Characteristics of Criminology and Penology
Characteristics of Criminology and Penology
Characteristics of Criminology and Penology
On the one hand: criminology and penology have a totally different object of study.
Criminology studies forms of crimes, different type of criminals and their personalities, in
order to detect the different reasons that led them to commit the crime, accordingly it’s a
descriptive science aiming at understanding and explaining the criminal phenomenon, as it
focuses more on the pre-crime phase which is the period before committing the crime.
علم االجرام يدرس الجريمة و االنواع المختلفة من المجرمين و شخصياتهم من اجل الوصول الى االسباب المختلفة التى
.فهو يركز على المرحلة السابقة على ارتكاب الجريمة, ادت الى ارتكابه الجريمة و بالتالى فهو علم وصفى
Penology to the contrary is concerned with the post-crime phase. It tries to regulate the
best way to combat the criminal phenomenon through criminal sanctions. Accordingly it’s a
normative science aiming at producing norms and rules on how to respond to crimes
through different means of criminal law.
فهو يهدف الى الوصول للحلول لمنع ارتكاب,علم االجرام على العكس يهتم بالمرحلة الالحقة على ارتكاب الجريمة
.فهو علم معيارى يهدف الى وضع القواعد المختلفة لمواجهة الجريمة,الجريمة
Criminology tries to understand what the reasons of the crime are while penology tries to
tell us what to do with the criminal.
Penology depends on the result of criminological research. One of the main objectives of
penology is to stop future crimes and prevent the criminals from committing more crimes
in the future. Such researches will help him to prevent the crimes.
فعلم العقاب يهدف الى منع ارتكاب الجرائم فى المستقبل و, يعتمد علم العقاب على نتائج االبحاث الخاصة بعلم االجرام
.هذه االبحاث تساعد على ذلك
Both of them rely on some academic disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, sociology,
politics, economics, and statistics'.
.علم وصفى يهدف الى تحليل السلوك االنسانى و االسباب اللتى تدفع الشخص للجريمة
To the contrary penology is a normative science because it's concerned with setting out
norms and rules of conduct on what should be done and what should be avoided.
.علم معيارى يهدف الى وضع القواعد و القوانين لما يجب فعله و ما ال يجب فعله
Penology tries to establish norms and rules governing what punishment shall be applied to
a specific crime, therefore penology cannot be characterized as a descriptive science whose
aim is only to describe or explain what punishment for a certain crime is.