WOOT Problem of The Day PDF
WOOT Problem of The Day PDF
WOOT Problem of The Day PDF
Define the sequence an = n for n = 0, 1, . . . 4 and an = an−1 + an−5 for n ≥ 5. Suppose that r1 , r2 , r3 are the
respective remainders when a50 , a100 , a150 are divided by 5. Find 100 · r1 + 10 · r2 + r3
Let f be a bijection from the set of nonnegative integers to itself. Show that there exist infinitely many triples of
nonnegative integers (a, b, c) with f (a) + f (c) = 2f (b) and a < b < c.
Let n be a positive integer and S the set of all points (x, y) where x and y are positive integers with x ≤ n, y ≤ n.
Assume that T is the set of all squares whose vertices belong to S. Let ak be the number of pairs of points P, Q ∈ S
such that there exist exactly k squares in T that have P and Q as two of their vertices. Prove that a0 = a2 + 2a3 .
Consider a regular 10-gon A1 A2 . . . A10 inscribed in a circle of radius 1. Let Bi be the projection of Ai onto the line
A1 A6 for 1 ≤ i ≤ 10. The quantity
2 2 2
B1 B2 + B2 B3 + . . . + B10 B1
a− b
can be expressed in the form c for positive integers a, b, c and a, c relatively prime. Find a + b + c.
Find all positive integers n > 1 such that one can choose n distinct positive integers and arrange them in a circle,
so that for any pair of adjacent numbers, the larger divided by the smaller is a prime.
Let n be a positive integer greater than or equal to 3, and let a1 , a2 , . . . an be nonnegative real numbers with
a1 + a2 + . . . + an = 1. Find the maximum value of a21 a2 + a22 a3 + · · · + a2n−1 an + a2n a1 .
For any positive integer n, let f (n) denote the number of 1’s in the base-2 representation of n. For a nonnegative
integer k let ak be the number of values of n with 0 ≤ n ≤ 1023 for which f (n) − k = f (n + 1) − 1. Compute the
infinite sum a1 + 2a2 + 3a3 + 4a4 + . . ..
A convex pentagon is partitioned by its diagonals into eleven regions: one pentagon and ten triangles. What is the
maximum number of those triangles that can have equal areas?
Let f be a nonconstant rational function over the real numbers (rational meaning a function of the form p(x)/q(x)
with p, q polynomials). Suppose there exists a real number a such that [f (x)]2 − a = f (x2 ) and that f (3) is a
positive integer less than 1000. Find the maximum possible value of f (3).
N 3 unit cubes are drilled through along their diagonals and strung on a thread whose ends are then connected to
form a ”necklace” such that the vertices of adjacent cubes touch each other. For what N is it possible to pack this
necklace into an N × N × N box? (Equivalently: when does the graph corresponding to an N × N × N cube have a
Hamiltonian cycle?)
Determine all positive integers n for which there exists an infinite subset A of The set N of positive integers such
that for all pairwise distinct a1 , . . . an ∈ A the numbers a1 + a2 + · · · + an and a1 · a2 · · · an are coprime.
Let ABCD and F GHE be opposite faces of a unit cube such that AF, BG, CH, DE are edges of the cube. Let P
be the midpoint of AB, Q the midpoint of HE, M the midpoint of√BC, and N the midpoint of EF . Let AM meet
CP at X and HN meet F Q at Y . Suppose the length of XY is a b/c, where a, c are relatively prime positive
integers and b is a positive integer not divisible by the square of a prime. Find a + b + c.
Let n, p be natural numbers with n ≥ 6 and 3 ≤ p ≤ n − p. The vertices of a regular n-gon are colored with red and
black, p vertices colored red and n − p colored black. Show that there exists two congruent polygons of at least
⌊p/2⌋ + 1 vertices, one having all red vertices and the other all black.
Let S be the set of ordered pairs m and n be positive integers with m < n ≤ 100 such that
lcm[m, n] + gcd[m, n] = m + n.
Two equal-radii circles with centers O1 and O2 intersect each other at P and Q. O is the midpoint of the common
chord P Q. Two lines AB and CD are drawn through P , not coinciding with P Q, such that A and C lie on circle
O1 and B and D lie on circle O2 . M and N are the midpoints of segments AD and BC respectively. Suppose that
O1 and O2 are not in the common part of the two circles, and O does not coincide with M or N . Prove that M , N ,
O are collinear.
Let N be the number of ways one can arrange the letters of MISSISSIPPI so no two Ss or Ps are consecutive. Find
Let p > 5 be a prime number. Consider the sequence
p − 1, p − 4, p − 9, p − 16, . . .
Prove that there are two terms of this sequence, both greater than 1, such that one divides the other.
Given two points on the plane a distance 1 apart, we construct more points by intersecting lines and circles in the
following ways: a) Given any two already constructed points, we may draw a circle with radius equal to the
distance between these points, with center at an already constructed point. b) Given any two already constructed
points, we may draw a line through them.
Let C(n) denote the least number of circles that must be drawn so that we can construct two points which are n
units apart. Let RC(n) denote the least number of curves (circles and/or lines) that must be drawn so that we can
construct two points which are n units apart. Prove that the sequence C(n)/RC(n) is unbounded.
Let θ > 0 be the smallest acute angle for which sin θ, sin(2θ), sin(3θ), when sorted in increasing order, form an
arithmetic progression. Given that cos2 θ2 = m
n for relatively prime positive integers m, n, find m + n.
Call positive integers similar if they are written using the same set of digits. For example, for the set 1,1,2 the
similar numbers are 112, 121, and 211. Prove that there exist 3 similar 2010-digit numbers a, b, c with no zeros such
that a + b = c.
Let n ≥ 3 be an integer and p ≥ 2n − 3 a prime. Let M be a set of n points in the plane, no three collinear, and let
f : M → {0, 1, 2, . . . p − 1} be a function such that: (i) at most one point of M maps to 0, and (ii) for any circle ω
which contains at least three points of M , the sum of the values of f taken over all the points in M lying on ω is
divisible by p.
Let ABCD be a square of unit side length. Inscribe a circle C0 tangent to all of the sides of the square. For each
positive integer n, draw a circle Cn that is externally tangent to Cn−1 and also tangent to sides AB and AD.
√ ri is the radius of circle Ci for every nonnegative integer i. The value of r0 /r100 can be expressed as
(1 + a)b for positive integers a, b with a not divisible by the square of any prime. Find a + b.
An n × n board is colored in n colors such that the main diagonal (from top-left to bottom-right) is colored with
the first color; the two adjacent diagonals are colored with the second color; the two next diagonals (one from above
and one from below) are colored with the third color, and so on until the two corners (top-right and bottom-left)
are colored with the nth color.
It happens that it is possible to place on the board n rooks such that no two attack each other and no two stand on
cells of the same color. Prove that n does not leave a remainder of 2 or 3 when divided by 4.
Call a lattice point (point on the plane with integer coordinates) visible if the line segment connecting it to the
origin passes through no other lattice points. Let d be any real number. Show there exists a visible lattice point P
such that the distance between P and any other visible lattice point is at least d.
The 100th degree polynomial P (x) satisfies P (2k ) = k for k = 0, 1, . . . 100. Let a denote the leading coefficient of
P (x). Let M be the unique integer such that 2M < |a| < 2M +1 . Find the last three digits of |M |.
Given that A, B, and C are noncollinear points in the plane with integer coordinates such that the distances
AB, AC, and BC are integers, what is the smallest possible value of AB?
Let p be a positive integer greater than 1. Find the number of matrices with m rows and n columns whose entries
come from the set {1, 2, . . . , p} such that the sum of elements in each row and each column is not divisible by p.
Let p be a prime and n a positive integer not divisible by p. Compute the residue of
Find all pairs of polynomials p(x) and q(x) with real coefficients for which
Let ak be the number of ordered 10-tuples (x1 , ..., x10 ) of nonnegative integers such that
1 + 2t + 3t + · · · + 9t − 3(1 + 6t + 8t )
is divisible by 18.
Let ABCD be a parallelogram such that angle DAB is acute. Let P be a point on the circumcircle of ABD lying
on the minor arc AB. Lines AP and CD intersect in Q, and point O is the circumcenter of the triangle CP Q.
Assume D and O are distinct. Prove that ∠ADO = 90◦ .
The positive integers 1776, 2010, 1776, 2010 are written on a blackboard in that order. A generalized Euclidean
algorithm is applied to this quadruple as follows: if the numbers x, y, u, v appear on the board in that order and
x > y, then they are replaced by x − y, y, u + v, v. Otherwise, they are replaced by x, y − x, u, v + u. As soon as the
first two numbers are equal, the process stops. When this occurs, find the last three digits of the sum of the third
and fourth numbers.
On a blackboard there are n ≥ 2, n ∈ Z+ positive integers. In each step we select two numbers from the blackboard
and replace both of them by their sum. Determine all numbers n for which it is possible to yield n identical
numbers after a finite number of steps.
Let A, B, C, and D be points on a circle, in that order, such that AD is a diameter of the circle. Let E be the
←→ ←→ ←→ ←→ ←→ ←→
intersection of AB and DC, let F be the intersection of AC and BD, and let G be the intersection of EF and AD.
If AD = 15, AE = 14, and DE = 11, compute the square of the length of EG.
8 students took part in exam that contains 8 questions. If it is known that each question was solved by at least 5
students, prove that we can always find 2 students such that each of the questions was solved by at least one of
Suppose n ≥ 3 is a positive integer and S = {1, 2, . . . , n}. Denote by S k the set of k-tuples of elements of S.
Suppose we have a function f : S k → S such that if (a1 , a2 , . . . ak ), (b1 , b2 , . . . bk ) ∈ S k and ai 6= bi for all i, then
f (a1 , a2 , . . . ak ) 6= f (b1 , b2 , . . . bk ). Show that there exists an i, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, and a function g : S → S such that
f (a1 , a2 , . . . ak ) = g(ai ) for all a1 , a2 , . . . ak ∈ S.
Consider the sequence of numbers 24, 2534, 253534, 25353534, 2535353534, . . . . Let N be the first number in the
sequence that is divisible by 99. Compute the number of digits of N .
Let n be an odd positive integer. Each cell of an n × n array has a real number whose absolute value is less than
one. The sum of the numbers in each 2 × 2 square is zero. Show that the sum of all the numbers in the array is less
than n.
A positive integer n ≥ 3 is said to be special if there exists a polygon with n sides such that all of its angles are
equal and its sides are equal to 1, 2, . . . , n, not necessarily in that order. a) Show that n is special if it is not a
power of a prime. (that is, not of the form pk for prime p and positive integer k) b) Show that n is not special if it
is a power of a prime.
A bank has 12 senior executive officers. Each officer has an access card to the bank’s vault. There are m distinct
codes in the magnetic strip of each access card. To open the vault, each officer who is present puts his access card
in the vault’s electronic lock. The computer system then collects all of the distinct codes on the cards, and the
vault is unlocked if and only if the set of the codes matches the set of n (distinct) preassigned codes. For security
reasons, the bank’s vault can be opened if and only if at least half of the senior officers are present. If n and m are
such that n is minimal, find the remainder when m + n is divided by 1000.
Let F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 for n ≥ 2 be the Fibonacci sequence. Suppose n, m are such that
Fn2 | Fm . Show that Fn | m.
Let v1 , v2 , . . . v95 be vectors in 3D space whose x, y, z coordinates all have absolute value at most 1. Show that
there exists a sequence e1 , e2 , . . . e95 with all ei ∈ {−1, 1} such that
|e1 v1 + e2 v2 + . . . + e95 v95 | ≤ 12.
(Here if v = (a, b, c) then |v| = a2 + b2 + c2 .)
Choose three random distinct vertices A, B, C from a regular 123-gon. The probability that triangle ABC is obtuse
can be expressed as m
n for relatively prime positive integers m and n. Find m + n.
Find all positive integers k such that there are k pairwise distinct primes whose squares sum to 2010.
where [r] is the greatest integer not exceeding r. Find all irrational numbers α > 1 satisfying the following: if a
positive real number β is such that A(α) contains A(β), then α is integer.
A convex octahedron in Cartesian space contains the origin in its interior. Two of its√vertices
√ are
√on the x-axis, two
are on the y-axis, and two are on the
√ z-axis.
√ One triangular
√ face F has side lengths 17, 37, 52. A second
triangular face F ′ has side lengths 13, 29, and 34. Let V = m/n be the minimum possible volume of the
octahedron, where m and n are positive integers such that gcd(m, n) = 1. Find m + n.
Let a0 , a1 , . . . an be integers, not all zero, such that ai ≥ −1 for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n. Prove that if
a0 + 2a1 + 22 a2 + · · · + 2n an = 0,
then a0 + a1 + · · · + an > 0.
Let a be a fixed positive integer. Prove that the set of prime divisors of 22 + a for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . is infinite.
Some 1 × 2 dominoes, each covering two adjacent unit squares, are placed on a board of size n × n such that no two
of them touch (not even at a corner). Given that the total area covered by the dominoes is 2008, find the least
possible value of n.
Let a, b, c be three positive reals such that (a + b)(b + c)(c + a) = 1. Prove that the following inequality holds:
ab + bc + ca ≤ .
Isosceles triangles A3 A1 O2 and A1 A2 O3 are constructed on the sides of a triangle A1 A2 A3 as the bases, outside the
triangle. Let O1 be a point outside ∆A1 A2 A3 such that
1 1
∠O1 A3 A2 = ∠A1 O3 A2 , ∠O1 A2 A3 = ∠A1 O2 A3 .
2 2
A1 O 1
Prove that (a) A1 O1 ⊥ O2 O3 . (b) if T is the projection of O1 onto A2 A3 , then O2 O3 = 2 AO21AT3 .
The expression below has six empty boxes. Each box is to be filled with a number from 1 to 6, where all six
numbers are used exactly once, and then the expression is evaluated. What is the maximum possible final result
that can be achieved?
Let m, n be positive integers such that m < n. The numbers 1, 2, ..., n2 are arranged in an n × n board. In each
row, the m largest numbers are given a red mark. In each column the m largest numbers are given a blue mark.
Find the minimum number of cells that are given both kinds of marks.
Let x, y be positive integers such that gcd(x, y) = 1 and x + 3y 2 is a perfect square. Prove that x2 + 9y 4 can’t be a
perfect square.
A point P is given in the square ABCD such that P A = 3, P B = 7 and P D = 5. Find the area of the square.
Determine all polynomials p(x) with real coefficients such that p((x + 1)3 ) = (p(x) + 1)3 and p(0) = 0.
Let n be a positive integer. There are n websites numbered 1, 2, . . . n, such that website i can link to website j only
if i < j. At first, the only links are that for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, website i has a link to website i + 1. Prove that there is a
way to add at most 3(n − 1) log2 (log2 n) links to the websites so that for any i, j with i < j, website j is reachable
from website i by clicking at most three links.
Find the number of pairs of positive integers a, b with a ≤ 125 and b ≤ 100, such that ab − 1 is divisible by 125.
Inside a convex quadrilateral ABCD there is a point P such that the triangles P AB, P BC, P CD, P DA have equal
areas. Prove that the area of ABCD is bisected by one of the diagonals.
Given an integer k, where k > 1, prove that the equation mn + nr + mr = k(m + n + r) has at least 3k + 1 positive
integer solutions (m, n, r).
A regular 2010-gon is cut into 2008 triangles by drawing 2007 nonintersecting diagonals. These triangles are
colored white and black so that any two triangles sharing a side are colored differently. Find the smallest possible
number of black triangles.
Suppose we have four points on the plane, and suppose the radii of the four incircles of the triangles, which can be
formed by any subset of three points, are equal. Prove that all of the triangles are congruent.
In Cartesian space, three spheres centered at (−2, 5, 4), (2, 1, 4), and (4, 7, 5) are all tangent to the xy-plane. The
xy-plane is one of two planes tangent to all three spheres; the second plane can be written as the equation
ax + by + cz = d for some real numbers a, b, c, d. We can then write c/a in the form m/n, where m, n are integers
such that gcd(m, n) = 1 and m > 0. Find m + n.
In the Republic of Unistan there are n national roads, each of them links two cities exactly. You can travel from
one city to another of your choice using a sequence of roads. The President of Unistan ordered to label the national
roads with the integers from 1 to n by an old law: if a city is adjacent to more than one road, the greatest common
divisor of the numbers of those roads must be one. Show that you can label the national roads without breaking
the law.
a+b+c+d+e+f =0
a + 2b + 3c + 4d + 2e + 2f = 0
a + 3b + 6c + 9d + 4e + 6f = 0
a + 4b + 10c + 16d + 8e + 24f = 0
a + 5b + 15c + 25d + 16e + 120f = 42.
Compute a + 6b + 21c + 36d + 32e + 720f .
The diagonals AC and BD of a convex quadrilateral ABCD intersect at point M . The bisector of ∠ACD meets
the ray BA at K. Given that M A · M C + M A · CD = M B · M D, prove that ∠BKC = ∠CDB.
Let n ≥ 3, and let S be the set of n-term sequences of 0s and 1s. For two elements X, Y ∈ S, define d(X, Y ) to be
the number of places in which X and Y differ (so e.g. d(0011, 0110) = 2). Let M (n) be the smallest integer with
the property that any subset of S with at least M (n) elements contains three elements X, Y, Z such that
d(X, Y ) = d(X, Z) = d(Y, Z).
j n+1 k
(a) Prove that M (n) ≤ 2 n + 1.
A convex polygon in the Cartesian plane has all of its vertices on integer coordinates. One of the sides of the
polygon in AB where A = (0, 0) and B = (51, 51), and the interior angles at A and B are both at most 45 degrees.
Assuming no 180 degree angles, what is the maximum number of vertices this polygon can have?
√ √
Prove that the sequence an = ⌊n 2⌋ + ⌊n 3⌋ contains infinitely many even and infinitely many odd numbers.
In a contest there are n yes-no problems. We know that no two contestants have the same set of answers. To each
question we give a random uniform grade of set {1, 2, 3, . . . , 2n}. Prove that the probability that exactly one person
gets first is at least 21 .
Call a point in the plane rational if both coordinates are rational and irrational if both coordinates are irrational.
Prove or disprove the following statements. a) Every point of the plane is in a line that can be defined by 2 rational
points. b) Every point of the plane is in a line that can be defined by 2 irrational points.
For a given positive integer n > 2, let C1 , C2 , C3 be the boundaries of three convex n-sided polygons in the plane,
such that C1 ∩ C2 , C2 ∩ C3 , C1 ∩ C3 are finite. Find the maximum number of points of the sets C1 ∩ C2 ∩ C3 .
Find the number of polynomials f (x) = ax3 + bx satisfying both of the following conditions:
(i) a, b ∈ {1, 2, ..., 2013} (ii) The difference between any two of f (1), f (2), ..., f (2013) is not a multiple of 2013.
Let ai and bi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) be rational numbers such that for any real number x there is:
x2 + x + 4 = (ai x + bi )2
Find the least possible value of n.
In the acute-angled triangle ABC, D is the intersection of the altitude passing through A with BC and Ia is the
excenter of the triangle with respect to A. K is a point on the extension of AB from B, for which
∠AKIa = 90◦ + 34 ∠C. Also, Ia K intersects the extension of AD at L. Prove that DIa bisects the angle ∠AIa B iff
AL = 2R. (R is the circumradius of ABC.)
Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with AC 6= BC, and let O be the circumcentre and F the foot of the altitude
through C. Furthermore, let X and Y be the feet of the perpendiculars dropped from A and B respectively to (the
extension of) CO. The line F O intersects the circumcircle of F XY a second time at P . Prove that OP < OF .
Let G be a tournament (complete directed graph) such that its edges are colored either red or blue. Prove that
there exists a vertex v with the property that for every other vertex u there is a directed path from v to u all of
whose edges are the same color.
Let a and b be real numbers. Define fa,b : R2 → R2 by fa,b (x, y) = (a − by − x2 , x). If P = (x, y) ∈ R2 , define
0 k+1 k
fa,b (P ) = P and fa,b (P ) = fa,b (fa,b (P )) for all nonnegative integers k. The set per(a, b) of the periodic points of
2 n
fa,b is the set of points P ∈ R such that fa,b (P ) = P for some positive integer n.
Fix b. Prove that the set Ab = {a ∈ R | per(a, b) 6= ∅} has a minimum and find it.
Let m be a positive integer. Prove that there are integers a, b, k, such that both a and b are odd, k ≥ 0 and
Two magicians are performing the following game. Initially the first magician encloses the second magician in a
cabin where he can neither see nor hear anything. To start the game, the first magician invites Daniel, from the
audience, to put on each square of a chessboard n × n, at his (Daniel’s) discretion, a token black or white. Then
the first magician asks Daniel to show him a (1x1) square C of his own choice. At this point, the first magician
chooses a square D (not necessarily different from C) and replaces the token that is on D with other color token
(white with black or black with white). Then he opens the cabin in which the second magician was held. Looking
at the chessboard, the second magician guesses what is the square C. For what value(s) of n do the two magicians
have a strategy such that the second magician makes a successful guess.
Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle (O). Let M, N be the midpoint of arc AB, AC which does not contain
C, B and let M ′ , N ′ be the point of tangency of incircle of △ABC with AB, AC. Suppose that X, Y are foot of
perpendicular of A to M M ′ , N N ′ . If I is the incenter of △ABC then prove that quadrilateral AXIY is cyclic if
and only if b + c = 2a.
Let a, b, c, d be positive integers. There are a + b + c + d points on the plane, no three of which are collinear. Show
that there exist nonparallel lines l1 , l2 such that the interiors of the four regions formed by the lines divide the
plane into a region of a points, a region of b points, a region of c points, and a region of d points.
Let S be the set of all positive rational numbers less than 1. Determine, with proof, whether there exists a subset
A ⊂ S with the property that every number in S can be uniquely written as the sum of finitely many distinct
elements of A.
Determine whether or not there exists an infinite arithmetic progression of positive integers such that for any n in
the sequence, n is not divisible by the sum of its own digits.
Let n be a natural number and a1 , ..., an be real numbers such that a1 + ... + an = 0. Suppose that x1 , x2 , ..., xn are
real numbers such that
(x1 − x2 )2 + (x2 − x3 )2 + ... + (xn−1 − xn )2 ≤ 1.
Find the maximum value of ai xi in terms of the ai .
Let k be any positive integer. Show that infinitely many terms of the sequence {an } are divisible by k.
Let ABC be an equilateral triangle of side length 1. Let D be the point such that C is the midpoint of BD, and let
I be the incenter of triangle ACD. Let E be the point on line AB such that DE and BI are perpendicular. Ω is
the circumcircle of triangle DBE with center Z. Let F be the point of intersection of Ω with ray ZA. Construct
line l, the reflection of the angle bisector of ∠BF E over line F Z. Let l intersect EB at L and DE at L′ . Define the
intersection of DL and BL′ to be G, and let EG and BD intersect at L′′ . Draw the line parallel to EZ passing
through L′′ . Let the intersection of this line with Ω closer to E be H. Define point X such that LX is
perpendicular to AE, X is on the same side of AE as Z, and quadrilaterals ALEX and ZHAI have the same area.
Let J be the reflection of X across line F H, and let J ′ be the image of J when inverted about Ω. If ω is the
circumcircle of triangle F J ′ H, construct T to be the point such that T F is the diameter of ω. Define W to be the
point such that it lies on line T Z and it is the center of a circle internally tangent to both Ω and ω. Let K be the
Gergonne point of triangle W T F , and project K onto line BE. Call this projection M . Let N be the isotomic
conjugate of M with respect to triangle IKE. Define OJ , OK , ON to be circles whose centers are on the medians
drawn from J, K, N in triangle JKN . Suppose that these circles are all internally tangent to ω and respectively
tangent to KN, N J, JK. Let OM G be the circle internally tangent to the each of OJ , OK , ON . Dilate the
circumcircle of triangle W T F so that it is coincident with circle OM G . Let W ′ , T ′ , F ′ be image of vertices W, T, F
under this dilation. Let M G be the isogonal conjugate of the center of OM G in triangle W ′ T ′ F ′ . Let line M G ON
intersect M E at P and ED at LE such that LE and M G are on opposite sides of ON . Construct regular
heptadecagon P LE AS ET EL LM EY OU AR EN OT DR AW IN GT HI S such that S and Z are on the same side of line
P LE . Let the radical axis of the circumcircles of triangles T EN and SIX intersect AM at R. Let P be the region
formed by the convex hull of the points P, A, L, M, E, R. Find the area of P.