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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

BIOLOGY 9700/22
Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions March 2017
Maximum Mark: 60


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9700/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme March 2017
Question Answer Marks

1(a) label line and letter G to one of the ends of the chromosome ; 1

1(b) anaphase / telophase ; 1

1(c) cytokinesis ; 1

1(d) receptor(s) ; I description of receptor 1

Question Answer Marks

2(a)(i) Vibrio cholerae ; 1

2(a)(ii) A 6
1 cell structure: ribosome ; R RER

2 difference: 70S / smaller / 18 nm v 80S / larger / 25–30 nm ;

3 cell structure: DNA / chromosome ; I RNA

4 difference: circular / (closed) loop v linear

no histone proteins / naked v histone proteins
not surrounded by nuclear envelope v surrounded by nuclear envelope ;
A in a nucleus v not in a nucleus

5 cell structure: cell wall ;

6 difference: murein / peptidoglycan v cellulose ; I lignin

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Question Answer Marks

2(b) two from 2

1 caused by, a pathogen / a bacterium / V. cholerae ;

2 transmissible / AW OR reference to faecal-oral route ;

3 reference to reduced effectiveness of functions / AW ;

2(c) primary, secondary, tertiary ; A 1°, 2°, 3° 2

quaternary ; A 4°

2(d) three from: 3

1 choleragen, fits into / complementary to, receptor / GM1 ; A complementary shape

2 membrane pinches in / invaginates / AW ; A engulfs / envelops

3 membrane fusion ;

4 (endocytotic) vesicle / vacuole, formed ;

5 ATP / energy, required ;

A points from an annotated diagram

2(e)(i) one from: 1

1 portion that binds to cell ;

2 (antibodies produced) prevent binding to cell / prevent entry to cell ;

3 safer as not the toxic portion ;

4 A subunit, causes damage to cell / less safe / AW ;

5 AVP e.g. larger so more likely to provoke immune response / AW ;

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9700/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme March 2017
Question Answer Marks

2(e)(ii) five from: 5

1 vaccine contains (subunit B / bacterial) antigen(s) ;

2 primary immune response occurs ;

3 correct ref to B-lymphocytes / formation of plasma cells ; A B cells

4 secretion of, antibody / immunoglobulin (against cholera antigens) / antitoxins ;

5 T-helper lymphocytes secrete cytokine ;

6 (cytokine) increases humoral response / stimulates T-killer cells / stimulates macrophages ;

7 memory cell production ;

8 secondary (immune) response / response on further infection, is faster ;

9 higher levels of antibodies produced (during further infection) ;

10 active artificial immunity (against cholera) ;

11 AVP e.g. idea of specific antibody against each of the different vaccine antigens ;

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9700/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme March 2017
Question Answer Marks

3(a) all three correct ; 1

with the non-competitive inhibitor Z
with the competitive inhibitor Y
without any inhibitor X

3(b) four from: 4

1 X and Y same Vmax of 10 au ;

2 Vmax of, X / Y, higher than Z / ORA ; A (Vmax of), X / Y, 10 au v Z 5 au

A (Vmax of), X / Y, double the Vmax of Z

3 X and Z same Km ; A Km of both is 4 mmol dm–3

4 X / Z, lower Km than Y / ORA ; A Km of, X / Z, 4 mmol dm–3 v Y 6.5 mmol dm–3

5 reference to affinity for substrate ;

3(c) four from: 4

1 double helix ;

2 strands are held together by hydrogen bonds (between bases) ;

3 complementary base pairing / described as A-T and C-G ; A purine pairs with pyrimidine R thiamine

4 antiparallel stands / strands are 3’ to 5’ and 5’ to 3’ ; A strands run in opposite directions

5 (each strand has a sugar phosphate backbone with) phosphodiester bonds ;

6 (monomers / units / DNA) are (DNA) nucleotides / polynucleotide strands ;

7 (nucleotide = ) deoxyribose sugar, phosphate, nitrogenous (organic) base ;

A points from a diagram

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Question Answer Marks

3(d) two from: 2

1 idea that, hydrogen peroxide, damage / breaks, DNA and repair errors (may) occur ;

2 (so leads to) incorrect, nucleotide / base, inserted (during replication) / change in, nucleotide / base, sequence (of
DNA / RNA) ;

3 new allele (may be) formed ;

4 may result in an altered polypeptide / AW ;

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9700/22 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme March 2017
Question Answer Marks

4(a) (closed) double circulation ; 5

capillary ;
pulmonary vein ;
right atrium ; A auricle
septum ;

4(b)(i) two from: 2

1 idea that (to be transported) many substances need to, dissolve / be in solution ;

2 ionic compounds / named, can, dissociate / dissolve ;

3 polar compounds / named, e.g. glucose / amino acids, can dissolve ;

4 globular proteins / named, e.g. antibodies, can dissolve ;

4(b)(ii) three from: 3

1 water molecules attracted to each other ; A sticky / stickiness

2 (hydrogen bonding provides) cohesion between water molecules ; A water is cohesive

3 reference to water leaving xylem (at top), pulling water (molecules below) ; A there is a transpiration pull

4 adhesion to cellulose lining (of xylem) ; A cellulose wall

5 maintains / prevents falling of, column of water ;

6 AVP e.g. reference to cellulose hydrophilic / adhesion to hydrophilic parts of lignin ;

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Question Answer Marks

5(a) bronchus ; 3
bronchiole ;
alveolus ;

I same structure written on more than one line

5(b) two from: 2

1 (tobacco) smoke contains, tar / carcinogens / named carcinogen ;

2 causes mutations / mutagenic / described mutation e.g. protooncogene to oncogene / oncogene forms / tumour
suppressor gene switched off ;

3 uncontrolled mitosis / AW ;

5(c) three from: 3

1 many layers v few(er) layers ; A one layer / thicker

2 cells all the same v more than one type of cell / goblet cells and (epithelial) cells ; A no goblet cells

3 cells, flatter / smaller / cubical / AW v columnar cells ;

4 reference absence of cilia ;

5 large / prominent, nuclei / ORA ;

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Question Answer Marks

6(a)(i) surface area : volume = 1.67 : 1 ; ; A 1.7 : 1, 5 : 3 2

if incorrect, allow one mark for working

surface area = 90 mm2 and volume = 54 mm3
surface area volume ratio
6 × 3 × 4 (sides) = 72 mm2 6×3×3 90 : 54
3 × 3 × 2 (sides) = 18 mm2

6(a)(ii) (block X) has higher, surface area to volume ratio / SA:V ; 2

(block X) has more surface area proportionately per unit volume / AW ;

reference to shorter distance for diffusion to centre ;

6(a)(iii) two from: 2

1 diffusion (rate) too slow ; A idea of cannot rely on diffusion

2 reference to distances too far to reach all, cells / tissues ;

3 time taken is too long / AW ;

6(b) Benedict’s (reagent / solution) ; 1

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