Edf-201-Midterm Exam

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First Semester School Year 2017 – 2018

Master of Education
Major in Educational Management




Prepared by:

Submitted to:
December 27, 2017
1. Why is a knowledge of Philosophy of Education essential for an educator? (5 pts)

Behind every school and every teacher is a set of related beliefs--a philosophy of
education--that influences what and how students are taught. A philosophy of education
represents answers to questions about the purpose of schooling, a teacher's role, and what should
be taught and by what methods. In a larger sense, knowing the philosophy of education by the
educator make him/her a braver, bolder and careful to whatever his/her stands in the field.

2. Explain that education, life and philosophy are interrelated (5 pts)

Education is the basic human need, and essential for a decent living and moral life.
Without education the human society would be uncivilized and useless hum grouping, without
any social, political, religious, and physical developments. Before discussing the relationship
between philosophy and education first we would understand and what is education and then
Philosophy (from Greek φιλοσοφία, philosophia, literally "love of wisdom”) is
the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such
as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
Life is a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that do have biological
processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes, from those that do not, either
because such functions have ceased, or because they never had such functions and are classified
as inanimate.
With these regards, education, life and philosophy are interrelated with each other in
the sense that human is living to be educated to take his part on how to speak with good manners
and right conduct. He is living to gain and share knowledge.
As an educator, you never stop learning new things. Teach your students new things.
Discover new things. A teaching profession is fun at the same time stressful but overcoming
these things are important and what separates you from others.
There's fun in learning more to teach your students more, to see your students grow just
like how we see seedlings grow into enormous, firm, resilient, staunch trees.
You never stop learning as an educator, if you do, you're behind the race.
3. Elaborate education in the widest sense of the term is life itself and, in a narrow sense
it is the preparation for complete living (5 pts)

“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.” – John Dewey
Education for all is predicated on the unknown skills and abilities that will be needed
in the future. In fact, we have a long history of basing K-12 education on what we think students
will need to be worker bees once they are adults. Because of this kind of thinking, we developed
an education system based not on the lived experiences and present life of students, but on
something adults think they should become.
Education in a wide scope is life itself. It not merely talks about life nor does it just
describe it but it is life itself. The reason being is that when we learn various things, we
educate ourselves and thus, we learn how to use these things in our life. As the old saying
goes, "Living without learning is not living at all."
Education in a narrow scope teaches us how to live. It prepares us for all the hardships
that may come in our lives. It is our facade and our shining armor to face life's greatest

4. Discuss and give an example the following major philosophies (20 pts):

4.1 Naturalism (5 pts)

In philosophy, naturalism is the "idea or belief that only natural (as opposed
to supernatural or spiritual) laws and forces operate in the world." Adherents of naturalism (i.e.,
naturalists) assert that natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of the
natural universe, that the changing universe at every stage is a product of these laws.
Philosopher Paul Kurtz argues that nature is best accounted for by reference
to material principles. These principles include mass, energy, and other physical and chemical
properties accepted by the scientific community.
Such an absolute belief in naturalism is commonly referred to as metaphysical

4.2 Idealism (5 pts)

In philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality
as humans can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise
immaterial. Epistemologically, idealism manifests as a skepticism about the possibility of
knowing any mind-independent thing.
This philosophy generally talks about the idea of what’s really happening in this land.
This asserts the primacy of consciousness which creates and determines the material existence.
This only affirms imagination and attempts to realize the mental conception of beauty, a
standard of perfection, and realism.
This only prioritize the idea of what man can see. This conceptualize the saying, “To
see is to believe.”

4.3 Realism (5 pts)

Realism in the arts is the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully,
without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural
Reality bites in this philosophy. Whatever is true, whatever is right and whatever is real
does really matter.
Life is full of mysteries, but Realism philosophy of education only attacks to the
realistic approach-the proven and tested approach. The saying "Tell me, I'll forget. Show me,
I'll remember, Involve me, I'll understand". Great proverb with substrates to back it up....Tell
me, I'll forget.....hearing and listening are not one of the stronger senses in brain and nervous
systems. Show me, I'll remember...seeing is one of the strongest senses in the central nervous
system. [brain]. Involve me, I'll understand...this would include all of the senses
possible....skin, hearing, seeing, feeling, touching, smelling, taste and etc....also involvement
means in most cases experiential learning. Which indeed means, Involve me, I'll understand.
These are the means to learning...this is what we as teachers should always have in mind.

4.4 Pragmatism (5 pts)

Pragmatism is a philosophical movement that includes those who claim that an
ideology or proposition is true if it works satisfactorily, that the meaning of a proposition is to
be found in the practical consequences of accepting it, and that unpractical ideas are to be
rejected. Pragmatism originated in the United States during the latter quarter of the nineteenth
century. Although it has significantly influenced non-philosophers—notably in the fields of
law, education, politics, sociology, psychology, and literary criticism—this article deals with
it only as a movement within philosophy.
Its origins are often attributed to the philosophers William James, John Dewey,
and Charles Sanders Peirce. Peirce later described it in his pragmatic maxim: "Consider the
practical effects of the objects of your conception. Then, your conception of those effects is the
whole of your conception of the object."

5. Cite the most important factor underlying the success of beginning teacher (5 pts)
Personality and its ability to relate to the class and to the pupils/students. This what
makes a beginner teachers be successful in his chosen career. Having the ability to relate to the
pupils and students’ lives make more of him to be more compassionate, and humane for not
only the success of the teacher but also the students.

6. Elaborate by giving examples the Four Pillars of Learning to your students (20 pts)

6.1 Learning To Know (5 pts)

Learning to know: to provide the cognitive tools required to better comprehend the world
and its complexities, and to provide an appropriate and adequate foundation for future learning.
It implies the mastering of the instruments of knowledge themselves. This develops the
memory, imagination, reasoning, problem-solving and the ability to think in a coherent and
critical way.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one. The statement provided for us to learn, to be educated
as none in this world gives you the right to state that you are unaware of anything exist in this
Education gives us the power to know them and feels not to be left out in today’s society.

6.2 Learning To Do (5 pts)

Learning to do: to provide the skills that would enable individuals to effectively participate
in the global economy and society. It implies the application of what learners have learned or
known practices. Thus this also implies a shift from skill to competence.
“Learning to do” means the ability to communicate effectively with others; aptitude toward
teamwork; social skills in building interpersonal relations; adaptability to change in the world
of work and in social life; competency in transforming knowledge into innovations and
creation; and a readiness to take risks and resolve or manage conflicts.

6.3 Learning To Live Together (5 pts)

Learning to live together: to expose individuals to the values implicit within human
rights, democratic principles, intercultural understanding and respect and peace at all levels of
society and human relationships to enable individuals and societies to live in peace and
This implies the development of such qualities as knowledge and understanding of self
and others; appreciation of the diversity of the human race and an awareness of the similarities
between, and the interdependence of all humans; empathy and cooperative social behavior in
caring and sharing; respect of the other people and their cultures and value systems; capability
of encountering others and resolving conflicts through dialogue; and competency in working
towards common objectives.

6.4 Learning To Be (5 pts)

Learning to be: to provide self-analytical and social skills to enable individuals to develop
to their fullest potential psycho-socially, effectively as well as physically, for an all-round
‘complete person.
This implies a curriculum aiming at cultivating qualities of imagination and creativity;
acquiring universally shared human values; developing aspects of a person’s potential:
memory, reasoning, aesthetic sense, physical capacity and communication/social skills;
developing critical thinking and exercising independent judgment; and developing personal
commitment and responsibility.

7. Dr. Camilo Osias, one of the Pilipino educational thinkers, centered his philosophy on
tayo concept. Expound this philosophy in avoiding conflict but achieving peace and order
through education (5 pts).

Dr. Camilo Osias’ philosophy centered on what he called the “TAYO CONCEPT”
(we) as distinguished from the “AKO” (individual), “KITA”(dual) and “KAMI”(we exclusive).
He believes that education must secure for every Filipino the fullest measure of efficiency,
freedom, and happiness. The school system must contribute its share in achieving the goals of
education by inculcating in the hearts and minds of the young the values of preserving the
patrimony of the nation, promoting the general welfare of the Filipino people. The school has
an important role in the dynamic nationalism and internationalism in relation to democracy in
the education of the youth. Our education should instill the love of work, the spirit of tolerance,
the respect for law, the love for peace and the practice of thrift.
8. Nowadays, majority of young generations are too focused on online games and other
social media. What will you do as a teacher to focus on their studies as Jose Rizal said
that education is an indispensable tool for nation building and must, therefore, be given
top priority (5 pts).

Jose Rizal said that the youth is the hope of our nation. This is a task to ponder by this
young generations for them to become a better person, leader, and individual. Nowadays, they
are engaged in the world of technologies, social media and the like where they to forget to keep
going and focusing to the most important task they have to involve—education.
As a teacher in Saudi Arabia which is a conservative and anti-social country and
wherein gadgets and social media are often their alternative to fight idleness.
On my personal experience and a rule in my class, before the classes start, I collect and
keep their gadgets and will return after dismissal. With that, they focus on the lessons and even
they participates well during the class discussion. They tend to simulate and use their
capabilities to think, exert efforts on searching, and to develop sense of responsibility. I let
them think, speak, and act. With this simple act, I believe that they keep realizing the reality of
life and the importance of education.

9. The responsibility of educating the youth, of preparing tomorrow’s generation of

leaders by instilling in them a lifelong for learning is not an easy task. How would you
accept this challenge as an educator using the curriculum you are handling? (5 pts)

K-12 Curriculum is a new endeavor in the Philippine Educational System. As an

educator, I do accept the challenge by being their influencer, adviser, and mentor in all aspects
of their educational journey. With these, students still realize how important it is to be educated
and be part of the change: physically, mentally, morally and spiritually.
In a larger sense, you can be a successful educator as you see your students standing
proud waving their diploma with flying colors, and walking with confidence with their chosen
career knowing that you are part of it.
10. Discuss the following colonizers’ philosophical approach in educating the Filipinos
(15 pts):

10.1 Spanish (5 pts)

Education during the Spanish regime was managed, controlled, and supervised by the
friars. Spanish education played a major role in that transformation. The main focus of
education during this time was mainly religious education. They established parochial school
linked with churches to teach reading, and writing along with catechism.

10.2 Americans (5 pts)

Education in United States.

The United States has no national education system. Instead each state is responsible
for organizing and regulating its own system of education. There are common elements in the
separate state systems.
Formal education is divided into the following stages: early childhood education;
elementary education; secondary and higher education.
School attendance is compulsory in every state. The state provides schooling at all
stages of education, but parents can send their children to private schools.

10.3 Japanese (5 pts)

Japanese education is one influencer and pioneered the educational system of the
Philippines. During this regime, Japanese culture and language were offered as compulsory
courses in the schools wherein it was included in the Civil Service Exams; emphasized
vocational education, physical education and Japanese literature; school calendar became
longer; summer vacation for students; class size increased to 60; deleted anti-asian opinions;
and social studies. These promotes the realization of New Order and friendly relations between
Japan and the Philippines to the farthest extent; it foster a new Filipino culture based; inspire
people with the spirit to love neighbor.
11. John Dewey is known for its pragmatism philosophy. How would you explain to your
students that education is life using Dewey’s philosophy (5 pts).
“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.” – John Dewey
Education is life itself. It not merely talks about life nor does it just describe it but it is
life itself. The reason being is that when we learn various things, we educate ourselves and
thus, we learn how to use these things in our life. As the old saying goes, "Living without
learning is not living at all."
Education teaches us how to live. It prepares us for all the hardships that may come in
our lives. It is our facade and our shining armor to face life's greatest obstacles.

12. If you believe that the study of God’s creation is science, how would you refute Charles
Darwin’s theory of evolution? (5 pts)
Creation is not a work of science nor prove the Darwin’s theory of evolution because
as it written in the Holy Bible in the book of GENESIS 2:7” Then the LORD God formed man
of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living being.” Genesis chapters 1 to 2 generally talks about the creation of the world. Nothing
in this world shall be formed, prospered, created and flourished without the intervention of
God. God is the beginning and the end. The Alpha and Omega.

MARK 11:24


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