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Signals and Systems - Final Exam

Biomedical Engineering Degree

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
January 13, 2015

Problem 1 (1 pt)
Calculate the energy and power of the following signal:

1 + t −1 ≤ t < 0

x(t) = 1 − t 0 ≤ t < 1

0 otherwise

Problem 2 (2 pt)
Consider a house equipped with an intelligent heating unit that estimates the
indoor temperature from an outdoor thermometer and eventually activates the
radiators if necessary. Let us denote with y[n] the average indoor temperature
and x[n] the outdoor temperature, where n denotes the day. Due to the ther-
mal inertia, the indoor temperature is given not only by the present outdoor
temperature, but also by its previous values. Suppose that, for this particular
house, the following model is found to be accurate:

y[n] = 0.5x[n] + 0.3x[n − 1] + 0.2x[n − 2]

1. Find the response to the impulse h[n] of the system that describes y[n]
from x[n].

2. Express y[n] in terms of h[n] and x[n] and obtain the values for y[n]
given that x[n] = [0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0] ◦ C for n = 0, 1, . . . , 6. (Assume that
x[n] = 0 ◦ C also for n < 0).
3. Is this transformation causal? Justify.

Problem 3 (1 pt)
Determine the signal x[n] with this characterization in the frequency domain:
X(ejω ) = sin ω + + cos3 2ω


Problem 4 (2.5 pt)
Consider a musical instrument such that its waveform can be expressed as

X cos(kω0 t)
x(t) =

where ω0 is the fundamental frequency corresponding to a given note.

1. Obtain the Fourier Series coefficients.

2. Obtain the power of x(t).
3. Suppose that x(t) is filtered with an ideal low-pass filter. This is equivalent
to truncating the sequence ak so that only the coefficients with −K ≤
k ≤ K are preserved. Determine the value of K that guarantees that
the distortion applied to the signal has less than 10% the power of the
original x(t) (in other words, 90 % of the power of x(t) is preserved after
the filtering).

Problem 5 (2 pts)
A real signal to be digitized, y(t), is composed by the addition of two, the desired
signal x(t) and a noise signal n(t), y(t) = x(t) + n(t). x(t) is a low-pass signal
with X(jω) = 0 for |ω| ≥ 1000π. n(t) is a wide-band noise with |N (jω)| = N0
for |ω| < 1010 π and N (jω) = 0 for |ω| > 1010 π.
The global aim is to obtain a discrete yd [n] = x[n] + nd [n], where x[n] ≡
x( 1000 ), and the energy of nd [n] should be the lowest possible. yd [n] is obtained
from y(t) by the processing scheme shown below

CT ideal Impulse- Conversion DT ideal

low pass train to a low pass
by N
filter sampling sequence filter

The continuous time low pass filter has unity gain and a cutoff frequency of
19000π. The system parameters to be determined are the sampling period T
employed in the ideal impulse-train sampling, the gain and cutoff frequency of
the discrete time low pass filter, and the decimation factor, N .
Determine the maximum sampling period T , and the rest of the parameters
to fulfill the global aim.

Problem 6 (1.5 pts)

Consider the LTI system described by the difference equation
1 1
y[n] − y[n − 1] + y[n − 2] = x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2]
2 2
1. Determine the system transfer function H(z).
2. Sketch the pole-zero diagram of the transfer function.
3. Does the system admit a causal stable implementation? Why?

Appendix: some useful formula
X 1 − rN
rn = r

cos(a + b) + cos(a − b)
cos(a) cos(b) =
1 + cos(2a)
cos2 (a) =

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