Internship Report FOR AP GENCO

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A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of

Degree of


Regd. No.: 17KB1A0240

(Duration: 22nd May, 2019 to 5th June, 2019)


Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu


This is to certify that the “ Internship report” submitte by N.NISHMA

( Regd. No.: 17KB1A0240 ) is work done by him/her and submitted 2018-2019

academic year ,in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the



College Internship Coordinator,

R. Ramprasad,

B.E., M.Tech.

It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude

that I acknowledge the help of these individuals.

I am highly indebted to Director Dr .V. Vijaya Kumar Reddy

for the facilities provided to accomplish this internship.

I would like to thank my Head of the Department Dr. S. Suresh Reddy

for his constructive criticism throughout my internship.

I would like to thank R. Ramprasad, college internship coordinator for his support
and advices to get and complete internship.

I am extremely great full to my department staff members and friends

who helped me in successful completion of this internship.


Fuel cost, access with markets of fuel, labour force, disposal of by-products.
The factors to be considered for selecting the site are;
1. Load demand.
2. Land.
3. Site requirement.
4. Access for construction.
5. Transmission lines.
6. Clearances.
7. Environmental factors.
Generally, 1000MW plant requires 90-200 Acre land. The water requirements for thermal stations come
under two main groups. The first requirement is steam in generation and second requirement is for cooling
purpose. The requirement of water for cooling purposes is more than steam generation.
The coal resources existing in the country are of the order of 1,30,000 million tonnes. The main area
where coal mines are located eastern region. i.e, Bihar, Bengal central region, singareni coal fields,
tamilnadu, Naively and small resources located in rest of the country as well.
Other factors like transport, disposal of effluents, transmission, climatic conditions, proximity of air
fields, fisheries and marine life and amenities are to be taken for consideration.
For the purpose of understanding of thermal plants, the phenomenon of the thermodynamic vapour power
cycles explained here under,
1. Rankine cycle.
2. Reheat cycle.
3. Regenerative cycle.
1. RANKINE CYCLE: Super heated steam from the boiler is fed into the prime mover (turbine) and it is
expanded there. Then it enters into the condenser and emerged as condensate with the help of the pump these
condensate as again fed into the boiler.
The main purpose of super heating steam and supplying it to the prime movers is to avoid too much
wetness at the end of expansion. Moisture content of the steam result in blade erosion. Also use of super
heater in the boiler helps in reducing the stack temperature by extracting heat from the flue gases. Before
these are passed out of the chimney.
2.REHEAT CYCLE: It is a cycle which involves in drawing steam from the turbine at an intermediate stage
returning it into a steam generator where a separate super heater is provided where the steam is reheated .It
reduces the wetness of the steam of the final stage and increases the final efficiency.
3.REGENERATIVE CYCLE: The mixing of cold of condensate with the saturated steam and water
mixture in the boiler constitute the principle irreversible of the cycle and regeneration aims the reducing this
irreversibility by heating the feed water near to the saturation temperature through the utilization temperature
of heat of steam which is partially expanded in the prime mover. Since the purpose is the thermal
regeneration of condensate the cycle is known as regenerative cycle.
COAL TO STEAM PROCESS: The coal from the coal storage is transported to coal handling plant by
conveyor belts then it is transported to mill through feeder where the coal is pulverized to powder. Then it is
taken to the furnace through coal pipes and with the help of hot and cold mixtures from PA fan. Atmospheric
air from the forced draft fan is heated in the air heater and send to the furnace as a combustion air.
Water from the boiler feed pumps passes through economizer and reaches the boiler drum to bottom
ring header. It is converted to steam as it raises up in the furnace. This steam and water mixture is taken to
boiler drum where the steam is separated from water. Super heaters are located inside the furnace and steam
is super heated and it goes to turbine.
Flue gases is extracted by ID fan. These flue gases emit their heat energy to various super heaters in
the Pentagon house and finally passes through air preheater and then to ESP. Where the ash particles are
extracted. Ash particles are attracted to the electro static plates. So they do not pass through the chimney to
pollute the atmosphere.
STEAM TO MECHANICAL POWER: A steam pipe conveys steam to the turbine through stop valves
control valves that automatically regulate the supply of the steam to the turbine. Steam from the control
valves enters the high pressure cylinder of the turbine. With the help of the nozzle the steam is passed
through ring of stationary blades. This makes the turbine rotate after the steam is passed through the
alternative blade for continuous rotation of turbine.
MECHANICAL TO ELECTRICAL POWER: Basic principle of electrical power generation is from
faraday's law. It says that when a conductor rotates in a magnetic field, the EMF induced in a conductor and
is proportional to the rate of change of flux lines cut by the conductor and capacity of the magnetic field.
That is the conductors are placed constantly (stator) and the magnetic field will be rotating (rotor).
Magnetic field will be generated in rotor circuit and to obtain to the rate of change of flux lines, and the rotor
will be rotated by a steam turbine at a constant speed.
The frequency of the electrical system used in the country I.e, 50 HZ. Proportional to this the speed of
the turbine is 3000 rpm. It is used to determine the speed of the turbine.
ELECTRICAL POWER TRANSMISSION: Electrical power is usually produced in the stator windings of
the large modern generators at about 15.75 KV and is fed through terminal connections to one side of a
generator transformer that steps up the voltage to 220KV and transmitted. Now a days power transmission is
carried out even with a high voltage of 400KV increasing of the transmission voltage reduces the line losses
and increases efficiency of the overall system.
Boiler is a device for generating steam for power processing or heat purposes. Boilers may be classified
on the basis of use, pressure, materials, size, tune content, tube shape and position, firing, heat source, fuel,
fluid, circulation, furnace position, furnace type, general shape, trade name and special features.
GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF BOILER: steel boilers, fire tube type, water tube type, horizontal
straight tube, bent tube, nuclear circulation, positive circulation, shell type, cast iron boilers, special design
boilers, nuclear reactors.

Mainly boilers can be classified into two categories. Utility and industrial boilers. Utility boilers are
large capacity steel generators used purely for the electrical power generation. Industrial boilers are
characterized as,
Non reheat units
Bi- drum boilers having partial steam generation in the boiler bank tube.
COMPOSITION OF AIR: The supply of oxygen for combustion Is obtained from air. This is as important
as the supply of fuel. The average composition of air is,
79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen by volume.
77% nitrogen and 23% oxygen by weight. Nitrogen doesn't burn when combustion takes place it passes
through the chimney.
IGNITION: Fuel must be ignited before it can be burn that is raising the temperature of the fuel to its
ignition temperature brings about combustion.
EXCESS AIR: The air quantity is not sufficient to ensure complete combustion and extra air has to be
supplied. This extra air is known as excess air.
The value of excess air needed depends upon the fuel used, the type of iron etc,. The following factors
in efficient combustion are usually referred to as the 3T's.
TIME: The TIME taken by the fuel to reach ignition temperature.
TEMPERATURE: A fuel will not burn until it has reached its ignition temperature. Preheating the
combustion air increases the speed at which this temperature will be reached.
TURBULENCE: Turbulence is to achieve a rapid relative motion between the air and the fuel particles.
COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY: It varies with individual different grades of fuel within each other.
Maximum combustion efficiency depends on,
 Design of the boiler.
 Fuel used.
 Skill in obtaining combustion with the minimum amount of excess air.

The correct quantity of air together with good mixing of fuel and air to obtain the maximum heat release.
Thermal efficiency of a boiler is measured by the amount of heat transferred to the water and the boiler by
each Kg of fuel used and is expressed as a percentage of total heat energy in 1Kg.
FURNACE: A boiler is that space under or adjacent to a boiler in which fuel is burned and from which the
combustion products pass into the boiler proper.
It provides support or enclosure for the firing equipment.
Furnaces are classified according to wall construction the furnace may be,
 Solid refractory setting.
 Air-cooled refractory setting.
 Water cooled walls.

The Boiler furnace can also be classified as front fired, front and rear wall fired, corner fired, cyclone
furnace and slag type furnace. The furnace must provide the following.
Proper installation, operation and maintenance of fuel burning equipment. Sufficient volume for combustion
requirements. Adequate refractories and installation.
PULVERIZED FUEL FURNACE: The coal can burn very efficiently in suspension form when it is fire
from the burners in the furnace In such a pulverized form, ensuring better turbulence and longer time of
contact of fuel particles with the oxygen present in fuel air. In pulverized fuel furnace the coal is powdered to
such a consistency that 75% particles can pass through 200 mesh B.S.S.
Oil burners, which are not in service are withdrawn out of furnace to save their tips from getting
damaged or burner tubes getting bent due to exposure to furnace heat.
CYCLONE FURNACE: In cyclone furnace coal is crushed to 10mm size and is admitted in cyclone type
burners under air pressure. The ash melts and flows along the slopes of the cyclone burners . Coals containing
less than 12% ash can be easily used in cyclone burners.
In slag type firing arrangement coal containing very low ash content of 8-12% is burnt over a fuel bed
where ash is allowed to reach the melting temperature of 1300'C. The slag is tapped from the furnace bottom
end is granulated in required size. This can be profitably used for fireproof furnace things, preparing
refractories etc.
FIRING ARRANGENENTS: The importance of firing arrangements is closely linked with ensuring an
efficient combustion of the fuel used causing maximum boiler efficiency. The boiler efficiency of modern
large sized boilers is 87% causing 13% losses, of which the breakup is as follows,
Dry flue gas loss : 5%
Hydrogen and moisture loss: 4.5%
Radiation and unaccounted loss: 1.5%
Un burnt loss : 2%
Total losses : 13%
Boiler efficiency : 87%.
The first three losses are fixed losses.
There are three principle methods of firing pulverized fuel within a furnace.
1. Horizontal firing, from one wall (or) opposite walls of the furnace.
2. Vertical firing, with burners located on the top of the furnace.
3. Tangential firing, with burners situated in the four corners of the furnace.
1. HORIZONTAL FIRING: The type of burner used is generally classified as a short flame turbulent
burner. Several manufacturers produce this type of burner. This type of burner is suitable for bituminous
coals with which by virtue of their high volatile content. Combustion is completed very quickly.
2. VERTICAL FIRING: Vertical firing is type of combustion furnace used in combustion of pulverized
coal. The burners are usually placed in the floor, firing vertically upward. About 40% of the total combustion
air are provided at the burner.
3. TANGENTIAL FIRING: It is method of firing the fuel to heat air in thermal power stations. The flame
envelope rotates ensuring through mixing with in the furnace, providing complete combustion and uniform
heat distribution.
DISCRIPTION OF BOILER: The steam generator is a single pass, tower type, reheat natural circulation
single drum, balanced draft and dry bottom boiler and is designed for burning coal as principle fuel. The
dimensions of boiler are,
Furnace height - 58300mm
Furnace width - 11577mm
Furnace depth - 12395mm
The structural work supporting the steam generator mainly consists of,
1. Four main concrete pylon supporting the steam generator through gnillage beams.
2. Main frame work of beams at the top supporting the pressure parts.
3. Intermediate frame work of beams located at various levels, supporting the walk ways, auxiliary structures,
equipments etc.
4. Accessory floors for access to various equipment .
ECONOMIZER: Economizers are mechanical devices intended to reduce energy consumption or to perform
useful function such as preheating a fluid. The term economizer is used for other purposes as well. Boiler,
power plant, heating, refrigeration, ventilating and air conditioning use are discussed in this article. In simple
words "an economizer is a heat exchanger."
Plain tube: Plain tube economizers have several banks of tubes with either line or staggered type formation.
Hence selection of in line or staggered arrangement depends on the nature of fuel and transverse distance
between the tube.
Weided fin-tube: This type has a good resistance against gas side corrosion but heavy in weight. The tubes
are horizontally arranged such that the tubes are each assemble are in line in relation to the tube of adjacent
It is usual to locate economizer, ahead of air pre heaters in following the primary super heater or
reheater in the gas stream. Hence it will be generally be contained in the same casing. Manholes and adequate
access and spacing between banks of tubes are provide for inspection and maintenance works. An ash hopper
below the economizer is provided if the gas duct is taking a turn from vertical.
WATER WALLS: The walls of the furnace are made up of water tubes. These tubes are connected to
headers and feed water is circulated through them. While water passes through the tubes, heat is absorbed
from the furnace. In a boiler approximately 50% of heat released by the combustion of fuel in the furnace is
absorbed by water wall.
THEORY OF WATER CIRCULATION: The 3 systems of circulation are natural, controlled and
1. Natural circulation system: First water delivered to a steam generator from feed heaters and then entering
first economizer. It is heated to about 30 to 40'C below saturation temperature. From economizer it enters the
drum and thus join the circulation system.
In the drum, the steam is separated and sent to super heater and then sent to HP turbine. Remaining water
mixes with the incoming water from the economizer, and the cycle is repeated.
2. Controlled circulation system: Beyond the 180kg/cm2 of pressure, circulation system is ti be assisted
with mechanical pumps, to overcome frictional losses. To regulate the flow through various tubes.
3. Combined circulation system: Beyond the critical pressure phase transformation is absent, However it
has been found that even at super critical pressure. A typical operating pressure for such a system is
WATER WALL CONSTRUCTION: The water wall may be of tangent tube or membrane wall
1. Tangent tube: This construction consists of water wall placed side by side nearly touching each other. An
envelope of thin sheet of steel called "SKIN CASING" is place in contact with the tubes.
2. Membrane wall: In this a number of tubes are joined by a process of fusion welding or by means of steel
strips called fins. Advantages namely,
Increase in efficiency,
Better load response with simpler combustion control.
Quicker starting angle stopping and hence increased availability of boiler.
Heat transfer is better.
Weight is saved in refractory and structure.
Erection is made easy and quick.
WATER CIRCULATION IN BOILER: DM water is fixed into the boiler drum and comes down through
6nos down corner to the bottom ring headers H1,H2,H3 and H4. On front and rearer side where is immediate
water wall header and the elevation of 42.44mtrs, and are connected by furnace water walls, furnace
waterfalls directly connect during headers to water wall outlet headers at 59.15mtrs.
Riser tubes: A riser is a tube through which water and steam an upper water wall header to a steam drum.
Steam and water drum: The boiler drum forms a part of the circulation system of the boiler. The drum
server two functions, the first and primary one being that of separating steam from the mixture of water and
steam discharged into it.
Drum material: The boiler drum is made of carbon steel plates. The material uses should comply with the
Indian boiler regulations.
Drum internals: Drum internals are used to separate water from steam and to direct the flow of water and
steam in a manner. So as to obtain an optimum distribution of drum metal temperature in boiler operation. A
drum internals may consists of baffle arrangements, device which change the direction of flow of steam and
water mixture, separators employing spinning action for removing water from steam or steam purifiers as
washers and screen dryers.
Boiler drum is of size 12200mm length, 1778 ID and shell thickness is 133mm lower and 170mm upper
Super heaters are may be of the classified according to the shape of the tube banks and the position of
headers also according to weather they, receive heat by radiation or convention, although in some instance it
may be a combination of both method.
Pandant type super heaters: The super heaters may be of pandant type, hanging from supported by their
Horizontal type super heaters: The super heaters are may be of a horizontal type with tube arranged across
the boiler. The ratio of longitudinal pitching to transfer pitching is very low for platen super heater.
Radiant super heaters: Radiant super heaters absorbs heat by direct radiation from furnace and are
generally located at the top of the furnace. In some older designs, the super heater tubes form part of the
furnace wall and receive practically all the heat of radiation.
Convection super heaters: Convection super heaters absorb heat mainly by the impingement of flow of hot
gas around the tubes. A purely convection super heater has a raising steam temperature characteristic.
Combined super heaters: A combined of the, falling steam temperature characteristic of the radiant super
heaters, together with the rising characteristic of the convection super heater is used in most of the
installations for the purpose of maintaining constant steam temperature
Location of super heaters: Super heater coils are placed in a boiler to receive the heat by convection,
radiation and a combination of convection and radiation. super heater systems consists basically 4 sections.
1. Hanger platen is located directly above the furnace elevation and terminate at hanger outlet header at
elevation 62.69mtrs through a series of hanger tubes.
2. Low temperature super heater arranged for counter flow and located between the low temp. Reheater and
final temp.
3. The final super heater arranged for parallel flow and located between the low temp. Super heater and high
temp. Reheater.
4. A two stage desuper heater is provided to control the steam temperature in the super heater system.
Desuper heater/Attemperator: Desuper heating or attemperation is the reduction or removal of super heat
from steam to the extent required. A desuperheater may be used to reduce the steam temperature.
Desuperheating control system: A pneumatic ally operated control valve linked to an automatic control
system regulates the flow of spray water supplied to each desuperheater.
REHEATERS: The heat energy in the steam is increased in the reheater and this reheated system steam is
admitted to the IP turbine and steam is expanded doing some additional work before exhausting into
condenser from LP turbine.
Safety valve: As long as there is a fire in the furnace adequate protection must be provided for the
superheater and reheater elements. This is especially important during period when there is no demand for
steam such as when starting up and when shutting down.
Level gauge glass: Gauge glass is an important mounting for the boiler. Drum water plays a very important
part in controlling the boiler operations. Direct gauge glass is mounted on the boiler drum which shows the
water level in the drum on side. The details of this type of gauge glass is explained below.
Yarway's remote level indicator: The indicator combines two major components (i) a sensing element
which response to differential pressure and (ii) an indicating system which presents a visual response as a
true reading level. Three types of compensations are available. Natural, temperature and pressure
Natural compensation: In a natural compensation system, the constant head chamber assures natural
compensation by reducing the density of the water in the indicator. In addition to this natural compensation
the indicator is calibrated to the average gauge glass water density.
Temperature compensation: On pressure above 52Kg/cm2 density changes due to increasing temperature
become sufficiently pronounced to require the addition of a temperature. Compensating jacket fastened
around the variable and constant head pipes of constant head chamber. In addition, this compensation
provides full-scale accuracy at the sacrified operating pressure.
Pressure compensation: When the total, full scale accuracy is necessary for all pressures, as during
activation or deactivation of high pressure boiler, pressure compensation used in conjection with temperature
compensation can be added to the indicator. There by providing additional pointer movement to compensate
for density of water at different pressure in the indicator.
Direct gauge glass: This glass is mounted on left and right side of the boiler drum, which indicates the drum
water level directly there are 7 parts on the gauge glass and parts are having vision glasses to see the level. So
by vision, the exact level in the drum can be seen.
The other factors comes under boiler mounting are,
 Safety valves,
 Stop valves,
 Startup devices,
 Sampling,
 Chemical dosing: A chemical dosing system consisting of

a) Phosphate dosing to boiler drum.

b) Hydrogen dosing to booster feed pump suction.
c) Morpholine/ammonia dosing to condensate suction.
 Continuous Blow down.
When all the water flowing through water wall gets converted into steam in one circulation, It is called
once through boiler. In this case, circulation ratio is one and there is no boiler drum for storing water as
buffer stack. The water comes directly from boiler feed pump, via HP heaters feeding regulation station and
Boiler water flow into water wall is same as steam flow out of water wall. Orientation of water wall
tubes is generally spiral. Each water wall tubes has the potential to pick up same amount of heat. As a result,
water flow through water wall tubes is equalized.
It can be both sub-critical as well as super-critical.
There is no provision of blow down.
All volatile treatment is practiced.
CPU must be kept in service.
Water wall metal temperature should be religiously monitored.
The word insulates means to prevent the passing of medium say heat from a hot region to cold region. The
material used for insulating the region to prevent heat from escaping are slag wool, rank wool and refractory.
The primary function of the insulation are,
1. Heat loss reduction.
2. Personnel protection by limiting the surface temperature.
3. Protection of person and installation in the case of fire.
4. Reducing noise level.
5. Controlling temperature to preserve process condition or to prevent excess temperature drop.
6. Preventing condensation inside pipes and ducts.
7. Preventing condensation outside pipes and ducts.
8. Optimization of the use of the heat tracers.

The refractories are again classified into two categories.

1. Castable refractory: Specified the requirements for air setting or hydraulic setting refractory material
suitable for application in different zones of boilers like combustion chamber and root in vertical, inclined
and horizontal position.
2. Durable refractory: The refractory used in the areas such as roofs having multiplicity of hangers, rods
and other penetrations. Buck stays in boiler. The insulation materials used in the thermal power stations
are mainly for preventing heat loss, noise level Control.
INTRODUCTION: The most efficient way of utilizing coal for steam generation is to burn it in pulverized
form. In pulverized fuel firing method the coal pulverized to a fineness of 70% to 80% through 20 mesh is
carried forward by not primary air through pipes directly to burners or to storage bins. The motives behind
the development of pulverized fuel firing system are,
1. Efficient utilization of cheaper and low grade coals.
2. Flexibility is firing with ability to meet fluctuating loads.
3. Ability to use higher combustion air temperature. Thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the steam
4. High availability.
5. Better response to automatic control.
Types of mills:
Low speed mills. - speed 15 to 20 rpm.
Medium speed mills- speed 30 to 100 rpm.
High speed mills - speed 500 to 1000 rpm.
Factors affecting the milling plant performance:
1. Grindability,
2. Moisture content,
3. Fineness of output required.
4. Size of the raw coal input.
5. Mill wear.
BOWL MILLS: The Bowl mill is one of the most advanced designs of the coal presently manufactured by
m/s BHEL. The advantages are,
1. Low power consumption.
2. Reliability.
3. Minimum maintenance.
4. Quiest and vibration less operation.
Types of raw coal mills are of XRP783, power consumption is 300 to 340 KW and capacity is 34T/H one
Principle of operation of bowl mill: Principle of operation of bowl mill is driven by AC motor, coupled
with flexible coupling to the worm shaft. A bowl mounted on the top of the shaft rotates at a speed of 40 to
65 rpm.
BALL MILLS: Ball mills are comes under the categorization of low speed mills. In these mills grinding
takes place by friction of the balls on the raw coal. Low speed mills are in service and are of directly
pulverized fuel type. I.e. pulverized coal is taken directly from the mill to the burners via classifier and
pulverized fuel pipes.
Principle and operation of ball mills: The operating principle of the ball mill consists of following steps, In
continuously operating ball mill feed material fed through the central hole one of the caps into the drum and
moves there along being exposed by grinding media.
Components of Ball mills:
Body: It is a heavy rolled plate shell and fitted with manganese steel liners to protect against wear and tear.
One head is provided with a flange to which the drive gear is bolted.
Trunnious: Trunnious are used for air and coal feed and for extraction of air and pulverized coal mixture.
Bearings: The bearing itself is made of bronze to hold the trution by bottom by around 120'. Lubrication is
by hydraulic power back that send the oil.
a) Under the high pressure beneath the trunion to lift it.
b) Under high pressure beneath the swivel to lubricate it.
c) Under low pressure in large quantity to the trunion to cool and lubricate it.
Drive unit: The drive unit rotates the mill. Energy is supplied by a 989rpm electric motor.
Ball feeding unit: The balls are introduced into a lock and the inlet valve is closed.
Sealing air: Since the pulverizing system is under pressure a sealing air device keeps the internal parts can
and prevents any leakage of dust air.
Sound hood: A sound proofing enclosure limits the noise emission outside.
Classifier: The fineness controlling vanes are all connected to one another on the same classifier.
Mill bearing Lubrication: Lubrication Is required for cooling of the mill bearings, and jacking of the
bearing during startup. Oil is drawn from the tank by one of the two pressure oil pumps driven by an electric
DP level control: The ball mill has to run with relatively high fuel charge because of design considerations.
Hence it is extremely important that the correct fuel level is maintained.
Measuring circuit: This consists in permanently introducing air into the measuring tape at very low speed to
get a differential pressure constant in the limiting orifices.
Blow down circuits: This circuit consists in introducing compressed air cyclically under high pressure for
cleaning the measuring probes. The circuit consists of :
a) Filtering units.
b) Shutt off electro valve.
c) Two pressure switches in the blow down sequence.
d) Two groups of two way electei valves, which connect the taps for measurement either to continuous air
supply or blow down air supply.
Operation: As soon as the start command is given the following sequence takes place.
1. Switching of air electro valves of A side of mill on blow down position.
2. 2 seconds after this order, compressed air inlet valve opens.
3. 10 seconds after the compressed air valve closes.
4. 3 seconds after valve close if the pressure is sufficiently low the air valves are switched to measuring
Raw coal circuit: For each mi it includes,
1. Raw coal hopper.
2. Raw coal feeders, belt type gravimetric feeders 2 no. are provided for each mill. The coal is weighed our
automatically. Raw coal feeders includes an endless belt driven by an electric motor at variable speed.
Mill stopping: The mill and its auxiliary trip automatically by interlock on the following.
1. The mill release condition is no more present.
2. Electromagnetic brake is detected engaged
3. Gear centrifugal switches is detected engaged.
4. Mill bearing temperature is too high.
5. PA fan not in operation.
6. Boiler inter lock.
Fire protection: Sudden Tripping of the mill, filled with pulverized coal, develops hot spots and may cause
fire hazard inside the mill. Detection is ensuring by temperature pickup and is index thermocouple with
alarm. Two alarms are provided and set point is 100'C. In case of fire, mill should be stopped and isolated
totally from upstream and downstream in order to contain and extinguish the fire in mill. Seal air supply
should be stopped.
Water injection: Water is to be injected as a last resort and in no case before using the steam, if however
water is to be used. The quantity must be the smallest possible and water supply should be cut off once the
fire has disappeared.
Air preheated is a heat transfer surface in which air temperature is raise by transferring heat from other
media such as the fuel gas.
Advantages: Air heaters can be classified as recuperative and regenerative. In addition to increase the boiler
efficiency the other advantages that may result listed below.
1. Stability of construction is increased by use of hot air.
2. Intensified and improved combustion.
3. Permitting to burn poor quality coal.
4. This being a non-pressure part will not warrant shutdown of units due to corrosion of heat transfer surface.

Recuperative air heaters: These types of air heaters are further be classified as follows.
1. Tabular air heaters.
2. Plate type air heaters.
3. Steam air pre heater.
Regenerative air heaters:
1. Liungstorm type.
2. Rothemuhle type.
3. Tri-sector air heater.
Fluid coupling: The fluid coupling is simple power transmission unit between electric motor and air
preheater. The main components of fluid coupling are,
Input side: Impeller and casing
Output side: Runner and shaft.
Water washing of air preheaters: Incase when residual deposit accumulations cannot be readily removed
by soot bowling. It sometimes becomes necessary to water wash the heating surface to maintain acceptable
draft losses through air preheater.
Fire sensing device: The increase in temperature due to fire causes a momentary and recurring increase of
the thermo electric voltage and the signal released by thermo elements is given to fire alarm device installed
in steel plate housing.
Air heater fires: Air heaters fire may occur during cold startup following hot standby because of poor
combustion of the oil fuel. The improper combustion results in un burnt or partially burnt oil condensing and
depositing on the air heater element surface.
It would be noted that CO2, halon and other extinguishing agents are ineffective under these
circumstances. Water washing and diluge system should be used to extinguish the above said fires by
flooding the water in the air heaters.
The purpose of the fan is to move air/gas continuously against moderate pressure. Even though little
amount of compression occurs. It is customary to consider air/gas in fans being incompressible.
Classification of fans: Depending upon the direction of flow of the medium, fans are broadly classified into
axial and radial (centrifugal) fans.
1. Axial fans are further classified depending upon the mode of transmission of energy to the medium.
Ex: Impulse type and reaction type.
2. Centrifugal fans, can be further classified depending on the direction of blade tip with respect to the
direction of rotation of pillar. If the blade tip direction is 90' to the direction of rotation. It is called as radial
blade. If the included angle is active, it is called as forward curved centrifugal fan. If the angle is obtuse then
it is called as backward curved centrifugal fan.
1. Quantity of medium handled : m³/sec
2. Total or static pressure to the developed by the f : p/in mwc
3. Specified weight of the medium : kg/m³.
4. Temperature of the medium : 'C.
The power input to the fan includes,
a) Workdone by the impeller usefully.
b) Temperature raise of the medium handled.
c) Power observed in bearing and cooling discs.
d) Auxiliary drive unit is used.
Control of fan output:
1. Variable speed control.
2. Inlet vane control.
3. Damper regulation.
4. Variable pitch type.
INDUCED DRAFT FAN (ID FAN): The function of induced draft fan is to suck the gases out of furnaces
and through them into the stack. The major sub assemblies of the fan are as follows.
Impeller with shaft assembly.
Bearing and thermometers .
Suction chamber and spiral casing.
Shaft seals and hydraulic coupling.
Double suction radian fan NDZV 31b
Capacity. (Q) 240m³/sec
Load developed. (P) 376mm of WCL
Specific weight of the medium 0.86
Maximum temperature of medium 150'C
Checks during operation:
1. Noise level.
2. Vibration level.
3. Oil level in the lube oil and hydraulic coupling tank.
4. Leakage in libe oil line.
5. DP across filters.
FORCED DRAFT FAN (FD FAN): The function of FD fan is to supply excess air required for complete
combustion. This fan consists of following components.
Suction chamber assembly
Impeller casing,
Diffuser assembly,
Main bearing assembly,
Hydraulic servometer linkage and silencer.
Reaction type axial flow fan AP 1-18/11
Qunatity of air discharge (Q) 104.7.m³/sec
Pressure developed 518mm of WCL
Specific weight 1.092 Kg/cm³
Medium Clean air
Temperature of medium 50'C
Speed 1400rpm
PRIMARY AIR FAN (PA FAN): The primary air has got two functions viz. Drying the coal and
transportation into the furnace. The fan consists of following components,
Suction chamber
Fan housing with guide vanes,
Main bearing,
Outlet guide vane housing with guide vanes,
Diffuser and silencer.
"Motor is a asynchronous squirrel gauge induction motor with grease lubricated anti friction bearing at
both ends of the rotor."
Single suction backward curved radial fan NDFV 22b
Capacity. (Q) 64.2 m³/sec,
Total pressure developed 1317mm of WCL
Specific weight medium 1092kg/cm³,clean air
Temperature of the medium 50'C
Speed 1480rpm
Auxiliary fans: In addition to the above main fans, there are three types of smaller fans for boiler operation.
Seal air fans: These are two numbers of fans per boiler out of which one is stand by. This seal air is used for
protecting bearings of the bowl mills and raw coal feeders and also used to prevent hot air coming out at the
glands from hot air shut off gates.
Igniter air fans: These are two numbers of the fans per boiler out of which one is stand by. The air supplied
is used as secondary air for eddy plate igniter for complete combustion of these oil fired through ignites.
Scanner air fans: These are low capacity single suction radial fans handling clean air from cold secondary
air duct and boosting the pressure. The cool air is used for cooling the boiler flame scanners in the furnace
safe guard super visory system.
The basic requirements in burning fuel are,
1. Combustion chamber to burn the fuel.
2. Combustion air is incorrect proportion to the fuel.
3. An adequate ignition source.
4. Air for drying and transporting the pulverized coal.
5. Discharge system for the products of combustion called "flue gases".
Pulverized coal system: The system consists of pulverizers, raw coal feeders and adequate piping to deliver
the pulverized coal and primary air to the wind box nozzles in the furnace. The feeders are two types,
1. Gravimetric and
2. Volumetric
The feeders control the amount of coal fed to the pulverisers. The crushed coal enter the pulveriser where
pulverization takes place.
Fuel oil system: The fuel oils used for oil burners and igniters are heavy oil and light oil. The gross heating
value of heavy oil is 10270Kcal/kg and this is used for flame stabilization during coal firing and low load
operation. Cal/kg and this oil is used for igniters and warm up process.
Primary air system: System has two functions,
1. To drive the coal in the pulverizer and
2. To transport pulverized coal to the coal nozzles in the wind boxes at the four corners of the furnace.
A small portion of the coal PA is also used to seal feeders against the pressure within the pulverizer
discharge coal. Coal piping and furnace pressure.
Seal air system: For pulverized coal system under positive pressure sealing air is require to prevent
entrainment of coal. Dust and fly ash. Two seal air fans in parallel are provided for this purpose. In some
systems the seal air fans have suction directly from the atmosphere with suitable filters.
As an integral part of the PA and secondary air system considerable no. Of slide gates, shut off dampers
and control dampers are provided.
Igniter air system: Supplying the proper amount of air to light off and burn the ignition fuel Is just as
important as providing air for combustion for the main fuel. There is a distinct advantage in having a
separate, constant and reliable sources of clean air for igniters. Two igniters are of air fans are provided with
Inlet and outlet dampers.
Scanner air system: The flame scanner system which uses electronic equipment must be kept cool. To
protect the detector head assemblies from hit combustion air passing across then and from radiant heat from
the furnace. A low of cooling air is passed through the guide tube and across the detector head.
If air from the cold secondary air system is not available for scanner cooling, atmospheric air is used
through power operated damper.
Secondary air system: The main combustion air system is also called as secondary air system. During
startup and low load condition steam oil air preheated(SCAPH) which is located before the ljungstorm APH
is kept in service to raise the temperature of air entering the APH to avoid cold end corrosion. In the APH the
cold incoming air absorbs heat from the flue gas.
Flue gas systems: Flue gases, after passing over the heating surfaces of the boiler. Enter the APH , where
heat transfers take place to the coming cold primary and secondary air from the hot gases.
The flue gas with most of the fly ash removed enters ID fans. Actually the ID fans suck the flue gas from
furnace and discharge it into the chimney.


There are two kinds of equipment used to remove grit and dust from boiler flue gases. These are cyclone
grit arrestor and the electro static precipitator.
Mechanical grit arrestors: All mechanical grit arrestors operate on the same basic principle, that is gases
are subjected to intense swirl so that the dust is thrown outwards centrifugally and can be collected.
ELECTRO STATIC PRECIPITATOR: This electrical equipment was first economically used in 1937 for
removal of dust and ash particles with the exhaust gases of the thermal power plant.
The electro static precipitator utilizes electro static forces to separate dust particles from the gas to be
The electro static precipitator essentially consists of two sets of electrodes called "collecting electrodes"
and "Emitting electrodes".
Casing: It is welded steel structure and is designed for horizontal gas flow. To provide for heat expansion,
the casing is supported by roller bearing support.
Hoppers: These are pyramidal shape to ensure easy flow of dust down to hopper.
Collecting electrodes: Collecting electrodes are made up of 1.6 mm cold rolled milled steel plates on shaped
in one piece by roll forming. The collecting electrode has a unique profile designed to give tidily and to
contain the dust in a quiescent zone free from recentrainment.
Emitting electrodes: The emitting electrodes are of a thin wire drawn to a helical form and are located
centrally between collecting electrodes curtains. The emitting electrode system is supported by four support
Insulator housing: Each electricbus suction is supported from four insulators located in insulated
Auxiliary control panel (ACP): The auxiliary control panel houses the power and control circuits required
for rapping motors and heating elements of the precipitator. Following are the modulus for outgoing feeders,
1. Hopper heaters for each field.
2. Support insulator heaters.
3. Shaft insulator heaters.
Peak mode: The high resistivity dust gives abnormally high electrical field strength in the dust layer on the
collecting electrodes.
Intelligent control system for ESP (ICE-C): The electrical field between electrodes and there by the ESP
current and voltage are influenced by gas composition and temperature and by the electrical properties of
dust. The system is based on the Intel microprocessor 8085 to regulate and control power input to the ESP.
Steam turbine is a rotating machine which converts heat energy of steam to mechanical energy. Active
development of steam turbine made it the principle prime mover of generating stations by 1920. Most units
used 14kg/cm² and 276'C steam and capacity ranged from 5000 to 30000KW.
According to the direction of steam flow:
1. Axial turbine: In which the steam flows in a direction parallel to the axis of turbine.
2. Radial turbine: In which the steam flows in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the turbine.

According to the number of cylinders:

Single - cylinder turbines
Double - cylinder turbines
Three - cylinder turbines and
Four - cylinder turbines etc.
According to the method of governing: Turbines with throttle governing, steam flow is controlled by
opening and closing of all the control valves simultaneously. Turbines with nozzles governing, steam flow is
controlled by sequential opening or closing of the control valves allowing steam to flow to associated nozzle
Turbines with bypass governing, in which steam besides being fed to the first stage is also directly lead to
one, two or even three intermediate stages of the turbine.
According to heat balance arrangements:
Condensing turbines with regeneration
Back pressure turbines
Topping turbine.
According to the steam conditions at inlet to turbine:
Low pressure turbines
Medium pressure turbines
High pressure turbines
Turbines if very high pressure
According to principle of action of steam:
Impulse: In impose turbine, the steam is expanded in fixed nozzles. The high velocity steam issuing from the
nozzles does work on the moving blades, which causes the shaft to rotate.
Reaction: In these type, pressure is reached in both fixed and moving blade. Both fixed and moving blades
acts like nozzle and are of same shape. Workdone by the impulse effect due to the reversal of direction of the
high velocity steam plus a reaction effect due to the expansion of steam blade.
Compounding: Several problems crop up if the energy of steam converted in one step that is in a single row
of nozzle- blade combination. With all heat drop takes place in one row nozzles the steam velocity becomes
high and even supersonic.
Multi-stage reaction turbine: Theoritically, this may be called pressure compounded turbine as the pressure
of steam drops gradually over the succeeding stages.
The thermal power plant used a dual phase cycle. The Cycle used is "rankine cycle" modified to include
super heating of steam, regenerative feed water heating and reheating of steam.
Working principle of turbine: When steam is allowed to expand through a narrow orifice, it assumes
kinetic energy at the expanses of its enthalpy, the kinetic energy of steam is changed to mechanical energy
through the impact or reaction of steam against the blades. The blades are designed such a way. That steam
will glide on and of the blade with outlet any tendency to strike it.
Thermal plant efficiency: Thermal plant efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input to the
thermal power plant. Efficiency of a thermal power plant can be expressed as the product of efficiencies of its
Effi. of thermal power plant = effi. of steam turbine × effi. of thermal cycle × effi. of internal × effi. of
mechanical × effi. of generator.
Typical value of efficiencies:
Thermal power plant efficiency = 0.3 to 0.4
Steam generator efficiency = 0.75 to 0.9
Thermal cycle efficiency = 0.35 to 0.5
Internal efficiency of turbine = 0.85 to 0.94
Mechanical efficiency of turbine = 0.99 to 0.995
Generator efficiency = 0.98 to 0.985.
Methods of improving thermal cycle efficiency:
1. Initial steam pressure
2. Initial steam temperature
3. Weather reheat is used or not, and if used reheat pressure and temperature.
4. Condenser pressure.
5. Regenerative feed water heating.
At constant initial steam temperature, increase in initial steam pressure in means increasing in saturation
temperature of feed water or increase in mean temperature at which heat is added to the cycle. Thus will
result in increase the thermal cycle efficiency.
As initial temperature increases, the thermal cycle efficiency increases and hence from thermodynamic
there is no upper limit per initial steam temperature.
Reheating reduces moisture in last stage of turbine thereby improving the internal efficiency of turbine.
Condenser has tripple function in Rankine cycle, first is providing heat sync, second is provide very low
vacuum and third is to preserve working fluid.
In regenerative feed water heating part of steam is bled after partial expansion in the turbine and is used
to heat up the feed water going to steam generator. Usually feed water is heated to 0.65 to 0.75 times
saturation temperature in 5 to 9 heaters by regenerative heating.
The turbine is a reaction, condensing type tandem compound with throttle governing and regenerative
system of feed water heating. It is coupled directly to the generator.
Main turbine:
HP turbine: The outer casing of the HP turbine is off barrel type construction. This avoids mass
accumulations due to absence of flanges. This arrangements provide ease of opening the joint during
IP turbine: The IP casing is split horizontally and is of double shell and double flow construction, with the
inner casing carrying the guide blades and kinematically supported in the outer casing. The construction
provides flexibility for choosing the locations of bled steam point to suit the best thermal efficiency. The
hydraulic turbining gear blades are located on the coupling of the IP rotor.
LP turbine: The LP casing is of tripple shell fabricated construction. The outer casing consists of the front
and rear end walls to side members called longitudinal girders and top cover. Rings of guide blades carries,
which constitute the remaining stages of the turbine, are bolted to the middle inner outer casing. The LP
turbine is provided with exhaust hood spray facility.
Blading: The turbine blading are designed for maximum efficiency and reliability. The following are three
main types of blades.
Cylindrical blades
Tapered cylindrical blade
Twisted and varying profile blades.
Bearings: The bearings are made in two halves and are all elliptical type. The HP rotor is supported by two
bearings. The IP and LP rotors have a journal bearing each at the end of their shafts. These are self adjusting
bearings. All the bearings are provide with jacking oil facility at 120kg/cm².
Rotors: Each rotor is subjected to 20% over speed test and is balanced at 3000rpm. The rotors carry the
moving blades. The shaft seals are axial. Sealing in turbine casing is provided to check steam leakage from
HP and IP turbines and air leakage into LP turbine.
Coupling: The coupling permits angular misalignment, transmits axial thrust and ensure axial location.
Generally in 200/210MW turbine, coupling between HPT and IPT is of grid type and between IPT and LPT
is of semi flexible lens type.
Turning gear: Bearing gear rotate the turbine at slow speed when turbine is being started are shutdown, thus
allowing uniform heating or cooling the rotors to avoid any distarsion of rotors. This avoids mechanical
linkages and is more reliable.
Protection system shuts off steam turbine to closing stop valves and control valves in the following possible
hazards (i) over speeding to 10%, (ii) motoring, (iii) tube oil failure, (iv) thrust bearing failure, (v) vacuum
failure, (vi) boiler priming, (vii) excessive temperature differential, (viii) excessive eccentricity.
Standard turbine system comprises the following,
1. Mechanical turbine protection.
2. Electrical turbine protection.
Mechanical turbine protection: The design of mechanical hydraulic protection equipment is in accordance
with hydraulic break current principle and consists of,
1.two manual trip device.
2.two speed monitors. hydraulic low vacuum device.
4.two solenoid valves for trip initiation.
Turbine stop valves are tripped to close position if the trip oil pressure is reduced below the
minimum pressure. The main trip valves provide rapid draining of trip oil through ports in case they are
closed either manually or automatically by the aux.
Electrical turbine protection: Electrical turbine trip equipment comprise to two channel redundancy and
function on operating current principle. All electrical trip criteria act on the two turbine remote trip solenoid
valves to energize the solenoids. The electro-hydraulic turbine protection equipment features,
1. Two solenoid operated valves for trip initiation.
2. Emergency trip contractor cabinet trip channel.
3. Monitor with signal conditioning.
4. A special channel to assure uninterrupted transmission of eventual turbine trip signals during testing at
Turbine stress controller: (TSC) The turbine stress controller checks the transient thermal loads on the
turbine during operation. This permits monitored operation even with different permissible loads during all
operated phases. During operation with each of the three different load limits , the desired limit is selected by
switch command and the occurring fatigue rates of the monitored assembly components are continuously
recorded and evaluated.
Automatic turbine testing: A fully sequence for testing all the safety devices had been incorporated with
ensures that the testing does not cause any unintentional shutdown and also provides full protection to turbine
during testing.An automatic turbine tester for safety devices for steam turbine should fulfill all above
mentioned requirements.
Good Lubrication is one of the most important factors affecting the safety and availability of
generating plant and considerable damage can occur if the correct care and attention is not paid to the
Lubrication systems. Because of high capital cost of plant, heavy losses are incurred if efficient plant is kept
out of service for lengthy repairs.
Friction: When motion exists, overcoming the friction it is known as kinetic friction.If the friction between
the two bodies is sufficient to present motion it is known as static friction.
Effect of friction: The turbine bearing this heat must constantly removed, otherwise overheating and
eventually complete seizure will take place. This heat can be removed by adopting lubrication systems.
Centrifuges: Centrifuges are the most useful method of cleaning turbine oil and are provided they are
operated and maintained correctly, they will keep the oil in good for a very long period.
Centrifugal oil purifies like advantage of effect of centrifugal force on materials having different
specific gravities in different weights for the same volume.
CONDENSER: Exhaust steam from LP turbine enters to the condenser, where it condensate into water
exchanging its heat energy to the cooling tower. Cold water from the river, sea or cooling tower is circulated
through the tubes in the condenser and as the steam from the turbine passes around them it us rapidly
condensed into water. Because water has a much smaller competitive volume then steam, a vacuum is created
in the condenser. This allows the steam to reduce down to a pressure below that of a normal atmosphere and
more energy can be utilized. The condensers are mainly classified as,
Mixing type of jet condensers.
Non-smoking type of surface condensers.
Non-conventional direct contact condensers.

Condensate extraction pumps (CEP): The function of these pumps is to "pump the condensate to the
deaerator through ejectors, gland steam cooler, drain cooler and LP heaters.
Technical data:
Pump. : Q=281m/hr, H= 201MWC
motor. : P = 220KW, N=1489rpm, V= 6.6 KV, 3phase, 50c/s.
EJECTORS: The ejector group consists of a starting ejector and two main ejector to extract non-condensing
gases from condenser and heat exchangers of tubine. The pressure and discharge of non-condensing gases
depend upon the conditions of working of condensers and ejectors.
Starting ejector: A starting ejector is used to accelerate the creation of vacuum during starting of turbine and
is switched into operation in parallel with main ejectors. The starting ejector is of single stage construction,
consisting of nozzle, suction chamber and diffuser.
Main ejectors: Main ejectors are as continuously operating devices for extraction of air from condensers.
One ejector works while the other serves as standby. The main condensate, steam and air suction pipelines of
both ejectors are connected in parallel. A control device, fir measurement of dry air discharge from
condenser,is fitted at the air exit of the ejector.
The vacuum pump is a two stage liquid ring in type pump. Rotor revolves with metal contact in a circular
body that contains a liquid compressing,. The rotor is eccentrically fitted into the circular body. So during
each revolution liquid compressing will be compressed to atmosphere and expanded. Evaquated air discharge
by the first stage of vacuum pump fines ways to second stage manifold.
Circulating water pump sucks seal water from the separator tank. The tank level is maintained
automatically by an external DM water source through a float operated makeup valve. The discharge of the
pump passes through a strainer and water to water cooler and is fed to vacuum pump for liquid ring formation
and stuff in box sealing and lubrication.
Vacuum pulling procedure:
1. Charge condenser from CW side.
2. Ensure turbine is an barring gear.
3. Ensure condensate system is charged.
4. Charge gland steam supply header up to gland.
5. Steam control valve.
6. Start one vacuum pump.
7. Start one gland steam cooler exhauster.
8. See the vacuum gradually increase to -0.9kg/cm².
9. Check vacuum and gland steam pressure.
Regenerative system is provided to improve the thermal cycle efficiency by increasing feed water
temperature. In this process the latent heat of liquidification of bled steam is also utilized in heating feed
water, which otherwise would have been dumped into the condenser, there by increasing the cycle efficiency.

LP Heaters: In regenerative system of 210MW, KWU units LP heaters are provided. These LP heaters are
installed after CEP discharge in condensate cycle. Extraction steam taken from LP turbine of heater no 1,
Extraction 1: No valve.
Extraction 2: 1 swing check valve with aux actuator.
1 swing check valve.
Extraction 3: 1 swing check valve with aux actuator.
1 swing check valve.
LP heaters should be charged after unit synchronization i.e, at 10% load.
Protections: For LP heaters protections are provided to avoid water entering into the turbine during high
level of LP heaters. Drip level may increase due to tube leakage or drip level control valves of not working
properly. In case of drip level high extraction valve will get bypassed from water side on auto.
HP HEATERS: In regenerative system of 210MW, KWU units two HP heaters are provided in feed water
line after BFP discharge, extraction between steam for HPH-5 is taken from IP turbine and for HPH-6 from
CRH line.
Extraction 5. : 1 swing check valve with aux.actuator, 1 swing check valve.
Extraction 6. : no valve.
Protections: For HPH protections are provided to avoid the water entering into the turbine during high level
of HP heaters. Drip level may increase due to tube leakages or drip level control valves not working properly.
In case of drip level high extraction valve gets closed immediately and heater will get bypassed from water
side on auto.
The function of the deaerator is to remove dissolved non-condensible gases and to heat boiler feed
A deaerator protects the feed pumps, piping, boiler and any other pieces of equipment that is in the
boiler feed and return cycle from the effects of corrosive gases, i.e, oxygen and carbon dioxide, to a level
where they are no longer a corrosion factor.
Principles of Deaeration and operation: Deaeration is based on two scientific laws, the first principle can
be described by Henry's law.
Henry's law assets that gas solubility in a solution decreases as the gas partial pressure above the solution
The second scientific principle that governs deaeration is the relationship between gas solubility and
Operation: A deaeration is a device that removes oxygen and other dissolved gases from water, such as feed
water from steam generating boilers.
Most deaerators are designed to remove oxygen down to levels of 7ppb by weight or less, as well as
essentially eliminating carbon dioxide.
Boiler feed pump (BFP) is a multistage pump provided for pumping feed water to economizer.
Generally three pumps each of 50% of total capacity are provided for rated capacity two pumps will be
working in parallel and the third will be in service.
Centrifugal pump: A centrifugal pump is defined as a machine, which increases the pressure energy of a
fluid with the help of centrifugal action.
High pressure feed pump: The high pressure feed pump KHI of barrel type satisfy in all respects the latest
developments achieved for the design and operation. Feed pumps consists of the following major parts,
Inside stator,
Mechanical seal,
Balancing device.
Cavitation: "The vapour bubbles are carried along with the stream until a region of higher pressure is
reached, where they collapse or implode with a tremendous shock on the adjacent walls. This phenomenon is
called cavitation ".
Working principle of BFP: The water with the given operating temperature should flow to the pump under
a certain minimum pressure, water passes through the suction branch into the intake spiral and from here is
directed to the first impeller. After leaving through the impeller it passes through the distribution passage of
the diffuser.
Booster pump: A booster pump is a machine "which will increase the pressure of a fluid." They may be used
with liquids or gases, but the construction details will vary depending on the fluid.
A gas booster is similar to a gas compressor but generally a simpler mechanism which often has only a
single stage of compression is used to increase pressure of a gas already above ambient pressure.
BFP Drive: For units capacity up to 200/210MW the drives for boiler feed pumps are electric motors.
One of the major gains in using steam turbine as the prime mover for BFPs is an increase in overall
efficiency. The power consumed by feed pump is transferred to feed water. But when the power consumed is
electricity. It has been generated at around 33% efficiency only.
Valves are generally used to,
1. Stop or all the flow of fluids in a pipeline.
2. Present excessive pressure buildup in a pipeline or vessel.
3. Present back flow of the fluid into upstream side equipment, which might get damaged due to the
4. Regulate the quality or pressure of the following fluid.
ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS: Electrical actuators are used for operating gate,globe valves and dampers.
They are basically are of three basic types.
1. Rotary actuators.
2. Linear actuators.
3. Damper actuators.
Rotary actuators are available in different torque capacities commonly from ( 2 kgm to 100 kgm) and in
different output speeds.
STEAM TRAPS: The function of a steam trap water of condensation and to expel it by steam pressure from
the system without losing any steam.There are many types of steam traps, commonly used as are,
1. Direct acting bucket trap,
2. Indirect acting bucket trap.
3. Inverted bucket trap.
4. Thermo static trap.

The generator consists of following components.
Stator: stator frame, stator core, stator winding, hydrogen coolers.
Rotor: Rotor shaft, rotor winding, rotor winding rings, field connections bearings and shaft seals.
Principle: The AC generator or alternator is based upon the principle of electromagnetic induction and
consists generally of a stationary part called stator and a rotating part called rotor. The stator housed the
armature windings. The rotor houses the field windings DC voltage is applied to the field winding.
When the rotor is rotated, the lines of magnetic flux, cut through the stator windings. This induces an
electromagnetic force on the stator windings. The magnitude of this emf is given by the following expression.
E = 4.44 Phi f T volts
Where, phi = strength of magnetic field in Weber's.
f. = frequency of cycles per second or Hz=pn/120.
T = number of turns in a coil of stator winding.
P = number of poles.
n = revolutions per second of rotor.

Generating auxiliaries: The following additional auxiliaries are required for generator operation.
1. Seal oil system.
2. Gas system.
3. Excitation system.
Generator transformer: Generator transformer is 240MVA, 15.75/236 KV, 3 phase, 50Hz,
OFAF/ONAF/ONAN cooled transformer with on load tap changer. Tapings in 17 equal steps of 1.25% each
are provided at HV windings for 10% voltage variation.
Generator protection: Generators are high quality machines for securing the best possible continuity of
power supply. In addition to a suitable technical design and responsible mode of operation, provision must
therefore be made for automatic protection facilities. This protection must ensure a fast and selective
detection of any false in order to minimize there dangerous effects.
1. Under excitation protection.
2. Load un balance protection.
3. Rise in voltage protection.
4. Reverse power protection.
5. Torsional protection.
6. Under frequency protection.
7. Over current protection.
Malfunctions: 1. Hydrogen Pressure low
2. Hydrogen purity low,
3. Seal oil differential high/low,
4. Liquid in generator,
5. Loss of excitation system,
6. Generator rotor earth fault,
7. DC battery 220V and 220/24V fairs.
Coal is the prime fuel for a thermal power plant. Hence adequate emphasis needs to the given for its
proper handling and storage. Also, it is equally important to have a sustained flow of this fuel to maintain
uninterrupted power generator.
The coal handling plant generally comprises of Congress conveyors, crushers, screens, feeders,
stacker, cum reclaimers, magnatic seperator, magnatic pulleys, wagon, tipplers and tippers.
Calorific value: it is the amount of heat expressed in kilo calories generated by the complete combustion or
oxidation of the unit weight (1 kg) of the fuel.
Formula for heating value of coal from analysis,
K: cal/kg = 8080C +34463(H2-O2/8) + 2250 S.
Where C, H2, O2 and S are proportional parts of constitutes by weight.
Types of coal: Coal which occurs naturally in seems, is the result of decay of vegetable matter which
accumulated under the earth millions of years ago and got transferred by the action of pressure and heat. This
seems very in thickness from a few inches to several feet.

The most general classification of coal includes the various products of metamorphosis of the original
vegetable matter of which coal is final product. The other varieties represent the intermediate stages.
Lignite: Which almost merges with the sub-bituminous quality and is the intermediate stage between peat
and bituminous coal.
Sub-bituminous coal: It is similar to lignite except in matter of moisture content which is about half of the
lignite % and has a somewhat low ash content but no caking powder.
Bituminous coal: It is one of the most popular all purpose fuel and mostly used for steam generation and is
distinguished from the low grade coals in the ability to resist slacking. The ratio of volatile matter to fixed to
carbon is about the same as for sub-bituminous or lignite, but weathering has little effect on its commercial
Anthracite: It is an end product of the metamorphosis of original vegetable material and is ranked high
among the coals. Pulverization of this variety is difficult and expensive and is best used on grade with forced
Indian coals: Most of the Indian coals are low grade coals and washing us unavoidable to obtain low ash
metallurgical coal. As much as 15% of the total raw coal intake at a washery may be recovered in the form of
Ash content in coals: Effect of high ash in coal results in lowering down thermal efficiency of the boiler due
to loss of heat through un burnt carbon. Excessive clinker formation and sensible heat losses in ashes. The
fuel bed temperature is reduced causing in reduction of radiant heat transfer in furnace. The average ash
content of Indian coals is about 20%. The ash content of middling produced at coal washeries is likely to be
between 30 to 40%. Use of fuels in pulverized state is another way of making use low grade fuels
Clinker formation during combustion in boilers depends upon fuel bed temperature, nature,
distribution of oxides, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium etc. In the ash size caking properties of a coal and
raking of fuel bed during combustion. This is more in case of middling through not as much as in high ash
coals since such coals usually cause reduction in fuel bed temperature.
COAL HANDLING PLANT: Coal is received from singareni colleries and talcher. Coal wagons are
received by rakes of 58 wagons. The railway engine will place the loaded brake inside the RTPP, at a siding
point and take away the empty wagons. Coal is also received in bottom discharge wagons.
The ROM (Run of Mine) coal received will have number of boulders of higher size and will damage
the conveyor belts. Coal stock required for about 10days is also shall have to be maintained which will be
used during emergency. When coal wagons are not received on any day due to any problem on the railway
tracks or coal mines.
There are two types of conveyor belts i.e, A&B streams from the wagon tripple up to bunker floor. The
carrying capacity of the conveyor belt is 1200 MTs/hr. Provisions was also made in coal handling plant fir
stacking of uncrushed coal, in case of any problem, jamming in the crusher house.
Belt conveyor system: The belt conveyor is for conveying coal from the feeding point to the discharge point.
This is up to the next transfer point or finally to its destination I.e, up to the bunkers.
Idlers: The conveyor belt will be rolling on idle rollers on the carrying side and return idlers on bottom side.
Pulleys: Pullets are made of mild steel, rubber lagging provided to increase the friction factor in between the
belt and the pulley.
Conveyor belting: The conveyor belt consists of layers or piles of fabric duck, impregnated with
rubber and protected by a rubber cover on both edges.
Drive unit: This comprises of motor coupled to reduction gear box with the help of flexible fluid couplings
on the high speed shaft of the gear box. Fir inclined conveyor holdback are incorporated in the gear box to
prevent running back of conveyor under loaded condition.
Scraper: Conveyors are provided with scrapers are the discharge pulley in order to clean the carrying side of
the bt and avoid the wear of return idlers due to the builtup materials. Following types of scrappers are in
common use,

1. Steel blade scraper,

2. Rubber or fabric blade scraper,
3. Nylon Bush scraper,
4. Compressed air blast scraper.
Belt weighers: The most weighers are provided on the conveyors to record the record the feed rate of coal
and the total coal field to the unit bunkers. This will help the study the load conditions to avoid the
overloading of any conveyor.
Sump pumps: Sump pumps are installed in conveyor tunnels so that the stagnated water is sent out from the
tunnel areas.
Fuel oil systems provides unloading, storage and supply of light diesel oil heavy furnace oil(
HFO) to the boiler. Pumps and tanks are provided for unloading, pumping and storage of these oils.
Specification of oils:
1. Flash point. 66⁰c. 38⁰c
2. Viscocity at 38⁰C. 128cs 2 to 7.5cs
3. Specific gravity. 0.986 at 15⁰c. 0.85 at 15⁰c
4. Gross heating value. 10000 Kcal/kg. 10000 Kcal/kg
5. Pour point. 30⁰c. -
LDO Unloading: LDO is brought through oil rake or road tankers. Two nos. twin screw type positive
displacement pumps are provided for LDO unloading. Strainers are provided at the suction of each pump.
LDO is stored in two tanks, each having 1000 KL capacity.
HFO Unloading: Heavy furnace oil is brought to plant by oil rake. Three numbers of screw type pumps are
provided for HFO unloading. Strainers are provided at suction of each pump. HFO is stored in two tanks,
each having 5000KL capacity. Provision is made for steam heating of tank and oil rake.
Oil piping: From fuel oil pump house, oil sent to boiler through two lines having 80NB pipe size and
returned back through 100NB pipe size lines. Light oil is led through NB 80 pipe.
LDO supply: During cold startup LDO is initially used for lighting up the boiler. LDO Is also used for IFM
igniters. Two number screw type pumps are provided to pump LDO from storage tank to burner floors at a
pressure of 16kg/cm² through a 100mm pipeline. The pumps are in continuous operation even when there is
no oil consumption. Each pump is provided with suction strainer.
HFO supply: As the Viscocity of HFO is more it offers much resistance to flow in the pipeline at normal
temperature. To enable free flow of oil through pipeline the temperature oil is raised by providing steam-
tracing lines to all the HFO lines from fuel oil pump house to boiler. These lines are insulated with mineral
wool to prevent heat loss.
Heavy oil recirculation: Before firing any fuel oil, heavy oil must be heated to the proper temperature. This
is accompanied by recirculating the heavy oil through the oil recirculating system by means of the heavy oil
trip valve and the oil recirculation valve. Then the recirculating valve is gradually closed and the oil is
admitted to each oil burner.
Water is most essential requirement for all living organisms and also for industrial utility, it is available
in two forms as surface water and ground water.
Impurities of water: All natural waters contain varying amounts of suspended and dissolved matter as well
as dissolved gases. The type and amount of impurities in fresh water vary with the source and with the area of
location. Impurities in water become an important consideration when water is to be used for steam
generation. Poor quality water gives poor quality steam.
Chlorination: Chlorine gas is closed into the clarified water for disinfection, prevention and removal of
organic matter and micro organisms. Chlorine reacts with water to form hypo chlorous acid and hydrochloric
Cl2 + H2O -----> HOCl + HCl
Filtration: After clarification, filtration is employed in the treatment of industrial waters in order to reduce
suspended solids and turbidity.
De-mineralization: In the process of external treatment of boiler feed water demineralization is very
important step to prevent the boiler from corrosion,scaling etc. The dissolved salts are removed from water
by ion exchange process. Silica in particular is carried over in the form of vapour in high pressures and forms
hard scales. Thus the successful operation of high pressure boilers requires high purity feed water quality.
Normally, cation exchanger, degassifier, anion exchanger, and mixed bed comprise one steam.
Effect of PH: The reaction of feed water on steel is spontaneous and rapid
at high temperatures. The only reason that boiler steel can survive normal operating conditions is that the
passivated layer of magnetite forms a protective layer on the steel surface, preventing further corrosion. One
of the objectives of water treatment in boilers is to protect this film against the aggressive action of impurities
introduced into the boiler with the feed water.
Boiler feed water treatment: Boiler feed water is the water supplied to the boiler often steam is condensed
and returned to the boiler as part of the feed water. The termed make up water. Make up water is usually
filtered and treated before use.
Water is required in the thermal power plant for various purposes. Filtered water is used for preparing
DM water, bearing cooling, drinking and other general uses.
Eater is also required in the coal handling plant for the purpose of that dust suppression and for fire
extinguishing points in various locations in entire plant.
Sources of water supply: Main sources of water supply are river, reservoirs, natural lakes, canals, wells, and
the ocean.
Direct circulation cooling system: In this system cooling water is taken direct from the river or the sea then
returned after use. This method of adopted for cooling, if the water is sufficient to meet the demands of the
circulating water system.
Closed circulation system: In this type of cooling, the same water will be circulated again and again. Water
which goes hot, is cooled by a cooling water tower or by lake spread cooling system before being re-used.

Cooling towers are important components of thermal plants where a limited supply of makeup water
only is available. Cooling towers thus provide flexibility for selection of sites for thermal power stations even
though capital investment and running costs are generally on the high side.
1. Mechanical draft cooling towers.
2. Natural draft cooling towers.
Mechanical draft cooling towers are of two types,
a) Forced draft cooling towers: In this case, motor driven fans located at the base, i.e. ground level, blow
air into the tower from the sides. The top of the tower from the sides. The top of the tower is opened to the air
vapour discharge. The main drawback is this type of tower is that exit velocity is low and this results in
recirculating hot air into the fan intake. Thus the efficiency of the tower is reduced. The other disadvantages
of forced draft cooling towers are,
High velocity from the fan located at the base makes it difficult to distribute air evenly over the whole of
packing. Low height, low velocity of air and low wind velocity generally result in recirculation of hot air.
This results in rise of cold water temperature.
Induced Draft cooling towers: In these days, it is preferred to use induced draft cooling towers where the
fan is located at the top and air enters from the openings located at ground level. Air mixed with vapours is
discharged through a fan stack located at the top of the tower. In this case, moisrmt air is discharged higher in
the atmosphere there by dispersing to a greater distance from the tower.
Hot water is cooled by the induced air travelling up. Cold water is collected in the pond located below
the cooling tower where make up water is also added.
Natural draft cooling towers:
Natural draft cooling towers are normally adopted near coastal areas where humidity is generally very
high. But the capital cost of natural draft cooling towers is about 60% more than that of mechanical draft
cooling towers. While making techno economic study, the power consumption for running the fan and rapid
maintenance of fan switch gear etc. Should also be taken into consideration.
Spacing of cooling towers: Natural draft cooling towers are so located that air may pass freely into the base
of these cooling towers. Generally, these are spaced at three times dia. Of cooling tower i.e, center to center
at ground level. But clear distance should not be less than 30 to 40ms in any case.
Cooling towers should be away, from the buildings and the switchgear and the switch yard, as thus will
affect the working life of the structure.
Lake cooling: This system can suitably be adopted when a natural lake is available or an artificial lake can
conveniently be constructed by construction of a dam and when surface area of such lake when even under
draw down condition is adequate for the required quantum of cooling.
Extent of cooling of hot water depends on,
Surface area of water,
Ambient temperature,
Reservoir water temperature,
Wind velocity,
Dry and wet bulb temperature i.e, humidity,
Inflow and outflow discharge from reservoir/lake.
Bearing cooling water system consists of three BCW pumps per unit having capacity of 50% of the load.
For normal operation two pumps will be running and one number will be stand by Pressurized clarified water
from this system is used for cooling boiler, Turbine and generator auxiliaries through heat exchangers.


Bottom Ash handling system:
Water impounded 'W' type bottom ash hopper receives and store furnace ash for its periodical removal.
Bottom ash gets quenched as it enters into the water and thus minimizing the clinker formation.
Operation of BAH system: Bottom ash system of one unit is operated at a time. Bottom ash system is
controlled from operators station located in ESP control room through PLC. It can also be controlled
manually from bottom ash control panel located near respective hopper.
The reversing mechanism is activated through overload relay. When the bottom ash hopper is empty,
after flushing the gate housing and ejector feed sump, grinder seal water valve is closed next. Hydro ejector
water valve will close only after coarse ash removal of the same unit.
Coarse ash removal system: Ash collected in four no's of economizer hopper will be removed once in a
shift. The coarse ash hoppers are divided in to two groups and each group of hoppers is operated one by one
in sequence. The changeover of hopper group is affected through either timers or low level switches which
ever event is earlier.
Operation: The removal of coarse ash starts, as soon as removal of bottom ash is complete. Each group of
coarse ash hoppers are operated one by one in sequence.
Manual operation also possible through the "close-open" control switch provided. “collect bypass"
switches are also provide for bypassing any group of hoppers, when ash is not desired to be removed during
any particular operating cycle.
Fly ash handling system: Forty eight electro static precipitator hoppers, six no. air preheater hoppers and
two no. duct hoppers is evacuated once in a shift. Four ESP hoppers constitute one group. Similarly the air
pre-heater hoppers and duct hoppers are divided in to four groups, each group consists two hoppers. Thus
there are sixteen groups of fly ash hoppers.
Operation: Fly ash system can be controlled from PLC through operators station and alternatively by relay
based system through main control panel. In both the mode of operation the controlling can be made auto or
manual. One unit is operating at a time. To evaluate the fly ash from fly ash hoppers, start HP water pump
followed by one set of ash slurry pumps first.
Ash disposal system:
The bottom ash, coarse ash and fly ash led to the common slurry sump are pumped to the disposal lines.
Four no's of identical streams, consisting of three no. slurry disposal lines out of four streams provided, two
streams run continuously for both the units and the remaining two streams serve as stand by.
There are two types of compressed air system existing in a thermal power station. They are instrument
air system or control air system and station air system.
Types of compressors: Compressors fall into two main categories, reciprocating and rotory. Other types of
compressors, turbo compressors and centrifugal compressors are often termed blowers or exhausters. They
operate normally at lower pressures but with very high rates of flow. Let us now have a look at the important
characteristics of the main types of compressors.
Reciprocating compressors:
These are very efficient, particularly in the large sizes, and would be chosen for the higher load factors.
Reciprocating compressors may be either single acting or double acting. Where the compression takes place
on both the upward and the downward strokes of the piston. Most large compressors are double acting. The
cylinders may be vertical in line, horizontally opposed, or in a 'V' or 'L' arrangement.
Rotary compressors: Rotary compressors have moving parts simple and reliable, but have a lower
efficiency than the reciprocating type. They are used therefore, where load factors are not high and are often
employed as mobile units.
Control air system: Control aircompressor have been installed or supplying moisture free dry air required
for Instruments. The output from the compressors is fed to air receivers via, non return valves from the
receivers air is passed through the driers to the main instrument air line, which runs along with the boiler
house and turbine house of 210MW unit. The adequate no. of tappings have been provided all over the area.
Lubrication of mechanical parts:
Main bearing, connecting rod bearings and across head are lubricated by oil pump. Pistons and cylinders
are self lubricated as they are fitted with teflon rings. Plate type valves are provided for suction and delivery.
The compressor is equipped with heat exchangers. Pressure gauges for air/oil and safety valves are also
Air drying unit: Air contains moisture, which tends to condense, and causes trouble in operation of various
devices by compressed air. Therefore drying of air is accepted widely in case of instrument air.
Aur drying unit consists of dual absorption towers with embedded heaters for reactivation. The
absorption towers are adequately filled with specially selected silica gel and activated alumina. While one
tower is drying the air the other tower is under reactivation. This system is completely automatic.
Control arrangements: The simplest form of control is to use a pressure switch to switch the compressor off
when the receiver is up to pressure and to start it again when the pressure has fallen, you can appreciate that
under moist air circumstances this arrangements will not be satisfactory.
Governing by pressure switch: In case of pressure regulator Electro mechanically operated pressure switch
is provided. The working of pressure switch is very simple than air pressure.

The first phase of training has proved to be quit fruitful. It provided an opportunity for encounter with
such huge machines like turbines and generators.

The architecture of the power plant the way various units are linked and the way working of whole
plant is controlled make the student realize that engineering is not just learning the structured description and
working of various machines , but the greater part is of planning proper management.

It also provides an opportunities to lean low technology used at proper place and time can cave a lot of
labour. Training is not carried out into its tree spirit. It is recommended that there should be some project
specially meant for students where presence of authorities should be ensured. There should be strict
monitoring of the performance of students and system of grading be improved on the basis of work done.

However training has proved to be quite fruitful. It has allowed an opportunity to get an exposure of
the practical implementation to theoretical fundamentals.



 plants /ThermalPowerPlants.htm.


 Electrical Power by J.B. Gupta.

 Generation of Electric Power by B.R. Gupta.

 Power System by V.K. Mehta.

 Power Systems Designs & Analysis by B.R. Gupta

 Steam & Gas turbines and Power Plant Engineering by R.Yadav

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