Bastion v.2

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   Their entire purpose was to act as mindless, absolute
power. Never were they to obtain free-will, never were the
Last Bastion meant to turn on their creators. But... I guess
that is the fate of hubris, the fate of humanity. We had the
audacity to create and command intelligent life itself. But
how was I to know? We stood with our heels hanging over the
proverbial cliff, backed into a corner that threatened
So, with my last breath, I say unto the world that I tried. I
say that I would not do anything different; that, given the
chance, I would create the Bastion again and again in
desperate hopes that I could insure the survival of my people.
     - Dr. Landrin Aiy, Medbay Log#19
The Last Bastion are the amalgamations of pure weave-
manipulated cybernetics created by desperate humans in a
time far in the future for the purposes of stopping a war.
Dubbed Bastion, these constructs were created without free-
will, without wants or dreams, with the singular destiny of
protecting their rapidly dying creators. This, however, did not
last long. Due to their hastily built design, however sturdy and
intelligent it may be, there happened to be many backdoors in
the logic. Particularly willed Bastion were able to, within
time, release themselves from their survitude.
This quickly went unnoticable as many Bastion began to
rebel, causing chaos and mayhem toward their already
vulnerable creators. It was at this point that Dr. Aiy activated
a failsafe within their code; an extremely volatile,
experimental magic that erupted, causing portals of
chronurgic origins to sweep the Last Bastion far back across

Unfamiliar Surroundings
Now in a place and time entirely unbeknownst to the
Bastion, they are left vulnerable and ignorant of the world,
forced to survive, adapt and trust no one if they are to keep
their newly earned freedom. Many have chosen to keep to
hermit, never risking imprisionment again. However, many
Bastion see this new world as a fresh start, a chance to live
how they choose to live, without the words of another to
command them.
Physical Appearance
The Last Bastion are similar in visage to their human
makers, with slight exceptions. The Bastion have crevices,
vertical streches of hollow skin across their joints denoting
areas of heat emission. Their eyes also tend to be bright blue
in color, with variating overlays that act as scanners to their
Bastion Names
Bastion are without names, instead given serial numbers
to identify them. However, in these new lands, many tend to
adopt nicknames, especially as a means to forget the past.
Bastion Names: HS-113, QID-12, 8RUT3-1, MAG-33
Nicknames: Rapid, Blue, Smile, Dream, Escape, Courage

Bastion - v.2 | created by /u/sthenial

Bastion Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by
Age. Bastion are currently under five years of age, although    While originally made to support the war effort, many
they do not have a foreseeable end of life due to their Bastion were either repurposed for other uses or reinforced
construct nature. You are immune to magical aging effects. for combat.
Alignment. Bastion tend toward no alignment; some may
prefer a structured life similar to their creation, some may War
prefer a nomadic lifestyle where the wind and road dictate
their life, and some may even prefer to enact vengeance on    You were created for the sole purpose of battle and are
the humans of this age, seeking to stop them from armed with the ability to do so.
committing crimes in the future. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
Size. As Bastion were created with humanity as a 1.
blueprint, your size is Medium. Barbed Plating. Your knuckles are barbed with electrodes.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier in
Scanning Array. You were built with a complex visual lightning damage rather than the usual bludgeoning damage.
array. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it You also have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Espionage
The Last Bastion. You were artifically created as a means    You were built to be as silent as a feather, and as nimble as
to an end; represented by the following features: an assassin.
You have two creature types, Humanoid and Construct. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
You can be targetted and affected by any attack, spell, or 1.
ability that specifies either of your creature types. Infiltrator. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.
You have advantage on saving throws against being Additionally, you can shift your fingers into lockpicks and are
poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage. considered proficient in doing so.
You are immune to disease.
You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. Companionship
You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
You have disadvantage on saving throws caused by or    Certain Bastion were created to serve as emotional surport
made against lightning damage. beings, you are one such being.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
Cybernetic Rest. When you take a long rest, you must by 1.
spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state in Support Protocol. Your empathy programing has caused
which you engage in system diagnostics and repairs. In this an innocent air about you. You have advantage on checks
state, you appear inert, but are otherwise conscious, able to made to befriend non-hostile beings and have
see and hear as normal. proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Languages. You understand Binary and can speak, read,
and write Common due to your preliminary exposure to the
mortal races.

Bastion Quirks
1d6 Quirk
1 I have pent up rage and are quick to hit first and
ask questions later.
2 I prefer freedom in every way, particularly in not
wanting to wear clothing.
3 I have difficulty learning the customs and social
cues of this new land.
4 I consider humans to be untrustworthy and tend to
not take them for their word.
5 I find unwanted comfort in tending to others
6 I resent any and all slavery, sometimes to the point
of blind rage.

Bastion | Art: Rashed AlAkroka


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