Intro Latex PDF

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Introduction to LaTex

 A Computerized Typesetting Program

Kalpant Pathak
What is LaTeX?

 LaTeX (pronounced laytekh) is a typesetting

program, not a word processor.
 It is written on an ordinary text editor and
translated by means of a program into a
finalized version, usually in pdf format.
 Formatting codes are embedded in the text.
 Equations, symbols, tables, etc. are created
by means of formatting codes.

Kalpant Pathak

 1977: Donald Knuth devised “TeX”, a

markup language for the purpose of
attractively typesetting technical
 LaTeX was then developed by Leslie
Lamport as an overlay to the TeX language,
enabling easier use, especially for
including math formulas.

Kalpant Pathak

 Dedicated LaTeX editor (including tex,

pdftex, latex, pdflatex, dvi2ps, dvipdf or
dvipdfm, and possibly others)
 Downloads are available for PC, Mac, Unix,
Linux from
 There is no cost.

Kalpant Pathak
Recommended programs


LaTeX TeXShop TextMaker

BibTeX BibDesk JabRef2.6

 These are all free of charge and available online.

Kalpant Pathak
LaTeX Wikibook

 An excellent Wikibook for LaTeX is available,

free of charge, at
 Download the pdf version for convenient

Kalpant Pathak
General Structure of a
 Every LaTeX file begins with \documentclass{...}
 article, book, report etc. are example of different
document class.
 This begins a section called the “preamble”, which
contains global instructions for the file.
\usepackage{...} commands and others are placed
 After the preamble, the body of the text begins
with \begin{document}.
 At the end of the file is \end{document}.
Kalpant Pathak
[...] vs. {...}
 [...] contains an optional argument.
 {...} contains a required argument.

Kalpant Pathak
Caution !!

 LaTeX is very unforgiving of errors. Everything

must be exactly right in order for it to work.
 If you type ( instead of {, or if you use a reserved
character such as _, it will crash or do something
 This is one reason why a well tested template is
very helpful.

Kalpant Pathak
 After %, LaTeX ignores the rest of the
line (comments).
 \documentclass{article} causes LaTeX
to format the text as an article with
set formatting rules.
 \usepackage{...} specifies an
exception or addition to the set
formatting rules. Multiple packages
can be used.

Kalpant Pathak
Body: Top Matter

 \begin{document}

\date{...} (Put % in front of it to suppress.)
\maketitle (Title and name appear here.)

Kalpant Pathak

 \documentclass{article}

Kalpant Pathak

 \section{...}

 \subsection{...}

 \subsubsection{...}

 (These will be numbered: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.)

Kalpant Pathak

Manual bibliography
Automated bibliography (BibTeX)

Kalpant Pathak
Manual Bibliography

 \begin{thebibliography}{99}
J. G. Proakis, \emph{Digital Communications.}
McGraw-Hill, 4th ed., 2001.

Kalpant Pathak
 \begin{thebibliography}{99}
 Place this command at the place where you
want the bibliography to begin.
 Use “99” if you have more than 9 references
but fewer than 100.
 Use “9” if you have fewer than 10

Kalpant Pathak
 \bibitem{proakis_book}

 This command introduces a reference. In the

braces, put an identifier that LaTeX can use to refer
to your item. (A common choice is the first three
letters of the author’s name and the last two digits
of the year. But any abbreviation will work.)

 After this, put the information for the reference.

Separate the parts by commas. Use whatever style
you wish (APA, IEEE, etc.).

 You may type the parts on one line or separate

lines. LaTeX will automatically format them.

 Note: \emph{...} puts the text within the braces

into italics.

Kalpant Pathak
 Type all your references, beginning each one
with the \bibitem code.

 When you are finished, put the

\end{thebibliography} code on a separate line.

 In the text, use \cite{...} to refer to the source.

For example, if the book by Proakis is the third
book in your list, \cite{proakis_book} will insert
[3] in your text.

 If you insert other references in the the middle

of the bibliography, LaTeX will automatically
adjust all the numbers in the bibliography and in
the text.

Kalpant Pathak

 Insert a footnote in the text with

 \footnote{...}

 Numbering is automatic.

Kalpant Pathak
Bulleted Lists

 Insert a bulleted list with:

 \begin{itemize}
\item ...
\item ...
 \end{itemize}

Kalpant Pathak
Numbered Lists

 Insert a numbered list with:

 \begin{enumerate}
\item ...
\item ...
 \end{enumerate}

Kalpant Pathak

 An ellipsis (...) is inserted with the code:

 \ldots

 This will space the dots properly.

Kalpant Pathak
Page breaks

 \newpage breaks the page at that point

without stretching the content.
 \pagebreak is like \newpage but
stretches the content to fit the page.
 \clearpage is like \newpage but in
addition typesets all the remaining
figures and tables. If figures and tables
interrupt a sequence such as the
bibliography, put \clearpage
immediately before the sequence.

Kalpant Pathak
 Import a graphics file with:
 \includegraphics[]{filename}

A graphics package must be called in the

 e.g. \usepackage{graphicx}
 Generally .eps format is used to yield best
\caption{Figure of xyz}
Kalpant Pathak
• & • & • \\
• & • & • \\
• & • & • \\
\caption{Table of xyz}
Kalpant Pathak
 For any serious use of math formulas:
 Use “\usepackage{amssymb}” in the
 This is a package created by the American
Mathematical Society. It provides a large set
of extra math symbols to LaTeX.
 Note: If equation numbers appear on the left
and you want them to appear on the right,
add the argument [reqno] to the document
class options (put ‘reqno’ in [] brackets).

Kalpant Pathak
Math example

 To set Gauss’ Law for Electricity in LaTeX, use , the

following coding:
 $ \oint \vec{E} \vec{dA} = \frac{q}{\varepsilon_0}= 4\pi

Kalpant Pathak

Kalpant Pathak
Typesetting Equations
 Different equation environments are
 equation
 eqnarray
 align
 multline
 These environments put the equations in a
separate line and centered.
 eqnarray, align and multline are used for
multiple line equations.

Kalpant Pathak
 Example: (1)

 To write this equation, LaTex code is given as:

P_e=\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\pi/2} M_{\gamma}
\left(\frac{\psi}{\sin^2\theta}\right) d\theta
 Equation numbering is done automatically
 ‘\label{}’ is used for referring the equations as:
“As shown in Eq. \ref{eq:BER}” i.e.
“As shown in Eq. 1”

Kalpant Pathak
 To split equations in multiple lines, newline
command ‘\\’ is used.
 To align multiple lines is equation, ‘&’ is used
x(t)&= y(t) \nonumber \\


Kalpant Pathak
Bibliography using .bib file
 Bibliography can be added using .bib file.
author= "J. G. Proakis",
title="Digital Communications",
author="D. G. Brennan",
title="Linear diversity combining techniques",
journal="Proc. IRE",
 To add references, keywords are used, i.e. to refer the
book ‘Proakis’ we have to write “\cite{proakis_book}”.
 The references are ordered in the pdf file according to
their order of occurrence in .tex file instead of their
order in .bib file.
 Non-cited references are not displayed in .pdf.
 .bib file is called as follows:
 First line shows the bibliography display style.
 Second line is used to rename the heading to ‘References’
(by default it is ‘Bibliography’)
 Third line includes the .bib file, which is saved as

Kalpant Pathak
 The output turns out to be:
[1] J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications. McGraw-Hill,
4th ed., 2001.
[2] D. G. Brennan, “Linear diversity combining
techniques,” Proc. IRE, vol. 47, pp. 1075-1102, June

Kalpant Pathak

Kalpant Pathak

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