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Surrey ENGM030 Unit 2a Presentation

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Bridge Deck Loading and Analysis

Unit 2:
Highway Bridge Loads – EC1

Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g categories
g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 2

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g categories
g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 3

Influence Lines
„ Influence lines provide a systematic procedure to
determine variation of the load effects at a given
point in the structure when applied load moves
about on the structure.
„ Influence lines are useful visual aid to determine
the distribution of the primary traffic loads to give
worst possible effects.
„ Can be used to calculate actual values of the
stress resultants
„ Generally used by Bridge Engineers in a
qualitative manner to locate critical regions for

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 4

Construction of ILD
„ Influence lines can be constructed for
„ Support Reactions
„ Bending moments

„ Shear Forces

„ …

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 5

Construction of ILD
„ Support Reaction


„ Influence Line for RB

RB = 1(x)/L
0 0 0.25

L/4 ¼

L/2 ½
3L/4 ¾ L
L 1
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 6

Construction of ILD
„ Moment and Shear at Point C
RB = 1(x)/L
RA = 1(L-x)/L 0.5L C

VC = -x/L x < 0.5L
MC = x/2 A B

VC x > 0.5L
VC = (L-x)/L
MC =(L-x)/2

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 7

Construction of ILD
„ Moment and Shear at Point C
1 x > 0.5L 1
MC x < 0.5L MC
VC = -x/L VC = (L-x)/L
MC = x/2 MC =(L-x)/2


ILD for BM at -0.5

Point C
ILD for SF at
Point C

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 8

ILD for Continuous Structures

„ The shape rather than the actual values are the

dominant features of each line.
Cusp Humped Area

1 2 3 4 5 6
Draped Area
Influence Line for the BM at mid-span section of span 2-3
„ ACCusped d section
ti ffollowed
ll dbby alternate
lt t hhumped d
and draped sections.
„ This pattern can be used to sketch ILD for any
number of equal or unequal spans.
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 9

ILD for Continuous Structures

Humped Area

1 2 3 4 5 6
Draped Area
Influence Line for the BM at support 3

„ Two adjacent draped sections followed by

alternate humped and draped sections.
„ The shape provides visual picture of where
to place the loads to maximize the effects.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 10

ILD for Continuous Structures

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Influence Line for the BM at mid-span
Influence Line for the BM at support 3
section of span 2-3
„ The shaded areas shows regions where loads
should be provided; Adverse areas.
„ Non shaded areas are Reliving areas.
„ Under normal circumstances, maximum
moments are generally taken as
„ loading the adjacent spans for internal support
„ loading the single span only for mid
mid--span regions
„ Must be checked for alternate options for sensitivity.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 11

ILD for Trusses

„ Axial forces in bridge trusses varies with
moving loads across the bridge
„ Influence lines are useful in this context to
determine the loaded length to give the
worst credible effect.

Warren Truss
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 12

ILD for Trusses
„ Force remains p positive for A
member A,A, Loaded length is
selected as full length of the
bridge. +
„ Both negative and positive
forces are present in member ILD for force in member A
B. Suitable loaded lengths
should be selected for
maximum effects. -
ILD for force in member B

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 13

Analysis using ILD

„ Can be used to calculate the moments and forces in bridge members
directly if the bridge consists of either one lane or equally loaded

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a a0 a1 a2 a3 a4
General Case General Case

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
Usual Case Usual Case

⎡ (a + a ) ⎤
A = l ⎢ 0 5 + ∑ ai ⎥ l = spacing between ordinates
⎣ 2 ⎦
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 14

Analysis using ILD

For POINT loads BM = ordinate x shorter span x P

For UDL’s BM = Area under I-Line x shorter span x w
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 15

Analysis using ILD

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 16

Analysis using ILD
„ Example 1: A continuous slab bridge
consists of two spans L1 = 23.5m and L2
= 47m respectively. If the bridge has a
single lane only and is subjected to a
UDL of 30kN/m and a point load of
150kN at worst position, use influence
lines to determine:
1) The BM at the centre of the long span
2) The BM at the centre of short span
3) The BM at the central support
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 17

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 18

„ Recommended Reading
„ BS EN 1990: Basis of Structural Design
„ NA to BS EN 1990

„ Guide to the use of EN 1990

„ BS EN 1991
1991--2: Traffic loads on Bridges
„ NA to BS EN 1991

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 19

Bridge Loading – EC1


Permanent Variable Accidental


Wind Plant, Equipment
Snow and Ice and Erection
Road Surfacing Earthquake method.
Flood, etc. Explosion Earth Quake
Ground motion
Fixed Equipment

Vertical Loads Horizontal Loads Vehicle

MATERIALS Vertical loads Horizontal loads Impact
Creep due to the mass due to change in
Shrinkage of traffic. speed or direction. …


Differential Load Load Load Load Vertical Earth Pressure
settlement of Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Horizontal Earth Pressure
supports etc. Ground Water Pressure
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 20

Other Action Categories
Based on Position /
distribution Fixed Free

Based on application
on member / structure Direct Indirect


Based on nature of
Static Dynamic Quasi-
load static

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 21

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 22

Key Symbols
„ G = permanent actions Subscripts
k = characteristic
„ Q = variable actions d = design
„ A = accidental actions m = mean

„ AE = Seismic actions
„ E = effect of actions
„ X = material property
„ a = geometric property
„ R = resistance of member / structure
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 23

Other Terminologies
„ Strength vs Resistance
„ Strength is a material property
„ Resistance relates to member / structure

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 24

Lead and accompanying
variable actions
„ Eurocode uses concept of lead and
accompanying variable for combining
different variable actions for design.
„ Lead variable action have most
predominant effects on structures
„ All variable actions other than the Lead
variable are accompanying variable actions
„ If unsure, have to try different possibilities to
obtain most unfavourable effects.
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 25

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 26

Design Situations
„ Persistent Design Situations
„ For periods of the same order as design life
„ Conditions of normal use.
„ Transient Design Situations
„ For very short periods relative to design life.
„ e.g. during repairs and maintenance
„ Accidental Design Situations
„ Situations involving exceptional conditions
„ Impact, explosion, fire, etc.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 27

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 28

Modelling Random Uncertainty
Tensile Strength = 460 N/mm2 (Deterministic)
Sayy 20 samples
p were tested.

„ Average Resistance:
„ Characteristic Resistance:
„ Design Resistance : Resistance to be used for limit state design

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 29

Modelling Random Uncertainty

„ Load on a bridge fluctuate throughout the design life.
Intervals in Weeks

Interval in Days
Maximum Weekly Load

Maximum Daily Load Maximum Load for 120 years

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 30

Modelling Random Uncertainty



„ Nominal Load:
„ Design Load : Load to be used for limit state design

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 31

Representative values,
„ Representative value of variable action, Frep
„ Characteristic value, Qk
„ Combination value, ψ0 Qk
„ Frequent value, ψ1 Qk
„ Quasi permanent value, ψ2 Qk

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 32

Representative value,

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 33

Design values
„ Design value for actions
actions,, Fd = γf Frep
„ Design value for effects of actions actions,, Ed
Ed = γ Sd E{γ f ,i Frep,i ; ad }
γSd is equivalent to γf3 in BS code.
„ Design value of material properties
Xd = η Xk / γm
„ Design resistance
1 ⎧⎪ X ⎫⎪
Rd = R⎨η k ,i ; ad ⎬
γ Rd ⎪⎩ γ m,i ⎪⎭
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 34

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 35

Design Requirements
„ Safety requirements (ULS)
„ Fitness for purpose (SLS)
„ Structural resistance adequate for required
period of time in fire (fire resistance)
„ Damage proportional to event (Robustness)
„ Deterioration should not impair the
performance over design working life

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 36

Ultimate Limit States
„ EQU: Loss of static equilibrium
„ STR:: Internal failure or excessive
„ GEO:: failure or excessive deformation of
the ground
„ FAT:: fatigue failure of the structure
„ Rd > Ed for each case.
„ Sec. 6.4.3 of EN 1990 defines combination
of actions for various design situations.
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 37

Serviceability Limit State

„ Two categories of SLS
„ Irreversible limit states, e.g. crack width

„ Reversible limit states, e.g. deflection

„ Three different combination of loads

„ Characteristic combination
„ Irreversible limit states

„ Frequent combination
„ Reversible limit states

„ Quasi--permanent combination
„ Long
Long--term, e.g. appearance

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 38

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 39

Carriageway width
„ Carriageway width is the width between raised curbs or
vehicle restraint systems.
„ For removable central reserve,
reserve, carriageway width is the
total width, including central reservation.
„ For permanent central reserve,
reserve, each part of the
carriageway should be separately divided into notional

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 40

Carriageway width
„ Carriageway width is the width between raised curbs or
vehicle restraint systems.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 41

No. Of Notional lanes

„ Example 1: 11 m wide slab bridge; 0.5m
wide edge stiffening on each side
side. Notional
Lanes =?

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 42

No. Of Notional lanes
„ Example 2: 11 m wide slab bridge; 0.5m
wide edge stiffening on each side
Removable central reserve; Notional Lanes

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 43

No. Of Notional lanes

„ Example 3: 13 m wide slab bridge; 0.5m
wide edge stiffening on each side
side. 1m
Permanent central reserve; Notional Lanes

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 44

Numbering Notional Lanes

„ Lane nos. are interchangable

interchangable,, similar to BS5400.
„ A lane no. should appear only once on two
separate parts on the same deck
„ Separate lane numbering for each carriageway,
for two separate parts on two independent decks.
„ If two decks supported on same piers,
piers, one
numbering for the two parts for substructure

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 45

No. Of Notional lanes

„ Example 4: 5m wide deck (existing) with a
6m wide deck extension
extension. Both on different

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 46

No. Of Notional lanes
„ Example 4: 5m wide deck (existing) with a
6m wide deck extension
extension. Both on same

For Superstructure For Substructure

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 47

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 48

Vertical Traffic Actions
„ Four Load models are defined in EN1991-
„ Two more predominant are LM1 and LM2 LM2,
which represents the normal traffic loads for
„ LM3 refers to special vehicle.
„ LM4 is a crowd loading model.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 49

Load Model 1
„ This loading mode is similar to HA loading of BS5400.
„ Two parts load model.
„ UDL System, αq qk

„ Tandem System (TS), αQ Qk

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 50

Load Model 1
„ Adjustment factors given in National Annex.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 51

Load Model 1
„ TS placed centrally for global analysis.
„ Placed for most unfavourable effects for local analysis,
Spacing can also be reduced.
„ Dispersal through pavement and concrete slab at 1:1.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 52

Load Model 1
„ Loaded length is the full base length of the
adverse area
ILD for MidSpan

Loaded Length

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 53

Load Model 1
„ For more than one adverse areas,
areas, e.g. continuous
construction, the loaded length should be taken as full
base length
g or sum of full base lengths
g of any
y combination
of the adverse areas selected.

ILD for MidPoint of Left Span

L1 L2 L3

Loaded Length = L1 + L3
= L1

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 54

Load Model 1
„ For more than one adverse areas, e.g. continuous
construction, the loaded length should be taken as full
base length
g or sum of full base lengths
g of anyy combination
of the adverse areas selected.

ILD for MidPoint of Left Span

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Loaded Length = L1 + L3 + L5
= L1 + L3
= L1
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 55

„ Determine LM1 values for the following
loaded lengths
„ 17m
„ 50m

„ 149m

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 56

Load Model 2
„ Single axle load, βQ Qak
„ Qak = 400kN
„ Di t ib t d equally
Distributed ll b
t ttwo wheels
h l
„ Generally critical for loaded lengths between 3 to
„ One or both wheel may be applied.
„ βQ =1.0
„ National Annex choose wheel size as 0.4 x 0.4m
„ Dispersal
spe sa at 1:1 tthrough
oug papavement
e e ta and
d co
c ete
deck slab.
„ Additional amplification factor within 6m from

„ D = distance in m of x-
x-section under consideration.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 57

Load Model 3
„ Also termed as Special vehicle.
„ To be used for main route bridges.
„ Not actual loads but models.
„ NA2.16 defines the special vehicles
„ 3 SV models for STGO (Special type general order
„ 4 SOV models (Special order vehicles).

„ R fl t abnormal
Reflects b l and
d exceptional
ti l vehicle
hi l lloads
d (i
BS5400 terms).

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 58

Load Model 3

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 59

Load Model 3

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 60

DAF for LM3

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 61

„ Determine load requirements for loaded
length of 23m,
23m assuming the carriageway
width of 10m.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 62

Load Model 4
„ Also termed as Crowed loading.
„ Be applied on bridges where crowd load is
more likely, e.g. Bridges serving sports
stadium, or close to town centres.
„ Be used for general verification only.
„ For Transient design situations only.
„ UDL of 5 kN/m
„ Include dynamic amplification.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 63

„ Show plan arrangement for highway loading
to give
„ Worst credible B.M.
„ Worst credible S.F.
for loaded length of 35m, and carriageway width
of 10m.
Assume SV100 for LM3.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 64

Footway Loading
„ For bridges serving town centres and sports
stadium use LM4
stadium, LM4.
„ For all other bridges

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 65

„ Show plan arrangement for highway loading to give
„ Worst credible B.M.
„ Worst credible S.F.
The beam
beam--slab bridge have a loaded length of 35m, and
carriageway width of 10m. Assume SV100 for LM3.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 66

Worst position for an HB Load

„ When a group of wheel loads are acting on a simply

supported member, the absolute maximum BM at a point
is g
given when half the distance between the resultant of
the wheel loads and the wheel next to it coincides with the
centreline of the span. The point of maximum BM is under
the wheel considered.

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 67


Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 69

Horizontal Traffic Actions

„ Longitudinal forces
„ Breaking and acceleration forces
„ Transverse forces
„ Centrifugal forces
„ Due to Skewed breaking / acceleration

„ Actions for accidental design

g situations
„ From vehicle under the bridge
„ From vehicle on the bridge deck

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 70

Overview of Unit 2
„ Influence Lines
„ Bridge
g Loading g – EC1
„ Symbol and terms of reference
„ Design Situations
„ Representative and Design values
„ Limit State requirements
„ Carriageway and notional lanes
„ Vertical traffic actions
„ Horizontal traffic actions
„ Group of traffic actions
(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 71

Group of Bridges
Characteristic actions

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 72

Group of Bridges
Frequent values actions

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 73

End of Unit 3

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 74

Learning Outcomes
On attending the session, participants are expected to be
able to
„ D
t t an understanding
d t di off th the Li
it St
Philosophy as applied to the analysis and design
„ apply various load combinations for the analysis
and design as specified in British Codes.
„ Understand and utilise ‘influence lines method’ for
the analysis and to establish loaded lengths
„ Demonstrate an understanding of
„ Primary loads on Highway Bridges
„ Secondary loads on Highway Bridges
„ application of loads to get maximum loading effects

(c) Dr. Muhammad Imran Rafiq 75


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