Tax Glimpses 2019

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December 2019

We bring you a concise analysis of important judgements and
noteworthy regulatory developments in corporate and financial
services tax, global mobility, M & A tax, transfer pricing,
indirect taxes and regulatory developments during 2019.
I am delighted to present our annual (b) Pillar Two named “GloBE” is to propose released in 2018, with some modifications. to be announced in February 2020. The
compilation, Tax Glimpses 2019. the development of a coordinated set of Committee set up for simplification of the
And in India:
rules to address shifting of profit to no or income tax law submitted its Report on the
The proverb ‘Change is the only constant’
low tax jurisdictions. The Government rolled out an Direct Tax Code in August of this year, which
has never been more applicable to the tax
unprecedented across-the-board reduction is with the Government for consideration.
fraternity as it is in the present times, given An aggressive timeline for completion and
in income-tax rates for domestic companies
the pace and intensity of developments both implementation by end of 2020 will drive Continuing in the direction of its focus on
(30% to 25% base rate), and an even more
on the international front and in India. large corporates to focus on this next supporting, and at times leading, global
aggressive cut for new manufacturing
year, not just from an effective tax rate tax changes, India deposited its instrument
International developments: companies (15% base rate) with the stated
perspective, but potentially even for a review of ratification with its final positions and
intent to, inter alia, attract investment,
Following the BEPS action plans, the OECD of business models. notifications on the MLI to implement tax
generate employment and boost the
released the “Programme of Work to treaty-related measures to prevent BEPS.
The United Kingdom HMRC published economy. Coupled with the reduction and/
Develop a Consensus Solution to the Tax Pursuant to this, the MLI for India entered
an updated guidance on tax treatment or elimination of the Minimum Alternate
Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of into force on 1 October 2019 and shall come
of cryptoassets (or cryptocurrency) for Tax, not only does this align Indian tax
the Economy” for public consultation. This into effect from 1 April 2020 for certain
businesses and individuals. The United rates with those of other large economies,
is divided into two pillars: Indian tax treaties. On a related note, a
States Treasury Department also released its but it also appears as a strategic move
(a) Pillar One is meant to address the Committee formed by CBDT released its
final and proposed regulations determining in the context of global economic and
allocation of taxing rights between report on the manner of attribution of profits
allowable foreign tax credits under the political developments. The impact of
jurisdictions with proposals for new profit to a PE and suggested changes to rule 10
Internal Revenue Code. These are largely this on the fiscal position of the economy
allocation and nexus rules; and of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, in view of
consistent with the proposed regulations should get unveiled in the next Budget

2 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

the advances in digital economy. It broadly On the dispute resolution front, there were On the regulatory front, the Government Tax Glimpses 2019 highlights some of the
suggested a three-factor apportionment two key changes – the first, an introduction notified the Code of Wages, 2019 that significant tax and regulatory developments
approach by assigning equal weightage to of the Sabka Vishwas (Legal Dispute consolidates some of the labour laws and that we shared with you over the year. It also
sales, manpower and assets. On the transfer Resolution) Scheme, 2019 for the resolution seeks to ease compliances. The MCA includes a list of PwC publications released
pricing front, rule 10CB was introduced in and settlement of disputes relating to issued a circular to clarify the meaning during the year.
the Income-tax Rules, 1962 for computation central excise and service tax that have of the “appointed date” for the purpose
I trust you will find this compilation useful
of interest income becoming taxable, been subsumed under the GST and are of a scheme of rearrangement under
and look forward to your suggestions. With
pursuant to secondary adjustments. pending in litigation at various forums; the Companies Act 2013. Disclosure of
best wishes for the coming festive season,
and the second, a significant increase in significant beneficial ownership was made
On the procedural front, the Government, and beyond!
the monetary limits for filing of appeals in mandatory for listed companies by SEBI.
in its stated endeavour to substantially
Income-tax matters by the Revenue ranging FPI Regulations issued in 2014 were
eliminate face-to-face interactions between
between INR 5m – 20m depending on the replaced by a new set of Regulations.
taxpayers and Income-tax officers, notified
level of the appellate court. Revised guidelines were issued for FDI in
the E-assessment Scheme, 2019.
e-commerce models and easing of FDI in
The GST Council in its 35th meeting
The CBDT revised its guidelines for other sectors. Changes were made to ECB
decided to introduce an electronic invoicing
compounding of offences, making it more guidelines, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
system in a phased manner for B2B Gautam Mehra
stringent. It also issued a circular to provide Code, and the Companies Act 2013. A
transactions, which is a natural extension of
relief to start-ups from assessment of the new Consumer Protection Act 2019 was Leader, Tax and
the technology-driven rollout of GST.
amount received relating to issue of share enacted. Regulatory Services

3 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019


Financial Mergers &

Corporate tax Personal tax
Services Acquisitions

Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

4 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Financial Mergers & Transfer
Corporate tax Personal tax Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Services Acquisitions Pricing

Judgement Circulars, notifications and others

Beneficial owner of interest Compounding offences
Conversion of company into LLP Finance Bill
Capital gains PE profit attribution
Characterisation of income Tax treaty
Deemed income Start-ups
Dividend distribution tax Infrastructure Investment Trusts
Real Estate Investment Trust
Issue of notice and assessment order
Withholding tax
Partnership firm
Filing of appeals
Return filing
Withholding tax

5 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Financial Mergers & Transfer
Corporate Tax Personal tax Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Services Acquisitions Pricing

Corporate Tax
Judgement and was free to utilise the interest income Conversion of company into LLP considered the full value of consideration
on its sole and absolute discretion. received or accrued to the PLC, which is
Beneficial owner of interest Tribunal decides on taxability of conversion
the same as the cost of acquisition.
• The fact that the investment was funded of company into an LLP
Tribunal considers factual matrix; holds through shareholder loan and capital This ruling clarifies that even if there is
Cyprus entity beneficial owner of interest for ITA No. 3637/Mum/2015
does not affect the “beneficial ownership/ conversion of PLC into LLP, which is not tax
purposes of the tax treaty status” of the taxpayer. neutral due to non-satisfaction of prescribed
In case of the taxpayer, the Mumbai bench
ITA No. 6958/Mum/2017 of the Tribunal held the following: conditions, such transfer happened at
• The taxpayer is the beneficial owner of
book value, and hence, the computation
The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal while the interest income and will be taxed • Conversion of a company/ PLC into a LLP
mechanism for capital gains fails, and the
dealing with the concept of “beneficial as per Article 11 of the India-Cyprus tax results in “transfer” of capital assets and
tax liability becomes nil.
ownership” in the context of interest income treaty at 10%. is subject to capital gains tax in India in
earned by the taxpayer from an Indian entity the hands of the PLC, unless covered by Capital gains
The ruling provides some clarity on how
held that: specific exemption under the Act. Further,
“beneficial ownership” could be determined Exemption under section 54 available on
due to conversion, the PLC ceases to
• The taxpayer had “dominion and control” in case of investment holding companies. capital gains arising on sale of more than
exist; hence, such gains will be taxable in
over the interest income earned from the Further, it would also strengthen claims for one residential house
the hands of the converted LLP.
Indian entity. lower withholding tax certificates for Cyprus
ITA No. 1507/Mum/2017
companies, which were hereto being denied • However, such capital gains arising
• The taxpayer was not constrained by by the tax authorities on the basis that they Exemption under section 54 of the Act is
on conversion of a PLC into an LLP
any contractual, legal or economic were not the “beneficial owners” of these available on the investment of capital gains
tantamount to “nil” as the book value of
arrangement with any other third party investments. in a new residential house although the
the assets/ liabilities transferred is to be

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Corporate Tax Personal tax Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Services Acquisitions Pricing

gains arose out of the transfer of more than acquisition for computing the capital gain on Section 56(2)(vii) of the Act is applicable The Tribunal, in its ruling, has reiterated the
one residential house converted into a single transfer of such leasehold rights should be to “property” in the nature of capital asset legal position that an additional ground of
flat to be used as a compact unit. the FMV as on 1 April 1981. and does not apply in case of transactions appeal can be raised and admitted at any
entered in the normal course of business or time before disposal of the appeal. The
Even if additional FSI assumed to Characterisation of income
trade, where the profits are taxable under Tribunal, relying on an earlier decision of the
be transferred in a joint development
Rental income from letting out of shops in a the specific income head. Therefore, it would Supreme Court, held that DDT is a part of
agreement, no capital gains arise in the
mall taxable as business income not apply to a stock-in-trade, raw material tax defined under the Act, and the Act does
absence of any cost of acquisition
and consumable stores of any business of not prescribe any separate adjudication
ITA No. 166 of 2016
ITA No. 5324/Mum/2016 such recipient. mechanism for DDT. In the context of
Income derived from letting out of shop claiming the lower rate of DDT as provided
Capital gains tax should not be applicable Dividend distribution tax
rooms in a shopping mall constructed by the in the tax treaty, and the limitations to claim
on transfer of additional FSI created due
taxpayer is taxable under the head “profits Delhi bench of Tribunal admits additional a refund arising from such claim for the past
to the operation of “Land Development
and gains of business”. Considering that ground on applicability of lower rate as per years, this ruling presents an opportunity to
Control Rules, 1991”. The key reason is the
the primary intention of the taxpayer was tax treaty to DDT under section 115-O taxpayers to evaluate the filing of additional
absence of an element of cost in acquiring
commercial exploitation of property by way grounds in an ongoing appellate proceeding.
it. Furthermore, section 50C of the Act is ITA No. 961/DEL/2015
of complex set of activities and not merely
applicable only on the transfer of land or FTS
letting out of immovable property, such rental The Delhi bench of the Tribunal had passed
building or both.
income is taxable as business income. an interim order and admitted the additional Reimbursement of salary and payment for
FMV as on 1 April 1981 to be considered as ground raised by the taxpayer to restrict the support services to non-resident neither
Deemed income
cost of acquisition to determine capital gains rate of DDT levied on dividend distributed/ royalty nor FTS: Distinguishes Delhi High
on transfer of leasehold rights Section 56(2)(vii) applicable to “property” in paid by it to overseas holding company, to Court’s Centrica decision
the nature of capital asset and not which is 10%, as per Article 10 of the India-Japan
ITA No. 4481/Del/2016 ITA No. 784/PUN/2015
traded in the normal course of business or tax treaty, and other such tax treaties. The
Leasehold rights of land acquired by the trade Tribunal will adjudicate on the matter at the The Pune bench of the Tribunal held that
taxpayer for a period of 90 years is not a time of merit hearing. reimbursement received by a non-resident
ITA No. 392/JP/2019
tenancy right, and accordingly, the cost of

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Services Acquisitions Pricing

company (taxpayer) towards the salary cost The Supreme Court, in the case of an Partnership firm exhaustive and that it does not confer any
of the seconded expat from the Indian entity amalgamating company, held that the power on the TO to compute gains based on
Immovable property allotted to retiring
is not taxable as FTS under section 9(1)(vii) issuance of jurisdictional notice, and the provisions of section 50C of the Act.
partner by firm - on specific facts held not
of the Act. thereafter, passing of assessment order by
covered by section 45(4) of the Act Royalty
the TO, in the name of a non-existent entity,
Further, the Tribunal, while deciding on
would render the assessment proceeding Tax Case Appeal Nos. 365 & 366 of 2009 Consideration received for granting of
the taxability of payment received towards
non est. The ambiguity over the conflict distribution rights for a TV channel is not
provision of Global Information Support When a partner retires, what he/she
arising between the decisions of Sky Light royalty
services, held that it does not constitute receives is his/her share in the partnership
Hospitality LLP v. ACIT [SLP (C) No. 7409/
royalty/ FTS under the Act. It does not and not any consideration for transfer or ITA Nos. 103 and 207 of 2017
2018] and CIT v. Spice Enfotainment Limited
make available any technical knowledge, relinquishment of his/her interest in the
[Civil Appeal No. 285 of 2014] was put The Bombay High Court dismissed the
experience, skill, know-how to the Indian firm to the continuing partners. Therefore,
to rest. It was specifically noted that the Revenue’s appeal against the Tribunal’s
entity, and hence, it does not constitute FTS section 45(4) of the Act would not apply
decision in Sky Light Hospitality LLP v. ACIT ruling to hold that the payment received
under Article 13(4) of the India-France tax on the retirement of a partner, when there
[SLP (C) No. 7409/ 2018] was considering for granting the distribution rights of a
treaty when read with the Protocol to India- is a distribution of his/her share in the
the peculiar facts of the case, whereas, CIT TV channel is not taxable as “royalty”
France tax treaty and Article 13(4) of the partnership.
v. Spice Enfotainment Limited [Civil Appeal under section 9(1)(vi) the Act and the
India-UK tax treaty.
No. 285 of 2014] continues to apply when Tribunal holds section 50C not applicable India–Singapore tax treaty. In its decision,
Issue of notice and assessment order a jurisdictional notice/ order is issued on a where partner contributes land as capital to the High Court reaffirmed the distinction
non-existent person. Furthermore, profound a partnership firm between “copyright” and “broadcast
Issue of notice and assessment order in
importance was given to the rule of certainty, reproduction right,” both being defined under
the name of the amalgamating company, ITA No. 544/Chny/2019
consistency and uniformity. the Copyright Act in the context of foreign
which ceased to exist, is invalid: not a defect
Contribution to a partnership firm is squarely telecasting companies.
curable under section 292B
covered under section 45(3) of the Act.
Furthermore, the decision affirms the
Civil Appeal No. 5409 of 2019 The basis for this conclusion was that the
position that where a non-resident company
provision of section 45(3) of the Act is
has granted the non-exclusive distribution

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Services Acquisitions Pricing

right for a channel, which enables individual High Court holds that a provision made
customers to view programmes telecasted effective from 1 April of an AY cannot apply
on channels, without any right to use/ exploit to income of the relevant previous year,
any copyright, the “distribution fee” received which ended much before that date
by such non-resident entity should not be
Tax Case No. 126 of 1982 and Tax Case
treated as “royalty.”
No. 28 of 1986
Return filing
A full bench of the Patna High Court, while
Manual return of income can be filed if the deciding on the scope and applicability
online utility is not amended to reflect the of section 64(1)(iii) of the Act, held that it
correct tax position cannot apply to income that had already
accrued at the end of the previous year but
W.P.(C) No. 3598/2019
prior to the provision coming into force on
The Delhi High Court held that a mere the first day of the relevant AY. The full bench
software glitch cannot prevent the taxpayer of the High Court disapproved the view
from claiming a benefit in its tax return and expressed in an earlier judgement [Badri
directed the Revenue to either allow the Prasad v. Commissioner of Income-tax
taxpayer to manually file return or alter the [1990] 185 ITR 307 (Patna)] of the Division
online utility to enable the taxpayer to file the bench, which held that the law in force at the
return. commencement of the AY shall be applicable
for the relevant previous year.
Through this decision, the High Court
provided relief to taxpayers to file the ROI
manually before the TO, if the online return
form utility does not allow a genuine claim/

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Withholding tax The CBDT has issued guidelines for opportunity was available earlier) in case of have the option to pay tax at 15% (excluding
compounding of offences under the Direct non-filing of return of income. Further, the surcharge and cess). However, the reduced
Payment made by airlines for availing lounge
Tax Laws, 2019, in supersession of its Finance Minister has the powers to relax the tax rates come with consequential surrender
services for its passengers is not rent –
previous guidelines dated 23 December restrictions for compounding of an offence of specified deductions/ incentives. No
section 194-I inapplicable
2014. The new guidelines shall come into in deserving cases, based on the CBDT’s MAT would be applicable in either of these
ITA No. 628 of 2018 effect from 17 June 2019 and shall apply to recommendation. options. Companies that do not opt for the
all applications for compounding received on concessional tax rates will continue to enjoy
The payment made by an airline company Finance Bill
or after the aforesaid date. the benefit of such specified deductions/
(company) for the use of lounge space at
Taxation Laws (Amendment) incentives, and where applicable, be subject
airports for its in-transit customers is not in By introducing the new guidelines, the
Ordinance, 2019 to MAT at 15%.
the nature of rent, as such space was not CBDT has introduced a more stringent
exclusively used by the company for its framework for compounding offences The Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, PE profit attribution
customers. Therefore, the company is not punishable under the Direct Tax Laws. The 2019 No. 15 of 2019
CBDT proposes to amend rules for
liable to withhold tax under section 194I new guidelines emphasise the prevention
On 20 September 2019, the Government profit attribution to PEs – calls for public
of the Act on the payment made by it to of compounding of serious offences under
promulgated the Taxation Laws consultation
the intermediary agency from the Airport the Black Money Act and the Benami
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 (approved
Authority. Transaction (Prohibition) Act. Certain CBDT Report dated 18 April 2019
by the Cabinet on 20 November 2019),
other offences, such as contravention of
Circulars, notifications search and seizure orders, denial of access
announcing key changes to corporate tax The issue of profit attribution to a PE
and others rates in the Act. While existing domestic has been the subject matter of extensive
to electronic records to the authorities,
companies have been provided an litigation. In the past, the Indian Revenue
Compounding offences property-related offences to thwart tax
option to pay tax at a concessional rate authorities and the Indian judiciary have
recovery, etc., are no longer compoundable.
CBDT issues revised guidelines for of 22% (excluding surcharge and cess), adopted/ upheld different approaches to
The CBDT has also tried to ensure that
Compounding of Offences under Direct Tax new domestic companies set up on or profit attribution based on the facts of each
taxpayers do not face difficulties in genuine
Laws, 2019 after 1 October 2019, and commencing case by applying Rule 10 of the Rules.
cases. For instance, compounding can be
manufacturing before 31 March 2023, would To bring greater clarity, objectivity, and
F. No. 285/08/2014-IT (Inv.V)/147 allowed up to three occasions (only one
dated 14 June 2019

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predictability in the matter of attribution intensity, and 20% in other cases. In this On 25 June 2019, India deposited its • Bilateral treaties that India wishes to
of profit to a PE, the CBDT formed a scenario, the weightage given to sales would instrument of ratification with the nominated cover under the MLI (CTAs);
Committee (the Committee) to examine remain fixed at 30%, while the balance authority with its final MLI position to • Reservations, i.e., opting out of some
the existing scheme of profit attribution would be assigned to employees and assets implement tax treaty-related measures to provisions of MLI partly or entirely; and
under Article 7 of the tax treaties, and to equally. prevent BEPS. Pursuant to the above, the
• Notifications of choice of optional
recommend changes in Rule 10 of the MLI for India entered into force on 1 October
Overall, the report submitted by the provisions and the relevant provisions of
Rules. The Committee has suggested a 2019 and shall be applicable on various tax
Committee is detailed in terms of analysing its listed treaties, which may be amended/
three-factor apportionment approach, by treaties of India from 1 April 2020. India has
judicial precedents in India on the replaced by the MLI.
assigning an equal weightage to sales, listed 93 of its bilateral tax treaties in the final
attribution of profit to PEs, models of profit
manpower (i.e. employees and wages) MLI position. Start-ups
attribution followed internationally, and the
and assets. This represents a mix of both
views of academicians and experts. The The MLI covers minimum standards and CBDT circular regarding assessment of
demand and supply related factors, thereby,
CBDT has put up the conclusions and various other recommendations of Action start-ups
allocating profits derived from India, partly to
recommendations set forth in the report for Plan 6 (on abuse of treaties) and Action 14
the jurisdiction where sales take place Consolidated Circular No. 22/2019 dated
public consultation. (on dispute resolution). It also includes some
(driven by consumers and market), and 30 August 2019 and Press release dated 2
of the best practices of Action 2 (on hybrids)
partly where the factors of production are Tax treaty September 2019
and Action 7 (on PEs), and new optional
located or where supply related activities are
Multilateral Instrument: Implementation of standard binding arbitration on cross-border To provide a hassle-free environment for
tax treaty-related measures to prevent Base treaty-related disputes. Broadly, the MLI start-ups and to give effect to the Finance
Further, referring to the concept of SEP Erosion and Profit Shifting is structured under four categories: hybrid Minister’s announcements in her budget
(specifically in the context of digital mismatches, treaty abuse, dispute resolution speech, and thereafter, the CBDT clarified
The MLI is a unique instrument developed
enterprises), a four-factor approach has and avoidance of PE status. various issues, such as assessment of start-
by the OECD to prevent BEPS. It will enable
been suggested to apportion profits. The ups, time limit for completion of their pending
the signatories to implement BEPS principles India’s MLI position essentially includes the
fourth factor is “users,” whereby a weightage assessments, procedure for addition made
swiftly, as it covers a large number of tax following lists:
of 10% has been assigned for business under section 56(2)(viib) of the Act in the
models involving low or medium user past assessment, outstanding income-tax

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demands, etc. In addition to providing these • The concept of privately placed unlisted • The trading lot of listed REITs has been the threshold of tax foregone that require
much-awaited and necessary clarifications, InvITs has been introduced. Key aspects revised to 100 units from INR 0.1m. prior approval of the Commissioner of
to redress grievances and address various of this framework are as follows: (a) Income-tax (International Taxation) [CIT-IT]
Withholding tax
tax related issues in the case of start-ups, Maximum 20 investors; (b) Leverage to INR 100m for all the applications of non-
the CBDT has also constituted a start-up limits not applicable; (c) Existing privately CBDT raises revenue effect threshold resident taxpayers, across stations, either
cell. placed listed InvITs can migrate to for issue of lower or nil withholding tax pending as on date, or filed hereafter. The
privately placed unlisted InvITs subject certificate in case of non-resident taxpayers increased thresholds should expedite the
Infrastructure Investment Trusts
to approval from 60% of unitholders and issuance of section 197/ 195 certificates to
F. No. 275/16/2019-IT(B)
Securities and Exchange Board of exit of dissenting unitholders; and (d) non-resident applicants.
dated 2 September 2019
India (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) A privately placed unlisted InvIT may
Filing of appeals
(Amendment) Regulations, 2019, w.e.f. 22 choose to get listed by complying with The CBDT, vide Instruction (Instruction No.
April 2019 the conditions for privately placed listed 7/2009 dated 22 December 2009), required CBDT enhances monetary limits for filing
InvITs. administrative approval for the issuance of a of appeals by Revenue Authorities before
Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2019/10
Real Estate Investment Trust certificate under section 197 of the Act if the various appellate forums
dated 22 April 2019
amount of tax foregone exceeded INR 5m in
Securities and Exchange Board of Circular No. 17/2019 dated 8 August 2019
• Leverage limits have been enhanced Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru,
from 49% to 70% (subject to certain India (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Pune stations, The CBDT, vide its circular issued under
conditions). (Amendment) Regulations, 2019, w.e.f. 22 and INR 1m for other stations. These section 268A of the Act, enhanced the
April 2019 thresholds created various administrative monetary limits for filing of appeals by the
• For an InvIT raising funds by public
issue, the minimum subscription from any Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2019/09 and systematic difficulties under the newly Income-tax department before the Tribunal,
investor in initial and follow-on offer has dated 22 April 2019 introduced online application process and High Courts and Special Leave Petitions/
been reduced to INR 0.1m. led to significant challenges and delays in appeals before the Supreme Court with
• For a REIT raising funds by public issue,
non-resident taxpayers obtaining withholding effect from 8 August 2019. The monetary
• The trading lot of listed InvITs has been the minimum subscription from any
tax orders. Therefore, the CBDT increased limit to file an appeal before the aforesaid
revised to 100 units from INR 0.5m. investor in initial and follow-on offer has
authorities is as follows:
been reduced to INR 0.05m.

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• Tribunal – INR 50,00,000 Assessment Prosecution

• High Court – INR 1,00,00,000 Central Government notifies E-assessment CBDT lays down guidelines for launching
Scheme laying down procedure for prosecution in specified categories
• Supreme Court – INR 2,00,00,000
electronic assessment of offences
Further, the CBDT also amended its
Notification No. 61 & 62 Circular No. 24/2019
previous circular (Circular No. 03/2018 dated
dated 12 September 2019 dated 9 September 2019
11 July 2018; F. No. 279/Misc. 142/2007-ITJ
(Pt.) as amended on 20 August 2018). It now The Central Government, in its endeavour The CBDT, vide a circular, has prescribed
provides that when an appellate authority to eliminate face-to-face interactions guidelines to streamline the identification
passes composite orders for multiple AYs in between taxpayers and TOs, has notified and processing of cases to initiate
the case of a taxpayer, the aforementioned the E-assessment Scheme, 2019 (scheme). prosecution under the Act. The CBDT noted
monetary limits shall be checked individually The scheme attempts to almost eliminate that prosecution is a criminal proceeding;
for each AY while filing further appeals. No human interface and lays down a detailed therefore, to ensure that only deserving
appeal shall be filed for AY(s) in which the step-by-step procedure for e-assessments. cases, where the offences are grave and
tax effect is less than the monetary limit The scheme discusses the setting up can be proven beyond doubt are prosecuted
specified above. of e-assessment centres, various units under the Act, it has laid down criteria for
(assessment, verification, technical, prosecution in specified cases. It has also
The above revision will help in reducing tax
etc.), lays down a procedure to carry out laid down a transparent approval mechanism
litigation for taxpayers where tax demand
assessments seamlessly and focuses on to identify these cases.
is on account of small issues appearing in
transiting to a faceless, paperless, speedy
multiple AYs.
and fair conduct of assessment. Considering
the volume of data and transactions, the
implementation of the scheme may be
juxtaposed with the technical feasibility of
carrying such voluminous data.

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Capital gain
Overseas fund

Circulars, notifications and others


14 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Corporate Tax Acquisitions Pricing

Financial Services
Judgement Tribunal held that units issued by the mutual Trust should be taxable in the hands of the to obtain a ruling on whether it would be
funds cannot be regarded as shares for contributors and not in the hands of the entitled to carry forward accumulated capital
Capital gain the purpose of the CA Act, and as per the Trust. The High Court also observed that losses incurred by its investment series. The
Tribunal holds that units of an equity-oriented definition of the term “securities” under the section 164 of the Act does not apply, as the AAR held that the petitioner would not be
mutual fund are not “shares” for purposes Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956, contributors, their respective shares and the entitled to carry forward accumulated capital
of the article relating to capital gains in the “shares” and “units of mutual fund” are two extent of their beneficial interest in the Trust losses, as the losses were incurred by its
India-UAE tax treaty separate types of securities. are identifiable. investment series and not by it.

ITA No. 423/Coch/2018 Trust High Court upholds denial of US entity’s The High Court upheld the AAR’s ruling and
claim for carry forward of losses declared denied the carry forward of capital losses to
The Cochin Bench of the Tribunal held that Trust is “revocable” in case contributions
in separate returns filed by funds managed the petitioner (being an LLC) on the ground
units of mutual fund cannot be regarded are revocable and the income of such
by it that capital loss for previous years were
as “shares,” and hence, short-term capital Trust should be taxable in the hands of the
claimed by its investment series and not
gains earned by the taxpayer on transfer contributors Writ Petition No. 9358 of 2018
by it. Since the LLC was the only petitioner
of such units should be exempt from tax ITA No. 122 and 123 of 2019 The petitioner was formed as a Statutory and the names of the investment series
under Article 13(5) of the India-UAE tax Trust under the laws of the USA, and each funds were only mentioned in its application,
treaty. The Tribunal noted that as the term The Madras High Court held that in case
of its investment series had a separate the investment series cannot be added as
“share” is not defined under the tax treaty, the funds transferred by the contributors to
PAN and filed the tax returns individually. petitioners. Additionally, the High Court held
as per Article 3(2) of the tax treaty, it shall the Trust were revocable, section 62(2) read
Subsequently, the petitioner reorganised/ that this decision will not impact the case
have the meaning it has under the laws of with section 61(1) of the Act would become
converted itself from a trust to an LLC. The of the series funds to claim the benefit of
the country whose tax is being applied. The applicable. Accordingly, the income of such
petitioner filed an application with the AAR carrying forward losses.

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Overseas fund The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal rejected deed and by the Securities and Exchange issue of their units. The key changes are
the Revenue’s action of taxing the taxpayer Board of India (Venture Capital Funds) as follows:
High Court upholds the allowance of fee
trust as an AOP/ assessing it at Maximum Regulations, 1996 to temporarily deploy • REITs/ InvITs can now accept bids only
paid for fund raising related services, by an
Marginal Rate under section 161(1A) of the funds in units of mutual funds and invest in using Application Supported by Blocked
investment advisory company
Act, as against the status of the trust claimed convertible debenture application money. Amount facility.
ITA No. 1094 of 2018 by it. The Tribunal held that as the share The Tribunal observed that the Certificate of
• In case of force majeure, banking strike
of beneficiaries in the trust is determinate Registration as a VCF continued to subsist
The High Court dismissed the Revenue’s or similar circumstances, REITs/ InvITs
and the contribution made in the trust by during the period under consideration, which
appeal against the Tribunal ruling that may extend the bidding issue period for
the SR holders was revocable, the income contradicted the assertion of the revenue
allowed deduction for a one-time payment a minimum of three working days without
arising from the activities undertaken by the authorities of a violation of the Securities and
made by the taxpayer (rendering investment exceeding the 30 day bidding period.
Trust should be liable for tax in the hands of Exchange Board of India (Venture Capital
advisory services to overseas funds) to its • The time period for announcing the floor
beneficiaries, i.e., SR holders. Funds) Regulations, 1996.
Mauritian affiliate (affiliate) for identifying price of the bid, prior to the opening of the
investment opportunities for overseas funds. VCF does not lose exemption under section Circulars, notifications bid, has been reduced from five working
The High Court, in its decision, upheld that 10(23FB), even if some investments made in and others days to two working days.
the affiliate’s efforts benefitted the taxpayer, mutual fund units, etc.
SEBI • Investors are required to submit a
as it increased its share of fees from the
ITA No. 7472/Mum/2017 complete bid-cum-application form to self-
overseas fund. Therefore, the fee paid by the Amendments to guidelines for public issue certified syndicate banks with whom the
taxpayer to its affiliate should qualify as an The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal granted of Real Estate Investment Trusts and bank account to be blocked is maintained,
expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively exemption under section 10(23FB) of the Infrastructure Investment Trusts or to any of the intermediaries prescribed
for the purpose of its business. Act to a VCF on income from investments
Circular Nos. SEBI/HO/DDHS/ in this circular.
in VCUs, where the VCF had, inter alia,
Tribunal holds that income arising to a CIR/P/2019/15 dated 15 January 2019 and • These intermediaries would be
temporarily deployed funds in units of
revocable securitisation trust taxable in the SEBI/HO/DDHS/CIR/P/2019/16 responsible for uploading this on the
mutual funds and had invested in convertible
hands of the investors dated 15 January 2019 electronic bidding system of the stock
debenture application money. The Tribunal
ITA Nos. 2701, 3459, 2702, 3458, 2703, held that the taxpayer is permitted by its trust exchanges and to self-certified syndicate
The SEBI amended the guidelines for REITs
3456, 2704,3460, 2705, 3457/Mum/2017 banks for blocking of funds.
and InvITs to ease the process of public

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Disclosure of significant beneficial ownership To harmonise the permissible investments The SEBI, vide circular dated 17 July 2019, Enhanced disclosure in case of listed debt
in the shareholding pattern by AIFs in IFSC with the permissible directed all banks that have listed specified securities
investments made by domestic AIFs, securities to disclose to the stock exchanges
Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/ Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOS3/
the SEBI, in addition to the existing list divergences in the asset classification and
CIR/P/2018/0000000149 CIR/P/2019/68 dated 27 May 2019
of permissible investments, permitted provisioning, if either or both of the following
dated 7 December 2018
AIFs incorporated in IFSC to invest in the conditions are satisfied: The SEBI, vide circular dated 27 May 2019,
The SEBI, vide circular dated 7 December following: tightened the disclosure norms for entities
a) The additional provisioning for NPAs
2018, prescribed the format for the that issued listed debt securities in the
a) LLPs assessed by the RBI exceeds 10% of
disclosure of significant beneficial ownership following manner, the details of which are
the reported profit before provisions and
for listed companies. This format has been b) REITs prescribed in the Circular:
contingencies for the reference
inserted in the format of the shareholding
c) InvITs period; and • Disclosure of compensation
pattern of specified securities, which is
arrangements with clients by DTs on their
submitted by the entities under Regulation d) Derivatives b) The additional gross NPAs identified
31 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and by RBI exceed 15% of the published
e) Complex or Structured products
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, incremental gross NPAs for the • Calendar of interest/ redemptions, due
2015. The details to be provided in the f) Goods received in delivery against reference period. and paid, to be displayed on the website
statement, inter alia, include the name, PAN physical settlement of commodity of DTs for the financial year;
The SEBI, vide circular dated 31 October
and nationality of both significant beneficial derivatives
2019, made the above provisions applicable • Furnishing of updated list of debenture
owner and registered owners, and the
g) SPVs to listed banks. In addition, the SEBI decided holders to the DTs by Issuers/ Registrars
percentage of shares held by the
that the listed banks shall make such to an Issue and Share Transfer
beneficial owner. Disclosure of divergence in the asset
disclosures within 24 hours upon receipt of Agent; and
classification and provisioning by banks
Investments by AIFs incorporated in IFSC the RBI’s Final Risk Assessment Report,
• Additional covenants in case of privately
Circular Nos. CIR/CFD/CMD1/79/2019 dated instead of waiting to publish them as part of
Circular No. SEBI/HO/IFSC/CIR/P/2019/91 placed shares.
17 July 2019 and CIR/CFD/CMD1/120/2019 the Financial Statements by the banks.
dated 9 August 2019
dated 31 October 2019

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Guidelines for determination of bidding, • InvITs with aggregate consolidated The SEBI, vide circular dated 22 October • Under the new Regulations, FPIs shall be
allotment and trading lot size for REITs borrowings and deferred payments above 2019, issued a framework for listing of categorised into two categories, instead
and InvITs 49% shall make additional disclosures as Commercial Papers on stock exchange(s). of three under the erstwhile Regulations.
prescribed in the circular. The circular has been issued to broaden Broadly, Category I and II FPI in the
investor participation in Commercial Papers erstwhile Regulations have been
CIR/P/2019/59 dated 23 April 2019 Disclosure of reasons for encumbrance by
and to ensure investor protection by subsumed into Category I in the new
promoter of listed companies
The SEBI, vide circular dated 23 April 2019, directing the issuers to make appropriate Regulations, and Category III has been
prescribed the following guidelines for Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR1/ disclosures, both at the time of listing and on reclassified as Category II.
publicly offered REITs/ InvITs: CIR/P/2019/90 dated 7 August 2019 a continuous basis. The framework is based
• Broad based criteria have been
on the recommendations of the Corporate
• Limits for aggregate consolidated According to circular dated 7 August 2019, eliminated.
Bonds & Securitisation Advisory Committee
borrowings and deferred payments, net encumbrance of significant shareholding
chaired by H.R. Khan. • Appropriately regulated entities are
of cash and cash equivalents, have been by promoter along with persons acting in
permitted to undertake investments on
increased to 70% of the value of the InvIT concert with him equal to or more than FPI Regulations, 2014 replaced by FPI
behalf of their clients as Category II FPIs,
assets. 50% of their shareholding in the company Regulations, 2019
by taking separate registration.
or 20% of the total share capital of the
• For the initial offer, the value of each Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2019/36
company, requires additional disclosure by • Only Category I FPIs are permitted to
allotment lot shall not be less than INR dated 23 September 2019
the promoter, with detailed reasons for such issue to offshore derivative instruments.
0.1m for InvITs and INR 50,000 for REITs,
encumbrance, in the format prescribed in The SEBI notified SEBI (FPI) Regulations, Category I and entities eligible to obtain
where such lot shall consist of 100 units.
the circular. The disclosure on reasons shall 2019 (new Regulations) replacing the registration as Category I are eligible
• For follow-on offer, the minimum allotment be made to every stock exchange where the SEBI (FPI) Regulations, 2014 (erstwhile to subscribe to offshore derivative
shall be of such number of lots, whose shares of the company are listed and to the Regulations). The SEBI also issued instruments.
value is not less than INR 0.1m for InvITs listed company. operational guidelines thereto. The key
• FPIs permitted to transfer off-market
and INR 50,000 for REITs, where each lot features of the new Regulations are
Framework for listing of commercial paper unlisted, suspended or illiquid securities
shall consist of such number of units as in as follows:
to a domestic or foreign investor.
its trading lot. Circular No. SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS/
CIR/P/2019/115 dated 22 October 2019

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• There are no changes with respect to RBI Deferral of implementation of Ind AS financial assets from other ARCs on the
ownership and control restrictions for following conditions:
Bank’s exposure to a single Non-Banking Notification No. DBR.BP.BC.
non-resident Indians, overseas citizens of
Financial Company No.29/21.07.001/2018-19 • The transaction is settled on cash basis;
India and resident Indians.
dated 22 March 2019
Notification Nos. DBR.BP.BC. • The price discovery for such transaction
Working Group on Social Stock Exchanges
No.17/21.04.098/2018-19 dated 28 Scheduled Commercial Banks, excluding shall not be prejudicial to the interest of
Press Release No. 21/2019 December 2018 and DBR.No.BP. Regional Rural Banks, were required to SR holders;
dated 19 September 2019 BC.18/21.01.003/2019-20 implement Ind AS from 1 April 2018, which
• The selling ARC will utilise the proceeds
dated 12 September 2019 was deferred by one year to 1 April 2019,
The SEBI, vide Press Release dated 19 so received for the redemption of
vide RBI Press Release dated 5 April 2018.
September 2019, constituted a working Earlier, the single borrower limit for NBFCs underlying SRs;
The legislative amendments recommended
group on Social Stock Exchanges under (not financing infrastructure) was 15% of
by the RBI are under consideration by the • The date of redemption of underlying SRs
the Chairmanship of Shri Ishaat Hussain capital funds. With effect from 1 April 2019,
Government of India. Accordingly, the RBI, and total period of realisation shall not
[Director, SBI Foundation; Ex-Director banks’ exposures to a single NBFC shall be
vide Notification dated 22 March 2019, extend beyond eight years from the date
(Finance) Tata Sons Limited]. This is in restricted to 15% of their eligible capital base
decided to defer the implementation of Ind of acquisition of the financial asset by the
line with the proposal made by the Finance (Tier-1 capital). The RBI vide circular dated
AS for Scheduled Commercial Banks until first ARC.
Minister as part of the Budget Speech for FY 12 September 2019, decided that banks’
further notice. No further notice has been
2019-20 to initiate steps towards creating exposures to a single NBFC (excluding gold RBI releases Financial Benchmark
received until date.
a Social Stock Exchanges for listing social loan companies) shall be changed to 20% Administrators (Reserve Bank)
enterprises and voluntary organisations. of their available eligible capital base. Bank Permission to acquire financial asset from Directions, 2019
The working group shall examine and make Finance to NBFCs predominantly engaged other ARC
Notification No. FMRD.
recommendations on possible structures and in lending against gold will continue to be
Notification No. DNBR.PD (ARC) FMSD.17/03.07.035/2018-19
mechanisms, within the securities market 7.5% of the banks’ capital funds or 12.5%
CC.No.07/26.03.001/2018-19 dated 26 June 2019
domain, to facilitate fund raising by social of the banks’ capital funds if the additional
dated 28 June 2019
enterprises and voluntary organisations. exposure is on account of funds on-lent Some key highlights of the Directions are
by NBFCs to the infrastructure sector (as In view of amendment to the SARFAESI, it as follows:
prescribed in circular dated 18 May 2012). has been decided to permit ARCs to acquire

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• These Directions shall apply to FBAs Priority Sector Lending – Lending by banks • Banks can only classify the fresh loans External benchmark based lending
who administer significant benchmarks to NBFCs for on-lending sanctioned by NBFCs out of bank
Notification No. DBR.No.BP.
in the markets for financial instruments borrowings, on or after 13 August 2019,
Notification No. FIDD.CO.Plan. BC.18/21.01.003/2019-20 dated 12
regulated by the RBI with respect to as priority sector loans.
BC.7/04.09.01/2019-20 September 2019
interest rates or interest rate products.
dated 13 August 2019 • Bank credit to NBFCs for on-lending
To deliver effective transmission of monetary
• On the RBI notifying a benchmark as will be allowed up to a limit of 5% of
Bank credit to registered NBFCs (other than policy, the RBI has directed to switch over
a significant benchmark, the person an individual bank’s total priority sector
Micro Finance Institutions) for on-lending will to external benchmark based lending by
administering that benchmark shall, lending on an ongoing basis.
be eligible for classification as priority sector amending the Master Direction on Interest
within a period of three months make an
under the respective categories, subject to Priority Sector Lending – Classification of Rate on Advances dated 3 March 2016. The
application to the RBI for authorisation to
the following conditions: exports under priority sector key changes are as follows:
continue administering that benchmark.
• The sector and limits are as follows: Circular No. FIDD.CO.Plan. • All new floating rate personal or retail
• FBAs, with regard to the “significant
BC.12/04.09.01/2019-20 loans (housing, auto, etc.) and floating
benchmarks” they administer, shall – Agriculture – On-lending by NBFCs
dated 20 September 2019 rate loans to Micro and Small Enterprises
be responsible for the formulation, for “Term Lending” component will be
extended by banks from 1 October 2019,
determination and dissemination of allowed up to INR 1m per borrower. To boost the credit to export sector, the RBI
shall mandatorily be linked to one of the
benchmarks value, ensuring transparency decided to enhance the sanctioned limit for
– Micro & Small Enterprises – On- following external benchmarks:
in the benchmark administration and classification of export credit extended by
lending by NBFCs will be allowed up
periodic review of the benchmark. domestic banks under priority sector lending, – RBI policy repo rate.
to INR 2m per borrower.
from INR 250m per borrower to INR 400m
• The FBA will set up the Oversight – Government of India three-months
– Housing - Enhancement of the existing per borrower. The RBI also removed the
Committee, with fair representation Treasury Bill yield published by the
limits for on-lending by HFCs from existing criteria for units to have turnover of
of major stakeholders, to undertake Financial Benchmarks India Private
INR 1m per borrower to INR 2m per up to INR 1b, to classify the export credit
regular reviews of various aspects of Limited.
borrower. extended to them under priority sector
the significant benchmark determination

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– Government of India six-months Lending by banks to InvITs • Audit Committee of the Board to review • NBFCs shall adopt liquidity risk
Treasury Bill yield published by the compliance with the above-mentioned monitoring tools/ metrics to capture
Circular No. DBR.No.BP.
Financial Benchmarks India Private conditions on a half-yearly basis. strains in the liquidity position, if any.
BC.20/08.12.014/2019-20 dated 14 October
2019 Liquidity risk management framework for • NBFCs shall also monitor liquidity risk
– Any other benchmark published by the NBFCs and CIC based on a “stock” approach to liquidity,
The RBI issued clarifications on banks’
Financial Benchmarks India Private using predefined internal limits as decided
lending to InvIT, the key highlights of which Circular No. DOR.NBFC (PD) CC.
Limited. by the Board for various critical ratios
are as follows: No.102/03.10.001/2019-20 dated 4
pertaining to liquidity risk.
• A bank must adopt a uniform external November 2019
• Banks to put in place board-approved
benchmark and not multiple benchmarks • All non-deposit taking NBFCs with
policy on exposures to InvIT. The RBI revised the extant guidelines on
within a loan category. asset size of INR 50b and above, and
liquidity risk management for NBFCs to
• Banks to assess the ability of the InvIT all deposit-taking NBFCs irrespective of
• The interest rate under external strengthen and raise the standard of Asset
and the underlying SPVs to service the their asset size, shall maintain a liquidity
benchmark shall be reset at least once in Liability Management framework applicable
debt on a timely basis. buffer in terms of Liquidity Coverage
three months. to them. Some of the key changes are as
Ratio. This will promote resilience of
• Banks can lend only to those InvITs follows:
• Floating rate term loans sanctioned to NBFCs to potential liquidity disruptions
where none of the underlying SPVs,
borrowers who are eligible to prepay a • All non-deposit taking NBFCs with asset by ensuring that they have sufficient
which have existing bank loans, is facing
floating rate loan without pre-payment size of INR 1b and above, systemically High Quality Liquid Assets to survive any
“financial difficulty.”
charges, shall be eligible for switchover to important CIC and all deposit-taking acute liquidity stress scenario lasting for
external benchmark without any charges, • Lending for the purpose of acquisition NBFCs irrespective of their asset size will 30 days. The stock of High Quality Liquid
except for reasonable administrative or of equity stake by InvIT to be in segregate the 1-30 day time bucket in Assets to be maintained by NBFCs shall
legal costs. Other existing borrowers accordance with Master Circular – Loans the Statement of Structural Liquidity and be a minimum of 100% of total net cash
shall have the option to move to external and Advances – Statutory and Other Interest Rate Sensitivity Statement into outflows over the next 30 calendar days.
benchmark at mutually acceptable terms. Restrictions dated 1 July 2015. granular buckets of 1-7 days, 8-14 days
• The Liquidity Coverage Ratio requirement
and 15-30 days.
shall be binding on the above category

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Corporate Tax Acquisitions Pricing

of NBFCs from 1 December 2020, as per calculation, any capital contribution of the coupled with periodic on-site inspection of have a high-powered Customer Grievances
the prescribed limits and reaching up to CIC to another step-down CIC (directly the CICs. Cell to handle customer complaints.
100% by 1 December 2024 in the manner or indirectly) shall be deducted over
RBI releases Draft Guidelines for “on tap” CBDT
prescribed in the circular. and above the 10% of owned funds as
licensing of Small Finance Banks in the
applicable to other NBFCs. Further, step- Clarity regarding the taxability of income
Report of the Working Group to Review the private sector
down CICs may not be permitted to invest earned by a non-resident investor from
Regulatory and Supervisory Framework
in any other CIC. Press Release No. 2019-2020/701 offshore investments routed through an AIF
for CIC
dated 13 September 2019
• To prevent complex group structures, Circular No. 14/2019 dated 3 July 2019
Press Release Nos. 2019-2020/43 dated
the number of layers of CICs in a group The RBI has issued draft guidelines for
3 July 2019 and 2019-2020/1118 dated 6 Investments made by Category I or Category
should not exceed two. “on tap” licensing of Small Finance Banks.
November 2019 II AIFs are deemed to have been made by
The draft guidelines have been formulated
• To mitigate risks at the group level the investor directly, as per the provisions
The RBI constituted a Working Group for continuous authorisation and covers
due to build-up of high leverage, every of section 115UB of the Act. In this regard,
on 3 July 2019 to review the regulatory provisions for eligible promoters, corporate
conglomerate having a CIC should have the CBDT was of the view that any income
and supervisory framework for CICs, to structure, fit and proper criteria for
a Group Risk Management Committee, in the hands of the non-resident investor
monitor the complex group structures and promoters, capital requirements, promoter’s
which inter alia, should be entrusted with from offshore investments routed through
inter-connectedness of CICs with financial contribution, voting rights and transfer/
the stipulated responsibility. the above-mentioned AIFs, being a deemed
systems and strengthen the corporate acquisition of shares, Statutory Liquidity
direct investment outside India by the non-
governance framework for them. The key • RBI to consider implementing certain Ratio and Cash Reserve Ratio requirements,
resident investor, is not taxable in India
measures suggested by the WG to mitigate standards of governance for scope of activities, prudential norms,
under section 5(2) of the Act.
the related risks in the Report submitted to unlisted CICs. corporate governance, licensing process,
the Governor on 6 November 2019 are as etc. In addition, at least 25% of the banking Clarity regarding definition of “Fund
• RBI should prescribe CICs to file offsite
follows: outlets of an Small Finance Banks will have Manager” for the purpose of section 9A of
returns in line with NBFCs. Annual
to be opened in unbanked rural centres. The the Act
• To prevent multiple gearing and excessive submission of Statutory Auditor’s
operations of the bank should be technology
leveraging, for adjusted net worth Certificates may also be mandated, Circular No. 8/2019 dated 10 May 2019
driven from the beginning. The bank should

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Considering that an AMC is engaged in A non-resident (not being a company) or IRDAI issues guidelines for insurance Special Economic Zone Act, 2005 amended
the activity of fund management of mutual a foreign company is now exempt from intermediaries offices in IFSC to allow trusts to set up units
funds, and hence, it is in substance, a Fund furnishing a return of income in India if it
IRDAI/RI/GDL/MISC/012/01/2019 Press Release ID: 1566731
Manager, the CBDT was of the view that the earns income from investment in a Category
dated 16 January 2019 dated 28 February 2019
SEBI-approved AMCs will be designated I or Category II AIF set up in IFSC, subject to
as “eligible fund manager,” and therefore, the following conditions: The IRDAI issued Intermediary Guidelines to The Government of India notified the
entitled to benefits under section 9A of grant permission to insurance intermediaries amendment to the definition of “person”
• Any income-tax due on the income
the Act. Once the AMC is approved under to set up shop and undertake operations in under section 2(v) of the Special Economic
of such investor has been deducted
section 9A of the Act, fund management IFSC. These guidelines are applicable to Zone (SEZ) Act, 2005, to now include
at source and remitted to the Central
activities for offshore funds by such AMCs an IIIO. Any person or entity who holds a a trust and any other form of entity as
Government by the investment fund at
would not be regarded as having a “business valid certificate of registration issued by the may be notified by the Government.
the rates in force, as per section 194LBB
connection” in India. Even if the overseas IRDAI can apply for authorisation to act as This amendment will enable a trust to be
of the Act; and
fund is managed by AMCs from India, their an IIIO in the same category for which it has considered for grant of permission to set up
global incomes will not be subjected to tax in • There is no other income during the year been granted a certificate of registration by a unit in a SEZ in IFSC. This will also provide
India. This move by CBDT now allows AMCs for which the investor is otherwise liable the IRDAI in India. An IIIO is authorised to flexibility to the Government to include any
to become Fund Managers and not merely to file return of income in India. undertake insurance intermediary business entity that it may wish to notify from time to
“advisers” to offshore funds. that is permitted under the Special Economic time to set up a unit in a SEZ.
The above exemption shall not be available
Zones Act, 2005, and the Rules framed
GIFT City to non-resident investors when the income- Union Cabinet approves bill for
thereunder and which emanates outside the
tax authorities issue a notice under certain establishment of a unified authority for
Exemption from furnishing return of income country. An IIIO shall be set up as a branch
sections of the Act. regulating all financial services in IFSC
for non-residents earning income from office and cannot undertake any insurance
investment fund set up in IFSC intermediary business that is otherwise not Press Release dated 6 February 2019
permitted by the IRDAI.
F.No. 225/79/2019-ITA.II/Notification No. On 6 February 2019, the Union Cabinet
55/2019 dated 26 July 2019 approved the establishment of a Unified
Authority for regulating all the financial

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services in IFSCs through the IFSC Authority Miscellaneous Government amends procedure for seeking • Approval is to be granted by the CBDT
Bill, 2019. The Unified Authority in IFSC will exemption from section 56(2)(viib) for and not the IMBC.
Final notifications issued under section
solely exercise all the powers exercisable start-ups
115JG(1) for conversion of Indian branch • The application is to be processed within
by the respective financial sector regulators
of foreign bank into an Indian subsidiary Notification No. GSR 34(E) dated 16 January 45 days of receipt. Earlier no time limit
under the respective Acts for the regulation
company 2019 was prescribed.
of the following:
Notification Nos. 85/2018/F. In 2016, the Government notified start- • Conditions pertaining to the investor are
• All financial services, financial products
No.370133/34/2016-TPL dated 6 December ups to be exempted from the applicability changed. The investor should now have
and financial institutions in an IFSC that
2018 and 86/2018/F.No.370133/34/2016- of provisions of section 56(2)(viib) of the a returned income of at least INR 5m in
have already been permitted by the
TPL (Part) dated 6 December 2018 Act if such start-ups are recognised by the the FY preceding the year of investment/
financial sector regulators for IFSCs.
IMBC under the DPIIT, as eligible for such proposed investment. The investor should
The Central Government has issued two
• Such other financial products, financial exemption. The Government amended the also have a net worth exceeding INR
final notifications notifying the conditions to
services or financial institutions as may procedure to grant exemption to registered 20m or the amount of investment made/
be met to avail capital gains tax exemption
be notified by the Central Government start-ups on 16 January 2019. The key proposed to be made in the start-up,
on conversion of the Indian branch of a
from time to time. changes are as follows: whichever is higher, as on the last date of
foreign bank into an Indian subsidiary
the FY preceding the year of investment/
The transactions of financial services in company. The final notifications also provide • Both proposed and past investments
proposed investment.
IFSCs shall be made in foreign currency guidance on exceptions, modifications and are now covered under the exemption.
as specified by the Unified Authority in adaptations with regard to the applicability of However, the same is not applicable,
consultation with the Central Government. various provisions of the Act on conversion for which the TO has already passed an
This is in line with the existing regulations of the Indian branch of a foreign bank into an assessment order.
prescribed by the RBI under the Indian subsidiary company.
• Requirement to obtain a fair valuation
Foreign Exchange Management (IFSC)
report from a merchant banker is no
Guidelines, 2015.
longer required.

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Corporate tax Personal tax Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Services Acquisitions Pricing

Black money
Social Security/ Provident Fund
Split residency

Circulars, notifications and others

Income-tax return

25 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Corporate Tax Services Personal tax Acquisitions Pricing
Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Personal tax
Judgement of the Revenue Authorities to bring to components of salary for PF contribution but individual, the residency can be determined
task those who failed to make accurate laid an important test that must be fulfilled as per Article 4 of India-US tax treaty and by
Black money disclosures of foreign income and assets in for an allowance to be excluded from the applying tiebreaker rule, as mentioned in the
High Court upholds prosecution under the their tax returns. Non-disclosure of foreign definition of basic wages. According to the relevant article of the tax treaty. In this case,
Black Money Act; parallel proceeding under assets and income will not only attract decision, allowances that are variable or it was held that the salary received by the
the Act not relevant penalty and prosecution under the Black incentive in nature, are not uniformly paid to individual after completing his assignment
Money Act, 2015, but also penalty all employees, or are specifically paid to an in India was not taxable by applying the
Writ Petition No. 568 of 2018 under the Act. employee, may be excluded from the scope tiebreaker test, as per the relevant article of
The High Court upheld the initiation of of basic wages. Accordingly, the employers the tax treaty. The taxpayer did not satisfy
Social Security/ Provident Fund
prosecution proceeding under the Black should note this decision and review the conditions for claiming exemption under
Money Act, 2015, for the non-disclosure of Supreme Court specifies principle for the salary structure of their employees, the tax treaty, as he did not furnish the TRC.
foreign bank account in the tax return of the allowances to be included in ambit of particularly of International Workers, to avoid The Tribunal held that residency under the
individual-taxpayer. The contention of the “basic wages” any default on account of PF compliances. tax treaty was not merely to be concluded
taxpayer that the foreign bank account was based on the TRC but analysed on the test
Civil Appeal No. 6221 of 2011 and ors. Split residency
inherited, and it belonged to his deceased of personal and economic relations, as
mother, was also rejected by the High Court. The Supreme Court of India, in its recent Tribunal held taxpayer claim of split per Article 4(2) of the tax treaty. This ruling
Further, the High Court held that a taxpayer decision, laid down the principles to exclude residency as per Article 4 India-US tax treaty brings some clarity to the issue of split
might be prosecuted and punished under a particular allowance/ payment from the residency and the ability of the taxpayer to
ITA No. 1655/Bang/2017
either the Act or the Black Money Act, 2015 definition of “basic wages” to compute the claim benefits under the tax treaty in case of
or both. This decision boosts the confidence deduction towards PF contribution. The The Bangalore bench of the Tribunal upheld such dual residency during a particular year.
Supreme Court did not analyse the individual that in the case of dual residency of an

26 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Circular, notifications Income-tax return

and others Income-tax return form FY 2018-19 notified
Pension Notification No. GSR. 279(E) dated
Proposal approved by Government to 1 April 2019
streamline NPS The CBDT amended the Rules and
Press release by the Ministry of Finance on introduced new ITR Forms applicable for
streamlining of NPS on 10 December 2018 FY 2018-19. Several changes were made
in the Forms seeking additional details,
The Government of India approved the which will help in automatically validating
proposal to streamline the process of NPS. or crosschecking the income. The ITR
As per the approved proposal, employer Forms now require additional details about
contribution to NPS under Tier-I will be 14% the overseas tax residency from NRIs,
for Central Government employees, while additional details to claim tax treaty benefit,
the employee contribution remains the expanded disclosure under foreign asset,
same. The Central Government will have etc. RORs are now required to provide
the choice to select the pension fund and more details of their overseas assets, such
investment pattern. The remaining 60% of as foreign depository accounts, foreign
the accumulated corpus in NPS withdrawn custodian account, etc. Foreign nationals,
out of total corpus will be exempt from tax. who come to India temporarily, for a period
For contribution to the NPS Tier-II account of three to five years and become ROR of
with the lock in period of three years, benefit India, will face challenges in making such
to claim deduction under section 80C of the numerous disclosures. Considering the
Act (within the ambit of INR 0.15m) shall be Indian Government’s focus on tightening the
available. These changes have been made compliance, taxpayers need to note these
effective immediately upon approval of the changes diligently.
concerned ministry.
27 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019
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Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Amendment in Form 16 and 24Q to capture CBDT specifies procedure, formats and CBDT releases FAQ for disclosure in ITR
additional details standards for the issuance of Form 16
Circular No. 18/2019 dated 8 August 2019
Notification No. 36/2019 dated 12 April 2019 Notification No. 09/2019 dated 6 May 2019
The CBDT released clarifications in the form
The CBDT issued a new format for Form All employers are required to issue Part B of of FAQs regarding certain disclosures in the
16 to capture additional details pertaining to Form 16 as downloaded from TDS TRACES ITR Forms, applicable to FY 2018-19. The
the bifurcation of allowances exempt under portal, provided Form 24Q is furnished with FAQs provided clarity to the taxpayer for the
section 10 of the Act, salary received from duly filled in Annexure II. The TRACES- purpose of filing ITR, especially after a large
other employers, income (or loss admissible) generated Form 16 will have a unique TDS number of amendments in the ITR Forms.
under house property and income from certificate number. The details of exemption Some important clarifications provided by
other sources, and section-wise breakup of under section 10 of the Act and deductions the FAQs were as follows: (a) disclosure of
deduction claimed under chapter VI-A of the under chapter VI-A of the Act, which are not the assets already reported in the Schedule
Act. Corresponding amendments have also specifically provided in the Annexure II of FA and held as on 31 March 2019; (b) in
been made in the format of Form 24Q (TDS Form 24Q, are to be filled manually by the Schedule AL, foreign assets to be reported
return), such as bifurcation of allowances, employer before the issuance of Form 16. on accounting year basis, (c) issues relating
perquisite, deduction and the PAN of lender, Employers should also ensure correct and to unlisted share reporting, (d) disclosure
when a housing loan is taken from persons accurate disclosure when filing the TDS on directorship and clarity on reporting of
other than a financial institution. These statement to avoid any questioning by tax foreign tax identification number, amongst
amendments will expedite individual ITR authorities in relation to the difference in the others. The release of these clarifications
processing by comparing the line items as amounts reported in Part A and Part B of was a welcome step, as taxpayers were
appearing in the individual ITR Forms with Form 16 issued to employees. facing challenges in reporting certain
the TDS returns to allow rightful deductions details in the absence of guidance in the
and exemptions claim. instructions to the ITR Forms. These FAQs
have helped individuals in filing their ITR
without any hassle.

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Capital gains
Income from other sources
Set-off and carry forward of losses
Business income
SEBI informal guidance

Circulars, notifications and others

Appointed date

29 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Corporate Tax Services Pricing

Mergers & Acquisitions

Judgement Conversion of firm into a company does not gains by the firm does not and cannot
amount to distribution of assets – firm not arise at all.
Capital gains liable to capital gains tax
Section 47(xiii) of the Act also covers
Tribunal holds that amount received by a ITA No. 2316/Ahd/2014 transfer of capital assets by a firm to an
retiring partner above his capital account is existing company
chargeable as capital gains In case of conversion of firm into a company,
the Ahmedabad bench of the Tribunal has ITA No. 2701/AHD/2011
ITA No. 1700/Bang/2016 held as follows:
The Ahmedabad bench of the Tribunal held
The Bangalore bench of the Tribunal held • Revaluation of assets could not be that there is no requirement under section
that the retiring partner is liable to capital treated as transfer within the meaning of 47(xiii) of the Act that a firm should be
gains tax on the excess payment received section 2(47) of the Act; “converted” into a company. It is sufficient if
over and above the sum to the credit of her an existing company acquires all assets and
capital account at the time of retirement. • When converted into a company, the
liabilities and complies with the conditions
properties of the erstwhile firm were
Relying on the judgement passed in laid under section 47(xiii) of the Act. This
vested into the company. Such vesting
Sudhakar M. Shetty v. ACIT [2011] 130 ruling distinguishes cases of conversion
could not be equated to the distribution of
ITD 197 (Mumbai) it held that the act of and succession under the Act and provides
assets as stipulated under section 45(4)
relinquishment of rights as a partner in the clarity on interpretation of conditions
of the Act; and
firm would amount to transfer of capital asset specified in section 47(xiii) of the Act.
and the capital gains shall be the sum paid • No justification found to hold that there
over and above the sum standing to the was any transfer of asset, and thus, the
credit in the capital account. question of liability to pay tax on capital

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In case of conversion of company into LLP, This ruling distinguishes the judgement CIT during assessment quashed the revision Income from other sources
shareholders liable to tax on capital gains in v. Texspin Engg. & Mfg. Works [2003] 263 under section 263 of the Act.
Section 56(2)(viib) of the Act applicable
relation to transfer of shares ITR 345 (Bombay) and other rulings, to
Benefit of 5% variation between stamp at the time of share allotment, even if
clarify that those decisions were applicable
AAR No. 1290 of 2012 duty value and consideration, in section application made before insertion of that
to conversion of a company into an LLP but
50C of the Act, is curative and applies section
The AAR, while dealing with taxability in the not to the shareholders or partners. In future,
hands of the shareholders, on conversion of it is necessary to be careful with taxability in ITA No. 5933/DEL/2018
a company into a LLP held that – the hands of shareholders on the conversion ITA No. 2351/Kol/2017
The Delhi bench of the Tribunal held that the
of a company into an LLP.
• Conversion of shareholding into LLP The Kolkata bench of the Tribunal held that provisions of section 56(2)(viib) of the Act
interest constitutes the extinguishment of Gift of shares made by a company under the third proviso to section 50C of the Act, are applicable to shares allotted at premium
rights in the hands of the shareholders, an internal restructuring exercise not a inserted by the Finance Act, 2018, should be at the time of allotment. Therefore, the
and hence, would amount to transfer “colourable device” – revision under section treated as retrospective in nature. Although time of receipt of application money, which
under section 2(47) of the Act; 263 of the Act rejected the amendment has been made effective was before insertion of the section, is not
from 1 April 2019, the Tribunal held that once relevant.
• Computation provision under section 48 ITA No. 2211/Mum/2019
it is undisputed that a statutory amendment
of the Act is capable of working out the Amount received from an HUF by its
The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal holds is being made to remove an undue hardship
capital gains arising in the hands of the member not taxable under section 56(2)(vii)
that transfer of shares of a company as “gift” to the taxpayer or to remove an apparent
shareholders; and of the Act
by a taxpayer to its group company is not a incongruity, such an amendment has to be
• Even if the value of a partner’s interest colourable device. It rejected the Revenue’s treated as curative and declaratory, and ITA No. 773/CHD/2018
in the LLP is equal to the value of a contention that the taxpayer had resorted to hence, shall have a retrospective effect.
The Chandigarh bench of the Tribunal held
shareholder’s interest in the company, it circular transaction of transfer of shares to
that the provision of section 56(2)(vii) of
does give rise to taxable capital gains in avoid capital gains tax. The enquiry made
the Act does not apply to a gift given by a
the hands of the shareholder.
HUF to its members, on the premise that
a member has pre-existing right in the
family properties. Thus, when a member

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Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Corporate Tax Services Pricing

receives any sum from the HUF, during the Advances by a subsidiary, as a business Set-off and carry forward of losses Section 79 of the Act not applicable where
subsistence of the HUF or on its partition, venture on profit share basis, for strategic the shareholder continues to hold 100%,
Tribunal holds that long-term capital loss, on
it cannot be treated as receipt without investments to be made by the holding although partly indirectly, post amalgamation
STT paid sale of listed shares, is eligible for
consideration. The Tribunal also held that company, not dividends under section 2(22) of the company having brought forward
carry forward and set-off
even otherwise, the taxpayer was entitled to (e) of the Act losses
exemption under section 10(2) of the Act. ITA No. 511/Kol/2017
ITA No. 936/Ind/2018 ITA No. 2336/Mum/2019
Section 56(2)(viia) of the Act not applicable The Kolkata bench of the Tribunal has held
The Indore bench of the Tribunal held The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal held that
to receipt of shares of a foreign company that notwithstanding gains on sale of listed
that section 2(22)(e) of the Act will not be the condition under section 79 of the Act, for
before amendment to Rule 11U with effect shares on which STT is paid is exempt under
applicable to the amount received as loan/ carry forward and set-off of loss, is said to be
from 1 April 2019 section 10(38) of the Act, long-term capital
advance from a subsidiary for making further satisfied if the beneficial shareholders of the
loss on the sale of such shares, is eligible to
ITA No. 1703/Mum/2019 strategic investments. company during the year when the loss was
be carried forward.
incurred, directly or indirectly holds at least
The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal held that Section 68 of the Act not applicable where
The Tribunal reiterates the principle that if a 51% shares in the said company during the
provisions of section 56(2)(viia) of the Act primary ingredients required are established
source of income is completely exempt from year of set-off.
read with pre-amended Rule 11U and 11UA
ITA Nos. 1090 & 2569/Mum/2019 tax, the set-off and carry forward of loss shall
of the Rules, did not apply to the purchase This judgement reaffirms that the continuity
not be available. However, if the exemption
of shares of a foreign company by an Indian The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal held that of the ultimate beneficial owner, and not the
applies only to a part of the source of
company. once the three ingredients of section 68 of immediate direct owner, is required to satisfy
income and/ or is subject to fulfilment of
the Act, i.e., identity of the share subscriber, the conditions for carry forward and set-off of
The Tribunal has held that the provisions some conditions, the loss from such source
genuineness of the transaction and credit losses under section 79 of the Act.
of section 56(2)(viia) of the Act cannot of income will be allowed to be set-off and
worthiness of the share subscriber is
be applicable on acquisition of shares of carried forward.
established, addition under section 68 of the
foreign companies prior to 1 April 2019, as
Act is not warranted. In addition, the Tribunal
otherwise, it will make the amendment to
held that the taxpayer is not required to
Rule 11U of the Rules redundant.
prove the source of the source of the source
of funds.

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Corporate Tax Services Pricing

Business income Non-compete fees received by a non- allowing the credit of tax paid by the 33%, directly or indirectly in the transferee
resident, not taxable in the absence of a transferor company to the transferee company.
Depreciation on goodwill arising on
PE in India company.
amalgamation allowed in subsequent year Guidance Note No. SEBI/HO/ISD/
on the principal of consistency; however, ITA No. 3985/Mum/2018 SEBI informal guidance OW/P/2019/25981/2019 dated 1 October
on merits, observes claim is not otherwise 2019
The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal held Guidance Note Nos. CFD/DIL-1/
that non-compete fees received by a non- OW/2019/2726/1 dated 28 January 2019 A person who is being named as a promoter
ITA Nos. 1439/Ahd/2011, 42/Ahd/2012, 597/ resident individual taxpayer shall not be and CFD/DIL/OW/2019/13729/1 owing to the provisions of SEBI (Listing
Ahd/2014, 2249/Ahd/2018 & IT(SS)A No. taxable in India unless such non-resident dated 29 May 2019 Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
357/Ahd/18 has a PE in India. The mere holding of Regulations, 2015 but who is not exercising
Lock-in requirement under SEBI (Issue
shares in an Indian company cannot be control shall still be classified as a
The Ahmedabad bench of the Tribunal, of Capital and Disclosure requirements),
construed to constitute a PE in India. designated person for the purpose of SEBI
while dealing with the depreciation claim Regulations 2018 for allotment of warrants:
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
on goodwill arising on amalgamation, This ruling reiterates that business lock-in period shall commence from the
2015 (PIT regulations) and will have to
allowed it in the second year on the connection is not established merely on relevant date and end on the expiry of six
comply with the company’s code of conduct.
“principle of consistency,” as the claim was account of being a shareholder/ promoter in months from the date of allotment of the
not disallowed in the first year of claim. an Indian company. warrants. Guidance Note No. SEBI/HO/ISD/
However, the Tribunal, on merit, observed OW/P/2019/31266/1 dated 25 November
Waiver of section 234C interest payable by Guidance Note No. CFD/DCR1/
that the intent of the Legislature is to make 2019
the resulting company; citing uncertainty of OW/P/2019/14383/1 dated 6 June 2019
the amalgamation schemes tax neutral
profits until approval of the If a person is specified as a “designated
for both companies and shareholders, the Exemption under regulation 10(1)(d)(iii) of
demerger Scheme person” by the board of directors of a
depreciation claimed on goodwill arising SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
company, the restrictions of contra-trade
upon amalgamation impacts such tax Writ Petition No. 544 of 2019 Takeover) Regulations, 2011 for open offer
under PIT regulations would be applicable
neutrality, and hence, is unwanted under the obligations available, if persons holding
The Bombay High Court allows waiver of to all shares held under the PAN of such
provisions of law. 100% stake, directly or indirectly over
interest on the basis of the CBDT circular person irrespective of the capacities in which
the transferor company, continue to hold
and impliedly provides precedence, for such person holds shares in the company.

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Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Corporate Tax Services Pricing

Circulars, notifications In response to queries received, the MCA NCLT order with the RoC, an intimation the RoC within 30 days of the scheme
and others clarified as follows: regarding the triggering of such an event coming into force.
shall also be required to be filed with
Appointed date • The appointed date may be a specified
calendar date or may be tied to the
MCA issues clarification on appointed occurrence of an event or fulfilment of
date to be specified in scheme of mergers/ any preconditions, which are relevant to
amalgamation the scheme or as agreed upon between
General Circular No. 09/2019 dated 21 the parties.
August 2019 • The appointed date shall also be deemed
The MCA has issued a circular clarifying the as the “acquisition date” and the date
meaning of the appointed date mentioned of transfer of control for the purpose of
in a scheme of merger/ amalgamation. The accounting as per Ind AS 103.
Companies Act, 1956, did not contain any • In addition, an appointed date can be a
provision relating to the appointed date. date preceding the filing of the scheme
The Supreme Court, in the case of Marshall application with the NCLT. In case the
Sons & Co India Limited v. ITO [1997] appointed date precedes the date of
223 ITR 809, held that every scheme of filing the application with the NCLT by
amalgamation has to provide a date from more than one year, specific justification
which such scheme shall take effect. The shall be required to be brought out in
CA, 2013, contains a specific provision the scheme, and it should not be against
under section 232(6), prescribing that a public interest.
scheme should indicate an appointed date
from which it shall be effective. • If an event-based appointed date could
trigger post filing of certified copy of

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Services Acquisitions Pricing

Penalty proceedings
Tested party
Validity of draft assessment order

Circulars, notifications and others

Secondary adjustment

35 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Corporate Tax Services Acquisitions Pricing

Transfer Pricing
Judgement Indian law for selection of foreign AEs as the draft assessment order, was passed Rule 10CB of the Rules was introduced
the tested party. Considering the contrary incorrectly in the name of a non-existent for the purpose of computation of interest
Penalty proceedings decisions, apparently, the opinion of different entity, although the final assessment order income pursuant to secondary adjustment
Penalty proceedings can be initiated even if benches of the Tribunal is divided on was framed in the correct entity’s name. The provisions introduced in section 92CE of
dispute resolved by enforcement of MAP selection of “foreign tested party.” Contrary Tribunal ruled that since the TPO’s order the Act. The CBDT has now amended Rule
to the subject ruling, various judgements was made in the name of a non-existent 10CB of the Rules vide its notification dated
Writ Petition No. 57865/2015 have been concluded in favour of selecting entity, the “eligible taxpayer” did not exist 30 September 2019.
The High Court of Karnataka has ruled the foreign tested party. Considering the as per section 144C of the Act. A draft
The notification has replaced the words
on the constitutional validity of penalty litigation scenario, taxpayers may have to assessment order passed in the absence of
“excess money” with the words “excess
proceedings to hold that the provisions of wait for certainty on the use of foreign tested an “eligible taxpayer” is a jurisdictional defect
money or part thereof” in Rule 10CB of the
section 271(1)(c) of the Act would continue party, until the litigation reaches finality. and not a procedural irregularity; thus, the
Rules. It has amended the time limit for
to apply to cases resolved under a MAP, assessment was bad in law.
Validity of draft assessment order repatriation of money. The notification has
unless the tax treaty or the MAP specifically
Draft assessment order issued erroneously
Circulars, notifications also inserted a new sub-rule (3) to Rule
waives the penalty.
in the name of the amalgamating entity and others 10CB of the Rules, which prescribes the
Tested party invalidates final assessment on the
start date to be considered for computation
Secondary adjustment of interest, in the absence of repatriation
Tribunal holds that selection of the foreign amalgamated entity
CBDT amends rules for computation of inter- of such excess money or part thereof. In
AE as tested party lacks statutory sanction ITA No. 857/Mum/2016 est in case of secondary adjustment addition, the notification also inserted a
ITA Nos. 1260 & 1308/PUNE/2018 new explanation to Rule 10CB of the Rules,
The Mumbai bench of the Tribunal has Notification No. 76 of 2019 which provides that the rate of exchange
The Pune bench of the Tribunal has held quashed an entire assessment, as the draft dated 30 September 2019 for calculating the amount of international
that there is no statutory sanction in the of the proposed order of assessment, i.e.,

36 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Mergers & Transfer Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures
Corporate Tax Services Acquisitions Pricing

transaction in foreign currency should be the In addition, as per a proviso to the amended of CbCRs. The due date for filing the CbCR
Telegraphic Transfer buying rate as on the Rule, if the parent entity of the inbound CE in India by an inbound CE to which section
last day of the previous year. is the resident of a country or territory where 286(4) of the Act applies is 12 months from
there has been a systemic failure by the the end of the RAY.
country or territory, and the said failure has
A BCAA for exchange of CbCRs was under
CBDT prescribes due date for filing CbCR by been intimated to such CE, the due date for
negotiation between India and the USA. The
inbound constituent entities in certain cases submission of CbCR in such cases would
CBDT confirmed that the aforesaid BCAA
be six months from the end of the month
CBDT Notification No. 88 of 2018 for exchange of CbCRs was finalised and
in which such systemic failure has been
dated 18 December 2018 signed on 27 March 2019. Further, it stated
intimated to the inbound CE.
that the exchange will be effective for CbCRs
A filing requirement of a CbCR arises in
BCAA for exchange of CbCRs between India pertaining to RAYs commencing on or after
India for an inbound constituent entity (i.e.,
and the US has been finalised and signed 1 January 2016.
a constituent entity, resident in India, of
an international group, the parent entity of CBDT Press Releases dated 15 March 2019 In view of the press releases, inbound CEs
which is not resident in India) if any of the and 27 March 2019 whose parent entities have filed CbCRs in
circumstances mentioned in section 286(4) the US for RAYs commencing on or after
A filing requirement of a CbCR arises in
of the Act apply to that CE. 1 January 2016, would not be required to
India for an inbound CE (i.e., a CE, resident
undertake any CbCR filing in India. This
The CBDT has now prescribed the due date in India, of an international group, the parent
would include any CbCR that has been filed
for filing the CbCR by an inbound CE to entity of which is not resident in India) if any
on a voluntary basis in the USA. However,
which section 286(4) of the Act applies. In of the circumstances mentioned in section
if the USA parent entity of an international
this regard, Rule 10DB(4) of the Rules has 286(4) of the Act apply to that CE. Such
group has not undertaken any voluntary filing
been amended to prescribe the due date to circumstances include a situation in which
of the CbCR in the USA, the inbound CE
be 12 months from the end of the RAY. This the parent entity of an international group is
belonging to such international group would
Rule becomes effective from the resident of a country, with which India
need to undertake a CbCR filing in India.
18 December 2018. does not have an agreement for exchange

37 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Service tax

Circulars, notifications and others


38 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Acquisitions Pricing Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Indirect Tax
Judgement Input tax credit of inputs and services used clarifying that the last date for availing ITC equivalent to availment of credit or utilisation
in construction allowed relating to invoices issued during July 2017 of credit, unless it is actually utilised for
GST to March 2018, as the last date for filing payment of tax liability at the time of filing
Writ Petition No. 20463 of 2018
No requirement of pre-import for advance return in Form GSTR-3B, is illegal and returns.
authorisation holders for exemption from The Orissa High Court allowed ITC on input contrary to section 16(4) of the CGST Act,
Gujarat High Court holds that filing of online
IGST and compensation cess materials/ services used for developing a 2017 read with section 39(1) and Rule 61 of
declaration to claim transitional credit within
shopping mall against GST payable on rent the CGST Rules, 2017, as Form 3B is not
R/ Special Civil Application No. 14558 the due date contemplated under Rule 117
received from tenants. It held that section a stipulated monthly return issued under
of 2018 of CGST Rules, 2017, is procedural and
17(5)(d) of the CGST Act, 2017, should also section 39(1).
directory in nature
The Gujarat High Court struck down the apply to a situation in which the property is
Patna High Court holds that no recovery
pre-import condition in notification exempting let out at par with a situation in which the R/ Special Civil Application Nos. 5758, 5759,
proceedings can be initiated against ITC
advance authorisation holders from IGST property is sold in an under-construction 5760, 5762 of 2019
availed but not utilised
and compensation cess. The pre-import stage.
The Gujarat High Court has held that the
condition mandated that export obligation Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No. 2125 of 2019
Gujarat High Court issues decision on last online filing of the form to claim transitional
be fulfilled only by physical exports. The date for claiming ITC for invoices from July It was held that no recovery proceedings credits within the due date contemplated
pre-import condition renders the scheme 2017 to March 2018 under section 73 of the Bihar Goods and under Rule 117 is not a mandatory provision
of advance authorisation ineffective, and it Services Tax Act, 2017, can be initiated and the manual filing of Form TRANS 1
does not have any nexus with the objective R/ Special Civil Application No. 18962
against ITC availed but not utilised. It was should be permitted in case of technical
of the advance authorisation scheme, viz., of 2018
held that the mere reflection of credit (carried difficulties faced in online filing.
to boost exports, rendering it unsustainable The Gujarat High Court held that para 3 of forward under Form TRANS-1) in the
in law. the Press Release dated 18 October 2018, electronic credit ledger cannot be termed as

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Personal tax
Acquisitions Pricing Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Madras High Court allows accumulated The High Court held that no exemption free shops situated at international airports. Importer liable to pay IGST on RCM basis on
credit of cesses from CENVAT regime to be from payment of GST is provided to goods It was reasoned that that the destination ocean freight even if such freight is part of
transitioned to GST supplied to duty-free shops at international for export would be the foreign destination CIF value of imported goods
airports of India. It was observed that duty- of outgoing passengers, purchasing such
Writ Petition No. 4773 of 2018 Order No. 01/2019/AAR/R-28/14
free shops situated at the airport cannot be goods and the passengers would act as the
The Madras High Court upheld the right treated as territory outside India under the carrier of the goods. The applicant imported crude soybean oil on
to carry forward of secondary and higher IGST Act, 2017. It was held that such shops CIF basis, which included the component of
Gujarat High Court quashed notification/
secondary cess as a vested right accruing to are not exporting goods out of India and are ocean freight in the price of imported goods.
circular denying refund of accumulated ITC
a taxpayer to avail credit, and in concurrence instead selling to a customer, who is within It was held that there was no ambiguity in
to Textile Industry
with the guiding objective of the seamless India and the point of sale is at Indore, as the relevant notifications, i.e., notification no.
flow of credit under GST. It thus held the the supplier is receiving the price of goods R/ Special Civil Application No. 16213 8/2017 - Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 28 June
CGST Act, 2017, enacted for such purpose at Indore. of 2018 2017, and 10/2017 - Integrated Tax (Rate),
does not contain specific provisions dated 28 June 2017, regarding the payment
Allahabad High Court holds that no GST The Gujarat High Court quashed notification
providing for lapse of credit of historical of IGST on ocean fright. The importer has to
would be payable on goods supplied by a no. 20/2018 dated 26 July 2018 and circular
cesses. It also noted that the amendment pay IGST on ocean freight under the reverse
duty-free shop no. 56/2018 dated 24 August 2018, wherein
to section 140(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, charge mechanism, irrespective of the fact
it was provided that the ITC lying unutilised
restricting the carry forward of credit under PIL Civil No. 12929 of 2019 that such freight charges are included in the
in balance, after payment of tax for and up
CENVAT, did not extend to section 140(8) of intrinsic CIF value.
The Allahabad High Court clarified that the to the month of July 2018, on the inward
the CGST Act, 2017, applicable for services
sale or supply of goods at the duty-free supplies received up to 31 July 2018, shall *It is to be noted that a stay has been
providers under the centralised registration
shops at the arrival and departure terminals lapse, as ultra vires, and beyond the scope granted by the Gujarat High Court in the
scheme, who therefore, were unrestricted.
of international airports would be considered of section 54(3)(ii) of the CGST Act, 2017, matter of levy of IGST on ocean freight on
Madhya Pradesh High Court holds GST as export of goods under Customs Law and as the provision does not empower to issue CIF value and the matter is still sub judice.
payable on goods supplied by Duty-Free be considered as export of goods under such notifications. Consequently, it held in
Shops the IGST Act, 2017. Hence, no tax shall be favour of entitlement of credit.
levied in case of purchase made at duty-
Writ Petition No. 17999/2018

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Profit sharing agreement between employee The applicant supplied cabs on rental Act, 2017 for services that are obligatory that the appellant and the OEM were
and various shareholders is an actionable basis to institutions. Invoices were raised for an employer to provide to its employees unrelated parties. Basis the agreement, it
claim, not taxable under GST for duration of renting, which was based under any law for the time being in force is was examined that the price paid by the
on a fixed number of hours in a month. On limited only to rent-a-cab, life insurance and customers is the sole consideration for
Order No. 19/AAR/2019
holidays, or for additional hours on a working health insurance. the supply made by the appellant and the
The applicant, an employee of the applicant day, an additional amount is charged OEM assumed the responsibility to provide
Value of tool supplied by OEM to component
company, was the Chairman and Managing irrespective of distance travelled. The nature the tools to the appellant to ensure an
manufacturer for free shall not be added to
Director and a shareholder. The applicant of service provided by the applicant was uninterrupted supply of the components.
the value of the component
entered into a PSA, in which the applicant held to be renting of motor vehicle and not
N0 GST on bottling fees paid by liquor brand
would get a profit for a strategic sale of passenger transport service. Accordingly, Order No. KAR/AAAR/07/2018-19
owner to contract bottling
equity shares over and above a specified the applicant was held to not fall under the
The appellant manufactures sheet metal
sale price per equity share by a set of expectation carved out under section 17(5) Order No. GST-ARA-67/2018-19/B-155
pressed components for OEMs. The
shareholders of the company. It was held of the GST Act, 2017 for motor vehicle used
appellant also designed and manufactured The question was whether there is supply
that transaction between the applicant for transportation of passengers.
the tools required to manufacture these by the brand owner to its CBU. It was held
company and the shareholders was an
No ITC admissible on ambulance purchased components. Such manufactured tools that the agreement between the applicant
“actionable claim,” as defined under section
prior to amendment to section 17(5) with are billed to OEM customers; however, and the CBU was on principal-to-principal
2(1) of CGST Act, 2017 read with section 3
effect from February 2019 the appellant retains the tools for the basis, as the applicant paid bottling charges
of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, and
manufacture of components. The Karnataka that were fixed on per month basis and
accordingly, not taxable by virtue of sr. of its Order No. 43/WBAAR/2018-19
AAR, by impugned order, had held that the not a derivation of the sale of the product.
inclusion under Schedule III of the CGST
An ambulance, being a motor vehicle, is amortised cost of tools, which are resupplied The applicant was not receiving any
Act, 2017.
not admissible under section 17(5)(a) of back to the appellant free of cost, shall be consideration for allowing the CBU to use its
ITC of motor vehicles purchased for the CGST Act, 2017 as it stood before the added to the value of the components as per brand, and hence, the activity does not fall
providing rent-a-cab services is inadmissible amendment with effect from 1 February section 15 of the CGST Act, 2017. within the scope of supply. Hence, there is
under GST 2019. The exception carved out under the no supply rendered by the applicant to the
The AAAR Karnataka subsequently
erstwhile section 17(5)(b)(iii)(A) of the CGST CBU.
Order No. 08/WBAAR/2019-20 overturned the decision and observed

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GST would be levied on services by deemed to be rendering their services only The applicant is a leather manufacturer who Maharashtra ARA holds that technical know-
corporate office to branch offices in other to that establishment of a distinct person and operates a global network of offices. The how provided by a foreign entity to an Indian
states not to any other distinct person applicant supplies leather, which is stored in entity are intangible goods and the situs of
third part FTWZ, to DTA customers. It was sale is where the property is registered for
Order No. KAR/AAAR/05/2018-19 Restaurant and sweetshop operated from
observed that the applicant is exclusively the purposes of VAT
same premises are “Composite Supplies” of
The AAR Karnataka held that corporate exporting the foods to FTWZ, which are
the principal restaurant service Order No. ARA Mumbai – 09 of 2016-
office and branches are distinct persons subsequently sold to Indian customers who
as per section 25(4) of the CGST Act, Order No. 09/2018-19 clear the same on payment of appropriate
2017 and have no employee-employer custom duties. Hence, the applicant is not The situs of intangible property is where the
The sale of edible items through restaurant
relationship with the other distinct branches. liable to GST registration. property is registered, or, if not registered,
will be treated as “composite supply” and the
Hence, activities performed by employees where the rights to the property can be
existing GST rates on restaurant service will Penalty recovered by finance company due
at the corporate office in the course of enforced.
also be applicable on all such sales without to delay in payment of EMI taxable under
employment, such as accounting, other
availment of ITC. The sale of edible items GST Tamil Nadu AAR holds that value of
administrative and IT system maintenance
from the sweetshop counter will be treated applicant’s interstate stock transfer shall be
for units located in other States as well, Order No. MAH/AAAR/SS-RJ/24/2018-19
as supply of goods with applicable GST either “open market value” or “90% of the
shall be treated as supply, as per Entry 2
rates of the items being sold and ITC will be Penal charges/ penalty recovered by the open market value” of supplies of
of Schedule I of the CGST Act, 2017. The
allowed on such supply. Separate records appellant from their borrowers on account similar goods
AAAR upheld the ruling passed by the
should be maintained for the restaurant and of the delay in payment of EMI by borrowers
AAR. It was held that the cost of employees AAR Order No. 27/AAR/2019
sweetshop. are covered under clause 5 (e) of the
working in the corporate office has to be
Schedule II of the CGST Act, 2017 and will It was held that the second proviso, which
factored in when arriving at the cost of Foreign supplier exporting goods to FTWZ
attract GST. states that the invoice value shall be the
provision of the service by the corporate and then selling them to Indian customer not
open market value if the recipient is eligible
office. It further held that employees liable for GST registration
for full ITC, has to be read along with the
stationed at the location of a particular
Order No. 24/AAR/2018 first proviso of Rule 28 and it cannot be
establishment of a distinct person are
read independently. The first proviso of

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Rule 28 of the CGST Rules, 2017 states SPV panels, structures, storage tank, deputation of employees is not taxable as Lease premium along with lease rentals
that if the goods are intended for further controller, pipes and cables. The appellant manpower supply. received should be treated as consideration
supply by the recipient, the supplier has an was also adding a de-fluoridation unit for services of “renting of immovable
It was held that the CESTAT had correctly
option of adopting value as 90% of price (DFU) and understanding the installation, property.” “Transfer of title” is not equivalent
appreciated that the deputed person worked
charged to an unrelated recipient for goods commissioning, operation and maintenance to transfer of “right” or “interest” in
under the control, direction and supervision
or services of similar kind and quality. If of the system. Thus, the appellant is immoveable property, as only the former
of the Indian entity, and the compliance to
the value adopted is as per the first proviso, supplying solar power based devices along category is precluded from taxation under
withhold tax was undertaken as an employer
then such value appearing in the invoice with other goods (DFU) and undertaking section 65B(44) of the Finance Act, 1994.
by the Indian entity. The Indian entity did
will be assumed as open market value. If installation services; thus, they would be The assessee is a “development agent”
not pay any direct or indirect compensation
the second proviso to Rule 28 of the CGST eligible for the benefit of deemed valuation under section 113(3A) of the Maharashtra
to its parent overseas company for the
Rules, 2017, is to be directly adopted, of goods and services under the Central Tax Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966
deployment of employees, apart from the
any value, either higher or lower, will be (Rate) notification no. 24/ 2018 (i.e. 70% of and not a “development authority” under
reimbursement of salary at cost. The terms
adopted, which leads to passing on of higher value taxed at 5% and balance 30% taxed section 113(3) of the Maharashtra Regional
of the agreement demonstrated that the
credit or ITC accumulation, respectively. at 18%). and Town Planning Act, 1966. Hence, the
relationship between the Indian entity and
This is not the intention of taxation based benefit of circular no. 89/7/2206-ST dated 18
Service tax the deputed employee is that of employer-
on value addition. December 2006, which extended to public
Deputation of employees by Indian entity authorities undertaking statutory functions,
Rajasthan AAAR holds that 70:30 deemed
to foreign company is not provision of Mumbai Tribunal, while holding that lease cannot be availed. The assessee, being an
valuation is applicable for supply, design,
manpower service of land for 60 years is chargeable to service industrial development corporation created
installation, commissioning and testing of
tax, expresses reservations on constitutional by Government of Maharashtra, was in-
solar-based well pumping systems Civil Appeal Diary No. 45344/2018
grounds principle entitled to the exemption granted
AAAR Order No. RAJ/AAAR/APP/09/ The Supreme Court upheld the decision under section 104 of Finance Act, 1994
Service Tax Appeal Nos. 89766/2013,
2018-19 of the CESTAT that salary reimbursed by to long-term lease of industrial plots. The
88472/2014, 86197/2015, 86274/2015,
an Indian entity to a foreign company for matter was remanded back.
The standard solar energy based bore 87442/2015
well water pumping system comprised

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VAT to modify the Incentives Scheme of 1993, services to self and would not qualify as a assessment, as was the case before the
which provided an industrial promotion service that attracts tax. It also repels the amendment. It was observed that custom
Situs of intangible goods to be the location of
subsidy, refund of octroi/ entry tax, etc., to be applicability of sales tax by clubs on supply authorities processing refund cannot make
the principal place of business of the owner
consistent with the new tax structure, but it of food and beverages to its members, as fresh assessments on merit unless a
from where right to sell exercised
should be ensured that this does not result there is no “seller” or “buyer” relationship in re-assessment order is passed pursuant to
Writ Petition (C). No. 13408 of 2009 in reducing or restricting the benefits that the passing of consideration. an appellate order.
have been conferred to the detriment of the
That situs for transactions in intangible
Customs Circulars, notifications
goods to be determined with reference to
Supreme Court holds that self-assessment is and others
the owner, as the location of the principal Larger Bench of Supreme Court holds sales
an appealable order of assessment GST
place of business is from where the owner tax and service tax cannot be imposed
of the trademark exercises its right to sell on supply of food & beverages by a club/ Civil Appeal No. 293294 of 2009 CBIC notifies amendment to CGST Rules,
the goods under trademark; this is where the association to its members bars a person from generating e-way bill if
The Supreme Court was posed with the
trademark/ patent exists. It was observed returns not filed for two consecutive periods
Civil Appeal Nos. 4184 of 2009/7497 of 2012 question on whether any refund application
that the situs of the owner of an intangible
and others against the assessed duty can be Notification No. 74/2018 – Central Tax
asset would be the closest approximation of
entertained in the absence of any challenge dated 31 December 2018
the situs of an intangible asset. Larger Bench of the Supreme Court held
to the order of assessment in appeal. It
that the “doctrine of mutuality” survives after The CBIC notified the CGST (Fourteenth
Bombay High Court holds that the principle answered that self-assessment is also an
the Forty Sixth Constitutional Amendment Amendment) Rules, 2018 to makes changes
of promissory estoppel does not provide order of assessment and the same is an
Act, 1982 which inserted a new clause (29- to the CGST Rules, 2017:
immunity to the State Government to curtail appealable order. The Supreme Court also
A) in Article 366 of the Constitution of India,
benefits promised under State Incentive observed that amendment to section 27 of • Rule 12(2) of the CGST (Fourteenth
1950 to qualify sale of goods by members’
Scheme the Customs Act, 1962 due to introduction of Amendment) Rules, 2018 inserted to
club or association (whether registered or
self-assessment provisions would not alter allow a person who is required to collect
Writ Petition No. 2209 of 2018 unregistered) to its own as deemed sales.
the basis of filing the refund application, i.e., tax in a State, where it does not have a
The absence of mutuality renders services
The Bombay High Court held that the it is to be filed pursuant to an order of physical presence, to obtain registration
by a members’ club to its members as
Government of Maharashtra was allowed

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in that State by mentioning the details of for which the claim has been filed. Amendments to CGST Rules to include Composition Scheme can be availed by
its principal place of business located in provider of services under composition service providers or mix suppliers
• Rule 138E of the CGST (Fourteenth
another State. scheme
Amendment) Rules, 2018 has been Notification No. 02/2019 – Central Tax (Rate)
• Omitted the requirement of disclosure of inserted to bar a person who has not filed Notification No. 03/2019 – Central Tax dated 7 March 2019
challans in Form GST ITC 04, in case of returns for two consecutive periods from dated 29 January 2019
The composition scheme is available for
the goods sent from one job worker to generation of e-way bills.
Amendments to the CGST Rules, 2017, suppliers of services (or mixed suppliers)
• Forms GST RFD-01 (refund application), with effect from 1 February 2019. with a tax rate of 6% (3% CGST + 3%
• Omitted the requirement of affixing GST RFD-01A (refund application), GSTR SGST) having an annual turnover in
• Inclusion of services under the
signature or digital signature on invoice 9 (annual return) and GSTR 9A (annual preceding financial year up to INR 5m from 1
composition scheme.
or a bill of supply or consolidated return) and GSTR 9C (reconciliation April 2019.
invoice or any other document issued statement and GST audit report) have • Registration of multiple places of
Threshold limit for registration increased for
by an insurer or a banking company or been substituted with revised formats. business within the State or Union
supplier of goods
financial institution, including NBFCs or Territory and transfer of credit to such
GST Amendment Act, 2018 comes into force
ticket issued by a passenger transport new registration. Notification No. 10/2019 – Central Tax dated
from 1 February 2019
company under Rule 49 of the CGST 7 March 2019
• Inclusion and exclusion in the value of
(Fourteenth Amendment) Rules, 2018, Notification No. 02/2019 – Central Tax dated
exempt supplies and total turnover under The threshold limit for registration (aggregate
if the respective document is issued in 29 January 2019
Rules 42 and 43 of the CGST turnover in the FY) increased from INR 2m
accordance with the provisions of the
The GST (Amendment) Act, 2018 became Rules, 2017. to INR 4m for persons (except for certain
Information Technology Act, 2000.
effective from 1 February 2019, except some persons) engaged in exclusive supply of
• Mandatory particulars of a credit note or a
• The term “relevant period” for claiming specified provisions. goods from 1 April 2019.
debit note notified by an insertion of Rule
refund of accumulated credit in case of
53(1A) of CGST Rules, 2017.
inverted duty structure under Rule 54
of the CGST (Fourteenth Amendment)
Rules, 2018 defined to mean the period

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Threshold limit increased for persons Kerala levies cess on intra-state supply of • Transfer of tax, interest or fee from one INR 2m to INR 4m for a supplier that is
availing composition scheme goods account head to another in electronic engaged in the exclusive supply of goods.
cash ledger can be done by filing FORM
Notification No. 14/2019 – Central Tax dated G.O.(P) No. 80/2019/TAXES • To make Aadhaar authentication
7 March 2019 dated 25 May 2019 mandatory for specified class of new
• The Standing Committee can now apply taxpayers.
The threshold limit (aggregate turnover G.O.(P) No.96/2019/TAXES
for an extension of one month from
in financial year) for availing composition dated 29 June 2019 • Specified suppliers will have to
the NAA for examination of compliant
scheme under section 10 of the CGST Act, mandatorily give the option of specified
The State Government of Kerala notifies 1 received.
2017 increased from INR 10m to INR 15m modes of electronic payment to their
August 2019 for the levy of Kerala Flood
(except for certain persons). In case of • Time limit to complete investigations by recipients.
Cess not exceeding 1% on intra-state
special category States, the threshold limit is the Director General of Anti-profiteering
supplies to unregistered persons. • The composition taxpayers will furnish
INR 7.5m from 1 April 2019. has been increased to six months.
annual return along with quarterly
Method for determination of value for
Reduced rates for residential housing and • Provisions relating to the validity of e-way payment of taxes; and other specified
Kerala cess prescribed, tax amount can
exemption for Transfer of Development bills extended to goods transported taxpayers may be given the option for
be transferred from one head to another in
Rights provided through multimodal transport, in which quarterly or monthly furnishing of returns
electronic cash ledger
at least one leg involves transportation and payment of taxes under the proposed
Notification Nos. 03/2019 & 04/2019 –
Notification No. 31/2019 – Central Tax dated by ship. new return system.
Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 29 March 2019
28 June 2019
Threshold limit for registration increased, • The facility to transfer any amount of tax,
The Government has reduced the rate of
The following changes made in the CGST interest to be discharged on next tax liability interest, penalty and fee from one head to
tax for residential housing. In addition, it
Rules, 2017: another in the electronic cash ledger will
has provided exemption for Transfer of Act No. of 2019
be subject to the manner and restriction
Development Rights and upfront lease • Value of supply on which Kerala Flood
Amendments proposed under the Finance as may be prescribed by the Government. 
amount. Cess is leviable shall be determined as
Act, 2019 (yet to be notified):
per section 15 of the CGST Act, 2017. • Interest will be charged only on the net
• A higher threshold exemption limit from cash tax liability, i.e., on the amount of

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tax paid by debiting the electronic cash Filing of annual return optional for taxpayers The CBIC has notified the CGST (Seventh The CBIC issued clarifications on penalty
ledger, except in cases wherein returns with turnover of less than INR 20m Amendment) Rules, 2019 to simplify for delayed filing of GSTR-3B under section
are filed subsequent to the initiation of GSTR-9 (Annual Return) and GSTR- 73(11) of CGST Act, 2017, rate of tax on
Notification No. 47/2019 – Central Tax dated
any proceedings under sections 73 or 74 9C (Reconciliation Statement). The key supplementary invoice, debit note, credit
9 October 2019
of the CGST Act, 2017 (i.e. tax demand implications for FYs 2017-18 and 2018-19 note because of revision of prices after
for the normal and extended periods, The CBIC has notified the filing of annual are as follows: appointed day under section 142 of the
respectively). return for FYs 2017-18 and 2018-19 optional CGST Act, 2017, applicability of TDS under
• Report the breakup of ITC as inputs,
for small taxpayers whose aggregate section 51 of CGST Act, 2017 and valuation
• A new section has been inserted in capital goods and input services, or report
turnover is less than INR 20m and who have methodology in case of TCS under the Act.
the CGST Act, 2017 to provide for the the entire ITC under the “inputs” row.
not filed the said return before the due date.
transfer of amount between Centre and CBIC has issued clarifications on Sabka
• Separately report the supplies as
States because of the amendment, which Amendment to impose credit restriction up to Vishwas Scheme, 2019
exempted, nil rated and non-GST supply,
allows the transfer of an amount from one 20% of unreported invoices
or report consolidated information for Circular No. 1071/4/2019 – CX.8 dated 27
head to another head in the electronic
Notification No. 49/2019 – Central Tax dated all these three heads in the “exempted” August 2019
cash ledger of the registered person. 
9 October 2019 supply.
The CBIC clarified that Sabka Vishwas
• A National AAAR authority will be formed
Retrospective amendment made to CGST • No requirement to provide HSN level (Legal Dispute Resolution) Scheme,
to hear appeals against conflicting
Rules, 2017 to specify the last date to avail information for inward supplies. 2019 (Scheme) will operationalise from
advance rulings pronounced on the same
ITC and imposition of credit restrictions to 1 September to 31 December 2019. In
question by the appellate authorities of Clarifications provided for penalty on delayed
20% where invoices are not uploaded in addition, for all the cases pending in
two or more States or Union Territories, in filing, rate of tax on debit/ credit note issued
GSTR-1. adjudication or appeal (at any forum), the
case of distinct persons (as defined under after 1 July 2017, applicability on TDS and
Scheme offers a relief of 70% from the duty
section 25 of the CGST Act, 2017). CGST Rules amended for simplification of valuation in case of TCS under the Act
demand if it is INR 5m or less and 50% if
GSTR-9 (Annual Return) and GSTR-9C
• The National Anti-Profiteering Authority Circular No. 76/50/2018-GST dated 31 it is more than INR 5m. The same relief is
(Reconciliation Statement)
has been empowered to impose penalty December 2018 available for cases under investigation and
equivalent to 10% of the profiteered Notification No. 56/2019 – Central Tax dated Corrigendum to Circular No. 76/50/2018- audit where the duty involved is quantified
amount. 14 November 2019 GST dated 7 March 2019

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and communicated to the party or admitted short payment of tax or ineligible availment and under the new scheme, transaction CBIC has clarified that recovery cannot be
by him in a statement on or before 3 June of ITC, the payment can be made through based audit and premises based audit initiated in cases where a stay has been
2019. In cases of confirmed duty demand, FORM GST DRC-03. have been prescribed for all entities granted earlier
where there is no appeal pending, the relief concerned with imports or exports. Chief
CBIC has issued order to specify the due Circular No. 1080/2/DLA/Tech/Action
offered is 60% of the confirmed duty amount Commissioners have been mandated to
date to furnish annual return for FYs 2017- Taken/2019 dated 18 July 2019
if the same is INR 5m or less and it is 40% if monitor the progress and performance of at
18 and 2018-19
the confirmed duty amount is more than INR least 5% of the audit reports, to ensure that The CBIC has clarified stating that in stay
5m. Finally, in cases of voluntary disclosure, Order No. 08/2019 – Central Tax dated 14 audit has been conducted as per prescribed granted matters, recovery proceedings
the person availing the Scheme will have to November 2019 procedures. cannot be initiated without filing an
pay only the full amount of disclosed duty. application for vacation of stay at the
The CBIC issued (Eighth Removal of Pre-import conditions have been removed
appropriate forum.
CBIC has issued clarifications on optional Difficulties) Order, 2019 to specify that for advance authorisation and exemptions
filing of Annual Return annual return for the period 1 July 2017 to have been extended for specified deemed Excise
31 March 2018, to be furnished on or before exports
Circular No. 124/43/2019 – GST dated 18 Sabka Vishwas Scheme has been notified
31 December, 2019 and for the period 1 April
November 2019 Directorate General of Foreign Trade – from 1 September 2019
2018 to 31 March 2019, to be furnished on
Notification No. 53/2015-20
The CBIC clarified the option of filing of or before 31 March, 2020. Notification No. 04/2019 Central Excise-NT
dated 10 January 2019
annual return for registered persons whose dated 21 August 2019
aggregate turnover in a FY does not exceed CBIC – Notification No. 01/2019-Customs
Sabka Vishwas (Legal Dispute Resolution)
INR 20m. It clarifies that an assessee may, Clarifications has been issued for post dated 10 January 2019
Scheme, 2019 has been introduced for the
at their own option, file FORMs GSTR-9/ clearance audit in customs
The Government of India removed pre- resolution and settlement of legacy taxes,
9A for the FYs before the due date and the
Circular No. 2/2019-Customs import condition for Advance Authorisation, i.e., central excise and service tax that have
common portal shall not permit furnishing of
dated 8 January 2019 extended exemptions of IGST and been subsumed under the GST and are
FORMs GSTR-9/ 9A after the expiry of the
compensation cess for specified deemed pending in litigation at various forums. The
due date. If the assessee, during course of The Government of India issued additional
exports. effective date for this scheme was notified as
reconciliation of his accounts, notices any guidance for post clearance audit in customs
1 September 2019.

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Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code

Circulars, notifications and others

Indian Exchange Control/ FDI Policy
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code
Corporate Law
Indian Stamp Act
Consumer Protection Law
Telecom Sector
Intellectual Property Rights
Labour Laws

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Judgement Circulars, notifications It was also clarified that the regulations instruments” – All investments in equity in

Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code and others issued by RBI on capital account incorporated entities, capital participation
transactions would continue till the same in LLP, all instruments of investment as
Supreme Court of India quashes RBI circular
Indian Exchange Control/ FDI Policy are amended or rescinded. These provisions recognised in the FDI policy as notified
on debt resolution Foreign Exchange Management (Non-Debt of the Finance Act, 2015 were yet to be from time to time; investment in units
Instruments) Rules, 2019 and Foreign notified and thus not effective. of AIF/ REITs/ InVITs/ mutual funds
Transferred Case (Civil) No. 66 of 2018
Exchange Management (Debt Instruments) and ETFs that invest more than 50%
The Exchange Control Regulations have
The Supreme Court scrapped the circular Regulations, 2019 in equity; and the junior-most layer (i.e.
now been amended such that the RBI
issued by RBI on 12 February 2018 dealing equity tranche) of securitisation structure,
Notification Nos. SO 3732(E) & GSR 796(E) will regulate capital account transactions
with the “Resolution of Stressed Assets” acquisition, sale or dealing directly in
dated 17 October 2019 involving debt instruments and the Central
and held that the circular is ultra-vires as a immovable property, contribution to
The Finance Act, 2015 proposed to shift Government will regulate capital account
whole and be declared to be of no effect in trusts and DR issued against equity
the power to regulate capital account transactions involving non-debt instruments.
law. Consequently, all actions taken under instruments shall be considered as non-
the said circular, including actions by which transactions, not involving debt instruments, Pursuant to the above, the Central debt instruments.
IBC has been triggered, must end along with from the fold of RBI to the Central Government has issued the following
Government, limiting the powers of RBI Government and Corporate bonds, all
the said circular. As a result, all the cases in notifications on 16 October 2019 and
to regulate capital account transactions tranches of securitisation structure that
which debtors have been proceeded against 17 October 2019:
involving only debt instruments. The are not equity tranche, borrowings by
by the financial creditors under IBC only
meaning of “non-debt instruments” and 1. MoF Notification No. S.O. 3722(E). Indian firms through loans and DRs
because of the operation of the said circular
“debt instruments” was to be determined by dated 16 October 2019 determining whose underlying securities are debt
will be proceedings which, being faulted at
the Central Government. the instruments that will be classified securities and any other instruments are
the very inception, are declared as non-est.
as “debt instruments” and “non debt determined as debt instruments.

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2. Foreign Exchange Management (Debt Regulations, 2019 are in supersession of the Some key amendments are as follows: E-commerce marketplace entity is restricted
Instruments) Regulations, 2019 – To Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer from directly or indirectly influencing the
Ownership and control over inventory
regulate purchase and sale of debt or Issue of Security by a Person Resident sale price of the products. The revised
instruments. outside India) Regulations, 2017 [FEMA E-commerce marketplace entities are policy further clarifies that any support
20(R)] and Foreign Exchange Management restricted from exercising ownership services, including cash back, provided
3. Foreign Exchange Management (Non-
(Acquisition and transfer of Immovable or control over inventory sold on their by the e-commerce marketplace entity or
debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 – To
Property in India) Regulations, 2018 [FEMA marketplace platforms. For the purpose of entities having common control or equity
regulate purchase and sale of non-debt
21(R)]. this condition, it is clarified that inventory participation, would need to be at arm’s
instruments – equity and immovable
of a vendor will be deemed to be controlled length, fair and non-discriminatory.
property. Henceforth, any approval to be sought
by the e-commerce marketplace entity if
under the Foreign Exchange Management No exclusivity
4. Foreign Exchange Management (Mode over 25% of purchases of such vendor are
(Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 would
of Payment and Reporting of Non- from the marketplace entity or its group E-commerce marketplace entities cannot
be provided by RBI in consultation with the
Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 companies. mandate sellers from selling only on
Central Government.
– Regulates the mode of payment and their platform.
E-commerce marketplace entity and the
reporting for purchase or sale of equity Revised FDI guidelines on e-commerce
vendors to be independent Annual reporting to RBI
instruments of an Indian company,
Press Note 2 (2018) Series
investment by FPI, NRI/ OCI, FVCI, other Any entity that has equity participation, E-commerce marketplace entities are
dated 26 December 2018
NRIs, investment in LLP, investment or whose inventory is controlled by the required to submit a certificate along
vehicle and DRs. All reporting under The DPIIT issued clarificatory amendments e-commerce marketplace entity or its group with a statutory auditor report confirming
erstwhile FEMA 20(R) continue to apply for FDI in the marketplace e-commerce companies, will not be able to sell products compliance with the Press Note 2 (2018)
vide this notification. model to address concerns such as on the marketplace entity platform. Series guidelines to RBI by 30 September
discount funding and broad basing of of every year.
These notifications, i.e. the Foreign Clarity on price influence by e-commerce
vendors on e-commerce platforms. It also
Exchange Management (Non-debt marketplace entity
prescribes annual compliance reporting
Instruments) Rules, 2019 and Foreign
with RBI.
Exchange Management (Debt Instruments)

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Changes to the External Commercial 3. Late Submission Fees introduced; and RBI has operationalised a web-based 1. Single Brand Retail Trading
Borrowings system online reporting portal called FLAIR
4. Sector-wise borrowing limits • All procurements made from India
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 17 system for the submission of Form FLA
consolidated into a single threshold. by the SBRT entity for that single
dated 16 January 2019 return by 15 July of every year, to enhance
brand are to be counted towards local
Clarification on Overseas Direct Investments the security level in data submission and
As a part of the monetary policy sourcing, irrespective of whether the
improve data quality. This replaces the
announcement in December 2018, RBI Updated FAQs by RBI goods procured are sold in India or
present email-based reporting system for
indicated rationalisation and consolidation dated 19 September 2019 exported;
submission of FLA return.
of all the borrowing and lending guidelines RBI updated the FAQs on ODI and provided • Sourcing of goods from India for
applicable to cross border transactions. ECB – Rationalisation of end-use provisions
clarification that the provisions of Notification global operations can be done directly
The RBI notified revised regulations and no. FEMA 120/ RB-2004 dated 7 July 2004, A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 04 by the entity undertaking SBRT, its
has now issued a circular explaining the as amended from time to time, dealing with dated 30 July 2019 group companies or indirectly through
revised framework for ECB and rupee the transfer and issue of any foreign security a third party;
In December 2018, RBI revamped the ECB
denominated bonds. to residents, does not permit an Indian Party
regulations, rationalising various provisions. • The year-on-year incremental sourcing
to set-up Indian subsidiary(ies) through its
The key highlights of the new ECB The RBI has now further relaxed the ECB requirement has been dispensed with
foreign WoS or JV. The provisions also do not
framework are as follows: end-use restrictions for all eligible borrowers and is replaced with entire sourcing
permit an Indian Party to acquire a W0S or
including NBFCs and companies having for global operations from India; and
1. Four-tier structure (Track I, II, III and INR invest in a JV that already has direct/ indirect
stressed loans.
denominated bonds) replaced with two- investment in India. • It is proposed to allow retail trading
tier structure (Foreign Currency loans and Easing of FDI norms vide Press Note 4 through online trade prior to opening
The Foreign Liabilities and Assets
INR loans); (2019 Series) issued by DPIIT brick and mortar stores, subject to the
Information Reporting system
condition that the entity opens brick
2. List of eligible borrowers and eligible Press Note 4 (2019 Series)
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 37 and mortar stores within two years
lenders have been significantly dated 18 September 2019
dated 28 June 2019 from the date of start of online retail.

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2. Digital Media The Department of Financial Services has who wish to raise ECB and use the same RBI released a prudential framework for the
permitted 100% foreign equity investment in to repay the domestic rupee loans of the resolution of stressed assets by banks. The
26% FDI under government route to be
insurance intermediaries, through the issue corporate debtor in India. fundamental principles of the framework are
allowed for uploading/ streaming of news
of Indian Insurance Companies (Foreign listed below:
and current affairs through digital media On 7 February 2019, the RBI relaxed the
Investment) Amendment Rules, 2019 dated
on the lines of print media. above restriction and allowed the resolution 1. Early recognition and reporting of default
2 September 2019. Subsequent amendment
applicants to raise ECB from recognised of large borrowers by banks, FIs and
3. Contract Manufacturing to this effect has been made to the
lenders (except the branches/ overseas NBFCs;
intermediary regulations by the Insurance
100% FDI under automatic route to subsidiaries of Indian banks) for the
Regulatory and Development Authority of 2. Complete discretion to lenders with
be allowed in contract manufacturing repayment of rupee term loans of the target
India. regard to the design and implementation
irrespective of whether the arrangement company. This relaxation can be availed
of resolution plans, in supersession of
is on principal-to-principal or principal- Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code under “approval route”.
earlier resolution schemes (S4A, SDR, 5/
to-agent basis.
ECB facility for Resolution Applicants under The above amendment opened up the 25, etc.), subject to the specified timeline
4. Coal Mining Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process possibility of resolution applicants (who and independent credit evaluation;
are otherwise eligible borrowers) to borrow
100% FDI under automatic route to be A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 18 dated 7 3. A system of disincentives in the form of
monies at attractive rates and use the same
allowed for the sale of coal and coal February 2019 additional provisioning for delay in the
to repay the existing lenders in the target
mining activities including associated implementation of the resolution plan or
Until 7 February 2019, ECB could not be company that they propose to acquire
processing infrastructure that would initiation of insolvency proceedings;
utilised for the repayment of rupee loans under IBC.
include coal washery, crushing, coal
raised by resolution applicants to fund the 4. Withdrawal of asset classification
handling and separation. RBI announces prudential framework for
repayment of domestic rupee loans except dispensations on restructuring. Future
resolution of stressed assets
Liberalisation of foreign investment in where the ECB is availed from a foreign upgrades to be contingent on a
Insurance Intermediaries equity holder.  Press Release 2018-2019/2886 meaningful demonstration of satisfactory
dated 7 June 2019 performance for a reasonable period;
Notification No. GSR 619(E) This restriction impacted the debt-raising
dated 2 September 2019 capability of acquirers in IBC process

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5. For the purpose of restructuring, the period of 14 days from the date of receipt had been distributed in accordance with Financial Service Providers and Application
definition of “financial difficulty” to of such application. section 53 of the IBC Act, whichever is to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2019,
be aligned with the guidelines issued higher. which came into effect from
• Votes of all financial creditors covered
by the Basel Committee on Banking 15 November 2019.
under section 21(6A) of the IBC Act shall • The amendment provides clarity that the
Supervision; and,
be cast in accordance with the decision plan shall be binding on all stakeholders Till date, only NBFCs (which includes
6. Signing of inter-creditor agreement by approved by the highest voting share including the Central Government, any HFCs) with asset size of INR 5bn or more,
all lenders to be mandatory, which will (more than 50%) of financial creditors on State Government or local authority to as per the last audited balance sheet have
provide for a majority decision-making present and voting basis. whom a debt in respect of the payment been notified to fall under the purview
criteria. of the dues may be owed. of the above-mentioned Rules, and the
• A deadline provided for the completion
appropriate regulator of such FSPs would
IBC Amendment Act, 2019 dated 6 August of the Corporate Insolvency Resolution • The Committee of Creditors has been
be the RBI.
2019 made effective from 16 August 2019 Plan within an overall limit of 330 days, empowered to decide the liquidation of
including litigation and other judicial the corporate debtor even before the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Resolution
No. 26 of 2019 dated 6 August 2019
processes. Information Memorandum is prepared or Process for Personal Guarantor
Key changes made in the amendment are at any time before the confirmation of the
• A specific provision introduced that Notification No. GSR 854(E) dated 15
as follows: resolution plan.
financial creditors who have not voted November 2019 and Notification No. GSR
• The amendment provides clarity on in favour of the resolution plan and Insolvency Resolution Process for Financial 855(E) dated 15 November 2019
allowing comprehensive corporate operational creditors shall receive at Service Providers
The Rules, in relation to the initiation of
restructuring schemes such as mergers, least the amount that would have been
Notification No. GSR 852(E) insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings
demergers, amalgamation, etc. as part of received by them if the amount to be
dated 15 November 2019 against the Personal Guarantors to the
the resolution plan. distributed under the resolution plan
Corporate Debtors, were introduced vide
had been distributed in accordance with The Rules in relation to the initiation of
• NCLTs are now required to record their Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application
section 53 of the IBC Act or the amount insolvency proceedings against FSPs were
reasons in writing if they are not able to to Adjudicating Authority for Insolvency
that would have been received if the introduced vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy
decide on the insolvency petition within a Resolution Process for Personal Guarantors
liquidation value of the corporate debtor (Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings of

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to Corporate Debtors) Rules, 2019 and MCA, vide circular dated 10 September The Companies Amendment Act, 2019 deposits, in terms of clause (c) of sub-Rule 1
Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application 2018, informed that the reporting Form has introduced an amendment, providing of Rule 2 of the Companies (Acceptance of
to Adjudicating Authority for Bankruptcy would be revised and that a new Form enabling clause for the introduction of Deposits), Amendment Rules, 2019 from the
Process for Personal Guarantors to would be notified in due course. mandatory demat shares even for private 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2019, are required
Corporate Debtors) Rules, 2019, both of companies. to be reported. By virtue of this notification,
In this connection, on 8 February 2019, the
which were dated 15 November 2019 and each company having outstanding deposits
MCA issued the Companies (Significant Ministry of MSMEs Order
effective from 1 December 2019. would need to file an annual return of
Beneficial Owners) Amendment Rules,
Notification No. SO 368(E) deposits even for the amounts that are
Corporate Law 2019, making necessary amendments to
dated 22 January 2019 not considered as deposits. Before this
the reporting Form and to address certain
Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) The MCA issued an order requiring notification, the requirement of filing
concerns raised by stakeholders. With
Amendment Rules, 2019 companies to file the details of outstanding Return of Deposits was applicable only to
further circulars, the date of compliance with
payables beyond 45 days toward micro companies accepting public deposits under
Notification No. GSR 100(E) dated 8 SBO provisions has been extended till 31
and small suppliers. This is a half yearly the relevant provisions of CA, 2013.
February 2019 December 2019.
requirement. This requirement has been ACTIVE Compliance
The MCA on 13 June 2018 had notified Mandatory De-materialisation of securities introduced to assist the MSME suppliers
(Notification dated 9 February 2019) the and is in furtherance of the MSME Ministry’s Notification No. GSR 144(E) dated 21
No. 22 of 2019 dated 31 July 2019
amendment to section 90 of the CA, 2013 various initiatives, such as mandatory February 2019
through the Companies (Amendment) Act, With effect from 2 October 2018, every requirement of onboarding of specified In furtherance of its objective of curbing
2017, and issued the Companies (Significant unlisted public company is mandatorily companies on TReDS platform. shell companies, MCA has introduced geo
Beneficial Owners) Rules, 2018, outlining the required to transfer or issue its securities
Return of Deposits mapping of the registered offices address
requirements for the declaration of SBO in only in the dematerialised form.
of all the companies. This is a one-time
an Indian company. Notification No. GSR 42(E)
Compliance with this requirement needs to requirement applicable for companies
However, due to numerous representations be ensured before further issue of securities dated 22 January 2019 incorporated before 31 December 2017.
from stakeholders expressing difficulties either by – (a) issue of securities; (b) buy- Details of outstanding receipt of money or In case of a company being ACTIVE non-
in complying with the SBO disclosure, the back of securities; (c) issue of bonus shares; loan by a company but not considered as compliant, no further filing relating to the
or (d) rights issue.

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appointment of directors and share capital The key changes brought about by the the new amendments introduced by the of turnover or net worth etc. is relevant in
etc. is permitted. Amendment Act are as follows: Amendment Act came into force on different determining if approval of the shareholder
dates via notifications in the Official Gazette for RPTs is required.
The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019 1. Doing away with the prerequisite of
receives President’s assent registering the prospectus with the Changes in the RPT provisions Indian Stamp Act
registrar (in case of a public offer) to only
No. 22 of 2019 dated 31 July 2019 Notification No. GSR 857(E) Indian Stamp Act, 1899 – Amendments
a filing requirement;
dated 18 November 2019 (proposed)
The President of India provided assent to
2. Extending the possibility of mandating Approval of the Board of Directors is
the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019, Bill No. 55 of 2019 dated 5 July 2019
dematerialisation of securities even to required for an RPT if the same is not in
which further amends the CA, 2013. The
private limited companies by providing the ordinary course of business or at arm’s The Finance Bill, 2019 has proposed certain
Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was
requisite powers to the Central length. Certain transactions require approval amendments in the Indian Stamp Act, 1899
published in the Official Gazette on 31 July
Government; of the shareholders in addition to approval bringing uniformity in the levy of stamp duty
2019 as the Companies (Amendment) Act,
of the Board of Directors. on securities through either the physical or
2019 (the Amendment Act). 3. Specific responsibility cast on companies
dematerialised form. The amendments also
to identify SBOs; and As an example, for a transaction of sale,
The Amendment Act has taken into seek to introduce a central mechanism for
consideration the amendments that 4. Stricter enforcement of compliance with purchase or supply of any goods or collection with respect to stamp duty(ies) by
were originally notified in the Companies CSR provisions and introduction of the materials, directly or through appointment certain authorised entities for the issuance
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2018, which penal clause. of agents amounting to 10% or more of and transfer of securities and subsequent
was promulgated by the President on 2 the turnover of the company or INR 1b, disbursement of the duty collected to the
While the amendments implemented whichever is lower, requires approval of the
November 2018, and then retained in effect respective states.
through the ordinances include the shareholders. 
through the Companies (Amendment)
Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018, Consumer Protection Law
Ordinance Act, 2019 and the Companies By way of amendment notification dated 18
the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance
(Amendment) Second Ordinance, 2019 November 2019, the words “or Rupees One Consumer Protection Act, 2019
Act, 2019 and the Companies (Amendment)
promulgated by the President on 12 January Hundred Crore, whichever is lower” etc. are
Second Ordinance, 2019 have already been No. 35 of 2019 dated 9 August 2019
2019 and 21 February 2019, respectively. omitted, and only the percentage (i.e. 10%)
in effect since 2 November 2018. Few of

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The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (New prescribed under the New Act. It can the authority or in the case of false or Department of Consumer Affairs releases
Act) received the assent of the President be brought against the product seller misleading advertisements or spurious Draft Rules under the Consumer Protection
of India and was published in the official even in certain circumstances such of adulterated products. Penalties may Act, 2019
gazette on 9 August 2019. The following are as the seller exercising substantial range from a term that may extend to life F. No J-10/1/2019-CPU
some key highlights of the New Act: control over designing, packing, testing, imprisonment to a fine extended upto dated 11 November 2019
manufacturing, etc. or the seller altering INR 2m.
1. The New Act provides for the creation On 11 November 2019, the Department
or modifying the product.
of a CCPA for the first time, to regulate 7. The New Act provides for measures of Consumer Affairs has proposed the
matters relating to the violation of 3. Product Recall: CCPA has been given to simplify the consumer dispute following eight draft rules to be notified
the rights of consumers, unfair trade the powers to pass orders to recall adjudication process of the Consumer under the Consumer Protection Act,
practices and false or misleading products that are dangerous, hazardous Disputes Redressal Agencies, to enhance 2019 and has currently released them for
advertisements. Currently, the task of or unsafe. their pecuniary jurisdiction and increase stakeholder consultation.
prevention of or acting against unfair the minimum number of Members in
4. Class Action Suits: CCPA has been 1. Central Consumer Protection Authority
trade practices is not vested in any the State Consumer Disputes Redressal
bestowed with executive powers to (Selection and Term of office of Chief
authority. It is envisaged that the CCPA Commissions, etc.
promote, protect and enforce the rights Commissioner) Rules 2019;
will complement the role of other sector
of consumers as a class. Therefore, class 8. Definition of “consumer” has been
regulators and that duplication, overlap 2. Consumer Protection (E-commerce)
action suits are now extended to the widened to include a consumer who
or potential conflict will be avoided. Rules 2019;
consumer law. “buys any goods” and “hires or avails
2. Product Liability: A product liability any services” including offline or online 3. Consumer Protection (Mediation)
5. Mediation: Provision of “Mediation”
action may be brought by a complainant transactions through electronic means Rules 2019;
as an Alternate Dispute Resolution
against a product manufacturer, or by teleshopping or direct selling or
Mechanism has also been provided. 4. Consumer Protection (Direct Selling)
product service provider or product multi-level marketing; thus the rights of
seller, as the case may be, for any harm 6. Offences and penalties: Offences consumers extend to e-commerce and Rules 2019;
caused to him/ her on account of a and penalties are laid down in case direct selling transactions as well. 5. Consumer Protection (Consumer
defective product or any other fault as of failure to comply with directions of Disputes Redressal Commission)
Rules, 2019;

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6. Consumer Protection (Central consumer Infrastructure Providers Category-I (IP-I) are for the encouragement and facilitation of have been kept out from the scope
protection council) Rules 2019; those infrastructure providers who provide the sharing of passive as well as active of OSP. They would require furnishing
assets such as dark fibre, right of way, infrastructure as envisaged in the National intimation only.
7. Consumer Protection (Qualification for
duct space, and tower on lease/ rent out/ Digital Communications Policy-2018
appointment, method of recruitment, • The complete process of registration/
sale basis to licensees of telecom services (NDCP-2018).
procedure of appointment, term of office, intimation shall be through an online
on mutually agreed terms and conditions.
resignation and removal of the President Recommendations on “Review of Terms and portal and time bound.
Presently, IP-I are not allowed to possess
and members of the State Commission Conditions for registration of OSP” released
any wireless equipment, which requires a • Multiple OSP centres of single company
and District Commission) Rules 2019; by TRAI
license under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy within one Licensed Service Area can be
Act, 1933. Press Release No. 103 registered as single OSP.
8. Consumer Protection (Salary, allowances dated 21 October 2019
Against the above backdrop and • Requirement of agreement bank
and conditions of service of President
considering that over the past years, IP-I TRAI, on 21 October 2019 released guarantee for the sharing of infrastructure
and Members of the State Commission
have played a significant role in making recommendations on “Review of Terms and between domestic and international OSP
and District Commission) Model Rules
available affordable telecom services in Conditions for registration of OSP.” Salient of same company has been removed.
India, TRAI has issued a consultation paper features of the recommendations are as
• Requirement of agreement and bank
Telecom Sector reviewing the scope of IP-I registration. follows:
guarantee for availing work-from-home
One of the key questions under the
TRAI consultation paper on review of scope • The definition of OSP has been clarified. facility has also been removed. Further,
consultation paper is whether the scope
of Infrastructure Providers Category-I (IP-I) Only voice-based, outsourced OSP the requirement of Provider Provision
of IP-I registration should be enhanced to
Registration needs to have registration at par with the Virtual Private Network has been
also include the provisioning of common
existing process. Data/ internet-based removed, and any commercial Virtual
TRAI Consultation Paper shareable active infrastructure.
OSP would need to furnish intimation Private Network can be used to establish
dated 16 August 2019
This consultation process has been only. connectivity for work-from-home.
TRAI issued a consultation paper on the initiated suo-motu by TRAI to make
• Provision of services for captive • Internet obtained at one OSP centre can
review of scope of infrastructure providers recommendations to the Government
purposes, i.e. Captive Contact Centres be shared with other OSP centres of the
category-I (IP-I) registration.

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same company (provided the ISP has Intellectual Property Rights • Government department/ Government Cooperation Treaty filing. Further,
geographical jurisdiction). company/ Government institution/ preparation of certified copies of priority
Notification of Patents (Amendment)
Government undertaking; documents and e-transmission through
• International OSP may have Electronic Rules, 2019
WIPO DAS will also not attract any fees.
Private Automatic Branch Exchange at a • Institution wholly or substantially funded
Notification No. GSR 663(E)
foreign location. (at least INR 2.5m by way of grant/ loans The draft Patents (Amendment) Rules,
dated 17 September 2019
forming 75% of the total expenditure of 2018 contained a rule to provide for a two-
• Contact Centre Service Provider/
The DPIIT has notified the Patents such institution) by the Government; and member bench to preside over pre-grant
Hosted Contact Centre Service Provider
(Amendment) Rules, 2019 (Amendment oppositions. The draft rule further stated
providing platform as a service are • Applicants eligible under an arrangement
Rules) on 17 September 2019. that in case of differing opinions between
brought under registration. The Contact for processing a patent application
the two members, a third member may be
Centre Service Provider/ Hosted Contact The draft Patents (Amendment) Rules was pursuant to an agreement between
nominated to the bench to arrive at the final
Centre Service Provider involved in the published on 4 December 2018, inviting Indian Patent Office and a foreign Patent
decision based on the majority. However,
reselling of telecom resources would public suggestions and comments. Office (Patent Prosecution Highway).
this provision has been omitted from the
require VNO license.
Key takeaways: International Applications final draft.
• Contact Centre Service Provider/
Expedited examination of applications While filing an international application Labour Laws
Hosted Contact Centre Service Provider
under the Patent Cooperation Treaty,
to be given three months’ time to get The Amendment Rules provide method Code of Wages, 2019
documents shall have to be submitted
themselves the necessary registration/ for the fast track disposal of patent
only through electronic transmission duly No. 29 of 2019 dated 8 August 2019
license after declaration of the policy by applications. The amendment extends the
authenticated. The originals would be
the Department of Telecommunication. provision to the following applicants: The Government of India notified the
required to be submitted on request of the
Code of Wages, 2019 (Code) on 8 August
• Small entities; Controller or patent office within a period of
2019. The Code consolidates the following
15 days.
• Female applicants, in case of natural labour laws: (i) Payment of Wages Act,
persons; No transmittal fees for international 1936, (ii) Minimum Wages Act, 1949, (iii)
applications filed through ePatent Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, and (iv) Equal

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Remuneration Act, 1976. The consolidation 7. The Cine Workers Welfare Fund Act, Miscellaneous chipsets, and creating an enabling
will increase the ease of doing compliances 1981; and environment for the industry to compete
National E-commerce Policy, 2019 – Draft
for the companies. globally.
8. The Building and Other Construction
Draft National e-Commerce Policy
Draft Code on Social Security, 2019 Workers Cess Act, 1996. National Policy on Software Products, 2019
dated 23 February 2019
Z-13025/13/2015-LRC dated Labour Code on Industrial Relations, Policy dated 1 March 2019
DPIIT released a draft of the National
17 September 2019 2019 Bill
E-commerce Policy for public consultation The Ministry of Electronics and Information
The Ministry of Labour on 17 September Bill No. 364 of 2019 on 23 February 2019. The objective of this Technology released its National Policy on
2019 introduced and invited comments on dated 28 November 2019 draft policy is to enable India to benefit Software Products on 1 March 2019, with
the draft Code on Social Security, 2019 by from digitisation by creating a governance the aim to develop India as a global software
The Ministry of Labour on 29 November
amalgamating provisions of the following framework for various stakeholders and product hub. The policy seeks to develop
2019 has introduced and invited comments
existing eight Central Labour Acts – strategies for data localisation, consumer a conducive ecosystem to transform the
on the draft Labour Code on Industrial
protection and promoting micro, small and predominantly service-oriented IT/ ITES
1. The Employees’ Compensation Act, Relations, 2019 Bill which consolidates the
medium enterprises and start-ups. industry into a technology-oriented products
1923; following three important industrial laws –
National Policy on Electronics, 2019
2. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1. The Trade Unions Act, 1926;
Discussion Paper on Guidelines for Payment
1948; Notification No. 26(1)/2019-IPHW
2. The Industrial Employment (Standing Gateways and Payment Aggregator
dated 25 February 2019
3. The Employees’ Provident Funds and Orders) Act, 1946, and
Discussion Paper dated 17 September 2019
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952; The much-awaited National Policy on
3. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Electronics, 2019 aims to position India The RBI in its Monetary Policy Statement
4. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961;
The Industrial Bill will improve the ease of as a global hub for Electronics Systems for 2018-19 dated 7 February 2019, had
5. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; doing business in India for establishments. Design and Manufacturing by encouraging indicated that the existing Payments
and driving capabilities in the country for Intermediary Guidelines would be reviewed.
6. The Unorganized Workers’ Social
developing core components, including RBI Vision Document on Payment and
Security Act, 2008;

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Settlement Systems in India released devices to be regulated under the • disinfection of medical devices; and published notifications in February and
in May 2019 also echoed the sentiment provisions of DC, Act and the Medical • control of conception. October 2019 to notify the following
that the RBI would examine the need for Devices Rules, 2017: listed medical devices, as a drug, as per
separate regulations for payment service All devices including an instrument, 2. “Ultrasound equipment” under the ambit the DC, Act with effect from 1 April 2020.
providers. Accordingly, on 17 September apparatus, appliance, implant, material of drugs
• Ultrasound equipment;
2019, the RBI issued a discussion paper or other article, regardless of whether The MoHFW, in consultation with • All implantable medical devices;
on comprehensive guidelines covering used alone or in combination, including the Drugs Technical Advisory Board
payment-related activities of payment a software or an accessory, to be used • CT scan Equipment;
published a notification on 16 October
gateways and payment aggregator specially for human beings or animals, 2019 that notifies “Ultrasound • MRI Equipment;
and presents different options for their assisting in its intended function for one equipment” as a drug as per the DC, Act • Defibrillators;
regulation. or more of the following purposes – with effect from 1 November 2020. The • Dialysis Machine;
Regulatory Developments in the Indian • diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, import, manufacture and distribution of
treatment or alleviation of any disease ultrasound equipment would soon be • PET Equipment;
Medical Device Industry
or disorder; regulated by the Central Drugs Standard • X-Ray Machine; and
Notification No. SO 3721(E) Control Organisation and licenses/
• diagnosis, monitoring, treatment,
dated 16 October 2019 and Notice No. approvals would have to be procured for • Bone marrow cell separator.
alleviation or assistance for, any injury
F.No.X.11035/281/2018-DRS the same.
or disability; The import, manufacture and distribution of
dated 18 October 2019
• investigation, replacement or 3. Nine new medical devices under the the above-mentioned devices would soon
1. The MoHFW has issued a proposal to be regulated by the Central Drugs Standard
modification or support of the ambit of drugs
notify all medical devices under the Control Organisation and it would become
anatomy or of a physiological process;
DC, Act from 1 December 2019. The The MoHFW, in consultation with necessary to procure licences/ approvals for
draft notification proposes the following • supporting or sustaining life; the Drugs Technical Advisory Board them.

61 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Tax Insights
Thought Leadership
Tax Treaties

62 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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Corporate Tax Services
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Tax insights
Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular
1 04 December 2018 Tribunal holds conversion of preference shares into equity shares is not transfer ITA No. 2189/Del/2018
2 04 December 2018 Fund raising by issuance of debt securities by large entities SEBI Circular No. DDHS/CIR/P/2018/144 dated 26 November 2018
Strengthening and maintaining of existing roads does not create a new infrastructure
3 10 December 2018 ITA Nos. 545, 546,1130,1131/BANG/2018
facility for section 80-IA deduction
CBDT Notification No. 85/ 2018/ F.No.370133/ 34/ 2016-TPL and
Final notifications issued under section 115JG(1) for conversion of Indian branch of
4 11 December 2018 Notification No. 86/ 2018/ F.No.370133/ 34/ 2016-TPL (Part)
foreign bank into an Indian subsidiary company
dated 06 December, 2018
5 12 December 2018 Tribunal decides on taxability of conversion of company into an LLP ITA No. 3637/Mum/2015
6 13 December 2018 Clubbing of investment limits of Foreign Portfolio Investors - Press Release
7 13 December 2018 Clubbing of investment limits of Foreign Portfolio Investors
Press release by the Ministry of Finance on streamlining of NPS on
8 13 December 2018 Proposals approved by Government to streamline National Pension System
10 December, 2018
9 17 December 2018 FPIs can invest in Security Receipts  
Income corresponding to unused talk-time in prepaid cards is taxable only in the year
10 20 December 2018 ITA Nos. 70 & 73/2013 & 1069/2017 dated 15 November 2018 (Delhi HC)
when talk-time is used or lapses
CBDT Notification No. 88/2018/ F. No. 370142/17/2018-TPL,
11 21 December 2018 CBDT prescribes due date for filing CbCR by inbound constituent entities in certain cases
dated 18 December 2018
Kerala HC holds that situs of sale of trademark is the principal place of business
12 21 December 2018 W.P(C).No.13408 of 2009-U and others (Kerala HC)
of the transferor

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Personal tax
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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

Tribunal decides on the applicability of section 56(2)(vii) in the case of rights issue
13 24 December 2018 ITA No. 676/Mum/2015
of shares
GST Council takes significant policy decisions and issues clarifications, extends the time
14 24 December 2018 limit for claiming of GST credits for financial year 2017-18, approves rate reduction on GST 31st Council Meeting
specified goods and services and extends the due date for annual return and audit report
15 27 December 2018 Due date extended for filing CbCR by inbound constituent entities in certain cases CBDT Circular No. 9/2018 dated 26 December, 2018
16 02 January 2019 Physical settlement of stock derivatives SEBI Circular dated 31 December 2018
Amendments to Foreign Portfolio Investors Regulations to incorporate recent changes on Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2018/58
17 07 January 2019
eligibility criteria, clubbing of investment limits and others dated 31 December, 2018
Deduction under section 80-IC on profits of an eligible undertaking to be computed
18 08 January 2019 ITA No. 883 to 885/Chd/2017
ignoring losses of other eligible undertakings
CBIC issues notifications and orders to give effect to the decisions taken in 31st GST
19 09 January 2019  
Council meeting and issues clarificatory circulars
20 09 January 2019 Government issues additional guidance for post clearance audit in customs CBIC Circular No. 2/2019-Cus dated 8 January 2019
GST Council relaxes compliance requirements for small businesses, approves calamity
21 12 January 2019  
cess by Kerala for two years and widens composition scheme
Government removes pre-import condition for Advance Authorisation, extends exemptions DGFT Notification No. 53/2015-20, dated 10 January 2019 CBIC
22 13 January 2019
of IGST and compensation cess for specified deemed exports Notification No. 01/2019-Customs, dated 10 January 2019
23 19 January 2019 IRDAI issues guidelines for Insurance Intermediaries offices in IFSC IRDAI/ RI/ GDUMISC/ 012/ 01/ 2019, dated 16 January, 2019
24 19 January 2019 Changes to the ECB framework RBI A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 17 dated 16 January 2019
Government amends procedure for seeking exemption from section 56(2)(viib) for start-
25 22 January 2019 DIPP Notification No. GSR. 34(E) dated 16 January, 2019

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

TO cannot reject method of valuation of shares adopted by the taxpayer for purposes of
26 25 January 2019 ITA No. 1278/ Bangalore/ 2018
section 56(2)(viib) but can look into reasonableness of data used
27 25 January 2019 RBI modifies application process to obtain registration as an ARC  
SEBI issues consultation paper, proposes to amend the SEBI (InvIT) and SEBI (REIT)
28 29 January 2019 SEBI Consultation Paper dated 25 January 2019
MSME Notification No. SO 5621E, MCA Notification No. SO 368(E),
29 31 January 2019 Recent Regulatory Updates
MCA Notification No. GSR 1219(E), MCA Notification No. GSR 42(E)
GST Amendment laws becomes effective from 1 February, 2019 except some specified
30 31 January 2019  
Income-tax proposals with regard to real estate sector announced in the Interim Budget
31 01 February 2019  
for financial year 2019-20
32 02 February 2019 Interim Union Budget 2019 proposals  
33 05 February 2019 Indian Stamp Act, 1899 – Amendments (proposed)  
Liberalisation of FPI concentration norms and ECB policy (in case of companies admitted
34 07 February 2019  
under IBC)
Union Cabinet approves bill for establishment of a unified authority for regulating all
35 08 February 2019  
financial services in IFSC
36 11 February 2019 Physical settlement of stock derivatives SEBI Circular dated 8 February 2019
37 11 February 2019 Notification of the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Amendment Rules, 2019 MCA Notification dated 8 February 2019
Delhi HC upholds the allowance of fee paid for fund raising related services, by an
38 12 February 2019 ITA No. 1094 of 2018
investment advisory company
Exemption under section 54 available on capital gains arising on sale of more than one
39 13 February 2019 ITA No. 1507/ Mumbai/ 2017
residential house

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

HC upholds sanction for prosecution under the Black Money Act for non-disclosure of
40 19 February 2019 bank accounts; parallel penalty proceedings under the Income-tax Act not relevant at Writ Petition No. 568 of 2018, order dated 14 February 2019
such stage
Government widens definition of start-ups and amends conditions for exemption from
41 24 February 2019  
“angel tax”
GST Council recommends reduction of GST rate on supply of under-construction
42 25 February 2019 33rd GST Council meeting
residential properties and exemptions on intermediate supplies relating to land
FTS under India-UK tax treaty – ‘make available’ condition required to be satisfied for
43 25 February 2019 ITA No. 1296/Mum/2017
development and transfer of technical plan or design also
44 26 February 2019 National E-commerce Policy, 2019 – Draft  
Gujarat HC strikes down ‘pre-import condition’ for availing IGST exemption under
45 27 February 2019 R/Special Civil Application No. 14558 of 2018
advance authorisation scheme
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Notification dated 25
46 01 March 2019 National Policy on Electronics, 2019
February 2019
Supreme Court lays down principles for excluding an allowance or payment from the
47 02 March 2019 Civil Appeal No. 6621 of 2011 and ors. (SC)
definition of “basic wages” for Provident Fund contributions
48 04 March 2019 Voluntary Retention Route for investment in debt by Foreign Portfolio Investors RBI AP (DIR) Series Circular No. 21 and 22 dated 1 March 2019
49 05 March 2019 Special Economic Zone Act, 2005 amended to allow trusts to set-up units
VCF does not lose exemption under section 10(23FB), even if some investments made in
50 07 March 2019 ITA No. 7472/Mum/2017
mutual fund units etc.
51 08 March 2019 CBIC clarifies treatment of sales promotion schemes under GST CBIC Circular No. 92/11/2019-GST dated 7 March 2019
52 08 March 2019 National Policy on Software Products, 2019  

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

Further amendment in SEZ Rules notified Special Economic Zones (Second Amendment)
53 11 March 2019 Notification No. GSR 200(E) dated 7 March 2019
Rules, 2019 notified
Onus under section 68 is on the taxpayer to prove the identity, credit worthiness of
54 12 March 2019 SLP Appeal No. 29855 of 2018 (SC)
investors and genuineness of receipt of share capital
55 14 March 2019 Tribunal holds that selection of the foreign AE as tested party lacks statutory sanction ITA No. 1260/PUNE/2018 and 1308/PUNE/2018
BCAA for exchange of CbCRs between India and the US has been finalised, and will be
56 15 March 2019  
signed before 31 March 2019
Tribunal upholds NAV method adopted by TO, where taxpayer failed to substantiate basis
57 15 March 2019 ITA No. 3160/Bang/2018
for estimates used for DCF valuation under section 56(2)(viib) of the Act
GST Council clarifies operational details and transitional norms for lower GST rates on
58 21 March 2019 34th GST Council Meeting
residential housing
Section 56(2)(viib) applicable at the time of share allotment, even if application made
59 21 March 2019 ITA No. 5933/DEL/2018
before insertion of that section
Bombay HC upholds denial of US entity’s claim for carry forward of losses declared in
60 27 March 2019 Writ Petition No. 9358 of 2018
separate returns filed by funds managed by it
Increase in limits for FPI investment in Government Securities
61 28 March 2019 RBI/2018-19/152 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 26 dated 27 March 2019

62 29 March 2019 Rental income from letting out of shops in the mall taxable as business income ITA No. 166 of 2016
RBI issues the “Non-resident Participation in Rupee Interest Rate Derivatives Markets RBI Notification No. FMRD.DIRD. 13/ 14.03.041/ 2018-19
63 03 April 2019
(Reserve Bank) Directions, 2019” dated 27 March 2019
Goods and Service Tax update – Real Estate CBIC Notification Nos. 03-08/2019- Central Tax (Rate) and 16/2019-
64 03 April 2019
Central Tax dated 29 March 2019
65 06 April 2019 Income-tax return forms for FY 2018-19 notified CBDT Notification No. GSR 279(E) dated 1 April 2019

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

No tax to be withheld on interest recovered from the importer by an Indian bank, which TCA No. 1800 of 2008 order (Madras HC)
66 12 April 2019
had paid it to the overseas supplier under a LC
Tribunal upholds taxpayer’s claim of split-residency based on Article 4 of the India-USA ITA No. 1655/Bang/2017
67 13 April 2019
tax treaty
SC dismisses Revenue’s SLP relating to disallowance of expenses under section 14A in Special Leave Petition (Civil) Diary No. 2755 of 2019
68 15 April 2019
the absence of any exempt income
69 19 April 2019 Form 16 and Form 24Q amended to capture additional details CBDT Notification No. 36/ 2019 dated 12 April 2019
SC upholds decision that salary reimbursed by Indian entity to foreign company for Service Tax Appeal No. 54238 of 2014 , Civil Appeal Diary No(s).
70 19 April 2019
deputation of employees will not be taxed as manpower supply 45344/2018
71 22 April 2019 CBDT proposes to amend rules for profit attribution to PEs – calls for public consultation CBDT Report dated 18 April 2019
72 26 April 2019 FPIs can invest in Municipal Bonds RBI A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 33 dated 25 April 2019
Section 56(2)(vii) applicable to ‘property’ in the nature of capital asset and not which is ITA No. 392/JP/2019
73 06 May 2019
traded in the normal course of business or trade
Bombay HC rules that the revenue authorities cannot hold back refunds merely on Writ Petition No. 1103 of 2019 (Bombay HC)
74 07 May 2019
account of a lapse in their computer system
Payment made by airlines for availing lounge services for its passengers is not rent – Income-tax Appeal No. 628 of 2018
75 08 May 2019
section 194-I inapplicable
76 08 May 2019 Consideration received for granting of distribution rights for a TV channel is not royalty ITA 103 and 207 of 2017
CBDT specifies procedure, formats and standards for the issuance of Form 16, makes it CBDT Notification No. 09/ 2019 dated 06 May, 2019
77 08 May 2019
mandatory to download Part B of Form 16 from TRACES Portal
Immovable property allotted to retiring partner by firm - on specific facts held not covered T.C.A. Nos. 365 & 366 of 2009 (Madras HC)
78 14 May 2019
by section 45(4) of the Act

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

HC rules that a Trust is “revocable” in case contributions are revocable, and the income of Tax Case Appeal Nos. 122 and 123 of 2019 and C.M.P. No. 3227 of 2019
79 18 May 2019
such Trust should be taxable in the hands of the contributors (Madras HC)
Tribunal holds that amount received by a retiring partner above his capital account is ITA No. 1700/Bang/2016
80 20 May 2019
chargeable as capital gains
Maharashtra ARA holds that technical know-how provided by a foreign entity to an Indian Order No. ARA Mumbai – 09 of 2016-17/2019-20
81 21 May 2019 entity are intangible goods and the situs of sale is where the property is registered for the
purposes of VAT
Manual return of income can be filed if the online utility is not amended to reflect the W.P.(C) 3598/2019 (Delhi HC)
82 23 May 2019
correct tax position
HC allows input tax credit on input materials/ services used for developing a shopping Writ Petition No. 20463 of 2018 (Orissa HC)
83 23 May 2019
mall against GST payable on rent received from tenants
84 27 May 2019 Voluntary Retention Route for FPI investment in Indian debt – An update RBI/2018-19/187 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 34 dated 24 May 2019
Government of Kerala notifies 1 June 2019 for levy of Kerala Flood Cess on intra-state G.O.(P) No. 79 and 80/2019/TAXES dated 25 May 2019
85 28 May 2019
supplies to unregistered persons
Report of the Working Group on the SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014 SEBI Press Release dated 24 May 2019
86 28 May 2019
released by SEBI
CBDT extends the due date of filing TDS statement in Form 24Q and issue of TDS F.No.275/38/2017-IT(B) dated 4 June 2019
87 05 June 2019
certificate in Form 16 for financial year 2018-19
District Court upholds prosecution for delay in deposit of taxes deducted – reasonable  
88 06 June 2019
cause not substantiated by evidence
89 10 June 2019 RBI announces prudential framework for resolution of stressed assets RBI Press Release 2018-2019/2886 dated 7 June 2019
90 13 June 2019 Union Cabinet of India approves the ratification of MLI  
CBDT issues revised guidelines for Compounding of Offences under Direct Tax Laws, CBDT Notification F. No. 285/08/2014-IT(Inv.V)/147
91 19 June 2019

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

GST Council extends the date of filing annual return and audit report, introduces transition GST Council 35th Meeting
92 24 June 2019
plan to new GST returns and extends the tenure of National Anti-profiteering Authority
Annual return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA return) – Change in system of
93 01 July 2019 RBI A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 37 dated 28 June 2019
94 01 July 2019 RBI releases Financial Benchmark Administrators (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2019  
CBIC augments powers of NAA, prescribes manner of valuation of Kerala cess and
95 02 July 2019  
mentions QR code in tax invoices
Conversion of firm into a company does not amount to distribution of assets – firm not
96 03 July 2019 ITA No. 2316/Ahd/2014
liable to capital gains tax
Tribunal holds that TO cannot tinker with prescribed valuation method adopted by
97 04 July 2019 taxpayer for computation under section 56(2)(viib) of the Act and question commercial ITA No. 8113/Del/2018
98 08 July 2019 Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019  
Even if additional FSI assumed to be transferred in a joint development agreement, no
99 11 July 2019 ITA No. 5324/Mum/2018
capital gains arise absent any cost of acquisition
Gujarat HC issues decision on last date for claiming ITC for invoices from July 2017 to
100 12 July 2019 R/Special Civil Application No. 18962 of 2018 (Gujarat HC)
March 2018
101 19 July 2019 India Union Budget 2019 – Update on surcharge for FPIs  
102 23 July 2019 CBIC issues clarification on supply of ITeS qualifying as “export of services” CBIC Circular No. 107/26/2019-GST
103 23 July 2019 Amendments to Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2019 as passed by Lok Sabha CBIC Circular No. 107/26/2019-GST
Draft assessment order issued erroneously in the name of the amalgamating entity
104 23 July 2019 ITA No. 857/Mum/2016
invalidates final assessment on the amalgamated entity

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

The Indian income-tax authorities extends due date for filing income-tax returns for
105 24 July 2019  
noncorporate tax payers
106 24 July 2019 CBDT extends the due date of filing income-tax return from 31 July to 31 August 2019 CBDT Order F. No 225/157/2019/ITA.II dated 23 July 2019
107 25 July 2019 Protocol amending the India-China tax treaty notified  
108 25 July 2019 Penalty proceedings can be initiated even if dispute resolved by enforcement of MAP Writ Petition No. 57865/ 2015 (Karnataka HC)
Delhi HC allows interim relief on widened anti-profiteering investigation prior to completion
109 26 July 2019 W.P.(C) 7743/ 2019 and CM APPL 32129/ 2019 (Stay)
of initial investigation by NAA
Exemption from furnishing return of income for non-residents earning income from
110 29 July 2019  
investment fund set-up in IFSC
Tribunal holds that long-term capital loss, on STT paid sale of listed shares, is eligible for
111 29 July 2019 ITA No. 511/Kol/2017
carry forward and set-off
Issue of notice and assessment order in the name of the amalgamating company, which
112 30 July 2019 Civil Appeal No. 5409 of 2019 dated 25 July, 2019 (SC)
ceased to exist, is invalid: not a defect curable under section 292B
Patna HC holds that no recovery proceedings under section 73 of the BGST Act can be
113 31 July 2019 Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No. 2125 of 2019
initiated against ITC availed but not utilised
114 31 July 2019 External Commercial Borrowings – Rationalisation of end-use provisions RBI A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 04 dated 30 July 2019
115 02 August 2019 The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019 receives President’s assent  
Delhi HC quashes withholding tax certificate, issued without assigning cogent reasons at
116 05 August 2019 W.P.(Civil) No. 7744/2019 (Delhi HC)
a rate higher than earlier years
Reimbursement of salary and payment for support services to non-resident neither royalty
117 05 August 2019 ITA No. 784/Pun/2015
nor FTS: Distinguishes Delhi High Court’s Centrica decision
FMV as on 1 April 1981 to be considered as cost of acquisition to determine capital gains
118 05 August 2019 ITA No. 4481/Del/2016
on transfer of leasehold rights

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

119 06 August 2019 Amount received from an HUF by its member not taxable under section 56(2)(vii) ITA No. 773/CHD/2018
CBIC clarifies that recovery cannot be initiated in cases where a stay has been CBIC Circular No. 1080/ 2/ DLA/ Tech/ Action Taken/ 2019 dated 18 July,
120 07 August 2019
granted earlier 2019
121 08 August 2019 Multilateral Instrument: Implementation of tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS CBDT Press Release dated 2 July 2019
CBDT released clarifications in form of FAQs in respect of certain disclosures in
122 09 August 2019 CBDT Circular No. 18 of 2019 dated 8 August 2019
ITR forms
123 12 August 2019 Permissible investments by AIFs in IFSC expanded and aligned with domestic AIFs SEBI/ HO/ IFSC/ CIR/ P/ 2019/ 91 dated 9 August 2019
CBDT enhances monetary limits for filing of appeals by the revenue authorities before CBDT Circular No. 17/ 2019 dated 8 August 2019; F. No. 279/Misc.
124 12 August 2019
various appellate forums 142/2007-ITJ (Pt.)
Tamil Nadu AAR holds that value of applicant’s interstate stock transfer shall be either
125 13 August 2019 AAR Order No. 27/ AAR/ 2019 dated 24 June 2019
‘open market value’ or ‘90% of the open market value’ of supplies of similar goods
Tribunal holds benefit of 5% variation between stamp duty value and consideration, in
126 16 August 2019 ITA No. 2351/Kol/2017
section 50C, is curative and applies retrospectively
Tribunal holds that section 47(xiii) also covers transfer by a firm of capital assets to an
127 19 August 2019 ITA No. 2701/AHD/2011
existing company
Tribunal holds that units of an equity-oriented mutual fund are not “shares” for purposes
128 23 August 2019 ITA No. 423/Coch/2018
of the article relating to capital gains in the India-UAE tax treaty
SEBI Board Meeting - Key announcements for FPIs - Review of SEBI (Foreign Portfolio
129 21 August 2019 SEBI Press Release No. 20/2019 dated 21 August 2019
Investors) Regulations
Mumbai Tribunal, while holding that lease of land for 60 years is chargeable to service Service Tax Appeal Nos. 89766/2013, 88472/2014, 86197/2015,
130 22 August 2019
tax, expresses reservations on constitutional grounds 86274/2015, 87442/2015
131 23 August 2019 Relief from enhanced surcharge on capital gains  

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

MCA issues clarification on appointed date to be specified in scheme of mergers/
132 26 August 2019 MCA General Circular No. 09/2019 dated 21 August 2019
Supreme Court rejects review petition against order relating to exclusion of allowance for
133 30 August 2019 Civil Appeal Nos. 3965-66 of 2013 (SC)
purpose of provident fund
AAR holds shareholders liable to tax on capital gains arising on conversion of company
134 03 September 2019 AAR No. 1290 of 2012
into LLP; rejects ‘no transfer’ argument
CBDT raises revenue effect threshold for issue of lower or nil withholding tax certificate in
135 05 September 2019 Instruction No. 7/2009 dated 22 December 2009
case of non-resident taxpayers
Report of the RBI Task Force on the Development of Secondary Market for
136 05 September 2019 Press Release 2018-2019/2797 dated 29 May 2019
Corporate Loans
137 05 September 2019 Liberalisation of foreign investment norms for insurance intermediaries Notification No. GSR 619(E) dated 2 September 2019
138 06 September 2019 CBDT circular regarding assessment of start-ups Press release dated 2 September 2019
Bombay High Court holds that the principle of promissory estoppel does not provide
139 06 September 2019 immunity to the State Government to curtail benefits promised under State Writ Petition No. 2209 of 2018
Incentive Scheme
Notification No. SO 3079 (E) [NO. 58/2019 (F.NO. 503/ 02/ 1986-FTD-I)]
140 09 September 2019 Protocol amending tax treaty between India and Spain has been notified
dated 27 August 2019
ITAT holds section 50C not applicable where partner contributes land as capital to a ITA No. 544/Chny/2019
141 10 September 2019
partnership firm
Tribunal considers factual matrix; holds Cyprus entity beneficial owner of interest for ITA No. 6958/Mum/2017
142 10 September 2019
purposes of the tax treaty
Bombay High Court directs waiver of section 234C interest payable by the resulting Writ Petition No. 544 of 2019
143 10 September 2019
company; observes profit cannot be anticipated till approval of the demerger Scheme

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

Supreme Court holds supporting manufacturer cannot take benefit under section 80HHC Civil Appeal No. 4590 of 2018
144 17 September 2019
on export incentives
145 18 September 2019 CBDT lays down guidelines for launching prosecution in specified categories of offences Circular No. 24/2019 dated 9 September 2019
Central Government notifies Eassessment Scheme laying down procedure for electronic Notification No. 61 & 62 dated 12 September 2019
146 18 September 2019
147 19 September 2019 CBDT releases synthesised text of India-Japan and India-UAE tax treaties  
Gujarat High Court holds that filing of online declaration to claim transitional credit within R/Special Civil Application Nos. 5758, 5759, 5760, 5762 of 2019
148 19 September 2019 the due date contemplated under Rule 117 of CGST Rules, 2017 is procedural and
directory in nature

149 19 September 2019 Draft Guidelines for “on tap” licensing of Small Finance Banks in the private sector RBI Press Release dated 13 September 2019
150 20 September 2019 Liberalisation of foreign investment norms in select sectors DPIIT File No.: 5/3/2019-FDI Policy dated 18 September 2019
Rajasthan AAAR holds that 70:30 deemed valuation is applicable for supply, design, AAAR Order No. RAJ/ AAAR/ APP/ 09/ 2018-19 dated 1 March 2019
151 20 September 2019
installation, commissioning and testing of solar-based well pumping systems
152 22 September 2019 Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 The Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 No. 15 of 2019
GST Council reduces tax rates, relaxes filing of annual returns for small taxpayers and 37th GST Council Meeting dated 20 Septemeber 2019
153 22 September 2019
defers new return system
High Court holds that a provision made effective from 1 April of an assessment year Tax Case No. 126 of 1982 and Tax Case No. 28 of 1986
154 23 September 2019
cannot apply to income of the relevant previous year, which ended much before that date
High Court holds that wage ceiling applicable only for Indian employees for PF Writ Petition No. 1846 of 2018
155 25 September 2019
contribution is not discriminatory
GSTN issues advisory enabling online refund processing system, with disbursal by a Online refund processing and single authority disbursement: Advisory for
156 02 October 2019
single authority taxpayers

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

CBDT communicates its view on accumulated MAT credit and additional depreciation
157 03 October 2019 Circular No. 29/2019
under the newly introduced lower tax rate regime
Mumbai bench of Tribunal holds that income arising to a revocable securitisation trust ITA Nos. 2701, 3459, 2702, 3458, 2703, 3456, 2704,3460, 2705, 3457/
158 03 October 2019
taxable in the hands of the investors Mum/2017
159 03 October 2019 CBDT amends rules for computation of interest in case of secondary adjustment Notification No. GSR 701(E) dated 30 September 2019
Tribunal holds section 68 of the Act not applicable where primary ingredients required are ITA No. 1090/Mum/ 2019 &
160 08 October 2019
established 2569/Mum/2019
Introduction of retrospective amendment to CGST Rules to specify the last date to avail
161 11 October 2019 Notification No. 49/2019- CT dated 9 October 2019
ITC and imposition of credit restrictions where invoices are not uploaded in GSTR-1
Tribunal holds section 79 not applicable where the shareholder continues to hold 100%
162 14 October 2019 although partly indirectly post-amalgamation of the company having brought forward ITA No. 2366/Mum/2019
Larger Bench of Supreme Court holds sales tax and service tax cannot be imposed on
163 16 October 2019 Civil Appeal Nos. 4184 of 2009/ 7497 of 2012 and others
supply of food & beverages by a club/ association to its members
Based on specific facts, capital gains on sale of shares in an Indian company, carrying on
164 16 October 2019 ITA No. 6108/Mum/2018
real estate business, held not taxable under India-Spain tax treaty
Advances by a subsidiary, as a business venture on profit share basis, for strategic
165 21 October 2019 ITA No. 936/Ind/2018
investments to be made by the holding company not dividends under section 2(22)(e)
Gift of shares made by a company under an internal restructuring exercise not a
166 01 November 2019 ITA No. 2211/Mum/2019
“colourable device” – revision under section 263 rejected
Tribunal holds that valuation of shares under section 56(2)(viib) of the Act, based on the
167 06 November 2019 ITA No. 7262/Del/2017
fair value of assets, cannot be rejected

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Sl. No. Date Topic/Subject Ruling/ Notification/ Circular

Madras High Court allows accumulated credit of cesses from CENVAT regime to be
168 06 November 2019 Writ Petition No. 4773 of 2018 & WMP Nos. 5916 & 13148 of 2018
transitioned to GST
Gift of shares made by a company under an internal restructuring exercise not a
169 01 November 2019  
“colourable device” – revision under section 263 rejected
Tribunal holds that valuation of shares under section 56(2)(viib) of the Act, based on the
170 06 November 2019 ITA No. 7262/Del/2017
fair value of assets, cannot be rejected
Tribunal allows depreciation on goodwill arising on amalgamation in a subsequent year,
ITA Nos.1439/Ahd/2011, 42/Ahd/2012, 597/Ahd/2014, 2249/Ahd/2018 &
171 07 November 2019 where such claim not challenged in year of amalgamation; on merits, observes claim is
IT(SS)A No. 357/Ahd/18
not otherwise allowable
Delhi bench of Tribunal admits additional ground on applicability of lower rate as per tax
172 12 November 2019 ITA No. 961/Del/2015
treaty to DDT under section 115-O
Madras High Court allows accumulated credit of cesses from CENVAT regime to be
173 12 November 2019 Writ Petition No. 4773 of 2018 & WMP Nos. 5916 & 13148 of 2018
transitioned to GST
174 20 November 2019 Non-compete fees received by a non-resident, not taxable in the absence of a PE in India ITA No. 3985/Mum/2018
CBIC issues master circular superseding earlier circulars and prescribing process for
175 21 November 2019 claim and disbursement of online refunds, clarifies refund related issues, and relaxes Circular No. 125/44/2019-GST
certain requirements
Mumbai bench of Tribunal holds that section 56(2)(viia) not applicable to receipt of shares
176 22 November 2019
of a foreign company before amendment to Rule 11U with effect from 1 April 2019 ITA No. 1703/Mum/2019
177 27 November 2019 Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019: Replacing the Ordinance with key changes Bill No. 362 of 2019
Supreme Court disposes multiple pending petitions holding that interim orders passed by Civil Appeal No. 8941/2019 (SLP to Appeal (C) No. 25291/2019);
178 29 November 2019 High Court are contrary to statutory provisions of CGST Act on seizure of goods and need Civil Appeal No. 8942/2019 (SLP (C) No. 25292/2019);
not be given effect Civil Appeal No. 8944/2019 (SLP (C) No. 25609/2019)

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Thought Leadership
Sl. No. Date Particulars Where published Author Names
1 21-Dec-18 GST Advance Ruling whip on Indian service exports and way forward GSTSUTRA Anita Rastogi and Rohit Gupta
2 27-Dec-18 The rate recast shows GST in India is finally attaining maturity CNBCTV 18 Anita Rastogi and Rohit Gupta
3 30-Dec-18 Get ready for a new return filing system Business Standard Pratik Jain
4 03-Jan-19 READER’S CORNER: tax Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
5 10-Jan-19 Do we need composition scheme in GST for real estate? Mint Siddharth Mehta
6 10-Jan-19 Opinion | Do we need composition scheme in GST for real estate? Siddharth Mehta
7 22-Jan-19 Changes are politically-driven but are in the right direction Mint Pratik Jain
8 22-Jan-19 GST: Changes are politically-driven but are in the right direction Pratik Jain
9 24-Jan-19 What the Modi government’s last budget can do to help ordinary Indians Quartz India Ishita Sengupta, Hitesh Sharma and Kinjal Soni
10 29-Jan-19 Income tax exemption limit may be raised to INR 3 lakh in budget: Kuldip Kumar Kuldip Kumar
11   Services at the click of a mouse The Hindu Business Line Anand Dhelia
12   Past, present and the future’ Financial Express Gautam Mehra
13   Budget 2019: The Personal Finance Explainer Ishita Sengupta
14 01-Feb-19 Opinion: Budget 2019 is a visionary step in the right direction Forbes India Gautam Khattar
Budget 2019: Taxpayers Alert! 5 significant personal tax changes you need Sundeep Agarwal , Shaishav Shah and
15 01-Feb-19 Financial Express
to know Gayatri Ramaswamy
16 02-Feb-19 A big boost to farmers, a win for the middle class Financial Express Rahul Garg

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Sl. No. Date Particulars Where published Author Names

17 02-Feb-19 Soon, assessment and refunds in 24 hours Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
18 03-Feb-19 Services at the click of a mouse ANAND DHELIA
19 05-Feb-19 Budget aimed at appeasing cross-section of taxpayers DNA Ishita Sengupta and Shikha Malsisaria
20 06-Feb-19 Reader’s corner: Taxation Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
21 12-Feb-19 What’s next in GST: Consistent laws, crackdown on evaders The Times of India Pratik Jain
22 12-Feb-19 Interim budget: Laying out vision on 10 most important dimensions a thoughtful move Financial Express Gautam Mehra
23 01-Mar-19 Little known income tax deductions which will help you save more tax Financial Express Ishita Sengupta and Rajvi V Shah
24 05-Mar-19 How the 2019 Budget boosted technology-driven initiatives in income tax Financial Express Rahul Garg & Anurag Dayal
25 07-Mar-19 Reader’s corner: Can you invest over Rs 150,000 in PPF in a financial year? Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
26 19-Mar-19 Positive news for the Real Estate sector News Barons Pratik Jain
27 25-Mar-19 Finally, its REIT time ET Realty Bhairav Dalal
28 27-Mar-19 Offsetting GST credits: New mechanism can lead to accumulation of CGST credits Financial Express Gautam Khattar, Kishore Kumar and Anubha Aggarwal
29 27-Mar-19 A tremor for the industry? Financial Express Gautam Khattar, Kishore Kumar and Anubha Aggarwal
30 27-Mar-19 Viewpoint | Understanding Capital Gains tax and its application in India Money Control Ishita Sengupta and Ritika Arora
31   Indian InvITs tap foreign buyers IFR News Bhairav Dalal
32   The blueprint Business Standard Akash Gupt and Bhairav Dalal
33 17-Apr-19 Viewpoint | Attention first-time job seekers! Here’s how to read your offer letter Money Control Ishita Sengupta and Rajvi V Shah
34 01-May-19 Reader’s corner: Is petrol bill reimbursement in monthly salary tax-free? Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
35 22-May-19 Election Result 2019: No matter who wins, it’s time middle class gets these tax reliefs Business Today Kuldip Kumar
36 28-May-19 Why GST collection and tax revenues pose a big challenge to Modi 2.0 government CNBCTV 18 Pratik Jain and Sumit Bansal

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Sl. No. Date Particulars Where published Author Names

GST: From anti-profiteering to fixing GSTN glitches, issues that need immediate
37 29-May-19 Economic Times Anita Rastogi, Prashant Gupta and Rohit Gupta
38 30-May-19 READER’S CORNER Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
39 12-Jun-19 How your stock options are taxed Ishita Sengupta and Deepa Bachchavat
40 13-Jun-19 READER’S CORNER: TAXATION Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
41 24-Jun-19 Lifting the economy Business Line Vikram Doshi and Dinesh Daga
Budget 2019: Can Modi 2.0 bring economy back on track? 5 key challenges before
42 27-Jun-19 Financial Express Frank D’Souza
FM Nirmala Sitharaman
43 27-Jun-19 Budget 2019: Expectations of the individual taxpayer Fortune India Sundeep Agarwal, Ritika Arora and Rashika Khandelwal
44 01-Jul-19 Will Union Budget 2019 deliver on the expectations of individual taxpayers? CNBCTV 18 Anand Dhelia and Nishant Kumar
Proposed amendments to profit attribution rules for permanent establishments:
45 02-Jul-19 Vishal Anand and Siddharth Dadu
Plugging the gaps
46 03-Jul-19 Salaried class expects more tax exemption in budget Deccan Herald Ravi Jain
47 03-Jul-19 Budget 2019 India: Modi government can take these bold steps on July 5 Financial Express Anita Rastogi and Rohit Gupta
48 03-Jul-19 Budget 2019: Here is what corporate India wants from the Finance Minister Money Control Sushmita Basu, Diparun Mukherjee and Shreya Daga
49 04-Jul-19 Remove compliance for non-residents, rationalise safe harbour rules Financial Express Jitendra Jain
50 04-Jul-19 Budget 2019 wish list: FPIs pin hopes on tax exemptions, regulatory tweaks CNBCTV 18 Suresh Swamy and Tushar Patel
51 04-Jul-19 Realty counts on energisers for quick recovery The Telegraph Kaushik Mukherjee and Saurabh Kedia
52 04-Jul-19 READER’S CORNER : TAXATION Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
53 04-Jul-19 Remove compliance for non-residents, rationalise safe harbour rules Financial Express Jitendra Jain

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Sl. No. Date Particulars Where published Author Names

Budget 2019: Will FM Nirmala Sitharaman’s maiden budget bring any cheer for
54 05-Jul-19 Financial Express Kuldip Kumar and Manavi Gupta
salaried taxpayers?
55 06-Jul-19 Budget 2019 is a balance of development steps, reforms and fiscal discipline Financial Express Rahul Garg
More hits than misses for industry Sushmita Basu, Pulak Saha, Kapil Basu and
56 06-Jul-19 The Telegraph
Shrenik Mehta
57 06-Jul-19 Budget 2019 is a balance of development steps, reforms and fiscal discipline Financial Express Rahul Garg
58 07-Jul-19 Budget impact: Direct tax proposals are futuristic and far reaching Business Standard Kaushik Mukherjee
59 07-Jul-19 Measures taken to tightening the screws on tax avoidance Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
60 07-Jul-19 Union Budget 2019: Measures taken to tighten the screws on tax avoidance Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
61 07-Jul-19 In Sitharaman’s first Union Budget, the focus is on Make in India Business Standard Anita Rastogi
62 08-Jul-19 Effort towards stable economic growth Financial Express Gautam Khattar
63 08-Jul-19 In Sitharaman’s first Union Budget, the focus is on Make in India Business Standard Anita Rastogi
64 08-Jul-19 Boost for India Inc The Hindu Business Line Nikhil Rohera and Faizan Nursumar
65 08-Jul-19 Budget 2019: Govt has laid foundation for India’s growth and development Financial Express Gautam Khattar and Kishore Kumar
66 10-Jul-19 View: Budget 2019 shows govt’s will to use Aadhaar to track financial transactions Economic Times Kuldip Kumar
67 10-Jul-19 GST on Promotional Schemes - The Misery Continues GSTSUTRA Anita Rastogi and Gurmeet Sukhija
68 21-Jul-19 New norms to report foreign accounts The Hindu Business Line Kuldip Kumar
69 25-Jul-19 READER’S CORNER: TAX Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
70 28-Jul-19 Tackling the Core Business Today Gautam Mehra
71 21-Jul-19 New norms to report foreign accounts Kuldip Kumar
72 24-Jul-19 GST Applicability Demystified for Information Technology Enabled Services GSTSUTRA Anita Rastogi, Urvashi Dixit and Deepanshu Kumar

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Sl. No. Date Particulars Where published Author Names

73   Union budget- A step in the right direction The Diplomatist Anita Rastogi & Kamal Abrol
74 08-Aug-19 India Tax: All you need to know as an NRI ahead of August 31 filing deadline Kuldip Kumar
75 08-Aug-19 Filing Income Tax Returns - Oh! Not So Complicated Ishita Sengupta and Manvi Gupta
76 14-Aug-19 Budgets 2019: Take note of key provisions that bring pain and relief Ishita Sengupta
77 15-Aug-19 READER’S CORNER: Are you liable to pay tax on property received as gift? Business Standard Kuldip Kumar (Q&A)
78 21-Aug-19 To create a business-friendly tax framework The Hindu Business Line Nitin Vaid
79 11-Sep-19 Be aware of the taxes to pay while buying, selling or letting out a house Money Control Kuldip Kumar and Chander Talreja
80 11-Sep-19 Pay penalty of INR 10,000 for late Income-Tax filing after December 31 Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
81 20-Sep-19 View: FM Nirmala Sitharaman surpasses many expectations Economic Times Vikram Doshi and Rony Antony
82 23-Sep-19 Will simplify tax administration, reduce litigation  Business Standard Frank D’Souza
83 26-Sep-19 Corporate tax cut: A bold move by the Modi Government Financial Express Vishal Anand  
84 07-Oct-19 Why the corporate tax cuts will put pressure on FY 20 fiscal deficit CNBCTV 18 Nikhil Rohera
85 09-Oct-19 Returning to settle in India? Be aware of the tax angle Money Control Ishita Sengupta and Santhosh S
86 09-Oct-19 Will REITs revive the Indian realty story? Here’s what experts have to say Money Control Bhairav Dalal
87 14-Oct-19 Decoding the private equity sentiment in India Money Control Bhavin Shah
88 30-Oct-19 Do NRIs have to pay advance tax: Expert answers your taxation questions Business Standard Kuldip Kumar
Angel Tax exemption helps, but tight reins hinder start-ups’ growth Hiten Kotak, Aditya Narwekar, Jaisri S and
89 14-Nov-19 Business Line
Vidushi Agarawal

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Sl. No. Particulars
1 Planning succession – Time to plan for times to come
2 The Pinciple of Non-discrimination in Tax Treaties
3 Power of excellence – Merger and Acquisitions Tax
4 India’s new real estate and infrastructure trusts: The way forward
5 Destination India 2019
6 Advantage India – New corporate income tax rates shape an attractive investment environment

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Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Tax Treaties
Tax Information Exchange Agreements
Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
1 Argentine Notification No. 22/2013 [F. No. 504/3/2010-FTD-II]/SO 824(E) 21 November 2011 28 January 2013
2 Bahamas Notification No. 25/2011 [F. No. 503/6/2009-FTD-I]/SO 1049(E) 11 February 2011 1 March 2011
3 Bahrain Notification No. 44/2013 [F. No. 503/03/1994-FT&TR-II]/SO 1766(E) 31 May 2012 11 April 2013
4 Belize Notification No. 3/2014 [F. No. 503/4/2012-FTD-I]/SO 48(E) 18 September 2013 25 November 2013
5 Bermuda Notification No. 5/2011 [F. No. 503/2/2009-FTD-I] 7 October 2010 3 November 2010
6 British Virgin Islands Notification No. 54/2011 [F. No. 503/10/2009-FTD-I] S.O. 2301(E) 9 February 2011 22 August 2011
7 Cayman Islands Notification No. 61/2011 [F. No. 503/03/2009-FTD-I]/S.O. 2902(E) 21 March 2011 8 November 2011
8 Gibraltar Notification No. 28/2013 [F. No. 503/11/2009-FTD-I]/SO 924(E) 1 February 2013 11 March 2013
9 Guernsey Notification No. 30/2012 [F. No. 503/1/2009-FTD-I]/SO 1782(E) 20 December 2011 11 June 2012
10 Isle of Man Notification No. 26/2011 [F. No. 503/01/2008 - FTD-I]/SO 1048(E) 4 February 2011 17 March 2011
11 Jersey Notification No. 26/2012 [F. No. 503/6/2008-FTD-I]/SO 1541(E) 3 November 2011 8 May 2012
12 Liberia Notification No. 32/20012-FT&TR-II [F. No. 503/02/2010-FT&TR-II]/SO 1877(E) 3 October 2011 30 March 2012
13 Macao Notification No. 43/2012 [F. No. 503/04/2009-FT&TR-II]/SO 2427(E) 3 January 2012 16 April 2012
14 Maldives Notification No. SO 2865(E) [No. 76/2016 (F. No. 500/79/2008-FTD-II)] 11 April 2016 2 August 2016

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Tax Information Exchange Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
15 Principality of Liechtenstein Notification No. 30/2014 [F. No. 503/4/2009-FTD-I] 28 March 2013 20 January 2014
16 Principality of Monaco Notification No. 43/2013 [F. No. 503/05/2009-FTD-l]/SO 924(E) 31 July 2012 27 March 2013
17 Saint Kitts and Nevis Notification No. SO 2488(E) [No. 62/2016 (F.NO.503/09/2009-FTD-I)] 11 November 2014 2 February 2016
18 San Marino Notification No. 63/2015 [F. No. 500/02/2003-FTD-I] 19 December 2013 29 August 2014
19 Seychelles Notification No. SO 2894(E) [No. 80/2016 (F.NO.503/07/1993-FT&TR-IV)] 26 August 2015 28 June 2016

Limited Tax Treaties

Sr. No. Country Notification
1 Afghanistan Notification No. GSR 514(E)
2 Ethiopia Notification No. GSR 8(E) and GSR 159(E)
3 Iran Notification No. GSR 284(E)
4 Lebanon Notification Nos. GSR 1552 and 1553
5 Maldives Notification No. SO 2853(E) [No. 77/2016 (F. No. 503/4/2013-SO/FT&TR-II(1)]
6 Pakistan Notification No. GSR 792(E)
7 People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen Notification No. GSR 857(E), dated 12 August 1988
8 Yemen Arab Republic Notification No. GSR 2(E), dated 1 January 1987

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Social Security Agreements Social Security Agreements

Sr. No. Country Date when signed Date of coming into force Sr. No. Country Date when signed Date of coming into force
1 Australia 18 November 2014 1 January 2016 18 Swiss Federal 3 September 2009 29 January 2011
2 Austria 4 February 2013 1 July 2015
Signed but not notified:
3 Belgium 3 November 2006 1 September 2009
Quebec - 26 November 2013
4 Canada 6 November 2012 1 August 2015
Germany - 12 October 2011
5 Czech Republic 9 June 2010 1 September 2014
6 Finland 12 June 2012 1 August 2014
7 French Republic 30 September 2008 1 July 2011 Limited Tax Treaties
8 Germany 8 October 2008 1 October 2009 Sr. No. Country Notification
9 Hungary 3 February 2010 1 April 2013 1 Afghanistan Notification No. GSR 514(E)

10 Japan 16 November 2012 1 October 2016 2 Ethiopia Notification No. GSR 8(E) and GSR 159(E)

11 Kingdom of Denmark 17 February 2010 1 May 2011 3 Iran Notification No. GSR 284(E)

12 Kingdom of Netherlands 22 October 2009 1 December 2011 4 Lebanon Notification Nos. GSR 1552 and 1553

13 Luxembourg 30 September 2009 1 June 2011 Notification No. SO 2853(E) [No. 77/2016 (F. No. 503/4/2013-
5 Maldives
14 Norway 29 October 2010 1 January 2015
6 Pakistan Notification No. GSR 792(E)
15 Portugal 4 March 2013 8 May 2017
People’s Democratic
7 Notification No. GSR 857(E) dated 12 August 1988
16 Republic of Korea 19 October 2010 1 November 2011 Republic of Yemen
17 Sweden 26 November 2012 1 August 2014 8 Yemen Arab Republic Notification No. GSR 2(E) dated 1 January 1987

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Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
1 Albania Notification No. 2/2014 [F. No. 501/1/2003-FTD-I]/SO 47(E), dated 7 January 2014 8 July 2013 4 December 2013

2 Armenia Notification No. GSR 800E, dated 8 December 2004 as amended by Notification No. SO 3266(E) [No. 30/2018 31 October 2003 9 September 2004
(F. No. 503/05/1996-FTD-I)] dated 5 July 2018

3 Australia Notification No. GSR 60(E) dated 22 January 1992 as amended by Notification No. 74/2013 [F. No.503/1/2009- 25 July 1991 30 December 1991
FTD-II]/SO 2820(E) dated 20 September 2013

4 Austria Notification No. GSR 682(E) dated 20 September 2001 8 November 1999 5 September 2001

5 Bangladesh Notification No. GSR 758(E) dated 8 September 1992 27 August 1992 27 May 1992
6 Belarus Notification No. GSR 392(E) dated 17 July 1998 27 September 1997 17 July 1998
7 Belgium Notification No. GSR 632(E) dated 31 October 1997, as amended by Notification No. SO 54(E) 26 April 1993 1 October 1997
dated 19 January 2001. Earlier agreement was entered into vide GSR 323(E) dated 6 June 1975 which was later
amended by GSR 321(E) dated 2 March 1988
8 Bhutan Notification No. 42/2014 [F. No. 503/4/2004-FTD-II] dated 5 September 2014 4 March 2013 17 July 2014

9 Botswana Notification No. SO 1494(E) dated 18 June 2008 8 December 2006 30 January 2008

10 Brazil Notification No. GSR 381(E) dated 31 March 1992 as amended by Notification No. SO 93(E) [F. No. 26 April 1988 11 March 1992
500/101/2006-FT&TR-V] dated 4 January 2018

11 Bulgaria Notification No. GSR 205(E) dated 9 May 1996 26 May 1994 23 June 1995

12 Canada Notification No. SO 28(E) dated 15 January 1998. Earlier agreement was entered into vide GSR 1108(E) 11 January 1996 6 May 1997
dated 25 September 1986, as amended by GSR 635(E) dated 24 June 1992. Circular No. 638
dated 28 October 1992 dealt with this agreement.

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Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
13 China Notification No. SO 2562(E) [No.54/2019/F. No. 503/02/2008-FTD-II] dated 17 July 2019 26 November 2018 21 November 1994

14 Croatia Notification No. 24/2015 [F. N0. 501/09/1995-FTD-I] dated 17 March 2015 12 February 2014 6 February 2015

15 Colombia Notification No. 44/2014 [F. No. 501/3/99-FTD-II] dated 23 September 2014 13 May 2011 7 July 2014

16 Cyprus Notification No. SO 64(E) [No.3/2017 (F. N0. 504/05/2003-FTD-I)] dated 10 January 2017 18 November 2016 14 December 2016
17 Czech Republic Notification No. GSR 811(E) dated 8 December 1999 1 October 1998 27 September 1999
18 Denmark Notification No. GSR 853(E) dated 25 September 1989 8 March 1989 13 June 1989

19 Egypt ( United Notification No. GSR 2363 dated 30 September 1969 20 February 1969 1 January 1961
Arab Republic)
20 Estonia Notification No. 27/2012 [F. No. 503/02/1997- FTD-1]/SO No. 1677(E) dated 25 July 2012 19 September 2011 20 June 2012
21 Ethiopia Notification No. 14/2013 [FT & TR-II/F. No. 503/01/1996-FT&TR-II] dated 21 February 2013 25 May 2011 15 October 2012
22 Fiji Notification No. 35/2014 [F. No. 503/11/2005-FTD-II] dated 12 August 2014 30 January 2014 15 May 2014
23 Finland Notification No. 36/2010 [F. No. 501/13/1980-FTD-I] dated 20 May 2010 15 January 2010 19 April 2010
24 France Notification No. 9602 [F. No. 501/16/80-FTD] dated 6 September 1994, as amended by Notification No. SO 29 September 1992 1 August 1994
650(E) dated 10 July 2000
25 Georgia Notification No. 4/2012 [F. No. 503/05/2006-FTD.I] dated 6 January 2012 24 August 2011 8 December 2011

26 Germany Notification No. SO 836(E) [No. 10235 (F. No. 500/47/90-FTD)] dated 29 November 1996 19 June 1995 26 October 1996
27 Greece Notification No. GSR 394 dated 17 March 1967 11 February 1965 1 April 1964

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Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
28 Hong Kong Notification No. SO 6247(E) [No. 89/2018/F. No. 500/124/97-FTD-II] dated 21 December 2018 19 March 2018 30 November 2018
29 Hungary Notification No. GSR 197(E) dated 31 March 2005 3 November 2003 4 March 2005
30 Iceland Notification No. SO 241(E) dated 5 February 2008 23 November 2007 21 December 2007
31 Indonesia Notification No. SO 1144(E) [No. 17/2016 (F. No. 503/4/2005-FTD-II)] dated 16 March 2016 27 July 2012 5 February 2016
32 Ireland Notification No. 45/2002 [F. No. 503/6/99-FTD] dated 20 February 2002 6 November 2000 26 December 2001
33 Israel Notification No. GSR 256(E) dated 26 June 1996 as amended by Notification No. SO 441(E) [No. 10/2017 29 January 1996 15 May 1996
(F. No. 500/14/2004-FT-II)] dated 14 February 2017 w.e.f. 14 February 2017
34 Italy Notification No. GSR 189(E) dated 25 April 1996 19 February 1993 23 November 1995

35 Japan Notification No. GSR 101(E) dated 1 March 1990, as amended by Notification Nos. SO 753(E) dated 16 August 7 March 1989 29 December 1989
2000 (w.r.e.f. 1 October 1999), SO 1136(E) dated 19 July 2006, w.r.e.f. 28 June 2006 and SO 2528(E)
dated 8 October 2008 w.e.f. 1 October 2008
36 Jordan Notification No. GSR 810(E) dated 8 December 1999 20 April 1999 16 October 1999

37 Kazakhstan Notification No. GSR 633(E) dated 31 October 1997 [as amended by Notification No. SO 1589(E) [No. 20/2018 6 January 2017 2 October 1997
(F. No. 501/06/94-FTD-II) dated 12 April 2018, w.r.e.f. 12 March 2018]
38 Kenya Notification No. SO 731(E) [No. 11/2018 (F. No. 503/01/2005/FTD-II)] dated 19 February 2018 11 July 2016 30 August 2017
39 Korea, Notification No. SO 3265(E) [No. 96/2016 (F. No. 500/121/1996-FTD-II)] dated 24 October 2016 18 May 2015 12 September 2016
(Republic of)
40 Kuwait Notification No. SO 2000(E) dated 27 November 2000 as amended by Notification No. SO 1823(E) [No. 21/2018 15 June 2006 17 October 2007
(F. No. 501/03/88-FTD-II)] dated 4 May 2018

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Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
41 Kyrgyz Republic Notification No. GSR 75(E) dated 7 February 2001 13 April 1999 10 January 2001

42 Latvia Notification No. 12/2014 [F. No. 503/02/1997-FTD-I] dated 5 March 2014 18 September 2013 28 December 2013

43 Libya Notification No. GSR 22(E) dated 1 July 1982 2 March 1981 1 April 1983

44 Lithuania Notification No. 28/2012 [F. No. 503/02/1997-FTD-1] dated 25 July 2012 26 July 2011 10 July 2012

45 Luxembourg Notification No. SO 2591(E) dated 12 October 2009 2 June 2008 9 July 2009

46 Macedonia Notification No. 94/2015 [F. No. 503/08/2004-FTD-I]/ SO 3499(E) dated 21 December 2015 9 May 2012 26 December 2012
47 Malaysia Notification No. 07/2013 [F. No. 506/123/84-FTD-II] dated 29 January 2013 29 January 2013 1 April 2013

48 Malta Notification No. 34/2014 [F. No. 504/06/2003-FTD-I] dated 5 August 2014 8 April 2013 1 April 2015

49 Marshall Islands Notification No. SO 1789(E) [No. 40/2019 (F. No. 503/1/2018-FT&TR-IV)] dated 21 May 2019 18 March 2016 6 December 2018
50 Mauritius Notification GSR No. 920(E) dated 6 December 1983 24 August 1982 6 December 1983
51 Mexico (United Notification No. 86/2010 [F. No. 503/4/91-FTD-I] dated 26 November 2010 10 September 2007 1 April 2011
Mexican States)
52 Mongolia Notification No. SO 635(E) dated 16 September 1996 22 February 1994 29 March 1996
53 Montenegro Notification No. 4/2009 [F. No. 503/1/1997-FTD-I]/SO 96(E) dated 7 January 2009 8 February 2006 23 September 2008
54 Morocco Notification No. GSR 245(E) dated 15 March 2000 30 October 1998 20 February 2000

55 Mozambique Notification No. 30/2011-FT&TR-II [F. No. 501/152/2000-FT&TR-II] dated 31 May 2011 30 September 2010 28 February 2011
56 Myanmar Notification No. SO 1518(E) dated 18 June 2009 2 April 2008 1 April 2009

89 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Financial Mergers & Transfer
Corporate Tax Services
Personal tax
Acquisitions Pricing
Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
57 Namibia Notification No. GSR 196(E) dated 8 March 1999 15 February 1997 22 January 1999
58 Nepal Notification No. 20/2012 [F. No. 503/03/2005-FTD-II] dated 12 June 2012 27 November 2011 1 April 2013
59 Netherlands Notification No. GSR 382(E) dated 27 March 1989 30 July 1988 21 January 1989
60 New Zealand Notification No. GSR 314(E) dated 27 March 1987, as amended by GSR 477(E) dated 21 April 1988 and GSR 17 October 1986 23 December 1986
37(E) dated 12 January 2000
61 Norway Notification No. 24/2012 [F. No. 505/3A/81-FTD-I] dated 19 June 2012 2 February 2011 20 December 2011

62 OECD Member Notification No. 35/2012 [F. No. 500/154/2009-FTD-I] dated 29 August 2012 26 January 2012 1 June 2012
63 Oman Notification No. SO 563(E) dated 23 September 1997 2 April 1997 3 June 1997
64 Philippines Notification No. GSR 173(E) dated 2 April 1996 and as amended by Notification No. SO 125(E) 12 February 1996 21 March 1994
dated 2 February 2005
65 Poland Notification No. GSR 72(E) dated 12 February 1990 as amended by Notification No. 47/2014 21 June 1989 26 October 1989
dated 24 September 2014]
66 Portuguese Notification No. GSR 542(E) dated 16 June 2000, as corrected by Notification No. SO 673(E) dated 25 August 11 September 1998 30 April 2000
Republic 2000 and GSR 597(E) dated 20 September 2005 and as amended by Notification No. SO 4724(E) [No. 43/2018
(F. No. 503/05/1991-FTD-I)] dated 11 September 2018
67 Qatar Notification No. GSR 96(E) dated 8 February 2000 7 April 1999 15 January 2000

68 Romania Notification No. 13/2014 [F. No. 501/10/1995-FTD-I] dated 5 March 2014 8 March 2013 16 December 2013

90 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Financial Mergers & Transfer
Corporate Tax Services
Personal tax
Acquisitions Pricing
Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
69 Russian Notification No. 10677 [F. No. 501/6/92-FTD] dated 21 August 1998 25 March 1997 11 April 1998
70 Saudi Arabia Notification No. 287/2006-FTD [F. No. 501/7/91-FTD] dated 17 October 2006 25 January 2006 1 November 2006

71 Serbia and Notification No. SO 97(E) dated 7 January 2009 8 February 2006 23 September 2008
72 Singapore Notification No. GSR 610(E) dated 8 August 1994 as amended by Notification SO 1022(E) dated 18 July 2005 No. 20 April 1981 27 May 1994
SO 2031(E) dated 1 September 2011 and No. SO 935(E) dated 23 March 2017
73 Slovenia Notification No. GSR 344(E) dated 31 May 2005 13 January 2003 17 February 2005

74 Slovak Republic Notification No. SO 813(E) [No.25/2015 (F. No. 501/12/1995-FTD-i)] dated 23 March 2015 27 January 1986 25 May 1987
75 South Africa Notification No. GSR 198(E) dated 21 April 1998 as amended by Notification No. SO 316 (E) [No.10/2015-FT&TR- 4 December 1996 28 November 1997
II] (F. No. 500/144/2005-FTD-II) dated 2 February 2015
76 Spain Notification No. GSR 356(E) dated 21 April 1995 8 February 1993 12 January 1995
77 Sri Lanka Notification No. 23/2014 [F. No. 503/8/2005-FTD-II]/SO 956(E) dated 28 March 2014 22 January 2013 22 October 2013
78 Sudan Notification No. GSR 723(E) dated 1 November 2004 22 October 2003 15 April 2004
79 Sweden Notification No. GSR 705(E) dated 17 December 1997 as amended by Notification No. 63/2013 [F. No. 24 June 1997 25 December 1997
505/02/1981-FTD-I]/[SO 2459(E)] dated 14 August 2013
80 Switzerland Notification No. GSR 357(E) dated 21 April 1995, as amended by Notification No. GSR 74(E) dated 7 February 2 November 1994 29 December 1994
2001, 62/2011 dated 27 December 2011 w.e.f. 1 April 2012

91 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Financial Mergers & Transfer
Corporate Tax Services
Personal tax
Acquisitions Pricing
Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
81 Syria Notification No. 33/2009-FTD-II [F. No. 503/7/2005-FTD-II] dated 30 March 2009 18 June 2008 10 November 2008

82 Tajikistan Notification No. SO 1758(E) dated 16 July 2009 as amended by Notification No. SO 1328(E) [No. 15/2018 (F. No. 20 November 2008 10 April 2009
503/10/95-FTD-II) dated 23 March 2018

83 Tanzania Notification No. 8/2012 [FT & TR-II/F. No. 503/02/2005-FTD-II] dated 16 February 2012 27 May 2011 12 December 2011
84 Thailand Notification No. 88/2015 [F. No. 503/5/2005-FTD-II] dated 1 December 2015 29 June 2015 1 April 2016

85 Trinidad & Tobago Notification No. GSR 720(E) [No. 11111 (F. No. 503/11/95-FTD)] dated 26 October 1999 8 February 1999 13 October 1999
86 Turkey Notification No. SO 74(E) dated 3 February 1997 31 January 1995 1 February 1997
87 Turkmenistan Notification No. GSR 567(E) dated 25 September 1997 25 February 1997 7 July 1997
88 Uganda Notification No. GSR 666(E) dated 12 October 2004 30 April 2004 27 August 2004

89 Ukraine Notification GSR 24(E) dated 11 January 2002 7 April 1999 31 October 2001

90 United Arab Notification No. GSR 710(E) [No. 9409 (F. No. 501/3/89-FTD)] dated 18 November 1993, as amended by 29 April 1992 22 September 1993
Emirates Notification No. SO 2001(E) dated 28 November 2007 and Notification No. 29/2013 [F. No. 503/5/2004-FTD-II]
dated 12 April 2013]

91 United Kingdom Notification No. GSR 91(E) dated 11 February 1994 25 January 1993 26 October 1993
92 United States of Notification No. GSR 992(E) dated 20 December 1990. 12 September 1989 18 December 1990
93 Uruguay Notification No. 53/2013 [F. No. 500/138/2002-FTD-II]/SO 2081(E) dated 5 July 2013 8 September 2011 21 June 2013

92 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Financial Mergers & Transfer
Corporate Tax Services
Personal tax
Acquisitions Pricing
Indirect Tax Regulatory Annexures

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements

Sr. No. Country Notification No. and Date Date when signed Date of coming into force
94 Uzbekistan Notification No. SO 790(E) [No. 10222/96 (F. No. 501/8/92-FTD)] dated 13 November1996, as amended by 29 July 1993 25 January 1994
Notification No. SO 2689(E) dated 7 November 2012
95 Vietnam Notification No. GSR 369(E) [No. 9758/95 (F. No. 503/7/91-FTD.] dated 28 April 1995 [As amended by Notification 7 September 1994 2 February 1995
No. 9860 [F. No. 503/7/91-FTD.] dated 12 September 1995 and No. SO 2826(E) [No. 82/2017 (500/5/2009-FTD-
II)] dated 30 August 2017]
96 Zambia Notification No. GSR 39(E) dated 18 January 1984 5 June 1981 18 January 1984

93 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Central Sales Tax Act (CST Act) (Tax Treaty)
(AAAR) (CBIC) Customs Valuation Rules, 2007 (CVR) Electronic Book Provider (EBP)
Authorised Dealer (AD) Contract Bottling Unit (CBU) Dependent Agent Permanent Establishment External commercial borrowings (ECBs)
Associaated Enterprise (AE) Customs bonded warehouse (CBW) (DAPE) Education Cess (EC)
Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) Central Consumer Protection Authority Debenture Trustees (DTs) Eligible Foreign Entities (EFE)
Arm’s-length principle (ALP) (CCPA) Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (DC, Act) Entity Master Form (EMF)
Asset Management Company (AMC) CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 (CCR) Designated Depository Participant (DDP) Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)
Alternative minimum tax (AMT) Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) Export Oriented Units (EOUs)
Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) Constituent Entity (CE) Director-General of Income-tax (DGIT) Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives
Association of Persons (AOP) Central Value Added Tax (CENVAT) Director General of Income-tax (Risk (ETCD)

Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Assessment) (DGRA) Exchange-Traded Fund (ETFs)
Tribunal (CESTAT) Director Identification Number (DIN) Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs)
Assessment Year (AY)
Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Department for Promotion of Industry and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Base Erosion Anti-abuse Tax (BEAT)
Core Investment Companies (CIC) Internal Trade (DPIIT) (FATCA)
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) Data Protection Authority (DPA) Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Bilateral Competent Authority Agreements
(BCAAs) Commissioner of Income-tax (CIT) Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) Financial Benchmark Administrators (FBAs)

Bilateral APA (BAPA) Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) Depository Receipts (DR) Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
[CIT(A)] Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Companies Act, 2013 (CA Act)
Centralised Risk Assessment Unit (CRAU) Domestic Tariff Rate (DTA) Financial Institution (FI)
Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018
(CAO 2018) Common Reporting System (CRS)

94 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate Goods Transport Agency (GTA) IFSC Insurance Intermediary Office (IIIO) Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT)
(FIRC) Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) Inter-Ministerial Board of Certification (IMBC) Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
Fees for included services (FIS) Harmonised System of Nomenclature (HSN) Income recognition and asset classification Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement
Foreign Liabilities and Assets Information Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) (IRAC) (MCAA)
Reporting (FLAIR) Insurance Regulatory and Development Medical Council of India (MCI)
Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)
Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) Authority of India (IRDAI) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
IFSC Banking Unit (IBU)
Fair market value (FMV) Income-tax Rules, 1962 (the Rules) (MoHFW)
Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act)
Free on board (FOB) Input tax credit (ITC) Multiple Investment Managers (MIM)
Income-tax Rules, 1962 (the Rules)
Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) Income-tax Return (ITR) Multilateral Instrument (MLI)
Income-tax Appellate Tribunal (Tribunal)
Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) Information Technology (IT) Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code (IBC)
Foreigner Regional Registration Offices Information Technology Enabled Services Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
Indian Competent Authority (CA)
Indian Customs Electronic Commerce/
Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) Joint venture (JV) Non-banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
Electronic Data interchange (ICEGATE)
Floor space index (FSI) Krishi Kalyan Cess (KKC) National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
Income Computation and Disclosure
Financial Service Providers (FSPs) Standard (ICDS) Limited Liability Company (LLC) Non-convertible redeemable preference
Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) shares (NCRPS)
Investor Education and Protection Fund
Fees for Technical Services (FTS) (IEPF) Letter of Permission (LOP) No objection certificate (NOC)

Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) International Financial Services Centre Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) National Pension Scheme (NPS)

Foreign Venture Capital Investor (FVCI) (IFSC) Minimum Average Maturity (MAM) Non-performing assets (NPAs)

Financial Year (FY) Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Memorandum of Association (MoA) Non-resident Indian (NRI)

Goods and Services Tax (GST) Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvIT) Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs)

95 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) Return of Income (ROI) Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Resident and Ordinarily Resident (ROR) Security Receipts (SRs)
Development (OECD) Resolution Plan (RP) Statement of Reportable Account (SRA)
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) Related Party Transactions (RPT) Securities Transaction Tax (STT)
Oil Marketing Companies (OMC) Secondary Adjustment (SA) Tax deducted at source (TDS)/ Withholding
Other Service Providers (OSP) Securitisation and Reconstruction of tax
Primary Adjustment (PA) Financial Assets and Enforcement of Tax Officer (TO)
Permanent Account Number (PAN) Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)
Percentage Completion Method (PCM) Significant Beneficial Owners (SBO) Transfer Pricing (TP)
Permanent Establishment (PE) Single Brand Retail Trading (SBRT) Transfer Pricing Officer (TPO)
Private Limited Company (PLC) Significant Economic Presence (SEP) Tax Residency Certificate (TRC)
Provident Fund (PF) Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Unilateral APAs (UAPA)
Profit Sharing Agreement (PSA) Secondary and Higher Education Cess Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) Value Added Tax (VAT)
Securitised Debt Instruments (SDI)
Reporting Accounting Year (RAY) Venture Capital Funds (VCFs)
State Goods and Services Tax (SGST)
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Venture Capital Undertakings (VCUs)
Single Master Form (SMF)
Regional Director (RD) Voluntary Retention Route (VRR)
Segregated Nominee Account (SNA)
Registrar of Companies (RoC) Written Down Value (WDV)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WoS)

96 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with over 276,000 people who are
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Please see for further details.  

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97 PwC Tax Glimpses 2019

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