3 Ways To Stop Procrastinating - Wikihow
3 Ways To Stop Procrastinating - Wikihow
3 Ways To Stop Procrastinating - Wikihow
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1 Changing Your Outlook
1 Stop punishing yourself for procrastinating. The more stressed out you are, the
harder it’ll be to get your work done. Don’t be mad at yourself. Move on and focus on
what you’ve got to do instead.[1]
Guilt and regret are draining emotions. Wasting time yelling at yourself for not
starting this essay two weeks ago will only make you extra tired and frustrated.
This will make it impossible for you to finish your assignment right now.
2 Tackle your most important task for 15 minutes. Instead of thinking about the total
number of hours you’re about to work for, just start. Tell yourself you’ve only got to do
it for 15 minutes. This will deal with the intimidation factor, and you’ll likely spend much
longer than 15 minutes on your task before you stop working again.[2]
If 15 minutes still sounds too intimidating, do something for 3 minutes.[3]
Once you come up for air, take a two-minute break. Then start up on another set of
15 minutes of work.
3 Break tasks down into small chunks. It can be overwhelming to think about
finishing a whole essay or getting through an entire week’s worth of tasks. Instead of
thinking about everything you have to do as one big obstacle, break it all down into really
tiny pieces. You’ll be able to get started on the smallest crumb and go forward from there.[4]
For example, instead of thinking, “I need to finish this essay by 10PM tonight,” tell
yourself, “I’m going to make a short outline, fill that in, and then look for quotes.”
4 Start your day with the hardest tasks. Make yourself a plan in the morning and pick
the hardest task first. You’ll be most energized in the morning once you’ve eaten
breakfast and woken up fully. Tackle the hardest thing on your docket right then. You’ll feel
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better once it’s done, and then you can move on to a few easier tasks for the rest of the
5 Give yourself a pep talk for motivation. “Self-talking” is a great way to calm yourself
down, get focused, and meet your goals. Talk to yourself, using your name. Tell
yourself that you can (and will) do this.[5]
Self-talk by saying something like, “Jenny, I know this week has been hard and
you’re tired. You’ve written a million essays before, and you’re going to rock this.”
You can also ask yourself questions: “Jenny, why are you nervous about this? You
know you can handle it.”
Self-talk out loud if you can. It’ll also work in your head if you’re in a public place.
6 Aim for done over perfect. Imagining the perfect essay, assignment, or project could
be what’s holding you back. It’s nothing at all if it’s not finished, so abandon your
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vision (or fears) of the perfect product. You also can’t fix what doesn’t exist yet.[6]
7 Promise yourself you’ll get a reward when it’s done. You’re probably dreading the
next however many hours you need to finish this task. Just tell yourself that when it’s
over, you get to celebrate with one of your favorite things. Use that anticipation to push
yourself through the pain.[7]
2 Removing Distractions from Your Environment
1 Pick the perfect work space. Figure out where you’ll be doing most of your work,
and make it the best environment for limited distraction. It’s especially important to
have a dedicated space for work that’s different from the one where you relax.
This may be the library, a coffee shop, your local bookstore, or a home office.
2 Download an app to avoid phone distraction. Smartphones are usually the black
holes that suck up all of our time and attention. Of course, there’s an app for that!
Quickly download whichever app sounds like it will best address your particular
procrastination problem.[8]
AppDetox is the best choice for quick fixes.
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For Mac, Self-Control allows you to block a list of websites during times you’re
supposed to be working. And it’s free! $ Advertisement
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For Windows, go with Cold Turkey. Unfortunately, it costs about $20 per month for
a subscription.
For free options, choose StayFocused for Chrome browsers or LeechBlock for
4 Remove your phone from the space if you need to. If you can’t handle being in the
same space as something that’s going to tempt you, address that problem by keeping
it in another room or turning it off. This also goes for other screens, including iPads, kindles,
or even computers.[10]
If you need to keep your phone on for family or work-related reasons, turn off all
your notifications except for texts and/or calls.
5 Listen to music without lyrics. Many people struggle to work and stay focused in a
completely silent room. But if you are listening to music with lyrics, you’ll almost
certainly get distracted by the words. Switch to a white-noise machine or instrumental
3 Avoiding Procrastination in the Long Term
1 Write a to-do list to set goals. Make a record of all the tasks you need to
accomplish. The list should include both short-term tasks you need to finish daily and
weekly, as well as long-term goals that may take months or even years to accomplish.
Seeing it written down will help you plan out the various actions needed to meet all your
Put this list on paper. Even if you use your phone for all of your other lists, from
groceries to birthday wishes, don’t put this list on there. The act of writing out your
tasks is key to thinking through how to finish them.
2 Prioritize different goals with set deadlines. Use a planner to schedule your time.
Write short-term tasks in daily or weekly lists that include deadlines for each item. Set
deadlines for long-term goals by listing them in monthly entries.[13]
Include everything you need to get done in your planner. Say that on Friday your
final biology project is due. Set aside at least three nights to finish it. You’ve also
got to go to the pharmacy and pick up a new toothbrush and vitamins before you
leave for vacation. Do this on Thursday night. You’re also taking the SAT in a
month, so spend at least three hours this week practicing vocab.
3 Avoid multitasking to focus on one goal at a time. Multitasking makes you feel like
you’re accomplishing a lot, but it actually prevents you from finishing tasks quickly and
effectively. Keep your attention on one goal at a time, and give it your all. This will also help
you avoid getting overwhelmed by your busy schedule.[14]
4 Get a buddy to keep you honest. It’s hard to stay away from distractions and do
your work on time when you’re doing it alone. Luckily (or unluckily), everyone
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struggles with procrastination. Ask a friend or family member if they’d be willing to partner
up with you to check in on each other’s work habits and accomplishments.
You can plan fun outings with your buddy to reward both of you when you meet
your goals. If you keep procrastinating, cancel these events as a little bit of
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Community Q&A
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I'm behind on my assignments because I procrastinate and watch YouTube videos instead.
I need help, but I'm afraid to ask my parents. What can I do?
wikiHow Contributor
I have been in this same situation before. Make a list of everything you need to get done.
Do an assignment, then watch ONE video as a break, and repeat. Or, plow through
everything at once and then watch YouTube. As for asking your parents for help, they will
probably be more than happy to help you as long as you haven't dug yourself in a deep,
deep hole. Just be honest with them, the longer you put it off, the worse it will be for
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My school uses the internet for a lot of my homework. This is a problem because the
source of distractions is right in front of me! What can I do?
wikiHow Contributor
Try using one of a parental control apps that regulates internet usage. Some apps help
prevent you from going to certain websites. Use that to your advantage and block the
websites that would normally distract you, like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
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To improve concentration, make your space one of pure of distraction. Remove all
distractions such as games, devices and the like. As for the figuring out, think outside the
box. In fact, to figure something out, ask somebody who is actually outside the box. Your
mom comes in a good use in that time -- explain to her your problem, which is out of her
field, and most of the time you will find the solution before you even finish explaining. If you
don't, your mother or the other person may come up with an idea that you did not think to
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Already answered
Not a question
Bad question
If it is homework that's the problem, try to get majority done at school if you can. If not, try
to do most right after
to school since it will be easier on your brain to do more work since you
do anything...
just got home. This is better than putting it off until night, when you might end up not doing Advertisement
If you’re suffering from anxiety or depression associated with your procrastination, talk to
your friends and family. It’s ok to ask for help, and you should also consider talking to your
doctor or a therapist.
Avoid over-rewarding yourself. If you put multiple blocks of “reward time” into your daily
schedule, you’re not going get things done. Stick with small end-of-the-day rewards, and
save the big celebrations for your free days.
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How to How to
Motivate Yourself Persuade Yourself to Do Anything
How to How to
Set Goals Overcome Laziness
How to How to
Hypnotize Yourself Using the Best Me Avoid Procrastination in Academic
Technique Matters
How to How to
Stop Being Lazy Manage Your Time
How to How to
Create an Effective Action Plan Prioritize
1. ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/procrastination/
2. ↑ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/04/27/why-you-cant-help-read-this-
3. ↑ https://www.inc.com/chris-winfield/how-to-stop-procrastinating-in-3-minutes-with-one-
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