M54 Unit 2 Traffic Load On Highway Bridges BS5400-2

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Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey

Bridge Deck Loading and Analysis

UNIT 2: Traffic Loads on Highway Bridges – BS5400-2

(Study time allocation = 10 hours)

1. Introduction
The current loading requirements for the design of new highway bridges and
structures in the UK is BD37/01 (2001) and BS5400, part 2. These codes does not
cover all the loading requirements for the assessment of existing bridges. The
additional requirements for this purpose are given in BD21/01 (2001). For the
purpose of establishing nominal loads, a return period of 120 years has been taken
for Highway and Railway bridges whereas a return period of 50 years is adopted for
the foot/cycle track bridges.

2. Terminologies
All the relevant terminologies are defined in the Code BS5400. General glossary of
building and civil engineering terms are defined in BS6100 (2002). A few commonly
used terms are reproduced here for reference purposes.

2.1. Live Loads

Live loads are the loads due to vehicles or pedestrian traffic.

2.2. Primary Traffic Loads

These are the equivalent static vertical live loads due directly to the mass of
traffic (vehicles and pedestrian).

2.3. Secondary Traffic Loads

Secondary live loads are generated by the traffic due to the change in their
speed or direction, e.g. lurching, nosing, centrifugal, longitudinal (due to the
application of brakes), skidding and collision loads.

2.4. Nominal Loads

Nominal loads are the loads that are appropriate to (or can be considered to
approximate to) a return period of 120 years (Cl. 4.1.1 of BS5400-2/ BD37:01).

2.5. Design Load

Design loads can be calculated by multiplying the nominal loads with the
appropriate partial load factor (γfL), which is dependent on the load combination
being used and the type of limit state.

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The values for the partial load factor are summarised in Table 1 of BS5400, part 2
(2006) and BD37/01, which is reproduced in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1: Partial load factor for various loads types and different load combinations

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3. Combinations of Loads
In the UK, five combinations of loading are considered for the purposes of design:
three principal and two secondary. These are defined in cl. 4.4 (BS5400:2 2006) and
Table 1 of BD37/01:Appendix A. It is usual in practice to design for Combination 1
and to check other combination where necessary.

Table 2. 2: UK Load Combinations

Combination BS5400-2 (see cl. 3.2 for definitions)
1 Permanent + Primary live
2 Permanent + Primary live +
wind + (temporary erection loads)
3 Permanent + Primary live + temperature restraint +
(temporary erection loads)
4 Permanent + Secondary live + Associated
Primary live
5 Permanent + Bearing Restraint

The maximum effects of certain transient loads do not coexist with the maximum
effects of certain others (cl. 4.3.2). This is taken into account while combining various
loads onto the bridges through partial load factor, γfL. The values of this partial factor
for various loads and their combinations are given in Table 1 of the code.

4. Carriageway for Highway Bridges

Carriageway is that part of the running surface, supported by a single structure, that
includes all traffic lanes, hard shoulders, hard strips and marker strips. The
carriageway width is the width between the raised kerbs. If raised kerbs is not
present, the carriageway width is the width between safety fences after a reduction
due to set back required for the fence. This reduction is between 0.6 to 1.0 m from
the traffic face of each fence. These details are shown in Fig. 1 of the BS5400: part 2
(Figure 2.1).

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Figure 2.1a: Highway carriageway and traffic lanes

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Figure 2.1b: Highway carriageway and traffic lanes

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4.1. Traffic and Notional lanes

The lanes that are marked on the running surface of the bridge and are normally
used by the traffic are termed as traffic lane. Notional lanes, on the other hand, are
defined as the notional part of a carriageway used solely for the purpose of applying
specified live loads. These are measured in a direction at right angles to the line of
raised curbs, lane markers or edge marking.

The minimum and maximum width of a notional lane is defined in BS5400 as 2.5m
and 3.65m respectively (cl. If the carriageway width is less than 5.0m then
only one notional lane of width 2.5m shall be taken whereas the remaining of the
carriageway width shall be loaded with 5kN/m (cl. and cl. For a
carriageway width of more than 5.0m, the notional lanes are generally determined by
dividing the carriageway width by 3.65. The number so obtained is rounded up to an
integer value. Table 2.3 gives the number of notional lanes for a carriageway more
than 5.0m wide (cl. For the case when dual carriageways are carried on
one superstructure, the number of notional lanes on the bridge should be taken as
sum of the number of notional lanes in each of the single carriageways (cl.

Table 2.3: Number of notional lanes for various carriageway widths

Carriageway width, m Number of notional lanes
5.00 up to and including 7.50 2
Above 7.50 up to and including 10.95 3
Above 10.95 up to and including 14.60 4
Above 14.60 up to and including 18.25 5
Above 18.25 up to and including 21.90 6

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5. Influence Lines
Influence lines are a useful visual aid at the analysis stage to enable the
determination of the distribution of the primary traffic loads on the decks of
continuous structures and trusses to give the worst possible effect.

Although they can be used to calculate actual values of stress resultants, bridge
engineers generally use them in a qualitative manner so that they can see at a
glance where the critical regions are.

5.1. Continuous Beam Structures

Continuous concrete or composite bridges and the decks of cable-stayed and
suspension bridges fall within this category as shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.1: Beam and suspension bridges

The influence lines (IL) for a typical five span arrangement for the bending moment at
a mid-span region and a support region, are shown on Figure 3.2.

Humped area

1 2 3 4 5 6
Draped area
Influence line for the bending moment at support 3


1 2 A 3 4 5 6

Influence line for the bending moment at a mid-span section of span 2 - 3

Figure 3.2: Typical Influence Lines for bending moment in continuous decks

The shapes (rather than the actual values) are the dominant feature of each line.
The IL for the bending moment at an internal support always consists of two adjacent
draped sections followed by alternate humped and draped sections, and the IL for
the bending moment in the mid-span region always consists of a cusped section
followed by alternate humped and draped sections. These patterns enable the
influence line for any number of equal (or unequal) spans to be sketched out.

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The actual shape of the I-Lines provides a visual picture of where to place the loads
in order to maximize the effect - in this case bending moments.

The placement of the load in each case to maximise the moment is given by the
shaded areas which are called adverse areas. The other (unshaded) areas are
called relieving areas, since loads placed on these spans will minimise the moment.

In Codes which specify a decreasing load intensity as the loaded length increases,
then the maximum moment is generally given by loading adjacent spans only for
internal supports, and the single span only for midspan regions. For Codes which
specify a constant load intensity regardless of span, then all adverse areas should be

5.2. Trusses
The axial forces in members of bridge trusses vary as moving loads cross the bridge,
and influence lines are useful in determining the loaded length to give the worst
effect. The Warren truss shown in Figure 3.3 illustrates the principle.

For member A, the force remains positive for all positions of load, whilst for member
B the sign changes as loads cross the panel containing B. Both the positive and the
negative forces can be found by applying the load to the relevant adverse area of the
IL, that is L12 for the maximum negative force and L23 for the maximum positive force.

This is true for Codes which specify a constant UDL regardless of loaded length, but
for Codes with a varying intensity of UDL with loaded length the worst effect may be
when only part of the adverse area is considered. Point loads from abnormal
vehicles are considered in the same way. Shapes and ordinate values of IL's for
different types of trusses can be found in any standard text books on the subject.

Figure 3.3: Typical influence lines for truss girder bridges

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5.3. Analysis using Influence Lines

IL's can also be used to calculate the moments and forces in bridge members directly
if the bridge consists of either one lane or equally loaded lanes.

Figure 3.4:: Influence line areas

For point loads these are given by P(xi), where P is the load and xi is the value of the
ordinate under the load. For UDL's these are given by w (ai) where w is the intensity
of the UDL and ai is the area of the IL under the loaded length. Figure 3.5 shows two
common I-Line configurations for continuous beams.

The general case refers to the situation where only part of a span is considered
(unlikely) and the usual case refers to a fully loaded span, the zero values coinciding
with the supports.

The area over the loaded length L is given by the Trapezoidal Rule as:

⎡ (a + a 4 ) ⎤
A = l⎢ 0 + ∑ ai ⎥
⎣ 2 ⎦

Where l is the spacing between the ordinates. Since the end ordinates are generally
equal to 0, this becomes:

A = l ∑ ai

Some typical Influence lines for bending moments are illustrated in Figures 3.7 and
3.8. These are used as follows:

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For POINT loads BM = ordinate x shorter span x P

For UDL’s BM = Area under I-Line x shorter span x w

I-Lines are given for some typical ratios of Lshorter / Llonger 1:1, 1:1.5 and 1:2;
intermediate values can be interpolated.

Figure 3.5: I-Line for two-span continuous beam

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Figure 3.6: I-Line for three-span continuous beam

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6. Primary Traffic Loads

The application and intensity of the traffic loads depends upon:

i. The carriageway width

ii. The loaded length
iii. The number of loaded lanes

The two most prominent load applications are defined as HA loading only, and HA +
HB loading.

6.1. Type HA loading

HA is a formula load representing the normal traffic in Great Britain. The HA loading
comprises a uniformly distributed load (UDL) and a knife edge load (KEL) (Cl. 6.2 of
BS5400:2). An impact effect of 80% (for short loaded lengths only) is included in the
HA loading curve. The impact factor is applied to the highest axle load and only
included in the single vehicle loading case. The effect of impact reduces with the
increase in loaded length.

The HA loading shall be applied to all notional lanes. The magnitude of HA loading is
dependent on the loaded length and number of lanes and is described in cl. 6.2 of
BS5400:2 (BD37/01). Table 13 of the code gives the values of HA loading for various
loaded lengths. These are also illustrated graphically in Fig. 10 of BS5400:2. The
KEL per notional lane is taken as 120kN (Cl. 6.2.2). The UDL and KEL are
considered to be uniformly distributed over the full width of the notional lane but no
allowance is given for the dispersal of HA loading (cl. 6.2.3 and cl. 6.2.4).

The HA UDL and KEL can be replaced (if relevant) with one 100kN wheel placed on
the carriageway with an effective pressure of 1.1 N/mm2 on the surface (i.e. either
acting on a 340mm diameter circle, or over a 300mm square) (Cl. 6.2.5). This load
can be dispersed at the spread-to-depth ratio of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical through
asphalt and similar surfacing. It can be further dispersed through structural concrete
slabs at a spread-to-depth ratio of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical (cl. 6.2.6).

The load factor, γfL, for the HA loading acting alone for various combinations are
given in cl. 6.2.7 or Table 1 of the code).

6.2. Type HB loading

The HB loading is an abnormal vehicle unit loading and is described in cl. 6.3 of the
code. Its application along with the HA loading is described in cl. 6.4 and Figure 13 of
BS5400:2 (BD37/01). The overall width of an HB vehicle is 3.5m with variable overall
lengths of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30m (Cl. 6.3.1). The details of the axle and wheel spacing
are provided in Figure 12 of the code.

A minimum of 30 units of type HB loading is to be taken for all road bridges except
accommodation bridges where only HA loading is considered sufficient. The actual
number of units is related to the class of roads and is given in clause 4.1 BD37/01.
These are reproduced in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4: Units of HB loading for various road classes (cl. 4.1 BD37/01).

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Class of roads carried by structure Number of units of type HB loading

Motorways and Trunk roads (or Principal 45
road extension of trunk routes)

Principal roads 37.5

Other public roads 30

The nominal HB wheel loads are assumed to be uniformly distributed over a circular
or square contact area assuming an effective pressure of 1.1 N/mm2 (cl. 6.3.2). The
load may be dispersed through asphalt and similar surfacing at a spread-to-depth
ratio of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical. Dispersal through structural concrete slab may be
taken at a spread-to-depth ratio of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical down to the neutral axis
(cl. 6.3.3). The design HB loading can be obtained by multiplying with loaf factor
given in cl. 6.3.4 of the code (Table 2.1).

6.3. Pedestrian live loading

A uniformly distributed load shall be considered on the footways and cycle tracks of
the highway bridges due to pedestrian traffic. The intensity of this UDL is dependent
on the loaded length and exceptional crowd loads (if applicable) and is given in cl.
6.5.1 of the code.

7. Application of highway bridge primary loads

As explained earlier, two combinations of the primary live loads are to be checked for
the analysis and design of new highway bridges in the UK. These include
• Type HA loading alone, and
• Type HA loading in combination with type HB loading.

7.1. Type HA loading

The HA UDL determined for appropriate loaded length and HA KEL (Sec. 2.5.1) shall
be applied to each notional lane in appropriate parts of the influence line for the
element or member under consideration. The KEL shall be applied at one point only
in the loaded length of each notional lane.

The probability of lateral bunching and queuing of the heavy vehicles is reduced with
the increase in the no. of notional lanes. To account for this, the nominal values of
HA UDL and KEL are modified (reduced) by multiplying with a lane factors, β. These
factors (different for each additional lane) are given in Table 14 of BS5400:2
(BD37/01). It is worth mentioning here that the total number of notional lanes on a
bridge include all the lanes for dual carriageway roads or the sum of notional lanes
(irrespective of the levels) of a multilevel structures.

The HA KEL shall be applied in a direction which has the most severe effect. It is
applied in a direction parallel to the supports on longitudinal members and stringers,
parallel to the line of the bearings in case of piers and abutments and in a direction in
line with the span for the cross members.

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The factored HA lane loadings (after applying lane factor, β) are interchangeable
between notional lanes to cause most severe effect. A notional lane (or lanes) may
be left unloaded if this causes the most severe effect on the member or element
under consideration.

7.2. Combined HA and HB loading

The details of rules to apply type HA loading in combination with type HB loading is
available in the cl. 6.4.2 of BS5400:2 (BD37/01). These are summarised graphically
in Figure 2.2 (Figure 13 of the code). Type HB loading can occupy any transverse
position, either whole within one notional lane or straddling two or more notional

For the case where HB vehicle lies entirely in one notional lane or where the HB
vehicle lies partially within a notional lane and the remaining width of the lane,
measured from the side of the HB vehicle to the edge of the notional lane, is less
than 2.5m (Figure 2.2 (1) and (2a)), the HA loading is displaced by the type HB
vehicle in the lane or straddled lanes it occupies.

As such heavy vehicles are escorted by the police in the front and rare, no loading is
applied within 25m of the HB vehicle from its front and rare axles. The remainder of
the loaded length of the lane or lanes are loaded with HA UDL only, i.e. KEL is not
applied in these lanes.

The intensity of HA UDL in these cases is determined considering the full loaded
length including the length of HB vehicle and the unloaded 25 m in the front and rare
of the vehicle.

For the case where HB vehicle lies partially within a notional lane and the remaining
width of the lane is greater than 2.5m (Figure 2.2 (2b)), the HA UDL will remain in
that lane. The HA KEL is not considered in this case. The intensity of UDL shall be
determined using full loaded length of the lane and multiplied by the lane factor for a
notional lane with of 2.5m irrespective of the actual lane width (Sec. 2.6.1 for details).
Only one HB vehicle shall be considered on any one superstructure.

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Figure 2.2: Type HA and HB loading in combination.

If the slabs are transverse cantilevers, supported on all four sides or spanning
transversely, only type HB loading is to be applied in such cases (cl. In this
case, the appropriate no. of units of type HB loading can occupy any transverse
position in the carriageway or placed in one notional lane in combination with a 30
units of HB vehicle placed in one other notional lane. This is the only exception

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where more than one HB vehicles are considered onto the bridge deck

7.3. Pedestrian Live Load

For the elements supporting the loads of only footways and cycle tracks and are less
than 2m wide, the intensity of UDL (nominal pedestrian live load) can be obtained
from cl. of the BS5400:2 (BD37/01). These are elaborated in the unit
concerning foot bridges (Unit 4).

The UDL to be applied on the footway in excess of 2m may be reduced by 15%. It

can be reduced by 30% on the footway and cycle tracks in excess of 3m or more.
These intensities may be averaged and applied as a uniform intensity over the full
width of the footway or cycle track.

For the elements supporting footways and cycle tracks and a carriageway, the load
due to pedestrian traffic (as explained above) shall be reduced to 80% of the nominal
pedestrian live load.

Where a main structural member supports two or more notional traffic lanes, the
footways / cycle track loading to be carried by the main member may be reduced to
50% and 20% of the nominal pedestrian load for footways and cycle tracks

8. Secondary Loads
Secondary live loads are generated by the traffic due to the change in their
speed or direction, e.g. lurching, nosing, centrifugal, longitudinal (due to
the application of brakes), skidding and collision loads.

Secondary live loading results in horizontal forces applied either at deck level (due to
traction or skidding) or just above deck level (due to collision). A vehicle out of control
may collide with either the bridge parapets or the bridge supports, and result in
severe impact loads. These usually occur at bumper/fender level, but in some cases
on high vehicles a secondary impact occurs at higher levels.

8.1. Traction or Braking Loads on Highway Bridges

This is considered as group effect as far as HA loads are concerned, and assumes
that the traffic in one lane brakes simultaneously over the entire loaded length.

The effect is considered as longitudinal force applied at the road surface. There is
evidence to suggest that the force is dissipated to a considerable extent in plan, and
for most concrete and composite shallow deck structures it is reasonable to consider
the loads spread over the entire width of the deck.

The braking of an HB vehicle is an isolated effect distributed evenly between eight

wheels of two axles only of the vehicle. Type HA or HB load must be considered to
act with longitudinal loads as appropriate. Longitudinal load shall be considered in
combination 4 only and may be treated as independent of the other secondary loads
(cl. 6.10.3).

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The significance of the braking load on the structure is twofold, namely:

1. the design of the bridge abutments and piers where it is applied as an

horizontal load at bearing level, thus increasing the bending moments in the
stem and footings
2. the design of the bridge bearings if composed of an elastomer, resisting loads
in shear.

The code specifies these loads as the more severe design load resulting from
the following.
1. The nominal load for HA shall be taken as 8kN/m of loaded length + 250 kN,
upto a maximum value of 750 kN, applied over an area of one notional lane
wide x the loaded length (cl. 6.10.1).
2. The nominal load for HB shall be taken as 0.25 times the total nominal HB
load, applied as equally distributed between the eight wheels of 2 axles only of
the vehicle (cl. 6.10.2).

The load factors to obtain design values are given in 6.10.5 of the code.

8.2. Secondary Skidding Load on Highway Bridges

This is an accidental load consisting of a single point load of 300 kN acting
horizontally in any direction at the road surface in a single notional lane. It is
considered to act with the primary HA loading in Combination 4 only. No other
secondary loads are considered in combination with this load.

8.3. Accident Wheel Loads on Highway Bridges

Accidents may occur involving a traffic colliding the fences or outer verges etc. For
this reason, in the design of elements supporting outer verges, footways or cycle
tracks etc shall be designed to sustain local effects of the nominal accidental wheel

The arrangement of this accidental wheel loading is shown in Figure 14 of the code.
It consists of a tandom axle with front two wheels of 100kN and rear wheels of 75kN.
The distance between the two wheels of an axle is 1.8m whereas the two axles are
1.25m apart.

These wheels may be considered to exert a uniform pressure of 1.1 N/mm2 over a
circular or square area (cl. 6.6.2). The wheel loads can be dispersed, as previously
described for HB loading, through the surfacing and structural concrete down to the
neutral axis.

8.4. Loads due to Collision (Highway Bridges)

A vehicle out of control may collide with either the bridge parapets or the bridge
supports. Guidance is given in the code for the intensity of loads expected in such
cases in clauses 6.7 and 6.8 (see code for details).

There are two separate set of loading requirements for the determination of local
effects (cl. 6.7.1) and global effects (cl. 6.7.2) due to the vehicle collision with the

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parapets. The set of rules and guidance is separately given for the vehicle collision
loads on highway bridge supports and superstructures (in the appropriate DMRB
manual). Some basic loading requirements are given for this in this code (cl. 6.8).

The loads due to collision on a foot/cycle track bridge is similar to the highway
bridges. The only relevant clauses for this case are 6.8.1 and 6.8.3 to 6.8.6. Detail
guidelines on this are published in a separate DMRB standard.

8.5. Centrifugal Loads for Highway Bridges

These loads are important only on elevated curved superstructures with a radius of
less than 1000m, supported on slender piers.

The forces are based on the centrifugal acceleration (a = velocity2 / radius of curve)
which, when substituted in Newton’s second law gives:

F = m v2 /r

which acts at the centre of mass of the vehicle in an outward horizontal direction.
If the weight of the vehicle is W, then

F = W v2 / g r

The code suggests a nominal load of Fc = 40000 / (r +150) (cl. 6.9.1), which
approximates to a 40t (400 kN) vehicle travelling at 70 mph. This nominal centrifugal
load shall be applied as a point load acting in radial direction at the surface and
parallel to the carriageway. It is to be applied at each 50m centres as shown in
Figure 3.7.

For a single lane carriageway, it is applied in that lane but for multilane carriageway,
this shall be applied in any two notional lanes (cl. 6.9).

Figure 3.7: Centrifugal forces

Each centrifugal load must be accompanied by a vertical live load of 400kN,

distributed over the notional lane of a length of 6m (cl. 6.9.2).

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9. Self Assessment Tasks

Refer to BD 37/01.
1. Determine the pattern of HA loading to give the worst bending moment for the
following simply supported beams:
(i) L=15m, 2 lanes
(ii) L=25m, 2 lanes
(iii) L=47m, 3 lanes
(iv) L=35m, 3 lanes

Refer to BD 37/01.
2. Determine the pattern of HA+HB loading to give the worst bending moment for
the following simply supported beams:
(i) L=20m, carriagway width = 10.9m
(ii) L=60m, carriagway width = 10.0m

3. A simply supported bridge has a span of 50m-carriageway width of 10.5m.

Determine the pattern and intensity of HA loading only, and HA + HB loading
applied to the bridge.
What is maximum gross bending moment in each case?

4. Define secondary loads and state various types of secondary loads to be

considered for the design of highway bridges.

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