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Chronomedicine: A Unique Concept to

75 Manage Human Diseases

Anuj Maheshwari, Narsingh Verma

ABSTRACT If we can really understand the basic rhythms of human

Understanding of basic rhythm of human body body, we can get our health enhanced in a way never
can enhance health unexpectedly. The science of expected before. The field of chronomedicine explores
chronomedicine explores the interaction between the interaction between biological rhythms, medicine and
biological rhythms, medicine and drugs. cardiovascular drugs. Greater extent of cardiovascular variations can
variations can serve as endpoints for preventive as well also be exploited as endpoints for preventive as well as
as curative health care. Endogenously regulated daily curative health care. Implementation of chronomedicine
cyclic rhythms of body are known as circadian rhythms. with molecular medicine is also being explored.
Apart from this many biological cycles are exogenously The founder of chronomedicine was Franz Halberg
regulated like light and dark or day and night. many a (1919–2013) he developed the technique of chronobiology
times they are organizing force for endogenous cycles. which included chronomics, chronoastrobiology, and
Everyday human body experiences of being hungry, chronobioethics. He coined the term circadian, after
tired, active, listless or energized at regular interval. Body documenting that biologic rhythms tip the scale between
temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure and urine flow health and disease and even between life and death.
cycle rhythmically change throughout the day. Levels of
many hormones, for example ACTH-cortisol, thyroid- The daily peripheral activities of the organs are dependent
stimulating hormone (TSH) and growth hormone (GH), on the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) while interacting
rise and fall in a daily rhythmic pattern. It is relatively with the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems. It
predictable too and governed partially by exposure to is reset by alternating light and dark through the retino-
sunlight and darkness being dependent on melatonin hypothalamic tract. Feeding time and scheduled exercise
secretion. These daily cycles work to facilitate human can also trigger the mammalian circadian system.
body functions. We try to disrupt these cycles in many
ways in our modern living and invite illnesses arising
Cyclic changes marked on a daily basis are known as
out of desynchronization from natural atmosphere.
the circadian rhythm. They are regulated endogenously
Knowledge of these cycles helps in dispensing medicines
and move through approximately 24-hours. They can be
at a time when it can be most effective or really needed
regarded as probably the best known of the natural cycles.
by human body. Ultimately it contributes in developing
They can be further broken down into routine cycles of
effective  chronopreventive and  chronotherapeutic
different time intervals.
Diurnal, which describes organisms active during daytime
Chronomedicine is best defined as the application
of chronobiology in order to understand the pattern • Diurnal which describes organisms active during
of disease, which can be related to disturbances of daytime.
circadian rhythm. Chronobiology is derived from three
• Nocturnal, which describes organisms active in the
different words ‘chromos’ means‘time’; ‘bio’ means‘life’;
and  ‘logos’ mean‘science’. Thus it can be inferred that
chronobiology is the science to discover the variability in • Crepuscular, which describes organisms primarily
the functioning of the human body. active during the dawn and dusk hours like certain
Time is divided into various frames known as chronomes.
Chronomes contain the major incidents in that time frame Many biological cycles are regulated exogenously, many
(only the deterministic events are marked) They are external factors play an important role in regulating our
mapped by chronomics as the reference values for both body rhythms which is evident by the behavior of our
an applied chronomedicine and a basic chronobiology. body towards heat and cold weathers throughout the
Chronomics quantify health and helps in identifying year.Researches show that these external forces may have
new disease risks. They are important tool to diagnose greater influence on the body and may also contribute
predisease and overt illness, enabling timely and timed in the organizing of the body during endogenous cycles.
treatment. They are also instrumental in validating the The name given to such external (exogenous) forces is
short- and long-term efficacy of a given treatment on an zeitgebers (a german word meaning ‘time givers’). Rightly
inferential statistical individualized as well as population said, these forces which include sunlight, noise, social
416 interaction and conventions such as meal times as well as governed in part by exposure to sunlight and darkness.
man-made devices such as alarm clocks. These daily cycles work to our advantage.
Some of the other rhythms include: ARE WE LOSING THIS INTERACTION?
• Infradian rhythms:They are the cycles lasting In the modern world it is very difficult to keep in touch
longer than a day such as the monthly cycle of with the regular natural cycles and the circadian cycles are
mensuration in females or start or stop of hormones generally ignored or altered to the ease of the individual
at a particular age. like women taking birth control pills which also alter
their menstrual cycle, or staying awake during night and
• Ultradian rhythms: They are the set of cycles which sleeping/wakening up late. The natural circadian cycles
last less than a day such as the 90-minute REM cycle have also been altered due to our changing habitat; we
and the 3-hour cycle of growth hormone production. live in era where A/Cs provide cooling during summers

• Tidal rhythms:It is observed in tidal or aquatic life and we have heaters to provide warmth during winters, as
which follow the 12.4hours cycle between high and such the natural cycles of temperature and weather. It can
low tides. be said that we have started to command our nature and
stopped being the slave of our circadian cycles. At first, it
• Lunar rhythms:They follow the cycle of 29.4 days might not occur that the body is losing the synchronization
or the monthly e.g. lunar cycle and aquatic life and but the increasing digestive problems and problems of
migration. headache and other mild disease show the impact of the
• Gene oscillations:Some genes are expressed more imbalance created by the modern lifestyle.
during certain hours of the day than during other
‘Jet lag’ is a very commonly known desynchronisation
• Circasemidian Rhythms: it is12 hour cycle. “Post which occurd due to imbalance caused by changing of
lunch dip” is good example of its loss time zones and the light and dark cycles. The symptoms
• Circaseptan rhythm: are weekly rhythms of jet lag are easily evident and very common because
the body also loses the synchronization with the earth’s
• Circasemiseptan: half-weekly cycles spin. Earth spins form west to east taking a flight against
Acrophase is the period of time when the process is this direction i.e. east to west, would lead to far severe
most active, and bathyphase or troughphase when it is disruption of the circadian cycle.
least active. The particular moment of highest activity
is the peak or maximum; the lowest point is the nadir.
Apart from travelling across time zone, many other
How high (or low) the process gets is measured by
things can leave a person out of synchronization like
the amplitude.
keeping awake up to late hours for partying, studying
The cycles can be huge such as the temperature cycle over and working in shift job. It is very commonly seen in
the time of an year or small cycles of light and dark over teenagers. Evidences suggest it has dumbing-down
a day. All the cycles are synchronised with other cycles effect on younger generation. It is a proven fact that age
to create a natural rhythm. It can be clearly observed has a significant effect on the number of hours required
as the body temperature cycle, cardiac cycle is in sync to sleep, teenagers need almost 9.5 hours while an adult
with our sleep-wake cycle. Some of the circadian cycles requires not more than 7 hours of sleep. One of the major
are controlled by the internal hormonal activities while reasons for such behavior is that teenagers circadian cycle
some others are controlled by the exogenous stimuli. is longer due to higher release of hormones and more
Throughout the animal kingdom, various cycles can physical pressure. Due to change in lifestyles melatonin
be observed and the result of various exogenous and enzyme to induce sleep is delayed at night due to which
endogenous cycles can be observed. loss of sleep is witnessed.

HOW DO THESE CYCLES INTERACT WITH CIRCADIAN The activity level of teenagers and the daily schedule for
academics or purpose of recreation put the children under
RHYTHM? a lot of pressure and therefore they might not be able to
The cycles are continuously in motion or keep revolving
give their 100% in any of the fields. Researchers have
in order to maintain the circadian rhythm or simply to say
proved that the teenagers are deprived of night’s sleep
that the cycles are the basic defining regularities. Every
by almost three hours per day. It has also been found
day we might experience change in body temperature
that change in school timings which allowed students
and energy levels, the urination cycle is not exact same
to complete their sleep requirements was reported with
for two individuals nor is same for two consecutive
higher results and lower behavioral problem.
days. Levels of many hormones, such as ACTH-cortisol,
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and growth hormone POST-LUNCH DIP: A LOSS TO CIRCASEMIDIAN RHYTHMS
(GH), also rise and fall in this relatively predictable, daily Post lunch dip (PLD)a common experience of energy dip
rhythmic pattern. This rhythmic pattern is initiated and faced by all of us at some part of the day where you might
be under the urge to sleep after lunch and the situation
might be worsen by inappropriate food choices such as secreted exclusively at night and also the level of secretion 417
high glycaemic index snacks and meals. Research provides is affected by the length of day and the season, it is found
enough evidence to support that the brain signals during that the melatonin levels are higher during winters, when
REM and PLD have significant similarity and it is not just days are shorter thus reducing activity and inducing
a nutritional phenomenon. This also supports the fact sleep or laziness. Melatonin levels usually decrease with
that PLD is a 12 hourly or circasemidian fluctuation in age. But seasonal shifts are also seen in elderly. SAD may
our sleep–wake cycle. worsen with age. Natural or artificial sunlight especially
in the early morning, improves mental health as it
ULTRADIAN RHYTHMS FLUCTUATIONS suppresses melatonin production.
Alteration in mood can also be related to the circadian
cycle and ultradian rhythm for more significant results. Annual cycles are not only difficult but expensive also to
Each circadian cycle consist of much shorter ultradian study, than the shorter circadian cycles. However research
rhythms, ranging up to 90 minutes. We might experience has proved seasonal fluctuations in other hormones

many peaks and lows of during the day. too. Women with breast cancer have abnormal annual
fluctuations in level of prolactin hormone if it is compared
Many ultadian cycles are so small that they cannot with healthy women. In another study of ‘cancer
be noticed but one of such changes can be seen in skin chromatics’, blood samples drawn at different points of
throughout the day. year from women have shown not only it was natural
Many other ultradian rhythms simply get ignored because annual cycle of prolactin but also thyroid stimulating
of the fast-paced lifestyles we like to lead. However when hormone (TSH) lost in women who developed breast
we are asleep they are quite pronounced. Throughout cancer.
the night or whenever we sleep, our bodies go through
an approximately 90-minute cycle involving REM (rapid
Medicine dosage is very much dependent on the time
eye movement, or dream) sleep and non-REM (deep)
during which the drug has been consumed, it has been
sleep periods. Disruption of these REM cycles can lead to
proved by studies that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
insomnia, fatigue, loss of concentration and memory and
drugs (NSAIDs) may be less dangerous to the stomach
mood disorders.
lining when taken at night rather than day. In one study
of individuals with osteoarthritis the incidence of adverse
LONGER CYCLES (CIRCASEPTAN RHYTHM) effects was cut in half when NSAIDs were taken at night
There exist longer and more evident rhythms called
instead of in the morning and there is some evidence that
circaseptan or weekly rhythms. Though the prevalence
morning pain can also be controlled by taking NSAIDs at
of the circaseptan rhythms is very low, yet scientists
believe that they do occur and have observed higher rate
of rejection in transplant patients during seven, fourteen Profound cardiac rhythms can be observed in frequency
and twenty-one days after surgery. and intensity of symptoms in arthritic diseases such
as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing
Some evidences of such responses being governed by
spondylitis and gout. People suffering from rheumatoid
geomagnetic activity are present and thus can be related
arthritis have reported higher severity of joint pain
to semi-weekly or circasemiseptan cycles. Some studies
swelling and stiffness during mornings while those with
show that the blood pressure shows some unknown
osteoarthritis reported higher pain during night.
synchronization with the time of birth and thus this
phenomena is named ‘locking up’ with earth. Heartburn and ulcers get worse at night during 10 PM to 2
AM, this can be related to secretion of stomach acid which
SOME LONGER CYCLES is 2–3 times higher than during the day.These night-time
• Infradian Cycles: These are the cycles’ lasting from rises are the result of a circadian rhythm of stomach acid
28 days to a month they include the most obvious production so if the medicine is given at same time it is
menstrual cycle with its cyclically fluctuating levels more effective.
of estrogen and progesterone.
Sychronization with the circadian rhythms is found
• Circalunar Cycle: For some women their monthly to be far more advantageous when compared to other
menstruation also follows this lunar cycle, though treatments for cardiovascular diseases or certain diseases
opinion is divided on whether the menstrual cycle such as asthma etc.
will naturally, in the absence of modern disruptions,
synchronise with the normal lunar cycle. Most of the medical conditions show a diurnal pattern in
clinical features and grave nonfatal and fatal outcomes
SEASONAL CHANGES e.g., respiratory ones of viral and allergic rhinorrhea,
There exist a circannual cycle which is revealed by the reversible (asthma) and non-reversible (bronchitis and
seasonal change in flowers or behavior of animals. emphysema) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
cystic fibrosis, high altitude pulmonary edema, and
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, or winter depression)
decompression sickness; cardiac ones of atrial premature
is a disorder which can be related to the length of the day,
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