Ìyáàmi ÀjẹẸ, Why is it important that
they respect their women? Because they should be afraid of them. The society called
them the Weak Sex or used to refer to them in that way, but I would consider them to be
the strongest sex, because not only do they have reception, they also have Neutrality.
Jaime: What do you mean by Neutrality?
Tata G: That women do not have a Conscience of Good or Evil when it comes to revenge
or do something. If I have an enemy, I will give him a beat him once or twice, and then I
will forget it, but a woman will be remembering it month by month. The neutrality of
women, as it retains that aspect, can retain energy, they can even be with another love
partner and continue remembering what the other couple did to them.
Let's talk about a moral issue, within the Yoruba tradition, polygamy is valid. The man has
the power to have up to 16 women. What about ÌYÁ ODÙ, who is wife number 17? If
Orunmila had failed or been unfaithful to one of his 16 wives, those 16 wives would not
have claimed him, ODÙ is the one who would annoy him. What happens in your case as a
woman? Regardless of the Yoruba cosmogony, one of the greatest protectors and
exponents of true woman's feminism is ỌỌŞUN, ODÙ is implicit. When they come to tell me
about their partner problems, I ask them, How do you get along with your partner? And
men tell me; Yes, I get along with her. And I ask them, You have never been unfaithful?
And men say to me: "Tata, what do you mean by being unfaithful?"
This is not a matter of giving them a Sermon, it is about Morality, beyond being faithful to
death, if it is not important that they understand why. Where is the aspect of a conflict
between a male and the ÒRÌŞÀ Deities created? Because, let me clarify, it also happens
with women. Remember something, the man is scandalous, the woman is silent. This
means that it is something merely practical and equitable, they are the same. However,
religiously it is important to preserve morality, why? Because you don't know how is
going to go with you tomorrow.
Remember that you can have up to 16 wives, but you have to be Faithful to each of them.
Polygamy does NOT mean Debauchery or licentiousness.
You as women have certain permisión / consent.
Women have to be respected, just as if you were married to IGBÁ ODÙ. It's that simple ...
to ODÙ I'm not going to fool, because ODÙ can mess me up.
Many times you have been told that GOD is everywhere, that he sees and hears
EVERYTHING. DO NOT worry about GOD, GOD doesn't care what you do. WORRY ABOUT
THE CONSEQUENCES OF WHAT YOU DO ... God is not going to tell your husband or Your
wife; "Look what he or she is doing, they are cheating on you." The Consequences are
going to be seen along the way. And I can assure you guys. The Greatest thing that I have
in this Plane, Not in this life because I am already dead, is my Word. If you insist on
having a Good Relationship at home with your partner or your partners, if you practice
polygamy, and there really is congruence and solemnity in your actions, there is no other
place that a couple can reach if it is not going out (to success). It is one of the important
things that Ifá teaches us.

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