OrginalHuman Resource Management System

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Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)

September 14, 2011

Human Resource Management System for the partial

fulfillment of BED degree in Information Technology

Prepared By:-

 Chalachew Adissu 134/2000

 Debash Gebeyaw 138/2000
 Dereje Drese 140/2000
 Emebet Aynadis 142/2000
 Gedefaw Bishaw 146/2000
 Genet Mamo 147/2000
 Muluken Alemu 160/2000
 Tilahun Abebe 169/2000

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

I. Acknowledgment
We would like to express our heartfelt admiration and thanks to our advisor Ato Dawit W.
who provide us with his support, encouragements, and comments which have been critically
helpful to accomplish our project.

We are very much grateful to all concerned employee of DBU HRM manager Ato Alemu
and employees for their assistance in giving full information and for those provide us with
all the necessary information and encouragements that made this project

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Table of contents
1. Chapter One -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2. Background -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.3. Statement of the problem-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.4. Objective of the project-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.4.1. General objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.4.2. Specific objectives------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.5. Scope of the project---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.6. Constraints -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.7. Alternative solutions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.8. Feasibility study------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.8.1. Economic study------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.8.2. Technical study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.8.3. Operational feasibility ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.9. Proposed solution …………………………………………………………………..
1.10. Methodology …………………………………………………………………
1.10.1. Data gathering tools------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.10.2. Design tools-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.11. Specification for hardware and software ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1.12. Overall cost estimation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.13. Schedule--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.14. Team structure and responsibility---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Chapter Two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.1. Analysis overview-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2. Detail study of the existing system------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.3. Problem of the current system----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.4. Modeling the current system-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.4.1. Essential use case diagram------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.4.2. Class responsibility collaboration-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.5. Overview of the proposed system………………………………………………………..
2.5.1. Scope of the project…………………………………………………………………
2.5.2. Non_includes………………………………………………………………………..
2.6. Requirement analysis of the new system………………………………………………
2.6.1. Functional requirement ………………………………………………………….
2.6.2. Non functional requirement ……………………………………………………
3. Design …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.2. Modeling the proposed system -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.2.1. System use case diagram…………………………………………………………
3.3. Modeling the system use case diagram………………………………………………..
3.4. Sequence diagram ………………………………………………………………………..

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

3.5. Activity diagram ………………………………………………………………………….

3.6. Class diagram …………………………………………………………………………
3.7. User interface …………………………………………………………………………
3.8. Class type architecture ………………………………………………………………
3.9. Class modeling …………………………………………………………………………
3.10. State chart diagram ……………………………………………………………
3.11. Collaboration diagram …………………………………………………………
3.12. Component diagram ……………………………………………………………
3.13. Deployment diagram …………………………………………………………
3.14. Database design ………………………………………………………………
4. Chapter four -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.1. Program source code-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.2. Database schema source code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.3. Testing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Chapter five ………………………………………………………………………………
5.1. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………
5.2. Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………
5.3. Limitation ………………………………………………………………………………
5.4. Constraints ……………………………………………………………………………
Key terms ………………………………………………………………………………
Reference ………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

1.1 Introduction

Human Resource management (HRM) refers to the concept or methods needed to carry out
responsibility of the personnel in aspects of managing organizational tasks. Such as recruiting, screening,
training, rewarding and some other related tasks.

Nowadays it would be difficult to imagine that organizations can achieve and sustain effectiveness at
their work with out efficient HRM programs and activities. The HR department plays a vital role in
ensuring the smooth running of an organization most importantly by tracking and analyzing the
timekeeping and work patterns of the work force, allowing management better information on which to
make good decisions.

1.2 Background

The corner of for the establishment of DBU was laid 1997 E.C and started offering program since 1999
E.C .the first phase of construction as initiated 1997 and continued up to now .The institute started
functioning in 1999 with educational programmers

DBU human resource management office is one of the different offices that faces complex task
within the campus. The office is doing many tasks which make it the office overloaded. Before
some two and three years the office was doing for limited faculties and departments so that it may
not faced so much obstacles but since the institute has many facilitates and departments. By this
reason the number of employees increased year to year. It makes the office overloaded with hiring,
recruiting, screening, training, rewarding and other related tasks. by seeing and analyzing these
and other problems that the office is facing we tried to solve in a computerized system, so that
there will be more improvements on the performance of the office .Our aim is to improve the
human resource management system functionality in such a way that the system can perform all
tasks with the minimum time and effort need of the personnel’s.

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Generally we come up with this project to implement a new human resource management system
which can perform the entire specified task to the office with minimum time, effort and resource
need in addition with great efficiency and accuracy and guarantee that the data will not lost or
damaged easily.

Tasks that are accomplished by Debreberhan university human resource management are:

 Prepare the necessary number and kind of man power

 Prepare educational and training programs to enable it to have qualified man
 Create a better working system manuals and directives.
Objective of this project is to develop an application that focuses on HRM office DBU. More
specifically, it improves the performance of personnel record section by reduce data redundancy and work
load and support standardized work flow process, hence it increase the efficiency of data processing and
employee productivity.

1.3 Statement of the problem

The human resource management of DBU follows a file based management system to manage its
resources. This file management system has several problems for the workers. Among the problems

 Redundancy of employees file in different departments

 Difficulty to organize updated employees file.
 Difficulty to retrieve any needed data in a convenient and efficient manner
 Sometimes they lose necessary files and starts to collect information again
 Communication gap between offices that make the organization work complex and it expense
high cost for telephone conversation to narrow this gap.

1.4 Objectives of the project

This project has general and specific objectives that should be accomplished at end. These are the
characteristics of the new system that are used to solve problems which are observed on the current

1.4.1 General objectives

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

The core objective of this study is to develop an efficient, flexible and secured database which can
solve problems of the current system. Thus, it will be integrated with the existing system.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

The specific objective of the project is:

 To develop a flexible interface that can easily understand by the user and provide effective
 To reduce error occurrence and redundancy of data
 To retrieve and update any necessary data about the concerned object with in a short period
of time.
 To have effective controls on data and to ensure that documents are safe
 To decrease resources like man power, time and cost for stationeries and telephone
1.5 Scope of the project

This project concentrates on solving problems of the existing information system handling and
processing thus, the scope of the project is limited to the personnel department of the DBU office
which consists of facilities and departments

1.6 Constraints

The constraints that we may face when trying to achieve the previously stated objectives in a capable way

 Willingness of the organization in providing information and materials that will help for the
project to go through.
 The time we have for development of the project may be consumed by other courses that we
are taking at this semester. This will hinder us to apply all our effort and knowledge on the
 Lack of power supply that is from previous experiences the current status of power supply,
we may face problem of power to run our project based on our schedule.
1.7 Alternative solutions
 Semi-automation
 Full-automation

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011


The new system is not going to replace the manual system fully rather it will work with the manual
system partially.


The new system is fully computerizing the manual system. There will be no paper based work. The
whole system will be replaced with a new computer program or database.

1.8 Feasibility study

The word feasible is to mean possible or likely to success. It is an important constituent of the system
development life cycle because it determines if the project under discussion is to be worked up on till
completion or not. The major feasibility study is discussed as follows:

1.8.1 Economic feasibility

Obviously fully automating the manual system will require more hardware and software than partially
automating the manual system. And payments that are going to be paid for the project manager, system
analyst, programmer and designer will also be more than the semi one. Even after completion of the
project employees need a special training which is also very costly but for the semi-automation one
employees need only some basic information about the new system.

As a mere fact fully automating the system causes employees to lose their jobs which means there
will be only computer based works; with may be very few workers. Theses as a whole leads to
increase un-employee rate in the country. However semi automating the old or manual system will
not have such negative effects on employees or the country.

Both full-automating and semi-automating can solve the above mentioned problems. But semi-
automating solution is economic feasible so there will be tangible and intangible benefits that should
be measured in terms of money and that accrue the organization like increasing efficiency at work,
reduce paper work cost, reduce error rate occurred due to paper work , increased level of service and
job satisfaction are some of the majors.

1.8.2 Technical feasibility

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

A new system brings a new technology to the DBU human resource management. So as mentioned
above if the manual system above is replaced fully there will be a special training for employees but
if it is semi-automation they need only basic computer based information about the new system. In
addition resources; that are needed for the project development, can easily access and afford by the
organization. So the question of technical feasibility is not much of a challenge.

1.8.3 Operational feasibility

Since the database to be built is going flexible and user friendly, workers won’t face quite a
challenge in trying to use of the new system.

1.9 Proposed solution

From the two alternative solutions, semi-computerized system is the best solution for problems
occurred in the current system and it is possible to say none of these problems would have happened.

1.10 Methodology

We will use an object oriented approach for our project development. Because it is more acceptable
than structured type of approach due to its advantage of abstraction, hierarchy, persistency etc in
terms of

 Increased reusability
 Less complexity
 Increased chance of project success
1.10.1 Data gathering tools

In this project to gather the necessary data we have used the following tools

 Interview

 Observation

 Document review

1.10.2 Design tools

To design our system we have used

 Class diagram

 use case diagram

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

 Sequence diagram

 Activity diagram

 State chart diagram

 Component diagram

 collaboration diagram

 state chart diagram

1.11 Specification for Hardware and Software

Software tools: The computer language tools that we will use the following:

For the front end application we use VB6.0 since VB6.0 is an object based programming language
that has different built in controls that helps us to easily design the user interface of the system. It has
also a feature of interconnecting the database with the front end application. Moreover the project
team is familiar to the program.

Back End: We will use Microsoft Access 2007/2003.

Hardware tools: Basic and necessary hardware are the following

 Laptop computer : HCL/DELL

 RAM : 2GB
 Flash disk : 8GB
 CD : 700MB
 HP Printer : Laser

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

1.12 Overall cost estimation

The following table summarizes cost break down of our project


Hardware Laptop 10000 2 20,000.00

Flash disk 200 4 800.00

CD 5 20 100.00

Printer 5000 1 5000.00

Software Visual Basic 500 1 500.00

Studio 6.0

Ms access 400 1 400.00

Developer Project manager 20000 1 20,000.00

System analyst 15000 2 30,000.00

Programmer 15000 2 30,000.00

Designer 15000 2 30,000.00

Database 15000 1 15000


Internet 400.00

Stationeries 200.00

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Total 152,000.00

Table1.1 Cost estimation

1.13 Schedule

Each phase of the project will be carried out based on the following schedule

Task name Duration Start Finish

Title selection Hamlie 20-29/2003 Hamlie 20/2003 Hamlie 29/2003

Proposal Nehasie 03-10/2003 Nehasie 03/2003 Nehasie 10/2003

Analysis Phase Nehasie 11-17/2003 Nehasie 11/2003 Nehasie17/2003

Design Phase Nehasie 18-23/2003 Nehasie 18/2003 Nehasie 23/2003

Implementation Phase Nehasie 24-30/2003 Nehasie 24/2003 Nehasie 30/2003

Presentation Phase Pagumie 01-05/2003

Table 1.2 Time schedule of the project

1.14 Team Structure and Responsibility

The team members will be responsibly worked on the project depending on this hierarchical tree.

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Project Manager

System Analyst

Programmer Designer

Database Admin

Fig.1 Team structure

No Student Name Position

1 Emebet Ayinadis Project manager/Database Admin.

2 Tilahun Abebe and Dereje Derse System analyst

3 Muluken Alemu Database Administrator

4 Debash and Chalechew Adisu Programmer

5 Gedefaw Bishaw and Genet Mamo Designer

Table 1.4 Team members’ responsibility

2. Analysis Phase
2.1. Analysis Overview

This chapter focuses on detail analysis of the existing system that provide a method to discover
problems in the existing system, to make available alternative solution for the problem identified,
and identifying functional and non functional requirements of the existing system. It deals with

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

the detail description of how employee related records are organized and managed in the
personnel department of human resource office. This part of the project tries to define
requirements using the essential modeling of the object oriented approach.

2.2. Detailed Study of the existing system:

In the current system of the organization files are stored in cabinet in a manner of alphabetical
order. For example,

 All employee files their names started by a character ‘A’ are stored in the first cabinet and
all employee files their names started by a character ‘B’ are stored in the second cabinet.
Similarly the rest cabinets have employee files related to employee name of first
For a new employee to create a new file first they collect all the employee’s record from the
manager then based on first character of his or her name, they put the file in the specified

Through time additional record about the employee will be passed to the record officer. Then
their record officer finds the cabinet where he is going to put the new record of the employee’s
name. Finally the record officer will attach it to the employee personal file binder.

If the required data about the employee is beyond his or her personal file and part of other
department of the organization works on the other department will search it and make a report.

There are four departments under Human Resource (HR) management of the Personnel
department. These are:-

 Plan and Assessment department,

 Requirement department,
 Discipline and Incentives department and
 Record office department.
The departments facilitate their responsibilities by sharing information or data with each other.
They used hard copy materials for those shared data.

In our investigation we have seen also the all departments carried out their work in one big hall.
Each has their own shelf around their sitting to store the processed data.

Processes and Operations made in the Planning and Assessment department

This department is responsible for the following activities

 To store, arrange, make report about employee’s record

 They collect training which is going to be assigned for employees. Based on the training
type and evaluation points, they evaluate files of the applicant employee’s

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

 They collect vacancy lists.

Processes and Operations made in Requirement department

This department is responsible for the following activities.

 They fill profile form for a new employee

 They fill retirement form for an employee
Processes and Operations made in the Discipline and Incentive group

This department is responsible for the following activities.

 They fill and manage a form for withdrawal of an employee.

 They manipulate and fill forms for experience of a given employee
 Managing the annual leave of an employee and make recognition for birth leave.
Processes and Operations made in the Record office Department

All information about employee is stored and manipulate in this department. If one department
needs some information or data that exists on other departments, simply they order their clerk to
bring the needed file. After completion the clerk take is back to the original place.

2.3. Problems of the current system

Problems are undesirable situations that get in the way the organization from fully achieving its
purpose, goals or objectives.

The problems that are going to be addressed under this section are generalized using the
PIECES framework. PIECES are a famous framework and it is an acronym to indicate
Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency and Service.


Response time

 Delay in identifying employees who are registered in the organization..

 Delay in producing different reports of the employees.
 Need of extra manual effort.
 It used to take much time to find any employee

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

 Danger of losing the files in some cases.



 Inaccuracy in updating important information because of manual processing.

 No database completely – No computerized data gathering, storing, processing
and disseminating facilities.
 Less flow of information exchange among several sections, this leads the division
to poor coordination and integration.
 Less credible information generated by the reports – The information presented
on the report are inconsistent meaning:-the information are gathered by referring
to different documents which are stored in manual or paper form. Therefore, as
time goes, the information on the paper may get lost. Hence, the information is
not as such trustworthy.
 To provide information, it may take inevitably long time by searching the
necessary facts to which it is intended for.
Stored data

 Data is stored repeatedly in different files – The same information is stored in

many copies repeatedly in different forms.
 Data is not secured. Due to this, some secret information is opened for
unauthorized users or agents.

 Invalid input of data –invalid input of employee information can be used.

 Inaccurate capture of data – Data is handled in a way that is not efficient for
retrieval or processing purpose.

 Inaccurate input of data.

Economic issues

Economic problem is mainly concerned with cost control and profit incremental issues.
Developed by CDDEGGMT group members
Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

 Manual handling of data is expensive as compared to automated system. In general,

cost in terms of time is very high.
 As the business entry increases, the existing manual system will incur (acquire) cost
to handle those requirements.
 As the number of employees to handle the task of manual processing increases, the
organization will spend a lot of money for its staff.

 High probability of losing important business documents due to less control on the
 Data is highly exposed to unauthorized access and update.
 Since data is stored in different places, it leads to data inconsistency.

Time wastage

Employees waste time due to manual:-

 Data processing.
 Data entry.
 Report generation.
 It used to take much time to find any employee record.
 Preparation of different forms.
 Communication between sections
Material wastage

The organization wastes many materials especially concerning stationery materials,

cards or file cabinets.


 Inaccurate result of the existing system – If what the system takes as an input
generates an error, then this error can affect all levels of divisions.

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

 Inconsistent result of the existing system – Inconsistency in decision-making with

regard to business related matters of the operation department.
 Being a manual system, the existing system is not easy to use; easy to learn and
rigid for new situations and changes.
2.4. Modeling the current system
We want to develop this project by object oriented approaches .for modeling the current system we use
the following object oriented analysis phases.

 Essential use case diagram

 Class responsibility collaboration
 User interface prototyping

2.4.1. Essential use case diagram

Use case diagrams give an outsider's view of a system. It depicts a collection of use case, actors,
s system boundary box and their interaction .Use case also describes a sequence of actions that
are measurable value to an actor.

Identification of Actors and Use Cases:

Actors: - In the existing system there are three actors these are:
 Employee
 HRM Manager
 Record Officer
Use case: - The main use case that are identified in the existing system are
Record Employee, manipulate employee’s leave record, manipulate employee’s
experience, and prepare report.

Description of Actors and Use Cases

Actors: -
HRM Manager:-is the administrator of the HRM who has full power of controlling the
overall activities in HRM. He\she can manage employee.

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Record officer: - is worker of the HRM. He\she can manage employee, and prepare
report for them.
Employee: - is a working staff of DBU whose record is managed and recorded in HRM.
Essential use case diagram

System Boundary

Record employee

«uses» «uses»

employee’s leave record


Record Officer
employee’s experience


guarantee record

«uses» HRM Manager

Prepare report

Fig 2.1 Essential use case diagram for the current system

Use case description

They are different ways for documenting the use cases. We use Narration style for documenting
the use cases because narration style is easy to use and it describes the use case in a very clear

Use case: Record employee

Description: The record officer ready to give service

Actor: Record officer
Precondition: there must be vacancy to be registered in HRM.
Post condition: Employees are recorded into file and kept in to file cabinet.

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Basic course of action:

1. The Record officer wants to record the available employee record which is related to
2. The Record officer collects employee information.
3. Employee record is recorded into file.
4. Used case ends

Alternate course of action A

A.1. If the employee information is not complete enough to record on file
A.2. the Record officer gather full information about the employee
A.3.the use case continues at the basic course action (3).
Use case: manipulate employee’s leave record

Description: the employee request to have leave paper

Actor: HRM Manager

Precondition: The employee must have work experience and reason to leave.

Post condition: The HRM Manager accept employee’s request and give leave form.

Basic course of action:

1. Employee request to have leave paper.

2. The HRM Manger gives leave paper form.

3. Employee fills leaving form and can have leave sign from HRM Manger.

4. Use case ends.

Alternate course of action A

A.1. if the employee is not fill the information correctly

A.2.The HRM Manger informs the employee to fill all information again.

A.3.The employee refill the information

Use case: manipulate employee’s experience

Description: the employee request to have experience paper.

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Actor: Record officer

Pre condition: Employee must have work experience before in DBU.

Post condition: Employee gets experience paper.

Basic course of action:

1. The employee wants to have experience paper.

2. The employee asks the record officer to prepare experience of him/her.
3. The Record officer checks (verify information) employees information.
4. Record officer give experience to the employee.
5. Employee takes the experience.
6. Use case ends.

Use case: prepare report

Description: the Record officer wants to prepare reports.

Actor: Record officer

Precondition: employees must be recorded in the file cabinet.

Post condition: the HRM Manager Get report.

Basic course of action:

1. Record officer wants to prepare report
2. The Record officer identifies the type of report to be produced.
3. The Record officer checks whether the information is available in the recorded file.
4. The Record officer fills important information in the report form.
5. The Record officer produces report.
6. Use case ends.

Alternate course of action A:

A.1. If the required information is not filled correctly in the report form

A.2.The HRM Manager informs to the Record officer the report is not completed.

A.3 The use case returns to basic course of action (4).

2.4.2. Class responsibility collaboration

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members
Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Class responsibility collaboration is a collection of standard index card that have been divided in
to three section, these are class name, responsibility and collaboration .A class represents a
collection of similar object ,a responsibility is something that a class knows or does and a
collaboration is another class that the class interacts With to full fill its responsibility.CRC is
used to understand object oriented application throughout its entire system development life
cycle .CRC model also helps to improve the communication between user and developer.

Record officer<<Actor>> Employee <<Actor>>

F name
Mname F Name
L name L name
Rofficer id Address
Address Age
Age Sex Record officer
Sex Employee Employee id HRM Manager
Nationality HRM Manager

Record employee
Prepare report Request experience
Prepare experience Request leave form
Give leave form

HRM Manager <<Actor>>

F name
L name
Sign on leave paper Record officer
View report

2.5. Overview of the proposed system:

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Decision in assigning proper skillful hands for the project is an important issue in HR
Module. The HR Administrator should report with the personal holding the necessary skills
required for the project assignment. The decision in making analysis about the employee’s skills
is a prime important before booting in. The proposed system of HR Module is the right software
to be incorporated into the Automation of HR Software for helping the organization needs with
respect to skillful Human Resource.
The proposed system provides detail general information about the employee along with
Educational, Certification, Skill and Project details. It enhances the HR Management in adding,
viewing and updating employees’ details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill
and experience. Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upheld for taking care of
the necessary steps in forwarding company’s obligation.
2.5.1 Scope of the project

This project concentrates on solving problems of the existing information system handling
and processing thus, the scope of the project is limited to the personnel department of the
DBU office which consists of facilities and departments especially on employee recording
and managing the employee records.

2.5.2 None includes

We know that HRM is very broad and sophisticated. But, due to time and other limitations
the following parts of HRM are not included in our proposed system. We are willing to
include them to the future.

 Vacancy
 Attendance
 Training
 Transfer
Create new employee Record

A new employee may come to the system as a new object to the following reasons

 When the employee applying to a new vacancy and satisfied all the necessary conditions
that are provided by the organization for that specific vacancy.

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

 When an employ made a transfer to the organization.

At this case the record officer collects all necessary information from the human resource
manager and will add it to the system as a new object. Finally the record officers give a new
identification to the new employee

Update Employee Record

In this case the employee will already exist on the system. But due to different circumstances the
object may need and update action. On its different attributes or fields of employee related

Hence, the record officer of HR manager will perform update process on the system. Those
events can be:-

 Additional experience and changes of educational status occurred in different period of

 Personal information such as age, marital status. Job title, place of work etc may sow
 Contact person changing
 Guarantee person changing
 When withdraw of an employee takes place by different reasons, the remark will made on
the system.
Retrieve Employee Record

Sometimes the organization wants to have compiled information about the employees’ total
experiences, employee personal information, and leave status. At this time the new system
retrieves all values from the selected attributes and displays it.

2.6 Requirement analysis of the new system:

There are two kinds of requirements functional and non functional.

2.6.1 Functional Requirement

Functional requirement is a description of activities and services a system must provide.

 The new System enables to register new employee that is creating new file.
 The new system allows updating employee related information such as; employee
experience, personal information, family status, leave status, and the like.
 The new system enables to register and update employee guarantee person.
 The new system generates an organized report related to employee status and other
necessary information.
2.6.2 Non Functional Requirement

A non-functional requirement pertains to the technical aspects that your system must fulfill, such

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September 14, 2011

as performance-related issues, reliability issues, and availability issues. Non-functional

requirements are often referred to as technical requirements. OR a non functional requirement is
a description of other features, characteristics and constraints that define a satisfactory system.

 Hardware and Software Consideration

The minimum requirement of the hardware and software for the system is:-

 OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 and above

 RAM: 256MB - 2GB
 HDD: 40GB of hard disk
 Processor: Intel Pentium IV and above (dual core if possible)
 Speed: 2.8 - 3.6 GHz
 Application soft: -Microsoft Visual basic 6.0
-Microsoft Access 2003 or 2007

- Microsoft viso 2007

- Microsoft word 2007

 Performance characteristics
The system should respond to the request within a reasonable period of time. The system can
supports concurrent access, in which one or two users can exploit it simultaneously. The system
should be capable of processing queries quickly. Beside the software, hardware is also a great
factor in its efficiency.

 Error Handling and Extreme conditions

The system is expected to handle errors encountered during run time. Errors could rise from the
user and also from the system. Errors that occurred from the wrong doing of user will be handled
by appropriate exception handling mechanisms. For example, if the user or manager enters a non
existing user name or a wrong password, the system should prompt the user/administrator to
enter a valid user name and password. Another error that might be caused by a user/administrator
might be at a time of entering inappropriate input. The system handles these kinds of errors at
run time when the user tries to save this inputs.

Physical environment

In the physical environmental factors, to protect the system from overheat, dust and other natural
factors it should kept in well equipped and ventilated rooms for better protection.

Chapter three
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Design Document
3.1. Introduction
This chapter focuses on an object oriented design (OOD). The purpose of object oriented
design is to determine how you are going to build your system and to obtain the information
needed to derive the actual implementation of the system. This is different from analysis part
which focuses on understanding what to build. Object oriented design technique use an Uml
modeling techniques like class modeling state chart modeling, collaboration modeling,
deployment modeling and user interface prototyping modeling are used to bridge the gap
between analysis and design part

3.2. Modeling the proposed system

We want to develop this project by object oriented approaches .for modeling the proposed
system the following analysis phases are used.
 System use case diagram
 Activity diagram
 Sequence diagram
 User interface prototyping
3.2.1. System Use case diagram for the proposed system

Use case diagrams give an outsider's view of a system. It depicts a collection of use case, actors,
s system boundary box and their interaction .Use case also describes a sequence of actions that
are measurable value to an actor.

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September 14, 2011

System Boundary



Register employee



Prepare experience
Record officer
«uses» HRM Manager


Prepare leave

Prepare report

View report

Fig 3.1.system use case diagram for the proposed system

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September 14, 2011

Use case Description

Description: The Record officer and HRM manager want to

secure or lock by password
Actor: Record officer , HRM Manager
Precondition: Record officer and HRM manager want to
login and interact with the system or file
Post condition: Record officer and HRM manager logged in
and interacts with files
Basic course of action:
1. Record officer and HRM manager fill user name and
2. The system validates entered user name and password
from the account database.
3. The system displays the main window
4. End use case
Alternate course of action A:
A1.user name or password is not correct
A2.The system displays an error message
A3.The Record officer and HRM manager refills user name and
A4.The system rollback in to basic course of action (2)

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Description: Record officer registers employee information

Actor: Record officer
Pre condition: Record officer collects the employee
Post condition: employee information registered
Basic course of action
1. The Record officer click on register employee
Register employee 2. The system display employee registration form
3. Record officer fill employee information
4. System checks the filled information
5. System registers employee information and store to
data base.
6. Use case ends.
Alternate course of action A
A.1. Record officer does not fill the information
A.2.sysem display error message
A.3.the use case returns to basic course of at 3.

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September 14, 2011

Description: Record officer prepares experience of employee

Actor: Record officer
Precondition: The employee must be registered before
Post condition: Employee gets experience paper
Basic course of action:
1. The Record officer wants to prepare experience for
2. Record officer click on the prepare experience form
3. The system displays experience form
4. The Record officer fills detail information on the experience
Prepare experience form of employee
5. The system check input information and display message
6. System prepares experience and prints it
7. System use case ends
Alternate course of action A:
A1.input information is not correct
A2.The system displays an error message
A3.The Record officer refills the prepare experience form
A4. System use case continuous or rollback into basic course of
action (5)

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Description: the employee wants to have leave paper

Actor: Record officer
Precondition: The employee tells his or her full information for
the Record officer
Post condition: the employee gets leave paper signed on it
Basic course of action:
1. Employee wants to have leave paper
2. The Record officer click on leave.
3. The system displays leave form
4. The fills the details information on it
Prepare leave
5. The system checks the input data
6. The system prepares leave paper and prints it

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Description: the employee prepares report to the customer

Actor: Employee
Pre condition: the customer must be registered before
Post condition: The employee gives report to the customer
Basic course of action
1. The employee click on report button
Generate report
2. The system displays the report form
3. The employee fill report information
4. The system checks the input data
5. The system generate report
6. The use case ends
Alternate course of action A
A.1.the customer information is not valid
A.2.the system display error message
A.3.the employees reenter the information again
A.4.the use case continues at the basic course of action 4.

Table 3.1 use case description

3.3. Modeling of system use case diagram

3.3.1. Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagram displays an interaction as two dimensional charts. The vertical dimension is
the time axis; the horizontal dimension shows the classifiers role that represent individual objects
in the collaboration. Sequence diagram is used to model the logic of user scenario. It enables you
to visualize model the logic the system.

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{Login(BCA): } Login<<controller>> Login form<<UI>> Account database Main window

Fill username & Password on the login button.
Click Verify input data
2..Fill user name& password
3.System verifies the input [correct] display

4. system displays the main Respond message

Refill [incorrect]

Fig 3.2 Sequence diagram for use case Login

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Register Employee Employee registration form

<<Controller>> <<UI>>
{Register Employee(BCA): }

1.Record officer click on the register employee Click

2.System displays employee registration form.
Verify input data
3..Record officer fill employee information. Fill Employee information

4. System verifies the input data.

[correct] Respond message

5.System registers input data in the database.


Refill [incorrect]

Fig 3.3 Sequence diagram for use case Register employee

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prepare experience prepare experience form prepare experience

{prepare experience(BCA): } <<Controller>> <<UI>>

1.Record officer click on prepare

experience. Click Display
System verify input data
2.System displays prepare experience Fill prepare experience data
Refill correctly [Incorrect]
3.Record officer fills detail prepare
experience data.
[correct]Respond message
4.System verifies input data.
system prepare experience and print

5.System responds message.

6.System prepare experience and print.

Fig 3.4 Sequence diagram of use case Prepare experience

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September 14, 2011

Prepare leave Prepare leave form Prepare leave

{Prepare leave(BCA): } <<Controller>> <<UI>>

1.Record officer click on Prepare leave.

2.System displays Prepare leave form. Click Display

System verify input data
3.Record officer fills detail Prepare leave Fill Prepare leave data
Refill correctly [Incorrect]
4.System verifies input data.

5.System responds message. [correct]Respond message

system prepare leave and print

6.system prepare leave and print.

Fig 3.5 Sequence diagram of use case Prepare leave

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Prepare Report Report form Report

{Prepare Report (BCA): } <<Controller>> <<UI>>

1.Record officer click on prepare report. Click

2.System displays report form.
Verifies input data
3.Record officer fills report information . Fill report information

Refill correct data which is registered before [incorrect]

4.System verifies input information.
Respond message
5.System generate report and print.

generate report and print

Fig 3.6 Sequence diagram for use case prepare report

3.3.2. Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is a UML diagram that is used to model high level business process or
transition between states of a class. Activity diagrams are one of the five diagrams in the UML
for modeling the dynamic aspect of systems. It is essentially a flowchart, showing flow of
control from activity to activity. It is also the notation for an activity graph.

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Click on login Login activate

Enter user name & password

verifiy Input account

[correct] display
Main window

Try again

Re_enter user name & password

Main window

Fig 3.7 Activity diagram for Login

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Register Employee Employee registration form

Fill Employee data

Input data

Re_fill Employee data


input data

Fig 3.8 Activity diagram for Register Employee

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Prepare employee experience Prepare employee experience form

Enter employee experience data

input data

employee experience prepared and print


Fig 3.9 Activity diagram for prepare employee experience

Generate report Report form

Enter report data

input data

Report generated & print


Fig 3.10 Activity diagram for Generate report

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3.3.3. Class Diagram

Class diagram is a diagram that contains classes, interfaces, and collaboration, dependency,
generalization and association relationships. It is used to model the static design view of a system. This
view primarily supports the functional requirements of a system. Class diagram show the class of the
system, their interaction and the operation and the attributes of the classes.

Record officer
Employee -F-Name
1…* 1…* -Sex
Registers -address
1…* 1…* -RO ID
-education background Requets
-address +Register employee()
-occupation +prepare experience()
+prepare leave for employees()
+Get experience paper()
+prepare report()
+get leave paper()

Gives Report
1…* -Report type
1 1…* -Date
1 +Give report()
HRM Manager
-F name
-L name
+View report()
+Change password()

Fig 3.11 Class diagram

3.4. User interface Design

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September 14, 2011

The user interface of the software is the portion of the soft ware that the user directly interact
with ,including the screen ,reports ,documents and software support .The user interface could be
as simple as possible clear for the user. Here, in this project we use VB programming language
to design the interface.

Fig 3.12 Splash interface

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Fig 3.13Login user interface

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Fig 3.14 Employee Registration Form

Fig 3.15 Delete user interface with dialog

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Fig 3.16 Delete user interface with dialog

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Fig 3.17 Employee Registration Form with dialog

3.5. Class Type Architecture

In this design phase we use a three tire architecture which has three layers. These three layers are the
Application or Presentation layer, the business layer and the data access layer. Application or
presentation layer is the form which provides the user interface to either programmer or end user. The
business layer is the class which the team uses to write the function which works as a mediator to
transfer data from application layer or presentation layer to data layer. This layer also has a property
layer which is a class where variables are declared corresponding to the fields of the database which can
be required for the application and make the properties so that the team can get or set the data using these
properties into the variables. The third tire is the data access layer which is also a class to get or set data
to the database queries back and forth. This layer only interacts with the database. The database queries or
stored procedures will be written here to access the data from the database or to perform any operation to
the database.

The following diagram shows the class type architecture of the system.


(User interface, System Interface)


(Application, Controller)


(Business) System
(Data) Platform)

Data sources

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Figure3.18 Class Type Architecture

3.6. Class Modeling

The class notation is a 3-piece rectangle with the class name, attributes, and operations.
Attributes and operations can be labeled according to access and scope.

Class Modeling

-FName : string Record officer
-MName : string 1.* 1 -FName : string
-LName : string -MName : string
-Sex : char Req
1* -Rofficer ID : string
-Age : int 1* uest -Sex : char
-Address : char -Address : char
-Employee ID : char +Register Employee()
-Occupation : string +prepare Leave()
-Nationality : string +PrepareReport()
+Getexperience() +SearchInformation()
view -ReportTime : string
1 -Date : Date
HRM Manager +GiveReport()
-FName : string
-LName : string
-Address : char

Fig 3.19 Class Modeling Diagram

3.7. State chart modeling

State chart modeling is a dynamic modeling technique one that focuses on identifying the
behavior within the system. In an OO design objects have both behavior and state or in other
words they do things and know things. An uml state chart diagram depicts the various states that
an object may be in and the transition between sates.

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Initial state
Cursor to
User name&

Getting User name & Password

Click on login User name &
Submit password!=account table message displayed
[Valid] Start
login Validating Event
Final state [Not valid]Display Guard
Error message

Cancel / Quit

Fig3.20 State Chart Diagram for Login

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Initial state


Get Employee Registration form

Get Employee info


Error msg
Validate Reject
Store to DB

Final state

Fig3.21. State Chart diagram for House Registration

3.8. Collaboration Diagram

Collaboration diagram depicts a bird’s eye view of a collection of collaborating objects. It
shows the message flow between objects in OO application and also implies the basic
association (relationship) between classes./////// It is an uml diagram that shows instance of
classes, their interrelationship and the message flow between them.//// It is typically focus on
the structural organization of objects that send and receive message. It is used to model the
logic of implementation of complex method of a class, particularly one that interacts with a
large number of objects.

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Detail Name:getname()
<<UI>> getDescription()
get info

Register Record

HRM Manager Record officer


3.9. Component Diagram

A uml diagram that shows the soft ware components that comprise an application, system or
enterprise. The components their inter relationship interaction and their interface are
depicted. /// This ‘Component UML’ diagram shows the software relation between the users and
what types of task is performed in graphical manner.//// In this Diagram components of the system
will be wired showing that there is relation among components, management of the system, database
and operations performed on databases such security issue.

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September 14, 2011


Record officer
HRM Manager

Register Employee

Change password
Prepare Experience

Update Record


Search Information

Search Information Prepare Report

Delete Record

Fig3.22 Component Diagram

3.10. Deployment Modeling

This UML deployment diagram that depicts a static view of the run time configuration of
processing node and the components that run on those node. It shows the hardware for your
system, the software that is installed on that hard ware and the middleware used to connect the
machine each other. . It also shows how the software and the hardware components work together.
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Personal computer

Data Base Microsoft





User Interface

Figure3.23. Deployment modeling

3.11. Database Design

Data Base detail

In the database design we identified different types of tables, their attributes, data types and relation
among tables are designed. The tables are listed below:

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Employee-phone phone
PK,FK1 Employee-ID PK phone-ID
Employee PK,FK2 phone-ID
1 1
Address PK Employee-ID extention number
1 1 type
PK address firstName
PK,FK1 Employee-ID 1…* 1 middleName
lastName Employee-company
nationality company
*..1 1 PK,FK1 Employee-ID
PK,FK2 company-ID PK company-ID
1 *..1 1
* department
1 name
Leave sallary
PK Leave-ID
FK Employee-ID

Leavetpye report
Leaveamount login
PK report-id
Leavestart date PK name
Leaveend Date
password reportname

Fig3.24. Database tables in third normal form.

3.12. User interface Design

The user interface of the software is the portion of the soft ware that the user directly interact
with ,including the screen ,reports ,documents and software support .The user interface could
be as simple as possible clear for the user. Here, in this project we use VB 6.0 programming
language to design the interface. Sample user interface

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September 14, 2011

login Main

Register Employee
Enter Text
Enter name

Prepare Leave search

Enter password

Generate report

My profile

Fig3.8. Sample user interfaces


4.1 Program source code

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim Employeeid As String

Dim i As Integer

Employeeid = Text1.Text


Do Until Adodc1.Recordset.EOF

If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("Employeeid") = Text1.Text Then

MsgBox "Employee ID is all ready exist", vbInformation

Exit Sub


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End If


If Text1.Text <> "" Then

If Text2.Text <> "" Then

If Text3.Text <> "" Then

If Text4.Text <> "" Then

If Text5.Text <> "" Then

If Text6.Text <> "" Then

If Text8.Text <> "" Then

If Text9.Text <> "" Then

If Text10.Text <> "" Then

If Text11.Text <> "" Then

If Text12.Text <> "" Then

If Text13.Text <> "" Then

If Text14.Text <> "" Then

If Text15.Text <> "" Then

If Text16.Text <> "" Then

If Text17.Text <> "" Then

If Text18.Text <> "" Then

If Text20.Text <> "" Then

If Text23.Text <> "" Then

If Text25.Text <> "" Then

If Text26.Text <> "" Then

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If Text27.Text <> "" Then

If Text28.Text <> "" Then

If Text30.Text <> "" Then

If Combo1.Text <> "" Then

If Combo2.Text <> "" Then

With Adodc1.Recordset


.Fields("Employeeid") = Text1.Text

.Fields("Firstname") = Text2.Text

.Fields("Middlename") = Text3.Text

.Fields("Lastname") = Text4.Text

.Fields("Dateofbirth") = Text5.Text

.Fields("Placeofbirth") = Text6.Text

.Fields("Nationality") = Combo2.Text

.Fields("Religion") = Text8.Text

.Fields("Ethinicity") = Text9.Text

.Fields("Region") = Text10.Text

.Fields("Zone") = Text25.Text

.Fields("Woreda") = Text26.Text

.Fields("Kebele") = Text27.Text

.Fields("houseno") = Text28.Text

.Fields("Mobile") = Text30.Text

.Fields("Maritalstatus") = Combo1.Text

.Fields("Dateofhire") = Text11.Text

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.Fields("Jobtitle") = Text12.Text

.Fields("Position") = Text13.Text

.Fields("Salary") = Text14.Text

.Fields("Educationalstatus") = Text15.Text

.Fields("Organizationname") = Text16.Text

.Fields("vacancynum") = Text17.Text

.Fields("Contactname") = Text18.Text

.Fields("Contacthouseno") = Text20.Text

.Fields("Contactmobile") = Text23.Text

If (Option1.Value = True) Then

.Fields("Sex") = "Male"

End If

If (Option2.Value = True) Then

.Fields("Sex") = "Female"

End If


MsgBox "Employee record is added", vbInformation

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = ""

Text4.Text = ""

Text5.Text = ""

Text6.Text = ""

Text8.Text = ""

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Text9.Text = ""

Text10.Text = ""

Text11.Text = ""

Text12.Text = ""

Text13.Text = ""

Text14.Text = ""

Text15.Text = ""

Text16.Text = ""

Text17.Text = ""

Text18.Text = ""

Text20.Text = ""

Text23.Text = ""

Text25.Text = ""

Text26.Text = ""

Text27.Text = ""

Text28.Text = ""

Text30.Text = ""

Combo1.Text = ""

Combo2.Text = ""

Option1.Value = False

Option2.Value = False


On Error GoTo i


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End With


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


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MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


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MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


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MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If


MsgBox "make sure all fields are filled", vbCritical

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()



End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()



End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()




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End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()



End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

Check1.Value = 1


End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

Check2.Value = 1


End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then

Exit Sub



MsgBox "Employee ID take only Number", vbInformation

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text14_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then

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Exit Sub



MsgBox "Salary takes only Currency", vbInformation

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text17_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then

Exit Sub



MsgBox "Vacancy No take only Number", vbInformation

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text23_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then

Exit Sub



MsgBox "It takes only Number", vbInformation

KeyAscii = 0

End If

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End Sub

Private Sub Text20_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then

Exit Sub



MsgBox "It takes only Number", vbInformation

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text28_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then

Exit Sub



MsgBox "House No take only Number", vbInformation

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text30_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii >= 48 And KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then

Exit Sub



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MsgBox "Mobile take only Number", vbInformation

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim Employeeid As String

Employeeid = Text1.Text


With Adodc1.Recordset

If .RecordCount = 0 Then

MsgBox "The table is with empty records to be deleted!!!", vbOKOnly



Do Until .EOF

If .Fields("Employeeid") = Text1.Text Then

X = MsgBox("Are you sure to delete this Employee", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)

If X = vbYes Then



Do Until Adodc1.Recordset.EOF

If Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("Employeeid") = Text1.Text Then




Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011




End If


Text1.Text = ""

Exit Sub


Exit Sub

End If



End If


MsgBox "Record not found", vbInformation

End If


End With

End Sub

4.2 Database schema source code

There is no database schema source code because we use Ms-access database software which has
a graphical user interface.

4.3 Testing

This project is a database application project. The main operations are inserting, updating,
deleting and retrieving data from the Microsoft Access Database. Therefore, the following

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

sections shows how testing is performed based on these four basic database retrieval and
manipulation operations.

Unit testing

The individual subroutines that this project constitutes falls one of the following groups

 A subroutine to add data to the database

 A subroutine to retrieve data from the database
 A subroutine to delete data from the database
 A subroutine to search a data in the database

Testing for data insertion

While considering these subroutines we have tested the system for the following cases

 Whether the system checks or not required fields i.e. fields that cannot be empty
 Whether the system check or not invalid input types such as preventing users from
inserting text inputs while numeric input is expected.

Testing for data retrieval

While considering these subroutines we have tested the system for the following cases

 While accepting the search criteria, whether the system checks or not for a valid
searching criteria.
 Whether the system outputs the expected result or not.

Testing for delete operation

While considering these subroutines we have tested the system for the following cases

 While accepting the criteria for deletion, whether the system checks or not for a valid
 Whether the system prompt the user or not for delete confirmation.
 And whether the deletion is performed or not

4.3.2 Integration testing

This system contains several related tables. So the above subroutines which have been tested
individually are tested again to see if they are working correctly in integrated manner.

Testing for insertion, update, delete and retrieval

While performing integration testing we have considered the following cases

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members
Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

 For related tables insertion will not be performed until the corresponding data is inserted
in the related table.
 While deleting the corresponding data in the related table will be removed.
 While updating the corresponding data in the related table will be updated accordingly as
 While searching and generating report the system outputs data by combining different
information from different tables.


As specified above, since the project is a database application, the four common operations are,
insertion, delete, update, and retrieve different information from the database. Therefore, the
functionality of the system is tested on these common operations as specified above.

Error Handling

The error handling capability of the system is tested by considering different test cases such as,
the system should not accept as input string or character values while numeric values are
expected, the system should not allow empty values to be inserted in the required fields, the
system should not allow non date values to be inserted in cases where date data value is required.

5 Conclusions and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

An effort has been made to study human resource management system of Debre Berhan
University as partial fulfillment of BED degree in Information Technology.

In doing the study the team has tried to follow object oriented system analysis and design
methodology. Since the success and failure of any system depends on gathering the right
information through different fact-finding techniques, the team has made the best effort to gather
information. After a detail study of the existing system models have been designed to reflect the
new system that is suppose to solve problems.

In order to solve different problems existed the team has tried to propose a solution that at least
reduce the existing problems and model the proposed system using different tools and
methodology. The team believes that different tools and methodologies have helped to model the

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

right system and also it will facilitate the achievement that facilitates the achievement of
providing high quality service for the company’s employee.

5.2 Recommendation

Now days, the world is highly becoming a competitive world. Organization has to diver their
attention on using the recent technology to successfully achieve their objective and to create
effective working environment. As we describe in this document almost all activities of the
organization is done on manual basis. From the various facts, that constitute the project, the
following recommendation has come.

 Attention should be given to the existing practice in the design, development and
utilization of the new system.
 Behavioral chance of the users of the system to adapt the new system
 Budget should be allocated to take specific measure
 To avoid shortage of computer hardware equipment like printer…
 To have standardize database.
5.3 Limitation
Our project has been highly constrained by the time factor. We became limited to work with
some functionalities of our project and also to add additional supportive reports to the
5.4 Constraints

The project cannot be developed as in initially planned. This project may encounter some
constraints like resource and time constraints which can lag the project development process.

 The right material & their technical description was not sufficiently available
 Time:- the duration given for the project was not be sufficient

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

Key terms
Activity diagram:-Diagrams show the flow of activities. It clearly shows the business process of
the system.

Actor: external factors that interact with the system. An actor is someone who can initiate use

Attribute: Characteristics of a named type.

Class: -A description of a group of objects which share the same attributes operation,
relationship, and Semantics

Class Relation:-It shows the relation between the objects.

Component Diagram: - This diagram shows a map of the physical, hard, soft ware component
(as opposed to the logical view expressed by the package diagram).It shows the software
interaction between users.

Sequence Diagram: - It shows the sequence activities of the system.

Use case: It is the functionality of the system. Use case is the scope of the system.

Use case diagram- It shows how the actors interact with the system.

User interface: - It helps the users to access the system.

UML: - A unified Modeling Language; It shows the interaction and the relation of objects

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

[1]. David A. Gustafson. Software Engineering.

[2].Whiteten, jeffesy1, system analysis and designing method, Fifth edition

[3].Jeffery A.Hoffe, Joey F.George, Joseph S.Valacich, Modern System Analysis And Design,
4th edition

[4].David Jung, Pierre Boutquin, John D.Conly III, Loren Eidani, Lowell Maller, Jack Purdum,
The White Group’s Visual Basics 6 Super Bible, Fourth edition.

[5].Ali Bahrami (1999) Object oriented system design

[6]Ariadne (2001), Object Oriented Analysis and Designing using UML
[7].Cood, P,and E.Yourdon(1991).object oriented analysis.2nd ed. Prentice hall. new York
[8].Programming visual basic

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

Debre Berhan University (Human Resource management System)
September 14, 2011

HRM-Human resource management

OS-Operating system

RAM-Random access memory

CD-Compact disk

HD-Hard disk

OOP-Object oriented programming

UML-Unified modeling language

Developed by CDDEGGMT group members

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