Legacy Holy Symbol 5E

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Holy Symbol of Ravenkind

riginally the holy symbol of the High Priest in
Barovia, this the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind is
a is a powerful icon of good. The symbol is a
platinum amulet shaped like the sun, with a
large crystal embedded in its center. Around
the crystal are inscribed symbols of light and
When the wearer of the Holy Symbol attempts to turn
undead, the crystal at its center flares with a bright light,
illuminating the area as a light spell for 1 full round.

The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind is a unique holy symbol
sacred to the good-hearted faithful of Barovia. It possesses
powers that can only be accessed after the item is specially
bonded to its wielder. The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind actually
predates the establishment of any church in Barovia, and its
existence is thought to be a reason for the prevalence of the
raven symbol in that land. It was fi rst used by a paladin
named Lugdana, who was among the earliest settlers of the
According to legend, a giant celestial raven—or an angel in
the form of a raven—delivered the Holy Symbol to Lugdana
so she could use it to root out a nest of vampires. To this day,
vampires have a powerful loathing for the symbol and all it
Lugdana finally met her end when she came into conflict
with a band of witches at Lysaga Hill. The demon prince
these witches worshiped, a fiend named Chernovog, stepped Ritual of the Raven:
through a portal and battled the paladin for days, ranging all
through the valley. Lugdana fell, but drove Chernovog back to You must defeat a fiend or undead whose Challenge Rating is
the Abyss before dying. The Holy Symbol was lost for at least 2 higher than your level, although you need not do so
decades after that. alone. You must feed the creature’s heart to the ravens, after
preparing and anointing it with a mixture of oils and spices.
Legacy Rituals Feat Granted:
Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of the Greater Legacy.
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind.
Ritual of Bonding: Wielder Requirements
You must spend 8 hours praying to a good deity (or to a raven Only good clerics and paladins can use the Holy Symbol of
intercessor) while holding the Holy Symbol. Ravenkind to full effect.

Feat Granted:
Least Legacy
Ritual of the Pilgrim:
You must travel to a new country where you have never been,
discover a great evil that the people there face, and help to
overcome that evil. When that is done, you must repeat the
ritual of bonding.
Feat Granted:
Lesser Legacy.
Legacy Abilities
Legacy Item Abilities Wielder Level Ability
All of the following are legacy item abilities of the Holy 5th Lightbringer
Symbol of Ravenkind. 6th Undead Detection
Beginning at 5th level, a character who has performed the
least legacy ritual for the Holy Symbol gains abilities granted 7th —
by the Holy Symbol. If a character reaches 12th level and has 8th —
not performed the lesser legacy ritual, they do not gain any of
the abilities granted by the Holy Symbol for 11th level and 9th Halt Undead
above. The same applies when the character reaches 17th 10th Cure Wounds
level. 11th Improved Turning
Lightbringer 12th Daylight
If you are at least 5th level and have performed the least 13th —
legacy ritual for the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, you can use 14th Death Ward
dancing lights or light at will by speaking a command word. 15th —
The save DC is 13, or 11 + your Cha modifier, whichever is
higher. 16th Break enchantment
Additionally, you gain profiecincy in Insight and Religion if 17th Wisom Enhancement
not already proficient.
18th —
Undead Detection 19th —
At 6th level, while wearing the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, you 20th Mass heal
can detect undead creatures within 60 feet by concentrating
as a standard action. By maintaining concentration, you can Daylight
tell the number of undead and the strength of the stongest
undead by concentrating for 2 standard actions. When you reach 12th level, you can cause the Holy Symbol to
In addition, your attacks bypass any damage resistance of shed daylight as the spell, at will on command.
undead creatures as long as you wear the Holy Symbol.
Death Ward
Halt Undead When you reach 14th level, you can bestow a death ward on a
Two times per day, if you are at least 9th level, you can use creature you touch with the Holy Symbol once per day.
halt undead as the spell.
When you do so, the Holy Symbol flares with bright white Break Enchantment
light equivalent to a daylight spell centered on you. The light At 16th level, once per day when you issue the command
persists only for the duration of the halt undead effect. The word and gesture with the Holy Symbol, you can use the
save DC is either 15 or 12 + your Cha modifier, whichever is greater restoration spell.
Additionally, 3/day you can deal an additional 2d10 radiant Wisdom Enhancement
damage as a bonus action when making a weapon attack
against an undead creature When you reach 17th level and perform the greater legacy
ritual, the Holy Symbol grants you a Wisdom score of 20
Cure Wounds while you wear it unless that skill is already higher.
Three times per day, if you are at least 10th level, you can use Mass Heal
cure wounds (+5 modifier) by touching the Holy Symbol to
the creature to be healed and speaking a command word. When you reach 20th level, you can use mass heal as the
This ability can instead deal damage to undead creatures, spell, once per day on command.
save for half damage. DC 14, or 12 + your Cha modifier, This ability can instead deal damage to undead creatures.
whichever is higher. While doing so, the 700 hit points of damage is distributed
across the undead with a maximum of 150 damage per
Improved Turning creature. The undead can attempt a Wis saving throw for half
damage and not having its hit points reduced to less than 1.
When you reach 11th level, if you have performed the lesser The save DC is either 19, or 14 + your Cha modifier,
legacy ritual, you can use the Holy Symbol to turn undead as whichever is higher.
if your effective cleric level were four levels higher than it
actually is. The Holy Symbol does not grant you the ability to
turn undead if you don’t already possess it.

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