0 - Unit 7 DataBase Development

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Information Technology Class X

Shri B S Mootha Girls Sr. Sec. School

Class : X Question Bank Sub : Information
Unit 7 Database Development
1. Define Database.
Database refers to an organized collection of interrelated data. it helps us to
enter, manage, access and analyse a large amount of information quickly and
efficiently. DataBase Management System is a computer program that manages a
database effectively and efficiently.
2. Define Data Redundancy.
Duplication of data is called Data Redundancy. It occurs when multiple
copies of the same data are present at different locations. You can avoid it by
ensuring that your tables are well designed, each row of the table is uniquely
identified with a primary key and the relationships between the tables are well
3. What are the advantages of Database?
 Database reduces the data redundancy to a large extent.
 Databases can control data inconsistency to a large extent.
 Easy searching and updating
 Storage
 Database facilitates sharing of data.
 Databases enforce standards.
 Databases can ensure data security.
 Printing reports
4. Define table in a database.
A table refers to a storage container storing data pertaining to single object,
subject or purpose. A table is a named collection of data items which represents a
complete unit of information. Table is a group of all the logically related records.

Information Technology Class X

5. Define Data Item.

A data item is the smallest unit of named data. A database primarily contains
information about a data item, for example, student is the data item in school
6. Define Record in a database.
A record is a named collection of data items which represents a complete unit
of information. Records are the rows representing one complete unit of
information. A logical record contains contents of all the fields.
7. Define Primary Key.
A Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies the records in a table.
A Primary key is a sort of check on the table that every record in the table is
unique and does not contain any duplicate data. A table can have only one primary
8. Define Query.
A query is a statement that gives you filtered data according to your
conditions specifications. Queries are also used to perform actions, such as delete,
update etc., on the data, based upon some criteria (condition).
A database query is a stored object that extracts data from a database as per a
condition and presents it in a readable, formatted form.
9. Define Forms in Database.
A Form is an interface in user specified layout that lets user view, enter, and
change data directly in the table.
Forms are the objects that are used to get data from user in interactive
manner. Forms provide user friendly interface to enter data and the entered data is
stored in the tables of the database.
10. Define Reports in Database.
A report is an effective way to present data in a printed format. It is a formal,
presentable printed document that lists data in a formatted manner.

Information Technology Class X

A database report is the formatted result of data coming from database objects
like tables or queries. Reports are very useful tools for decision-making and
11. Explain the steps in Designing a Database.
 Determine the purpose of your database.
 Determine the tables you need.
 Determine the fields you need.
 Identify the field or fields with unique values in each record
 Determine the relationships between the tables
 Refine your design
 Enter data and create other database objects
12. What are the difference between a flat database and relational database?
In a flatfile database, all the data is stored in a single file. It can be used for
small amount of data. e.g. a spreadsheet.
In a relational database, data is stored in multiple tables linked via common
fields. It can be used for large amount of data. e.g. Microsoft SQL.
13. Define RDBMS.
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It is a type of
DBMS software which uses relational model for its database. In this model all the
data is stored in a structured tabular format consisting of rows and columns. It also
provides a facility, to define a primary key for unique identification of each table.
14. Define database servers.
A database server refers to a server which offers dataset services to other
computers or computer programs as defines by the client-server model. Database
servers are dedicated computer that hold the actual databases and run only the
DBMS and related software. Users access a database server either through a “front
end”, which displays the requested data or through “back end” which runs on the
server and handles tasks such as data analysis and storage. Such type of data access
is referred to as a client-server model.

Information Technology Class X

15. Define fields.

A field describes a particular attribute of the data item. Fields are refers to the
columns in a database. For example, the field Roll No in students table.
16. Define Value or Data.
A value is a set of characters, text or numerical that you put in while adding
information to your database.
17. Define Foreign Key.
A foreign key can be defined as an attribute or combination of attributes in a
table whose value matches a primary key in another table.
18. Define DDL.
DDL stands for Data Definition Language. This category comprises of those
commands which help in defining and modifying the structure of various database
objects. Commands which fall under this category are:

Statement Description
CREATE Creates new database / table
ALTER Modifies the structure of database/table
DROP Deletes a database/table
TRUNCATE Removes all table records including allocated table spaces
RENAME Renames the database/table
19. Define DML.
DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. As this name suggests this
language includes commands that allow users to manipulate data in a database.
These commands help in retrieval, insertion, deletion and modification of the
information present in the database. Commands which fall under this category are:

Statement Description
SELECT Retrieves data from the table
INSERT Inserts data into a table
UPDATE Updates the existing data with new data within a table
DELETE Deletes the records rows from the table.

Information Technology Class X

20. What are the operations can be done in DML?

 Add a new record to the database
 Navigate through existing records
 View contents of various fields of a record
 Modify contents of one or more fields of a record
 Delete an existing record
 Sort records in a desired sequence.
21. Explain about the types of DML.
There are two types of DML: Procedural and Non Procedural
Procedural: the user specifies what data is needed and how to get it.
Non Procedural: the user specifies only what data is needed. These types of
commands are easier for users but they might not generate a code as efficient as
procedural languages.
22. Define Filtering in Database.
A query helps us join information from different tables and filter that
information. Filtering means that the query uses criteria you provide it to hide some
data and present only what you want to see.
23. Explain about SELECT statement in Database.
A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database
tables or database views. In most applications, SELECT is the most commonly
used Data Manipulation Language (DML) command.
The SELECT statement has many optional clauses:
• WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
• ORDER BY specifies an order in which to return the rows.
To retrieve all the columns in a table the syntax is: SELECT * FROM
e.g. select * from SDetails where Color=’Blue’;
24. Explain about INSERT statement in Database.
INSERT statement is used to add one or more records to a database. The
general syntax of the insert statement is shown below.
INSERT INTO <table_name><column1, column2, column3...> VALUES
<value1, value2, value3 ...>;
Information Technology Class X

Insert into SDetails (“ID”, “Name”, “Rollno”, “DOB”, “Class”, “Phone”,
“Email”, “Color”, “Location”) values (‘8’, ‘Ranjith Singh’, ’67’, ‘12-03-99’,’X’,
‘435363’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘White’, ‘Bihar’);
25. Explain about UPDATE statement in Database.
Update statement is used for modifying records in a database. The general
syntax of the update statement is as follows:
UPDATE <table_name> SET <column_name> = value [, column_name =
value ...] [WHERE <condition>];
e.g. Update SDetails set Location = ‘Bhubaneswar’ where Rollno = 14;
26. Explain about DELETE statement in Database.
Delete Statement is used to remove one or more records in a database. The
general syntax of the
delete statement is as follows:
DELETE FROM <table_name> [WHERE] <condition>;
To delete one of the records in the table created earlier using delete statement, type
the following
and click Execute:
delete from SDetails where ID=8;
27. Explain about CREATE statement in Database.
Create statement is used for creating a database or a table in any RDBMS
Software. A commonly used CREATE command is the CREATE TABLE
command. The general syntax of the create statement is shown below.
CREATE TABLE <TABLENAME> ([column definitions]) [table parameters]
Column definitions: A comma-separated list consisting of any of the following
Column definition: [column name] [data type] {NULL | NOT NULL} {column
Primary key definition: PRIMARY KEY ([comma separated column list])
For example, if you would like to create a table using the Create statement, type the
following and click Execute.
CREATE TABLE Employee (ID INTEGER, Name VARCHAR (50), Department
VARCHAR (50), Address VARCHAR (120), Contact_Number INTEGER);


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