5G Wireless Technology-Palak Sharma (181041004)

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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-9, October 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

5G Mobile Wireless Technology

Palak Sharma; Megha Verma; Neha Sundriyal & Jyoti Chauhan
III Semester, Department of Computer Science &Engineering
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon-123506, India
Email Id:[email protected]
Email Id: [email protected]
Email Id: [email protected]
Email Id: [email protected]

5G stands for 5th generation of mobile
In this research paper, an attempt to review technology. 5g will provide us with very
the existing generations of mobile high bandwidth. This technology causes
technology in terms of their features, seed to be greater than 100 mbps and 1 gbps
performance, advantages and disadvantages when at full mobility and low mobility
has been made. We will also discuss the respectively, this increase in speed is caused
evolution and development of different by the use of CDMA, BDMA and millimeter
generations of mobile technology along with wireless. 5G will be the most powerful and
their importance and advantages of each advanced technology in the future. 5G
generation. In this paper, comparison of 5G technology features high data rates than the
will also be done with all other generations previous versions, huge bandwidth and the
from 1G to 4G including their important best quality of service. The only thing which
characteristics, advantages and is required is to make it affordable so that
disadvantages. Then later in this paper, common man can also use the features and
requirement of 5G technology, 5G networks offers of the 5G technology. 5G will be
and 5G Mobile Network Architecture will be much better than the 4G technology.
discussed. In the end all the features of 5G
technology, its advantages over other According to some research papers on 5G
generations and applications will be technology, the features 5G would have are
included and some future scope ( beyond 5g) as follows :
will be proposed. • High data rates and coverage at cell
Keywords: edge.
• Less consumption of battery.
1G, 2G, 3G, 4G,LTE, 5G. • 1Gbps data rate.
• Better security.
• WWWW – World Wide Wireless

5G Mobile Wireless Technology Palak Sharma; Megha Verma; Neha Sundriyal & Jyoti
P a g e | 631
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-9, October 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

• IPv6 ( Internet Protocol Version6) used in 2G. frequency band of 2G ranges

• Wireless world with no zone issues from 850MHz-1900 MHz 2G includes 2G,
and limited access. 2.5G, 2.75G.

Review of previous generation systems – iii. 3G (2004-2010)

i. 1G (1970-1980) It provides us with data bandwidth upto

2Mbps. Technology used by this generation
It provided data bandwidth upto 2kbps. is EDGE, CDMA 2000. In this technology
Technology used was analog cellular clarity is increased due to the use of Wide
technology. Mobile telephony was the only Brand Wireless Network. Packet Switching
service provided in 1G. It replaced 0G technology is used for sending the data.
technology. The first cellular system in the Services provided are voice calls, data
world was made by Nippon Telephone and services, Global roaming, High-speed
Telegraph (NTT). US launched the first internet services, video calling, multimedia
Advance mobile phone system (AMPS), services.
Push to talk(PTT) and improved mobile
telephone systems (IMTS). iv. 4G (2010-2015)

ii. 2G (1990-2004) It provides data bandwidth of upto 1Gbps.

Technology used by 4G is WiMax LTE Wi-
It provided data bandwidth upto 64 kbps. Fi. 4G provides us many facilities like
This generation used Digital Cellular downloading speed upto 100 mbps, Multi-
Technology. 2G provided services like - Media Newspapers, sending data faster than
Short Message Services (SMS), Digital the previous generations. It is also being
voice, Higher capacity packetized data, E- developed to provide HD streaming, Global
mail. Roaming, wear-able devices, Multimedia
TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) Messaging Service (MMS), Video calling,
and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB).
Access) are the two types of modulation

It provides data bandwidth higher than

1Gbps. Technology used by this generation
is WWWW (World Wide Wireless Web),
seamless combination of broadband and
unified IP. The user never experienced such
high valued technology before the 5G. 5G
technology will be having the most
advanced features. Frequency band for this
technology ranges from 3GHz-300GHz.


5G Network will be the most Advanced

Technology. Though we have few years to

5G Mobile Wireless Technology Palak Sharma; Megha Verma; Neha Sundriyal & Jyoti
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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-9, October 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

experience this amazing technology. There everyone could enjoy this technology. All
will be a new revolution for all the devices the phones are coming with camera, mp3
with the invention of 5G. A single IP will be player, telephony etc features. 5G will be
accessed by all the applications, multimedia having features as that of 4G but there will
and services. Nowadays wireless services be much more. A user using 4G can get a
are not new to anyone. There are millions of rough idea about 5G technology. When 5G
users in the world using wireless services will be introduced to the world, there will
and wireless technology. The only thing we not be much difference between a computer
need is to mak 5G affordable so that and a phone.

III. FEATURESOF5GTECHNOLOGY Dynamic information access

Lower battery consumption
High speed. High system level spectral efficiency
Low cost per bit.
With 6th sense technology
It offers access globally and service
portability. Faster data transmission than the
High capacity. previous generations
It will provide broadcasting capacity
up to gigabit. V. FUTURE SCOPE (BEYOND 5G)
Supports virtual private network.
5G mobile wireless technology will be a
IV. ADVANTAGES OF 5G new revolution in the world of mobile
TECHNOLOGY communication technology. Different
Globally accessible wireless technologies will be accessed by

5G Mobile Wireless Technology Palak Sharma; Megha Verma; Neha Sundriyal & Jyoti
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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-9, October 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

the 5G mobile phones. 5Gcell phones will [2]. Tudzarov, A., & Janevski, T. (2011).
provide high resolution to the user. 5G Functional architecture for 5G
technology will offer best utilization of mobile networks. International
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help of 5G technology we would be able to
control any place of the world from any part [3]. Singh, S., & Singh, P. (2012). Key
of the world, watch HD quality movies Concepts and Network Architecture
without buffering. Many more technologies for 5G Mobile Technology.
will evolve which will be embedded in 5G International Journal of Scientific
mobile phones. Research Engineering & Technology
(IJSRET), 1(5), 165-170.
Future of Nano-core will be extraordinary as
it will combine with artificial intelligent [4]. Rappaport, T. S., Sun, S., Mayzus,
(AI). User will be able to operate his robot R., Zhao, H., Azar, Y., Wang, K., ...
by using his mobile. Message will be & Gutierrez, F. (2013). Millimeter
automatically typed whatever your brain wave mobile communications for 5G
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In this paper we discussed the existing K. (2012). 5G: Future Mobile
mobile wireless technologies and the future Technology-Vision 2020.
mobile technologies. Mainly focused on International Journal of Computer
Applications, 54(17).
features, Data rates, bandwidth and
technology used. 5G will be introduced by
the end of this decade. We expect that this
paper will help other people from different
fields working on the future mobile
technologies. 5G will provide high
reliability, high and bright peak future. 5G
will be a whole new level of mobile
technologies. Technologies will be invented
to incorporate with 5G technology to meet
the future needs.

[1]. Janevski, T. (2009, January). 5G
mobile phone concept. In Consumer
Communications and Networking
Conference, 2009. CCNC 2009. 6th
IEEE (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

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